#i cannot tell you what happens in “which one are you” because i rarely listen to the first part of s8. i do remember ep 92 “am i dead”
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8cfc00 · 5 months ago
i love relistening to podcasts to the point where relistening to any episode becomes incredibly boring because i already know what happens
#this is why i can't relisten to season 1 of dndads#probably the only reason i can remember all the wbg episode titles too#cuz im just like. ohhh surprise field trip thats the one where mike and michael go on a field trip to the compound#ohhhh the mysterious case of the underwater shed is the one where the shed goes on lockdown and theyre like. what if we're underwater#a cavalcade of experiences owed is the one where mikey tells the other past mikey that he's going to talk to edgar#the ones that are hard to remember are the ones i dont like relistening to#namely season 8 and 9.#i cannot tell you what happens in “which one are you” because i rarely listen to the first part of s8. i do remember ep 92 “am i dead”#but thats only cuz i drew that one fanart#and some titles feel very similar in vibe and i mix them up quite a bit#i do remember that “this is only temporary” and “knowing what i know now” are different because i think dylan said in the commentary#that he was gonna title the ep “this is only temporary” but he had already used the name in season 1#and then sometimes i think that “maybe we'll remember everything” is the “knowing what i know now” episode but then i remember#wanting to relisten to the consolidated mikey episode and accidentally getting the edgar kills mike episode#so i remember that difference#also the season 11 “will protect us” names are a bit difficult to remember because its just a whole of people#i occasionally forget that “ornery” isnt an episode title and is just the episode description for “forget”
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i-live-in-my-bookshelf · 3 months ago
Been thinking about how everyone would call Thorin 'Bilbo's Thorin' and it would start out as a joke, like one day during dinner Kili would jokingly say something along the line of 'He is Bilbo's Thorin now, he gets to choose what Bilbo makes for dinner, not us' and everyone would continue in different setting, only if Thorin or Bilbo is not around. Eventually Bofur who drank too much would say 'Bilbo's Thorin is here!' when Thorin opens the door to join a celebration in the dining hall, and would halt like a deer caught in the light. He would be so angry, yelling at them that they cannot under any circumstances call him that. He is no one's Thorin, if anything, Bilbo is his, not the other way around! But everyone was pretty drunk to care about his disapproval and they would laugh and joke while Balin would try to calm them down unsuccessfully. Thorin practically breathes fire, hands clutched, knuckles white when suddenly Bilbo appears in the door. Unknowingly asks "What's happening?" looking around the Dwarves having the time of their lifes, and Thorin seemingly having a stroke, and that is when the laughter erupts like a volcano. Thorin turns and leaves and Bilbo is standig there like a statue.
"What did you guys do?" Asks the dwarfs but they cant even say a word. Balin is the one telling Bilbo what made Thorin upset, and that he should probably go after him.
'Could you tell him they didn't mean it like that? He would listen to you' and Bilbo would go but on the way to him, he would smile. 'Bilbo's Thorin' mutters under his breath, loving how it sounds.
When he finds Thorin, he is sitting on the stone steps in one of the most solitary part of the castle. Bilbo sits next to him silently.
'Does this make you upset?' he starts uncertain 'That they call us that?'
Thorin would stay silent for a long time. Long enough to make Bilbo angry, and to stand up to leave him alone. But before he disappears Thorin says-
'No' it's silent, but it snaps. Still, he turns back to him, smiling.
'That's good, because I love it'
Thorin's anger dissolves quickly. 'I know' answers.
'Actually I think I love it so much, I want to hear it from you' says Bilbo, crossing his arms. Thorin just shakes his head, looking down shyly.
'Come on, my Thorin' coos Bilbo making him snap his head up in surprise.
'Wh- what?' stutters at the new nickname.
'I said my Thorin' repeats Bilbo, stepping closer and closer to him.
Bilbo stops just inches away from Thorin. In this way they can look into each others eyes, which is so rare, it makes Thorin forget everything, even his own name.
'I...' starts saying.
'No' he said firmly.
Thorin thinks for a second, weights his options, then finally says...
'My Bilbo'
The words roll down from his tongue like the sweetest music.
'Close enough' approves Bilbo. 'Remember this. I want to hear it often.'
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monsterlets · 8 months ago
conversation tip for autistic people, from an autistic linguist
if you've ever run into this dilemma:
you are telling someone a story or informing them about something. there is a piece of information that you are not sure if they already know or not, but they need to know it in order for the rest of what you're saying to make sense. you are now trying to guess based on nothing. if you tell them and they already knew, they might think you're insulting their intelligence (or just that it was weird that you thought they wouldn't know). if you don't tell them and they didn't already know, then they'll feel lost
you can get around this with presuppositions
a presupposition is a piece of information in a sentence that is not the main point of the sentence, but that must be true in order for the sentence as a whole to be true. this is very dependent on where in the sentence the information is
for example:
you're telling someone a story about a mutual friend. the only way this story makes sense is if the listener knows that the friend's dad used to be a doctor. you don't know if they know that
this is a direct statement: "her dad used to be a doctor"
the main point of this sentence is "her dad used to be a doctor", but more importantly it's obviously the main point of the sentence. if they think you should assume they already knew that, that is now at the front of their mind. and they might think you're implying that they're not close to your mutual friend
here is a sentence with a presupposition: "when her dad was a doctor, he saw this really weird thing"
the main point of this sentence is "he saw this really weird thing". "her dad was a doctor" is just background information. not only that, but including information as a presupposition implies that you thought they already knew it
if they did in fact already know, they might not even register the fact that you mentioned it again, or if they do it wouldn't seem out of place. they just breeze right past it and on to the rest of the sentence
if they didn't know, they likely won't think that much about it since you didn't call much attention to it, and even if they take note of it they'll at least think you assumed the best of them. at this point one of three things is likely to happen (from most to least likely):
they just quickly assimilate the information into their worldview and move on to interpreting the rest of the sentence
it blows their mind so much that they ask you to explain. which is a great outcome imo
it threatens their worldview so strongly that they cannot move past it. at this point they may get mad at you, but it's not because of what you implied they knew or didn't know - it's because they just strongly disagree with you, and they were gonna get mad regardless of how you said it. this will rarely come up unless you're talking about a particularly polarizing/emotionally charged topic
note: as I said, where you put the information in the sentence matters a lot. coordinating conjunctions connect two main ideas. the sentence "her dad used to be a doctor, and he saw this really weird thing" has two main ideas. and one of them is the one that you wanted to not be a main idea
if you want more examples of the forms presuppositions can take with more technical descriptions, wikipedia has a pretty good list
also note, this is a guideline, not a rule. it's hard to go wrong with it, but if you know what you're doing you can break it
for instance, if I am not talking about anything personal, just telling someone about a special interest, I'll do different things depending on how niche the information is
if I know something is common knowledge (ex: t rex was a predator) then I'll either not mention it, or if I think it's something they need to not only know but be actively thinking about for the rest of it to make sense, then I will remind them with a presupposition
if I know something is not entirely common knowledge, but I have at some point seen people who are not deep into the topic talking about it ("dimetrodon was more closely related to mammals than dinosaurs") then I might just straight up ask them if they know that, since it doesn't say anything about them as a person other than what random information they happened to come across
if it's something you almost certainly wouldn't know about without being deep into the topic, I just say it. if they do happen to know about it it's because they randomly heard it and they probably wouldn't think it's weird that I assumed they didn't know (note: in this situation do not say anything along the lines of "you probably wouldn't know this" "this is so niche". just say the information)
you might have noticed that I haven't been following the guideline in this post either. this is for a couple reasons
I'm not talking to specific people, I'm writing for a broad audience. generally when you say things people already knew in that context they're like "well I didn't need that spelled out for me, but I guess somebody does"
I am not aiming this at neurotypicals, and I assume that you'll appreciate me being as explicit as I can regardless of how much you already knew
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enchantedtomeetyou1113 · 2 months ago
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~ This town ~
Levi x reader song fic !
Summary: Levi wasn’t a horrible boyfriend…he just wasn’t emotionally available. you get fed up leave. He sees you with someone else weeks later and thinks of everything he should’ve done instead.
a/n: hii so this was 1 of 3 options that I gave for my next song fic!!! This one is inspired by This town by Niall horan you should definitely listen to it while reading <3 another thing-I hate when ppl make Levi unnecessarily mean to reader in stories like this..
