#i could talk a lot about how much i hate the word waifu and how much i think it's enabled people to be sexist assholes
fatedtime · 2 years
Can you explain what you were talking about with the whole author intent vs. reader intent surrounding LB2 criticisms? I kind of get it since a lot of LB2 opinions I've seen are proposals for alternate paths the story could have taken/character shuffles (I remember "swap Beo and Napo" was hugely popular back when the LBs first came to NA), but I haven't really seen much recently/it still feels kinda off from what you alluded to. Maybe. Just pickin your brain a bit, if ya don't mind.
Okay, so, first I'm going to stipulate that I haven't read Lostbelt 2 since it's release, so my recollections on its specific themes (or, what I gathered from it, because I find Lostbelt 2 to be kind of muddled generally) are going to be inexact.
The simplest way I can explain it though is how fandom treats Skadi. Skadi is a pretty widely-hated character, characterization wise. I think, in terms of passion of how much the people who hate her do hate her, she's matched by extremely abrasive characters like Medb. I've heard tons of people talking about rewriting Skadi, tons of people emphasizing distaste for her direction, and METRIC shittons of people dismissing anything the author wanted to say with her as 'she's waifubait', without taking any time to actually dissect the intention behind her. Conversation around Skadi immediately devolves into assuming nothing about her themes has any narrative value, and that the totality of her builds into one thing: Skadi only exist for men to sexualize her.
This is sexism, full-stop, but plenty of other essays exist that dissect fandom culture and the tendency to put no effort into analyzing mediocre female-characters while fixating heavily on mediocre male characters, fleshing them out and developing them far beyond what actually exists in the source material.
Which like, I think Skadi is a mediocre female character, but every time I've seen Skadi discussed, it is with two motivations: either to dismiss her as a waifu, or throw her personality out entirely in a 'rewrite', discounting every single thing the author is trying to say with her and putting the reader's own desired Skadi in its place. These rewrites tend to make her 'cooler' and give her 'more agency' without understanding that Skadi's lack of agency is the point.
Lostbelt 2 is Ophelia's Lostbelt, a character defined almost entirely by her own lack of agency and her romantic fixation on a man who doesn't really care about her best interests. She exists as a satellite to him, doing his bidding and entirely willing to sacrifice herself for him, without any hope of reward. She wants what he wants. Her dreams are his dreams.
Skadi parallels this.
She's a woman who, in her Lostbelt, is so paralyzed by the weight put upon her that, in lieu of making any real decisions, instead constructs a world of child-farms. Skadi and Ophelia are both infantile in their decision-making ability; they defer entirely to other people (or, the lost images of another person.) These are clearly meant to be toxic relationships, and LB2 is a story about relationships and what happens when the parties within them are emotionally immature. How if you can't grow up, you can't live, and will make it impossible for those around you to grow and live as well.
This is why the story has sympathy for Skadi, too. It's a fucking awful position to be in, and getting mad at people who are emotionally stunted is an exercise in fucking futility. The world has failed them, of course they'd fail others. The world has failed them -- what is the point in another goddamn revenge fantasy of punishing a woman who wasn't given the tools to live as an independent being? Society itself tells women that enough already, while also telling them that they have no worth outside the men they serve. There are enough stories about it in the world.
The stuff with Surtr, the stuff with Napoleon is all about relationships -- positive and negative, cold and hot, immature and mature, healing and hurting. I firmly don't like the idea of swapping Napo out for Beowulf because Napoleon exists to be like, the ideal of Napoleon's hope and freedom. It's this ultra-positive idea of self-actualization and belief in yourself. Beowulf just... doesn't... have that? I feel like it's another thing that exists without considering what would be better for the characters already existing.
Now. Do I think the various characters and their relationships are like, examined well and the ultimate thematic core of it conveyed well? E.....eeeeeeeeeeh. I mean, I've already said I think Skadi is mediocre, and ultimately, I don't like the story. But when approaching suggestions of what to change, I'd want to keep the author's intent in mind, because it's not my story. It's hers. Its what she wanted to do. Examining it through a different lens, with different ideas, and theorizing on how these ideas could be reflected and transformed into other things is valuable, but can only really effectively done with the heart of the writer is taken into consideration first.
This is something I think fandom generally has trouble with. Online fandom and the relationship to creators that has developed is like, deeply, toxicly fucked up. Those who create have been dehumanized to such an extreme extent, their so-called fans stripping them of any humanity and consuming their content in pure, decadent self-absorption, that no thought goes into the hearts of those who put their work out into the world. Idolized or demonized or forgotten, if you create and share it, you are doomed to having your watermarks filed off, your intentions disregarded or maligned, your work fed to AI to be regurgitated en-mass, and all manner of assumptions placed into the void of your privacy as people slander you, harass you, or glorify you into an inhuman caricature of yourself.
When talking about her ideas, her stories, her characters, just... think of Sakurai as a human being, please. That's what I mean with all this, a generalized plea to remember that every story was penned by a living, breathing human being. Creators and their characters aren't thought of as people anymore, and analyzing a character or story while paying no regard to them or what they were trying to say fucking sucks. There's value in examining how you'd approach something, but editing someone's work and saying 'I did it better!' is cruel. Dismissing the writing of women by calling them waifus, talking about how 'clearly, the author was stupid and didn't take any time to research' about new story-chapters, without yourself thinking through what the author could have been trying to say with it is... just... treating people like they're soulless sacks of flesh meant for you to dispense content as it pleases you.
No creator in this world gets paid enough for that horseshit.
-- Thank you so much for the question! This wasn't inspired by any kind of immediate take I saw, by the way, I was just trying to dissect the authorial intent of Mephistopheles in the last JP event and got to thinking a bit about LB2, Skadi, and how even if I don't like her, I viscerally hate it whenever LB2 comes up on Beast's Lair.
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gobbochune · 1 year
Baldurs Gate III gets relationships right
so one thing ive always hated about the relationships in rpgs is the much-meligned 'give them stuff until they sex with you' thing but also that they make navigating interpersonal relationships overall too simple. you first meet them, ask a laundry list of questions, that opens up quests with handy little markers on the map, and if you go to those locations they progress the plotline. its like they tell you their goals and tragic backstory right away, and then you give them what they want until they're your friend. what they want (unless their name is evil McBadrun) is a net good for the world, and you're rewarded for always supporting them. (the obvious exception being solas dont even go there)
but BGIII doesnt make it so easy for you. Shadowheart immediately gets her hackles up if you ask her too many questions too quickly. Asterion gets angry if you're too simpering about his tragic backstory. You pretty much know that Wyll is lying/wrong from the jump, but pointing it out will piss him off. Gale has a thirst for power that he never quite shakes, and you have to talk him down from making the same mistakes again.
So far every character quest ive done culminates in a moment where you have to save your companions from themselves. The shadowheart and gale plotlines are particularly tense, you feel like you're at a real crossroads in your friendship and choosing the words wrong will ruin things forever.
I was a EA player, and I remember articles about how everyone in the party is a bitch who spits at you when you're nice to them. Shadowheart and Asterion in particular were kinda advertised as the 'main waifus' and people got mad when those two dont just automatically want you to save them and be their friend. I could make a joke about 'gamers who cant have relationships be too complicated or else they'll fail the quests' here but you get the point.
While full release made them a lot less rude, the companions are still complicated people who you need to navigate your feelings with whilst also trying to do whats right. I'm really glad that a rpg like this exists, and i hope it marks a change for these kinda games in the future.
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austajunk · 2 years
you shouldnt be apologizing for your post, what you initially said is correct, and its annoying af for someone to go out of their way to rag on other female characters just bc they go out of their way to see people rag on their favourite (not to mention super hypocritical to their whole mission?) i also noticed that user specifically making shit up about chiaki and acting like theres no misogony around her written character/acting like criticizing chiaki is synonymous with misogony and it was soooooooooo fucking annoying seeing others agree with them. thank you for saying something and sorry others are acting weird about it
I think you have me completely wrong, friend.
I DO agree with @wydstepcat and their assessment of Chiaki. People really don’t do the work of actually looking beyond the surface impression of a character and then just consider her waifu bait because the creator said that she would be his dream girl.
Yes. That is male gaze-ish and therefore flawed. But it’s also personal to Kodaka. He states in interviews that he always wanted to know someone who loved games as much as he did and to talk to them. And Chiaki was basically written with that in mind. There is a lot to her character, her fascination and hyperfixation with games, her personality and inability to be able to connect to others on a personal level and her role in the story that so many people connect with. And it’s constantly disappointing to see people have such a shallow take for her when she’s one of the most important roles in the game. So I appreciate @wydstepcat and their perspective on the context people missed and took for granted in their post.
My criticism was delivered to ChiakiArchives who undercut it with also dunking on Ruruka, a female character who gets enough hate already… another character people just refuse to think about because they don’t want to go beyond a surface level reading. That they didn’t think about how that would make someone who adored Ruruka (like I do) feel. It’s the same way when someone insults Chiaki and makes them feel kinda crappy too and I felt that was kinda… just pointless.
You don’t need to crap on another female character to defend one other.
That being said, I didn’t want to chase them away. And it was wrong of me to vague post or vent about them without thinking. I could have just messaged them and said “Hey that sucks”. Sure, deleting their blog is quite an overreaction, but it still really sucks. And I am sorry.
That being said, thank you for the kind words and trying to comfort me. I appreciate it.
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clauderiegan · 3 years
oh boy, this forging bonds re-run reminded me how much i hated it the first time around
-exploring ingrid’s struggle with her own biases and whether to become a knight or a wife to support her family? nah, “hehe ingrid eat a lot”
-linhardt who could be talking about his distate for violence and how he’s fed up with being summoned to fight, instead gets stuck with the worst book 4 fairy for a “haha they take naps” bit
-felix, who in the original games makes goading remarkes to dedue but never fully crosses the line into racism (repeated use of the word dog aside which has some real-world connotations), is suddenly extremely fucking racist. it’s almost comical considering he’s made this negative character development with a santa hat on.
-the fact that felix “became” the racist one while ingrid became “cute food waifu” is really telling of feh’s writing of popular female characters
-marianne’s is fine
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0aurelion-sol0 · 4 years
SNK 134: Why we need to move forward.
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That's horrifying...
Oh but whatever they are probably bad people in there. Thieves, greedy people, hateful mothers, men who beat their wives , liars, bullies, killers, murderers, rapist, child rapist and racist babies.
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This is a rhetoric that has been used for ages and is currently being used in this fandom especially on reddit and 4chan.
The justification of injustice.
When George Floyd was slammed on the ground and died because he couldn't breathe anymore, conservatives and republicans at large ignored the police brutaliy leading up to that.
He was just a cocaine or drug addict who one day pointed a gun at a pregnant lady. So he was a criminal and deserved that.
Of course ignoring the racial segregation that happened from the very legalized slavery hundreds of years ago and how poor and racially stigmatized black people are being in America right now.
When the Uyghurs are being genocided by China, the world blinds itself because China is one the worlds necessary assets in economy as it basically produces a good chunk of what is being used in the world. Most made by children, " but it makes us live "... Apparently that's the only logical reason...
When Palestinians and Israelis are literally killing each other over some complicated non sense that no one ever really understands and also Israël basically doing Apartheid at this point,
When the totality of the Middle East has turned into a warzone because of the United States's violent imperialism,
When most far right or extremist group decided that Islam and Islamic terrorism are the same thing,
When xenophobes and racist always attack immigration,
"If she wasn't wearing that skirt, she probably wouldn't have been raped",
When we have homophobes, transphobes, LGBTphobes, telling us what's natural and always bragging about "\___-_-___/ God, Holy Jesus",
When you have people who tells you that poor people chose their way of living when there are a small percent of billionaires and soon to be trillionaires having such a gigantic amount of wealth,
When 6 millions Jews were genocided which was 40% of Jewish people at the time and 2/3 of European Jews,
When the prime minister of Israël is saying that the Holocaust wasn't Hitler's Idea but Haj Amin al-Husseini, (who was extremely anti semitic, don't get me wrong)who suggested it to him maiking the prime minister a revisionist but at the same time making his actions against Palestinians justified,
When around the world Christianic places of worship are being vandalized,
When entire SYSTEMS of segregations have made societies work,
When the South American continent has been attacked by the United States because of different political beliefs,
When people use their rape as a way to attack other communities of a specific religion or color,
When Black Panthers uses racism against White people because of the story of USA and are being anti semitic but essentializing a whole group,
When Nationalistic Israelis tells you what is a good Jew and what isn't a good Jew,
When dozens of groups have been forced to extinction,
Natives who were being murdered, yeah? YOU DON'T SEE THAT A LOT IN YOUR COWBOY MOVIES ?
When literal "feminist" calls for the destruction of men while they can't educate the kids about what to do and what not to do, OH, can also be transphobic apparently,
When you have entire websites who encourages pedophilia,
And pedophiles killed, left alone and live a life of endless torment while no one does nothing to help them and fight those who encourages it even in the highest places of our society,
Oh and Hollywood, that's all I need to say.
And let's not even talk about animal brutality and the destruction of ecosystems.
And there is more and more and more and more and more and FUCKING MORE,
All that because of reasons, reasons, reasons, reasons,
All stuck in a cycle of hate, violence and discrimination that just never ends.
The selfishness,
The greed,
And at end, everything is meaningless. There is just blood.
This is what this chapter represent the meaningless of it all. How everything goes to shit...
How everyone, whether it's the oppresor or the oppresed, will justify the violence, the injustice.
Society does nothing cause society right now runs for the entitled and the entitled only and creates it's own monsters.
I want to ask those people who defend the rumbling.
After everything we saw in this manga, after what the real world has commited, after how much these real events have inspired this story, how can you say it was the only way ?
After everyone hided Hange valuable informations including Eren who had information about KRUGER who was a spy in MARLEY. Who has created a civil war in Eldia and activated the rumbling while killing Eldian civilians in the way.
After seeing the mental breakdown of Bertolt, who we don't hear about anymore, Annie and Reiner's mental breakdown over GENOCIDING AN ENTIRE GROUP OF PEOPLE, by the way Reiner totally didn't develop another persona at that time to cope with what he was doing, HUH ?
After all the deaths, Carla, Grisha, Dina, Faye Marco, Levi's squad, Ymir, Erwin, Sasha, Hange, Hannes, Floch and many others, how can you go and be like "CHAD EREN, BEING DADDY, FUCKING HIS MEAT WAIFU, PHILOSOPHER FREEDOM SEEKER"
"104th crybabies... xDdDDDD Prfrpfr"
Come on...
This isn't serious at this point.
And for the H character, we're gonna come back for her but...
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This has sparked debates.
Some are thankful for this speech by the commander.
Others are finding it disingenous.
Others think it's too on the nose and not natural.
Others don't care.
On my part, I enjoy it but I take it with the context. Most of their airships have been destroyed and they are facing their doom upfront right now. It's more of a death plea at this point. Just like in the cave with Histor... GOD IT'S SO HARD SAYING HER NAME... with Historia who said truly horrible things at the point of an imminent death. At that moment, words like this can tell what you really are inside but even that is not enough to have a full picture.
It did have some interesting elements.
It is true, using, raising, breeding hate and shoving problems upon a group will always come bite you up the ass someday.
Marley in their extensive and violent coloniaslistic, imperialiatic behavior towards Eldia creates only weaknesses for them on an international field and create this monstruosity that is right now Eren.
Eren, a soldier who suffer from trauma and PTSD, who has terrible insecurities and everything to lose after losing so much and possibly in my book being influenced by another entity decides to kill them all.
In no way does that justify Eren's actions, in fact it goes against it.
He is just as angry and hateful as they were back then but instead of destroying the system, he decides to genocide.
Essentializing the whole world as your ennemy and problem, and deciding to get rid of it is just continuing what has been started and continued for hundreds of years before.
No one ever thinks about the simple families, the innocent children, the homeless...
What about them Eren ?
What about the people who faced discrimination like Ramzi ?
What about the other groups that are almost extinct just like yours ?
What about the groups that tried to support the Eldians but were considered freaks ? HUH ?
What about the babies and innocent children ?
Isayama is even spelling it out for you this chapter.
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Is he not worth it ? To stop all this ?
He was born into this world just like every other baby.
Look at that while everyone, is trying to jump off, their trying to save the baby. Even if it's probably impossible. That's humanity right there.
And... jesus christ...
I literally saw people who said that the mother was dumb to give it to the people because titans were behind them.
I can't even...
Imagine if Eren is the daddy of H's Baby and that he completes the genocide, killing his friends or even persuading them and at the end he is saying you are free to this baby.
So this baby is worth more than this baby ?
He is more legitimate to live than him.
I can't even imagine what the arguments would be like with the Eren stans:
"He's protecting his friends."
While literally challenging them to fight and right now trying to kill them.
