#i cant see what i need to be to be the mech i wanna be 😔
they-hermes · 1 month
im not one for character playlists anymore. but shoutout to that one mtmte megatron playlist that had "the pony i wanna be" from my little pony. the one with diamond tiara, the bully character. absolutely insane what went into the playlist creators mind
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jazz-miester · 1 year
Im in the mood to cry today so I’d like a Bayverse optimus prime x mech reader.. Who dies.
I WANNA CRY MY EYES OUTT. Author, give it all ya got. Make it hurt. Make it bleed. I KNOW I CANT HANDLE IT BUT IM A SUCKER FOR ANGSTTTT
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Pairing: Bayverse Optimus x Reader
Reader Type: Mech
Song: Mercury- Sleeping at last
Warnings: Angst. Character death.
An: I love the fact that this is like. The third bayverse Optimus request I got lol. And I'm glad that you like my stuff so much! Umm. I also lowkey cried while writing this. So uhh. Angst.
a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass.
It's the pain that hits him. Searing and all consuming that blooms over his frame. The it is gone just as quickly as it came. The feathered ends of the bond pulling away from his spark.
Optimus is sent reeling from the suddenness of it. An icy worry fill its empty place. This wasn't just the blocking of pain to keep the other from getting distracted. No.
"Optimus! Y/n's been hit!" The Prime's frame moves before he even tells it to. There is a hollow ringing in his audio receptors. His mind here but not as he is running across the battlefield.
His men part and flood back into place behind him as he moves. The world nothing more than a blur around him in his desperatin to get to you.
"My spark. My spark please." Optimus calls out to you through the bond. Pushing back every bit of fear and worry just so he could hear you. He needs to hear you.
He needs you.
There is a frame on the metal earth. Energon spilled below it. Medics bow over the fallen frame. Calling and speaking to one another only the way another medic could.
It is Ironhide who lays a sprawling servo on his chassis. The old mech gently pushing back.
"Prime. Its." He could not finish. Didn't dare speak the words. He said nothing but gave Optimus a look that would haunt the Prime until the day he returned to the well. A look that did not suit the old war hardened mech.
Optimus was able to do little else but stare for the briefest of klicks. Unable to come to terms with what was about to be a devastating truth.
To lose ones sparkmate.
To lose the only other that knew your frame. Your mind. Your very soul and drive for life.
It meant a total loss of oneself when the other half passed. For when they were gone they took a piece of the livings ones spark with them. You are never truly whole after. And there will never be another who could fill its place.
Optimus stepped forward. Pushing away Ironhide's arm. He could see Chromia from the corner of his optic. The blue femme was shaking. Frame covered in energon not her own.
"Optimus. I. I'm sorry." Optimus turned towards her. "I tried but he,. He.he."
"That is all I could as for, my friend." Optimus was at your side now. The medics having moved away. Fluttering about your fallen frame and the Prime like a flock of startled cyber-birds.
"My spark." Optimus's voice was hollow. He fell to his knees beside you. Servo hovering over the wound on your chassis. Light from you spark was leaking through the jagged metal.
A cracked spark chamber. Fixable in any other circumstance. But to see another's light. Their very life. It.
"I am going to lose you My Spark." His voice strained. Broke. "I am going to lose you." Optimus drew you into his arms. One rested beneath your shoulders. His servo cradling your helm. Holding it close to his own bleeding spark.
"I am sorry." Optimus could barely hear you. Your normally tenor voice, nearly a sing song at time when you spoke, was gone. The life of it pulled away just as you were doing now.
"I didn't see them." Your servo followed a shaking arc to the one cradling your helm. "I didn't see them." You repeated. Curling your digits around Optimus's.
"There is no need. Do not apologize.I" For the first time in a long long while. Optimus was at a loss for words.
For what words could one speak as the one they loved laid dying in their arms?
There is none. And that is the grief of it all.
"I need you My Spark. I need you." The tears fell and around them the others moved. Turning their backs to give the Prime time to grieve. To keep them both safe as the war raged around them.
"I know my love. I know." You sputtere and energon fell past your lips. The light of your spark grew brighter.
Optimus sobbed. Grieved. Cried out to all those who would listen.
"You can not leave. I will not allow it." Optimus brushed away the energon at your lips. His chin trembling as he took in your flickering Optics. "I am Prime! You can't. You can't." Optimus rocked.
You took his servo. Pressed a kiss to his knuckles. Then cradled it above your chassis. Above your dying spark.
"Oh Optimus. You are Prime. But you are no god. No even you can pull back the strings of fate."Optimus's helm fell over your chassis. Desperate to feel the warmth of your spark one last time. He cried and rocked with you in his arms. Broken voice pleading for you to stay just a bit longer.
"My love let me rest. Return my frame to Cybertron." You pressed your helm to him. "But know that I will always be with you. My spark will always be with yours." Optimus turned his helm. Pressed his lips to the crown of your helm
"Optimus I will be with you in this life and the next. My soul will follow yours no matter where this life finds you." There was a surge of energy as your spark grew closer to failure. The volatile ball of energy searching for a way out. "And I will be waiting upon your return to the well. Promise me though. That you will life a long life. A happy one. And make memories for me."
There was the final surge of energy. Your optics over bright and your chassis glowed a brilliant hue. Blinding the Prime in your death.
You frame slackened. Helm spilling away from the Primes chassis. Wit it the final break in his spark. The total and complete loss. Torn smoothly and harshly away.
"I promise."
He felt nothingness without you there.
Optimus cried out. Yelling until his vocalizer broke and gave way to silence. Even then he grieved. Heml buried into you. Frame shaking and trembling as the bond dissipated. He cursed the name of Primus then Unicron.
Then spat on the name of Megatron for good measure.
Tenderly. Gently. Optimus lifted your frame for the last time. He laid your rapidly greying frame on a stretcher the medics supplied. Then turned towards Chromia.
"Who." It was curt. Hollow. Devoid of any feeling.
"Optimus." She spoke.
"Who, Chromia." The energon you spilled had not yet dried on his servos.
"Prime. We cannot, in any sensible-" Optimus cut Ironhide off.
"I do not care Ironhide. They took my sparkmate from me. And I will kill them all. "
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
anyone else out there new to fictionkin , having their world turned on its head , finding out it meant something else than what the internet taught you (i always thought kin meant what synpath means lol) , and you realize it fits you perfectly ? but you also keep worrying you might look like youre faking it cuz you dont have any of that canon memory or past life stuff and really just None of what everyone else seems to be experiencing ? like youre just that fictional character trapped in a human shell and not much else ? did you also make an entire google doc compiling possible "evidence" that proves youre beyond a doubt fictionkin but you still kinda feel like youre faking it ? am i the only one ??
like. i've had this feeling for over a year . before i watched any part of spearmaster's campaign i asked my friends if its weird that i feel a connection to them (spearmaster) . I've been calling them me or basically me for a year . looking at fanart of them always makes me feel like im looking at myself . why do i feel faaaaake just bc i dont really have memories from canon . I dont understand memories . any other fictionkin out there that doesnt understand memories? is it,, okay to even talk abt my kintype like this ? with a hint of seperation between them and me ? like we're both the same and not? is it weird to say "me" "i" "myself" instead of "spearmaster" or vice versa? is it ok to talk abt this in the . fictionkinfessions askbox??? is it ok to post where other fictionkins can see ? will this pondering harm anyone??
i know everyone's experience can and will be different but mine feels. too different yonow . i dont get why i cant wrap my head around it . i feel like i wouldnt be able to distinguish memories from my general knowledge of the source . Is anyone else like this. i cant be the only one dude . the way i experience being fictionkin feels like the same way i experience being otherkin : looking at images makes me think "haha wow thats me" and sometimes i feel like my actual body is a mech . and thats not how any fictionkin-related site described being fictionkin . should i just call myself otherkin ? are these rhetorical questions? no theyre not i need answers
i could elaborate on this more and more and more but i dont wanna talk Tooooo much . Im sorryyy
- spearmaster rain world
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e17omm · 5 months
So I got this idea recently, but I might do like a "HI3 retold" or something. Because first of all, for a while I've been feeling like HI3 missed out on more and more little (and big) things, like explaining WS' structure which didnt really happen when Mei joined, or Mei's shift from "we cant retreat, must solve the eruption before Kiana arrives" to "nah Kiana's got this" happening off screen, to most of Elysium Everlasting and basically all of New Project Stigma. But even things like, an epilogue to HoS and a setup chapter to HoDom. Not rushing through Herrschers as fast as we did.
And second of all, I've been wanting to replay HI3 but haven't found the justification reason for doing so. "I wanna replay" just isnt enough for me in this case.
So I've thought of going through the chapters and writing as I play. Taking each arc by themselves before I publish my rewritten version of the chapters.
Now, most chapters would be basically unchanged. Will of the Herrscher? Mwah. Arc City? Mwah. Sea of Quanta? Mwah. Nagazora? Mwah. (From what I can remember of them at least.) But there would be things like, a chapter or EX chapter after 17 to cover Mei joining WS, some of its structure, how it operates, etc. Extending the HoDom arc to four chapters so the fakeout happens at the end of the second chapter making it a bit more believable.
Like, this is a broad overview of the first 4 chapters which will be biggest difference from canon excluding the final chapters;
Chapter 1: big aircraft ship crashes towards the city. Kiana and co are sent to stop it. Its been damaged from a battle with the 4th Herrscher, so everyone onboard has turned to zombies. Hence why its crashing towards a city. It would basically play out the same, with more zombies, more Honkai beasts, and less mechs. And no wierd code quest thing for Kiana that is never relevant.
Chapter 2: flashback. Still need the tutorial. Chapter 2 is basically the same, except instead of a test at the end, they get an alarm that the events of chapter 1 are happening. I also figured I could explain the type chart by making it Schicksal propaganda "oh look, AE mechs are just good against Valkyries. They dont want to fight the Honkai with us blah blah blah". Rita can still be sus and foreshadow things, I think I can squeeze it in before the test. (Or just have the test but end the chapter on the emegency)
Chapter 3: instead of going at the start of the 4th Eruption, Wendy is the 4th Herrscher before the game even starts. So instead we are sent here as backup. See, Wendy has been fighting basically non-stop. Schicksal keeps sending in competent aircraft and Valkyries to wear her down, and theyre chasing after her. So Kiana, Mei, Bronya, and Himeko and Theresa on the Hyperion is sent to keep the 4th Herrscher occupied until Durandal can arrive to finish her off. Then Kiana and co get lucky, can still get through to Wendy somewhat, and since its established that Wendy is worn down, makes their Herrscher defeat more reasonable. Then the ending can happen basically the same.
Chapter 4 would also be pretty much the same at this point.
"Broad overview" my ass...
What that would do is establish Herrschers like these big threats that the main cast is currently too weak to fight against. They only took down a tired and worn down Herrscher after 3 chapters of basically being the background cast to the fighting.
So, you know, when Kiana turns into the Herrscher of the Void three chapters later, it is a much bigger "oh fuck" moment. But also an "oh god what is a Herrscher at full power like?" moment, which pays off as HoV shows what a real Herrscher can do before theyre worn down and tired.
Because like, what is the point of the 1st chapter in the grand scheme of things? It is a really cool opening, but thats all it is. Its never relevant again. You could start at chapter 2 and the rest of the story stays unchanged.
So why not make it part of the 4th Eruption fighting and put Kiana, Mei, and Bronya's starting strength at "can barely take down a weakened and tired Herrscher" in chapter 3 to "can fight the most powerful Herrscher head on" in the final chapters.
Of course this is me though. Any oppertunity I get I will axe New Project Stigma, replace it with the Old Project Stigma, have the heroes stop it, and then have a proper fight against the Herrscher of the End which was foreshadowed since the 2E manga - that we also never got to see in-game. Just the Kevin knockoff.
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darkicedragon · 4 months
darkicedragon mecha pilot frankenstein grumbling abt a pain or something muzaka asking abt it frankenstein just strips out of his suit to either show something in his lower back or hip bc what is body consciousness when ur kinda thinking like u have a metal shell of a body muzaka just like 😳 before doing what he can to help azure HECK YESSS absolutely needing the suits à la Evangelion uwu brain doesn't wanna do more writing but Franken struggling with depersonalization because the connection to the mech blurs the lines between what is his body and what is the mech, sometimes Franken comes out of the mech, believing his own body is that of the mech so when he has to use his own body, things don't go well that's why he's got bruises and his glasses are fked
darkicedragon does he still have a connection and ds also moves, or does he just stare off into space thinking hes moving ene 'why i cant i zoom in more?' 'uh. bc ya dont have cameras fer eyes?' 'annoying' azure also obligatory like metal spine bc Muzaka having to work on his back cuz Franken can't reach and make sure he eats and drinks, because what are hunger and thirst cues darkicedragon what are pain cues //slams into a table and keeps walking// 'my arm doesnt seem to be functioning that well' 'thats cause ya broke it, dummy!!' azure also there being a time limit where a pilot can stay connected to a mech bc otherwise, the connection mingles the line between what is the pilot's body and what's the mech and if they spend too much time connected, the line blurs, and the pilot's body becomes one with the mech and when the connection stops, the separation is so distressing, it might kill the pilot and ofc Franken pushes that limit, which is why he's not good at not hurting himself Muzaka having to disconnect him mid mission darkicedragon 'whyd you do that??' 'bc youre currently lookin at me thru ds, not your eyes!!!' 'i can see you.' 'what angle' 'from ………………. oh' azure obligatory scene with Muzaka entering DS and manually disconnecting Franken pulling the wires and cables out of his back as Franken tries to stop him, but his body won't move also obligatory scene with Franken in the mech protecting Muzaka a giant metal hand wrapping around Muzaka to keep him safe darkicedragon yaaaaaaaaa
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rising-lotus · 1 year
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The Hunt, 3/2/22
Logs from a hunt based roleplaying event! Rising and crew travel to the Fringes, something has been terrorizing the people at night! They say it’s the spirit of a deceased magitech colossus named Bellator that caused a ruckus a few months back, but Rising isn’t so sure...
