#🐝youre my bumble bee🐝
cherry-pop-elf · 7 months
hello! 🌷 is it okay to request weasley twins x hufflepuff reader that was tortured by umbridge, but didn't give away the prank / bad thing that the twins did? out of loyalty for them
maybe comfort too, since they're thankful to reader and also feel guilty for what umbridge done to her. could be pre-dating or already dating them !!
have a lovely day 🎀
As a Hufflepuff who would have 100% been forced to not use their wheelchair because Umbridge would think I was faking my disability for attention, yeah we gonna get some Whump in this shit. ((Lowkey having some rough shit going on mentally so some vent fic like this will be hella. Thanks anon! Perfect timing!
Honey Wounds
Warning: Violence, Umbridge in general, blood, torture, whump, hurt/comfort 🎆🐝🎇
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“Where’s little bumble bee-?” The twins would worry, as they had wondered why you didn’t show up to the secret little defense class Harry started up. Where could their little Hufflepuff be? Had them a little worried. By little, it was a lot. Things have been getting a lot more tense recently. Umbridge was really hammering down, and she was making her mission to find a way to get those two into Azkaban. By any means possible. The only reason she hasn’t was probably because of Percy somehow. As they worried, someone was quick to grab them.
“Fred, George, something bad happened. Something really bad happened-!” The first year was crying, and the duo were on red alert now. The poor kid was in to many tears to really speak, so they figured there was no need to. George was quick to pick the first year up, as the child was just pointing. Fred was in the running lead, as George was trying to comfort the child. The poor kid was hiccuping, and seeming so scared. Something bad happened, and they had to figure out what it was. That’s when they saw it. Blood on the barrels, like someone was slapping bloody hand’s desperately to get into the Hufflepuff dorm.
“Shit shit shit, what did she do now-?” Fred hissed, as he tried to focus on entering the dorm. Having to get literal blood on his hands, in order to get inside. With the pattern played, the duo were able to run inside. Left to see the Hufflepuff dorm full of noise. So many students all busy and around someone. When Hannah Abbott noticed the twins, she stepped away. Pulling away fellow students, and the horror was on display.
“Fred, George…..?” It was you, and you were not looking hot. Not looking hot at all. You were horribly pale, and your hands looked as if they had been through a chopping block. The fellow Puff’s had done their best to try and help, but it was like they wouldn’t stop bleeding. George had instantly covered the first years eyes, despite the fact the child had long seen it. It was just habit after all.
“WHAT HAPPENED-?!” Fred was soon by your side, while George was quick to hand the child off to someone. Now he was on your other side. You were just to tired to really process it all, given the blood loss. If it wasn’t for their brilliant hair, you would have assumed it was just more worried Hufflepuff’s. Just trying so hard to help. It’s rather scary. Sure, it’s Hogwarts. Things get violent, but this wasn’t just a random accident. Nor some run in with a beast. This was a woman who wanted to hurt.
“I didn’t tell her. I didn’t tell her-“ You managed to say, with a smile. The twins looked at each other, wondering what you were blabbering about, before they were quick to take over. The Puff’s made sure to stay out of their way, as the twins were able to move in ever perfect unison. Not needing to speak, to move. Fred was quick to start emptying their bags, as George was taking care in trying to wash the wounds on your hands.
“I know it’s in here, come on out you bastard-“ Fred hissed, as he sorted through the assortment of old tins they had collected. Each with its own experiment, as George tried to not freak out. Seeing you hurt like this. It was making him feel so many emotions. Anger at Umbridge, fear for what that woman will do next, sadness for your pain, anxiety on it Ron and Ginny would be next. It was all so loud in his eyes, as he tried not to let the tears spill.
“Found it-!” Fred sighed, as he was quick to start lathering a strange substance on your hands. It felt rather strange. As if he was lathering your open wounds with pudding. You expected it to hurt, but it was rather nice. Very cooling to your burning wounds. It would soon seem to harden on your fingers and palms. As if stopping you from bleeding, and absorbing the blood. Forcing it to stay inside. If you weren’t so dizzy, you would praise them for being so smart.
“Bumble Bee….What happened?” Fred asked, as George was busy with someone. Quick to get some water from one of the prefects, and try and nurse it into your body. George was gentle, and you needed it. You choked on it, but he knew you had to drink some. You lost alot of blood, and you had to stay hydrated. He would keep your head against his chest, as you managed to get some down. Enough to satisfy him, and calm his nerves. You could feel how sweaty his hands were, with worry, as he stroked your hair. With a few minutes to breath, you spoke.
“She brought me to her office. Asked me who had broken in it last night. I said I didn’t know. She didn’t like that, but I didn’t give up.” You smiled, as the twins were staring in horror. They broke into her office, last night. They swore they didn’t leave behind a trace. They had to break in. She confiscated Ginny’s bracelet. Said she fiddled with it too much. It was made just for her, by Bill. Ever since the incident in the chamber of secrets, she was more susceptible to dark magic. So, a Curse breaker made her something to help. Umbridge was actively putting her in danger. How could they not protect their little sister?
“It was a trap…..She did that on purpose-“ Fred realized, as it made sense. Of course they would break in to get it back. That horrid woman. “Can’t believe she dragged you into this. I mean, I can, but you get the point I’m making here! We’re so sorry Honey Bee-“ George would soon echo, as he kissed your head. Feeling so guilty. You didn’t blame them, of course, but they sure didn’t stop feeling guilty.
“It’s ok. Im ok. Ginny needed it. Like I would ever rat you two out.” You tried to reassure them, but their minds were made up. They had to do something about Umbridge. This woman was going insane. The twins swore she wasn’t aware that you three were in a relationship of sorts. They were magical twins. Not fair to compare them to muggle ones. They shared a partner, no big deal. Communication makes the dream work. Seems like maybe you three communicated in the wrong hallway one to many times, and she put two and two together.
“We are going to fix this. We promise.” The twins spoke, as they comforted you. George with keeping your head to his chest, as Fred was between your legs. Hugging your stomach, and nuzzling into your thigh. Just needing to hold onto you. As if you would disintegrate into his hands then and there. You would have comforted him, but it didn’t seem like your hands wanted to exist at the moment.
