#i clean this place i turn the heat up and down ive washed the dishes 8 out of 10 times im always making supper
kindlyfunkn · 8 months
i told my sister she should not cough so much when trying to throw up bc it can increase chances of aspiration, for more success she could start heaving from the stomach
"yeah well i dont know how to do that🙄"
what? heave? yse your abdominal muscles? are you fucking stupid?
#istg she comes home says shes sick and acts like she's never been sick a day in her life#she gets pissy when i offer advice bc what else tf am i supposed to do here#now she complains about no food being ready 'im so tired i was working all day then johanna wanted to hang out n get bubble tea' ok?#theres leftovers from the other day HEALTHY STUFF theres vegetables and chicken you can put in the fucking microwave 30 secs boom supper#and theres tuna i mixed with mayonnaise there on the counter and a baked potato on the stove for you do not fucking say that theres nothing#not when ive been the only one cooking here for more than just myself. every time she makes something for her supper im an afterthought#but the minute i dont make something for her (DVEN THOUGH I FUCKING DID) she gets pissed#im like a fucking maid in my own house and she complains about me#she got mad at me last night when i said 'my house' to my twin sisters friend bc 'my (sic) names on the bills' like bitch im paying you#for those still. and im listed as a tenant shut the fuck up. it IS my house. yes it's our house but it is still my house also#i clean this place i turn the heat up and down ive washed the dishes 8 out of 10 times im always making supper#i do the laundry i fold her shit too. the rare chance she does the laundry she never folds it and only takes her shit out the dryer#she did the laundry yesterday and oh whats this? all the clothes smell like rubber for some weird fucking reason im sick of her#she never does anything except buy groceries once in a while#all she does is go to her room when she gets home and thats it#funk's record log
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moonb-eam · 4 years
We're all still reeling from saying goodbye, so let's try to focus on something more positive. What are your ten (or more if you want) headcanons for Elu's future?
oh this is sweet 🧡🧡🧡🧡
(I’m so sorry this took so long to answer!! It wound up being longer than I thought it was going to be 😳)
These are a few things I think happen over the coming years:
i. They learn how to communicate. It takes time, and some days their communication dissolves into arguments and some days it endlessly circles, but then, there are days when one of them comes home late and the other says, alright, I’ll make you some tea. There are days where one of them walks in to see the other crying and they say, will you tell me what’s wrong? There are days where they sit together on the sofa, legs entangled, and they talk for hours, about everything from their dreams the night before, to the deepest corners of their hearts. There are days where only a glance is needed for them to understand each other. But it’s work. It’s work, and it’s as messy as it is wonderful, and they keep trying.
ii. They get a pet together. Maybe a cat, or maybe a dog, or maybe even a bunny - but they go to a shelter together, and they leave with a little furry friend. The buy a specific bed for it, but of course it never sleeps there. At any given moment, when Lucas or Eliott are wandering through the apartment, checking underneath the sofa or behind the curtains, their little friend is actually curled between their pillows on the bed, warm and content in the space that smells like its two favourite humans.
iii. They establish small traditions together: Friday night is movie night; Sunday afternoon is when they clean; they cook for each other on their birthdays; they sleep on the balcony together on the first long summer night of the year; they take turns hiding mistletoe around the apartment in the weeks leading up to Christmas. They also establish some things that aren’t traditions, really, but just routines. Patterns. Whoever wakes up first has to make coffee and water the plants (usually it’s Lucas); whoever goes to sleep last has to turn off all of the lights and empty the dish rack (usually it’s Eliott); whenever they wash their sheets they wind up making a fort in the living room; whenever Eliott is out late at an urbex party or at work, Lucas will leave some dinner in the fridge for him, and a small note - the note may say something like, don’t make any noise, I have an exam, or something like, wake me up when you get home, I’ve missed you, and one time, memorably, you’re so hot xoxo. And you’ve probably guessed it. Eliott keeps every single note.
iv. The entrance to their apartment becomes known as a veritable revolving door of chaos. At any given movement, there is someone bursting in, either in celebration or distress, sometimes alone, sometimes with the rest of the circus right on their heels. People are also known to stay the night: sleeping on the couch, in the armchair, even on the floor on top of a pile of blankets. Lucas often complains, says that the whole point of him and Eliott moving in together was to have privacy, but Eliott doesn’t buy it. He sees the quirk of Lucas’ mouth whenever a knock comes to their door, sees how he paces around the kitchen until eventually he gives in and starts making a pot of coffee, and produces a semi-stale bag of croissants from seemingly out of nowhere, heating them in the oven and passing them out along the table. When Lucas catches Eliott staring, he just blushes, smiles, and shrugs.
v. They wear each others’ clothes all the time. There’s a drawer in their bedroom that is filled with nondescript t-shirts that have become so mixed up they can’t discern which belonged to who in the first place.
vi. When Eliott shows Lux and Obscurus to his film class, everyone is surprised. They had no idea what to expect from this coursemate who they only know as someone who is a little quiet, a little awkward, and they’re impressed by it - by the film, by the fact that Eliott was able to produce it with an amateur crew, and soon everyone is asking Eliott what his next project will be, and students from the other courses are asking him if he needs a production designer, a camera operator, a sound technician. Eliott comes home from class one day with a troupe of people following him who Lucas has never seen before, and when Eliott introduces him as, my boyfriend Lucas, there’s a collective gasp. The muse, one of them says, and the look of pure confusion that Lucas sends Eliott makes him burst into laughter.
vii. On Lucas’ first day of university, Eliott wakes up early and packs him a lunch, presenting it proudly to Lucas when he stumbles into the kitchen, bleary-eyed. It’s unbelievably sweet, and Lucas tells Eliott this, kissing him on the cheek in thanks, but he regrets those words later that day, when, sitting on a bench on campus, he opens up the lunch to find a sandwich with ham, Brie cheese, mustard, and strawberry jam. (What he doesn’t admit is that somehow, it actually tastes really good.)
viii. The first time Lucas’ mom comes over for dinner, Eliott gets so nervous that he manages to burn ready-made pasta sauce, and Lucas gleefully recounts the story to his mom when she arrives. Eliott is laughing along with them, bashful, a little embarrassed, but Lucas’ mom smiles, pats him on the shoulder and says, there’s no need to worry, darling. With the way he talks about you, I feel as though you’re already my son-in-law. Eliott grins, pleased, and it’s Lucas then who blushes, sending his mom a pointed look that she returns with a satisfied smile.
ix. Eliott refuses to drop it, is the thing. Remember when your mom called me her son-in-law? So of course, Lucas turns it around on him, a joke that he pulls out whenever Eliott turns down an offer to join him on a night out, or on another trip to Basile’s grandfather’s. Oh that’s too bad, Eliott, he says. I was going to propose to you. Eliott tries to one-up him, naturally, and it turns into this - them keeping score for a game nobody else understands, with Eliott pretending to stumble onto one knee and asking Lucas if he will do him the honour of helping him up, and Lucas presenting a small, velvet box to Eliott at his graduation dinner, and Eliott opening it to find a condom. No one understand it, but they accept it. Just another quirk that makes them Lucas and Eliott. Well, everyone except Basile, who, when he learns that they’re not actually engaged while at Eliott’s birthday party, drunkenly bursts into tears.
x. When it does actually happen, though, it happens like this: with a date at a familiar spot, a bottle of champagne opened and emptied, with Lucas procuring another small box, and solemnly promising that it’s not a condom this time, and Eliott is laughing because his boyfriend, his fiancé, is a bit of an idiot, but he’s Eliott’s idiot, and Eliott loves him so much he can’t breathe, can’t speak when Lucas slides a ring onto his finger. They kiss, and they’re both crying, salty tears down rounded cheeks that mix with something else, something cold, and they realize at the same time that it’s starting to rain, big fat drops that land in their eyes and soak their hair and they both laugh in delighted wonder, tilting their heads back to watch they sky together.
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cilldaracailin · 4 years
A Kind of Magic
And some more for you all :)
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“Sometimes strangers are the best persons who indirectly sort out everything for you.”
Taron felt Robyn was slightly underestimating her definition of luxury as he stood under the rainfall shower in her bathroom, listening to David Bowie. The fall of the water felt wonderful on his skin, rivers of warm droplets helping to knead out the knots in his shoulders. With his hands leaning on the wall in front of him, he stood with his head down, allowing the water to wash over his back, almost moaning with delight. He had no idea how long he had been standing in her powerful shower, but after washing his hair and body, he was enjoying how the pressure of the flow of the water was just beating down on him. The shower he had taken in the hospital on Monday was awkward and cold, as the nurse waited outside for him to finish and his IV kept getting in his way, he felt hurried and uncomfortable but Taron felt like he could stay in Robyn’s shower for hours, it just felt so delightful. He lifted his head and let the water run over his face for a second before he moved, the heat of the water hurting the scratches on his face, letting the stream flow over his head instead. He turned around, letting the water run over his back again before he almost reluctantly turned the shower off. He ran his hand through his wet hair, feeling freedom in his movements again as his pain killers finally settled in.
He opened the glass doors and carefully stepped out of the shower and walked the few steps to where Robyn had left him some towels, two blue ones. Pulling the larger one from the rail, he enjoyed the warm feel of the fluffy cotton under his hands and placed it around his waist and tucked it in at the side before grabbing he smaller one and carefully rubbed his hair, humming along to the music in the background. He switched off the towel warmer now that he had taken both towels off.
Wiping the condensation from the mirror, he cringed at his reflection. He was still finding it hard to believe he had slept for fifteen hours straight because his face didn’t show any evidence of that rest. He still looked wretched and tired but he felt much more awake and cleaner. He had taken the small dressing from his head before he showered but left the steri-strips on the red and raw wound. He picked up this toothbrush and using Robyn’s toothpaste, brushed his teeth, still humming along to the music. He turned to the side and looked at the stitches in his arm in the mirror. Doctor Hart said he would be left with a small scar but if he took care of the wound, it would really only be a small one. He would have to ask Robyn to put a new dressing on it when he was done, wondering how she had managed to cover her own when it was on her back. Rising his mouth out, the placed his toothbrush next to Robyn’s and padded through her closet and into her bedroom which was lovely and cool, despite the heat from the sun coming in the glass doors. He could still hear Bowie singing in the bathroom, so he went back and asked Alexa to stop before he headed back to the bed. He had laid out a pair of boxers, black shorts and a green t-shirt ready to change into. He thought he was going to need the warmer clothes Richard had bought for him, but with the weather being so hot, he was happy to change into light shorts and a top. Drying off, he got dressed and put the towels back where Robyn had left them for him. He didn’t bother putting any shoes on, as he noticed Robyn was walking around bare foot and opened the bedroom door and walked into the kitchen.
“We need to have a chat about the meaning behind luxury.” He said as he stood beside her at the hob, where she was cooking some eggs in a pan.
“Enjoy the shower?”
“It was glorious.”
“I knew you would enjoy it.” Said Robyn as she kept her eyes on the eggs.
“I didn’t actually want to get out. That water pressure is amazing.”
“Nice right?”
“My back just feels like it has had the best massage.”
Robyn laughed. “I am glad you enjoyed it. Can you pop that bread in the toaster behind you please?”
“Yeah sure.” Taron did as Robyn asked and put the four slices of bread into the toaster and pushed the button down. “It is very luxurious. I have stayed in many hotels and they have not had a shower like that and I got to listen to music too? Heaven.”
“A few things might seem luxurious, like the shower or the air con but it’s taken a lot of years to actually get them. You should have seen the shitty shower I had before. Barely a trickle.”
“I’ve seen a little of how hard you work Robyn and you are very good at what you do, so why not spent your hard-earned money on things you want.”
“I am glad you see it like that Taron. Others don’t. Think it’s a waste and pointless but for me, it’s my home so I will make it the way I want.”
“Well I have no complaints so far.” Taron heard the toast pop and he carefully pulled it out and out it on the plate that was waiting for it. “I will have to get you to put the dressing on my arm when we’re done please, if you don’t mind, Doctor Hart gave me some clean dressings to use.”
“Yeah of course I will. Doctor Keane did the same for me. The butter is just there beside you in the dish and the knives in the drawer to the left of you.”
Following Robyn’s instructions, Taron make quick work of buttering the toast and turning it sideways, cut the four slices in large triangles. “You managed to cover your shoulder yourself.”
“It’s a little awkward but I manage.” Replied Robyn as she divided the eggs onto two warmed plates beside her.
“Well I can do it for you now.”
“It will make my life much easier if you can. It’s hard to reach your back.” She said looking at him and smiling. “I’m not too sure what you would like to drink.” Said Robyn as she put the pan in the sink. “Tea, coffee?”
“You know, even with the heat, I could murder a cup of tea.”
“Sure.” Robyn stretched to the right and opened the press and pulled out a blue stripped mug and popped it onto the machine she had which made one cup of tea a time.
“You have so many bloody gadgets.” Said Taron as he watched her pushed the green button and the hot water poured out into the mug. Robyn pulled a tea bag out of the jar beside the machine and dropped it in the water.
“It’s called a ‘cupán amháin’ which means one cup. I wouldn’t called it a gadget. I don’t really drink tea or coffee and have no need for a kettle but mam bought me one of these so she can make tea when she comes over so it comes in handy. It makes one cup at a time.” Robyn pulled a sugar bowl from beside the tea machine and then walked around Taron to open the fridge and get some milk. “I will let you milk and sugar yourself.” She opened the drawer that Taron had gotten the knife from and handed him a spoon.
Taron opened the sugar bowl and was met with sugar cubes. “Do I see more luxurious items?” He picked up two cubes and dropped them in. “Cubes of sugar?”
“It’s not something I use very often and I found that the loose sugar goes horribly hard so sugar cubes are easier to keep.”
While she was speaking, Robyn pulled a glass from the press beside where she got Taron’s mug and once he was finished with the milk, poured herself a glass. “So, would you like to eat inside or outside?” She asked as he finished stirring his tea.
“Let’s go outside. Fresh air sounds good.”
“Ok great. Can you manage your plate and cup? I do not own a tray.”
“Yeah of course.”
Robyn balanced the plate of toast on her glass and picked up her plate of eggs and led the way through the apartment to her garden and walked over to a pastel blue wooden outdoor table and chairs, a large blue sun umbrella keeping the sun off the table, and carefully placed her eggs down before putting the toast down too, Taron following her. Robyn pulled out one of the chairs, fixed the cushion and sat down.
“Welcome to my garden.” She said Taron sat down beside her to her left, making sure he was in the shade too but Robyn stood up, just as he settled himself. “I forgot the cutlery. Give me two seconds.”
As Taron watched Robyn run back inside, he looked around the garden. Simple and pretty summed it up. The wooden deck stretched the length of the house, past the doors to Robyn’s bedroom and to the right of the decking was a well-kept grass garden about ten foot wide. The sound of water he had heard earlier was from a water feature which flowed into a small pond in the garden. There was another L shaped wicker couch outside her bedroom doors, full of cushions and an outdoor swing chair just to the right of it.
“Here you go.” Robyn came back with the cutlery and roll of paper towels too.
“Robyn this is beautiful and so quiet.”
“Yep. There obviously is a road behind the wall and a housing estate but it is still really peaceful.”
“You have put so much work into making your home so wonderful.”
“Thanks Taron. Now eat before your eggs go cold.”
Taron gladly tucked into the plate of eggs in front of him, enjoying the simplicity of the meal in front of him. It was exactly what he needed and he was finished before Robyn was.
“I am just going to make another cup of tea.” He said as he got up from the chair carefully. “Would you like anything?”
“No thank you.”
Robyn was glad to see Taron had taken her instructions to make himself at home to heart. She pushed her half-eaten eggs to the side and finished off the rest of her glass of milk. She moved in her chair, so her legs were tucked under her as Taron walked back out with his tea. He already looked so much at ease in himself and his movements were smoother, even though he did wince with every now and again.
“Not eating?” He asked as he saw her half empty plate and settled on the cushion on the chair.
“Not that hungry.”
“You ok?” He asked as took a sip of his tea cradling the cup in his hands.
“Just been a long day and not because you are here. I am very happy to see you, believe me. This Taron, sitting and drinking tea, is my favourite by far.”
He smiled but saw that her smile didn’t reach her eyes. “Robyn? What’s up?”
“Just work shit.”
“Work shit?” He looked at her.
Robyn wished he hadn’t picked a green t-shirt to wear because it just made his green eyes stand out more and she knew the concern she saw there was genuine. “Valerie.” She said simply as if Taron was going to know who that was.
“That’s the staff member who hadn’t put suncream on the kids right?”
Robyn titled her head as she looked at Taron surprised, he remembered. “Yeah that’s Valerie. Just giving me shit today, that’s all. Pissed off a parent by saying their child wasn’t ready for school and I had to have that conversation with the parent and then Valerie. She wasn’t happy with me and then spread a lovely rumour round the building that we shared more than a hug in the office.”
Taron sat up in the seat, the movement spilling some of his tea but also hurting his side. “What?” He asked as he shook the spilt tea from his right hand.
“Don’t worry. I set the record straight very quickly and with more controlled flare compared to when I spoke to Frankie with, told her it was none of her business. Emma has given her a warning.”
“Aww shit Robyn.” Taron put his cup down on the table. “That was not something I want you to have to deal with just because I turned up at your work.”
