#i could go on a dissertation for days at this point
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zomboivex · 2 days ago
Vexting’s Official (Unofficial) Tier-List of the TKD Cast
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I’ll break down my reasonings below the cut.
For me, these are characters that steal the scene whenever they’re in it, for me. I live, breathe, and eat this character up.
Rui Mizuki - is it really a surprise that Rui is at the very top? He has stolen my heart the first time I laid my eyes upon him. There’s something about a blond man that has ties to a deadly touch that just gets me (hello Prosciutto). But- in all honesty, I just love how deep and complex he feels, to me. He’s profoundly tragic all while masking it with an air of being overly friendly and helpful. I could honestly write an entire dissertation of this character (and I plan to). But I’ll save that for another day.
Leo Kurosagi - A polarizing character for many. I do think he gets a lot of hate compared to other equally offending characters. But aside from that, I really actually enjoy Leo. Sure, he’s an ass at times. But he really strikes me as someone who is so deeply insecure but refusing to let others know any of his weaknesses so he comes across as an asshole. He DOES do assholeish things. He reminds me a lot of younger me, as well. So biased. And yeah- I was a shit person. But growth, ya know? Anyways. Leo does have redeeming qualities. He does try to help Alan and look out for him (when he refuses to give the original copy of the case file but made a copy to give) as well as trying to make sure Tohma doesn’t take advantage of him. Not to mention making a literal app for Sho’s food truck. He DOES care. He shows it in his own way. And yeah, he’s a prick. But ya know- I just don’t see him as the worst offender (‘realistic’ or not).
Ren Shiranami - Ren is unironically fucking FUNNY. Dude is trapped in a clown world. Forced to wear the most atrocious outfits while trying to just keep to himself. He’s really trying to keep out of things and I love that for him. Also his SSR standard is my favorite standard. And he’s beyond expressive. I just love this guy.
This category are characters I greatly enjoy for one reason or another. They don’t quite make the cut into the S rank for one flaw or other. But, they’re still pretty solid in my eyes.
Ed Hart - He fucking cracks me up. I’m not into the whole vampire trope thing but he subverted my expectations by being the most cringe crackpot theorist I’ve ever laid eyes upon. I adore and despise him at the same time. He’s only not higher simply because it’s Ed. He just- can’t go any higher.
Yuri Isami - This newest chapter really bumped him up to top 5 territory for me. I love me an overconfident guy who’s clearly overcompensating. I won’t say anything else. But iykyk. He really shot up from like C-Tier to A-Tier.
Haru Sagara - Haru is fucking hilarious and he bounces well off of Ren. He zips about and is unapologetically a nuisance to all. Though, sorry Haru, you stay in A-Tier because you do have a few things that kinda make me go ‘hmmmmm’ for a second. And I can’t put my finger on why, just yet.
Ritsu Shinjo - One-track minded and really stuck in a single line of thinking. He’s hilariously wrong and doesn’t even realize it. I mean he’s not ALWAYS wrong, obviously. But- the fact that he’s so over-confident to the point of ignoring anything else anyone says kills me. A-Tier if only because of association with Taiga. And also his pretentious hand on chest pose that he has all the time in (most) of his cards. Get outta here ya failure.
These characters are one I feel positively towards but I don’t think too much on them. They’re ones that I do enjoy seeing but I don’t get beyond excited when they pop up. Still, it’s an enjoyable time, all the same.
Haku Kusanagi - I’m feeling positive about Haku but there’s still not enough there for me to push him up or down. I do like what I’m seeing, though. And I love his warding card with Rui. It’s hands down my favorite card in the entire game. In fact, I love his dynamic with Rui so far and I really hope we get to see more of them together. He’s- very similar to Rui, I feel. Only slightly different. But that’s a topic for another day.
Zenji Kotodama - Good god. First of all, he has the literal best SSR character card in the entire game. IYKYK. That shit EATS. In fact, Zenji EATS. He’s a fun character with enough tragedy to balance him out. I would feel so safe and included around Zenji and he’s honestly a great guy with killer fashion. I adore him. He’s only lower because I do want to see more of him. Truly. More dynamics. I want to hear what others thought of him before he passed.
Jiro Kirisaki - Jiro is growing on me and may see some upwards movement in the future. He’s interesting enough to keep me invested but doesn’t seem to also hog up screen time, either. He’s a solid balance of being there and present and impactful but also- not in your face about it. I am so curious about him. And because there’s a LOT of mystery there, I’m keeping him here for now. But I have a feeling he’ll see some upwards movement on this list.
Sho Haizano - Sho and I would 100% throw hands. But then we’d both laugh it off, I think. He’s a bit too passive for my liking. But I can respect a man with a good truck and passion for food. As a fellow food man, myself. Sho, you’re solid there. But wash that bandana, please. He’d be higher. But- again- his passive nature makes it hard for me to place him higher than he is.
Alan Mido - Alan is a comfortable character. He’s comfortably there. But the lack of information makes it hard to place him higher, for me. I do imagine he gives some of the best hugs, though. I feel like I need an Alan hug in my life. Truly.
Characters placed here are ones I feel a little indifferent towards or feel a bit annoyed if they’re on the screen (depending on the context). But they’re not irredeemable in my eyes. Just characters that I personally can’t rank higher at this time.
Kaito Fuji - Kaito, you have been ALL over this list, haven’t you? From A-Tier to D-Tier to slowly moving comfortably towards the middle. He has some amazing screen time. And has two really sick fucking cards. But the constant on-screen screaming KILLS him for me. I don’t mind the boy failure aspect. I think it has its charms. But I actually have to mute my game because of him.
Romeo Lucci - Romeo, you’re really only so low because of exposure exhaustion. You’re everywhere. He has his charms, for sure. I can see why he’s appealing to some. He cracks me the fuck up because he’s so exasperated. I’m just- also kinda sick of seeing his face is all. One day, I’m sure you’ll shoot up higher.
Jin Kamurai - Jin was solid D-Tier for a while for me but after doing my character study of him, he’s been slowly going up. I don’t care for his character trope. The cold/callous CEO(esque) son who actually has a soft spot for those he cares about. Ehhh not my type. He tries too hard to be hard and it’s- kinda lame. But- I also like this pathetic side of him that’s untrusting and afraid of being betrayed again. He has some interesting aspects so we’ll see where he winds up on this list in the future.
Lyca Colt - Lyca isn’t BAD. Per say. But I’m not a fan, at all, of his werewolf form. It just- looks stupid. It looks BAD. And I can appreciate that others like him. But that really took me out. In a negative way. Now. Lyca has some sweet traits about him. And I do teeter on liking him and hating him. So he has a chance.
Subaru Kagami - I do not trust this fucker at all. I would hate him in real life, too. He sets off alarms in my head. I know he’s an actor and it’s not really a surprise that he’s putting on an act. But something about him makes me feel physically nauseous. He’s not in D-Tier if only because he does have some nice interactions and I bet he’s a pretty crier.
If I placed a character here, it’s because there’s just something I greatly dislike about this character. It is a personal opinion. I don’t hate them. But until the game gives me a reason to move them up, they remain here.
Tohma Ishibashi - I can see the appeal of him to others. But he comes across as so slimy. I also just cannot take anyone serious who has their monocle pierced to their fucking ear. Or even just wears a monocle. Okay cartoon ass villain.
Lucas Errant - Stale bread. He’s the ‘safe’ option. And- again, I see why people see the appeal in him. He has cute moments. But I just find him to be a scene drainer. Anytime he’s on screen I suddenly feel myself losing interest in the game.
Towa Otonashi - Towa is interesting. I’ll give him that. But he also comes across as the type to really idealize what romance is. He just gives me major ick vibes. I do look forward to learning more about him, though. And he is very cute. It’s just that personality kinda kills it for me. Anyone who has an idealized version of someone else instead of seeing them as a person with flaws feels extremely just….. gross to me.
Taiga Hoshibami - I understand why people like him. People like unhinged bad boys who give no fucks. And good for them. Not my cup of tea. But my biggest issue with Taiga is exposure exhaustion. I’m so fucking sick of seeing his face to the point that every time I do see him I roll my eyes and find my mood instantly decrease. They better do something actually interesting with him soon because I’m really getting sick of him.
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harukakitous · 1 year ago
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Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger | #44
"When self-righteousness blurs out the guilt, it's easy for a person to become a monster."
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licorishh · 4 months ago
I'm sorry but the complete and utter lack of appreciation on the internet for the 1995 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice is just absurd. WHERE IS YOUR ENTHUSIASM. WHERE IS YOUR APPRECIATION FOR SUPERBLY-CRAFTED MEDIA. Sure, the 2005 one is fine. Whatever. But the 1995 one??? HELLO???
'95 Mr. Darcy is the biggest simp on the face of the Earth and I will hear no objection to the contrary. My guy spent the first three episodes doing nothing but whining about how dumb and lame everybody was except for him 20% of the time and just staring at Lizzy like a big stupid idiot the other 80% of the time. My guy invented yearning.
My guy yearned so bad he finally bothered to do the self-reflection he'd never cared to do before when she eviscerated him to such a degree because she wouldn't stoop to marrying someone for whom she had not a shred of respect. My guy yearned so bad he was willing to risk his station in life, his livelihood, literally everything just to save her family from ruin, something he would never have dreamed of doing in the beginning of the show. My guy yearned so bad he recognized his deepest flaws and put in the work to change them and become a better person not so that she'd give him what he wanted, but because he realized she was right and that he was in the wrong and needed to make those changes literally just in order to actually have a happy and fulfilling life.
My guy literally created "I love my wife so bad I'm gonna explode and she could kill me on the spot and I'd thank her for the opportunity to be involved"-ism and you people ought to show more gratitude for him singlehandedly altering fandom culture.
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humanpurposes · 3 months ago
Hi hiiii I couldn’t resist to not slide into your inbox and request a Christmas fic based on this prompt with a Aemond who isn’t used to his girl’s flirty behavior and gets flustered soo easily👀 you can totally ignore this if you don’t like it<3333
“Since I can’t ride in Santa’s sleigh, can I ride you instead?” “Sorry, what?”
HI RUE ✨ Kinda put my own spin on this but I'm sure you'll love it <3
Can I Ride You Instead?
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modern!Aemond x reader
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: smut, Aemond being a workaholic while his girl has needs
A/n: It's tiiiiime, happy 1st December!!
Main Masterlist // Christmas Masterlist
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One more night in King’s Landing. You look out from the window at the lights in the city; street lamps; lively pubs; offices that have been abandoned until new year; and all the festive lights lining the highstreets. Conquest Street is your favourite place to be this time of year. You love the displays in the shop windows, the market in the square, the little wooden huts selling scarves and handmade jewellery, the smell of mulled wine, sugar and cinnamon, almost tangible in your nose and on your tongue. What you wouldn’t give to be there right now.
