#i can’t stop thinking about it and smiling
pucksandpower · 2 days
Charles Leclerc x runaway bride!Reader
Summary: you find out that your groom is a cheating bastard on your wedding day … Charles helps you pick up the pieces
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The sun-drenched bridal suite buzzes with anticipation as you stand before the full-length mirror, your reflection a vision in white lace and satin. Your heart races, a mix of excitement and nerves coursing through your veins. This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life, but something feels ... off.
“You look absolutely stunning,” your best friend, Mia, gushes as she adjusts your veil. “James won’t know what hit him.”
You force a smile, trying to shake the nagging feeling in your gut. “Thanks, Mia. I just ... I can’t believe this is really happening.”
Mia squeezes your hand reassuringly. “Cold feet are totally normal. Trust me, once you see James waiting for you at the altar, all those doubts will melt away.”
A soft knock at the door interrupts your thoughts. Your mother peeks her head in, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “Oh, sweetheart,” she breathes. “You’re absolutely beautiful.”
As she enters the room, you notice her clutching her phone, her knuckles white. “Mom? Is everything okay?”
She hesitates, exchanging a worried glance with Mia. “I ... I’m not sure how to say this, honey.”
Your stomach drops. “Mom, what is it? Just tell me.”
She takes a deep breath. “I just got off the phone with James’ mother. She... she overheard him talking to someone. A woman.”
The room spins as you struggle to process her words. “What are you saying?”
“It seems ... it seems James has been seeing someone else. For quite some time, apparently.”
The words hit you like a physical blow. You stumble back, gripping the edge of the vanity for support. “No,” you whisper. “That can’t be true. We’re getting married in an hour!”
Mia rushes to your side, her arm around your waist. “Y/N, breathe. We’ll figure this out.”
But you can’t breathe. The room feels too small, the air too thick. “I need ... I need to talk to him.”
Before anyone can stop you, you’re bolting from the room, your dress billowing behind you as you race down the hallway. You burst into the groom’s quarters, startling the group of groomsmen inside.
“Where is he?” You demand, your voice trembling.
James’ best man, Tom, steps forward, his face pale. “Y/N, what are you doing here? It’s bad luck-”
“Where. Is. He?” You repeat, each word dripping with venom.
The bathroom door opens, and there he stands — the man you thought you’d spend forever with. James’ eyes widen as he takes in your disheveled appearance. “Honey? What’s wrong?”
You laugh, the sound bitter and hollow. “What’s wrong? How about you tell me, James? Who is she?”
His face crumples, and in that moment, you know it’s true. “Y/N, I can explain-”
“Explain?” You spit. “Explain how you’ve been cheating on me our entire engagement? How you were going to stand up there and lie to my face, in front of everyone we love?”
James reaches for you, but you recoil. “Please, just let me-”
“Don’t touch me!” You scream, tears streaming down your face. “How could you do this to me?”
The room falls silent, save for your ragged breathing. James’ groomsmen shift uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact. You turn to leave, but James grabs your arm.
“Y/N, wait. I love you. We can work this out,” he pleads.
You wrench your arm free, fixing him with a glare that could freeze hell itself. “Love me? You don’t even know the meaning of the word.”
With that, you’re running again, pushing past concerned guests and ignoring the calls of your name. You burst out of the hotel into the blinding sunlight, your legs carrying you down the street without a destination in mind.
You don’t know how long you run, your white dress now stained with dirt and tears. Eventually, you find yourself in a part of town you don’t recognize, your feet aching and your lungs burning. A neon sign catches your eye — The Dive Hole.
Without thinking, you push open the door to the dingy bar. The few patrons inside turn to stare as you stumble in, a bride in full wedding attire, mascara streaking down your cheeks.
The bartender, a gruff-looking man in his fifties, raises an eyebrow. “Rough day, sweetheart?”
You laugh, the sound bordering on hysterical. “You could say that.”
As you collapse onto a barstool, the weight of the day finally crashes down on you. You bury your face in your hands, shoulders shaking with silent sobs.
The bartender slides a glass of amber liquid in front of you. “On the house,” he says gruffly. “Looks like you could use it.”
You lift your head, offering him a watery smile. “Got anything stronger?”
The world spins as you stumble out of The Dive Hole, your wedding dress now stained with whiskey and regret. The streetlights blur into a hazy glow as you teeter on your heels, struggling to maintain your balance.
“Hey, watch it!” A passerby shouts as you nearly collide with him.
“Sorry,” you slur, waving a hand dismissively. “Just trying to ... to find my happily ever after. Have you seen it? I think I lost it somewhere.”
The man hurries away, leaving you alone on the sidewalk. You laugh bitterly, the sound echoing in the empty street. “That’s right, run away! Everyone else does!”
As you take another unsteady step, your heel catches in a crack in the pavement. You lurch forward, bracing for impact with the cold, hard ground. But instead of concrete, you find yourself enveloped in warmth.
“Whoa there!” A gentle voice exclaims. “Are you alright?”
You blink, trying to focus on the face of your savior. Kind green eyes peer down at you, filled with concern. The man helps you regain your footing, his hands steady on your arms.
“I’m fine,” you insist, even as the world continues to tilt around you. “Just ... just celebrating. It’s my wedding day, you know.”
The man’s brow furrows as he takes in your disheveled appearance. “Celebrating alone? In the middle of the street?”
You nod vigorously, immediately regretting the action as nausea washes over you. “Yep! Best day ever. Who needs a groom anyway, right?”
“I’m Charles,” he introduces himself, his accent warm and inviting. “And I think maybe you should sit down for a moment. There’s a bench just over there.”
He gently guides you to the nearby bench, helping you settle onto it. You slump against the backrest, your head lolling to the side.
“So, Charles,” you drawl, poking him in the chest. “What brings you out on this fine evening? Looking for love in all the wrong places?”
Charles chuckles softly. “Actually, I was just heading home after a late dinner with friends. And then I found a beautiful bride who seems to be having a rough night.”
You snort, gesturing to your ruined dress. “Beautiful? I look like I’ve been through a war. A war of the heart.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Charles offers, his voice gentle and free of judgment.
For a moment, you consider spilling everything. But the wound is too fresh, the betrayal too raw. Instead, you shake your head, feeling tears well up in your eyes once more.
“No talking,” you mumble. “Just ... can you sit with me for a bit?”
Charles nods, settling onto the bench beside you. “Of course. Take all the time you need.”
You sit in silence for a while, the cool night air slowly clearing your head. Charles remains a steady presence at your side, occasionally glancing at you with concern.
Finally, you break the silence. “I should probably go home. Except ... I don’t really know where home is anymore.”
Charles frowns. “You don’t have anywhere to go?”
You shake your head, a humorless laugh escaping your lips. “Nope. Funny how your whole life can fall apart in a single day, huh?”
Charles is quiet for a moment, seeming to wrestle with a decision. Finally, he speaks. “Look, I know we’ve just met, but ... I have a spare room. You’re welcome to stay there for the night, just to sleep it off and figure things out in the morning.”
You blink at him, surprised by the offer. “You’d do that for a stranger?”
He shrugs, a small smile playing at his lips. “Well, we’re not exactly strangers now, are we? Besides, I couldn’t live with myself if I left you out here alone.”
You consider his offer. Every logical part of your brain is screaming that this is a bad idea, but something in Charles’ eyes tells you he can be trusted. Plus, you’re not exactly swimming in options at the moment.
“Okay,” you agree softly. “Thank you, Charles.”
He helps you to your feet, steadying you as you sway slightly. “My car’s just around the corner. Think you can make it?”
You nod, determined. “Lead the way, knight in shining armor.”
The ride to Charles’ apartment is mercifully short. You spend most of it with your head against the cool glass of the window, trying to keep the nausea at bay. Charles fills the silence with gentle small talk, his voice soothing in the darkness.
When you arrive, Charles helps you out of the car and into the elevator. As you ascend, the reality of your situation starts to sink in.
“Oh God,” you groan, leaning against the elevator wall. “What am I doing? I don’t even know you. For all I know, you could be a serial killer or something.”
Charles chuckles. “I promise I’m not a serial killer. Just a guy who couldn’t leave a crying bride on the street.”
The elevator doors open, and Charles leads you down the hallway to his apartment. As he fumbles with his keys, you sway on your feet, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up with you.
“Here we are,” Charles announces, pushing open the door. “Home sweet home.”
You step inside, taking in the stylish but comfortable living room. “Nice place. Very ... un-serial-killer-like.”
Charles laughs. “Thanks, I think. The spare room is just down the hall, but maybe we should get you some water first.”
He guides you to the kitchen, filling a glass with cool water. You accept it gratefully, gulping it down.
“Easy there,” Charles warns. “Small sips or you’ll make yourself sick.”
You nod, slowing down. As you finish the water, a wave of emotion washes over you. The events of the day come crashing back, and before you know it, you’re sobbing.
“Hey, hey,” Charles says softly, moving closer. “It’s okay. You’re safe here.”
Without thinking, you throw yourself into his arms, burying your face in his shirt. Charles stiffens for a moment, surprised, before wrapping his arms around you.
“I’m s-sorry,” you hiccup between sobs. “I’m getting your shirt all wet and snotty.”
You feel Charles’ chest rumble with a soft laugh. “Don’t worry about it. That’s what washing machines are for.”
He holds you as you cry, one hand rubbing soothing circles on your back. You cling to him, this kind stranger who’s shown you more compassion in one night than your fiancé did in years.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Charles asks gently.
You shake your head, still pressed against his chest. “Not yet. Maybe... maybe tomorrow.”
“Okay,” he says simply. “Whenever you’re ready.”
You stay like that for a while, your sobs gradually subsiding into quiet sniffles. Charles continues to hold you, his presence a comforting anchor in the storm of your emotions.
As your breathing evens out, exhaustion begins to overtake you. Your eyelids grow heavy, and you find yourself struggling to stay upright.
Charles seems to sense your fatigue. “Come on,” he says softly. “Let’s get you to bed.”
He leads you down the hallway to the spare room, supporting most of your weight as you stumble along. The room is simple but cozy, with a plush-looking bed that seems to call your name.
“There should be some spare pajamas in the dresser,” Charles says. “They might be a bit big, but they’ll be more comfortable than that dress.”
You nod sleepily, already fumbling with the zipper of your gown. Charles quickly turns away, a blush creeping up his neck.
“I’ll, uh, I’ll leave you to it,” he stammers. “Bathroom’s right across the hall if you need it. And I’ll be in the living room if you need anything, okay?”
“Okay,” you mumble, your eyes already half-closed. “Thank you, Charles. For everything.”
He smiles softly. “Goodnight. Sleep well.”
As the door closes behind him, you manage to slip out of your wedding dress and into a pair of soft sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. The bed feels like heaven as you sink into it, your body finally relaxing after the emotional roller coaster of the day.
But as you lie there in the dark, the silence allows your thoughts to creep back in. Memories of James, of the life you thought you’d have, of the future that’s now shattered. Tears begin to fall once more, soaking into the pillow.
Before you know it, you’re padding out to the living room, sniffling quietly. Charles looks up from his spot on the couch, concern etched on his face.
“Hey,” he says softly. “Can’t sleep?”
You shake your head, wrapping your arms around yourself. “Every time I close my eyes, I see ... I just ... I don’t want to be alone right now.”
Without a word, Charles opens his arms. You practically collapse onto the couch next to him, curling into his side. He wraps an arm around you, pulling you close.
“It’s okay,” he murmurs. “You’re not alone. I’m right here.”
You nod against his chest, fresh tears soaking into his shirt. Charles doesn’t seem to mind, just holds you tighter and begins to hum softly, a soothing melody that washes over you.
As you lie there, surrounded by the warmth and kindness of this virtual stranger, you feel something you haven’t felt all day: safe. The steady rhythm of Charles’ heartbeat and the gentle rise and fall of his chest lull you into a state of calm.
Your eyelids grow heavy once more, and this time, you don’t fight it. As you drift off to sleep, still wrapped in Charles’ arms and using his shirt as a makeshift tissue, your last coherent thought is a flicker of hope. Maybe, just maybe, tomorrow will be better.
The first rays of sunlight filter through the unfamiliar curtains, gently rousing you from your slumber. For a blissful moment, you’re disoriented, unaware of where you are or why your head feels like it’s been stuffed with cotton. Then, like a tidal wave, the memories of yesterday crash over you, bringing with them a fresh wave of pain and embarrassment.
You groan, burying your face in the pillow. How did you end up here? Slowly, fragments of the night before come back to you — a kind stranger, an offer of shelter, crying yourself to sleep on the stranger’s couch.
His name was Charles.
The smell of coffee and something deliciously savory wafts through the air, making your stomach growl despite the lingering nausea. Reluctantly, you drag yourself out of bed, wincing at your reflection in the mirror. Your hair is a tangled mess, mascara smudged under your eyes, and you’re wearing clothes that are decidedly not yours.
Taking a deep breath, you steel yourself to face your host. You pad quietly down the hallway, following the sounds of movement in the kitchen. As you round the corner, you see Charles standing at the stove, his back to you as he hums softly to himself.
You clear your throat softly. “Um, good morning.”
Charles turns, a warm smile lighting up his face. “Good morning! How are you feeling?”
You grimace, running a hand through your tangled hair. “Like I’ve been hit by a truck. Emotionally and physically.”
He chuckles sympathetically. “I bet. Here, sit down. Coffee?”
You nod gratefully, sinking into a chair at the small kitchen table. “Yes, please. And maybe some painkillers if you have them?”
“Coming right up,” Charles says, placing a steaming mug in front of you before rummaging in a drawer for the pills.
As you sip the coffee, relishing the warmth spreading through your body, Charles returns to the stove. “I hope you like omelets. I wasn’t sure what you’d be up for, but I figured eggs are usually a safe bet.”
“Omelets sound perfect,” you say, your stomach rumbling in agreement. “Thank you. For everything. I ... I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t found me last night.”
He waves off your thanks, sliding a plate in front of you. “No need to thank me. I’m just glad I could help.”
As Charles settles into the chair across from you with his own plate, a comfortable silence falls between you. You pick at your food, your appetite warring with the knot of anxiety in your stomach.
Finally, Charles breaks the silence. “So ... seems like yesterday is quite a story.”
You let out a humorless laugh. “A very long one.”
Charles’ green eyes meet yours, filled with gentle curiosity. “Care to share?”
You hesitate, pushing your food around your plate. Part of you wants to keep it all locked away, to pretend yesterday never happened. But another part of you is desperate to unburden yourself, to make sense of the whirlwind that turned your life upside down.
Taking a deep breath, you begin. “Well, yesterday was supposed to be my wedding day.”
Charles nods encouragingly. “I gathered as much from the dress. What happened?”
“I found out my fiancé — ex-fiancé now, I guess — has been cheating on me. Throughout our entire engagement.”
Charles winces. “Ouch. That’s ... I’m so sorry.”
You shrug, trying to appear nonchalant even as tears prick at your eyes. “Yeah, well. Apparently I’m great at picking them.”
“How did you find out?” Charles asks gently.
You laugh bitterly. “Oh, it was a real soap opera moment. His mother overheard him on the phone with the other woman, literally an hour before the ceremony. She told my mom, who told me, and ... well, you can imagine how that went down.”
Charles shakes his head, disbelief etched on his face. “That’s awful. What did you do?”
“I confronted him, of course. In front of all his groomsmen. It was ... not my finest moment. There was a lot of yelling, some crying, probably some mascara running. And then I just ... ran. In my wedding dress. Like some cliché runaway bride, except I had nowhere to run to.”
You pause, taking a sip of coffee to steady yourself. Charles remains silent, his face a mix of sympathy and something else — anger, maybe?
“I ended up in some bar I’d never been to before,” you continue. “Drank way too much, way too fast. And then I was stumbling around on the street, and ... well, you know the rest.”
Charles nods slowly, processing your story. “Wow. That’s ... that’s a hell of a day.”
You snort. “You can say that again.”
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that,” Charles says, reaching across the table to squeeze your hand gently. “No one deserves that kind of betrayal.”
His touch is warm and comforting, and you find yourself fighting back tears again. “Thanks. I just ... I feel so stupid. How did I not see it? We were together for five years. We were supposed to spend our lives together. And all this time ...”
“Hey,” Charles interrupts softly. “You’re not stupid. He’s the one who made the choice to betray your trust. That’s on him, not you.”
You nod, not entirely convinced but appreciating his words nonetheless. “I guess. It’s just ... where do I go from here? We had a whole life planned out. A home, careers, maybe kids someday. And now it’s all just ... gone.”
Charles is quiet for a moment, his brow furrowed in thought. “Maybe this is an opportunity.”
You look at him skeptically. “An opportunity? To what, have my heart ripped out and stomped on?”
He chuckles softly. “No, no. I mean ... look, I know it doesn’t feel like it now, but you’ve been given a chance to rewrite your story. To figure out what you really want, without having to consider someone else’s dreams or expectations.”
His words give you pause. You’d been so focused on what you’d lost, you hadn’t even considered what you might gain. “I ... I guess I never thought of it that way.”
“It’s okay if you’re not ready to see it as a positive yet,” Charles assures you. “Healing takes time. But I promise you, this isn’t the end of your story. It’s just the beginning of a new chapter.”
You manage a small smile, the first genuine one since yesterday morning. “Where did you learn to be so wise, huh?”
Charles grins, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Oh, you know. I moonlight as a philosopher when I’m not rescuing damsels in distress from the streets.”
You laugh, surprised by how good it feels. “My hero,” you tease.
As your laughter fades, a comfortable silence settles between you. You find yourself studying Charles, really looking at him for the first time. He’s handsome, in a boyish sort of way, with kind eyes and an easy smile. There’s something familiar about him, but you can’t quite place it.
“So,” you say, breaking the silence. “I’ve shared my tragic backstory. What about you? What’s your deal, Charles?”
He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “Oh, you know. Just your average guy.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Average guys don’t usually invite strange women in wedding dresses to stay the night. Unless ... oh God, you’re not married, are you? Did I just cause some poor woman to think her husband was cheating?”
Charles laughs, holding up his hands. “No, no, nothing like that. I’m very much single. And I promise, inviting strange women in wedding dresses to stay over is not a regular occurrence for me.”
“So what do you do, then? When you’re not playing knight in shining armor?”
A flicker of something crosses Charles’ face before he answers. “I’m ... in sports. Racing, actually.”
You nod, impressed. “Racing? Like, cars?”
“Formula 1,” he clarifies. “I’m a driver.”
Suddenly, it clicks. The familiarity, the nagging feeling that you’ve seen him before. Your eyes widen. “Oh my God. You’re Charles Leclerc. The Ferrari driver.”
He grins sheepishly. “Guilty as charged.”
You bury your face in your hands, mortified. “Oh God. Oh God. I cried all over a world-famous race car driver. I used your shirt as a tissue. This is ... this is so embarrassing.”
Charles reaches across the table, gently pulling your hands away from your face. “Hey, none of that. I’m just a person, like anyone else. And I meant what I said — I’m glad I could help.”
You peek at him through your fingers. “You’re sure? Because I’m pretty sure I got mascara and snot all over your probably very expensive shirt.”
He laughs, the sound warm and genuine. “I promise, it’s fine. The shirt will survive. I’m more concerned about you. How are you feeling now?”
You consider the question, taking stock of your emotional state. “Honestly? Still pretty awful. But ... maybe a little less awful than before. Thank you. Really. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t found me last night.”
Charles smiles softly. “I’m just glad I was in the right place at the right time. And hey, look at it this way — you’ve got a pretty unique story to tell now.”
You groan, but can’t help laughing. “Oh yeah, because drunk and crying in a wedding dress is exactly how I wanted to meet one of the best F1 drivers in the world.”
“One of the best?” Charles teases, clutching his chest in mock offense. “I’ll have you know I’m clearly the best.”
You roll your eyes, grinning despite yourself. “Oh, excuse me. I didn’t realize I was in the presence of such greatness.”
As you banter back and forth, you feel something shift inside you. The pain is still there, raw and aching, but it’s no longer all-consuming. For the first time since yesterday, you feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll be okay after all.
The roar of engines fills the air as you make your way through the bustling paddock, the excitement of race day palpable. You can’t help but smile, still amazed at how much your life has changed in the past few years. From runaway bride to Formula 1 WAG — it’s a plot twist you never saw coming.
“Mon cœur!” A familiar voice calls out. You turn to see Charles jogging towards you, his race suit tied around his waist. He grins as he reaches you, pulling you into a quick embrace.
“Hey, you,” you say, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready?”
Charles shrugs, his eyes twinkling. “I’ve got time. Besides, I needed my good luck charm.”
You roll your eyes fondly. “Flatterer. Go on, get back to work. I’ll be cheering you on from the garage.”
He steals one more kiss before heading back towards his team, leaving you shaking your head with a smile. As you turn to make your way to the Ferrari motorhome, a familiar face in the crowd stops you dead in your tracks.
Your ex-fiancé is standing just a few feet away, gawking at you with wide eyes. For a moment, you’re frozen, unsure how to react. It’s been years since you’ve seen him, since that disastrous almost-wedding day.
Before you can decide whether to acknowledge him or pretend you haven’t seen him, James is moving towards you, a strange mix of emotions playing across his face.
“Y/N?” He says, his voice tinged with disbelief. “Is that really you?”
You take a deep breath, steeling yourself. “Hello, James.”
He looks you up and down, taking in your sleek outfit and the VIP pass hanging around your neck. “Wow. You look ... different. What are you doing here?”
“I’m here with my partner,” you say simply, not feeling the need to elaborate.
James’ brow furrows. “Your partner? You mean like ... a business partner?”
You can’t help but laugh. “No, James. My partner. As in, the person I’m in a relationship with.”
His eyes widen comically. “You’re dating someone involved in Formula 1? Who?”
Before you can answer, a small group of fans approaches, their eyes lighting up as they spot you.
“Excuse me,” one of them says excitedly. “You’re Charles Leclerc’s girlfriend, right? Could we please get a picture?”
You smile warmly at them. “Of course!”
As you pose for photos with the fans, exchanging a few friendship bracelets as well, you can see James out of the corner of your eye. He’s standing there, mouth agape, looking like he’s been hit over the head with a frying pan.
Once the fans move on, James practically pounces on you. “Charles Leclerc? You’re dating Charles Leclerc? How ... when ... what?”
You sigh, already tired of this conversation. “Yes, Charles and I have been together for a while now. Is there something else you needed?”
He shakes his head, still looking dazed. “I just ... I can’t believe it. How did this happen?”
“It’s a long story,” you say, not particularly wanting to rehash your past with him. “One I don’t really have time to get into right now.”
James seems to ignore your hint, his eyes narrowing. “Come on, Y/N. You can’t expect me to believe that you’re actually dating one of the best F1 drivers in the world. What’s really going on here?”
You feel a flash of anger at his dismissive tone. “Excuse me?”
“I mean, no offense,” James continues, oblivious to your growing irritation, “but last I knew, you couldn’t tell the difference between F1 and NASCAR. Now you’re supposedly dating a Ferrari driver? It doesn’t add up.”
You clench your fists, trying to keep your cool. “People change. They grow. They learn new things. Not that it’s any of your business.”
He scoffs. “Right. So I’m supposed to believe that in the few years since our ... since we last saw each other, you’ve not only become an F1 expert but also managed to snag one of the most eligible bachelors in the sport? Come on, Y/N. What’s the real story? Are you some kind of ... I don’t know, brand ambassador or something?”
Before you can respond, a warm hand settles on the small of your back. You look up to see Charles standing beside you, his expression a mix of concern and confusion.
“Everything okay here, mon amour?” He asks, his eyes flicking between you and James.
James’ jaw drops even further, if that’s possible. He looks like he’s seen a ghost.
You lean into Charles’ side, drawing strength from his presence. “Charles, this is James. My ex-fiancé. James, this is Charles. My boyfriend.”
Charles’ eyebrows shoot up in recognition, but he recovers quickly, extending a hand to James. “Nice to meet you,” he says politely, though there’s a hint of steel in his voice.
James just stares at the offered hand, then back at you, then at Charles again. “This ... this is a joke, right? Some kind of prank?”
Charles drops his hand, frowning. “I assure you, it’s not a joke. Y/N and I have been together for over two years now.”
James shakes his head vehemently. “No. No way. This doesn’t make any sense. Y/N, what are you playing at?”
You feel your patience snap. “I’m not playing at anything. Charles and I are together. We’re happy. I’m sorry if that’s difficult for you to comprehend, but it’s the truth.”
“But ... but how?” James sputters. “How did this even happen?”
Charles tightens his arm around you, a small smirk playing at his lips. “Well, if you must know, I found her wandering the streets in a wedding dress, crying her eyes out because her fiancé was a cheating bastard.”
James blanches, his face turning an interesting shade of purple. “That’s ... that’s not ... you can’t just ...”
“Can’t what?” You challenge, feeling emboldened by Charles’ support. “Can’t move on? Can’t find happiness with someone who actually respects me? Can’t build a life that doesn’t revolve around you?”
A small crowd has started to gather, attracted by the rising voices and the presence of Charles Leclerc. You can see people whispering, phones discreetly pointed in your direction.
James seems to notice the attention too, his eyes darting around nervously. “Look, Y/N, I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing here, but-”
“It’s not a game,” you interrupt, your voice firm. “This is my life. A life I’m very happy with, I might add. Now, if you’ll excuse us, Charles has a race to prepare for.”
You start to turn away, but James grabs your arm. “Wait, just ... just tell me the truth. Is this some kind of revenge? Did you set this all up to get back at me?”
Charles tenses beside you, his eyes flashing dangerously. “I suggest you remove your hand,” he says, his voice low and controlled.
James lets go as if burned, taking a step back. “I just ... I don’t understand. How could you … with him?”
You take a deep breath, deciding to end this once and for all. “James, listen carefully because I’m only going to say this once. What happened between us was years ago. I’ve moved on. I’ve built a life I love, with a man I love. Your inability to believe that says far more about you than it does about me.”
You turn to Charles, softening your voice. “Come on, love. You need to get back to the team.”
Charles nods, pressing a kiss to your temple before addressing James one last time. “It was ... interesting meeting you. Enjoy the race.”
As you walk away, leaving a stunned James in your wake, you can’t help but let out a small laugh. “Well, that was ... something.”
Charles chuckles, squeezing your hand. “You handled that beautifully, mon cœur. Though I have to admit, I was tempted to deck him when he grabbed you.”
You lean into him, smiling. “My hero. But I think leaving him standing there like a fish out of water was far more satisfying.”
As you approach the Ferrari garage, you pause, turning to face Charles. “Thank you,” you say softly. “For being there, for backing me up. For ... everything, really.”
Charles cups your face gently, his green eyes full of love. “Always. You know I’ve got your back, just like you’ve always had mine.”
You stretch up on your toes, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “I love you, you know that?”
He grins, that boyish smile that never fails to make your heart skip a beat. “I love you too. Now, how about we go win a race, yeah?”
As you enter the garage hand in hand, the organized chaos of the team preparing for the race enveloping you, you can’t help but marvel at the twists and turns that led you here. From the lowest point of your life to the highest — all because a kind stranger couldn’t leave a crying bride on the street.
