#i couldnt more proud of em
marriedtomoneymartin · 5 months
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emily engstler x popsinger!gf headcannons
warnings: nswf but there will be a warning beforehand
summary: kay writes about emily having a singer gf bc she feels so moved.
the edits of you two go insane
“you know how to ball, i know aristotle” THEY GO FERAL
whenever you’re at her games, the camera’s always on you
like it shows you when you’re doing absolutely nothing it will just show you on the big screen
if you make a song about her, its on REPEAT
like those interviews about “whats your pregame song?” and it will be the song you wrote about her
always promotes your music
if you just realeased an album/single, her insta story will just be “go stream ____ because i have the best gf”
whenever you have an event she’s always in awe at your outfit
like you just finished getting ready for an award show and she’s just like “do you have to go? cant i just have you to myself for the night”
always either front row at your shows or backstage with you
you always point and smile at her while you’re singing
when you’re trying to write new music, she’ll sit with you while you fiddle with your instrument
while you’re trying get inspo she’ll lay down and listen to the music and your soft hums
practically just another one of your fanbase fans
always agreeing with your fans in the comments of any of your posts
y’all hardlaunched in one of your mv’s and she always watches it
she’s not even looking at herself
will always take candid photos of you and your fans go crazy over them
the fans will be like “everyone thank emily for feeding us”
nswf content below!!
so much praise during it after you win an award
“you deserve it, ma” and “im so proud of you, let me show you”
will slowly take off your dress and heels and just goes super slow
“em, stop teasing” “im not, i just want to take in your beautiful body”
whenever she’s your plus one somewhere, she’s whispering in your ear all night
“you look so sexy in the dress, ma?” and “how much do you like this dress? deciding if i should rip it off or not later”
the way she looks during a game always turns you on
“you looked so hot while you were playing em” you moan out, “yea? tell me more,” she says while kissing your body
whenever someone ships you with anyone else, she’s pissed. then yall fuck
“they couldnt make you feel this good, huh?” while youre a moaning and whining mess
in conclusion, shes like your biggest fan
this was fun
keep sending requests bc i dont have ideas!!
look at my masterlist if you don’t know who i write for
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to the very lovely friends who have relentlessly sifted through tumblr archives to recover them, thank you all so much!! ♡
Draco x non-house-specific she/her!reader
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The expressions on the faces of your classmates were all ones of confusion and curiosity as you all made your way to Hagrid's hut, meanwhile you couldnt hide your glee.
"What's got you so cheerful this morning?" Your best friend, Susan Bones, nudges you playfully "Did Draco smile in your general direction again?"
Immediately, your cheeks flush pink, and you jab her in the side with your elbow. “No! Merlin's sake Susan, not so loud!"
Susan couldnt stop herself from laughing as she rubbed her side. "Alright, alright, Im sorry, but your crush on him is absolutely adorable."
You roll your eyes and look down at the grass to hide your face. "Whatever."
Susan sighs. "Go on then, what's got you smiling today?"
Your smile returns to your face as you reply to her. “You'll see."
The second Hagrid begins leading your class towards the forrest, you feel yourself almost visibly shaking with excitement. When the class stills, everyone begins to talk amongst themselves, and, as per usual, Harry and Draco have an intense, but mildly humorous, interaction. For the first time, though, you find yourself entirely undistracted by Draco, because your eyes are fixed on Hagrid, and when he turns to face the rest of the class again, you find yourself unsurprisingly grinning.
"Duh, duhduhDUH!" Hagrid cheers to gain everyone's attention, and the class falls into silence. "Isnt he beautiful? Say hello to Buckbeak! A family who raises these wonderful creatures has kindly let us borrow Buckbeak for a while, so that I can teach ya about ‘im. Since she's far more familiar with these creatures, (Y/N), why dont you tell us about 'em?"
And, in an instant, every pair of eyes belonging to the classmates who usually ignored your existence, are fixed on you. Susan's jaw is hanging open as she realises why you havent stopped smiling. Despite your usual shyness and lack of confidence when speaking in front of others, you casually step forward, beaming as Buckbeak faces you and tilts his head to the side in recognition. You turn to the rest of your classmates.
"Buckbeak is a Hippogriff, and, as Hagrid said, my family raise these creatures. We run a sanctuary, in which we locate lost or abandoned baby Hippogriffs, raise them around their own kind, and then release them back into the wild when they're ready. Buckbeak, however, is the only Hippogriff we've ever had who has chosen to stay with us rather than fly out into the wild. Hippogriffs are very proud creatures, incredibly easy to offend, and for that reason, many deem them to be unapproachable. But, with the right amount of respect, it's relatively easy to gain a Hippogriffs trust, and they're very affectionate creatures." Still smiling, you spin on your heel and calmly stroll over to Buckbeak, who greets you by nuzzling into your hair, causing you to laugh, before continuing to talk. "Now, because Buckbeak is familiar with me, I no longer need to take the steps in order to gain his trust. Today, though, some of you will be trying to do just that."
Your classmates stare back at you in horror, but Hagrid is smiling at you proudly. When you initially approached him to discuss your family, Hagrid was overjoyed, and almost begged you to find a way of him meeting a Hippogriff. Together, the two of you persuaded Dumbledore to bring Buckbeak onto the grounds.
"Who'd like to come say hello?" Hagrid asks, causing everyone except Harry to take a step back, making it appear that Harry had in fact volunteered himself, causing you to chuckle.
"Harry! Well done!" Hagrid beams, then turns to you.
"As I said before, Hippogriffs are very proud creatures, and trust me when I say you do not want to insult one. The first thing to do, Harry, is to bow in front of him, and if he bows back, you can approach him." You instruct, gently stroking some of the feather's on Buckbeak's shoulder.
Nodding at Hagrid, you let him carry on with the lesson, feeling a little guilty at how much you have said. Then again, you've been surrounded by these creatures your entire life, so you've grown up to be an expert on their characters. You watch on as Harry successfully approaches Buckbeak, and laugh to yourself when Hagrid lifts Harry onto Buckbeak's back. With a tap on his rear, Buckbeak is sent sprinting off, before pushing upwards and gliding through the air effortlessly, with Harry clinging to him for dear life. A warm feeling spreads through you as you remember the first time you flew with Buckbeak.
Just a few minutes later, Harry and Buckbeak return to the forrest, and Hagrid is quick to lift him off of the Hippogriff's back.
"How am I doin' on my first day?" Hagrid quietly asks the two of you, his back facing the rest of the class.
