#i cannot wait to be back to being in love with pedro pascal it’s gonna be huge
mielgf · 2 years
not to sound like a Dweeb but also to sound like a Dweeb, the last of us episode 1 drops tn besties and i’m ready to have my brain chemistry altered permanently just as the first play through of the game did
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hiscyarika · 3 years
Let me just make myself perfectly clear before I carry on with my fun on the dash.
TL;DR: If you read Rough Day, that’s fine. Just don’t shove it down people’s throats. And no writer, no-droids included, deserves any harassment or hate over it.  
There is nothing wrong with reading Rough Day. There is nothing wrong with enjoying Rough Day. If it makes you happy, read it. That’s the whole reason why it was written. For people to enjoy. That’s the entire purpose of fanfiction. You read Rough Day? Awesome. Good for you.
The problem arises when authors and artists are constantly having their work compared to Rough Day. “Oh this is just like what happens in Rough Day!” “Reading this while I wait for the RD update!” “This was great but Rough Day is the best Din fic out there.” For us writers, it is a constant reminder that our work will never be good enough on its own. For artists, they can’t even draw Din or Pedro or other characters, for that matter, without some RD stan commenting something about the fic. There was a beautiful piece of Oberyn art by @hail-doodles that goes along with her Oberyn fic, that someone decided to comment on and say was like RD or like an AU for it. We literally cannot escape it. 
So when a writer gets an absurd ask telling them that referring to Din having brown eyes is a theme in RD, of course we are going to laugh at it. Yeah we’re gonna describe him as having brown eyes. Have you seen Pedro Pascal? Did you watch S2E6? And yeah, we’re gonna make memes and shitposts. Because we’ve been dealing with this for months now, and I think most of us have given up on ever seeing an end to it. Making fun of this ask isn’t bullying anyone. We’re just laughing at the toxic minority of people that read the series and don’t let any other piece of fic/art exist outside of it.
That being said, no one should be attacking the author. I have no issue with the author or the fact that the fic exists. Good for her! I wish that many people loved my work that much. I hope her hiatus does her good and that she can come back to writing her beloved fic without anyone harassing her for it. I completely understand that she has zero control over the RD cult. If you’re harassing no-droids and making her feel like shit, you are also part of the problem. 
So I’m gonna continue to reblog the memes and shitposts now. If it really bothers you that much, you do whatever you feel like you need to do to cleanse your dash. 
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xcertaindarkthingsx · 4 years
so i’m still emotionally hungover from the finale
like.... embarrassingly so. it’s coming up on a week and i still tear up thinking about it or whenever i see gifs on my dash (which is why i haven’t reblogged any mando things lately alkdjfalj i cry everytime)
but idk i just have a lot of thots still about it so i’m just gonna dump them here.  feel free to message/ask to discuss, we can be in pain together LMAO
i was so devastated when i heard that my god 
like yes of course i am excited for boba fett and to see fennec bUT LIKE I MISS MY SPACE COWBOY AND HIS SON
i just.... cannot get over that they’re apart
like, trust me i understand why grogu had to leave but it just breaks my fucking heart
i cannot get over how good din is.  like he is just a good person overall.  he gives so much even if it means getting nothing in return.  even to complete strangers.  he’s this hardened, no nonsense man but shows so much KINDNESS to everyone he touches and that’s why i love him so so much 
even after doing everything in his power to save the kid, he still loses him in the end but he lets him go because he knows it’s for the best
like... din knows what it’s like to be lost, to be without his people, his clan.  hell, he’s living it! he’s looking for the rest of his covert after seeing them mostly get wiped out, not even knowing how many of them are even left.
and now we know that grogu went through the same thing as a youngling, he’s lost and without his people, he doesn’t have that familiarity and he never thought he would get that back. until now.
until that new hope of luke appears
so that’s why din let’s him go. he wants his son to become what he was meant to be.  
but maybe he does bc he knows how much his dad has sacrificed to get him where he is.  and he wants to protect him.  
he started this journey alone and now he’s just... alone again
the face touch was so precious though, i’ll give them that bc i was bawling like a mf baby 
“don’t be afraid?” yeah excuse me while i go pass away
the whole moment was just so soft and tender it just melted my insides 
shoutout to pedro pascal’s magnificent acting during that whole scene bc i was inconsolable for like hours
i feel like it would have been more impactful if they had like a brief private moment together
that nod of acknowledgement between din and luke, where din understands that luke really will protect the child with his life so he knows it’s okay.