“Looks like we can’t wait for that down payment any longer. Now or never.” George said, as Fred gave a defeated sigh. He was right. If they stayed at Hogwarts any longer, Merlin knows who else she will drag into their mess. George was right, it was now or never. Because never means they’ll be in Azkaban for murdering her at this point.
“Say, Bumble bee….Think you can handle living in a rundown hollowed building for a while?” Fred asked, as you tried to focus your eyes. You didn’t really understand half of what they were saying, but you knew this. Wherever they went, you would follow. “What makes it any different from a dungeon?” You tried to joke, and that seemed to solidify the deal. Look out world, the Weasley Twins were about to show off their latest invention.
The WhizBang
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111 notes · View notes
cardierreh15 · 8 months
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Queenie’s Beehive
Happy Black History Month my Loves!!! Who do yall think this story is based off of?
***I do not give anyone permission to repost, translate or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Seducting Behavior/Dancing.
Pairings: Napoleon Solo x Queenie Covington(Black!OC)
Description: When Solo & Illya’s Leads point them in the direction of a club, Solo turns on his charm to get a word with the infamous Queenie Covington
Word Count: 4.1K
Song: Virgo’s Groove by Beyoncé , It’s A Man’s, Man’s, Man’s World by James Brown
Side Note(s): I changed the time to accommodate the story. I do not own or take credit for any of Beyoncé’s or James’ song ✨ Credit will always be theirs and theirs only 😊
The Beehive
Sacramento, California
February 5th, 1978
19:42 🐝
Napoleon looked down at the small brown business card. On the front in plain honey colored words were the address of the establishment. On the back was a beehive. That was it. Very minimalistic and straight to the point.
‘Interesting marketing strategy.’ Napoleon said as he passed the card over to his partner, Illya.
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Illya took a moment to take in the small yet fine work of art. ‘Hmm.’ Before he handed it back.
Once their cab slowly came to a stop by the curb, the two gentlemen thanked their driver and stepped out of the car.
They were immediately met with a beautiful yellow LED lamp screwed into the building; showing across their skeptical glances. The lights were shaped into that of a beehive with tiny twinkling yellow lights, resembling bumble bees.
Beyond those doors, beneath that heavenly designed neon lamp lay the disco highlife of the century.
Awaited by the door were two Gods amongst men. So tall they could touch the roof if they wanted, and muscles that could break bones. To the left and right of them were two separate lines, damn near wrapped around the building that were guarded by red rope.
Illya began to worry.
‘We’ll never get inside.’ He said plainly.
‘Do you not have faith my friend?’ At the flick of his wrist and a twitch of his fingers, the tiny invitation appeared in Napoleon’s fingertips.
‘More magic?’
‘Someone’s gotta like it.’ He smirked and leaned in, ‘Here’s the plan. We go inside, we split up, we listen. Try not to look suspicious please.’
‘Suspicious?’ Illya scoffed, ‘The only person here suspicious here, is you cowboy.’ Pointing at his partner.
Napoleon made a face and looked down at his fit. He was in a plain gray suit with a matching waistcoat, and a white crispy dress shirt and black dress shoes; his usual attire.
‘What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?’
Illya on the other hand, sort of fit the bill. With a brown leather jacket with a turtleneck beneath, dark colored slacks and brown dress shoes to match. Oh, and his signature gray beret sat atop his blonde head.
‘You look like you’ve come to work and not to have fun.’ He rolled his eyes at his unwarranted pun.
‘In all technicality—‘
‘Yes, I know now can we go inside please?’
‘Perhaps. Do you remember your alias?’
Illya rolled his eyes as he head fell back, ‘Yes. I am a migrant here for work. You are a Wall Street journalist looking to have a conversation with the legendary Queen of Disco.’
He had a little bitterness in his voice. Napoleon caught on to that fairly quickly.
‘If you’d like, we can always trade places?’
Illya made a face, ‘Trade places? I am afraid that wouldn’t work.’
‘And why not?’
‘Because…’ Illya stuck his hands in his pockets and turned away. ‘you’re too small.’
A scowl curled up on Napoleon’s face at the insult, wanted so dearly to call him a bunch of curse words but he just cleared his throat and followed his partner towards the bouncers.
Once the men stood in front of the bouncer, Napoleon handed him the card.
The bouncer eyed the card closely, turning it back to front then pulled out a skinny pen like contraption. He clicked it on and a purple light shined down on the brown sheet. Revealing a bumble bee and a +1.
His big brown eyes flickered up from the card to Napoleon then over at Illya which he sized skeptically.
‘Who’s this.’
‘Oh? This is a friend of mine. He’s never been to an American club.’
‘Is that right?’ The bouncer said as he clicked off his pen and tucked it in his breast pocket. ‘Well, this is the perfect place to pop that cherry. Enjoy fellas.’
Napoleon carefully took the card and placed it inside of his breast pocket, ‘Thank you.’ And both of the men walked into the club.
As the men walked in, they were blinded by the bright twinkling lights of the many disco balls that hang on the ceiling along with over a dozen strobe lights dancing across the club.
The place was bustling and busy like nothing they’ve ever seen!
Like a Beehive!
Napoleon gently bobbed his head to the music as his crazed blue eyes danced amongst the floor, watching as gorgeous women of all colors and sizes grind and move their hips upon the dance floor.
It appeared that this mission was the least of his worries but, who he was going to be sneaking out of here with. That was until Illya landed a smack against his chest, knocking him out of whatever silly daze he was entrapped in.
‘Stay focus, cowboy. We’ve come to do a job.’
‘Yeah but who said we couldn’t have fun?’
‘Not you. You get carried away. Try not to blow our cover.’ Illya added before walking away in his stern manner.
Napoleon rolled his eyes and reached in his pocket to activate his voice recorder. Then he made his way across the bar which wasn’t far from the entrance.
As he walked over to the bar, he gazed at the dancing patrons, greeting everyone who’d passed to see if he could spot this special lady.
When he stopped at the bar, he took notice of the bartender. A woman, standing at great height. Must’ve been those thigh high platform boots. She had her back turned, cleaning out some glasses. This way he could admire her as she did so.
