#i cant remember the last time that happened? maybe lucifer? and that felt like a once in a lifetime win in a completely different tv climate
jacobglaser · 9 months
Oh man, I know I lost all interest in ofmd (for reasons I'm still not sure of myself), but this sucks ass for everyone involved.
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Scenario: lucifer gets sick but refuses to rest because of all the work he has to do
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(Im sick as of writing this but just like the scenario, i have work to do..)
Today was a long day for everybody in the devildom, infact it was long enough to lead to almost everyone going to sleep was nightime arrived, everyone except one stubborn busy demon.
The avatar of pride could not go to sleep now, he had alot of paperwork to finish for tommorrow for Diavolo, he had been working all day and only got to eat some food thanks to you bringing it over to him. Even then Lucifer didnt bother taking breaks, he'd only get up from his office for some coffee.
As he checked every paper and did his job he noticed his eyes feeling itchy and his throat feeling scratchy. Not much was thought about this since he hadnt really been paying attention to his needs today. He took a sip of his coffee and didnt think much of it, but then the itchiness came back and he was having a hard time breathing properly. A cough came out of nowhere and it was then that the demon realized what was about to happen. He couldnt get sick tommorrow.
Seeing as he was almost done however (and as the household was completely quite) he decided to call it a day and go to bed. It was only a couple of pages that needed some signing left so he decided to do so tommorrow before handing it over to the prince tommorrow.
He got up and head to his room, but not before drinking some water and taking a pill to help out. "I'll be fine tommorrow" he thought, plus even if he ended up sick he would still be able to work, its not like he has ever gotten bad enough to die hahaha...
A few voices came from the hallways that were loud enough to wake up the eldest. Lucifer opened his eyes but they quickly closed afterwards. He then felt like his whole body was being dragged back to bed as he attempted to get up. Did he stayed up that late? But he still manages to wake up early anyways.
Then it came, a noise he did NOT wish to hear.. a cough. In fact the cough was bad enough to leave his throat aching, to make matters worse he felt his nose runny and a headache bad enough to kill a man.
By pure magic he finally got up and went to get ready for today, still the hot shower and light breakfast didnt help him at all. His entire body felt like it was cooking and he really just couldnt stay standing for long enough. His brothers and even you could tell something was off, but when asked if he was alright he would put on his mask and answer yes.
In the council room Lucifer was finishing his work, it was just a few pages left anyways. Problem was it felt like there was more work than he remembered... maybe he didnt count correctly last night? No no no he did find the exact same amount of yesterday's work missing to be finished. He took a heavy breath as he felt again so tired and he rubbed his eyes to stay open and to stop the aching. He cant be sick right now, there is so much to do today! If he didnt do it then who would??
Class felt even longer than finishing that work. He ended up scibbling onto the missing paperwork just so he could make it to class in time. His head was still pounding, and his body felt like it was going to shut off at any moment now. He could barely understand what the teacher was saying without hearing an annoying echo in the background. He had tried to drink some water before class but he couldnt do so in time, he drink some now but his body was aching hard enough for him to not wanna move.
You and Mammon just so happened to be in the same class at that moment and you could tell that something was wrong. Mammon did so too, and while he was convinced that lucifer would just give you two the same answer as this morning, you two still decided to ask him after class if he was ok again.
You saw him leaving down the left hallway so you called him out. He didnt turn arounf however.. you tried again with the same result. Third time was fortunately the charm, however he didnt seem happy to see you two.
"You sure you're good?" Asked Mammon standing behind you. "Yeah you seemed pretty distracted during class today" you add to his question.
"I said im.. fine" he took a moment to finish his response, his headache was only getting more and more worse. You placed a hand on his shoulder and asked if he was sure, "its ok if you dont feel well, Diavolo's event is later today anyways and there is enough time for you to at least take a nap".
"No, really im great," he said still avoiding eye contact with you two. This wasnt the lucifer you knew so you decided to lift his face and confirm his words. His eyes had heavier bags than usual and his looked awfully pale, yes more than he usually gets, the only parts of his face that wasnt snow white was his nose and cheeks, which were very red. "Lucifer you're burning" you tell him as you feel his forehead with your backpalm.
Mammon continued to stand behind you but was now more concerned than before. "MC im fine" lucifer tells to you again, his voice sounding more affirmative than before. Still Lucifer was your friend (probably more depending who is reading this), and you couldnt bear to see him try to work to death.
The event Diavolo had been planning all week was just about to start, the prince seemed really excited as well as some of the brothers. Before officially starting however the prince wished to check on everyone one last time. He had to make sure you were all prepared. "Beel, belphie, do you two have everything ready?" He starts checking. The twins nodded. "Satan, MC, Asmo?" You and the forth born nodded as well. "Mammon, levi?" They responded with a yes. "Luc...ifer? Are you alright? You seem.. tired" asks the prince as he sees his right hand man starring at the horizon, at this poitn everyone could tell he wasnt well. He just nodded as a response as well.
"Lucifer you do have to participate if youre feeling bad, its ok" says Simeon as he leans slightly forward, with the younger angel behind him. Lucifer doesnt respond this time, instead his breathing becomes unsteady again and he proceeds to lose his balance. Its a good thing that you were next to him or else he wouldnt plopped to the floor. He tries to say something bad he felt so ass he couldnt anymore.
As he passes out everyone starts to panic. You could only carry him in your arms for so long before Mammon and Beel walked up to help you lay him down. You sat next to his head to hold it correctly so when he wakes it his neck doesnt feel sore. Simeon and Solomon also walked up to see what to do. Diavolo however would end up being the one to come up with a plan on what to do.
Everything seemed blurry as Lucifer finally opens his eyes again. He still didnt feel any better but at least he was in his room again. "Wha... where.. what happened?" He asks to himself. You walk in however with a wet warm towel and answered his question. "You passed out Luci, you seem to have caught a nasty fevet" you tell him.