Aemond’s apartment is bleak by comparison. He doesn’t see the point in decorations, not when he’ll be spending Christmas at his family’s estate– at Dragonstone, Christmas is Alicent’s territory. Aemond’s place is clean, lit by lowlights with no bursts of colour or fairy lights and no tree.
He’s sitting at the dining table. The cold glare of his laptop shines over his face and reflects in the lenses of his glasses.
This boy never takes a break.
Term technically doesn’t end until tomorrow but everyone you know has already gone home to make the most of the break. Not Aemond. He wants to stay for as long as possible. He doesn’t talk about his family much, but you can put pieces together. You booked your own train ticket home according to his because you could think of nothing worse than leaving him alone on the run up to Christmas.
“Sit down, you’re making me anxious,” Aemond says, not looking up from the screen.
He’s been on the verge of irritation all day. You’re in the kitchen trying to make hot chocolate? Too much noise, he says. You’re at the dining table wrapping presents for your parents? Too distracting.
You take slow steps across the floor, behind his chair, draping yourself over his shoulders. He’s working on some project for an internship and simultaneously trying to get ahead on the research for his dissertation.
You love how he looks when he’s focused, the frown that means he’s utterly absorbed in what he’s doing. It’s not quite so endearing when he could be focusing on you instead.
Your arms wrap around him. He pushes his glasses up and puts a hand over yours, a featherlight touch. You want more.
“It’s getting late you say,” letting your lips ghost over his temple.
“It’s not even six.”
“You should take a break. We could order food?”
“Yeah, when I’m done with this, I just need to–”
Your arms fall away from him and he looks up at you with a slow breath. His expression is soft, his eyes slightly hooded, his lips fallen. He knows he's upset you.
“Aemond, it’s our last night together before Christmas.”
He shuts the lid of his laptop and leaves his glasses on the table. As much as you love how he looks with them on, there’s something about the unobstructed view of his face that never fails to take your breath away. Especially his eyes, one blue, one glass and made to imitate a sapphire, framed in a neat scar running down the left side of his face, an injustice of childhood.
He leans forward, snaking his hands to your waist, pulling you in towards him. 
It’s an unfair move really. Suddenly all you want to do is run your fingers through his silver hair, tilt his chin up, hold his face in your hands.
“You’re right, darling,” he says, stroking his thumbs in circles where they fall against your belly. You feel the pressure of it through the knit jumper you wear. “Let’s go out. Pub? Restaurant? What’s the market thing on Conquest Street, didn’t you mention that a while ago?”
“It’s a bit late to go out now, I’d have to get ready.”
“We’ll stay in and watch a Christmas movie then, yeah?”
“I didn’t think you’d be in the mood for something festive.”
He makes a quick face. Not that long ago you’d tried to get him to watch The Muppet Christmas Carol, and he was far from impressed. What horrors will you have in store for him next? “Whatever you want. I want whatever you want.”
You coax him to the sofa, big and plush and expensive. Aemond throws a blanket over the two of you and with a few taps of his phone arranges the food. Without much deliberation you put on Love Actually, meeting Aemond’s eye with a wide grin.
He hides his face in his hands but survives the ordeal.
By the time the credits are rolling it’s not particularly late, but you’re dreading the morning. You’ll have to wake up early, pack a bag, then you and Aemond will go to the train station together and go your separate ways until the new year. A whole two weeks apart.
You cozy up to him, breathe in the smell of his aftershave.
“What now, another film?” He asks, trying to find the remote.
Another idea pops into your head. “We could do something else?”
Aemond catches your eye, trying not to smile. “Now let me think, what else could we possibly do, hmm?” He’s awful at playing coy and has been since the moment you met him. He’s too observant, too intent on the details to play dumb.
“Well,” you say, tracing fingertips along the material of his sweats, over his thigh, “since it is the season, and I can’t ride Santa’s sleigh, can I ride you instead?”
His mouth bursts into a messy smile. “Sorry, what?”
You mean to huff out of annoyance but it comes out like a laugh. “I’m trying to be cute!”
Aemond takes your chin in his fingers and your body freezes. “You really don’t need to try,” he says, and leans in to capture your lips with his.
The way Aemond kisses makes you melt every time. He’s slow and commanding, like he’s savouring every precious moment. His hands slide underneath your jumper, dragging along your skin to hold your waist. The promise of what will come next puts you on edge.
Sparse gasps for breath hum in the back of your throat. Aemond smiles against your lips and holds you tighter, dragging you to straddle his lap. He pulls away from your mouth, to your frustration, and places a wide palm at your navel, the waist of your jeans. “Stand up, need to get these off.”
You move off him and go to undo the top button, but Aemond grabs your wrists and pulls you closer. You watch as he smiles slightly, his fingers moving to undo the button and the zip. He’s teasing you, drawing out the anticipation as much as he can. 
You sigh in relief once they’re off, dragging them down your legs, tossing them aside and coming back to straddle Aemond. 
His hands settle at your thighs. “Look at you, so eager, hmm?”
“You can’t blame me, you’ve been ignoring me all day,” you say, grinding your clothed core against the bulge in his sweats. You can be teasing too, with drawn out movements of your hips.
Aemond’s jaw tightens. You can see he’s trying to stay smug. “Well, we’re fixing that now.”
You press a kiss to his cheek while your fingertips curl at the top of his sweats, dragging them down enough to free his cock. He’s taught you what he likes and if you were feeling patient you might have come to your knees before him, but at the slightest touch of Aemond’s fingertips against the fabric over your clit, you know what you need.
He pulls your panties to the side, dragging you along his leaking cock with a hand at your lower back. He’s hard and you’re achingly wet. He holds you where he wants you, lining himself up to pull you down onto his length. The stretch is sharp and sweet, hollowing you out and filling you perfectly. 
Aemond’s head falls against the back of the sofa as you sink down.
“Does it feel good?” you tease him.
He’s breathless, helplessly watching the space where your bodies meet. “Fuck, perfect little pussy– feels so good,”
You cradle your arms around his head as you ride him, unhurried, hands restless as you feel his hair and the sides of his face, along his jaw.
Aemond hardly has to do anything, as soon as his fingertips are on your clit you feel your spine straighten and something inside you tighten. He circles over you lazily, watching your face with a soft, admiring kind of amusement. 
“Right there,” you whisper, “don’t fucking stop.”
“Are you gonna come for me, darling?”
Your thighs are burning at the effort but you don’t care. You’re so close, so close.
“Beg me,” Aemond murmurs.
A slew of slurred and breathless pleas fall from your lips. You can feel the slickness between your legs, how easily he glides over you, how deep his cock reaches inside of you, pushing against the right spot.
Aemond hums as he grabs your hips with his free hand, fucking you faster and harder until you’re falling apart, convulsing, melting. 
You fall against Aemond, holding each other closer as you wait for the deliriousness to fade away. Suddenly the air is unbearably cold. You cling to Aemond, to his warmth, content in his arms.
“Happy with your ride?” Aemond asks. You can hear him grinning.
You lift your head and rest it against his shoulder. The light of the TV catches in his features, his jaw, his cheeks, his nose, the details of grey in his right eye and the unnatural bright blue of his left.
“Can I go again?”
Aemond leans into you, pressing his nose against yours. “You can ride me as many times as you want, darling.”
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darlingdaisyfarm · 4 months ago
texting Stan and Ford headcanons
smut version
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Stan Pines
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✧ Stan is the kinda guy who thinks emojis are a scam, but somehow, he figured out how to use the "thumbs up" and "money bag" emoji. so, expect a lot of those in your chats.
✧ his text tone is rough, a little misspelled, typed like he's yelling even when he isn’t. Half of his texts are in all caps, and he absolutely does not care about grammar. but he gets the point across, always.
✧ you’re getting messages at 3 am about some ‘brilliant’ scheme to make a quick buck. he’ll send, “LISTEN, doll, what if we made... GIANT… glitter-filled eggs for easter? Tourists'll go NUTS." you reply, half-asleep, with “Stan, ily but go to bed." and all you get back is a “🤬 YOU GOTTA THINK BIGGER!”
✧ Stan sends those weird chain messages he swears are from some “hotshot businessman” that’ll make you rich in a week. and when you don’t respond immediately, you get a: “Fine, Miss Doubtful, see you when I’m rolling in gold.”
✧ there are whole days where he just floods your phone with random, blurry photos of some new Mystery Shack "artifact" he found. It’s usually junk he picked up at a garage sale, like a “haunted” ashtray or some knock-off painting that’s “probably ancient.”
✧ If he’s feeling sappy (and tipsy): you might get a rare “thinking bout you, sweet thing” at 2 am. but if you try to call him on it the next day, he’ll just be like “Didn’t say that. You’re makin’ stuff up.”
✧ when he’s really riled up about something, though? then his messages are just. . . a stream of caps-lock curses, mixed with misspelled attempts to describe whatever nonsense he just got himself into. you just sit back and let him rant; he’ll cool off eventually.
✧ and the voice messages are something else. they sound like he’s talking through a fan half the time. one minute, he’s rambling about how tourists are “the dumbest suckers on the planet” and the next, he’s ranting about how “bigfoot definitely broke into the shack last night!"
types of messages Stan texts: 
"So… whatcha wearin’? 😏"
“Hey doll, I just found a penny on the ground! Maybe today’s my lucky day… hint hint ;)"
"I’d say somethin’ romantic, but I think my brain just shorted out. You’re a little too cute for a guy like me."
"Just tried that new café downtown. Ordered coffee… tastes like they filtered it through someone’s laundry. You’d hate it. Wanna come mock it with me?"
"Not gonna lie, I miss that face of yours. So what’re we doin’ about it, huh?"
“Again missin’ that cute little smile of yours… maybe you could send me a pic to remind me?”
"Wanna help me scam the tourists today? I’ll split the loot with ya… maybe ;)”
"You wouldn’t believe what I caught Ford muttering in his sleep. Man’s like a walking encyclopedia, even when he’s unconscious."
“Got any plans later? Thought maybe we could… y’know… not have plans together."
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Ford Pines 
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✧ hehehehe he’s like an old-school emailer who’s just now getting the hang of messaging apps. texts in complete sentences, full punctuation, like he’s drafting a dissertation.
✧ He sends you whole paragraphs at random hours, talking about some discovery he’s made, like he’s reporting directly to NASA. you’re like, “Ford, it's just a weird-looking squirrel." and he's already typing another essay about its "possible interdimensional origins."
✧ once in a while, he’ll send you a message that says, “Are you awake?” at, like 3 am followed by a string of thoughtful yet completely bonkers hypotheses. you find it cute, though, his mind never stops, not even for a second.
✧ If he’s feeling bold, you might even get a “hypothetical” confession out of him: “Hypothetically, if one were to develop... strong emotional attachment to a certain person... how would one proceed?" You tease him about it the next day, and he gets flustered, “It was purely scientific curiosity."
