#hound tag pending
aworldadrifft · 2 months
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"Miss me?"
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"Not a bit."
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She's grabbing popcorn-
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mamamittens · 1 year
I'm contemplating what to do for Hancock's jewelry and bouncing ideas in my head for the two new Oh Sweet Child requests.
Pending thoughts for jewelry
I'm thinking something like a choker but it's a snake that gently bites the end of its tail. I've long had a motif that folks connected to the RA have a pearl somewhere in their jewelry so maybe the eyes?
Perhaps some scales are gemstones depending on what kinda snake I do though keeping it mostly gold would match with her usual tastes ngl.
Considered a hanging chain from the fangs to a teardrop ruby that is meant to hang between or just under her breasts. I forget if there's a specific name for this but it's usually only done to compliment a plunge neckline or draw the eye to the breasts in general for women--I've never seen this in men's jewelry fashion unless you count dog tags or a ring that is meant to hide under a shirt when desired. Maaayybe 'drops' of rubies down the chain as a sexy intrigue piece that also hunts at how damn dangerous this woman is to get close to.
Okay, so thoughts for Whitebeard's platonic end
I'm not entirely sure on what I'll have for his. Maybe reader has a bad dream (cliche I know lol) and ends up talking to him in a little heart to heart.
Oh! Or maybe reader sneaks out when everyone has passed tf out during a party to try and either escape or get fresh air without being hounded. Idk. Depends on when this takes place cause at the end of Sweet Child they've pretty well resigned to sticking around.
Anyway, party walk, the reader thinks everyone is asleep but as it turns out, Whitebeard tends to be a very light sleeper when on deck and it leads to a soft conversation.
I've tried very hard to not have too much detail in reader's past so it's not specific to anyone--no mention of family or friends--but I have mentioned some vague nothings about "shit choices" implying the marine enlisting wasn't entirely by choice. I didn't have any specific plans for that or secret btw, I just needed something to give the reader a reason to not fold immediately into Whitebeard's crew.
Anyway, I thought it'd be sweet if part of this heart to heart is a conversation about wanting to have a choice in a world that very much doesn't really let you have that. Not knowing what they want to do with their life because they haven't had the ability to put much stock into the future--which is ultimately why they're so passive about their fate despite having a desire to leave.
Which naturally leads to Whitebeard talking about the different reasons he "adopts" his children. The one relevant to the reader is protection and a desire to see them flourish. He didn't seem them out but he knew when they arrived that he wanted them to be apart of his family.
Maybe he suggests they start writing about the many dangerous animals they seem to have a natural ability to charm. At the very least, it gives them an excuse to go after them and well... It's hardly the most dangerous hobby any of his children have picked up Whitebeard adopts feral pirates almost daily he feels kinship at how much reader loves things that could and would rip them to shreds.
And finally Izo.
Izo gives me the most trouble because as far as I'm aware of he's a fan of his guns and he likes cross dressing--if only just in cosmetics and performing traditional Japanese activities that are usually reserved for women like dancing.
I'd need to double check that last part honestly but that's where I'm at right now for understanding his character.
And he hasn't really shown up so I don't have any real basis for his stance on the reader--nor do I have any direction for the request. But I feel like he'd admire the reader not caving into the crew quickly given that it shows they do have dedication and standards.
But I'm pretty lost in bonding for either romantic or platonic senses. At least without getting into conversations about gender which would be difficult to dance around without assigning the reader a specific gender outright.
I know from comments most assume the reader is female and in rather hoping that's because the readers are mostly female as opposed to me missing glaring red "THIS IS NOT A MAN" flags... Which would make me sad cause y'all it's really hard to write some of this stuff without committing to a sex or gender 🥲
But! The point is that from the sounds of it so far, at the very least the reader doesn't typically do any of the cosmetics associated with feminine presenting fashion. So I'd need to be very careful in phrasing to avoid breaking this without talking about "well I'm a dude and dudes don't usually wear lipstick where I'm from" or "I was never a girly girl growing up" cause of the obvious reasons (at least I hope it's obvious).
I'm just not sure what kind of common ground they'd bond over so there's a strong chance it'll be a bit before Izo's comes out, unfortunately.
Perhaps a conversation about duty? And growing last what you'd previously assumed would be your entire life??? That'd be interesting and a unique point only the marine!reader could come from given the drastic difference from marine to full on pirate.
Anyway, I need to sleep now before I completely fuck myself up for work Monday lol
Btw, Melody hasn't been forgotten I just set it down for a moment while I consider how/if I'll drag out the next part before I move Koala into the story.
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galtx · 2 years
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GALTx eNews: Blazer's Guardian Angels Holiday Miracle!
GALT’s Injured Reserve (IR) greys with significant medical expenses often tug at the heartstrings of our generous donors.  Bernadette, Emma, and Sophia recently caught the eyes of Nicholas Cook & Ryan Zhang, and also Rick & Linda Vayo. Within a day of each other, Nicholas, Ryan and the Vayos submitted enough funds to cover all of the medical costs for these three special hounds. With these gifts, the Blazer’s Guardian Angels (BGA) program has now raised over $60,000!
We presented Bernadette, Emma, and Sophia with special pink “Angel Tags” at a celebration on December 2, 2022. Ryan and the Vayos could not be present, but they were represented by Cher and Chip Imrie, who initiated the BGA program in 2016 in memory of their first grey, Blazer. The wonderful foster moms for these three special IR greys also attended. Click here to see more photos of the celebration. Bernadette has even more good news! After a year on Injured reserve, she now has an adoption pending and a forever home on the way!
Nicholas and Ryan are honoring the memory of their first grey, Jane, and say: “Jane was a gentle and goofy soul who touched the hearts of everyone she met. She loved car rides, stealing cookies and donuts (anything sweet), knocking over all the pillows on the bed until she was comfortable, and hunting for possums in the backyard. When she was diagnosed with lymphoma in March 2021 our hearts broke, even more when she was given one to three months to live. She beat the odds and lived for nineteen months before succumbing to the cancer in October 2022. She was the light of our lives and soulmate in dog form. We were so thankful for the extra time and the bond we formed that will forever be a part of our hearts. RIP, Grey Lady – get those possums of the sky!”
The Vayos are honoring the memory of their Rainbow Bridge Angels Amanda and Emmet. The Vayos previously initiated the Amanda and Emmet Golden Years Fund to help GALT raise money for senior greys, who are often difficult to place for adoption. Linda and Rick say: “We started GALT’s Amanda & Emmet Golden Years Fund in honor of our amazing senior greys. We subscribe to the mantra of many others in GALT: Adopting a senior greyhound is the best kept secret in the greyhound world. Sadly, both Amanda and Emmet traveled to the Rainbow Bridge in 2019/2020. We have fallen in love via cyberspace with many of GALT’s IR greys, and Bernadette in particular stole our hearts! We are proud to honor the memory of our Super Seniors by joining the Blazer’s Guardian Angels team and helping provide for the medical expenses of Bernadette, Emma and Sophia.”
GALT deeply appreciates these special donors who have covered the extensive medical expenses of GALT greys in need. If you would like to join Blazer’s Guardian Angels and honor the memory of a Rainbow Bridge grey in this special program, please contact Susie McQuade at [email protected] or Barbara Christian at [email protected].
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astormofagirl · 5 years
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It’s a surprise to see him, though perhaps it should not be. They were all gathering for the coming war were they not? She watches him dismount, hands curling around the railing above the training yard, her gaze zeroing in on his. Sansa angles her head to the side and nods as he makes his way up the stairs behind the other men. “I did not think I’d see you here.”
@ofimaginarybeings  hit ❤️ for an Episode Based Starter
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jackalsarchive · 2 years
WIP tag game
WIP tag game, swiped from @st0rmyskies and @drsteggy
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs (or as many peeps as you want, really- ‘tis just for fun!)
Ah shit, here we go. These are WIPs that I’ve either been working on lately, or ones that I would actually have information and answers to give lol. The rest in my folders are barely any snippets, not fully formed yet! So just these posted for now. 
1. Keep the Home Fires Burning  
2. Witchbottle
3. TH/HSH Wild bartender fic (title pending) 
4. Love Me for Life   
5. Wind Waker fic (title pending)  
6. Pleistocene (Interstadial)  
7. Baby Lamb 
8. Hare in the Teeth of a Hound
9. Eventide Island 
10. Cherub
11. A Grace Period
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
Sick Little Games: Six
Natasha groaned and rested her head on the table slowly, “Y/N, as soon as I can move without my head pounding, I’m going to kill you.”
