#i cant trip off a basic bitch
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thesupernaturalhouse · 5 months ago
So I cant.....I can't anymore, Stolas fucking sucks
Season 2 as a whole sucks and gets rid of a lot of character depth that characters had in s1. But this post isn't about that-
I was recording clips for an edit, and you know in ep9 s2 when Stolas tells Blitz about "you couldn't be bothered to come save me"
Yeah.....Blitz TOLD him why he was unable to go and save him. He was even genuinely concerned and sent milly and moxxie in his place
You wanna know what Blitz said??
"Ah shit Stolas I can't today- I'm sorry I am literally on my way to take loona in for her very important hellvis S-H-O-T" and "it takes years to book it, it took 5 for me to get this one"
Aka, a rabies shot, which, racist will immediately kill you. You DON'T survive that once you get it and symptoms start showing up, it's a death sentence, and considering Loona is basically a sentient/anthropomorphic dog, if she catches it her survival rate is probably 0 percent
And you know what? Stolas gets it, and then in ep9, "the one who tried to kill em and you couldn't be BOTHERED to come help me"
Bitch he told you?? He sent people in his place?? He was getting his kid a really important shot?? Yiu selfish motherfu-
I hate this bird
I hate this fucking bird so much more now
This is just the finale straw for me that breaks the camels back tbh like......
Apology tour is just, Stolas and the narritive/writing basically gaslighting Blitz and its gross
I liked Stolitz and Stolas in s1, it wasnt a healthy relationship. The circumstances for both characters weren't super good, but it understood that and actually showed those flaws, It set up these characters future arcs
Season 2 is, frankly, a shit show. It has its moments, but ep1 ruined Stolas and Stolitz for me, and it just keeps on getting worse and it isn't even in a way of "Oh its rough, but they can bounce back
This is gaslighting. This is hypocrisy. This is guilt tripping. This is abuse.
Instead of building off of season 1 it is retconning it, it is destroying the continuity and timeline, it's making these characters so much worse then what they were
Instead of having Stolas face actual consequences for his actions the narritive is backtracking and going "Oh actually its not his fault" over and over again
Oh he cheated in the marriage? No worries Stella is a bitch so it's okay
Oh, he's neglecting his daughter despite them already having this arc? Oh, it's fine she just needs to cut him some slack
Oh he constantly belittled Blitz and made him uncomfortable in season 1? Actually it was all of Blitzs fault for misreading the signs of love!
He is constantly shown looking down and abusing other imps like his butler? Oh its fine, they aren't the main characters so what he does to them isn't important!!
Another thing is that Blitz tells Stolas how he feels. He points out his shitty actions. And what does Stolas do? He fucking cries like Blitz is being a big ol means for no reason
This trial is just going to further victimize him and make him seem in the right. The fact the sins might even be brought into it is also so fucking stupid.
The writing went from a 8 to a 1 with the characters. And it's only a 1 here because there are some good ideas in s2.
Their basically trying to cover up, retcon, Stolas's actions instead of having him deal with consequences and go through real development
Honestly the best ending for Stolitz would be Blitz realizing Stolas is toxic as fuck to him and just, not contacting him again. Stolas could get some real consequences in that trial and move on and become better in his own right
Butttt of course since Viv likes them so much it's gonna be dragged on for fucking seasons and then their gonna get together.
If I were to rewrite the season, I wouldn't even try to rewrite Stolitz.
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winchesticles67 · 3 months ago
SPN rewatch, 1X01, 'pilot'
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okay so i basically just wrote down what was going through my wackadoo brain whilst watching the ep, its a little kooky and spooky but here:
why would you leave an awake 6 m/o child alone in a room wth
i hate john ew
help johns brows kill me
nosy ass neighbours
silent intro???? just 'supernatural', no noise???
so pretty woman
little jared w his floppy hairrr <333
sams face when he takes the shot kills meeeeee hes the human version of the grimacing emoji hahhahahaah
sam's friend is actually such a vibe "more shots?" "NO"
crash and burn always cracks me up
dean youre not supposed to break into peoples houses
how did jess not wake up while these two idiots just went at it??
alcoholism foreshadowing :(
a few days? dawg you guys have been on hunting trips for longer why is this so dramatic
'it wasnt easy but it wasnt that bad' STFU DEAN YOU LITTLE PISS
dont get so pissed when sam mentions mary, dean, she was his mom too you crap
not the s15 finale parallel im sobbing
wtf is that voicemail from john?? that never made sense to me
love the wade felton hairstyle jared
oh he fixed his bangs nvm
love the primal jungle screams of the first victim theyre almost funny
omg jensen you make me swoon "sorry cant hear you, the musics too loud :D" loved that delivery
why does dean have badges for sam if they havent been hunting together? that always confused me
dean is such a dick to these police i mean they didnt do anything wrong
love the x files ref
i love that girls friend, asking if shes ok when two strangely vertical men are speaking to her
why does jared make his voice all raspy and tiny in the first season when sams being comforting. like its cute but it went away after s1
ah playful sibling punches. i wish they stayed that way and didnt turn into dean beating tf out of sam :/
s1 dean actually means sm to me. he still sucks but like :(( he was happy and wasnt drowned in whiskey
dean get off of sam MARY WASNT JUST YOUR MOTHER
i love the impala sm if she was a person id hit that, i get why dean loves her sm
i love that deans just covered in yuck lmao
"you smell like a toilet" you tell him sammy tell that stinky man
sam tugging an absent minded dean into the motel room by his jacket collar <3
jess's voicemail devastates me. i really loved her and she wasnt talked abt enough. one episode, one djinn dream, one "he was gonna marry her", two lucifer dreams, and and a teensy meaningful mention in s15
you got anything thats real? "my boobs. :D"
aaaaahhh pilot sam i cant get over him his hairs so dark and gorgeous
i love sam and his insistence on making this man feel guilty for cheating >:) get it bbg
omg pilot sam is so gorgeous his hair i love him im turning red and im swooning abt it
constance get your nightgown wearing ass away from sam :((
the glitching effect used on constance is so baddass
ew constance get of off him youre nasty. why wasnt this talked abt she was nasty
'im taking you home' okay sexy determined hot man
the authenticity of the props and the sets and the outfits in s1 (through like s4/5ish??) means a lot to me
"youve come home to us mommy" ew i hate kids
the sfx of constances ghost death was weird...
"AHAHAHHHA" jared i love you
"what were you thinking, shooting casper in the face, you freak?" top tier line, i love that line
sam screaming for jess haunts me. she was his everything he loved her so much :(
comparing sams attitude after jess's death with his attitude in the flashbacks in 'i know what you did last summer' and im screaming about it
how many ___ so far: - x files references: 1 - jerk bitches: 1
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randomthefox · 1 month ago
>Movie!Sonic FREAKS OUT at him and ultimately GUILT TRIPS HIM into GIVING UP his ambition and staying in the unsatisfying rut that is his life.