✧ Ford isn’t big on emojis, but he likes the brain and alien ones, using them poetically. he’ll sign off texts with a single brain emoji, like it’s his version of a little goodbye wave.
✧ on really rare occasions, he’ll send a voice message. they’re always way too long, and it’s usually him whispering so he doesn’t wake Stan up. he goes on about cosmic rays or “gravity anomalies,” his voice dropping lower when he gets excited. you live for those moments
✧ and if he ever texts you a “good night,” you just know he’s been up thinking about it for hours, trying to figure out if it’s “appropriate.”
types of messages Ford texts: 
“It’s been approximately 3 hours, 12 minutes, and 23 seconds since our last conversation… not that I’m counting or anything. Just… miss you."
sends a meme about science nerds “Us. But mostly me.”
“My hands ache from writing… though perhaps if it were writing about you, I wouldn’t mind.”
“Do you think about me too, or am I the only one utterly ruined by this… whatever this is?”
“I’ve been thinking about that book you lent me... 🤔 It’s honestly so much more interesting than I expected, thank you for recommending it."
"I don’t know how to work this... But I managed to send a meme! It’s not the worst thing I’ve done, I suppose? 
“I did it. I fixed the telescope. Finally. Now we can actually look at the stars like we’ve talked about. :)"
"I hope you’re feeling okay today. I noticed you seemed a little stressed the other day. Don’t forget to take care of yourself. :) It’s important."
"If I could rearrange the periodic table, I’d put U and I together. :( Sorry, nerdy joke... :’D)”
lmao if someone wants, i can write some spicy types of chatting with them :)))
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fastandcarlos · 7 months ago
Study Hard : ̗̀➛ Charles LeClerc
summary: as proud as he is as you near the end of your degree, charles can’t help but worry about the levels you’re pushing yourself to in order to achieve it
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The sight that greeted him was far from what Charles expected to see, walking into your apartment Charles was met by you, busying yourself on the sofa with books stacked as far as the eye could see. 
“Have you left that spot all day?” Charles asked, having left you there hours ago. 
“I got myself a drink a while ago,” you responded, not tearing your eyes from your book as you carefully read through the page. 
A sigh came from George as you found what you were looking for, picking up your laptop and typing away the source. Knowing that you’d only got yourself a drink immediately left Charles concerned, you were working yourself incredibly hard, and despite him continually reminding you to take care of yourself, it seemed as if you were doing anything but. 
The end was in sight for you now, but Charles was becoming increasingly concerned that you wouldn’t reach that end if you continued to work yourself as hard as you were doing currently. 
Charles sorted himself out, putting his keys away and slipping off his shoes before trying to find a space on the sofa where he could sit.  
“Love,” Charles whispered, poking against your arm as your eyes finally glanced across to look at him. 
“Sorry, sorry,” you muttered, putting everything down for a moment, even if you didn’t really want to. “How was your day? Did you have a good practice run?” 
“It was good,” he weakly smiled, “how’s your day been? You look busy.” 
“There’s lots to be getting on with,” you told him, pointing to all your books and paperwork, “but I’ve been getting a few breaks in and making sure that I stop for a while,” you then assured Charles, although he was far from convinced.  
“Right,” Charles hummed, his eyes studying you closely as you were itching to return to your laptop. “How about I go and get sorted and then we can do something together?” 
“Yeah, that would be nice,” you smiled, watching as Charles stood up from where he was sat. “I’ve only got this little bit left to do and then I can put all of this away for a little while.” 
Charles rushes to get himself sorted, hurrying down the stairs, hopeful that everything is tidy for you two to hang out. But it is anything but. 
You still looked as if you hadn’t moved when Charles came downstairs, you didn’t even notice him reappearing as he stood and watched you, his arms folded in front of his chest as he tried to not let you see just how frustrated he was becoming with you. 
Charles gives you a moment, wondering if maybe you need to just finish something, but when you pick up yet another book, his patience seems to run out with you. 
“Come on, time to stop with this for a while,” Charles encourages, going to pick something up. 
You leap across and snatch it from Charles, placing the paper back in its rightful stop. “You can’t just move these things Charles, they’re important.” 
“I’m well aware of how important this degree is to you love, but aren’t I important too?” Charles questioned, throwing his arms up in frustration. 
You stop what you’re doing, placing everything down as your hands run over the top of your head. You’d been working incredibly hard, some would argue a little too hard, and perhaps Charles had a point that you were beginning to forget about the man who always took such good care of you. 
As you remain silent, Charles moves closer to you, worried that he’s ended up upsetting you more than he intended. “Why don’t we put this away for the night?” 
Your head shook back at Charles, “I’ve still got so much to do.” 
“I’m still lacking in sources for this to be a credible dissertation, I’m so far off the word count it’s embarrassing, and I’ve not even proofread any of what I wrote today,” you began to explain to him. “There’s only a few weeks left and if I don’t start pulling my finger out to get this done then there’s no way I’m going to get my degree, and if I don’t get my degree, I can’t get the job, and then who knows what I’ll do?” You fret, rambling away to Charles as you let your concerns get the better of you. “I don’t mean to do all of this and leave us doing nothing but if I don’t get on then I’m just going to end up further behind everyone else Charles.” He reached across and took a hold of your hand before he could let you rant any further, sensing that you were beginning to get yourself overwhelmed.  
“Babe, just listen to me,” Charles whispered, pulling you closely into his side. “You’re doing incredibly well, but you’re going to end up sick if you carry on like this.” 
“Charles I-” 
“No,” Charles continued, pressing a kiss against the top of your head. “It’s inspiring seeing how much this means to you, but you’ve still got to make sure that you’re prioritising yourself my love.” 
“I don’t know what to do,” you admitted as your voice began to falter, moving even closer into Charles. “Every time I try and relax and stop stressing, I just end up overthinking all the things I still have to do.” 
Charles let you vent, he lets you debrief, knowing it’s what’s been bubbling for so long. You’d tried to pretend that you were fine for so long, but Charles knew you much better than that. 
“It’s alright,” Charles whispered as he leant back on the sofa with you, moving you away from all of your books. 
“I’m exhausted with all this,” you sighed, burying into Charles’ chest. 
“I know you are, I know it’s hard,” Charles sympathised, knowing better than anyone how hard you were pushing yourself, “let’s not fret about this anymore tonight.” 
“Y-you’re right,” you stuttered, feeling Charles press a kiss against the top of your head, “can I just leave all this here?” 
“Let’s head to bed,” Charles suggested, knowing the thought of tidying up all of your mess was enough to potentially tip you over the edge. 
You don’t even protest as Charles takes your hand and helps you up from the sofa to wander over to the stairs. You allow him to guide you, your steps lazy and slow as you finally realise just how tired your body is. Everything aches, from your mind to your toes after cramping up on the sofa for most of the afternoon, you’re ready to just shut down from everything that’s been going on. 
It takes a moment for you to really allow yourself to forget the work that is scattered around your living room, but Charles doesn’t let you look back for long before walking you up the stairs and straight for your bedroom, knowing it’s the perfect place for you to be. 
Once you’re there, you flop down, Charles quickly joining you. He immediately takes on the role of big spoon and brings you into his chest, squeezing you as tightly as he can to take your mind off of things. 
“This is where we should be,” Charles mused as he rested his head on top of yours, “I forgot how nice it was to cuddle up to you, you’ve left me starved of affection for so long.” 
Your eyes roll at Charles’ dramatics, something he can tell you’re doing after so long together. Best of all though, Charles could feel you relaxing in his hold which was the only thing that he wanted for you. 
“Thank you for always looking out for me, even though I’m a pain,” you whispered back to Charles, “this will all be over soon enough.” 
“I just want you to be careful,” Charles reminded you, “I’m beyond proud of you, but I don’t want to see all your hard work see you hurt yourself too.” 
“I promise that I’ll take better care of myself.” 
“And I’ll make sure that I’m right there with you to take care of you too babe.” 
“What would I do without you?” You chuckled as your eyes began to close. 
Charles went to reply but soon noticed you settling down, deciding to fall silent and finally let you get some well-deserved sleep, with Charles right there when you woke up. 
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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sexybritishllama · 1 year ago
strap in folks it's time for another neopets drama update
some background reading before we begin: back when neopets wanted to introduce customisation (i.e. dressing up your pet) in 2007, they decided to 'convert' all existing pet art to align with a rigid body structure, rather than all having unique poses. it was just not feasible to create new pieces of art for hundreds of different pet poses every single time they released a new clothing them
customisation had been highly requested up until this point. however, the conversion was NOT popular. in some cases, particularly for basic colours, the change wasn't huge, but in other cases.... uh....
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you get the idea. the more expensive colours like plushie, faerie, grey, royal and darigan got the worst of it because they had the more unique poses pre-conversion, and therefore it was largely agreed that the change to the stiff 'samey', frankly kinda goofy converted look did not look great
most users did not get a choice in having their neopet converted and it was done automatically, but if you had one of these colours where the change was huge, you were given the choice of converting or retaining the old pose (but not having the option to customise your pet). those pets that retained the old, pre-conversion poses are therefore referred to as 'unconverted', or UC for short
once a pet is converted, there's no returning to UC. you also couldn't create UC pets anymore, making UCs a limited resource that would only increase in value with time, particularly as people abandon their pets, leave the site, get frozen, etc.
