#i can't stop talking about her because I'm so afraid I'll forget her
belfryprepz · 3 months
Doing an art exhibition project for class on childhood and growing up
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hawksredfeather · 9 months
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✧・゚  Prompt List ・゚✧
Open to suggestions!
Smut list - 01 - "I'm gonna put that mouth of yours to good use." - 02 - "Keep your hands away or I'll fucking tie them behind your back." - 03 - "So good for me... look how much you came." - 04 - "Please, cum inside me, I wanna be filled." - 04 ½ - "Let me come in you, please. I wanna fill you up." - 05 - "You wanted this. You can take it." - 06 - "Keep your eyes on me." - 07 - "Swallow." - 08 - "Open your mouth for me." - 09 - "Look at the mess you're making." - 10 - "Suck on it. Come on." - 11 - "Such a good little pup, aren't you?" - 12 - "You'll get to cum when I decide it." - 13 - "Let me mark you. Show everyone who you belong to." - 14 - "I-It's too much-" "You're doing so good for me." - 15 - "Look at yourself, all fucked out. Pathetic." - 16 - "Look at what you do to me." - 17 - "I'll take you just like I deserve." - 17 ½ - "Please take me. Take all of me." - 18 - "No one could make you feel as good as I do." - 19 - "You talk too much. We need to put that mouth to use for something better." - 20 - "Beg for it." - 21 - "What, your [partner]? No, they don't need to know about this. You can keep a secret, can't you?" - 22 - "I bet I don't even have to touch you to have you cum." - 23 - "Is that gonna fit?" "I'll make it fit." - 24 - "Use your words, sweetheart." - 25 - "Doesn't that feel so good, baby?" - 26 - "I'll make you forget all about him/her/them." - 27 - "This cock ain't going to suck itself." - 28 - "This is why I get off to you every night by myself." - 29 - "Looks like someone missed me." - 30 - "Hurry your ass up and sit on my fucking face." - 31 - 'Keep your eyes on me." - 32 - "Is this what you wanted, angel?" - 33 - "What's the matter? Can't form a sentence?" - 34 - "Use your words." - 35 - "Don't stop even if I beg you to." - 36 - "You have no idea how much I think of this." - 37 - "You've never looked prettier than with my cum on your face." - 38 - "Look at you... you think you're in control." - 39 - "So desperate for me. Sad." - 40 - "Get on your knees before I force you down myself."
Fluff list - 01 - "I'm not leaving you. Ever." - 02 - "We're not just dating, we're married." - 03 - "Just breathe with me, okay?" "Okay." - 04 - "Can I kiss you?" - 05 - "Five more minutes please, I don't wanna leave you." - 06 - "I realized why I couldn't stand you; I can't stop loving you and it's making me crazy." - 07 - "Get some rest, you work too hard." - 08 - "You deserve the world." - 09 - "Your hair is soft." - 10 - "You're safe here with me." - 11 - "It's you. It's always going to be you." - 12 - "You're not like them. You're better, you always have been and you always will be." - 13 - "Marry me." - 14 - "How about we face it together?" - 15 - "Whatever happens; I'll be here." - 16 - "Why?" "Because I love you." - 17 - "I just don't want you getting hurt." - 18 - "I have something to do!" "Blow them off and stay here with me all day." - 19 - "Oh, so you're jealous?" "I'm not jealous!" - 20 - "Oh, so you're jealous?" "Yeah, obviously." - 21 - "Dance with me?" - 22 - "You're my home." - 23 - "When I'm with you, everything else goes away." - 24 - "You made me not afraid of love." - 25 - "Thank you." "For what?" "Just thank you." - 26 - "I just need to know that you're safe." - 27 - "I can't stay away from you, I tried but I can't." - 28 - "Wanna get drunk together?" - 29 - "Is this a date?" - 30 - "Are those my clothes?" - 31 - "You're the reason I keep going." - 32 - "They don't deserve you." - 33 - "You're worth the wait." - 34 - "It's us against the world." - 35 - "Eyes up here, idiot." - 36 - "I'm yours. I'll always be yours." - 37 - "Time will take care of it." - 38 - "Are you hurt?!" - 39 - "We'll fix things. We always do." - 40 - "One more kiss."
Angst list - 01 - "I'm sorry. I'll never be good enough for you." - 02 - "You deserve to be taken care of in a way I could never." - 03 - "What changed?" "I don't feel the same way I did anymore." - 04 - "I don't feel the same way for you as you do for me." - 05 - "I cheated on you." - 06 - "I think this ― us ― was a mistake." - 07 - "It's just a one-time thing." - 08 - "Please don't go." - 09 - "I'm too scared to die, not yet, please." - 10 - "I love you, and that's why I'm letting you go." - 11 - "Oh my god.. You love somebody else." - 12 - "It probably doesn't mean anything to you, but I love you." - 13 - "I can be there when you need me!" "But I did, and you weren't." - 14 - "Leave." - 15 - "I can't forgive you." - 16 - "Don't make me choose." - 16 ½ - "I'll pick them every time. And I can't have you hate me for it." - 17 - "I don't have a choice." - 18 - "Why does this sound like goodbye?" "Because it is." - 19 - "You said forever." - 20 - "How long have you been lying to me?" - 21 - "Did you ever love me?" - 22 - "Do you feel loved by me?" - 23 - "Why do you keep me a secret? Why are we hiding?" - 23 ½ - "Are you embarrassed of me?" - 24 - "One last time. Please." - 25 - "Are you afraid of me?" - 26 - "You know we can't keep doing this." "Doing what?" "Running away from the issue." - 27 - "Was I not enough for you?" - 28 - "You don't remember me?" - 29 - "You don't get to call me that anymore." - 30 - "It wasn't supposed to end like this." - 31 - "Is that all I mean to you?" - 32 - "So what you're saying is, I'm not worth it?" - 33 - "Will it ever stop hurting?" "No. You just gotta make room for it." - 34 - "It's better this way." - 35 - "I get it. You can leave. It's what they all do anyway." - 36 - "You're just like the others." - 37 - "You don't mean that." "I do." - 38 - "But why would you do it to me?" - 39 - "So this is the end?" - 40 - "After everything, this is all you can come up with?"
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hearts4youz · 7 months
The Captain's Daughter Chapter 12
A/N: Im so stupid I thought I posted this but I pressed save as draft smh...-_- anyway.... Hope yallz enjoy <3
Reader pov:
"Your one minute late."
You are taken aback by his statement and stony expression. After your performance yesterday, you expected Ghost to praise you for your work. Instead you were already being berated.
"Whatever, lets just get started," He rolled his eyes.
Today was more weight lifting. Your muscles ached with every rep. Ghost only stared and counted your reps. Aches and pains coursed through your body. Soreness was embedded deep inside your muscles. You begged for rest, Ghost showed no mercy.
He seemed to have rage inside of him. His glare was more piercing than normal. He looked as if he could impale you with his gaze. You quivered in fear a little bit, but you quickly recovered to avoid being given a reason to be afraid of him.
You can't help but feel a little bit upset at his lack of rememberance of yesterday's job well done. You tried your best to channel that into your workout, but your sulking and blubbering caught Ghost's attention.
"Stop whining kid." He said flatly.
"I'm not whining," You said while trying to muster up the confidence to look him in the eye without feeling shame.
He made you think that you didn't do well yesterday, that you still weren't worthy enough for the team.
Ghost pov:
She did well yesterday, I'll give her that.
but of course I can't complement her, it'l go straight to her head and she'll get cocky.
Less vigilant.
Caught off guard.
She'll wind up dead.
So now i'll train her harder, because how else could I ensure her safety?
I can't help but look at her pained expression. I feel bad for all the small whimpers and cries she lets out. I watch her lay on the bench, barely able to keep the bar up anymore. I can feel my walls falter, just for a second.
Just for a moment, I feel the need to take away her suffering. To take the pain for her. To protect her
I quickly shake these thoughts from my mind, they are replaced by the comfortable, stoic mask.
I watch her last reps, her form going to shit, she almost drops the bar onto her chest. I quickly catch it, pulling the weight up onto the rack with ease.
"Go ahead and grab some water, Y/N"
She looks surprised at my show of mercy. I quickly figure out an excuse for my care.
"Can't have you sent back to the infirmary again," I explain.
Y/N nods and goes over to the water station. As she's taking a drink I notice two younger recruits staring at her. I roll my eyes as they whisper to each other.
I only grow concerned once they make their way over to her. I watch as they converse with her, I ball my fists as Y/N giggles at what one of them says. I feel a weird sense of protectiveness over her.
I shake my head
What do I care that she talks to other guys?
Why is this affecting me?
I can't help but think about pulling her away from them. Telling them she's mine.
What the fuck am I thinking?
I don't like Y/N... do I?
My thoughts spiral
I can't have a crush on her, she's Captain Price's daughter for fucks sake.
My thoughts are interrupted by Y/N waving her hand in front of my face.
"Uhm... earth to Ghost"
I snap out of my trance and almost forget to scold her when I look back into her (eye color) eyes and almost lose myself again.
"Uh... yeah... sorry, Just go over to the squat rack, I'll catch up."
Fucking hell.
I have a crush on my Captains daughter.
Taglist: @Abbiesvox @n30n-j3lly @weird-katthing @kayoyamamegame @kroowonderemporium @astro-ghoul99
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stephaniebrownslover · 2 months
Can you please write Kate x Nina's relationship for your main AU?
(Also it's one of my fav ship, I wanted to read my fav ships hcs by my fav writers)
Bro. Bro stop saying things like this because I'm literally about to cry. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH
I really love and be surprised when people like my writing because of my self-esteem issues lol you have no idea how your kind words make me so happy and and make hate less from my writing style so thank youuuuuuu
I appericate you so much and and you're so sweet and nice and cool and awesome and cool and kind and sweet and and and
Okay I think I'll have an heart attack sorry if İ bothered you but I'm truly so grateful for your kind words<3333
I love NinaKate so much so of course I can do it for you even if I'm dying lol
(Ps: it wasn't seasonal allergies, turns out, it was the beginnig stage of pneumonia and bronchitis lol)
Also you can check this non-canon NinaKate headcanon post I made some time ago too!!
Okay but I can't get over how nice the words you say, really, I'm thinking about it since I saw the ask.
Sorry it's more like how they became friends and Nina and Kate lore but it would be so long that I had to split it into 2 parts. Hope you don't mind.
Holy shit it's angst, I really didn't mean to...
NinaKate Romantic Relationship For My Main AU-Part I
They seeing each other for the first time
Nina has been known among the proxies since the night when Zalgo controlled her at the age of 15 and helped her find Jeff. Slenderman didn't want to take her with him because he didn't see any benefit to himself since Zalgo had reached out to her first, but he hadn't given the order to kill her yet just because he was curious about what would happen.
Nina was unaware that it was a ritual to summon Zalgo when she practiced one of the love spells she found on the Internet at the age of 13. Zalgo, seeing potential in her because of her obsessive love, followed her for 2 years, did not leave her alone. And since he decided it was the perfect time to take her with him, he took control of her body at the age of 15 and had her kill her own family.
Regaining control while plunging a knife into the heart of her younger brother Chris, Nina then felt so bad that she ran to the woods near her home. Zalgo led Nina through the forest, aiming to convince her that all this was Slenderman's and Jeff's fault and get her to the stage of wanting revenge. There she met Jeff, but Zalgo's plan backfired, as she hugged him and cried instead of hating him as he expected.
Kate had never seen the newcoming stray killer that Slenderman wanted to get rid of face to face before, but she had heard about the descriptions of her appearance and that she was a weird person in general. Since she was already someone who had been drifted away from humanity for a while, she had no reason to meet her, and these rumors didn't help either.
Kate, who was only 16 years old, had been a proxy for two years and had no one because of the fact that Masky and Hoodie were too focused on their own worlds and she didn't like them either. Rouge, Cody and Toby were not yet a proxy. So he was alone with Hoodie and Masky, who didn't even want to talk to her because they were afraid of her, and she wasn't looking for any human relationship.
She had experienced a hellish life until she was 14, but since she became a proxy, she has literally not been a human being. Although she had all the necessary human characteristics, she was not treated as a human, she did not think like a human, she did not feel like a human. That's why she was Slenderman's favorite proxy, since the whole purpose of her living was to fulfill his duties. The fact that she unconditionally accomplished everything he said made the others even more distant from her, but there was no problem for Kate. After all, she was no longer a human being.