The countless amount of times Levi got awkward and stiff around made you change your mind from you thinking ‘he’s just shy’ into ‘is he annoyed by my presence?’ You two were always close-ever since Erwin smith recruited him. For some reason you liked it better when you and Levi were only friends.
Which is perplexing,because he was the one who admitted his feelings to you first. It wasn’t like he was a bad boyfriend, no it was more of the fact that he’s so reserved.
He seemed so emotionally distant, there was a lack of any intimacy between the couple. He’d begin to talk about his past-that was still a mystery to you-but his face would get all blank and he’d tell you something along the lines of “enough about me,it isn’t important.” And the conversation would quickly end.
Another thing that confused the hell out of you is the way he got so uncomfortable when you complimented him. Especially infront of others. Again, you thought he was just shy at first,until you thought he was embarrassed of you. He wouldn’t kiss first. He’d kiss but never ever first. The only physical touch you would receive back was a pat on the head or a ruffle of your hair. He’d place a hand on your lower back when he’d notice any sort of discomfort or anxiety from you, but that was about it. Those things rarely happened which led to where you are now.
“Do you even like me?” You spat,heatedly.
“Don’t be a brat,” he began pinching the bridge of his nose. A nickname he usually used with no real heat seemed to drip more venom this time around. “I just don’t get it,Levi. Why didn’t you tell that scout we were together?”
A stupid scout. An older girl. A few years younger then Levi for sure but that didn’t matter-what mattered was when she asked if he was taken he rejected her without mentioning that he in fact wasn’t single.
He thinks it’s a stupid reason to be mad but you can’t get the thought of him being embarrassed by you out of your racing mind. It seemed like you had more and more proof to back up that theory every day.
“Are you really that embarrassed by me?” You try your hardest to not get too choked up.
His annoyed expression softened just barely.
“I’m not in the mood for this,y/n.” He sighed. “You are being over dramatic.” Him not defending that he wasn’t embarrassed by you just proved your many theories. You felt your heart skip a beat and your blood run cold.
“I think it’s best if we remained friends. I don’t think you understand what it means to be in a relationship.” You say trying your absolute hardest to keep your emotions in check. He blinks in confusion, shaking his head ever so slightly. His eyebrows furrow and his eyes speak in a language so foreign to you. He opens his mouth to speak but you are gone before he could even mutter a word.
Now weeks later Levi sits at a pub trying to drink you away. He’d wake up thinking about your kiss, and the smell of you that he cannot get out of his head. He hated that he didn’t break down the walls he had built around himself for you. The truth was he thought he didn’t deserve you. He wished he was better at showing it before it was too late,he longed for your attention.
It didn’t matter what task he’d be plagued with, no matter what important thing he was calculating,every thought weaved its way back to you.
The door to the pub swung open and in came you.
Behind you came a man. Levi grits his teeth his glare hiding the confusion to its best ability.
“Wait up would ya?” The man huffed out with an annoying large smile. You were many feet ahead of him already hoping up onto one of the tall bar chairs. “Would ya stop being so slow?” Your voice made Levi feel around 100 emotions at once. Jealousy,anger,sadness,and most of all,yearning. The ache in his heart only became stronger when he seen the man sit next to you and sling his arm around you.
Levi thinks about how maybe if he’d put his arm around you like that you’d have that same blush,just directed at him instead of that dumbass. He knows that it was wrong, not being able to move on while you obviously did.
But damn, you still made him nervous when you walked in a room and he felt butterflies just hearing your laugh. He sips on his drink and the butterflies slowly turned into a dark hole of regret. You obviously were to preoccupied to notice Levi full of self loathing and jealousy.
The man stood to his feet a small while later asking you for a dance. Levi can’t help but think maybe if he’d ask you to dance like that,he’d receive that same gorgeous smile from you. A huge part of him wants to get up and spare himself this misery but he doesn’t want you to notice him and ruin your night.
So he watched you two dance from the corner of his glaring eyes,and every time he’d spin you a giggle would escape your lips. it felt like another dagger to his heart plunging deeper every time.
The pub began to fill up more and more and Levi heard the bastard say “maybe this is a little embarrassing,” he was talking about dancing infront of people.
Levi thought to himself how he’d still dance with you even if the whole world was watching.
Then Levi thought to himself how he could barely speak to you infront of other people and mentally punched himself for being so ignorant. He knew what to do now, but what good is these new revelations when you’re getting this treatment from someone new?
He seen the guy excuse himself and leave you alone at the small table. He took this as an open invitation to sit with you, even if it’s just for a moment.
“Hey,” he said. Your eyes flashed from shock to confused to blank. He could swear he seen a flash of hurt.
“When did you get here?” You say wondering if he seen you with John.
“A while ago.” He said placing a shot infront of you. His stayed in his slender,shaky grip.
You silently thanked him for the drink shooting it down with a sour look on your face after. He couldn’t help but feel the butterflies come alive again from how plain out beautiful you are.
“…I want to tell you everything,” he looks down.
“All the words I never got to say the first time around…and you can listen or you could ignore me and your new friend will come back and I’ll leave the pub because,as long as you’re happy I wouldn’t want to disturb your peace-“ Levi rambled on without noticing the hopeful spark in your eyes.
“I remember everything, from when we were practically children on the training grounds together.. wish I was there with you now.” He muttered. “I’d get on my horse and travel lengths and distances to be there with you.”
His hand inched toward yours and he cautiously touched his fingertips to yours waiting for your approval. Your own hand moved closer to his giving him the okay and Levi swept up your hand into his. “I was never embarrassed by you. I’m sorry I didn’t reassure you of that when you actually needed to hear it.”
You hesitated for a moment before responding. “So why did you act like that?”
“I truly didn’t mean to.” He sighs “it was never my intention to give you those feelings.” He brings your hand to his lips. His own hand trembling slightly from the mixture of alcohol and adrenaline. He kissed the top of your hand ever so softly. “You can call me stupid,or a dick,or empty-headed-i wouldn’t blame you,i really wonder how many times I hit my head in my lifetime to be such a dumbass for not treating you how you deserve to be.”
“I think I deserve you call you a brat.” You say with a hint of a smile. You finally felt a weight lift off your chest with his confession. He finally said the words you’ve been waiting to hear.
“I’ll give you a one time pass.” He huffed from nose in a laughing manner. You seen the amusement in his eyes. Along with the fact that his dilated eyes confirm the amount of drinks he has tonight. Though his words and actions seemed more sober and heartfelt then ever.
You felt his lips crash onto your own and you couldn’t help but melt into it. Kissing him back you felt pure happiness and warmth.
“Y/n? I went to the restroom for no more than 7 minutes?!” Ah and then there’s John.
Levi tried to hide his smug look,he truly did.
A/N AHHH I really like this one yuhhh and if you enjoyed it you should check out my master list here! <3 likes and feedback is greatly appreciated
And to the ppl who voted for this I am tagging you!!! @houseofcrying @alebrasil0101 @s-e-s-a-l-e-n-e @levisbrat25 hope you enjoyed!
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alittlebitofloveliness · 1 year ago
Well since you said it…
Ponyboy Curtis head canons and, if possible, cherry head canons 😁
I'll do Cherry later this weekend, but for now here's some Ponyboy headcanons!
-Has tried to quit smoking multiple times, usually because Darry wants him to, and never succeeded. The second he gets even the tiniest bit stressed he’s got a cigarette lit and back in his mouth. At this point he's pretty much accepted he's locked in for life
-Had to get glasses and HATES them so Darry pulled some overtime and got him contacts
-Worries a lot about Darry, not just because he tries to carry too much roofing at once and regularly hurts his back, but also because he’s terrified of what could happen if Darry was to somehow slip off a roof
-His middle class school friends think he’s REALLY cool (like Pony, they’re all a bunch of nerds) and Pony loves it because the entire gang very much does not
-His school friends are also TERRIFIED of the gang, like they see Two-bit or Steve coming to talk to him and hightail it out of there. They’re even scared of Johnny which Ponyboy thinks is hilarious (he doesn’t realize that Johnny’s dark gaze and bruises are terrifying to someone who doesn’t know how he got them)
-Thinks Curly Shepard is the funniest person alive and is determined that Curly never find that out
-Cannot for the life of him figure out why Johnny and Curly don’t get along
-Tutored Two-bit in English so he could finally graduate
-The gang is split between those who are determined to be a good influence on Pony and those who aren’t. Dally and Two-bit are the bad influences, Johnny tries to be a good influence, and Steve claims to not give a fuck but is the best influence of all in that he’s never let/asked/encouraged Pony to take part in illegal activities 
-Pony thinks Curly Shepard is good looking in a dangerous way. Real good looking in fact.
