#i come on here for stoned nights and i end up using my page like a selfie time capsule
werewolf-himbo · 2 months
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I went from a weird little tumblr gay to....someone's fucking muscled up dad apparently.
At Stonewall Nationals, this year, I had several 20-somethings hitting on me, and I realized that now im officially the hot dad I used to chase when I was in my 20s. Full circle moment.
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jjungkookislife · 5 months
The Nanny [Ch. 4]
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pairing: lawyer!seokjin x nanny!f.reader
genre: established relationship, parents au, fluff, 18+
summary: Jin needs a nanny for his son, but when he hires you, he gets that and so much more.
wc: 7.9k
warnings: pet names (baby, love), implied smut, angst, miscommunication (this was the scene I was stuck on for years), self-doubt, make-up sex, unprotected sex, creampie
date: May 4, 2024
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The holidays come and go in your new home, ecstatic to decorate with Dae and Jin. Your family and his get along so well, and everyone dotes over Dae-Hyun, who shies away from so much attention. 
With his birthday coming up soon, he’s due to enroll in pre-school and it leaves your heart feeling heavy. You weren’t ready to part with Dae just yet, your life had been nothing but him for almost 2 years, and the idea of sending him off, even if it was just half a day—left you sad. 
Seokjin was faring much better though, he was used to leaving Dae at home when he had to go to work, and even though it was rough, he was having to come to terms with the fact that he wouldn’t get updates as often from his new preschool teachers. However, Dae needed to socialize with his peers, make new friends, and learn in a school setting to prepare him for Kindergarten in the fall. Seokjin wasn’t looking forward to that either, the thought had anxiety brewing in his belly. 
“What if I homeschool him?” You asked as you stroked Dae’s hair while he slept between you and Seokjin. 
Seokjin sighed, shaking his head. “He needs to go to school, baby. We can’t be his only friends.”
“But he’s my little buddy,” you pout.
“We’ll meet his teacher tomorrow and see how it goes. Nothing is set in stone just yet but he should at least go to get acclimated before school starts in the fall. We won’t be there to hold his hand and guide him,” Seokjin reasons as he places his hand over yours. 
“I guess you’re right,” you acquiesce, biting your lip before you settle into bed. 
“It’s gonna suck,” Seokjin chuckles and your frown deepens. “But it’ll be good for him, I promise.”
“I trust you,” you say, muffling a yawn but Seokjin notices it. 
“Go to bed, baby. We'll handle this tomorrow,” you nod, yawning as you pull the covers over you, making sure Dae isn’t covered from the shoulders up. 
“Good night.”
“Good night.”
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“I don’t like it,” is the first thing you say when you step into the large brick-stone building with Dae clutching your hand. Seokjin shakes his head, trying to hide a disbelieving smile. 
“It’s been two seconds,” he giggles as he places his large palm on your lower back. He grins when you reach the front desk and your heels click against the marble floor. Portraits litter the wall and a giant bouquet of fresh flowers sits on a table in the middle of the foyer. Chairs that must cost a fortune line the walls in the sitting area, and Dae clings to your side as a few adults walk from one end of the hall to the next. 
“It’s so big,” Dae whispers as he looks around. He squirms at your side and you hope he’ll be okay coming here in a few weeks without you. The thought sours your mood further. 
“Hello, I’m Kim Seokjin. We have an appointment to tour the grounds and meet my son’s new teacher,” Seokjin says to the secretary as you debate carrying Dae-Hyun and making a run for it. You take a step back and Seokjin turns to face you, raising a dark brow, jaw taut as he eyes you with a firm glance almost daring you to even try it. He lifts the car keys with one long finger and you huff. 
“Of course, Mr. Kim. Your family can have a seat, and I will page the teacher up front. It’ll just be a moment,” the secretary informs him and motions for the chairs lining the wall. Seokjin thanks her before he tilts his head in the direction of the chairs. 
Ruefully, you lead Dae to the chairs and pull him onto your lap. You squeeze him in a hug for a second as Seokjin sits beside you. 
“Baby,” he starts, sighing heavily before licking his lips. “It’s an excellent school with great reviews, and I did background checks on everyone. He’ll love it here.”
“I have to come here?” Dae asks his dad with wide eyes. 
“This is gonna be your school, buddy. We’re gonna meet your teacher in a second, okay?” Seokjin asks and Dae nods but looks at you for assurance. You plaster on a smile and thankfully don’t have to say anything as a woman walks up to the three of you, introducing herself as Mrs. Hart. 
Dae-Hyun shyly introduces himself, his manners overcoming his shyness, and you couldn’t be prouder. You set him on the floor before rising, linking your hand with Jin’s as you follow Mrs. Hart. 
The tour starts with a history of the school, but you don’t pay too much attention as you walk down the hall. You skimmed the brochure on your way here and stuffed it in the crease of your seat before getting out of the car. 
Dae-Hyun holds his father’s hand as he walks, marveling over the art that litters the walls on the way to the classroom. The four of you come to a stop at room A-1, and Mrs. Hart opens the door, allowing you inside before she follows. 
The classroom is rather large, with three tables separated by bookshelves stuffed with books, coloring boxes, and art supplies. On the opposite end of the room is a large rug, a few bean bags, and more shelves containing toys and books. There’s a play kitchen and a science center with a giant fish tank that immediately gets Dae’s attention.  
Mrs. Hart is happy to show him around the room while you stay back with your boyfriend. 
“What do you think?” Seokjin asks you in a soft tone, to not get the teacher’s attention. You take in the room, there is nothing too extravagant that stands out. It was a typical classroom, more modern than any you had ever taught in before but it was nice and it appeared clean. 
“Where are the kids?” You muse as you see the names of children written on the cubbies. 
“They’re out in the playground with my assistant, Miss Daisy. We can go out and meet them if you’d like?” Mrs. Hart chimes in and Dae-Hyun nods before asking his father if it’s okay. 
“Sure, Dae,” With Seokjin’s consent, the four of you go out the back door and down the steps that lead right to the playground. There are a lot of children running around but Miss Daisy is accompanied by two other assistants to watch the children as they run and climb on the playground. A few kids look over curiously and two come over to say hi. 
“Do you wanna play?” One of them asks and Dae looks at Seokjin, who nods. Dae smiles as he runs off with the kids and Mrs. Hart introduces the staff. 
“He seems like a wonderful child,” Miss Daisy comments as she sees Dae already laughing and playing with more children. 
“He’s a little shy but he seems to like the playground.” you keep a watchful eye on Dae-Hyun, never losing him in the array of children. 
“Is this his first time at school?” Miss Daisy asks and Seokjin nods. Mrs. Hart explains the transition process, going into great detail about their rules and policies and the assessments to see where he’s at. 
As much as you don’t like the thought of being away from Dae-Hyun, it eases your heart to see him having so much fun already. He pouts when it’s time to go back inside, talking your ear off as Seokjin handles the paperwork. 
“Can I come back soon?” Dae-Hyun asks you as Seokjin shakes Mrs. Hart’s hand once they’re done. 
“Of course,” Mrs. Hart smiles at Dae. She motions for him to join her, taking his hand and leading him to a cubbie. “This will be yours when you come back and see me. We’ll have your name right here and we’ll have all your stuff ready for you, Dae-Hyun. After your birthday, we’ll have you here with us!”
“Yay!” Dae-Hyun cheers before returning to Seokjin, who picks him up in his arms. He was getting a little too tall to keep doing so but Seokjin would carry his son until he couldn’t anymore. 
“We’ll see you in a few weeks,” Seokjin says as he starts to say his goodbye. 
“We look forward to it!” Mrs. Hart exclaims, clapping her hands together. 
“Bye!” Dae waves at his teacher, who waves back. Seokjin heads into the hallway as you take one last look around, maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. 
“We look forward to seeing you soon. You have such a lovely family, Mrs. Kim,” Mrs. Hart says with a wave. You thank her before following Seokjin, your heart fluttering in your chest. 
Mrs. Kim.
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“What did you think?” Seokjin asks you that night when he gets into bed beside you. He’s already sleepy but still wants your opinion on the school. You couldn’t talk freely until Dae had gone to bed and showers were taken before bed.
“It’s a nice school,” you say. “I think Dae will like it. It’s just hard to let him go.”
“Trust me, I know. But it’ll get a little easier,” Seokjin assures you. After all, he is his son so of course, he’d know. You just weren’t used to leaving Dae, much less after moving in with them.
“It’ll take me a bit to get used to. What am I supposed to do while he’s gone? Mrs. Jenkins already does the cleaning and packs his lunch,” you frown.
“You could go to the spa, or maybe meet up with your friends,” Seokjin suggests as he wraps you in his arms. “You’ll have more time for yourself. I know you haven’t had much lately.”
“But I like caring for Dae. That’s why you hired me in the first place,” you look at him over your shoulder.
“And now things have changed, baby. You’re still just as important as you were, just with more free time. How about we open a joint account tomorrow so you have some more spending money?”
“Seokjin,” you sigh. “I don’t want more money.”
“Okay, a car?” Seokjin suggests and you huff. You know he’s just teasing you, you’d denied every attempt of him buying you a new car. Yours worked perfectly fine and it’s not like you did a lot of driving now that you lived with him. Seokjin preferred to drive and you loathed it, so it didn’t matter much to you.
“Don’t stress about it too much, baby. You don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. I’m sure you’ll find ways to occupy yourself. Besides, we need to plan Dae’s party starting tomorrow, and if you want,” Seokjin grins mischievously. “We can work on making another baby.”
“That’s a big decision, baby. Are you sure?” you ask, sitting up to look at your boyfriend. He sits up as well, taking your hand in his.
“I’m sure, love. You’re the only one I’d even consider as the mother of my children. I don’t want anyone else,” he leans in, capturing your lips with his, guiding you to the bed where he kisses you until you’re crying out his name.
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The next morning is filled with ruckus. You’ve got the kitchen island in disarray as you look over notebooks and business cards, a tablet opened to a party planner, a laptop displaying your idea outlines, and Dae-Hyun on your lap telling you about all the things he wants for his party this year. 
Mrs. Jenkins hovers nearby, knowing it’s no easy feat to plan a party, especially with a child on your lap. She offers to take Dae from you but your sweet boy will have none of it. 
“And a bounce house,” Dae-Hyun finishes as he places his head on your shoulder. “We need one of those.”
“So you want dinosaurs,” you pause as Dae roars with his arms high in the air, hopping off your lap to stomp around the kitchen. “And a dinosaur cake?” 
“Please,” Dae smiles as he gets back on your lap with your help. 
“Sure, baby,” you kiss his cheek as you show him a few pictures on the tablet, liking anything he shows excitement over. Seokjin has given you a budget with promises to help here and there but he knows you enjoy planning events and schedules, so this is your domain. 
Last year, Seokjin had thrown a small Paw Patrol party with cake and goodie bags before calling it a day. This time, there would be more children attending, including the ones Dae met at school. 
Dae-Hyun loses interest after a while and you continue to plan his party and take notes while Mrs. Jenkins gets Dae-Hyun his lunch. 
Slightly overwhelmed by all the options, you decide to bookmark your favorites before setting your tablet aside and having your lunch. Soon it’ll be time to put Dae down for a nap and Seokjin had promised to get off work after lunch. He should be home any moment now. 
Just as lunch is wrapping up, the front door opens and Seokjin sings, “I’m home!”
Dae-Hyun grins giddily as he dances in his chair when his father walks into the kitchen. Seokjin greets Dae then you with a kiss on the top of your head. 
“You’re home!” Dae claps in excitement and Seokjin nods. 
“I left early to see you,” he states as Mrs. Jenkins finishes washing the dishes. Seokjin allows her to end her day then if she’d like and she thanks him before rushing out the door with a see you later. 
Seokjin shoots you a confused look and you chuckle. “Dae’s been excited over his p-a-r-t-y.”
“Oh,” Seokjin laughs. “What’s the theme this year?”
“Dinosaurs!” Dae shouts as he roars, and Seokjin pretends to be terrified. 
“This little Dino needs a nap,” you state as you pick him up in your arms, and a pout forms on his lips. 
“But Daddy,” he cries softly. 
“I’ll be up in a second, bud. I’m just getting a drink,” Seokjin assures his son as you head up the stairs to Dae’s room. 
He yawns, rubbing his eyes as he goes to grab his pajamas, heading to his bathroom to change and potty before coming to his bedroom. 
“Daddy and I will be here when you wake up,” you say as you pat his bed. Dae nods as he steps closer to you, rubbing his eyes. 
“Nap time!” You sing as you scoop Dae up in your arms. He finally squeals, laughing as you press several kisses to his cheek. His mood lifted. 
“Mommy! Stop!” he squeals, kicking his little feet. You pause, eyes wide as your heart races. You weren’t a stranger to being called mom, mommy, or any variation of it in your field. After all, it was easy for kids to get confused and when they trusted you as much as their parents.
However, this was the first time Dae had called you mommy, and you weren’t sure how to feel. You simply smiled, kissing his head as you asked him what story he wanted you to read. Seokjin lingered by the doorway, a frown on his lips.
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“And they lived happily ever after,” you read, closing the book shortly after only to see Dae-Hyun fast asleep clutching his teddy bear. You plant a kiss on his forehead and wish him sweet dreams.
Seokjin is waiting for you in the hallway, with the baby monitor in your hand as he motions for you to join him in his office.
When you enter the office, Seokjin is already in his chair, his face hidden in his large palms, and your heart immediately sinks to your stomach. You haven’t seen Seokjin this distraught since his failed blind dates set up by Namjoon.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” you ask, setting the baby monitor on the desk before going around to your boyfriend. He sighs heavily before raising his head.
“He called you mom,” he spits the word like it’s vile. 
“Jin, this happens often with children. I’ll talk to him when he wakes up,” you assure him, but Seokjin shakes his head.
“You’re not his mom and he’s calling you mom. This isn’t right,” Seokjin huffs, a hand carding through his hair. 
You step back.
“I may not be his mother, but I love him as if he were my own. Seokjin, what is going on?!” You can’t help but be hurt. Hadn’t he said he wanted a family with you? Shouldn’t this be a good thing? You weren’t trying to replace his mom, nor would you ever abandon Dae, so what was going on?
“I just don’t want Dae to get confused,” Seokjin says sharply.
“I thought you wanted us to be a family? Wouldn’t you want him to see me as a mother figure?”
“No, you obviously don’t know what you want. You can’t tell me you want me to have your kids and then get all out of sorts when your son calls me Mommy. What is it you want? Because I can’t take your mixed signals, Jin! Either you want us to be a family or you don’t! I already said I’d talk to him, but what’s so wrong with him calling me his mom? I’ve been here for him for half his life now and I don’t plan on going anywhere! What’s wrong with you?” You can’t help but hiss, stepping out of his office.
“Baby!” Jin calls after you, but you ignore him, heading to Dae’s room to cuddle him. He may not be your biological child, but that didn’t mean you loved him any less. 
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It’s awkward.
It’s been two days since your discussion with Seokjin. Your feelings are still hurt by his harsh words and tone. You’d tried your best to be normal around Dae, but you could tell he was noting the tense atmosphere.
You’d taken to sleeping with Dae or in the guest room, something Seokjin had protested the first night, but let it go when you glared at him. 
Seokjin felt bad, and he apologized when Dae had gone to bed that night, but you couldn’t forgive him just yet. He’d hurt you and you needed some space. You tried your best to plan Dae-Hyun’s birthday party, spending your days planning and calling businesses to book them for the day of his party.
“We’re going to my mom’s for a bit,” Seokjin announces when he walks into the kitchen with Dae-Hyun in his arms. For a few seconds, Dae wiggles in his father’s arms before Seokjin sets him down. His son doesn’t hesitate to run to you, your arms open and ready to welcome him in. 
“Come here, baby.” You press a kiss on his head. “Are you gonna have fun tonight?”
“Can you come too?” Dae asks as he hugs you close. 
“Not this time, buddy. I got secret birthday stuff to do,” you whisper, kissing his cheek as he giggles. 
“It’s almost my birthday, right? We’re having a party!” He exclaims as he runs back to Seokjin. He takes his dad’s hand, waving as he talks about his party and the cake.
Seokjin gives you one last look before he heads out of the kitchen with his son. You watch them go, sighing as you shake your head in a poor attempt to clear it.
Papers lay scattered on the kitchen island, most of them were the final decisions for the party. You’d chosen invitations with Dae, showing them to Seokjin for approval, but he had said he’d love whatever you chose for the party.
The little T-Rex on the sample invitation stared back at you, Five-a-Saurus. 
Sighing, you hope you can have a serious discussion with Seokjin to find out where you both stand. You had honestly believed you were heading toward marriage and what about all that talk about being a family and expanding it? How would that work if he didn’t want Dae to see you as his mom? Had you done something to make him think you weren’t up to par? 
You needed to get this cleared up as soon as possible.
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Seokjin’s been at his parent's home for an hour now, making small talk and whatnot until his father takes Dae to the backyard to play. Seokjin waits until his son is completely distracted before turning to his mother. 
“I don’t know what to do, Mom,” Seokjin sighs, his chin resting in the palm of his hand as he watches his son through the glass door playing with his dad. He had explained the entire conversation with his mother over text this morning, nearly in tears as he asked to come over to see her.
“You can’t let one bad experience haunt you for the rest of your life, Jin. So what if Lena didn’t want to be a mom? It’s her loss. She can’t keep you from loving someone else. Has Y/n ever given you a reason not to trust her?” Seokjin’s mom asks. 
“Well… no?”
“She loves you and Dae so much. Anyone could see that. She loves both of you so much, and that’s all I could ever ask for. It broke my heart when Lena walked out. She left Dae without a mother and then Y/n walked into your life like a breath of fresh air. There’s no doubt about it, son, she’s in it for the long haul. She treats Dae like her own, and she loves you immensely. Even I can see that,” she chuckles, placing her hand over her son’s. 
“I fucked up, didn’t I?” Seokjin asks, feeling remorseful.
“Language!” His mother exclaims but nods. “You fucked up.”
Seokjin knows it must be true. This is the first time he’s ever heard his mother cuss, so he knows he totally fucked up, and now he’s got to fix it. 
“Can you keep Dae for tonight? I’ve got a lot of groveling to do.” Seokjin rises from his stool, the stool screeches against the floor. 
“Sure, call when you can,” his mother calls after him as he rushes out to the backyard, kissing his son’s forehead and promising to get him in the morning. 
Dae is ecstatic to be spending the night with his grandma and grandpa, knowing he’s in for a day of being spoiled and maybe ice cream for dinner.   
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“Baby, I’m home!” Seokjin calls as he shuts the door after him, careful with the bouquet he had picked up on his way home.
“In the kitchen!” you call back, sending the last email you needed for Dae’s party. Dates were confirmed with the bakery, the party supply store, and the caterer. You felt lighter now that most of the party is taken care of and despite your fight with Seokjin, you’re hoping he’ll like everything you’ve picked out for Dae.
Seokjin is timid as he steps into the kitchen. You glance up from your laptop, raising a brow when you see the bouquet in his hands.
“What’s up?” you ask cautiously.
Seokjin bites his lips. “I wanted to apologize for how I reacted the other day and for what I said. I was out of line, and you’re right, I was sending mixed signals.”
You remain silent, shutting your laptop to give your boyfriend your undivided attention. 
“The truth is, I got scared.” Seokjin pauses, licking his lips as he crosses the room. He lays the flowers on the kitchen island. “Dae’s never called anyone mommy, and I got scared you’d leave like she did.”
“Seokjin,” you start, but he stops you. He shakes his hair out of his eyes as he inhales deeply. You rise from your seat, going around the island to take his face in your hands, his eyes locked on yours.
“I’m not her, Seokjin. I love you and I love Dae. I’m here to stay, but I need you to be in this with me. You and Dae can decide what he calls me. He can call me mom or he can call me by my name. I love him as my own and I want to give him siblings someday, but I need you to be sure of what you want, Seokjin. I know I’m not Dae’s mom, I know. I’m here to be your partner, to be there for Dae, and to build a life with you if you’ll have me. But we need to be on the same page, Jin.” you say as you stroke his cheeks.
Seokjin nods, a hard feat when you’re cradling his face in your hands. “I’ll talk to him, baby. I’ll do what he says and I am sorry for what I said and for the way I reacted. I do want us to be a family and you’ve done nothing but love us from the get-go. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Jin.”
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Seokjin hadn’t taken your fight lightly. That same day, he had scheduled an appointment with a therapist to work through his issues. He didn’t want to start a marriage (in the future) with doubts and insecurities hanging over his head.
He’d allowed Dae to stay the night at his parent’s house while the two of you went over his birthday party timeline. You were excited to show off everything, giggling when Seokjin would say he liked what you picked out.
That night, Seokjin takes you out to dinner, apologizing again as he holds your hand in his. He delicately strokes your ring finger, imagining what it would be like with an engagement ring. He flushes. He truly was lucky to have you in his life, and he wouldn’t let this relationship fizzle because of him.
“Tomorrow we’ll pick up Dae and ask what he wants to call you,” Seokjin whispers as he leads you to your bedroom, his hand in yours as he loosens his tie.
“I think that’s a great idea,” you agree as you take your earrings off and place them on the dresser along with your pearl necklace. 
Seokjin approaches you, looking at your reflection in the mirror as his arms wind around your waist. His lips press a kiss on your shoulder and you move your hair out of the way to allow him more room. 
“I love you,” he murmurs against your soft skin. His large hands grip your hips and squeeze. “You’re the best thing to ever happen to us. You know that, right?”
You smile. “You know I feel the same way, right?”
Slowly, Seokjin kisses his way to your neck. His hands move over your body to your zipper, where he pulls it down enough for your dress to fall forward. He’s pleasantly surprised to see you’re not wearing a bra when he meets your eyes in the mirror.
“Oh?” he raises a brow as his fingertips brush your skin. 
“Figured there would be make-up sex,” you shrug with a smirk as you turn to face him. Seokjin wastes no time in kissing you, his hands cradling your face as your fingers work on taking his tie off and unbuttoning his shirt.
Fiery kisses meet your neck as his hands grip the back of your thighs to lift you onto the dresser. Your fingers run through his hair, tugging on it to pull him into a kiss that leaves you vibrating. His tongue pushes past the seam of your lips and you moan softly against him.
You want to savor him, take things slowly but you’re also in need of a rough, quick fuck that makes your eyes roll back. 
Panting, Seokjin presses his forehead to yours, almost as if reading your mind when you get off the dresser.
Turning you quickly, your palms grip the edge of the dresser as Seokjin hikes your dress up to bunch at your hips. With a lightning-like quickness, Seokjin is undressed and the head of his cock is pressed to your wet folds.
“Oh, fuck,” he curses. Seokjin’s forehead rests on your shoulder. Your eyes meet his in the mirror and he stares intently at you for a moment before he turns your head and his lips capture yours in a deep kiss that leaves you breathless when it ends. 
Seokjin grips your hips, moaning into your skin as you tighten around him, his hand between your thighs rubbing your clit. 
You tremble beneath him, his name escaping you repeatedly until you’re falling apart for him. 
“That’s it, baby. Come all over my cock,” he grunts, moaning your name as he cums right after you. 
“Fuck,” you groan as you try to hold yourself up on shaky hands. Seokjin chuckles, kissing your shoulder before he pulls out. 
“I love you,” he states as he looks at your reflection in the mirror. You lace your fingers with him, squeezing them. “I love you too.”
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You were running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off, a weird expression but it seemed to fit the mood. 
Dae-Hyun was at his grandparents' home. He had spent the night so he wouldn’t see the preparations for his birthday party in a few short hours.  
Seokjin had a therapy appointment in the morning but he would be back in plenty of time to help set up and welcome the caterer and decorator. You were handling the cake delivery, moving everything in the fridge to make room for the three-layer cake you had ordered. 
You hadn’t slept much last night, too stressed about everything going right today. You wanted everything to be perfect for Dae-Hyun. 
“Baby, I’m home!” Seokjin calls as he shuts the front door and you inform him you’re in the kitchen. 
He appears moments later with a grin and a large bouquet. “I knew you’d be freaking out over the party so I got you these.”
Your heart melts, thanking him with a kiss on his cheek. 
“Thank you, babe. It’s my first party for Dae and I need everything to be perfect for him,” you pout. 
“It will be. Relax,” Jin chuckles. “Just let me know what you need me to do.”
“Have a look at the cake,” You tell him as you grab a vase and fill it with water for your flowers. Seokjin does as he’s told, grinning when he sees the dinosaur cake sitting on a shelf. 
“Oh, he’s gonna love it! Hell, I love it! That’s the coolest birthday cake I’ve ever seen!” Seokjin is smiling from ear to ear. He knew you’d throw an amazing party for Dae and he hopes as the day goes on, you’ll be able to enjoy it. 
“Guests will be here in three hours and Dae in one. Your mom will get him dressed and he’ll have time on the bounce house before everyone shows up,” you inform Seokjin. 
“Awesome,” Seokjin nods. The doorbell rings and the decorator shows up with her team. They get to work and in less than two hours, your home is decorated to the brim, the main focus being the backyard and kitchen. 
The caterer shows up shortly after and Seokjin finishes preparing the last of the goody bags. 
Dae-Hyun comes running straight to your arms and you cover his eyes with a laugh. 
“You little Rugrat,” you scolded playfully. “You weren’t supposed to come in here yet.”
“He’s a quick one,” Mrs. Kim chuckles as she enters the kitchen with her husband. A gift bag is looped on her wrist and she sets it on the gift table at the opposite end of the kitchen. 
“I wanna see,” Dae whines and you exchange a look with Seokjin as you both head out into the backyard. Excitement fills your body as you count down from three and move your hand off Dae’s eyes. 
“Wow!” Dae is in awe as he looks around the backyard. There’s a giant bounce house and decorations all around. There’s an area where the kids can dig for “fossils” and another where they can learn about dinosaurs and make their dinosaur masks. And of course, Dae’s playground where kids can run around all day. 
Dae grabs your hand, pulling you to the bounce house. Seokjin follows the two of you, laughing when Dae urges you into the bounce house with him. You hold his hand and jump with him for a bit. 
“Mom!” He squeals and you grin. After your talk with Seokjin. The two of you had sat down with Dae-Hyun and allowed him to choose what he’d call you. Dae had immediately wanted to call you mom, and that was that. Seokjin was grateful he hadn’t ruined your relationship with his panicked outburst and he was working on his issues with his therapist. He was doing well and he knew someday he’d want you to be his wife. To spend the rest of your lives together. 