“Duly noted,” you say, handing her a bottle of water and a cup of coffee with a little hair of the dog in it. “Cheap wine hangover is the worst.”
“How did you get out without getting drunk?” Clint asks you, amused.
You shrug, “A little sleight of hand and some redirection... Drunk me really shouldn’t be let out in public.”
Bruce reached around you for creamer and laughed, “Definitely not. Last time Drunk you was out, you and Hulk would up reenacting scenes from King Kong.”
“King Kong?” Thor asked, confused.
“A movie about aa huge monkey that falls in love with a gorgeous actress,” Bruce said, rolling his eyes and tugging the end of your braid, “It was almost a PR disaster.”
“Only almost!” you defend with a squeak when Thor smashes you against Bruce’s side when he leans over your head to kiss his boyfriend, good morning.
“That is the cutest three-way I have ever seen,” Clint snorted as Thor and Bruce took advantage of your small stature and kept you in their little group hug, both of them kissing either of your cheeks affectionately. 
“It’s not the cutest one I have ever been a part of,” Thor quipped, letting you go so you could reach your coffee. 
“Thor!” Bruce scolded.
“What? I just said it wasn’t the cutest... not that it didn’t have the cutest participants,” He looks down to wink at you only to find you now resolutely focused on cleaning the dishes in the sink. Across the way, Bucky was telling his evening’s companion good-bye. The woman was clearly well-loved. Disheveled and wearing last night's dress, albeit worse for wear after a night on the floor.
The kind of woman, Thor assumed, that was your exact opposite. And suddenly. Terribly. Several tumblers clicked into place. Your heart had audibly stuttered for just a second. And now that he was walking towards you, it was racing. He glanced down at you, the tension in your shoulders. Then glanced around. No one else really seemed to notice it was amiss. Thor was willing to bet that he had only seen, and even then only because he could feel the shift in your energy. 
When Bucky comes to lean on the counter, you slip away quietly, taking advantage of Clint’s curiosity about Bucky’s companion and Natasha’s renewed complaining about her hangover to escape to your room. Bruce looked up at Thor, sensing the sudden shift in his mood, and Thor kissed him softly, trying to reassure him but didn’t have time to say anything before Steve strode into the kitchen. 
“Suit up,” he said gravely, “We got work to do.”
“Who do you need?” Bruce asked.
“Y/N, Barton, Bucky, Thor, and Nat,” he said, “Apparently, some demons are teaming up with a terrorist cell.”
“What the fuck is Y/N gonna do about it? Read at them?” Bucky snorted.
Nat gave Bucky a look, “Don’t mistake composure and kindness for powerlessness,” she cautioned.
“Then why are they sending her with such a big team?’ he countered
“Magic takes time,” Clint snorted, “Someone has to keep goons off her back.”
“Indeed,” Thor rumbled, making a mental note to keep Bucky away from you.
The plane ride to the site is quiet. Everyone, even Clint, is quiet. Bucky is grateful, even if the crackling energy around you makes his skin crawl and itch. No one else seems bothered by it. Or maybe, he figures, they’re used to it. But, Sam, who wheedled his way into this particular mission, doesn’t seem bothered either. 
When they land, a way out, Steve looks down at you, “What are we up against?”
You pause, kneeling and pressing your palms into the dirt, “Demons. A couple vampires... at least. That’s what’s on the ground right now. Don’t try anything tricky. Headshots first ask questions later. If it doesn’t go down, run. If it chases you, find Thor. Or me. We’re gonna be the prime targets. To demons, the rest of you are like designer purses. Nice to have but ultimately disposable.”
“You heard the lady,” Steve said, tightening his grip on his shield. “Let’s move.”
Bucky eyes your choice of weapons and scoffs. A pretty stick and a sword. So. Useless. All you were probably going to do was put someone’s eye out. But he stays quiet. Thor had practically growled at him earlier when he went to sit next to you... Now he couldn’t get the idea if the most awkward orgy in history out of his head. Did Banner even know what boobs were for?
Bucky, though, doesn’t have long to ponder that thought before the fighting starts. And it doesn’t take long for him and Sam to realize EXACTLY how unnerving it was to watch a witch at work. 
Black blood spattered the grass at your feet as droves of demons headed towards you. Heads rolled, and your eyes glowed an unearthly silver in the purple haze of Twilight. 
“Oh fuck me,” he hears over comms. 
“They have a goddamn hell hound.”
“Y/N down!” Barton yells, and Bucky glances over just in time to see you drop to the ground as Clint fires an arrow into a Vampire’s eye. Just moments later, a... creature, glowing like radioactive waste and more mountain that hound roars, shaking the earth under his feet.
“Barton, Sam... Someone high up. I need a chain. Something strong...” you bark into comms.
“100 yards straight down, but you’re gonna have to fight for it. And get around the dog,” Clint said uncertainly.
“Thor,” You ask politely, “Help Steve cut me a path?”
Thor’s booming laugh can be heard even without the commlink and Steve pants, “Fuck, that is a huge dog.”
“And it’s only gonna get bigger the longer it’s topside,” you say, starting to sprint forward. 
“Bigger,” Sam yelps.
“Sam, cover Y/N. Bucky, Cover Sam. Nat, computers,“ Steve pants.
There is no time for argument as you streak forward, sword in hand as you snatch up the chain and jerk a knot in it. A heavy knot. “I really hope this works,” you pant.
Clint makes a horrified sound as you whip the Chain forward, and the hell hound bites down, whipping you into the air. “Y/N!” he half screams. In his head, he can see a million ways the angles could go wrong. A million ways you could die. And there’s nothing he can do. But watch this massive... Thing whips you around like a rag doll.
You drive your sword into its neck and hang on. “Thor, hit me!” you grit out through your teeth. 
“You’ll die!” He yells back.
“We all will if I can’t put this thing down. Trust me,” you say, your voice is calm, despite the tension in your voice. 
Thor take an audible deep breath and forces Lightening down on the creature. It hits in all its awesome power and the sound that the thing makes in like a chainsaw being thrown into a woodchipper. Inconceivable in it’s sheer... un- processable sound. 
And then, as it melts into black blood and rivers of flame, there is silence. There is nothing. Nothing but your labored breathing over calms and the ringing in all their ears.
You know nothing. Nothing after the lightening. You don’t know that it’s Clint who carried you off the field. That medical practically had to pry you out of his arms. 
You don’t know that Thor couldn’t look. He felt like he’d practically killed you. That looking at your little body, unconscious and broken in a pool of ink-black blood, your own blood floating on top, was going to be seared into his brain for the rest of his very long life. 
You don’t see Natasha, Steve, and Sam huddled together trying to figure out the best way to get you home. If you'll even make it home.
And you don’t know that Bucky feels nothing. Not for you. Just a vague discomfort. Demons were gross. 
The sun was dipping below the horizon and Clint couldn’t look at you. You’d told him everything. It was like once you had started that you couldn’t stop. It had gushed out like blood from a wound. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he ground out. 
“I-” you start, flinching away from the anger you feel radiating off of him.
“Or Nat. Or I mean Fuck Steve?” he said jumping off the hood of the truck to pace. 
“I didn’t think it mattered,” you murmur, looking away. So far, you were proud of yourself, you’d managed not to cry. But now? You could feel your throat burning and you just... you needed to move. 
“Didn’t-” he stopped and stared at you in disbelief. “I’m sorry. Did you just say you didn’t fucking matter?” He laughed and jerked your chin up. 
“Y/N,” he said softly, “Baby. Tell me who made you think that. Please. I need to find them and introduce their kneecaps to a tire iron.”
You pull your chin out of his hand and bite your lip, “I just... I didn’t want people to take sides.”
Clint sighs, “Baby. There are no sides here,” he said, pulling you against his chest and resting his cheek on your hair. “He hurt you,” Clint said, “And no one is gonna be okay with that.”