You place your hands on his shoudler and order him to lay down so you can place the towel on his head. You have to use the pact between you two so he can actually get better becuase (knowing him) he would just get up again and try to get back to work. "What about the.." he tries to ask but you interupt him, "the others have it undercontrol, but it will end early so your brothers can help out". Its funny how you manage to respond his questions without him even finishing them, but it is very frustrating to have to use your pact so he can rest. Lucifer just refuses to stay in bed doing nothing, he has work to do.
"MC i cant stay here i'm very busy today"
"But Diavolo ended up giving you the rest of thr week off until you get better"
"Im already feeling amazing, thanks for the help but-" just then he feels his body give up on him again and he falls to the floor.
"I.." you sigh before activating the pact again, "lucifer please just go to bed.." you tell him.
With that you manage to get him back to bed and you decide to keep an eye on him the remaining of today. There are moments when he tries to get up and leave but you manage to catch him just in time. You also make sure he eats well and takes his medecine so he can get better. Once nightime arrives again the others arrive and decide to give you a hand as well.
Thanks to teamwork and ALOT of patience with the eldest Lucifer finally gets better. It did took the rest of the week for him to get better but whats important is that the avatar of pride isnt sick anymore, and he even thanks you and the rest of the gang for helping him :)
Sorry if this is messy but i really do feel like trash right now so i wrote this mess, depending on this post i might to a sequel or write another fic where the brothers dont have MC to help out, it would be a fun crack fic :)
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I'd just like to add on the possibility that Raphael was sent to go after Simeon instead of MC as a hit man, so maybe in future lessons we'll get more information on what happened on the last scene of lesson 60. But he'd still most likely be watching MC as well at the same time.
And I'd just like to ask- When did MC interfere with the timeline and encourage the brothers to indulge in their sins?? I cant remember much of the story since I haven't read them in a while *looks away and runs* but I do remember bits of MC having dreams and then the fairy incident with Simeon and Satan?
Raphael was definitely sent to keep an eye on Simeon, though given recent developments it seems more like he was sent because Simeon is losing his blessing.
I can't remember the lesson number (maybe 43 or 44?) but it's when Solomon's weird ass food sends MC back in time and they meet the brothers as angels. They get to encourage their Sins before Michael kicks them back out and to the present. Michael says the effects of MC's visit will be felt throughout the timeline, aka the encouragement of the Sins, even if the brothers don't remember MC themself (though Angel! Asmo does dream of their presence meaning the others probably did too which would explain why Mammon made a pact with them despite saying he doesn't make pacts with random humans and despite the fact that he could have easily overpowered MC & Levi & managed to get Goldie back, without hurting them)
MC also told Levi about anime & manga and told Lucifer that Diavolo was a good person and that he should give him a chance or hear him out or something like that
Related posts:
Simeon's Blessing, Raphael & Michael
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diavolosthots · 4 years
Thanks so much for answering my last question I loved it so much😫💕 I’m in desperate need of angst rn and I had this random idea of the boys falling in love with one of MC’s past descendants from centuries ago who might’ve been a nun but always saw the best in the demon bois and never condemned them so to speak, and since they’re human they eventually die from old age. Just one of those sad almost fantasy like star-crossed lovers tales that make me weep, hc’s for that would kill me 💕
Since I'm feeling nostalgic anyway, might as well tackle this. Im only doing the brothers though :3
WARNINGS: sadness? Also like one curse word.
THE BROTHERS taking a trip down memory lane
It wasnt often that Lucifer got a moment to himself, but sometimes, when it's late and everyone is surely asleep, or at least tucked away in their rooms, he takes a minute to unwind. Maybe he'll get a glass of century old bourbon or maybe even some deep red wine. Whatever it may be, he always sits himself down in his red cushioned chair and looks out the window, into the dark Devildom sky. More often than not, his mind begins to shift away from reality and he soon finds himself deep in thought, reliving moments from millennia ago. There used to be someone, someone who managed to amaze him in every sense of the way, and as he sits there, the cold glass of bourbon in his gloved hand, he feels the pain tuck at his heart... And he smiles sadly... Knowing that they're just that; a memory.
He loves life. Loves the thrill. Loves to have no consequences. He puts himself in dangerous situation. He loves to go crazy. But he doesn't do it for fun. He does it because every time he feels the world slow down and time catch up to him, he knows he's in a bad situation. He cant take it. Not again. To see, to feel, the dead body in his hands once more, murdered by the people he most hates, sends a shiver down his spine. The day has long passed, but he hasnt stopped running since. Running from them. Running from the problems. Running from himself. And he won't stop running, ever. Not until he knows it's safe. But in this world, is it ever truly safe?
The reason he drowns himself in games and technology, maybe even the sea, is because he cant bear the pain of stopping. Its been centuries since he last saw their face, a picture thats slowly fading into nothingness every time he tries to reach for it. He knows it's useless, knows theyre long dead and definitely not here in the Devildom. For days hes searched for their soul, searched for their being when he heard of their death, but he knew they would never end up down here with him... He is a monster after all.
Satan loves the stars. Loves the night sky. Loves the candlelight and moonlight. He finds romance in it; love. Peace. But he doesnt see it often. God wouldnt grant him such peace when his whole being is made of turmoil. So he sits there, alone at night, surrounded by thousands of stories that live forever, just like he lives forever, and he wishes he didn't. He dares dip into his head at night, past the anger, past the turmoil, and into the softness of himself that he hasnt felt in a long time. Not ever since they left him. Ever since their being turned around and walked out, saying hes too much. Too strong. Too angry. Too much of him. But how can he change himself? He would. For them. But he cant, not anymore. He realized that far too late.
Maybe the reason he despises real love is because of the commitment. Maybe it's because of the star-struck eyes. Or maybe it's because of the happiness it brings. Deep down, he knows why. But he wont admit it. Yet, when his body is weak, and the whores have run out; when he lays in his bed at night surrounded by lovers long forgotten, he admits it to himself. Silently. Slowly. Quietly. He admits that his heart has been stolen by someone from ages ago. He admits that he was once so in love, that it crushed him; betrayed him. And he swore to himself that he cant let it happen again. That he'd rather be the heartbreaker than the heartbroken. That he'd stay true to his demon form and put misery into the world, to protect himself.