Rising Lotus stood waiting for the group, eyes straining to read a map as daylight was quickly fading. "Oh good." she looked up at the group as they approached, tucking the map away. "Was gettin' some more infor 'bout what we're after. Somehow I doubt it'd be the spirit of a machine, even if it is the one I'm thinkin' off..."
Augusta Aventurine gazes upon you in deep reflection.
Riylli Aliapoh: "I'd suggest makin' a visit to Stillglade Fane. The teachers there would be able to help you get through a mental block if that's your issue, and if not then they'd at least be able to tell you what the issue is! If theres anything good about Gridania it's that place."
Augusta Aventurine: "The flyer did say something about a machine... is it a leftover Garlean machina from the war?"
Reille Halleina: "It's probably just imperial desserters."
Zoronado Tatanado beams at Riylli Aliapoh.
Ziv Zorasch: "I've battled many spirits any many machines but never the spirit of a machine..."
Ziv Zorasch seems lost in thought.
Rising Lotus: "Well, the locals are sayin' it's the ghost of a magitech that caused a ruckus back there sometime back, which I can only assume they mean is Bellator." she crossed her arms. "But we know his remains were takin' away..an' if he did, or does have a spirit, I don't think he'd be hauntin' people, let alone killin' 'em in the night."
You draw your weapon before Augusta Aventurine.
Ziv Zorasch furrows his brow.
Augusta Aventurine ponders over you.
Zoronado Tatanado does a backflip.
Riylli Aliapoh: "Probably a voidsent, the Twelveswood is full of 'em. This may not be the forest proper, but I doubt they'd care"
Rising Lotus: "Stay on you're guard, we ain't know what we're up against. I'm assumin' some sort of broken garlean thing, but we'll see. We're headed southward, to some place called Dimworld. I've heard it's swampy so try to stay on the path."
Augusta Aventurine nods to you.
Ziv Zorasch made a sour expression at Rising's explanation, feeling the power welling up inside him as his emotions simmered. "A populace terrorized. Innocent lives lost. Say no more." He reached into the darkness of his heart and conjured a katana for protection.
Riylli Aliapoh: "I wonder if a voidsent can posess a Garlean mech... I cant think of a reason why they couldnt"
Rising Lotus: "They're in statues an' stuff, so maybe?"
Ziv Zorasch: "It wouldn't surprise me. Voidsent have a way of working their corruption into all sorts of things..."
Reille Halleina: "It could certainly pass as a body by voidsent qualifications."
Augusta Aventurine seems lost in thought.
Rising Lotus looks around the swampy area, a light fog hiding most of the broken woods. "...well this certainly looks like some place you'd find somethin' like that. Wonder what happened down here."
Augusta Aventurine: "I wonder what kind of voidsent could possess a magitech..."
Reille Halleina passes by Zoro and whispers "BOO!"
Zoronado Tatanado smirks confidently at Reille Halleina.
Zoronado Tatanado: "It'll take more than that to spook a Bulwark Knight!"
Riylli Aliapoh: "I love a good swamp... Hey, you guys wanna see something cool?" Riylli asks excitedly
Augusta Aventurine nods to Riylli Aliapoh.
Augusta Aventurine: "I do!"
Ziv Zorasch ponders over Riylli Aliapoh.
Zoronado Tatanado ponders over Riylli Aliapoh.
Reille Halleina feels like this might be a loaded question coming from Riylli. "Suuure."
Rising Lotus | While it was still dusk, the fog and trees of the Dimwood make it quite dark. "Hmm...should've brought some lanterns..." she glances to Riylli. " It might attract attention...so sure. Maybe you'll lure it out."
Riylli Aliapoh needs little encouragement to show off, so with Augusta's response she eagerly rushes to the side of the swamp and pulls out a shard of crystal from her pocket. Those familiar might recognize it as the golem core shard she uses to summon her familiar. Her ringbands begin to glow, and she tosses it into the swamp
Rising Lotus: "The locals say they see red eyes in the fog before it strikes, see keep an' eye out for that though. Wheter they're eyes or jus', lights? Like from magitech?"
Augusta Aventurine scans the area around Riylli Aliapoh.
Zoronado Tatanado: "Careful... I think these are goosefish waters. They'll grab you by the leg and drag you into the muck if you're not careful."
Riylli Aliapoh waits there for a second as the water glows, then out crawls a little goopy friend!
Riylli Aliapoh: "Ta-da!"
Augusta Aventurine motions joyfully to the mudpie.
Augusta Aventurine: "That's a cute little guy!"
Ziv Zorasch looks around.
Reille Halleina: "Ah, it's a little mudperson."
Rising Lotus: "Hmm, would've figured it'd be to watery to do that. Looks pretty neat, maybe it can throw itself in the beast's eyes to blind it!"
Ziv Zorasch stayed on the lookout for potential threats--his green eyes darting alertly around the shadowy corners of the swamp which he otherwise found quite comfortable.
Riylli Aliapoh: "It needs a name, if anyone's got any ideas. The dirt golem I named Pummel"
Augusta Aventurine gazes upon the mudpie in deep reflection.
Rising Lotus: "Uhh...Rolling Filth."
Reille Halleina: "Hmmmm, Riylli, I thought you were trying to avoid water aether, your little friend seems a little damp." Reille sounds more than a little smug.
Augusta Aventurine: "Hmmm, how about... Squirmel!"
Zoronado Tatanado: "I'd go with Podorodo."
Atreus Sergius has logged in.
Zoronado Tatanado keeps a watchful eye over his surroundings.
Riylli Aliapoh crosses her arms and glares at Reille. "Not my fault mud holds water so well y'know."
Ziv Zorasch tries hard to concentrate.
(Riylli Aliapoh) (I like how Rising and Zoro gave race appropriate names))
Reille Halleina smiles patronizingly at Riylli, "It's almost as if aether works better when balanced."
Riylli Aliapoh: "Hmm... All good names, but none of them feel *right*. Lets keep goin' for the bounty, and if y'get anymore ideas shout 'em out!"
Augusta Aventurine nods to Riylli Aliapoh.
Rising Lotus nods. "Aye, stay to the bridge, by the looks of that fella you could get your foot stuck in there."
Augusta Aventurine concentrates on the mudpie.
Riylli Aliapoh: "It IS balanced. Earth and earth. How can y'get more balanced than that!"
Zoronado Tatanado is taken aback.
Zoronado Tatanado: "Did you see that?!"
Augusta Aventurine: "Hm? See what?"
Reille Halleina mutters to herself, "Honestly, I've met rocks more stubborn than that child."
A question springs to Ziv Zorasch's mind.
Zoronado Tatanado: "Over there!"
Zoronado Tatanado points.
Riylli Aliapoh || The mud blob follows at Riylli's feet, climbing up onto the docks and immediately slipping through the cracks into the water below
Zoronado Tatanado: "Oh it's... just a goosefish."
Ziv Zorasch snaps his fingers, causing the inside of the Pumpkin Butler's head to illuminate and light up the way a little.
Augusta Aventurine looks around.
Reille Halleina: ((less stubborn ack))
Ziv Zorasch fails to understand Zoronado Tatanado.
Zoronado Tatanado beams at the Pumpkin Butler.
Rising Lotus | as the group continued onward through the swampwood, they'd pass more broken trees, magitech long abandoned along with the occasional soldier remains. There was also the sounds of what lurked in the dark, animal or otherwise scurrying and rustling about.
Augusta Aventurine: "Hmm... wonder if there's any ceruleum left in them..."
Rising Lotus: "Hmm..nothin' but trees an' broken shite. Maybe folks an' chocobos are jus' gettin' stuck in the mud..."
(Zoronado Tatanado) This is the way
Ziv Zorasch closed his eyes and tried to hone his senses to reach out for any signs of a nearby dark presence.
Zoronado Tatanado adjusts his grip on his sword. "It's rarely that simple..."
Reille Halleina hangs back to see if she sense anything amiss with the aether in the Dimwold swamp around them. Or steps other than the footfall of their small party.
Riylli Aliapoh sniffs the wind
Augusta Aventurine looked about, for any signs of a big moving magitek device.
Rising Lotus | The groups searching would be mostly fruitless. The smell of swamp covered up anything too out of the ordinary, or perhaps there prey just lurked around here too much? There were a few piles of magictech scrap sticking out of the waters, a strange amount at that. The aether wouldn't feel to out of the ordinary.
(Rising Lotus) Ziv give me a roll))
Random! Ziv Zorasch rolls a 912.
(Zoronado Tatanado) "Legolas! What do your elf eyes see?!"
Rising Lotus | Ziv however would definitely feel something off! Coming towards one of the piles of scrap in the water...
Ziv Zorasch takes a moment of silence.
Reille Halleina sighs in frustration at sensing nothing out of the ordinary. "Maybe we should start looking for a bandit camp?"
Ziv Zorasch: "It's near. That heap of debris."
(Rising Lotus) <se.1> !!![Something is happening! Please keep to banter!]!!!
Augusta Aventurine ponders over Ziv Zorasch.
Augusta Aventurine looks around.
Ziv Zorasch would point out to them the wreckage that had the weird energy.
Ziv Zorasch points.
Augusta Aventurine draws her weapon.
Reille Halleina: "Which heap. there are so many."
Ziv Zorasch: "A dark presence. Be on guard. Maybe it is a spirit after all..."
Augusta Aventurine nods to Ziv Zorasch.
Augusta Aventurine: "If Ziv says there's something, it's good enough for me!"
(Reille Halleina) *Reille gets smacked in the face with a giant sword*))
Zoronado Tatanado looks around.
Rising Lotus | The very heap would started rustling and rumbling, something started to raise out of the water. It was massisve, definitely the size of a magitech colossus! Two glowing red eyes blinked open and looked at the group, followed by a gutteral roar! It started stomping toward the group, and as the moonlight peeking through the trees hit their mark, it's idently was revealed!
Zoronado Tatanado readies for battle.
Rising Lotus While it was a voidsent, it was...much less elegant than something possesing a broken piece of tech. A muud Suud must of wandered into the Fringes, using the scraps of garlean infintry as makeshift armor! It started lumbering toward the group, but luckily they were able to find it before it got the jump on them!
(Rising Lotus) Pic of it in the event chat!
Rising Lotus draws her axe as the ground started to tremble, looking up at the giant voidsent. "Well looks like you were right!" she smirked as she glanced at Riylli. "..that is a voidsent right? With them glowin' eyes?"
Riylli Aliapoh readies her staff and immediately begins to channel, the muddy familiar sifting up through the cracks in the planks and casually spinning in mid air besides Riylli. "YEET" Riylli flicks her staff forward and sends her friend flying towards the enemy's eyes (hopefully)
Augusta Aventurine looks at the newcomer. "That's one big voidsent... and is that..." she squints her eyes. "Rusty, metal pieces of magitek on it? No wonder people thought it was a magitek."
Reille Halleina mutters to herself as she draws her rapier, "This is what I get for spacing out through X'rhun's lectures. Oblivious to voidsent."
Ziv Zorasch: "Wretched brute! Hold nothing back. If it is voidsent then I might be able to consume it once it's weak enough."
(Rising Lotus) Some special rules for tonight! As the foe is partially armored, any rolls 400 or under will be blocked and will do no damage! Although, if someone's attack manages to hit over 900, then he'll lose some armor, lowering the nondamage number!))
Zoronado Tatanado didn't hesitate to leap off the bridge to put himself between this unholy beast and his team. "RANANOOORRRAAAGH!" He slammed his sword against his shield, sending bright sparks all around in an attempt to gain--and keep-- its attention!
Rising Lotus |The mud golem hits him in the face, but the beast has been wallowing in mud. It seems unaffected.
(Riylli Aliapoh) fool, the extra mud will only make my familiar more dangerous
(Rising Lotus) Alright combat start! For those that wern't here last week, if you're going to attack give me a /random after your post!))
(Reille Halleina) do we have turns?))
(Rising Lotus) It'll go ally turn, and then enemy turn, and then repeat!
Augusta Aventurine looked around and then jumped to the tree to her left. Bouncing off it, she dove spearfirst towards the voidsent, aiming for the unarmored parts of it.
Random! Augusta Aventurine rolls a 976.
Rising Lotus hopped off the wooden bridge, charging toward the beast with her axe barred. She veered to its flank at the last moment, swinging wise and aiming at it's leg.
(Rising Lotus) Random! 551
Ziv Zorasch raised his greatsword high above his head with a deep breath, drawing on the dark energy that was replete in the swamp. The air around him grew thick with dark energy as waves of shadowy energy rippled from the greatsword and crashed into their enemy like a wave.
Riylli Aliapoh: "Go little guy! Try to get in its nose or something!" She calls out to her splatted friend, and those with a keen eye would see her familiar's face shifting around in the mud that covers the voidsent. Doing as it's told, the face travels up towards the nose and attempts to plug it up, being more of an annoyance than a danger
Random! Ziv Zorasch rolls a 535.
(Riylli Aliapoh) (Can I still take the 500
(Rising Lotus) Yes! Thank you, if you don't want to chance it, you can always take a flat 500 for your roll))
Zoronado Tatanado did his best to provoke the best, raising his glimmering sword high above his head (which would be waist high for everyone else) and setting the blade ablaze with a bright but silent and odorless white flame!
Random! Zoronado Tatanado rolls a 539.
Reille Halleina summons a swarm of seven small aether rapiers around her. She twirls her rapier like a baton, then points it at the void sent sending her rapiers out to impale it.
(Reille Halleina) random
Random! Reille Halleina rolls a 488.
(Rising Lotus) <se.4> !!![Attack Resume!]!!!
(Rising Lotus) woops
(Reille Halleina) I remember how to do commands in the critically acclaimed mmo))
(Rising Lotus) <se.1> !!![Something is happening! Please keep to banter!]!!!