“It’s nothing to do with you Taron.” Robyn reached over and took his hand. “Promise. It was Valerie finding a way to get under my skin. Remember I told you about Christina?” Taron nodded. “It’s just another situation like that where younger staff members don’t handle authority well. It was just Valerie’s childish way of getting back at me but the I have known and worked with the other staff in the creche for years so they knew Valerie was talking out of her arse. We have all been friends for years and they were more concerned with why you had appeared in the office and what had actually happened in the 7/11. They didn’t believe a thing Valerie said. Emma always has my back too so has already had words with her. I just don’t want vicious rumours like that spreading around. This is a small town and I have worked very hard to get to where I am and I also don’t want anyone thinking that about you either.”
“You know you don’t have to worry about me, right?” Taron gave her hand a squeeze.
“And you have met me, right? I worry about people I care about and what she was insinuating was just disrespectful. To be honest, I can’t see her lasting much longer with us. She has already stepped over the line a few times this week. It just makes my job harder because shit like that doesn’t sit well with me. I still maintain all that professional front but its fucking draining and I am already tired and it was just a kick in the face. I have really tried with her and offered countless times to help her and it gets thrown back in my face and being supervisor, I will always have to try but just to hear how she turned a simple hug that we both badly needed into something so nasty was hard.”
Taron moved his chair closer to Robyn and wrapped his right arm around her shoulder, bringing her closer to him. “So, shit day all over.” As Robyn spoke, he could hear the frustration in her voice as well as the tiredness coming through.
“It’s not been so shit. I mean we got a lovely picture from the kids. You really made an impression on them.”  Robyn felt Taron laugh as he still kept his arm around her shoulder.
“You do realise I have no idea what that picture is?”
“It’s me and you in the playground.” Explained Robyn. “And seeing you walking and talking has made my day less shit too.” Robyn moved away from him, but his arm still lay across her shoulders. “I am glad that you came Taron. Really.”
“I know Robyn. I know you are.”
The two sat in silence for a minute, Taron finishing his tea before Robyn broke it. “How about we get this cleaned up, I can put the dressing on your arm and you can call your mam and then maybe we can just sit on the couch and watch TV.”
“That sounds like my perfect evening.” Agreed Taron and he pulled his arm from Robyn’s shoulders.
Together they gathered up their dishes and walked back into the kitchen.
“I don’t actually have a dishwasher.” Explained Robyn as she scraped her eggs into the bin. “No point when there is just me.”
“That’s ok. I can wash, you can dry.”
“I don’t normally even dry. I just wash and let the dishes drip dry.”
“Well there are two of us now, so you can dry and I will wash.”
“Okie dokie.” Agreed Robyn and they quickly tidied up after their meal, Robyn putting all the dishes away while Taron wiped the counters down.
“Let me get the dressings that Doctor Hart gave me.” Said Taron heading for the bedroom. He was happy to let Robyn help him and was very much looking forward to speaking to his mam as well as just crashing on Robyn’s comfortable couch. Pulling the dressing box from his duffle he made his way back into the kitchen, to see Robyn closing the glass doors over.
“The insects start to come in around this time, so it just easer to close them.” She explained when she saw Taron walk over to her. “We can flick the air con back on for a while to cool the room down.”
“Oh shit, I think I have left the one in the bedroom on all this time.”
“It’s ok. Don’t worry. It’s only low and it keeps that room nice and chilled. Good for sleeping.” Robyn locked the doors into place. “Alexa stop.” The piano music stopped and Robyn turned on the air con before turning the television on too. “I have to have some sort of background noise. I think working with children means I need to have some sort of a hum around. You want to sit and I can fix that arm for you?”
Taron automatically sat where he had been after he had woken up, Robyn sitting next to him to his right.
“I have the dressing.”
“And the bandage or tape?”
“To secure the dressing to your arm?”
“Ahh yeah no. I don’t think I have that.”
“I do.”
Robyn stood up and walked to the bathroom and smiled when she saw his toothbrush beside hers and the towels neatly placed back on the towel warmer. She opened her bathroom cabinet and took out some of the surgical tape she used for herself and a bandage.
“Got them.” She sat back down beside him. “You can be my assistant and hold all these for me.”
“No problem.”
“I’m going to pull your sleeve up. I am sorry if I hurt you.” Robyn carefully rolled up the sleeve of his t-shirt to his shoulder. His arm still looked painful and tender, the stitches keeping the deep wound closed. “Ok dressing please.” Taron handed her the dressing he was given and she gently placed it over the wound on his arm. “Can you tear off some of the tape for me?” She took the strips from him as he handed them to her and lightly pressed them down on the edge of the dressing, securing it in place. “And the bandage.” Robyn rolled it out and then around his arm, pulling it lightly before she used the small safety on that came with it to pin it in place so it wouldn’t unravel. “And all done.”
Taron looked to his arm as she rolled his sleeve back down. “Thank you Robyn.”. She was just as gentle as she had been when she wrapped his arm the first time.
“Any time. I will put this stuff away. Do you want to grab your phone and call your mam? I am sure it’s charged by now.”
“Yes, I will do.”
Taron got to his feet and walked to the kitchen while Robyn went to the bathroom. He pulled his phone from the charger and pulled the plug out, leaving the charger on the island beside his tablets. He headed back to the couch and sunk back into it as he turned on his phone. Three missed calls and a voice mail.
Robyn sat on the couch beside him, a single pillow between them.
“I’ve missed a call from my mam, Richard and Matthew, the director of the move I was filming.” He explained as he saw her confused look. “He came to see me in the hospital and asked me to ring him once I was home. He’s a good friend and I am sure Richard wants to make sure I made it here safely.”
“Richard knew you coming to see me?”
“Yeah. Might have encouraged it too. Before he had to go back to Chicago where he was filming he came to see me in the hospital and brought me my duffle which was in his rental car and when I told him I wanted to come and see you, he practically pushed me onto the plane. I will call him after I’ve spoken to mam.”
“I can leave you to make the call in private. I don’t mind at all.”
“No, I want to have you here and like I said, my mam really wants to talk to you.” Taron pressed number one on his speed dial and snuggled a little further into the couch as he waited for him mam to answer the phone.
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feminarrie · 6 years
Niall, a bottle of whiskey, and a drill. use that and write what you will. I want to see what you come up with!! (also you can take your time with this)
kate! once again, thank you for challenging me with this! it was fun to figure out just how i wanted to go about this, but i’m happy with what i’ve come up with!
i’m putting it below a cut bc it’s just 3k+ of smut (it is also unedited sorry!)
As she looks out at Niall, Y/N can’t help but think how utterly domestic the scene is.
It’s midsummer and the California heat was approaching a dry 100 degrees. She had ditched her shirt in favor of a bikini top and a pair of light wash shorts atop her bottoms. She’d even spent the better half of the morning in the pool with Niall. But, as it neared one in the afternoon and the peak temperature of the day, she had gone back inside to cool down and to prepare lunch for the both of them. While Niall had slipped out of the pool and wandered to the patio, where a new patio set is still sat in pieces.
She looks outside at him now, through the kitchen window, as she washes and peels a carrot. His back glistens with sweat as he attempts to line up a metal pole with another piece of the bar that they had bought just a few days ago. They’d offered to assemble it upon delivery, but Niall had insisted that he would be able to put it together. She hadn’t argued it, either. Especially considering that they were on their way out for a scheduled date night.
She’s glad Niall had decided to put the furniture together. Especially when she see the way his broad back tenses when he moves this way or that. Droplets of sweat drip down it and highlight every movement.
The way his arms look now, as he uses a drill to join to pieces together, surpass sinful. With every movement, his biceps flex and Y/N can’t help, but think about how they feel when he’s fucking up into her. Like they had this morning, in the comfort of their air conditioned bedroom. When her back was pressed to his chest and the backs of her thighs and ass bounced in his lap. His arm had wrapped around her middle while his other hand was wound around her throat. Hitting her at angles that she didn’t think were possible.
There’s a different heat that’s building, now. An internal heat that still has sweat developing on the back of her neck and at her hairline despite the heavily air conditioned kitchen. It settles into the apples of her cheeks as continues to prepare their lunch. 
Which, it really is a miracle that she’s capable of finishing all the preparation and plating it by the time Niall walks in. She’s even managed to grab the bottle of whiskey from the top of the fridge without asking Niall to retrieve it for her. She pours it over the ice in a short glass, watching as it melts the cubes just slightly. She hopes he’ll like all of it, too. Niall is usually one to drink beer or water in this kind of heat, but she figures that a small glass of whiskey is a treat for all the hard work he’s doing. Plus, it forces him to slow down enough to enjoy the liquor and cool off for awhile. 
Y/N can see the sunburn that has begun its assault on his shoulders. The already tan skin has turned a shade of pink that holds a future of promise of blossoming into a shade of red if he’s outside for any longer. “Whatever you’ve made smells delicious, love.” Niall hums, pushing his sunglasses to the top of his head as rounds the corner of the island.
“Thank you.” She grins, leaning upward to receive the peck that Niall has stopped to give her. “Go clean up and I’ll have the table all set when you come back.”
Niall nods and leaves after another peck to her lips.
Y/N busies herself with setting up the table. She places a smaller bowl of salad between two plates of greek wraps. It’s nothing too fancy, but she hardly thinks that Niall is keen on having a hot meal after he’s come inside. Even if he was, she absolutely did not want to be overheating while cooking up a warm meal for him. So, she figures it is more likely a win/win situation for the both of them. Niall returns shortly after she’s set herself down to eat. He’s in a pair of deep blue gym shorts and nothing on top. As he comes to sit down next to her, she can see the freckles that have begun to develop along the expanse of his shoulder and back. Unlike his sunburn, they will likely fade within the next few days. 
“Thanks for lunch, Y/N.” Niall says before his eyes land on the chilled glass of whiskey. “And for this. How’d ya know I was cravin’ something stronger?”
“Figured you would after being outside for most of the day.” Y/N shrugs as she answers. Their conversation dies down after that, both of them being too busy with eating to speak. Especially Niall, who goes back in for a second helping of salad. And Y/N lets him because she knows he’s probably built up an appetite.
“I’ve just got to put a few more pieces together and then I’ll be done.” Niall says after Y/N asks him how much longer he’ll be.
“We’ll stay inside after that then, yeah?” She suggests, hopeful that Niall will want to stay in for the remainder of the evening. “I’ll order takeout for us, if you’d like.”
Niall nods, drying off his hands after having finished washing his dish. Y/N lets the rest sit in the sink for now, her mind having drifted to the idea of having a cool shower while Niall finishes up outside.
He kisses her once more on the cheek before stepping out into the yard once again. Y/N paces herself in heading upstairs into the master bathroom. Grabbing her phone from the coffee table so that she can listen to music while she’s showering. She’s even more eager because she’s got a killer playlist that she’d been adding to for the past few weeks.
But, she’s also got other things on her mind as she makes her way upstairs after turning the temperature down just a little bit more. 
The images of Niall were shoved aside as they ate. She was starving and in that moment, her appetite had far outweighed her desire for Niall. But, now that she had a clearer head and a shower awaiting her, she couldn’t help but to conjure up those images again. 
She’s sure he would be too tired to do much of anything anyway. So, she sees no harm in getting herself off while he put the final touches on their patio furniture. Especially seeing as she doesn’t know how long he will be and Y/N has never been one to be patient about these types of things. 
Before long, she’s come to stand in their shared master bathroom. The heated floors don’t feel quite so warm beneath her feet, but she is still aware of the heat that they exude. Their toothbrushes occupy one marbled cup set between two sinks and white, plush hand towel hangs just slightly over the edge of the dark countertop. Two more navy blue towels hang over separate bars that sit next to the shower. There’s still droplets of condensation against the glass, likely from Niall’s shower earlier that morning. 
Y/N strips after she’s turned the shower on and found a happy medium between too warm and too cold. She kicks her shorts and bottoms to the corner of the room, closer to the laundry basket. Her top is flung in the same direction moments later. All the while, the sounds of her playlist bounce off the walls of the spacious bathroom. 
A soft sigh leaves her lips when the water hits her front. It’s enough of a temperature difference that her nipples pearl and to give her some relief from the high temperatures outside. Her sun kissed skin drinks the moisture as she allows it to wash over her for a prolonged period of time before she turns around. 
She reaches for the bottle of cherry blossom and citrus scented soap that lives on the middle left shelf of the tiled shower. Her other hand reaches for her own loofa that hangs from the shower handle. Once she’s put more than enough of the soap on it, it’s only a matter of seconds before it has begun to lather. Y/N hums along to Postpone by Catfish and the Bottlemen and she nods her head along with the beat. And she’s fully enraptured by the song until she’s reached between her thighs, the soap leaving a soapy lather that drips down her thighs as the water drips down from her back. Where she simply can’t help herself from switching the loofa from her dominant hand to the other.
The pads of her fingers dance over her already slick folds, gliding with ease as she teases herself. She reaches down to slide her middle finger from her entrance to her clit, letting it stay there and adding just a slight amount of pressure. Enough to heighten the stirring in her tummy, but that’s it. She teases herself for awhile. Eventually letting the loofa fall to the floor so that her other hand is free to roam her body. It eventually settles at the base of her throat and she applies just a slight amount of pressure. Her small hands aren’t as good as Niall’s, but they’ll do in the moment. Especially when she’s pushed two fingers inside herself after the images of Niall and her own teasing had become too much to bear.
Y/N is chasing her orgasm when Niall enters the bathroom after having called out for her just a few minutes before. He doesn’t need to see her form to know that either. Instead, her whimpers and occasional pants of his name can be heard loud and clear with the acoustics of the space. When he does look at her, though, it has his cock hardening in his shorts. Enough so that if she looked now, she could see the outline of it with only so much as a glance. But, she doesn’t. Her eyes are squeezed shut as one hand drops to cup her breast, a sure sign that she is close to the edge. Niall watches her as she continues to chase it, too. Her shoulders slouching forward slightly and his name like a mantra as it falls from her lips. She falls apart right before his eyes, unraveling at the seams as she cums. A final yelp of his name as her body quakes with her orgasm and her head lulls backward.
He allows her a moment to recoup and steady herself before he clears his throat. It still makes her jump, though. Which, Niall knew it would but it still pulls a strained chuckle from him.
“Fuck,” she mumbles, “You scared the shit out of me.”
It’s muffled by the sound of the shower and music, but Niall can still (just barely) make out what she is saying. “Sorry, love.” He replies, genuinely sorry that he had scared her so much.
Y/N takes in his half naked form from where she stands. Even with steam rising from the shower and blurring her vision slightly, she can see the outline of his cock. It only serves to make her even wetter. Something that she didn’t think was possible considering she can feel herself dripping down her thigh before it’s washed away by the water. “Got off thinking of you.” Y/N begins and she hopes Niall had been in the room to see what an absolute mess she was at the mere thought of him. A groan sounds from deep within Niall’s chest. Because even after all this time, the idea of her getting off to the thought of him was a nice ego boost. Plus, that thought alone was enough to have him muffling his own cries as he cums in the bunk of his tour bus when he’s been away from her for too long. Again, Y/N has hardly ever been good at being patient. So, when Niall is taking too long and absentmindedly palming at himself, she lets out a huff. She’d like to get her mouth around him, if he’d let her. Swallow all that he had to offer before they toweled off and settled in for the night. (Although, Y/N wouldn’t be opposed to another round once they’ve received their takeout). “Niall,” she whines, a pout setting on her lower lip.
“What is it that you want, love?” Niall raises a brow, his hand stroking across the length of himself as he looks at her.
And normally, Y/N is all about niceties. Even when Niall is nipping and sucking at her clit with three fingers buried inside her. Bringing her closer and closer to her climax, but not allowing her to cum just yet. When she’s frustrated to the point of tears because he could be so cruel and dominating when he wanted to be. She still repeats a series of thank you’s as she comes down from her orgasm. Too blissed and utterly fucked out to form any other words. “For you to let me suck you off.”
The statement is so simple and abrupt that it surprises Niall. His eyebrows shoot toward his hairline and he’s becoming almost painfully hard now. After that, he is quick to peel his only item of clothing off and step into the shower. The water alone could have him close to his own orgasm because it feels so damn good against his sunburnt skin. He can feel the heat radiate from his shoulders as he steps closer to Y/N, effectively putting them both beneath the large shower head.
Y/N glances up at him before trailing her eyes down to where the head of Niall’s cock is tinged pink and a light shade of purple. She bites her lip at the sight of him, eager to get her hands and mouth on him. So, she tears her eyes away to lock her gaze with him once again. He’s smirking at her when she does and takes a step closer until she can feel him pressing into her tummy. She isn’t sure if it’s the precum that has dribbled out of the slightly exposed tip or the moisture that has trapezed down both of their bodies to join together. It only takes a moment after that, that she is lowering herself to the ground. The tiles feel cool and hard against her knees, but she doesn’t mind. Not when she is eye level to Niall’s cock. From here, she can see the vein that travels up the side of it and just how much precum as bubbled up at the head. She looks up at Niall with a question and desperate look in her eyes. The doe-eyed expression makes her look too innocent to be doing such a thing, but it only excites Niall more. Especially knowing that she is more than capable of taking him in until he’s bottoming out and she’s gagging around him. “Go ahead.” Niall nods alongside his affirmation.