i could write an entire dissertation on the drama that UC pets have caused for the pet trading economy, the neopet account black market, and general retention of the userbase, but to sum it up, people REALLY want UC pets. they are the single most coveted status symbol on the site
we skip forward now to 2023
the neopets team are planning to introduce UC pets back to the site, so that people will be able to create their own UC pets again for the first time post-converstion (legally at least)
they drip feed bits of information over the year about what this will look like. the main points are
changing a pet to UC will be done via some kind of item bought with neocash, the premium currency on neopets that you need to spend real money to get
putting this item on your pet will give it the UC art style appearance
so. not much really known. but expected release is set for january 2024
yesterday, they hosted an AMA focusing on the new UC pet system and how this was going to work. noticeably absent is any explanation of how much this is actually going to cost and whether it is going to involve any kind of gatcha mechanic, so that's causing our first lot of concern
second lot of drama is that the new UCs aren't actually going to be COMPLETELY the same as the old art, as they're making some small changes for style consistency, see below (old on top, new below):
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the biggest drama, however, comes from how they're dealing with the 'original' UC pets. ALL pets will be getting forcibly converted on the 23rd, with anyone who has a pet that is already an original UC immediately receiving the UC neocash item. there's mention of possibly some kind of trophy or badge recognition for particularly old pets, but it's vague, and generally seems like it won't be possible to distinguish between the original UCs and these new ones
the people who already have OCs are not happy about this
people are allegedly pounding their pets, cancelling their premium, and quitting the site in protest. the boards are flooded with people complaining about the changes and laughing at the downfall of the 'neo-elite' in equal measure
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it's t-minus 5 days until the second great conversion goes live. let's all pray for our souls
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thehypnone · 5 months ago
yapped about different university ghouls dynamics with @skele-bunny and @everybodyshusband. part 1/2, swissalps
university teacher swiss who got through his studies high 90% of the time and then one day got the job and now he's the token cool teacher & quiet but passionate professor mountain that shares an office with swiss (they fuck)
swiss "forgetting" to give mountain hickies below the collar so they end up sooo visible and look very clearly fresh
mountain stumbling out all disheveled out of the office a few minutes late for class and swiss following with the biggest grin. they both go to the other side of the corridor where their students are waiting by the rooms for them—it just so happens that they're next to each other. the students know exactly what went down
or rather who went down
mountain would sooo embarrass himself if they had to host a lecture or a seminar together. he just stutters and gets bashful, while swiss is the kind to throw teases and jokes at him that always makes the class laugh
a student comes to mountain like "sorry i missed last class, i've had to retake a test with professor (whatever swiss' last name would be)" and it's more than enough to get mountain blushing
imagine swiss just interrupting mountain in the middle of class "ah i let mine go half an hour early cause i wanted to see what the second most handsome professor here was up to" and he sits in the back of the room for the remaining half an hour and mountain can not keep a straight face
mountain would come into swiss' classes too, because swiss would invite him for a consultation or some other bullshit excuse. he's smart, tho, and he plans the class so that mountains expertise actually is useful and the students are busy, but swiss will be a tease then; bend himself over a table or something to give mountain flashbacks lmfao
I think they jump around each other like that, fucking occasionally, for a few months. like colleagues with benefits
swiss falls in love first, but mountain falls harder
one day swiss goes out to smoke despite it being horrendously cold outside and mountain sees him from the window of their office. he bites his lip and fights internally with himself so hard but finally decides to suck it up and go outside with two mugs of hot coffee
after that it's swiss’ turn to suck it up and he finally invites mountain for dinner—a proper date, and honestly it just goes down from there
a few months later swiss finds out their students had a bet going on for the longest time hfdgdffd
coffee date while they grade assignments together and mountain can't help but laugh and roll his eyes about how careless swiss is with it all "you really did find your phd in a bag of chips, didn't you?"
"no, actually, I stole a dead guy's identity 'cause I saw there was a hot professor I could share an office with and ended up committing to the act"
"do you even remember what your dissertation is on or were you too high?"
"I definitely know it better than you" but then it turns out mountain actually might be more familiar with it than swiss himself because he totally did study his dissertation just so he could find some common points for an academic conversation (because mountain is not social enough to have a conversation about anything else)
mountain standing up for swiss when some other professors that consider themselves better than everyone talk shit about swiss. something something "he's as competent as all of you and yet, unlike you, is still capable of being a decent human being."
swiss could be a sociolinguist and mountain would be a literature guy 100%
students begging mountain to remind swiss he was supposed to grade something or send some materials cause he forgets. mountain with a clean uni-domain email inbox and swiss with 83475742 unread messages from students and management alike
quickie sex in the car before they go in to teach
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shittyassffblog · 5 months ago
In Sickness and In Health
Someone said they wanted noah taking care of Y/N when they were sick and i took that upon myself lol (not at all procrastinating my dissertation noooooo) anyways here. They're married too yay
If anyone wants to go on a taglist for when i post send me an inbox and i'll add you to it!
Warnings: illness (cold and coughing), fluff, any others please tell me.
You woke up to the most annoying sound of your alarm going off. You had never been more pissed at your alarm before and soon you felt it. Your left nostril all blocked up. You groaned out loud and turned under your covers only for the other nostril to be blocked off too now. You opened your eyes to see the other side of the bed empty. Noah must be at the gym.
You got up from the bed to get a shower, hoping that would clear up some of the goo in your nose. As you got undressed, you called your work to tell them you were sick. You put on some calming music and got in the warm water. You lost track of time in there, the warm water being so soothing. You quickly washed your body and hair and got out again. You took your time doing your skincare, rubbing your whole body with bodyoil. You walked into your bedroom to find Noah half dressed, looking through his drawers for a pair of underwear. You hugged him from behind and he juped slightly.
"Hey princess, what are you doing home?" He asked, turning around and hugging you close.
"I'm sick." You said simply, your stuffed nose providing evidence of your claim.
"Then what are you doing out of bed?!" He asked incrediously. You smiled.
"I can shower by myself baby, you go shower." You said and siled at him.
"No?! I'm gonna make you some tea and some good breakfast, and then we will spend all day on the couch cuddling." He said with a firm grip on your arms.
"Okay but could you shower first? You smell." You said and he laughed.
"How would you know that, you can't smell anything." He said kissing your forehead and going to take a shower. You laughed to yourself and went to get settled on the couch with your phone.
You were a good 20 minutes into your tiktok scroll when Noah emerged from the bathroom, wet hair and a pair of black tight underwear on.
"You should never wear anythign else." You said and he grinned.
"What do you want for breakfast?" he asked and you pondered for a bit.
"Waffles with berries and whipped cream." You said and he laughed.
"Be serious, you can't have that if you're sick. You need healthy food." He said and you pouted. "What about avocado toast? You can have the berries on the side." He said and you sighed through your mouth.
"Alright. But I want juice as well." You said and he laughed again.
"Sure angel." He said.
"Can i have the controller?" You asked pointing to the Playstation 5 controller that was by the TV.
"Of course baby. You want the blankets too?" he asked and you nodded. He wrapped you in the blankets tightly and handed you the controller and turned on the TV, handing you the remote.
"Wait here gorgeous, i'll fix you some food." He said, kissing your head and you smiled as you started up GTAV on the giant flat screen that adorned your wall.
Noah soon returned with the food he promised, placing the plate on your lap and the glass of juice on the little table beside your couch. He plopped down beside you and you handed him the controller to continue the game while you ate.
"You're so trash at this." You said, mouth full of food. He was so concentrated on the game his tongue was sticking out of the side of his mouth, turning the controller the way he wanted the car to go.
"Yeah well i was learning guitar when i was a kid i didn't play car games." He said and you laughed. Once you were done eating you put down your plate and drank half of the orange juice. You took back the controller, putting Franklin in the game out of his misery and finished the mission. You then put the controller down and opened tiktok, scrolling a few videos down.
"Aren't you going to practice?" You asked Noah, who was supposed to be in the soundproof basement. He shook his head and pulled you close so your head was resting against his chest.
"No, cancelled." He said squeezing you tightly into his body.
"Why?" You asked looking up at him.
"Would rather make sure you were okay. It's never nice to be alone when you're sick." Noah said and your heart warmed. You truly had found the best husband ever.
"But don't you need to practice some of the new songs?" You asked and he shook his head.
"No we're good. Just relax baby." He said and you turned back to your phone.
You woke up to the sound of plates clinking in the kitchen, and you looked out the window to see the sun was setting. You didn't know how long you had been asleep for, you don't even remember falling asleep, but apparently now the sun was setting, and from the sounds of it, Noah was doing the dishes. You got off the couch and walked out to find him, wrapping the blanket around you.
"Baby." You said groggily. Noah turned around quickly and smiled when he saw you.
"Hey sweets. You okay?" He asked as he hugged you around your blanket. You nodded into his chest.
"yeah j's missed you." You said and ge chuckled.
"I'm right here baby." He said as he started to sway you slightly back and forth.
"You wanna watch a movie?" he asked and you nodded. You shuffled back into the living room, Noah right on your heels, and you put on Twilight, which Noah had never seen.
"I swear i'm only okay with this cause you're sick." He said and you looked at him.
"Sure. That's the only reason." You said and laid your head in his hand. He han his large tattoed hands through your hair softly as the events of Bella and Edward took place on the screen. You almost fell asleep again if it wasn't because you absolutely loved this movie.
"Is there more of this?" Noah asked and you chuckled.
"Yes. 4 more movies." You said and he yelped in surprise.
"They made that many?!" He asked and you laughed.
"Yes, it was very popular book series, it made a lot of money!" You laughed as he found the next one.
"You need anything before it starts?" He asked as he ran his hand along your leg.
"A cup of tea would be nice, yeah." You said and kissed his hand. He got up to make the tea and you were suddenly filled with a feeling of complete love and joy for the tattooed man you were sharing your life with. You had never felt so loved before, never felt so cared for and you adored the way he was taking care of you and making sure you felt good. Loving Noah was the best thing that ever happened to you and as he came back and sta beside you, unpausing the movie and being so invested in a thing you really loved, you couldn't stop yourself from kissing him deep.
"Great now I'll get sick." He said, no real venom behind his words, and a big smile on his lips.
"And i will take care of you." You said and kissed him again.
So yeah that's it guys. Hope you like itttt. send me requests and feedback in my inbox <3
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therealcocoshady · 1 year ago
Recovery - Chapter 3
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Eminem x Reader (Y/N) fanfiction
Summary : Marshall and Y/N decide to celebrate a sobriety milestone but bad news get in the way.
Tag : -
A few weeks went by and you slowly started to adapt to what you could call your new normal. You were getting used to living with your friends and started working on your doctoral dissertation again, while going to meetings and making it to therapy. Every so often, you’d be invited to hang out in the studio with Talia and the boys and spend a couple of hours with them. However, most of your time was devoted to uni work so you didn’t hang out with them too much. In fact, today would be the first day you’d see them in a couple of weeks. If you were honest, you were particularly excited to see Marshall. The two of you had crossed path a number of times since you went on that drive and you always had a good time when you were with him. At that point, it was safe to say you had developed a harmless crush on him. Nothing major, but you did particularly enjoy looking at him and you were always happy to hug him hello and goodbye. You knew he would never be interested in you, so you simply decided to enjoy the sensation of feeling good in his presence.
The night after the two of you went on a drive, Talia had been grilling you with questions, but there was not much to say. The two of you had not talked about it but you were pretty sure she knew about your crush. She knew you too well anyway. Whatever, it was harmless, although she did make sure to always have you sit next to Marshall whenever she had the chance.
That day, you were happy for three reasons : first, it was Friday, which meant you would enjoy the weekend and some much needed rest from uni. Secondly, you were celebrating two months being sober. It hadn’t been without its trials, but you had made it so far and were extremely proud. Finally, you got to see Marshall. You were all smiles when you pushed the door to the studio and greeted everyone.
- Y/N, we have been waiting for you like you have no idea ! Jamal said.
- Oh really ? You asked in disbelief. Is that because you produce your best work whenever I’m around ? You asked with a smirk.
