#i could get super close without them getting startled
camphorcapstan · 1 year
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I saw them try to steal someones lunch
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sardonic-the-writer · 5 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞'𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦
↳ summary: the x-men can't seem to leave you alone, even if you've made it clear that you want nothing to do with them. as a last-ditch effort, they send logan, who's a little different than the rest
↳ notes: man writing this fucked me up. i kept editing it because i didn't like how it sounded, so some feedback would be much appreciated
↳ warnings: mentions of blowing things up in a past instance, but no one died. reader is a mutant and their powers are kept ambiguous, but it is implied they can somehow cause explosions
↳ song: promiscuous—nelly furtado
masterlist | commissions | carrd
The first time they sent someone, you had been excepting it
You weren't dumb. You knew the difference between an innocent bystander and a hired gun; or at least something along those lines. The way people walked talked and carried themselves was always a dead giveaway, and recently you had been surrounded by a few too many intense stares and stiff shoulders for your liking. A lot more than you were used to, in fact. Maybe that's what prompted you to start taking a new way home from work instead of the usual combination of cross walks and dirty bus seats.
The quick guy with silver hair was their first attempt at contact. You had found him waiting outside your apartment for you to get home all but a week after noticing the new attention on you, and you would have ignored him too if it wasn't for the fact that he was sitting on the outside your balcony, kicking his feet merrily off the side about ten stories above the pavement below without a care in the world. And with what looked like a twinkie in his hand, too.
You'd closed the blinds without a second thought, tossing him a fake grin and a little wave when he eventually turned around as you slammed them shut. You were fairly certain he could have stopped you in no time flat, if the way you would watch him zip away in the blink of an eye later said anything, but you took a heat-of-the-moment gamble and were satisfied when all your efforts got was a whine from the other side of your window pane. His mouth was too full of pre-packaged pastry to say anything in the moment, you realized
"Not interested." You called over your back as you began to retreat into your kitchen without another moments notice.
"You haven't even heard what I want!" He said thickly, clearly trying to swallow as he spoke. You must have startled him a little then. Good.
"And I don't need to."
He left a few minutes later when his one sided conversationalist skills got him no where, and you responded by throwing a frozen pizza in the lower half of your oven.
You had been craving pepperoni all day anyway.
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The second person try was a bit more aggressive.
They didn't have the decency to wait for you to come home this time. Instead, you found yourself looking up from your laptop as a chair was pulled out across from you at the quaint table you sat at. It made a scraping noise, and you tensed the muscles in your hands for a moment at the sound.
"Can I help you." Your eyebrow quirked up as you looked at the woman across from you. She had blonde hair, and what you thought were the brownest eyes you had even seen. You had trouble looking anywhere but into them for a second. When they hit the light, you swore they turned yellow just for a moment, and she looked about as annoyed as you were that she was sitting by you. You didn't have to wait long to find out why.
"We've been trying to reach you." The surrounding noise of the café hardly disturbed the hard tone in her voice. "You're avoiding us."
At least this time these people had the common sense to approach you in public. If you were any form of confrontational, which you very much weren't, you could have started a fight the last time. Who knows if you would have won against super speed and whatever else the first guy had— you weren't exactly sure about the extent of his powers, and at this point didn't care —but the point remains that some damage could have been done. Now, in the middle of a coffee shop on a busy afternoon, it would be a bit harder to start a fight. Not that you were seriously concidering it. If anything, you wanted to duck into a large crowd just to loose this new recruiter, or whatever they were called. You didn't exactly know if they had a name for this type of situation.
"I have no idea who you are." Your tone matched her own, dealing out the half lie nonchalantly. You weren't technically wrong, really. You didn't know her, nor did you know that other man that had shown up before. But you knew what they wanted, and you'd be damned if they didn't pin you down without a bit of a struggle.
Moving with a speed quick enough to get your message across, but not fast enough as to alert any of the surrounding coustomers that something was up, you closed your laptop, abandoned your now lukewarm drink, and started for the door. You only paused in your movements after a weight settled over the back of your shoulder, and you carefully turned your neck to look down at the hand resting firmly on you.
"I don't recommend doing that." You said with a bit of a warning tone in your voice, looking her right in the eyes as you did so. They had since shifted from dark brown to an almost hazel shade, and you filed that information away for later use.
Her grip remained where it was for a moment. Then a thought seemed to cross her mind, and she let go of her hold on your shirt; even if a bit reluctantly.
You didn't stick around to see if anything else would happen. You just made your way out of the shop and into the bustling street, not caring if she followed. They already knew where you lived anyway.
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The final person they sent for you, you hadn't seen coming.
Every other time— from the teleporting blue kid, to the woman with white hair and fair skin, and even the tall guy in glasses that had turned a little blue when you pushed your way past him —you had been able to prepare beforehand. At the very least you were able to lock your doors before going out and about your day. You knew that wouldn't stop them in the slightest, but it was a silent message to stay out of your business.
But this guy? This guy just didn't care at all.
"You know, you're really nailing this first impression thing."
A gruff voice sprang to life at the same moment that your hallway lights did, doing a fine job at catching you off guard. You managed to not jump, but with the way the intruders lips tilted up, you figured he knew he had surprised you.
"Oh, fuck my life."
You were really not feeling like another impromptu visit tonight. You had gotten home from a rough day of work a couple of hours ago, only to realize that you had finally blown through all your food, and was once more sent back out into the city to look for a grocery store. You had been looking forward to finally resting your feet, and maybe your eyes a few hours earlier than planned, and you most certainly weren't in the right state of mind to entertain this hulking figure of a man and the proposition that came with him.
You looked at him harshly. He had muscles for days, and a brown leather jacket to accentuate just how large he was. You knew for a fact that he was a few weight classes up from the last guy that had been sent to your house, and you wondered if this was their way of trying to intimidate you into forcefully accepting their offer.
Tiny scars dotted his face and the skin on his neck. You wondered why there were so few, considering that you already knew what he did for a living, but also knew better than to question someone like him. Especially since he was already standing in the doorway to your home, looking like he owned the place.
"Go away." You didn't grant him any sort of emotion in your voice as you walked in the direction of your fridge. The plastic bags full of your food for the week swung in your arms, and for a moment you thought this new guy was going to block your way into the rest of the house before he backed off with a roll of his shoulders.
You clocked his broad chest and bruised knuckles out of the corner of your eyes as you opened the ice box and slowly placed some frozen veggies in side by side. He had either gotten here straight from a fight, or was itching for one. You figured it was probably the former considering he hadn't jumped you the second you walked through the door. Or you know, maybe he just had fucked up hands. You could never tell with people at this point.
"You're pleasant." The mans wry smile was nothing but headache educing as you finished putting the cold groceries up. You snorted with hollow amusement.
"Try being stalked for a month and a half. It really makes you feel like being hospitable."
"Try being the guy that gets sent to get in contact with you. It ain't exactly the way I wanted to be spending my Friday night either." He parroted back your words while running a hand down his face and across what you had since recognized as mutton chops in the process.
"When are you going to tell that professor of yours that I'm not interested in his little passion project." You think that might have been the first time you ever directly acknowledged what exactly was going on. Every other time you had just told the other person to get lost or slammed a door in their face to really get the point across, but the way this guy was looking at you gave you the feeling that he wouldn't be as easy to shoo away as the others, and you weren't really feeling up for a giant display of effort right about now.
"You could always tell him yourself, bub." His eyes followed your face as you crossed the room to stop in front of him, hand outstretched with something that ignited a small smirk on his face.
"Trying to bribe me?" He asked, going to take the fresh beer you offered him all the same. You shook your head.
"No. My master plan actually consists of getting you shit-faced drunk so you guys will finally leave me alone." You watched as his hand hesitated in mid-air slightly, and you misinterpreted his silent amusement at your jab for skepticism. "I've just got too much beer and a stranger in my apartment that's not going to leave me alone anytime soon, that’s all." You relented with a shrug.
"Fair enough." He took the brown bottle by the neck and popped open the top without so much as looking around for a bottle opener. When the cap went rushing to the floor less than a second later, you squinted.
"What are you then? Super strong? Or is your power alcoholism." That got a rough chuckle out of him. He swallowed about half of the bottle in one go before answering, and you sucked at your teeth as he did so.
"Something like that."
"Wow. Really feeling the comradery here." You didn't miss the way he deadpanned at that, and you figured he was thinking about all of the times you had kicked every other pursuer to the curb without even letting them get a word in edge wise. Still, you pushed on. "Remind me how its fair that you and your friends know all about me, but I have a new hero-of-the-week showing up on my doorstep every other day without so much as a clue as to what they could do to me?"
"About as fair as your little accident in Colorado." He responded without a seconds hesitation. You felt a little perspiration form on the back of your neck, and chalked it up to the lack of a.c in the room. Even if it was anything but.
"If you're here to try and convince me to join your little superhero team, I hate to tell you, but it isn't going to work. Just like it didn't work the past ten times." You ignored his last comment and made yourself comfortable on your living room couch. "Do you have a name? I've never really stuck around to talk to one of you this long before, and it's annoying to keep rendering to you as 'some guy' in my head."
He paused abruptly while drinking the beer, and you barely held back from rolling your eyes at his change in mood.
"It's Logan." He finally bit out reluctantly. You got the feeling that the only reason he told you was because he was here by request. If it has been any other circumstances, you had no doubts that he would have told you to fuck off. He gave off that energy.
"You already know mine, so I'm not gonna bother." You kicked your feet up and let your head hit the back of the couch with a sigh. "Just let me know when you finally get bored and head out. I want to make sure my landlord knows to blacklist you from the building after you're gone."
"Is this how you got everyone else to leave? By annoying them to death?" Logan sounded more entertained then you would have liked, and you blamed it on the beer.
"Depends. Is it working?"
"I've been sleeping at a school filled with screaming kids for the past few weeks. You're going to have to try harder than that to get me out of here." He took another swig.
"What will it take to get you to leave me alone. All of you." Your voice dipped out of it's usually casual tone for a more annoyed one. You were used to playing the long game when it came to getting people to leave you alone, but at this point it was getting ridiculous with the amount of people that they were throwing at you, and it was starting to wear you out. You weren't sure if Logan could tell your patience was being tested, and you weren't sure if you wanted him to.
Logan raised one eyebrow in your direction as an answer to your question, and you sighed.
"I'm not taking a stupid fucking spot on the X-Men if that's what you're implying. What do I have to do to convince you guys that I'm not up for it; blow up a building on accident or something?" The word 'again' went unsaid, but the implication was there.
You watched as Logan seemed to throw something around in his mind for a moment.
"Do you want to know why I joined the X-Men?" He eventually asked.
"Because you had nothing else to do with yourself other than styling your hair real stupid? Seriously what's with this horn thing you've got going in."
"I joined because they helped pull me off a dark path, kid." He barreled past your sarcasm, shutting you down quicker than you would like to admit. His tone was laced with something you recognized all as hatred, and you knew it wasn't directed at you, but rather himself. You knew the feeling all too well.
"I was running from something that I didn't even know I was trying to avoid." He continued. "And if it wasn't for the Professor and his 'stupid fucking team', I wouldn't have ever stopped."
For the first time in the past few minutes, you allowed one of your walls to come down as he spoke. You stared at him with a tired look lingering behind your gaze, choosing this time to listen rather than to ignore.
"I'm not running from anything." Even as you said it, you knew it was a lie. Logan didn't even have to look at you for you to sigh and lean forward again.
"I can see why the Professor wants you on the team." You felt the cushions on the opposite end of your couch dip slowly as he sat down. The now empty beer bottle was still in his hand, but as you looked over at Logan, you found his eyes filled to the brim with nothing but the honest truth.
It was a strange, tense moment. Both you and Logan could admit that. You were clearly filled with regret for your past actions, no matter how accidental they might have been, and conflicted with yourself because of it. Logan could do nothing more but watch as you battled with yourself over his words. His original plan had been to come here, show off a claw or two if needed, and bring you back to the school with a characteristic scowl on his face. But all that was thrown out the window when you offered him a beer, and when he was finally able to get a good look at you.
You looked exactly how he used to before one of his old cage matches. Detached and losing yourself. He could see it in your eyes.
The room delved into silence. You wrung your hands together and planted your feet. Logan watched as you seemed to have a silent conversation with yourself, and he began to regret not pacing himself with the beer. He wasn't anywhere near affected by the alcohol, that's to say. He just wished he had something to do other than sit in your home with squared shoulders and a furrowed brow.
"If I took one trip over to the place, would you guys let up on whatever this is?" You finally asked. Logan pushed down a faint smirk as you turned your neck to look at him.
You didn't say anything else, and you didn't have to. You got up without another word and grabbed a bag from a nearby closet. Logan found himself leaning on your doorframe as you stuffed a few essentials down into your travel bag in the room over, and he remained there until you finished.
"Still curious about my powers?" Logan decided to bait you just a little further as you shut the door to your apartment with a click of your keys, and he had trouble keeping a straight face when you looked back at him with curiosity dancing across your features.
Without saying anything, he held one of his hands up, and let you watch as his trademark claws popped up slowly. Like seasonal weeds in a garden full of flowers. The appendages let out a slight sliding noise as they did so, and you blinked once. Twice. Three times.
"And I thought my powers were bad." You finally said after a moment, and Logan scoffed at you.
"Kid, everyone thinks their powers are bad at first."
You seemed to take that as a challenge, and Logan watched as a bit of that fire that he'd heard about from Storm and the others flared up in you.
"Yeah? You ever accidently blow up a boiler room and take out half your high school's classes, big guy?" Your grin was all teeth as the two of you made your way down the complex hallway. Logan slowed his pace so you could keep up, and turned around so he could fully look at you as he walked backwards.
"Big guy?" He questioned you with a tilted of his head, looking about as unimpressed as he could.
"I mean yeah." You snickered. "Just look at your, well, everything." You took to gesturing at his entire being, something that got you a huff from the other man.
"Maybe you're just small." He shot back. You laughed and shook your head, looking down at yourself. Yeah right.
"And maybe I'm right, and you're just freakishly big."
Your banter continued all the way down to the elevator, where you had a hard time holding in your laughter as Logan accidentally almost stabbed the down button with his claws, apparently having forgotten that they were even out.
You couldn't help but wonder if he was always like this; if everyone at the school was like this.
Maybe going for a visit wasn't as much as a bad idea as you'd thought.
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bettysupremacy · 8 months
Could I request something with James? Where reader lashes out at him and she had arguments with her ex a lot and expected this (her lash out) to get into a really big argument but he’s just like „okay noted“ and super kind about it (a little bit inspired by all my ghosts by lizzy)
(You can obviously change stuff to your liking and no pressure)
all hail lizzy mcalpine. i loved this request and i love james! thank you!
“Im serious, James!” You exclaim, a little louder than necessary. “I miss you! You’re always at practice, or with the boys, and I love the boys! But I miss you!”
He pauses in the doorway, startled by your reaction.
Remus and Sirius miss me too, you expect him to say, or rather, I can’t miss rugby cause you miss me a little more. You anticipate the sting of his words before they come, bracing yourself as you lean back against the kitchen countertop. They don’t come.
“And I miss your hugs.” You tear up pitifully, trying again, rather weakly, as he walks over. You don’t want an argument, but why isn’t it coming? “You’ve been gone so much. You know I hate doing the dishes.”
He grabs ahold of your elbow, his thumb digging into the crease as he pulls you close. Your palms dig into your eyes as your forehead dips against his chest. The way your shoulders shake aches him. He should never be the reason for your tears.
He’s been gone more recently, yes, and he feels terrible about it. If he’s not at rugby, the boys want to see him, and if he’s not with the boys, he’s at rugby. He’s missed you so much recently, he just didn’t know you mirrored his emotions.
“I’m the worst,” James says sincerely. “I didn’t know I was making you feel like this.”
“I’m sorry,” you sniffle, stress evident in your choked voice. “I’m not trying to make you feel bad or guilty, by crying I mean.”
He rocks you back and forth, arms securely over your shoulders. His embrace is a little tight, but this is the longest hug you’ve had this week and you can’t bring yourself to say something.
“Please don’t say that, please don’t feel bad for crying.”
“It’s totally manipulative though, I know, I’m sorry.”
He pulls back, searching for something in your eyes. “What are you talking about?”
“It’s just-“
He looks so sad and confused as you pause midway. Helpless, like he doesn’t know what to do with you. Quietly, you feel bad for giving him the crease between his brows.
“You’re not mad?”
“Mad?” James appalls. “I’m going mad knowing I’m the dolt that made you feel like this.”
“I’d totally beat someone up if they treated you like this, I would hate them forever.”
“No, seriously!” He doubles down. “I would never forgive them.”
He’s so unapologetically him it aches you deeply. He’s rosy, smiles and boyish giggles. Warm in the summer, and warm in the winter. Radiating a kind of glow that only very special people are able to emanate. Sometimes you secretly feel like you’ll never be able to glow like him, but he always manages to bring it out of you when you’re around him.
You frown suddenly. “I’m so tired of missing you, Jamie.”
“I miss you too, lovely.” He’s serious again. “How can we get through this?”
You shrug, unused to this gentle treatment you so desperately deserve.
“Should we install weekly dates, hmm?” James asks. “We should, shouldn’t we?”
You shrug again feeling weak with emotion.
“Or tell the boys to bugger off,” he continues without giving you room to speak. “You’re much too kind to say it but I know, my love.”
You laugh quietly, nudging your cheek against his shoulder. He’s fond, smiling as he watches down to you.
“Oh, my girl,” he croons, grabbing your warm face to cradle. “Totally not to pull the victim card, but I missed you so much more.”