Y/N relinquishes her lip from the space between her teeth before parting them. He notices that it is plump and slick before it’s gone from his vision as she wraps her lips around him. His head falls back and his jaw slackens as she swirls her tongue over the tip before taking more of him into her mouth. Her small hand makes up for what her mouth can’t currently cover. And between her mouth on him and how her hand glides so easily across him, Niall can’t help but to let out a long fuck.
His eyes have fallen shut, so Y/N takes it as an opportunity to peek up at him from behind her lashes. And she’s glad she does because Niall looks like an absolute dream above her. Chocolate brown hair matted to his forehead, lashes just barely touching the apples of his cheeks, and body glistening with the water that is running down his body. She keeps watching him as she pulls off of him with a wet pop, allowing herself a moment to breathe. Her hand continues to pump up and down his length, twisting her wrist at the tip like she know he likes. He has one fist clenched at his side while his other hand is pressed to the wall beside her. His tongue darts out to lick over his lower lip and his chest has started to rise and fall with his quickening breaths.
With slight reluctance, she tears her gaze away from him. But, the feeling doesn’t stick once her lips are around him and she can feel the heavy weight of him on her tongue. Her hand holds him at the base, this time, as she slowly begins to build up a rhythm. She allows herself time to enjoy the taste of Niall on her tongue. It’s heady and salty, a familiar and somewhat pleasant taste to her. She alternates between self indulgent licks when she needs a moment to breathe and taking all of him until the tip of him touches the spongey back of her throat.
And it’s not long until Niall is ready to cum. The hand at his side is clenching and unclenching as if searching for purchase. Y/N notices it after Niall’s bucking his hips forward slightly, although he’s trying to control himself. And she knows he is teetering off the edge and into oblivion. So, she wraps her fingers around his wrist and brings it to the back of her head before placing them on his hips. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Niall repeats, each reiteration gaining volume. “I’m gonna cum, Y/N. I’m gonna cum.”
Y/N tightens her grip on his hips, keeping him in place as she takes him as deep as she can go. And that’s all Niall needed before he’s painting the back of her throat with his cum. Y/N swallows all of it with ease and pulls off of him. Though, she’s sure to run her tongue along his slit to collect any remaining cum before she glances up at Niall. Who, like her this morning, looks entirely fucked out. And she prides herself with being the reason that he looks as fucked out as he does. It’s from her position on the floor, as she drinks in his form, that she decides Niall doesn’t just look like an absolute dream. Because a dream isn’t accurate enough to describe the vision above her. She thinks fantasy might be a better way to describe him, but she can’t be sure. Because nothing seems accurate enough.
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Here Be Dragons, Chapter 4
If you are interested in reading the previous chapters OR simply would like to avoid the smut that is in this chapter, read it on AO3 - if a chapter has a smutty scene it will be indicated in the notes at the beginning of the chapter. Also, the smutty scene will be in a block quote so you can simply skip to the end (skipping the sex does not take away from the plot). 
Sherlock sat in a dark hospital room, lights shut off and the blinds drawn, as his body was pumped full of fluids…Molly was going to kill him. He had been sent on a mission that guaranteed his demise in six months – his death certificate had been signed. Yet here he was. Moriarty was back, dead yes, but he was back. London needed him and she was going to kill him.
He heard hurried foot falls in the hall and a moment later a breathless Molly Hooper rounded the corner. She stood in the door way breathing heavily, her shoulders heaving, dried tear streaks on her face. She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her, throwing the lock. She walked to him quickly, shedding her lab coat. She pulled her jumper over her head and toed off her shoes before grabbing a bandage and removing his IV.
Sherlock sat silently, his eyes trained on her. When she had finished removing his IV he stood up and discarded his own shirt and shoes. He followed after her, removing his trousers and pants. He reached up and pulled the tie out of her hair and watched as it cascaded over her shoulders.
“Molly,” he breathed but she shook her head and placed a finger to his lips, silencing him. She pushed him back into the chair and crawled onto his lap, one knee on either side of his thighs. She took him in hand and ran the tip of his cock from the top of her slit to the bottom and back up. Sherlock let out a hiss as she settled down over him, letting his length fill her. She sighed and started, moaning each time he filled her again. He gripped her hips as she started to ride him harder, slamming her body down on his as she quickened her pace. He could tell her climax was building and that she needed to find her release quickly. He stuck his thumb between her folding and started rubbing her swollen clit as she continued her downward thrusts.
Molly came with a shout that Sherlock quickly swallowed with his mouth. She leaned into his kiss and settled her hands on his shoulders as his tongue explored her mouth. She started moving again, slowly rocking back and forth and moaned as the friction pressed against her sensitive clit. He pushed her to her feet and stood up. He turned her around so she was bracing herself on the wall and stepped up behind her, rubbing the tip of his cock against her. He slowly guided himself back into her warm folds and enjoyed the string of curse words that left her mouth. He gripped her hip with one hand and used the other to cup her right breast, rubbing her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Molly dug her nails against the wall at the sensation.
He felt her tightening again and knew his own release wasn’t far off. He gripped her hip tighter as he increased his speed, pounding into her from behind. He ran his other hand down her body, rubbing his fingers over their joining. Molly moaned louder and turned her head into her arm, muffling her noises. He moved his fingers up to focus on her clit and he could feel her legs start to shake as the heat built in her belly again.
Molly’s arms buckled as her orgasm hit and Sherlock held her up, keeping her from colliding with the wall. She rocked back and forth on his cock, his own orgasm just out of reach. She finally settled her forearms against the wall, leaning heavily against it for support as Sherlock continued to pound into her. A string of unintelligible words came from her mouth, tipping him over the edge.
They stood locked together, leaning on the wall until Molly’s sweat soaked body started shivering. He pulled away from her and found tissues to clean up with. She dressed in silence, not looking at him. He sat back down in the chair to pull his shoes on and looked up to see her holding a new IV in her hand. He rolled the sleeve of his shirt up on the opposite arm and let her set it. She checked to make sure his line was clean and then restarted his fluids.
Picking up her lab coat, she pulled it on and brushed her fingers through her tangled hair before pulling it back into her usually pony tail. With her hand on the door she turned to him, tears now streaming down her face again.
“I think it would be best if you continue to stay at Baker Street for a while.” Then she was gone.  
Molly had texted him two weeks after their encounter and asked if he would like to start taking Mina to play school in the mornings. He of course had said yes and asked if he would be able to have dinner with them sometime that week. It had taken Molly a solid ten minutes of rewriting her text before responding, You may have dinner with Mina any night you like, you are her father and that is your right, but I will have to decline your offer for now. He had stared at the text a few seconds too long, drawing John’s questioning gaze. He shoved his phone in his pocket and turned his attention back to the crime scene.
“Oh shit…do you know where your phone charger is?” John asked as they trudged their way up the stairs at Baker Street. “Won’t even turn on.” He waved his mobile as he opened the door.
“Kitchen counter,” Sherlock said as he took off his jacket. He watched John dig through the piles of junk in the kitchen. “I think,” he mumbled as he pulled out his own phone. Forty-three missed calls flashed on the screen. He frowned as he unlocked his phone, barely hearing John rejoicing as he found the charger. There were thirty missed calls from Mary and ten from Molly.
“So, how long has it been since you and Molly have had a real conversation?” John asked, his mobile chiming as it turned on.
“John,” Sherlock’s voice was stern.
“It’s been almost two months, Sherlock, and I…” John’s voice trailed off as he looked at his phone. “Fifty-nine missed calls.”
“We’re in a lot of trouble.”
Molly lay on the couch wrapped tightly in a blanket with her head on Mary’s knees. Mary gently stroked Molly’s hair as she talked.
“I am so tired of not being able to see my feet.” Mary wiggled her toes. “And good lord! Look at my ankles – they are massive!” Molly giggled and sat up.
“My feet were so swollen when I was pregnant that I had to buy new shoes for work and then by the time I finally went back to the morgue I had to give the new shoes away because they were too big!” Molly smiled brightly as she looked at Mary – a very pregnant Mary who had become a rather permanent fixture on her couch at night.
Most nights John was out late, working new cases with Sherlock and Mary had been trying to keep Molly preoccupied. She knew what it was that Mary and John were doing, babysitting her and Sherlock, making sure that they were okay. Normally Molly would have protested, sending Mary on her way and calling John to tell him to go home and be with his wife, but she couldn’t. Not now. Not with what had happened.
She dropped Mary’s gaze and stared at her engagement ring. Most days its felt heavy and awkward on her finger, a solid reminder of what was slipping away from her. When she took it off, her hand felt bare and her chest ached, as if the ring was the only thing keeping her tied to Sherlock. She would spend most of the day slipping it off and on as she worked, relief and guilt flooding her each time the silver band slid over her skin.
“Hey,” Mary’s hand came to rest on top of Molly’s, drawing her gaze back up. “Want to talk about it?” Molly gave her a tight smile and stood up, shaking her head. “You can’t ignore him forever.” Molly picked up their tea cups and took them to the kitchen.
“I am not ignoring him.” She sat the cups in the skin and turned on the water.
“I’m not! I am very pleasant when he picks Mina up in the mornings.” She grabbed the cloth and quickly washed the cups as she talked.
“And the other day, he and I both helped Lestrade on a case.” She grabbed a hand towel and started to dry.
“Molly!” The intensity in Mary’s voice caused Molly to pause, setting down the dishes. “My water just broke.”
Molly sat on the couch watching Mina drawing at her tea table. She was twisting her engagement ring while trying to convince herself to ask Sherlock to stay for dinner but realizing what was stopping her was that she was nervous. Which is ridiculous, because he’s your fiancé…you have a child with him. There is no reason to be nervous! She had been trying to ask him to dinner for the last couple of weeks since Mary had had the baby. Their exchange at the hospital had been good and if they were going to work past the Magnussen stuff, they needed to talk.
The front door opened as Sherlock called out,
“Hello? Oh – ” he paused when he saw Molly sitting on the couch. “Hi,” he said, his hand still on the handle and the door completely open.
“Hi.” She stood up and gave him a small smile. He smiled back and finally stepped inside, closing the door behind him.
“Dad!” Mina yelled as she ran to him.
“Dad?” Sherlock frowned as he picked her up. “What happened to ‘Daddy’?”
“It’s the same thing!” she giggled as she hugged him.
“She’s been calling me mum intermittently…” Molly walked over and scratched Mina’s back. “I don’t know how I feel about it either,” she whispered to Sherlock. He smiled at her again.
“Are we going to dinner?” Mina asked.
“If that’s still okay with your mum.” He looked at her, his smile slipping when he saw the apprehension on her face.
“Oh…umm…of course,” she finally managed to get out. Mina’s face lite up and she wiggled out of Sherlock’s arms to get her shoes on.
“Thank you,” Sherlock said softly.
“No worries…” she said over her shoulder. She stood at the counter listening as Mina struggled into her shoes. She looked down at her engagement ring and twisted it again. “Actually,” she turned around, “would you want to have dinner here? I took out fish earlier.”
“That would be great,” he said, slipping his coat off.
 Molly sat outside of Mina’s room listening to Sherlock putting her to bed. Her head was leaned back against the wall and her hands were resting in her lap, her engagement ring left untouched.
“I miss reading to you, munchkin,” she heard Sherlock say.
“Me too, Daddy,” came Mina’s soft reply. Molly smiled as she listened to the rest of their exchange, realizing just how much she had missed it too.
A few minutes later she heard Sherlock’s footsteps, the light being shut off, and the door opening.
“Hi,” she said quietly as he closed the door behind him.
“Hi.” He reached down and helped her to her feet. “Thank you.” She nodded and turned, slowly walking down the hall towards her room and the stairs.
“She misses you…” She stopped at the top of the stairs, looking at their room. “I miss you.” She felt him stop just behind her. He leaned his head down, his breath warm on her exposed neck and her eyes slid closed.
“I miss you too,” he whispered. He kissed her neck softly. “You smell good,” he sighed as she leaned her body into his. He ran his hand around her stomach and she laced her fingers with his. As he kissed her again, she reached up and threaded her fingers through his curls.
“Sherlock…” she breathed when he dragged his teeth across her skin. At his name he spun her around and pinned her to the wall, capturing her mouth with his until neither of them could breathe. They broke apart, gasping for air, their chests heaving in time.
“You’re beautiful,” he breathed, running his thumb along her jaw. She gave him a small smile before pushing up on her tip tops to place a soft kiss to his lips.
“Maybe we could get coffee and talk?” she asked.
“I would like that.” He stepped back, his hand lingering on her face a moment longer. “I will see you soon, good night.”
“Good night.”
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buoyantsaturn · 6 years
Is There Something On My Face? (1/1)
summary: 5 times Will has something on his face and 1 time Nico has something on his.
word count: 2243
read on ao3
Halfway through Will’s first semester as a transfer-junior, Will found himself distracted by the prettiest boy he’d ever seen. His roommate had turned out to be a real pain in the ass, which forced Will out of the dorm whenever he wanted to study. He ended up doing a lot of his studying in the cafeteria - or at least he used to, before he started spending more time staring across the room than down at his textbook.
The boy was beautiful. Will had no idea what his name was, had never even seen him anywhere outside of the cafeteria, but Will was in awe of him. He’d spent enough time staring that he knew the boy’s hair was a very dark brown, not black like it seemed to be outside of direct light, and knew that his rare smiles lit up his entire face. As soon as Will saw his black leather jacket or heard his beautiful laugh, he was completely unable to focus on his homework for the rest of the evening.
Will was pretending to study one late afternoon - he really needed to actually study for an exam the next morning, but he couldn’t manage to focus. His eyes had caught on the familiar black leather jacket a few tables away, and he hadn’t been able to look anywhere else since. It wasn’t until Pretty Boy got up to put his dishes away that Will finally ducked his head back to his textbook. He tried to act casual, taking a sip of his coffee just as Pretty Boy walked past, but just as Will’s gaze flickered up - completely unintentionally - their eyes met. Will gasped, inhaling coffee and immediately starting to cough and feeling coffee spill down his chin.
He heard a snort from somewhere in front of him, and as Will raced to grab napkins from the dispenser on the table, Pretty Boy said, “You’ve got something on your face.”
By the time Will had cleaned up his mess, Pretty Boy was gone and Will was thoroughly embarrassed. And his textbook had a coffee stain that he wouldn’t be able to hide. So much for returning it at the end of the semester.
Will nearly had a heart attack when he saw Pretty Boy from the cafeteria walk into his psych class. He hadn’t used the cafeteria to study since the coffee incident, which meant that Will had successfully avoided seeing Pretty Boy for the rest of the first semester. Now he was walking through the lecture hall, searching for a seat as Will slumped down in his own seat to avoid being seen.
Thankfully, Pretty Boy chose to sit a few rows in front of Will on the opposite end of the row, so Will still had the perfect opportunity to admire him from afar for three hours every Tuesday afternoon. He hadn’t had the easiest time focusing on the lecture as his eyes kept drifting toward a dark head of hair, but he’d managed to take half a page of notes, so he figured it was better than nothing.
Will thought he’d gotten away unnoticed, but when the professor announced a ten minute break, somebody sat down beside Will. For a second, he was afraid they’d just shown up and were going to demand Will share his few notes on the first half of the lecture, but then he looked up. And he didn’t stop looking.
“Is there something on my face?” Pretty Boy asked.
“Um. What?” Will asked, trying to look away. Why couldn’t he stop staring?
“You’ve been staring at me for the last hour,” Pretty Boy explained. “So, what? Do I have something on my face? What’s with the staring?”
Will felt himself flush. “No, uh. I just… I, uh, I think you’re pretty.”
Pretty Boy looked surprised, but not all that upset. “Oh,” was all he said. Then he pulled up the desk attached to the auditorium seat, took his notebook out of his bag, and got comfortable. The lecture started up again, and Will realized that Pretty Boy wasn’t going to move back to his seat. He was even more tense and unfocused for the second half of the lecture, spending more time chewing on his pen than he did using it to write notes.
After making only a few more notes in his notebook, the lecture ended, and Will slowly started packing up his things. He noticed Pretty Boy beside him packing up much quicker, setting a slip of paper on Will’s desk before he stood up and pulled on the straps of his backpack.
“By the way,” Pretty Boy started with one corner of his lips quirked up, “you have ink on your face.”
Will wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand and saw that it came away smeared with black ink. The pen he was writing with, which he’d stuck in the spine of his notebook, was cracked open and had ink spilling down the side. He groaned and buried his face in his hands for just a second, but when he looked up again, Pretty Boy was gone.
Will picked up the slip of paper that Pretty Boy left behind. One it was a series of numbers followed by Nico.
For their third date, they went out for ice cream. It was way too cold for ice cream, in Will’s opinion, but Nico had a craving, so they drove to the nearest Dairy Queen - thankfully one with indoor seating. They sat across from each other at a booth - Nico got an Oreo Blizzard, while Will just got a soft serve cone - and complained about their classes.
Will had gotten better about not staring so much, or maybe he just felt like it wasn’t staring anymore since he was allowed to look, and he’d even caught Nico staring a few times. Like after Will licked up an ice cream drip and looked up to see Nico’s eyes locked on his face.