It's been a month since Nina started staying in the same cabin with Jeff. Actually, she could have gone back to her old life since Zalgo destroyed the traces of that night, but Nina didn't know about it yet. Since no one else was trying to communicate with her, she thought that Jeff was the only important thing in her life, and she was holding on to him with all her strength. Although Jeff felt sorry for her at first, they started arguing because he was getting overwhelmed by her sticky attitude.
One day, when Jeff was drunk and really hurt Nina's feelings, Nina ran away deep into the forest to calm down. After walking for a while, she realized that she had lost. Moreover, this time, since both sides considered Nina worthless, there was no one to guide her through the forest. Nina was completely lost. She crossed to the foot towards a tree and let the tears flow, which she could no longer hold back. She was crying not only for this moment, but for everything. Most of all, because she was a bad person, and the fact she deserved all this.
Kate was returning from a mission. She was incredibly injured, and if people really cared about her, they wouldn't have let her walk on her own. Actually, Hoodie, with whom she had gone on, had offered to help her, but Kate's snarling with hatred indicated that she had responded negatively to his offer, and Hoodie's fear of Kate had caused her not to insist any further. After all, Kate knew that no one really wanted to deal with a non-human proxy who was at the age of 16.
That's why Kate was staggering through the forest alone, trying to ignore the pain and depth of her wounds. She just needed to get to Jack's cabin. Ann had just arrived, and Kate still didn't trust her. She had many reasons not to trust a zombie. Smiley hadn't started working for Slenderman yet either. So Jack was the only one Kate could go to, and despite her bleeding wounds, she was trying to get there as quickly as possible.
Kate, who was trying to walk, heard a crying sound. It... it was a human cry. She didn't know what she had to do. She kept walking, thinking that she didn't need to do anything because she knew she wasn't a human. But there was something in that crying sound which bothered her. This stranger's voice was filled with more pain and anger than she had ever heard before. Although Kate was not ready to face an enemy, she decided to check the source of the sound.
The person crying was none other than Nina, whose name was mentioned only with hatred and contempt.
Their first real meeting
Kate watched Nina for a while without making a sound. She did not know why she was crying, and frankly she had wondered what made her so sad. Because as far as she heard from others, Nina was a person who was cheerful enough to annoy and never got upset. And obviously, Kate was surprised to encounter a sight that was the opposite of the rumors she had heard.
Just when Kate decided she had watched enough crying and was getting ready to leave, Nina, who heard the sounds Kate was making, shouted in that direction. Kate would never normally have made such a fatal mistake, her injuries had made it difficult to control her body and she hated it. She hated being weak.
When Nina screamed again, Kate knew she had to do something. Her first thought was to quietly leave the environment, but she was not in a good enough condition to do so, and Nina was not an enemy. So, Kate thought it would be enough for her to just say hello and introduce herself.
When she appeared, Nina tried to suppress her sobs and stand up, but she fell to the ground since she sprained her leg. While Kate was only frowning at this situation, Nina was thinking about how useless and incompetent she was, which is why her crying became more intense.
Not knowing what to do, Kate slowly went up to her and held out her hand to her. On her first attempt, she had pulled her hand out regretfully before she even reached the halfway point, but when she saw how upset Nina was, she tried to overcome her hesitation. Kate was sure that she had been disturbed by the sound of her crying, and that she had been so kind as to make her cease her voice. However, in reality, it was just a proof that her humanity had not completely died.
Although Nina wanted to hold her hand, she suddenly saw how badly Kate was injured, and Nina immediatly pulled the hand she was holding out to hold Kate's and took support from the tree. She then stated that she did this because she did not want to hurt her any more, but was grateful for the offer of help.
Then nervously asked if Kate, who she knew was not the enemy, could take her back to Jeff's cabin after someone checked Kate. Nina didn't know where she was supposed to go, but she was sure that the person in front of her knew. She had seen the proxy mark on her wrist from her torn clothing.
Kate only responded with a shrug and started walking slowly. Nina also went after her, hoping that this was a signal for her to follow the proxy. Along the way, although Kate occasionally looked at Nina, Nina didn't mind it. Nina had noticed that she was an observant person, and she even thought it was cute.
After a walk, they arrived at Jack's cabin, where Nina randomly asked Kate questions to distract her own mind from sad topics, and Kate sometimes gave audible answers, while most of them were in body language.
Kate knocked on the door and asked Jack if he could take a look at her wounds. When Jack called her in, Nina was standing in front of the door because she didn't recognize him. But later, when she saw Kate making a movement signaling for her to come inside, she entered the cabin and closed the door.
After first Kate's wounds were taken care of, and then her own leg, Jack insisted they should stay here. He said it was too late even for a proxy and the killer to be roaming the forest, and explained that he had enough places. He also mentioned that Kate wouldn't need to come all that distance for her check-up the next morning.
Nina, who heard the word , only burst into sobs. Killer. That's how people must have see her now. As someone who takes lifes of innocent people for no reason. She knew that her idol was a murderer, but she had convinced herself that his victims were for a purpose. That's why she hated herself while glorifying Jeff in her eyes.
While Jack was trying to calm her down, Kate also bizarrely asked why she was crying. Nina was angry at being asked so clearly, so she yelled and told what had happened to her. She said how she had a wonderful family, but now they're nine floors underground because of her own stupidity. And what a terrible big sister she was.
While Jack was patting her on the back just to calm her down, Kate said it wasn't her fault. She even tried to explain that she was aware of what Zalgo had done, and that Nina was considered lucky to have survived with this much, as Kate was someone who had seen even worse.
Nina, on the other hand, was only more annoyed and asked how she was considered lucky. Her life was completely ruined, she had nowhere or no one to go to. Then Kate told her that the cops weren't after her, that she didn't have to live this life like herself. She sat down next to Nina and controlled herself, even though she wanted to put her hand on Nina's back.
Nina was surprised now. She asked Kate about her own story. Nina wanted her to tell her why Kate was here, why she was a proxy. And Kate just paused.
She said she didn't remember.
She mentioned that she had no memories of before the age of 14. Hearing this, Nina felt an incredible sense of pity for the young proxy standing in front of her. Nina may have had bad memories, but at least she had good ones too. She thought what a terrible thing it was to not know who she was. Not being aware of the existence of anyone who loves her. Not having a real life.
And quite instinctively she took hold of Kate's bony hands, which were like ice.
Kate didn't know what to do. She reflexively withdrew her hand, but she also knew that Nina had not done it for any malicious purpose, and her apology was a proof of this. Then Kate said it was okay for her to hold her hand and placed it back on her own lap. Nina grasped her hands tightly once again.
She told Kate that not having a past did not pose any problems. And Nina even got a little overexcited and said that if she wanted, they could build a future together as friends.
Kate, on the other hand, was literally shocked. While Kate was content with just nodding, Nina excitedly let go of Kate's hands and clapped her owns in the air. This was how their friendship, which was quite meaningful for both, began.
The beginning of their friendship
That night they stayed in the beds that Jack had made for them. Nina was acting incredibly protective of Kate's injuries, and Kate felt that day for the first time in years that she was worthy of being cared for as a person. Of course, this feeling was not long-lasting, but it was enough to create an involuntary smile on her lips. And that was enough for Kate for now.
Nina was constantly jumping from topic to topic while talking, occasionally not neglecting to ask Kate questions about her own thoughts. Nina realized that she was someone who didn't like to talk too much, and she didn't see extra talking as a problem because she knew that Kate was really listening her. 
Kate, on the other hand, was starting to feel more and more comfortable answering Nina's questions. Maybe this could have been due to her slowly creeping sleep, which came under the influence of medications. After saying goodnight, she finished talking. However, realizing that Nina may have thought that Kate was bored with herself, she offered that Nina could come to the proxy cabin for a few hours tomorrow if she wanted.
Nina instantly accepted this with the joy of having found a new friend. Although she was physically hurt while sleeping that night, she was emotionally relieved. A voice inside her was saying that they would both be good for each other.
Kate kept her promise. After the necessary check-up the next day, they set off for the proxy cabin. Nina was upset that Jeff hadn't called her even though she'd been away all night, but she didn't care about it as much as she usually did. Because she was no longer alone, she had a friend.
It was good for them that there was no one in the cabin. Both Kate didn't want to deal with others, and Nina wasn't ready to meet someone else yet. For a while they just hung out doing nothing and just chatted.
Kate then timidly asked Nina if she liked to play video games. Nina mentioned that she sucked at games and explained that's why she only watched other people play. Kate, on the other hand, in an even more shy manner, said that Nina could watch herself if she wanted to.
They played games for hours that day. They did not stop playing until nightfall came. And then Kate offered to take Nina to Jeff's cabin before it got too dark. Nina was actually staying alone in the same cabin with Jeff and Ben. Because they were considered one of the first inhabitants of the forest, and apart from the proxy cabin, other cabins had enough place for maximum 4-5 people.
Kate was very angry when she saw that Jeff was rude to Nina while dropping her off at the cabin, but when she saw that Nina was generally happy, she didn't say anything to avoid upsetting her. Then, when she was going to say goodbye to Nina and leave, Nina stopped her and gave her her number. Nina didn't have anywhere to write, so she asked if it would be a problem if she wrote in Kate's hand, and when Kate said yes, she wrote down her number. Then Nina asked for her own number and registered it.
After saying goodbye, Nina was waving enthusiastically to Kate from inside the cabin. Kate, too, shyly waved to her gently. When Kate turned around, she couldn't help but smiling.
When Kate came to the place where she was staying, she had a strange feeling inside. She wasn't sure what it was, but she liked it. Then, while she picked up her phone to check if there was any important message from Masky and Hoodie, she saw Nina's new message.
"Hiiiii, thx so much for helping me!!!!! Hop i can see ya soon sweetie :3333"
That day, Kate had found a real friend for herself. Maybe it could have been her first friend in her life. And she was glad of it.
Nina had found herself a true friend. Someone who really cared about her and doesn't use her for her own interests. There was a pleasant feeling in her.
Holly hell how long this shit is-
Also Nina's message might be out of character, English is not my main language and I'm not used to writing like that.
Sorry for shitty writing but I'm sick as hell
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miradelletarot · 20 days
Sad brain hours are stupid
Personal post alert. Just me kinda mumbling my random sad brain thoughts into the void, and hope something make sense (or at least helps me get this shit out of my head idk).
*note: this is all over the fucking place so...sorry.* My confidence is pretty low lately. I mean, it always has been honestly. I was raised to have a low self-esteem (just like my mother, who also had self-esteem issues, and projected a lot of her shit onto me). So, I have never ever really been confident. In my marriage, I can't recall a time when my husband truly made me feel sexy/desirable (unless he wanted something from me...you know what I'm talking about). Even mentally and emotionally, I'm really not that smart. I'm not witty, or quick, or brilliant in any way, and my anxiety and depression and ADHD make shit hard enough to cope with as it is. I struggled in school. Mostly an A & B student, but I had to bust my ass for those grades. Not to mention my horrible memory...I'm lucky I know basic grade school shit. I have no illusions that there is anything remotely spectacular about me. I think that's why I love supporting and helping others. Especially with tarot. It's my way of trying to help lift people up, and make them feel good about themselves, and their prospects because *someone* needs to be in your corner (general "you"). It's just easier to give my love to others, because I'd rather use my energy to celebrate the people I care about. Lately, I am really just feeling so down about my body. More than I have in a while. I think I've ignored it for so long because I was married. He stopped putting in effort and so did I. I had no one to impress anymore. But, despite him completely letting himself go (he's well over 400lbs now, and does NOT take care of himself in the slightest,) he said he was no longer attracted to me. (this will make sense in a moment...promise).
in 2018, I had a weird ass health scare that landed me in the hospital for a week, and the nurse said I nearly died of sepsis. Her words were (and I'll never fucking forget it...) "if you had waited even until tonight to come to the ER, there's a good chance you wouldn't have made it." Drs still dunno what the fuck happened to me. Ever since that happened, my thyroid went stupid (thanks again, MOTHER...) and I gained a ton of weight. I have always been on the heavier side (180lbs when I got married 16 yrs ago. I'm 5 ft tall for context). Now, I'm 243 lbs. I was 265, but I lost a lot of that stress weight after I left my husband. So, that's certainly something.
But...I just don't see the improvement. i don't feel any better. I have such a horrible relationship with exercise, and i am working so fucking much I don't even want to even though I know I should. I hate wearing makeup b/c of how it makes my face feel, and in the Florida, soul-sucking heat? I could never. But, I still have breakouts like a fucking teenager going through puberty. and my hair? fuck. i hate it. it's a poofy, frizzy mop. ALSO...fucking hell. I have had a slight lisp since i was a kid. I worked really hard to correct it b/c i was in choir and shit and my music teacher helped me with it, but recently i find that it's a lot more prominent than it used to be, and it sticks out to me SO fucking much, and i feel so insecure about it lately.
