#i can't stop thinking about it what a beautiful film.....
xdinaryvamp · 3 days
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ 🩷 ` leehan "read your diary"!!
you and leehan have been bestfriends for years now. you were madly in love with him, but you keept it as a secret, to avoid ruining your friendship. from time to time, tho, you writed about him in your diary.
and as luck would have it, he read it.
genre : fluff, friends to lovers, a little angst, gn reader.
pairings : bestfriend!leehan × bestfriend!reader.
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14 / 03
today i saw leehan for the first time in several weeks. he had curly hair, i rarely see him with his hair styled like that.
he was beautiful, i would have loved to caress them, but maybe it would have seemed too strange.
7 / 05
leehan came to my house today, my parents made him up, since he hadn't spent time at our place in a while. we went up to my room and watched a movie. one of those stupid ones, that are supposed to make you laugh.
i would like to write something about that film, but i don't remember anything. leehan was too close to me, i could feel his breath on my neck. i couldn't think of anything but him for the entire duration of the film.
i pretended to laugh when he did so, to not arouse suspicion, but i was completely lost in my own world.
god, my heart is still racing.
9 / 06
i tried to go on a date with a guy tonight. everything went perfectly, but all i could do was think about leehan. how do i get out of this situation?
24 / 08
i dreamed about leehan for the thousandth time last night. i don't want to go into details, because they embarrass me too much. but it felt so real.
as soon as i woke up i cried: i will never have in reality what i have in my mind, so i hate my heart.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
“for how long?” leehan was seated on your bed, a notebook open in his hand, as he looked at you in shock.
the notebook was your diary, you left it on your sheets before going out.
you had just returned from the convenience store. your mother had told you that leehan had stopped by to say hello, and that he was upstairs waiting for you.
fear hitted you immediately, terrified that he might find the diary. and he did.
you remained frozen in place, the store bag still in your hand. you didn't know what to say, you rejected the idea that all this was real, that it was really happening.
“i asked,” said leehan, the diary still in his hand “for how long?”
you felt like crying. it had to remain a secret, that's what diaries are for.
how long? you couldn't answer. you couldn't recognize when you actually fell in love with him, maybe you had been all along.
you couldn't even understand his face. was he sad? disappointed? betrayed? disgusted? would this be the end of everything?
“leehan…” your voice sounded like a whisper, a part of you still couldn't force yourself to speak, “please forget everything, we can pretend like nothing happened.”
he finally put the diary down, and looked away from you. “forget everything” he sighed, running a hand through his hair “i won't.”
“i don't want to.” he said, getting up from your bed, bringing his gaze back to you. “y/n” the look in his eyes was unreadable “why didn't you tell me anything?”
“our friendship” you could feel the palms of your hands getting sweatier and sweatier. “i didn't want to ruin it, you’re my best friend.”
“maybe i don't want to be your best friend anymore.”
your heart broke. deep down you knew, your friendship wouldn't survive this punch.
“can't we at least talk about this? please.”
“i like you too, y/n.” he said, finally the shadow of an emotion you knew on his face “i've been for long.”
“what?” this was a twist you weren't expecting.
“do we want to try to go to the next level?” he smiled, that smile that you loved and hated at the same time, because you knew what it meaned.
with all those questions, before, he had done nothing but tease you, as he always did. he was enjoying the moment.
you so wanted to punch him. “i hate you.” you said, punching him playfully on the shoulder. the tension was finally starting to disappear.
he pointed at the diary on your bed, still smiling. “i have proof that you actually don't.”
“i'm gonna burn that thing.”
“please don't” his laughter filling the room “it just became my favorite thing to read.”
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thinking about the fact that if someone were to read my diary i could easily scream, go to another country, change my identity and then die. thank you.
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loggiepj · 2 days
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Summary: just an angsty one shot story 😂✌🏳️‍🌈
"TOM SAID she had been using Rooney to gain more credits to her work, always insisting to come along Rooney when she's in film productions, pretending she was only supporting her then girlfriend just so she could give her scripts to producers. And she did this while cheating on her behind her back."
You bit your lip to stop yourself from bursting into tears, hand on your chest, slipping to your collarbone then up to your neck as you willed yourself to breathe.
"That's awful," you heard Lizzie's beautiful voice slurring through the confines of the comfort room, through the door of the cubicle you were trapped in. "I can't believe she could do such a thing. She was so sweet and all, I thought . . . I thought—"
"Oh, we thought so too, Liz," another person chimed in, "but don't be easily fooled. I heard Rooney's lawyer will be filing a case against her sometime soon."
Your other hand went to embrace yourself, clutching against the side of your sweater as you might lose it.
"It was a risk on the producer's part to still include her in this film," said another, "knowing her reputation."
In the following silence, you could hear Elizabeth's sigh. "God, I wouldn't have known."
It was complete torture, having to listen through it all, having to witness how someone you had grown close to in the past few weeks could crush you down in an instant. Five minutes and thirty seven seconds, to be exact.
As if the gods above had acknowledged you had suffered enough, they eventually left the comfort room and began discussing about the next scenes as they walked through the door.
When you heard the door shut close, you broke down. The kind of cry where you seemed to be running out of air to breathe, as if you had been clawing your insides until there's nothing left. You didn't think it was possible to cry for someone like this. You felt like a kid, but you couldn't wail louder since anyone could just walk into the toilet.
The gossips you had endured during highschool, about you being gay, had nothing in comparison to what just happened. Especially the one who was involved was someone special to you. And it felt worse coming from her. To think that Lizzie would actually believe them, believe the rumors circulating about you. To think that she could be different from others. But you'd thought wrong.
It all started with Rooney. She was an actress you fell in love with when you got to work with her and Tom in Carol movie. You had been together with Rooney for almost six years. And yet for one simple action, a drunk crewmate kissing you on the lips inside the producer's room, mistaking you as his girlfriend, Rooney threw everything.
It was all one big misunderstanding. One night, you were just making love. The next, you weren't allowed to enter the penthouse you were both staying, considering Rooney owned that unit and you gave up yours when you moved in with her.
Her sister, Kate, the ever merciful one, contacted you afterwards the sudden eviction, saying that she would try to persuade Rooney to be at least forgiving to let you stay for the meantime while you were looking for another place to live.
But that didn't happen. After that incident, rumors of you cheating started to spread around in the industry, some were exaggerated to give that appeal. And no one trusted you anymore, that you would only use people to your own benefit.
If you weren't only friends with the director of the current film you were working with, you wouldn't have any project.
And then you met Elizabeth Olsen.
You can call me Lizzie, by the way, was what she said when the two of you first talked.
Lizzie had a very distinctive and elegant appearance. She had fair skin, light brown hair, and expressive eyes that were usually a striking green. She was almost an inch taller than you, but if she wore heels, you'd always look up to her whenever the two of you were talking.
You knew her from her massive role as Wanda Maximoff in Marvel Universe films, and you even used to idolize her as someone who's good in everything, no matter what genre the film she was in.
And you both just instantly clicked, like you were made for each other. You could talk to her for hours and hours through the production days, either before the filming would start, during breaks or at the end of the day. She would also share everything to you, with enthusiasm to your mutual interests, as if you were long-time friends. She looked at you without judgment, making you wonder if she knew about the rumors, the one thing that could destroy this newfound promising relationship. Knowing Lizzie wasn't into social media and stuff was what kept you asleep most nights.
You had even asked her to a date that weekend and you both enjoyed it to the fact that she almost invited you inside her nearby apartment when you gave her a ride home. There was this kind of feeling you feel whenever she was around, sometimes butterflies, sometimes longing.
But everything crumbled down when a newcomer saw the two of you flirting with each other.
YOU SPLASHED some cold water into your face as you prepared yourself to face the outside world, hoping it wasn't that obvious that you were just crying seconds ago.
When you went back to the studio to get some work done, you saw Lizzie on one corner practicing some lines with her co-star.
Maybe you were only overthinking it. Maybe she would see you through, talk to you about it, listen to your side of the story. But when you approached them, they only went silent.
"Hey," you greeted, trying to diminish any awkwardness.
"Hi Y/n," Lizzie replied with a smile, "we're just quickly rehearsing for the next scene."
"Oh, okay, sorry to bother you both," you said, "I'll just talk to you later then."
She only smiled back as she went back to her script. You would have just let it go if it weren't for the fact that she would always choose to talk to you.
LATER was no different as you went to knock against the door of her trailer upon hearing Lizzie's laughter inside. Abruptly, the laughters died, and you swore you could hear shushing. When her friend opened the door the second time you knocked, said friend only told you Lizzie wasn't in there even when you knew she was.
THROUGH the days that followed, it was slowly sinking in that maybe they got her too. That Lizzie believed them too.
You tried to give Lizzie the benefit of the doubt. That maybe she was only busy, knowing the most critical scenes were being shot. But you had probably sent her a lot of messages to which Lizzie had only replied words fewer and bland as compared to the older ones she had sent you.
WHEN you tried to approach Lizzie during one of the breaks, surprising her with your favorite cheesecake she said she liked, she thanked you rather hurriedly.
"Thanks, Y/n," she said. "You shouldn't have."
"It's fine," you said back, brushing her off as she tried to return the box to you. "I was in the area earlier when I passed by the store, and I remembered you wanting to eat another slice of it."
What was redness that you used to see adorned on Lizzie's cheeks, was inexistent as she hesitantly accepted the gift. You could tell she was sporting a smile you had seen her do whenever she was uncomfortable during interviews.
It gave you the kick to stop whatever this was you were doing. You then decided not to torture her anymore with how forward you were. It was clear she didn't want anything to do with you. That you were just mere friends in passing. That that date was only that. Nothing more.
"Lizzie!" someone called her from afar, apparently saving her from this awkward interaction. Saving you both.
"Shoot, sorry, Y/n," she said with an apologetic smile. "I have to leave, but thank you again for this. You're too sweet for this world."
You forced a huge smile her way. "Yeah, no worries. See you later."
BUT YOU had avoided her later. You had avoided them. And through the days that followed, you began distancing yourself from the cast and crew, knowing now what they had been talking behind your back. You just went to the studio to help work with the script then went back straight home. No more small talks in the hallway as you passed by them, occasionally wearing a hoodie over your face, wishing it was Harry Potter's cloak of invisibility.
At nights, you stared at the photos of the two of you together during production and even that one dinner date you had at a private restaurant, wondering how two individuals went from these to complete strangers.
You couldn't help but wonder if Lizzie has missed you at all. But when you glanced at her from a distance whenever you couldn't avoid not coming to the studio, laughing and making vlog with her co-stars and makeup artists, you could feel she was glad she dodged a bullet that was you. That she almost went out with someone like you, someone who couldn't be trusted.
You had even stopped eating your favorite cheesecake, knowing it would only remind you of her. Lesson learned. Never suggest your favorites to anyone.
THAT was when you started hanging out with Emma Watson, whom you had gotten closer as you were part of her writing crew in another film you were working for.
She had well defined cheekbones and chocolate brown eyes. But what stood out the most was her English accent. Sometimes, you just wanted to listen to her talk all day.
Emma already knew the rumors about you, and called them bullshit. Maybe it was the British in her, but she told you she didn't care about anyone's past other than first impressions. Besides, if she weren't a fan of your works, she wouldn't have given a chance to know you.
When she revealed to you she liked girls too, you grew more comfortable around her.
You also started to make friends with the other film's crew, and maybe that was what you needed, what you were missing. You no longer felt sad or lonely whenever you were around them. And having to fit two jobs in a day, it felt different having something to look forward to whenever you finished working for Lizzie's film. Good kind of different.
"WAIT, you're already leaving? Are you not going with us?" your director friend asked the moment he saw you packing things up, preparing to leave.
"What do you mean?"
"Liz invited the whole cast and crew for a housewarming party at her new house," he replied.
You had no idea but who were you to receive first invitation from her in the first place. You were a nobody.
"Oh I . . . I actually am needed to get this edit reviewed," you said, easily making up an excuse. Although technically, it wasn't a lie.
"That's a bummer. I was pretty sure Liz said to invite you too." He sighed. "Well, don't work yourself too hard, Y/n."
You only smiled back as you left, staying out of sight from others, keeping distance away from the lobby where you could see the whole cast chatting as they waited for the car service to get to Lizzie's house. And for a brief moment, you caught sight of the woman who once captured your heart, broke it and left to rot. Elizabeth looked so beautiful and fresh even after a day's production, and she was wearing that jacket she stole from you that very first day.
"HAVE you ever loved someone?"
You had been staring at your notifications, watching for what seemed like hours at Lizzie's messages asking where you were and why you weren't at her housewarming party.
You didn't even noticed Emma had asked you a question until she nudged your shoulder.
"Sorry, what?" you asked, slipping your phone into your pocket.
"I asked if you've ever loved someone? Any lovers? Girlfriends? Boyfriend? Flings?" she asked teasingly, "It's just I haven't seen you around with anyone."
"I mean, you've heard the rumors—"
"Fuck all the rumors, I'm not blind, Y/n," Emma interrupted. "You're actually gorgeous. It could cause a scandal."
Avoiding the girl's gaze, you laughed at her. "What are you suggesting?"
There was complete silence, making you look back at Emma deep in thoughts.
"What do you say about you becoming my girlfriend?"
"It's just for PR stuff and all," she reasoned. "And for promoting this movie."
"Promoting? They'd hate you. They'd hate me more."
"At least, it would be a distraction from the public. I haven't actually come out as gay but I've provided signs, yet people just turn a blind eye. And this will help confirm my sexuality. If they hated me for dating the rumored you, they'd hate me less for being gay."
You fell silent as you thought about it.
"My PR manager will pay you, of course. You're saving up for a house, right? I want to help you."
Then she looked at her hands on her lap, nervous. "Besides, you're the only one I felt comfortable doing this with." She then glanced back at you. "So . . . Are you with me?"
WHEN you started going out with Emma publicly, the photos of you together holding hands in public immediately spread through the news and gossip channels. You started to become famous, more on the bad side though, of how you were only using Emma again for your selfish reasons and how stupid Emma was for dating you.
At least, there were only a few articles about how disappointed they were Emma turned out to be gay. People were more disappointed she was dating a parasite.
IT WAS almost a month after when you received a missed call from your ex girlfriend Rooney. And she had called you multiple times until you blocked her number. And when she figured out you blocked her, she sent you numerous emails.
Emma was with you as you anxiously worked through the next scene's script.
"You okay?" Emma asked, her hand on your shoulder made you jump on your seat. "Sorry."
"It's okay," you managed to reply.
"What are you worrying about?"
You hesitated, frown growing deeper. "It's just . . . I think my ex girlfriend will finally end my career."
"She's going to file a case against me," you said, almost in tears.
"Is that what you think she's going to do?" She chuckled softly.
"What are you giggling about? It's not funny."
"Sorry," she went on still laughing, "but you have to see this."
Apparently, Rooney had posted a public apology addressed to you, clearing you out, redeeming your image, and admitting it was her jealousy that ended your relationship, that she was willing to destroy her career in exchange for yours. And that she wanted so badly to talk to you if you'd only let her.
It felt like a relief as you saw the ones who reposted the post, as you read the comments from people defending you and supporting you, that Emma was a better choice than Rooney. It felt like the weight of the world was taken off your shoulder.
Emma then wrapped her arms around you as you sobbed into her chest. And she only let you.
Some weeks later, Emma asked you out on a date. A real date, saying she was willing to try. Maybe it was Rooney's post that made her trust you. Maybe she was just scared. But you also wanted to try it with her.
Rooney eventually stopped contacting you. The damage has already been done. One day, you may be able to forgive her. But never to forget.
MAYBE the public apology was what made Lizzie finally approached you during the last few days in the production. She brought you a gift, the cheesecake that used to be your favorite. Now, you didn't like how too sweet it was, wanting nothing more than to savor Cornish pasty introduced by your girlfriend Emma.
"Hey, Y/n," she greeted. "I . . . I brought you this."
"Thank you, Lizzie," you said, accepting with haste.
There was awkward silence as she placed her hands inside the pockets of her jeans. "Last day, huh? You want to go for sushi later? My treat."
And maybe it really was the public post Rooney made that made her finally talk to you, as if she was still the same person she was the first time you met. And as if you were still interested in her as you were months ago.
"Sorry, I have to meet Em for dinner tonight," you said, smiling apologetically.
"It's fine, it's fine," she said, brushing you off with a forced chuckle. "So, it's true you two are dating, huh?"