“Come on, Dae, Mommy has to go change!” Seokjin exclaims and Dae pouts. 
“Do you want Daddy in here while I change?” You ask Dae as you stop jumping. Dae nods and Seokjin looks at the bounce house entrance. 
“Babe, I don’t think my shoulders will make it through,” he states with worry.
You cackle, dropping to your knees to open the entrance a little more for your boyfriend’s wide-ass shoulders. He thanks you as he slithers in with a grunt from the struggle. 
“I don’t think this was made for adults,” he comments as he tries to stand and ends up falling and bouncing Dae in the process. You shake your head, scooping up Dae-Hyun. 
“You watch out for Daddy, okay?” You press a kiss on Dae’s forehead before heading out. Dae stomps to his father, who is struggling to stand before giving up and sitting in the middle while Dae hops from one end to the other, his laughter filling the bounce house.  
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By the time the party is in full swing, you’re busy playing host while Seokjin tries to get you to enjoy yourself. His parents have taken the time to help out and yours have arrived shortly after. They both dote on Dae-Hyun, and he hugs them tightly before he runs off with children from his preschool. 
You’ve met a few of the parents, speaking more to the ones whose children have taken an interest in Dae. A few of the mothers eye Seokjin longer than necessary and you bite back your jealousy knowing he’s yours. Nobody would take your little family away from you. You wouldn’t allow it and neither would Seokjin.  
When it’s time to cut the cake, Dae-Hyun is speechless as he sees Seokjin carefully carrying it outside to the table. Dae stares at it with huge eyes, fingertip gently touching one of the dinosaurs. He claps his hands when Seokjin lights the candles and you make sure none of the kids are close enough to ruin your son’s moment. You guard him, and Seokjin bites back a smile as he stands beside you. Mrs. Kim is taking picture after picture while her husband films on his phone. 
“Make a wish,” you whisper to Dae, who closes his eyes and makes his wish before blowing out the candles. Cheers and applause fill the backyard as Seokjin cuts the cake, handing the first slice to his son before the caterer whisks the cake back into the kitchen to cut it and her staff serve it to the guests. 
Dae-Hyun takes off running with his friends after he’s had cake and you're wary as he enters the bounce house. 
“That seems like a bad idea,” you whisper. Seokjin agrees as he scoops his son out of the bounce house with his friends. They protest but are soon occupied with Mr. Kim in a T-Rex inflatable costume as he chases the kids around the yard. 
You laugh as you watch from the sidelines with Seokjin at your side, his hand on your lower back. He kisses the top of your head, “Thank you for doing this. It’s the most I’ve seen him smile.”
“I’ve got bigger plans for next year,” you admit with a shy smile. Seokjin shakes his head, smiling. “I knew you would. Care to share?”
“Nope,” you stick your tongue out at him and he rolls his eyes playfully. 
“Ever the tease,” he snickers, kissing your cheek. 
“I think it’s time we handed out the goody bags and sent everyone home,” you state as the kids start falling asleep on their parents' lap after a while. 
“I think you’re right, baby,” Seokjin agrees as he steps away to thank everyone for coming. A lot of the parents are grateful, taking their children who are worn out from all the fun and sugar to go straight to bed. 
Your parents and Seokjin’s are the last to leave, offering to help clean up but you’ve got a cleaning service stopping by tomorrow to take care of it. Dae comes straight to you, his head on your shoulder and his eyes barely open. 
Seokjin kisses his cheek, smiling when he wipes some frosting off his son’s face. “Well, he’ll be sleeping through the night.”
“Definitely,” you agree as you take him upstairs to bed. You change him into his pajamas, promising to open his presents in the morning when he’s more alert. He dozed off within minutes and soon you’re back downstairs with Seokjin. 
“Is he asleep?” He asks as he places the leftover food in the fridge. He had encouraged the guests to take home plates of food and cake but there was still a bit left over. 
“Passed out. He ran around a lot today. He can use the bounce house tomorrow for a bit before they come to pick it up,” you inform Seokjin.  
“He loves that thing. Me? Not so much,” Seokjin grimaces as he rubs his shoulder. 
You walk closer to him, your arms draped over his shoulders. “Does it hurt?”
“Nothing you can’t fix with those pretty lips of yours,” Seokjin teases. You smack his back lightly and his laughter fills the kitchen before he turns to face you. 
“Thank you for today. Dae-Hyun had the time of his life,” Seokjin says seriously. His hands grip your hips as he holds you close. 
“You don’t have to thank me, babe. I would have done it regardless. I love him,” You respond as you take his hands in yours. “I love you too.”
“Come on, let’s go to bed.” 
“But I’m not tired,” you protest. 
Seokjin smirks. “Neither am I.”
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“Nope! I h-a-t-e it!” You cross your arms over your chest as the car stops. 
“Baby, come on,” Seokjin whines as he unclips his seatbelt. “He’s gonna know you’re nervous.”
You sigh, sucking it up as you get out of the car with a frown. You allow Seokjin to get Dae-Hyun out of the car, taking his hand to lead him into the school. 
You stomp your way up the front steps after them, not wanting to leave Dae-Hyun alone all day. 
“He’ll be fine,” Seokjin assures you as you walk down the hallway to room A-1. Dae is bouncing with excitement, eager to see his friends again after his party. 
Once you reach his classroom, Mrs. Hart welcomes you with a bright smile as she greets Dae. Shyly, Dae greets her before she walks him to one of the tables where his friends sit, all of them waving and greeting him cheerfully. They're having breakfast at the moment and you wish you could stay by his side all day. 
“Come on, love. We can’t stay,” Seokjin reads your mind and you sigh. You blink back the tears that burn at the corner of your eyes and wave gently at Dae. Seokjin is faring slightly better but he clears his throat and takes your hand in his before leaving at Mrs. Hart’s suggestion. 
“We’ll call if we need to,” she promises as she sends the two of you off. 
In the hallway you lose it, stopping near the entrance to cry. Seokjin holds you to his chest, rubbing your back. 
“It’s okay, baby. You can come get him at 2. He’s gonna be okay,” he assured you and you cry until you can’t anymore. Seokjin leads you to the car, grabbing some tissues from the glove box to dab at your eyes. You blow your nose and sanitize your hands after. 
“I miss him already,” You pout. 
“It gets easier,” Seokjin promises. “I miss him too but he can’t be isolated. Me, you, and Mrs. Jenkins can’t be the only ones he sees, baby. He needs his friends.”
“I know you’re right but that doesn’t change the fact that I miss my little buddy,” you sniffle as Seokjin pulls out of his parking spot. He’d taken the morning off for Dae’s first day of school but he’d be back in the office in an hour or so. 
“You know,” Seokjin muses as he drives further and further from the school. “I always thought when this day came, I’d be the one sobbing my eyes out.”
“Don’t make fun of me,” you whine pitifully and he smiles. 
“I’m not, baby. I just think it’s sweet you care so much about him,” he states as he brings your hand to his lips. “But no, you can’t take him out early on his first day.”
“How did you-?”
“I can read your thoughts, baby,” he laughs as he drives you home. You use the ride home to calm yourself but you’re frowning the moment you walk through the door and realize you’re on your own. 
“It’ll be okay. It’s just a change in routine,” Seokjin assures you before he’s heading out for the office. You sit on the couch after he leaves, turning the TV on and placing your phone on your lap.
You count the hours until you can pick Dae up.
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“Mommy!” Dae squeals when he sees you at pick-up. You hug him tight as you take his backpack and carry him out of the classroom. 
“Did you have fun?” You ask as you take him to your car. Now that Dae was in school, Seokjin had suggested he get you a new car and the more you thought about it, the more you considered it. Besides, if Seokjin had plans of making you a (biological) mother, you’d need more space. Which was why you’d be going car shopping this weekend. 
“Luke and Max are my friends!” Dae exclaims as he tells you about his day while you situate him in his car seat. You place his backpack in the footwell and get in the driver's seat. You immediately lock the doors once you’re inside the car, looking in the rearview mirror before you pull out of your spot to head home. 
“And tomorrow we get to play outside!” Dae cheered.
“That sounds fun!” You exclaim as you turn into your neighborhood. “Do you want a snack when we get home?”
“I ate at school,” he assures you as he tells you what his snack was as you pull into the driveway. You listen intently, helping him out of his seat before grabbing his backpack and leading him inside the home. He greets Mrs. Jenkins, filling her in about his day at school. She listens intently, asking questions about all his friends while you sit on a stool and text Seokjin. 
[You]: got my little buddy back!
[Seokjin 🥵]: good! I’m wrapping things up here so I’ll be home soon. We can get dinner later
You agree before placing your phone down. Mrs. Jenkins ruffles Dae’s hair before he runs off to the living room to play. 
Mrs. Jenkins gives you a warm smile. “It gets easier.”
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And it does get easier as the days turn into weeks and months. You still get sad when you drop him off and you’ve been picking up new hobbies now that you’ve got the time but none of them seem to stick. 
Pilates and yoga weren’t for you. You tried jogging, archery and badminton. Tennis, soccer, volleyball, and hockey. Jujitsu, Karate, and kickboxing, that one was Jin’s least favorite. He hated seeing you bruised after a few sessions. 
You then switched to knitting, embroidery, painting, and pottery but you quickly realized you weren’t good with your hands outside the bedroom. So you turned to baking and decorating but that proved to be a challenge and you soon ended up back on your tablet and TV, binge-watching every show you could find to keep yourself occupied. 
Seokjin tried his best to help find something you’d enjoy that wouldn’t put you in harm's way but everything seemed to be challenging and you quickly lost interest. 
“What about party planning?” Seokjin suggested one night while Dae was asleep on your chest. 
“Party planning?” You asked, puzzled. 
“Yeah,” Seokjin nodded. “You did a fantastic job with Dae’s. What if you did it part-time on the side? Start small with friends and family and build yourself up from there if you’d like.”
“I don’t know,” you answer honestly. “I wouldn’t have a lot of time for Dae.”
Seokjin blinks before laughing, stopping when his son stirs in your hold. 
“My parents' anniversary is coming up. I’m sure my mom would love some help,” Jin offers, and you give in. 
“I’ll give it a chance,” you agree hesitantly. 
And slowly you build your little business. It starts with a few parties, but soon word of mouth gets you booked and busy. You only work when Dae’s in school, and limit the amount of weekends you can attend the parties you plan to make sure they run smoothly. You’re not sure if it’s a career you want to do long term, but you enjoy it when Dae’s at school.
“We’re going away for the weekend,” Seokjin announces on a Friday evening. 
“Last minute?” You ask as you grab a duffel bag. Seokjin nods.
“I think we should go to the beach house. My parents have one nearby and Dae can stay with us or them if he chooses.”
“Hmmm?” You muse as you pack your bag. “Suspicious.”
Seokjin laughs. “How is that suspicious? You said you wanted to go back with Dae?”
“I do, but It’s out of nowhere,” you reply as you grab your toiletries.
“Work has been a bitch,” Seokjin admits. “I just want to relax at the beach with my girl and my son.”
“Fair enough,” you give in as you finish packing your bag. Seokjin has his ready to go along with Dae’s and he’s soon carrying them down the stairs and into the car. 
Your new car is a shiny black SUV with 3 rows of seats that you insisted were too many. Seokjin, however, had pulled you aside and promised to fill every single one with one of your babies. You bit your lip and met his smoldering gaze, thighs pressed together as heat flushed over your body. 
Seokjin smirked knowingly, licking his lips as he stepped away to talk to the salesman. And that had been that.
“Do we have everything?” You ask as you get into the passenger seat. Seokjin straps Dae into his car seat, nodding as he finishes and gets in the driver’s seat. 
“Yes, baby. I got the sunblock and all his toys and extra clothes, just in case. Anything else we can buy,” Jin assures you as he starts the car. “My parents left this morning so they’ll be there already.”
“Okay.” you yawn as you lean against the window. You try your best to stay awake, but soon you and Dae-Hyun are asleep.
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© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube.
155 notes · View notes
fredwkong · 7 months
Alphaworld File 3: Diary of an Alpha Transformation (1 of ?)
Click here to read Alphaworld in posting order.
An undated journal. It is heavily bedazzled on the covers, though many of the gems appear to have been scraped off or stepped on. There are several stains yellowing the coloured paper of the cover, mostly sweat.
Inside the front cover, there is a space where the owner is encouraged to write their name. Two names occupy the space, one on top of the other. The lower layer is written with a purple marker, neatly spelling the name “Ronaldo Herrera.” There are multicoloured sparkles drawn around the name, and glitter has been sprinkled over it. Some of the glitter appears to have been scraped off with a knife, and there is a 3 centimetre tear at the top interior of the page, as if someone was about to rip it out. On top of the first name, the name “RONNIE H” is scrawled in crude capitals using a pencil. The pencil was applied with sufficient force that graphite scrapes are visible from where they were brushed off the page.
Journal entries flow into each other without dating, but editors have split entries based on context and labelled them “Day One, Day Two, Day Three…” despite the fact that more than one day clearly proceeds between some entries. From this point onward, journal entries are transliterated directly, with marginalia and other notes on the text rendered in square brackets [] to distinguish them from the main body.
[Day One]
OMG, I’m soooo happy to be back on campus! Staying with my parents is such a bore! They don’t let me stream any of my shows, they say drag race is of the devil, and the town is so small that I’m, like, the only twink there. I can’t even get any dl dick all holiday because country guys are all totally masc for masc. My hole is toooootally desperate.
I’m so happy that Ollie across the hall got me this journal! He made it look soooo cute with all the stones! He’s, like, okay for a fellow bottom, even tho his massive crush on me is, like, totally obvious. Sorry babe, this dick is for decoration only lmao! Maybe we could get tag teamed by a big dick boy sometime, that’d be pretty hot. I've never bottomed alongside a transmasc dude.
Anyway, I just stopped at the dorm to drop off my suitcase and get out of my het drag, there’s a whole lotta frat parties starting tonight and if I wanna end my dry spell I’ve gotta be there! I just had to live my Sex and the City fantasy by putting down a few lines in the diary first!
[a doodle of an open-faced journal with scribbly lines on the page in rainbow colours]
[Day Two]
ZOMGGGGGGG [written in double-tall bubble letters across a quarter of the page, filled in with pink highlighter]
This term is gonna be SO AWESOME.
Campus is suddenly full of massive muscle men who are totally desperate for me! I was, like, totally the target of a dominance contest at the party last night, and it was SO HOT.
So I walk in, right? And I’m dressed in my usual, my lil slutty crop and my littlest shorts. Here, I took a pic before I left so you can see how cute I was.
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Anyway, I’m cute, I’m obvious, I’m ready to have any guy absolutely wreck me. Like, last night, I would have taken a bicurious frat bro fucking me raw, my hole was so neglected. So I am a blaring neon sign: I’M A FAG [written in rainbow marker colours]
And as soon as I walk in, this GOD [a doodle of a massive man is in the margin, a perfect X shape covered in cartoonishly bulging muscles] comes up to me and is all, “Hey boy, I’m Nate.” He. Is. PERFECT. Gorgeous grey eyes, windswept dirty blond hair, a tank top hugging pecs the size of my HEAD. And his voice gets me tooootally weak in the knees. I can't believe he's LOOKING at lil ol me, even if I do look like a twinky slut.
But before I can even say anything to Nate, there’s another MASSIVE arm draped over my shoulder, and ANOTHER massive guy is whispering in my ear, like, “Name’s Lee. Want a drink?” I look over, and he’s just as hot as Nate, with shiny black hair and this perfect sexy smile like a J-pop star. But, like, if a J-pop star was 250 pounds of pure muscle and sex.
I swear all the air went out of the room. Suddenly, Nate and Lee were glaring at each other over me, and all these frat bros were staring.
BTW, when did all the frat bros get so cuuuute? Like, not as sexy as Nate and Lee, but they’re all totally cut this term and I think they’ve got some skincare going? Like I wanna go back sometime lmao.
Lee, like, GROWLED as he glared across me. I felt a li-ter-al rumble from his chest. Nate started totally flexing his big pecs, I thought his shirt was gonna shred in the middle. They didn’t even SAY anything, it was so totally primal. I think I got a whiff of Lee as he tucked me closer to his chest, and I realised he totally doesn’t use deodorant. He smelled totally HAWT.
Anyway, I have two perfect men fighting over me, and I’m not letting either of them go, so I go, “Boys, I promise my holes are big enough to share.” I totes flashed my dimples at them. [doodle of a smiley face]
They kept glaring at each other, but finally Lee was like, “I get his hole.” Maybe he, like, won the contest or whatever? Because Nate looked down at the floor and said, “Fine.” And I mean, fine with me! I love getting stuffed from both ends! What a way to come back from vacay!
We didn’t stay at the party long, just long enough for Lee to get me a drink and Nate to carry me around the dance floor a bit. I checked on Lee while we were dancing, and he was, like, totally making out with one of the frat bros. Like, a guy I knew was straight. I blew him freshman year when his gf was away. I guess Lee’s just like that, lmao.
We ended up upstairs. I think Lee’s in the frat? But we weren’t in his room, which was kinda hot. Lee and Nate sandwiched me between them as soon as we were through the door. I was tooootally surrounded by massive muscle as Nate made out with me and Lee sucked on my neck. I felt, like, high, with Nate’s big cock grinding into my belly through his jeans while Lee felt up my cute ass.
“You guys kissing would be so hot,” I gasped as Nate pulled off my shirt and Lee took off my shorts.
They both hesitated, I could feel it. “Oh c’mon,” I moaned, “you’re both tooootally hot, and you haven’t touched at allllll.”
Suddenly, Lee picked me up and threw me on a random frat bro’s bed. “I guess your mouth IS gonna be busy,” he said, which was SOOO hot, and then he started slicking up my hole.
Pretty soon, both hunks were balls deep in me. They were SOOOOOO big [doodles of massive, soft cocks cover the margins of this page] and I took ALL of them. Lee filled me up SO good, rubbing my prostate like he was fingering me. And Nate tasted, like, perfect. And the whole time, Nate kept pulling back just far enough that I could watch him and Lee kissing over me.
FUCK, they made me look like a little doll between them! I think once they were in me, all the dominance stuff went away, because they were TOTALLY making out. Nate’s, like, SO noisy, and Lee kept on doing that growl thing like he’d done before, which made me moan around Nate’s cock, which made him even noisier.
I came handsfree right before Lee flooded my ass and Nate filled my mouth with cum.
By the time our clothes were back on, Lee and Nate were back to playing their weird dick measuring game, keeping me between them as we went back to the party. I think Nate left pretty soon, but I danced for a bit longer and made out with a few frat bros. They really ARE super cute now, and they all seemed totally into me. Guess they finally got over being raging fucking homophobes lmao.
Anyway, I got home and crashed as soon as I’d cleaned all the cum and sweat off. Now my hand’s all crampy from writing for so long lol. Oooh, I should go tell Ollie all about it!
[Day Three]
I was, like, SO right.
The last few days have been AWESOME!!!! [jagged star doodles all around the word] I swear there are soooo many hunks on campus all of a sudden! One of my profs this term is a tooootal musclestud.
So I’m taking this class on fashion history, and when I looked it up, this Prof. Romano guy was listed for it. He was cute, one of those cute tweed aesthetic guys. You know, a fag who studies fashion. Like, OMG, that picture must be SO OLD.
I show up for class all ready to sit in the back row, but then I see this MAN standing at the podium. Like, total Italian stallion, with the dark waves and the stubbly jaw. He was, like, BURSTING out of his blazer. I could watch his pec bounce through three layers of fabric.
So obv I run down and sit in the front row. I’m not the first fag to have the idea, there’s already like 3 other twinks down there, but I’m totally the cutest. As the rest of the class comes in and sits down, these two GORGEOUS boys walk in and go up to the prof. They’re totally shredded, and dressed in complementary button-ups. And the muscle-god prof pats each of them on the head! Then they go sit down in some chairs behind the podium, and I can see their boners in their cute slacks.
The prof clears his throat, and it’s this DEEP, RESONANT sound. I got a total eargasm just listening to the rumble. “Good morning, class,” he says. And then his next words are TOTALLY burned into my brain:
[written in shaky block letters across a whole page] “You will call me Alpha Mario.”
And then he says, “I am your professor, and I will see you all for extra credit,” while rubbing himself through his pants, like half the class isn’t ready to have his babies. My cock was ROCK FUCKING HARD in my jeans. [doodle of a leaking penis]
He introduces his TAs as Beta Max and Beta Owen. IDK, maybe it’s a kink thing? He’s clearly their dom or something, they were totally devoted to him all class. I’d happily be Alpha Mario’s Beta if he’s hiring, lmao! [hearts are doodled around “Alpha Mario”]
Anyway, that’s just one ep in the PORN SHOW that is my life these days! Ollie’s room has been, like, a revolving door of cock since we got back, and I usually take two or three loads a day out on campus. This group of straight computer science geeks actually begged to fuck me yesterday, so I was dripping all the way home.
They were surprisingly buff for nerds, too! I should point out to Ollie that we gotta hit the gym if we wanna keep up with all the boys on campus this term. Can you imagine? Us at the gym! [The rest of the page is covered in stickers of the laughing emoji]
[Day Four]
Went to the gym today! Not to workout, but I had this new outfit idea and I thought it might get me noticed if I just hung out in the locker room. OH BOY, was I right!
Last few days all my clothes have been feeling super tight, so I’ve been doing a lot of [scribbled in rainbow marker] SHOPPING. It’s too bad, all my old clothes were suuuuper cute, but I’ve started giving some of my old faves to repeat fuckbuddies. One of the guys who used to push me around for being faggy, this guy called Brendan, has been coming over for the last few nights. I never realised how cute he is before!
Anyway, the first night Brendan came over he throatfucked me, but last night he told me he really wanted to feel my fingers in his hole, so I started fingering him! It was soooo hot that my cock ended up totally hard and before I knew it HE was blowing ME while I rubbed his prostate. He’s been texting me all day, begging to service my cock again. Lol, he just sent a voice message all like, “Please, Ronaldo, I’ll do anything to make you cum again!”
My point is I gave him a pair of my old booty shorts. They fit him perfectly, even though he NEVER had an ass as nice as mine before. He’s been wearing them all day today, just like I told him. It’s so hot, knowing he’s showing off like a fag even though he used to be a straight homophobe.
Fuck, I was writing about MY clothes! I’ve been so distracted by hot beta boys the last few days. I thought it was kinda time to change up my style, plus I looked super hot trying on some more dude-type clothes, so here’s the pic of me I took while I was hanging out at the gym.
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I had guys HANGING OFF OF ME after a few minutes. It was totally hot, they wanted to do anything I said. Before long, I had a bunch of hot guys kissing me all over and all the cocks I could want to suck. Guys kept running out to grab their hot friends to join us, and all these guys were focussed on me.
At one point one of the staff came in, and I could tell it was to tell us to stop. He was a cute guy, really filled out his work polo, you know how gyms always hire swole dudes and curvy gurls to work at the front desk. I just gave him this LOOK from the middle of my pile of dudes, and I could feel his straightness melt away as his cock started leaking in his preppy shorts.
But just as I was about to cum, my cap got ripped off my head and I was dragged out of the pile by Nate, the guy from that frat party. I swear, he got even BIGGER since last time, he held me up by my shoulders like I was a paperweight. He was totally growling at me, too. He said something like, “I hate when they’re half done,” whatever that means, and then he yelled at all the other boys to get back to work.
Once we were along in the locker room, Nate shook me like a doll. “All the ex-het Betas can treat my gym as neutral ground, but it’s MY territory to you and the other half-done Alphas, you got it?” [note: Alpha and Beta are capitalised in the original text, although Ronnie does not seem to have been aware of the Alpha Phenomenon]
I was like “What are you talking about?”
Nate said, “You’ll get it.” Then I started smelling this INCREDIBLE smell. It was like really sharp cedar cologne mixed with fresh sweat. There was something else too, and it made me feel totally out of it.
Next thing I knew, I was on my knees swallowing Nate’s cock again. “Yeah,” he was saying while he fucked my throat, “this’ll speed you up. You’ll probably never submit again after this, so I’m gonna enjoy it.”
I just stayed there, taking him all the way into my throat. I feel like a week ago it would’ve been totally hot, but today it felt different. Nate using me made me MAD [underlined several times]. I felt like I should do something about it, like punch him or steal one of his boys, but the smell coming off of him kept me docile.
Nate came really quietly, which made me madder. My throat is an incredible tool, okay? Any guy should be screaming when I blow him, especially a noisy top like Nate. Then he patted me on the head like I was a little boy and said, “Head home. Drop a load in that guy who lives across from you, he should be progressing well too.” Then he just. Walked away.
I was gonna stay here all night just to spite the asshole, but I’m super horny again and I don’t wanna go back out. Maybe I’ll go see if Ollie’s got any visitors tonight or if he wants me to fill his holes for him.
[Day Five]
[From this point, entries are written in a noticeably heavier hand. Lowercase Es and Os become jagged.] Fuck, last night was fucking awesome. I knocked on Ollie’s door, and he answered in nothing but a thong, showing his bottom growth right through the fabric. His legs have been getting so hairy and thick, he looked super slutty. Plus his room smelled like sex and cum. I’ve been sleeping out, but seems like Ollie’s been taking house calls.
“Ronaldo?” he said, blinking up at me in surprise. I think we used to be a matching pair of little twinks, but guess I’ve had a growth spurt.
I shoved through the door. What was he gonna do, stop me? I was like, “Where’s your lube?” It came out of my mouth so deep, in a crazy manly register. “I wanna finger you.”
Ollie fuckin’ moaned when I said that, and stumbled over to his night table to grab it. He keeps his lube right out in the open, proud of how much cock he takes. I was already dropping my jeans, my cock was getting super hard and I hate feeling it strain. It deserves to be seen anyway.
Once I grabbed Ollie’s lube, he stood against the wall and presented his ass for me. Fuck, just remembering the look of all that hair on his fat ass is making me leak again. Okay I jerked a bit, should be able to write. [there is a stain on the page here]
Ollie’s hole was still loose from his last dick appointment, so I pushed three fingers in nice and easy. Ollie was moaning, all, “When did your fingers get so thick,” and “What’s happening to us, Ronaldo?” so I roughed up his G-spot a bit until he wasn’t being so articulate anymore.