"Brilliant!" You and Harry reply in unison, causing you to laugh at each other.
"Oh, please." You hear Draco muttering as he gets to his feet, and you look around Hagrid to see what trouble he's getting himself into.
To your horror, you see Draco sauntering towards Buckbeak, without making any effort to show him respect.
"Yes, you're not dangerous at all are you? You great ugly brute." Draco declares, and you gasp.
"Malfoy, no! NO!" Hagrid tries to stop him, but it's too late.
Buckbeak stands on his hind legs, flapping his wings viciously as he kicks Draco's elbow with one of his front hooves, sending Draco to the floor, crying out dramatically and gripping his arm. You jump in between them, holding your arms up and locking eyes with Buckbeak, and shushing him until he calms down again.
"It's killed me, it's killed me!" Draco whimpers.
Hagrid begins to panic. "C-Calm down, it's just a scratch!"
Hermione speaks up. “Hagrid! He has to be taken to the hospital!"
Hagrid nods to himself and bends down to pick up Draco, though you're sure he can stand on his own. "Im the teacher, I'll do it."
"You're gonna regret this-" Draco begins, and Hagrid looks over his shoulder to dismiss the class. "-You and your bloody chicken!"
Sighing to yourself, you bite the inside of your cheek anxiously. Buckbeak nuzzles into your hair again, sensing your discomfort, and you reach up to stroke the feathers on the side of his face, but this time it does little to reassure you.
The sound of your shoes hitting the floor is the only thing you can focus on as you pace the corridor outside the hospital, battling with yourself internally. If Draco's father finds out about this incident, it could not only ruin your family's business, but it could...you shake your head, dismissing the mere thought of what could happen to Buckbeak. You've had a crush on Draco since your first year at Hogwarts, and you've managed to avoid talking to him at almost every opportunity, out of fear of literally dying of embarrassment. However, in this situation, you have no choice but to confront him. Wringing your hands nervously, you continue to pace the hallway. Pansy and Blaise leave the hospital, finally ending their visit to Draco, and you take a deep breath before walking in. Your eyes dart around your surroundings, glancing at every bed until you find Draco, staring up at the ceiling with his eyes closed. Oh Merlin, he's gone to sleep! Gasping, you turn to walk away, keeping your head down as embarrassment swallows you.
"What are you doing here?" Draco questions suddenly, causing your entire body to jolt in surprise as you stop walking.
Turning to face him, you keep your head down, your cheeks now an even darker shade of red, just because he's talking to you.
"I-I, uh, I wanted to make sure you're alright. Buckbeak being here, it's because of me, which means that this...what happened to you, i-it's my fault. I truly am sorry about your arm, Draco." You trip over your words, your hands clasping the sleeves of your robes.
Draco sighs. “Dont apologise, it isnt your fault, (Y/N)."
You frown, lifting your head slightly. "Y-You know my name? And what do you mean, Buckbeak is my responsibility!"
He shakes his head. "Of course I know your name, and no, you cant be responsible for a wild creature, it's in its nature to attack."
Suddenly, your head snaps up, your cheeks returning to their normal colour. "No! It isnt in Buckbeak's nature, or any Hippogriff’s for that matter! Draco, please, you have to believe me, I've lived with them since I was born, Buckbeak only attacked you because you offended him! Had you even approached him in a relatively calm manner, without bowing, he would only have backed away from you, Buckbeak is the friendliest Hippogriff my family has ever encountered! And if you hadnt been so caught up in your own ego, or your testosterone fuelled battle with Harry Potter, none of this would have happened!"
Draco smirks. "Wow."
Your anger evaporates. "What?"
He laughs casually. "That's the first time you've ever said more than a few words to me, and it's because I've been attacked by your demon chicken."
Your blood begins to boil again. “It wasnt an atta-"
Draco waves you off, interrupting you. "I know, I know, but you're still only talking to me because you're worried that my father is going to hear about this."
You stare at him. “Well, that is your answer to most obstacles you encounter."
Draco bursts out laughing. "You are far more fiery than I thought you were! Your words hurt more than my arm!"
You laugh with him and look down at the floor, tucking your hair behind your ear. "Sorry about that, I dont mean to be rude, it's just...Buckbeak."
Draco sighs in defeat. "Look, if that bloody bird means so much to you, I'll tell my father that my injury was caused by Potter or something, I'd rather blame him anyway, gives me more of a chance of winning our...what did you call it? Testosterone fuelled war!"
You beam at him. "Really!?! You wont get Buckbeak in trouble!?!"
Draco smiles back at you. "I was never planning to, considering how much you care for him, but had it been anyone else, particularly Potter, I wouldnt have hesitated."
You frown. "The fact you wouldnt have hesitated to put Buckbeak in danger if he was someone else's responsibility isnt very nice. Buckbeak is a creature of his own, he isnt a pawn for you to use for your personal gain. Why did my care for him change your mind?"
Surprisingly, your arguments against Draco's points dont seem to aggravate him at all. “I've always had somewhat of a soft spot for you, I see the way you blush when I smile at you, it's very cute."
Your eyes widen, and your whole face flushes stoplight red in embarrassment. "Oh."
Draco laughs again, and you find yourself thoroughly confused at this easily amused, laid back side of him. "Dont look so mortified, you must have noticed the way I look at you! Whatever feelings you have for me, I can assure you, they are well reciprocated." He smiles. "Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me?"
With this newfound information, an unexpected and previously unexperienced confidence swells within you, and you smirk mischievously at Draco.
"I think I have a better idea for our first date, but we're going to have to wait until your arm is healed."
From that moment on, you and Draco are almost constantly exchanging flirtatious glances, and regularly sending each other owl-delivered letters, in which you get to know each other better without actually speaking very much face to face - an ideal scenario for two people who are awaiting their first date. Draco frequently questions you about it in his letters, and you refuse to give anything away, until the day arrives when his arm is fully healed.
Draco grips your hand as tightly as he can without hurting you, as you lead him further into the forest, a blindfold shielding his eyes from the scene around him.
"Where in Merlin's beard are you taking me?" Draco asks, amusement and nervousness mixed into his voice.
"You'll see!" You giggle excitedly, bringing a smile to Draco's face, despite his nerves.
When you reach your destination, you let go of Draco's hand, and take a few steps away from him.
"Okay, you can take the blindfold off now." You tell him softly, watching him with a grin plastered on your face as he reaches up behind his head and unties his blindfold.