You nodded, avoiding the brunette's gaze. "Yeah, it is."
"She doesn't know how lucky she is."
You paused, wondering why you were no longer feeling any butterflies in your stomach whenever she was around. "I'm the lucky one, actually. Goodnight, Elizabeth."
"G-Goodnight, Y/n."
Like you said, the damage was already done.
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butchstarlord · 1 year
That movie changed me for the better wow ok.
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timehascomeagain · 2 years
im about to start fucking crying over brighton rock by graham greene this shit is HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STupid school book for REAL. What the fuck is “The soured false age, the concentrated and limited experience of the Brighton slum drained out of him. He wished he had Cubitt there and Dallow. There was too much to tackle by himself at seventeen. It wasn’t only Spicer. He had started something on Whit Monday which had no end.” I will KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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coolemmasulivan2 · 14 days
The Woman Next Door
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Pairing: Lando Norris x Reader
Summary: After winning the Dutch Grand Prix, Lando returns home to Monaco, eager to prove his genuine feelings to his neighbor, especially after their bet.
Word Count: 4181
You're my downfall, you're my muse My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues I can't stop singing It's ringing in my head for you
Lando had been your neighbour for nearly two years, a friendly presence in the building. But with you, his charm seemed to intensify. He flirted casually, his eyes sparkling with a playful passion. "You're my type!" He'd always say. Yet, your heart remained unmoved. The women he brought home were a strong contrast to you: tall figures in designer heels, showing their immense beauty. You, however, were a simple person who preferred simplicity over expensive clothing and felt most comfortable in jeans and sneakers.
Lately, his flirtations had intensified. He always ensured you knew he was single and was waiting for you. His promises of making you happy and treating you right were sweet, but you weren't fooled. Deep down, you couldn't deny a flicker of attraction, but you kept it hidden. Lando was a handsome man, but you'd seen enough to know he was more than just a pretty face.
"How was your family?" Emily asked, turning to you as she drove. She'd picked you up from the airport in Nice.
You smiled. "They're fine! It was great to be back home. I missed them."
"You know who else missed you?" Emily teased, a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Who?" You asked, confused.
"Your hot neighbour! I ran into him yesterday at the supermarket and he asked about you."
Your eyebrows furrowed. "Did he?"
"Yeah! He said, 'How's Y/n? I haven't seen her for a while. The building seems quite boring without her.'"
You crossed your arms. "He didn't say that!"
"I'm serious! I told him you were coming back today, so maybe he'll be waiting by your door, ready to confess his feelings. And then... BANG! Happily ever after."
You couldn't help but wince at Emily's over-the-top dramatic gestures. Despite her tendency to go overboard, you couldn't help but love her for it.
"You've been watching too many films."
"You're going to end up together. Mark my words." She replied and you made a gagging sound that made her laugh.
As she dropped you off at your apartment building, you grabbed your luggage and thanked her with a tight hug. You entered the building and pressed the lift button.
As the liftdoors opened, you stepped inside, dragging your luggage behind you. You were admiring your reflection in the mirror when a hand stopped the doors, causing them to reopen.
You turned to see Lando, dressed in a McLaren white vintage t-shirt and black jeans. His curls were perfectly coiffed, and a smirk played on his lips. Like always.
"Look who's back!" Lando's voice filled the cramped lift. "Good to see you."
"Hi, Lando." You replied.
The two of you lived on the top floor, making the lift feel even smaller and slower. "How were the holidays?"
"Fine! Too short." You admitted, the tension palpable. "What about you?"
Lando studied you from head to toe, his gaze lingering on your face. "They were good. Family, friends, good weather. But I'm glad to be back to work." The lift seemed to be moving at a snail's pace. "And happy to see you again."
"Here we go!"
Lando chuckled. "What?"
"You know what! You know that flirting with me isn't going to work. I'm not interested."
"But I am!" He said. You quickly looked away, praying for the elevator doors to open. "I'm very much interested."
"To how many girls have you said that?" You asked, your voice laced with scepticism.
"None, believe it or not." Lando replied, his tone sincere.
As the lift doors opened, you stepped out and fumbled for your keys. Lando leaned against the wall beside you. "What can I do to convince you to go on a date with me?"
You took a deep breath, finally finding your keys. He was starting to make you nervous. "I don't think your fans would like to see you having dinner with a woman."
"That's not a problem for me." He said confidently. "I'll have dinner with whoever I want." As you unlocked your apartment door, he continued, "But if that's the issue, we can have dinner at my place, eat McDonald's in my car, anything to make you comfortable."
You pushed your luggage inside and faced him. "Lando…" You began, your voice soft but firm. "I'm not looking for a one-night stand. I want a relationship. A public relationship. I want to go out with my partner, have dinner, eat ice cream, have meaningful conversations on the balcony. I want trust, and I don't want to worry about being cheated on. I want kids and I don't want to wait until my thirties. Marriage isn't essential, but I want this person to be my last. If you want me to go on a date with you, prove to me that you're that person." Lando listened intently, his expression serious. "Bye, Lando!"
You started to close the door, but Lando's hand quickly stopped it.
"Uh, when was the last time you saw me bring a woman home?"
You swallowed hard, trying to regain your composure. "What?"
"I haven't brought anyone home since I told you I liked you. Four months ago! I never told you I was looking for a one-night stand. I've always been open about my past relationships and I've never cheated on anyone. I also want to have a family and I'll convince you to change your mind about marriage." You stared at him, speechless. "But if I have to prove myself, I'm up for the challenge!" He said, winking as stepped away. "Bye, Y/n."
You closed and locked your door, your heart pounding in your chest. Your cheeks were flushed. For the first time, he had left you speechless. You'd always dismissed his flirting as a joke, but now you realized that maybe it was more than that.
Later that night, you invited your friends Maria and Lisa over for dinner and a movie night. You didn't want to be alone with Lando next door, and you needed to talk about it.
"He's so into you!" Lisa exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "It's the classic boy-next-door story."
You set the popcorn and wine on the coffee table. Maria, already a bit tipsy from dinner, was making the most confident comments you'd ever heard from her.
"Just go on a date with him. He's handsome, rich, and lives next door. What more do you want?"
"I want stability, honesty, and someone who makes me happy and laughs with me." You replied.
"He already does that!" Maria insisted. "He was honest with you, you laugh with him, and I'm sure he'd make you happy, if you know what I mean." She chuckled, and Lisa joined in.
"You're drunk!" You teased.
"I am, but I'm still the wiser one." She retorted. "Why don't you just sleep with him? See how that makes you feel."
Your eyes widened in surprise. "You know I'm not like that. When I'm with someone, it's because I like them."
"But you do like him." Lisa argued.
You rolled your eyes and stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom."
Lando was engrossed in a game with Max when the doorbell rang. He glanced at the clock, surprised by the late hour. He wasn't expecting anyone and it was unusual for someone to just walk into the building and ring his bell.
"Someone's at the door." He told Max, removing his headphones. The doorbell rang again. "Give me a second."
He was taken aback to see your friend, Maria, standing there. Her cheeks flushed and the scent of alcohol was strong.
"Lando, hi!" She slurred.
He furrowed his eyebrows, confused. One of your other friends was watching from your apartment door.
"Hi, Maria! What can I do for you?" Lando asked, his tone polite but curious.
"Quick!" Lisa whispered to Maria.
"Look, I'm going to the point. Y/n wants to go on a date with you, but she's afraid you only want to get in her pants." Maria blurted out.
Lando crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe. "Is that so? Does she know you're doing this?"
You were nowhere to be seen, and he couldn't believe you'd ask your friends to do something like that.
"Of course not! But we're her friends and we know she really likes you. She doesn't show it, but she does." Maria insisted.
You dried your hands and glanced in the mirror, adjusting your hair before opening the bathroom door.
To your surprise, the girls were gone from the living room, but you heard giggles coming from the door. As you approached, you realized what was happening.
"So, about the date…" You pushed past Lisa, finding Maria deep in conversation with Lando.
You quickly stepped out and grabbed Maria's hand. "What are you doing?" You were panicking.
"I'm helping you!" She whispered, but everyone could still hear her.
"You're not. Come on!" You started walking her back to your apartment, but Lando stopped you by gently grabbing Maria's wrist.
"You can't take her now. She was about to tell me what I need to do to convince you to go on a date with me." He said, smirking. You resisted the urge to slap the smirk off his face.
"She's drunk. She doesn't know what she's talking about." You argued.
"She clearly does." Lando insisted.
Maria nodded in agreement. "Yes, I do. Lando, you just have to win."
You and Lando looked at her, each holding one of her wrists.
"What?" You asked.
"She'll go on a date with you if you win the next race." Maria announced.
Lando smirked and looked at you. You opened your mouth to protest, but he was quicker. "We have a deal!"
"No, we don't!" You said, but no one seemed to be listening.
Maria extended her hand for Lando to shake. "Deal! You better win, because I won't be able to help you again." She winked and went inside your apartment.
You looked at Lando, your arms crossed. "That's not going to happen, you know that right?"
"Why? Are you afraid I'll win?" He challenged.
"No!" You replied.
"So, let's do it. If I win, you go on a date with me--"
"And if you lose, you'll stop asking me to go on a date with me!" You added. Lando stood still, considering. "What? Are you afraid you'll lose?"
After a moment, Lando extended his hand. "Fine!" You grabbed his hand and shook it.
The weekend arrived sooner than you'd expected. Lando had qualified P1, making you question your decision to agree to the bet. You were a Mercedes fan, but deep down, were you rooting for McLaren? It was great to see him win again, but was this really the best time to root for him?
You sat on Emily's sofa between Lisa and her dog, Zeus, watching the race. You wore your Mercedes cap, while Lisa and Maria sported their Ferrari t-shirt. Neither of your friends was a McLaren fan, but today they couldn't stop shouting the name of the British driver.
"Oh my god, he's going to win!" Lisa exclaimed.
"Don't jinx it." Emily replied, slapping her arm.
You slumped on the sofa, unable to say anything. Only when the race ended did you let out a sigh you didn't realize you were holding. He had won the Dutch Grand Prix. He had actually won.
Your friends jumped in the air, celebrating his victory. You ran your hands through your hair.
"Guess who's going on a date with a hot British driver!" Lisa mocked, pulling you up from the sofa.
"You are!" Emily repeated, jumping around you.
An hour later, you were walking home alone. The Monaco weather was pleasant, and the streets were bustling with people.
As you arrived at the building, your phone vibrated in your pocket. You pulled it out to see a message from Lando.
Lando: Hope you're free tomorrow night! I can't wait for our date.
Fuck, you mumbled to yourself.
On Monday, you left the apartment earlier than usual. The night before, Lando had knocked on your door, hoping to talk to you, but you couldn't bring yourself to answer. The next day, you woke up an hour earlier and left for work, hoping to avoid him on your way out. But the universe had other plans.
As you were leaving the building, you bumped into Lando, who had been out for a run.
He chuckled. "Leaving earlier to ignore me?"
You cleared your throat. "No, I just have a big project going on… and have to go earlier."
"Okay." He said, clearly not believing you. "So, I hope you're excited for tonight."
"I don't-- I don't think I have time tonight." You stammered.
"Well, I already reserved our table, and I don't think you'd back out of a bet. So, I'll pick you up at 7 pm. Wear something orange if you have it." He whispered in your ear before walking away.
You'd been thinking about Lando all day, your mind racing with anticipation and nerves.
Upon returning home, you immediately took a long shower and emptied your closet to find the perfect outfit. A nice orange summer dress caught your eye. You couldn't remember the last time you'd worn it, but you recalled how flattering it was with your tan.
When you put it on, it looked even better than you remembered. However, doubts crept into your mind. What if he just wanted to get in your pants? What if this was all a joke to him?
Lando knocked on your door at 7 pm sharp, and a few seconds later, you opened it. Lando struggled to contain his astonishment at your appearance.
You were wearing a cute red dress and heels. Your long hair was wavy and you looked stunning. You always looked amazing, but tonight there was a special glow about you. It was a shame you weren't wearing orange.
"Wow!" He said, taking in your appearance. "You look... beautiful."
You blushed and looked away, trying to hide it. "Thank you." You whispered.
You closed your apartment door, and Lando called for the lift. The ride to the garage was silent, surprising you that Lando hadn't said anything flirty or teased you.
He guided you towards his Lamborghini Urus, and you muttered a silent thank-you that he chose the Urus. Of all his cars, it was the most "normal" on the streets of Monaco.
As you left the garage, you broke the silence. "Where are we going?" You asked over the soft music of the radio.
Lando glanced at you. He looked good in his black pants and white shirt. You loved a man in a white shirt.
"It's a surprise."
"I hate surprises!" You said.
Lando laughed. "You hate surprises or you hate my surprises?"
You looked away. "Look at the road, Lando."
After a minute or two, Lando spoke again. "You look really beautiful."
Once again, you blushed. Thankfully, it was starting to get dark. "You already said that."
He stopped at a red light, gazing intensely at you. "And if you allow me, I would say that to you every single day." For a moment, his intense gaze made your legs feel like jelly.
The tension was broken only by a car honking behind you. Lando raised his hand in apology and pulled away. Three minutes later, he pulled up at the marina.
"I agreed to a date with you, not to run off." He said, getting out of the car.
You unbuckled your seatbelt and Lando opened your door. He gently placed his hand on your back, barely touching it, and guided you towards a large yacht named Aurora.
"It's from a friend of mine." Lando said as he pulled you towards the yacht deck. "He named it after his baby daughter. He let me borrow it for a few hours." Your mouth gaped open in surprise at the sight of the table for two, beautifully set with roses and candles. "I thought you'd be more comfortable alone." He explained. "Without the prying eyes of strangers or paparazzi."
Once again, he'd left you speechless. The candlelight, the city view, the soft music, and the sound of the water hitting the yacht created breathtaking scenery.
"I didn't picture you as the romantic type." You said.
Lando put his hands in his pockets and looked at you. "I can be romantic… when I have to." You didn't respond, just stared at him. He had two buttons undone, revealing the tan of his chest and the necklace he wore. "Let's sit?" He suggested and you nodded.
He pulled out your chair, demonstrating his gentlemanly side. He sat down opposite you, and a moment later, a man in a black suit approached with a bottle of wine.
The man poured the wine for the two of you. You could tell it was a very expensive wine just by looking at the bottle.
"Cheers!" Lando said, raising his glass. You clinked your glass with his and took a sip. It was delicious. "Do you like it?"
You nodded. "Are you trying to get me drunk?"
Lando chuckled. "Far from it. I want you to stay sober and experience firsthand how great of a date I can create for you."
"You're really taking this seriously!"
"When I like someone, I always take things seriously." He said, his face turning serious. "I fight for what I want. And it's no lie that I want you."
You swallowed hard, trying to hide your emotions. Before you could respond, the food arrived. It was a pepperoni pizza for you and a prosciutto one for Lando.
"How-- how did you know--?"
Lando smiled. "You order a lot of pizzas. Like… a lot. So one day, I stopped the delivery guy and asked him what you had ordered. He said you always ordered the same one."
You tried to suppress a laugh at his silliness. "Not creepy at all." You said sarcastically.
Lando laughed. "I know, I know. But I wanted to do something nice for you."
You kept on talking and eating, and you both laughed a lot. You had to admit that you had never felt so comfortable with someone before. After you finished eating, Lando and you walked to the car.
"I'll take you home." he said. He turned on the car but paused. "Unless you don't want to go home yet." For a moment, he seemed shy, which was unlike him, at least around you.
You thought for a moment. "I don't know..." It surprised you that you were considering spending more time with him than necessary. "I'm not going home with you if that's what you're thinking."
Lando laughed. "Well, I guess I'll have to call you an Uber if you're not going home with me. Like, to the same building." You blushed and let out a sigh. He loved teasing you. "Do you trust me?"
You gave him a side look. "No!"
"Wow, that was brutal. Let me rephrase the question: Can I take you somewhere, please?"
You hesitated, but eventually nodded your head.
Lando drove to the top of the hill, a spot he liked to visit when everything felt overwhelming. The view was breathtaking. Monaco looked beautiful during the day, but it was at night when the city truly took your breath away. He parked the car, and you both stepped out.
"This is beautiful." You said, looking at the view.
"It is. But it's not as beautiful as you," Lando replied. You blushed and looked away. You'd never blushed so much in your life.
You sat down on the bench and Lando joined you. "What do you really want from me?" You asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
"What do you mean?" He replied.
