#im like a fucking maid in my own house and she complains about me
kindlyfunkn · 8 months
i told my sister she should not cough so much when trying to throw up bc it can increase chances of aspiration, for more success she could start heaving from the stomach
"yeah well i dont know how to do that🙄"
what? heave? yse your abdominal muscles? are you fucking stupid?
#istg she comes home says shes sick and acts like she's never been sick a day in her life#she gets pissy when i offer advice bc what else tf am i supposed to do here#now she complains about no food being ready 'im so tired i was working all day then johanna wanted to hang out n get bubble tea' ok?#theres leftovers from the other day HEALTHY STUFF theres vegetables and chicken you can put in the fucking microwave 30 secs boom supper#and theres tuna i mixed with mayonnaise there on the counter and a baked potato on the stove for you do not fucking say that theres nothing#not when ive been the only one cooking here for more than just myself. every time she makes something for her supper im an afterthought#but the minute i dont make something for her (DVEN THOUGH I FUCKING DID) she gets pissed#im like a fucking maid in my own house and she complains about me#she got mad at me last night when i said 'my house' to my twin sisters friend bc 'my (sic) names on the bills' like bitch im paying you#for those still. and im listed as a tenant shut the fuck up. it IS my house. yes it's our house but it is still my house also#i clean this place i turn the heat up and down ive washed the dishes 8 out of 10 times im always making supper#i do the laundry i fold her shit too. the rare chance she does the laundry she never folds it and only takes her shit out the dryer#she did the laundry yesterday and oh whats this? all the clothes smell like rubber for some weird fucking reason im sick of her#she never does anything except buy groceries once in a while#all she does is go to her room when she gets home and thats it#funk's record log
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
What Have I Done? - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Angst, Physical injuries, cursing
Summary: An argument gone out of hand. Y/N just wanted Katsuki to be home more. They’re married and yet she barely sees him throughout the week. When she finally speaks on her hurt feelings, she gets a reaction she definitely wasn’t expecting.
Chapter 1 -> Chapter 2
A/N:.....I cried while writing this.
‘He’s gone already. Again. Like always.’
Y/N had awoken to another empty bed. Her husband’s side of the mattress remained cold and empty. This wasn’t anything new. It’s been like this for the past few months. She would wake up alone, eat breakfast alone, spend her day alone, eat dinner alone, and go back to sleep at the end of the day...alone.
It’s not that Katsuki is intentionally ignoring Y/N. He loves her with his everything, he truly does! But villains never rest and neither does he. He’s so preoccupied with hero work that when he does get a day off, his friends drag him away to a bar or game night. Y/N always ran through his head but she had always been so understanding. And besides, she knows how busy the life of a pro is. She used to be one so she gets it. Right?
Wrong. She doesn’t get it. Because even when she was a pro, her and Katsuki always found time for each other. And ever since said man made her quit, claiming he could take care of both of them easily and he would feel better knowing his beloved is safe at home, they’ve seen each other less and less. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. Y/N was willing to quit her dream because she found a new dream in Katsuki. She always imagined that being his little housewife would give them more time together but the opposite of that came true. Now she sits in the big empty house with no company for hours on end.
Her sadness builds up every day. She misses her husband. She tries to be an understanding wife but at this point, it’s like he’s not even trying to make an effort to see her. It’s like he’s settled to just coming home to her sleeping form and waking up to her in the exact same state, leaving before he can witness her do anything else. He should understand her though, no? I mean, she had brought it up to him in a very casual way and so he never took it seriously, but she’s mentioned it before. He should have a pretty vivid image of how shes been feeling. Right?
After 6 months of loneliness and being ‘Katsuki-deprived,’ Y/N made her move to speak to her husband about her feelings. She already imagined the outcome. An argument due to Katsuki’s brash behavior and her ‘never back down’ attitude, sad times bringing in the silent treatment for the two of you up until the both of you give in and forgive each other due to the love you have. Finally ending in a compromise. Y/N released a heavy breath as she looked at the time.
1:36 a.m. Just a few more minutes until Katsuki’s home.
He was pissed. 3 large scale bank robberies, 10 villain-wannabe fights, an argument with his publicist about his ‘out of line attitude,’ and Deku replacing him on a random ass billboard. The last detail wouldn’t have mattered if it was anybody else but the fact that it was Deku had him riled up. He just wanted to go home to a quiet house with his beautiful wife and admire her gorgeous, slumbering state. However that was not what he was greeted with.
Katsuki grumbled as he unlocked the front door and walked in. He noticed the lights were still on and saw Y/N still awake, seated on the couch. On any other day, he’d be elated to see his wife was still up. They’d talk and cuddle and go to sleep together. If he was lucky, they’d both make love until the sun rose. But tonight, that wouldn’t be happening. He wanted a quiet house with his sleeping wife. Not..whatever was about to happen. He sighed as he dropped his bag at the front door and sloppily placed his keys in the glass bowl near the door.
“What’re you doing up dumbass?” He asked as he walked to the kitchen, not even bothering to take off his shoes. He needed a drink.
“I was waiting for you, Katsuki. I just wanted to talk to you about something,” you said in a soft voice, hoping it would suppress his for sure incoming anger. Katsuki closed the fridge with a kick to the heavy door and chugged down a quarter of his drink.
“I’m not in the mood. Had a shitty day and I wanna sleep. Just go to bed.” He said sternly while trying to finish his beer as fast as he could.
“Don’t you think I would’ve done that hours ago? I wouldn’t have stayed up and waited for you if this wasn’t important. Please Katsuki, I really wanna talk.” Bakugou was beginning to grow annoyed. Why wouldn’t you just drop it already? He squeezed his bottle hard enough for it too crack before he spoke with a louder voice.
“Y/N! You’re not listening! I’m tired. I had a horrible day and I just want to sleep. I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to stay up anymore, and I don’t want to listen to whatever bullshit you’re about to complain and bitch about like you always do!” He screamed. His words made your jaw drop.
“Not listening?! That’s all I do! All I do is listen to your every command so that you come home happy-“
“Well it looks like you failed today!” He said, cutting you off.
“Quit interrupting! And what was it that you said?! All I do is bitch and complain?! I’m trying to talk to you about something serious here Katsuki!” You pleaded, still hoping he would give in and listen. And he did...just not in the way you’d expect.
“Fine then! If this’ll get you to quit being an annoying ass waste of time, then speak! Talk! What the hell do you want?!” He asked, screaming at you, furious at all the dramatics you’ve brought up in one night.
His words kind of stung. ‘Annoying ass? Waste of time? Is this what he thinks I am?’ You grew silent at his insults and Katsuki seethed even more.
“Oh what? I scream at you and you bitch up? Toughen up Y/N, jeez. Quit acting like a baby! Tell me what you wanted to say!” He yelled.
“.......I just....I just wanted you to spend some time with me. .....Be home more.” You said in a quiet and broken voice. You looked down to the now very interesting floor as you played with your hands.
“Seriously? This shit again? I’m a pro-hero, Y/N! I’m busy! I’m not gonna drop saving lives just because your brat ass wants someone to notice you! Since when were you such an attention whore?” He asked while rolling his neck to relieve his strained muscles. Your eyes widen at the ground due to his words and your head snapped back up to face him.
“A-attention whore? I-...I just want my husband to stop working so much. I don’t know..maybe have a day off or two!” She said with a crinkled nose as you screamed.
“I do have days off, Moron. It’s why I’m not overworked, ever thought about that?!” He screamed back.
“And you spend those days off away from me! I’m not trying to act like the world revolves around me but I would hope my own husband would spend a day with me instead of his friends that he ALWAYS sees because you ALL WORK TOGETHER!” You argued. You made a valid point and even Katsuki knew that, but he was too stubborn to admit defeat. He was still tired but he had enough energy to put you back in your place. His eyes popped as a vein grew on his neck.
“Don’t understand?! You know what? I know you don’t because you never listen to-“
“because of FUCKING YOU!” You argued once more.
His words hurt. They broke your heart. Did he really feel this way? If so, why was he even with you anymore. You notice a smirk grow on his face at your bewildered state. He looked as if he just won something. However, the smirk dropped into a scowl once he saw your eyes begin to pool with tears.
“Oh great! Cry! Go ahead! Just shed your fucking tears like you always do! I’m going to bed! Come join me when you’re done being an annoying bitch.” He said and stuffed his hands in his pockets as he began to walk away. You didn’t want the conversation to go this way and there was no conclusion. You needed this to be resolved now. You just wanted your husband back. You reached out to stop him from walking but the unforeseen happened.
“Katsuki..don’t walk away from thi-“
“DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!” He said and smacked your arms away with a burning palm. Without realizing, Katsuki began to spark his quirk and so when he went in to push you away, he burned your forearm.
A loud blast and smoke filled the room and your screams of pain invaded his ears. The sound made a shocked face grow on him as he quickly turned to see the damaged he had caused. His heart sank as he saw you crying while holding your burnt arm with your other hand. You were slightly hunched over in pain as you took notice of the damage that had been caused. That he caused.
“Y/N!” Bakugou softly shouted as he ran to you. He wanted to help but before he could even lay a finger on you, you flinched. The action caused him to hesitate and hold himself back. He ran to the kitchen sink to get a cold rag and he brought it back to you. “Baby! I am so sor-“
You pushed him away and off of you as you quickly walked to your bedroom with a shadow casted over your eyes. Tears still flowed down your cheeks as sniffles could be heard from your cherry red nose. Katsuki couldn’t believe what he just did and ran to follow you.
“Y/N! Please listen! I didn’t mean it! I don’t know how that happened Teddy Bear but I swear I didn’t mean it! I swear I didn’t mean any of the bullshit I said! I’m sor-“
*SLAM* *click!*
Katsuki realized he followed you out the kitchen, through the living room, up the stairs, and to the entrance of the master bedroom you both shared before you slammed the door and locked it right in his face.
“Baby! Please open the door!” He said while knocking in a very rushed manner. He wanted nothing more than to help you and treat the damage he caused to his beloved wife. He had royally fucked up. He began turning and jiggling the locked knob in an attempt to get it open but failed. “Please Y/N! I have to take care of you and that burn. I’m so sorry but please let me in!”
On the other side of the door, you pressed your back against it as you held in your sobs and slid to the bottom. You pulled both lips in to conceal your voice while you held your wrist to examine the burn on your arm. It was so bad. Your skin turned an angry shade of red as it blistered and bled. You were dripping blood all over your carpeted floor and so you ran to the master bathroom in the bed room.
You turned on the sink and placed your forearm under the cold, running water. The water soothed it a bit but it wasn’t enough to cover the pain. You turned off the sink and grabbed a hand rag as you patted down on your wound. You took out the first aid kit and cared for yourself. You had to take the alcohol to clean it and sucked in a breath before you poured the solution over the burn. You screamed as it seemed to have hurt 10x more. After dabbing cotton over it, you wrapped it in bandages and took a breath of relief.
‘What just happened?’ You thought to yourself.
The entire time, Katsuki was still begging for you to open up. He heard your scream and grew frantic. He banged on the door and cried for you, still hoping, praying, that you would let him in. When nothing happened, he resorted back to calling out for you but to no avail.
