#i cant decide if i like the second one or last one. oops
strawberrysnipes · 1 month
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requested by @high-gardenrose
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dazed--xx · 1 year
SKZ Break up Reaction (Maknae Line)
A/N:so I’m uploading this on my phone cause my 4 year old decided to break my chromebooks screen but I wanted to get this posted so I can post the second part to both anyway if you guys have any requests my requests are open any group you want me to write I usually do lol so just let me know anyway hope you enjoy please like comment reblog I love hearing your opinions
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“GET OUT!” You shout, as you feel Jisungs arms wrap around your waist. You can feel his tears leaking through your shirt as he begs you to hear him out. Your tears streamed down your face. “you need to leave Jisung” You growl taking his arms from around you. His head shakes in panic “No! NO! Im sorry okay?! It was a mistake it didn’t mean anything to me” he cries. His shoulders shaking rapidly. You scoff at his words “Yeah for you it was just a fucking tuesday of course it wouldn’t mean shit to you. But the fact that you didn’t even think about me or I don’t know maybe the fact that you werent even single, proves to me that everything youre saying is bullshit. You don’t just go and fuck someone and then say Oops I made a mistake. You made a fucking choice Jisung and just cause it doesn’t mean anything to you now doesn’t mean you didn’t fucking do it and proves how much I cant trust you.” You snap, gesturing to the crying boy. Grabbing the bags you packed for him, you shove them at your ex boyfriend.
“I don’t want to go” Jisung confesses, his hand wrapping around your wrist pulling you back into him; burying your face in his chest. “Please don’t make me go, I don’t want to wake up every morning without you. I don’t want to let you go. It meant nothing then and now please believe me I don’t want anyone else it was a drunken mistake and I will never stop regretting it. I can make it up to you, I-I c-can fix things please—fuck—please don’t make me go. I love you” His sobs take over his body as you begin to pull yourself away from him. You stare at him, wanting to remember every inch of his face. You caress his cheek. Your eyes locking with one another “Im sorry, but I cant trust you anymore and I cant be with someone I cant trust. I want to break up. Im sorry but if you don’t leave. I will” You confess pulling your hand away from him. “Please....” He whines “Im sorry fuck im so sorry theres nothing I could be more sorry about I don’t know how to fix it. But I don’t want to leave please don’t make me leave, I need you okay? I need YOU! No one else I don’t know how to convince you of that” You shake your head at his words “You don’t need to convince me, you never will be able to Jisung, there’s never an excuse and I wont be able to trust you ever again. It will always feel like a lie.” His eyes widen in shock.
“i-I-” You lift your hand, not wanting to hear anymore “Just go, Jisung! Im done you hurt me way to much and I don’t want to hear your lies anymore” You growl. Nodding in defeat, he picks up his bags and makes his way to the door. You hold the door open for him as he makes his way out as he turns to face you once more you can feel your resolve breaking “I will always love you” he cries as you close the door.
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Hey baby, just wanted to tell you good morning and I miss you when can I see you again? Its been too long😞
Your heart races as you read his message. Biting your lip you contemplate replying before deciding to lock your phone and continue avoiding him. You werent sure why he even bothered anymore, you knew he was pretending, and whilst he didn’t know you had learned the truth about him, you felt stupid every time you thought about seeing him. You were torn between the Felix you had gotten to know a bubbly sweet and kindhearted person that would give up their last for anyone in need, and the one that, apparently, likes to make bets with his friends about how long it would take for you to sleep with him. Its been a few days since you had been told the truth by Minho’s girlfriend, and ever since you had avoided Felix. You couldn’t help but feel anxious and idiotic anytime you thought about being near him, apparently he had won the bet, you did sleep with him fairly quickly considering you guys have been going out for only a few months and have been actively having sex since about your third date; and the idea that right after he went and reported his win to the boys made you feel dirty, gross, and used.
Your phone vibrating in your hand pulls you from your thoughts. Staring at the screen youre met with a photo of your smiling boyfriend. Pressing the decline button, you toss your phone on the bed lifting yourself to your feet. You stare around your room, pictures of you and Felix laugh at you as you grab the stuffed bear Felix had won for you on your second date. With a newfound resolve you toss the bear on the ground. Your body acting on its own accord as you begin throwing every symbol and memory of your relationship in a large destructive pile on the ground. Sobs rack through your chest, nausea building in your stomach. You trusted him, you allowed him to knock your walls down and he lied, pretended and faked his way through everything. With determination in your heart you stomp your way over to your bed grabbing your phone opening your messages with him.
To: LIXIE💕☀️
Please stop calling me stop texting me just leave me alone you won your stupid bet just leave me alone we’re done.
Your palms were sweating as your phone began vibrating once more. You stare at the photo of Felix, your jaw clenches as hot tears run down your face. You watch as the photo disappears a missed call notification coming in before the photo pops up once more. You sit in place as a plethora of calls continue to come in as well as messages all unseen. With a shaky breathe you turn your phone off, opting to take a shower you trudge your way to the bathroom. Your movements halt at the rapid knocks on your front door. “Babe! Please—fuck—open the door!” Felix’s deep voice pleads. Your hand smacks over your mouth, as you hear your doorknob rattling “Y/N! Open up please” he cries. “Let me explain!” The knocks continue in quick succession. “P-please! I-I c-can’t lo-lose y-yo-you, n-not like t-this please!” His voice is desperate, you could tell he was crying. “I’m sorry” the door begins to shake. You could tell he was trying to ram the door open. “I’m sorry! Please talk to me, we can’t be over we can’t Im an idiot but you mean so much to me don’t break up with me I’m sorry! I’ll explain I’ll tell you everything please” your sobs unable to be hidden anymore “Y/N?! Are you crying? Please—fuck—don’t cry please I’m sorry please open the door please! I need to see you. I need you to listen please open up!” He pleaded. You stared at the door as your heart pounded on your sternum as Felix pounded on your door. You apologized silently as you sat on the ground your arm wrapped around your waist as you held your hand over your mouth; tears steadily streaming down your face not being able to bring yourself to open the door.
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You stared blankly at the mahogany table, avoiding Seungmins bored stare. “Why did you ask me to meet you here if you weren’t going to say anything?” He questions confusion etched on his features You sat in shock at his words, you weren’t sure why you were so surprised at the cold stoic tone he used. It had always been the same with him anyway always leaving you to feel small under his judging gaze. You questioned the status of your relationship often due to the lack of affection on either part. You felt more like a close friend rather than his girlfriend or even someone he was dating, and whilst you two had never defined your relationship, you did assume from the fact that he had specifically told you that he had considered the time you two spent together as dates. You stared at your hands as your fingers continued to play with themselves in your lap. “I’m sorry…” you murmur, you hear him hum in response “it’s fine everyone has bad days” you shake your head in response “n-no…I’m sorry but I don’t think we should see each other anymore” your voice is almost a whisper but the widening of Seungmin’s eyes has you shocked. “C-Can I ask why? I thought things were going well…” he questions his hand reaching for yours sadness flashes across his features as you shift yourself further away from him “we’re more friends than anything don’t you think” you mumble disappointedly. “Friends?” He scoffs like the term was beneath him. “I’d like to think we are more than friends” he states calmly.
You wrap your arms around your waist “honestly can you name a single time we’ve done anything that could signify that we’re more than friends” you snap. Seungmin leans back in his seat, taking a sip of his coffee. “We go out on dates…umm I talk to you all the time…” he trails as he contemplates more answers only to come up with nothing and letting out a sigh. “It’s okay…you aren’t attracted to me Seungminie, not the way I am to you and I think you should find a girl you actually like” you state sadly as you lift yourself from your seat. “Goodbye…” you mumble as you make you’re way out of the café. Seungmin sat there in shock, a tear running down his cheek as you make your exit. He willed himself to say something, anything to get you to stay. He watched in horror as you made your way out of the door. His heart shattering in his chest as he wills you to turn around and just see him, see how he’s falling apart at your departure. He’s begged for every moment with you and in his idiocy you were wisped away, he felt lost what could he do?
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“You’re really wearing that?!” The disgust oozing out in his tone. You look down at your lilac skin tight dress and white thigh highs before nodding with confusion etched on your features a pout in your lips. “I-is there something wrong with what Im wearing?” You prod your eyebrow raising in offense. Jeongin scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. You stood in your place, biting your lip in frustration “I mean you look really…..interesting.” He grits. You could feel the uncomfortable stares. You knew what he meant by interesting, reflexively you tug on the hem of your dress bringing it lower on your legs. “Don’t listen to him you look great!” Nayeon smiled as she rubbed your wrist comfortingly. You nod dejected, your eyes not leaving the ground. “I-I’m going to get something to drink” you state rapidly as you rush over to the kitchen. You stare down at your dress, you felt stupid and thanked god you had brought a hoodie. Taking a deep breath you grab a red solo cup pouring a small bit of vodka and adding pineapple juice before mixing the drink. You stare into the concoction, as used to Jeongins temperament and the harshness of his tone you are, you contemplate as to why you had even entered this torturous relationship.
You couldn’t think of many times when Jeongin would speak to you without insulting you in some shape or form. From your hair being the wrong way to you just being too annoying for his taste that day there was always something you did wrong. You thought today would be different, you thought for once he’d actually acknowledge you the way he used too when you first began. Your heart completely shattered considering it was your second anniversary. Your relationship was fantastic up until just a few months ago and now it feels like Jeongin would rather drop dead before even looking at you anymore. You don’t know why you had bothered anymore it obviously wasn’t working. You’ve done everything you could to try to save your relationship tonight being your final attempt and as much as you wanted to give the rest of the night a chance; he couldn’t even acknowledge your anniversary all day and then to greet you like that at a party you didn’t even want to be at. You weren’t sure if you could continue this, you missed your loving, sweet boyfriend. You didn’t know who this Jeongin was. You sighed as you take a sip from your drink. The mixture of alcohol to juice lacking so you grab the vodka bottle once more.
“Sure get drunk so I have to take care of you tonight” you hear from behind you, you roll your eyes. “What? I’m literally just making my first drink” you scoff before turning and shoving past your boyfriend his hand wrapping around your arm “oh and thanks for embarrassing me tonight by the way” he spits. An embarrassing heat fills your cheeks “how did I embarrass you?” You growl a fire burning in your eyes. “You’re kidding right?” His lips are formed in a tight line, you press your chest against his in defiance “No! How did I fucking embarrass you Jeongin?”
“So dressing like a slut to a party where you know your boyfriend and his friends are going to be isn’t a fucking problem? It’s not embarrassing?” He snaps, the glare in his eyes challenging you. The rage filling your stomach you toss your drink in his face. “I can’t believe you! You fucking prick” you shout, Jeongins eyes grow wide at your action. He stood there shocked, covered in your drink, his hands reaching for you quickly with a call of your name. You put your arms up preventing him from touching you. “No! I’m done! I’m so fucking done with you Jeongin! For months I’ve put up with your shitty attitude all because I loved you and you obviously don’t feel the fucking same anymore! You made me miserable and I still loved you! Don’t call me don’t text me just leave me alone. Happy anniversary Jeongin, I’m giving you the best gift I could…you’re single congratulations” your resolve completely breaking as tears stream down your face. You can see the panic in Jeongins eyes, his mouth sits agape in shock. With a scoff you turn to make your exit. “W-wait! Where are you going?” He calls, his voice is shaky. “Babe?!” You can hear him following after you “wait! Y/N!” His voice is shaky as you make your way out the front door, you knew if you turned back just one look at his face would break you. You had to keep going; you picked up your pace as the cold air kissed your skin.
Your car was only down the street a bit you just had to make it there and you were home free. Your heart raced as your legs moved rapidly. You felt arms wrapped around your waist pulling you back into a strong frame. The familiar cologne fills your nostrils, you could feel his shaking figure. “Don’t go, I’m sorry” he pleads. You sigh “please let me go Jeongin” pulling his arms from around you not turning to look at him. “I’m sorry please don’t go im an idiot I didn’t mean to forget but I don’t think it’s something you should break up with me over” he scoffs slight annoyance in his tone. A scowl forms on your face as you whip around to look him in his eyes “you know what?! Yeah! You ARE indeed a fucking idiot! If you think I’m breaking up with you over this bullshit ass anniversary then you’re wrong! You treat me like shit and a burden and I’m just done you obviously don’t love me anymore and as much as I do love you I deserve better just…please leave me alone…” tears stream down your face at a rapid pace, your heart shattering at every word. Your eyes drifting to the floor as your bottom lip finds it’s way between your teeth. Your eyes never once lifting to meet his as you turn away from him and make your way to your car. You don’t see Jeongin standing there in horror as you ultimately walk away from him. You don’t hear the sound of his heart shattering in his chest as you don’t look back at him. His jaw clenched as tears stream down his cheeks willing himself to not chase after you because like you said, you did deserve better
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void-chara · 1 year
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My gift for the @technoblade-gift-exchange !! i was assigned to @simplepotatofarmer who asked for dsmp rivals duo. i hope you like it Loyal!
rambling about headcanons, designs, and my process and stuff under the readmore, because i wanna talk about it but dont want the post to be super long !!
i had originally planned to not have a background and then at the last second i decided to speedrun drawing one in a few hours so um. quality difference but its fine. also unrelated but im pretty sure everything about how i draw animals and anthros makes it very obvious i used to be in the warrior cats fandom lol. anyway onto the designs!!
the gold on techno is scars from the totem at the execution, which i think is a pretty common thing for techno designs. he isnt supposed to be a piglin, but rather similar species of anthropomorphic pig. also his mane and tail fluff are naturally brown but he dyes them pink ^_^ so cool !! um. i maaayyy have forgotten the crown until i was way too far into the piece to add it. haha. oops. pretend its missing because. uuh. hes in a casual outfit. "but he still has the cape" yeah its comfy. "but dream has a mask thats not casual" dream is dream he does Not relax fully ever. see entirely intentional i would never make a mistake.
dream is an original shapeshifter species i came up with because i couldnt decide what i wanted him to be. i havent decided on a name for the species yet but i plan to make almost every solid-color or nearly solid color mcyt into this species. theyre mostly involuntary/unconscious shapeshifters. so like they change slowly over weeks or months to adapt to their surroundings, with little conscious control. basically i wanted him to be like five different things so i shoved them together lol, rabbit ears but in a pattern that looks like an axolotl, a cool tail, TOE BEANS tho you cant see them. this was actually the first time ive ever had a dream design im happy with so thats really nice.
i um. i made full use of my time lol, i spent a bit over a week on the lineart, another week on the coloring, and maybe a week and a half on rendering. unless i suddenly became shit at math(which is possible) that adds up to roughly the amount of time i had to work on it. im really proud of myself actually since i usually take a while to do art, and i wasnt sure i would be able to make something id be happy with in this amount of time. but i did! woah!! this was my first time participating in a fandom gift exchange and it was so fun, and also helped motivate me to draw more instead of getting distracted like i usually do (classic adhd moment) lol. anyway super cool!!