I never even thought about it like that. I only focused on how much of an annoying bitch movie sonic was being.
Guilt tripping someone into giving up traveling the world and living their dreams is the most "anti sonic" thing I can imagine
Holy shit the movies are awful
That fucking scene of them arguing in the car over Tom moving to San Fran is the worst fucking scene in the entire fucking movie. It is not only offensive as a scene to have in a Sonic movie, but it is also the best demonstration of how these movies utterly fail to be watchable films in general.
Let's just put aside the fact that that scene is an utter antithesis of Sonic the Hedgehog as a character. Let's just put aside that this is a scene in which SONIC. THE HEDGEHOG. Is telling someone "don't take risks by going to an exciting new place and do something you've always wanted to do. Stay in the comfortable and familiar place you've always known. Live your life by the obligations and expectations of other people instead of for yourself." We're not even going to get into how that is THE LITERAL EXACT FUCKING OPPOSITE OF WHAT SONIC THE HEDGEHOG WOULD EVER FUCKING SAY. Let's just ignore the fact that THIS IS THE QUOTE ON THE FUCKING BOX ART OF THE VERY FIRST SONIC GAME
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Let's put that aside. This is the Pikablue movie. Let's put aside our knowledge and awareness of Sonic the Hedgehogs FUNDAMENTAL character traits. This isn't Sonic, this is Pikablue. Okay.
The scene still represents an absolute and total failure of the films ability to convey information to the audience in the way a movie is supposed to do. Any NORMAL audience member is going to watch that scene for the first time and be CONFUSED about WHY Sonic is upset at Tom for wanting to move to San Francisco. NOTHING IN THE MOVIE UNTIL THIS POINT has led us to believe that his desire to become a cop in San Fran is anything but a good thing. The entire introduction to Tom as a character is showing him being BORED and UNSATISFIED with his life as a small town sheriff. We are INTRODUCED to the character with him losing his mind to boredom at a speed trap.
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The next scene we see of Tom is him being SO BORED supervising a cross walk that he makes a big hullabaloo over a family of ducks walking across the street.
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Tom HATES his life in Green Hills, and he wants to move to San Fransisco to be a "real cop" who can actually make a difference. He literally says that he loves Green Hills and respects his family legacy, but his desire to strike out and achieve More with his life is framed as a purely positive and heroic motivation.
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And his wife SUPPORTS THE MOVE and was looking up apartments on Zillow all day and even offers to fly out and look at places ahead of the job even being a confirmed thing because she LOVES HER HUSBAND.
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There are ZERO. ZERO scenes of Tom actually HELPING the people of Green Hills. We are NEVER shown a SINGLE SCENE of anyone calling Tom for help with small town issues. The closest thing we get is Wade calling him during the blackout and Tom basically telling him to fuck off. We never see any scenes of the normal residents of Green Hills relying on Tom for their needs in day to day life.
So when Sonic reacts to Tom's announcement that he wants to become a cop in San Fransisco by giving THIS face
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We as the audience are CONFUSED. WHY is Sonic reacting negatively to this information? We as the audience have been given no reason to view this ambition as anything but a positive and good thing. So the MAIN TITLE CHARACTER of the movie reacting to it with negativity is a SURPRISE.
And when Sonic's criticism of Tom is that he is abandoning the people of Green Hills who need him by saying this
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our reaction as audience members is to say "when the FUCK did ANY OF THAT happen? Did I miss a scene?"
This is the DEFINITION of Telling Not Showing, and it's something we're being TOLD only at the critical moment of conflict. This does NOTHING but create CONFUSION in the minds of the audience. Who are we supposed to be supporting and siding with in this argument? Should we support Tom, whom the movie has framed as being righteous and justified in his desire to move? Or should we side with Sonic, who is the title character even though we have been given no reason to agree with his perspective?
The movie clearly thinks that Sonic is in the right in this argument, because at the end of the movie Tom turns down the job and decides to stay in Green Hills. What a disgusting fucking moral to end the movie with.
ALL THE MOVIE HAD TO DO was show a scene of the average citizens of Green Hills appreciating Tom for being their sheriff. For example, they could have thrown a Going Away party for Tom. Wade could have called him down to the local bar or something on an emergency call, he arrives thinking "oh yeah this is the time for something exciting to finally happen in this town!" and he rushes in with his hand on his gun hip. Only for all of the residents of Green Hills to be inside and they shout "SURPRISE!" with a big banner saying his name strung up or something, it's a surprise going away party for their sheriff. And Tom looks kind of disappointed because he was expecting a real emergency, but is obligated to sit down and be the guest of honor. Then they could have had different residents of the town get up and tell stories about times Tom has helped them with their humdrum little needs, and there would be many many many many of them telling these stories about cleaning out the gutters and jump starting cars in winter. And during this scene it would cut to Tom looking bored but polite, while over his shoulder watching through the window is Sonic who is enraptured by the stories.
If the movie had a scene like that, then we would at least understand that when Tom reveals his desire to leave Green Hills to Sonic we as the audience would be prepared to expect Sonic having a negative reaction to that information. But in the movie as presented, the argument comes out of FUCKING NOWHERE and Sonic's side of the argument is COMPLETELY UNDEMONSTRATED.
This movie UTTERLY FAILS at the BASIC fundamental prerogatives of BEING A FUCKING MOVIE. And more than that, it WIPES ITS ASS with the Sonic the Hedgehog character by writing their shitty pikablue ass protagonist to say something that is the COMPLETE AND TOTAL FUCKING OPPOSITE OF WHAT SONIC THE HEDGEHOG WOULD EVER SAY.
I HATE this movie. I HATE these movies. How ANYBODY enjoy these abysmal failures of visual story telling is utterly beyond me, LET ALONE how any SONIC FAN could be anything but OFFENDED by them.
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worshipper-status · 1 month ago
🎀, 🍒, 🍓, 💘?
Y'all are getting fed with Worshipper IRL lore tonight lmao long post below you've been warned.
🎀 - how did you meet your darling?
An excuse to ramble about My Goddess?! And an ask about specifically my favorite story?!! Yes please! Okay so. Our meeting was a really weird butterfly affect situation that needs some context. At the time, I had just moved in with my longterm partner at that time because I was running away from home (this actually matters I swear, it just requires some trauma dumping).
I had just my main blog at the time and was too scared to make original posts much because of my parents but since I had finally moved out I started creating more and pushing my art out more, as my parents werent there to convince me that strangers were the literal devil, which led to me creating a lovecore themed plague doctor named Doctor Valentine.