“I moon over you while you’re away. The boys are sick of it.”
He leans down nuzzling his cheek against yours, pulling back to kiss the corner of your mouth, the side of your nose, the apple of your cheek. You don’t know what to do with yourself, letting your wringing hands float up to hold his shoulders.
“Thank you for telling me.” He says honestly.
You reel earnestly. Only James Potter could thank you for trying to start an argument.
“You’re welcome.”
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raythekiller · 1 year
Hello! :> I was wondering if I could request Toby, Ben, Jeff, Lane and EJ with a reader who is already very flirty but when they drink they get very affectionate and touchy. They won’t stop touching them and will be very suggestive? Thank you in advance! Please never stop posting Lane content I am in love
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🗒 ❛ S/O Gets Suggestive When Drunk ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ben Drowned, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoodie, Jane The Killer, Lane The Lurker
#Notes: merging these two asks together cause they're fairly similar. also warning for slightly suggestive content
pronouns used: none, gn! reader
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
He gets a bit startled at first. Where did this come from all of a sudden? He just offered you a few drinks, he didn't expect you to be all over him. When you start kissing him, he doesn't think much about it at first, figuring you just wanted a quick peek, but as it starts to get more heated and sensual he pulls away, surprisingly flushed, and asks "The fuck are you doing?". It comes off a bit rude, but that's just because he's surprised - he doesn't oppose it at all. If anything, he loves the attention. As you keep making out, he gets a boner in seconds and is a little embarrassed about it, but covers it up by being a little bold himself, pushing you onto his lap, kissing you harshly in revenge.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ben Drowned
Not gonna lie, he definitely got you drunk to see if you... "Loosened" up a little, if you know what I mean. Ecstatic once he got what he wanted. As soon as you started being all over him, he felt a heat rushing through him with the excitement he felt at the idea of what'd come next. Once you kiss him, making him taste the alcohol in your tongue, he's pratically whimpering, kissing back eagerly. SUPER hot and bothered, either waits for you to suggest to continue this somewhere more private or excuses himself to the bathroom.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
He starts getting a bit worried once he sees the alcohol start getting a hold of you, so he rushes to your side to ask if you wanna sit down or go rest, maybe ease up a little. Was NOT expecting you to throw your arms over his shoulders, pulling him close while talking about how much of a pretty boy he was. Gets weak in the knees at the petname. Once you begin kissing him, starting from his neck and working your way up to his mouth, he swears he was could have fainted. Extremely flustered, but not complaining. Kisses back shyly and offers to take you to bed, for a rest or something else.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
Another one who gets worried when he notices you're taking it a bit too far. Fetches you a glass of water and grabs you to sit you down, before you switch it around and push him onto a chair, then sitting on his lap. He just stares at you extremely confused for a second before you start caressing and kissing him, mumbling about how much you loved him. He feels himself start to get hot and bothered, but it feels wrong to indulge in your advances when you're not completely sober, so he grabs you bridal style and takes you to your room, laying you down in bed. Refuses to lay down with you, scared you might try to escalate the situation, simply sitting by your side until you doze off. He just doesn't want to do anything without having your full, sober consent.
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Scuffs at you when he sees you drunk, jokingly calling you a lightweight (regardless of how much you drank to get into this state). Once you wrap your arms around his torso, your head resting on his chest as you look up at him and ask him to bend down a little, he looks at you suspiciously before complying. You immediately cup his face and kiss him, catching him extremely off guard. He still kisses back, tongue exploring your mouth, but is a little bit flushed after you pull away. If you keep caressing and touching him, he might just pin you against a wall. He's not the best at self control.
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This fucker was the one who suggested you two got drunk in the first place, he thought it'd be fun and he's a super heavyweight, so he was excited to see what kind of drunk you were. A few shots later and you're sitting on his lap, arms wrapped around him and his hand on your waist as you two make out. He's super eager with it too, smiling to himself while thinking about how much bolder you become while not sober. He moves you so that you can wrap your legs around his waist, deepening the kiss. He's more than willing to let things escalate.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jane The Killer
This poor woman gets so worried once you start drinking a bit too much - she told you it was probably a bad idea, but you insisted and now she's too worried to leave you alone, settling on babysitting you instead. She just kind of sits in a corner and watches you from afar until you approach her, cooing "Janey~" in a voice that made it obvious you were not in your right state of mind. She stands up and you throw yourself on her arms, kissing her messily. She's a little startled, but doesn't push you away and instead lets you continue, holding your waist to keep you close and steady. Doesn't really get too hot and bothered, but does find the sudden change in behavior amusing.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Lane The Lurker
They definitely wanted to drink with you, but like Brian, they're a bit of a heavyweight. A few shots in and they're still laughing and talking normally while you're barely able to walk, going up to them and sitting on their lap. Kind of stares at you in amusement, raised eyebrow and a smirk as they ask "Oh? What's this about, darling?", clearly enjoying the sudden attention. When you initiate a kiss, they're quick to escalate it to a makeout, exploring your mouth eagerly as their hands travel through your body. They're going to suggest you two drink together more often after this.
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luveline · 1 year
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧
you start to second guess your relationship when eddie doesn't waylay you with his usual abundance of kisses after work. meanwhile, eddie tries to work out what's upsetting you, how to fix it, and most urgently, how to ask you a super important question. fem!reader, 5k
cw: eddie skipping meals at work, suggestive flirting
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Eddie's borrowed headphones slip down your head as you dance. Nothing dramatic, a shoulder wiggle as you do the dishes. You can't hear the racket you're making, plates crashing into one another on the drying rack, the hot water pounding the basin, the clip of your sock-clad foot against wooden slats as you tap it. 
Your hands burn at the high temperature. Your fingertips are pruned, palms chapped as you finish washing Eddie's mountain of dishes. His whole apartment was in similar disarray before you arrived, laundry to the eyes and one of his haphazard book towers collapsed in the bedroom. The dishes had been scraped and rinsed but not washed, the laundry designated to one corner of the bathroom; Eddie's not unclean, necessarily, but unfocused. 
You had time. You don't mind coming over to help him out. 
Though if he knew you were here doing this he'd blow a gasket. I don't want you wasting your time doing shit I should've done a week ago, he'd say. 
It isn't time that matters to you. You'd take a couple of days out if it helped him, if it meant he could enjoy the place he lives to the fullest extent. Plus, you spend time here too. And you get to borrow his Walkman the whole time. Eddie has the best tapes. 
You hum along to the finishing line of the song and set the last clean cup upside down on the draining board. Satisfied at a job well done, you wipe the sink basin clean, drain suds from the sponge, and turn off the water. Cool air floats in through the open window, kissing your lightly perspiring skin hello. 
You dry your hands on a cloth and push Eddie's headphones carefully down to your neck, more than careful with his things. He works hard for everything he has, days and nights and any shift they want him to take. Most of it goes into his savings account. His spare change gets dropped into a washed out pasta sauce jar on the sill for a forthcoming rainy day. Ridiculous amounts of it get spent on you, and if you asked Eddie he'd say it was perfectly reasonable, sweetheart. 
You're not asking him. You don't think new clothes and sweet treats nearly every time you see him counts as reasonable, but you'd be a liar if you said you didn't appreciate it. 
Hence your unsanctioned use of his spare key. You buy him treats too, but money can't buy the satisfaction of a clean home. (Well, it could. Hiring a day maid might've been quicker and cleaner in the end, but would a day maid have put their heart and soul into dusting his figurines with a makeup brush for fifteen minutes?)
You turn around with Eddie on your mind, feeling grateful and tired at once. Your thoughts stutter at the warm body standing casually in the doorway, his shoulder pressed to the jam, a rucksack and a carabiner of keys hanging from his curled fingers. 
"Hey," Eddie says. 
You flinch like he's coming at you, startled by his sudden appearance. 
His laugh is apologetic, at least. "Woah! I thought you heard me, where's your head?" 
You slap a hand to your racing heart and huff out a breath that fans up your face. Eddie straightens from his cool guy slouch, dropping his keys on the counter and sliding his bag beside them. 
"It's around here somewhere," you say through a smile, trying and failing to glare at him as he puts his hands on your waist. "You scared me bad." 
"It was accidental." 
He pulls your hips to his and leans back. A close pressure without being particularly sexual. It's obvious that he's looking you over, like you might've miraculously run into harm in the sixteen hours you've been apart. 
"I didn't think you'd be back yet, sorry," you say breathlessly, still recuperating from your scare. 
"I'm the sorry one." 
He brings a hand to your face. If there's one thing you can count on with your boyfriend, it's that he's going to find an excuse to touch your face at least once a day, whether it be with the back of a ring-heavy finger trailing down your cheek lightly, or a flat, hot palm, calluses scratching ever so slightly as he squeezes it into whatever shape he feels like. Never cruel, but melding. 
He's in a mood. 
Not salacious. Teasing at most, he pulls a rough line down from the corner of your eye to your lips. 
"Why are you doing my dishes?" he asks. 
His hands smell like citrus scrub and white vinegar. They must've had him cleaning in the kitchen at work again. 
"So you wouldn't have to. I know you don't mean to let them pile up." 
"I'll find my laundry in the dryer, I'm guessing." 
"Nope. Folded in your dresser, more like."
He pulls your chest to his, the heat of his breath kissing your nose. It smells like the spearmint gum he chews obsessively during his morning shifts. Eddie has a theory that eating in the mornings is breaking a seal —you'll be much hungrier for the rest of the day than you would've been otherwise. Better to wait for lunch. 
You hate his theory (three meals a day plus as many snacks as he needs would be perfect,  if he could find the time) and his gum for what it represents. It reminds you that he likely hasn't eaten today, and you're quick to start brainstorming ideas for dinner from the ingredients you'd seen while cleaning. He has ground beef, enough eggs to make pasta, and a tupperware of frozen soup from last Wednesday. The world's your oyster. 
"What are you thinking about?" he asks. You don't have time to answer. "I wish you didn't do all the laundry, babe. Those stairs are a fucking killer." 
He leans that last inch. A kiss is coming any second now, your pulse capering between your ears. A hundred kisses shared between you and you wait for the next with the same calibre of excitement as you did for the first. 
"I owe you a deep tissue massage, right?" he murmurs. 
You beam at him, pushing the heel of your palm against his chest to widen the distance between you into something a little less heart-pounding. "You haven't eaten today, have you?" 
"I'm pretty hungry," he says, his voice smooth as angora silk. 
He looks, again, like he might kiss you. His eyes dip to your lips, a molten brown shining in the kitchen light. You wait, and you wait, but he doesn't close the gap. 
You push your smile to one side, your eyelashes twined in the corners from the force of it. Your smile isn't entirely genuine. It's cool if he doesn't wanna kiss you… sort of. He can do whatever he likes, of course, you'd never force him to kiss you just to keep you happy or for any other reason, but you're a little down at the idea that he doesn't want to. You love how they feel. You're used to them as both hello and goodbye. 
Eddie might not want to kiss you, but he isn't putting on a show, his amorous smirking a reality you battle with (read: give in to, enjoy, daydream about) on the regular. Perhaps he isn't eager to ravish you after a full day bussing tables. That's more than okay. 
However he might be feeling, you aren't going to let him go hungry a minute longer. "Dinner?" you ask. 
"I was thinking sloppy Joes," he says, his hand running down your arm. He turns for the fridge. You follow. "Brioche buns?" 
You step in front of him, the fridge door a cacophony of glass rattling as you tug it open. "I'm making them." 
Eddie wraps his arms around you, moving you bodily to the side. It's too quick for you to dig your heels in. 
"You used to be a gentleman," you complain. 
"No, I didn't." He taps your ankle with the rubber toe of his converse. 
You make dinner together, to each other's chagrin. Eddie steals spatulas and frying pan handles from your grip. You bump his hip away from the stove grill to toast buns. When you sit down together on the couch, it's at war, elbows digging into soft spots and cups placed out of reach on the coffee table. 
"Dick," you say. 
Eddie takes a bite, says, "You're the dick, dick," and starts shovelling fries onto your plate. "Giving me more fries is ridiculous. We should eat the same portions, we're the same age." 
"But one of us had breakfast and lunch, and one of us didn't," you say, using your fork to give his gifted fries straight back. 
And here's where you get the first inkling that something's making him not want to kiss you, emphasis on you. 
Eddie loves kissing you when he feels loved. For obvious starters, whenever you tell him you love him he makes sure to kiss your lips. When you make him laugh, when you wash his hair in the shower, when you draw stars into his palms, all those things garner a fond peck to the temple. He kisses the space just under your ear so often you're sure there's a contusion in the shape of his mouth there, permanent and purpling, his go-to whenever he's laying on top of you or hugging you from behind. 
You can count on a mildly greasy kiss no matter the meal. Eddie loves eating dinner together. He waits for you to get home, sometimes for hours, to share a plate with you. You've never not indulged him with a kiss. Tonight, he doesn't ask. 
It would be here. Name-calling dripping in affection, you elbow glancing off of his as you cut into your sloppy Joe, and the TV failing to cover the sound of a quick kiss before he digs in. You're gutted at the lack and surprised to have noticed it, but you don't go so far as to mourn the loss: Eddie's likely too hungry to think about kissing, that's all. Right?
Despite attempts to convince you otherwise, he's hungry. He finishes his plate in what feels like five big bites, hair tucked behind his ears, an innocent but far off look about him as he wipes his fingers in a piece of kitchen towel and leans back into the couch cushions with a small groan. 
"We should stop eating on the couch," he says. 
"You told me you wanted to sit here." You're confused. 
"It's like, testing fate. I'm a mess. I'll ruin it and have to get a new one I can't afford." 
You chew on a fry. "I mean," —you put your hand over your mouth, pleased when he turns to you with a ready-made smile, like the act of just looking at you is one he enjoys— "even if you drop something on it, we can Didi Seven it. Or get one of those fancy water vacuum things." 
"It's my couch," he says. "You wouldn't have to clean it." 
"You're my boyfriend," you respond, "so I wouldn't mind." 
"I'm your boyfriend," he says, his head tilted ever so slightly to one side. 
His lips close, his eyes tracking up and along the lines of your features with an unnameable emotion in his gaze. You'd like to say that it's love, but you're starting to think it's something else. 
"Don't say it like that. You sound too unsure," you say.
Amusement dances across his face. "Are you finished?" he asks, opening his hand for your tray. 
"No," you say, faux-stroppy. You take another fry. 
Eddie grabs his tray. He skirts around your legs and stops at your side. In his more dopey moods, he'd take your face into his hand again and hold your head still as he kisses your crown. 
He squeezes your shoulder. "I'm not unsure about anything," he says warmly. "I'll get you a drink, yeah? Ice?" 
A chuck under the chin with his forefinger and he's gone, leaving you sitting there wondering what's wrong with him. Home an hour now and not one single kiss? Is this the end of the honeymoon phase? How do people survive this shit, you think. It's agonising.
Your chewing turns morose. 
You and Eddie go through phases, waxing and waning, as most people do. There's always love there, but sometimes there's so much of it you don't know what to do with yourself besides lavish in it. Only yesterday morning he'd been in your bed, shirtless (as you often wish he'd be), dark ink like bruises in the low light where it climbed the lengths of his arms and his bare chest. You were lax under his touch, his nose and lips pressing to your skin as he kissed you from rib to soft tummy. Slow, kissing you as though he had nowhere else to be but there. As though his next shift wasn't thirty minutes around the corner. 
You were mortified when he blew a raspberry. Now you're thinking you might peel out of your shirt and ask him to do it again if it means he'll kiss you in any definition. 
"What are you thinking about?" he asks as he returns, his hand sliding along from your shoulder to the other while he steps over your legs. 
"What are you thinking about?" you ask. 
"Feeling very repetitive today, are we?" he teases, no consideration for your dinner tray as he collapses into the seat beside you. 
You're expecting his cheek on your shoulder, his hair tickling your upper arm. It doesn't come. Worried he's discouraged by your tray, you place it on the coffee table and sit back. You really want him to kiss you. 
Kissing someone isn't something you thought you'd want to do before you met Eddie. To be kissed, sure. To give a chaste peck, absolutely. But to have someone put their weight on you, to press at the seam of your lips with their own and to wade in like a steady wave, one breath at a time, until you're unsure where the boundary of your mouth begins and his ends, that was all new. Eddie kisses like he loves, loud and brash, rough and eager. Gentle when he needs to be but arduous. 
He makes you feel wanted in a thousand ways and the first is his greedy penchant for stealing a kiss or three at every opportunity. It's weird that he hasn't kissed you yet. He's acting weird. 
"You're being super weird," you say. You feel like a pressure cooker with steam pouring from the release valve. 
Eddie smirks at you. "That so? Any explanation attached to that, or are we name-calling? I have some names for you, if we are." 
"Oh, I have to know." 
"Figured you would." He throws his leg over your thigh. The firm muscle of it tenses as he wiggles his foot. 
"What were you gonna call me?" you prompt impatiently.   
"Sweetheart. Angel." He turns his cheek into the back of the couch, bringing his pinky to your face and drawing a line from the smoothest skin under your eye outward. "Pretty. Very pretty." 
"Says you," you murmur. If he thinks you're so pretty, why won't he kiss you? "I can't work out your angle today." 
"Am I acting differently?" he asks, seemingly unperturbed. 
No. He just hasn't kissed you. There might have been a moment when he first came home where you thought he was hesitating to kiss you, but since then he's acted exactly as he usually does (minus kissing, therefore making it unusual). 
You sigh, half serious and half wanton sadness. "No." His nose twitches. You startle. "What?" 
"What, do I have bad breath?" you ask, bringing a hurried palm to your mouth to try and test it. 