Draco takes the thin piece of fabric away from his face, and blinks rapidly as his eyes adjust to the light. The moment he sees what you have in store for him, though, you can tell that he wishes he still had the blindfold on. Because you're standing just a few feet away from him, casually leaning against the Hippogriff that injured Draco, with your arms crossed and a sly smirk decorating your features. And when Draco sees the saddle that you've placed on Buckbeak's back, all colour visibly drains from his face.
"If you think Im getting on the back of that bloody chicken, you have never been more wrong about anything in your life."
But, as his soft spot for you later proves, you were very right in thinking that Draco would be getting on the back of your giant horse bird.
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I love your Fiddlesticks nickname hc for Raeda 😭♥️💞 do more Raeda HC if you like!
Ah I'm glad you like it!
It actually ties to another Raeda headcannon Raine doesn't swear, especially around children. Oh Fiddlesticks is very common to hear along with Titan or Fudge it all
Eda is the one to openly swear around the kids, she's got the mindset You do realize they swear outside of adult earshot, just teach em when it's appropriate. She was very proud also in tears laughing when Luz called Emperor Belos, Emperor Bitch Alot in front of her.
Their Palismans are reflections of each other, Owlbert is a lot like Raine and Fiddlesticks is like Eda in temperament,
Fiddlesticks gets into Trouble Constantly while Owlbert prefers to hide in Edas hair or interlocked on their staff
Fiddlesticks and Darius have a love-hate relationship with each other, especially after the violin incident.
Again Eda has given the Fox the nickname Fiddle while Raine occasionally calls Owlbert Bertie,
Raine and Eda Dance through life in general Kitchen they are that couple you can just watch them dance doing anything it's very clear they know each other the move so intricately
Eda may snore, but Raine is much worse. She will wake up, and Raine is splayed out on top of her like a starfish mouth wide open. She doesn't mind it as it actually amuses her,
Raine is horrible with the Camera, as in constantly taking pictures of their family, Eda yells out Nini has the camera to give the Owletts a chance to duck and run, to the Bards playful annoyance. They though took this as a challenge.
Raine talked to Eda and actually had their Bard Coven Mark removed so she could teach them Wild Magic, which they mixed into the Bard Magic to create a new lineage of Wild Bard Magic. As you can probably tell it's a very fluid and chaotic track, it's also made Raine much happier they've learned so much more then changing the chemistry of drinks with the mixing of magical lines.
Eda and Raine co-teach a class once a week on the importance of healthy communication in relationships at the University, not wanting other Witchlings to separate like they did over miscommunication.
They also allow students to approach them with relationship issues. A lot say the pair probably helped to correct a majority of relationships in the youngsters.
Eda and Raine lead the charge of disbanding the Coven system and instead made a council to run the Boiling Isles. So no one would ever have all the power to themselves again.
Eda personally handled Terra Snapdragon, especially after the PTSD she caused with Raine as they couldnt drink any drink without whistling into it for years, it made them sick elsewise,
They are the couple everyone knows. They inspire others to be better to each other.
They had actually talked about kids before so Raine fell easily into the role of Nini to the Owletts as they jokingly call their brood of Adopted kiddos
(Nini a Gender Neutral Term for Parent)
This is just some don't be afraid to ask for more haha
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tradetobest · 5 months
2, 26 and 30 for the writer asks please💙
2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
auston matthews!! i found this old kpop fic of mine that i thought would fit mitch and auston well and im rewriting it to fit them!! 1634 usually flows out of me from mitch's pov because i think hes more similar to me, making him easier to write for me. auston is interesting, esp in this fic, cuz he just kinda... has his world turned half upside down. only half though. and so he has to Deal and that is always fun to write!!
26. are you able to write with other people around?
if theyre strangers yes!! id argue im more productive with strangers around. if it's friends then no, i'll just talk to them.
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
ok. sorry i have a few. and none of them are hockey. 😭
1. take a look at a boy like me: my hero academia fic where dabi brushes hands with eri and it heals his burns. i love this fic. idk. i had it on the mind for my entire mha phase and wrote it finally and. i love it.
2. have i been on your mind?: i wrote a heartstopper fic and people liked it which i am happy about!! soulmate au because im a SUCKER for them. and nick and charlie. love em.
3. I wanna be free, I wanna be loved: my TGCF fic!! i thought "what if secret identity but REVERSED" so i made it so that feng xin and mu qing couldnt tell who each other were while they were using their other identities (nan feng and fu yao) but xie lian could. and i RAN. i love this fic.
4. And Then I Saw Your Face: kpop!! wow this is from. 2018. butttt!!!! someone loved it enough to make a podfic of it so i MUST rec it.
thank you for sending the ask!!! :D
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sparklepos · 8 months
this is kind of personal, but i love sparklecare because it got me through tough times. created to cope with trauma, and i happened to discover it one day and it helped me cope with my personal trauma.
the story, the characters, everything. it helped me through shit, and i couldnt be ever more grateful. it sounds silly that a lil webcomic gave me strength, but it did, and i am forever thankful.
and anyone reading this, make sure to try to eat something even if its tiny and drink some water today, yeah? if you have meds, try and take em. youre super strong an i, behind this anon, proud of you, no matter how silly it sounds. be safe and take care of yourself. <33 /p!
I'm so glad Sparklecare helped you so much! That's what's so great about a project like Sparklecare!
