#i cant decide if if would just be the three notes repeated twice or the whole bit
science-lings · 2 years
new headcanon: Wild whistles the main little jingle bit from midna’s lament to summon wolfie from anywhere, wolfie had to teach it to him with pitchy howling.
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matsumi101 · 4 years
Who is this Kid?
Errands were as draining as they can get, but a commotion down the street catches your attention, fanning the dying flame in your heart and making it burn brighter than ever.
Warnings: I cant think of one other than a cocky man coming ur way
> Masterlist
> This takes place during "Farmer Refuted" in the year 1776 (we’re following the musical’s timeline instead of the irl timeline)
> I honestly just wanted to write a scene prior to you running off to war
> The irl Farmer Refuted was done through pamphlets but the idea of Alexander and Seabury arguing in front of a live audience is much more appealing dont u think
> Ages of the siblings are as follows: You are 18 years old, Elise is 15, Abigail is 13, and Claude is 9
> Yo thanks for 100 follows?? where yall coming from lmao
Taglist (if u wanna be added dont be shy and tell me!)
@thebitchiestnerdtowalktheearth @cutie1365 @girlmadeofivory @i-honestly-dont-know-anymore
You tried your best to extend your already thinning patience as your nine year old sibling tugged on your skirt far too many times to count. He was already insisting to head home as if it wasn't his idea to join you and your sisters' run for errands. "Claude, we'll go home as soon as Abby and Elise returns from the post office," you assured tiredly. You drowned out Claude's whining with your own humming, holding the basket of groceries in front of you with both hands.
You were standing in the corner by a street sign, waiting for your younger sisters to return from their own errands. You’ve been going around the market the whole day, so you were just as eager as your youngest sibling to embrace the comfort of your home, more specifically your bed. You yawned absentmindedly, watching the crowd at the square across the street grow bigger and bigger. You didn’t know how much time passed, but you were sure whatever was happening was something interesting.
“Y/N, Y/N, what’s going on there?”
You looked down at Claude who was pointing at the crowd. “I have no idea,” you answered truthfully. “Can we see?” Claude begged. Your frown deepened at the idea of having to move any more than necessary, but you’d rather oblige to Claude’s request rather than listen to him repeat it over and over. You sighed, pulling up the basket so it rested on your left arm while you took Claude’s hand in your right one. “Let’s take a look, but don’t let go of me, okay?” you instructed. Claude nodded vigorously, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
After crossing the road and joining the crowd, you could hear the overwhelming mix of cheers, boos, jeers, and laughs. Your anxiousness grew as much as your curiosity while you tried to piece together what was happening. Apparently it was something about the revolution and the Congress, which was explanation enough for the varied comments, but you were yet to figure out the source. Holding Claude and your groceries tightly, you squeezed your way through the crowd until you were pretty much at the front. If you didn’t decide on that, you were sure that Claude would scale you just to see. There you finally see...
Up on the make-shift stage consisting of a number of crates was a pastor arguing with a short man, the latter whose temper you figured was just like his height based on how angry he looked. You stared at them with confusion as they continued to bicker, listening intently to catch up what they were fighting about.
“-and need I remind you about what happened in Boston?!” the shorter man exclaimed. "Look back at that and tell me again that chaos and bloodshed isn't existing at the hands of the British!"
You pursed your lips. Is he referring to the tea raid in Boston or the shootout? you wondered. You’d heard about both, and you knew those were morbid reminders that you were an British colony; no real control of the fate of the nation. You argued with your father about this once or twice, but you were only rebutted with the idea that you shouldn’t speak out about the issue or else the family business takes the blow. Regardless, you saw that Claude was enjoying his time.
You watched the argument ensue, an amused smile gracing your lips when the short man was starting to gain more support from the audience. He continued on talking about the unfairness of the Tea Act and the promises of freedom brought forth by the revolution if they were to win against Britain. Every word he threw out resonated deeply with your heart, but there was a nagging feeling telling you to stop that just wouldn't go away.
“Can you believe this guy?”
You glanced over your shoulder to see a guy talking to you. “That pipsqueak thinks a bunch of rabbles can overthrow the King!” he snickered. He wore a confident grin as he nudged your arm with his elbow. You gave him an uneasy smile as you took a small step away, holding your basket closer to your chest. “Come on, don’t act like they’ve got the upper hand! They’re practically scraping their knees for supplies.” You refused to reply to the boisterous man and instead turned away from him, and after doing so you could feel his scowl from behind.
“Are you ignoring me?”
“For the revolution!”
You looked up and saw that the short man was now facing the crowd, a fist in the air. “For the revolution!” a good number of the crowd cheered back, sending chills down your spine. You felt a tug on your hand, so you glanced down and saw Claude mimicking the guy with his hand that you were holding raised up. He held a wide and excited grin, showing off his missing tooth. You chuckled at him at how eager he looked.
“For the revolution!” the short man said once more, but louder.
The words rung in your ears like an echoing call this time around, and you felt a zap. There was a strange sensation in your gut, and it was rising to your chest. What was this feeling and why did it feel so... energizing? And why was it making your body move the way it shouldn’t be? Without second thought, you let go of Claude for just a moment, your fingers curling as you thrusted up your hand, and though it happened in just a flick it felt like the action took seconds. Your open smile slowly widened as you took a breath and let out those three words that you have longed to scream on the top of your lungs.
“You little-!”
You let out a yelp when you felt the man beside you harshly yank at the handle of your basket, pulling you uncomfortably close to him. You instinctively held on top of your groceries, fearing that some of the goods you bought would fall out. “Someone oughta teach you some manners,” the man growled. You scowled at him and tried to tug the basket away, but he only tightened his grip. “Sir, I have no intent to create a commotion, so please let go,” you requested as politely as you could through your gritted teeth.
“No, no. I’d rather teach you a lesson or two.”
“Sir, please let go.”
“Let go of my sister!”
“Claude, don’t!”