“What’s happening to us is we’re gonna rule this school,” I hissed at him. I’d realised that it wasn’t gonna be enough to finger him and make him blow me. I needed to shoot inside his ass right fucking now. “Fags are in fucking charge here now.”
Fuck, wait, I need to text Brendan and get him over here. I need him milking my cock so I can focus on writing.
[There are several crude doodles of dicks, asses, and cum splatters in various marker colours before the entry continues on the facing page]
So anyway I slammed Ollie against the wall and shoved my cock into him. My cock’s so much fucking bigger now, too. Like it’s really filling up Brendan’s mouth while he sucks on me. I had enough cock to really saw at Ollie's asshole, and I felt him cum handsfree onto the wall.
“That’s it,” I growled in his ear as I had to hold him up. “This is what you’ve wanted ever since we became neighbours, right? Ollie wanted to get Ronnie’s big alpha dick in his hole.” It felt good to call myself a
[in massive letters on its own line] ALPHA
Ollie didn’t really say words at that point, just lots of “Yes” and “More.” I could hear his voice getting deeper with every thrust, too.
By the time I was getting close, Ollie’s room reeked like ME. It wasn’t a bad smell, but I knew any boy who came in here would be able to tell that all this musk and spice wasn’t just Ollie. It would take weeks for this to be really Ollie’s territory again now that I had marked it. “Fuck, show me that man pussy,” I ordered him, and threw him down in his bed.
Switching holes felt like the most natural thing in the world. I’m fucking built for topping, I can’t believe I thought I hated it. I fucked Ollie through a couple more orgasms and then let myself fill up his man pussy with what felt like 3 loads.
I fell asleep still inside him.
FUCK. I just came in Brendan’s mouth, and it felt totally different. Like, I marked Ollie’s room, but I didn’t mark HIM. His holes are open for anyone to fill. He can own other boys for all I care. But Brendan? Brendan’s fucking MINE. He’s mine he’s mine he’s mine. MY Brendan. [scribbled hastily] I need his hole NOW.
[written later]
I took a pic of Ollie before I started fingering him. I bet he looks totally different now, like me. Gotta go, MY Brendan’s gonna show me how to do a gym session.
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To Be Continued...
305 notes · View notes
shybunnie20 · 11 months
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Eddie Munson x Alt!Fem!Reader
★Teaser ★My Masterlist
Summary: Eddie seeks Steve's assistance in wooing you, but it doesn’t go the way he planned.
Author's Note: This was so fun to write! I don’t think it turned out particularly angsty tbh. There's a little bit of Halloween in it, 'tis the season.
Proofread to an extent. 90s AU with no Upside Down. No use of Y/N. Reader is vaguely depicted: wears black, has tattoos and piercings (no amount or locations indicated for either), enjoys spooky movies, and likes metal music. Happy ending!
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: brief mention of alcohol consumption, includes more swearing than usual
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The sun hangs low, blowing kisses of dusk through the streaky panes of Family Video. Inside the store, the sporadic popping of kernels sets the tone for the evening shift.
When it comes to this job, unboxing shipments of snacks is the one task that manages to hold Eddie’s fleeting attention, simply because it gives him an excuse to wield a box cutter. Alas, today is not one where a shipment has been delivered. He’s more or less getting paid to hang out and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Leaning beside the register, Eddie lazily flips through a dated issue of Rolling Stone magazine. He’s not even reading the articles, just skimming the pictures.
In the documentary section, Steve is busy restocking the shelves. “I heard Keith’s giving out a plaque for 'Least Productive Employee' this year. If ya ask me, I think you’ve got Robin beat.”
“That’s debatable,” Eddie licks the pad of his finger and flips the page. “You’ve got it handled, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but there’s plenty of stuff that needs to get done before we get slammed tonight.”
“I’m doing my part,” Eddie raises his head and a smirk slowly overtakes his bored expression. “Someone’s gotta keep the front counter company. It gets lonely.”
“Aw, how touching. Of all things, you’ve found true love with a piece of furniture,” Steve scoops up the bucket of go-backs and sidesteps to the neighboring genre. “That’s gotta be the closest thing you’ve ever had to a relationship.”
Burn, but an accurate one. Eddie isn’t a Casanova but there’s nothing wrong with that, not at all. He’s got his hobbies and friends, what point is there in trying to convince the town that he’s up for a little romance? Besides, the absence of encounters means that flirting isn’t in his wheelhouse.
Eddie looks down at the face of his Casio, reading that it’s nearing seven o’clock. “Hey, do we still have a copy of Beetlejuice around?”
“I doubt it. All of the spooky shit has been going like hotcakes since Halloween is right around the corner.”
As customers trickle through the door, Eddie shifts to the computer system and types hurriedly on the keyboard. “Fuck, it’s gotta be here,” He abandons the register and searches the store.
Steve opens a case and snaps it closed, entirely oblivious to the commotion until Eddie whizzes by in his peripheral vision. “Okay, this is a whole new level of obnoxious,” Steve huffs. “Why are you so hell-bent on finding that specific movie?”
“Because she’s probably gonna wanna rent it, and if we don’t have it…” Eddie trails off as he flies by on the other side of the store.
“Cool your jets, turbo,” Steve notices that more people are coming into the store so he waves Eddie over. The last thing they need is a lawsuit because an old lady got plowed down. “Seriously, what gives?”
Wheezing at the end of the aisle, Eddie hunches over and bows his head. He grips his knees for dear life while he tries to catch his breath. “There’s this girl.”
Steve’s feathered brows mirror the nosey tone of his voice. “Who is it? Do I know her?”
“I doubt it,” Eddie coughs. “But she stops in every Friday night.”
“News flash, butthead. It’s the busiest day of the week, that’s not exactly narrowing it down,” Steve feels a creeping presence over his shoulder. Speaking of old ladies; he peeks, just to find an elderly woman encroaching on his personal space to view the titles that he’s blocking. “Sorry,” he says halfheartedly before directing his coworker toward the register with a toss of his head. “Is it Tara P.?”
“Nope,” Eddie follows and plops on the stool furthest from the computer. “She wears a lot of black, has tattoos, piercings-”
Steve shakes his index finger. “Okay, yeah, I know who you’re talking about now. She’s always dressed for a funeral,” He snorts.
“I know, isn’t it hot?” Eddie sighs dreamily while he tugs at his green coil key ring, stretching it as far as it’ll go.
“I mean, if you’re into that kinda thing,” Steve shudders dramatically. “Gives me the heebie-jeebies.”
“I’m definitely into that,” Eddie gnaws on the soft pink flesh of his lips as he pauses. “There’s this aura around her, y’know? Not just her looks either, it’s her energy too.”
“Dark and brooding, huh? That’s what gets ya going?” Steve switches to his customer service voice as he checks out the elderly woman with minimal back and forth.
“Yeah, whenever she’s around my hands get all sweaty,” Eddie looks down at his large palms that are growing slick from discussing you. “She hangs out at the bar where I play. God, just seeing her makes my heart sing.”
He loses himself in thinking about seeing you at Wraith. You’re the only one that he strives to impress but he has yet to. You dance to other bands but not Eddie’s. Sometimes you nod your head to the beat, though it’s never enough for you to acknowledge his existence.
“Pass me a barf bag,” Steve gags. “Makes your heart sing?”
“Whatever, dude. It’s not like you’re gettin’ any action with your Harrington charm.”
“Excuse you,” Steve looks at Eddie pointedly. “I almost got that girl’s number on Monday, thank you very much. She was totally digging me.”
“Was she, though? ‘Cause she left without giving you her digits,” Eddie chuckles mockingly and tilts his head. “How many more times do you have to strike out before you finally throw in the towel?”
“That’s rich coming from the guy who canoodles furniture,” Steve scoffs. “Don’t come for my manhood. At least I have the balls to make a move.”
“So many moves, and yet, so few takers!” Eddie throws his head back and laughs boisterously.
“Put a sock in it,” Steve groans.
Speak of the devil. Eddie spots you walking into the store, just as you always do at this time. “Oh god,” He gulps and his joints lock, freezing time and space simultaneously. His mouth is slightly agape as the world comes to a standstill. His vision narrows to a tunnel, rendering him deaf and mute.
Steve snaps his fingers in front of Eddie’s face. “Jesus, man. Try to act somewhat normal,” he rolls his eyes. “If you even know how.”
Eddie does not know how especially not after being literally snapped out of his trance. His palms are clammy, his breathing is rigid, and he’s dizzy as all hell. “Look at her,” He whispers. Christ, you look so fucking pretty today.
“Are you trying to catch flies, dude?”
“No,” Eddie scowls, promptly tightening his lax jaw. “Fuck off.”
Steve takes notice of your figure moving down the aisle and turning in their direction. “Duun dun,” he begins to imitate the Jaws shark theme. “Duuun dun,” As you approach from the other end of the store, Steve gets progressively louder. “Dun dun dun dun dun-”
“Quit!” Eddie barks through gritted teeth and kicks Steve’s calf. “Don’t be an ass.”
“Ow, that was uncalled for,” Steve bends over to rub his leg in an attempt to soothe the ache. 
“Jesus Christ! She’s coming over here,” Eddie paces in the cramped area, nearly colliding with Steve when he pivots. “What the fuck do I do? I don’t know how to be Mr. Cool Guy.”
With your chosen film in hand, you are in fact approaching the register. Steve’s voice becomes discernible as you get nearer. “...if you keep acting like such a wuss. Grow a pair and just-”
“Shut up! Shut it,” Eddie makes it appear as though he’s doing something productive to the snack display, but he’s really just shifting the packets of Skittles around.
“Just this,” you confirm by setting down the tape and digging into your purse. The atmosphere feels tense, to say the least. You’ve clearly interrupted something. It’s plain to see on the other employee’s tomato-red face.
Steve offers a straight-lipped smile and scans your membership card. “Find everything alright?”
You hum in response. While he carries on with the transaction, you notice how peculiarly still the other guy is. “Hello,” you greet him softly, hoping to ease the atmosphere.
Eddie’s hands come to a halt and he looks up at you with wide eyes. “Heh,” He meant to say “hey” but only the first letter made it out alive. As you pay for your purchase, his mouth is still moving and he doesn’t know why. “That’s a good one,” he gestures to the movie.
You startle inwardly, not having anticipated an actual conversation to start. He seems nice enough. “You’re a fan of scary movies too, I take it?”
Eddie nods timidly. He flexes his fingers to combat the overwhelming numbness that’s plaguing his hands. His heart is beating so goddamn hard that it’s on the verge of bursting through his chest and landing wetly at his feet. “Yeah, I like them. They’re good. Really good.”
“Agreed,” While you tuck your wallet away, a polite smile rests on your face. “I was actually in the mood for Beetlejuice but it doesn’t look like you have it,” Your smile falls ever so slightly.
The sight causes Eddie’s pounding heart to twist and plummet to his ass. He’d give you every copy on the planet if he could.
Steve listens in over the sound of your receipt printing. His brows arch in genuine surprise that Eddie knew you’d want that movie tonight. Creepy, but impressive nonetheless. “Sorry about that,” Steve tears the paper from the machine and hands it to you. “Maybe next time.”
“Maybe,” you nod, accept the receipt, and pick up the tape. “Have a good night,” you say to both of them and head out.
Once you’re through the doors, Eddie clutches Steve’s forearm to ground himself in reality.
“Ugh!” Steve yanks his arm away to escape the muggy grasp. “That’s gnarly, man.” 
“Do you believe me now?” Eddie wipes his sopping palms on his jeans.
“Oh, I believe you, especially after witnessing that. I’m pretty sure Henderson has more game than you.”
Eddie returns to the stool with a plop. “Just kill me already,” he rubs his face, sighing. “Put me out of my fucking misery.”
“Don't threaten me with a good time,” Steve laughs to himself. “Anyway, back to Little Miss Dead Inside. What’ve you tried?”
“Nothing,” Eddie drops his hands and slouches in defeat. “I don’t think she even knows my name.”
“You gotta give her a reason to,” Steve continues conversing from over his shoulder while he checks out another customer. “What about notes? Y’know, old-fashioned love notes.”
Eddie scrunches his nose. “I dunno about that.”
“It’s right up your alley, Shakespeare. Besides, the ladies love melodramatic shit like that.”
Eddie suddenly perks up. “Wait, I could be totally anonymous! She could figure it out on her own. That way she comes to me and I don’t even have to approach her.” 
“That’s not what I said at all.”
“This could totally work,” Eddie motions to Steve’s head. “Who woulda thought there’s a few marbles rollin’ around in there.”
“Ha-ha,” Steve continues to slowly but surely shorten the line. “Don’t think I’m helping you.”
“The hell you aren’t,” Eddie hops up on the counter beside the register. He swings his legs with newfound optimism and tears open a package of red vines. “You’re obligated to help since it’s your idea.”
“I absolutely am not, and I have no interest in being inadvertently bitten by some vampire chick. Leave me out of it.”
“C’mon, I’ll owe you big time,” Eddie begs with his mouth full of waxy candy.
“You have to clean the restroom for two weeks,” Steve declares with a smirk.
“No fucking shot,” Eddie points with a half-bitten licorice rope. “Pick something else.”
“Do you want help or not?”
Eddie did indeed want help, so he agreed to the bullshit terms and conditions. He can scrub a toilet, no problemo. Honestly, he’d polish a hundred of them with a toothbrush if that meant you’d step into his life. You’re worth cleaning toilets for.
After closing up shop for the night, Eddie sits at his desk in his bedroom until the early hours. He writes draft after draft, struggling to find words that are forward and inviting without coming on too strong right off the bat.
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Upon your arrival the following week, Eddie is shaking like a leaf. He listens to your interaction with Steve while being partially concealed behind a tall cardboard cut-out. Despite not being able to see you, he can see your lips forming the words in his mind. Your voice alone is making him weak in the knees. Eddie’s certain that if you don’t hightail it out of here soon, they’ll buckle and his cover will be blown.
Once he’s certain you’ve left, Eddie releases the breath he’s been holding since you walked in. “How’d it go? She didn’t see you put the note in there, right?”
“Why are you even asking? You eavesdropped the whole time. Yeah, it went fine, she didn’t notice.” Steve grumbles.
“Okay, cool,” Eddie chews on his thumbnail. “Shit, what if she thinks it’s creepy? What if she thinks it’s the lamest thing ever? Fuck, what if-”
“Dude,” Steve closes his eyes and holds his hands out. “You’ve gotta stop.”
In the comfort of your home, you plop down in front of the VCR and open the case that holds the reels of this evening’s entertainment; a movie you’ve rented a few times before, but not enough that you could quote it. Instead of a hard plastic shell, your fingertips find wrinkled notebook paper. Your brows furrow as you inspect it, shredded pieces dangling from where it was yanked from the spiral binding.
You unfold it three times. 
In the aisles of the video store, I've found a treasure unsurpassed. Not on the shelves, but in your eyes, I fell so fast.
It’s a prank, whatever the fuck this is. 
Never in your life have you ever thought about Steve, like, at all. You’re aware of his reputation, that he apparently has the tendency to be douchey and arrogant. But the more you think about it, he’s nothing like that when you interact at Family Video. Maybe he’s not that judgmental and he sees past your midnight exterior. This note is stupidly genuine and endearing. Who would’ve thought he had it in him? Certainly not you.
That’s the thing, though. Steve isn’t your type and you’re certainly not his. But you can’t recall a time when he’s ever looked at you like you’re some kind of freak. Most guys do, that’s something you’ve grown used to over the years and learned to ignore. This poem basks him in a new light, and you’re not quite sure how to process it.
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Like clockwork, you’re back again but this time your chest is thrumming. The note could’ve been a fluke or maybe it was meant for someone else, you’re not entirely sure. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to be the intended recipient. Right now, it would be ideal to appear composed but you’re already wearing an unusual expression—a pleasant one—while you make your way to the drama section.
Tonight, it’s Robin and Eddie holding down the fort. As your combat boots scuff across the forest-colored carpet, Eddie can feel your arrival in his bones. He’s immediately seeking you out and when he locates you, he just about faints. Admiring from afar while manning the register, his mind races. Kissing is what’s on the curiosity menu tonight. Eddie wonders what flavor of toothpaste you prefer. If he could just get a little taste…
You meander your way around the shelving and through the dotting of customers. Eddie snaps his head in the opposite direction to avoid being caught staring. The sudden motion causes a pinch in his neck and he winces.
Lost in his own little world for a minute or two, Eddie’s attention is violently brought forward when you place a tape down in front of him. He buffers, noticing how you look subtly disappointed all of a sudden. He can’t imagine why, but he hates it with every cell in his body. Eddie fails to greet you and instead, he stares at your wine-painted fingernails as they tap the surface of the case.
“Is he not here?” You glance around with a lack of determination.
“Steve? Er, no. He called in sick,” He clears his throat harshly, all of the moisture drying up in his mouth by the millisecond.
“Oh, okay,” Over your other shoulder, you admire the new promotional display that was put out during the week.
Eddie seizes the opportunity to slip the second note into the case. His hands viscously tremble despite his best efforts to steady them. “Not to worry though, I can check you out way better than that walking hairdo,” Stop while you’re ahead, man. “Ring you up, I mean. I can ring you up better… than him.” Jesus fucking Christ.
“You’ve got quite the mane yourself,” A smile blooms as you look into the chocolate pools he has for irises. “I like your curls,” You can’t help but softly giggle at how bug-eyed he goes at your compliment.
“Uh, thanks,” Eddie bites back the cheek-splitter of a smile threatening to form. His trembling hands tingle unbearably from being able to make you laugh, despite not knowing what he did to earn it. He grabs a packet of M&Ms from the rack and slides it across the counter to you. “Here, free of charge.”
Your tightly sewn brow is accompanied by a slight pout. “You don’t have to do that.”
“Nonsense,” Eddie insists. “Everything’s on the house.”
“Is this some loyalty reward thing you guys do now?”
“Right on the money,” Eddie winks.
“Sweet,” you chirp. It’s as though your spirit has been replenished by saving a few bucks. “Do I get one of those little punch cards? I love those things.”
With the way your eyes are shimmering over a stupid piece of paper; Eddie would build you a house made of punch cards if that’s what you wanted. “Yeah,” he searches aimlessly. “But, uh, we haven’t gotten them yet.”
Your gaze finds his name tag and then returns to his flushed face. The corner of your mouth quirks as you notice the faint freckles dotted across his cheeks and nose. “Okay, well, thank you, Eddie.”
“No need to thank me, I should be thanking you! You’re a valued customer,” he exclaims. “My favorite of them all!”
“If you say so,” you exhale with amusement and turn to leave. “See you around.”
Eddie holds his palm open as a farewell gesture until you’re out of sight. He then brings his hand directly to his forehead in a ruthless smack. “You’re my favorite customer,” He mocks himself in a nasally voice.
With the press of a button, the register drawer launches open with a thunk. He nonchalantly retrieves his wallet, plucks out a five-dollar bill, and tucks it under the stainless steel clip to pay for your “free” movie and candy. Eddie finds Robin staring at him with a knowing look on her face. “Not a fucking word, Buckley. Not a word,” he glares, to which she throws her hands up in defense.
You couldn’t possibly wait until you got home to see if there would be another note. As you hop into the driver's seat of your car in the parking lot, you find an identical piece of folded paper. Your heart pitter-patters with the assumption that Eddie is in on it and he did Steve the favor of delivering this one for him.
With your illuminating smile, Baby Ghoul, you're the moonlight in my darkest night.
This note takes you by surprise for a different reason. It feels far more personal to be bestowed with the cutest goddamn nickname you’ve ever been given; ghouls are so metal. You obsessively reread it through the duration of your movie, while you brush your teeth, and as you lay in bed. You’re swooning over each messily penned letter, memorizing the spots where the ink drags and smudges.
It’s a bit difficult to imagine Steve saying this to you, but your insides are lurching at the thought. You hold the note to your chest and squeal.
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The following visits are heavenly. Eddie loves seeing you bounce around on the balls of your feet like you’re on cloud nine. It’s becoming damn near impossible to fight the urge to smile because he knows that you’re looking forward to his imminent written affection.
Note after note, confidence simmers in his belly from seeing how the expression of his feelings is affecting you. To know that he’s the reason you’re glowing like this is turning his brain to pudding. Not tapioca, though. Ew.
With wide puppy dog eyes and a glossy lower lip, you present your past-due rental to Steve. He sucks his teeth, crosses his arms, and scolds you playfully. You successfully get out of paying the fee by simply batting your lashes at him.
Steve is eating this shit up. While you might not be his flavor of choice, he’s suddenly feeling open to sampling the femme fatale vibe. You’re beautiful, he wouldn’t waste his breath denying that. Not to mention, you’ve got a great sense of humor, considering you’re laughing at his awful jokes. That’s something he will admit—they’re bad.
Eddie doesn’t have to hear the conversation to know what’s unfolding. He feels like he’s gonna hurl when Steve leans down to shorten the distance between the two of you. He's supposed to be the middleman, not stealing Eddie’s thunder. In hindsight, there haven’t been any hints at his identity and Eddie’s been too chicken shit to give them to you except for the other day when he had no choice.
To put it simply, he’s torn. Eddie wants to scream that he’s your admirer, that he’s the one who dreams of you, but he can’t bring himself to do it. He can’t possibly reveal that it isn’t dashing Harrington who’s pining for you, but instead, it’s the dork. That would be a world-crushing level of disappointment.
This deal turned out to be a massive ego boost for Steve. The conversation is easygoing and it quickly progresses past small talk. The best part is that you haven’t even mentioned the notes. You think he’s some poet when in reality, he doesn’t even have a clue of what they say. You’re smitten without him having to bend over backward to impress you. He’d be nuts not to take advantage of it.
During closing time, Eddie stomps around while collecting the flimsy trash bags full of receipts and candy wrappers. For the past hour, he’s been pondering ways to “take care” of Steve. Sadly, it would be tricky to avoid raising suspicion if he suddenly disappeared, but hey, a guy can dream.
After dishing the silent treatment all night, Eddie finally speaks up. “You think you’re pretty clever, huh?”
“What?” Steve briefly looks up from counting the cash drawer.
“Cut the crap. You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Eddie drags a clunky vacuum out of the cramped utility closet and unwraps the lengthy cord.
“It’s not that serious. Look, it’s not my fault that she’s into me.”
“Is all that hairspray finally soaking into your brain? She’s not into you,” Eddie growls, throwing the canary-colored cord to the carpet. “She likes the person who’s writing to her. Last I checked, that’s me.”
“Yeah, but she thinks it’s me,” Steve shrugs. “She’s happy, I’m happy. I don’t see a problem here.”
“The problem is that you know how I feel about her,” Eddie retorts while staring daggers. “The shit you’re pulling is really fucking unfair.”
“Life’s not fair, buddy. It’s not like you’re gonna do anything about it.”
“We’ll see about that,” Eddie mutters, clenching his jaw as he turns around to plug in the vacuum.
“Will we?” Steve snickers. “I don’t think I’ll live to see the day.”
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It’s Saturday night and Eddie’s praying to every conceivable higher power that you’ll be here. You don’t come to Wraith every weekend, but when you do show, he’s nothing short of a nervous wreck.
He peeks out from behind the velvety black curtain of the concrete stage. Eddie’s heart stops when he finds you in your usual booth. You look hot, so so hot. It’s already hard enough to perform in front of you but when you look like this? Oh, brother.
Every year, you look forward to coming here on Halloween. Your friends have gone all out with their costumes and the hours you spent getting ready were well worth it. The typical dark and dingy ambiance is heightened by the plastic skulls and bones strung from the ceiling. Your drinks emit wisps of dry ice fog and each table has a bowl of candy.
Seated at the end of the booth, your eyes drift from your drink to the floor. There you find a pair of dirty white Reeboks. Your gaze travels up the lanky figure shrouded in navy coveralls.
Eddie twists his ring around the base of his finger and the glide is effortless, thanks to the premature perspiration. “Hey.”
“Uh, hi,” your expression reflects a mix of hesitance and confusion, though you maintain a kind demeanor. “Eddie, right?”
“Yeah,” She remembered my name. Eddie motions to your getup. “I like your costume. Elvira, right?”
While you may not be sporting a ceiling-high black wig, your costume is unmistakable. “Right on the money,” you flash a pert grin, quoting him from the other day. “And you’re a…”
“Supposed to be Michael Meyers,” he clarifies, pulling a plastic knife from his oversized back pocket. “The mask was too hot to wear so, I guess I’m a killer repairman?” Max’s borrowed mask was indeed suffocating.
“Or a plumber who secretly dreams of being a professional chef,” you shrug, your irises glistening with humor.
Okay, so far so good. Talking to himself in the mirror for an hour is really paying off because he’s not a bumbling idiot for once. He could be imagining things, but it looks like you’re leaning closer. Maybe you’re just trying to hear him better over the music. He shouldn’t be overanalyzing your body language but it's the only thing keeping him vertical.
Eddie wants to prove Steve wrong but most of all, he wants to tell you how incredible you are. He’s not sure that you’ll want to talk to him after this. You might be hurt when you realize that you’ve been misled and he’s not the one you want. There’s only one way to find out.
The sound of his band getting set up beckons him. “Show time,” Eddie shakes jazz hands with the toy knife still in his grip. Of course, he just had to make it weird.
While he’s playing through the usual set with Corroded Coffin, you don’t pay them any mind, per usual. Their final song is a new one. Eddie may lack the confidence to confess, but he’s gonna sing this with all of the moxy he’s got.
In this world of shadows, what else is there to do
Wanna explore life’s cemetery with you
Your haunting beauty tells no lie
The one thing I cannot defy
The familiarity of the lyrics floods your head. You look up and find his dark, gleaming eyes locked onto you. Your heart leaps in your throat as he repeats the verses. Eddie leaves no room for uncertainty, confirming that the lyrics are pulled from the notes you’ve received. The tone of his voice is raw and passionate as he sends his affection across the room.
As soon as he steps off stage, you’re on a mission to find him. He feels a tap on his shoulder and turns to find you beaming at him. Eddie finally allows himself to do the same, all the while blushing with exhaustion and anticipation.
“Hey, again,” you stare down at your shoes and scuff them against the floor. “You sounded great up there.”