Its days like these, where he stuffs himself full of food; all kinds of food. Human. Demon. Angel. That he remembers the one food he'll never touch. The food that shared so many memories between them and him. So many laughs. So many adventures. And as much as the memory of their laughter resonates within his heart, lights his whole being on fire, he cant bear to listen to it for long. Its like a cursed record that plays the sweetest melody, that draws one in and makes them want to stay forever, not realizing that the minute the sound stops, theyre already damned and left to suffer. So here he stands now, the food long forgotten, while he clutched his heart and tried to keep the tears from falling.
Dreams are an escape to another reality. A world, where no rules and laws exist and its just oneself. He loves drifting of to sleep for that very reason; he can create his own world, live his own life. Yet, sometimes he is plagued by beautifully terrifying images of a person; a person he hoped to forget a long time ago. Seeing their smiling face, feeling their hand in his, and reliving the days in the sun, sends a tsunami over his soul; a tsunami thats sure to wash him away. But everytime he sees that face again, so realistic in front of his closed eyes, he screams. In panic. In fear. In sadness. Because he can't admit that he hates to be apart from them, for so many centuries long.
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theharlequinwriter · 6 years
Guided Arrow ..........part 1
Summary : Being Thea’s twin sister and also part of team arrow when you wake up in the another universe alone and no way home.
warnings : Swear words and PTSD 
word count : 2,402
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Before I knew it Barry was reaching for my hand and we were falling down a building and then  well I don’t really know all I saw was white and when I woke up I was one the side of the road soaking wet and clearly not in star city anymore.
No one answered.
‘’what the fuck happened?’’
Pulling my hood back I put my mask in my pocket and threw my bow over my back and started to walk sticking my thumb out every other foot. Finally reaching a nearby diner I asked for a booth and a cup of coffee while I pulled out all my gadgets trying to find Felicity’s or Barry's voice trying to find me.
‘’you look like you’re lost’’
Darting my head up I saw a man with blue eyes, black hair and oddly a trench coat.
‘’you can say I am in a way.’’
I winked at him as his very handsome friends walked over.
‘’Cas what the hell are you doing?’’
‘’Talking to miss.... I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.’’
‘’y/n Queen’’
‘Names Sam and Dean Winchester’’
The taller one with the long hair stuck out his hand towards me, grabbing his hand I could feel the caclus on his palm from oddly enough....a gun.
‘’So, Cas said you’re lost?’’
Dean asked as he shuffled into my booth.... uninvited.
‘’Yeah, I guess, the last thing I remember is reaching for flash.......my friends hand as I fell then everything went black. I woke up on the side of the road and made my way here.’’
‘’Well we can help you find your way back if you like.’
‘’YES, thank you.’’
Walking outside dean helped me into the car and we were off to their house or what they called their bunker. Once inside i made my way to their version of the quiver. Setting my arrows and hood on the couch began to scan their place. Clearly they really are brothers, not sure on Cas thou.. Possibly dean's boyfriend? not by the way dean watched my ass get into the car. Walking around I found their library full of supernatural information.
‘Where were you guys when darhk was around?’’
Dean came into the room with 4 beers. Handing one to me as Sam sat down and opened his laptop.
‘’So, let's start with your hometown or where you were last.’’
‘’Star city.’’
I watched as Sam typed it into his keyboard and his eyes going wide.
‘’uhm y/n that city doesn’t exist at least not that google knows.’’
‘’Google says nothing found for a Star city.’’
I threw the beer onto the floor.  
‘’’listen y/n lets google your family maybe they will come up, you did say your sister in law was a hacker maybe she's hiding the results.’’
‘Okay my Sibling are Oliver and Thea Queen, my best friend is Iris West Allen, Her husband is Barry Allen.’’
Dean looked up at me  
‘’You're Brother and best friend are named after comic books?’’
Sam ran to the other room carrying back a few plastic covered comic books with the titles. GREEN ARROW and the other THE FLASH. I felt my head going dizzy and everything went black. When i came too I was lying on a couch, I could hear Sam and dean talking.
‘’Maybe she escaped the looney bin.’’
‘’maybe she hit her head harder than she thought.’’
I made a coughing noise as I walked into the room.
‘Come sit, I'm going to blow your minds.’
We all headed in the war room and sat down.
‘’So, my name is Y/n Queen, my brother is Oliver Queen and Yes he is the Green Arrow, My sister and I are quickdraw and speedy. My Best friend is the wife of the flash, we discovered other worlds or dimensions a long time ago. I'm guessing that’s where I am in a world where I'm nothing more than words on a page.’’
Both Winchesters sat there with their mouths gaping.
‘’So, you're like a real super hero?’’
‘’I guess so, Ollie more is than me, I'm just backup.’’
‘And how did you get here?’’
‘Cisco must have breached me right as I grabbed Barry sending me flying through a breach, although this would be a far new distance for him....I'm happy i made it.’’
‘’’Rips or portals into other worlds.’’
‘’I need some air.’’
Dean stepped out of the room leaving me, Sam and Cas alone.
‘So, are their angels in your world?’
‘’not that im aware of cas , We have the league of shadows . My brother married their leader, We do have magic buts its really bad.’’
‘’Magics bad here too but more of like hocus pocus and hexes.’’
‘’so, no vigilantes?’’
‘’Not that I know of, I mean we are hunters if that counts.’’
‘’it’ll do.’’  
Sam smiled as dean walked into the room.
‘’can i shoot an arrow?’’
‘’Sure dean.’’
We went outside where I let dean have 2 arrows to shoot, he missed both times. Taking my aim, I shot to perfect straight into the apple Sam had placed on the car.
‘’How did you learn to do that?’’
