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sweetsugarcakes · 6 months ago
Heya, this is my first time requesting anything but I really enjoyed your Hc's for luck, noelle and vanessa so I wanted to ask if you could maybe do the same thing with William, Fuegoleon and Yami?
No rush ofc, have a good day ❤️
hii ofc I can🫶
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General relationship headcanons
Yami, William and Fuegoleon
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Yami Sukehiro
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🚬he definitely ruffles your hair all the time
🚬he loves annoying you. he would try to annoy you because he just likes getting you mad.
🚬he giving you forehead kisses when you or he comes back
🚬he’s a person who doesn’t care only when your upset or hurt.
🚬he’s also overprotective of you. If any just glances at you he’ll beat them
🚬he may not show it that much bud he truly loves you and wants to be with you
William Vengeance
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🍃hes so gentle with you
🍃he will always kiss your hand whenever he sees you
🍃he brings you flowers every time theirs something special
🍃he always feels better whenever he’s with you. You seem to always know how to make him calm or happy.
🍃he love your hugs. When you hugs him he hugs back, he could stay for hours
🍃he fights strong for you, your the one that keeps him going.
Fuegoleon Vermillion
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🔥he always wants you to be with him. To have an eye on you and to know your there for him
🔥 Mereoleona always asks to fight with you. She wants to see if your worthy of hee brother.
🔥he loves kissing you cheek and lips and sometimes your head
🔥he also gets possessive whoever tries to flirt with you. He’ll burn them alive.
🔥when he comes back from his work, he just want to be with you and only you after a long day
🔥he’s a cuddler for sure. He’s always warm so he loves feeling your body heat against his.
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tummyisyummy · 7 months ago
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Redrew that one fuegoleon drawing I did a while back
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masakuterarr · 6 months ago
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quick non HxH warm up doodle for once- Fuegoleon my beloved cuz Black Clover is rotting my brain as well now 🫠
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urinarythreatinfection · 1 month ago
Fuegoleon my happy lawfully wedded wife and my beautiful concubine Shanks
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I love them both
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yoildayday · 1 year ago
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hair style change doodle
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the-black-bulls · 2 years ago
Some of the Captains argue about who had the worst life
Charlotte: Who's next? Yami, I think?
Nozel: I'm sorry, the forigner?
William: Yes, it's his turn.
Nozel: Yeah, right, I'm sure he has a rough life.
Yami: Oh, haha, funny.
Fuegoleon: Speaking of funny, good luck competing with us.
Yami: You're right. I'm going to need all the luck I can get, might as well call Luck to rub himself against me. I mean, wow, your lives sounded terrible. And your stories... really helped to convey that.
Yami: Like, Braidface, casting your younger sister away all her life she almost hated you, expect she didn't! That sounds like it almost could've been really hard for you, man... a sister hating her brother without knowing that all he ever wanted is to protect her? Such a very, very cruel thing.
Nozel: Wait a minute-!
Yami: And Vangeance, screwing up as a captain too much it's over for your social life! Surely that means you'll win the competition! Oh, wait, hold on, never mind, one of my kids has taken over the blame, ALMOST forget about that.
William: Yami...
Yami: But hey, Julius was seemingly killed because of you so there's the guilt factor! I mean, he was in my arms when he spoke his last words, so I'm biased here.
William: ...I'm sorry.
Yami: And you, Prickly Queen, forever harassed by people secretly in love with you. WHEN WILL JUSTICE BE SERVED?!
Charlotte: Okay, that's rude.
Yami: But hey, seriously, Brogoleon, all jokes aside, being helplesslly forced to see your men die legit sounds really rough.
Fuegoleon: Thanks-
Yami: I wouldn't know anything about that. I mean, look at me. I'm quite powerful, enough to protect my own dumb kids who were three steps away from wasting their lives to save their abducted old man!
Yami: Anyway, I just don't know HOW I'm going to compete with you all.
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growingingreenwood · 9 months ago
I'm watching "Black Clover" for the first time, and whenever Fuegoleon Vermillion comes on screen my brain is like. "Oh hey Maedhros. What are you doing here?"
And really, can I even blame it?
Long red hair? Check.
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Oldest and tallest of his siblings? Check
(He also has a younger sister.)
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Powerful beyond measure and more than slightly intimidating? Check.
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Fucking GORGEOUS? Check.
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Likelihood of burning to death incredibly dramatically? Very high.