You squeeze Charles’ hand one more time before he heads off to his car. As you watch him go, you silently thank whatever twist of fate brought him into your life that night. The road hasn’t always been smooth, but you wouldn’t change a single moment of it.
After all, sometimes the best love stories start with a broken heart and end with a chequered flag.
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baby-yongbok · 3 days
Hwang Hyunjin x afab!Reader
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-`♡´- Genre - Smut - Boyfriend!Hyunjin x afab!Reader -`♡´- Word Count - 2.1k
“I need to kiss you.” He whispers down at you. “Need to have you close to me without these clothes. Just need you, baby.”
-`♡´- Warnings - Unprotected piv (condoms are fun, y'all), Themes of marriage -`♡´-Requested - Yes `♡´ No
✧ Masterlist ✧
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You learned quickly that Hyunjin is the human representation of a love bug. It’s nothing new to you, you’ve known him for years. He’s been your friend, your confidant, your crush and now he’s simply yours. 
You knew from observing his few past relationships that he wears his heart on his sleeve and will sometimes rip it off and offer it to you while blinding you with a smile. You knew that he was passionate and you loved it, you still do. 
“Darling.” Hyunjin’s arm wraps around your waist from behind. He startled you a bit, you’ve been standing by yourself on the sidelines of his best friend's wedding reception, barefoot with a glass of champagne that you’ve been sipping for way too long.
 “You seem like you’re ready to go.” He splays his long fingers over your stomach while his other hand runs down your arm. It’s been a long night, you’ve been dancing, singing, and tending to your needy boyfriend all evening. It seems that weddings activate the love bug in him.
“You’ve asked me that twice, Hyune.” You lean back into him, your head on his shoulder and your pretty eyes staring up into his. “You just want to get me home.”
“I can’t help it, baby.” His hand abandons your arm, leaving your goosebumps lonely on your skin as he takes the flute of bubbles from your hand and sets it on the table. “I can’t stop thinking about you. Doing this with you.”
“You want to marry me?” You turn in his hold, lacing your arms around his neck. “Shouldn’t that be a surprise?”
“You know that I’m going to marry you.” The two of you sway despite the blaring upbeat music filling the space. “How could I marry anyone else?” His hands glide over the fabric of your dress, taking in each dip and curve clumsily and calmly. His heart swells behind his ribcage as he stares down at your sweet smile.
“Why do you want to take me home so badly?” He feels up your back, bunching up the soft satin of your dress a bit before flattening it back. His hands run over your hips then wrap around your waist, pulling you so close to his chest that your heart could sing to his. 
“I need to kiss you.” He whispers down at you. “Need to have you close to me without these clothes. Just need you, baby.”
“Won’t it be rude to leave so early?” Hyunjin looks over towards the dance floor and catches the eye of Felix, his newly wed best friend. “Let’s ask, hm?”
He’s leading you behind him before you can protest. Felix meets him halfway with his now wife on his arm. “Are you two turning in for the night?” You smile over at his wife, Amina, and she gives you a knowing glance. This wouldn’t be the first time that Hyunjin whisked you away in the name of love. 
“Think so, is that alright?” The newlyweds smile over at your lover and he smiles back at them. “It’s expected, Hyune. I’m surprised you didn’t sweep her away sooner.” 
Hyunjin blushes at Amina and Felix pulls his friend into a hug. “You’re next, yeah?” Felix breaks the hug and Hyunjin’s arm is back around your waist in an instant. 
“Yeah, I think I am.” You say your good-byes, wishing the newlyweds a beautiful rest of their night and finding the rest of your group to bid your farewells. Hyunjin’s arm stayed around you the entire time. From the venue to the car then from the car to your front door where he kissed you like his life depended on it. 
The previously calm glide of his hands over your body was hurried now. His clumsy nature is consistent in his present touch. He fumbles with the straps of your dress in a  hurried attempt to free you from the garment. He stops himself once he fails to grasp  the second strap. Shining eyes stare at you through a darkening fog, admiring the woman before him like paint on a canvas.
“I’m sorry, I’m moving so fast.” He hooks a finger into the knot of his tie and pulls it. “I just - you’re just so…” He trails off, falling deeper into the sparkling haze. 
You stand across from him patiently waiting for his thoughts to manifest into words. You lean against the back of the couch, reaching down to take off your heels. He watches you as every emotion falls into place. “Enchanting. You’re everything.”
“You’re sweet, my love.” You beam at him, pulling him forward by his loosened tie and he happily falls into your lead. You wrap your arms around his waist and his hands cup your cheeks. “My love bug, what do you want? What do you need?”
“You.” He breathes and you inhale. “Just you, all that you’ll give. Just need to love you.”
“Then love me, Hyune.” He’s indulging in your taste instantly, gently and just as clumsily as before. His pink lips stamp love onto yours and you return to sender with a gentle hum. His eyes are closed, his heart is beating loudly in his ears and every thought rushing through his head sounds like you. 
“Please let me bring you to bed.” He mumbles against you and you nod into the kiss that follows. With some simple readjustments he’s sweeping your bare feet from the floor, carrying you like the bride you should be over to your shared bedroom.
He’s gentle as he sits you down and unzips the side of your dress. He peels the delicate satin off of you like a petal to a flower. He picks you apart in a gentle game of ‘does she love me’. 
You push his jacket from his shoulders, undressing him with the same tender intention. Once your dress pools around your ankles you step out of it, pushing it to the side with your foot before focusing on Hyunjin again. 
You unbutton his shirt, pressing kisses to the skin that peeks from between the fabric. His fingers dance along your bareskin the entire time that you undress him. Once he’s standing in his boxers before you something breaks within him. It might’ve been the way that you looked up at him. It might’ve been the way that you kissed his hip along the elastic of his underwear. He doesn’t know what did it but he knows that he has to love you, right now. He needs to have his arms wrapped around you and you wrapped around him right now or he’ll choke on the air in his lungs that doesn’t taste like you.
He’s pressing you into the mattress once your lips leave his skin, his hands wander the expanse of your stomach and thighs as he rolls over on his side, lips still on yours as he falls deeper into the sparkling haze that has your name. 
“Closer.” He mumbles, pressing the pads of his fingers firmer into your flesh as he pulls you flush against him. His lips run over the slope of your neck, pressing kisses to every inch that he can reach as he runs his length through your pooling slick. 
“Hyune, I wanna feel you.” His hips buck up against you at the sound of your begging. The head of his cock catches on your entrance and he almost slips in. Almost. “Please, my love.”
Hyunjin’s hands run over your hip, his fingers splay over the smooth flesh of your stomach and he’s pushing into you with a soft slow stroke and a groan to match. 
“Oh my- baby.” His eyes are shut tight as he reigns in every ounce of self control he’s ever possessed but it’s no use. He never fails to get lost in you. He can’t help but drown in the aura you provide him. You’re intoxicating, dizzying, enchanting. “ You make me feel so.. So good.”
He whispers against the shell of your ear as he pulls back carefully and sinks back in with an enraptured moan. Your hands run over the sheets and find purchase at different points before you reach back to hold onto your lover. He meets your wandering fingertips in a firm embrace, holding onto you like you’d vanish if he didn’t.
“More please, please.” A muffled groan is all you receive as Hyunjin picks up his pace. His face is buried in your hair, taking in the scent to keep himself grounded. Somehow you still give him butterflies after all of these years. Somehow being inside of you right now feels like the very first time. 
“God, baby, you sound so pretty.” Your head falls back onto his shoulder, eyes shut tight with your jaw hung slack in pure ecstasy. Wanton moans bounce off of the walls and fill the empty spaces between you two. Hyunjin’s touch is so soft, his movements so intentional that you can’t help but melt against him. “Look at me.”
You blink your eyes open, looking into his as his hips snap into yours. He hugs you into him, pulling you in impossibly close against his chest. “I love you.” Your eyes water as you look back into his. His brows furrowed with pleasure as you clench around him. His cock sinks into you slowly, pressing perfectly into the spot where you need him most. 
“ ‘M gonna marry you.” He brings his hand up to your face, caressing the soft skin of your neck and gently laying his hand over your pulse point. “Gonna make you my wife.”
“Hyunjin.” You pant a moan, tears welling up at the corners of your eyes as you get thrown into a whirlwind of emotions. “I love you too.” He accepts your profession with a groan as his hips rock into you faster. Your breath gets caught in your throat, your nails sink into the flesh of his hip once you reach back to ground yourself. 
“Tell me you’d say yes.” Your legs are tangled in a mess of trembling limbs. The sound of skin against skin is loud around you as he fucks into you harder. “Please, fucking please.” 
“Yes, yes, yes, I’d say it.” Your hand moves from his hip up to his hair. Your fingers tangle in the damp locks, pulling slightly to milk the prettiest moan from your lover's lips. “Only for you.”
“Only for me?” Hyunjin’s hips stutter, the sweet tingle of his release buzzes in his stomach. “You’re mine. My baby.”
“Yours, Hyune.” Your orgasm builds in time with his, your core trembles with the tension of the knot tightening. “Kiss me.” Your whispered words pull Hyunjin right in. He dips his head down, pressing his parted lips to yours in a slow yet heated kiss that makes you moan on contact. 
His lips move in perfect sync with yours. His hand cups your jaw and keeps you in place as he fucks into you like it’s his last chance to. Moans vibrate through the both of you as your orgasms climb your spines. He slips his tongue past your lips to meet yours in a greedy attempt to claim the sounds that you’re making just for him. He wants to taste your love off of the very tongue that spoke it to him.
“‘M gonna cum.” Your hurried whisper barely makes it past your busy lips but Hyunjin hears you loud and clear. “With me, cum with me.” He pants into your mouth, punctuating his sentence with a kiss and that’s all it takes to make you tumble. With a final snap of his hips against yours he’s burying himself deep into your cunt, falling over the edge with you.
“Oh oh, baby, fuck.” Hyunjin’s shaking against you and you against him. His arms wrap tight around your body as your cunt milks him for every drop he has to offer. “C’mere.” 
He turns your head, meeting your trembling lips with his own in a clumsy kiss. You grind down against him, riding your orgasm out as he rocks ever so slightly, giving you the last of himself. “I love you.” You whisper against his lips. “So much, I love you so much.”
He smiles into the kiss, his cheeks growing red with a sweet blush. “Don’t be shy now.” You pull back with a laugh and he groans with a smile. “You make me this way.” His arms wrap around you tighter and you fall into the comfort of the soft silence settling around you. 
“Do you really want to marry me?” Hyunjin hums, leaning in to kiss your cheek softly before following with another and another. “It’s my dream.” You smile into the shower of kisses, pressing back into him. 
“When are you proposing?” You joke, looking back at him with glimmering eyes and he finds himself getting worked up all over again. 
“What’re you doing tomorrow?”
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Flower divider made by @strangergraphics
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selfcarecap · 2 days
Sharing is caring
✧ Logan Howlett x reader x Peter Parker
✧ summary: Your new teammate Peter Parker has a huge crush on you, and your boyfriend Logan has always wanted to watch someone else fuck you. It’s Peter’s birthday and Logan decides to share.
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✧ warnings: smut 18+, mmf threesome, oral, unprotected piv, so much cum lol, Peter is very pathetic lmao (and not very experienced) and more of a sub, Logan is dominant and reader is dom-ish for Peter but sub-ish for Logan, little bit of say gex 😋 (oral, Logan receiving), pet names (my girl, good girl/boy, baby, bub), implied age gap (Peter is the youngest – didn’t mention a specific age but early 20s-ish, reader is a few years older, Logan is obv the oldest), Peter being a nerd, lots of teaching Peter (mostly how to go down on each other), also the fic starts with smut right away lol
✧ note: idek if anyone else is interested in this character constellation and needs it as much as i do but they’re my two biggest marvel crushes (in completely different ways) so i had to!!!!! like hellooo😵‍💫 and i really love this omg
✧ word count: 7.5k oops
You’re on top of Logan, riding him like your life depends on it. 
Logan’s so good in bed that you usually just let him pamper you; you both like it that way. It’s also what makes the times when you’re on top even more special. Your boyfriend is struggling not to cum in you yet, fingers indenting your hips where he’s grabbing you hard. 
“You feel so fucking good, baby, such a good girl,” he groans underneath you. 
You grin as you lean down to give him a sloppy kiss, pulling away before he’s done with you so you can resume bouncing up and down in his lap.
Logan slides his hand between your legs, beginning to rub your clit as he feels you clenching around him tighter. 
You’re so close.
You’re so fucked out that you barely register the door to your bedroom opening. 
“Hey, do you know if– oh god, sorry!” you hear Peter’s voice, and before you can catch a glimpse of him the door shuts with a bang.
It takes a few moments for your heartbeat to calm down and for you to realise what just happened. Peter walked in on you fucking your boyfriend. Innocent, nervous, adorable Peter Parker – new recruit at the mansion. You’ve only just barely befriended your new teammate and you’re not sure your friendship can handle him catching you like this.
You look down at Logan for the first time, only to see him smiling. 
“He did that on purpose,” he chuckles, hands still resting on your hips as if he’s ready for you to start right back up. You stay on top of him with his cock nestled deep inside you, pulsing, but you can’t get yourself to focus on the pleasure of it.
“He’d never do something like that on purpose. He’s way too innocent for that. He wasn’t meant to see us like that – I bet he’s traumatised!”
Logan laughs again, “Traumatised because he’s not the one fucking you maybe, sure.”
Your mouth hangs open at Logan’s accusation – Peter sees you as a friend, nothing more! You doubt he even thinks about sex, let alone about having sex with you. 
Rising to your knees, you let Logan slip out of you, his cock slapping against his abs with a dull, wet smack, a mix of his precum and your wetness smearing over his skin.
“What? We’re stopping cause of him?” Logan grabs your hand, “He’d get what he wants.”
“Logan,” you warn, somewhat seriously. He’s making Peter out to be someone he really isn’t.
He smiles, adjusting your hips so you’re hovering over him again, jerking his cock and positioning the tip at your entrance. You smile down at him – it’s hard to resist when he looks so good and your pussy is still wet and not yet satisfied.
“Peter did that on purpose, bub,” he repeats, breath becoming laboured as you sink down on him, “You’re not telling me you’ve been oblivious to his crush on you all this time, right?” 
You involuntarily clench your pussy around him, closing your eyes so you don’t have to face looking at him after that. But Logan’s smirking – you don’t have to open your eyes to know that; you can practically hear it. He jerks his hips under you, starting to fuck into you from below.
“Y’like that, baby? Spider-Man’s got a crush on my girl. You don’t know that?”
It almost feels like you’re cumming with how much wetter you get at his words, and you manage to open your eyes to climb off him properly this time, lying down next to him, burying your face into the pillow to hide.
“Noo,” you squeal, though it comes out muffled.
Logan slaps your ass, keeping his hand there to grab your flesh, “Uh-uh, baby. You can’t squeeze around my cock like that and then run away.”
You giggle, leaning up to look at him, “That was just because I was sitting on your big dick. It had nothing to do with Peter.”
“Suure, bub, sure. Can I keep fucking you then?”
You nod, scooting closer to him, both of you on your side. Logan hikes your leg over his hip and slowly thrusts into you as your limbs tangle together. He spits on his hand to rub your clit messily, the way he knows is enough when you were already this close to an orgasm just moments earlier.
“You’re the only one I want, Logan,” you tell him in a quiet voice, distracted by how good he feels inside you as he fucks you, playing with your puffy clit.
“I know that, baby, I know that. I know you’re my girl. My perfect, pretty girl. Doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy that someone else has a crush on you. Can’t expect Peter to be blind.”
You cum around his cock then, moaning into his skin as he fucks you through your orgasm, filling you with his own load seconds later.
Logan drops the topic of Peter while you cuddle afterwards, and it’s hard to keep thinking about it when you’ve got your gorgeous, beefy boyfriend next to you, your hand buried in his hair as you massage his scalp the way you know he likes.
It’s when Logan says he’s going downstairs to get you some water that you remember Peter.
“Tell him I’m sorry if you see him.”
“Sure, bub,” Logan says dismissively, kissing your knee with a teasing grin as he gets off the bed. You suppose he’s right – you have nothing to be sorry for. It’s Peter’s fault for walking in without knocking.
But you can’t help but feel bad. He’s an adult, only a few years your minor, but he seems so innocent. He likes you – you can agree with that. He admires you; that much is obvious too, but you don’t know if calling it a crush is an exaggeration. If Logan is right and Peter has a crush on you, you’re sure it’s nothing sexual.
Logan can sense Peter from a mile away. Peter is pacing up and down in the kitchen. Logan smiles at the floor as he enters the room.
Spider-Man’s face is flushed – whether it’s from embarrassment or arousal, Logan can’t tell. But the bulge in Peter’s sweatpants assures Logan that he was right in his assumption in the first place. He turns to the sink to pour a glass of water to take upstairs, giving Peter the time to adjust himself.
“My girl says she’s sorry,” Logan says in amusement, turning around, “Didn’t mean for you to see us like that.”
“What? I– no, I’m sorry. I should have knocked,” Peter stammers.
“That’s what I told her.”
Peter doesn’t reply, having a stare contest with the floor so that he doesn’t have to meet Logan’s eyes.
Logan chuckles, “So why’re you in the kitchen and not in your bedroom?”
Peter doesn’t miss the sexual implication. “I feel bad.”
“What, you think people don’t jerk off thinking about their crush just because that person is in a relationship? It’s just in your head, bub, you can do what you want.”
Peter looks up. It’s not that he feels bad towards Logan; he feels bad towards you. But if Logan thinks that way and you’re his girlfriend, maybe that means you share his opinion. Peter is too lost in thought to reply to Logan.
“Suit yourself,” Logan says as he leaves the kitchen. 
“Did you see him?” you ask Logan when he comes back.
“Yeah, said he’s sorry, he should have knocked.”
“And he didn’t seem disturbed?”
Logan laughs out loud at your question, “No, baby, don’t worry. He’s not disturbed. His only problem seemed to be how hard he was.”
Your mouth falls open, “Really?”
“Maybe he’s not as innocent as you thought after all, bub,” Logan smirks, pulling you closer.
That revelation turns you on more than you care to admit, to yourself or to Logan.
It’s Peter’s birthday a few weeks later and he’s happy as long as he gets to spend it with you. 
He’s not expecting you to get him anything, but you get him a Lego set that he’s been wanting for months. It’s something he’s mentioned to you only in passing and he can’t believe that you remembered.
You make it so hard for him to see you only as a friend when you’re this attentive. To be fair, he’d probably fall in love with anyone who gives him Lego, but he already liked you before. If only your boyfriend wasn’t the most attractive, masculine man in the entire world who, even though Peter’s confident in his skills, could probably maim Peter without any effort at all.
He’s not sure if it’s true, but you’ve told Peter that Logan is busy today, so he can’t join you for Peter’s birthday lunch. He introduces you to his friends and his aunt that have come to his small celebration, and he fantasises that surely some of them must think you and him have a thing going on. May definitely gives him a look when she sees how gorgeous you are, but she already knows all about Peter’s hopeless crush on you.
You kiss Peter’s cheek when everyone leaves, letting him blush in peace as you go up to your bedroom. 
You told him you’d watch a film with him tonight but you seem to have forgot. It’s evening already and he wouldn’t want you to stay up too long for him if you watched the film later. Even if you did forget, he’s grateful he got to spend the day with you.
He’s about to bring his best gift – the one you gave him – upstairs and to his room.
“You like it?” Logan’s voice sounds behind Peter.
“I love it. I’ve wanted this for ages,” he grins.
“I’m glad you appreciate it. She made me threaten a twelve-year-old over it. It was the last set they had at the store.”
Peter grows even fonder of you. He knows he must be blushing, but he also knows there’s no point in hiding it – not since the night he walked in on you and Logan having sex. He’s been hoping Logan didn’t tell you about their run-in afterwards, although he knows he can be a little obvious regardless. It’s hard to hide a crush as big as the one he has on you.
Logan clears his throat, folding his arms, all those muscles bulging, “I’m not the best with material gifts but I’ve got something else for you.”
“Yeah?” Peter’s wary. Logan and him aren’t exactly friends. He wasn’t even expecting you to give him a gift.
“I know you wanna fuck my girl.”
Peter gulps at Logan’s directness, starting to stammer out a few words that make no sense.
“Y’don’t have to deny it. Can’t blame you, can I? You wanna live out your fantasy?”
Peter finds it hard to imagine that this isn’t a trap or some sick joke. “No–no, of course not. She’s your girlfriend and I’d never, I mean, she’d never cheat on you and I’d never try anything. I respect you so much–”.
Logan cuts him off, “Calm down, bub. This isn’t a trick. I’m asking if you wanna fuck my girl for your birthday. We both had the idea,” Logan smiles, and he doesn’t have to wait for a verbal answer to know that Peter wants it – the gleam in his eyes tells him enough, “C’mon. She’s waiting in your room.”
Peter abandons the Lego box on the floor. He couldn’t care less if some student found it and took it for themself. Peter’s on his way to better things.
Peter doesn’t let himself believe it until Logan opens the door to his bedroom, and there you are. You’re sitting on his bed – something Peter has imagined many times but never even dreamt of seeing in reality – in the most gorgeous set of lingerie he’s ever seen (not that he’s seen many in real life… or any).
“Hi,” he waves awkwardly, unsure whether to try and hide his growing erection. You’re half-naked only a few feet away from him, and this is better than all of his wet dreams about you combined.
You’re grinning, first at Peter and then at Logan, who closes the door behind Peter.
Logan takes a step forward to bend down and kiss you. It’s a short but sloppy kiss, Logan’s hand resting on your cheek. He looks back, chuckling at how desperate Peter must already look, and sits down in the chair near the bed.
“Hope you don’t mind, I’ve made myself comfortable,” you bite your lip. Even your voice alone could make Peter cum.
“No no no, not at all. You look so gorgeous. I never thought I’d get to see someone look so sexy in real life.”
You giggle and it feels heavenly to be making you laugh like that. You lift your hand for him to take. He gasps when his hand touches yours, and you pull him to the bed with you. He feels like hyperventilating just from being so close to you in nothing but underwear. Peter wills himself to be strong; he can’t embarrass himself and cum right away.
“You know, Logan’s been trying to tell me for a while that you might have a tiny crush on me, and I didn’t believe it at first but…”
Peter laughs nervously before you can finish your sentence, but you don’t have to. Everyone in this room knows how much Peter likes you. All of Xavier’s school probably knows – teachers and students.
“Yeah,” Peter says weakly, cheeks hot.
 “Logan and I thought this could be a nice present for your birthday, if you want. Cause I think you’re cute too, and Logan doesn’t mind sharing me for one night.”
It hurts a little that you only find Peter cute, but he’ll take whatever he can get. Clearly he’s cute enough to fuck, and that’s all that really matters right now.
“Of course I want to, so what are we doing?” Peter doesn’t mean for it to come out so stupidly. He knows you’re going to have sex, he just doesn’t know the details.
“I’m gonna get you nice and hard first,” you say it with a smile, looking down at his lap, knowing exactly that he’s more than hard enough already, “and then Logan’s gonna join us and you can both fuck me at the same time. Does that sound alright?”
Peter grins. “More than alright. I don’t know if I’m gonna last long but I only need a few seconds before I can get hard again,” he tells you proudly, before he remembers that your boyfriend has healing abilities too, far more complex than Peter’s. You’re probably used to going endless rounds. Now he just feels a bit silly for admitting that he can’t last long. 
Peter turns to the side to face Logan. He’s manspreading, arms folded cockily in front of his chest, and it’s unnerving how a single person can ooze that much confidence. Although, if he looked like Logan and had a girlfriend like you, Peter’s sure he would be less insecure too.
“Have you had sex before?” you ask Peter all kindly, and he blushes thinking about the image of him you apparently have in your head. He’s not that experienced, but he’s not that innocent either.
“Yeah,” is all he manages to say at first.
“What have you done?” you ask him, gently resting your hand on his jaw, thumb trailing over Peter’s bottom lip. He stops himself from licking it.
“I’ve, uh, been inside of a woman before and I’ve, like, fingered her. My ex-girlfriend.”
You smile at the unnecessary piece of information, “That’s it? You’ve never had your dick sucked?”
Peter shakes his head, feeling like he’ll cum just from your words, “No, and I’ve never gone down on a woman.”
“You wanna?”
He nods his head so eagerly that it makes you giggle again.
“Maybe later,” you tell Peter, your hand dropping back to your lap.
“You can eat her pussy after I’ve cum in it,” Logan says with a smirk. You give him a look, turning to assure Peter.
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to do that.”
Peter looks between you two, “I don’t mind! I’m up for anything.”
You smile, moving to straddle him as you hum, “Good boy.”
He tenses underneath you, eyes screwed shut, and he can’t even enjoy the way he cums as soon as you settle on top of him, your hands on his shoulders. Hot embarrassment floods Peter’s body, and he feels like he might cry.
“Aw, it’s okay,” your voice is nothing but sweet with not even a hint of amusement, and Peter dares to open his eyes. Your face is inches away from his, and your closeness makes him feel less embarrassed.
“You like me that much, hm?” you continue, and Peter hears a quiet laugh from Logan, but he doesn’t care about his opinion, only yours, “I’m flattered you do. Glad you like your gift.”
“I really thought the lego set was my favourite present,” he says. This time he cracks a smile too as Logan and you giggle at his words.
“Let’s get you out of your clothes, okay?”
You get off Peter after he nods, pulling off his shirt. Peter stands up as you kneel in front of the bed to pull off his jeans, biting your lip when you feel how sticky his cum-stained boxers are.
“Look at what a mess you’ve made, baby. So cute.”
Peter swears you’ll stop associating that word with him by the end of the night, although he’s starting to like you calling him that. He takes one glance at you on your knees for him, and he has to look away in fear of cumming again immediately. 
“I know,” Logan tells him, and Peter sees then how hard he already is too. Peter can’t believe Logan gets you like this every night, but for now he smiles at him as they silently bond over how attracted to you they both are. It’s impossible not to be.
Logan’s eyes drift down to Peter’s hard cock, and you’re grinning back up at your boyfriend, “Look how big he is, baby. Almost the same size as you.” The joy in your voice makes Peter stand a little bit taller. He’s proud that you like his dick. It’s probably the proudest moment of his life thus far.
You pull Peter back on the bed, sitting down as you lean back against your hands, “You wanna unwrap your present?”
Peter nods, smiling at the goosebumps that erupt on your flesh as he pulls at the ribbon that you’ve wrapped around your waist. He leans over to place it on his nightstand – he’s keeping that forever.
When he sits down in front of you, the sweet smell of you hits him. He looks between your legs, and there’s a wet spot on your panties. All because of him? He keeps feeling prouder and prouder.
“Thought about this so many times. Jerked off at least three times every single day since I walked in on you two.”
You and Logan smile at each other. He asks Peter, “You did that on purpose?”
Peter doesn’t turn to face Logan, the blush that has only just subsided flaring back up. “N-no. Of course not.” He knows neither of you believe his lie. He couldn’t help himself.
“Don’t worry. She liked it too,” Logan informs him, and Peter’s eyes go wide.
“You’re a handsome boy, Pete,” you shrug, brushing your hand through his hair and he hums at the nickname.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks finally, cock already so hard he can barely think, and you haven’t even done anything yet.
“Go ahead,” Logan says, but Peter pays him no mind.