Before you could stop him, Claude ran up to the man and kicked him on the knee. You gasped at your brother’s rash decision, taking the opportunity of the man letting go of you to pull Claude away and take a few steps back. You couldn’t help a minute smile of pride when you looked down at Claude sticking a tongue out before it was immediately replaced with a wince when your almost assailant recovered, his face red with anger.
“Claude, get ready to run.”
"You ain't going nowhere, missy."
You held onto Claude's shoulder to pull him behind you then resting your hand at the side of your dress. Your eyes narrowed as you bunched your skirt enough that you could make a run without tripping, Claude clinging onto your arm in fear. The man was ready to grab you again when suddenly a large figure got in between. His back was turned to you, but you could hear his gruffy voice despite the noise of the crowd.
"Now you shouldn't be going something you'll regret," the newcomer warned. "Don't pour your anger on the lady 'cause she chose her nation over a prissy king. Now scram."
The man glared at him then directed it to you before storming off. You let out a shaky breath, glad that the large guy intervened. “Y/N?” Claude whispered fearfully. You moved your hand so you could hold him again, squeezing lightly to assure him that it was okay. “Let’s go home now, yeah?” you suggested. “Elise and Abby should be back by now, but don’t tell them or mom and dad about this.” Claude nodded timidly, pressing close to you. You began to make your way out of the crowd, but not without stopping at the man that helped you.
“Thank you for your help, sir.”
The man turned his head around, the long ends of his bandana whipping in the air as he did so. He flashed a large dorky grin and held a thumbs up. You couldn’t help but giggle at his demeanor before turning on your heels and walking away with Claude close behind you.
Hercules watched your fleeting figure disappear into the sea of people, his smile dropping slightly. He was a bit disappointed that he didn’t get to see your face properly, but knowing he helped you out was enough. After all, you were with them in their cause, and people like them and you had to look after each other.
You ignored whatever new chaos (Alexander got kicked off the platform) was created in the square and finally got to squeeze out of the place. You checked on Claude to see of he was okay, and to your relief he was. “Y/N, I want to be a soldier!” Claude suddenly declared. You nearly came to a halt if it wasn’t for you and him in the middle of crossing the street.
“You heard what he was saying about the revolution! I know how much Ma and Pa loves tea, and wouldn’t it be great if we help those guys make it cheap?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Claude’s conclusion, but the unease still rested with you. You didn’t want to shut down Claude’s desire to support the revolutionary war, but at the same time you couldn’t have him go around and talk about it, especially with your father being against such things. You inhaled deeply as you tried to find the safest way to respond to him.
“As much as you want to join the war, you’re too young to enlist.”
Claude jutted out his lower lip, showing off his ever so adorable pout. “Let the big guys deal with the baddies, okay?” you told him with a smile. “But I want to help!” Claude whined. “Help with what?” You were about to respond to Claude when another voice cut in. You turned your head and saw Elise and Abby at the spot where you were earlier, eyebrows raised as you neared them.
“Help with carrying the letters on the way home,” you answered Abigail without missing a beat. “Isn’t that right, Claude?”
You looked down at your youngest sibling with a close-eyed grin. Claude stared at you for a little bit until he understood what you were up to. “Yeah! I wanna carry the letters and deliver them to Papa!” he exclaimed, reaching out to the pile of letters Elise had with both his hands. Times like these you were thankful for two things: first that Claude was a smart boy, and second that you were his favorite sister. Elise giggled at your brother’s enthusiasm, bending down to hand him the stack. You smiled at the interaction, momentarily stopping when you felt Abigail take the basket from your arm.
“Let me carry that, Y/N. Your arm’s bruising already.”
You stretched out your arm, and you noticed that the area around your inner elbow was marked red (and nearly blue) with the outline of the basket handle’s design. Your lips drew flat, remembering what happened earlier. The man did aggressively pull on the basket, maybe the pain just didn’t settle that time with the adrenaline. You sighed, thanking Abigail for the initiative.
“Come on, let’s go home before sundown.”
You swooped Claude off the ground and carried him before heading to a direction, with Abigail and Elise behind you. “If you keep our little interaction in the square a secret, I’ll buy you lots of ice cream the next time we go out, okay?” you whispered to Claude, who giggled excitedly at the idea. “Okay!” he agreed with the same hushed tone. You mimicked his laughter before nuzzling his nose with yours, earning another round of giggles.
After a few minutes of a quiet walk, you heard Claude sleepily call to you. “Yes?” you hummed, lifting him up a bit to make sure he wasn’t falling. Your arms had long gone past the aching stage and was already numb from carrying him, but you knew this was the easiest way to keep your brother quiet. You were thankful you developed the arm strength for this. “If I can’t join the war because I’m too young, then you’re allowed to because you’re older, right?” he asked. You gave him a blank expression as you let his words sink.
“And if I am, what do you propose?”
“You can go for the both of us.”
Your breath hitched. “T-to war?” you stuttered quietly. Claude nodded, leaning on you as he pressed the letters to his chest. “Don’t you wanna give Ma and Pa cheap tea, too?” he pointed out. You tried to laugh, but all that came out of your mouth was an empty breath. “Well, I do,” you agreed dryly. Your legs felt heavy, and it was not because of carrying Claude.
“So you want me to be a soldier on your behalf?”
You bit your lip, knowing this promise was too great for you to keep. “I’ll ask Ma and Pa about it,” you answered slowly. “But I thought Ma and Pa didn’t like to talk about the revolution?” You sighed; Claude was right, but you couldn’t just go and draft yourself into the Continental Army. As much as you found the idea endearing, you were a woman; you had no place in the war, much more in the battlefield. “Worth a try to convince them,” you replied. You glanced down at Claude, your concerned frown melting into a smirk.
“And when I join, big sister Y/N will be the best damn soldier you’ll ever see.”
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generallynerdy · 5 years
Normal (Peter Parker X F!Danvers!Reader)
Summary: Being a Danvers, your normal is something akin to a science fiction novel. But now that you and your older sister have moved to Earth permanently, it’s about time you got settled in. What you didn’t mention to your boyfriend was that this means going to his school.