"I'm not stupid, Lando. You're an F1 driver. You're young and handsome. You could have anyone you wanted."
"But I want you!" He smiled. "You're smart, funny, and incredibly beautiful. And you're different from the women I've dated in the past. You're genuine. Like I've already told you, I like you. A lot."
You looked at him, your heart filled with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. "I don't know, Lando."
He squeezed your hand gently. "I understand that I'm not the easiest guy to be in a relationship with, but I'm willing to take things slowly. I just want you to know how I feel." The two of you sat in silence for a while, simply enjoying each other's company. "Do you want to go back?" Lando asked after a while.
You nodded. "I think it's time."
As you drove back down the hill, you couldn't shake the feeling that something special was happening between you and Lando. You were excited, but also a little nervous.
When you arrived at your apartment building, Lando parked the car in the garage, but neither of you made a move to step out. "Thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed it." You said.
He smiled. "I'm glad you agreed."
"Well, I had no choice, remember?"
"Yeah. Remember me to thank Maria for the bet." He laughed, and you joined him.
"Yeah, yeah." After a while, you leaned in and kissed his cheek. It was a sweet kiss, and Lando closed his eyes as he felt your lips against his face.
As you pulled away, Lando hesitated, but after a second, he cupped your face and gently kissed you on the lips. Your heart raced, and you closed your eyes, quickly kissing him back and tangling your hand in his hair. He deepened the kiss, his lips moving slowly against yours. His touch was gentle, and you felt a warmth spread through you.
When you pulled away, you were both breathless. You looked at each other, your eyes filled with love and desire. "I've been wanting to do that, for a very long time." He said.
You looked into his eyes, your heart pounding in your chest. "To how many girls have you said that?" You teased him.
He looked at your lips. "None. And if you let me, you're going to be the only one." He said and he couldn't help but smile.
You smiled back. You couldn't help but think that your life had just taken a turn for the better. And so did Lando. Finally, he got the girl. The woman next door.
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cosycafune · 2 months
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3.7k words. satoru has a natural way of repelling your ex; he wants to fill your womb with his baby. he hates knowing he's shared you in the past, so he wants to claim you. right now, he wants nothing more than to fill your womb -- scaring away your stalker ex, suguru geto.
a synopsis of acts: creampies, breeding kink, rough sex, spanking, unprotected sex, teasing, head, nipple play, nipple biting, lactation kink, missionary, slight choking, slightly mean satoru, stalking, reassurance and marginally more.
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"Sato', Suguru won't stop calling me!" Slightly irritated, you voice your thoughts to an intrigued Satoru -- observing a mischievous smile adorning his lips.
"How many numbers does he have?!" Bellowing, Satoru casts himself into cuddling your chest further -- contently pulling from your sucked-dry nipple.
"I don't know, Sato', but i don't know what to do for him to leave me alone," Running your fingers through Satoru's headbanded hair, you softly groan at him beginning to latch upon your nipple once more.
"I have an idea, but only if you're okay with it," Suggesting something so smugly, comfortably biting down upon your nipple, Satoru's eyes gleam at your subtle wincing.
Idea, huh?
"How about we make a film?" Halting at Satoru's lewd question, he poses himself into leaving your almost bare lap.
"A sex tape for...him?" Pouting, sitting upon your wavering knees, you question a mischievous Satoru. Dishevelled, Satoru lovingly spots one of his fangs -- his cerulean eyes clouded with lust.
"Yeah, I'll stuff you so fucking good, he'll only think of me when he sees you," Grunting, visibly flaunting his prominent erection, Satoru's proposal comes out in a strained manner.
"Tell me more," Teasing a flustered Satoru, you puff out your cheeks, pressing your ample breasts together -- flaunting Satoru's ropes of saliva sliding down their tauntness.
"Fuck! 'Can't I just show you? You're being mean," Whining, messily drawing nearer to you, Satoru abruptly burrows his fingers into your supple hips.
"Of course, you cry baby," Elegantly speaking, you cast yourself into glancing up at a towering Satoru -- gasping at his deft finger burrowing into your doughy bum.
Shit, you knew he'd ruin everything you have to create that damn film. Hm, perhaps he'd get you pregnant?
"Don't cry when it's too much," Warning you, Satoru hungrily licks his fang -- his eyes lowering in an overwhelming trance of yearning.
"Go your hardest," Flustered at your proposal, you vigorously batter your eyelashes -- your lips stammering at him harshly fondling your breast.
"'Can't wait to break you, little lady," Enthralled, Satoru's thundering heartbeat paired with his statement -- leading his steering fingers to further squeeze your love bite-invested breasts.
"C'mon, show me how you'll make a film, film maker," Further egging Satoru on, he greedily tightens his hold upon your nimble hips -- journeying towards your shared bed.
"Let's do it on your phone," Satoru eagerly mumbles, roughly settling you upon the plush bed.
“Whatever you want!” Unable to protest against Satoru’s advances, you whine at his ample fingers further lifting your parted shirt. His shirt that he comfortably piles upon a gentle you.
“So obedient,” Drawing your bucking hips nearer, Satoru retorts — basking in your realms of desperation.
“P-Please,” A wailing mess, you’re incapable of resisting Satoru’s gruff fingers taunting your nipple — skimming over the beauty of it.
“Nah, let me get your phone first,” Barely shifting from a partially exposed you, Satoru’s announcement ruffles your abdomen.
“‘Just gonna leave me here?” Neediness adorns your question as you greet his gaze, squishing your massive breasts together — arching at the sensitivity.
“Don’t start something you’ll regret,” Cocikly speaking, Satoru intakes your primal urges, pushing himself further pressing against you.
Calculated, Satoru casts himself into reaching over you — grasping your phone beside your plush pillow. Rather embarrassed, you insincerely push yourself into attempting to steal your phone away from him — only for him to designate a hand of his over both of your own.
“Got you,” Rough, untimed growls free themselves from Satoru’s gentle lips — leading to him drifting his curled lips nearer to your own.
“Hgh!” Gasping at Satoru’s swiftness, you arch mercilessly at Satoru drifting his glossy lips towards the curve of your ear — biting down contently.
“Now, let me put the phone up before I get too carried away,” Contently cooing, Satoru lovingly gazes at your fluffy wallpaper with him — swiping right to access your camera.
“Baby, you sure you wanna film this?” Smitten, Satoru’s tender inquiry vibrates within your ears — all whilst he settles your phone against your cosy nightstand.
“Shit, do whatever you wanna do to me,” Crumpled beneath a persistent Satoru, you mutter helplessly. Arched perfectly, Satoru basks within your arising breasts — strapping your toned legs around his sculpted hips.
“Anything?” Enamoured, Satoru’s questioned disbelief is illuminated through his shimmering eyes.
“Anything.” Consoling Satoru, Satoru callously grunts at your spilling breasts — darting towards them before streaking his covetous lips closer.
“Again, Sato’?” Questioning Satoru, you hazily glance at him. The momentum of your physique is trapped and warmed at his impeccable, caging warmth.
“Be happy that I haven’t gotten you pregnant yet,” Teasing you, Satoru’s words slur narrowly while his lips brush upon your perky nipple, “‘Would have sucked all the milk out of them.” Gasping, incapable of suppressing the thudding between your rutting, thunderous cunt, your lips part.
“Oh, Sato’,” Lovestruck, you cutely coo. Your admiring eyes are adhered with an undeniable array of thumping hearts.
“Speak,” Prominent roughness fills Satoru’s possessive command. Unwilling to soften heavily, Satoru curiously twirls your nipple between his teeth — his sadistic eyes cruel with desire.
“‘Let you suck all the milk out of them! Ah,” Whining, arching busily, your confession is followed up with Satoru harshly biting your taut nipple.
“Would you now?” Taunting you, Satoru mellowly draws back from caging you — glancing at your physique from the camera’s perspective.
“Anyway,” Pouty, the tension within your tone dissolves at Satoru latching upon your aching nipple — soothing the wicked discomfort he enabled.
“Baby, at least smile for the camera,” Mockingly placing his vast, veiny hands against your supple cheeks, Satoru squeezes them while he patronisingly speaks.
“C-Can’t smile, haven’t made you feel good, yet,” Pleading to at least give Satoru blissful head, you flutter your lashes before him — frowning with impatience.
“Good, huh?” Commenting on your hushed, indirect request, Satoru uses his thick thumb to softly pry open your lips — observing the lewd sound fall from them.
“Mhm,” Silenced voluntarily by Satoru, you obediently reign your tongue upon his finger — arising an ounce of sexual control.
“Hm? You wanna do that to my cock? Take it like you’re taking my thumb?” Groaning, boyishly grinning, questioning you, an overpowering smile floods Satoru’s careless lips.
Mewling while Satoru shoves his large thumb further into your mouth, you allow your eyes to swirl with his own. Naturally, you're sure to not embarrassingly choke. Longing for advanced bodily contact, you gently grind your hips upon his crotch — bubbles forming against your lips as you frantically suck.
“Mhm,” Moaning with sinful yearning, you’re unwilling to halt the pacing of your hips — consumed by Satoru’s gruff whimpers staining your ears.
“You’re being disobedient, my love,” Satoru’s statement is filled with an edge of threat, leading you to continue your streak of disobedience — longing for a punishment.
“Mmh!” Ruffled with a string of irritation, Satoru deprives your lips of his thumb — tempted by the lewd, gasping you free.
“D’ya really think you have control now?” Grinning sadistically, Satoru softly grasps your hips — contorting you, so you are directly on all fours.
“Yeah,” Provoking Satoru broadly, you naively wobble your bubble butt — squealing at Satoru’s fingers wandering against the jiggly, tasty surface.
“Wouldn’t want your ex to see you so disobedient, my love,” Purring within the shell of your ear, Satoru erases any sense of space between you both — harshly grinding his monstrous erection against the outline of your chubby cunt.
“‘Need you, though,” Countering Satoru, your lips stammer. Blanketed with control, Satoru contorts his free hand into grasping your breast from beneath.
“Be a good girl and wait,” Satoru’s tone vibrates against your arched back, only before he abruptly pulls back from a moaning you — droning with craving.
“‘Can’t be gooddd—” Lewdly whining with dragged-out sentences, you attempt to fuel your deprivation with the vacant air.
However, shifting your curved hips with determination, you softly whimper at the cool air tinting your bubble butt. Dazed within your heated trance, you loudly gasp and curl inwards while Satoru harshly spanks your vulnerable skin. Biting back your distorted pleasure, your fists curl swiftly — lust loitering so artlessly in you.
“Fuck, Sato’!” Bellowing gleefully, unable to contain your smile, you readily arch yourself — waiting for his stout fingers to abuse your obedient butt.
Shit, he loved the sight! The scattered element of your mind and pounding heart lulled him, with it helplessly placed for him. Viewing you, sexually frustrated, your frilly underwear strained between your dripping folds, swaying back and forth, stole away his self-restraint. Yet, for your sex tape to be lengthy, Satoru knew he would have to cunningly deprive desperate you.
“‘Need you to ride my face, you’ve earned it,” Rewarding you with one last harsh spank, Satoru spews his ironic statement — running his fingers against your thin underwear strip.
“Yes!” Desperation swirls within your gasping tone, pushing you into gathering a slither of obedience.
“I dangle pleasure in front of you and you act like this?” Softly chuckling, Satoru’s question is disregarded by a buzzing you. You who’s mentally conquered by his presence beginning to lay before you.
“Of course,” Breathless with your sexual craving, you admire Satoru’s eyes, watching your strained features inching closer to him — trembling with anticipation.
“You’re so cute,” Satoru voices his precious fondness for you, enamoured by your limbs crawling enough to settle upon his prodding crotch.
“Thanks, Sato’,” A curl of vulnerability blankets your speech, pushing you into descending lower — longing to capture Satoru’s lips.
Carved by adoration, you softly disregard Satoru’s vast shirt that you sport — comfortably bearing your lithe skin before his eyes. Hypnosis endows an enthralled Satoru, restricting his breaths whilst you lower your head — in hopes of greeting his swole lips. Nonetheless, he took the scarce time to admire your angelic curves, your contoured abs, the ample mountains your breasts imitate, and the adorable nervousness you flaunt before him.
“‘Just for me,” Coddling this known fact, Satoru mutters about how you’re all his — nurturing this truth within his mind.
“I’m all yours, Sato’,” Adjusting yourself upon Satoru’s crotch, you admit your heart — content towards your breasts smashing against his nude chest.
“I’m grateful,” Fluffed with glee, Satoru returns your amount of gratitude — moulding his thick fingers around the curve of your jaw.
“C’mere,” Possessive, Satoru softly commands you — pressing his lips upon your own.
“Mhm,” Moaning frantically, shifting slyly, you groan at Satoru grasping at your ass cheeks — snapping your underwear band upon the doughy surface.
“‘You like that?” Teasing you, Satoru sculpts his free hand into pulling down your underwear — listening to the slickness of it.
“All of it,” Nodding frantically through your approval, you fall into Satoru’s rhythm — allowing him to disregard your drenched underwear.
“Let’s see how you like this,” Satoru says, mischief adorning his demeanour.
Thrilled, drilled into with patience, Satoru gestures for you to shift higher up. Beaming, licking his enchanted lips, Satoru’s eyes soften towards you nervously drifting your pooling cunt further up his burly chest. Everything within him could sense the apprehension that consumes you, rooted in you knowing you won’t be able to control yourself. Nothing within you longed for the two of you to hold back, completely twisting dry everything you both could offer.
Composing yourself, completely forgetting about the perched camera, you allow Satoru’s briefly deprived lips to draw nearer to your folds. Mesmerised, Satoru persistently lowers a hesitant you — his broad tongue warm against your vulnerable cunt.
“I know you don’t want to hold back, sweetheart,” Egging you on, Satoru murmurs with ruggedness — his skilled fingers parting your present folds.
“‘Can’t hold back, baby,” Whining in a high-pitched voice, Satoru effortlessly pulls you down further — stationing your writhing folds against his adjusting lips.
“Don’t hold back, sweetheart, you’ve got a show to put on,” Eagerly informing you, Satoru hungrily latches upon your grinding cunt — his lips sucking upon your sensitive clit.
“‘C-Can’t, Sato’,” Gasping through your stuttered response, you bury your shaky fingers through Satoru’s silky hair strands — mindlessly grinding.
“Ah!” Your features scrunch up with each of your bellowed moans. Your consciousness stirs away from you with each hungry suck from Satoru.
Expressing his pussy feasting skills, Satoru propels himself into widening out the span of his tongue — licking desperate stripes towards your entrance. Unable to pry himself off of you, Satoru greedily latches upon your tender clit — thriving off of you moaning with glee, a desperate smile paving your beautiful face.
“So, so, beautiful,” Subconsciously reciting his praise, Satoru steadies your hips — unwilling to allow your faltering self to collapse.
If he was correct, you were seconds away from embarrassingly finishing.
“‘Too much, Sato’,” Moaning with budding tears, you continue to smother Satoru with your chubby cunt — so in love with the way it kisses his eagerly sucking lips.
“…” Silence envelops Satoru while he messily slurps up his lengthy saliva strings from your cunt, curling into the idea of you being completely unable to handle his ample tongue.
“Look…at you,” Murmuring with satisfaction, Satoru grins at your array of clustered moans — fulfilled at you mercilessly grinning in pleasure.
“Ngh…warm,” Foolishly finishing so quickly, you continue to grind your helpless lips against Satoru’s face — grasping your left breast.
“You finished?” Taunting you, Satoru strategically flees from beneath your thighs – groaning.
“Mhm,” Nodding with satisfaction, you glance at a primal Satoru – eagerly licking his lips.
“‘Sure you don’t want something, Sato’?” Innocently questioning Satoru, you shudder at the possessiveness that tints his gaze.
“Right now, I need that pussy,” Satoru eagerly announces, dragging you nearer to him by your toned hips.
“Strip, Sato’,” Pushing your lips together, you lightly command him – aware that he’s in control.
“So eager, huh?” Taunting you, radiating dominance and fondness, Satoru narrows his eyes at you.
“‘Need more,” You whiny say, nakedly sitting upon your knees – feeling a subtle power imbalance.
“When you look at me like that, how can I say no?” Teasing you, Satoru draws nearer to you. Consistent, Satoru disregards his tight shirt – revealing his extremely toned, rippling abs.
“Aw,” Grinning with awe, you admire each of Satoru’s toned muscles – in extreme awe.
He always rendered you into a flustered state.