“I wasn’t asking you,” he says bravely, and your eyes go to those of your boyfriend as you raise your eyebrows.
“Told you he’s got it in him,” you say, pulling Peter close to press your plush lips to his. It’s like an explosion of endorphins, and Peter knows that from this moment on he can die happy. You pull him closer, kisses getting wetter as the sound of them takes over the room, and it’s the hottest thing Peter has ever experienced.
“Here,” you briefly pause, taking his hand and guiding it to the clasp of your bra at your back. He fiddles with it for a few seconds, and you want to give him a chance, but then the bed dips with the weight of Logan, and he opens your bra with ease.
Peter doesn’t know when he took his clothes off, but Logan is naked except for his boxers. He looks nowhere nearly as good as you, of course, but his muscles aren’t exactly an unwelcome sight.
“Isn’t my girl so pretty, Pete?” Logan asks, pulling the straps of your bra down your arms, taking off your bra.
“She’s gorgeous,” Peter rasps, “She’s perfect.” Logan hums in agreement.
Peter has imagined your tits too many times to count, and yet they’re even better than anything he’s fantasised about. He’s too nervous to touch you, but you take his shaky hands, putting them on your breasts.
“Oh my god,” Peter whispers, breathlessly cupping and squeezing at your tits as his cock leaks with precum. He sees you biting your lip as you look at his lap, and Logan takes Peter’s hands off your tits.
“Take off her underwear,” Logan commands as you smile at his words. You lift your hips, upper body leaning against Logan, and Peter pulls your panties down your legs. He throws them off the bed somewhere, hoping you won’t be able to find them again so that Peter can keep them forever.
He moans loudly when you spread your legs, and it’s a wonder that Peter doesn’t cum again just at the sight of your pussy. You’re perfect, and so wet, and he falls to his hands, in front of you on all fours.
“You want her mouth or her pussy first?” Logan asks, although you and him already know the answer.
“Wanna go down on you,” Peter says, unable to tear his eyes away from your pussy. You spread your legs further for him, and he looks up at you with the most adorable puppy eyes you’ve ever seen.
“You can,” you smile.
Peter inhales deeply when he squashes his face between your thighs, trying to burn the memory of how good you smell into his brain forever. 
He doesn’t have a technique, he just starts. You let out a soft moan when Peter licks up your entire pussy once; he moans too as he tastes you. He grabs your soft thighs, putting them over his shoulders as he lies down.
You give him a reassuring smile as he begins to eat you out, experimenting with different licks and kisses. You turn to your side to start kissing Logan, your hand holding his wrist as his arm drapes over your chest.
Peter licks greedily at your pussy, and you reach into Logan’s boxers to start stroking the hard length of him. Your hand is coated in his precum quickly, and he smiles into the kiss before he gently nips at your lip.
“You okay there, bub?” Logan pulls away to smirk at Peter. If you can still kiss Logan that well, then Peter isn’t doing a good job. You both look down to find Peter more focussed on grinding his cock against the bed rather than on eating you out. He blushes.
You reach out to touch his cheek, some of Logan’s precum from your hand wiping against Peter’s face, “you’re so cute.”
He doesn’t even register the word anymore.
“You want Logan to teach you?”
Peter nods, moving only minimally to make space for Logan next to him, both their wide shoulders knocking against each other’s (okay, Logan’s are slightly bigger). Logan huffs but doesn’t say anything, placing one of your legs over his shoulder and pressing your other knee up against your chest.
“Here’s how you do it,” Logan looks at Peter, bending down to press a sloppy kiss right against your clit, coating you in his spit before he begins to gently suck. You squirm immediately, and Peter can’t wait to try it out on you.
Logan pushes two fingers into your wet pussy, moving them in a way that you evidently like. Peter doesn’t know what to look at – your pretty face or your pretty pussy. Logan huffs next to him, “I know she looks good, kid, but you gotta focus if you wanna make her cum.”
Peter nods, watching Logan sucking on your clit and moving his fingers inside you.
“You can use your fingers to fuck her,” he explains.
“I know,” Peter says, his tone perhaps a little more petulant than what he was aiming for, “I just hadn’t gotten her consent to do that yet, so I didn’t.”
You smile at him, “you can do whatever you want to me, Pete.”  
And that’s all he’s ever wanted to hear in his life.
Logan nods at him, sitting back up, and Peter gets between your legs. He knows he’s got it easier now because Logan had his mouth on you for a bit, but it wouldn’t be fair otherwise. Logan is like an old man with loads of experience, and he probably gets to fuck you every night, so he has an unfair advantage.
Your boyfriend gets next to you, kissing you – and it’s all sensual and passionate and wet and Peter can’t help but stare for a few moments. Logan starts touching your tits, groping you and moving to gently play with your nipples.
You pull away from the kiss, a string of spit hanging between your and Logan’s mouth, “Pete?” you ask softly, but Peter can hear some desperation in your voice. He doesn’t need to be told twice.
First, he quickly licks your pussy just to get that heavenly taste in his mouth again, then settles on a more precise movement of his tongue. He circles your clit, hearing you sigh against Logan’s mouth, but Peter isn’t sure if he’s the one who evoked that sound.
He slides two fingers into your pussy, curling them how Logan showed him to. He’s stopped moving his mouth, too concentrated on looking at your face to see a reaction.
“That’s it, Peter, don’t stop,” you moan, pushing his head back down and he happily wraps his lips around your clit, fucking you gently with his fingers.
“Yeah, baby, he’s got you,” Logan says into your neck, “You’ve got her, right, Peter?” he asks all smugly.
“Mhhmmm,” Peter squeaks without taking his mouth off you, and the vibration of his voice seems to make you squirm a bit more. He decides to let himself moan the way he’s been wanting to the entire time, subtly grinding his hips into the bed beneath him as he eats you out and fucks you with his fingers.
You cum with a cry that makes Peter even prouder than he’s been all night, and he thinks he’ll savour the feeling of your thighs squeezing around his head for the rest of his life. He pushes his tongue into your pussy to taste as much of your arousal as he can, stopping when he feels your and Logan’s eyes on him.
“Did such a good job,” you tell him, and he grins proudly. He gets on his knees to lean up and kiss you. Your tongue slides into his mouth, and his heart skips a beat at the way you smile into the kiss. He’s in heaven.
“You wanna fuck me now?” you ask, and Peter’s eyes go wide as he sits up and gets back between your thighs.
“And I want you too,” you smile up at your boyfriend, pulling at the waistband of his boxers. Peter has no idea how Logan has this much self-restraint, watching as he gets off the bed and takes off his boxers with a grin. Peter sees how you drool at the sight of Logan’s big dick, and Peter feels his own mouth watering. 
“Here you go, baby. Gonna be a good girl for me, right? Gonna take my cock? You been waiting for this, hm?” Logan kneels next to you. He holds his cock over your face, lightly slapping the tip against your lips. Peter’s cock pulses against his abs. 
You nod wordlessly, wrapping your lips around your boyfriend’s huge cock. You pull off him only to spit on it, jerking off the lower half of him that’s harder to fit in your mouth. 
The wet sounds coming from you sucking Logan’s cock make Peter’s dick twitch as he spills a new load of precum. It lands on your thigh, getting your attention. 
Peter doesn’t know how you can spare a single moment away from Logan’s cock, but you pull your mouth off him, “You can start if you’re ready,” you smile at Peter. Both of you watch him as he pushes his cock inside you. 
Your warm, velvety walls suck his cock in unlike anything he’s ever felt before. Peter’s eyes flutter shut and he just stays like that for a few moments, the sound your mouth makes around Logan’s cock doesn’t make it easier for Peter. Even if you don’t seem to mind him cumming fast, he’s trying to prevent it, feeling so close again already.
He hears Logan huff out a laugh, and Peter opens his eyes. You’ve stopped going down on your boyfriend, looking at Peter all sweetly.
“It’s okay if you cum quickly, I did too at the start,” Logan confesses. It’s hard to imagine him – the epitome of virility – not being able to last long, even with someone as perfect as you, but it makes Peter feel better about himself, by a lot.
“I really don’t mind it, Pete,” you smile, and Peter nods. He looks down towards where you’re joined, your pussy stuffed with his cock. Even though you’re used to something even bigger, there’s an obvious strain, and you’re squeezing around him hard even when he’s not moving.
You and Logan watch as Peter starts to fuck you, your hand on your boyfriend’s cock, lazily jerking him off. Logan doesn’t seem to mind watching Peter pushing into you slowly. The two pairs of eyes make him feel more self-conscious, yet it’s also invigorating.
Peter clumsily rubs at your clit, at least attempting to focus on something other than how good he feels.
“You’re so tight, feel so good,” he mumbles, and you seem like you’re enjoying it too, back arched and hand faltering around Logan’s cock. You’re too distracted by Peter.
“Don’t stop,” you say quietly, evidently not there yet but Peter’s sure you feel good.
You share an intimate smile with Logan, and he tells Peter, “Doin’ a really good job with my girl. This is the only thing, bub..”
Logan tries to hide his smile as he grabs Peter’s hand to guide his fingers back to your clit from where they’d drifted off to your thigh, where he’d just been holding you. Peter’s cheeks turn red – or maybe they’ve been red the entire time – as he goes back to playing with your clit.
He doesn’t notice it, but a few seconds later he stops touching your clit again, too distracted by how good your pussy feels. Logan shoves his hand between your legs instead, making you moan as soon as he starts rubbing your clit in circles.
Your pussy spasms around Peter’s cock as you orgasm, and he can practically feel the pleasure flowing through you.
“Can I cum inside you?” The question comes too late to wait for an answer so Peter pulls out, cumming all over your belly in sticky ribbons as he jerks off desperately.
You bite your lip when he’s done, humming as you take some of Peter’s cum off your belly, pushing your finger between your lips. “Tastes so good,” you tell Peter, “Taste it.” 
You swipe some more on your finger, bringing your hand up to Peter’s face as you put your finger in his mouth. He wraps his lips around it hesitantly, smiling shyly when he tastes his own saltiness. Logan’s watching him too, cock still hard.
You gently nudge Peter’s head down towards your belly, and he smiles at you sweetly as his lips glide over your skin and he begins to lick up his own cum.
“Don’t swallow it all,” you say, your hand in his hair, lightly scratching his scalp. He nods obediently, keeping his mouth closed when he’s licked your skin clean.
“Here,” you open your mouth for him, pulling him up to your face. His eyes go wide when he realises what you want him to do, and he holds your chin as he spits his cum into your mouth. 
He was starting to worry a little because, even though he knows he has no problem getting hard after a first orgasm, it’s been a while since he’s gone three times in a row. But now his dick is so hard again that it almost hurts.
You stick out your tongue, showing Peter and Logan the cum mixed with your spit in your mouth. “Come taste him,” you look up at Logan with the sexiest smile anyone has ever smiled, and Peter feels his cock flex as he somehow gets even harder.
Logan rolls his eyes playfully, bending down to kiss you nevertheless. Some of Peter’s cum runs down your chin, and Logan pulls away from the kiss to lick it up. Peter thinks he really should start training his stamina with how close he is again just from this.
You still don’t swallow when Logan stops kissing you. “Come here,” you tell Peter, and he kneels next to you so you have him and Logan at either side, their dicks hard. You sit up a little, spitting the rest of Peter’s cum into your hand as you reach for Logan’s cock, starting to jerk him off. 
He gives you a fake annoyed look at you using Peter’s cum as lube, but it’s obvious he likes it, and it makes Peter reach out to his own cock to give it a few strokes – he can’t help himself.
“Haven’t made you cum yet,” you peer up at Logan, who puts a reassuring hand on your cheek.
“You know I don’t mind watching you two, bub,” he says, and your wide smile hints that Logan has told you something slightly different in private. He doesn’t just mind it, he loves it. Peter gets why Logan might find that hard to admit in front of someone else, something about conventions and possessiveness, but he’s glad that Logan decided to share. He’s glad that you want him.
You wrap your lips around Logan’s cock again. While you suck his cock, you stop Peter’s hand on his cock, jerking him off instead. You pull your lips off Logan, turning to suck Peter’s dick.
You switch between them a few times, the taste of their precum mixing in your mouth and dripping down to their balls when you suck their dicks. Peter particularly enjoys this, awaiting his turn eagerly every time. The head of his cock is swollen with lust against the inside of your cheek, and you turn to him to focus on him fully, letting him get lost in the feeling of fucking your warm, wet mouth.
You put your hand on Logan’s hip, guiding him down the bed. He smirks as he gets between your thighs, watching you suck another man’s cock as he starts to fuck you. He goes slowly first, letting you adjust to his size as you moan around Peter’s dick.
Logan watches Peter’s eyes flutter shut at the vibration of your voice. Logan knows you’re not just moaning because of him inside you though.
“You like that, baby, hm? Like sucking Peter’s cock?” you don’t take your mouth off him, but your sparkling eyes meet Logan’s. It’s a look of understanding. 
Logan is ready to cum, but he tries to draw it out. He can go endless rounds but the first orgasm is always the best. He wants to savour it, save it for a bit longer. He focusses instead on making you cum, fucking against your g-spot, almost making you see stars.
You moan around Peter’s cock when you cum again, and Logan almost submits, but he’s able to fuck you through your orgasm without cumming. Peter spills into your mouth as your cheeks hollow around him, sucking him deeper down your throat.
“Such a good girl,” Logan praises you until your pussy stops pulsing with an orgasm, and you give him a fucked out smile as Peter pulls his cock out of your mouth.
“My girl,” Logan adds, kissing you, and you sigh against his lips in pleasure.
You sit up to grab the water bottle from the side of Peter’s bed and take a sip. You pass it to Peter and Logan afterwards, and you don’t move back between them once you’ve put the bottle away, so they’re facing each other.
You sit on your knees, looking between them as they’re impatiently waiting for you to come back, both their cocks standing hard and proud against their abs.
You bite your lip, “Are you into men, Pete?”
Peter’s heart misses a beat and then happily continues drumming against his chest as he nods eagerly, although he’s not sure why it matters right now.
You share a brief silent exchange with Logan before your next words. “So is Logan,” you nod towards your boyfriend. You wait for them to catch on to what you’re saying, but Peter is too shy to and Logan is still contemplating. This wasn’t a part of the plan, but he can’t say he’s against it. He just didn’t know you wanted to see him with another man the way he wants to see you with one.
“Um, what now?” Peter asks with a nervous smile, ready to please.
You fight the urge to simply answer now you kiss, “You think you two are the only ones that get a show?”
Peter’s eyes widen slightly at your suggestion before they brighten. A shy yet excited smile takes over his features.
“You sure, baby?” Logan asks you. You bite your lip, nodding slowly. Logan smirks, because he knows that exact look and you haven’t been quite this horny all night yet.
“Only if you want to as well,” you tell him, and he doesn’t need to answer.
“This okay for you, bub?” Logan lowers his voice as he speaks to Peter. 
He replies through an eager nod, “yeah.” The word comes out as a whisper.
Logan smirks as he leans in, gently placing his big hand around Peter’s throat. He’s not squeezing, just holding him in place. You didn’t mind Peter being all squirmy when you kissed him, but Logan wants to keep him still.
You watch their cocks rub against each other’s abs as they get closer, strings of spit connecting their lips as they make out, tongues tangling in desperation.
It’s sloppy, the way they kiss, and you could watch them forever.
Logan pulls his lips from Peter’s with a wet sound, firmly patting his cheek, “Now get on your knees, bub.”
The command makes even your knees buckle, and you watch Peter happily drop to the carpet, kneeling between Logan’s spread legs as he moves to the edge of the bed. He beckons you over to his side, wrapping an arm around your waist and pressing a messy kiss to your mouth.
You know he’s close now, having denied himself an orgasm this long.
Peter wraps a greedy hand around the base of Logan’s cock, leaning in to press a few kisses to his dick. You and Logan watch him, you pulled closely against his side.
“You want me to show you what to do?” you ask Peter after a while of him not doing anything but kissing and licking. Peter nods quickly, “yes please,” and you kiss him after you sit down next to him, tasting your boyfriend’s precum and some of your own arousal on him.
“Think he’s almost there,” you tell Peter as you look up at Logan through your lashes, and he smirks.
“That’s not a problem,” Peter says quickly.
“Here, you can use your tongue,” you tell him, wrapping your hand around Logan’s cock as you take him into your mouth, tongue wet against the underside of him, “try it.”
You keep holding Logan’s cock as you pull off him, angling it towards Peter’s face. His face is flushed as he takes Logan’s dick in his mouth for the first time, sucking on the tip.
“That’s it, doing so good,” you brush your thumb over Peter’s cheek where it bulges when he takes Logan deeper. Your and Logan’s eyes on him make him nervous, and he pulls off to kiss you instead.
You make out with him for a few moments, letting him kiss you greedily and wetly, before you guide your mouths back to Logan’s cock. You and Peter part only minimally as you kiss either side of Logan’s dick, spit running down from your mouths to his balls as you share him.
“Feels so good,” Logan mumbles, all blissed out, watching his perfect, pretty girlfriend share his cock with another guy.
You see how close he is, slowly pulling your mouth off him and leaning your cheek against his knee as you watch Peter take your boyfriend’s cock into his mouth all by himself.
“Attaboy,” Logan says, placing a hand on the back of Peter’s head when he goes deeper, spit falling from his lips.
“Juuust like that,” you add, your praise spurring Peter on. Logan’s other hand goes to your cheek, absent-mindedly brushing over it with his finger as he holds your face.
Peter gets more confident when Logan’s breath stutters. He moans on Logan’s cock as he takes him as deep as he can, the wet sound from his mouth obscene. 
Logan’s hips jerk as his cock twitches in Peter’s mouth, and he cums down his throat in warm, sticky ropes of his load.
“Good boy,” Logan softly ruffles Peter’s hair when he’s done, and you lean in to kiss Peter, some of your boyfriend’s cum still fresh on his lip.
“Doesn’t my boyfriend taste good?” you ask against his lips, hardly breaking the kiss. You can hear the slick of spit and cum on Logan’s cock already as he jerks off again, to the sight of you two making out with his cum between you.
“He does,” Peter mumbles against the skin of your jaw, kissing down your neck.
“He tastes better than me?” you tease.
“No– no, you taste better than anything in the world.” And Peter means it.
You’re not done until hours later; you fuck until it’s the middle of the night. Earlier, Peter was ready to forgo his birthday movie night just so you can go to sleep on time, but he got something much better, even if it means you stayed up late for him. He can’t say he feels too bad.
Peter is tucked in, you and Logan at either side as you send each other loving glances over Peter’s head. You’re stroking Peter’s hair, basically cuddling him with how close you are.
“Hope you liked your present,” you tell him, pressing one last kiss against his lips as you smile at his sleepy expression.
“Best birthday ever,” Peter mumbles, before he drifts off into a peaceful sleep.
P.S. reblog + let me know your thoughts and Logan and Peter will appear in your bed tonight 🩷🫣
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nickfowlerrr · 2 days
right where i need you
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pairing: bucky barnes x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ only. smut. established relationship. fluff. unprotected sex in the kitchen - sorry not sorry. and not much else, really! if i’m forgetting something pls lmk.
words: 2.3k
notes: i haven’t stopped thinking about him in that damn white tank since i first saw it and honestly i don’t know if i ever will. here’s just some random smut for you, inspired ofc by said white tank, please enjoy. thank you in advance for reading and as always - reblogs and comments are welcome and so appreciated! let me know what you think. 🩵
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You can’t be held responsible for this.
It’s really not your fault.
He’s the one looking so…him.
It took one little look. And now here you are.
You’re not complaining! But when your phone starts ringing with texts in about fifteen minutes asking where you are and why you’re late, well… you can deal with that later.
You had padded down the hall, hair and makeup done and dress unzipped with your heels in your hand.
Did you really need his help to zip it up? No. But you can’t pass up the opportunity to feel his hands on you, even for a second.
He got home not too long ago so you know where you’ll find him, but he hasn’t come into the room to say hello, so you’re not exactly sure how you’ll find him.
You started considering skipping out on girls night the second you heard him come in without his usual greeting, and that is still definitely on the table. You haven’t been seeing him as often as either of you would like lately, and as much as you love your friends, you had brunch together last weekend, it’s not like it’s been ages… They wouldn’t be too upset, you’re sure.
You decided you’d make up your mind when you saw Bucky.
You find him exactly where you knew you would. He stands at the kitchen counter, his hair mussed, shirt discarded as he’s clad in his black pants and white under tank. He’s hunched over a bit and yet he still looks so big.
You smile wearily as you assess him from behind. He seems tense and tired and you can easily guess why. He’s been working nonstop for the past two weeks, you know he’s exhausted.
You walk closer to him and he turns to face you as you near his back.
He may be exhausted but damn he always manages to still look good. You’re almost envious of his natural allure.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he greets with a rumble as you reach out to touch him, your hand on his side as you step closer to him. His own find your waist as he pulls you in to hug you. “You look beautiful as ever,” he murmurs softly, holding you tighter than you’d expected.
“Hi, baby,” you ease back. It’s not a pet name you use often, but it slips so easily from your tongue as he holds you and you hug him back.
“Thought you woulda been gone already,” he says as you pull back from him, your eyes meeting as he keeps his hands on you.
“Not yet,” you say, “can you zip me?”
He smiles at you and you turn around, allowing him access to the zipper. He keeps a hand on your hip as he slowly works the zipper up the dress, taking his sweet time. Once he’s got it, he runs his big hand down your back and then settles it on your other hip, giving you a squeeze.
“Thank you,” you say, turning to face him once more, “So,” you broach, “how was your day?”
“Ah, we don’t need to talk about that right now,” he tries to brush off.
“Bucky,” you start to admonish before he interrupts you.
“Have I seen this dress before?” He asks as his hands wander along the fabric, his eyes following your every curve.
You sigh, letting it go for now, “No, it’s new.”
“Looks good on you,” he compliments.
“Thank you,” you smile with a titter.
He blinks at you, his eyes swimming with something you aren’t sure you can name as his big hands find your bottom.
“I’ve missed you so much, you know that?”
You nod, softening as you step closer to him, “I’ve been missing you, too.”
He gives your ass as squeeze as you lean into him and you don’t even realize you’re doing it as you let your gaze wander down his sturdy chest to where his tank top is still tucked into his pants. He’s so built and so big, you’re damn near obsessed. And God, you really have been missing him.
His warmth, his touch, his everything.
You only realize you were biting your lip as his thumb comes up to pull it from your teeth. And you only realize your hand has been drifting down his thick, strong torso when you brush the top of his pants.
You meet his eye and you need no other warning of what’s about to come as you see the longing there.
His hand is holding your face as he licks his lips without thought. His eyes drift from yours to your lips and then all at once he’s on you.
His kiss is fervent and hot as he leads you. You let him turn you as you’re entirely enraptured in his kiss. You don’t recognize the counter at your backside as you kiss him back until he lifts you up without warning. His strength is always so impressive to you as you yip and reach to hold onto him despite the fact you’re already sitting safely by the time you do.
Your legs spread enough to welcome him as he stands between them, your dress already ridden up your thick thighs. His kisses are incessant as he holds you, his hands and lips both wandering what belongs to him.
Your hands are in his thick, dark hair as he attacks your neck and you can’t help the moan that slips past your lips. You can feel his smile against your skin as he hears it, like music to his ears.
You pull him closer with your leg around him as he pushes up the material of your dress until it’s around your waist. His hands move higher and once he finds the top of your dress, he pulls it down too, taking your strapless bra with it. He unhooks it easily and tosses it aside while avoiding unzipping the dress for you.
His mouth is on your full breasts the moment he exposes them; licking, nipping, sucking at your nipples while your back arches and you moan at the feeling.
“Buck,” you eke out your plea, tugging at him.
He doesn’t stop but his hands do move down to undo his pants. He pulls away after a second and pushes them down enough to free his stiff cock. He pulls you closer to him and then drags your silky panties down, tossing them with your bra before he situates himself back between your spread legs.
The feeling of his hand on your bare thigh is enough to set you on fire. He squeezes the ample softness there as he feels you, letting his hand slide up your leg to hold your hip.
You’re definitely gonna be late now, but it really isn’t your fault. They can’t blame you. And even if they could, you don’t think you’d really care.
You’re pulled from your thoughts as you feel his cock head at your entrance.
“So wet,” he murmurs as he drags himself up and down your slit teasingly, earning a whimper from you. “I know, baby,” he chuckles, looking up to meet your puppy dog eyes, “I know. I’m gonna give it to ya, know exactly what you need, sweetheart,” he says, his words smooth as silk as he talks huskily.
He guides himself back to your slick entrance and right before he starts to push into you, he makes sure your eyes are on him, and of course they are.
You hold eye contact as he slowly moves into you, your lips parting on a gasp the deeper he goes. Your hands are messed in his hair again as your walls involuntarily squeeze his length inside of you.
“Fuck,” you breathe. You pull him closer, angling yourself to kiss him again as he slides the rest of the way into your tight pussy. He kisses you back just as fervently as before as he starts to pull out of you before thrusting right back in. His thick cock dragging perfectly along your tight walls as he fucks you. His hand tightens on your hip as you squeeze him again, his eyes squeezing shut as he moans in turn, but his pace never faltering.
You wrap your arms around his neck and press yourself to him as he holds your waist. His cock hitting deeper with his every thrust. You’re already on the brink of your orgasm as you bury your face in his neck, breathing him in as he fucks you in perfect time. His grunts and groans and moans fill your ears as your own spur him on.
“Missed you so fucking much,” he pants as he squeezes you again. You kiss his stubbled jaw, arching into him, “Missed you,” you mewl. You suddenly feel his thumb on your clit and you gasp out your moan.
“Bucky,” you cry, hands gripping his solid back.
“I got you, sweetheart,” he husks, “come on. Let go, baby. Come for me. Need to feel you come around my cock,” he grits, working your clit in tight circles as you clench around him, eyes squeezing shut and arms holding him ever tighter. “Need to feel you,” he begs a little quieter, almost as if he was talking to himself.
You can’t hold back any longer as his cock hits that special spot inside you once again while his thumb is ceaseless on your sensitive clit. Your face is in his neck as you quake against him, coming hard. Your body feels alight and electric, sparks of unadulterated pleasure shooting through you as you shudder and moan at the overwhelming feeling. Waves of ecstasy washing over you as you moan and whine in Bucky’s ear.
He doesn’t relent as he works you through your high and pushes himself closer to his own, praises for you and groans of his own pleasure sounding from him as he fucks you, making sure you feel every inch of him, his hands gripping your ass as he keeps you close.
Your walls pulsing around his length have him growling as he teeters on the edge of his orgasm, but it’s your soft moan in his ear as you hold onto him that really pushes him over the edge. You sound so pleased, so satisfied and debauched and it’s all because of him. It’s all for him.
You gasp as he comes inside you, curses of pleasure and your name on his tongue, his hot cum filling you up as he slows his thrusts. You feel his lips on your temple and then your cheek as he kisses you gently while he comes down. Your walls still squeezing him softly as you do the same until he finally pulls out of you, tucking himself away.
You hold his face in your hands, admiring him for a moment before you pull him closer for a kiss. He still stands between your legs as he lets you pull him further into you before you finally let him go.