About an hour went by and it was almost 4 in the morning. You sat on the bed with your arms holding your knees to your chest. You stared at the wrap as the memories of what went down tonight flashed through your brain.
‘Waste of time...brat ass...attention whore...ungrateful...annoying bitch.’
His words struck you right in your heart. Cruel thoughts began to fill your head.
‘He doesn’t love me. He hates me. I’m worthless.’ Your thoughts would’ve continued until a quiet knock snapped you out of you mind.
“....Y/N?...Baby?” It was Katsuki of course, but a softer version of him. A broken one. “..I don’t know if you’re listening or if you’re awake..but I need you to know that I’m so so sorry.” It was easy to hear his muffled and staggered voice that exposed his tears and sobs. “If I could turn back time right now, I would do tonight all over again, I swear. I would’ve came home and listened to you. And we could’ve talked things out. We would’ve came out of this problem being a stronger couple than we were before...because that’s what we always do. We always make it out of the dark together..because we’re a team..and I need you. .....Please...please don’t leave me Y/N. I love you so much. ‘M so sorry that I hurt you..that I burned you..that I’m such a terrible husband. But I promise you I’ll fix everything in the morning...................Teddy Bear?”
He didn’t know it, but you were listening. You heard every word but refrained from speaking. You knew that the second you did, you’d break down and go crawling back to him....but you didn’t want to do that. You wanted to leave. He physically burned you and you wanted to leave. You were going to sleep for a few hours, and when you would awaken, you would pack a bag and leave. And so, you began your plan and tried to get some sleep as tear streaks marked your face. It would all be over soon.
You woke up to the morning sun.
6:50 a.m.
You rose out of bed and rubbed at your puffy eyes. You quietly got ready in the bathroom and applied the slightest bit of makeup to look more presentable. You took out a pair of shoes and tossed them to the center of the room. You were in your closet and pulled out a bag. You stuffed it full of a few clothes for you to wear, you couldn’t stay here. Not after what he did. You fought through the pain as you pulled on your jacket and placed your shoes on. You wiped your tears as you picked up your purse and got ready to leave. You were going to stay in a hotel. Didnt matter where or how expensive. You just needed to get away.
Finally, you walked to the exit of the bedroom. You took a breath before you slowly turned the knob and was greeted with the sight of a sleeping Bakugou. He had slept in the hallway in front of the bedroom, still wearing the same clothes from the night before. His knees were scrunched up with his arms resting there to be used as a pillow. He layed his head atop of his arms and as you looked down into his hands, you saw the rag. The exact rag from the argument. The rag that he attempted to use to help you. Little did you know, Bakugou hadn’t planned on getting rid of it until you let him use it to help you. He wanted nothing more than to fix his mistake and cater to you and your wound.
You shook your head as you felt tears began to fill your eyes but you refused to let them fall. You took a step and sadly awoken the exact man you were trying to avoid. Bakugou had quickly woken up when he heard the slightest noise and was blessed with the beauty that is you. He looked up at you with wide eyes and a small smile.
“Y/N...” was what he whispered before he quickly got up to run to you.
“Y/N!” He ecstatically said with a hint of relief. He was about to wrap him arms around you but you kept a hand at his chest to keep him at bay. “Baby?...”
Bakugou looked at you with hurt and confused eyes when you didn’t welcome his embrace. Even when you were mad at him, you still allowed him to hold you so what gives? He looked at you and your attire. He noticed your jacket and shoes and saw you holding a bag. “W-what are you doing?”
You walked away from him but he snatched your wrist to make you turn to face him. “Y/N! What’s going on?!” He frantically asked with crazed eyes. You snatched your wrist back and ran down the stairs and he copied your actions. He followed you into the living room until he grabbed your wrist once more. You tried to pull away again but found it harder because this time, he gripped it tight.
“W-where are you going baby?”
“Dont call me that.”
“What? Why? Baby, please tell me what’s going on.” He begged as he squeezed your wrist.
“What’s going on? Are you serious? What does it look like? I’m leaving!” Bakugou’s eyes went wide once more and shook his head.
“N-no! No, why!?”
“Why?! Look at my arm!” You screamed.
“I know! I know and I’m so sorry! But..but you don’t have to go! I can fix you up, I’ll take you to recovery girl, I will bring you to the best hospitals around the world to fix that for you! Just please don’t go!” He bargained and offered everything but you weren’t budging.
“It’s not just the burn Bakugou.” You deadpanned with a nonchalant face. His heart felt heavy after hearing your voice refer to him with his family name.
“..I-it’s Katsuki! Your Katsuki! It’s Suki, baby please!” Bakugou stepped closer as he cried once more but you backed away again. His hold on your wrist still strong as his fingers played with the ring on your hand, trying to calm himself down and remind himself that you are still his wife.
You shook your head at his pleading. “Bakugou. You burned me. But not only that, you’ve neglected me for months.”
“I know that! And I’m sorry! I will spend just as much time off of work to make it up to you, I swear I will, I promise!” He once again bargained.
“It’s too late.”
“No it’s not, please, it can’t be!”
“It is Bakugou-“
“KATSUKI! ....please...please don’t call me that. I’m your Katsuki,” he said with a whimpering voice. At this point you felt the tears come through, but you still didn’t allow them to fall.
“Katsuki...I can’t stay here. Too much damage has been done.” You said with a soft voice. Bakugou continued to shake his head ‘no,’ but you already made up your mind. You used your wind quirk in your hand and blew his grip off your wrist. You took the quick opportunity to walk to the door but Bakugou grabbed your bag off your shoulder in a childish panic and attempt to get you to stay.
“Please Y-Y/N! Please don’t leave me! I- I know I’ve been a terrible husband! I’m sorry! B-But I promise I’ll do better. I’ll stay at home more, I’ll spend more time with you, Please!”
“I’ll buy you whatever you want! I’ll get you all the expensive brands, I’ll find you all the best jewelry, I’ll give you all the money in the world! I’ll give you the whole world! Please stay! I love you so much Y/N!”
“Katsuki, give me back my bag,” you tried to reach for it but Bakugou kept it away from you and pulled you in with one arm and held you in a tight embrace as he cried on your shoulder.
“Please...you can’t do this to me. I need you. I love you! I’ll do better! I’ll be a better husband, I swear..just please don’t go.” He softly spoke with a broken voice and soft hiccups. It was wrong for you to do this, but you sighed and pretended to forgive him as you wrapped your arms around his torso. You hugged him tight and he fell for it as he openly sobbed now. His other arm that held your bag came to wrap around your waist but before it could, you snatched the bag out of his hold and pushed him away. You ran to the door and held a tight grip on the knob as you picked up your car keys. You saw Katsuki attempt to run back to you but you created a strong barrier of wind to protect you. “IM SORRY Y/N! PLEASE DONT!”
You took off your ring and tossed it to him through the barrier. He was quick to catch it and hold it right in fear of losing it. He had to find a way to get it back on your finger. “No..baby...Teddy Bear please!”
“....I’ll send you the divorce papers....Goodbye Katsuki.”
With that, you walked out of the door, still keeping the barrier alive. Once you started the car, you dispersed of the wind and Bakugou opened the door and ran to your car.
“Y/N wait! Please!” He cried out but he was too late. You pulled out of the driveway and drove off quickly down the street. He watched your car go as he began hyperventilating and tugging at his ash blonde locks. He ran back inside the house with your ring in hand as he looked for his phone. He found it on the kitchen island and quickly dialed your number. Of course, it went straight to voicemail but that didn’t stop him from calling about 50x more.
“This-...this has to be some stupid dream. A fucking nightmare...” he said as he tried to hide in denial. “Yeah...a nightmare. This is what it is...I’ll..I’ll wake up soon and she’ll be by my side in the morning...sleeping peacefully...and I’ll take the whole week off and spend it with her. She won’t be mad, we’ll be happy like we always are. S-She won’t leave me.”
Bakugou had an insane smile on his face with eyes of distraught on him. He clumsily made his way back to his bedroom where he flopped onto the large mattress and tried to get some sleep. He would sleep the whole day away if it meant you’d still be by his side when he woke up. The ring you abandoned was held tight in the palm of his hand as he held it close to his chest. His sobs overcame him but did aid in his journey to slumber. Eventually, he knocked out and a smile of bliss adorned his face as he assumed you would still be there in the morning.....oh how wrong he was.
The very next day, he woke up at 5:30 like he always did and quickly looked to your side of the bed. It was cold and empty. He was lonely. The exact same feeling you got everytime you woke up without seeing him for the past 6 months.
6 months. You’ve been married for 4 years and together for 8. Out of those 8 years, Bakugou spent 6 months neglecting you..and now...he lost you.
He stared at the empty space and bawled his eyes out like a baby as he screamed. He got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. Maybe you were cooking breakfast! You weren’t. Kitchen was empty. He ran to the living room! Maybe you were just watching some TV and reading a book, looking all cute and domesticated like you usually did. No, you weren’t there either. Bakugou checked every room in the house and when he couldn’t find you..he snapped.
His heart beated at a rapid pace as he trashed the entire house. Breaking windows, flipping desks, smashing furniture. He used his quirk to create blasts and burn marks into the walls and floors of the house. He did everything to get his frustrations out. The entire time he shouted and cried as rivers of tears flowed down his cheeks.
When he was done, he sat in the middle of the destroyed living room, laying his back against the flipped couch. He sat with his knees scrunched up as he hunched over, staring at the ground. His nose and eyes and basically his entire face grew puffy and red. His hair was a mess and so was he. Silent tears continued to drop, but his throat was too dry and hurt far too much for him to make anymore noise. However, he did fight through the pain to say one final thing:
“What have I done?”
A/N: hi cubsss! So a lot of you may know that my very first post, writing piece, and short story (He’s Lost) was created around angst, a breakup, and the fact that the triggering point was Bakugou physically hurting Y/N. I’ve been thinking about it and I HATE MY WRITING IN THE FIRST POST! It was terrible! Why tf did y’all like it so much?😭 And so, I’ve created a new piece revolving around the same elements, sorta as a way to check my progress. I hope you enjoyed!
ALSO!!! If you guys like this enough, I’m willing to turn it into a small yandere short story if you Cubs are down for that. Let me know and I’ll make it happen! Love you Cubs! See you next time🧸💗
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misstressshelby · 3 years
The Good The Bad and Everything In-between
Summary: Living with two Shebly men has its ups and downs. A second part of my Lost Boy writing. (I suck at summaries)
Warnings: Language
Word Count:1,856
Paring: Tommy/Reader (Reader is GN but there is a slight refecne to pregnancy)
(A/N: I just want to say thank you for 50 notes on Lost Boy! I didn’t think anyone would he interested in a little headcanon I created. I guess we can all agree Finn deserved better. )
You longed for Arrow House even as it’s large gates came into view. Tommy planned to go eighty percent legitimate by the end of next year so that meant playing nice with the tofts. Spending all afternoon with the wives of Tommy’s business associates had drained you. You couldn’t remember if the pit in your stomach or the thumping in your head started before or after lunch.
