#i cant feel and i feel everythinf
The DID is getting worse
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mikoshubofchaos · 6 months
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why can’t i super boop my friend back after he super booped me...........
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nomairuins · 15 days
how it feels to randomly get rly overwhelmed and frustrated and bitchy and feel like youre going insane
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#like its so dumb i shouldnt be this upset its not just rhe stupid drawing everything is literally wrong . i need everythinf 2 stop 4ever#i want to eat something savory but i cant bc rly what i want is a spambowl but i cant fucking make spambowl bc everybody in the house will#lose their shit that i didnt offer to make any for them <- uncharitable. at most lamp would make a joke abt it. but i also just dont want to#cook. but nobody else can make spam bowls#well lamp can but they prefer when i make them. but we have 4 pieces of leftover spam i need to use up bc theyre jusr in a ziploc#and thats enough for A spambowl. but iii dont feel like it#it wouldnt even be that like. actually no incouldnt thered be too much rice#we only have boil in a bag rn. and 1 bag is for 2#so if i want spambowl id Have to share w lamp which i dont mind its easy 2 like. yk. 2 spambowl is what i usually make so i can do it pretty#easy. but im like om the verge of tears for no reason so i cant be in the kitchen#'for no reason' well my periods coming up inliterally got rhe notif for it. thats the reason#i need to get back on t i need to get a job i need to graduate. slamming my head into the wall#i feel like now its been too long since i worked and nobody will hire me . man#but i also like. idk i. id probably be better if i had a job bc id have to be but i feel like i cant keeo anything stable#i cant even keep my fucking sleep schedule steady i get it fixed for a week and then i fuck it up#im so tired i wish things were easy. whateber man . i think maybe i just need to sleep
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xamaxenta · 1 year
That comment about your art and "healthy bodies" was so weird. Anyway, I'm mesmerized by the way you draw Ace. Every time I want to visualize him in my head, I imagine him in your style.
That is very kind of you anon, thank you im super flustered that you think about my work in this way
But yeah i was a little confused too bc i looked at malnourishment for a bit on the googles and came to the conclusion that they’re off their rocker bc idk
I definitely do not draw my characters all skeletal with bloated bodies
They didnt even provide apt evidence to support the comment, if they had provided reference to support the critique then I’d be like okay lets work this out ill get better bc i wanna do better
But idk to make a blatantly incorrect assumption of human anatomy that is already highly exaggerated is w i l d
I wont claim to be a master of anatomy, im not, im definitely trying to get better every time i do draw but im aware my work is fictive, self indulgent and importantly an interpretive artistic vision of a human form i personally find attractive and am aware of is unobtainable for the IRL human standard
So im a little annoyed some random person decides they can question my decision anyway theyre blocked and i can move on 👌🏽
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cestvreth · 9 months
I'm moving to a new place soon and I am super frustrated, because I feel super lonely bc I have to do most of it by myself. But at the same time I also hate being dependant on others and I wish I could do everything by myself.
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wetterroomba · 1 year
Half the people I know think I'm doing too much, the other half keep getting on my ass for not doing enough, I've got a burning pain through the left side of my body, I had one of the most viscerally distressing nightmares I've had in while last night and you know what I get to do later? More things for other people and hopefully I'll have the energy to take care of myself after.
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omohole · 2 years
i need to get up and take my migraine meds (and some ibuprofen considering the migraine is already Here) but i cant. get up. because brain hurty
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rust-is-a-car-disease · 3 months
What is TeStar members most likely to get arrested bc of (this does not include crimes they would not be caught for)?
Bae Sejin: blackmail and/or going after cheongryeo. This speaks for itself
Ryu Chungwoo: defending his members physically. He would be shielding his members but they would accuse him of assault :(
Keun Sejin: going after cheongryeo. I honestly dont see him doing something he cant social his way out of normally so this is the only way.
Park Moondae: none. He would cover everythinf up perfectly. If i had to pick one he would maybe accidentally punch someone while delirious from either sleep depreviation or being sick.
Seon Ahyeon: bribery. Okay so hear me out... ahyeon cares abt them a lot and i dont think hed just let assholes jusy be let off the hook but he would probably get caught.