Eddie pulls your hand down, admonishing through a laugh, "You obviously don't. You know I'd tell you, babe." 
"I got gum though, if you want it." 
You bat his chest. "I bet you do… I don't know what it is, then. I give up." 
"What's what?" he asks. He takes a curl of his hair around a painted fingernail. It coils on his finger, where he pinches the end, bringing it up to your chin and drawing a smile under your lips with the tip. 
"I… do I have something in my teeth? A zit? What's the issue?" you ask, lost. 
"There's no issue!" He laughs, and he curves his hand gently around your neck. "Why do you think there's an issue?" he asks. A thread of his voice wavers. Impossible to notice if you didn't know everything about him, down to the stray hair. 
"No, because," —your voice shrinks— "you're being off with me." You won't cry, but it's impossible to stop the doubt that seeps into your voice. "You're not…" 
Eddie strokes your neck with his thumb, growing serious. "I'm not what?" 
"You haven't kissed me." You avoid his eyes. "Not since you saw me." 
"I'm sorry," he says, immediately dipping forward. 
You pull back. "Wait–" 
Eddie waits. "What?" he asks. 
"I don't want you to kiss me just 'cus I asked you to." 
Eddie pushes his hand upward, his index finger shaped to your jawline. He rubs a quarter circle from your chin to your jaw tentatively with his thumb, an awful sorry look in his eyes that he gets whenever you're upset. "Well, I always want to kiss you," he confesses. His eyebrows furrow. "You know that, right?" 
"But you haven't, today." 
Is that pathetic? you panic. Noticing, caring, it feels so, so silly all of a sudden, you can't believe you spilled it that easily. You may as well have written clingy loser across your forehead in glaring pen. 
Eddie sees it. He doesn't cringe at you like you fear he will. 
"Ah," he says, almost humming, his lips barely parted, "that's just not okay, is it? My girl waiting on a kiss." 
He leans in. You shy away, wanting his kiss but wanting the run up more. Eddie follows your lead, keeping space between you, rubbing a diligent and affectionate circle into your cheek. His touch is soft enough to tickle. 
"I'm not trying to act desperate, I just figured– I thought there was a reason you hadn't," you say. 
Eddie asks you in his softest, most genial tones if he can kiss you. 
You don't say yes so much as you lift your chin and close your eyes. Your relief is sharp as he closes the fizzing space between you, as he guides your face to his and holds it there like a treasured pearl cupped in two palms. He makes a sound at the back of his throat that kills any doubts of his affection stone cold dead. Your lips part a millimetre if that, and Eddie slots into the gap, his hands growing less and less careful by the second, the pressure of his touch amping up. He moves back only long enough to turn his head, your noses bumping, another breathy sound slipping past his lips. You smother it gracelessly with a rougher reciprocation. 
It's not your longest kiss, but it works. It's the reassurement you needed. Eddie pulls away to suck in a harsh breath, the feeling foreign against your tingling lips. His face dips, his eyes out of view. His hands move in twin down the slope of your neck, languish, feel along the thin layer of your t-shirt as though he's looking for some secret answer. 
"I'm not trying to act weird around you, I'm just nervous," he says.
You feel your back aching, stiff as a rod. "Nervous?" you ask quietly. 
Eddie rests his forehead on your chin. He whispers a cuss, and then he sits up very tall and looks you in the eye. 
It takes him five seconds to tell you what it is that's making him anxious. In that time, you come up with a handful of things. I lost my job. I don't want to be with you anymore. There's someone else. There's no one else, but you did something that pissed me off/made me uncomfortable/disgusted me. I'm sick. None of your guesses are good, and none prepare you for what he asks next. 
"Would you wanna move in with me?" 
His hand meanders along your thigh. An awkward smile catches his lip like a fish hook, tugging it up on one side. 
"I… what?" 
"I think it's a good idea. I was trying to ask you yesterday, and now today it didn't feel right. I don't want you thinking I'm asking because you did my laundry." His hand warms your thigh, a pervasive heat. Your face is similarly hot. "We could split rent, and you could keep saving. You wouldn't have to deal with your shitty neighbours. You'd be closer to your job, and– and to me. It's a good idea," he repeats. "There's a ton of reasons it would be good for you, but I'm asking 'cus I missed you so bad last night I couldn't sleep. I wanna be with you whenever we can be." 
"You'd really want me to?" you ask. 
"You'd never have to wait for a kiss again," he says hopefully. "I know it's a big move. I get it if you're not ready." 
"I'm ready," you say. You don't know it's true until you've said it aloud. 
Delight sparks and catches like sun-dried tinder. Elation lights his eyes. "Holy shit, yeah? You want to?" 
"Yeah," you say, nodding emphatically, trying not to yell. "Yes, I want to. I'd love to! That would be–" 
"A dream," he finishes, snatching your waist into his grasp, basically yanking you into his arms.
"Amazing," you say, your arms forced over his shoulders. 
You wrap your arms around the back of his head, curls that smell of almond oil and a generous dollop of hair mousse crushed to your face. Your eyes slip closed. You suck in an inconspicuous breath, though your self-indulgent action is interrupted by a groan, Eddie squeezing you hard enough to make the bones in your back click three at a time. 
"I can't believe you, sweetheart. I don't kiss you for an hour and you think there's something wrong?" He laughs.
"I'm spoiled," you say sheepishly. To draw his attention, you add, "I can't believe you, afraid to ask me that! Why would I say no? I love you." 
"I love you, too," he says, pulling the small of your back tighter still so he can dig his nose into the side of your head. 
He kisses you all over the side of your face until you're painted in little warm patches from overexposure. A loved up mess, and dizzy with relief.
Relief and excitement. "How soon do you want me in here?" you ask, sitting back. 
"How soon do you want another kiss?" he asks. 
"Will we be stealing each other's questions all day?" you ask. 
"For the rest of time, if I get my way." 
"That's so corny," you whisper, ecstatic. 
Eddie pushes you down onto the couch cushions. You know before he so much as pulls up a knee that he's going to climb on top of you. You make room for him, your heart feeling like it could breach through your ribs one bone at a time. 
"What are you doing?" you whisper with a smile. 
"Making up for lost kisses."
Two Weeks Later
Eddie wakes to a kiss. 
Your arm thrown over his waist, your hand feeling greedily at the trim curve atop his hip, you've well and truly wrapped yourself around him. Like an octopus. He imagines the popping sound of your suckers if he tried to detach you (not that he'd want to). 
You're dotting shy, soft kisses down the column of his throat. "I love you," you say softly between them, a melody that turns him to jelly. "I love you. Love you, love you, love you." 
Your kisses are a compromise —after the general holy fucking shit-ism of your conversation a fortnight ago, Eddie put his foot down. He was out of his mind knowing his apartment was about to become yours, but he was also incredibly unhappy about the faces you'd made before he asked. He remembers your voice, your apprehension as you mumbled, "No, because, you're being off with me."  
Eddie had been totally off trying to figure out how to ask what was potentially the second most important question he could ever ask you; he was distracted enough by it that he totally forgot about kissing you senseless. And your worrying asked a totally new question he hadn't thought of before. Why does Eddie always kiss you first? And why had the lack of a kiss been seen as a bar, and not an invitation? 
Hence Project Kiss Me, Stupid. Or Project Kiss Me Stupid if he's feeling particularly in love (because you aren't stupid at all, but you may have made an unintelligent assumption (Eddie not kissing you for a few hours did not mean even slightly that he isn't gross in love). 
The project was more like a proposal. Eddie decided you should be making the first move more often, so you weren't ever left feeling like something was wrong between you for lack of a kiss again. "If you ever think I'm mad at you, plant one on me. I promise I won't be mad much longer," he told you.
You're passing with flying colours, as far as he's concerned. Eddie thinks your moving in was gift enough, but fuck, all these kisses? He's been a walking vestibule of love, and lust, and sickening fondness for two weeks now. Project Kiss Me Stupid is the best thing that's ever happened to him. He's a genius.
"Good morning," you say into his neck, a hint of teeth scratching him with the greeting. Eddie cups the back of your head with a weak, tired groan as your lips close over his pulse.
"Morning," he says. His voice is thick with the grit of sleep. 
"This is okay?" you ask, pausing in your kiss. 
Eddie tips his head back heavily into plush pillows, your pillows, fresh with new bedding to match the nightstands you'd decided on together. "Please," he says. His arm slides behind your back to belt you in. "I'm gonna think you don't like me anymore if you take any longer." 
"Very funny," you murmur. 
He knows he's forgiven for teasing when your face dives back into the crook of his neck. His eyes shutter closed, blissed, thinking, God, I could get used to this, when you nip him. 
"You didn't like my joke, I take it?" 
"It was funny," you say, giving him a scratching kiss.
"That's counter-intuitive," he warns. "I like it rough." 
You fall away from him to cover your face with both hands. He knows he's rubbing off on you at the sight, your head shaking a theatrical side to side that fails to hide real embarrassment beneath it. You look especially tortured. 
Eddie knows exactly how to fix it. 
˚‧꒰ა ✮ ໒꒱‧˚
thanks so much for reading! I really hope you enjoyed!
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jihyoruri · 9 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 CHANEL GIRLFRIENDS kim minji x fem!reader
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🎸★ ͘ ⴰ yn of lesserafim and minji of new jeans, both are ambassadors of the worldwide known luxury brand chanel, they’re also known as the chanel girlfriends.
a series of short oneshots and compilations that convinced the world that the “chanel girlfriends” are definitely not just two girls who are friends.
PARING — kim minji x lsrfm!reader
all mine
previous. masterlist. next
minji knocked the door of the lesserafim dorms, she waits patiently until the door opens to reveal sakura with chaewon peeking behind her to see who’s at the door.
before minji can open her mouth she’s cut off by the japanese girl, “yn?” which causes the girl to nod in embarrassment as they let her in.
“she’s in her room.” chaewon adds, pointing the down the hall, minji nods before thanking them and heading towards yn’s room.
“keep the door open!” both girls yell behind girl.
minji sends them a thumbs up from behind her and heads towards yn’s door.
she opens the door without knocking and finds yn on her bed with her face in her phone, she walks towards the girl not forgetting to keep the door open.
yn looks up from her phone and a smile immediately makes its way to her face when she sees the new jeans member, “ah! you’re here come lay down with me.”
“oh also close the door i hate when it’s wide open.” she adds only for minji to shake her head, “they said to keep it open.” she says as she lays down beside yn who groans in annoyance.
“so annoying.” yn mumbles to herself as minji laughs, she opens her mouth to say something but is cut off by the multiple dings of yn’s phone.
she watches as the girl picks up her phone and starts typing, she tries to look at what it was but yn has that stupid privacy screen protector due to her nosey members was her reasoning.
minji watches as yn lets out an embarrassed laugh at her phone, the laugh that she always does when someone teases her, she raises a brow and puts her chin on yn’s shoulder.
“who are you talking to?”
“my mc partner for the award show.” yn responds nonchalantly, “remember, he’s an actor you probably don’t know him.”
“oh,” minji digs her face into yn’s neck to get a better look at the phone and immediately scowls at the flirty texts that the actor as been sending to her girlfriend, but it seems like yn wasn’t picking up on any of the hints.
“can you pay attention to me now?” she asks nudging yn who laughs and turns off her phone.
“you’re so obsessed with me.” yn says teasingly as she wraps her arms round minji, her phone dings again but before she could reach over to it minji grabs her hands, “don’t you even dare.”
🎸★ ͘ ⴰ
minji tried her best to keep her composure she really did, but it’s hard when your girlfriends mc partner doesn’t know the meaning of personal space.
she clenched her fists as the man passed a flirty comment to you that had everyone in the crowd gasping and laughing.
everyone besides minji.
“you look like you’re gonna burn him alive.” hanni whispered to the girl who nodded her head, “I just might…”
“minji!” hanni gasps hitting the girl’s shoulder.
“you can’t expect someone who doesn’t know yn is in a relationship to not flirt with her, that girl is a total heartthrob.” hanni says knowingly, “hell I would try it with her if I could.” she adds earning a glare from minji.
“plus, yn loves you and is super loyal do you really think she’s gonna leave you for him out of all people? she’s all yours.”
“yeah…” minji trails off, “she is all mine..”
the award show goes on with another dreadful hour and minji just is just happy it’s finally over, immediately parting from her members to find yn and boy when she does.
minji pauses when she finds her girlfriend leaning against the wall outside of lesserafims changing room with her mc partner talking her ear off.
before minji can even comprehend what she’s doing she walks over to yn like she’s on a mission.
“babe!” she says loudly, startling the two mcs, minji takes notice of yn’s shocked face when she puts her arm around her shoulder, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
yn just stares at the girl in shock, nobody but their members know about their relationship so seeing minji act like this was definitely a shock to the girl.
“did i interrupt something?” mini asks looking at yn who just shakes her head rapidly.
“n-no not at all.” she stuttered out before gesturing to in front of her, “this was my mc partner of course, he was just telling me how good I did.”
“ahhh,” minji says pretending that she was interested but she couldn’t care less about what he was talking about all she wanted was him away from her girlfriend.
“would you look at the time,” minji cuts him off pointing to his watch, “you should probably get going, everyone is heading out now.”
“I was actually going to offer to drop yn off, see if it’s okay with her members.” he says and minji narrows her eyes.
can’t he catch a hint? what does she have to do? kiss yn in front of him? she was really considering it at this point
“no need.” she says before yn could even respond, she removes her arm from yn’s shoulder and interlocks your hands together before opening the lesserafim dressing room pulling yn in with her and shutting the door in his face.
yn looks at minji in shock as the five girls snap their heads towards them.
“hi?” yunjin says looking mostly at her members girlfriend.
minji bows politely before dragging yn with her and sitting in one of the couches, pulling yn into her lap.
chaewon stiffened at that but sakura just turned the leaders body away from the younger couple.
minji rests her chin on yn’s shoulder while she relaxes finally feeling at ease after pulling away yn from her biggest nightmare.
“what was that?” yn asks leaning into the girl.
“what was what?” minji responds but is only met with an unimpressed look from as she shifts her body to look at minji.
she lets out deep sigh and looks off to the side, “I didn’t like how he was acting with you, the constant texting and the flirting,” she blurts out, “and don’t even get me started on how I literally called you babe and he didn’t care and continued to ask to leave here with you!” she rambles on.
“it’s like he couldn’t take a hint!” she finishes before looking at yn who only had a smile on her face.
“you’re so cute!” yn coos pinching the girls cheeks causing minji to scrunch her face up, “stop!”
“who knew the kim minji gets jealous?” she teases, “or were you just good at hiding it until now?”
she was good at hiding it until now.
“shut up.”
“you don’t have your worry, I’m all yours.” yn says pressing a kiss to the girls cheek awfully close to lips since she knew she couldn’t kiss minji on the lips, not with chaewon in the room she’d probably kick the new jeans member out the room.
“I know.” minji mumbles, turning yn’s body back around and pulling her closer on her lap, “just wanted to make it known to him.” she adds still pissed and yn takes notice of that.
“how about, I convince chaewon and sakura unnie to let you sleep over?”
“but then we’ll just be sleeping in the living room like always with eunchae since she’s always forced to stay with us.”
“we’ll just so what we always do,” yn says like it’s obvious, “pay eunchae and the sneak into my room.”
both girls snap their heads towards chaewon who has her hands clenched.
yn nervously stands from minji’s lap walking over to yunjin so she could hid behind the older girl.
“nope, this is your mess.” the girl laughs moving away from yn who whines and moves to sakura who laughs and wraps her arms around yn.
“chaewon unnie, i was joking.” yn laughs nervously pushing her face into sakura before looking at minji who has stood up from her seat.
“I should probably go…” she trails off not daring to look at chaewon whose eyes are burning into her head.
“see you later,” she says to yn before quickly walking out the room and shutting the door as chaewon yells, “you are not seeing her for a week!”
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courtlyharlequin · 1 year
Hello! Your writing is amazing💗💗. Could I request some headcannons with the dorm leaders reacting to see their s/o sleeping beside them when they wake up in the morning (Super Fluffy). Thank you!
By Your Side
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A/N: Ueee thank you! I see you around a lot in my notifs so I can tell you really like my stuff. Thank you for always supporting me hehe ♡
Riddle Rosehearts:
He's never really shared his bed before. Riddle is a bit of a picky sleeper. He's not a light sleeper, but he can't fall asleep unless the conditions are right. He can't fall asleep unless he's laying down on his back. There can't be too much noise when he's trying to fall asleep otherwise he'd be wide awake- not matter how tired he is.
So naturally, waking up with you by his side, he's a little startled. Riddle doesn't flinch or scream, but he is taken aback. He slept well. With you?
You look so at peace when you're asleep. So serene, so still and calm. Did he look like this when he was sleeping with you too?
He held his breath as he heard you stir in your sleep. A wave of relief soon washed over him as you didn't wake from your slumber. He didn't want to get caught staring at you. That would've been embarrassing!
His eyes glance towards the clock on his nightstand.
Ah well... a few minutes wouldn't hurt. Riddle smiled contently and pressed a chaste kiss on your forehead before pulling the covers over the both of you, making sure you're both nice and snug. After all, there's no very important date to be late to.
Leona Kingscholar:
The botanical garden fostered the perfect environment for napping. There was the perfect amount of shade and sunlight for a certain lion to find a moment of solitude and solace.
A moment meaning an hour or two... or three. Leona preferred his naps long. Thirty minutes isn't enough to equate to a nap. Thirty minutes is only enough time to close his eyes and ponder some thoughts. It takes a lot for Leona to fall asleep. However, when he's out, he's out.