Requested by Anon: I LOVE YOUR CAROL FICS SO MUCH!!!!! I LOVE HER!!!! Could you do a being carols little sister and dating peter??
Key: (Y/N) - your name Warnings: that nickname for peter that flash has is used a few times so if it makes u uncomfortable heres ur warning friend Word Count: 1,793
Note: im love peter,,,also i cant help the gay im not sorry you’ll understand at the end
    “(Y/N) Danvers!” A voice shouted from the kitchen. “C’mon! This was your idea, don’t back out on me now!”
    You groaned and buried your head deeper into your pillow for a second. You could back out now and your older sister would go for it, but on the other hand, going to high school like a normal kid was kind of the whole point.
    “COMING!” You shouted back.
    No kid wanted to go to school-- except for you. Having travelled space your whole life with nothing but abnormality for a childhood, high school was a kind of normality you craved. So when Carol decided to move back to Earth, at least for a while, you begged her to let you go. You were surprised when she said yes.
    Of course, you couldn’t go to just any high school. You were going to Midtown High School, where Peter Parker, your boyfriend, was going. But you didn’t tell him that.
    “Remember what we talked about,” Carol said as she passed you a plate of pancakes. “If anyone puts their hands on you; tell them to stop, threaten them, and then--”
    “Then punch them,” you finished.
    She smiled. “That’s my girl. But do it in that order or else they can sue.”
    Glancing around at the Avengers Tower, your current residence, which was relatively full since the destruction of the Compound, you snorted. “I’d like to see them try.”
    “What are you guys doing up?”
    You looked over your shoulder to see Steve in his morning run gear, just about to head out so that he wouldn’t miss the sunrise.
    “This girl’s got her first day of high school,” Carol smiled, gesturing to you.
    Cap laughed. “Have fun with that. Tell Pete I said hi.”
    You were still getting used to living in the tower with all these superheroes. For the longest time, it had just been you and Carol against the world-- with Marie and Monica every once in a while, not to mention Fury. In these last few months, your little family had extended by more than 30 people, including Peter.
    “Don’t make out in the middle of the hallway,” your big sister warned.
Her arm was comfortably around yours as the two of you walked from where she parked the car to the office. She had to check you in on your first day, but beyond that, you were on your own. You just hoped you could find your spider-boy before you got too far into the day.
“Carol--” You whined at her teasing.
“Okay, okay,” she laughed, “I’ll stop. But seriously, you two, watch it. Dating in high school is a mess.”
You grinned and put your head on her shoulder for a good second. “We’ll be fine. We’re superheroes!”
    “That just makes it worse.”
    Inside the building, you marvelled at the chaos. Students were crossing hallways every which way, finding their classes and talking to friends. You didn’t expect high school to be anything like those chick flicks Marie had showed you, but they were looking kind of accurate right now.
    “Have fun,” Carol said as she went to leave once you were all set.
    You scoffed. “Yeah, okay. See you later.”
    You watched her walk away before taking a deep breath. You followed the crowds toward the cafeteria, which was apparently where students gathered in the morning. Just as you were about to go in, you spotted a familiar face in the hallway just outside.
    “Peter!” You said, waving as you made your way over there.
    When your boyfriend heard his name called, he kind of tilted his head and turned to face you, eyes going wide at the sight of you. You approached and gave him a gentle kiss as a sort of greeting. When you pulled back, you saw his brain short out as he tried to register that you were there.
    “(Y/N)?” He asked. “What are you-- what are you doing here?”
    “Wanted to see what all the fuss was about,” you joked. “I am officially a Midtown High student. And I have no idea where Spanish is.”
    Next to Peter stood Ned, who you recognised from everything Peter had told you about him. “Holy shit!” he exclaimed.
    “Hi!” You then greeted, turning to him. “I’m (Y/N).”
    “Peter talks about you all the time,” he stammered.
    Peter was red in the face at that, but you laughed. “He talks about you all the time, too. Ned, right?”
    “That’s me,” he nodded. “Your sister’s an alien, right? And you’ve been to space?”
    “Carol’s human, but she lived with aliens,” you corrected politely. “But yeah, we used to go from planet to planet every other week.”
    Ned gawked. “That’s so cool.”
    Just then, the bell rang above your heads, Peter’s best friend looking a little sad that the two of you didn’t have more time to talk. Meanwhile, Peter was beaming at the fact that both of you were getting along so well.
    “Here,” Peter said, taking your hand almost shyly. “I’ll help you find Spanish.”
    Your day went by relatively smoothly. High school was a horrible learning environment, as you quickly learned, but you supposed that was just how the system worked. Besides that, most of your teachers were nice and the kids weren’t awful.
    In your first class, kids in there stormed you like vultures, trying to get you to join them for lunch or let them take you to your next class. You just politely declined them for lunch, but accepted a few offers to classes you knew Peter wasn’t in. The ones who didn’t seem like they were checking you out were the only ones you actually attempted to befriend.
    By the time lunch rolled around, you were pretty exhausted, but not tired enough to stop being excited. It was so normal, but in a good way. It was a nice change of pace.
    Entering the cafeteria, you looked around, biting your lip. Peter and Ned were nowhere in sight, as far as you could tell, and you had no idea where they normally sat. You did spot a girl alone at a table and the thought crossed your mind that maybe she was MJ, who Peter had mentioned to you briefly once or twice before.
    You went to go talk to her, but someone got in your way.
    “Hi,” the boy who stepped in front of you said. “I’m Flash. You’re new, right?”
    You raised an eyebrow at him, recognising his name. So this was Flash, the kid who never stopped antagonising Peter. Oh, you had many words for him, but none of them were nice.
    “Yeah. (Y/N),” you introduced briefly.
    “Cool, cool,” he managed. “Why don’t you come sit with me and my friends? Promise they don’t bite.”