“Yeah?” he swallows hard. “You liked it?”
Your eyes snap back up to his. “All of it, every single word.”
“I’ve got like half a notebook’s worth of stuff like that,” Eddie chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. “Is that weird?”
“Far from it,” you tilt your head toward the bar. “I’d love to hear what else you’ve got to say.”
Eddie hovers his hand over the small of your back to guide you through the crowd. “I’ll sweet talk you until the sun comes up, Baby Ghoul. Anything for you.”
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Reblogs are greatly encouraged and appreciated! ♡
Consider reading From Bar to Billboard, I worked really fucking hard on it 🖤
★My Masterlist
★Tip Jar
266 notes · View notes
mydisenchantedeulogy · 9 months
Dying Light [Chapter One] Choking [Bi-Han/Sub-Zero]
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A/n: this first chapter took a bit longer than intended. I'd like to thank those who voted, regarding the reader's magic. Thank you so much. Also, I added some aspects from previous games to fill out the plot for the first half a little. Please enjoy.
Tag List: @genesiswrld
Warning(s): arranged marriage au, female reader, cliches, fighting, blood, magic, and family drama.
No Minors Allowed!!
In your youth, new to the ways of the world, you were told about your inescapable fate; that when your clan began its new era, you alone would be the key to its tomorrow. 
The clan was dying off, a has-been of the past. It could not survive another century of change in a world that had no use for it or its teachings. There was no way to preserve them. To keep its lineage from fading into history, your family had no choice but to unite with another clan. 
This was where you would come in.  
When the time was right, you would be wedded to a clan head, and your clan, its strongest and most capable fighters, would merge with them, starting anew. However, this foretold life did not sit well with you. It was not fair. 
For years, you trained with a Grandmaster of martial arts, and then with your father’s consent you were given the Amulet of Damashi, an ancient heirloom passed down through your clan; one capable of substantial magic, enough so that you hoped to call off the merger. Yet, your longings and sacrifices were not enough.   
Your fate was set in stone. But still, you did all you could to draw attention to your clan, and for another year, all was well. 
Until one autumn afternoon. 
Sitting on a balcony at the far end of the main house, you occupy your time with a humorously erotic book brought from the city; it is cliche but you can not seem to put it down. 
As you are lost in the plot, a retainer wearing the clan’s insignia suddenly approaches you from the doorway and bows in respect. 
“Forgive my intrusion, honorable–”
You raise your hand and interrupt him; his immediate silence makes you hum in thanks. Whatever he has to say does not interest you, but you know that he is simply doing as someone ordered him to. Even so, you dislike being called away from your alone time. You continue to read in silence until you reach the end of the page, then you avert your eyes to him.
“It's unsettling when stories are left on cliffhangers,” you state. Resting the book in your lap, you motion for him to continue.  
The man bows again. 
“The Master sent me to retrieve you.”
You hum. 
“What reason does he need me for?”
If it is not urgent then he can wait until you have had your lesson with your master for the day. 
The retainer rests his arms at his sides and leans up.  
“To greet the honored guest who is waiting within the front courtyard. He came from Arctika to see you.” 
Honored guest. From the tundra region. 
Your eyes widen in realization. It can not be. 
Father brought him here.  
With a frustrated groan, you stand and rush past the retainer and through the main house to the inner courtyard.
I should have known. 
The servants had cleaned and prepared the main house the night before but you ignored the action, thinking your mother was just being choosy again. You had no idea that your parents were keeping secrets from you.
You manage to squeeze through the throng of clansmen in the inner courtyard until you are at the front, and then you rush to stand beside your father, giving him a heated look.   
“It is nice of you to join us,” he says with a serious tone. Taking the book from your hand, he grimaces at the title and hands it to your mother, who is beside him. 
“You gave me no other option,” you retort. 
Your mother sighs. 
“Had we, you would have found a way to vanish before your fiance arrived. It was the lesser of two evils, dear. Understand this.” 
You do, but it does not make it right.
I've never even seen him before.
“Send him away,” you implore. “We do not need to–”
“Your opinion is unneeded,” your father sneers. He gives you a look that warns you to keep your mouth shut.
An air of gloom and disappointment surrounds you. After what you have done, he and your mother do not seem to appreciate it. You take an uneasy breath and clutch the white and gold amulet attached to your side. Did achieving this mean nothing? 
It certainly feels so. Even after making an effort to master it, they pushed this merge in secret. 
Who is he? Your parents certainly trust in him. You want to know. 
Under your father’s orders, the guards open the doors to the southeastern entrance, and inside walks a group of what appears to you to be assassins dressed in similar attire, sporting a color scheme of blue and black. Some of them wear hoods over their heads, while all of them have their mouths covered, as well as the man in the lead.  
He must be their clan head.  
My fiance.
He is certainly handsome, with defined well-built curves and muscles that strain against the thin fabric of his twilight blue tabard. Even so, there is an air of bitterness that surrounds him as he measures your clan.
You share his sentiments. 
Watching your father bow, you quickly do the same. 
“It is an honor to have you grace us with your presence, Bi-Han of the Lin Kuei,” your father states. 
Bi-Han follows suit.
“It was the former Grandmaster - my father - who had hoped to see this merge.” He pauses to stand. “If your clan is as strong as promised, then I too share his sentiments.”
His tone is deep and high-handed, not promising in your opinion. While a part of you is thankful to him for taking in the clan, the other part is irritated that this is a recruitment visit. 
I am merely the weight that comes with the contract, nothing more.
“I too have been eager for this day. It is a shame, however, that your father passed on before his time. He was a respected man.”
Bi-Han knits his brows. 
“The Lin Kuei are in capable hands.”
No one said otherwise. 
You sigh in dread. 
“Yes…well, allow me to introduce my family,” Your father awkwardly states. He motions to your mother first, then to you. “My wife and my daughter, your bride-to-be.” 
You visibly frown. Must he refer to you as such? Like it is a title. So not to enrage or embarrass him, you smile at the stranger, then give him your name. 
“It is…an honor to meet you.”
Bi-Han remains silent. He looks you over and then turns his attention back to your father. 
“The terms of the marital contract come after.”
Your father hums in agreement. 
“Of course. A demonstration of might is of high priority. But should we not wait for your brothers? I was informed that they would be journeying with you.”  
“Their presence here is nonessential,” Bi-Han states.
You wonder why. If they are anything like him, you are thankful for their absence. 
Hearing your father order the servants to prepare the blocks for the test, you along with your mother stand back as your father gathers the six best fighters and has them line up in the center of the courtyard. 
In the meantime, Bi-Han stands at a distance in front of them with the Lin Kuei on his right. 
Once the six are ready, standing over seventeen 1-inch thick reinforced concrete pavers, your father joins Bi-Han and gives the word for them to begin. One by one, the fighters strike the blocks dead center, breaking them with ease.
You grin with pride. Yes, they can break more, but there is no need to push them, so long as Bi-Han is baited. In the end, it will be his guidance that shapes them to their full potential. 
With his mask on, it is frankly hard to tell. You lean just a bit to see his expression but you can not. He does however cross his arms and hum. 
“Are they competent fighters?”
Your father laughs. Of course, they are. He calls on a man with deep-set eyes - a good choice. The fighter steps forward and bows.  
“This is one of our strongest. If you wish to test–”
“Let us not be hasty, leader,” a familiar raspy voice interrupts.
Your master, an elderly woman with sunken features, saunters out from the throng and approaches your father.
“Excuse my interruption, but your daughter is a competent fighter. Should she not be tested instead?”
You frown. What is she doing? Proving yourself is no issue, but must you do it for your fiance? It is the fighters he came to test. Though you suppose you are not against showing off your techniques.
“If it’s what you wish, Father, I will fight,” you state in confidence. 
“Is this acceptable, Bi-Han?” Your father asks.
The man in question knits his brows in thought and then nods. He snaps his fingers and a member of the Lin Kuei without a hood steps forward and bows. 
“Do not pull your punches,” Bi-Han orders. His keen brown eyes turn to you, as though he wants to measure your expression. 
You remain stoic. If he is eager to see your strength, then that is fine. With confidence, you saunter to the center of the courtyard. Soon, the young man chosen to be your challenger joins you, striking a fighting pose. You do the same. 
A deathly silence consumes the stage.
You are not certain who calls the fight, but the moment it begins, the assassin rushes at you, attempting to strike you with a series of fast kicks. You step back, avoiding them, and manage to catch his leg against your side. Using his momentum to pivot him the opposite way, you strike him in the back with a front kick.  
The assassin staggers forward but catches himself. When he faces your direction, you can see the aggravation in his eyes. He rushes at you with a shout, throwing punch after punch. You can hardly match his speed, blocking what you can with your arms and hands. But then his stance changes and with a hard-hitting mountain punch simultaneously to the chest and face, you stagger back. 
For fuck’s sake.
An intense pain lights you up, but you push through it and rush at him. You do not want to continue this spar; you want to end it quickly before he puts you on your ass. Springing off your foot, you pull off a flying scissor kick, wrapping your legs around his head. Using your momentum against him, you toss the assassin off his feet and onto his back. Then with a shout of irritation, you raise your leg straight into the air and slam your heel into his face, breaking his nose with a wet crunch. You quickly roll back onto your feet and step away from him.
The Lin Kuei are no joke. 
You had hoped that he would not stand, but he does. The thin cloth over his face stains red as he bleeds profusely. All this seems to do is annoy him further. He comes at you a third time in anger, aiming at you with a straight punch. His mistake. You dodge it with ease and grab his wrist, yanking him forward and off balance. Turning in quickly, you elbow him in the stomach, then toss him over your back and onto the ground with a sharp smack. 
Your slip-up, however, is assuming that he is ready to submit. As you advance, the assassin flips back onto his feet and punches you in the face.
Instantly you taste blood in your teeth. Running your tongue on the inside of your lip, you wince in pain. He busted it. 
Your blood boils. 
Pointing your hand behind the assassin, you draw a circle with your finger, and then a swirling black portal materializes. One of the techniques of the amulet is portal creation via space and time magic. You do not want to use it in such a spar, but it is necessary.
Connecting it to one at your feet, you leap into the portal and appear behind the assassin, catching him off guard. He turns, but you pivot and roundhouse-kick him in the face. Your foot connects with his chin and he goes down like a rock, motionless. 
You do not even realize it is over until you hear a round of applause. You win. Stepping over the body, you bow, peeking up at Bi-Han. He seems almost surprised.
“I was not aware that she was capable of magic,” he states, turning his wide eyes to the man beside him. 
You raise a bow. They did not tell him. 
Your father hums. 
“Let us discuss it over some tea.”
He spares no words of gratitude and motions for Bi-Han to follow him. While hesitant, the high-handed man gives you one last look before he follows your father into the main house.
You sigh and saunter toward your mother, who appears elated. 
“Incredible work. I believe that you have impressed him.” 
“I should hope so,” you state with a snap, a bit annoyed that you were kicked around like a ball by his fighter. 
All it took was a few bruises and a busted lip. 
Your mother sighs and offers you back the book she took.
“Tame your anger. Go and rest. Tomorrow is a new day.” 
You give her a look of irritation before you saunter to the main house. Your master looks on at you with pride as you pass, but you are in too much of a foul mood to share your appreciation with her. The fight took too long, in your opinion. 
At least you are at last excused from this fiasco. A part of you, however, is curious about what Bi-Han has to say about you now.
It stays on your mind well into the night.
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its-in-the-woods · 21 days
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 22
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here, six here, seven here, eight here,nine here, ten here, eleven here , twelve here , thirthen here, fourteen here, Fifteen Here Sixteen here, Seventeen here, Eighteen here, Nineteen here, Twenty here , Twenty-One here,
master list
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out. This one is pretty tame, some angst, some hurt, come comfort, teeth rotting fluff
Synopsis: Learning how to be alone again.
“You going to be okay?” Walton asks as he stuffs his carry-on. You hand him his charger and ipad, watching him carefully tuck it into the front pocket. Happy that you had bought him the hard case for it, wondering how it had survived beforehand. 
“No, I believe I will turn into stone until you return?” You fake fall onto the bed, causing Walton to chuckle at you. You would definitely miss him, and it was hard to be away, but that was part of life. Part of the agreement, so to speak.
He lays down next to you, hand rubbing along your stomach. “I mean it. You're welcome to come with me, though I am not sure how exciting it will be.”
You hum contently, “I promise, I will be fine. It's four days, plus I could always use extra practice. Get to know the rest of the crew.” 
It also meant you’d have a decent paycheck, but you’d keep that to yourself. Walton had a habit of paying for anything and everything, he said it was the gentlemanly thing to do. Old ideas die hard, or something like that. As much as you appreciated it, having money tucked away just in case was still a priority for you. 
“I will have my phone, make sure I am replying when I can,”  Walton replies, pulling his phone out of his pocket to show you. 
“Do I need to get some duct tape?” You ask, teasing him as you run your fingers through his hair, getting a soft groan. “You'll be back here before we know it.”
The two of you take the elevator down into the hustle and bustle of the city. Leo is waiting for Walton, you give Walton a quick kiss and hug before you see him off. You watch him drive away, your heart clenching as your stomach turns.
Four days, that's all it would be.
It was not four days, not surprisingly several things had come up, and now he wouldn't be back till Friday night. Walton should be back that evening, but it still left you feeling a little sore about the whole situation. The week had been challenging, to say the least, filming schedules shifted, and locations needing to be changed on the fly. The first day had been okay, everyone was easy enough to work with. You were back in a pop-up tent, but work was work. Right? 
That’s when the realization that some of the other artists weren’t happy with your placement. So instead of being welcoming, they’d given you the cold shoulder. Nothing new, or really exciting, but it was annoying. Trying to get details was a guessing game, that had meant pouring over the notes you could get your hands on. Rereading scripts and pages, and trying to hopefully get things right. The ADs hovering over your shoulder didn’t help matters, nothing was fast enough. Just to see the extras get tucked in the back, where they wouldn’t get seen by the camera. 
By the end of the day, you had decided to stop by the liquor store and grab something a bit stronger. Along with some mix, limes, and a greasy sandwich you’d probably regret later. Once back in the hotel, you had a long hot shower and crawled into bed with a drink. Flicking your phone open you weren’t surprised to see no messages. Walton had been busy, so you sent a quick message goodnight and called it a day.
Days two and three were much the same. Handling extras that were never seen, avoiding glares from the other artists, you had given up trying to talk to them. Sitting in the lunch tent, flipping through a novel on your phone, when one of the artists sat across from you. The woman had neatly placed black curls, a round face, olive skin, and hazel eyes that looked at you over her gold-rimmed glass.
“New girl in town?” The woman asks, picking at her salad, she has several tattoos along her arms. One was a pair of scissors and a comb meaning she was more than likely part of Hair. 
“Sort of.” You reply, putting your phone down, no sense being rude. “I usually work with Walton, but he is away this week.”
“Ahh, the girlfriend. That’s why everyone’s so cagey.” She says quietly, putting her fork down to look at you. 
You shrug, doing your best not to show how much that bothered you. “No need for anyone to be cagey, I am here to do my job like everyone else.”
“Yet, you’re not like everyone else.” She points the fork at you, raising her eyebrows. “You’re the lead actor's girlfriend, or whatever. Which means we all got to be on our best behavior.”
You lean back in your chair, crossing your arms across your stomach. “I am not different than anyone else.” You push your plate away. “Just here to do a job, and be apart of the process.”  
The girl rolls her eyes, it isn’t lost on you that she hasn’t given you her name. “You won't be a little nervous about some new artist coming in? No one knows you, you're doing the fx on the lead actor, and have barely said hello to anyone”
You fiddle with the watch on your wrist, you hadn't really thought about that. Others might have taken your lack of socialization as being a bit of a stuck-up.
“I didn't mean to be rude, just my first full fx gig.” You reply, looking down at the texture of the table. "Plus Walton often needs a little more attention cause of the prosthetics and the heat."
She shrugs, "I get it, but really you should come by the trailer and introduce yourself. We aren't as bitchy as we seem. I promise"
You decide then to hold out your hand and introduce yourself to the woman across from you. As well as take the time to stop by the trailer before lunch had finished.
"I am, Angela," She said, shaking your hand firmly. "Nice to finally meet you.
The two of you talk back and forth about schools, aspirations, and what shows you had both worked on. You are grateful that Angela left out any questions about Walton, instead filling you in on who was who on set.
The two of you walk to the trailer, and Angela introduces you to everyone. Despite a few sideways looks, they are friendly and one of the make-up artists even gives you the shared cloud link for all the notes.
Then day four came, and the dread text came through. You knew as soon as your phone buzzed what it would be.
Walton: Looks like I am going to be here till Friday. I will make it up to you <3
You: Nothing to make up for. Can’t wait to see you <3
Walton: I miss you so much.
You: I miss you too, love you.
Walton: Love you more
You close your phone sliding it onto the side table, tears staining your pillowcase. Even if it was only a couple more days, it was still hard not to feel alone. Angela had made some headway in the department so the other artists were now accepting you, but the tension hadn’t left. At least you had notes and could prioritize the extras that were in front of the camera instead of guessing.  
Still, the whole space felt off, you felt off. Maybe it was just you, but you missed having someone to talk to at the end of the day. To tell you it was going to be okay. Yes, you both had talked on the phone, over text, and facetime, but it wasn’t the same. Yet, again, that was part of the job, part of the relationship. There were going to be days, weeks, even months where you didn’t see each other. It didn’t help the loneliness, that was a new feeling. Not a feeling you were too fond of either, after years of not relying on anyone, missing someone was rough. 
Dragging your blanket over your head you force yourself to try and sleep. Two more days, just two more days right?
Friday night had come, it was so damn late that it was hard to keep your eyes open. You now fully understood why so many people did harder stuff, cause the long nights were catching up to you. At this rate, it would be turning into a fraturday. You shift on your feet, the ache in your calves had settled in sometimes on Wednesday and hadn’t given up. A chair wasn’t an option when you were juggling this many people, the ADs always eyeballing you. A massage, and a hot bath. You mentally are doing the math as to how much you have in your account, maybe just a bath and some tylenol. 
“Hey,” You look up at the head of the department walking over. Taylor, or Tanner? You couldn’t remember exactly. “You are clear to go home. AD just sent the extras home, go get some sleep.” 
You give him a thumbs up, “Perfect, thank you. See yah on Monday.” 
You hobble over to your tent, grab your water bottle, then make a beeline for the trailer. The SPFX trailer was not technically in use this week, but that hasn’t stopped you from stashing your kit in there. At least it meant no one would steal stuff. You clean everything, grabbing cleaner and your brushes for the weekend. A deep clean was needed, you also mentally noted that you needed to come in forty minutes early to get yourself set up on Monday. 
The ride back to the hotel is mostly filled with yawns, and trying to stay awake enough to make the drive. The hotel is thankfully quiet, being as late as it is, you hit the elevator and stop staring at the buttons. You realize that you have no idea what floor your room is on, chuckling you walk out and ask the front desk. Who gives you the floor number, looking as confused as you feel.
You finally up to the floor and walk over to your room door. Juggling keys and bag you finally get the door open, and Walton is sitting on the bed leaning back on his hands. Looking like he was fresh out of the shower, a crooked smile on his face.
“You’re home,” He grins, getting up to help unload your things. 
You smile back, blinking in surprise. “You never texted that you were here.” 
He leans down and gives you a quick kiss, “Wanted to surprise you. Knew you had a hard week.”
You take off your jacket, and toeing off your shoes stretching your feet in the carpet. “It was, well it was interesting.” You sigh, grabbing a cup to fill with water. “But I think things are looking up. Maybe now?” 
Walton chuckles, handing you some tylenol, which you gratefully take with the water. “I think they just need to get to know you better.”
Rubbing at your temples you nod, “You may be right. I wasn’t exactly in my best mood. Handling twenty extras was a bitch.”
“But you did it, made it to the end of the week.” He says, walking over to the bathroom. “Let me draw you a bath, order some overpriced room service and we can unwind.”
“I will be fine without food,” You try and argue, stripping out of your clothes, you dig into your bag finding a loose-fitting t-shirt and a pair of baggy shorts. 
Walton sticks his head out of the bathroom, “Room service, maybe some ice cream too.”
“You aren’t going to let me say no, are you?” You sigh, walking over to the bathroom, he shakes his head when he sees you. 
“Not this time, you need to eat and relax. I’d do anything for you,” He grins as he sits himself up on the counter, bare feet moving back and forth.
You remove the rest of your clothing, stepping into the hot bathtub, you groan loud enough for Walton’s eyebrows to shoot up. Trying not to think about it too much you sink down into the hot water. Walton is up, rolling a fluffy towel up and putting it behind your head, he makes sure to lift your hair out of the water. Going back he grabs a brush and another towel. You close your eyes and let him take care of you.
“Going to let me take care of you?” He asks as he ties off the braid with practice ease. 
“What do you have planned?” You ask, wondering what he had plans. “It’s already Saturday.” 
“If you feel like it, spa Saturday afternoon, there is a fantastic farmers market we should go to. Then Sunday we are doing massages, and there is a couple of early theater shows I think we should go see.” Walton suggests you shake your head with a small grin. Of course, he’d have the whole weekend planned out.
“I would love that,” You reply, sinking down a little more into the water. 
You hear him get up, walking out of the bathroom to order food, and you take the time to soap yourself up and clean a little. Using a small hand towel to wipe away the dirt, you can just make out the rumbling of his voice. A warm comfort knowing he is there, that you weren’t alone tonight. When did being alone become so scary?
“So food will be up here in about thirty minutes,” He calls out, coming back into the bathroom. “Feeling a little better?”
You can’t hide your grin, “Yeah, I think the headache is almost gone, and my legs aren’t cramping anymore.”
Walton grabs another fluffy towel and robe, “Ready to get out?"
Nodding your head you get out of the tub, Walton walks forward holding the towel. You go to grab it, but he bats your hands away and starts to dry you off. His hands are gentle, as he takes his time to dry you. It’s strangely intimate, feel yourself shiver as he finishes standing just behind you. He leans down and kisses across the top of your shoulder, hands traveling around your ribs down to your hips. You lean against him, humming slightly as your eyes close. 
Soft rob material replaces his heat, as he wraps you up in the rob, kissing your neck before grabbing your hand and leading you out of the room. You follow, the heat from the bath and tylenol had eased the pain in your legs. Walton pulls the blankets back so you can sit down, you adjust the pillows so you’re comfortable. As if on cue room service knocks on the door. 
Walton disappears, rolling a small cart into the room. “Dinner of champions,” He lifts the lid with a flourish, to reveal two bowls of ice cream. “But we keep it balanced,” Walton lifts the other lid to reveal a platter of various fruits. “Also champagne, cause everything's better with bubbles.” 
You happily take the champagne, Walton busying himself getting all the bits and pieces set on the bed. He slides in sitting cross legged beside you. 
“I remember the last time you and me had some fruit,” You tease as you grab a strawberry, taking it with a spoon full of ice cream.   
Walton giggles, his face flushing, as he grabs some melon. “I seem to remember you enjoying yourself.”
You cough back another spoonful of ice cream, “Oh, I have no complaints about anything.” You wiggle your eyebrows at him, taking another sip of the drink, the fuzzy feeling hitting your temples.
His fingers sliding up your thigh, “Always room for improvements, practice makes perfect.” 
“Now, now, let me finish my ice cream,” You tease, making sure not to push him away but lean into it. 
The two of you finish up most of the fruit and ice cream, Walton clearing everything up making sure you stay seated. He disappears for a moment, moving the cart out into the hallway, then slipping into the bathroom. You can hear him rummaging around in there. 
“What are you looking for?” You ask, going to get up when he comes out. He has two packages of something, and several bottles tucked under his arms. “Is that all my skincare?”
Walton beams setting all the bits and pieces down. The two of you sitting
cross-legged on the bed together, grabbing the facemask out of the packages to dawn them. Walton makes faces as you help him stick it on.
“This smells so good,” Walton says, grabbing another bottle. “What do you use for hands?”
Your head tips back laughing, “The one that says hands.” 
“Oooh” Walton chuckles, lifting the bottle triumphantly. He carefully squirts some out onto his palm and holds his hand out for you. 
“So how was LA?” You ask as he starts to carefully rub the cream into your hands. 
“It was a lot, Doug has me jammed for the foreseeable future.” Walton says, making sure each hand is covered. “I missed you a lot, it’s not the same without you.”
You flush a little, “I missed you too. But I am always glad you’re busy,”
He dug through the bottles scooting down the bed to start to work at your feet. You shiver a little curling your toes as it tickles. 
“You sure?” Walton asks, looking up over his glasses, as he massages against the arch of your foot. You wince a little feeling soreness there, as he moves down to cup the heel of your foot. 
You tilt your head, “What makes you ask?”
“When you walked in, it was like you were a different person.” He says quietly, now working up our calves. “That spark, that I love so much, was dim. I haven’t seen it before and I really don’t want to see it again.”
You swallow, crossing your arms to hold at your shoulders. “I’ve come to rely on you, maybe even more than I had realized.” His hands find a knot in the back of your calf that makes you tense up, he eases back but keeps working at it. “I feel like I am repeating myself here. But relying on someone isn’t easy for me, and I found myself feeling incredibly lonel while you were gone.”
Walton doesn’t say anything instead moving over to the other leg, his hands soothing the aches and pains from the week. His shoulders stretch the fabric across his back, before he looks up at you. “Is there a way I can make it easier for you?” 
You look out the window towards the city lights, trying to find words. It wasn’t that you needed things to be easier, it was more that it was taking time to adjust to things. To adjust to being in love with someone, to being in love but also knowing that you couldn’t always be with them.
“I don’t think there is a way to make it easier. Right now it’s me, I am still learning and changing. This week made that so clear.” You bite your lip trying to make sense of it all. 
He finishes up with your legs, tucking the different bottles away, the two of you helping each other peel off the face masks. Walton shuffles into the bed, leaning you against his chest hands running over the twist of your hair. 
“I know we aren’t going to always be together.” You say quietly, shifting on the bed to get more comfortable. “I think that scares me, scares me a lot. Cause I don’t want to lose you, to miss out on anything.”
“Think the kids call that FO-MO,” Walton teases, kissing the top of your head. 
You swat at his chest, “Oh hush, I was trying to be sentimental.”