i’m fine
i would have loved to see just, idk a shot of the necklace on grogu and din like absentmindedly holding the metal ball
i don’t want to think about how after din probably just holds it and cries 
luke skywalker showing up to save the day in his chanel boots will always be a fave
however it sucks that i immediately bawl 2 minutes after he shows up HAHA the thrill of seeing him is cut short by my sadness
(although.... it would have been cool to see cal. but i’m ok with it being luke bc we finally get the luke we deserve/know and love)
also luv ludwig goransson for the bangers
even though the theme makes me cry now
(i understand this was to further complicate the plot of her acquiring the darksaber but like.... man did it piss me off when she had that surprised pikachu face after seeing din with that saber LMAO like what did u think was gonna happen girl?????)
props to gideon for being a shady lil’ shit about it LMAO 
however shoutout to our accidental mand’alor din djarin
luv that for him
he’s sexy with that saber CHANGE MY MIND
pls i cannot get that end shot of boba and fennec on the throne out of my head ladjfkdj the bi panic was real 
uhhhh ya i think that’s it 
i had a lot more thoughts tbh but i’m at work and burnt out so 
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ohpedromypedro · 4 years
Ice Cream To Celebrate
A/N: This request was sent in by @catwinchesterkaz2y5 and let me tell you, I am SOFT. 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 Usually I’m not good writing fluff, but when it comes to Papa!Pedro, I can conjure up some cute ass fluff. Thank you for this request! I can’t wait to work on the next one you sent in. 😩💕
word count: 2.3k+ (was not expecting it to be this long 👀)
characters: Pedro x f!Reader x daughter oc
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The pitter patter of your almost four year old daughter Verónica’s feet is heard on the hallway floor just outside your bedroom by yourself and Pedro, who are still currently curled up in each other’s hold with your legs intertwined like tangled rope, just laying there trying to get the courage to finally climb your asses out of your comfortable bed; and you both can’t help but smile at each other when the door opens and in comes your daughter with her favorite teddy in hand. It’s actually a Build-A-Bear Baby Yoda, but still, like a teddy. 
“Mamá? Papá?” She inquires, grabbing hold of your comforter and hoisting herself and her teddy up by the wooden bedframe with her foot as her boost, grinning when she sees the two of you looking toward her. “Mamá, Papá! You’s awake!”
“Yes, princesa, we’ve been awake,” Pedro chuckles, holding his arm open so Verónica can come join you for cuddles. Once she’s curled up against his chest, he closes his arm around her and holds her warmly against him. “My favorite part of the morning. Cuddles with my two favorite girls.”
“I love you,” you murmur, looking up at your husband from where you lay your head on his chest and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.
“I love you,” he sighs in content, kissing you in return.
“I love you Mamá and Papá.”
“We love you too.” You say it at the same time Pedro does, which you two smile at and share another kiss over.
“I want pancakes,” Verónica sighs and you and Pedro just laugh softly.
“That so? Well why didn’t you say so, hermosa chica? Papá will whip you and Mamá up a couple of delicious blueberry pancakes, how does that sound?”
“Yeah yeah yeah! That soun’ yummy, Papá!” Verónica giggles, pressing a bunch of kisses all over Pedro’s face. Pedro just laughs and easily lifts Verónica up in the air, playfully flying her around above him before bringing her back down to attack her with kisses. “Noooo not kissy monster!” She squeals.
“Yes the kissy monster! You’ve awoken him now! Mwahaha!” He lets out a playful, evil laugh, continuing to kiss her face and arms and tummy while she giggles loud and wiggles in his arms.
“Papá please! That tickles!” She squeals, trying to escape his arms and crawl toward you. “Mamá save me! Please!”
You can’t help but to giggle at the two of them, dropping your hands so you can start tickling Pedro’s sides which he yelps at and releases Verónica so she can escape toward the foot of the bed. Pedro looks at you with playful betrayal, his hand going up to rest over his heart.
“Betrayed by my own wife.”
“Girls gotta stick together, baby, you know that,” you tease, leaning over to gently kiss his lips before moving to press yours to his ear, speaking low enough so only he can hear. “but when she’s down for her nap later, I’ll make it up to you.” You pull back with a small smirk before getting up from the bed and lifting Verónica into your arms. “Come on, babygirl. Let’s go race Papá to the kitchen.”