Still, he's not a heavy sleeper either. So how on earth did he find himself in this predicament? You clinging onto him like a monkey hugging a tree trunk...
Leona recounts what happened before he fell asleep. Or, at least, what he remembers before he fell asleep
You came to the garden looking for him and found him in his secret spot Then, you said something about another thing. And he said something witty. What was it again?
Oh yes. You said that napping on grass looked uncomfortable and in response, he pulled you into his arms. His eyes dart back to your sleeping figure. Heh, you sure did look comfortable
Azul Ashengrotto:
Azul jolted awake and gasped for air. A nightmare? He can't even remember what it was about. His hand snaked through his hair, aimlessly combing it in a soothing motion while his other hand found itself on top of his heart, feeling it race a thousand miles an hour
He inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm himself. It's just a dream. You're okay. Inhale. Ex- Wait a minute. He's not the only one breathing here
His stormy gray eyes travel to the source: you.
You who slept without a care in the world, somewhere far away. Seeing your face made any leftover shivers and chills dissipate. An angel, truly. Just one look at you and he's grounded. Everything is going to be alright.
Whatever Azul dreamt about earlier was just a dream, but you? You're a reality. Though he may believe that sometimes, being with you feels like a dream, you're real. You're real and you're with him.
That's all the matters. He knows that no matter what, you'll always be there to greet him the next time he opens his eyes.
And with that, Azul intertwines his fingers with yours and finds himself succumbing to his own drowsiness.
Kalim Al-Asim:
Sunlight seeped through Kalim's bedroom window. Jamil would usually wake him around this time, but it's the weekend so he was left undisturbed. Still, Kalim is used to being awake at this time and today was no different.
Well... there was something different- you. You were peacefully snoring by his side. Not full on snoring, but little kitten snoring. It was something he found adorable.
Here at NRC, his bed was a little lonely. Back home, he would sleep with his siblings all the time whether that be slumber parties in their rooms or letting them sleep with him for the night because of a bad dream. Kalim can't really do that here because most people in the dormitory tend to mind their own business and wouldn't dare to disturb him even if they had a bad dream. It was also one of those "too old for that kind of stuff" things
But at least Kalim knows you're comfortable with sharing the same bed as him
Is it because the bed is warmer? Or that you feel safer with him next to you? Is it him that feels safer? Perhaps the feeling is mutual...
Vil Schoenheit:
Waking up next to you is something Vil has to get used to. Sharing the same bed is a norm for most relationships- dating, marriage and whatnot. He shouldn't be so surprised... but he is. For some reason, he is.
Is it because you're one of the few people he truly trusts? Wholeheartedly? Or one of the few people who've seen his face without makeup and still think he's as beautiful as ever.
Or because you have this tendency to watch him when he sleeps and get extremely flustered when he catches you, telling you he's been awake the whole time?
When Vil wakes up before you, he takes some times to brush out the flyaways framing your face. He wants to take the time to admire you and your beauty as much as he can.
Then, he gently shakes you awake. Vil isn't one to snooze as he has a busy schedule and he wants to kiss you goodbye before his time is spent on other things
But even if he is busy, those first few moments in the morning with you mean the world to him
Idia Shroud:
Like Riddle, Idia doesn't share his bed much. Well, he used to share it with Ortho when they were little, but you know...
He's a very closed off person when it comes to touch despite being so touch-starved. It takes a lot for Idia to truly let someone in. He's alright at keeping things surface-level. But sleeping next to each other? That's another story.
The first time he ever woke up with you by his side, it felt like a weight was being lifted off of his shoulders. He felt... at home. It felt comfortable, safe and sound.
You breathing and being so close to him was enough to turn his hair red, but it also made him want to scream into his pillow. He can't do that though. That would wake you up.
Instead, Idia settles for pulling you closer, hugger you like a giant pillow. He wants to relish and savor this moment. He doesn't know if he can have something like this again if he lets go.
It's nice. This love thing you two have going on... Not that he would say that he's in love.
Malleus Draconia:
The fair folk don't require sleep like humans. They can sleep, but it's not necessary to sleep. It's more for recreation. Nevertheless, Malleus is allured by the concept of sleep.
What an honor and an absolute pleasure to have you, a human, to trust him enough to sleep with him.
When humans sleep, they're exposed to many external forces that could potentially harm them. Other people, the environment, and so many more things.
So when you fell asleep on his shoulder, his eyes widened. Tut, tut, child of man. Malleus worries for you. Have you been sleeping well? He's heard of some instances where humans fall asleep because they were too exhausted? It makes sense though. But for now, he'll keep you safe.
What he didn't expect was to fall asleep himself not long after. And surprisingly, you're still in a deep slumber when he's wide awake again.
Perhaps a new hobby of his is watching you sleep. Not in a creepy way, but he just finds it so fascinating. The way your lashes flutter, the way your body rises and falls to the rhythm of your breathing. The way your heart beats.
Humans are truly delicate creatures, but he supposes that's the beauty of them
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talaok · 10 months
I love your writing bestiee ok so you're dating Pedro, but you're not famous, there's an age gap between you, many people support you and think you're super cute, others make mean and nasty comments, one night you get insomnia (Pedro is sleeping) and decides to look at social media, and some disgusting comments about you and Pedro appear, you start to cry because you don't believe it and don't accept people talking about him in such a nasty way, but while you try to make as little noise as possible while you're crying, it's inevitable, Pedro wakes up and comes to you....
Pairing: Pedro pascal x reader
a/n: thank you bestie💖
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One of the few times he was able to sleep, it was you who couldn't.
The curtains filtred the shallow lights of the streetlamps and cars from outside, but a flash of them still penetrated the room every few moments, each time distancing you from sleep an inch further, until inevitably, you were wide awake at three in the morning.
Pedro's left arm was wrapped around you, holding you close even in his sleep, his breath was fanning over your neck as his face hid in the crook of it. Your bodies had melted into one, holding onto each other even when not conscious, because that's how you liked it, because that's how much you loved each other.
And you did, god if you did, no matter what people said, thought, or wrote all over the internet, that's all that counted, the love 
as Pedro always put it: "As long as I'm with you, nothing else matters"
But today, today as you made the grave mistake of picking up your phone, of unplugging it from the outlet, of opening Instagram... today, in the cold of the night, out of reach from Pedro's sweet words, from his warm embrace... today what people said was hitting harder than usual.
You had slipped out of your boyfriend's grasp to walk to the living room, and god did you regret it as you now sat on the couch, tears streaking down your cheeks, while you tried muffling your own sobs with the palm of your hand.
you tried recalling what Pedro usually said, you tried mustering even a glimpse of the optimism, the tranquility that defined him, that made every negative comment about him, or you, not bother him in the slightest, but all your brain was able to do was re-read all those awful, awful comments out loud without giving you a chance to stop it, making it all worse... so much worse.
Because they weren't only insulting, it wasn't the usual "slut" or "whore" or "gold digger", no, no there were also comments that made fun of him, that called you both "pathetic" or even "disgusting"
What's disgusting about loving someone? In wanting to spend the rest of your life with them?
Why, just because of a few years of difference, did people feel the need to go and make assumptions, why's that?
And as the tears multiplied, as the sobs climbed faster up your throat, you didn't notice the steps coming from the bedroom until-
"Sweetheart?", a voice startled you from behind, freezing you in your spot, as Pedro inevitably rounded the couch to take a better look at you.
The moment your eyes met, the moment he saw the frown on your forehead, the glimmer in your red eyes, your wet cheeks, he was next to you, holding your hand, holding you in any way he could.
"what happened?"
And when you didn't answer, when you could only sniffle as you hid your face in his chest, sobbing and drenching his shirt, only then, did he see your phone, the app it was opened onto... all the dirty words staining your screen.
"baby" he cooed, petting your hair, begging you to look up at him "you can't let them get to you" he murmured "Who cares what they think, we know the truth, that's all that matters"
"I-I know-" your trembling voice made its way to him as you slowly raised your head "I just- it's just-"
that's all you could stutter before you were bawling again, holding onto him for dear life as he stroked your back and gently kissed the crown of your head.
"oh sugar" he cooed, "It's all alright, everything is fine" he whispered "'m here, I'm not going anywhere"
It took a long time for your breathing to even enough for you to find his eyes again.
"sweetheart you're the most amazing woman to ever exist, whatever it is they said, I promise you, they're just jealous"
"n-no it's not what they said about me" you shook your head, wiping away a leftover tear "It's what they said about us"
His eyes closed for a moment as he sighed 
"let them say what they want baby, who cares?" he forced a smile to try and cheer you up "Sweetheart, I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life" he promised "I love you more than anything on this earth"
"me too" you were quick to reply
"yeah, see? then let them say whatever they want sweetheart, because what matters is that I have you." he murmured "that I'm lucky enough to be with you. and it doesn't matter what they say, because as long as I have you, nothing else matters, the world could collapse and you, baby, would still be the only thing on my mind"
"Pedro..." your lips trembled as your eyes wet again, for a whole different reason this time
"I'm serious" he promised, taking your hands in his "I love you, sweetheart, and as long as I'm with you, nothing else matters"
And as always, he had made it all better
"you're right"
"I know I am" he smiled, stroking your cheek "Now c'mere, let's get back to bed"
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pink-sparkly-witch · 1 year
All She Wants, Part Three (Finale)
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Summary: Dean’s experience with the wrong hormone suppressants makes him feral. The only person who can get him out of it and save his life is Y/N, the omega he had been mating with for years until she left six months ago. Without a claim and with no prospects of Dean ever giving her one, Y/N finally had enough and broke the bond they’d forged in their years together and left him, but with Sam now begging her to go to Dean and save his life, will she go, or will she leave the green-eyed alpha to his biological fate?
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Female Omega!Reader
Rating: 18+ Only
Bingo Square: Alpha Gone Feral for @j3bingo
Warnings: tw: dub con claiming, omegaverse, A/B/O, A/B/O dynamics, language, ruts, feral alpha, agitation, aggression, smut, rough sex, biting, oral sex (f rec), fingering, p in v sex, hair pulling, heavy angst, aftercare, fluff
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: Here we go… the super angsty finale of this alpha!Dean mini-series! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please consider reblogging to spread this far and wide around this Hellsite, or leave a little comment. It really does fuel our muse. If you’re too shy or too cool for people to know you read fanfic and you don’t want it showing on your blog, you can submit an anonymous ask or drop me a DM 💖
You can catch up here!
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The knocking on your motel room door startles you, and you grab your gun from the waistband of your jeans and cautiously step towards the door. Flicking the safety off, you place the barrel onto the wood and cautiously open it just enough to see who’s on the other side.
“Sam? Cas?” you gasp, throwing the door open wider.
“You should be more careful, Y/N. We could be demons or shapeshifters or any other kind of monster,” Cas speaks first, and you blink at him, amused, as always, by his directness.
“Nice to see you, too, Cas,” you smirk, opening the door wider to let them in.
“Hey, Y/N,” Sam says as he leans down to hug you. “It’s good to see you.”
“You too, Sam,” you smile as you close the door behind them. You know whatever this unplanned visit is, it’s about Dean.
“You seem healthy,” Cas states, tilting his head to the side and frowning as if searching for something. “And yet—”
“So!” Sam interrupts quickly. “How have you been?”
“Fine…” You narrow your eyes at the alpha’s strange behaviour. “This isn’t a social visit, is it?” You finally ask.
“No,” Cas confirms, and you don’t know if you’re glad he’ll get straight to the point or if you’d prefer Sam to dance around it all a little more.
“Dean.” It’s not a question. It’s a statement. You knew from the way your stomach dropped the second you saw them that this wasn’t a good news visit.
“I asked Cas to find you,” Sam said softly.
You and the younger Winchester have stayed in touch since you left the bunker, but you agreed you wouldn’t tell him where you were, and he wouldn’t ask. It was one thing for Dean to find out they were talking, but it’d be another entirely if he knew Sam knew where she was.
“What happened?” Your mind goes to the worst possible scenario, and you try to fight the rising nausea. 
“Dean has been taking store bought suppressants,” Sam says, and you feel your blood boil.
“What? Why? Why would he be so goddamn stupid? Did he know what they’d do to an alpha in his situation?” you fume at the men as you pace the threadbare carpet.
“No. He knew they weren’t suitable long-term, but the side effects he experienced weren’t typical,” Cas answered.
“I thought it was a mix of the drugs and rejection sickness and that it’d ease over time,” Sam says calmly and quietly. “But I think he suffered some kind of chemical reaction to them, and by the time I found out what he was taking, it was too late.”
“Too late? Sam, what are you saying?” You’re terrified of what he’s so anxious to tell you.
“He’s feral, Y/N,” Cas finally puts you out of your misery, and while it’s bad news, it’s not the worst thing they could’ve told you. “But I don’t understand why you are not.”
It’s not an accusation. The angel is just curious about alphas who mate with but don’t claim omegas. To his literal knowledge, an alpha finds an omega, they mate, there’s a claim, an unbreakable bond, and pups. Your situation with Dean had always intrigued the celestial being.
“Because I’ve been taking the suppressants I should. Prescribed by a doctor. Why didn’t he do the same thing?” Contrary to the angel’s question, yours is accusatory as you look between Sam and Cas.
“You know what he’s like, Y/N. He doesn’t talk about these things, and I didn’t know until a few days ago. He’s been overcome with guilt for how he treated you, and I think…” Sam trails off, noticing from the look on your face that you know what he was alluding to.
“You think this is some kind of self-sacrifice?” you ask in disbelief. Dean is well known for his self-depreciation, and it’s something you’ve seen and heard from him many times, but this? “No… No, I don’t believe that. Why would he put himself through that just to go feral anyway? Why not just lie down and let it happen on its own?”
“You really want me to answer that?” Sam asks, and you frown.
“Sam, you can’t be serious! Dean is not doing this to punish himself for hurting me. There’s no way,” you argue, but you know the green-eyed alpha better than he knows himself. It does sound like something he’d do to himself—some kind of fucked up repentance for his behaviour.
Sam only shrugs, and you sigh, knowing you’ve both come to the same conclusion.
“So, what? You want me to go to him? Get him out of this mess?”
“You’re his mate. Only you can get him back from this,” Cas says, and you laugh bitterly, taking the angel by surprise.
“I bet Dean loves that!” you scoff. “Anytime I told him that like it or not, we’re mates, he shot me down in flames!”
“I know he hurt you, and I can’t imagine how hard this is for you, and Dean knows it too. He told me not to look for you. That he doesn’t deserve your help, but I’m asking you to think about it. Please?”
“I don’t know, Sam. If I go to him, you know what it means, right?” you check, not convinced either of them fully understand what they’re asking of you.
“I do,” Sam responds.
“And you know it’s pretty much a done deal that he’ll claim me in his feral haze? And then when he comes to, he’ll regret it and reject me? You’re asking me to sacrifice myself for him? Because I won’t survive his rejection, you both know that, right?”
“He’d never reject you, Y/N,” Cas confirms what you know in your heart, but it brings no comfort.
“Oh, because a forced claim and being stuck with someone who doesn’t want me is a better fate than dying from rejection!”
“He does want you. He loves you. He just can’t—” Sam starts, but you interrupt with a scoff.
“Give me what I want. I know, Sam. He’s told me that so many times it’s imprinted in my memory!” You huff, quickening your pacing.
You want to say no. You want to protect yourself and your fragile heart that’s still trying to heal, but you know if you were the feral one, Dean would already be here, doing everything he could to get you through it—even claiming you just so you’d survive.
He doesn’t deserve to die, and yet, you don’t deserve to be someone’s mistake, but you can’t see any other option. If you don’t go to him, he’ll die. If you go to him, and he doesn’t reject you, you’ll be miserable, but you’ll both be alive.
“Fuck!” you yell in frustration. Once again, you feel that self-loathing that only Dean seems able to bring out of you. You hate yourself because you still love him even after everything, and you’d sacrifice everything to save him.
“Where is he?”
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Walking up to the secluded cabin, you shiver at the deathly silence surrounding you. As if being this deep in the woods isn’t ominous enough, there isn’t even a bird chirping or an insect buzzing in the heavy air.
You’re so deep in the woods that the midday sun can’t even breach the trees. You drove as close as you could, but you’d had to abandon your car about a mile back. This is probably the safest house Bobby had ever found, and you have to admire Dean for choosing this one to hide out in.
Sam had given you the key. At first, you’d been shocked he’d lock Dean in with no way to escape, but you knew feral alphas aren’t to be taken lightly. There had been cases of ferals going on murder sprees, and the green-eyed hunter would never risk putting people in any kind of danger.
“Dean?” you call out as you knock on the door. “It’s Y/N. Sam found me. He said you need my help.” With no response, you take a deep breath, preparing yourself for being too late, and put the key in the lock.
Pushing the door open slowly, the sour smell of Dean’s feral rut slams into you, and immediately your body begins to respond to the distressed alpha. Your skin tingles, heat floods your veins, and slick pools at your entrance. You’ve never been more grateful for a heat to come on as you are now. If it didn’t, Dean could seriously hurt or even kill you trying to get himself out of this.
“Omega,” Dean growls from the doorway of the bedroom and with one look at his bloodshot eyes, you know there’s little to no humanity in him right now.
“Alpha,” you whimper and bow your head in submission.
“Mine,” he groans in front of you, and you jump, having not heard him move across the room.
Dean buries his head in your neck and inhales your scent, gasping as if he’d been suffocating, and your scent is his oxygen.
“My ‘mega,” Dean snarls and slams you against the wooden door. You whimper at the pain and remind yourself not to fight. If you fight, things could get ugly.
Pawing at your jeans, he tries to undo them, but in his desperation to get at you, he can’t grasp the little brass button and punches the wall next to your head in frustration.