Cha Eugene: MURICA 🦅🦅 jokes aside... he is actually smart sometimes so i dont think he would get caught for stereotype american things. Probably something he didnt know was illegal like setting off fireworks or smtg
Kim Raebin: accomplice to eugene. Need i say more?
What crimes TeStar members would commit(whether or not they get caught)?
Bae Sejin: blackmail. Recording someone without consent
Ryu Chungwoo: assault in defense of his members. I shockingly dont know a lot abt chungwoo despite him playing a decently major role on the novel. He doesnt seem too active other than sports.
Keun Sejin: blackmail. Threatening. Uh is it a crime to be criminally good at social relations?? Recording someone without consent. I feel like hed have an amount of minor crimes but noone would know
Park Moondae: blackmail. Recording someone without consent. Identity fraud. Threatening (If he wasnt so careful verbal assault could be added) uhm i dont think espionage is a korea crime nor is being criminally good at manipulation
Seon Ahyeon: Bribery. Tax fraud. Im sorry ahyeon but i dont trust the rich. Ryu chungwoo doesnt count bc we dont see much of his wealth therefore i do not associate him with the rich. Other than that... uh. Threatening and blackmail??? Im not so sure hed do that but chae seodam exists
Cha Eugene: gun owning/j okay okay so. Trespassing, fireworks, american high school stupid things ig? Im not familiar w them but he probably grew up with some illegal things in korea normalised.
Kim Raebin: Plagarising himself/j i think he would be an accomplice in several crimes and not realise. Crimes he would actually commit tho? Uh how can our kim rabbit do anything wrong. Trespassing maybe.
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angellurgy2 · 4 months
i thinkci just ruin everything in my life. i walk around trying my fucking hardest to be the best girl i can be, to communicate my issues, to tell when I feel bad abt them, to try n figure out how to move past them. i try to engage w people on things they like i try to pretend i like things i try to pretend im a person who is able to interact w 'interests' i try to pretend i can take all the fucking abuse and exclusion and forgetfulness on a daily basis but no matter what i do i just ruin everything somehow. ive stopped speaking out loud to anyone at all irl bc i know everythinf that co w out of my mouth will be hated on or taken with the worst assumption possible instead of assuming the best in me which no one has ever done. even my irl gfs never think of me. never even consider what id like. i get to just rot while they run away without ever msging me to go fuck a girl who hate s me. i want a fucjing break from the pain which is why i tried to kms but its not always gonna fuckinf work so im just stuck here n i cant reaaally come online for refuge anymore bc all im reminded of is how much people have fucjing abandoned me and how u all reblog all of their shit so theyre plastered on my dash and i just wanna fucking escape this endless pain that I can never avoid feeling. i want real fucking friends but im just not allowed to have them i guess. at times ive thought 'im glad i didnt die b4 so i could meet my first irl gfs at least' but now i dont. now i just wish that the pain would(ve) stop at all. and sure some of the problem is just that ppl r fucking assholes who refuse to acrually care about their sisters and are lying to everyones faces abt their morality but clearly im a walking fckn problem too. no matter what everytime im around smth gets ruined. what am i even supposed to fucking do when theres no point in trying anything anymore
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thesillyvivi · 15 days
i made a post asking if u guys would like my oc being a failed eva/trish thingy (would it be eva or trish i still dont know) and i think yall did and i did say if enough people liked it i would make a post going a bit more into it. yeah. something like that. anyway this is thay post
be warned this is one of the few times ive decided to write out oc lore n stuaff so it migjt be a little sloppy. a bit bad. im not a professional at this sort of thing. we ball
ok yap time
so the whole idea was that Liniyal (the dmc oc in question) was like. a proto trish i guess u could say???? that eventually escapes mallet island and tries to live a normal life. or as normal as she can all things considered
how she escapes i havent really figured out yet. i think during the collapse would make tje most sene but thats as far as that goes. i heard that trish and dante got there by boat so maybe she made her own little makeshift boat and skedaddled??? who knows. but she Gets Out
the only reason why mundus even keeps her long enough that she manages to escape is that he wanted to punish her failure (even if technically he was the one that failed) by keeping her locked up and showing her what she couldve been and what she couldve done when he finally creates the perfect one aka trish. its like when a parent says "you should/could be more like (person)" but way worse if that makes sense
so then dmc1 happens and all the while liniyal is like somewhere just kinda trapped and then mundus is defeated and shes able to be set free since his magic stuff was beung used to keep her locked up and since hes like gone? probably? it would kinda just disappear. you know??.????