Loyal if u decided to read all this for some reason then again i really hope u like it!! u are so cool and i really love ur rivals duo opinions and creations so i hope u like this! i know theres been shit happening lately, i hope ur doing ok!!
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blublublujk · 2 years
love always wins (2)
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-> chapter 1, chapter 2
words count: 6k
pairing: businesswoman y/n x businessman pjm ft. businessman kth
summary: you were given one simple task. how far are you willing to go for it?
warnings: in this chapter we do get a look at the relationship between oc and her father and just to warn you he's a piece of shit, it's a bit angsty (mental abuse), adult content, swearing/harsh language!!! (oops), alcohol, jimin can be a bit mean and maybe intimidating at first look (it's okay it will change quickly), sexual content (unprotected sex, fm. riding m., creampie)
a.n: this took so so long to get out as usual lmfao, i apologize for being so inconsistent but creating a whole new dialogue is so strange (i miss dilfy jk >.<) just to clarify a few things before the read, this ff will not end in a love triangle so do with that as you will. i know it will seem the oc & taehyung are hitting it off very well but this is a jimin x reader ff so it will get there i promise! im not a fan of writing love triangles but maybe some day… im so obsessed with these characters so far im excited ^.^ anyways, i wanted to get this out quickly since i have a concert to attend tmr and i cant believe i'll be thinking of other men who arent bts lol (wish me luck), feedback is always welcomed <333
—> m.list
Just one more year. 
Your father promised just one more year. 
One more year of standing tall by his side, only known as his golden child. One more year of the long– boring, mandatory parties. One more year of this false father-daughter relationship. Just one more eventful year. 
Your father had declared his retirement only last year.
It was New Year’s Eve. 
“Everyone let us please gather around quickly! Please take your seats! ” Nobody in the room really paid your father much attention at the time. Dinner had just been brought out, the room was a chattery mess. Everyone feigning for some nice warm bread to accompany their warm mashed potatoes. You had just stuffed down a roll of the sweet bread yourself, your cheeks puffing the loaf down. It was the only thing you could do during boring times like these. “Quiet down please! This won’t take much of your time!”
Doing as he asked, you chugged a glass of champagne before serving yourself another round then took your seat across him. People too, gathered pretty quickly after you, hot plates decorating the table.
Clearing his throat he started, “Well, you all might be wondering why you are here besides the obvious matters. The new year is approaching. There is so much to look forward to and so much more to expect. New years are filled with new opportunities, new advances, and most importantly, new beginnings.” 
Your father takes a deep breath before he continues, “As many of you may know, I’ve been the backbone of SSM for many, many years. Too much to count. And I wouldn’t have it any other way, really. I’m very grateful our family was built off this very same company. We’ve had a long, long journey and it only keeps progressing. SSM will thrive forever.” 
Cheers filled the room, while you downed another glass. The champagne tasted fucking delicious tonight.
Between smiles your father continued, “Quiet down please! Thank you, thank you! Now, with careful consideration and thoughtful planning, I’d like to announce a big change happening to SSM this new year. This news may shock some, but SSM will move forth regardless.” 
The room stilled for a second anticipating the long awaited news. Whatever he had to say, it was dragging on for too long, you were so bored. Another glass of champagne was placed upon the dinner table, you picked it up with no shame. 
“I have decided to retire from my terms with SSM within the new year.”
No fuck, fuck, fuck. 
“But with that being said, there isn’t any better fit for this position. With great honor, I would love to present to you your new CEO and the amazing woman I get to call my daughter, Y/N Y/L/N.” 
The once blaringly loud room fell dead silent to your ears, though everyone jumped in excitement. But it was so quiet, so much that all you could hear was a buzzing ring, tinglingly inside your ears. The glass of champagne you once held came crashing down quite quickly.
You weren’t even given a chance to process anything. Those around you took turns embracing you, congratulating you on the great news. How fucking pathetic. Your fathers speech kept going but you weren’t listening, not after something like that. You fucking hated this moment more than anything. Out of everything he could have pulled from his ass, this— this was the worst. 
You had mentioned several times that you weren’t ready for such a position and never would be. Frankly, it's a position you thought would never open, one you would never possess on your own behalf. Your father was very adamant about being the greatest, most successful CEO. But of course, he wouldn’t just leave this position to a nobody. You just didn’t expect it to be you. You could barely take care of yourself, how were you to take care of a whole fucking establishment? Much less lead others. You were done for. 
He could have warned you. 
He could have and didn’t. 
“Congratulations, dear! You’ll do just wonderful!” Some older lady you didn’t even know by name, cheered, pulling you into her slim arms.
You couldn’t even force your arms to squeeze back, they kinda just hung around her loosely. “Thank you.” You whispered sadly. “I’ll try not to disappoint you all.”
That was the last you remembered of that night.
It’s how you ended up in these exact steps. 
Your last task so to speak, but really it was just the beginning. Park Jimin, he signs and you’re free. Well not technically…
In the words of your father, you understood very well what Park Jimin would do for SSM. 
Park Jimin didn’t need SSM. 
SSM needed Park Jimin. 
You hated to admit your father had been right all along. SSM was missing something. The company was missing new money, something your father nor you could have ever brung. Being born into wealth is always a privilege, but keeping it was worse than anything. Sure, other people have it worse, you will admit that. But those that lose money that once had nothing don't bat an eye at something they are used to experiencing. As harsh as it may sound, it's the way life worked for someone with wealth. 
Park Jimin only had a taste of that. It was your job to bring him down.
You’ve been over this plan many times in your head. Park Jimin is not the enemy, but he could be. Losing an asset like him could be the upbringing of another establishment and the downfall of yours. Nobody wants to lose at the hands of business, but if it’s you or someone else, that other person doesn’t stand a fucking chance. 
At first, you weren’t sure you could handle such a high position. But maybe your father was right, if not you, then who else? Business was your life. You weren’t good at anything else. It’s all you have ever known. And being quiet honest, you felt so fucking stupid for thinking that. But this was all a matter of confidence. You could get anywhere you wanted to. 
Eventually there would come a time where you then would retire from this position too, but right now, you did the best with what you had. Your father fully retiring from his seat would mean you were left to do as you please, as you had always wished. So Park Jimin’s signature was all it took. 
Collecting these businessmen like Pokémon cards was your job. And you were only the best at doing that. How you collected them was nobody’s business, right? 
Park Jimin was suddenly nowhere to be found. 
You searched everywhere. Quite honestly it made you panic, it wasn’t like this was the end of the world but maybe you were a bit desperate. 
Taking sad steps, you found yourself in the kitchen pouring yourself yet another glass of the sweet champagne. That’s when you finally caught sight of him. 
“And I’m sure you would do well in a company like ours.” The younger woman bat her eyes drastically, dragging her hand against Jimin’s arm. She gave his bicep a squeeze, his brow raising at the action, though he didn’t push her away.
You scoff silently from your place. What a fucking bitch. 
“Jimin!” You call the man's name as you reach the two.
He turns, immediately his eyes smile before his lips. “Y/N.” 
The familiar woman notices you too, but doesn’t say anything. Her mean gaze tells it all. She was not happy. 
“Yuna. Nice to see you around here.” You put your hand out. She looks down at your hand, hesitant to shake it. She does anyway but there is nothing nice about the greeting. “Thought your mother taught you not to speak to strangers, Yuna.”
Jimin chuckles quite intrigued, if he didn’t know any better he would be offended but he decides to stay quiet for now. 
Yuna retreats her hand harshly. “Jimin and I are everything but strangers.”
This is where you raise your eyebrows. “You and Jimin, huh? What is this supposed to mean?” 
A new voice cuts in. “It means one of two things. They either date or they fuck.”
You all turn to find Taehyung. Well this just got interesting. 
Jimin steps in before Yuna gets a word out. “Neither. We are family friends, you could say.”
You nod. 
“I will say, I’m quite shocked you are this invasive around someone you just met, Y/N. You had me fooled.” Jimin pouts, folding his arms across his chest. 
“My sincere apologies if I interrupted anything,’ You bow your head before continuing, ‘I was simply checking on our precious guest.” 
He nods understandingly. Taehyung’s eyes roll to the back of his head. He didn’t even know Jimin enough, but he was already starting to annoy him.
“No need to apologize. Yuna here meant no harm. She’s the sweetest.” He explains squeezing her shoulder. 
Yuna smiles in return. 
You hum. “Yeah, of course. The sweetest. Um, if you don’t mind, Taehyung? Make sure our sweet Yuna here makes it home safely. Her parents must be so worried. I wouldn’t want you to be late.”
Yuna’s smile doesn’t reach her eyes. Taehyung steps in. Yuna, having left with no choice, gives one last bow in Jimin’s direction. 
“It was nice to see you again Jimin, you know where to find me when you decide on my proposition.” He bows back, smiling politely. 
“Of course, take care.” 
The two leave you and Jimin behind, the glass still in your hand, you take a sip of your drink. Suddenly, the sweet taste is bitter. 
“I’m so sorry about that.” You say. “She tends to get too excited. She’s so young, you understand right?”
Jimin purses his lips. “Yeah, of course. Who was that, by the way?” 
You finish your drink, placing the glass down. “Ah, that was Taehyung.” 
“I know that. I mean, is he your boyfriend?” Jimin is very forward when asking his question.
“No.” You say.
“What a shame.” He replies, you raise your brow in confusion. “He’s hot.” 
You mentally thank yourself for finishing your drink because you would have spit it out by now.
“Wait, you’re gay?” You try to sound casual, but you are sure your face gives it all away. Now how the fuck are you supposed to fuck him into signing a contract? Not that, that’s what you had planned… 
Jimin giggles. “No, no. But, you should have seen the look on your face! Would that have been a problem, Ms. Y/N?” 
“No, of course not.” You are quick to defend yourself. “I was just curious is all.”
“Good because I am bisexual.” Jimin simply replies, looking around the room.
Nodding you respond, “Nothing wrong with that. I like women too. Probably more than I like men.” 
Jimin raises his brow looking back at you. “Really?”
You only nod. 
“I didn’t see that in you.” Jimin shrugs. 
You scoff. “You don’t know the first thing about me then.” 
“I wasn’t trying to offend you.” He clarified. 
“Didn’t say I was.” You snap back.
He smiles. “Right. I like you.” 
“Then we are already starting on the right foot. Let me introduce myself now.” You insist before he cuts you off. 
“Y/N, Y/L/N…” Jimin clicks his tongue three times against the roof of his mouth, dragging his palm slowly across his suit, flattening the material. His eyes look down at the ground before they travel back to your face. “Age 23. Began your first start-up at the young age of 13. So young, passionate, filled with dreams only one could ever simply dream of reaching. The start-up did well. Not well enough for you to feel completely satisfied though. Trust me, been there— done that. The media accused your young, precious entreprenstic mind for that of your father. They compared you to him, so much they called your ideas, his. It was so hard on you. Eventually, Kihyun’s dearest daughter flew off to college. Medicine, her first choice, but then that didn't work out. You eventually walked right back into the hole where you started. You are what many young entrepreneurs wish they were. You’re smart, driven, and most of all you knew exactly what you wanted. You are quite the woman.” 
You scoff because Jimin read you like a book, except your life was a quick Google search. Nothing you hadn’t seen before. “Google taught you all that?”
Jimin smiles and tilts to the side. “Yeah actually. You’ve done it all. Believe me when I say, I am your biggest fan here.”
You can’t help but to laugh. What were you even worried about? He was already on your side. “You, a fan of me? I’m flattered.” 
You really weren’t, but this was all for show anyways. 
He steps closer towards you, for a minute he just seems to check you out, his eyes landing right on top of your breast, the same way he did earlier. “Too bad I have no interest. It was nice meeting you dear, take care.” He steps back and turns his back.
You snatch his suit pulling him back to face you. “What.” 
He looks down at you. Suddenly, you feel so small. 
“I’ve heard of what you like to do. And let me tell you one thing before I part.” His lips brush up against your ear before he whispers, “Let this be clear. I may be a man, but I would never allow myself to fall for a pretty woman for some quick business deal. When you have something to actually offer me, you know where to find me. In the meantime, take care. You had plenty of drinks tonight, I would call it a night if I was you. See you later.”
Jimin’s turns and leaves as promised. His brother fell behind him quickly. You are left in your own little world, speechless. You couldn’t even move. What the fuck was his problem?
What now?
“What do you mean Jimin didn’t seem interested?” Your father scoffs, he was as confused as you were. 
“You heard me. He simply stated he wasn’t interested.” You mumble.