“Yeah, yeah!” She giggles, blowing raspberries at Pedro as you run with her out of the room which he just chuckles at and soon jumps off the bed to chase you. She screams when she sees him catching up to you both. “Faster Mamá, he coming!”
“I’m gonna beat you there!” He cackles, using one of the railings on the staircase to quickly slide down and pass you and Verónica, racing right for the kitchen.
“Papá cheating!” She whines, jumping down from your arms when you finally reach the bottom of the stairs and running over to Pedro to lightly hit his leg. “No fair!”
“I didn’t hear any rules, so I played plenty fair,” he teases, leaning down to scoop Verónica into his arms and rest her on his hip. “Now, you wanna help Papá make some pancakes?”
“Yeah, yeah!” She giggles excitedly, clapping her hands as Pedro sits her on the countertop so he can start grabbing everything to make the pancakes.
You watch the two of them from afar, leaning against the frame of the kitchen doorway so you can admire how adorable they are as they start making the pancakes. Pedro has always been adorable to you, but he’s a completely different type of adorable when it comes to your daughter. There’s just something about being a father, you guess.
Pedro notices that you’re just standing there watching and looks over at you to give you a warm smile.
“Gonna join us or what, Mamá?”
“Yeah, Mamá! Why you stare like that?” Verónica asks you, watching as Pedro pours some pancake batter into a frying pan.
“Just admiring my two favorite people in the whole entire world being adorable and making pancakes together.” You smile, walking over so you can give Verónica a kiss on the head.
“You’s adorable,” she says back to you, looking up at you and pressing a little kiss to your lips.
“Thank you, babygirl.” You smile at her, brushing your fingers through her hair. “How about after breakfast, we take a bath and then maybe we can all go for a nice walk at the park?”
“Yeah, yeah! Ice cream! Ice cream!”
“Yes, ice cream too if you’re a good girl and behave during your bath, okay?”
“Okay Mamá,” she giggles, kissing your cheek before shuffling closer to Pedro and nuzzling his shoulder while the pancakes cook. “I want Papá give me bath.”
“If Papá is okay with that, he can give you a bath if you want.”
“Papá is very okay with that, princesa.” He smiles down at Verónica and gives her forehead a soft kiss. “Once we finish eating breakfast, Papá will give you a bath. You want a bubble bath?”
“Bubbles!” She squeals, kicking her feet excitedly.
“I take that as a yes,” he chuckles, kissing her hair before flipping the pancakes, placing the well cooked ones on a plate set to the side. “Would Mamá like to grab some butter for the delicious pancakes?”
“Of course,” you smile, going to grab the butter dish and bringing it over to the dining table where you start setting plates and silverware out as well so you can eat. “Orange juice?”
“Yes please!”
“Anything for you, my sweet girl.” You smile over at Verónica before grabbing the orange juice from the fridge and one of her sippy cups from the cabinet, grabbing yourself and Pedro a glass of your own.
Once you get everything situated at the dining table, you head back to where Pedro is just finishing piling the pancakes onto a plate. He quickly turns the stove off and turns to smile at you, lifting his hand up to gently brush his thumb against your cheekbone. You lean into his touch and hum, turning your face so you can kiss the palm of his hand.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, mi bella esposa. Now let’s eat, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you smile, quickly kissing his lips before grabbing the plate of pancakes and carrying them over to the table. “Oh! Honey, can you grab the maple syrup too?”
“Good thinking. I almost forgot,” he chuckles, grabbing the homemade maple syrup a family friend of yours gifted you and bringing that over to the table as well.
“Can’t have pancakes without syrup, can you?” You chuckle, sitting Verónica in her chair before cutting her up a pancake and putting it on her personally made Mandalorian plate, courtesy of her Papá.
Pedro pours a small amount of syrup on her pancakes and gives you a smile and a peck on the lips. “No you cannot.”
The two of you sit down in your own seats and help yourselves to some pancakes, adding some butter and syrup as preferred before starting to eat. You pour yourself, Pedro, and Verónica some orange juice, giving Verónica her sippy cup and watching with a smile as she takes a long sip of her juice.
“Are you enjoying your breakfast, pretty girl?” You chuckle and Verónica nods.
“Uh huh. Can’t wait for ice cream.”
“Of course you can’t,” Pedro chuckles, giving his head an amused shake. “Like mother, like daughter.”
“Ice cream is life,” you state, giving your eyelids a squint in his direction. Pedro just laughs and playfully throws a piece of pancake at your face. “Hey!” You pout, grabbing the pancake and throwing it back at him. “Meanie.”