"Well, you know the Rumbling is horrible but they got what was coming for them. They did nothing to help Paradise."
While forgetting the complexity of human nature, how banalization of these acts of violence have come to be BECAUSE...
These just like me and you are just simple people. With simple lives and not too much power who can't do anything about it.
Most of the people today sees all the suffering in the world, they just don't have the power, nor the will to go against such complex geo-political conflicts.
Would you be able to just resolve the Israelo-Palestinian conflict ? I don't think so, so shut your ass down with this argument.
These people can't change the world with power that they have and the one that has the power to change that, is killing them right now. BRAVO.
" Well, uh, the child is a child, parents might be racist and uh... child maybe is racist or will become racist..."
Just because someone has done horrible shits or is an horrible shit doesn't mean he should die like this.
Here it is people, how we work as human :
Fuck redemption and possible solutions, let's kill everyone who did something bad.
Y'all would have been perfect during monarchies time.
And like... having an argument on a baby should face genocide is just fucking disgusting.
That you are interested into what could bring the Rumbling in terms of thematics and story is fine.
Do y'all even hear yourselves sometimes ?
You just sound like every racist, bigoted, fascist and violent person that has ever existed.
You're just excited to see someone die because he commited something wrong, sadistic pricks.
You're no different. Perhaps the guy who was talking to Grisha in chapter 97, who was a Marleyan and gave serums to Eldian is right. When he was talking to Grisha, Isayama use it to break the fourth wall and talk to the readers.
Why do we watch this, all this violence ?
" Because it's fun!"
" People take peace for granted!"
" Of course we're abnormal in society's eyes."
" We wish to exterminate all eldians!"
" Your sister did nothing wrong. Shame she was an Eldian!"
The fun fact is that this guy is a racist fuck but he dies pushed by Kruger and killed by his very own creation: a titan.
Why do people endorse genocide ?
" Because it's justice!"
" They got what was coming for them!"
" Isayama is just showing us that genocide is not really wrong if you just understand the concept of morals. Puritans."
" Humanity can die, they deserve it!"
" I'm sad for Ramzi, he didn't do nothing wrong but you know... maybe he didn't have good ideas about Eldians."
While also saying why children could deserve genocide. \____@-@____/
Of course I found most of these on Reddit and 4chan, the nazi propaganda website. Tumblr is a little free of it.
Literally babies...
That remind me of somethin'...
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*put gloves on*
Natalie, bring the bucket, quick!
Of fuck she shitted on herself a little bit!
So ?
Y'all like my fanfic ?
It's about how Erehisu is canon and how Historia is actually thinking about Eren right now because she is blushing.
But also about how Historia actually looks good and sexy while being pregnant and how she looks so happy!
She also is a lesbian that turned straight.
I'm so proud of my work.
In all honesty...
This is... dissapointing and an insult to Historia fans. Why ? What is the purpose or the reason ? Being tragic ? To show how far Historia can go to protect her loved ones ? A female Eren so ?
I always leaned towards the fake pregnancy even if I don't know how something like that could be really pulled. I didn't understand this choice for his storytelling. The others I understand but this one...
What the fuck ?
So she really is pregnant ? But nothing leading up to it makes sense.
The character whose thematics still rings too much true for this arc is put in the background and as a breeding farm on top of that.
It even came to a point I started people to stop asking about her.
I had faith in her presence in the final arc. That she would have a role play.
But now ?
For people who don't understand why this aspect of story is wrong, we have to break it down.
First off, Historia one of the first queer characters with Ymir in SNK. Others are suspected but these two are the few that holds a definitive representation as queer.
Most often in media or in real life, LGBT people have been forced into a situation that requires them to fall under heterosexuals lives. Here Historia is forced to be pregnant, yes in a way she agreed because of her people, but at the same time she didn't really want it.
For queer people, like me, this still rings true. Too much true. People literally forces you to go for your opposite sex everytime, to have a family.
No, stop forcing your view of your own life or desire of life on other people.
The fact that the fandom rationalizes that and says that she is happy and in love with Eren is just so fucking weird.
It either is blind ship following, heteronormativity or not understanding the story.
And I saw people saying she might be bisexual. This doesn't change anything. Also ignoring the fact that she hasn't shown any attraction to men other than women in the story.
If she is bisexual, it doesn't change anything, she is still queer. Not semi-straight AND EVEN IF SHE WAS A WOMAN WHO HAPPENED TO BE STRAIGHT, SHE IS STILL FORCED INTO SOMETHING SHE DID NOT WANT.
Bisexual is not semi-straight, semi-gay.
It's bisexual.
Bisexual, Straight and Homosexuality are not the same thing.
And if she was straight, that doesn't make it acceptable. It's just sick.
Just because you're a straight woman doesn't mean you are going to be more happy or have god like duty to have kids.
I just don't understand it...
A manga who was so progressive with his female characters reduces Historia to this.
Just imagine...
Eren is the father. I would shoot myself in the face. A forced straight relationship at the end for the pleasure of shonen readers and heteronormative readers.
" What if I have baby, Eren ?"
" Only if it is from me. I want him to live and have FREEDOM!"
" It's open bar, honey." *saying this after hearing the guy says he's going to genocide which goes against her own values and actions as queen*
Ew... Just ew...
And even worse she wasn't supposed to give birth right now, she was supposed to give birth in a few months.
She could DIE. SHE IS 19. This is dangerous.
Everyone is like this is normal.
This goes against what she is supposed to have as a character development.
The fact that she would be okay for genocide while as a queen she reached out to the most weak and in need is fucking incoherent.
No. This doesn't make sense. Even Eren said that Historia's action as a queen were to help others. How could she be okay sitting at her house ? Telling no one about what Eren was going to do ? And becoming a breeding farm ? What is the logic in that ?
Why make it suspicious than ?
The only thing that was able to make any logical sense to me was that the person we are seeing here isn't Historia.
I know if my theory is right, it's sick, even more sick.
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The only times we saw Historia after the timeskip was during flashbacks, the reveal at 107 and possibly at the end of 123.
If this is her at the end of 123, I want to ask you why is she all prepared, why is she all dressed up and why is she wearing the same clothes in 134 that she is wearing 107. Something doesn't add up.
She is young, small-petite, blonde and her belly and face are hidden.
I was only able to go through the theory that this is a fake Historia. Than who it is than ?
Well, I searched for female characters who look like her or who could look like Historia right now. From all the characters that we haven't seen coming coming back and that has interacted with Historia, there is only one.
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Rico Brzenska.
For those, who don't remember her : She was a Garrison Member who helped Mikasa and Eren during the Trost Arc and also helped Historia while she was exhausted during the Clash of the Titans Arc.
She hasn't appeared ever since the start of the Return to Shiganshina Arc unlike many of the older characters.
She is the only one I see who could pass as Historia I think.
I know this is still sick. But this is the only way I would be able to make Historia get out of this crappy storyline and play some relevance in the story. And if we look at Rico and Historia in 107, they kinda look the same. They have the heart shaped face, they are both small and they both have this sort of closed eyelids.
One line that just stuck with me of Rico was:
"Hiding/Lying about Eren's rampage in the report wouldn't have benefited humanity. "
This was during Eren's trial before joining the Survey Corps. What was discused was when Eren lost control of himself during the Trost Arc and attacked Mikasa.
The second line that struck was the one where she holds Historia who is exhausted in her arms:
"Wow! Who is this girl, is she okay ?"
I don't know why it just pushed that theory. And I kinda believe it now, because no one can make me believe that there is something satisfying coming out of this. Why would she sacrifice herself for Historia ? Well, I don't really know but Rico was always a little wary of Eren, even after the Trost Arc but yeah ultimately for Rico being able to give her own life for Historia. I don't know about that. But with this manga you never now. It is a very dark and twisted theory but this is the only logical thing I can see right now since no answers have been provided.
Monkey is BACK
Zeke is back and like most of us predicted, Eren dragged him with him. And I'm not gonna lie, the way he was attached to the spine was pretty badass.
He is used as a puppet which reinforces the theory for me that all three of them: Eren, Ymir and Zeke are being used by the Attack Titan.
I cannot understand Eren's illogical behavior especially after seeing the train scene where he says he wants them to live long happy lives and than having him kill his friends.
Ymir the first being free and having eyes to returning to having no eyes just like before and Eren.
And Zeke would have never agreed to the Rumbling. And we can't see his eyes either.
Thank you, 104th for existing.
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After how much shit they have gone through and after how much the fandom, not just the Eren stans, have mocked them. Like the fandom has been the biggest asshole to the the Alliance while they were the ones who were able to survive through the sentence " Genocide is wrong!" that so many people seems to find to be so hard to say.
I will root for them until the bitter end, I don't care. They are the one who are fighting. You can call Cringevengers all you want but I am glad they are winning.
They all suffered like Eren but they didn't prioritize their own and only feelings above everything else and they stood by for the values they fought for since they joined the Survey Corps. Even if I have to admit they have, for most of them, conflicted feelings with what they were doing and have done things like trying to talk to Eren while it's obvious he wasn't going to talk and that in a situation like this I don't think someone would try to stop Eren by just talking.
Levi, and it would be foolish to not recognize it, is being consumed by his promise but he is restraining it and still is able to think about the bigger picture.
There's one thing I really like about this is Armin asking Eren:
"Eren... I'll ask you one last time... "What part of you is free" after we rip you out from there... "
Hehe... yes... what part of you is free ?
To be honest, there's many things I don't want for the ending.
A Lelouch Ending, it was all Eren's plan. Literally wouldn't make sense. No one would be questionning his free will and he wouldn't have these weird shits happening to him.
A Code Geass ending, why would Mikasa have to kill Eren, what does that add to her as a character ? More tragedy ? No she doesn't have the scarf, it's pretty telling what place she's at right now.
Eren being the daddy. NO, JUST NO.
Everyone dies, genocide is the right thing. You know all the worst shit that can happen.
But most of all I want important plot points to be explored and moved over because ever since the timeskip, there has been no important plot points out the way. Eren's behavior, Ackertalk, Bertolttalk, Historia's Condition, Paths stuffs, answers!
Whatever... Trust me Peace is not something I take for granted. Being proud of myself and having a life with the least conflict and problem is something you fight for. Having rights, being recognized as a human.
Never lose that, fight for it. But never with injustice, be smarter and stronger. Cause at the end what unites us is not only what we have in common but what the perspective of what we have not in common can make a bigger picture of what we are as humans. We all are different and have a different story with similarities but in the end, we are human and born into this world. And in that, we must move forward. In the present, because of the past and for the future.
We all wish for the problems to go away but if it's for the solutions to be rigged with injustice, it will not work. No one has acheived with genocide and never will.
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It's kinda sad that this long of a post has to say this. Did y'all see that ? Pretty inspiring what I wrote. Oh well you know what ? If they can be bigoted why can't I myself.
Here's a song I wrote:
(Fuck everyone and you.
We hate women
There are only 2 genders, the breeder and the breeded.
Everything is degenerate.
We hate brown, Arab and Muslim people.
Genocide is cool
And Hitler was too.)
I know but you know what, at least if they want a spy for Nazi Germany someday. They'll know not to give it to me because I'd laugh at the stupidity of the people just like you and I are doing with the rest of world cause for all the shits it gives us, it's entertaining.
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bbnibini · 4 years
PSISLY: An Obey Me!CYOA – fifty-eight🔖
> approved
> displaying capture targets
Mammon: 85♡/100♡
Satan: 85♡/100♡
Barbatos: 0♡/100♡
Lucifer: 5♡/100♡
@#&)(@)€RR0Я : ∞??!@????♡/10000000000♡
>approved }
[ Let him sleep for a bit more. ]
(Satan’s affection -5)
You suppose a few minutes on the snooze button wouldn’t hurt anyone. Satan had been working hard in the student council and barely had any time to take care of himself. Adrenaline also does marvellous things to someone in precarious situations. He may scold you about it later, but he’s rather cute when he’s angry anyway (totally worth it). Excuses continued to pile in your head as 2 minutes had passed—a poke on his cheek, then a whisper on his ear only earned you his half-asleep nuzzling on the hand that prodded him to wake up.
“Satan…” Almost a whisper. There was temptation in your thought, some mischievous nickname you’ve been wanting to call him urging to be uttered. Holding back a laugh, you strained your ears to the sound of the warning bell, keenly aware.
“Kitten~” An annoying tone that sounded similar to the sugary enunciation of Levi’s many waifus. Satan hated the fake accent with a burning passion. Deep green eyes squinted at you, now awake—a frown on his face.
“Your voice is fine the way it is.” He muttered (rather annoyed). Minor complaints is always a good sign of complete consciousness; you just hoped the extended sleep lessened his fatigue. “You should have woken me up.”
“I tried.” You took his outstretched hand and stood up, dusting your pants. “Will we make it?”
“No, but the janitor should still be around.” He said, matter-of-fact and checked his DDD. “I already texted Beel we’re going to be a little late.”
“Not Asmo—oh.”
Satan sighed. “He should really stop partying. Exams are nearing.”
“Maybe Solomon is tutoring him?”
“Makes sense. Oh, there’s the janitor.”
You have no idea how Satan does it. Even the surly RAD janitor looked almost cheerful when he was talking to him. In your weeks of being in that weird, unlabelled relationship with him, you went to several dates that you were vaguely aware of being impossible to book or access. But no. It always turns out he’s friends with the owner, the owner’s wife or the owner’s son’s friend’s favourite aesthetician or some variation. You weren’t the most sociable person you know, but his charismatic pull on people was influencing you as well. Positively. Asmo had noted that you were smiling more, you were easier to talk to, more patient and understanding, even earning Lucifer’s praise. The “understanding” you was wise enough not to gloat about it to your favourite (read: only) Avatar of Wrath. He may have mellowed down on his Lucifer Complex, but it didn’t mean that it was completely gone.
“What were we talking about before?” He asked you with a smile as he jogged over to you.
You smiled back. In the back of your mind, you couldn’t help but think:
I’m glad you’re the one I like.
With how he squeezed your hand and chuckled at your side, you were sure you said your thoughts out loud.
Oh well. Maybe you wanted to be heard.
Walking home was pleasant. Stars illuminated the sky amidst Devildom’s eternal darkness. The few conversations with Satan had been mundane, but comfortable. A promise of Lucifer’s rare dinners was intriguing, but you pretended to take no interest in it for your pouting companion’s sake. The only dead air you had was understandable: final exams were often not a very favourable topic, even to one as studious as Satan. He offered to teach you instead of answering Lucifer’s impossible reviewers and you readily agreed, bias be damned. Satan laughed at your antics.
“By the way, I kept your gift in a vase.” You said, swinging your intertwined hands as you walked along the pavement, pacing yourself with his strides. You knew he could walk a lot faster (he had long legs AND he’s a lot taller than you), but he seemed to be thinking the same way. You felt your face warm at the thought.
“Oh? I’d love to see it. Maybe we can study in your room after dinner.”
“Really?!” You couldn’t help but exclaim. “Studying with you is soooo much better. I could barely understand Lucifer’s notes T_T.”
Dinner was ready when you arrived, but it seems that Lucifer’s sermons had become your appetiser instead. You pretended to listen along, with Satan following suit. At least the fancy French-named meal you had that you couldn’t even spell was delightful.
“Don’t rush now—we’ve just eaten!”
Satan’s warning fell on deaf ears as you dragged him along, giddy and excited to show him his gift that brought you together.
Or so it should be.
You looked around your room, seeing your personal belongings in a clutter. You just tidied up your desk this morning so it doesn’t make sense.
“Is something wrong?”
Satan was concerned over your sudden paleness. “It’s not here…” A whisper, echoing louder as you repeated (by his request). “Your gift…it’s not here.” You showed him the empty glass vase; the corner of your eyes wet with tears. “It was here just this morning…” You started to tremble, and Satan held you gently in his arms to soothe you. “I changed the water often, and…and made sure it gets enough light. I even asked Asmo to help me! But…I lost it!” Your vision was getting blurry as Satan pried the vase away from your hands. He felt really warm, and his familiar cologne made you comfortable enough to air out your complaints.
“I can buy you a new one.” He said, kissing the top of your head. “I’m sure you really took care of it. I believe you, dearest.”
“Shh, it’ll be fine.” He loosened the hug and wiped your tears with his thumbs. The kind way he smiled at you was almost unfair. “I think I have an idea on where it went, actually.”
He was still holding you as you sat on your bed, fiddling with his DDD. He did not speak, but he didn’t let go either and even stroked your head occasionally.
You nuzzled his chest and sighed. “You’re really not angry at me?”
“For what?” He turned to you, as if the thought never crossed his mind.