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theatrekidstatus · 9 months
Chapter 23
Y/n pov:-2 months- "y/nnnnn" "yes ramos" "is it moving month" "i guess it is" "cool let me finlize things" "alright babe" oh my gosh WERE MOVING TO A MASION its just like two weeks ago we just moved into together now were moving to a masion "ok we should start paking now" "ok let me call people" "ok"
Mi nombre es Alexander Hamilton
                                                         Can yall help us move
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:ofc bbg
Pippy poo😀🥹☺️😃😅😊😄😂😇😁🤣🙂😆🥲🙃:yeah
Mommy nèa(not dirty🙄)😉😗😝🤓😌😙😜😎😍😚🤪🥸🥰😋🤨🤩😘😛🧐🥳:im not busy
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴:after i hit the gym
Weird David 😮‍💨🤢🤕👹😵🤮🤑👺😵‍💫🤧🤠🤡🤐😷😈💩🥴🤒👿👻🤖:yeah lemme ask emmy
ThEy DiDnT sAy I CoUlDnT sIng 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏻:yeah but im taking back the stuff i let you borrow 😋😝💕🖕🏾😘
Oakyyyyy the unfuckable tree👉🏾🤚🏾🫲🏾✍🏾👆🏾🖐🏾🫱🏾🙏🏾🖖🏾👇🏾💪🏾🫵🏾☝🏾👋🏾🦾🦶🏾✋🏾🤙🏾🖕🏾🦵🏾:k sis
My mannn💀🎃😼🫶🏾☠️😺😽🤲🏾👽😸🙀👐🏾👾😹😿🙌🏾🤖😻😾👏🏾:thank yall
"Y/n lets pack up your room first" "ok be careful with the posters"
"Ok im going to take down the leaves first" "my room better be so big" "it will be" i carefully take down the leaves" i started take down her lights down but like always i hear a knock at the door" "hey yall" "im so proud yall came as one instead of yall coming at different times and me stopping what im doing" "yeah yeah wheres baby" "esta aqui" "hola como estas" "bien y tú" "bien bien" "y la bebe" "la bebe es normal" "bien bien" "tu nescito ayuda" "si el boxes" "alright" "jazz your Spanish really improved" "check number 1 on duolingo bitch" jazz gives me her phone and i just see. 'Y/ns wife jazzy jones😂🖕🖕🏾😋💔🥫™️♥︎💕😝✨🤧🔼🔛💀★❤️✏︎😘✑📱🔝💬😁🏃😨⬜🫵⏎🙄🔛🔝' what the hell is with girls and em emojis "go help ya wife with her room" "sure bud" "mi esposaaaaaa"
Anthony pov:"ill take down my own room guys help me"
I took the guitars and put them in their cases in a big box. "Oak" "what" "take this to the van" "sure" "cool" then did the same for the albums "daveed can you do the same" "mhm" "thanks bro" "Lin can you take the little stuff I'll break down the bed" "yeah" I start to break down my bed I was bent over and my ass was smacked "WHAT THE HELL" "it was nice firm to" y/n says while licking her lips and winking "is you even finished packing" "my rooms just as packed as them abs" "what are you talking about we finished" jazzy remarked "you a hater and you know you a hater" "sure is and do" (a/n:😝) "jazzy stop and take these to the car" "what ever" jazzy did.we finished packaging surprisingly its not hard to pack up apartment we load the boxes lin took the baby to our new house because we had to drive the u-hual truck to the new house "its so big" she mutters "relateble" "shut the hell up" i side eye her "im sorry im just stressed i guess i dont know"its good" we find her way to her 'im mad at you room' "let me decorate then we can decorate our room"
-25 minutes later-
"Your turn" "alright"
"We have knack for the similarities in life"
"We ate that" "word"
(More pictures next chapter) "we'll finish tomorrow" "how are y'all this close today" oak ask "you no se" "i love y'all see you guys tomorrow" "bye" "let's sleep" "first time together" "yes sir" "thank you ant"
Y/n pov (again): jazzy runs in yelling "MI ESPOSA" and there is not much to say because we just gossiped Hollywood gossip and decorate my room then I went to talk to ant then she made fun of him as always and yeah
Thankz for 541 on the first book😁
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co27 · 2 years
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you asked for hyperforce music headcanons. unfortunately i fell into the trap of turning this into clowning on corey feldman's music career.
HELP I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT COREY FELDMANS FLOP MUSIC CAREER... THE WAY I SCREAMED i agree with all of these so much i also think that chiro is SUPER proud of his music taste too like he puts on eminem like heh... yeah i know this is pretty underground... most people cant handle it... i know i listen to some pretty cool stuff huh... i think sparx is also like this. hes like hey nova ever listen to this cool band called weezer :smirk: yeah you mightve heard of em i really like the song buddy holly. but he also listens to actual underground stuff like shitty gothic garage bands that have 12 streams that otto found for him. and he BLASTS that shit while he flies. chiro definitely picked it up from him (in my mind). i think in general sparx likes grungey and/or gothic rock stuff because it makes him feel cool. he does genuinely like it he just has the attitude of a poser i also think otto listens to what i can only classify as "silly music" like talking heads and neil cici remixes. like if anyone on the team would put on once in a lifetime for fun itd be him. novas like otto what the hell are you listening to and hes like what?? you dont like bustin?? i thought everybody did!! and novas like this isnt even music its just sounds at this point. even though she literally unironically listens to eye of the tiger i think each member of the hyperforce thinks they have better taste in music than their team members tbh like antauris like tch... kids these days listening to their angry heavy metal music... what ever happened to Calming Whale Sonar 10 Hours Relaxing Ocean Sounds.... (he says while being an enjoyer of german new wave metal) and gibsons like "absolutely couldnt agree more." (marina and the diamonds cd falls out of his glove compartment) .. "im holding that for sparx. i dont know who this is." antauri literally listens to music he just thinks his taste is more "refined". hes a hypocrite. bc i think he deserves it
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ma-lark-ey · 1 year
Lark Liveblogs Literature episode 3: Six of Crows duology
As we did with Harry Potter, Shadow & Bone Trilogy, and will be doing with The Mortal Instruments when I get back around to them I am liveblogging my reactions to Six of Crows.
What I know prior:
- We’ve got a guy named Kaz, he’s got a cane. My younger sister tells me I’ll adore him so I trust her judgement.
- There’s also a guy named Jesper, who one of my mates stole the name from for a water genasi. He’s queer??
- we also have someone named Wylen. My sister loves him a lot and tells me I will also love him though I am sceptical.
1.) Six of Crows (5/4/23— 10/4/23)
Right off the bat, I really love Inej! Her perspective is really lovely and her affection (/p) for Kaz is very clear from the get-go. It’s so juicy to meet our main protagonist from the perspective of an admirer and NOT themself. I’m obsessed with that.
I’m very respectfully in love with Kaz and did not say I’d makeout with him in the groupchat in front of god and everyone. No, sir. I am the most normal about Kaz Brekker.
Moving on from my goof, I really love Kaz just as a character. Having a disabled protagonist, much less one that’s Top Dog and very clearly feared and respected by his peers is SO GOOD. And quite honestly I think he’s the first disabled protag I’ve seen that wasn’t like, pity porn or magically nullified (at least in books. Love you Toph of Avatar fame). So if anyone has good reccs of other disabled protag books, drop ‘em. I’d love to read more.
OH I LIED ACTUALLY I READ STORMRUNNER!! I just didn’t get a chance to finish that series entirely so sorry I forgot about that. Love him SO MUCH. he and Kaz are my besties.