I did some mild ask blog type art where someone I ended up becoming friends with went back and forth for a while. We became mutuals, DMed a bit, and eventually I developed a crush on him because uh, other trauma dump, my long term partner I had JUST moved in with, cheated on me and started abusing me. This new person I have a crush on will be referred to as Void Bitch for reasons.
Me and Void Bitch start going back and forth for a while, we exchange discords and I start getting possessive of them. They're gone most of the day so this kinda sucks but whatevs it wasnt super strong favorite person syndrome as I call it lol. I end up asking them what they're doing most of the day. They're on call with their boyfriend on a pixelmon minecraft server. Welp, that crush needs to take a back seat but I ended up asking if I could join the pixelmon server and accompanying discord server.
First day on, I join Void Bitch, their boyfriend, and one other person on call at the time while abusive ex is out at work. This new person I know nothing about asks me to battle after a little while with my new team I had just made. She promptly sweeps my ass with a shiny eevee and ONLY a singular shiny eevee.
After that we became really close friends. She had her base set up in this cave off of spawn she called the Friend Cave. Me and her would hang out in this one rainbow colored room she called the therapy room often and just talk about life. She was the one who convinced me I needed to leave my shitty at the time partner. She helped me through some of the worst parts of my life. And once I dumped my at the time partner, I got together with her. To no ones surprise, this person I got with was My Goddess. We've been together for four years and deeply in love ever since.
There's a lot more to that story, like why Void Bitch is Void Bitch, and also his boyfriend, and also my ex, and also somehow running into a different yandere while persuing My Goddess etc etc but thats as short as I can make this story lol.
🍒 - what are your yandere types (if you have them)?
It's changed a lot since I first started this blog but I'm definitely a worshipping (obviously) dependent yan and I'd also say protective with some monopoly traits. Worshipping is the main one though. I treat loving My Goddess like a legit religion sometimes. She eats it up though <3
🍓- what is your favorite yandere trope or stereotype?
Cannibalism : >
💘 - do you have a future plan for you and your darling?
Yes!!! So many!!! We're literally planning our wedding right now! It's uh, not actually going to happen for quite some time, but we've basically both agreed right now it's just a race to whoever proposes first. I already have a ring picked out I just am shit fucking broke and cant actually afford it.
We're planning a trip for her to come visit me up where I live, in June for our birthdays and anniversary. I may go see her instead because it could be a longer trip if I fly to her, but there's more things to do where I live since I live in the heart of a major city.
We don't have much else actually in the works. I'm going to the free wedding expos in the area and she's working hard to graduate college. We're in a weird lull of plans right now because she's also moving out of her parents and in with some friends right now.
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bucketspammer4life · 1 year ago
punch out random headcanons (again)
i should sleep
- Aran is a unironic radiohead listener, he got caught listening to it at least 3 times but is trying to gaslight everyone into thinking it was a collective fever dream
- one of the main reasons the wvba doesnt go on holiday together is due to the fact most of the boxers suffer from insomnia & other stuff that stops them from sleeping normally and generally having shit sleeping schedules
- the wvba sometimes has movie nights, everyone takes turns picking movies, aran takes advantage of this and picks the worst movies possible on his turn just to piss everyone off
- King Hippo used to have the habit of eating anything handed to him as a child, thanks to this you can ask him what (insert random object) tastes like and he'll answer it honestly, tide pods? Refreshing and a very good texture, wood? Too dry. A loofa? Disgusting. Shoelaces? if cleaned before eating: unique. You name it, he's eaten it.
- bald bull usually drinks coffee without thinking about the fact hes not gonna be able to sleep properly, this causes him to not be able to stand still for more than a few seconds
- don actually has a lot of wounds on his hand from picking roses with thorns, being the reason he cant use hand sanitizer most times
- Mac has this one weezer shirt thats in horrible condition he wears as pjs, hes had it before he started boxing and still has it, it smells like death and doc hates it but cant bear to tell Mac to throw it out because he feels like it would come off as rude
- bull HATES physical touch, he absolutely cannot tolerate it, the most contact he'll make with someone is either a punch, a highfive or an awkward side hug, it just agitates him
- super macho man breaks down doors without knocking, literally just breaking a door because he thinks it makes him look "totally tough"
- Glass Joe is really good at ice-skating and has won a few competitions, hes considering doing it profesionally but is just doing it for fun now
- Disco kid has shitty hearing thanks to blasting his ears out with music 99% of the time, he has tinnitus + a ruptured eardrum but ignores it
- gabby jay is a very good baker, he sometimes makes bread in the shape of little animals when sad, baking is basically his therapy
- narcis is scared of the dark but will not admit it, he just comes up with excuses like "what if i trip on something and break my nose?" or "i dont wanna bump into stuff it pisses me off" And it somehow works
- pizza pasta will scold you if you break spaghetti into 2 around him, hes a huge pasta gourmet and will bully your cooking skills, fix those rigatoni making skills or go back to buying craft mac and cheese, bitch
- bear hugger drinks raw eggs from mugs like its coffee, he has offered it to everyone and only aran has accepted it once, after that incident aran got food poisoning and had to stop eating omelettes for a while
- there are only 4 boxers not allowed to cook in the wvba: bald bull, bear hugger, aran and soda popinski, bald bull keeps accidentally burning stuff, aran keeps intentionally burning stuff, bear hugger eats everything raw and soda keeps trying to add soda & other fizzy drinks to the food and ending up making some dubious mixtures, none of them are allowed into the kitchen under any circumstances unless its watching milk boil to make sure it doesnt spill
- someone once tried to cut heike's hair as a joke, 10 injured 975 dead
- hoy will call anyone son/child/daughter unless theyre older than him, hes basically adopted everyone and no one minds it
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kob131 · 2 years ago
please explain all all of yangs serious flaws ( also could you go through the flaws in yangs fighting style in the early volumes) and how raven wasnt thinking tactically in her fight with cinder ( I remember you made a post on that but I cant find it and didnt reblog it )
It's basically one for both but a serious one-
Her anger. In Volume 2 Episode 11, Yang and Neo clash in the train heading to Vale and Yang gets KOed with ease. As in- Not once does Yang land a hit on Neo. She constantly tries, repeatedly punching and blasting Neo but not once does it actually hit her. If anything, Neo is portrayed as amused and in control. (How else do you describe her dodging in such a way that she lands sitting on a crate of explosives?) The one time Yang breaks through and throws Neo, the woman just cartwheels into then performs a more complex throw that knocks Yang out. And all throughout the fight, we never see Yang smile confidently or even act stoic- she's consistently angry and frustrated.
This isn't the only time either. Volume 3 Episode 4- the fight between Neon and Flynt. Right before the fight, Neon makes a comment about Yang being 'top heavy' which draws an indignant response. This sets the tone of the fight with Yang- Yang fails to hit Neon, Neon dodges, counterattacks and taunts her then Yang is shown to be visibly angry. She doesn't try to change tactics or assist Weiss- it's punch, punch, blast. All of this culminating in Yang winning by tripping up Neon into uneven terrain...with no indication this was intended. So it appears she won by luck.