“Did you even care to tell him about the shareholding bill? This would benefit him big time and he simply wasn’t interested? This isn’t a game, Y/N. I expected more from you.” Your fathers words are harsh. It wasn’t the end of the fucking world, you thought. You could get him to sign if he just gave you more time. At the end, this was to set you up for the long run. Who cares how long it takes? Your father’s position was close to being taken anyways. You could run this company with or without Jimin, you were so sure of it. 
“I didn’t have enough time for that father. You heard me explain this three times now. He just wasn’t interested.” You say, giving up.
Your father laughs dryly. “You think this is what being a leader means? Do you seriously think you can do well with this attitude you carry? The world doesn’t revolve around you, Y/N.” 
It’s laughable that he’s mentioning the world not revolving around you when he had the habit of always making everything that occurred to you, about him. Of course, when your father has nothing better to do, he loves to destroy the only thing you have left going for yourself. It’s what he was best at besides his career. 
“Just think about the situation you’re in for two minutes. You will never succeed with this attitude!” He repeats himself. “What was I thinking? Can you even handle it?”
He always makes you feel so useless. You didn’t even choose this for yourself. He did. He always did. 
“You know I would have never taken this position in the first place. I made that clear father.” You whisper, firmly trying to maintain your peace. “You know that—”
“You have no choice!!!” He shouts, throwing some paperwork off his desk, the papers landing all over his floors. You step back, startled. Your father wasn’t abusive in any way. He had never laid a single finger on you, ever, and you believed he never would but the man didn’t have to. His words hurt you deep enough. Sometimes you wondered if hitting you would hurt less. 
“You have no choice!!! How many times do I have to repeat myself?” The man sits, massaging his temples. “Please, just fix this attitude you have. It won’t get you anywhere.”
You nod, clenching your fists.
He then says, “You’re dismissed.” 
“You know mother was right about you.” You start, breathless. The room was starting to eat you alive, suffocating in your own thoughts. But it would drive you insane keeping this in. 
The distributed man looks up. “Please don't start this now.”
“She was! And you knew it! This— this shit is all you care about! Have you ever thought once of how this affected me? You never cared to ask me if I was fucking okay! You were never here for me! Never! Not once. I should have just escaped with her when I had the chance.” You choke into a sob, god you hated crying in front of him. You were gonna hate yourself later for doing so.
“You think it’s just affecting you! I was married to that woman! She’s not as innocent as you fucking think. She had a lot to fucking say about my job but what did she end up doing? She left with all our fucking savings! She never cared about you. Stop defending her and get that through your fucking head.” Your father whispered the last of his words, focusing back on some paperwork.
You feel a tear fall down your cheek, you desperately wipe it away. What was the point? He never listened. “Trust me, I know that very well. You know what, ‘s fine. I’ll just go.”
The man doesn’t bother looking back up. “Close the door behind you.” 
That night you force yourself to sleep in between tears. 
You don’t recall falling asleep until you woke up the next day with a throbbing headache and your phone ringing. 
“Fuck, where you sleeping?” Taehyung asks after hearing your weak voice. 
“What do you think?”
“Sorry.” He whispers. 
“‘S fine. Did you need something?” You force yourself to get up from bed, brushing the ends of your hair with your fingers.
“How did it go yesterday?” He asks softly, he can only imagine not well if you overslept, you almost never did. 
You smile then dryly laugh. “Well, he wasn’t interested.” 
“No? And you're laughing about it?” Taehyung muses. You were quite glad about how close you and Taehyung had gotten. Even if you weren’t the best of friends, he always knew how to distract you. It’s probably what you needed most right now. 
“Should I cry about it then?” You tease. 
“God no. I was simply asking.” He sighs. “What happened?” 
You sigh too, laying your head back down. “Long story short, he told me he wasn’t interested. He knows about my reputation with men. Apparently, I’m not too secretive about it. I didn’t know it had gotten this bad. Anyways, he told me when I actually have something good to offer him, to find him. Then I told my father and well, you know how he is. He’s not happy with me right now, so that’s that.” 
Taehyung sighs into the phone again. “So what, you like to fuck? Is that a fucking sin?” 
“Taehyung, that doesn’t make me feel better. I don't think that helps any women. I feel like a fucking whore.” You groan against your sheets.
“Did he call you that?” He asks in a very serious tone. 
“God no. I would have had him escorted out instantly.” You assured him.
“Good, good. Then, so what. You fuck, you’re young. Live a little, who cares what Park Jimin thinks. Fuck what he thinks.” Taehyung tries to comfort you.
“Park Jimin thinks you’re hot.” You say. 
“Nevermind.” He takes it all back and for the first time in a long time you laugh loudly. 
“God you’re an idiot.” You say in between laughs. 
“Whatever. Breakfast today?” Taehyung offers and honestly it doesn’t sound half as bad. 
“Deal. You pay.” 
“Wouldn't have it any other way.” And he doesn’t miss a single beat.
“I just felt so stupid Taehyung! He always does this to me.” You moan into the ceiling, gripping onto his shoulders desperately as you bounced on his cock. 
After a very fulfilling breakfast, the date concluded with the activity you did best. Taehyung drove you home and well, the rest was common sense. He nearly devoured you alive when you offered him to come up to your bedroom. Thank God your father spent all his life tucked away in the office so he was nowhere to be found. This place was yours and Taehyung’s to make a mess of. 
“Fuck.” Taehyung muttered against your neck, pushing his member further into you, your walls squeezing him deliciously. You weren’t sure he was listening much to your rant but at least he was fucking you well. You can't even blame him, you wouldn’t be listening either. 
“God I hate him.” You whine, feeling the crown of his head hit your g-spot, driving you crazy. “I can’t stand him.”
Taehyung grunted pushing your ass down for a fuller effect. “So fucking leave.”
Your head falls against his bare chest trying to catch a breath. “I can’t fucking leave him, he’s my father.”
Was that stupid? Maybe. Maybe not. 
He was all you fucking had. If not him, who else? It was only a matter of time then Taehyung would leave too. It’s just the way life works for you. You couldn’t keep anyone to save your life. This was all pathetic. You were back on square one, feeling just as hopeless. 
Taehyung sighed, slowing his movements, forcing your chin up to face him. “Stop doing this to yourself. You’re just gonna prove him right. I can’t speak about your relationship with him because that’s personal to you and him but this shit— what you are doing is not good for you. You haven’t even shown half of what you are capable of to him. If you get stuck here, you will end up exactly as he imagined. You know you are so much more than this. Find Jimin and convince him to work with you. Give him something good. He’s a tough one but he can’t be impossible to break. You understand me?”
Your eyes roll back, laying your head back against his chest. “I know. I fucking know that Taehyung. You think if I didn’t that I would be here with you.”
“Yeah actually.” He replies nonchalantly.
You smack the side of his shoulder. “I needed to fuck my stress away. That’s why you are here. I’ll talk to Jimin again today, asshole.” 
Taehyung chuckles. “Ouch?” 
“Oh, shut up. You can handle way more.” You mumble and he nods. 
“You feeling better?” The hazel-eyed man tenderly swipes the hair out of your face. 
“Just fuck me.”
“Alright!” Taehyung breaks into a boxy smile and does just that. It didn’t take long for both of you to get back into action. The whole room smelled of your juices mixing together and you were loving every second of it. This wasn’t the best way to spend your mornings and had your father known you were up to no good instead of dealing with Jimin, he would’ve crucified you. It’s a good thing he is never around to witness it though. 
“Right there, Tae. Right there, oh fuck.” Your moans start to raise pitch by the minute, his dick driving into you freakishly well. “I’m gonna come.” 
Taehyung maintains his pace, and you gasp into his shoulder, he too was extremely close. “Let me feel you then. Come for me.” He whispered sweetly into your ear.
You both came down crashing fast. His white essence fills you to the brim. Maybe this was all a bit irresponsible but you hoped and prayed the birth control would come through every time. You didn’t do this with every fuck but Taehyung was just too good.
“Let’s clean up. I have to go find this loser.” You stand careful of the mess between your legs, rushing towards the washroom. “Thanks for the sex.”
Taehyung chuckles running his hand through his hair, you were so unbelievable.
“As I have stated three times before Ms. Y/L/N, if you have not scheduled a meeting with Mr. Park you are not allowed up to see him.” The stupid lady at the front desk repeated herself yet again. You were so frustrated by this point. How exactly were you supposed to speak to this man if he was impossible to reach?
“Listen Ms.,’ You pause to read her name tag, “Son, I’d have you know, I’m a great friend of Mr. Park. If he knew you were holding me back to get to him, he would be extremely displeased. So I ask again that you reconsider letting me up to speak with him or it won't end well with you, sweetheart. I can guarantee that.” 
She gives you a mean look, then sighs and picks up the phone. “One second.” 
You give her a false smile, hearing a low ring over the phone. 
“Mr. Park, I’m sorry to disturb you. There is a lady here begging to speak to you. She says you both are great friends.” She speaks uninterested. “Her name? Y/N. Y/N, Y/L/N.” 
You stand there, tapping your feet anxiously. This is all taking longer than it should. 
“Oh. Okay. I’m so sorry, Mr. Park. Yeah, okay I will. Thank you.” She clicks the line and looks back at you. “Mr. Park says he has no recollection of you so I’d suggest you cut the act and leave the property immediately.” 
Your mouth drops wide open, this is fucking unbelievable. 
“Ms. Son, he’s lying. He’s fucking lying! I promise I know him.” You desperately explain yourself.
“Ms. Y/L/N with all due respect, so do the twenty other crazed people who come searching for him. Please do not make me call security to escort you.” She whispers meanly. 
You hated her.
“You are ridiculous, Ms. Son. You and Mr. Park! If you were working for me, you would have been fired long ago!” Your petty tone dies down when you see the man you had been fucking searching for walk through the elevator doors. 
The lady immediately rises, bowing. “Mr. Park, I’m so sorry this crazy bitch distrubed your peace, I’ll have her escorted out this instant.”
You gasp. “Me, a crazy bitch? Bitch, I’ll end you!”
Before things could escalate any further, Jimin quickly wraps his arm against your waist pulling your backend flush against his front so you wouldn’t jump her bones. You look up at him, and you look very angry. It was cute, he thought.
He looks towards his employee. “Ms. Son, that won't be necessary. Ms. Y/L/N here is a very special guest of mine and she is always welcomed here. From now on, she should be treated with utmost respect, you understand?”
She looks horrified and you almost stick your tongue out at her. “Mr. Park, b-but you said you didn’t know her?” 
“I had to make sure with my own eyes that it was the person who I was imagining. Now, if you excuse me, I have to get some lunch. I’ll be back later.” The man releases your waist and walks out as if nothing occurred. 
Left in disbelief, you turn to the lady and whisper, “You are dead bitch.” Then you turn back around and quickly follow behind Jimin.
“Hey!” You yell coming close behind him. “What the fuck is your problem?”
The man looks to his side, you’re struggling catching up to his fast pace, he slows down a bit but it goes unnoticed by you. “Whatever do you mean?”
You roll your eyes, gripping his arm, forcing the man to halt in his steps. “You seriously can’t be this clueless.” You squeeze your eyes shut attempting to cool down, then sweetly look back up at him. “Mr. Park, please, let’s do this. I’ll pay for your lunch and you hear me out. I can assure you I have something that you will be interested in hearing.”
“I don’t know… let me think.” The man purses his lips, acting as if he was giving it much thought. “Okay deal. Follow me.” The man leaves you behind once again leading the way, you of course curse at yourself for wearing heels.
The food finally gets brought out and you thank the angels above. The man ordered basically everything on the menu but who cares at this point. You had him exactly where you wanted him. 
“Great, so as I was saying—”
The man cuts you off by stuffing your mouth with some freshly cut meat. 
“Eat first. Then talk after.” He says and then stuffs his own mouth with food, dragging the hot plate closer towards you. To your surprise, the taste is fucking delicious. 
Once you swallow you start again, “Mr. Park with all due respect, I didn’t come here to eat with you. All I ask is—”
The man doesn’t let you finish speaking much louder than you, mocking your tone. “Ms. Y/L/N with all due respect, I don’t listen well on an empty stomach. So please eat. We can discuss things later.”
You scoff quietly. “Fine. Only because I just realized how hungry I am.” 
The man smirks watching you finally shove the hot food down your throat. He feels satisfied, almost as if he’s the one enjoying the bite. He picks up his own utensils and joins you. 
After eating every last bite, you lay back against your seat, rubbing your satisfyingly stuffed tummy. 
The man smiles. “How was that?” 
“Honestly, not bad. I’m impressed.” You say casually. The people around you must have thought you hadn’t been fed in years. 
“Good. I’m glad.” He says, looking around the restaurant. 
You prop back up on your elbows. “So.” 
He shoves his hand against your mouth. “Please, you’re much prettier when you’re quiet.” 
Is he fucking serious right now? You peel his hand off. “Mr. Park! I did exactly what you asked of me. Can you please just listen to me?!” 
The man sighs, laying back against his seat, gesturing to you to continue. 
“Thank you.” You sadly mumble. “This won’t take long. I wanted to speak to you about what our company could offer you. I’m sure you must have heard my father is retiring his position soon—”
“And leaving it to you, so I heard. You sure you are ready for something like that?”
You stop to think quite surprised he even cares. “I’ll manage. Anyways, I really think you could do well for us. I’m not asking you to retire from your own doings, I’d never ask that of anyone. All I ask is that you help us out on certain projects. I’ve seen your work, you aren’t half as bad as I imagined.” You admit.
“Geez, thanks.” He chuckles. 
“Sorry.” You blurt. “I just mean, I could see you working with us. I mean this could benefit you big time. And it helps us along the process. Why work against each other when we could work together?”
