#i can’t wait for 5.1 to see them again <3
artby-mld · 14 days
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I’ve been so obsessed with these two since Natlan’s release, maybe kinilani nation continue to thrive 🙏
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snazzy-suit · 5 months
Luigi: Liaison of Ghosts Chapter 5.5 - Hey! Creatures! Leave Them Kids Alone!
MP - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5.1 -5.2 - 5.3 - 5.4 - (5.5) - 5.6 - 5.7 - 5.8 -5.9 - 5.10 - 6 - 7.1 - 7.2 - 7.3 - 7.4 - 7.5 - 8
Part 5 of 10
[Prefer to read on ao3? Click here]
In which Gooigi envies dinosaurs, snarks a child, and gets reprimanded by a ghost. Following that, Luigi and Dane check to see what's behind door #1 (and #2, and #3, and #4, and #5, and—)
"Sign language."
"Gooigi speaking out loud."
"B̵a̧c͜k̷ward̷ ̢sp͡e͡e͢c̀h̵."
Gooigi really doesn’t like the second floor of this house.
For one, it feels awful. The unsuspecting ectomorph nearly lost form from the sharp change in energy after he stepped through that portal at the top of the stairs. For another, the hallway enchantment shtick was really getting old. He had given up on trying to find a pattern after he passed that meadow painting for the umpteenth time. Gooigi doesn’t know how a painting of a landscape could give off a smug aura, but it does and it’s mocking him and he doesn’t like it.
Also, the second floor’s carpet and drape scheme is ugly.
But the worst thing? The worst thing is the doors. They are all closed, and Gooigi and shut doors don’t get along.
The ectomorph didn’t accompany Luigi to the pool area because he knew he’d be useless there. He figured exploring the rest of the house would be a better use of his time. He could find the last kid, nab the remaining ghosts, and meet up with his partner after they’d dealt with their own watery specter. Divide and conquer, and all that.
He might as well have waited in the mud room for all the good he’s doing.
Gooigi stops in front of a door to his left and glares holes in the mullion. What is he supposed to do? Knock and hope a ghost lets him in? Maybe if he’s lucky, the missing kid will answer. Wouldn’t that be nice?
The ectomorph briefly considers using the Suction Shot to tear the door down, but decides to hold off on the idea. Luigi probably wouldn’t be very happy if he went around destroying their clients’ property if it was avoidable. The ectomorph leans in, pressing their body to the door and listening for any signs of (after) life on the other side. Nothing. For kicks, he gives knocking a try and listens again. Still nothing.
Gooigi takes a step back and looks at the doorknob. Deep down, he knows it’s futile, but he can’t resist the urge to try opening the door anyway. The knob twists imperceptibly in his grasp. For a moment, Gooigi thinks he may actually succeed.
That hope slips through his fingers along with the doorknob.
Gooigi drops his head against the door with a quiet splat. He gurgles in frustration. This isn’t a new struggle by any means, but it’s no less infuriating.
‘Dinosaurs can open doors, but I can’t,’ the ectomorph thinks sourly. ‘What does that say about me?’ 1
‘That was a movie, Gooigi,’ his inner Luigi retorts. ‘Stop comparing yourself to outdated fictional portrayals of prehistoric animals.’
‘It was accurate for the time!’
‘Gooigi, they weren’t even calling some of the dinosaurs by the right names.’
‘…still a good movie.’
Inner Luigi doesn’t argue.
Gooigi is considering tearing the door down anyway when he detects movement in his peripheral. He turns and is startled back into high alert when he spies a ghost emerging from a nearby room. They are looking down the other end of the hall, as if searching for something. Before Gooigi can decide whether to hide or launch a surprise attack, the entity turns and spots him.
The ghost appears to be a Koopa adorned in old armor, and their shadowy form betrays their nature as an entity that subsists on negative energy. They’re a Vitiate, like the others, and pose a great potential threat. But when Gooigi takes note of their eyes, he feels himself relaxing minutely—they're glowing red.
The ectomorph thinks back to one of the many mnemonic devices the professor had drilled into his head.
Glowing white, prepare to fight.
Glowing red, talk instead.
Or... something like that. Luigi had cautioned him not to accept the phrase as law—there were always exceptions.
With all this in mind, Gooigi offers the ghost a cheerful little wave. “Hello!" 2
The Vitiate tilts their head minutely at his garbled greeting. Then, cautiously, they glide down the hallway, coming to a stop a few arm lengths away. When they don’t immediately attack, Gooigi dares to feel hopeful. He might just be able to reach a peaceful agreement with this entity, too, and that’ll put him and Luigi at 2 – 0 in successful negotiations for this mission. Even if Luigi manages to placate the water ghost, he’ll still have a one-point lead. Not that anyone is keeping score, or anything.
“U͝ǫý e͟ra̷ ǫh́w͝? E̢v̢r̀es̷ ́u͞oy̴ ͟od r̢e͞tsa͟m t̀a̡h͏w?” 3
Gooigi stares blankly at the ghost. Perhaps this isn’t going to be as easy as he had hoped.
“Uh... what?"
The ghost has the gall to look annoyed. It’s not Gooigi’s fault that they were speaking gibberish!
“Et̕a͢ts ͝tn̶eŕr͡uc ym͞ ni͏,͏ e͢m ḑn͟a̕ts͞r̕e̶dn̷u ̨ot ̕uo͢y d̵et̶cep̶xe ev̶a̡h t͢’̡n͞ah̡s̶ ͘Į, esr͡uoc͡ f͘o.” The Vitiate murmurs, seemingly to themselves. “Ti͡a̸w nac͝ ̶śn̸oít͏cu̸do͢rtn̸i rep̧o͘rp, ͟re̷tt̴am̶ ̕on. E͝su fǫ eb͢ n͘a̵c ưoy̡ s͝pahre͡p os,͘ uo͘y͘ tu̶ob͠a ͏cigam͠ ̕s’̡ręts̵a̕m y͟m ́tcet̢èd́ t̕on o͡d͢ I.”
“…okay. Well, my name is Gooigi and, um..." Gooigi sighs, switching to his preferred method of communication. “Any chance you know sign language?”
The ghost reels back with a hiss, watching his hands with apprehension. “Gn͡i̢od ̨uoy e̶r͢a tàhw? Yrecr͟os fo ͡ȩp̧y̵t em̷o̧s s̛i̶ht̕ si?”
Gooigi takes a step back, holding his hands up in surrender. “Whoa! It's okay! This—" he slowly spells out his name as a demonstration, “—is how I talk."
The dark entity relaxes minutely. “Sd̴n̷ah̶ ͡ǹi kąe̴p̵s uoy͝?” they drift a little closer, “Ti͢ nees̡ r̨e͠v̢e ͠ev’̛i e̵mit ̡tsri̶f͢ ̧e̵h͠t̵ ̀s̶i síht tub, ńoita͞c̸i͏n͜um̧moc f̢o̵ mro̕f̡ ͟şi͢ht̛ ̕f̛o draeh ̶e͢v̸ah̶ ̸I.” The ghost looks down at their own hands. “S͢u̡o͠iru͟c. X͟e͟h s̵iht ̧yb ̶de͝tce̡ffa̷ èb̶ d̛l̷uow̨ ̷k͝a͞eps ̴dn͞a͝h ̛f̀i re͏d͝now̵ I̕...”
Gooigi is at a loss. This ghost doesn’t know sign language and they talk like a weirdo. At the very least, they seem to understand Gooigi when he speaks out loud, but talking isn’t exactly the ectomorph’s strong suit, and it takes a lot out of him, so... Yeah. Not the most ideal of situations.
Maybe the ghost knows charades?
“Tna̢v͘ele͘rri̴ s’͢t͢i eşop̶p̢úś I,” the ghost sighs. “Xe̛h͡ ̸s͘iht ͜ka͘e͟r͢b t͝o̴n͟na̵c kae̷ps̀ d̛nah͟. K̕roẃ ot̡ cig͟am sih̴t ̡rof yl̡b̸i͝dua ͡k̵ae͏ps̸ ̡ot ̨uoý deen͏ l͟ĺi͏w ̢I.”
Gooigi, more focused on figuring out a way to explain the concept of charades to a dark entity, almost misses them reaching for something. There’s a shift, movement, and a thick, well-worn tome drifts out from behind the armored Dark Koopa. Gooigi freezes, and a spike of unease surges through him. He can’t say for sure, not knowing exactly what it looks like, but the ectomorph is willing to bet this is the spell book Luigi had told him about—the one the kids had used to summon all these ghosts. There’s no telling what other dangerous spells this book might contain. Does the Vitiate intend to use it on him?
To Gooigi’s relief, and growing confusion, the Vitiate doesn’t begin flipping through the pages in search of a deadly incantation. Instead, they open the book, turn it, and gently nudge it toward the ectomorph. The book drifts to a stop before him, just close enough that he can make out the words on the pages. Gooigi doesn’t dare attempt to grab the tome; he and paper don’t get along, either.
Gooigi looks from the open tome to the expectant gaze of the armored Koopa. “You... want me to read?" he asks.
The ghost nods. They point to a passage on one of the pages, and the words begin to glow softly. Wow, they even highlighted it for him. How thoughtful.
The Vitiate’s eyes narrow at him. Gooigi attempts to mirror their glare with admirable effort. It was a fair question!
His ghostly companion finally relents (no one beats Gooigi in a stare-down). They tilt their head back and point at their throat. “Yaw ͏s̢i̡ht̴ k̡a͞e͏ps ot̡ ̕em͏ ͜gnicr̕o͏f̷ xe̷h e̡ht͞ ̴kae̛rb ͜ll̨iw͟ llep̢s̀ eht͞.”
Gooigi hums thoughtfully. Either the ghost has a sore throat, or this has something to do with the weird way they talked. The ectomorph is going to go out on a limb and assume the dark entity wouldn’t invoke magic for something that could easily be fixed with a cough drop.
He stares down at the spell book and its highlighted passage. Luigi and the professor said that magic was dangerous, especially if you weren’t experienced with it. He’s not supposed to try this kind of thing without a professional to supervise. Would the Vitiate count as a professional? Probably not. It’s only a spell about helping the ghost talk normally or whatever. It couldn’t be that dangerous, right?
If the ghost is telling the truth, anyway. Gooigi doesn’t recognize the language the spell is written in. For all he knows, this is for summoning eldritch monsters (or lighting gullible ectomorphs on fire).
Gooigi shrugs to himself. Eh, sometimes you have to take a leap of faith.
“Okay, I'll help," he says at last. Gooigi pauses. “I’ll try," he amends, “Talking is... hard."
The ghost nods imperceptibly. They anxiously glance up and down the hall as Gooigi begins to read, seemingly keeping watch—for what, he doesn’t know. Gooigi trips and fumbles his way through the most complicated paragraph he’s ever had the displeasure of reading. Nothing happens after he finishes, so he tries twice more, just in case. He can’t tell if he does better or worse with each attempt. Eventually, the ectomorph must concede defeat.
The Vitiate makes a frustrated sound, akin to a growl, but to Gooigi’s relief, they don’t lash out. “Er̛ef̡r͢etni̵ t̴’ņdid͜ ͢r̸e̶t̕sa͘m ym̨ ͠t͟àh͡t ͡s̛uo̧tiu̡t̛ŕo͝f ơot ͘s͝aw̷ ti̴ t͞h̴gu͟o͢ht̷ ̴dah ̡I. S̷noi̛t̨a̸t͢imil l͡aćov ̡ru̶oy fo̷ węn͏k ̕éh ̵sp̷ah̷rep̶...”
Is the ghost belittling him or placating him? Gooigi decides to pretend it’s the latter. “It's okay! My friend can help!"
“D̴n͡eir͢f̵?” the ghost murmurs.
“My partner is here," he says, “We find him, he can read. He has a mouth!
The dark entity regards him strangely, which is fair, given Gooigi’s choice of words. Still, the ectomorph isn’t discouraged.
“But first," Gooigi continues, “I need to find a kid. Have you seen them?"
The garbled words are barely out before the Vitiate reels back with a snarl. Gooigi raises their hands placatingly, startled by their response.
“Is that a 'yes' or do you not like kids?"
The Vitiate glares at him. Ah. Right. He should stick to ‘yes or no’ questions (and avoid dumb ones, honestly).
“T̀i ͠s̷lliw̷ re͝t̨s͠a̶m͜ d͞e͘hc̡t̴er̷w ̷y̵m s͘sel̶n͟u ͡y̛ob ̵ta̡ht ̵dni͢f͞ ̨ton ͠lli̧w͏ uơy,” the ghost hisses. “N̛ac̛ ͢ll̸i̧ts̴ eh ̵e̷l͘i͡h͟w ͢ec̶al͘p ͘s͜i͜ht ̡sèv̸aęl͡ e̴h ̡tah̷t̡ s͢e̕kas ruoy fo͏ ͟h͟t̸ob ̕ŗo̕f ͜yarp͝ I,̛ t̴seret̶n͜į ̀s͞’re̵t̛sam ͘y͞m͜ de̕rut͠ṕa̸c ͜sa̧h̸ ͏taht́ n̴amu̕h̸ ͝ehţ si̢ eh ̛f͠i, ̷’ren̛t̴r̷a͡p̸‘ r͟uǫy̧ ̡r̵o͜f ̧s͝a.”
That... somehow sounded super ominous and important. Call it a gut feeling. Would the ghost get annoyed if he asked them to repeat that in a game of charades?
A sharp gasp from down the hall steals Gooigi’s attention. He turns around and is both surprised and elated to see what appears to be an adolescent Doogan. They are standing at the end of the hall, having just stepped through the enchanted intersection. The kid is staring at the two paranormal entities with eyes wide and mouth agape. He kind of reminds Gooigi of a ghost that had just been hit with the mother of all Strobulb flashes.
What was the saying? Speak of Jaydes, and she will appear? (Is that why mortals refuse to say her name? Ridiculous. Jaydes is an absolute delight to be around.)
Whatever the case, his luck is finally turning around. Gooigi tilts his head in the approximation of a smile and offers the kid a friendly wave. “Hello!"
The Doogan promptly screams.
Now, Gooigi is used to this type of reaction (the same thing had happened when he first met Luigi), so he isn’t deterred by it. He raises both hands placatingly, but before he can try and calm the kid down, they’re pulling something out of their pocket and brandishing it like a weapon.
Is... is that an onion?
“Stay back, monster!” the teen shrieks.
Gooigi complies for the moment, but not out of any concern for the Doogan’s bizarre arsenal. Seriously, what’s with the onion?
“Why do you have an onion in your pocket?”
“For situations just like this one! Everyone knows the living dead hate onions,” the kid says with the confidence of an idiot. “As long as I have this, you can’t touch me.”
…this has to be a joke, right? There’s no way someone is this confidently wrong. Gooigi doesn’t even know where to begin addressing the blatant misinformation, so for the sake of his own sanity, he decides not to acknowledge it.
“Kid, I’m not going hurt you,” he signs, taking a cautious step forward. “I’m here to save you from—”
“Save me?” the Doogan laughs incredulously, “You think I’d fall for that just because you sort of look like Luigi?” he points at something past the ectomorph with his free hand, “Your evil boss is right there!”
Gooigi follows the kid’s line of sight and winces internally as his gaze lands on the (weirdly quiet) Vitiate. Okay, standing next to one of the ghosts that’s been terrorizing the kid and his friends is definitely not a good look. It doesn’t help that the spell book is still open and floating in plain view.
“...I’ll admit, this looks bad,” Gooigi concedes, “but you’ve got it all wrong. The ghost and I have just been trying to work things out—”
“Uh-uh!” the Doogan interjects, “No way am I listening to you! You’re just trying to trick me!”
Gooigi sighs, daring to take a few steps closer. “Please, just give me a chance to explain—”
“I said stay back! Don’t make me use this!” the Doogan shakes their onion with emphasis.
“Oh no, a smelly, tear-jerking vegetable; I better go crawl back into my crypt.” Gooigi acknowledges that snarking a terrified teenager probably isn’t the best approach, but he can’t seem to rein in the sass when faced with the ridiculousness of the situation.
The kid does not respond to Gooigi’s sarcastic quip, and it takes the ectomorph a moment to realize he isn’t even looking at him anymore. He is staring past him with growing horror and confusion.
“H-hey, where’d your boss go?”
“They’re not my—!” Gooigi freezes. Wait... what? He quickly turns. The armored Koopa Vitiate is gone, and so is the book.
A panicked shriek pulls Gooigi’s attention back to the Doogan. He whirls around and is horrified to find the kid in the ghost’s grasp. Apparently, while the kid had been focused on Gooigi, the Vitiate had turned invisible and crept up on him, grabbing him from behind (is this ghost part Slinker?). They have one arm wrapped around the Doogan’s throat, and the other is keeping one of his arms pinned to his side. If the situation weren’t so dire, Gooigi would have found it amusing that his free arm is the one clutching the onion.
“No! Let me go!” the kid yowls, thrashing desperately in the ghost’s grip, “I’m sorry for calling you evil! Please don’t hurt me!”
“Nw̕od ͟draug r͡uoy̵ t̸eļ ̀ot, ͝uo͘y͢ f̀o ̡sselèr̷ac w̨oh,” the dark entity hisses, “Wo̧n dn͞a͟ er̨eh ͘sdn͏e s̨ih͜t!”
Gooigi finally snaps out of his shock. He sprints toward the kid and their ghostly captor, waving his arms frantically to get the latter’s attention. “Wait! Stop!"
The Vitiate pays him no mind. Their hold on the Doogan only tightens, and the kid’s struggling devolves into intense shivering. “C-cold! Why is it s-s-so c-cold?”
“Please! Stop!" Gooigi pleads, increasingly more desperate, “Let the kid go!"
“M͠elo̸g͏ èm̕il͞s̛,͢ ȩc̶nel̕i̴s͠!” the dark entity growls, keeping their eyes firmly on the Doogan. “N͜o̢iţart͘n̛e͡c̡no͏c͢ ̴l̢l̢u̶f y̶m ͝s̀e̶r̷iuqe̵r͠ síht̀, ̷nop͠ąeẁ ͠a fo ̕dia̷ e͡ht͜ ̕tu͢o̧ht̕íw.”
‘I don’t know what you’re saying!’ Gooigi wants to scream. If he had hair, he’d be tearing it out. Why, oh why couldn’t he have gotten that stupid spell to work?!
The kid abruptly goes stiff. His mouth hangs open, and his wide eyes stare vacantly into the middle distance. With growing horror, Gooigi notices that the Vitiate’s arms have begun to slowly phase into the Doogan’s body. What is the ghost trying to do?! Is this what possession looks like? Gooigi isn’t about to wait and find out.
The time for talking has ended.
Gooigi quickly weighs his options. Startle the ghost with the Strobulb? No, he’ll be blinding the kid, too. Blast the ghost away with the Burst function? No, as tightly as they’re holding onto the kid, he’ll be brought along for the ride. Skip straight to the vacuuming action? The ghost would probably just clamp down harder. That just leaves...
The ectomorph silently preps the Suction Shot. His distracted adversary’s head is just visible over the kid’s shoulder. If he aims carefully, he should be able to obscure the ghost’s vision with the cup of the plunger. Hopefully, that will startle them enough to let go.
Gooigi takes aim, and fires.
The plunger hits its mark. Startled, the ghost relinquishes their hold on the kid and immediately claws at the obstruction. The Doogan collapses to the floor with a gasp. Gooigi darts forward as the teen shakily rises to their hands and knees.
“You okay?" he warbles, reaching out to offer the kid a hand.
The Doogan looks up, wild-eyed, and leaps to their feet with a shriek. They throw the onion at Gooigi in a panic and bolt down the hallway. The vegetable bounces harmlessly off Gooigi and lands at his feet. He stares down at it in dumb silence while the Doogan makes their getaway. 3
Huh. Gooigi has to give the kid credit; the onion certainly gave him pause.
“On͡!̡ Ep͢a̵cse̸ me̶ht̸ ́t̢el ͠t̀’̶n͟o͝ḑ!”
The Dark Koopa nearly bowls Gooigi over as they barrel past him. The time allotted to him by the Suction Shot is apparently up. Gooigi scrambles to recover and quickly pursues the angry Vitiate. The Doogan dares a glance over his shoulder and yelps at the rapidly gaining duo. With a desperate burst of speed, he sprints through the intersection at the end of the hall and disappears into the enchantment’s tell-tale shimmer.
The Vitiate halts before the invisible barrier can claim them as well. Gooigi moves to go around them, but the dark entity seizes the ectomorph by the arm. To Gooigi’s shock, he doesn’t just slip through the Vitiate’s grip like he would with anyone else. He is held firmly, as if he isn’t a semi-solid being, and Gooigi distantly wonders if it has anything to do with them both being ectoplasmic entities. Then, with a furious snarl, the ghost turns and throws him to the ground.
“Lo͝of ̨u̷o̸y! Enǫd̸ ́e̸v’̷uoy ̷t͝ahw͡ ̷a͞ed͢i y̡n̡a͟ ͡e̵va̛h u͢oy ̴od́?!” The Dark Koopa howls. “Me̛ht̷ d͠a̸h̸ ts̢òml͞a Í! Si̸ht̢ d͟edn͢e eva̧h dlu͜oc̨ e͝w!”
Gooigi doesn’t have to understand the ghost to know they are chewing him out. He knows a reprimand when he hears one.
“Y̧lla ͞na eb̨ d̨l̡u͠o̡c ̷u̵o͢y d̨ep͠oh͘ dah̶ ́I,” the Vitiate grumbles, “ytįli͝baìl̷ ̷a͜ na̷h̶t ̸er̴om͢ ǵn̸i͠hton ͝er’̨ùo̶y͟ s̴me̷es͏ ti ͘tub́.” They turn away. “P͟a̡rt ́s͏’r̛e̢tsa̛m ym̛ sr̕e̢tnȩ n̵am͘uh ̷r̨u͝o̴y͏ er͡of̛e̢b em͢i̡t fo ̡re̸ttam ͠a yl͘ņo s͞i͞ ţi̢ ràef͡ I. T̶sr̶i̡f mih ͜dn͡if̵ ͞lliw ̶I͜, ̷y͜k͟c͠ul ̶si ͡eh ͝f͏i͠.” Without a glance his way, they drift toward the intersection. “E̴v́it͠pec̕rep̕ erom ̕şi e͞h͝ ͡y̡ar̵p ͝I̵.” 3
And with that, the armored Dark Koopa is gone.
Gooigi stares quietly at where the dark entity disappeared. That last spiel had the same energy as one of Luigi’s “I’m not angry, just disappointed” lectures. He can handle angry ghosts well enough, but disappointed ones? That was new. And, somehow, worse.
Gooigi gets to his feet with a sigh, feeling every bit like a scolded child. He wordlessly steps through the enchanted intersection and finds himself in another hallway. The ectomorph is disappointed (but not surprised) that the kid is nowhere in sight. He is less disappointed that the Dark Koopa is also absent.
Why does he feel so guilty? That ghost was doing some weird, spooky stuff to the kid. Gooigi was just trying to protect him! He didn’t do anything wrong!
Gooigi doesn’t let himself dwell on it. He continues his trek through the halls, hoping to get lucky and run into the fleeing teenager. His persistence eventually rewards him, though not with the kid, but a lead as to where they may have gone. The enchantment has now dropped Gooigi into a hall with a dead end, and about halfway down, is an open door. The Doogan must have ducked into that room and forgot to close it behind them in their haste. Gooigi’s not complaining though.
The ectomorph quietly approaches the door, considering what he can say to the kid to convince them he’s on their side. He steps past the threshold, hands up and ready to make another attempt to placate. To his surprise, the door isn’t to a bedroom, but a staircase. He follows the steps upward with his eyes. Where does this lead? The attic?
The door abruptly slams behind him, and it is at that moment that Gooigi realizes he just walked into a trap.
Of course it’s a trap. After multiple failures in a row, why would his luck suddenly be any better?
Gooigi sighs and prepares to use the Poltergust’s Suction Shot on the door. He hesitates. He glances over his shoulder, back at the staircase. It’s probably not the wisest choice, but Gooigi can’t deny that he’s curious as to what may be at the top of those steps. It could be nothing, and Gooigi had just been lured to this particular door at random, but the ectomorph has come to learn that when dealing with the paranormal, there are few coincidences. There must be a reason the ghosts trapped him here of all places.
Gooigi cautiously ascends the stairs, Poltergust at the ready. When he reaches the top, he quickly steps off to the side—he's been pushed down staircases too much not to be paranoid—and scans the area for ghosts. Finding none, he begins to explore.
It’s an attic, as he suspected. There are boxes and miscellaneous items covered with dusty sheets lining the walls—standard stuff. What isn’t standard, is what lies in the middle of the room.
A large, intricate magic circle has been drawn onto the floor. It is surrounded by a ring of candles dripping with melted wax. The candle’s wicks are still lit, but instead of a warm orange, the flames glow a ghostly lilac.
‘This must be where the kids summoned the ghosts,’ Gooigi thinks.
He dares to get closer to the circle, scrutinizing it carefully. Gooigi is no expert in magic, but this doesn’t look like the type of arrangement you’d need for a simple séance. Stars, just what kind of magic did these kids mess with?
Luigi might know what this is. And if he doesn’t, hopefully he had the foresight to pack E. Gadd’s latest invention to help identify it. The ectomorph turns, intending to go back down the stairs and bust down the door, but is stopped by another presence. There, blocking the staircase, is a Clubba Vitiate.
Gooigi immediately notes that the ghost’s eyes aren’t red, which doesn’t bode well, but that doesn’t mean they’re a guaranteed hostile. After all, the Snifit had white eyes and Gooigi had managed to make peace with them.
They also hadn’t been as far gone as the other Vitiates, but that’s beside the point.
Gooigi waves cheerfully at the Clubba, undeterred. “Hello!"
The rotund ghost stares quietly back at him. For a moment, Gooigi thinks they might be open to a friendly chat. Ominous leering isn’t necessarily a sign of aggression, right? Maybe they’re just shy.
The Clubba ghost starts to growl, and before Gooigi knows it, the dark entity is growing and shifting into a grotesque parody of itself. Gooigi takes several steps back, readying his Poltergust.
Luigi, Dane, and Pepper slowly make their way up and down the various hallways. Luigi pauses before each door, sensing for traps and destroying them accordingly. Only a few of the doors they’ve come across so far were a part of the original floor plan, and none of the rooms beyond showed signs of Gooigi or the remaining ghosts. At first, the trio search in silence—Luigi being focused on the task at hand, and Dane seemingly cowed from his admonishing—but after an uneventful stretch of time, the kid begins to fill in the quiet with questions.
“So, what’s with the fancy vacuum? I’ve never seen one with a flashlight attachment.” Dane watches as Luigi destroys yet another trap door with the Suction Shot. “Or shoot toilet plungers, for that matter.”
Luigi, for some unexplainable reason, finds it difficult to respond. His brows furrow. It was an innocent question with a simple enough answer, so where was this hesitation coming from?
“This,” Luigi says at last, brandishing the Poltergust’s wand, “is the Poltergust G-00-EG—” Patent pending. “—the latest Poltergust model and most advanced piece of ghost capturing technology in all the known kingdoms.” 4
Dane hums appreciatively. “A bit of a mouthful, but as far as puns go, ‘Poltergust’ is unquestionably ‘S’ tier.”
Luigi smiles, remembering how giddy E. Gadd had been when he first introduced the Poltergust all those years ago. He’d be delighted to know that someone else appreciated his “naming genius.”
“Is that where the ghosts go when you catch ‘em?” Dane asks, pointing to the clear canister on Luigi’s back.
“No, that’s for Gooigi.”
Dane’s eyes widen. “You store Jelly Joe in a jar?”
Jelly Joe? Luigi’s adding that one to the list. “The canister is for protection and recovery, not storage.”
“Protection from what?”
The inexplicable hesitation from before returns, stronger this time. Luigi frowns. He clears his throat, jaw spasming minutely as he opens his mouth to answer.
“Water, mostly,” Luigi replies, ignoring the strange surge of annoyance that follows. “And if he is hurt badly enough that he can’t maintain form, the Poltergust automatically collects his physical body until he’s able to recover.”
“Oooo neat.” Dane leans over to better scrutinize the Poltergust. “How does he get out?”
“There’s a sensor at the bottom of the canister that Gooigi can trigger when he’s ready.” Luigi frowns to himself. “But that’s been acting up lately, so I’ve been having to release him manually.”
Luigi pauses at the next door, not detecting a trap or malevolent energy. He gestures for Dane to step back and opens it to find another hallway identical to theirs. He quirks a brow before cautiously leaning out the door. When he looks to his left, Luigi is bewildered to see Dane, Pepper, and himself several doors down. His “doppelgänger” is also leaning through a doorway. Luigi withdraws and looks to his right to see an open door down the hall—the exit point of the portal.
“Whoa, that’s trippy!” Dane runs down the hall before Luigi can protest and stops in front of the other door. Sure enough, they are now standing before the plumber in the threshold.
Luigi patiently has the Doogan step through the door so they are once more at his side. Luigi closes the door and locks it with his magic skeleton key.
“Oh cool! A skeleton key! I’ve never seen one in person before.” Dane leans in curiously. “But why are you locking the door with it?”
“I’m breaking the enchantment so I can safely dispose of the door.”
Luigi tears the door down. Sure enough, the door it had been connected to down the hall also disappears. Luigi destroys a few more trap doors before coming to another one free of malevolent energy.