Rising Lotus | The Iron Suud had its arms raised like it was about to strike, but the squirming mud trying to cram its way up the voidsent's nose caused it to stagged. While it struggled with the pint sized annoyed, it let out a pained roar as Rising's attack made contact, making a light gash against it's muscled thigh. It then was barraged with not only magical rapier lightly piercing its skin, but Ziv's dark wave of magic! >
Rising Lotus All of this left if perfectly open for Gusta's plummeting spear attack, her spear driving deep into the beast's shoulder. Using it's opposite arm as it screeched and wailed, it would attempt to swipe Gusta off. After finally snot-rocketing the mud golem to the ground, the first thing it saw was Zoro's bright sword, and bringing both fists together, it started to bring them down in his direction!
(Rising Lotus) Can I get a roll from Gusta and Zoro?))
Random! Zoronado Tatanado rolls a 28.
Random! Augusta Aventurine rolls a 989.
(Riylli Aliapoh) hes DEAD
(Augusta Aventurine) OwO ""
(Zoronado Tatanado) RIP spudknight
Rising Lotus | As it swiped Gusta off it knocked some of it's armor off as well!
(Rising Lotus) Gusta gracefully avoids the swipe and is set up for a counter attack! +100 to their next roll. Zoro is getting very heavily hit, and loses their next attack.
(Rising Lotus) <se.4> !!![Attack Resume!]!!!
(Rising Lotus) Also! You can use your attack to defend someone! You lose your attack for that turn though, as you're using the roll to defend them.
Ziv Zorasch moved in quickly to take some of the heat off of Zoro, winding up and delivering a discus slash at the giant's leg. His blade trailed with black particles as the shadows coalesced into a tangible weapon.
Random! Ziv Zorasch rolls a 597.
(Rising Lotus) Basically Cravs rules if you'd done combat events with them xD))
Augusta Aventurine takes a breath as she finds herself up against a tree after getting thrown back, her feet positioned and ready to pounce on the foe. She takes lance in hand and aims for the nape of the neck of the giant voidsent. (Or assuming there's armor there, some open spot)
Random! Augusta Aventurine rolls a 545.
Zoronado Tatanado had just enough time to raise his shield and brace himself for the double-whammy, disappearing in a cloud of dirt and mud when the fists slammed down where he was standing! When the Suud lifted his hands, Zoro was on his back, and halfway buried.
Riylli Aliapoh: "Hey! That's rude! How's'about I show you the fruits of my training!" She yells at the voidsent, then begins to gather aether into her staff. The mudsplat on the ground begins to gurgle and grow in size, more and more mud being drawn towards it including what remained on the voidsent's body. "Now!" Riylli calls out and lifts her staff high. With a flash of golden aether a humanoid form bursts upwards from the mud, with long limbs and a dripping grin. It attempts to go for a rising uppercut-
Riylli Aliapoh: -as it bursts from the ground, but can Riylli hold its form long enough?
Random! Riylli Aliapoh rolls a 110.
Riylli Aliapoh: THE ANSWER IS NO, and the fist fizzles back into mud as the mudman tries to throw its punch
Reille Halleina begins conjuring a ball of wind in her left fist until it becomes a small cyclone she shakes off her hand and it begins rippling on the ground beside her. She continues to coax the cyclone into a bigger and bigger shape until it is the size of Ziv. Then she flourishes her rapier at Iron Suud and sends the cyclone rushing across the ground towards it.
Random! Reille Halleina rolls a 823.
Rising Lotus feinted backwards after the suud attacked. Unable to get to Zoro's aid in time, she raised her axe high and lept towards its arm, bring her weapon down with all her weight on the voidsent's limb.
(Rising Lotus) Random! 689
(Rising Lotus) <se.1> !!![Something is happening! Please keep to banter!]!!!
(Augusta Aventurine) think I'm too far and missed some rolls, lol
Ziv Zorasch: "Zoro! Are you stuck?"
Ziv Zorasch expresses his worry with Zoronado Tatanado.
(Riylli Aliapoh) (want me to repost?
(Augusta Aventurine) if you'd like, but it's okay XD. I'll probably find out what's going on in a sec. ))
(Riylli Aliapoh) (The tldr is Riylli summoned a mudman, but its fist fizzled as it went for a punch
(Reille Halleina) and a Ziv sized cyclone
(Augusta Aventurine) poor mudman ))
(Reille Halleina) and Zoro is on it's back
Zoronado Tatanado: "Uuugh.... nngh... 'tis.... b-but a scratch...!"
Rising Lotus | Raising its fists right after bonking poor Zoro into oblivion, it was left open to the groups attacks, Rising managing to give it another decent sized gash on its arm, while the dark slashes to its other leg caused it to stagged for a moment, but the beast's hulking form rose one more! The nape of its neck didn't have armor, but the natural scales prevented Gusta's attack from doing too much damage. >
Rising Lotus | While the mudman had heart, his aim wasn't up to par. The punch hit a piece of armor squaredly before it burst back to mud and the voidsent was unphased. The suud's arms were raised over its face as the wind gave it several little knicks, but with a mighty roar it broke the windy barrage! >
Rising Lotus | Squatting down for a few moments, it suddenly leapt a surprisingly high amount in the air. While it looked flabby under that armor, it must bepretty ripped! It Drove itself back down to the ground with a mighty crash, anyone in melee range in danger, while those in the distance would have to worry about mud and debris getting flung in their direction!
(Rising Lotus) Everyone defensive roll.
Random! Ziv Zorasch rolls a 850.
(Rising Lotus) Random! 283
Random! Augusta Aventurine rolls a 259.
Random! Reille Halleina rolls a 531.
Random! Zoronado Tatanado rolls a 877.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Random! 92
(Reille Halleina) I'LL SAVE HER
(Riylli Aliapoh) HOW DARE
(Reille Halleina) LET ME DO IT
(Rising Lotus) Alright give me another roll
Random! Reille Halleina rolls a 139.
(Reille Halleina) WE DIE TOGETHER
(Rising Lotus) Who's all in melee range, Rising Ziv and gusta?))
(Ziv Zorasch) yeah))
(Augusta Aventurine) I'd think so, Augi may jump off it's body after getting her strike in, but she would probably be close enough? ))
(Rising Lotus) Alright!
(Zoronado Tatanado) Couldn't Zoro save Riylli since she's right next to him?
(Rising Lotus) Ziv avoids damange, Gusta takes a glancing blow, and Rising takes damage and loses her turn.
Ziv Zorasch threw up his hand as the giant came down, pulling the shadows over him as a shield that he could be seen letting disippate as the dust settled from the attack.
(Rising Lotus) Zoro is safe, Reille gets battered by some mud, and Riyll would of got decked by a stump but we'll let Reille's defense through anyway! She doens't get an attack this turn though!
(Rising Lotus) <se.4> !!![Attack Resume!]!!!
(Riylli Aliapoh) (Is Riylli the she without an attack
(Reille Halleina) Reille I think
(Rising Lotus) Yeah for Reilli, Riylli gets an attack now!
Augusta Aventurine grits her teeth as she felt the blow through her armor. It may have been pretty but didn't have quite the durability her spiky armor had. She found herself near the others. Not bothering to jump this time, she put all her strength into a powerful thrust, hoping to break the beast's defenses and penetrate its scales.
Random! Augusta Aventurine rolls a 984.
Rising Lotus was about to strike once more, but as her weapon was swung the voidsent lept upwards! She stumbled a bit, awkwardly trying to dodge backwards, but she didn't make it into. The impact shot her backwards, tumbling to her back in the mud with a groan.
Reille Halleina uses a burst of aether to dash across the field and impales a tree stump with her rapier before it hits Riylli.  Reille and the stump land several feet away from. Her sword is logged deeply inside the stump. "Riylli, are you okay?"
(Rising Lotus) Sword in the stump
Riylli Aliapoh unfortunately (or purposefully) doesn't really notice Reille's valiant rescue as she is too focused holding her mudman's form. It was not a real golem, more like an enkindling of a familiar, and it required her to maintain a constant feed of aether that she was not well experienced in yet. The mudman looks sadly at its lost hand, and Riylli shakes her head. "Don't worry, you still got the other one! Go for a chokehold!" She calls out, the mudman nodding before slithering around the voidsent-
Riylli Aliapoh -and hooking its arm around the beasts neck.
Random! Riylli Aliapoh rolls a 639.
Riylli Aliapoh glances over to Reille and gives a huff. "I didn't need your help. I woulda dodged it y'know." She lies without any sense of hesitation or remorse
Zoronado Tatanado could feel it-- a sharp pain in his chest, right beneath the dent in his breastplate. He grit his teeth and endured the pain, plucking his feet from the ground to charge at the fiend to drive his blade into where its dangly bits would be!
Random! Zoronado Tatanado rolls a 931.
Ziv Zorasch felt the need to press the attack. Having enjoyed the feeling of his blade sinking into the giant, he cleaved at the beast's leg again with a surge of strength as his Blood Weapon activated, channeling his very own life force into his sword arm to empower the attacks.
Random! Ziv Zorasch rolls a 534.
Reille Halleina makes an unladilike snort of disgust at Riylli and rolls her eyes. Then struggles to get her rapier out of the stump.
(Reille Halleina) SOMEDAY MAYBE Riylli will find her manners))
(Rising Lotus) <se.4> !!![Attack Resume!]!!!
(Rising Lotus) damnit
(Rising Lotus) <se.1> !!![Something is happening! Please keep to banter!]!!!
(Rising Lotus) the macro has a sword on it you'd thing I'd know the difference xD
(Rising Lotus) Reille Give me a roll
Random! Reille Halleina rolls a 387.
Rising Lotus Try as she might, Reille' sword remains stuck in the stump, looks like she'd be without it for now. As the beast lurched forward it was stopped by the mudman's arm, grappling with the golem and being kept distracted for Ziv to keep slashing away at the beast's side. Gusta's spear once again hit its target deeply, while Zoro would slip between it's trunk like legs and hit some soft spots, great cuts along its undercaridge now!
Rising Lotus the onslaught from the two caused more armor to fall into the swamp with a splash, it didn't have much left now! The party could tell its stamina was fading, but it still wasn't out yet! It thrashed around until the mud man would let go, and then threw it's massive claws around it's body, not aiming really but hoping to hit anyone unfortunate enough to be nearby!
(Rising Lotus) Ziv and Gusta can I get a roll? Zoro is safe since he's underneath his legs!
Random! Ziv Zorasch rolls a 840.
Random! Augusta Aventurine rolls a 439.
(Rising Lotus) Ziv is once again safe! Gusta would get lightly clipped but is still in the fight!
(Rising Lotus) <se.4> !!![Attack Resume!]!!!
(Rising Lotus) Also he lost more armor with those two 900s! Only attacks 100 or less will be ignored now!
Zoronado Tatanado didn't even realize he couldn't lift his shield arm over his waist anymore. He tightened his grip on his sword and went for a gash on the leg, choosing to drive it deep until only the hilt of his blade remained!
Random! Zoronado Tatanado rolls a 273.
Augusta Aventurine tried to block the attack with her spear, but found those claws of his pushing against her, knocking her back a few feet. She was starting to feel the damage, but her adrenaline didn't let her stop. She charged forward and jumped. Now that it was tired out, she hoped she could hit one of its eyeballs.
Random! Augusta Aventurine rolls a 891.
Rising Lotus rolled from her back, coated in the nasty smelling mud. "Gods damned arsehole...that anyone would think you had any relation to Bellator..." she steeled herself, teeth grit as there was a bit of a red spark in her eyes. She charged back into the fray, letting out a battle cry as prepared to slam her axe down once more!
Random! You roll a 923.
Riylli Aliapoh cannot hold it anymore, releasing her spell and allowing the mudman to melt back down into a simple familiar. "Ugh... More trouble than its worth." She mutters, then taps her staff against the ground to call out to the earth below, summoning forth her axe. She walks over to the stump that holds Reille's sword, lifts her axe, and swings it down to chop it in half. She makes no comment while doing this of course
(Riylli Aliapoh) (Lets jsut pretend like she was wearing this outfit the whole time
(Zoronado Tatanado) Suddenly started raining lalafell over here so if I disappear let's just say Zoro got stepped on and died
(Riylli Aliapoh) (Oh also Im not attacking this turn
(Rising Lotus) o7
Ziv Zorasch kept his feet planted, finding plenty of darkness around him to create another barrier. Shards of darkness like broken glass were scattered everywhere as the monster's claw shattered the barrier, just as Ziv wanted. Gathering the shadows around his greatsword, he plunged the weapon directly into the beast's lower abdomen.
(Rising Lotus) Gimme a roll ziv!
Random! Ziv Zorasch rolls a 901.
(Rising Lotus) jesus our rolls this round
(Ziv Zorasch) dark mode ziv came to whoop ass
Reille Halleina is covered in mud struggling to pull her sword from the stump, but the stump seems unlikely to yield it. Reille is shocked when Riylli joins her and conjurers a boulder axe to chop the stump. Reille is splattered in more mud in the process, but her sword is free. "Th-thank you," Reille says stunned her expression inscruitable from all the mud.
(Zoronado Tatanado) The power of friendship and also this gun we found
(Rising Lotus) <se.1> !!![Something is happening! Please keep to banter!]!!!
Riylli Aliapoh just grumbles incoherently
Rising Lotus the voidsent continued on despite Zoro's sword driven into its leg. Rising's attack manages to make major contact hower, cleaving the suud's leg open, along with, to her suprise, splintering the ground open near the voidsent's left leg. As it dropped to one knee Ziv had the perfect angle to skewer the beast, making through all those hard ab muscles and into it's innards. The beasts Screams echoed through the Dim wood until Gusta's spear pierced its skull.
Of the 84 parties currently recruiting, all match your search conditions.
