#aaaaaa i feel like how i wrote everything is so awkward. i am just a creature imitating others i have no idea how to interact with people..
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void-chara · 2 years ago
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My gift for the @technoblade-gift-exchange !! i was assigned to @simplepotatofarmer who asked for dsmp rivals duo. i hope you like it Loyal!
rambling about headcanons, designs, and my process and stuff under the readmore, because i wanna talk about it but dont want the post to be super long !!
i had originally planned to not have a background and then at the last second i decided to speedrun drawing one in a few hours so um. quality difference but its fine. also unrelated but im pretty sure everything about how i draw animals and anthros makes it very obvious i used to be in the warrior cats fandom lol. anyway onto the designs!!
the gold on techno is scars from the totem at the execution, which i think is a pretty common thing for techno designs. he isnt supposed to be a piglin, but rather similar species of anthropomorphic pig. also his mane and tail fluff are naturally brown but he dyes them pink ^_^ so cool !! um. i maaayyy have forgotten the crown until i was way too far into the piece to add it. haha. oops. pretend its missing because. uuh. hes in a casual outfit. "but he still has the cape" yeah its comfy. "but dream has a mask thats not casual" dream is dream he does Not relax fully ever. see entirely intentional i would never make a mistake.
dream is an original shapeshifter species i came up with because i couldnt decide what i wanted him to be. i havent decided on a name for the species yet but i plan to make almost every solid-color or nearly solid color mcyt into this species. theyre mostly involuntary/unconscious shapeshifters. so like they change slowly over weeks or months to adapt to their surroundings, with little conscious control. basically i wanted him to be like five different things so i shoved them together lol, rabbit ears but in a pattern that looks like an axolotl, a cool tail, TOE BEANS tho you cant see them. this was actually the first time ive ever had a dream design im happy with so thats really nice.
i um. i made full use of my time lol, i spent a bit over a week on the lineart, another week on the coloring, and maybe a week and a half on rendering. unless i suddenly became shit at math(which is possible) that adds up to roughly the amount of time i had to work on it. im really proud of myself actually since i usually take a while to do art, and i wasnt sure i would be able to make something id be happy with in this amount of time. but i did! woah!! this was my first time participating in a fandom gift exchange and it was so fun, and also helped motivate me to draw more instead of getting distracted like i usually do (classic adhd moment) lol. anyway super cool!!
Loyal if u decided to read all this for some reason then again i really hope u like it!! u are so cool and i really love ur rivals duo opinions and creations so i hope u like this! i know theres been shit happening lately, i hope ur doing ok!!
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sarada-best-girl · 3 years ago
the hmo/kdj one, oh god..... writing this one WAS CERTAINLY SOMETHING THE STRUGGLE HOW MUCH I REWROTE IT
I swear that it keeps on getting further from hmo/kdj lol. and at this point becoming a kdc epilogue fic DJFKFK but but but I’m really determined on having hmo/kdj in it so like I do have change the initial idea because it’s not working and have that be another wip, lol. but thinking of have hmo/kdj in this one. It’s gonna be more funnier and less angsty and stuff that I was planning. that could be another wip which it is technically since I had to take the stuff I already wrote and put in another doc because it wouldn’t work anymore DHJFKFF
But yeah. oh god the many struggle I had with this one but YEAH IT WAS LOTS OF FUN
The background ships which make me go aaaaa sangsoohee and yjh/lhs. and the whole kdc which are so AAAAAA and make me !!! because oh gosh I LOVE THEM AND IM DROWNING IN FEELS
most of the fic is me being mean to hsy lol. I feel bad but also I can’t help making fun of her <3 it’s love
oh man. the many feels though I CANT ; ; the way everyone flutters in and visits kdj, and the part about his & his mother WHICH IM GETTING TO and just. everuthjnh.
Speaking of Lee Hyunsung...there was something between him and Joonghyuk.
They always visited together. One memorable occasion, I remember how they seemed to be glowing. There was no other way to describe it. Lee Hyungsung looked like he might vibrate out his skin, his cheeks flushing a bright red. At his side, Joonghyuk was also smiling. He didn’t have his usual murderous expression. He was at ease more than I had ever seen him.
I even spied them holding hands.
I shudder.