A wall of steam pours over the threshold and curls around the plumber and his companions. When it clears, Luigi finds he is standing before a bathroom. The floor is checkered with pale blue tile, the rest of the room adorned in complimentary shades. Across from the trio is an old, claw-footed tub with a shower curtain drawn tightly around it. The curvy silhouette of a woman can be seen beyond the cloth, her jovial humming mingling pleasantly with the gentle patter of water from the shower head.
Luigi quickly retreats, absently throwing a hand over the teen’s eyes (the latter squawking indignantly) as he shuts the door behind him.
What was up with ghosts and shower hauntings?
“That, uh..." Dane trails off, sounding a little mortified. “That wasn’t one of our bathrooms.”
Luigi sags minutely with relief. It’s another portal door, meaning he doesn’t need to confront whatever is on that side of the threshold. He locks the door and destroys it as well.
The neighboring door also lacks the negative energy indicative of a trap. With great trepidation, Luigi grasps the worn brass knob and pulls. A warm, foul-smelling gust of air billows from the room. It is completely dark, but the plumber can hear what sounds like deep breathing coming from its depths. He warily pulls out his flashlight and turns it on. A narrow, maroon tunnel spans before him, sprawling further and further until its end is concealed in shadow. The walls glisten with a slimy substance, and the ceiling and floor are lined with rows of odd, off-white stalactites and stalagmites—
Luigi slams the door, wide-eyed.
Dane stares at the hastily shut door, equally alarmed. "...horrifying."
Luigi silently agrees. He wastes no time locking the door and destroying it. Dane studies the now vacant spot with open wariness.
“So... what do we do if something other than a ghost manages to get through these doors?” Dane glances at the Poltergust. “Does that work on monsters, too?”
Luigi clenches his jaw against the urge to snap at the kid. It’s a fair concern to address, given what they just witnessed, so the subsequent spike in irritation seems rather unwarranted. Why does he feel so agitated?
“It can’t capture them if that’s what you mean,” he says. At the teen’s nervous look, Luigi quickly tries to assure them. “But you don’t need to worry about that, Dane. I was fighting monsters well before I was fighting ghosts.”
And yet, he is still afraid of the former. Even after all these years.
Dane doesn’t reply to his platitude, so Luigi isn’t certain if he succeeded in putting the kid at ease. They continue on in silence. Luigi destroys two more trap doors before they arrive at one lacking malevolent energy. He warily takes hold of the doorknob, sending a silent prayer to the Stars that it isn’t another portal. He grimaces as he thinks of the last one.
“You might want to stand off to the side a bit,” Luigi tells Dane. “Just in case.”
Dane’s face scrunches up, likely also remembering the previous portal. “Good idea.”
The Doogan moves down the hall a few paces. Pepper trots dutifully after him.
“In hindsight,” Luigi adds, easing open the door, “I probably should have had you doing that in the first—”
Luigi cuts himself off with a surprised yelp. There, standing in the doorway, is the armored Koopa Vitiate. Luigi leaps back, falling into a defensive stance with the Poltergust at the ready, but the ghost doesn’t go on the attack. In fact, they react similarly to Luigi. With equal speed, the ghost puts distance between them, posed to attack or defend as needed. They regard each other quietly. Neither appear eager to make the first move.
“…Luigi?” Dane whispers, near inaudibly. “What’s wrong?”
Luigi tenses, fully expecting Dane’s voice to send the ghost into another frenzy, but they don’t show any reaction. Either they didn’t hear the kid, or they don’t care enough about his presence to engage in another fight. They seem to have calmed considerably since their earlier encounter. Perhaps now they can try and settle matters diplomatically.
“We don’t need to fight,” Luigi says after a beat. “I have the spell book. Show me what I need to read to break your hex, and we can talk this out. Okay?”
The Dark Koopa watches him in silent scrutiny, but otherwise says nothing in response to his offer. Luigi isn’t discouraged. Something like relief is radiating from the armored Koopa; relief and a sense of urgency so strong, Luigi feels it as if it’s his own. This is confirmation enough.
Luigi turns his head slightly towards Dane, keeping the ghost in his peripheral. “Dane, I need you to bring me the spell book.”
The teen’s eyes widen, darting from Luigi to the doorway. From his spot in the hall, the open door is shielding the ghost from view—a near perfect replica of their prior meeting, only with reversed roles.
“Is that who I think it is…?” Dane whispers.
Luigi nods sharply. “I know they scared you before, but you need to trust me on this. Remember what we talked about…”
The Doogan winces, likely recalling his reprimand. He nods to himself as he carefully makes his way over. Pepper matches the kid’s cautious stride.
Luigi spares the Dark Koopa a brief glance. Their head is also turned in Dane’s direction, perhaps listening to his timid approach. Luigi opens the door wider to make room for his two companions. He holds out his hand with remarkable patience as they draw near. Pepper and Dane step into view of the armored Koopa.
A sharp crack! cuts through the tense silence, startling Luigi into high alert. He turns back to the dark entity, anticipating an attack, but is shocked to find a kaleidoscope of jagged shapes in their place. Harsh lines spiderweb out from a seemingly arbitrary focal point and end at the doorway’s framing. It takes Luigi an embarrassingly long moment to realize he’s looking at a shattered mirror.
“Uh…” Dane begins uncertainly. “Where’s the armored ghost? All I see is our reflection.”
Luigi turns to Dane, confused by their calm reaction to the mirror’s loud and rather sudden destruction. When Luigi turns back to the mirror, he is bewildered to find it completely intact. Dane is currently looking between his and Luigi’s haggard reflection. Luigi quirks a brow, frowning at his own disheveled appearance. His damp clothes are torn in a few places and sag uncomfortably on his frame. There’s a minor scrape on his cheek that he doesn’t recall getting, and he distantly wonders which of the ghosts was responsible for it. He turns his gaze downward to gauge Pepper’s reaction to the mirror, but the pup is no longer beside them. The Polterpup is back where he and Dane had been waiting off to the side, only now they are watching the doorway with wide eyes.
“I… I don’t know,” Luigi says helplessly. “This mirror wasn’t here earlier. Or, if it was, it wasn’t functioning like one…”
Dane abruptly steps away from the doorframe. “Oh, sweet Jaydes, are you telling me this is a haunted mirror? Is the armored ghost possessing it or something?!”
Luigi studies his reflection a moment more, searching for anything amiss. Nothing changes. No cracks, no shadowy ghosts, just a rung-out human in need of a change of clothes and a shower. He closes the door, feeling out of sorts. “It was probably an illusion,” he says quietly. “Spectral shenanigans. Nothing to worry ourselves over.”
Luigi hopes he sounds more certain than he feels. Without further acknowledgment or investigation, he locks the door with his skeleton key and tears it down with a well-aimed Suction Shot. Luigi wordlessly moves to check the next door, only to find there isn’t one. He casts his befuddled gaze back the way they came. A significantly more reasonable number of doors now line each wall. Apparently, they have finished clearing this hall of traps and door portals.
Luigi waves Pepper and Dane forward. “Let’s move on.”
The next hall the trio are dumped into comes to a dead end. Luigi grimaces, already imagining the many different scenarios where they end up cornered and trapped by whatever may be lurking behind these doors. Nothing has jumped out to attack them yet, but it’s only a matter of time. Luigi looks over his shoulder, considering whether to brave their current hall or throw themselves back to the enchantment’s mercy. He turns toward the dead end and ventures forth with a sigh. They’d likely have to come back here anyway; may as well get it over with.
Luigi destroys two trap doors on opposite walls in quick succession, Dane and Pepper following quietly behind. Both give Luigi a generous amount of space each time he stops to conduct an inspection. He is about to examine door number six when he detects movement in his peripheral. About halfway down the hall, one of the doors on the left begins to open. Luigi gestures for his companions to stay put and quickly moves so he is standing between them and the new potential threat. They watch the door’s painfully slow progress, its hinges creaking eerily in the cramped quarters. It eases to a stop; nothing emerges.
“...that is... super creepy,” Dane whispers.
Luigi frowns at the apparent invitation. “Stay close to me," he quietly tells the teen, “And get ready to run."
Dane nods his understanding. He trails nervously after Luigi as the latter cautiously approaches the door. Luigi wordlessly readies his Poltergust. They are almost within reach when a green blur tumbles over the threshold and crashes into the far wall. It slides to the floor in an amorphous blob before quickly reforming into a familiar shape.
The ghost hunter startles, surprised by Luigi’s presence, and turns to the trio with wide eyes. Any relief at being reunited is swiftly dashed by a massive morning star soaring through the open doorway and embedding itself in the wall just above Gooigi’s head.
A giant, clawed hand erupts from the doorway, knocking the door off its hinges as it reaches fervently for the ectomorph. Gooigi swiftly dodges, narrowly avoiding the swiping hand. He leaps to his feet with a distressed warble and dashes past his gawking partner. Luigi jolts from his stupor and quickly directs his companions to join the ghost hunter in their retreat. They run back the way they came, but the moment the group attempts to pass their first intersection, the enchantment’s magic takes hold. Suddenly, the ghost’s swiping hand is in their path, blocking their way forward. Luigi turns and finds a wall at their back. The enchantment had deposited them at the hallway’s dead end.
They’re trapped.
Luigi whirls back to the Vitiate’s flailing arm. The ghost has managed to poke its head out of the door—revealing it to be the Clubba Vitiate that Dane had told him about—but it can’t seem to get the rest of its bulbous body through the threshold. Luigi squints at the struggling entity, bewildered. Why doesn’t it just phase through the wall?
“It’s stuck! That’s good, right?" Dane asks hopefully. “We’re safe?”
The Clubba suddenly retreats into the room. A second later, its hands emerge, clasping both sides of the doorway’s framing. Then, it pulls—widening the opening like someone manually prying open a sliding door. Instead of crumbling into rubble, the walls stretch unnaturally to accommodate the ghost’s impromptu changes to the threshold’s dimensions. Once wide enough, the dark entity claws its way out into the cramped hall.
“O-okay! Um... at least it can’t really move out here!"
The Vitiate growls irritably as it fails to stand at its full height. It raises both arms, palms to the ceiling, and pushes. The ceiling soars upward several meters before coming to a stop, again changing the room’s dimensions without any signs of damage. It reaches an arm out to the morning star imbedded in the wall and grabs the handle. With the other arm, the Clubba shoves against the wall, sending it back another couple of meters while simultaneously freeing their weapon.
“Oh, come on!"
“What did I tell you about tempting fate?!”
Luigi watches as the Clubba rises to its full height. The dark entity reminds the plumber a lot of his brother’s old foe, Tubba Blubba, only bigger. Impractically large tusks jut out from its bottom jaw and two, sharp horns curl back over the entity’s head. Its tail is longer too—so much so that it now drags on the ground behind it instead of poking up in the air.
The Vitiate takes two lumbering steps toward the cornered mortals, closing the already little distance between them. Now that the ghost is closer, Luigi can tell by the way it holds itself that it isn’t at full strength. Gooigi may have failed to catch it in their time apart, but they certainly drained a fair share of the ghost’s energy. Hopefully, with their combined efforts, they can quickly finish it off.
Luigi looks from the ghost to the wall at his back. Full power or not, the Clubba is still incredibly dangerous, especially in such close quarters. Luigi needs to create distance, and fast.
“Gooigi, hit them with the Strobulb," he tells his partner quietly. Then, loud enough for the others to hear, “Everyone get behind me.”
The ectomorph nods as Dane and Pepper squeeze into what little space remains between Luigi and the dead end. While his partner charges their Strobulb, Luigi holsters the Poltergust’s wand and hastily removes his damp gloves. He rolls up his sleeves as an after-thought and raises a fist, sparks coming to life along his hand. Luigi isn’t soaked through, but he’s still far from dry. He can only hope his precautionary measures will reduce whatever backlash he may receive.
The Vitiate, seeing Luigi’s building attack, tries to interfere with a pre-emptive strike of their own, but Gooigi blinds them with a flash before they can follow through. They stumble back with a snarl, and Gooigi quickly moves behind the plumber while the ghost furiously rubs at their eyes. With a final burst of charge, Luigi unleashes the Thunderhand. The attack strikes true, sending the Clubba ghost hurdling down the widened hallway. Unfortunately, as the plumber suspected, his clothes conduct some of the attack, and he receives a shock of his own. Luigi collapses to his hands and knees, muscles spasming minutely at the backlash.
“That was freaking awesome!" Dane whoops, fist pumping in the air. He double takes, finally taking notice of Luigi’s hunched form. “Whoa, man, are you okay?"
“I-I’ll be fine." Luigi gives himself a hard shake. This isn’t the first time the Thunderhand backfired on him, and it certainly isn’t the worst.
Gooigi offers their help as he moves to stand, but when the ectomorph’s hand contacts Luigi’s damp clothes, their palm starts to sizzle. They recoil, looking between Luigi and their reforming hand with a lightly quirked brow. The plumber gives his partner a flat look.
“Not. One. Word." He grumbles.
A deep growl snaps the group’s attention back to the Vitiate steadily recovering from Luigi’s attack. It slowly rises from the ground, residual electricity arcing off its ethereal form. Then, with a furious roar, the Clubba ghost turns to the wall and delivers a powerful kick. Instead of expanding outward, like the entity’s previous manipulations, the hall flips over like a box pushed onto its side—sending Luigi and company flying. All but the Polterpup land in painful heaps on the wall-turned-floor.
“That is, so not fair," Dane wheezes.
The dark entity guffaws heartily at the dazed mortals, lifting its leg to deliver another world-altering kick, but Luigi is ready this time. He calls a warning to his companions and rushes to brace himself for the pull of gravity. The hall flips just as violently as before, but the mortals fair far better as they land on what was once the ceiling. Luigi quickly leaps back to his feet.
“Pepper, you stay here with Dane and keep him safe! Gooigi, you’re with me!"
The Polterpup barks in the affirmative and Gooigi nods, wordlessly following their partner as the latter dashes down the hall. They make it about halfway to their target before the Vitiate decides to flip the room yet again. Luigi mentally nudges the ectomorph, silently conveying an idea. Gooigi presses back in acknowledgement, and, just before the room turns, the two ghost hunters simultaneously perform a Burst—easing their transition to the new plane and significantly reducing their recovery time. The Clubba scowls at their resourcefulness and quickly flips the room again, hoping to catch them off guard, but they anticipate the action and perform another Burst before they can be thrown. Frustrated, the Clubba switches tactics and hoists its weapon into the air. Once the two ghost hunters are in range, it lunges forward and brings the morning star down in a brutal swing. The duo narrowly dodge the blow, leaping to opposite sides of the hallway. The Vitiate continues its wild onslaught, spiked bludgeon scraping mortar from the walls and splintering wood beneath the ruined rug. A particularly brutal swing crashes into the floor and the mighty weapon becomes embedded in its surface. The ghost hunters pause, taking a moment of reprieve while the dark entity struggles to free it.
“Any ideas on how to take it down?" Luigi signs, trying to give himself a chance to catch his breath.
Gooigi stares at the ghost in brief contemplation. After a moment, he perks, turning to Luigi and miming a poof of air like that of the Burst from their Poltergust. He mimics being off balance and then slams one hand on top of the other.
“Take it down by literally taking it down?” The plumber confirms.
Gooigi nods.
“Simple and to the point. I like it."
The two look over in time to see the Clubba ghost pull its weapon free with a mighty tug, sending the lumbering behemoth stumbling back at the sudden lack of resistance. They exchange a glance—there's their opening. Luigi and his partner rush in as the Vitiate tries to recover and simultaneously activate the Burst function of their Poltergusts. The blast of air knocks the already unstable ghost onto their back, and the two ghost hunters waste no time in switching on their glorified vacuums. Each aims their nozzles at a different leg and quickly draws in their respective target. The ghost flails with a snarl, attempting to pull away, but before it can make any progress, the duo lifts as one and swings it in an arc before slamming it back into the ground. They perform this maneuver once, twice, three times—the ghost howling its protests. Luigi activates the Power Surge function, draining the last of the ghost’s energy. He exchanges a look with his partner. With a wordless nod, he shuts off the intake and watches as the roaring Vitiate disappears into Gooigi’s Poltergust.
Five down...
Mere moments after the Vitiate’s defeat, the hallway begins to shudder. Everyone watches in quiet awe as the ceiling lowers and the walls constrict. The doorway Gooigi and the Clubba had come through follows suit, and soon everything has returned to its previous dimensions. The only evidence of their ghostly encounter is the damage left by the Clubba’s deadly weapon.
Luigi smiles wearily, offering his friend a thumbs-up. “Nice work."
Gooigi mirrors the gesture. “Ditto."
Dane and Pepper run over, quickly regrouping with the ghost hunters. The teen looks like he’s about to burst with giddiness. “Whoa! I didn’t know you could bash ghosts into stuff! That must feel super cathartic."
“Well, I wouldn’t say—"
“It does."
Luigi frowns at his doppelgänger. The ectomorph stares back innocently.
“What? You think so too. Don’t lie."
Luigi rolls his eyes, turning back to the Doogan. “Anyway. You okay, kid? Not too banged up I hope…”
“Eh, a bruise here or there, but I’m good. Pepper kept me from being thrown around when the room flipped."
Luigi smiles down at his ghostly companion. “Good job, Pepper."
The Polterpup’s tail gives the faintest wag. An oddly subdued reaction to his praise, Luigi thinks.
“Oh! Where are my manners?" Luigi turns, gesturing to his partner. “Dane, allow me to introduce you to my friend, Gooigi. Gooigi? This is Dane.”
Dane waves sheepishly at the ectomorph. “Hey dude... sorry I, uh, ran from you earlier.”
“You threw an onion at me.”
Luigi quirks a brow at the teen. “You did what now?”
“I told you, I thought he was a bad guy!”
“Why an onion, though?”
“It was a misunderstanding of folklore,” Gooigi signs. “He probably meant to use garlic.”
“But... you’re not a vampire,” the plumber says superfluously. “You don’t even look like one.”
“Hey, imagine how confused I was.”
Dane crosses their arms and shrinks in on themselves, looking thoroughly embarrassed. “Look, I’m sorry about that, okay? I was freaking out and wasn’t thinking. Can we please just drop it?"
Luigi shrugs, taking pity on the kid. “Fine with me. Oh, and for the record, don’t rely on garlic for protection.”
The ectomorph mirrors his shrug and waves a hand dismissively at the kid. “We’re good. I’m just glad to see you aren’t hurt.”
Dane relaxes, looking relieved. “Right back at ya, my jello fellow.”
“I am not gelatin. I am goo.”
“If we want to get technical,” Luigi interjects, “he's coffee and ectoplasm.”
“...I have never heard anything more relatable in my life."
Luigi regards Dane with a quirked brow. The ectomorph puffs up and playfully elbows his partner in the side.
“Hear that, Luigi? I’m relatable.”
Luigi gives his partner a flat look. “Truly, you are the voice of a generation.” He glances down the hall, sobering at the reminder that they are all still standing at a dead-end. “We should get moving before something else shows up and corners us.”
Gooigi puts a hand on his shoulder. “Wait.” When they’re sure they have his attention, they gesture to the room they had been violently expunged from. “There’s something you need to see.”
Gooigi: "Hello!"
Clubba: *turns into a horrifying monster*
Gooigi: "Understandable. Have a nice day."
Gooigi is so much fun to write. Best gooey boi. <3 And now he's finally back! (To kick! Some! Tail! Goo-ey! Goo-i-gi!) Hopefully he and Luigi can make sense of the mysterious magic circle and figure out how to leave the second floor (aka the least-fun-funhouse ever) before things can take a turn for the worse.
Yoshi, a dinosaur-esq species: "The hell is that supposed to mean?" (I wrote this Jurassic Park reference before I remembered that there are, in fact, actual dinosaurs and dinosaur adjacent species in the Mario-verse, and they would probably be quite offended by Gooigi's implication. I left it in anyway, because I love this dumb inner dialogue and JP too much to change/omit it.) ↩���
Gooigi's spoken dialogue is written in the "Chiller" font in the original document. I thought the shaky lettering did a great job conveying how "wobbly" his voice sounded to everyone. Unfortunately, I couldn't transfer this font into Tumblr or ao3, so I had to come up with something else for each platform. ↩︎
I promise this is the last chapter with backwards speech (there's like 4 lines of it in chapter 5.7 but that's it). Click here if you want to use the text reversing site. ↩︎
I remember missing the Power Surge function when I first started playing Luigi's Mansion 3, so for this story I decided to give Luigi an upgraded version of the Poltergust G-00 that utilizes it. Gooigi was given the honor of naming the new model, and he came up with Poltergust G-00-EG. The professor immediately called him out on naming the device after himself (Goo-E-Gee), but Gooigi denied the accusation, claiming that the "EG" stood for "E. Gadd" and the rest was merely a coincidence. The professor bought it. (Luigi didn't, but quietly found it hilarious) ↩︎
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nhlandotherimagines · 3 years
Family isn’t Always Blood-Part 2
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Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
Summary: Kinsey and Elias’ relationship gets put to the test. Will Elias’ family accept Kinsey? Guess you’ll have to read and find out :)
Author’s Notes: Part 2 let’s go!!!
Word Count: approx. 5.1 k
Warnings: all the same as part 1, also this part likely won’t make much sense unless you read the first part, there is also a a gender reveal in this part so if you really don’t want to read it for that reason I understand and I will add that I do know they are problematic however it was just part of the plot and I felt the need to write it
“Can we get an apartment together?”
My question catches Elias by surprise. “Are you seriously suggesting we move in together right now?” He asks laughing in disbelief, but his face softens.
“Well I mean yeah! But, mine is definitely too small, and yours is a bachelor pad. We are probably going to want something a bit bigger.” An unsure smile spreads slowly across my face, as I watch Elias attempting to wrap his head around what I’m saying.
“My apartment would be fine for us, but if you’d rather something different we can look into it.” He presses a gentle kiss to my forehead, and I can tell he’s even more confused about my sudden desire to live with him.
“I mean it’s great and I wouldn’t mind living there with you, but we will need more room for the baby don’t you think?” 
Elias slowly pulls away from me, staring down at me, his mouth slightly agape. My eyes begin to water and the smile returns to my face. “Y-you wait? You’re really?” Elias is a sputtering mess, trying to wrap his head around what I’m saying, trying to keep his own emotions in check as he likely waits for me to break down.
I nod, tears falling down my face now. “I’m pregnant Elias.”
“Oh. Okay um, wow.” He pauses, eyes falling briefly to my stomach, but they quickly snap up to meet mine again. “How do you feel about that?”
I grab his wrists that are gently resting on my hips, and guide them to sit gently on my stomach. I then reach up and hold his face in my hands and take a deep breath. “I’m terrified. I don’t know how to be a mom, but I guess no one really does know how until they are one. All I know is this baby, it’s-“ I let out a small chuckling trying to hold in the sob trying to escape my throat. “This baby is ours Elias. We made them, and I wouldn’t want to learn how to be a parent with anyone else.”
I can feel Elias’ hands trembling against my stomach, his touch is feather light as if he’s scared to hurt me. I wait patiently for him to respond, but suddenly he just falls down to his knees and rests his forehead against my stomach. He’s muttering to himself in Swedish, and I’m unable to make out any of it. “Elias?”
As he lifts his head to look up at me, his eyes are bloodshot and tears are streaming down his face. If it weren’t for the show stopping smile on his face, I would think he was upset. “We are having a baby!” He chokes out, tears still steadily flowing across his now reddened cheeks. He places a soft kiss on my stomach, and in that moment I know that everything will be okay. I can do this. We can do this. Together. Our little family.
“How are you feeling?” My obstetrician, Dr. McLean, asks as she enters the room.
“Nervous.” Elias answers, his leg continuing to bounce like it has been since he sat down.
“I’m pretty sure that question was meant for me Pettersson.” I giggle, placing my hand on his knee. “I’m feeling better than him apparently.” I joke as I turn back towards Dr. McLean.
She laughs along with me, before explaining how the ultrasound will work. 
Elias watches closely as the doctor puts the gel on my stomach. As she presses the wand to my stomach Elias’ eyes snap to the monitor. As curious as I am, I can’t take my eyes off of my boyfriend. He looks like a child on Christmas morning, not knowing yet what the gifts will be, but excited nonetheless. His baby blues swirl with emotion, and his blonde hair falls perfectly over his forehead. 
“There they are! That’s your baby!” Dr. McLean announces, and my eyes quickly find the screen. I follow the doctors finger as she points out the different body parts, a whole new wave of emotions washing over me. Excitement courses through me, and when my eyes find Elias again, he’s staring down at me, tears falling silently down his face. 
Dr. McLean excuses herself to print off the sonogram photos we asked for, but I can’t focus on her. All I can focus on is the beautiful man in front of me. The man I love. The father of my child. 
“You’re incredible.” He breathes out, running the back of his hand across his face to get her the tears that had fallen. “That’s our baby.”
It’s my turn to cry now as Elias places a soft kiss to my forehead. “It really is. Thank you Elias for giving me a family.” 
“No, thank you.” He smiles brushing away my tears. 
“Do not even think about lifting that box!” I groan rolling my eyes. 
“Pettersson! This box weighs 15 pounds at most and I’m hardly even pregnant!” I yell back, not even really sure how he could see me anyway as he just steps through the apartment door. There is a long pause followed by a muttered profanity.
“Pregnant? You’re pregnant!?” Brock. Fuck, this is not how we intended on telling anyone. Of course I forgot Brock was coming over. When I turn around, Brock’s chin is on the floor and Elias’ hands cover his face as he grumbles inaudibly to himself.
“No?” The uncertainty in my voice a dead give away he didn’t need. Brock’s smile grows and he’s clapping Elias’ shoulder. “Brock we just found out, you can’t say anything!”
“My lips are sealed. On one condition!” The smirk on his face causes Elias and I both to roll our eyes. “I get to be Uncle Brock!”
I can’t help the laughing tumbling past my lips, or the soaring feeling in my heart. I’ve always loved having Brock around, and the thought of having another great man around for this baby to look up to makes me so happy. “I wouldn’t have it any other way Uncle Brock.” I add a little wink at the nickname as he gathers me into a hug. He whispers congratulations into my ear, and places a kiss to the top of my head.
When he pulls away, Elias is smiling at us, a look of happiness similar to the one I’m wearing, on his face. I walk over to him and pull him in for a quick kiss. His hands instinctively find my stomach, like they have many times since last week at the hospital. Sure I was only 2 months pregnant, and not even showing, but Elias doesn’t care.
“Is that why this move is happening so quickly?” Brock asks, and my smile falters a bit. It certainly would seem that way to most, and I guess it kind of is that way. I feel a little guilty about it, like I’m using the baby to tie Elias down, but that had never been my intention.
Elias must sense my mood shifting, because he speaks up. “It certainly helped it along, but Kinsey’s lease was almost up and I wanted her to move in before we found out anyway.”
Reaching up, I place a small kiss on his cheek. The questions that will come along with this pregnancy are inevitable, and they scare me, but somehow Elias makes everything seem easier. With him I feel like I can do anything.
“Have you told anyone else?” I shake my head, cheeks tinting a light shade of pink. We were planning on waiting another couple weeks to tell anyone, but now Brock was the first to know. “I’m honoured!” He chuckles, smiling at us as Elias throws one arm over my shoulder. “I’m so happy for you both.”
So am I Brock. So am I.
Today was the day we are telling Elias’ family about the baby, and to put it nicely, I’m shitting bricks. 
“Just breathe.” I shoot Elias a glare that is mostly uncalled for, but my anxiety is through the roof right now. This could change everything. Sure, Irene liked me before, and wants grandbabies, but like this? “Kins. You’re going to stress out the baby. I promise you it’s going to be okay.”
I send him a forced smile, and nod pressing a kiss to his cheek. Elias opens his laptop and places it gently on the coffee table in front of us. I had wanted to make the surprise memorable for the Pettersson family, and knowing they couldn’t be in Vancouver when we were going to tell them, made it slightly more difficult. I spent weeks planning the surprise before we shipped the box to the family home in Sweden.
In the box was an individual package for each family member who would be present during the FaceTime call. In Elias’ father Törbjörn’s package was the tiniest pair of skates we could purchase. Elias’ older brother Emil’s package held a Vancouver Canucks jersey. The number 1 on the back, and a name plate above it that reads ‘Uncle’. Irene’s package, by far my favourite one, is a gold necklace with a small locket. Inside the locket is a tiny sonogram of the baby. 
“Can we open it now?” Irene asks excitedly, foregoing a regular greeting. I giggle, and Elias smiles brightly beside me.
“There is an individual package for each of you. Make sure you open them at the same time!” Irene’s eyes light up in excitement as she hands Emil and Törbjörn their packages.
“Go ahead.” Elias instructs, and my heart beat picks up slightly. The nerves coursing through me, causing my hands to shake and knee to bounce. Elias’ hand comes to rest gently on my knee, and he rubs his thumb in soothing circles across my bare knee.
I watch closely as Elias’ family open their gifts. Emil is the first to open his eyes widening as he reads the nameplate on his jersey. His smile grows as he stares through the screen in disbelief. Elias squeezes my knee in response, and I look over at him briefly, his eyes watering as he watches his family.
Törbjörn inspects the tiny skates, seemingly oblivious to the significance of their size. I giggle as he thanks us both, and comments on how cute they are. 
My gaze settles on Irene as she pulls the locket from its box. Her smile grows as she looks at the small gold heart shaped locket. “It’s beautiful!” She gushes, and I can’t help the tears forming in my eyes. 