She had a big, beautiful Afro and wore this leather black and yellow striped short dress that hugged and defined her curves. Maybe this was her?
He cleared his throat loudly, ‘Excuse me bartender!’
The woman looked over her shoulder halfway in a startle, before quickly placing the glass and rag down. She spun around to greet him, her Afro bouncing with each movement. She wore big golden hoop earrings that twinkled and shined everytime the lights danced in her direction.
She flashed him this darling smile, with eyes brown as chocolate yet so bright with happiness and warmth. She was to die for!
‘What can I get for ya’ suga?’
Napoleon’s lips parted to speak but he all of a sudden felt shy. Truly unlike him. A burning heat rose to his cheeks, ‘Hi uh—‘ he looked at her chest which revealed her cleavage but her name tag rescued him from staring. ‘Flo… can I have scotch on the rocks please?’
‘You got it baby. Any particular kind?’
He stared up at the gorgeous brown skinned woman, almost disregarding the question— he cleared his throat and blinked hard once he realized he was staring again.
‘No— no,’ he chuckled, ‘Nothing in particular. How about you surprise me.’ He raised a brow, his own warming smile curling on his lips.
The two stared into one another’s eyes before a giggle left her lips, her dimples puncturing into her cheeks much deeper than before. ‘Alright na. You asked for it.’ She pushed off of the counter and started on his drink.
Napoleon smiled softly before he spun around halfway in his stool and began to gaze across the crowd. After a short moment, he spotted his partner standing off by the stage. Illya gave him a gentle nod of his head before Napoleon returned it in acknowledgment.
‘Here’s your drink, sugar.’
He quickly turned around and met the woman with another smile, ‘Thank you. How much do I owe ya?’
‘Nothin. It’s on the house.’
He raised a brow, ‘Is that so?’ That caught him by surprise really. He had been drugged in all different forms before, so taking a free drink always made him skeptical. ‘Am I like your 100th customer?’
‘No. I ain’t ever seen you here before, I wanted to welcome you here. People who wait outside those doors seldom get inside; just having a little shred of hope to even spend a second inside of this place.’
‘Hmm. Must be quite the place.’
‘You don’t think so?’ Flo asked, placing her hands on her hips.
‘Oh! Of course I think so. The women here are stunning.’ He gave her a quick size before straightening up, ‘Look. I refuse to drink this by myself. Lemme at least buy you one too?’
‘And drink on the job?’
‘I’m afraid so.’
A smirk was plastered on Flo’s face as she internally battled with herself.
‘Tik tok, love. I could practically hear the ice cracking.’ He teased, tapping the face of his watch with his index.
Flo inhaled deeply and rolled her eyes, ‘Alright, fine.’ Her southern draw had slightly peaked through, ‘Only cause you’re cute though.’
Napoleon smirked as she turned around where his smirk quickly faltered and he looked over his shoulder once again.
Once she was finished making her drink, she turned to face him and placed her glass down. ‘Alright—‘
‘Oh! One more thing sweetheart, could you pass me a straw?’
‘A straw?’ She raised a brow. ‘You don’t look like the kind of man that drinks his whiskey through a straw.’
‘Well there’s a lot you must learn about me baby.’
‘Alright then. Ask and you shall receive.’
While she was fulfilling her end of this bargain, Napoleon swiftly swapped their glasses before she could turn back around.
‘Here’s your straw. What should we toast to?’ She asked as she lifted up her glass.
‘Actually, I don’t need the straw… I just like to watch you work.’ He smirked as he wrapped her large hand around the glass that just seemed so miniscule in his palm.
Flo giggled rolling her eyes, ‘You flirt with all your bartenders like this?’
‘Oh dear no! I’m a one bartender kind of man. Actually, let’s toast to that. You being the most spectacular and gorgeous bartender that’s ever graced my presence.’
‘I can get down with that sugar.’ The woman winked as the both of them carefully clicked their glasses together.
Napoleon brought his drink to his lips slowly, watching Flo take a big swig out of hers before placing it down on the counter. No side effects hit her immediately… but perhaps they shall later.
As Napoleon embraced the welcoming warmth of his drink, he placed his glass down on the paper towel that she’d handled him. The space between them grew quiet for a second before he looked up at her. ‘What can you tell me about the person who owns this club?’
‘Who? Queenie? Why you wanna know?’
‘I’m a Wall Street Journalist. I’m looking to write an article about her success!’
Flo looked down at her watch and turned around to grab a rag and clean off her countertop. ‘Well, ion know if you can tell but… Queenie got her work cut out for her that’s for sho.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Well, her husband—‘
There it was. Exactly what he needed to further investigate.
‘Bought this place for her to solidify their marriage. I’ve been her friend for quite some time and never have I ever thought she would marry that grade A dickhead.’ Flo rolled her eyes.
‘Oh dear. What’s he like? How does he treat her?’
‘He worships the ground she walks on. But it often appears she couldn’t give less than a rats ass about him.’
‘Do you know how they met?’
‘She was singing in some lounge in Texas. That’s where we’re from.’
Napoleon was taking in all these minor details about this woman. He knew she would tell him everything he wanted to know… all she needed was a little motivation.
‘Right. And do you know what her husband does for work?’ He lacked the knowledge of that field, which was why he and Illya were here in the first place.
‘He owns a couple businesses as far as I know… i thought we were talking ‘bout Queenie though?’
Napoleon paused, ‘We are!’ He cleared his throat before taking a sip. He took notice of how she kept looking down at her watch, ‘Y’know the more you look at that thing—‘
‘“The slower time goes.” I know. But since you’re new here… it’s Friday Night.’ Her eyes glanced up at him.
‘Something special about Friday nights?’
Flo looked down at her watch one more time before a huge grin graced her face once more, ‘In fact… they are very special.’
Napoleon’s thick brows tugged into one as his face was written in incomprehensible confusion. Then, every light in the vicinity of the club shut off without warning. A few short squeals floated across the room in dismay.
