#i can’t pick a fave yet they’re all really pretty
chososdoll · 10 months
can’t believe i’m watching blue lock in dub with @rinhaler , the things we do for love huh 😗 ✨
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princessbrunette · 10 months
modern line cook anakin flirting relentlessly w his fave waitress…& she pretends to hate it but one night they’re the last 2 in the restaurant & uhhhh you get it
sorry i ltrlly forgot to add smut my bad
anakin always picked on the shy ones.
it wasn’t fair! you could totally see why the other waitresses fall at his feet, with that charming smile, those tattoos peeking out from his rolled up sleeves, his dark blonde waves stuffed into a beaten up black backwards cap instead of a chefs hat or whatever it was meant to be. even the dirtied apron he wore over his shirt accentuating that stupid slutty waist. you hated when he caught you looking.
“wearing the hell out of that apron, pretty girl.” he flips a spatula in his hand catching it on the handle-end as you shuffle in towards him, hot and bothered. it wasn’t a particularly busy day at all, but you were super understaffed and working the night shift — merely irritated by the fact you’d rather be at home wearing pyjamas and watching gossip girl.
“can i get an ETA on that lasagna? i asked for it like… 20 minutes ago, i think.” you avoid his gaze, and he’s just smirking, standing there looking amused by how nervous he makes you.
“i actually have it right here for you.” he smiles, softening his gaze a little subconsciously as if guilty he was making you feel uncomfortable, relenting on his teasing for a moment. you smile gratefully. anakin always prioritised your orders, ever since he took a little too long and some guy yelled at you making you cry (which resulted in him storming across the restaurant and explaining in the rudest way possible that food takes time to cook and if he wants some undercooked garbage he can go somewhere else, etc. he then cooked you some chicken tenders in your break and sat you down and told you to eat up and not listen to the asshole.)
he holds the plate out and when you reach for it he pulls it away with a grin. you reach again, and he pulls it away, biting back a chuckle. you huff, looking at your shoes, waiting for him to just play ball. he laughs because he thinks you’re adorable, gently clapping a hand on your shoulder and placing the plate into your hand. “its really hot, yeah? be very careful.”
“you say that everytime n’i’m fine.” you frown.
“a’ight, sorry for giving a shit!” he holds his hands up, voice high in lighthearted defence as he turns back to his work station. he turns his head to watch you swing out the doors back into the restaurant.
you hated closing more than anything, tired and irritable and pouty. you finish tidying up the restaurant, locking up so you can leave through the back where your car was. re entering the kitchen, you cringe — seeing anakin still there, wiping down his work space. he turns his head, face all but lighting up when he sees you.
“you headed out?” he converses and you slow your pace, keys jangling from where they hang from your fingers.
“well, m’meant to be closing. can’t lock up if you’re still here so…” you sway, hoping he’ll get the message.
“ah,” he winces, not even pretending like he gives a shit. “see, i was about to make some food. haven’t eaten yet. you had dinner?” he glances back over. you lean on your hip, huffing out a sigh, doesn’t look like you’ll be going anywhere for a while.
“well… no… what are you making…?”
“what’d i tell you, huh? can ask me for any food you want at any time on your shift. even the shit off the breakfast menu. go sit down, i’m making you pasta.” it’s not really up for debate, anakin just waving you off to the staff room. you take your coat off, and your apron, flopping down in a seat and scroll on your phone until he arrives with the food.
“are we allowed to do this?” you fiddle with your lanyard on the table, looking up at him so sweet and innocent he wanted to say forget the pasta all together.
“you see anyone that’s gonna stop us?” he sits down, the two of you digging in.
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beardedjoel · 5 months
i lo-lo-LOVE smother, re-read it for the maybe third time last night 🤭🤭i can’t stop 🤭🤭
my question(s) is; do you have a personal favourite chapter you’ve written, or ideas for the series you’re yet to write? that might be a bit spoiler-y but 🤷‍♀️👺😈😈 also any particular smut scene you’ve written that’s your personal fave?? mine is when joel leashes reader for the first time after he’s come back from jackson 😈😈 i love your writing, have a safe trip!!! xoxo
ahhh sending you so much love rn for your love for smother! ❤️❤️❤️
i think the chapter i loved writing and was so proud of was punishment, peace which was where i started to get really soft for them after seeing more of their domestic side. writing that scene where joel reads the book to blossom was just so much fun too! as far as smut goes, i loved the scene of them on the couch before he leaves in part vii because i just had the most vivid image of all of it and it made me feel insane 🙂 and i’m also a fan of him eating blossom out when they’re outside in the garden! your personal pick is also an insanely good one hehe.
i don’t want to put too many spoilers but i do have a lot of pretty intense stuff planned and also some very sexy and cute moments. a tiny teaser i guess is in a chapter coming up i want to have blossom have some of joel’s whiskey and they get a little silly together 👀
if you’re bored today send me stuff!
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overheaven · 1 year
🌝 👖📥🧠💖
under the cut in case of mature themes discussed :>
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
ooh fun one, there’s probably a lot of characters I’d like to write but i can’t say how much i’d write them you know? like, many characters would be fun to write as cameos and bit parts, but not more. for central figures, i’ve written pretty much everyone i really wanted to feature in some way. so i guess if it’s not cheating to say, i’d like to try Dimitri fireemblem some more. as of right now i’ve only really written him as a ragged beast and seen through Felix’s POV! so i’m playing around with him being a little more lucid and yknow, giving him time for introspection and dialogue.
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
oh pantser for sure. i’m yearning to find a type of planning that works for me, because i really want to try longer fics, but unfortunately i’m subject to only writing when the demon possessing me wants me to.
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
aw boo this is a hard question because most of my fics don’t get comments LOL so it’s like, do i pick a fic that’s my fave out of ones that have gotten comments, or do i go for fics i WISH got comments?
out of ones that have gotten comments, my sk8 fics have really touching feedback! “lift me up and get me out” comes to mind first but comments on “drink me, eat me” floored me, too!