Tags: @lancsnerd, @thorfanficwriter @blameitonthecauseway @etherealwaifgoddess, @stevieang, @beautybyfire, @sunmoonandbucky @mrsfox79, @bbmommy0902, @mendes-fan, @iheartsebastianstan, @wtfcas @pinknerdpanda, @process-pending, @ladifreakingda, @leasly, @coldbookworm, @hv-chw3, @past-perfect-future-tense, @starkrobb @beardburnsupersoldiers, @petlaufeyson, @queenoftheunderdark, @potatoheadthewise, @thehyperactiveteen, @thefridgeismybestie, @boyett514, @an-awkward-human-1, @sunshine-and-riverwater
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vulpesd · 5 years
under construction.
one:   an indie f/ox a/listair from r/wby. two:   sporadic activity, i’m trying to keep it relatively chill here. three:   mutuals are prioritised, but i’m open to other interactions regardless. four:   standard roleplay rules apply, don’t be a dick and we’re gucci. five:   n/sfw might be present here ( sexual themes, written content, dark themes ) i won’t be interacting with anyone under eighteen for my comfort. six:   i go by nine, of age, non binary ( they / him ) cryptid running on aes time. seven:   these rules are subject to change as i gradually adjust to the character.
name:   fox alistair. age:   eighteen ( volume one ), twenty ( volume seven. ) species:   fox faunus, human. occupation:   former scavenger,   huntsman. identifies as:   cis male ( he / him. ) ethnicity:   vacuoan, equivalent kenyan / greek / english. orientation:   bisexual / demiromantic. inspiration:   tod, from fox and the hound ( additional inspirations pending. )
weapon:   sharp retribution is a pair of tonfa blades attached to his arms, folding into wristbands when not in combat. team:   team cfvy, or “ coffee ”, consists of c/oco a/del, f/ox a/listair, v/elvet s/carlatina, and y/atsuhashi d/aichi. abilities:   considerable speed, strength, agility, and reflexes in combat. excellent control of aura. vast pool of aura. ability to sense another’s aura. semblance:   telepathy. fox can send messages to people’s minds to convey his thoughts. his semblance is more precise if people are close and he can sense when they are nearby. when using it, the people he is conveying a message to feel as though they are being watched. he is also capable of reading minds. weakness: fox is at a significant advantage without his accessibility dialogue assistant, or “a.d.a.” the program assists in detailing the whereabouts and convey visual information on fox’s enemies.
the accessibility dialogue assistant, or simply “ ada”, is a device intended to aid people with disabilities, specifically blindness. the device takes the form of an almost invisible earpiece. it is designed to send sonar pulses to scan the nearby environment and gives users ’ artifical sight. ’ an ada device is activated through voice control, which takes the form of a female voice. additionally, the system is set to adapt to the user of the device, and it contains a compass feature.
“ ada ” also features a battle mode called the cyrano protocol, which scans the area nearby for the nearby weapons and assesses both the weapons and the user’s fighting style.
faunus traits:   elongated canines. eye colour:   white, formally grey - brown. skin colour: dark brown. hair colour: copper. hair length, and style: just past ear length, messy, long fringe. height: 185cm ( 6′1″ ) weight: corresponding. body build: athletic. speech pattern: deep, gravely. notable traits: body covered in scars.
positive traits:   adaptable, capable, charismatic, conscientious, cooperative, decisive, forthright, free - thinking, gallant, hard - working, humourous, non - authoritarian, perceptive, persuasive, playful, practical, protective, relaxed, resourceful, responsive, self - critical, self - reliant, witty. neutral traits:   aggressive, casual, determined, droll, enigmatic, impersonal, sarcastic, skeptical, unceremonious, unsentimental, whimsical. negative traits:   abrupt, aloof, blunt, callous, cold, compulsive, condemnatory, crude, crynical, disorderly, dogmatic, fatalistic, hedonistic, mannerless, morbid, nihilistic, opportunistic, presumptuous, provocative, rowdy, sly, suspicious, troublesome, undisciplined.
fox was born into the nomadic kenyte tribe active in the middle of the desert to a valean father, and a vacuoan mother, the both of them fox faunus. they were a scavenger tribe who often uncovered left behind ruins in the wastes, or guided explorers there.
fox had deteriorating sight until he was three, when he was officially declared blind. at six years of age a large wormhole in the sand killed his parents. he was then raised by his uncle copper, who was then murdered for his belongings. the murderer was then sentenced to death, and fox was raised communally. 
despite the hardship that came with being an orphan, blind, and living in vacuo, fox proved himself a resiliant fighter through and through, tackling any challenge put in front of him. his quality of life improved significantly once he unlocked his aura, and began to sense better around him.
he eventually became sick of merely surviving, determined to live a life where he could find meaning in more than waking up the next morning. and so he would leave vacuo and, utilising the only skillset he had, studied to become a huntsman.
headcanon tag.
timeline: kenyte.   fox is a young scavenger amongst the nomadic tribe of kenyte roaming vacuo.
timeline: beacon.   now attending beacon academy to become a huntsman, amongst the members of team c/fvy.
timeline: shade.   relocated after the fall of beacon, fox now attends shade academy and looks into the conspiracy of “ the list. ”
timeline: huntsman.   future verse.
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asfeedin · 4 years
Arsenal can forget Champions League, PSG president’s TV negotiations, Chelsea’s Kepa conundrum
Welcome to ESPN’s Insider Notebook, featuring contributions from our reporters across the continent. In this edition, Arsenal fans excited about getting Champions League football through the back door are dealt a reality check, PSG’s president is negotiating with himself, Chelsea have a Kepa conundrum and there’s an esports battle brewing …
Jump to: PSG president negotiates with himself | Kepa conundrum | Lockdown in Malaga | Spain and Italy’s eSports beef
Arsenal in the Champions League? Forget it
We’ve heard many weird and wonderful ideas appear about how to resolve issues if the coronavirus crisis means domestic seasons across Europe cannot be completed. But sorry, Arsenal fans, don’t get excited. Unless you finish in the top four, you won’t be playing in the Champions League next season, whenever that will be.
One of the whispers out of Tuesday’s UEFA video conference, held with all 55 national associations, was that European places could be decided purely on UEFA’s club coefficient, a system that ranks clubs based on their European performance alone over a five-year period.
In such a scenario, England‘s Champions League spots go to Liverpool, Manchester United … and ninth-placed Arsenal. Tottenham Hotspur, who are eighth in the league, would take Manchester City‘s place, due to City’s ban for financial fair play violations (pending an appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, of course).
Leicester City and Chelsea, who sit third and fourth in the Premier League table respectively, would be dumped into the Europa League with Wolverhampton Wanderers, while Sheffield United would be denied their first-ever European campaign in a cruel twist following a fine season back in the big time.
Arsenal won’t be able to find a backdoor route into the Champions League next season. Stuart MacFarlane/Arsenal FC via Getty Images
But that misfortune is nothing compared to Belgium, where Club Brugge sit 15 points clear at the top and are to be crowned champions; they are ranked only fourth by UEFA’s coefficient, so would merit only a place in the Europa League third-qualifying round.
In Spain, sixth-placed Atletico Madrid would take the place of Real Sociedad; Atalanta and Inter would lose out to AS Roma and Napoli in Italy; Lyon and AS Monaco would take places off Marseille and Stade Rennes, who have never played in the Champions League, in France.
In Germany, RB Leipzig and Borussia Monchengladbach would be replaced by Bayer Leverkusen and Schalke. AZ Alkmaar, who are only second to Ajax in the Dutch Eredivisie, would lose their place to PSV Eindhoven.
But wait! All of this just isn’t going to happen. It’s pie in the sky. It was the suggestion of one league representative, and while it might get traction in places, sources have told ESPN that UEFA is adamant sporting achievement should govern who plays in Europe. It’s up to the leagues to suggest a formula and UEFA will offer guidelines. This may be made official when the executive committee meets on Thursday.
All of which is why UEFA is so against the idea of null-and-voiding seasons, preferring instead that leagues are played to a conclusion or places awarded on merit.
These stories give great headlines, but rarely stand up to scrutiny. It is not that the idea has not been floated and could not be used in very specific cases. But for an association in full as a blanket rule? Not a chance. — Dale Johnson
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PSG president negotiates with … himself?
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• When does the transfer window reopen? • Karlsen: Possible coronavirus impact • Best ever transfers: 100-51 | 50-1 • This summer’s top free agents • January transfer grades • Latest completed major transfers
Paris Saint-Germain president Nasser Al-Khelaifi is negotiating on behalf of Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 clubs with TV rights holders, so that the final installments for the 2019-20 season can be paid. The rights holders in France are Canal+ and BeIn Sport, whose supremo is … yep, you’ve guessed it: Nasser Al-Khelaifi.
So the Paris boss is basically in talks with himself. The motto does say that if you want something done, do it yourself, but this is pushing it. Al-Khelaifi has been put forward by the other Ligue 1 presidents, and Canal+ also thought it was a good idea that he was part of the negotiations.