And then we have Adam. Let's completely ignore anything about Adam beyond 'WF guy with sword that beat Blake.' From what Yang knows, this guy just beat Blake (since he broke her aura), he has an advantage with a sword as opposed to her fists, he's not currently attacking Blake as he's staring at her and he's a WF member so he WILL kill her if she fucks up.
Everything about the situation should tell Yang that she needs to be careful. ... So she launches herself at Adam in such a way that she can't maneuver in air. And the guy staring directly at her sees this coming, slices off her arm and knocks her out. Leaving the wounded Blake to drag her friend off.
And before anyone goes 'ARMCHAIR CRITIC!'- Yang literally went to school for combat. Her temper has bitten her in the ass thrice before including Mercury. Yang has shown in the Yellow trailer that she is capable of more than just hitting shit. Yang should know better- she demonstrates it in Volume 6.
Yang's temper nearly got herself killed. She is not some perfect Mary Sue who was put in an impossible situation- this is a demonstrated, serious issue of hers. And denying that doesn't do anything.
As for the people bitching that Taiyang's advice, advice I showed is pretty damn accurate, advice people in Volume 2 saw coming and advice I personally know is sound from my own anger issues-
He's looking pretty right about Raven. A woman who had years, if not decades, more experience than Cinder not just in fighting but also using her Maiden abilities- and got her aura broke. By a woman who got tripped up by JAUNE ARC. A woman who, again, had her Maiden status for years and yet showed no more ability with them than the woman who had them for like A year. All she had was slash, slash, slash. So I think it's fair to say he was accurate about Yang.
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uniquezombiedestiny · 2 years ago
oh hey. dusts this off. i have a new oc to write about :)
ive started playing fallen london recently so: say hi to maethyl fallow! a "devious and watchful individual of mysterious and indistinct gender." she also forgor (most of her lore is based around forgetting - her backstory is that she got lost in a cave of irrigo, an eldritch color that makes you forget when you look at it for too long.)
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their story begins in fucking prison <3. all she knows is that her imprisonment is unjust - and, more importantly, inconvenient. so! they and an unlucky devil make their way out and become friends. she discovers that she's here in london for the wonder of the place - she has a lot to relearn, after all. on their escape, the devil leaves, but they're still friends :)
she decides to go to spite, one of four cities of fallen london. this is a place all about stealth, full of crime - mostly pickpocketing. they spend their first week or two here homeless and lost, doing both a lot of courier jobs and a lot of theft. i eventually learn how to travel (attributed to her memory loss of the world around her), and also get a home. yay!
after some mysterious communication with a benefactor, plus accessing the shops, she finally has better clothing than a prisoner's outfit. a maid outfit (and some shiny shoes!). this decreases their shadowy (stealth) stat but it was hilarious so i did it anyway
after some more stealing, a few courier jobs, and meeting a rat in her rented attic room, she makes her way to the carnival. she does just a little more theft, got her fortune read, and went to the mirror area. big mistake.
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editing note: hey, this was right! she went on a journey to nightmare hell, and found plenty of mushrooms in her bath. the newspaper and poetry ones are kinda unknown, but the journalist storyline may fufill those.
for context: mae's discovered the joy of promenading - in the crowds of spite, a new location, you can go on trips and try stealing from various people. here, mae steals from a prison guard, gaining nightmares 1. she's also stabbed by jack for trying to steal from him (it was a like 20% chance), gaining wounds 2. hooray!
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she looks into a mirror of nightmares, and upon looking closer due to the lack of a reflection, falls straight in. she is now in a world of madness, where all is red and gold and her nightmares increase to 8, described as "raving" (and right below "THEY'RE COMING THEY'RE COMING THEY'RE COMING," at 7).
bitch, you are trapped in the nightmare dimension.
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anyway, it's like a hotel. they have rooms to stay, food and drink to serve, and other places for guests, reception, etc.. while mae has become paranoid, haunted by her nightmares in the form of encroaching mist in the corner of her eye, the guests are just as insane as she is. somehow, she cant help but find them welcoming, and has a few good interactions with some of them.
notably, without anything else to do (see: i was impatient), mae basically waterboarded herself for a day or two. you're able to drink from the fountain in the lobby if you like, which can decrease your nightmares stat. failing this will knock down your persuasion stat, though.
guess who reached 0 persuasion (but hey, nightmares 6!)?
after becoming a donkey a few times, she eventually stops waterboarding herself to find that she has forgotten how to speak and think properly, let alone eloquently. she does still converse with the guests a few times, but she's pretty much talking like a kid now.
during all of this, i also draw cards for some other interactions, among them being: met a white cat a few times, a lizard appeared in her room twice, fungal infestations in the bath, and the view outside her room being various things. she's been wanting to speak to the manager since day 1, damn it. and speaking of drawing, i also drew some art of maethyl gone mad!
although the guests (and water) are awfully convincing about how this place is better than fallen london - i mean, the red and gold is quite pretty, and the service is great, too - she eventually looks out of her window one last time before finding herself awake in her room. she's probably spent ~2 weeks in there. they are themselves again! as their nightmares stat dropped and mae became less paranoid, a melancholy took it's place, though (she just has melancholy 1).
well, on she goes. more promenading ensues, a few cards are drawn, and she regains some stats from the rat she talked to. she also befriends an urchin kid.
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eventually, on intercepting courier routes, she snatches a brown letter containing blackmail on a journalist. he sells it for something more practical - the heartless route, where they gain 2 heartless (a quirk, similar to melancholy).
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(steadfast is gained later - subtle is from drinking some healing stuff from a bottle and following the instructions exactly. this is what brought her wounds down to 1.)
later, she meets that same journalist, and does a few jobs for him with her stealthiness. she then tracks him down, growing suspicious, as his newspaper's never shown up anywhere, and what use does he have for the info she's getting? he's found doing some boring stuff, but she does overhear him at a bar, talking about his clients and other things, that basically proved mae right. she's then contacted by a different journalist for a different newspaper - she gets some findings, but what use do they have for this, either? in the end, she tracks both of them down to a fighting ring, where they laugh about their dimwitted employers... among other things (i forgor). she learns their secrets and plans to use the knowledge somehow, rather than blackmail them for money.
in the meantime, she's had a drink with someone, having a toast to the cheery man, ruthless but a man of his word. here is where she gains 2 steadfast!
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she's currently area-diving, planning an escapade through the lower stairs for valuables. it's not done yet, though.