It's time's like these when something my ex said to me before i left really sticks in my head (he apologized for saying this btw, but it doesn't make the pain go away). He said "you'll never find anyone as good as me." I really want to believe he's wrong, but sometimes? It feels like he's right. Like I'll never be pretty or thin enough to be desirable to anyone. Too much depression and anxiety. Too weird. Too vulgar. Just...Too much, and oddly not enough at the same time. Even though it's only been 6 months since I left him I am fucking lonely. I won't lie, I miss having a partner (and all that entails). I'm so afraid I'll be alone forever. If I lower my standards, I'll just get some shitty asshole again. Someone just like my ex. I'm too fucking old to date around like I'm in my 20s. I'm pushing 40. I'm either going to find the man of my dreams (the Gale of my heart, a real one lol) or I'll be forever alone.
I'm in hell...and it looks like a pixelated paradise.
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littlegodzilla · 2 years
Hi I know that your requests are closed but I really had to get this request to you before my brain forgot about it 😭 pls feel free to ignore if you don't wanna write it 🤧
So like Negan has made Daryl his prisoner and the reader is Negan's wife . Also the reader is very sassy and has Negan in a chokehold and Negan basically does whatever she asks him to. So when the reader sees that Negan has bought Daryl as his prisoner she's lowkey attracted to him and suggests a threesome between them and then smut where Daryl fucks her so much better than Negan ever could 😩.
Hi Anon!!
I have to say that when I read your request I was like "threesome with Daryl and Negan? Fuck yeah!" But then thinking about I didn't image Daryl could be get hard with Negan there or being a prisoner so I stopped and thought about what could be better for the story and I was thinking about a dark Daryl full of rage and angry, accepts just to piss up Negan... I hope you don't mind if I gave to the reader my special touch.
I hope you'll like it!!
The Prisoner.
Negan x Reader x Daryl.
Anon request.
Warnings: Smut.
Words: 2800
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"Auh..." You mutter settling back and closing your eyes again. "A...Auh! Auh! Negan!" You call out to him and smack him upside the head, he looks up from between your legs. "May I ask what's on your head? I told you to eat my pussy, but I didn't mean it literally." You grunt in annoyance and push the man away by sitting on the bed, crossing your arms.
"You've always liked it when I give you a little nibble."
"A little nibble, not you ripping my skin off, what's wrong with you?" you snap again and he averts his gaze.
"It's Rick Grimes and his group in Alexandria..." He confesses remaining seated on the bed, running a hand through his hair.
"What about them?" You say bored as this isn't the first time you've talked about it.
"Nothing, forget about it, let's go on with what we were..." He says wanting to get on top of you, but you stop him.
"No, no, I'm not in the mood anymore." You huff and get up from the bed, he looks at you in disbelief. "Don't you have one of then as a prisoner?"
"Yes, Daryl, Rick's watchdog, but they still dare to go against me, that kid, Carl, came in here and nearly killed me."
"Oh yeah, that kid has the same hair on his balls as he does on his head." You can't help but laugh at your own comment. "Daryl... uhm yeah, I've seen Dwight 'take care of him' sometime... he's pretty cute..." You bite your lip in thought and a shiver runs through you.
"What?" Negan asks as you look up at him with a mischievous grin.
"I want you to bring him to my room, I want to meet him."
"Have you lost your mind? He's a prisoner."
"You screwed up my night of sex, so this is going to be my compensation."
"Since when do you think you can make demands on me?" He faces you, angry, getting off the bed and walking towards you, but it doesn't scare you.
"Since you decided to make me your wife. You know I'm not like those little girls who are afraid of you. If you want my pussy, you'll have to earn it." You challenge him, Negan stares at you licking his lips.
"And what makes you think I won't go with one of those little girls you say?"
"Because if they gave you what I did, you wouldn't be here anymore." You smile victoriously when you see him frown. You've won.
"And what do you plan to do with him?"
"Fuck him." You say sincerely.
"Of course I do, and don't waste any more of my time. If you behave yourself, I'll let you watch." You smile and wait, you know Negan is volatile, he needs a moment to calm down and you shouldn't insist too much, you've learned to control your demands to the point that he accepts them.
"Fine." He barks getting out of bed, getting dressed. "You're a whore."
"You should have made a better choice, honey." You joke again but see a sly smile on his mouth before he walks out of the room, leaving you alone.
You sigh and put on a robe, you don't want to scare the man as soon as you enter the room, you go to the bathroom and prepare the bathtub, you might want to take advantage of him, but you're not going to let him touch you if he's full of filth. You also prepare something to eat and when Negan returns he pushes the other man into the room. Daryl stumbles and falls face first to the floor, your first reflex is to go to help him, but you stop at the last second, Negan is still there, you can't let your guard down.
"Well?" the man says impatiently.
"Not tonight, honey, leave us alone, when I want you to look, I'll tell you." Again Negan hesitates, but finally leaves, slamming the door violently. "One of these days I'll lose my head" You whisper and wait a little longer before walking over to the man still lying on the floor.
He's so weak he can't even move, as if to ask him to put you on all fours and make you moan until you're hoarse. You watch him closely, his hair matted, dirty, too long for your taste, his skin black from the dust and dirt in the cell, among other things you don't want to think about. You frown at all the scars on his back, you're sure Dwight couldn't have done all that to him, some of them look very old. Carefully you bend down and touch his shoulder slowly. Daryl tenses and in one sudden movement you're lying on the ground, the man on top of you, his hands around your neck, his fingers squeezing your skin tightly. He's really choking you.
You gasp and thrash your arms and his face several times, but he doesn't seem willing to loosen his grip.
"H...Hi...Hilltop!... "You say barely. "Jesus!" You say again and then the pressure disappears.
Daryl looks at you with wide eyes through the strands of hair, his hands release your neck as you begin to cough loudly, you feel him move cautiously to your side, but he doesn't move too far away, studying you carefully, watching your every move in case it's a trap to finish what he has started. Still coughing you sit on the floor rubbing your neck, you glance sideways at him and see him avert his gaze, your robe has opened a little exposing your body, you smile, but adjust your clothes and throat clears.
"No doubt my brother was right..." You say, but you gesture to him pointing to the door and then put a finger to your lips as a sign of silence. "Come with me, I've prepared a hot bath for you."
He doesn't trust you, however, he gets up following you to the bathroom, as you promised him there is a bathtub waiting for him, you make him get in and start rubbing his skin and hair letting all the dirt dissolve in the water. There with the noise and away from the door, you can talk freely.
"Jesus sent me a message warning me that Negan had attacked your group." You tell him as you rub his scalp. "He asked me to help you get out of here, that Rick needs you in Alexandria." You continue, telling him your plan.
"Jesus is my brother, I became Negan's wife to know his plans from the inside and sabotage them little by little, I'm not proud and I'm sorry for what you people have had to suffer, but it's complicated to get close to him." You confess and sigh heavily.
Two years ago you showed up at the door of the Sanctuary, pretending to be lost, scared to death, in need of food and a home, Negan believed your story and took you in as a Savior with the condition of becoming his wife, again honoring your role you accepted desperately, however you were not going to let him treat you like trash as he did with the rest, when you gained his trust you showed your feisty character, contradicting him, making him angry, attracting his attention and becoming one of his favorite girls. Sex was the hardest part at first, but eventually you realized that the man was attractive, despite his volatile and sadistic nature, and knew how to treat you in bed, so you took it as your reward for being in the lion's den.
"If he catches ya freein' me, he'll kill us both and there will be consequences for my people."
"That won't happen, I've been thinking of a plan so you can escape and he won't suspect me..."
"Sleep with me? Negan told me as we were on our way here."
"That's what I told him, yes." You laugh and rinse his hair. You help him out of the tub, hand him a towel to cover himself. "Do you think you'd get hard if he was in front?"
"Ya wanna him to be in front?"
"I want you to threaten me and he can't defend himself, you'll lead me to one of the exit doors and escape before anyone can follow you."
"Why do y'think he would defend ya, won't his men follow me?"
"Don't worry, Jesus will be waiting for you and he'll know how to get rid of them, trust me."
"And what about Negan?"
"He'll do what you ask of him, I'm his favorite, he won't let you hurt me." You assure him, Daryl seems hesitant, but finally nods his head. "Good, now eat some, I need you to get your strength back." You hand him what you have prepared for him and he eagerly devours it.
In the next few minutes that Daryl is eating you explain to him in more detail your plan, of course sex was only a possibility, you don't think you could ever touch Daryl in that sense, you don't know him, but in a stressful situation like the one he's in, you're sure sex is the last thing on his mind. When he finishes eating you smile and let him relax a little more in your room, he's going to have to go back to a rough and filthy cell, at least if he gets some sleep on a bed, his body will thank you.
"Well, I'd better call the guys to be taken back to your cell." You say and he gives you a sidelong glance. "Remember the whole plan?" You ask and he nods again.
You are about to get out of bed when you feel his hand on your knee. You look down to discover his fingers slowly creeping up your skin, hiding under the fabric of your robe, you look at him in surprise and see him staring at you. You want to stop him, tell him he doesn't need to do that, you can have fun the day Jesus responds to your message and carry out the plan, but not now... you lose the thread of your own thoughts when his fingers brush against your mons and find their way between your legs. You gasp, your gaze unfocused for a second as his fingertips touch your button and stop there. His eyes watch you, his fingers move very slowly over your clit and Daryl watches as your face transforms into a grimace of pleasure. It's been a while since he's touched a woman, but he still knows what he's doing.
You close your eyes when you feel Daryl's lips on your neck, his hands run over your body giving you goosebumps, you sigh and hear a growl near you, you open your eyes again discovering Negan sitting on his couch, watching you, biting his lip, moving his leg nervously. He wants to join in, he can't stand to see Daryl touching you and making you moan and him not being able to prove he does it better. But you have to admit that Daryl is a better lover than you expected, that day he proved to you that he could make you shudder and beg just by fucking you with his fingers and now he's doing exactly the same. You moan low as you spread your legs wider for Negan to get a good look at how Daryl's fingers sink inside you over and over again making a wet sound to accompany your moans.
"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum..." You say feeling the pleasure building in your stomach and your pulse quickens.
"Stop it, get her on all fours." Negan says getting up from the couch unbuttoning his pants urgently pulling out his cock, hard, head red and angry, spitting pre cum fluid.
You can't help but smile and get even more excited, Daryl grunts, not happy to see another man's cock, but he has to admit he likes your body and is enjoying you, so he does as Negan asks; he pulls his fingers out of your pussy, helps you turn around and you rest your hands and knees on the mattress, you look at Negan with a naughty smile and open your mouth, egging him on.
"Oh honey, I'm going to fuck that slutty throat of yours." He growls walking straight towards you, grabs you by the hair and shoves his cock inside your mouth. "That's it, suck it like you know how." He says giving you a tug on your hair.
You could refuse, leave him desperate and hating you, but you need him relaxed, your guard down, so you close your lips around his swollen cock and start sucking, pumping up and down, licking and sucking his tip with special interest, hearing him curse and grunt through his teeth, his fingers not loosening their grip on your hair. Daryl watches you for a few seconds, his cock needing attention too, your hips are slightly raised and your legs spread, letting him see your wet pussy ready for him. He bites his lip jerking his length a couple of times before positioning himself behind you. You moan against Negan's cock as you feel him slide his tip between your folds, touching your clit then pressing and pushing inside you slowly, his size dilating you as he goes deeper, you pause for a second, your mouth wide open for Negan, but you are unable to process the excitement that is coursing through you at that moment. Daryl stays still inside you, then slowly pulls out again, only his tip still in your pussy before he thrusts once more, hard, deep, drawing a moan from you that you yourself have never heard before. You need to pull Negan's cock out of your mouth to breathe, as Daryl holds you tighter around the waist and does the same again, your eyes roll as he finds the perfect rhythm, fast and deep. Negan pushes his cock against your lips again and you obey letting yourself be fucked by both men until you feel yourself losing consciousness.
Negan cums in your mouth, holding you by the back of the neck as he unloads completely, you swallow quickly and slap him several times on the legs to get him to release you. He loves to see you desperate, but he pulls away and you spit out his cum, however, Daryl doesn't give you time to process it, pushes you back against the mattress fucking your aching pussy with more intensity and you feel your orgasm rock you, you clench around his cock and you both moan, his seed spilling inside you with the last more erratic and uncontrolled onslaughts.