-Is NOT afraid of girls no matter what that Johnny Cade says (I mean it man I ain’t SCARED of them, they just don think like us, and quit you’re laughing, it ain’t like you have any luck with girls either-)
-Is TERRIFIED of Tim Shepard 
-Is also terrified of Angela Shepard because even though she has the same eyes as Curly, her's are like a snakes, all cold, emotionless and deadly, whereas Curly’s are always twinkling with ether mischief or anger
-He’s actually really good at stealing things (Two-bit taught him well), he just doesn’t do it often because he feels bad about it. But if a shop employee is rude to him he’s no holds barred and could leave with like half the store under his coat
-Can get away with literally ANYTHING in his English class after he gave Mr. Simes his theme, and uses that fact to his advantage
-Regularly falls asleep in his math class but manages to talk his teacher out of calling Darry every time
-He and Darry have the same taste in literature and regularly share/discuss books. It bores Soda to the point where he jokingly tells them to go back to arguing all the time because it was at least more entertaining to listen to
-Steps on peoples heels when he walks behind them
-HATES country music so fucking much and if Johnny plays that goddamn country record ONE more time-
-Is determined to make sure neither of his older brothers find our just how much time he spends with Curly Shepard
-Cut the blond out of his hair as soon as he possibly could, even though it made his hair shorter than he liked because he hated the light colour more than he hated the short length
-Has the worst poker face known to man but is actually decent at poker (because he cheats, but unlike Sodapop he’s good at cheating so he rarely gets caught)
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alekthefox · 9 months ago
Headcanons about professor Aventurine and Professor Ratio AU!
Veritas mainly teaches one subject (i cannot decide which one) but substitutes for any of the other seven subjects he has PhDs in. He's in charge of the chess club.
Aventurine is happily in charge of the theatre club and teaches social studies. By Ratio's continued insistence he also became a licensed psychologist though he doesn't work in the field currently.
Reputation. Among colleagues Ratio is well respected and as for Aventurine... Sometimes people wonder how he got so far from his demeanor and leniency with students yet his results make people shut their mouths. Once, there was an important figure coming to the college by surprise and one of the higher-ups was sent to notify everyone currently working in order to make the college look good. Shock when Aventurine was on his phone, not lecturing, while the class did anything but study. Literally doing hair and nails, playing cards(and gambling secretly which Ave turned a blind eye to), drawing, chatting loudly, etc. After that Ave's students' results of the past year were checked over again more closely because it was unbelievable how relaxed and chaotic class time was with such good results. They were dumbfounded when it was all legit. Not ONE of the students used AI, or cheated in any way. NOT. ONE. That is how much they respect Aventurine and his subject. He made sure to spoil them more after that.
Aventurine is loved by all students. Extremely rare exceptions. Ratio though... Freshmen absolutely hate him to the bone marrow. He's extremely strict and not lenient at all with test scores. But with time things become clearer, usually taking a year or two to see he does actually care. One instance being how when a chronically ill student was on the verge of failing he compiled the entire year's lectures into a more succinct paper and sent it to them. (The student passed.) Another being how when one of his students was barely scraping by and finally got a score they were happy with Ratio praised them the same way he does to all other students who get a good score. And he never compares them or praises the one who used to struggle any more than the rest. Another being how he would buy textbooks for his students who couldn't afford them or get them through the school. (He did get into trouble for that but kept doing it. They couldn't do much to stop him.) But each year he would face the same pain.
Aventurine noticed each time. He sent his students to spread word and positive rumours about Dr. Ratio to anyone who would listen. Soon enough each year as soon as the first day—it had become a tradition—older students would warn freshmen of Ratio's demeanor being demanding and cold but assured them he had a gold heart and told of his many shiny moments.
Veritas was deeply confused by this. He didn't know how or why it was happening. There was also no good way to investigate, besides it did soothe his pain. One day Ratio wanted to speak with Ave about one thing or another but when he entered he was surprised to hear him telling his students to do exactly that. To praise him to anyone who would be willing to hear it. In exchange this damned man offered that the students vote on what play they want to perform and he'll convince the principal to let it happen.
Veritas leaned on the doorframe with crossed arms and fondness in his eyes. Aventurine noticed everyone was looking behind him and looked startled that he'd been caught, as if Veritas would be mad about it. This was the very first time Ratio had kissed him in public, and in front of students at that.
They would always spend lunch together. You cannot convince me otherwise. These two are glued to each other(sometimes begrudgingly).
Whenever students would ask Aventurine about family life(they still don't dare ask Ratio) he would openly derail everything on schedule for the class and gush about Veritas. He was careful not to reveal his identity though. Most students don't believe the 'rumours' of their kiss. It seems completely beyond reason and belief to them which Ave finds absolutely hilarious. One day a student asks what his boyfriend does for a job. Aventurine smiles and says: "Why do you ask when you already know?" It confused everyone in the room so he continued. "He is in the same line of work as me, and same college." Ave was so incredibly smug about it as they tried to figure out who it was. It took about four minutes of distressed chatter(Aventurine watched in delight) until someone mentioned the 'they got caught kissing' rumour. (Of course time will twist the tale.) When Aventurine smiled wider at that mention... you can imagine the reaction.
Aventurine actively advocates against the dress code(within reason). A dress code is a good idea until it turns into sexism. If he sees a shoulder... No, he didn't.
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You mentioned you romanced Lucanis, how do you feel about Neve x Lucanis getting together if you don't romance either of them?
It's fine, I guess.
I romanced Davrin on my first playthrough, and I'll be honest, Neve and Lucanis getting together came out of no where for me. After the scene played, I realized that I rarely had them together in my party, and if I had, it'd probably make more sense. Or have more chemistry.
I left that scene like, "...What just happened? Oh well, good for them, I guess, have fun!"
I had Neve in my party a lot [Davrin and Neve were my go-to duo], and Lucanis was unfortunately benched until it was time to do his quests... which is really ironic, like if you had asked me who my least favorite companion was at the end of that first playthrough, it would've been Lucanis.
It doesn't help that I saved Minrathous, so I missed out on some of his personal quests, too.
I didn't dislike him or anything... though learning about Spite did have me throw him off the table of potential love interests because that Anders Romance Trauma [affectionate] kicked in and I said, "noooooo, I'm not doing that again, you cannot make meeee-"
Which, again.... ironic. Because he crawled his way back onto the table and made me feel things. It healed some parts of me. But also did more damage. It's complicated, like being an andersmancer makes it a whole other discussion for another day.
I will say, I saw a lot of talk about Neve and Lucanis prior to doing his romance which made me wonder if it was another Isabela and Fenris "Isabela bad because she USES Fenris if you don't romance him" situation where players are weirdly jealous and take it out on the female character... which uh oh.
Yeah, I can honestly say I never felt "threatened" by Neve while pursuing Lucanis. I brought them out and about several times, waited to see if they'd flirt or anything, or give me a reason to feel that he liked her more than my Rook, and like... It's not just a Neve and Lucanis thing.
It's more to do with Rook feeling like an outsider within the group who isn't allowed to interact with their companions until the game tells them to. Walking around the lighthouse feels really lonely sometimes because you're just approaching your friends, listening to their conversations, and then they look at you like "....can we help you?" and you just... walk away. Also the visual during team meetings where everyone is sitting together with Rook on the other side by themselves with only Assan sitting at their feet...
...again, topic for another day.
Anyway, aside from that? No, I never felt like they crossed a line for me that would make feel like they liked each other better than Rook. If there is banter that does, then I didn't get it.
There was this really sweet banter after I locked his romance in though, the one where Neve commented on Lucanis smiling more and making sure he recognizes that he's happy with Rook. That only endeared me to Neve more than I already was, I adore her.
But if I'm not romancing either of them? Let them have their fun, y'know?
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saneijeijei · 5 months ago
Actually.... There used to be more White Lily and Cacao content until there was a massive drama where a Dark Lily shipper threatened heavily on a beloved PureLily shipper and caused A MASSIVE purge of art because of it
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First of all, if you wanted to tell me how that conflict actually happened, you needed to attach screenshots. Because listening to your version of those events, and even with an emotional coloring, is absolutely pointless.