“Open it up Mom!” Elias practically yells at her, his patience growing thin. 
Irene slowly opens the locket taking in the small photo inside. I watch her closely, waiting for any indication that she has caught on. After a few moments the smile on her face falls, and so does my heart. I knew this was going to be too soon for her. Elias and I are still so young, and we haven’t even been together that long. Hell, I’ve only met the woman once in person.
“Mom?” Elias’ voice cracks, and I can now see the nerves he’s been hiding, as the tears in his eyes threaten to spill down his cheeks.
“Is-is this a baby?” She asks pointing to the locket. Elias and I both nod in response. “Your baby?” Her voice shakes, as she asks the question. Her face is devoid of any emotion. No sadness, happiness, confusion or anger, and I honestly would prefer her screaming at me than this awkward back and forth.
“Yes. We are having a baby.” A single year falls down Elias’ cheek as he forces a brave smile. I hate seeing him like this. I know he’s excited about this baby, but if his family isn’t he will be crushed.
When I finally peel my eyes away from Elias and back to the laptop screen, Irene is crying. Not just a few tears, this woman is in full on hysterics.Törbjörn holds her to his chest, and Emil rubs her back gently. I feel sick. Scratch that, I’m going to be sick. 
Immediately springing to my feet, I run as fast as I can to the bathroom. Elias calls after me, but I can’t stop. I quickly part ways with the nice breakfast Elias made me this morning, as I sit on the bathroom floor. “I’m sorry.” I cry, rubbing small circles over my stomach. “I’m so sorry.”
After probably 20 minutes of sitting on the bathroom floor, I pull myself up. I brush my teeth and fix my hair in the mirror. Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I make my way back toward the living room. I stop at the end of the hall, watching Elias speak with his family. The conversation is now completely in Swedish, and they’re speaking so fast there is no way I can keep up. 
Elias’ eyes meet mine across the room, and he smiles brightly. “There she is!” He muses in a much more cheerful tone than that I’d left him with. “Feeling alright beautiful?”
All I can do is nod in response, and walk towards him. Instead of taking my seat next to him, I position myself behind the couch running my hands over his shoulders and down his chest lightly. I press a kiss to his lips when he turns to smile up at me. 
“Kinsey?” Irene’s voice sounds a little hesitant when she speaks, but when I turn my attention back to the screen she’s smiling. “Thank you.”
My brows furrow slightly, and I’m about to tell her she has no reason to thank me, but she speaks first. “Thank you for giving me a grand baby. We are all so excited and so happy for you! But mostly, thank you for loving my Elias. Welcome to the family dear.” 
She is smiling brightly back at me, her necklace now displayed proudly on her chest. Emil is now sporting his jersey, and I’m almost positive Törbjörn placed the tiny skates above the fireplace in the background. Tears are flowing down my face now, and Irene’s face fills with worry. “Oh dear! I didn’t mean to make you cry!”
A watery laugh escapes my throat, and I shake my head as I swipe at the tears on my face. “Just hormones. Thank you Mrs. Pettersson, that means a lot to me.”
“You can call me Mom dear, if you want that is. Irene or Grammy works now too.” A few tears slip down her face as well, but the smile she is sporting lets me know she is happy.
“Thank you,” I pause briefly, taking a deep breath. This is the moment I always dreamed of, having that mother daughter moment, and revealing I was going to be a mom too. The issue was I’ve never had a Mother I felt close to like that. My mother doesn’t care about me, or my baby, unless there is something in it for her. Watching how wonderful Elias’ family is, and how welcoming his Mom has been to me and now this baby has me crying even harder. “Mom.”
My voice is weak when I choke out the last part, and immediately Elias is on his feet gathering me in his arms. “It’s okay Kins, it’s okay sweetie.” He rubs my back, and I cry into his chest. I hear him speaking softly to his mother before he ends the call. “Kinsey? Talk to me.”
“Y-your mom. She’s so wonderful, I love your family Elias.” I manage to get the words out without lifting my face from where it’s pressed against his chest. 
“And they love you, so why are you upset?” He chuckles a little bit, and a small smile cracks on my face momentarily at the sound.
“I’ve never had a Mom Elias.” I breathe out, and Elias places a hand under my chin tilting it up so I’m looking at him. His brows knit together in confusion. “Well I do I guess. I have a woman who gave birth to me and kind of looked after me while I was growing up, but she has never been a mother. I’ve always craved that mother daughter relationship. I used to dream about telling my Mom I was having a baby, until I realized we didn’t have that kind of relationship. It made me think I could never do this, that I’d never be a Mom. So having your mom be so happy to have me be the mother of her grandchild, to call me family, and ask me to call her mom. It’s just so much, and I don’t know that I really deserve it, but it feels so nice! I’m just- I’m so happy right now.”
With that Elias kissed me. It was a rushed kiss, fast and passionate, but not heated, nor was it intended to go farther. The kiss was more like his attempt to communicate how loved I was, and how happy he was too. I smile against his lips, our teeth clashing a few times, but I don’t care. My hands thread through his beautiful hair and tug gently as his cold hands sneak up under my shirt to rest on my stomach.
“You are family y’know?” Elias speaks as he pulls back so we can both catch our breath. My hands scratch lightly through his hair as I smile at him. “You’re my family now. Me, you, and our beautiful baby.”
“I hope they have your hair, and your eyes.” I giggle. I’ve never known happiness like this. This is my family.
“Shit!” I groan flopping back on the bed in defeat. I’ve always been a girl who loves skinny jeans, and now here I am unable to fit in almost every pair of pants I own. Minus my sweats and a singular pair of yoga pants that have holes in them.
“Everything okay out there?” Elias asks poking his head out of the ensuite bathroom. He’s seriously been the best, but his constant worrying tends to be a bit suffocating at times. It is very sweet though, seeing him care so much for me, and this baby.
“I have nothing to wear! None of my pants fit!” I whine out, sounding like a child myself. This wasn’t the time though. Today is the day we tell all of our friends, and I have nothing nice to wear. 
“Baby blue sundress in the back of the closet, wear that.” Elias’ head pops back in the bathroom to finish getting ready, and I lay on my back in complete bewilderment. How does he even remember that dress, let alone where I keep it? He’s right though, it is the perfect outfit.
Slipping it over my head is easy, and it flows around my body perfectly. The bump is completely undetectable, and I’m comfortable. It’s perfect.
“You look beautiful.” Elias smiles, placing a gentle kiss to my cheek.
“You don’t look too bad yourself Pettersson.” I smirk, my hands finding the back of his neck as his find my waist. He’s wearing a pair of dark jeans, a pale blue shirt, and a black ball cap sits backwards on his head. 
“Ready for this momma?” He asks with a smirk. The nickname isn’t one he’s used before, and the effect it has on me is embarrassing. My face heats up, heart rate increases, and my smile grows.
“Momma huh?” I giggle, and Elias’ hands once again find my stomach.
“It suits you.” He winks, and kisses my forehead. His hands drop from my stomach as he steps away grabbing his wallet and keys from the top of the dresser. His hand finds mine as he leads me out of the apartment and to the car. Today should be interesting.
Nerves course through me the entire drive. Elias’ right hand never leaves me, as it moves from my hand to my thigh and then finally settles on my stomach. A smile settles on his face when it does, and I find myself fighting back tears.
“Your stomach is growing a lot!” He gushes, and I can’t stop the laugh that tumbles past my lips. The nerves forgotten momentarily.
“Jeez thanks babe!” I joke back, placing a hand over the one he has on my stomach. The way his arm is stretched out across the center console can’t be comfortable, but Elias seems completely content.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” He chuckles, as he pulls into the Horvat’s driveway. “Ready for this?”
I nod, not trusting my voice. 
Before I know it, Elias is guiding me into the Horvat’s living room, his hand low on my back. Bo and Holly are quick to greet us, Bo pulling Elias off to talk hockey, and Holly drags me to the kitchen. “Red or white?” She asks, holding two bottles of wine in front of me. Shit.
“Oh no thanks, I’m good. I told Elias I’d drive.” I stutter out. The heat rising in my cheeks sure to give away that I’m lying, as Holly cocks her brow at me.
“One glass won’t hurt right? You’re staying awhile aren’t you?” She’s watching me closely as I try and find Elias in the crowd. My hands shake lightly, and I absentmindedly press them on my stomach to settle them. “Oh. My. God.” Holly’s hand immediately wraps around one of my wrists as she pulls me down the hall and into Ava’s bedroom. “Spill!” Her demanding tone cracking slightly as a smile forms on her face.
“Damn, okay we were going to make an announcement later, so you’re going to have to act surprised.” I pause, and she quickly nods, her smile growing. “I’m pregnant.” 
The words leave my mouth barely above a whisper and are quickly cut off by the squeal that leaves Holly. “I knew it!” She bounces on the balls of her feet excitedly like a child. “How far along are you?” 
“13 weeks.” The smile on Holly’s face, mirrors the one on my own. She pulls me into a hug whispering more congratulations in my ear, before pulling me back out to the party.
The party goes on without incident, not that I would ever expect any less from the Horvat’s. The food is wonderful, and of course the people surrounding me makes the night that much better. The house around me is littered with hockey players and their families, children all huddled into the backyard climbing on the playground, as the adults laugh amongst each other about everything and nothing. 
“What’s wrong babe?” Elias asks as he snakes an arm around my waist.
“Wha- nothing! Why?” I ask, looking up at him as he smiles softly down at me. His blonde head towering over me.
“You’re crying.” He chuckles, sweeping the pad of his thumb across my cheek bone. “Again.”
“Stupid horomones.” I grumble wiping at my face aggressively. Crying has become a frequent occurrence in the first trimester of this pregnancy, and Elias seems to find it quite entertaining most of the time. As long as I’m not actually sad of course.
“Can we tell them now?” I can practically feel the impatience radiating from him, as his eyes search mine for any hesitation.
“Of course we can babe! Honestly I’m surprised you and Brock have managed to keep it to yourselves this long.” The groan that leaves my boyfriend has me laughing as he rolls his eyes. Despite the attitude, a smile grows on his face as his hand finds mine before he drags me into the backyard where everyone has congregated around the small fire pit.
“Nice of the lovebirds to join us finally.” Bo chirps as we take two free seats just next to him.
“Be nice Bo, or we won’t tell you.” Elias shrugs nonchalantly.
“Tell me what?” He asks, looking between the two of us. I glance at Elias and giggle, causing Bo’s eyes to grow wider. “Tell me what!?” His voice slightly louder and more frantic as he repeats the question.
Elias’ eyes find mine silently asking me if he should. “Go ahead.” I smile at him, and he squeezes my hand lightly.
“Yeah Petey! Go ahead!” Bo, leans forward in his chair excitedly.
“Okay! Okay!” He chuckles, shaking his head at his teammates. The crowd that has gathered around also listening intently, all eyes on Elias. “Wow. This is awkward isn’t it? Well I guess it’s about time we told you all that Kinsey and I are having a baby.”
His hand tightens even more around mine as the words leave his lips. He’s nervous, I can tell. The moment of silence that follows seems to last forever, even though I’m sure in reality it’s only seconds before someone reacts.
“You’re pregnant!?” I’m not sure who breaks the silence, but I’m immediately bombarded by congratulations, cheers and hugs. All of the WAGs gather around me and I giddily share all of the information they’re dying to know, as Elias gets pulled aside by his teammates.
It’s in this moment that I realize this is family. Listening to, supporting, and just genuinely being excited for the people you care about. Maybe the people who raised me couldn’t wrap their heads around what family is meant to be, but I can. It’s this, it’s a feeling of belonging that I will try my hardest to ensure this baby feels every day of their life.
“Kins, sit down. Everything is perfect, and has been since 5 am. Can we just relax for a while before people get here?” Elias whines, as he flops onto the couch. 
“Fine!” I huff, adjusting the two stacks of napkins sitting on the table for what must be the twelfth time this morning. Elias is right, I’ve been wide awake since 3:30 and have been obsessively setting up for the gender reveal party ever since.
“You have to stop stressing babe. It's not good for you or the baby.” Elias lightly scolds me, as he shuffles over to give me room to lay down with him. As I settle in next to him, his hand finds my stomach and he rubs it lightly.
“I can’t help it! I’m nervous, I just want everything to be perfect.” I roll onto my side as best as I can to face him, my hand running through his hair.
“It already is babe. We are having a baby remember?” The goofy smile on his face, has me relaxing into him. My eyes flutter shut as he places a light kiss to my forehead, and I can feel my exhaustion slowly creeping up on me. “Have a nap babe I’ll wake you up in a little while.” The words are hardly out of his mouth before I’m drifting off to sleep.
“Look at you two!” Holly gushes, pulling me into a hug, continuing to mutter about our outfits. Elias and I decided to wear Canucks jerseys. His, a regular Canucks jersey with the number 1 and ‘Daddy’ printed across the back, and mine, a pink Canucks jersey with the number 1 and ‘Mommy’ printed across the back. I’m quite proud of them if I’m honest.
As the rest of the guests arrive, I greet them and make sure they all sign the guest book. Elias has set up shop in the kitchen offering everyone a drink, and pointing them towards the large array of snacks. I certainly never thought I’d end up here. Surrounded by so many amazing people, who all showed up to celebrate a baby. My baby. It’s surreal.
Once everyone has arrived, I take a moment to admire the space around me. Blue and pink streamers hang from the ceiling thanks to Elias, who refused to let me climb the ladder. Balloons litter the apartment, many of them now being thrown around by Elias and his friends. The laughter and chaos bring a smile to my face as my gaze settles on my favourite decoration of all.
In the far corner of the room was a tiny replica of a players stall, very similar to that in which you’d find in the Canucks locker room. Hanging in the stall is a small jersey inside of the tiniest little black garment bag you’ve ever seen, and the nameplate at the top of the stall reads ‘Welcome to the Team! Who Could You Be?’. I was quite proud of the idea really, and Elias was quick to volunteer to make my vision a reality. 
“This may just be the cutest gender reveal party I’ve ever been to!” Holly gushes as she gently bumps my hip. The smile on her face screams excitement, and it makes me feel warm inside. “So what’s the deal with that?” I giggle when she gestures towards the stall across the room.
“Well,” I take a breath, placing a hand on my stomach. “Inside that little bag is a tiny Pettersson jersey. Could be pink like mine, or blue like Petey’s. We are going to open it together.”
“So do you already know what it is?” She asks, eyes never leaving the stall as she examines it a little more closely.
“No idea. We had it sent to us just like that.” The fact I’m minutes away from knowing even the smallest, and probably most insignificant about this baby, is making me nervous. Sure, its just the sex of the baby, it means very little about who they will be in the future, and it won’t affect how I care for them. However, it is making it feel that much more real, as the insecurities i’ve managed to keep at bay seem to resurface all at once. This is terrifying.
“Alright and action!” Brock yells from behind the camera, and everyone erupts into laughter. The smile on my face hopefully hiding the fear in my heart.
“Ready Momma?” Elias asks, kissing my cheek. All I can do is nod, and the countdown starts. The energy in the room is so intense, but in the best way possible, as our friends yell loud enough to warrant a noise complaint.
Elias’ fingers find the zipper on the garment bag, and I place mine gently over his. His hand shakes under mine, and although I know it’s mostly excitement, I can tell he's nervous as we slowly pull down the zipper together.
As the garment bag falls away, my heart stops. There is no way this is happening, not right now! Elias’ hand drops from mine as he steps back slightly, as the people around me seem to let out a collective gasp. Tears burn my eyes, and before I can stop them, they’re falling down my face. This is NOT what I expected.
Tagging: @anastasiyaigorevnadobrodevskaya @heatherawoowoo
I hope y’all liked it! Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in the next parts!
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
Lost & Found - 9
Pairing: Park Jimin x soulmate (oc)
Warnings: Insecurity, anxiety, abandonment
Word Count: 5.1k
a/n: this chapter is based off of the song ‘Countdowns’ by Sleeping at Last. I also consider this Jimin’s song for this series! Give it a listen! (also, Sleeping at Last has been a long time favorite band of mine and they are soooo amazing)
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Chapter 9. Countdowns
series masterlist
I awake with a distinct feeling of disbelief. Peering down at Elle’s sleeping form, I do my best to maneuver to the side of the bed without waking the pristine white cat. Grabbing my phone off the nightstand, it only takes a couple of seconds before yesterday’s conversation with Park Jaemin appears.
I stare and stare at the screen, scrolling through the light-hearted conversation until I arrive to a conclusion.
“I think I made a friend.” At my quiet utterance Elle stretches and looks at me lazily. “Well, besides you, I suppose.”
Elle rolls to her feet, plopping down on my lap and swishing her tail back and forth. I chew on my lip, checking the time at the top of the screen. It’s still absurdly early, chances are I won’t hear back from Jaemin for a few hours if I decide to text him now.
But, I think I made a friend.
I honestly can’t remember the last time I did that.
That fact alone proves too tempting as I run my fingers through Elle’s fur and snap a photo of her. Quickly captioning it, I send it off and jump out of bed, throwing my phone down on the comforter.
“There,” I grin at my confused cat. “That counts as my social interaction for the day, right?”
It isn’t until I’m in the shower and halfway through shaving my left leg that I realize just how much my newly formed friendship has influenced me. Not only has it granted me a rarely-won feeling of accomplishment, but it’s also spurred me to do something I never fully realized I had stopped in the first place.
For the first time in months - no, perhaps already a year? - I’m singing.
With a silly grin that is so at odds with the rush of tears to my eyes, I sing all the louder.
For the first time since he saw the other half of this thread floating toward him on a phantom breeze, freshly cut, Jimin is singing.
Granted, it’s not the singing most people are used to hearing. The arena is echoing with the sounds of the members of BTS performing their various voice exercises. At first it felt a bit strange, sitting on the edge of the stage where they’ll be having their Muster is a few day’s time. Experimentally projecting his voice, wincing a little at how a few weeks without singing made it a bit difficult.
“How’re you feeling?” Yoongi plops down beside Jimin, leaning back on his hands. Jimin shrugs, looking around the arena.
“I’d forgotten how big these venues are,” he admits. “And it’s only been a few weeks since I last performed.”
Yoongi grunts in acknowledgement, looking at all the empty seats that will soon be filled with their fans. “It’s a humbling feeling, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. Will we really fill this place up?”
Snorting, Yoongi gets up to his feet and holds a hand out for Jimin. “We will, I have a feeling that’ll be the least of our problems.”
Clambering to his feet as well, Yoongi’s words remind Jimin of what they have to do today. Heading toward the center of the back of the stage, they enter the loose huddle the others have formed.
The stage director, Kang Jisoo, does a quick headcount before beginning the little meeting. “Ok,” she rolls her shoulders, looking around the circle. “How’s everybody feeling?”
She’s met with an array of responses, all conveying the same meaning.
“Great. Does everyone feel confident with the different stages? Anything you feel like you need to go over before we begin the full rehearsal?” It’s quiet for a moment, but Hoseok voices what’s on everybody’s mind.
“How do you want us to move through Jiminie’s entrance and exit?”
Despite knowing that this question was coming, Jimin can’t help the spike in his heart rate. He’s itching to perform again, but there’s no way for him to anticipate everyone’s reactions when he comes out on stage. All he can do is try his best, he supposes.
The first couple of hours fly by, Jimin watching from the side for the majority of the time. It was decided that he would come on and perform with everyone for the final song, allowing for all of the members to leave at the same time as him.
When it comes time for that final song in the rehearsal, Jimin clenches his jaw while the platform rises up to the stage. Clinging to his microphone for dear life and forcing himself to look out at the empty arena instead of the red thread on his left hand, he readjusts his earpiece and allows for the music to take over.
Jimin’s eyes fall shut as he sings his part, a part of his aching heart basking in the lyrics. He doesn’t open them again until Taehyung’s deep voice is finishing out the song, and he glances around himself as though just remembering where he is.
He’s shocked when he catches Jungkook hastily drying his tears on his shirtsleeves.
“Kookie,” Jimin laughs as he rises from the stool, wandering over to the maknae. He pulls him into a hug, the other members watching with fond expressions. “You alright?”
Jungkook nods, sniffling a little more before pulling away. “Sorry hyung, I just...it’s sad.”
“The song?” Jimin asks with raised brows.
Shrugging and nodding at the same time, Jungkook looks around the empty arena as though able to see into the future when it will be filled with ARMY. “All of it.”
Kang Jisoo rushes over a moment later, her own eyes glinting a little with what might be unshed tears. “Right, after that, I would strongly advise saying goodbye and heading back to the lift.” She looks at Jungkook with a knowing expression. “It’s going to be a bit intense in here, I think. After that performance.”
“Should I have picked a different song?” Jimin asks, worried that it might prove too much for ARMY. “I just don’t think I could do a very high energy one, you know? But we could do 2! 3! Or something-”
It’s Taehyung who steps forward, throwing a comforting arm around his friend. “No. I think ARMY...I think I need to see it, actually.” He sighs. “It’ll hurt, but I think we’ll all look back and see that your performance, returning to the public eye with this song, gives hope.”
Once rehearsal is wrapped up, Jimin finds himself backstage with Jin and Jungkook. The three of them are in the process of stuffing their faces with whatever food they can find when Jin looks at Jimin quizzically.
“Have you texted Jolie at all since last night?”
Jimin’s eyes grow wide. “Er-” he swallows his food, “I forgot to charge my phone last night, it was dead this morning. I threw it on the charger once I got here. Let me find it.” He jumps up, heart beating a bit too quickly as he searches for his charged phone. This morning he’d nearly had a heart attack when he realized he’d fallen asleep with his phone in his hands instead of charging it up. When he tried to turn it on to attempt a good morning text to Jolie, he’d huffed and puffed as his poor phone refused to power up immediately.
By the time he’d rushed over here and found a charger to throw it on, he’d had to go on stage.
Now he finds it in the corner of the room, fully charged and-
“She texted me!” Jimin shouts, ripping his phone off the charger and rushing back over to Jin and Jungkook.
“She did?!” Jungkook and Jin simultaneously shout, eyes wide.
Jimin groans when he sees what time. “At like...four in the morning!”
“What did she say?” Jin urges, nudging him. Jimin unlocks his phone, immediately letting out a choked noise when he sees the adorable message.
It’s a photo of Elle, sprawled out as Jolie’s right hand (obviously not the left, which would show her severed thread), scratches her fluffy belly. Beneath the photo is a message.
Jolie (Elle): Elle’s much happier now, she says good morning!
Jolie (Elle): Oh, and she says thank you for the cuddles 😍
“Thank you for the cuddles,” Jimin squeaks out, parroting the message. Jin and Jungkook read the message over his shoulder, cooing at the adorable cat.
“What are you going to say back?” Jungkook asks, still smiling at the cute message. Jimin takes a moment to think it over, before typing out a message.
Me: Why is she so adorable??
Me: Alsoooo sorry for taking forever to respond. My phone was dead and then I forgot to take it off the charger.
He waits about sixty seconds before firing off another message.
The others chuckle at him, knowing full well not to question him.
I’ve taken a pan out of my cupboard to begin preparing dinner when my phone pings. It just so happens to go off at the same moment someone knocks on my door.
Rounding the corner to open the door, I check my phone on the way and can’t help but let out a sigh of relief.
I was worried that Jaemin wasn’t going to respond.
I mean, I did text him...fourteen hours ago? It’s already six in the evening, it’s about time he responded.
“Open up! It’s the police!”
Rolling my eyes, I yank the door open to reveal a grinning Chung-hei. “Come in, loser.”
She does just that, sniffing the air like some sort of dog. “You haven’t started cooking yet, have you?”
I shake my head. “Just about to start.” Sliding an onion across the counter, I pass her a cutting board as well. “Since you’re late, you can chop the onion.”
Grumbling something under her breath, Chung-hei takes the cutting board and stations herself before the counter. “Yeah, yeah. How’s life?”
Shrugging, I get up on my tip-toes to reach the spices that I for some reason keep on the top shelf. “Pretty good. Actually, today’s been a pretty good day.”
“Oh really?” Hei wiggles her eyebrows at me. “Why? What happened?”
Shouting triumphantly when I finally reach the spices, I grin at my oldest friend. “I think I made a friend.” Then, pausing, I smile even wider. “Actually, two.”
Christina and Jaemin.
What a great starting lineup.
Chung-hei pauses in her chopping, looking genuinely surprised. “You’re being social?”
We both laugh knowingly. She’s always been the more outgoing one out of the two of us, although I used to be just as social as she was. Over the past year or so though, I’ve definitely become more of a recluse.
Almost like I’d forgotten who I was, content to just watch life fly by outside my window. I’d completely forgotten the thrill that comes from making new friends.
“A little,” I shrug. “What about you? How are you doing?”
Chung-hei looks like she wants to ask a bit more about my newfound friends, but drops it for now. “Same old, same old. I’m busy, Namjoon is busy, but we make it work. Actually,” she sets her knife down and steps back to avoid the effects of the onion. “I wanted to come here and apologize.”
Today is definitely turning out to be an...interesting day.
Smiling softly, Chung-hei takes the chopped half of the onion to the saucepan on the stovetop and begins sautéing it. “I was...unfair to you the other day. Well, I guess it’s been a couple of weeks now, hasn’t it? For one, I’m sorry that it took me so long to realize that I wasn’t being a very good friend-”
I stop her with a confused look. “Hei, what are you talking about?”
“When I ambushed you at the bread shop with Namjoon.”
“Oh,” I say, stepping back and watching her. “I didn’t realize I’d be getting an apology for that.”
“Well, you deserve one. I wasn’t thinking about how you were feeling, I just got so in my head, just wanting to fix everything.” She shakes her head, staring down at the pan. “The only thing I could think about was how lost Namjoon looked when he came over that night, you know, when everything went down…”
“You mean when I cut the thread.”
Chung-hei finally looks over at me, a little shocked.
“You can say it,” I continue, chewing on the inside of my cheek. “It’s not like it’s a disease or something.”
She nods slowly, returning to the task at hand. “Ok. Well, that night when...when you cut the thread, Namjoon showed up in the middle of the night. He’d just left Jimin, and he was a mess. It took him forever to calm down enough to even speak straight, let alone rest. And of course, I was horrified. So when I found out that it was my best friend who was the reason for all of that pain, pain that I can only imagine was multiplied tenfold for Jimin, I just...freaked out. Bringing Namjoon to confront you seemed to be the only option for me.”
“...but it wasn’t, right?” I ask tentatively, taking in this new information. The thought of Namjoon being such a mess that night had never crossed my mind. I’d imagined that everyone would be angry, sure. But shell-shocked? Shaken to the bone?
“No. There were - still are - so many better options. And that’s been eating me alive the past couple of weeks,” Hei admits. “I’m so sorry, Jolie. For not even taking the time to figure out if you’re ok.”
It’s the apology I didn’t know I needed.
“...do you forgive me?” I ask quietly, realizing that what I may need more than an apology is forgiveness.
Chung-hei turns around to face me, tears rolling down her face that may not be from the onions. “I- of course I do. I did, weeks ago.”
As much as I want to dissolve into my friend’s embrace and cry with her, I find myself needing to know more. In my personal search for forgiveness, I need to understand why.
“How, though?” I venture. “Why?”
Blinking, Hei pushes the onions around on the pan for a moment longer. “How? I just...I love you. Even when you’re an idiot.”
I laugh at her honest response, suddenly feeling much lighter. “Thank you?”
It would appear that Christina is right. As horribly cliché and exhausting as it sounds, that’s the first thing I’ve got to understand if I’m going to find any way out of this mess.
Love just has to always be the answer, doesn’t it?
“Attention hog,” I mutter, quietly attacking love.
“What was that?” Chung-hei asks, thankfully not hearing me above the sizzling of the stove.
“Oh, nothing.” Slipping my phone out of my pocket, I grin at the messages I have waiting for me. It looks like Jaemin slipped another message into the mix, ever the impatient one.
Me: Wowww good to know you’re still breathing
Me: Also, if that’s what it takes to get a text back within a decent amount of time...maybe there will be a shortage of Elle pictures for a while. Thanks for the idea! 😂
When Jimin arrives back at the apartment that evening, he’s a little shocked to find himself walking into World War III.
Both him and Jungkook, who usually tend to share a car, freeze in the doorway as the unmistakable voices of Taehyung and Namjoon bounce off the walls. Jungkook is quick to close the door behind him, hoping that the rest of the prestigious neighborhood didn’t just hear the shouting.
“What do you mean you didn’t know what to do?!” Taehyung shouts, sounding like he’s upstairs. Jungkook and Jimin share a look, unsure of whether they should head up to break up the argument.
It’s been years since Namjoon got caught up in a screaming match with any of the members. Whatever it is, it must be serious.
Yoongi and Hobi sit on a couch in the living room, wincing at the bitter argument. Jimin and Jungkook wander over to them, hoping to find some sort of explanation.
“They came in like this,” Yoongi quietly explains, already knowing that they’d ask. “Didn’t tell us what’s going on, but they shared a car and I guess something happened.”
Before Jimin can ask anything, Namjoon’s voice interrupts him.
“What was I supposed to do, Taehyung?! Break Jimin’s heart all over again? Jolie hardly knows what she’s feeling, let alone how to pick up the pieces-”
The entire apartment falls silent as Taehyung’s voice rips through Namjoon like a freshly sharpened knife. “He’s my best friend, and yours too, hyung.” His voice is softer now, although there’s still a barb to it. “Weren’t you the one preaching about ‘let it hurt, then let it go’? How is he ever supposed to let it go when you’ve been hiding this from him?”