Yeah, better not think about it.
and the very cute moment of kdj trying to give yjh the shovel talk, lol. I REALLY LIKE YJH/LHS I SHOULD WRITE THEM MORE
also the obvious kdj about the whole sangsoohee situation is so funny I can’t
As I tucked this in the back of my mind for later teasing against Sooyoung, I watched them. That was another change I noticed: how they’ve become more close. My memories were far in between, because of the part amnesia I had but I am sure that these three they weren’t this close.
In the beginning, Han Sooyoung was at odds with Sangah and Heewon.
I smiled. It was nice to see them get along.
YEAH ITS NICE TO THEM GET ALONG THEY ARE VERY CLOSE. this is so funny to me I can’t even. I want to add a scene where they literally kiss and kdj is like, hmm. Nice seeing them get along and be friends LOL
I think i wrote the scene where he finally does realise that they are a couple, but I also think that I took it out because I wanted the doc be more cleaner since I want more built up before I got to that part which is here...
Embarrassingly, it wasn’t until I saw them giving each other a quick kiss that I realised what I was missing. In my defence, romance isn’t my strong suit.
yeah while it’s funny & good. it isn’t as strong as the idea I had. loving that one more better. like c’mon just a quick kiss? KDJ WOULDNT NOTICE
also finally had a explanation as to why he noticed yjh/lhs more quicker. it’s because he’s more obsessed and looks more in detail in everything that yjh does, so yeah he picks that up from the beginning
We didn’t know what to say. Where to start.
In the end, we shared a hug. I had forgotten what it felt like, to be tucked into her arms, the gentle stroke of her fingers on my hair. It felt awkward. I was too old for this, limbs too large to fit easily as I did when I was child.
(I missed it.)
I wanted to expand more on it, though.....
also wait no I do have the “kdj realises sangsoohee is a couple” moment, my bad. I just wrote it a bit differently! which is why I put that one in the different doc, lol. yeah. anways to sum stuff up. I do like this wip just needs a lot of work on it and editing because some of the writing is a bit awkward
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c-c-cherry · 5 years ago
Ok, first of all- the newest chapter of the unknown was so good😭😭 I don’t normally cry while reading fics but I genuinely did cry this time around.. it was so wonderfully written!! Anyways, my question! What is your all time OTP? I’d love to know some headcannons you’ve got for them if you’d be willing to share! I’d have to assume bruabba based on some of your posts here but who knows!
AaaaAA thank you for reading my stuff, any comments make me feel so happy!!  Anon...you caught me...oh, how predicable I am...Bruabba is 100% my top OTP right now—they’re just some wholesome mafia dads trying to vibe and take care of their kids ;-; Although I don’t write shippy stuff that often (and when I do its very minor lol), I am indeed a very shippy person.
I don’t have any Bruabba headcanons on me at this moment (I’ll probably post some bruabba head canons a bit later when I have a bit of time hehe), but you know what my second favourite OTP is?? Josuyasu! And thanks to the lovely @jjadegreen (AKA the fucking head canon machine), I now obtain a SHIT TON of Josuyasu headcanons at my disposal!!
(These are all very soft by the way. No NSFW on this blog😎😎)
Here we go, anon! Do enjoy:
-They both have nightmares really often so even before they get together they start sleeping next to each other during sleepovers
-Might I add that they always comfort the other after nightmares :,)
-They hold hands under the desks during classes :,,)
-Even if there’s a bunch of chairs Okuyasu will ALWAYS sit in Josuke’s lap. Boyfriend soft
-When they play Mario Kart Josuke lets Okuyasu win sometimes and if that’s not true love I don’t know what is.
