#i cannot and will not get over how surprised he looks with his “shy” expression like. dude. have you looked in a mirror???
threnodians · 3 days
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fatuismooches · 1 year
a lesson in love.
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The puppet that had recently begun to live in your village had been acting strange around you lately. His name was Kabukimono, and you had never met anyone like him before. You distinctly remember the first time you saw him, Niwa and the others crowded around him. He had the fairest skin, long luscious locks, and clothing that only the highest-standing nobles in Inazuma could afford. He almost reminded you of a princess.
Although the other villagers accepted him, they were still quite reserved towards him. Niwa, Katsuragi, and a few others were the only ones who would smile and laugh with him, ruffling his hair as if he were a normal human. And though Kabukimono was greatly pleased by this, you could see he was still rather lonely. After all, his friends worked most of the day while he was left to his own devices as of now.
You were fascinated by the beautiful boy who seemed enamored with the most simplest of things life had to offer - collecting fruits (especially Lavender Melon, which seemed to be his favorite), playing with finches and other small creatures, and shyly yet curiously watching the other children play from a distance. You were quite entranced with him, and so you struck up a conversation with him. From that day forward, Kabukimono was a changed puppet.
Kabukimono would constantly stare at you and then immediately look away when you turned to face him. He would trail behind you like a lost puppy until you acknowledged him, and quickly scurry to your side. You would wake up to the puppet sitting outside your house, waiting to start the day with you (you were greatly concerned once you realized he sat there for the whole night.) He’d insist on carrying everything for you, and although he was very strong, he did not have a good sense of balance, and well… you can guess how that turned out. He was quite literally attached to your hip, and it didn’t take long for everyone else to notice as well. 
The kids would giggle uncontrollably and start to whisper: “Kabuki and [Name], sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-”, you quickly clamped your hands over their mouths before they could say anything else, while the puppet was confused the whole time. Couples would shoot you knowing looks. Niwa’s wiggling eyebrows and grin did not help you much either. Kabukimono’s love-struck behavior only increased but the problem was that he himself did not understand why he felt this way. Often you would see him with a stumped expression. And well, you had grown a soft spot for the puppet too… you completely adored him. You wanted to make him happy. But first, you must talk with him.
It was a normal day where you were doing nothing in particular, simply enjoying the calmness while Kabukimono sat next to you as well. The puppet had trouble understanding the concept of “relaxing” and doing nothing but he did feel the stress leaving his body whenever he engaged in this activity with you. The birds chirped, the breeze was cool, and everything felt perfect for some conversation.
“Kabukimono, have you been alright lately?” you questioned, hoping to get him to talk about his feelings. The puppet perked up at your voice.
“Me? Yes, I’ve been fine. Why?”
“Well, sometimes I see you looking a little down. I was just wondering why.” Kabukimono was surprised you noticed that, and he felt a bit shy but happy at how much you paid attention to him.
“W-well, it’s nothing really,” he tried to reassure himself and you but you didn’t buy it.
“You know you can tell me anything,” you advised. “I want to help you with whatever’s bothering you.” Kabukimono chewed on his lip, persuaded by your kindness. A determined expression appeared on his face.
“I think I’m sick, [Name],” he said it so seriously you were caught off guard. Out of all answers, you were not expecting that.
“Sick…? But you know you cannot get sick,” you said, trying to hint at the fact that puppets could not contract illnesses.
“I know that, but there’s just no other explanation I can think of! I asked some of the children in the village, and my symptoms line up with what they said!”
“Well, what are your symptoms?”
“My body gets really hot, my palms get sweaty… and my chest starts to feel funny,” he explained.
“Hmm, that does sound like a sickness.” The puppet let out a resigned sigh but then straightened up again.
“These things… they only happen around you, [Name]. Around everyone else I’m fine, but then as soon as I see you, all these weird things start happening to me,” Kabukimono looked down at his lap bashfully, almost afraid his statement would offend you. Your heart completely melted.
“Hey, look at me, Kabukimono,” you requested, and the puppet slowly complied, looking at you with his shimmering, worried eyes. “Don’t give me that look,” you giggled. “I’m not mad. In fact, I think I know what’s wrong with you. But I… need to do a quick test on you to confirm. Is that okay?”
Hope appeared in his eyes as he nodded excitedly. “Oh, of course! But what do you need to do?”
“Here, give me your hands, Kabukimono,” you said gently, as you placed his soft palms on top of yours. The puppet’s stunned and red-faced reaction already told you everything you needed to know but you still had to take this slowly. “How do you feel right now?”
“I-, I…” Kabukimono struggled to find the words to describe his current state. All he felt was hot, hot, hot from the simple yet affectionate gesture. But the patient smile you gave him was comforting. “I feel very happy, and my mouth hurts from smiling so much. And my body is getting hot like I said before.”
“I see,” you nodded in understanding. You released his hands from yours, much to Kabukimono’s disappointment, but then you placed your hand on his cheek, immediately bringing back his giddiness. “What about now?”
“I feel so…” The puppet was cut off as your thumb suddenly moved to trace your lip. “Ah, it feels like my chest is going to explode!” You chuckled at his simplicity as you removed your hands from him.
“And you’re absolutely sure you only feel this way towards me?” Kabukimono shook his head rapidly.
“No! No, no one else. No one else comes close to you,” he declared, intent on making himself clear, still in awe at the tingly feeling your thumb left on his lips. Your heart sped up from his unintentional adorableness.
“Well, I think I know what you’ve been inflicted with,” you nodded in response. “Yes, it’s quite obvious to me now.” Kabukimono leaned in more, curiosity taking over his body. He was so interested to hear what a smart human like you would say.
“You’re not sick, Kabukimono. You’re simply feeling a rather intense emotion,” you said slowly, hoping not to confuse him. “You are in love,” you finished. Kabukimono’s face was frozen in shock, only a slight shaking of his mouth and eyes could differentiate him from a statue.
“Love… love, i-is that what this is…?” His voice had come to almost a whisper. “Love, like how those married couples love each other?” Suddenly the mental image of him kissing and holding you appeared in his mind and would not leave. “Love!” The puppet could not help but repeat the lovely word again and again. But then a realization hit him and his excitement came to a screeching halt.
“But love… love needs more than one person, does it not? You need to… oh,” the reality of the situation hurt him. Surely you would never return his love. Surely you were interested in someone else, someone who was human. He was just a no-good puppet. Quickly you found your words to comfort him.
“No, no, no, Kabukimono. Look at me, pretty. Please don’t look so forlorn. You need not worry, as I love you too. I love you with my whole heart,” you stated matter-of-factly, in a way that could not be disputed. 
It felt like something was stuck in Kabukimono’s throat, as he found it hard to push words out. “You… love me?” You vigorously nodded in confirmation. “You love me,” he repeated as if saying it more and more would help it settle in. “You love me… such an amazing person loves me…”
You squeezed his hand in response. “Yes, I love you dearly, Kabukimono. I want us to be together,” you said softly. The puppet’s mouth opened and closed, not sure how to even respond to such tenderness. But what ended up coming out was a pitiful sob and streaming tears.
“Thank you for teaching me… thank you for loving me. I don’t know how I could-” The boy’s words began to slur as he cried. Although he loved you dearly, Kabukimono’s mind could only think about how you could abandon him as his creator did. Would you soon deem him unworthy or not good enough, and leave him too? You were taken aback at this drastic change in behavior but quickly pulled him into the reassuring warmth of your chest. You now understood what Niwa meant when he said he was an emotional puppet.
“Hey, hey, deep breaths, okay?” You rubbed Kabukimono’s back in gentle motions as you instructed him. “In, out… in, out, okay…?” The puppet followed your directions and with time, his sobs lessened and now he was a curled-up quiet mess that was in your arms. He would not move away from your chest, and you would be more concerned but you knew he did not need to breathe.
“You don’t need to apologize or thank me for anything. I don’t know what you’ve been through, but… I will always be here for you. You are a beautiful, kind soul. I am so happy to love you, my dearest,” you whispered, stroking his hair in a further attempt to calm him. The puppet almost felt like bawling again at your sincerity, but your voice was such a soft lull, all he wanted to do was take a break in your embrace.
“I love you, [Name]...” Kabukimono mumbled softly, as he fell asleep right there on your chest, knowing that he would be blessed with dreams with you instead of his abandonment.
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lesson 1. lesson 2. lesson 3. lesson 4. lesson 5. lesson 6. lesson 7. lesson 8. lesson 9. lesson 10. bonus lesson.
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xothatnerdykid · 4 months
Aizawa x Reader Established Relationship Headcanons
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(Cannot, for the life of me, get over my writer's block but I've still got Aizawa brainrot thanks to s7 so here.)
I might be in the minority here but I don't think Aizawa would smoke. He eats healthy and works out to keep his body in shape. Why would he compromise his health by smoking?
His only vices are chronic snacking (he loves those jelly pouch things) and caffeine.
He's usually up 'til dawn most days because duh, he works two jobs (hence the 5-7 shots of espresso in his coffee). 
Despite his sleep deprivation most days, he is soooo sexy when he wakes up in the morning. Messy hair. Baggy shirt and boxers. Or sometimes a body hugging tank top and sweatpants. And his voice — his raspy, sleep-addled voice. The feeling of his stubble against the smooth planes of your face waking you up. 
He doesn’t usually cook breakfast but he does always brew a fresh pot of coffee for you. And he never leaves without a kiss goodbye, even when you’re still snuggled up in bed, asleep.
When you first start dating, Shouta talks to you pretty much the same way he talks to everyone else. So curt and succinct, you sometimes used to wonder if he was upset with you. He’d usually get confused as to what made you ask that, and then explained that he’s just a man of a few words, that’s all. 
As your relationship becomes more established, you notice subtle shifts in the way he communicates. It's not a sudden change, but your conversations start to feel more like a secret code over time, filled with inside jokes that never fail to make him smirk.
Shouta’s love language is definitely acts of service. He’s a pragmatic, action-oriented person who values efficiency. So of course he’d think that actions speak louder than words when it comes to letting someone know your true feelings. 
That’s why he loves it when he comes home to your cooking, especially when you surprise him with his favorite dish. Because after 16-hours or so of working two jobs, he usually just passes out on the couch the moment he gets home and you’re not around.
He feels so bad when he comes home too late sometimes and finds you already asleep and his dinner sitting cold on the stovetop or in the fridge. He always makes sure to make it up to you by preparing breakfast the next day or…other…pleasing ways…
Seeing you take care of Sushi, the cat his very-well-and-alive friend Nemuri sometimes asks him to babysit, makes him feel all warm inside, too (although he doesn’t actually admit it, you just catch him smiling softly at you sometimes and quickly looking away when you notice).