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and that's all for her so far! personality-wise, they're quite eccentric, with a few friends both animal and human. they're outgoing and friendly (or at least polite), but their voice has an eerie quality to it that may turn some people away. they struggle with their words sometimes, too.
beyond that, though, she's quite stealthy, adjusting well to spite. she's even become a bit heartless, disconnected from those around her. honestly, that nightmare realm trip may have affected her more than it seems.
behind all of it, though, is... an odd melancholy. like the fog of her dreams that not even she can see through. perhaps it's something she's forgotten.
we all got that home with an indescribable sadness /ref
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toxic-mothers-tourney · 2 years ago
Toxic propaganda: Mrs. Asahina/Mafuyu’s mother (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage)
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CW: suicide
mrs asahina is the mother of one of the main characters of project sekai, mafuyu asahina. mafuyus mother is very emotionally abusive and guilt trips her constantly. she puts her on a super high pedestal and completely made mafuyu lose her entire sense of self and identity. shes a HORRIBLE person, and in more recent events took away mafuyus only source of happiness (her computer where she talks to her music group, and her music stuff). shes so horrible. i hate her. MAFUYU LITERALLY CANT EVEN EXPRESS A SINGLE EMOTION FOR LIKE, THE MAJORITY OF THE PLOT BECAUSE OF HER
The entire reason mafuyu is traumatized. extremely manipulative, tries to take away everything that makes her child happy and make her child conform to what she thinks is a good lifestyle.
Mafumom's idea of love is, essentially, to repress and restrict her daughter's hobbies/interests/desires in the name of pushing her to the top of the academic world and eventually becoming a doctor. Her daughter, Mafuyu, is depressed, stressed, and suicidal as a result (she doesn't even want to be a doctor she actually wanted to be a nurse but her mom was like "aim higher gurl!"). Her only escapes are 1. the archery club and 2. the music circle she writes lyrics for in secret, both of which are things her mother is trying to deprive her of, as she's been spying on her over the course of the current arc. As of the event story "Immiscible Discord", she's even gone so far as to throw away Mafuyu's synthesizer, and has claimed to have spilled a drink on Mafuyu's laptop, forcing it to be sent away for repairs. Personally I think this is a bold-faced lie, she's probably actually trying to figure out how to install a keylogger or something. TLDR the woman's an academics-obsessed control freak
her mom doesn't have or deserve her own name in the canon gje;ioajsg
ANYWAY. so she's like. the main contender in the entirety of mafuyu's unit's story because basically she's controlling every aspect of her daughter's life, doing shit like restricting who her friends can be, throwing away her musical instruments (the literal only thing in her life that makes her happy), throwing away her laptop, sneaking through her laptop (prior to throwing it out) and messages, etc etc etc like!! she's the worst!!!
oh and mafuyu's friends were concerned for her so one of them met up w her mom to discuss the situation to which we learned for 100% certain that her mom is a certified bitch who doesn't care abt mafuyu's happiness whatsoever but instead just wants to have a perfect child…
also weird and fucked up when they snuck out to the local theme park and mafuyu saw a lost child get reunited w their parent and was Shocked to see the mother be compassionate and kind to the child instead of angry at them for wandering off (cue seeing a memory of mafuyu's mother getting mad at her for getting lost as a small child)
A vote against Mafuyu's mother is a vote against every shitty, conditional-loving parent out there. A vote against Mafuyu's mother is a vote in support of kids with autistic burnout. A vote against Mafuyu's mother is a vote for Mafuyu getting out.
i'm a DID system and i also feel that mafuyu herself is very DID-coded (the vocaloids in her sekai all read as alters to me)
Mrs. Asahina has the perfect family. Her daughter Mafuyu is talented, popular, and the top of every class. She attends cram school every day so she can get into a top medical school! Mrs. Asahina couldn't be more proud of her precious, polite daughter who knows it's always best to listen to her mother. Of course, a quick look beneath Mafuyu's facade reveals that her mother's efforts to strip away all imperfections have left Mafuyu a depressed shell who has been pretending to be happy for so long she can no longer feel anything at all. This game's worldbuilding revolves around the "Sekai," which are little pocket dimensions/personal mini-worlds born from one or more person's emotions and inhabited by "virtual singers" (Vocaloid characters including Hatsune Miku) whose personalities reflect those of the Sekai's creators. The world that manifests from Mafuyu's truest self is a grey void dotted with abandoned skeletons of unfinished buildings, and her version of Miku initially displays almost no understanding of how emotions are supposed to work. Mafuyu uses the Sekai as an escape, since she can't ever relax at home.
The game lets us see the results of Mrs. Asahina's toxic parenting long before we ever meet her in person. In-game, Mafuyu is part of a doujin music group with three other characters called Nightcord at 25:00, and her struggles are the driving force for N25's primary storyline. Mrs. Asahina, however, is not just responsible for Mafuyu's state at the beginning of the story, but actively fights to keep her daughter under her thumb going forward. Mafuyu's friends slowly make progress to help her become her own person through the music they all make together, but when that growth inevitably leads to some very small attempts by Mafuyu to stand up for herself, her mother tries to isolate her from her friends (who really aren't a good influence, you know; shouldn't someone as bright and talented as Mafuyu spend time with people who are as driven as her?) and to stop her from making music altogether. After all, the music is just a distraction from what's really important, like her studies. It's all in Mafuyu's best interest, of course, and Mrs. Asahina would be remiss not to ensure her daughter will grow up to be successful.