- Kind of, he answered jokingly. But it’s mostly because Marshall has been in a bad mood all day, which usually doesn’t happen when you’re around. So whatever it is, please work your magic and make our life bearable again, I beg of you, he added as he fell to his knees for good measure, in a very dramatic and theatrical way.
- Speaking of the devil, where is he ?
No one had time to answer your question, as Marshall came in the room, looking unnerved and slamming the door behind him. You looked at Talia, whose look confirmed that he was indeed in a bad mood. Everyone was silent.
- Now can we please give it a couple more tries and get that right ? Marshall asked exasperated.
- We’ve been working on that song for hours and nothing good came out, someone pointed out. How about we circle back to that later ?
- No, Marshall said coldly. We can get that thing to sound right and we will.
- Stubborn much ? Jamal asked jokingly before Marshall shot him a death glare.
You didn’t know if Marshall had seen you there or not but you weren’t sure as to whether or not greeting him was a good idea. You just sat next to Talia and stared at your phone as you were trying to finish reading a paper. You didn’t pay much attention to your surroundings before you heard Marshall slamming his head against the mixing desk.
- Fuck. He said. We’re already behind on schedule. This album is going to be my last, I swear. If it ever even gets done.
- You already said that for the last one, Paul pointed out jokingly.
- Yeah well you know what ? I’m soon to turn fifty-two. I’m too old for that shit anyways, Marshall replied.
- Come on, dude. We have our good luck charm here today, Jamal said pointing at you.
You smiled shyly at Marshall, who seemed to ease a little.
- Hey there, he said before getting up to properly greet you. Sorry I didn’t say hi before. That was rude.
- It’s ok, you said as you hugged him. So… last album before you become an accountant ? You know, you could ask my dad for pointers, you said jokingly.
Marshall laughed and kissed your cheek.
- Ok, maybe I was being a bit dramatic and maybe it won’t be the last one, he said with a laugh.
Jamal looked at the two of you in disbelief, yet smiling.
- So he’s been an ass all day, and now that Y/N has been here for ten minutes, he’s laughing ?
Everyone laughed and Marshall raised his middle finger.
- Now that you’re in a better mood, can we PLEASE take a cigarette break ? Someone asked.
- Fine, Marshall said rolling his eyes, as most people left the room and he went back to his seat, scribbling in this notebook.
After a moment of silence, you decided to talk.
- I have News, you said.
- Good or bad ? He asked without looking up.
- Well, you tell me, you said with a smile, proudly showing your newly-earned sobriety chip.
He greeted you with a smile and pulled you in for a hug.
- I’m proud of you, he said before kissing you on the forehead, making you blush. We should celebrate.
- Really ? How so ?
- Dinner ? He offered.
- That sounds good, you said. How about you come tomorrow night ? I’ll cook !
- I’m intrigued, he said. So you’re beautiful, smart AND you can cook ?
- I would also showcase my dancing abilities, but you’d be too jealous, you joked, trying to distract yourself from the fact that he called you beautiful.
The two of you shared a laugh but were interrupted by people coming back from their break. They resumed the work and, thankfully for everyone, Marshall ended up being pleased by one of the versions they recorded.
The next day, you decided to go shopping for your celebration dinner. You decided to cook some French recipe. « Whatever you want, unless it’s frogs or snails » Talia had told you. A while ago, you may or may not have tried to get your friends to taste snails, which ended up in a complete disaster. You were excited to cook and were in a good mood when you arrived to the store. You quickly grabbed the items you needed but the joy left your body when you reached the register and saw Simon - your Simon - kissing a beautiful woman as they were grabbing a few items. He seemed happy as ever. You could not help but stare at them and wonder for how long they’d been together. Something about their demeanour made it feel like they’d been a couple for ages. As you lowered your gaze, in hope they wouldn’t notice you, Simon called your name.
- Y/N ?
- Simon. Hi, you said.
- You look… well, he pointed out.
- I am, thank you, you replied. How are you ?
- Good. Kind of busy.
- I figured, you couldn’t help but say, quickly staring at the beautiful lady he was with.
- I meant with work.
- Oh. Right. Well I’d love to chat but I have to go. Have a good one.
You paid and quickly left the store. For some reason, you felt humiliated, even though Simon had every right to date whoever he liked. After all, you hadn’t been together for nearly three months. Plus, Simon was the very définition of perfection : handsome, polite, successful. Looking back, it was kind of obvious he wouldn’t have trouble finding someone else. And it wasn’t exactly like he made a promise to wait for you either.
Even though you tried your best not to cry on the way home, you sniffled as you walked through the door.
- Baby, are you alright ? Talia asked.
- I saw Simon, today. Kissing someone.
As soon as the words left your lips, tears started to stream down your cheeks.
- Oh, Y/N, I’m so sorry ! She said before giving you a much needed hug.
- I know it’s silly but some part of me thought that… I’d get better and we’d get back together and… and…
- I know. I thought you guys were endgame too, she said sheepishly.
She held you for a while as you sobbed.
- Let’s focus on the positive, honey ! Let’s celebrate those two months of you getting better. I’ll help you cook, she offered.
- Do you mind if we reschedule ? You asked. I don’t feel like celebrating. Or cooking. Or eating, for that matter.
- Are you sure, baby ? Marshall should be here soon. I promise we’ll have a good night, just the four of us, she tried.
- Yeah… can you call him and tell him I’m sorry ? I think I should go to my room and rest for a bit.
You apologised once again and left the items on the kitchen counter before going to your room. You changed into some sweatpants and a tank top and laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling. It dawned on you that Simon and you were truly over. Even though you tried thinking of something else, you couldn’t help but seeing him with that girl. She was truly beautiful. Probably more deserving of him, too. The tears wouldn’t stop flowing from your eyes. It felt like a fountain. Deep down, you knew it was your fault. You were the one who screwed up. He was the perfect match for you, you screwed up and now, you’d probably end up alone.
You heard a knock on the door.
- I’m fine, Talia, you said while wiping away your tears.
- It’s not Talia, you heard Marshall’s voice say. Can I come in ?
Marshall ? What was he doing here ? You quickly got up and opened the door.
- Hey, you said. I’m sorry, I told Talia to cancel for tonight. I’m feeling a bit under the weather…
- She told me about your ex, he said. But she thought we should do something to get your mind off things. Come here.
He pulled you in for a hug. He grabbed your face in his hands and wiped your tears with his thumbs.
- I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone’s face so swollen after crying, he said with a smile.
- I know, I’m an ugly cryer, you replied.
- Everyone’s ugly when they cry, he pointed out.
- No, that’s not true. Some people manage to stay hot even when they cry.
- Well I’ve never seen that, he said as he shook his head.
- I’m sure Ms. Perfection over there is still beautiful when she cries, you mumbled.
- Who ? Marshall asked, looking confused.
- The girl Simon was kissing. You should have seen her, Marshall. So beautiful. Tall. And blonde. And skinny. And perfect for him in every way. The opposite of me.
You rolled your eyes at the thought of her.
- As beautiful as she may be, I’m sure she can’t compete with you, Marshall said.
- You haven’t seen her, you pointed out.
- I don’t need to, he shrugged.
He was just being nice and you knew it full well. Still, the compliments made you feel a bit better.
- Why don’t you join Talia and Jamal ? Let me just put on something other than sweats and I’ll start cooking.
- I thought you wanted to cancel dinner ? He asked, looking confused.
- Yeah, but Talia still made you come all this way, so I might as well feed you.
- That’s awfully nice of you, he said with a grin.
- Nice of you to come, you said with a shy smile.
- Anything for you, Y/N, he replied with a serious tone. You can call me and I’ll be there.
- Good thing I don’t have your number, you said with a smile. You’d never live in peace otherwise.
- Let’s correct that, shall we ?
He grabbed your phone and entered his number in it.
- Now you can call me, he said. Anytime.
- Thanks, Marshall.
You gave him a shy smile and immediately rang him so he’d have your number too.
- I can help you cooking if you want, he offered. But I should warn you : I’m not too good at it.
- You’re a grown man and you can’t cook ? You asked in disbelief.
- Well I guess I can prepare food. I even worked as a short-order cook, a long time ago. I wouldn’t call that cooking though. Neither would my kids, he said with a grin.
- I’ll teach you a thing or two, then. Let me just get dressed.
- Why ? He asked. We’re staying in. You don’t have to make an effort for me.
You shrugged and headed to the kitchen with him. Truth was, you didn’t want Marshall to think of you as sloppy. Even though he did not really seem to care.
When you entered the kitchen, you found Jamal and Talia hugging and kissing like teenagers.
- You guys are too cute. I can’t handle that right now, you said.
- Yeah, please don’t rub your happiness in our single faces, Marshall pleaded.
- Sorry guys, I’m too in love with this gorgeous lady, Jamal said.
Both you and Marshall pretended to puke. The four of you laughed and started cooking together while listening to music. You tried teaching them how to prepare some traditional French chicken dish. It was a simple one but you hadn’t exactly been given the most attentive students. Marshall was desperately trying to cut the vegetables correctly (nearly destroying them in the process), while Talia and Jamal kept on making out like teenagers. You ended up preparing the dish by yourself. It wasn’t perfect but the group deemed it to be good enough.
- Don’t worry Y/N. If you keep cooking like that, we’ll find you a husband soon enough, Jamal complimented.
- JAMAL ! Talia shouted.
- Sorry. Wrong timing, he apologised. You know what I mean.
You couldn’t help but burst out laughing. Jamal was really sweet and you knew he meant well.
- it’s good to hear you laugh, Talia said as she grabbed your hand.
- Thanks for being here, guys, you replied. My day sucked but you make it better.
- Anytime, Marshall said.
The four of you kept the conversation going but were soon disturbed by the door buzzing. Talia went to answer.
- Hey Talia. Is Y/N here ? I’d like to speak to her, you heard an all too familiar voice say.
- Simon ? You asked as your heart started racing. What are you doing here ?
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notedchampagne · 1 year ago
Bro the 6th familial relationships fuck me up so much like the weird Juno and Pal more of a mentor than a mother vibes? And it seems like from Dr Sex that her and Pal's dad are either divorced or just straight up had nothing to do with each other until the genomics department decided they should have a child together?? Like imagine you're a ruthless academic career-woman and one day you get an email from the government like 'congrats! You're a mother!' And they hand you a fresh vat baby that is half you and half your co-worker that you talked to one time at the Christmas party like??? I don't think I would have the most healthy relationship with that child either tbh
And Cam! Earlier in Nona when Pal and Pyrrha are talking about going to the park it is only Kiki that he mentions she might want to save, no mention that apparently both her parents are there too? Her entire family is on the line here. Then she doesn't want her dads to see the Paul transformation because they "wouldn't understand"? You just know there's some long running disagreement there with how far she's yoking herself in with Pal. Do you think they secretly resent him? Did this cause a rift in their family? And what did the conversation look like before or after the transformation? Did Cam tell them she was about to die? Or did they turn away for five seconds and she finally killed herself for her obsessions behind their back? Who broke the news to them? (Who is going to break the news to Pal's dad?) The whole thing just makes me insane!!!!