-Dinner dates at Tonio’s DINNER DATES AT TONIO’S—
-Okuyasu sews so he always repairs Josuke’s uniform when it rips
-Oku also writes poetry and it’s like—GOOD POETRY. So he wrote little poems about Josuke before he even realized what his feelings were, so after they start dating he just rips out a huge box of pining-for-Josuke poems
-They try helping each other with homework but they’ll end up answering 2 questions and taking a nap In Josuke’s bed
-They wanted to get promise rings but they were afraid of losing them so they got little pins to put on their uniforms instead
-Oku never shuts up about how cool Josuke is. Even when Josuke is around. Everyone in Morioh is tired of hearing about it but it’s just so sweet no one will ever tell him to stop
-Koichi knew they were pining from the start and died on the inside every time they denied it
-Speaking of Koichi,,, double dates with him/Yukako and Josuke/Okuyasu 🥺
-After graduation they both take a gap year and go on a huge road trip together,,, they’ve saved up for it since just after everything with Kira
-They watch storms together,,,🥺💞 all cuddled up in a fluffy blanket on the porch and there’s thunder and lightning and Josuke rests his head on Oku’s shoulder and closes his eyes and I just,,, sgsyeufydej😭😭😭
-Tomoko is a sweet supportive mom and she treats Okuyasu very well :,) she teases Josuke about him all the time and she’s just so happy her son found someone so wonderful
-They still call each other Bro/Dude, no pet nicknames like ‘baby’. Just bros and dudes
-If Josuke is feeling nice he’ll wash out the ridiculous amount of gel in his pompadour and let Okuyasu play with his hair
-They make each other mixtapes and listen to them while they’re apart
-They didn’t go to prom, too many girls bothered Josuke about dates. They went out to Tonio’s and then cuddled while they watched movies and ate snacks. It was a great night for them and an awkward night for everyone else because Josuke was Prom King and he just wasn’t there
-Everything is a challenge. Who can eat the most pancakes (they both got sick after) who can run the fastest (Josuke ran into a stop sign while looking back to see how ahead he was) who can throw Koichi the highest (no victor was decided because Yukako ended that challenge before it could even begin) and just,, everything else you can think of. They are competitive boys
-They play a lot of smash bros—Josuke is always Link and Oku is Captain Falcon (out of the 12 original 1999 characters)
-Tomoko keeps trying to show Okuyasu Josuke’s childhood photos but that was pre-pomp so Josuke keeps finding increasingly ridiculous ways to hide the photos
-They watch Dragon Ball together whenever it comes on. They aren’t hardcore fans but they think it’s cool
-Discreetly holding hands while a bunch of girls follow Josuke around 🥺
-They have sleepovers practically every night. Tomoko even gave Oku a spare key to the house
-They always buy crappy games from the discount bin that cost like ¥80 and play them for fun
-Movie nights once a week 🥺🥺🥺
Hope you liked those hehe...courtesy to Jade for thinking these up, I can always count on you bro🥺🥺
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imsarabum · 8 years ago
Responses to {Part 21} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^ 
(I have also included asks that I received in the hours before IWSY was posted ^^)
Anonymous said: So i found IWSY last week and marathoned through it in 2 days and omg its so good im dying for the next part!!! Thank you so much for blessing us all with your writing have a wonderful day/night!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
Oh my gosh thank you for marathoning through it! I’m really happy that you found it and that you’re liking the story so far my dear ^^ I hope you have a wonderful day or night too! ❤
@mysr3 said: Queen Serren will shed some light for us tonight and poor Jungkook' unbeating heart is ready  I can feel it! My heart is also not ready!!! Have A good day Love ❤️  PS I re-read Who are you again! And I find new things that I didn't notice before last time and feel different! You are such a good writer !!!
Hehe yes things were revealed last night with more to be explained c: And yay thank you for reading it again! I’m glad you could pick up on things that you maybe didn’t pick up on before, I personally love when that happens to me :3 ❤  Thank you so much my love :)
Anonymous said: It's 11:14pm in Sydney right now and I am so ready for IWSY! Unfortunately, it's a little known fact time difference is a bitch and I can't read it till the afternoon! *sighs* if only they didn't block tumble at school. -Tall anon
Aww that sucks that they block tumblr at your school! But I can understand why because they wan you to concentrate :( I hope you’ll enjoy it when you read it my love!
@lostheretics said: fEW HOURS TO IWSY AAAAAA *screaming internally* but cant read it immediately bc i have mid tests😔😔😭😭
That’s okay my love! tests and study come first ❤  I hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to read it!
@deangetoutofmyspleen said: iTS TUESDAYYYYYYYYY
Anonymous said: Yuss, vamp!Kook-tuesday!! Highlight of the week ❤
I’m so happy that it’s the highlight of your week ❤  ahhhh that really makes me smile so much!