Walton chuckles but brings you close to him. “We are going to spend time apart, but I promise I am not going anywhere. Don’t care what happens, me and you, until you get tired of my old gray ass.”
You let out a snort, leaning back so you can kiss him properly. “What happens if I don’t get tired of you?”
Walton leans back humming as he looks up at the ceiling, “Then I guess we'll just stay together.”
“Promise?” You ask, watching him carefully, he looks back down at you. 
“Promise.” He says back, kissing you again.
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@tina-armani @ladyren33 @luckytiggertalia
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First off, I absolutely love the Hashira surplus AU. I see lots of somebody lived/everyone survived AUs since I have an Ao3 addiction, but none really go in the direction you’ve chosen. I think the idea of twin pillars is nice to think about, but unless they work best together and are messes without their other half it wouldn’t really make sense to just count them as one if they’re perfectly fine independently. Kind of like how Daki and Gyuutaro work in canon, I suppose. So if Sabito lived, he would undoubtedly become the Water Hashira first and end up leaving Giyuu at Kinoe despite him eventually catching up in strength and qualifications. Same with Shinobu, if Kanae survived then she wouldn’t have room to become a Hashira with the 9 max rule. All in all, I really like what you’ve done with it and how you’ve built off canon. I don’t have any direct questions, but definitely wouldn’t mind to read about anything you haven’t got a chance to share or small details you havent been able to fit anywhere! Have a good day/night and sorry for rambling lol-
I'm glad that you think this take on everyone lives makes sense! I tried to change 1 thing at the start and have the ripple effect come across naturally.
In terms of things to share, thank you so much for asking! This au is my baby so I'm thrilled to yap haha. I have a lot of projects I'm passionate about, so the actual drawings will come out very slowly, though I will answer asks and plot questions as they come. I'm currently working on the comic where Kanae meets Nezuko, so have a sneaky WIP page :P
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The recent arc has also got me thinking about how the infinity castle arc changes.
I've decided to commit to saving everyone, as the core principle of this au, so the upper moon fights are going to go down differently. At the moment, I haven't fully decided, but my initial idea is this:
Instead of Giyuu, Sabito joins Tanjiro in fighting UM3. In canon, Giyuu acts as a parallel to Rengoku, with themes about weakness/strength and duty (who 'should' live). In this AU, Giyuu doesn't have the same survivor's guilt, and Rengoku doesn't die. As a result, it isn't thematically important for Giyuu to go up against Akaza. However, Sabito was present in the mugen train arc, and he narrowly survived the encounter. I think it makes sense for him to go up against Akaza with Tanjiro (who was stuck as a witness last time) and get to see how they've both grown - Tanjiro getting stronger and Sabito getting smarter. Maybe he learns Giyuu's defensive form?
Since Giyuu is free, I think he'd join in the UM1 fight. Having a defensive fighter could influence the battle. I have to be honest, I haven't reread this arc in a minute (so it is fresh when I watch the movie) so I can't quite remember how the fight goes down, but I think Giyuu would be there from the start. They just manage to keep themselves together as more allies join and overwhelm UM1.
I haven't used Rengoku here - I haven't decided his status after the mugen train arc. He lives, but I don't know if he is fit for battle. He may join Uzui and his father in protecting Nezuko. Perhaps he rallies the kakushi and the medical team with his large presence and still well above average physical abilities.
UM2 is a bit more complicated. Shinobu's drive for revenge is a key part of her character, but in this AU, Kanae survives. This is another thing not set in stone and may change. At the moment, I think in this AU, Douma has a habit of eating his victims alive. He taunted Kanae, managing to bite off her ear, so while Kanae manages to survive, she is truly affected by this fight. Shinobu despises him like in canon. In terms of the UM2 infinity castle fight, I'm not sure how to administer Shinobu's poison. It could be that Douma eats an arm or leg, but Kanae arrives in time to help. I'm also currently thinking that Aoi* might join Kanao.
*I haven't committed to her role yet (in addition to knowing basic medicine). She could be a poisons using demon slayer (like Shinobu) or someone who blended the role of demon slayer and kakushi - this is worth its own post though.
All of the speculation around the inifnity castle is just a draft, though! I would absolutely love to hear any suggestions/ ideas, so please feel free to reply/ reblog/ send an ask :D
AU masterpost
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Tejamas Pokedex - Felitzli
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So you've let your Tabbirasa run around in the night. It will most likely evolve into this striking form!
These Dark/Rock type miniature apex predators range in size but generally do not grow taller than a Kantonian Persian. They are best suited for those with a nocturnal lifestyle, as they are most active at night. During the day they seek out sunny spots not just for comfort, but to aid the growing of their mossy cloak.
The moss helps hide their scent, visually camouflage them from predators and prey, and softens their footsteps even further than their paw pads already do.
This makes them incredibly stealthy, hence why they often take the role of hunters/providers for their wild colonies. While they prefer ambush, they can be incredibly strong in outright fights due to their robust build, and obsidian blades.
Domesticated ones can be very friendly, but friend or foe can all end up getting a few cuts if their hands are misplaced.
This is expressed in their signature ability: Jagged Hide. The damage functions similarly to Rough Skin or Rocky Helmet, but can be caused by either Dealing or Taking physical hits, though unlike those the damage is not guaranteed with every hit.
This Pokemon also has a signature move Brittle Fang, a physically damaging Rock Type Move that after use lowers the Pokemon's attack by one stage.
In trade, Shards of obsidian are left in the opponent, causing chip damage over time.
In order to maintain their blades, Felitzli are often seen rubbing them on rocks and other hard surfaces, the markings left behind also serve as territorial signposts.
Trainers should take care when letting their own Felitzli rub mark them or their possessions. With the correct precautions, participating in blade care can be an excellent bonding experience for Trainer and Pokemon. Without it...it can easily become an unbonding experience.
Artist Note: Trying something new!
I wanted to get the Pokedex pages started, so I'm going to be doing that and putting the New vs Old down below.
Fun Fact! Felitzli is the fakemon that required the least amount of tweaking from the first design so far. Heres V1 vs V2
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And as a bonus here's the first version of the shiny! The more subtle colors in the final one are the result of layering the original colors with the shiny below.
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Also it's probably obvious but for this evolution, but I was going for the vibe of a miniature jaguar, cause that's what my black cats are to me. This whole Pokemon family (and the region honestly) are based on my experiences with the animals I've shared my life with.
I love the idea of these guys rubbing and flipping on their backs and scoring the ground the way our black cats roll in the dirt of our farm. This design is also how I learned about Green Obsidian, which is Such a cool stone.
Both Shinies obviously pull more from regular or purple obsidian.
I also drew inspiration from Mesoamerican statues, and carvings. I wanted this Pokemon to invoke the feeling of one of those statues come to life, while still wearing the stone as armor with the moss that grew on it.
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notyour-valentine · 2 years
Life is a Cabaret ~ Tommy Shelby x Reader (Angst)
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[Masterlist] [Taglist]
Summary: Tommy has an iron-clad arrangement with a performer, one of his own making
Note: Written for @cillmequick and her 6 months anniversary celebration I hope you enjoy!
All my writing is produced by an adult and created with an adult audience in mind (18/21+). You are responsible for your own media consumption. I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
Wordcount: 1549 words
It was a curious mix of people he watched squeeze themselves into the ranks time and time again, night after night. 
Some were dressed to the nines, with evening pearls and dinner jackets, giddy at the thought of seeing the show they had heard or read so much about. 
Undoubtedly some had even come all the distance word of this show had travelled. He heard Americans, and French people, Italians, even those Romanians he could only pick out because of the people he had encountered in his travelling youth. 
There were those that were here for the show, those who had read about it in the papers or heard about it from their friends and family, those that chose to add this to their list of London experiences, and those that came only for this, for her. 
But no matter from where they had come, they came. 
He recognised a few of her regulars, some old men with their purses as thick as their necks, leering and lusting, others younger, more naive, those boys too young to see war or imagine love. 
One of them thought himself an artist, and brought his pencil and sketches to each evening. Tommy couldn’t help scoffing at the folly of this boy. 
Since by now he had seen the show a hundred times, and knew every key, every movement, and every costume change, he sometimes let his eyes drift, not because he was bored or uninterested no.
Tearing his gaze away gave him the proof he needed that he was still his own master, that he was still the one in control of his body if not his mind. 
And he had to be in control. Of this and of everything. 
If he lost it for but a moment, everything he had built for himself and his family would come crashing down like a house of cards. 
And he couldn’t allow that, even if some times, some nights, all Tommy wanted was to let go. 
As always, he left before the finale, not wanting to listen to the cheers and cries, to watch her bow and blow kisses towards the crowd as they threw flowers and compliments at her. 
By now he knew the way to her dressing room with ease. 
It was another world compared to the perfectly set stage, with every pin, every sparkly stone, every hair in place. 
Here, behind the curtain, everything was different. Her robe was draped over the chair close to the fireplace for warmth, her slippers were scattered instead of neatly placed together. The blanket on her chaise longue resembled more a mountain scape than the calming plains of the sea and the pillow was anything but fluffed. 
A book was laying atop, turned upside down with some pages caught in the swift motion. 
Poetry, Tommy realised as he lifted it up, smoothing the creases with his thumb before picking up a peacock feather he found laying on the floor next to a discarded fan and placing it between the pages as marker. 
He found her cigarette lighter on the mayhem that was her dressing table. 
That was a whole other realm of chaos. 
Her powederbox was unscrewed, with the brush laying next to it, spilling its lingering content on a once white glove. 
The darkened pencil she applied on her lashes had found his place next to the still open bright red lipstick. 
There was a pair of earrings there, hiding between the make up, and a comb, a few hairs still in it, not her hair, but one of the wigs she wore on stage. 
As he fumbled for her cigarette lighter, he heard a crunch under his foot and when he looked down he saw the sorry ending of one of the many fake pearls she used to adorn her costumes. 
While it made a mark on the ground, he was sure it wouldn’t be missed. 
Tommy slipped out of his suit jacket and placed it over her robe, before setting down and inhaling deeply. 
Someone had sent her roses. Someone always sent her roses. 
They were as red as her lipstick, with thick petals and healthy stems. He knew quality when he saw it and it was obvious to him that they hadn’ t spared expenses on that. 
His attempts to find a card were futile, and left a bitter taste in his mouth that not even his cigarette could quench. What a shame, he’d have loved to know. 
Instead, he was left to wonder as the sound of applause reached him even here, and like any bothersome noise Tommy had ever been forced to here, it didn’t seem to end. 
The impatience made his skin itch as his chest tightened. Ever a man of impatience, this was the worst case of waiting he had to suffer. 
Finally, after an eternity in purgatory, he could hear movement in the adjourned room and before long the door opened.
She had rid herself of the gigantic construction she wore on her back for the finale, leaving her in the pearl covered corset and the silk that caressed her bare legs. 
There was some powder she applied all over that made her skin shine. 
“You.”, she said as greeting, neither surprised nor shocked to see him there. 
“Me.”, Tommy answered. 
She hummed and closed the door behind her. 
“Well if you’re here you can make yourself useful.”, she said, sitting down in front of him, showing her back. 
It was only fair, Tommy thought, to let her wait too before he began to undo the laces that held her costume in place. 
The proximity allowed him to smell the scent of her perfume. It wasn’t the expensive one from Paris he had bought her a while back but rather the one she had always worn. 
Instead, he asked after the flowers. 
“An admirer?”, he wanted to know as he had loosened the laces enough for her to do the rest herself. 
“Maybe. Do you care?”
She got up and slipped out of the costume, standing in front of him in a whole lot of little more than nothing as she placed it neatly on a hanger before reaching for her robe. 
The truth was, Tommy had no right to care. With the forming of this agreement he had denied any possible ground to care. And now, when he had her like this, beyond the stage, beyond the performance, he wondered if he hadn’t made a horrible mistake. 
She only ever turned to him once to make him light her cigarette, during her whole time of undressing. 
Pin by pin her cascade of hair fell down each strand uncurling itself just slightly to frame her face and caress her neck and back. 
This was a side of her the audience didn’t get to see, or at least he hoped he wouldn’t. 
Per their agreement, they weren’t exclusive, although Tommy hadn’t looked at any woman twice since. The fact that she may not do the same sickened him, but he had no leg to stand on and so he didn’t bring it up for fear she could break it off. 
Bit by bit the performer disappeared, revealing the person. Or at least the closest thing to that Tommy would ever see. 
But despite the fading makeup and the undone hair, she was even more enchanting to him now than she was on stage. This was the version of her he longed for when he was back in his office, or in his bed  back in Birmingham, this version, the scent of her perfume, the feeling of her warmth and the memory of her kisses. They lingered longer than smoke, than anything. Somehow they had burned themselves into his memory, cursing him to replay it over and over as if it was the last gramophone disk on this earth. 
Her proximity came with the cost of her distance, her touch at the price of others feeling it too, her presence with the toll of having others enjoying and admiring her as much as he did. 
This was a curse of his own making, a punishment he had sentenced himself too and more than once Tommy wished he could have voiced the turmoil in his heart and mind, the storm that only ceased in her presence, but he couldn’t dare. 
Instead, he put out his cigarette and pushed himself into a stand. 
His arms wrapped themselves around her middle as he drew her close, nuzzling the crook of her neck. She let him, smirking to the reflection of them both. 
Sometimes he wondered how things would be if they could be different, if he hadn’t at first considered her nothing but a shiny trophy, a passtime, an artist he could book to add to his performance of an a settled businessman, a member of the Upper Classes, adding shine, intrigue and prestige to him. 
But instead, he had forged this arrangement he now found himself chained by. 
Sometimes he wondered if  he was any different than the men who clapped oand cheered for her, who bought her roses and drew her likeness. And sometimes, when he was all alone at night, he missed her warmth, her touch, her everything - and he feared he had made himself just as replaceable. 
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed and as always I'd love to hear your thoughts!
@lilyrachelcassidy @jyessaminereads @chlorrox @watercolorskyy @books-livre @quarterpastmidnight  @lilyevanswhore  @polishcrazyone  @zablife  @just-a-harmless-patato  @stevie75 @flyingjosephine-blog @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @babayaga67 @butterfly-skinnylegend @shelbydelrey @mrkdvidal1989 @raincoffeeandfandoms @midnightmagpiemama @adaydreamaway08 @trixie23
@knowledgefulbutterfly @babayaga67 @signorellisantichrist @lespendy @geeksareunique @look-at-the-soul @lothbrokcore @rangerelik @elenavampire21 @evanore @dandelionprints
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jina-juhi · 1 year
~Kim Namjoon x female reader.
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Playlist for this vibe~
• Birthday by Ten.
• make me feel by Elvis drew.
• bad drugs by King Kavalier.
• codeine by solv
• dangerous hands by Austin Giorgio.
• your body by Jimmy brown, Rovv.
Authors note :- Hey guys this is jina, introducing @covertlydark, she's my friend and from now on we both will post our content on this page. hope y'all enjoy
• Reader's pov •
"Okay, This one?" my husband asks the same thing maybe for the sixth time for the night, his voice flat and heavy.
"Noo, we'll watch this some other day. I'm not feeling it right now." My voice lowered on its own at the end of my response when I heard his exhausted sigh. But he still manages to be patient with me.
"This one? This better be the one."
"Nope. Already watched this one."
"Without me?" He raises his eyebrows at me.
"Namjoon, we watched it together." I deadpan.
He scratches his head. "Oh yeah, right. I have an idea, you stay here to get ready, and decide which one you wanna watch while I prepare the table for us, the food is here and the cake is already waiting in the fridge."
"Okay." I smile at him and at the way his brain makes quick decisions and plans, a major contrast to my indecisiveness. He mirrors a smile and his lips brush against my cheeks and give me a quick kiss.
I bury my face in between his neck and shoulder, inhaling his fresh scent of soap and shade of spice and musk. My favorite combination. His mouth touches my bare shoulder and I can feel the curve in his lips against it.
"Go wash up, birthday girl." his husky voice and hot breath fell on my skin leaving a thrill in my spine.
"Be quick or I'll eat the cake myself!" he got up and sang on his way out of the bedroom. I shake my head at his goofiness and stretch my arms on the empty bed, squealing in content.
I hop into the shower and try my best with a little time in my hands. The insta-routine with all that exfoliating and shaving always takes a toll on a girl.
I hear the ringing on my phone after I'm dressed, Seojun's name on my screen, a friend who is also my senior colleague. A frown grew between my eyebrows because one thing that Seojun surely does not do is call after working hours.
I answer while I mindlessly flatten my black flowy dress and fiddle with my necklace, Namjoon gave me last night. It is the prettiest piece of jewelry I ever owned. He slipped it around my neck while I slept in his arms last night and I woke up with a shiny turquoise stone sitting on my chest.
"Happy birthday!" a scream drills my ears from the other side of the line and then an apology, not for me but for a really angry lady. I laugh at her carelessness. "Thank you for the wish, not for the hearing aid bill."
"Oh come on. Why didn't you tell me it's your birthday? I thought you were on leave because you were going somewhere. Jin told me with a cocky-ass grin on his face. I wanted to know it from you not him..." I tune out her blabbering.
I exhale a breath annoyed at the fact that I specifically warned him not to tell anyone. But it's too late now I think he went around the office with a banner of that information because I could hear my notification box exploding.
I don't like it when too many people know about my birthday. It gets overwhelming with all the wishes and responding to everyone with an equal amount of emotion so that the person wishing me does not think I am not grateful or something. I am. I really am, the thing is I don't know how to react to them.
My excitement for my birthday is as same as my excitement for hugging a porcupine. It is just a normal day for me, not for my husband. He is filling the gaps in my lacking enthusiasm because he has got tons of it.
"...and then you know what he told me? He told me that I am not that important to you!? the man really got some nerves to say that on my face. I swear-"
"Okay okay! Calm down. You can discuss him some other time." I huff.
She scoffs and then grumbles, "no one wants to discuss him. Well anyways, I'll be out of your hair. You must be getting ready to go out, right?" exciting curiosity enters her voice. "I mean of course you are. You are THE party girl after all. Wear something sexy, that husband of yours will fall for you all over again..."
Wow, sometimes I forget about how much she talks.
"Seojun, we're not going out. We are just celebrating at home. I wanted to keep it small and simple." I cut in between her chattering.
"Oh." she was speechless after the 'oh'. I know she tried her best to make it sound less pitiful but well she failed. Yes, I've always been the party girl but I guess people change.
I didn't want to go through all that hassle of going out and posting pictures just because I am supposed to do so. I'll do all that when it feels right and when I'm in the mood to go to some fancy restaurant.
"Okay. Well, enjoy your evening. Happy Birthday again." The call ends after I thank her and assure her to call later.
Maybe I'm feeling this because I'm not in my twenties anymore. Am I getting boring? The past-me would be so disappointed, in her eyes, the present-me is lame and boring. If anyone hears this in the office maybe they'll think the same.
You are not fun anymore.
My subconscious screams. I should not have forced Namjoon to stay in today I should have listened to him. What if he thinks-
"Y/N!" I hear his voice anchoring me to earth. "I called your name three times. You okay?" he looks at me with concern but I mask my face with a smile.
"Yes. Just thinking...which one of these should I wear?" I hold up two pairs of earrings while he closed the distance between us in just two long strides.
He changed into a black shirt- with sleeves folded, shriveled up to his elbows- and black pants, looking handsome as ever even in something so simple like this. His hair was perfectly set, not blocking the view of his gorgeous face. He always leaves me mesmerized.
He wraps strong arms around my waist and tugs me closer to him, and uncountable butterflies escape dancing in my stomach. Even after five years of our marriage, he pulls out that effect on me that I know would be the same forever. Every touch, every kiss is like a first. Better than the first.
"The gold ones." his full lips touch my forehead reaping my tiny smile. "Now tell me what is really going on inside this head." he kisses the same spot again.
I sigh against his chest. "How do you always know?" I squint my eyes at him earning his soft laugh.
"Always." he simply shrugs.
He waits patiently for me while I contemplate what to say. "Am I getting boring or... lame?" the question sitting on the tip of my tongue finally made it to my lips.
He frowns and searches for my eyes but I settle them on his chest, and so do my palms. "What makes you think that?" his deep voice pins me with a question. I shrug to lighten the mood, "Nothing it's just the birthday blues hitting me. You know how I was, I used to be the girl who looked forward to going all out and having fun on birthdays. And now... I just don't feel that way."
I finally look him in the eyes and he looks at me with his soft ones with an understanding look. "Now I absolutely feel like I'm getting old." I chuckle lightly.
"Hey... you are not lame or boring. We still go out and have fun when we feel like it. Sometimes I feel the same way, to stay at home and have a good quality evening, just the two of us. That does not mean we are boring people. It simply means we can enjoy ourselves no matter what age we are or the setting is. We are just normal people in our thirties, having fun together in our own way." he finishes with a firm steady voice making me believe every word he said and cherish it, tattooed on my heart.
"Normal people," I whisper out repeating it in my head with a smile. My chest balloons with emotions. He makes me look at things from different perspectives. Good perspectives. He is the anchor of my ship in the vast sea and I will forever be grateful to him.
Now both of us smile. A real one with no masks. He hugs me tightly, healing every tiniest crack in my soul.
"Also," he moves his nose and traces along my neck to my ear. His hot breath rushes on my skin making me twitch with giddiness. "...I don't think boring people do things we do in bed or... kitchen or bathroom. Especially not the ones we did last night and this morning."
My breath gets caught. Eyes wide and lips parted at his low tone. My head replaying what he just reminded me. White silk sheets, whispered promises, his heavy breaths and grunts, his hands tracing the goosebumps of my skin, his tongue on my—
Heat rushes to the south of my body and my face. He breaks the hug to have a good look at my face and fucking laughs at my state.
I suppress my smile and slap on his buff chest. "Now if you are done thinking about obscene things then let's go I have something to show you." he covers my eyes and starts guiding me through the hallway.
"Nomjoon I don't think covering my eyes is necessary."
"Shh. Ofcourse it is. Just walk." We enter and stop in I suppose the living room.
"Okay now, ready?" He finally says.
He removes his hand and back hugs me while I open my eyes taking in the view of the living room. I gasp at the beautiful set-up he arranged, a canopy decorated with tiny fairy lights and cushions scattered under it and my favorite duvet.
He set the dinner table with plates and my favorite food, a bottle of red wine and glasses sitting next to them. Bunch of scented candles here and there, radiating warmth and light in the darkest of corners just like he fills my life, my soul, with his presence.
"Happy birthday, baby."
The pressure builds behind my eyes and in my throat constricting my words. I blink a few times to drive out the moisture in my eyes.
He settles his chin on my shoulder maybe waiting for me to say something but I'm speechless at his gesture.
"You like it?"
Like? "I love it, Namjoon. All this... It's so beautiful." my voice shakes with emotions.
"Thank you. So much. This is perfect." he turns me towards him, "glad you love it."
I lace my hands on his neck, raise on my tip-toes to make up for our height difference, and lock my lips with his soft ones. He sucks in a breath and yanks me flushed against him to deepen the kiss. His sweet taste invade my tongue.
Namjoon groans, and his hand fist the locks of my hair. His lips glide on mine and our chests glued to each other running out of oxygen. He brushes his lips against mine one last time. Breaking the kiss before it gets heated and we end up in the bed like always.
"I love you," I say in a daze.
"I love you." He says back his eyes gleaming in the candlelight and his face glowing with a golden tint. He is fucking perfect. He completes me. Every crevice in my life. We complete each other.
We sat at the table for our evening candlelight dinner. He opened the wine bottle with the cork opener and poured the content, an action that had no right to be that sexy.
"Enjoying the show?" he raises an eyebrow at me.
I hide my smile behind the glass. "Hmm, maybe." I sip the rich red liquid while soaking in the hard work he put into all this. "How did you do all this on your own? How long was I in there, four hours?"
He rasps out a laugh. "One hour. You were in there for one hour, thank god i completed it way before you walking in on me trying really hard to figure out how the hell am i supposed to hang that thing." He gestures towards the dreamy canopy. I would have loved watching him do that.
"Do you know what the most shocking part is? I didn't break anything today." He jokes. "Wow, that's a new record. I'm impressed, Mr. Kim." Our chatter and laughter mingles with the cozy air around us. We finish off what I call, the best meal I had in a long time. He sang me the birthday song while I cut the cake, his goofy playful side returning to him.
These are the little moments I treasure the most in our relationship. No grand gestures, no phones, no office talk, just us. I'll never be tired of this. Of him.
We settle ourselves under the canopy net after dinner. He brought his laptop to watch some k-drama or a movie. "Decided what you want to watch?" he asks me. "Yeah. Since today is Monday I think the new episode of the one we were watching is out by now. I'm so excited to watch that only three episodes are left."
We cuddle under the duvet. I feel safest and comfortable when he cuddles up and grips his arms around my tummy.
His chest moves subtly against my back. I feel every rumble in his torso when he laughs at something comedic. I barely pay attention to the drama. I miss reading the subtitles when the main character said something important about the story. I rewind the scene, "sorry I missed what he said."
He hums and kisses on top of my head. The scene replays but I get distracted yet again when my husband ran his hand on my stomach to my hip, giving it a squeeze before resting it there.
Well, this was not the first time. It is almost normal now. Almost, because every time he gets my mind fogged up.
I replay the scene again this time without saying anything and he too stays quiet. His hand grazes the texture of my dress, resting right on the curve of my thigh.
My mind is blank. Laser focused on his touch. And for the third time, I watch the same thing.
Great. Fucking great. I can't even read the damn subtitles.
"Can't read the subtitles, honey?" he reads my thought in a subtle mocking tone above my ear and my chest tightens.
"He is... talking too fast it's impossible to read that much within seconds." I justify after clicking pause on the screen. He hums in response in a way of saying, 'yeah right'. Not buying any shit. "What? unlike you, I have to pay attention to both the subtitles and the scenes."
Of course, living with him I have improved my Korean but I am not perfect at it.
He chuckles in his deep voice which always sinks into my heart, as deep as it is. "He barely said ten words." And just like that, I'm caught. Thick silence surrounds us, turning up the anticipation.
His lips skim over my neck. I am quiet but the sounds of our breathing fill the air.
He kisses the soft spot on my neck while his hand moves further to the hem of my dress. It takes him no time to find out that I'm already wet for him because I skipped wearing my underwear.