As for how he expresses his love for you, it mostly comes in the form of acts of service, too, as well as gifts and physical touch.
Shouta’s romantic gestures are like rare collectibles. They often come as a surprise, but when they happen, you cherish them dearly. He'll surprise you with a thoughtful gift and leave it on your desk with a simple, "Saw this and thought of you."
He won't serenade you under the moonlight or anything, but he'll make you a warm cup of tea when you're tired, or wrap a scarf around you when it's cold.
You don't really have time to go out on dates most weeks, but when you do, you're either at a quiet restaurant or taking a walk through nature in the parks. 
His favorite thing to do is sit with you by the window sill on rainy days and just have you snuggle up to him, bundled in his arms, while you read or do your own thing in comfortable silence.
Fighting with Shouta was like having a verbal sparring match. He’s always strategic, although his patience wears thin sometimes, even with you. Still, he knew when to bring something up and when to back down. 
He won't shy away from a disagreement, but he's not one to let it linger. He’ll tackle the issue head-on, find a compromise, and move on.
One of your favorite things about him was that he never held a grudge or took conflicts personally.  
Shouta’s life is a constant juggle between being a pro hero, a UA teacher, a single dad, and being your boyfriend. But oh, does he master it.
At first you thought maybe he was just a really efficient and organized planner, but one look at him, his apartment, his phone, and his non-existent planner told you otherwise.
“How do you plan on getting all of this done?” You often ask him about his mountain of papers to grade and reports to submit, to which he just shrugs.
“I don’t know, the usual? Coffee. Eye drops.” He sucks on his second jelly pouch of the day and goes back to his cluttered desk, papers strewn about like fallen leaves. "Duct taping my eyelids," he grumbles the last part under his breath.
You laugh, watching him from the couch with a fond look in your eyes. “You’re incredible, you know that?”
He looks up, one eyebrow raised. “For what? Managing to stay awake?”
“For…everything,” you shrug, walking over to perch yourself atop the edge of his desk. “For being you.”
He hums appreciatively as he pulls you closer by the waist.
“I don’t know how you do it, but I’m grateful.”
He glances up at you, smiling a little. You scratch at the stubble on his chin. 
“Ready to call it a night?”
“Not quite,” he smirks before leaning up to kiss you fervently, tangling his hands in your hair.
Both of you slept better than you have all week. Afterwards.
You occasionally surprise him by finding him when he’s out on patrol and checking up on him. You love seeing him like this, in his element. He’s so kind to all the people he helps…
(A lot of the time, you end up making out against an alleyway or with him hanging upside down from a fire escape, but that’s neither here nor there.) 
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23victoria · 2 months
“walked in and dream came trued it for ya”
f1 grid x fem!reader (the rest)
warnings: sexual innuendos
authors note: anon🤍 thank you so much for the request!!! any feedback is appreciated and please like, comment, and reblog!! hope you enjoy!! 🤍
part 1
1k celebration f1 masterlist
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George receives the envelope with a polite smile, his curiosity piqued. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyes widen and a flush creeps across his cheeks. He quickly closes the envelope, glancing around nervously to ensure no one else has seen.
When he catches your eye, he gives you a playful, almost shy grin. Later, when he finds a moment alone with you, he leans in close, his voice low and filled with a mix of excitement and admiration. "You sneaky girl, beautiful pictures princess," he murmurs, his gaze intense. "I have a surprise for you, when this is over." His smile is charming, his eyes glinting with promise.
Pierre takes the envelope with a smirk, already expecting some kind of prank. However, as he opens it and sees the pictures, his expression shifts to one of genuine surprise and intrigue. His eyes widen and a slow, appreciative smile spreads across his face.
He looks at you, his eyes dark with desire, and leans in close, his voice a seductive whisper. "You really know how to get my attention," he says, his breath warm against your ear. "I think we need to have a private conversation later." His smile is teasing, his eyes promising a night of intense and intimate moments.
Esteban, ever the gentleman, accepts the envelope with a polite nod. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyes widen in shock and a deep blush spreads across his cheeks. He quickly closes the envelope, looking around to make sure no one else saw.
He catches your eye, his expression a mix of embarrassment and curiosity. When he finds a moment alone with you, he leans in close, his voice a low, husky whisper. "I never expected this from you," he says, his eyes filled with admiration and desire. "But I have to admit, I like it. I’m excited to explore this side of you more." His words send a shiver down your spine, his gaze intense and filled with promise.
Fernando, ever the seasoned veteran, takes the envelope with a knowing smile. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyebrows lift in surprise and a slow, appreciative grin spreads across his face. He looks at you, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
Leaning in close, he whispers in your ear, his voice low and seductive. "You never cease to amaze me," he murmurs, his breath warm against your skin. "I can't wait to show you just how much." His smile is devilish, his eyes promising a night filled with passion and excitement.
Valtteri takes the envelope with a calm, curious expression. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyes widen slightly and a small, appreciative smile forms on his lips. He glances at you, his expression one of genuine admiration and curiosity.
He leans in close, his voice a quiet, intense whisper. "You look incredible," he says, his eyes roaming over your face. "I cannot get those images out of my head." His hand lightly brushes against yours under the table, the touch sending electric sparks through your skin. "I cannot wait to show you how those pictures made me feel later." His words are filled with a mix of curiosity and heated anticipation, leaving you breathless.
Zhou takes the envelope with a friendly smile, his curiosity piqued. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyes widen and a deep blush spreads across his cheeks. He quickly closes the envelope, glancing around nervously to ensure no one else has seen.
When he catches your eye, he gives you a shy, almost embarrassed grin. Later, when he finds a moment alone with you, he leans in close, his voice low and filled with a mix of excitement and admiration. "You made my heart skip multiple times," he murmurs, his gaze intense. "I can't wait to have fun with you tonight." His smile is charming, his eyes glinting with promise.
Nico takes the envelope with a curious look, opening it slowly. When he sees the pictures, his eyes widen and a slow, appreciative smile spreads across his face. He looks at you, his eyes dark with desire.
He leans in close, his voice a low, seductive whisper. "You really know how to get my attention," he says, his breath warm against your ear. "I think we need to have a private conversation in the bathroom right now." His smile is teasing, his eyes promising a night of intense and intimate moments.
Kevin takes the envelope with a casual smile, his curiosity piqued. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyes widen and a deep blush spreads across his cheeks. He quickly closes the envelope, glancing around nervously to ensure no one else has seen.
When he catches your eye, he gives you a playful, almost shy grin. Later, when he finds a moment alone with you, he leans in close, his voice low and filled with a mix of excitement and admiration. "You really stay surprising me," he murmurs, his gaze intense. "I can't wait for you to see what I will do to you tonight." His smile is charming, his eyes glinting with promise.
Yuki takes the envelope with a curious look, opening it slowly. When he sees the pictures, his eyes widen and a slow, appreciative smile spreads across his face. He looks at you, his eyes dark with desire.
He leans in close, his voice a low, seductive whisper. "Y/N, my wife, you almost made me pass out," he says, his breath warm against your ear. "I think we need to leave for a bit, right now." His smile is teasing, his eyes promising a night of intense and intimate moments.
Daniel takes the envelope with a mischievous grin, expecting some kind of joke. As he opens it and sees the pictures, his eyes widen and a slow, appreciative smile spreads across his face. He looks at you, his eyes dark with desire and playful curiosity.
He leans in close, his voice a low, seductive whisper. "You are so sexy. my beautiful girl.," he says, his breath warm against your ear. "I think you need to help me find my phone, I left it in the suite. Let’s go." His smile is teasing, his eyes promising a night of passion and excitement.
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© 23victoria 2023-24 I all rights reserved. do not republish, steal repost, modify, translate or claim my work as your own

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capricornlevi · 8 months
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no surprises - toji x reader
wc 1.6k - hitman!toji x mobwife!reader, fem!reader, strangers to lovers -dark elements (but not really related to sex -- toji breaks into reader's house to assassinate mob husband), cheating (technically -- reader's husband is a piece of shit lol)
nsfw, mdni
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Toji hates it when his hits have wives or girlfriends.
As cruel a bastard as he may be, the thought of unnecessary collateral makes him uneasy to say the least. It's messy, too, unnecessary and uncomfortable. When one of his targets has a wife there's a sure guarantee she'll be by his side more often than not. It increases the risk for all parties, whether they know of their involvement or not.
He wonders why these men never have the decency to get a divorce before involving themselves in shit like this.
And so, as he carefully picks the lock to your kitchen window, he hopes that tonight's job is clean. That you'll stay out of his way.
Kill the guy, clean up, and ideally, get out without even waking you.
So imagine his surprise when he makes his way inside as planned, turns down the hallway to get to the bedroom he's so carefully mapped this past week, only to find you standing pyjama-clad in the hallway with arms crossed, looking at him with an expression one could only describe as inconvenienced.
"He's not here," you mumble, the words laced with sleep but still pointed.
Toji prides himself on being quick on his feet, but in this rare instance, he's lost for words. He doesn't even draw his weapon.
"Uh ... hm ... what?" he finally decides, though the words leave him without much active decision-making on his part, spilling out into the cold night air.
"He's not here," you repeat, enunciating each word slowly. "Did you not hear me? Though that would explain why you made such a fucking racket breaking in."
"What the fuck-"
"And you're replacing that lock, by the way," you spit, eyes heated with frustration as you give him a once over. "I heard you give up and break it."
Toji's head could explode right here and now. How has this ... this cannot be happening ... he's carried out hits numbering in the three digits, and not one target has ever seen him coming, much less the wife of some low-ranking gangster who stole the wrong amount of money from the wrong people.
Still, you don't shy away from him, keeping your gaze fixed on his increasingly confused face.
"What do ya mean he isn't here?" Toji huffs then, finally realising the futility of this situation. Standing there stupidly isn't going to improve his image, he needs to cut to the chase. "Is he out?"
You huff a laugh. "You could say that."
He arches a scarred brow. "He's dead?"
"May as well be," you answer plainly, devoid of any sympathy or grief. "Kicked him out on Sunday. Tried to steal my engagement ring and then went after my parents, mumbling some shit about collecting their life insurance policy even though the idiot isn't even named on it. So I made a call and the name of his hotel is with your bosses now."
"Then why didn't they--"
You roll your eyes, exasperated. "How should I know? They probably sent some other guys to the hotel and kept you here in case that worm came wriggling back."