“Nevermind,” It was difficult not to let it get to you. Even if he said he wasn’t blaming you for the misplaced flowers, it was still your responsibility to take care of them. “No…that’s wrong. I shouldn’t…keep secrets from you.” You scrambled over your words, noticing he already put his phone down and stopped frowning. You had his undivided attention, and he was clearly concerned over how...sad you are. You decided to tell him how you feel. “It really mattered a lot to me,” you explained, and looked up at him. “And, I feel bad I lost it. And feel even worse I’m overreacting—“
His lips were soft against yours—gentle and almost feather soft. You returned his kisses with your cheeks warm, and (you) laughably out of breath. He only smiled at you as your lips parted, your foreheads leaning against each other’s.
“It just means you love me.” He said as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, ironically followed by a more doubtful, “You do love me, don’t you?”
You couldn’t help but laugh in reply, his anticipated “Of course.”
Content with your answer, he pressed his lips against your forehead, a generous supplier of kisses and affection compared to his prim and proper self. “Just making sure.” Then again, that was typical Satan behind closed doors.
“Your culprit should have been apprehended by now.”
“Surely you have some suspects in mind. Or maybe suspect is a more accurate moniker for him.”
You do admit that you had some dark thoughts looming about. And even if you were fond of the demon in question, there was disappointment there also, betrayal if you’re being dramatic enough. “Must he really time his heist when Lucifer is around?”
“You’re way too nice, you know.” He said. “You’re spoiling him too much.”
His jealousy may be cute to you, but you were concerned about Mammon right now. Standing up, you wiped your eyes and jogged over to the bathroom sink.
“I hope Lucifer didn’t hang him upside down...” You said out loud as you washed your face to remove the puffiness of your eyes. Satan waited for you outside the door and shook his head. You splattered some water in your rush and wet a portion of your clothes in the process. “I’m fine now!”
“Your appearance says otherwise.” Satan, an eyewitness to your tears thoughtfully recounted to you.
“Still cute though.”
You puffed your cheeks and made light punches on his chest. “Let’s go down before something bad happens.”
He didn’t budge. Instead, he looked at you with a smirk.
“What if I want something to happen?”
He made a tsk sound, but let himself be pulled along this time.
This time is the nick of time.
…for Mammon looked at you as if you were an oasis in the middle of a desert. The blaring heat of the sun, which was the irate firstborn, already had a rope in hand, and the dunes, which were the passive onlookers that were his brothers (most of them; Asmo was visibly absent) only looked at the sight as if it were a typical day.
His pleading eyes were too pitiful to ignore. Satan already promised to give you a replacement bouquet, and isn’t this punishment a little too harsh?
“It’s okay, Lucifer.” Your words caused most of the brothers to express their disapproval. “It’s no harm done.” You mustered up your best smile to make your point. However, they only seemed to frown even further upon seeing your expression.
“You’re the worst Mammon,” said Levi, your ever supportive best friend who seemed to have forgiven your recent blunders.
“They’re clearly not okay,” added Belphie, clutching his cow pillow to his person.
“It looks like you made them cry,” or so you thought what Beel said. You couldn’t really be sure because he was talking with his mouth full.
“I can confirm.” Satan glared at Mammon and held you close to him. “I had to calm them down since they were crying so much. Clearly it’s more than just a gift to them.”
No. But you really are fine!
“I understand why you’re trying to defend Mammon, but you are obviously upset about the situation.” Lucifer finally spoke after his long moment of silence. “Your smiles are forced, and you’re going back to your old habits again.” Habits? Before you could ask him what he meant, he continued speaking.
“He had already sold it, and it could never be returned, along with its sentimental value. If he would not be punished or reprimanded for his actions, then he will only do this again, all because you tolerate him. And before you open your mouth, I am not done talking.” Lucifer put the rope down and let Mammon go. “Would a lighter punishment suffice?”
Mammon, who was about to make a run for it, was blocked by a concerned Beel who placed him back on the hot seat. It reminded you of police investigations—only that the said “culprit” did not have any chair or table to sit on, and the fluorescent lightbulb hanging overhead was instead a fancy chandelier in the common room. Mammon looked at you again with pleading eyes.
You really could not ignore him!
“What kind of punishment?” You tried to smile at Mammon, relieved to see he looked a lot less tense with you as his backup.
“He hasn’t even apologised to you yet.” (Levi)
Incensed, Mammon shouted. “Well, how can I when y’all are talkin’ over me?!” He turned to you. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I needed quick cash and didn’t have any choice! I didn’t know it meant somethin’ to ya!”
Wrong answer.
“Get the rope, Beel.” (Belphie)
“Tie him up nice and tight—no maybe I should, as I was the one who purchased their gift anyway.” (Satan)
“Children.” Boomed Lucifer’s voice in the common room, holding Mammon by the shoulder. There was a terrifying glare in his eyes, a cold atmosphere about him that you could feel though you were standing across from him, protected by Satan’s own warmth. Thank Satan. No, hail Satan.
“As you can already tell, remorse is an alien term to him. Expecting any from Mammon is impossible.” Second-hand embarrassment perhaps? There was definitely shame there with intent of inflicting bodily harm. You heard Mammon yelp in pain as Lucifer’s gloved fingers dug into his clavicle, intent on not letting him go. Mammon was understandably skittish. Everyone except you seemed to have him on their hit list, and you were not in the most stable state of mind at the moment to defend him properly. In fact, the harder you tried, the angrier his brothers become. If he weren’t in this situation, he would have reacted the same way.
“…however,” Lucifer continued, the already bone-chilling atmosphere becoming even more ominous as his lips curved up into a smile. “Out of respect for your affections for my dear little brother, I shall modify my punishment into a more…productive one.”
“Productive?” you parroted.
“Ahh, of course. By productive, I meant academically productive.” Mammon’s face paled at the firstborn’s words. “As long as he scores 75% and above in all of his tests, I will let this little incident slide. Any lower than that, and he will get the rope AND clerical work for a month.”
“W-What?! I haven’t even hit a 50 in 500 years!”
Smile. Poor Mammon was petrified.
“That’s your problem, not mine.”
A piercing cry echoed in the room. Mammon, with tears on the corner of his eyes held you by the shoulders and shook you. Satan attempted to pull you back to his side to no avail.
“He’s mad! Like, crazy mad! I couldn’t score so high even if Devildom freezes over!”
You were a diligent student at RAD—the novelty of almost everything around you had been a wonderful learning experience, so more often than not, studying (at least Devildom-related subjects) had been more of a hobby to you than an obligation. Satan had been encouraging you in your scholarly pursuits as well, so you couldn’t really understand where Mammon was coming from. Not completely, at least. You may love learning, but exams are another matter. That at least, you can get a sense of.
Lucifer’s words are final—it was an unspoken truth. He rarely ever compromises on his decisions, believing his way of doing things is the only correct one. The fact that he listened to you and considered your feelings was already miraculous. You didn’t want to push your luck. Doing so might only worsen Mammon’s punishment. Instead, you chose to calm your friend down by placing a hand on his own shoulder. You looked at him, hoping your willingness to help him and support him as your first shined through the glint of your eyes.
“Don’t worry, Mammon! I’ll help you study!”
However you wish to placate him however, it didn’t necessarily mean it could be conveyed to the concerned party. Satan didn’t seem amused about the situation either, acting as a barricade between you both, green eyes flickering the flames of his sin you were vaguely aware he was keeping at bay.
“You have some nerve to ask someone who you have stolen from.” You saw his eyes widen for a fraction of a second, lips smirking as if calculating something in his head. “Actually, I have an idea!”
Whatever that idea was, it's totally malicious, Levi muttered to himself (enough for you to hear).
“Y-Your ideas are stupid!” (Mammon)
“So is stealing and making the human I love cry.”
Levi looked at the both of you in disgust, disgusted even more at himself for his prophetic words. Beel almost choked on his French fry. Belphegor jolted from his half-asleep state, and Lucifer…Lucifer didn’t stir. In fact, it seemed like he anticipated the compulsive love confession. His face hinted no ounce of shock nor disgust—only the comfort of indifference. You wanted to ask if that is a consequence of his complicated relationship with Satan; you closed your mouth instead. But closing your mouth only made you entertain Satan’s bold declarations. Your face felt warm all over, your heart palpitated as if it’s ready to jump out of you. Conscious of the eyes peering at your embarrassing reactions, you hid behind Satan, seeing his reddened ears from your peripheral.
If Asmo was around, you were certain he would be teasing you right now (that or snapping some pictures for Devilgram). Thank goodness he’s not around.
Sadly, you could not see how Satan’s face flushed upon realising what he said. “What I was saying before I was rudely interrupted.” No such attempt of interruption was ever committed, but everyone was too dumbstruck to retort. “I can help you. Since I have already promised them we will study together anyway. In fact, I want to propose a study group. So everyone can bear witness to my dear older brother accomplishing something for himself, and contributing to Devildom’s increase in morale in the process, especially with the current political unrest. I’m sure you already know.”
The only thing you were privy to witness/hear from your current hidden state was how scary he sounded. He wasn’t even trying to be subtle with his sarcasms anymore.
“Sounds delightful. Doesn’t it, Mammon?” Lucifer responded with sarcasm mirroring Satan’s. “A willing tutor and a chance to right your wrongs. I trust that everyone will invite themselves over as well? I quite like the sound of it—increasing Devildom’s morale. Everyone will go, won’t they?”
The bloodlust directed at Mammon only increased as Lucifer dropped his silent warnings. And the oblivious you, still afloat in your pink-themed shoujo manga fantasy was blanketed by the foreboding reality of your future. You only grew aware of it once Mammon asked to talk to you privately. He knew enough that going through the study session was an intent to ridicule him. He was bothered about how he made you cry, but he felt it unfair to be treated like this anyway and you couldn’t help but agree.
“I’m sorry, Mammon. I tried my best to negotiate, but Lucifer’s words are final.”
“…m’sorry too.” He muttered quietly, and only shouted his words again when you asked for it to be repeated. “I really meant it when I said I didn’t know it mattered to ya.”
“I know. I trust you Mammon.”
“AHHH! To hell with this! Why are you so nice to me?” He shook your shoulders again, much like how he did earlier at the common room. “Anyone ever called you a pushover? Cos you are! Get angry at me, dammit!”
Angry? Sure, you were sad, but…
“You’re the Avatar of Greed and you couldn’t help it, can’t you?”
Mammon stopped shaking you, dumbfounded. “Satan already promised to replace my flowers, and sure I’m still really sad about it, but in the end…everything worked out. There’s no use beating myself up over it anymore. Not if we have exams to pass!
He was red as a tomato. He backed away from you and faced the nearby wall, pounding it one, two, three, four…the fifth and final one the strongest, causing the paintings hanging nearby to shake a little.
“…glad…didn’t…misplace…locker…” You couldn’t really hear him. He seemed to be muttering something for his ears alone. And when you thought the long-spanned silence meant he was ready to talk to you again, he let out a lifetime’s worth of sighs. Ah. He’s facing you. Not as flustered anymore.
“Look…the Great Me is touched you’re such a good human! But…”
Mammon hesitated. “I need a miracle to get 75% in all of my subjects. Satan? Nah! He’s out to get me! A target on my back, no offense! But yer boyfriend’s crazy!”
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
“No? Then whaddya call that cozying up to you for? I ain’t stupid, y’know?”
Mammon shrugged, feigning indifference but his gestures had been awkward. Almost sad. “Point is, I need a new tutor. And Satan won’t let you tutor me. Not alone, at least.”
“I still don’t see your point?”
“Patience’s a virtue. A virtue! You’re all buddy buddy with Asmo, aren’t ya?”
“I…guess?” It isn’t like Mammon to drag his point across. It almost felt like you’re connecting the dots. “What about Asmo?”
You don’t like that grin on his face. That’s his ‘I have a genius plan!’ look. None of said plans ever worked, its genius equally questionable.
“Oh c’mon! It’ll work this time! He’s some wise old, king from some ravioli country, isn’t he? Maybe he’ll even help me score higher! That’ll show Lucifer!”
“It’s Israel.”
“Israel, Ishmael. Whatever! So, will you help me out?”
Realistically speaking, it was the best option for Mammon to consider. Belphie another, but Belphie barely remembers even going to class. How he manages to pass (with flying colours even) despite that was a mystery in itself. “I’ll try texting him. He said he’s with Solomon right now…so it might work out.”
Mammon smacked your back, letting out a hearty laugh. “That’s my human for ya! I knew you had it in ya!”
Asmo’s messages reeked of drunk: numerous stickers and typo errors that you decided to call him instead. Mammon looked over your shoulder and shared an earbud with you. You felt his muscles tense.
“Hello, Asmo?”
Loud was your first thought as party music blared on the receiver. There were muted conversations also, along with incomprehensible shouting. You heard Asmo’s voice much later, a hiccup or two before slurring out a “Helloooooooooo?”
“You’re drunk, aren’t you?”
“You know that alcohol isn’t good for your skin.”
Asmo sniffled in understanding, touched by your concern. You heard him move over to a quieter environment, hearing the name Solomon uttered before placing the phone back to his ear.
“You HAVE to go to the spa with me this weekend! This much damage to my skin is offensive! Offensive I tell you!” You didn’t speak, knowing he had more stories to recount. Mammon grew impatient from behind however, and you only shook your head at him. “Sure! The usual place, right? That aside, what happened?”
The words Asmo was waiting for! He poured his heart out upon your verbal signals. “Remember that super important thing I have to go to? It’s this party~♡ I already told you, didn’t I?”
“Mhm. Something about being summoned?”
“Exactly, exactly!~” Asmo was happy you remembered. Not that it was surprising. With someone as beautiful as him? He’d surely be a hard face to forget. Your genuine interest in him however was special. It felt like you really meant it, that you weren’t just after his beauty (even if he couldn’t quite understand and didn’t mind in the slightest, if you were interested in him solely for his looks).
“Solomon summoned me and said his mage friends were fans of mine~ And who am I to deny them?~ They invited me over to their exclusive party~! It’s teeeeeming with mages here and they’re all, like…hot. Can you believe it? When someone says, wizard friends, you’d automatically think of wrinkly old men, right?~”
“Surely not everyone there is hot.”
“To see is to believe, darling!~ Beauty is meant to be surrounded with beauty~! Isn’t it soooooo thoughtful of him to introduce me to his friends? His hot friends?”
Mammon placed the bud back on your ear, making a cross mark with his arms and shaking his head. He knew what kind of discussion was coming, and he’d rather not hear it. He sat next to you though and leaned on the wall, pretending to be interested over a painting from three centuries ago.
Needless to say, you had a blast talking with an inebriated Asmo, blushing occasionally over some details he shared with you, and blushing even more when he asked about your current standing with his fourth-born brother. You saw Mammon’s eyes roll on occasion, feeling like a father dragged by his wife and teenage daughter as a glorified trolley on their shopping trip. You managed to get a yes from Asmo however, convincing him not to get too carried away to attend the first group study session tomorrow along with Solomon. It hadn’t been as easy to convince him however, especially when he said,
“I’ll try asking him~ But I can’t make any promises.”
“Why not?”
“He’s busy with something. He always is.  Sometimes he tells me, sometimes he doesn’t. That’s how pacts work, darling~♡.”
Fair enough. He did offer for you to talk to the man in question himself to ask him directly, and he had been unexpectedly gracious.
“Sure.” Was Solomon’s curt reply, making you raise an eyebrow. Not that he could tell.
“That’s it? No catch?”
“You want it to have one?” You shuddered at the thought. Your silence was already telling for him. “I take that as a no.”
“It must be the alcohol, huh? Getting in your head much?” You heard him laugh at the other end.
“Oh, definitely. Lady Luck had smiled upon you.”
“…I’ll have Satan push it back a few hours. Tell Asmo to take care of himself for me!”
“Yeah. Bye.”
And that was it. Mammon was safe. Everyone’s happy!
Until they’re not. There were a mountain of complaints and you haven’t even started yet!
Belphie fell asleep on the study table, Beel ate all the snacks. Levi was busy ignoring everyone else, intent on playing “just one more round” of Mononoke Land (it had been 15 rounds and counting). Lucifer was absent, saying he would arrive late for a reason he refused to elaborate, and Asmo was throwing up last night’s Demonus bombs. Satan was the only “sane” one as always, drumming his fingers on his crossed arms and holding back his anger.
To add insult to injury, Mammon kept pestering you about Solomon’s whereabouts. The more I don’t knows you said, followed by I’m not really close to him only made him ask more. And truthfully speaking? Much like Satan, you felt like you were running out of patience as well.
“MAMMON, SHUT THE @#@#@$$@ UP!”
It looked like Satan finally snapped.
You closed your eyes and ducked your head, successfully dodging the blackboard’s debris. Judging from Levi’s loud cries of pain however, his efforts of dodging had been a failure. The door creaked in that awkward calm of the aftermath, revealing Solomon, greeting everyone with “Hi.” in singsong, completely oblivious of what occurred before his arrival.