I exhale sharply when his cold fingers swipe between my folds. He groans in my neck, "Fuck. No underwear?" His voice is strained and breathy sending a shiver down my body. "There is no point in wearing one." I manage between my pants and focus back on his fingers working in the slowest circles.
"You're gonna kill me if you keep saying things like that so innocently."
I turn towards him to meet his mouth with mine. He props himself over me. His tall frame consumes my short one. His warmth radiates in the deepest of my soul, renewing it.
He takes away his fingers and I almost cry at the loss of contact. I whimper between our kisses. Namjoon kissed me the same as he fucks me, rough with a burning passion. Claiming me all over again.
"Take this off." He commands tugging on the cloth and making me sit. I collect my hair to side them and he took the hint to unzip me. He drags the zipper down taking his sweet time, his way of saying- you're not getting what you crave so easily.
In a quick slide, the dress comes off leaving me naked and at his mercy. The fact that I am completely bare before him and he is still in his clothes is so unfair and a fucking turn-on. I can feel myself dripping down. We haven't even started yet.
My eyes flicker down to his pants a huge bulge down his waist. I palm his erection and rub it until his breaths become short and fast. I fumble with the button and the zip to free him.
In a quick movement, he pins my hand above my head making me lay down on my back. The light from the fairy light makes his eyes glimmer. He stares down at me and I can feel the love he holds for me. A love without judgments and conditions.
"Today is all about you."
We exchange a smile. He peppers open mouth kisses on my chest. My heart thumps louder between my lungs. His tongue smooths over my skin offering my breasts his much-needed attention. His tongue flicks, licks, and laps on my hardened nipples making me moan, and giving me intense pleasure in every way possible. His hand made up for the other one twisting it between his fingers.
He reaches to my belly unhurriedly caressing the goosebumps. Sending a buzz of electricity in my body. Every touch, every caress is always filled with possession and lust.
He moves further down stopping just above the part of me begging for his touch. He lifts his head to look at me with a devilish glint.
"Click on the play button." He says.
"What?" I blurt out loudly, it sounds funny. I would have laughed at myself but I decide not to. His smile gets wider.
"Just do what I say, Y/N."
My heart will do anything he says if he takes my name in such a way. I click play and the scenes continue. I look back at him and raise my eyebrows at him to say something that's going on in his wicked mind. But instead of any explanation, he dips his head between my legs and I watch his tongue poke out to flick on my clit sending a jolt of electricity in me. He cursed under his breath when he watched how i reacted.
"You take your eyes off the screen, I take my tongue off of your sweet little pussy." He pins me with a playful look.
"But that isn't fair." My voice wavers.
"It... is" between his words, he licks a thick strip with his tongue from my wet entrance to the sensitive apex with a torturous slow speed and my mind staggers in response.
With hooded eyes I watch his beautiful lips curve up in a smirk as if he can see through my poor soul, what effect that action had in my mind, clear as a sky and the sun of reasoning clouded in an instant.
Well, he will always know what effect he has on me. Also, the sight of his face- with that wicked gleam in his eyes- between my legs, I can't expect anything else.
And I lay in a frenzy no longer able to decide what's fair and what isn't, all I wanted was his tongue on me for a lot longer than it just was.
He tips his head towards the laptop silently commanding me to focus my eyes on it, knowing me very well that I won't argue anymore.
I do what he said. Now, all I can feel is his tongue lapping on the sensitive skin making my whole body shudder and moan under his spell. He pushes one finger inside me. Perfect pressure against my walls. The sensation runs through me like an electric current. Heighten every nerve ending on its way.
The power of a slowly building orgasm force my head to watch what he's doing to me and when I turn, his sharp eyes are already watching me like a hawk.
He stops.
He fucking stopped. All that I was just feeling ruined like a sand castle in a wind. A useless heap of sand was all that was left.
"Need another chance, baby?" he speaks up cheekily. I am mad. Annoyed. It probably shows on my face because he rasps out a laugh looking at me. I will keep this in mind when he is at my mercy.
Yes is all I can say. He resumes working on my pussy after I avert my eyes to the screen barely paying attention to the story. The tip of his tongue flicks on my swollen nub and my hands clutch on the cushion for my dear life. Head trying to stay put.
Soon he adds a second finger and then a third while sucking on my clit. Speeding up and edging me towards oblivion. My breathing is harsh, familiar feeling lingering at the base of my spine.
Long gone the soft moans, and screams of pleasure left my throat. My eyes flutter close on their own.
"Eyes on me now." His voice laced with pure lust and... Oh God, the contact of his heated gaze tips me off the edge. And I come. Hard. While chanting his name and whispering how good he makes me feel. Free falling into bliss.
"That's it. Good girl." He wisphers lowly with a strained voice. My body mourns the loss of his fingers. He looks at me and licks his fingers clean, tasting me. God, this man will be the death of me.
I pant, my chest falls and rises dramatically to catch my breath. It feels like I was drowning and I just made it to the surface.
He closes the laptop with a flip. I'm still in a trance when I hear the clank of his belt. I watch him settling between my legs, opening his button and zipper to free himself from the constraint. Pushing his pants slightly down. My fingers clutched his soft hair. My heart skips a couple of beats waiting and eager for him, banging on my ribs trying to leap out.
He placed the tip of his hard cock ready to be inside me but still not giving in, making me whimper. He kisses me, burning with desire, silent permission for carrying on what we started. He pauses to look me in the eye.
"How do you want me, hm? Gentle... or do you want me to fuck you hard?"
My breath got stuck somewhere in my lungs. Without breaking the trance of his gaze, I snake my hand down to hold his cock, pushing just the tip inside me. "Fuck me. Harder." I say, earning his amused-proud smile.
He sits upright and lifts my right leg to anchor it on his broad shoulder. He pushes inside me completely, inch by inch with a steady pace. It warms my heart that even if i gave him permission to be rough with me he knows It always takes me time to adjust to his sheer size. Both of us moan because of how fucking good it makes us feel. Bodies shuttering as he finally moves once i am ready.
This time he thrusts so hard it knocks the air out of my lungs. His hand trails up my stomach to my breasts, pinching my hard sensitive nipple making me cry out his name.
"Tell me, still think the things we do are boring?" He wraps his hand around my neck with a firm delicious pressure while the other one plays with my breast.
I shake my head unable to voice out coherent words. All I can do is float in the magic he creates. I reach out for him but he is a bit far. He slows down and frees my legs and guides my arms around his neck to be closer to me. He kisses me as if it has been days without it, picking up the pace where he left off.
He is still clothed. The picture of his clothed body over my naked one doing the most intimate things is erotic to me.
Though I want to touch him. Feel him. Closer than we already are. My hands fly toward the buttons of his shirt. Undoing each one of them until my hands find their home.
His muscles ripple and his body shudders when I drag my touch slowly to the south. Feeling every curve of his criminally toned body, finally reaching his ass to feel the intensity of his thrusts. He groans out a curse.
"See what you fucking do to me? You make me so impatient, can't even wait to undress before I fuck my wife's tight pussy."
He slams inside me with immense force. I sob hearing him say these things with such ease. No holding back. His dark side resurface with teasing words laced with sin itself, pouring out of his smart intellectual mouth. It always leaves me in awe.
"Namjoon..." I can't recognize my voice as I moan his name breathlessly.
"I'm so– so close, please." Tears leave my eyes as the plea leaves my lips. His thrusts become more rough and harder. His fingers reach my clit. Firm strokes and overstimulation finally cracks through me. i surrender to the climax for the second time this evening. I lost my count for the day as our morning started early today.
"I've got you. I've always got you, baby."
My walls squeeze him tight. He grunts with every jerk. With a louder moan he finishes and empties himself inside me. I love watching him loose control, how his beautiful face twists while he gives in to the pleasure. The way his heavy breaths fall on my skin. It makes my heart swell to watch him like that. A sheen of sweat makes him sparkle. Both our bodies limp as the energy drains out along with our shattering orgasms.
He pulls out and lays beside me. He grabs a tissue and gently cleans up the hot mess we made. He always insists on doing that even after my half hearted protests.
Securing his strong arms around me he brings me closer to his heaving chest. "Tired?" He asks in a whisper while kissing lightly on my shoulder.
I weekly nod to answer. "Really? I was thinking of another round," he says and we laugh wrapped into each other, both knowing that none of us barely have the energy left to move.
"Enough orgasms for today, Mr. Kim." I mumble. I turn towards him to hug him properly. The back rubs, his breathing and the beats of his heart makes my body relax without any effort.
"So how was your birthday?" his chest vibrates with his question.
I place a kiss on his heart and with a satisfied smile I answer, "The best I ever had."
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• Author's note
~ Written by @covertlydark
Hope you like it. Do tell me in the comments if this gave you butterflies lol... or you know somthin' close to it. <3
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wholoveseggs · 10 months
Moonlight - Chapter Four
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A woman’s life is turned completely upside-down when she encounters some demons in the woods.
I will be putting specific warnings for each chapter as they come out, there is smut and violence in some but I'll tag those chapters accordingly.
If you rather read this on Ao3- Link is here
1k Words - Warnings: super minor mention of assault.
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{Masterlist} - {Chapter list} Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five
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Elijah found her sitting in her usual spot in the clearing; they had been meeting like this for weeks now. He had brought a bottle of wine with him, hoping to contribute to the lunch she prepared for them.
"I must show you this marvelous passage I read yesterday," she said, excitedly flipping through the book he had just handed her. She held it up for him to read. "It paints such a beautiful picture in my mind."
He nodded in agreement as he sat down next to her, handing her a glass and filling it with the wine. She murmured her thanks, taking a sip as she flipped the book back to face her, continuing to scan its pages.
She looked at him, smiling, a bit of wine still on her lips. "This is delicious; thank you."
"I would love to take you into town; they put on marvelous performances there. It's like seeing what you picture in your mind come alive before you," Elijah responded as he put his arm around her.
Emma let out a small sigh, her smile faltering. "That sounds amazing, but I'll never be allowed."
"Perhaps someday," Elijah said; he had momentarily forgotten about Tomas, the unpleasant phantom that hung over them.
They sat in comfortable silence, sipping on the wine and munching on the spread of food Emma had brought. He greatly enjoyed just being in her company.
"I have something to show you," she said, breaking the silence. She looked at him with an excited smile and stood, offering her hand to help him up. For a moment, they stood close together; his eyes lingered on her soft pink lips. She smelled of lilacs and mint; her wild dark hair framing her beautiful face. Her cheeks flushed, and she took a step back, turning away from him in an attempt to conceal it. She headed down a path across from them, not looking back. "It's this way," she said.
He followed her deep into the woods, past a small river. He enjoyed the smell of pine and fresh water as he watched her gracefully step over logs and stones.
They reached an expansive plain, bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun. Emma gently grasped his arm, halting him before he ventured beyond the tree line.
"Wait," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the distant chime of the village bell, signaling the day's end.
Elijah's gaze followed hers, and he witnessed a magnificent sight: a herd of wild horses on the opposite side, their silhouettes etched against the fading sunlight. The sound of their thundering hooves reverberated across the plain as they galloped, creating a symphony of freedom and grace. The sun dipped lower, casting a golden glow that painted the scene in hues of orange and pink.
"Just like in one of your books," she remarked, her eyes sparkling as she looked up at him, her grip still firm on his arm.
He responded with a tender smile, nodding appreciatively as he gently lifted her hand from his arm and pressed a soft kiss onto the back of it.
"I think your wine is stronger than what I'm used to," she said, blushing at his affection. "It's getting dark; I must return home."
"I'll walk you," he said, intertwining his fingers with hers as they walked back into the woods.
It had fully become night by the time they got near the village. Emma stepped out onto the main path, heading towards her home. He followed her from the tree line, making sure to stay in the shadows.
When they arrived at her home, he couldn't hear anyone else around. He stepped out onto the path, walking her to her door. Once she passed the threshold, she turned to face him.
"Can demons fall in love?" she asked, stepping close to the door frame.
He leaned in, surveying her stunning face soaked in moonlight. "Absolutely," he said softly.
"I'm sure a beautiful one like you has had many lovers," she said, giving him a sweet smile.
He smiled and looked down at his feet, "I suppose," he said, feeling bashful. "What about you?" he asked as he looked up from under his brow.
"A secret few," she whispered shyly.
"Demon, what are you doing at my house?" interrupted Tomas. He was walking down the path towards them, an angry look on his face.
Elijah watched the spark in Emma's eyes disappear; she backed up into the dark hallway, giving him a pleading look. He could hear her heart beating rapidly.
"Looking for you, Tomas. Your wife wouldn't speak to me," Elijah bluffed, turning to face him with a casual expression.
"I don't allow beasts near my property; come away from there," Tomas demanded.
Elijah obliged, amused by the hubris of this witch, especially because he could so easily tear out his spine.
"What do you want?" said Tomas, his arms crossed as he kept glancing at his house. His heartbeat was unsteady.
"Some of the locals have been consuming verbena. We agreed only the witches can do that," Elijah said, coming up with an excuse for his visit.
"We cannot control what the local folk do," Tomas huffed, passing him and heading up his porch steps.
"That's not the agreement we made," Elijah said coolly.
Tomas passed the threshold, turning to give Elijah a wicked smile.
"Leave. Demon." Tomas growled, and slammed the door.
Elijah could hear Tomas yelling and the sound of him slamming objects in their house. Emma was quiet, only letting out small whimpers as Tomas continued to break things. As Elijah walked away, he heard the sound of a fist meeting flesh, followed by Emma's anguished cry, igniting a surge of boiling fury within him.
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{Masterlist} - {Chapter list} Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five
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curekibouka-writing · 2 years
Heart of Stone (Twst one-shot fanfic)
***SPOILERS for Glorious Masquerade***
Summary: “Sure, we might have stone for hearts,” the gargoyle lightly punched Rollo’s chest, “but you don’t, you know?”
Word count: 1705
*This fic is also on Ao3
A/N: Aaaaaaaaa this event! Aaaaaaa the angst!! And aaaaaaaaa OMG I LOVE THESE MOBS! Anyway a friend wanted to see the follow-up with the gargoyles and I wanted to write the NBC mobs (my precious cinnamon rolls) so here we are~
Also I am an unabashed Hunchback of Notre Dame (including the musical) fan and I put in references like nobody’s business hahahahaha
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Dear Diary,
I have taken time to reflect upon the words those Night Raven College scoundrels had left me with. They are of questionable moral character, but on the grounds of my fair virtues, I shall not render one’s arguments as nonsense solely because of their character. 
Reading back through my previous entries, I now notice how frequently I had excused my own anger and hatred and phrased it as if it were the will of my late little brother. And I have come to the painful realisation that such excuses are chipping away at my scarce memories of him, silencing his real voice. I laugh at my folly, how could I have disrespected you so, dear brother? Now I barely remember you, your blissful childish giggles and all the hope you had in magic. I barely remember all the fun we had, the pride you had when you cast a successful spell, and the pride I had for you. You were so bright. 
But piece by piece I will try to recall. The festival decorations are finally being put away down in town, I can see it all here on the bell tower. I remember how you used to whine when it ends, and how I held your hand—
“Hey, Rollo! Whatcha doin’?” 
Rollo barely stopped himself from crumpling his diary page from the gargoyle’s booming voice. 
Ah yes, it’s the noisy one who befriended Malleus Draconia, Rollo sighed to himself. 
“Whatcha writing? Care to show me?” 
His voice was cut off by a clack as an older gargoyle whacked him on the head, “Now he doesn’t have to show you nothing, you chatterbox!” 
Rollo slammed shut his diary before the older gargoyle hopped to him, he has no words for these moving statues, they would never understand. 
No one ever understands. 
“Rollo, child,” the older gargoyle kept her distance, “there’s no need to tell us if you aren’t ready. But it’s been a few days, we only want to check up on you.” 
No one else has cared, why would they? 
“We wish we could’ve approached you before all this happened but—“ 
See? They think he was wrong too. 
“Yes I am quite fine,” Rollo waved his hands impatiently, but his next sentence grew quieter, “I do not need another lecture on my past.” 
“But you need to face it, child.” 
He did not like the way she talked to him. It didn’t feel like anyone else in his life before. It felt as if he was really a child, as if he did not grow one bit from then, as if the fire engulfing him never burnt him in the slightest yet he never took one step outside. 
“I know.” He looked away. 
“And we see you trying.” The smile was apparent in her voice. They have watched from afar when he writes his diary, they have seen the way his countenance was no longer tensed, his eyes were no longer strained, no longer suppressing the truths that threatened to spill out. 
“You’re not lying to yourself anymore,” she sounded proud, “So how about you try being true to others too, eh?” 
He scoffed, “I must be quite desperate if I have to be true to hearts of stone like yours.” 
The noisier gargoyle cut in, “Sure, we might have stone for hearts,” lightly punching Rollo’s chest, “but you don’t, you know?”
Rollo wanted to back away, but the gargoyles did first, returning to their normal positions. The older one leaving him with a wink and one more gentle push, “Step into the light, child. Nobody wants to stay cooped up forever.”
Before he could ask what they meant, he heard voices calling out to him a storey or two below, “President Rollo~! Are you up there?”
Their voices were swathed in layers of echo, but they call out to him like this far too often for him to not recognise them. He took a glance at his diary, quickly slipped it into the folds of his robe, and called back, “Yes, what’s the matter?” 
He heard hasty footsteps rushing up the the wooden stairs, and soon a head of hazel coloured hair popped up from the staircase. 
The vice president of the student board, slightly short of breath, beamed brightly upon spotting Rollo, “There you are! We’ve been looking for you!”
“Yes. I can tell. What’s the matter?” He found that he occasionally has to repeat himself when talking to them, though it strangely does not exasperate him.  
The aide also made his way up, “We promised to have an after-party once the exchange is over, didn’t we? We thought that, well, things have finally settled down in school after these few days, it’s the perfect time.”
“Your injuries have not fully recovered so we thought takeaway would be better than eating out. We brought pastries from your favourite bakery, oh and cups for the grape juice, we’ll need something to toast with after all!” 
“Come on down and share a meal with us! It’s a chilly night, we wouldn’t want the croissants to go cold.” 
Rollo tapped his fingers on the desk thrice, he shall keep the fact that he did not remember ever agreeing to an after-party a secret, perhaps he just misremembered… having been preoccupied with other matters. 
“Well, thank you for bringing the food all the way up here. I suppose I should… indulge.” His expression softened, slowly rising to his feet and followed them to the floor below, where everything in sight shimmered in a thin coat of moonlight.
The vice president and aide chattered passionately about the good memories from the exchange while setting the table, about the friends they’d met and how much of an honour it had been to show them around the city. 
“Truly, president Rollo, you are a genius to have thought of this activity!” 
“Thank goodness the flower incident was dealt with in time. And it was all thanks to president Rollo’s hard work that we could still have the masquerade the next day.” 
“It could not have been made possible without the hard work of you two,” Rollo lifted the corner of his mouth stiffly in a polite smile.
“Oh please, you are just being modest again. We all know the time and effort you put in, we barely even saw you have a proper meal during the hectic days of preparation!” 
“Not to mention we passed out while you and the students from Night Raven saved us all, how humiliating. How we wished we could have been of use to you more!” 
The corner of Rollo’s mouth twitched. 
They finished setting the table and pouring three cups of juice. 
“Now let’s toast to the success of such a huge event!”
“President Rollo, would you please?”
The aide passed him a cup, and they both looked to him, there was light in their eyes. 
The paper cup felt heavier than stone in his hand. And for a moment he was overwhelmed with thoughts — thoughts that he could be freed from this. 
“I have something important to say.” 
The moonlight was as if a gentle drizzle, pooling around his feet, ridding him of the shackles of flames so that he can take a step forward. 
But would the people out there accept him? Or revile him?
Out there in the cruel, ugly world — a world that he had a hand in molding — is he a man, or a monster?
These two had always looked up to him, always thought that he was fair and just and right. So what if they find out he was not? 
Would they spurn him? Hate him? Curse him? Would they no longer call out his name and worry for him and invite him for a meal and happily work with him on student board matters? 
Would they fear him? 
He feared that. 
He stood still. 
“You two…” the cup felt even heavier, “I want you two to know, at least, that I had not been the one to save you, or anyone.” 
He turned away from the light of the moon, “I froze in fear… I cannot do the right thing.”
That was enough. That was the most he could say right now. He could hardly stop his hands from trembling already. 
“But… that’s only normal, is it not? The vice president began, somewhat jokingly, “I mean, what kind of monster would be fearless in that chaos?”
“It must’ve been hard to face it all alone,” the aide deduced, “I’m sorry we couldn’t be there with you.” 
“It would not have been—!” Rollo almost snapped, but held himself back. He reached for his handkerchief to cover his wavering lips. 
And he gave thought to it. Yes, perhaps it could have been different. He knew these two well, he knew how helpful and kind they could be, he knew they each have proficient magic powers. 
Although he would never know if things could have been different, if they could go back far, far in time, if they were with him back then. 
“We know you, president Rollo, we trust that you always have proper reasons for what you do. And you always take responsibility for it too.” 
“We at least try to understand you, always, and on the basis of what we do understand, we truly think you are an great, respectable person.” 
They just don’t understand. They just don’t understand the weight of all he had done. 
He was a monster. But he was not. 
He wanted to trust them. He wanted to trust them now. 
But we are always blind to some parts of the truth. 
Out there is a cruel, ugly world, and he had refused to see the times and the people when it isn’t. But the light is shining on them now, and he could try again to see. 
“Thank you,” he stowed away his handkerchief. 
Stepping out of this fear will take time, but now the moonlight softly held his trembling hand, sharing the weight of the stone with him. He raised his cup, “Allow me to raise a toast for the two of you. I am glad to be in the student board with you.” 
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redwineconversation · 3 months
Ada Hegerberg OL Night Systems Interview (April 17, 2024)
I really cannot emphasize enough how fucking time-consuming translating these OL Night Systems interviews actually is, but it's also how you get to know a player, and that's kind of my end goal. I want people to understand this team the way I do, and this is how you get to that. You can get to know a team without being parked on a player's social media page tracking their every like/comment/flight/location at any given point in time.
Blah blah standard disclaimers apply; @OL Comms Dept if you want to chip in for my AC bill whom am I to say no; who do I hate more, stans or the fucking academy director - an enigma for all time; banning stans from stadiums would solve a lot of problems real quick; y'all know the speech by now.
Come for the insight on Hegerberg's mentality, stay for the discussion about Spice Girls, fashion, and culture. And to think people say this team is boring...
[Opening credits]
Journalist: Good evening everybody and welcome to OL Night Systems on OLPlay. It's Wednesday and normally we put a focus on the academy. But no, we changed it up and covered the academy yesterday. The beginning of the week has been exceptional. We had games won 4-3, 6-1, we won a derby. We had a two-hour segment on Monday. Jules Cross wore a fake mustache yesterday. All that to say that today will be even better. We're really going to enjoy ourselves because it's an extraordinary guest with us. You've waiting for it for a long time. We have the luck of spending an hour with Ada Hegerberg. Good evening, Ada.
Hegerberg: Good evening, everybody. It's a pleasure to be here.
Journalist: It's a pleasure for us, Ada. The Spice Girls were even celebrating at Victoria Beckham's birthday party [he is being sarcastic]. You who like fashion -
Hegerberg: She's a very fashionable woman.
Journalist: We chose the most fashionable one.
Hegerberg: We like her.
Journalist: Do you like their [Spice Girls] music?
Hegerberg: Yes, I've always been into the Spice Girls. I'm going to be honest.
Journalist: Okay so now the obvious question. Which Spice Girl are you?
Hegerberg: Ooh, I would say more Victoria, because she is more subtle in her [fashion] style. Very spicy but cool.
Journalist: My co-host isn't a Spice Girl but he would have had me stoned if I hadn't brought it up. It's Timothee Piron.
Timothee: It's a rough transition but I had reserved this spot for a long time. I had to be the co-host tonight.
Hegerberg: Geri [Halliwell]? Geri? Are you Geri?
Timothee: Sure, that works for me. I didn't want to miss this episode because there's a lot of cool stuff. It's always great being able to spend time with a big player like Ada [Hegerberg].
Journalist: Actually, Timothee, which Spice Girl would you be?
Timothee: Pass.
Hegerberg: Pass? Have a bit of fun here, Timothee.
Journalist: You could say he is being a baby... spice.
[Hegerberg and the journalist snicker]
Journalist: We'll let you think about it. As I told you, we'll be spending an hour with Ada Hegerberg. And it's not for no reason - it's been 10 years, and she is staying.
[clip showing Hegerberg's extension]
Journalist: 10 years and she is staying. That news was announced exclusively on OLPlay by OL Night Systems. I didn't dare do it but I wanted to do it in Norwegian. I have a little problem with the pronunciation.
Hegerberg: [speaks Norwegian]
Journalist: [repeats what Hegerberg is saying in Norwegian] It's okay, we'll work on it. It's not perfect, but I will try my best. We're really happy with the news, we had been waiting for it for a long time. Ada, everyone is smiling today, we're still not over it. It's an incredible week. It feels great, thanks for the news.
Hegerberg: I think I am the happiest to be very honest. It's really the correct feeling, from the beginning as well. I want to continue writing history with this beautiful club. It's really my home. It's also my family. It's a cliche but it's also my family for the past 10 years. It wasn't time to leave, that's for sure.
Journalist: We're watching the video clips. Hegerberg 2027. It almost looks presidential. Are you running in the elections?
Hegerberg: [laughs] Yeah, you could say it's a bit grandiose.
Timothee: Deservedly so.
Hegerberg: I agree but I appreciate it too. I appreciate it a lot because - [long pause] You could say it's a bit of a change of an era. Personally I think the best years are ahead of us. There's still a lot of things to do and I want to be a part of that story. So yeah, it's - it's - it's with a lot of pride that I am here today to announce that I am here for another three years.
Journalist: The past was magnificent, the future will be even better based on what you are saying. I'm really looking forward to that. You might be the happiest but trust me, Timothee isn't far behind. [Hegerberg laughs] He's probably a few centimeters behind you in terms of happiness and pride.