“You’re staring,” Will teased.
Nico rolled his eyes with a smile. “You’ve got ice cream on your nose.” He leaned forward and swiped his finger over the tip of Will’s nose, collecting the ice cream there, before he licked his finger clean.
Suddenly, Nico was up out of his seat and moved onto the bench beside Will. “You’ve got something else on your face,” he started, reaching up to turn Will’s head toward him. “Right...here.” Nico pressed his lips to Will’s.
Will felt all of the air leave his lungs. His heart started pounding, and he couldn’t feel anything other than the cold ice cream cone in his hand and Nico’s lips on his own. He gasped when Nico pulled away and blinked his eyes open slowly.
“Did you get it?” he asked.
“You said I had something on my face,” Will reminded him. “Did you get it?”
Nico snorted. “It was me, stupid.”
Nico grinned before pulling him in for another kiss.
Nico was pretty sure they’d gone to a party last night. He didn’t remember actually being at a party, but he was so hungover that he was certain he’d actually gone. He rolled over in an attempt to hide from the sun shining in through a crack in his blinds, and found himself pressed against another body.
He panicked for a second before he recognized Will’s University of Texas t-shirt - the school he’d transferred from - and relaxed. He’d never thought he’d feel so comfortable sleeping next to someone, but Will practically radiated heat and a comforting vibe, and Nico couldn’t help to feel drawn to him. He peeked up to get a glimpse of Will’s sleeping face, and started cackling.
Will groaned, curling in on himself and trying to hide his face in his pillow, but Nico grabbed his face to keep him from moving.
“Nico, shut up,” Will whined, cracking one eye open to glare at him.
“Your face!” Nico laughed. “You’ve got-- It’s-- Your face!”
Will flopped onto his back as Nico curled into a ball on his side and tried to control his laughter. Will reached blindly for the nightstand in search for his phone, hitting the home button a few times before he realized that it must’ve been dead. He lifted it up anyway, looking at his reflection on the blank screen, and frowned. It took him a moment to decipher the words since they appeared backwards in the reflection - the pounding headache wasn’t much help either - but soon he understood.
Written across his forehead were the words I love Nico.
“Did you do this?”
“I don’t remember,” Nico told him, his laughter finally subsiding.
Will set his phone back down before rolling over, half on top of Nico with his nose buried in Nico’s hair. “Well, it’s true.”
“I love you.”
“Oh,” Nico whispered. He slipped an arm around Will’s waist and nuzzled into his chest. “I love you, too.”
They’d gotten a house on the outskirts of the city, though it was still plenty close enough for both of them to make it to class without a problem. With the start of their last semester in undergrad just around the corner, they couldn’t be worrying about commute times.
The house needed a little bit of work - new trim here and there, a fresh coat of paint in a couple of the rooms, just minor things - but they settled on just painting their bedroom for the time being. They’d gone out, picked out a simple neutral color, and bought enough paint for the room and supplies to last them through painting the rest of the house.
Nico taped off the trim as Will started rolling paint onto the wall, and then once it was time to cut in, Will volunteered to finish up while Nico went out to pick up dinner from the Mediterranean place down the street.
Nico didn’t think he’d been gone very long, but by the time he returned with dinner, Will had just about finished with the painting. Nico stepped into the bedroom to admire his work, and watched as Will ran a paint-covered hand through his hair. Nico smiled at him.
“It looks great, babe,” he started, stepping toward him. “But it also looks like you got more paint on your face than on the walls.” He brushed his thumb across Will’s forehead, wiping away some of the paint. He showed it to Will before smearing it across his cheek.
“Hey!” Will exclaimed. He bent over and swiped his fingers through the paint tray on the ground before he rubbed it into Nico’s face.
“Will!” Nico shouted, trying to scrub the paint off his face. He shoved Will away with a laugh before Will could wipe any more paint onto him, and Nico ran into the kitchen. He held the bag of takeout between them like an offering. “Truce! Wash that paint off your hands so we can eat.”
It was rare to have both of their sisters in town at the same time, so in order to get everyone together, Nico and Will had a movie night at their house. They’d intended to only invite Hazel and Kayla, but Hazel insisted on bringing Frank, and somehow Jason had found out and invited himself and Piper. Nico didn’t mind. It just meant that there would be a bigger audience.
After everyone arrived, Will ordered pizza, and they decided to wait until it was delivered before starting the movie. While Nico sat tucked into the corner of the couch, Will leaned against the back of the armchair nearby, staring at his boyfriend with love in his eyes.
“Would you quit it with the heart eyes?” Kayla called out. “Some of us are trying to be happily single, and none of us need to see that.”
Nico tipped his head toward Will to see that he hadn’t dialed the love down at all, and smiled up at his boyfriend. “What? Do I have something on my face?” He reached up, brushing his hair back from his forehead, causing Will to gasp.
Written across Nico’s forehead were the words, Marry Me?
Will was frozen to the spot until Nico reached between the couch cushions and pulled out a ring box, flicking it open with his thumb and revealing a silver band.
In a second, Will had tackled Nico into the couch, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend - fiance? No, he had to say the word yes before it was fiance, but he didn’t think he could manage to form any words. He could hear Nico laughing into his ear, his arms wrapping around Will’s back. Somewhere around them there was cheering and clapping and whistling, but Will didn’t care about that.
He pulled back, framing Nico’s face in his hands, and pressed their lips together. The kiss tasted salty - was Will crying? When had that started? - so Will pulled away and kissed the letters across Nico’s forehead.
“Is that a yes?” Nico asked, wiping away Will’s tears with his thumbs.
“Yes!” Will exclaimed, and fresh tears started to fall. “Yes, of course, yes!”
Will settled down on the couch and pulled a still-laughing Nico onto his lap, hiding his face in Nico’s neck. As he did so, the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of their pizza.
“Can somebody get that?” Nico asked. “I don’t think he’s going to let me up any time soon.”
“I’m not.”
thanks for reading!!
buy me a coffee
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Stone Shadows | Chapter V
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV
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As always, I appreciate any and all feedbacks. Comments would really help me keep going especially since my blog is pretty much dying due to the new Tumblr guidelines. I’ll be posting on Ao3 too; here’s a link to the series there.
Thorin walked beside the small woman. Any conversation between them had died hours ago. Even so, he could not claim discomfort. The certainty in her step reassured him. She had a way of looking around as if she could see what he could not. Even as the lantern dimmed, she did not falter. Her jade irises saw everything. Her pointed nose guided them onward, her shadow cameoed against the stone walls.
Distant baying sounded from behind them. The dulling light lent an ominous tone to the howls but Enezra did not flinch. She carried on, raising her hand and trailing it over the stone wall as she felt it carefully. She bit her lip as she search, stopping as her fingers caught and her mouth twitched as if she were want to smile. She waved him closer as he held the lantern, illuminating a triangle carved into the wall.
“We’re close,” She announced, “These symbols are for navigation. A few I made myself, others were here before me.”
Without further explanation, she turned and continued further beyond the circle of lantern light.  Thorin could see the black outline of her figure as she walked ahead of him. A new determination had taken hold of her as their destination for the night seemed close.
She turned the next corner, Thorin still a few feet back. The air grew warmer as he entered the subsequent corridor, thicker even. The change was welcome but peculiar. Humidity seeped through his cloak as they got further. The walls were no longer coated with frost but weeping with moisture.
Enezra stopped again. Her hands on the wall as they were whenever she discovered something. She slipped them in a crack and began to wrestle with a stone door which stood almost imperceptible in the wall. It shifted and the small woman grunted. Thorin bent to set aside the lantern and helped her dislodge the door with a grind. As the stone moved inward suddenly, Thorin found himself close to falling; catching his balance on the heavy block.
“Thank you,” Ez said quietly. The gratuity held the tone of one not used to accepting help. One who had lived so long upon her own that it was almost shameful to need it. “Come on then.”
She stepped inside and Thorin retrieved the lantern, shining it after her as he peered into the chamber. A burst of warmth caught him as he followed her warily. Another doorway mirrored that he had entered on the other side of the chamber. A cloud of steam seeped from its mouth, filling the space with moisture. Within, Thorin guessed, was the source of the unusual heat.
He turned to close the door behind them. Enezra approached and took the lantern from him wordlessly, setting it atop a flat rock before unveiling a torch from its other side. She lit the torch from the lamp’s flame and hooked it into a nook upon the opposite wall. She shed her pack as she neared the lantern and blew out its light.
“It’ll save us oil for tomorrow.” She explained. “A small fire for tea and dinner should be all we need.” She continued and neared the next door, “If you would,” She waved him over.
He untangled his small haversack from beneath his cloak and approached her. She stepped halfway into the next chamber and motioned his attention within. He peeked inside, the torchlight offering enough of a glow to guide his eyes. An ovaline crater stood centre, filled to the brim with babbling water. Here the steam was even thicker. It was a fantastical peculiarity in the grim underground.
“A hot spring.” She said. There were similar wells hidden beneath Erebor; those warmed the gargantuan mountain. “It will offer us warmth for the night before we once more venture through the cold. If you should like to wash, I can fashion another torch. It may be your last chance; surely your last taste of comfort for a few days.”
“How did you find this place?” He asked. “How long exactly have you been down here?”
Ez looked away and edged by him. She did not answer as she approached her pack. “There is work to do if we are to eat. If you wish to use the spring, you will have to wait until after we sup.”
Thorin sighed quietly as he watched her remove her cloak and tuck it behind her pack. His own followed as he felt sweat building along his back. He was growing impatient with her evasive manner. She told him little and less. It was as if he were a child to her. Perhaps, he hadn’t been so forthcoming himself but he had tried. They were traveling together and it would make the road easier.
She pulled two cups from her pack and bowls to match. She retrieved a pail in the corner of the chamber and slung its rope handle on her arm. “There’s a well down the next corridor. I’ll fetch water for tea and start supper. Potato stew with not much else.” She frowned to herself as she approached the door. This time, she moved it easier than the last. She slipped out and Thorin pressed his lips together as he waited for her return.
Enezra scraped the last spoonful of thin stew from the wooden bowl. The dwarf hadn’t even bothered to use a utensil, instead gulping from the rim directly. She didn’t judge him. His kind was known for their hearty appetites. She herself had conditioned herself to subsist on a minimum; her people were known for their resilience and resourcefulness. Yet, it could not save them from threats beyond their environment; those with a will.
She stood and set her bowl in the empty bucket, offering to take Thorin’s with a gesture. “I’ll rinse these and fetch more water for the night,” He let her take the dish as she spoke, “I’ll put the kettle on while you get cleaned up...if you so wish.”
“Do us dwarves smell so rank?” He raised a brow at her.
“I did not mean that,” She answered repentantly, placing his bowl atop her, clunking them together as she lifted the bucket.
“I was joking,” He said, rising slowly with hushed grunt. He gripped his lower back and exhaled. “Perhaps the spring would loosen my muscles.”
“...Perhaps,” She nodded her head and stepped away from him. Right next to her, he seemed even bigger. She was a small creature and even a dwarf made her seem minuscule. “I shall return shortly.”
Ez scurried to the door like the mouse she felt. The heat receded from her face as she entered the stony corridor, retracing the path to the small well hidden in a nook of the wall. It was easily missed if one didn’t know where to look for it. She removed the bowls from the bucket and attached it to the rope; another year and it would fray to nothing.
She drew up a pailful of water and submerged the bowls within. She scrubbed away the remnants of potato and broth, her hand numb from the frigid water. It came from far beneath the caves, untouched by the spring only feet away. She emptied the bucket across the ground and refilled it with fresh water, tucking the bowls under her arm as she precariously carried the pail back to the hidden chamber.
She entered with her head down, setting aside the water and closing the door. As she turned, she spotted Thorin through the steam leaking in from the next chamber. His back was bare, his flesh marked with a crisscross of aged scars; his muscle taut beneath. She looked away guiltily and took back the pail, moving closer to the fire where she could not peer through the doorway. It was only a back, she reminded herself. Still it felt like a violation. Scars were sacred; their stories were revered and often untold.
She filled the kettle and hung it above the fire, feeding more sticks into the flames. She sat and pulled her pack closer, pulling out the small book from beneath her rations. Its bound leather was faded and cracked; the pages chewed by the teeth of time. She opened it carefully, the spine offering little resistance. A list of names marked with ancient runes ran the length of the first page; she knew them all. The last was her own. She traced the lines and dots, closing her eyes as she cradled the book.
She did not count the seconds, nor the minutes, but her meditation was broken by the splash of water, the sound of wet footsteps against stone. She must have sat for a while. The kettle was trembling fiercely and she tucked away her book. She removed the vessel from the flames as the tinkling of buckles and mail brushed against wool and fur. She set out two cups and the mesh bags she used to steep her herbs. She poured the boiling water and inhaled the steam which rose from the depths.
Thorin emerged from the next chamber. He brushed through his damp hair with one hand, his cloak and mail draped over his other arm. He spread his cloak beneath him as he sat on the ground across from her. She removed the mesh from a cup and slid it over to him wordlessly. He thank her and pulled it closer before continuing his fight with the knots in his thick locks. The silence permeated as the steam seeped into the hems of their tunics.
“Your turn,” His deep voice jolted her.
“What?” She asked.
“The spring,” He said as he lifted his cup and sniffed at the tea, “It’s yours. I’m sure you could use a soak as much as myself.”
Her lips made an ‘o’ but no sound emerged. She nodded and sipped from her cup. Thorin’s blue eyes made her nervous, especially when they were set so constantly in her direction. Her orange hair fell forward as she kept her nose to her tea. It was her only shield against the mighty dwarf.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Morning update from the bonn! You guys will be happy to know i slept great and feel so much happier! I actually managed to sleep thru the whole night from 6pm to 10am the next morning. Still feel a lil groggy cos i mean one good nigt's sleep doesnt cure a whole three weeks of bad sleeping patterns. But maaaan i feel so much more good in the brain and soul. Fell asleep in my clothes tho cos i didnt unpack the pyjamas yet, lol!
Ok plans for today is just to unpack and be happ and try and get back to a good mental state. It was so damn surreal and sad when i got to visit here for a few hours last week and it was like i barely recognized it and i still couldbt caln down cos i new it was only a temporary visit home. And my brain was still kinda stuck that way yesterday, i couldnt believe i was really here and really got to stay here again. Emotional numbness to prepare for imminant sads, i guess. But waking up in my maximum coze bed with my dumb beautiful collection of cuddly plush pokemons has really helped me believe its all real, yknow?
ANYWAY! plans for today!
Might not actually do all of these today cos yeah take it easy and become the happyness again and get some more sleep yeah yeah. But this is what i need to do this week yeah!
Unpack the big ol pile of suitcases! Just pretend its like unwrapping birthday presents! Really big cumbersome ones that dont contain any presents!
Pack everything back away where it belongs uuuuugh tiresome
Un-hide the computer, tv, etc. Basically gotta move all the furniture in every room cos i was paranoid and wanted to hide every valuable thibg in the place a hypothetical burglar woukdnt look (under the bed etc)
Hook up the pc again and transfer all the stuff back over from the laptop. I feel bad that i spent so much money on Big Chonk Laptop and hardly even used it cos i wimped out after three weeks...
Cleaning! Cos not everythibg stayed frozen in time, alas. Gotta (ugh) wash out the stinky moss from the fridge and freezer. I got all the food out before i turned them off, but there must have been crumbs somewhere.
Do all the dishes i didnt have time to do before i left. Lol im surprised that didnt get moldy! Seriously its like half of my kitchen covered in dishes cos i was rushing to clean and pack everything and thats just what got left til last.
Introduce new build a bear workshop plushie alolan vulpix to the rest of plushie kingdom. His name is bubblegum! Im sure i shall always look at him and have fond memories of how i conquered this hellish experience.
Hopefully at some point today the internet repairman will call, so i have to deal with that. Atleast being scared of bigger things helped me become less scared of talking on the phone, lol!
Generally go out and walk around le neighbourhood also because I MISSED EVEN THE LAMEST SCARIEST PARTS OF THIS PLACE! But lol that means i need to unpack my shoes and binder first, i wish i could remember where i put them but i was just kinda flailing wildly in a GET HOME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE trance
Put some credit on the electric bill stick thingy. Could maybe manage to put 5 quid on the heating one too cos seriously the weather keeps flipping between hot and cold and im sure actual winter is gonna start soon.
But make sure to still GET FOOD FOR BUNN! consume sustinance upon this fine morn. Aaaa i only have 15 quid tho but i can get basic Bread n Juice and i just have to wait til friday now.
Actually ehh dont get the heating. Cos the minimum credit is 5 quid and i could use that for foods. Heating is a friday thing! I have all my cool hats to cover up my greasy hair if i dont have a shower for a few days, lol
Go see the new library finally aaaa!!! I hope it was worth the wait!!!
DO LETS PLAYS! or just some kind of recording somethingy! Ive missed being able to even do that, cos i mean no privacy in the hospital and stuff. And again, less scared of that right now cos im still riding the wave inbetween a bigger fear and being safe from that big fear, yknow? Perfect time to try and practise all the social anxiety stuffs! Iwas thinking fibally do that dramatic reading of the bootleg kingdom hearts thing, or that years old accent meme or something
Be happy at a well spent day of good privacy and being myselfness, and have a good sleep again. Woo!