On April 5, BeIn, like Canal+, refused to transfer the money to the league for the latest instalments of the Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 rights, totalling €155 million. They have another payment due on June 5. The negotiations continue, and Al-Khelaifi is asking for French football to be less selfish. He is running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. — Julien Laurens
Chelsea in Kepa conundrum
Chelsea are struggling to drum up interest in goalkeeper Kepa Arrizabalaga, sources have told ESPN. Manager Frank Lampard is open to selling the Spain international after dropping him for six games in January and February.
Intermediaries have been gauging interest from some of Europe’s leading clubs, but there seems to be very little appetite to take the 25-year-old off Chelsea’s hands. Kepa arrived from Athletic Bilbao for £71.6 million in 2018 and has a contract at Stamford Bridge until 2025.
Chelsea face a dilemma about how to move forward with their goalkeeper situation. No. 2 Willy Caballero is set to leave at the end of the season, and the club are exploring the option of signing another senior goalkeeper to compete with Kepa. — Rob Dawson
Sid Lowe dives into the proposed protocols for team training and the potential timetable for La Liga’s return.
Spending lockdown in Malaga’s stadium
Spain’s strict coronavirus lockdown has not been a problem for the Perales family, who have Malaga’s La Rosaleda stadium as their backyard.
Andres Perales, who is 83, lives in a house alongside the 30,000-capacity arena with the youngest of his seven children, Andy. Andres worked for the club for almost 50 years in various roles — from team bus driver, to gardener, to janitor and even masseur — and has lived on site since 1989.
“This is my life. I spent my youth here at La Rosaleda,” Andres told La Sexta TV. “It’s a real shame to see it empty like this. I’ve seen it full, with people coming and going … and now like this it’s really sad.”
Despite retiring a decade ago, Andres continues to live rent-free in a three-bedroom home accessed via the stadium’s Gate 18, which bears his name in recognition of his years of service.
2 Related
“I can’t complain,” Andy, who is 43 and also a club employee, told El Pais. “After lunch I go for a walk on the training pitch, and if I feel like it I go to the first-team gym. I don’t go into the stadium too often, I’ve seen it enough.”
Andy and two of his sisters were even involved in disinfecting the stadium last month, donning protective gear to ensure La Rosaleda’s offices, locker rooms, turnstiles and concourses were free of COVID-19.
“It was like cleaning the house, on a larger scale!” he told the club’s website. — Alex Kirkland
Esports beef as Spain left stunned with Italy crying foul play
Sources have told ESPN that Spain were stunned by Italy’s comments following the cancellation of the FIFA eNations StayAndPlay Cup.
FIFA organised the virtual tournament to help spread a positive message during the enforced lockdown in Europe due to the coronavirus pandemic, with participants made up of one international footballer and an esports star as a pairing from each country.
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Dan Thomas is joined by Craig Burley, Shaka Hislop and a host of other guests every day as football plots a path through the coronavirus crisis. Stream on ESPN+ (U.S. only).
Spain and Italy were drawn in the same group of the StayAndPlay Cup, alongside Portugal and Malta. However, while most teams selected an international player and professional esports star as their two representatives, Spain chose YouTuber “DjMaRiiO” with esports player Jaime “Gravesen” Alvarez.
Italy cited this as one of the reasons for the cancellations, with Alessio Romagnoli, the Azzurri‘s representative, also criticising the move.
But the Spanish FA have been left baffled as they claim FIFA informed them they could select an influencer; DjMaRiiO, Spain’s biggest FIFA YouTuber with six million subscribers, falls into that category.
And you thought only real football could bring such drama and aggro! — Rodrigo Faez
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Tags: all blogs, Arsenal, Champions, Chelsea, Chelseas, conundrum, English Premier League, forget, French Ligue 1, Kepa, Kepa Arrizabalaga, league, Málaga, negotiations, Paris Saint-Germain, presidents, PSG, soccer transfers, Spanish Primera División, TV, UEFA Champions League
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theartfulfox · 7 years
State Laws: Louisiana (Revised)
To put it simply: no, all foxes are not legal in Louisiana.
Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) are defined as “nongame quadrupeds” in the state of Louisiana. While nongame quadrupeds can be “raised’ by nongame quadruped exhibitors and nongame quadruped breeders, Louisiana defines “raising” as “production” (i.e. breeding for the purpose of fox/coyote hunting preserves, for chasing with hounds).
Louisiana prohibits the importation and exportation of any species of foxes or coyotes to or from Louisiana in an effort to prevent possible disease and parasite contamination of native wild canids.
While exotic, nonnative foxes are technically not regulated and therefore legal to own, they are not legal to import into the state, and there are no fox breeders in Louisiana, so owning a fox is impossible. 
The legal jargon:
§8.  Definitions
(89)  "Nongame quadruped" means alligators, beavers, bobcats, coyotes, gray foxes, minks, muskrats, nutrias, opossums, otters, raccoons, red foxes, skunks, and other wild quadrupeds valuable for their skins or furs.
§262.  Nongame quadrupeds; breeding, propagation, and exhibition
A.  Whoever desires to engage in the business of raising and/or exhibiting imported or native nongame quadrupeds shall apply to the department for a license to do so.  If it appears that the application is made in good faith, upon a payment of ten dollars, a nongame quadruped exhibitor license may be issued permitting the applicant to breed and/or exhibit such animals provided he meets rules and regulations of the department.  
B.  Whoever desires to engage in the business of raising, exhibiting, and selling imported or native nongame quadrupeds or collecting and selling wild alligator eggs shall apply to the department for a license to do so.  If it appears that the application is made in good faith, upon payment of twenty-five dollars, a nongame quadruped breeder license may be issued permitting the applicant to breed, propagate, exhibit, and sell such animals alive or sell their parts; and to kill and transport them and sell their pelts, skins, or carcasses as hereinafter provided in this Section.  
C.  Nongame quadruped breeder and exhibitor licenses shall expire on the thirty-first of December of each year.  On or before the first of December of each year, every licensee shall apply for a renewal of his exhibitor or breeder license.  In conjunction with this application, or without application if not renewing the license, the licensee shall provide a report including all information as specified by the department.  
D.  Nongame quadrupeds raised on such licensed breeding farms may be sold alive or taken for their pelts, skins, or for food according to rules and regulations of the commission.  All skins shall be tagged according to rules and regulations of the commission.  The severance tax as fixed by law shall be paid before the raw pelts or alligator skins are shipped out of state, or tanned within the state, and a written affidavit as to the number and kinds shipped or tanned shall be furnished to the department as specified.  
E.  All nongame quadruped carcasses or parts intended for sale shall be shipped, transported, sold, or offered for sale according to commission regulations.  
F.  The department may issue a permit to a duly licensed breeder to take such wild animals as needed for use as breeding stock.  The licensed breeder shall apply in writing, stating where the animals are to be taken, at what time, and in what numbers.  
G.  Whoever under the authority of this Section has in his lawful possession any such animal or parts thereof on such posted or fenced breeding area shall have a property right therein and shall be the owner thereof.  Whoever enters the nongame quadruped farm or catches, takes, or molests such animals when the area has been posted or fenced according to law shall be punished as though the animals were ordinary domestic animals and subject to the property rights of the state of Louisiana.
H.  The department may revoke the license of any person violating the provisions of this Section.  
I.  All other rules and regulations pertaining to the breeding, propagation, and sale of nongame quadrupeds shall be determined solely by the commission.  
J.  Violation of this Section constitutes a class three violation.
Part V. Wild Quadrupeds and Wild Birds
§113. Fox/Coyote Hunting Preserve, Purchase and Sale of Live Foxes and Coyotes, Permitting YearRound Coyote Trapping
A. Purpose. These regulations are to govern the purchasing, selling and holding in captivity of live foxes and coyotes for chasing with hounds. These regulations will prohibit the importation and exportation of any species of foxes or coyotes to or from Louisiana in an effort to prevent possible disease and parasite contamination of native wild canids. Humans are subject to infection with the liver being the most common site of larval growth. The infection is termed alveolar hydatid disease (AHD). The number of deaths per number of infected individuals has been 50-75 percent. These regulations are also enacted to allow the sport of fox/coyote hunting with dogs within enclosed areas. The regulations provide general rules including licensing, permits, fees, live trapping, sale and purchase of animals, holding cage requirements, enclosure requirements, acclimation requirements and report requirements. 
B. Definitions
Raising―the production of red fox, grey fox, or coyotes in controlled environmental conditions or in outside facilities.
D. General Rules
1. No person shall take, possess, purchase or sell live foxes or coyotes, except as provided in these regulations and R.S. Title 56.