All you knew was as soon as you entered the house you instantly felt better. Mary was waiting for you as usual. You had lived in Arrow House for a year now but still weren’t used to having maids around.
“Good afternoon Mrs.Shelby. How was your lunch?” Mary smiled as soon you walked in.
“Long Mary, very long.” You gave a tight smile back. Offering a ‘Thank You” as she took your coat.
Before you could ask her where the rest of your family was, Finn walked out of the living room. He was still wearing his school uniform he claimed to hate because it made him look like a “posh twat”. His tutor Mr.Chapman followed behind him shuffling papers into a briefcase.
“Hello, Finn, how's tutoring going?’ You asked.
‘Yeah, it’s alright.’ The redhead grunted back before moving to go outside.
“Are you finished with your homework?” You questioned already suspecting the answer.
“Nah I got a couple more pages but I wanna go to the stables. I’ll only be an hour I swear it.” Finn gave you the pleading look he’d mastered.
After considering it for a moment you nodded,” An hour Finn. Then you finish up your homework before dinner.”
The boy gave you half a hug on his way out. He had to lean down to capture you in his arms. He was only fifteen but he was already taller than you and your husband though Tom would never admit it.
Watching Finn run out the door you turned your attention to the tutor. The man was standing in the hallway fiddling with his bag uneasily.
“How is he doing Mr.Chapman?'' You finally addressed him.
“Well he’s doing alright I suppose.” He continued seeing your questioning stare. “He’s still struggling with a few concepts but he’s quick to figure things out.”
“Yeah, that’s the Shelby in ‘im” You chuckle to yourself. “Do we owe you for the week?
Shaking his head Mr.Chapman told you “No.No. Mr.Shelby already took care of it.’
Adjusting his satchel he quickly left out the same door as Finn. He never stayed long after their sessions.
Not giving it much thought, you headed straight to your husband’s office. He was already gone when you woke this morning and as silly as it was you missed him. After knocking against the door you pull it open before Tommy’s muffled “come in” could even start.
“Hello, Tommy, how ‘is your day going?” You greet him while making the short walk to his desk.
He looked up from his papers with a cigarette hanging off his lips to give a short “Busy.”, before writing again.
You didn’t let this deter you as you sat on the edge of his desk that wasn’t covered in files. Taking the cigarette from his lips you kissed him as if you had been deprived of him for months.
“The tutor just left. He said Finn is making good progress.” You informed him.
He watched as you took a drag off his cigarette with a glint in his eyes. Knowing you wouldn’t leave until he gave you the attention you demanded he leaned back in his chair.
“How was lunch with Minnie and Ida then?” He asked.
‘It was like every other boring lunch, we sat around and ate tiny food while they complained about the other wives. I've invited Minnie and Richard to dinner next Wednesday.”, You could feel your headache return as you told him.
Tommy gave you a curious look waiting for you to take another drag.
‘She was telling me Richard is looking into investing in the car business while it’s on the rise and all. So I figured we’d have them for dinner and if business happens to be brought up you two can talk about it.” You explain.
“So happens to be brought up?” Tommy teased.
“Yes, it usually happens at these things.” You tell him with a slight smile.
“Now you finish up whatever you’re doing. Dinner will be ready at seven.” You command slipping off the desk while putting the cigarette out in the ashtray.
Your husband let out a loud sigh which was never a good sign.
“Love, I have a lot of work to do ton-’ He started.
“Yes, and you can finish it when you come back from dinner.” You cut him off.
This was the ever-going battle in your home making Tommy stop working and take care of himself. But you’d be damned if you didn’t go down without a fight.
You lean over the side of the desk pulling him lightly by his silk tie into another kiss.
“Thomas Shelby, I will drag you out of this office. Don’t you think for a second I won’t.” You threaten him with a grin.
” Wouldn’t dream of it Mrs.Shelby.”, He smirked back.
At seven on the dot, you all sat down for dinner together as a family.
Finn talked for most of the dinner about school and his favorite football club going to the championship.
You mused about your plans for Minnie’s dinner Wednesday.
Tommy spent most of dinner listening, offering nods or the occasional “yeah”.
Once he and Finn started talking about a horse he wanted to buy for the races he didn’t stop. Long forgotten was the pile of contracts in his office.
For the first time since you woke this morning you were content. The moments you spent with your little family were the ones you cherished the most.
The sound of a door slamming startled you awake. While the two voices yelling kept you from falling back to sleep. Before you could wonder what the fuss was about, an acidic taste overtook your mouth. You barely made it to the toilet, your knees hitting the hard floor as the bile rose. By the time you had emptied your stomach laying on the bathroom floor the screaming had stopped.
You couldn’t think about anything over the pounding in your head made worse from the buzzing of the lights. Making your way downstairs you noticed everything irritated you.
The fact that you tripped over Thomas’s shoes you had told him to put away last night. The coldness of the house even though there was a fireplace in almost every room. Even the way Mary greeted you with “Good Morning Mrs.Shelby.” seemed to drip with condescension.
As you reached the dining room you had a feeling the day was going to drag on forever.
Finn was glaring at his eggs while pushing them around his plate. Beside him, Tommy hid behind a newspaper with only a line of smoke to be seen.
The room was tense and you knew neither of the men would say anything first. Stubbornness also ran in the Shelbys.
“Do either of you want to tell what the fuck all the commotion this morning was about?” You snapped sitting in front of your own breakfast.
Finn gave you a glare before starting in,” Yeah Tommy won’t let me go to a football match with me friends. It’s fooking bullshit!”
In return, Tommy put down the paper with a sigh,” You’re not going to Manchester. I’m not discussing this again Finn.”
Both of them looked at you as if you had a say in the matter.
“If Thomas says no the answer is no Finn.” You settled.
“This is complete bollocks. You took me away from me friends in Birmingham and now I’m not allowed to have any friends here either?” Finn screamed standing up from the table.
“We never said you couldn’t have friends Finn. It’s just not the right time to go to Manc-” You tried to calm him down.
“ You’re not me fucking mother you can’t tell me what to do!” He slammed his chair against the table.
“You will not fooking talk too ‘er like that! This is me fooking house and what I say fooking goes.” Tommy said in a cold voice.
The table shook as he slammed his palm down on it, breaking his calm facade.
With that Finn stomped up to his room and Tommy to his office both slamming the door when they arrived.
Waking from a nap you had hoped would help with the sickness you felt you heard silence. You laid in bed for a bit longer feeling tears build up in your eyes. Instead of wallowing, you decided to make peace. You chose to try talking to the youngest first making your way to his room. You knocked on the door.
After waiting to hear a reply or shuffle come from the room you knocked again.
“Fuck off.,” Finn answered.
Ignoring him you opened the door anyway to find him lying on his bed still dressed from this morning. He simply turned away from you to face the wall instead.
You sat on the edge of the bed before trying to talk.
“Finn I know you don’t understand this but Tommy is just trying to keep you safe.” You started.
Finn scoffed and moved closer to the wall.
“I know you don’t know this because you’ve been so busy with school, but we’ve had some trouble in Manchester. There’s a gang up there the Scuttlers, who've been trying to move on us. We can’t protect you there Finn. That’s all it is.” Moving closer you put a hand on his shoulder.
``We're happy you’ve made friends at school really. It’s just one match yeah? You can hang out with them another time.” You tried reasoning.
“Yeah.” He grunted, not moving from his spot.
You decided you would take it before going to deal with the other man child.
You found Tommy sitting in his office chair finishing a drink before pouring another.
“ Who does he think he ‘is eh? Talking to me like that in me own fucking house. I should go up there and-’ Tommy began rambling pointing towards the door you just walked through.
“Tom, it's fine. I talked to him and explained everything. Just give ‘im a week and he’ll forget all about it.”You sat in the chair opposite of him.
Once you said that he seemed to relax a little bit.
“I’m still talking to ‘im later. He will not disrespect me or you like that again.” He told you.
To that, you chuckled, “ He’s a teenage boy Thomas he’s gonna argue. But I agree you should talk to him after you’ve both calmed down.”
Tommy nodded and took another swing of his whiskey. He walked over to where you sat leaning against the desk. To your surprise, he smiled.
“You’d make a good mum you know?” He leaned down to stroke your cheek.
“Yeah about that.” You let out.
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oddaodd · 4 years
can you make one where the reader is the youngest maid in Tommy's house and she's helping serve the dinner for christmas and taking care of the kids and in some point Finn gets closer to her and try to flirt with her (she's just a few years older than him) and the reader don't know how to react but Tommy comes and help her (because he already likes the reader but don't get too close because she's too young for him) and by the end of the night when everybody is sleeping and they have sex
· A Whimsical Tale · 
Author’s note: I know we are no longer near Christmas but I love living a dangerous life so I’m just going to post this now.  
 Anddd I loved writing this story so thanks for requesting! and as always, I hope everyone has a lovely day. ❤️
Warnings: smut, mentions of alcohol and a drunken Finn. 
Christmas Day was a heavy day on Arrow House and despite the numerous staff, there was always something to be done. Y/n was one of the youngest maids so she was never the one in charge of cooking and preparing dinner, instead she helped pour drinks and look over the children, which Y/n was thankful for since it didn’t require as much elbow grease as cooking for an abundance of people.  
“More wine Tomm...” she caught her mistake and made it up clearing her throat “Mr. Shelby?”
“Thank you, Y/n” He politely answered pretending he hadn’t heard her almost call him Tommy.
Y/n poured the wine with shaky hands hoping that nobody  had noticed her mistake and blushing cheeks. She knew Tommy didn’t mind her calling him by his name when they were alone, but she wasn’t sure if he would still be as lax on the topic if there were other people present.
As she poured some for Ada, Polly gave her nephew a knowing stare that indicated she had noticed and knew what it implied, which triggered complex emotions in Tommy.
He enjoyed Y/n’s company when she served him breakfast and lit the chimney in his office and when sometimes she engaged in conversation with him. She told him everything about her life, whimsical tales of mundane occurrences that sounded worthy of a novel. He wondered what kind of character he played in it.
He would be lying if he were to say that he only enjoyed having her around because she was good at her job. Truth was, Tommy felt infatuated with her and her bubbly smile and occasional kind words when he was feeling the world closing in, but he knew he couldn’t do anything about it because she was much younger than him.
Y/n threw occasional smiles at Tommy through the night. She helped entertain the children while the other adults drank and enjoyed the evening. As the night progressed the alcohol began taking tolls, calling some to bed and inciting some others to questionable actions.
“Do you maybe want to go out sometime? Came Finn’s voice while Y/n tidied up around the kitchen.  
“Excuse me?” She asked even though she had heard him loud and clear.
“We should go out sometime” Finn spoke again in boozy confidence
“Um...” she began with an amused smile that disguised her discomfort for she wished the one asking were a different Shelby.
As if summoned by mention in a passing thought,  Tommy’s deep voice interrupted whatever excuse she was  machinating.
“Leave her be, Finn”
“But I’m not doing anything, Tom” he complained in a slur.
“You’re making a fool of yourself Finn” interrupted Arthur before dragging Finn away and out of the kitchen.