“I’ve really missed you,” you murmur. “I know you’re off all next month, and we’ll be around each other, be able to make up for lost time,” you smirk coyly, “but,” you breathe, “still, I kinda just wanna stay here with you tonight.“
“Yeah?” he asks with a half smile, “what about girl’s night?”
“They’ll survive without me.”
“You really don’t have to cancel your plans for me, sweetheart,” he assures you, that look in his eye telling you more than his words. He doesn’t think you mean it, doesn’t want to seem like he wants you to stay just as badly as you want to… “I think I need some alone time, anyway,” he adds - now avoiding your eye as he speaks, and only fueling your previous suspicions as he fixes the top of your dress, taking a second before he wraps his arms around you. You let your own slide around his neck as he rests his head on your chest.
“I don’t think I believe you,” you reply easily with a kiss to his hair before you urge him back and get off the counter.
He watches you as you turn around, your back to him. “Unzip me?”
He does as you ask, after a few seconds.
You shimmy the dress off and don’t look back to him as you go for your phone set on the opposite counter. You shoot your friends a text letting them know not to expect you tonight as you feel Bucky at your back.
“You don’t have to stay for me,” he says again, even softer now.
You turn to face him, meeting his eye, “Tell me you want me to leave, and I will,” you say.
He bites his lip as he watches you intently, shaking his head a bit before he speaks, “I can’t.”
“Didn’t think so,” you smile triumphantly.
You take his hand in yours and pull him out of the kitchen, down the hall to your shared bedroom. He follows with no complaint.
“You shower, I’ll clean myself up a bit, then cuddles and talking, and then… round two?”
“And three,” he agrees, pulling your naked body against his still clothed one before he kisses you again. “And dinner somewhere in between.”
“Sounds good,” you smile against his lips. “The usual?”
He nods, “I’ll call it in when we get outta the shower.”
“We?” you quirk a brow, noticing the twinkle of mischief in his bright blue eyes just a moment too late.
You yelp as he picks you up effortlessly in his inhumanly strong arms, his mirthful chuckle sending butterflies alight in your belly as he smiles that charming smile at you.
“We,” he confirms, walking you both into the bathroom, with no complaint from you as you relax in his hold.
God, have you missed this.
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solxamber · 2 days
may i ask for a colorblind reader with the housewardens? how did they find out? what did they think?
Dormleaders + Jamil x Colorblind reader
Thank you for the request <3 I hope you like it! I added Jamil, (and Grim because I miss my kitty)
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It’s during a Heartslabyul painting session when Riddle first notices something odd. “Why is that rose blue? The Queen of Hearts distinctly says red!” he scolds, eyebrows twitching. You tilt your head, confused, “Uh, Riddle, that is red…”
Cue Riddle's brain short-circuiting for a moment. After a quick, awkward silence, he pieces it together. “Wait… are you colorblind?” His face flushes as he suddenly feels guilty for yelling.
After that, he takes his rules just as seriously, but with an added note of gentleness when it comes to you. He even gives lectures on colors—but now with carefully labeled markers.
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Leona doesn't catch on right away. You’re sitting together one afternoon when you say, “I really like that purple cushion.” Leona, half-asleep, cracks an eye open, glances at the 'green' cushion, and raises an eyebrow. “That’s not purple.”
You shrug. “Looks purple to me.” It takes him a second to process, but when he does, he snickers. “You can’t tell colors apart, can you?” You scowl, “Don’t laugh!” He stretches out lazily and pats your head.
“Guess I’ll be your eyes for colors now, huh? Lucky for you, I’m generous like that.” His teasing never quite stops, but it’s always accompanied by a hint of warmth.
When you're shopping or something, he’ll casually point out the colors you’re unsure of, pretending it’s no big deal.
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Azul figures it out when you mislabel the colors of several Mostro Lounge drinks. “They asked for a blue drink special, and you gave them… green,” he says, rubbing his temples in exasperation. “Blue, green—what’s the difference?” you quip back.
He freezes for a moment before he gasps dramatically. “You’re colorblind?” His immediate reaction is to offer you a deal, of course—"Would you like a special pair of enchanted glasses for a modest fee?” But once you decline his contracts, he starts subtly helping you behind the scenes.
If he sees you hesitating between colors, he’ll casually say, “This one complements you better,” acting like it’s a mere suggestion—but really, it’s Azul being helpful in his own way.
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Kalim finds out when you tell him his outfit looks great today… even though he’s wearing the most blindingly mismatched colors possible. “You really like it?” Kalim beams, bouncing on his toes. You nod enthusiastically. “Yeah, the pink and green look awesome together!”
Jamil, standing in the background, pinches the bridge of his nose while Kalim laughs. “I didn’t know you were colorblind!” Kalim exclaims, completely thrilled.
From that day on, he asks about how you see colors all the time, fascinated by the idea. Kalim often picks out colors for you, but with his unique sense of fashion, you’re not sure if it actually helps.
“Don’t worry,” he’ll say, “We’ll be the most colorful people around!”
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Jamil, ever observant, figures it out when you help him with cooking. You pass him the “red” spice, and he just stares at the yellow jar in your hand for a long moment. “That’s… not red.”
His eyes narrow as the realization dawns. “Oh, I see now.”
From then on, he never explicitly mentions it, but he quietly organizes everything by labeling colors in the kitchen and keeping your clothing outfits coordinated whenever Kalim gets a little too enthusiastic with patterns.
When you thank him, he just shrugs. “It’s easier this way,” he says, but there’s a tiny smile hiding at the corners of his mouth.
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You’re getting ready for a formal event, and Vil is helping you choose an outfit. You confidently put on a green tie with a blue suit, thinking they match perfectly.
Vil’s horrified gasp echoes through the room. “Absolutely not! Darling, that tie and suit clash horrendously.” You’re confused, pointing at the tie, “But… isn’t it blue?”
Vil’s face softens, and he places his hands on your shoulders. “Oh, darling, you’re colorblind?” He lets out an exaggerated sigh, but there’s affection in his eyes. “Leave everything to me.”
From that moment on, he takes it upon himself to make sure you’re always dressed to perfection, never missing an opportunity to gently roast you while handing you the proper outfit. “You’ll thank me when you don’t look like a rainbow disaster.”
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Idia: The Awkward Supporter
Idia finds out during a gaming session when you misidentify the red team as blue. “Wait, what do you mean they’re blue? They’re definitely red,” he mutters under his breath before suddenly pausing and looking over at you through his screen. “…Wait, you’re colorblind?”
When you confirm it, he gives a little chuckle. “Heh, that’s kinda… cool, I guess? Like, you’re playing in hard mode or something.” Afterward, Idia makes a bunch of jokes about your “colorblind powers,” but it’s his way of helping you feel at ease.
Sometimes he’ll even hack the game settings to make colors easier for you. “Don’t worry,” he mumbles, “I’ve got you covered.”
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Malleus: The Curious Protector
Malleus notices when you incorrectly comment on a sunset’s “beautiful purple sky.” He tilts his head in confusion, looking at the undeniably orange horizon. “Purple?” You nod enthusiastically, and that’s when he realizes.
“Ah, you must be colorblind.” Malleus is intrigued by your condition, finding it fascinating and charming in equal measure. “Do not fret,” he says one day, after you tell him about a color-mixup, “I will make sure you are never at a disadvantage.”
His magic subtly aids you in little ways—enchanting objects with runes that glow different shades you can differentiate.
When you ask if that’s necessary, he only smiles mysteriously. “It’s simply one of the many ways I will ensure you are always comfortable in my presence.”
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Grim finds out one day while the two of you are drawing up plans for your next big adventure. You ask for the "red crayon," and Grim, the almighty genius, hands you the purple one.
“Hey, why’d you give me purple? I said red.” Grim stops and looks at you like you just grew a second head. “That is red, henchman!” You two proceed to bicker back and forth until Grim finally realizes what’s going on.
“Wait a minute, you can’t see colors properly? That’s why you’re so bad at picking out tuna cans! No wonder!”
After that, he insists on “helping” you with colors, though it often devolves into him loudly declaring his superior knowledge.
"Lucky for you, you have the Great Grim around to keep you from looking like a mess!"
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kachowden · 3 days
I know I should be posting my drafts but I literally can’t get the idea of a yandere or obsessive crush out of my head.
Like he’s Mr Cool Guy, Mr Popular whatever. He’s a model student, kindhearted, athletic, smart the whole package. Perfect Goodboy type right? He’s literally Mr.Perfect.
And I’m personally biased to the narrative of having a crush on him, just like half the campus. Maybe the only difference being, he actually gives a damn about you. Mr.Perfect could be a facade, or maybe you just bring the crazy out of him, but he cannot stop thinking about you. You’re different. Manor y/n moment.
Everyday it’s always wandering eyes, and quick smiles. He always seems to linger somewhere nearby, and you think he’s none the wiser. And you’re not gonna complain right? You’re just some kid in the halls, another face in the crowd. And now you get to enjoy seeing the guy you’re in love with on a regular basis.
Despite your own thoughts though, he never fails to call out to you, or greet you in passing. If there’s an empty seat beside you, somehow he always ends up in. If there’s a snack you wanted from the vending machine, suddenly he has an extra.
You just think it’s good luck. But it’s not. Mr.Perfect plans it all. You’re never too far from him, never too out of reach. His schedule aligns with yours almost flawlessly. Almost. Maybe there’s one class you don’t share. And it’s the one class where his friends/clique notice a significant change in behavior. Still polite, still perfect. But more reserved. Less outgoing. They think it’s just a simple dislike for the subject, or maybe the teacher.
But it’s just you. His perfect little crush.
Mr.Perfect might become a recurring character tbh..
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its-avalon-08 · 3 days
Hi. I was thinking of something with Lando Norris where Lando has been secretive and hiding his phone and everything and reader thinks he's cheating on her and feels miserable thinking she's not enough. And when she asks Lando about it he feels extremely guilty because he was actually planning to PROPOSE!!
new passwords and new surnames (ln4)
✦ pairing - lando norris x female!reader
✦ genre - angst, miscommunication, tears, fluff
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Y/N sat on the couch, her knees pulled to her chest as she absentmindedly scrolled through social media. Her heart wasn’t in it, not really. It hadn’t been for weeks now. She couldn't help but replay the small, almost imperceptible changes in Lando's behavior that had slowly eroded her peace of mind.
It started so innocently. One night, while they were lying in bed, she noticed Lando's phone screen light up with a notification. His hand shot out faster than usual to grab it, turning it face-down. He flashed her a smile, that easy-going grin she adored, but something was off.
"You okay?" she had asked then, her voice soft and questioning.
"Yeah, love. Just a text from the team. Nothing important." He kissed her forehead, his lips lingering a little longer than necessary as if to erase any doubt. But the doubt had settled in that moment and had been growing ever since.
Tonight, it was all too much. The weight of uncertainty sat on her chest like a heavy stone. She couldn’t ignore how distant Lando had been lately. He changed the password on his phone, something he hadn’t done in years. When they were out together, he'd tuck his phone away whenever she got close or make some excuse to leave the room to answer calls. He laughed it off when she asked why he was being so secretive.
And she wanted to believe him. Desperately. But each time, the gnawing ache in her gut got worse. She wasn't paranoid—she was trying not to be. But the constant second-guessing was eating her alive.
"What if he's seeing someone else?" The thought pierced through her mind, sharper and more painful every time she allowed it to surface. She hated herself for even thinking it, but she couldn’t stop.
Y/N blinked, her vision blurring as tears welled up. She swallowed the lump in her throat, willing herself not to cry. Not yet.
She replayed another moment in her head. A few days ago, Lando had left for a race weekend. He’d been unusually flustered before leaving, fumbling around their shared apartment, misplacing his keys and wallet, which wasn’t like him. He barely looked her in the eyes when he kissed her goodbye, murmuring a quick, "Love you," before disappearing out the door. And later that night, when she texted him, he responded hours later with a vague, "Sorry, busy."
“Busy with what?” she whispered aloud to herself, the silence of the apartment engulfing her. Her mind filled with images of him with someone else—someone better, someone who wasn’t her.
She wasn’t enough, was she?
The thought felt like a punch to her gut. Maybe I’m not interesting anymore. Maybe he found someone who gets him better. Lando was famous, rich, and could have anyone he wanted. She wasn’t special. Not in the way some gorgeous model or influencer could be.
Y/N shifted on the couch, pressing her palms against her forehead, trying to stop the spiraling thoughts. I should ask him. No, I can’t. What if I’m wrong? What if he’s not cheating? The internal debate was killing her.
Suddenly, she heard the familiar jingle of keys at the door. Her stomach dropped. Lando was home.
He walked into the living room, looking tired but smiling at her, his blue eyes lighting up in that way that used to make her heart race. Now, all she felt was a deep ache.
"Hey, babe," he said, leaning down to kiss her cheek. "Miss me?"
She nodded but couldn't bring herself to meet his eyes. Instead, she fixed her gaze on her hands, now trembling slightly in her lap. "Yeah. How was the day?"
"Busy as hell. Meetings, more meetings, and then training," he chuckled lightly. "I could use a beer."
She nodded again, offering a weak smile. "I'll grab it for you." She needed to move, to do anything to avoid this unbearable tension.
As she stood up, her phone buzzed on the coffee table. Lando’s eyes darted to it, but his expression remained calm. He watched as she crossed the room to grab his beer from the fridge, her movements stiff and robotic. The distance between them felt like an ocean.
Her hands were cold when she handed him the drink, and for a moment, she debated whether to say anything. Should she ask him now? Her heart raced with anxiety as she stood awkwardly, her fingers gripping the fabric of her shirt as though it could keep her from unraveling completely.
She took a shaky breath and finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper, “Lando… is there something going on? Something you're not telling me?"
He froze, his hand halfway to his mouth, beer bottle in hand. His eyes flickered with surprise, maybe even guilt, and that tiny moment of hesitation broke her. She saw it, clear as day.
“What do you mean?” His voice was cautious, like he was trying to tread lightly.
Y/N swallowed hard. “You’ve been so secretive lately. You’re hiding your phone, leaving the room to take calls. You changed your password… You—” her voice cracked, the vulnerability bleeding through. “You’ve never done that before.”
Lando set his beer down on the table, his expression shifting from surprise to something darker. “Y/N, no—”
“I can’t keep ignoring it!” she interrupted, her voice louder now, the emotion bubbling up uncontrollably. “I’m trying to be calm, I’m trying to trust you, but it feels like you’re hiding something from me! And I—” She paused, taking a sharp breath as tears threatened to spill over. “I keep wondering if… if I’m not enough for you anymore.”
Lando’s eyes widened in horror, and for a moment, he looked like he was about to say something, but she kept going.
“Am I losing you, Lando? Is there someone else? Because if there is, just tell me, okay? I don’t think I can take this anymore. I feel like I’m going crazy.”
The tears finally slipped down her cheeks, and she quickly wiped them away, frustrated with herself for breaking like this in front of him. But she couldn’t hold it in any longer. It had been eating her alive.
Lando stood frozen, his mouth slightly open as if trying to form words, but nothing came out. Guilt flooded his features, and Y/N’s heart shattered a little more seeing it.
She had been right all along, hadn’t she?
And now, she was about to lose him.
Chapter Two: The Unveiling
Lando took a step closer, his expression shifting from shock to concern as he reached out, brushing his thumb against her cheek to catch a tear. “Y/N, no… You’re everything to me. I would never cheat on you. I promise. It’s just…” He hesitated, his eyes searching hers as if trying to find the right words. “It’s just been a lot.”
She looked away, trying to compose herself, but the knot in her throat tightened. “Then why all the secrecy? Why the phone? I feel like I’m losing my mind here.”
His gaze softened, and he took a deep breath. “I know I’ve been distant, but please, let me explain. It’s not what you think. I’ve just been… planning something.”
“Planning what?” Her voice cracked, the confusion mixing with the hurt that had been building for weeks. “What could possibly require all this secrecy?”
Lando stepped back, taking her hands in his, squeezing them tightly as if grounding himself. “Y/N, I’ve been trying to plan the perfect way to ask you something. And I thought… I thought if I could surprise you, it would be amazing.”
Her heart raced. “What do you mean?”
He paused, his eyes shining with emotion. “I wanted to propose to you, but I didn’t want to ruin the surprise. I thought I could keep it under wraps until the right moment. I was going to do it this weekend, and I’ve just been so caught up in making it perfect that I didn’t realize how my actions were affecting you.”
Y/N’s breath hitched, her mind spinning as she tried to process his words. “You… you wanted to propose?”
“Yes!” Lando exclaimed, his voice a mixture of relief and excitement. “I love you, Y/N, and I want to spend my life with you. I just got so caught up in the planning that I forgot how important it is to communicate. I never wanted you to feel this way.”
Her heart fluttered at his words, but the hurt still lingered. “But you were hiding things from me, Lando. It felt like you were pushing me away.”
“I know, and I’m so sorry,” he said, his voice earnest. “I was being an idiot. I didn’t want to ruin the surprise, but I ended up making everything worse.” He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. “I should have trusted you enough to share this with you. I didn’t want you to feel like you weren’t enough, because you are everything to me.”
Y/N’s heart softened at his sincerity, but the tears still streamed down her face. “You’re really serious about this?”
“More than anything,” he said, his voice trembling with emotion. “You deserve to know how much I love you, and I should’ve told you sooner. You make me a better person, and I can’t imagine my life without you.”
Just as Y/N was beginning to comprehend the gravity of his words, Lando knelt down on one knee, taking a small velvet box from his pocket. Her heart raced, and her breath caught in her throat as she realized what was happening.
“Y/N,” he said, looking up at her with all the sincerity in the world. “Will you marry me? Will you be my partner in this wild life? I promise to never hide anything from you again. I want us to share everything, no more secrets.”
For a moment, time stood still. The world around them faded, and all that mattered was the two of them in this small living room filled with unspoken fears and newfound hope. She looked into his eyes, and all she saw was love—pure, unwavering love.
“I—” she began, her voice breaking as more tears slipped down her cheeks. “I thought I was losing you, Lando. I thought I wasn’t enough.”
“You’re more than enough, Y/N,” he said, his voice steady. “You’re everything to me. So, what do you say?”
She blinked, her heart swelling as she finally let the reality of his proposal sink in. “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!”
Lando’s face broke into a huge smile as he slipped the ring onto her finger, a beautiful band that sparkled in the soft light. She gasped, lifting her hand to get a better look. It was perfect—simple, elegant, just like the love they shared.
“Really? You mean it?” he asked, rising to his feet, his eyes shining with joy.
“Yes!” she exclaimed, laughter spilling from her lips as she hugged him tightly. “I can’t believe you were hiding this from me!”
“I know, I know,” he chuckled, holding her close. “I’m so sorry for everything. I promise to do better.”
As they pulled away, she looked into his eyes, the weight of her earlier fears lifting. “Just promise me one thing, Lando.”
“Anything,” he replied, his gaze intense.
“From now on, no more secrets, okay? We talk about everything.”
“Deal,” he said, grinning. “I can’t wait to spend forever with you, love.”
With that, they embraced again, the tension that had filled their apartment melting away, leaving only the warmth of their love and the promise of a beautiful future together.
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moonstruckme · 2 days
Hi! If you are still accepting requests would you be ok with writing something with poly emt or doctor rem where your tampon string breaks? (I heard that actually happens and vowed to never use them like God that's terrifying)
Hi lovely thanks for your request and it’s also important to me that you know this is extremely (extremely) rare so I hope you’re not too freaked out! Ly <3
cw: non-sexual nudity (full disclosure, he puts his fingers in her so potential sa trigger though to be clear there's nothing even slightly malicious about it)
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 692 words
You stare down at the white braid of thread in your hand and try to take a deep breath. 
“How is it possible that I have no socks?” Remus opens the bathroom door, going to the mirror and frowning as he combs down a couple errant pieces of hair with his fingers. It’s normal for him to come in without knocking, you’re far past the point of being pee shy around him, but this morning you’re horrified at the intrusion. “I swear I’m always buying socks. Do you think you have any pairs that might fit me, lovely? I need some to wear to work.” 
“Remus,” you say. 
You try not to be alarming, but Remus is perceptive and he’s alarmed nonetheless. He turns to you with a wary expression. 
You hold up your severed string feebly. “I’ve lost my tampon.” 
“Oh.” He blinks, eyebrows lifting. “Okay. In…where?” 
“In me.” 
“Have you tried to get it out?”
You nod, feeling the burning of panicked tears in your eyes. “I can’t find it.” 
“Okay, that’s alright.” Remus hesitates for only a second before opening the cabinet and grabbing a towel. “I can get it for you. Let’s go to the bed.” 
You don’t move. “What if we can’t get it?” 
Remus stops in the doorway. Doubles back. “Hey,” he says softly, taking your hand and bending to look you in the eyes. “We’ll get it out, sweetheart. You’re not the first person this has happened to, and it’s not my first time dealing with it. Come with me, okay?” 
You follow him tentatively. Your boyfriend has the momentum of a man with a plan. You watch as he unfolds the towel partway towards the end of the bed, smoothing it out. “Climb up here for me.” 
You go where he tells you, sitting atop the towel and waiting awkwardly for your next instructions. You’ve really no clue what to do. 
Remus offers you a gentle smile. “Don’t think this will do us much good,” he says, pulling the tampon string from between your fingers. You hadn’t realized you’d still been holding onto it. “How long has it been in for?” 
“Overnight,” you answer quietly. “More than eight hours is bad, right?” 
“It’s probably fine,” he assures you. “It increases your risk for infection, but we’d know if anything had set in. I’m going to get it out, alright? You trust me?” 
You nibble your lip. “Okay.” 
“Okay, sweetheart. Lay down, try to relax.” 
You lay on your back, folding your hands on your stomach, and try not to cry. It’s not that you’re worried Remus will hurt you, or even that you’re uncomfortable with him feeling around for your tampon—you’ve been in far more compromising positions with him—just that this unforeseen and horrific development feels like a lot to adjust to after just waking up. This is not how you were expecting your morning to go. 
Remus folds one of your legs up higher (“Can you keep this here for me please, lovely?”) and soothes his hand over your hip while his other one sweeps a slow, searching circle inside you. 
“Found it,” he says. “Hold still for just a bit longer, I’ve almost…got it.” He emerges victorious, your tampon held proudly between two fingers. “See? Not so dire.” 
“Oh my god.” Your relief is immense, bigger than words. A tear slips out when you close your eyes. “Thank you.” 
“Oh, my love.” Remus pulls you upright, folding you into a hug. He sets the tampon down on the towel beside you, shushing you when you fret about getting blood on it (“What did you think it was there for?”). He sways you back and forth a few times, kisses the salty corner of your eye. “You’re alright, sweetheart. We’ll keep an eye on you to make sure nothing changes, but I don’t think it was in long enough to be too dangerous.”
“Just, thanks for your help,” you sniffle. “I was really freaking out.” 
“I can tell,” he laughs, giving you a fond squeeze. “I get why you’d be nervous, but try not to worry too much, okay? I’ve always got you.” 
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joelsdagger · 3 days
devil’s advocate || joel miller x f!reader
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happy belated birthday to the man himself :3
pairing: daddy dom!joel x f!reader rating: 18+ explicit minors dni  summary: joel misses you while he’s away at work. warnings: [no-outbreak], established relationship, age gap [reader is 20’s, joel is late 50’s], dd/lg dynamics, daddy kink, sending nudes, m!masturbation, possessive language, pet names [little bug, baby angel], mentions of reader wearing a collar, references to: smut, tummy bulge, and creampies, joel’s pov. word count: 2.3k 
a/n: let’s pretend this isn’t my second fic of joel having a wank lmao. anyways! this is another little snippet of life with daddy joel. however, it can be read as a standalone, but if you would like some context of how this all started, i recommend reading intermission first. a gazillion thank you’s to @pedrospatch for beta’ing this for me, for all the reassurance, and not letting me get cold feet and to @dinandwhiskey for yapping about these two with me endlessly from day one, this silly little concept wouldn’t exist without you <33
series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3 | playlist
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Joel’s in his office looking at blueprints when his phone buzzes against his leg. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, eyes squinting as the bright screen lights up his dim office. His heart pinches in his chest when he sees your name across his screen. 
do you like this one daddy?
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He taps on the notification. His mouth hangs open, throat dry, dumbfounded as he takes in the picture. You, on your knees in the bedroom, wearing a white slip nightgown. The sleeves cut off at your shoulders; there’s a lace trimming along the neckline — too high for his liking — that it almost meets the heart-shaped charm dangling from your collar; angel, it reads; he smiles to himself when he sees it. The lace continues down your front and stops at your middle, where a matching white belt cinches in your waist, accentuating your figure. The silk material cuts at your knees. 
Jesus Christ. There’s a tightness in his stomach, and somewhere else. He knows what you’re doing, knows this is a game you play very well. You know you don’t need his opinion or permission. Everything you wear, everything you do drives him fucking crazy. You drive him crazy. 
Whatever you like, angel, he types out. His thumb hovers over the too small blue arrow when another text with a different photo attached comes through. 
or how about this one?
This time the slinky nightgown is baby pink, lace running across the deep neckline. The material clings to your breasts so well, he can tell your nipples are peaked beneath it. There’s matching lace at the bottom of the skirt, cuts high up your left thigh, and a tiny bow sits atop the slit, identical to the one in between your breasts. 
The stiffness in his jeans starts to throb. You’ve got him wrapped around your pretty little finger, so much you’ve conditioned him to get hard anytime he sees– thinks of you. 
He’s so damn hard. Rock solid, and he can’t wait any longer. He pops open his jeans, and drags the zipper down too quick; it snags on denim. He doesn’t even hesitate to unzip the metal teeth of his fly entirely, he’s too desperate. Joel shucks his cotton boxers down enough to clumsily pull his already leaking cock out. He spits in his hand, groans lowly as he curls it around his heavy length, and starts pumping. 
Joel’s head falls back, and he breathes a sigh of relief as he fucks his fist. He was half-hard all day, All your fault, he thinks. Trotting into the kitchen in one of your pretty little dresses while he cooked up your breakfast, your head bopping along to the record he’d put on as you rounded the kitchen island to take your seat at the table, plate full of eggs and bacon in hand to start your morning. Hips swaying, frilly fabric swishing, barely covering the plump curve of your ass, but just enough to tease him. Something you’re always doing.  
His mind wanders. Imagines what the material you’re wearing in the photo feels like in his hands. You both favor the frilly dresses, tiny and soft against your skin. He’s always careful not to rip the delicate fabric; he likes the sight of fucking you in them more than ripping them into pieces. But he likes the silk ones too; likes running his roughened fingertips along the lace trimming, tracing it over your breasts, following the line down your body until his fingers meet your bare thighs. His hands always dipping beneath the hem, seeking more, as if it’s second nature to him. Fingers finding your sex — always dripping with arousal — then his palms move to the swell of your ass, gripping and digging into your plush flesh, pulling you closer into his chest and both of you moaning in unison. 
He groans, bites his bottom lip to stifle it. He can’t be too loud, not with his crew on the other side of the door. You make him feel like a damn teenager. Making him so hard that he has to jack his cock in the quiet dark of his office, willing himself not to make a sound because he’s too impatient to wait until he returns to you. That’s what you do to him. 