Timothee: Yeah because having followed this team on a daily basis, we know that the best players have pushed us to the very heights. We keep saying this but the accolades are exceptional. And indeed, the competition is tougher and tougher. We see teams getting stronger both domestically and on the European scene. And we saw Michele Kang come in with her project, a project with a huge amount of ambition. And we said, ambition is shown in several ways. We felt that those discussions were going to happen eventually. We could see the end of the contract arriving and we were like "it'll be better when this is sorted." There were some questions and all the answers were given. It's great for us, we can continue - well I can continue seeing my throat doctor on a regular basis because of how often I scream in celebration when Ada scores.
Journalist: I think some will be going to a hearing specialist as well. I don't think they'll be thanking you.
Timothee: I'd like to apologize to Coralie Ducher and our sound producer.
Journalist: Ada, in that video you said you came in as a young girl and are a woman now. Regarding that evolution, if you had to talk to that young girl - well maybe not that young, you weren't a child, you were at the end of your teenage years [Hegerberg was 18]. What would you tell her in that moment?
Hegerberg: I don't think it's possible to write it down what will happen in the following years. It's true that when I arrived - there was a particular feeling when I came to Lyon. I had already experienced the top level in Germany, work, discipline. It was a pretty harsh experience but also enriching. But it's like everything fell into place when I came to Lyon. I say that sincerely. It was the beginning of an adventure, that first summer I was here. And since then - it's hard to explain but I think when my career is over and I look back at these years, all the great things we experienced both on the field and off of it, all the fantastic people, during my time at Olympique Lyonnais, in Lyon, in France. It's a special country for me. So no, really, it's true that when you see the first pictures, I'm laughing a little because it's really a [young] girl with a lot of ambition but had no idea what was waiting for her really.
Journalist: And if you had to give her one piece of advice in that moment?
Hegerberg: Be yourself and don't think about it too much. And go for it.
Journalist: Do you think you did that?
Hegerberg: Yeah, I think so, because I wasn't afraid of anything when I was young. I always wanted to get in, give it my best to see if I could go far in my career. And honestly, it was an adventure out of this world.
Journalist: It's been 10 years, we're going to look back on those 10 years and do a little recap. There's a lot to say about those 10 years, starting with the numbers. Timothee, why don't you get us started?
Timothee: Yes, if we look at the statistics, it's been 10 years but it's not just about the numbers, it's the context behind it.
Journalist: We can start by talking about both.
Timothee: It's impressive. 244 games, 264 goals. Usually in the top level, forwards have a ratio of one goal for every two games. More than one goal game, it's never been seen before. Six UWCLs, six Coupe de France. 8 league titles [it's now 9], three Trophee des Championnes. You were talking about other players, the staff, human adventures.. There are the numbers but also everyone who you have ever worked with. It's true that you have met a lot of people. When we watch the film, the coworkers you've had, honestly the adventures you'd have with this team are out of this world. It's exceptional.
Hegerberg: Yeah, I think it's because it [Lyon] is a big club. There aren't many clubs who can have a culture like that. We're lucky to be one of them. I think all big clubs know how to appreciate legends of the club, big players. It needs to be the case because here at Lyon, we've had a few. But - what to say? It's really all the connections which came together to have that success on the field. I think everyone sees what happens on the field but we play a team sport. Even if we talk a lot about individual titles. But the notion of being on a team, year after year, know how to keep the same group to build something longterm. We've had difficult periods as well but we always knew how to overcome them. And being a part of that, I think it's something I will tell my children one day. So, yeah. But we're not yet done.
Journalist: No, the beginning is really interesting. It's also about passing on knowledge, that's a role you could have. When you arrived, who - well we'll say in terms of players - who took you under their wing? When you're a young player, you always have role models, teammates whom we learn from. Who for you in that moment played an important role?
Hegeberg: It's true that in terms of being a pioneer of football, it's obviously Lotta Schelin, the tall Swedish player. She was one of the first to leave her country, go experience an adventure abroad. Trust me, I know what it's like to be a foreigner in - in a foreign country. She cemented her place in the team, year after year. That's not easy. She was one of the first to do it. Then I think we also developed a special relationship pretty quickly. She's a great person. So she was a hell of a person, I'm really lucky to have had her when I was that age.
Timothee: And you were saying before, you had Camille Abily who was taking you to practice.
Hegerberg: We can't forget that. But I think there were quite a few players who had different roles. And there were a lot of players like that [Abily, Schelin] when I started here at Lyon. I've told you, we had Camille Abily who is a world class player who was coming to pick me up in front of my hotel to take me to practice. Saki [Kumagai] also did that. So everyone was taking responsibility to make sure the integration into the team was as smooth as possible. That was my - how to say it - that set an example for me for the rest of my career because I saw how I was welcomed and I want that for everyone who joins this club.
Journalist: Camille Abily as your personal driver, that must have been quite something. You learn a lot in those moments. We saw the numbers for you, it's more than a goal per game. When you came - well not too long ago, you talked about your objectives for the Champions League, you said you wanted to score 100 goals in the UWCL. But when you came, did you have an objective in terms of number of goals or games with Olympique Lyonnais?
Hegerberg: I've never really been the type to be ambitious in terms of goals in a season, because I think it's important to stay focused on the preparation. Now I have the experience, I know how it works. If you're well prepared, the goals will come. But you also have to say that when I came to Lyon, for me the most important thing first of all was to learn the language so that I could have a role in the team, on the field and off of it. I think it's really hard if you aren't integrated [in the culture]. But also try to understand, try to learn as much as possible because to be frank I developed a lot my first years at Lyon in all aspects of my game. And I think I knew - I had the capability to learn from those next to me. There weren't better to do that when you look at the team we had at the time.
Journalist: Let's now switch to your extension because it's a pretty much subject, it was announced you extended through 2027. Did you think about it bit by bit? How much time did it take? And what motivated you to say, "I'm staying, I'm sticking with Lyon." You talked a bit about how it's a big club. We can also bring up the arrival of Michele Kang, who came and changed things up. Was that a part of the future you considered?
Hegerberg: It's true that the news of the departure of the former president, Jean-Michel Aulas, it brought us a lot of pain. [sounding pained] Honestly, it hurt on a personal level as well. It was really hard to accept. And I know that's the case for a lot of the players. And we're lucky because we - you could say we welcomed a president with a different perspective on things, who has a really different view. So we're starting a new era. And I would say it's really positive as well. It's a moment to reinvent ourselves, find the solutions to keep growing this team. But I will say I also want to thank the club because I think the club such a big effort that I didn't even have a reason to doubt at the end. And I will say thank you to Michele Kang for having trust in me, Vincent Ponsot as well because at the end, with their will there was no doubt in my mind. It really made my decision easier. Because the desire to keep me was so strong, and it just confirmed my feeling that I wanted to continue with this team, with this club, this amazing club. And go win more titles. That's the most important thing.
Timothee: it's true that the club has gone through a lot of changes if you compare a year ago to today. A lot of things have changed. We remember the Coupe de France final in Orleans, where right after the announcement, Jean-Michel was there that day, that was really important for your team. And then we had this new project being put in place right after. And it wasn't necessarily easy to switch over like that. But as you said, it's a very ambitious project, and it follows in the footsteps of what you have stood up for for a very long time in terms of developing women's football and allow those who come after you to be in a better position.
Hegerberg: If my contract extension shows the club's ambition, then that's a major positive. Because I think it shows all the ambitions. I stayed because I am an ambitious person. There's one part because this is my home but there's another part of me that's very ambitious. I want to continue to be the best, be a part of the best team in the world. So I think we have great years ahead of us. There will need to be a lot of work, a lot of self-perspective, and we really have to push ourselves beyond our limits. I think the ability is there and we absolutely need to reach it.
Journalist: You talked about Michele Kang, the recent owner of Olympique Lyonnais Feminin. She expressed herself very well after your contract extension. She reminded us of the importance of her project with Olympique Lyonnais and how important Ada is within that project. Let's take a listen.
[Kang interview done in italics]
Kang: It is a very important moment, not only for me personally as the new owner of the women's team, but it's a great day for the team and for all the fans of Olympique Lyonnais Feminin. I'm very, very happy.
Kang: It means a lot. I can't think of Olympique Lyonnais Feminin without Ada. I think she is, as we all know, one of the best players who ever played football. She is the first female Ballon d'Or winner. And she has been with this club for 10 years, and [now] three more years. I don't know how many players are out there, men or women, who stayed with one team for that long. So we are incredibly grateful, and I think all of the success Olympique Lyonnais Feminin had achieved is clearly teamwork but Ada has been the leader. And she's scored 264 goals. That's phenomenal. So I'm very happy for her, I'm very happy for all the fans in Lyon that we're going to have another three more exciting years with Ada.
Timothee: She's also a strong voice. And a project as ambitious as yours needs strong support to achieve it.
Kang: Absolutely. I think this is all about setting the pathways for not only current players but for all the young girls coming right after her and also all our players. Having a role model like her is a very, very important part of our project, and for her, and for Olympique Lyonnais Feminin. So, very excited that she decided to stay with us, and it's going to be a lot of fun.
Journalist: "A lot of fun." That's how Michele Kang concluded. Having fun, that's always a factor in football. Enjoying yourself is really important.
Hegerberg: That's what matters. Honestly, she's completely right. It's true that we cover some really serious things but at the end of the day it's still a game. And it wouldn't be possible to do what we do without having fun.
Timothee: It's in this team's DNA as well, know exactly when to switch. You can be having fun and having a laugh and a second later your expression changes, and there we understand it's very serious. It's not the moment to make jokes, it's not about having fun, it's time to get to work. There's really that side - you have players who are always having a laugh, we're not going to name any names but I know you can imagine who it is.
Journalist: There's a phrase which suits them - "know when to take things lightly and know when to take things seriously." It suits the team really well.
Hegerberg: Exactly. I just want to say I'm really happy to know Wendie [Renard]'s fun side. She's more than just the fierce competitor on the field. What's cool is we all have our own ways of getting ready before a game. You have players like myself or Wendie who are very serious. The moment we go onto the field we're really in the zone. And then you have players like Vanessa [Gilles], Lindsey [Horan] as well, who can really have a laugh and switch in a different way. We have fun with that. Honestly, the atmosphere within the team for me is one of the keys to success. And it needs to stay like that forever if we want to win trophies.
Timothee: It's something that season after season stays the same. That's what's really interesting, it's that there are players who leave, others come in, but there's always this consistent atmosphere. It might vary a little bit every year but there is always that nice atmosphere and good times.
Journalist: We talked about passing things on earlier. You came in as a young player, you must have discovered that mindset pretty young. Now it's up to you to pass that on, to keep that atmosphere along with Wendie whom you were talking about.
Hegerberg: There are quite a few.
Journalist: Quite a few, yes. Of course. But it's that role of leader - obviously we think of Wendie, who has been there a while. But is it also something you like to do? Set an example through your preparation, for example? Lighthearted and serious at the same time?
Hegerberg: I think the most important thing is to stay true to yourself. You see immediately if the intensity isn't there. So that's something I will always tell people. Be yourself. Everyone has something to contribute to the team, different values. But it's true that I've always wanted to contribute to a team, even when I was younger. I knew I had a role when I was younger. Now it's a bit different because I've spent 10 years at this club, I've experienced euphoric highs and rock bottom, and I knew - I learned - how to say it? - the different ways to survive, I guess, in the world of football. So I'm all for sharing my experiences with the new generation because the importance here is also to know how transmit all that so that new players come through, potentially new leaders because players like Wendie [Renard] and myself, we're not going to play forever. I'd love to play here until the end of my days but that's not going to be the case. So it's also up to them to listen, learn what we have to teach them and we have to be there to help them.
Journalist: You talk about being yourself. When you are yourself, do you have more of a speaking role or do you stay quiet and let your actions speak for themselves?
Hegerberg: I think everyone knows it's through my actions. I guess through speaking as well. I'm someone who expresses themselves a lot. I do through my actions on the field, my actions off of it, I do it with my professional life on a daily basis. And also bring energy as well, because sport depends a lot of which energy you bring to the team. I think that's tremendously important. I think that's a bit my role as well within the team.
Journalist: Let's talk a bit more abut that energy, the role sports plays in it. We talked about Michele Kang, she talked a bit about it last week. She wrote an open letter where she reminded everyone of the benefits of sports, what it can bring, what women in sports can bring beyond that of football. She talked about how it's important to have staff and specialists focused on women, whose speciality is women's bodies. Do you see a part of yourself in that project, in those values?
Hegerberg: I think we're truly at the starting gate in terms of the competency of a section focused on women's bodies. What do I mean by competence? How to give - how to create the best conditions for women in their domain so they can learn more and more. But it's true that in the medical field, there is so much to do. And I know that Michele, she is very, very invested in that part of the project. I think we really need figures who have power, who can really draw an audience and do something with it. Because there's really - we're really in a phase where either we don't do anything and we continue in the same direction, or we start acting so that the next generation will be even better than us. I think there is so much potential. And if you keep the best players in the game for as long as possible, you'll also get a better level in the longterm.
Timothee: And we needed things to change. It took time, you gave a lot of interviews, you spoke up a lot. There was also last season where there an unprecedented amount of injuries in European football and that started to bring about some changes. It's now a bit better known to the general public that yes, women's bodies are different and need specific attention to detail. There are fragilities, especially with regard to ACLs for example. There are also questions being asked about period cycles. All those are things which are being explored. We want to say, it's starting. It's only just starting, but it is starting. It's work in progress and will be important because it will be things which will come with a lot of questions. But we're finally asking these questions.
Hegerberg: And I think the problem is that the research - I think the worse thing is that the research is already there. But it's how we systematically implement that research so that all the clubs, the federations, UEFA, FIFA use the same information, work together as a team. Because here I think that everyone is doing their own thing. There are those who aren't doing anything. So I think there are really ways to do something. We have to do something, because otherwise I think we will stagnate during a period, because players will suffer so much, will have so many injuries that even the level of play will become stale. We'll never be able to have the best players available. So there's a lot of work to be done but that doesn't mean we should be pessimistic because I am very optimistic and positive for the next generation if we can get a handle on this, because the potential can be incredible.
Journalist: You talk about future players. They have to evolve in order to not stagnate, in order to progress. So I want to ask you, what do you think the future player will be like? Think of it as a questionnaire. For example if you could pick someone's right foot in the Lyon team, whose would it be?
Hegerberg: [loud exhale]
Journalist: We asked the same thing to Vicki Becho, we know it's complicated.
Hegerberg: No, no. A right foot? [long pause] I would say [long pause continues] I would say Lindsey [Horan].
Journalist: And the left foot?
Hegerberg: Okay, the left foot, I would say Amel [Majri].
Journalist: Lindsey, Amel. And header?
Hegerberg: Wendie [Renard], I would say Vanessa [Gilles] as well. She's definitely up there, because she has a good aerial game.
Journalist: So a two-headed player. Interesting. We'll need to make a note of that.
Hegerberg: Exactly.
Journalist: I guess it's possible, there are cases [of Siamese twins]. And endurance? Repeating efforts?
Hegerberg: Oooh, endurance. Endurance..
Journalist: She's thinking of who she wouldn't want to get into a fight with.
Hegerberg: True. [long pause] No, we just have some hell of endurance players. [long pause continues]
Journalist: There's Danielle [van de Donk], I remember when she came in she was breaking all the records. The staff couldn't believe it in terms of physical effort.
Hegerberg: I would say Daan, yeah.
Journalist: Technique? Skill?
Hegerberg: Skills? [long pause]
Timothee: That's a hard one.
Journalist: Of course it's hard. If it was easy we wouldn't be asking.
Hegerberg: True. [long pause continues]
Journalist: I didn't think you would take this long.
Hegerberg: It's difficult to choose.
Timothee: You're going to have to see them in training.
Journalist: You can skip it if you want.
Hegerberg: I would take Delphine's ball control, so Delphine [Cascarino].
Journalist: And to finish, vision of play? Ease to see what is happening?
Hegerberg: [long pause] I would say Maro[zsan].
Journalist: She stays back and see through the lines.
Timothee: She's a good player to watch.
Journalist: Two-headed player, better chance of scoring headers. But a hell of a future player, there's quite a lot to look forward to. But we're going to stay focused on you and get to know you a bit more, know who you are outside of football. I'm not going to lie to our viewers, we were discussing fashion before the show. There are things to know because for example we asked Vicki [Becho] who created the best atmosphere. Your name came up when we asked who was the most stylish.
Hegerberg: I'm so flattered.
Journalist: We were talking about the importance of balancing sport and daily life, both in terms of Michele Kang's project for continuing to play sports. You're a professional athlete, so sports takes up a majority of your life.
Hegerberg: And recovery.
Journalist: How do you recover then? Is it following fashion trends, as we just said? Or is it going to the movies, listening to music? Other things? Pottery, maybe?
Hegerberg: Yeah. [long pause] That's a really good question.
Journalist: Thanks.
Hegerberg: Recovery takes a lot of time. We don't really have the time to redecorate as much as we'd like. But it's true I like to dress well. It's true that I don't post my outfits etc a lot on social media, because I like to do it for myself. Come to the [sports] club, feel good in my daily life. We spend so much time in sportswear.
Journalist: Sweats are important as an outfit. There aren't a lot of catwalks done in sweats.
Hegerberg: Exactly. I even wore my best sneakers for you today. Just for you. [they're white, in case you are wondering]
Timothee: Thank you so much.
Hegerberg: You're welcome. But it's the same with my husband, we like to get away from the football bubble. We're really interested in what's happening with society, we try to get involved with things other than football because it gives you a global perspective and it helps you on a daily basis to not always be so closed off. The world becomes so sterile if you stay just in the football world.
Timothee: Has it always been like that, or did it become that way through experience? At the beginning were you just football, football, football or did you always have that passion but also a need to be involved with other things?
Hegerberg: I think it came with time, honestly. I was really lucky to have gotten involved with a lot of things through football, which allowed me to have sponsorships with things outside of football. I had a partnership with UNESCO, for example. I did something with Dior Women which talked a lot about women's leadership in society. So all the [football] success allowed me to discover some really interesting things outside it: women's roles in society, it's really important to understand where it came from. But I also had parents who raised me where we were all together at the kitchen table. The rule was no matter what, we sat together and we talked about things. So that gave me some self-perspective. They gave me - I think by doing that, they encouraged curiosity. And I really appreciate that about my parents, they opened my eyes from such a young age.
Journalist: Eat and talk. If that's not typically French I don't know what is.
Hegerberg: French Norwegian. It prepared me for life in France.
Journalist: It was good practice. You've learnt a lot about French culture here. I'm not sure if you watch films in French.
Hegerberg: This keeps being brought up.
Timothee: We can blame Jules Cross.
Hegerberg: [laughs] True. I'm actually interested in films, really. I watched Anatomy of a Fall, which came out this year. The Cannes film festival. I got into it with Lindsey [Horan] the other day because she didn't know that cinema originated in France.
Journalist: In Lyon even.
Hegerberg: Exactly. In Lyon.
Journalist: She thought it came from Hollywood?
Hegerberg: Yeah, that's it.
Timothee: Those are things which interest you. It's not just football, there are parts of you which are drawn to other things.
Hegerberg: Yes, I would say that. But I'm not going to pretend, football takes up a lot of my time. It's incredible. Sometimes with my husband, we are like "oh we don't talk football too much with each other" when we're with other people, but it's not true. It's our passion, it's my passion. And it needs to be like that if you want to stay at the top level. That being said there is always what happens after your career is over where you have time to discover other things in life.
Journalist: If we talk about the future, there's the contract extension through 2027. What do you see yourself doing in the future? Three years from now?
Hegerberg: Way too early to be asking that question.
Journalist: In three years, what would you like your statistics to look like?
Hegerberg: The highest level in football. Always. I'm not going to hide it, I'm very positive, I look at my future with a lot of optimism because I know through hard work we're going to have a bright future if the decisions - if the right decisions are made so we can advance in the future. Because the future of football is going to be good. But I've always said that the most important thing in football, in order to have a long career, it's to be motivated. If you start slacking with the small details in your work, if it's not as fun to work on the small details, then I think your level will start to drop pretty quickly. But I'm really, really far from that.
Journalist: And if I go even further, if I ask you where you will be in 10 years? Or where you would like to be even.
Hegerberg: It'll be really interesting to see. I don't think I will have a typical daily office job. I think it'll be something more dynamic. But there is so much to do when you are a player. And I think with the platform we have through football, it gives you the opportunity - I really hate using cliches - it gives you the opportunity to make a difference in someone's life, in society. So yeah, it'll be interesting, whether it's in football or something else.
Journalist: And in 50 years?
Hegerberg: 50 years? President of ... No, I'm kidding.
Timothee: It puts you in a really unique position. You learn a lot of things, we've already talked about languages, you've learned what you are doing now meaning talk in a foreign language on television like you are right now, and do it perfectly.
Hegerberg: With a slight Norwegian accent even after 10 years though.
Journalist: We saw at the beginning of the show that my Norwegian accent wasn't terrible either. It's fine, it's a balance.
[Hegerberg laughs]
Timothee: But all that is so impressive. I'm curious in any case. Everything you've done up to now, Ballon d'Or, done, UWCL, done. I'm curious what the future holds.
Journalist: Okay, if in 50 years we saw "Ada Hegerberg, she was -", how does that sentence end?
Hegerberg: [sharp exhale] You mean what legacy will I leave behind? [exhales harder] That's a hard question. But I hope - I think that when I look back at my career, I know that I would have given it my all, both for myself and for those around me, for my team. And I hope it's something I would be proud of when I end my career, that I would have changed something in my sport.
Journalist: Perfect.
Timothee: Works for us. But please don't stop just yet, you still have time.
Journalist: We talked about the future, what you will do in one, two, three years. But I want to ask you a question about your teammates. It's going to be - well you can pass if you want. If I went through your teammates after football, who do you see taking a year off and doing absolutely nothing?
Hegerberg: Oh my god.
Journalist: Or you know, those who will enjoy doing things that they can't do as professional athletes, eat certain foods, just enjoy life and be like "give me a year and I'll think about what to do next."
Hegerberg: Ooof.
Journalist: Does that mean there are a lot or there aren't any? [gleeful cackle]
Hegerberg: I'm afraid I will insult someone.
Journalist: You can pass.
Hegerberg: No but I respect people who want to take the time to decide what they want to do with their life. [long exhale] Pass.
Journalist: Pass? You're not allowed to pass on a question after this.
Hegerberg: I think everyone will just do their own thing.
Journalist: You're not allowed to pass anymore. I have more questions.
Hegerberg: Okay, okay.
Journalist: Who do you think will play another sport? So like, "after football, I will try my hand at something else"?
Hegerberg: Maro[zsan], I think she would do paddle tennis.
Timothee: She opened a [sporting] complex not far from here. And when you look at all the technique she has in football, I think it would carry over pretty quickly.
Journalist: Who do you think will become a coach?
Hegerberg: Ooooh. Good question.
Journalist: Thanks.
Hegerberg: Oh, wow. [long pause] Honestly, I think I already said Wendie [Renard] but she already gave me her opinion. I think she will change though. Lindsey [Horan], I could see her as a coach. [long pause] That's already two good choices. [longer pause] Amel [Majri], maybe. Her sister is a coach.
Journalist: Who do you think will continue playing until they're 50? They're never going to stop?
Hegerberg: Honestly ... [long pause] I would say Vanessa [Gilles] because she's a tank, honestly. [long pause] I think Wendie [Renard] will last a long time as well.
Journalist: Who will become a referee? Is there even a player who could become one?
Hegerberg: I hope so. I think it would be a good thing. I could see Griedge [MBock] with her long legs running on a pitch with a whistle.
Timothee: And handing out cards.
Hegerberg: That's right. Though I don't actually think she would give that many.
Journalist: And - and you don't have say anything specific - but who do you think will have the most dramatic career change? The most surprising?
Hegerberg: Oof. [sharp exhale and a long pause] Let me think a bit. I haven't given it a lot of thought but maybe Chris[tiane Endler]. Yeah, Chris maybe.
Timothee: She doesn't talk much.
Hegerberg: Yeah, her facial expressions don't give anything away but you know there is something behind her that is just ... there.
Journalist: You mentioned Griedge, which is a happy coincidence because our No. 29 actually had a question for you.
[Horan actually appears on screen]
Horan: Will this be seen? Perfect. Okay, Ronaldo, AH14. My serious question to start is what is your favorite goal that you have ever scored?
Hegerberg: She was serious for once, that's good.
Journalist: Griedge obviously has changed a bit. That was Lindsey Horan, that works too. That was a question from one of your teammates. So what is your choice?
Hegerberg: That's really difficult actually. I'm not going to pretend otherwise because there isn't just one. I would say maybe one of the hat trick goals I scored in the UWCL Final in 2019 against Barcelona. [long pause] I think the header against PSG in the semis was a hell of a goal. It's hard to choose. The hat trick in the final was a big moment.
Journalist: We'll try to get Griedge's question this time. She also has a question for you.
Hegerberg: A serious one?
Journalist: Maybe.
MBock: Hey Ada. I would like you to explain the dream you had about me maybe two or three years ago. If you could explain that one to our friends, that would be great.
Hegerberg: I will definitely not be explaining that one. Pass. She's crazy.
Journalist: I suspected that would be the answer. Timothee filmed it yesterday. When I saw the clip I was like "I don't think we will be allowed to broadcast that." You won't even give a clue?
Hegerberg: It's better if no one knows. Pass. Absolutely pass.
Timothee: Is she allowed?
Hegerberg: I am absolutely allowed.
Journalist: We'll go back to the sporting discussions. We talked a lot about the future, we touched on your past as well. For the now, it's the league. You're pretty much guaranteed to finish first, we're not going to pretend otherwise. [recap of standings]
Hegerberg: Officially winners of the regular season.
Journalist: Hence my next question. You're guaranteed first place but you're not Champions. There's the playoffs which will happen in a few weeks.
Hegerberg: We won the regular season. You have to say it. We won the regular season. We're 9 points clear of PSG. It shows how far ahead we are this year.
Timothee: It's probably still going to be the tightest it's been because of the playoffs. At first maybe we could say "why not?" but now if you look at the ranking in terms of disparity, there is a problem. But there is a good fight for fourth place, there is Reims with Amandine Miquel who has been doing excellent work there for many years. She is definitely eyeing that fourth place. There is also Fleury, Montpellier. It will create opportunities, unfortunately not in our favor.
Journalist: The playoffs, is something exciting for you or does it annoy you?