She didn’t miss the way Tommy’s eyes lingered on her figure before he left the room after his brothers.
After a while everybody including all the maids had gone to bed, Y/n stayed behind to have a cup of tea in the kitchen so she could mull over her feelings for Tommy in peace.
She had been attracted to him since her arrival to arrow house, but what began like a stupid crush soon turned into more complex feelings. She was always looking forward to seeing him and talking to him at late hours of the night at his office when he couldn’t sleep. She had tried not to think too much into his stares and considerate actions, but her infatuation with him had reached a point in which she couldn’t pretend not to notice.
She wanted his actions to hide a deeper meaning and she believed they did, but she felt her reasoning was tainted by her own wants. Tommy was significantly older than her and she felt immature in comparison.
“I knew you’d still be here”
She knew he would come.
She looked up from her teacup to the kitchen door to see Tommy strolling in. She forced a smile and shoved all her thoughts about him aside.
“Want a cup?” She signaled to the teapot as Tommy leaned against a cupboard.
“Alright” he said and Yn poured him a cup. His eyes following her every move. Her features seemed to be highlighted by the moonlight flowing in through the window making her look more divine than ever despite the tiredness hiding in her movements.
She felt an old wave of nerves creeping up her spine, making her heart beat faster and she didn’t know why. It wasn’t the first time Tommy and her were alone together, but that night’s air weighed differently.  
“Im sorry about Finn” he commented while she poured the tea.
“Its alright” she spoke softly walking towards him “Thanks for coming to my rescue”
Tommy’s mouth curved into a small smile, the way it did whenever she was around.
“Anytime” he said
“You are staring” she commented when she handed him the cup, noticing his gaze.
Tommy hummed taking a sip of his tea before placing it on the counter behind him, not even attempting to deny her accusation. “You look beautiful”
Her cheeks turned a soft shade of scarlet and her heartbeat quickened at his words. She wasn’t expecting him to say that. Still, she couldn’t help but smile at his honest complement.
Feeling comforted by the intimacy that the kitchen late at night provided, he cupped her face as leaned close to her lips. Y/n  did the same in a heartbeat and when their lips came together she felt a thousand matches lighting up inside her body.
She melted into the kiss as it turned more passionate, Tommy’s hands went to her waist, pulling her closer to him.
“Tell me to stop” he murmured against her lips.
“God no” she murmured back.
Tommy felt reassured knowing that she had wanted this just as badly as him and let himself get lost in the  soft moans and blissful sighs he coaxed from her with his wandering tongue and expert hands.  
Y/N hadn’t noticed Tommy began leading her to the table until she felt the cold surface against her lower back. Tommy prompted her up on it and smoothly hitched up her skirt. He ran his index finger teasingly along her clothed folds earning a whine from her pretty lips.
“Take them off Tommy” she pleaded.
Tommy complied and slid her underwear off her legs, his mind clouding at the sight of her, needy and wet in front of him. He kneeled in front of her and spread her legs open with his hands sending shivers through her body. Y/n felt her stomach drop in expectation at the sight of his handsome face close to her cunt.
“Tommy, ple..” Her place came short at the feeling of warm tongue on her sex. A teasing lick first that soon developed into passionate wet strokes and kisses  lapping against her folds and teasing at her entrance.
Her fingers tangled on his dark hair as she became a withering mess, submissive to Tommys experienced tongue. she felt her arousal building up, bringing her closer and close to the edge with each lick. She couldn’t get enough of him but she was eager to have him in her so bad.
“I need you inside me”
Tommy looked up at her with teasing eyes, her juices glistering on his chin and lips and when she felt the absence of his tongue on her she almost regretted being so impatient. But Tommy didn’t give her time to dwell on that regret when he went to passionately kiss her again and she felt his bulge through his trousers against her bare entrance.
Her impatient hands went to fumble with the buttons that held the basted trousers in place and Tommys went to assist her moments after, never breaking apart from the searing kiss, Y/n got a glimpse of Tommy’s cock and she felt like gasping when she felt Tommy guiding his head to tease at her entrance.
She moaned at the feeling and gasped when he pushed into her.
“So fucking tight” he whispered to her ear.
She sighed lewdly at his sinful praise and when he was fully inside her she felt so sinfully full she wondered how she could have lived for so long without this feeling.
She held onto his broad shoulders as he started pumping in and out of her, teasingly slow at first and speeding up deliciously with each thrust.
The table started creaking under her and the teacup and cup she had put there earlier fell off at their movements, loudly crashing onto the floor. She felt a twinge of concern about the noise, trying to break through the dense cloud of pleasure Tommy had summoned around her. However, Said concern became less and less concerning with each thrust of Tommy’s. It was the stuff of dreams.
He felt her clenching around his cock telling her that she was close. He wanted to make her cum, he needed to make her cum.  
He began rubbing circles on her sensitive bundle of nerves and soon after she came beautifully. Her legs tightened around his waist wanting to keep him close, still reeling in the aftershock of her orgasm as Tommy chased his own, which came not long after with a groan of her name. The expression of his face as he came into her was one Y/n knew would never leave her mind.
“What if somebody heard us?” She whispered as she collected her discarded garments with a smile.
“I hope they heard. Maybe that way Finn will know better next time”
@captivatedbycillianmurphy @peakyxtommy @nyotamalfoy @writeroutoftime @babylooneytoonz
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sagessoftwings · 3 years
Hello!!! I was wondering if I could get male haikyuu, jjk and demon slayer matchups, please!!!!
My pronouns are she/her, im an enfp and a Gemini!! For the most part, I’m very friendly, outgoing, loud and dramatic. I laugh a lotttt to the point that people think I never get angry because I’m just really happy all the time? Besides that, i love to tease my friends and family, and tend to get very sarcastic with them too. I also have mood swings and cry very easily. I’m super impulsive, quick to make decisions and I don’t regret them.y love languages are physical touch(I love to cuddle and hug!!) and acts of service. I love cats a lotttt, have an indoor one of my own and about 5 outdoor ones!!! I also really love sweets, and I learned to bake because of that so I could make midnight brownies or cookies whenever I wanted! Besides that, i love to play volleyball, do makeup(on myself and other people), watch anime and sleep(I can sleep for up to 15 hours in a day if no one wakes me). A few things I’m afraid of is being alone/abandoned, people hating me and disappointing my parents. As for my inspirations, it has to be my maid because she works super hard, never complains, and does not let anyone pity her in the slightest. I hope that’s enough information!!!!!
HI HI BABYYY for haikyuu I ship you with Osamu Miya!!
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He loves the fact that you like to bake so you two have bomb dinners and desserts
Always makes food for you it’s one of his hobbies
Also if he tries something new, you’re the first one to try
He trusts your opinion the most
You’re always welcome at the Miya household and please! Make fun of Atsumu, it puts osamu in a good mood
It’s a house rule though. Like you have to tease atsumu. especially if he messes up
You’re the only person osamu will show his true feelings for so you know you have a special place in his heart
Cuddling is the mans specialty 😩
Big beefy boy
if you beg and plead enough he’ll let you do his make up
But Atsumu also loves for you to do him make up as well and is open any time
Suna also participates so your never alone <3
Such a cat dad, tried to get a chest harness for them but got scratched to shit
Sarcasm is your guy’s love language and he loves it
Very touchy with your legs, he just loves them so please let him lay on them
For jjk I ship you with Satoru Gojo!!
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He loves when you bake because he’s addicted
He has a bad sweet tooth
Also is always there when you need a good laugh
The class loves you and your baking
Yuji is always asking if you’ll make more but… just for him.. okay?
Secretly your favorite
Gojo loves to give physical love and gives you quick smoochies all the time
Buys you little souvenirs when he’s away
Even the cats too 😩
He bought them little hats with their names on them because why not?
Has a candy jar next to the bed and will lean over and ask if you want a KitKat or anything
and for demon slayer I ship you with Sabito!!
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He is so so sweet and caring
Sabito has such a soft spot for you and everything you do
Your baking is like crack to him
You will wake up to hear ruffling of tin foil and loud chewing and breathing to find Sabito just sitting there and eating your brownies
“It’s not what it looks like-”
Actually does have a sense of humor and has a little snort when he laughs
But please don’t tease he’s self conscious
Likes to tease giyu with you it’s so funny to him
Urokodaki will show his baby pictures and awkward pictures of him it’s hilarious
Sleeps a lot as well so he’s all yours
A cuddle bug too
He’ll always scoot over to you in your sleep and lay his head on your chest
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kai5621 · 3 years
Deja vu [Heisenberg x OC]
Warning: age gap, slow burn, platonic to romantic relationship. Grammer issues (english is my first language criiii) . Child abuse, family abuse, death (not major character ). Eventual smut (maybe?)
Note: OK !!!! SO after drawing a bunch of RE8 OCs I finally could resist my self writing my own story about it. Cuz damm Heisenberg stole all my heart and I have no complains about it.
This is my first time writing a fanfic, so I will try my best !! And lastly-----
And here’s a little potrait thet I drew for the oc (as for why I didn’t draw heisenberg as well, is bcuz im shit at drawing males ┭┮﹏┭┮)
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The first time Heisenberg met Erin, she was only eight, can barely reach his waist and always be smiling everyday, like an every single child would at her age. She came to this shitty village with her dad, which claims to be her only family member. They are obviously foreigners to the villagers, as no one remembered there’s anyone in this place would have a such strong British accent, therefore they must be new.
Their family history has remained a mystery to most of them, oddly enough, only a few people who are about eighty or ninety years old do recall their family name, and were quite surprised to see that Erin’s father is back here again. Although every single one of them would shoot him with fierce glances that are not so friendly, even towards Erin. Except for Luiza, but even though her kindness was mainly for the poor little girl.
“I don’t understand, Charles. If you decided to leave this place before with such determination, why bother came back?” She asked her father sternly, while watching Erin just quietly standing behind him. She was thin, with a long, dark raven hair tied into a loose pony tail. But she does look endearing, those big, innocent watery eyes could gain everyone’s sympathy.
“That’s none of your business, and why does it even matter to you?” He seemed annoyed when answering this question, he roughly grabbed Erin’s wrist, without looking any of the people here, he just simply left, leaving others remain in silent confusion. Some younger villagers did ask Luiza about Erin’s origin, but all the time she just shooked her head, signed heavily.
 “May mother Miranda bless that little girl. She does not deserve such man as her father.....”  
Of course, Heisenberg would never missed such local news from the village. He did pay a visit to the new “guests” before informing Miranda and his siblings. The appearance of new faces surely hooked his curiosity quite high, but to be honest, he doesn’t even understand why he was that excited, as surely they would probably just end like the locals here, worshiping Miranda like she’s an actual god, and then would went missing mysteriously but eventually end up on her cold, metal operating table, with chest being cut open, blood splatters all around the body, while the Cadou parasite just devouring the remains.