Your body falls onto the bed totally exhausted, breathing hard, feeling yourself shaking, your knees like jelly, your pussy pulsing as you feel the hunter's semen dripping out. Daryl is also trying to recover, Negan is no better, sitting on his couch. You have to stick with the plan, but all that has hit you all hard. You swallow still feeling some traces of Negan's semen in your mouth, you look sideways at Daryl and he nods slyly.
The plan works better than you expected, Daryl gets dressed as he holds you down, a knife against your neck, you tense, you tremble and look at Negan pleading for help, the man is angry, but he won't make a move that would put you at risk. Daryl pulls you to the door you guide him with small signals, no one is after you, Negan's men keep their distance so you don't get hurt.
"Go." You tell him by slyly pushing him away.
"Come with me." He asks you without letting go, but you shake your head.
"We'll meet again, Daryl, when the Sanctuary falls." You assure him and smile.
Daryl looks at you for a few seconds and kisses you with intensity surprising you, then you see him quickly leave and escape with Jesus who is waiting for him hidden on the other side of the fences of the abandoned factory.
The war ends, Negan is defeated by Alexandria and the communities that have allied with them, the soldiers who faithfully followed the man are cornered, given the choice whether they want to change or die, many try to escape, but very few manage to go far away.
Daryl lowers his gun and searches the battlefield with his eyes, he feels his chest quicken when he sees you, hugging your brother, Jesus, as he pampers you and whispers something against your ear as your embrace grows stronger. He walks towards you, not wanting to break the moment, but it's been several weeks since you last saw each other and Daryl feels a strange pressure in his chest.
He's not the only one, when you separate from Jesus and discover him next to you you can't help a nervous smile and your heart pumping hard. Jesus watches you and walks away leaving you alone. There is chaos, rage, death and despair all around you, but now you see and hear nothing but yourselves. You smile and move a little closer to him.
"Yer alive..."
"I told you we would meet again."
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ronancethinker · 2 years
pairing: robin buckley x afab!reader
summery: you invite your work friend and crush, robin, to an innocent sleepover! where nothing sexual totally happens!
word count: 880 
a/n: this is porn with too much plot. also this is the first smut fic I ever posted and also the first any kind of fic in forever... anyways, I hope you robin enjoyers love this fic!
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Four months ago, your coworker, Keith, talked about hiring two new employees for the store and how he thought the girl, Robin, was into Steve or whatever…you didn't pay attention past two new employees part. You were stuck on it since it’s new people and you're afraid what kind of co-workers they’ll be, but at the same time excited since this is your chance to make friends. Fast forward those four months, you became quick friends with the cute brunette named robin and her not so bright friend, steve.
During these past four months you've known her, you gained quite a crush on her. she was always on your mind. Her smile, her cute laugh, her snarky comments…everything really. You wanted to be closer to her and vice versa, in hopes that maybe she’ll like you the way you like her.
So naturally you invited robin to come over to your house to have a sleepover! but all day you've been hot and bothered! You can't help but think about robin in your room while you’re in your cute, short nightgown. More specifically how you’ll bend down to grab something to give robin a glimpse of your cute, pink cotton underwear! You imagine her face when she sees it, how red it'll turn, how cute her shocked face will look. how you’ll crawl to her, place both knees beside her thighs, and take one of her hands to put it over your clothed pussy. Then her fingers…
You opened your eyes and groaned in frustration. you realized the sound was coming from your phone. You picked it up. ‘Hello?’ “Hey y/n!” Robin's voice rang. “I have good news! Steve is covering half of my shift for tonight, so I'll be at your house earlier than originally!” “That's great!” “I know! Although Steve said I owe him something for this, soooo this better be the best night of my life.” Robin said sarcastically with a slight chuckle. “Oh, I promise to make sure it is!” you said.
later that day…
all you could think about all day is robin’s hands squeezing your tits and her pretty lips on your pussy. Any minute now, robin will come through your bedroom door and catch you desperately humping on your pillow, with tears of frustration running from your pretty eyes.
You close your eyes for a second and hear the door swing open and close just as fast. “Shit! y/n, sorry, but did you forget i'm coming over!?” Robin said as she dropped the snacks she brought and quickly moved to cover her eyes. “I mean you couldn't because i called you like 2 hours ago talking about it and you confirmed you were expecting me but i don’t think you'll masterbate knowing i would catch you i mean-” “robin.” you said softly but stern enough so she would stop. “Yes?” all she heard was the squeaks from your bed and the soft rustling of bed sheets. “uncover your eyes and come over to me.” “ok..” robin squeaked.
She slowly dropped her hand and came over to you. she noticed you were wearing a cute, short nightgown…too short. I mean like if you were to bend over-
Robin's thoughts were quickly interrupted as you kissed her roughly, as if you were holding back the urge to do so for hours. She feels your tongue lick her lips and she opens her mouth for you to explore it. You grab the collar of her shirt to pull her into your bed as you lay down, positioning her right above you. She finally lets the situation sink in and starts kissing down your neck. She then finds a spot to suck on, making you gasp. She then slowly kisses down your body, making her way down to your thighs. Now with her knees on the floor, robin starts kissing the insides of your thighs. You hear her voice softly ask, “are you sure you want this?” “Yes, please” you breathlessly said. She then pulls down your pink cotton underwear and licks a quick stripe on your pussy. You gasped softly at the sensation. She then quickly works, licking stripes up and down your pussy. She moves her hand to your clit and starts rubbing it at just the right pace. “Oh…r-robin…” She hears your moans and notices your back arching in pleasure, making her feel more confident. Using her other hand, she inserts two fingers inside you, swiftly moving them in and out, then starts sucking on your clit. She soon curls her fingers, trying to find your g spot. A few minutes pass and she finally finds it and keeps hitting it repeatedly. “Fuck robin….think i’ma cum..” “Go ahead, pretty girl.” And so you released, moaning continuously as your high falters.
You feel robin's fingers pull out and whine at the sudden emptiness. “I think we’ve had enough for tonight y/n.” “Yeah, I think so too..” you softly said as you lay on your bed breathlessly, with a dopey smile. “Thank you y/n.” Robin said as she climbed on your bed to lie next to you. “For what?” you asked. “For keeping your promise of truly making sure this was the best night of my life.”
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2myl0ver · 8 months
☾ 1 step forward, 3 steps back // byun euijoo
genre : angst / wc : 715 / tw : asshole reader, not a happy ending lol, cursing / masterlist / song : olivia rodrigo
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♫ never doubted myself so much, like am I pretty or am I fun, girl? cuz it's always 1 step forward, and 3 steps back. do you love me? want me? hate me? girl, I don't understand. ♫
euijoo keeps his head low, leaving the practice room while on their break, he hears kei following him before he even speaks up. "hey, what's on your mind? is this about taki eating your ice cream in the fridge because if it is I already scolded him for that." euijoo lets out a breathy laugh before responding "no. it's not that, it's just y/n's been so distant recently. I feel like I'm not satisfying them and, it's making me dance sloppy and forget the dance. it's stressing me out, I don't know what I did wrong." he says, still keeping his head down. "hey," kei places his palm on euijoos shoulder, "it's okay. I'm sure they just had a bad day or something, maybe they're stressed too. I think you should be there for each other. you should talk to her so you can understand her better a she can understand you better." euijoo finally raises his head, "yeah. you're right, hyung. I'll go talk things out with her." he smiles.
♫ I kinda find it all exciting like, which lover will I get today? will you walk me to the door or send me home crying? ♫
"hi baby <3 can we talk? there's a cafe nearby, we can talk there!" he typed out.
ding !
"hi, yea sure. but make it quick, I have to go meet up with jay soon" read the words on his screen, his smile quickly fades upon seeing the name "jay".
"who's jay?" he asked, while walking to the cafe. "wow, so I can't have male friends anymore? get off my fucking back euijoo. stop being so fucking possessive, maybe if you stopped caring so much about who I'm with you'd actually improve your dances and be a better leader." tears form in his eyes in the middle of reading your message, he decides to stop before his tears spill out.
he arrives at the cafe and approaches your table. "hi. you were quick." he tries to lighten the mood, "can we get this over with? what did you wanna talk about?" you say, afraid of keeping jay waiting.
"w-well, I've been noticing that you haven't been the brightest recently and I just wanted to ask if there was anything I can do to make you feel better o-or if you wanna talk about it." euijoo says, concerned. "you really made me go here for this? you could've asked me this over text. I'm fine, euijoo."
"b-but-" you cut him off, "stop doing that, you keep stuttering. just get it out before I get out of here."
"I just thought we could talk about it.. you've been so distant recently and it's really effecting me. j-just please tell me what I-" he's cut off by his sobs, by this point other tables are whispering about the both of you, heads turned towards your direction. "please tell me what I did wrong, I'll change. I promise, I will. just tell me what it is.." euijoo sobs, while other people in the cafe start to feel bad for him, finally understanding what happened between you and him.
he reaches out his arms to hold your hand on the table, and you pull your hands away. "no, please.." he says, barely over a whisper while shaking his head. before he knew it, you stood up and left.
♫ it's one step forward and three steps back, I'm the love of your life until I make you mad ♫
euijoo walks back to the dorms with tears in his eyes, just hoping nobody sees him. once he enters the dorm, kei and nicholas see's him and immediately asks him what happened.
"I don't know, t-they were upset and- I just.. I don't know. they went to see someone named jay or something, whoever that is." he sniffs.
"oh euijoo.." nicholas says. "it's okay, euijoo." kei hugs him and is soon followed by nicholas
♫ no, it's back and forth, did I say something wrong? it's back and forth, going over everything I said. ♫
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© 2myl0ver Copyright 2023. Do not copy, repost, or translate without my permission. ♡ ︎and ↻ are very much appreciated !
a/n : I took inspiration from someone do this with enhypen members where they give every enha member a song from the sour album but it was months ago and I don't remember who it is anymoree 😭 if yk what im talking about pls lmk 🫶
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bloodyknucklesforme · 10 months
Room for More | Soap x Nina
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I was randomly inspired so have a really sweet/sorta sad fic
CW: pregnancy, talk about miscarriages
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"Can I bum one?" Johnny asked, walking up to Gaz. They'd gotten back to base a couple hours prior. He'd drive back home tomorrow morning.
"Thought you quit?" Gaz still handed him a cigarette and his lighter.
"I did. Don't tell Nina?" Johnny asked, ashamed. Gaz drew an x over his heart. "She wants to keep trying for a baby. I do too but she's had two miscarriages now."
"Nothing you can do to prevent them?" Kyle was the only person he felt like he could talk to about this.
"No," he shook his head. "Decade and a half of malnutrition and no medical care will do that. I don't want to tell her no because she really wants it. I really want it. Maybe I talked it up too much. Wanting a big family."
"There are other options."
"I know. I'm not against it. She said after the first one that she wanted to give me something. I told her that I don't want anything from her. I don't need it. She's insistent."
"She is," Gaz nodded. "She's always been tough. You only have a couple months left before you're out."
"I think we'll hold off trying again till then. If she has another miscarriage I want to be there for her. I wasn't there for the first one and the second one was awful for us." He took a long drag to distract him from the memory. "Felt like it was my fault."
Gaz clapped his back and pulled him into a side hug.
"I don't think it's anyone's fault," He said. "Not either of yours at least."
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Nina had decided to keep it a secret, even from herself. She forced herself to forget what the test had said. She told herself it was easier. She would be less upset when it didn't work out and if she didn't lose it would be a pleasant surprise.
She'd done a good job of forgetting.
Johnny was due back later tonight. His missions were taking longer. He'd been gone for over two months. She'd started her usual rituals of cleaning the house and making him shortbread biscuits. He'd pick up dinner on the way. They'd spend the next couple of days decompressing. The weather was getting warmer. She wanted to have a picnic outside.
She'd gotten everything done and took a shower to freshen up. She caught herself in the floor length mirror as she shrugged on her cardigan. Her stomach had a small bump to it. Almost unnoticeable to anyone except her. She stopped and cupped her hands around the bump.
"Hi, there." She spoke softly to her stomach. She'd never gotten this far. She walked up to the mirror and sat cross legged on the floor in front of it. "I'm...I'm sorry I've been ignoring you these past couple weeks. Truth is I'm afraid of you."
"Not really of you but I'm afraid you'll leave. I won't be upset with you if you do. I know it's not the best place to be. I'd like it if you stayed. I won't ignore you anymore. You can keep me company while your dad is away." She felt a little foolish talking to them. And..and if you make it all the way I promise to take care of you. You won't be cold or hungry. Your dad will love you. I'll keep you safe. He'll keep you safe."