Joel can never get through a full workday without thinking of you. You…simply living and breathing is all that manages to take up his mind. All he ever thinks about is you, consumes his very being. All of this is nothing. Serves as nothing but a distraction for him until he can get back to you. Never not checking every damn clock or a crew members' watch at every turn on every job site, nearly begging for the day....everyday to be over, wants nothing more than to take you into his bed or take you right there on the couch or the kitchen if that’s where you are when he gets home. Wants to spread you out and split you open on his cock, burying himself in until he meets resistance and elicits that soft gasp from your lips, the one that makes him forget about the world for a moment or two. Wants to grab your hand and cup his shape through your tummy and tell you, Feel me right there, baby? Daddy’s always right there, ain’t he? 
He hears your moan echoing in his ears, and the quick tugs of his fist increase almost unconsciously. He used to think the sounds you made were his favorite. Your giggles when he pulls at your ankles to bring you closer. Your whimpers when he teases his cock over your panties (in retaliation for teasing him). Your body writhing beneath the broad weight of him when he finally slips it in; daddy, pouring from your lips as he plays with you.
Now, he reckons it’s more than that.
It’s how you taste on his tongue — warm and sweet when he glides it through your drooling folds. It’s how you feel around him — your little wet cunt sucking him in, made just right for him. Your skin, soft and delicate, waiting to be marked black and blue. Your body putty and pliant, curling and melting into him on the couch or in his bed after a long day. It’s how you trust him completely — without hesitation as he does what he pleases with you. It's how you look at him — gorgeous wide eyes sparkling and a sleepy smile on your face beaming up at him in the soft morning glow when you wake up beside him. It’s the first thing he sees every morning and his heart fucking flutters.
It’s everything. All of it and more. 
His fist tightens around his cock, thumb sweeping over his wide tip — leaking and an angry shade of purple. Angry because his fist isn’t enough; it’ll never be enough–
His phone buzzes as a third photo with a message pops into the text thread, his head snaps down and his eyes meet the photo in a nanosecond.  
is it too short daddy? 
He inhales sharply through his nose as he studies the photo; you’re wearing the same outfit, only now you’re bent at the waist, your hands flat on the mattress, and leaning forward on the balls of your feet — ruffled white socks sitting low on your ankles. The lace hem of your skirt has ridden up just enough to reveal yourself to him. You. On full display — only for him to see — and yet–
Not short enough, he wants to respond. 
He sets his phone down on his denim-clad thigh, thumb tapping on the photo before his fingers pinch outward, zooming in.  
Christ. There they are. Taunting him beneath the thin pink cherry speckled panties that barely cover your holes, just waiting for him — waiting to be filled until you’re sore and leaking and so full of him he has to work his cum back into your spent hole. 
He hasn’t delivered on his promise to fill the other one. Not in the way you’ve been asking. 
Baby angel, we oughta do it right. We oughta go slow. 
He’s been training you for the last little while; he knows he’s too big to take all at once. One day he’ll make good on his promise. Daddy always keeps his promises, don’t he little bug? 
His phone buzzes once more, cutting through his reverie. You sent him a fourth photo with–
miss you daddy :( 
The skirt of your nightgown is bunched around your hips, your thighs spread and fingers skimming beneath the band of your panties, his eyes trail down, following the line of your small fingers, and then he sees it–
The wet stain of your slick on the front of your baby pink panties; your cute little clit, soft and puffy against the sheer material — peeking out — almost like it’s calling out for him.  
Fuck. Poor baby. Daddy’s comin’. Just a little longer. 
Joel’s jaw clenches, and the tension pulls taut in his stomach. He should be there. Needs to be there. Push the head of his cock past your puffy folds — returning home — repenting for being away for so long, for leaving you at all. Warm velvet walls pulsing around him as he thrusts in, in, in. 
Beads of sweat roll off his forehead and into his temples, pencil slipping from behind his ear and clattering on the wooden floor as he lets his head roll back on his neck, hitting the back of the chair, his eyes slip closed. Lets himself think of sinking into you, the warmth of your skin against his, your velvet cunt snug around him — soft and swollen and wet — fluttering around him, squeezing him until he comes.
His hips falter, breath now shaky and weak, muscles in his belly tightening as the coil deep within him threatens to snap. Joel retracts his left hand from his phone and lifts it to cup the weight of his balls, kneading gently at the stretchy flesh. His office chair squeaks as his back arches, canting his hips upwards, rutting into his own fist — desperate — like a fucking puppy.  His left hand squeezes around his balls tighter, right arm tenses as his wrist pumps faster — still not enough. 
He hears you then — all whiny and meek — Daddy. Please. Daddy, fill me up, need it inside please. 
And it’s all he needs. 
“Ohh baby,” he breathes, mouth falling open, filthy groans clawing through the walls of his throat, echoing against the ceiling and the four walls of his office, as the tidal waves crash over him and take him under. 
His head snaps down in time to watch his release, cock pulsing and twitching as thick, hot ropes of cum spurting from his tip coat the distressed wood of his desk, landing within a hair's breadth of the blueprints. Shouldn’t be there. He thinks of painting your insides with him, filling you up with his spend and making you his, over and over and over. 
Fuck, that’s it — Fuck, he groans. 
He’s in a trance, and it’s almost like he’s coming again. His thighs tremble as his thumb glides across his tip, and he imagines the curved head nudging against that special place inside you while your nails scrape across the nape of his neck, marking him as yours. He lets his eyes close slowly, and then he sees you, his eyes dancing across your face, watching as it twists up in pleasure as his thick head prods at his favorite place again and again. Until your eyes water and you’re gushing around him, dripping cunt clutching him until you milk him of everything he has to offer, sanctifying himself with every last drop.
His guttural groans settle into tired sighs, and his wrist slows as he nears the end of his orgasm, but he doesn’t stop, not until he’s certain he’s milked himself completely, just as he would if he were nestled inside you. When the last of his release dribbles down onto his fist, body still shaking and pulsating from his climax, he thinks he’s never come this hard by his own hand. 
His hand comes to a stop, and his breath begins to steady, chest rising and falling as his lungs fill with air. His left hand finds his phone again, props it up while his right still clutches his softening cock, hissing as his fist meets the swollen cockhead — dripping and covered with cum. He snaps a picture, shaky fingers backspace his previous message, and instead types out, Naughty little girl. Look what you made Daddy do. And taps the small arrow without another thought, sending it on its way to you. And he blames it on the blood pumping and surge of energy rushing through him in the wake of his intense orgasm — and you for making him feel alive. 
He doesn’t wait for a response before he sends another message.
It’s perfect, angel. Keep it on till I get home. Got a surprise for you.  
You reply seconds later: 
yes daddy 🩷
He smirks. Attagirl. 
Joel clicks his phone off, runs a hand down the scruff of his beard before leaning over his desk with a grunt, careful as to not sully his shirt with his release. He fumbles around his junk drawer for a small pack of pink heart-themed tissues, dabs at droplets of sweat on his forehead before wiping up his spend on his fist and desk. He tucks his soft cock back beneath his black boxers, and takes a moment to unsnag his fly, zipping up his jeans. His aching knees regain function, and he stands, heavy legs dragging him through his office and stalking towards the door. When his weak fist meets cold steel, he makes a mental note to stop by the store to pick up the butterfly charms he promised you.
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thewritingrowlet · 2 days
The Twins and Their Queens pt. 2, ft. STAYC Seeun
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tags: blowjob, creampie, hot seat
length: 8k+
author's note: sorry, I've been pretty busy with work and other irl stuff.
“Did he just—”
You nearly can’t believe your ears. Your brother just so nonchalantly admitted that his wife was sucking him off. You scratch your head, only realizing now that you should’ve taken the time difference into account before calling him—you could’ve called earlier (or perhaps later) and not caught them having sex.
“I mean, it’s not like it’s illegal,” Seeun breaks the silence, “they’re consenting adults and legally married, aren’t they?” “I know, but still, I don’t feel comfortable hearing such words from him—it somewhat feels disrespectful, too,” you say. She moves to kneel between your legs that are dangling off the edge of the bed. “If you’re not comfortable hearing it, perhaps you’re comfortable receiving it?” You take a deep breath so that you can turn your focus on your girlfriend. “Perhaps,” you say with a smile, “please, noona.”
Seeun frees you of your joggers, pulling down your boxers together as she does. “Oh, you’re ready for noona, aren’t you?” You inhale sharply as you feel her soft hands stroking your shaft. “I’m always ready for you, noona; I’m your boyfriend after all.” “I never thought I’d date someone younger than me,” she chuckles, “anyway, time for my breakfast.”
Your girlfriend takes your tip in her mouth, her gaze still locked with yours. “Please,” you say, almost too quietly. She winks at you and starts going down your length, the wetness of her mouth giving you goosebumps everywhere. “That’s so good, fuck,” a praise flies out of your lips as you pet her head gently. One of the many things you’ve learned about Seeun is that she loves praise. To her, it’s like getting a shot of excitement and confidence that gives her the spirit to do her best, especially during sex.
Today is no different, obviously. With your encouraging praise circling in her head, she finds the determination to take the entirety of your shaft in her mouth, and you can feel the tip of your cock hitting the back of her throat. “Fuck, that’s crazy,” you mindlessly comment. She removes you from her mouth and promptly takes a deep breath. “You liked that, didn’t you, baby?” You reach for her face and wipe some tears off her cheeks. “Of course I did, but you don’t have to force yourself to tears like this,” you say. Seeun rubs her cheek against your palm like a cat. “You’re so sweet, baby—you might be young, but you certainly don’t lack kindness and maturity,” she assesses. You chuckle. “Please, I’m only 10 months younger than you.”
Seeun says that she wants to finish the job and won’t take no for an answer, so you sit still and let her do what she wants with you. If she prioritized going deep earlier, she now opts to go fast, eager to make you cum first thing in the morning. “Fuck,” you let a profanity fly out of your lips when you feel her tongue running back and forth on the underside of your cock. “I really can’t last long if you keep doing it like this,” you say. “Feew fwee fo cuw,” she utters unintelligibly, and you guess that you’re welcome to cum whenever.
You know that you’re inching closer towards your first orgasm as time goes. “Noona,” you utter with heavy breaths, “please, I’m so close.” Seeun plants her hands on your knees and starts bobbing her head faster, and that’s when an idea enters your mind: what if you thrust forward and meet her in the middle?
To find out, you place your hands on the back of her head and thrust forward, timing it with her movements to ensure maximum pleasure. “Fuck, this is crazy,” you think. With a grunt, you send your first load of the day into her mouth, and Seeun does her best to not panic as her mouth and throat are flooded. After your shaft has stopped spurting out every last drop of your cum, she removes you from her mouth and swallows everything swiftly.
You fall backwards limply onto your back. “We were supposed to get breakfast,” you say weakly. Seeun giggles. “I don’t know about you, but I did get my breakfast.” She joins you in bed and pulls you into her warm embrace. “You did so well, noona—maybe too well,” you praise her one more time. “Aww, you’re so sweet, babe,” she replies, peppering your head with kisses after.
You take a lap around the buffet area while holding hands with Seeun, checking out what options you have for breakfast. “Anything catches your fancy, babe?” She asks as her eyes scan the bread counter. “I want that,” you point at a jar of blueberry jam, “I’ll get that on a toast first and then figure out what I’m eating next.” Seeun pouts. “I don’t like blueberry jam—I want peanut butter.”
Without breaking the tangle, you grab a slice of bread, put some butter on it, and drop it in the toaster. Seeun then does the same, which makes you realize something. “Sometimes I forget that you’re left-handed,” you comment. She giggles cutely. “There’s a reason I’m always on your left, babe.”
A ding from the toaster steals your attention, and when you look, both your and her slice of bread are cooked perfectly. “Remind me to get a toaster when we get back, noona—I want to have toasts every morning.” You place the toasts side by side on the same plate, and as unfortunate as it is, you have to let go of her hand. Seeun lets out a grunt to express her disapproval, but you make sure to quickly tend to your toast and then return your hand to its previous position. “I’d like to see you spread peanut butter on your toast with one hand,” you challenge her. She clicks her tongue in playful mockery and quickly smear peanut butter on her toast. “Do you want to see me do it again?”
You look at your surroundings to see if there are people nearby—there’s only that couple sitting at that table in the far corner of the dining area. You pull your girlfriend by her hand until she’s right in front of you. “I love you, Yoon Seeun—I love you lots.” Your words draw a big smile on her face. “I love you too, babe,” she replies, “are you going to kiss me, or no?” Such a question requires no verbal answer—why use your lips to say your answer, if you can use them to show your answer instead?
You hum in satisfaction when you feel her soft lips gently pinching yours, and you swear that time has stopped ticking for you to really savor the intimacy of the kiss. The tangle feels even more complete when you feel Seeun’s palm on your chest. All the while, your heart is screaming at her, “I love you! I love you with everything I have!”
Seeun pulls away from the kiss, leaving you stunned for a short moment. “Let’s have breakfast first, babe—we can figure out what to do after.” Her voice snaps you out of your stupor. “Yeah,” you shake your head to regain focus, “yeah, let’s have breakfast.” You scan your surroundings again and see that there’s a woman around your brother’s age looking at you and your girlfriend, but she breaks eye contact when your eyes briefly meet. “We are both consenting adults; this is fine,” you tell yourself.
You sit at a table near the buffet with Seeun, pulling back a chair for her first before sitting down yourself. “I don’t know how people can dislike blueberry jam,” you comment as you chew your first mouthful. “It’s hit-or-miss most of the time; sometimes it’s too sweet and tastes artificial, other times it’s… meh,” she argues. As you think about her argument, you realize that this jam is indeed quite sweet. “Yeah, it is kind of sweet,” you admit. “Your girlfriend is already sweet enough—why look for other sweet things?” “Says the blushing girl,” you counter, earning a little kick under the table from Seeun.
“Mr. Moon, we’re ready; we’re near the buses,” you say to Mr. Moon, your family’s chauffeur, over the phone. “Please wait a second, sir,” he replies. You look to your right where traffic starts and see your car making the turn towards the passenger pickup lane—perhaps not a second but he’s still pretty quick.
With the help of Mr. Moon, you and Seeun put your stuff in the trunk. “Where to now, sir?” You ask him to first make a stop at your apartment building so that your girlfriend can rest and then take you to Han Group’s company building after that. “Of course, sir,” he says.
Once the car starts rolling, Seeun rests her head on your thighs. “Ugh,” she grunts. Her long legs must be bent because of the limited space of the car’s interior. “We’ll get home soon, love—please be patient,” you whisper, comforting her with soft pets on the head.
“Excuse me, sir,” Mr. Moon breaks the silence, “we’re here.” You didn’t know that you fell asleep, and when you look around, you see that you’re parked in front of your apartment building. You poke Seeun to get her to wake up, but she doesn’t budge. “I’ll take her upstairs and then come back to you, Mr. Moon.”
You pull Seeun out of the car and put her on your shoulder. Your same-floor neighbors (and a bunch of others) know that you’re dating her, so you don’t have to worry about explaining why you’re carrying her limp body like an abductor. That said, considering the time and day, there shouldn’t be too many people at this building.
You make it to your unit after a short elevator ride and walk. While Seeun lies asleep in bed, you write down a note for her to read when she wakes up. The note reads,
“Love, darling, sweetie,
You fell asleep in the car so we went home first so that you could sleep more comfortably in our bed. In the meantime, I’ll be in the office and talk to the big boss about some stuff.
Please don’t panic. I’ll be home soon.
Yours always,
For good measure, you poke her a few times until she shows signs of consciousness. “Noona, I’ll be at the office for a bit; I need to make a quick report to my brother. See you later, okay?” Seeun lets out a hum through the tiny gap of her lips, and you’d like to think that she’s got the message. “Cool,” you put on a thumbs-up for yourself, “see you later, noona.”
Harvey’s secretary has told you that he’s still in his office, so you swiftly make your way there and deliver some news that you think he’d like to hear.
You knock on his door and promptly hear him telling you to come in. As you enter, your eyes land on the gap between the hanging back support of his desk and the floor—there’s a woman kneeling between his legs. “For your sake, Mr. Han, I seriously hope that’s Yooyeon-noona,” you comment in a serious tone. Harvey smiles at you, and that’s when you see his wife getting on her feet. “H-Hi, Shaun,” she greets you with red cheeks.
“First, you told me oh-so-casually that time that she was sucking you off, and now, you told me to walk in while she’s sucking you off,” you let your annoyance be known. “Where’s your respect for me, Han Hyunjin—shit, better yet, where’s your respect for your wife?” You don’t say your brother’s name in full a lot, so he knows the seriousness of it when you actually do. “Shaun, please, I’m sorry,” he tries to quench your fire, “I don’t—” “Just zip up your fucking pants and talk to me when you’re actually ready. I’ll wait outside with Miss Park—don’t worry, I won’t ask her to suck my dick.”
You storm out of his office huffing and puffing, ignoring his calls to stay, feeling annoyed and disappointed with how your brother behaves (especially since it’s still working hours). “Sir? Are you okay?” Miss Park nervously looks at you when she sees you crashing into the chair on the other side of her desk. “I am, Shion-ah. My problem is with my brother, not with you, so don’t worry,” you say, still panting heavily from the emotions.
The landline on her desk rings. “Good afternoon. Park Shion speaking,” she says into her phone. After a short conversation, you hear her say, “Yes, sir; I will inform him so.” “Mr. Han, the director is ready for you,” she forwards the message to you. You take a few deep breaths to calm down before leaving your seat. “Thank you, Shion-ah.”
You don’t bother knocking this time, opting to just push the door as wide as it’ll open. “Shaun,” Harvey says calmly, “please come in.” Seeing red, you rush towards your brother who’s standing in front of his desk. Yooyeon stands in the middle of you and him, acting as a barrier to make sure no one hurts the other. “You sent me to New York and told me to come see you right after I got back, and this is how you welcome me? I just got off the damn plane, you asshole!”
Yooyeon plants her hands on your chest and gently pushes you backwards. “Shaun, please don’t yell at your brother like that,” she says in a trembling voice, tearing up as she does, “the idea was mine, so please blame me.” You roll your eyes and move to take a seat. “I don’t want to waste more time; I have a girlfriend to take care of—do you want to hear this report or not?”
Harvey reaches his hand out towards your shoulder, but you slap it away. “Believe me, you don’t want to touch me right now,” you warn him. You can tell that he’s very hurt by your attitude, but this will be a valuable lesson to everyone. “Okay,” he wipes his glassy eyes, “please start, Mr. Han.”
After calming down, you open your mouth and start briefing him on the tasks you’ve accomplished during the New York trip. You had a meeting with Bloom Inc. at their office, and without prior briefing, you found out that Bloom had invited one of their partners, Han Industries, that had previously expressed their interest in joining the partnership with us and Bloom. “Han? Like us?” You nod. “Big boss is named Han Jinwoo,” you tell him. “If you remember the OreQuest uproar from a few years ago, that’s one of his companies.” Harvey nods, seemingly deep in thoughts. “We’ll have to look into it more. Thank you, Shaun, you did very well.” You wiggle your index finger. “I want a bonus for this; it wasn’t easy, you know.” “Say your numbers and I’ll figure it out,” he adheres to your demand.
You stand up from your seat and hand him a flash drive. “There’s some stuff in there that you might want to look at.” As you make your way out of his office, you remember something. “Oh, I almost forgot—happy anniversary.” Harvey accepts your message with a small smile, so you turn your back again and continue walking out of his office.
Yooyeon chases you outside and holds your wrist to stop your fast steps. “Shaun, I’m sorry,” she says, “I’m not a bad influence on your brother, though, I swear.” You shrug. “It’s not me you should be apologizing to—it’s yourself. Give yourselves some more respect and don’t talk about sex so openly and carelessly next time because I, for example, don’t give a shit.”
You arrive at your apartment again after meeting your brother. When you open the bedroom door, you see that Seeun is in the same position you left her in: right in the center of the bed with her head on a pillow. “Well, at least you’re dressed comfortably.”
After getting changed yourself, you’re now ready to join her in bed. You slowly climb onto her body and rest your head on her chest. “Noona, I’m home,” you whisper. “Baby,” you hear a whisper back from her, “welcome home.” You can feel all the exhaustion that has been weighing down on your body starting to melt away. “You’re so warm, noona.” Seeun doesn’t say anything this time—unfortunate but understandable; she’s sleeping, after all.
Soft pets on the back of your head make you stir awake. “Baby, you’re home,” Seeun says in a soft tone. “How long have you been here for?” Your partially awake brain can’t comprehend her question. “Sorry?” Your girlfriend chuckles. “Ah, don’t worry about it. You’re here with me, and that’s the most important thing right now.”
You yawn audibly. “I’m tired, noona.” The pets she’s giving get more intense, as if trying to scrub the tiredness off your body. “Oh, baby, what can I do for you?” “Just stay like this, please,” you say.
This is what you’re looking for in dating someone older than you: relying on someone and being taken care of when you need it. Now, of course, you try and not forget about your part, and make sure you can be that reliable person and take care of your significant other, Seeun, when she needs it.
“Noona,” you move on to the next subject, “you know how my brother asked me to see him right after we arrived, right?” “Yeah, and you went to the office earlier for that—what about it?” You told her how you walked in to the sight of him getting a blowjob from his wife and how angry you got because of it. “It felt disrespectful, you know; we just arrived in the city and shit.” “Language, baby,” she says softly. “I understand why you were frustrated, but still.” You can’t help but sigh. “I made it clear to them that I don’t give a fu—erm, frick—about their sex life and that I don’t want to see anything like that again.”
Seeun says that she’s satisfied with how you handled the situation but also wishes you had had more self-control. You want to protest, but you decide against it; it’s probably best to just accept her words and put it behind you. “I’m sorry for venting at you like that—I mean, you just woke up,” only now do you feel bad about this. Seeun kisses your head repeatedly while assuring you that it’s fine and that she’d rather have you talk about it and quickly move on.
You lift your head off her chest and look at right in the eyes. “I love you, noona,” you say, “like, I love, love, love you.” “I love you too, baby,” she says, a big grin decorating her beautiful features. “Eh, actually, I love you more,” Seeun corrects herself.
“Baby,” Seeun calls for your attention, “can we get something to eat?” “We can—what do you want to have?” She taps her chin as she thinks about it. “Can we get fried chicken?” You’re reminded that she has been craving fried chicken since before going to New York. “We sure can, noona,” you agree to her suggestion.
With a grunt, you gather your might and get off her body, and that is you see a pout on her face. “What’s wrong?” Seeun crosses her hands. “I didn’t say we should go there ourselves,” she gives you a hint. You blink a few times as you think about what she’s trying to say. “Oh,” you palm your face as realization hits, “you want them delivered here, don’t you, noona?” Seeun bursts out laughing. “Oh my God, your face is soooo funny.” She pulls you into her arms again. “You’re so cute, I swear to God,” she says, still giggling.
The food delivery app says that your orders have been dropped off outside your door.
Seeing that Seeun is peacefully sleeping, you go get the goodies yourself. You put the big bag on the dining table and unpack it. “Honey barbecue and sweet-n-spicy—nice, we have everything.”
You hear the bedroom door swing open, and when you look, you see your sleepy girlfriend, whose eyes are barely open, standing at the door. You come in for a kiss, which is your favorite way to get her to wake up, and as expected, Seeun puts a hand on your chest, like she usually does. “So soft,” she mutters, “your kiss always feels—” You interrupt her with one more kiss—one that’s deeper and more passionate. “Okay, you need to stop right there, young man, or you’re going to have to take responsibilities,” she warns.
You drag her by her hand towards the dining table that you’ve organized for her. “I have some honey barbecue chicken for you, noona,” you say, your voice laced with excitement. Based on her expressions, you notice that something is amiss. “No fries,” Seeun utters softly. “Oh my God, I forgot.” You slap your forehead for forgetting to order fries. “Would you like to have fries, noona? We can place another order,” you offer her a solution. Your girlfriend shakes her head. “No, it’s fine, baby,” she declines. “Come, let’s eat.”
Seeun lets out a high-pitched hum at the first taste. “Amazing as always,” she says with a full mouth. The way she’s eating makes you hungry beyond measure, so you pick up a piece from your box and immediately take a bite. “Meh,” you’re underwhelmed, “not as spicy as usual.” “Receipt says it’s level 1, babe,” says Seeun. “Level 1? I didn’t choose level 1,” you furrow your eyebrows. You don’t know how it ended up like this or who is at fault, but you’re not really in the mood to figure it out, so you grab a bottle of hot sauce from the pantry and make it to your liking. “Yeah, this is more like it,” you comment at the revised taste.
Seeun’s phone lights up and shows a floating notification on the lock screen. “Your brother is inviting us to his house tomorrow,” she says. You are disappointed that he’s avoiding you and opting to reach you through Seeun, but it’s also understandable since he doesn’t want to risk making you angry again. “For—” “Shane and Jiwoo are engaged, and your brother wants to celebrate it together,” she interrupts you with additional information. “Good for them; Shane is so in love with her.”
“What about you?” Seeun’s question forces you to stop eating and drop your chicken. “Excuse me?” “Are you in love with me?” In your head, there’s only one answer, which is yes, you are in love with her, but you first refrain from saying it—what if she’s hinting at something else? “Yes,” you start, “I am in love with you and would love to stay with you long term.” Your firm and resolute tone provides assurance that you mean it wholeheartedly. “Great to hear,” she says with a smile.
You take a deep breath before continuing your point. “Noona, if you’re wondering when I’ll be proposing to you, then the answer is soon. I’m still working on becoming the best version of myself, because you deserve the best of me, the same way I deserve the best of you.” Seeun puts on a sweet smile for you. “I know, baby, but at the same time, you don’t have to worry about it too much—you’re already such a nice person, you know.”
You thank her for the flattery, but you know that you still need to work on your patience (among other things); it could be disastrous if at one point you lash out at Seeun the same way you did at your brother. “Hey, baby,” Seeun steals your attention, “I told you, don’t worry about it—you’ll be just fine.”
You find yourself lying in bed with Seeun after finishing those boxes of chicken. She says she wants to switch and be on top this time, so you take the position on the bottom. “It’s nice to change every now and then, isn’t it, babe?” “It sure is—I must admit, though, I like cuddling you from the top.” Seeun pinches your cheek. “You like it because you can lie on my breasts, you little pervert.” You burst out laughing. “Well, you caught me.”
“Speaking of breasts,” she plants her hands on your chest, “I want you, baby—please.” “Really?” It doesn’t hurt to make sure (or perhaps tease). Seeun sticks her lips on your neck to show you that she’s serious. “Oh, you really want me, don’t you?” The answer to your question is the increased intensity of stimulation on your neck. “Noona, not too much, please; we still have work tomorrow,” you try to make her stop.
Seeun leaves your neck and hovers closely over your face. “If you bring up work in bed again, I will put a tape on your mouth,” she threatens. “Noona, what are you talking about? What is this?” You’re concerned about how she’s acting, because this isn’t how you and she do things usually. Even on days when she’s very desperate for your touch, she never talks like this.
Seeun closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. “Just… please don’t bring up work; I’m just desperate for your touch,” she rearranges her words. You place a hand on the side of her face, rubbing it gently. “That’s more like it,” you say, “you know I’ll always try to be available for you, but you need to ask kindly, noona.” With teary eyes, Seeun apologizes profusely, and even though you assure her that it’s okay, she just wouldn’t stop.