“And how do you propose I tell him?” Namjoon says quietly enough that Jimin wonders if he actually heard him.
Before Jungkook can stop him, Jimin is striding up the stairs to see Taehyung standing in the doorway of Namjoon’s room, panting after his outburst. His heart is in his stomach, gut churning as he quietly walks over to his best friend’s side.
Taehyung jumps a little when Jimin appears beside him, but Jimin is immediately drawn in by the image in front of him.
Namjoon is sitting on the edge of his bed, head in his hands. Looking absolutely devastated.
“Tell me what?”
Head popping up, Namjoon meets Jimin’s eyes with his own blood-shot ones. “You’re home,” he croaks out, his voice sounding raw after the screaming match he just went through.
From the way Taehyung huffs, Jimin can tell he’s still riled up. Placing a protective hand on his shoulder, Taehyung urges his friend forward.
“Yes…” Jimin says, looking back at Taehyung. His friend keeps his eyes trained on Namjoon, almost as though daring him to try hiding the truth. It’s a look that has Jimin shrinking back, even though he’s not on the receiving end of it. “What’s going on, hyung? You- I heard Jolie’s name.”
Sitting up straight and nodding slowly, Namjoon looks utterly defeated. “Come in, Jimin. I...I need to talk to you about something.”
“What happened?” Jimin reiterates, feeling absolutely terrified. Nobody offers him a response just yet, although Taehyung does go inside with Jimin and stands beside him as he sits down in Namjoon’s armchair. It’s clear that Taehyung isn’t going anywhere during this conversation.
After a long moment, Namjoon adjusts to face Jimin, staring down at his hands. “Just, I need you to know that I didn’t hide this from you because I don’t trust you, Chim. I do. You know that.”
He glances up at Jimin, who nods for him to continue.
“Jolie...your soulmate, she’s Chung-hei’s best friend.” He pauses, allowing Jimin to take in this new information. All he can do is blink, his mind beginning to whir with what this implies. “And, er...I met her. A couple weeks ago.”
All Namjoon receives is a blank stare as Jimin tries and fails to compute. Taehyung’s chest is still rising and falling with heavy breaths, attempting to curb his anger.
“Chung-hei was freaked out when she learned about it, and she didn’t know what else to do. I wanted to tell you, Jimin, I swear. But I didn’t want you to get your hopes up-”
“You met her?” The question stops Namjoon in his tracks, instantly feeling more regret piling up as he sees the innocent confusion on Jimin’s face.
Jimin can’t believe that he could intentionally hide this from him.
“I...yes. I did.”
Nodding slowly, as checking off one question and moving to the next, Jimin furrows his brows. “As in, you spoke to her?”
“But you didn’t tell me.”
“Because you were afraid of me getting my hopes up only to get hurt again?”
“Yes. Jimin, I-”
“Is she ok?”
Jimin asks the question in a quiet tone, but Namjoon has the distinct feeling of being caught in the middle of a hurricane. Indeed, Taehyung still appears to be fuming beside his best friend, but in Jimin’s eyes is a calculated sort of calm.
It hurts, Namjoon realizes. It hurts Jimin to still care so much even after having his heart ripped out. But that’s Jimin. To stop Jimin from loving would be to stop the world from spinning.
“She’s...lost.” Namjoon replies, unsure of how exactly to explain Jolie’s predicament. “Chung-hei feels horrible though, feels like she hasn’t been a very good friend to her over the past few weeks. She’s gone over there tonight to apologize.”
Jimin nods, fiddling with one of his rings. “Will you tell me what she said to you? Tell me everything that happened?” He hesitates. “Tell me...why?”
Namjoon looks more than willing to share that information with him, even if he doesn’t quite know why either. But he pauses for a moment, frowning.
“Jimin, I’m sorry.”
“I know.” Jimin chuckles softly when Namjoon looks confused. He shrugs, gesturing to his face. “You look horrible, so I figured you felt bad.”
Both Namjoon and Taehyung snort, and then the between them dissipates as Namjoon gives him an apologetic look. Taehyung just nods, accepting the silent apology. As long as Jimin’s alright, he’ll be fine.
“Well,” Namjoon stretches a little, “she bakes bread.”
The boys all filter in at some point, listening with every ounce of their attention as Namjoon relates his experience. It’s late, late enough that Jimin knows Jolie probably won’t respond to the text he sends around one in the morning, but hopefully she’ll see it when she wakes up.
Which apparently is around four in the morning each day for work.
Me: Goodnight! I promise to be better at responding from now on 😜 give Elle a kiss goodnight from me
That’s why he’s so surprised when he receives a text back, quickly followed by Namjoon’s phone going off and him accepting a call from Chung-hei.
“She’s probably calling to tell me how it went tonight,” he explains, promising to put her on speaker once he answers the phone.
Jimin nods, wide awake as he unlocks his phone.
Jolie (Elle): Woah woah woah, quit hitting on my cat. She’s taken.
He hastily sends off a reply just as Chung-hei’s voice fills the room.
Me: Ooh, touchy subject. I see that you get grumpy once it’s past your bedtime
“Hey guys! Jimin, can you hear me?”
Jimin nods before realizing that Chung-hei can’t actually see him. “Oh, yeah. How’s it going?”
“Great! I’m so sorry about keeping this from you, Jimin. Really.”
“It’s alright,” Jimin says, getting up to stretch a bit. “So...how’s Jolie?”
“Really, really well. She seemed a lot happier today. Said that she’s made some new friends.”
Jimin’s heart jumps up to his throat, realizing that he may very well be one of those friends.
“That’s a big deal, though. Jolie hasn’t really gone out of her way to get to know anyone for a while. Seeing her like this was awesome.”
Jimin’s phone lights up with an incoming message, making him smile despite his worry over Jolie’s apparent anti-socialness.
Jolie (Elle): ugh don’t remind me
Jolie (Elle): I have to get up in less than three hours, pray for me 🙏
“The only thing I’m worried about is what’s gonna happen to her once you go back out into the public eye, Jimin,” Chung-hei muses, pulling Jimin’s attention away from his phone. “Jolie is going to become public enemy number one whenever people realize she’s got a cut thread.”
“Oh,” Namjoon mumbles. “I didn’t think about that.” He glances over at Jimin.
“We have to find a way to cover for her,” Jimin thinks aloud. “We’ll come up with something.”
The conversation wraps up, everyone eventually leaving Namjoon’s room as he continues chatting with Chung-hei. Jimin finds himself on the sofa in the living room, fingers hovering over his phone.
Me: I hope you’re asleep by now. Let me know how tomorrow goes for you, don’t fall asleep at work or something.
When he doesn’t receive a response back, he lets out a long sigh. Sliding his feet into his slippers, he heads outside to the balcony. Resting against the railing and looking out into the night, it doesn’t take long before Taehyung shuffles out after him.
“Hey,” he quietly greets. Jimin glances over at his friend, smiling softly.
It’s quiet for a long moment, both boys taking in the beautiful night before speaking up.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
Jimin chews on the question for a while beneath the twinkling stars, grateful for Taehyung’s quiet patience.
“I’m not sure,” Jimin sighs. “I feel like it’s all I ever talk about, but at the same time I don’t know how to talk about anything else.”
Taehyung hums in understanding, cracking his back before leaning up against the railing. “Should we not talk at all, then?”
Chuckling softly, Jimin nods. The silence wraps around the two of them as the night progresses, although it does little to tire Jimin out. He’s still wide awake when the clock hits three, and realizes with a start that Jolie will be waking up soon.
It’s the fact that no matter how hard he tries to hate her but can’t that has him finally opening his mouth to speak. When he does, Taehyung is alert and ready to listen.
“I wonder…” Jimin’s voice is croaky, making it sound like he just woke up. He clears his throat. “I can’t stop myself from wondering about her. She’s constantly on my mind. Especially now that I’ve seen her…” his mind immediately recalls how she looked crouching down to greet Elle, that soft smile on her face. “You know, I can’t help but wonder what’s happened to make her be so quick to cut me out of her life. That’s not normal. I mean, to be a little hesitant, sure. But to go to such lengths?”
“You’re right,” Taehyung murmurs. “What do you think it is?”
Jimin shrugs. “I’m not sure. But I’m going to find out, one way or another.”
Jimin has just finished showering and getting ready for bed when he realizes that it’s already four in the morning. Groaning once he realizes that he actually has to get up and do things in a few hours time, he wonders if he should wish Jolie good morning.
Will she think he’s weird?
“Well, I am,” Jimin admits, not shying away from the desire to reach out to his soulmate. Unlocking his phone, he squints at the screen in the darkness, typing out a quick message.
Perhaps he’s a bit tired, or maybe he’s feeling more vulnerable than usual, but he finds himself hit with a sudden wave of loneliness. Wishing, despite the early hour, that he was with Jolie at this hour of the morning. Teasing her for having to get up so early, offering to take her out to lunch while Elle slumbers at the foot of the bed.
Picture perfect.
Me: Good morning 😸 I hope you were able to get some sleep!
The response is almost instantaneous.
Jolie (Elle): did you even go to sleep?? Seriously, if I make it to work in one piece this morning, it’ll be a miracle.
Jolie (Elle): Also, awww did I just receive my first official good morning text? 😌
Taehyung and Namjoon hover outside of Jimin’s room, watching him turn into a giggling mess. They exchange looks, chuckling to themselves.
“Hey, do you have a second?” Namjoon asks quietly. Jimin nods, letting them come in. Nobody bothers to turn the light on, opting to sit in the light darkness rather than blinding themselves at this early hour.
“Hang on, let me just respond to this real quick,” Jimin mumbles, chewing in the inside of his cheek before coming up with something good enough to respond with.
Me: No, haven’t slept yet. Looks like I won’t for a while. Hmmm, looks like I should start sending more morning texts? 😉 seriously though, good luck today. Let me know how you’re holding up.
Once he’s sent off the message, he sets his phone down to face his brothers.
“What’s up?”
Namjoon runs a hand through his hair, Taehyung sitting beside him looking like he’s half-asleep.
“Well, we’re trying to figure out how to smooth everything over for Jolie once word gets out that your thread was cut.” Jimin internally winces at the mention of his thread, but shakes it off as Namjoon continues to speak. “Any ideas?”
I’ve successfully made it through my shift, despite how slowly time was moving this morning. Scrubbing my hands in the big industrial sink in the back, I listen to the quiet chatter going on in the front of the store. It’s a Wednesday morning, not much is going on out there today. Chances are the shop will be empty until either the lunch rush or the end of the work day.
It’s the perfect way for me to slip out unnoticed.
I’m attempting to do just that, my apron already untied, when my boss Yuri calls out to me.
“Jolie! Really quick, before you head out, it looks like we’ve got an impromptu meeting…?” She looks at me expectantly, which has me furrowing my brow. Am I really so tired that I forgot about a meeting?
“Oh, er...ok.”
“Are we alright to have it back here?”
Again, I frown. Why is she asking me? She’s the boss. “Yeah, that’s fine I guess. Whatever works best for you.”
Yuri smiles warmly at me, although I don’t miss the way her gaze dips down to my left hand. “Great. I’ll let them know that we can chat back here.”
I shake it off, dubbing the strangeness of it all just a side effect to my exhausted state. It was great having Chung-hei over last night, but I haven’t stayed up that late in a long time-
“Hey Jolie, sorry to bombard you like this.”
I whip around at the sound of a familiar voice, eyes widening when I see Kim Namjoon standing before me. Opening my mouth to ask one of the many questions swirling around my mind, I find that no sound comes out as another tall figure steps into the room.
Coming to stand next to Namjoon, Taehyung’s residual smile from chatting with the employees in the front fades to a straight line. No smile, not an ounce of warmth crosses his sculpture-like features.
“Glad we could catch you before you head out,” Taehyung’s quiet, deep voice is nearly inaudible as he watches me from across the room.
Caught indeed.
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chicoriii · 3 years
Season 4, Episode 2 - Mensonge (Lies)
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Welcome again. I had been logged out from Tumblr for the whole weekend, because I was afraid of untagged spoilers, as I've seen one screenshot here accidentally, fortunately it wasn't spoilerish. And I've watched the Lies today. Again without reading other's people opinion about the episode, so I probably write things that have been said before.
I enjoyed it more than Truth. But not because it's better written, I think the overall quality of both is similar. Lies is about characters I care about more, so it's natural that the episode is automatically more interesting to me. I dislike both Luka and Jagged (to be fair the only member of the Couffaine family I like is Juleka) and that would be hard to make me caring about them, the best thing I could say about any of those characters is that I tolerate them on screen. Sometimes. Don't get me wrong, Truth was the best episode for Luka and Jagged, but they are still dull and/or annoying to me. Creators need to develop son-father relationship more to make me interested in it, that arc was too shallow in Truth.
But the post is about Adrigami episode, not Lukanette one.
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I'm surprised that we got only one not very long scene with civilian Marinette. But not surprised that she's still pining over Adrien. Just like Chat is pining over Ladybug. As I'm keeping saying, it's not gonna change. But really, Marinette thinks that Adrien's life is perfect? She should know that tight schedule could be a big problem and has she forgotten what terrible father is Gabriel? Of course she doesn't know details we know, but she should be aware that he isn't as good parent like her own. So probably her enamored brain can't see bad sides of life of her loved one. She still can't think rational when it comes to him. Another reason why she should stop putting him on a pedestal. We need some friendly Adrienette so badly, we need to see Adrien telling her more bad things in his life. He isn't used to complain, but I think he needs to tell someone the truth about his family life. I hope Marinette will be that person.
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I had been tired of clown Chat in Truth, but this episode lets us to see the situation from his point of view and now I understand more why he behaves like that. I think that he tries to hide from Ladybug how much he miss spending time with her that way. He is aware that's because of her new responsibility and he doesn't want to make her feel bad for it. Those scenes were so sweet. How much Chat wants an Akuma to appear just to see his lady. Not very noble, but I can't blame him. It only shows that Adrien is a normal human being. We all are selfish from time to time and it's healthy (you only have to find a good balance, being as selfish as Chloé and as selfless as Luka is not good).
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Geez, why they can't put the right title of the piece? That's a different composition than that one used back in season 2, but the smartphone's screen says the same. And none of them is actually Raindrop Prelude. This is Raindrop Prelude. They are not even any of Chopin's preludes. I won't be surprised if both are not Fryderyk Chopin's compositions either (although I haven't heard all the solo piano pieces composed by him, so I can't be sure). I love classical music, so I'd love to know what pieces Adrien's playing! By the way, I recommend to listen to all of the 24 preludes, they are usually very short but interesting compositions. If you're too lazy to listen to all, check out number 20 at least, that's a pure, very atmospheric, beauty. One of my favourites melodies ever created.
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I have always thought that Adrigami has more chemistry and it's generally more entertaining to watch than Lukanette (sorry stans, but you probably don't even follow me and read my posts,  there's a reason why I'm warning that my blog is not Luka and Lukanette friendly in its description). I feel that in this episode as well. Absolutely it's not a perfect relationship and it can't be, as Adrien is still into Ladybug. It's clear that Kagami is the one who really cares, Adrien is more distant. It seems that he's abashed of Kagami's physical intimacy, like he can't be open to her when he's still in love with Ladybug. That was really sad to hear Kagami's words that she's lying to be more often with him and he lies to not spend time with her. But relationship can't work if only one side is invested in it and they both need to learn it. They have some things in common, I like how they spending time together, so I'm sure they would work much better as friends. I'm sorry for Kagami and I wish her a better boyfriend who would love her truly. In some way it was a repeat of Truth, as we've seen Adrien leaving Kagami all of sudden, because of Akuma's attacks, but this time it's not as heavily portrayed like it's not working only because of superhero responsibility, that I didn't like in the previous episode. Another reason why I liked how Adrigami is shown more.
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I really, really loved that we've learnt something new about Kagami and that's amazing it's something I have in common with her. I'm really surprised, since she didn't seem to have an artistic soul before. I also love seeing she likes draw animals, it's like me, I'm trying practise it. I enjoy drawing animals (and creatures like Kwamis or Pokémon) more than humans. But at the same time I feel angry at her mother. How could she dare to say that Kagami isn't good enough? Trying to kill a child's hobby is always unforgivable. She's much better than me (I'm a little jealous, but that's not the first time when a teen has much better skill than me), but my family and some others I know in real life often say that I'm talented and some people try to convince me to take pay commissions. That’s me who knows the best than I'm not skilled enough to take money for my art (they don't know really good artists in person and they don’t draw themselves, so no wonder they are not aware that my works aren't that good they think). Maybe some day, but not now, so I only enjoy drawing gifts for others. I'm also got interested in a real French artist she mentioned - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and I've seen some of his works. Very good for Miraculous for mentioning artist like him, I have never heard about him before, but maybe French students learn about him in school.
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Seeing Adrien making Chat's pose was hilarious. I'm sure it's food for true selves trope supporters, but I also agree with Kagami that both model poses and Chat's poses are not ALL Adrien poses. He's more than that. That seemed like he has problems with being natural when he's on the pressure. He's learned how to make model poses, but I also think that when he is in full clown mode is also an act. But that's a mask which he has putted all by himself. In which he tries to be as much different than his public image as he can. Of course being dorky is also a true Adrien side, but not all the time. Being just a cute and polite boy is also true him. It seems that Adrien is not aware of it.
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Marinette's lucky charm bracelet is an akumatised object once more. That and the fact she was asking him what he was doing on the boat tell us that Kagami probably think that Adrien is in love with Marinette (it could make also her wonder what stop them from being together if she knows that Marinette likes him as well).
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I also liked her reaction to imminent breaking up more. It's more human reaction in my opinion. Some anger, but not too much. She says she doesn't want to see him for a while and that's completely understandable. Adrien has broken her heart, so she need some time to take care of herself without being interrupted by him. I'm going to say something that could be seen controversial, but in my opinion her attitude is way more healthy than Luka's. He still waits for a girl who clearly likes another boy much, but she's trying to really give up on him. And I would like to see a scene in which she says him that Marinette is not worth his waiting, he should be open for another love instead. Uff, I was really worried that they might kill Adrien and Kagami characters. But nothing really bad happened in the episode between them, everything was in-character. Of course salters will still find reasons to hate Kagami, they can say she's possessive towards him (that's true to some extent, but I think it's not really toxic, as she's still cares about his true feelings).
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I need to say that Lies is the worst S4 Akuma design we've seen till now. Riposte and Oni-chan were much better. Also the battle was the worst part of this episode in my opinion. It wasn't completely bad, but it felt somewhat boring to me. I definitely enjoyed fights against Truth and Furious Fu more. The thing about that I liked the most what how they made use of Fang.
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So the season 4 version of Chat Noir's transformation theme is exactly the same they used in the Shanghai special. It wasn't obvious, since Ladybug's one is a different one than that in the show. I noticed that that Ladybug's theme feels more like a new composition which only uses parts of an original version, while Chat's is clearly "just" an arrangement of the theme we know since season 1. Maybe that's because it's supposed to symbolise that she has even more responsibility now, as she's the Guardian as well. Chat's role hasn't changed that much as hers. I also think the new arrangement sounds cooler, it's more electric guitar-driven. I can't wait to get any of the episodes in which there's his transformation sequence with 5.1 audio to rip it.
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All three released episodes are nice for Ladynoir a lot, their scenes are all sweet and wholesome. It almost feel like Ladynoir is close to happen. But I feel that's just calm before the storm. Marinette hasn't reached to her worst moment yet. I'm sure Ladybug will have more breakdowns like that in the season 3 finale.
Three episodes aired and I'm not amazed by any of them. But I don't want to be salty, I'm not worried about that. That's true for season 3 as well, I enjoy the second part of the season more as well. It's important to save the best episodes for later. And I have never expected that I would love all the S4 episodes, despite of pre-release statements, it's impossible. I'm not disappointed. Yet. Just give me some Adrienette food. Please.
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flappingdragon200 · 3 years
Nozel Silva: The Demons' Vampire
A/N: This turned out to be a one chapter story instead of a one shot headcanon lol. Anyways, enjoy!!!!
Honestly, this wasn't how he imagined himself to be in the future. Biting someone's neck, and sucking it until the human vesicle was nothing but rotten black flesh and bones, turning into black ash. He himself was surprised (again) as when he woke up next week's morning, having the thirst for blood. It sickened him to his bottom-dwelling rotten core.
How the hell did this even get this far... Nozel thought as he grabbed a fist full of his silver hair and pulled harshly, too tired to care about the pain, then massaging where he pulled at.
He still remembers the day he killed his first victim. It was disgusting, but satisfying, as he put it.
It was cold. The moon shined down on the Clover Kingdom. The wind was chilly as it danced in the air. On the streets, citizens walking about. And a royal who laid in his soft queen-sized bed, sleeping soundly, shallow breaths could be heard from his slumber. But something was off. Very off.
He woke up, feeling hungry, and angry. He threw the covers off him and marched out his room door slowly. (As it was still night outside and he was feeling tired.)
He quietly walked down the halls, of Solid's and Nebra's rooms, not wanting to wake them up. (Solid is a light sleeper and if he is disturbed he will go on full rage mode and destroy shit, which will then alert Nebra and she will start wreaking havoc as well.)
When Nozel was finally passed their rooms he began to speed walk over to the ginormous kitchen that they had.
Once he was in the kitchen, he opened the large ass fridge they had and looked for at least a snack or just something to satisfy his hunger until breakfast. His stomach growled so he quickly grabbed an apple that was saved for dessert today after dinner. But did he care? Nope. He was hungry.
Nozel walked into the living room where he would normally read his book in the morning. (One of those fantasy Novels as Yami puts it lol. Many chapters tho.) He sat down on his favorite spot and started to eat the apple while thinking of what he has to do today.
I have paperwork to do today so I'll get that done first... Then I have a business meeting at 3... Then I train solid at 6PM... Maybe I'll take short breaks here and there to ease my mind? I don't kn-
Nozel's eyes widened a little startled at the sound. As he was taking another bite of his apple, he felt his teeth sink into it further than they were earlier. The apple turned to back and faded away as it turned to ash in his hands. It felt as if his teeth just rapidly grew into sharp pointy fangs.
Nozel sat there in silence. He had no idea what had just happened. It happened so quickly he didn't have time to react. He slowly got up from his seat and went to the bathroom in pure horror.
He got to the bathroom and turned on the lights, turned to the mirror, and almost screamed in pure shock, but instead the air was knocked out of him after he had seen his disturbing reflection.
His eyes were bloodshot, black soon closing in from the ends of his eyes. Sharp teeth, or known as fangs hung from his mouth, while large amounts of drool dripped down from his open wide mouth. His skin turned into white, not how it was earlier, almost looking like a ghost in human form.
Nozel backed up afraid. He was scared of himself. His eyes traveled all over his face in search of a prank. He pinched himslef to see if it was a dream. No. This wasn't fake, this was real. His eyes were pitch black his pupils were grey-ish white, looking like a monsters' eyes, and his stomach growled louder. He was growing hungry by the second. He didn't know what to do.
Nozel got up as he recalled the memory. The way he stalked the girl walking down the hallway and into her servant bedroom. How he waited for it to be silent to enter. How he walked closer to her and sank his fangs into her neck. The way she screamed, killed him in the inside. He regrets everything he's done.
Nozel looks out his balcony window and the sun is starting to rise, which means it's almost 6 o'clock. Nozel sighed as he walked to the bathroom and turned on the lights.
He opened up the cabinet underneath the sink and got a single blood packet out and sank his fangs into it letting them suck all of the red liquid out of the bag. His nose scrunched up in bitter disgust. And he snarled as he felt himself replenish his energy. He hated himself. He hated who he became, who he is. He hates his existence entirely.
He wishes he could go back to normal. But when one makes a deal with the devil... They don't go without being unharmed.
He remembers when he saw the face of the warlock that had cursed him 2 weeks ago. His face was soft, his skin was pale, like his. A smile on his face. His height, towering over him. A calming yet destructive aura. His smooth, shiny short black hair. His cold and warm red and pink eyes. The peacefulness that lied in his voice.
Nozel would be lying if he said he didn't have a small tiny crush on the taller male. He may deny it but he knows he does. A small pink hue made it's way and sat onto his cheeks as he thought of the warlock. He remembers the words he said to him, the first time hearing his calming voice.
"I can see that you are struggling in magic power and strength. Let me help you get stronger. How about we make a deal..."
The first mistake was even looking at him. The second, accepting the proposal. And third... Making a deal with The Devil. He knew he should have put more caution and thought into it. But it was something about his presence that made his body react sooner than his mind ever could. Now he knows to be more careful when approaching someone new and untrustworthy. He'll make sure he thinks twice before approaching.
By now after reciting all the memories from just 2 weeks ago he was almost done getting dressed. All he needed to do was put in his cloak and wrap his satchel around his waist with his grimoire inside. (after that)
Nozel walked to a desk with a fairly large mirror and hair products and along with a few hair brushes and combs. Nozel picked up the brush and started to untangle all the knots that were in his hair from a night's rest.
The pain of the de-tangling reminded him of his training with the warlock. How many times he fell onto his knees when sparing with him. The times where he was forced into doing chores for stamina and muscle. And the times he trained his magic to form into water, and steel. After his training was done he was 10x more stronger than he was before he met the warlock. He's pissed that he had listened to every command the warlock threw at him. He hated that he was bossed around by a demon, in disguise.
Nozel grit his teeth in annoyance and hatred. But the pull of a knot pulled him out of self-agony. He remembered what he was doing now.
A few minutes of wrestling with his hair he finally had gotten rid of the knots and tangles. He ran his fingers through the shiny and silky smooth like hair and thought of how he touched it. How he brushed it. How he braided it. How he took care of it. (Talking about the warlock when I say "he")
Nozel stopped and shook his head slightly to bring him out of thought and continue to style his hair.
He picked up the gel from a near corner of the desk and opened it to apply it to his resting sides of hair so that the strands won't get in his eyes and so it's off of his shoulders. After finishing, he placed the gel back in it's original spot and opened a drawer with a small box inside it.
The box was decorated with a small black ribbon at the top formed in a lightly tied bow. The box was a gold yellow color with darker lines of gold running across covered in a small amount of silver and gold glitter, with smaller black lines outlining the bigger stripes. And then there was a note beside it that said,
"It's a spare. Use it when you can't find your other one. Take care love." - Nivira.
Nozel felt a small smile form on his lips as he picked up the box.
Nivira was his best friend since childhood and before he met Fuegoleon. She stayed by his side and protected him, stood up for him, and encouraged him. She was the best friend he had ever had. That was until... She was dragged away from her home by her parents and sold as a servant for some higher group of nobles. But after a long time of trying to find her, Nozel found her in a dark ally way shortcut all bruised up and heavily wounded with obvious broken bones. So he brought her back to his estate and treated her wounds until she was back in shape again.
She has dedicated her life to him and will never leave his side again. It was like he had a personal bodyguard. Nivira might say that she's only staying by his side because he needs protection in this dark and cruel world, but deep down Nozel knows that she's scared that she might get sold again or something worse. So he started to train her and invited her to stay at House Silva as long as she wants and that she's always welcomed here.
Nozel closed his eyes as he imagines what she looked like. Blue hair with a bit of black dye at the top. A toothy grin on her face. Lightly tanned skin. Greenish blueish eyes. Her small form standing 5.1 in front of him. Her nails painted black and grey. And her enormous energy, fighting spirit, and childish behavior. He loved her the way she was. She brought the light to him when the darkness was threatening to swallow him whole.
He's grateful for her. And she's grateful for him.
Nozel pulled the lightly tied bow and it came undone. He opened the lid to the box and there he saw, A blue Silva pendant in the middle of black foam. It was made out of the most hardest metal the both of them could find. He placed the box onto the desk and started to braid his bangs. After he was done he took the pendant carefully in between his fingers and pinned it to the tip of the braid.
He looked into the mirror and smiled, Perfect.  He thought.
He stood up and put the box back in the drawer and closed it tight.
But happy times always end. And that's when it hit him. The realization that he forgot he's having breakfast with his siblings at 7:45. He looked over to the clock and it said 6:37.
I still have maybe an hour or more to spare... Nozel thought and opened the door and closed it silently when he walked out of his room making sure not to disturb any servants that are still sleeping. (Servants get up at 7 o'clock)
He walked down the hallways of the estate quickly and quietly not wanting to get caught. Instead of going to the entrance of the estate he went to the back where the garden is. He can sneak out of there through the yard and exit the palace without getting noticed (hopefully). It was a perfect plan.
He came to the door that lead to the huge garden the maids took care of. He opened the door and he saw a dim light on the ground, meaning the sun was rising, quickly. He closed the door and started to speed walk, hoping that no one will notice. (Btw the garden is so huge that it ends near the capitol main roads. There's a dirt path showing the way to the main roads of the capitol.)
After a few minutes of speed walking he could see the exit to the garden. Just barely out of reach.  He started to sweat Immensely knowing that anyone could catch him sneaking off. But... Just... One... More... Step...
He sighed as he reached the exit and wiped the sweat off his face. He opened his eyes and saw the sun-lit dirt path that lead to the royal capital's main roads where all sorts of people would be but not at this hour. He walked towards the dirt path and began the walk to the capitol.
-In The Capitol-
Nozel walked out of his favorite coffee shop with a cup of coffee in his hands. He slowly sipped on it as he was walking down the streets. Not many people were out at this time of day. But the people that were, whispered and looked at him oddly.
"What's lord Nozel doing out this early? Could he be running errands for his squad?" A noble male whispered to his friend beside him.