"I don't know if you can hear me. You're probably not bigger than an apple or something. I always thought it was weird comparing you to fruit. It just seems so small. You're so small yet you're bigger than your siblings. They couldn't stay very long. I wanted them to. Like I said, I won't be mad at you if you can't. I know it's not your fault. If you can though, it'd be nice."
"Your dad doesn't know yet. He'll be home soon though. You can meet him. He's quite handsome even with his dumb haircut." She laughed. "He's also kind and he's an artist. If you wanted he'd probably paint a mural in your room. Another reason for you to stay. I hope you like the names we've talked about. Elsie Poppy for a girl. Poppy was my mum's name and I'd like to grow a row of them in the box outside your window. You'll have a whole garden to run around in and I'll plant whatever you want."
"I feel like I should stop talking to you. I think if you leave I won't try again. Your dad drew me a flower for the last two times. They're hanging up in the hallway and I think that more than three would look weird..." She wiped her cheek. "This time it'll be a poppy. Would you like that? I didn't get to ask last time. I don't want to guilt you into staying. I know it's not up to you. I love you. I hope you know that. I'll always love you. Your dad loves you even if he doesn't know about you yet. If you can't stay for me, try to stay for him. He's been through a lot. He'd really like to meet you. He has a nephew and I just know he'd be the best dad to you. He wouldn't yell at you or make you feel unwanted or small. He'd teach you how to play football and draw. He would.."
The floor creaked behind her. Nina spun around. Johnny was standing in the doorway. They had matching tears. She reached out her hand and beconed him closer.
"How long have you been here?" She asked, as they wiped each other's tears.
"I like the name Poppy," He smiled, pressing his forehead against hers. She took his hand and laid it across her stomach. He looked down and grinned. "I'm sorry I don't smell better. I'm your dad. I'd also like you stay. You're strong like your mum."
He pulled Nina into his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist, rubbing a hand over her stomach. His chin sat on her shoulder.
"She makes great biscuits and soups. She'll love taking you to the beach. She might not share her plushes but she'll make sure you have so many of your own." Nina laughed. "She might be English but no one's perfect. Except maybe you but that's because you'll be Scottish."
"She'll read to ya every night. And she'll write the most gorgeous poems about ya even if she won't let anyone read em. You'll have a cousin, a grandma, an aunt on my side. On yer mum's side you'll have Grandpa Price."
"He'll hate you for saying that."
"It's true though. Now let me finish." He kissed her cheek. "Uncle Kyle and Uncle Simon. Then there will be your Teehos."
"You're saying that wrong."
"How do you say it then?"
"There's no H. Tío."
"Since when did you speak Spanish?"
"I've been practicing. Rudy and I facetime every other week so I can practice. He says I'm very good."
"Your tío's Alejandro and Rudy. There will be so many people who love you." He rubbed one of Nina's arms. "Can't say it'll be more than us though. So if you can stay we'd love to have ya."
He moved his hand off her stomach to cup her face to turn her towards him.
"Whatever happens, I love you. If you don't want to try again that's okay with me. We can try other things but even if none of that works. I'll be happy just living my life with just you."
"I love you. I'd be happy too." She turned to hug him, wrapping her legs around his waist.
"You been to the doctor yet?" He asked, rubbing his hands up and down her back.
"I've been afraid," she admitted.
"We'll make an appointment tomorrow, yeah?" He kissed her forehead. "How far along do you think you are?"
"Maybe three months," she shrugged. "I wasn't keeping track like I should have."
They had to wait a week but they got the appointment. Everything looked well. Nina was starting on pre natal vitamins among other supplements. They made another appointment in another two weeks for the first ultrasound.
"What if something's wrong?" Nina squeezed his hand as they waited for the tech.
"We'll figure it out. I'm right here. It'll be okay," he kissed the back of her hand, his leg was bouncing up and down despite his attempts to hide his own fears. He held her hand tightly as the tech performed the exam.
"Everything looks good. Fetal development looks well. That's the heartbeat and oh.." He thought Nina might break his hand until the tech turned grinning. She turned the screen around for them to look at. "Listen to that."
"There's two heartbeats. Why would there be two?"Nina looked at Johnny.
"Congratulations." She pointed towards the screen. "That's baby one and here's baby two. Fraternal twins."
Nina laughed as tears ran down her face.
"Twins? Really? Johnny... we're going to have twins?" He leaned down and kissed her.
"You made a compelling case. They must have been listening."
"Would you like me to print out photos.''
"Yes please!" The last time he saw her so happy was their wedding day just a year prior. She couldn't stop looking at the photos on the drive back.
"Can't believe I got ya pregnant twice," He laughed.
"Oh you owe me for this. Twins are much harder."
"I'm the one who has build two nurseries now. Do you think we get two baby boxes now?"
"I would hope so. We can't fit them in one." She laughed.
"We'll have to tell my mum soon."
"Price too." She looked at the photos again and laughed.
"What is it?"
"I'm really happy. Like really fucking happy."
Johnny reached across the console and squeezed her knee. All the memories from the past couple years with her played over in his head. All the hard times, the hospital stays, the sleepless nights, the panic attacks, the depressive episodes. All he ever wanted was for her to be happy.
"I love you, Nina. I'm happy too."
AN: Forgive any errors in regards to the ultrasound, I've never been pregnant lol.
tag list: @macravishedbymactavish
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North Star Series
Chapter 6 - Family Affairs (Part 2)
Warnings: cursing, feelings of inadequacy, neglect, fear of abandonment, depression, angst to fluff to hinting at more angst
Summary: George opens up about his greatest fear.
Start Here:
'I'm terrified of being alone.' Words George had never uttered to a soul. Not to Fred. Not even to himself. Now, here he was blurting it out to someone he'd only met two months ago. There was just something about this girl that compelled him to divulge all his secrets. She didn't even have to ask, he just spewed them out at random without much thought. He usually didn't mind, but this time was different.
He pasted on a smile when Y/N tilted her head up to look at him. She narrowed her eyes. "Do you wanna talk?" Y/N asked, echoing his question from earlier.
George looked away, his mind racing. 'No. I don't even want to think about it. Can't we just talk about your problems some more or my new prank idea? I'm really good at that sort of thing.'
"Yeah." He clenched his fists, nails digging into his flesh as the word fell unbidden from his lips.
Sitting up, Y/N turned to face him, criss-crossing her legs. George mirrored her position so that they were facing each other, knees touching, hands clasped.
"Alright, lay it on me." She smiled.
"It's stupid."
"I doubt that."
"It could take a while."
Y/N shrugged. "I've got all night. All weekend if needs be."
'I suppose if I've come this far...'
George took a deep breath and began.
"It's not so much being alone. I mean, well, it is. But it's not--." George winced at his muddled mess of words. Y/N squeezed his hands. "It's ok, take your time."
He took a shaky breath and started again. "I--It's being left behind that scares me. Everyone I care about leaving me or just forgetting about me."
Y/N tilted her head, leaning closer to him. "How could--what makes you think you're so easily forgettable? I don't think Fred would ever leave you behind."
"Well, no. But, eventually he'll get married and have a family and they'll be more important. That's the way it should be. And I'll--" George paused and glanced toward the boy's dormitory. "Of the two of us, Fred's the more popular one, the charismatic one. He's the one that draws the crowds. I love my brother and I love being one half of the notorious Weasley twins, but we're notorious only because of him. I just ride around on his coat-tails." George let out a long sigh. "Sometimes I feel like the only reason people hang out with me or like me is because I'm Fred's twin. No one likes me for myself." He turned away from Y/N to watch the fire. "Do you know why I hate dating?"
Y/N shook her head. George stood up, pacing back and forth, fidgeting with his fingers. He never wanted to dump all this on her, but now that he'd started talking, he couldn't stop.
"Every girl I go out with expects me to be just like Fred. A few have even called me Fred on dates. Do you have any idea what that's like? It's fucking humiliating." He looked down, shoulders slumping. "I just laugh it off, but it hurts. It hurts that people see me as Fred's spare part and not an actual human being with a name." He flopped back down on the sofa.
"I'm the third wheel. Nothing more than an afterthought. How long before I'm cast off completely?" George mumbled, his chin trembling. "I'm afraid I'll end up alone and I don't want to be alone. I need someone, but nobody needs me."
A crack formed in Y/N's heart. 'So much sadness hidden behind that beautiful smile.' She placed her hand over his fidgeting fingers. "Do you know how I can always tell you and Fred apart?"
George shook his head, gaze cast downward.
"It's your eyes. The way they shine when you laugh or the way they twinkle when you're up to something. Your heart and your fire radiate through them. It was your eyes that pulled me in on that first day. I was drawn to you, George. Not Fred. From that first moment, I knew you were going to be someone very special to me. There is no way in hell I could ever forget you or leave you behind."
He continued to look down, but she saw a small grin creep across his face.
"You know what else?" He side-eyed her, shaking his head again.
"Your eyes are prettier, too."
His grin turned into a chuckle. "Of course they are, I keep telling Fred I'm better looking than him." George's smile lit up his eyes. "Now, I have proof."
She squeezed his hands and giggled. "Ok, crazy question time. Would you like to cuddle?"
Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as that familiar warmth suffused him. "More than anything."
Y/N smiled and stood, pulling him up with her. She scooted past him to lay down on the sofa, then held out her arms. He sank down, melting into the sanctuary of her embrace, his head nestled on her chest, the beat of her heart lulling him to sleep.
Fred rolled over, his bleary eyes glancing over at George’s bed. Empty. He sat up, squinting at the clock. 4:17 am. Fred sighed and shuffled out into the common room.
He froze at the sight before him. His eyes were riveted on his twin and Y/N snuggled up together, sound asleep on the sofa.
'Dammit George. What the fuck are you doing?'
*If you'd like to be added to the taglist, let me know*
Next Chapter:
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traumafactory28 · 17 days
So a little thing about me, I can't smell or taste really well. The taste is dulled out, and I mostly eat food with certain textures.(My friends have yelled at me for eating cold spagettios more than once, and I still don't understand the difference) Smell? Might as well not exist. So when I do smell something? I almost stop everything I'm doing because I basically feel like I got slapped in the face. I almost feel feral to how I react to smells. Like, my eyes might as well have dilated 100% and get caught in a trance to find it again like a deer in headlights.
Basically, me when something hits me:
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I don't even know how to describe this feeling to people. Nor how to tell others something amazing just happened. "I smell something!" "...Yeah? What did u smell?" " oh! Um.. I actually don't know..."
I feel so out of the loop when people start talking about smell, and if I ask questions, I get weird looks. I only just recently found out that when the ac goes out at school, it smells? That was a trip. I just thought it got warm. Afterwards, I searched it up. Something about lack of airflow? Anyways I found this out via friends complaining about it while joking around. I got so confused and asked them what they meant and then they got confused. " what does it smell like?" "Wdym? It just smells." "Sure, but specifically. " "why are you asking, can't you- oh right.(they know, they just forget) well it doesn't matter anyway since it doesn't affect you" and damn does that hurt. Because then they'd continue to talk about it and I'm out of the loop. Anyways, this is just a unique problem I face.
When I was younger, my teachers would send in complaints to my parents about me not smelling well since I regularly forgot to bathe (didn't really see the point) and constantly got lectures about smelling good, which caused an internal anxiety about smell altogether because I also heard complaints about people using perfume and didn't know how to distinguish when I did or did not smell "good".
I got my lack of smell from my father, but for some reason, I'm way worse off than him. We usually just depended on my stepmom or sister to tell us when the apartment smelt bad or needing to find something causing a certain smell.
Anyways, I'm getting sidetracked.
The reason I brought this up was because im in a Cafe rn, working on my laptop and lady just sat across from me and her smell just hit me and now I can't think. I don't want to seem like a creep, but I really want to ask her what perfume she wears, because no way in hell she smells like this naturally. So now I'm trying to work out my social insecurities and get the nerve to talk to her.
I'm not going to hit on her(im already taken), I just really want to know what her perfume is so I can buy it, but now I'm afraid I'll end up sounding like a creep.
My plan so far is to either overly feminize myself (taking a terrible hit to my gender disphoria) or do an "I'm gay" act so she doesn't feel threatened.
Wish me luck.
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long-distance-love · 2 months
Hi! I'm in desperate need of help since I can't talk about this with nobody else. I've been in a long distance relationship for 5 years now, she's almost graduating in college in another country. I miss her terribly and I've been feeling pretty lonely for a long time. She is very caring and loves me very much. We are each other's first girlfriend. I love her but the distance during these 5 years made me do needy.
She has an older sister, amazing as she is, we live in the same city and she's also my type. So, since last year I developed a crush on her and this is killing me. She had a few bad relationships herself and I always thought I wish I could be someone she would fall for and i would give her my heart and soul If i was single. And she just got into another relationship.