“Awww, you know I’m just teasing, baby.” He smirks, leaning across the table to kiss the tip of your nose. “I know how important your love for ice cream is,” he chuckles.
“Yeah,” you smile at his kiss to your nose, looking up at him with admiration. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal. You are the absolute best husband and father that could ever exist.”
“You two are my world and you deserve nothing less,” he murmurs, kissing you gently.
“I love you so much,” you whisper into the kiss, your hand gently touching his face.
~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂  ~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂ ~⁂ ~
The three of you finish eating pretty quickly and soon Pedro has Verónica upstairs taking her bath. While he bathes Verónica, you focus on the after breakfast clean up, figuring that you get it out of the way while your clingy daughter is preoccupied with her bubble bath. Cleaning with a toddler around is not an easy task, so it’s always best to do it while she’s bathing or playing in her room.
You smile as you listen closely to your husband and daughter just up the stairs in the bathroom, listening to their cute little exchanges while playing with her toys, your heart unable to handle all the cuteness. You can’t help but think about how lucky you truly are to have a man as incredible as Pedro in your life and you’re especially lucky to have such a beautiful child with him.
You suddenly frown, your hand slapping to your mouth as you quickly run to the downstairs bathroom just a few rooms down from the kitchen, making it to the toilet just in time to throw up your breakfast. You groan as all your stomach’s contents come up and out of you, your hand weakly holding your hair back.
“Ugh gross,” you sigh, slowly standing up and flushing the toilet, rinsing your mouth out with some mouthwash right after. “What the hell was that about?” You ask yourself, rubbing your stomach with furrowed brows. You never get sick like that, not unless you’re… Oh. Your eyes widen and immediately you check your period track app on your phone. “Three weeks late?!” 
You gasp, moving to dig through the cabinet below the bathroom sink for a pregnancy test, sighing in relief when you find one that you had purchased not too long ago, as a just in case. Once you get the test out of its wrapping, you quickly do your duty and wait for the results. You’re a tad bit worried now. What if Pedro isn’t ready for another child? What if he only wants just one? What will happen then?
You nervously chew your lip while you wait for the result, practically staring at the test until you see the positive symbol pop up. Your eyes widen, a shocked expression taking over your features as you get lost in the positive result.
“Y/N?” Pedro’s voice snaps you back to reality and immediately you’re gasping again, grabbing the pregnancy test and rushing out to where he’s coming down the stairs with Verónica in his arms.
“Pedro,” you can’t help but to grin wide, your nervousness now becoming excitement as you face your husband to tell him the news. He sets Verónica down with a quirked brow, sensing your silent excitement.
You hold out the pregnancy test for him to take and his eyes go wide the second he sees the result, his lips tugged into the widest of grins.
“You’re pregnant?”
“Three weeks late for my period.”
“I’m gonna be a Papá again?” He inquires, his eyes lit up with excitement. His excitement makes your heart flutter and you can only give your head a small nod, biting your lip with a smile.
“Yes, baby.”
“Oh I love you so much, Y/N Y/M/N Pascal. You make the happiest man to walk this Earth.”
“I love you too,” you whisper, quickly wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him deeply.
“Mamá havin’ baby?” Verónica looks up at the two of you, moving to settle between yours and Pedro’s legs. You both look down at her and smile.
“Yes, sweetie. Mamá’s gonna make you a big sister.”
“Yay! Best day ever!” She squeals, jumping up and down and clapping. “I hope is a boy!”
“Yeah? Me too,” Pedro grins, kneeling down and giving his daughter a warm hug. “If it’s a boy, what should we name him?”
“After tío!”
“I think Oscar would quite love the idea of that,” you chuckle, resting your hand over your stomach. Pedro looks up at you and smiles, gently resting his hand over yours before moving them away and pressing a kiss to your tummy.
“I can’t wait to spoil you while you carry our second child.” He murmurs, moving to stand up once again and press his lips to your own, his hand now rubbing over your stomach. “I can’t wait to share the good news.”
“Me too,” you smile. “But for now, let’s enjoy our nice walk in the park today with our perfect little girl. Everyone can wait til tonight for the news, don’t you agree?”
“I do,” Pedro smiles, resting his forehead against your own. “Ice cream to celebrate?”
“Ice cream to celebrate.”