Didn’t someone mentioned the family also has a daughter? Ah, then perhaps that lucky little thing would go to his sister’s castle and can becomes one of the “maid”. Just another victim, Heisenberg thought to himself, he could not hide his grin back. Holding his hammer at the back of his shoulder, he walked quickly to that infamous cottage where the new family is settled, a few quite whispers can be heard during his journey, the villagers were all surprised to see the presence of the metal lord, and naturally inquiring behind his journey.
Just like before, Heisenberg ignored all of them,
When he finally reached the shabby wooden door, of the cottage, he didn’t even bother knocking, just pushed the door wide open violently, using his ridiculous strength meanwhile announcing his arrival.      
“Well, well, there’s been news all around the village about the new family, and I thought I could a pay a little visit, to get to know the new members! You are welcome, by the way......”
 But when all he saw was a little girl standing by the dinning table, looking confused and stunned at him, his smug smile disappeared quickly, and even the eyes behind his dark specs were filled with momentary surprise.
“Uh, sir?” She asked quietly, putting the tray of cookies down on the table in a panic.
“Are you.... my father’s guest? I’m really sorry, he will be a away for a quite long time, and I’m not sure if.....”
 He stood there for a moment, and then realized that she must be the daughter, although she’s much much younger than he anticipated. He cut her off before she finished the sentence : “Huh, so you don’t know who I am ?”
 She looked so lost, after blinked her eyes a few times, she nervously said : “Sorry sir, I’m afraid I don’t.”
 Heisenberg was never good with children, never, he didn’t really know what to do, after all he wasn’t expecting to meet a child who probably doesn’t even know what a dick is. So, they just stood where they were before, and staring at each other awkwardly in silence, to a point that even the little girl started to feel uncomfortable. She looked around quickly, trying to find something that could resolve this situation, then her eyes fixed on the tray of cookies on the table.
“Um, maybe...do you want to have a cookie, sir?”
The man with the hammer went speechless, he coughed a few times, put his hammer down next to the door frame, and blankly replied back with a tiny bit of fluster.
“Alright then. ”
It was fucking ridiculous.
Heisenberg would never imagined himself sitting in a old cottage, eating chocolate cookies and drinking teas like a normal human, while chatting with an eight years old girl.
Yes, he’s never good with kids, why would he? Being brought by a psycho bitch means he shouldn’t have any sympathy towards anything, everyone in this village had a good taste about his temper before, even his “Lord” title makes it too intimidate for anyone to have any contact with him. Thus, he never had a decent conversation with anyone else besides his cursed family. Frankly speaking, they were not really conversations, more like endless quarrels.    
He had a quick look around in the room, when Erin went to the kitchen to make tea. This place is shabby, there’s no doubt about it. No painting, no decorations, only an old wool blanket laying down on the floor of the living room. He could see a few photo frames on the bookshelf, cover by dusts. He tried to have to closer look, but all he could see was three people standing together, presumably a family photo that was taken a long time ago.
“Here’s your tea, sir. And there’s milk and sugar.” She was holding a big tray, walking carefully towards table and almost got tripped by the chair. Heisenberg almost chuckled at her clumsy yet cute actions, but he remained silent, and finished his ninth cookie.
“Well, thanks, little one.” He said simply, then started to sip his tea. He saw Erin was standing next to the table like a lost little lamb, he can’t help but chuckled a bit, gesturing her towards the seat across him.
“ Oh come on, no need to be so frightened! I won’t eat ya.”
She was a bit hesitate at first, but eventually took his offer, sit across the table facing him. Although the teapot blocked half of her face.
“So....” Heisenberg started again, with his smug smile back on his face: “You are new here aren’t you, with your family.”
“Yes. Me and my father came a week ago, from England. But he used to live here, at least that’s what I know. ”
That made his curiosity even higher. An outsider, that originally lived here, how interesting, and how did they even escaped this twisted place.
“Where’s your father now?”
This question let her seemed a bit troubled, she shooked her head, looking disappointed : “I don’t know, sir. He said he’s busy, and that’s it.”
His grin became wider:  “And didn’t your daddy tell you, that do not let strangers come into your house while you are alone?”
To his surprise, she did not seem scared, but instead she tilted her head as she was a bit confused, and answered him back politely.
“But I didn’t let you in, sir. You just opened the door and, broke in........”    
 Heisenberg burst into laughter right after he heard this answer, it was really loud, even the teapot and the cups on the table started to shake a bit, but thankfully Erin didn’t notice, she was completely stunned by his reaction and didn’t know what to do. She thought she probably offend him by saying that. But the truth is, Heisenberg is not mad at all, this child’s unintentional boldness is exactly what he likes.  
“ Oh yes! I did break into your house, and aren’t you scared?”
“Should I be scared?” She calmly asked him back, filling his cup again with more tea. “I was tho, but you seem like a nice guy. At least I don’t think a bad person would eat my cookies and having tea with me. If you want harm me you would've done this way earlier.”
He could have so much fun with this kid, Heisenberg though to himself. An outsider was rare enough on its own, no praying, no worshiping, and he won’t hear all those “Miranda bless us” shit. Although, it’s quite ironic that his first decent conservation in 20 was held with a freaking child.
But he’s not complaining. He finished his tea, looking around the room for the last time then shoot his glance back on her. He stood up, ignoring the girl’s skeptical look, Heisenberg chuckled a bit.
 With that, he simply waved his hand, and left the house.
“Well, thank you for your service little one, I’m afraid I must got now. But I’m sure we will meet again soon.”
 He grabbed his hammer by the door frame, opened the door in a swift motion.
“And send my greetings to your father, will you, little one?”
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Promised: Part One (The Great mini-series)
Pairing: Grigor Dymov x fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,878
 From this Anon Request:  ahhh im so happy that you'll write for grigor, gwil seems to be under hyped these days. can i request grigor having to be in an arranged marriage because peter somehow fucked up another treaty and the only way of fixing it is through an alliance (we can just ignore grigor being married already)
A/N: Of course! I hope you are okay with it being a fem! Reader. If not, just let me know and I’ll write a neutral version!
Anyways, enjoy the first part of this mini series of Peter being...Peter and you are Grigor getting into an arranged marriage to fix it up!
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“This wine tastes like shit, where’s the vodka?”
The bread roll you had been chewing on nearly fell out of your mouth in surprise. This was the man you had been expecting for weeks. The Lord and Sovereign of all of Russia. The son of Peter the Great, a legendary warrior king beloved by all who knew him. He even shared a name with this godly figure.
The second he announced his arrival sent everyone in your house into a giddy panic. The manor was cleaned inside out. Every butler and maid lined up outside for his entrance in their most pressed uniforms. Your family and you had put on your finest garbs as well. You had even bought a new dress for the occasion, a pink silk gown with white cloth down the sleeves, and a white middle part while long bows decorated your cream stomacher.
Every soul in the manor was there when his carriage arrived to greet and curtsy to him and his friend, tour the house, and serve him a meal featuring the best cuts, foods, and drinks available, some of which were gifts from the locals honoring his appearance.
And he just called your finest vintage wine shit.
Every pulse in your house was heard in that moment. Your mother gasped a little at the sound of such language used at the table. Especially from him.
“We…we have whiskey to be served after, it’s stronger” you suggest meekly.
“I suppose, just something stronger than this,” his companion next to him reasoned.
He was a man who was perhaps in his thirties at most, brown hair barely seen beneath his dusty wig and in a dark green jacket, only a few steps below Peter’s finery. He swirled the glass with his large hands and took polite sips of it. You looked for a reaction to the taste and barely saw one.
“You want the emperor to drink shit wine, then!? What kind of hosts are you?” Peter asked, leaning back in his chair.
He was far more relaxed than the sea of straight backs of everyone at your table. He even tossed the glass over his shoulder.
A servant behind rushed up with a broom to sweep up the bits.
Your mother and father looked at each other questioningly.  Your brother normally had a healthy appetite, but his fork paused in mid-air since the wine complaint.
With a little sigh, your father turned to a butler and asked him to retrieve a bottle of whiskey and to look for any spare vodka at once.
Looking at your brother, the sanguine chatterbox, you saw his face had paled and his jaw was still tight. Looks like it would have to be you then to alter the mood and keep the peace.
Turning to the Emperor’s companion on Peter’s right, you began to shyly greet him “Sir...uhm…I’m sorry, I forgot your last name…”
“Dymov,” he answered kindly.
His eyes softened. At least he seemed less of an unpredictable bull as his friend.
“Sir Dymov, what is the weather like in Russia? Is it as cold as everyone says?” you questioned.
“Oh, yes, very! Some winters have crowds of people wearing fur coats indoors and gathered around the fire,” he explained.
Peter cut in, chewing on the meat with an open mouth as if he were a cow in a field, “which is why we need to drink vodka to stay warm. Speaking of which, where is your butler and why the fuck hasn’t the vodka gotten here yet?!”
Later that evening, there was some parlor entertainment as usual. Coffee, whiskey, and vodka were all served and seemed to be drank in generous amounts.
It began with you showing your musical gifts. You were to sing as your father accompanied you on the pianoforte. Your breath was feeling higher than what was needed for healthy singing. You could not help but gape at the two Russians who seemed to analyze you. They were hard not to ignore since they were both astoundingly tall, Peter only barely taller. Sir Dymov listened attentively, hands leaning against him as he and the emperor were offered the softest chairs.
But Peter was somehow enraptured. He looked right at you and was still, listening to it the whole time.
You noticed his eyes were not on your face. And your pink dress was as modest as your mothers.
Forcing yourself back into the music, you picked a spot in the parlor, near a bookshelf, and stared at it, trying to focus on the music and words. Lose yourself in its brief escape.
There was polite applause following. When you curtsied, you put a protective hand over your chest.
Your brother, more inclined to the world of theater, offered a reading of some texts by the finest playwrights of your land. Everyone listened to him as they settled for cards at a table, but you stood a while to focus on your knitting. Nerves had shot through you and you had to do something with your hands that would calm you more than cards with the boorish guest.
“May I sit here, Miss Y/L/N?” Sir Dymov asked to the spot next to yours.
“Yes, you may…” you answered, finishing a row of purl stitches.
As he sat down, he even offered to hold your yarn and straighten any strings.
“Thank you for the dinner, and the reading, and the music and everything, it was nice, far more peaceful than at home! And God knows, I could…we all could use some peace…,” he turned away briefly to keep a small eye on Peter.
“Sir Dymov, why would you need peace? Is it the war with Sweden?” you asked curiously.
His angled face looked oddly dark, despite the glow from the fire.
“No…Just a little bit of personal heartbreak, Lady Y/L/N. And your song was about love, so I was reminded of her.”
“Can you tell me what happened?” you asked
Flinching away, you cursed the impulse. It might be too personal.
“She rejected my marriage offer. She’s uhm, uh…how do I put this politely… she’s Peter’s mistress,” he explained
“And she said she would not give up her position after our marriage, so she said I could either have to be married to her but share her with Peter or she would not consider my offer at all,” he sighed.
Setting your knitting away, you looked up at him with empathy.
“Sie Dymov, that sounds hard. But I can’t imagine how her saying yes would make anything easier…”
“I do miss her, and she’s in court so I see her still every day,” Dymov complained.
