#i can't find it)
I refuse to pay for Paramount Plus and Netflix only has seasons four and five now... So does anyone have the original Fairly Oddparents on a Google Drive or something? I can't seem to find one, but I know for a fact these episodes are somewhere on the internet NOT being locked behind a pay wall. I want to watch the first 3 season as well as some of the Poof / Foop episodes again
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If any of you have anything, I'd highly appreciate it
Thank you 💙
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rin-may-1103 · 2 months
Just a Bite.
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Danny stared out at the busy street from behind his dumpster.
or well, not his dumpster, but it might as well be his considering how many nights he's spent sitting behind it like some rabid raccoon.
Two months ago, he would have been sleeping in his own bed. His glow-in-the-dark stars vaguely lighting up his room in soft luminescent colors. The sound of Jazz snoring in her sleep just a room over, his parents still milling around in the basement.
he would have just finished fighting the box ghost and collapsed onto his bed, the sound of his home lulling him to sleep.
Oh, how things can change in a blink of an eye.
No, instead of sleeping on his bed with his cartoon ghost sheets and NASA poster covered room, he's out here in some random dirty city, sleeping behind dumpsters.
dirty, grimy, rusty dumpsters.
"did you hear?" some lady dressed in a light blue summer dress asked, turning to look at her friend as they started to walk past. "Mr. Wayne donated another lump sum to that charity." she huffed, shaking her head like she had just said the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard.
her friend stopped in the middle of the alley opening, her graying hair splaying in an ark as she twisted to face the other women. "my word! again? what the hell is that man thinking?"
the woman huffed, then smirked in amusement. "it's like he's shouting for the world to hear how desperate he is for attention. he thinks if he donates enough money to those scoudrails they'll love him or something. With how he's acting lately, it's like he wants all the street rats to barge into his home asking for money, food, and clothes."
her friend clicked her tongue in disgust, "I'd believe it. he has so many kids now, it's like he's running an orphanage. someone, anyone really, with black hair and some tragic story could walk right in and not even be noticed. they'd blend right in with the others."
"I heard it's genetic, his father was the same way before he met Martha. Bruce's blood son, Damian I believe, acts just like his father. the boy's been spotted taking stray cats and dogs inside. It wouldn't surprise me if the paper posted about him convincing his father for another sibling at some point."
the women then turned and started to walk away, their conversation slowly bleeding into the surrounding city ruckus.
Danny leaned back, resting his head against the crumbling brick behind him.
walk right in and not be noticed? wouldn't that be grand. He had heard of Mr. wayne and his gaggle of black-haired children. What were their names again? he could have sworn Sam told him before, in one of her rants about rich society.
Richard Grayson was the first, Danny remembered because Tucker had been making none stop dick jokes for a few hours. Danny didn't understand why the man would willingly go by Dick, but then again, who was he to question someone's name when he fights ghosts like Skulker and Technis on a daily basis?
Next was... Jason? Sam had mentioned there was a whole conspiracy theory of how his death was a cover-up. how all the unsolved crime community swore it was Bruce who killed the kid, that or the kid had some terminal illness that Bruce didn't want the media to know about.
Danny glanced around, trying to dig through his memories of Sam's rant. Dick: the orphaned circus act taken in the night his parents died. he's romanie? maybe, Danny wasn't too sure on that one. Jason: taken off the streets, one of his parents was out of the picture and the other one died of a drug overdose.
and then there was..... Tim! Right, Tim, the one who was Mr. Wayne's neighbor before his mother died and his dad went into a coma, then died later on. right, right. he was the known tech genius, the one who took over the company while Mr. Wayne stepped back for a while.
there were others? like, four others? Damian, the lady said he was the blood son sooo, that would imply he was the only bio kid.
who else was there? hmmmm.
well, either way, Danny's tired brain agreed with the women. someone, anyone, who looked vaguely like the other kids could walk right into the house and no one would notice.
it was a bad idea. a terrible one really. but. Danny was hungry.
he's been sleeping behind dumpsters for a few weeks now, he hadn't had anything good to eat in forever, and he was tired. (not as exhausted as he was back home, but still tired. who would have guessed he'd sleep more while homeless?)
he wasn't going to steal from people, his core wouldn't allow him to. and well, he's pretty sure Dan would have stolen already, so there was no way Danny was going to. not unless his life was at risk, and well? it wasn't right now, so no stealing.
but this? walking right into a house and blatantly taking food? right in front of them?
it wouldn't be stealing if he just flat-out didn't try to hide it. they'd be able to stop him and send him away. heck, he doubted he'd even make it past the front gate before they turned him away.
was he really going to do this?
yes, yes he was.
standing up, Danny started making his way out of the alleyway and over to the tall building with Wayne's name on it. It was a good place to start, maybe he could even find one of the kids and walk with them. or, even better, he could find Mr. Wayne and walk with him. he liked that better than following some kid around.
suddenly, a car honked right next to him, the window rolling down to reveal a tired and disheveled man behind the wheel. glancing up, Danny made eye contact with the taxi driver.
the man yawned and gestured for him to get in, already speaking before Danny could decline. "Mr. Wayne! Your father," yawn, "Father already paid for me to take you home. just hop in."