Inej 💖💖💖
Thats all.
Also the Banter!!! I’m not even a hundred pages in but the banter in Six of Crows is SO much better than Shadow & Bone. Bardugo has really grown as an author between these two series and it shows. The characters feel much more solid in this. Whereas Shadow & Bone’s characters (minus like, Alina, Nikolai, and Mal) felt extremely 2D at times (in my opinion) and I can see layers to Jesper, Inej, and Kaz right off the bat.
MATTHIAS H E L L O TOXIC MAN OF THE WEEK. im going to eat him.
My sister is fighting for her LIFE defending Matthias but I. THIS MAN IS A CONVICTED SLAVE TRAFFICKER??? SHE SAID ITS NOT HIS FAULT. girl. Get help.
Forgot to update this. Kaz is SOOOOO downbad. He’s DOWNBAD. just kiss her idiot. IDIOT. Wylan is funny, I wanna flick him on the forehead and ruffle his hair. He’s so goofy.
I’m not fully convinced Jesper ISN’T in love with Kaz.
THIS FIREPOX FLASHBACK IS A SPECIAL KIND OF FUCKED UP !!! “Together, they drifted, Jodie’s distended body acting as a raft.” Kaz…..
The Jylan Wesper whatever the fuck this shipname is development is literally such a tone change from Kaz I’m LAUGHING.
Kaz: This is how my brother died, audience.
Jesper, boutta catch himself a twink: cowabummer.
Nina. Nina you’re better than this. Nina how could you get the alarm sounded. NINA.
Okay debriefing after part five. I’m so. So. So.
Kaz and Inej better kiss. Jesper stop flirting you are about to die. Matthias I almost killed you alive. I wanted to burn you at the stake fr. Nina you’re a queen. You’re theiving. Kaz dont die so you can admit emotional vulnerability for the first time ever. Jesper so proud of you for overcoming tour cringe crush on Kaz. Hurry ip and makeout with Wylan this tension is PAINFUL.
2.) Crooked Kingdom (13/4/23-17/4/23)
Listen. Okay. My Tumblr was glitched out for the first half of this book so I couldnt say anything but I can NOW.
All of this is WILD.
Kaz Brekker, you are stupid and dumb and I NEED you to be honest about your emotions for ONCE. i swear to GOD you pathetic little WORM.
Wylan’s mother what the HELL. what is HAPPENING. This is so fucked up I hope Jan Van Eck gets his life fucking destroyed by Kaz fuck him UP.
Kuwei i love and hate you so much you cheeky fuck that was so sly but also how fucking dare you do Jesper like that. Little shit. You’ve been too heavily influenced by these deceitful little canal rats.
Wylan babygirl I love you. I’ll kill you if you ACTUALLY spilled to your dad. Honestly thank god Kaz barely tells you anything. I love you. Rot in hell for this one.
Oh update on Matthias I’m neutral on him now. Sorry for my Matthias slander earlier. I do still have beef.
Everytime a plot twist happens in this book its like “YES. MICHAEL. what do you want now? More money? A check? My SOUL?”
Okay Wylan. Sorry I cussed you out so bad. You’re good. We’re friends again
Wild ride through and through. Obsessed with this. I would’ve liked to see more of Inej’s closure than we did— but I’m not mad at it. I think Pekka being the closing chapter was. I dont know. I have neutral feelings on the Pekka chapter.
I do think I like Crooked Kingdom more than Crows? I really liked it a lot !! And. I will be honest with myself and admit its because of the Sturmhond content. I know myself. I can admit when I am foaming at the mouth over my #1 bestie babe of all time Nikolai Lantsov.
That’s. All. I suppose?
Really did enjoy it !! If you have a fic where we see more of Inej and her family reuniting. Drop it. Or recs in general. I need more recs. I dont know the tag culture of this fandom yet <<3 scary <<3
Next series: All For the Game, Nora Sakavic.
Here’s my ranking of the Crows, btw. I love them all but some. Significantly more than others not sorry.
1. Wylan Hendricks
2. Inej Ghafa
3. Kaz Brekker
4. Jesper Fahey
5. Nina Zenik
6. Matthia Helvar
I dont know if this is a hot take or not. I just. <<3 Wylan and Inej <<3
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angelizs · 2 years
hello!,ramble anon back at it again im just laying here rn as this storm goes by so im just lost in thought:’)
but uh yeah with Halloween on the horizon and the event just—Halloween dates thats all I got specially during the party one of the twst boys askin their s/o to be their partner to it (even though they’re all gonna be there already wjhfhf),I just think its a cute thought for em couldnt choose a character for a scenario so let ur mind go wild 😂
also I dont know if you ever noticed but jades anfgry face every time it shows jumps scares me cause jts so subtle of a change (hes making it in those images u posted from the Halloween week disaster) like its cool but you know u shouldn’t mess with him when hes like that
oh here where I live is storming a lot too, since we've just entered spring! I like the sound of rain, but it's awful to go to classes when it's pouring down 😭
I LOVE THE HALLOWEEN EVENT SOOO MUCH !!! omg the boys asking their s/o to go with them to the party... I have so many thoughts about this...
YES YES I love Jade's expressions, how it seems like he doesn't express that much but that makes every little change that more noticible... if Jade pulls that face on you, you better start praying for the sevens fr fr
ok so! I've got a little scenario for the halloween party for each boy in the eng server event, since we couldn't choose just one! behold:
Cater, who makes sure your outfit and his are matching. he wants to have the best photos of this night to remember! takes a lot of pictures, you just look so cute wearing the skeleton costume <3 his magicam feed consists of 20 posts in a row with you. #NRC_halloween #Matching #TrickorTreat #SpookyScarySkeletons
Deuce, who is very proud of his work as a member of the halloween comitee, so he asks you to go to the party with him to celebrate the success halloween week was! he makes sure to remember in which tables are your favorite candy! thinks your costume really fits you, will be blushing as he compliments it.
Jack, who is exhausted after having to deal with the chaos that was this event and Savanaclaw's antics, but still asks you to go with him because he saw how excited you were. this was your first halloween in twisted wonderland, so he wanted to make it a night to remember. his tail will be wagging once he sees you, a mischievous smile on your face as you prepare to go trick or treating together.
Azul, who had helped to plan the decorations of the party and just so happened to favour your favorite color. oh, there also seem to be a lot of food that you like on the buffet. he will walk you around the room, arms interwined, as you make rounds to make sure everything is going smoothly. sttuters when you compliment his costume but tries to act nonchalant about it.