@m1n-yoong1 said: OMG I JUST REALISED ITS TUESDAY AND IM REALLY HAPPY NOW. My day has been quite bad so I was sad all day until now 😁😁
I’m glad it can brighten up your day my love, I’m sorry that your day has been sad :( *hug* ❤
PARANORMAL SHENANIGANS YES ❤  hehe I hope you enjoyed it babe!
@kpoperinthehoody123 said: OMG SARAAAA!!!!!!!!!! I JUST READ THE WHO ARE YOU // IM JAEBUM SERIES ALL IN ONE GO AND IT IS SOOO FUCKING LEGIT THAT I FORGOT CEO JUNGKOOK WILL BE COMING OUT ANY MINUTE NOW!! HOW DO U WRITE THESE MASTER PIECES??? *cries in the corner* However, U have such an amazing and creative mind oh Sara😘😘😘 Can't wait to read 'I wont stop you' part 21 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ahhhh thank you so much for reading it alongside IWSY! (I hope you enjoyed last nights update too!)  You flatter me way too much D: I just imagine something and then write it, it’s nothing special ❤  Thank you so much my love!
Anonymous said: I've updated your tumblr way too many times tonight.... I'm dying to know what's going to happen! 💕
asdfghj I hope you enjoyed the update beautiful!
Anonymous said: i spent a single day binging the entire IWSY series and i've never been happier because it's been hard to find some good vampire!jk and now i have and i'm living also i remember that i had read it when there was only one chapter and then i forgot about it but honestly im so happy to be back!! your writing is exceptional and as a fellow writer, i'm so happy to have found this and you ❤️❤️
jkdgkjsdg ugh thank you so much ❤  I’m really happy that you found it and returned to it and that you enjoy it ❤  thank you for finding me and telling me that you like my series dear, it really means a lot to me!
Anonymous said: idk why but i??? Cried during chapter 21 its was sO GOOD BLESS
awh~ sad tears or happy tears? c: Thank you so much my love!
Anonymous said: I had a feeling that I would get the vampire explanation and not the "what the heck is she" explanation. On another note, in really happy with how the whole thing went, like I half expected for it to bee more awkward and for the second hand embarrassment to be worse, but you managed to write in in a way that wasn't over the top and still provided a realistic (as realistic as we can assume a scenario like this would play out) scene. So thank you for once again making the week long wait worth it.
Yes~ I personally feel it would be too unrealistic for them to tell absolutely EVERYTHING in one go~ (Y/N) has had a traumatic time and if they were to just unleash everything then she legit might run away terrified lolol. I’m happy that you perceived it as being realistic - especially when the genre is supernatural. I think, for some people, there will always be an element of cringe when it comes to talking about Vampires but I really wanted to make it as natural as possible. In this chapter, I really just wrote like - how I would react if someone were to tell me. I’d be scared but I’d require proof and I’d be curious if I was able to see substantial proof heh~ Thank you very much for honest and unbiased review of the chapter, it was refreshing to read and respond to - and I hope you have a lovely day ❤
YES MY LOVE YOU DO ❤  Hehe, thank you for reading it ❤
@moonlighthollow said: Jesus christ.... this was so worth the wait😂😍 I'm soooo inlove with this story omg thank you for writing so perfectly and amazing🙏
I’m glad you found it worth the wait ❤  Thank you so much for reading the update my love!
@lovehaniwhaimagines said: HOLY FLIPPIN SHIT. I binge-read all 20 chapters of I wont stop you just yesterday and waited until the new chapter and holy frickin cow, I LOVE IT. Please keep up the good work, I appreciate every single thing you write :) ~
I’ll keep writing for sure! Thank you so much for reading and enjoying the series love ^^ ❤
Anonymous said: You know you could actually write a book and it would sold to millions of people! You're creative stories and writing are fantastic. I love how you mix humor into your stories, especially in "I Won't Stop You". You are one of the best writers on tumblr no doubt about it. Love you~
I’m not sure about millions of people xD But maybe one day eh!? hehe~ And yes! I love to incorporate a little bit of humour, especially if one of the characters personalities is like that, it can be a great mood lifter or a change of pace throughout the story or chapter ^^ Ah, you flatter me so much ❤  thank you my love, and I love you too!