Also apparently there is some incredible nepotism going on in the 6th oversight body here (or maybe everything is nepotism on the 6th lol)
YOU GET ME i love the 6th house so so much the way the house functions both as a united family w their genetics & a university with the academic quibbling is so fun to me- the sixths weakness was described as "A sprawling organization of erratic loners, the Sixth are chaotic by nature and terrible at collective action." which is 1) hilarious. palamedes is the peoples marxist princess 2) just generally fascinating as a whole. if we take that at face value and consider the 6th house as populated by genius loner nerds, it actually makes sense that they prioritize sending out attractive people to diversify the gene pool - with reference to your statement: dr sex provided a nice handful of evidence that while palamedes and juno have a formal dynamic, theyre affectionate enough that they seem close (at most, to the extent of some gay kid and their favorite english teacher) but seeing juno like a distant mentor is most likely right
taking on more quotes from dr sex, i think its most likely that the Sixth house encourages child bearing / raising through subsidies and an extended work leave of sorts:
Palamedes said, “Enjoying parenting. Enjoying the parenting buyout, I should say. He’s only doing dissertation supervision—and half a year of Immediate History, of course—but he’s got his own projects on the go.”
alexandrites and nireids might be required to go offworld to flirt and have children (i think i came across another post floating somewhere noticing kiki and cam were half-sisters, implying their parent was one of the mentioned) but for residents staying in the sixth house, they probably have about 3-7 other people they could possibly produce children with outside of consanguinity. although forcing them to have children by way of vat birth etc etc is entirely possible in Hell Empire a lot of them probably gave in just for a few years of parental & academic benefits.
one last point - sixth house children canonically live in a dormitory! so if you consider a professor going on paid leave to raise children while doing their own projects for about 7-9 years, then going back to work while their children are sent to a dorm to do nothing but study and train with other peers their age, it falls together so perfectly bro. it makes so much sense. of course pal and cam are nice to their parents but rarely ever close - they were most likely raised and taught communally! god i love worldbuilding
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years ago
current dumb thought of the day: trying to watch a movie with yan phantom troupe members.
for chrollo, you need to present a dissertation to explain the merits that will be gained from watching said movie. if not, he gets this slightly condescending air where he acts like he's doing you a favor by letting you watch it. he sighs and goes 'i suppose we could watch this, if that's what you really want...' in truth, he's just seen your favorite movies so many times he can repeat them word for word. he wanted to analyze why you enjoy the media you enjoy and may or may not have read some academic papers on your favorite movies. he gives you less of a hard time if it's a romance, he thinks it'll help put you in an affectionate mood. god rest your soul if it's a movie based on a book. he will be comparing and contrasting for the rest of the night. then at breakfast the next day. you'll be hearing about it for awhile. good luck.
feitan doesn't give you a definitive answer. you take his silence for a 'no', so imagine your surprise when you go to turn in for the night, there's this shadow looming over your bed wondering what you're doing. as if you shouldn't be asking him that. he found some bootleg version of the movie you mentioned, dubbed in another language, with subtitles that don't even match the audio. it doesn't matter if the movie is an hour or three hours long, he's staring at you the entire time, which makes it difficult to relax. will offer to show his favorite movies if you don't look engaged enough, an offer you do not want to take him up on.
phinks is actually kinda ecstatic. this is... normal, right? regular couple stuff! you must be coming around. he knew you'd get over the whole 'kidnapped by a murderer' thing eventually. these things take time. he tries to go all out. gets popcorn, soda, your favorite candy, stuff that makes it feel like you're in a movie theater. he burns the first two microwave popcorn bags but the third one is edible. burnt popcorn is an unfortunate smell, though. he tries to do that thing where he fake yawns so he can put an arm around your shoulder, only to burst out into a coughing fit. gets irritated if the characters do anything stupid and talks to the television screen like they can hear him. overall, it's surprisingly not an awful experience.
watching a movie with shalnark is a test in patience. he insists he'll turn it off unless you're cuddling up next to him beneath a blanket. he eats the popcorn from your hand if you're too slow in bringing it to your mouth. oddly enough, he laughs at the strangest times, like when there's a tragic character death. critiques the special effects and points out where the SFX team forgot to add a shadow for .0003 seconds. if there's not enough action, he'll fall asleep on your shoulder, and he's heavy. should you successfully manage to shrug him off, he'll get revenge by pulling his phone out and setting it at max brightness. proceeds to play candy crush on the highest volume until you give 'a sufficiently cute apology.'
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grison-in-space · 6 months ago
I did a bit of de novo genome assembly way, way back in the day which I have never been able to use professionally because my PI refused to spend $2000 more on getting new read depth. He had ordered the reads before actually learning anything about the pipeline and only about half of the libraries he had ordered were usable in any given pipeline, see. (Some had been for older assembly methods and others had been for newer ones, basically.)
Rather than find the money to fucking get me the reads to do it right, he heard about an open source project called RACA that was some dude's dissertation arguing that you COULD use some of the worthless libraries to fill in the gaps of the assembly and get a functional genome out of it. I spent two years trying to move massive quantities of data through that fuckhead's pipeline on the campus supercomputer to get the assembled genome out, and then I got to the end and found there was no output as fastq files or ant other format recognizable to me.
(Give me a break, I was 23 and had also been frantically learning acoustic analysis, basic electrical engineering, and technical equipment maintenance in the two years since I had started learning to code. Plus I was figuring out what I wanted my dissertation to be. I'd never grappled with anything more complicated than our home-written library of matlab acoustic analysis before, and it simply hadn't occurred to me that anyone would publish a non-functional pipeline to achieve a goal quickly anyone verifying that anyone else had done anything yet.)
Anyway, eventually he collaborated with someone else who ponied up $2000 and a postdoc to get new reads. My name was not on the paper, so that's two years of my life developing a particular and fairly unique skill set that I will almost certainly never use.
In retrospect it's less surprising than you might think that the PhD took eight years and absolutely shattered my confidence.
And the best part is that it was just about impossible to predict at the time that shit would go quite this bad, except that some people handle power well when they're stressed and some people maintain a strong layer of cognitive dissonance over their knowledge of power such that it's never real enough to be responsible about but always real enough to win a dispute.
Anyway I think every student should have two advisors so that everyone in the department should have to immediately know about it when a PI is floundering and have a strong direct incentive to do something about it. A LOT of my problems could have been fixed with one look with a gimlet eye from a senior, more experienced researcher being not impressed at a student under their supervision running on an endless treadmill to nothing. Frankly a lot of my problems could have been solved if my mentor had formal training or literally any supervision that could deliver metrics faster than "how close am I to my previous mentees?"
I know a lot of dual advised students wind up in a tug of war between two advisors, but like: that's the point. If one of them turns out to be insane and malicious then a) the students all have clear lines to bail, b) the other ones all realize quickly that bailing out the chaos and career damage of someone who is fucking it up is way more work than resolving the problem, and c) the one with more tethers to reality has a way bigger likelihood of formally retaining the student when and if a third party has to examine the contract.
Just. It was such a fucking waste. And not because anyone necessarily wanted it to be wasteful, either, or any malice, but because I was... mm, I think the fifth PhD student in that lab and that's actually not that many to be learning on. Systems that set you up to play with decades of people's lives should have more fail-safes and places for people to learn before they get to be the sole director of someone else's career for five fucking years, not less. And yet!
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letteredlettered · 7 months ago
Continuing after this post, which is my list of changes CQL made from MDZS that I did not like, changes from MDZS in CQL that I liked:
I really liked that Wen Ning and Wen Qing come to the Lan Sect lectures for the opening scenes. I think establishing them early both makes for a rounder story, because this way WN and WQ don't just show up when necessary for the plot but are people in their own right from the very beginning. I love WQ in the book, and I felt that the expansion of her character for the drama was very true to her character and made me love her that much more. I also really liked the WQ/JC relationship. I really think that you could have introduced these Wen characters early on, as the drama did, without using the stupid Yin Iron plot to get there. Just have them study at Cloud Recesses and then show the archery competition.
This is pertinent to the expansion of WQ's character and also to the point I'm about to make below about Jiang Yanli's character, but I appreciated how the drama expanded the roles of these two female characters. The women in MDZS are really interesting, complex characters, and yet for some reason they are not given the page-time and attention that the much larger cast of male characters gets. I'm frustrated that the drama does not show what happened to WQ, but at least they gave her a bigger part.
I also really liked that Jiang Yanli was at the Lan Sect lectures. Honestly, I felt there wasn't enough of her in the book for her death to really have the necessary impact. What was there was beautiful--but she wasn't just very present.
In fact, in general, I feel like you can feel the relationship between WWX and the Jiang family a lot better in the drama. You can really feel how close these people are and why WWX feels such a responsibility toward them. There's just a lot more time spent showing the three of them being together rather than just telling you about it.
On that note, I think that the days WWX spends at WQ's in the drama, searching for a solution to JC's core, really helps you understand just how desperate WWX is at this point. I also think it does a really good job of showing that WWX can actually be very scholarly if he is interested, which the fact that he wrote dissertations on demonic cultivation in the book also shows. (I really hate the fanon!WWX who cannot be an intellectual even if he wants it; he only studies if he's interested is all.)
No rape, which for me was a plus
I think it was helpful that there was a lot of NHS hanging out with WWX in the drama. It really establishes his character and you do care about him. I think that if I had read the book without the drama I'd keep forgetting who NHS even was.
For me, Xiao Zhan made WWX a lot sweeter, kinder, and more serious than the book, which in general was a good thing. I don't really need WWX to be nice, but there were honestly times when I felt like he was impossible to know in the novel because he was always joking around, teasing, being smart-mouthed, being sarcastic, or if he was sincere, he was angry. And that's a very interesting thing for a character to have going on! But I really felt like the author also could not really dwell inside his head, so it's kind of bizarre to me that it feels like the actor did, in fact, do so; there are so many moments in the drama where you can see that WWX feels hurt or affectionate or regretful or upset, and you can see him decide to adopt a joking persona. And that's different than the WWX of the novel, who seems like he doesn't decide and can't actually help himself, but at least I know what CQL!WWX is thinking more of the time. (One of the best WWX parts in the novel was when he told Jin Ling he was sorry for the comment about Jin Ling's mother, because it was one of the only moments he really felt deeply sincere, no jokes.)
Similarly, I for the most part found LWJ more dimensional in the drama, for similar reasons. You can see what LWJ feels in WYB's microexpressions, but since most of the book is from WWX's pov and WWX can't read LWJ, LWJ kind of seems like a tree for large portions. Thank goodness that LXC can read him, and that once or twice, MXTX does at least show us what LWJ does when people aren't looking, even if she still doesn't jump into his head.