Jade, who has scared you on more than one occasion during the week, taking delight in your frightened expression. as an apology for the stress, he asks you to accompany him to the party, no tricks involved. the two of you have a great time scaring the rest of the unsuspecting students together <3
Kalim, who is so excited for the party he asks you to go with him on the first day of the week. everytime he sees you, he comments something about it. once the day arrives, he's pratically jumping, full of energy to spend. will drag you to the dance floor and might even start a costume competition. will cheer the loudest for your costume!
Vil, who just wants to relax after being the chairman of the halloween comitee and taking multiple photos with fans during the week. still, he wouldn't mind your company. the two of you stay little time inside the room. instead, you find yourself walking with him around the garden, loud music playing on the background and the stars shining above. a setting fitting for a vampire, you think. still, his hand is warm where it holds yours, his smile warmer.
Epel, who finally gets to experiment all of the city folk candy! he asks you to go with him so you could have this experience together, seeing as you had never eaten any of the more extravagant candy either. you two have a blast trying all types of food and scaring other students, laughing into the night.
Idia, who doesn't want to go, he hates parties! still, since you asked him to, he thinks he can make an exception for you... but he'll only stay for a bit! after not even an hour has passed, you find yourself pressed comfortably against his side on his warm bed, a blanket enveloping both of you as you have a classic horror movie marathon.
Malleus, who wants to apologize for causing so much trouble for you after choosing Ramshackle as Diasomnia's spot. you accept his invitation, reassuring him it wasn't his fault the guests got rowdy. nobody dares to try to scare you with him by your side, some even giving you candy willingly. you are fascinated by the halloween stories he has to tell, sharing some stories from your world too, talking in the garden and away from the crowd, just the two of you <3
Lilia, who was having the time of his life watching so many shenanigans unfold during the week. he wants to make sure you'll have a good time at the party, and who better than someone who's experienced thousands of halloweens to show you how it's done? he takes you dancing and trick or treating, making pauses to experiment something or other from the food tables. strangely enough, he feels as if no other halloween was as fun as this one he spent by your side.
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pinkfoodlogg · 4 months
todays calorie intake!
had a bad time today... the fight with my mom from yesterday affected me really badly and turns out that she blocked me on whatsapp, so that kinda fucked me up. i mean it hit me that the moment i make a mistake she doesnt love me anymore. idk.
had a binge on junk food bc of it, summed up to 251,75kcal on two chocolate-covered oreos, two oat-quinoa cookies and a bit of chocolate quinoa pop. no photo bc i was with friends and they were having tea with snacks and i kinda broke down in front of them anddd so i binged on the snacks or whatever.
the rest of the day; had two warm americanos with a tiny bit of cinnammon in the morning, a vanilla-honey-cocoa tea in the afternoon, and also like four glasses of pepsi-light. i think the no calorie cola actually amounts up to 4 calories for the liter i had, but otherwise all zero calorie.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
ermm,,, so i might've taken it to an extreme a bit... but i'll probably make up for it at the gym tmrw and if not tmrw then on saturday.
but well. had a sweet potato with yoghurt for din din, together with a slice of pizza that my dad ordered and for dessert i had a clementine with brie cheese. it wasnt thaaat bad calorie wise but i still surpassed my limit and i feel way too heavy. i did take a photo of this tho for you guys;
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・⊹ ˑ ִ ֶ
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as you can see ... i rlly love cheese. had been craving an iced americano all day, although i dont think it was a good choice for my stomach.
the sweet potato was so yummy i couldnt believe it! and very filling. its been a while since i've last eaten pizza, and the brie cheese was going bad in the fridge so i said fuck it. Also im a sucker for clementines, and since its winter here they're in season and i cant not eat 'em... and anyways they dont really have thaaat many calories.
its the first time i've felt full in a few days, and im having conflictive feelings about that
the only thing im proud of is that i avoided a full on binge on pizza slices. i think its smart to pair it with something more fullfilling and healthy. i love pizza so much that it could've been a disaster really.
have a good day!! xoxo⋆ ᥫ᭡
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biggerb0at · 11 months
why do you hate cc?
its not that I hate cc ok maybe I do hate it
but I dont hate all of it
like I enjoy the challenges, like the "use these contracts" and the daily map changes. those I can clear out without the complaints
the complaints can be aruged this is a fanbase problem than cc
it is a gimmick map that uses gimmick operators which you either ignored cause its not your gimmick or you didnt get them from the gacha like featre and magallan of the first cc(beta? you know red samurai) so you suffer and make due this cc was the most because I couldnt just make due with a friend unit I was missing more core ops
its overwhelming looking at all the different combinations to get to risk 18 like im just spending an hour on the contract screen with a fried brain then go to ops and like oh did I invest in that op or not (yeah personal skill issue because I only level who I like)
its frustrating to adjusting and adjust and adjust and adjust, thats fine on the daily maps but now I dont know what tf is it im missing is it a lvl is it that I need a day to master a skill (really hate that part like common that I feel like is going above 18)
I feel like the community stopped being helpful discord stopped with the spreadsheet that had videos after the beta cc and tbh I dont wanna keep posting all my units of 5 photos for help and I loathe youtube guides ok ITS ALL JUST SSR GUIDES META SHIT BALLS OF FUCK YOU IF YOU DONT GOT EM WHO THE FUCK ARE 4 AND 5 STARS THEY DONT FUCKING EXIST NO ONLY META AND 3 STAR UNITS WITH A META HAHAHAA fucking hell fandom on youtube look welfares exist 4 star units exist 5 star units exist, I feel like the only video that will exist that used them are mine in the one time I decided to use event units in an event(still proud of that achievement).
maybe its just my hatred of the "only meta or 3 star exists" in the fandom that makes me hate cc when reality its just a dislike of cc because if I dont hit risk 18 im not getting all great stuff from the shop.
and yeah one of my own skill issue is that I dont really use new ops and just stay with my own if it works it works team of day 1(with hibiscus lava and kroos being 5 stars its technically still day 1 : D ) but the permanent rougelike slowly fixes that cause man I love trying out the free units there
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greywoodrpg · 1 year
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𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕠𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕒𝕦𝕕𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕖
he was born twenty-seven years ago, he is a werewolf who lives in wolf crossing as a firefighter, and is in the pack. he looks an awful lot like oliver stark.