Startled, Napoleon stood to his feet as he went into panic mode, afraid that he and Illya had been bested. His bright blue eyes fought desperately to adjust in the darkness. But in seconds, a sweet and groovy melody filled the air.
‘Baby, come overrrr.
Baby, come overrrr.
Baby, come over. Come be alone with me tonight.
A woman sang lewdly over the sound of the speakers.
‘Don’t be scared babies. Queen Bee won’t hurt you.’
Napoleon’s eyes had finally adjusted somewhat but he had yet to find Illya.
A big yellow spotlight shined on the stage revealing a band to the left and 3 back up singers who harmonized angelically. Three women with big poofy Afros donned with fresh flowers. They wore something similar to what Flo wore just instead of short dresses, they were flared pants; covered in black and yellow rhinestones.
They shined like stars on that stage.
Napoleon finally spotted Illya who hadn’t even left the spot.
‘All these emotions. It’s washing over me tonight.’
Once the room gained its groove back, Napoleon looked back to see that Flo had disappeared from her post.
He raised his brow in suspicion before he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. Illya.
‘I saw you flirting with the bartender.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous. I was gathering intel.’
‘She knows just as much as we do.’ Napoleon sighed as they both turned to look at the charade.
That was until this huge disco ball began to slowly descend from the ceiling.
The two men's lips parted in disbelief.
Eventually, she was revealed standing on top of this gigantic ball. She had this beautiful smile plastered on her face as she greeted the crowd with alluring harmonizing.
She almost sounded like a siren; gracing the masses with her deathly hymns.
But when he saw her face, there was no way she could be something so sinister and evil. She was… ethereal. An angel in disguise of a woman who could snatch the soul from any man who dared looked in her direction.
Napoleon was stunned.
‘How are we doing tonight my worker bees?’ She grinned as the crowd beneath her cheered with blissful enthusiasm. ‘Yeeeeah!’ She laughed happily as she continued to scan the crowd.
‘That must be—‘
‘Queenie Covington.’ Napoleon felt like he couldn’t breathe. This was fan behavior! She was not what he’d imagined her to be.
Both of the men watched the woman carefully descend from the ball with the help of her security guards. Her platinum blonde hair cascaded down her back like sacred waterfalls. She wore a bedazzled tank top, matching bedazzled light denim shorts and high metallic silver fringed boots.
She shined brighter than any star they’d ever seen.
Baby come over, come be alone with me tonight.
All these emotions,
It’s rushing over me tonight— AH!
Ride it!
‘What is the plan now, cowboy?’ Illya asked.
‘What plan?’ Napoleon retorted.
‘You don’t have a plan.’
‘You think I knew she was doing an open mic tonight?!’ Napoleon huffed as his pink nose flared with aggravation, ‘We’ll figure it out.’
As Queenie began to croon over that melody once again, the flashing lights glowed into this magnificent yellow hue causing her glow light gold. Her eyes were closed as she allowed the music to embrace and be one with her soul. And when her hazel eyes fluttered back open, her eyes cut across the room towards the two men at the bar who seemed to be bickering at one another. Though, that didn’t take her out of her sensual groove.
‘Look after her performance, she may come to the bar to have a drink.’
‘And if she doesn’t?’
Napoleon inhaled deeply, holding it there as he tried to think of something. ‘Then we’ll do what we always do.’
Illya knew that specific plan and a lot of the time it involved them both getting damn near getting caught.
‘Oh no. Not this again.’
‘Not this again? What choice do we have? She’s the only lead that we have on him. We must exhaust all options.’
‘Sure. Whatever.’
Baby you can hit this, don’t be scared.
(Baby you can hit this, don’t be scared.)
It’s only gonna get you high!
Baby come over.
The boys watched in amazement as the woman swayed and rocked her hips as her own hands made love to her own thighs, belly and breasts.
Queenie cut her eyes back at the two gentlemen back at the bar once again; particularly the one in the suit. He surely stuck out like a sore thumb. And most of her folks here were regulars.
That star struck glare in his eyes was also very telling. She always did enjoy seeing men gawk over her. So with a smile and a wink, she began to moan her lyrics.
Don’t you leave. (me)
Don’t you leave.
So use me. (Use me)
Pursue me. (Pursue me)
Kiss me where you bruise me. (Bruise me)
Oooh weee—
Taste me, the fleshy part.
I scream so loud, I curse the stars!!!
Napoleon gulped hard, reaching in the collar of his dress shirt and tugged at it as he felt his temperature rising.
Illya glanced over at Napoleon and smirked as he took in this canon moment. ‘Has Casanova finally met his match?’
Without taking his eyes off of her, Napoleon groaned, ‘Shut up.’
As she adlibed and add those heavenly high and lows, the song had come to a beautiful close.
‘Thank you.’ She grinned happily as the audience blessed her with a healthy applause .
‘Thank you so much everyone for coming. Being able to perform in front of an energetic crowd is always a true blessing. Please, enjoy the rest of your night sugars and stay groovy.’
They gave her one more applause as she brought her hands together in prayer and bowed in their wake. She then swiftly turned around to speak to her back up singers.
Napoleon narrowed his eyes, taking note of the smiling group of women. It was nice to know that she and those that worked with and/or for her got along fairly well. Then, she excused herself and went backstage.
‘Did you enjoy the performance?’
The two gentlemen jumped at the sudden voice, one that was familiar to Napoleon alone. They turned around to see Flo standing there with a knowing smirk on her full lips.
‘Where did you go?’ Napoleon’s head fell to the side.
‘Oh. I help engineer those pretty lights and what have you. Just some techy junk.’ She smirked and glanced over at Illya. ‘Who’s your friend here?’
Well, the story seems to check out. Though, he didn’t know why she needed to be so suspenseful.
‘This is uh—‘
‘Alex—‘ Illya looked over at Napoleon before looking back ahead at the bartender. ‘My name is Alexsander.’
Napoleon looked back at Flo who gave them both a strange glare. ‘Alright, Alex…sander. Could I get you a drink, sweet baby?’
‘No ma’am. I’m actually here for work.’
‘Well I think we may have something open for security… you sure do fit the bill though.’ A smirk curled on her lips as her head fell to the side. She was checking Illya out.