so yada yada she escapes and arrives to main land and the immediate first thing she wants to do is remove or cover anything that reminds her of what she is. basically starting a new life or at least trying to
its like a V situation where she has to go around stealing stuff and hunting demons 4 food (since i think he does that in vov) at first she probably has the mosy horrendous fashion taste but for like 95% of her life she WAS naked so u cant blame her too much. she does get better eventually i hopr
ive yet to decide whether or not i want to give her a buddy who like helps her w everythinf because while i do think it would be nice idk if id want to make it a canon character and if not that would mean id have to make up a whole new character and i just Dont Know how to go about that. maybe i can jusg say there was some guy and you can put your own interpetations on em if u wanted
also still thinkimg about when she would actually appear in "canon" either during dmc4 or dmc5. not sure when in dmc4 but for 5 i thought about maybe her firsy appearence would be in the far background when nero is fightinf (checks notes) artemis kinda like how in the one dmc4 cutscene you can see dante just chilling while neros kicking ass
and then her like meeting appearence if that also makes sense would be when V or nero come across a later boss (still on surface or when v is in the queen empusa area) and she gets like whacked so one of em decides they gotta like help??? and soon enough she'll be bavk on her feet and syart fighting alongside em and be like a companion. dont know where to go after that though
i 100% do think that if she were to ever meet trish it would be AWKWARD. even if trish wouldnt know her (another thing i havent decided on. that comes up a lot in here) she would know trish and just feel all weird aroun her because. You Know
and i think? thats all i can think off the top of my head????? it is fsirly late when im writing this so idk i might be too tired to remember anything else that would be important
i hope this isnt a let down like i said im not very good this sort of thing. at some point i think im gonna make a ref that has liniyal, trish, and eva to likr compare them and see how liniyal was considered a failure. and thrn also her weapon and yada yada
if anyone has any suggestions or questions or corrections u wanna make feel free to reblog or senf me an ask i am open to Everything
okauy. goodnight
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gooopy · 24 days
I really feel like theres gotta be some sorta law about how some mobile games are advertised. Like maybe its there but not enforced but holy shit the way they target old people (i play old people games like jigsaw puzzles and sudoku and solitaire) or just straught lying. How many 'yhis game increases your iq' ads have i seen dude? Too many. Or 'this will make your brain younger' 'this will make you LOOK younger' 'this will fix your memory' 'im a REAL DOCTOR and i think this game will save you' ITS FUCKED IT MAKES ME SO MAD THEY CANT BE ALLOWED TO DO THISSSSSSS not even mentioning all the barriers to exit the fucking ad, the tiny x or the eight pages to click through and hidden timers or skip buttons that hide themselves after a few seconds. FAAAAAAAAACKKKKKKKK I HATE EVERYTHINF. okay back yo my games
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xamaxenta · 1 year
ASL all being raised on violence so they genuinely don’t understand softer touch, genuine kindness at first
Like these three feral jungle kids bit kicked scratched each other full on brawled one another because it was the only way they knew how to show affection
(Garp’s fist of love is not exactly a great point of reference for any of them, Dadan was also likewise heavy handed but lets be real these brats kicked her ass more than she kicked theirs lmao)
Luffy clicks with Zoro because Zoro’s just built like that, he’s built walls and his dreams to become the worlds greatest swordsman and nothings gonna stop him, So when Luffy decks him, hauls ass flings him about, its how Luffy shows affection, rocketing at top speed towards Zoro whilst yelling his name because he knows Zoro can take it, the same doesnt really go down well with Nami or Usopp, theyre not built the same way— bruises and bumps and scratches, Nami whacks him over the head all the time for stupid stuff she says and Luffy finds thats familiar, to which Usopp is like my guy my dude thats actually pretty effed up holy hell
Usopp and Sanji being the first of the crew to show Luffy that affection doesnt have to be violent (like usopp sharing a cool beetle he found, Sanji ruffling his hair because hes mad hes gotta wait until dinner for more food)