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
ok remember how i said i wish i could find a way to plan so i can write longfic? that’s where i’m at with not one but two FE3H ideas and this is my blog so i say i can talk about both of them!! they’re both Dimilix because i have rabies.
one is about Felix getting pregnant because of a, uh, dubious night with Dimitri while he’s Unwell™, so Felix flees as soon as the Kingdom wins the war and Dimitri, now kind of Better™ (also very much in love and so so guilty) ends up spending years looking for him blah blah.. it’s like a bittersweet romance chase sort of thing, plus a little bit of kidfic cause i’m sappy. probably pretty tropey and cliche but that’s the point. i actually have some story arcs sketched for this so there is a slim chance i really could turn it into a WIP for real.
the other idea is even less fleshed out so maybe it’s a better answer for this question LOL it’s kind of dark and it’s making my brain zing a LOT, i have this idea about an AU where Byleth picks the Black Eagles and recruits Felix, so when the war comes Felix is, yknow, an enemy to his former friends and family. Buuuut the Kingdom ends up winning the war, and Felix is of course the only thing keeping Dimitri from descending into utter savagery (his words in 3hopes! not mine!!) so he’s just. he’s the king and he’s insane and if he wants the whole army to sweep the continent looking for his beloved little traitor then so be it!!! and yeah from there like, Felix gets found and kept on house arrest and eventually gets pregnant (because i’m me so of course he does) and yeah. yeah. this AU makes me batty.
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
i think i’m gonna go with my illustrative qualities. :) it comes from my background in visual art, i’m sure, hahah. in fanart, i can just draw all sorts of little headcanons, but in writing i have to be deliberate and actively choose to paint those pictures with words. sensory details are very important to me so i really try to paint rich scenes or even just ‘portraits’ so to speak, like how a character looks, smells, sounds… i’m pretty good at it, if i do say so myself!
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smoosnoom · 1 year
they say “home is there the heart is” and mine is on ur ao3 acc. and ur ko-fi 😙
“He hates the idea of falling into the same trap as his parents” as a person with a full time job… yeah. i need to become rich as quickly as possible 🫡 can’t believe i have to work for the rest of my life
“and sometimes forgets his lefts and rights” its actually the sign of dyslexia..
“He’s always been theatrical” yesss, mike is a theatre kid agenda!!
“Well, maybe another look, too, just to commit it to memory, but then he looks away, for real this time” omg 😭😭😭😭 how down bad he is 😭
“He hopes he isn’t blushing” i bet he was as pink as that duster
“Granted, he always looks nice, and Mike is unbiased in this fact” i have no doubt that will always looks nice but mike is definitely Biased
“like he gets when Mike compliments him, and something in him wants to shake Will by the shoulders and ask When will you believe me?” moon. WHEN WILL U BELIEVE ME????
“Mike is above jealousy” sure. he just don’t like when people flirt with will. or touch will. or talk with will. it’s definitely not jealousy, he’s just really protective friend.
“Maybe it’s because Will is pretty and Mike is a hopeless idiot.” maybe it’s all above
“The goldfish stares back” it’s judging his hesitancy. and will’s too 🫡
“when he slouches to meet him eye to eye” well, maybe My bad posture is the consequence of my friendship with short people
“Will looks, just a little, concerned, and his eyebrows are still furrowed” will must be so confused all the time lmfao. just imagine: love of ur life suddenly started being very physically affectionate and he stares deep into ur eyes and says the most romantic things and when acts like nothing happened
“there’s a glow-in-the-dark velociraptor inside!” I’D BUY ANYTHING FOR VELOCIRAPTOR 📢📢📢📢
“because just before his exams, he had cracked and broken down, locking himself in his room and far, far away from a degree he had never even wanted” this is actually me and my natural science degree. i had a break down right before exams cause i hated almost every my class
“It means you’re nice to look at. Artists would love you” maybe just one particular artist? 🧐
did this treatment help? i know one person who needs this
“and laughs when Mike tackles him into the couch as revenge” all of this and they didn’t kiss yet???? please they’re useless
“the sky is pouring rain” AND ITS RAINING IN A BYLER FIC 🥳🥳🥳
“Mike brings a hand to Will’s cheek and swipes the rainwater away, cold to the touch” i let u now that i went back to this whole hallway scene countless times. like. i read the whole fic and reread it. and than reread it the next day. and a couple of other times. it’s just so them 🥺
““Is this,” Mike whispers, “okay?”” the sexiest non-sexual interaction
“Mike mouths at his neck, and Will lets out a shudder” sorry it’ll be bad joke: if they wanted to cancel u for smth it should have been this. cause it’s so hot (pls god give us more byler neck kisses 🙏🏻)
“But I’d never get sick of you” YES my king of the cringe pick up lines is here 😭
“July 18, 1992” seventh scene. i counted!!
“I’m not rewatching Sixteen Candles again, Mike” i get that will is a snob BUT he should give romantic comedies a try!! it’s the best movie genre Ever
one of my faves </3 i’ll never get over their domestic cuteness and cowardness.
im kissing u and biting u and kissing u again on the place that i bite
moon i love u so much 🤍🤍
oh god every time ithink about the future and the endless loop im going to inevitably fall into .. i want to jump off a cliff 😭😭 but its ok . as long as u learn to love it !
is it ?? oh my god every time i drive i have to quickly think a little too long about it .
he is so dramatic !!!! his dming in season one ?? the way he fell to the ground and acted it all out ??? get him on broadway !!!!!!
he is Gay and Whipped 😕
he really and truly was . as a poc who does not have the ability to blush . i think its both funny and endearing how people who blush turn so red . like a strawberry 🍓
listen . that is Different ok art is Subjective and i think ive gotten like . four hate comments permanently imprinted into my brain ,
absolutely 😃 he is just so protective and caring . he definitely does Not resist the urge to set fire to the human race every time someone hits on will . that would be crazy Hahah .
so true . if i was that goldfish i would retire and jump off from the soap container
u know what im going to use that excuse too ! i slouch so much i look like a shrimp and im going to singlehandedly blame it on my friends being simply so short
poor will 😭😭 if i had to deal with that constant whiplash i would die i think . but then again i never pick up on flirting LOL so i wouldnt even notice 😭 nevermind
ME TOO 📢📢📢📢 I LOVE DINOSAURS 📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢
oh no ☹️ i am glad u are doing better with ur current graduated self !!! i know that was probably . not a fun time 😭 but things are better ?