“Won’t be in awe soon, baby,” Satoru teases you, swiftly disregarding the rest of his clothing – allowing you to relish his nudity.
“Hmmm,” You tease, consumed by an expanding array of lust.
“Ready, baby, to truly make a film?” Cooing, Satoru questions you – so close to disregarding his underwear.
“So…ready,” Obediently speaking, you gulp – lulled by Satoru’s angelic physique.
Mesmerised, exhibiting the traits of a sailor, you admire Satoru’s pre-cum stained underwear – enthralled by the ample bulge that lingers. Eagerly glancing, your heart pounding against your nude breasts, you admire Satoru’s intense teasing.
“Be patient, sweetheart,” Muttering, Satoru lustfully looks at you – slowly allowing his underwear to slip down his jacked leg muscles.
“‘M trying,” Whining, you grow a little teary. Each of your limbs contorted with lust, yet Satoru held a heavy dominance over you. A heavy one that you wouldn’t disregard; you’re his.
“Baby, I’ll let you have it,” Satoru announces, letting you admire his ample, colossal cock – consumed by its largeness.
“Need it, now,” Trembling, you instinctively lay upon your bed – posing heavily for a towering Satoru.
“Mhm, you’re so good for me,” Praising you, Satoru uses his deft hand to pull your hips closer. Adrenaline, lust and love adhere to him at your meek gasps, your slight shying away, your parted thighs and your wavering eyes. They etched at his sanity, leaving him to instinctively long to be inside of you, enveloped by your warm, love-pouring cunt.
“Yeah, but you're better inside,” Countering Satoru’s praise, you yelp at him grasping his monster cock with one hand – rubbing it against your soppy folds.
“I’m not even inside and you're sensitive,” Proving Satoru’s worded point, you moan at your folds sucking in his tip – gushy at feeling Satoru’s cum-coated cockhead.
“P-Please, Sato’,” Cum-driven, you plead with Satoru – shedding your dignity.
“Anything for you, baby,” Flustered at Satoru’s low statement, you conceal your fanciful moan. You’re ruled by Satoru’s cock teasing your fluttering entrance, taunting you.
Knowing the camera’s positioned perfectly, you wickedly gift Satoru a half-smile – flustered at his gruff brow rising. His perfection completely stole away your resolve, leaving you wanting your brains fucked out stupid and pulverised. Nothing within you longed to remain as sane as you did now, not cock-stricken.
“Prepare yourself, baby,” Satoru’s warning causes prompts you to smile, only to arch towards his cockhead beginning to slip into you – stretching and splitting open your cunt.
“Ohh, yes!” Instinctively, your eyes roll back with your mewling – leaving your fingers to grasp your bedsheets.
“S-So…warm,” Humming, Satoru gifts you an experimental thrust – burying you with his cock to the hilt.
Moaning loudly, decimated already, you're breathless. Your choppy breaths cut through the ambience, and your gasping floods Satoru’s ears as he cages you with his body. Whilst he cunningly sinks deeper within your life-altering cunt, Satoru’s eyes flutter while he maintains eye contact.
“‘Can…feel it,” Filled to the brim, your walls conquered, you’re dazed as you tell Satoru – drooling.
“Only for my…princess,” Gleeful, Satoru spews his love – unable to keep his cloudiness in check.
“C’mon, move…Sato’,” Encaged by Satoru’s warmth, you plead for him to move. The tips of your ears are so painfully warm and tingly, representing your inhumane heart rate.
Beaming, Satoru begins to set a slowed pace – relishing the warmth that wraps around his snug cock. Groaning and whimpering, Satoru begins to steady his hips – slowly thrusting and kissing your walls with his cock.
Glee pampers Satoru, casting him into sporting parted lips – moaning in pleasure. His pillowy lips part before you, prompting him to maintain eye contact. Seeing your features scrunched up in pleasure, handling his large cock, slightly hiccuping, completely tore into Satoru’s wavering self-restraint.
Hindered by his primal urges, Satoru begins to harshly thrust within you — animalistic at your extremely loud moans. The way your jiggly breasts bounced, your eyes forcefully rolled back, your fingers barely able to scratch his back, consumed him effortlessly.
“Sato’! Yes! ‘So good!” Distorted, you spew lewd sounds. You’re completely enveloped by the skin slapping and the soppiness of your pounded cunt.
It was too good for you to feel embarrassed.
“Mhm, you take me… so well,” Praising you, Satoru roughens his pace — slamming his cock inhumanely within you.
“Ah! Ngh!” Suffocated by Satoru’s warmth, your head swims with each harsh thrust — pulverised by his fat cock.
“Fuck! So warm,” Purring, Satoru grins with pleasure — breathless as he destroys your cute cunt.
Seeing it obediently squelch for him, building a ring of white — on the camera — made him feel pride. Shit, you were moments away from becoming marked by him — obedient and cock-driven. Fuck, he claimed you so hard — stretching out your singing cunt.
“You…deserve some kisses,” Nodding at Satoru’s hazy declaration, you’re out of it — drool slipping from your moaning lips.
Eager, Satoru transfers his sexual resolve into affection — pampering you with kisses. However, he feels slight unease — as if he’s being watched. Watched by someone by your bedroom window.
Slyly looking towards the penthouse window, Satoru notices long, raven locks and a tall man. A tall man he knows is Suguru, observing the intimate encounter between you and Satoru—infuriated.
“Sato’, gonna… cum!” Hiccuping, crying, you sluggishly announce your words — passionately clenching around his divine cock.
“Ah! Baby, give…me a show,” Satoru moans out, ruled by your cunt fully swallowing him up — warming him with your loved pussy walls.
“C-Can…feel you!” Teary, marked with pleasure, you’re rocked by Satoru’s pleasurable thrusts — feeling him harden immensely.
Bucking into you hungrily, Satoru’s choppy breaths flood your ear. Wavering, he fucks you harder — listening to the desperation from your gushy pussy. You’re unable to breathe, stolen away by Satoru’s cock. Your every thought is eaten away by Satoru’s cock, pulverising you and making you his own.
“Show me…you’re mine,” Turned on, Satoru grunts into your ear — observing every one of your pleasure-induced expressions.
“Ngh!” So sensitive, you continue to pleasurably cry — unable to control your rolling eyes. All you could mutter is incoherent phrases, destroyed by Satoru’s rough and rhythmic pace.
Exhausted, trembling, an unbearable warmth adorns you. You attempt to push Satoru away, overwhelmed by the weight of his athletic body, his beautiful thrusts and his intense stare.
“T-Too…Ah! much, baby?” Barely able to speak, Satoru questions you through grunts — his eyes rolling at you swiftly finishing.
“Sato’!” Ruled with pleasure, you shakily cling to Satoru — crying as you finally release.
“He could… never,” Gleefully, Satoru lazily speeds up his unfathomable pace — his words slurred.
With lowered eyes, Satoru makes eye contact with a crimson Suguru. Suguru’s infuriated with Satoru’s wicked claim on you, so deeply within you, terrorising and pulverising your gushy cunt.
Cruelly, Suguru could hear each sound you release, the lewdness of your pooling cunt, each cry you release and each reassuring kiss you share with Satoru. Further stealing you, Satoru gifts him a boyish grin — hardening effortlessly within you.
“‘Gonna…cum,” Warning you, Satoru gifts you a loving kiss — thrusting his deepest within an arching, gasping you.
Even fucked, you still have small resolve.
“In…side!” Desperately, you proclaim — wrapping your legs around Satoru’s toned waist.
“Imma… put a baby in you,” Watching you nod at his words, Satoru holds his deep thrust — his eyes fluttering.
“C’mon,” Croakily speaking, you loudly moan, “Yes!” Lovestriken, you gasp at the intensity of Satoru’s cumshot.
Unable to get enough, you relish in the thick spurts of cum within you — grinning at Satoru’s pulsating cock finishing within you again. Happiness adorns you while Satoru kisses the top of your head, observing your flustered expression and scrunched-up features.
“‘Did so good, baby,” Reassuring you, Satoru beautifully pulls out of you. He displays your cum-pooling cunt to the posed camera and an observing Suguru.
“We put on a good show,” Satoru mutters, using a fragment of his cursed energy to close the curtain — shunning a seething Suguru out.
“Send…it,” Tiredly commanding Satoru, you snuggle into his array of kisses.
“Mhm, poor Suguru has already seen enough,” Taunting you, you gasp — noticing Suguru’s silhouette from your bedroom curtain.
“Sato’!” Chuckling, you hold him closer — flustered at the spurts of cum that spew from you.
“I say, we should make more films?” Cosy, Satoru questions you — his lips tender with delight.
“Always, now let’s watch it,” Fatigued, you speak — trembling from the aftermath.
“‘Guess we don’t need to send the film,” Pouting, battering your eyelashes, you murmur.
Hmm, but Satoru knew he’d make more films with you.
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do not copy, modify or claim any of my works as your own. all rights reserved; cosycafune. 2024. read more.
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suiana · 4 months
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(yandere! co-actor x gn! co-actor reader) (theyre co-stars who act as lovers n have to act like they love each other but they actually don't)
"but oh, darling, how i adore your face in all its glory..."
your co-actor immediately pulls away from you, face scrunching up in disgust as he completely refuses to acknowledge your presence. you do the same, wiping your hand with a cloth as you walk to the opposite side of the set.
yes, the two of you were co-stars who secretly hated each other. shocking.
to be honest, it was shocking because you didn't hate him initially. you had actually admired him and even wanted to act together in a movie! he was once your idol after all.
and by some stroke of luck, your manager had gotten you the opportunity to be a co-star on a romance-horror movie that was predicted to be the biggest film of all time.
but now that you had achieved that dream... you really wish it hadn't come true. for people's facades come down once you get to know them.
you and him did not get along at all. constantly butting heads, fighting over the littlest of things... yet, you two manage to act out the roles of obsessed lovers who would die for one another.
the fact that the movie was about how you (the love interest) and him (the male lead) were dating and how he would go crazy and stuff-
ugh you can't believe you had to act this out! you're too annoyed to even think straight now! like, what kind of false reality is this?!
well i mean, it is kinda your job as an actor to sell a false reality but still! the way you two can pull a 180 each time you have to get on set is crazy!
"oi you, don't breath all up in my face next time. yoy are repulsive."
"we're literally supposed to stand close to one another! how am i not supposed to do that-"
"then don't breathe."
"you two stop it!"
the director barks at the two of you, shaking his head as the both of you roll your eyes. seriously, to everyone else it looks like little kids who are fighting over the smallest of things. how childish!
"we're gonna be filming the next scene. get in position!"
you begrudgingly walk over to the middle of the set at the familiar phrase, getting into place as your co-star unwillingly holds you in an intimate pose. with him pressed up against a wall and you pinning him up against said wall.
you shudder in disgust as the cameras begin rolling once more. ew, you really can't understand what you used to see in him. like he's so dramatic and sassy! what-
your eyes widen as you see him shiver fearfully, a spider crawling on his head. what the hell?! where did this spider come from?!
you wanted to back away from your co-star but the second you saw how his eyes started to water, the way his lower lip trembled... you knew you couldn't just leave him to suffer. even when you hated him.
"don't move..."
you mumble, eyebrows furrowing slightly as you use a shaky hand to approach the spider. hm... it's not like you were scared it's just... why's it so big?
you gulp nervously, eyes widening slightly as you watch the spide crawl up your arm. damn, if you were a bit more of a coward...
you set the spider on a nearby desk, humming softly as you let out a shaky sigh of relief. oh well, at least it's over.
as you were drinking some water, your co actor couldn't help but feel his heart race, cheeks flushed red as he tries to regulate his breathing. what the hell? why is he getting so flustered over you getting close to him?
his eyes drift to your figure, taking in your carefree attitude. he quickly looks away as your eyes glance at his staring. hiding his face in his hands, he huffs and turns around, grumbling something about you as he feels his heart rate spike even more.
all he can think about as the rest of the shoot goes on was whether you had looked this beautiful before.
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taasgirl · 5 months
espresso - lando norris
summary: y/n is a famous singer who also happens to be a massive f1 fan. when she mentions a liking for a certain driver, it's only fate that he tries everything in his power to get her attention.
a/n: no face claim! the outcomes/order of races are altered to fit the story, it's just a fun time!!
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liked by oliviarodrigo, oneruel, pedri, and 1, 376, 227 others ynusername my new interview with wired is out now!
user64973 Stop you're gorgeous
user89322 do i wanna be her or be with her??
user09384 so who r u crushing on huh
ynusername it's a seeeecret 🤫
user44172 This entire vid is so chaotic omfg
user03638 Please let y/n enter her wag era
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liked by user55736, user89842, user73903, and 10, 652 others user33973 HELLO???? LANDO LITERALLY LIKED THIS TWEET I'M CRYING
user98301 brother personally knows who y/n's next bf should be
user34593 God please let this be lando shooting his shot after watching y/n's recent interview
user12871 lando and y/n 🙏🙏
view ynusername's story...
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liked by oscarpiastri, lorde, gavi, and 782, 774 others ynusername what a race! lovely to see you again @ oscarpiastri, maybe aim for a podium next time though?
oscarpiastri I'd like to see you try in a f1 car
user49949 Wait is oscar the guy y/n was talking abt in that vid? user53004 i hope not, i love him and lily
user20833 Okay so did y/n and lando interract or not? 😭
user61221 hot girls support mclaren (confirmed!) liked by ynusername
user89483 y/n slowly integrating herself in the f1 scene, we see u girl
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liked by danielricciardo, logansargeant, ynusername, and 2, 459, 383 others landonorris A lot to learn from this weekend, but we keep pushing. Also great to meet a lot of new faces and the incredible fans🧡
user89894 is the new face y/n perhaps??
mclaren Great weekend Lando! liked by landonorris
user92702 I genuinely tweak whenever u post bc u look so fine
user53982 not y/n liking this post 😭
user66359 AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN FOLLOW HIM user98123 miss girl is stalking her crush i bet
user17263 please let this year be your year
user52209 Did anyone see his response to that post race interview?
user87229 oh he trynna thirst trap (y/n) liked by landonorris
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liked by lilyzneimer, oliviarodrigo, pedri, and 334, 938 others ynusername remember that one bitch ass ex I had? yeah well I wrote another song about him! 'feather' is yours now, but best enjoyed when you have an ugly, cheating, lying dick of an ex to think about. have fun with this one!! 😘
user82983 i was like wow normal post! and then boom. oscar.
oscarpiastri Okay that seems a little mean
lilyzneimer already on repeat
oscarpiastri Um excuse me???? Did you read the caption...
user26321 omfg i've been waiting for an angry y/n song
user72639 this sounds really familiar?? song of the summer maybe?
ynusername ahhhh thank you bb
view landonorris's story...