“You’ll find a way through heartbreak. I’ve had some of my own, but something better might happen!” you say, shrugging your shoulders.
Once you set things down and decide to join the card table, you see Peter look up from his cards and scowl.
“You know, this is dull. Where is the louder singing? The wild dancing? The animals? No wonder people die here so much, they become bored!” he spat throwing off his hand onto the table.
“Things here are…a little quiet compared to your mighty empire,” your mother answers with a plastic smile. “But we make do…”
“I’m practically dying of boredom. How the hell was my father friends with you lot?” Peter asked.
Your father’s head ticked to the side, his eyes getting bigger.
“We were friends since our youth, and he loved all of us,” he said, words tinged with a subtle venom.
Your mother cleaned up the cards, and your brother paused his dramatic reading.
“Your highness, we can all retire if you don’t want to play anymore. I think traveling all the way here from your palace must have been exhausting. Is there anything else you need to make your stay here more comfortable before tomorrow?” she asked.
Peter’s eyes glinted up at you. Your body cinched as if ready to fight or flee.
“How about you offer to bring your daughter Y/N to my bedchambers for tonight, that would make me a lot more comfortable!”
Dymov’s jaw dropped. Your father stood up a little to get out of his chair but he was beat. In a flash, your brother slammed his book shut and rushed over, staring the ruler of Russia in the face.
“How dare you treat my sister like one of your whores?! Never!” he yelled.
“It’s my right as your guest?” Peter rebutted with a bizarre calm.
“After we’ve been kind to you? Gave you our best food and wine, housed you in our nicest room?” your brother roared.
You wanted to shrink yet you were frozen. Your father walked to your side and put an arm around you.
“You can have anything you want, but you’re a married man, Peter. My daughter’s dignity is important to me, as is your own wives. I don’t want to insult her as well,” he reasoned.
“Honor? Honor? You all only spit about honor when you live shit lives with shit food and shit company!” Peter argued.
The warmth of your father’s presence left you as he walked forward. Scuttling, your mother stood by you to take your hand in his place.
“Your highness, I knew him like a brother. If Peter the Great was here…” your father warned.
“He isn’t here! And I’m the Emperor now! And he isn’t!” Peter bellowed.
So on. And so on.
You retired early, your mother by your side to escort you as you saw your father and brother arguing back and forth. The only ally Peter had, other than his title, was Dymov holding him back. To protect or stop him, you could not tell.
The next two days there was such bad blood it was unbelievable. There were no fun outings as planned. You ate alone. You hardly saw anyone. Any room you walked into; you could hear yelling.
Your father made sure you weren’t alone with Peter, but it seemed his eyes had gotten distracted with the fighting. Hopefully, he was joking. Partly.
One night you snuck downstairs to have a glass of water and heard a few words despite yourself.
“That’s it! I leave tomorrow morning! And you can forget my support and all your fucking soldiers, too!”
“Your highness, our money is about to get tight. And our people need it even more than us!”
“Too fucking bad, then!”
Oh no…Russia is our enemy.
You cried yourself to sleep that night. The idea of now starving. And your brother was about to marry a woman he loved in a fortnight. How could he provide for her or any future children? How would all the people who depended on your generosity fare with reduced funds? Worst of all, Peter had his quick moods and ideas. What if he declared war out of spite from this one visit?
You never met Peter the Great. He sometimes seemed like a kindly fairy god father in some ways he had been mentioned. His love of your house and your country and his friendship with your father. Financial support given when needed. How so much was funded and gifted and provided thanks to his generosity.
How could any of you live after that? Even with the embarrassment alone of being insulted by an emperor?
As you woke up, you only had barely time for breakfast when your mother entered.
“Y/N…we would like to talk to you.”
“Mother, I have breakfast. And I was hoping today I’d practice my music and finish that scarf,” you dismissed.
But from the look on her face you had no choice.
“It’s important. And you must be there.”
She walked you over into the main table where days ago everyone dined awkwardly. The Emperor and his companion were there. Peter pouted yet Dymov’s face looked as if he had seen a ghost and his folded hand were shaking a little.
As you sat down in your chair, every eye looked at you, there was a moment of tense silence.
“Well, what is it?” you asked.
“We’ve reached an agreement with Peter…” your father began.
“Are we going to lose…lose everything?” you asked anxiously.
Your heart was tolling in your eardrums as the words left your lips. It had been the question that kept you worried for days.
“No, your family is going to be fine…” Dymov assured, a hand placed over his mouth.
“You can still have some of my father’s money and support from the Russian crown and our fucking alliance even!” Peter threw in, hands going up.
“But what?” you said.
“You have to bring half of your army to fight for me, Sweden’s trying to invade us and we need men. And some of your relatives have to swear loyalty to me. But that promise needs to be secured.” Peter continued
“How? We are already sending you soldiers and subjects? What else would do it?” you asked. Although your gut was telling you the answer.
There was a little pause, but quite an evil smile from Peter.
“There has to be a marriage. Your brother’s betrothed. So you’ll have to marry into Russia to secure it!” he revealed.
Blinking, the wind was knocked out as if you had been punched in the stomach.
“Sir, you’re married to…to Sophie! That Austrian girl!” you cried.
“Sophie? She isn’t Sophie anymore; she’s already christened by my church with a new name: she’s Empress Catherine of Russia now. And since she will be your ruler and you will address her as such! Might as well christen and give you a new name too!” he scolded.
“Of course, I mean I will but…but…who do I have to marry? Do you have any…any brothers?” you fret.
Numbness gripped your hands and nausea gripped your stomach at the thought of marrying a copy of Peter.
“I’ve got no brothers, no male relatives of age or alive for you and I want this contract done soon so…”
His head turned to Dymov with a congratulatory pat on the back.
“It’s Grigor here you’ll have to fuck for life in about a month!”
Grigor’s ears turned pink and he looked up at you, lips tight.
And if I say no? you start to wonder, tasting the words.
But what choice did you have?
“Lady Y/L/N, I promise, this isn’t any easier for me either…” he finally said. “I know this arrangement isn’t coming the way you expected…and I’m just as shocked as you are.”
Would you put your family’s and your people’s future down the drain? Would you let them become bankrupt, ruin your father’s memory of his friend, and make enemies with one of the richest, largest, and most powerful countries because of your selfishness?
Besides, no suitors had been calling you, really. None likable or with good intentions at least. You were getting to the age of spinsterdom. You knew you had to be desperate if you wanted any sense of security for yourself or your family. Who knew if another offer like this could be made?
Taking a deep breath, you looked Peter in the eye.
“I will do it. For my family and for everyone who we look after.”
Peter produced a document agreeing to the engagement, marriage, and benefits it brought. You and Dymov signed it.
Afterwards there was a small service in the chapel to pray for the future and for this marriage. But you were half in another world, unaware this was happening. Dymov seemed to flush between being pale or being red.
Immediately later, they decided all was well and to make plans to leave. Before packing, Dymov approached your parents and you in the parlor.
“I have to alert you of something that will happen, when Lady Y/L/N arrives…there will be a test done by the priests to see if she’s, uh, pure…and it involves checking her…” he gestured to his pants.
You let out a shocked gasp. What kind of kingdom were you about to be thrown into?
“I just wanted you to know, so you wouldn’t be shocked,” Dymov added on.
Your mother took your hand again and rubbed your knuckles soothingly.
“We have family physicians here. Trusted friends. They will do the examination and sign a document right before she goes. There will always be a chaperone until the marriage, to make sure everything is by Russia’s standards,’ she insisted, squeezing your hand extra tight.
Before they left the whole family saw off the Russian party. As Dymov turned to you, his blue eyes darkened slightly. He bowed lowest for you and kissed your hand.
“I’ll write to you as much as I can. You can call me Grigor,” he said.
“I guess you can call me Y/F/N…Grigor,” you replied
“Goodbye, Y/F/N. We will see each other…before the wedding. Soon.”
As kind as the gesture was, your brain had not stopped reeling. It remained even as you stood there, watching the carriage trot away. A pair of blue eyes even looking at you sadly from the window.
He seemed to have the same concern
How could you travel to live in another country ruled by someone like Peter?
And how could you love, much less marry, a man you just met?
Taglist: @queenlover05​
The Great Taglist: @stardust-killer-queen​ @itsametaphorgwil​ @freaking-nix​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @grigorlee​ @themficsilike 
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parkersvibes · 5 years
finding out peter is spiderman
read part one here
a/n: omg guys. i got so much feedback from you all on part one so i decided to make a part 2. and yeahh i really hope you guys enjoy. if you do lmk and i’ll do a part 3 (:
(i also apologize if the read more doesnt work )))): )
warnings: fluff, a smidge on angst
pt 2. peter parker x stark!reader
• figuring out he was spiderman
• alright you’re a stark
• but no one knows that
• but you’re really intuitive
• so there were little things you started to notice
• after uncle ben died there was some weird shit (if you want a part ab comforting peter ab uncle ben lemme know. he deserves his own part)
• like how he stopped wearing his adorable glasses
•and i guess started almost bulking up????
• he got WAY taller
• and usually you’re used to seeing him shirtless but this one time you walked in on him
• holy mother of god
• freshman peter also got winded walking up the stairs
• must be nice
• but then things got more sus
• all of a sudden he was skipping class more
• leaving early
• cancelling study sessions and skipping movie nights with ned
• and you and ned were clueless
• you and ned started hanging out more
• he was like this little ball of happiness
• you found out his real name is Edward
• ngl pete got a bit jealous
• one night,,, when pete cancelled YET AGAIN
• ned asked you, “hey y/n?”
• “hm”
• “why don’t we ever hang out at your place”
• “i told you ned, my family is just a lot yanno. plus your family and may are really cool”
• “okay but how come you don’t have any social media under your name?”
• “wdym?”
• “like you go by ‘y/n Smith’ but everything that pops up on the internet isn’t YOU”
• “pfff i told you,,, i dont believe in that stuff”
• “y/n, you know you can tell me anything”
• you wanted to be honest. this was one of your best friends. and you’ve been lying to them about your family for over a year now
• “ned i just. it’s complicated”
• “like peter’s family?”
• “nonono, i’m lucky to have both of my parents- well i have a step mom. my real mom wanted nothing to do with me. so she left me on the steps of my dads house. never came back”
• “oh shit bro, i’m sorry”
• “nah don’t worry. my dad is really cool and my step mom... she’s awesome.”
• “what’re their names”
• “well- uh- my step moms name is,,, um. well her real name is Virginia”
• “and my- my dads name is ehm... st, steve???”
• natasha was gonna have your ass
• “y/n,,,”
• “yeah”
• “you’re a horrible liar”
• “dude you left your spiderman fan tumblr open on my laptop that one night,,, and i MAY have done some snooping”
• okay you mightve had a slight obsession with the webslinger. HE WAS COOL. and what better way to keep track of him without alerting your family,,, good ol tumblr
• oh god ned, HOW MUCH SNOOPING”
• “enough to know that you have a weird obsession with that spider guy and that your last name isnt smith”
• so you told him the truth. you were a stark
• and well,,, he reacted with
• “okay cmon,,, don’t lie”
• so you showed him your late night dance parties with Nat when she was feeling goofy
• and your random snaps of steve when he was trying to figure out how to work technology
• videos of you reacting to vines with bucky
(if yall wanna see domestic life with the avengers just lmk)
• which usually results with THE WINTER SOLDIER ALMOST PEEING HIS PANTS. and trying to reenact it with sam or the other avengers
• “heyheyehy y/n guess what?”