wow i wonder who that person could possibly be 😃
if byler is one thing its a duo of useless homosexuals . im blaming it on their trauma
rain in a byler fic is a full moon in teen wolf . u know whats coming
oh god the door scene 😭😭 im glad u enjoyed it because i refuse to even look or thinjk about that entire section 😭 its so horrifyingly embarrassing oh my god im embarrassed everytime im remindedof it 😭😭😭😭😭
HELP 😭 ITS TRUE ... oh my god . im so mortified rn
i love love loveeee using bad pick up lines on people . and getting bad pick up lines used on me . theyre so charmingly terrible
yes !!!!!! seven !!!!!! thats their number !!!!!!!! im so happy u noticed :D i never write scenes after a kiss but i Needed to complete the seven scene number 😭
oh god hes just like me fr because i never watch romantic comedies 😭
alya vampire arc 🤨🤨 feel free to chop me up . i am open for consuming . in a Not Weird Way
love u alya ! im so happy u enjoyed it and revisted it so much that means Everything to me . ily !!!!! 🫶🫶
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moodywyrm · 1 year
aaa i’m so sorry i had no idea !! please don’t be sorry, which emojis are taken and i’ll pick something different it’s no bother !! 💕 and aw moony i’m sorry, life can be pretty brutal i know the feeling but there is always tomorrow and the day after and they’re full of happy moments you haven’t gotten to experience yet !! ☁️🌈💗 and know you’re very much appreciated in this lil community you’re my fave writer i go back and read all the time !! ✨ + oh definitely the writers and actors come first always !! but i’ve gone back and rewatched their fights already 😭 i do the exact same thing with abbys fights, her ‘are you wearing my backpack ?!?!’ line always makes me laugh.
and aaa i can’t bullet journal i wish i could !!!! i’ve been gathering everything barbie related i can find and im dedicating a few pages to her cause 1.) the movie !!! and 2.) i actually collect barbie dolls + memorabilia :’) + omg nooo i understand the feeling i can’t leave home without my ds, do you have any recs/what are your fave pokémon games? i’ve only ever played pokémon moon !! 🌙💓 + nooo i avoid my own amazon wishlist otherwise the add to basket button is suddenly clicked without me realising !!!! what is the item you want most off of it? if you want to say ofc !! 💖 + thank you moony :’) i’ve never talked through anon before !! usually i’m too anxious but i love reading all ur other anons asks it’s so sweet hearing about other people’s days/interests idk 🫧💓 - lipgloss femme :D
it's totally okay baby, neither of us knew!! it's an adorable emoji but I would simply like to not associate with that side of Tumblr. the current emoji anons are 🌬️ 🐚 🧸 🧩 🧶 💌 ♌️👹 🎀 🎃🫀🦕 🌊🦇 🌺⭐🐥🍒💤🍓🧃 and also (bc im on my laptop and they don't show up) the pink heart, bubbles, and the blue jellyfish! so anything except for those and the butterfly are free!
I will literally cry if you keep being nice to me 😭 I have had such a day and im trying to be Stable rn but im a sad little guy </3 im someones favorite writer??? that doesn't even feel like something that could happen im??? what?? wow??? ahh????
real!!! we stand with the strike, I am also just a Frequent rewatcher and those fight scenes are. I've dissected them. I have so many favorite moments. they're so good!! omg and I love abby's lines, my favorite is ooh someone wants to get laid~ because she's such a goob!!
that's so fair, my bullet journal is such a rough lil makeshift planner that I occasionally but todo lists in because it's the only thing that helps be with school!! I've had five so far? im on #6 rn I think. barbie!!! I still haven't gotten a chance to see the movie but I fucking love Barbie!! who's your favorite barbie!!
for pokemon games, mine are the hoenn region games!! so ruby and omega ruby!! I also loved Moon, it's so good!! and I really liked Pokemon Black!
no literally the amazon wishlist is a dangerous trap. I have a couple things I really want!! mostly clothes and shoes, like these really cool brown platform boots? or these big zip up hoodies!! just a lot of clothes </3 it would be a lot of books if I was allowed to buy books this year </3
aww honey, well im glad you came in and talked to me!! it's really fun!! I love talking to my anons, they're always so cool :( and you're one of them!! so welcome baby <3
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arieschaos · 1 year
I’ve been rekindling my love of Batman and the Joker the past few days. I re-read the first couple volumes of the New 52 Batman graphic novels, flipped through my physical copies of Death of the Family, Killing Joke, etc, then started playing Arkham City.
I chose that one because it’s the one I’ve played the least of, it’s not my favourite at all. And no one asked but I’m gonna rank them.
1. Arkham Knight
2. Arkham Asylum
3. Arkham Origins
4. Arkham City
Though I’m not a fan of the driving/Batmobile parts in Arkham Knight, I do think it was necessary to have a vehicle in that big of a map, and some of the boss fights with the Batmobile were truly awesome. I loved the story in this one most of all, and the ace chemicals twist is one of my fave moments in any game I’ve played.
Edit: as if I forgot about the costume changes?! I can’t even explain the joy of walking around Gotham as Adam West Batman with his drawn on chalk eyebrows and still managing to intimidate people. Peak hilarity.
These games overall just have great storytelling, imho, but the best examples of these have to be Knight and Origins. Asylum really only goes above Origins because it was the first and I played that game back to back about 6 times, getting all the riddles and trophies each time, and my love of that game had me picking up City, Origins and Knight at launch. (Midnight launch for Knight- collectors edition and PS4 too).
The Joker memories scenes in Origins are just awesome and I completely love the storytelling visuals from that game.
City is my least favourite really just because of the AR challenge introductions, the awkward riddler traps… but again, we had a pretty good twist in there. It’s not my fave of the franchise but I still adore this series and they’re all in my top 10 all time fave games, for sure.
I have not yet been able to play Gotham Knights cus of money issues and life in general but I’m getting paid this week and I may treat myself. Though I hear it doesn’t hold a candle to the previous games… even with the Court of Owls being in it (and I do love me some Court of Owls).
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moldy-mold · 2 years
So far...
In May, I paid my old pal from Ragnarok Online a visit after being friends for 15 years!! It was also my first time visiting Portland, OR. We had a great time! I’ll see you again soon...