So yeh those are PLANS and for now im gonna go scour the cupboards for the slightest food related thing cos i need to take my meds with food. Then maybe finish off the last of that energy drink just so i can shake off the sickly sleep deprivation funk and go out to the shops while the weather is still good. By the power of scarier bigger things, i am conquer my fear of basic shops sociality!! (..probably)
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My Savior
Type: One Shot | Imagine about Shawn M. Rating: Rated PG-13 (Violent Warning) Word Count: 2,713 Enjoy!
I could feel the cold of the road against my skin. My breathing was shaky, it was like I couldnt catch my breath. I closed my eyes for a split second, trying to figure out what was wrong. I looked up as the snow started to fall, I saw the man standing there. The knife in his hand was dripping blood, my blood to be exact. Once again I closed my eyes as I knew it would be easier if he attacked me again. I heard footsteps come near me, I tried my hardest not to move. If he thought I was died he couldnt do anymore to me. He used his foot to turn me over, I kept my eyes closed and I stopped breathing. I heard his footsteps walking away as I could hear the car in the distance. I pulled myself off the road, it was pitch black so the odds were against me. I could feel the blood running down my legs as I started to walk. I finally made it to where there were street lights, I was hoping someone would see me. At this point I was wondering if dying would be easier. I was getting weaker with each step but I knew I needed to keep going. I stopped to take a breather, leaning against a pole. I could hear a car coming to a stop and a door opening up.
"Are you ok?" he asked as he rushed over to me.
"Uh?" I was so out of it.
"Come on"  he wrapped his arm around me leading me to his car.
My knees got weak and I couldn't walk anymore. He picked me up placing me into his car, returning to the driver seat. I felt the warmth of the heat around me as I laid back against the seat. I slowly started to drift off and I guess I blacked out. I didn't remember getting to the hospital I just remember waking up there.
"Where am I" I looked around the room.
"You are in the hospital" the nurse said.
"Am I ok?" I asked.
"Yeah​, just need time to recover" she said.
"Thank you" I whispered.
"Don't thank me, you should thank the man who bought you in" she smiled slightly.
"Do you know where he is?" I looked at her.
"He said he would return later" she nodded slightly.  
"Ok" I laid my head back against the pillow.
I drifted off to sleep, I guess hours passed. I could hear his voice as he enter the room, I started to move slightly in the bed. I opened my eyes and saw him standing there. He was my savoir but I could admit he was the man of my dreams. Tall and dreamy, gentle but manly I could stare at him all day. I bite my lip as he looked over at me. I could see the smile grow on his face as he realized that I was ok.
"You are ok" he smiled as he sat down next to the bed.
"Thanks to you" I looked at him.
"I couldn't let someone die on the side of the street" he chuckled slightly.
"I guess not" I smiled slightly.
"How are you feeling?" he asked.
"As good as I can, I guess" I laid my head back.
"That's good, im glad that you are feeling better" he spoke softly.
"Thank you….Wait what is your name?" I asked.
"Sorry, my name is Shawn" he placed his hand against mine.
"Nice to meet you Shawn, Im Y/N" I responded.
"Beautiful name, better question is what happen?" he asked.
"Question to be answered at a later date" I looked at him.
I found myself staring into his eyes, losing track of what was going on. I finally looked away closing my eyes as I felt a sharp pain. I took a deep breath in, I knew I needed to get out of the hospital. He wrote down his number on a piece of paper, laying it on the night stand. He soon left since visiting hours was over. I waited for the nurse to leave the room before removing the iv. I pulled myself out of the bed slipping on my blood stained jeans. I tied the gown so it was kind of a shirt since my shirt had to be ripped from my body. I slipped my shoes on grabbing my phone and the piece of paper before making my exit.   I got into the elevator waiting for the door to close, That's when I got spotted.
"HEY" the nurse called out.
I kept hitting the button and thank god it closed before she got to it. I leaned against the wall as I calmed myself down, no one could take care of me the way I could. I finally got off the elevator and made my way out of the hospital. The sky was pitch black, but a streak of lightening lit up the sky. The road of thunder made me jump as I wasn't expecting it. The rain started to come down as the wind started to blow, it was a mixture of beauty but also danger. It was my type of scene, I started to walk down the street.
"Where are you going?" I heard someone asked.
"Home" I keep walking.
"You will catch a cold, get in please?" he said.
I turned around and I saw Shawn standing there. We were both getting soaking wet with the rain picking up. I looked up into his eyes, nothing else seemed to matter. Some how he took my mind off everything as well as the pain. I started to believe in love at first sight, but could he be my prince charming who came to rescue me? He moved closer to me putting his jacket over my head. He leads me back to his car, allowing me to get into it before getting in himself. The road was pitched black, all I could see was what the headlights hit. I leaned back in the seat as we went down the street. The rain started to pick up as the thunder rolled in. Streaks of lighten flashed brighting up the whole sky. All the lights were out in the city, he finally pulled up to a building. He disapeared into the night sky as he got out of the car. He opened the door, I jumped because I wasnt expecting it.
"Come on" he grabbed my hand helping me out of the car.
"Thank you" I said as I stayed close to him.
He opened the door allowing me to enter first. I heard the door close behind him, his hand still holding mine. I felt my way to the couch as he let me go, moving to the kitchen. He came back with a candle lit so we could actually see each other.
"I dont know how long the power will be out" he sat down next to me.
"I have no clue" I looked at him.
"You are safe here" he nodded slightly.
"Thank you for everything" I said.
"Its ok" he smiled slightly.
"Ill get out of your hair in the morning" I looked away quickly.
"I dont mind helping you" he titled my chin back towards him. "You are beautiful and deserve the world" he looked at me.
"I…" I got lost in his eyes once again.
He kept his hand on my chin, brushing his thumb against my chin. I leaned my forehead against his as our eyes were locked to each other. I took a deep breath in pulling away from him. I leaned back against the couch, just taking everything in. I couldn't believe that I was so close to death until he came and saved me. I didn't understand why he saved me or what the catch was. For some reason I felt safe with him, as if he would never hurt me. I closed my eyes as I started to drift off. The next thing I knew was the sun started to peek in the window. I shuffled in the sheets, but soon realized this wasn't where I fell asleep. I sat up on the bed looking around confused, I had no idea how I got into his bed. I eased myself out of the bed making my way downstairs. I found him in the kitchen cooking, I must admit it smelt good. I leaned against the door frame as I watched him cook.
"Is that for me?" I asked.
"Why yes, it is, " he chuckled slightly. "How did you sleep?" he asked.
"Fine, just don't know how I got into your bed" I admitted.
"I carried you upstairs, " he nodded slightly.
"Oh ok" I smiled slightly as I took a seat at the table.
He put the plate in front of me before moving back to the stove. He grabbed two bottles of waters as well as his plate before sitting down. We started to talk while we ate, it was like I knew him forever. I've never met someone that made me feel so comfortable, and was easy to talk to. I finished eating so I got up putting my plate in the sink. He moved behind me reaching to the sink, his arm around me. I took a deep breath as I felt his body close to mine.
"You are going to wash dishes?" he slides his hands down my arms.
"Maybe, " I bite my lip slightly.
He guide my hands over the dishes, I slightly tighten the grip. I leaned back against him as he rested his head against my shoulder. I smiled to myself as we washed the dishes. He soon to pull away as we finished with the dishes, I returned back to my seat. He sat down across from me, for a second it was quiet.
"Can I ask you something?" he broke the silence.
"Sure" I nodded slightly.
"Why would someone want to hurt you?" he asked.
"It's complicated" I looked down, not really wanting to answer the question.
"We don't have to talk about it, " he got up kneeling in front of me. He placed his hand against my chin titling it up slightly. "You are safe, " he whispered.
"Thank you, " I looked into his eyes.
"I believe in destiny, it was faith that we meet, " he smiled slightly.
"Yeah Shawn" I smiled.
He brushed his thumb against my chin as we locked eyes again. I soon closed my eyes as I felt a sharp pain, I gripped my leg. He helped me upstairs, taking my pants off so we could clean the staplers. Over the next few weeks I stayed with Shawn, not because I didn't have a place but because it was fun. I finally got my staplers out and got the clear to do whatever I wanted to do. Shawn was such an amazing person, I didn't know how I got so lucky but I was glad I did.
"Hey" he smiled as he came into the room.
"Hey, " I looked at him as he sat down behind me, wrapping his arms around me.
"What are you doing?" he questioned.
"Just checking a few things" I leaned back against him.
"So you want to go ice skating tonight?" he kissed my cheek.
"Sure" I laughed slightly.
"Do you know how?" he asked.
"No, " I played with his hand.
"I'll show you, " he whispered into my ear.
"Sounds good, " I said.
"So it's a date, " he said as he stood up from the bed.
"A date?" I smiled.
"Yeah a date, " he leaned over to kiss me softly.
I left his apartment making my way back to mine. I took a quick shower before putting on a pair of jeans. I tried to dress as warm as I possibly could since I knew it was going to be outside. Plus, it was ice skating so it was going to be cold. I laced up my snow boots as I heard a knock on the door. I ran downstairs opening the door so Shawn could come in. He walked in sitting on the couch as I went back stairs. I finally finished getting ready and we were on our way downtown. The nerves started to kick in as we pulled up to the place. I took a deep breath in as he got out of the car. Opening my car door holding out his hand for mine. I grabbed his hand and got out of the car, I followed him to the ice rink. He got out skates as I sat down on the bench, of course he helped me get my skates on. He sat down next to me putting his skates on, I smiled as I watched him. I stood up with his help, we both walked towards the ice. He got onto the ice first, guiding me onto it. He placed his hands on my hips as he started to skate backwards.
"Don't let me fall" I held onto his shoulders.
"I got you" he smiled.
"Good" I smiled as I started to move with him.
He kept his promise and never let me fall. We finally got off the ice and I sat on the bench as he took our skates back. He came back to me grabbing my hand as we started to walk back to the car. He opened the door for me, making sure it was closed as soon as I got into the car. He made his way to the drive side and we were off again. I played with his hand as he drove, with each red light he would lean over kissing my cheek. I couldn't help but smile, I turned on the radio as we both started to sing at the top of our lungs. He pulled into a restaurant parking lot turning the car off. I undid my seatbelt but he grabbed my hand pulling me closer. Placing his hand on my chin, his lips pressed against mine. I smiled against his lips before kissing him back. I placed my hand on his chest as I kept the kiss between us. I soon pulled away resting my forehead against his, I could see the smile grow on his lips. He moved away from me as he got out of the car. This time I beat him to it and got out before he could open the door. I grabbed his hand intertwining our fingers together as we walked into the restaurant.
"What are you getting?" I asked as I looked over the menu.
"Probably pizza" he chuckled slightly.
"Can we share?" I asked.
"Of course, if you bring your ass over here" He said.
"Oh, I didn't know you wanted me to sit next to me" I got up moving to sit next to him. He placed his arm around my shoulder, holding me close to him,
"I always want you close to me, I have a question, " he looked at me.
"Go for it" I nodded as I played with his hand.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.
"You want a relationship?" I looked at him.
"Yes, I do, with you, " he kissed my forehead.
"I would love that" I leaned up, kissed him softly.
We finally ordered our food and drinks. I stayed close to him as we started to talk, but once the food arrived it got quiet. I would look at him from time to time, realizing how lucky I was. It was official I got to call him mine and boy was I happy about that. We finished eating, he got up to pay the bill. I took a few more sips from my drink as I waited. I saw someone walk through the door, I froze once I realized who it was.
"You're still alive" the guy said.
"Ready babe?" Shawn said as he grabbed my hand.
"I'll fix that" the guy said as he pulled out a gun, pointing it directly towards me. I swallowed hard as I closed my eyes, I knew things had finally come to an end.
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title Respite summary If.. pairing itasaku, tobisaku, hot messes
Part i | Part ii | Part iii | Part iv | Part v | Part vi | Part vii | Part viii | Part ix | Part x | Part xi | Part xii | Part xiii | Part xiv | Part xv | Part xvi | Part xvii | Part xviii (here) | Part xix | Part xx | Part xxi | Part xxii | Part xxiii | Part xxiv | Part xxv | Part xxvi | Part xxvii | Part xxviii | Part xxix | Part xxx | Part xxxi | Part xxxii | Part xxxiii | Part xxxiv | Part xxxv | Part xxxvi | Part xxxvii| Part xxxviii | Part xxxix | Part XL (it ends here)
Sakura leaned back in the chair, feet tucked under her. Itachi squinted at her, still half-asleep. He ran one hand through his hair. She followed the lines of his tattoos spilling down both his shoulders. Black dragons twisting down his biceps. 
He pointed at her cup. And she watched him mouth one word: Coffee?
She raised her eyebrows. Itachi pointed at himself. Mimed drinking from an invisible cup. She considered him for a long moment. And then she crooked her pointer finger, beckoning for him. Didn’t avert her eyes as she watched him search for his underwear. 
He pushed the glass door open, barefoot. She handed him her mug as he sat down across from her. She rested her hands on the teak table. Rubbed her thumb against one of her knuckles. Itachi took a long slurp of the coffee. Let out a hum of approval.
Sakura closed her eyes. The clouds shifted and sunlight poured across her back and shoulders. She was wearing a thin robe, but the heat still caressed her skin. When she opened her eyes, Itachi was smiling at her.
He set the coffee down. Reached across the table. Touched his thumb to the side of her neck. She had seen the hickies in the mirror already. But he smoothed his finger over each one.  
“I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said. Brushed the back of his hand along her cheekbone. She pulled away.
“I know.”
And then she looked away, adding softly: “You didn’t.”
They said nothing else for a while. Itachi pushed the coffee back over to her. She finished the lukewarm drink, her eyes avoiding him. Cars drove past, down the winding road, back into the heart of the city. The asphalt was still dark, damp from last night’s rains.
“Is there anything to eat here?” Itachi queried. He was looking out at the street too. The glass walls of the balcony offered an unhampered view. Of the skyscrapers towering in the distance. And of the bay sparkling even further ahead. 
“If you’d like unground coffee beans or whiskey, yes. Otherwise, no,” Sakura replied. She glanced at him from beneath her eyelashes. Itachi’s cheek was in his palm. That smile still lingering on his lips. 
“I don’t stay here often...” she found herself explaining. 
“Well, I’m famished. Is there anywhere decent nearby?” Itachi questioned. 
Sakura turned the mug around between her hands as she thought. “There’s a cafe about five minutes down the road that way.” She lifted her arm to point as she spoke. 
“Five minutes walking?” Itachi asked. Before she could answer, he was already on his feet. She stared at him as he walked back into the bedroom. He pulled his black pants on, along with the white t-shirt he had worn under his button-down. It was so thin that when he turned around, she could still see the tattoos on his back. They bled through, the grinning face of the oni staring back at her.
“...Yes,” Sakura replied, belatedly. And then asked, “What are you doing?”
Itachi paused in the middle of buckling his belt.
“I’ll go get us some breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day,” he answered. Almost sounding offended that she didn’t know that already. Sakura blinked.
“And how do you suppose you’ll get back in here?” 
Watched him tie his hair. 
“You’ll have to let me back up,” Itachi responded. 
“And if I don’t?”
He froze for a second. Like he had finally caught onto her game. When he turned to face her, she saw leaning back in her chair. One eyebrow cocked. He stepped back out onto the balcony. Placing his hand on the back of her chair, he kissed her forehead. 
“Well, Aunt Cheng, I’d be at a loss,” he replied. 
She watched him leave the bedroom. Listened to him walk down the stairs and to the foyer. The faint slam of the front door closing behind him. Sakura lit a cigarette, let it burn between her fingers. It never touched her lips. 
Her phone rang, making the entire table vibrate. She read the name, scoffed. She let it ring and ring until the sound died out. Cheek in her hand, she closed her eyes and listened to nothing.
The phone rang again, later. She opened one eye to check. She raised it to her ear.
“They’re fast. I’ve never gotten such quick service before,” Itachi huffed. Sakura leaned over the balcony. Itachi stood on the sidewalk, bulging plastic bag in his hand. He waved with the phone before placing it back against his ear.
“It’s because of your sleeves,” Sakura responded. 
“My sleeves?” repeated Itachi. 
“24K is king in this area. People don’t want to risk pissing off the wrong person,” she explained. 
“You mean you,” quipped Itachi. Sakura smiled a little. She rested her elbow on the edge of the balcony.
“Check your pocket, daai lou,” Sakura suggested. She hung up. And then, resting her chin on her arm, she watched him stare at his phone. He patted his pockets. And then he felt something strange in one. He dug inside and produced a little brass key. Before he could look back at her, Sakura was already out of her seat. 
It didn’t take him long to figure out that it was the elevator key. Her security system buzzed to let her know that it was in use. Sakura tightened her robe, retying the belt as she walked down the stairs. Opening the door, she leaned against the frame. Waiting until the elevator gave a pleasant ding. The double doors slid open to reveal Itachi looking a little concerned. He dropped the key into her waiting palm on his way to the kitchen.
“When did you get that into my pocket?” he asked. Sakura pushed the door shut. Secured the locks before she followed him into the kitchen. He set the bag down on the island and began unpacking its contents.