“Hey,” you purr, placing a hand on his cheek and smiling as he leans into your touch, “It’s okay, Alpha. Let me.”
Loosening the button and pulling the zipper down, you kick off your shoes, slide the denim from your legs and step out of them. Moving to your shirt, you begin pulling at the material when Dean slaps your hands away.
“No!” he growls. “Mine.”
Dean isn’t gentle when he claws at your shirt, grabbing the neckline with both hands and ripping the cotton from your body. The groan that rumbles from his belly when your lace-covered breasts are exposed to his gaze has slick soaking through your underwear.
He wastes no time placing his lips on the tops of your breasts, biting and sucking the sensitive skin, marking you in a way he never has before. Dean pulls the cups of your bra down and quickly finds a hard nipple, and you groan from his overzealous assault.
You whine as the alpha pulls away from you, but before you can complain further, Dean lifts you on his shoulder and carries you to the bedroom.
“Strip,” he orders as he places you back on your feet, and you don’t dare disobey or take your time removing your bra and panties. 
“Good girl,” he praises as he takes his clothes off, and you wonder if just being here is making him a little less feral. “Get on the bed, Omega.”
Again, you don’t dare take your time and quickly crawl onto the bed and wait for his next instruction. Dean kneels at the bottom of the bed, pulls you down by your ankles, and pushes your knees down to the mattress.
“Mine,” he growls as the scent of your slick reaches him, and he lowers his head between your legs. He’s not gentle, anything but, and his longer stubble scratches and jabs at your soft, sensitive skin. It’s sore, yet you quickly fall apart on his mouth.
Before you fully come down from your high, Dean’s fingers are inside you, and he’s sucking and biting his way up your body. When this is over, your skin will be an interesting spectrum of colour; you can already see patches of red on your breasts from earlier, and Dean’s not done with them yet as he goes back to sucking and biting your nipples.
As your forced heat takes over, the pain from Dean’s bites and rough hands ease, and all you can feel and hear now is desire and pleasure and growls and snarls, and Dean, mumbling mine over and over again while his teeth nip at your neck.
“Present, Omega,” Dean growls as he pulls back from your body just enough to let you turn around. You crawl further up the bed and lean forward onto your elbows. You unintentionally wiggle your ass as you get comfortable in your new position, making Dean growl deeply and spank your round cheeks.
You feel his hands slide up your thighs and over your ass. His touch soothes and cools your heated skin. When he finally slams into your slick, aching pussy, it’s hard, rough, and deliciously painful.
Dean is fully feral, and there’ll be no stopping him until he comes out of the rut in five or six days. You know it won’t be pretty, and you won’t come out of this unscathed. At least your heat is making you feel like a wanton whore.
As your humanity is overtaken by omega, much like Dean’s is with alpha, your last thought is being grateful for being in a cabin in the middle of the woods, in the middle of nowhere.
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It’s been six days, and Dean still pounds into you like there’s no tomorrow. Your heat is starting to wane, but hasn’t subsided so much that you won’t still be pliable under his hands. Still, at least the heat fog is beginning to lift, and you hope it’s a sign that Dean’s rut is finally ending.
It took four knots to get him out of his feral state, but his rut is intense, and he’s insatiable. You suppose the combination of suppressants and being feral will do that to an alpha. 
“‘Mega,” Dean grunts as his hand slides up your spine and grips your neck. “So good for me, baby girl.”
His praise makes you purr, and you feel his hand slide from your neck into your hair and wrap his fist around it, making your body turn to jelly. Dean tugs your hair, and you’re forced to raise to your knees, your back pressed against his chest, and he pulls your head to the side by your hair, exposing your neck to him.
It’s already black and blue from the gnawing he’s been doing there this past week, but this is different. He’s scenting you and licking your mating gland and whining. Dean loves licking and kissing your neck, but not like this. It feels different. There’s a change in the atmosphere, and his thrusts are brutal and stuttered.
You try to move, try and get him away from you, but he snarls and yanks your hair painfully, keeping a hold of it so you can’t move.
“Dean,” you whimper, and he snarls again at the use of his name, and you know he’s not as far out of this rut as you’d hoped. “Alpha, please,” you beg, but it’s useless. He’s too far gone again. His mouth is sucking on your mating gland, and he’s growling and grunting as his knot swells and catches at your entrance.
“Please don’t do it, Alpha. It’s just the rut. You don’t want this… you don’t want me, please!” you cry. But as his knot slips inside, locking you together, your head falls back on his shoulder, and when his teeth break your skin, you scream your release and lose the little self-control you had earlier.
Coming down from your high, you notice that Dean is still latched onto you, and you can feel blood dripping down your neck. The sudden rush of hormones and pheromones from the claim makes you reach another orgasm, and this time, you take the alpha with you. Grunting and growling, Dean’s release coats your walls, and you let the blackness take over.
When you come to, you’re on your side, and Dean is cleaning and soothing the wound on your neck with gentle licks and soft kisses. You’re still locked together, and every twitch of his cock catches your G-spot and fills your womb with even more of his seed.
A brief thought that he could’ve gotten you pregnant crosses your mind, and you hope the fates aren’t so cruel as to have this be when you get your wish of pups; not like this.
The last week finally catches up with you, and the lullaby of Dean’s whines and whimpers, combined with his soft kisses, lull you into a deep sleep.
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The sun’s warmth on your face begins to wake you from sleep. Your muscles feel heavy, and Dean’s lips caress your back and shoulders.
“Morning, Omega,” he rasps behind you, sliding a warm hand over your hip, and a pang of dread settles in your stomach. You’re tired, every muscle in your body is screaming at you, and your pussy is in agony from a week of rough pounding and knots courtesy of the alpha pulling you closer to his body. If he’s still not out of this rut, you don’t think you’ll survive another round.
“Don’t worry,” Dean chuckles. “I’m not feral anymore, and the rut has gone.”
You’re confused, wondering how he knew what you were thinking. You don’t think you groaned. In fact, you’re pretty sure you didn’t even move. Your body is too sore to even tense up.
Then you remember Dean claimed you and that he did it while in a feral rut. 
As your whole world comes crashing down around you, you do the one thing you’d rather die than do in front of Dean.
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Devastation. That’s all he can feel radiating from the omega next to him. When he woke an hour ago, he’d been happier than ever. The second he claimed Y/N, there was a shift, and all felt right in the world.
He thought—naively, he now realises—Y/N would be happy. It’s what she wanted. What she needed, but the sheer anguish from her tells a different story. The worst part of all this is the shame he feels for claiming her without her consent and the knowledge that now, she’s stuck with him whether she wants to be or not.
“Hey, sweetheart, it’s gonna be okay,” Dean tries to soothe her and presses his lips to her shoulder. “Y/N, look at me, please?” She remains on her side, facing away from him and crying, and the alpha in him takes over. His omega is in distress, and he needs to fix it. “Omega, look at me!” he growls lowly, and watches as Y/N obeys his order and timidly rolls onto her back.
Dean’s jaw drops, and he’s disgusted with himself as he takes in her abused torso. There are a couple of bites and bruises on her back and shoulders, but it’s nothing compared to what covers her neck, breasts and stomach. There’s so much bruising that barely any skin has been left unblemished. As he scans further down her body, he can see the same damage over the tops of her thighs and between her legs.
“Baby girl, I’m so sorry. I—” Dean can’t finish; he has no words for what he did to her. He immediately gets out of bed and fills the tub with hot water. There’s only so much he can do for her out here in the cabin, but the safe house is stocked with first aid supplies, medication and dry and tinned food. 
When the tub is full, he shuts off the water and walks back into the bedroom, seeing Y/N still lying on her back and seemingly void of all emotion. Whether it’s on purpose to shut him out or she’s in shock, Dean’s not sure.
Walking over, Dean lifts her from the bed and carries her into the bathroom. He lowers her into the hot water and bathes her gently, mumbling words of comfort, hoping she can hear him and that she can find it in her to forgive him.
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After tenderly bathing you, Dean left you to soak in the warm water a little longer, telling you there were clothes in the wardrobe and that he’d make something to eat.
“Please eat with me, omega. You need to get your strength up, and we need to talk,” Dean had begged before he left, closing the door but not fully so he could still keep an eye on you.
He was right; you do need to talk. And eat. You feel weak and lightheaded and desperately in need of something to take away the pain that’s pulsing through every inch of your body.
When the water has lost its warmth, you climb out and wrap yourself in a towel, avoiding the mirror in the corner. Dean’s reaction earlier is enough for you to know you’ll burst into tears if you see it for yourself. And you can’t bear to see his claim on your neck when it was given under duress.
Pulling clothes from the wardrobe, you choose the softest and biggest things you can find. You know from the smell that the sweats and t-shirt are Dean’s, but you’ve always gotten comfort from his scent, and you suspect you’ll get even more from it now.
Coming out of the bedroom, you follow the noise towards the main part of the cabin and find Dean spooning pasta into bowls in the kitchen.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” he asks, stopping what he’s doing to give you his full attention.
“Sore,” you chuckle, pulling out a stool. You hiss and wince, the throbbing—and not the good kind—between your legs getting worse for a few seconds as you sit.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean… I hate that I was so rough. That I’ve hurt you,” Dean says as he pushes a bowl and fork towards you.
“You were feral, Dean. It’s not your fault,” you reply, and you mean it. It’s really not his fault.
“It is, though, sweetheart. If I had taken the right suppressants, I wouldn’t have gone feral, and I wouldn’t have claimed you without your consent.”
“I knew what I was signing up for when I came here. I’m just sorry you’re stuck with me,” you smile sadly. “And if you want to leave, I get it. I know I’m not what you want—”
“Would you stop saying that?” Dean interrupts. “I do want you. I have always wanted you. I’m scared that tying you to me will put you in danger.” The desperation rolls from him in waves, and you know he’s telling you the truth. You can feel it. “I want you, Omega. I want this. I don’t regret claiming you. I regret doing it against your will, and if you want to leave me… reject me… It’s what I deserve, and I’ll let you walk out of here right now, but please stop saying that I don’t want you, Y/N. You’re all I want.”
The chemical bond you now share with Dean is overwhelming. He feels more deeply than he ever lets on, and regret over the non-consensual claim is putting it mildly. He’s distraught over it, and his feelings are so strong that you can almost hear the thoughts in his head telling him he’s stupid and he’s fucked things up before it’s really started between you. You can’t take it. You can’t let him think you don’t want this too.
“You’re all I want too, Alpha. The reason I got so upset when I realised you could feel how I felt is because it was a rut claim, and we’d be stuck together and miserable and resentful, and I didn’t want that for either of us, but I could never reject you, Dean. I love you too much.”
The relief that washes over him makes you smile, and because of your new bond, you know he knows every word is true.
“I love you, Y/N. I’m sorry I couldn’t admit it before, and I’m sorry I didn’t give you what you wanted sooner.” Dean slides off his stool and comes to your side with a tube of cream in his hand. “Now, let me see that claim. It needs something on it, sweetheart.”
You tilt your head to the side and pull the neck of the shirt down, exposing the angry, swollen bite mark. Dean gently covers the wound with the medicated cream, and you hiss at the sting.
“Sorry, baby girl.” Dean winces, feeling your discomfort as clearly as you can. “Now, eat and then bed, Omega.”
“Just to sleep, right?” you ask, scrunching up your face and wriggling in your seat at the thought of him going anywhere near your pussy for at least a week. “No sex?”
“No sex,” Dean laughs. “You need to rest, sweetheart, so just lots of cuddles and closeness and bonding and sleep.”
Tags: @acitygrownwillow @akshi8278 @ashbatz @candy-coated-misery0731 @chriszgirl92 @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @deansbbyx @deanwanddamons @duncanhillscoffeecups @foxyjwls007 @giggles1026 @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @hoboal87 @impala67rollingthroughtown @iprobablyshipit91 @jackles010378 @jamerlynn @jc-winchester @k-slla @kazsrm67 @kmc1989 @lacilou @ladysparkles78 @leigh70 @lyarr24 @maliburenee @michecolegate @mrsjenniferwinchester @nancymcl @negans-lucille-tblr @nelachu2423 @octoberclidan @perpetualabsurdity @roseblue373 @sandlee44 @sexyvixen7 @snackles87 @spnbaby-67 @spnwoman @stixnstripesworld @stoneyggirl2 @suckitands33 @synmorite @tristanrosspada-ackles @twinkleinadiamondsky @waters-2567
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nexysworld · 1 year
i know i don't really much to say but probably something like leon just renovated his house or something and calls his neighbour over for a party and boom they end up having sex in the pool
Hi Anon, absolutely loved this concept! This first one I wanted to do with RE2R Leon and there will be a second one with SugarDaddy!ID Leon x Reader as well. Hoping to have that out either later today or tomorrow, since it's mostly written. Wet Times, Fun Times P1
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Pairing: RER2 Sub!Leon x Female!Reader Summary: You just can't seem to keep your eyes off the new pool boy. His shy nature has you wanting to eat him alive. Tags: NSFW, Smut, Pool Sex, Super subby Leon, unprotected sex, outdoor sex, accidental voyeurism, nipple play (male and female), no use of y/n, creampie, fem receiving oral, cum eating, slight dubcon elements, not beta read.
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As you laid in the lounge chair, soaking in the warmth of the sun's rays, a cool shadow casted over your closed eyes. Thinking someone had blocked your view of the sky, you opened one eye to see who it was. Lo and behold, standing before you was a young man looking anxious, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. The logo on his swim shorts revealed he worked for the company that serviced your family's pool.
“Can I help you?” You asked, irritated that your sunbathing had been interrupted. 
“Sorry for bothering you Miss. My name’s Leon. Leon Kennedy.” He reached out to shake your hand, and when you didn’t reach forward to match the gesture he pulled back immediately, letting it go lax at his side. “I just wanted to let you know I’ll be working on adding chemicals to the pool, so you might want to stay out of it for a while.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind” You rolled your eyes, before closing them again. His timorous nature would've been endearing to you if you hadn't been so focused on wanting to go back to your state of pure relaxation. “Now if you could please move, you’re blocking my sun.”
“Oh sorry.” He said, shuffling out of the way quickly, walking over to the equipment and buckets of chemicals that were stored by the shed. 
Despite your efforts to resume your relaxation, you couldn’t find the same sense of calmness from earlier, just boredom. You tapped your fingers on the lounge chair, hoping to self sooth. When it didn’t work you sat up, looking over at Leon who was currently skimming the water of debris. 
Eyes running up and down his body, you came to the conclusion he was attractive. His physique was slender but with enough definition for you to see the hint of abs. A wicked thought crossed your mind that  maybe he could help alleviate your boredom. Wanting to observe him more closely, you walked over to him. 
“Hey.” Your voice clearly startled him, causing him to whip around, eyes wide. You’re not sure you’d ever seen eyes that matched the color of the pool so perfectly before. Fully scanning him up close, he was definitely cute. His face had this boyish handsomeness to it and while you could do without the 90’s boy band haircut, it kind of suited him. 
“H-hey.” He said bashfully. “Sorry, you startled me.”
“I see that.” You said with a smile. “Sooooo….” You paused thinking of a way to get more information out of him. “You said I had to stay out of the pool for a while after you put chemicals in it, right? How long do I have to wait?”
“Oh, yeah. Well once I turn the system back on no one should go back in the pool for at least 30 minutes. Not too long a wait, luckily.”
You nodded, taking in the information. “I haven’t seen you around here before, are you new?”
“Yeah, first day on the job actually. I guess you could say I’m the new pool boy.”
“Well, Leon… ” you said, dragging out his name a bit. “Since I can’t swim for the next little while, why don't you help me make the most of this sunshine?” You gestured to the lounge chair you had vacated moments earlier. 
Leon’s face contorted into a nervous look as he tried to parse the meaning of your words, without any clarification to help him, he landed on the safest answer. “I don’t think that’s appropriate, Miss,” he stammered.
You leaned in a bit closer, letting your cleavage spill out of your bikini top a little and laughed. He seemed so sweet, you just wanted to eat him alive. "Inappropriate? But I just wanted a little help putting some more sunscreen on.” 
“Oh.” Relief washed over his features and he let out a small laugh, eyes darting away from your chest immediately. “I suppose in that case…just let me finish this ok? I’m almost done.” 
“Sure thing, handsome.” You said making your way back towards the chair. You swear you could almost hear the gears in his brain start to sputter when you called him that. As he finished cleaning and adding the chemicals to the pool, you saw his face would go red each time he dared to glance in your direction. ‘This is going to be really fun.’ You thought to yourself. When he was finally standing next to you, you handed him the bottle of sunscreen before flipping over, making sure you untied your bikini top. “Start with my back m’kay? I don’t want any tan lines now.” “Uh ok.” He said, squeezing a glob of the white cream out onto his hand. “Careful this might feel cold at first.” He warned, before his hands made contact with your back. It was a little cool at first, but soon it melted into a pleasurable mix of pressure and warmth as his large hands worked the sunscreen into your back and shoulders. 
“You feel amazing.”  Each movement of his broad hands slowly eased more and more tension out of your muscles. “Well thank you. I guess I have been told I’m good with my hands.” He said with a small laugh and there was a strange tone to his voice that you couldn’t quite catch. Daring to turn your head to get a peak at him, your eyes landed on the newly forming tent in his swim trunks. Deciding not to mention it yet, you put your head back down over your arms. 
“So, how many more houses do you have to stop by after here?” You asked, wanting to determine how much time you had to try and play. “Actually, this is the last one on my route.” He admitted.