2. No person shall hold in captivity any live foxes or coyotes, except as provided in these regulations and R.S. Title 56.
3. Fox/coyote hunting preserves shall be of a type and construction such that it will insure the normal containment of foxes, coyotes and hounds.
4. Fox/coyote hunting preserves shall contain an adequate number of escape areas which are houndproof. These may be provided by maintaining thickets, brush piles, windrows, or where natural cover is insufficient, by providing manmade escapes such as culverts or houndproof feeding stations.
5. The owners of fox/coyote hunting preserves shall be required to make available to the game: a. food that is palatable, uncontaminated and nutritionally adequate to ensure normal growth and maintenance; b. water which is fresh, uncontaminated and available at all times.
6. No person shall transport, possess, purchase or sell any live foxes or coyotes taken outside the state of Louisiana. Live foxes and coyotes obtained from outside the state of Louisiana prior to the enacted date of these regulations and in possession of properly licensed persons shall be exempt.
7. No person shall transport from the state or offer for sale out of state any live foxes or coyotes.
8. Acclimation pens shall be constructed adjacent to or within an enclosure to insure the containment of foxes and coyotes and the exclusion of hounds. This requirement may be waived for "training enclosures" or in enclosures where running is discontinued for a minimum of two weeks while foxes/coyotes adjust to the enclosure environment.
9. No person may engage in the business of raising or exhibiting or otherwise possessing fox or coyotes for the purpose of operating a fox/coyote hunting preserve unless he or she has acquired and possesses a valid nongame quadruped breeder or exhibitor license.
10. A licensed trapper may offer for sale such live animals to any licensed nongame quadruped breeder or exhibitor during the open trapping season. During any such transactions, a bill of sale must be provided by the trapper to the nongame breeder or exhibitor and retained for a period of one year. WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES Louisiana Administrative Code January 2016 50
11. Permittees (trapping coyotes during the closed trapping season) will be required to use only the "soft catch" type trap not to exceed a size number 1 1/2, or a box-type trap, or a snare with a relaxing lock.
12. Permittees trapping coyotes during the closed trapping season and licensed as a nongame quadruped breeder may offer for sale such coyotes. During any such transaction, a bill of sale must be provided by the seller to the purchaser and retained for a period of one year by the purchaser.
13. It shall be unlawful to trap coyotes during the closed trapping season without a permit issued by the department.
14. Permittees will be required to check traps daily.
15. Permittees will be required to have in possession written permission from the landowners or lessee where traps are set.
16. Permittees shall release all nontarget species in a manner so as to keep stress or injury minimal.
17. It shall be unlawful to sell native wild foxes or coyotes outside the state of Louisiana.
18. Trappers and permittees who hold game for more than one day for sale shall confine animals at a rate of no more than one fox per 9 square feet and one coyote per 17 square feet. The cage must be high enough for each animal to easily sit or stand. The cage must be escape-proof and offer protection from adverse weather.
19. Fox/coyote hunting preserves shall be exempt from the commission action which prohibits the running of coyotes during the open turkey season.
20. The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has the authority to conduct disease investigations at any time and, pending the results of the disease investigations, has the authority to quarantine fox/coyote hunting preserves if deemed necessary. The department also has the authority to prohibit the release of animals that are diseased or have been exposed to diseased animals.
21. The owners of fox/coyote hunting preserves shall be required to immediately report to the department the occurrence of any disease contracted by captive fox or coyotes. These diseases include but are not limited to rabies, canine distemper, sarcoptic mange or Echinococcus infections.
Citation: LA RS 56:8 & 56:262; LA AC 76:113
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Welcome Back
Cw:none ask to tag
Ok to rb.
Summmary: after being separated from her crew (aka after the third movie) for a long time, lazaro returns and re-establishes her old relationshipps with much chaos in between.
(This GIF is gold pure gold!)
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It was nice to be with her family back, she Rode down the dusty road into their New home.
One for the humans and one for them, the transformers.
And they are all waiting for her there.
Optimus de-transforms, smiling as she does the same.
--the mamacita is here!-- teased crosshairs-- be carefull muchachos she'll burn you!--he laughed--well fuck me! Lazaro no time no see! Beautiful as ever-- said crosshairs taking lazaros hand.
--you know I hate when you call me that, but i see you havent lost your touch, crosshairs, handsome as ever,still
--you know I like to tease you-- answers the green mech.
The green bot smiles before being yanked away by both drift and hound, who hugged her tightly.
--lazaro!-- shouted bumblebee running to her .
--bee! You talk again! Oh how wonderfull to see you!
--same here,old friend
--welcome home, lazaro-- said optimus patting her back.
They all got into the huge warehouse, they all transformed into a smaller versions of themselves and Walked.
-- we saved you a spot by the Window!-- said bee pointing at a huge room-- thats for you
--you guys are too kind!-- lazaro said, hugging bee.
-- go rest, after todays drive you must be tired-- optimus added patting her back.
She nodded-- on it, boss!
As she walks away she doest hear primes fans kick in.
-- youre...blushing? -- asked bee teasingly.
--Not another word-- said optimus walking away.
Bee starts to laugh with crosshairs, drift starts to Snicker, and hound tries to contain his loud laughter .
The following days she'd help around the yeager family, she didnt had the chance to interact with humans like this, in her normal form.
Now shes sitting on her bed, looking at some old Polaroid pictures she took with bee during the 80s, when they first met.
It was a warm summer night, bee was Driving with his human companion at the time , charlie.
--have you ever wondered if there were more like you here?,in earth...?
The car rumbles as if it was saying yes.
--Ive found a New car recently, its weird, want to check it out?
Bee de-transforms catching his friend.
--Look, It has the same emblem as you!
Bee gasped, well if he could he would, he Gently taps the trunk of the car.
-- 《we wont hurt you》 -- said the bot through the radio--《 im an autobot 》
The car drives into the yard, and de-transforms.
-- 《im bumblebee》-- said bee.
--Well, I dont have a name per se-- said the other autobot-- but you can call me Lazaro...
Bee shook her hand and smiled-- 《hi, lazaro!》
--remembering the past?-- asked none other than bee himself leaning on the wall.
--Can you blame me? You look so much cuter Back then..
The mech giggles helping her stand up--we were kids back then
Lazaro sighs smiling-- but you havent changed a bit-- said she cupping his cheeks-- youre still cute as ever...
Bees fans kick in, as she presses a gentle kiss to his metal lips.
-- ill see you around,I told tessa id help her with her college Papers
As she leaves bee just falls on his ass mumbling nonsense until crosshairs finds him
--lazaro again?-- asked the green mech.
--yep....-- answered bee.
As lazaro helps tessa, the human smiles,they are sitting in the yard, optimus talks with cade.
--ive seen the way you look at optimus yknow-- said she softly pushing her bot friend.
--oh shuuush-- answered she-- he'd never like me
--oh you CLEARLY havent seen how he gets when youre around
--how so?-- lazaro tilted her head.
--dad made a comment about him acting like a schoolgirl around you,and his fans kicked in...
Remember that day you complimented his sword? Ratchet said he could see primes spark glowing like a torch! Come on you cant be that oblivious can you?
Lazaro stares at the human dumbfoldedly-- I think I can
Later that day she trained with hound,optimus watched from a distance.
--its gettin' weird--said crosshairs-- you look like a creep
Prime Turns to him, slightly scared that lazaro might see him staring.
--Just messin' with ya boss
The autobot leader scowls-- thats not funny crosshairs
--yknow, I see the way you look at her, just go and talk, its not that hard
Prime shakes his head-- oh come on--
--Hey prime!-- shouted hound-- can you come here? I need to talk with ya!
--hes got good timing -- said the green mech.
Optimus approached hound,talking about how they needed some supplies, when hound left, lazaro and prime are left alone.
--yknow boss is good to be back--said she standing infront of him-- ive missed you so much
-- the feeling is mutal-- said prime trying his best to not trip on his own Words.
--ive seen youve been weird, is everything okay?,I know things got rocky after that bitch quintessa
He sighs,looking away-- im still surprised the autobots still consider me their leader
She cups his cheek, caressing it with her thumb-- youre a great leader, and a great mech, quintessa was a rock in your step but thats it, I know deep down-- she said pressing a hand near his spark-- is a good Man, dont doubt it prime...
Optimus looks at her and smiles, he kisses her and she kisses back.
--youre a good kisser as well-- added lazaro.
Prime laughs--its good to have you back...
Its late at night now, shes laying down in her bed, playing with a hologram.