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liked by user58273, user98004, user63874, and 10, 376 others user44938 Y/N papped in Monte Carlo today! Rumours are circulating that she was visiting F1's starboy Lando Norris, however there is no official confirmation.
user99812 ohhh y/n we see you
user89283 Okay everyone shut up abt lando, let's take a moment to appreciate y/n's beauty omf she's gorg
user23294 I SECOND THIS !!
user12834 hmm i wonder why she's in monaco...
user48463 Y/N u ain't slick 😭
user35273 she saw lando's story and ran straight to him
user16282 "how far u go for a sneaky link? I'd fly"
user52883 I know damn well she ain't in monaco for a holiday
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liked by landonorris, gracieabrams, laufey, and 483, 995 others ynusername it's exactly like selena gomez's 2011 film
user63762 ur the genuine it girl
lilyzneimer Monte Carlo reference, I love it liked by ynusername
user11928 landoooo
landonorris oooooo
user40948 oh hey lando user29830 Fancy seeing you here user73984 He wants her so bad
oscarpiastri I think I've seen that hoodie before
ynusername hmm i wonder where 🤷‍♀️
user49283 girl saw his story and flew out IMMEDIATELY
user53984 y/n l/n wag era loading 😏😏
user92874 So pretty
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liked by oscarpiastri, ynusername, mclaren, and 3, 469, 848 others landonorris Calm before the storm #raceweek
charlesleclerc Good to see you with some company
ynusername omg invite me next time
user42761 Girl bfr we know where u were at
user19820 y/n and lando are a match made in heaven
user82637 I wonder who you were hanging out with 🤔
oscarpiastri Wow I feel like I've seen that girl before
ynusername me too
user61542 not lando soft launching y/n as if we don't know it's her
user82736 I mean technically we don't
user19823 @ user82736 No I think it is confirmed, she was heard on his twitch stream the other day
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liked by landonorris, lilyzneimer, danielricciardo, and 1, 254, 982 others mclaren Our drivers and their partners after qualifying! Lando and Oscar will begin P4 and P5 respectively in Monte Carlo 🧡🤍
user52761 admin really said if they won't confirm it, I will liked by mclaren
user52839 Please lando and y/n are adorable
user82636 lily & oscar >>>
user48273 Sooooo they official...?
user27163 guys stop with this y/n x lando madness, i need a double mclaren podium
user82638 y/n really manifested her wag era huh
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liked by ynusername, logansargeant, lilymunhe, and 3, 716, 372 others landonorris Monaco '24. Thank you to everyone who came out, and showed me support this weekend. I promise to be better next race. tagged: oscarpiastri & ynusername
ynusername my racer 🧡🏎️
user62538 HELLO? user82776 i'm gonna be sick
mclaren Papaya boys! liked by landonorris
user72538 Y/N is so beautiful I can't even
user16529 HIS EYES
user52863 him hard launching y/n >>>>
user98276 This is MY victoria and david
ynusername omg we're definitely not as cool as them
user41752 i won't get over this ever
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liked by landonorris, phoebebridgers, mclaren, and 967, 837 others ynusername i think i need to buy more orange clothes
landonorris I've already offered up half my closet to her...
landonorris nice shirt though 😏
user62538 oh i'm living for their hard launch
lilyzneimer Welcome to the team!!
mclaren Our favourite pop star liked by ynusername 🌟
oscarpiastri It's actually papaya
ynusername okay sassy man apocalypse lilyzneimer @ ynusername feed him to the zombies
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liked by oliviarodrigo, landonorris, lilyzneimer, and 583, 872 others ynusername oh and btw, my new song espresso is out and it's a @ landonorris certified 'banger'. his words not mine. listen on all platforms now!!
landonorris She's working late cause she's a singerrr
ynusername haiii
user72637 y/n really walked in and said that she's the best lando ever had and ever will have
landonorris I mean it's true sooo
user62537 Okay lando I didn't know u had game like dat
lilyzneimer oh I love you
ynusername LILYYYYYYY i love u so much oscarpiastri I think our gfs are gfs... @ landonorris
view landonorris's story...
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please let me know if you guys liked this! i love doing lando fics so much. as always, my reqs are open so feel free to drop suggestions!!
here’s a cute oscar smau i just wrote
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cloudzoro · 8 months
Kink Discovery | jjk ♡
individual reaction/headcanon scenarios on kink discovery with jjk characters!
reaction/headcanon requests for jjk, one piece, haikyuu, fmab & death note (male & female characters) are OPEN!
op vers | hq vers | masterlist
genre: smut (minors dni)
characters included: choso, nanami, gojo, shoko, geto, toji, utahime, yuki
cw: fem!reader, desperate loser choso <3, low-key mean!dom yuki, mentions of cheating (but no actual cheating), semi-public sex (car), crying, unprotected sex, pregnancy mention, filming sex, lots of dirty talk, manhandling, lots and lots of cunnilingus.
Choso Kamo - high heels
He'd never put much thought into your footwear, but as he watches you getting ready to leave for a girls' night out, his cock twitches with every clack of your brand-new heels against the floorboards.
After you leave, he waits patiently for you to get back, trying not to give in to his sinful thoughts until you come back to help him out. You walk back through the door around one, and being the designated driver, you're not drunk. Choso greets you in the entryway, all but pouncing on you as soon as you close the door behind you.
“I missed you so much,” he says between kisses. His hands come to grip your ass as he walks you back into the apartment and the bedroom. He fiddles with the back of your dress for a few seconds before succeeding in tugging the zipper down and sliding the fabric down your body. He groans into your mouth when he feels that you went braless. You push him to sit down on the bed, and he obliges, leaning back on his hands as he watches you slide your panties down your legs. However, he suddenly sits up and protests when you go to kick off your shoes. “Please don't take them off,” he says, embarrassedly flushing red.
You listen, keeping the heels on, but with the added knowledge of Choso's newfound kink, you can't help but tease him. You lift your foot and press the front of your shoe against his crotch. He whines and rolls his hips upwards towards your foot, and you can't help but laugh a little.
“Baby, please stop teasing me. Just c'mere and let me fuck you,” he whines, still rutting his hips against the sole of your new heels. “wanna feel the heels digging into my back when I fuck you good.”
Kento Nanami - mirror sex
He doesn't notice the big mirror in your bedroom has such a good view of the bed until one sweaty cum-filled night when he has you on fours in front of him. Your moans fill the room as his cock thrusts into you, filling you up the way only he can. Every part of your body reacts to his touch as he slowly takes you apart and puts you back together over and over again. 
Kento doesn't mind the view of fucking you from behind; the arch of your pretty back and the way your ass smacks against his hips are more than enough visual stimulation for him, but when he looks up in front of him and notices the reflection of your face in the mirror he's mesmerised. There's something different about seeing your face overcome with ecstasy because of him. A hand tangles in your hair and pulls you up to his chest. 
“Look at you, sweetheart, you look so fucking pretty”, he coos. You force your eyes to focus as much as you can while his cock is inside you. You look a mess. Hair completely dishevelled, drool smudging your lipstick, neck and chest covered in bites and hickies. Yet, Kento still thinks you're pretty. “so beautiful.” 
You make eye contact with him through the mirror, and he smiles at you before picking up his pace again, almost sending you over the edge of bed. 
“keep your eyes open, baby. Keep looking at me.” 
Satoru Gojo - role-playing
"What would your friends think if they knew you begged your Uber driver to pull over and fuck you, hm? isn't that embarrassing?” Satoru, your Uber driver, laughs as you bounce on his cock in the back seat of his car. There's not much room, so you're grinding more than bouncing, but the way he feels inside you has your eyes rolling. “Such a desperate little slut aren't you?”
You try to deny it, but you're cut off when he rolls his hips in tandem with yours, finally fucking you back. Moans leave your mouth as he grabs your hips, keeping you in place so he can buck up into you. It feels so wrong, so dirty. Satoru knows he shouldn't be doing this. That fucking you could get him fired, but your pussy feels so good around him that he doesn't even care. You whine into his neck as you cling to his shoulders.
“Am I fucking you too good, pretty girl? Are you close?” he asks. He's good at keeping his composure, but you have him so close to breaking. You nod into his skin, pressing a tender kiss at the junction of his neck and shoulder. He slides his hand between your bodies to add extra stimulation. “What about your dumbass boyfriend? What will he think when he finds out you're giving this sweet pussy to another man” You whimper at his words, you can practically taste your orgasm.
“He's not dumb”, you defend, and the man beneath you grins, pulling you into a messy kiss and sending you both over the edge. When you've finally calmed down, slumped against his chest, Satoru kisses your forehead softly.
“It was cute of you to defend me like that”, he says, laughing, and you swat at his hands as they come up to cup your cheeks. “Let's get takeout on the way home.”
Shoko Ieri - dacryphilia
You're sitting on the sofa's edge and leaning against the back. Your pyjama top is pushed up to expose your chest, and your shorts are long forgotten on the floor.
Your wife, Shoko, is between your legs, using her fingers to bring you to your second orgasm. You've both had a bad day, and there's nothing like a good orgasm to relieve stress. Shoko is always ready to take care of you. Her tongue flicks at your clit as her fingers curve inside your cunt. You're quick to cum, sensitive to her touch. She stays on her knees, licking you through your high. She stays there until you physically push her head back.
When she lifts her head to look at your face, her heart clenches. Your eyes are welling with tears, the intensity of your orgasm almost too much for you. Shoko kisses your thighs before diving back into your pussy, shoving her tongue inside you. She's desperate to make the tears I'm your eyes fall, physical proof of how good she fucks you.
“give me one more, baby,” she says, pulling away from between your legs to thrust three fingers inside your pussy. “let me make it all feel better.”
You can't help but feel slightly guilty; she's had a rough day at work too, and you want a turn to take care of her, but it seems she's entirely focused on working your body to exhaustion. Her tongue works on your clit as her fingers press against the spot inside you that almost pushes you over the edge.
“Shoko, baby, I'm so close,” you whine, back arching from the sofa. She moans against your pussy, and your orgasm comes crashing down on you. Shoko looks up at you, watching you clench your eyes shut, forcing the tears out. She feels accomplished. The knowledge that she eats pussy so good she can bring you to tears feels her pride.
When you start to catch your breath again, Shoko leans up towards your face, kissing your tear tracks. She then presses a kiss to your lips.
“You're so beautiful, baby.”
Suguru Geto - breeding
You were usually insistent on him Suguru wearing a condom, but now that you've made it clear you reciprocate his want for kids, he's been obsessed with the idea of getting you pregnant. Whenever he can get his hands on you, he tries to seduce you into bed so he can pump a load of cum inside you. 
“Fuck, baby. I'm gonna fill you up so good,” he groans, thrusting into you. You're on your hands and knees with a pillow stuffed beneath your hips to keep you comfortably in position. Each thrust of his hips causes your clit to rub against the fabric of the pillow. He has one hand on the back of your head, keeping you face down, ass up, and one hand holding your hip in a bruising grip.
You moan his name into the sheets below you as his thrust gets harsher and more aggressive. He coos dirty talk into your ear; he tells you how pretty you'd look pregnant, how he can't wait to make you a mother. His words have you desperately clenching around him, teetering on the edge of your orgasm.
“That's it, baby, keep squeezing me like that, and I'll fill you up just like you want me to” " he says, rhythm faltering as he approaches his orgasm. Yours hits first, and it is so strong that you bite the sheets beneath you to silence the noises you make. Suguru follows soon after, filling your pussy with cum and your heart with a promise.
Toji Fushiguro - dry humping/clothed
Toji has you on his lap, grinding on him as he sucks on the skin of your neck, making sure he leaves a nice fresh mark. His mark. The two of you had just returned from a date, and you were still wearing your pretty outfit. His hands slide up under your skirt, and just as he's about to tear your panties off, he hesitates. You look good enough to eat, and he wants to look at you longer. His hands stay planted on your thighs. Instead of tearing off your clothes, he leans back, using his strength to adjust you so you're sitting directly over his hard cock.
“Just keep grinding on it, baby”, he whispers as you start to roll your hips. He has a shit-eating grin on his face as he lazily watches you dry-humping his lap. The friction feels good, and he gets to look at you all dolled up for him. He also realises he likes the teasing aspect of it. He knows you want him to put you on your back and stuff his fat cock in your whole, but instead, he's making you work for your orgasm.
“Toji,” you begin, embarrassed. You're utterly humiliated at the fact he's about to make cum with your clothes still on. He's still smirking, enjoying your reactions. Your legs are getting tired, and you don't want to deal with the teasing you'll get if you ask Toji to take over. Unfortunately, you don't have to finish your sentence; Toji understands your body more than anyone else. He doesn't need your pussy clenching around his cock to know when you're close.
“You need a little help, baby?” he asks with fake sympathy. When you finally give in and nod, his hands settle on your hips, helping you keep the pace as you both near your climaxes.
“I'm gonna cum” You whine. You hear him mutter ‘me too’ under his breath as he helps you move your hips faster against his. The friction causes your orgasm to hit you hard and claw at Toji's back as you try to keep your hips moving as much as you can. Toji cums almost at the same time as you, and, by the time you're done, both of you sit with sticky wet underwear, and Toji thinks you two should do this more often.
Utahime Iori - filming
While scrolling through her camera roll, Utahime comes across a video you two had taken after one too many drinks of the two of you sloppily making out. Utahime can't help the tingling feeling in her lower stomach as she watches the video. She is so entranced by it that she doesn't even realise you are walking up behind her and leaning over her shoulder to see what she is looking at.
“That's hot” is all you have to say, and she jumps out of her seat, turning to look at you. She's adorably flustered but quickly regains her composure. “We should make another one,” you say, smiling at her, and she immediately grabs your hand to drag you to the bedroom.
Despite how flustered she initially was, she quickly slips into a more authoritative role in the bedroom. She holds her phone in her hand, camera pointed at you as you strip for her. When you pull off your shirt, Utahime films herself playing with your tits.
“You're so fucking pretty,” she says, dragging her nails gently down your stomach to your trousers. She unbuttons your trousers and, with your help, pulls them down your legs along with your underwear. She raises her hand to your face and presses her fingers against your lips. You open your mouth and let her fingers press against your tongue. “That's it, pretty girl. Suck on my fingers.”
You oblige happily, exaggerating slightly for the camera. When she's satisfied with your work, she moves her slick fingers to your cunt and pushes her fingers in. She zooms the camera in, focusing on the way your pussy sucks in her fingers. She moves her thumb up to play with your clit, to add stimulation and push you over the edge. When you cum she moves the camera focus from your pussy to your face. She thinks there's nothing more beautiful than your face when you cum. When you come back down, she shuts off the camera and climbs over you.
“I can't wait to watch that back later.”
Yuki Tsumuko - manhandling
On your first date with Yuki, you had told her that no one had ever really made you cum. You can get there, but none of your previous partners have been able to. She makes a comment about her stroke game, and when you laugh, she takes it extremely personally. Yuki is not one to back down from a challenge. She takes you back to her place, barely making it through the front door before pressing her lips to yours, inviting you to her bedroom.
She uses her strength to manhandle you into the perfect position to take her strap. You're pliant, allowing yourself to be dragged by her, and it makes her growl under her breath as she pushes the tip of her strap into you.
“dirty fucking girl, lettin’ me ruin this pretty pussy on the first date.”
You whine as she bottoms out inside you. She waits, holding you still so you can't attempt to fuck yourself on her cock. It isn't until you're on the verge of begging that she pulls back slowly and thrusts back in. The steady pace of her hips and the angle of her thrusts have you shaking beneath her. A strong arm wraps around your torso, pulling you upright.
“With the way you're letting me do what I want with you, I'd think I proved myself right, huh?” she says. You nod, and she laughs in your ear, hips not stopping as she works you closer and closer to an orgasm. “You like when I use my strength? Like when I bend you over like this?” she asks, releasing her hold on you to push you back down. She might enjoy the power trip a little too much. She's drunk on the power her physicality gives her over you as she harshly thrusts into you.
You cum with a scream of her name, and she, despite all her dirty talk, is soft with you as you recover from your first orgasm. Her strong arms cradling you instead of manhandling you. Yuki thinks she may have found something worth waiting around for in you.
thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed :)
likes and reblogs are massively appreciated
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lovetei · 1 year
Okay, this have been on my mind for a while now…
So! MC in the manga is a sheep (get turn into a sheep because they aren’t familiar with the magic? Idk). I was just wondering that at the end of the exchange programme how would the boys react to Mc’s “true form”
This is such an interesting thing to write 🖤
By the way, this is another request stuck in my drafts, I promise I'll try to make up for it and post more :')
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Their reaction to Sheep MC changing into their human form at the end of the exchange program
Warnings: Slightly suggestive, no proofreading, wrong grammar, spelling errors, kind of long
Versions: Demon brothers, Side Characters
Links: Masterlist
It was the end of the exchange program and he's seeing you off
A large portal behind your back
For you, it might be the portal that will lead you to the freedom and whatever normality this program took away from you for a whole year
The portal that you've been waiting for
But for him, it's nothing but a spiral of magic that takes away the only comfort he has
The comfort that he seek for
And his twisted heart aches whenever he remembers it
But he hides it off with a smile and a wave
He waved at you one last time before you turned around
"Uhm... I feel weird-"
The extreme feeling of despair left his body for a second and was covered with confusion
That soon turned into worry as your sheep form completely fell to the ground
The noises you're making is not normal and they're all panicking because they've never heard of it before
And the fact that you started glowing didn't ease their mind.
Could it be that some higher demon planted some spell inside of you?
He looked at you shock
No, more like-
He looked at your new form, shocked.
The way your naked body is laying on the ground right in front of him...
Right in front of them..?
He can't help but sigh and thought that, everything would have been fine, perfect even, if you turned into this form in front of him
But no, you just have to turn into your original self in front of everyone
Now he can't even embrace you.
All he did was take his coat off and throw it to your body as his face flush red.
You turned around to look at them as you clutch his coat with that adorable expression before you run off and enter the portal
He's left there, shocked and speechless
He didn't know what the hell just happened
But what's he's sure of is that he's going to get you back
And you're going to show that expression to him one more time
But that time, it will just be the two of you, alone.