(Riylli Aliapoh) UH
(Riylli Aliapoh) (Reille is missing her sword
(Riylli Aliapoh) (Shes posing but its still sheathed
(Rising Lotus) *Dim wood ))
(Riylli Aliapoh) (WAIT SO IS ZIV
(Reille Halleina) photos or it isn't .... REILLE))
(Riylli Aliapoh) (I get the impression that my ssd is actively in the process of dying
Rising Lotus The voidsent remained there motionless for a few moments before its body started breaking down in black miasma. It fell forward towards the group, but the only thing that hit the ground was its remaining armor, the body dissapearing in a puff of black smoke.
Ziv Zorasch celebrates victory.
Augusta Aventurine celebrates victory.
Augusta Aventurine looks around.
Riylli Aliapoh lets her axe dissolve and walks over to find her mudball friend. "Nice job out there!" She says to it, reaching out with an arm so it can crawl up onto her shoulder
Ziv Zorasch stabbed his greatsword into the ground, allowing it to melt away into black particles that faded into the darkness of the forest.
Augusta Aventurine searched for Zoro, having been too focused on the fight to keep track of him, she wondered where he was. "Zoro?" She said in a soft voice, the hits she took taking their toll as she looked for him.
Reille Halleina kicks an empty piece of magitek plating that had been part of the suud's armor. "I just washed my hair!"
Rising Lotus panted, a bit dumbfounded as she looked at the crater her strike just made. "...Well the spirit of 'Bellator' will haunt this place no longer." she stood her axe upright as she rubbed her back. "Everyone alright, Zoro?" she eyed the Lalafell, taking the major strike of the night.
Ziv Zorasch: "Damage report! Are we all in once piece?"
Augusta Aventurine nods to Ziv Zorasch.
Augusta Aventurine: "A couple of bruises but not too bad... "
Augusta Aventurine expresses her worry with Zoronado Tatanado.
You confuse Ziv Zorasch.
Zoronado Tatanado pulled his blade out and managed to sheathe it with one fluid motion. He limbed around the beast back to the group, and tried to wave to everyone with his shield arm, but his shoulder was lower than it should be, and his arm just kinda... swung a little.
Ziv Zorasch: "Bellator...you don't mean -our- Bellator?"
Augusta Aventurine stares at Zoronado Tatanado in fear.
Augusta Aventurine: "Zoro!"
Zoronado Tatanado smiles weakly at Augusta Aventurine.
Augusta Aventurine: "Your arm, what happened?"
Riylli Aliapoh: "Ow..."
Zoronado Tatanado: "I think my collarbone snapped. Is anyone else hurt...?"
Rising Lotus winced a bit as she definitely had ANOTHER bruise in the making on her back. "The locals thought it was his spirit..he caused a ruckus at the castrum before he died, when Florus escaped."
Reille Halleina rushes to Zoronado her field medic training kicking in, "Let's take a look, Zoro."
Riylli Aliapoh sighs, and reluctantly glances over to Reile. "Can you heal with that dumb thing or do you need to borrow my staff?"
Augusta Aventurine: "Uuu... Zoro..."
Zoronado Tatanado is deep in thought.
Zoronado Tatanado: "And my ribs. A few of my ribs aren't where they're supposed to be. Stomach feels a bit wet. I don't know if it's mud or..."
Augusta Aventurine stares at Zoronado Tatanado in fear.
Rising Lotus looked to Zoro and winced. "Eesh...well considerin' how big its fists were, guess you got out pretty lucky. Squishy ground to thank I guess?" she started poking around the crack in the ground she made.
Zoronado Tatanado: "But I don't feel anything yet... I think the adrenaline is still doing its thing."
Ziv Zorasch reached into his pocket and clutched the dark knight soul crystal as the sadness of it sank in. "How tragic to think...our poor old friend, reduced to this monstrous form."
Augusta Aventurine: "I don't think you shoudl move too much... I can help get that armor off of you."
Zoronado Tatanado smiles at you.
Ziv Zorasch expresses his worry with Zoronado Tatanado.
Reille Halleina: "Don't need a staff to heal, but thatnk," she says softly to Riylli, "Let's see,Z." She hovers her hand over Zoro's shield arm and over his ribs sensing what is disrupted in his physical body.
Rising Lotus shook her head. "Nah, this ain't him. This was jus' some voidsent that was smart enough to make armor from scrap."
Zoronado Tatanado breathed in a bit, hearing a faint gurgle in the back of his throat. "Oh... my lung is punctured."
Augusta Aventurine is taken aback by Zoronado Tatanado.
Augusta Aventurine: "Wh-WHAT?"
Riylli Aliapoh huffs. "Right, well, me and my friend have got lots more training to do apparently." She says as she turns away, giving the blob on her shoulder a poke. She walks over to Rising instead. "Thanks for the bounty! I'll be headin' out to Kugane tomorrow, but I'll let you know if I hear anything, 'kay?"
Reille Halleina presses a hand against Zoro's chest as soon as he gurgled and starts using aether to seal the puncture until she can find the bone.
Zoronado Tatanado: "... as long as no one else was seriously hurt, I did my job."
Augusta Aventurine: "R-Reille, I can use some healing magicka... let me know if you need help!"
Augusta Aventurine furrows her brow at Zoronado Tatanado.
Augusta Aventurine: "NO IT ISN'T MISTER! If you didn't come home, what would I tell Leni!?"
Rising Lotus nodded. "You see that hole in the ground I made?" she jabbed her thumb in the direction of it proudly. "Anyway, money will be in your cubby like always." she turned her attention to Zoro. "You gonna make the trip back to the Castrum, or should we get a chocobo to cart ya there?"
Reille Halleina: "We need a cart, Rising. Quickly please."
Riylli Aliapoh: "...It aint a cubby, it's a mailbox..." She grumbles as she walks off
Ziv Zorasch: "Most definitely. Try not to move, Zoro."
Ziv Zorasch bids farewell to Riylli Aliapoh.
(Riylli Aliapoh) (Thank you for the rp all! I am too tired to stay much longer unfortunately ;-;
(Ziv Zorasch) night night!
(Augusta Aventurine) ye, thanks Riylli! o/ ))
Zoronado Tatanado used his good arm to rub at his nose. "Gosh.... she's going to be very upset at this news. Maybe we can.. avoid telling her?"
Reille Halleina: ((okay ty, good night!))
Augusta Aventurine furrows her brow at Zoronado Tatanado.
(Zoronado Tatanado) I can feel those goosefish eyes staring into my soul.
Rising Lotus nodded. "Alright, Ziv with me. The rest of you stay here with him. That thing is dead, but there is yet more out here to watch out for, voidsent or no."
Ziv Zorasch nods to you.
Augusta Aventurine nods to you.
Ziv Zorasch relaxes his pose.
Augusta Aventurine: "I'll guard him and keep him safe. For Leleni to give him an earful later!"
Reille Halleina: "Gusta, can yo use your healing to keep Zoro awake, please. And a little numb. No need to feel this yet." Reille is acting EXTREMELY calm.
Zoronado Tatanado expresses his worry with Augusta Aventurine.
(Augusta Aventurine) this is Augi's angry aura, lol ))
Zoronado Tatanado: "Should I sit down...? That might put more pressure on my ribs, no?"
(Rising Lotus) Alright give me a moment and I'll have the closer!))
Augusta Aventurine nods to Reille Halleina.
Augusta Aventurine sat down and took a deep breath. Trying to focus her healing magicka. She wasn't very good at it, but she was good enough to help treat during an emergency!
Random! Augusta Aventurine rolls a 309.
Augusta Aventurine tried to focus her aether, but the light faded as soon as it started. "Oh, why now!?" She tried again.
Random! Augusta Aventurine rolls a 786.
Ziv Zorasch expresses his worry with Zoronado Tatanado.
Augusta Aventurine managed to keep it steady and focused hard on trying to keep Zoro awake and numb, as the doctor suggested. Not that she could focus very well but she tried!
Zoronado Tatanado: "I would have been mashed if I didn't come in this heavy plate...! My thanks to my smith...!"
Zoronado Tatanado is positively beaming.
Augusta Aventurine bit her lower lip. She wouldn't be giving up her armor anytime soon.
Ziv Zorasch: "In all the damage could have been much worse. Great work everyone."
Reille Halleina "You can stay standing," Reille says as her eyes flutter closed. She starts conjuring huge amounts of aether to move Zoro's bones back to where they should be, then starts healing his internal injuries to prevent further internal bleeding. This is where she concentrates all her efforts and after several minutes she's satisifed and little light headed. "All right, you shouldn't die on the way home. You're also not allowed to move."
headed. "All right, you shouldn't die on the way home. You're also not allowed to move."
Rising Lotus and Ziv would make haste back to the Castrum, and half a bell later they'd return with a Chocobo cart to get poor Zoro back safely. While the healers back at Oriens would be able to mend the groups wound's, Zoro was only put in a stable enough condition to travel back to Heartwood, where he would get taken care of in the clinic!
(Rising Lotus) That's all I got for the night! Hope everyone had fun!
Augusta Aventurine let out a sigh of relief, it's dangerous if she exerts her healing magicka for too long. She was already starting to feel a little light headed herself.
(Ziv Zorasch) i did! thanks rising! thanks all
(Augusta Aventurine) ye! thanks Rising!
(Reille Halleina) thank you Rising!!))
Ziv Zorasch bids farewell.
(Zoronado Tatanado) Ye this was fun
Zoronado Tatanado gives Reille Halleina a big hug.
Augusta Aventurine gently pats Zoronado Tatanado.
Reille Halleina gently pats Zoronado, "Absolutely no training until Aslinn and Gentle Fist give you the all clear." She gives Augusta a little pat seeing she's a little worn, "Thank you for your help."
Augusta Aventurine smiles at Reille Halleina.
Zoronado Tatanado looks disgusted.
Augusta Aventurine lets out a looong breath, feeling her adrenaline draining. "I... I did what I can."
2 notes · View notes
eldritch-araneae · 3 years
Windblade or Optimus Prime pls :D
Lets do both! :D
First impression:
Optimus: He's the dad! And funny because some of him lines are so hilarious ( esp the booby trap one XD). He's silly and likes to have fun despite being the leader. G1 Optimus is my absolute fav <3
Windblade: Ohohoh, my first impression was Cybervers and despite anyone opinions, I absolutely loved her! She's full of sass and such amazing friend. Telepathy makes things even more interesting, and I wish this would be explored MORE outside the Cityspeaker thing. And her design is gorgeous too!
This is why she's a psychiatrist in Sparkpulse :D
Impression now:
Optimus: I still cling to G1 version of him. TFA version was also curious, but others. I don't like when Optimus is serious all the time, and despise that in laterst version he's a cop?? (and the entire motivation and how both factions are shown, esp in comics, is just...uhhh a mess!)
No, I prefer librarian dork Optimus, and tbh this is another idea that has so much potential! Something I wanna explore in my cont.
Windblade: Same, I'm sticking to Cyberverse version with more additions ( like she's also a gremlin in my AU, Bumblebee is just enables her shbhs). Idk what to think about other version as I don't know much about them. Tho I would say, the IDW2 Windblade is so weird to me...bc apparently she's a cop too (whut??) and she seem dismissive towards Bumblebee even tho they are friends? Not for me.
Favorite moment:
Optimus: Every silly moment with him is a gem. I can't get enough of the idea of faction leader who occasionally will go "Oh look, a boobie trap that actually catches boobies" and "I will use my delicate lockpicking technique" and just blasts the fucking door XD
Windblade: Oh this is too many I cant choose ahaha! Every single interaction with Bumblebee is priceless and interesting how she was growing more relaxed around him and had fun! Being a Cityspeaker is sure a lot of pressure, and seeing her being herself when she makes a friend is precious.)
Idea for a story:
Optimus: In my cont I wanna explore the idea of Optimus being librarian, being kind and caring, but at the same he's not naive and hard to manipulate! He's a person who KNOWS history and aware and when he see it's repeating itself. Optimus is the rebel here, and knows how to deal with rich.
Windblade: I will dive deep into her telepathy and expand this idea. While Cityspeaker lore is interesting, imagine the possibilities when she can enter one's mind who, for example, suffered from mnemosurgery and try to help her patients to regain lost memories. Or at least some traces.
Windblade is a memory detective, who find pieces of information in her patient mind and put them together. Ans ofc, as psychiatrist she can use her abilities in therapy ( dont worry, anything done with consent!). So many possibilities!
Unpopular opinion:
Optimus: I don't have any.
Windblade: Cyberverse Windy is not terrible character and ppl's hate towards her is weird. I won't be surprised it's because she's friends with Bumblebee and many ppl hate him...so yeah...
Favorite relationship:
Optimus: It's interesting to see his dynamic with Megatron, since in many version they used to be friends, and then thing went to shit. In my cont there is a lot of drama between two because each believes the other sided with Functionists....but there only one belief is true.
Windblade: With Bumblebee 100%! Their friendship in Cyberverse is so, so good! My aroace ass was so damn happy seeing a such good platonic relationship that is deep. This dynamic gave me such strong Ghibli vibes bc in those movies love was always portrait as something mundane, something that always exist by your side, that you don't gave to go on the huge quest to find and prove it!
And so same with Windblade and Bumblebee! They just feel good with each, they don't need to throw vows and sacrifices for each other to prove how much they love. It's little things, like hugs, playing Cube with each other, drinking at Maccadam's, Windblade giggling every time Bumblebee does something silly and more.
Love it's just there, and gooooooosh I want MORE!
Favorite headcanon:
Optimus: He's a memelord! Mememus Prime! No one shall escape him. Prowl is crying in the corner.
Windblade: She's absolute gremlin! She's a gremlin in disguise who will cover Bee's and Sari's asses while they commit mischief. Nobody suspect anything bc cmon, she's a psychiatrist and super powerful thelepath and Cityspeaker. She's must be a very serious mech, right? WRONG!