“Oh, God, what’s wrong with me,” tears escape her eyes in abundance, “you’re trying to become the best man you can while I’m being such a terrible woman.” “Oh, love,” you pull out a new endearment from the bag, “please, don’t say such thing; you were just too eager—” No!” Seeun screams, denying your attempt at comforting her. “I-I’m a bad girlfriend and deserve to be punished.”
Seeun pulls you into a sitting position before bending over your lap. “Punish me, love.” “Punish you how? I already told you that it’s okay,” you reason. “Just do it, please—make me take responsibilities.” “Fine, if you insist.” You pull down her shorts, thus exposing her soft and round butt cheeks, and rub them gently. “God, I really don’t want to hurt her.” As if hearing your thoughts, Seeun tells you to “make it hurt.”
You lift a hand while your eyes stay locked on the target. “Here I go, love,” you signal. You close your eyes and take a swing at her butt, and the scream she lets out at the impact is heartbreaking. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” you take your turn to apologize. “That was too hard, wasn’t it, love?” Seeun shakes her head. “N-no, that was good—do it again, babe; we’re not even yet.”
You lift your hand again and place your gaze on the target—the previous hit has left a red mark in the shape of your palm, and you swear that your heart is being wrung like wet laundry. “Love, here I go again,” you signal, tearily this time. Seeun braces for impact, and you take a swing right there. “Fuck, that was too hard,” you regret failing to control your strength. “Can we stop now? I don’t want to do this anymore.”
Seeun says she doesn’t want to end on an even number and asks to be hit once again, much to your anguish. You decide to do it quickly this time so that you can just move on to helping her cope with the pain you’ve caused. “FUCK!” She screams one last time after the last hit, marking the end this whole “punish me” show.
“Love—my love,” you gently pull her into your arms, seated on your lap. “I’m sorry, that must’ve hurt so bad, right?” “T-that’s okay, I deserved it,” she insists. “No, you don’t,” you insist back. “I hated that shit, noona. I don’t want to hurt you like that ever again.” “I-I mean, it’s good to know that y-you’re capable of it. Who knows if one day we might need to do it again?” No, you’re certain that you would never need to do it again, but there’s no point in making another counterargument at the moment; you’d rather spend your energy in helping her recover.
Sleeping counts as recovering, doesn’t it, because that’s what you and Seeun have been doing for a few hours now—at least until you’re awoken at this odd hour, and for some reason, you feel refreshed and are wide awake.
Your senses pick up the signs of her presence with no trouble; her smell is in your nose, her subtle snores are in your ears, and her skin is touching yours (not the entirety of but still enough).
You place one hand on her butt that you hit thrice a few hours ago, hoping that doing so will make you feel less bad about it. “I’m so sorry about that, my love,” you whisper softly right into her ear. You’re slightly startled when you hear a hum from Seeun, but no, she’s still asleep.
An idea enters your mind: what if you try singing for her? You’re somewhat okay at singing and there’s this song that you’ve been obsessed with recently. You clear your throat slightly to prepare, and here goes nothing:
Be my only one
이렇게 부르고 싶은 이름 내 곁에 (The name I want to call you by)
손을 잡고서 같이 걸어요 (Let’s hold hands and walk along)
비가 오는 밤에도, 외로웠던 낮에도 (On rainy nights, or on lonely daytimes)
그대 환한 빛깔을 내게 가득 칠해줘요 (Please color me with your shiny light)
내가 더 잘할게요, 이렇게 같이 있어준다면 (I’ll do better, if you stay with me like this)
You let out a giggle after singing out that short bit; there’s something exciting about singing to your beloved lady while she’s asleep. “Good… voice,” you hear Seeun whisper quietly. “I love you, baby, and I mean every word I just said.” It’s fine if she doesn’t say anything back; at least you’ve gotten it off your chest.
Much to your surprise, Seeun gives you a peck on the side of your face. “I love you, baby.” “Are you awake, love?” You feel her nodding against your cheek. “How can I sleep when my boyfriend sings for me?” Her praise makes you blush. “Oh, it’s nothing—I’m glad you liked it, though.”
“What time is it, babe?”
“I don’t know, but it’s probably a few hours before sunrise.”
“I want to sleep again.”
You pet her back like she was a baby you’re trying to send to sleep. “Let’s go back to sleep, love. We’ll let the alarms wake us up.” Seeun yawns aloud. “Promise me that you’ll touch me tonight.” “We’re going to my brother’s house tonight, no?” She grunts. “Surely you’re not rejecting me.” “We’ll see what we can do after we get back from his house, okay? I can promise you that, love.” She yawns once again. “Deal.”
You knock on the bedroom door and ask if she’s ready to leave for your brother’s house. “Come here, babe, please,” she says from the other side of the door. You enter to see if she needs help choosing what to wear. “What’s—oh.” Seeun hasn’t put on any clothes yet. “Why are you naked, love?” You ask while your eyes scan her from top to bottom.
She approaches you with open arms, wrapping them around you when she’s within hugging distance. “I was trying to see if maybe you’re in the mood for a quick one,” she says. You put on a soft smile for her. “It’s not that I’m not in the mood, love, but you know that I’d rather have a longer session,” you try to convince her to save it for later. Seeun shakes her head. “You’re really lucky I love you; otherwise, I’d leave you for denying me sexual pleasures.” “I’m not denying you anything, love,” you make sure your voice is as gentle as possible. “I’m just asking you to be patient,” you say, despite how you’re starting to get hard.
Convinced, Seeun asks you to leave the bedroom so that she can put on some clothes. “I’m asking you to be patient, he says,” Seeun airs her frustration into the empty bedroom. “You’re really lucky I love you, Shaun.” She clears her head of other thoughts and turns her focus on choosing what clothes to wear tonight. Seeun opts for a plain white T-shirt paired with a black cardigan. She also puts on brown canvas pants to complete the look.
When you arrive at Harvey’s house, you see that Shane’s car is parked in the driveway, leaving one vacant space for you since Harvey’s is probably kept in the garage. You quickly pull in next to Shane’s car and get out of yours with Seeun. “This feels like a reunion,” Seeun comments.
As you’re about to knock on the door, it swings open, thus revealing the man of the house on the other side. “Welcome, Shaun—thanks for coming,” Harvey greets you with open arms, and you wonder if he’s moved on from your lashing out. You think that it wouldn’t hurt to hug him (it is the usual form of greeting among you and your brothers, anyway). “The pleasure is mine, hyung,” you say softly into his ear.
Harvey lets you free and then turns to Seeun. “Hi, cookie,” he greets her. “How was New York?” “It was cool, oppa; I couldn’t have enough of the food.” He chuckles. “Well, we can exchange stories later. Let’s get inside for now, hm?”
Harvey leads you to the dining room, where Yooyoen, Shane, and Jiwoo are waiting for you. “Shaun,” Yooyeon greets you awkwardly. You approach her and pull her into a quick hug. “I’m sorry for yelling at you,” you whisper to her. “That’s okay; I understand where you were coming from,” she whispers back. “Have a seat, Shaun.”
You sit next to Shane while Seeun sits right across you and next to Jiwoo, who immediately leans against her shoulder. As the man and woman of the house, Harvey and Yooyeon sit at opposing ends of the rectangular table that’s full of food. “Ladies and gentlemen,” Harvey starts. “We are gathered here today to celebrate Shane and Jiwoo’s engagement and to wish them luck and happiness in their new stage of life.”
You put an arm around Shane from the side. “I left the two of you to go to New York for a few days, and you took a head start, Shane?” “Look, man,” he whispers back, “it was a mess, ‘kay? I was so stumped and proposed on the damn sofa.” Nonetheless, you congratulate him on the engagement and wish him happiness, just like a good (twin) brother.
“Shane,” Harvey’s voice captures your and his attention, “do you have anything to say, maybe to us or to your fiancé?” Shane clears his throat and opens his mouth. “First, I’d like to thank everyone for coming; it means a lot for me and Jiwoo to have your support and affection. Second, I’d like to publicly promise my dear fiancé that I’ll prioritize our happiness over everything else; you know that you mean the world to me, love.” Harvey chuckles. “Even over your brothers?” Shane shrugs. “My brothers are their own men; they can go and figure things out themselves.”
Harvey gives Jiwoo the chance to speak, which she takes after assembling her thoughts. “I know he’s said it already, but I also would like to thank everyone for the support and kindness.” Her glance meets yours as she scans her surroundings. “I haven’t seen Shaun-oppa and Seeun-unnie in a while, so it’s great to have them again.” You show her a kind smile, because that’s how a proper welcome looks and feels.
As soon as her butt lands on her seat again, Jiwoo bursts out in tears, making Seeun panic—Yooyeon is also panicked but she doesn’t react as much. Seeun asks what’s happening, and that’s when Jiwoo delivers the big news. “I-I’m pregnant,” she reveals, “o-obviously there’s no question who the father is.”
Everyone’s jaws drop; Shane and Jiwoo are expecting just a few days after getting engaged. You nudge your twin who is still stunned, indirectly telling him to go and comfort his fiancé. After snapping out of his trance, Shane moves to kneel next to Jiwoo, making her turn her chair towards him.
“Love, love,” he calls to her. “It’s okay, love; having a child is a huge blessing for us.” “But-but you’re stuck with me from now on, oppa,” she says, and admittedly, you think that it’s a very crazy thing to say, all things considered. “I’m not stuck with you, love—what are you talking about? I got in this relationship with you because I think you’re a great woman to have a life with.” Now that’s a good and reasonable counter. “W-what about my master’s degree? Is-is that deal getting called off?” You don’t know exactly what she’s referring to, but it’s not important for you to know. “It’s not getting called off, love, but we’ll need to figure some things out first, okay?”
You scan the environs to get a grip: Yooyeon and Seeun are tearing up while Harvey is still stunned and has his mouth open. “Man, this is crazy,” you say in your head, and a part of you thinks that you’re understating it. Harvey reaches for your hand and taps it a few times. “Let’s go,” he mouths as he stands up. You follow him towards his back garden with Seeun and Yooyeon following closely behind you.
“Let’s give them some space for now,” Harvey says, taking a seat on one of the benches. You sit on the other bench and are soon joined by Seeun, who immediately rests her head on your lap. Yooyeon, on the other hand, joins her husband and copies Seeun’s movements. “Crazy turn of events, hey, Shaun?” “Tell me about it,” you sigh, “well, I hope things go well for them and the little one.”
Shane comes outside and invites everyone back in, mentioning that Jiwoo has calmed down, and true enough, you see that Jiwoo is now serene and steady when you return. “Congratulations, cookie,” you say, putting a hand on her shoulder, “I wish you eternal happiness.” She thanks you for the kind words and asks that you wish her luck with being a parent. “I’m sure you and Shane will be great parents, Jiwoo-yah,” you say.
Everyone takes turns hugging Shane and Jiwoo to show support before taking their seats at the table again. “I think this is where we start eating,” Harvey says. You and Shane reach for the pizza at the same time, showing those present the twins’ unrivaled dynamics. “Great minds think alike—right, Shane?” He nods while his mouth is busy munching.
Shane and Jiwoo understandably excuse themselves from the celebration and leave early; they have some things to talk about in the privacy of their own home, not Harvey’s. You don’t want to be left behind in your brother’s home, so you go home at the same time Shane and Jiwoo do.
“Hah, finally.” Seeun lets out a sigh of relief as soon as the car starts rolling. “Sorry, babe, it’s just that I want to spend some time with you and only you.” You assure her that the feeling is mutual. “I’m going to say this right now: I want to have some fun with you at home, love,” you add. Seeun palms your crotch, assessing if you’re being serious. “You’re not lying, are you?” You shake your head. “No, I’m not.” She leans towards your ear. “Then put your foot on the pedal, baby,” she whispers, giving you goosebumps everywhere. You fiddle with some switches behind the wheel and put the car in sports mode. “I hope your seatbelt is fastened, Miss Yoon.”
Without giving her the chance to check, you put your foot on the pedal like she asks and zip around traffic, making use of the improved handling and responsiveness to pass slower drivers. “Don’t get us killed, baby,” Seeun says nervously. “Just hold on and we’ll be home before you know it.”
You have Seeun sit on the edge of the bed while you stand closely in front of her. “Do I have your consent, love?” She taps her chin with her finger. “Not yet,” she giggles. “I need some convincing.” She says she needs some convincing, but it’s her who makes the first move—Seeun is terri-bad at playing hard to get.
You’re pulled onto the bed as your girlfriend does a backwards tumble. “Is this your idea of convincing, my love?” Seeun presses her face into your chest to hide her blush. “You keep calling me love, baby.” You peck her forehead that’s right in front of your mouth. “I have a feeling that calling you love will work better going forward.” You get pinched in the waist. “Oh, don’t play with me like that, Han Jaehoon.” You roll over until you’re on top of her. “How is this playing with you, love—I’m being very honest right meow.”
The sound of her laughing, especially when you’re the cause of it, is never dull. “Oh my God, what did you just say right there, baby?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you play dumb. Seeun slaps your chest repeatedly, feeling highly amused by your little joke. “Oh, God, you’re so—” “Handsome? Cute? Attractive?” “I meant to say funny, but you’re also attractive,” she finishes her sentence.
Seeun undoes the only button of her cardigan. “In fact, you’re so attractive that I’m aroused for you.” You guess that she’s been convinced enough to finally let you in her pants. “Don’t tell me to be patient again, please—I don’t want to wait any longer, babe.” You shake your head. “Let’s do it, love.”
You leave her momentarily to undress, and Seeun uses that chance to also undress. The sight of her complete nudeness makes you stop—how did she even undress that quickly? “Fuck, you look so hot, love,” you utter mindlessly. She summons you to her with the wiggle of a finger, and you’ve never moved so fast in your life before. “I’m hot, and I’m all yours,” she whispers. The tip of your hard cock pokes her entrance. “Oh, you’re ready, aren’t you, baby—go on, then; fuck me.”
With your cock in hand, you slide into her warmth, and the tightness makes you fall limp into her arms. “Yes, that’s it, baby,” she always reacts so well to you, “you’ve missed me, haven’t you?” “I shouldn’t have—oh, fuck—we should’ve just done this earlier.” “Oh, don’t worry, baby; it was worth the wait,” Seeun says between moans.
You feel her hands wrapping tightly around your body and meeting right on your back, reminding you of how perfectly warm sex with Seeun is. “Kiss me, my love,” she uses the new pet name against you, and there’s no reason for you to not kiss her. She lets out a soft moan as soon as your lips touch hers and continues to moan into the kiss as she takes more and more thrusts from you.
She breaks the kiss to announce that she’s almost at the finish line, while you, on the other hand, think that you’re quite far from yours—it’s fine if she finishes first; she’ll help you chase your own finish later. “C’mon, love; cum for me,” you encourage her while making sure that your tempo is steady.
Seeun bites your bottom lip as her orgasm hits, and because of how painful it is, you’re glad that she quickly lets go. “B-baby, p-pull out,” she says weakly. You pull out of her warmth, and that’s when she starts rolling around in bed, her legs shaking out of her control. You lie sideways next to her while petting her head and whispering nice things to her ear, and Seeun does her best to reply.
You estimate that she needs some water, so you get off the bed, and that’s when she surprises you with a scream. “Y-your back, babe.” You stand in front of the mirror to see what she’s talking about: there are odd scratch lines on your back that you guess are caused by her nails—there are little spots of blood on some of them, too. “Ouchie,” only now do you feel the pain. “I-I’m sorry.” You chuckle. “Eh, it’s fine; they’ll be gone soon.” In your head, however, you know that it’d be so painful to shower for the next few days.
Seeun finishes the glass of water that you’ve brought for her within seconds and passes the empty glass back to you right after. “Thanks, baby.” She rewards your nice gesture with a peck on the cheek. You lie on your side of the bed, which you realize isn’t quite a good idea at the last second, thanks to the scars on your back. “Oh, God, I forgot,” you say, regretting your decision and sitting right back up. Your girlfriend asks if she can make it up to you for the scars, but you tell her that it’s not necessary, citing that it was just a heat-of-the-moment thing.
Seeun moves to sit on your lap, and in turn, lets you back in her warmth again—she also lets out a long moan as she slowly impales herself with your cock. “L-let me make you cum, baby,” she offers a most welcome solution. “Have at it, love.”
You thought that she’d just ride you while facing you like this, but it seems like she has a different idea. She turns around (without removing you from her pussy) and plants her hands on your knees. “Oh, this is quite the hot seat—hah, God.” This position allows you to reach around and stimulate her from behind, which you do immediately by placing a hand on her crotch, making sure that your middle finger is right on her nub. “Oh, please, not there.” “Why not, love? Don’t you want to cum again?” “I-if I cum again, I-I might not be able to wake up on time tomorrow for work,” she reasons.
You smirk at this opportunity to use Seeun’s medicine against herself, with a bit of revision. “If you mention work one more time, I will tie you to the bed and leave you alone the entire day.” “Oh, please don’t do that—look, I’ll make you cum,” she tries to negotiate. You chuckle teasingly. “How do plan on doing that without moving, hm?” Seeun’s grip on your knees gets firmer and stronger as she prepares to start. “I’ll move now, baby.”
Seeun slowly lifts her butt off your crotch, and that is when you start rubbing her nub. “You’re so tight, love—fuck, that’s so good,” you praise her. As if getting a boost of energy and confidence from your praise, she starts bouncing up and down at a good pace, and you can see how your shaft is entering and leaving her pussy repeatedly.
To make sure she doesn’t fall forwards, you place your free hand (that’s not busy rubbing her nub) on her stomach. “Can you feel that?” Seeun turns her head slightly. “Can you feel yourself bulging my belly?” You move your hand up and down her stomach as she keeps the bounces going—you indeed can feel her stomach subtly bulging when the entirety of your shaft is inside her. “You’re almost too big for me, baby,” she fuels your fire of ego. “And you’re almost too tight for me, love,” you whisper, “you’re literally squeezing me.” Seeun chuckles. “I’ll always be tight for you, baby.”
Your eyelids feel oddly heavy as time goes by, thus making you think that maybe you’re close to the finish line. “You’re close, aren’t you, baby?” “I think—oh, God, I think so,” you admit. Seeun stops moving and turns around to face you again. “I know you like looking at me when you cum.” “Damn right I do.” You quickly peck her on the lips. “Now move again, please.”
You make use of the fact that her breasts are right in front of your mouth by sucking one of them and grabbing the other. “Oh, I’ve waited so long for that,” she comments. Having heard her approval, you play with her tits more: tugging, nibbling, sucking—everything you can think of.
You’re ready to explode any moment now. “Love,” you call to her, “I’m about to blow.” “G-great to hear, baby.” Seeun turns down the pace, resorting to slower and longer movements. “How’s that for a change, baby?” “Amazing,” you say, “you’re amazing, love.”
This slower pace allows you and Seeun to be more expressive, showing each other just how enjoyable this is—oh, you’re twitching inside her. “Love, you felt that one, didn’t you?” Seeun nods. “Give it to me, baby; make me a mom like Shane did Jiwoo.” You pull her into a kiss by her chin while cum erupts out of your cock in waves.
Seeun is the first to break the kiss. “Baby,” she taps your chin to get your attention, “do you want me to take the pill?” You nod weakly. “We-we’ll need to talk first before getting you pregnant.” “I’ll take the pill later, then.”
Ignoring the pain from the scratch marks, you fall onto your back and pull Seeun with you. “I-I’m so sorry, but I’m so sleepy,” you say, about to give up to your heavy eyelids. “That’s fine, babe; we can clean up later.” You and Seeun yawn at the same time. “I love you.” “I love you more, baby.” She pecks you on the lips once. “See you tomorrow morning, okay?”
238 notes · View notes
wonhes · 3 days
WARNINGS: SUGGESTIVE. sohee gets …. excited 😁 sohee and reader are horny for each other, sexual jokes, making out uhhh there’s probably more but i can’t remember ?? no smut though just suggestive 👍
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☁︎ — JUNE 28TH, 2024 6:41 PM
pulling out his phone, SOHEE quickly sends out one last text before stuffing his phone back in his pocket. not even a minute goes by when hears loud shuffling. he then finds himself smiling fondly at the thought of you rushing down the stairs to come greet him.
“i’m coming!” you yell out a handful of times as you run down the stairs. when finally downstairs, you rub your clammy palms on the front of your shorts. bringing a hand up, you shuffle to fix your hair one last time before eagerly opening the door.
“h-hi,” you breathe out as you stare at the sweet boy in front of you. trying your best to ignore your rapid beating heart, you offer sohee a soft smile. 
“hi,” sohee instantly responds back. with his heart skipping a beat at the sight of you, he breathlessly stares back at you. as you both try and ignore your fast beating hearts, you continue to stare at one another before erupting in giggles. feeling butterflies in his stomach, sohee looks away from you for a split second to try and keep his composure.
“come in,” you finally speak up once again, slightly stepping out of the way to make room for sohee to enter. 
nodding his head at your words, sohee steps in and takes off his shoes. he lets out a shaky sigh as he continues walking towards your living room. pouting, you take his wrist in your hand to try and stop him from walking. at the feeling of your hand on his wrist, sohee quickly turns back to you. tilting his head at you with a confused expression, he waits for you to speak. 
“i was thinking,” you mumble, suddenly feeling small. “we could hang out in my room?” you quickly finish off as you stare up at sohee with wide eyes. 
“we’re just watching a movie!” you immediately cut off his protests. “i promise— my friends and i hang out in my room all the time!” you try and reassure him.
“i-” sohee starts but quickly stops at the sight of you looking up at him with pleading eyes. “okay,” sohee defeatedly states as he hangs his head low, disappointed in himself for quickly giving in to you.
smiling brightly at him, you pull him towards the stairs and lead him up to your roon. turning to sohee once again, you send him another brief smile his way as you slowly move your hand from his wrist to intertwine your fingers with his. without thinking twice, sohee instantly relaxes his hand on your hold and gives your hand a soft squeeze.
in complete horror, sohee does a double take as he stares down at your hands. feeling betrayed by his own body, he couldn’t help but let a pout take over his features. snap out of it, sohee he keeps mumbling to himself but there’s no use. you turn to look at him once more before opening your bedroom door and sohee knows he’s done for.
 “i’m so fucking screwed,” sohee whispers out to himself as you lead him to take a seat on your bed.
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☁︎ — JUNE 28TH, 2024 6:53 PM (suggestive pls skip if not of age)
staying true to your word, you did put on a movie. however, sohee was not fucking paying attention at all. honestly, he has no clue on what you even put on. you kept taking up sohee’s mind. you and the way you’re just sitting there attentively watching the scenes unfold. you as giggle at something stupid the protagonist said. you as you shyly follow his lead and scoot closer to him every so often.
you. you. you. that’s all sohee can think about. you and how every time your shoulders brush, he swears he feels a spark. you two are sitting way too close and sohee will take the blame because he did initiate it but how could he not? you’re all that he wants. it’s only reasonable for him to want you so close.
at the feeling of your shoulder accidentally brushing his once again, sohee’s mind quickly goes blank as his breath hitches.
with trembling hands, sohee lets out a shaky breath as he tries calming his quickly beating heart. physically shaking his head, sohee tries to make his thoughts come to a halt. blankly staring up at the television, sohee finds himself trying to scoot closer to you. this unspoken game you two have going on will be the death of him, he thinks. painfully biting his lip, sohee lets out another shaky sigh.
“are you okay?” you ask, eyeing sohee as he tightly shuts his eyes. 
“mhm,” sohee instantly responds back. hesitantly opening his eyes, he turns to look at you to offer you a small tight lipped smile. immediately shutting his eyes once again, he tries to gain his composure. it’s not his fault! he didn’t realize how close your faces would be. fuck, fuck, fuck he keeps mentally repeating to himself. he really shouldn’t have opened his eyes.
“you sure?” you innocently ask him, causing sohee’s brain to continue spiraling. opening his eyes to look at you, sohee begins slowly nodding his head at you. in complete silence, the younger boy continues to eyeing you. taking in all of your features, sohee finds himself staring at your eyes before moving down to stare at your lips for a brief second. 
“oh, fuck this,” sohee mumbles as he places a hand under your chin to slightly tilt your head. without another thought in mind, sohee immediately leans in towards you. closing the gap between you two, sohee works his lips against your own.
at the feeling of his warm and soft lips against yours, you let out a small satisfied sigh. instantly closing your eyes, you place a hand on the back of sohee’s head to gently play with his hair. as you continue feeling his soft and sweet lips against your own, you slightly part your lips to allow his tongue to slip inside.
unspokenly, sohee then places a hand on your waist as he guides you to lay on your back. once your back hits the mattress, you let out a small whine causing sohee to dazedly say your name. breathing heavily as your lips continue to urgently press against one another, you find yourself slowly opening your legs to allow sohee to press his body on top of yours. at the feeling of sohee’s body now hovering yours, you wrap your legs around his waist. bringing a hand to the collar of his shirt, you pull at it causing him to stumble towards you.
“fuck,” sohee whispers out against your lips. resting his forehead against yours, sohee stops kissing you as he tries to catch his breath. letting out a loud whine in protest, you chase after his lips.
“i missed you,” sohee sighs out, pressing another kiss on your lips. “so much.”
“yeah?” you whisper back. with hooded eyes, sohee nods at you as he continues to try to regulate his breathing. looking down at his lips, you bring a finger to trace the outline of his lips.
“show me how much-” not allowing you to finish your sentence, sohee cuts you off by placing his lips over your own. 
giggling at his eagerness, you find yourself kissing him back as your hands begin roaming his body. whimpering at your touch, sohee breaks the kiss as he looks at you with wide eyes. 
“baby?” you questioned, placing both hands on his cheeks to softly caress him. “what’s wrong?”
“can i?” sohee softly whispers back to you with pleading eyes. 
“can you what?” you confusedly ask, not really understanding what he was trying to say. as his cheeks begin to heat up, sohee awkwardly shifts in his spot as he continues to look at you with pleading eyes. 
“please,” he softly mumbles once again. still not understanding, you eye him as you encourage him to elaborate.
too embarrassed to say it out loud, sohee continues to stare at you with pleading eyes. placing a hand on your thigh, sohee softly caresses your thigh with his thumb as he slowly moves his hand against your skin. looking back at you once again, sohee stops his actions, “was that okay?”
“baby,” you delicately whisper out. “are you trying to ask if you can touch me?” 
too embarrassed to speak, sohee hides his head on neck as he nods at your words. giggling at his reaction, you bring your hand on top of his and place it back on your thigh. at the sudden feeling, sohee moves away from your neck to look down at you with wide eyes. nodding your head at him, you slightly lean forward to capture his lips against yours once more. 
“you can,” you breathlessly state. not letting a second pass by, sohee quickly begins roams his hands all over your body. pressing his body even closer to yours, he brings a hand towards yours and places it against his chest; silently encouraging you to roam your hands all over his body like you were previously doing before.
“we- we should stop,” you whisper out, breaking the kiss to try and catch your breath. nodding his head at you, sohee begins placing open mouthed kisses on your neck. shutting your eyes at the feeling, you slightly tug on the back of his hair to try and calm yourself down.