“Just once, I really want someone to choose me.”
tw: dysfunctional family, attack
Theo was almost born to help. He loved people and loved to fix situations. It made him feel important even when he was younger. He noticed his mom seemed happier whenever he made drawings about dad and so he kept doing them until he became a bit too old for it to be sweet anymore. He missed him a lot, even if his older siblings liked to remind him that he didn't even know him. It became super obvious to him that they were right when he finally came back home, but he never stopped loving him. He just tried to focus on other things. He made sure to have good grades and a good behavior, he wanted his mom to be proud of him and to make her life easier. Then his dad left and he started getting attached to his new stepdad. He was nice enough, but Theo just wanted to have a dad like the rest of the kids his age. He was devastated when he lost both of them and he was lucky to have his big brother to raise him or he would've had nobody. He made many good friends in high school and often fell in love with someone new, hoping he could meet that special someone who would prioritize him, but this person certainly didn't come then. They were all a bit too immature for him. When he graduated, he didn't know what he wanted to do, he just knew he wanted to help people. He first started working for a little organization that was meant to help homeless people and then decided to be a firefighter. He was loved by his team immediately and felt like he found a second family. He met his wife after saving her and her dog from a fire and they got married only a year following their first date. He finally met someone who actually loved him (or so he thought) and he certainly couldnt let her go. His life was exciting, he had friends that he probably would keep forever, a wife who he loved more than anyone. He almost wasn't feeling the emptiness of not having his parents with him anymore. That was all until he came back from the restaurant one night with his wife. They decided to walk since it wasn't too cold, but it was a terrible idea because they got attacked by what he thought was a simple wolf. Theo tried to be the hero, but got pushed against a tree and only woke up the next morning in the hospital with scratches and his wife gone. She couldn't accept what he was about to become and he didn't know if he could either. Months later, he was still trying to adapt to his new life when his wife called. She asked him to join her, she said they could try again, that maybe she could accept him if it was away from everything else. She always said she wanted them to move, he never said yes until now. He was desperate, he didn’t want to be alone and so he quit his job and started new somewhere else. They made it for about 4 months before she asked for a divorce.
“what power did he attain when settling in greywood?”
penned by... em
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
Cameo - Attack Me With Your Love
i was banned from four chan, my sister to this day doubts what i say sometimes implying i wasnt actually banned, yes the fuck i was, i was prolific on the website for about six months, i was astonished with how much i could dominate the entire board discussion all by my lonesome, millions of people visit the website and anyone can post, yet they dont, and i hadnt i had lurked for ten years before posting even once, i understood what prevented them from posting, it was fear. fear of ending up on a list, fear of being blackballed etc. but for a few months i completey dominated the board steering the discussions towards what in my view is most important. in one thread in particular i made a post and ended it with “wakka wakka wakka” fozzie bears catch phrase from the muppets, it made sense in the context of the post, whats interesting is, i was given a temp ban near instantly for this with a mod message stating something like “dont just say gibberish” or w/e and then in an instant the ban was lifted, this isnt the only time this happened but its the one i remember, and what i realized instantly is that many of the “anons” i was arguing with were in fact mods of the board itself, and they were discussing me in their discords or mod irc, basically they were itching for a chance to ban me and jumped at it because one of the mods was unfamiliar with fozzie bear, he must have been corrected by another mod in the chat which is why i was instantly unbanned. from making the post to getting banned with a mod message included, to being unbanned all happened in about ten seconds. eventually i got ban banned for encouraging violating the law (which i did not do, i was very careful to follow the rules) and then they changed the rules of the website making it so i couldnt post anyway (no proxies). but still to this day, i see anons using arguments I CRAFTED, original arguments that did not exist until i made them, and i couldnt be more proud. I felt like hephaestus crafting thunder bolts and handing em out
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yunhosworld · 5 years
Current mood: crying because Ateez won their first music show award and my album is coming in today -Atiny Anon
Ik oh my gawd did I cry so ugly, I'm so happy for them. They really deserve it and ugh m-my heart 😢💓💖💕
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summerof336bc · 2 years
experiencing shrimp emotions about derrick krueger ... no loss, no disappointment .......
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scarsforsupper · 3 years
Maybe a hc or drabble where the reader playfully makes fun of Viktor’s accent. :))
Your accent... Its beautiful
Viktor x gn! reader (wc: 1.7k) (unchecked n unrevised)
once again i apologize for the hiatus T_T as a thank you for 200+ followers i post agen!! also first time to finish a req in one sitting B) also im sorry i couldnt make it into full on playful making fun bc im scared itd get offensive T_T xori 4 d shitty quality em rustee
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Viktor was born into a family that has long traveled to different places ever since the first generation. Due to the constant moving and adaptation, his ancestors started picking up accents originating from the ‘ethnicity’ of the place and society they were born into. He ended up being born with a unique accent—Slavic being the most accurate description, as did one of his parents, the other hailing from a different ancestry. Spending his childhood in Zaun, his accent inevitably left peers and adults alike staring at him; sometimes even mockery. The way he pronounced his vowels usually were weaker than his consonants, periodically making him sound aggressive—or angry, at the most.
Now this was a very ironic idea, as should one take a glance at Viktor, with the cane and his gangly stature, most would think that the man is incapable of inflicting physical damage. Which was true, but for a different reason. Viktor saw no use for violence at all—he grew up with a very loving mother, and even though other kids would pick on him for needing a cane to walk, he saw no use for the execution of physical harm. It was as if it was innate in him to look for other solutions, only resorting to violence when absolutely needed.
When he received the letter from Councilor Heimerdinger, he had never felt so ecstatic and proud. Should he accept, he is expected to attend his first-ever class in the prestigious Academy of Piltover, where everyone there is always in the noble pursuit of greatness.
You were late for class. Your first day of college.
Stealing a glance at your pocket watch, it was 7:56. You hastened your pace even more.
“4 minutes left?” You switched from a brisk walk to a hasty jog.
Loud yet quick footsteps echoed throughout the corridor as your eyes struggled to catch up with your pace, pupils scanning over the section plates above the doors. You were assigned to Lecture Hall no.3 for Advanced Mechanical Engineering, all students were, until the professor divides the room into separate sections.
There were two courses for Mechanical Engineering: General Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Mechanical Engineering, which you were in. The Academy sorts out the students’ best interests by examining their knowledge capacity and, if applicable, past inventions or innovations.
“Three!” Slowly pushing the wooden doors of the room which turned out to be bigger than you thought, at least more than half of the seats were occupied, leaving a few unoccupied.