Toji's not sure why, but he believes you -- probably because of the unafraid, unemotional manner in which you're delivering this information. As though you're a teacher scolding him for a failed assignment.
He releases his grip on the weapon tucked at his hip -- he doesn't even remember at which point he went to grab it -- silently swearing at a wasted evening.
Sure, he'll still get the flat rate for a call-out like this one, but if he has proof of death he gets triple pay. He could really use that this month; he likes having his lights stay on for longer than forty-eight hours at a time, and figured tonight would've been an easy job, particularly with how stupidly your husband has been acting these last few months.
"Uh ... okay. Sorry for inconveniencin' ya," he mumbles, figuring it best to leave now without wasting either of your time any further.
He could stay here and argue more, but he's not in the mood. He needs to get back. Plus, he's already disrupted your night enough -- as curtly as you've addressed him these past few minutes, he can't say he doesn't see where your frustration is coming from.
In this short interaction, he's developed a sort of begrudging respect for this woman who views an assassination attempt in the same way most would view a parking ticket.
"Wait!" you call out just as he turns around. He hesitates -- though you don't seem like the type to call the police given your knowledge of your husband's business.
Maybe you're not finished giving him shit for this embarrassment of a botched assignment?
"Yeah?" he answers dutifully, brushing his hair from his eyes with a tired swipe of his hand, turning back to face you.
"Want to have a drink with me?" you ask straight-forwardly, arms still crossed and expression unmoving. "He left his 20-year whiskey behind, and I haven't had new company since he weaselled his way into my life."
"If you've nothing better to do, anyway."
This woman ...
He has never had as difficult a time reading someone in his entire lie.
"Well?" you press, a hint of impatience growing in that beautiful voice. "What do you want to do?"
Surprise once against takes precedence over any other emotion in Toji's body.
Tonight couldn't get any weirder. He's sure of it.
Except it definitely can, as he discovers just thirty minutes later, with you sitting atop him as he's spread out on your bed, riding him so hard the bed rattles against the wall.
This is a little fucked up. You both know it. He came here to kill your husband, but it's so hard for him to care about minor details like that when he sees how your tits bounce with every thrust upwards, how your face looks when it's torn in pleasure.
Your husband is a bigger idiot than he thought.
You haven't been touched like this in a long time, haven't had someone's hands on you like you deserve, and that thought enrages him for some reason.
His focus for tonight has shifted entirely. He's no longer out to kill, to hurt, his one responsibility is to make you cry out on his cock, on his tongue, on his fingers, until both of your voices are worn out and hoarse.
You're so pretty like this, so responsive to every twirl of his thumb and jerk of his hips.
Though -- and he hates to admit it -- you're exerting some control over him as well. His well-worn self-discipline is being tested like never before. On your couch just a few minutes ago, with his mouth spread against you and your leg tossed over his shoulder, you had managed to then manoeuvre yourself until your fist was wrapped around his cock, your pretty fingers stroking him until his breaths sounded choked and desperate, until a flush spread up his chest to his neck and jawline.
He had to still your wrist to keep from coming all over his own chest. That would lose him any shred of credibility he had left.
He's obsessed with the way you kiss him, too, so hungry and desperate with no sign of that earlier unshakability you possessed. He's sure you still have yourself in some semblance of control -- though he barely knows you, he knows you wouldn't relent that quickly -- but you release yourself a little, sinking into it with a quiet moan that sends ripples up his spine.
And now, with your hips sitting flush against his own, it's hard to imagine caring about a single other thing than the sight of his cock disappearing inside you.
You take him so well, every inch of him, knowing exactly what to say to drive him insane. In turn, he learns what he can from your reactions, each microexpression showing him how you like to be touched.
You toss your head back, that beautiful throat gulping down gasps of air in between cries of Toji's name, shoulders tight with the tension of keeping yourself seated on him.
He gives you more when you ask for it, pumping up into you and relishing the answering groans and mewls of pleasure.
(Honestly, he'd give you anything you wanted from him. He'd give you the shirt off his back if you requested it with those pretty doe eyes and your lips curled into that sly little smile.)
A familiar heat curls in his stomach but in a way he's entirely unfamiliar with; usually, it builds slowly and reliably, bit by bit, but this time it rises erratically and without any sign of when he's approaching the edge.
This is dangerous. You're dangerous for him, you have him in the palm of your hand and hold the ability to crush him into tiny pieces if you so wish. It scares him while also sending pulses of pleasure straight to his cock, coupled with the feeling of your throbbing clit as he circles it with his thumb --
Thankfully, you fall apart at the same time, spasms of pleasure overtaking every single thought in either of your heads.
As you settle into the afterglow, Toji is in no rush to move you or shift himself. He runs a roughened hand over your thigh, the skin smooth as silk, marvelling at how you shiver under the touch.
He just looks up at you, that hint of confusion from earlier still present but accompanied by something else.
Strange, he thinks to himself. Not a wasted evening after all.
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honeydazai · 1 year
୨୧·࣭࣪̇˖ 𝆬  ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ᴄᴜʀᴠʏ ɢɪʀʟꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ 𝆬 𓏸
feat.: Dazai, Chūya, Fukuzawa, Kunikida, Fyodor, Nikolai, Poe, Mushitarō, Jōno
warnings: nsfw content, f!reader, some brief mentions of insecurity related to appearance/weight, breeding kink, pregnancy mentions, thigh fucking, body worship,
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DAZAI is touchy on a good day and outright clingy on a bad one; really, it's only natural that he can't — won't — keep his hands to himself, spindly fingers caressing your every curve, no matter where you are or who else is there. Still, his obvious attraction to you only proves that, to him, you're drop-dead gorgeous, right? You can't be mad at him for being enamoured with his own girlfriend, yes? (You can and, in fact, you should be mad when he keeps on groping you or pulling you into the Agency's storage room for some quick dry humping, completely unashamed.)
In case you ever worry about not being worthy of being with him — which, really, isn't a reasonable concern, given how, according to Kunikida, you're a saint for even putting up with Dazai for that long —, he's quick to cut your concerns down with a gentle chuckle. He's fond of all women, he's said so before, and he doesn't get why you'd ever compare yourself to any other woman and think of yourself as less worthy, less gorgeous, when, obviously, you're this breathtaking.
“But why, dear, you're being awfully cruel today, slapping my hands away like that. It's merely because you're so awfully pretty that I cannot keep my hands off you. At least let me kiss you, yes, love?”
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It doesn't come as a surprise that CHŪYA literally worships you; to him, you're perfect in every way imaginable. He's able to pick you up and carry you around easily, even without activating For The Tainted Sorrow; when you worry about being too heavy, he merely scoffs, immediately shaking his head in response.
He's just shy of insulted when you ask, voice trembling, whether your stretch marks, thick thighs or round hips bother him; really, who do you take him for? He's not twelve — and even if he was, he'd still think of you as breathtaking, appearance- and personality-wise. If you don't seem to believe him, he'll gladly spend an hour or three between your legs, pressing soft kisses to your skin, not forgetting about even one stretch mark, scar or beauty mark you might be insecure about. If, by the end of him all but worshipping your body, you finally do believe him, he'll gladly make you come on his tongue, too.
“Hm? You still don't look quite convinced, baby. 'm afraid I'll have to continue, then. Gotta make sure you know just how pretty I think you are by the end of this, so I'll need you to be patient.”
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FUKUZAWA is not the most expressive man, and yet he somehow manages to make sure that you never feel unloved. His adoration for you is obvious in the way his hands gently rest on your upper arm, on the small of your back or on your hip sometimes; in the way he occasionally leans down to gently press his lips to your forehead; in the way he somehow manages to pick up on each of your moods without you having to say something.
His brows furrow into a frown when you first mention your insecurities, and yet his expression softens oh so much when he cups your cheek with one hand, calloused thumb smoothing over your jaw in a soothing gesture. He's so very factual about immediately naming everything that, in his eyes, makes you beautiful, that you really have no choice but to believe him. To get you to smile once more, he adds but a few unexpectedly lewd comments, too, such as how you're absolutely ethereal looking when undressed and on his lap, too.
“My dearest, I assure you, your beauty, inside and out, has captured my heart completely. I adore the way your hair shines, I love the sparkle in your eye when you spot a dessert you're aching to eat. I love each curve of your body and how beautiful and feminine it makes you look; truly, there is nothing about you that is not breathtaking to me.”
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Despite KUNIKIDA's rather strict ideals, his note book never held even a single word about your appearance; your personality is what matters most to him, your opinions and what you think is right and what is wrong, not whether your stomach shows in the dress you just bought. You're the most beautiful woman on the planet in his eyes and, even though he's just a bit irritated when you doubt the truthfulness of his words, his frown melts when his gaze meets yours.
He'll gladly tell you just how much he's in love with everything about you, in great detail, even — how gorgeous your hair is, how he's feeling nothing but utmost adoration for your thighs, how your stomach and arms are pure perfection —, and his voice is so utterly earnest that you have no choice but to trust that he's more than one hundred percent serious about it.
“I promise you with complete honesty that you have nothing to be worried about. Please, my love — you're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. You're perfect in every way imaginable. Please trust me when I say that I adore everything about you.”
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FYODOR is rather enamoured with your curves; how could he not be? Your softer figure contrasts nicely to his own thin body, gentle roundness compared to his sharp angles, and, whenever his fingers gently graze over your skin, he doesn't have to worry about meeting hard bone — everything about you is soft and plush. Admittedly, he is fond of pretty people, which is why he's quick to raise an eyebrow if you ever mention any insecurity related to your appearance, not hesitating to tell you that, in his eyes, you look ethereal at all times, and some stretch marks or anything you could possibly worry about won't change that.
He appreciates your hips most of all; the pleasant roundness of them ties into his breeding kink and, really, you can't possibly blame him for thinking of starting a family with you when you're this enticing, now can you? Short blunt nails dig into said curves when he thrusts into you, his narrow hips flush against your plush ones, your knees nearly brushing against your shoulders with the mating press he's positioned you in and, yes, he'll make sure to fill you up at least two times tonight while soft praise falls from pale lips, something about how pretty you are, how very gorgeous.
“My, my, how lucky I am to have such a pretty woman by my side, hm? Your moans are so very sweet, dear. Do me a favour and do not try to hide yourself from me, darling; you are most beautiful — always, yet especially right now.”
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NIKOLAI, as always, is a menace when it comes to showing his affection for you. Really, he refuses to be blamed for the way his hands wander on your pretty body, exploring each inch of it, no matter whether you're in public or in private. He's not one to be shy, after all, and you shouldn't be either — though, well, if you do get flustered by him outright groping you all the time, he'll certainly tease you for it. You're just so soft and pleasant to touch, honestly, he has no choice but to!