Ace fights a lot because it’s all he knows how to do right, hes good at it, he wins alot mostly but loses just as many times because he overestimates himself, maybe after fighting Whitebeard 100 times he doesnt let up and Whitebeard catches on immediately after Ace has taken his ink like son, just because i can kick your ass doesnt mean you have to go looking for it. Ace confused is like huh? But isnt this like a bonding activity and WB concerned asks Ace what his childhood was like and Ace shrugs uh. Absent everyone? Like everyone, kinda acted out a ton for attention and stuff, the WBP appalled at Ace’s viewpoint on violence versus affection look to multiple ways in which they can smother their newest brother with actual kind affection, naturally it starts with Marco approaching him with food and no other motive than to be kind — Ace used to fighting tooth and nail to eat looks so suspicious its almost heartbreaking
Sabo who’s never known a kind word from his blood parents and only begruding respect and tolerance from Dadan — hes perceptive, the fact this bandit lady with the crazy intense face is allowing him to freeload with Ace n Luffy tells him a ton about her, she’s coarse and rude and everything Sabo’s parents hate so naturally Sabo loves her, (its a shame we never got more Dadan and Sabo :(((((() gravitates towards Ace because he’s everythinf his parents hate too, wild uncouth loudmouthed and violent and they get along, they beat each other up bc its how they tell each other theyre strong ive got your back
And then he loses his memories and maybe thats a good thing because Sabo learns kindness with the revolutionaries, he feels seen and heard and respected (Big Applause to Dragon and Iva for listening to kid Sabo beg and plead not to go back to his old life and went okay hes ours now chadmindset love to see it) he learns that violence and affection are a double sided coin, that he can use his skills to fight and protect those that cant do it for themselves
ASL are a rowdy set of rabble rousin kiddos but its really nice to see how they develop as they got older bc of the people they encountered who help them understand theyre not alone as they think they are
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alex-supremacy4 · 11 months
sensytive topics because this a vent post :3
im tired of everythinf i want to fucking die my math teacher just forced me to talk about personal stuff and then decides to say "im gonna have to tell your parents im sorry" THOSE WERE IN THE PAST FOR FUCKS SAKE JUST STOP IT. AND THEN MY SS TEACHER SAYS TO ME "youre failing, do better" I'M DOING MY BEST RIGHT NOW BUT IM ALWAYS UNDERAPPRECIATED BY YOU GUSY. (except for my sciene teacheer shes the only onenthat doesnt put pressure on me :D) I CRIED IN CLASS WHILE EVERYONE WAS LAUGHING AT ME AND WHISPERING ABOUT ME. LIKE?? GOSH IVE JUST BEEN SO STRESSED AND UPSET SINCE SCHOOL STARTED AND I FEEL LIKE TOTAL SHIT. IM SORRY IM NOT PERFECT AND IM SORRY I CANT GET A FULL A+. LIKE LITERALLY RHE ONLY TEACHERS THAT UNDERSYAND ME ARE MY SCIENCE AND P.E TEACHERS. and i swear on my goddamn life if one of my classmates find this post im going to SCREAM (ESPECIALLY T AND I.) /SRS /GEN /VVVNEG
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voraciouspangolin · 5 months
Rrgrgrhh. What the fuck ever. Its not like I was writing a meticulously sourced reblog about Palestinian refugees and their nullified right to return. Im not mad. Tumblr didnt crash and delete everyrhing I wrote. Its not like I cannot remember half if what I wrote. Its not like I cant find tje post anymore or anything. Um not mad. Everythinf is fine and I am happy and I feel like my message was adequately heard and 40 minutes of my time has not been wasted.
Im not mad.
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madwickedawesome · 1 year
hii so i was just wondering if you wanted to explain to me how you related to aziraphale if you want im js curious
jas in the most Normal way possible . almost everythinf about him is junocore😭😭😭😭😭😭😭SOME THINGS i USED to do or i only do while im super dissociated . but for the most part we are like almost the same person . the way we think & the way we express ourselves & the things we like & like EVERYTHING we have in common in some way or another (i sound INSANE. I MEAN THIS IN A NORMAL WAY. WE ARE SO SIMILAR)i feel like i cant properly explain this no matter how hard i try ao u just have to trust me but Yeah
i feel like everyone has to have some character who they feel connected to on a soul level and i have been aziraphales twin for forever 🙁 i love him
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