Finished reading Golden Kamuy and went through many emotions... I’m very happy that my faves got appropriate closure. Noda did a fantastic job. Right after that, I picked up Dungeon Meshi which I also really like! I caught up within a few weeks of intense reading. Happy that they’re finally getting an anime by Trigger - what an honor!
A highlight of these past few months was the discovery of excellent anime. Occasionally, we find a series that we really enjoy, but I wanted to LOVE something. This was the beginning of my dive into the golden era of OVAs.
There was a lot of experimental, high quality animation during the 80s... I was allured by the potential of finding something amazing amidst a lot of really weird stuff.
I finished a handful of unique series and films before getting caught on a certain one. This, my friends, was Captain Harlock. I knew about the series some years ago but Harlock looked a little too ~edgy~ for my taste so I made the mistake of judging him before getting to know him. Turns out he’s actually just a flashy space dad, befriending other space dads, adopting space kids, and teaching them space lessons, while fighting for space freedom. Its bittersweet and hopeful tone struck the right chords with me which gave it a place among my all-time favorites.
Picked up Xenosaga, an old PS2 series from my HS days. Every few years I replay Episode III. For me it’s a comfort game. It has all the things I like in a jrpg: turn based strategy, mecha, switchable party members, and great music. I’ve never gotten my hands on the first two games, but thanks to a cool friend, the entire series is finally mine this year! Imagine only playing the third game... yeah I had many questions.
Naturally, I am a Xenoblade fan as well. I haven’t gotten the third game yet (very jealous of those who have). Once my brother finishes it, I am next!
Freelance illustration in the wedding business picked up for me so that keeps me busy on weekends on top of my normal job on weekdays. I’m doing okay. It’s busy but not so much that I’m dying. Funny enough, it was due to the long hours glued to my desk that I... sort of got into Yugioh duel monsters from my childhood again?? I like to put videos on while I’m painting and YGO is really great at describing what is going on so I don’t have to look up. I mean, they literally call out every attack LMAO.
My friends are YGO fans as well. Their enthusiasm rubbed off on me since we’re all watching Zexal together. It’s pretty good though I’m only a quarter of the way there. It’s like a close cousin to DM. :)
NGL, I do feel pretty insane for jumping from one fandom to the next every few months. But Moldy, how are you supposed to develop a following if you keep dragging your people everywhere?? I guess I’ll just die? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Idk how other people keep their special interest for so long. It’s just not for me. When I get interested in something, I put all my passion and emotions into it like a raging fire and then it just burns out after a while. I’m trying to see if it yields some interesting results in regards to my art style. They say you shouldn’t try for a style, just let it develop, but I do think goals are healthy. My goal is to evolve with a retro twist as my art journey goes on!
Another subject I wanted to address is my struggle with selling my art. It just makes me squirm since I worry about what might happen to my work if I keep trying to sell stuff. It obviously helps in the money department! I’m just afraid that my work will lose its soul if I turn it into a commodity. It’s silly cuz everyone does it. Surely, they can’t be mutually exclusive: making great content and making great sales. Occasionally, I do get inspired to make a merch item specifically so that can be a positive outlook, right? I will mull over this for another couple months. :\
Plant Saga
Tried caring for strawberries (in a strawberry planter, so meta). I managed to harvest a few funky berries so far! They weren’t that sweet... not yet.
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New plant! Repede the African Violet.
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New plant! A red geranium, named after my beloved Harlock.
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Hubert the Monstera is so big now!
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New plant! Canna, unnamed for now.
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Finished Watching... ◆◇◇ lacking ◆◆◇ enjoyable ◆◆◆ i’ll watch it 4 times
Lupin III: - Part 6 ◆◆◇ - The Columbus Files ◆◆◇ - The Fuma Conspiracy ◆◆◆ - Farewell to Nostradamus ◆◇◇ - Goodbye Partner ◆◆◇ - Alcatraz Connection ◆◆◇ - Dead or Alive ◆◆◇ - The Secret of Twilight Gemini ◆◆◇ - Crisis in Tokyo ◆◆◇ - The Elusiveness of the Fog ◆◆◇ - Voyage to Danger ◆◆◇ - The Bloodspray of Goemon Ishikawa ◆◆◇ - Legend of the Gold of Babylon ◆◇◇ - Blood Seal of the Eternal Mermaid ◆◆◆ - The Hemingway Papers ◆◆◇ - From Siberia with Love ◆◇◇ - Castle of Cagliostro ◆◆◇ - Nusumareta Lupin: Copy Cat wa Manatsu no Cho ◆◆◇
Retro Anime: Bubblegum Crisis (80s OVA) ◆◆◆ Bubblegum Crash (80s OVA) ◆◆◆ *RG Veda (80s OVA) ◆◆◇ They Were Eleven (80s Film) ◆◆◆ Record of Lodoss War (90s OVA) ◆◆◇ Battle Angel Alita (80s OVA) ◆◆◇ Space Adventure Cobra (80s Film) ◆◆◇ Kimagure Orange Road ◆◆◇ Kimagure Orange Road: I Want to Return to That Day (80s Film) ◆◆◇ Wicked City (80s Film) ◆◇◇ Project A-Ko (80s Film) ◆◆◇ Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000s Film) ◆◆◇ Night on the Galactic Railroad (80s Film) ◆◆◇ Zeta Gundam (for the 5th time) ◆◆◆ Captain Harlock/Leijiverse: - Arcadia of my Youth (80s Film) ◆◆◆ - Arcadia of my Youth: Endless Orbit SSX ◆◆◆ - Harlock Saga (90s OVA) ◆◇◇ - Space Pirate Captain Harlock I (70s Film Compilation) ◆◆◇ - Space Pirate Captain Harlock (CG Film) ◆◇◇ --- WELL the man himself looked stunning!! The plot was less stunning! - Galaxy Express 999 (70s Film) ◆◆◆ - Adieu Galaxy Express 999 (80s Film) ◆◆◆ - Queen Emeraldas (90s OVA) ◆◆◇ - Maetel Legend (2000s OVA) ◆◆◇ - Gun Frontier ◆◇◇ - Captain Harlock: Endless Odyssey ◆◆◇ Demon Slayer: - Season 1 (Vietnamese Dub) ◆◆◇ ---my third time watching... the Viet dub was excellent. - Mugen Train Arc ◆◆◇ - Entertainment District Arc ◆◆◆ --- watched it twice. one in JP and one in EN. waiting for the Viet dub...