@parkheehi said: I'm so fucking happy that Y/N was not that mad at jungkook for his secret. :D do you know how many parts I won't stop you will have?? (BTW I DIED WHEN JUNGKOOK SAID 'I won't stop you' AFTER Y/N ASKED HIM IF SHE COULD  TOUCH HIS TEETH)  Don't overwork yourself and stay healthy!🤗
I have no idea how many chapters~ You guys will know when I do! ALSO THIS ISN’T THE FURST TIME JUNGKOOK HAS SAID ‘I WON’T STOP YOU’ - and actually, the reader has said it before too ;) I guess youll have to go back and read to find out where and when it was said! hehe ❤  thank you my love and I hope you’re having a great day!
@semisweetsuga said: I fukin knew you were gonna end it on a god damn cliffhanger but the update was SO GOoD I loVEd iT!
This should no longer be a surprise anymore~ I’ll gladly wear my crown for queen of cliffhangers ~ hehe, I love Kotooooo ❤
This isn’t the first time that the title has been mentioned in the series! :3 Jungkook has said it once before and so has (Y/N)~ muhaha! I hope you’ll enjoy the storyline when you find out what (Y/N) is ❤  thank you so much for reading!
Because my dear, I am evil and I enjoy inflicting pain ❤  heh~ Thank you so much for reading and I hope you’ll enjoy the future chapters!
@pandafish said: A very intense and dramatic reveal!  I can't want to hear about their history!
Thank you so much my dear! I hope you’ll enjoy it :D
@animeimmortal said: I shit you not i have never been this mad before. The other cliffhangers? Fine ill just deal with it. but this one? LET ME LIVE FOR ONCE I BEG YOU JUST ONE CHAPTER WITHOUT A CLIFFHANGER PLEASE DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE FROM THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE I AM SO FRUSTRATED I NEED THE REST GOD PLEASE OMG ❤ love you ❤
U mad bro? :3 tehe~ But thank you s always for reading it despite wanting to kill me ❤  I love you too!!
Anonymous said: When she asked to touch his fangs and he was like 'go ahead I won't stop you' I literally had to refrain from shouting TITLE REFERENCE! BOOM!
This isn’t the first time that the title has been mentioned in the series! Jungkook has said it before and so has the reader ;) But it was probably less obvious because I like to slip in those things to see if anyone picks up on it~ heh^^
Anonymous said: *glares at you author* I was this close to knowing. NOW I HAVE TO WAIT 7 MORE DAYS TO GET MY ANSWER TO WHY I'M VAMPNIP!!! GRRAGH>:( But on the bright side, this chapter wasn't as angsty as I feared! Hooray! :) *but I'm still mad at you hmph*- love Vampnip anon
*glares back at you and smiles* muhaha~ Don’t be mad at me because I love you very much ❤  hehe thank you so much for reading it my dear!
Anonymous said: AAAHHH I've waited so long for this IWSY Chapter *^* My jaw dropped when "I" called the Queen 'bitch' >.< I also really wanted to read about her finding out that the Jeon's are the royal family and her beloved Jungkook is a PRINCE <3 maybe in the next part~(?)
Haha yes! You called the Queen a bitch! c: But it can be forgiven I guess due to the circumstances lol ^^ YES MAYBE SO! ❤  thank you for reading the update dear ^^
@omelys-space said: Once again such a great update ❤ I am glad that they all opened up to her and that she had her time to freak out but calmed down pretty soon after that  Excited to see what she is now and again gotta give some love to Serrena  She is such a babe 😍 Thank you for your hard work and till next week ❤
Ahh thank you so much my love ❤  I’m happy that you enjoyed it and I hope you’ll look forward to next week too! ^^
Anonymous said: You always leave me crying, my heart full yet broken. Every Tuesday. And it's okay because art takes time.