This man is bawling his eyes out
His original plan is to watch you leave as he cries and once you're gone he will walk it off like a real man, with tear stains of course.
He set his mind to it, gambling for the whole week after you leave so that he can forget you
Even for just a moment
But no,
You won't even let him have the peace of mind
Or leave him with a nice memory
Instead your sheep body dropped to ground and made everyone think that you're about to die!
But you know what more you did?
You turned into a human!
Your human form!
He went from 😭 -> 🤨 -> 😮 -> 😭 -> 😳 in a mere minute
He just stood there with a flushed face
A blushing dumbass who don't know what to do but watch as Lucifer threw his coat on you
And watch you run away with that cute expression, embarrassed expression on your face.
You drive him insane
Now he's all fired up, willing to destroy the mortal world just to get you back in his arms.
This one too is bawling his eyes out
While holding his camera of course
He's filming every part of this
He's standing there like "WAHHH MCCC! W-Wait is the angle r-right..? I need to capture how b-beautiful MC is..." while sobbing words out.
His hands are holding the camera shakily but the movement suddenly stopped when you said you feel weird...
His eyes shot open and his tears stopped
Are you okay..?
. . .
He's malfunctioning the moment you dropped to the ground and started to glow
And he malfunctioned even more when you turned into your human born, as naked as the moment you were born.
Now his sniper instincts came in and the camera is as focused as a laser
He's staring at you wide eyed, face as red as a tomato and his mouth agape
He doesn't know what's happening
But what he's sure of is that he needs to film it
The moment you grabbed Lucifer's coat and hugged it to cover yourself
And the moment you stood up and looked at them with that cute expression
But the moment you left, he hid the camera
This film is for his eyes only...
He's gonna need this for a 'project'...
And you know what else he needs?
He's smiling everything off as he watches you leave
But you know deep down some anger is boiling
Considering how hot his pact mark is getting
Because, why do you have to leave..? Did he fail to satisfy your standards..?
He can't help but roll his eyes internally
But in the middle of his self talk, you spoke
"I kind of... Feel weird-"
And then you dropped to the ground and he's suddenly panicking
Any other feeling except for confusion flushed out of his body
He ran up to you immidiately but the light dimmed down and your naked body lay before him
He can't help stop in his tracks and just look at you and blush
Before he can even register anything, Lucifer's coat is already hugging your body
Which causes another wave of wrath to hit him
He just glared at Lucifer and saw that he's not even paying attention to him
He's looking at you
With a foreign expression in his face
So he also looked at you and...
Why the fuck did you have to look so majestic..?
You met his gaze and your face flushed before you ran out and entered the portal
He just remained still
Looking at the ground where you once sat
He can't move, he's shaking so much...
He feels like he's about to explode...
"WAHHH MCCC!" He whined out as he openly sobbed
He loves you so much!
Just why do you have to leave him!
He can't help but pout at you as you say your final goodbye
But what about him?
Why do you have to leave him too!
I mean it's understandable that you want to leave them because they're all such nuisances to you why him?!
He can't help it-
What do you mean you're feeling weird?
He's slowly walking to your direction
But you started to glow..?
Suddenly he's bearing his teeth expecting enemies around
Oh wait...
His mind is scrambled
He completely stopped working
And he'll probably be out of service for the next few days.
He's probably standing there with Belphie in his arms
He's giving you his infamous puppy smile hoping that you'll give him what he wants
Hoping that you'll fall for it like the usual and ran up to him an dsay he's cute instead of leaving
But there's a part in his heart that knows you won't
He's sad and happy at the same time
He's happy because you'll finally live the way you do back then
But he's sad because you have to leave to do so...
You're feeling weird..?
You're glowing, MC!
He's shaking Belphegor awake now
What's happening to you-
. . .
He'll be one of the most respectful and cover his eyes
But he's secretly peaking through the gaps
Your flushed face...
Looks so cute...
You look...
You looked delicious...
Just enough to eat...
Now he's hungry.
Hungry for something... New?
Something that includes you.
He's awake actually
He watched everyone, he heard everyone gave their final speeches to you
But when you were about to leave
He forcefully shut his eyes and leaned on Beel
Hoping that his sin would take over and he fell into some deep slumber
But why of all times... Why isn't it cooperating..?
His brows are furrowed as he forces himself to sleep
But suddenly everyone dropped silent...
So you finally left?
Wha- why is Beel shaking him?-
Why the fuck are you glowing now?!
No no no...
Is it the work of some demon?!
. . .
You're... Naked...
In front of everyone...
Beel better hold him back or else he's about to run after you and do what his brothers can't
But he knows you won't like that.
So he clinged to Beel-
Why do you look like that?!
That's his last thought before he ran and almost caught you but the portal closed
"Hmm... What a shame~"
He'll make sure he'll catch you next time.
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norrizzandpia · 1 year
Reckless Driving (LN4)
Summary: When McLaren thinks its funny to put Y/n in a sports-car with her boyfriend and a set of question cards. Spoiler Alert: She doesn’t!
Warnings: Absolutely none. TOOTH. ROTTING. FLUFF. ⚠️⚠️ (but if I missed anything lmk)
"Hi, everyone! Today, I am out on the Silverstone Circuit with none other than my beautiful girlfriend, Y/n!" Lando's calming voice brought Y/n nothing but anxiety as she waved to the camera. To say she was nervous for their planned youtube video for Mclaren would be an understatement. She had lost sleep over this. Even though Lando had assured her he would keep her safe, she still couldn't shake off the weariness.
Lando smiled down at her pale face before continuing, "As requested, Y/n and I are going to be taking out onto the circuit a new Mclaren and while I drive, she will be asking me questions which I will answer." He flashed his charming smile at the lens of the camera facing them, "She may be nervous, but it's happening!" He smiled mischievously at her as he grabbed her hand and led them toward the car a few feet behind them.
When they reached the passenger seat and Lando gestured for her to get in, she froze. Standing there with her arms glued to her side and her eyes trained on the seat staring back at her, she felt Lando's presence come closer before his hands landed on her arms and his lips came to rest near her ear.
"Baby, it's going to be fun. Trust me, you know I wouldn't put you in any danger. When you get in that car, your wellbeing will be my responsibility and you know I won't jeopardize it." He whispered for only her to hear.
His words and grounding hands were able to soothe her rapidly beating heart as she took a step into the passenger side of the sports car. Looking back up at Lando, who was bent at the waist and resting his arm on the roof so he could meet her gaze, she found his big smile and a look that said he was proud of her. Leaning into the car more and crowding her space, he laid a kiss on her lips, something the crew were eager to pick up on the footage and give the fans what they wanted.
"Thank you, my love." He said against her lips, his breath fanning out around her face and making her feel warm on the inside.
He soon was pulling away and shutting her door, jogging around the car with rosy cheeks to get to his side. Once he was in, he met her eyes again and laid a hand on her thigh, giving the soft skin a firm squeeze. Before their intimate moment could go any further, Lando's assistant was knocking on Y/n's window and gesturing for them to lower it.
With the cracked window, she was handing Y/n the question cards and reminding the couple to keep it as PG-13 as possible.
"Lando, I'm looking at you. Our usual audience with you is young girls, so please don't pull what you did in the last video where you wouldn't shut up about Y/n's body." Charlotte's words made Y/n blush furiously and Lando laughed hysterically. That video had been filmed two weeks before this one and for some reason, as Carlos and Lando tried Japanese food, he couldn't stop talking about how hot he thought his girlfriend was. Carlos found it amusing as well, but the boys were scolded soon after for making the video risky to post with all the pre-teens who followed them. Nonetheless, the video went viral and everyone was fawning over how cute their favorite F1 couple was.
"I can't make any promises." His comment earned him a glare from Charlotte whose eyes alone could have sent him lying six feet under. "Okay, okay! I won't make any comments like that!" He exclaimed as he raised his hands in surrender, his palms beginning to sweat under her intense stare.
Finally, the couple was left alone to have a conversation while Lando went over 100 miles per hour. If she wasn't nervous before, Y/n was nervous now. She felt like she could puke all over the front of the car once the engine started and Lando's foot came to step on the pedal.
He started out slow, wanting to maneuver his way onto the track before fully stepping onto the gas. Once he made it to the entrance, he stole a glance at Y/n who was clearly alarmed by his hesitation.
Lando sighed as he leaned over the center console and planted a kiss on her shoulder, "We don't have to do this if you're too nervous, Y/n. Seriously, they have so many other youtube ideas to fill this one with. Darling, if you don't want to do this, we don't have to. No one's going to be upset with you."
She smiled at him as her head rested on the seat beneath her, "No, let's do it. I trust you and I know, with you, anything can be fun, even a death ride."
Lando laughed and nodded his head, retreating back to the steering wheel and putting the car in drive. Before he could give her time to go back on her answer, Lando was speeding off and reaching 80 miles per hour in seconds.
The first thing that came out of Y/n's mouth was not the questions she held in her hands, but an ear piercing scream that had Lando laughing hard.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed, "You can't scream like that!" He said through all his laughing as she braced one hand on the window and another on the roof of the car.
He heard her breathe loudly before muttering "Okay, okay" to herself and reading the first question, "What is your least favorite part about being an F1 driver?"
Lando didn't have to think twice about his answer as he rounded a corner and Y/n let out a strained, unidentifiable sound, "My least favorite part is how much it keeps me away from you. I'm always traveling and even though you can come with me sometimes, I'm still away from you more than I would like."
Even through her anxiety, Y/n's heart warmed at his words and she smiled to herself as she read the next question, "What was the first thing you noticed about me when we were first introduced to one another?"
As he went down a straight, Lando stole a suggestive glance at Y/n. The two knew exactly what his answer was considering they had talked about it multiple times over the few years they had been together. When they first met in a club with their mutual friend, Y/n had been wearing a tighter dress that showed more cleavage than she would have anticipated, and since Lando was taller than her, his first glance at her wasn't her face, but her boobs. His continuing glances throughout the night hadn't gone unnoticed by Y/n and if it wasn't for his charming personality, she would have been put off. Lando had since apologized profusely if he made her uncomfortable with his inappropriate eyes, but because of how much she loves him and the fact that he means well, she didn't take it seriously.
Meeting his gaze from the seat beside him, the couple let out a few giggles and when Lando was about to answer honestly, he remembered what Charlotte had warned him about earlier, "Your bod- um, I mean, your eyes?" His statement sounded more like a question which made Y/n keel over with laughter. However, her laughter was interrupted when Lando sped up and took a narrow left turn. With another scream and plea for Lando to slow down, Y/n asked the next question.
"What's been the best thing that came out of your F1 career?" She white-knuckled the handle on the door.
"Well, there are a few things," Another turn of the steering wheel, "Being able to work with amazing drivers has been surreal, fulfilling a lifelong dream, being able to do what I love for work, and, last but not least, meeting the people that introduced me to you."
With a quick glance, Y/n and Lando were smiling widely at each other, "Baby, you are so sweet." She said as he blushed at the pet name and praise.
At the next question, Y/n laughed, already knowing the answer to it, "Have you ever lied to get out of a work meeting or PR event or anything of that sort?"
Lando's jaw opened and closed, "Oh god, I'm going to get in so much trouble. Yes, I have." Y/n was about to speak when he beat her to it, "BUT, it was only because you were really sick and I didn't want to leave you bed-ridden for hours."
She remembered that week very vaguely considering she felt like she was knocking on death's door. She did, however, remember Lando coming into their bedroom in a full tuxedo rambling on about how he wasn't going to his event because he was too worried about her. She had been so out of it, she let him take off his suit jacket, tie, and shoes, so he could unbutton a few buttons on his white shirt and roll up his sleeves to get into bed with her. If she hadn't been so sick, she would have refused his help and sent him off to his event, but once he got under the covers and wrapped her in his arms, she couldn't allow herself to try and push him out of bed.
As he came up on the last straight, Y/n asked her last question, "If you could, what would you change about your life?"
"I would marry you." His answer came out quickly and Y/n had to make sure she heard him right as he came to a full stop in front of the crew.
Lando's nerves took over as he studied her blank expression, although they disappeared when her face broke out into that smile he loved so much.
"I would marry you too." Each of them stared at the other as they laid their heads on the back of the seat. The cameras around the car caught the couple's dazed, lovesick look, something the fans would obsess over in the coming weeks.
To be honest, neither of the two could have anticipated how viral the video would go after it was released. Millions of people viewed and shared the challenge which introduced more people to F1. The clip of Lando saying Y/n's body for what he noticed first about her was an ongoing meme that, thankfully, the fans didn't take too seriously, and the clip of Lando saying he would marry Y/n was posted by millions, saying how it called them single in multiple different languages.
The only con that came out of the video was that, because of its incredible popularity, Y/n was asked to drive in a sports car with Lando all over again.
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thehauntedetheral · 2 months
hi,can you make a yandere actor with a reader that is not famous, he is really pretty and the reader starts to suffer atacks for not being "pretty enough for him", she is already insecure and wants to break up but he is too much in love and obsessed with her for let it that happenss so he goes on public to stop the attacks, but he ends up saying things like, if she asks him he would abandon his career in a second and other stuffs and even the public realizes his obssesion.
Yandere Actor
Requests are open !
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• Yan is a superstar. Crazy fans, blockbuster movies, critic's favourite, handsome, Money, Fame, Glory he have everything. He is the definition of boys want to be him and girls wanting to be with him.
• But what he didn't have was a person to call his love, his home. Many times when he is alone he craves it more than anything.
• People around him were so fake and greedy that he has given up on the idea to ever find his person.
• Until one day he meets you. You were the supporting actress of his new project. You were not a famous actress but a underrated one.
• You and yan had very few scenes together in the film so very rarely he would see you be sets while filming his scenes.
• He loved how you were so passionate for your work. How you are still underrated and unrecognised is still beyond him.
• Whenever he saw you on set his mood would automatically cheer up. You were like a ray of light. Bright and warm according to him.
• He would often come to set early than his scheduled time just to get a glimpse of you.
• Intentionally would ask you questions about some scenes written in the script when he understood everything he just wanted a reason to talk to you, to hear your voice.
• His day started with waking up and your thoughts filling his mind and ended with seeing dreams about you in his sleep.
• After the filming got over and the whole crew was celebrating at a restaurant. He asked you out on date.
• At first you thought he was pranking with you. Because you were not beautiful or famous like the other actresses he work with.
• Even after you politely saying no to him due to your low self esteem issue. He kept asking you for a chance. Finally you gave in.
• Slowly you two were growing closer to each other going on dates secretly, texting, video calling each other on sets, spending quality time together and much more.
• You both were dating secretly. As you didn't wanted a controversy before the release of film because the public were crazy for the couple of yan and the another actress of the movie that was about to release. People shipped them two like crazy, praying they become couple in real life and if they got to know you were dating yan it would be a recipe for disaster and hate for you. So yes you decided to date secretly even though yan wants to scream at the top of his lung and tell to the whole world that you are his girlfriend.
• The thing you feared the most happened. Some paparazzi clicked photos of you and yan in a private restaurant eating together and kissing.
• Now it was all over the media. The shippers of the yan and another actress were spreading hate for you on internet. Yan fan's were heartbroken that he was dating an non famous actress with an average looking face.
"eww why is he even dating her???? she looks so ugly and has no fashion sense"
"Yan is so handsome he can get anyone why her?"
"She is the reason between yan and other actress not being couple god I hate her"
"Please yan come to your senses and leave that ugly looking stick"
"Yan you deserve better"
"Yan and other actress are meant to be together not this ugly actress who no one knows about"
"She is just using him to get fame. After all she became famous now after dating him no one knew about her before"
• Seeing all this hate comment it made you cry and think that yan deserves someone like him famous and beautiful not you who people don't even know about and is average looking.
• Seeing you cry breaks yan's heart. He can't see you his angel, his light crying. He takes you in his arms holding your face delicately in his hands and wiping your tears.
"Baby for me you are the most beautiful women on this earth. They don't deserve you hell even I don't deserve you but I will always try till my last breath to prove how greatful I am to have you. You are beautiful inside out. You are smart, funny, kind , you are the girl of my dreams, my future wife, and future mother of our children. All those people are fools, love. Even if all of them combined together they still won't be able to hold a candle to your beauty and personality. Even the moon's beauty fade infront of you my darling. Don't believe those fools" yan said kissing you making you a bit smile.
"Take some rest,darling. You must have been exhausted by crying for this stupid people." He says and cuddle you to sleep. After making sure that you have fallen into deep slumber he leaves quietly to make all this people pay for hurting you.