‘Perfect! Jackpot!’ You thought to yourself as his hands pulled away. Taking the opportunity to sit up and stand, you reached a hand out gently teasing along his abdomen with the tips of your fingers. “M-Miss…your top…” He said, turning his head away. You shrugged and kept gliding your fingers upward before splaying your hand over his chest. Despite his exclamation, he didn’t stop your movements but you could feel his heartbeat speed up under your hand. Leaning in close, you whispered against his ear. “So? You’re telling me a guy as cute as you has never seen a girl topless before?” The hand on his chest worked its way down again until you gently ghosted your fingers along the hem of his shorts. “If this is anything to go by, I’d say you like what you see too.” You teased, pressing a kiss into his neck. 
He gulped dryly, mouth opening but words not coming out. You kissed him again, this time sucking gently on the skin of his neck earning a whine in response. It was music to your ears, and you pushed further nibbling as your hand ran down to cup him through his shorts. He bucked into your hand slightly, now draping an arm over your shoulder to help steady himself. Pulling away from his neck you smiled at him, bringing your free hand up to rub your thumb over his cheek. “Ok to keep going?” “Yeah - more than ok.” His mouth hung open slightly after he spoke. Taking the opportunity you leaned forward and captured his lips with yours, pressing close so your bare chest was pressed against his as you lapped your tongue against his bottom lip before sucking on it, earning more breathy whines from the man in front of you. You could feel your own heat begin to form, wetness pooling in the center of your swimsuit bottoms. You wanted to toss him down onto the lounge chair and ride him until neither of you could walk, and you had nearly planned too until you heard a door inside your house open up. “Shit! No one was supposed to be home yet.”
Leaving little time to think, the second the sliding door began to creak you whispered to Leon, “Go along with it.” Before nearly tackling him, causing you both to land in the pool, hoping enough time had passed that neither of you would die of chemical poisoning. 
Your heads popped up from the water just in time for your dad to slide the door open, arm coming to your chest to keep your breasts covered under the water. Luckily your dad didn’t come close enough to see anything besides your raised heads. “Hey Bug, you out here?” Your dad called from the doorway. “Yeah dad! Just having some fun in the pool. Aren’t you supposed to be at that work event with mom?” “I had to come back to grab something, just wanted to check in on you…who’s this?” You watched Leon’s face turn to absolute panic the moment your father’s eyes land on him. Deviously you worked your free hand over to cup Leon again under the water, causing him to tense up – he was still hard. He shot you a pleading look. “Oh this is Leon, he’s a new friend.” You answered on his behalf, continuing to work him through his swim shorts, feeling the heat radiate to your palm even through the cold water. A choked noise left his mouth that he covered by faking a cough. “Wouldn’t you believe it, we met at school and he just so happens to work for the pool company now too!” Your dad paused, processing the information. There was a slightly suspicious look on his face but he seemed to let it go. “Ok, well you know the rules,doors open at all times if you bring a boy into the house.” “Ah Dad, Leon’s just a friend. We aren’t gonna do anything.” You said with a smile, sticking your hand into the band of Leon’s shorts to make direct contact with his hard cock. The feeling caused Leon to wince slightly. You pumped it slowly, pussy clenching around nothing as your mind processed the feeling of him. He was thick and heavy, you couldn’t wait to be split open by him. Mentally you wondered what he’d look like under you, whining and begging. “ Bug , you know the rules. Leon, I'm sure you’re a great guy, but you know a father can never be too careful with his daughter.” You squeezed his balls slightly causing Leon to gasp, hiding it immediately by spewing some words out nervously. “Totally understand Mr. No worries here, doors open at all times, got it!” He put his hand up in a salute. “Alright well, you two kids have fun. Your mom and I should be back around 7.” “We will! Drive safe!” You called, as the door slid shut. You stood in place waiting until you heard the front door open and close before returning your full attention to Leon. “That wasn’t cool! If he caught us I’d have been a deadman!” Despite his protest he made no move to stop your hand. “Oh, you’re so right. How mean of me.” You teased mockingly and pulled your hand away so you could close the gap between you, wrapped your legs around his waist in the water. Using one arm over his shoulder for support, your free hand came up to slick his wet hair back, giving you a better access to his face. “Want me to make it up to you?” 
Not giving him a chance to respond, you smashed your lips together again, using your tongue to coax his out so you could suck on it. He used his hands to grind you against his still clothed erection, the sensation making your clit ache with need. “Staircase, baby.” You whispered in his ear, licking the shell. He obliged your order, wading over to the short steps while you worked more bites and love marks into his neck. Once at the steps, you halted his movements, lowering your legs so you were standing on your own. “So, what’d’ya say cutie. Wanna let me make it up to you?” “Well uhm…I think …” He trailed off in a tremble of nervous mumbling. “Gotta be a good boy and use your words for me.” You said, tugging down the waist of his swim trunks just enough for his cock to be freed above the shallow water you were standing in. Using your other hand, you untied your own  bottoms, letting them float away freely in the pool. 
Pushing Leon down, so he was seated on the step, you leaned forward bringing your wet thumb up to circle one of his hardened nipples, he bucked upwards again mewling. “Sorry baby, don’t understand that language. Gonna need you to speak more clearly.” 
Your teasing didn’t relent as you positioned yourself on his lap so his cock was trapped between the both of you as you toyed with him. “I know you can do it baby.” You cooed softly as you rubbed his cheek and ground down on him slightly adding a small friction between the two of you. “Yes…” He managed to get out as his head lulled back. “Yes what?” “Yes I want you to make it up to me.” He bucked upwards again when you brought your other hand up, pinching at circling both of his nipples. “I didn’t hear a ‘please.’” You added, tweaking one a little too hard on purpose. “P-please… please…please make it up to me…fuck…” The sound of him begging sent electricity straight to your clit, and if you weren’t half covered in water you swore your slick would’ve been leaking down your thighs already. “Such a good boy, asking so nicely.” You brought your hand up, to rub a circle in the small cleft of his chin, taking in the sex-drunk look on his face. “What do you want me to do to make it up for you?” “Need you so bad….please….” To punctuate his words he squirmed under you, the side of his shaft rubbing perfectly against your clit making you let out a moan. “Need me how, baby? I’m not a mind reader.” “Need to be inside you. Please ,I need to be inside you.” 
“S’that all?” You obliged his request, reaching between the two of you, feeding his cock into your hole as you sank down until he was as deep as possible. The hot and stinging stretch felt great, especially contrasted with the cold water covering your lower half. You didn’t move, just letting your walls flutter around him, enjoying the sensation of being full. “Can I touch you?” He asked through a pant. “Please?” You brought your hands to his, pulling them to your chest a silent confirmation. He happily kneaded at your breasts, leaning forward to suck one of your nipples into his mouth. “So good.” He mumbled, words muffled by your breast in his mouth. He used his tongue to circle the hard bud making you roll your hips on his cock, earning a gasp from him. “You like that? Like when I fuck myself on your pretty cock?” You rolled your hips again, before lifting yourself up and sinking back down. Your tit left his mouth with a pop and he gripped the concrete sides of the pull to steady himself. “Feels so good…you feel so good…” The sky blue irises of his disappeared as they rolled back. The sex-drunk look on his face made you move faster, wanting to hear more sounds from his kiss-swollen lips. You bounced yourself up and down, letting out gasps of your own each time the head of his cock would hit your cervix. “Such a good boy letting me use his cock.” You said, hands on his shoulders as your own head fell back.
“You…you’re so tight….love your pussy…love being in your pussy…” He bit his lip as he spoke, eyebrows knitting together as his eyes squeezed shut. You’d alternate between bouncing and rolling your hips, letting him thrust up with need. Between your previous teasing the way you were fucking yourself on him, he was already close. “I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” You took a moment to look down at him. The desperation for release burned in his eyes, his brows knitted together, tongue out slightly. He looked adorable, akin to a puppy. 
You stuck your tongue out, licking at his lips until he returned the motion with his own tongue. As you continued to ride him, the water splashed around you. Your walls began to flutter around his cock, internal muscles clenching him and drawing out his orgasm. His yell of pleasure was muffled by your mouth as he came inside you, the hot spurt of his seed making you moan in satisfaction. “Look at you, so pretty when you cum. I think that more than made up for being a little mean, yeah?” 
He nodded in response, words not coming to him as he worked to catch his breath. 
He was still trying to regain his breath when you stood, what was left of his cum leaking out slightly against your thigh mixing with the pool water. You sat on the edge of the pool opening your legs so he could get a look at your splayed out pussy, his cum dribbling out of it. “Look at what a mess you made, baby. Come clean it up for me.”  He managed to get himself standing on his own wobbly legs, thankful that the water helped keep him upright and moved forward, stopping in front of you. Leon didn’t hesitate to dive forward, tongue out. 
He pulled your legs over his shoulders as he sunk a little lower in the water to get a better reach. He lapped a line from your messy hole to your clit, loving the way he could taste himself mixed with your juices. He continued to clean you, slowly, languid, lazy licks that had you squirming. You reached between your legs to grab his hair, pushing him down slightly desperate for more traction. “Just like that baby, go deeper. Suck on my clit.” You squeezed his hair in encouragement as he did exactly what you wanted, sucking your swollen nub into his mouth, alternating sucking between your slit and your clit. “You taste so good.” He moaned between sloppy kisses to your cunt. “S’a treat, so good.”
You rolled your hips in time with his mouth. “That’s right, a treat all for you baby. Be a good boy now and make me cum” You released his hair to clench the edge of the pool once more, bracing yourself as he lapped furiously at your pussy. Licking and sucking greedily, it wasn’t long before he sent you over the edge. Your legs shook with the release of your orgasm, and in true good boy fashion, he didn’t stop until you were thoroughly cleaned out with his tongue, extending the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
Afterwards, you watched as he pulled himself out of the water, pulling his shorts back on. Extending a hand to you, he helped you up and steadied you on your feet, legs still feeling like jello after your orgasm. The two of you wandered together over to the lounge chair, wrapping yourself in a towel and pulling him to lay down with you.  He wrapped his arm around you, spooning you as he kissed your neck. You leaned your head back to give him better access and let out a content moan. “So good Leon, best I’ve ever had.” You said softly, enjoying the light pressure of his chest against your back. “Wanna keep being my good boy?” He hummed in agreement, the two of you relaxing as the soft breeze blew any remaining water droplets off of you. “Only if I can take you on a date though. A real one too, like dinner or the movies.” He finally spoke, voice soft in your ear. “I’ll pay for everything like a gentleman.” He peppered kisses to your neck and shoulders between words. “I like the sound of that.” The feeling of his breathing against your skin and the sounds of the crickets chirping as the sun began its descent had you feeling sleepier than anticipated. It wasn’t long until you’d both fallen asleep, wrapped in his arms, not even remembering to put your own swimsuit back on. A while later you woke to the sound of a car pulling into the driveway, your sleepsoaked brain took a minute to process what had happened. “Shit, wake up! Wake up!” You said, shaking Leon until he stirred. You worked quickly to haphazardly tie your bikini top back on, before wrapping the towel around your waist– forgoing the bottoms left in the pool, knowing you wouldn’t have time to grab them. “They’ll kill me if they see the marks on you. Quick.” You whispered, hurriedly wrapping a towel around his neck like a scarf. You’d just finished playing some music on your phone, trying to set up an ‘act normal’ scene as you heard the screen door open, the familiar voice of your mother calling for you. “Hey mom, hope the event was fun!” You said with an innocent smile. “It was and…oh this must be the boy your father was talking about. Leon, was it?” “Yeah, nice to meet you ma’am.” He said, shaking her hand, doing his best to keep the towel in place. “Will you be joining us for dinner?” “Unfortunately he can't, he was actually just leaving.” You said quickly. “Oh well, maybe next time.” “Oh I’d love that, Ma’am.” Leon added. “Ma’am? I already like him more than the last boy you had over, far more polite…and cuter.” She said with a laugh before slipping back into the house to begin cooking. 
You turned to Leon giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “See you next time, handsome.” He returned your kiss, making a b-line for his work van around the side of the house. You made your way over to the pool reaching in to try and fish your bottoms back to you, so you could head inside. The padding of footsteps nearly startled you this time as you turned to look at Leon. “Sorry, I almost forgot.” He held out his phone to you so you could type your number in. Tapping away at the screen, you handed it back to him once you were finished. “See you this weekend?” He inquired, eyebrow raised. “It’s a date.” You added, stepping into your freezing wet bottoms. “‘Night, Leon.” “Night.” He said, making his way back to the van again. You waited until the ignition started and you could hear him driving away to make your way inside to sit with your family for dinner. 
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dotster001 · 1 year
It makes me want to read something sad. For example, there is a celebration at the college, but Remshekle does not participate in it because it is not official. Crowley tells MC and Grim that they can't participate in the preparations for the holiday and come to it because they are banned. MC agrees, but is still upset. What happened next I can't think of, but I would like some angst. How will the dorm leaders react to this?
That's What Friends are For
A/N: Hopefully this is what you were looking for. I got some angst in there, but also comedy and a nice ending, even if it's not the expected ending. I'm not super good at solely angst 😂
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"Due to budgeting constraints, we cannot allow unofficial dorms to participate in founder's day activities."
"Oh. Okay. I understand. That's fine. I get it."
"I appreciate your benevolence with this decision."
You stood up from your seat, and left Crowley's office.
You knew that you were living here for free, in an unofficial dorm, nonetheless, so really that you could even be allowed to attend the festival at all was generous in itself. But your friends had been going on and on about the stuff they got to present, and the new costumes they would get to wear that represented the icon of their dorm.
You were honestly more upset that you'd have to tell Grim. He had been so excited to have a cool new outfit. His sad little face would just devastate you.
But you'd get through it. And maybe he'd understand. One day.
"Where is my child of man?" Malleus asked. He had finally been informed about a housewarden meeting, and was distraught that his favorite person seemed not to be present.
"Ramshackle is not participating in the founders day parade," The headmage said off hand as he continued to inspect the paperwork Azul had brought forth regarding the founders day buffet menu.
"Pardon?" Riddle seemed startled.
"With having to feed, house, and teach them on our dime, the Ramshackle budget, which was nearly non-existent as an unofficial dorm, is completely drained."
"But it's founders day. Ramshackle was there at the opening, wasn't it?" Leona said with a glare, sparking some widened eyes around the table.
"Yes, but-"
"You only have an 800th anniversary once!" Kalim burst out. "I can pay for their outfits and exhibits if I need to!"
"As could any one of us at this table. And everyone of us would without a second thought," Vil mused. "So I think something else must be going through that bird brain of yours."
Crowley stood from his place at the table, feathers clearly ruffled.
"How dare you insinuate anything less than benevolence on my part! I am simply trying to care for this school-"
"You didn't think about it, did you? Lmao," Idia's tablet cackled.
Crowley's jaw opened and closed a couple of times, before he said, "I am aware of the monetary situation of our housewarden, I just did not wish to infringe upon-"
"Damn, the turnip was right. You really didn't even think about it," Leona laughed.
"So we'll fund their part of the festival. What is our next topic?" Malleus sighed out in relief. He didn't want to even be part of this festival without you. The stares and whispers without your gentle reassurances would be overwhelming.
"No, no, the decision is final. Besides, Ramshackle doesn't have a known founder. Whoever they are was lost to time!" Crowley snapped, clearly embarrassed, and also very stubborn.
"-They can just dress in the Queen of Hearts' inspired attire-"
"-Obviously they will borrow clothing from my grandmother's collection.-"
"-They would look fetching in the fairest Queen's robes.-"
Three voices spoke up at once, and all three turned to glare at each other.
"See! This is why they can't participate! Ramshackle's participation will only sow dissent amongst you. Now let's move on!" Crowley cried, beginning to sweat from the rising hostility levels.
"Oh, shut it!" Leona snapped, before turning back to the housewardens. "It's obvious they'd look the best in an outfit designed after the king of beasts."
"Imagine how op they'd look designed after the god of the dead!" Idia mused behind the tablet, seemingly not realizing he hadn't muted himself.
"Probably not as "op" as if they looked like an octo mer," Azul hissed through a tight smile. "Imagine the radiance and brilliance of-"
"Both of you are gross," Vil snapped. 
"Why are they gross?" Kalim asked.
"Because they don't care about the festival, anymore. They just want to see Y/N in looks they find hot, and can slobber over" Leona grinned.
"Like your intentions are oh so pure!" Idia's tablet screeched.
The table erupted into shouts, the meeting long forgotten as Crowley curled up in a ball in his chair.
"We've all discussed it," Ace said as he sat on your bed. It seemed he was the appointed spokesperson of the first year crew.
"We aren't going to let the two of you wallow in despair while we have fun. So we aren't going to have fun either," he said with his signature grin splitting his face.
"None of us are going to participate in the festival!" Ortho interrupted, clearly too excited to wait for Ace to be dramatic.
"Damn it, Ortho! I was supposed to say it!" Ace pouted.
"Language! He's a child!" Sebek hissed.
"He's in advanced potionomics with the third years. He'll be fine," Epel rolled his eyes. 
"But you were all so excited to participate," you said, covering Grim's mouth to keep him from immediately agreeing to their thought process without a second thought.
"It's not fun without you," Jack muttered, looking anywhere but you.
"Look, like it or not, you've woven yourselves so tightly into our lives that we wouldn't enjoy ourselves if you weren't a part of it!" Deuce stated factually, his cheeks turning red as he realized what he said.
"So, like they all said, we aren't going to wear any cool costumes, or work at an exhibit, or eat at an all you can eat buffet-"
"IT'S ALL YOU CAN EAT?" Grim screamed.
"Because we're gonna boycott the whole thing and have fun doing something else," Ace finished with a glare.