How could I forget about her sister if she's bound to be in my life? I'm afraid this feeling might destroy my relationship in the future. I keep having these fantasies. I feel like shit. Please advise!
Hey Nonny,
You're understandably going through a lot at the moment... Benny and I had a long discussion about your ask over coffee this morning, so here's our two cents. The main topics I'll center our reply around are Fantasising, Idealisation (in LDR), Needs in a relationship, & Tough love from us (which is more of a personal opinion and can be totally ignored by you if you like!) We know it's a lot, so we've summed everything up before delving deeper into topics (detailed answer is under the cut).
Good luck figuring things out!
Determine what your needs are and make sure they're being met (if this is too tough alone, recruit a friend or potentially even the help of a therapist)
Decide whether you love your girlfriend and can stay in a committed, honest relationship with her, or otherwise stop stringing her along
Crushes and fantasies are normal, but indulging them for so long is not - it's a choice and I know you know it as well deep down
You're only crushing on others because you're not dating them. If you were dating them, you would be crushing on someone else. (Which seems like an unhealthy pattern that you should break into.)
Your main objective in an LDR (aside from working hard on maintaining the flame, love, caring and intimacy) is to resolve the distance. If you're not working on it, then the whole relationship is most likely doomed and will fall apart sooner or later. (Even if it would take years for you to be finally living together, you need plans and you need to communicate that you want that future together)
Be a decent person and don't ruin two sisters' relationship. You simply have no right to do that. Forget about her sister even if you decide to break up with her.
So I think we can all agree that we all have eyes, and we all notice attractive and beautiful people, regardless of our relationship status. We also form new friendships and connections, which is good for us because a relationship shouldn't prohibit you from social interactions. However, I find it deeply unsettling how you talk about your fantasies and I think you need to be more honest with yourself here. You make your urge to fantasise out to be this uncontrollable, terrible force that you simply cannot stop... Or can you? Being in a long, committed relationship is a choice. You choose, every single day, to be faithful to your partner. This is obviously even more difficult in an LDR. Whether or not you entertain these fantasies is also a choice. Healthier ways to cope with your urge to fantasise would be consuming romance novels or media that resonates with you; creating something you can pour your emotions into (i.e. write or paint); scheduling in romantic dates with your partner and rekindle the flame (yes, it works even over videocalling); planning a visit or a holiday together.
Idealisation in LDR
I've spoken in length on this blog about how often we idealise our partner in an LDR, or in the early stages of a relationship, or even a crush, and the reason why we do that is quite simple. Our partner is not yet part of our daily routine and we don't know everything about them. We happily overlook things that we don't like in favour of their positive attributes. The same thing can happen when you have a crush on someone. You don't essentially know the person, you create this perfect image in your head. They're also a novelty, they're unknown and exciting. Truth is, if they're only exciting because you're not in a committed relationship with them. You say you've been crushing on your partner's sister for a whole year, but how much time have you actually spent with her? My guess would be that this is all in your head and the character you've built up over the year and have a crush on is actually little more than fiction.
Needs in a relationship
If you fantasise about others, and develop crushes on others, while being in a relationship, and you feel like you can't stop, then you either don't want to be in a relationship with your current partner or your needs are not being met. It might also be an attachment issue - you might have avoidant attachment style, which makes it hard for you to maintain a long committed relationship as the intimacy of it scares you (if this resonates with you, do search for Ainsworth's attachment theory online, there's a lot of resources and tests you can look at). Back to needs though! You keep saying you're needy and lonely, but not once do you mention how you're planning to resolve the distance between you and your partner. If your needs are not being met, you need to do some soul searching and have a heart to heart with your partner. LDRs are really difficult to manage as you have limited channels to express your affection and caring for each other. Getting better at managing it will improve your quality of relationship.
Tough love from us
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the sister is obviously not into you as she is in a relationship, and even if she were, I'm sure she values her relationship with her sister more than to go behind her back and date her partner/ex. No more excuses. You have the power to stop fantasising about her. If you don't want to be in a relationship anymore, then that's your perogative, but don't drag your girlfriend through your indecision, and please for the love of god don't ruin the two sisters' relationship. Also, can you imagine yourself in her shoes? Read your ask again and pretend to be in your girlfriend's place. What do you feel? Do you think it's a fair situation? Would you be able to ever forgive your partner if they kept something like this from you for a year?
Also if you can say you'd give someone your heart and soul if you could while in a relationship, then you don't love your current partner anymore. I'm sorry but you simply don't. You might care for them but that's not love. And you're certainly not trying to stay in love either.
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headstrongblake · 2 months
letter 83.
i wasn't lying when i said i was always going to want you. always going to love you. but it's a dull ache now. kinda like stubbing your toe. for a while it was pins and needles. i was screaming in pain the entire time on the inside but mostly, i forget it hurts now. i love you and i'm never going to claw my way back out of that, but it's fine now. i can breathe. imagine that. i can think about how you would say my name and not feel the slice of heartache, desperate to hear it again. i keep thinking, i've rebuilt myself from scratch so many times before, i've lived with entire pieces of me chipped away and i could do it again. you once said that i kept you busy....i think it's time i get back to being the girl who was like that. who brightened rooms. who laughed too loud. i miss her.
letter 14.
i woke up and for a moment i forgot you were gone. i woke up in the apartment and stretched out my arm for you. it's surreal those few moments. the in-between before it all comes back. the scene of me clinging to you. holding my tears somewhere in the hollow of my throat. me with my face buried into your neck, begging you not to do this. you and your shaking voice. i was trying to stop myself from letting you slip through my fingers, but you can't love me. you can't stay and i have to be okay with that. i don't stay at my dorm much anymore. it hurts too much. feels too far from kassy and nick. too far from bell. when i said you could have me, i meant it, so you're not allowed to say that you turned away because you didn't know. i keep waiting for there to be a light on at your condo again. keep waiting even when i tell nick to stop hoping. love shouldn't be a war like this. love shouldn't always be a fight, so how do i give it up? how do i stop?
letter 43.
i was supposed to be better, see, i was supposed to see photos of you without my hands shaking. i did the usual, i bled you out of my system, so close to the bone that i almost died - everything i had in me almost washed away with you. i said sorry and i said fuck you and i said goodbye. you were meant to stay gone. your banishment was heavy on my heart, on my fucking soul, because you were meant to stay gone. but then nick does what he does best. he controls. he manipulates. he hurts for you loudly just like i fucking do so what the fuck was i supposed to do when he said he'd go running after you? fuck, i wish i never left kassy or bell. i was supposed to be better because i stopped running back to you every time i could feel myself fall apart. stopped touching your memory as if you were what i needed to survive. how could i always be so fucking wrong every time? but i see love everywhere and though it doesn't mean i let it in each time; when you touched me, it sunk its foundations in, and when you revisited it for the next year, it grew. i didn't grow this love by myself. when you said those words, that was never my fault, only you and your carelessness, only you and your need to run. i know, grant, the feeling of being afraid to stay, but don't you dare blame this wreckage on me. if you didn't want me, you should have left. if you didn't want me, you should not have tried to stay.
you won't see me again, that much i can promise you. but nick isn't going to stop. he never will. please don't prove me wrong. please, please don't forget who you have been. who you were here. please, don't hurt him.
letter 3.
you broke my heart and i'm still here, getting drunk and thinking about how much i miss you. i mean, i was doing this exact same thing since before you told me the truth, but at least back then i was still talking to you. i always knew i'd miss your voice but i didn't think this much. i didn't think after three days without you, i'd be scared i'll somehow forget you. i didn't think i'd miss the way you looked at me this much but i do. i haven't slept. i can't think straight. keep waiting. wishing. hoping you'll come back through the door. take me in your arms and tell me what a huge mistake you made. promise to love me the way you have... i know you burned us down and i’m better than any pile of ash but i’m still wishing i was holding your hand. that's the worst part about us isn't it? you hurt me...and i try to prove that you didn't really mean that. that you love me more than you hate yourself. i hope you know that i got drunk and all i could think about was wanting to crawl into bed under the covers with you. i slammed back those shots because i thought it might blur my heart a little, give me a chance to fucking breathe, but i still saw you. try telling that ache in my chest that it does not need to ache - it won’t listen to me...
all american universe | @thewholecrew
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claire-starsword · 9 months
The Guardiana Magic School Run - Part 9
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We are back. After all the excitement for Narsha and the lack of excitement for our magic school last time, we've arrived at chapter 3 and Bustoke, the only town we'll be seeing the whole chapter btw.
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And before we proceed I need to talk about promotion before I forget again. Just like in the classic game, unpromoted classes are up for promotion starting at level 10, and won't go past level 20. They still get a small drop in stats as they promote, which is so weird, I don't get why is this a thing, and their growth rates change as well, which is the part that makes sense. But I'm not here to explain basic Shining Force, I'm here to talk about the GBA changes specifically, and after praising so many of them I now have to talk about what might be my most disliked one.
The level a character learns spells doesn't adapt to promotion.
What do I mean by that? Let's pick Tao as an example. Tao learns Blaze 4 at level 20. In the classic game, this means either mage level 20, or wizard level 10, because wizard is a promoted class so the game correctly assumes you've had at least 10 levels before getting to level 1 wizard.
In the GBA version, she will learn it either as level 20 mage, or level 20 wizard. Which is at least 10 levels later.
It sucks massively. I get what they were trying to do, trying to make the promotion choice a little more interesting by making you pick between better stats and weapons versus quicker spell learning, but 10 levels is a massive difference, and for some, it's not actually a choice??? Let's look at Anri now, she learns Freeze at level 23. That means she can't get it as a mage at all, she has to promote, and wait ten more levels than she would in the mega drive version. By then I might be finishing the game! So yeah, I will be commenting more on how each character is uniquely screwed by this as they reach promotion level.
For now, the only character that can be promoted is Max, and, I'll be honest, I'm not sure Max can learn spells unpromoted?? He apparently should learn it level 12, aka the next one if unpromoted, but it feels weird. You'll understand when we get there. There's no hero-exclusive sword in this part of the game, so I'm tempted to test it, not like Max needs upgrades for now anyway.
Oh wait, I forgot to check the deals section as well.
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so, forget everything i said, there's a sword! And if you're reading that thinking "hey aren't aquatic enemies from chapter 5?", yeah! This is incredibly busted for this part of the game, and I don't know how the deals section work, but I tend to get this one fairly frequently. Very useful if you're playing with Amon and Balbaroy who need as much help as they can get, but for Max, it's very much overkill. I believe there's better use of our money for now.
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We can, for example, get the beautiful Power Spear for 900 gold. Without the Power Ring, this would get him to 22 attack, same as Khris with the Power Staff, aka Really Good. With the Power Ring, though? He's now at the same level as Max and Gong, except from a distance. Perhaps I can stop bullying this man now!
jk the next battle is full of people who can beat him up from a distance i'm very afraid.
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And behold, our next money sink! The Silver Ring is the cooler cousin of the Steel Ring, which is kind of an affront to our beautiful Guardiana but, we just gotta import it I guess.
Speaking of cool relatives, we say hi to Diane who won't be joining us this time sadly, but between hers, Amon and Balbaroy's weapons, and some extra loot from the circus and the abbey I had forgot about, we can already buy one ring. I definitely missed a chance to buy Charm Rings last chapter with this money, but it might be for the best, I did say this team needs defense more than magic res after all.
I hand over the new ring to Lowe, who had only 9 defense, and then give the Steel Ring we picked from the Ghoul last time to Tao, who also had 9 defense. Anri and Arthur also have 9 defense, because magic users are not very original with this stat! but they'll have to wait for now.
And that was a lot of rambling to start a post with. Let's save the game and head to battle.
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The Elf Slayer is a spear, stronger than the Power Spear. I'm fairly sure it will be the strongest spear for most of the game before we finally get the Valkyrie at chapter 7. So I want this a lot. Unfortunately this is not a battle I'm confident to rush on.
And yes, it does bonus damage on elves which I think are only like, the archer enemies. I will hate on these guys soon enough so I would like some bonus on massacring them as well.
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First we have to witness one of my favorite lines of all times.
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Then we get to suspect that Arthur's lack of defense might not be a lack of armor, just a lack of care and brains. I can't heal you when you barely have hp, bestie.
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Start of the battle is just going down to meet some skeletons, not a big deal given how the last battle went.
It indeed goes completely fine, these guys are super slow so I even get to coordinate things to get a level up for Anri who is still a bit behind the rest of the team along Arthur. She gets… +1 HP. And nothing else.