Ahh you make me sound like such an emotional abuser :c I don’t mean to break your heart! *hugs* hehe~ thank you so much for reading the chapter dear ❤
@deboracorrea25 said: OMG!!! Perfect, simply perfect! I just love the way you write,  the way you make us feel all the emotions of the characters. I could feel the surprise, the anger, the acceptance, and even the love. I couldn't imagine this to be better, and I know next week chapter of "I won't stop you" will be flawless too. Thank you again for writing this fanfic. Love you!
sdfghj you’re too sweet for your own good, i’m so glad that you could feel all the emotions that everyone in the chapter was feeling ^^ thank you so much for reading it and for looking forward to next week - I’ll do my best!! ❤  I love you too :D
@mocking-butts said: OH MY GOD IM SCREAMING FOR THIS CHAPTER~!! I was literally at the edge of my seat when they were telling her and oh my god I almost cried and I need it to be next week I want to know so badly I love this story so much teach me the ways oh wise one. I love this story so much I can't even right now.
It’s only 6 days away now! *sweats* lolol c: Thank you so much for loving the story, I really really appreciate it that ❤
*pats your head gently* there there my love, its okay~ ❤
Ahhhh but it’s not the first time that the title has been mentioned in the series!Both Jungkook and the reader have said it before :3 thank you for reading it my lovely!
@mysr3 said: SARAAAA!!! I LOVE YOU!!! You saved JK heart and my heart at the same time This chapter I love it. The details are amazingly well portray and I love the humor you threw in there to emphasize Y/N characters in the state she is in or her personality in general. ahhh I love your writing! But you just ripped my heart out dying to know the whole story! I was so sure you would reveal today! I thought I had nailed how today chapter would turned out but I was wayyy offff lol Well played my love ❤❤❤
I’m glad I could save your heart and rip it out at the same time hehe ❤  I’m so happy that you could feel everyone’s response and their personalities in the chapter too ^^ Thank you for reading it dear and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Anonymous said: THAT ITALICIZED I WONT STOP YOU I SCREAMED BIIITTTCCCHHH YAAAAASSSS 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I love it SO MUCH also the garlic bread part I died that was so fuckjng funny and then the to be continued 😭😭😭😭 y u do dis 2 mE ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
This isn’t the first time that the title has been mentioned in the series! Both Jungkook and the reader have said it before c: LOL I chuckled at the garlic bread reference when I was writing it haha (i’m so pathetic lol) Thank you for reading it despite the frustration of waiting ❤
Anonymous said: If you keep ending IWSTY chapters like that I'm going to explode. It's been continuous cliffhangers omg. I love the story and I can't wait for the next chapter!!❤ love you
Please don’t explode, that would make me mega sad :( And yes - continuous cliffhangers are kind of my thing? my style? lolol I’m sorry but it is what it is! :P Thank you very much for reading and I love you too pumpkin ❤
Anonymous said: okay SARA what the absolute HECK why must you play with our feelings that way?? i really thought we were going to get the tea ☕️ on what the reader is but NO ahhhh lovely chapter though omg 11/10 as always!!!!
Because I love to play and toy with people’s emotions~ does that make me a bad person? c: lolol thank you for reading and enjoying the chapter my love!
@doubletroublesince1994 said: I didnt expect this reaction at all! I thought she'll stay mad for 2 or 3 chapters before finally accepting it 😂😂 On a side note, I particulary loved this chapter because Ive been waiting for the declaration since day 1! Can't wait for tge 2nd part
Ahahaha I hope you still enjoyed it though my love! And it makes me really happy to hear that you’re looking forward to the next part too! Have a wonderful day babe ❤
Anonymous said: Oh my gosh this chapter was so good!!!! I can't believe that Jungkook finally told Y/N!  Thank you for writing this amazing series. ♡♡ - self care anon (and yeah, I'm trying to take care of myself. The routine is the most helpul part. Love you!)
Hi there self care anon! I’m glad to know that you’re still taking care of yourself and that my series can attribute to that self care routine ❤  And I’m also really happy and thankful to know that you enjoyed the chapter, thank you so much for reading it and I hope you continue to take good care of yourself ❤
Anonymous said: O.o Oh mai gawd Sara, that was sooo good. IWSY part 21, (y/n) stays!!! Yess!!! I've been so excited for today, I was so anxious to see whether or not (y/n) runs out on Jungkook and I'm so glad this part ended the way it did. Without a doubt, IWSY is the main reason I put up with tuesdays. ily soo much! can't wait for next part! - army anon
Hello army anon! I’m so glad to know that you enjoyed the new part ^^ and yes! (Y/N) was never going to run away or leave Jungkook - she loves him too much :D I love you too and thank you so much for reading it!