You decided to sit near the edge, a few 6 rows from the front.
‘Better than none.’ Shrugging, you sauntered over towards a vacant seat, still slightly panting as you lowered. Only after you placed your satchel down were you able to realize how sublime the Lecture Hall was.
The walls appear to be made of wood; strips carved by what only an intricate hand can create. Large, quadrilateral glass panes dominated the opposite wing to the doors, allowing a view of what seemed to be the garden square of the academy. Sunbeams pierced through glass panes, illuminating what the candle-lit chandeliers hanging from above cannot. It was a scenery straight from a storybook.
‘Who knew things like these actually exist, but then again, as expected of the land's greatest academy.’
Abruptly, your daydream was blocked by a torso, someone had occupied the seat next to you.
Chestnut brown locks were neatly combed, parting slightly to the right, ends flitting upwards. He had a light complexion, but that’s not what’s special about it. Most white folks appear pale but he was glowing. Like he was appealing to challenge the sun itself.
He was skinny, but not sickly skinny. Sitting down, he placed his belongings atop the table, allowing you to catch sight of his hands. Fingers long and elegant, you could bet your life that his penmanship was as refined as he looked. The veins underneath bulged through every gesture, giving him an even more masculine appeal.
The man must have felt your stare on him, turning to look at you with curiosity albeit a tad bit of animosity within—having people stare at you in the underground never meant anything good.
As your eyes drifted upwards towards his face, the two of you shared a brief moment of eye to eye contact. You quickly averted your eyes pretending to look at something else, slowly turning your head back.
But you couldn’t stop thinking about it. About his eyes.
Oh, they were the most beautiful hue you have ever seen in all your years of existence. They were literal precious topazes, but even the gem itself can never measure up to the beauty of this man’s eyes.
This man’s…
‘Get a grip Y/N! You don’t even know his name!’
Viktor stifled in a giggle, he found you adorable for some reason. He didn’t feel the need to protect himself around you—something just told him that you weren’t that type of person. He chuckled now.
You were deep in your thoughts when you realized the room had ushered down collectively. Was the professor there? ‘There’s no one though?’
Suddenly, a lilting voice resonated about the lecture hall.
“A pleasant morning, my dear students!”
The professor was either tiny as hell, or haven’t entered the room because craning your neck apparently wasn’t enough for you to see him.
“My name is Heimerdinger. Please do call me Professor Heimerdinger, or professor for short! I am the Dean of the Academy, and the assigned instructor for this course.” Mutters and whispers were heard as students tried the name for size.
“I believe a few of you here had only just arrived,” his voice was sing-song like, “thus, I will give you a minute to settle down, my dear children!”
‘Where the hell is he!?’
Heat and blood started rushing to your head in frustration when a soft tap on your shoulder broke your stupor to spot the speaker. You turned to see that the man from earlier had been the one to take your attention.
You sat back and let him speak—but he didn’t. Instead, he pointed over to his 11 o’clock. You followed the direction of his glance, craning your entire torso slightly towards his seat, and there you saw the tiny professor that your eyes had been hunting so ferociously a few moments back.
Mouth forming an ‘O’ shape, you tilted back into your seat, muttering a soft ‘thanks’ towards the man.
“Oh by the way, what’s yo-“
Just as you were one step closer to knowing the mysterious man’s name, the professor announced once again.
“As I have introduced myself, you must introduce yourselves to the class as well! After all, it is very important for us to know each other. Do state your name, age, and you’re all set! Feel free to throw in a few fun facts about yourself too.”
The professor gestured to the girl in the far east of the room, signaling her to start the introductions. There were few too many seats before your turn, so you figured you could use this time to familiarize yourself with your block mates.
Minutes flew so quickly that you haven’t even remembered at least 10 names when it was your turn to speak.
You were the first to speak in your row, ‘Curse this,’ you stood and began to present yourself to the class.
“Hello. My name is Y/N, 21 years old. I enjoy the arts as a side hobby.”
Professor Heimerdinger smiled, “Welcome to the academy, Y/N.”
The sound of a huff was heard, accompanied by a careful thud of metal hitting the floor as the man to your side rose from his seat. It was the first time you saw his cane.
“Good day to you all, I am Viktor.”
“I am 22 years of age, and I do love tinkering with various objects and writing notes in my free time.”
Sitting down, Viktor stretched his leg beneath the table, when a sound of astonishment reached his ears.
His voice was deep, husky in all the right places. Thicker yet so clear with emotion.
“Your…voice… no your… your pronunciation? Is that what you call it?”
His brows furrowed, “I think you mean accent.”
“It’s so cool—I mean its- It’s so beautiful and it's like listening to a reading only it’s in premium version-“
Viktor had never had anyone complement his accent. The least offensive one was a ‘weird,’ and that’s the least, mind you. To have someone compliment it was a whole new world to him, thus he didn’t know how to react.
He stayed silent, not a word erupting from his mouth.
“I- I’m sorry. That was insensitive of me. I’m sorry, Viktor.”
'No, no.. it's okay... I just-' Why couldn't he say anything!?
That was the first time you said his name, and although it had such a good ring to it, you hated the reason you were saying it.
A few more students left to introduce themselves, nearly 10 minutes have passed after your turn.
Feeling the fatigue from running in the hallway, you bowed your head to take a power nap when Viktor suddenly murmured.
“It’s okay. And, thank you.”
Slowly turning your head, him scratching his neck as he stole short glances at you, the corners of your mouth started to turn upwards, he could literally see the shine in your eyes.
Shooting a smile at him, he held in a chuckle, averting his gaze to anywhere but you, ears turning pink.
“Do you guys really pronounce consonants like you’re angry?”
‘Wow. That set the mood.’ Viktor rolled his eyes playfully.
“Yes but not. We are not angry.”
“The way you roll your ‘R’s’ is so unique.”
“Or so I’ve heard.”
“I wonder how you guys assign your word stresses.”
“The same as you guys.”
“Oh! Also, when you say ‘note,’ try to loosen your tongue, so people won’t misinterpret things.”
He answered, “Thank you for the advice, but, eh, I do not believe it is still possible for me to change the way I pronounce certain words. Were I still a child that may still be possible.”
“I understand. I’m Y/N by the way!” You held out your hand to him, feeling extremely giddy that you had already made a friend.
“You told the entire class earlier,” he rolled his eyes again playfully—he’s rolled his eyes too many times in one sitting already, “but I’m Viktor.” With a smile, he shook your hand.
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