    You frowned. “Thanks, but I’m waiting for somebody, actually.”
    He opened his mouth to ask who, or at least you thought that was what he was going to say, but Peter appeared beside you. He didn’t quite realise who you were speaking to at that moment or maybe he just didn’t care.
    “Hey, (Y/N),” he said with a grin. “There you are.”
    You smiled and pecked his cheek fondly. “Thank god. I thought you and Ned abandoned me.”
    “Penis Parker?” Flash asked with a scoff, which drew both of your attention back to him. “Seriously?”
    Peter went red at that nickname and rubbed the back of his neck ashamedly. You just scowled and crossed your arms, looking this ‘Flash’ up and down. You’d faced aliens before; cruel dictators with nothing but bloodlust in their eyes, warriors who knew nothing but battle, even psychopaths who’d tried to kill you repeatedly. But nothing made you more angry than this boy going out of his way to humiliate your boyfriend.
    “Penis Parker?” You repeated, slightly louder than he had said it.
    A few kids at the surrounding tables turned their attention toward the three of you, whispering and muttering. The other parts of the cafeteria were still buzzing with activity and ignoring your conversation, but you had no doubt that whatever you were about to say would get around fast before the day was over.
    You scoffed at Flash. “At least he has one.” At that, you grabbed your boyfriend’s hand and squeezed it, giving him a quick signal.
    Peter pulled at your hand and dragged the two of you away, leaving Flash standing there with a slack jaw, looking stupid. Your boyfriend was almost giddy at what had just happened, sitting down across from Ned at a table with a laugh.
    “Did you see that?” He asked his best friend.
    Ned was in awe as you sat down. “That was amazing!”
    “Thanks,” you said with a grin, meeting Peter’s eye for a brief moment.
    A few seats down, the girl who you thought was MJ cleared her throat. “Hey, new kid,” she said. “That was ballsy.”
    “Please,” you laughed, “I can put up with that douchebag any day.”
    At your words, she smirked and scooted over closer to talk to you, reaching out a hand for you to shake. “MJ.”
    “(Y/N),” you said, shaking her hand firmly. “Peter’s told me about you, too-- all good things.”
    “Wouldn’t care either way,” she shrugged.
    You smiled at your boyfriend and his friends. “This place isn’t so bad. I think I could get used to this.”
    When school got out for the day, Peter offered to walk you home so that you didn’t have to go alone. Carol would’ve picked you up, but there was a last minute Avengers meeting that she forgot about.
    “Do you wanna come over for dinner?” Peter asked, his fingers intertwined firmly with yours. “Aunt May invited Tony, Pepper, Morgan, and Rhodey over. It’s gonna be a whole thing.”
    You grinned at that. “I’d love to! I think it’s about time I meet the whole family. Is Harley gonna be there?”
    “If he can make it,” Peter shrugged. “He’s been busy.”
    “Can I invite Carol, Marie, and Monica?” You asked hesitantly. “I mean, Carol will be at the meeting with Rhodey, but Marie and Monica are staying in the tower till we all find a place to live.”
    He was nodding ecstatically. “Man, your sister never shuts up about her girlfriend. I really wanna meet her.”
    “Between you and me,” you whispered, “I’m pretty sure Carol’s getting ready to propose.”
    “Took her 30 years,” Peter scoffed.
    You both shared a laugh and continued the walk home. You couldn’t help smiling to yourself. This was something you could get used to: school with Peter, family dinners with Aunt May, the Iron Family, and your sister’s girlfriend. It was normal, but with just enough weird that it felt like home.
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Pairing: James Conrad x reader  Part 1 · Part 2  · Part 3 · Part 4 · Part 5 · Part 6 ·
Synopsis: After having left thing uncompleted and unresolved with James Conrad 3 years ago, you two find yourself again in the kong island. What happened three years ago with you two? How is it that you got to make part of an expeditionary mission? 
Song: Lauv - The story never ends
 Florence + the machine - Wish that you were here 
Warnings: it’s a six part mini-series. (BUT it's finished, yeih for me!!) 
A/N:  SO this is the last part and this is officially the first posted series I have. So like if you have feedback about anything : ). Hope you enjoy the journey with me. 
Words:  1457
“ Are you two planning to stay there? I mean we could leave you ” You joked while James and Mason were getting into the boat. “ are you alright? ” you asked Mason. 
“ Yes,” she smiled at you. You smiled Conrad’s way and he repeated the gesture. 
“ So what now? “ Asked Brooks
“ We start preparing” 
“ Preparing for what?” He asked confused 
“ For the long ass hell of a report, we’ll have to write” You smile weakly as they were laughter loudly at your and their future misery. 
You were sitting at the side of the boat opposite to where they both were, San leaning over Brooks. You decide to better look at the ground, feeling the pain of your shoulder and raising your right hand to apply pressure. A deep sigh escaped you, deciding to close your eyes you replayed everything that had taken place in the last two days. Chapman was dead, Randa was dead and Packard too. 
Once you arrive on the ship, the rest would fall on you. Randa was the leader of the mission, your job was only to count and make sure everything had to be, in its place.  He was dead, and you weren’t, he had been the one who trusted you enough to ask for you to be his mission supervisor. Once you’d arrive at the ship the rest of the orders would come from you and you weren’t sure what was the next step. 
Monarch would like to talk to all of them, those who had the abilities they needed would be offered a job, the rest would be paid to stay quiet. After what had happened, the governments couldn’t deny the need for Monarch and would have to once again finance the organization. 
The boat was approaching open sea and the sight had never looked better. Conrad looked at you, he could tell how stress you were. You still had your jacket on, now with more blood patches appearing, your breathing uneven and a constant frown on your eyebrow. 
“ What do you think would happen once we get to the ship?” Asked mason at his side.
“ That’s for me to decide,” You said raising your right arm. You stood from where you were and moved closer to them “ Having seen what we’ve seen, they won't let you leave just like that” you said.