“Did we come at a bad time?” You were curious at his we, and focused your eyes at the door to see Simeon and a dumbstruck Luke (currently processing what transpired) standing behind him.
Seeing as you were the only one who was…okay enough to reply, you muttered out,
“Maybe we should do this at Purgatory Hall.”
The three of them agreed in a heartbeat. Yeah. Awkward.
💌continue to next scenario
💌tag request: @lilliansstuff
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mannatea · 4 years
Excuse me I want the opinions about the apocalyptic humans are the real monsters please!
>Are you sure you would like to board this train?
Anyway, sure! I have a lot of thoughts. And opinions. And considerations. Hopefully this train of thought is worth the trip. All aboaaaaard!
Part I: This Mentality Doesn’t Exist in Just Fiction!
I take issue with this phrasing as a general rule because humans are still human. Calling them “monsters” for their evil deeds—something everyone is capable of performing, by the way—is just...asinine to the nth degree. Sure, we’d all like to imagine we’re not capable of Great Evil, but WE ARE. 
I don’t want to dive into Purity Police Politics here, but here’s a question for (general) you: where is the line drawn? What makes a “bad” person “a monster” vs. just being a bad/thoughtless/careless person? 
I think we can all agree that objectively some acts are evil. If you’ve been following the news this year, you probably have a million examples, but (TRIGGER WARNING FOR THIS LINK) here’s a particularly terrible one; they even call the abusers monsters in this news article. Why? I think you know why. They want to emotionally distance themselves. They want to believe that these people are unique in their ability to cause harm and suffering to another human being.
But WOWEE!!! Spoiler alert: the writer is just as capable of abuse as the people who committed the crime!!!!
Don’t get me wrong, I think most people are UNLIKELY to commit a crime like that, or even hurt another person with malicious intent or hatred in their hearts. But to pretend we are not all capable of it is putting yourself on a pedestal above the rest of humanity, and...I dunno. That’s awfully cocky.
Tumblr in particular loves to talk about toxicity and abuse, and they love to paint themselves as “better than” or “above” that behavior, but 1) we are all capable of toxicity, have been problematic in our lifetime, and have probably done something abusive to someone else at one point or another, and 2) we must remember that this is true of everyone else as well as ourselves. The important thing is that we strive to behave better, to learn to recognize when we are hurting someone else, to CARE THAT WE MIGHT BE HURTING SOMEONE ELSE, and to actively work to just be better/kinder people.
I totally get the desire to call a cruel, abusive, or evil person “a monster” but THEY ARE NOT. They are people. People are not infallible. Monsters by definition are imaginary creatures, but the abuse these people inflict is real. The crimes are real. The hurt is real. The effect these people have on those around them is as real as they themselves are, and to pretend for even a moment that it’s not, that they are somehow separate from  you and I, that the rules apply differently for them than you and I, is just...harmful? 
Because again, where do you draw the line? 
Part II: Using Monster as an Insult
Monsters are creations, always, as they are by definition imaginary creatures. I think some might look to the Nature vs. Nurture Debate when it comes to criminal acts to try and justify their use of the word “monster” to refer to people like the abusers in the link above (aka: “society shaped them into that, it was never their natural inclination”) but that feels vaguely like cherry-picking to me, and I don’t like it.
Also, “Monster” is used as such a joking insult online these days (you’re a monster for dissing my anime waifu headcanons) it’s lost its bite if it ever had it to begin with. My beloved cat CiCi’s nickname was ‘Monster’ because the first Christmas I had her she rolled around on the Christmas presents and hissed at anyone who tried to move them. We also have an energy drink named Monster. Cookie Monster. Created ‘monsters’ with their own lore like werewolves and vampires and kelpies and Bigfoot.
So you risk one of three things by calling someone a monster: 1) it comes across like a joking insult/cute pet name, 2) you’re putting them on par with beings that literally do not exist except in fiction, and that half of this hellsite wants to fuck MANY people actually enjoy talking/reading about as part of an entire literary genre, or 3) you’re saying they’re literally not human beings and therefore not worth being considered as such.
None of these options are good.
Part III: “Humans Were the Real Monsters All Along!™”
Maybe when literacy levels were super low and only the wealthy had the leisure time and access to literature they could read for fun, this kind of reveal was Intriguing, but I’m here to tell you that it’s never been interesting to any person who has lived in the real world, like, ever.
I feel like for children this may be different (I dunno, as a child you don’t always understand what’s going on around you/are more likely to be sheltered from these kinds of truths outside of fiction), but I highly doubt that, say, peasants in 1620 weren’t well aware that humans were capable of evil.
Sure, they did the same thing we like to do and called people who committed particularly heinous acts ‘monsters’ (probably for the same reasons we do as well as because they wanted to believe they were safe in their communities and that their neighbors were also different and not capable of doing that sort of thing) but again you see the general level of denial:
This person is not like me.
I am different.
I must call them something else.
Which, yes you are different, but the difference is NOT in WHAT you are, it’s in HOW YOU ACT and the emotions you act upon!
Society has a history of doing this separation, and of revealing in fiction that humans are actually the real monsters, but again, those of us who exist in the real world already know that human beings are capable of great evil. Even if we are surprised by the level of vileness or not is irrelevant; we all know that logically this kind of thing happens in the real world and that human beings are responsible for it.
Part IV: Bad Reveal. BAD!
In some pieces of media, the writers go out of their way to be like, “THE MONSTERS WE’VE HATED ALL THIS TIME AND HAVE BEEN FIGHTING WERE ONCE HUMAN LIKE US. WE COULD BECOME LIKE THEM! OH NO!”
Let’s look at zombies, a monster created for the sake of this kind of narrative. They were “once human” but are now mindless beings completely unaware of the hurt they are inflicting, even on those they might have known in their lifetime. Zombies can infect living human beings, turning them into zombies. The humans in these stories don’t want to become zombies, so they fight the zombies (with varying results, depending on the particular piece of media you choose to consume).
Zombie stories have a huge cult following; people love this kind of thing. On the surface you might think zombie stories fit the above narrative, and they do, but like...literally. “They were human once but aren’t anymore!” is almost never a reveal in these stories; it’s something everyone already knows and is actively fighting against.
"Humans are the real monsters” rarely has much to do with the zombies. It almost always occurs when a human in the group of survivors betrays the others in a big way.
The betrayer is then painted as the REAL monster here, the REAL threat. You might notice that lot of post-apocalyptic and/or humans-vs.-monsters fiction follows the same pattern: humans fight monsters, (optional ingredient: the monsters were once human!), and then they find out that Actually, Humans Were the Real Monsters All Along!
Again, anyone reading this post already knows that. They go out in public and see people who can’t be assed to wear a mask. “Wah it itches.” “Wah I can’t breathe.” “Wah it’s inconvenient for me and I’m not infected I know I’m fine!”
These same maskless fools would tell you to your face that the betrayer in these stories is a monster. They themselves, however, are not capable of hurting other people! They’re better than that! That person is a monster! They would never betray their allies. Except they do, every day, by refusing to wear a mask to protect other people from themselves. “Just in case” isn’t a good enough reason for them because it’s an inconvenience and they don’t like how it feels.
Sure, wearing a mask during a pandemic seems like such a small thing compared to, you know, betraying your fellow survivors in the apocalypse, but you have to consider context. If wearing a mask during a pandemic that has literally killed huNDreDS oF thousands is so inconvenient they won’t even wear it for the 3 minutes they are in the gas station...would you trust this person in a post-apocalyptic setting? Would they gather food for a physically disabled survivor? Would they literally fight to protect someone ill? Share resources fairly? You know if they can’t wear a mask for three minutes in a whole damn day they wouldn’t step up like that. They could easily end up being the betrayer in a situation like that. They’ve never been desperate enough to do something like that before, and they probably don’t think they’re capable of it now, but we know what they do when something is a minor inconvenience to them. Imagine a major inconvenience. Imagine their whole life being turned upside-down!
My issues with the reveal of “Humans are actually the real monsters!” are many, but the biggest issue I take with it from a writing perspective is that it’s almost never accurate when you look at the scope of the story.
Tens of thousands of zombies vs. one (1) betrayer: and you’re telling me the betrayer is the real monster? The bigger threat??? BULLSHIT. Sure, it takes a real asshole to betray people during the literal apocalypse, but that act doesn’t take away from the fact that they are human, LET ALONE the fact that using this particular point as a Big Important Reveal tells me you’re a shit writer who thinks you’re smart.
(For the record, you might have a character who will prioritize this and consider that betrayer the bigger threat, but we’re not talking about character development/motivations so much as overarching narratives the writer includes in the story separate from that.)
Anyway, I’m not saying stories with this premise in them are shit, I’m saying that this concept as a big plot reveal/climax of a story is shit. How can this even be a reveal worth revealing? Has anyone ever turned on the news?
Part V: Drawing the Line and Other Particulars
I definitely do not have the expertise or the experience to make this a detailed point, so please forgive me for that, but let’s talk about that line again, because this point absolutely cannot be overlooked.
Where is it? What makes one person who commits a crime or evil act a monster and not another? Is it the act committed? Their mental state? What about the mentally ill? What about neurodivergent people? What about children?
As an extreme example: is a woman who throws her baby off a building a monster? NO!!! SHE’S HUMAN and she did something terrible. We might like to say we’re different and we would neVeR do that, but we don’t know because we have never been in her shoes. We are missing context even the courts will never have or fully grasp. We do not know or understand her mental state no matter what the doctors say. Calling her a monster doesn’t do anything but put her in a separate category from the rest of us, which is harmful on SO many levels, starting with the fact that it means nobody talks to her, nobody gets her side of the story, nobody listens, and so we have no perspective, no understanding, no desire to learn.
Things like this are why it took so long for PPD to even begin to be understood, and why EVEN NOW women are afraid to talk about it and all related issues. I follow a ob-gyn on YouTube and the amount of women in her comments who thank her (oftentimes VERY emotionally) for openly saying it’s normal to not immediately feel a connection to your baby when they are born is mind-blowing. Not everyone will feel that! Sometimes you have to get to know your baby because they are an individual person and that is how love works for some people! But 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 100 years ago: that was unthinkable to admit. You lied about it and you felt like a terrible person instead. What kind of mom doesn’t love their baby instantly? You must be the worst. Meanwhile, the woman you’re getting your information from doesn’t feel that bond either and is lying about it because she feels pressured and just as bad as you do. All this suffering, and for what?! Stigma. Being told you’re not human if you don’t feel like that.
Don’t you know the bond with that baby suffered from this issue, too? Don’t you think it affected the parent/child relationship for the rest of their lives?
Not everyone who commits a crime falls into a category like this, and maybe the woman in my example doesn’t either, but I hope your takeaway is that calling people monsters keeps them separated from other people to the point where their story becomes just as fictional as the monsters they are called, and when it is heard it is enjoyed as fiction, rather than seriously considered.
Let’s not pretend that this separation of humanity into “human” and “not human” based on the way someone acts hasn’t hindered progress in the mental health/medical fields for everyone. When people are not considered human they are not given human treatment, rights, consideration, or empathy.
Part VI: TL;DR:
we are all human and capable of doing bad things.
the difference between a bad person and you or I is a lot more complex and multilayered than “they did a terrible thing and I did not do that terrible thing.”
calling people ‘monsters’ for the bad things they do dehumanizes them and may:
strip them of responsibility for their actions by insinuating they were born that way or they aren’t actually human like you and I, and/or
prevent them from getting the help they need/from others who have not done anything bad yet getting the help they need
it’s not a good reveal in fiction
because most of us already know people commit evil acts,
and it is oftentimes is presented in a way that doesn’t actually make sense for the story.
Sorry that it got long and probably isn’t very well organized! I wrote it in bursts at work. But anyway yeah...
I don’t mind when characters feel this way about other characters, but to see it used as a narrative feature/reveal/et cetera in fiction is like, so tiresome. No shit, Sherlock. I turn on the news. I followed true crime for a while. WE ALL KNOW PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF DOING TERRIBLE, AWFUL THINGS TO OTHER LIVING THINGS.
Having *that* be your big reveal in a story is so childish it embarrasses me to see it. Wow, congrats on figuring out something at 47 that the rest of us learned on the playground before we turned 7!
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Tower Of God Anime Episode 1 Breakdown
Spoilers so Anime only’s beware.
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-The two hot boys have shown up. Interesting they’re both under honor and pride, since the two hate each other’s guts. Hatz strives to bring honor as swordsman and places a lot of his pride into that. Meanwhile, Khun strives to regain his honor taken away from him after his exile, and his overwhelming pride causes problems for him.
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-In this small scene, there’s so much symbolism about Endorsi’s character. First, we focus on her shoes, which links to the idea of how Jahad’s Princesses are called the shoes in the king’s showcase. Right now, she is a shoe, walking towards her destiny of entering the tower. Then we get a shot of her face, a mix of adorable and pretty. These two shots indicate what everyone sees when they first meet Endorsi, a princess and then just a pretty face. Until it finally pulls back and shows the many other shoes in the showcase, to which Endorsi is compared to and what people hope she becomes. However, she stands outside the case because she wants freedom from her duties as a princess.
-Another interesting thing about the showcase shot is that while Endorsi is at first front and center, she’s ultimately dwarfed by the many other shoes that come into frame, showing that even if she’s a princess, she’s just one of many and can easily be made (replaced) again.
-The power and influence line shows Endorsi wants. She wanted power to become stronger than the other girls at her home, and eventually she gained it. Now she wants power to become a popular princess, which will give her influence. With her influence she might be able to change something about the princess system, just like what Yuri wants.
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-Shibisu is under the money and wealth, replacing Narae. Now, we don’t actually know Shibisu’s backstory. We’ve gotten hints of it such as someone taking something from him, but we don’t know the full story. Might this give a clue into his past?
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-Anaak is probably the most easiest to explain. She wants revenge on the Jahad family for her mother and father’s deaths. However she eventually mellows out with this, preferring to keep her teammates safe then strive for revenge (like in the Name Hunt Station Arc)
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-Rak wants to transcend all. Basically become stronger than anyone, and he’ll gain this power by hunting down strong prey and proving he’s stronger.
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-I can’t really do an analysis of the op cause most of it is just Bam walking and stuff, so here are my fav shots (Though the yellow one scares me). Interesting that we get a shot of the Jahad symbol in the op, though it makes sense with just how important it is. Though I don’t know what was up with the bird. I guess it’s meant to represent freedom, but ToG is more full of water metaphors than sky. (Also the only time birds are relevant in ToG is when they appear and then die)
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-I love Rachel’s little smile after Bam tells her he doesn’t want her to go up the tower. It seems like she’s smiling to calm him down and explain the situation, however you can also see the fakeness in it. She isn’t smiling because she feels bad for Bam, she’s smiling because she feels like she has to.
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-This shot still confuses me. It’s like the tower itself is vibe checking Bam.
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-Bam subscribes to the “No Waifu, No Laifu” train of thought. And just as I predicted, people are already calling him a simp. I guess I can let it pass for now, but’s gonna get annoying if people keep calling him that, even after S1.
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-Thus, the meeting that forever changed the tower’s fate has occurred. And it all started with a kick to the face.
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-Seeing Yuri and Evan together makes me happy. They’re such a great duo that feel better together than split. Also I’m interested in the language they’re using. Is it a real world language, fake, or a mix of a few languages? Either way, it seems that Yuri and Evan might be able to understand each other without a Pocket (maybe because Evan’s guide abilities allow him to know every language in the tower?)
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-Gotta say, the CGI looks very crappy, especially in mix with the extremely cartoony style of ToG. Hope we don’t get to much of it.
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-Why are they saying Non-Regular. It’s supposed to be Irregular. The trailers got it right, so why is this different?
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-Love how Bam’s the only one who reacts to the threat of execution. Evan and Yuri probably hear that on a daily basis so it doesn’t matter as much.
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-Yuri went from shitting on him to wanting to fuck him in a second. Normally I’d criticize such a thing but since Yuri has a different agenda, and the circumstances between princesses and men, I can’t blame her for wanting a handsome man to go up. (Seriously all the princesses must be sexually frustrated)
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-Anaak’s my favorite girl in S1, but I think Yuri’s gonna convert me if she has more of these great faces.
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-Another translation error, but one also translated wrongly in Japanese. It’s supposed to be needle, but they say katana (sword in japanese). If I’m remembering correctly, only one 13 Month Weapon is actually a sword.
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-Poor Evan. Then again, even if it seems he has a weak hold on her, he’s probably the best one for the job. Since he’s one of the highest ranking guides, he’s probably stuck taking care of either hard to handle or strong princesses.