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whispersbelongingbird · 11 months ago
Would you be interested in writing something inspired by the song ‘Hold On’ by Chord Overstreet with Fuegoleon and Leopold please? I am so starved for angst it’s not even funny. Thank you.
Silent Pleas
“Well I hope you feel better now!" Mimosa smiled as she took a stop and turned to her cousin.
Leopold directed his head to see the door to his room which Mimosa had paused in front of then moving his gaze back to her. "Yeah, I do. Thanks for everything!" Leopold Smiled.
He walked up to Mimosa and pulled her into a hug. Mimosa was a bit startled at first but she melted in and hugged back. 
Leopold had been feeling like a mush of shit recently, nothing was right. Everything was messed up, his family, the people around him, his feelings, his physical state and himself in general.
Everything hurt all over, his head was pounding, his eyes were burning, his stomach was twisting and turning and he could collapse at any second.
Why had he been feeling likes this? Simple, parents and people around him.
Leo is always dreading any events and ceremony’s. He doesn’t have a choice but to go because of all that royalty business. He mostly doesn’t want to go because of the people there, sure.. Mimosa and Noelle are there but that doesn’t stop him for hearing others bicker about him in such a nasty way. His parents let alone don’t even want to be seen with him. Mereoleona and fuegoleon get to slip out of stuff like this most of the time so Leo is just left to deal with it and listen.
When everything ends and they make it home his parents immediately start complaining and yelling, sometimes even hitting. 
This whole week Leo has spent crying himself to sleep from either pain or too much stress and emotions. He was reaching his breaking point.
After saying his farewells to Mimosa. The boy walked into his room and closed the door behind him then dragged his feet towards his bed and collapsed right onto it and melted into the soft material.
It felt nice to finally just rip off the mask and rest in the pool of all that pain and stress. He didn’t want to ignore everything he’s been going through. He wanted to soak it all in and accept it. He didn’t want to talk about it and let it all out. He wanted to praised on how well he handled everything.
Leopold rested his eyes and let a few tears slip out.
The next day Leopold had been sent on a Mission. 
“Conqueror the Dungeon and find the treasure hall, Simple as that. Now get going brat.”
Turns out it wasn’t so simple because Leopold was on his way back to the crimson lion kings base, limping and also trying to hide his injury from his two squad mates. 
It was laughable really. A diamond mage had managed to catch him off guard and stabbed Leo at the side of his waist. It wasn’t too fatal but it definitely wasn’t something to brush aside.
In the end, he had taken care of the mage before resuming to his search for the treasure hall, trying to ignore the sharp sting of pain coming from his side. It took all of his willpower to keep the tears locked in.
Leopold sat onto the back his squad mates broom as they made their way back to the Crimson Lion Kings headquarters.
He felt the cold air crash against the back to his neck and he trembled a bit.
“You look exhausted, everything alright?” Elliot auestioned, slightly turning his head to look at Leo who had his head hung low and hands clutching onto Elliot’s waist from behind.
“Hm? Y-yeah.. Just tired”. Leopold flinched at how hoarse his voice was. It felt as if something was clogging up his throat, it hurt to speak. “My opponent was stronger than I anticipated”
“I could tell. You have blood all over, I almost thought it was yours for a second. Make sure to get checked out though just in case” The black haired mage smiled before turning away from Leo and looking forward again.
Leo hummed in response and hovered one of his hands over his injury. He hasn’t told them about it. He didn’t want to bother them with such an inconvenience, besides it’s not so bad. Sure it hurts and stings like crazy but he can handle it.
No he can not.
Leopold was sat in his bathroom which was connected to his bedroom and he was leaning against the wall letting out broken sobs every now and then.
It hurt. It hurt so bad. He tried to pull the blade out but it just made it worse so he just kept it in. 
Elliot had said he would report back to Fuegoleon so Leopold had ran to his room and collapsed onto his bathroom floor.
It hurt. It really did. He had just punched his mirror so the added sting from his hand was not helping. It was taking so much for him to not just stab a piece pf glass through himself just to stop all of this.
He could hardly move. He wanted to scream. He wanted to silently cry. He wanted to tear apart whatever reached his hands. He wanted to be handled with care, like a delicate glass object that will shatter at the slightest pressure.
He just wanted everything to stop.
Leo lifted up his shirt as he looked down at the mess of blood at the left side of waist. It was disgusting. Blade still stuck in there. Its a miracle he hasn’t passed out yet. 