“ And what will happen to them?” Said she signalling to the front of the boats where Slivko and his friends where
“ That's not for me to decide, but I think they’ll buy their silence “ You shrugged, a hiss escaping you. “ I swear am thinking of tearing my arm of” You joked.
“You’ve lost a lot of blood” noted Conrad.
“ Am not feeling dizzy, just tired and is not much we can do until they come” you offered a weak smile.
You moved back at the front of the boat deciding on sitting at the gunwale, interested in seeing the last of this place. You saw James move to the front, he didn’t have a single cut or wound bleeding. You were analyzing his features while he looked to the horizon, His clothes and face full of dirt, a tan on his skin and other than that he looked like nothing had happened. 
“ Do I have something on my face? “ He asked turning to see you, you smile. 
“ Not much, mainly dirt” You answered sincerely. “ How do you do it?”
“ Do what?” He asked 
“ Be so unfazed by everything that happened” you looked past him and into the jungle behind him.
“ I can assure I wasn’t unfazed by everything that happened” He moved to face you, as you were seating you had to throw back your head to look him in the eyes. He moved his hand to put a strand of your head behind you hear.
“ Really?” You laughed “ It doesn't look like it” you murmured and he moved closer.
“ Why did you hide it? “ he asked, keeping eye contact. 
“I didn’t felt anything” You avoided his eyes for a moment “ when I notice there was nothing to do about it” he raised his hand and gently touched your neck, the warm of his skin was welcome but not without first causing goosebumps.
“ It scares me,” He said lowering his head placing his forehead on your head. 
“ It scares me too” you confided. Pausing you evaluated the moment “ If I don’t do it ill regret it for much longer.” You took a deep breath as you heard him ask ‘ Regret what?’ Against your hair.
As quickly as you could you raised your head and for one moment you doubted, as you looked into his eyes. But you had already regretted not kissing him that time three years ago and the possibility of something else was better than nothing. Putting your hand on his neck you leaned forward.
James felt your lips on him, and for a moment his breath got caught on his throat, but as quick as it came it went. 
“ I have wanted to do that for a while, am sorry” You whispered, moving to his right while trying to get out of his hold. He hadn't reacted and it didn't surprise you, maybe you had cross a line you weren't meant to cross.
 You could only climb one step before his arm finds its way to your waist, carrying you back to where you originally were, right in front of him. 
“ You shouldn’t apologies “ He whispered against your hair as you were avoiding looking at him in the eye. His left hand found your neck and pushed your head gently so you could look at him in the eyes. Raising his hand, his thumb caressed your lip gently, while avoiding his eyes and looking to your right. Pressing his forehead against to you, he sighed deeply. 
He had always maintain a certain distance with you, he’d tough you to shoot, basic fight and in exchange you had become a friend, the voice of reason and his guiding light. He had witness the worts during his time as an S.A.S, things he’d sometimes remember and hunted him, things you shouldn’t need to be burden with. He couldn’t help but close himself little by little until he pushed you away. You both still talked but not like before, afraid that you knowing more of him would thrive you way, he decide that he would be the one to walk away.
Time put things on perspective, and not having you near, made him retract on himself until there was nothing left, but the soldier that he once was and who decide to join the S.A.S. People could call him brave but he never had the bravery to do the only thing he wanted. 
Crashing his lips with yours, he felt your lip tremble once you noticed. He loved how you didn’t doubt unlike him to return the kiss, making him smile against your lips. He didn’t mind the saltiness of your lips against his, it gave him a reassurance that it wasn’t all just a dream. He never realized how starved he was for you, like when you broke apart the kiss to breath and he couldn’t help but follow your lips and crashed against them again, this time without thinking twice about it. 
Once both of you felt the light headiness you broke apart, Conrad opened his eyes and found your face with an ear to ear grin that he could help but mirror.
“ That took me way to long” He confessed. The blush in your cheeks growing stronger until you decided to hide against his chest.  
“ That took you two long enough” Shouted Slivko from somewhere on the boat. This made you hide even more, but it only made Conrad’s smile wider if it was possible.  The laughter of everyone and the cheers made him laugh. 
Feeling you breathing, steady heartbeat had made everything worth it, if he knew now that he would see you by coming to this island, then he would have come knowing everything that was to happen. 
“ Don’t leave my sight” He breathed. 
You know understand the meaning behind his words. To not go where he cant follow.
From your position on Jame’s chest, you could see the sky up above and with that, the helicopters coming your way. The cheers, that a moment ago were because of you and Conrad, intensified at seeing the helicopters. You decided to move but once again James’ arm stopped to making your raise your head to look at his eyes, the blue in them had never seemed more perfect as it did now with the smile on his face. James gave you a kiss directly on your forehead while still smiling. 
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dauntless-dragayn · 5 years
nobody asked for it, but i liveblogged my She ra s3 reactions
[ part one ┊ part two ]
spoilers, obviously (under cut bc it’s rather long)
episode one
(oh yeah this is a split season so that makes sense..)
Angela loses points for not having a proper prison but gains them right back for not letting Adora in to interrogate Shadowbitch
Glimmer: we shouldn’t let her manipulate you
Adora, immediately: //decides to manipulate / trick her friends
Side note, interesting episode title..
Adora’s friends: //arent fooled at all THANKFULLY
adora honey youre a terrible liar. and your friends are too smart
Catra bby..
Catra: i cant handle this emotionally vulnerable shit
Aaand theyre asleep
Oh this is great
Glimmer’s target practice cjdhjdnf
Oh Adora wants to change Shadowbitch.. honey.
God Adora calling out Shadowbitch is everything
Fuck this is cool
Shadowbitch’s two reasons for (SUPPOSEDLY) turning is to get revenge on 1) Hordak and 2) Catra While im sure Adora is all behind the first one, she certainly wont let the second happen.
Okay but who SENT Adora through that portal??
“Don’t I get a say in what happens to me? Don’t I get a choice?!”