He stops to think before he teases, “But working against you is so much funner.” 
God, he was gonna kill you.
You sweetly smile. “Right. Please Jimin, I beg you to hear me out. You would be making way more than you do now. I don’t know what you’ve heard about me and I don’t really care but I promise you, those things aren’t true. I never intended to harm anyone.” You plead.
Your eyes softened halfway through your speech. He has no idea why he feels bad for you, so he just agrees. 
“Fine.” He gives up. 
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your sockets. You couldn’t believe your ears. Was it that easy?
“But under one condition.” He breaks. “I don’t work under you ever, you understand? Don’t hide things from me either. If we will be working together, then treat me like such. I want to know when things go wrong and if you ever need help, tell me. The same way I don’t work for you, you don’t work for me. We are equals to each other regardless of how much more money you make. You understand me?” 
You just nod, not sure if you understand all the conditions because that was definitely more than one. 
“Okay. Then I believe we are done here.” He stands, tucking the hair that fell into his eyes, back. God, he was so attractive. 
You stand with him, following the man to the counter. 
“It’s on her.” He points at you with a taunting smile on his face then leaves the restaurant. 
You are quick to pay the surprisingly low bill. You expected so much more after all you both devoured. With a quick thanks, you storm outside to find the man that keeps slipping from your fingertips. 
Once you catch up to him, you fall short of breaths. “Geez, do you ever walk slowly?” 
“Nope.” He smiles, continuing his awfully fast pace. “I have places to be, lady.”
“Right, well how will I keep in contact with you? Shouldn’t we sign an agreement?” You say and the man abruptly stops in his steps. 
He turns to you and very firmly speaks, “Another condition, no contracts between us. If you don’t trust me, then simply don’t work with me. As for contacting me, if you need my number, show up to my office starting next week. I like early birds so please be on time.” 
You scoff, crossing your ams. “That’s pretty cheap coming from someone who was late to our first encounter.” 
He shrugs. “You want me right? You must work for me, darling. I don’t come easy.” 
“Fine. I’ll be there. I thought I wasn’t working for you, or “under” you?” You murmur. 
He could eat you alive, he thinks. You are just too cute. 
“You aren’t. You are simply coming for one thing next week. My number. Work will resume for us the next day. See you then.” He grabs your hand and delivers a soft peck before he’s off again. 
That man… he was just full of surprises. Maybe you liked surprises after all. 
133 notes · View notes
seijorhi · 1 year
where do i begin. WHERE DO I BEGIN. RHI, HELLO?? 😭😭😭
whenever i finish reading a new work of yours, i literally stare into the abyss and question everything i know..
bodyguard oikawa is such an /elite/ concept and there’s literally no other person in this planet i can see executing it other than you. the whole “hiring a man to protect you when /he’s/ the one you need to be protected from” is so glorious i cant even put it into words. how does your writing literally read like cinema? i mean you are just so brilliant in your descriptions that i could feel the reader’s emotions. rhi said goosebumps for YOU, goosebumps for YOU, and goosebumps for YOU 🫵🫵 dont get me started on my reaction to that last line 🤣
okay, killing the dad i can understand. step mom? sure. BUT RYO AHHH THAT BROKE MY HEART (and the reader’s 😭). i suppose he would’ve been a liability if oikawa decided to take him w the reader but.. poor little bubba 🥲
p.s. i hope you know that every time i write a narrative piece, i ask myself, “how would rhi describe this..?” you deserve only the best in life and not to be dramatic but i’d take a bullet for you like reader’s stepmom 🤷🏻‍♀️
i love you. thank you for sharing your writing. 🐦
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Ahh my love, ty!!
I know! I was writing this and I’m like… it’s not even dubcon here this is straight up consensual, what’s happening to me 🙃 it is however severely fucked up and based on lies and murder so I think we’re okay, I think it evens out dhdhdjsksl
But yeah, it’s really on the dad. He knew from the start Oikawa was a monster, he just thought that because he was paying him, that meant he was the one holding the leash. Oop :))
And Ryo, poor Ryo. I really wanted to have a scene where he and oikawa were kinda bonding so it would be that much more of a gut punch when Oikawa killed him anyway. And yes, it was partially about tying up loose ends, protecting himself just in case Ryo saw something, heard something, whatever.
But it was also jealousy. Oikawa knew in his heart of hearts that so long as her baby brother was around, Oikawa would play second fiddle. And if he orphaned the kid, the reader would wanna take him with them, he’d interfere with his plans, and there was no way Oikawa was gonna let that happen.
Also I love you this ask was so cute I am kicking my feet 💕💕💕
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nonsenuser · 11 months
Zaregoto volume 2 rambles and notes
So I reread Strangulation: Kubishime Romanticist (aka vol 2 Zaregoto) AGAIN and this time I decided to make little notes as a went along. BIG TIME spoiler warning ahead because I just made notes where there was big time foreshadowing, def dont read this if you intend to read Zaregoto yourself
“never having loved is the same as never having lived” great quote
Early on in the story ii introduces this idea that him and zerozaki are the same and yet different in ways that cant really be explained.
The idea is they could’ve both turned out to be like the other, say if the circumstances were different and this is what they used to explain their affinity and I guess you could say attraction ;) to each other. 
Chapter 1
I will always adore the kimchee scene. Like he wanted to eat tasty food after being in such a crazy scenario the month before and yet all he comes to is ordering kimchee with absolutely no rice. 
ii talking about college being a space with curiously friendly people, striking up conversation like you’ve been buddies for life and this is so true, especially true since Mikoko is a humanities person (not to stereotype but I personally find people who study these more sociable and friendly than stem majors). Also we get some acknowledgement of II’s horrible memory 
Hilarious that ii orders kimchee again and goes oops and the lunch lady gives him even more than the last time, his poor tongue 
Iis loserness is very relatable. He doesn’t dislike boredom and he enjoys doing nothing more than others. Time to contemplate his own life and escape the hustle of life, ii just happens to like doing this more than others what an edge lord (i get him truly)
Miiko describing II’s scowl and saying he always looks like he’s contemplating something. Hard to approach. Also mentions an AT Field so I much appreciate the EVA reference, once again II is relatable as ever. 
“lovers and drunks have something in common they shove their happiness in other peoples faces” beautiful. And they were both not around during this time, one gone home already and the others still drinking 
Honestly theres something sooooo wow about ii describing his maybe killers appearance in such detail. He doesn’t really do this with any other character in this novel (within the story def not he has met a lot of interesting people. Like aikawa especially). 
Once again he describes how different they are and yet it felt like they were looking in a mirror. 
“he had my heart and I had his eyes” is such a romantic line for some reason. Even tho it is describing two people that are attacking each other. “we stayed there for as long as 5 hours or maybe 5 seconds” also kind of makes it sound like they’re lost in the moment. Earlier in the story II mentions there is “above all else no romance” which is real interesting that there is emphasis on that specifically despite all this. Their first meeting is so good, especially this stuff. They’re sort of captivated by each other because of how they see the similarities in each other its just so good. 
Extra notes:
Mikokos jealousy over Emoto is evident early on with the comment she made about feeling jealous if Ii chan remembered Emoto and not her 
Feminist comment is real interesting idk I guess Ii is a gender neutral asshole, not expecting any sort of message like that in this story especially knowing the events that transpire going forward 
Chapter 2
Iis rooms is so him. Naked light bulb. His wardrobe not jam packed with options oh what a boring guy 
Miiko Asano description is hitting way too close to home for me. 22 years old working various gigs…. Unapproachable at first but pretty cool after oh what a girl I love 
Subdued demeanour, default expression being a glare 
Hahahaha taking about bringing a guy (Zerozaki) back to his room. Schmoozing with the serial killer everyone is talking about under the schijo bride 
Apparently the exact definition of schmoozing is to talk to someone in order to impress or manipulate them which is real interesting 
Eight Queens game. Gets harder as you progress and Ii plays it on his own and he can vent his frustration in losing on his own which is so in character for him. It’s also a good metaphor for how the mysteries in Zaregoto play out as a whole so this is super meta. 
I forgot how delinquent Muimui was
The conversation with Zerozaki about what a friend is, is one of my favourites 
Muimui drunk being like, my brains flipped upside down so my cerebrum and cerebellum are switched which is so real lmfao 
Zerozaki and II have yet to talk about Zerozakis motive for killing. Instead talking about ‘stupid irrelevant things’ and saving the best for last 
Tomoe has this weird infatuation or fixation I guess with Mikoko like she wishes she was like her. And she shares this with II 
Also when the murder happens “it probably wasn’t anything to worry about” would’ve been a dead giveaway if it wasn’t for the phone call that took place later on in the chapter 
And of course the last thing II thinks of before going to bed after hanging out with these new friends and bringing Mikoko home is what is Zerozaki doing right now I wonder if he’s killing anybody…. 
Chapter 3
Mikoko is so obvious about her crush its hilarious, II is just very oblivious (or maybe hes not stupid unreliable narrator)
The interrogation stuff was also really great because its like Ii didn’t even try to be not suspicious but thats just the way he is. And to react to Tomoes death in that way is so bizarre but its very in character considering the first arc 
Ii and Zerozaki at karoke is a real joy, I could reread this part of the story an infinite amount of times and never get sick of it. 
Some highlights though:
general discussion on what it means to kill
The time that passes, they apparently are in that booth for ~4 hours and theres a period of silence for around 1 (although I think this is just Ii being dramatic), and then they go to Tomoes place. They basically hang out all night 
Zerozaki saying “would any girl go that far to learn the address of a random guy? You might not put it past a guy but this is a girl” and then he smiles at Ii. 
“I liked her zero and hated her zero” about Mikoko is just a brutal way to express indifference, I love that line 
discussion on why people die and mentioning apoptosis? genes? Kind of hilarious 
Zerozakis sleeping face (aw) looking like Ii’s huh… 
Chapter 4
Miiko buying antiques and just chilling with her part time job, like I said before I am her I wanna be her. 
Aikawa just licking and biting Ii’s neck. That should be me tbh. 
And Muimuis little convo w Ii in the cafeteria earlier on the in the chapter was good. 
I got a little lazy w my annotating but Aikawa jun time is always great and we got that in this chapter 
Chapter 5
Mikoko and Ii going shopping is kinda sad when you know what happens next. She couldn’t express her feelings and also ii is a dumbass so he doesn’t even know lmao
“The sick masochist freak and the sick sadistic freak. It’s a match made in freaking heaven” (Aikawa Jun about Ii and Zerozaki) 
Ii saying “What a Riot” like Zerozaki does. The foil is foiling (this happens again later with zerozaki saying its all nonsense, the foil is really foiling)
Chapter 6
It really picks up this chapter with Mikoko dying, like thats just crazy. 
Also typical of mr unreliable narrator, but you can pinpoint the moment where its like alluding to the fact that he is hiding something (Sasaki says so) and then your like “oh he fucking swallowed the cloth Mikoko used to strangle herself” 
Chapter 7
They make Akiharu seem like a real dickhead, maybe he is. Especially the ‘I didn’t believe in boy-friendships’ but even more funny is Ii thinking same-gender friendships weren’t possible either LOL.
“Im used to not being liked. In fact, its being liked thats weird for me” Okay edge lord defective product, (but low-key relatable ish)
Also Akiharu saying it looks like ii could kill someone reaffirms the damn foil with Zerozaki. Beautiful. 
I’m like way too lazy to dissect the dream sequence but I appreciate it very much. Its quite good. And its really funny that after he wakes up he’s like aw wtf I got main character syndrome and thought I could dissect her psyche just from a short conversation with her when she was still alive. 
More Zerozaki stuff,,, obviously he saves Ii from the Dark Garb situation. Here’s some random lines/moments I like:
“I didn’t even have to wonder wo it was. I knew him as well as myself” (Ii about Zerozaki)
“Hm? Hey dont doze off on me. At least give me your address first” and of course my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE 
“Yo. Morning, sunshine”. 
Just the fact that Zerozaki watched over Ii all night is yk great, like im so wow. About that 
And then Ii quips like “duh, the killer was Muimui” 
Chapter 8
Beginning of the chapter is basically Ii talking about himself and how he thought he could get away with being happy all alone, but he was wrong, and he also calls himself a loser which yeah he is but in the most interesting way
Muimui confrontation… “is your knight in shining armour (Zerozaki) waiting outside?” 
Also some appreciation for the toxic Yuri with Muimui and Mikoko!! Three cheers,,, she even says she loves her and she LITERALLY killed FOR her. Crazy stuff I forget how yuri-ful nisioisin shit can get 
Muimui: Then kill me now 
Ii: Nah die on your own. 
(Shady af comebacks) 
Cries the final conversation with Zerozaki in this volume… :( 
Also ohmygod the whole string of murders is so ridiculous but its my fave like (they way it carried out) ONLY SECOND to the volume 6 murders lmfao 
Once again theres emphasis on them talking for 2 hours about random shit before parting ways. 
“Zerozaki is there someone you love”
“Hell no man, incidentally I hate myself the most. Or maybe you” Just crazy. Its really nice that in nice moment though ii, admits he does love someone (Kunagisa Tomo) and then we see her next chapter 
Extra note and question I still have is did Ii know Mikoko had feelings for him or was he really ignorant up until the end. This guys a fucking liar through and through so idk. 
Chapter 9
Okay, so I should probably revisit that last chapter again because it puts the murders into perspective, I guess Ii had an inkling of what happened very early on (like after the first murder) and maybe even knew that Mikoko liked him then but wasn’t 100% sure at that point. 
Also really sad that he will forget her, in fact I dont think she comes up again in future volumes even in mention, the only new character we see again later is Zerozaki (and Miiko too). 