• He hires a famous expensive lawyer and comments on social media "Whoever will say or comment any bad about my girlfriend I will sue them and drag their ass to court. So think before you do anything."
• His lawyer is already in process to sue everyone on internet for trolling you.
• In all his promotions and interviews he would constantly talk about you and tell how lucky he is to have her and that you are perfect.
• He also warns every one that if someone even looks at you in a wrong way he would personally handle them. ( Meaning dragging that person to an abandoned place and beating them until the person says that y/n is the best)
• Whenever you two were out together he would wrap his arms all around your body embracing you to protect from paparazzi.
• One time a paparazzi harassed you and pushed you making you fall down while taking photos and asking questions. The next day that paparazzi is tied and in Yan's basement.
• Everyone were shocked with how much yan is obsessed with you. In an interview he even said that "He would leave his successful career and move to another country for you".
• He even planned the move away but you put a stop on it.
• This man would even leave the world for you if you want. He just loves you too much that it makes him hard to breathe just thinking about you leaving him.
• He is so obsessed with you that now people were scared to even approach or say something about you.
• This man made sure that no one I repeat no one ever say bad about you. Ever. After all you are his darling. He won't let anyone hurt you.
For more yandere reading:
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matriarchjojo · 8 months
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starring! : mikey, draken, baji, kazutora, chifuyu
warnings! : 18+, consent checks, gangbang, praise kink, cuckold, cheating, exhibition, filming, sub!reader, oral, handjobs, pet names, readers skin color is not mentioned
a/n! : This is a part 2 to "movie night gone wrong"<3 (an abrupt end btw)
-> masterlist.
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The men in front of you stared at you in a trance, while mikey was walking past them to get his camera.
You arched your back sexily as you sat on mikey's bed with your legs spread and pussy exposed.
Their hot and feral stares made you want to close your legs for just a little bit of friction but, luckily you can just grind down on mikeys bed.
And so you did just that.
Making draken's eyebrow twitch while kazutora was about to drool all over himself.
Chifuyu was leaning over baji to get a better look at your pussy being pressed onto the bed.
You tilted your head as the tiniest gasp left your lungs. "So?..." You looked at the men individually, "You guys wanna be my starring roles this time?"
The men looked at mikey as he opened the camera up and smiled "If you're looking for my permission, go ahead." He clicked the cam on, and the red dot started blinking.
"She's waiting, and she gets whiny when she doesn't get what she wants"
Kazutora was the first to look at you again and spoke up after a big nervous gulp.
"..i-is this really okay?" He asked, reaching out to touch your smooth and beautiful legs.
He was so close to you now that he could smell your enchanting perfume that was dumbing him down even more, tora felt dizzy by your presence alone.
You looked down at your cute tora and lifted the leg that he was caressing onto the bed to expose your pussy even more to the men, kazutora almost passed out when he saw the glimmer of your already wet pussy.
A soft gasp from chifuyu was heard as he also laid eyes between your legs.
Draken was still trying to push his desire to shove his big fingers in your tiny tight pussy away but it was impossible to not think about it when your cunt is exposed infront of him, fuck he knows it's wrong but he thought many times about how pretty your pussy would be but his imagination was nothing to the real thing.
Kazutora got closer to you and looked up at you one last time as if to ask for your consent one more time, he looked so cute, quietly begging for your pussy.
You nodded softly, smiling down at the man "..go ahead" you whispered to him.
To which kazutora just softly grabbed your thighs and kissed them up, making you already gasp and moan. Chifuyu couldn't believe this was happening. he was stiff as a board, not daring to move a single muscle in case this was actually just a dream and he would wake up.
Kazutora looked at your clit when he kissed just next to your pussy, he swallowed the ocean of drool that was pooling in his mouth before he opened his mouth to place his tongue between the valley of your pussy lips, diving right in and tasting you like he hasn't eaten in months. Your hips twitched as you felt toras talented tongue threatening to push into you, but when he went up to suck on your pulsing clit you threw your head back with a loud and erotic moan.
Draken buried his head in his hands, trying to drown your pornographic moans out, but it was no use. He stood up and walked to the door. "i ca-...I can't fucking do this" he groaned, but your whine stopped him in his tracks "Kenny! P-please stay.." You held your hand out as you were now laying on the bed, looking at him with your lustful eyes as kazutoras' head was between your plush thighs.
"Please..I need you, please, kenny" you begged, grinding into kazutoras face, making him moan.
Draken bit his lip, trying hard not to give into your siren calls
"It's okay, ken-chin," mikey spoke up. "I won't tell her if you won't," he reassured draken, to which his heart pounded and sweat started to bead at his hairline.
"Fuck me.." he cursed under his breath before he stomped over to you while taking off his jacket "fuck it." He said sitting next to you, immediately grabbing your face to kiss you as roughly and feral as he could, you moaned into his mouth as you felt draken's tongue against your own, feeling his teeth brushing against your lips every once in a while.
Ken's brain and rational thinking just shut off when the taste of your sweet spit invaded his mouth, his cock was unbelievably hard, straining against his jeans. His hand found your pretty hair to pull at it and keep you on his lips.
Mikey grinned before biting down on his bottom lip, watching his best friend making out with you. You looked so pretty getting ravaged by his two friends, all messy and moaning, legs twitching, your body not knowing what to do.
Baji huffed and stood up before tying his hair back and taking his own jacket off, he looked at chifuyu "c'mon, you wanna stay a virgin and watch us fuck this pretty girl or do you want in?"
Chifuyu didn't really know what to do, honestly. But thankfully, the hungry kiss you, and draken shared, got stopped so you could look at the other two men, while draken began kissing and sucking at your neck "come here, fuyu..gimme a kiss yeah?" You smiled at him with lidded eyes.
You didn't have to ask him twice, no sir. He got up and stormed over to you, kneeling in front of the bed and immediately smashing his lips onto your already wet ones.
Meanwhile, baji got on the bed to lay next to you. Suddenly, he grabbed both sides of your blouse and ripped it off of you, gaining a shocked gasp from you. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart..I'll give you my jacket later, yeah?"
You moaned at bajis rare sweetness and shoved your tongue harder against chifuyus.
Baji looked at your exposed tits and hard nipples, you looked so sexy, so fucking hot. He grabbed your waist harshly as his head went down to lick up from your stomach to your nipple.
Your eyes rolled back at all the mouths and hands on you, Mikey captured the exact moment when your brain shut completely off.
Draken got up to suddenly flip you around, making you arch your back, kazutora was gasping at the loss of your pussy on his mouth, but then immediately sighed dreamily at the new view of your pussy and your ass. Wasting no time to put his hands back on your thighs and burying his face into your inviting and hot cunt.
Draken grabbed your face again as he kneeled in front of you on the bed, his belt already unbuckled and unzipped. Right now, he was pulling them down along with his boxers. Letting his hard and long cock jump out infront of your face, kazutora felt your pussy react on his tongue, to which he just kept his eyes closed and giggled.
"C'mon, baby, open up, yeah?" You complied immediately and opened your pretty lips and sticking your tongue out.
Draken immediately lightly slapped his cock against your tongue as he chuckled, you heard another zipper next to you and baji was now next to draken, also with his huge cock out, waiting for you to give it some attention.
"Can ya take two dicks at the same time?" Your shiny eyes looked up at the men, before you dumbly nodded with your mouth still wide open and tongue out.
You felt bajis cock twitch against your cheek "such a good girl for us.."
Your manicured hand went up to bajis cock to stroke his thick and hard length up and down, making him softly tilt his head back with a rough but quiet moan, bajis strong hand found the back of your head "is this okay?" He softly asked, to which you nodded enthusiastically
He then drew your attention back to draken, by turning your head to his cock.
You immediately let drakens tip slip back into your mouth with a loud grumble "fuck, you feel so good, princess..."
Mikey suddenly walked over to all of you to get a better shot of you sucking drakens cock, the way your pretty glossed over lips wrapped around drakens fat cock looked illegally sexy, your eyes looking up at him through your thick lashes. Eyes quietly begging for someone to finally fuck you, Mikey knew that look too well.
"Flip her over again, she wants to get fucked" the men perked up at mikey's request as you whimpered.
Baji's strong hands grabbed your waist to flip you around, being manhandled into multiple positions made you go dumb and let your pussy feel so empty, you needed one of them inside you, if not two.
Kazutora looked so lovestruck with your pussy juice and his own spit covering his mouth and chin, he gave your pussy one last kiss with a big "mwah".
You felt so exposed, having all the men just sitting around you with your pussy aching to cum and the men's hungry gazes, just ready to fuck your mind into the Astral plane.
But instead, they just stared down at you, chuckling when your hips began to twitch. "See how desperate she gets?"
Mikey chuckled, looking down at the camera displaying your pretty and teary eyes looking up at draken.
Baji then suddenly grabbed your face to make you look at him. "Pretty girl needs some cock to fill her up, hm?" His husky voice asked you while softly squeezing your cheeks.
You didn't even think before you nodded. your body just acted on impulse.
Obviously, all of the men wanted to be inside of your pretty pussy, but they aren't going to fight about it so baji just looked up at mikey, urging him to decide.
Mikey looked at draken. "Go on, kenchin" to which draken looked back down at you with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth and a sly grin as his lidded eyes stared into your glossy ones.
He got up to place himself into position
"Hold on," mikey stopped draken. "She has two holes to fill." He grinned, making you sigh at the thought of having two cocks inside you for the first time.
"B-baji...please," you quietly begged, looking up at the dark-haired man who was more than ready to fuck you in the ass, it was always his favorite part to look at of you, aside from your pretty face, of course.
"Fuck, if you ask me like that.." he chuckled, draken softly put his hand on your waist to sit you up before letting baji help him to hold you up for them.
You put your arms around drakens, strong neck while you felt both his and bajis hands on your soft thighs, sinking their fingers into the plush flesh.
As you were face to face with draken and being so close, he mindlessly started kissing you again. With deep and horny grunts coming from him, his cock was prodding at your pussy.
Baji started kissing down the back of your neck to your shoulder, softly biting down into your flesh. You moaned into Ken's mouth when you felt bajis sexy sharp teeth in your shoulder.
Kazutora and chifuyu just sat on either side of you, just watching you getting kissed and teased by their friends. It was weirdly hot to chifuyu, just watching you.
"So pretty for us, princess.." baji whispered against your soft and messy hair before spitting into his hand to slowly stroke his aching cock, though he was good at hiding it, he was going feral. He could just ravage you immediately until all you can do is cry as you cum and cum and cum over and over again.
Draken's tongue sensually swirled around yours, and his lips were so soft but so firm against you. It was making you feel like you were drunk.
"Want us inside now, pretty girl?" Draken asked against your wet lips, slowly letting his hands run from your thighs to your soft ass. Making you moan softly before you nod.
Draken shook his head tutted at you. "verbal answer, honey.." he reminded you as his thumb was softly caressing your ass.
You put your head on drakens broad shoulder. "I want it so bad.." You then kissed his neck softly, "please.."
He was so weak in the knees that he almost fell over if baji wasn't also holding you, he sighed and looked over at baji "ya heard her," he began before letting baji tilt your head up so you were looking at the long haired man "let's give her what she wants" he said, voice deep and sending shivers down your spine straight to your pussy.
Seconds after baji said it, he was slowly sliding inside you, you found it cute how he was restraining himself. You could hear by his deep growls and moans that he'd rather be having you face first in the bed and him pounding you until you can't even stand afterwards.
A loud and deep moan erupted from his thick throat, "fuck.." he hissed through gritted teeth as his cock slid all the way into your tight asshole. "So fuckin' tight-fuck me..." he cursed
Kazutora grinned, "she's so tasty too, our pretty girl.." he hummed as he got up and took your hand to guide it towards his mouth to suck on your thumb, feeling your long nail on his tongue got his eyes rolling back and his hand inching inside his pants to slowly stroke his rock hard dick.
Your brows furrowed together as your pussy begged your attention as your ass was filled to the brim with bajis big dick.
"K-kenny-" his soft smile made you whimper and whine "I know, baby..I won't let either of us wait any longer, kay?" He said, giving you one last kiss before turning his attention to his cock being pressed against your most holy.
"Please, please, please.." you sighed and whined, baji grumbled behind you "fuck, just get inside her..I need to fuck her"
Draken just chuckled "fine, fine.."
His tip lined up with your pussy and his thick head slowly slid inside you "oh shit- I can feel you coming in" baji mentioned.
Your eyes rolled back as your head fell on bajis shoulder, you felt every single centimeter of their cocks inside you as draken bottomed out.
"F-fuck..oh shit..I've never felt anything like it-" draken groaned as sweat started so slide down from his temple, baji didn't want to wait any longer than he needed so he just suddenly started fucking into you at a feral pace, making you moan with your mouth wide open, letting chifuyu no other choice but to grab your face and kiss you as rough as he could, moaning into your mouth as nothing but the wet sounds of your two holes in a trance and toras wet cock making obscene noises filled your mind. It's like you were getting fucked into another dimension..
Your mind was blank as you already felt the coil in your stomach tightening, kazutora suddenly stopped sucking on your finger and just grabbed your tiddy to suck on your hard nipple, moaning around it. While chifuyu had his tongue down your throat, his kissing felt even more feral than bajis ferocious thrusting.
While you were getting fucked into oblivion mikey recorded every single movement, reaction and facial expression you made.
You are the star, you are the main focus.
Mikey could never concentrate on anyone else but you, anyone who met you could agree. Even draken, who has a girlfriend.
You are just enchanting, making every man lose his composure. No matter how strong they are.
You are a sex symbol, mikey's pretty little pornstar.
Your eyes suddenly rolled back as your nails dug into drakens back, and mikey knew you were gonna cum. "M-MIKEYY!!" you wailed as a strong wave of Stimulation and ecstasy wahed over your nerves and set your body on fire.
Hearing his little princess scream his name as you're getting fucked by other men let's him know that you're completely his.
Mind coded to think of him when you cum.
Completely his <3
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stark-ironman · 16 days
request: having your first time with hugh??
Night to Remember
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18+ only No Minors
Warnings: some dirty talk, oral (f recieving), smut, choking, unprotected sex, a little bit of praise kink, hint of aftercare at the end.
"Want to come over tonight for dinner?"
Those words have been replaying repeatedly in your head since Hugh asked you out on a date tonight. You both had just finished a press tour for your new movie coming out and as you two were saying your goodbyes, Hugh nervously asked you to come over to his apartment. It was honestly cute seeing him all nervous and flustered plus it made you extremely happy that he still wanted to be around you.
The drive from the hotel to his place seemed too long, but it honestly was no more than ten minutes, and you had to stop yourself from running to the elevator.
Taking a deep breath, you knock on his door and he opens it a few moments later with a huge smile on his face. "Y/N! Ah, I'm so glad you made it." He exclaims, giving you a hug and a kiss on the cheek. You step inside, looking around at his apartment with approval. "I'm honestly surprised you wanted me to come over. Especially after the amount of time we've spent together the past year." You chuckle as he leads you into the kitchen.
"Well I plan on continuing to spend as much time as I can with you." He says with a smile, causing you to blush a deep shade of red on your cheeks. "What are we having?" You ask, trying to change the subject. "I made you my famous steak dinner." He winks, setting the plates on the table as your eyes widen in shock.
"Hugh, there's no way I can eat all this steak!" You exclaim causing him to laugh. "The amount of times I've seen you down a steak or tons of chicken wings, you're going to tell me you can't eat this?" His joke causes you to cover your face and let it a groan.
"I was drunk both times I done that and if you remember, I was hovered over the toilet that next morning praying to the gods above to take away the pain I was going through." You take a sip of your wine, watching him looking at you with a shine in his eyes.
"You threw up all over me that morning and I held your hair back while you did." He remembers. You shudder and hold your hand up. "We promised not to bring that up again." You try to scold but he just smiles at you.
The dinner is spent with jokes and laughs then Hugh cleans up while you sit on the couch, since he wouldn't let you help, and you can't help but feel your heart skipping several beats at the thought of being with Hugh alone. "I'm finally back, hopefully you didn't miss me too much." He winks as he sits down next to you, placing his arm behind you on the couch.
"You know I always miss you when you're not around." You flirt, suddenly feeling confident about yourself. Hugh smirks as he scoots closer. "I must say, I really was glad you agreed to come here tonight. You've been on my mind since we filmed our first scene together." His voice is low, full of lust as his fingers card through your hair. "What have you thought about?" You ask, leaning into his touch.