‘’My brother, after slade …. I mean Death Stroke killed my mom, Ollie never wanted me and Thea to be unsafe again and after i busted him on being arrow and dig being spartan....Sorry Dig is my brothers right hand man. He welcomed me to the team as quickdraw due to the fact im a quick shot.’’
‘’wow.... you been through it.’’
‘’ oh, I got stories that would make your mind implode. Ive met a alien well a kryptonian .’’
Dean was shouting now
‘’Well yeah but I meant his cousin Supergirl, she like my pen pal.’’
‘’ So I guess you're staying here till you can get home.’’
‘Thank you, Sam.,’’
Later that night  
Laying here in this strange bed in a whole other world completely alone.... alone, the one thing I fear was to be alone. I got up and headed for the library at least it has a good book maybe they will have a new series I can love. Stepping into the library I found Sam researching through a bunch of lore.
‘’Is he real?’’
Sam pointed at a comic with a man named Spiderman.
‘’maybe but not in my world or at least hasn’t made himself known.’’
He nodded to the chair next to him. Sliding into it he handed me a piece of candy.
‘’can't sleep?’’
‘’no im on earth 1 time’’
‘Earth 1?’
‘Well since I knew that one first that’s earth 1 , Supergirl is from earth 3 and I making this earth 4.’’
‘’So What do you like to do for fun here?’’
‘'Don’t really have time , the hunt never stops , I've actually been to hell , met lucifer and god oh and I Lost my soul and met Gods sister and died a thousand times , so has Dean and Cas.’
I could see the pain welling in his eyes, he was tired.
‘’Sounds likes my brother hehe Hes been through it for 5 years I thought he was dead and then poof he wasn’t, but he wasn’t ollie. He had scars and tattoo, spoke Russian and was very odd. He ended up letting his anger go and now we are happy again even for a moment, But your right lives like ours it only ends in death.’’
Sam laughed as he handed me a beer from the mini frige.
‘’Thats why we gotta go down swinging.’’
‘’Cheers to that.’
Tinking the beers together we continued to exchanged stories and advice. Sam made me feel safe like my life wasn't guns and masks and his wasn’t demons and vampires.
‘’Hi sam , Whose this.... she isnt from here.’’
I screamed as a young man with blonde air appeared out of nowhere.
‘’ y/ n this is jack.....lucifer's son.’’
‘’HOLY SHIT....i mean hi, im sorry im not used to people appearing like that unless they plan to kill me.’’
‘’I think its my fault you’re here.’'
‘’Jack what do you mean its your fault?’’
Before he answered he was gone.
‘’he does this when he is upset and feels guilty, he runs.’’
‘’poor guy.’’
‘Well he is only 5 months old.’’
‘’yeah well …..wait what?’’
‘’he aged in order to survive.’’
‘’oh...so are you completely human?’’
‘’yeah I mgiht be missing a bit of my soul here and there.’’
Sam smiled at his own remark, we headed into the library to research anything on other worlds. 3 hours and 5 cups of coffee each later neither Sam or I found anything besides that I may be stuck here forever. Sam already promised I have a home with them here and I will never be alone as long as hes around. I couldn’t help but notice how warm and safe I feel around him.  
I woke up to the feeling of someone breathing, as I opened my eyes I  found myself on sams chest cluctching a book on demi gods while sam had one arm wrapped around me and they other on a book on greek gods. We must of fallen asleep on the couch studying , he looks so happy when hes asleep like he isnt living a hard life everyday. Before I could take in anymore of the moment dean came busting into the room causing sam to jump shoving me to the floor.
‘Jacks back’
We all ran to the den where jack sat on the couch clutching his head in his hands. I walked over placing my hand on his shoulder.
‘are you okay?’’
‘im sorry’’
‘’for what....bringing me here. Ive been through worse trust me.’
He looked at me with his bloodshot eyes and buried his head into my chest hugging me tightly. He was still sobbing but at least now he knew I didn’t blame him.
‘so nothing from jack yet?’’
It has been almost 3 weeks since I arrived here , Cas has been working with jack to see if maybe he can re open the rip to send me home. I offered to ask barry and iris to help jack understand himself better, run some test and see what he can and cant handle. Then there's sam , we have gotten really close since I arrived late night studying and him teaching me how to put up warding's and devils traps. I even promised him id get the anti-possession tattoo once im home. Sitting in the den reading the local paper scanning for any sign of supernatural creatures.
‘hey y’n’’
Sam came into the room handing me a cup of coffee and sitting next to me , smiling at me god I love it when he smiles. Snapping out of my  trance I had to nod and try to catch up.
‘so jack thinks if we can find a dream walker we can send you home.’
‘’where do we find one of these dream walkers’’
‘’well that’s the thing we only knew one and shes dead but jack thinks he has a lead on another in ohio, him and dean went to check it out . Cas heard of one in California so he went out that way , that just leaves us.’’
Falling into the chair in the library I picked up a comic with the title green arrow looking at the way they drew my brother.
‘’ollie doesn’t have a beard ‘’
Sam chuckled.
‘’just how you call him ollie makes him seem like he isnt in a comic book in our world.’’
‘’this should be so odd to you I mean look what I found.’’
I held up a anime comic named supernatural starring sam and dean.
‘'that was written by god , not by a geek in a basement.’’
‘’ so whats sam / dean?’’
‘’how did you hear about that?’’
‘’im a vigilante , if I want info I get it.’’
‘’its nothing , its gross.’’
‘’so am I in one of these books or do I not matter?’’
‘’they stopped being made after dean went to hell , cas is isnt in them either..... but you matter to me ‘
Looking up sam was starring at me with a small smirk on his lips. Shaking his head I could see him searching the room in a painc.
‘’you said something about food and a movie?’
‘uhh yea set up in the tv room I got burgers and venom’’
About halfway into the movie sam got up to leave the room, wondering what was up I decide to follow him into the kitchen , sam was pacing the room on the phone.