Danny blinked then glanced around, looking to see if the Wayne the man was talking about was around. nope. turning back, Danny spotted a green sticky note on the back seat.
well, alright then. guess he was getting into the taxi and doing this after all. Clockwork obviously approved if he messed with the timing of things.
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foryouwereinmysong · 7 months
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A glimpse of a portrait of John Lennon by Paul McCartney, which appeared in In The World Tonight (The Making Of Flaming Pie)
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azuremayscarlet · 5 months
I'm looking for a short dcxdp twin au, where it's Damien and Danny Damien thinks Danny is dead, Danny saw Robin in trouble so he helped out in ghost form but with a ninja suit on and starts following Robin around and helping, they get Constantine to scan Damien and he he finds evidence of ghosts, Damien confronts Danny, Damien has an emotional breakdown and tells batfam about his brother
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purrassicjet · 5 months
Sandra Lynn: Everybody gets a codename. I'm "Eagle One"
Sandra Lynn: Gilear is "Been there, done that"
Sandra Lynn: Jawbone is "currently doing that"
Sandra Lynn, pointing at Hallerial: "It happened once in a dream"
Sandra Lynn: and Sklonda is "Eagle Two"
Sklonda: Oh thank god
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milkybnnuy · 19 days
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Hey so, I am searching for a fic, 90% sure it's on Ao3 that I am struggling to find again. Been looking for it the last few days.
Includes children batkids and Bruce trying to balance the whole being a parent with being part of the Justice League.
Points I remember in no particular order:
Bruce ends up being the one to rescue Kon
Tim traumatizes a lantern after getting separated from the others in metropolis or somewhere and straight up telling the lantern that his dad is batman
I believe they are in the different city for a track meet or something similar since Dick is running
There's a bit of Outsider Pov when Bruce takes the kids to the pool so Damian can take swim lessons, I think the Pov is one of the people working there
Steph or Cass insists they get TWO whole dolls because they're twins
the league has no idea that batman is Bruce or that he has a bunch of kids
When I say kids I mean kids, I think Dick was only like 13
If anyone can help me find this, it would be amazing. My phone restarted and I lost it mid-read.
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Here's pete next to the wall
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pangolin-dreams · 7 months
This last week, I'm getting Wincest shipper spn posts on my For You dash, not consistently but enough to be annoying, so now I'm furiously going back through my likes and reblogs, desperately looking for whichever Supernatural post was actually a Wincest post in disguise. I'm here for the gay angel, his bisexual husband, and their cast of supporting characters, THANK YOU.
I'm not in the business of shaming anyone's personal relationship with Supernatural, but you've got to draw a personal line somewhere and this is mine.
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juanabaloo · 8 months
also why the fuck can i not buy Maya Lopez gear, like a t-shirt? also - RELATED - why the fuck can i not buy Naru gear?
(Maya Lopez is the hero of the Marvel series Echo. Naru is the hero of the Prey movie, a prequel to the Predator franchise.)
you would think capitalism would mean this gear would be available. but fucking racism and/or anti-Native sentiment means these companies are throwing money away by not offering that.
all i can find for Echo / Maya are posters. all i can find for Prey / Naru is a figurine of the Predator! like i want a t-shirt i want a hoodie i want a hat. with Maya's face. with Naru's face. WTF.
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darkeeveeanimatesus · 12 days
Does anyone have a link to the entirety of A New Wish? Like, on a Google Drive or something? I have one that supposedly goes up to episode 10, and a second that starts from episode 17 going to the end. So apparently I've missed seven episodes and I would like to find out which ones and watch them 😭
If any of you can help me that would be greatly appreciated
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(Also help it looks like Dev has never been hugged before in this gif)
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nick-nelzzzzz · 1 month
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sofiiif · 7 months
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@your-decadent-madam your post inspired me.
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sketchyspudley · 11 months
I just saw ur "Liquid Morkite" and I was like "Hell yeah Rock-'n'-Stone Enjoyer!!!!!"
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hell yeah brother
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pansexual-puppy-pack · 3 months
where is that theo meme thread where he's "hell hath no fury like a boytoy distraught"
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chronicbeans · 11 months
I am suffering so hard rn trying to figure out the name of this computer program that my elementary school used to test us on English and Math. They had these cute little creatures that you can pick from, I think, at the start of each test.
Like, I'm pretty sure the English test was based on a submarine. Between each set of questions, there was a minigame where you would be in the submarine, shooting sea monsters or whatever, then get points and collect blue orbs. You had to avoid obstacles, but I can't remember what.
The Math tests were based on a spaceship. Then, like the English test, there would be a minigame where you shoot things and get points, but it would be aliens, and you avoided asteroids while collecting little blue orbs.
Like, fr. I KNOW this existed. I know it's somewhere, but I can't find it AAAA pls tell me someone on here knows wtf it is, or at least remembers it?! It was the only thing I really liked about school in general lol. I can't even find any mentions of it on my elementary school's website, so they might've stopped using it.
EDIT FOR ADDITIONAL INFO: The school I went to used them for benchmark tests. The question sections were designed to look a bit like a dashboard for the vehicle used in the course (spaceship for math, submarine for science) by having little circular windows on the top corners with either ocean scenery or stars outside.
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