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-Their relationship is adorable. I have a thing for tall girl x short boy and this fulfills it all the way. Also, Yuri saying she hates being bored is really telling of just how much of an adventurous spirit she has. Even in the tower where things are hectic all the time and she works under Jahad and Wingtree, she still desires a world outside of the norm. I wonder if meeting Phantaminum really broadened her horizons that much?
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-Love seeing all the buildup just to get to Bam being eaten. It’s a great way to subvert expectations from him just cutting it normally. Also in the manwha, Yuri says the needle is for stabs and pierces, probably giving Bam the idea of entering the eel.
-Also Yuri for best big sister in anime pls.
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-”Welp, let’s go home”
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-Yuri was about to try and punt an administrator. How can she walk in such dense shinsu with balls as heavy as hers
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-Can we talk about the amount of trust in Yuri and Evan’s relationship. Sure, Yuri protested when grabbed by Evan, but when she heard that Bam had taken the right path she immediately stopped fighting or rushing to break in there. Even if she couldn’t figure out what the path was supposed to be, she believed in Evan’s words that Bam had done it right and stopped fighting.
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-Bam’s gonna need a bath
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-I love these two shots. Just the raw determination Bam has is inspiring. We should all be like Bam, except maybe focus that determination into a hobby or work instead of stalking a girl.
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-Yuri about to punt Headon part 2
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-This scene had me tearing up. No matter how horribly the two’s relationship progresses in the future, this scene will always be sweet because it’s the two’s raw, positive emotion. Bam was stuck down there for weeks, months, maybe even years, and finally someone comes along and says they’ll be there with him. Even if he didn’t leave the cave, his world got brighter just by having Rachel there. I’m glad they included this scene because it shows why Bam is so desperate to get Rachel back, to get his light back.
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-This is precious
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-I can’t believe I’m actually saying this but Rachel looks adorable
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-These shots are so simple yet so powerful. If only they could have stayed like this
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-Bam is smooth. This dude spent years in a dark hole with no one to talk to and yet he can still pick up girls. Also I think this scene shows that Bam and Rachel have more of a sibling relationship. Ruffling his hair is more of a big sister type of thing.
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-Based on Yuri’s reaction, this is probably the most determined she’s seen Evan
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-Black March is top tier waifu material even though she’s just a needle. I like that the animators made her look more mature. It shows that she’s an old weapon without needing to say it.
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-I love how Black March’s preference in men was a superstition. Also can we talk about Evan’s face in the last panel? It’s beautiful.
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-Honestly, it’s hard to tell who’s in charge of who
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-That feeling when a sexy, needle lady will never hold you in her arms, why even live?
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-I love how Bam’s first reaction to entering a new place was to eat it’s grass. Bless this precious child
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-And finally, it ends off with the RaKhunBam trio. I’m so happy to see all three of them together.
This episode had it’s good points and it’s bad points but either way I’m excited for the rest of this journey, especially seeing the anime onlys reactions.
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pryotra · 4 years
Random head cannons coming through !!!!!
Proto Mordred was very shy and quiet when he was younger but because of coming into and living in Camelot at a young age forced him to make him chatty as in to not only to adapt in his new environment but to SURVIVE in it.
He also seems to be well-verse in many things especially magic, science and politics so some people are surprised that he knows a lot of things bcs he looks like the type of person who doesn’t give a sh!t about education. I also constantly see him being in the library often to the point that some ppl joke and speculate that he lives in the library. But that’s mostly because he enjoys reading and educating himself????
I also see him as a mage or wizard. Practically he has magic and uses them very well but doesn’t outright use them. Like, the only time he uses them consciously is by feeling vibrations on the ground like an elephant.
I also see his relationship with Proto Merlin and Galahad to be very genuine. Like, he knows what it’s like to be in Proto Merlin’s shoes. ALOT. And so sometimes instead of doing small talk and what not they’ll just sit in peace and quiet.
Weird question, not really a HC but..... what would be your reaction if sakurai/Nasu/ or someone from type-moon just one day said and revealed that Proto Morgan is a gender bent? Cause I can see the fandom just burning when they realized that a waifu was turned into a husbando. Also, how big would the impact be to the Proto lore of that would happen?
Ooh. This actually works with some of the Welsh descriptions of him as being "of such gentle, kindly, and fair words that anyone would be sorry to refuse them anything."[1] The Mabinogion also describes him in the terms of courtliness, calmness and purity.[14]” (Kind of weird, no?)
And to be fair, depending on how much he sees himself as the ‘rightful heir of Camelot’ he’d also seriously WANT to be both an accomplished warrior and good at the other aspects of being king. 
As far as magecraft...hehehe. Well, I’ll say this: he’s got talent. A LOT of talent. 
And yeah, those friendships are very real, and honestly Galahad is one of the few people he’d relax more around. ProtoMerlin...that could be sweet. He does understand a lot of the pressure on her from a young age (after all he had it too) to basically be in an adult role. 
Hehehe So, the fandom implosion would be...hilarious. Just the amount of angry fanboys that they didn’t get TWO versions of a waifu. 
As far as lore, it would mess with some things, but not as much as you’d think. I know in Nasu, Morgan was supposed to be the actual child of Uther rather than Gorlois (Nasu seems to want to pretend that that incident didn’t happen), so the anger at being denied the birthright would be well placed. 
In MY Proto, it might make certain things...interesting, but the situation (hating Uther for what he did) doesn’t change. 
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teaveetamer · 4 years
i have a question. were do you find these crazy el fans? im a edel fan myself but i have never seen any like the ones you describe. even on twitter. they all seem pretty chill.
Oh boy this is going to be a long post.
I’m not necessarily surprised you haven’t seen them, as most people (including myself) tend to avoid the most toxic elements of their own fandom because those are the people that ruin it for everyone.
Obviously I don’t know anything about your experience, and I’m sure chill people do exist, but also if you’ve never actively disagreed with them on anything then I doubt you would have experienced the kind of vitriolic abuse I’m talking about on this blog. I mean, post something like “Edelgard is a poorly written character and IS only made her to be a waifu” anywhere they can see it and just see the kind of shit you get back.
Now to answer your question, I have found them mostly Reddit. It seems to have died down a lot, but when the game launched you could literally not say a single word about Edelgard without getting four or five people jumping down your throat with 2,000 word essays about how you’re fucking wrong, generally with insults and all sorts of shade throwing about how you’re just an idiot that didn’t play the whole game. And then they would repeatedly whine about how they’re “so oppressed” for liking Edelgard and how the sub has “a Dimitri bias” even though 90% of the people responding to them weren’t being mean because they hate Edelgard, they were being mean because these people were acting like complete jackasses and ruining the community for everyone else. I was called, among other things, a moron, an idiot, illiterate, a retard, and a faggot for disagreeing with them.
Oh and they also downvote brigaded anything that they didn’t agree with, which again did a great job of absolutely ruining any discussion for anyone else (and further souring their reputation on the subreddit, which of course just led to even more whining about how oppressed they were, even more aggressive comments and takes, leading to even more people hating their guts).
It would appear that the bulk of them have either moved into their own subreddit or to Serenes, where they can post whatever they want without fear of downvote retaliation. But even within the Edelgard subreddit you can’t say a single thing against her. Saw one of the Stans I previously butted heads with a lot get downvoted to hell because they dared to say Edelgard was clearly the villain of the game, just like the devs directly stated. The other stans even went as far as to put words in this person’s mouth to justify their sudden dissent, even implying that they were “brainwashed” by the fanbase. Which is just so crazy I can’t even believe I witnessed it.
I’ve also encountered a fair few on Tumblr, but they’re much easier to avoid because they tend to stick to their own blogs/tags. Though I have seen numerous people bash Dimitri or Dimitri fans and then explicitly tag Dimitri which is such an asshole move I don’t even know where to begin. And I’m not talking discussion, I mean I once saw a post where they explicitly said Dimitri fans needed to die because they “support a character that hates women”.
It just a dick move to invade other people’s spaces like that and directly insult them, not even the character you have a problem with. Which is why I never tag anything in this blog with Edelgard (and I do have to wonder how you found it, actually).
Admittedly I don’t go on Twitter much so I can’t speak to the fandom culture over there, but I’ve had a few mutuals send me the crazy shit they’ve found. I’m sure someone else can update you on some of the insanity going on over there.
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silvanable · 4 years
Match-Up : Ikemen Sengoku
heterosexual female . she/her . gemini sun . virgo moon . sagittarius rising . taurus mercury & venus . aquarius mars . isfp . slytherin . pukwudgie . chaotic neutral . choleric-sanguine
        i am definitely seen as an outspoken individual, most of the times optimistic and smiley. i am very playful and i do try my best to be as open and as approachable as possible. i enjoy making people laugh, smile and happy, and i try to help out whenever i can.
        however, as i can be very moody, some people would say that i am intimidating and very much cold upon meeting me, even if leaving such an impression isn't my goal most of the time. some have told me i am very secretive and mysterious as well.
        given what others have said to me, i appear to come across as independent and cheery, though overly blunt or even rude at times. if i want to leave a good impression, i will be pleasant and open, but if i want someone away from me, then i will be very cold and very serious — i am very much capable of both ends of the spectre.
        i am a playful individual and i can act childlike at times. i adore teasing others — you'll find me selling random stories to people just to mess with them —  and i find myself most comfortable in a relaxed atmosphere. in class, you will probably see me cracking jokes, pick-up lines and blabbing with teachers. i am excited person who loves challenges, so i am pretty much a 'fight me' or 'make me' kind of person.
        i have a large palette of interests and i am extremely curious; i am very likely to know bits and pieces about all sorts of stuff! i am very interested in medicine ( i'm studying it ), botany, astronomy, astrology, languages and so on. i am a fan of action movies, anime, horror games and stories, supernatural and paranormal, among other things. i also write and draw! that being said, i cannot do maths even if it killed me. i do get bored very easily so i will oftentimes switch back and forth between my interests and hobbies. i also love hiking and nature, and i am an equestrian, too. i like baking, but my abilities in kitchen, and around house in general, are very much limited. that doesn't stop me from adoring food, though — i am told i am a very peculiar ( and cute ) eater.
        i am a very opinionated person. it takes a path to hell and back to make me change my mind about something and i am very stubborn when it comes to my viewpoints. i think i can be considered narrow-minded given the way i speak, though i truly try my best to be the opposite — i strongly believe that world isn't simply black and white and that there is more to everything. i dislike narrow-minded people, honestly. i try my best to be logical and have down-to-earth, practical views. that's why many of my friends come to me for advice; they always say how they know i will tell them my honest opinion and not what they want to hear.
        i am very much argumentative and open for discussions! i don't have a problem expressing my opinions and thoughts, or asking questions; my curiosity drives me to do so. i used to have a shorter fuse in the past, though now i try to be more analytical. i enjoy topics such as philosophy, faith and psychology! i'm also very likely to ponder and ask questions about the said topics as i think about them a lot.
        despite my confidence, i do have moments where i can be very awkward when it comes to being given attention or speaking in public or so. as such, as much as i adore attention, there are times in which i'll completely despise it.
        my temper depends on my mood and surroundings; some people will admire me for my calmness and ability to not give a damn, while with some others i can get fired up and irritated very easily. i am the type to give silent treatment and say something really cold when angry — some people consider me to be very harsh with words, which is why i dislike occasions and people where i have to be careful about what i'm saying; i hate to be held back. i am very likely to be tolerating out of respect, but once i reach my limit, i will always open up and tell everything as i see it, which, again, mostly comes off as harsh.
        i also strongly believe in the 'forgive, but don't forget' policy.
        for someone so communicative, i am a very private person and kind of a 'hermit' — i am what you can call an extroverted introvert. i don't fancy the idea of easily opening up and you probably won't see me talking about my emotions. if i do end up opening up too much by accident, i will probably laugh it off, or brush it off as a lie, joke, or irony. i also don't like to cry in public and it's hard for others to imagine me crying, while in fact i am very easily pushed to the point of tears.
        speaking of emotions, i do find them hard to comprehend at times, as well as to express them. i am, in fact, very emotional person, but i do not know how to act upon feelings, so i will portray myself as a cool and confident individual. i find it very hard to say 'i love you', so if i am expressing my affections, it is through small physical gestures, dramatic/poetic speech, gifts and acts of service.
        and although everyone thinks the opposite, i am a sucker for affection and i adore physical contact as it is a way for me to express my emotions and affections. i consider physical touch —  such as cuddles, hugs and kisses —  to be my main love language, with giving gifts taking a second place or so. hell, i'd say that i am extremely touch starved. many people have the impression that i am very innocent, and while i can get flustered or awkward easily, i am very much not a pure angel. i consider myself to be a sadomasochist through and through, and i do have darkish tendencies and attractions. i am also kind of a tough-love person? to an extent?
        i value communication and honesty in relationships the most, although loyalty is a big thing for me as well. however, it might take me a while to come clean and be honest about my own feelings. i wouldn't call myself 'possessive', but i can get slightly jealous or angsty if i feel like i'm not in control or like i could be betrayed — i don't have all too pleasant experiences with past friendships and such, thus i have some form of a fear of betrayal or being replaced.
        in terms of romance, i dislike people who don't know what they want and who are incapable of compromise. along with that, i also dislike too childish personalities or those who are too dependent — i like to believe in a good balance between dependence and independence. i also value intelligence and capability of mental stimuli, too, as i am curious and love to learn, while also idealising a deeper connection more than just pure attraction. 
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 it was a real toss up on deciding who i would do match-ups for you. my waifu deserves the best after all, so i hope you’re pleasantly surprised!
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ー Masamune Date : The One-Eyed Dragon
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this entire relationship would be exciting and challenging, without question.
you have a very strong and attractive aura about you, you have a presence in a room whether or not you want to be noticed.
you would have masamune’s eye right off the bat.
everything from the way you speak your mind so forwardly to the way you hold yourself so confidently would have him intrigued.
he’s never seen a woman like you before.
he would try to use his charm on you, flirt with you and try to enact his game of cat & mouse.
one of which you would not partake.
you were always so friendly and playful with people that when you sudden turn cold and serious on him, he’s taken by surprise.
i would be lying if i did not say that things would definitely be rough between you two because of your fear of replacement or betrayal-- masamune, while honest about what he wants from you and his intrigue of you, is not someone you would mark as loyal.
but just like you, he is curious and very stubborn, he would not give up.
masamune would use all he can as he gets to know you, even going as far to invite you to indulge in your baking in the kitchen
not to mention he would try to win your favor with his sinfully delicious cooking
he’s the kind of guy who would absolutely watch you as you eat, just admiring the way you do it and how you enjoy everything he cooked specifically with you in mind.
the moment he makes the mistake of upsetting you ( or worse, tell you he would kill you if nobunaga asked ) he would quickly find how mistaking he was.
suddenly that cold and distant woman comes back, except this one is far meaner.
you’ve been angry with him before, angry enough you were so fired up you yelled at him and avoided him. but this?
you’re giving him the cold shoulder, won’t speak or even look at him unless your duty requires it, and even then he gets no more than a brief nod or short replies
.it takes a lot to even begin to get you to be blunt and straightforward with why you were doing this to him.you might come to forgive him but you certainly would not forget what he said.
masamune would be a heavy mix of a physical and gift-giving person to show affection.
this man does not know what the hell personal space is & sometimes you swear he’s does it on purpose.
of course, you would constantly remind him that you cannot be bought, especially because you long for something more in a partner & azuchi’s resident playboy was not the candidate for that.
i feel over time you would grow closer though.
he is curious and very challenging, with your personality to challenge right back, i feel as if he could goad you into falling into a game.
he would try to teach you how to ride, only for you to tell him you can do so just fine by yourself, & he takes that to try and test you.
absolutely believe that was how you ended up in a race across azuchi castle grounds on who could beat who & little does he know you’re actually a skilled rider who can and does absolutely give him a run for his money
over time things exactly like that would bring masamune to realize he was falling for you.
you demanded respect and by God you practically wrestled it from this man & ever moment of it he enjoyed.
you definitely wouldn’t believe him the first time he tries to tell you he’s in love with you.
you had heard so much from him before and knew, from his very mouth, that he “sees what he wants and gets it”, so you brushed it off as another one of his games.
i see you taking a while to come to terms with any feelings towards him.
a lot of your emotions would be in conflict with themselves because of your logical & practical tendency but also because of your fear of opening up only to be hurt.
i would entire expect once you are certain of your feelings you would begin to express them through small gifts you made or even random hugs or smooches in the hall.
mercilessly surprise him in the middle of a conversation with a cheek kiss and then run-off, acting as if you had not just made a declaration of war because he couldn’t grab you and kiss you back.
certainly there are a lot of rough patches and difficulties you would face, it would be a slow development between you.
but the relationship would prove to never dull & could grow much deeper and closer together, as you both have a knack for excitement and dedication.
one last note but you two would absolutely mind fuck with the rest of the oda force by tag teaming them with your troublesome duo, masamune would bait them in and you would absolutely drag them under with your wild, teasing & stories.