‘’what do you mean she was a phony? , y/n is going to be heart broken.’’
‘’yeah I know dean but I do care for her ...of course id love to be with her........dean she has a family and a life....we weren't ever supposed to meet.’’
He hung up his phone turning towards me.
Without thought I moved forward crashing my lps into his pulling him closer by is plaid collar , his fands found my hips lifting me onto my tip toes pulling me into him. Taking a step back I looked up at him feeling the blood rush to my face when dean came rushing in.
‘hey robin hood we might need your help.’’
Climbing into the impala we drove to a empty house where three bodies laid on the porch and woman with short hair came forward extending her hand.
‘’names Jody , dean here tells me your one of us.’’
Nodding I looked at dean.
‘why do you need me here?’’
‘’because this guy here says hes from star city’’
Stepping into the door, a man with his hands and feet tied laid on the floor with a bag on his head, reaching out i lifted the bag to revel cold dead eyes and a buzz cut along with the smile of the devil and his body covered in tattoos.
‘’d-d—d—d-d- dia'’
‘’hello y/n , Miss me baby doll ?’’
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theythemsam · 5 years
spn 6x12, liveblog, collected posts (all 15 of them) or as i like to call it: dragons, more rape jokes, and also step aside Dany, mother of dragons, cause we’ve got Eve, mother of all
“It’s gonna be okay. You know, more people have died in the shower.” Asdfghj yes especially women on supernatural lmao
 Oh No, my baby boy Sam AHHHHHHH, seeing him just knocked out makes me sad!!!
 The way Sam just throws himself into the hug with Dean, holding on for dear life, I Am In So Much Pain!!!
 “You are okay? I saw…. I felt Lucifer snap your neck.” “Cas fixed that” “CAS IS ALIVE?!?!” the wonder and joy in his words, I love Sam so much oh my god!!!! I forgot how much I missed him during those 11 episodes asdfg
 I love that they acknowledge that it’s not easy for Bobby to deal with Sam back and normal after he nearly killed him
 So Get This!!! Sammy is back!!!!!
 I just find it so funny that Sam and Dean both are like Whaaaat??? Young women in their early 20s being virgins???? How Does That Even Happen???
Like… it ain’t that uncommon boys…
 ANOTHER instance of rape being mentioned. Again, a rape joke. With a rape-y batman. God, that’s so great, I love it, I love this season so much ahahaha
#it gets worse bc I just cant WAIT for sams wall to get broken and me being forced to watch Mark The Douche make rape jokes….
 Ugh the dragons are also terrible and very, very scary
#i feel so sorry for all the women
 The scene where Dean tries to pull the sword from the stone is so funny
#like just the way it’s set up with him going up there the music playing and then… #just nothing. It doesn’t work.
 Sam is just so confused about what’s happening. I feel so sorry for him!!
 Aaaaand its time for the famed failed sastiel hug asdfg Oh No
 Also the fact that Dean actually thinks the best way to get a sword out of a block of stone is to blow the whole thing is up so bad!! Like… please Dean, I know you’re currently not in possession of the one braincell you share with the rest of team free will (at the moments its all sams bc he’s trying to figure out last year really badly) but Seriously, Dean???
 I feel so sorry for Sam. He maybe doesn’t remember what he did while he was soulless, but he sure feels guilty about it
 Ohhhh it’s eve time!!!
#the actress is so good!!! #and damn im excited to see more of her
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missjackil · 7 years
Let’s Talk About This....
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One of the things I loved most about Season 12, was the drama between Mary and the boys. I know many of you found it annoying, but I was highly impressed. It wasn’t written as “Oh look Mom is back, lets be nice little family” or “Oh crap mom is back and she’s a zombie!” No, instead, there was a very realistic story around it, and the writers didn’t pick an easy one.  Nothing about the story, really went the way I thought it would, and I am so glad that as much as I watch this show, the writers can still surprise me. Now, Im not all about Mary hate, and I dont hate Sam Smith as an actor, but IMO she isnt nearly as good an actor as J2 are so scenes with her came off a little lobsided, but all that aside, I think the story arch was believable and well written. Continue below the cut 
My first thought was that if they didn’t make her a monster or evil, that she would be the third wheel (yuck) and favor Dean over Sam because they already established a relationship and Sam was just a baby when she died. I figured the story would develop that Sam felt left out, and early on, it almost looked like they were going that route. In The Foundry, we saw Mary and Dean sharing similarities, with the bacon and beef jerky, and putting Sam in the back seat (which hurt my soul) and cranking the radio when he wanted it turned down.  A little later in the episode, Mary stands between them, when theyre posing as FEDs, and of course to me, this made me clench my teeth. “Do NOT come between my bros!!!!” I’m not alone in that thought am I? Then much to my surprise, at the end, she wants to leave them! And really, for an understandable reason. This is something that could very likely happen in real life, if an estranged mother unexpectedly meets her adult children. Sure she may love them, but it could be very hard to wrap her head around that these men are the little children she remembers.  Now, from this point on, she seems more drawn to Sam. Not that she doesn’t love Dean, but maybe in part due to his understanding that she needs space, and maybe in part out of sheer curiosity of a son she really doesn’t know at all. They had never even had a conversation (to her recollection) before this point. She has no idea what kind of personality he has, and also knows that nothing about him, has anything to do with how she raised him. She has never spent a birthday or Thanksgiving or Christmas with him. He is a complete stranger, and yet, he’s very warm and understanding. And let’s not forget that she knows exactly why his life is a nightmare, and it’s from her own doing, and yet, he’s never even brought it up.  Now, I know many of you believe Sam doesn’t know she made a demon deal that caused Azazel to visit and start the firey chain reaction of his life, but I have always believed he does, and It SEEMS like thats the way the show is playing it, since it’s never come out that Sam DOESNT know, and there have been more than enough places that it should have been mentioned. Like when Mary told Dean she didnt know how to face Sam or what to say, because she started everything. or “Im scared, what if he (Sam) cant forgive me?” Dean didn’t say “Well Sam doesn’t know” he just didn’t say anything. However, they did leave it open ended, not confirming that he knows, so it still could go that way. It would just seem weird that it’s never been said that he doesnt know, making everyone anticipate that revelation.  For argument’s sake right now, lets say Sam doesn’t know. I’ll ask, if we should think he wouldn’t forgive her quickly? I can’t picture him lashing out, unless he found out right after something traumatic had happened. Not everyday trauma, but big, like getting possessed by Lucifer again, or somehow his powers just killed or nearly killed Dean. During S12 nothing really happened that would have opened that scar to a fresh wound. In the past few seasons, Sam has been strong and more confident in himself, and much more accepting of his life, so if he were to find out now, he’d just be shocked and hurt for a little bit, and be forgiving soon after.  