Others: Samurai Flamenco ◆◆◇ Encanto ◆◆◇ Shang-Chi ◆◆◇ Kotaro Lives Alone ◆◆◇ The Bad Guys ◆◆◇ Gundam: Doan’s Island ◆◆◇ SPY x FAM S1 ◆◆◇ Haikyuu S3 ◆◆◆ Haikyuu S4 ◆◆◇ Obi-Wan Kenobi ◆◆◇ BELLE ◆◆◇ Phantom of the Opera (2004) ◆◆◇ PROMARE ◆◆◇
*Tbh I watched RG Veda because this swordsman looks like 80s Gaius...
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Okay, that’s enough content to last 20 years lol...
Hmmm life lessons: This year was a year of learning how to spend time specifically with people who care about you and also learning the importance of being alone. I made a terrible mistake of trying to hang out with someone out of routine and it damaged the relationship forever. Don’t be like me, kids.
Thank you for being here and see you next time. :)
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet // Ethan Torchio
words // 2383
warnings // smut, clearly its nsfw headcannons
pairing // Ethan Torchio x GN!Reader (might be mentions that seem like they are for f reamer but comeon theres lingerie for every body 👁️👄👁️)
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. an apology to the people on my tag list i think i accidentally have not been tagging you this whole time i am so so so sorry omg
request // yes, it was a reblog i cant find it right now
summary // self explanatory
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Regarding you, Ethan is the king of after care. As rough as he can be in bed, that’s just how sweet he can be once you're done with it. Goes full on dad mode (don’t know how else to explain this). He will have water, painkillers if you’re now in pain, a washcloth to clean you up, new clothes, and of course the cuddles.
“I’m alright, Ethan. I can do it on my own,” you say as Ethan walks to you with the wet cloth ready to clean the mess he made on your body.
“I know you can, amore. I just want to take care of you,” he says as he leaves a kiss on your lips.
I can also see him being the one to make a big fat breakfast the morning after, or at least get up early to pick something up.
Now I also feel that he is in need of some aftercare. It depends on the day really, if he’s had a pretty rough day and all I feel like he’d ask for some backrubs after. In this case he’d fall asleep so quickly like omg. But on the biggest part I see him feeling the need to reassure you that the things he said (i think we already established that this man would call you a slut) are not how he feels about you and will be asking if you feel the same.
“Do you love me?”
“Wha- of course I do, Ethan! Where is this coming from?”
“I don’t know… I guess - I guess I am worried that you don’t after what I said.”
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
When it comes to himself I feel like he really likes his chest and arms. Like I don’t know but I see him really getting off with you pretty much mastubating on his chest. Ya know what I mean? (i think you do you little sluts). He pretty much enjoys anything you do on his chest. I can imagine him looking at the mirror after you two had sex, seeing the cum on his chest along with the marks you have left and just smiling.
“What are you looking at, love?” You ask, seeing as the man is standing in front of the bathroom mirror from your spot on the hotel bed.
“Nothing, just the mess you made.”
“Mhm, and I bet you like it, huh?”
“You have no idea… Hey, are you sure you got tired? Cause I think I can do another round.”
As for his arms, as I said, he simply really enjoys that he can man handle you anytime, get you in any position he likes and feel you scratching them from the pleasure.
When it comes to you, Ethan is an ass guy. Say what you want but the man is an ass guy, end of discussion. He loves anything that involves your but. It does not explicitly have to be something like anal. He simply enjoys seeing your butt and holding it in his hand. It does not matter if it’s big or not, if it has stretch marks or whatever. Wear lingerie that he likes or that itty bitty teeny weeny bikini if you wear them or even some tight pants that make your butt just poìp and he can not contain himself.
I think I have said that to someone here (i think I had sent an ask to zodi @ icouldbeyourputtet) before but I feel like this man is very into spanking, like not even the rough malicious way. but this very wholesome chill way.
You had been talking about it all day, not having had a minute alone with each other for days, you could only dream what you could do that night after everyone left.
A playlist was playing in the background and a cigarette was burning on the ashtray next to your legs, you assuming a similar position, as said cigarette, bent over Ethan’s lap as he caressed your ass cheeks and back, playing around with the lingerie set he had gifted you a while back. (Did I just go to search my fave porn vid, lol exposing myself, and get disappointed because I can’t find it and translate it into fanfiction? yes yes i did, so bare with what i can remember)
“It’s okay, baby, you can take a little more, come on,” he praised, leaving a spank and yet another soft rub on the very red cheek.
He continued, going with the music, a very nice pattern, not very rough spanks but just enough to cause pain, pleasure and redness all over. Accidentally the man landed a few very rough ones causing a gasp and a series of giggles as you practically fell off his lap.
“Ethan, what the hell?” You laughed getting up from the floor and this time sitting on the man’s lap, sharing kisses with him.
“What,” he copied your action and laughed, “it was not intentional. I got carried away by how nice your butt is.”
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He is and is not messy. He will not want the cum to be in every surface possible you know, he will be careful but at the same time this man just loves to see his cum on you, whether it’s your back or your stomach, or in you if you’re ok with it. I bet he has a teeny weeny breeding kink but not necessarily because of the idea of breeding you but rather because he looooves seeing his cum run out of you… I'm not sure if this falls in the breeding kink category but alright
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes to fuck you while watching porn.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like he is pretty experienced. From what they band has said in interviews and stuff, he seems to be getting some pretty often (no one, NO ONE, is surprised at that). He is not acting arrogant tho (not unless that’s the dynamic of the night), he is willing to learn what works for you and you specifically
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
As I said this man is an ass guy so I’d say anything that involves having the view of your ass. Humor me but i think he’d really like 69 with a female/afab partner (don’t know if this works very well with two dick-baring people lol). It has it all, eating you out,
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I think it can be both with him. He will not exactly try to make jokes but if something like the previously mentioned spanking incident happens it’s def welcome.