"No. I'm guessing he's just out doing his normal thing. See the coffee in his hands? That's how I know." His friend whispered back.
Nozel closed his eyes a bit and sighed quietly. This was one of those many times that he wished he was a commoner so he can get by just a single day without someone whispering about him or looking at him with a cautious look everywhere he went. He didn't feel safe no matter where he went. And he always had to keep calm and keep a good reputation, as to just one tiny slip up could be his down fall. For good.
He took his last sip of his coffee and through the empty cup in the trash can on one of the streets. He just now noticed that not many shops are open. Many have gone out of business from lack of funding or lack of management. Some of them even have been removed for higher class family businesses. A sum of them are also being remodeled so they are closed momentarily. A few of the shops he shopped at were either closed, or remodeling.
As he was walking down a street going to his destination he saw something, someone... Familiar... He took a closer look and recognised that short black hair shining in the sun, and the smoothness that makes you want to run your fingers through it. Nozel's eyes widen with shock and his nose scrunches up in hatred. His teeth grit in pain from the memories of the past.
He notices that the man turns around and walks towards him. He's only 1 foot away from him. The man leans into his ear and says,
"Oh How Is My Little Vampire Doing?"
For: @mrnozzlesilversimp
After a long time I have finished the story inspired by you art :,) thank you.
Also @thespiralgrimoire
I come baring gifts for you? I would also like your opinion on it as well. I need to improve more. Thank you. 🙏💖
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The Bae’st of all
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: Kyubae the bae’st bae of all aka Kyubei
Prompt: Seeing how Kyubei is named after an alias that the real Mitsuhide Akechi used (Juubei) the chances of fans getting a Kyubei route from Cybird are slim. However, it is simply impossible not to fall for this man. He is too good. So here have my attempt at writing a route.
The key of the previous chapter was (Romantic/Dramatic):
A/N: So, everyone except from one voted Dramatic so far. You guys have until 10.2 to vote which route comes out first. Gogogo!
1.1| 1.2 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 4.1 | 4.2 | 5.1 | 5.2 | 6.1 | 6.2 | 7.1 | 7.2 | 8.1 | 8.2 | 9.1 | 9.2 | 
Avatar Challenge 1 | 3.1 Gacha POV | 1st Letter | 5.2 Gacha | Avatar Challenge 2 | 2nd Letter | Avatar Challenge 3
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(To Motonari I'm bait. For Kennyo a tool to force their hand. To the Oda I'm just a chatelaine, and to Kyubei I'm…)
Hidden away in the temple I’m contemplating what my possible roles to play are. However, I still my thoughts just before the last part, unable to finish the last sentence even in silence.
(I will have to. Kyubei's very person is on the line and I need to focus.)
Taking in a deep sigh I say the words out loud:
"His dilemma."
"His weakness.”
“His light.”
It makes me uncomfortable, but it is a good realisation to make if I want to help Kyubei. I don’t know his plans yet, but I shall do whatever is needed to keep myself from becoming an obstacle that ruins his mission.
(Motonari supplies weapons to Kennyo and the Ikko-Ikki. Mitsuhide is working together with Motonari, using Kyubei as a middleman. Neither Motonari and Kennyo trust Mitsuhide or Kyubei, but they see a use in me, who is both from the Oda who Mitsuhide just betrayed and can possibly tie down Kyubei…)
(Kyubei wouldn’t, right? He is loyal to Mitsuhide and Mitsuhide alone. He wouldn’t choose me over him, right?)
For some reason thinking that breaks my heart a little, but I don’t want Kyubei to throw away who he is and his cause because of me. The plot makes my brain swim, unable to comprehend what is truly going on as I continue to fret.
(Focus! Focus, me! I have to make sure that Kyubei doesn’t have to make that choice in the first place!)
But nothing comes to me as I eye around the room. Not even a slightly creepy, but convenient, ceiling-ninja.
(What use were all these lessons anyway if I can’t put them into practice!)
Frustrated, I ball my fists as I fling myself on the floor, wrapping Kyubei’s haori tightly around me while I listen to the rain falling outside.
(He doesn’t have his coat with him and it is raining again. I wonder if he is cold, or if he found shelter.)
A knock on my door encourages me to push myself up into a sitting position as I watch a masked warrior monk in black slide open the door.
The figure, just as solemn and quiet as their abbott, only says that single word before retreating, leaving a plate of what is a hearty meal on the table.
(Ah, the famous shojin-ryori menu!)
I can’t help myself but take a peek at the food that they have dished out for me, a curiosity to see the simple diet that the monks of Japan are so famous for.
(When will I have the chance to try some authentic shojin-ryori again? In the modern era you have to call in advance to make sure it is the real deal and here it is just served!)
(But wait…)
In my excitement I take a closer look at the plate. It existed out of a simple clear broth with tofu and vegetables and a side dish of pancakes made of soybean remainders mixed with vegetables for colour and topped with scallions.
(Isn’t that also banned? I remember something about it exciting the senses…)
Lifting the plate with the pancakes I examine it carefully, turning it into all angles as I eye the densely packed cake, a piece of paper and leave underneath it to draw out the grease from the pan fried dish.
(But the paper is below the leaf.)
Drawing out the paper I realise that it is a note rather than that it was meant for grease, the neat and small script of the note familiar.
‘Bar the doors tonight, open the window when the crow calls.’
My heart thumps when I realise that the note comes from Kyubei and what the words mean. It elates me as well as that there is a rising dread as I realise the implications of the note and the decision he might have made.
(Please don’t let that be true…)
“My men reported that you didn’t finish your meal today.”
That night Kennyo comes to visit me, his face as stern as ever, but there is a worry in his eyes as he sits near my door, keeping close to the exit but blocking it as well.
“Our cuisine is simple and might be a bit too bland to your taste, but it is important that you don’t starve yourself.”
Involuntarily I feel like a scolded kid, despite the gentle words that are meant to coax me rather than to guilt me.
In the time that I have spent here I have come to notice that Kennyo is a caring man with fatherly tendencies. Though he keeps his distance from me and tries to treat me coldly I can’t help but notice the small bursts of warmth he shows to me.
“I wasn’t too hungry. The food is fine.”
Gulping I try to answer as naturally as possible, but my words feel awkward and halted as Kennyo’s dark eyes eye me with slight suspicion, a sigh escaping him before he produces a sweet smelling bun for me.
“Here, just in case you get hungry.”
And with that Kennyo means to leave me again, his back solemn and his air mournful, the sweet bun he left for me contrasting to the bitter sadness and regret he always carries with him. Before I know it I have called out to him:
“Kennyo? Thank you, for everything.”
The words have left me before I even realise them myself, but I mean them wholeheartedly all the same. Kennyo freezes in his steps, turning around with surprise clear on his face. His eyes narrow in reminiscence of a painful memory as he flashes me a wry smile.
“You’re my hostage. Why are you thanking me, have you no common sense?”
His words are chiding, but I grimace back all the same in genuine delight. For all the bad he tries to do and pretends to be Kennyo truly is no different from the rest of the warlords. Fighting for his ideals and what he believes will bring peace to his people.
Pocketing the sweet bun Kennyo left me I set out to work as soon as the door closed behind the man, leaving me alone for the night until the next morning.
(I don’t know when Kyubei plans to come, but I won’t allow anything to jeopardise the mission.)
I don’t have many things in the room, nor is there any heavy furniture. The temple keeps a simple interior reflecting their lifestyle, but I manage to stack up a fort to block the door nonetheless.
(Phew, I’m glad I managed to do this.)
Finished, I’m admiring my handiwork when a bell sounds through the small temple, the sound of rushed footsteps and orders breaking through the silence of the otherwise so peaceful temple.
(It has started!)
Holding my breath I slowly back away from the door as I turn to the window, my hands feeling clammy as I strain my ears. The beat of my speeding heart threatens to overtake my senses as I try to keep my breath under control, counting the seconds for the conditions to be fulfilled for the second part of the instructions.
“[Name], [Name]!”
A scratchy voice calls for me from beyond the window followed by the flapping of wings and a large shadow at the other side of the screen. Sucking in my breath I pull the frame open as I’m faced by the shadow that I have missed, slightly damp from the rain outside and clad in a single kimono, his haori still with me.
“It has been a while, my lady.”
Long dark hair that rivals the night sky in the back, and skin that resembles the reflection of the moon. Kyubei towers over me as he holds his hand out to me, his eyes crinkled into crescent moons as he smiles upon me. On his shoulder sits Kage, his beak parted as he flaps his wings.
“[Name], [Name]!”
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Ingame journal entry 3, aka Commentrough of Pokémon White 2 but I‘m already at the sandy place, aka I just really need to gush about this game right now
The music. The music.
I forgot where I need to go lol, kinda missing Rotom right now after all
Jamming to the battle tracks while my teams‘ getting one shot by a trainer with a single Darumaka. But the soundtrack is just. so good-
Good thing I‘d already stopped attempting a nuzlocke shorty after starting because I really don’t feel like replaying everything…will probably still nickname all the mon though! Good naming exercise
…I only have one revive thingy left. I‘m in the middle of the desert. All these trainers are here. It’s a constant random encounter area. Help.
Found a sand crab. I named him Louie!
Trying to find a Pokecenter, found the ancient palace instead
Forgot some trainers follow your movement and got REALLY jumpscared by a psychic trainer for a moment. Why they gotta be so creepy
Man I love these info boards that you can always find in the route tunnels! They’re such helpful and cool little details!
This game has achievement medals lol forgot about those. As if the Pokédex wasn’t enough- not complaining though, it is nice to have an extra collectable
And back to civilization, hello Castelia! Younger me was so amazed just by how gigantic this city feels compared to anything before, which was probably also the intention. Just such a cool feeling. And the music is once again pure gold. (Could never figure out what’s going on with the cruise tho lol)
Miss the old badge collection design from Gen 5.1 a bit but this new one gives each badge their own sound! You can play music with these!
Love how some random dude just shows up and gifts an entire mall street to a random 14 year old stranger he ran into
…I forgot I set some of the lines to "bro“ and "f yes" lmao. This used to be a Wifi thing, wonder if it had a filter?
Hello Nimbasa! Can’t wait to see how you’ve cha-
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(And Nate is a fanboy too apparently! Heck yeah!)
…who on the translation team allowed them to have these names. I forgot they had these names. Their English names are completely normal names here too. I‘m sorry but-those are Emmet and Ingo, who the heck are Back and Forth supposed to be!?
Going easy on the kiddos so they visit the metro, I see how this goes, gotta say peak advertising here
Oof I missed how simple the item detector used to be. Just turn it on and walk around, no riding Pokémon animation and unbearably slow walking needed!
What do you mean the Ferris wheel is gonna be destroyed!? YOU CANT DO THIS! THE MUSIC IS SO RELAXING! NO! …oh they’re gonna cut it in the remakes aren’t they!? Oh I can already feel it, oh no, first Ingo now this, Gamefreak what did Nimbasa do to you!?
…there’s an NPC to the left of the new arena that only exists to say "the make up of a clown includes painted tears“…my man are you ok? Or is this just about Elesa not being in her arena because you’re a fanboy?
Love how they kept the old arena, it looks so cool with all it’s neon colors! And they didn’t cut anything!
I forgot that Pokémon used to have good leveling. Now my entire team sans starter is underleveled because I kept skipping everything lmao
That seed-throwing damage-healing move my Servine has might just be the most OP early game move ever. Like that just healed Tarja for 11HP, and she‘s got a total of 77! That’s a 7th! One half of a potion! Every single turn!
YOOO ZucZuc‘s evolving! My tiny boi, precious little Zubat, he grew up so fast :‘)
The music evolves with each defeated trainer. The music evolves with each defeated trainer.
…cliffhanger for Elesa because I gotta go sleep! :)
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spooky-z · 5 years
College Françoise Dupont’s talent show [5/5]
• 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 4.1 • 5 • 5.1 •
Warning: suicide mention at the final
@ozmav @maribat-archive
Damian was not one bit happy with the wistful eyes of Adrien for Marinette.
Since the confrontation with the class, Wayne noticed that the blonde did not take the eyes of his bride. Perhaps he was not even blinking. He could barely see the boy breathing!
“Damian, control your temper.” Tim nudged him. “Looks like you’re going to jump the golden boy’s neck anytime.”
They were sitting in the auditorium, lights on, people searching their seats. The whole family sitting in the third row of the main set of chairs, occupying the entire row.
The order being from the far left starting with Alfred, Bruce, Dick, Kori, Jason, Tim, Damian, Sabine, Tom, Chloe, Kagami, Allan, Allegra and Claude.
Jagged and Penny had been taken into the cabin, accompanied by Chloe’s parents and Kagami’s mother.
Adrien and the rest of the class, sitting in the second row. The blonde standing right in front of him, not disguising the fact that he was facing Marinette, who was on stage talking quietly with Felix and the director.
“If he doesn’t stop eating her with his eyes, I’ll…” and clenched his fist, imagining Agreste’s head in the middle of it.
Sabine, who had heard the exchange, laughed softly. Her son-in-law was so cute.
“Honey, it’s like we say: they may look, but they can’t have it,” she says, her hand on Damian’s fist. “My daughter looks beautiful. If no one looked at her twice, I would have been offended on her behalf.”
He bites his lip in conflict, but seems to decide that his mother-in-law was right and looked away from the blonde, preferring the sight of his angel.
“Good evening everyone.” The director says in the microphone, Marinette and Felix at his right side, microphones in their hands. “Today we mark the end of the talent week and also the end of the semester.” He pauses with the sound of the applause “this week was indeed amazing. Many talents discovered; many laughs obtained. It was wonderful.“
The audience shouts in agreement. Damian frowns with the particularly high-pitched scream in his ear and glances quickly at Tim.
“Today, as you can see, I have two guests with me” the director says again “Marinette Dupain-Cheng-”
“Hello!” Marinette sings into the microphone, a sweet smile on her face.
“-And Felix Aguillard.” Felix bows to the audience “Our first graders of the year.” More applause.
At the sound of the applause, Damian was able to hear a loud "What ?!” coming from the row in front of him, but could not recognize the voice because of the noise.
“It’s been a year since they’ve been studying at both Dupont and a prestigious university.” General choke “Marinette at ESMOD and Felix at INSEAD-”
“WHAT?!” Lila shouts in surprise, cutting off the director. She sits up quickly when she realizes that she has lost control in front of everyone. “Sorry, I was just surprised.”
Chloe scoffs before shouting to the stage “THAT’S MY GIRL!”
Marinette laughs “And Fe? He’s your boy too, isn’t he?” Teases into the microphone.
Felix looks at her, the pained expression on his face.
Chloe scowls at them and screams once again, “I’m sorry, but I’m SUPER GAY.” And the audience laughs out loud at the antics. The director looks unsure of what to do.
“Ahem,” he catches everyone’s attention, the laughter calming down. “Continuing what I was saying- Today marks their last high school day, so nothing fairer than them being our special guests of the night. The two will open for today’s participants, but they will not be part of the competition.” And ends, waving to the two talk something before they begin.
Felix shakes his head, saying he doesn’t want to say anything and follows him off the stage, but Marinette takes the lead, microphone tight in her hands.
“Good evening everyone.” She says, “Like Principal Damocles said, my name is Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I want a little of your time.” Her eyes gauge each of the audience, not stopping at anyone for long.
“Today has been a particularly special day for me.” It starts “But I’ll start with last month. Last month I was able to go a step further in my career. I received an undeniable proposal and now my things must be arriving at Gotham, my old and new residence.” She notices some violent reactions in the ranks of her former class. Alya. “Today… today I was proposed by the man I love. Today I have friends supporting me, I have my family by my side, I’m having you all now.” Her slightly wet eyes, Damian notes, wanting more than anything to be by her side right now.
“But it wasn’t always like that.” His tone a little bitter. “There was a time, like, about three years ago, that I had people in my life that I thought were there to support me. To be my friends. To support me when I’m not well…” she sighs “But I was wrong. So wrong.”
“I came to such a low point, so dark, that time has stopped. Like this. I had lost my will, my motivation. I was alive but not living.” Sabine, who had been holding back tears, could no longer and cried silently “But hey! This is not a sad story. It’s not because I found good people. Great friends. A great boyfriend. It was not easy at first. There have been relapses. Days I wanted to do nothing more than sleep and sleep. But I did it.” She winked at Lila, who seemed to have eaten something bad.
“I’m reaching my goals. Saying goodbye to most of you, see you soon to others and a ‘I hope I never have to see you again’ for the ones left.” She says sweet, so sweet that her teeth hurt.
“It was thinking about this past, this dark spot of my life, that I wrote a song … Yeah! I know! You were expecting a fashion show, but here I am, ready to sing.” Jokes with the general surprise.
She looks at the side edge of the stage. Luka was waiting for the signal to be able to enter. She blinks at him and he smiles, the guitar positioned in his hands.
“To sing this song I would need support, so a friend volunteered for this role.” She turns to the audience. “Please, a round of applause for Luka Couffaine, my best friend.”
Alya was… She didn’t know how she was feeling at that moment.
She had stopped trying to understand what had been going on since Chloe had appeared with Kagami two nights ago to pick up Marinette at the theater.
That was so frustrating! How, when … The three had become friends. How Marintte could forgive Chloe. When Marinette had overcome her rivalries with Kagami.
Alya didn’t understand. Alya didn’t know.
Alya didn’t remember when it was the last time she’d talked to Marinette. Her best friend.
But she remembered the last time she’d screamed at the brunette about being mean. About how after so many years, she still hasn’t gotten over her jealousy of Lila. How Adrien would never love her if she continued this behavior.
She remembered the teary blueberries, the flushed cheeks (of shame or anger she didn’t know) and the weak voice asking to leave her alone.
But it wasn’t her fault! She just wanted the brunette to grow up, take her head off the Adrien world, and live. Give Lila a chance.
What did not happen. Marinette just walked away.
She would come to school, attend classes, and then disappear. No one knew where she was going at breaks. During classes, she hardly interacted with others.
Just Chloe.
And Alya still couldn’t understand. Didn’t understand what Marinette was saying on that stage. Didn’t know what she was talking about. She was trying. Really. But it was all in vain to see Luka Couffaine come on stage.
His slightly longer, unruly hair combed anyway, torn black jeans, shiny boots, and a black T-shirt under a mossy green leather jacket. A guitar in his arms.
His eyes wrapped in a thick layer of khol.
He bent slightly toward Marinette’s microphone, a polite smile on his lips.
“Good night, Dupont. I’m Luka and I’m here today to help Minette in one or two songs.” He says “God knows how bad she is with the guitar.” He laughs when Marinette jokes him playfully.
She takes his microphone and says again "I think we should start, what do you think ?!”
A projector screen descends behind them and they begin.
No, I think I’ll stay in tonight
Skip the conversations and the “Oh, I’m fines”
No, I’m no stranger to surprise
This paper town has let me down too many times
And, man. She was good.
Alya was surprised, scared even.
Why do I even try? Give me a reason why
I thought that I could trust you, never mind
Why all the switching sides? Where do I draw the line?
I guess I’m too naive to read the signs
Adrien shifted uncomfortably beside Nino. His gravelly face.
He was sure the music was for them, the class.
For him.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
The screen behind them began to pass photos.
Photos of Marinette that no one in the class had ever seen before.
All they ever do is let me down
Every time I let somebody in
The first photo to appear contained Luka and Marinette hugging each other. Her arms around his neck, their cheeks glued together and his arms around her waist.
The unknown background landscapes. The sun shining bright.
Luka was wearing only a black T-shirt, his hair a mess and the tongue sticking out. Marinette in a black cropped with blue accents, her hair in a bun, eyes closed and a huge smile.
She looked so happy.
Adrien cringed.
Then I find out what they’re all about
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
In the next picture, Chloe and the brunette were sleeping together on a futon, probably in Mari’s room.
Chloe wearing Ladybug pajamas being the small spoon and Marinette Abeille being the big spoon.
Alya tasted the blood.
Wonder where they’re all hidin’ out
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
Gotta get up out of this town
In the third photo, Marinette was sitting on Kagami’s lap while they were taking selfies. The two making funny faces.
Kagami’s hands steady around Marinette.
And that was a shock to Nino.
The ice queen being funny and protective of someone.
Oh, oh
Oh, ah
A picture of the four of them together at a sleepover in what looked like Chloe’s room. Luka had a face mask, Chloe’s hair stuck in bobs, Kagami painting her nails, and Marinette reading a fashion magazine.
All of them on the bedroom floor, sweets and snacks spread and a television on in a black and white film.
The photo was taken by a fifth unknown person.
I stay up, talkin’ to the moon
Been feelin’ so alone in every crowded room
Can’t help but feel like something’s wrong, yeah
'Cause the place I’m livin’ in just doesn’t feel like home
This time it was a video of Marinette in what looked like a kitchen. A huge kitchen. Wearing a black shirt too big to be hers, probably making breakfast.
She had a spatula in her hand, distracted, using it as a microphone while singing something.
The man who had arrived with Bruce Wayne, the one with the black and white hair, joins her singing. They start dancing like crazy around the kitchen.
The video ends with him slipping and falling, Marinette laughing out loud before falling too.
It didn’t even last 20 seconds.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
All they ever do is let me down
Every time I let somebody in
Then I find out what they’re all about
Another video came, this time Marinette is sitting on the grass, surrounded by puppies. Two Great Dane resting their heads on her lap while she pats them.
Damian Wayne joins her and she rests against him.
He looks at the person filming and the filming quickly ends.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
Wonder where they’re all hidin’ out
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
Gotta get up out of this town
The next picture had Marinette in a gym, leggings, black top, hair in a ponytail.
Another of the men who came in with Bruce Wayne, on her shoulders like a sack of potatoes.
She was all skinny muscle.
Nino heard Adrien choke and cough.
I just wanna talk about nothin’
With somebody that means somethin’
Spell the names of all our dreams and demons
For the times that I don’t understand
Marinette this time was in the same kitchen (video), an old man beside her watching her beat the dough in the bowl.
The crowded bench with Damian, Bruce and the other three men, Chloe, Kagami, Luka and… Félix?!
Tell me what’s the point of a moon like this
When I’m alone again
Can I run away to somewhere beautiful
Where nobody knows my name?
There was a joint gagging of class with the pool photo.
Damian felt jealous boil again.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
All they ever do is let me down
I let somebody in
But I find out what they’re all about
The next photo had Jagged Stone, Penny Rolling, Clara Nightingale, Prince Ali, and XY at a picnic. All dressed informally, looking comfortable, smiling at Marinette who was playing with Fang in the background.
And that’s how Ms. Bustier’s class seemed to remember that Jagged didn’t have a cat but a crocodile.
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
All they ever do is let me down
I’m just lookin’ for some real friends
Gotta get up out of this town, yeah
The last picture was of everyone together.
Dupain-Cheng, Waynes, Chloe, Kagami, Luka, Felix, Claude, Allegra, Allan, Jagged, Penny, Clara, Ali, XY. Even Fang and the Great Danes.
Everyone was looking at the camera, smiling excitedly. Marinette in Damian’s arms and a banner with “Joyeux anniversaire, Marinette” in the background.
Oh, oh
Oh, ah
Marinette and Luka ended the song’s last chord when a video, this time with sound, played on the big screen.
“… Let me hear you say, this shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!”
Marinette turns horrified to the big screen.
“This shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!” Marinette on the big screen screams along with the music.
The girl throws her arms up, jumping on the bed. The Batman themed pajamas.
“Oh my god, Minette…” the recording person laughs softly so the girl doesn’t hear.
Marinette continues to scream the lyrics, unaware that she is being recorded, until the recording person starts laughing out loud and she gets scared.
“… Jason?” She has a confused expression on her face until she notices the camera and her face becomes homicidal. “Were you recording…?”
The man seems to be scared because the laughter soon dies.
“… No?” he tries.
“Really? So, you don’t mind me taking a look at your phone, do you?” She gets off the bed and goes toward him.
“… Listen, I think Alfred is calling me. Bye!” He runs from her, but doesn’t finish recording.
With him running, the phone only films the confused shapes of the house, but everyone is still able to hear Marinette running after him.
Shooting continues for another two seconds and then ends abruptly.
Luka was laughing openly on stage, Marinette still with her back to the audience, blushing embarrassed and the audience laughing.
And that was how the last night of the Talent Show began.
Lila was waiting for her at the backstage.
Marinette knew that an hour would have to face the girl, but did not think she would attack in such an open and public place.
But objectively, this was the only chance she had, since Marinette was leaving Paris that night.
“Should I congratulate you on the engagement, Dupain-Cheng? Or should we talk about your poor attempt to come out on top?” Lila scoffs, the smugness on her face. “Because it didn’t work. They are still eating in the palm of my hand.”
Marinette sighs already tired.
"What do you want, Lila?”
“I just came to brag. I like to throw salt on the wound.”
“That’s good! Because I like it too.” Marinette says, her tone becoming sharp. “Do you really think I would go away and do nothing to unmask you, Lila Rossi?” Lila stiffens the smile. “Or rather, Volpina, the accomplice of Hawkmoth.”
The girl steps back as Marinette approaches.
"What are you talking about?” She countered. “Are you going crazy?”
“Crazy? I? No.” Marinette laughs “I just think it’s funny that you think there would be no consequences helping a terrorist. And no use denying, I know you have been helping Hawkmoth and Mayura all these years. Your best friend, Ladybug, told me.”
The two do not notice Adrien, Nino and Alya coming. Adrien, noticing the situation, prevents Alya from trying to help Lila and forces them both to hear the conversation hidden behind some wood panels.
“… So, what if I helped Hawkmoth?” They hear Lila say. Adrien feels his blood run cold. “I was a minor. A child. You have nothing against me.”
There is a break and Marinette respond.
“That’s where you’re wrong Lila. Gabriel Agreste may have been arrested and refused to speak, but the evidence, Lila, speaks for itself.” Her firm voice “One year, Lila. A year gathering evidence against you and look, I was surprised to learn that I wasn’t the only person you emotionally abused.”
“… What?” Lila whispers looking scared.
“Emilia Shawn’s suicide.” Marinette’s voice comes out like lightning. “Don’t you remember her, Lila? The girl you bullied so much she couldn’t stand and threw herself off the roof of your school in Italy?” Alya was crying on Nino’s shoulder.
“No problem you don’t remember Emilia!” Marinette says very cheerfully “As long as you remember Cassandra. Or Phillip. Marie… Rico.”
“How do you… how do you know those names?” Lila shouts.
“Because unlike you and our lovely classmates, Lila, families didn’t believe their children were abusive monsters and committed suicide because they were sorry.”
There are footsteps, Adrien gets up enough to see what was going on and recognizes Agent Raincomprix with the National Police, surrounding Marinette and Lila.
Damian Wayne appears along with Bruce Wayne alongside Marinette.
“You cannot do that! I was just a child! Children make mistakes!” Lila begins to freak out when she realizes the situation.
“No, Lila. This is murder and terrorism. And you will pay for what you did.” Marinette says.
Damian hugs the brunette in support and she squeezes his arms in thanks.
"Lila Aloisi Rossi, you are arrested for accomplice of murder and terrorism.” The Raincomprix agent says as he holds Lila in handcuffs “You have the right to remain silent. Whatever you say can and will be used against you.”
"What? NO! LET ME GO!” Lila shouts, going crazy as she struggles.
The police soon have to help the agent contain her and before they leave, he turns to Marinette and the Waynes.
“Bruce Wayne, Marinette. Thanks for your help.” He nods. “It’s up to us now.” And leaves.
“Thank you mr. Raincomprix.” Marinette says.
"I’ll go with you guys,” Bruce says and joins the agents.
Meanwhile, Lila was still screaming and kicking through the theater corridors, people leaving to find out what was going on.
Ms. Bustier’s whole class watching.
Bruce Wayne, who was right behind the National Police surrounding Lila, looked smug when he spoke.
“Your country has withdrawn your immunity after we have presented the evidence of your crimes, Lila Rossi.” Lila widened her eyes, the panic evident. “You will face justice in full rights.”
Damian believes that all of Paris was able to hear the scream that the Italian gave.
He turned the woman in his arms, needing to look her in the eye.
“It’s over, angel.” He whispers to her, noticing the tear in her eyes.
Marinette sighs, relaxing against him.
“It’s over, Dami. Ended.“
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@mystery-5-5 @spicybelladonna @iglowinggemma28 @crazylittlemunchkin@lunaraquaenby @maude-zarella @mooshoon @kuroko26@littleredrobinhoodlum @fanboy7794 @shadowberrybinch @k-rena-k@captainmac6 @clumsy-owl-4178  @tazanna-blythe @vixen-uchiha @zebrabaker @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay @artxyra @ellerahs @minightrose@redscarlet95 @soaringowlsstuff @xxkelsey39
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
We’ll Be Home For Christmas 5.1
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Title: We’ll be home for Christmas
Day Five – Here on Tracy Island – Part 1 Prologue | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 | 3.5 | 4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 4.4 | 4.5 | 4.6 | 5.1
Author: Gumnut
20 Jun 2020
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: The boys can’t fly home for Christmas, so they have to find another way.
Word count: 3313
Spoilers & warnings: language and so, so much fluff. Science!Gordon. Artist!Virgil, Minor various ships, mostly background.
Timeline: Christmas Season 3, I have also kinda ignored the main storyline of Season 3. The boys needed a break, so I gave them one. Post season 3B, before Season 3C cos I started this fic before we saw it.