“I wanted you to save me” What a grim suicide note. And Ii probably doesn’t even care or want to remember (and cant remember) 
In a way I guess him and Kunagisa are very fitting for each other I mean he calls himself a defective product anyways. They’re both fit for each other and that is clear in not only this part but in future Zaregoto volumes too. 
Final Thoughts
This reread was great and I noticed things I didn’t before. What makes this volume really great in my opinion is Ii's relationship with Zerozaki, and after that I would say the string of murders themselves while these are great it is unfortunate that we never see most of these characters again. however that does make this volume a great one to read on its own (which I have done several times already). I guess the x/y thing never meant anything in the first place? like a side of fries as Ii said, which I was initially upset about but I guess its kinda smart it like big time threw me off too.
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ersatz-colubridae-888 · 10 months
i finished monk's campaign n goofed of on survivor, getting some achievements n stuff (i have 22/34!!! or 23 i cant remember oops). i started hunters campaign! finally (i wanted to get better at movement and combat n such before attempting it). i also spent a bunch of time in sandbox bein silly ITS SO FUNNNN i killed lantern mice for like 10minutes once 😁. i attempted gourmand and artificer a while back (i love their explosive jumps so silly you go kill those scavs sweetie) but decided to finish everything vanilla has to offer before playing downpour.
devtools is like the best thing ever i love watching lizards try to kill me while im literally all over the place. also dragging creatures around like yeahhhh this is because you killed me last time you BITCH
i got some mods; keep that away from me (i HATE THOSE SPIDERS.) and dress my slugcat (played as biograft/biocat for a bit, currently scavcat)!
im also thinking about some slug ocs... the explorer and the trickster/traitor. explorer looks like my (former) slugsona because i wanted to use them for something instead of just letting them be a sona (this always happens 😭😭) and i havent decided for the second one yet. i dont have that much to say abt them but if you wanna hear abt them let me know!! i am ill with the raim worl disease
this turned out long oh gods
OK finally remembered to answer hi hi hi i'm super glad you're having fun with all the sluggies!!! please do let me know how your experiences go with the other sluggles they are so so so much fun... to be honest i wouldn't recommend playing hunter first? it's honestly a lot more difficult than the other campaigns even in downpour and i hadn't beaten it until this year tbh. totally up to you though! i hope you have fun with it either way hunter is suuuper fun even now :-)
also. YES. i would absolutely love to hear about your sluggy characters they sound super awesome as hell
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woahajimes · 3 years
the batfamily is stupid as hell and they're self isolating because SOMEBODY got covid (steph) and then SOMEBODY (cass-- who also has covid bc uh stephcass) sneezed on tim who drank from jason's cup without knowing it was jason's cup and anyways everyone in the manor got covid so ✨self isolation for 2 weeks✨
ANYHOW they were all bored out of their minds and jason was about to throw damian out the window bc siblings right
SO BASICALLY cass came up with the big brain idea of a competition (prize being complete immunization of sibling interaction UNLESS they ask for it-- eg. "hey can you open this for me")
teams were made (just two people per team-- duke/damian, jason/cass, steph/harper, dick/tim)
there were "rounds" and these consisted of
round 1: person a has to feed person b a whole jar of peanut butter and they could switch places ONCE (team to finish last was disqualified)
round 2: they had to recreate this picture and had ten minutes to do so, at the end every team compared pictures and alfred decided whose was the worst and that team was out
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round 3: they had to run five laps around the manor with their team member on their back, first person to get through the finish line (for the fifth time, there was a picture taken each time they crossed it) won.
simple, right?
first round basically went like this:
jason: NO FUCK YOU AND YOUR STUPID PEANUT BUTTER cass: jason: okay okay ill go first
tim went first, harper went first, and duke went first (duke didn't want to go first but he lost to rock paper scissors so)
tim puked in the first two minutes but alfred had forgotten to clarify that if you puke you're out so basically he kept eating
cass and jason were the first ones to switch
dick and tim switched immediately after (they were waiting for someone else to switch)
steph and harper fucking DIED
"im never eating peanut butter after this"
duke and damian finished first and when ppl asked how (they're the youngest ones, people were sure they couldn't handle it) damian was like "i simply moved all my internal organs to the side" and duke was like "tf you literally ate two spoons and a half"
STEPH AND HARPER LOST and tim laughed (his team got to the next round by literally a second) so harper and steph both threw him the containers and spoons
second round:
tim thought he had a big brain for calling dibs on being on the pool mat but nOOO (duke was on the pool mat, damian was the lightest so yeah--- jason was on the pool mat solely because cass called dibs on jumping and crushing him-- imagine all the chaos)
literally they(jason/cass) took 14 pictures total and all of them were fucked up because of jason (his hands weren’t in the right place, both his legs were picked up)
duke and damian couldn’t do it skjdfhskfh they were D Y I N G (every two minutes you heard a really loud scream/groan with a sudden splat and yeah)
steph and harper had never laughed harder
cass was so done with jason she literally shoved him off the pool mat
tim was literally dead they had taken the shot around 20 times and none of them looked good it was horrible (dick didnt even apologize for crushing tim 90934757894 times -- not every shot was decent so they deleted around 40)
when the timer went off, alfred carefully took all the phones (jason’s phone was somehow at the bottom of the pool and jason was tired(tm) so he asked cass to get the phone pls and cass just got in the pool and shoved the pool mat over (and then got out)
after around 20 minutes of alfred going through the pictures, he decided that the best ones were dick and tim’s (how i have zero idea but)
and then the worst ones were duke and damian’s (so jason and cass made it to the third round)
cass asked alfred why theirs weren’t the best, and alfred said “well master jason’s arm looks very off and he looks genuinely scared” and cass was like “GODDAMNIT JASON” and lost her shit 
so they did think this through and basically cass on jason’s back and tim on dick’s back
jason: HA! YOU’RE NOT FASTER THAN I AM! dick: i don’t need to be??? you’ve got CASS on your back. you know what that means? jason: .... you wouldn’t.. tim, on dick’s back: *snorts* YEAH OKAY
cass: what are they talking about?  jason: NO NOTHING jason: you might want earbuds or something to like... block the sounds... they’re gonna be wanting to distract you cass: yeah well. I’m not distracted easily
the timer goes off, tim on dick’s back, and they’re pretty even for the first two laps, but then tim’s shoe falls off and tim’s like “WAIT MY SHOE” and dick goes “WHAT THE FUCK” 
and tim is like “whoa youre right KEEP RUNNING” 
update: cass does get pretzels and gives jason a few  jason: CASS THATS MY NOSE cass: OH OOPS LOL
dick: tim i think its time to pull out our secret weapon tim: yeah you’re right tim: tim: HEY CASS *starts humming to ‘levitating’ by dua lipa* tim: 🎶 if you wanna run away with me-  🎶
(you may ask how this distracts jason but it just DOES)
dick takes this as a head start and runs faster (theyre on their third lap now- both)
tim gets a bit too excited and leans too much and makes them both fall over (they were abt half a lap ahead)
cass:  🎶 YOU WANT ME  🎶 jason:  🎶 I WANT YOU BABY  🎶  *runs past them*  dick: HOW jason: JUST DONT FIGHT IT 
karma’s a bitch (and dick paid steph) and jason slipped, causing them to fall almost the exact way that tim and dick fell
dick and tim have now caught up to them, as jason and cass pick themselves up
jason: we should switch cass: yeah alright do you want me to momentarily kill you so we can distract the others and then you wake up and we run jason: ...no cass:  jason: ... maybe
*two seconds later*
cass: HE’S DEAD! MY POOR BROTHER HE’S DEAD! steph: YEAH WE KNOW YOU MOMENTARILY KILLED HIM GET UP cass: ok jason lets go stand up 
they keep going and dick stops for a second (theyre ahead)  dick: hey its your turn now tim:  dick: yeah i know you cant cmon climb on
COMEPLETE HEADCANON jason and cass won anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk
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spenciebabie · 3 years
aaaaAHH blurb idea! spencer using toys on innocent gf👀👀
yet another long one... oops
He knew she was inexperienced, not a virgin necessarily, but inexperienced for sure. And some part of him loved it, wanted to treat her like the princess that she was. But then this other part of him just wanted to absolutely ruin her. Especially when she started talking about sexual things. Something about the way she seemed so shy, ducking away from any vulgar words, just made him want to hear her say them even more. Which made cases like this one a little troublesome.
They ended up being sent to question the owner of a sex shop together and she was almost covering her eyes as she walked through the aisles. He couldn’t get her awkward disposition out of his head all week. So he just decided to ask her about it, turning to face her on his sofa while they watched a movie.
“Do you own any sex toys?” he asks, and she opens her mouth to answer but nothing comes out.
“What?” she whispers
“Sex toys? Do you have any, or have you ever used any before?” He leans in closer, but she just shakes her head, but he’s not happy with that, “Words baby?”
“No” she says, biting her lip
“No what?” he asks and she looks a little frustrated 
“No I haven’t used any...” she huffs before whispering the last part, “sex toys”
He leans back on the sofa, watching her for a moment before he stands up and heads to his bedroom, he has a root around his bedside table and pulls out a vibrator. Nothing too extravagant, just something with a shaft and a few different speeds, and it was in her favorite color too.
When he joins her on he sofa again her eyes blow wide at the sight of the toy.
“God! Spencer!” she groans, “What are you doing?” 
“I just thought I’d show you what a sex toy was like,” he teases, “and maybe how to use one if you’re a good girl?” but she shakes her head.
“Have I ever taught you anything you didn’t like princess?” he asks, reaching out to stroke a hand along her thigh, and she lets out a deep sigh.
“Okay maybe, I just- are they strong? I’m really sensitive-” she stammers over her words but in a way that he finds so completely endearing
“I know you’re sensitive baby, and I fucking love how wet you get so easily” he leans in and groans against her ear. The hand on the thigh sliding steadily further up until it was teasing at the hem of her panties.
“I bet I’d find you soaked if I took these off, isn’t that right baby?” he asks, nibbling her neck just enough to tease. She lets out a deep breath and moans.
“Words baby” he repeats
“I am” she moans, but that’s still not good enough
“You’re what?” he growls, his fingers ghosting over the crotch of her soaked panties.
“I’m wet” she says in a little whimper, and two syllables have never sounded so perfect. 
“That’s a good girl” he coos, “Now lets take these off” 
Working together they slide off her panties along with her oversized t-shirt, leaving her completely bare and kneeling on the sofa next to Spencer. The toy still firmly in his grip.
“Okay, now that you’re nice and wet for me, I’m gonna use the toy, okay baby?” he asks, running a finger delicately through her folds as she mewls. “Come up on your knees for me, and spread your legs just a little” he instructs and she does, placing a hand on either one of Spencer’s shoulders to steady herself.
He lines the toy up underneath her, the tip of it just running through her folds. 
“That’s it, now be a good girl, and ride it for me” he commands and she obliges, sinking down onto the length and moaning with every inch, stopping just as she reached Spencer’s hands that were wrapped around the base.
“Tell me how it feels?” he encourages, and her eyelids flutter open.
“So good Spence” she moans, and he places a soft kiss on her lips before he turns it on. Something she’d almost let slip her mind. Instantly she’s doubled over, her nails digging into Spencer’s shoulders.
“How does it feel now?” he teases, and she has to work hard to steady out her breathing enough to answer.
“Fuck” she moans, and he already feels like he’s won, hearing her curse like that, “It so- I- fuck- ah!”
“I never said you could stop moving though princess, did I?” he asks, using his thumb to turn up the vibrations as she rose up along the length, slamming back down and up again before she stopped, whimpering.
“I can’t- my legs are-” he lets out a harsh chuckle
“Aw, you need my help, such a needy little thing, alright then” he growls, pushing the toy up into her, turning up the vibrations yet again as he continued his movements. Thrusting the vibrator in as deep as it would go on each thrust, savoring the desperate little noises she made as he hit against the spot inide her each time.
She had to lean forward then, resting more and more of her body weight against him. Her hands knotting in his hair as her head came down to rest against his shoulder. But he liked it this way, he could hear her little whimpers that much clearer.
“Tell me how you really feel, don’t hold back”  he tells her 
“Amazing” she moans against his ear, but he tuts, turning off the toy completely, and he hears a small whine of protest
“I told you not to hold back. Tell me” he growls and she gives in, she just needs to feel it again, she was so close.
“It feels so fucking good, I can feel the vibrations everywhere” she moans, “I don’t think I’ve ever been this wet before in my life Spence, please, I wanna cum, let me cum, I’m a good girl, please” 
“You’re not a good girl” he whispers against her ear, “Good girls don’t use toys to get off, you’re a filthy little slut. Tell me what you are, and maybe I’ll let you cum”
“I’m a filthy little slut” she whimpers, “Please, I’m your filthy little slut”
“That’s more like it” he grins, turning it back on to the highest setting which has her shaking in seconds, squirming around the toy as Spencer moans praises against her ear. He can feel the way she’s soaked his hand, and some of the sofa beneath her, but he cant bring himself to care about the upholstery as she collapses against him and he turns off the toy.
“So what’s the verdict?” he asks as he strokes a delicate hand over the back of her head.
“Have you got any more?”
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
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Hold it all together
“Hey uhm what do you think about me being your sister’s boyfriend?”
Pairing: Johnny x female!reader, childhood best friends to lovers
WC: 1,970k
Warnings: mentions of exchanging nudes, a lot kissing, unorotected sex, mentions of condoms, its just soft sex guys hahha mentiins of dreamies being the reader’s brothers.
A/N: NOT PROOFREAD. I’ll fix it once I have time. To the
Happy, excited, and sleepless. Today is the first day of Johnny’s spring break and he has been waiting for this day, the moment freshman year started... because this is the only time he can go home and finally see you again.