Now as a general rule I see him being pretty serious. I will be honest, I’m getting brat tamer vibes from this man so it’s all pretty serious when you really get into it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Considering he’s an Italian man and if you look at a lot of photos of him he def fit the ‘mediterenean’ man type. I see him just barely grooming. I don’t see him really shaving or whatever but he also wouldn’t want you to choke on pupic hair, he much rathers you choke on his dick
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It all depends, really. He can be quite intimate with you but it all depends on the moment. There are different occasions for everything. For example, and this is a paradox that I hope I’m explaining well enough to understand, he is not very rough (will not be very aggressive and stuff, like to the extreme those tik tok boys want to pretend they are with their * growling * ew) but he will be rough. intimidating looks, spanking just enough to make you feel pain and redden up your ass cheeks. He’s like that mostly when you are being bratty.
Most of the times, like we’re talkin kind of lazy sex moments, it more wholesome ig, like very intimate and just comfortable and almost comforting. Ok, but like why do i see him having sex and having casual conversation (not the most common, i see this as like lazy day off, having nothing else to do and not being like super horny but being more like h o r n y … am i making sense?)
Setting the scene, you two are at home, both have a day off but it’s kind of raining so any of your plans are ruined. At this point it’s at around 10 am, not early, not late. You have missed each other and both have made it obvious but you are both in a very tired state so you opt for something not too much.
Plain and simple missionary is what goes around this time, Ethan on top just holding your legs around his waist,, going at a pretty medium pace.
“It’s a pity the weather is bad today,” says Ethan staring out the window.
“I know, we were going to go to the beach… I’m bummed about it,” you say, short of breath as the man continues his pace fucking you.
“Mhm, true. But this is better, amore, no? I’ve missed you so much,” he breaths out the last part, moans interrupting his words.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He does that pretty often, especially if you are not around to help. Sometimes it’s because of you that he needs to. I would def see him exchanging naked pics with you and at first he does that to tease you but he ends up teased when he sees a video you sent of you masturbating.
Bets that he’d be taking photos and vids of you fucking on occasion so he goes to these when he misses you on tour.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
As I mentioned previously I see Ethan to be a brat tamer. That I see to be the main kink that kind of works around everything else.
“Can you stop this, slut? It has gotten exhausting. I told you no noise but here you are,” he ordered, looking down at you trembling below his finger tips.
His face was quite stoic, voice never wavering from the strict and cold tone he tended to have when scolding you on the daily. Most times it was leaving a cup out of the sink but this time the scolding came from misbehaving. As if it was not enough that he was punishing you for being a brat and riling him up all morning, now you had to disobey orders. It was getting to him for sure.
“I’m sorry daddy,” you whisper, Ethan seeming satisfied with the response.
“Aw, why so tame puppy, now you decide to be nice?” His tone stayed the same, his words imitating a joke but the whole ordeal was not even close to it.
Now as for other kinks (did I open a site because I could not think? yes, shut up), as a result of being a brat tamer dom there are some few more kinks accompanying specifically that. He is def into bondage, both tying you up but also being tied up on occasion.
“Puppy, I have told you that is not a way to treat me. Untie me,” he says calmly, wrists tied on the headboard of the bed, eyes fixated to you.
“Well, why not? You do it all the time,” you whine, placed on all fours, facing Ethan as you lean towards him on your hands, “I want in on the fun.”
If only he was not tied… Ethan’s mind was already going places, figuring out exactly how he would punish you after you untie him -or after he escapes the restrains, whatever comes first. You knew that, very well - in all honestly that was the plan, that is always the plan.
“Amore, let me go. Let me go and your punishment will be tame,” he voiced looking at you, now positioned on top of his lap, touching yourself right then and there.
“I sense you want to be punished puppy, don't you?” You simply nod your head, eyes closed in pleasure.
“You see, the problem is you will not enjoy what I am thinking.”
“Well, get yourself off now that you can, cause after I get my hands on you… You’re not getting to cum for days, amore.”
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Honestly, anywhere. I can see him having a preference to the luxury of either of your houses or a hotel room but if you push his buttons just right, some restaurant’s bathroom it is.
why can i imagine him having sex at a weeding venue’s bathroom….. omg…..
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Honestly, both. I feel like he would be extremely good at giving it, but would never opposed to receiving
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s ok with them but he doesn’t love them, ya know?
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.
Is surely try to do new things but it will always depends on what it is.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Come on. This goes without saying. He is a drummer for a living. He can surely go on for long…
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I def feel like he has a fair amount of toys. Some for himself, some for you… He looooves using them to punish you.
(small mention to my last fic little puppet)
“Beautiful, puppy! You have been doing so good for us, taking your punishment so well, but we are not done yet.” A buzz sound is what concerned the girl, eyes widening at the toy.
It was a small remote virator, imitating sucking on the clit. The drummer placed the girl over his knees, stuffing the toy between his leg and her clit, shocking the sensitive bud. “I think you can take a few more spanks,” said the man, landing one at the expanse of her thigh, the skin giggling at the contact.
“Damiano, count,” ordered the assertive man, seeing his friend kneel in front of Y/N, kissing her and then doing as he was told.
“I think we were left on twenty-three. Twenty four,” he began, counting all the way to forty before the ordeal was over.
The whole time Y/N was shaking, just about to fall off the edge, asking for permission to cum but her wishes were not granted just yet. She was exhausted, overstimulated, frustrated, and now unable to move on her own. But, oh man did she need more. The two men were more than willing to assist her.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
A ton! It’s his specialty. Maybe one of his most common punishments is edging and teasing. He can drag it on for days
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He is not very loud but is surely encouraging you to be.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost
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irlwakko · 2 years
favorite phineas and ferb episodes?
thank you for sending this :’) I’m gonna do this in chronological order and not as, like, a ranking, because otherwise I’m sure I’ll forget some. also of course I like ALL episodes of PnF except Act Your Age, these are just ones that stand out to me and that I go out of my way to rewatch
Mom’s Birthday
It’s underrated, but I love this one a lot because it shows how Candace can sometimes feel insecure because of just how great her brothers are and how grand their projects are, and then of course also shows that the brothers love their big sister and always want to include her and give her a chance to shine. I always like when Candace is written as more than just a foil to her brothers and as her own independent character.