Napoleon raised a brow with a smirk as the two began to converse with one another. It was about time Illya blew off some kind of steam.
‘Flo, hey.’
Napoleon watched her walk up to the bar and pull herself onto the empty seat beside him. Thee Queenie Covington. Their whole mission, sitting not even a whole foot away from him.
“You are not to sleep with Mrs. Covington under any circumstances, Solo.”
Well it was a good thing he didn’t make promises.
‘Give me the usual.’ She added.
When Flo’s and Illya’s conversation came to a close, he and Napoleon leaned into one another.
‘Just start casual conversation. Perhaps she’ll give us everything we need.’
‘Not to worry.’ He pulled away and turned halfway in his seat, ‘Excuse me, Miss. Queenie I am sorry for the intrusion but—‘
‘No autographs right now sugar.’ She said in a hurry as Flo placed her wine glass in front of her.
This is a man’s world! This is a man’s world!
‘I’m sorry Miss. Queenie I’m not here for an autograph. My name is Napoleon and I’m with the Wall Street Journal. I’d like to honor you in our newspaper.’
She had brought her wine up to her full lips and took a long sip. ‘Mmm! Napoleon? Like the little French dude? You don’t strike me as a “Napoleon”.’
‘What do I strike you as then?’
But it wouldn’t be nothing, nothing — without a woman or a girl.
‘Hmm…’ her head fell to the side as her pretty eyes roamed all over his handsome features.
She breathed him in and my what a breath of fresh air he was. The colors and the lights that danced across his face only seem to enhance the shadows and curvature of his jaw, making his face appear more masculine. Then, every once in a while a yellow light would flash over his eyes, causing them to glow like high beams.
‘I don’t know… maybe a “Henry” or a “David”. Definitely not a short little man with a God complex.’ She giggled, her full lips pulled back to reveal that dazzling smile once more.
He chuckled as his head fell in slight embarrassment. He should’ve changed his damn name.
‘You know I’ve heard that before.’
‘I bet you have.’ Queenie smirked as she took another sip from her glass, ‘So, what is it that I need from me, Napoleon?’
‘I just want to ask you a few questions if you have time?’
‘Yeah, I sup—‘
‘Mrs. Covington?!’ A tall lean male came rushing over to the bar, carefully pushing folks out of the way.
Queenie rolled her eyes and turned around to meet the gentleman’s gaze, ‘Oh dear, what is it now? I’m in the middle of something!’
‘Yes but it’s your husband ma’am.’
‘Oh? Is the fool finally dying? I’m having a meeting.’
Napoleon took notice of how her mood quickly shifted from something light and fun to something else when her husband was brought up.
Her attitude was so fierce and sharp, you could see how it cut and tore through the gentleman’s ego. Napoleon found himself smirking a little.
‘It’s… it’s important ma’am. He demands your presence.’
She stared up at him for a long moment before letting out a deep breath through her nose and shook her head. ‘Fine. Please just— give me a second to finish my drink.’
The male in all black bowed his head and took a step back to give the woman privacy.
‘Mrs. Covington…’
‘Dear heavens, Mr. Napoleon I am so very sorry. You’ve come all this way to meet me and I have to leave.’ She sighed once again before knocking back the rest of her wine. She was gonna need it dealing with that god forsaken man.
As frustrated as Napoleon was, he couldn’t step out of character so he just gave her a gentle smile.
‘No need to apologize, Mrs. Covington. Perhaps another day? Are you free tomorrow afternoon?’
‘I should be. Maybe we can have brunch. Since this is my screw up, on me.’
‘Nooo, no ma’am. I won’t have it, it’s just a minor inconvenience—‘
‘Are you telling me no?’
The woman stared at him with eyes that searched his soul. Digging in every nook and cranny to figure out who he was.
And to her surprise, he didn’t buckle or break. He wasn’t like most men it appeared. His gaze remained on hers.
‘I’m telling you not to treat me. I don’t think it’s fair.’
‘Hmm.’ She hummed softly as she smirked and stood from her seat. ‘Alright. Meet me here tomorrow at 11:45am. Don’t be late.’
‘You lack faith in me Mrs. Covington.’
Queenie raised her brow and began to walk away, her slightly swaying hips making a statement. Then she paused and turned halfway to meet his gaze once again.
‘Oh and Sugar?’ She called out over the swelling of the music.
But it wouldn’t be nothing— nothing!! Without a woman or a girl.
He blinked and lifted his chin in response to her voice.
‘Call me Queenie.’
Random Tags: @ellethespaceunicorn @milknhonies @headcannonxgalore @xblackreader @xsapphirescrollsx @peternoonewantsthat @deandoesthingstome @peachyvulpixie
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robin-5-technically · 2 months
You'll Get Me See if you can Find Bee (me) Then! I have a (rp) Account here and it's un -bee-levable! - 🐝
I don’t get what all the buzz is about these horrid puns. H-I’ve really come to appreciate my life before you all bumbled into it, and I truly wish you would all bug off so that I may leave this era of my life bee-hind. My head is swarming with the incessant chatter you all spill. Truth bee told you are all giving me a headache.
((Other bugs)) ((I larva you guys- /platonic))
Weevil. You are all weevil. The webs you spin, don’t you notice the lack of applause? Nothing but crickets for your horrid showing. Really, at this point we are going to have to slug it out. A beetle to the death. You cannot worm your way out of it you annoying pests.
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wildflower-playground · 8 months
hi! i go by will or bee online, any pronouns, and this is my sfw age regression caregiver blog! i’m a flip (meaning i enjoy taking care of others but also regress too) and this blog is a spot for me to collect comforting posts, tips and advice, agere positivity, and fun activity ideas for regressors!
i love talking to people!! i always try to be as welcoming and friendly as possible, so please don’t be scared to send asks, reply, or tag me in posts, etc! :] i do have a few rules on this blog though, due to past experiences:
before you interact:
🌻 please don’t ask me to be your caregiver or call me any parental nicknames like mommy/daddy etc! using friendly nicknames is fine, and if you aren’t sure just ask! :]
🍓i don’t mind being sent mild vents or talking with people about sad or frustrating things, but please don’t send me anything about highly triggering topics such as violence or sxual things, thank you!