She hears the heavy steps approach her room and the gentlest of knocks on her door.
--lazaro! Oí! You up?
--yeah I am-- she said opening the door, whats up?
-- cant sleep either?
The green mech sighs crossing his arms looking away-- wanna...wanna go for a drive like the old days?
She smiled -- of course, lets go
Both go outside transforming into their vehicle modes and Driving off around the New farm.
They get near a slightly elevated hill.
The green mech de transformed and leaned on said hill, crossing his arms once again-- I love the calmness of this, nobody to bother me
--pft youre still holding that act up?
--what act?-- lied crosshairs.
Lazaro giggles-- saying you dont need anybody, youre a soft teddybear deep down cross, dont lie to me
Crosshairs rolls his eyes, but still looks at her-- I hate it when you see right through me luv
He stands closer to her taking her hand.
Theres a brief silence, she leans on him, and sighs.
-- yknow our drives always ended with us making out, remember that?-- said he.
-- I dont see why that has to change ~
He chuckles , standing infront of her and hugging her waist--yeah I dont see why
He kisses her, her arms around his neck.
He presses his cheek against her chest-- ive missed you
Lazaro smiled-- me too,ive missed you so much
Some hours later they return, exhausted they collapse on their beds.
And day Is soon to come.
Now, early morning, drift is pondering on life itself, concentrated balancing on his swords.
Hes then tackled on the ground, and he yelps
-- what the fuck-- lAZARO!
--did I distract you?-- lazaro lifts her head up on her hands as her legs are between his.
--yes you did-- scowls the mech-- what do you want
She presses soft kiss to his lips-- brighten up, optimus wants to talk with ya
As she stands up, drift grabs her hand throwing her down with him and giving her a proper kiss.
--come on you big flirt
She get up again and transforms into her vehicle form to go train with bee.
--is there anyone you havent kissed yet?--asked hound leaning on a wall.
--you-- answered lazaro-- but dont put a challenge on me
Hounds fans kick in and looks away-- haha fuck you
--well then-- she said-- im off-- she transforms and goes to the farms entrance since she was going to take tessa and cade to the supermaket to buy groceries.
As she drives away hound shouts -- Wait wheres my kiss?!
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phgq · 4 years
DOJ chief urges other senior PhilHealth execs to go on leave
#PHnews: DOJ chief urges other senior PhilHealth execs to go on leave
MANILA – Department of Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra urged other officials of Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) implicated in the state insurer's alleged anomalies to go on leave to give investigators a freehand in the ongoing probe.
In a message to reporters, Guevarra, who sits as convenor in the task force investigating PhilHealth, said six PhilHealth regional officials have already filed their leaves of absence.
"I am glad that the regional vice presidents of PhilHealth have voluntarily heeded my call for them to take a leave of absence while the investigations are going on, in order to preclude any suspicion that their presence may lead to a suppression of evidence and thus hamper the conduct of these investigations," Guevarra said.
Two former officials of PhilHealth have agreed to disclose details of the anomalies hounding the state insurer, the DOJ earlier said.
"I hope that the officials at the PhilHealth main office who have already been tagged in the ongoing congressional inquiries in aid of legislation, as well as those identified by the PACC (Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission), would likewise take a temporary leave so that Task Force PhilHealth may freely perform its mandate," he added.
PhilHealth is currently being investigated by the Senate and the task force led by the DOJ.
DOJ spokesperson Undersecretary Markk Perete said these officials who requested anonymity have informed the task force during its meeting on Friday of the different fraudulent schemes allegedly employed through the years by PhilHealth officers and employees, both in its main and regional offices, in collusion with some doctors and hospitals, and even banks, which act as remittance centers.
"These schemes include the payment of false or fraudulent claims against the corporation, malversation of premiums, and the exploitation by some unscrupulous personalities of the case rate system and the interim reimbursement mechanism, among others," Perete said.
Guevarra said the scope of the task force's work would include "the completion of any ongoing investigations or special audits, and resolution of any pending cases, regarding PhilHealth irregularities (which) will be expedited."
The task force is composed of representatives of the Office of the Ombudsman, Commission on Audit, Civil Service Commission, PACC, Office of the Special Assistant to the President, Anti-Money Laundering Council, National Bureau of Investigation and National Prosecution Service. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "DOJ chief urges other senior PhilHealth execs to go on leave." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1112467 (accessed August 17, 2020 at 09:09PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "DOJ chief urges other senior PhilHealth execs to go on leave." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1112467 (archived).
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Cw: gif tw eye contact Mild swearing maybe?
Ask to tag. Only Moots ok to rb.
Summary: optimus is brooding silently in the middle of a sunny spot, jerico wants to help him cheer up.
Taglist: @tex-treasures @aeliusinclairs @samsbeckett
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-- whats up with him?-- asked jerico, pointing at optimus who was in alt mode, brooding.
Crosshairs looked at the red and blue truck-- hes pissed
--Yeah no shit Sherlock-- answered jeri-- whats got his circuitos in a bunch now?
The green bot shrugged-- allspark knows...
Sighing, the female bot stopped leaning against the wall of their warehouse-- ill go check
Crosshairs laughed behind her-- ill plan your funeral!
She just middle fingered him and went to talk to optimus.
--uh, prime? Everything good in there?-- she asked crouching infront of the vehicle.
She sighed, patting the trucks roof-- come on boss, yknow you can talk to me
Jeri stood up and popped her joints-- your body is gonna hurt when you de transform, besides youre right in the middle of a sunny spot, youre gonna fuck up your ac again, cant you go in the shadow of a tree to brood in silence?
Again, no answer
While crosshairs laughed his ass off at his girlfriends useless attempt to coax their leader to talk it out, hound and drift approached.
-- whats nova trying to do?-- asked hound
--trying to get prime to Open up-- answered the green mech between tears of laughter.
Drift looked worried and distraught-- she has a death wish, look!
In that moment jerico punched the roof of the truck softly-- alright thats it!-- she said, prime make something of yourself!
And so the truck transformed into the autobots leader, optimus prime, who glared at her with anger.
--There, happy?-- he asked.
--very much so, -- jer answered almost unphased-- alright you big Teddy bear lets to to the shade and talk it out, youre still needed around here, and bottling things up doesnt work
She took his hand and dragged him away from prying eyes.
After some hours they came back, prime was in a cheery mood that made everyone both relieved and slightly disturbed.
-- and you said I had a deathwish-- jerico teased crosshairs.
-- I swear, youre the only bot crazy enough to face optimus while hes mad-- added crosshairs.
--and im the only bot who belived that she could make prime get out of his Shell, here you go sweetie, half of the money of the bet
Nova looked at bee confused-- bet?...Wait a fucking minute -- she Turned to her fellow autobots-- you guys didnt Belive I could do it?
Crosshairs, drift and hound played dumb, then she looked at ironhide, jazz and ratchet, who pretended that she wasnt there -- come on you guys...at least tell me wheelie and brains evaluated that I could--
But the look on wheelie's and brains' eyes said no.
-- oh fuck you guys!-- she stormed out of their warehouse/home.
It was her turn to brood silently under the shade of a tree.
Her alt form , a black Chevrolet impala from 1967, blasting "Fuck you" by Lilly allen.
Optimus only sighed looking at the rest of his Crew-- you are going to fix this
And so he left, and behind him his fellow autobots were choosing who would make the sacrifice of talking to a very mad jerico.
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starswift-borzoi · 4 years
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The Force was With Jedi today on his 3rd birthday! Jedi earned first place for a 5 point major at the borzoi only MBC hosted Specialty in Lima, OH Pending AKC confirmation Jedi completed his AKC Field Champion and can now be styled as *FC* Starswift Legacy Of The Force SC RN CGCA THD BCAT TKA DN (Freedom x Lightning) Congrats to Martine and Stewart Burton! . . . . . Tags: #starswift #borzoi #starswiftborzoi #russianwolfhound #doglover #doglife #ilovemydog #dogoftheday #lovedogs #hound #akcborzoi #akc #growingupborzoi #meetthebreed #purebredlove #borzoirule #sighthoundsofinstagram #borzoilife #showdogs #showdogsofinstagram #borzoiofinstagram #borzoisofinstagram #purebreddogsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CGd0rl2hCap/?igshid=14t9ft47al061
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
Sick Little Games: Fourteen
“Don’t fall,” Clint called up, a laugh threatening.
“Shh,” you tell him, holding up a hand, edging closer to the edge of the branch, “I can see it.”