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starsheild · 3 years
AU August 2nd- Marriage of Convenience
AU August 2nd 2021- Marriage of Convenience
It was almost as though his time tied on the wagon was the calm in the eye of the storm for Prowl. The cycle had started in a whirl of activity and ended much the same way, and Prowl had only been swept helplessly along by it all. 
His processor had skipped a little when he had finally come face to face with the speaker and discovered that the Monsters of Mountains were just mecha. Strange looking mecha to be sure, but beings whose fields he could teek, his optics could observe, and his audios could hear even if his processor could not process the glyphs being spoken for the most part.
The visored mech had lifted his chin forcing Prowls helm one way and then the other as he studied him. When he spoke again it was in heavily accented but perfectly fluent Praxian. “Just ya keep quiet and we’ll get ya mov’d outta here.”
Prowl simply nodded in agreement. It was not as though he had much choice. There was no point in calling for help, for there was no one to rescue him. While his tired processor was sluggishly generating questions as it tried to process his surprise and confusion, in the moment it was so much easier to just obey.
The bindings that had secured him on the wagon were cut away and Prowl swayed as their support fell away, the stiffness of his frame after being restrained for so long catching up with him.
“Easy there.” The stranger murmured, catching Prowl quickly yet gently. He supported Prowl easily until he found his pedes again, then helped Prowl to the edge of the wagon, passing him down to others waiting on the ground, issuing orders in a dialect Prowl couldn’t follow.
Those on the ground handled him just as gently, helping him to the edge of the clearing where Prowl was met with a new sight starting enough to force his processor to focus once more. He had seen images of zap-ponies, of course, but he had never actually thought that he would see a real one, much less ride one. But that was clearly what his helpers intended as they lifted him and placed him on the small beast, guiding his servos to the stiff upright mane that ran the length of the creature's crest pointedly.
One of them spoke quickly, stopping only when Prowl blinked at him stupidly. After a nanoklks consideration and a brief consultation with his companion he squeezed Prowl’s fingers in to the mane. “Hold. Strong. Hold strong?”
That at least Prowl was able to process, and he grabbed hold and nodded. Relieved, the one that had spoken stepped away, leaving Prowl with the single mech to hold the pony. After a few vents to process the strangeness Prowl looked around, watching in silence as the mecha swarmed over the clearing, gathering up everything and loading on an entire herd of zap-ponies like the one he currently sat upon. Even the wagons were quickly broken down and loaded on the beast until there was nothing left in the clearing.
It was then that the first mech that had spoken, the leader, Prowl decided, had appeared at his side and taken command of Prowl’s mount. At his motion the entire company set out, and Prowl had resigned himself to holding on for the ride. The canopy of the crystal forest hid the stars in the sky above, leaving in darkness that his optics could not penetrate and input from his sensor wings that his processor could not interpret.
He wasn’t entirely sure how he reached their destination. The next time he really processed anything he realized he was inside some sort of building and being helped from the zap-pony. A short, dark mech appeared, taking him from the leader and guiding him away.
He led Prowl into a small room, directing him to the berth within, and for the first time Prowl balked.
The mech stopped, then chuckled softly. “Easy mech. Yer not fer me. Not fer no one at the moment. Ya hungry, jus’ wanna charge?”
Prowl started to nod, then caught himself. That was not a yes or no question, and he was suddenly at a loss.
“Ah, ya can speak now, much as ya want. Yer safe here.” There was a hint of sympathy in the dark mech’s tone and field.
“Fuel would be appreciated.” Prowl said, more relieved than he liked at being allowed to speak again. He settled on the edge of the berth, automatically evaluating it as it gave beneath him. Firm, but not so bad. As tired as he was at the moment, Prowl suspected that he could have recharged on the hard floor beneath his pedes with little difficulty. “And, maybe also, your designation?” 
The mech laughed. “Sorry mech. Meh manners are slippin’. Ori’ll prolly whap me when ‘e hears. ‘M Ricochet. Rico, if ya prefer.” He fetched a cube of energon from a side table that Prowl had not noticed at first, taking a small sip before offering it to Prowl. “Here.”
“Thank-you.” Prowl accepted the energon and the gesture of goodwill, even if he had not felt anything of the sort necessary. He was a captive, was he not? His first question had gone over well enough, so after a few sips of the energon he dared another.
“May I know what my fate is to be?”
The dark mech, Rico, shook his helm. “That’s for Ori ta tell. He’ll be by, once ya’ve had a chance to fuel and charge a bit. From what ‘ave heard, they don’ make this easy on ya’ll.”
“Those that have been sent before?” A bit of hope crept in to Prowl’s spark. While he still had no idea what was to happen to him, he doubted that they would go through the trouble of fueling and allowing a mech that they were planning to end for whatever reason to rest.
“Yup.” Ricochet nodded in agreement, watching as Prowl finished off the energon. He held out his servo for the empty cube. “Want more?”
“I am not full.” Prowl said as he handed it over. “But I am no longer empty, and I fear that much more will not set well with my tank right now.”
“Smart mech.” Ricochet observed. “I’ll leave ya to charge then. Yer safe in here. Don’ leave the room though.”
“I will not.” Prowl promised.
“Good. Ya need anything, jus’ holler for me or call fer Punch. He’s my ori.”
“He was the one that brought me back?”
“Yup.” Rico smiled, the single glyph answer full of pride and affection. “‘Need anything ‘fore I go?”
Prowl shook his helm, then caught himself as he optics landed on the glowing crystal on the table with the pitcher. “Will you leave the light?”
Ricochet followed his gaze, and actually seemed a bit surprised at the request. “‘Course. Ya can cover it if want it darker, or I can bring another if ya want more.”
“One will suffice. Thank you.”
Prowl back on the berth as the door closed behind Ricochet. He did not hear any sort of lock engage, which surprised him a little. With a soft vent he let his optics go dim and his processor wander. As recharge overtook him his last conscious thoughts were of his brother, and a silent prayer to whoever might be listening that the Priest had kept his word and delivered the message.
The creak of the opening door pulled Prowl from recharge. He struggled to sit up, groaning as his processor slowly booted. When his optics finally focused they revealed the other mech he could clearly recall from the dark cycle.
Punch, Ricochet had named him when the dark mech had claimed him as his originator.
“Feelin’ better?” Punch asked as he came closer, offering Prowl a full cube of energon after taking a sip, just as Rico had done before.
Prowl’s optics swept over the mech curiously as he accepted the cube. The bright yellow and blue of his armor was a sharp contrast to Ricochets, though as his processor continued to clear Prowl could see the resemblance in frame and manner. “I am, thank you. Ricochet was very considerate.”
“Not enough ta ask ya yer name.” Punch grumbled. “Since ‘e couldn’t tell meh when asked.”
“My designation is Prowl.” Prowl offered with the appropriate cant of tilt of his helm and doorwings as well as the intonation of his designation that added layers of meaning beyond the mere glyph.
“Well then Prowl, welcome ta Polyhex.” Punch smiled, the expression if not warm, at least as welcoming as the glyphs. “Rico said ya had questions.”
“Many.” Prowl admitted, debating between what he desperately weighed as the most important, and lesser weighted ones that were not as frightening in their potential answers posed by his processor. Finally he settled on the latter. “I must confess I am surprised at hearing Praxian spoken.”
Punch’s expression softened a touch, his frame settling into an even more relaxed posture as he answered. “There’s a good number ‘o us that know it. Ya seem like a smart one, though. Bet ‘cha pick up in Poly quick enough.”
“Then I am to continue functioning,” Prowl sighed, the words slipping from him before his processor could catch the escaping thought.
“‘Course ya are. Don’ know what they tell ya happens ta the mecha they leave any more. Don’t really care, honestly.”
“They tell us nothing of what supposedly happens to the Offerings.” Prowl admitted. “All I know, all I know that anyone knows for sure, is that they are never seen from again.”
“Well, there is that.” Punch nodded in agreement. “Seein’ as how we can’t have ya goin’ back. But we’ve never off’d anyone they’ve offered without cause. So long as ya agree ta stay, ya live here jus’ like one ‘o us.”
“Like one of you? As a… Polyhexian?” Prowl stumbled over the glyph, his stutter the result of a great deal of surprise, and no small amount of anxiety
“Free ta live and enjoy functioning.” Punch confirmed. “Soon as one little detail’s taken care of.”
“And what is that?”
“Yer bondin.”
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anon-e-miss · 4 years
Primus Help the Outcasts
“Geni, can we ask  you somethin’?” Sideswipe tugged at Jazz’s servo as his progenitor stood up after folding away the last mat. There would be no more classes until after the Festival. The Twins had just finished hugging their favourite classmate goodbye before the two orn break.
“‘Course, Sides, what’s up?” Jazz brushed his servos against his thighs as he turned to see what they needed. They glanced at each other and looked back to him.
“Blue ‘n Smokey aren’t havin’ a Feast-cycle,” Sideswipe revealed. “Blue said since they’re Ori got fired they had to move into the shelter they don’t have credits enough for anythin’.”
“Oh bitlets,” Jazz crooned. “I didn’t know they’d lost their habsuite. It’s sweet o’ ya to think o’ yer friends.”
“Does that mean no?” Sunstreaker asked, glowering a little.
“No, Sunny, it don’t,” Jazz replied. “Lemme talk to yer grandcreators ‘n see if we can’t give yer friends a Feast-cycle.”
Smokey, or more formally, Smokescreen, helped Jazz with the younger classes as a means of paying for his own lessons. Though it was not Circuit-Su he was learning, but the cyber-violin. He had practised the martial art since he had been his little brother’s age and helping in the classes was helping him remember his lessons, though his training was not advancing. Jazz had offered him a spot in the advanced class and he had only shaken his helm. He nudged his creations from the Dojo he had inherited from Master Yoketron. Smokescreen had not said a thing about losing their habsuite.
Fragging Pit, if he had Jazz would have... he would have given them a place to stay. The options for shelters in Simfur were poor. Most were connected to the temples. Stories of abuse were common. Jazz had given fuel to a guttermech who had said he preferred to stay outside than to go to any of the shelters. That was only one mech’s opinion but Jazz did not think Bubblebee was a paranoid sort. In any case he had been a stellar employee thus far, and so far as Jazz knew there had been no problems at his habsuite. The minibot was a cheerful and good natured mech. Not the sort to pick fights or to find trouble, but he had found trouble in the shelters, or trouble had found him. Prowl had two mechlings to think of. The thought made Jazz shudder.
While the Twins were at school the next mega-cycle, Jazz went to the homeless shelter Sideswipe had said they were staying at. It had been founded by the Temple of Primus. Jazz looked up at the statues set above the door. This temple had a reputation for abuse, but it was one of the few that allowed procreators and sparklings to stay together. This must have been for Prowl a last ditch effort to keep his creations from being seized by SPS, a gamble meant to buy him enough time to find a new job, and a new home.
“Is Prowl around?” Jazz asked one of the residents who was sprawled on a couch, already over-charged the the joor was so early. Jazz would not judge. Everyone had their struggles.
“Prowl? The Praxian?” The mech asked.
“The Priest is uhh... helping him in  the kitchen,” the mech said with a mirthless chortle.
“Helpin’...” Jazz dimmed his optics behind his visor and scowled. “Ya think he wants his help?”
“Probably not.”
Yet this mech was just lounging on the couch, utterly unbothered. Jazz told himself not to judge, but in this moment, he judged. He stalked through the great room in search of the kitchen. There were no signs but there was the smell of fuel cooking, and Jazz followed them to their source. When he opened the door Jazz arrive just in time to see Prowl pushing a spindly mech away from himself. His broad doorwings were canted straight up in a pose Jazz knew to mean outrage. Smokescreen, typical of a youngling, used it often. The Priest was not deterred. He murmured that it was so important that Prowl get into a proper habsuite, before SPS got wind of the situation. Jazz snarled when he saw the Priest reach for Prowl’s aft as he assured the Praxian he could pull some strings. Prowl caught his servo with an effortless swipe and squeezed it hard, so hard the Priest made a high pitched whine and sank to the ground.
“I think y’re forgettin’ yer vows,” Jazz said as he crossed the threshold. “Pretty sure blackmail ‘n molestation are sins.”
“Jazz,” Prowl said, dipping his doorwings lightly.
“How ‘bout we take a walk?” Jazz suggested. Prowl released the Priest’s servo, and inclined his helm.
“Lead on.”
They stopped at an energon bar and Jazz ordered two cubes before Prowl could offer more than a weak protest. He looked slagged, still proud but in a brittle way. From Smokescreen, Jazz knew Prowl had been an enforcer in Praxus, and he knew they had been pulled from the ruins unharmed and then been reunited with Bluestreak... Bluestreak who had been made to watch the slaughter of Praxus by Vosian goons. The destruction had been total. There had been precious few survivors. Most had gone to Iacon, but for some reason Prowl had taken his creations to Simfur.
“How ya holdin’ up?” Jazz asked as they walked along the quiet path in  Jazz’s favourite park.
“Fine,” Prowl replied. It might even have been the truth. He sipped at the cube, savouring the pressed energon.
“The Twins told me ya lost yer habsuite, ‘n yer job,” Jazz explained his presence though Prowl had not bothered to ask. “I wanted to make sure ya were all a’ight.”
“We are managing.”
“Any chance ya feel like tellin’ me what happened? Ya were workin’ in private security?”
“I was working for a mech called Lockdown. He rented us a habsuite as part of my wages. When I refused his advances, I was fired, and evicted.”
“That fraggin’ sack o’ scrap,” Jazz hissed. “That’s just like Lockdown.”
“You are familiar with him?”
“We trained at the Dojo together.”
“Yeah... Ya refused the Priest’s advances too.”
“Yes. I imagine I will be needing to move us to a different shelter before the mega-cycle is done. If SPS does not come by first.”
“Listen. I don’t wanna overstep, but I am, let’s be real. The habsuite ‘bove mine is empty. It’s yers if ya want it.”