Author’s note: For @scattergraph​​​​​. This is my 2019 TAG Secret Santa fic :D
No, I haven’t forgotten about this fic, and yes, it hit the six month mark about two weeks ago. I started writing this 8 Dec 2019. I’m nearly there.
Landmark, though. It is now officially my longest Thunderbirds fic, overtaking Gentle Rain today at around 60,000 words, depending on which word processing program it is sitting in. Never expected it to be this long.
This chapter pretty much wrote itself. It is almost like a role call of the five brothers and their states of mind. So a little bit of all the bros in this. I hope you enjoy.
Many thanks to @i-am-chidorixblossom​​​ @scribbles97​​​​​ and @onereyofstarlight​​​​​ for reading through various bits, fielding my many wibblies, and for all their wonderful support.
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
Day Five: Here on Tracy Island
Virgil woke late the next morning. It was a pleasant awakening, slipping from deep sleep to doze to a peaceful warmth beneath the covers. His room was dark. Darker than his cabin on A Little Lightning and with decidedly less sway.
He lay there for a while, enjoying the lack of need to get up and do anything and the absence of pain. He had slept the sleep of the dead and was thoroughly rested. There was something to be said about sleeping in your own bed at home that no holiday anywhere could provide.
But honestly, he wasn’t one to sit and do nothing for long, his brain kicking into gear while he lay there, listing off things waiting to be done. A visit to Two to reassure himself she had been checked over and was ready should she be needed. Not that he didn’t trust his family, it was just for his own peace of mind.
He should be able to get away with it so long as he didn’t spend too much time down there.
It took him a full half an hour of random rumination to realise that it was Christmas Day.
Oh shit.
The clock said eleven am.
His family...
He sat up abruptly and was thoroughly reminded of how stupid such a move was.
Oh, for the love of...
He grunted and rolled over until his face was smothered in his pillow.
The medic in his brain listed off the reasons why he shouldn’t have done that and why he needed to be careful and, goddamnit, he was sick of this. It was only an appendix, for crying out loud.
Stupid surgery.
That could have been so much worse.
He was being a spoilt child.
He let out a breath into his pillow, its warmth wrapping around his face. Another week and he would be fine.
But now, it was eleven oh five on Christmas morning and he was holding his family up.
He clambered out of bed with minimal complaint from his body, into the shower, a shave and into his familiar red flannel, jeans and boots.
It was such a comfort to be home.
He blow-dried his hair, gelled it up and made himself presentable.
The man who stared at him from his bathroom mirror was one appendix less and a whole pile of experience more.
He hummed to himself, tasting the notes in his throat. He could feel the soft whale skin under his fingertips, hear the lap of the water, the breeze in his hair...
And the music.
His eyes were closed without permission, the imagery taking over his mind. His fingers tapped against the bathroom vanity marking out the beat and rhythm of what he was trying to say, the pictures warping into abstract and lack of understanding.
Salty and long spoken, the notes repeated.
He didn’t know how long he stood there under the bathroom light, eyes seeing another world somewhere below the ocean surface.
By the time he shook off the haze it was eleven forty-five.
Almost lunchtime.
Alan would be foaming at the bit.
He pushed himself away from the sink and killed the light. Walking carefully across his room, he shook himself, rolling his shoulders. Get it together, Virgil. Your family is waiting for you.
Out through the door, down the corridor and, screw the stairs, he was taking the elevator.
It swallowed him whole.
Gordon had been up since before the sun. It was a sign that he was home. A session in the pool brought familiarity into the equation. There was definitely a difference between swimming in the pool versus the ocean and it had nothing to do with water salinity.
The ocean was beautiful and he adored it. But the pool sported no threat, no need to monitor his surroundings beyond the presence of a mischievous brother or two, leaving him to be able to focus on his stroke and let his mind wander.
The pleasant warmth of well used muscles pulling him forward through the water, simple thought processing...and considering the last few days, there were a lot of thoughts awaiting examination.
Some he had managed while piloting A Little Lightning on the home stretch, but there were still more needing answers and tactical decisions.
Sam. Mel. Scott. John. Virgil.
As far as he knew, Scott was still planning on inviting the neighbours over today. That would place Sam within reach of the apparently resistant Virgil.
He understood where both men were coming from. Virgil needed time and Sam was just a ball of eager energy.
Gordon was stuck between the two.
Push came to shove, he would side with Virgil regardless. He had too. But he really didn’t want to be divisive. If Virgil would talk just a little, it would help not only Sam and himself, but it might assuage the ball of worried energy that was Scott.
His arms sliced through water until he reached the end of the lane, his body automatically flipping and turning into the push off surge in the opposite direction. Air, splash and his hands slicing through the water again.
Okay, he would admit that he was worried himself. At first it was just amazing. His brother could sing to whales! A breakthrough. But yesterday he witnessed exactly how spaced Virgil became when singing and everything screamed wary. Humpback whales were beautiful creatures, but so big and so possibly unintentionally dangerous.
He couldn’t let Virgil anywhere near a whale alone. It just wasn’t safe. There was so much they didn’t know and the urge to protect his gentle brother just swelled in his heart.
They needed to investigate further. Find out exactly what was going on. Make sure his brother was safe. That it didn’t affect any water rescues.
They couldn’t afford to have Virgil spacing out in the ocean at random. As it was, Gordon wasn’t going to let Virgil anywhere near the ocean during rescues for the foreseeable future. He could stay up in Two.
Whale song could travel around the globe.
His native realm had become a hazard for his big brother and that was unacceptable.
They had to find out what was going on.
John and Eos had made a good start, but Sam and himself needed to investigate further and soon.
Virgil needed to cooperate for his own safety.
Gordon broke his stroke, pushed himself to the side of the pool and rested his head on the concrete a moment, letting his body float randomly.
Blood pumped through his ears, his heart still running at exercise rate.
He needed to convince Virgil.
Scott revelled in the early dawn light. His feet pounded on his wonderfully familiar route around the Island. A trek he hadn’t laid eyes on for a week.
His runners crunched volcanic gravel beneath them.
The sun was just rising on Christmas Day, the beautiful weather hanging strong, the sea a stretch of glass disappearing off into the horizon. His current trajectory pointed him directly south where he knew beyond the glass lay Raoul Island. A single spot in a sea of blue, so similar to the even tinier spot that was Tracy Island.
Same sea of blue.
A pokey tree appeared on the side of the track, its red flowers quite glorious in the morning sun, and he found himself grinning. Sure, he knew the correct name of the pōhutukawa tree, but Alan’s name was so much easier to pronounce and it made Mel laugh.
His legs took the strain as he jogged up the rapidly steepening trail.
If he was honest with himself, the whole no strings attached thing was a lie. He found himself thinking about the woman more the longer they were away from Raoul.
And they only left yesterday.
As soon as the sun was high enough in the sky to be polite, he would be contacting Raoul with his invitation to her, Sam and Liam. It wasn’t the only time he had invited people to the Island, they weren’t entirely hermits, but it was rare and the first time in a long time.
And he was so looking forward to it.
Penny and Parker were due after breakfast as was the tradition. As soon as everyone was awake, they would have their present opening party, always a major family event. More for the company and laughter than the presents themselves.
He could almost hear Gordon declaring it ‘Tracy style’ complete with the arm movements to compliment the claim.
But Mel...it was like he was excited to show her the Island, perhaps because he knew she would be very interested in the ecosystem that had developed here since their father had begun repairing it over a decade ago.
And he was staring at it right now as he followed the path around the back of the Island. Pokey trees, palms and ferns were everywhere a foothold was available. Scott knew very little about their ecosystem beyond the need to keep it safe. Gordon and Virgil were the ones who knew most about it among the brothers. Gordon focussed on the sea and Virgil sometimes helped out with animal numbers and photography for the scientific group.
But Mel hadn’t been here since Dad...
He grunted and hurdled a rock he hurdled every morning as the slope inverted and started heading down. The view was stunning.
Despite the glass of the ocean, the swell still crashed on the back cliffs of the Island, jagged volcanic rock resistant to the relentless pounding.
Hopefully she would consent to the visit even though it was late notice.
He did have a Thunderbird, after all.
John hadn’t slept much. He never did when something was on his mind. His everything drove him to find a solution, particularly when a brother was involved.
Eos never slept, so she was the perfect insomnia companion.
There was also the factor that he was home, but he really wasn’t.
He was missing Five.
Now he was back on the Island, everything was screaming at him to go home.
Not that he didn’t like the Island, quite the opposite. The Island contained his brothers, his grandmother, Kayo, his family and he adored his family.
But the stars were calling to him. His body ached to feel the release from gravity. He wanted his home.
He ignored it.
His body needed gravity. It was an undeniable fact. It had evolved under the pressure exerted by the planet and while his mind adored the stars and the lack of gravity, nature demanded its return under the ‘use it or lose it’ mandate of life on Earth.
So, tired, but awake anyway as the sun hit the front of the villa, John made his way down to the pool where he found Gordon, as expected, in the water, but unexpectedly, not swimming. His head was lying on one arm at the edge of the pool, his body floating lazily behind.
John dropped his towel on a lounger and, bare footed to the edge next to his brother. Folding himself into a seated position he dropped his feet to dangle in the cool water.
“Hmm?” His head rose a little blearily. “Oh, John, hey.”
“Merry Christmas.”
“Huh? What, oh, Merry Christmas, John.”
A frown. “You okay?”
Gordon flexed his shoulders. “Yeah, just thinking.”
John sighed. “Same. But you do know he’s okay?”
“Yeah, just thinking it through.”
John pushed himself into the water and couldn’t help a relieved sigh as the water took away so many of the effects of gravity, cradling his body. “Swim with me?”
Brown eyes turned to him and John saw a reflection of his own worry in their depths. “Sure.” Gordon pushed off from the edge, his movements graceful despite his distraction.
John moved to the lane next to Gordon’s preferred and lined up beside his fish brother. Gordon shot him a brief but grateful smile before pushing off the end in a careless surge into stroke. He was metres ahead before John had even shifted into form.
Show off.
But he couldn’t help but smile as he pushed off the edge himself, automatically moving into a strong but leisurely stroke in warm up.
Swimming denied verbal communication, but it wasn’t needed, the two of them just keeping each other company.
By the fifth lap, John started pushing himself, putting his body through the exercise needed to keep it healthy. He had no delusions of keeping up with Gordon. He just paced himself as his body needed it. Twenty laps in, he eased up a little and checked on his brother.
Gordon was still going. John brought himself to a halt, treading water, muscles pleasantly buzzing.
“Hey, John.” The astronaut startled, turning in place to find Scott standing on the edge of the pool. His running gear appeared well used, sweat stains prominent, and he was still breathing heavily. “Just letting you know that I’m going to be taking One out in about half an hour.”
“You going to get Mel and Sam?” Gordon was suddenly beside him. It was a sign of how tired John actually was that his younger brother startled him almost as much as Scott had a moment earlier.
“Can I come with?”
“Don’t you want to be here for when Penny arrives?”
John arched an eyebrow in Gordon’s direction. The fish had been looking forward to Christmas for that very reason. Before Virgil’s illness, it had been Penelope this, Penelope that. Apparently, he had the ‘best’ gift lined up for their first Christmas as a couple. Whether or not that was still going ahead considering recent events, John had no idea. Gordon hadn’t mentioned it since Virgil fell ill.
“I thought you had the fastest plane on the planet, Scotty.”
Their eldest brother snorted. “Plane, yes, younger brother, no.”
“Hey, I can be fast.” A strawberry blond frown. “Regardless, I need to speak to Sam.”
Scott eyed him a moment. “Virgil?”
Gordon sighed. “Yeah, Virgil. Gotta handle this delicately.”
Scott’s lips thinned. “Okay, then you better be ready in thirty because that’s when I’m leaving.”
The fish was already climbing out of the pool. Wet footprints marked the concrete as he strode to his towel.
Blue eyes turned to John. “You okay? You look tired.”
John let water run through his fingers. “I am, but I’ll live.”
Voice quiet. “Virgil?”
A single nod, voice equally quiet. “Virgil. Eos, Gordon and I will work it out. We just need time.” And patience. Admittedly, he didn’t have much of that where his brothers’ health was concerned. He could fake it, but it didn’t mean he felt it.
Scott’s expression was thoughtful. “I know you will do your best. Don’t forget to look after yourself.”
A groan. This was why Virgil was always adamant that he was fine. I single hint of something wrong and their biggest brother was all over them, his concern obvious. “I’m fine, Scott.”
That earned him a grunt and John actually struggled not to smile at his brother’s exasperation. John swam to the pool edge and pushed himself out of the water. A wave in the direction of the rising sun’s reflection. “The pool is all yours, dear brother.”
Scott eyed him. “Thank you.”
The morning breeze cooled John enough to raise goose pimples on his arms. Before he could reach for his towel, Scott was handing it to him.
Ever the big brother. It was John’s turn to eye him back. “Thank you.”
Scott smiled at him, a definite smirk on those lips. He knew exactly what John was thinking and had likely done it on purpose. “Anytime.”
Hmmm. “Merry Christmas, Scott.”
Those blue eyes widened as his big brother obviously realised that despite all the preparations underway, despite the tree they had stacked with presents the night before, he had still managed to forget the significance of the day.
It was John’s turn to smirk.
But Scott recovered quickly, tilting his head, a small smile on his lips. “Merry Christmas, John.”
With that he turned and headed off into the house.
Alan loved to sleep in. He shared this love with his second eldest brother. Getting up early sucked big time and he had no coffee addiction to help him.
But there was one day of the year when you could witness the youngest Tracy out of bed, while not early, at least a decent time where breakfast could still be called breakfast and not lunch or even brunch.
Christmas Day.
Alan adored the day. Presents, food and family, what more could a guy ask for?
So, eight am found him stumbling down the stairs to the kitchen in search of the second and third items on the list. He found Grandma at the kitchen table eating her fruit and yoghurt.
Alan made no effort to be quiet, but she didn’t appear to realise he was there, staring out across the lagoon. “Grandma?”
She dropped her spoon with a clatter as it hit the bowl. “Alan!” She clutched her hand to her chest, gasping. “You frightened me. Gave my old heart a kick in the pants.”
“Sorry, Grandma. Are you okay?”
“This time. Though I wouldn’t recommend doing it too often.” She held out an arm. “C’mere and give me a Christmas hug.”
Now that was something he was quite happy to do. Grandma hugs were always appreciated. “Merry Christmas, Grandma.” He held her tight.
“Merry Christmas, honey. Are you hungry?”
Uh, that was always a loaded question and there were important indicators related to that. “Where is everyone?” He had expected to find at least John down here. His space brother would eat his breakfast staring out into the lagoon and follow it with work on his tablet just to be around family in his own way. But not today.
“Scott and Gordon have gone to Raoul to collect Ms Fisher and that scientist friend of Gordon’s.”
“I guess. They were both in quite a hurry to leave.”
That set Alan grinning. “I think Scott likes Mel.”
An arched eyebrow. “I thought she liked Virgil.”
A snort accompanied the grin. “I don’t think she is Virgil’s kind of girl.”
Of course, that was the very moment Kayo decided to enter the kitchen. She had obviously been on a run, dressed in shorts and a high cut top.
“Who’s Virgil’s kind of girl?”
Alan’s eyes widened. “Um.”
Green narrowed at him. “What are you up to, Alan?”
“Nothing!” He held out his hands. “What did I do?”
“I’m more concerned with what you are going to do.”
“Suspicious, much? I’m going to eat breakfast, that’s what.”
She continued to eye him. “No practical jokes today.”
“I wasn’t planning on it. Gee, you’d think I was Gordy or something.”
“Gordon will be contained by Lady Penelope. You, however, are not.”
“And what? That makes me some kind of prank genius?”
“Genius, no, annoyance, yes.”
“Hey, Merry Christmas, Kayo. How about a little of the spirit?”
She glared and him and grunted before turning away and stalking off.
“What’s up her skirt?”
“Well, you saw her. I didn’t do anything!”
Grandma was quiet a moment. “She has things on her mind.”
“When doesn’t she?”
“Let her be.”
“I didn’t do anything!”
Grandma sighed. “Things will work themselves out for the best.”
Alan stared at his grandmother. What on Earth was going on? Did everyone know something that he didn’t. He sighed. Wouldn’t be the first time. “I’m going grab some breakfast.”
“Yes, dear.” And Grandma was staring out at the lagoon again.
What the-?
Alan grabbed the refrigerator door and flung it open, his eyes raking its contents. Perhaps food would fix things.
A glance at Grandma found that she hadn’t moved.
There was definitely something going on.
End Day 5 Part 1
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snowflakewriter · 4 years
One last Time Part 5.1
A/N: inspired by the song: exile by Taylor Swift and Bon Iver Request are open again. 5.2 will be posted tomorrow. 
Upcoming Scheduele: Requests
Word count:  1193
Part: 5/5
Warning: language perhaps, mention of death
Part 1  Part 2 Part 3  Part 4
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Originally posted by lovetyler-chalex
Gif: Doesn’t belong to me.
After the encounter with Winston. I headed to school. Just as I was parking my car in my usual spot, I saw in the corner of my eyes Justin, Clay, and Tony walking up to me. “Y/N we need to talk,” said Tony. “No I have to get to class as fast as possible.” and with that, I left the three boys standing in the parking lot. I headed towards my locker to grab my books for my first lesson. For the first time since Monty’s death, Winston wasn’t waiting for me by my locker. I brushed it off knowing he won’t show up today to school since he needs to prepare everything for tonight. I grabbed my stuff and closed my locker. Turning around I crashed into a hard chest. The fragrance the person was wearing smelled very familiar. It was none else than Scott Reed my ex-boyfriend who wanted to stop me from proving Monty’s innocence. I stepped away and tried walking away but he grabbed my arm and I stood still not moving nor turning around to look at him. Suddenly Clay was standing in front of me. “We need to talk he said.” “Fine.” I finally gave in and to be honest I didn’t want to attend Math class without Winston. I followed the four boys out of school. Finally, Scott spoke for the first time asking me to get into Tony’s car, which I did.
We drove off to Tony’s apartment. Caleb, Tony’s boyfriend greeted us and asked me if I wanted to drink something to which I shook my head. I took a seat on the chair facing the four boys sitting on the couch. “I know Winston knows the truth and I know you know about what Monty did to Tyler.” I kept starring blankly at the wall in front of me listening to Clay talking. “I know that you for a fact that you don’t want to believe it and that you still see the good in him. You always did that and always will do that. You always managed to see the good in people even though some of them were evil or even monstrous. I know for a fact that Monty cared about you and I know that friendship; that your friendship was very strong and I envied you for the bond you two had for years until I found this connection with people through Hannah’s death. Those people I learned to call friends and I’d do anything to protect them and to save them. Just like what you did for Monty and what you are still doing for him and Monty.”  Justin spoke and said “You need to know that that’s what we are doing right now Y/N. It’s not because we hate Monty, well we don’t. Look Scott and I played baseball with Monty for years and somehow at one point in our lives he was our friend. But we’ve got other people to protect, other people we dearly love.” “Monty is dead and you can’t bring him back to life. You can’t save someone who’s already gone. We are trying to save someone’s future and Monty… Monty is…” I interrupted Scott angrily  “Monty what Scott? Monty what? Huh, You lied for so long and hide so much shit from me so don’t you dare come here and speak poorly of Monty. Don’t come here and tell me, Monty… You’re not allowed to even mention him.” “What they’re trying to say is that you can’t save Monty anymore,” said Caleb touching my shoulder. A single tear slid down my face while I was starring at the wall in front of me. “What do you want me to do?” I asked with a shaking voice. “Help us stop Winston from revealing the truth.” “No,” I said standing up and walking out through the front door making sure to slam the door shut. Scott ran after me saying: “Y/N please.” I turned around and said: “I think I’ve seen this film before and I didn’t like the ending. So I’m not letting Winston down as I did to Monty.” I turned back around and walked to the bus station and sat down on the bench waiting for the bus, which can take me back to school to get my car and head to the meeting point to help Winston and check on him.
Suddenly a familiar grey car pulled up It was Scott. He rolled his windows done and asked if I needed a ride to school, which I gladly accepted. I got into the car and We sat in uncomfortable silence until Scott decided to break the silence first. “Comfortable silence is overrated, don’t you think?.” I hummed in reply. “You’ve changed. It’s like I never knew you or I just don’t know you anymore.” “Well, we always walked a very thin line,” I replied. “Maybe,” he said. “ What went wrong Y/N?” “You’re not my homeland anymore Scott.” “Why did you destroy yourself and switched to a self-destruction modus?” I didn’t say anything. “ You are so blind Y/N and you don’t see the mistakes you’re making.” “We aren’t together anymore Scott so what am I defending?” The look in his eyes adds insults to my injuries. “ I don’t get your point. We aren’t together anymore so who am I offending now?” “You left me so you could open a closed case and destroy living people’s lives.” “ Is that what you think this is all about. Well, you’re wrong. You never.. You didn’t even hear me out when I tried telling you that I’m helping Winston. By the way, for your information, we wanted to know the truth for ourselves but you made it hard for us with all your lies, so we decided to also comfort Estella and Mrs. Walker and the moment the sheriff became involved you all made mistakes which led us to the truth and now I know that every single one of you is a liar. So don’t you dare come here accusing me of ruining lives, because all of you ruined mine and will ruin Alex’s, Zach’s and Jessica’s life. Alex will go to jail and maybe Zach too. Jessica might as well because she lied to the police. And that is all going to happen because you all couldn’t shut up and keep a secret and trying to do just that made you reveal it more and more.” There was silence again. Scott’s grip on the steering wheel made his knuckles turn white. After a while, Scott said: “I never learned to read your mind. I hope I did could’ve noticed the madness going through you sooner. I wish I could’ve turned things around and help you instead of causing you more pain but I couldn’t turn things around, cause you never gave a warning sign.” “ I gave so many signs,” I replied. “ You didn’t even see the signs,” I mumbled to myself. Once we arrived at school. I got out of Scott’S car and went to mine and drove off to meet Winston at the hut.
….to be continued….
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
The 15 craziest Episodes of Legends of Tomorrow:
„Crazy“ is an ever changing measure, especially in the Arrowverse. When Time Travel and Parallel Universes were introduced it was a heavy leap from the norm. A couple of seasons later it was pretty much normal. So this list reflects changes in the norm, episodes that pushed the crazy and unusual. What is crazy for on show is not crazy for another one.
 „Legends“ kind of went nuts in Season 2 and never became sane again, it became even nuttier from season to season. So it’s a question of degree here even more than anywhere else compared to what happened around the episode in question:
 So let’s get into it:
  15.  Doomworld (Episode 2.16/32, Written by: Ray Utarnachitt, Sarah Hernandez, Directed by: Mairzee Almas)
 Alternate timelines are kind of an Arrowverse thing, but this one did not came to be through time travel but through the Legion of Doom rewriting history to their own liking. Therefore there is no cause and effect to the changes, which allowed the writers to have vigilante Felicity, hero assassin duo Sara und Amaya, janitor Ray, Bossman Jax, timid Martin, and Master Baker Rip – well that one came about because of different circumstances, but yes, this episode has to be seen to be believed.
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 14. Camelot/3000 (Episode 2.12/28, Written by: Anderson Mackenzie, Directed by: Antonio Negret)
 From the far future to Camelot and King Arthur – this episodes travelled far and mixed those two areas up quite nice. In true Legends fashion Ray became a Knight of the Round Table, Sara got to hit on Guenevere, and Mick got to beat the adversary army with his brain. Yes, you read that one right. Just ask poor Martin about it.
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 13. Witch Hunt (Episode 4.2/53, Written by: Keto Shimizu und Matthew Maalaa, Directed by: Kevin Mock)
 Here „Legends“ inserted the a singing Fairy Godmother into the era of the Salem Witch Trials. While Zari got to confront her own anger about certain things, the Fairy Godmother was really not the fairytale kind, but rather an evil one, but boy, she could sing.
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 12.  Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 5 (Episode 5.0/68, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Ubah Mohamed, Directed by: Gregory Smith)
 “Legends” provided Time Travel and it’s characters for most Crossovers, but this one was special because it was a Crossover Episode in pure Legends Style. Our heroes got to confront a gigantic Beebo, Ray took a selfie, Mick had a book signing, and everyone thought they were going insane - and around all of this Earth Prime was established and Olivers fate was confirmed. Most viewers who did not know “Legends” were probably very confused during this one.
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11. The Virgin Gary (Episode 4.1/52, Written by: Phil Klemmer und Grainee Godfree, Directed by: Gregory Smith)
 John Constantine joins the Legends in the time for a murderous unicorn at Woodstock that roofies most of the team and gets Ray to snog a tree, Mick and Nate to exchange loving vows, and Zari to chase lights. Plus Gary almost gets eaten by a unicorn. Matt Ryan had doubts about signing that contract on his first day on set for this episode, you know. But we loved it.
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 10.  Helen Hunt (Episode 3.6/39, Written by: Keto Shimizu und Ubah Mohamed, Directed by: David Geddes)
 Helen of Troy single handedly destroys the Golden Era of Hollywood, simply by being there and driving men nuts. Studio exes try to kill each other in order to get her, while Damien Darhk becomes her agent to wreck even more havoc. Hard to remember sometimes that this is the guy who killed Laurel, given how much crazy fun he became.
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 9. The Fellowship of the Spear (Episode 2.15/31, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Matthew Maala, Directed by: Ben Bray)
 This episode is “Legends”-Homage to Tolkien and his works. However the most quotes and nods go to the Peter Jackson Movies, which is no problem, because we love them too. The Legends recruit Tolkien out of the trenches for a treasure hunt, however things go bad and some fans were not to happy with one of the team betraying their own at the end of this episode. But don’t you guys remember Boromir?
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 8.      Seance and Sensibility (Episode 4.11/62, Written by: Grainne Godfree, Jackie Canino, Directed by: Alexandra La Roche)
 What have Jane Austen and Bollywood in common? Both a represented in this episode that features a Bollywood number and the death of Jane Austens writing career. Everyone gets roofied (again!) but this time it’s just sex dreams, and well Zari starts planning her wedding to an Indian God, while Mona turns hulky and tries to kill Jane Austen. Yep, that’s Legends for you.
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7. Aruba (Episode 2.17/33, Written by: Phil Klemmer und Marc Guggenheim, Directed by: Rob Seidenglanz)
 The Finale of Season 2 features two sets of Legends, while the team goes back to the event of „Fellowship of  the Spear“. While Malcolm, Damien, and Snart are mostly confused Eobard strikes back by recruiting a lot of his former selfes. Legends die, Legends live, Sara saved the day with quite a neat trick, and Eobard gets what he deserves, but we all know he will be back to haunt Barry anways, so that does not really matter, does it?
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6. The Good, the Bad and the Cuddley (Episode 3.18/51, Written by: Marc Guggenheim und Phil Klemmer, Directed by: Dermott Downs)
 In the Season 3 Finale we got a massive Beebo who fights a gigantic demon. The Beebo was created by a Legends Orgy and symbolizes … well love I guess. While the Finale is kind over overstuffed with plot, the fight at the end makes up for it all. Damien sacrifices himself, Zari has an unlikely romance, and we get to see a lot of old faces again. What a weird Season Finale indeed.
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5. Raiders of the Lost Art (Episode 2.9/25, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Chris Fedak, Directed by: Dermott Downs)
 This is officially the episode where „Legends“ went nuts. Oh and it’s a delicous one. George Lucas never became a filmmaker after being scared of by Malcolms and Damiens attempts to kill amnesiac Rip Hunter who thinks he is an American filmstudent, whose script is basically the plot of the shows first season. Too bad he can’t find a decent Vandal Savage. And that everyone thinks he is this Rip Hunter guy. Also Mick gets a brain surgey, Ray and Nate change occupations, and Amayas babysits their attempt to get George Lucas back to film school, and thanks god she does otherwise … well otherwise there would be no „Star Wars“ or „Indiana Jones“, would there?
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4. Beebo the God of War (Episode 3.9/42, Written by: Grainne Goodfree und James Eagan, Directed by: Kevin Mock)
 This was supposed to be the sad goodbye to Martin Stein and it still is that as well, but mostly it’s the episode about Beebo Day. You know, the blue god, who hungers for war and conquest? Whose birthday we celebrate once a year in december and … wait? What was I talking about? Oh, yeah Leo tries to make Mick quit drinking and Beebo get’s squeezed a lot.
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3. Legends of To-Meow-Meow (Episode 4.8/59, Written by: James Eagan und Ray Utarnachitt, Directed by: Ben Bray)
 Sulky about missing out on the Crossover the Legends crossovered with themselves in Season 4. John and Charlie destroyed the timeline for selfish reasons, and now everything is wrong and everything they do makes things worse instead of better. Zari gets to spend most of the epsiode as a cat, the rest of the Legends get turned into puppets, we meet the Sirens of Spacetime and the Custodians of the Chronology, and a gay kiss saves all of spacetime. Why can’t all shows be more like „Legends“?
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2.      Meet the Legends (Episode 5.1/69, Written by: Grainne Godfree, James Eagan, Directed by: Kevin Mock)
In this episodes Ava tries to race money for the Time Bureau by making a documentary about the Legends and their work. This episode is the documentary and the making oft he documentary. Think Arrows „Emerald Archer“ only way carzier and funnier. The Legends meet Rasputin who kidnappes the camera team, while Ava writes Sara a very weird condolence note, everyone is acting weird(er) because cameras, and well it’s „Legends“ only even nuttier than normally.