🐝 i’m an adult! minors are welcome to follow, rb/reply, and send asks, but not to dm :]
🍃 for limited energy reasons, please don’t dm/message me on this blog unless we are mutuals! (my main is listed below if you’re not sure whether i follow you!) asks/rbs/replies etc are of course still open to anyone, following or not <3
🪻being rude or mean to anyone (including me) will get you blocked quickly.
k!nk blogs of any kind, including “sfw” k!nk, are not welcome to follow this blog. terfs and any other variety of bigots or exclusionists will be blocked immediately! and lastly all systems are welcome here, so if you’re anti-endogenic please do not follow me. thanks!
my other blogs and more info below the cut! :]
🌷 regression sideblog: @bumbling-kiddo
🐛 fandom agere sideblog: @azalea-bee
🪴 main blog that i follow from (not an agere blog, read the pinned post!!): @bumbling-bumblebee
🌻 my pfp is from this picrew!
🍓 i love talking with people and i know it can get lonely sometimes for regressors, so you are welcome to come say hi if you want some company! if i don’t respond right away i promise it’s not personal, i’m disabled and also regress sometimes so i may be too small or too tired to talk for a bit. but i always enjoy making new friends, so my askbox and dms are always open! :D
🐝 on that same note, if you’d like to chat with me but don’t know what to say, send me an ask anytime from this ask game i made!
ok that’s all! thanks for reading all the way to the end! <3
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mollyvega · 2 years
This bumble bee family! The little teeny tiny, baby bumble is the first I’ve made this small. These 3 were a custom order for a lovely client, but hey, guess what! I am opening commissions tomorrow! Instructions on how to make a request are in my last post. You too could have an abnormally large bumble bee on your wall! 🐝💋
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itsswritten · 5 months
Helloo! I love your fairy reader fics, and i just wanted to know does fairy reader have any powers? I imagine fairies to be very connected with nature, so if she had powers would they be nature related?
Hey lovely!!!
Perfect timing really for this as I was actually discussing this with my friend last night, while delving in on Pinterest for all the clothing we think she’d wear!! (You guys should let me know if you want to see all the outfit inspo we found 😍)
But yes! We were thinking nature too, like classic fairy. Helps flowers grow, spends a lot of time in nature, heals animals etc!! We were even thinking maybe she can shrink herself to really tend to the flowers and insects properly (major tinkerbell vibes)
How funny would it be if Azriel was stalking her at work (her work literally being that she spends the day in the forests and meadows lol) and he’s just watching, admiring her and then suddenly she disappears and he freaks out but she’s just shrunk herself to tend to a flower or poorly bumble bee 🐝🥹
Not sure if you guys have watched The Secret world of Arrietty? But it made me think of it!
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🎶i'm a creep i'm a weirdo🎶
here's an introductory post (also i apologize in advance to anyone interact with who is uncomfortable sharing any F/Os or if i fit in your DNI i check people's bio/pinned/card i just didn't see it)
i'm orion i am proship and this is a selfship blog i made because i think there are to many antis in the tmnt fandom (i am obsessed with raph. i've been in this fandom since i was 12 someone help/j)
edit third round:
i am a very forgotful person so expect me to edit this post a lot as i remember things and my whims
i don't really have a dni because the people i would put in one wouldn't respect it anyway. well aside from minors i don't want minors interacting with me
nsfw post will be under the nsft tag as well as a community label (you will be warned of kinks on top of the read more)
on a similar note look out for these tags:
cw: age gap
cw: grooming
cw: pokephilia
cw: noncon
cw: drugs
cw: drugging
i don't know how active i will be i have pretty bad chronic fatigue so i might fall off of the face of the earth sometimes
while this blog will most likely be mostly about tmnt i might post other fandoms too
while i have a gaint obsession with raph i also like donnie too so expect to see him as well
I am fairly political so a warning for that as well because i do not fuck around with people's lives (i wish caring about genocides wasn't political fuck the government)
one more thing i should mention is i am a therian/otherkin so you might see post about it from time to time
edit part two electric boogaloo:
list of my kins/theriotypes
spider (black widow, regal jumper and diving bell),
moth (luna moth, and deaths head hawk moth),
bee (honey bee, bumble bee, and vulter bee),
cat (just a normal old black cat),
ball jointed doll
i've seen some other self shippers do this so...
here's an ever expanding F/O list and the emojis i will be using for them from now on: (note: i don't mind doubles and all F/Os are romantic unless it is stated otherwise) edit: yandere F/Os will have this 🔪 emoji at the beginning of there names
2012 tmnt:
🔪raph 😡🐢
donnie 🟣🐢
raph 🧸❤️ (again lol)
🔪donnie 🕺💜 (i have an odd attachment to these two turtles it seems)
🔪piers 🤍🖤 (sword/sheild)
allister 🎭👻 (sword/shield)
🔪guzma 🪲🐛 (sun/moon)
🔪nanu 🐈‍⬛️🚨 (sun/moon)
🔪larry 💼🐦 (scarlet/violet)
midnight lycanroc name: eclipse⚧️ (shiny) 🐺✨️
goodra⚧️ name: gumdrop 🐌☂️
lowkey toxtricity⚧️ name: roxy⚡️🎸
garchomp♂️ name: treasure🐉💎
umbreon⚧️ name: silver (shiny) ✨️🌙
Gardevoir♂️ name:wisp 🌌🩰
Feraligatr♀️ name: pearl 🐊💧
ceruledge♀️ name: sapphire ⚔️🔷️
🔪piglin brute♂️ name: bruce 🐷🪓
🔪enderman♀️ name: tulip 🔮⚫️
hazbin hotel:
valentino 🚬❣️
helluva boss:
mammon 💵💰
asmodeus 🐓💙
🔪sun 🌞🎭
🔪moon 🌜🎭
eclipse 🌑🃏
glamrock freddy 🎤🐻
hancock 🍃🚬 (fallout 4)
nick ❤️🤖 (fallout 4)
fatgum 🟠🍜
legends of zelda:
sidon ❤️🦈 (breath of the wild)
rune factory:
murakumo 🐺💜 (rune factory 5)
ludmila 💗🌹 (rune factory 5)
ryker 🌑⚔️ (rune factory 5)
S/I ages and emoji list: (note none of my S/Is are or ever will be my actual age i wish to remain as ambiguous as possible)
mars 22 🪐🕸 (2012tmnt)
mars 22 🦋🌙 (rottmnt also there's no moth emoji rip)
nova 13 🌠☠️ (pokemon)
atlas 24 🐝🏡(minecraft)
aster ☄️🥁 (fnaf security breach)
lunar 22 🌘😈 (helluva boss)
celeste 🔥🖤 (hazbin hotel)
cosmo 24 🦈🩺 (fallout 4)
stellan 18 🌑✨️ (bnha/mha)
i don't have S/Is for rune factory or legends of zelda at this point
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themistressdomme · 4 months
people here saying that they’re taller than you and they can just be on their knees, meanwhile i am here with my powerful height of 4’9 🤠
My perfect little bumble bee 🥰
Oh my, you're fun sized, aren't you, my little 4'9 darling? You'd look extra cute when you're on your knees for me then 😘
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lipglossanon · 1 year
Hiii. The anon with the crappy family is back. I've been using the character ai for step!leon to help me. I was in a car crash but my parents refuse to help me. They are also tracking my location. Your storys help me a lot. Wishing that Stepbro!loen would cuddle me or comfort me. I hope your feeling better! Can't w as it for more stepbro!leon.