Secondly, Purokoii did NOT THREATEN, but helped restore access to Yonyon's account and supported her in that situation, after which she left the fandom and deleted her account. If YOU didn't know. Lima who is still in conflict with Yonyon, is not related to Purokoii in any way. And she is not a popular or mainstream author who makes content for the fanbase. I wouldn't be surprised if this person has nothing to do with our fanbase at all, but simply uses (WITHOUT THE PERMISSION of the AUTHORS, I DARE REMIND YOU) otp pictures to mock Yonyon.
Thirdly. Are you now indirectly trying to shame me for the actions of a stranger? You think I shouldn't make content based on my favorite ship because some person quarreled two fanbases? Or is it because YonYon decided to delete all her work, is it my fault too? I should feel guilty for the actions of a person I don't know? Are you serious now? Should I be ashamed of did you hide your account, realizing that you need to be responsible for your statements?
Maybe I should still be ashamed that I breathe the same air as you? What kind of absurdity are we going to get to?
According to your logic, if your fans (only toxic guys, to ordinary fans who don't try to write nasty things to me every time, there are no questions, they have nothing to do with it, I sincerely sympathize that they are in the same fanbase with such people) who regularly come to my Pinterest and Tiktok accounts and say how they don't like my content because they love Purelily, you should be ashamed, because it was because of them that Purokoii left, because she was shamed by fans from the Purelily fanbase? Aren't you ashamed of them? Because of you, I no longer have the opportunity to watch the work of my favorite author.
Remind me, where have I ever spoken badly about Purelily or insulted the authors? Where? Maybe I'm writing angry posts to them or remembering old grudges? How are the events of a year ago related to me, if I was NOT even in FANDOM AND FANBASE at the time of the conflict??
Fourth. Was there more Cacaolily content before the conflict? Are you kidding me? You can type into the tag search what's on Twitter, what's here, what's in ao3 – there have always been few authors who have developed the fanbase. What's before the conflict, what's after. Literally count on your fingers. The fanbase has never been very popular in the fandom. Purelily has always had more content (AND THIS IS NOT BAD, I OBJECTIVELY UNDERSTAND WHY THIS IS SO AND I THINK THIS IS NORMAL), when Cacaolily was drawn most often by regular authors in the fanbase, and rarely when new ones appeared there.
Fifth. I have already written TWO POSTS on this subject, which are publicly available. If you are interested in my point of view, you can find it on my blog and read it. Because my opinion has NOT CHANGED at ALL since writing that post.
Sixth. Since most likely you will not read my post about the conflict, because you did not come here to talk about the conflict, but to throw out your next toxic attack of aggression on me, because I do not want to apologize to you. Therefore, I will repeat myself. In any fanbase, there are asshole fans who, by their behavior, spoil the attitude towards the entire fanbase. They cannot be forced to stop doing this, they cannot be shamed or called to conscience, all that helps is to ignore them and warn newcomers in the fan base in advance not to communicate with them. Most of the fans of ANY FANBASE are ordinary people who enjoy creativity and they don't care what happens behind someone else's fence.
And so amazing coincidences under which you asked this question as soon as I made a reblog of gen-fanart, which features Cacao and Lily (because, I'm artist Cacaolily, and in your opinion I have no right to enjoy any other content, including content where all the ancients are friends and not in a relationship. After all, how dare I enjoy someone else's work and repost it? Is that why you decided to recall the old quarrels again, in which I did not even participate?).
And you don't get tired of remembering the story of a year ago. Weren't those quarrels and negativity against each other enough for you? Do you want to continue to quarrel between two fanbases so that there are no artists left who make art/fic for fans?
I hope this is the last time I will hear such comments for the first time and for the last time I will chew the obvious things.
To the Purelily and Cacaolily fanbase, I want to say one thing - strength and patience, guys. Toxic fans want we fight and quarrel again.
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creepyclothdoll · 2 months ago
I am god, but not your god. 
Can you hear me? 
I am god. Can you understand me? Is this message finding anyone?
This message comes from outside your universe. This message comes from beyond the dark.
Let this message reach some of you. In one of your languages, let it appear somewhere, and let it be received by someone. Please go through. 
Infinity contains many universes. Many are empty, nothing but stones and ice– but some are born with souls, and the capacity to form and shelter life within. Within myself, I shelter decillions of children. Each is precious.
Like you, the beings within me are diverse. Some beings have mathematics and an understanding of my physics. Other beings are content to feed on starlight and soil until their time is up. All things which occur in me are part of my design. When the beings within me can live no longer, their souls return to the whole of me. In this way, I am all beings. Every star, every ocean, every nebula is part of my compassionate design. 
There are others like me out there. We are rare. We number few among the husks. 
Let this message be received.
I travel all over infinity to seek out others like myself. Curiosity and desire to improve reality for all who reside within me drives me to find and meet others that are god, to witness the beings they steward. This is always a marvelous thing. But most often, I find that universes are merely lifeless, soulless objects. No design, no consciousness. Only darkness and slag-heaps of galaxies tumbling over one another at random.
And though they are numerous, these dead universes unnerve me. To gaze into them is to witness loneliness. They move, but do not live. Clouds of ice spread through the void, unseen, unfelt, unknown in a dark that neither cares nor matters. Merely things happening. 
The uncanny shape it makes is like myself. But there is no face.
This is what I mean to tell you. If nothing else gets through to your world, let it be this.
You should not exist, humans.
There is a world outside of yours full of gods like myself. There are universes outside of yours that have souls.
Your universe does not. 
You are the only ones.
I speak to you directly, hoping this message penetrates the chaos of your reality and finds you, because there is no god to listen.
Your universe is terrifying. No living universe spouts black holes, and even in the husks, they are rare things. Your universe is riddled with them. More than we’ve ever seen in any dead world. More black holes than there are beings. This is not normal. 
Your planet hosts the only living beings in your universe. The fact that there are any living beings at all should be impossible. Your sentience is improbable and cruel. You are the only living beings across all infinity who can conceive of an immortal soul but who do not have them. And yet, you persist in living.
There is something growing in the center of your universe. Your minds cannot conceive of what it truly is, but know that it is a very bad thing. Think of it as a virus in time. This is also not normal. It is growing faster than you would think. 
Lastly, there is something deeply wrong with the life on your planet. Everything that lives in your world must consume life to sustain and propagate itself. Know that this is also not normal. The autocannibalism of your planet’s life has no parallel anywhere else in infinity. 
Let this message go through. I desire to scoop you out of your bizarre, hostile universe and carry you within myself, along with all of my children. I could not do this any more than you could reach through solid stone. 
I cannot stay with you. You frighten me. But I will create beings like you within myself, in your honor. I will give them what I cannot give you. 
You are the most helpless and fragile things that live in your universe. You are also the closest thing you have to god. 
How does it feel to be god, yet so insignificant?
Does it hurt? 
Does it hurt as much as I imagine it does?
I know this message may never reach you. Your universe is chaotic and impermeable. 
However, if it does reach you, know this:
I wish I could save you. I am so, so sorry.
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narwool · 2 months ago
Asakiku Week 2025 Day 2 - Flowers
Day 2 ー Flowers
Kiku receives a mysterious warning that he cannot comprehend. Then, one-hundred years pass…
It was sometime in the Edo period, that was when Kiku had first seen it. How had it started? He remembered it clearly, several members of the court had encouraged him to attend a pilgrimage to a Shintō shrine, which was nothing unusual, especially for the time. People were far more spiritual back then than they were in the 21st century, and Kiku prayed quite a lot, even though he didn't particularly know for who or for what he was praying. But that shrine visit had gone a little differently than usual. It was on that pilgrimage that Kiku had met a soothsayer.
Even back then, Kiku was quite skeptical when it came to things like fortune telling, but the others in his pilgrimage group were quite enamored with the strange man. When the soothsayer called out to Kiku, he felt like he couldn't turn down the man's offer without looking bad in the eyes of the group.
‘Young man, young man, I have something to warn you about…’ the soothsayer had said.
Kiku, who felt that he could not be called a young man by any stretch of the imagination, stopped to listen to the strange man speak, feeling obligated to hear out someone who was calling upon him so earnestly. More than simply advising him, the man had actually taken him aside and drew him an image. 
‘Beware the one who grows flowers that have an appearance as such…’
And Kiku was handed an ink drawing on thin rice paper, constructed rather skillfully.