Johnny has been your childhood best friend and you two are basically inseparable. Well, except when he needed to leave for college. Of course you’re devastated the whole summer just before Johnny leaves. And it was that season, you both admitted your feelings for each other. Feelings that has been bottled up for too long finally and suddenly bursted out during a friendly kiss that turned into a passionate one which led to a slow and intimate sex the night before he left.
It has been almost half a year when that fateful night happened, but everything feels so fresh for him still. After what happened between you and Johnny, your relationship with each other did not progressed to something even more serious. Although you exchange nudes from time to time, FaceTime until the morning and say ‘i miss you’ to each other together with other sweet words.
And that is why Johnny is driving his way home to you with a bouquet of flowers on the front seat of his car, fighting through his sleepiness and keeping himself awake until he reaches your house to surprise you.
When he finally arrived first thing in the morning, he met your mom first and told you that he’s here to surprise you. “She’s still sleeping, but you can wake her up if you want to. She misses you so bad,” your mom said to Johnny. He then made this way to your room with the flowers in his hand and entered quietly, careful not to disturb your sleep. He placed the flowers on your bedside table near a photo he took for you and smiled in awe because you always cherish everything he gave you.
Feeling so sleepy and tired from the long drive, he removed his shoes and joined you under the covers. Slinging his arm around your waist and finally waking you up with soft kiss on your cheek. “I’m home,” he whispered softly. You rolled to face him, surprised but you’re both so sleepy to show it so you returned his hug and hugged him tightly. The moment you laid eyes on him, his eyes were already closed, comfortable and more than happy that he can feel your presence.
And as you both sleep together in your small bed, well, small because Johnny is a big person, you bask in his warmth and meet him in your dreams. Not wasting any second without each other.
“You must be really tired” you said when he finally woke up, raking his soft hair away from his face.
He nodded and smiled at you. Finally. He thought. “What time is it?”
“Almost afternoon. But no one cares,” you said and came closer to him, finally kissing those lips you missed so much. He rolled on top of you, putting his whole weight on you while kissing you breathlessly on the lips, neck and chest. His hands were perfectly placed on your waist, his thumb is drawing small circles on your skin and as if he’s asking permission to lift your shirt and see you without your clothes on.
He pulled away to remove his thick hoodie and plain white shirt, leaving him only with his denim pants. You noticed his body changed a lot, sure the nude photos he sends were great and it makes you miss him more, but seeing Johnny again in between your legs without a shirt on and looking hot as fuck just makes you crave for him. “This is so much better than the photos you send me,”
He let out a satisfied smile and started to unbutton his denim pants and remove it in front of you. You on the other hand, removed your pajama and welcomed him in your arms again. Kissing him deeper than ever and making him touch your boobs and squeeze them, which makes you automatically part your lips and want for more.
“Have you been fucking different girls from different sororities?” You joked in between kissing him and palming his clothed cock.
“Wouldn’t even dare. How can I even think of fucking other girls, knowing that this pussy is waiting for me?” he knew you were only joking and put his thumb on your clothed pussy. Teasing you with the right amount of pressure, careful not to make you cum so early.
“How about you? Have you been seeing other guys?” you smiled and removed your shirt, throwing it somewhere and finally exposing yourself to him. He then kissed every inch of you, hands freely roam around your body, and even tickling you from time to time.
“How can I even try seeing other guys, when I already have who I want?”
You didn’t see but Johnny smiled because of your answer while he’s placing butterfly kisses all the way down your body. Kissing you lovingly and showing you how much he misses you.
After the innocent kisses, you feel him reach for your panties and hook his fingers on the garter, slowly pulling it down while he kisses your inner thighs. Preparing you to what comes next and spreading your legs a little too harsh than expected that you yelped and your body was dragged on the mattress.
“Oops. Sorry, got carried away,” he sweetly apologized to you, kissing you on the cheek before he proceeds again.
That sudden harsh movement was the real Johnny in bed. You’ve only had sex with him once, now is only the second time. But word is, Johnny fucks hard in bed. Everyone knows that because he slept with a handful of girls during high school and you’re just this supportive friend that listens to him talk about a great night or a great fuck the other night.
“Hey,” Johnny snapped his fingers and went on top of you again, intertwining his fingers with yours and kissing your knuckles before he makes you embrace him. “What’s the matter?”
“N-nothing. I’m just swimming in my thoughts. Uhm, what did you said again?”
“I asked if you want to use a condom”
“Uh. I don’t have one... do you-“
“Nope,” he said with a smirk. You suddenly remember that he loves fucking raw but what you don’t know is, you’re the first person he ever fucked raw. “Just tell me if it hurts. Again. Okay?”
He said, and you nod. Lining his cock on your entrance while he kisses your neck and kissing your boobs as he pushes in slowly. Tighter and tighter, your grip on his shoulders becomes. The familiar stretch of Johnny’s cock just makes your eyes shut and take him whole. Savouring every thrust he gives you, feeling every inch of cock inside you. It’s so big, you tell to yourself.
“Sorry, it’s bigger now because I’m so horny and I haven’t had sex since our last” he explained with ragged breaths near your ear.
“It’s okay,” is all you can manage to say.
He fucked you slow and deep or fast and sloppy. Either way it felt good and it surprised you how long you lasted this time.
Then suddenly he pulled away, spreading your legs wider as he changes his position. Having a better view of your bouncing boobs and fucked expression that never fails to turn him on. “Fuck Y/n,” he whined and reached for your boobs as he moves slower. Matching your moans and groans because he’s so close too. He then closes the space between you two and kissed you on the lips again like you’re about to disappear any second. Holding on to your body so tight that you’re sure it’s going to leave marks. Then suddenly your eyes rolled back and you’re breathing heavily and moaning a little too loud but no one will hear. Your orgasm completely washed you away and its all thanks to Johnny.
You smiled at him and reached for kisses to calm both of you down. “Was it a good one?” He was talking about the orgasm.
“The. Best.” You said in between kissing. “Did you come inside me?” He shook his head no. “Good. I’m not on the pill,”
“Kind of made a mess tho,” he looked to the direction of where he shoot his cum and it was on your lower abdomen and bed sheets. It was thick. His cum was so thick and many, that he was already embarrassed.
“Is it obvious that i missed you?” He asked. Kissing you on your forehead sincerely before he proceeds to clean his mess up.
“I think I need to shower,” you said.
“Okay, I’ll cover for you,”
While you were busy cleaning yourself, Johnny made himself decent again and decided to go downstairs to greet Mark and Jeno, your brothers. And eventually have breakfast with them.
“Hey uhm what do you think about me being your sister’s boyfriend?” He casually asked them and stuffed sausage in his mouth.
“Heck yeah that’s what I’m talking about man! Yo, just dont hurt her” Mark exclaimed in excitement thens suddenly turned serious.
“I won’t,” Johnny answered.
“And don’t make her miss you too much because you know we cant trust long distance relationship these days,” Jeno added.
Johnny agrees and said, “I will visit her every month”
“Don’t get her pregnant. I mean yet- get her pregnant when it’s the righ time- you get what i mean” Mark awkwardly added.
“O...kay. I’ll use condoms from now on. Anything else?”
“Dude just make her happy like you always do,”
“I will” Johnny said with a proud smile.
“Aren’t you boys should be cleaning the pool?” And the two boys immediately scrammed and quickly did their chores. Leaving you and Johnny in the kitchen with the food. Pinching Johnny’s cheek because now that you can see him clearly, you see a lot of changes.
“Only you can do that to me” he said then caught your hand and intertwined it with yours, he has become bold you notice. He pulled you closer to him while he finishes his juice, but the atmosphere is hetting a little stuffy and awkward so you tried having a conversation.
“Do you want to shower? I still have some of your clothes” you offered.
“Mhmm. Keep those, I have stuff in my car”
You nod and suddenly it was silent.
“Hey y/n, I was thinking of making it official between us. I mean if you want to. I just think that we’ve been flirting with each other for some time now and wed make a pretty good team,”
“ I thought you’d never ask. Took you longer than expected tho,” you put another sausage in his mouth ”The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love, and be loved in return.”
“Im just scared to fuck it up,” he sighed in relief “thank you for loving me back. I promise to take care of you 5000 more times than before”
“I’ll do the same... and wow you just asked me to be your girlfriend in the middle of our kitchen. How romantic.” He smiled handsomely then suddenly remembered one last thing.
“Oh by the way we uhm we need to start using condoms. I promised mark,”
“I know right. Fucking you raw is good but your brother said to not get you pregnant”
“Ugh mark...” you moved your chair and hugged him tightly feeling him kiss the top of your head and cheek nonstop while you continue to eat.
The day may have started filthily, but it ended with a decently soft kiss on your temple from your best friend now boyfriend.
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hxneekyuu · 3 years
accidental kiss || tsukishima kei, ennoshita chikara, miya atsumu, lev haiba
request :  Hey Can I request a headcanon or one shot with Haikyuu characters (any of your choices) having an accidental kiss with their crush, you know, the cliché romance scene in drama's where the girl fell and male catches her and end ups kissing, or something when the girl turn around not noticing the close distance between the male, and their lips touches. Anything that is accidental
warnings : miya atsumu, Suna Gets a Haircut
a/n : so i did one of those random hq generator things bc i could only decide on one boi and that was tsukki,,, the results made me laugh so here you go -- btw these are all gonna be pre-dating bc thats just wonderful we love that
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tsukishima kei
this is definitely all tsukkis fault
you two are at your house just vibing and at some point you head into the kitchen to make food
and hes leaning against the counter right in front of the cabinet you need to get to
but he has the audacity not to move the fuck outta the way when you tell him you need to get past 
so youre like ok fuck it and just reach around him to open it 
but the bowl you need is pretty high up so youre like on your tippy toes tryna get the damn thing and hes just sitting there watching you struggle 
instead of helping you like he isnt damn near 6′3″
but riiiiight as youve got the bowl, you end up grabbing it a little too forcefully and you bring like a million dishes down with it 
so ofc even though he definitely deserves it, youre not trying to concuss the poor guy with literal ceramic dishes raining down on him 
so you kinda lunge forward to stop them all from falling 
and, hearing the crash of dishes over his head, he naturally ducks because he doesnt want to die
honestly,,,, its more of a crash of your noses and foreheads but theres such chaos of like,,, trying not to die?? 
that at some point you just feel his mouth on yours and it deadass just stays there while you both are figuring out what the hell is happening 
eventually he kinda pulls back but only a little bc he knows youre struggling to hold onto the dishes and he doesnt wanna screw that up
and he doesnt even say anything he just reaches up awkwardly and helps you set the dishes back on the shelf
and then he grabs the bowl youd been trying the get the entire time and hands it to you with a completely blank face 
its a very awkward dinner im not gonna lie
mostly bc at some point he just starts cracking jokes about it and refuses to acknowledge it seriously bc he sucks
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ennoshita chikara
ennoshita’s taking a break from studying with the second years on the team
mostly bc he never gets any studying done with them 
so youre studying together for a test at his house
and its just been many many hours of studying so ofc youre both exhausted
so its not surprising to him when you just pass out on your notes
but the thing is,,, your heads right on top of a sheet that he needs
and for a while he just kinda studies without it
he studies other stuff and tries to remember it on his own so he can fill in the gap in his notes
but eventually hes like fuck i really need these notes
so he just,,, tries to slide it out from under your head really carefully
and it involves a lot of him getting really close and trying to lift your head and a bunch of really soft cute things that would be super embarrassing for him to be caught doing
like,,, if you happened to wake up
which of course, you do
and youre really confused bc you can feel his breath fanning over your face and his eyes are really close but not focused on you, theyre focused on smth under your face
so you lift your head to see what hes doing
but he freaks out and moves his face when he notices youre awake
and its just a litto brush of your lips over his as your faces are passing each other
but the poor bub jumps back like you just shocked the crap out of him
and then he apologizes for like the next ten minutes and its impossible to get back to studying bc youre both just panicking internally
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miya atsumu
this literally happens like it does in the movies
it all starts with a chase scene
that really you should never have been a part of
youre just minding your business walking down the hall after school on your way to get your stuff
and its pretty empty bc you had a club thing so its late afternoon and no ones around
and you just hear it
men screaming
and then he appears, barreling around the corner like his life depends on it
and youre like
this cant be good
and when he sees you hes yelling out for you like HELP ME 
but you somehow always manage to get caught in the miya twin antics so youre like
fuck no im out
but apparently youre not out bc atsumus grabbing your arm and dragging you behind him yelling smth about scissors and a haircut
and when you look back you just see suna rounding the corner, half of his little triangle haircut chopped off so he looks like a sad half onigiri,,,
but you know it was atsumu and that this man is definitely dead when suna catches him
so youre like okay fuck it i guess im helping him AGAIN 
and you get outside to a section of the school where theres still sports teams practicing and lots of people around so you hide in a corner together
but the Suna Energy is approaching so atsumu fuckin freaks and does that cheesy movie thing where he ducks his head down so he wont be seen 
but theres like a group of guys passing by and one of them just bumps into atsumus back and that shit just sends him right into you
and all he can think is “oops”
he only has one brain cell give him a break
but he just stalls completely and forgets about the whole suna thing
but ofc his hair is fucking piss yellow and suna has not forgotten
he ends up totally getting his ass beat  but after that little smooch atsumus definitely a bit keen to see you more often 
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lev haiba
i fucking love this gif look at the litto shoyou go
this tall babie does not know the meaning of personal space he has no functional understanding of a Bubble
honestly he probably gets dangerously close to kissing you on a regular basis, considering you’re seatmates in class
he’s just ALWAYS in your space
at first he’s probably shy bc he doesn’t know you
but once you become friends he’s like THIS IS NOT YOUR DESK THIS IS JUST MY SECOND DESK
so every day there’s always one thing that’s super dangerous
last week it was him looking over your shoulder while you did work silently
yesterday it was him reaching across you to open the window on your left side
today he just really wants a bite of the bread you bought and are currently already eating
and when he wants smth, he gets Very Whiny
he’s so clingy and adorable that you can’t ever get mad
he’s like a little puppy how can you resist him
so when you’re finally like okay fine you can have a bite he’s like
he doesn’t even wait for you to tear off a piece he just leans in for a bite
but you had said yes while in the middle of biting it so he essentially does that thing where you’re both biting it at the same time
but, again, he doesn’t know what personal space means
so he also doesn’t have the ability to gauge distances well
so he straight up just meets you halfway and presses his mouth to yours while he’s biting down
the boi probably doesn’t even notice
he just pulls back quickly once he has his bite and goes about his life
you literally are going to have to tell him he just kissed you
and after that he’s a total fucking mess
he doesn’t know what to do he never knows what to do
he’s just going to keep causing Chaos while he panics
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renatapatata · 4 years
(From someone that watched it completely despite completely ruining their sleep schedule as a result,, worth it tho ✌)
They rented and set up an Unus Annus themed room and had a laptop between them to directly check out videos on, as well as a timer on a screen to remind us of their impending doom.