“While you were sleeping. I had the feeling you were going to do something like this,” she replied. She sat on one of the cushioned stools. 
She didn’t feel the need to tell him that she had woken before the sun had even risen. Sat up, feeling his arm slide off her shoulders. And it tightened around her waist instead. Pulling her closer like he knew what was happening. And she stared down at him, wondering what dreams crept along the inside of his skull. Ran her fingers through his hair. Just once.
The way Itachi smiled at her made her feel guilty, somehow. She turned her attention back to the food. As she watched him open up box after box, she clicked her tongue.
“There’s only two of us, you know,” Sakura commented.
“Well, I couldn’t read the menu. So I told the owner that I needed a breakfast that would impress a very special lady,” Itachi replied. Sakura eyed the steaming congee topped with minced pork and century egg. Another container held cheung fun. The char siu inside smelled sweet. The drippings soaked the bottom of the rice noodles. 
“Is this good enough?” he queried. Sakura considered him. She ran the back of her hand along his stubbly chin. 
“Let’s eat,” she said. 
Sakura explained the parts of each dish as they ate. It was evident that Itachi wasn’t a picky eater. He tried a little of everything before ultimately settling on devouring most of the cheung fun. Which was fine with Sakura. The congee was warm and settled her stomach. She watched him finish the congee that she was too full to finish. He wasn’t exactly a sloppy eater, but he wasn’t quite as poised as she had expected. Feeling her gaze on him, he looked up at her. He was wiping his mouth with a napkin.
“...You’re...” Sakura searched for the right term. She eyed his stubble, his less-than perfect hair. Bare feet.
“You’re... quite relaxed,” she finally declared. He quirked a smile at that. He set his chopsticks down.
“Because it’s you,” he answered, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Her forehead wrinkled.
“Do you know that you don’t make any sense, Kumicho?” Sakura sighed, more perplexed by his answer. 
His smile widened. The kindness in it was a little frightening.
“Just know this, Sakura. I don’t make much sense when it comes to you anyway,” he assured her. He took her hand and pressed it to his lips. 
Complaining that his breath stank of pork, Sakura made Itachi brush his teeth. Instead of using the downstairs bathroom, Itachi did so in the master bathroom with her. He sat on the edge of the tub, brushing his teeth as he watched her wash her face. And she couldn’t understand why until she finished rinsing her own mouth. Leaning over her shoulder, he spat into the sink and took his time rinsing. His arm hung over her shoulder, trapping her between the counter. When he raised his head, he smiled at her, showing off her gleaming teeth. He wiped his dripping mouth on the back of his hand. 
“Clean enough?” he asked. Sakura gave a little nod. He closed the space between them, pressing his lips to hers. Her knees buckled a little as he drove the breath from her lungs. The edge of the counter dug into her back as she turned toward him. Her hands crawling up the inside of his shirt, tracing the ripples of his moving muscles. 
She sighed as his mouth moved down her neck. His fingers parting her robe. She shivered against the cool air that touched her bare skin. 
“Itachi,” she whispered, trying to grab his hand to bring it closer. His chuckle tickled. He kissed her shoulder, in the center of the tiger painted into her skin.
“We have all the time in the world,” he declared. And even as his promise rang hollow, she closed her eyes and let herself believe.
Her phone went unanswered all day. The screen lit up with voicemails and texts. Sakura pretended not to notice. Instead, she sighed, wrapping her arms around Itachi’s middle. Pressing close against his heart.
“I thought you said that you’ve never really cuddled before,” he teased just a little. But he hugged her tighter. Pulling the covers up over her shoulders. She felt him press a kiss to the top of her head. 
“It’s not so bad when it’s you,” she mumbled. 
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you?” Itachi demanded. Sakura glowered up at him. And he let out a full-bellied laugh, rolling over to pin her underneath him. She tried to push him off of her, but he didn’t budge. 
“I’m sorry. I can’t help it. You’re too adorable,” Itachi then added. Sakura hid her face from him.
“I hate sweet talk,” she grumbled. And his smile suddenly faded there. Like he had heard something else lurking beneath her words. He seemed to be doing that more and more lately. The sadness in his expression somehow seemed just right. When she looked up at him, he kissed her lips. Softly. Sweetly. 
It started raining early in the afternoon. The sky darkened, turning everything grey again. Sakura lay on her side, staring out at the balcony. Watching water pour down against the railing and slide down the edge of the glass. Her phone lit up on the teak table, filling the space around it with ethereal blue light. Sakura closed her eyes.
They wasted the rest of the day that way. Dozing lightly. Sakura didn’t admit it, but she slept well in his arms. Her breaths evening out to match his. The feel of his lazy kisses rousing her every once in a while to go for another round. 
His breath hot against her skin, he whispered look at me, look at me until she opened her eyes. His palms molding to the hard and soft shapes of her body. The disjointed way he grunted her name against her ear as he shuddered against her. And how, for just an instant after, she held him close. Savoring the way his pants filled her ears. Evening out in the world’s most pleasant decrescendo.
They sat in the kitchen, well after midnight. Just a few pendant lights above the island lighting the apartment. And Sakura watched him eating their breakfast leftovers. Shaking her head when he tried to feed her a bite. Only accepting when he gave her such a pleading look that she hadn’t thought a grown man was capable of making.
She fell asleep with his voice in his ears. His story paving the paths of her dreams. Of a dark night where she couldn’t see. But where she also didn’t fear. 
The following morning, Itachi, on his hands and knees, dug a single pack of instant noodles out of the back of her pantry. Sakura seriously wondered whether instant food could go bad when she realized that the expiration date was from nearly four years ago. Still, she leaned against the island, watching as Itachi brought the water to a boil in the only pot in her apartment. He snapped the block of noodles in half as he dropped them into the water. 
They huddled around the pot still on the stove. Slurping up the noodles, wincing as it burned the inside of their mouths. Sakura punched him in the shoulder when he laughed too hard at her. And she watched his back as he did the dishes. And sight of him so domestic was odd, but strangely comforting.
Sakura sat on the sofa, watching him as he perused through her books. Taking his time to squint at the spines. Reading the titles out loud. And Sakura snickering when he pronounced the Chinese characters wrong.
“Mr. Tokyo University,” she snorted. 
As the sun began to sink below the horizon again, Sakura knew that their time was running out. And Itachi, (When had he gotten so good at reading her?) he held her one last time. His fingers tangling with hers. Her name lingering on his lips like it was all he knew how to say anymore. 
He hovered over her. She refused to look at him. Watching the rain patter gently against the windows. 
“I have to go,” he murmured. Ran the back of his hand down her cheek. 
“I know,” she answered. She sat up, running her hands through her hair. 
“I’ll drive you.”
The ride to the airport was silent. Her hand clenched the gearshift. She didn’t even realize how hard she had been gripping it until Itachi pried her hand off it. He weaved his fingers through hers instead. Let their hands fall between them. 
Sakura pulled up at the terminal. Parking illegally. Cars blared their horns behind her. In typical Hong Kong taxi driver style. Some of them even shouted obscenities out the window at her as they sped past.
She felt his hand on her cheek. With some coaxing, she turned her head to look at him. The sadness she read in his eyes somehow made her feel worse. The rain tapping so insistently against the roof of the car. He pulled her close. Kissed her once, twice. And then his thumb traced along her lower lip. 
“I want to see you in Tokyo,” he declared. Sakura blinked.
“You will. Just come to the club,” she replied. Itachi shook his head. He cupped her cheeks in his palms. 
“I want to see you,” he repeated. 
Somehow, she understood. She drew away from him. Settling back in her seat, she unlocked the car. Itachi stared at her a long time. And then, heaving a sigh, he opened up the door. 
He froze, one foot on the pavement.
“...Come to the club, okay?” She stared straight out the windshield. But somehow, she knew that he was smiling.
He shut the car door. And she drove off without a backwards glance.
That night, she finally checked her phone and realized that one of the missed calls was from Hashirama. She showered and dressed. Soaking herself in perfume and luxurious furs. Diamond and gold earrings. Bright red lipstick and eyeliner tapering like twin daggers. 
She showed up late, stilettos tapping up the stairs. Leisurely. 
Sakura handed Hashirama a paper bag still hot to the touch. He opened it up and out spilled steam from the roasted chestnuts inside. Tobirama glared at her from his usual seat.
“You’re late,” he grunted.
“Fashionably late,” she corrected. She held her hand out to him. 
It took a long moment. And then Tobirama let out the world’s longest sigh. He pulled a cigarette out of the box and pressed it into her palm. Placing it in her mouth, she leaned in close, pressing the tip to his. His eyes locking with hers as the smoke writhed up between them. 
“You’ve been missing for a few days, Jing-Mei. I thought you were finally dead,” he commented. Sakura blew directly into his face and sat on the arm of his chair. 
“Oh, Tobirama. You’re such a charmer,” she replied, smiling. And then, crossing one leg over the other, she looked over at Hashirama. 
“Why did you ask for me, Uncle?” 
“Red Eyes Chiu,” Hashirama simply replied. He cracked open a chestnut between his thumb and his pointer finger. 
“The dealer?” Sakura asked. She had never really done business with him before. He was a little too volatile for her tastes.
“He’s missing,” Hashirama went on. And she already knew what he was asking.
“I didn’t lay a hand on him, Uncle,” Sakura assured him. And when his eyes narrowed, she added: “And I haven’t had anyone else touch him.” 
Hashirama sighed.
“That’s what I thought.”
“Someone’s trying to create a bottleneck,” Tobirama spoke up. Sakura leaned her elbow on his shoulder. 
“And why would I do that? I like that I don’t have to share dealers with Fai Tsai... or you. Keeps things neat,” Sakura retorted. Tobirama looked ready to shoot back a retort, but then he shrugged a little.
“It could be the HKPD. Maybe they’ve finally decided to stop being incompetent,” Sakura suggested. 
“It’s a possibility. Or the Suns trying to stir up in-fighting,” mused Hashirama. 
Sakura thought as she blew a stream up smoke up at the ceiling. 
Something occurred to her. To the land that Fai Tsai most certainly couldn’t afford, but was buying up anyway along the waterfront. To her strange encounter with a man she had thought dead all those months back. 
“Uncle. I’m going to Tokyo,” Sakura decided. 
“Are you serious? Your hostess bar can wait, Jing-Mei. This is urgent,” growled Tobirama. 
Sakura smiled as she looked back down at him. She touched her pointer finger to his chin. Stroking down the red tattoo there. 
“I have a feeling that I have a connection there that might have some information for us,” she corrected him. 
As she leaned in close, she saw Tobirama’s gaze shift. He hooked his finger into the front of her coat to pull the collar aside. His eyes raked down her throat. Flickered back up to her face. 
And his expression was suddenly quite blank.
“A connection in Tokyo? Why? Do you think this is something bigger, Jing-Mei?” Hashirama asked. 
Sakura kept her eyes on Tobirama as she spoke.
“Call it a woman’s intuition, Uncle,” she answered. And then she smirked at Tobirama. She ruffled her hand through his hair before she got off his lap. She mashed her cigarette out in the glass ashtray on Hashirama’s desk. Adjusting her furs around herself, she looked back at the Dragon Head.
“In the meantime, I’ll have my boy Charlie Lau get in touch with Tobirama. He might be able to root out some small-time dealers to fill in the gaps. They won’t be able to move big packages like York and Dirty Sam, but they’ll do in a pinch,” she added. Hashirama nodded. 
“You’re resourceful as always, Jing-Mei,” he sighed, looking slightly less troubled. Sakura smiled. 
“I live to please, Uncle.”
Part i | Part ii | Part iii | Part iv | Part v | Part vi | Part vii | Part viii | Part ix | Part x | Part xi | Part xii | Part xiii | Part xiv | Part xv | Part xvi | Part xvii | Part xviii (here) | Part xix | Part xx | Part xxi | Part xxii | Part xxiii | Part xxiv | Part xxv | Part xxvi | Part xxvii | Part xxviii | Part xxix | Part xxx | Part xxxi | Part xxxii | Part xxxiii | Part xxxiv | Part xxxv | Part xxxvi | Part xxxvii| Part xxxviii | Part xxxix | Part XL (it ends here)
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culinarystrategist · 7 years
Symbol Meme (Closed)
▲  five times my muse thought about kissing yours, and the one time they did.
Without fail, each and every time Ignis starts to think that Loqi is becoming less of an insufferable little shit, he’s almost immediately proven wrong. There’s simply no end to the other man’s conceit and Ignis would dearly love to wipe that smug little smirk off Loqi’s face for once and for all. Whenever he finds himself upon on the receiving end of one of Loqi’s diatribes on how the Empire is vastly superior to Lucis, or how it’s little wonder that one of Insomnia’s own has turned against them, Ignis allows his mind to wander to all the myriad ways he could put a stop to the grandstanding. A fist to the face would be most effective. Cracking Loqi in the jaw would not only shut him up, but would prove enormously satisfying. Or Ignis could simply walk away, mid-rant. Another thought comes to him; he could put Loqi’s mouth to better use, say with a kiss…
If Loqi notices the sudden tint of redness of Ignis’ cheeks, it doesn’t deter him from his discourse, but it does allow for Ignis to press the back of his hand to his forehead and offer up the weak excuse that he thinks he may be coming down with a fever. Without questioning it, Loqi waves him off, not willing to potentially catch whatever Lucian germs Ignis might be carrying.
This is running the risk of becoming a habit…
For the fourth week in a row, Loqi has invited himself over to Ignis’ apartment for dinner, with apparently very little care whether Ignis wishes to have a guest of not. Indeed, Loqi seems to view it as some sort of right of his position, that he can impose himself upon the Lucian traitor whenever he wishes. In all honesty, Ignis lacks the will to argue; Loqi can be surprisingly pleasant company when he’s not being an insufferable little shit.
At least this time, Loqi hasn’t come empty handed, thrusting a bottle of Merlot at Ignis as he walks into the apartment. He doesn’t have to be asked to remove his footwear any more, obediently taking off his boots and slipping on the pair of guest slippers Ignis may have especially bought for such an occasion. Despite his regular remark that Ignis had better not be trying to poison him, Loqi hangs around the kitchen while the meal is being cooked, peering around Ignis’ body to see what’s in the pots and pans. Since the initial dinner of meatballs had gone down so well, Ignis has elected to repeat the meal and Loqi grabs a spoon from the drawer to ‘taste test’ the sauce - last time, he claims, it lacked salt. This time, he says, it’s better.
“You have a little-” Motioning with his finger, Ignis points to the corner of Loqi’s mouth, where a minute dribble of cream is left behind. For a fraction of a second, he contemplates cleaning it off with his tongue, before thinking better of it and reaching out to swipe away the smear with his thumb instead.
Ardyn might be the one testing Ignis’ combat skills, but Loqi is the one testing his patience. There have been rumours of a rebellious faction in the heart of Gralea, the Empire’s capital city, and Ignis and Loqi have been sent to investigate and quell any potential uprising. Although this is a joint mission, with responsibility for its success or failure resting squarely on both sets of shoulders, Loqi believes himself in charge and Ignis is growing rather sick of this imposed hierarchy. He is the brains of this operation, not the flunky, and most certainly not the sidekick.
Ignis has no doubt that Loqi is highly proficient, but unfortunately, the sentiment isn’t reciprocated and that is causing a problem because instead of trusting Ignis to play his part, Loqi tries to take it all on himself. Following a couple of suspected insurgents, Loqi states his intention to take them both down and instructs Ignis to hang back. Ignis cannot help himself.
“Why must you always be such an insufferable little shit?” The rhetorical question is murmured a little louder than intended, resulting in Loqi swiftly spinning around to look at Ignis with unbridled fury.
“Maybe if you learned how to follow the orders of your superiors,” Loqi started, jabbing a finger towards Ignis’ chest. “I wouldn’t need to-”
A shout halted Loqi in his tracks; he’d managed to attract the attention of the two men, who were quickly tracing their steps back to where Loqi and Ignis stood, bickering. Ignis had to do something - he had to make it look as though they were two random strangers, on the street, to throw off suspicion. In the movies, a situation like this was usually resolved by a kiss, and while that might have been something Ignis would like to do, he thought it wiser to throw a punch instead.
This is definitely becoming a habit. Ignis has spent the past few months in Lucis, carrying out Ardyn’s work, and now that he’s back, Loqi has - unsurprisingly - invited himself over for dinner. There’s a distinct lack of food in the apartment, because Ignis hasn’t had the opportunity to go shopping yet, but he does what he can with what he has. An improvised meal of dried pasta, cooked with a sauce made from canned tomatoes, dried herbs and some potted meat will just have to suffice. It’s not to his usual standard, but it smells appetising and is relatively tasty.
Amazingly, Loqi asks for seconds. It seems that even storecupboard cooking is preferable to Loqi’s usual supply of meals and Ignis offers what remains of the dish so Loqi can take it home and heat it up later. As they sit back after eating to catch up on the news, the atmosphere is amicable. For the time being, Loqi keeps his usual barbs and digs to himself and chats with Ignis about his journey, about what he’s missed while he was gone, and about the world in general. Either Loqi has mellowed while Ignis was away, or their relationship has transcended to something resembling friendship.