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blackcatanna · 5 years
Playing Kazama's Route Because I Guess I Hate Myself Part 1: Kyoto Winds
So, I'm going to play through everybody's routes on Hakuoki and vent my feelings and frustrations on here! I've already done Saito and Iba but I will play them again soon, too. Next up is Kazama, mostly because I'm curious to find out if this fucker has any redeeming qualities. Maybe if you're into nonces. Idk.
Wow, I had forgotten how gloriously campy this intro is :') I love it so much!
Playing through the prologue because it sets the tone of blood, death and assholes. This game is much more violent, tragic and much less horny than I had predicted and I guess I'm into that.
Aw, Chizuru bae is so lonesome and vulnerable <3
Kodo flashback! HIIISSSSSSSSSS!!! >:(
Just taking a moment to appreciate how beautiful and romantic the nighttime environment and music is <3 At least, until people start getting slashed up X_X
Okita is enjoying this waaay too much X_X
Chapter 1
Thank you for untying me, InouBAE!
Apparently, "They are all truly gentlemen." Uh-huh.
Hooray for Chizuru calling out Okita for being a douche. And Hijikata for calling everyone a bunch of kids! Where is the lie? :')
Um, why has the camera zoomed in on Nagakura's crotch? Chizuru, please control your thirst. This is a life or death situation.
Now Saito's telling Okita to stop being a prick and Okita's response is, "hehe." X_X
Casual suicide jokes... Reminds me of my friends at uni X_X
RUN FOR YOUR LIFE 8O I can't see how this could possibly backfire...
OMG Kondou describing not recognising a girl as "The shame of a lifetime!" XD
"Maybe it's time you spilled your guts, kid." Is he... Is he telling me to commit seppuku?! O_O "I looked at him and nodded." GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD.
Although, with Harada threatening to strip me, suicide doesn't look like such a bad option X_X Tell me, Inoue, WHERE ARE THESE GENTLEMEN YOU WERE TELLING ME ABOUT?!
Feminist Hijikata wants to kill me regardless of gender :') We stan a woke queen.
Feminist icon Sanan also thinks that gender is irrelevant but doesn't want to kill me because THEIR JOB IS LITERALLY TO PROTECT PEOPLE.
You search so hard for Kodo and he turns out to be such a treacherous snake :'(
Bad feminist Hijikata calls the Shinsengumi "sons of bitches" for feeding me to him as his page. The Shinsengumi are strong, independent bitches in their own right.
Escaping execution but being quietly upset about having to wear ugly boy clothes for the foreseeable future is a mood.
More of Hijikata threatening to cut off Okita's tongue, please!
What does Chizuru have against afternoon drinking :P Clearly she has never enjoyed a long glass of Pimm's on a warm Summer afternoon! I guess she is pretty young...
Hijikata isn't here so can I please sneak out with you guys instead of staring at the wall all day?
Reeeeeeally want to pick the yes to dressing like a girl option but apparently that's not what Daddy Nonce wants :( HE'S NOT EVEN SHOWN UP YET AND HE'S ALREADY RUINING MY FUN! >:(
Well, now we're literally running away from Nagakura and Inoue. I'm getting High School flashbacks.
Wait, why is Heisuke being weird about Saito being in my room? Did this happen last time too? Maybe I just forgot or maybe it's because I was hanging out with Heisuke and Harada before...
This dinner is terrifying.
Survival of the fittest? More like survival of the FATTEST! Amirite? Anyone? No? I'll stop.
Takeda admittedly has a point about you not earning your place in the Shinsengumi. And he has great hair. So I can almost forgive him for being a mega bitch.
"His swordsmanship is decent, BUT he is well read and possesses a cunning mind for military science." Not sure if a translation error or Hijikata just hates nerds?!
Does accompanying Hijikata as his page get me bonus Kazama Sexy Points purely because it pisses Hijikata off?
Chizuru once again being in mortal peril but getting distracted by Iba's beautiful face is relatable af.
"Takeda huffed smugly to himself and WADDLED out of the store." What a majestic image we have been blessed with :') The bitchiest penguin ever to waddle this Earth!
Iba happily munching his bean jelly is a MOOD.
Chapter 2
Okita telling you that you're here to keep him company on his rounds is exactly the kind of bullshit that I'd expect from him X_X
Guess I'm just running into a battle...
Oh, it's Kazama. Sitting on the windowsill like the edgy bastard he is.
Aaaand he just killed a guy on his own side. Classic edgelord move.
And apparently I have to thank him for this display if I want him to be my waifu.
Seemingly, Chizuru is thirsty for this slut and is being REALLY FRICKING OBVIOUS ABOUT IT X_X
I have a feeling that a lot of this will be typed in caps from now on -_-
Oooh he winked! I cannot handle this intense eroticism!
Surprise Saito! My favourite flavour of surprise (see, "Shinsengumi's bitch")!
The Shinsengumi are grateful for my efforts and, thus, have gifted me with the great gift of sweeping <3
Hijikata and Iba are so cute <3
Kazama's being edgy again X_X and murdering people. Classic Kazama.
Oh wow, he's actually calling us peasants.
Aw, we're talented peasants <3 How generous of him!
HOW DARE HE TRASH TALK OKITA LIKE THAT! Wow, I'm actually defending that asshole X_X
Hijikata baring his teeth like an angry doggo XD
I'm super mad at Kazama for killing that poor Shinsengumi guy :'( Such a thoughtless waste of life :'(
Now he's mocking Nagakura's obedience to the Shogun. What are your lofty ideals, Kazama? Ah yes, you want to subjugate and enslave the human race. How... noble...
Okay, so, apparently, Kazama is being a huge, murderous pain in the ass because he's just OH SO CONCERNED for the pride of his human allies. I don't buy it.
Ah, Hijikata called Kazama a petulant child :') Truer words were never spoken!
Okay, now Hijikata is saying that they don't deserve an honourable death?! Wow, Hijikata. That comment is not going to age well, I can tell you.
So maybe I agree with Kazama here!? He still shouldn't have murdered that guy, though.
I seriously don't understand why Hijikata is so keen to slaughter these guys and potentially lose more of his men just to force them to suffer a shameful death?! Maybe he doesn't see dying that way as dishonourable but I have no patience for people forcing their ideals onto others.
Aaah! Kazama throwing Hijikata's insult back in his face is pretty brilliant!
Kazama just sliced me in the face! Sexy?!
Sexy Points with Kazama because he's confirmed your full BROOD MARE potential.
Kazama likes calling people bitches so we have that in common.
So, now Hijikata respects them for committing seppuku?! I am CONFUSED.
Oh, now I'm getting Itou's origin story?! This is unexpected!
Wait, have I broken the game and accidentally romanced Kondou?! What is happening right now?! X_X
Oooh! I'm getting sword training! Yes please! This is better than sex :D
Feminist icon Kondou isn't going easy on me just because I'm a girl :D
Chapter 3
Aka: Sanan's breakdown!
"Those were his last words." O_O I... hope that that's not true...
Okay, now he's throttling me! I take it back! Somebody fillet this crazy fucker!
But why is he choking me when he could be sipping on my delicious blood? O_o
The awkward moment when your creepy brother is a hotter woman than you X_X
Apparently, Kazama's gazing at me with bloodlust. How romantic.
Haha! Apparently Kazama's hand is "pale and grasping like the tentacle of some hideous subterranean monster." X_X Hot.
Yay! Rescued from tentai boi by HajiBAE and SanoCUTEY! And Harada is calling out Kazama for being a creep :') This is a good day.
Kazama's response burn is weak. The culture and the nose of a dog? What does that even mean? Even if Harada's nose looked like a dog's, that'd still be pretty weak, imo.
Ha! Saito's response is basically just an Uno reverse card but I'm always here for calling Kazama out on his hypocrisy.
Omg, now Yamazaki is kidnapping me and Shiranui's calling him out! None of these hos have any chill!
Amagiri is taking a break from fighting to read Shiranui for being a hotheaded pain in the arse.
Hijikata is rightfully calling me an idiot for drawing my sword on Kazama :')
Kazama's insults are so blunt and childish but it's so funny! He just called Hijikata a weak shit! Apparently, fighting him is an honour and Hijikata isn't giving this diva the attention he believes he deserves.
Hijikata needs to stop calling me Kid X_X
"Sleazebag" = accurate.
Ooh, Sanan is paying me a late night visit! How risqué!
Of course I want to learn more about the water of life but The Grand High Nonce would apparently disapprove so I guess I'll have to wait until another route to find out :'(
Apparently Kazama's not going to abduct me TODAY. How reassuring.
I relate to Kazama admiring the beauty of the temple but he lost me by being a hypocrite again. Apparently, he doesn't understand how humans can destroy their creations with their wars. KAZAMA IS FIGHTING WITH THE PEOPLE WHO WANTED TO BURN KYOTO AND THEY PARTIALLY SUCCEEDED. Kazama can only destroy things, as far as I can tell.
Now he's ranting about how they lie, deceive and kill. Pot kettle black? "If they want something, they'll steal it." UGH, KAZAMA, YOU HAVE REPEATEDLY TRIED TO STEAL ME YOU HYPOCRITICAL FUCKWIT. HE'S SO FRUSTRATING. SUCH AN INSUFFERABLE COMBINATION OF PRETENTION, HYPOCRISY, CRUELTY, HUBRIS, I could go on XD I should stop... For now...
Sen = <3
Chapter 4 (This is where I went to sleep)
I feel like we could have got away with killing the guy who was SENTENCED TO DEATH if fricking Sanan hadn't shown up and revealed his alive-ness!
Aw, Itou is concerned about my arm!
Aaaaand he's ruined it by being a cunt XD "Would you like to know?" "Yes." "I won't tell you." X_X
Heisuke, Saito... HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME... WHEN I NEEDED TO... POSSES YOU... I HATED YOU; I LOVED YOU TOO... BAD DREAMS IN THE NIGHT.... *Continues singing Wuthering Heights and dances around the room dramatically*
"And then they were gone" :'(
Tbf, I'd be pretty mad if my comrades had been doing such dangerous, fucked up experiments behind my back.
"I am more concerned about the soldiers being left behind." - lies!
Wait, Sanan knew Itou "really well"?! Their only interaction until now was Itou being a mega-douche to him. I have so many questions!
Aw, Sanan trusts that our friendlings will return <3
Ooh! Going on a manju adventure with YAM!
Kazama strolling down the street and everybody being pushed out of the way by the douchebag waves rolling off of him.
Okay, so Kazama has come here alone to get pissed amongst humans?! That seems implausible...
"I might even allow you to pour me a drink." BLEUGH BLETCH BLUUURGH.
If I'm supposedly so curious about the demon lifestyle, can I PLEASE just run away with Sen? :'(
"Yukimura. What do you have to say about this?" FINALLY!!! THANK YOU, KONDOU!
I really want to go but the game won't let me XD
Souji is correct. I clearly have rocks for brains XD
"Gosh" Appropriate reaction.
Ooh! Physical contact with Kazama! Sure, he's violently grabbing me but this thirsty bitch will take what she can get XD
Harada has the best put downs :') "Barging in here to get yourself a wife! You think you'd get the point by now after all these rejections..."
"She is most valuable when used by a fitting partner." THA FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!???! NOPENOPENOPE. A FITTING PARTNER WOULD NOT "USE" ME, BITCH.
"HA! So you decide to take her against her will just because you're too scared of the rejection you'll get from flat-out asking her out, huh?" YES HARADA!!! YOU CALL OUT THIS FUCKING NONCE!!! ALL RAPISTS ARE COWARDS!!! "You're so lame and creepy." WHERE IS THE LIE?!??
Meanwhile, Hijikata just makes it clear that he'd happily slice through me. Good to know.
I shall WIGGLE my way out of this situation! What do you mean it didn't work?!
"Tell me... How is it? On top of me. Does it feel good?" O_O O_O O_O This game just got a lot more spicy!
Just fuck already! If only to piss off Kazama X_X
Aw, poor sick Okita <3
How dare they mention that the new HQ has a huge bath for warriors to bathe together and not have another thirst scene :P
Now Harada and Nagakura are slut shaming each other for having their tiddies out in Winter :')
Does this count as sexposition? Politics + tiddies?
"Itou dies." This is what happens when you base a game around true events! Problems aren't solved with the power of love and friendship! X_X
Chapter 5
At least in the normal route where nobody loves me, I don't get shot at by cannons O_O
There are a lot of typos in this chapter already. Perhaps the developers didn't expect anyone to be INSANE enough to romance Kazama.
Yes Queen, you call out those murdering cowards :'(
FFS I just got hella shot X_X
Apparently, I'm a "Noble Demon specimen" BITCH WHERE?!
"Shoot me? To death?" XD
"Kazama glared coldly at the pile of dismembered corpses on the floor" :') So romantic!
"Actually a man." UM, A CHILD, SEEMINGLY.
The whole creepy demonic family together at last :')
"What you're doing is disgraceful." YOU TELL HIM KAZAMA.
"Mind if I kill your family, right here and now?" O_O Kazama has zero chill! Thanks for asking, though, I guess. Go for it, Kazama XD
Oh, apparently I'm going to "talk to them" X_X
"Kodo, I could murder you over a thousand times, and it still wouldn't be enough for me." This is the most I've ever liked Kazama.
Doesn't Kazama work directly with Kodo in various routes?
Why can't I vanish like smoke? :'( Where are MY cool demon powers? :'(
"If your idea of a good time is seeing the rotting corpses of your friends, be my guest..." 8_8 :'( No, they can't all be dead! Surely not! Kazama don't say things like that!
The Yodo are going to betray the Shogunate?!? I must warn them D:
Wow, this just got heavy and real sad.
Wait, did he just admit to meddling in the war?! He is such a hypocrite!!!! Aaaaaaah!!! Somebody call him out on his bs!!!!
Even Shiranui sees that humans have a variety of complex motivations X_X
Do the Shinsengumi just assume that I'm dead?!
Great, now I'm on a road trip with this cunt.
"I've never actually been this close to a man before..." Calm down! That horse is third wheeling so hard right now. And what about that time you fell ON TOP OF Okita?!
Welp, that's it for Kyoto Winds! Onwards to Edo Blossoms! I still don't like Kazama but at least murdering the ever-loving FUCK out of Kodo is a cause that I can believe in. Although, one of the reasons that I hated Kodo in Saito's route was because he was helping the same sex pest I'm now galloping across the country with. Huh. 
This is the most that I’ve ever used the word, “nonce” in my entire life and this is only the first game.
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gotmilk5101520 · 5 years
Miraculous Ladybug Rewatch Episode 43 Zombizou
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The Walking Dead In Paris.
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“What are you two fighting about?” “He said my hair looks like a tomato” “He said my hair looks like a lemon” “Dear god”
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“It’s not her fault okay? Chloe just doesn’t like birthdays”
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“She never remembers them. Just like her mom” That explains The Bubbler.
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“We’re going to be late for Miss Mendeleiev’s physics class” “Sabrina, no one listens to her anymore. All she does is rant for 45 minutes about FAIRY GOD KWAMIS!”
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I want to know what happened.
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And this.
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“At least half the city has gotten akumatized because of her” I’m surprised they brought this up.
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This moment right here had caused the fandom to have a mini heart attack.
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“What could be worse, then being punished for someone else’s wrongdoings?” I don’t know punishing your son for losing your book.
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“The emotions have weakened. She’s the only girl in Adrien’s class that i haven’t akumatized yet! Why can’t i akumatized her? She’s not Ladybug! I will one day akumatize you!”
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“Cmon there are much worse people in Paris right now than Chloe Bourgeois. Like Lila Rossi, who disappeared for some reason” “Yeah that’s true. Lila is worse then Chloe” “Lila’s still on the Eiffel Tower is she?” “What? No” “Marinette” “Okay yes she is”
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This one scene showed so much. The akumatized object doesn’t have to be held by someone, but if they were last person that touched it, and it’s also the first time we see someone trying to rejecting Hawkmoth’s control.
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Black lipstick. First we had Dark Cupid shooting his arrows and anyone he hits will hate and they have black lipstick for some reason. Now we have Zombizou, also with black lipstick but this time everyone becomes love kissing zombies. There’s something this series is trying to tell us about love and hate with black lipstick.
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“From now on, everyone is going to hug, and kiss, and feel the love” “Eww” If you listen closely you can hear Chloe saying Eww and honestly? Chloe being a mood part 7
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“Uhh Adrien? He’s still hasn’t come out of his locker”
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“Besides i hate to be locked up”
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Ladybug slammed the door on Adrien.
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“Hey guys. I’m all for our French greetings, but let’s hold off on the kisses for now” Chat Noir would happily French kiss everyone here.