@audreymv said: MAMA IS ABOUT TO GIVE STORYTIME WOAH.  This was a roller coaster of a chapter like she yelled at them and she was angry wow and then like wow next thing ya know is she is apart of the ancestral line. Maybe her parents died by mistake. Ooo it's getting interesting
STORY TIME WITH SERRENA TURN UP! lolol~ Thank you once again for reading the new update and I hope you’ll enjoy next weeks too! Have a great day my love ❤
@btsfanficss said: What the heck I swear I was following you this entire time :o BUT ANYWAYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EXISTING I LOVE IWSY SO MUCH IVE BEEN FOLLOWING IT FOR SO LONG ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
That’’s okay my dear don’t worry! A lot of the time I assume I’m following people but it turns out that I’m not so I totally understand xD Thank YOU for existing too and thank you so much for reading IWSY ❤
Anonymous said: Not gonna lie, I squealed like a fangirl when Jungkook said, "I won't stop you" LOL. But you're seriously killing me every week sara! I die every Tuesday, then get resurrected the next Tuesday just so I can't read the next chapter 😂 UGH AND AGAIN? REALLY SARA?  IM STILL WAITING TO FIND OUT WHAT Y/N IS 😭😂  I'm hoping the next chapter will be nice and long for me to indulge in 😉... and not gonna lie, I'm scared of the idea of vampires, BUT I REALLY WANT ME A VAMPIRE JUNGKOOK OMG 😜 - 7:45 Anon
Did you know that this wasn’t the first time that Jungkook said I Won’t Stop You? The reader has actually said it before too c: lolol And don’t worry - the next chapter will probably be around 7k words (just like this chapter was), because it’s essentually the chapter that I explain the lore I’ve created/decided upon ❤ AND SAME I REALLY WANT A VAMPKOOK and I also want Vampire Vmin too lolol~~ Thank you so much for reading the new chapter as always 7:45 anon ❤
Anonymous said: YESSS I WONT STOP YOU AAAh. This made my day lol , I love you!!!! Have a great day c:
Did you know that this wasn’t the first time that Jungkook said I Won’t Stop You? The reader has actually said it before too c: hehe ^^ I love you too and thank you so much for reading my dear!
@ineffabl-y said: IM SHAKEN OMFG but like WHEN IT SAID THE TITLE I SCREAMED also you should use this thing called interactivefics and it lets the reader insert their name inside the fic and I love it!!! just a suggestion tho ANYWAYS CANT WAIT TO BE THIRSTY FOR THIS FIC TILL NEXT TUESDAY <3
Did you know that this wasn’t the first time that Jungkook said I Won’t Stop You? The reader has actually said it before too c: That’s good that there’s a site like that but I think for now I’ll be staying on tumblr because if I moved and started uploading somewhere else, people might get confused :( Thank you so much for reading my love and I hope you have a good day!
@ohheyitsebonyrose said: Saraaaaaaaa my queen. That part was amazing. I'm so glad the protagonist knows of vampires now ^.^ IM SO CURIOUS TO SEE WHAT SHE IS!!
Yes she finally knows! What a relief hehe ^^ Thank you so much for thinking that it was amazing! I hope you’ll enjoy next week too my love ^^
@theninjachan said: I die every Tuesday and rise again every Tuesday. Thank you. Chapter 21 was a delight (cont.) Oh and “Go ahead; I won’t stop you”  Nut bust x10000000000
Did you know that this wasn’t the first time that Jungkook said I Won’t Stop You? The reader has actually said it before too c: Hehe, thank you so much for reading it my love and I hope you’re having an amazing day!