Since Project Sekai is a rhythm game, I would be remiss not to mention the music. Not only does N25 generally cover the songs with the darkest lyrics/tone out of all the groups in the game, but the original songs commissioned for the group really drive Mafuyu's brokenness home. Standouts include Composing the Future (the main song for all four characters, which focuses on a sense of hopelessness for one's future), Jackpot Sad Girl (Mafuyu's first focus song, which is about her inability to express her long-buried emotions), Bug (in which Mafuyu compares her existence to a computer glitch ruining her programmer's plans) and Samsa (which compares Mafuyu's life to that of Gregor Samsa in Franz Kafka's iconic tragedy, "The Metamorphosis")
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yifftwiceplz · 1 year ago
do one every ten lines :)
🤝 for a headcanon about a connection with one of the receiver's mutual
big fan of dave (yifftwiceplz) and dave (dj-shitslot) basically looking in a mirror at each other at all times, younger self in awe of "older" self (its just that dj is a guardian / has more responsibility) and older self looking back at younger self fondly. thats the good shit. they dont make shit like that anymore but we do like you pass your 13 year old self on the street and your gut reaction is to light up and say oh my god i love you and your 13 year old self is like holy shit, the parts of myself i always wanted to shine through are right there plain as day, we made it
🌇 for a headcanon about morning- or evening rituals
dave wakes up in the afternoon and mostly just lounges around for a few hours. due to his audhd and dysfunction he cant do Anything in any day unless 1. it was preplanned a week in advance 2. he has his obligatory four hour Do Fuck All time. where mainly he smokes weed and listens to music loud enough you can hear it across the house (even though he's wearing headphones). and then once he feels like a person he'll have breakfast, shower, brush his teeth etc and focus on work
😡 for a headcanon about something that makes them angry
it's so hard to make dave angry. maybe it was easier in sburb but he's genuinely a very happy guy. i specifically decided to RP him after i saw that smile on daves face on the lilypad i thought. my guy can heal now. so mostly any time he gets mad it's probably just that he's overstimulated. which is nebulous and random and hard to predict and he tries to grit his teeth and not show it until he snaps, which isn't ideal but he hates looking sensitive or asking someone to back off him in terms of actual real true anger - i dont think he feels it. maybe for a brief moment if someones attacking his friends - only a moment because immediately following that he's got his body and sword between them
🚗 for a transportation-themed headcanon
this bitch cant drive. bro never drove; they lived at the top floor apartment in a walkable neighbourhood what good would a car do yknow? bro had the hoverboard for any long distance trips actually it would be so moe of him to start skating again maybe i should do that. but anyway mostly he walks everywhere he goes. he FREQUENTLY forgets he can fly because thats like... a super power to him. to be used during a fight. but a long fly doesnt work as well as a long walk to clear your head if you have attention issues and mildly dissociate. hed end up in tennessee
hc + 🚬 for a headcanon about a bad habit
oh boy definitely the drinking is his worst habit. it's well-managed but sometimes gets out of hand which is HARD to recognize because dave does not typo when he's drunk. he says roxy is either weak or faking it. striders in general are high dexterity builds so it doesn't matter if his eyes work or if he's coherent - them fingers are gonna find the keys. but he's also a fun drunk! he and roxy share that trait where you get a little booze in them and it's a little easier for them to laugh and open up and be confident in themselves so dave is really good at playing off being totally wasted with being totally charming. and it leads to people letting him drink more than he should quite frequently. luckily karkat isn't as fond of drinking as he is and has a keen eye for when dave is too far gone
hc + 🎥 for a film/tv-themed headcanon
dave is very passionate about film/tv even with his limited "real" education on it, dude just has an eye for it. good editing / camerawork tickles him to death like in a reality show where the interviewee is oblivious to something and there's a slow camera zoom in... got him seal-clapping and kicking his legs in glee part of the reason he's always so busy and tired (which is hard to see because he's always online and blogging casually - that's just part of his process and he just responds to a couple things at a time) is he's such a perfectionist with his own videos. he will not hire an editor. no one understands his vision.
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campirebitesarchive · 2 years ago
more medical garbage bitching dont mind me (feel free to blacklist camyellsOW to ignore these)
im liking being able to look back on these before other appointments
im currently on hold with my insurance because my rheumatologist listened to me and he wrote me a prescription for ring splints and I called around to physical therapy offices and found one that has hand therapy and can take my and my appointment is in less than 3 weeks which for PT in my area and PT as specific as this thats AMAZING holy shit. Its actually closer to two weeks than 3 but I feel like im doxxing myself if i say specifics lmao
so im calling my insurance company to see if they can tell me ahead of time if there are a fuckload of hoops im going to have to jump through in order to get my splints
for the first time ever I feel kind of hopeful about my joint health. Were doing a lyme disease blood panel to see if thats the source of my nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and headaches. He ordered a couple more things Im going to google
I told him that I know we need to do physical therapy first but eventually id love to talk to him about a wheelchair and he said no and I started crying again and he was like I think thats a bad idea let me tell you why and I was like NO thats internalized ableism and thats a YOU problem! Wheelchairs are mobility they are FREEDOM. I cannot currently lift enough laundry at once to fill the washer without subluxing my shoulder/collarbone so I have to take multiple trips and frequently have to sit down between trips but with a wheelchair Id have the freedom and capability to just do a load of laundry. I already cook having to sit down. You can have an amazing wonderful fulfillling life in wheelchair that you cant have when youre in bed every day because everything hurts so much. You can tell me not right now or maybe in the future but just a no is the most hopeless answer you can give me. That is a YOU problem.
and he like did a little head tilt like a dog and was like. You know what? Youre right. Thats something I need to reevaluate in my own head. So, youre right I wont tell you know, but Ill tell you first we need to try physical therapy
that fucking honesty is why I love him so much. He was like "you need a therapist" and i was like dude if you tell me that one more time im going to start crying again I KNOW
and I apologized and thanked him for dealing with my anger because i just angry cried at him basically the entire appointment and he just said Its okay, I know Im not who youre mad at. I wont take it personally and holy shit that was just the biggest load off of my back and I was like no youre right im literally just mad at my body. At one point he said "you know im empathetic, I bet it does hurt that bad." Like holy shit Dr G you are a king amongst doctors. He had knee surgery recently and I used it against him and he didnt even get mad. In my angry crying I was like you just had knee surgery. Sitting in bed wallowing in pain all day. It fucking sucks doesnt it? Imagine twenty five fucking YEARS of that! and he just nodded and digested that and was like yeah, I hear you.
This man is the best doctor in the world
at the very least im on my way to my ring splints which will help my quality of life SO fucking much holy shit
I also told him about the highly unprofessional cardiologist i saw who just told me I was fat and showed me his grandsons fortnite youtube channel and he was like wow literally what? and I was like I dont know man. And then he talked shit about cardiologists and how they tend to be fuckin weirdos with egos and i was like yo go off my shady king
but on the bright side in less than a week were placing that heart monitor and it will be recording for two weeks and hopefully after that i can obtain my POTS diagnosis and hopefully thatll put me one step closer to being an ambulatory wheelchair user. Id love to still be upright and use my cane when I can but a wheelchair for bad days would be lifechanging
my oldest childhood friend is able bodied the idea of being able to just get a coffee and walk around target with her pain free makes me want to cry THAT is a hopeful future
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smashstiel · 5 days ago
i think the ask might just be too long so im gonna break it down into few .