“I appreciate the offer,” Prowl replied. “I do not have the credits to pay rent.”
“The landlord’s a good mech. He’ll give ya some time. He’ll just be happy a sweet pair o’ mechlings got a roof over their helms.”
“That is naive.”
“My procreators own the whole buildin’, Prowl. They got the shop on the bottom floor, ‘n the live above it. Me ‘n the Twins are ‘bove them, ‘n my brother used to be above me but he’s moved into the habsuite ‘bove the bar he’s fixin’ up so it’s empty. We were talkin’ ‘bout findin’ a tenant after the Feast o’ Mortilus.”
“A tenant pays rent.”
“‘N ya will, once yer back on yer peds.”
“Your procreators will not agree to this.”
“Sure they will.”
“No, Jazz, they will not. You have no idea who I am, do you?”
“Perhaps you should look back at the coverage surrounding mine and Smokescreen’s rescue.”
“So you understand why your procreators will not want to rent to me, let alone offer charity, and why I am highly unlikely to find a job in Simfur, or Iacon or anywhere else on this planet unless I serve it on my back.”
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Love Notes
my first chapter of my fic for thunderrod week! i cant wait to see everyone’s works! :D
Rodimus starts finding a series of love notes outside the door to his hab suite. He's determined to find out who is leaving them behind. (read it here on ao3!)
“And stay off of level seven tonight! Magnus is on duty there, and he’s not gonna be as nice about it if you run into him.”
“Yes, sir! Thanks for the heads up!”
Rodimus huffed fondly as Tailgate sped by him with a cheery wave, the hum of his hoverboard rising and falling as he zoomed around the corner. He made a note to ask Tailgate about where to get his servos on one of those sometime. High speeds, slight peril, and the constant possibility of giving Ultra Magnus a spark attack? What wasn’t to love? It could never replace meteor surfing, but it’d be a suitable substitute until they came across another shower.
He turned to his hab suite door to tap in the passcode when a flash of red caught his eye. The crest of his helm twitched slightly as he plucked it off the frame of his door. It was a note—a real, paper note. It felt strange to have something so flimsy in his servos. He gingerly wiggled a digit underneath the shiny red seal that was keeping the paper folded shut. It popped off smoothly, revealing a single sentence written in offensively neat, bold, black penmanship:
You put the brightest of stars to shame.
Rodimus shuttered his optics once, and then twice, and then a third time for good measure. He brought the note closer to his face, flipped it over a few times, even held it up to the light, before jerking it away to snap his helm up and down the hallway. It was, obviously, completely empty. No one was there shyly peeking around the corner. No one dropped out of the vent to shout ‘surprise!’ at him. He looked back to the note.
“Jeez,” he said. He finished typing in the rest of his passcode and hurried inside his hab suite without looking away. He deftly navigated the drawing irons on the ground he kept vowing to pick up and sat down behind his desk.
You put the brightest of stars to shame.
Rodimus smothered a silly grin and tried to focus. There were so few reasons to write anything when datapads existed, hardly anyone ever actually wrote things down. So unless he wanted to go make over two hundred mechs write down the message until he found a match, guessing on penmanship alone wouldn’t be possible.
There were a dozen other ways he could figure it out—requesting security footage, setting up a twenty-four-hour watch out in the hallway, Pit, just asking around would probably yield some answers. Yet he felt oddly reluctant to do so. True, he was insanely curious about who the sender could be, and it took everything in him not to call Nightbeat right away to tell him about another case. But he also wanted to see things play out on their own. It could be… exciting. Fun, even. The kind of fun he hadn’t had in a long, long time.
(And he wouldn’t complain if he got a few more notes like this.)
He decisively planted his chin on the tops of his servos. If the notes suddenly turned creepy or threatening, then he’d act accordingly. But for now…
.:can you come to my hab suite? there’s something weird i wanna show you:.
.: I’m feeling oddly disinclined given the last ‘weird’ thing you wanted to show me involved your exhaust pipes exploding in my face.:.
.: it’s way weirder:.
.: I’ll there soon.:.
Sure enough, a few faithful moments later, a polite knock sounded at the door. It slid open a second later, and Drift strode in with a curious tilt to his finials.
“What is it?” he asked as he came to a stop before Rodimus’ desk.
Rodimus handed him the note. “Someone left this outside my door,” he said as Drift took the paper from his servos. “I wanna know what you think of it.”
Drift sat down on the edge of his desk as he read the note over. His optics crinkled slightly in an amused smile. “I think someone’s very interested in you,” he said.
“Yeah, no slag, but I wanna figure out who. But like, the old fashioned way.”
“Hmm.” Drift gave the note back to Rodimus. “I can’t think of anyone off of the top of my head.”
“I’m guessing whoever put it there must have gone out of their way to get paper,” Rodimus mused. It made sense. Everything aboard the Lost Light was tech and metal. Any organic materials would likely only be found in the labs for whatever reason the science folks needed them.
“And there’s even a wax seal,” Drift pointed out. “I think it’s a human tradition to seal letters with a wax stamp, but I could be wrong. Either way, whoever it is clearly cares a lot about you.”
“So it’s probably from someone who I’ve already got some kind relationship with. Someone who’s been with me since the beginning of the quest.” Rodimus drummed the tips of his digits across his desk. Then he pulled a datapad from a drawer and pulled up a roster of the mechs on board. After a few swipes, the roster shrank from two-hundred to around forty mechs. “Not Magnus,” Rodimus said after a moment, crossing his name from the list. Drift snorted.
“Definitely not. Besides, I don’t see him being so indirect about it.”
“Or poetic.” The energon drained from Rodimus’ face. “Oh, Primus, you don’t think—?”
“I sincerely doubt Megatron is even persuing a romantic relationship of any kind,” Drift quickly assured. “Even if he were, I don’t think he’d be using love notes to tell you.”
Love notes. Now that was a phrase Rodimus hadn’t heard since he’d graduated from the Academy. It made him feel eons older and younger simultaneously. He grinned. “He’d probably see it as a waste of time. Sucks to be him, love notes are great.”
“How would you know?”
“This isn’t about me.”
“You know, you never did finish telling me that story about you, Two-Step, and the scented—”
“Not about me!” Rodimus hissed as Drift chuckled. He shot him an ineffective glare before swiping another line across the datapad. Then he glanced over at the note again. “Actually, hold on, look. It’s got the Nyon dialect, look, there are the weird swirlies on everything…”
“Oh, you’re right. So they could either be from Nyon—”
“Or they’re trying to impress me.”
“I was going to say they could simply also be very thoughtful, but that’s an option too. I guess.”
Rodimus hummed. “Not Mags, not Megs… Someone who’s been with me since the beginning... Is it you?”
“I’m a married mech, Rodimus.”
Rodimus curled his free servo and swung his forearm in a small damn motion. “Had to try.” Drift rolled his optics and shook his helm as Rodimus crossed his name off with a small tsk.
They continued back and forth like that for a while, slowly whittling down the list from forty to thirty to twenty potential mechs. Even then, barely any of them particularly leaped out at Rodimus as the potential note-sender. The only one that really seemed to match in terms of thoughtfulness and care was Thunderclash. Which had to be wrong, because one, there was no way a mech like him was still single, and two, they barely knew each other. Well. He knew some stuff about Thunderclash, like his favorite drink, and how his laugh filled up a whole room, but that didn’t count.
“It’s getting late,” Drift eventually said. His optics were beginning to dim with exhaustion. “We should pick this up in the morning, though.”
Rodimus glanced down at the time on his datapad in surprise. “Scrap. I have a morning shift tomorrow too. Ugh.”
“Have fun with that.” Drift gracefully pushed himself up and off the desk and made for the door. “Maybe whoever sent it will come forward soon. We’ll just have to wait, I suppose.”
“Guess so.” Rodimus stretched, groaning as struts in his back tensed and released. “Thanks for helping me out.”
“Anytime.” Drift smiled. “Good night.”
As the near-silent sound of Drift’s pedes faded away, Rodimus shut off the datapad and picked up the note once again. The berth sank slightly beneath his weight as he sat down on the edge of it, still reading the note.
You put the brightest of stars to shame.
Feeling warm, he placed the note on his nightstand before he reached over and turned out the lights. A pleased smile spread across his face, and did not entirely disappear as he finally slipped into sleep.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Welcome Back
Cw:none ask to tag
Ok to rb.
Summmary: after being separated from her crew (aka after the third movie) for a long time, lazaro returns and re-establishes her old relationshipps with much chaos in between.
(This GIF is gold pure gold!)
Tumblr media
It was nice to be with her family back, she Rode down the dusty road into their New home.
One for the humans and one for them, the transformers.
And they are all waiting for her there.
Optimus de-transforms, smiling as she does the same.
--the mamacita is here!-- teased crosshairs-- be carefull muchachos she'll burn you!--he laughed--well fuck me! Lazaro no time no see! Beautiful as ever-- said crosshairs taking lazaros hand.
--you know I hate when you call me that, but i see you havent lost your touch, crosshairs, handsome as ever,still
--you know I like to tease you-- answers the green mech.
The green bot smiles before being yanked away by both drift and hound, who hugged her tightly.
--lazaro!-- shouted bumblebee running to her .
--bee! You talk again! Oh how wonderfull to see you!
--same here,old friend
--welcome home, lazaro-- said optimus patting her back.
They all got into the huge warehouse, they all transformed into a smaller versions of themselves and Walked.
-- we saved you a spot by the Window!-- said bee pointing at a huge room-- thats for you
--you guys are too kind!-- lazaro said, hugging bee.
-- go rest, after todays drive you must be tired-- optimus added patting her back.
She nodded-- on it, boss!
As she walks away she doest hear primes fans kick in.
-- youre...blushing? -- asked bee teasingly.
--Not another word-- said optimus walking away.
Bee starts to laugh with crosshairs, drift starts to Snicker, and hound tries to contain his loud laughter .
The following days she'd help around the yeager family, she didnt had the chance to interact with humans like this, in her normal form.
Now shes sitting on her bed, looking at some old Polaroid pictures she took with bee during the 80s, when they first met.
It was a warm summer night, bee was Driving with his human companion at the time , charlie.
--have you ever wondered if there were more like you here?,in earth...?
The car rumbles as if it was saying yes.
--Ive found a New car recently, its weird, want to check it out?
Bee de-transforms catching his friend.
--Look, It has the same emblem as you!
Bee gasped, well if he could he would, he Gently taps the trunk of the car.
-- 《we wont hurt you》 -- said the bot through the radio--《 im an autobot 》
The car drives into the yard, and de-transforms.
-- 《im bumblebee》-- said bee.
--Well, I dont have a name per se-- said the other autobot-- but you can call me Lazaro...
Bee shook her hand and smiled-- 《hi, lazaro!》
--remembering the past?-- asked none other than bee himself leaning on the wall.
--Can you blame me? You look so much cuter Back then..
The mech giggles helping her stand up--we were kids back then
Lazaro sighs smiling-- but you havent changed a bit-- said she cupping his cheeks-- youre still cute as ever...
Bees fans kick in, as she presses a gentle kiss to his metal lips.
-- ill see you around,I told tessa id help her with her college Papers
As she leaves bee just falls on his ass mumbling nonsense until crosshairs finds him
--lazaro again?-- asked the green mech.
--yep....-- answered bee.
As lazaro helps tessa, the human smiles,they are sitting in the yard, optimus talks with cade.
--ive seen the way you look at optimus yknow-- said she softly pushing her bot friend.
--oh shuuush-- answered she-- he'd never like me
--oh you CLEARLY havent seen how he gets when youre around
--how so?-- lazaro tilted her head.
--dad made a comment about him acting like a schoolgirl around you,and his fans kicked in...
Remember that day you complimented his sword? Ratchet said he could see primes spark glowing like a torch! Come on you cant be that oblivious can you?
Lazaro stares at the human dumbfoldedly-- I think I can
Later that day she trained with hound,optimus watched from a distance.
--its gettin' weird--said crosshairs-- you look like a creep
Prime Turns to him, slightly scared that lazaro might see him staring.
--Just messin' with ya boss
The autobot leader scowls-- thats not funny crosshairs
--yknow, I see the way you look at her, just go and talk, its not that hard
Prime shakes his head-- oh come on--
--Hey prime!-- shouted hound-- can you come here? I need to talk with ya!
--hes got good timing -- said the green mech.
Optimus approached hound,talking about how they needed some supplies, when hound left, lazaro and prime are left alone.
--yknow boss is good to be back--said she standing infront of him-- ive missed you so much
-- the feeling is mutal-- said prime trying his best to not trip on his own Words.
--ive seen youve been weird, is everything okay?,I know things got rocky after that bitch quintessa
He sighs,looking away-- im still surprised the autobots still consider me their leader
She cups his cheek, caressing it with her thumb-- youre a great leader, and a great mech, quintessa was a rock in your step but thats it, I know deep down-- she said pressing a hand near his spark-- is a good Man, dont doubt it prime...
Optimus looks at her and smiles, he kisses her and she kisses back.
--youre a good kisser as well-- added lazaro.
Prime laughs--its good to have you back...
Its late at night now, shes laying down in her bed, playing with a hologram.
She hears the heavy steps approach her room and the gentlest of knocks on her door.
--lazaro! Oí! You up?
--yeah I am-- she said opening the door, whats up?
-- cant sleep either?
The green mech sighs crossing his arms looking away-- wanna...wanna go for a drive like the old days?
She smiled -- of course, lets go
Both go outside transforming into their vehicle modes and Driving off around the New farm.
They get near a slightly elevated hill.
The green mech de transformed and leaned on said hill, crossing his arms once again-- I love the calmness of this, nobody to bother me
--pft youre still holding that act up?
--what act?-- lied crosshairs.
Lazaro giggles-- saying you dont need anybody, youre a soft teddybear deep down cross, dont lie to me
Crosshairs rolls his eyes, but still looks at her-- I hate it when you see right through me luv
He stands closer to her taking her hand.