Anyway, in the end, the characters and relationships in the book are very strong, but so much is told rather than shown, whereas the drama really shows a lot of those characters and relationships. You would think the fact that a drama shows and a novel tells is a somewhat tautological observation, but honestly, I find that many live action adaptations of books are in fact bad at showing. It helps that the drama has 50+ episodes. Meanwhile, the parts that should be told imo in the book (such as more interiority for everyone overall) are shown in the drama. I think you can use the book to clarify lots of the plot and fill in certain character details that are left out of the drama, but you can use the drama to (for lack of a better word) really dramatize who these people are and how they felt.
I was surprised that in the end, I didn't actually feel these two stories were as vastly different as I expected. The biggest change besides the gay is, of course, the fact that the drama is unwilling to let WWX be as much of a villain as he becomes in MDZS, which is something I'll save for another post, maybe.
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addaerontruther · 8 months ago
hello!! i must admit i have not heard much about addaeron ship but i am increasingly curious!! would you mind sharing what it’s all about perhaps i’ll join the club
PLEASE JOIN OUR CLUB!! Sorry this took me so long to answer, but I knew it was going to turn into a dissertation and I was right. HOPE IT'S AT LEAST A GOOD READ!
It starts with Daeron being sent to Oldtown. At this point in the story, he's the only Targaryen, ever, to be sent to ward. He's at the center of the anti-Valyrian club with no one around that looks like him or understands where he comes from. He was a Targaryen prince with a pretty dragon in a city notorious for hating Targaryen's and dragons — which would've been hard enough, without the differing races & customs, considering his sexual identity. He was a baby gay of 12 when he was sent to Westeros's Vatican.
Cue: Addam of Hull, shiphand to his mother, Marilda, constantly working on one voyage or another. The biggest port in Westeros is King's Landing, right near Driftmark, but the second biggest port is Oldtown. My theory, and most other shippers, is that this is where they met. I like to think Daeron and Addam met by chance on the docks, and Daeron decided to take a closer look because he was the first person he'd seen in Oldtown with the silver hair and purple eyes that signaled Valyrian heritage. Once they actually met, and talked, the connection was instantaneous.
I believe Daeron fought it at first, and tried to just keep him as a friend, but the more time they spent together, the harder it became. Addam ultimately made the first move, but from the moment he did, Daeron was all in. They both were, really.
They spent the next few years falling in love and having their moments when they could. Daeron took him flying on Tessarion whenever he was able, and Addam loved both dragon's. When Mouse (Addam's mother's ship if you're unfamiliar) was docked in Oldtown, they were together every single second possible. When they weren't, they sent letters back and forth through other shipwrights moving between them, but that was rare for fear of being found out. Mostly they just spent their time apart wishing they were together.
And then the war started, and Addam was no longer able to visit Oldtown. They were unable to send any messages back and forth, but Daeron had anticipated this day and made the decision long ago that there was only one person in his life worth fighting for, and it was not the Greens. When Ormund set out with his army, Daeron stayed put; thus Ormund begging King's Landing for a dragon despite his squire having one.
When the Red Sowing happened and Corlys came to Addam and Alyn, Addam saw an opportunity to rise up to a level where he, a bastard, would be good enough for a prince — a dragon prince at that — and give himself a chance to earn amnesty for his lover. Having learned High Valyrian commands from his time with Daeron and Tessarion, Addam succeeded where Alyn failed, and claimed Seasmoke.
After the Gullet, Addam and Corlys had a conversation that not even Mushroom reports on; I believe this is when he confessed to his grandfather, now hand of the Queen, that he loved Daeron, and would fight as hard as he could as long as he could, but he needed Daeron to live.
Unfortunately, Daeron did not get that memo. He heard a bastard from Driftmark named Addam claimed the dragon of the late Laenor Velaryon, and that was enough. Addam actively fighting for the enemy on dragonback meant he was now on Aemond (long since Prince Regent at this point) and Vhagar's radar. So, he climbed onto Tessarion's back, and joined the war himself.
His victories were all honorable and/or bloodless for a long time. He was, mostly, used for intimidation and scouting. And then Maelor was ripped apart by the smallfolk after Lady Caswell barred her gates to him, and the rage and stress and pressure bested Daeron, and he sacked the city so hard they renamed it Bitterbridge (previously known as Stonebridge).
Despite this, Corlys still tries to spare Daeron. He asks Rhaenyra to let him live, but she refuses, sends Hugh and Ulf on Vermithor and Silverwing to kill him, and asks Addam to stay in King's Landing to protect her and her sons.
Things don't go as she planned, of course. Hugh and Ulf join Daeron rather than fight him, and Rhaenyra, understandably, unravels. Mysaria convinces her that Daemon betrayed her for love, and then she decides that Addam, too, is a traitor, and should be sharply questioned to prove his innocence... something that is, more often than not, fatal in Westeros. Her having such a strong and immediate change of opinion in him after these betrayals makes a lot more sense if you believe she knew he loved Daeron and feared he had something to do with Ulf/Hugh and/or would betray her alongside them.
Addam was no traitor, even if the love of his life had, as far as he knew, lost his damned mind. Addam had no way to know Daeron hated the betrayers and was actively planning their deaths to rid himself of them despite their extra fire power changing the tides of the war, or that he hadn't actually been involved in the carnage of First Tumbleton, or that he had, in fact, begged the Hightower in charge to make it stop.
So, Addam raised an army and turned it to fight Daeron. The actual killing of his lover was the first thing he did when he got to Tumbleton, because he knew he would never be able to do what he had to do if he saw him. Despite setting the tents on fire, he still turned towards Tessarion the second she "took to the skies, shrieking and spitting flame." I believe he wanted to see if Daeron was on her back, and that was why he kept spinning around her on Seasmoke in the beginning.
Once he saw her saddle was empty, he knew his mission succeeded, and he lost all heart. Tessarion was riderless and had a taste for blood, yet he couldn't get himself to make a fatal attack... or attack at all, really. This was Daeron's dragon. A dragon Daeron had his whole life, the only friend he had in Oldtown when Addam was gone, and a dragon Addam himself was familiar with and loved dearly. He couldn't do it.
Tessarion couldn't do it either. Daeron might be dead, but he was still her only rider ever. She could still feel him, his loves and hates, and she couldn't get herself to hurt Addam or Seasmoke. When Vermithor started getting too close, she left.
But Addam and Seasmoke didn't. They slammed into Vermithor, a dragon twice their size, in what could only be a suicide mission, and Addam proceeded to attempt to eliminate Jaehaerys's creature (derogatory).
He would've failed, and who knows what carnage Vermithor would've inflicted after, if Tessarion hadn't come back. There was no reason for it. Daeron was dead, not forcing her to do this. But Daeron was dead, and Addam was the thing on earth he loved most. She slammed into them, and it became Seasmoke, Addam, and Tessarion against Vermithor.
Ultimately, Addam died in the same field where he killed Daeron, alongside his dragon. Tessarion, the smallest dragon of fighting size in the entire war, one third of Vermithor's size, avenged them. She was not in good shape after and bitch ass Benji Blackwood had her put out of her misery, but she, ultimately, killed herself in an attempt to protect, and then avenge, the man her rider loved.
It's worth noting that Silverwing was also present at this battle, and her and Vermithor had been mated for around 100 years at that point. She, too, was riderless, and she did nothing to help him. She actually said fuck all that and flew away. Tessarion and Seasmoke may have known each other as hatchlings (and I believe they did/they were both Meleys's children), but we know Vermithor and Silverwing did. We know they had a bond. And yet they did nothing to help each other.
Tessarion didn't mate with Seasmoke for no reason. She didn't kill herself trying to help him and Addam for no reason. Daeron and Addam loved each other so much that even in death, Daeron's dragon, who had seen them fall in love and felt it right alongside Daeron, still felt it, and gave her life trying to preserve it.
TLDR; their relationship explains 75,000 plot holes for them both and George couldn't have made it more obvious, in my humble opinion. It's about love, and youth, and war, and two boys that felt alone for much of their lives being together even in death.
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the-power-of-stuff · 1 year ago
The Live-Action Sukka Manifesto that I Just Couldn't Keep in My Head
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So I've been marinating in my live-action Sukka thoughts for the past three days, and when someone sent me an anon asking if I had any thoughts about the changes, at first I went, "DO I EVER?!" and proceeded to dump my entire brain on the page.
But then I worried maybe the anon wouldn't want to see my entire brain and figured I'd make my own post with my Many, Many Thoughts, and reel it in a bit when I answer the ask. And then link here if they're interested in the dissertation.
I'll put all the excessive details and spoilery stuff under a cut, but I'll start by saying, I didn't hate it! And I was afraid that I would.
There were things that I was bummed or had mixed feelings about, but there was also a lot that I genuinely enjoyed. All the Sukka interactions were cute and still had some decent character development, and I had fun with the episode overall (I've watched it thrice mind you, and definitely have not given the rest of the series that kind of attention). And I didn't necessarily dislike the differences from the original; I think I've just taken more of a "that was an interesting interpretation" approach.
But I better start that cut now, because I'm about to go on and on about this. I'd love to know what others think, though!! Even if the opinions aren't the same as mine! Please feel free to comment, reblog, shoot me an ask. If nothing else, I'm excited that the LA has gotten people talking about ATLA again.
So, I want to start with Suki’s characterization, which overall I found to be delightful, even if it was a bit of a watered-down version of her animated self.
In the original show, Suki is confident, sassy, and doesn’t take shit from anybody. She’s proud to the point of almost being arrogant, and even a little mean. What we get in the LA is someone who’s still confident in terms of her status and her skills, and still proud of her heritage and her role in her community, but with significantly less sass. And while LA Suki still seems like someone who wouldn’t take anyone’s shit, we don’t actually see LA Suki deal with that much shit from anyone (because Sokka isn’t really giving her any). 
There is one moment in the show where her interaction with Sokka is a little contentious, which is when he tries to relate to her as a fellow guardian of his people. I think Suki’s question to Sokka about how is he protecting his village if he’s not there is meant to be a challenge to his swagger. However, the line is delivered with a softness that makes it seem as though Suki is, at least in part, genuinely curious. (This curiosity makes even more sense when we consider the fact that Suki’s eventually going to leave Kyoshi Island so she and her Warriors can take part in the war effort, and that she will have to contend with the question of “how do you do that without abandoning your people?” when coming to that decision. The LA lays a lot more of this groundwork than the animated show did: Suki outwardly expressing her desire to see the world, her mother’s secretive looks every time Suki gazes longingly at Sokka the possibilities…)
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Compare these two moments, for example. These are both scenes where Suki expresses disbelief at Sokka's claims about his warrior-hood. But in the LA, Suki speaks rather quietly and mildly, in contrast to the brash sarcasm of her animated counterpart. LA Suki is also tilting her head down and away, looking at Sokka indirectly. OG Suki is leaning in close, getting in his face, smirking derisively with her hands on her hips.  