These two, man.
We're now at Turn 4 and that's when the real battle begins.
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We need to break through this mass of enemies, and a pair of Dark Mages can always cause big damage. I guess Max can tank them because he's like that, but there's still only so much he can survive so we gotta deal with these guys fast.
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The worst however is these guys i promised to hate on. Dark Elves. What's not to hate? They have Elven Arrows even though we can't buy those until next chapter. And that weapon? Can one-hit kill. That's right baby our "minimize deaths" goal is now on the hands of RNG. Thrilling.
The best case scenario is that Max never gets close to these guys, but I doubt that will be possible, only Gong also has the defense and HP to tank the other enemies. We can try to advance slowly but with how narrow the passage is, it is bound to become a mess at some point anyway.
Sigh. It's not gonna get better from talking about it. Let's attempt this.
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We get a very good turn. Max baits a Dark Mage, taking 7 damage, and Arthur gets to show off the Power Spear + Power Ring combo by killing them instantly. Now there's a Skeleton is front of Max, but these are already weak so who cares. The real problem is that, as you can see, one of the dark elves already came down. We should kill them as fast as possible. Did I mention they have high evasion? They have high evasion. There's also two more skeletons in the way. I hate this battle.
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Max and Tao team up to deal with the first Skeleton, and now is Gong's turn. You know, the guy who keeps dying in this run. I think he has enough defense and HP to tank everything here, but the elven arrow is a looming possibility, I don't see any way to wipe this elf right now. And if I don't place Gong here, it's likely they'll go for Max instead, and if he dies that's a loss. They could also go for Tao, who is naturally squishier and also a ranged AoE user, something we desperately need here. So alas. Go Gong, I'm so sorry man.
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hoo boy now there's two of them. Gong tanked the mage, but the dark elf that was already here hasn't moved yet. I'm gonna heal just in case. Just to feel something.
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THE DARK ELF PROCEED TO SAY, "excuse me skeleton brother can i pass through you please, i'm way too jealous of elves hotter than me to attack anyone already on my range" AND SHOOTS TAO ANYWAY.
did i forget to mention the elven arrow has more range than the arrows available to the player at this point? Yeah that's also a thing. i hate these guys so much. Tao still survived though, so get wrecked. I would love to know how to do this battle in a sane and reasonable way though. Assuming it's possible.
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Mister overpowered hero you better deliver i want this fuck dead. And yeah this does put Max in range of the other guy but honestly he was in range for this one too. I'm definitely not smart enough for this.
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"And this is why I prefer magic."
This finishes the skeleton and thankfully Gong hits the elf to finish the job. Very glad I healed him last turn actually because we might be taking a lot of Blazes as long as I keep focusing on the elves over the Dark Mage. I regret not healing Max actually. Now Khris has to focus on Tao who would definitely die to another shot.
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hoo boyy this is not great
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Arthur somehow manages to sneak in the turn order exactly between the other dark elves and this one. It's risky to send Arthur like this but, it's 20 attack from the elf versus 9 defense, he should survive a normal hit, and again, a killing hit is better on anyone else besides Max.
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Hatred festers in my heart as Arthur misses, but, the elf just moved down??? Legit don't know what they're trying to do, sometimes they do weird things trying to get to Max but, Max was in range. Many people were in range. Why this.
Not complaining though! Lowe, slowest member of the team, can now heal Max in peace.
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Gong then gets a chonky counter on the Skeleton.
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I won't know true peace until the dark elves are all gone though, so I'm going ahead.
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And that's a real one-hit kill, asshole!
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Tao has seen better days but Khris will get to heal her soon and I think she can survive the occasional hit. Also I really want this mage gone. They have 50% magic resistance and 8 defense, so the Power Staff is definitely the right call.
i hit the tumblr image limit though, so this is a neat cliffhanger for you until the next reblog :3
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alj4890 · 1 year
A Glimpse
(Tobias Carrick x F!MC) in a Choices Open Heart drabble for Day 7 Tobias Carrick Appreciation Week
A/N Just a few short glimpses into the future for Tobias and Chris and how they spend their wedding anniversaries.
Rating G for a ton of fluff.
@tobias-carrick-appreciation-week @jerzwriter @hopelessromantic1352 @choicesficwriterscreations @twinkleallnight
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Greenwich, Connecticut, a few months before the end of Chris's third year at Edenbrook...
Everything was done. The mad rush to the church. The nerves at the altar. The kiss. Too many pictures. The cutting of the cake. First dance. Toasts from those they loved. Thanking everyone for coming. All was behind them.
The rest of the wedding reception was spent simply enjoying themselves with those they loved.
Tobias was off near one of the outdoor bars. He chuckled as his brothers and friends continued to tease him for finally giving in and settling down.
"Though," his brother, Phillip, quipped, "I think Chris only married you to get to be with Tobey more often."
Tobias searched the tables then spotted his bride of about four hours slow dancing with his eighteen month old nephew on her hip. He could hear the gurgle of laughter the little one let out each time she dipped him. His niece, Tabitha, was giggling whenever Chris twirled her so that her flower girl dress could flare out.
"Who are all the men over there?" Ethan asked.
They all turned to see nine huge men between the ages of thirty to forty watching Chris. The guys were talking amongst themselves, smiling at seeing her so happy.
"Those are the Dr. Valentine's." Tobias explained. "All of them are Chris's cousins. All are doctors. All are highly protective over her since she is the first female Valentine born in four generations."
Will whistled. "Welp. It was nice knowing you."
"Those are the ones that made quite an impression on Tobias." Hugh explained. "I'll never forget the call I got when he first met them in Scotland." He chortled. "I believe he wanted to make sure I had his last will and testament prepared."
"How come we haven't heard about this?" Dean demanded. "I remember when you and Chris went there for a week. You acted like everything went great."
"Because it's a story for another time." Tobias explained.
Deciding he had enough good natured ribbing, he gripped Phillip's arm and propelled him towards the dance floor.
"Time to get your kids. I feel the need to cut in and dance with my wife."
Phillip reached down, swooping his daughter up in his arms, surprising a squeal out of her. He then coaxed Tobey away from Chris.
Tobias smirked at having her all to himself once more.
"Hello there." She said, sliding her hands up his chest.
"Hello yourself." His hands moved along the open back of her gown.
"How are you?" Chris asked a touch nervously.
His eyebrow raised over that odd question. "Fine. You?"
She nodded, biting down on her bottom lip.
Tobias pulled her closer to him. "What is it?"
Chris darted her eyes about as if afraid someone would overhear. "Nothing."
He lowered his head to get her to look at him. His brow furrowed over how she was acting. She'd been so happy earlier. Her joy was infectious spilling over into everyone she came into contact.
But now...
"Chris, you're not..." he couldn't help but be amused, "nervous about tonight, are you?"
"I am in a way. More like anxious" She admitted. "I know. It's horrible."
"And what are you anxious about?" He prodded.
Her cheeks turned a shade darker. "I'm anxious to leave here."
Tobias began to slow his steps. "You're not enjoying the reception?"
"I am. I really am! But I'd rather be somewhere else right now."
"Don't stop!" She tugged him back into the simple box step they'd been doing. "I'll never find a place for us to disappear to if you do."
"Disappear? What are you talking about?" He asked, completely baffled by the woman in his arms.
Chris looked up at him. A smile he recognized immediately graced her lips.
His own curved in response.
"Can't wait to get to our honeymoon suite?" He teased.
She laughed, shaking her head. "Have you met my husband?" Her eyes shined as she tilted her head up toward him. "He is so sexy."
"He's got nothing on you." He leaned down to kiss her.
She sighed the moment his lips touched hers. Her hand raised to caress his cheek.
He smiled against her lips when he heard her muffled groan the moment it ended.
"If I'd known marriage would make you want me this bad, I'd have proposed after our first date."
Chris ducked her head with a giggle when he teased her some more over it.
"I can't help it!" She said, her smile growing more tender as she gazed up at him. "I love you and want to show you just how much I do."
Tobias felt his heart ache for all he felt for her. He murmured how much he loved her then gave her a long, deep kiss.
"I think you might be the greatest spouse in the world right now." He teased. "I don't think any person has managed that feat after being married for only a few hours."
"I can't wait to collect my prize." She brushed her body against his.
"When are we allowed to get out of here?" He whispered.
"Not for another few hours." She grumbled playfully. "Our moms planned out everything, including what time the limo comes to take us away."
"No wonder you've been looking around for a place we can be alone." He started his own search. "What about the changing rooms?"
Chris shook her head. "That's too near the restrooms."
He grimaced. "What if we go down to the beach?"
"People are taking their children down there whenever they get bored." She pointed towards a family of four coming back up to the reception from playing in the sand. "The last thing we need to do is scar them for life."
He softly cursed. He was more than ready to fall in with her plans if they could find a way out.
"The marina?" He offered.
"And get caught having sex on someone else's boat by the night guard?" She shook her head. "I considered it then decided it wasn't worth the embarrassment."
"Come on." Tobias gripped her hand. "There is somewhere around here we can have some privacy."
The two smiled at those who called out to them as they made their way past the tables set up outside. They searched through some of the shadowed areas before going into the clubhouse. A good number of guests were inside and were more than happy to talk to the couple.
"We'll just have to control ourselves." Chris whispered, when he led her to a darkened side of the building.
He pressed her against the wall, his lips already drawing soft moans from her.
Chris knew she should stop him but this was all she'd thought about since they parted ways the night before. Her mouth slanted over his when his hand slipped through the slit of her skirt.
"We can't." She gripped him close as he traced patterns along her upper thigh. "Someone will either see or hear us."
"I want to touch you." Tobias whispered, his tongue tracing her ear. "I've thought about it ever since I saw you walk down the--"
The two heard footsteps coming their way and jerked apart from one another.
Ethan stopped short when he saw them looking slightly guilty.
"Should I ask why you're standing here in the dark?"
Chris shook her head.
"We can't find a place to be alone." Tobias explained.
"Why don't you leave?" Ethan asked.
"We can't. The car won't be here for a few more hours." Chris replied.
"Oh." Ethan dug in his pants pocket and tossed his car keys to Tobias.
The newly wedded couple stared at him in surprise.
"Go on." He waved them off. "I'll tell everyone you stole my keys. Just leave them at the front desk so I can get them in the morning."
Chris hurried over to hug him. She placed a sweet kiss on his cheek.
"Thank you, Ethan." She said softly.
His throat convulsed as he nodded. "Congratulations Chris." He said with a bit of emotion.
Tobias shook his hand, then pulled him forward, patting him on the back in that way men hugged.
Ethan snorted softly. "Get out of here before you're caught."
"You know, my sister-in-law, Veronica, has a cousin you might like." Tobias whispered. "Her name's Sophie and I bet she'd love to hear about you being stuck without a way back to the hotel."
Ethan rolled his eyes. "That's the last thing I need right now." His lips curved into a genuine smile. "Go on and enjoy your night."
Tobias slipped his arm around Chris and disappeared into the darkness.
Late one night, two years later...
Chris blew out a frustrated breath when the latest lab results proved her new theory wrong. She hated having to go back and demand a new set of blood work after all her young patient had been through.
Tobias and Ethan looked up when she returned to the office. Harper finished crossing out the last few theories on the dry erase board they'd each offered.
The expression on Chris's face let them all know that they were back at square one.
"We've been at this for twelve hours." Harper interrupted the new frustrated discussion going on around her. "We should take a break, get some dinner, then come back refreshed."
"You're right." Ethan rubbed a hand down his face. "Let's take the next hour or so then regroup."
He reached over and plucked the medical journal out of Chris's fingers.
"No more research until we get back." He ordered. "If we keep staring at this, we'll only become more frustrated."
"And we'll most likely make another mistake." Harper patted Chris on the shoulder. "We will solve it."
"Take your wife to dinner." Ethan told Tobias. "Get her mind off this for a while."
He and Harper left the couple still sitting at the table.
"My mind is not going to stop trying to figure out why Paul can't stop vomiting." Chris exploded once the door shut. "I'm not going to be able to sit at some restaurant and act like everything is great!"
Tobias relaxed back in his chair. He quietly watched her release the growing anger she'd been holding in with each misdiagnosis.
When she finally got to the point where he knew she'd start crying tears of frustration, he got up and took her in his arms.
Chris buried her face against his neck while she took shuddering gasps to calm down. Tobias gently ran his hand in a soothing circle on her back to help her regain her composure.
"I'm sorry." She mumbled. "I know that didn't help anything."
"Did it help you?" He asked, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
She laughed, snuggling closer into his embrace. "It kinda did."