• “what bucky?” *is in the middle of doing hw*
• “FRESHOVACADO” *bolts out of the room before you throw something at him*
• only the two of you getting vine and meme references
• (meaning getting in trouble during meetings bc you’ll make eye contact and start laughing)
• OH HIS FAVORITE IS THE “country boiiii, i love you,,, 😛”
• anywaayyy
• ned was SHOOK
• “nowayohmygodyoureanavenger”
• “no ned,,, only when they need me to be”
• *led to him asking 100000 questions*
• “does Mr. America smell like old man”
• “what language does Ms. Widow think in”
• “how many shirts does Mr. Hulk own”
• “so do they wear normal clothes or are they always PREPARED”
• “does your dad have to walk a weird way when hes in his suit”
• “do they ever chafe in their suits”
• “yes ned. we’re stocked up on baby powder”
• which you didnt mind bc it felt nice telling the truth
• “ned no, i don’t want him to think of me differently”
• he understood. but still defended peter and said that hed still treat you the same
• anyway,,, peter started showing up with bruises and stuff which had you v concerned
• “pete what’s up? you’ve been avoiding ned and i and you have skipped out on every movie night since sophomore year started”
• “t’s nothing. dont worry ab it”
• “peter cmon, it’s just me”
• you figured maybe it had to do with ben??? but you gave him his space. you just wanted to be there for him yanno. you didnt want him to shut you out
• “Y/N I SAID ITS NOTHING. FOR FUCKS SAKE CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE???” he snapped (and not in the good way)
• and this was on your way to class so the whole hallway heard
• ouch
• so you left him alone. probably more than he meant. but it hurt
• i mean he was your first friend here, and now he yelled at you to leave you alone
• ned felt awful at first. trying to comfort you and tell you it wasnt your fault
• but then he started acting weird. whenever you brought up peter hed be super antsy about it
• you- “i think he got into another fight or something”
• ned- “pFFT PETER? FIGHTING? no way,,, i got-i gotta go”
• so you figured that whatever peter was hiding, ned knew about,, which also hurt your feelings
• so you closed off
• and wow could the super family tell something was wrong
• wanda- “little stark, i can feel your sadness all the way to my room”
• sam/bucky/rhodes- “okay what’s the deal, we’ve played 5 rounds of fortnite and you havent once rage quit even though you’re doing terrible”
• tony- “kid, what’s wrong? everyone here can tell you’re not feeling great”
• nat- “cmon. ive given you 3 opportunities to kick my ass and you havent once complained about me going easy?”
• thor- “lady y/n what is causing you distress? not once have you smiled, i even wore my hair in pigtails,,, and that seems to always do the trick”
• and you gave the same response every time “‘m just tired” “lots of homework”
• they noticed you werent going out on weekends anymore
• so tony figured that your friend group and you were having some Stuff
• pep gave him an idea of meeting his new prodigy
• now tony knew it’d be kinda sus because peter went to midtown but he figured that if the kid kept his mask on it’d be fine
• “dad i don’t wanna see another one of your weird maid robots”
• “wha- no i want you to meet someone”
• “dad college isn’t for another 2 years. if it’s your friend from MIT-“
• then right before your eyes was the insect boy that youve been admiring through the internet
• needless to say
• your jaw dripped
• “y/n meet spiderling, spiderling meet my daughter y/n stark”
• *seconds pass*
• “i uh- oH- um- sp-spidERman, h-hi. biG fan of you- your work”
• *silence*
• you- “oH dad diD you hear th-that? moM is calling mE”
• tony- “what?? pep wouldve called on the interco-“
• spiderman- “y/n”
• you- “p-peter???”
• tony- *shocked pikachu face* “you know each other???”
• you- “so-something like that yeah”
• peter takes off his mask
• “ohmygodpeterisspiderman”
• “ohmygodyourlastnameisntsmith”
• tony- “im gonna let you guys figure this out” *walks backward slowly*
*insert silence*
• you- “so this is what you were hiding, huh?” with a cold tone
• *yelling at each other for another minute. even though you couldnt hear what the other is saying*
• peter- “you really thought id do that?” (heartbreaking voice)
• you- “i- once i got to know you, i knew you wouldnt but i was scared. i didn’t know how to tell you. for once in my life i had found someone my age who liked ME for ME. not for my name or money or my dad. and i didn’t want to change that. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner”
• peter- “... i get what you mean. after ben died everyone gave me that look. except you and ned.”
• you- “why didn’t you tell me”
• peter- “everyone i love or ever cared about dies. my parents and then my uncle ben. so once i got my abilities i knew that the risk was even higher and i didn’t want to put you in that position. i wanted to keep you safe. but it seems like you know how to handle yourself” (referring to the fact that you grew up with THE EARTHS MIGHTIEST HEROS)
• y/n- “so how come ned found out?”
• peter *scratches back of neck* “well- he- i- May let him in my room and i happen to be crawling on the ceiling in my suit and he dropped the death star” *head hangs in shame*
• you had to giggle at that i mean CMON
• you stepped closer to him
• “pete you’re my best friend. you can tell me anything okay?”
• “no more secrets?”
• “no more secrets”
• and you both pinky promise and your thumbs “kiss” bc IF THEY ITS THE ULTIMATE UNBREAKABLE VOW DONT @ ME
• but you wrapped your arms around his neck and enjoyed the moment
• wow he is really cozy
• * the avengers are watching from the cameras in awe*
• led to MANY questions at dinner
• and so everything went back to “normal”
• it wasn’t until you went to bed that night that you realized peter said the L word
• so much for no secrets
taglist: @silver-winter-wolf @emmmmszy @everythingaboutnothingsstuff @rexorangecouny @wishiwasanavenger @marjoherbo @nologinisoksothatsit @mindset-jupiter @hpnjrph @soup238
some favs/mutrals: @h-osterfield @starksparker @stuckonspidey @sunshinehollandd @keepingupwiththeparkers @hey-marlie @spyder-bites
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quartetofstories · 6 years
My dad is home. I should be happy. I should be relieved. I should be excited or some sort of positive.
But I'm not.
I've spent the last month playing adult to keep my mom on track, while she job searches, fights for my brothers iep, and tries to figure out life now that shes retired.
I've kept As in my classes, figured out how to set up virtual appointments with my doctor, changed my medication, planned and made dinners,have been making sure the house stayed clean, kept up with my phsyc appointments, was working consistently, until I was let go because of something my dad did, and havent had a complete meltdown at any point in this.
I know I'm an adult, but I shouldn't have to remind my mother to take her meds every day, I shouldn't have to ask her if she balances the check book. I can barely remember my own shit but I've still been there for her. It's like her brain shuts down when my dad goes underway and the stupid flip gets switched. And on top of all this she decided to renovate my bathroom "so dad wont have to do it when he comes home." Dad wasnt planning any renovations, all of his current projects are furniture and yardwork to get the outside ready for spring. On top of everything I had to be the adult and talk my parents and family from not escalating the situation when I was let go.
And then today, Today we "had" to get the house clean, not that Dad would have cared but she wanted all of it clean before he got home. I got up early to start cleaning, and she wasn't up so I asked her and she told me to go back to sleep. She gets up two (This is like 7 am and dad wouldn't be home until like 6-7 PM) hours later and then barges in screaming at me that were late. So I get up go and eat breakfast and then go to start in the living room. She then calls me into her bed room and makes me sit there while she cleans for "moral support" instead of cleaning the rest of the house. I occasionally "go to the bathroom" and get some of the random little things done, but for the most part I sat on my phone for 3 hours while she blew through her room. She then makes us go to the NEX for a pet expo for my brother, but JJ didn't actually want to go and she took us to the wrong NEX. And when we got home she said she wasnt feeling good so we ate lunch and then she napped. She only wanted an hour but I let her sleep while Jj and I cleaned the kitchen dining room and hall way. I also put the corn beef on for dinner. Shw gets up and freaks put over the living room, the only not clean room and snaps at me for cleaning everything else. Jj and I start but then she realized the time and had to go and pick up dad. With them out of the house, I cleaned the living room, vacuumed, finished dinner, had a cup of tea and relaxed. But Damn, like if she had just listened to me she wouldn't be quite so panicked. I shouldn't have to work around her tantrums. Honestly it got done.
And then when dad got home, she pretended that she had done everything, that j and I only helped. And then Dad didnt talk to me directly except to ask for things. And he complained that I didnt put enough sugar in a tea that I had to rush to make because we were out and no one else drinks! I made the tea, you ungrateful dick! I didnt get a single thank you! I may be an adult but I'm not the Adult! Im only 19! Im still just figuring out my own shit, I dont know how to deal with yours! Im not your sister, mother, maid or underling! Im your God damn Daughter! I'm not the oldest here, I shouldn't have to be the voice of reason for grown ass adults! I'm angry at them, but I know I shouldn't be. I have this heaviness sitting in my chest and I dont no how to get rid of it. She down played my actions for the appearance of control and he wont talk to me like a grown adult about what happened. For Fuck sake, Grow the Fuck up!
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ogortizzy · 4 years
Want to know how it feels to not have control or not have freedom in your own house....let me tell you... something about it.
1. The freedom to express your feelings i can't get mad at no one because I will hurt their feelings or offend them.
2. Being treated like a fucking maid i can't say fucking no because then I become the bad guy in the house, but yet they can say no to me, forget what I ask them to do but yet when I forget I get told something,want to know whats crazier is that most of the bills and rent are paid by me...ME!! And yet I get treated like this.
3. I can't buy myself something because "how come you got something and we didnt?" Bullshit ass fucking questions but yet I'm the fucking bad guy in the house.
4. Im dealing with a lot of depression,anxiety,anger, and my mental health is going down the fucking drain but yet I wake up make breakfast do laundry, give her a shower because she's afraid she's gonna fucking fall,she has 2 FUCKING GROWN ASS MOTHERFUCKING DAUGHTERS who feel they are fucking entitle to shit
Want to know what they do all day
1. Doesn't do shit married to a guy that would rather spend money than have his fucking wife cook something,OH WAIT never fucking mind the bitch doesn't fucking cook,clean,take a shower,clean her dog shit and dog pics of her fucking floor,but yet she says she wants a kid why fucking bring a kid to the world if you can't even take care of yourself, rolling herself in her own pittyness depression sucks but that doesn't mean you can skip showers for almost a fucking month and your husband doesn't say anything when you open your legs so he can fuck you with your nasty ass fucking pussy.no self respect...but yet I'm the problem and everything lands on me...