Towards the end of the night, both are lethargic from the food and the wine, and they sit close together on the couch so Ignis can show Loqi the photos he took from the train. The sight of snowy landscapes brings a smile to Loqi’s face and Ignis is reminded of why he finds the man so attractive. There’s a moment when Loqi leans in close enough for Ignis to smell the residual aroma of his shampoo and there’s a brief moment when he wants to throw caution to the wind and pull Loqi in for a kiss.
“I’m sorry to cut our evening short,” he says, instead. “But my journey has left me exhausted and I must turn in for the night.”
It’s most unlike Loqi to miss an engagement. The reason, Ignis discovers, is a high fever and cold sweats. Lying in his bed, hair plastered to his forehead and cheeks a deep, ruddy red, Loqi looks almost childlike in the grip of sickness. He doesn’t argue when Ignis wipes his face with a cool, damp cloth, nor does he protest when Ignis offers to spoon-feed him some soup.
Full of worry and concern, Ignis remains at Loqi’s side while he sleeps. It’s a fitful sleep, broken by bouts of hacking coughs and wheezing. It’s just a cold, Ignis knows, but it’s a bad one, and for all his faults, Loqi is someone Ignis has come to view as a friend. Certainly, he’s as close to a friend as Ignis can have in a place like Gralea, and for that reason, Ignis will not leave him to suffer alone.
After one particularly bad coughing fit, Ignis fills a bowl with hot water and drops in a couple of menthol crystals, then holds the bowl for Loqi to inhale the vapours. It seems to do the trick of clearing his passages long enough to allow him to drop off again. Before he takes away the bowl to clean it and put it back where he found it, Ignis bows over Loqi to brush a few strands of hair away from his eyes. It’s almost instinctive, the urge to press a kiss to that damp, sweaty brow. But with Loqi asleep, it would be unforgivably invasive, so Ignis suppresses the urge.
Winter is bitter in Gralea. A cruel wind blows through the streets, carrying with it rain and sleet which stings Ignis’ face. Wrapped up in a thick overcoat, woollen scarf and thermal gloves, he makes his way to his apartment. It’s not often that he feels homesick for Insomnia, but this is one of those occasions. The winters aren’t nearly so bad in Lucis and he almost wishes he was there right now. Almost, but not quite, because this is Friday and on Fridays, Loqi comes over for dinner and video games. It’s a long-standing tradition, and one Ignis wouldn’t break for anything.
When he gets home, he finds the door is already unlocked and he can hear the music from their favourite fighting game coming from the living room. He’d regret having given Loqi a key if not for the fact that he can feel the heat as soon as he walks in - Loqi has never been shy about turning up the thermostat. Hanging up his coat and removing the rest of his outdoors wear, he calls a cheerful greeting to his guest, then heads straight for the kitchen to make a start on cooking.
After dinner, and without any prompting, Loqi washes the dishes while Ignis puts the leftovers into containers for Loqi to take away with him. It’s an oddly domestic scene, especially with Loqi wearing Ignis’ apron to keep his clothes clean of dirty dishwater. The pleasant harmony of the scene is disrupted by a loud - and colourful - curse from Loqi, and Ignis hurries to his side to find him cupping his finger, which drips blood into the sink.
“I’ve warned you before that those knives are very sharp,” he says, fetching the first aid kit out of the drawer to see to the wound. Once it’s cleaned and covered with a dressing, Ignis lifts Loki’s hand and gently kisses the injured finger.
“You’ll live.”
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Secret of the Sewers: Recovery
Karai laid on a hospital bed inside Saki Enterprises, an IV in her arm and breathing tubes on her face. The Shredder, free of his armor, sat by her bedside holding her hand. A young doctor with fiery red hair was examining a clipboard full of information on Karai's condition, including at least five cat scans.
"Well Mr. Saki." The young doctor, Dr. Chaplin, began. "I have some good news. While Karai's brain has sustained some damage from the backlash of Project Oracle's powers, it is minor damage that the brain can naturally heal over time."
"Excellent." Saki said, a hint of relief in his voice before he squashed it with his usual cold, calculating tone. "How long until she is conscious?"
"Unfortunately, it's too early to tell." Chaplin informed him. "She could wake up any minute, or be in a coma for months. I'm afraid we just don't know enough about what Oracle did to her to give an accurate assessment."
Saki's fist clenched at the idea of his daughter being in a coma. He slammed his fist on the side of her bed in anger, eliciting a gulp from Chaplin. The doctor excused himself, exiting the room just as Hun entered. He still had the bruises from the battle, and looked physically drained. Still, the behemoth managed to give a proper bow, albeit painfully.
"Master..." he groaned.
"Have you found them?" Shredder asked.
"No Master..." Hun answered. "All we found was this."
He produced a bloody piece of white cloth, the remains of some sorts of lab coat. Saki looked at it, remembering a similar coat on one of the turtles.
"Where was this?" he demanded.
"Near the edge of the city." Hun replied. "It would seem they've fled."
"Hmmm… we best be on guard then. They may have gone, but they will soon return."
"Yes Master." Hun agreed.
As Hun left, Saki looked out the window at the sun rising over the city.
The Shellraiser twisted and turned down the gravel road that led up to Northampton, the large canopy of trees providing little relief from the bright sun of the late fall months. They had been driving for a few hours now, Donny doing the best he could for his two patients with what he had on him, as well as anything they could scrounge from the various CVS' and Walgreens they hit along the way.
"How they holding up Don?" Casey asked from the driver's seat.
"Hisako's stabilized, and with any luck, she'll wake up soon." Donny replied, tying off the bandage around Hisako's waist.
"And Leo?" April questioned.
Donny looked upon his fallen brother, feeling more than a bit helpless.
"He's got a fever, and he's still out cold." Don lamented "I can't work on him fully until we're somewhere off the road."
"Don't worry bro." Mikey assured him. "I'm sure we'll be there soon."
"I hope so." Donny replied quietly.
As the four of them conversed, Raph cradled Leo's head in his lap. The blue turtle's hair was matted with sweat, which worried the red turtle, and increased the size of the lump of guilt that had settled into his throat.
"Leo…" He muttered.
As they kept driving, Hisako groaned slightly, coming to. Master Splinter, who had been holding her this entire time, looked down and sighed in audible relief.
"My child." he whispered.
Hisako blinked slowly as she came to, her entire body hurting. The other turtles looks over at their sister, each of them relaxing a small fraction.
"Hey sis." Mikey called out softly.
"Hey..." Hisako croaked, her voice weak from pain. "What happened… where are we?"
"We got our shells kicked." Donny informed her. "After you got struck down, we were forced to flee the city."
"We're almost to my grandma's old farmhouse." Casey added. "I figured it be as good a place as any for us to hide out while you and Leo heal."
Hisako gave a small nod, then glanced over at Leo. Even through her pained haze, she could make out a faint buzz of activity going on in the blue turtle's head. He was alive, but he was badly hurt.
"He's still holding on..." Hisako said softly, a note of happiness in her voice. "Even after everything, he's still holding on."
"Course he is." Raph declared, doing his best to sound brave and tough. "His skull's thicker than Mikey's."
For once, Mikey didn't attempt to deny the jibe. Thankfully, the pained silence that filled the Shellraiser was soon broken by Casey calling out in relief.
"We're here."
As they made their way through the thick canopy of trees, a large farmhouse became visible in the distance. It looked old and the paint was faded, but to the battle-weary travelers, it looked like heaven.
"The place could probably use some TLC," Casey admitted, "but it's got water, electricity and heating, so we should be good for a while."
"It will be sufficient." Splinter replied. "We cannot thank you enough."
"Look, you guys are practically family by now." April explained. "And family sticks together through good and bad."
"You said it, April." Casey agreed.
Splinter carried Hisako into the home, her wounds making walking next to impossible. Trailing behind him, the three conscious turtles worked together to bring their injured brother inside.
"We need to get him in water." Donny announced, feeling the heat radiating off of Leo. "It will help him heal faster."
"The Master bathroom." Casey replied. "There's a big bathtub in there, and a bed for Hisako. Second floor. Third door on the right."
They made their way up the stairs, Master Splinter gently depositing Hisako onto the large bed. As he worked to prop her up on the available pillows, the other turtles gently put Leo in the tub, removing his clothes and letting the cold water cover him up to his neck.
"Now what?" Mikey asked.
"Now, we wait." Donny replied. "It's all we can do right now."
"I'll keep an eye on him." Raph volunteered.
"I can do that, Raph." Hisako told him, her voice a hoarse whisper. "It's not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon."
She attempted to sit up, but instantly regretted it as pain lanced up her side.
"It's fine." Raph reassured. "Really."
He glanced down at Leo, regret in his eyes.
"I've got this."
Raph then took a chair and sat down so he could watch over Leo. The others just looked at him a bit before exiting the room. Splinter gave Hisako's hand a final squeeze before leaving himself. Once they were alone, Hisako looked at the red turtle.
"It's not your fault you know." she croaked.
"Get some rest sis." Raph told her.
"Raph..." she began, trying a second time to move, but once more regretting it, "None of this is your fault."
Raph sighed, realizing his sister wasn't gonna drop the issue quickly.
"Yeah, well then whose is it?" Raph asked.
Hisako grunted a bit before answering.
"Karai." she muttered. "Her and that…. Shredder guy… They hurt Leo. They hurt me. Not you."
"Leo wouldn't have been out there if I hadn't yelled at him." Raph replied.
"If you hadn't done it, one of us would have. We were all just kettles ready to boil over..."
"Yeah we I popped first." Raph interjected. "Figures. Me and my temper screw everything up again."
Hisako let out a sigh, then settled onto the pillows. It was going to take a while for their wounds to heal. All their wounds.
A few weeks passed since the eight fugitives had fled New York. In this time, everyone had done their best to find some way to keep themselves occupied. April and Casey and thrown themselves into cleaning and repairs of the farmhouse. When they weren't washing windows or doing dishes, they were out in the barn trying to get an old riding lawn mower to work.
The turtles were no different. Raph hadn't budged from that chair in the master bedroom, keeping a close vigil on both of his injured siblings. Whenever they needed their bandages changed or Leo's tub needed to be cleaned out, he made sure it got done.
Donny had built himself a small work station in the attic, allowing him to do the one thing that never failed to calm him down: tinker. Though he did let himself out every now and then if there was something in the house that required fixing beyond Casey and April's grasp.
Splinter, meanwhile, was working with Hisako to try and help her walk again. Much like when she was first learning how to walk, it was a slow process, one that got her easily frustrated. On one particularly bad fall, she banged her fist on the ground in anger, tears of frustration rolling down her face.
"Why can't I do this?" she seethed.
"You have been through a trying ordeal." Splinter told her. "It will take time to fully recover."
"I feel like a little girl again..." she grumbled bitterly, "That helpless little girl unable to even defend herself..."
"You know you have come a long way from being that little girl the turtles found in the dumpster." Splinter reminded. "You cannot allow this new set back to mar everything you have become."
Hisako took a deep breath, then slowly struggled to her feet, clutching the makeshift crutch Donny had made her.
"I know it may seem hopeless now, but you will rise above this." Splinter consoled. "In truth it took me quite some time to adapt to my 'new form'. I thought I would never be used to it, but I was wrong. This is no different for you."
Hisako nodded.
"You're right." she agreed. "And in time, these will just be new scars."
"That's my girl." Splinter said smiling.
Mikey slid into the living room balancing a bunch of trays in his hands and on his head.
"Lunch time!" he declared. "I made beef stew, you're favorite sis."
"Thanks Mikey." Hisako replied. "Smells good."
He slid one of the trays off his arm, which held two steaming bowls of stew.
"Eat up." he told them. "And if you want more, just ring that bell I gave you."
Hisako chuckled, looking at the little bell that Mikey had found while rummaging through the basement. He had dubbed it the "Mikey Bell" and had given her instructions to ring it if she ever needed anything.
"No problem bro." she assured him. "Now go find Don. He's probably starving by now."
Mikey smiled before exiting the room.
Donny was bent over his work table, several pieces of metal tubing in his hands, as well as his own broken Bo-staff. He compared the tubing to his staff over and over again, testing its strength and relative flexibility.
"Almost got it..."
"Hey Donnie." Mikey greeted, entering the room.
This surprised Donny to the point of tossing the two staff into the air and having them both drop on his head one after the other.
"Mikey!" Donny exclaimed. "You know better than to sneak up on me like that"
"Sorry." Mikey apologized. "What are ya working on?"
Donny recovered the two staffs, returning them to his work table.
"I'm trying to make myself a new Bo staff, one a bit sturdier than a piece of wood."
"Good call. For when we run into that Shredder dude again."
"Right." Donny agreed. "I'm also working on adding some personal touches. I'm thinking a piston extension and a blade."
"Cool." Mikey said, then he stroked his chin. "Maybe you should try two blades. One at each end."
"Actually, that's a pretty good idea Mikey." Donny concluded, already figuring out how he could make it work. "Got any other ideas?"
Mikey hesitated for a moment, a bit reluctant to ask.
"Actually Don, there is something you could do." He finally admitted.
He set down Donny's bowl of stew, then took his Nunchucks off his belt.
"Do you think you could upgrade these too?" he asked.
"Hmm…" Donny thought. "I'll see what I can do."
Just as Mikey prepared to walk out, Donny spoke up again, his eyes not leaving his work table.
"How's Raph doing?"
"About the same." Mikey reported. "He hasn't left Leo's side since we got here."
"Has he eaten?"
"Oh yeah." Mikey told him. "I've got my best agent making sure he does."
Klunk sat in Raph's lap, the red turtle absentmindedly scratching the cat behind the ear. Though he would never admit it out loud, Raph was kinda happy Mikey had plopped the cat into his lap, declaring the small feline his guard. It gave him someone to talk to aside from his unconscious brother.
"Hey there little guy. Can I tell you something?"
Klunk looked up at the red turtle, giving a single meow and rubbing his head against the turtle's hand.
"I'm scared." he said. "Scared for my brother Leo."
The cat cocked his head, then looked over at Leo's still form.
"I'm scared that he's never gonna wake up…" he continued, "And that the last thing I said to him was that we didn't need him."
Tears started to roll down his eyes as he continued.
"I just… i just wish i could say how sorry I am. That I didn't mean what I said. That I should've never said what I did… that we do need him… that we all need him back. I need him back."
There was a small sound of moving water, accompanied by a slightly pained groan.
"Raph….?" Leo's weak voice called out.
Raph turned to see Leo slowly waking up.
"Leo!" he called out moving to his side. "Are you alright? How ya feeling bro?"
"Lousy..." Leo admitted. "Everything hurts… and it's cold."
"You're gonna be ok bro, I promise." Raph told him before heading to the doorway. "Hey everyone! Leo's awake!"
From all around the house, there was the sudden sound of various people dropping what they were doing to come and check on their friend and brother.
"Leo!" Mikey and Donny both cheered, nearly tackling Leo inside the tub.
"Easy guys. Easy." Leo told them. "I just came out of a coma remember."
Casey and April were next, tears of relief pouring from the latter's face.
"Leo… Thank god." April sobbed.
"You had us worried there buddy." Casey informed him, lightly conking him on the head.
Splinter trailed in as well, followed closely by Hisako, who was still leaning heavily on that crutch.
"It is good to see you well Leonardo." Splinter told him putting his hand on his shoulder.
"Bro, never go and do that again." Hisako told him, her own face red from crying. "I can't lose my family. Not one member."
"I'll try." Leo replied smiling.
Raph pulled his chair over towards Hisako, allowing her to sit down. This gave Leo a chance to notice the large bandages around her torso, as well as the stitches on her face.
"What happened?" he asked.
Everyone went a bit quiet, Casey pulling April a bit closer.
"The foot trashed April's apartment." Casey explained. "Forcing us to flee for our lives."
"Shredder and Karai attacked as well." Hisako added. "I ended up going against Karai, but I blacked out."
"Dark Phoenix..." Leo realized.
"That's when Shred-head tried to kill her." Mikey continued.
Leo's eyes went wide, and Hisako quickly waved him down.
"It's okay." she assured him. "Donny said he missed kidney by scant centimeters. It's gonna leave a scar, but what else is new?"
Leo looked at his sister, feeling racked with guilt. Hisako sensed this, looking at him sadly.
"That's good to hear… I guess." he said.
"We're just glad you're awake." Mikey told him. "Raph hasn't left your side since we got here."
Leo turned to Raph, who looked down and seemed nervous.
"Look bro, about what I said before…" Raph began, "about not needing you..."
"Raph… we all did stupid things these past few weeks." Leo interrupted. "Maybe… we can forgive each other."
Raph smiled, then reached for a pile of folded clothes beside the tub, grabbing Leo's mask off the pile.
"I believe this is yours." Raph told him.
Leo leaned forward as best he could, allowing for Raph the tie the mask on his face.
"There we go." He said, sitting down and smiling. "Hey sis, show Leo what you've been working on while you healed up."
Hisako smirked, then her eyes began glowing. A halo of green energy surrounded Leo, slowly lifting him from the tub. Donny began drying him off with a towel quickly as Raph replaced the bandages. Once that was done, Hisako moved him onto the bed, a line of red dripping down her face.
"Can't do it for very long." she admitted as Master Splinter handed her a rag. "Still need practice, but I can better control it now."
"Yep, no more flying lamps." Mikey quipped happily.
