#i cant really describe autism joy but its really intense and i will admit i may or may not have cried a couple of times on this app over it
averageludwig · 4 months
Ive been looking at your art for… i cant even remember how long. Like a couple months now, i love checking in on your account here to look at new art, or even old art! Everything you draw is unbelievably eye pleasing. The colours, shading, rendering, outfits, every single thing is so stunning, even to the last detail. And dont even get me started on how you draw Demo! Hes my favourite merc, hands down, always has been since i got tf2 a long time ago. He never had as much content compared to the rest and when i found your account it was quite literally like finding a big blue lake in the middle of a desert. You capture his character so nicely, give him his charasmatic flare and charm in every piece you draw. Ik this is a long thing im writing, my bad, i just feel like i should tell you. Dont listen to what any of those jackass people say either in your other asks. Keep on drawing man. 💗 -🦌
I honestly dont even know where to start. This is just so incredibly sweet, I honestly hadnt thought there would a reason people would wanna take time to write something like this to some artist they like. I don't mean that in a bad way whatsoever, It just really moves you, you know? I started this account just like any other art account i made before it but I only intended it to be an archive, I had gotten burnouts so many times and abandoned LOTS of twt accounts cuz of it but something about this tumblr account always felt easier to go to, no matter what I posted some people found it and liked it and it was a nice change of pace from twitters harsh algorithm lol and its really brought me so much confidence and my art has really changed since a few months ago!! I could never trade the support you guys have given me for anything, whether its simple reblogs or commissions. it means alot. really it does. :,,,,) thank you so much . thanks for supporting the crazy fixations i go through too <3
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