“Are they taking the hobbits to Isengard?” Tony drawls. 
“I thought I was Legolas?” Clint snorted.
“She’s white-blonde right now,” Tony said.
“Shut up,” you hiss, “You’re scaring her!”
Clint gets quiet, getting anxious as you edge steadily closer to the little black cat shivering on the branch. He’s obviously a house kitty. One that isn’t meant to be outside. One that was running from the big scary metal man. He can’t hear you, but he knows what you sound like. The gentle voice coaxing her closer with an offering of some lunch meat. 
You coax her gently, and she creeps closer, taking the offered tidbits. Clint isn’t sure if it’s the treats or you that draws her in, but, as you cradle her carefully in one arm and climb down, he doesn’t really care.
All he knows is that when you look up at him with big eyes and a sweet smile, asking if you can keep her, Tony can’t tell you no.
You cuddle her happily and beam up at both of them, and Tony doesn’t bother to hide his amusement when Clint visibly softens. “God,” he snorts, “You’re really a goner. You don’t even like cats.”
“I’m gonna like that one,” he laughs, “ ‘specially if it gets me my damn dog back.” You’re telling Lucky to be helpful to the new ‘baby’ and asking if he wanted to share his bed or if they needed to get a new one. 
Honestly, Clint didn’t care that Lucky liked you so much. It was sweet. And he wanted coming home from missions to his girl and his dog both waiting to smother him in love. And he liked Racing with Lucky to be the first one to give you welcome home kisses. 
“You’re getting lame, Barton,” Tony said, shaking his head, “Are you sure she didn’t slip you a love potion?”
“The bigger question is, do I care if she did it?” He strolled across the grass to follow you. He sensed a trip to the store in his future. And that was always a treat. Even if it meant treating you to ice cream. He didn’t expect to see you frozen in the lobby. Feet rooted to the spot, looking both horrified and hopeful. To stunned to even cry.
There are a middle-aged woman and another middle-aged man. Both looking around in a state of awe. Thor is hovering nearby, looking apprehensive. You look from him to the couple feeling like you can’t breathe, “Thor, what the fuck?”
“They were insistent that they knew you, Lady,” he says tentatively. 
“They did, once,” you answer, taking a step backward reflexively.
“We saw you one the news,” The woman said, reaching forward.
Thor situates himself between you and them calmly, insinuating himself to keep them from starting towards you. Clint puts an arm around your shoulder gently, “Baby,” he murmurs, “You don’t have to do this now.” 
He doesn’t know who these people are, but he knows you. He knows that you’re incredibly confused and upset. “Sweetheart,” the woman says, “I missed you so much. Please.”
“Then why did you tell everyone I was dead?” you say softly, your voice dangerous. The only thing keeping you calm is the kitten in your arm, who’s already scared. 
“Y/N, be reasonable,” the man says, his voice oily. Reminding Clint of a used car salesman or a B- tier villain on a Saturday morning cartoon.
“You,” Clint says, taking a step forward, “Aren’t going to talk to her.” Something about this man just... it triggers him. It’s the way he casually dismisses your upset. The way he looks at you as prey. The way you shivered when he spoke. The way you’re trying not to show emotion. Shut down. Going into the survival mode that kept you alive. He hates it. He hates that man. And he isn’t going to talk to you. He doesn’t deserve to talk to you.
“Young man,-” he starts, puffing himself up. But nothing could stop the forward momentum of Clint’s fist. It connected with the man’s jaw and sent him sprawling. You gasped, having some sort of silent panic attack. Not sure who to help or what to do, and you sink to the floor in a complete state of overload. The man, Stirling, Clint Recalls. Stirling Cole. Your stepfather hauled himself slowly into a sitting position with the help of your mother and gave you a look. A look that clearly suggested that even though you hadn’t hit him, it was all your fault that he’d been laid out. 
“Harlot,” he spat, “Whore. Repent now before it’s too la-”
Thor hauled him to his feet with a growl, “The Lady is just that. A Lady. You will speak to her as such, or I will ensure you never speak again by cutting your miserable tongue from your head.”
It’s all a blur for you. Security. The boys stepping to your defense. Tony Stepping into disaster management mode. All you can focus on is the tiny cat in your arms. She’s so small and fluffy. Her big gold eyes and fluffy tail make you happy. And she’s currently looking up at you with confusion. “It’s okay, baby,” you soothe, introducing her quietly to Lucky, “Lucky is a good boy. Hims, a perfect boy. He’ll show you who to beg treats from.”
Clint stays close until they’re gone. Arms folded. He’ll gladly play muscle to give you some time to process. Or decide not to process, wherever you are with things right now. But when they’re escorted out, and Clint turns around, his heart unclenches slowly.
Lucky is lying on his belly, legs splayed out, and his head on your lap as his tail wiggled his bottom, and the Kitten, as yet unnamed, is creeping forward to investigate the large yellow dog that is desperately trying to be her friend. He kneels down in front of you and tilts your chin up gently, “You okay?” he asked softly.
“I don’t know,” you answer quietly.
“Well,” he says gently, cupping your cheek in his hand, “Lets load up the kids and go to town, huh?”
“Okay,” you murmur, kissing his palm when you turn your head. 
“Our new baby needs stuff... And Lucky probably needs some things to chew so he doesn’t think we love him less.” He gives you a crooked smile and kisses your nose, feeling a little better when you give him an uncertain smile. He helps you to your feet and you stop in front of Thor.
“Thank you,” you tell him quietly. 
Thor bends down and kisses your cheek, not really sure what to say and gives Clint a nod of approval. The Archer had stepped in and it had given Thor a little bit more context. He was, justly, very protective of his lady and any perceived threat was met with quick action. Particularly when it was a threat to the state of her heart. 
He watched Clint escort you to the motor pool. An arm around your shoulder on one side and his faithful hound sticking close to your other side. The both of them trying in their bumbling way to bring you back to yourself. To remind you that they love you. 
@lancsnerd, @thorfanficwriter @blameitonthecauseway @etherealwaifgoddess, @stevieang, @beautybyfire, @sunmoonandbucky @mrsfox79, @bbmommy0902, @mendes-fan, @iheartsebastianstan, @wtfcas @pinknerdpanda, @process-pending, @ladifreakingda, @leasly, @coldbookworm, @hv-chw3, @past-perfect-future-tense, @starkrobb @beardburnsupersoldiers, @petlaufeyson, @queenoftheunderdark, @potatoheadthewise, @thehyperactiveteen, @thefridgeismybestie, @boyett514, @an-awkward-human-1, @sunshine-and-riverwater
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
Nothing Good Happens After Midnight: Nine
Bruce was distracted in the training room. You were there. You and Natasha were sparring and he kept staring. The shape of your curves hugged into skin-tight gear made his mouth go dry. He hated running but... Watching your ass from his vantage point as you and Natasha switched to the rest of your workout, starting with squats was... helpful. 
“Banner,” Steve snorted, “you’re fucking drooling. C ‘ mon.” Bruce felt his cheeks color and he forced himself to look away. You were so hot. Gorgeous. Out of his league. But it wasn’t... it wasn’t fair to stare at you like that. You weren’t there just for him to ogle. You were a beautiful woman. The woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Have pretty, chubby babies with. Steve punched his arm gently and chuckled as he got off his own treadmill, “So I hear there are vacation plans in the works,” he said, his tone neutral but amused.
Bruce slowed the treadmill so he could talk and stood there panting for a second as he slowed to a walk. Steve waited patiently for Bruce to get his breath back and took a drink of water. “And Tony wonders why I don’t tell him things,” he sighed. Steve snorted, “That I learned from Pepper, who learned it on girls’ night... nothing else though.” he added quickly. Bruce groaned, “I just... we need a break. Some time to decompress.” Steve nodded, “She has had her hands full, hasn’t she?” he glanced back to where you and Nat were deep in conversation while you worked out. You two were always chatting. Gossiping. It was ridiculous but, Bruce knew you had a history. Clint had introduced you to her after she’d first come to SHEILD. You’d been little and cute. 16 and emo. It had given Nat a place to just be a girl. Not a spy. Not an assassin. A girl. With gossip to share and shopping to do. It had been that way ever since. Sometimes, he was jealous. About how easily Nat could read your face. About the way you two would glance at each other and seem to have a whole conversation with a couple meaningful eyebrow raises. He’d seen it with your family at home. It hadn’t bothered him then but this did and he wasn’t sure why. 