"Forget it Y/N. Forget them!" Grim cupped your face with his paws, looking earnestly into your eyes. "There's an all you can eat buffet! I don't need a fancy costume! Let's go to the buffet!"
You gently shifted Grim to your lap, and scratched his ears. "You guys, I don't know what to say. That's so sweet of all of you!"
"Yeah, we're pretty cool," Epel grinned.
"Buffet…" Grim sadly trailed off, knowing he'd lost.
"And we can find even cooler outfits while we're out!" Ortho cheered, excitement clear as he buzzed quickly around the room. 
"Honestly, it was less about the outfits, and more about feeling left out," you said with a sad smile.
"We know," Ace grinned, playfully nudging you with his shoulder.
"It's alright, we can beat up Crowley so he lets you participate next year," Deuce grinned maniacally, wrapping an arm around your other shoulder as he sat next to you, nuzzling his head against yours when you set it on his shoulder.
"Besides, if I let my Liege's dearest friend be sad, what kind of knight would I be!" Sebek said with a grin.
"Dude, don't pretend this is just about Malleus. You totally were about to cry when you heard they were sad."
You giggled, watching as your idiot friends began to yell at one another. This was what you really would have been disappointed to miss. But luckily, thanks to how amazing they were, and how much they cared about you, you wouldn't have to miss it.
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huggybearhughes43 · 2 months
Haha I am LOVING the Hughes brother series…. Can I just request one with only jack? But not only smut. Some angst too. Like they fall asleep together at the lake house after doing that. And Quinn and Luke find them the next morning but don’t say anything. They just ignore the both of them Nd are super rude towards her, so they all are at family dinner and Quinn speaks up saying stuff towards her basically exposing what she was doing and she gets up and leaves but then you can get the rest!!
Kiss me hard before you go
Jack Hughes x Fem! Reader
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Okay I changed up the end cus I might write more chapters but yeah. Also, last part until I clear out my inbox! Here’s pt1, pt2, and pt3
Warnings- All the Hughes brothers x reader, Jack Hughes smut, angst, soft sex, raw dawgin, a lotta crying and not the good kind
Summary- After a long day with the boys, Jack tells the reader that he found a girl he really likes but wants to have one last time with her before him and the girl get serious. Quinn doesn’t take it too well when he finds Jack and the reader in bed together.
Word count- 2.1k
It had been three hours since Trevor and Cole arrived. The two insisted on spending the day on the boat, in which the brothers couldn’t refuse. I sit by myself on the back of the boat with Quinn driving and the other four boys at the front. The noon sun shined on my face, resulting in me putting my book over my face to block the sun out. Quinn stops the boat and makes his way to me without me realizing. The touch of his soft hands on my arm startles me, I take the book off my face and furrow my brows. “What?” He smiles down at me. “You’re sitting on the anchor.” A small “oh” falls off my lips as I stand up.
He drops the anchor into the water and then closes the seat I was sitting on so I can sit on it once again. I grab a towel I packed and lay it out on the back tail of the boat. Before I lay down on the towel I pull Quinn’s shirt off of myself, followed by my shorts. I hear a faint whistle come from Trevor’s way, resulting in me flipping him off before laying on the towel. The boys are in the water in the beat of a heart, but for some reason Quinn stays. I’m quietly reading my book when I feel a presence next to me.
“What’re you reading?” He practically lays his head on my shoulder to look at the book. “I’m re-reading Percy Jackson.” I show him the cover then go back to reading. “Why aren’t you in the water with everyone else?” He moves his head on my shoulder to look at me, “I’d rather be up here with you.” I close my book and look at him, “I wish I never did this” Quinn furrows his brows, “what? Why?” I gnaw at my bottom of my lip before I tell him. “I know you know that I liked you but did you really know how long?”
Quinn takes a breath, thinking for a moment before shaking his head. “No, I don’t think I do.” I stare into his eyes before looking away. “Since the day we met.” I mumble. “Y/n, fifteen years?” I shrug at his words, “now I’ve ruined it.” Quinn’s eyes go soft and he rubs his jaw. “You think about our happiness too much” I look at him and frown, “what?” “I mean, even if you do something that hurts our feelings, we’ll get over it. That’s how much we love you, y/n.” I smile as he talks, “thank you.” We stare at each other for a short moment before Quinn leans in. The kiss was soft and thoughtful.
“Ugh, stop making out.” We jump away from each other, a smile cracking on my lips when I realize it was just Jack. “Could you be any louder?” Quinn shakes his head and Jack scoffs, “could you be any more obvious?” The other boys follow Jack suite, getting back on the boat. Quinn sits with me for a moment more in silence, “just remember what I said, okay?” I look at him and nod before he stands up, joining his brothers back on the inside of the boat.
After the five hour mark, at two in the afternoon, the boat ride was miserable. I didn’t want to say anything because the boys were having fun but my skin felt tight from the sun and the heat was making me nauseous. Luke got back on the boat for a reason that’s unknown and noticed my state almost immediately. “Y/n, are you okay?” My head was leaned back in the seat with a cold water bottle pressed to my neck. “Overheated.” “Still don’t wanna get in the lake?” I shake my head without even looking at him. “I’ll tell the guys, won’t mention your name, promise.” I smile at his gentle words, “thank you, Lukey”
I didn’t know what Luke told them but the boys were back on the boat in minutes. Quinn was behind the wheel, taking us back to the docks. I was the first one who rushed off of the boat the second we were tied to the dock. The sun tight skin was uncomfortable as I rushed inside. I run up to Luke and I’s shared room to change into a tube top and loose shorts to ease the pain of the burnt skin. I sigh as I make my way downstairs, regretting not wearing sun cream. The boys goofed their way into the living room next to the kitchen.
I walk past Ellen and she gasps. “Oh honey, I have cream upstairs in my room. It’ll help the burn, come on.” I nod and follow her back up to the stairs. Ellen was like a second mom to me, she took care of me that way. So when she asked me to take the shirt off I was wearing I did so without second thought. I pulled it off as Ellen grabbed the cream out of her drawers. She rubs it into her hands before smothering it against my sunscreen. My heart skipped a beat when the door swung open. My arms instinctively fly to cover my chest, a huff of almost relief fell from my lips realizing it was just Jack. Ellen scoffs and turns me to face away from her son, “didn’t I ever teach you to knock?” He rubs his neck and shakes his head, “sorry mom, I’ll come back later.” He turns and leaves, closing the door behind him.
Ellen finishes up with my back, my skin already feeling more than better. I put my shirt back on before thanking her and leaving the room. The rest of the day goes as normal as one would think. The boys hung out around the pool while Jim grilled dinner, I stayed in with Ellen so I didn’t harm my skin any further. But what I couldn’t help but notice the lingering stares from the middle brother anytime he comes inside. Even during dinner he couldn’t keep his eyes off of me, which of course Quinn took a notice to. I decided to help with the dishes afterwards, Jack jumping to voluntarily help me.
He stands beside me and I can’t help but speak up. “What’s going on with you, J?” I look up at him. He shrugs, “nothing” I roll my eyes with a soft scoff, “you’re such a bad liar.” He finishes up the dishes and sighs, “if you come up to my room later I’ll tell you-“ “trying to get into my pants?” Jack laughs and shakes his head, “no but that would definitely be a plus if you let me.” I roll my eyes and nod, “yeah, I’ll be up there later.” I dry my hands and sit down on the couch.
Once the boys starting going to bed one by one, I decide it’s my time to as well. Jack mentions that he’s going up to his room and I follow up by saying the same. Jacks already on his bed when I enter his room, closing the door behind me. I sit on the side of his bed with my arms crossed. “Okay, I’ve been going over what I was gonna say and you were right.” He smiles cheekily and I scoff. “But listen! I have a reason.” “Uh huh, and that reason is…?” I look at him with a raised brow. “So there’s this girl, right?” “There’s a girl and you want to get into my pants?” I look at him confused. “Listen!” He urges “I’m listening.”
“I just- before me and her get serious, you know? I really like her, but you- shit I’ve liked you for years.” I can’t help but laugh at his words. He scoffs, “stop laughing!” I pinch my lips to stop myself from even smiling and I nod my head, “fine, fine, okay.” I giggle, agreeing to help him. He smiles and grasps my hips, pulling me onto his lap. “You’re so lucky I love you.” I whisper before kissing him softly, “I know” he mumbles against my lips. It was weird coming from Jack, he was normally fast paced and sloppy but now he was soft. I guessed he just knew that this would be the last time we were able to be together like this.
Jack moves me so I’m the one with my head pressed against the pillows while he hovered above me. His hands pull at my top before pulling it off of my head, his head dipping down to my bare chest. He presses soft kisses all over my chest before sucking faint marks over my breasts. He carefully nips at my nipples, pulling them into his mouth before kissing down my stomach. I never thought I’d see this side of Jack, soft and caring. He loops his fingers in my shorts, pulling them down as well as my panties. Before he had the chance to do anything, I pull him up to connect our lips.
He pulls away for a moment to rid of his own shirt before connecting our lips again. My hands roam over his chest and forth down to rest on his abs. Jack sits up, ridding himself of the rest of his clothes. He presses his head to the nape of my neck before lining himself up. My wetness served as a lubricant, helping him slip inside of me. I let out a content sigh when he bottoms out, causing him to laugh softly against my neck. “Shut up” he smirks against my neck, “yes ma’am.” And before I even have the chance to respond, he retracts his hips and snaps them back into mine. With each thrust, a moan like gasp falls from my lips.
Jack reaches his hand down in between us, pressing his thumb to my clit. With the feeling of him circling my sensitive bud, my cunt clenches around his dick. The feeling makes him groan against my neck, “I’m gonna cum” he whispers. I nod with my eyes pinched shut, “me too.” With just a few more thrusts, he lets go and releases deep inside of me. The feeling sends me over the edge, my juices coating him. I look down at him and when our eyes meet, a smile cracks onto my lips. He slowly pulls out and lays down next to me, pulling me into his arms. I reach down to the floor, stealing jacks shirt to pull over myself. I lay back in his arms. Without another word, we both fall soundly asleep.
The sound of a scoff wakes me up, I look towards the door to see an obviously pissed off Quinn. I look back down at Jack, he was still sound asleep. I look back at Quinn and he looked as if he were trying to kill me with his look. I roll my eyes and stand up, walking up to Quinn to push him out of the room. I follow him quick suits, “what’s your problem?” I whisper yell to him when we both walk into his room. “What’s my problem? Are you just trying to play with our feelings?” I look at him dumbfounded before anger floods my face. “This is the exact fucking reason I said I regret doing this, the reason I can’t date any of you!” “You regret doing it? Then why’d you go and do it again?” I stare at the oldest brother with a disgusted look on my face.
“What happened with what you said earlier? Huh? That even if I hurt your feelings you’d get over because that’s how much you love me? Or were you talking about your brothers forgiving me if I got with you?” His silence gives me my answer and I just shake my head, “go fuck yourself.” I say in a fit of rage before storming out of his room, making my way to my shared one with Luke. Luke’s sound asleep when I rush in, the sound of my heavy foot steps and quiet sobs wake him up.
“Y/n? What’s wrong?” He asks, holding his arms out for me to crawl into without another word. He holds he as I cry into his chest, I knew even if I told him that he wouldn’t be mad at me in a million years. But still, if I tried to tell him the sobs would muffle my words and he wouldn’t even be able to tell me. He runs his hands over my hair in attempt to soothe me. “It’s okay, y/n, just tell me later. Everything’s going to be okay, I promise.” My sobs die off as I slowly fall asleep in Luke’s arms. He doesn’t stop his comforting motions until he was sure I was asleep. Luke lays down as ultimately falls asleep with me, still holding me close.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
Hi Lexi!
I have a situation for you to think about: how would any of the men you write behave if they were coming home late (after work or a night out) and their partner was already asleep in bed?
Who trips over the couch? Who stealthily sneaks into bed? Who crashes fully clothed? And so on and so forth? I guess it’s a hc of sorts
Hope your wknd was/is great! 💜
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Eeeee, this one's gonna be so fun, M! Thank you for such an interesting query 😍--some of these will involve early on in relationships and then later when babe is most comfortable with their partner--some of them are a twinge smutty/soft!dark.
**Oh snap, some of these surprised me too, dearies! Proceed with caution...**
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James Mace - The Practical Man
Mace arrives home to assess a 'tipping point' in himself and you. He only does everything as he normally would, exactly as he would do it if you were awake. He tosses his keys those last few inches onto the hall table, turns on any lights he needs, pulls a glass from the cupboard for water, and brushes his teeth with the door open. If you're still sleeping when he's ready for bed, then that's fine. You're clearly tired. He could use rest, too. No problem. If you wake up, Mace likes to tell you about his day, even if your comments are mumbled with closed eyes and all he can do is pet his thumb across your cheek before you dose off again.
He likes sweet, slow kisses goodnight. He'll cuddle if you pull him in, but otherwise, he'll give you space. He doesn't want to overheat you. Mace's one, super-particular bedtime thing is saying "see you in the morning." Sounds simple, yeah, but in space, he doesn't get to--to say it or to see you or to really know it's morning. It's that tiny bit of reassurance that helps him relax into bed.
Curtis Everett - The Stealthy Spice
For lack of a better term, Curtis has night-vision. He never trips over anything, he can do everything in the dark just like the lights were on, and he makes next to no noise doing it. For when you are deep in sleep, that's great because him getting into bed won't startle you. If you're sleeping lightly? You practically slap him.
He's ready for that scenario, too, and grabs your wrists before you make contact. Starting with soothing words, he'll talk you down. Curtis is always sorry to alarm you, but his apology doesn't cover regret that you're awake now because he works very hard, very long days and misses you frequently. His shifts are so long he doesn't have much evening time with you during his work week. (He will, in fact, crash on the couch if he knows you have something big going on the next day and need rest, for what it's worth.)
We all joke that Curtis is a dirty boi, but truly, I do believe that once this man is comfortable with stable life, he is about that booty. He's 'calming you down' with that soft cooing at the same time he's sucking that sweet spot on your neck. Once he releases your fighting wrists, he's groping your ass and pinching your nipples. He'll wear you both out so you sleep again. Please let him. He will beg if necessary.
Jimmy Dobyne - The Handsy Drunk
Ok, I love Jimmy, but he is a pretty traditional dude. He requires/expects a certain type of effort from his partner, so if he's the breadwinner, you fulfill his other needs. He drinks out with friends and co-workers frequently as his way of shaking off a day of manual labor. Not a big texter or phone-talker, this one. Jimmy is more of a physical-contact partner. He has difficulty engaging in long, emotional conversations, so he uses touch to work through frustration. I am not talking about being violent, mind, just rougher at times, and this is where I get the idea of Jimmy being the most dominant of the characters I write for from (save for Lloyd obviously).
Jimmy is the classic man. Could be horny enough to wake you. Could be exhausted enough to just pass out. Could be too drunk to find his way to the bedroom entirely without tripping/running into furniture. All those things: that's Jimmy, and if he's been out late without you at all, it was either from being at work the entire time or out drinking after work. Ok, wait, technically he'll play golf with buddies, too, but they also drink then so kinda the same idea.
Johnny Storm - The Man Who Can't Stop
Hyper. Johnny is gd hyper and needs to be doing things--anything--almost every second he's awake. He tries to be quiet but also forgets to be quiet. He gets restless. He moves around a lot while he sleeps. He has weird dreams but not what he'd call 'nightmares.' Johnny sometimes needs to wake you up in order to calm down. He needs company because imagine how lonely flying is? Sure, the solitude is welcome sometimes, but otherwise, there is no one around. All his adrenaline-junkie activities, i.e. snowboarding, motocross, etc, are solo sports; he has fun with them, but they aren't interactive.
Now for the actual fun part of his return home: given permission from his partner, Johnny will at least begin doing whatever he wants whether you're awake or not, and he really, really enjoys seeing how far he can get before you do stir. Mouth, fingers, or full cock (in that order); it's one extra game he likes to play.
Jake Jensen - Must Wind Down
Jake cannot go to bed right after getting home; he needs at least two hours, preferably three to four, to do non-work things and clear his mind. Usually, it's gaming--when you are already asleep or if you're watching a show he isn't into--but could also be bingeing something with you. Before bed is playtime. Jake has that anxious energy he has to burn off, and when you're already out cold, he will not bother you unless you call for him or come out of the bedroom. Just his way.
He's got the path from door to home office down pat, and he doesn't need any light on to get there (barring something randomly moved or left in the way).
Very important point here is that Jake doesn't drink much without you. He'll have a friendly nightcap with the Team, and they do play actual games while having alcohol sometimes. They don't play drinking games though--specifically, Jake won't participate in drinking games without you. He gauges how much he drinks by how much you do, and he ensures you're both safe to get home/stay somewhere. He never comes home drunk. Loopy tired? Yes. Inebriated? No.
Lloyd Hansen - The Selfish Asshole
Moot point. Lloyd doesn't even sleep in the same bed as his partner. Sorry, gang, he does not give a shit about you or your beauty sleep. If he wants to fuck you, he will go right in, roll you onto your stomach, and take what he wants. That's just Lloyd.
Ari Levinson - Can't Hide His Feelings
He is affected by his day, and whether that means Ari is spitting-mad at some stupid shit others pulled at work or he's raving excited about something coming down the pipeline, he shows it. So, what does that mean for you? It means if Ari wants to be alone, he won't disturb you, but if he needs company, he's gonna wake you up.
It's led to arguments because he does not always think that through. He may have the power to keep his brain turned off while you speak to him tired; you don't really get that luxury. However, Ari is also very affecting in his attention. He's not taking his moods out on you like some of the others. Ari is improving his mood by being with you and will make it worth your waking while.