so there was a lot before it but its not important basically i was at some kind of . bar pub thingy hanging out while my friend worked there but it wasnt an irl friend it was just someone i was friends with in the dream and at one point crowley came in and sat at one of the booths with like four other demons and i stopped my friend and was like hey so um the guy in the suit there . thats the king of hell . and the others are demons for sure . so the friend was like aight ill make sure they get everything they want bc i dont want any trouble so they gave him like. drinks and snacks and shit and at one point i had to move out from the bar where i was hanging out at and crowley spotted me and was like yo ! get that bitch a straberry watermelon margarita but it was like the iced version which is exactly what i got at seaworld australia and basically the thing was that in the Before in the dream . which wasnt sth that was in the dream but the backstory kinda . crowley wanted me to join him and i said no for some reason? so he was trying to get me on his side again but for some reason i couldnt join him bc . i promised someone i wouldnt or sth? and then at one point he paid for a guy to take me to a room to the side and give me a presenter that if i join crowley im gonna go on a trip thru europe and i rmemeber for some reason there was a polish area in the balkans and i was like yeah id love that bc i love travelling but i have to refuse . so crowley started getting me like expensive gifts and yhen when that didnt work he came to the side room i was in and just murdered a bunch of workers and i was like jeez aight ill join you . but the thing is you have to make it look like you kidnapped me bc i cant tell my friends i joined a demon . so he called a bunch of demons and they attacked the bar and basically threw me out the window there was also something abt me not being able to get to my locker in the locker room and the workers started yelling that its all my fault bc i didnt tell them hes a demon and i was like lmao??? i did ???? fuck off???? and then their heads exploded but . after they threw me out the window i flew to like a different part of the city bc it was . one of the two cities my dreams take place in and it was like the blokowisko storages place and crowley was moving stuff like. mattresses and furniture and shit and was pissy bc he had all the storage unit but one . and there was a whole long lore abt moving the items
obsessed with how instead of freaking out the friend was like. ok! got it! ill give them whatever they want <3 im OBSESSED with this dream. king of hell literally courted you !!!!!!!!!
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storyofx · 1 year ago
3:21 pm
My eyes red, voice hoarse, head aching, and a spirit burning with dark thoughts and fantasies of revenge dance around every inch of me.
I take a hit of the blunt…… the same thought ringing in my head….
 It keeps happening……
Every chapter ends the same way. No matter what I do, no matter how I try to change, no matter what path I take.
It always happens the same way.....
Is it my fault? How? Treat people how you want to be treated. Always be kind. Always be respectful. Always think positive and be honorable, karma will reward you…..
Well, that’s fucking bullshit……
I always used to think that saying “nice guys finish last” was so stupid. Like, I don’t expect the world to bow at my feet because I say please and thank you. I don’t expect that just because I hold the door open for someone that they automatically owe me whatever I ask for.
All my life I was taught to always put people before me. “That’s how a man should be”. But as I ponder my life up until this point I cant help but notice that most selfish, the most arrogant, the most………..
{phone rings}
X: hello?
Q: Yoooooo man what’s going on!
X: Nothing much man. Not doing too good but I’m …..
Q:  Hey man keep your head up, I need a favor....
{a few seconds of silence pass}
Q: you there man?
X: ….yeah man what do you need.
Q: I need you to take a ride to the usual spot.
X: look man I’m not feeling it today.
Q: c’mon man you said you’re feeling bad right? Use this trip to clear your head.
X: yeah, clear my head and my gas tank
Q: Cmon ma….
X: No you cmon man. I started taking these “trips” because I needed to make some extra cash. But since I’ve been taking these “trips” you haven’t paid me shit. At this point, I’m paying you to only benefit you. By doing this shit.
Q: Look man, that’s not how this works…
X: so how does this work? I risk everything, make you some quick cash, and then everything’s cool?
Q: bro you’re just having a bad day man…..
And right on cue…..It happens
X: you know what man. I’m done. I’m fucking done. Find someone else to do this shit.
Q: man quit fucking crying; all your doing is complaining when I’m pretty sure whatever you dealing with aint even no big fucking deal. Look man, come over to the crib after you done and we’ll smoke one and cool off.
X: It’s that easy huh?
Q: Yeah Nigga!!! Call me when it’s done.
X: bet that {hangs up phone}.
It’s been the same thing all my life.  I get fucked over some way and when I try to defend myself or show any sign of frustration, everyone tells me that I’m overreacting, that I shouldn’t have anything to be mad over, that I’m basically being a bitch…….
Everyday I replay every situation in my mind. From childhood to where I am now. Was I overreacting? Am I just being a bitch? I’ve seen people give support to someone for the same shit, but whenever it’s me it’s the same thing. “You have nothing to be angry at”, “you grew up with both parents in the suburbs, you aint never seen a problem”, “act like a man”.
I try to rationalize. See if it was truly me whose was in the wrong. Every day I analyze every single situation. No man, I was wronged, someone did something to me that wasn’t fair, that wasn’t right. How come it’s me who’s in the wrong every time?
Be honorable, treat people the way you want to be treated, be a man.
No…..this is bullshit. I’ve lived these teachings. Am I perfect? Absolutely not. But one thing I can say is that I’ve never brought anyone into my bullshit. The shit I’ve done behind closed doors. The shit I’ve done to escape and temporarily fill this void. The alcohol, the women, all of it. After all its my fault I never been taught how to take care of myself mentally. I've never been taught how to set boundaries. I’ve never been taught how to defend myself as a man when I’ve been done wrong. The only thing I’ve been taught is how to be used......
And put others first. Like the “Man” they want me to be.
But you know what……it’s time to learn something new.....
{Picks up phone a makes a call}
Q: Yoooo man! What’s up? You done with that already?
X: Yeah I’m done.
Q: Cool ma…..
X: with you…….with all of you…………..
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fuck-you-official · 1 year ago
Fuck my dad and unofficial brother. A few days ago during the last hour of our drive back home after visiting my brother's family, my brother decided to vape, it was outside of the car and away from me, but the smell lingers on him for up to 10mins after, and it makes me feel very sick. Like at the bare minimum i get a terrible headache that last for about an hour and generally makes me feel off for a few days and at the worst I'll get so dizzy that i almost pass out (with my vision smearing and having a few second delay causing more smearing and makes real things feel like hallucinations). And these bitches did fucking nothing, while i sat there coughing to the point of sobbing, to the point of almost collapsing next to the car when we made a stop for some snacks. Both very much know how this affects me, my brother having witness this before cuz he fucking decided a year back to vape in his car while i sitting right behind him and barely even crack the window once every 20-30 mins (at was 2 hour drive! 4 if you count the trip back were he did the same thing!), i could barely leave bed for two days!! And my dad, my gods my dad. I know he's barely around cuz work and doesnt know/understand alot of my issues but i was basically fucking dying back there and all he did was tell my brother to stand further away when he vaped (didnt help cuz it fucking lingers bitch) and tell me to just calm down, breathe, and power through it. Like bitch i have asthma and am generally pretty weak physically and emotionally i cant exactly do any of those easily especially during that type of shit. Its been a few days and im still suffering, cant even go to a doctor or anything cuz they never take this seriously especially since ive been diagnosed with autism. Like way to screw me over right before you leave the country again dad, i expect this from brother but you dad, i expect better from you mostly. Basically just fuck both
(note my brother is very much not my brother legally or biologically, his family just kinda adopted me and my dad into the family and before that my brother adopted me and my dad as sibling and uncle/dad. And as much as i want his head on a paper plate, he's still my unofficial brother and i atleast care for him same with my dad. Incidents like this are pretty rare, its just that this one grinds my damn gears)
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sprymagician · 2 years ago
VTM session report!