The Blood tripled down his torso and onto the marble floor. It was bright crimson red and there was no end to the overflowing mess. It was overwhelming to look at.
He grabbed onto the handle but paused. Someone had entered his room. He could hear the faint footsteps growing closer to the bathroom door.
“Leo? Are you here? You alright?” Fuegoleon called out knocking on the bathroom door. When he didn’t get a responses he figured Leopold wasn’t here so he was about to leave. However, the shuffling on the other side caught his attention and was that a cry.?
Fuegoleon scrabbled for the handle and pulled on it but the door was locked.
“Leo?!” He yelled, panic evident in his voice. Leopold sat still on the floor trying to form a responses.
“Fue-..” he trailed off and chocked on another sob. It was more pathetic than anything really. Truly an embarrassment.
“Are you in there? Open the door right now!” Fuegoleon tried to maintain his tone to not scare Leo, but that was hard given Leopold had just came back from a mission and the description Elliot had given him about Leo’s current state didn’t sound so good.
“Help…” was the only thing coming out of the youngers mouth. No other words were able to be formed. You could barely even hear it from the other side of the door. It’s fine though, because that was all Fuegoleon need to knock down the door and rush to his brothers side.
And the rest was all a blur.
Leopold had awakened to the feeling of s soft material cushioning his head and body. A blanket was wrapped tightly around him and he hasn’t felt this comfortable in awhile. He missed this feeling..
He opened his eyes as they adjust to the bright light. It took a flew glances around the room to realise this isn’t his bedroom. He doesn’t know where he is. 
Panic settled within him as Leo shot up from his bed but immediately regretted it as he was hit was a dizzy spell and a sharp pain emitted from the side of his waist. The pain felt familiar.. 
He tried to recall the previous events of the night that had occurred for him to end up here. No one was in the room right now. It was just him alone. 
Leo leaned against the wall and covered his lower body with the blanket. Why was he in the infirmary? He doesn’t recall getting injured. Unless he was drugged by something that had fogged his memory up. Leopold is sure he is fine. Well that was if it wasn’t for the splitting headache and pain that was fixed onto his side.
It felt familiar for some reason.. not in a good way. Not in a way as if you’ve seen the familiar face of someone you love. It was different. Like a constant reminder of something that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
His train of thoughts were put to a halt as someone entered the room. Owen. 
“Ah! You’re awake? How are you feelings.” He smiled and grabbed a chair along with a glass of water and sat next to Leopold’s bed. He put his hand out with the water for Leopold to take but the boy remained stiff.
Owen frowned and placed the cup onto the nightstand and let out a long sigh.  
“Do you remember what happened?” He asked with a slight tilt to his head. His voice was airy and gentle. It was very soothing and it didn’t ring in his ears like how everyone else’s had been doing for the past few weeks.
Leopold gave a subtle shake to his head. Owen opened his mouth to say something but the words were caught in his throat as someone else entered the room. 
Leopold perked up as the man emerged from behind the door. What was Nozel doing here? Leopold would have assumed he had came to talk Owen if he hadn’t came up to him and handed Leo a letter.
“It’s from your sister. I was surprised at first because she usually never bothers with letters and stuff but it seems she was worried for you.. just has a very… different way of expressing so..”
Leopold took ahold of the letter but he didn’t open it. He held it in his hands and focused on the contact between his skins and the paper. It felt grounding for some weird reason. 
When Leopold had eventually looked up again. Nozel muttered a ‘get well soon’ before swiftly exiting the room. 
The door didn’t have time to fully close before opening again. This time someone different had entered 
Owen had gotten up and grabbed something from a shelf before leaving. It was obvious he wanted to give the two brothers some space.
Fuegoleon ignored Owen and walked over to Leopold. He had an unreadable expression plastered onto his face. Leopold couldn’t make out what emotions he was feeling or what he was going to do.
Leopold just sat stiff, not knowing what to do. The closer Fuegoleon got, the more he felt his heartbeat begin to speed up. His older brothers footsteps were ringing in his ears. He was staring to feel faint.
Nonsense! This is his older brother. So why is he so scared. Why can’t he face him?
Fuegoleon pushed Owen’s chair to the side and sat at the edge of Leopold’s bed. They both just stayed still.
The older of the two put his arms around Leopold and kissed the top of his head. Leopold heard a sniffle which shook him. Was his brother crying..?
“Big brother… what’s wrong?” Leo rasped out. His throat was slightly bruised and it hurt to talk, but that didn’t matter now.