Amy (bless her soul) was the true moderator who from a?? Tech spot above them would speak into her mike like God and direct them to looking at out of context screenshots, memes and fanart from over the past year.
They scrolled through the channel from beginning to end and had the time to watch a dozen of them - particularly like a video from each 'era' ish of the channel, like the first ones or Camp Unus Annus as well as fan/their favorites.
All the editors got shout outs + were probably tasked to make a compilation video of the edits they were individually tasked to do and ended up making just absolute masterpiece tributes 😳
They watched videos such as Mark and Ethan Attempt an Escape Room, DIY Chiropractor, DIY Geriatric Simulator and so on...
Mark had never seen one of their last videos, Ethan Kidnaps Mark, which was the pre 'The Truth of Unus Annus' video and was basically Ethan's version of the Mark's Outside Escape Room from Camp Unus Annus.
DJ Burt Blackarach sent them a cake + bottle of champagne and ☠ y'know Ethan doesn't play with baked goods due to his peanut allergy and Mark cant drink alcohol but they appreciated the sentiment (we all did c'mon it was super sweet)
Mark got the bug watch for Amy that he'd accidentally donated in that early on video with Sean about Donating Toys to Charity!!
They almost killed a video that they found mediocre (but that is actually one of my faves ngl) aka How Much Caffeine Can Kill a Man but at the Last Second they realized that they probs shouldn't get rid of a video beforehand fnfnfn with the reasoning being that it could be someone's birthday video and that it deserved to live till the bitter end (that being of like. 5 extra hours)
There was lots of general shenanigans and ramblings/bits from time to time, with Mark and Ethan being pretty content and ready to say goodbye to the channel.
Oh yeah and then like at 2 hours and a half before it ended Ethan got a live tattoo done of the counted down to 0 timer as Mark failed to be normal around the tattoo artist and 'hAd' to mention the Pee Sauna and Pee Soda to her-
On the subject of tattoos they went through some amazing tattoos that fans had gotten and sent pictures of
Hashtags on Twitter were being flooded, with things such as #Unusannusisoverparty, #WeWereHere, #MarksNewHat - which, yeah Amy got him a top hat and I don't think I've ever seen such pure joy on his face than in that moment.
+++ Amy was wearing an epic suit which was their main aesthetic of half white half black...
Mark reiterates how proud he is of Ethan, of Amy... of the whole team!!! I got emo it was starting to get too real
So then ya they started getting a bit more speechless/emotional near this bitter end, and at an hour ish left I want to say was when they hit 1 million likes on the stream - and they kept pushing to hit that milestone since if they reached it they would reveal what was inside the coffin...
Plottwist!!! The coffin was empty but they decided to test it out and take turns in it (the material inside was apparently very soft).
So then Ethan gets in the coffin which commences a string of eulogies between em which got me way too emotional and was like a part of the stream that was just Being Brutally Honest With Each Other 2.0.
Mark basically talking about how proud he is of Ethan + how he's excited for his future endeavors and knows that despite the goofy exterior he shows he has such potential and then Eef gets out of the coffin crying which then proceeded to make chat (and me) cry fukcC
Mark gets in the coffin and Ethan talks about how hardworking and no bullshit a person Mark is and how he's learned so much from him and how Mark has never given up on him and his constant presence and support has changed him-
Mark gets out of the coffin crying, they hug it out and ya everyone's crying emotions r healthy gang and damn did we go through a rollercoaster of them...
So I'm weepy and dont necessarily remember exactly what was next, but Amy also got in the coffin which prompted Mark to just go off and give her the most well deserved praise ever since she was the one behind so many of their most creative/cursed ideas and was ghaaa Mark obviously could have talked about her for forever it was super sweet and shes just so deserving of all of that 🥺🥺🥺 gosh we really have her to thank for all the hard work that was put in and resulted in such an amazing payoff...
The last video they watched was The Barrel Song by the way with Schmoyoho, which was weirdly??? Really fitting since it was about saying goodbye and destroying something that you'd become fond of.
Evan then ominously says in response to being offered to get in the cry coffin with like. 5 minutes left on the timer that he totally went in it earlier which was him just politely saying No💖
Oops also forgot to mention but in the last hour they slowly deleted/privated the Instagram, Tumblr, Reddit and Twitter accounts.
And for the ultimate end which wow really came too fast once the numbers dwindled down to 10 minutes left Amy sat in frame in between Mark and Ethan as they clicked the delete channel button and the stream went dead.
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jackassbroadcast · 3 years
Hello im a Tommy enthusiast who watched that one stream where he monologued to foolish for like hafe an hour bc i heard it was a cool stream or wtv to realize how much amazing character moments it had that barly anyone in this damn fandom is talking about so ill fucking do it
(Only after finishing this i realized i wrote 1.7k words LOL OOPS)
If u dont know what in talking about its this stream (apologies for linking a clips channel the actual vod on foolish's channel is deleted by now)
Also heads up /rp /dsmp every time i refer to someone here by name is their character unless stated otherwise bc writing c! Before every name Is tiring LOL
Also // suicidal idealization , death mentions
The conversation starts off with foolish and tommy mining for Wilbur, and foolish questions how simply mining will solve the problem to which Tommy reponds with "they dont get solved, do they? It just ends uo with some madman screaming 'Hes solved it!' And now look at him." And how he wants to "prevent the problem before it goes outta hand" something that clearly references Wilbur and his destruction of lmanburg, which paired with him collecting stone for Wilbur as the way to stop said problems he believes if he does anything he can for Wilbur and support him by his side enough this time around, that he wont do anything like thay again, which as im writing this makes be realize by doing that we learn hes blaming himself for what happened to Wilbur in November 16th and pogtopia and a whole, by not being enough for Wilbur in his mind.
The conversation continues, foolish off hand asks why would tommy want to stop Wilbur? Weren't they friends at some point? To which tommy leads foolish to lmanburg and tells him the story of the nation (how it was him and Wilbur's nation, how they made it to espace dream's iron fist and how they held an election "which puts your life on the line, which is good- if you're confident but- perhaps we were too confident", how they lost)
Tommy: "You know the phrase: 'treat other how you wanna be treated', foolish? People dont ever listen to it. Wilbur- he decided he wanted to be treated poorly so he treated everyone around him poorly "
This Tommy quote, to me at least, so so amazingly strong in conveying how understanding he is? To the world around him. Like-
I have not seen one person bring this quote up, and yet its (at least to me) shows such growth and understanding in Tommy i saw little to nothing like it in other streams. It shows he understands, he knew Wilbur didnt change just because, he knows he was struggling, that he thought everyone around him were againt him, were going to abandon him the first chance theyll get- and he thought he deserved it. So he, as a last way to defend himself against that, hurt them first, abandoned them first, so theyll see how much of a 'bad' person he was and take him out- and tommy saw right through that, possibly understanding it more after exile.
This next qoute was talked about much more but i still wanna bring it up
Foolish: "Do you believe in second chances?"
Tommy: "Oh, no I don't really believe that its not really a thing for me foolish its just that-" *sigh* "- i believe everyone has a little bit of good in then and this is not about giving him a second chance or a third chance- its not about *chances* foolish. Its about not giving up on the poeple you care about. "
Which. I mean. I dont know how healthy that mindset is, but comign from Tommy it makes so much sense.
Techno, tubbo, eret, sapnap. These are all people Tommy used to be extremely close to, had either a war or had been betrayed by them, and yet still found it in his heart that he still cares for them, with all of these, they did horrendous things, that hurt tommy physically and mentally, while also not being once or twice, but a contentious thing, but while tommy is to this day still effected by their actions he still found it in himself to forgive, because he knows he fucked up too, a lot, and he knoes they learned from their mistakes just as he had (except c!techno FUCKKK c!techno mf doesnt learn SHITTT) and he knows, when the time comes he knows hed want the people he hurt to forgive him too. (And he wants Wilbur to do the same)
Next qoute i will cut to a couple parts because its really so good and full of character i had to bro
Foolish: "Do you consider yourself to be the good guy or the bad guy?"
Tommy: "It really depends who you ask, isn't it? Yknow? If you asked dream he'd say im *his little toy that he plays with* you know? It doesnt.."
This part really stunned me when i first heard it because, and correct me If im wrong, but i dont think tommy ever acknowledged how dream sees him, and  how right he has his viewpoint too. Just the fact tommy is so *painfully* aware of how dream doesnt even see him as a person anymore but just a toy to mess around with for a while than just throw it away when it get too boring really hurt me. Someone give this kid a hug
(Continued) Tommy: "...foolish, honestly? I used to consider myself 'the good guy', you know? The fuckin'- second in command! But these past- these past like six months or so, foolish, everything got so much harder than it was before. Because before it was just us vs bad guys, it was all so clear! But- its not been 'clear' for so long, right? It wasn't; 'these are the bad guys! These are the good guys!' Now it's : 'he's doing this and it makes him a bit worse-' i mean, it all got so complicated, so- i don't know. Depends who you ask."
He says this, in response to foolish asking if hes a good guy- but its awfully similar to if Wilbur asked him if they were the bad guys. Because foolish just asked about him, and yet in his answer tommy made sure to keep using the words "us, he's, guys" as if hes not really talking about himself, as if hes explaining how Wilbur was wrong. Which he was. Also something interesting ive noticed, he says "the last 6 months or so", which indicated that with Wilbur he knew better to follow his word and leadership- with Wilbur he was always on the right side but when he lost him he felt much more lost alone, and couldn't trust himself enough to be on the "right side" .
Foolish: "I dont know, it all seems strange because just from, you know- hearing from others and, you know, learing a little bit, its seems like you've been the hero, you've been the villain, the conqueror, the savior, and, even now, i have no idea what you exactly are."
Tommy: "that's up to you to decide, isn't it? Im just- *uh*  i dont know. These days, foolish, I'm a little weaker than i used to be"
Foolish couldn't be more right with what he said, another example of this we see where a character acknowledges tommy never sticks to one thing us Charlie when calling him "tommy fron nowhere" which shows more how he cant stick to one thing, during the course of him on the server he had been friends and enemy with nearly everyone, been on pretty much all sides, and while never really intentionally, being in the center of conflict. When foolish says he doesnt know who tommy is anymroe at this point and all Tommy says in return is that "hes a little weaker than he used to be" does to show he misses who he used to be, with lmanburg, with Wilbur, when he knew who he was, now he doesn't know who he is anymore, but still so desperately want to be more demonstrated by the lines coming rigth after that one:
(Continued) Tommy: "..I'm not- I'm now who i want to be, but-"
Foolish: "Being honest with you, Tommy, that's the same case for me as well."
Tommy: "...heres the thing, foolish, unlike you i dont really have a choice. I have to try and be who i want to be, because if i dont, very bad things are gonna happen in this server. And now that Wilbur's back i can't- quite frankly *no one* can risk that. So i dont really have a choice."
Tommy want's to change- he wants to be better than he is now, to be closer to who he used to be, no matter how impossible that might be, but he also sees it as an immediate thing, he wants to change now, or asap, which is why hes collecting stone for Wilbur in the first place- old him would've done that with ease just because Wilbur asked and he wants to have that back so badly, asap. The way he talked about this reminded me of when he tried getting over his trauma stream before he went in the prison to kill dream: he knew he wasnt the best but he tried getting over that asap to go kill dream asap. He didnt wanna take the long road of years of healing and instead thought he could get over it just like that, and that experience clearly didnt teach him anything because now hes trying to slide back to the relationship he and Wilbur used to have and ignoring the drastic changes they both had plus the bad moments that were the reason they feel out in the first place, or maybe he knows, but at this point, after everything that happened to him and the server, he doesnt care anymore? He knows hes not the same he was and he'll never be the same, because thats not how it works, but his mentor, president, big brother is back after so long tommy felt so lost and alone he thinks maybe, this time around, with Wilbur, he could try and be better again.
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aremiies · 3 years
three weeks;
a tsukishima kei one-shot.
pairings: tsukishima x reader
warnings: swearing, bad writing oops
summary: i didn’t really know what to call this uhh it’s basically just a one shot scenario of tsukki avoiding u because he realizes he’s in love.