He most enjoys resting his hand on your hip or your butt, laying his head down onto your chest or grabbing the soft flesh of your thighs. Speaking of thighs — surely you'll indulge him when he aches to fuck them, yes? The feeling of your inner thighs squeezing his dick is as close to heaven as he's ever going to get. He doesn't get why you'd ever be insecure about your appearance; you're the prettiest little thing he's ever laid eyes on, don't you know? Luckily, he doesn't hesitate to all but overload you with compliments, albeit some of them eventually go back into lewd territory with how he's swooning about your tight little cunt—
“You're so very sweet, doll—, to think you yourself don't see just how adorable you are, hah! How could you be anything but perfect when you're mewling so cutely underneath me? Ah—, my, my, perhaps I should tell you this later when you're not aching to come, hm? Bet you can hardly understand a word of what I'm saying right now.”
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First and foremost, POE has fallen for you mainly because of your personality — it's merely what matters most to him. That, however, doesn't mean that he is not appreciative of your body; really, it's quite the opposite. Even though the compliments falling from his lips sound oh so eloquent, he honestly struggles to focus on anything but your curves, on the way the fabric of your clothes hugs your body just right, on the way he just aches to touch you, even though the mere thought gets him flustered.
Pink quickly rises to his face, flushing his cheeks with heat when he gets too caught up in fantasies, whether they're sweet and domestic or of more lewd nature. Even though you're in a relationship, he can't help but scold himself internally for the way his brain stutters to a complete halt just at the sight of your plush thighs. If you ever doubt yourself, he's awfully understanding, his tone soft while he reassures you that you're perfect in every way imaginable — he's not unfamiliar with self-doubt himself, and he wants to make sure you're aware that his love for you is absolutely unconditional.
“Trust me, my dear, I know how you feel, and it pains me to see you unhappy. Please—, you're gorgeous in every way. Each time I look at you I fall in love all over again. Please, trust my words, yes? If there's anything I can do to help raise your confidence, please tell me. Would you enjoy going shopping, perhaps?”
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Your mere existence causes MUSHITARŌ suffering. Really, how is he supposed to concentrate on some surely awfully important task when you, his sweet sweet girlfriend, are next to him, forcing all his attention onto you just by being present? You're just so pretty today — today and every day —, he's able to feel his cheeks flush with heat just from glancing at you for too long, and he's really unsure just how much longer he's able to fight the urge to kiss you.
If you ever mention anything about feeling insecure about your appearance or weight, he's honestly caught off-guard. For some reason, he didn't expect you to worry about anything like that; not when, in his eyes, there's nothing for you to worry about. His first instinct, when you mention how, occasionally, you feel like you're too round and soft and your arms and stomach might be too big, is to scoff, though he's quick to apologise for his rather rude reaction. He's never been good at comforting people, and yet he tries, a little awkwardly, that he has never seen anyone quite as angelic as you before.
“Now—, love, please, quit looking all sad, will you? My apologies for my terrible reaction. This was merely a topic I did not expect — truly, whenever I look at you, I could swear an angel has descended from Heaven just for me, and yet you doubt yourself. I really don't understand it, but I assure you there is nothing you must feel insecure about.”
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While JŌNO, on a purely logical level, understands why you might occasionally be insecure about your body, he, in all honesty, also does not get it. To him, you're nothing short of gorgeous; your skin is soft and smooth underneath his calloused hands whenever he touches you, your hips are plush when he holds you by them, and he might just instinctively chuckle the first time you meekly ask whether something as unimportant as stretch marks on your skin bothers him. Really, who do you think he is? Some prepubescent boy? Honestly, now; your concerns are ridiculous enough to make him huff out a laugh.
Your body is the perfect contrast to his own taut muscle and, even though he doesn't openly admit it, he quite enjoys how soft you are, how gentle, and how he's able to lay his head onto your thighs or chest to relax, hair falling into his eyes while you run your fingers through white and red strands. Being this close to you is the most comforting thing he's ever known; it feels like — you feel like — coming home.
“Haven't I already told you you're perfectly fine the way you are? I wouldn't have fallen for you otherwise. Besides, my opinion is the only one that has to matter to you, right? There's no reason for you to keep worrying about it, then.”
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purerehua · 1 year
사랑이 간질간질!
- what if the members of jebiwon were your first kiss?
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pairing ⇆ zb1 hyung line x reader
genre ⇆ fluff ; romance ; first kisses ; bulleted scenarios
cw ⇆ slight shy and insecure reader. let me know if i missed a warning!
𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. sung hanbin . . .
you two had been dating a while and hanbin was so inlove. of course he's expectedly pretty clingy, always finding ways to touch you and keep your close
holding your hand suddenly just to watch your eyes widen slightly in surprise before watching the smile grace your lips
he can't stop thinking about how kissable they look.
he first tried to initiate a kiss when you two were at his place after you offered him a day off from being a whole full time mother of eight. cuddled and cozy with legally blonde (which was his suggestion) playing on your laptop.
hanbin had gone quiet, so naturally you looked to his form beside you, and the bastard was looking at you with the most lovestruck eyes ever you could die.
you caught the moment his eyelids drooped and his irises shifted to the lower half of your face, right on your lips. he leaned in an inch, and at the same time you turned back to the movie and pretended not to notice.
don't worry! he pretended not to notice too, until it got to the point where you quite literally swerved him at every possible moment he tried to kiss you. he started getting worried about possibly making you uncomfortable or even worse, upset.
he decided to bring it up when you were out on a date. you guys were at a book store and he basically followed you around as you stacked up on books. you picked up a copy of jane eyre just as you heard hanbin drop the bomb.
as soon as you admitted to him that you didn't kiss him because you were conscious of your lack of experience, his expression softened in both endearment and relief. he was internally thanking every god out there, including lady gaga.
he immediately reassured you that it didn't matter to him, and that he just wants to be able to show his affection!!
after that you felt reassured and you guys are all sweet and kissy now 🙈
𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. kim jiwoong
thinking about kim jiwoong as a boyfriend makes me swoon guys i cannot
i feel like he's the type to go in for the first kiss in your relationship pretty early on
it's the husband in him guys idk!!
you sent a text to jiwoong, expressing your oh so loneliness and how'd you die if you didn't soak up his presence in exactly twenty minutes
so he invited you over for dinner 😋
you ended up arriving earlier than expected since there was barely any traffic and so jiwoong was still cooking when you got there
he let you in before focusing back on making dinner, as you found a seat on a nearby counter across from him to watch him cook.
he put the cover on the pan, letting whatever he was preparing cook before making his way over to you. he stood in between your legs, his arms planted on either side of your thighs as he smiled at you while keeping eye contact.
he leaned in, and his eyelids shut. just as he was about to touch his lip to yours, he felt a finger place itself horizontally on his and he opened his eyes to find you seperating your lips from his with your finger.
you shyly nudged him backwards with the finger, before shyly whispering that you didn't know how to kiss.
he squeezed his eyes shut at your admission, smiling and almost giggling at how cute you were.
"it's okay, i don't mind sweetheart." you smiled at him sweetly, leaning back in with more confidence this time, letting him lead your lips into a dance with his.
𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. zhang hao
i am NOT gonna lie i almost rage deleted this draft bc tumblr deleted the first part of my zhang hao section 2 times... this is my third time re-writing this section.
anyway, hao is clueless!! he will forreal kiss you without a second thought cause he's naturally affectionate like that
you were backstage, the roaring of the audience dulling your ability to hear the music coming from the surrounding speakers. you enthusiastically synced up with the fanchant, rocking back and forth to the rhythm.
you couldn't help but feel your heart squeeze in admiration of the love the fans had for the group, you were glad how much people were seeing your boyfriend's raw talent and hard work.
you think so for the other members too ofc 🤞🤞
soon it came to an end, and as the members made their way backstage you greeted each one of them politely until you finally caught the man you've been waiting on.
you guys locked eyes and he immediately broke out into a smile, jogging over to you and engulfing you in an embrace. you felt his arms squeeze around your ribs and even though you couldn't breathe you could not find it in yourself to care when you were squeezing him just as hard.
hao pulled back, keeping his fingers grazing lightly on the sides of your waist. the sides of his mouth were upturned slightly and his head tilted a little to your left. what a cutie hihihi
suddenly, you could hear the manager calling for zhang hao and he sighed in reluctance. he pulled back from you and his eyes darted between the general direction of his manager and you.
"y/n, i'll be back okay?" he hastily went back in for a quick hug, before placing a kiss square on your lips.
and before you could even say anything he ran off to do whatever his manager needed of him, and you just had to stand there in shock.
your fingers unconsciously came up to lightly press on your bottom lip, still recovering from the innocent kiss.
you found him again soon after, and ended up mentioning to him that he stole your first kiss and he was like : o woah. he does not regret anything.
𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. seok matthew
matthew brave for posting those recent photos on twitter lmao that man doesnt know i'm crazy 😹😹
you mentioned something about learning to dance, so matthew being the helpful boyfriend he is offered to teach you snippets of the in bloom choreo
you felt excited, to be spending more time with matthew and to also be getting some excercise in, a win win!!
you started off with the chorus, since you already had an outline of the movements of it in your head from watching every single tiktok they posted with the song, what can you say you're a dedicated partner!!
he began to lead you, using counts to help you with the flow and memorization. every once in a while he'd pause to help you with a move you had trouble with
he was so smiley and sweet, and you couldn't help but have his high spirits rub off on you and soon you cheeks hurt from laughs and grins you shared.
you were having a particularly hard time with the highlight of the chorus, since it went pretty fast and you did not have the agility to pull it off.
but you were determined! and matthew was an ever so patient teacher and so he demonstrated as many times as you asked, but for some reason you really could not pin it down.
so he tried a different approach. he moved behind you, first telling you to relax your arms a bit. his hands came to rest on your elbows to guide your arms slowly and providing an alternative way to hit the beat on time.
but there was absolutely no chance of you focusing when you could feel his chest pressed against your back, his chin almost resting on your shoulder. he was just too close and you couldn't get it together.
you made the stupid mistake of turning your head and your lips accidentally collided with his clumsily before you winced in pain at the feeling of your teeth clashing.
he stumbled back from the collision and held his fingers up to his lips to make sure they weren't bleeding. once he confirmed he was fine, he went back to you to make sure you were fine.
you couldn't help but laugh at how sincere and worried he looked, and by that matthew realized you were fine and began to join in on your laughter.
"sooo... want a do over?"
𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. kim taerae
he's so edible i'll eat him
taerae had texted you stating that he wanted to take you on a picnic date and you of course agreed on one condition and one only.
you wanted him to bring his guitar, hehe.
and he complied! he lives to please you after all.
so here you two were, sitting on small cushions atop a red checkered blanket with a basket of sweets and snacks for your choosing.
the weather was hitting just right and the wind was blowing just enough to keep shift taerae's bangs to the side ever so often, something that for some reason you found so cute.
you two were leaning against each other, back to back as he strummed his guitar mindlessly humming a song and you simply wrapped your arms around your knees taking in the serenity of the moment.
he stopped strumming, and you could hear the strings sing as he set the guitar down suddenly.
you leaned off his back, turning your body to peek at him curiously. you gave him a tap on his cheek where his dimple was.
he in turn also moved to face you, catching the hand you had on his cheek in his and turning it over to kiss the knuckles.
all you could do was stare, because you certainly couldn't speak when the butterflies in your belly made you want to puke.
you ended up blurting out a mumbled "can i kiss you?" and your free hand flew to your mouth at your own brazenness.
you fumbled over your words to get an apology out, but amidst it all taerae let out an amused huff at your stuttering, and immediately you rolled your eyes.
you could already feel the teasing about to start and before you could complain, taerae spoke.
"yes, please do."
mwa mwa happy ending
a/n: this took me a week to finish and i only finished it bc of outside motivation ‼️ maknae version coming eventually idk when
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chuuyrr · 1 year
would scarlet witch reader be able to read dazais mind?? i dont know if he would be able to completely nullify scarlet witch readers ability tho right? IM JUST OBSESSED WITH THIS NEW AU OF YOURS
scarlet witch! reader reading dazai's mind
bungo stray dogs x scarlet witch! reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): fluff, suggestive, headcanons
╰➤ PAIRING(s): dazai osamu
╰➤ SYNOPSIS: in which you, the scarlet witch, reads dazai osamu's mind using your "wiggly-woos" or chaos magic
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headcanons !
dazai's mind has an array of thoughts.
there are thoughts of him committing you know what, strategies and deductions, and you were taken aback to think this man had feelings for you as he had thoughts for you.
dazai didn't even know you could read his mind at first since he was confident in his ability, but he was obviously wrong.
he is aware that you have the ability to enter other people's heads and read their thoughts given your special ability, but he also knows how you rarely use it unless absolutely necessary.
but you then caught dazai thinking about you one day in the office since his noisy thoughts were all over the place as they progressively built up over time.
and to be fair, dazai flirts with anyone and everyone, so it's difficult to imagine he likes you so much when you see how his head is filled with thoughts of you.
thoughts of you flashing him such a charming little smile, thoughts of you tilting your head at him whenever he asks you on a double suicide or flirts with you, or thoughts of you tilting your head at your foes when you're literally ready to annihilate them with your chaos magic ability.
all of dazai's mind was you, you, and you.
apart from every other thought that is.
dazai was actually surprised when you read his mind because his ability cannot negate yours, and your blushing made that clear.
is he embarrassed? no, of course not. he's dazai. he even has a shit-eating grin on his face when he sees your shy and blushing, surprised expression, and he's not even furious that you can read his thoughts.
dazai actually uses the fact that you can read his mind more of his advantage.
he often makes himself think about and play suggestive thoughts for you to see and read with your "wiggly-woos" magic.
dazai, being dazai, makes you see for yourself through his mind how badly he wants to kiss your lips, nibble at your neck to find your most sensitive sweet places and maybe mark you as his, and get a hold of you to feel up your soft, warm, and velvety skin.
dazai also imagines you in various attire that may or may not be revealing at times, or just how adorable and beautiful you would look with his coat and other clothes on you.
he loves your blushing and wide-eyed expression as you read or see it from his mind, or how you close your eyes shut while telepathically yelling at him to stop.
on a more serious side, dazai does use it in a more proper and beneficial manner during missions for the detective agency, but he genuinely likes making you red and shy with his very own thoughts about you.
and, on an annoying note, dazai does, in fact, utilize your ability to read his mind to make you hear his cheesy poetic sweet nothings, like how adorable you are when you scrunch your brows, how beautiful your smile is, and how stunning you are even when you're a mess.
he even calls you sweetheart, darling, and precious in his thoughts and not just in reality, making sure to say it aloud in his head especially for you to hear or read.
dazai also has a habit of mentally calling your name repeatedly just to get your attention and poke fun with you when you ignore him or are otherwise preoccupied.
you may be the fearsome and all powerful scarlet witch, capable of twisting reality to your liking with the snap of your fingers.
but with dazai around, you're no match as he knows how to make you nervous, flustered, and all vulnerable with his genuine and loving affections for you.
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[ author's notes ! this was my first time writing something suggestive which i honestly doubt is even suggestive, but it is for me, so yeah. i've been listening to fetish, the ariana granda x selena gomez remix, and i got the motivation to write for dazai and attempt at something (which i ain't entirely proud of ngl), but anyway, it is still a new post from me, yours truly, niki, and i hope you still liked it !! (๑>◡<๑) ]
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pinkieclown · 5 months
Cats The Musical Autism Headcanons
because these kitties are autistic okay!! honestly i think all the characters can be autistic these are just the ones i have specific ideaz for :3
mungojerrie & rumpleteazer (cause the twins definitely share some traits lol)
- the talking talkers… they’re both hyper-verbal :) while their chattiness can sometimes help with their schemes (they like to engage a friendly policeman in conversation!) but usually they just talk cat’s ears off cause they like talking
- always up in each other’s space, these two have very little sense of personal space and are always grabbing each other’s shoulders/arms or leaning on each other, snuggling, or generally being close to each other
- both love jumping up and down or running around to stim! sometimes they link arms and run in a circle for minutes at a time just to get their energy out
- they’re pretty spontaneous when it comes to their heists, usually jumping into it before fully working out a plan, but both can get very upset when something goes wrong/doesn’t go their way
- TERRIBLE with eye contact, he’s always looking at everything except the person he’s talking to. definitely adds to his kinda ‘shifty’ reputation
- loves oral stimming, usually chewelry or something of the sort, but will absentmindedly chew on p much anything in his reach (pens, plastic, teazer’s arm, etc)
- has poor volume control, tends to talk just a bit too loud or too quiet depending on the situation
- tends to accidentally interrupt/talk over others cause he doesn’t really understand their cues
- very touchy-feely… but only on her terms! she loves initiating snuggles hugs or play-fights, but if someone touches her when she’s not expecting/in the mood, she won’t hesitate to take a swipe at em (jerrie is usually the only exception)
- tippy-toe walks alllll the time. helpful for moving quietly when she needs to but will do it for no reason at all
- loves to give cats nicknames, but doesn’t understand how they work so just decides on random nouns to call her friends
- has a hard time understanding metaphors and sarcasm
- THE STIMMER!! she loves to stim! usually flapping her paws, tapping her toes, or bouncing in place, but pretty much any repetitive movement is a stim for her <3
- related to her stimming, she cannot sit still! she’s always moving around, playing with toys, or shifting from side to side even when she’s supposed to stay still
- loves to knit or crochet with jenny, since its repetitive and keeps her hands busy, plus she gets a cute scarf at the end!
- has echolalia, she often repeats words/sounds other cats say, usually just to feel it in her mouth
- non/semi-verbal, only speaks when he’s very comfortable or around certain cats (like victoria or tugger)
- loves to perform but is naturally quite shy and quiet, so tends to lean on his ‘stage persona’ to express his more dramatic and expressive side! when he isn’t in that mindset though he’s very aloof
- very diligent about keeping himself clean and tidy. he can feel when even one tuft of fur is out of place and it BOTHERS him
- has hypersomnia, he’s always sleepy and gets worn out pretty quick (especially after his bigger magical feats)
- has very specific day to day routines (wakes up at a specific time, visits the junkyard on specific days of the week, etc) gets really frustrated and stressed if they’re interrupted or changed
- he’s a house-cat, but refuses to wear a collar (he hates how it feels)
- didn’t speak for a long time growing up, but at like age 4 (in cat years) suddenly started speaking in full sentences. demeter was very surprised
- has a (terrifying) habit of slipping into this wide-eyed hundred yard stare when she zones out. it took a while for everyone to get used to that
- very sensitive to lights and colors, she’s the first to notice when the light shifts ever so slightly, and too-bright lights or colors are very overstimulating for her
- doesn’t like being touched except by her moms and sister (demeter & bomba and electra, respectively) and even then only in certain moments
- special interest is the night sky, she knows all the names of the constellations and can tell you the phase of the moon on any given night
- makes A LOT of eye contact
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daydreamingyuta · 10 months
NCT as Husbands Series: Yuta
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summary: fluff, drabble, husband!yuta wc: 996 nct as husbands masterlist
Yuta is my fav man so to me, he’s the absolute best husband!
He would be completely obsessed with you. Like you didn’t think it was possible for him to become more obsessed with you, but ever since you two got married he's been on a whole different level. A lot like his love for Mark but intensified because you're his wife.
But Yuta can also come off as hard to read sometimes, not always making his emotions known. So I think Yuta would find comfort in the fact that even though he’s not showering you with love at the moment, you still know just how in love with you he is!
He’s also possessive but not in a (super) toxic way just in a “that’s my wife” kinda way. Which is one way he shows his love for you. like nothing makes him more proud to be your husband than when other guys are clearly looking at you, but he’s the only guy you’re concerned with! and you know exactly when it’s happening because of the little smirk he gets on his face.