My next surprise came while watching Sam and Dean reacting to their mother betraying them, The brothers have been betrayed by nearly everyone they know at some point, or hurt in some way, but this is their mother. Their reactions are a lot different than if it had been an enemy, a friend, or even each other. They had to be hurt and disappointed in someone they weren’t gonna kill or hit. Even when they have hurt each other, they could yell and scream and beat the crap out of each other, but this is MOM! The gifs above represent, such a wonderful acting scene for J2. We have seen them fight with their Dad in s1, and we wouldnt have been surprised if punches got thrown, so the anger was a lot louder and potentially physical. Here though, they’re holding back.  Both brothers express broken hearts so clearly in their facial expressions. They havent had a time before this, that they have been hurt so deeply by a woman they both love. They’re both holding back tears so hard it shattered my heart for them both. However, they didn’t cowar and hang their heads in shame while she tried to justify her actions, that she is “Not JUST a Mother” when she hadnt even tried to be a Mom to them yet. But my boys made damn sure she knew you don’t f*ck with them and walk away scott free. Maybe you’re in a safe zone where they wont punch you physically, but they’ll make you wish they did.  Dean rabid punched her in her heart with his words. He was glad she got to be haunted by Wally dying during the lake house hunt, that she felt guilty telling his wife. He made sure she knew everything he and Sam were feeling, and took away her place as their mother by calling her Mary. When she was metaphorically bleeding on the ground, Sam drew the kill shot. He doesn’t argue with her, he doesn’t cut her down, thats been done, he just delivers the last thing that anyone who loves Sam Winchester in the slightest, ever wants to hear... “You should go”.  What she had before all this, her sons and somewhere she could call home, Sam and Dean took them both away from her, because she squandered them. I was speechless. Now, if there was ever any wonder, who could get away with what when dealing with these brothers, it got answered. If you’re on the good side of Sam and Dean, you have the best protection and friends you could ask for, but nobody is safe if they cross them. And sure, they take abuse by people/monsters all the time and dust it off, but they have their limits, even with blood family.  Look at these gifs and see their faces. These men have both lived through decades of Hell. Lost eachother several times. Been tortured, beaten, shot, stabbed, and tormented by the most evil creatures ever created, but this woman, their own Mother, inflicted more pain than  any of them. Both Jared and Jensen deserve Emmys for conveying that so clearly.  Now, the guys undoubtedly fester with this for a while, but in typical Sam and Dean fashion, they cant just walk away. Sam ventures back first, but Dean isnt far behind when he hears Mom might be in danger. They dont talk about it anymore till the end. Dean is pretty open about his feelings, though he will tell you he isn’t. Sam is the oposite, he thinks he’s open and he really isnt. When Dean gets into Mary’s head in 12x22, he lays it all out to her, he tells her what she doesn’t know about him, and how her actions ruined, not only his, but Sam’s life as well. Why did he speak for Sam? Because Sam wont. Not because Sam is weak, but because Sam doesn’t want attention drawn to his issues. He’s an “other people have got it worse” kind of guy.  When Dean tells Mary that he hates her, and that he loves her, and forgives her, you know, he really forgave her. She had to know she is truly loved and forgiven. Then she worries about Sam, and maybe he can’t forgive her. With the same style, with so few words, that knocked her out not long ago, he gives only a few words to pick her back up. “You dont have to be scared of me” (ugggh my heart!) If you didn’t like this story arch, I ask that you just watch it again and see how much time and effort were spent on Sam and Dean’s reactions to everything, and maybe give a new appreciation to how well it was written, and even better acted. 
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thesoundofsimple · 6 years
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It took me a while to compile these. Maybe I was busy, maybe I didn’t want the closure.  I’m not always so great with closure. I think it was more that i tried and failed to post this several times and it was starting to become too much work. Anyway, I’ve finished the series. This story has consumed me for the last two years. Hey, I’m not a fast reader ok - don’t you judge me. But it’s a nice thing to have something in your life like that for so long, what’s the rush. I’ve compiled a bunch of my fav moments from the book below along with some commentary on some of them. Where to begin... I read this series because of two people. Either in high school or early college my friend Matt insisted that I start reading the Gunslinger series. He was obsessed with it. I was not a king fan at the time and chalked his interest Up to the other weirdo fantasy books he would read about kings and queens and warriors and big bears and those fantasy books you would see in the bookstores with the girls with the big boobs and they are riding a wolf or something from other dimensions and such (you know the ones right?) Sometimes he’d plead with me anyway about how I was missing out. I ignored this but regardless, the seed was planted. As I was reading this, i realized how lucky i was to be able to just keep reading this series unencumbered by the wait for publication. I was never having to wait YEARS for the next book to come out, or wondering if it ever would come out. I kinda got the Netflix treatment on this, i could binge read. I had the sad realization that as obsessed as Matt was with the series, he only got through three. He died a few months before Wizard and Glass which i realize is a small tragedy in comparison to the whole "he died" part but its a tragedy nonetheless. I wish Matt could have been able to finish the series. That would have made him happy. He was a nice person and one of my best friends, I realize writing this, I miss him. The other person implicated here as getting me interested was my friend Amy. She'd been a big King fan since she was a kid. A little kid. A weird little kid according to her, reading fukin Pet Cemetery at age 11 and such. My own 11 year old would have to be committed to a mental institution if she read that book. Amy liked reading in general and I hadn't really been reading any books in a long time and I was embarrassed about that when it came to her so i tried to start reading a bit not to seem like a total degenerate. that kid had a way of making me do things that were good, things i should be doing - nice quality really. She had a way of picking out things for me that, well, I really liked. She was my taste-maker for a few years with stuff like this and I came to believe if she said i would like it, well it was a done deal because she was always right about what i'd like. That said, she was also a little self conscious sometimes about her interests. She'd go on a whole rant about something sorta esoteric and then suddenly become self aware and look embarrassed, say something like "yeah, your girl's a real weirdo, sorry" but I loved listening and learning about lots of stuff (great stuff) i just had been oblivious to. Roland and his friends were among Amy's favorite stories. So a few years later when we, well, didn't talk anymore, and I missed her... quite a lot, I started picking up some of the books she told me about. While Matt put the idea in my head to read these books, I know that the real reason i finally did was to have a tiny part of her around, a one way connection but a connection regardless (now who's the weirdo) And it was nice to be honest. I would have liked to have talked to her about these books, or just say Thankya for putting the idea in my head. 