Maybe it was because his sex life, or lack thereof, was under constant scrutiny. Maybe it was because he really wanted you. He wanted to help you past the mental block that kept you from him. Maybe it was because Natasha knew about your problem. He couldn’t hear what you were talking about but as your cheeks turned pink, he could guess. “Yeah,” Bruce said, “if it’s not hell hounds it’s demon-ridden vampires.” He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed, “While it’s quiet I just want to get her out of here for a while.” Steve nodded and smiled a little, “Not to mention your being in the lab with Tony and all his... jokes.” Bruce grimaced, “If it was just me he was joking about I don’t think it would bother me as much,” he said quietly. “But it’s not just me,” he said, “she gets hurt by it.” Steve took another drink of water, “We all just sort of assumed... well.” Bruce snorted, “I did to,” he said, “but, she’s just... flirty. It seems to be a family trait.” He smiled a little as you walked past, arm around Natasha’s shoulder and a wink in his direction. He shook his head, “But, regardless. I need to get her out of here for a while. That last mission had her a little fucked up by the time she got back.” Steve nodded and moved back so Bruce could get off his treadmill and follow you. Bruce only bothered with the training room when you did. He usually left as soon as you did. Still. He was getting a little better. Able to run a little longer before he got too winded. 
You heard the door to your bedroom open as you stepped into the shower. You knew it was Bruce and you weren’t worried. He tended to wash up before coming to see you then he sat on the counter and chatted with you while you washed your hair. You usually had a lot to chat about. Today was no exception. You were excited about the vacation. Bruce wouldn’t tell you anything. Not even some vague coordinates. He even had your bags already packed. He wouldn’t tell you anything at all. Nothing. You could plead and pout all you wanted. Bruce enjoyed it too much to want you to stop. He liked watching the galaxy of colors in your eyes. Happy. Excited. Bright. When you stepped out of the shower wrapped in a towel, Bruce smiled a little. “You look so pretty when you’re excited, sweetheart.” He pulls you into his arms and kisses you softly, as you twine your arms around his neck. He kept his hands at your waist and resisted the urge to unwrap your towel and lavish kisses on your soft, shower warmed skin. He did kiss down your neck softly, sucking a mark into the hollow of your shoulder and making you gasp. “Bruce,” you sigh, “That. That’s nice.” He smiled to himself and one hand slid down to rest on the swell of your ass, “Good girl,” he murmured, “I really can’t wait for this vacation. You all to myself. Listening to all the things you say in your sleep.” He gripped your ass affectionately and rubbed one of his thumbs over your blushing cheek, “I’ve missed you, Bruce.” you murmur. “Evidently,” he said, raising an eyebrow with a smirk. “You were very adamant last night that whatever I was doing to you was exactly what you needed.” You look down, feeling embarrassed and he chuckled, “Baby, it’s okay. I like knowing that you dream about me.” He tilts your chin up and kisses your nose, “Whether I get to make your dreams come true on this vacation or not,” he said, smirking, “I still get to be with you.”
He cuddled you for a moment, kissing your neck and feathering soft kisses along your jaw. “You should probably go get dressed,” he said softly, “We’ve got a flight to catch.” You make a soft noise of irritation and sigh. That felt nice. Really nice. The gentle kisses and the feel of being wanted. Bruce chuckles and claims your lips in a searing kiss. “Patience,” he soothed, “We’ve got a whole flight coming for me to keep you entertained on.” He shoos you to the closet and gathers up bags. Makes sure there’s chargers and makeup and books. Making sure he hadn’t forgotten anything. He listened with half an ear to your singing to yourself as you pulled on clothes and packed away a few things you knew Bruce hadn’t thought to pack. You sang when you were content. When you were happy. It was a sound he hadn’t heard enough recently. He hoped that he could make it happen a little more. When you walked out of the closet in your favorite flowing tie-dye skirt and a grey tank top, he smiled and twirled you around gently. Basking in your delighted giggle. He loves your approach to clothes. You wear whatever you want and fuck what anyone thinks. He has special feelings about that skirt. It reminds him of what you were wearing the first day he met you. The way his heart stuttered to a stop and he almost Hulk-ed out from sheer panic when he couldn’t breathe for a second. The way you smiled at him and shook his hand and suddenly everything snapped into focus. The colors in your eyes dancing. The way you crackled with nervous, excited energy, just like now. 
As he walked you towards the plane, your fingers laced through his as you skipped happily along next to him, his heart is full. When he’d been a boy, young and scared of the implications of a family. Of loving one woman. Terrified of being the man his father had been, he could have never seen this as an option. Wanting so badly to make another person happy. Feeling so much peace watching tie-dye cotton flow around your ankles, swishing as you trot along. It was just you. You quieted all the pain and insecurity. You reminded him a dozen times a day he was loved. Flirty glances, quick stolen kisses, cups of coffee just how he liked it. He walked you up to the gangplank and sat next to you before pulling you into his lap. “Do I get to know where we’re going now?” you ask pouting. 
Bruce laughed and brushed hair out of your eyes, kissing your nose. “You’re such a brat,” he said, his voice warm as he kissed you. “But yes, you can know now... We’re going camping.” Your eyes light up and he feels his heart pound, “I thought you could use it,” he murmured, “Some time, just you and I. A cute little cabin. A lake.” He kissed you softly and smiled, “A big. Big. soft bed.” Your cheeks color and you bite your lip, “That sounds nice.” He smirks, “Does it?” You nod and he holds you comfortably, “I’m glad, sweetheart. I want you to enjoy this. Relax a little bit.” You lay your head on his shoulder and sigh. He’s so warm. And patient. And the warmth in his eyes in giving you butterflies. “I love you, Bruce,” you murmur. He smiles, thrilling a little. You tell him all the time and he never gets tired of it. “I love you too, Y/N.”
Tags: @lancsnerd​ @stevieang​ @golddaggers​ @blameitonthecauseway​ @qxeen-of-hearts​ @process-pending​ @xmarveled​
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phgq · 5 years
PRRD verified ‘pastillas’ scheme before relieving BI personnel
#PHnews: PRRD verified ‘pastillas’ scheme before relieving BI personnel
MANILA – President Rodrigo Duterte was able to verify the existence of the collection of unauthorized fees among Chinese nationals working in the Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGO) through intelligence information.
Duterte made this remark after relieving all Bureau of Immigration (BI) personnel involved in what has been dubbed as the “pastillas” modus because the money was allegedly hidden in rolled bond paper, which is similar to the wrapper for the milk candy.
“I had it verified. There’s truth kaya ako sabi ko (that’s why I said), there’s no other way to do it except to suspend them and investigate them," Duterte said in a recent interview over GMA’s 24 Oras.
On Thursday, Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo announced that Duterte considers the unlawful act committed by relieved BI officials and employees as a “grave form of corruption.”
He said Duterte received reports about the unlawful activity and found probable cause to relieve BI personnel linked to the bribery scheme.
Despite controversy hounding the bureau, BI Commissioner Jaime Morente still enjoys Duterte’s trust and confidence.
In a speech in Davao City on Thursday, Duterte himself said he “loves” Morente, a former Davao police chief, because of the latter’s “kindness”.
Panelo, however, assured that Morente will not escape charges if the results of the pending investigation show he committed lapses in stopping the scheme.
Orchestrated effort
In the same interview, Duterte vouched for the integrity of Lt. Col. Jovie Espenido, who is included on the drugs watch list since there is still no evidence that can prove his supposed links to unlawful narcotics trade.
“Malinis ‘yan si Espenido (Espenido is clean). He’s a victim of orchestrated effort to discredit him,” he said.
Espenido, the cop who led major anti-drug operations against big-time suspects, claimed that his inclusion in the drug watch list was a failure of intelligence.
He also suspected that intelligence information about his supposed links to illegal drugs was made by politicians who are attempting to get back at him.
Panelo reiterated that Espenido can avail of government protection if he feels his safety would be at risk after being tagged as among the 375 policemen involved in illegal drugs.
He said Duterte has no plan to dismiss Espenido.
Espenido was the police chief of Albuera, Leyte when the town’s mayor, Rolando Espinosa Sr., was killed in his detention cell in 2016. He was also the chief of police of Ozamiz, Misamis Occidental when the city mayor, Reynaldo Parojinog, was killed in anti-drug operation in 2017.
He made a name for himself for his contributions to the government’s crackdown on illegal drugs. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "PRRD verified ‘pastillas’ scheme before relieving BI personnel." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1094618 (accessed February 24, 2020 at 12:32AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "PRRD verified ‘pastillas’ scheme before relieving BI personnel." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1094618 (archived).
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