- 🖤🐝 (Dark bumble bee.)
Oh anon, I hate that for you!! 😭 😭
I wish I could offer you more. But I’m glad you’re able to use this blog as an outlet of sorts! 💜 💜
Thank you! And I hope you’re doing well, 🖤🐝
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camilladerricoart · 2 years
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What’s your fave bee 1-4❓❓🐝🐝 These bumbles will bee buzzing to you starting on Febee-ruary 3 on my online shop!🫶🏻🐝🐝 I’ll add 2 with every order made during my Valentine’s Release Feb3-14th. You’ll get a pair of these cute pink Fuzzbutt stickers until supplies last.🛍🛒💖 So set your alarm!⏰ More exciting items will debut for the season of love. 🎁🤩🎉💗💗
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rookiesbookies · 7 months
Hi! I love your Sex Toy AU!! Soap got me hooked! it was well written! <33.
I'm just wondering, would you write for others too (i.e., Keegan, Philip Graves)? I would love to see & read the expansion of the Au, its okay if you don't too! :3
Hello my lovely little bumble bee anon!
First, thank you so much! that's a major compliment to me and I love to hear it! Secondly, I will write for any CoD character, not just those I have listed on my masterlist. My masterlist is only limited to the first 4-5 I saw were most popular and ones I have added over time due to requests. I do who I write for on a by-request basis, and I answer my requests on an as-I-can. So what that means is, please request any CoD boys, my masterlist is not a limit. I do like to do character studies on each boy I write for to develop how I see them, but that does take time.
I am also a full-time student and an artist so I often spend all my writing power on papers or school work, or my creative brain connections get tired out with art so I do reply to requests slow and its why I dont post all the time. (fun fact: im a nationally published artist and a published writer, I didn't publish a book tho.... yet) but i do love writing, its my favorite hobby.
TL DR for all my lovely readers and requesters - when in doubt request it. I wont judge you. I will write just about anything, it just takes me time. I love writing and I love all my little anons, readers, and requesters.
this was probably a longer answer than you wanted but im going to put it on my account so people see it.
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(It’s time for quirky questions with Julie!) what’s your favorite decade? How to you feel about your birthday? If someone offered to run a presidential campaign for you today would you run?
(It’s time for some questions….)Do you like spicy food? Describe your country in five words or less (not using its name). given the opportunity would you climb a tree today?
(it’s question time with Julie!) Was math created or discovered? butterflies, bumble bees or dragon flies? Is fate a real thing?
(It’s time for art questions with Julie:) Can you draw? Do you have a favorite painting(that you did or someone else) do you prefer digital or traditional art? Do you have a favorite album cover?
Hi favourite J! I have been travelling this week and I am back so let's do a bumper special edition 🥰
My favourite decade is the 90s, grungy fashion was in and I was only a toddler so was unburdened by anxiety and guilt. Good times.
I hate my birthday, I am mopey about it and it makes me NOT FUN to be around. I do however like attention so I guess that's a plus.
I am absolutely in no way fit to lead a country. I am finding cat sitting to be quite a lot of responsibility at the moment. Do normal people want to be president? I feel like they don't??
I love spicy food! It makes me cry but that's alright so do dog adoption videos.
I don't live in the same country I was born in so I am electing to describe the one I live in now. Because it's the one I chose, the one I escaped to. It's contradictory, and complicated. It's full of potential. It's recovering, like me.
I would give tree climbing a go I think, we could all use a little childish sense of adventure occasionally.
Mathematics is our way of describing the natural laws of nature and physics. It is an ongoing and astonishing act of discovery. I don't know why I am sentimental about maths. I am a nerd. I studied chemistry. Sorry 😔
Bumblebees over everything! They are the backbone of so many ecosystems we love bees we need bees we must protect bees 🐝
I don't really believe in fate as something that happens to us. Rather something you look back on and say my whole life led me to this, and it was worth it.
I CANNOT draw at all. I am not even any good at pictionary it's tragic. I don't know much about classical art at all but I appreciate the sense of history it has. The same feeling you have touching the wall of a building that's stood for 1000 years, and will keep standing long after you are gone. On the other hand photorealistic digital art is the coolest thing I think it's so neat!
My favourite album cover is strange trails. It is still top of the list of music inspired tattoo ideas.
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Tysm, as always it's been a delight ❤️
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Mod Bee is back in business!
As an update; I have three commissions left outside of tumblr that aren't time sensitive, so if anyone would still like to commission me please feel free to!