Dude, We’re Getting the Band Back Together
Pretty much the perfect PnF episode in my opinion! Lots of familial/sibling love, Candace working together with the boys on a plan, FOUR great songs, “not yet, Ferb”, and our introduction to Love Händel who I adore.
Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You!
Specials totally count, right? Anyway, every character is so great in this. It’s one of the only times we see Phineas lose his optimism in the series, and his friends come together to help finish their plan and help him regain his hope. Canderemy becomes 100% canon, Ferb’s “sometimes, you have to meet the people you love halfway” quote is wonderful, and the final song just pulls everything together. “I can’t imagine having better little brothers” :’) If you haven’t noticed, episodes where the siblings all clearly love each other are faves of mine.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem!
I WILL be honest, this one is on here mostly for the song being so amazing. But again, it’s another cute family-centric plot about not comparing yourself harshly to others and the people in your life loving you exactly the way you are. Also Lawrence and Linda’s relationship and just them as characters are SO underrated I will die on this hill.
Rollercoaster: the Musical!
Took a (relatively) bad episode and made it an amazing one. ALL the songs from this are amazing, they simply DO NOT miss. Also I love how Phineas is like “I dunno, I think all our friends would just go along with bursting into spontaneous song and dance” and then they do.
Bully Bromance Breakup
Bujeet. Enough said.
Where’s Perry?
Operation Crumbcake
Purely on here for the ending, I love it so much. Ferb and Isabella’s friendship is criminally underrated.
Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars
A retelling of Episode IV, but Phineas and Ferb are there. They don’t replace the existing characters, the main story of Episode IV is going on in the background, it’s just that now Phineas and Ferb are also there. I maintain that this is a more enjoyable viewing experience than the actual Star Wars.
Tales from the Resistance: Back to the 2nd Dimension
I LOVE THE 2D CHARACTERS SO MUCH I WILL ALWAYS ADORE THE 2D CHARACTERS AND I WILL ALWAYS WANT MORE CONTENT OF THEM!!!!!! 2-Phineas and 2-Ferb learn what summer fun is, Perry the Platyborg gets to enjoy time with his family after being held captive and brainwashed for so long, and 2-Candace begins to overcome her PTSD. Amazing episode 10/10, things clearly aren’t perfect in the 2D yet because of the open ending, but they’re better than the old dystopia :’)
There’s my list!!!! Obviously non-exhaustive and I’m sure there’s still episodes I’m forgetting because I was just reading through an episode list and picking what stood out in my mind. Again, every episode except Act Your Age is great in one way or another, there isn’t really a “bad” Phineas and Ferb episode except Act Your Age.
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bertolts · 4 years
Maddie, I think you've finally done it. I think you've converted me to the Dramione side. Do you have any suggestions for fics?
OwO Oh boy do I. I have so many suggestions but I’ll just link a few that I’ve read and reread. I tend to lean toward angsty romance fics so I’m unsure if I have any fluffy fics. Unsure of what exactly you’re more into but these are some of my faves:
The Rights and Wrongs series by @lovesbitca8 : An excellent series focusing on Hermione’s and then Draco’s POV in a 2 part story of their post-war relationship. It’s filled with intense pining, angst, sexual tension, and slowburn. Part 1 is ‘The Right Thing To Do’ and Part 2 is “All The Wrong Things” Part 3 is a ‘Voldemort Wins’ AU set in the same universe. This part ‘The Auction’ is currently WIP and is quite dark so I’d recommend checking the tags before proceeding. Hermione is captured and sold into the service of Death Eaters. “But despite the horrors of Voldemort’s new world, help - and hope - seem to arise from the most unlikely of places.” There’s also a few ficlets/oneshots in this series. (Part 1 & 2 Complete - Part 3 ‘The Auction’ In-Progress)
Wait and Hope by @mightbewriting : Is a fic I love so much I just finished rereading it for the third time this past weekend. It’s a memory loss fic. Hermione loses that past 7 years of her memory and finds herself married to Draco Malfoy. It’s a bitter sweet and angsty fic about Hermione relearning her own life and relationships. Some of the chapters really punch you in the gut. I’m tearing up just thinking about it. (Complete)
Shattered Oaths by @ JustAlongTheMirrorOfErised : Just picked this up this past weekend. “There have always been whispers of old magic in the woods. Some say that you could make a promise to an ancient creature for whatever your heart desires. What the stories never told her is that all magic comes with a price. Hermione could never have known that the oath she broke as a child would threaten to destroy everything that she worked for and everyone that she loves.It all started with the being who spoke to her with words forged from liquid silver. Destiny is just as fickle as it is inevitable.” It’s a Fae AU and it is a delicious slow burn. Draco is a Fae and Hermione essentially stole his magic. together they have to try and restore the imbalance she created before they die or WORSE! It’s the type of trickster dangerous Fae lore too. The whole ‘power in a name’ type of magic(In-Progress)
Bittersweet and Strange by @ UndiscoveredQueen19 : “ Trapped to share the same cursed fate in a world ruled by Voldemort, Draco and Hermione find that their differences are what make them similar and that their flaws are what make them whole. Dramione AU with a Beauty and the Beast twist.” Draco is cursed, Hermione is a desperate order fighter, and the two get bound together and locked inside a manor. Very much angst and fluff. (Complete)
Isolation by @ bexchan : This fic has somehow become a staple to the Dramione community. This takes place post-Half Blood Prince. “ Ron and Harry are Horcrux hunting and Hermione has been left at Hogwarts to help the Order make it safe for the other students. Draco is forced by Snape to stay in Hogwarts for his own protection, but he can't leave the room he is given; Granger's room. Hermione is the only student trusted with this information, so her and Malfoy share the small space, and Draco tries to avoid insanity as he becomes increasingly isolated with only the Mudblood for company. Something's going to give.” Read this one awhile ago. I think I’m due for a reread because I don’t remember all of the details. (Complete)
Never In Heart by @ In_Dreams :  “ Hermione Granger had never anticipated that Draco Malfoy would be her best friend, a decade after the war. She'd also never meant to wind up trapped in a marriage pact, borne of one late night with too much wine. But as his thirtieth birthday draws near, time will either seek to push them together or drive them apart.” This is heavy on the pining and is definitely a Friends to Lovers fic. It’s uber sweet but can get a bit heart-achey at times cause they’re idiots in love. I think this is also the shortest rec I’ve put on this list... (Complete)
Splash of Colour by @ kyonomiko : Here’s a fun short fic rec. This one’s 3 chapters and just recently finished updating. Hermione accidentally has a spell cast on her that makes her see the entire world in a different colour of the rainbow every day. But for some reason Draco is a different colour from everyone else. I thought it was pretty cute. (Complete)
Literally anything and everything that @senlinyu has ever written. Literally all of it. I’ve read every fic they’ve put on AO3. Manacled, All You Want, Love & Other Misfortunes, The Creature Anthology, etc. These works tend to lean towards darker themes, heavy smut or both. They also write a lot of creature fics which is my absolute favourite kind of AU. Sometimes the Omegaverse is traipsed into *coughs shamefully* I blame reylo tumblr for exposing me to that. Love & Other Misfortunes is a Veela!Draco vic and also the first Dramione fic I ever read. I fell in love with it. Manacled is my favourite fic I’ve ever read. Like out of any fandom. It’s so tragic and has what I consider the best portrayal of a morally grey Hermione that I’ve ever seen. However it is VERY dark and can be very triggering so please be careful and check the tags before even attempting to read it.