“we should,” sohee agrees, nodding at you. pulling himself away from your neck, sohee breathlessly looks at you. at the sight of his puffy red lips, you giggle while you place a delicate kiss on his lips before working your way down to his neck. “fuck.”
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JUNE 28TH, 2024 7:31 PM (suggestive pls skip if not of age)
“b-baby,” sohee tries speaking. he doesn’t know how or when it happened but somehow you both switched and now you’re the one on top of him. closing his eyes, sohee finds himself trying to distract his thoughts. desperately trying to think of anything else other than the fact of you on top of him. sohee immediately shuts his eyes as he tries to concentrate on something else.
“fuck, i’m okay,” sohee whispers out, trying to regain his composure. “i’m fine, i’m okay.”
“i don’t know, you feel a little excited if you ask me,” you teasley say back. at your words, sohee feels his cheeks heat up. shaking his head at you, he quickly begins trying to explain himself.
defeatedly, sohee sighs as he breaks eye contact with you. “i’m sorry, i’ve been making out with my pretty girl for like an hour. how am i supposed to react?” sohee mumbles out, pouting as he continues to avoid your eye contact. giggling at his reaction, you shift in your spot to speak. 
“fuck, baby. please don’t do that,” sohee hisses out, placing his hands on your hips to stop you from moving any further. shutting his eyes, he once again tries to think of anything else. 
“talk about anton or something,” sohee pleads out, eyes still screwed shut as he continues to try and concentrate. 
“don’t call me that right now,” sohee pleads once more causing you to chuckle at him.
“okay, i’m okay,” sohee breathes out, slowly opening his eyes. at the sight of you staring down at him with adoration written all over your eyes, he instantly shuts his eyes once again. “nope, i’m not okay.”
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JUNE 28TH, 2024 7:45 PM
feeling the racing of your heart, you play with sohee’s hair as you place a delicate kiss on his nose. pouting at you, sohee shakes his head at you. 
“you missed,” sohee pouts out, pointing at his lips insinuating you to go ahead and try again. smiling fondly at him, you shake your head to tease him causing him to become even poutier. with your heart now picking up in speed again, you softly caress sohee’s cheek causing him to send you a warm smile. 
“what is my pretty girl thinking about?” sohee asks, turning his head to place a soft kiss on your fingertips. 
“i think i’m in love with you,” you shyly admit. 
“w-what?” sohee asks, wide eyed; wanting nothing more than for you to repeat those words again and again. 
“scratch that,” you shake your head at him. “i know i’m in love with you.”
“everything about you drives me crazy,” you state while looking directly at him. “the thought of forever losing you makes me sick to my stomach—“ you continue. “i can’t sleep at night if you don’t say goodnight. if you don’t wish me a good morning, my day will actually be ruined.”
“even before we talked— every time i heard anton talking to his friends, i secretly hoped you were here,” you hesitantly admit to him. “i’ve realized that i’ve liked you for so long but i always pushed it aside because you were anton’s best friend but—” you look at him with watery eyes. “i always wanted to be around you. every time i would tweet, i secretly waited for you to respond. i always hoped i would accidentally bump into you on campus— i wanted to get to know you but i felt like i was in the wrong for having those feelings towards you because you were my little brother’s best friend.”
“that’s why it didn’t take long for me to completely fall for you, sohee.” you admit as you shyly smile down at him. “because you’ve always had me.”
“you, sohee.” you whisper out. “it’s always been you.” you finish off as you lean forward to place a sweet kiss on his lips.
“i love you,” you state.
“i love you so fucking much,” sohee whispers back as he lets the tears fall down his cheeks. leaning forward, he passionately captures your lips on his once more.
“i love you, i love you—“ sohee keeps repeating over and over again as he places sweet kisses all over your face. “i’m in love with you. i love you—“
giggling you let SOHEE continue to kiss your face before speaking, “will you please be my boyfriend again?"
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☁︎ — CLOUD 9
CHAPTER 47 — i love you
summary !! after years of constant pining after his best friend’s sister, yn finally takes notice of sohee and sohee swears he’s on cloud 9. or in other words, loser sohee finally gets the girl.
˚౨ৎ˚ taglist — @acidwon @astro-doll-the-star @addorations @aeoliannie @bbina @cake1box @callanton @calumsfringe @d3junlys @emohoon @ffixtionista @gyehyeonist @haeeeeefer @hakkkuu @hisrkive @https-yeonjun @ikaerina @idkhoomanmaybe @jeeluv @jiaisfox @angelseokjinie @kaelysian @keilovr @lakoya @lcvehee @lecheugo @llearlert @lostinneocity @miyawwn @molensworld @nishimuraii @nujeskz @odxrilove @onlyhyunjin @parkwonbinie @renjuneoo @riizewrld @rksbae @rosesfortaro @saranghoeforanton @secretiny @shoberi @snowyseungs @sseastar-main @st4rryhae @sunflowerbebe07 @spookybias @talk022 @totheseok @whatsk-poppinhomies @whoisgwyn @wonbin-truther @ywnzn
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achilles-rage · 2 days
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summary: you're roommates with buck, and have an odd friends with benefits type situation going. when eddie moves in with you two for a couple of weeks, buck realizes how you two look at each other, and offers a suggestion.
word count: 3.9k
request: @buckandeddiesverison -Girl you need to do one where like she’s roommates with Evan and Eddie and like they both have a thing for her more like a threesome
a/n: i was so nervous for this but once i started i could not stop, this was so fun to write lol. and don't worry babes, i too, am a nasty girl. enjoy<3
warnings: smut, fem!reader, plus size!reader, race inclusive!reader
MDNI- 18+ only!
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You’re hanging out with Buck on the couch on one of the rare days you both have the day off, keeping each other company and talking as the tv plays a documentary about the African Savanna that Buck has been wanting to watch in the background. You’ve been roommates with Buck for almost a year, and with Christopher gone to camp for a few weeks this summer, Eddie couldn’t handle the quiet at his house, so he decided to take the extra room at your place.
You’ve been hooking up with Buck for almost as long as you’ve lived with him, the first time being when you both came home drunk one night. One thing led to another and he had you spread open for him on the kitchen counter, screaming his name loud enough for the entire building to hear, you’re sure of it. You both enjoyed it so much that you both agreed to continue with your odd roommate/relationship situation, hooking up whenever one of you needed to blow off some steam. You both love each other, of course; you’re best friends, but you’ve never talked about your feelings for each other beyond sex, although it seems that neither of you would be opposed to furthering your relationship.
You’re listening to him talk about the migration patterns of spotted hyenas when Eddie comes back from his run, his breaths coming out in short pants and his skin covered in a thin layer of sweat. Your eyes immediately move to Eddie, not even hearing Buck’s words as your eyes study him. Your breath catches in your throat as your eyes train on his biceps, left completely uncovered by his sleeveless workout shirt, and you lick your lips subconsciously.
Eddie gives you both a small smile and a wave as he sees both sets of eyes trained on him, then walks to the fridge to get a drink. Your dazed smile doesn’t go unnoticed by Buck, however, and neither does the way your eyes follow Eddie wherever he moves. He’s seen Eddie looking at you with the same dazed expression when he thinks no one is looking. He smirks to himself, finally putting the pieces together that you both want each other. And he’s happy to set that up.
Once Eddie goes to the bathroom to take a quick shower, Buck turns to you with the same smirk still plastered on his face, then scoots closer to you on the couch. 
“So, you still like our, uh, agreement, right?” he asks in a low voice. You furrow your eyebrows, nodding slowly. Where the hell is this coming from?
“Yeah, of course. Why? Do you?” you question, straightening up as you turn your body to face him. Your legs are crossed on the couch, and he moves to mirror your body, sitting cross legged in front of you as he places a hand on your knee.
“Yeah, of course. But,” he starts, looking towards the hallway, making sure Eddie is still in the bathroom. “How would you feel about Eddie joining the equation?” 
Your eyes widen at his words, and you feel your cheeks grow hot. How the hell did he figure you out? It’s not like you flirt with him or anything, you keep it strictly friendly, even though you want to do what Buck is suggesting more than anything. You can’t help but let out a quiet surprised laugh, and you tilt your head to the side as you take in his curious, but weirdly devilish expression.
“You’re serious?” you as in disbelief, the smile dropping from your face. He nods, patting your knee twice before he leans back, leaning to the side with his arm on the back of the couch.
“I could talk to him, if you want. See if he’d want that.” he says nonchalantly. He’s seen the way Eddie looks at you, and if you weren’t looking at him the exact same way, too lost in your own head, you would see it too. But Buck has, and he’s determined to get all three of you together at least once.
“Okay.” you say in a soft voice, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed by the idea. Is this actually going to happen? Will Eddie even say yes? You’re not sure, and you know it’ll be extremely awkward if he says no, but Christopher is only at camp for a few more days, so you won’t have to avoid him for long if things don’t go your way.
Buck grins, then gets up from the couch, reaching out to grab your hand and pull you up. He mumbles for you to follow him as he drags you to your room, then goes right to your dresser, starting to root around your drawers.
“What the hell are you doing?” you whisper-yell, crossing your arms over your chest as you watch him. All he’s doing is messing up your folded laundry, and all you can think about is the hassle it’ll be later to refold everything. He smiles as he holds something up, then tosses it to you with a smirk.
“Put this on and wait here. I’ll call you in after I talk to him.” he tells you while you hold up what he threw to you. It’s one of your matching sets, Buck’s favourite, and your eyes widen as they dart back up to meet his gaze.
“We’re doing this now?” He nods, crossing his arms over his chest.
“No time like the present. He’ll love it. Get changed.” is all he says before he leaves the room, not even bothering to close the door on the way out. You sigh, but do as he says silently, trying to make out the muffled conversation you can hear faintly on the other side of the wall. Once you’re finished, you stand in front of the mirror, eyes tracing over your plush body as you turn and pose your body. It’s definitely Buck’s favourite for a reason; it shows off your curves, it goes amazing with your skin tone, and the bra makes your breasts pop out just slightly.
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Eddie turns when he hears a knock on his bedroom door, turning just in time to see Buck entering the room. Buck’s eyes travel down his body, smirking as he sees he hasn’t changed yet; he’s still in a towel.
“What’s up, man?” Eddie asks, a little surprised at Buck’s presence. As close as they are, Buck rarely barges into his room like this, especially when he knows he just got out of the shower. Buck doesn’t waste any time with small talk, instead diving right into what’s taking over his mind.
“So, you’ve been staying here for a while. Is everything good?” he starts, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans against the door, his expression going neutral. Eddie raises a brow, his hand instinctively tightening on the towel around his waist. This seems like the beginning of a very awkward conversation; he thinks he’s about to get kicked out, although he can’t imagine why.
“Yeah, of course. It’s great hanging out all the time.” he says unsurely, eyes studying Buck’s expression, his stance, his breathing.
“What about her? You like living with her?” Buck asks nonchalantly. Eddie furrows his brows, frowning slightly.
“Haven’t had any complaints. She’s great.” he says, trying not to give away his true feelings. He knows your relationship with Buck is a little more than friendship; he’s seen the less than innocent touches when you pass each other, and he doesn’t want Buck to be upset with him or anything.
“Yeah? How great?” Buck asks, a smirk replacing his straight face. Eddie tilts his head to the side, confused. If he wasn’t smirking, he’d assume he is jealous, but now he’s not sure.
“What do you mean?” Buck shrugs, taking a step towards Eddie. 
“Come on. I’ve seen the way you look at her.” Buck says, chuckling softly as he sees Eddie’s face drop. He didn’t think it was that obvious, and either way, he would never actually do anything about it; not while you’re with Buck, sort of.
“I don’t know what you’re-” is all Eddie can say before Buck cuts him off, raising his hand to silence him.
“She looks at you like that too. You know, I think she’d give you a chance. If you’re okay with sharing?” Buck says with a smirk, closing the distance between them and standing right in front of Eddie. His head looks like it’s about to explode, with surprise, or with lust, Buck’s not sure.
“Sharing?” Eddie asks in disbelief, crossing his arms over his chest as he processes what Buck is alluding to. He’d be lying if he said the idea isn’t tempting, but he’s never done anything like this before, especially not with his best friend.
“Yeah.” is all Buck says, knowing there’s nothing else to say. He’s either in or he’s out, and no further explanation will change his mind, but he hopes it’s a yes. He beams when he sees the slightest nod from Eddie, then turns and opens the door, calling your name. He turns back to Eddie as he hears you padding across the hall, then steps out of the way and puts his arm out, almost as if presenting you to Eddie as you walk into the room in nothing but a lace bra and panties.
“Hi.” you say sheepishly, your hands behind your back as you stand in the doorway. You instantly see the way Eddie’s body tenses, and he inhales a sharp breath as his eyes roam your figure, stopping on the way your tits pop out of your bra.
“Hi, baby. You wanna show Eddie a good time?” Buck asks you with a smile, ducking his head down to meet your gaze. You turn to face him with a small smile, nodding before you look back over at Eddie, not moving for a moment. You want to give him a moment to process, and to say no, if he wants to.
“Go on, baby. He said yes.” Buck urges you gently, putting a hand on the small of your back and giving you a light nudge towards Eddie. You walk up to Eddie slowly, tilting your head up to hold his gaze. Once you’re in front of him, you stand still for a moment, and when he doesn’t make a move away from you, you cup his cheeks with your hands, kissing him softly. 
Eddie responds immediately, hands going to your wide hips and pulling you against him, groaning as your soft body makes contact with his slightly damp skin. Your hands travel down to his chest, as one of his moves up to cradle your jaw. He tilts your head up into the kiss, deepening it as you part your lips. He can feel himself getting hard beneath the towel, and he barely even remembers Buck’s watching you two as he pushes you harder against him.
“Why don’t you show him how good you are for me? Show him how good you are with that pretty little mouth.” you hear from behind you, and you break the kiss to look back at Buck. He smiles as he sees Eddie chasing your lips, and his eyes flicker between your puffy lips and Eddie’s as he lets out a satisfied hum.
You waste no time in turning back to Eddie and pulling his towel from his body. Once his towel is discarded you push him back until the backs of his legs hit the bed, and you urge him to lay back on the pillows. Once he’s where you want him, you crawl onto the bed, positioning yourself on all fours. You spit into your palm before you take his hard cock into your hand, pumping him a few times before lowering your head, wrapping your lips around just his leaking tip. 
He lets out a sharp breath as your lips make contact with his length, and his eyes move up to Buck’s for a split second before they’re back on you, watching as you lick a firm strip up the underside of his cock. He doesn’t even have time to register Buck walking over to the bed when he glances at him, as his eyes are glued to your pretty lips as you slowly work your way down his length, keeping eye contact with him as you do so. 
Once you take all of him into your mouth, trying not to gag as your nose brushes his pubic bone, you feel your panties being ripped down your legs. You hum in surprise, which makes Eddie groan as the vibrations shoot up his spine. He puts a hand on the back of your head as you begin to bob up and down on his impressive length, licking his lips as he looks over your body and to Buck, who’s kneeling behind you, eyes trained on your already dripping core.
You let out a soft whine as you feel Buck’s tongue lick a firm strip across your folds, jolting forward slightly as his tongue dips into your core. You try to focus on your movements on Eddie’s cock, but it’s difficult; Evan is definitely good at what he’s doing, and no matter how many times he’s done this to you, you don’t think you’ll ever get used to how good it feels.
Buck continues to lap at your cunt like a man starved, groaning as he squeezes your thick thighs between his fingertips. It’s almost hard enough to leave bruises, not that either of you mind. You can feel Eddie’s hand on the back of your head as you continue, keeping your eyes on him as you try to take all of him. You resort to using your hand on what you can’t reach with your mouth, trying to take him all into your mouth again every now and then. 
“Being so good for him, baby. See Eddie? Isn’t she good?” Buck purrs, pulling back from your core just long enough to make eye contact with Eddie over your plush ass held up in the air. Eddie groans, eyes darting up to Buck’s, his hand still firmly placed on your head.
“God, she’s fucking incredible. So good for us, mi amor.” You moan at his words, speeding up your movements. You’re desperate to taste him, to feel his release in your mouth. You can feel yourself getting close too, but you know that edge in Buck’s voice all too well; you know that he won’t let you cum until Eddie does. 
“I’m close, sweetheart. Don’t stop.” Eddie mumbles, fighting the urge to tilt his head back. He wants to burn this image in his brain; your mouth wrapped around him and your tits on display for him, he doesn’t want to look away. He thinks it’s the most attractive thing he’s ever seen.
You keep up your quick pace, humming around his cock, knowing he likes it. You feel him twitch, and you know he’s right on the edge, and you let out a loud, muffled whine as Buck inserts two fingers into your desperate hole, curling up towards the spot that makes you see stars. 
Eddie sees the way your eyes roll back, and that’s all it takes for him to fall over the edge, shooting hot ropes of cum into your mouth and down your throat. 
You pull back with a loud whine, swallowing his load quickly and sticking your tongue out to show him before your head drops, Buck’s mouth on your cunt becoming overwhelming. Your legs start to shake as Buck uses his tongue on your clit and curls his fingers against your g-spot, and a few moments later, you’re falling over the edge with a loud moan.
“Maybe next time she’ll let you find out how good she tastes.” Evan says in a low tone once he pulls away, his chin glistening with your release. You keep your head down for a moment, trying to catch your breath, and then you feel a sense of giddiness fill your body. You straighten up onto your knees, turning your upper body and grabbing Buck’s face to give him a rough kiss. You both moan as you feel a mix of you and Eddie’s releases on your tongues, and you kiss him with fervor, almost as if thanking him for suggesting this. Of course this is something you’ve thought about before, but you never thought you’d actually experience it.
You break away from the kiss and move towards Eddie again, giving him a small smirk before you straddle his lap, kissing him hard. His hands go to your thighs immediately, his cock already growing hard again as he feels your heat brush against him. You wrap your arms around his neck as you slip your tongue into his mouth, and behind you, Buck is palming himself through his jeans, groaning at the sight of you two. 
As you continue to kiss Eddie, Buck moves around to the side of the bed, unhooking your bra and sliding it down your arms. You barely even break apart from Eddie as he does, moving your arms to let Buck work as you focus on Eddie’s lips on yours and his hands squeezing your thick thighs harshly.
Once your bra is off, you waste no time in raising your hips, breaking from the kiss to look down at Eddie with a raised brow. He nods as he licks his lips, looking down with hooded and grabbing his cock, lining it up to your entrance before you sink onto him with a soft whimper. You tilt your head back as you get used to his size, closing your eyes as you grip Eddie's shoulders.
After a moment, your eyes flutter open and you begin to move, looking down at Eddie as you both let out low moans.
You can feel Eddie stretching you out as you start to bounce on his lap, and his hands move to your hips to help guide your movements. His eyes trail down to the way your tits bounce, and the way your tummy jiggles, and he has to focus on not cumming too soon. You take this time to turn your upper body towards Buck, motioning for him to move closer to you. 
Once he’s directly beside you, you make quick work of pulling his shirt off his body, and then pulling his pants and boxers down to his knees, allowing his leaking cock to spring free. Your mouth waters at the sight, and you waste no time in lowering your head down, taking him into your mouth. Your hips are still moving on Eddie as you bob up and down on Buck’s length, but Eddie has more or less taken over your movements, moving you exactly the way he wants as your focus shifts. 
You’ve gotten to know what Buck likes over the last few months, so it doesn’t take much for his breath to quicken, coming out in ragged, uneven breaths. You hollow your cheeks as you move your head, then swirl your tongue around his tip before you take all of him in your mouth, gagging slightly as you feel him hitting the back of your throat.
“Does that feel good, baby? You like how Eddie’s cock feels?” Buck growls through low grunts, his thumb rubbing your cheek as he watches you. You nod as much as you can, humming softly as you continue to move on him, moaning as Eddie bucks his hips up against yours. This movement allows him to feel impossibly deeper, and you can feel that familiar feeling in your stomach growing as he moves your hips down against his.
“Yeah? Tell him, baby. Tell him how good it feels.” Buck purrs, grabbing the back of your neck and pulling your lips off of him with a soft pop. He misses the warmth of your mouth immediately, but he loves the sight of you bouncing on Eddie’s cock too much to pass up on this opportunity.
“Feels so good, Eds. You feel so good inside me.” you whimper softly, turning your upper body back towards Eddie, bouncing on him with increased fervor as you feel yourself nearing the edge.
“God, mi amor. Keep talking like that and I won’t last long.” he murmurs, eyes trailing down to your core, watching the way you sink onto him so perfectly. You moan, biting your lip as you continue to move, then after a moment you look back over at Evan, who’s fisting his cock quickly, eyes glued on your hips rolling against Eddie’s.
You lower your head back down, using your mouth and your hand on Buck as Eddie takes over the movements of your hips again. Both Eddie and Buck are now watching the way you take Buck, and Eddie bites his lip, trying not to fall over the edge at the sight of you being filled by both of them at the same time. 
Before long, you’re all close to the edge, and Buck pulls you off of him again, then pulls you off of Eddie and lays you down on the bed. He has no problem sharing you with Eddie sometimes, but he feels oddly possessive about letting Eddie finish inside of you; that’s a privilege only he’s allowed to have. 
“Such a pretty tummy. Would be a shame for it to go unloved.” Buck purrs, moving his hand along his cock again as he looks over at Eddie with a smirk. Eddie groans at the thought, and although he misses the feeling of your warm wet walls around him, he wants to see you painted in his cum almost as much. He moves to kneel on the bed in front of you as you sit up on your elbows, and your eyes dart between both of them as they fist their cocks, desperate to decorate your plush tummy with their seed.
Eddie moves his other hand down to your clit after a moment, still fucking his hand as he circles your clit with two of his fingers. You whimper softly, feeling the ball in your stomach forming again as you try to keep your eyes open and on the sight before you. Your quickened breaths and your high pitched whine as you finally fall over the edge sets both men to follow right after you, white hot cum covering your tummy and dripping down your thighs. They groan at the sight of their mixed releases covering your body, and Buck’s quick to lean down and kiss you softly, cupping one of your cheeks.
“You did so good for us, baby. So pretty.” he whispers against your lips, then leans back to look at Eddie.
“God, can we do that again?” Eddie says, and both you and Buck laugh softly at his words while you all try to catch your breath. 
“Maybe in a little bit.” you say softly, looking up at Eddie with a twinkle in your eye. He chuckles quietly, shrugging before he leans down to capture your lips in a gentle kiss. As you kiss Eddie, Buck slips out of the room quietly to grab a damp cloth.
“I’ll wait.” Eddie murmurs to you once he pulls away, leaning back once Buck returns. He watches as Buck wipes off your tummy and thighs, then once you’re cleaned off, you sit up with a smile.
“I’m gonna go shower, if anyone wants to join.” you say in a teasing tone, giggling softly as you see both of them turn to look at each other with smirks.
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notes: likes/comments/reblogs would be much appreciated if you liked this<33
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brokenmenswhore · 3 days
I'm so glad you've come back with betrothals and brothels, I love that fic! Also I'm so curious about how it's gonna end up bc basically everyone is in love with mc I love that so much 😭 now that your requests are open again, can I ask you something where Aegon and fem!reader are in love but also betrothed to different people and they secretly see each other at night (not only they're in love but pretty horny as well). When they meet for their final night together it's so sad and beautiful and the next day during Aegon's wedding he decides to just marry fem!reader instead (I mean he's king after all??) who of course is present at the ceremony and they're happy and well in the years to come (I'm sorry I can't deal with sad ending at least in fiction I need things to go well 😭)
i love happy ending fics especially with aegon because he deserves all the happiness in the world <3
the one | aegon ii targaryen
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pairing: aegon targaryen x fem!reader
warnings: light smut (MDNI 18+)
────── ☾ ──────
“Being sneaky is not my strongest trait, Aegon, sometimes it takes longer than expected.”
“You were supposed to be here last hour, I missed you.”
“I know, I’m sorry, I came as fast as I could.”
“Well I’d hope not,” Aegon teased, frantically pulling your clothes off of your body and tossing them aside, a few garments landing on the wine lining the cellar walls.
You moaned when Aegon connected his lips to your neck, sucking the sweet spot he knew you could cover easily with your hair as you tilted your head back in pleasure.
“Someone’s eager,” you teased, “thought we were going to take it easy tonight? It is our last night together.”
“I hate it when you put it like that,” Aegon sighed, pulling slightly away from you.
You and Aegon had been at this for a while. Since only shortly after you had met, you and Aegon had been in love. Desperate, secretive, lustful love.
You had both hoped your parents would betroth you to one another, but life was cruel. Your father promised your hand to a lord in the Riverlands, and Aegon was promised to his own sister.
No betrothal could stop you from meeting one another in secret, especially late at night.
“It is the truth, you and I both know we cannot continue this after we are wed.”
“The thought of you married to someone else makes me want to vomit,” Aegon said, “you aren’t anyone else’s. You’re mine.”
“I know.”
Aegon sighed and dropped his head, but you caught his chin and tilted his head back upward. “We still have tonight, yeah?” you said.
Aegon nodded his head and immediately leaned in to kiss you, wasting no more time. He unclothed himself as best as he could without breaking away from you.
He backed you up until your back hit a shelf of wine, and a few bottles fell with a cacophony of glass breaking against the ground.
“Aegon!” you jumped, startled by the noise, but he wasn’t phased.
“Oops,” he said, nonchalant, working to kiss you again.
“Aeg, we can’t just leave this here,” you struggled out between kisses, “it- Aegon- if you step on glass it’s not my fault.”
Aegon pulled away and looked into your eyes. “Do you ever shut up?”
“No, but that’s what you love about me,” you smiled.
“Correct,” Aegon responded, “so I say this with love. Shut up and let me fuck you.”
“But there’s glass everyw-“
“Shut up,” Aegon repeated, quieting you himself with a demanding, hard kiss.
Your body instinctively gave in as you lifted a leg up to wrap around Aegon’s waist.
Aegon began to press himself into you, grinding his hips lightly and pushing you more and more into the corks of the wine bottles.
“Fuck, Aegon, we gotta adjust,” you spoke.
“You’re killing me,” Aegon complained.
“Aeg, I’m literally backed against bottles of wine and there’s glass everywhere. How do you think we’re gonna fuck like this?”
Aegon bent down to scoop you up from under your legs. You wrapped your body around him as he walked around the glass, finding a clear spot and slowly lowering your bodies onto the ground. He made sure your back was gentle as it hit the floor, and you clung to him for dear life until you felt grounded.
“Better?” he asked.
“Mhm,” you smiled.
“Good,” he replied, “now shut up.”
He kissed you again, running a hand down the side of your body and eliciting goosebumps. He moved his hand lower and lower until it reached your core.
You gasped as he began to touch you, your back arching off the ground as he rubbed circles on your clit for a moment before moving further down to insert two fingers into you.
While Aegon was usually rough and needy, the moment his fingers were inside of you, he slowed completely, savoring every single breath and gasp from your mouth as he pumped his fingers in and out.
The newer, slower pace was new for you, and it made your moans drawn out.
Aegon smiled and groaned as he watched your face contort. “You’re enjoying this, huh?”
You nodded your head, and your confirmation only added to Aegon’s own arousal. “Yes, but, w-why are you going so slow?” you struggled out.
“If I only get you one more time, I’m gonna make it last.”