Ransom Drysdale - Silent Signals
Like two others (Curtis and Steve), Ransom evolves from closed-off/reserved to more open the longer he's with someone.
Ran, at first, does not spend the night or stay for long periods. Once he does, he is still very conscious of personal space (mostly for him and then eventually for you, too). Moving in together doesn't change that for another long while... Ran is slow to warm up.
He does absolutely get drunk and come home boldly horny--by that, I mean, the type of horny that needs intimacy as well--and crawl right into bed for sloppy, desperate, snuggly sex. The level of drunkenness required to get to that point diminishes over time, as his trust increases, but otherwise, Ran refuses to crash on a lumpy, small, angular couch, he refuses to sleep in anything with buttons or zippers or thick seams, and he refuses to compromise on resting comfortably. He will complain--and do so very loudly--if he is not comfy. Hotel staff beware.
Steve Rogers - Ever-Thoughtful
You know, you all know, how much I love Steve, but he's also just slow in his way. He needs lots of encouragement and permission, and, of course, Steve never assumes anything. That would make an ass out of him and his partner. Can't have that. Nope. Not a chance.
There's a wonderful part about this trait though.
Steve always considers you. He always listens to you. He doesn't rush either. So not only will Steve know if you need sleep more than company, not only will he have filed away your mood and body language over the last day and week, but he will also slowly complete his nighttime routine, making zero noise, keeping light and movement to a minimum.
Painstakingly slow, he'll get into bed, wait for you to naturally turn into him, and hold you. He's patient, but Steve is also not afraid to admit he enjoys seeing your peaceful face. He enjoys being right there in case it contorts in fear or pain. He simply enjoys being there, awake or asleep, in love or in support, as much as possible.
Bucky Barnes - Ever-Interested
He's complicated, but the fight Bucky goes through eternally is in his own mind now. He doesn't know where he falls on a scale of brash-young-heartthrob-soldier to brainwashed-loner-skiptime-assassin. He hasn't lived the in-between moments for most of his life. He struggles with that.
Bucky gives in to moments of quiet humanity, sure, but he still defaults to efficiency, even at the cost of comfort. When I say this is a war within him, I'm not putting it lightly. He can't shake what I'll call 'The Calculation.'
What does his own body need in this moment? Is it food or water or sex or sleep? Will getting what he wants jeopardize the next thing he'll need? If he needs food but nothing is available without making noise that will wake you, and he doesn't want or need to talk before he sleeps, then he has to choose based on that. If he needs release but not the mirror intimacy, he has to find a way to indulge in you without waking you.
Except there's a somewhat secret part of this: Bucky always wants you. There is always a part of him craving either the carnal pleasure or the emotional connection or the validation of sex, all for different reasons at different times. He understands the value of possessing you in some way. It's too difficult for him to describe in a way that doesn't make him sound like a scumbag (or so he believes), therefore, Bucky still slips into those Winter Soldier skills to keep his dirty little secret from tainting how you see him: for every night he does wake you--sweet and innocent with cuddles or love-making--there are two nights where he silently watches, thinking of all that he needs or could take from you as he touches himself.
😵‍💫 wait, What was that one???? 🫣
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[Main Masterlist; 'Who Would...' List; Ko-Fi]
A/N: This was actually a whole lot harder than I thought it would be. Pretty sure some of these aren't going to go over very well either, but eh, that's my lot in life and we can each see the characters however we want, right?
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violetlunette · 5 months
As it’s Silver’s birthday month and I don’t want him overshadowed, I’m going to try and put out as much Silver content as I can! To start, I’m posting some vampire Silver headcanons in an AU where Silver is unaware he's a vampire for reasons.
*Lilia sneaks blood into Silver’s dishes. However, it can’t be his blood or the blood of anyone Silver’s close to. The reason is simple: friends and family aren’t food. (Then again, neither is anything Lilia makes, but I digress.) Thus, he uses animal blood.
**Adding to this, Lilia makes sure to add a LOT of iron to dishes.
*Silver is pinker than his human version, as he burns SUPER easily in the sun. He has to use specially made sun lotion.
*He wears shades due to his sensitivity to light.
*Lilia tried to teach Silver to fly in bat form by basically dropping him from tall heights. This continued until the other bats saw what he was doing, bit him, and then basically adopted the white vampire bat.
**Lilia had to fight them to get Silver back.
*One of Silver’s vampire abilities is "tranquility,” which immediately puts others at ease around him. They even want to nap with him.
**This happens often with the first years, but also to Idia and Leona. (Riddle once.)
*Silver has difficulty traveling over water, which makes it difficult for him to swim. (He can’t swim in rivers.)
*He can’t enter places without being invited (though welcome mats and signs are a loophole). Thus, Lilia will make sure to enter a place first, then beacon Silver after him.
**If Lilia’s not around, others will unknowingly do this when they enter a place and he doesn’t follow. “Why are you just standing there? Come on!”
*Holy objects don’t affect Silver, as they only smite the wicked.
*Lilia learned about vampires needs from a book he has because.
*While Silver could technically hypnotize others, he is unaware of it. Even if he were aware, it would be hard, as Silver can’t keep his eyes open for long without getting hit by a spell.
*There is no vampire strength or speed for Silver, but Lilia’s training makes up for that.
*He is allergic to garlic blossoms (and garlic, of course).
**He can eat pizza.
*He has fangs that are dull because he doesn’t do what he needs to sharpen them.
*I think I mentioned this, but Silver can only sleep in a bed “shaped” like a coffin, and it has to have grave dirt under the cushions.
*When Silver cries, his tears are red but not blood (though others think so).
**When Silver first cried, Lilia was horrified, as he worried something was wrong, as did Malleus and Sebek.
*Malleus is suspicious of Silver’s oddities but doesn’t think about them too much, as he assumes it’s a human.
**Until he comes across a book on vampires, that is.
***Then he, like everyone else, assumes Lilia is the vampire.
*Silver used to nap upside down and would fall when startled awake.
*On rainy days, his skin will pale and sparkle like mist, which allows him to blend in and appear to vanish.
*His bat form is popular with girls and kids.
*Rook tried to hunt Silver in bat form when he was in Savanaclaw. Lilia made sure he never did so again.
And that’s it for now! I hope to get a ficlet of this series up after I finish some other stuff.
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luveline · 1 year
Hi Jadey!!! I was wondering if I could request Miguel and our spider girl saying I love you for the first time❤️
of course!! hope this is ok<3
You've asked Miguel if you can sit in his lap a hundred times when he's at the workbench, and every time he's said no. 
You decide you won't ask. 
Not bothering with hello, you wrap your arms around him from behind, tucking your face into the warm crook of his neck. He actually lets you, better, he covers your wrists with a hand where they cross on his chest. 
Encouraged, you ease around his chair to the side. Using his shoulder for solid leverage, you climb into his lap, his wide thighs like sturdy logs under your weight. 
Before he can say, Hey, do me a favour? Get the fuck off me, or even just lift you up and deposit you into your own chair, you nuzzle into his chest and stay there, uncharacteristically quiet. The hair at the back of his head tickles your fingers as you hug him loosely. 
"Is everything okay?" he asks. 
"Worried about me?" you tease. 
"Where do I start?" 
You laugh into his collar breathlessly. He's always been funny, even if he's a bitch about it. He's pedantic and childish at times. A chronic overreacter, but usually right, Miguel sets a new precedent on how stubborn human beings can be. And you love him. 
You're spoiled when he puts down his things and hugs you back. His embrace is relaxed for once, a docile quiet lingering between you as he starts to rub your back. It feels shamefully nice. You slouch into him like jello, totally boneless and uncaring about how you might appear to anyone else, eyes closed and face flat to his chest. 
You breathe in his smell. 
"I wanted to tell you something." 
He actually laughs like a normal person, without sarcastic derision, his sincerity like a kiss as he asks, "What sort of something?" 
"Something stupid, probably. I want to tell you, but I'm thinking it might gross you out."
You can practically hear his startled blink. "Really?"  
You hum. Miguel's hand slides down the side of you that isn't pressed against his ribs to your thighs where you've thrown them over his. 
"I'm sure it's not that gross," he mumbles, like he can't quite hide his own doubt. 
There, right there, you hear a hint of Miguel before. You can't know that, obviously, but his voice lacks even a hint of bitterness, the insecurity of a normal guy being presented with the unseen. It's sweet. He's reassuring you, though he probably thinks you're about to tell him you have a less than attractive ailment. 
You've tricked him in a way. Maybe he'll react better to your real confession now. 
"I love you, Miguel." Your hand toying with the soft neck of an old t-shirt, you murmur, "I know you know. I've been sweet on you since the first day I met you, everyone knows that, but I love you. You don't have to love me back or anything, but I wanted to say it."
"I do love you," Miguel says. He doesn't miss a beat. 
You breathe in huge and hard and he must feel it. He's charitable enough to ignore it. 
"Wait," he says, "was that the gross thing, or was that padding to make the gross thing less gross? Ay, coño, did you get fleas from Sandwich?"
"Peter's dog, Sandwich?" you ask. 
"I told that imbecile to stop bringing his dog to work." 
"I don't have fleas," you say, sitting back to give him a super judgemental look. "You love me and you think I have fleas?" 
"I'm kidding," he says, smiling at you, lips parted so you can see his teeth. He takes your face into his hand roughly but not without love, smoothing it over your ear. "I don't think you have fleas."
"You're ruining a nice moment. We were having a really nice heart to heart type moment and you ruined it with a joke about fleas. How could you?" 
"How could I?" he asks, voice softening to a murmur as he ducks in. "I don't know. Is it really ruined?" 
"What do you think?" you ask, lips an inch from his, your noses touching. 
He kisses you. It's almost like a bite. Quick and firm and pulling you forward as he retreats. "I think we'll recover." 
You laugh and tip your head back to allow him better access, your heart like a hummingbird in your chest. Miguel smiles into your lips, maybe the happiest smile he's ever given to you as he kisses you again.
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
Ok I don't know if you have your request open but I'm shooting my shot here 😅 hear me out, it might be a little weird...
So...I'm obsessed with smells..and I just KNOW Chan smells good. Like even without perfume he would still smell good. So I was thinking maybe you can write something based on that? Pretty please! I just love your writing 😩 and if you do decide to do it can the reader be like thick/plus size? 🙏
Again I'm sorry and thank you!
Bang Chan x Thick female reader
Word count: 1.5K
Synopsis: You miss your friend. Everything about him. His laugh, his voice, even... his smell.
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A/N: 18+ ONLY MDNI! I hope this is close to what you were wanting and is up to expectations! I've been playing around and trying to write some again. It's not super long but I hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Fingering, unprotected piv sex (use condoms), cream pie. That's all I think if I missed something please let me know and I'll add it asap!
Two months. Your roommates had been gone for two long months. You had to deal with your friends' long absence before but never quite this long. You missed them all terribly but if you were being honest, you especially missed Chan. His voice, his company, his laugh, even his smell. Yes, if you were being honest with yourself, you missed Chan the most. There was only one thing that helped when it got like that.
And that was the only reason you could come up with for even considering going into Chan’s room again. It’s the only reason you could think of as you lay in his bed willing yourself to sleep surrounded by the smell of fresh laundry, Chan’s body wash and something else that was just... Chan. You missed him terribly and laying in his bed, in his smell helped calm you down. Once you were cozy and surrounded by the scent of Chan you did manage to drift off to sleep. 
You woke up suddenly to the side of the bed dipping and someone gently moving your hair away from your face. You jumped a little not expecting anyone to be there. When you could actually see you realized it was Chan sitting there with a look on his face that was half confused and half apologetic. You both froze in silence for a moment before Chan spoke softly. 
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. We just got home, and I was gonna go to... uh... well... why are you in my bed?” You were thanking whatever gods there were that it was dark in the room otherwise Chan would have surely seen you instantly getting flustered by his question. 
“Oh uh...” You sat up quickly thinking of an excuse, any excuse. There was no rational reason for you to be sleeping in his bed. You decided to just tell the truth no matter how embarrassing it may be. 
“I missed you.” You meant for it to come out stronger, but it was barely a whisper. Chan leaned a little closer to hear you better and your heart raced faster. 
“Hmm?” I’m sorry I couldn’t hear.” You spoke up more. 
“I missed you.” Chan melted a little. He grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. 
“You missed us?” You shook your head no silently. 
“No?” He asked confused and you continued shaking your head. 
“Well yes but no I mean... I missed... you.” You admitted finally. Chan’s face scrunched up confused a moment. Then the realization of what you were saying hit him and his heart jumped in his chest. 
“You missed me?!” You nodded as Chan processed what that meant. 
“So, you came to sleep in my bed?” You looked away and nodded again. You knew how this must look and then spoke up quickly.
“Not in a weird way... it just smells like you and helps me relax sometimes when you’re gone.” Why did you say that? You were internally kicking yourself, not only did that definitely sound weird, you pretty much just admitted that wasn’t the only time you had slept in his bed. 
“My smell helps relax you?” Chan was smirking at you. You could see that dimple pop out, even in the dark. You gave him one quick nod. 
“You mean you like my smell?” You covered your face with both hands embarrassed. Chan scooted closer and pulled your hands away from your face. His eyes were soft and there was a small smile playing at his lips. 
“Don't be shy. I like your smell too y/n.” He leaned in and pressed his pouty lips against yours sweetly then pulled back looking for your reaction. You pressed your fingers to your lips a little shocked, stunned to have felt his pillowy soft lips against your own. Something you thought would never happen. 
“Y-you do?” Chan smiled nodding. 
“I do.” His lips were on yours again, more passion behind the second kiss. It took your breath away. You pulled away huffing air in and out, your chest rapidly rising and falling as you looked into Chan’s deep brown eyes. You gripped his shirt and pulled him towards you kissing him again. You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders as your lips parted and your tongue began to tease. Chan tilted his head and kissed you deeply. You laid back and pulled Chan on top of you. He followed your lead, his hands finding your full body touching you over what little clothes you had on. 
“You don’t know how many times I’ve dreamt of this.” Chan admitted between kisses down your neck. 
“Having you in my bed. I thought the jet lag had made me go mad when I saw you laying there but you’re really here.” You moaned when his teeth grazed your collar bone but gently pushed stopping him.  
“Jet lag, Chan you must be so tired.” He kissed you silencing your worries. 
“Not too tired for this.” He kissed you again. 
“Never too tired for you.” He squeezed your big breasts over the thin night shirt you were wearing and you moaned again. 
“Fuck you sound so pretty. Need more, need you.” Chan rolled his hips into yours and you could feel how hard he was for you. You gasped surprised. He was throbbing already. 
“I’m yours Chan, I’m all yours.” You pulled him down on top of you more wanting to feel more of his body against your plush frame. One of his hands snaked up your shirt and started teasing your nipple before holding your big bare breast in his hand, squeezing gently. 
“These?” You nodded as you kissed him again. 
“Yes.” His hand traveled down and he cupped your plump pussy over your panties. 
“And this?” You nodded again tugging at his bottom lip with your teeth. 
“Fuck yes.” Chan pushed your panties over and ran his fingers through your wet folds. 
“So wet for me already?” You whined a little. 
“Don’t tease Channie.” He laughed a little and shook his head. His fingers glided over your clit and your thick thighs tried to press together but Chan’s legs were stronger and kept yours parted as he continued to rub your arousal against the sensitive bundle of nerves. 
“Tell me how that feels baby...” You took a deep breath trying to pull yourself together enough to speak. 
“S-so good Channie, so good...” He hummed against your lips pleased with your answer. Chan managed to undress while he continued teasing your clit then pulled your shirt off and started to suck on your nipples as he pushed two of his fingers inside you. 
“OH god!” You could feel Chan’s smirk against your soft skin. 
“Talk to me baby girl tell me how you feel, tell me what you want.” You gripped his curls as he started sucking on one of your nipples again, harder. 
“Deeper, please, fuck!” Chan fingered you deeper and you rewarded him with uncontrollable moans of pleasure. 
“Yes! Right there Chan don’t stop!” Chan continued to alternate between sucking on each of your nipples as he worked his fingers deeper into you until you finally came chanting his name. 
“Chan Channie fuck yes Chan yes!” Your body buzzed as you started coming down from the amazing orgasm Chan had just given you. He kissed his way back up your chest and neck finally claiming your lips again. 
“Love the sounds you make baby.” His lips struggled staying parted from yours for very long and he kissed you again. 
“Wanna hear you make them while I’m inside you.” You bit at your lips and ran your hands down his firm body before grabbing his length and lining it up with your soft cunt. You pecked his lips. 
“Well what are you waiting for?” Chan cupped your face and kissed you hard as he pushed into you. The sounds he made were sinful and made your sex ache with want. Heavy breaths and soft moans in your ear as Chan pumped in and out of you faster, harder. 
“Fuck you feel perfect baby girl.” You nodded and held onto his strong arms as his hips rolled into yours. Your breasts bounced more forcefully with every thrust and you could feel that high approaching again. 
“I...I’m gonna cu-” Your orgasm took over your body before the words could even leave your lips. He tore it from you and the mantra that was Chan’s name came spilling from your mouth again as he continued pounding into you chasing his own pleasure now. 
“C-chchan Chan Channie god don’t stop!” Chan came with even more of those sinful sounds. Moans and swearing with your name laced through. Finally he laid on top of your beautiful full body, his head resting on your soft breasts, cock buried deep inside you still. He caught his breath while your fingers ran through his sweaty curls. After a minute, once his breathing returned to normal, Chan looked up at you with a silly smile on his face. 
“Just so you know you can sleep in my bed whenever you want.” 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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