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1.      The One Where We‘re Trapped On TV (Episode 5.13/81, Written by: Grainne Godfree, James Eagan, Directed by: Marc Guggenheim)
And the award for the Craziest TV Episode of all time goes to this one, where the Legends are trapped on TV. Charlie put them there to protect them, and so we get very familiar but strange versions of „Friends“, „Downtown Abbey,“ and „Star Trek“ with the Legends as the main characters instead. We also meet a murderous Mister Parker, get another musical number lead by the Tarazi siblings, and are as amazed as Mona about everything that is going on here. Can „Legends“ ever top what they did here? Let’s not challenge them, I am sure they can. But until then, we have this one.
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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(Can be read as a stand-alone...it’s a solo one-shot within a series.. BUT there will be subtel hints/foreshadowing which could be useful in the future chapters)
-NOTE- Tae is a HEALTHY lol shade of blonde now
1.3K cheeky little sneak peek the full thing will be between 5-6k
There both sassy/snarky/and boujee AF
IF your new here....there both from Boston...the OC’S accent is A LOT thicker than Tae’s though....
****Tae and the OC are apart of the same alliance..and the pair are a slightly dysfunctional FWB situation that’s lowkey trying to transition into more…
ABOUT- While headed to the aiport for a trip to Vegas, to celebrate Tae’s restaurant’s grand opening, Mel lets Luxx know shit’s feelin a little off with one of their allies over in China. Then, Tae surprises Luxx, on the flight, they have slightly tipsy, needy sex in the bathroom of his PJ....with all of there friends sitting the main area...they also pop into Luxxy’s club at like 1am...were of course nothing’s going to plan!
***Mel is one of Luxx’s launders and Luxx is the OC’S NICKNAME, and Joon who is mentioned briefly is Luxxy’s bodyguard/right hand! ****
WARNINGS: In this sneak peek  just...dirty talk/phone sex ish but not really but kidna
FINAL NOTE (OPTIONAL) -If your familiar with the series your prob scratching your head as to why it’s 5.1 because your all waiting on part 5! BUT at the end of part 5, it will be noted that there's about a 3-month gap between 5-6..meaning shits kinda.. “normal” for a little while. So in between that...I decided if I had the time and inspo I’d write mini one shots..smut mixed in with plot. There will ALWAYS be mob influences..it’s just apart of there lifestyle. The point is nothing crazy(Shootouts don’t count..that’s noraml lol)  will take place during the gap between 5-6 ...
I'm starting with this because I haven't written about them in damn near 3 months! So this allows me to get reacquainted with the pairing in a “lighter” setting because part 4 &5 are angsty AF…
5:30PM in route to Boston Logan International -
OPERATION: Taehyung’s Las Vegas Grand opening
Boston to Vegas
“Okayyy..sooo what are you trying to say?” Glancing up slightly in between sorting out the multiple stacks of 20’s,50’s,and 100’s along the backseat of the blacked out truck. Both Mel and yourself alternating between running them through the money counter, double checking the amounts and the authenticity. Sorting the money into briefcases to be picked up by one of your guys before you board your flight within the next 20 or so minutes.  
“FUCKIN HELL! Can we NOT play fuckin bumper cars Chris!? Not like I’m doin shit back here or anything... ” Nothing subtle about the bite within your voice in complaint to that wide ass turn he took, making the stack of twenties slide off you lap and onto the floor. Eyes attempting to slip through the partition and lock with hsi though he was desperately avoid you at all cost! Reaching down with a grunt, also managing to knock your hot pink Birkin off the seat as well “Yup, let’s just toss a 6 figure bag on the ground too while we're at it!” Eyes rolling to the back of your head more times than you could count!
“Yeah, let’s totally ignore all the money that fell.and now needs to be recounted.....the bag is more important...” The crass more than evident in Mels voice as your eyes narrowed into tiny slits. Daggering in her direction
“Eat my ass Melissa!”  The words slipped out of your mouth on almost autopilot...not even giving it a second thought which only earned an amused chuckle. Mel’s known you far too long to take anything to heart.
“I mean I would butttt...not too sure how Tae would feel about that.” Shrugging a little too noncohlant and smug for your liking!  
Grabbing the band of twenties to your left and chucking it directly at left boob, yet you still didn't wipe the smirk off her lips! “Count…now!”
“Ask nicely..” The pout in her voice let you know she was pushing all negative 2 of your buttons…earning an exaggerated sigh in response.
“Did you know Chanel makes garter belts?” Brow arched at your own implied question only to be greeted by a slow nod. “Hmm well now you know...wanna take a wild guess at what I’m hiding in mine?” The playful tenor within your voice was riviling a more..dominant one..which let Melissa know how much room she had to play..and she could tell she was running out of leeway right now!Assuming her lack of sass menat she was finally silently waving that white flag….
“Now let’s try this again...what the fuck happened in China that has you so damn spooked?”
“Oh fuck off don’t say it like that..I’m not spooked I’m a Mangjuhl for fucks sake! It was just odd..that’s all! You would have sworn I was just some random bitch off the street with the way they were damn near stalking me the entire time…” There was a slight pause as she threw the band into the briefcase. “Ahh fuck!How much money is in here already?” Tone hopeful because Mel really wasn’t trying to recount all that damn money!
Brow arched instantly in curiosity “Mmmkay, how about you define ''Stalking” ? And there's...1...2...6...ugh..12k in it right now...that one's going with Yoongi so it has to cap out at 16!”
“Exactly that, it was all eyes on deck 24/7 every time I moved through the compound someone was over my shoulder, I wouldn't be surprised if they were outside the door when I went to take a piss. But I mean...I didn't really say shit because I didn't have anything to hide, but it’s just odd.I’ve been dealing with them for damn near 6 years and it’s never been like this…”
A low hum left your throat at that, the first thing that comes to mind was the last conversation you had with Henry where he admitted to killing Wei in self-defense. Granted as far as you know they still don’t know about it and that alone just feels grimy as fuck, considering the relationship your suppose to have! But, the day that secret comes rises to the surface..the repercussions alone would inevitably start a war that your not ready to fight just yet! So regardless of how your heart feels about the situation, your brains leading you in the smartest direction right now. You're already shielding Marco...you guys can’t handle another war, you're not BURYING any more bodies anytime soon!
It just clicked that Mel’s been the first one back in China alone, since the funeral ...which has you more than curious if maybe they know more than their leading on. You’d never forgive yourself if something happened to her because of a mistake one of your men made...even if it was an “Accident” you don’t lead your soldiers blind! But at the end of the day, this was a decision far bigger than you! If it was going to be known within the alliance that Henry Killed Wei Zhao, who was apart of your most SOLID and trusted Chinese alley.,either your father or Taehyung’s had to make that call..NOT YOU!
“Mel..I-fuck…” A deep sign leaving your chest, there was so much you want to say that you couldn’t “Alright, when we get back I’ll brainstorm with my dad...I mean yeah I wanna blow your left tit off 90% of the time but I love you . I I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, maybe we can see if Hoseok can do that route or fuck I dont know man...” Towards the end of all that your tone ended up coming  coming off more biter than indented and she picked up on it instantly.
“Whoa, Luxx stop! I’m not sitting here bitching and moaning I’m a big girl, I can handle myself, I don't need you to change my route! I just felt like I’d be a shitty friend to not at least let you know that the vibe was off..that’s all..” God did she really HAVE to take it there!? As if you needed to feel even worse! “I’m still fine to go next month...relax and hand me that last case”
Melissa’s tone was warner than you wished right now because it just made you feel like trash, there was no way in fuck you were letting her make another drop to China until you had a better feel of the situation! If you can't tell Melissa the issue you were going to protect her in the only way you knew how which was keeping her OUT of their terrority!
Like she said..she's been doing this for years...why now the cold shoulder all of a sudden? Everything is done for a reason. Every vibe is strategically set, if she felt uncomfortable or watched it’s because they wanted her to feel that way!
“No, I know, I’m sorry I’m so damn snappy I’m just tired and fuckin stressed...” Pausing slightly, for some reason you actually felt like you wanted to cry, hastily raking your fingers through your scalp. You’d barely been sleeping,partially because you’d been reworking deals and partially because you’d gotten used to sharing a bed with Kim Taehyung. Who hasn’t been around, so your bed feels empty..but we will leave that part between us!
“Let’s just talk about this later okay? Right now I need to make sure this money is solid for pickup, and get you all squared away before we board this flight…”  Your smile was forced but she didn't press the topic, the two of you worked in silence, and just like clockwork your phone buzzed against your right boob. Currently sitting stuffed between the silk cup of your dress and your skin...your earpods letting you know it was Tae.
Almost as if he could sense something was wrong…..
“Will be at the plane in like 15, I think we’ve actually been stuck in traffic......I’ve been to busy to really pay attention but the flights barley 5 hours. I should be to you by at least midnight…” You swore you could almost hear him rolling his eyes through the phone, the huff that left his throat proved that was the wrong answer...
“I’m sorry at what part of me breathing on the other end of the line said, “Where the hell are you!?” His tone indicated he really wasn’t looking for a response but well..your you sooo..
“You may not have asked YET,  fuckin smartass! But I know you..you're impatient so I already knew it was coming...” Throwing the last band of hundreds into the briefcase to your right before snapping it shut, sealing the deal with the passcode!
“K, Are you done making up unnecessary excuses for why you felt the need to explain yourself orrrrr….” Purposely letting the last symbol just rollllll off his tongue, just enough to erk you!
A dry scoff leaving your lips at that, god you hated and loved him all at the same damn time!
“You really must not want to get your dick wet tonight huh?” There was still a smile in your voice though, you couldn't even help it. Mel's eyes narrowed in your direction with a smirk, not even remotely phased by the two of you anymore.
Nothing but arrogance laced within his laugh as it fluttered up to his chest “Yeah, okay good luck with that, you could bring every toy, get yourself off all night in every hole and it wouldn't be enough because it ain't me!”
Why was he right?! God you hated that he was right….
“ It’s s been a week, your bodies not use to that anymore, not when you usually get it whenever and wherever you want. Actually, that’s probably why your all angsty to begin with…”His tone was just as much condescending as it was sensual effortlessly slipping into his bedroom voice.
“Fuck..remind me to buy Namjoon as many drinks as he wants this weekend..he’s been stuck dealing with your bratty ass all week without me to keep you in line...”  This may or may not be true...you may have ran that poor man ragged but luckily Joon loves you..but your not in a position to confirm or deny! Though that’s probably why he’s sitting up front with Chris right now instead of with the two of you….
“Alright,fuck you Kim Taehyung…” Even if he couldn't physically see you, you knew he could still “see you” so you didn't hesitate to let your eyes flutter to the back of your head multiple times.
“I mean yeah baby that’s the plan if you’d stop being a fuckin brat and get your ass on that damn plane. So yes, to clarify I’m still getting my dick, tongue, face, and fingers wet...unless you have some sort of rebuttal and it doesn't sound like you do. You're probably too busy squeezing your thighs together right now to focus!”
“Ya know..I’m currently painting very vivid picture of me smothering your face between my thighs until you pass out!” Just as much a threat as it was a promise, but the hits of flirtation laced within your voice only added fuel to the flame…
In true Kim Taehyung fashion he made sure you heard the deep breathy moan that fell from those pouty lips of his! “Mmm..ya know I’m having the same visual Luxxy...my face between your thighs until your coming down my face…”
You had to bite your lips so damn hard to suppress the moan that was rolling up your throat, almost forgetting Melissa’s to your right! Fuck, why do you do this with him!?
“On that note, I have a really important business call to get to on the other end so ugh, yeah..I’ll see you in a couple hours baby...have fun..to Mel I said hi..”
Ahhhhhhhhhhh I know lol I know.it’s been a minute ...if you liked it...like it! Come lemme know..the goal is to have this up by the end of the weekend...and to roll right into finishing part 5 which is why I did this...as a way to get me back into the groove!
Also, note there will be a little more plot prior to Tae bending her over the sink lol they havent seen each other in a week...he’s been away for business! They also pop into Luxxy’s stip club which Kook manges...he’s getting ready for a drop night tomorrow...so..of course there will be a little drama there...because nothing goes to plan!
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yaachtynoboat711 · 5 years
Fonder 5.1
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A/N: I AM SOOO SORRY FOR THE HIATUS! I missed you guys. The secret’s finally out! The mystery of Mr. Gatsby’s identity is being revealed! There may be smut included in this chapter also. Thanks @babygirlofwakanda for helping me out with that! Lastly, the italics (besides the sounds) are Yaa’s inner thoughts. 😬😬😬😬😬 Reblog and like!
Word Count: Get your popcorn ready (~3.5k)
Warning(s): SMUT, slow burn, plot progression, introduction of a new character, few errors/typos
NEW YEAR’S EVE 10:34 p.m.
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“I-I-...I don’t understand. It was you all along...but you’d just hopped in my DM’s right before I got here!”, Yaa attempted to collect the thoughts that had scattered on the floor.
Gatsby chuckled, “ Yeah, I know. It’s ok to be confused. I’m the last person you’d expect it to be, I’m sure.”
“So why me? All these fine Hollywood jawns and wannabe socialites rippin their own panties off just to get to you...and you choose the one non-celebrity on the other side of the country?”
Gatsby sipped some champagne as he listened to Yaa, nodding his head as he began mentally creating his response to her outlandish claim. He finally sat his fluted glass down on the desk.
“Not to sound like a creep, but ever since Tanisha told me about her bomb ass lawyer friend, I’ve had my eyes on you. Don’t worry; I haven’t been that close. I learned enough about you to still have many questions left over to ask you. You’re a complex and multi-faceted woman that deserves to be exalted. Plus, from what I’ve also heard, you’ve been eyeing me too. Why’d you think the riddles and passwords were how they were?”
He was right: she’d had her eyes, heart, and womanhood set on him for years. It began way back in the summer of 2002. Her almost 12-year-old self had no business watching anything graphic and raw, yet alone watching The Wire. Her parents encouraged to watch it surprisingly. Then it happened—he came on the TV. Though she hated cornrows, even in the early 2000s, she found herself head over heels for the peanut head with the cornrows—Wallace. She hated the fact that he was a teenage drug dealer but hell, that was life in the Pit. The season finale left her distraught, crying for days as though he’d broken up with her or something. She followed his work and had proclaimed her love for him for 12 years and now here he was—Michael B. Jordan—standing before her explaining how he wanted her. Funny how life works.
She burst into a fit of nervous laughter; he joined.
“What’s so funny, Yaa?”, Michael asked.
She subdued her laughter as much as she could. “I’m laughing because I know this has to be a drawn-out prank or some shit. The man I’ve been mentally dating half of my life isn’t in front of me right now, and he damn sure ain’t telling me he finna risk it all for me. Not against his own will at least.”, she stammered.
He raised an eyebrow at her disbelief. His shoulders bounced as his cocky grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. “So, you think this is a game? Hmm?” He kneeled down and lifted her chin for her honey brown eyes to meet his calming dark brown eyes. “Talk to me.”
She nodded her head yes. “Show me this isn’t a game.”, she challenged.
“Say less.”
He lifted her chin some more. He went in for the kiss—an offer easily accepted. Jackpot. There was a jolt of electricity between their lips. As their kiss deepened, his hands held gently her neck, lightly brushing against her coarse honey blonde locs. Her arms linked tightly around his neck. His hands scooped under her large ass, picking her up and causing her to break the kiss. Her eyes flew open as she began looking down at the floor. The second time she’d been picked up and the skinny nigga was the one on the cusp of changing her life. Her embrace around Michael’s neck tightened significantly as she braced for an abrupt drop.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?”, Michael teased.
“Last time I was picked up, I couldn’t dance for a month. You’re scaring the shit outta me.”, she sputtered.
There went that cocky,raspy laugh. Michael dropped her down and quickly caught her before she could get anywhere near the ground. “Oh, so you scared the skinny nigga can’t hang? C’mon now. You should know I’ve been waiting on you for a minute. I’m not going to let anything happen to you, baby girl. Best believe that.”, he reassured. With that being said, he walked confidently across the room to the couch with his scared thick lawyer in tow, carrying her 200+ pound frame like she was a bag of nothing. That Creed training made him a monster.
He stared into her eyes once again in awe. In such a simple expression, there was enough fire and passion in her eyes to light up the fireplace across the room. He slowly gave her lips more kisses, savoring them like the last of a 5-star meal.
“You got all of these sweet kisses, girl.”, he groaned, “Must’ve been saving them for a special reason or someone.” Not by choice, baby boy.
“I’ve waited for a long time for this”, she chuckled into his lips. Knock knock knock.
Michael’s head dropped and Yaa looked up into the dimmed lights palming her face, both clearly frustrated with the mood-killing visitor at the door.
“Who is it?”, Michael yelled as he re-adjusted his black double-breasted tux and bow tie. He walked towards the door, still awaiting a response.
“Me, nigga!”, the nearly hoarse voice replied defensively.
Michael smacked his teeth and opened the door. “The fuck you want, Steelo?”
“Mannnnn, it’s almost 2015! Folks lookin’ for you an- oh, heyyyyy how you doin’? I’m Steelo.”, he slurred. His attention was suddenly brought to the clearly annoyed Yaa.
“I know who you are. Nice to finally meet you.”, Yaa said.
He redirected his intoxicated “focus” back to his best friend. He’d recognized Yaa. “Hold up, that’s her?”
“Yeah, that’s Khalida, the lawyer. We’ll be out in a sec—”
“—YOOOOOO! She bad as fuck,bruh. Thick too? Niggggggaaaaaaa...I heard them fat jawns be changin’ liv—”
Without saying a word, Michael pushed his drunk best friend out the door like a dolly and locked the door. “Look, he’s drunk as fuck and I’m sorry that h—”, Michael apologized.
Khalida placed two fingers over his lips. “Fat isn’t a bad word. No need to apologize. Now, come on— we have a new year to celebrate.”, she replied.
Michael’s deep dimples and smile stretched across his face as he watched Khalida walk out of the door. “You comin’ or not, Gatsby?”, she teased.
11:09 p.m.
By the time Yaa returned to the action, there were more faces—famous faces—in the crowd. All in attendance were dressed to the nines with their CRISP finger waves, feathers, furs, pearls, and enough cigarette holders for an old Hollywood film. Yaa walked to her VIP section to find her best friend Tanisha lit off of her spirit of choice—Bombay Sapphire gin. Steelo and some of Michael’s other friends had joined her in the booth. Tanisha sashayed to her friend to greet her.
“BIIIIIIITCCCCCCCCHHH! Where the FUCK have you been?”, an impaired Neesh questioned.
“I was talking to Gatsby. You literally saw me leave. Second, I’m finna beat yo ass.”, Khalida yelled over the music.
Tanisha stepped back and put her hands up. “What for?”
“You know why. Gatsby ends up being my childhood crush?! Howwwww in the hell were you able to pull that off?”
“Sis...just know that I got the connect. Now shut up and drink--we gotta New Year to ring in.”
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Without further protest, Yaa opened the new bottle of D’usse and poured it into her glass. A few glasses and three tequila shots later, she was feeling nice. Not drunk, but nice, tipsy at most. She’d stepped out of her shell of skepticism and began socializing a lot more.
During the course of the night, Michael and Yaa had been getting cozy with each other. They never left each other’s side. They exchanged flirty looks and “you goods?” When they weren’t refilling cups in the VIP section, they were deep in conversation, topics varied as their sobriety faded away. Then, it happened: his curious hand trailed northbound on her leg. Usually, Yaa would smack the taste out of any man’s mouth for feeling up on her, sober or drunk. But let’s face it: she was feeling him and it was obvious the feeling was mutual. She bit her lip and winked at him in response.
“So we just gon’ pretend like yo whole hand ain’t up my dress?”, Yaa playfully questioned.
“Yup.”, Michael replied with a grin. He was so proud of himself. “Finally able to get my hands on you.”
Yaa rolled her eyes. “Don’t getcha skinny ass hurt fuckin around.”
She got up, leaving him awestruck at her model-like walk.
“10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1… HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Gold and silver confetti and balloons fell from the sky. Cheers from every corner of the room paired with the popping of champagne corks. Yaa hugged Tanisha and kissed cheeks in celebration of the New Year. Yaa felt two taps to the right shoulder. Ready to curse, Yaa whipped her body around to see that the tapper was none other than Michael. He rubbed the back of his neck and flashed his smile, revealing his pair of ridiculously adorable deep dimples.
“I-uh...know we kinda just met like an hour and a half ago...but I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind having the honor of sharing this New Year’s ki—”. Yaa grabbed him up by his lapel and kissed him passionately, yet drunkenly. She laughed.
“Happy New Year to you too, Kari. Sorry, but I’ve always wanted to call you that.”, she laughed.
1:47 a.m.
Thud. For all it’s worth, Yaa’s back as going to be sore for the next couple of days from the impact of hitting her back against her chest of drawers. She also couldn’t have given half a fuck about her neck or her back. Hell, sis was finally getting dick. The more violent her and Michael’s tongues were becoming in each other’s mouths, the more familiar their hands were becoming with each other’s clothes and bodies. Still focused on his Dom Perignon-flavored kisses, her hands anxiously searched for his belt. But before she could unbuckle his pants, the D’usse demon jumped out. She smirked seductively as she boldly grabbed his print and freed herself from his arms.
“Oh shit.”, he mumbled, “So, you nasty nasty.”
The devilish smirk she gave was all the response he needed. She slowly got on her knees and freed his dick from the constraints of his pants, licking its length on both sides. Her head bobbed to the beat of the music playing in her head. Watching her bob on his dick, he began undoing the bottom of her chignon so that the rest of her hair wouldn’t get in the way of his undoing.
Thud. His head went against the wall as his undoing was becoming apparent. He cursed under his breath and kept his bottom row of teeth tucked underneath his bottom lip to keep from moaning aloud. Yaa would have cared less for his current state. She continued to slurp and coat his rock-hard member with spit. Keeping eye contact, Yaa continued licking him like a melting popsicle. He growled to keep from moaning, along with a chorus of “Shit” being recited under his breath.
Forever came to an end as Yaa slowly got off of her knees. He helped her up, only to be blindsided by her sloppy kisses. She began walking backwards with him towards the king-sized bed but stopped at the edge of the bed.
He placed her on the edge of the bed. Michael kissed her lips gently and slowly began to make his way to her promised land. His kisses became wet as he made his way down to her neck—her spot. He kissed her collarbone tattoo, licked his way down to her large breasts, and paused at her nipples. With his hands now caressing her breast, he wrapped his tongue around her nipple and began sucking with enough pressure to make her moan. While he sucked on her nipple like a pacifier, Michael dropped his hand from hoisting up her other breast and began to timidly creep his fingers down her baby-soft skin and the scrunched fabric of her dress. Feeling his hand touch over her thigh, he began to aggressively pull up the bottom of her dress. There was a slight discoloration created on her skin from the irritation from the material being forced against it, but Michael didn’t stop until the bottom of her dress pooled around her stomach. Once he realized where the material had settled, he pulled his lips from around Yaa’s areola, fixating his eyes on her lower half. Quickly noticing that she was panty-less, he felt a smirk tug at his lips--better--he peered up at his flushed lover. “So that’s how you rollin’, huh?”, he questioned as he slowly rolled his bottom lip underneath his teeth before winking up at Yaa and sinking to his knees. Staring at the awe-striking sight of her glistening folds, Michael admired the intimate view as he could replay the numerous times he tried to capture this very image many a late night.
He pushed her legs further apart until her kneecaps were damn near touching the mattress before trailing his way up her inner thighs. Placing soft, gentle kisses and occasional nibbles against her hot skin, he increased his pressure, making her feel the individual pricks of his coarse facial hair making Yaa a squirmy, wet mess. Timidly reaching her glory, Michael brought his hands up and steadily separated her lower lips with both of his thumbs before pressing his mouth forward. “Looks like someone’s been waiting on me.”, he said with a cocky confidence.
Chest rapidly rising and falling, Yaa couldn’t form a coherent word, phrase, or sentence. She gulped heavily before rolling her head back as Michael’s lips connected to her folds. She gripped the sheets up as his tongue controlled her every move. He finally licked her wet opening with a flat tongue going from the bottom to the top. His tongue was a weapon— it was both long and thick. He licked his name on her bud—slowly torturing her it with every dip, twist, turn, curve, and dot of each letter in his name. He then inserted two of his thick fingers into her opening as he licked the letter "C" and began pumping his fingers at a moderate pace. Desperately panting from his actions, Yaa began to shriek once she felt Gatsby toy with her clit. This raggedy ass nigga finna suck you dry and ain’t shit you can do about it at this point.
His fingers picked up the pace the moment he noticed her unraveling, his tongue explored deeper into her womanhood. She struggled to feel for the nearest pillow, but when she found it, she quasi-covered her mouth to subdue her moans of pleasure.
The sounds of Yaa’s hitched breathing and impending sexual eruption ricocheted throughout the master bedroom. Her back was arched completely off of the bed and she held a firm grasp of his head. If it wasn’t a moan or gasp, Yaa let out a “fuck”, “shit”, or an “Oh Lorddddddd.” Hearing Yaa unravel brought Michael much pleasure—the match to his sexual fire. He occasionally laughed at her undoing; he finally had the object of his affection under his mercy, quivering at his touch. Right as he could feel the pressure change for her release, he pulled his fingers and tongue away from her now swollen bud. She quickly leaned up on her elbows to see why he was stupid enough to pull out right as she was about to release. He smiled maliciously as his soaked fingers neared his mouth. “Nuh-uh. I gotta taste this first, it makes the kisses taste sweeter.”, Michael explained as he slapped her hand away from his. Bitch, no the fuck he didn’t! The two locked eyes as he sucked his two drenched fingers like he’d just ate the last extra wet lemon pepper wing.
He motioned for her to sit up. Before he could even ask, Yaa leaned in to taste her sweet essence on his tongue. A shiver shot down his spine as her candy apple colored nail gently traveled down his back. Their kiss led to Yaa laying on her back once again. Michael bit his lip as he hovered over her. He snatched her by her ankle to the edge of the bed, sliding himself between her legs. “Missionary’s a bold first choice, don’t you think?”, Yaa asked as she handed him a condom. He chuckled, “Nah. I’m just tryna see sumn, that’s all.”
His thumb rubbed against her wet clit as his girthy member slowly entered her tight, slippery entrance. Yaa inhaled sharply as she felt her body tremble and his thick length push against her tight bounds. “Fuck!” She cursed, as she felt him move slow trying to feel each and every ridge of her plush opening. Their fingers intertwined within each other as he went further into her. The lustful gaze into her honey eyes only intensified the overwhelming sensation of euphoria emanating from her core. With her back now arched completely off the bed, her new position gave him more room to dig deeper into her guts. Her mouth was agape as she tried to breathe through her stimulation. His rhythm steadily increased with every stroke.
Watching Yaa’s scrunched facial expression, Michael moved his hands to grip her waist as he quickened his pace. Taking his off of her face for a second to peek at their connection as he smirked at the sticky surface of his and hers wet organs. With the erotic scene unfolding before him, Michael slowly rolled his bottom lip underneath his teeth once the sounds of their moist skin slapping against each other reached his ears. She was helpless—her eyes burned from the tears of pleasure and she struggled to grip onto the gold link chain that dangled from his neck. Her moans and whimpers continued to fuel his drive. Chuckling darkly at her body’s responsiveness he said, “Yea, this is that shit I was talking bout. Just listen to that shit speaking out to me, fuck.” before fluttering his eyes closed and pounding into her.
3:34 a.m.
Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. The sound of the headboard repeatedly being knocked against the wall served as a light sound buffer to Michael and Yaa’s moaning. Michael’s thick hand applied the perfect amount of pressure around her neck as he continued to deliver those dangerous strokes. Just as they were able to sync their rhythms, he pulled out. This nigga done lost his Black ass mind. She opened her mouth to complain, only to be interrupted by the sudden shift from her back to her tummy. “On your knees. Now.”, he commanded as he smacked her ass. She as she was told—only to be rewarded with the reunion of his lips to her lower lips. No, he didn’t, bitch! The byke?! He eatin’ it from the muhfuckin’ byke?! This is Daddy!! Fuck a Winston,chile. His alternating kissing and sucking on her swollen bud caused her to fall flat on her stomach from the overstimulation. His hand went underneath her to lift her back up. He centered himself before sliding his member back into her. He slowly increased his tempo as he twisted her locs into his fist.
Yaa’s voice was hoarse. Had been hoarse half an hour ago. She had been depleted of any common sense she’d thought she had and was running on adrenaline. Michael, though appearing to be the victor of the night’s bout, was still at odds with his challenger. She was tired but still fighting like hell. He sweated profusely—like a champ battling it out in the 11th round. She wasn’t going down with a fight. He flipped her around one last time. This time, he pinned her legs past her ears—a position that both were surprised by.
“You ain’t tappin’ out?”, he asked between pumps
“Why and you about to tap out yourself? Let’s tap out at the same time since you so damn excited.”, the raspy-voiced Yaa boldly replied.
“Aight, say less.”
He went into overdrive. He quickly moved her legs from near her ears to around his waist. Not even two minutes later, the pair released within seconds of each other,his body collapsing onto hers.
“Don’t move.”, Michael whispered in Yaa’s ear as he tried to get himself together.
She shook her head. “Bitch, I don’t wanna move.” She paused, “Actually, I need to finish wash my face. Move.”