You rested your head back down against the floor, allowing your senses to become consumed by the pleasure Aegon was giving you.
He leaned down and kissed your neck again as you squirmed under him.
Though he was moving slow, the pleasure was still intense, as was anything Aegon did. You were so in love with him, and so attracted to him, that any touch from him drove you crazy.
“Aeg, I-“
“Let go for me,” Aegon whispered in your ear.
You immediately came, his words sending you over the edge. He kept his fingers still inside of you as you came, as he always did. He loved tasting you on his fingers when he pulled them out of you, knowing that the sweetness came exclusively from what he could do to you.
You were out of breath, but Aegon was not prepared to waste a single moment.
He reconnected his lips to yours, and despite your newfound tiredness, you pulled him closer.
He gave his cock a few lazy strokes before lining it up with your soaked entrance. “You need me?”
“I always need you, Aegon, you’ll always be the one.”
Aegon slowly inserted himself into you, causing you to let out a soft, long sigh.
He pressed his forehead to yours, and you both watched your bodies disconnect and connect as he began to slowly pump in and out of you.
He looked up at you, and despite the close proximity, you still felt like he was looking straight into your soul.
“I love you so much,” Aegon said, shaky and breathing heavy.
“I love you too,” you said, holding his face in your hands and leaning upward to kiss him.
────── ☾ ──────
You sat in the pew, leg shaking as you tried to restrain from crying or screaming or lashing out and storming off.
“I cannot believe you are truly making me do this,” Aegon whispered to his brother, who stood directly behind him as he waited at the alter for the ceremony to start.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of him. As much as it pained you to look, he was much too handsome. His head was adorned with a prince’s crown, and he was dressed in all black, which contrasted his near-white hair perfectly.
You wished it was you waiting to walk down the aisle toward him. Anyone would be lucky to stand at the alter with him and hold his hand.
Aegon’s eyes scanned the room until they met yours. Even with you sitting, he could see how beautiful you looked. Beautiful and sad, just like him.
The piano’s first few notes began, and the room quieted and stood as everyone prepared for the bride’s entrance. Your body turned toward the end of the aisle, but your head didn’t. You stayed fixed on Aegon.
Heleana began to walk down the aisle, her mother by her side. Though you resented her for what she would now become, she truly looked beautiful, and you held no true ill will toward her. This was not her choice either.
Aegon looked at his bride, and then to you.
You suddenly became very aware of your staring at him, and you didn’t want to ruin the day. You forced yourself to look away, and you dropped your head, taking a deep breath to remain calm.
You stared at the floor and listened to the piano until you heard Aegon.
You instantly lifted your head and turned toward the source of the noise, and he was already looking straight at you.
He swallowed hard in nervousness. “I cannot do this.”
You and Aegon could not break eye contact if you tried. Aegon took a deep breath, forcing himself to turn and address the room. “My sister is very special to me, but that is how she should stay: my sister. She is not the one I will wed today.”
Your eyes widened in a mix of shock and confusion. There was no way he was actually doing this. Your heart dropped to your stomach. You were nervous, excited, overwhelmed- every emotion all at once.
“I have decided to marry the one I love,” he announced, “if she will have me.”
Tears filled your eyes and you couldn’t help but smile to show your acceptance.
Aegon continued: “I am the King, after all.”
You took a deep breath as Aegon gestured for you to come toward him. You shifted through the pew and into the aisle, turning to Heleana.
“Do not worry,” Heleana whispered, “you are saving me as much as you’re saving him.”
You gave Heleana a hug and she handed you her bouquet of flowers. Her mother protested, but you could not hear. You could only focus on Aegon.
You turned to face him and began to walk down the aisle, the biggest smile on your face as you made your way across from him.
You handed your bouquet to the woman standing nearest to you, and put your hands in his.
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i-starcreamed · 2 days
Hi!, can I get some headcanons of transformers one character being jealous and the reader teases them.
D-16, Orion, Sentinel, Badassatron, and elita.
I tried to make this silly I'm feeling silly...enjoy
Post includes all of above :3
Tries to act unaffected by it, but doesn’t make a huge deal
He’s usually nice about it
Let’s say a bot is being really friendly with you, they’re making you laugh and everything. D sees from the distance, then comes up to you. Placing a servo against the small of your back-frame. “Heyy what’s so funny? I want to hear too :)”
He’s forcing a smile so bad.
He’s harmless, man, he trusts you completely
If another bot is for real flirting with you though, he's going to be so passive-aggressive
It’s more like he wants ur attention lol
If you teased him about it he’s going to deny it so hard
"What? No, no no.. I’m not jealous..pfft"
If you’re extra sweet maybe he’ll admit it
NOO y/n.. I’m funnier than them anyway.. I’m cooler too..
Don’t get jealous often either
He trusts you, he’s trustful of most bots
He gets jealous when you don't give him enough attention too
You’ll be talking to someone and he’ll just be in the background like,
“I’m..Y/N? Hey I..y/n? Uhm..I'm..right here..”
He’s so awkward, he doesn’t want to be rude to either of you but he’s lonely!!
If you tease him about looking sad when you’re not looking at him all the time, he’ll softly scoff.
"Well...yeah. They were flirting with you.."
sad puppy eyes
"Orion..they were asking me about Sentinels speech yesterday.."
Oh boy
It’s a mix of irritation and jealousy
Why are you looking at someone else! When you can be looking at him!
He might be an attention seeker. He’ll just say things to catch your attention.
“Hey sweetspark, come look at my new paint job!” He calls you over as you're busy talking to someone else, he looks exactly the same btw
If you teased him I feel like he’ll take it way too seriously
“Jealous? What is there to be jealous of?? I’m literally Sentinel??”
But then his insecurity starts
“Wait…do you like talking to them more?”
evil sad puppy eyes
He'll only be content if you feed him compliments. Also erm..never talk to that bot again
If he can’t demote the bot he was jealous of, he’ll try to one-up them, otherwise they are FIRED
After he gets over it he’ll be extra affectionate. You also get affectionate when you tease him so maybe it’s not so bad after all
insert makeout session
He’s definitely a bit attention and touch-starved after being stuck in low levels for who knows how many years
It’s only logical that he’s glued to your side for the rest of your life
If he’s jealous it’s very obvious. He tries to do something to get your attention or awkwardly stands there
Hey y/n look at this! - Does a backflip and falls
Tease him about it and he gets flustered
"Whattt? No, I’m not jealous!" He lets out a cocky laugh
“Ok maybe a little..”
Kiss his faceplate all over and he’s yours
He's definitely the least harmful
If he's jealous about a bot he particularly dislikes or they're flirting with you out and about, he might be more passive-aggressive about it
"Hey don't mean to intrude or anything, but uh, I'm kinda busy with my PARTNER. And by PARTNER I mean we're together. Yeah, uh huh! So, if you don't mind, my PARTNER and I are going to ignore you now. Since we're y'know..busy being together."
She’s smug about her jealousy, but only you could tell
“No, I’m not jealous. What makes you think that?”
Meanwhile, she’s giving the nastiest glare to the other bot.
“You really need to stop bringing their hopes up. Did you hear the way they were flirting with you?”
“Elita...they were just thanking me."
“Don’t even look at them actually"
If you tease her, she either denies it or is very proud
Like yeah she got a little jealous, she has such an amazing partner and anyone in their right mind would see that too.
Or no..she's definitely not jealous. She's just speaking her mind
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carpenterscupid · 11 hours
pregnant!reader x inmate!logan ♡
summary: logan misses you so much and is so needy in jail.
warnings: angst, description of nudity, catcalling
enjoy xx
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Logan had been in jail for almost 6 months. He said it was something about the murder of government officials. Still, he didn’t want you to worry your pretty little head about it, especially when you are heavily pregnant, so you just turned up to trials and tried to be a supportive girlfriend. You did your best to keep up with him by sending him letters with the most revealing polaroids of you, calling him and telling him how much you needed him home, but rarely could you visit him as his prison was such a high security. It was hard to make such a long trip when you were so pregnant, but when you did, you made it worth his while.
Your white kitten heels clack along the hard concrete floor as a guard assists you throughout the prison. Your baby bump was peeking through your short blue baby doll dress. You followed the guard along like a helpless puppy in your own world, not even noticing the catcalls and whistles from the other men. “looking good, baby!” You just smiled at their words, peering over to give a slight wave and rub your belly.
“Here you are,” the guard gestured to the seat that had a phone and glass blocking you from the other side. You smiled at him and plonked down, waiting for Logan. You played with your baby pink French tip nails as you waited for Logan to arrive and when he did, you were in awe, like it was the first time you were seeing him. Logan’s hair had grown out slightly now messy as he ran his tanned, toned arms through it. He had spent a lot of time working out while he was stuck in prison. His abs were visible through the tight blue tank they made him wear, along with the outline of his member in those fitting pants. You could not help your face flushing as you looked up into his eyes. Logan also could not help but take in how good you looked. Belly holding his baby and boobs swollen from all the hormones, it made him half hard.
You both picked up the phone putting it to your ear, “hey bub,” Logan drawled out in a husky voice, “I’ve missed you, all alone in here.” The thought of Logan being lonely and deprived of everything brought tears to your eyes.
“I am so sorry, Daddy.” You murmured out, looking at him with big doe eyes. “I’ve missed you as well, so sad without you always with me,” you confessed, looking down at your belly. “The baby can’t stop kicking. I think she wants you home.” Logan felt terrible as he looked at you, feeling his heart hurt at how vulnerable you were.
“I know princess, I am so sorry,” He whispers the last part of his sentence. “You look so good though, all pregnant with my baby.” The smirk carries into his tone of voice as he adjusts himself in his seat, spreading his legs a little wider, arms folded casually over himself. Deprived of his girl, he couldn’t help but feel turned on by you. “You- you know I have really been liking all those photos you’ve been sending me, baby.” Logan leaned into the glass, a look of greed on his face. He flexed his muscles, making sure your pretty eyes would pick up on it.
“Really?” you asked, smiling up at him, as he nodded slowly. You bite your lip in response.
“Yeah, do you know what would be even better?” As he licks his lips, his gaze fixates on your perky breasts, which are hidden beneath the delicate fabric of your baby doll dress. “Wanna pull down your dress for me doll, I wanna see your plump titties.” You grit your teeth, somewhat shocked by what he just let roll off his tongue.
“Daddy, not here.” you grump crossing your arms, making your boobs even more obvious and furrowing your brow. “They could see us.” you put on the innocent act — one you do all too well as you bat your eyelashes at him. Logan groans and rubs his temple with his big hand.
“Bub, no one’s gonna see you.” he shakes his head, practically desperate. You feel the heat in between your thighs. Something about this was making you horny, and you knew how badly you wanted each other, but you kept trying to resist. You shook your head attempting to avoid eye contact with him, but he called you back, “Hey, kid, eyes up here.” He expressed his love and desire, saying, “You know how much I love you. The baby is inside you because of me. I only want what’s best for you. I can even smell your arousal from here. This is the best we can do.”
“Fine,” you murmured, shifting in your seat, which earned praise from Logan. You put the phone down and turned to look around you, seeing if anyone was nearby. You looked back at the man who had lust in his eyes as he watched you pull down the strap of your blue dress, letting it fall onto your belly, exposing your boobs. Logan’s hand came to his mouth, and he rubbed it slowly, staring at you.
“Jesus,” he muffled out, taken aback by the size your boobs had grown to. Swiftly pulling your strap back up, you glanced at him and observed his erection. You smiled at him like there wasn’t one thought behind your eyes, you rubbed your belly, enjoying the sight of Logan completely mesmerised by you, you picked up the phone again, “oh I love you bub,” he spoke still in shock, “I can wait to fuck you so good when I get out of here.” You giggled at his words, shifting again to rub your legs together.
“I just want you home. Need you here with me. I cannot wait to have this baby.” you smile softly, putting your hand up to the glass, Logan copying your movement.
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enwoso · 22 hours
how do i say goodbye — alessia russo
WARNINGS: upsetting themes, talks of death, overdose, suicide, grief etc. please do not read if any of these make you uncomfortable.
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read pink skies first before continuing!
"so how you feeling?" alessia asked a slight wince on her face as she asked, she knew it was a sensitive topic. something you always tried to deflect whenever asked but she wasn’t asking about you personally - well maybe she was kind of - but she was more directing it at your injury.
as she flopped onto her bed in the room she’d called home for the past five days while being on international camp. you on the other line, your room dimmed as you lay in your bed the soft hum of your tv playing in the background. the room you hadn’t left in three days.
getting called up to play for you country was a special feeling that never went away each time it happened but playing with your best friend for england, well there was no feeling like it.
so naturally when alessia seen your name also on the team sheet she was ecstatic, however that quickly went away within four hours as it was quickly announced that you’d withdrawn because of a knee injury and would instead spend the international break rehabbing at arsenal.
alessia had, had her suspicions about your knee injury that seemed to of popped up out of nowhere but nevertheless pushed it to the back of her mind and instead just focused on trying to help you get back into the swing of playing football again.
little did alessia know in that moment was that you’d already played your last match together.
“yeah it’s- um its getting there” you nodded, but it coming out as if you were trying to convince yourself that your knee was getting there. alessia humming with her usual bright smile as she gave you some positive notes to help spur your recovery on quicker. the words going over your head quicker than she said them.
alessia spent the next hour telling you everything that had happened that day, like she’d done the past five days. filling you in on every detail from the silly jokes ella had told her that made her laugh, to her telling you about how grace reminded her of a sloth cause of how long she’s hug her for to even the coffee she’d drank this morning with lotte.
you sat listening to her little ramble, the way she couldn’t tell you the jokes ella had told her without a giggle slipping out in between each word and the way she tried to sound so agitated by graces hugs you could see the adoration in her eyes and the way her lip quirked.
some of her words morphing into one as you lay, an empty feeling filled your chest as you laid in your room, the same hoodie on with the same toothpaste stain on it, your hair in the same messy bun from days ago that your hood covered.
“and your still coming to watch tomorrow right?” alessia asked, the match being a late afternoon kick off at wembley as you hummed a small response as alessia’s smile grew just that little bit bigger.
“yeah.. think leah said she had the tickets and all that sorted” you told alessia as she made a little joke about your organisation skills, you not being one for planning more just someone tells you the time and date and you would show up.
“good, well i’ll come by yours after and we can watch man on fire” alessia smiled, knowing a groan was going to come from you about the choice of movie. it being the blondes favourite at the moment meaning you had seen it at least six times already.
“you and that film! i’ll agree only if you bring the jammy dodgers!” you say with a small smug smile, knowing the blonde couldn’t resist and the fact they were your favourite biscuits — alessia couldn’t say no.
“fine! i’ll stop on the way and get them for you!”
YOURNAME🩷 good luck today lessi, go show wembley how much of a star girl you are!
delivered 01:44pm
YOURNAME🩷 and sorry i can’t make it to see you play — just not feeling too good today.
delivered 01:45pm
maybe if alessia had of seen that message the day wouldn’t have progressed the way it did but she’s didn’t see the message. she thought you were sat in the stands with leah, like you’d told the blonde the night before.
instead the game kicked off, the scheduled time of two thirty. alessia in the starting line up even getting herself a goal as she celebrated with the fans and her teammates. pointing to the corner where you were supposed to be sat.
expect you never got to see the goal.
as what alessia didn’t know was that while she was kicking a ball around a pitch in front of ninety thousand people that there were a group of paramedic’s trying to shock some life back into your body.
coming to the end of the game the team was doing there usual lap of honour as alessia spots leah in the corner of her eye with one of the coaching staff which works with england but as the blonde scanned the area for your face you were no where to be found.
“leah? where’s y/n?” alessia asked concern laced her voice. a small flash of confusion took over leah’s face as she paused her conversation with the staff member, “did she not tell you?”
“tell me what exactly..?” alessia trailed off hurrying leah into an answer as she didn’t exactly know what leah was trying to get at.
“that she couldn’t make it, said she didn’t feel too great. i thought you knew already, she told me she had messaged you” leah shrugged before walking off and leaving less stood slightly confused - did leah not ask why you weren’t coming?
“wait- leah…” alessia called out but leah couldn’t hear the blonde. an uneasy feeling took over alessia’s body. something didn’t feel right as the whole stadium seemed to fall silence in her ears as she made her way over to the tunnel. the fans scream for her as well as a couple of her teammates calling out her name but it was no use alessia didn’t hear them.
getting back to her spot in the changing room, she rummaged through her bag for her phone. a sigh leaving her lips when she saw your message but still her mind was still filled with panic.
it wasn’t like you to just message out the blue that you weren’t coming to the match and even if you couldn’t make it you’d watch and live update her through messages.
alessia refreshed her phone thinking maybe your live updates hadn’t come through but no, nothing. just the two messages.
by this point the rest of the team was coming back into the changing room as alessia rushed around trying to get changed and on her way to your apartment. her mind not seeming to be able to rest without knowing if you were okay.
“less you don’t need to be in that much of a hurry we aren’t going out till six!” ella joked as she sat beside the blonde, a little giggle coming from the brunette but soon her smile dropped when she saw her best friends look of panic.
“what’s wrong?” ella asked as alessia sighed, “nothing i just promised y/n i would go and see her”
“right. how's her knee?” ella asked as alessia hummed a small nod, “it’s good- erm i need to go tooney. i’ll call you later yeah” alessia rushed out and before the brunette even had a chance to respond the blonde was out the changing room door.
a few glances to the door from the other girls as they then looked to ella who just shrugged, not knowing the answer to their questions that there faces were asking without even saying a word.
three knocks of the door was all it took before the door slowly opened, a face appearing which was definitely not who alessia thought would be answering the door.
“oh- alessia?” your mum slight surprise in her voice, clearing not expecting the blonde to be stood at the door. alessia stood her hands filled with all your favourite things that you like when your not feeling too good as well as your beloved jammy dodgers.
“hey mrs y/l/n, is um y/n in- i told her i was coming by after my game..” alessia trailed off, noticing the slight change in your mums face. a sadder look appearing as your mum looked towards the floor.
“i’m sorry alessia, i think it’s best you come inside” your mum took a deep breath in as she moved deeper into your apartment, alessia clicking the front door shut with her foot.
there being a strange feeling in the air as she walked down the small hallway, it being littered with small reminiscences of you. your shoes that you would always leave by the door, alessia forever tripping over them any time she came over.
the place felt eerie as alessia followed your mum deeper into your apartment. alessia had a strange feeling in her stomach, the same stomach dropping feeling when you get caught breaking your mums case a child.
expect this was worse.
a vase could be glued back together. a life, not so much.
“take a seat love” your mum pointed to the couch as she sat on the one opposite alessia as she sunk into the soft couch.
your mum taking a few deep breaths still looking at the floor before looking up towards alessia, tears building in her eyes. alessia’s head was spinning, something had happened. but what, well she was probably wishing the day never happened.
“um there’s no way to really say this but- um y/n, she’s-” your mums voice was shaky as she spoke, alessia on edge as her knee bounced up and down awaiting the next words.
“is she okay?” alessia asked it coming out as a whisper as her bottom lip began to wobble, fear taking over her body. watching as your mum shook her head no.
“i’m so sorry less.. but she’s gone”
the words fell on deaf ears as alessia almost didn’t hear what your mum had said it seemingly not wanting to go into her head but once it did her body crumbled like a brick wall. as her tears fell, your mum getting up immediately and wrapping the young girl in a hug.
“no, no- she, no” alessia choked out over her tear as your mum tried her best to soothe alessia as they both cried in each others arms. "she's at peace now sweetheart" your mum whispered into alessia's hair as she soothed the blonde as she sobbed.
the pair stayed in each others arms both choked up with tears, as once grieved the lost of their daughter, their own blood while the other grieved the loss of their best friend, a sister maybe not by blood but sisters by hearts.
alessia was the first to move as she looked to your mum with puffy red eyes, your mums face mirroring the same puffy eyes. "how'd- she. just how?" alessia managed to get out, part of her didn't want to know how or what you suffered but the other part would put her head to rest knowing you were not longer in pain.
"she- overdosed, they tried - they really did try to save her but she was already gone" your mum explained as a shiver went down alessia's spine as an image appeared in her brain as she shook her head trying to rid of it.
"i should have realised- with the injury she supposedly had- i-" alessia rushed out as she brought her hands up to cover her face, a pout forming on your mums face.
"alessia its not your fault, you weren't to know, y/n wouldn’t have blamed you." your mum comforted the blonde englufing her in a hug, "she's no longer in pain anymore"
the two of them stayed like that for a few moments later until alessia calmed down a little, your mum offering to make her something warm to drink. the afternoon had been a lot of the blonde to have to come to terms with.
your mum had walked off to make alessia a cup of tea, the blondes eyes wet as her bottom lip jutted out as she wondered her way towards the bathroom, stopping slightly as she reached your bedroom door.
her fingers lingered on the door handle as hesitation filled her body wondering if she should actually cross the threshold. a small movement and her foot was across the carpet as she made her way deeper into your room. her eyes filling up with tears once again, it smelled just like you.
alessia's hand dragged across the bedding which was made neatly, the room was spotless which for you was a rare thing. the softness of the blanket as alessia gripped it, as her legs seem to get weaker and a single tear slid down her cheek as her body slipped down the side of your bed. she stayed in your room, not wanting to move from the comfort of what was once your space.
alessia couldn’t tell you how long she stayed slouched down the side of your bed, in your room. maybe it had been ten minutes, three hours or maybe even a week.
she’d sat and cried with your mum and then she came and sat in your room, where many of days and nights had been spent. alessia’s eyes felt heavy, they were dry and puffy and most definitely red.
as she sat taking in the memories as she stared at the wall where small little photos scattered across the wall, as sense of emptiness filled the room. replacing the usual warmth she would get each time she entered. boxes already filled the room with your things packed in like you had never even existed.
alessia sat her legs outstretched, her fingers toying with the edges of two letters one had just been folded over, the other had been placed in an envelope. alessia’s name written in the nearest of handwriting, a little heart as the dot on the letter i in her name.
she’d read the one that had just been folded over, it being a short goodbye letter. one you probably scribbled in less than twenty minutes but it did reference the other neater letter having the answers that alessia would probably want to the questions that circled in her head.
like why. why’d you leave so soon. why didn’t you tell alessia you’d been struggling for so long. just why.
but she couldn’t bring it in herself to even open the other one, she didn’t think her heart could handle it reading it right now.
“oh less, i’m so sorry” alessia’s head slowly turned to the soft coo of the voice, it was her mum. a sad smile across her face as carol came closer. alessia not making any attempt to move, she couldn’t.
alessia’s mum wrapping her in a tight hug as the walls crashed down again, “she’s gone mum, what am i supposed to do without her..” alessia choked out through tears and sniffles as carol shushed her trying to calm her daughter down.
“let’s get you home, yeah?” carol asked as she pulled away from the hug, alessia still filled with tears as she nodded. small hiccups coming from her as she tried her best to pull herself up from your bedroom floor.
the envelope still held tightly in her hand, as she took on last look around your room. knowing it would probably be the last time she’d ever step foot in there.
a heavy sigh coming from alessia as she looked towards the small teddy that was laid in your neatly made bed, a little bunny that you couldn’t sleep without. every away day, every tournament that small bunny would come with.
alessia took a step towards the little bunny teddy, a little hesitant at first but then slowly reached out to it picking it up and lifting it up to her face. the soft fur as it sunk into her skin, it still smelling just like you. it feeling like you were stood right in front of alessia and boy how much she wished you were and that this wasn’t the reality she was facing now.
but unfortunately it was.
the drive home was long even though it was only a fifteen minute drive, the rain tapped against the glass as carol tried her best to converse with her daughter but alessia was having non of it just the occasional hum as her head leant against the cold glass.
alessia felt empty. she'd cried enough tears to fill a bathtub twice over and now she just felt numb. her eyes were sore, red as well as puffy. she'd lost a part of her.
when alessia finally got home she changed into different clothes feeling a little lighter but her whole body soon felt heavy again as she sat on her couch, your small bunny stuffy in her hand as she looked at the photo of the two of you from the euros final that held pride of place on the blondes tv cabinet as the blonde picked at the food her mum had made for her.
“are you sure your going to be okay on your own less? i can-“ carol asked as she stood leaning against the kitchen island, having sorted out alessia some dinner making sure the blonde actually had a hot meal in her especially after todays events.
“yes! i’ll be fine mum, i just- just need some time. i’ll message if i need anything” alessia’s tone coming across as snappy at first but once she realised she mumbled a small sorry before her tone got softer again. carol opening her mouth to say something but alessia quickly shut her down. “i promise mum, i will”
with that carol nodded, making the blonde a hot drink before leaving, kissing alessia on her head as alessia watched her mum walk out of her front door, waiting the door to click shut.
as soon as it did, she scrambled around placing the hot drink on the coffee table as she found her phone. her eyes glossy as she tapped away at the screen looking for a certain contact, a voice she needed right now.
“hello?- less?.. less?” ella paused, a hint of confusion as to why alessia hadn’t said anything.
“ella-“ alessia voice was shaky and she knew if she said more than two words she’d crumble again.
“less what’s up? how’s y/n, how’s her knee?” ella rattled out as the background noise got quieter, alessia wincing slightly at the sound of your name as she let out a few sniffles — it obvious to ella that something was up with her best friend.
“less, what’s happened? are you okay?” ella spoke fast as she was trying to get answers to her questions. the panic in her voice was evident.
“its y/n- she’s- she’s um” alessia tried to get out fast as she sobbed but she couldn’t bring herself to actually say the word as it hadn’t even processed in the blondes head that you were actually gone.
“woah- slow down less, you not makin’ any sense!” ella tried her best to calm alessia down, telling her to take deep breaths on the other side of the line, as her mind raced with what the end of the sentence was going to be.
“y/n- she’s gone.”
“what do you mean she’s gone? gone where?” ella asked her mind freezing as it hadn’t clicked what alessia meant as in reality that was the last thing she expected her best friend to even mean never mind actually say.
“she’s dead, ella.”
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liked by leahwilliamson and 1,092,635 others
alessia today has truly been one of the hardest moments of my life - stepping back onto the pitch and not seeing you there. not being there to walk out onto the pitch with. not being able to watch you eat your jammy dodgers on the coach there.
y/n, you were one of the truest friends i ever had.
when you lose a true friend, the hardest part isn't the big moments, it's the small ones - the ones you take for granted. it's the everyday things which were boring but they made so fun, and so meaningful.
we were european champions together, we travelled to the other side of the world and made it to a world cup final, we played together for the same club. we did so many cool things. but you know what i miss most?
is just seeing you everyday, sitting for hours drinking coffee, your passion, your energy each day even when maybe i wasn’t in the best of moods — you knew how to brighten my day.
you touched so many lives in just 24 years. you wanted to change the world more than anyone i've ever known. you wanted football to be for everyone. this is very close to my heart and everyone who knew y/n personally. i'll be honest it's taken me a while to actually type this, it's still very raw for me.
with y/n y/ln in your life you were never alone. she was always there for others, she always found a way. she was always the one cheering the loudest for others. if you could bottle her energy, the world would be a much better place.
but with a little help her spirit, her warmth, and her legacy will live on. we will make sure of that.
i'll miss you forever. keep painting the skies pink my friend. i love you.
with love, your alessia<3
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