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at first, it didn’t bother you; the avoidance i mean. if he wanted to be flaky, he could! who were you to control what he could and couldn’t do?
if he left you on read after you asked him to hang out?
if he blatantly ignored you when you tried talking to him in the school hallways?
him just overall acting as if you didn’t exist?
whatever made him happy. though of course, it didn’t make you happy, not one bit. when you were alone, you’d find yourself thinking about whether it was something you did or said. maybe you made him uncomfortable, or struck a nerve when you guys were play fighting one day... whatever it was, you just wanted the blonde boy to tell you what the hell his problem was.
it wasn’t like you hadn’t tried— because believe me, you definitely had— he just didn’t seem to care. and if he didn’t care, then neither did you. it just hurt. the fact that the two of you seemed to close and enjoyed each other’s company like no other and then he decided to pull this? it just didn’t sound like something he’d do.
yes, he was a bit rude at times, but if he genuinely enjoyed the presence of someone (such as you, no matter how hard he tried to hide it) he’d never just “ghost” them for no reason.
ugh! why’d you even care anyway? he wasnt anything special! he was just a stupid boy, that you got stupidly attached to and started to develop stupid feelings for. you groaned, letting yourself fall onto your bed face first into the comforter.
“maybe he just didn’t want to be friends anymore... i can respect that... but why didn’t he say anything?” you thought to yourself, lifting and turning your head so that you were now facing your door. as if you were expecting someone to pop in at any moment; as if you were expecting him to pop in. he didn’t.
you sighed once more, deciding that the whole situation wasn’t worth your frustration. well, that was until your phone started ringing and the contact name showed just the person you wanted it to.
‘tsukki <3’
you felt your stomach begin to churn. was he finally going to explain everything? it was about time, this whole thing had been going on for almost three weeks now. you quickly sat up with your phone tight in your grasp before hesitantly pressing the green answer button.
“y/n... hey. i- uh... it’s embarrassing to ask, but i need you to do me a favor-“
your brows furrowed harshly and quickly. a favor? after almost three weeks of ignoring you, tsukishima kei wanted you to do him a favor? yeah, right.
“no. really, tsukishima? i’m not going to do you a favor when you can’t even tell me why you’ve been avoiding me recently. you know, i don’t even know why i was so stressed over it. i kept on asking myself if it was something i’d did or said. hell, i was even ready to apologize to you for something i probably didn’t even do.” you went on. it was silent on the other line as you did, it almost sounded like he wasn’t breathing.
you paused for a second before continuing, “i-i’m sorry. i just... you know what never mind. i’m overreacting, you can do whatever you want. you don’t owe me an explanation-“
“no-! no... i do.” tsukishima interjected. “and you’re right about everything. it was a shitty thing for me to do, i just didn’t know how else to handle it.”
though he couldn’t see it, you raised a brow in confusion, “what do you mean? handle what?”
once again, it was silent until he broke it once again, “i cant tell you like this. open up would you?”
“open your front door, dumbass.” he reiterated before hanging up.
and you did just that. though it was embarrassing to admit, you found yourself scrambling to get to the door, and as soon as you did, you were greeted with a timid-looking tsukishima.
“come in.” you said blandly, stepping aside so he could walk through the door. and once he did, you motioned him to the living room. he took the hint and took a spot on the couch, you taking the liberty to sit right across from him.
then, it was quiet once again.
tsukishima felt his heart race, swallowing thickly as the rapid beating grew louder in his ears. he glanced at you, taking in the features he’d quite dearly missed these past three weeks.
he took in the heightened position of your right brow when you had a quizzical look on your face, he took in the way your eyes narrowed and returned to their natural state. he took in all the features and details about you that he fell in love with.
“i’m just gonna rip it off like a bandaid then i’ll leave.” he explained in short.
you nodded, adjusting your position so that you now sat completely facing towards him. he swallowed harshly.
“y/n, i’m in l- i think i um...” he stuttered, this obviously difficult for him.
“oh, fuck it.” was the last thing he’d said before he pressed his lips against yours in a sweet, but longing kiss. it didn’t take long for you to kiss back either. as soon as you felt his warm lips on yours, you didn’t waste a second. and when he finally pulled away, you were able to put two and two together.
“so, you avoided me because you fell for me.” you said in a teasing tone.
tsukishima rolled his eyes as he pulled you onto his lap bringing his face close to yours; noses only centimeters apart, “you’re lucky i’m somewhat in love with you, i’d leave you here dumbfounded and alone if i wasn’t
“yeah, right.” you giggled before pulling the boy back in for another kiss. and those two kisses you both shared that day was all he could think about for the next three weeks.
i hope this was somewhat enjoyable <3
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magnum-schlong · 2 years
AAAAAA OK SO. First thing to say is that in universe they are all probably boring motherfuckers. just guys being dudes. second theyve only been a thing since Last january so theyre not that old!!
It started with Brad (blue) and Chad (red) who literslly just started as a joke about how Jocks and "the boys" can be so homophobic and gay at the same time? the kind of, "no homo, its ok bro you have socks on" kimda thing? and then we got attatched so now theyre OCs lmao
Then during online school I made a collection of "as vines", but very quickly realised that it wouldnt be very interesting with only the two of them. so we popped in a third wheel: Jake (Yellow)!!! his original idea was just to be the only one with a brain and to have mental crashes every few weeks but he quickly gave up on being the voice of reason? now he mostly just goes along with it while making 7 sex jokes/minute. hes hypersexual what can i say he also probably has a piss kink but what do i know
None of them have any sort of a good relationship with their parents: Chads were masculinity Junkies; Brads were helicopter parents and Jakes were Very religious and pushy
this kinda made Chad angry at everything (mostly jake) all the time, Brad quiet (and also probably the one with the least discernable personality), and jake a whore (affectionate)
The general idea of this was that Brad and Chad scraped together some money for an apartment where Jake just kind of walked in and claimed the couch as his. so they live together now, early twenties. I like to think Jake works at a subway but we have not confirmed this. He kind of slips in and out of polyamory with them, at some point B & C have a small little wedding and Jake is not that commital. sometimes hes the secret third member sometimes hes their boy best friend
And thennnn we were like "lmao what if we made a medieval fantasy AU" so we did, and also introduced the girls (TM). Mori (orange) and Vivere (green) who are also together bc it is out universe and we do what we want. Moris a 6'4, colourblind, partially deaf pirate whos super cool and I love her. she definitely became the voice of reason but isnt very good at it usually. Vivere could very easily be the voice of reason but decides not to; she watches (and encourages) Jake's chaos while eating popcorn and waiting. we also threw in a wyvern. his name is Egg.
this AU was later basically made into an In universe DnD game because theyre all just like that.
Brad and Chad way later in the future adopt twin girls and get a house, and Jake comes with them, but thats yesrs ahead so no need to worry about that.
Jake also has an anxiety service dog (that we definitely need to do research for but havent yet, oops) called Fella bc he thinks its funny.
annnd i think thats all you need to know to understand the memes??? i might rb this later and Raya can add if she wants. ill make a key lmao
6'0, probably a sagittarius, the biggest simp ever, kicking his legs in the air while twirling the telephone cord simp, almost always wearing a blue jumper in the redraws, emotional mess but he has man boobies
5'4 (we think its funny), unchecked anger issues, dyslexic, either wearing a large jumper or red t shirt, curtains :/, possibly the only normal human when in public, pretends he hates jake but eh
Jake (theres no yellow :[)
5'9, Undiagnosed ADHD, always wearing a wife beater, ass shorts, and snapback, would tell you to do heinous things but cry when you say "i dont hate you", he reminds me a lot of bo burnham. take that as you will
6'4, shes wearing a pirste hat you cant miss her, this makes her hard to draw but its ok, shes very pretty and i like her a lot, ginger :/
5'7, Long hair and usually wearing a dress, chaotic neutral, pisces
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shoyothemoron · 4 years
Cerulean Butterflies
Dabi x Good Girl Reader
You just can't help but let him in when Dabi comes calling, even though he's definitely out of place in your perfect little life
Angst? Idk kinda ,more like one sided pining
Words- 1.4k
Warnings- Sex is kinda eluded to but nothing graphic, just Dabi being a brat
A/N- Oh ho ho I finally posted some original work and OOP MY SECOND FIC. Anyway I’d love feedback. And I hope I got his personality right <3
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You sighed, throwing your laptop off your lap and on to the other side of the couch. Looking around your neat apartment you were pleased at how productive you had been today. The group presentation that was due the next day was turned in. The assignment due next week could totally be put off until tomorrow. Your laundry was tumbling in the dryer, and you had meals prepped, so no more worrying about cooking for the next few days
Rubbing your eyes you decided could go on your phone or read a little bit before going to bed, so you hopped up to put on your pjs. But before you could reach your bedroom, you stopped at the open window in your living room. You covered your eyes and groaned.
You shook your head trying to undo your thoughts. Tonight had been going SO well. Of course he had to worm his way into it. For some reason, nights like the ones outside your window would always remind you of him. Nights where the moon was full and the sky wasn´t black but indigo. And you could see every cloud illuminated.
You needed to stop thinking about him. You knew men like him liked to chew up and spit out girls like you. He knew what he wanted, and there was a reason he was so good at it. But you couldn't help it, he could deliver you to heaven and cradle you as you fell back down. Dabi was addicting.
You made your way to your bedroom, trying to stop yourself from thinking of him. But as soon as you had put on your pajamas, you heard a knock on your door. Speak of the devil and he shall appear, and the most devilish motherfucker you knew was standing on your doorstep. You sighed and pulled on a cardigan, trying to come up with a good reason to send him away.
Opening your door, you lean against the doorway to block him from entering.
“What Dabi?”
You watched his eyes as he racked them up and down your figure, and suddenly every bit of confidence you had melted away. His gaze just held that type of power over you.
“Aw, no hello kiss?” He asks, cocking his head to the side.
You blush, and can´t meet his eyes. Pouting you say “No, I only give kisses to good boys.”
He scoffs. Yeah that was to be expected.
“Listen Dabi, I really can't help you with whatever you need this time...” You still cant meet his gaze, and you just hope, by some miracle he´d maybe turn around and leave.
He signs “Doll,” His sudden change of tone makes you look up in concern, and he meets your eyes.
His eyes always shocked you, the cerulean made you question how eyes that beautiful really existed. You shifted your gaze to his scars and staples, and you felt a pang in your heart.
No! You couldn't get soft now, not when you almost had a strong start.
“I'll spare you the details, but things haven't been going well for me recently, and I know you don't like when I steal...” Now he's the one who can´t meet your eyes.
Steal? What was he… Oh, he was hungry.
Well, now you felt like a dick. Looking in his eyes you tried to come up with a reason to say no. Really you did, but you couldn't deny him. So you move out of the door to let him in
He bussels into your home, suddenly a new man, “So what's for dinner?”
You purse your lips staring at his back. Fucker, he knew you couldn't say no when it came to stuff like that.
You made your way to your kitchen, rolling your eyes as you say, “Whatever I decide to make for you.”
“Aw is someone pouting? Just admit you can´t resist me.” He says the last part in a sing-song voice and you want to kick him out right then and there, he could go hungry for all you care. But when he looks away, his smirk drops and suddenly your ache to cradle his face and kiss every inch of it. He looked so tired.
Deciding against punching his already imperfect face, you start working on his meal. It feels like it takes forever as you cut food and stand in front of the stove, you can feel his eyes on your back the whole time. You try to ignore them and act natural, but it wasn´t until the very end when you were standing in front of the stove stirring the food when you suddenly felt a presence behind your back.
“So,” Dabi says as he wraps his arms around your waist and presses himself against you, “how will I ever repay you?”
“Don't go acting like a gentleman now Dabi,” you slap away the hand that was getting a little too close to your chest, “I know when I´m being exploited.”
“Good them we’re on the same page.” He chuckles and smacks your ass, making you squeak.
He moves to lean against the counter a few feet away, and you will yourself to not look up into his eyes until the food is ready.
When you finally hand him the plate, you sit side by side at the island. After a few moments he asks “What are you thinking about?”
You immediately look away from him. You had been thinking about something, but you couldn't bring yourself to tell him. You were even having trouble telling yourself.
In reality you were scolding yourself, telling yourself to stop thinking about what this thing right in front of you meant. Because it could never mean what you really wanted. Because what you really wanted was to turn to him and scream that you loved him. You wanted to shake him and yell hysterically and maybe just hurt him a little. To say ‘Can't you see that when you're here you're my everything. Can't you see me falling right in front of you, won't you catch me?’ But you didn't think you would ever be able to tell him.
You were also terrified to fall in love with him. Because even though you might love him, loving and being in love were separate things. And you knew that if you fell in love with him and he adored you like you wanted to be adored, he would have to ask you to do things you didn't know you could do. Things that any self respecting girl with a future ahead of her would run from as fast as she could. And you couldn't blame her. You could never abandon the future you were so delicately building for yourself.
So you would pretend that you couldn´t understand your feelings, that you didn't know how you felt about Dabi, that everything was a bundle of hatred, guilt and lust. But you knew yourself, and knew it was pretend. But how could you tell him? How do you tell someone like him you loved him?
So instead of telling the man you loved the truth, all you said was, “How obnoxious you are.” As you stole something off his plate.
“Me? The obnoxious one? Well that's certainly out of charter for a good girl such as yourself...” He began as you giggled, bumping his shoulder.
And so the night would go. It would go like every night before, and every night to follow. Unless one day you had the nerve to ruin it all. You would talk with him while he ate, making each other laugh, and roll your eyes. You would end up a blushing mess every now and then. Eventually you would fall into bed, where he would make you feel SO good, good enough to forget, to let the butterflies in your stomach consume you, to enjoy their frantic wings and how brave they made you feel. You would go back and forth from bed, to the kitchen, to bed. Until finally he would keep you warm as you fell asleep. He would warm your bed for long enough. And you would wake all by yourself, only to remember him in flashes that would make you blush. You would remember him until you could will yourself to stop, until you organized your life again, into its neat clean rows. But sometimes you´d slip up, remembering, leaving you alone with only a feeling. He would leave nothing but a storm of cureulian butterflies.
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