The worst thing about this is that LightHope is basically telling Adora the same thing the Horde did: you dont have a choice over your life, your ambitions, your responsibilities. Fuck LightHope.
“It is happening again.” HM
“Are you okay?” “I’m not sure yet.” baby.. i felt that
episode two
What a COOL shot of Adora
Fjejhd of coUrse Glimmer didnt tell her mom
Poor fucking Angela
Ive never related to Bow more in this moment ⁃ bird ⁃ Trying to navigate whEN FUCKIG GOOGLE MAPS ISNT WORKING- coughs i mean, the navigator machine
Oh shit Hordak cares about Entrapta
“Just act tough” oh yall are so bad at this
its Her time
I just watched this clip of Huntara last night
Adora is gay
Huntara is also gay she was just FLIRTING with a WOMAN at the BAR
 The ‘purposefully gets names wrong’ gag will always be my favorite
 anybody got a map? oh wrong show sorry
listen i cant blame Adora how could you NOT be in love with her
Ugly ass twink bitch
Adora getting an outside perspective on the war and how it effects Etheria should be interesting
Wait where are Glimmer and Bow ?
Adora being called “blondie” 👌👌
Oh theyre there they just fell behind
Huntara led them into a trap didnt she
Oh she took Adora’s sword fuck I mean ofc she did but mm That would be her only chance of escaping
Okay Entrapta is a top
Hordak is a clone?? Bitch what
//falsely sympathetic voice/ aww hordak just wants to impress his higher up with planetary conquest..
they even called this expedition a roadtrip awe
Wow theyre really playing up this Hordak + Entrapta friendship and bonding huh
Oh Glimmer is such a badass
Bow: awkward HAH of victory
Glimmer: sticks her tongue out at the enemy
God i love this battle sequence so much
Im watching it again
Adora’s laugh before she says “I AM She ra”  😍
Theyre both ex Horde soldiers oh shit!! One so trusting and one so fearful, so closed off to anyone
“I’m not gonna run anymore. I face my problems head on.” fuck yeah!!!
Netflix referring to Bow Glimmer and Adora as the “squad” omg
-rewatching the fight scene from 18:30-
I love the repeating of lines to each other thats such a good trope too
“Thats mine!” ”Then come and take it.”
Also I like seeing Adora fight and pull off really cool moves but not like, flawlessly. Like her backflip- she almost falls. Or when she swings Huntara’s sword and it doesn whip out at first.
Thats totally foreshadowing the connection of their backgrounds with the Horde huh
The “‘You know about She ra?’ Heheh, I AM She ra” moment is so good okay I need to call it out again. The way she flashes her sword in front of her face? Amazing. Spectacular. Im gay-
The end of this episode be like: //women supporting women
Mara’s ship!! Dun dun dunnn 
episode three
Edgy Catra in the Crimson Waste shot: ✔️
“Nothing matters anymore!” :(
Hey that place looks familiar!
Isnt Scorpia FROM here?? How does she not know anything about it??
“Maybe I should have skipped force captain orientation eh?” THIS RUNNING JOKE DKFNFK
Catra bitching about Hordak is a whole mood
Wait satyr lady never said the second rule Prettyyy sure the second rule is that no one annoys Huntara, but shes not here! So what the hell are YOU gonna claim it is?
Catra’s monologue in the bar is everything
Catra stealing the jacket is such a ME move i see a leather jacket i go feral
Bow you’re such a nerd ily
Well duh the ship is empty its been looted for years
Do your She ra thing i bet thatll uncover something //wiggles eyebrows
Yeehaw! Look at that i was right
Its not haunted theres a repeated message echoing ..
Scorpia you’re gay
Also IM gay Catra in a jacket is 👌😩
 Aw look at Scorpia in her element
“Im gonna call you Kyle” KDHFKDJFJFK
Catra’s little smirk.. ️ ❤️️ Scorpia’s reaction is a whole mood
That giant skull tho
listen i know he’s an idiot with a dumb name and catra kicks his ass but i love me a buff lizard person,,
a broadcast.. oH ITS MARA HERSELF
“And I am gone.” sounds like.. something someone would say in a message if they didnt want to be looked for and found
Adora ... :(
Your frustration is so warranted
I wish i could give her answers
“I was supposed to be the last.” wh..
Even Tongue Lashor’s insults are dumb
Catra mimicking his evil laugh..
Listen imma say it again (my scalie is showing) Tongue Lashor’s design is great
Catra just winked at Scorpia, yoURE GAAY
 @ Mara’s dialogue.. that was uh. A Lot The biggest thing that jumps out to me is the fact that theyre in an empty dimension?? And the fact that Mar BROUGHT A WHOLE PLANET there. Thats some real power. Oh yeah, and LightHope is lying / working against the She ras / wants to bring destruction to the planet. But thats not surprising
Oh hey darts! Now who took the dart gun..
oh thats right!
Catra and Adora time baby
Adora is uh,, alone captured by Catra
This should be interesting
“A toast to Scorpia” //clutches chest
Hey yall this is cute but reminder that cattadora is endgame
“When we go back” nahhh
Also fuck Catra heard that hologram??
“We could rule the Crimson Waste together!” Scorpia you are SO gay
“I have to go check on the prisoner” her ex
“Shadow Weaver left me for you..?” Uh fuck
She has tears in her eyes oh bby
I cant believe im already halfway through the season jfc fuck split seasons
(part two is up now!)