Also this man is obsessed with blowing kisses for some reason and it’s the cutest thing in the world! So he would be constantly blowing you kisses especially over FaceTime when he can’t actually kiss you. (or he would send you a quick video if you can’t pick up)
I think one of the most precious things about him is that, when he likes someone, he makes sure that they know how special they are to him. like the way that he would genuinely make you feel like the most beautiful woman that's ever walked this earth! Compliments from him would leave you blushing and replaying his words over and over in your head all day! but as soon as you tell him how handsome he is, he’ll get so shy and cute about it 🥹
One thing that he’s going to make sure of is that his baby is happy!! He literally cannot stop himself from spoiling you and showering you with love 🥺🥺
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You hated the fact that one wrong thing could happen, and your whole mood would be ruined for the day. You had gotten into a disagreement with a friend today over dinner and you couldn't stop thinking about it. It wasn't even that big of a deal, it was just annoying that they couldn't see your side of the argument. Yuta could tell that your mood was sour as soon as you got home, plopping down on the couch without even changing into sweats like you usually did. "You're back home early." He says, wrapping his arm around you, letting you lean into him. You hum in response and he knows that you don't really want to talk about what’s put you in a bad mood. Since he doesn’t know what’s bothering you, he quickly searches his mind for ways to make you feel a little better. He sits there with you for a good minute, stroking your hair to comfort you, when he thinks of the new cookies you had bought but haven't tried yet. "Hey, did you want to try those new cookies you got from the store?" He smiled to himself when you perked up slightly at the thought of a sweet treat. "Yeah, I forgot about those." You two walk into the kitchen, Yuta instinctively putting water in the kettle for some tea as you get the cookies out. "Their coffee flavored right?" "hmm…?" You inspect the packaging until you spot the description of the cookies. "Yeah, they’re mocha flavored." You point at the packet showing Yuta as he leans down to get a closer look but then he surprises you by giving you a quick kiss on the cheek instead. You give him a playful smile as he gets two mugs from the cabinet. Once the tea is poured, you both try the cookies which turn out to be amazing. You both express your delight by nodding your head at each other because your mouths are full. As you enjoy your treat, you find yourself talking all about your disagreement with your friend. It's nice to talk to your husband because he's such a good listener, but reliving the conversation made your mood go right back to annoyed. Yuta actually gives you some good advice once you finished telling him the whole story, which he could tell made you feel better, but he still wasn't going to be satisfied until he saw your pretty smile that he loves so much. "Hey, stay here." He says, as he leaves the kitchen. You wait there until he returns, phone in hand and looking something up. You're confused for a good minute until you hear him playing one of your favorite songs. He grabs your hands, and you know he wants you to dance with him. You follow his lead as you sway with him to the song. He can see a smile creep onto your face as he presses more into you. You bury your head into his neck and stay just like that for a while until Yuta gets an idea. He pulls you two apart gently so he can spin you in a circle, which causes you to laugh because the song that's playing does not warrant him to be spinning you around like this at all. Yuta flashes you a proud smile, beaming at the fact that he made you laugh. "Now spin me around." You shake your head at him, but comply with his wishes, spinning him around not once, not twice, but three times until he’s satisfied. The song ends and you wrap your arms around his neck and give him a big kiss for being so adorable. "Have you always been this cute?" "Only when my sweet wife needs to get out of a bad mood." He says, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you back.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
How would TADC cast react to their s/o baking them some pastries?
TADC cast x reader who bakes!
Funny that this is the next request due to be answered because I'm making orange cranberry scones as we speak (for an order! Not for me sadly, though I have enough to make myself a batch!)
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Bro is going to try to shove whatever you've made for him into his jaws before bubble even has a chance to eat it.. has probably eaten right out of your hand before because of this/j
He seems the type
Loudly goes on and on about how amazing it tasted, every single time without fail! Gets REALLY creative with his compliments, I thimk
Alas admin is no where near as creative as caine
Looks like she keeps a jar of cookies in her house in the real world. And honestly theres nothing wrong with that... though pomni herself cannot bake for shit
But good news! You're constantly making sure she has a supply to them so things work out in the end!
Though, I think she would eventually feel guilty because you're always making stuff for her, so shes gonna try to return the favor; with varying success
I know for a fact I said somewhere that ragatha would, if she ever escaped with her partner to the real world, she would open a bakery with them. As well as this I also hc ragatha to be really into baking
You guys bond together through that, and perhaps even have dates where you two get together and make something! (This can be read as platonic, too!)
This leads to you guys sometimes surprising one another with a baked good... kinda funny tbh
Similar to zooble, jax is more of a sour over sweet kind of guy. But if you tie say, limes or lemons into a treat, then you've caught his interest. Probably the type of guy to snag pieces of stuff before everythings done and/or assembled, you're probably going to have to bar him from the kifchen
He does this both to be annoying but because you're so so talented he cant resist
Comically slaps his hand as he tries to reach for something
I propose to you;
Person who can cook but sucks at baking x person who can bake but sucks at cooking
Oooo I mentioned in ragathas part that you two would make a bakery in the real world
But imagine you and kinger having a stay-in date in the real world; he makes dinner and you make dessert and its just you two working around in the kitchen and just
I think that's nice
As for the actual giving of goods, I think he would be honored. Makes it a point to take his time and savor the goodie. It kind of just.. no clips/phases into his head
Constantly talks about how talented you are to others, I think
Oh... thanks...
Look zooble loves you, a lot, but sweets arent exactly their go to. Now sour and savory, that's another story and if you make her anything that falls into those groups they're gonna subtly hint that they wish for you to bake something
Actually .. no not subtly, zooble doesnt strike me as the type to drops hints like that majority of the time, they seem more blunt
Very nice, none of it goes to waste! Bad at making compliments but does express that your baking is good regardless
She looks like a strawberry shortcake enjoyer (I have never tried or made strawberry shortcake( and I explain why
Would be over the moon if you gave her some. Actually, she would still be over the moon if you gave her ANYTHING
Shes very shy when it comes to recieving gifts, so she may kinda. Freeze up when you put the plate in her hands... give her a minute shes just trying to find her voice to thank you!
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take-taker-taken · 8 months
could i please have comfort fluff with a quiet, shy reader who cries sometimes from feeling ugly and like no one likes or cares about her with 1997 lord of darkness taker? she doesn't want to bother him with her troubles but he wants to hear her
maybe a bit erotic too..
Ok, so whenever I try to write Ministry!Taker, what comes out is a Lord of the Manor type. I find it hard to write him within a wrestling universe due to the nature of the character, so it always ends being in an AU with an air of magic powers and mysticism - I hope that’s OK! I also didn’t quite get there with the eroticism, so I’m sorry about that - just felt that if I’d tried to add it then it would have seemed shoe-horned in and rushed.
Obsidian & Lilium
You didn’t realise that you could be heard. You thought you’d found a quiet spot when the sadness overtook you and so when the door to the under stairs cupboard opens you squeak in shock.
“Now, what do we have here?” The deep voice rumbles and then his head and shoulders appear in the now open doorway.
Your eyes go wide and your throat freezes up when you realise that it’s the master of the house. Unable to respond in the moment you hurriedly wipe a hand over your face.
“Out you come, girl.” His tone is gentle but firm and then he steps back, allowing you room to slink out of your hiding place. You stand before the giant of a man, the head of the Ministry of Darkness himself - the one known as The Undertaker, and try desperately to stop crying.
He steps away briefly as your tears reduce to sniffles and you notice that he’s at the sink. He turns back and presents you with a cool, damp cloth which you take and wipe over your face. You remain in stunned silence as he takes your hand and leads you to the table, taking a seat and indicating that you should do the same.
“Perhaps you’d like to tell me why you’re crying?”
You lift the cloth to your mouth and try not to get overwhelmed. The very idea that the Lord of Darkness is here with you ‘below stairs’ is enough to send you reeling, never mind that he’s talking to you as well.
You shake your head and mumble behind the cloth, “It doesn’t matter.”
His expression remains neutral but he reaches out and plucks the material from your hand, dropping it to the table. You glance up at him guiltily, realising that you should be showing more respect and add, “It’s nothing, sir.”
He taps his long, pale fingers gently against the table top. “Enough to have a member of my ministry hiding away in a cupboard and crying. I should say that matters.”
You stare at the digits in fascination, seeing for the first time how many of them are bent as though they’ve perhaps been broken. You notice the faint freckles that pepper the back of his hands and his short, neat nails. You’ve never been this close to him and find it surprising that you don’t feel particularly scared.
“Something has upset you,” he continues. “Has anybody spoken unkindly to you?”
You look up at him and a sigh escapes before you can stop it. He doesn’t react beyond a twitch of that pierced eyebrow and so you elaborate. “Nobody speaks to me, sir. Why would they?”
“I cannot imagine why they wouldn’t, little one.”
Your eyes raise to him in surprise at the mild endearment and he nods encouragingly. You pick up the cloth again and dab at your eyes but then shake your head as you say quietly, “It’s not important. Please, I - I shouldn’t be taking up your time like this.”
He reaches across and strokes a lazy circle on your hand with one finger. “I get to decide how I spend my time - no one else.”
Your hand seems to tingle at his touch and it’s clear that you’re to keep talking. You concentrate on the pattern he’s drawing on your skin and let the words fall out, even though the reality of it makes your voice crack a bit. “Nobody really likes me, sir. There’s no one to care about me - it’s not as if I’m pretty or anything.”
“Nonsense.” He waits for you to finish but is quick with his simple rebuttal. “I’ve spent only a few moments in your company and I find you perfectly likeable, so why shouldn’t others?” He continues on as you sit in rather stunned silence. “I myself care about each and every member of my ministry, and as to your last point, well…” He stops tracing his finger over your skin and instead takes your hand in his. “You are most definitely a pretty little thing. I expect even nicer without red eyes from all those tears.”
You stare at your joined hands, his covering yours completely and then glance up at him. His expression is inscrutable and you swallow. “It’s very kind of you - too kind, sir - to say that but,”
“I never say things that I do not mean, little one.” His interruption is quiet but firm and then you’re astonished to see that he’s smiling. Not the cruel or sarcastic smirks that you think you’re used to seeing sometimes on the faces of those around you, but a genuine smile - albeit small, but that somehow makes it even more real. Unbidden, you feel yourself returning it. “There, now - such a pretty smile.”
“Thank you,” you reply as you feel yourself blushing. Doubt still nags at you, however, and you say wistfully, “I wish it were true, sir. It seems that being attractive is valued more highly than anything. And that will never be me.”
He stands up without releasing your hand and so you have little choice but to get up with him. “Valued by those without the brains to value much else,” he says. “I would like you to take a walk with me.”
It’s a question and yet not one, given how he presents it with such finality - of course, he is used to being obeyed. You’re not about to try and resist his will, so you nod and with one hand in his and the other clutching the cloth, he leads you from the room.
He takes you up the stairs and through the main house which makes your head swivel around as you take it all in. The next familiar sight you see is the gardens - you love it when you get the opportunity to walk near here, though you’ve never seen it properly. You wish it wasn’t dark and it seems silly to stroll about when it is.
“A walk in the gardens when it’s dark, sir?” You can’t help voicing your doubt and then you squeak and then giggle as he turns his free hand palm up and you see a gentle glow emanating from it. It’s enough to light the way immediately ahead of you and makes you step more confidently.
“Certainly when it’s dark, little one.” There’s that tiny endearment again and it makes your heart swell a little. “Night blooming lilies are quite beautiful.” He leads you down a few more paths and then when you round the next corner you gasp in wonder because there they are - rows of bright, white lilies glowing in the moonlight. There’s a pond too, with yet more wide open flowers sitting atop the inky black surface as water trickles down a stone feature into the pool.