"Are you sure you want to know?" You nod and he continues, "I've thought about everything. Your smile, your laugh, how you're always so positive about everything, how lucky I am to get to know someone as amazing and beautiful as you but deep down.." His hand caresses your cheek as he looks into your eyes, "I think about the way your moans would sound as I'm eating out your cunt.. how your hands would run through my hair and pull on it.. how you would look cumming all over my cock.." Hugh's words shoot electricity through your body, straight to your core as you try to keep a straight face but he can tell his words have done something to you.
"Do you want this as much as I do?" He asks, moving until he's right next to you. You nod again but he shakes his head, "Words, darling. I need verbal conformation." His voice is stern but gentle and you can feel a pool forming in between your legs. "I want this, Hugh. Please." You shyly tell him, running your hand up his arm as the hand on your cheek pulls you closer.
His lips collide with yours and you swear the world stops, a content moan falls from Hugh as he deepens the kiss, pushing you back on the couch until he's on top of you. He pulls back slightly, his lips puffy from the kiss, looking you in your eyes. "You tell me to stop at anytime and I will. Okay?" He tells you and you give him the okay to continue, his lips reconnecting as his hips grind against yours.
You moan against his lips, his tongue immediately sliding in your mouth and swirling around yours, feeling his erection through both of your pants. He palms your breasts over your shirt as he grinds his hips harder into yours.
"Fuck, your moans already sound so beautiful and I haven't even fully done anything yet.." Hugh grunts, wrapping his arms around you as he picks you up and carries you to his bedroom. He throws you down on the bed and helps you undress, staring down at you with sinful eyes while he takes his shirt and pants off.
His hand grabs your legs, pulling you to the end of the bed and then kissing up your right leg, into your thigh, until he's hovering over your pussy. "I just need a taste.." Hugh moans as he runs the tip of his tongue over your slit, teasingly pushing his tongue inside your entrance, feeling a shudder run through your body.
"H-Hugh.. wait.." You choke out and he stops immediately, sitting up and looks at you with a worried expression. "You don't have to quit, I've just never had anybody... go down on me before." You cover your face with your hands as embarrassment starts to set in but he grabs your wrists and pulls them away.
"Do you want me to?" His voice is soft but has no judgement as relief starts to wash over you. "I want you to." He nods and moves you up to the pillows, slotting himself back in between your legs as his arms wrap around your hips.
Hugh kisses your thighs, smirking as he hears your little whimpers then kisses your clit softly. You breathe heavily, feeling your nerves start to bubble in your stomach but it's quickly gone when Hugh's tongue slides back up your slit, teasingly circling your clit as he looks up at you. His tongue flattens as it licks up your entrance, coaxing you to open up to him and gasps start leaving your mouth.
He starts eating you out like a man on a mission, lapping up everything you have to offer as you pull on his hair, his moans vibrating your thighs and you feel one of his fingers slide inside of you. "Fuck, Hugh..." You moan out, arching your back as he adds another one. His mouth encloses on your clit, sucking gently while his fingers work on stretching you open.
You start panting rapidly, your grip on his hair tightens as he moves his fingers faster and his mouth tightening around your sensitive nub, bringing you closer to your orgasm.
Hugh watches you come undone, smirking as you release on his fingers and lets you ride out your high. He kisses softly up your body then kisses you deeply, allowing you to taste yourself before finally sliding his briefs down. A sigh of relief escapes his mouth and you look down in shock as you look at the hard, thick erection in between the two of you.
"Like what you see, darling?" Hugh cockily smirks and you can't help but breathe out a laugh. "I don't know if I can take all of that." You whisper and he smiles, kissing you softly. "We will go slow and you tell me when you can." He assures as he lines up with your entrance, slowly pushing the tip in as you grip his chest.
A low groan escapes his lips as he pushes slowly inside of you, slightly pulling out before pushing back in. Your head falls back as he finally bottoms out deep inside of you and you quickly realize he's bigger than anyone you've ever been with but you take slow, deep breaths.
"You can move..." You tell him. He looks into your eyes to make sure before slowly moving, his hand gripping your hip to hold you in place. "You feel so good, darling. I honestly think you was made to take my cock." Hugh moans out, the praise causing butterflies in your stomach.
Hugh pushes your legs to your chest as he leans down to kiss you, the new angle causing you to cry out with pleasure. "Your moans are better than anything I've ever heard. Such a beautiful sound." He groans in your ear, nipping the lobe softly while his hips start moving faster.
Your nails drag down his back causing him to moan loudly, his dick twitching inside of you from the feeling. "You're all mine, darling. I'm never letting you go after tonight." You moan at his statement. "Don't ever let me go, Hugh. Fuck.. I need you." You whine as a growl escapes his lips, his hand coming up and choking you, but not hard enough to cut off your breathing.
His other hand comes down and rubs your clit, coaxing you closer to the edge as your walls start contracting around his length. "Come on, darling. Let me feel you cum all over me." He moans, holding off his orgasm. Your back arches, the pressure building in the pit of your stomach and tears start falling down your eyes.
You've never experienced any pleasure like this before and after tonight, you only want to experience it with Hugh. No one has ever made you this comfortable and pleasurable during intercourse, scratch that, no one has treated you the way he has and you know there's no one going to take his place in your heart.
A deep moan comes from within deep of your body as you release, your body almost convulsing against his. "Darling, where do you want me to cum?" Hugh breathes out, feeling his quickly approaching. "I-Inside... fuck... need all of you.." You moan as his hand grips your throat tighter, feeling him release inside of you.
Hugh glides slowly inside of you, letting both of your orgasms ride out before collapsing beside you and pulling you on top of him. He holds you close as you come down from your high, kissing your forehead and whispering praises in your ear as he does.
Your mind slows as you listen to his heartbeat, looking up at him with sleepy eyes. "Go to sleep, darling. I'll clean you up after your nap." Hugh assures and you kiss him softly, laying your head back down as his hand rubs your back.
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
Falling Asleep on Them
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SUMMARY: How would they react to you falling asleep on them?
CHARACTERS: Demon Brothers (Lucifer; Mammon; Leviathan; Satan; Asmodeus; Beelzebub & Belphegor)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Bullet Points
WORD COUNT: An average of 240 words per character.
COMMENTS: I wanted to do Belphie's part like the others but it ended up being shorter and you'll see why. Just a little bullet points' list. But I hope you enjoy. ⭐️
⭐️ Falling Asleep on Them 2 - Side Characters
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CONTEXT: This takes place in the original time-line of Obey Me! One master to rule them all! So you live with them in the House of Lamentation.
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You were probably helping Lucifer with his paperwork in his office.
Taking a break to rest a little and drink tea, you sit down in one of the armchairs in front of the fireplace. He lets you sit on his lap if you want.
With so much paperwork, your head started to hurt a little and Lucifer suggests that you put your head on his shoulder and rest your head.
You were so comfortable that you ended up falling asleep.
When he notices, he smiles sweetly. He sees this as a way of showing how good you feel with him. Comfortable and safe.
He caresses your cheek. He thinks you're so cute. If you have long hair, he will stray it away from your face.
He will pick you up in his arms and take you to your bedroom.
If you are still dressed in your clothes, he will remove your shoes and accessories that you may have, leaving you with only your shirt and pants to make you more comfortable.
He leaves a note next to you saying "Don't worry, I'll finish the rest of the paperwork. Thank you. Good night, my love."
He kisses you on the forehead and leaves your bedroom.
After he finishes his work and before he goes to bed, he will stop by your room one last time to check on you. If you are awake and invite him to sleep with you, he will gladly accept.
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You were watching a movie with Mammon in his bedroom. It was a calm film, perhaps even a little romantic.
You were snuggled up to each other. It was a calm film, perhaps even a little romantic. You were snuggled together, the lights were off, all the conditions were in place for you to fall asleep on him.
Me realizes you're asleep when he whispers something to you about the movie and you don't respond. He looks at you and listens carefully, your breathing is the slow breathing of someone who is sleeping.
If your head starts to fall forward, he will quickly catch it.
He'll be a little unsure of what to do, because he wants to take you to bed, but to do that he has to move, but he doesn't want to wake you up.
He manages to take you in his arms without waking you up and considers taking you to your bedroom. But he would have to go up those stairs in his bedroom and that could be dangerous.
He ends up laying you on his bed. You were already in your pajamas. He goes to lie down on the couch, but before that he admires you sleeping. He wants to kiss you so much, but he doesn't want to wake you up, so he gives you a light kiss on the cheek.
And he takes a photo (or a few) of you sleeping in his bed before going back to the couch.
He ends up sleeping on the couch. Unless you wake up in the middle of the night and invite him to sleep with you.
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You were hanging out with Levi in his room, late at night, and ended up staying next to him watching him play a game.
It was a cute and very peaceful game. Then you laid your head on his shoulder, which already made him blush, and meanwhile you fell asleep.
He realizes you're asleep when he sees one of your hands slide lazily across your lap.
He panics a little. He needs to pick you up and take you to bed, but he can't wake you up. He needs a plan.
He does everything possible and impossible to hold you in his arms without waking you up. You look so cute when you sleep that waking you up now would be like breaking the most beautiful thing in the world.
He uses his tail to open and close his bedroom door and yours. He also uses it to adjust your bed.
He will put you in bed with the utmost care, and will slowly take a step back to make sure he didn't wake you up.
Seeing that you continue to sleep peacefully, he will watch you as if he idolizes you. And will take a bunch of photos to use as his wallpapers.
Maybe he fell asleep in your room while looking at you. You can always invite him to sleep with you if you wake up in the middle of the night.
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You and Satan were reading books in his room. You were cuddled up to each other when you fell asleep.
He realized that you had fallen asleep when he saw the book you were holding slowly fall from your lap.
He quickly marked the page you were on with one of his fingers before the book closed for then place a kitten marker on it. He does the same with his book, trying not to move too much so as not to wake you.
The two of you were practically already lying on his bed and taking you to your room, at the risk of tripping over a book, would be dangerous. So instead, he tucks you into his bed.
As he has a single bed, he ends up leaving you alone in bed so you can be more comfortable.
But before he goes, he looks at you, appreciating you under the moonlight. You were so beautiful. He kisses your cheek softly and goes to the armchair.
He ends up falling asleep in the armchair, facing you because he was alternating between reading his book and looking at you sleeping.
You can always invite him to sleep with you if you wake up in the middle of the night. He will accept it for sure.
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You and Asmo were having a super relaxing beauty treatment. Asmo almost fell asleep too, but managed to stop himself from doing so.
He notices that you are very still and silent and calls out to you in a sweet, low voice. He notices that you are very still and silent and calls out to you in a sweet, low voice. But you don't respond, and that's how he realizes you've fallen asleep.
He immediately jumps up from where he was sitting or lying down and approaches you to watch you for a bit. OMG you are so cute! he has to take some pics! Some just with you, others with him next to you and kissing you on the face softly, so as not to wake you up.
Well, he's not very strong, but he needs to get you to bed, or at least a bed. So the furthest he can take you without the risk of waking you up is to his bed.
Although his bed is large, it is a single bed. However, he has no other place to sleep. I mean, he won't sleep in a chair or armchair, that would ruin his beauty sleep. But he also doesn't want to sleep with you without knowing if you would accept it.
So, at great cost because he finds you adorable in your sleep, he wakes you up with soft kisses and saying your name sweetly. And he will ask you if he can sleep with you or if you prefer to go to sleep in your room.
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You probably did a lot of physical exercise with Beel. Either you went for a walk in a place with steep terrain, or played a sports game together, something you liked or didn't mind doing with him.
Practicing this type of physical activity together can greatly strengthen a relationship, which is why he really wanted to do something with you. Whatever it was, it ended up being exhausting for you.
If your legs were sore, he carried you back home in his arms.
You two take a shower and go to his and Belphie's room to rest together. But your feet still feel sore, and when you mention this to Beel, he offers to give them a massage.
You two still chat  a little, but your tiredness mixed with Beel's massage makes you relax until you fall asleep.
He realizes you've fallen asleep when you stop responding to him. He looks at you sleeping and smiles, thinking that you're really cute.
He easily picks you up and takes you to your bed. He's used to doing the same thing with Belphie, but in your case, he's much more careful not to wake you up.
He lays you down on the bed and really wants to kiss you goodnight on the forehead.
If he wakes you up with his kiss, he'll feel a little bad and apologize. And this will be your opportunity to invite him to sleep with you if you want.
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I mean, how could you not fall asleep on Belphie? He loves to sleep and more than that he loves to snuggle and cuddle with you. So that's how you end up falling asleep most of the time and he just sleeps with you.
But if somehow, he's awake on the couch and you fall asleep on his shoulder while he's distracted on his D.D.D. or something, he will... lay you down on the couch and sleep with you.
He won't bother taking you to a bed and will definitely use the fact that you've already fallen asleep to sleep right there with you.
If you want to sleep in a bed, you will have to wake up and wake him up so you can go to your bed. And of course he will ask if he can continue sleeping with you in your bed.
No matter where you fall asleep, he will simply lie down next to you and sleep with you.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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mcflymemes · 1 month
NATIONAL TREASURE (2004) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
i'm gonna steal it.
who wants to go down the creepy tunnel inside the tomb first?
if it's any consolation, you had me convinced.
you're not hurt, are you?
i am so getting fired for this.
is there a question in there?
we have no money.
how about a bribe?
it was cool. you should try it sometime.
we can't go back there.
i've never been so happy to be proven wrong.
you handled that well.
are you trying to steal that?
it's thirty-five dollars.
you know the key to running a convincing bluff? every once in a while you've got to be holding all the cards.
stop talking. start the van.
you're treasure hunters, aren't you?
i'm still working on it.
why don't you just come back down here and we can talk through this together.
don't speak again.
is that the hot girl?
are you with me?
what do you think? i'm a hostage.
do you trust me?
once we catch them, what do we do?
is this real?
i made something for you.
tell me what i need to know.
just another clue.
i can explain, but i don't have time.
i wasted 20 years of my life, and now you've destroyed yours.
what was the secret?
i found something!
i broke a shoelace this morning.
it can't be done.
i understand your bitterness. i really do.
i want you to have a chance to do that.
i've got some duct tape in the back.
promise you won't be any trouble.
i finally figured it out.
the treasure is a myth.
we need more juice.
you're all lunatics!
still a little on edge from being shot at, but i'll be okay. thanks for asking.
see? okay? now could you please stop shouting?
give me that!
you would do well, [name], to be a little more civilized in this instance.
who were those men?
we did the only thing we could do to keep it safe.
we probably deserved that.
i was thinking, what if we go public? plaster the story all over the internet.
it's not like we have our reputations to worry about.
people don't talk that way anymore.
beautiful, huh?
i have no idea what you said.
if there's something wrong, those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action.
what do you see?
what time is it now?
we missed it.
i know something about history that you don't.
i'd be very excited to learn about it.
hold on one second. let me just take in this moment.
this is cool. is this how you feel all the time?
[name], you're a genius.
how do a bunch of guys with hand tools build all this?
the aliens helped them.
i volunteered.
it's invisible.
i'm sorry for your suffering.
when are we gonna get there?
i'm hungry. this car smells weird.
i'm so sorry i dropped you.
i would have done exactly the same to you.
why can't they just say "go to this place, here's the treasure, spend it wisely?"
anyone crazy enough to believe us isn't gonna want to help.
we don't need someone crazy.
[name], are you crying?
look. stairs.
i'm guessing that's significant.
i'm just trying to hide from my ex-husband.
stay as long as you like.
you want something?
i see what you left him.
this isn't a day for "um."
we didn't find the information credible.
well, this might be possible.
i leveled with you one hundred percent.
everything i told you was the truth.
it's not a conspiracy theory.
you know what? i take it back.
i'm in a little trouble.
this... is huge.
you are gonna go to prison. you know that, right?
that would bother most people.
you know what you have to do.
i'm just trying to think if there's anything else we could do.
i'm not letting it out of my sight.
how do you look?
a toast to high treason.
here's to the men who did what was considered wrong in order to do what they knew was right.
why do you need them?
look... this is a waste of time.
i'm still not against you.
i really couldn't accept something like this normally.
we don't actually have it.
did bigfoot take it?
is there a door that doesn't lead to prison?
get out of there. get out of there now!
[name], can you hear me?
can i marry your brain?
our evil plan is working.
why does that never happen to me?
meet me at the car. call me if you have any problems.
no broken bones?
a jump like that could kill a man.
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