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[[ logs and some daring events with @geminidoomed​! end result: ???? ]]
geminidoomed II haven't 2een you on iin a few niight2, ii2 everythiing okay?
twotoned2marta22 > Is this one going to be as much of a hassle as The Ringleader. Please, goddesses, no.
hell0 artiifex, s0rry f0r taking s0 l0ng t0 get back t0 y0u megid0 is the name. snips is unavailable f0r the time being
geminidoomed Why ii2 2niip2 unavaiilable, and why are you on hii2 account?
twotoned2marta22 0n his acc0unt because his palmhusk was severely damaged and im transferring the data, i n0ticed tr0lls have been trying t0 c0ntact him it seems there was an accident inv0lving s0mething expl0sive! unsure 0f the details but hes quite alright n0w, luckily, m0stly hes been sleeping the sh0ck 0f it 0ff
geminidoomed oh man that 2uck2 a lot, II'm 2ure a lot of people are worriied about hiim be2iide2 me
> What a beautiful live connection to the computer sending these messages, you think you'll just pull up the view finder
twotoned2marta22 n0t really, which is a shame. he seems a nice fell0w
> Lie. Total lie. He tried to stab you in the throat with the broken handle of a teacup this evening.
geminidoomed 2ometiime2 people do head offliine for a few niight2 at a tiime. hey are you wiith tho2e friiend2 of hii2 II thiink he mentiioned before?
>You are now directly looking at her and the room surrounding her, and idly noting down the coordinates.
twotoned2marta22 g00d p0int, im rarely ever 0n myself. he was 0n his 0wn when i f0und him, d0 y0u have c0ntact inf0rmati0n f0r these friends? i w0uldnt want them t0 be w0rrying
> How many of these people that he's talked to are actually his friends. The Captor wasn't supposed to develop a social circle while isolated from society. > Aradia is in her own block, filled with ancient artifacts and a partially complete skeleton of an ancient lusii. The Peixes symbol can be seen in fuchsia over the door. There's mild burns visible on her face and arms.
geminidoomed II'm afraiid not 0n0 II've never 2poken wiith hii2 real liife friiend2.
>Yeah there's no way in fuck he'd be anywhere near a Piexes, volentarily. Sparks knows how he feels about the 'witches' >And the rebellion.
how diid you happen two be iin the neiighborhood..?
>He leaned on  one arm, putting his chin in his hand and began to write a program, the code spinning into his mind's eye.
twotoned2marta22 well thats sure a pr0blem! ill ask him when he wakes up again
> You'll ask him when you damn well feel like it, sometime after he stops trying to murder you every twelve seconds. > What's a feasible story. Easy to remember, easy to stick with.
i was running a dig site s0me kil0meters away when we heard s0mething det0nate, s0 i went 0ver t0 investigate
geminidoomed >He released the code gently. all it was was a locator. Starting from her coordinates find his artifacts.
oh man cool, what were you guy2 diiggiing up way out there?
twotoned2marta22 a very specific 0ld civilizati0n, literally buried! but the specific part has t0 be a secret f0r n0w. s0me tr0lls w0uld rather hist0ry be f0rg0tten and i d0nt want their claws anywhere near my w0rk!
> When he tracks the artifacts down, he'll find that Snips is still wearing them. He'll also find that Snips looks beat to shit, and is in a large block with just. so much pink. so many pinks. It looks luxurious, though, and there's a mediculler currently checking up on him.
geminidoomed >Holy shit shes. Shes just so bad at this. Shes so terribly bad, why has she been allowed to actually try to fool people into anything?
2hiit II wouldnt want you two be caught 2ayiing 2omethiing you 2houldn't on the iinternet and gettiing your whole diig ruiined or liike. culled or anythiing.
>Holy fuck thats so much pink. Thats just. An obnoxious amount of pink. Hes going to spend a while watching the mediculler, and Snips. The one flaw is that there isnt any audio on this shitty thing. Maybe he ought to work on that..
twotoned2marta22 > Let her live dude, most of her attention has been taken up but your (justifiably) murderous alt down in the basement. > Also yeah, this generally isn’t her job.
im n0t t00 w0rried, snips here has apparently been telling every0ne and their lusus that hes a limebl00d and n0b0dy has c0me after him
> Except the "2talker Pyrope" of course. She almost chuckles at that.
> Snips doesn't appear to be saying anything, but occasionally he flinches and starts to turn on the mediculler like he intends to attack. The mediculler jumps away, Snips slumps back down, the process continues and repeats.
geminidoomed That2 true, but 2ometiime2 deviice2 have word triigger2 iin them you never know, yeah?
>He tapped his fingers against his chin, lips thinned out into a line.
twotoned2marta22 i supp0se anyways! is there anything y0u want me t0 pass 0n t0 snips f0r y0u? 0ther than the general "hey, s0 and s0 asked if y0ure 0kay"
> Aradia slumps back on the floor rug she's laying on. It was a mighty beast at some point. Now it's just fur.
> Snips gradually lashes out less and less. By the time the mediculler packs up their things, he looks barely responsive. He shuffles toward a recuperacoon when motioned towards it.
geminidoomed yeah let hiim know II've been worriied and II'm lookiing forward two 2eeiing hiim agaiin wiill you? -hey iit wa2 niice meetiing you Aradiia but II need two jet.
>To snips, he needs to jet to Snips, he grabs his armored coat  and shrugs it on without doing up the buttons, and double checks to make sure his sword is in his strife specibus, before he relocates himself to the coordinates hes watching snips from. He wanted to grab him before he hit the sopor because the sopor would make things at least twice as more difficult than they needed to be.
twotoned2marta22 will d0. h0pefully hes g0ing t0 be right as rain and back 0nline s00n
> She doubts it. The kid has developed a stubborn streak since going wild, and he won't listen to reason until it breaks. Aradia is tired of wrigglers.
> Snips is unbuttoning his shirt slowly, fumbling with the buttons but hissing if anyone attempts to help. He can deal with this on his own, fuck you very much.
geminidoomed >The sudden appearance of a wild space pirate in the room cant be going completely unnoticed, he started closing the distance between them. "2niip2!"
twotoned2marta22 > The mediculler was just leaving, and upon witnessing the... sudden and very magical appearance of another troll, yanks open the door to shout for the guards. Two clowns and three blue brutes pile in as the mediculler makes their escape. > A door appears in the wall behind the recuperacoon, and through it steps a troll cloaked in black and fuchsia. The door disappears.