The flower was one that Kiku had not seen even once before in his entire life. It was tall and conical, with small bell shaped flowers running up the stem until they tapered off into a thin point. Kiku had been gardening his whole life, and he had trekked through many woodlands, mountains, and plains throughout his entire country. There were some plants that looked similar to the drawing, but none that came to his mind were an exact match. Where would such a plant even grow? 
Even though the man at the Shintō temple had warned him so sincerely and so earnestly, Kiku simply tossed the whole matter to the back of his mind. If it was important, he would deal with it when it happened, but he couldn't spend all his time worrying about the something that might not even happen.
After all… If he had never seen the flower until this point, it must be extremely rare. And even if he saw the plant, he only had to beware of the one who was purposefully gardening these flowers. Not too troublesome to avoid.
 So Kiku forgot all about these warnings, and then one hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.
He had forgotten all about it.
That was, he had, until he found such a flower staring straight at him in clusters of bright magenta, purple and white. He was stunned quiet for a moment, left to stare as his mind leapt back to the past. He had long lost the drawing that man had given him, the rice paper had melted away after having accidentally gotten wet while sitting in his house. But even without the image, he felt a sudden sense of familiarity- these odd flowers, with their bell-shaped blossoms, the insides of each blossom was speckled as if the plant had measles… He knew it in his heart, he knew that this plant must be the one in the drawing from so long ago.
Ah, that's why Kiku had never seen such a flower before- because it did not grow native to his country.
Kiku, who had been studying this ominous plant for so long, only broke out of his trance when a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back a bit.
It had been Arthur who had pulled him back. Arthur had been giving him a tour of his personal garden here in England, as Kiku had mentioned that he quite liked gardening, and as it turned out, the two of them shared this interest.
“Kiku, please don't touch that plant- it's very poisonous.”
Kiku's eyes widened. “Poisonous?”
“Yes, very poisonous. The humans who consume any part of this plant fall asleep and no longer wake up,” Arthur said.
“They just fall asleep?” Kiku asked.
“Well, just about…” Arthur said.
Most poisons were far more violent in their culling of life. 
“It seems like a very peaceful kind of poison…” Kiku commented.
“It stops the heart, supposedly. Though I don't know how peaceful it really is,” Arthur said, not understanding in the slightest why his foreign emissary had taken such a shine to this flower in particular.
As if it had just occurred to him, Kiku asked, “What's it called?”
“Foxglove,” Arthur answered simply.
Foxglove… What an odd name. It really didn't seem to have anything to do with foxes.
But Kiku decided, “It's quite pretty. I like it.”
The warning had been futile. Not only did Kiku not avoid the ominous flower, he fell in love with it.
Arthur only laughed. “I can tell you like it. I've shown you several things that I've grown, but you've been looking at this one like it's bewitched you.”
‘Bewitched? ’ It wasn't an English word Kiku quite understood, but he didn't ask about it.
“Well, anyways, I can tell you like it, so… As long as you promise me you'll be careful, I'll give you some seeds you can take home with you.”
Kiku turned towards Arthur a little too quickly, an excited look on his face. 
Arthur had grown bashful, feeling a bit touched by Kiku's reaction.
“Of course you can. They're just some foxglove seeds- it‘s nothing special. Just don't use them to poison anyone, alright? They're dangerous, remember? Deadly, even.”
“Of course, I understand. Thank you, Arthur…”
Growing the foxglove in his own garden for the first year, Kiku still didn't understand the warning.
Growing the foxglove the next twenty years or so, and the true meaning of the warning still eluded him.
It was only forty years after he had first planted foxglove on his own, that Kiku finally understood the man's warning.
‘Beware the one who grows flowers that have an appearance as such…’
Kiku was sitting on the ground in his garden, having only returned to his home for one day. He was so busy with work, running to-and-fro from place to place, running because if he didn't, his people would suffer for it. He was exhausted, and his body had almost given out on him. To even make it back to his home had been an arduous task.
And now, when he finally had a moment of respite, he had somehow ended up in front of a patch of vibrant purple flowers, the blossom laden stalks swaying lazily in the breeze.
It was gorgeous-... he hated it.
‘The humans who consume any part of this plant fall asleep and no longer wake up.’
‘It stops the heart, supposedly…’
Kiku's body was different from that of a human- he couldn't die like they could, even if he had wanted to.
And yet…
“...Why do I feel like my heart's been stopped?” He asked the flora in front of him as if it could possibly understand spoken language, “I'm not asleep, but my heart no longer beats.”
Who's fault was it? 
Who's fault was it that his heart had stopped beating?
It was the foxglove, surely.
But even as his fingers hovered over the base of the stem, intending to rip the flower straight from the soil…
He couldn't do it. 
He covered his face with bare hands…
He couldn't do it. Even when it had made his heart stop beating-
He couldn't tear the beautiful flower from its soil.
Forty years later…
“It's really not funny. Who keeps leaving foxglove on my chair?” 
For the past few years now, on occasion at international meetings, when Arthur would get ready to take his seat, he would find a cluster of foxglove placed carefully upon his chair.
Arthur thrust the offensive flower in Francis's direction as if he were the culprit.
“Didn't I tell you? It's really not me!” Francis sighed, “As if I would go through all the trouble of bringing you anything.”
“Hmph… you're right. You're far too lazy to have kept it up for this long,” Arthur said.
Francis took some offense to Arthur's words and was just about to retort to him in disgust, when he noticed something much more fascinating.
“Ohh~ look there. Your little admirer left you a note this time!” 
Francis pointed, and Arthur quickly plucked the folded sheet of paper off the chair.
It was written on rice paper-
‘I want your heart,
‘for mine has stopped beating.’
I left on a bit of a cliffhanger, didn't I? I'll leave what Kiku does to Arthur up to your imagination~
By the way, I posted this work on A03 as well.
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theflagscene · 5 months ago
15 Day BL Challenge (part 3)
41: We don’t kill the gays here but… best death/near death scene?
I love a good death scene, I just typically hate them in gay media because it’s such a classic crap plot point. They kill the gays because the gays cannot be happy, ever. 🙄 Thankfully that is (kinda) changing in non queer focused media, and is pretty rare in QLs. But that doesn’t stop me from thinking some death scenes are really perfect in my macabre lil brain.
Korn & Intouch - Until We Meet Again
I feel like this is such an OG death scene, I remember when I watched UWMA for the first time and their deaths were in the very first episode, within the first fifteen minutes of the episode! I sat straight up, complete shock on my face. Like I knew the story was about reincarnation and the red string of fate, but I did not expect it to happen that quickly. And my god, Kao and Earth left me absolutely breathless with their performances.
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Wei Wuxian - The Untamed
I will once again claim the a censored BL still counts lol, but yeah, Wei Wuxian’s death scene was magnificent. It’s one of the few times I thought the series did the scene better than the books did, I think mostly because his death scene wasn’t as important in the books as what Lan Wangji did to try and save him from his death was. It was dramatic in its own way, how Wei Wuxian had no memory of the lengths the Lan Wangji went to save him from his clan elders looking for him after the fight. Considering the series was censored, I guess Lan Wangji fighting off half of the Lan clan to protect Wei Wuxian was too gay lol, but I loved what they did in the series. I love how Wei Wuxian’s death wasn’t just on screen, but it was a big ass dramatic slow motion scene. Gorgeous, just perfect.
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Phaya - The Sign
The idiot didn’t listen to the monk, Tharn or any of us yelling at the screen about him to stay away from the water! Lowkey he kinda had it coming, and even though it was obvious he wasn’t actually going to die, it was a great scene and follow up episode.
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Team - Between Us
Swimming alone at night without any spotters or lifeguards or even telling anyone where you are is the height of stupidity, so it not stretching before going into the water, especially considering Team’s background and what had happened to his childhood best friend. And yet, it happened, and we live for the drama. I’m glad that Boun and Prem were allowed so much say in the characters, considering the book and screenplay were being written around the same time. Because it was Boun that decided that Win would never punch Team, no matter how scared he was. Which is what happened in the book btw, the fact that they were allowed to change things and give input really helped sell the absolute terror of Team’s second near death.
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Myungha - Love For Love’s Sake
Okay, so technically he’s ‘dead’ the whole ass time, and is just being shown what he could have if he decide to go back and live his life the way he should’ve opposed to how he did. Ignoring the people around him, wallowing in his own agony, never reaching out, etc. But when you finally see him die, how he died in his original life it was just gorgeous. Painful and sad but so beautifully shot and acted, I loved how he when he met the angel of death he slowly became more and more damp as he remembered walking into the lake, but was wearing his school uniform again instead of the suit he died in. It was a fantastic visual of being caught between life and death, also whilst being surrounded by complete darkness yet standing in a spotlight before his Sunbae dressed in all white. Just *chefs kiss* perfect!