Anonymous said: I CANT TAKE NO MORE. THIS TUESDAY TO TUESDAY IS KILLING ME. I JUST WANT Y/N AND JUNGKOOK TO BUMP UGLIES AND BE HAPPY. BUT THIS CHAPTER WAS SO INFORMATIVE AND INTERESTING LIKE I WAS LIKE AHHHHH SNAP ITS GOIN DOWN NOW. But on a real note like this story is my shit. I don't mind waiting every week but I do. But like I don't. But then again I do. I'm just confused and I need to know what up with y/n cuz my theories are hella wild and I need the tea ☕️. I love you so much! 💜 ~LilKookieAnon
BUMP UGLIES AND BE HAPPY LMAO I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LIL KOOKIE ANON :3 I love you too and don’t worry, all will be explained in time, I promise you!! Have a wonderful day my dear and thank you so much :3
Anonymous said: Wait, so since Serrena is older then Jeonju does that make her a cougar?  🤔😂
I mean, I guess so c: A hella cougar tho! hehe~~
Anonymous said: I HAVE NO WORDS. That chapter was amazing!!!!!! I'm jungshook. But in all honesty I really want everyday to be Wednesday!! *sigh* I'm so excited for chapter 22! -Tall anon
Thank you so much my dear! That means so much to me Tall anon :D I’m so happy you enjoyed it!!
Anonymous said: How long do you think I Won't Stop You is going to be because honestly I need it to be as long as possible!! I absolutely love it
I have no idea how long it will be but it won’t be ending any time soon ^^ you guys will know as soon as I do! thank you so much for reading and enjoying it my dear ^^
Did you know that this wasn’t the first time that Jungkook said I Won’t Stop You? The reader has actually said it before too c: It will be a reoccurring sentence throughout! I hope you’ll be able to find them all c: hehe I love you so much too and I’m so happy you enjoyed the chapter!!
@jynxy24 said: I hate you so much, Sara. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEEEE AND JUST AS SHE WAS ABOUT TO TELL?! COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNNN! (Reader was adorable with the way she was asking question :3) I swear when I saw that cliffhanger, I was like, "Wha- Uh- Sara!" ISTG I'M SO CONFUSED AND FRUSTRSTED😂😂😂 Staph torturing me, Sara😂
Awww don’t hate me because I LOVE YOU very much c: And you should know by now that I love to torture you c: But thank you very much for reading the new chapter Jynxy my love ^^
Anonymous said: God damn it you know like what even what the actual fuck. I am more than shook rn ok. I am relieved nothing too bad happened but I am on edge now with that cliffhanger (& all others). I love it & dislike it (I don't like using hate cuz it's a strong word u kno). I'm sure u get that a lot tho lol. I am so excited for the next part oml I'm so eager to find out what the reader is & y she makes vamps feel things. It sucks to wait but I am really looking forward to the next part 💕 take care 💕
I do get it a lot haha it’s a weird feeling to know that people love and hate me at the same time lolol xD Thank you so much for reading and I’m sorry about the frustration! I hope you’re having an awesome day my dear ^^
@ananyak26 said: Ok I love this chapter!!! How can Serrena  be so savage AND sweet at the same time?!.. And jungkook... Ahhh.. Jungkook . Great job as usual author-nim!!!
She’s a badass mum indeed! Thank you so much my love and I’m so happy you enjoyed the new chapter!
Anonymous said: Love the 'I Won't Stop You' series! I found it a few weeks back and it's amazing!!! Always looking forward for each Tuesday (well Wednesday for me since I'm 7 hours ahead of you)
Ahhh thank you so much sweetie! I’m so happy you found it and that you’re enjoying it ^^ And ugh, damn timezones, they ruin everything!! lol I hope you’re having an amazing day ^^
@angelbeats47 said: YO SARA!!! I'm really getting angry reading I Won't Stop You!!! Like seriously you're writing is fantastic and I can't handle this anymore.... I literally threw my pillow as I finished reading the latest chapter 😡😡😡😡 THIS STORY IS TOO GOOD! I'M GETTING MAD BECAUSE I GOTTA WAIT ANOTHER WEEK FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER 😫😫😫😩😩😩 ugh so good so good 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
Hiya doll! :3 You only have to wait another 6 days so it’s not too far away right? c: hehe, thank you so much for reading and I’m sorry it makes you angry :P I hope you’ll enjoy the next chapter!!
Anonymous said: I die every Tuesday bc of your clifghangers!!! Asdfhklhdf your work is so good,  i literally binge read all of 'i won't stop you' yesterday and its killing me inside!! Also, a part of me wants yoongi to fall in love with her and become a better person but i also want her to end up with jungkook ahhhhh can u feel my pain T__T
Awh thank you so much my dear! Glad to know that you’re enjoying the story and I’m sorry about the frustration you feel heh ^^ Have an awesome day/night!!
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