The moment both feet landed on the ground, gravity betrayed her. Her knee gave out, causing to limp and almost fall. Thankfully, Michael’s body was turned away from her. After returning from the bathroom, she limped to the bed. Oh, heating pads are the move all day today. This was the beginning of something different, and what a way to begin a new beginning than on New Year’s Day?
A/N: Yeah, sorry for the trash ending. I got too impatient.
I’m in the kitchen, TAGS ERRYWHERE!
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hoodie-at-the-bar · 5 years
2018 year in review
Wrapping up 2018, let’s look back at how it’s stacked up to the year before.
Overview 2017 vs 2018
In 2018, I went out with 29 unique users. If I’m going to treat it like data, may as well get the lingo aligned. This is a decrease from the previous year by 21.6% at 37 unique users. It’s funny - I say unique users, but most of the guys are similar. Nice, or just fine. That’s it.
The total number of dates decreased from 49 to 35, which is a 28.5% drop. So at least we have consistency there.
At a high level, there were some improvements - but also some areas of opportunity. Can you tell I’ve gone through a review cycle at a company?
How often is there a second date?
In 2017, only 13.5% of the guys I went out with got a second date. This just represents guys who wanted to see me again and I wanted to see them again; not including guys who weren’t into me after the first date. In 2018, 13.8% of the guys I went out with moved onto a second date. What does this tell me? I barely understood how to filter them out that I only had a 0.3% increase of betting on the winning horse - I took too many chances. I should not go to the races, not yet.
2018 may have been an even “worse” year if you consider only (1) guy got passed (2) dates. Lucky number 3.4% - Mr. Skylar. He was the love of summer of ‘18.
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So where am I meeting these men?
In 2017, the majority of my dates came from Bumble (59.5%) and the rest were fairly evenly distributed with less than 11% per other app and in real life. This year (2018) there were a lot more even distribution of source, and where most apps had an increase with the exception of Bumble. The real world, dropped to 6.9%. What does this tell me? I’m diversifying my assets - let’s call the stalk broker!
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Exit Strategy
The largest piece of that “peace” pie was a mutual fizzle. In 2018, less hearts got broken when we had an increase from 59.5% to 62.1% of amicable seperation. 
I experienced an increase of men being less interested in me, 13.5% to 20.7%. Sucks right? Meh - just numbers. I didn’t take it personal - if anything, I appreciated that only meant guys were ghosting me less and having the courage to tell me they just weren’t that into me. And I was right.
In 2017, 8.1% of the guys I went out with ghosted me. That number dropped down to 3.4%. Guys are either stepping up, or I’m bypassing the cowards at an earlier stage. It’s likely neither. The good news is that however the first date went, guys felt more comfortable to tell me the truth.
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The rate I declined guys dropped down by 5.1%. This could mean I ended up liking more of them, or less guy tried to pursue me to have me let them down. I mean, I broke it off with less guys, but I also wen tout with a lot less guys on a second date. 
I’m getting the sense that though I said it was a “worse” year, that was strictly from the number of guys I got to spend more than (2) dates with. All the other data show guys ghosted less, I declined less - and I looked at a bit more variety of places. 
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The controversial reaching for the wallet
Apparently in 2017, I didn’t pay for a single (first) date. At first I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror: was I one of those girls who assume guys always paid?? But not at all - a lady ALWAYS reaches for the wallet. If a guy pays for a first date - I always pay for the second one. Skylar Smith? I got the tickets! 
Anyhow so what changed in 2018? Guys paid about 17.8% less than the previous year. Me? I went from 0% to 10.3% as I started to pay more for the first date. Thanks to that Quintessential Loser… he taught me to buy a beer for a guy who couldn’t afford a Lyft. 
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Time of the Season.
My favorite nothing chart - when do I date more? As per usual, February tends to be a slow month - coming from the holidays and gearing up to my birthday, dating becomes less of a priority. I tend to travel in the shoulder seasons, wanting to be in Seattle in the beautiful summer, and play during the winter holidays. Travel and date. February and the summer are the lowest dips.
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In 2017, I had three main takeaways: 1) Trust your gut 2) Be more vulnerable and 3) revamp screening process. 
I have definitely trusted my gut more - but it came a bit later. I trusted it to not go on a second date, but still came short in how to filter out at the beginning: whether or not I should accept that first date at all. I can still improve here.
Vulnerability is never fully achieved overnight, or just once. It’s piece by piece, being more open each time. I haven’t measured if guys say “I’m hard to get to know” less, but I definitely try to offer more stories and parts of myself, than wait for them to ask.
The screening process…. Only having a .3% improvement score, leads me to believe I haven’t learned how to screen guys before a first date. So here are my new takeaways for 2018: there’s really just one.
I will not go out with someone, unless I have 2 of the 3 following characteristic
we have great texting chemistry. I used to feel bad weighing much on this, having friends say you can’t judge a guy by his text style: he could be better in real life. Then I realized I needed something: collateral.  Let me continue.
Attraction. Again I used to feel shallow for putting any weight on looks, but let me continue.
Fun profile. That simple - something, anything - a photo, a question or a bio, something that they wrote that made me smile or chuckle. I’m continuing.
The (3) prerequisite aren’t prerequisites to being my boyfriend. It’s nice, and likely will wind up being important, but these factors are collateral. 
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Collateral: n; something pledged as security for repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in the event of a default.
In this case, the loan is my time, and repayment is good use of that time. A date lasts minimum an hour. You add in getting dressed and being date ready, another 30-60 minutes. Travel time? We are looking at a roughly 2-3 hour commitment per date. If I am going to spend that time, I want some reassurance that it’ll be well spent.
Looking back at 2018, all the guys I dated from Dragon Breath to the Q-Loser and that one guy - there wasn’t really a sign that I would have had a good time. Attraction was mild, text chemistry was minimal - I went out for a beer simply because they asked. All I did was filtered out shirtless guys who wanted to DTF - but the rest? Just guys I didn’t have chemistry with. I realized over time, I got less excited to go on dates.
I took a four month hiatus on dating from November 2017 to about March 2018. It doesn’t take a plumber or captain to figure out that my motivations dropped due to a string of mediocre dates I could have prevented. Dates I could have prevented if I went deeper on my screening method: allowing myself to have collateral.
So for 2019, I will only go out with guys who I’m attracted to, have great conversational chemistry with (in written form to start) and who have a good bio. Rather than needing just (1) of these factors, let’s strive for (2) for now. This way - I’d have more to look forward to as I’m brushing my hair on a Sunday night, and putting on nice clothes to go into the cold to gamble a few hours of my life. 
I’m going to take fewer risks, hoping for higher rewards.
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commentaryvorg · 5 years
Danganronpa V3 Commentary: Part 5.1
Be aware that this is not a blind playthrough! This will contain spoilers for the entire game, regardless of the part of the game I’m commenting on. A major focus of this commentary is to talk about all of the hints and foreshadowing of events that are going to happen and facts that are going to be revealed in the future of the story. It is emphatically not intended for someone experiencing the game for their first time.
Last time at the end of trial 4 after losing our precious gentleman friend, Kokichi switched from the huge lie with a grain of truth to it he’d been telling before the execution to a different huge lie with a grain of truth to it while still dodging all responsibility for murdering anyone, Kaito’s worst fear came true, almost, but he desperately tried to paper over it and insist it wasn’t really true at all, Shuichi tried to reach out and help him even more obviously and literally and Kaito could not let that happen, and Kokichi was still thoroughly lying to himself about everything (as opposed to Kaito, whose lies are mostly just to everyone else).
Now it’s time to move from my favourite chapter to my other favourite chapter!
Voyage Without Passion or Purpose
This chapter title is about SPACE. Mostly the in-universe story in which they left the ruined Earth while none of them really wanted to, a voyage which then ended up with even less passion or purpose once they were brought back to Earth and started killing each other anyway. But it’s also relevant to the one person who actually does end up going to space in this chapter, who, in contrast to the intended point of his “voyage”, will still manage to have passion and purpose while doing so.
And on that note, let’s skip this chapter’s terrible excuse for an opening stinger (some meaningless Monokuma nonsense about his dead cubs) and get to the real opening stinger of the chapter, which is, of course, Kaito being totally fine, what else?
Shuichi:  (Even in such a dark time, one of us was still bright, trying to cheer us all up…)
That’s exactly why Kaito’s going to be acting this way! It’s not for his own sake – it’s to keep everyone else’s spirits up, because right now they need that more than ever, and Kaito is better at doing that than anyone. If even Kaito was acting down and gloomy right now, things really would seem hopeless, and he can’t let that happen.
(Also I love how Shuichi’s metaphor describes Kaito as “bright”. He’s a luminary!)
Kaito:  “Geez, don’t be stupid, guys. There’s no way I’d die, y’know? Cuz I’m Kaito Momota! Luminary of the Stars!”
Obviously. Because he’s the Luminary of the Stars. He’s an invincible hero, right? The notion that he could be weak and dying is just stupid.
Tsumugi:  “Are you really okay…?”
People Not Convinced: 1/5.
Kaito:  “I’m telling you! I’m just fine! I wasn’t feeling great yesterday, but after a good night’s sleep I’m all better. I’m 100% better now!”
Yes, because what everyone saw last night is definitely something that can be completely fixed with one night of sleep. If he tried to claim he’s still not at 100% but was at least feeling better enough that they don’t need to worry about him, it might be more believable, but this?
Himiko:  “But… there’s no way you’d get better so quickly after coughing up that much bloo—”
People Not Convinced: 2/5.
Kaito:  “I told you, didn’t I? I just coughed too much and cut my throat a little, that’s all.”
Nobody believed you then, Kaito; they shouldn’t believe you now. But maybe now that a night has passed, he’s hoping people might have slightly forgotten just how much blood there was, or might be able to be convinced that their memories are exaggerating it due to the shock of seeing any blood at all.
Or maybe he’s just hoping that if he stubbornly insists this enough times, people will start to think it might somehow be true anyway because surely he wouldn’t keep telling such an obvious lie.
Keebo:  “Are you sure you’re not pushing yourself too hard? Or suffering from a chronic illness—”
People Not Convinced: 3/5.
(Kaito is absolutely pushing himself too hard right now and is never going to stop.)
Kaito:  “Don’t be stupid! If I had a chronic illness, I wouldn’t stand a chance in astronaut training!”
This… works somewhat well as an excuse. Kaito himself has no idea why the hell he’s so sick, because it doesn’t make any sense for him to have had this beforehand considering he’s supposed to be completely healthy to be an astronaut. So at least he can use his own confusion about this to help convince everyone else that it therefore can’t be happening at all!
Kind of a tangential point: on my first time through I thought Kaito’s illness was a terminal illness that he’d had and known about his whole life. It would have made a lot of sense! Of course he’d be so determined to live life to the fullest, if he’d always known he was dying! It would have explained why he risked everything to get into astronaut training early, if he knew he wouldn’t live long enough to make it into space if he waited to do it the normal way!
…But what didn’t occur to me was Kaito’s point here that he would never have actually got into astronaut training if he’d been sick at the time. They obviously do medical exams as part of the screening, and they’d pick up on an illness like this.
It also wouldn’t have made complete sense for Kaito to have been terminally ill his whole life, since the way he deals with realising he’s dying during the story is… pretty terrible, suggesting that he was not at all mentally prepared for suddenly facing his imminent mortality. And in the end, it’s even more fun that way.
Kaito:  “Seriously, you guys are worrying too much. Just cuz you all love me and can’t help yours—”
Of course they care about you and are therefore worried about you, you moron! You’re the one who made yourself so important to everyone! Stop acting like the fact that everyone cares about you is something to be brushed off as a joke!
Kaito’s determination to be an inspirational figure to others is delightfully incompatible with his insistence on not having anybody worry about him. Or at least it would be if there was something wrong with him, so good thing that’s not the case and he’s totally fine, right?
Maki:  “…Of course we’d be worried.”
People Not Convinced: 4/5.
Kaito:  “… My bad… But I’m serious. You don’t need to worry about me anymore…”
And of course, of all things, it would be Maki saying she’s worried – which isn’t just anyone being worried about him, it’s his sidekick – that’d be the thing to make Kaito drop the forced cheeriness and be slightly more real about things. Only in terms of how he feels bad about making people worry, though, of course. Not in terms of him feeling bad for himself.
Kaito:  “I shoulda told you guys I wasn’t feeling well. I made you worry for nothing.”
Looks like he’s somewhat regretting pretending to be so Completely Fine last chapter. If he’d been just more honest that he was at least sick, then they wouldn’t have been so shocked at suddenly seeing the full extent of his illness out of nowhere and it might have been easier for him to brush over exactly how bad it was.
…Buuuut despite that, he is still insisting that he’s completely 100% better now and making that mistake all over again. Gotta be the most invincible hero he can possibly be!
(Either way, that wouldn’t remotely fix the problem of how they’re going to deal with you dying when it happens, Kaito.)
Maki:  “…”
Kaito:  “O-Okay… don’t glare at me like that.”
Maki is Not Amused at him being an idiot in a way that hurts himself and makes everyone worry about him more. She’s so caring, in her very distinctly Maki-like way.
Kaito:  “If I do start to feel bad again, I’ll have you guys help me, okay?”
Kaito, you gigantic fucking liar. You’re feeling bad and need their help right now and you’re not asking for it.
This right here is honestly one of the worst lies Kaito ever tells, because he’s doing more than just stating something untrue. He’s actively asking them to trust him that if he does feel bad he wouldn’t hide it, while utterly breaking that trust even as he’s saying it. It’s bad enough that I think Kaito has to be less okay with this than the kind of lie he usually tells. It probably hurts him on some level to be saying this, and this just goes to show how desperate he is to convince them that he’s fine and stop them worrying about him no matter what it takes.
Kaito:  “Now that that’s outta the way, let’s eat! Yeah, c’mon guys! Let’s all eat!”
(Kaito spoke cheerily, then left to go get his meal.)
And here’s a conspicuous subject change immediately after that, like he’s hoping people won’t think too hard about how awful he would have just been if he really is still sick and lying to them. All of this awful lying and desperately trying to convince them of something horrendously untrue – all that’s definitely “out of the way” now, because he says so. They’re convinced and it’s over and he doesn’t have to worry or think about it any more, right? Right.
Also, there’s no way Kaito is able to keep any reasonable amount of food down at this point. He’s going to have to force himself to eat at a normal pace in order to not worry anyone further, which is only going to cause him even more suffering later when he’s on his own.
Shuichi:  (…Is there really nothing wrong? With what I saw yesterday… how can I act like nothing’s wrong…?)
People Not Convinced: 5/5.
Literally nobody is buying that Kaito’s okay. His display this morning has quite clearly been over-the-top forced cheeriness and pointed insistence cutting people off the moment they question him, and everybody can see through it.
Keebo:  “Despite Kaito’s remarks, he should probably receive medical attention just in case…”
Tsumugi:  “Now we’ve got another reason why we need to get out of here.”
Maki:  “And on top of that, we need to do it fast.”
Because while they are suggesting this, nobody seems to be acknowledging just how completely necessary it is to get Kaito medical attention as soon as possible. So while, evidently, everyone still believes that he’s sick, he has managed to successfully convince them that at least he’s probably not dying. I imagine they’re thinking that if he really did know he was dying, that’s something big enough and serious enough that surely, surely he wouldn’t be so stupid as to not let them know that.
…But, no, he… really is entirely that stupid. Guys, you are massively underestimating how incredibly idiotically selfless Kaito is.
(Well, Tsumugi does know he’s dying, but of course she’s not going to do anything that might save his life and is just going to continue to act vague and oblivious while he continues to die because of her.)
When Kaito comes back, everyone’s moved on to speculating about the outside world that Gonta saw and despaired over.
Kaito:  “We can’t figure that out just thinking about it, so there’s no point wasting your brainpower.”
Keebo:  “But we can’t simply not think about—”
Kaito:  “Sure, there’s a chance the outside world is messed up because of Monokuma. But making us worry about it is what Monokuma wants. He’s using it to put pressure on us.”
Kaito is still really good? He’s been lying through his teeth, but that’s all for the sake of keeping everyone’s spirits high and stopping them worrying, and now he’s continuing to do that in a way that doesn’t require any lying, too. Wondering what could be out there without having any way to know for sure is just going to make everyone anxious for no real reason, which is exactly the kind of thing Kaito’s always working to try and prevent.
(I wonder if it’s occurred to him that his own illness might also be something Monokuma did to put pressure on everyone by making them worry. Because that isn’t actually too far from the truth.)
Kaito:  “Kokichi and Gonta just snapped under that pressure.”
It’s really interesting and notable that Kaito includes Kokichi as having snapped under the pressure of what he saw! Given that Kaito obviously has no way of knowing that Kokichi realised the outside world was a lie, this is a reasonable thing to think. (And he did kind of snap when he saw it anyway, just for a different reason.) Evidently Kaito never quite bought Kokichi’s claim that he did everything purely for sadistic glee. I would hope that Kaito is also sensible enough to realise that Kokichi didn’t truly want the mercy kill either, since he actively pointed out that he sabotaged it himself. So I’m not sure exactly what Kaito’s mental idea of Kokichi is right now, but it does seem to involve him having snapped and lashed out as a result of seeing the outside world, making him messed up and pitiable rather than just inhumanly evil. If anyone was going to see through Kokichi and realise something fairly close to the truth about him, of course it would be Kaito.
Kaito:  “The outside world is probably fine.”
Himiko:  “You’re such an optometrist… Can you prescribe some rose-colored glasses for me too?”
Himiko’s line here is so freaking clever. It sounds like she’s just mispronouncing “optimist”… and then she goes and makes the sentence actually make sense for the word “optometrist” while still being about optimism. I love it. …It’s honestly a little too clever to be really befitting of Himiko, but still, good one, localisers.
Keebo:  “…As a detective, what are your thoughts on this, Shuichi?”
Gotta ask Shuichi about this, of course. If anyone’s figured this out, it would definitely be him, right?
Shuichi:  “I-I’ve considered a few theories, but I can’t say for sure…”
Himiko:  “Well, that’s understandable. There are barely any clues.”
…But, yes, funnily enough, Shuichi has not magically figured it out when he has basically nothing to go on. I wouldn’t be surprised if the possibility of an apocalypse has crossed his mind given what they know about the meteorites, but there’s no way he’s going to claim that and make everybody freak out unless he has concrete proof of it.
Kaito:  “…”
Shuichi:  (Since the incident yesterday, Kaito won’t look me in the eyes.)
It’s appropriate that the first moment Shuichi is brought into the conversation, which draws our attention to what’s going on with Kaito here, is when people asked for Shuichi’s help because they assume he can figure out everything. Even though they’re assuming that wrongly in this case, the simple fact that everyone clearly looks up to and relies on Shuichi so much still really bothers Kaito, and after last night’s trial, his jealousy is worse than ever.
And the thing is, Kaito still shouldn’t even be jealous of Shuichi! Everyone is relying on Shuichi’s detective skills, but everyone has also been relying on Kaito’s luminary skills to keep their spirits up and stop them worrying throughout this very conversation. He’s just as important to the group as Shuichi is, just in a different way. But… Kaito can’t see that, because his façade doesn’t change how weak and helpless he feels beneath it. Recall that he’s in constant pain by this point – he can literally feel the extent to which his words aren’t true. He’s convinced that all of the effect he’s having on everyone right now is built entirely on lies and would completely fall apart if they realised that. (In reality, that is very definitely not the case; after all, everyone already knows it’s at least partly a façade.)
Shuichi:  (He must still be angry.)
No, Shuichi. He’s not.
It never made any rational sense for Kaito to be angry at Shuichi even during the trial; any moments of him acting that way were him deflecting his pain and not the real point of how he felt. It makes even less sense for him to be angry now that he’s had a whole night to sleep it off and calm down from the irrational lashing out he did and realise what was really bothering him. It also makes no sense when you think about the fact that Kaito’s way of expressing anger at someone would never be to passive-aggressively ignore them like this – he would just come out and tell them how he feels. He’s not doing this because he’s angry.
I mentioned Kaito’s jealousy of Shuichi a moment ago, and while that’s contributing, that’s also not the main point. If he was simply jealous, that wouldn’t stop him from engaging with Shuichi like he normally does – Kaito was also jealous of Shuichi throughout case 4, but even as it was starting to get to him more and more, it didn’t change that he was still trying to to help and support his sidekick like always.
The problem is that Kaito doesn’t feel like he can help and support Shuichi any more, not after having shown himself to be so obviously and undeniably weaker than Shuichi in running away from the truth. He did everything he could to cover that up during the trial not out of jealousy so much as out of his irrational conviction that he needs to be strong and invincible in order for Shuichi to look up to him and be inspired by him. Throughout the last chapter, Kaito stressed again and again how much he wanted to help Shuichi, how he would always be there for him to support him and carry his burdens. By proving himself to be so much weaker than Shuichi in the trial, and by making things even harder for Shuichi by lashing out the way he did, Kaito is convinced that he’s failed every word of those promises he was so desperate to make.
The guilt and shame of his perceived failure hurts Kaito so much that he can’t deal with it, so he’s… not. He’s just pathetically trying to pretend Shuichi isn’t there and that the problem doesn’t exist.
And it’s not just about his own perception of having failed, either. If Kaito thought that Shuichi even possibly hasn’t noticed his weakness yet and there was even the slightest chance that Kaito could still support him even a little by continuing to act heroic and inspiring at him, by god would he keep trying, even though he’d feel it was a desperately fragile façade. (Just like he’s still trying to do that for everyone else despite them having seen his illness.) But since he’s not even attempting to engage with Shuichi right now, he has to believe not only that he’s utterly failed Shuichi far more than he has anyone else, but also that Shuichi knows it and there’s no point in trying to pretend otherwise. That “aren’t you my sidekick? Was that just a lie?” from yesterday’s trial that suggested the idea that Shuichi knew he didn’t need Kaito? Kaito still believes that.
Shuichi:  (But… I had no choice… I had no other options… My deduction… wasn’t wrong. If I hadn’t identified Gonta as the culprit, we would all be dead. For the rest of us to survive, Gonta had to be sacrificed… There was nothing I could do…)
Shuichi is only assuming that Kaito is angry at him because of his own anxiety and tendency to blame himself. On the surface of his thoughts here, Shuichi is being somewhat sensible and rational about it – he’s able to assert that what he did wasn’t wrong and was necessary for everyone to survive. But still, the way he’s wording these thoughts here give the sense that, even if he’s not quite consciously blaming himself, he still feels like he failed Gonta for not having been able to do anything to stop him being executed. Despite knowing he wasn’t in the wrong, Shuichi still feels like the bad guy – and because of that, it makes sense to him that Kaito could be blaming him too, so he gets stuck on that rather than thinking about other reasons Kaito might be acting this way.
But no, Shuichi. There really was nothing else you could have done, and so it’s not your fault. Kokichi and Monokuma (and the mastermind) are the ones who killed Gonta, not you. Kaito knows this just as much as everyone in this room except you.
(For the duration of this bit of Shuichi’s inner monologue, we’re forced to look at a flashback image of Gonta being impaled during his execution, which I do not appreciate at all. But I understand why it’s there, because Shuichi would have that horrifying image burned into his mind to the point that he’d recall it every time he thinks about Gonta’s death, so this serves to show us how Shuichi is still haunted by that.)
Kaito:  “I’m glad we’re talking about how to escape, but…”
Kaito, do you know why everyone got onto the topic of trying to escape? It’s because they were thinking about how to help you. If you told them the truth, they’d be even more desperate to escape in order to save you, so much so that they might actually manage it!
If Kaito realised this, it might actually be enough for him to be willing to bite the bullet and tell them he’s dying. Unlike a certain few people last chapter, Kaito would do anything if he believed it could help everyone to escape. So I genuinely don’t think this has or ever will occur to him – apparently his mind just won’t even entertain trains of thought involving everyone worrying about him, or everyone risking themselves for him and not the other way around, long enough for him to realise that this’d be what would happen. The notion of having himself be prioritised above everybody else really is just that unthinkable to Kaito.
Kaito:  “…where’d *he* go? Kokichi…”
Shuichi:  (The instant Kaito spoke his name, a nervous energy shot through us.)
Apparently Kokichi’s name is having something of a Voldemort effect on everyone right now. Except of course for Kaito, who freely said his name – because Kaito doesn’t quite buy that he’s the evil sadist he claimed to be.
Tsumugi:  “We can’t just let… that person… be. He’s… a little too dangerous. No… not just a little… Because he… He enjoys watching us suffer. His face just screams that he’s having fun whenever he sees us suffer.”
Tsumugi, of course, also knows that’s not true, but she’s the one most stressing that and talking about it like it’s definitely true. I guess she’s figured that if Kokichi is going to paint himself as a massive villain, she might as well play along with that, since it’s a good story.
Maki:  “If we weren’t in this killing game, I would’ve assassinated him already.”
Maki’s still stuck in that mindset that killing people is the best method of solving problems that don’t seem to have an easy solution. Her directing this mindset towards Kokichi is specifically because he’s apparently a dangerous monster who’s made himself seem like he needs to be stopped before he hurts anyone else. She always kind of hated him on a personal level, but she wouldn’t have said this about him last chapter.
Maki:  “Ironic… The rules of this killing game actually make it harder to kill.”
Kaito:  “Maki Roll… that’s not good. Playing this killing game is just what Monokuma wants us to do.”
Maki:  “…I know.”
And this is why Maki does try and kill Kokichi later this chapter – because she’s going to believe he’s the mastermind and therefore that killing him won’t be “playing the game”. Given that, in her eyes, there’s no reason for her not to. Kaito’s argument here is valid, but he’s also forgetting to make the wider argument that, killing game or not, murder isn’t the right way to solve problems, even really big ones like this, and she should try and find something better.
Himiko:  “Nyeh? Is Maki Roll a nickname for Maki? That’s a good nickname.”
I appreciate this build-up to the fact that Himiko is indeed going to start calling her Maki Roll eventually, but… how did you not notice this until now, Himiko? Kaito’s been calling her that for a chapter and a half.
Shuichi:  “Kokichi told us his objective was to win the killing game. He wouldn’t risk a murder that would so obviously implicate him.”
You’re thinking too narrowly, Shuichi. Kokichi has redefined “winning” to mean something other than getting away with being the blackened. His new win condition definitely could (and will) involve a murder which obviously implicates him.
Monokuma shows up to hand out the “prizes”.
Monokuma:  “I can’t refuse you all, not when I’m all alone and outnumbered.”
Kaito:  “…Outnumbered?”
And here’s Kaito realising that there’s no Exisals anymore, meaning that fighting back is finally a viable option. Monokuma mentioned that suspiciously readily, so I wonder if he prompted that train of thought out of Kaito on purpose so that this chapter’s story would hopefully take some interesting turns.
Monokuma:  “But I’m used to being alone. Back in the day, I was alone from start to finish…”
Yes, and all of us preferred it that way, thanks.
Maki:  “…What do you want to do, Kaito?”
Kaito:  “I’m worried about Kokichi, but… There’s no point worrying about him all the time. Alright! Our first priority is to solve the mystery of this academy!”
Look at Maki turning to Kaito for leadership! And Kaito is genuinely being a pretty good leader – everyone else was leaning towards just worrying about Kokichi, but if they do that all day they’re never going to get anywhere and discover anything new. Kaito’s always about spurring everyone to take action.
Kaito:  “Let’s investigate!”
Shuichi:  “Alright… Ah, I’ll hold onto that…”
Kaito:  “Oh… that’s right…”
Shuichi:  (Without meeting my eyes, Kaito placed the key into my palm.)
Apparently Monokuma specifically gave the keys to Kaito, leading to this delightfully awkward exchange, made even more so by the fact that giving the job to Shuichi has everything to do with why Kaito’s so upset. I love the irony that it was Kaito who first decided that Shuichi should be the one to take the stuff and solve the puzzles back in chapter 2. What started out as a gesture from Kaito to help boost Shuichi’s confidence when he needed it by making him feel useful has turned into a reminder of the fact that Shuichi is by far the most useful and reliable person here and doesn’t appear to need Kaito’s help at all.
And the thing is, this job still doesn’t need Shuichi! Less than ever before, this time, since the items are literally keys and therefore there’s no puzzle involved. Kaito could respond to Shuichi here by going, “Nah, it’s fine. They’re just keys, right? Let me handle it this time.” – but he doesn’t. Even though Kaito is jealous of Shuichi and hates how Shuichi is supposedly so much more of a hero than him (which isn’t entirely the case – Maki just turned to Kaito to lead them, after all), he doesn’t try and act like Shuichi’s superiority is anything but the truth or try and take the spotlight away from him. Kaito believes that he genuinely is inferior to Shuichi and doesn’t deserve to be taking any of the credit that rightfully belongs to someone as awesome as him.
(And that’s painfully self-deprecating but also actually pretty admirable of him. Kaito is jealous of Shuichi, but it’s not a malicious kind of jealousy that makes him want to take away what Shuichi has that he doesn’t. Kaito is never that kind of person, even at his lowest.)
Keebo:  “Kaito? Shuichi? What’s the matter? You both seem different today.”
Maki:  “…Read the mood, Keebo. It’s fine, so let’s go already.”
Since Keebo is the worst at reading the room out of everyone here, we can assume from this that everybody else has very much noticed the awkwardness between Kaito and Shuichi and has decided to just completely ignore that elephant in the room. If only they weren’t doing that. They’re all probably assuming Kaito is just angry at Shuichi and therefore that asking what the problem is and trying to get them to talk about it would only ever make things worse… but oh boy are they wrong.
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