Theres a brief silence, she leans on him, and sighs.
-- yknow our drives always ended with us making out, remember that?-- said he.
-- I dont see why that has to change ~
He chuckles , standing infront of her and hugging her waist--yeah I dont see why
He kisses her, her arms around his neck.
He presses his cheek against her chest-- ive missed you
Lazaro smiled-- me too,ive missed you so much
Some hours later they return, exhausted they collapse on their beds.
And day Is soon to come.
Now, early morning, drift is pondering on life itself, concentrated balancing on his swords.
Hes then tackled on the ground, and he yelps
-- what the fuck-- lAZARO!
--did I distract you?-- lazaro lifts her head up on her hands as her legs are between his.
--yes you did-- scowls the mech-- what do you want
She presses soft kiss to his lips-- brighten up, optimus wants to talk with ya
As she stands up, drift grabs her hand throwing her down with him and giving her a proper kiss.
--come on you big flirt
She get up again and transforms into her vehicle form to go train with bee.
--is there anyone you havent kissed yet?--asked hound leaning on a wall.
--you-- answered lazaro-- but dont put a challenge on me
Hounds fans kick in and looks away-- haha fuck you
--well then-- she said-- im off-- she transforms and goes to the farms entrance since she was going to take tessa and cade to the supermaket to buy groceries.
As she drives away hound shouts -- Wait wheres my kiss?!
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ruiyuki-archives · 4 years
bnha + tdmm gundam AU
This is an AU I wrote on the todomomo discord server eons ago. Anything posted to this blog will be transcripts of old original work and not really edited, save for formatting. I have no guarantees if I will ever finish these AUs either so these will only be kept as an archive.
Heavily inspired by Gundam SEED/Destiny
Original transcript posted to tdmm discord: Aug 2018
idk when this is set but some sci-fi au where earth is at war w some enemy people and the military uses mechs
U.A. aka United Alliance is the military organization in charge of Earth's mechs
decades ago for idk.. WW III or something, pilots enlisted in U.A. piloting giant mechs (aka H.E.R.O.S. - “high efficiency robotic operating systems”) became protectors of citizens?? some shit like that.
the top pilots made a name for themselves were namely Toshinori Yagi piloting the TPHR-ALL MIGHT at #1 and #2 Todoroki Enji piloting the FLHR-ENDEAVOR
(Bonus: TPHR for "The People's HERO" and FLHR for, you guessed it, "Flame HERO" woooo)
but during the final mecha fight that subsequently ended WW III, Toshinori Yagi was declared MIA bc his mech crash landed on some coastal shore and by the time they found ALL MIGHT, the cockpit was empty and the pilot was gone
anyway fast forward >> U.A. has a cadet school and low and behold who do we find enrolled,,, aspiring young pilots Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki
they both heard the heroic stories of pilot Toshinori and ALL MIGHT and woooo got into U.A.
also in U.A. ofc is Todoroki Shouto whos been groomed to be a mecha pilot since age 5 courtesy of Enji. D u h. (Enji's still piloting ENDEAVOR at this time but has it pretty set that Shouto will inherit piloting his mech)
aaand ofc we get the rest of class 1A in U.A. cadet school for various reasons
ANYWAY im not going into cadet school days bc thats boring but lets say ofc top of the class pilots are Izuku Bakugou and Todoroki that aces all the flight simulations blah blah blah
Also Toshinori was found to be declared MIA to the public but actually whoop. He's at U.A. as one of the boardmembers bc ofc that’s how im making the story work. Idk he was too injured and has too much ptsd that he cant pilot anymore and is looking for the next pilot to inherit ALL MIGHT (which is fixed up by now)
K SO new war. New battle cruisers. New mechs yayayya
U.A. has 2 new battle cruisers: Sirius A and Sirius B, designated (1-A and 1-B DUH)and duh, the crew of 1-A and 1-B is gonna be classes respectively
1-A, Aizawa is captain of the ship LMAOOOO Momo's the crew's battle analyst on comms + nav, Iida takes the helm, idk whos gonna be on weaponry yet but I kinda wanna make it Tokoyami
Izuku Bakugou and Todoroki are mecha pilots ofc
they have custom made mechs that were made for them for mostly training so the models are pretty basic compared to ALL MIGHT and ENDEAVOR but eh they do the job.
I'm doing the hero name thing again so Izuku pilots OAHR-DEKU, Todo pilots HCHR-SHOUTO and Bakugou pilots.... EXHR-K.E.KILL
bc they’re custom they got to name the mechs so friggin Bakugou. I tried LMAO (if someone can guess the acronyms, bonus points)
also hey! they have a squadron of fighter jet pilots and hey! Its the Bakusquad!!!
each of the fighters have their own names too so you guessed it, their hero namessss ha..ha..ha..ha..
OKAY more people: Hatsume Mei's their engineer. She basically built the mechs and works under Powerloader that built the cruiser ships
Gran Torino built the fighter jets lol
uhh Tsuyu's probably the crew's nurse in the infirmary or smth. Chiyo is the head military doctor back at the U.A. base??? idk
Nedzu head of U.A. Self explanatory.
Fuyumi and Natsuo are there too!!! Fuyumi's part of the cadet teaching staff. Natsuo's a fighter pilot of another fleet
they met in cadet training. Momo was working towards being an analyst anyway so naturally they paired up for training exercises as comm + pilot top of the class. Aizawa's first choices when choosing who to enlist in for the 1-A crew
every time Shouto deploys for a fight Momo's hypervigilant in keeping tabs on him in the air bc honestly the worst is seeing a laserbeam aiming for his mech's cockpit
I mean she keeps tabs on Deku and Bakugou too but. y’know she has a bias loool
and god forbid if anything were to happen to Shouto bc the worse would be for him to be MIA or KIA bc this is a war. People lose their lives. She knows its what they signed up for but if she can help him avoid it, she will
but sometimes it cant be helped. Especially since she’s navigating for the other pilots and the ship
it doesn’t help that Shouto's kinda reckless in his mech fights when they get too intense. sometimes he'll ignore his comms all together and when he does that half the time he comes out of his cockpit injured bc nuclear explosions. Recoil. Life threatening occupational hazard. D u h
Momo's basically crying by his bedside in the infirmary every time that happens
bc its his fight against the enemy mech CRHR-DABI. Its in the midst of the enemy's unexpected assault. and the 1A and 1B are taking heavy fire. So she has to focus on Aizawa's orders. and Shouto is getting out range that she cant keep tabs on him. and he's ignoring her comms. so by the end of it, by the time the enemy ships and mechs retreat, HCHR-SHOUTO is g o n e
the dust clears up. Its raining. The fighting's stopped. All of the enemy forces has retreated so U.A. calls their pilots to retreat
2 of their 3 mechs have returned to the ship except for SHOUTO. And Momo's frantically trying to get through to him. But nothing.
Aizawa orders her to stop trying. they'll send out a search team to investigate his last known location after everyone rests. Repairs to 1A and the mechs need to be made. They have to make haste, but for now, rest.
all the logistical post-battle crap is cared for first. Status reports, repair agenda, the next battle plan. The search team is sent out.
they keep looking.
nothing for days.
keep looking.
they find it. HCHR-SHOUTO in a lake torn to shambles. The cockpit cut open. Blood stains trail out toward the forest it crashed in but no pilot nearby. (Bc hell ya im gonna recycle tropes loool)
Todoroki Shouto declared missing in action.
Momo gets the update and she’s devastated
but theres no time to mourn. A second enemy attack.
the Orion fleet is called in. ENDEAVOR's fleet.
and there he is. that mech. CRHR-DABI. again.
DABI VS ENDEAVOR wooooooooooooo
but this time its nearby the city. Civilians need to be evacuated. WGHR-HAWKS assists in protecting the city as much as possible.
but yup ENDEAVOR gets destroyed too. Enji comes out of his cockpit in critical condition. and the enemy retreats again.
more aftermath. More repairing, more strategies, more recovering the injured. Its a war after all.
U.A. works on building a new mech. ENDEAVOR #2. But Enji has to officially retire from piloting due to his head injury.
and his successor is missing.
there is no pilot.
that is until Shouto shows up again!!!!
he has new scar on the left side of his face.
he saw ENDEAVOR's fight.
he’s alive. He’s come back. And he's out to take down DABI.and you bet he made his dramatic reappearance like:
Aizawa, at a battle meeting with Momo, Nedzu, Toshinori and other UA officials: "Tell me Nedzu. what choices do we have? Enji is compromised. His successor is missing. We're out of pilots. Who’s going to pilot the second ENDEAVOR?"
Todo, walking casually through the door: "I will."
After thoughts:
hi yes pls imagine all the pilots in skin tight pilot suits and helmets bc HAHAHHAA NGL THAT WAS THE 5% MOTIVATION OF ME COMING UP WITH THIS AU 👀
also momo in a military uniform 👀
the mechs look like their hero uniforms. OAHR-DEKU is green & white in colour. EXHR-K.E.KILL is black & orange. HCHR-SHOUTO is red blue silver.
TPHR-ALL MIGHT is gold & royal blue. FLHR-ENDEAVOR is blue red and orange.
CRHR-DABI is grey and purple and is piloted by Touya who else would it be
the fleet that i said Natsuo was a part of is the Orion fleet.. Enji's fleet
now that I think about it, Aoyama is probably the designer behind the pilot suits
Shouto names the 2nd ENDEAVOR mech HCHR-REI after his mom
his mom is a civilian and is very much alive kthx Im not pulling some EVA shit here ok
> bonus tdmm mecha NSFW
> archives masterpost
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matoitech · 4 years
💕💔🏳️‍🌈 of ur choice!
tysm!! im gonna do.. promare cuz i always wanna talk abt it lol
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
oo ok i choose lio for this cuz i thought ppl might need a break from my galo loveposting lol, and i just talked abt aina recently. anyway here goes! i dont talk abt lio that much which is wild cuz i love him so much. he has the best aesthetic first off cuz 17 belts total on an outfit really is something and i think its cool of him to find something he liked and stick with it even if what he liked is just, belts. belts and black leather is to lio what chains are to kurapika. hes also just rly cool in general!! hes genuinely a rly nice person which i wish ppl would remember, hes emotional and cares a lot about people and protecting those who cant protect themselves. his whole thing is caring so much about people!!!! its powerful. i think its cute that its canon that hes good w kids and they like him, and i think him becoming a firefighter with galo post-canon is cool cuz hes still helping people for a living. i love that he loves his friends and the people hes trying to protect so much and thats so obvious that theyre all ride or die for him too! his relationship w gueira and meis makes me emo in a good way, when they sacrifice themselves for him in the desert after he gets shot so he can escape and keep fighting i always get a little teary. also i love his mech and his huge motorcycle and the colors for his fire and dragon lio is SUPER COOL even though within the context of the movie its sad its a rly neat design and i love how its animated. i like his weapons he goes through a LOT of different kinds of fire weapons and theyre all rly cool looking.. his fighting style is so cool.. i love his relationship w galo theyre rly important to each other in soo many ways it makes me emo. idk i just rly like his whole deal i love him a lot. i like that we know next to nothing about his backstory so you can pretty much slap whatever you want in and its all totally possible lol. he has a lot less to work with then galo but that kinda makes it fun!
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
i hate kr*y but im not gonna talk abt him cuz he makes me so mad. also not gonna talk abt heris cuz i said smth abt her recently that summed up my feelings for her pretty well, which are just, “i dont care about what happens to her cuz she’s gonna be in just as big of trouble as kray is, im more worried for aina going through what galo had / is having to go through realizing the person theyve looked up to their whole lives is not who they thought they were”. 
instead i choose remi for this, a random side character in galos burning rescue squad that i have always hated and i have no idea why i just see him and im like >:( perhaps one reason could be cuz ppl pay more attention 2 him than they do 2 like, aina, who has way more lines and is more important in general. the only reason ppl like remi is bc hes an anime man with glasses idk hes just rly boring theres nothing about him that interests me
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you? 
ok im gonna bullet point list im so sorry but you DID ask
the good characters being trans are all important 2 me, specifically galo being trans cuz i think no cis man is THAT excited about not wearing a shirt. my specific hc for him is transmasc nonbinary. also hes gay but thats canon
characters i can think of off the top of my head that r trans r galo, lio, aina, lucia, varys, ignis, gueira, meis, thyma who is still alive in my Head Canon, and uh. idk maybe the pizza guy why not. am i forgetting anyone. 
autistic & adhd galo is very important. basically canon. it doesnt make sense within the context of the narrative for him to be nt, so,
on that note lio, aina, lucia, and varys are also all autistic
galo and lio have psychosis because i want them to :)
a lot of them have ptsd canonically (or like. i dont see them NOT having it after every seriously potentially traumatizing event theyve had happen in their lives. but thats the same as canonically imo) so thats like important 2 me also
i could be forgetting something but other than that all my hcs are just hcs, a lot of them r me being projecty but they dont have a rly big level of like, importance 2 me beyond a little smiley when i think abt them
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“hey you meeting me at the old warehouse?”                                     “Idk. Might do it.. i’ll take the flight pad and makesure there’s not a single soul awake yet. bro needs me in like four hours.” “okay, meet me on the old war obsveratory. yaknow.. where we used to do band camp?”                  “Yeah lemme get some snacks then we can fragging chill til 02:30 then it’s school time. we both have things we gotta do.” “Bluh. school fraging suck. What a load of Melbellia Scrap!”                            “what if your carrier and sire saw this.. they’d grouund youuuuuu~ omw” After 40 klits she arrives.