Pedro tag list: @manuphantom​ @unadulteratedneckherolover @luna-longbott0m​ @hanelijoy​ @nisanekim​ @lyreandcampfire​
Everything tag list: @halefirewarrior​ @takemepedropascal​ @whiskeyxinxaxteacup​ @pedrosdoll​ @wildcard566​ @talesfromtheguild​ @readsalot73​ @snazzyjazzy6​ @thottytron5000​ @oberynispunk​ @phoenixhalliwell​
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djxrxn · 4 years
What are some your other fav writers on here? And any mando/Paz recommendations?
hi! okay i have a bunch! im puting under a cut so its not a big ass post on everyone’s timeline ajakjscajs sorry
this is also like by no means all of them so if i missed someone, i’m sorry like there’s so much good content here and so many kick ass blogs like ugh we’re fed so well
@scribbledghost has a big din djarin masterlist, as well as a lot of other pedro pascal boys, and ALSO they have a zombie apocalypse au with whiskey read it immediately its so good like !!!!!! thank you for bringing back this fanfic trope cultural reset
@qveenbvtch has a ton of works for the pedro pascal boys and tbh their headcanons are like 95% of the reason i even like catfish queen shit the headcanons they have are GOLDEn and also read ring my bell its a 70s javi roller rink oneshot need i say more ??
@spacegayofficial has SO MUCH like an actual crazy amount of writing its all great like all of it. they have fics, and headcannons, like holy shit you did all of this?? legend. also they have a lot of that good max phillips content chefs kiss as well as that din djarin content (and cara dune content my savior)
@beskars their obi wan content?? their obi wan content?? like i’m not even that into obi and YET beskars makes him so lovely and sweet and then there’s SITH OBI WAN cannot i cannot. also act of vengeance is like whew you write darth maul so well like holy shit !!!!!!
@zeldasayer has three big ol series. there’s loving din (mr darin), and then there’s whiskey and gin (70s whiskey shup up dont touch me i cant), and then theirs futile devices (call me by your name au with javi) and each series destroys me like the smut is god tier the writing is stellar like the vibes??? off the charts ! and also zelda is such a sweet ethereal goddess like holy shit i love her queen status
@cptnbvcks first of all, i think about salt berries and close quarters on the REGULAR the din content ENDS ME like its spectacular and also more cara dune content hell yes
@no-droids if you are not reading the rough day series i have no idea what to tell you my friend also stream the sun on both sides and the closed door duology like DUDe everything they do is like stellar ugh cultural resets for this fandom
@corrupt-fvcker recently (i think?) posted another paz fic and i- and i just- WHEW okay it’s so good like actually fuck my life UP both brat and all cuffed up are fantastic
@magichandthing has a whole clan leader au for mandalorians it’s art and it’s INCREDIBLE like i can’t shut up about it like its so good.
and of course, my gorls
@bobafctts has a lot of headcanons for paz, din and boba, and her boba fic is so good like holy shit miss e please stop im already dead!! she working on a threesome fic with boba and din and holy shit its so long and the teaser is already so GOOD its gonna rock my ASS i cannot WAit like cultural reset alert watch out godTEIR BLOG godtier FRIEND also shes planning on writing paz so holy shit strap in
@jangofctts has a series about din called quixotic and a boba series called () both are crazy good and holy shit !!! like the writing is exquisute and i cannot like i actually cant im dead bye also shes planning on a paz fic im very ready to continue being dead!!  she has some chefs kiss headcanons on her blog about the bucket boys and her POE fics sent me into another galaxy tbh never the same  GOD TIER blog and frIEND 
okay i thinks thats all ive got for now sdjbajhvgh
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twilightofthe · 5 years
I found a totally legal way to watch The Mandalorian!!!  Gonna do one of my first live-blogs of it, here’s Chapter One! (tag is “liveblogging the mando show” if y’all wanna block it)
Ooooo I really like the helmet flashing new logo (tho still curse you Disney)
Ew gross don’t molest the guy you’re beating up my dudes
Yayyyy Mando Man’s here!  He gonna help this dude or?
Wait how’s he supposed to drink through his fancy mask
I love how they’re going back to Huttese omg the nostalgia
Aaaaaand back to business as usual typical bars
This guy’s gonna get captured too lol I know it
Ahaha I knew it
Welp at least Mando Man’s gonna be probs a bit nicer about it
Wait did we even know what planet this was?
So he doesn’t like droids or they’re easily tracked or????