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“Chloe! Always Chloe! You only think about yourself” Alix is ready yeet Chloe off the roof.
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“Play the hero as much as you like Kim. But you won’t be getting a kiss out of me”
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“Please i already have a girlfriend” “Good- Wait what?” “Her name is Ondine and she’s so great. Heck she would never become a kissing zomb-” “Kissy-Boo“ “Never mind that’s her”
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More memes.
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Seriously how strong are these kids? They all have an eight pack.
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He’ll be fine. I hope.
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“Should’ve just yeet Chloe off the roof. Wait” “What’s wrong Alix?” “Where’s Nathanial?” “Who’s Nathanial?” “The artist, the guy that the fandom ships you with mostly for some reason till Marc shows up in a couple of episodes from now” “Oh yeah him. Wait i recall he was right behind us”
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“Well looks like he’s going to be the new star of The Walking Dead”
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“Are you okay?”
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“Yeah. Just a close call that’s all”
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*Screams in Julerose*
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Yes, they kissed. On the lips. And you can’t tell me otherwise.
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“This isn’t the first time we’ve been in trouble together”
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*Cries in Djwifi*
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“Don’t worry kitty, you’ll get your kisses” Still hasn’t happened.
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Great job Chloe!
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“Take of Chloe. Besides, you’ll save all of us like you always do. Right?”
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“I totally trust you Ladybug!”
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“Just go and save us all”
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“I’ll just stay here and chill, milady. If we’re gonna end up kissing, then i rather do it after you save us okay?”
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“You’re the only one who can fix this for us. No arguing now”
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“Save us all Ladybug” These moments really put a lot of pressure on poor Marinette. Then again the steaks were high this episode.
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If she knew who he was.
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Wholesome Ivan x Mylene is wholesome.
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“Ladybug, Chat Noir. If Zombizou is right, if love does always conquer. Then someday my most cherished will come true for sure” Hawky Mothy missing his waifu.
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“No. I did. I forgot your birthday. Once again”
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“And when i saw everyone had prepared a gift for you, i totally lost it”
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“Because i, too, would’ve like to offer something. I’m sorry Miss Bustier”
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“Thank you Chloe. Those words are the best possible gift you could ever give me”
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“Hey kitty, why do i feel like we’re forgetting something?” “Nah i’m sure you’re just imagining Milady” “Yeah you’re right” “Hmm? Was someone here? God i’ve been on here since the events of Volpina, and no one has come for me”
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“Today class, we’re going to talk about on what the hell to Nathanial” “That’s a good question” “Yeah. What happened to you Nath?” “Well i was still in my locker and you guys failed to let me know and when i came out, everyone was gone. As i was making my escape, i ran into Marc a bit sooner and we worked together to escape the school. As we try to survive the Zombizou Apocalypse, we met with Luka and Kagami, who were also trying to survive, and then we met Prince Ali, who told us that he’s been trapped in Rose’s basement since Princess Fragrance but he got free cause Julerose became canon. And then-” “Okay there’s not enough room and the rewatch is ending, so another time Nathanial we’ll hear your The Walking Dead in Paris story” “Aww man”
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Zombizou was really not like other mind control akumas. And that’s why i fear her return.
Is that a spider? GET IT AWAY! GET IT AWAY!
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elegiacmarquise · 5 years
More love for the pink damsel
This is a rant, the first and the only, that I wrote a while ago and which I posted previously on DeviantArt and reposted on the Mario Amino, few days after the release of Super Mario Odyssey, after a new wave of hatred towards Princess Peach...
Considering that, nevertheless, the princess' relationship with most fans has always been ambiguous, what may have seemed to be tolerable, now is no longer acceptable speaking from the prospective of Peach's admirer, and hoping to be a spokesman for who, like me, genuinely appreciates her.
But before starting with the proper rant, why do I post this writing, even if they passed almost two years when I did write it? A YouTube video made by the quite famous personality of RelaxAlax which I Iink below.
Quite shallow, huh?
But this will NOT be an hate speech towards Alax, the rest of his videos are actually enjoyable and sometimes funny, but despite what he says in the video is nothing more and nothing less than what most Peach's haters actually say, I'm fearing that even due to this video, people are convinced to hate the pink princess without even knowing the truth behind her character.
But I must've taken you a lot of time, let's begin this speech, which was inspired by an older one (now deleted) posted by a friend of mine on Deviantart.
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Let’s get started from the most recurring insults about the personality
"Peach is weak!!!"
While it’s true that for most of the games the Princess is kidnapped by Bowser or any enemy, it’s also the case that several times she has proved to be not so helpless, and even trying to escape to her kidnapper more than once indicates that Peach is not just staying there to patiently wait her hero; indeed, she was the only one along with Rosalina and Toadette who was been able to defend herself.
Some proofs? Super Princess Peach, Super Paper Mario, Super Mario 3D Land/ World, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Super Smash Bros series...
"So why is she always kidnapped?!"
Nintendo logic. Just joking, I think that the reason is due to the fact that Peach, like anyone else, is an human being, with her fears and anxieties, and so what can she do if suddenly there is a monster bigger at least the triple of her accompanied by an huge army? Not everyone is badass, and she obviously is not always, but is it a good reason to hate her? I don’t think so.
Also remember that even two stronger characters like Mario and Luigi often struggle during the battles with Bowser, how could a delicate princess?
So, in a more general view, how much it’s wrong to blame the victims and not the kidnappers? Why does everyone hate Peach for this and not BOWSER?
And there are Daisy, Pauline and Zelda, who were kidnapped as well, but still worshipped as goddesses...
"Peach is stupid!!1!"
If the Princess was actually that stupid,she wouldn't be on a throne ruling a whole kingdom peacefully nor even to try a time machine or even called to try to find a cure to a plague that affected the Mushroom Kingdom. She may not have an IQ of 300 like Dr Eggman,but that doesn't mean she's stupid.
Characters who are REALLY "stupid" on purpose, like Wario and Waluigi, loved because they are. Now, people, don't tell me you aren't uncoherent.
"Peach has no personality!1!"
So, a sweet and kind personality shouldn’t be a good character trait? Great, so we wasted years and years of characterization in a video game character.
Even a little development is always putted in while creating a characte and, as we are seeing, Miyamoto and Nintendo are generally developing the character of the princess, in the best, demonstrating that even the princess is not a fossilized archetype in Mario's existence for thirty years. She’s so sweet and kind, but also has values, friends and a dignity that defends strenuously.
Guys, Peach is human, so she has flaws, and that's right, but saying that she doesn’t have personality is an insult to both her and Nintendo in general.
Let's compare for a moment Peach and Rei Ayanami from Evangelion, and see who is not supposed to have personality. (although Rei also has a very strong, still not obvious, characterization that develops in the course of the series)
"Peach is a Mary Sue!!!1!"
A Mary Sue would theoretically is a character with too unnatural characteristics for their universe or species, overly powerful and often accompanied by a tragic backstory; in short, it's misleading in their context. By applying this description to Peach, how should she be a Mary Sue?
As explained in the previous paragraphs, the Princess, still mostly human, has a magical power that is always inferior to those of other characters, such as Rosalina; and comparing it with the Star Guardian, shouldn’t be her chararcter be more similar in the description of a Sue? Consistency, this unknown concept...
I see you already with the forks in your hands, but let me clarify one thing, even a character like Rosalina is not a Mary Sue, she still has her flaws, and we love her as she is, but if Peach is one, Rosalina fits the definition WAY more.
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Let’s talk about the character design
"Peach always wears pink!!1!"
Come on, guys, hating a character for a color is a such superficial thing that, would do kindergarten children the most.
Pink is a color like all the others, in the spectrum of colors, so anyone can wear it, even males.
(Trivia: up to a few decades ago, pink was more of a masculine color, given to boys since it’s a lighter version of red, a color considered manly)
Peach is looking good with pink and no one in Mario games seems to complain too much about that, and so, so why do we fans do?
"Peach is girly!!!!1!”
And so? A female character to be worthy of this name must be a tomboy or a badass with a gun on her hands? You have great prospects in mind, my dear ones, just like that.
Seriously, why does a character who likes to cure herself, should be banned from today's media?
However, almost all the girls in the Mario games are femminine, even Daisy, despite being described as a tomboy, so it doesn’t seem a good excuse for hating a character.
"Peach is blonde!!!1!"
Guys that stereotype that everyone who is blonde must be stupid it's not only extremely outdated, but there are a lot of people who consider it quite offensive. Open your minds! Go, go! The isn't any relations about the quantity of melaninine on the hair and the actual intelligence.
Even Rosalina and most of the Zeldas encountered in the games are blondes, but nobody seems to care.
"Peach has an annoying voice!!1!"
All the characters in the Mario games have their voices emphasized, guys, and Peach isn’t an exception.
There are characters with even more exaggerated voices, trust me, like Daisy, Toad or Rosalina's new dubbing, but for certain reasons, only Peach should be demonized for that by fans.
"Peach is a prostitute!!1!"
This is one of the most recurring insults that are ever placed against our hated Princess, and that's what I'm wondering where most haters have been losing their credibility.
Did Peach ever wear provocative clothes? NO. (unless you have a fetishism towards biker suits and similar outfits)
Has she ever tried to seduce anyone she saw? NEVER (what you see on Rule34 and other lewd sites is not canon, I'm sorry)
Let's be clear: Peach is just the opposite of the stereotype of the prostitute, as being a sweet, gentle, and that kind of girl who rarely makes sloppy thoughts; And yet Mario is not the kind of game that is suitable to show sensual girls often.
Another point: how do people define as that Peach and not Pauline or Valentina from Super Mario RPG, who are wearing much revealing clothes (and not even worthy to be called with those sick names)? Mystery of the Faith.
PS. Giving a prostitute to someone is not fashionable anymore :3
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Now, let’s analyse that kind of insults that relate with Peach’s relationships with other characters
"Peach isn’t grateful to Mario!!!!1!"
Ever since Peach has never been grateful to Mario? WHEN? She kisses him, and fills him with cakes. What should the Princess do more with him? having sex is not a good answer, and it doesn't even marrying him.
Mario is still a sweet and family friendly series, if you want NSFW art, go to rule34 or look good at deviantart, but don’t expect explicit scenes in similar games.
"Peach is a tyrant who abuses Toads!!!1!"
But since that is so, seriously, did I miss some details? And no, The Game Theorists, aren’t worth as a source of inspiration since theirs is only a mere SPECULATION (also badly made imho).
To me Peach has always seemed like the OPPOSITE of a tyrant! She’s a good sovereign who’s caring for her subjects, and most of the Toads are happy with her guide and willing whenever she needs help.
I guess you are thinking of the Toad used from the princess during Super Smash Bros: If we analyse well what our beloved mushroom does during the frames in which we can see him, we can notice that doesn’t acts as a shield for the princess, but is determined more than ever to attack with his spores, so for me this isn’t a point to demonise Peach at all.
Then do you think that in Smash bros Rosalina does something way more serious?! She fights with a Luma, one of her CHILDREN all the time. But since she is our beloved star waifu, Peach is not worth to be compared lmao.
Again this time implore the sacred goddess of the consistency for forgiving their vain words...
"Peach betrays Daisy!!!1!"
Peach and Daisy have proven themselves to be best friends since the first time they appeared together, and even now their idyllic relationship hasn’t stopped being shown in the games and even in that LINE stickers that came out a while ago!
How Peach Should betray Daisy? For Rosalina, for Pauline? I think all the girls in the world of Mario are friendly to each other, so I don’t see any reasons in a betray, since at worst they are in a friendly rivalry.
"Peach is much less sexy than Rosalina / Pauline!!!1!"
If I can understand why Pauline can be considered sensual, how should Rosalina be? She’s wearing just a turquoise dress, which does not reveals much, and which can only be sexualized in the most indecent fanarts drawn by FANS indeed, but we all know the new religion that places the guardian of the Lumas to a brand new god.
However, all of Mario girls have been designed to be beautiful, not sex objects, not even Pauline, and none of them will agree to be your beautiful waifus condescending to all your fantasies, deal with it!
"Peach is not tomboy like Daisy is!!!1!"
And this is what connects to the previous point where the Princess was insulted to be girly. Assuming that even Daisy, in her own way, is girly (if she was totally a tomboy, she wouldn’t certainly wear those long dresses with ease, nor she would have her notorious passion for flowers), it’s not nice to have a bit of variety in the characters personalities? Go on, Peach is a gentle and sweet girl, Daisy is exuberant and sporty, Rosalina, calm and majestic, Wendy spoiled yet powerful, Toadette cheerful and curious, and finally Pauline concrete and passionate. Everyone compensates their gaps with the others, and this balance between the girls is fine, so please do not compare all the girls, Peach first, to Daisy.
"Peach appears too much in the games, so she's overrated!!!1!"
Guys, our princess is one of the protagonists of Mario's videogames, along with the plumber, his brother, Bowser and Toad, so it's natural that she often appears in the games. After all, Peach (after Pauline, who belonged for long time to another series) is the first of the princesses to appear, so it's logical that Nintendo would value that in this way.
And another little thing: the word overrated does NOT mean popular in its own universe, it means overly popular among its FANS.
And Peach has relatively few fans compared to the other main characters.
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And, as the final cherry on the cake, let’s talk about Odyssey, who can have reassume prevous points, but what is equally needed, because of the following reasons
And here we come to the juice of the speech, and at this point I would like to ask: but have you seen the final cutscene of the game, or are you just knocking on your keyboards to don’t make feel the keys alone and misunderstood?
Let’s assume that after a long, tiring journey along the WHOLE world, with a monster bigger at least the triple of you who is doing everything to organize a NOT-wanted marriage with you; and  immediately soon after being rescued, at the end of an extravagant battle, you have not one, but TWO contenders for your hand, what are you doing? The doll who gives all of herself to her hero just because she saved you? But in which period are we, in the nineteenth century?
Guys, let's talk seriously, would you immediately answer to a such serious question, which can change the rest of your life, on the moon under such conditions? I really don’t think so.
So Peach did, showing her intelligence, and why not, joking over it. It wasn’t the place nor the time for Mario and Bowser to move such proposals, and I honestly think that Peach done right to refuse both of them, I believe, momentarily.
And so centuries of feminist struggles went cancelled because of a video game character...
Yeah, okay, Odyssey's final was what it was, but you can’t hate a character because she's not a puppet in Mario or Bowser's hand. Tell me, you first complained that Peach had no character and now that she has explicated it, in good, you hate her the same? Consistency, this unknown concept...
However, for this detail, have you noticed that Peach eventually called Mario on the Odyssey, even though it had already started to fly? Mario had all the time he needed to get on board with the Princess and her friends. Even if Mario couldn't make it to the Odyssey (which is also unlikely under a cautious analysis of the cutscene), I even highly doubt that not only Bowser but all the other wedding's guests (including PAULINE) were diying there, surely there was at least ONE other vehicle which could bring back them home.
Also think about Peach's dialogues in the post-game: she completely forgave Mario's misbehaving and she's still happy to see him to the point to give him all the moons she gets! So she’s not that ungrateful...
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And that's what I needed to say. Guys, please stop hating Peach, she didn’t do anything, and certainly she doesn’t deserve your insults.
In these times, the princess is among the main characters the most hated, even much more than Daisy or Zelda, who have their great slice of fans, who would do anything for them and even considering them "better" in Smash Bros.
I'm sorry to have written this rant but I'm sure this time is really needed...
Fandoms, Mario included, can be beautiful places where you can meet fantastic people but at the same time you can witness this free hate episodes even from famous personalities...
Thank you for reading, and see you soon.
P.S. Below I show you the main places where the princess is hated for the above reasons.
Gamefaqs, TheTopTens.com, Marioboards, DeviantArt and Youtube
P.P.S. Please, do not go to the video I've mentioned only to insult the youtuber: despite that entry is far from being well-crafted, he made enjoyable content as well. He deserves respect as well and if you really want to discuss in the comment section about the subject, please be polite
P.P.P.S. If you hate Peach and you feel to comment here, please write maturely, well-structured comments. If we can have a mature dialogue, it's best for both of us.
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Why I Dumped...RWBY
If there’s one thing I’ve learned being in fandom is that the audience is not allowed to dictate creative changes to someone else’s work. That is not your place. The trade-off is that you don’t have to be a member of that audience. Once I learned that, I decided that if a series pissed me off one too many times, I would just straight up dump it. Adios, amigo. Go piss someone else off with your shit stories. There are a hundred other things I could be doing with my time. 
When I tell people this, they usually get defensive because sometimes the show I dumped happens to be a show they really like. Which is fine. If it works for you, great. Have fun. But we all have our tastes and personal preferences. 
