f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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Export Settings
Export settings for the videos to go onto the website at a reasonable size. The first time I exported them they movement within the footage was very delayed and weird, so I had to change the ‘field order’ to ‘progressive’ and the bit rate had to go down to 10 to lower the size of the file.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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Learning how to resize the images in photoshop rather than resizing them on the website. Saves a lot of time coding as well as actual space on the website.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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No bar. Because of the opposing sides I feel like this could work however with two videos on top of each other above it felt a bit much. I prefer the extended white space effect. Feels more fresh and breathable.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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Different texts. Josefin Sans is the text we chose and have worked with through our video, blog and website. It wasn’t until it came to transferring the html and css to a different computer that I realised the typeface would not follow through. This was okay because I had planned for using the font imbedded in the chrome server however I did not plan for it to be a different thickness. Ultimately we are still happy with the typeface and prefer it over other alternatives, it’s just something to note.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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Playing with different bar styles. This bar was closer aligned with the problem section so an image of multiple cups was used. We felt the fallen over trash looking cups suited the concept more however when alone we both liked the look of the standing cups first. When trialling with text over top, the standing cups became very difficult to read. We felt text over top gave the bar and website more purpose so it wouldn’t be flat and still. It also allowed us to go back to the rubbish styled image.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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Layout choices. The rest of the website has text aligned with image at the top however this section has already been flipped. On the website I feel like an alignment to the brown cup holder looks better because of the small amount of text. Something to look further into.
Trialled three other options before trying to decide on the final top two.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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I have timed the cuts between clips in line with the beats of the music, and also certain points where there is a sharp movement within the footage, I have lined it up with the beats. I also added an adjustment layer over the opening sequence with the coffee making as the footage was all too dark.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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For our music we wanted something quick and cheery (but not too cheerful) so move the video along at a fast pace. I found this track called ‘Piano Jam’ on Soundcloud. It has a very good beat that is perfect for matching the b-roll cuts, especially in the opening sequence. It also has moments that build for when we change the subject within the video. 
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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After much debating we have decided that we need to have narration in the video to make the ideas clearer. We discussed it earlier in the project but thought we could try make it work without narration. However, because we had interviews in the second video and not the first, it was odd not having talking in the first video, and it was also harder to show the idea of the plantable cup. We also had short snippets of the coffee cups with the text to use as our titles so we decided to match the script to that so the narrator says the line as the words appear.
We live in a society, where everyone is on the move, so we want our coffees on the go. But do you really know the effect of your takeaway coffee cup. New Zealand is the 15th highest country in the world for coffee consumption. Just one person can create 10kg of waste in a year by ordering one takeaway coffee a day. NZs current population is 4.6 million, so think about how much waste our small country produces. Eco-friendly solutions already exist however forests are disappearing and landfill is still rising. So how can you help? 
 Most cafes use recyclable cups but did you know these can only be recycled 2-3 times before they have to go into landfill. So what about bringing in your own cup? These plastic cups are still going into landfill. What is the ideal solution? Californian uni student Alex Henige has designed the ultimate cup made from fibres considered unusable that are then fused with seedlings into the lining of the cup. So after you’ve drunk your coffee you can plant your cup and give back to the environment. So how can you help turn this cup into reality? Tell your local cafes and pledge your support by giving small change, so this plantable cup can make a big impact.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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Current To-Do list
Both videos have been placed into rough cut form. We are yet to record the narration and find the right music for both. Once we have the audio I can edit down all the clips in the footage because everything is a bit too long at the moment. Also, once the narration is included the clips of the coffee cups wont have to be as long because the script for the narration will integrate the main titles on the cups.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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We needed to create ways layer type titles over the vide. Originally we tried just titles on a plain black background but the cutting between the plain black and the video was too awkward. So then we tried block text over the moving video similar to image 1 (We Are The Faction Collective: https://vimeo.com/channels/staffpicks/127121696). The text was too hard to read over the busy scenes.
So then i discovered this typographic video in image 2 (THE GEEK x VRV - Waves: https://vimeo.com/channels/staffpicks/126822765)
So we decided to get creative and use all the coffee cups that we had collected and wrote all the titles we need on the side of the coffee cup. It suits the theme of a documentary.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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These notes were taken after a sharing session with two lecturers and another group. We showed our video and our website. The main advice we took away was that our website and video had to link more. The video is fast-paced and fresh whereas the website is darker and older looking because of the coffee theme. Connecting them would be a great result. Also in our video so far, we need to hint more to the idea of plants. We’re still just on our problem video and it’s focus has been more on the lack of environment however this could make it too surprising when it finally pops up. We also discussed using narration again, how it may be the only way to really get the message across, keeping that fresh fast paced feel.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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This is a peek into the development of our website. Showing it at extreme different stages makes the development process very evident. Initially I chose obvious colours like beige and red as this helped me determine what I was changing and when. We started off organising the text to go on the screen so had consistency when re-creating the design.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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We developed a small infographic looking at the countries with the highest coffee consumption per capita. We used to the base of the logo for the graph. We were going to put the graph on the website but it didn’t sit right on the website.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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We wanted a logo to represent how the coffee cup is now bringing new life back into environment but we didn’t want the classic coffee cup with a plant growing out of it for the logo. So i found some images of a coffee cup and some leaves and I edited them together on photoshop and then painted over them to create an illustrative style. The logo can be used on the website as a small icon to link to the home page.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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Starting the website - Template 3.
After finalising our website image on photoshop, we went through the templates to find the most similar in layout. This is the websites starting point.
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f-reshlyground-blog · 9 years
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After our interim, we went back to the drawing board and designed this website on photoshop. We used the feedback from interim as well as aspects of the dream website that we admired. Staying with the favoured freshly ground typeface - Josefin Sans. Having the navigation bar at the top. With this layout, the videos look like an equal priority rather than before when they were secondary. What isn’t evident in these images is that the Freshly Ground header would actually be a series of B-roll footage, making the website more engaging.
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