    “hey..” One pipped up, seeing if she could say something and she stands there  with her friend Dev, “Wussup..?”  she sighed as she felt embarrassed. “Star.. come on. Can’t leave ya friend here standin’.. so.. did ya bring the things..? star..?” she started crying in pain as it wasn’t something she normally dose.. “I CANT TAKE THIS!” she yelled out. As she tucked her wings away.- Star’s face burns from her coolant as she was cold from the flight she took. From her wings she had folded they hum with a deep Burgundy. Trying to sneak out never works but this is an excuse!- She can be out before school even starts and it’s not even that far to walk but faster by flight.
“Starset! Hey...” he grabbed her by wrapping his arms around her as she sobbed they both fall onto the sidewalk one sobbing her optics out and he starts to warm his voice with a soft undertone of ‘It’ll be better just wait and see..’ after a while; It dies down and he wipes her tears with a somewhat mechanical motion. Ruffed her hair as her pointed ears witch and grow a soft but almost hidden deep blue. She blushed completely.
 “Hey- awestop.. I didn’t mean to make ya hide.” Dev chuckled at the last Syllable, only made her peek out at him and playfully punch his shoulder and  moved to sit near the ledge of the walkway. “I got some of the scrapheap of fuel you said we could split. Though, save some for when we have lunch. yaknow the sport drinks” She spoke with a smile.. or what she could have as one after bring a mess for ten klits. “Gym.” he corrected as he sat down and grabbed her offering of the beloved Gemcrunch Candy. She pulled out her palm tab and makes a quick capture of the view from here and shared with her buddy Dev, brother at school.. But she knows why..
“Hey.. school doesn't start for three hours why up early..?” he asked after taking a swig of the fruity drink that he popped with his sharp canines.”bro kinda makes me get up because.. he wants me not be late for the garden glasses. the survive. thrive. divide and concur. But, the school got flooded, and carrier needs us at her lab.. if ya wanna be out witness incase something happeneds then frag it all..”
This night on Novia was.. quiet.. it’s winter so the sun is gone for quite some time now.. the everlasting hues of the night sparked a fire within her; as she speaks with her friend.. it’s been a good while. Had a few bottle of Flora Popstop Slush and some snacks while at it.. it’s barely even time to go home since school was canceled by the massive flooding from the rains in that section of town. With this new found information.. they decide not to head to school but the lab later on.. “Starset..?” he spoke..”huh-huh..?” “what’s on your processor?” “Cybertron..” After a long awkward sense of silence.. 
  “Once there was an explosion that happened;” Starset spoke, looking out into the city, where a million different lives held together in threads of red silk. “What.. you mean the big explosion that happened at the start of time..? even before then this ‘Cybertron’ you speak of seems to be a myth..!” Her friend Devai spoke.. “And besides.. I’m unsure you’ll be able to leave here.. you’re not of age yet..” he remarked playing with the bottle with his anti grav ability. and he’s lifting his tail along with it, the static it makes  around him as he lets it drop into the overgrowth of the garden below.
“hey!- it’s not a myth! My sires’ there!” he chuckled. “Pff! ahahahaha!” she punched his arm pretty hard and he inhales sharply at his friends retort. “not funny! I heard something within my empra that he’s still alive and well! old, but well! it’s names’ prowl..” she said on a slightly lower octave. “why the Zimaa did you do that?!” “because you know that you laugh whenever I’m Serious! YOU THOUGHT I WAS A MECHA THIS ENTIRE TIME! until a couple Celestial cycles back..- But that’s besides the point!” her wings hummed a slight polish ruby shine to it. “okayokay fine, I’m Sorry buddy.” he knows it’s best not to touch her..
35 klits pass,  during that time talking about dreams and where they’d like to go and what they’d do if they pass, travel the world work on a better tomorrow. and delta Pings her and askes if she can come.  “hey I kinda.. need help in the science lab.. afew glitchmice started to eat the teachers’ test paspers and I can;t reach them... and.. they can teleport.”                              “what the.. let me guess they were chewing on it so bad they might have well purged it up?”
“yeah.. uh.. help please i don’t like them!”                                                     “Nawwww big baddywaddywulfy iz scared of mouseywousssyyyyyy”
“nO! THEY’RE BIG!” “not cool mech!” “Hello..??”  “you left me alone- frag you too!” “Well.. we have a littleadventure on our servos.. up for some rodent hunting?” she spoke as he was watching her type vigerously  into her holotab.  “yeah.. and not gunna lie.. he deadaft just said he’s afraid of them.” she laughed and packed her items and began to attach her weapon to her back hilt and begins to fly off with him in tow. tiny, but STRONG! This may be part of the cycle of the beings: Hatch, Live, and Fade like how flames are blown out by a single breath...then you are places under the sunlight and melt away and rust with the rain until you grow into a bed of empra flowers that bloom for one moon and then.. vanish.. but not without a stone inplace of you.
That’s just how their lives are.. someplace unheard of and yet... something is.. dreaming of a new place to lead..Somewhere that leads to something bigger, more Vast new places to explore!- just as this dream Burns.. like the light in her chest.. It burns.. “I promise i’ll find you sire.. even if it means me stealing a spaceship.. i’ll find you..!” she said a long time ago when she saw a image of her sire..in her carriers room.. she has kept it in a locket since.
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beast wars blackarachnia? i am DEEPLY invested in these headcanons now and yours are aWesome
First of all, thank you anon! Deeply appreciated! Second, dont be afraid to ask for these nsfw headcanons! All of them are fun! Third, I'm going to be going with her first form, rather than her second.
Big titty goth gf. Not necessarily a headcanon I just wanna get that out of the way.
It takes a lot for her to like someone. If she likes you, do NOT abuse it. She will ruin you. She will make you regret being born.
Having said that, shes more of a dominatrix kinda character. Shes definitely into having you on a leash, and will treat you like a pet.
If you tell her one of your more dirty kinks, she'll laugh at you. Yeah she'll try it, but shes got a smart mouth, she cant help it.
One thing she will definitely make fun of you for? Boob jobs. She thinks that's almost as pathetic as moterboating. Almost. She'll try it, but before she does, she'll roll her optics at you and probably say something like,"Hey, whatever you want, tit fucker."
Having said that, her tit jobs are legendary. She'll push them closer together just so they'll squeeze you just right.
Overload on her face and she'll act annoyed. She's not really upset, she gets everyone has their kinks, but let's face it it's a bit annoying. She'll probably say something among the lines of, "Ugh..do you NOT jerk off or something? You busted a load like you haven't gotten off in a few dozen solar cycles."
She's got plenty of sass. If shes riding you and you say something like "Yeah, you like that baby?" She'll stop you and reply with, "Listen, I get most of your experience is from cable porn or something, but either say something ACTUALLY sexy, or just shut up."
She WILL let you know what she likes and what she doesn't like.
If you somehow get her to bottom, play with her gold titties. If you do it CORRECTLY, she'll melt under you. Dont grope them like a neanderthal, she might shoot you. She wont hesitate, bitch
You can be romantically sappy with her. It'll bring some color to her cheeks and she'll roll her optics at you. Shes not tsundere, but you'll see a little grin on her face if you call her something cute. A small one.
Do. Not. Push her. This lady can and will fuck you up. A no is a no in every case, and she is ESPECIALLY no. One thing she definitely wont do is being tied up. She'll do it to you if you ask, but she will not have you do it to her. It's not a trust issue, it's a comfortably.
Dont think she sticks with mechs only. Girl would fuck with another fem, and let me tell you, she'd get mad deep in that pussy. She'll hold on to your thighs, and write the entire goddamn alphabet in your folds.
One kink shes definitely into? Denile. Finger the hell out of her pussy and stop just short of overload. She'll swear up a storm, even threaten you. But your totally safe in this moment. She knows she needs you to finish, and this is really your only chance to get her to say embarrassing things. Get some tips from Ratchet on how to properly finger.
Shes into PDA. Definitely. If shes into you, shes not afraid of you showing it. Romantically. You grab her ass in the hall, your knees better be ready to get shot at. Stick with nicknames and head pecks.
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princeofdarkmount · 5 years
[DLOG1] Development.
So... is around now a good time to uh... talk about last night?
[ Sandinurseams has requested a video chat ]
[There's a slight delay before he accepts the call, but he does answer. Instead of smugness and attitude being on full display though,  Ark's all seated poise and neutral expression. And tense. Very obviously tense. ]  ....hey.
[ Sandy isn't coping much better only while Ark is schooled tension, Sandy looks like a flighty mess about to run at the first chance as he nervously shifts and messes with a stylus between his fingers ]  . . . hey. So.... all that happened.last night.
...yes..... it did. Indeed.  [He fidgets, clasped servos threading and unthreading themselves repetitively in a loop. ]  So... yeah.....  What...um....
I-I'm.... I'm not actually sure ... what is supposed to happen or what should happen... now...
I... really don't know either truthfully. [There's an attempt at a smile. See 'attempt'. ]  ...... guess we're both pretty out of our depth here, huh?
[ Sandcrest actually does manage a smile, its small and it keeps faltering a little but its there ] yeah. guess so. I guess.... where do you... want it to go? maybe?
[Ark glances to the side, optics brightening a few degrees. ] M'not.. all that sure? Honestly, I wasn't really expecting to get this far, let alone the sentiment to be returned. So I kind of don't-  [ He cuts himself off with a groan, letting his helm fall into his hands. Suddenly he's looking less put together and a lot more nervous. ] ...... I know I want you. More then what I currently have, but I don't know to what extent... if that makes sense....  How about you? What are... your thoughts on this?
[ sandcrest is blushing. He will deny the hell out of it if its pointed out but he is definitely flushed. He's also not looking at the screen. ]  I... I'm not really sure either. The only real experience I have is watching dumb soap operas and obviously following those would be doomed for disaster.  [ he does actually crack a tiny smirk, glancing at  the screen out of the corner of his optic ] Unless you wanna suddenly bust into a hospital room dramatically declaring you were replaced all this time by an evil twin set to overtake your life.
I guess... a good start would just be to, you know, get to know each other better.
[Ark spies the blushing, but opts not to comment. Mainly because he knows doing so will likely open him to mocking of his own facia's current 'discoloration'. And he's not quite sure if he's going to be able to take anymore- ]  [He blinks, talons falling away to reveal a dumbfounded expression. After a moment of his lipplates twist into a grin and he starts laughing. It's quiet and soft; nothing like the ear piercing cackling from the day before.]  [When his laughter dies down, he wipes his face and sits back up, still smiling. ] ....all things considered, I think getting to know each other more would be a good starting point. Then we can just, work our way from there and... see where this goes.
[ Sandy grins as he gets Ark to crack up and relax. That laugh is … well definitely seems like its something that doesn’t come to the surface a lot. His own smile turns gentle as he listens to it, leaning chin on his palm. ] Yeah, yeah that works… In that caaaase… why not come here to Sanctuary for a bit to hang out one of these days? I um- I know a great arcade on the mainland that was built for organics and cybertronians in mind.
 [Ark manages to hold optic contact for a total of two klicks before looking away, the blue hint across his facial mesh intensifying. If one looked closely they would think he was... embarrassed. Either by that breach in his facade or the look the other was giving him was anyone's guess.] [His gaze flicks between different points around the room, poignantly avoiding the screen as he contemplates an answer. ] ... I would have to check my schedule and rearrange a few things so I would have the necessary time off, but... yeah. I would like to do that, and maybe see what this arcade is all about with you.
hm. You'll have to let me know when your forever cluttered schedule has a time free, then. maybe we can make a whole afternoon of it. I wanna see if you are any good at beat saber with those sword skills of yours.
I'm supposed to be meeting with my secretary here shortly. So I'll be able to drop and move things around and get back to you later on what days would be best. We don't have any really important events or meetings coming up as far as I know, so me 'sneaking' off for awhile to spend time with you shouldn't be that big of a deal. ...also what's beat saber?
Oh you'll either love it or hate it. Its a game where using virtual swords through VR tracking you destroy virtual boxes on the rhythm of various songs, it gets really hard in later levels. ... also I cant believe you have a secretary, do you really have a secretary or are you just fucking with me?
Huh. Sounds interesting. The little rhythm based games I have played I found to be entertaining,  and this seems to be along a similar circuit.... so who knows. We'll just have to wait and see.  ...and yes I do. I didn't always, but, after awhile managing everything on my own got to be... too much. So I enlisted the aid of one of the few Eradicons who are actually organized to help keep me on track schedule wise, as well as ensuring I have everything I need throughout the sol.
Huh... its so weird to think someone my age us already so busy he needs a freakin secretary.
There's a lot more to being a prince then just looking pretty. It's a full time job, and a rather difficult and precarious one at times.There's a lot of responsibility and expectation tied to my position. In order to ensure I am effective in what Im doing I need to maintain a level helm, be responsible, and ensure every one of my subjects is happy and free. At all times.
...primus that sounds like a lot of stress And they never just... let you go have fun?
... I can go enjoy myself for a time. But. Generally speaking, it's not very convenient for me to do so.  At least not without some pre planning.Or well timed use of the bridge.
..... figure out when you can come, ill work out getting that time off on my end. We're taking you to have some actually fun, spontaneous or not. You have no say in the matter, i am taking you for fun!
... Alright then.
its decided we are going to an arcade, I am kicking your aft in every game possible, then we are going to get ener-ice cream or something  
... I don't know about you beating me at every game, but the rest of that sounds quite appealing.
Oh we will see Ark. We will see.
Heh. I may be a tower mech, but that doesn't mean I'm skill-less outside the confines of a political debate, Sandcrest. It would be wise not to underestimate me.  ...or do. The look on your facia when I kick your aft at something will be all the more sweeter~
Yeah well I also got homefield advantage! I've been to this arcade all the time!
Ah but I'm a fast learner. So even if you do have an advantage over me in some places, it won't last forever.
then I need to press the advantage while I have it! [ in the bg, treadline yells, "Or he'll cheat!"  sandy responds with a muted but still able to be hear "SHUT UP TREADLINE!" ]
Mm. Good thing I don't usually play fair then.
Hmmph. guess we will be seeing who can cheat better then.
So we shall~ >]
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