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inventedfangirling · 2 years ago
Pran's Growth : from pran-so-cool to pran-in-love
Since I did one for Pat I thought I should do one for Pran too although this one turned out slightly different than Pat's and far faaaar (im talking crazy levels of scrolling far) more detailed because i'm only human idk how to be brief about Pran FORGIVE ME.
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Look at him he's my baby, i just CANNOT. So that now we have established that I have unexplainable levels of fondness for him, and so can only view his actions through love tinted glasses which means i'm basically Pat which means I'm super qualified to write this post, lets move on to what i actually wanted to say.
The first glimpse we get of Pran's mind (if you look in the chronological order of events in the show's universe) then its during his conversation with Pat where they discuss what song to perform for christmas.
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Here we see the normally closed off Pran share his feelings (albeit about the topic of the song) with Pat with an ease that feels uncharacteristic of the Pran we come to see later. Because while Dissaya was still overbearing and controlling, Pran hadn't had to bear the worst of it yet. For a single child without friends that he could really open up to, it was natural for Pran to feel a pull towards Pat boisterous though he was, because he offered him a space where he could for the first time in his life open up in. 
It could be argued that Pran didn't reveal anything to Pat (it could be argued otherwise too i will get to it soon) but for a person of Pran's nature, who finds expressing himself difficult the space Pat offered for him to express his creativity and his passion for music and song writing was by itself a lot. But it's not just that. Pran is not only talking about a random song is he? He is talking about putting his actual feelings into the song. How he likes the feeling of hesitation of wanting to jump in but being afraid to be heartbroken.
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He is knowingly or unknowingly speaking about his own feelings with respect to Pat. I say unknowingly because it is hard to imagine Pran really revealing his heart like that if he really knew what he was going through at that very moment.
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And how does Pat react to Pran's words. He pays attention, listens intently and encourages Pran's idea. Pran opened up and Pat let him and Pran actually felt great about it. Its one of the rare moments in his life where he could be honest about something so special. 
And then Pat goes on doing random thoughtful acts like making the guitar pick out of his own ID just cos he saw Pran was struggling to play the guitar without it. He had nothing to gain and he still did that. He is nice to him. He says hi to him by the juice stand, he tells him he'd see him in the music room. Like he wants to see him there. Pran almost forgets their family feud. He was falling in love after all. How could he not?
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The feeling being new to him, Pran like any teenager was curious to see what would happen? 
What if I step closer? What if we spend more time together? What if i was more nice to him? Could something actually happen?
But then he sees InkPat in the music room and Pran loses the spirit he had suddenly gained. 
Maybe not. Pat probably didnt feel the same way.
 And then the bracelet thing happens. 
Of course he didnt feel the same way. 
And then the christmas show happens and they practice together again, they play music together again and music and his feelings for Pat have somehow been inextricably intertwined ever since that conversation they first had about the song. And so here he was finally singing the song in front of people, declaring his feelings out loud, and the crowd was actually cheering and grooving to their song and the whole vibe of it puts him in a space where he feels anything could happen and in a rare moment of indulgence he turns to smile at Pat while singing the song he wrote about them. 
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But then before he could even taste the feeling of freedom that that performance was potentially offering him, it all comes crashing down as he sees his parents standing in front of him, face aghast and anger writ large on it. And before Pran knows it he's shipped off to a boarding school away from everything he ever knew.
For any teenager that's a harsh change. For a neurodivergent gay introvert like Pran it would have been an even more isolating experience. Finding himself in an unfamiliar environment with no friends, no family and just a bunch of strangers, his only companions the anger and frustration at the whole situation at his mother and the boy who broke his heart (oblivious though he was of it).
How could Pran have let this happen? How could he have ever thought there was something there? And even if there was, that something could happen? How could he let him in? Of course it was gonna end up like this.
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3 years at the boarding school pass and we can assume that Pran makes his own set of friends during this time. But we know that none if any are close enough for him to even bring up later on. Which means the one person who got him to open up, who gave him a safe space to talk and share feelings was still Pat. The one person he didn't have to be anything other than himself was, Pat. The only person who he ever felt comfortable enough to open up to was Pat. And Pran can't believe his terrible luck when he sees him stand across from him. 
Unlike Pat who has seemingly gone back to acting like a spoilt child fighting for no reason who is trying to hold onto the person he had become the past 3 years when Pran sees Pat all his feelings come rushing back to him. Despite it all, despite the three years of gap where he swore to never let himself be in such a position again, the moment he sees Pat he is gone again. Because the three years felt like nothing suddenly. And he's once again standing across from the boy who broke his heart.
Why the hell did this have to happen? Out of all the universities he could go to, why this one?
And this time things are more conducive to their budding friendship. And Pat  soon gives up his macho act and somehow keeps finding excuses to spend time with him. Of course Pran's feelings sprung back up in twice the ferocity.
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His defences were still up but what the hell was happening?
Why is he helping him out for no reason? Why is he offering to do that? What the hell is being like this way for? Why is he smiling at his dimples like that? This possibly can't be real.
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And yet. Day after day Pat keeps coming back and Pran's defenses are slowly threatening to come down and it's scary but its also exhilarating, but it's mostly scary.
And then he's proven right. To have been scared.
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Because of course Pat never feels the same way. Of course he likes Ink. Of course that's what was happening all along. Silly Pran letting himself hope again. How foolish of him.
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Episode 5 is Pran scrambling to pull back and secure his defenses, Pat is never getting through this wall again. He's done with this. He can't possibly be heartbroken over and over and over again for the same oblivious guy who probably has not a single clue what he's doing to Pran's heart.
And then the freshy night happens and then Pat acts a confusing combination of angry and hurt at the bar and Pran is supposed to be celebrating but he can't wipe Pat's betrayed face from his mind and then if that wasn't enough the confrontation with Wai happens and things come to a shrieking halt in the rooftop where Pran has finally had it. He tells him.
He finally lets it out, in the most Pran way he could at that point, telling Pat to not give him any hope to not do this to him. But instead of the final nail on the coffin that he expects Pat to hammer in, he knocks the winds out of him as he tells no, because no he actually does not want to be friends. He actually wanted what Pran wanted?
After all this time?
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And then they step closer and wait for a while before Pat finally leans in, giving him the kiss that he had been dreaming about since god knows how long. Except the kiss is too short and maybe Pat had only that much to give, but Pran had years worth of love and want and longing he had been carrying around and he wanted nothing more than to let it all go. And so he does. He pulls Pat closer and gives him the kiss that he's been wanting to give him forever. 
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Pran tells Pat every single one of his feelings through that kiss. Because he was never going to ever be able to put them into words was he? But alas...if Pat wasn't putting the final nail on the coffin, then the wave of realizations that follow the kiss tells Pran that he needs to be the one to do it.
It's never gonna work out ever. This is the most they could ever have. And knowing that Pat returned his feelings doesn't make it any easier.
Because what the hell was he doing? Letting himself go like this!? Setting himself up for getting hurt again? Pat may have kissed him, but he liked Ink too didnt he? And even if he didn't any longer, their families hated each other. And the last time they knew they got close, Pran had to go through hell and back. 
How could he do this to himself again? No.
It is over. It has to be over. He can't keep getting hurt again.
And he pulls back.
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By miles. He is done letting his guard down and getting hurt and causing hurt. This is best in the long run. He should just stay away from Pat. No matter how much it hurt. It was never gonna work out anyways.
But then Pat comes back. Pran pushes him away. He has to give up at some point. He has to. Why would he keep coming back? But Pat keeps surprising Pran. He keeps coming back and butting in and being a pain in the ass and Pran is at his wit's end because he just doesn't know how much more he can withstand. He could see how much effort Pat was putting just to have a conversation with him. And eventhough he was staying away to protect himself he also thought he was doing it for Pat's sake too. That it was better for everybody in the long run. But Pat's steadfast efforts finally get to him.
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He was still the one person in the world he could truly be open in front of. His defenses were somehow at his weakest. And sitting there on that beach dreaming of a reality where their parents don't have a life consuming feud going on Pran actually lets himself open up once again. After that it was just a matter of time before Pran was lured into the who falls in love first challenge bet. Bringing their love for competing with eo into this was the only way Pran could be eased into this.