Hegerberg: I think you already know my answer. I've always emphasized the reward of being consistent throughout a long season, because I know how much work has to be put in to have a good season in the top level. After, that's how it is now. In the end we are just players, we have to play the game. But we are going to do the maximum to be fully prepared for the semifinal and hopefully the final of the playoffs.
Journalist: We are going to do a recap and talk about the consistency this season. We're not doing too badly overall, we are scoring more goals than we are playing games. That's not bad.
Timothee: Yeah, it's been a season where we have been consistent in terms of results. There obviously have been moments which were less good, but that's normal in a season. It's been more consistent than last season when you were admittedly decimated by injuries as well. This season Lyon is guaranteed to finish first of the regular season. This season as well, you've scored a lot. You've played in 24 games out of 32, you've started 17 of them. 21 goals and 2 assists, you are the team's top scorer. Does being the top scorer matter to you or not really, it's just something you do and don't really think about it?
Hegerberg: I think on a personal level it's really important to be on a successful team, and it's also important to help the team. So it's a give-and-take. But I know that when I am well-prepared that's often the case in the my career. I think it's important with the team we have at Lyon to have the top scorer in European [Diani] and in the league [Hegerberg at the time, it later became Chawinga] But I think preparation is the most important thing, it's so important for the team to function properly. And often when the team is doing well, I personally am doing well as well.
Journalist: We're talking about the D1 Arkema, which isn't over. The playoffs are coming up. There's a competition which is unfortunately over, that's the Coupe de France. It would have been doubly painful for you - sorry - with both the loss and your injury. We're going to talk about your health. My first question, how are you doing?
Hegerberg: It's good. I'm doing really good. I'm working hard every day, I'm giving it my all and I am progressing well. So that's the most important thing.
Journalist: We're going to look back at what happened in that moment. Timothee, why don't you put things in context for the Coupe de France game against Fleury?
Timothee: Yeah, much like last year we were playing Fleury in the semifinal. It was at the GOLTC. And indeed, the game started pretty well because we were immediately creating good opportunities. You actually had a good chance pretty quickly. And in that moment we thought things could go pretty well even if Fleury is a team with a lot of quality. And then there was that sequence in the game where - we can say it - there was an action which is really, really difficult to defend and that will lead to you being substituted. And maybe that got into your teammates' heads a little bit because the level of play dropped. There would still be chances created. Then there was the penalty shootouts. The players chose to step up, it must be said. You definitely miss if you don't take it. Fleury did exactly what they set out to do. We obviously weren't happy because we know that was their objective. It's the dark point of the season, just like it was in 2021-2022 when we won the UWCL and the league but not the Coupe de France.
Journalist: Lyon has still not lost a game this season. They parked one, two, three, four buses in front of goal to take it to penalties. After that game, how angry were you? How did you experience it?
Hegerberg: It's really difficult. I would rather not comment too much on the situation because I think it speaks for itself, even if some will say otherwise. For me it's clear. But that's in the past. What we have to accept is for teams today, the reality is a bit brutal. They want to play in a low block against us. It's not an excuse anymore, we need to be able to find the solutions to break down the block, to control the play better, make them run after the ball more, in order to find the solutions. We weren't able to do that this year. That doesn't mean it will get better in the future because we absolutely need to work on that, because it's something which happen a lot going forward.
Journalist: We talked about injuries. It's a little bit off-topic but I want to bring up players' healths. With the accumulation of league games, National Team games, there is also travel, jet lag - you talked about Lindsey Horan and Vanessa Gilles who travel to the US [and Canada]. That also plays a role in everything that you are doing. You also have matches in the Coupe de France against Fleury which can get a bit heated. Is that something which concerns you in terms of players' healths?
Hegerberg: First of all, I'm really impressed by Lindsey [Horan], Vanessa [Gilles], Ellie {Carpenter] who often have to travel really, really far. Chris[tiane Endler] at the time as well. Am I forgetting someone?
Journalist: I think that's everyone.
Hegerberg: Yeah, because how long the trip is, it takes a toll on your body. It's impressive. It's a big, big challenge. It isn't getting any better. What I find really sad is that there is no interaction [regarding scheduling] with the players, they're the ones who are on the field. And since there is no communication between us as players and those who make the [scheduling] decisions, they are increasing the number of games each year. I think it's a shame. It's not something which will help the sport. I don't know if it was looked at from an economical standpoint, but I think it's a really weak decision. It's going to affect the sport in the longterm because it will affect the top level players. Their bodies won't be able to handle it. And I can say it again, we're at Lyon, we're lucky to have expectations regarding the conditions surrounding us. But let's just say not every club is like that. So instead of increasing the number of games maybe they should look at how they can improve the conditions so that the players are in the best conditions possible in order to perform well. But I think we are heading in the wrong direction.
Timothee: You have to realize sometimes that when Lindsey [Horan] is coming back from playing with the National Team, when we're talking with her I'm not convinced she even knows what day it is. There's so much jet lag, so many different emotions. Now it's true everyone deals with it differently. But just having flights that long, it's not really the best way to rest. Those are questions we need to ask. Sometimes it's like, are all these games really necessary? Is it going in the right direction? That's the thing really. We really have to ask ourselves that when we see players play so much and travel such long distances. They aren't catching up on sleep, or it's messed up. Obviously after a moment you end up paying the price.
Journalist: Just as a reminder, Lindsey Horan plays with the US National Team, Vanessa Gilles with the Canadian National Team. Ellie Carpenter and the Australian National Team -
Timothee: She's a true world traveler.
Journalist: Out of this world. She's definitely accumulating [frequent flyer] miles. But we are going to talk about the upcoming objective, it's a bit closer timing wise and that's the Champions League this weekend. If you look at the run so far, the group stage, qualified for the semis after winning the quarters. Next up is Paris Saint-Germain. The knockout rounds have begun, they started in the quarterfinals. Fun time's over, and we meet Paris Saint-Germain again.
Hegerberg: Yeah, it's a classic. Hats off to French football really, because I don't think it's highlighted enough that there's consistently two French teams in the quarters, in the semifinals. It's really a classic in women's football now. I like to say in football generally. But it's going to be a big challenge. It's not going to be easy. But I really have trust in this team. I think we have the quality, we're preparing well, and maybe we will even break the attendance record.
Journalist: We'll talk about it. [cross-talk] Thanks, Ada. We're expecting up to 38,000 people, which will be a new record. We're now looking at the clips of the previous attendance record in 2019 [Coupe de France Quarterfinal against PSG].
Timothee: I just want to remind people that Eugenie [Le Sommer] is getting fouled on that play. In case anyone forgot how that game went. In any case that was the previous record at the Groupama Stadium. Saki Kumagai almost scored, you also came close to scoring. It was a hell of a game.
Journalist: Can you talk about the importance of playing in a big stadium? Does it add an extra something?
Hegerberg: Yes, it goes without saying. And I must give congratulate the club as well, because I think they did a hell of a job this year to increase attendance for the UWCL against PSG. We need to continue doing that. I saw somewhere that we had the second highest attendance [in the UWCL]. So that's really, really good. And we need to keep that connection with the fans in that we need to play good games for them to come back. But I think the trend is pretty good at the moment.
Journalist: I hope plenty of fans will come to the game since since we're close to 38,000 but the all-time record [in France] is 43,000. It was also a PSG-Lyon game, but it wasn't here, it was away at the Parc des Princes. I would like us to beat that at home.
Timothee: Yeah, that would be good. And that game inspired some Lyon players. We know there are some players who don't really like playing in a hostile environment. And then there are others who love it, they thrive on animosity.
Hegerberg: You really think there are Lyon players who don't like it? Really?
Timothee: You think everyone likes it?
Hegerberg: It's true. The thing about this team, even before I came to Lyon, they played a final in front of 50,000 people in Munich in 2013, if I remember correctly? Or 2012? And also when we played the final in Turin, that was predominately Barcelona fans. But I think we feed into it. It's fun. We live for those sorts of games. That game at the Parc des Princes, it was one of the best games I've played in my career.
Timothee: You're right to say that French football is consistent at the top level. What was interesting about this season of the UWCL is that for the first time ever, there were no German teams in the quarterfinals, but there were two French teams. We've talked about it a lot in the pregames and the postgames, when you know German football heritage, when there are two French clubs and no German clubs, that's significant. It means something is working.
Journalist: We'll talk about it more tomorrow, that semifinal against Paris Saint-Germain. We have a question for now about the semifinal. What will your role be in the semifinal? Are you already hyping up your teammates? Are you already influencing them for this semifinal because you probably won't be able to play in the first leg? I'm not sure, maybe I'm just guessing.
Hegerberg: We don't know. It'll be a surprise until the last minute. I'll certainly be there, I can tell you that much.
Journalist: It will be an extraordinary surprise. For this game, there was the group stages which came before it. There was that away game in Norway when you played Brann. You could have played against your sister but unfortunately that didn't happen. Was that a special moment for you in the UWCL?
Hegerberg: It's true that we already did that when she played with PSG. I think it's weirder for my family, especially my parents, it must be difficult to know when to cheer. I always tell them, support whomever wins. But it's more special for them because honestly when you're on the field, it's just about winning. Winning is the only thing that matters. And play well for the team. So for me it needs to stay like that.
Journalist: It's almost time to wrap up, we only have a couple of minutes left. We have one last question for you. I don't think it will be the easiest. And it's still No. 26 who is asking it.
[Hegerberg immediately starts shaking her head]
Horan: If you were playing 2 v 2, in a 2 v. 2 World Cup, would you choose me or Vanessa [Gilles]? And you have to answer.
Hegerberg: Do I really have to choose?
Journalist: Yes.
Hegerberg: Wendie Renard. [laughs] No, I can't answer that question because it will create drama in our friendship and I can't allow that.
Journalist: She said you had to answer.
Hegerberg: Yeah but with Lindsey, I never had to do something.
[Timothee starts laughing]
Journalist: We see who knows why that is. We're going to let you leave, we're so happy we were able to spend an hour with you. I know you have another commitment this evening, I think it has to do with Fortnite or something?
Hegerberg: Yeah, Vanessa was on me about it earlier. You might not think it, but I'm a born gamer, just like Vanessa Gilles. So I had a meeting with her later to play a bit online.
Journalist: You'd have to tell us who won.
Hegerberg: Of course. But we play together, so we're always on the same team.
Journalist: Thank you so much for having spent this hour with us. We were really happy to have you. Hope to see you again very soon. We're not going to wait another three years for you to come back. We have a lot to talk about for the rest of the season.
Hegerberg: I'm really happy to stay for another three years. Honestly, the people who are behind us, everyone at the club, including you Timothee, I'm really honored to stay here because - life goes by you quickly, your career is short, so you need to savor it. So I'm really happy.
Journalist: We have great years ahead of us with Ada Hegerberg. We'll end this the way we started, with the Spice Girls. [Producer plays "Spice Up Your Life"] Have a good night, everyone.
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cathedraldecay · 2 years
what are your thoughts on whether they will drop an album/documentary/live performance dvd and if they will tour again?? i feel really sad bc them playing fake your death seems like a final goodbye again but some ppl are looking at it as a positive and i can't seem to get there it feels pretty permanent that they are gone forever again :( (ik they're not done touring bc japan & australia but you know what i meaaaaaaaan)
last night’s encore was fake your death, their goodbye letter, and vampires will never hurt you, the first song they ever released. this isn’t a goodbye, it’s a new beginning. how I see it, last night solidified more than ever that this tour’s purpose is to be a tribute to the band and the people they were pre breakup and to lay the past to rest. during the years they were broken up, my chemical romance was set in stone. we had years to carve every image, lyric, and interview into our minds. and the band’s “emo band” reputation towards the general public was solidified. this tour’s job was to tear all of that down. it contorted their reputation so it can fit who they are today. it reached through their history and grabbed the things that stay true to who they are after years of change (see: the setlists, gerard’s costumes, the drumheads, changed lyrics, etc.), while leaving the rest in the past. the monuments that were built while they were apart are now torn down, now nothing is in their way. the future is an blank page.
it’s almost 100% confirmed that there will be a documentary/live album. so many people have said they were interviewed in europe and the US, audiences at the LA shows were notified that they were being recorded, and we’ve seen film cameras at countless other shows as well. AND there’s that live recording ray leaked on twitter. they are going to do something with all of those recordings and i can’t think of much else other than a documentary/live album.
as for an album, i dont think it’s likely that it exists right now because it doesn’t make sense with the timeline, however, they now have an open ended future, as well as plenty of time and passion to spare once this tour is done. keep in mind that frank told us that this isn’t a nostalgia tour, my chemical romance is an active band. remember, they got back together in the first place. by their own volition. and now they’re the happiest they have ever been, gerard said so themself. every single show they have the time of their lives, grins plastered on their faces as they sing every line. my chemical romance means more to them than it ever could to us, there’s no way they would say goodbye again so soon. with this tour they have been resurrected and their past is laid to rest. they are now free from expectations and the future is left for them to write at a pace they’re comfortable with. don’t sit around waiting for a breakup announcement because it’s not coming any time soon. they’re here to stay.
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moonysbxtch0 · 2 years
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Professor Remus x Student reader
Part I: The tyrant
McGonagall's desk was always an organized mess that never failed to amaze you. Stacks of papers, folders ,books , pencil holders, the small frame of a photo that you recognised to be  younger McGonagall and a few other people ,her computer,were always so neatly organized that you had never,ever since you started university,seen the small objects be placed in a messy way. You had already explained what you needed from her and in a matter of seconds she did her thing and pulled your file from her drawer,as if she already had memorised where she had put it.
She opened the file,poked her chin with her index finger as she roamed her eyes over the file, flipping the pages in a silence that was making you feel anxious." My dear ,it looks like the classes that you asked for are not filled yet so that won't be an issue."
You finally let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Your body immediately relaxed and it felt as if someone took a weight off your shoulders. Being a med student,your semesters were pretty much set in stone. You smiled at the learned info and moved your eyes from the file on McGonagall's hands to her eyes.
"I'm so relieved to her that-"
"Unfortunately dear , I'm afraid that you can't take classes with professor Dumbledore anymore." McGonagall stared you from under her glasses.What the hell ?! What had happened to professor Dumbledore?
"Did something happen to my uncle?"
You asked. You hadn't been in touch with him for a while.Him and your dad hadn't talked in years. You had learned from your mother that they hadn't spoke to each other ever since your aunt, Ariana ,died tragically in a car accident. Your dad had been the one to drive the car while, uncle Albus had been on the backseat. They had started arguing over something and the next thing they knew the car crashed.
Your aunt lost her life ,your uncle ended up with a conclusion and a broken arm while your father broke his ribs and hurt his neck badly. They both blamed eachother for it and never forgave themselves for what happened. Your father had strictly prohibited you from talking to uncle Dumbledore but you had been talking to him secretly. You two got along well ,he treated you to sweets once in a while in order to catch up with you and gave you useful advices for your future. He was the one who told you to take the Bio Chem class.
"He retired this past semester. This fall the only Bio Chem class that's offered is with professor Lupin. Taking a look here-" she pointed at your file with her hand" It can still work with your other classes."
She started doing her thing and the sound of the keyboard buttons being clicked was making you feel anxious.Your hands were starting to feel sweaty,your head was feeling dizzy and you felt a wave of nausea wash over you. NEVER. You heard the final click and a happy sigh from McGonagall. She just sealed your fate. She sent you in hell willingly,put you in the class that was taught by none other than the devil himself.You had heard more than enough rumours about him.
' He's the satan himself! '
'He's a dictator!'
Those were the words that students usually used to describe him. You had been lucky because you had never taken one of his classes before but now you were forced to take it. Could this get any worse?! You couldn't even drop his course because biological chemistry fell under the medical degree plan .
Everytime you had come in contact with any of your seniors they had warned you to never take one of his classes. Your uncle and him were like day and night when compared to each other. Your uncle was sweet, gentle, patient and understanding while Lupin has always been described as the worst professor and the complete opposite of your uncle. He was a tyrant!
As the cloak on McGonagall's office kept ticking,your chest kept tightening every second. For a moment you felt like you couldn't breathe. No! This couldn't be happening. Absolutely no way. If you still wanted to graduate with high GPA ,you needed a good grade on his class or you would say goodbye to your dreams forever.
"Ehm ..." You bit the inside of your cheek nervously. You had to find a way out of this. "I don't think I should-"
McGonagall sighed as she straightened her posture. She raised her glasses with two of her fingers and looked at you with a soft expression on her face. " I already know what you're thinking. Rumors are only rumours at the end of the day. I've known professor Lupin for a long time and I assure you that he is not this tyrant that students have made him to be. He just is not found of tardiness and laziness. He's strict. Yes. But take a look at the students who have graduated his class with high grades , they're all settled in life now. You're a smart girl Y/N. You'll manage."
You had gone out for a walk. Taking long walks ,while listening to music with your headphones was your favourite thing to do. It helped to cheer you up when you were sad,make you more sad when you wanted to feel like that and also whenever you took an important decision you had to always repeat the same thing,walks while listening to music. It just felt so relaxing, taking a walk in the nature ,the music blending with the background and making you lose yourself.
The sudden peace you had managed to create was interrupted by a loud sound,which came from your phone. Annoyingly you paused the music and when you took a look at the name a smile formed on your face. It was Hermione.
H: Hey,just checking up on you. How did it go with McGonagall?
Y: Heyy. First of all how did it go with Ron's parents? Did they like you? Tell me all the details. The McGonagall situation can wait a bit longer.
H: [ shrug emoji] If you say so. It went well in general. His mum was being a bit...bitchy( that sounds mean doesn't it?) but apart from that the rest of the family liked me.
Y: Jesus. What did Molly do?
H: All I can say is that Freud would have loved that woman! She was one of those annoying mothers that has a thing for their son and sees the girlfriend as their competition.
Y: That's fucked up.[ Skull emoji] I knew that she was overprotective but come on , that's weird!
H: Weird doesn't even describe it! She kept clinging to Ron all the time and even during dinner ( her food was good but she thought she was a master chef or something) she kept talking about how well made her dishes were and that she felt 'sorry' about Ron because apparently I wouldn't be able to cook them as good as her.
Y: The nerve that woman has! Please tell me Ron said something!!
H: He didn't... He loves his mum a bit too much and according to him ,if he said something it would be offensive toward his mum. Can you believe it?!
Y: That's embarrassing of him...
H: I honestly think that I'm dating the wrong brother. You should have seen how the twins and Bill( the hot brother with a pony tail and earring) were trying to comfort me and tell me not to look too much into Molly's words.
Y:  Wait...
H: ...
Y: Bill fucking Weasley was there and you didn't tell me? [Crying face emoji]
H: Ooopss... Was I supposed to?
Y: Hermione! You know that I'm willing to sell my left kidney just to be able to kiss him at least once.
H: Oh.[Crying face emoji.] I have some bad news...
Y: ...
H: He's got a girlfriend. A very hot girlfriend.
Y: Noooooooo. You're joking!
H: Am not. Anyway. He's just a guy ,you can find a better one. So back to the important stuff. Did you finally take your uncle's class?
Y: He's not just a guy Hermione! I've been crushing on the dude ever since I was 15. But if he's got a girl , there's nothing I can do about it.  Anyway. Practically I did take the Bio Chem class but something came up...
H: What happened?
Y: So turns out my uncle retired theast semester...
H: Go on...
Y: And now another professor has taken over... guess who...[ Crying face emoji]
H: Is it professor Black?
Y: I wish! Keep guessing...
H: Hmmm... Knowing about all the professors that give bio chem classes ,it reduces my options to only three. Potter ( if you got lucky. Heard she is the best) , Sprout( she's not half bad. I took her class last year and she's a sweetheart) and lastly but not least...the tyrant.
Y: Ding ,ding ,ding. We got a winner. So me being me...I've always got a shitty luck somehow...I got Lupin [Crying face emoji]
H: I will be praying for you.[ Praying hands emoji ]
Y: Hermione [ crying face emoji] You're supposed to cheer me up!
H: Hey , could have gone worse. Imagine if it was Snape instead of Lupin.
Y: If would have been 100 times better! Our families get along. He would probably give me a good grade. Lupin is going to make my life a living hell. Remember what happened to Angelina last year?
H: How could I? He made her cry in front of the class and then she dropped his course.She's not the first and she won't be the last.
Y: My point exactly!
H: Still you can't judge the guy simply because of that. Between us , Angelina has never been one to study or pay attention during lectures.She probably did something that pissed him off...
H: Hermione, you and that whole ' You need to see the good in people thing ' ughh... Angelina didn't create the rumour that he's a tyrant, many students did.
H: You still can't know until you take his class,hell you might even like him.
Y: The chances of that are the same as me going out with Marcus. Zero.
H: [Laughing face emoji] Okay point made. Still though ,you have to wait before you judge him.
Y: I know...I know...
H: I'm sorry but I have to go now. Me and Ron are going on a date and he just arrived. You've got this! Ttyl[ Heart emoji]
You shut the screen of your phone with a sigh. This was going to be one hell of a school year and you wished to say that you were excited for it but you weren't. Not in the slightest.
An: so basically this is the first time I ever post something on Tumblr. I usually post my fics on Ao3 but thought to give this app a try. English is not my first language so bear with any grammar mistakes I might do :)
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semper-legens · 5 months
30. Revealed, by PC and Kristin Cast
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Owned: No, library Page count: 306 My summary: Neferet has been exposed. Disgraced, abandoned even by Darkness, she flies to safety under a tree to regroup and rethink. Meanwhile, Zoey and her friends have problems of their own. After the shocking death of their friend Erin, splinters have formed - can Zoey and her friends accept more red fledgelings coming to the Light? And Aurox is becoming more like Heath, causing Stark's possessiveness to go into overdrive. Zoey's got a lot on her plate… My rating: 1/5 My commentary:
So! Close! To! The! End! The last book is on its way to the library, but it's coming from outside my county so it's probably gonna take a while. Which means both I and you will have a break from it for a bit, thankfully. The penultimate book in the House of Night series. It's all coming to a dramatic climax, you guys! By which I mean more teenage angst, more circling around the same five plot points, and more dumb bullshit drama for no reason. As is the trademark of this series. So, without any further ado, let's get into…all of that.
First off, this book comes with a helping of Neferet's backstory. And it's stupid as hell! See, apparently Neferet was abused by her father as a child before being Marked. This is all kind of glossed over in a few paragraphs, no need to focus on it. Because the real pain for her came from when her cat died. She prayed to Nyx to save the cat, and Nyx gave her the ability to soothe pain…but the cat still died. And that was Neferet's start of darkness. Because God didn't save her cat. She then goes on to be a slutty slut slutterson, getting with different creepy guys for no particular reason other than to feel power. One of whom is a vamp Warrior who, like, is a masochist - literally, sexually - and that's both his whole characterisation and a bad thing for some reason? Because he's into being hurt? And then she drives one of her would-be suitors to off himself, because he annoyed her? For a subplot that should exist to make Neferet less one-dimensional, it's really not succeeding. She's just an oversexualised villain, at the end of the day. And seriously, girl, why was the cat the breaking point here?
Zoey's anger issues are a large part of the plot here, especially the later plot, but as usual they are not really handled well at all. The idea is that Zoey is getting angrier and more influenced by Old Magjyk (ugh) and will eventually end up doing something bad that she can't come back from. Aphrodite sees this in a vision and, despite her entire characterisation being 'blunt bitch mean girl who is reluctantly on the side of Good', doesn't say anything about it and instead recruits Shaylin to stalk her for a bit and spy on her magical aura in both an underhanded and unsubtle way which just makes the situation worse. Once again, characters picking up the idiot ball for drama. And the explosion comes with Zoey accidentally using her Seer Stone to kill two homeless guys in a park, which…one, I feel like if it's accidental it kind of negates the idea of it being a facet of Zoey's character if it was an unintended magical side-effect. Two, we've literally had this plot point before when Zoey smashed a car into some guys, and she didn't face any real consequences then? And three, it comes pretty much out of nowhere - there is a build with Zoey becoming more pissed off with everything around her, but it's not that unreasonable a reaction to her environment and the things that are happening to her. Once again, a minor character trait is introduced as a massive flaw just to give the characters some extra drama.
One big thing that Zoey et al keeps going on about with Thanatos is that 'We're not bickering kids!' - she wants herself and her friends to be taken seriously as adults and as sensible people, and resents being infantilised. The problem is that Zoey and her friends are just acting like bickering children constantly. They care more about their interpersonal issues than anything more important. They bitch and moan at each other constantly. They deal with everything like a stereotypical teenager from a mean girl Disney Channel movie. It's so obviously meant to be a 'don't underestimate teens!' style power fantasy, but the kids aren't being smart about anything they do. That kind of power fantasy only works if the teens do have a point and are being talked down to by the adults in their lives! Not if the adults are being pretty reasonable and the teens are making everything worse!
Stark's possessiveness rears its head here - by which I mean, shows up again because we gotta have a love triangle. Man, one of the very few things I was going to give to this series was that it seemed to have dropped the love triangle bullshit in the later books but nope, here it is again, this time between Stark and Aurox. Which is dumb for several reasons, mostly that Zoey doesn't consciously want to be with Aurox, she's just got the spiritual hots for him because he's Heath and soulmates are a thing apparently. And Stark is pissed, despite the fact that Zoey is trying to talk to him about it and trying to open communication about it and trying to work through it, and Stark is just doing the caveman NO ME ANNOYED thing, and it's exactly the goddamn same as every fucking time that a love triangle has shown up in this series. Exactly the same! It wasn't even interesting the first time!
And finally - hey, remember how there's been this whole thing about Erin going over to the bad guys for no real reason and none of her so-called friends seem to care about her? Yeah, so she dies at the start of this one. Just, boom! Neferet ghosts through her and she dies. And the gang get over it pretty damn easy. Shaunee is the only one who actually seems to give a fuck. Meanwhile, her replacement is coming in with the form of red fledgeling Nicole, who wants to come over to the good guys also for no stated reason. And she kisses Shaylin, I guess? Just as I was about to criticise the series for not realising lesbians are real. Still, this is a penultimate-book romance between two incredibly minor characters - if you were going to add lesbians, why not have Stevie Rae and Aphrodite be a thing around when they were Imprinted, or have like Erin and Shaunee get together or something? Not these two girls who got introduced very last-minute who I don't care about and have no connection to.
Next, something thankfully different - a trip to the North Pole.
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