“I’ve never seen anything so pretty,” you whisper, utterly transfixed by the sight before you.
He lets go of your hand and you stiffen slightly as you feel him stroking his fingertips up your back. “I have,” he says softly. “And I’m standing with her at this very moment.”
You turn and look up at him, no longer feeling shy or like a lesser person. “Thank you.”
The statement seems too small but it’s all you can manage for now and you hope it’s enough. It must be, you think to yourself, because then he’s leaning down and brushing his lips against yours. You know and understand in that moment that everything is going to be alright.
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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Words cannot describe how much I simp for this man, like please... it's ILLEGAL to be this fine and cue my unholy screeching fangirling and let's get into this...
Look, he might be an absolute jerk at times but hey, he's YOUR jerk. Which means he will care for you and make sure you're doing okay whether you like it or not. After the death of his friend Do-Un, he wanted nothing to do with feelings and emotions, he perceived them as a waste of time. That was what got his friend killed in the first place anyway, he simply couldn't afford to get attached to someone else after what happened. He remained reserved and introverted, with of course, his usual brash nature and crude insults
Despite his rough and tough exterior, he's not that cruel and heartless to just stand by and watch you get bullied and that's how the two of you met. You were a quiet shy little thing who mostly kept to yourself. Sometimes he liked watching you, even if it was something he'd never admit and a secret he would take to the grave. He finds it annoying how you always stick your nose in some or the other book all the time. He calls you a nerd, although endearingly as surprising as that is. You aren't exempt from his teasing and mockery either but when he sees you get bullied by some of the new transfer students in the class because of the "shitty pathetic excuse of a transfer programme" as termed and worded by Taehun, his gaze hardened and his fists clenched in his hands till they turned white
He hated and despised the way those idiots talked about you, how dare they? He just stormed over and did his usual 1440 kick and sent them spiraling to another dimension altogether. Of course, he wasn't done yet, he kept slapping them repeatedly and spoke "You ever talk shit about them like that again, I'll cut your tongue off and shove it down your bloody throat...", completed with a psychotic maniacal smile which undoubtedly sent shivers and chills down your bullies spines. Everyone knew he'd stick to his word and stay true to what he said and the very next second, they immediately fell at your feet begging you for forgiveness
You're basically untouchable now since you have him protecting you. Anytime someone he doesn't like approaches you, be it a male or female, he just gives them a death stare till they leave since they decided that their life was more important. Will keep calling you a dumbass and idiot at times but, endearingly. He likes it when you get flustered and embarrassed, you look adorable and cute with those bashful expressions of yours. Which will end up in him teasing you even more to get a rise from you
He loves pinning you to the wall and takes great pride in how helpless and powerless you are against him. He smirks when he feels you trying to push him away as he snickers in amusement "You tryna push me away? Feels like a baby kicking me". He will get you to do Taekwando with him because it's a way he can spend more time with you, as much as he's too stubborn to admit it. He starts becoming jealous and possessive of you as time passes and he'll become overbearing. He'll be like a shadow, constantly following you around and when you confront him about it, he'll make it sound so obvious about why he's following you and say that you're too clumsy and naive and can't take care of yourself
He wants you to rely on him. He wants you to cling on to him when you feel scared about something as he wraps his arm around you and pulls you closer to him as he tells you he's here for you. He has a heart too you know. As for his fangirls, he doesn't give a damn about them and you know that. He has eyes only for you. You won't be able to escape from him either since he's pretty influential and has a great sense of tracking people down. He will end up kidnapping you at some point when he sees you getting too close to someone else other than him, especially with that Hobin
It's not like you can go to his dad Hansu for help either, he knew about his son's possessive and obsessive tendencies towards you and he's equally possessive of you too. He's just glad his son found someone to be with him. Taehun wouldn't physically abuse you, he never harms someone that he loves but be ready for a lot of arguments though. He hates seeing you cry, he'll just sigh and call you a little crybaby as he pulls you close to him and apologizes softly for making you cry as he gently cradles you. He shows and reveals his soft side only for you
May the gods above have mercy on anyone who dares to mess with even a strand of hair on your head for he will make sure they spend the next few months of their lives strapped to an IV in a hospital. You aren't allowed to go anywhere without him anymore, you're too oblivious and naive, he's worried something might happen. He will get bashful and flustered for a few moments when you compliment his achievements in Taekwando till he tells you to shut it
If he catches you trying to escape, he will be mad but he won't take it out on you. This is where his manipulation tactics come in play, he'll keep messing with those dweebs you call friends till you admit you were in the wrong. He loves it when he kisses you on the lips, your lips are soft as he laces your fingers through his. He also likes it when you run your hands through his hair or just hold his hand, he adores how your hand is compared to his calloused one
All in all, he may be prickly but deep down he loves you. And yes, he has killed for you and will kill for you and perhaps even stalked the living daylights out of you without your knowledge...
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
hnnnn feeling kinda down so could you perhaps do a skz reaction where their long distance s/o surprises them by coming to one of their concerts?? i want to see them so dearly :( thank you!
stray kids reactions to their long distance s/o surprising them at their concert
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genre: fluff, emotional ;-;
word count: 0.6k
warnings: none
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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it would be during the 'waiting for us performance' that he noticed you. this song was written with you in mind, the lyrics expressing chan's longing to be reunited with you and his world being darker without you. and suddenly, finally seeing you in the front row of his concert to surprise him. he could barely sing a note, he was crying so hard.
lee know
minho had to keep his cool because he caught sight of you right as he was about to perform 'taste'. so he had to maintain his dark and sexy persona for the performance. and now, with you in his sights, he danced even better, having even more of a motive to be passionate and graceful and hot as hell. if you were going to surprise him, he wanted to return the favour
changbin was reading the different banners and posters stays were holding up in the front row. some were hilarious, some were super cute. your one said a simple 'i love you changbin', which he read before seeing who was actually holding it. when he finally realised it was you, he blew you many kisses and grinned from ear to ear. he was so bubbly and happy after that :(((
hyunne was so happy to see your face him a crowd, especially because he hasn't seen you in so long. it gave him an excuse to go right down and up close to the barrier where the stays at the very front were, just so he could have a closer look at you. if it were his choice, he would've taken you out of the crowd and danced with you himself. but all he could do was shout 'i love yous' and create hearts with his fingers. his heart was filled with joy.
as soon as he finds out you were there just to see him, will literally start jumping up and down with excitement when he sees you at the concert. he suddenly gets a rush of energy despite being exhausted due to dancing literally the whole night, and that's all because he has seen you. he can't help but get excited by the fact you are there. you've just made his night ten times more special and he cannot be thankful enough for you being there.
felix would get so emotional seeing your face in the crowd. he would have to double-take just to see if his eyes deceived him the first time. and when he realised that you were actually there? the tears would gather in his eyes so quickly. it would be just so unexpected for him and he would be overcome with such intense emotions, wanting to go over to you and hug you and never let you go.
you decided that you were going to surprise him backstage, after the concert. you had told the other members before-hand that you were coming so they kept it a secret from him so he could be surprised. and boy, he really was. his jaw dropped when he went backstage to see you, and he rushed to hug and embrace you. he never knew how much he missed you until you were there.
the other members actually noticed you before he did, and they pointed you out to him in the crowd. jeongin was in absolute disbelief. he knew this was the first time you had been to one of their concerts as well, so this whole occasion was really special to him. he would frantically wave at you and have a shy smile on his face the whole time.
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me again. sneaking. creeping. crawling. sun time. (this is totallyyyy not sammyyyy)
Wally Darling x Shy!Reader? :grins: Romantical, again, because they're wee little simps, and i am merely the vessel of their queerness.
Either properly gay together, or crushes like the last one- idm either >:) They should bake together, tho <33 Maybe Wally walked in on Y/N making treats for him and decided to help :melty:,,
God, you’re gay!!! Gay gay gay!!!! I cannot BELIEVE I have such a homosexual on my blog (hi again Sammy!! Gives you a big fat kiss! /p) !!!!! /j
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Surprise Visit with a side of, ah, Flour.
Wally Darling x GN!Shy!Reader
Drabble format, established romantic relationship!
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Flour was everywhere.
Heaving a weary sigh, you’d idly pat your hands off on your pants— a half-baked (haha!) thought as the powder smeared onto those, too. But your hands were clean, that’s all you cared about as you overlooked the mess with a sigh.
Youuu.. had been trying to bake some goodies, as a gift for a certain someone! But goodness, you did not expect the flour bag to be as heavy as it was. Or for the bag itself to be so slippery and.. ohhh dear.. Pursing you lips as you looked over the mess, you’d soon give a sneeze— before wiping your nose. Dreadful, dreadful flour.. With a sigh, you’d turn to go and grab your broom— before nearly jumping out of your skin.
Wally. Your beloved partner. Standing there. Silent. How long had he been there?? What??? How did he get in? Why does he keep doing this???
Upon your startled squeak, his expression would soften into slight concern— before he gave his soft, recognizable laugh.
“Are.. you okay, over there, sweet..heart? You look a bit.. uhm..” He’d click his tongue. “.. floured. Ha ha ha!”
Heaving a few breathes to calm yourself, you’d soon sputter out a laugh— brushing at the flour coating your face, and your chest, and your legs.. Your cheeks quickly warmed up, partially due to just.. embarrassment. How much of that had he seen?? Ohh, goodness.. Instead, though, at your lack of proper reply, he’d gently grab one of your flour covered hands between his own. He’d blow on it— both to.. get rid of some of the flour, and to make a small joke out of it, before planting a small kiss to your palm.
“Do.. you want.. help.. cleaning this.. up?”
You wanted to say no, but— aaagh,.. the mess was a bit overwhelming, but— ah!! Regardless, he seemed to catch on. Gently pulling you down by your shoulder, he’d pepper a small kiss to your flour-covered-cheek.. before giving a small sneeze. It made you give a soft laugh, and his eyes seemed to grow a bit larger. Even though your cheeks burned in embarrassment, he just couldn’t help but find it cute.
“Go.. change clothes.. I can.. start down here..”
You’d simply just nod, scampering off to go do as such. And, once you had, you’d return—.. only to learn Wally wasn’t very good with flour, either. You walked in to him on his knees, gently brushing puffs of it into a dustpan— which.. wasn’t very effective, as it only fluffed up into the air. But he looked so focused, eyes squinted a bit as he kept trying. You couldn’t help the small laugh that slipped out of you, causing him to slowly look up and tilt his head.