My ask box is also open for asks for any of the following characters:
🐝Bee Bumble(Mod pony and artist behind the blog)
🍋Lemon Sugarcoat (Namesake of the blog and main character, former ponysona)
💙Kai Darkstone (Older brother and certified dork and pretty boy)
💖Shade Darkstone (Brother-in-law, here and very queer)
📕Alistor Sky (the only one not directly part of the family, emo /j)
💜Lucious Vespertillio (One of @cinnavanillamelody's lovers, expert in all things love and romance)
🐺Kodiak Darkstone (Was supposed to be a temporary askable character, but he's here to stay! Dad to too many, and lover to 5)
🧡Sadi/Sadie Kokoro-Darkstone (Son of Kodiak and @cinnavanillamelody's Sanori, both the eldest child and baby of the family)
For asks, please refer to characters by name or attach their emoji's to your message! Ask anything you'd like, but please use your general knowledge on online boundaries as a guide for what is or isn't okay to send me and my characters.
-Mod Bee 🐝
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mamucatlife · 2 years
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Hello! The weather is getting warmer here. And the bees are bumbling their way out hehe! You can also find more info about my membership on my Ko-Fi page through the link in my bio! 💕
Theme of the Month:
Honey Bee 🍯🐝🧸✨
The designs for this theme I actually started last year 😳 I’ll be sharing more about my process and inspiration through videos and posts exclusive to my members. Make sure to become a member to hear some stories!
Tier Info:
✨ Snack Tier ✨ $1
Includes access to exclusive posts, behind the scenes, and exclusive shop items!
(This tier is essentially a tip jar if you enjoy my work!)
✨ Mamu Tier ✨ $5
This tier includes new digital/printables every month based on the month’s theme!
You also gain access to previous month’s printables as well! Individual PNGs of the designs are available for digital journaling and collages!
- New Digitals/Printables every month!
-Access to exclusive content
- Access to behind the scene looks
- Access to exclusive items in my shop!
Please note that no physical items will be shipped!
✨ Kookie Tier ✨ $15
This tier includes cute sticker sheets and prints! You also get all items from the Mamu Tier!
(These sticker sheets are NOT waterproof.)
Last sign up date to sign up for this tier is March 20th. Items will be sent out March 25th.
Please see shipping info on the membership page on my Ko-Fi!
- Cute sticker sheets and prints shipped to you and made by me every month!
- Cute packaging to match the month’s theme!
- And everything from the Mamu Tier!
💕 25 Members Goal: A waterproof sticker will be added to the tier if we can get 25 members!
And that is all!
I also wanted to add that if you would like any commissions or exclusive items from my shop, I can send them with your subscription items for the Kookie Tier!
I plan to have more exclusive items in my shop up over the next few days!
If you have any questions, as always, please feel free to reach out to me!
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punsify1 · 1 month
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Buzz Into 200+ Hilarious Bumble Bee Puns To Sweeten Your Day With A Sting Of Humor
Get ready to feel the buzz with our collection of 200+ bee-larious puns! Whether you’re a fan of wordplay or just looking for a good laugh, these bee-themed jokes will have you buzzing with joy and giggles.
Perfect for brightening your day, these puns celebrate the hardworking, honey-loving bees with humor that’s sweet as honey.
From clever one-liners to bee-inspired quips, this collection is sure to make you smile. So, grab a cup of tea, settle in, and let the laughter fly!
"You’ve got to bee-lieve it!" 🐝"Hive got a lot of love for you!" 🥰"What a buzzkill!" 😜"Bee careful what you wish for!" 🐝"You’re un-bee-lievable!" 😄"Buzzing with excitement!" 🐝"Bee sure to stay humble." 🐝"Honey, I’m home!" 🍯"Bee the change you want to see in the world." 🌎"You’re the queen bee of my heart!" 👑
Read: Buzzing with Laughter: 200+ Bee-larious Puns That Will Have You Buzzing with Joy and Giggles
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fawnsflowerbed · 2 months
"I love a good chat with my fav golden retriever reader" WAHHHHHH 😭😭😭 SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE 🐕🐕🐕🐕 love a good chat with my fav bumble bee 🐝💛💛‼️‼️
Omg how is shameless!! I've seen a few episodes and I rly liked it from what I saw, but sometimes get triggered 😭😭 oooo I've never seen ultraman but I've heard of it! :0 is it fun? :3 N I hope baldur's gate is fun for you! I hear a looooot of good stuff about it
Omg nooooo, not at all- two of my best friends also love that flavor!! 😭 I'm more of a cotton candy n mint n chip kind of gal 👁👁 OH n rainbow sherbet 🤤
Hybrids n sunshine x grump is such a huge one for me omgomg
That slowburn trope is so sweet, too 🫶🏻 really helps build the relationships with the characters, I feel
So happy to hear you've been well!! 🥹🥹 oooooo are you excited for pre-uni :3?
Yaaayyyy!! Get that bank fixed yesyes 💪🏻💪🏻 KISSES 4 U TEWWWW MWAH MWAH 🐕🐕🫶🏻🫶🏻🧡🧡🧡🧡
૮⍝• ᴥ •⍝ა chews on u lovingly 💕💕
- Your Sunshine ☀️🧡
(˶ ˘ ³˘)ˆᵕ ˆ˶) always happy to talk with my babagirl
Shameless has been a good binge show! It's a heavy show I'm not even gonna lie but it's also funny as hell in some areas. The best part of the show is like none of the characters are inherently good or bad, they all have their moments where you go 'damn that was a shit thing to do' amidst rooting for them in some way. Ultraman is really good! The little Kaiju in it gave me absolute baby fever I wont even lie, and the food in it looks so goood urghhh
I'VE TRIED TO DO MINT CHIP I JUST CAN'TTTTT IT'S TOO MINTYYY 😭 I was like raised on chocolate and vanilla or rainbow icecream.
I'm like so scared for pre cause after that i have to figure out wtf I'm gonna do and as a neurodivergent BPD trans person it's like I'm ASKING to stay unemployed flops to the floor zᶻ ૮˶- ﻌ -˶ა⌒)ᦱ
HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL!!! AND THANK YOU FOR THE COMMISSIONS AND CONSTANT SUPPORT!!!!! Literally couldn't do this without followers like you my bby☀️🧡
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