Sometimes that just isn’t enough for people. They have to know why you would insult them (I’m not and neither are you) by not liking something they like. I doubt most care. Some people just want to be offended. However, there have been some people who are genuinely curious. Usually people who are neutral to whatever show I dumped. They have no dog in this fight; they just want to see my train of thought. 
So you asked for it and here it is. This is my new blog post series where I talk about why I dumped a series. Let’s see if my story and logic will help you see things from my perspective. Let me be clear, I’m not trying to convince you to change your mind. This is just the story of why I made this decision. If you like this series good for you. I don’t. It’s my opinion and I’m allowed to have one same as you.
 We’re going to start off big with RWBY.
For me, RWBY started off as one of those things I kinda heard about on the internet, but never really knew what it was. Then it was on Neftlix and I decided to check out what it actually was. It was a CGI webseries made by the same company that did Red VS Blue led by the guy who did those weird Dead Fantasy videos on YouTube. I watched the first two volumes (because they just can’t be called seasons. We have to be all special and shit) and I wasn’t sure what to think of it. I guess my brain needed time to process it. I watched it again with my brother and then I started volume three on my own. After the volume three finale, I stopped watching and just kept tabs on the show before losing interest completely. There are several reasons that just piled up together so let’s just start at the beginning.
I just don’t think the show is very good.
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It was a fucking chore to watch volume one again with my brother. Like holy crap, why wasn’t the show this bad the first time I saw it? Was it going to suck this hard with every viewing? (SPOILER ALERT: The answer is yes.) A lot of the character models look really pale. The animation can be wonky or jittery. The voice acting goes from bad to passable. The pacing is wack. The story is barely told. We spend way too much time on Jaune even though we already have FOUR main characters we have to be tackling. And this is a pet peeve of mine, but they gave names to things that already have names.
semblance = super power
aura = energy
Grimm = monsters
Why won’t anyone just call super powers super powers?
Anyway, those were my initial thoughts. A recurring thought I have about RWBY is, “The idea is adequate but the execution is lacking.” Someone asked me what that meant. Really? Really? You don’t know what words mean? Google it. Your ideas are okay, but the way you’re doing them sucks.
So if I hated the show so much, why did I stick with it after volume one? I liked the characters. I fell in love with Yang. She’s all my favorite parts of female characters put together in one awesome package. A blonde busty badass babe that beats a bunch of baddies? Sign me the fuck up. (Alliteration is fun, kids.) Thanks to some really good fan art, I also started to ship Arkos, Renora, White Rose and Roman Ice Cream (or gelato or partners in crime or whatever it’s called). I wanted to see more Yang and I wanted to see if I would get a payoff after investing so much time. 
I didn’t.
The story goes all over the place. It introduces a bunch of new ideas but never sticks around to develop one. I’ve lost track of how the world works and what our goals are. They created side videos called, “The World of RWBY” that explains that shit. That’s another sign of bad writing. Supplemental material to understand what is going on in the story isn’t fun; it’s homework. More importantly, I shouldn’t have to. It should be organically in the story itself. But it wasn’t because this crew doesn’t know how to. It’s just not there.
Pyrrha’s Death
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The main reason I stopped watching after the season three finale. I understand that everyone wants to do their own version of Empire Strikes Back or Avengers: Infinity War. The big battle where the good guys lose. I have several problems with this though. 
1. I agree with Linkara that the only reason you should kill a character is if you’ve ran out of stories to tell with that character. Cheap drama should not be your goal. The problem with shock value is that it only lasts for a second. 
2. You should never kill a fan favorite. That’s how you lose audiences i.e. money. You don’t sell your golden goose, and you don’t kill your cash cow.
I don’t believe that Pyrrha had ran out of stories to tell with her character. Pyrrha was killed just to further Jaune’s story arc which sucks because I barely liked Jaune. I shipped Arkos because I wanted good things for Pyrrha, and really, who doesn’t?
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This unfortunately common trope is Stuffed into the Fridge, where female characters are killed for the sole purpose of a male character’s story. It doesn’t matter if Pyrrha was the best warrior in the class or had friends who could have helped her or she could have just ran away or anything really. Pyrrha, my second favorite character, was killed off to jump start Jaune’s character development. Fuck you, Rooster Teeth. And the worst part is, I heard that this was always the plan for Pyrrha. If you have to rely on a trope from 1994, you’re probably not a good writer.
I cancelled my Crunchyroll subscription, and a few people told me to get the fuck over it. 
No. My time. My money. Not interested.
Yang wasn’t ‘for me,’ apparently
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This one has a little less to do with the show and more with the fandom (or FNDM, because we have to be all special here). Like I said earlier, I fell in love with Yang. She became my number one waifu instantly. She had everything I liked. Big boobs, long legs, blonde hair, fiery personality, loved to kick ass, loved martial arts, had a great zest for life. It’s like that song lyric, “You are everything I want ‘cause you’re everything I’m not.” I know it’s super embarrassing but I would fantasize about being a character in RWBY and being Yang’s boyfriend. Whenever I would work out I would say it was because I was training to be Yang’s husband. I know it’s lame, but that’s how enamored I was. 
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Hell, Yang was the reason I even considered watching RWBY in the first place. I only discovered her thanks to that episode of Death Battle where she beat Tifa.
Then bumblebee happened. 
People on tumblr have this thing where they like to decide what someone else’s character’s sexuality and gender is regardless of the canon. Do whatever you want. The problem was that I am a straight, cis, heterosexual Hispanic male with a tumblr account who likes a character who mostly shipped with another female character. So whenever I try to get matchups or headcanons or imagines, I’m usually ignored. I’m a big boy. I can handle that. What does get under my skin is people going out of their way to tell me that Yang isn’t for me. Like I’m not allowed to like her. When you’ve already lived most of your life with other people telling you that the things you want were never really for you, that sorta thing kinda hits you in the wrong side of the feels. Yang is for bumblebee and bumblee shippers only. I’m over it, but still not cool.
Now I’m hearing that Rooster Teeth might make bumblebee canon to appease the fans. No artistic integrity. I guess I was wrong. The audience is allowed to dictate creative changes if you’re Rooster Teeth. It doesn’t help that Blake is my least favorite character in the series. 
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I was upset when Adam cut off her arm in the end of volume three. It didn’t help that it was the same episode that Pyrrha died. Two birds with one stone and all that. I’m glad somebody made a supercut of Yang’s volume four story on YouTube. That was good to watch. It was kinda like Korra’s story in the beginning of Book Four (ugh, just call them seasons!) except with a fraction of the talent.
I haven’t watched anything beyond that, but I have heard of a few things. I’m glad Adam is dead, but that’s about it.
So that’s mostly why I dumped RWBY. Sorry if it was too much, but thanks for reading. Do I miss the show? Not really. I do miss Pyrrha, Yang, and the fan art. Will I ever go back to RWBY? Sorry but no. That’s not how that works. The damage has been done.
tl;dr version
I dumped RWBY because:
I didn’t think it was very good to begin with.
They killed my second favorite character for a shit reason.
My favorite character isn’t ‘for me’ according to everyone else.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 4 years
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I tried to limit my choices to my MOST current fandoms/obsessions, otherwise, I’d never be able to decide.  
Whenever Good Smile posts these "surveys for fun", I can't help but think they're trying to gauge which figures they should make next.   In that case SCHOOL UNIFORM PERSONA 5 NENDOROIDS!!!  AND PHANTOM THIEF FUTABA SAKURA NENDOROID!  And yes, I want Nendoroids for “My Next Life as a Villainess”, but my wallet doesn’t!  ;o;!   Hopefully, listing Akira Kurusu on a Good Smile Company survey like this will ensure he'll get more figures.  I'm actually not sure if I'd consider him my husbando.  I just want more figures, especially Nendoroids.  lol  
Best Boy / Best Girl: I hate choosing just one.  But if I go with my most recent favorites, it'll help narrow things down.   Ryuji Sakamoto / Maria Campbell Ryuji Sakamoto / Catarina Claes LOL  it's been a long time since I loved a super genki gutsy girl like Catarina.  Maybe not since Lina Inverse!  lol  There have been a lot of kuudere queens since Lina.  lol  Though...I guess if you count Rukia's sillier moments, maybe she can be pretty genki and enthusiastic?   . Waifu / Husbando:   Maria Campbell / Akira Kurusu I wasn't expecting to separate Best Boy/Girl from Husbando/Waifu.  o.o?  Once again, I'll go with my latest fandoms, just to make it easier.  But Akira?  Husbando material???  I guess?...  He is really cool.  He just doesn't cause those stupid zoned-out warm smiles to spread across your face, the way Ryuji Sakamoto does.  But that's why I choose Ryuji as Best Boy.  Though I guess I'm constantly swooning over how goddamned pretty Akira is.  How did Soejima design such a goddmaned pretty bishounen?!  Damn it!  But if we're talking about crushes, I can be absolutely sure about Maria.  I'm a sucker for ingenue.  She definitely causes those doki doki, forget-to-breath, then sigh stupidly moments.  *___* If I was still as obsessed with DateSana as I used to be, I probably would have chosen one of them.  Probably Yukimura.  He's the most perfect cinnamon roll to have ever cinnamon rolled!  ...But that's not the series I'm obsessed with right now.  .....Though, I've always liked Mido Ban.  He's both silly and cool.  ^.^  I'll try looking through my old #husbando Tumblr posts.   (https://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/156909097412/rightstufanime-in-celebration-of-valentines) (https://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/125329019812/this-was-supposed-to-be-a-chart-of-characters-i) (https://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/125373206597/the-other-day-i-made-a-chart-of-my-favorite) Seems like I was just using the word "husbando" for my favorite characters, and not for characters I was crushing on.  Well, this is going to make it akward to put merely a "favorite character" next to "Maria Campbell" who makes me swoon.   I think the problem is that since I grew up very anti-girlygirl and am still in the process of getting over that, I have some kind of mental block vs admitting if I have a crush on a male character.  And I have such low self esteem, that I can't "see" myself with anyone.  Whereas with waifu, there's no stigma in my psyche, so I can just unabashedly admit when I'm drooling over a girl and just stupid in love.  So if I have to think of a male character that makes me feel the same as an ingenue like Maria Campbell, then it'd have to be someone that I just stupidly smile and sigh in the presence of, especially when they smile or whenever they talk, someone for whom I always want to protect their happiness and rain adoration onto...  The funny thing is that when I compare (https://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/125329019812/this-was-supposed-to-be-a-chart-of-characters-i) vs (https://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/125373206597/the-other-day-i-made-a-chart-of-my-favorite), there are a lot of favorite characters who I think are the coolest and I respect the most, but I'm not a drooling crushing idiot, over everything they say.  Actually, the characters in the more expanded list (https://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/125329019812/this-was-supposed-to-be-a-chart-of-characters-i), who are more like secondary favorite characters, better fit that reaction from me.  Like Makoto Tachibana.  He's like an ingenue shojo stuck in a boy's body.  Everything he says and does is precious.  Yet, as much as I like him, he didn't make the cut into my narrower list of favorite characters (https://mysticdragon3md3.tumblr.com/post/125373206597/the-other-day-i-made-a-chart-of-my-favorite). If I stick to current fandoms and choose Akira Kurusu as husbando, that would explain why I tend to be jealous over him.  Ryuji, I can ship with Ann or entertain other people's ship art with Ryuji, even though I prefer Ryuji with Akira.  But if I catch even a glimpse of anyone besides Ryuji with Akira, I click away from the entire website!  Like a voice in my head will not tolerate anyone with Akira who isn't Ryuji!  ^^;;;;;;;  Maybe that's a sign that Akira is my husbando.  ...Am I saying jealousy can be equated to the adoration I feel for ingenues like Maria Campbell?!?  That doesn't sound right.     Y'know what?  If I don't have an answer for husbando, then I just don't have an answer for husbando.   . Must see arc:   omg  I don't know.  Are we talking about just anime?  I guess if I added manga, it would just make the indecision harder on myself.  x_x;  I guess I always did like that last arc in Code Geass enough to re-watch it a zillion times.   Emperor Lelouch story arc (Code Geass) . Best anime OP/ED:   If we're going with current obsessions, lately a day hardly goes by without the Carole & Tuesday opening theme going through my head.  Though I do love anything by Asian Kung Fu Generation and T.M.Revolution/Abingdon Boys School/Takanori Nishikawa.  His Kamen Rider Zero One opening theme is amazing!  *u*  And I really love the themes from Fullmetal Alchemist's "Rewrite" opening theme from Asian Kung Fu Generation.  But L'Arc En Ciel's opening theme for FMA was also amazing...  And I love Yui; she's done a lot of anime themes...  See, this is why I said to limit myself to current obsessions.  So, "Kiss Me" by Nai Br. XX and Celeina Ann.   As for ending theme...?  I've always loved the ending theme for the Devil May Cry anime.  I had my eye on Oikawa Rin ever since she did the insert song "She Said" for the live action movie Kamikaze Girls. And I think she's done some Mamoru Hosoda movies too---Wait.  That was Hanako Oku.  Her music is good too!  *o*   I wonder if I could just pick one song instead of 1 opening theme AND 1 ending theme.  I'm too indecisive for 2 songs.   Well, since I'm limiting myself to only my most current fandoms, then I wouldn't have to check too many songs.  Haikyuu to the Top has a good ending theme.  I think Dr. Stone had a good one too.  And since I'm now watching My Next Life as a Villainess, I can add that to the candidates.   Dr. Stone's ending theme is good, but it's not as invigorating as Haikyuu season 4's.  At least to me. Naw, MNLAAV's ED is kind of typical.  Haikyuu s4's ED really grabs me.  "Kessen Spirit" (Haikyuu to the Top) . Best weapon:   ??????????????????  Should I include magical powers too??????  I've always liked swords.  So, magic sword?  Or am I supposed to be specific?  Like a specific mecha or specific Persona?  Should I include skills?  Like Hinata Shoyo's athleticism?  Should the answer be metaphysical, like how Love motivated Homura Akemi to re-make the universe?  But maybe "best weapon" is necessarily the most powerful.  Should it be the tool that enables the most good? A metaphysical tool that does good has got to be a Shonen protagonist's determination.  Y'know what I've always liked?  The innovation in Ranma Saotome's martial arts skill.  Someone online commented a LONG time ago, that Ranma can pretty much learn any martial arts technique, even really difficult ones, sometimes overnight or in a week.  And during a lot of his duels, he often has to throw out whatever technique he trained for, specifically to use against that opponent, and come up with something on the fly.  And that impromptu fighting technique usually works!  So is the best weapon a "sharp mind"?  Maybe I should just say "magical swords" to be simple and humorous.  It'd be really cool if I could think of something specific as my favorite.  Y'know what?  It's already 12:57 AM 5/16/2020.  I'm gonna go with "a sharp mind".  It was what made Nabiki Tendo dominate every situation, it's a key component to Lelouch vi Britannia whom I love so much.  ...a sharp mind & martial arts...  Now that I'm filling it out, maybe I should just pick a personal favorite weapon, vs "the best".  How about Natsume Takashi's compassion?  "magic sword, sharp mind, Shonen protagonist's determination".  Titual character plot armor?  lol   "Shonen protagonist's determination; Shojo protagonist's compassion" . Best mecha: I've never really been into mecha.  Even when I was obsessed with Magic Knight Rayearth, I still wasn't that interested in their mecha.  I usually always say "Deathscythe Hell" is my favorite mecha, because even though I'm not into that much mecha anime, I used to be into Gundam Wing, Duo was my favorite, his mecha was really distinct with its scythe, and his emotional connection with it was very endearing.  But Code Geass is one of my favorite anime now.  Gurren is cool, becasue Kallen Kozuki is cool and they've both been through a lot together.  But I feel like I should say Shinkiro is best mecha, since I love Lelouch.  Earlier today, Bluefin revealed a new figurine for the Shinkiro and my jaw dropped.  Maybe I should say Shinkiro?  But I don't really know even the specifics of Shinkiro? Maybe that's not a requirement.  Maybe I should just put anything, since I'm not a mecha expert.  Maybe I should go "classic" with Escaflowne?  Naw, that's a copout, not my personal answer.  The problem with choosing the Guren or Shinkiro is that I'm not so much favoring the mecha, as much as I am the pilot.  But the question is about the mecha.  In terms of capabilities, Shinkiro's calculating abilities might be more amazing, but only Lelouch specifically can use it.  But that ability can be used for both calculating defense and attacks... And the lazer dispersing gem on the Shinkiro is pretty cool too.  I guess I like the aesthetics of Shinkiro better than Guren.  But Guren's Radiant Waver Surger arm has turned the tide of so many battles, I can't help but be emotionally attached to that capability too. And should I say "Guren", "Guren Mark II", or "Guren Seiten" is best?  I love Guren Seiten's wings.  Y'know what?  I'm just gonna put both.  "Guren Seiten / Shinkiro"
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