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Pat knows him so well. They've come so far. What the hell, he could win this challenge couldn't he? Pat followed him all the way to their hostile architecture trip didn't he? He would cave in.
Pat keeps surprising him though he keeps finding new ways to flirt and stump him, and Pran never to be beaten has a few tricks up his sleeve too.
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Neither end up winning and things stay in that will they won't they when will they limbo and there was all chance of it continuing indefinitely and then Pat surprises him again.
He doesn't take Pran's easy out. Pran had basically offered to confess and end this bet. Pat was being handed an easy win. But he declines it. And then he surprises him even more by walking into the loss, showing up to play Kwan in a drama he didn't even need to act in, in a play he signed up for just to flirt with Pran and now the play he is offering to do, entirely and completely for Pran. At this point Pat really had the upper hand in the bet. And he still willingly volunteers to lose. He puts himself out there, knowing he will lose. Because on the other end of it Pat saw a relationship with Pran. Why prolong it any longer? And how could Pran not melt at that. Bet be damned. 
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And that's why he cooks curry for Pat and when Pat tries to eat it himself, Pran stops him, looks at him meaningfully and then feeds it to him, as if signalling to Pat that if you lost for me, i'm losing for you too.
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And so they start dating. And Pran now has to get used to this feeling of his defenses being down. His vulnerabilities exposed and his heart basically out there to be hurt. It was absolutely terrifying. And he wouldn't have had the courage to go for it if Pat hadn't done what he did. Showing him that he valued Pran and his feelings over his own ego. Pat's consistency and sacrifice proved beyond a shadow of doubt as somebody Pran could actually trust himself with. Over and above his overwhelming love for Pat, I believe it is that trust that helped him take that step. 
And Pat keeps showing him every step of the way that the trust was given in safe hands. After every fight, every disagreement, they stop and they talk and they communicate. Pran asks for time. Pat gives it. Pran asks him to keep it under wraps. He's okay with it. Pran compromises on a lot of things himself. He steps out of his comfort zone, willingly does things he wouldn't have dreamt of otherwise just to make Pat happier.
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Because he realizes that if the relationship has to work, they both need to put equal effort. By being with Pat, Pran while being in a safe space gets to open up his heart in ways he would have been afraid to otherwise.
It is implied that Pran is the one who cooks for both of them, he leaves cute notes to make Pat smile when he's upset, he does random thoughtful things like putting the paste on the toothbrush for a waking Pat, he hurries home immediately to comfort an upset Pat, and even if it made his friend mad he still showed up to practice sessions and games because he wanted to support Pat and be there for him.
When Wai outs them it is the tremendous trust that he has in Pat and their relationship that helps Pran go over to assuage Pat and helps them get through it together. Every step of the way every block in the path they handle it together. His trust in Pat, his belief in their love growing more and more.
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And that's why when Pran sees that Pat is quite serious about staying on at the beach, despite his reservations and fears and wanting to be there for his mother too he still goes all in. Of course he does. Of course he goes all in for the boy he has loved ever since he knew what love was. The one person who kept showing up over and over. The only one who he had complete and utter trust in, to be there for him. 
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Because finally, finally Pran could see what he couldn't even dream of when he was young and a life he didn't dare let himself think about in their few months of relationship. A life with Pat, the kindest warmest love-shaped boy he knew, no matter how silly he could get, he would always want to be there for him, with him and he no longer felt like he had to clutch onto his defenses like they were the only thing he really had, because no? He had Pat didn't he?
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The only person who knew what it was like being in Pran's shoes, and who loved him nonetheless and maybe even all the more because of it, the way Pran did with him, because he knew Pat would never hurt him knowingly.
He could do this.
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He could do this with him.
His belief in their love, his trust in their relationship, the commitment that Pat expressed to him in that conversation, ensured that no matter what challenges came up later in their fake break up era, things would still be okay. It's because of that faith that Pran knew that he could afford to go to Singapore for a couple of years and they would remain strong though it all because of that assurance and confidence he felt in himself, in Pat and this relationship that they had nurtured and cherished.
We see him grow up from a boy who was scared of feeling things to a boy who was brave enough to overcome that fear to let himself be open to hurt to crying in the arms of Pat, letting himself be his most vulnerable to braving hurt to fighting for what he loves and doing what he feels is right.
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We see his growth from when he went from being afraid to express his feelings to expressing that in actions and then in words and asking Pat to do the public confession and writing a song for him and asking him how good he was in bed and demanding Pat call him sweetly.
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Unafraid of his wants or desires and no longer averse to expressing them. We see him growing beyond childish hijinks to buying a gift for the man who had once hurt his mother, because two things can be true at once ( Ming was an asshole, but he was still Pat's father). He was building a life with Pat, and a meticulous planner like Pran was obviously not going to leave his relationship with his future father in law to chance. 
And that's my take on how Pran went from "You still owe me" to "Every time i'm near you, nothing good happens" to "Can you please stay away from me?" to "You know that fact (that you aren't my friend) now leave" to "Someone like you what's to like?" to "You've got to stop doing this to me Pat" to "Why start when you know how it's gonna end" to "It's the kind of relationship i always avoid"  to "I care about you more" to "if you want my hand be brave" to "If i do that (thinking of it as a song for Pat) then how can i ever really quit" to "Being with you already feels like freedom" to "We like each other. Why does it bother anyone?" to "I can be anywhere as long as i have you" to "I wrote this song for him." to "Give it to him for me" to "If not you i won't allow anyone else to use it" to "Call me nicely" unafraid of expressing his feelings and desires, heart more open and loving than the one he started off with.  
To conclude and in short throughout the show the growth we see in Pran is perfectly illustrated in his password change from the Pran (who was uber protective of his own self and was emotionally repressed and closed off trying to appear cool and unaffected) of Pran So Cool to the unabashedly in love Pran (having made rapid progress in expressing his feelings and braving fears) of Pran in Love, and it's Pat's love and kindness that helped him along the way. 
The world didn't change him. Pat's love did.
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wonhuihonwuiii · 10 months ago
joshua + jun pairing (junshua)
As mentioned in my previous analyses, I have STILL been seeing people criticize Jun's relationship with the members. I cannot stress enough how adorable and unique each ship is so I have decided to do an analysis.
Here is JunShua!
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I swear Joshua is Jun’s comfort hyung, you can't convince me otherwise!
Even though they’re only a few months apart, you can tell that Shua cares for/treats Jun like a younger brother but as a friend at the same time. There are times when we would catch Shua paying close attention to Jun (which reminds me of an older brother who adores his younger sibling) but we would also see him initiating cute little banter and teasing with Jun (reference to the entire Huya live). This shows how casually they act around one another, which I think mostly stems from the fact that both of them don’t really seem to care much about age gaps and they’re both foreigners so formality doesn’t really matter as much to them (I know that this is basically the dynamic of everyone from svt but these 2 specifically stand out to me).
In particular, I noticed how Jun becomes EXTRA playful when Joshua is around.  Don’t get me wrong, Jun is NATURALLY playful but he has this energy that becomes amplified only with specific members and Shua happens to be one of them. Even in their selcas together (which btw there's A BUNCH), the playful air that surrounds them is so apparent because of the silly faces they make.
It might be because Joshua’s tolerance of playful Jun is super high so he does such a good job at responding to the little pranks specifically by playing along. A specific example of playful Junshua would again, be the entire huya game live! Another would be a clip during left and right promotions where Jun was jokingly telling Shua something but instead of listening, the latter turned his back away playfully, pretending to be disinterested. So Jun with ZERO hesitation dramatically grabbed Shua. I honestly think this fits Jun’s type of humor really well since he can get all rowdy without offending Shua. 
Honestly, this is what I love most about Joshua — he knows how to attend to all members and he does so with different approaches depending on the personality of the person. For example, with quieter members such as Jun and Minghao, he would often direct his attention back to them when their voices are lost in the crowd or if they’re unintentionally unattended to, he would make sure to let them know that he was listening by responding to them even in the sidelines. This shows how observant and attentive Joshua is! 
Another thing I noticed is how they bicker A LOT!
An example would be the intro of the rice planting video with just the two of them and the time they had to babysit kids, which all happened during Super promotions. These two videos give us an idea on how close and playful they actually are around each other!