“Leo I’m sorry.. I’m sorry, I was so scared oh my..” Fuegoleon let out a broken sob. Leopold didn’t know what to do but awkwardly return the hug. He has never seen his brother cry before, this was a first. He felt even more worse knowing the reason for his older brothers tears was himself.. 
“I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you.. Leo why, why didn’t you tell me. Why didn’t you ask for help. What was stopping you?!” Fuegoleon raised his voice as he went on. He tried to conceal his emotions, he didn’t want to get mad at his younger brother, especially since his anger wasn’t directed towards him. He was angry at himself.
“I-I.. I’m sorry, I thought…” Leo trailed off and lowered his head as Fuegoleon tightened the hold he had on him. It was like as if he let go, Leopold would disappear.  
“Don’t say anything. Don’t” 
So he didn’t. Leopold didn’t say anything and neither did Fuegoleon. They both sat there in each others arms. No words were needed to convey their feelings. Actions were enough. More than enough.
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koneko-pi · 2 years ago
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A stand-alone fic I wanted to write today. I want to do more of these story-like chapters outside of asks.
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Comfort Zone
Summary: Little things can pile on to make simple days awful. And when such a day takes place, Fuegoleon is there to comfort you.
Fuegoleon x gender neutral S/O
Comfort fic
1000+ wordcount
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You did not consider yourself a weak person; physically or mentally. You were a magic knight, you had strong magic to protect yourself, good friends and a loving boyfriend who was always in your mind and heart. And you knew the same was for him.
So most days were mundane but perfectly normal. You woke up, ate breakfast with your squad, finished that day's work, met up with Fuegoleon when you could, then ate dinner to finish off the day before going to bed and repeating the same process all over again. It was all the same aside from your work occasionally changing, what between paperwork and dungeon exploring.
But today was different. You knew the moment you woke up that something was off, as if you had "woken up on the wrong side of the bed", so to speak. You did your best to not let that get to you, you wanted the day to start right-
But as you went about your business, things just seemed to keep piling on. A squad mate became sick, so your workload was suddenly doubled. You stumbled and dropped a load of paperwork all over the floor in front of Marx. And while he offered to help, it was still unbelievably embarrassing that it happened at all. You missed an appointment, dealt with rude Nobles, missed your lunch break-
The list seemed to go on and on. And while it was all little things, they just kept piling on and slowly throughout the day you became more and more bitter, which just continued to frustrate you and drag down your efforts, and it all turned into a vicious cycle.
Until finally at the end of the day you were walking home in the dark, along the streets of clover kingdom, with a deep scowl, burning eyes and no energy. You wanted, so badly, to just find some kind of junk food and curl up on your couch. While nothing detrimental had happened that day you were still disappointed in yourself that nothing had seemed to go right. And just looking back on it all, and the potential ways you could have fixed things, had you not been so worked up in the moment… well it made you nearly cry right then and there.
You were quickly swiping at your achy eyes as you rounded a corner when you felt yourself bump into someone-
And heard the unmistakable sound of something being dropped on the floor.
Your whole chest tightened up and you felt your fists clench.
'One more thing…' you thought bitterly to yourself. And you were so close to getting home.
You forced your face to remain composed as you looked up to whoever had the unfortunate luck to come across you that evening.
And your eyes would widen. "Fuego…leon..?"
You were stunned. The man was standing there looking surprised himself. "Uh-" and even speechless? It was just you.
A flicker of recognition passed through his eyes and he was quickly bending down. "I'm sorry-"
You followed his movements to see he had dropped some kind of box, its lid had popped off and something was scattered across the stone pavements….
Your heart clenched even tighter.
It was food. It was a box of dinner, no doubt one that he had been intending to bring to your home, as you had made date plans with him for tonight.
And because of your horrid day… you had completely forgotten…
Your eyes began to burn again.
"I'm sorry, my dear." Fuegoleon quickly closed the lid and picked up the dinner box. It was an unfortunate waste of food but now some lucky alley cats will be well fed this evening. "You were running late and I thought maybe-" he cut himself off when he noticed your hands had balled up into trembling fists. His purple eyes quickly snapped up to your face, worried he may have hurt you somehow but…
Your face was locked down to his chest, as if you couldn't look him in the eye, which was unusual for you. Your jaw was clenched, your mouth set into a clean line as you used all your effort to control the muscles of your face. But what struck out to him the most was the watery sheen that had built up in your eyes.