It’s amazing to me how much the world changed for King from the first book to the last. Or since Matt left. Or since Amy left. Or shall I say, the world has moved on, if it do ya. That the first book was started before I was born and before the last, Harry Potter appeared in the world of Roland. This was an almost uncomprehendingly amazing story. I cant believe it came from one brain. its staggering to me really, truly staggering. Thank you Mr. King. August 1, 2018. 
—————————— My comments in bold You needn’t die happy when your day comes, but you must die satisfied"
“That smell of cooking meat wafting through the air was not pork.”
“sköldpadda tumbled to the red rug, bounced beneath one of the tables, and there (like a certain paper boat some of you may remember) passes out of this tale forever” Loved this reference to IT
“A man can’t pull himself up by his own bootstraps no matter how hard he tries” agreed. reflective of my continuing shift to the left of the political spectrum
“Roland nodded, which wasn’t good enough for Eddie. “Let me hear you say it.”“Hoggie.”“Hoagie.”“HOOG-gie.” Philly! “always tuned to the oldies on WCBS” my mom always had this on growing up. cousin brucie. 
“Anyone who doesn’t think the imagination can kill is a fool” it can. it can make your day or ruin your life
“He leaned forward through the fragrant pipe-smoke. “Son,” he said, “tell your tale. And don’tcha skip a goddam word.”” you knew he was going to believe, i loved this. 
“And she kept the secret. I was the only one she ever told.” Eddie, perhaps remembering that post-coital confidence in the dark of night, was smiling painful” keeping each other secrets... i know that painful smile while remembering
“John offered them a smile that augured well for his future as a dirty trickster: bemused on the surface, sly beneath. well, i just liked this
“Do any of us, except in our dreams, truly expect to be reunited with our hearts’ deepest loves, even when they leave us only for minutes, and on the most mundane of errands? No, not at all. Each time they go from our sight we in our secret hearts count them as dead. Having been given so much, we reason, how could we expect not to be brought as low as Lucifer for the staggering presumption of our love?” and sometimes, they leave, and indeed, are gone.  “and so will the world end, I think, a victim of love rather than hate. For love’s ever been the more destructive weapon, sure.” aye
“To a wide-eyed lad, the tacky tricks of the world’s most ham-fisted prestidigitator look like miracles. ”
“Steek-Tete in Thunder-clap, thinking just briefly of Mr. C. S. Lewis, and the wonderful wardrobe that took you to Narnia. They did not come out in Narnia.”
“What do you know about what it’s like to spend your whole life on the outside, to be the butt of the joke every time, to always be Carrie at the fuckin prom?”
“It was a simple and perfect bit of wordless communication, the sort people who love each other take for granted.”
“My grandfather had a proverb,” Pimli said. “‘You don’t worry about dropping the eggs until you’re almost home.’” “Was it Emily Dickinson who called hope the thing with feathers? I can’t remember” had a friend, she liked this one. 
“Because the only thing talent wants is to be used.””
“Yet he is content enough. The food is good, and although his sexual appetites have subsided quite a bit over the years, he’s not a bit averse to the odd bonk, just reminding himself”“very time that sim sex is really nothing but accessorized masturbation” I cant help but think this is my future. at least it will be accessorized!
If there’s any movie the Breakers never get enough of, it’s Star Wars.” was this a dig a starwars?  “Roland smiled. “A man who can’t bear to share his habits is a man who needs to quit them.”  “Yet still I love you and would serve you and even bring the magic again, if you would allow me, for that is how my heart was cast when I rose from the Prim”
“Even if the torture stops, I’ll die. And you’ll die too, for when love leaves the world, all hearts are still. Tell them of my love and tell them of my pain and tell them of my hope, which still lives.”
“Nerves, he thought, were for people who still hadn’t entirely made up their minds.”
“the rest of the tale will be short and brutal compared to all that’s gone before. Because when katet breaks the end always comes quickly.Say sorry” = king does this thing where he makes a statement like this and you start worrying and reading faster and faster “All is forgotten in the stone halls of the dead. These are the rooms of ruin where the spiders spin and the great circuits fall quiet, one by one”
“He used to tell me that never’s the word God listens for when he needs a laugh.”” “Hush,” he whispered, and she did. The hand caught in her hair pulled. She brought her face to his willingly and kissed his living lips one last time. “I . . . will . . . wait for you,” he said, forcing each word out with immense effort.”
“I probably know more about D-cups than D-lines, and I think that’s true of everyone here”  i take the D line home, D cups are more fun. 
“on order from Viking Motors (“The Boys with the Toys”) in Oxford himself.” i think i stopped into this store last fall
“It was also a stick shift, and she had never driven one of those.”