Can’t be the opening of a Star WArs movie without a trashy old Uber driver of some sorts
Also cannot be proper Star Wars without someone calling another person’s ship garbage ahah I love this
Oh dinosaur monster walrus worm cool
Ya know this guy is surprisingly nonchalant about being taken in for a bounty
Shock staff or bug zapper?  A two in one deal!!!
Oh NOW you like his ship
Pfft I know like exactly zilch about ships, I’m not one of those SW nerds, can someone tell me if Razor Crests or anything are supposed to be important or not?
Vac Tube?  Huh, I thought “fresher” was the word for “space potty”.  Guess there’s more than one lol
Ooooo weapons
C’mon this guy really thinks he’s getting out?  Pfff
Oh so Life Day is canonically a galactic holiday then, not just another word for “birthday”.  I mean I kinda knew cuz they use “birthday” for Ezra in Rebels but this confirms Life Day too
Ooooo new planet!  I wish they told us the names like Rogue One did
Aaaaaand yet another bar
*Pokemon theme* Catch em’ alll
heck yea boi stick it to the Empire
Omg I’m hopeless Pedro Pascal has such a nice voic aaaaaaaa.
“I’ll take them all” Cocky bastard
I’m already intrigued, but I really want to see more of his character behind just “cool armor fighter mask man mystery”.
Ik ik I’m being impatient this is only the first ep but still
Also his cloak game is On Point and I love it
*Obi Wan voice* Hello there stormtroopers xD
Hmm so who’s the doctor?
That metal old dude’s wearing, it’s not Rebel Alliance, is it Empire?  It makes sense if he’s hanging out with Stormtroopers
Wait shoot Old Dude could be another Mando, if he’s got beskar and all
I’m adoring the Western-style soundtrack
Oooo more Mandos
And color me wrong but that curvy fleur-de-lis thingy on the wall is the Mandalore symbol right?  I forget, don’t kill me
Head of his guild here I guess?
What is the Purge?  Ooo so he doesn’t have legit beskar armor cuz it’s rare, so he’s trying to build a 
new suit?
I like the design of the armorer’s mask
What’s a Foundling???
Ohhh his traumatic backstory I guess?
Bahaha I just thought he’s got the same tragic backstory as Kung Fu Panda pffffttttt
I Love The MUSIC
Another planet, this one sandy.  Tatooine?  The rocks look right and I know the show was going there 
Aight this looks right Imma say this is Tatooine for now, the planet likes to pop up in people’s scanners Tusken-style and attack you like Space Australia does
I recognize this alien guy’s (Ugnaught? Gah I can never keep species names straight ik I’m horrible) voice from somewhere
Vaporizers, another point towards Tatooine
Oooo sassy “idk if I want your help”
Omg bluurgs, those were on Rebels!!!
Bahaha animal taming time!  I’m glad they’re keeping some Star Wars Humor in here, it wouldn’t feel quite right if it was too serious
*How To Train Your Dragon theme plays*
The CGI my dudes!!!!!!!
At least Mando Man is polite
“I have spoken” That’s gonna be my new answer for whenever I don’t know anything and someone calls me on my BS
Oop now they dead
Guess someone’s got competition
He just doesn’t like droids then :(
Wait what can a droid do with credits?
I guess every SW protag needs a trusy droid sidekick lol
Bahaha “do not self destruct” me @ me
I love him he’s got that “done with everything” attitude
Wheeeeeeee spinny gun!!!!!!
Yay they’re friendly!
Aw he’s nice for a bounty hunter!
Omg old-timey door sparky explosions THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
Another trash can lol
Omg they put the freaking Baby Yoda in the trash can pfffttt it’s a literal trash baby gremlin
Awwww he likes children!!!
Ok good he protected the baby over the droid
I can’t watch the next one quite yet cuz busy, but omg omg omg omg I really liked this!  I know Filoni and Favreau know probably the most about canon Mandalore between the two of them (Favreau played Pre Viszla on TCW) so I totally trust them to do this well.  I’m liking Mando Man! (I shall call him Mando Man until they give him a real name and No One Can Stop Me)  I haven’t learned much about him yet, but so far I see that he’s a dedicated hunter and kinda a crankypants, but he cares about children!  He has a moral compass!  I’ll stan for now!!!!
I’m really really happy they brought the old Star Wars aliens back into this, I haven’t seen any live-action ones for so so long now ;_;  
I’m interested about the Great Purge, but I’ll go more into that on a separate post lol
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