2. Thinks she is a man..while mooching of of her girlfriends unemployment pays 150 in rent but yet I can't go to my living room because everyday there's new drama with her,acting like a fucking female, she needs to get laid or finger fuck herself until she cuts so she can loosen up,all she does is complain about everything but doesn't do shit to fix it,I guess she needs a real man's approval to do something....OH you got money how about helping me pay a bit on the cable....FUCK NO...her first thought lets go to the dispensary and get some weed because that's the most important thing..here let me treat my girlfriend like shit so in a couple days I can yell at her call her can't and break up with her after she buys me all this stuff ...fucking pathetic piece of shit, her idea of a man is treat a female like shit because all men are like that...stupid bitch thinks she entitle to shit around this house...
I want to give up so bad,,im tired of everything here I would rather spend my entire day at work than here at home,I can't wait til August so I can get the fuck out of here.
Tell me what you see when you look into my eyes...
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Billionaire AU (Sebastian Stan)
when i first heard this song, i just thought of billionaire sebastian stan spoiling me like a fucking brat and im like HELL FUCKING YEAH BILLIONAIRE SEBASTIAN STAN LEZGO 
You had never found anything more exhausting than working as a maid in a house of a billionaire for almost two years. You’ve worked for one billionaire before, but she was independent enough to do things on her own so often. But this billionaire, Sebastian Stan, god, you could feel your blood boiling just thinking of his stupid face that you want to sit on—punch. Punch. You meant that you want to punch. He was just so needy and annoying that you can’t help but feel like he’s doing this kind of shit to you on purpose.
“Y/N, could you please get me my phone? It’s on the indoor pool.” “Which phone, Sir?” “You know that one phone that I got on my birthday two years ago? Yes, that, thanks.”
“Y/N, could you please get me my keys? It’s in the backyard garage.” “Which key, Sir?” “The Cadillac one, doll.” “Sir, you have three Cadillac’s.” “The one that belongs to the white Cadillac Escalade. Yes, right, thanks.”
“Y/N, could you please make me some fries? I’m starving.” “But, Sir, Y/F/N already made you one.” “That one tasted grimy. I’d rather have one made by you. Thanks, doll.”
It was as if you were the only maid in the house, bossed around to get his things that he forgot to take with him or making you make food for him that the other maids have made for him. Sometimes, you would catch a glimpse of him smirking to himself when you go do his deed. That’s how you know he’s just fucking with you.
“I wanna punch him in the face.” you complained to your friend, who was also a maid. Y/F/N shrugged, dazed. “I don’t know about you, girl, but I wanna sit on his face.” she told you, grinning. You grimaced at her choice of words. “You wanna sit on that asshole’s face? Good luck with him, girl. My patience is going down to a negative because of him.” you spat bitterly, crossing your arms on your chest. “If you’re so pent up with Mr. Stan, how about you do cruel things back at him?” Y/F/N said, now grabbing a broom to sweep the tiled floor. “I don’t wanna get fired, Y/F/N. I only want to do housework and not spend most of my hours burning my face off in front of a stove.” you reasoned. 
“Mr. Stan doesn’t really fire his maids, no matter what how many times they do something wrong to him like spilling tea on his pants or mess up his files and appointments. He only fires women that give off the gold-digger or Primadonna girl vibes.” Y/F/N shrugged. Y/N’s eyebrow quirked. “What do you mean?” she asked. “Mr. Stan can sense it if a girl is only working for him because she plans on seducing him and make him practically give her all his wallets and money and anything he could buy in just a blink of an eye until he’s as broke as a man with a bachelor’s degree and then she just leaves him because he’s not rich anymore or she’s bored of him.” Y/F/N said as she shoved the dust and dirt of the floor into the dustpan. “How do you know that?” you asked, bewildered. Y/F/N tapped the dustpan on the trashcan, letting the dirt enter the can. 
“I’ve worked here for, like, three years now. I watched young girls come and go, disappointed that their plan didn’t work because they got fired on their second day.” she said, wiping her hands on her apron. “So you wanna go on making his life 5% miserable?” she said slyly, smirking at you. Y/N shook her head. “Nah. I don’t want an empty Christmas tree this year. I heard Y/F/N2 got an empty tree last Christmas because she was doing horrible all year.”
Sebastian had fired only ten girls in his lifetime being a billionaire. All those girls had the same plan in mind, and that was to seduce and destroy. They weren’t good at hiding their plans. Sebastian had read many romance novels about billionaires turning to a poor man in the streets just from a girl with a plan that works 83% of the time. 
When he hired you, he told himself this must be her. Just looking at her made his heart accelerate. Of all of his maids, he found you genuinely breath-taking. It wasn’t like the others were pretty, but you were a exception. He loved that you hated him for bossing you around to get the things he purposefully make you get. He loved that you complained about him under your breath on a daily basis. He loved, loved, loved that you’re so infuriated and infatuated at him that you want to sit on his face so he could just shut the fuck up. 
Sebastian puts the best gift he could give you under your little Christmas tree on the two Christmases that you spent with him and your co-maids. The first Christmas, he gave you pink Jimmy Choo pumps that somehow fit your feet perfectly. You were shocked out of your mind when you saw the shoes. Last Christmas, he gave you two dresses. How he knew your measurements, you didn’t know, but when he saw you wear them and twirled around for your co-maids to see, he was happy that you were happy. 
Sebastian put a note on your door after you were told by Y/F/N to take a break for the night, requesting you to come to his office wearing the red dress that was sprawled across your bed that was paired with new black Jimmy Choo pumps. You reluctantly wore them. You were still surprised on how the hell he knew your measurements. You put your hair down, and felt like a strong woman conquering the universe. 
You went up the stairs to get to Sebastian’s office, seeing your other co-maids excitedly whispering to each other as you ascended the stairs. They gave you a big thumbs-up, grinning widely. You smiled back at them confusedly before turning to the right to your boss’s office. You knocked twice, hearing a faint come in from Sebastian.
You’ve been in Sebastian’s office multiple times, but never actually spent time to admire it. You only come in his office to give him coffee or his food. It had bare walls, a little chandelier, and four bookshelves occupying the left and right walls. In the middle was Sebastian’s desk and chair, and behind that was just a big window instead of just another boring white wall. It was simple, but very much eye-catching.
Sebastian turned in his chair, his cerulean eyes twinkling when he saw you. He eyed you up and down, admiring how you look. You felt your face heat up as you subsequently cover yourself from his eyes. “It seems that I do not regret every dollar I spent on your outfit, doll.” he said and stood up. You inched backwards when he went in front of you. Sebastian put his hands in his dress pants’ pockets. “I know it seems so out of blue, doll, but I’d like to take you to dinner with me to a restaurant with my family.” 
Time seemed to stand still as you processed his words. Sebastian Stan wants you to take you to dinner. With him. Dinner with him. And his family. What?
“I wanted to take you out on a dinner for so long, baby girl.” he purred, smiling gently at you and taking your hand in his hand. You were sure your face was as red as a strawberry. “I—”
You looked up at him, and you met his striking blue eyes. You almost melted when his thumb affectionately rubbed against the back of your hand. (i really think this action is so cute it makes my heart cry so bad) 
“Please, doll. I’d like to take this as an opportunity to apologize for making you get so many things for me for the past two years.” he joked. Your mouth twitched, forming a little smile. “And to really get to know you more.”
You hesitated. You looked at him again, and you began to notice that he really was a handsome man. He was a genuinely kind-hearted person, and you loved that about him, despite his laid-back behavior. 
“Yes, Sir. I’d love to go to dinner with you.”
Sebastian smiled brightly. His other cupped your face and grazed his thumb on your cheek, looking at you lovingly. 
“Please, call me Sebastian.”
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luc4ri0 · 7 years
Its that time again bois,its time to complain up a storm because this is the only safe place i have where i dont feel like im bothering anyone!
so,today mom woke me up with screams because she needed help getting ingredients for baking from the high up cupboards. not that i didnt wake up immediately as soon as she called,but apparently it was enough for her to be in a shitty mood.
and the thing about my mom is that as soon as she gets in a shitty mood,no matter how small the problem was,she brings the entire house into the fight for no reason. and you bet your ass shes gonna bring up even the tinniest mistakes of your life,teaching me and every child she has taken care of that if something bad happens,its entirely your fault because youre a piece of shit that never stops making mistakes.
Its infuriating how she never lets go of any mistakes youve made,so fucking what if youre stressed,just because youre stressed doesnt mean you have the right to let out your anger on everyone around you!
and the worst part is that this is just a fucking vicious cycle of hate and bad parenting that she carries with her from HER parents. 
and you know what? sometimes i have such a huge urge to just tell her to fuck off and start treating her exactly how she paints me to be. shes literally always talking about how “i mock her” “i dont give a shit” “i treat her like a house maid and never think about her feelings”.
im so fucking fed up with this shit,sometimes i doubt if its even worth it taking care of her,she acts all tough because she doesnt know how to handle excessive stress,but in the end,if you fight back even a tiny bit she cowers in fear EXACTLY like i used to every time she raised her hand to hit me.
she literally lost one of the kids in court because the other grandma set up a scheme to seem like she treated the kid badly. but you know what lost her credibility? THE KID ADMITTING HE WAS AFRAID OF GETTING BEATEN UP FOR NOT OBEYING. and while i do admit everyone in this house used him as a punching bag because he was literally always causing trouble,at least i have the guts to admit my mistakes and taking action,because i NOTICED that i was being exactly like her and stopped. we havent physically harmed the kids ever since one of them left to live with his asshole rich dad.
i mean,i get it,she grew up in a house of 4 men with the only women being her and her mom,either she toughed up and swallowed the beatings from her parents or she wouldnt survive it,SPECIALLY since she was sexually abuse by her dad. then she moved on to marry an older man when she was 16,had two girls,a horrible marriage,ran away with the girls to argentina,then came back and had me with a business coleague,and had another horrible marriage with an unfaithful asshole. 
and its exactly because of all that stuff that i want to protect her,because even though shes tough,shes not invincible,next year she turns 50,and from there on out shes only gonna get weaker. sure,im not the most reliable person ever,but even if i was rich and successful,my house is always gonna be next to her,so my instinct is always swallowing up the insults and waiting for her to calm down,but MAN IS IT TOUGH SOMETIMES.
oh yea,i forgot to mention,she literally punched me in the face when i yelled back on her face,you know,the exact way she was doing the entire morning. and she spent the rest of the morning refusing to apologize like a stubborn kid. in all honesty i think it was her fight or flight instinct,because as soon as her fist touched my face she pulled her arm back.
i told her with all words that “if she tries to raise a hand against me i will not hesitate to fight back,that i may be thrown out and have to live on my own under a bridge,but i will leave satisfied with hitting her as much as i want for all the years she did the same to me whenever she wanted to relieve stress”
and while in the heat of the moment that was definitely true. the only time i fought back and slapped her straight across the face,when the heat died down she locked herself in her room crying while talking to my sister on the phone all afternoon.
at that moment i realized just how much she lashes out on pure instict,its just the way she was taught how to deal with things,and i WILL NOT let these kids become as problematic as their mother. and if that means i have to be here when shes not around,so be it,at this point i dont even care if i dont find a romantic partner,if these kids can be MY kids,i dont mind,as long as im not alone,i dont mind whos with me..
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