Today was Cool!!!!!!!!! We went into the Umbra with our Gangrals werewolf daughter because she found a cool fuzzy in a continental congress bunker. (Turns out it was Actually Mothman). We ALSO ran into a past version of the Anarch True Brujah leader, but from like, The 1800's. The poor gal got super flirted with by everyone.
After that we met a rat spirit named..... Rat. Taught him a song and he gave us a dead rat back.
After that we went back to the Anarch base and got harassed by a Lasombra girl named Jazz. Our Gangral definitely made things worse and made it so we basically have to hand over the Scourge (Who is a secret Salubri) over so she can Diablarize her. I then decided it would be nice to rizz that Sabbat girl up.
After that, We went to pick up my ghoul and again, The Gangral started in like an overbearing mother with "So when are you going to embrace her? Arent you two in love? It'll be so nice when you both are the same Clan." Bitch?????? Shut up, I was gonna ask the True Brujah to embrace her so she could have a better life than being a Ventrue????? I was also gonna have a heart to heart with her but sheesh, I guess you've tripped me down the stairs with that one.
Anyways we dropped her off at home and then visited my sire, A Victorian woman living like a queen and seeming Desperate for her Childers approval. She helped us out by giving us the location of the sheriff's home. (Abigail, I'm sorry you give off estranged mother vibes, I promise I'll visit you more. I'll even bring around my love interest or invite you to the farmhouse. You'll SEE MY PAIN. You'll SEE WHAT I DEAL WITH!!!!)
After that, Some combat happened that was retconned because little known Fact, COMBAT SUCKS TO BALANCE. Honestly WoD, how the FUCK are you supposed to make meaningful encounters and balance combat other than flipping the rulebook the middle finger.
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nopalfemme · 5 years ago
Ugh I hope your happy.. I loathe having this much negativity on my blog. pero y’all lost your damn minds
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moonandsunwoo · 4 years ago
Eric Sohn as your boyfriend
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➛ eric sohn x reader (I dont think I used any pronouns but feel free to comment if I missed it!) fluff
➛ listen to: let me in (20 Cube) by ENHYPEN
➛ warnings: some mild swearing, there is suggestive content under the second cut but not fullblown nsfw
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❥...!𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭:
Eric quite literally fell for you
and it was a painful fall at that, your freshly bought succulent adding some extra weight and definition to the whole tragedy
also because the dirt spilled everywhere and your poor Echeveria plant got yeeted right under a moving bus - because of course it would
and Eric just panicked
Like if he could have moved from beneath you, he would have definitely considered just going for it because oh my god the embarrassment
And then he looked up and you had about the prettiest face Eric could even imagine
So that made it ten million times worse
Luckily Sangyeon didn't raise no bitch
Luckily, Sangyeon also saw what happened from inside of the building, alongside Hyunjae and Jacob who had sent the poor boy running in the first place
Alright, technically Eric sent himself almost tripping out of the facility himself, because he forgot about the existence of bus times
Therefore he had to sprint to catch the bus
Well he didn't, funny enough, your poor succulent however did
it resulted in Jacob sweet-talking you from your initial shock into a state of almost comfort and Eric wishing he could have that kind of effect on people
it resulted in Jacob sweet-talking you from your initial shock into a state of almost comfort and Eric wishing he could have that kind of effect on people
it resulted in Jacob sweet-talking you from your initial shock into a state of almost comfort and Eric wishing he could have that kind of effect on people
But noooo he just had to run them over
He went and did pick the succulent up tho
or more like, tried to scrape the mashed up remains from off the pavement until you told him that it was no use anyways
That succulent was mush and so were Erics hopes of catching that last bus to get to class on time
So he offers you to go buy a new plant with him (after class though, because Sangyeon already gave him a warning death glare)
And whilst he wasn't as smooth as he had wished he was, you happily agreed
because damn he was cute alright
You guys did meet up after his class ended and you had a blast to say the least
and Eric came home with a cactus himself and a huge massive crush on you
Tries not to flex that he got your number and fails
Can't stop talking about you for the rest of the week because wow you guys just clicked so well and and and
Sunwoo would obviously never not call this a date btw and Eric would blush every time.
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❥..!𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩:
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Took him some time tbh
Simply because even though it was obvious, he still couldn't believe that someone like you fell for him
You guys went on so so many dates shopping sprees, small trips ect. and checked out almost every cafe that was near (for scientific purposes ofc. to see where the best coffee would get served. wink wonk)
to the point where he even took you to meet the rest of the boyz
And no one really believed that you guys were just friends
because you weren't
Well luckily he got over himself one day
and confess he did, just maybe he was so rushed and mumbly with it, and probably switching between every language he knew, that he had to do it twice
At least he made you feel special lmao
When you confessed your feelings to him too, he just kinda sat there for a second
Like 'wow it's that easy??'
He felt like he skipped an important step in an instruction book
Like a math problem that was too easy to be that simple
Would have his moment of megalomania right after because you ✨liked ✨him✨ back✨
We all know how competitive he can get, the good man
So prepare yourself for battling out the most basic things
will make everything a competition if he can
will also lose, like more than fifty percent of the time but its okay
just kiss him afterwards or something
That will send him into a hormonal overdrive instantly
Not that he would admit it tho hahah
Heeee??? flustered because you did as much kiss him???? ᵃⁿᵈ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᶦᶠ ʰᵉ ʷᵃˢ
Please wear his clothes
Can be anything, really; his shirt, sweater, hoodie, his huge jackets or a pair of sweats
Do it and he will melt and only grin dopey for the rest of the night
The type of boyfriend to wake you up at 3AM because he swears he heard someone knock against the window no kidding
on the third floor
he had a nightmare, just hold him
Can't cook, will however try to impress you with his cooking skills none the less
Hey at least he cleans up afterwards *ahem* sunwoo *ahem*
if you cant already do it, he'd probably love trying to go skating with you
would one hundred percent be the most patient you had ever seen him and so proud after every accomplishment no matter how tiny
Will ramble about his day to you
Will get all loud and boast-y if you decide to visit him at the studio
"Eric no."
Eager kisser, I just want to say it again
Will buy you a succulent every anniversary. Guaranteed.
Very unlike how he is when your like alone and sinning (lol sry)
Very gentle with you, asks like seven thousand times if its okay and if you're comfortable
kinda scared that he could do something wrong, kinda insecure about himself
Maybe you’re even his first time and he's just so unsure oh dear
Like what if you dont like it oh my god what if he does something WRONG
knocks out almost immediately after sex, after giving his best to take care of you
Very much into cuddling afterwards, but don't ever bring it up he will yeet
I know many people might disagree with that but I will gladly die on that hill alright
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🪴 ꒱
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