“.. What’s funny?”
“You are!” You spoke softly, laughing even softer as a hand lifted to cover your mouth. “That.. that isn’t- how you clean flour.. at least not that much..”
With that, he’d fall silent, seeming to look down at the flour.. intently. In the next moment, just as you blinked, you saw a whole tuft of the flour disappear— followed by.. a scrunched up expression on Wally’s face.
Did he..?-
“Don’t— don’t eat it??” You laughed again, softly, soon beginning to shuffle up beside him. He just smiled at you, despite still having that scrunched up expression— the expression of a man with a mouthful (or.. eyeful..?) of flour. “Here, just..”
From there, you gently took the dustpan and took care of cleaning up the rest— not trying to chip away at it like a flour avalanche, unlike someone. Wally, meanwhile, simply was crouched beside you, watching your movements with cat-like eyes. To him, you were just nice to watch. He liked how your hands moved— and he also really liked your hands, too.. Maybe that was just the artist in him— you had lovely hands, hands he’d love to draw! And hold!.. But, to be fair, he did also just like you. His gaze gradually shifted from your hands to just.. your face, just admiring you. You felt like you shrank under his gaze— cheeks growing hot, again. It wasn’t uncommon for him to stare, but by goodness— did you suddenly feel on display whenever you did. Not that you minded, especially from him..
Soon, with all the flour cleaned, you’d put away the cleaning supplies as Wally, instead, shuffled up to your counter. He had to cling to the edge of it to look at it, but that’s fine.
“What.. were you.. making?”
He stared at the scattered ingredients, trying to crank his brain together. Chocolate chips, flour,.. he thought he had seen Poppy use those before.. but what for?.. Ahh, baking was not his strong suite..
“Oh— uhm, cookies!” As you spoke, you’d huff a nervous laugh, soon slipping up beside him by the counter.
“Can I help?”
“.. Depends..—“ Rolling your eyes playfully, your hands would slip away from one another— having been fidgeting— to instead be placed on Wally’s shoulders. Your touch was light, hesitant, but he idly curled into it. “—Are- are you- going to keep eating the chocolate chips? Because that isn’t help..”
Watching as his eyes widened, he’d slowly crane his head up to look at you— eyes blown wide.
.. he was puppy dog eyeing you.
You gave a soft laugh at his response, and he smiled. He liked making you laugh. It was a very pleasant sound, one he’d gladly ramble about to anyone who’d listen.
“Okay, well, don’t— please..” Humming softly, not angry, you’d sloooowly push the bowl of chocolate chips out of his sight. Not before he blinked and ate one last extra one. For this, you shot him a playful glare.
"What? I did.. nothing.." "Mm, sure.."
Smiling, you soon began to grab the flour again— far more wary this time. Wally simply kept you company, smiling to himself as he.. watched (you).
What a pleasant visit. ♡
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I found it a bit hard to fully incorporate the reader being shy beyond just mannerisms with a pre-established relationship, apologies!! I hope it was satisfactory either way, though :]
God I love fluff ggnrrrnrenregg……….
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towriteloveontheirarms · 11 months
Easy smiles and loud laughter (Osferth x reader)
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synopsis: 5 times Osferth made you laugh and 1 time he made you cry
warnings: fluff, pregnancy, angst, character death, afab reader
word count: 1.6k
taglist: @hopelesswritergall
(If you want to be tagged in the `kissing booth AU´, for a specific character/fandom or in general let me know in my asks, comments or DMs)
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The first time Osferth made you laugh, you didn´t even know his name yet. You were working your shift at the ale house serving food and drink to the patrons, when suddenly the door swung open. The cold fall wind sweeps through the establishment, prompting you to whip your head around towards it right as you set down a pint in front of one of your regulars. He stumbles in a few steps behind the rest of his friends. While they are laughing boisterously, joking and pushing each other around as they do, he is a lot more quiet. A shy blush on his otherwise sickly face. You can tell this has not been their first stop in search of something to drink. Nonetheless you serve them whatever they order and when night falls you are not surprised when they ask for free rooms they could stay in for the night.
“How many rooms will that be?” You ask with a tired but friendly smile in place on your lips.
“Well, that depends, you see.” The man with short dark hair and a beard says with a mischievous grin.
“Depends on what?” You ask curiously.
“Depends if the baby monk is gonna grow a pair and talk to the pretty serving girl he fancies or not…” He and the other men laugh, though not in mean spirit. Your facial expression remains unchanged until you see the monk, the Irishman alluded to. His face is as red as a tomato and his eyes are glued to the floorboards as if there is nothing more interesting in the world.
“Finan…” He whispers sharply to his friend, making you break out into a chuckle anymore. He was just too adorable.
“Well? What´s the baby monks name?” You turn to fully face him as you ask.
“I am called Osferth.” His voice is quiet, but at least he looks up at you through his lashes.
“Well, it is nice meeting you, Osferth.” You chirp and wink at him, before turning back to the other men, who very badly try to conceal their laughter. “You are in luck. We have just enough rooms left for you.”
The second time he makes you laugh, you had just joined the group around Uthred a short time ago.  Still new to the life and the people, but you had made quick friends with Finan. The Irishman had a loyal and funny side that you could only appreciate. Even more so when watching him and Osferth spar. You weren´t much of a fighter yourself, so you had dedicated yourself to learn how to heal, to at least be of some use. So, while you watched the two men train, you studied any relevant book you could get your hands on. It is during one of those instances, that you get interrupted. Finan had just `defeated´ Osferth once more when he turns to an approaching figure in the distance. A smile spreads on his lips.
“Go, fetch Lord Uthred. Tell him we have a visitor. And tell him it is a woman.” He says to the blond man beside him.
“How can you tell it is a woman?” Osferth asks. Earning a raised eyebrow from Finan and an amused headshake from you.
“You have to ask?” The look Osferth gives the Irishman is what beckons a laugh from you as you stand up from the fur that you had laid out underneath you.
“I will go and get Uthred. You two stay here and greet our guest.” You say as you make your way inside.
The third time he makes you laugh, your little group sits around a campfire. It has gotten cold fast and the lot of you are freezing even through the furs over your shoulders. The mood between the five of you had dropped just like the temperatures. Icy silence hanging in the air, the only sounds around are the chattering of your teeth, the crackling of the fire and the bubbling of the stew that was cooking above it.  Then into the silence sounds Osferth´s voice.
“It is so god damn cold I cannot even tell the stones in my shoes from my toes.”
It is a stupid joke, really. And neither of you feel like laughing. Yet, unlike your companions who scoff at his words, a laugh leaves your lungs. The sound light, almost bell-like and bringing an unknown warmth to his insides. Meanwhile, you can´t stop laughing. Even under the looks of Finan, Sithric and Uthred, who all silently question your sanity at the moment.
The fourth time he makes you laugh, you are sure is the moment you really start living. He pulls you aside during the day. A serious expression firm in place on his face, that is rarely seen anymore in quiet times like these.
“Is everything alright, Osferth? What is it you so urgently wished to speak about?” You ask quite worried by his behavior.
His eyes are trained to the ground, like the first time you had met. Avoiding yours at any cost, as a blush dusts over his cheeks.
“I um… I needed to… To talk to you about…” He starts to play with his fingers from nervosity.
You step closer to him and lay a gentle hand on his cheek, making him look at you, which has him in even more of a nervous mess than before.
“It is fine to take your time. Just take a deep breath for me and then try again.” You take a deep breath for him to mimic, which he does. Finally calmed down a bit he even is capable of looking you into the eyes.
“In the months since you have joined us, I have caught myself falling for you. Deeply. And though I am aware that you do not feel the same, I still needed to tell you.” You want to hold in your laughter as to not possibly hurt him more, but when Osferth looks at you with what can only be described as puppy eyes, you can´t hold it in anymore.
“I love you too, Osferth.” You kiss his warm cheek, which instantly becomes a deeper shade of red and watch a small, happy smile break out on his face to replace the serious look from before.
The fifth time Osferth makes you laugh, the two of you had just found out that you were with child and couldn´t be happier. In those days a smile seemed to be plastered on your faces constantly. To Uthred´s and Finan´s amusement. Sithric seemed to be the only one with a little understanding, congratulating the two of you and then backing off. You still traveled a lot, but you had built yourself a nice life in Rumcofa. One night you lie in bed, cuddled close under the furs, one of his hands resting on your belly that would soon swell.
Laying one ridiculous name on you after the other until you feel like you can´t breath anymore from how hard you are laughing.
“What do you think about Uthred or Finan if it is a boy?” You suggest while catching your breath, though it is clear that it is meant with all the sarcasm in the world.
“I think they would never speak to us again if we would choose either of those names.” He chuckles along with you. And as he still speaks you get the perfect idea.
“Alright. Enough with the jests… I am thinking Leofric if it is a boy and Mildred if it is a girl.” You whisper, laying a gentle hand atop his. Turning your head you see his eyes shimmering with tears. “I am taking we have found ourselves some baby names?”
“Yes.” He says, clearing his throat, “Yes, we have.”
In that moment everything feels more real than ever. The love you share, the pregnancy, the life you have lived so far and the life you would soon live.
The one time Osferth makes you cry, is the day you are sure you will never feel alright again. The attack on Rumcofa came seemingly out of nowhere and without any real fighting skills you were of no great use. Running around to heal people left and right to the best of your ability, though you are aware that it isn´t enough. The attackers are too strong and too fast.
When you hear a scream by the docks you quickly run towards it. Not quick enough as it seems. With cold horror you have to watch as Ingrith is being thrown off her horse and Finan leave Osferth to help her. With shock freezing you in place you have to watch as your love gets stabbed by one of Aethelhelms men. Your mouth opens, though you don´t hear the scream that comes out of your lungs. Finan is by Osferth´s side before you are. Holding him in his arms as blood flows heavily from his side and the corners of his mouth.
“No! No, no, no, no… My love, look at me. Please look at me.” You ramble desperate to stop the bleeding from the wound on his side.
“I don´t want to die…” His cries become quieter and more strained as the seconds pass.
“Shhh, save your strength. You will not die today. I will not let you.” You sniffle, not even sure if you can believe yourself as you wipe away the tears that cloud your vision. Returning to your efforts to stop his bleeding you don´t see his eyes become more dull, until all the life has drained from them. The already shallow breath ebbing in his chest and his head falling to the side. You refuse to admit his loss at first, but when there is no lying about it anymore and your lips graze his forehead one last time, you let your tears run free. That day you are certain a part of your soul dies with him.
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