Everyone chuckled at that, then Raph pulled a blanket over Leo.
"If you need anything bro, I'll be right outside."
"And you can take my 'Mikey Bell'." Hisako offered.
"Thanks guys." Leo replied.
Hisako then slid onto the bed next to him, sliding under the blanket.
"I still need my nightmare protection, so you'll have to share with me." she told him. "Hope you don't mind."
"It's fine by me." Leo told her. "It's just like home."
Everyone smiled, then slipped out, leaving the two of them alone to rest. Hisako took Leo's hand giving it a squeeze.
"I'll be here in case you're the one with nightmares too." she told him. "So get some rest."
"Can do."
Leo then closed his eyes and proceeded to get some sleep, his hand still in the warm grip of Hisako's.
Hisako and Leo hobbled behind Raph, trekking through the woods on one of the more stable trails.
"How ya holding up Leo?" Raph called back.
"A little sore." Leo answered. "But I'm good."
"How 'bout you sis?"
"I'm good." she replied. "But where are you taking us? Master Splinter was going to help me with my physical therapy today."
Raph grinned, turning to face his siblings happily and with determination.
"Well, now it's my turn." Raph replied. "I figured the best thing to do would be to go for a walk. Get the muscles moving and the blood pumping. Besides, Mikey said he found something out here while he was out the other day. Won't shut up about it until you guys see it."
"What is it?" Leo asked.
Raph gave a shrug.
"He threatened to 'unleash Doctor Prankenstein' on me if I squealed."
Leo chuckled.
"That alter ego he created when we were kids?" Leo asked.
"That's the one." Raph answered.
Hisako whistled.
"Beware Doctor Prankenstein and his water balloons of doom!" she joked, laughing before grunting in pain.
"Hisako!" Raph called.
"Are you alright?" Leo asked.
"Ow, laughing hurts." she winced.
"Just take it easy." Raph reassured her. "We got you."
Hisako gently waved them off, holding her side.
"I'm okay." she promised. "C'mon. Let's go see what's got Mikey so riled up."
The three continued walking through the woods until they came across one of the larger trees in the forest. They looked up to see Mikey perched up in the branches, grinning down like a monkey.
"You came!" he squealed happily. "Cowabunga!"
"Ok Mikey what is it you wanted to show us?" Leo asked.
Mikey smiled, then climbed up higher into the tree, disappearing into the leaves. Then, he jumped down, dragging a rope ladder with him.
"Only the coolest, most awesome-est tree fort in the history of tree forts!" Mikey exclaimed. "It's amazing!"
"Wow!" Leo exclaimed. "Someone's been busy."
"I just found it, though I have been doing my best to improve it when not cooking for everyone."
He then glanced at Leo and Hisako, giving a smile.
"And don't worry you two. I rigged up something for you guys so you could get up here."
He let out a whistle, and a makeshift lift made out of rope and wooden planks lowered down, big enough for the two of them to sit in.
"All aboard the turtle lift!" Donny's voice called from the trees.
Hisako chuckled.
"How many you got up there, bro?" Raph asked.
"Master Splinter stayed at the house, but everyone else is up there. They're waiting for you guys."
The lift finally reached the top and Hisako and Leo climbed out, in awe at the fort. It was immensely spacious with windows on every wall. The trunk of the tree was in the center of the room. Inside there were three hammocks, a telescope near one of the windows, presumably for watching the stars, and a staircase to a second floor where a balcony was.
"Whoa!" they both exclaimed.
"This is incredible." Leo complimented.
"Gotta say Mikey, this is awesome."
"Thanks." Mikey replied. "It took a lot of work."
Hisako hobbled over to the balcony, looking out as the sun began to set.
"Look at this." she said in awe. "This view is amazing."
"You should see it when the stars come out." Donny replied.
Hisako turned, her eyes sparkling.
"No city lights out here to pollute the sky." Donny explained. "Just think of the constellations we can find."
Casey and April looked in confusion.
"What's the big deal about constellations?" Casey asked.
"Never pegged you guys for astronomy." April added.
The turtles and Hisako all exchanged knowing glances, then grinned widely.
"I see… a two headed squirrel!" Mikey declared.
"I see… a water buffalo riding a whale!" Donny declared.
"I see… a police officer in a prom dress!" Raph exclaimed.
Everybody laughed in response to that constellation, especially April and Casey, who were soon finding themselves drawn into the chaos of the little game.
"I see… a walrus visiting the dentist!" Leo called out.
"I see… A car approaching the farmhouse." Hisako announced, leaning against the balcony to get a better look.
"Where?" Mikey asked. "I don't see it."
Raph smacked him on the back of the head in annoyance.
"Out there dummy." Raph pointed out.
Casey and April came over, looking out at the farmhouse.
"Greenie, can you tell who it is?" Casey asked.
Hisako closed her eyes, focusing in an attempt to see who it was.
"It's… a bit out of my range… I'm not getting much."
"Anything at all?" April questioned.
"Just… fear." Hisako replied. "Something about money… and Turks."
"Turks?" Casey asked.
"Yeah. Whomever this guy is, I these he owes money to some Turkish people I guess."
Donny thought for a moment, then an idea came to him.
"Hey guys, isn't there a street gang in New York called the Turks?"
"Yeah. Big on gambling and drugs as I recall." Raph agreed.
"Why would someone connected to a gang in New York be all the way up here?" Mikey asked.
Casey then let out a groan.
"I think I know who it is." he growled.
"Who?" Leo asked.
"My cousin Sid."
April blinked.
"Wait, the Sid?" April asked. "As in the guy who 'stumbles into your life' when he's strapped for cash?"
"One and the same." Casey confirmed.
"We best stay here then." Leo told him. "You go take care of your cousin."
Casey popped his neck, rotating his shoulders.
"Oh I plan on it."
Sid pulled up to the farmhouse, hiding his car in a bunch of brush as he snuck towards the farm doors.
"Just get inside." he muttered to himself. "Just get inside and they won't find you… Granny always kept the key under the pot."
He flipped over the pot, seeing the indent where the key should be. This was freaking him out.
"C'mon, where is it?!"
"Looking for something?"
Sid jumped seriously high, shrieking as he turned, arms raised. He looked up to see Casey standing there with his arms crossed and an angered look on his face. Sid straightened up, putting a strained smile on his face.
"Casey!" he called out. "Hey cuz… wha- what're ya doing here?"
"Hey Sid." Casey replied. "What brings ya by?"
Sid chuckled nervously, tugging at his collar.
"N-no reason cuz." Sid replied. "I just… wanted to crash here for a while."
He attempted to slip past Casey into the farmhouse. Casey just put his arm up blocking his entry way.
"Well you can't stay here." he told him.
"Aww come on cuz." Sid said, getting more and more nervous. "Just for the night. Ya have my word."
"Right. Your word. Why don't I believe you?"
"Cuz, please, can we talk about this inside? Please?!"
"Why? You in trouble 'again'?"
About that time, a large van came screeching down the dirt road, pulling up to the farmhouse. Sid shrieked, diving into the bushes beside the porch.
"Who are those guys?" Casey asked.
"Shush!" Sid hissed.
The van came to a halt, the side opening up to allow a group of punks to jump out, each of them armed to the teeth with different types of guns. One guy in a black coat with so many gold chains around his neck came out, looking at Casey.
"Hey there." He greeted. "Don't mind us. We're just doing a little pest control. Stay outta our way, and you'll live to see tomorrow."
Casey slowly raised his hands as he mentally broadcasted an SOS to the others.
Guys. We got trouble.
How bad Casey? Hisako asked.
The guy in the black coat gave signals to his cronies, who began fanning out to search the area.
Armed thugs bad. Casey answered.
Can you get to your gear?
Not without getting shot, no.
Hang tight, we're coming.
"Oi!" the black coated guy shouted. "I'm talking to you farm boy!"
He grabbed Casey by his hair, putting the gun under his chin.
"I asked if you'd seen a little rat by the name of Sid."
"... Never heard of him." Casey replied.
The guy dug the gun deeper into his chin.
"Why don't I believe that?"
"Paranoid perhaps?" Casey suggested.
The guy was about to do something when one of his goons came around the corner.
"Yo Jencko!" He called out. "There's a bunch of sleeping bags inside, and there's enough food to feed an army in the kitchen!"
The black coated guy, whose name appeared to be Jencko, gave Casey a sadistic look.
"Having a sleepover farm boy?" he asked. "Got a few buddies hiding in the bushes?"
In the bushes just inches from where Jencko was holding Casey, Sid covered his mouth to avoid squeaking.
"How about you show me where they are?" Jencko suggested, pushing Casey to the house.
"There ain't nobody here but me."
Jencko pistol whipped Casey across the face, knocking him to the ground.
"Don't!" He shouted. "Lie to me!"
Casey groaned as he slowly got to his feet. As he did, he saw a flash of black darting out from behind a tree. A skinny, serpentine tail was the only sign of who it was. Said tail then wrapped around one of the punks, pulling him towards the tree where he was quietly taken down. Casey smirked, quickly stifling it as he stood.
"You think I'm scared of you?" Casey asked. "I've stared into the eyes of hatred, the eye of a sadistic bastard that makes you and your goons look like kittens!"
While Casey ranted, another goon fell victim to the silent blitz attack of Master Splinter. Casey couldn't keep the smirk off his face this time.
"So go on and threaten me." Casey dared him. "Because you ain't gonna get anything out of me."
Up in the trees surrounding the farmhouse, the turtles and Hisako all sat in the branches, looking down at the land. April was up there as well, though she was doing little more than clinging to the trunk.
"What do you see Don?" Leo asked.
Donny zoomed in on the farmhouse, spotting Splinter taking out his second opponent silently.
"Looks like Master Splinter's doing what he does best."
"Kicking tail and taking names?" Mikey asked.
"You bet." Donny replied. "But we don't know how many are inside, or if more are coming."
"They're the only group." Hisako replied. "The leader, the guy messing with Casey, he thinks he's got enough guys."
"Well we better prove him wrong." Raph decided, cracking his knuckles.
"Raph, you take the rear." Leo strategized "Cut those guys off. Donny, go help Master Splinter with the punks inside. Mikey, get to the barn and get Casey's gear. Hisako, we'll stick together to keep them in the house and out of the forest. I'll need your powers to move fast."
"You got it Leo." Hisako declared.
They all then dispersed to complete their set tasks.
A pair of Turks slipped through the house, turning corners like they were on some cop show. Each small noise the house made had them on edge as they searched for any sign of the house's occupants.
"I'll check the attic, you check the second floor." one of the punks ordered.
"Got it X-Ray." his partner replied.
X-Ray then walked up the stairs towards the attic. As he pushed open the trapdoor, he was surprised to see what looked like a work table with a long metal staff laying on it. X-ray picked it up, examining it with curiosity.
"What the hell is this thing?"
"It's mine." Donny declared.
X-Ray barely had time to turn around before Donny punched him across the face, sending him colliding with a wall, knocking him out. The staff rolled on the ground to Donny's feet. He then picked it up and placed it on his back.
"Guess now's as good a time as any for a field test."
On the second floor, the other Turk started searching the rooms. As he entered the master bedroom, he failed to notice the large black rat hanging over his head from the rafters. However, he did hear a sight scrape as Splinter's claws against the wood as he landed behind the poor guy.
"What the-"
Splinter then struck him on the head with his stick knocking him out.
"You should be more mindful of your surroundings." Splinter told him.
Donny came down the stairs, armed with his new staff and carrying Mikey's new and improved Nunchucks.
"Are you well my son?" Splinter asked.
"I am, but I better get these to Mikey. He probably forgot I have them."
"Then make haste." Splinter instructed.
Mikey made his way over to the barn, slipping to the doors as quietly as he could. He stopped dead in his tracks when he was several Turks surrounding it. Mikey reached for his Nunchucks only to find he didn't have them on him.
"Nuts, I forgot Donny has them." Mikey lamented. "Guess I'm doing this the old fashioned way."
Mikey then sprinted over to the barn. He hid behind a stack of firewood as a Turk passed by. The guy paused for a moment, peering at the log pile curiously.
"Huh…" he grunted. ""Could a sworn I-
Just then, he was struck on the head by a log, knocking him out.
"Cowabunga." He whispered, punching the air.
"Hey I thought I heard something." another Turk called out.
Mikey heard this and proceeded to hide. Jencko noticed his cronies looking around, his eyes narrowing.
"What are those idiots doing over there?" he snarled.
He looked away for a split second, but it was all Casey needed to tackle him to the ground, causing him to drop his gun.
"Oh you gonna pay for that you-"
Jencko's threat was cut off by an angry punch to the face.
"I told you, your threats are nothing to me!"
As Casey wailed on Jencko, his cronies prepared to fire on him to protect their boss. However, their guns were suddenly yanked from their hands by a halo of green energy.
"Nice one Hisako." Leo whispered.
Hisako crushed her and into a fist, reducing the guns to crumpled bits of metal. The guys looked at their guns, then they were knocked out by Mikey and his log.
"Talk about knock on wood." Mikey joked.
Jencko, meanwhile, was still wrestling with Casey. The gun had long since been discarded and the two were duking it out with angry fists. Casey was on top, being physically stronger after years of different sports. Jencko kept trying to break his arms free, but Casey wasn't letting up. Finally, Jencko got a hand free and wrapped it around Casey's throat.
"I have had just about enough of you!" Jencko screamed.
"Casey!" Hisako shrieked.
Jencko began laughing cruelly, until something bounced off his head. He turned to see April sitting in a tree throwing pine cones at him.
"Get your hands off my boyfriend!" she demanded, tossing another one.
"Girl! You are really beco-" Jencko started to yell.
Before he could finish, Casey quickly punched him in the face, and kicked him across the floor so he could get to his feet.
"Jencko." Casey growled. "You can punch me, kick me, try to kill me, I don't care. But you threaten April, and things get real ugly!"
Then, with a move straight out of the turtle's handbook, he spin-kicked Jencko across the face, sending him into the wall of the farmhouse.
"Nice kick Case." Raph said, coming out from where he was.
"Have you been watching us?" Mikey questioned.
"Certainly looks like it." Donny commented.
"Looks like you got this handled yourself even without our help." Leo added.
"And don't you forget it." Casey replied.
As Jencko got to his feet, he gasped at the sight of the four mutant turtles backing up Casey, Hisako coming up as well.
"What… what the…" Jencko tried to rationalize.
Hisako sauntered forward, leaning on her crutch.
"It was Jencko, right?" she asked.
Jencko nodded still trying to wrap his mind around this.
"Listen Jencko, you see these guys behind me?" she asked. "The turtles?"
"... Yeah?"
"You think they look scary?"
Hisako's eyes became solid green as she put on her most malicious grin. The other turtles matched her evil look, the combined effort making Jencko pee his pants.
"I'm the worst of them all." She snarled. "So ask yourself this, do you really want us as your enemies?"
"What do you want from me?" Jencko asked, his voice very high pitched.
Casey stepped forward, crossing his arms.
"Leave here, and never come back." Casey declared. "And if you tell anyone about what happened here, then you'll see just what these guys are capable of."
About that time, Master Splinter walked towards the group, his tail still wrapped around one of the Turks' necks.
"I would take him up on his offer young man." Splinter suggested.
Jencko screamed, scrambling to his feet as he ran for the van. His other cronies who were still conscious grabbed their unconscious comrades, dragging them to the van and piling them in, Splinter tossing the one he had in his tail onto the pile. The door barely had time to close before Jencko gunned the engine, tearing away from the farm as fast as it could. As they disappeared, everyone began cheering happily, hugging each other.
"We did it!" Mikey cheered
"Woo!" Hisako squealed.
"Two down and on crutches, and we're still one, mean, lean, green, incredible team!" Raph declared.
April, who had finally managed to come down from the tree, came down and joined the large group hug. Master Splinter watched, smiling happily. This was their first victory in a long time, one that had succeeded in boosting the team's moral.
"Go ninja, go ninja go!" Mikey exclaimed.
"Go ninja, go ninja go!" The others joined in.
Casey let out a laugh, then spotted Sid attempting to crawl through the bushes towards his hidden car.
"Going somewhere?" Casey asked.
Sid squeaked, then screamed when Splinter's tail wrapped around his ankle, dragging him into the open.
"C-Cuz…." Sid stammered. "Th-thank you f-for g-getting rid of those…."
"Save it." Casey cut off.
Sid gulped, shutting up.
"I suggest you get out of here. And if you ever cause trouble that threatens my friends again, you're gonna regret it."
Sid frantically nodded, trying to shake his leg free of Splinter's tail.
"N-no problem cuz…. Besides…. I-I here Miami's great this time of year…."
"Then you better get going."
Splinter released Sid, allowing the man to run screaming towards his car, gunning the engine and peeling off in the opposite direction of the Turks.
"Wow..." Hisako remarked. "And I thought my family was messed up."
"Yeah." Casey agreed. "Though I wish I had a family like yours greenie."
"You kidding?" Raph told him. "I figure you knew by now that you are our family."
"The good kind." Mikey added. "Not the lead-gangsters-to-your-door kind."
"Guess I'm still not used to it." Casey admitted.
Hisako wrapped her arm around his neck, giving him a noogie.
"Don't worry. You will."
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