> Snips takes a solid five seconds to realize his name is being called. He looks up sluggishly.
geminidoomed >Man those guys are fucking fast, they appeared almost as quickly as he did. Did the mediculler already drug snips more? He wishes he'd had a better angle to see what he'd been doing.
>Sparks began to mentally map where everyone in the room was- including holy shit that fuchsia where the shit did she even come from??
>Time to try to scoop snips up. He obviously can't move fast enough right now.
>He was prepared to be bitten this is his life now.
twotoned2marta22 > They've been hovering in hopes of a chance to beat down the lime, honestly. They each have dead or hurt friends this week because of him. The mediculler had no drugs, this is plain old exhaustion, but they are fumbling to run and get a palmhusk out of their bag to contact Aradia.
> The witch hasn't moved from behind the coon yet, while the blues and clowns have already fanned out, blues already charging ahead while the clowns hang back. The air starts to feel thick and distorted from chucklevoodoos.
> Snips does flash his teeth, though it's hardly a threatening sight. Then he slips right out of Sparks' reach, the floor yawning open and closing the moment he's fallen through. Then he pops out of the wall and hits the floor winded, right next to the witch.
geminidoomed >Sparks's teeth were much more impressive as he bared them, half grin and half challenge, eyes blazing up bright his sword appeared in his hand and crackled with psionics. His reaction to fear was to primarily spin it into rage, to kill whatever he was afraid of, some of his panic attacks had been lethal or near lethal for people.
> - First deal with the trolls closing in, he whirled on them to engage while he let the rest of his brain calculate the exact position his friend was in relitive to his, because between kicking someone away from his sword, and turning to another he was going to dissappear and appear near snips again to take a chance and try to scoop him up even that close to the witch.
twotoned2marta22 > There's a brief second of confusion as they each realize that their opponent is a gold psion, and that he's clearly wielding magic. For a moment, the witch's snarl of outrage overrides the chucklevoodoos stuffing up the atmosphere with noise. One of the clowns decides to get into Sparks' head. With a lowblood, it's bound to be easy.
> Between magic and voodoos, Snips has completely frozen up in terror. He makes no attempt to move from where he is on the floor, aside from curling up on his side and covering his face.
geminidoomed >That tore a snarl out of him, the moment he felt an actual touch on his mind he mentally grabbed onto it and lashed his power back along the link between them wrecklessly.
>Snips is no help but he just has to get him up into his arms, and his psionics will help- it was just too hard to do the calculations to get them out of there with them seperate.
twotoned2marta22 > The first clown stumbles back with a shout, stunned, and two blues rush Sparks again while the third glances back in confusion.
> Manacles conjure up from beneath Sparks and cease his legs; the witch launches an orb of black something that hits Sparks' back hard.
geminidoomed He fell forward, caught by the legs and struck from behind, and came back up, eyes flashing, to  make a gesture in the air with his hand,  then slicing it toward the witch. Dramatics all of it, he gutted the part of her physical code that dealt with phenotype and replaced it with the typing for a rust blooded troll. - He was distracted momentarily with that.  and when his attention tore back to the guards rushing in they were far too close, he struck out at a knee while he tried to get his feet back under him and away from the things holding him down.
twotoned2marta22 > The witch collapses, loudly groaning but already struggling to get off the floor. She's stubborn. One blue's sword clangs off Sparks' leg; the other brings a hammer down on his chest with full force.
> The witch has Snips fall through an open window in the floor. He's moved elsewhere in the room but unseen.
geminidoomed He felt the weight of the sword his his leg, and the force of it all the way through to the bone, though the edge was turned away.
There was a crack, and a shattering pain that went all the way through his body, his sword found the inside of the hammer wielder’s elbow and thrust, twisting it he was seeing white as the hammer came down on him, sword work too late to stop it, and arm too weak to block a blueblood's blow, a bubble of swirling blue force burst outward from him to throw everything near him away, while he struggled to breath, his chest was shattered and he was suffocating- he didn’t have long, he had to fix this in his code
twotoned2marta22 > The blue isn't going to be wielding his hammer again anytime, stumbling back and clutching his wound, then thrown with the rest by the burst of psionics. Sparks would have a reprieve, except the witch comes shrieking in with a last action, crafting a hammer of her own of the same inky black material as before and sending it to the hands of the second clown, who brings it down on Sparks with even greater force and rage than the blue. > Mostly rage.
geminidoomed The clawing desperate pain and pressure in his chest exploded - He saw white, and then black, his body was ruined and he was overwhelmed. The half dead god stopped breathing, his heart stopped beating, everything stopped, and he laid crumpled.
twotoned2marta22 > The fighting stops, and this is when Aradia arrives. A clown is unconscious on the floor, all of the blues are bleeding, the witch is keening on the floor while the other clown stands over her holding an magically constructed hammer, there's a strange corpse in the middle of the room, the Captor is gone--
> Oh, there he is. His head is poking out from the pile of blankets and cushions to one corner of the block, staring in shock at the body. He's weeping.
“Artiifex...? Artiifex?? Fex?!”
> Aradia brings her hands together in a loud clap, startling everyone silent and bringing the trolls’ attentions to her. The medicullers she ordered to follow warily peek into the room.
“Docterror, get these four to the medical ward immediately. Jolyre, send down a cleaning crew for this mess and then go make sure your brother’s pan hasn’t been fried, Sister, tell me right now why you’re hiding in your cloaks more than usual and why there is a dead body in this block.”
> The witch doesn’t say anything, just uncovers one now-rust eye and stares up at Aradia. She heaves a sigh.
“Go with the medicullers, explain everything to me later.”
> The witch gestures to Sparks’ crumpled body, face twisted in disgust. “The psion struck a deal with something. He still lingers.”
“Can you take care of it?”
“Of course I can.”
> The witch and Sparks disappear through doors that exist for a moment. Aradia stays in the room, staring Snips down until cleaners and a new batch of guards arrive. She doesn’t say anything when she leaves. Snips doesn’t say anything either.
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