“Roland and Jake were now bracing their hands against the dusty metal dashboard, where a faded sticker proclaimed AMERICA! LOVE IT OR LEAVE! in red white and blue” was once in a bar in south boston and they have this big sign up that says this. i agreed at the time 15 years ago, now i realize it’s against everything i believe in
“You’re in one hell of a hurry, mister—like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. What very important date are you almost too late for?”  I believe this is what is known as The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon
“Despite his sorrow, there were no tears yet; his eyes felt like hot stones in his head. Perhaps the tears would come later, when the truth of what had happened here had a chance to sink in a little”
“He knelt a moment longer with his hands clasped between his knees, thinking he had not understood the true power of sorrow, nor the pain of regret, until this moment.I cannot bear to let him go.”
“It’s what we call poetic license, Roland.”He nodded, showing unexpected (to her, at least) understanding. “Pretty lies,” he said” =pretty lies, i liked that
“If she had trimmed her bush, maybe she would have taken them off. If she’d known, getting up that morning“
“You wouldn’t dump me without at least . . .” She shrugged one shoulder. The gesture made her look very young. “Without at least saying goodbye?”
“The George Washington,” Marian Carver said. “Or just the GWB, if you’re a native.” i used to listen to the traffic reports as a kid and know all these abbreviations, GWB, BQE, LIE, etc
That man had some hard bark on him
“He opened it and slipped inside with no look back. That, he had found, was ever the easiest way.”
“There were photographs of Eddie and Jake in the folders that were simply too painful to look at. Memories were better.”  “nothing so glamorous, just a retreaded adman from upstate New York”
“Then she screamed. There were no words in it, nor could there have been. Our greatest moments of triumph are always inarticulate.”
“Because the body had a way of forgetting the worst things, she supposed, and without the body’s cooperation, all the brain had were memories like faded snapshots.”
“Good boys go to heaven, and all my friends be in t’other place, toastin marshmallows” 
“It felt strange to laugh, but it was a good feeling, like finding something of value long after you were sure it was lost forever.” this resonated with me
“Oy had decided to live. It was a small thing, but it was a good thing.” It was a good choice. it always is. no matter what. 
“not Sheemie, he’s gone into the clearing at the end of the path, say sorry” thought sheemie deserved a better more dramatic end. “After today she’d see him no more. And that was for the best. Still, she would have given anything in her life to have him make love to her again. You could stay at the apartment for a couple of days and rest up,” she said. “I’d stay with you.” And fuck thy brains out, do it please ya, she thought” sex with an ex? yes please. 
““Bet your bottom dollar,” Roland answered”“and was sorry immediately. He’d learned the phrase from Eddie, and saying it hurt.” has this happened to me, using a phases of a departed only to find is satisfying but satisfying at the same time? i think so...
“In the dark, such visions had a horrible persuasiveness, but luckily she was too tired for them to keep her awake long.”
““It hasn’t been a bad life,” Joe was saying. “Not the life I expected, not by any manner or means, but I got a theory—the folks who end up living the lives they expected are more often than not the ones who end up takin sleepin pills or sticking the barrel of a gun in their mouths and pullin the trigger.”
“Laughter, Susannah would reflect later, is like a hurricane: once it reaches a certain point, it becomes self-feeding, self-supporting. You laugh not because the jokes are funny but because your own condition is funny.”
“But what Roland and Susannah and Patrick heard in a major key, Mordred heard in a minor” i liked this. i have  this really really smart friend but he cant understand the difference between major and minor even when i played him some stuff in piano, hes like “i dont get it”
“Beneath a picture of Roland in profile, he had printed: BEATLES, not Beetles.” WOW i never NEVER realized this! im in IDIOT
“She wondered why everything had to be so damn hard, so damn”“riddle-de-dum) mysterious, and knew that was a question to  which she would never find a satisfactory answer . . . except it was the human condition, wasn’t it? The answers that mattered never came easily.” 
“where she’d learned the art of murder and fallen in love and been left bereaved?”
1. “More important than that, it was unworthy of how much he had come to love and respect her. It broke what remained of his heart to think of bidding her goodbye, but if it was what she wanted, what she needed, then he must do it. 
2. “No,” said he, and she saw he truly was not. She believed she had never seen such sadness and such loneliness on a human face. “Never” 3. “For a moment she thought he would make it easy on her, just agree and let her go. Then his anger—no, his despair—broke in a painful burst. “But you can’t be sure! ” 4. “She took him by the arm and pulled him down and put her lips on his. When she inhaled, she took in the breath of a thousand years and ten thousand miles. And yes, she tasted death.” 5. “He put his face in his hands. It occurred to him that if he had never loved them, he would never have felt so alone as this. Yet of all his many regrets, the re-opening of his heart was not among them, even now. She had brought grace to his life. It wasn’t a word that had occurred to him until she was gone.” this whole section where suzanne leaves roland was kinda hard for me to read, a little to close to home. even tho they were just friends, it was very familiar. 
“A hard rain made for queer bedfellows at the inn; had Roland never heard that saying?”
“Or what if he does know her, somewhere far back in his mind, yet still denies her as completely as Peter denied Jesus, because remembering is just too hurtful?”
“She tosses Roland’s revolver into this litter barrel. Doing it hurts her heart, but she never hesitates.” id never be able to do this. 
“His touch is electric, and she sees that he feels it, too. It occurs to her that he is going to kiss her again for the first time, and sleep with her again for the first time, and fall in love with her again for the first time. He may know those things because voices have told him, but she knows them for a far better reason: because those things have”“already happened. Ka is a wheel, Roland said, and now she knows it’s true. This was a sweet part of the book. Reminded me of a lyric “i get the joy of rediscovering you...”
“And will I tell you that these three lived happily ever after? I will not, for no one ever does. But there was happiness.”
“One taste of the old times sets all to rights”
“All right. I go. Long days and pleasant nights. May we meet in the clearing at the end of the path when all worlds end.” Thank you. 
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