He didn't say anything, knowing you well enough that you would not like this to be the time or the place for him to pepper you with questions. So instead he wrapped one arm around your shoulder, where you immediately pressed into him, and he steered you the rest of the rest home.
Once inside he discarded his box on the counter, discreetly, so you weren't reminded of it. Then he led you to your room where he sat you down on the bed. Your eyes had built up their tears and you still refused to look up at him. All your efforts were focusing on trying not to cry.
Fuegoleon took your hands and squeezed them gently, which jolted you back into the moment. He called your name a few times but when you didn't look up he crouched down to your level.
"My dear…" he said it softly, and gently, and with nothing but concern in his eyes.
He was a strong and dependable man. Broad shoulders to carry heavy weights, warm hands to help those in need and a big heart that was filled with so much bravery.
Everyday you felt lucky that this man was yours; he loved you, those eyes looked only to you in such a way. Sometimes you couldn't believe you had snagged the Fuegoleon Vermillion as your lover. But today you felt like you didn't deserve him at all.
All of the pent of emotion from your day came crashing down and you started to sob. With your breath catching you closed your eyes to finally push the tears out of your eyes and down your cheeks.
You felt a warm palm come to touch your cheek and you grabbed hold of it, clinging to it for comfort. And it would come, with warm arms wrapping around you as Fuegoleon pulled himself up to sit next to you.
You held onto him; tired, embarrassed and feeling awful over everything that day. You just wanted to sit there and cling to him.
He was silent and patient until you were ready. Holding you close while gently rubbing your hands or arm in small comforting gestures.
Soon your sniffling would come to a stop and you pulled yourself up into a more dignified pose, once again rubbing the tears from your eyes. There was a small amount of shame lingering because he had seen you in such a state at all…
"I'm sorry…" you apologized once you were confident in your voice.
"What for?" He asked, confusion was obvious in his tone.
"For…" you made a gesture between the two of you. "This. Breaking down and… everything else…"
Fuegoleon let out a soft sigh. "My love…" he took your hand and squeezed it again. "You are allowed to cry, whatever the reason."
You smiled a little. His words were short, but his loving and confident tone is what affected you the most. The man could have given the shortest speech in the world and still be capable of moving people.
"If you'd like to talk about it, I'm also here to listen"
"Maybe another time… but thank you." Finally you looked up at him, with a nervous smile gracing your lips.
His expression softened. "You do not need to thank me for such things. It's simply the truth."
Your heart swelled with new, more positive, emotions. You rested your head on his shoulder and let out a sigh, like you were expelling all of that day's experiences out of your body.
"I am sorry about dinner…"
"It's alright. I will treat you to a better breakfast."
"Breakfast?" You leaned back. "Do you have time?" The man was always busy, he took his work very seriously and it was hard to get real dates scheduled with him.
"I happen to have the day off tomorrow." He looked a little proud of himself. "I was going to surprise you with that good news."
"So… I get the whole day with you tomorrow?" Your body was feeling energized with excitement.
"If you would like." He looked just as excited in his own Fuegoleon way. His perfectly composed body but his chest was puffing up just a little more than usual.
"Of course!" You happily hugged him. And with your sudden elated mood… "Would you like to stay the night, too?"
"This evening?"
"Yes, please."
"How could I say No?"
Fuegoleon was always one of the best ways to brighten your moods. You slept soundly that night.
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spark-gem · 2 years ago
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Happy Birthday, Fuegoleon!
This is my take on what I think his Spirit Dive would look like!
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kcuf-ad · 2 years ago
Yami making more Japanese dishes for the Captain Meetings is quite interesting for the other Captains as they were shocked how much time and effort he makes them as he is usually a lazy guy who barely cleans himself up, and to see him making something with too much effort than before is interesting for everyone looking at him.
He would make sushi and sake, as while they were adamant at first of trying it, they soon began to liking when they first tried it.
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tummyisyummy · 22 days ago
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Saw this outfit again and forgot how I actually liked it.
Why won’t they add it to BC mobile 😭
Next post is either ouran club doodles or mermaid Levi idk
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soulrending · 1 year ago
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i miss him
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missazune · 2 years ago
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Leviathan and Salamander || BLACK CLOVER
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yoildayday · 2 years ago
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weeblmaodotcom · 1 year ago
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Fuegoleon thinking about mission while Nozel is hitting a pose , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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