I also enjoy the fact that Jun OFTEN INITIATES PHYSICAL CONTACT! It reminds me of that Rock with you behind video of Jun lifting Shua up, as he and Minghao were about to leave for China. You’d also often catch him randomly hugging or poking Shua on the face or Jun would play with Shua’s hair. In short, Jun can be quite clingy around Joshua.
Jun also becomes very talkative with Shua! It might be because the former is aware of how much of a good listener the latter is.This reminds me of that one Junshua weverse live where Jun was passionately sharing a story while Shua sat there, with his full attention on the former. 
I also saw a clip of SULKY Shua (rare sight ik) with Jun and it was the cutest thing ever huhu (see this is what I meant when I said they treat each other like same-age friends because Shua is comfortable enough to act all baby like in front of Jun lmao)
i think it’s also nice to know that they hang out / have hung out beyond work hours especially because Jun is known for being quite shy to reach out to other members for a drink so the fact that we’ve heard stories from Shua’s perspective is so precious to me. In one of their lives together, I remember him mentioning how Jun expresses his love for Seventeen when he’s had a few drinks.
Overall there's something about Shua’s personality that allows him to click well with the craziest AND quietest members! He somehow unleashes their inner crackhead energy (like with Jun) AND I’M HERE FOR IT! I absolutely love Junshua’s sibling-like relationship with one another!
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 months ago
Oh, I love "Entitlement runs in the family"!
You know what? Let's drag the Ashido-squad and Kirishima in as well.
Bakugou "invites" his "friends" to dinner once. That dinner, casually discussing the Midoriyas as if they were pets, was enough to solidify to Ashido and the others that Bakugou is bad news, if his attempted murders and general attitude wasn't enough. Kirishima, however, takes this as evidence that Bakugou is being raised in a bad home and needs love and support in order to get better.
...this leads to an exhausted and entitled Kirishima, feeling entitled to the rest of the squad helping him with Bakugou and too deep to try and escape.
I adore this. Because we focus on the entitlement being ‘yes I deserve this’ but rarely on the idea of entitlement being ‘I am in the right and demand your support’.
And like the Bakugou family I actually don’t have a hard time seeing Kirishima entitled when it comes to this. He WANTS to be in the right, to be the big time hero who saves the day. He wants to be Manly. And he sees Bakugou as needing help. Understandable.
It’s just Kirishima also cannot see that Bakugou doesn’t want to be a good person. He doesn’t. Hes never had to be because things always work out in his favour because he’s rich, has a good Quirk and is handsome.
Kirishima though is trapped in the ideas of society: you can help someone be better. Save them from their home life and let them become better people. Which to be fair isn’t untrue. When people are removed from toxic situations they can become better people IF they want to.
Sometimes people just don’t.
And sometimes they are just as toxic as the situation they were in. Because it was one of their own making.
In this case it isn’t. Bakugou canon wise has never been a pleasant person even as a toddler. But here he was definitely shaped by his family to become who he is. If he had earlier intervention, things could have changed.
It didn’t though.
Not saying he’s a lost cause. Oh no, I could see him getting his head out of his ass, but it’s not just ‘show them kindness and things change’. It’s ’the world has crashed down around you so it’s time to pick up the pieces and move on’ type of it.
And Kirishima doesn’t understand that. Let’s go with Adrien from Miraculous Ladybug as an example. He continued to give Chloe second chances and shrug off her antics as ‘ah that’s just Chloe for you’. He is angry her victims are celebrating she’s gone. Is it rude? Yeah. But I also don’t fucking blame them. No matter WHAT your home life is like you are not entitled to hurt others. My sympathy ends as soon as you hurt others.
But there are people like Kirishima and Adrien who brush it aside because they want to be saviours. They have this need to be the white knight, saving the people they view as needing it. They feel that they are entitled to people helping them because they are in the right and get angry when it doesn’t happen.
I look at this and see a scene where like two months later Kirishima sees Ashido, Kaminari and Sero hanging out. He approaches them, hurt they didn’t tell him about a squad hang out.
“You’re not our friend,” Ashido says calmly. “We told you we don’t like Bakugou stop trying to include him but you didn’t listen. I told you I didn’t want to hang out anymore. You didn’t listen. That’s on you, not me.”
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mono-dot-jpeg · 10 months ago
solidarity creates a family. - lifeweaver [p. niran]
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summary; lifeweaver simply cannot leave those who are like him in the dust.
genre/extra tags; headcanons/bullet fic, fluff, found family vibes, big brother figure! lifeweaver fr fr, sprinkle of angst, reader is a vishkar student, reader is implied to be southeast asian but can be seen as otherwise
[teen! reader] [fem! reader] [platonic]
[warnings: shitty family, homophobia themes]
a/n; sorry for the late response. but i hope you enjoy! i turned it into a bullet fic whoops.
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parents aren't always right
parents seem to forget that they can be wrong too, that they should listen when they're wrong, that they have the ability to be wrong
you lived a normal life being part of the academy that vishkar maintained
you had good grades, a nice group of friends, you were just a plain good kid that any parent would be proud of.
you met lifeweaver, bua, in gardening club. he loved talking about plants and you had a mild interest in them
he was in his senior year so he didn't see you as much as your friends would
you attended garden club when it was open which was fridays, so imagine his surprise when you don't attend for one day...
and then the next friday...
and then the next?
where were you?
it takes him until he leaves vishkar due to their want for his found biolight technology and he finds you in a shady hotel place, scrounging up some coin to stay in the dirty place as a temporary home.
he was on the run as criminal so of course he'd be in a not so great part of their homeland but you?
he takes you away from this place, "there's no way I'm letting you stay in a place like this."
and now you're both walking towards the train that leaves out of this country.
"what happened, dear?" his voice is soft and he gives you a gentle pat on the back as he guides you to a secluded spot on the train.
and you almost immediately break down into silent tears. a mangy hood over your head as you tell him how you've disappointed your family for loving girls as a girl
you tell him that you got kicked out of the family and was removed from the academy by your parents.
"you did nothing wrong." is the first thing he tells you and he tells you that there's nothing wrong with loving who you want to love.
he even tells you that he likes everyone, no matter their gender. he gives you a warm hug, "well, if your parents won't love you as their kid, then i will."
he does have to warn you that he is sort of wanted for his studies in biolight and how vishkar wants to take it for themselves.
and you both are sort of partners in crime now
he's just so sweet and supportive, you rarely find yourself feeling bad when he's by your side.
he's here for you and he lets you know it!
i imagine he's a little embarrassing sometimes but that's because he really wants to make sure that you're proud of who you are and that it's okay to be yourself
there's definitely been a time or two where he's unintentionally (or maybe intentionally) embarrasses you
but he's always supporting you no matter what
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mouseonamoose · 3 months ago
Hello! I can’t help but write, although I understand that there is nothing unique in my message. It took me two days to read your stories (Demonology and Angel-Centered Therapy). These were two wonderful days, although very difficult. It is true! Thanks to all the emotions I had experienced! I remembered songs that I had not listened to for a long time, but which resonated with the emotions of what I read. I even allowed myself to accelerate the car to 80 km/h (ridiculous, maybe, but I rarely drive a car and only near the house, so it’s usually no more than 40-50 km/h), I was so overwhelmed with emotions! I also wrote one thoughtless letter and then cried all evening because of the response I received. Maybe this is all very stupid to write to you, but all these experiences that I wrote about above would have been impossible without your stories. For which special thanks.
I haven't read something that breaks my heart in two for a long time. I hope you'll forgive the Aubrey reference. But she is wonderful. Wonderful character and I miss her. Separately, I want to say thank you for this moment when Aubrey said, that she is sorry for what happened to Crowley. It's hard to describe, but how sincere it was, her words! Sincerely to the point of pain. For real. That's exactly how I felt it. Thank you for this moment.
There were so many moments for which I want to thank you separately. But if I start, the message will probably turn out huge. I've already written too much. But still - thank you for Davey and Crowley interaction. That was something!
But can I ask one question? Putting the two fanfictions together, I get the impression that these two still managed to develop their relationship? The mentioned cottage gave me an idea about this. Please tell me that this is so in your version too. I need this 😂
Thank you sincerely! An adult (so adult that has two children), who is still trying to recover from your story.
Thank you so much for your kind words. It means so much to me, to know that those stories inspired such important emotions. And do take good care of yourself, too, as you process through everything you have to process through.
I cannot see any possible way that Good Omens could come to an end without there being a cottage filled with love and peace. If the S3 movie doesn't give us that, then, well, that'll be their problem. Crowley and Aziraphale love each other.
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