"Then we aren't going to worry about it." He let her go, snagging her hand as he headed for the door.
"Where are we going?" She asked.
"To eat." He tugged her close to his side, draping his arm around her. "Harper's right. We need food and a break."
Chris's nose wrinkled in a way he recognized as her begrudging agreement. He smiled to himself as he guided her toward the locker room.
"Do I really have to change?" Chris asked.
"No." He winked at her. "But I do have a surprise for you."
She rose up on her tiptoes to see what he had hidden in his locker.
He turned around with a single red rose.
"Tobias." Chris couldn't stop smiling. "What is this for?"
"Isn't it customary for a husband to give his wife flowers on their anniversary?"
Her smile disappeared in a flash.
"Oh no." She moaned, dropping her head in her hands. "I completely forgot!"
"I know." He said with his typical smirk. "For the record, I remembered."
"I'm so sorry!" She slumped down on a bench. "I got caught up in these last few cases and--"
"I have your real gift at home." Tobias added, needling her a bit more. "And I must say, it's going to blow you away."
Chris narrowed her eyes at him. "You are going for the title, aren't you?"
"Going for it? No." He leaned in close to her and pressed a kiss to her lips. "I already won it from you."
Chris bit back her laughter at the proud look on his face. "I guess you did."
"Ahem." He stood before her, arms spread wide. "I'm waiting."
Chris got to her feet, cleared her throat, and said the words.
"You are the greatest spouse in the world."
Tobias sighed in an over exaggerated manner. "Finally!"
Chris laughed while wrapping her arms around him. "I'll have you know that I'm taking it back from you next year."
"I think this will be the beginning of my winning streak." He declared.
"And what does this year's winner declare as his prize?" She asked.
"What I always want." He whispered, cupping her rear to press her closer to his groin.
His lips captured hers in a heated kiss.
"Then," she said, "you shall have it."
With a coy look, she took his hand to lead him out.
"Where are we going?" He asked when she led him further down the hall.
"To see if the on-call room is free."
He took the lead, hurrying her down the hall.
Four years after their wedding...
Tobias glanced about at all he'd done to maintain his title. The cottage he'd rented was filled to the brim with luxury. A hot tub made only for two waited on the enclosed porch with a bottle of champagne chilling nearby. Candles were lit to soothe away the stressful week they'd had earlier at work.
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He'd already called the resort well ahead of time to have a dinner prepared that Chris would love. He also had a very expensive necklace he'd purchased earlier that month just in honor of this special day.
He couldn't wait to see how the emeralds would look in contrast to her pale skin and green eyes.
He tapped his foot, waiting on Chris to finish getting dressed for the evening. Her gasps of surprise followed by the heat of her kiss let him know he'd chosen right.
He couldn't wait to hear her declare him once more as the greatest spouse.
"Tobias?" Chris called out. "Could you come here?"
He walked back inside, checking the time as he did so.
"What's...?" He came to a dead stop in the doorway.
His eyes were directed on the small white object in Chris's hands.
"Chris? Is that?" He swallowed.
She nodded. "I wanted to wait until our anniversary to tell you. Even though I've had it confirmed through blood tests and all, I couldn't resist taking one more test."
She smiled as she handed the positive pregnancy test to him.
"Happy Anniversary, my love." She said softly.
He swept her gently in his arms, pressing a kiss to her lips.
She smiled in the kiss.
"Are you blown away?" She asked.
Tobias nodded.
"Completely speechless over my surprise gift?"
"I am." He told her, marveling at this unexpected news.
Her smile turned mischievous. "Then the title is mine."
His eyes widened before a slow smile formed on his lips.
"I'll gladly concede to you this time." He kissed her tenderly.
"I'm waiting." She mumbled against his lips.
He stepped back and cleared his throat.
"You are the greatest spouse in the world."
His eyes shined with a tender emotion.
"And you are going to be the greatest mother the world has ever known."
Five years later...
"What are we doing?" Fiona whispered.
Jamie shushed his little sister. "We're helping Daddy win."
Fiona climbed over her brother's lap to reach for the glitter.
"Mommy likes green." She told him as she shook some all over the card she'd made and all over the living room carpet.
"I know." Jamie huffed while coloring another dinosaur on his.
Tobias walked in to check on their progress.
"Look it!" Fiona commanded, pointing to her own creation.
"Beautiful." Tobias replied.
"Look at mine!" Jamie held his up.
"Perfect." He smiled at them. "Nothing makes your mother happier than when you two surprise her."
He rubbed his hands together. "These combined with my gift will blow her away this year."
His two children giggled as they followed him back into the kitchen.
"I saved you two a bowl." He passed the leftover frosting their way when he noticed them eyeing the strawberry cake on the counter.
The two happily sat down at the table to lick the spoons he handed them.
"I'm home!" Chris yelled out.
"Mommy!" The two ran out to greet her.
Tobias followed with the bouquet of flowers in hand he had delivered earlier.
"Happy Anniversary." He kissed her tenderly.
"Happy Anniversary." She caressed his cheek.
"Those are beautiful." She took a deep breath of the roses.
He smirked at her. "I know."
He and the children presented their gifts. Though she exclaimed over each one she opened, Tobias noticed she didn't seem worried about losing the title to him. Again.
He started wondering what she had up her sleeve. She was much too calm as she sat down at the table to eat the dinner he'd carefully prepared.
"Grandma's picking us up." Fiona told her. "Daddy said you have to be alone tonight."
"He did?" Chris bit back her laughter as her children told her it was the rule.
Tobias shrugged with a wink. "I don't make the rules. I simply follow them."
It wasn't long before hugs and kisses were given when Celeste showed up with Roger to gather Jamie and Fiona up for the evening.
Tobias and Chris waved goodbye, staying on their front porch until the car disappeared around the corner.
"I'm waiting." Tobias whispered, wrapping his arms around Chris from behind.
She laughed, shaking her head. "You'll have to wait a little longer."
"Oh?" He watched her, puzzled when she walked back inside without a care in the world.
She glanced at him, then began to undress.
His eyes widened with each piece of clothing that dropped to the floor. The emerald green teddy she had on matched the necklace he'd given her the night she told him she was pregnant with Jamie.
"Chris." He breathed.
"Though I bought this just for tonight, this might be the last time I can wear it for a while." She sauntered up to him.
Her hands moved over the hard planes of his body, drawing a moan simply from her touch.
"Why? You look incredible in it." He leaned down to kiss along her shoulder. "I've never wanted to keep you both in something and rip it off at the same time as much as I do this."
A gasp slipped from her lips when he lifted her in his arms and carried her upstairs.
"Easy there." She told him. "You're carrying precious cargo."
"I know." He replied, kissing her deeply.
"I don't think you do." She sank down on the bed as he covered her with his body.
He smirked as he trailed kisses down her body. When he reached her stomach he pressed a long, tender kiss upon it.
Chris's eyes filled with tears. "How did you know?"
He rose back up to kiss her. " You started eating strawberries with everything."
"Dammit." Chris muttered, making him laugh. "I just knew I would blow you away this year."
"You did." He got up and tugged her down the hall toward his study.
He opened the door to reveal the transformation he'd begun for the nursery.
Chris covered her mouth as tears began to fall.
Tobias took her in his arms and cuddled her close.
Once she'd been able to get out how much she loved all he'd done and him, he knew the time was at hand.
He stepped back and held his arms out in triumph.
Chris laughed out loud.
"You are the greatest spouse in the world!"
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golden--doodler · 1 year
Doodler! Random ask but what are your favorite bobs burgers character dynamics :D?
Yooooooooooo back at it again with your perfect, perfect asks 👌🏼
I'm really glad you asked this one because I've actually thought about this before.
My first one absolutely has to be Bob and Gene. Despite the fact that Gene is technically more similar to Linda in personality and has been shown on numerous occasions to favor her, he is also shown to love Bob a lot too and even says in "Sliding Bobs" that he's always admired Bob. I mean 🥺. AND HE LITERALLY ALWAYS THINKS OF THE RESTAURANT AS BEING CALLED "DAD'S BURGERS" I MEAN-And Bob has been shown to care for Gene as well, even if his "favorite" is probably Louise or Tina (I say "favorite" because Bob is too nice and too good of a parent to actually have a favorite kid). Every time they interact in a nice way, it makes my heart feel full, because they don't understand each other as much, but want to make an effort to try. I mean, Bob's entire speech about loving to feed Gene killed me, and their sharing a meal during the end credits had me giggling and kicking my feet. Oh, and finally their interactions during the "Laser-Inth" definitely show off their dynamic the best. I will never get over the "I love you too, Gene! :D"
Oh, also bonus, because I can't stop thinking of cute moments with these two is during "The Hauntening", when Gene, despite the fact that he knew the entire thing was a trick and he wasn't in any real danger, still felt the need to tell Bob that Bob was doing great as a dad and giving him a good childhood. I'm sure Bob appreciated that a ton.
I also love it every time Linda and Sergeant Bosco interact. They don't interact often, but whenever they do, it's great 11/10. These two are already kinda chaotic forces by themselves, but together, their chaos is pumped up to the max, and it almost feels like they're collectively sharing two brain cells, and I love it. This is probably best shown in "I've Got a Psy-Chic Out of You", with Linda having to help out Bosco on a case before realizing she doesn't have psychic powers after all. It's hilarious, especially when they break for lunch. And then there's that time in "My Fuzzy Valentine" when Bosco almost arrested Linda for impulsively taking his gun, I can't. This man was extremely ready to take her in. These two need to talk more because their conversations are absolute gold. Wonder what would've happened if they'd talked during the movie somehow.
Obviously, I have to say Bob and Linda because they're Bob and Linda. I've already said so much about them, so I'll keep this as brief as I can, but they are perfection. They support each other, love each other unconditionally, and Linda was willing to freaking work on her wedding day for her man. I like to imagine what their actual ceremony was like, and if they had vows. I hope they did because my heart. These two need to get their vows renewed during an episode or something, that would make me scream. Anyway, I love how they're both weirdos who found each other, and Bob had a dream Linda continues to adore and admire to this day. A lot say that Linda's the strange one, and it's true that she's more outgoing and eccentric, but Bob is just as strange with his habit of talking to inanimate objects, and let's not forget some of those moments where he's gone completely unhinged in the earlier seasons, like when he got trapped in the crawlspace. They balance each other out perfectly and know about every single one of each other's quirks. I love how in one episode, Linda just casually mentions Bob has a weird birthmark or something in his, well... you know. They're just so intimately familiar with each other and not afraid to admit it, which is a beautiful thing. Time and time again they make sacrifices, because no, their relationship is not one-sided. As much as Linda has sacrificed for Bob and the restaurant, Bob has done just as much for her--he even gets angry for her when people aren't treating her correctly, such as in "Terminilator II: Terminals of Endearment", when he had that whole speech about how her parents being terrible should bother her. He reciprocates most of what he gets, and when he doesn't, he acknowledges it and tries to be better, like in the emotional climax of the movie when he realizes how tiring it must be for Linda to be optimistic all the time and he decides he'll be more optimistic as well. They also never question how much the other loves them. There's absolutely no chance of either of them cheating or being swayed by someone else in any meaningful way, and they know it. There's only a problem if they think someone else will come on them and not stop, like in "Seaplane!". Okay, so this wasn't brief, but I have way too many feelings about these two. They will always be everything to me. We need a flashback episode or scene about their wedding or something pronto.
I just think Jimmy Jr. and Zeke's friendship is really wholesome. I don't have that much to say about them, because of how chill they are whenever they're around each other. They just get each other and their humor, which is wonderful. If Zeke wants to randomly pin Jimmy Jr. to the floor for some playful wrestling, there's no issue. They're always there to support each other no matter what, like when Zeke was willing to keep throwing chicken nuggets at Jimmy Jr. in the movie because he wanted to say he caught a chicken nugget in his mouth. I can't. I keep saying this, but I hope we see more of them interact and just be themselves.
Every time Louise and Regular-Sized Rudy interact, it's guaranteed to be a wholesome time. I love how they balance each other out. Rudy brings out Louise's softer side, whilst Louise helps Rudy be more confident in himself and stand up for himself. Louise being so jealous of Chloe Barbash in "Bob, Actually" was hilarious, especially because of her denial. Also, there's been a huge wave of people shipping her with Chloe which is... interesting.
Anyway, these two are great for each other, and I will always love it whenever they interact and just vibe. I still love how protective Louise is over him, and he's definitely the person (or at least one of the people) that she's nicest too, especially at school, so I find that wonderful.
These are all the ones I'm going to say for now, but this was so much fun to do. This is way too long (again) but honestly, at this point, that's to be expected from me.
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