I think there’s something to be said about the LA in general smoothing away certain personality traits that could be seen as negatives but that are actually strengths that are so narratively well-developed they occasionally show up as flaws (for instance, Katara’s fury, or lack thereof). Animated Suki is prideful and stubborn; she berates Sokka until he gives her sad puppy-dog eyes and has zero hesitation about making an example of him in front of her whole class. It’s a little ruthless, but these traits are also 1) what gets through Sokka’s thick skull (he, too, is prideful and stubborn), and 2) what makes her such a dedicated ambassador of Kyoshi and such a strong leader of the island’s Warriors at such a young age. I feel like the LA writers were afraid of making any of the protagonists seem too abrasive—everyone in the LA has had their edges sanded down, including Zuko, including Aang—and in general this tends to lead to less realistic representations of humanity and conflict, less satisfying character development arcs, and fewer opportunities for reflection and learning. 
That being said! I went into watching the LA with negative expectations about what we would see in terms of character development, and thus was pleasantly surprised. 
The LA removed the need for Suki to be as ruthlessly stubborn as she is in the animated show because LA Sokka’s skull is not so thick (and I'll get into that a bit more later). So what we get instead is a sheltered Suki with a helicopter mom who is so hilariously awkward that she has no idea how to interact with other humans. And, to be honest, I enjoyed this version of her so much that I even thought to myself, “I wish I’d thought of that!”
Suki is a straight-up weirdo in the LA and I love that for her. The way she puts Sokka in a chokehold and then looks at him after she sets him free like, “That was good flirting, yes? Would you like to be my boyfriend now?” And then her disappointment when Sokka walks away as if she’s thinking, “Why didn’t that go well, I thought boys loved getting put in chokeholds?” She is so precious, I just want to put her in my pocket. And this characterization might even be more broadly relatable than a super-confident Suki brimming with sass. Who among us hasn’t made a complete fool of ourselves in front of a crush by coming on way too strong and having no idea how to flirt? I mean…real. 
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And because Sokka is also mostly just making a fool of himself trying to impress a pretty and talented peer (instead of covering up his insecurities by wrapping himself in misogyny) this leaves room for the two of them to be attracted to each other right off the bat and for their interactions to be more overtly romantic throughout the entire episode. Which, avid shipper that I am, I have to admit I have been gobbling up for the past three days straight. This episode was an IV drip of romantic tropes hooked straight to every Sukka shipper’s veins. 
Shy glances from across the room? Check.
Walking in on the other person half-naked? Check. (Y’all, Suki looks Sokka up and down for a FULL TWENTY SECONDS yes I timed it from the moment she appears in the background, yes you should count it to see how long that really is. Talk about awkward.) 
Tripping so they end up falling into each other’s arms? Check.
Wide-eyed shock that turns into surprise thirst after being pinned to the ground? Check.
Shooting each other satisfied smirks as they kick ass side-by-side? Check.
Jumping in front of literal fire for each other? Check and check!
Like, I could live off this for the rest of the year. 
But look, there’s a lot that I love about the way Sokka and Suki’s relationship is portrayed in this episode besides those romantically indulgent tension-creating moments, and it has to do with Suki’s admiration and validation of Sokka. 
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Suki really looked at this boy with his mouth stuffed half-full of steamed bun and went, “Must have.”
With the removal of overt sexism from this episode (for better or worse), the story focused much more heavily on Sokka’s development as a leader. He still has that sort of posturing display of self-confidence that comes from inexperience and trying too hard to prove oneself (“Ferociously…deadly tiger whales…”), and while at first Suki seems put off by this and his attempts to liken himself to her (“I’m not just a warrior, I’m a Kyoshi warrior”) it doesn’t take her long to decide (*cough*after seeing him shirtless*cough*) that she doesn’t actually mind this behavior (and in fact maybe she kind of likes it because maybe it means he likes her and maybe it means she can show him how much she likes him by slicing the tops off all those melons with her fan). She seems genuinely interested in his boomerang and impressed that he hunts, and then later, she immediately takes interest in training him in the Kyoshi Warrior style. 
After they spar, she casually refers back to the fact that he’s his village’s protector, and this time, she does it without the disbelief and defensiveness. Because he’s finally stopped posturing. He opened himself up and gave himself over to Suki’s expertise, and in that way he proved that he has the will and desire—the heart—of a warrior. And Suki tells him so while touching him gently and gazing at him longingly in the soft golden glow of the late-afternoon sun. And as a die-hard Sokka stan, I love seeing him loved and appreciated like this. Adamantly. Ardently. The Sokka cheerleader in my head is going wild. “YEESSSS!! Our boy deserves this!!” Because we know that, in the animated show, he goes through a lot more struggle and self-doubt before he receives this kind of external validation. And while we also know that this makes for an incredibly satisfying growth arc, I gotta admit that it’s a fun bit of indulgence to watch Suki talk Sokka up directly to his face and then want to kiss him really bad. Y’know. As a treat.
That said, I'm very attached to and appreciative of the way their relationship is framed in the animated series. I love that their respect and affection for each other grows even after the disaster that is their first few interactions. In the LA, they are drawn to each other immediately, and the only barrier seems to be a bit of awkward stepping-in-it-ness. In the original, they have legitimate conflict, and they both have to give a little—Sokka becomes more humble, Suki becomes more tender—before they get to that point of potential romantic interest. And I think it says a lot about Sokka’s character and his desire to learn and grow that he is willing to humble himself in front of someone who, as far as he’s seen, has very little regard for him (slash has a good deal of animosity towards him). Giving himself over to Suki’s expertise costs him more in the animated show. But once he does, he and Suki learn and grow together. He shows Suki who he really is, shows her how dedicated and determined (and fun and a quick learner) he is, to the point that, by the end of the episode, she can allow herself to be vulnerable with him. And she does validate him in the original Kyoshi Warriors episode, just less directly than the LA. Her kiss on his cheek and “...but I’m a girl, too” is about forgiveness and acceptance and acknowledgement and respect, as much as or even more than it is about affection. There’s a little bit of romance, too, but it’s just little baby seeds of it, and it feels very natural to let those seeds germinate over time until we see Suki again later in the series. 
Which brings me to the live-action kiss. 
I’ll be honest, I was a little on the fence about the kiss. I want Sokka and Suki to kiss as much as possible in every conceivable universe. So there’s a part of me that was banging on the table and whistling with obscene joy. But the other part of me thought it was too much too soon. However, my hesitance pre-supposes some things about the second season (not least of which that there will be one), namely that it will handle the reunion with Suki and crossing the Serpent’s Pass anything like how it was done in the original. (Of course, one thing we now know for certain can't happen in a hypothetical LA season 2 is Suki pranking Sokka at the ferry station because he doesn't recognize her without her makeup. Do I love the expression on LA Sokka's face the first time he sees Suki's? Yes. Am I sad that this completely ruins their whole "You don't remember me? Maybe you'll remember this!" game? Also yes. But truthfully, I don't know if LA Suki would've been up to the prank, anyway. Not sassy enough. ;))
The Serpent’s Pass is one of my favorite episodes of all time, and that moment on the bluffs when Sokka and Suki are talking around Sokka’s loss, with the moon shining down on them all the while, and they almost kiss with the moon hanging between them in the background, and then Sokka pulls away without any other explanation besides, “I can’t”? That scene is so absurdly powerful and beautiful and an amazing moment of character development for them both, and I feel like it loses a lot of impact if they’ve already made out once. The fact that they kiss for the first time after that moonlit moment, when Sokka realizes that Suki doesn’t need protecting the way he thought she did, and in fact she was there to protect him, and he can finally just let go of this burden that he’s been carrying with him since Suki first mentioned she was joining them (slash since his dad put him in charge of an entire village at 13), and then and only then can he open his heart to what he feels for Suki, and in fact opens it so wide that he just cannot help but jam his mouth onto hers before she’s even finished talking…? I mean. C’mon. That’s poetry. But, again…loses impact if they’ve already had a first kiss.
But who knows what, if anything, they’ll actually do with that storyline. So for now, I’ll just enjoy my live-action Sukka kiss because, honestly, dream come true.    
Or almost a dream come true. Because there's a huge camelephant in the room that I haven't addressed yet, isn't there? The lack of Sokka in the Kyoshi Warrior uniform...
And I don’t think we can talk about the omission of Sokka’s Kyoshi Warrior uniform without talking about the omission of Sokka’s sexism. Because if Sokka isn’t sexist, then why do you have to put him in the dress and makeup of traditionally female warriors to make a point about how women are strong and capable, too? So here’s what I’ll say about that (and I know there’s a lot that people have said already, so I’ll try not to belabor the point.) I don’t think leaving out Sokka’s sexism was necessarily a detriment to his character arc. I do think, however, that leaving out Sokka’s sexism was a detriment to the message the show was trying to convey about sexism. 
Now, in the Northern Water Tribe episodes, the LA still gives us a message about fighting against the kind of systemic, institutionalized sexism that you might not be surprised to encounter within a very old-fashioned society or from a very old-fashioned gray-haired man. But what about the off-the-cuff, everyday kind of sexism that you might experience from an otherwise good person who is close to you? A person who loves you and would do anything for you but who gets carried away teasing you about “girly” things because of intrinsically-held biases that they’re not even that conscious of having? 
I think it’s important and meaningful for male and female audiences alike, and everyone in between, to see these different forms of sexism and misogyny—to see them, to recognize those behaviors in others and in ourselves, to be able to name them, and to have examples of fighting against them. We see the former kind—institutionalized, systemic—in Pakku. And we did see the latter kind—familiar, personal—in Sokka. And now that’s lost.
Not only that, but there’s the form of sexism that says boys aren’t allowed to do feminine things lest they relinquish their maleness. And in the animated show, we got to see Sokka combating this form of sexism, too. Not only does Suki show him that girls can be fierce warriors as well as boys, but he learns that wearing makeup and a dress does not make him any less of a young man.  
So, yes, I think the lack of Sokka in Kyoshi Warrior garb was a missed opportunity. And not just because Sokka looked really good in uniform and we all should have had the chance to see that, including and especially Suki. 
Alright, this is more than long enough, so I'll leave off with a moment from the LA that gave me great pleasure.
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I needed this moment, y'all. And I was so afraid it wouldn't happen. I needed Sokka being protective, I needed him using his newfound Kyoshi Warrior skills to fight, and I needed him jumping in front of fire for the girl who'd taught him. If we couldn't have Sokka in the Kyoshi Warrior uniform, at least we had this.
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