There are literally hundreds of one shots that I’ve read. Most of the soulmate oneshots are lovely and I’ve gone through the ‘Pining Draco Malfoy’ tag one too many times now. Also the ‘Veela Draco Malfoy’ tag.
I think I’ll cut myself off here. I definitely also recommend going through that list of Dramione fics I just recently reblogged as well. They have a lot of fics on there that are great and I intend to check out some of the ones I haven’t read yet. I really should start utilizing the bookmarks feature on AO3... That would’ve been a lot easier T^T But I had a lot of fun just gushing about some of my favourite fics. Dramione has been such a massive fixation these past 7-8 months.
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bisexualafbuck · 3 years
So after listening to The Amazing Devil songs, I just loved their lyrics so much, so I wrote all my faves...for some songs I’ve pretty much written the whole song because they’re so good. (Absolute faves are bolded)
Secret Worlds
‘Cause I will suffer silence for the strings you tune / And I’ll withstand what’s written for the writer in you
Didn’t the trees tell us their stories / Yeah but we, we thought you were mental / You were talking to trees
And on that tree I’ll carve your name / ‘Cause in years to come we both know we won’t be the same
I look into the waters / And see a face I don’t understand / Wе’re both unwanted daughters / But thеre’s more than water in these autumn hands
I can’t wait to show you / How much I know you can be
And when I think I’m fine you’ll visit / And then you happen to me, you happen to me all over again
In the waters I see a face I don’t want look back / Do you like my dress, it’s got pockets / The rocks beneath my feet begin to crack
Oh I look into the waters / Long ago that current caught us and we tried / I tried I really fucking tried / But the rain kept coming down
Drinking Song For The Socially Anxious
In the back of a cab / Like a puppet with no strings / Untangling my headphones cos sometimes they’re the only thing / That keeps my head in place
Arriving at the door / I hope to god I’m not the first / My heart is tearing pages from that funny story I rehearsed / And I know I won’t be long / Cos I know I don’t belong
Cos though my jokes are my armour / And my kindness is my sword / The party swirls around me in a dress I can’t afford / And I do my best to breathe / But they’re stealing all the air
I’m not lonеly I just like being on my own
Because I don’t find this easy like you
And we’re bursting at the seams / Cos the noise is crushing us / We think it’s so much worse than it seems
And your face lights up like you’ve woken up / From this endless fucking nightmare of pretending this is you / This is us, this is me and this how we’re meant to be / But your smile tells me I’m safe / And that voice unspoken’s heard
Cos if god make us all in his image / Then god’s a fucking nerd
In the back of a cab, like two puppets with no strings / We share a pair of headphones, cos sometimes they’re the only things / That keep our heads in place
The weight of my phone / Like a tablet of stone / Seems to grow with the words I just read / And it silently falls / From my hand to the floor / With the wonders I wished I had said
To the dark I said pour and forgot to say when
As I make myself acquainted with the saint of never getting it right
My dress is on fire / And I hurl myself, I heal myself, I drag myself like a rug in the rain / And my saint she is dancing / As every step I choose to take begins to set the world aflame
And the soldiers march behind me / I can hear them beat their spears / And for the first time in all my life / I know I’m more than what I fear
And I scream out to the sky / (Love run, love run) / You do not get to hurt me just because I asked you once / If you were alright
Remember today you are loved
Pick your chords well loves / But sing your notes off key / You can’t rehearse the chorus / But the verse is sweet / And if your voice begins to crack / If you ever feel alone / They might laugh because you’re leaving / But know we’ll sing your name when you come home
We built our castles just to watch them wash away
The Old Witch Sleep and The Good Man Grace
There’s a fire burning / And I’m learning to be / So much more than my tiredness / So much more than that old witch sleep wishes
You don’t have to be brilliant / She says as she scrolls / Through the roles that the millions / Of hollering hollow folk know how to play / It’s ok / They’re just shadows searching for light / They can’t stay
Tomorrow’s jokes have yet to be laughed at or said
Then the hollow folk come / Pour me wine by my bed / And their dead hollers hum at the things that I’ve said / And say no, no, no, no
Cos you are in the earth of me / You are in the earth of me / My head’s not yours it’s mine / Cos you are in the earth of me
And I laugh, and I laugh / Cos laughing right now, it’s all, it's all that I have
You’re better than this / He says as a hand slaps my face as I stand / And say no good man grace / I can’t do this (you can) / I can’t do this (you can) / I can’t do this (you can) / I can’t do this you don’t understand
You’re not a coward cos you cower / You brave because they broke you / Yet broken still you breathe / So breathe, breathe just breathe
I’m all yours / But you’re all mine
Cos I’m not trapped / With you you see / You’re the one who’s / Trapped with me
Cos I’ve been here so many times before / Don’t you think I look pretty / Curled up on this bathroom floor / But where you see weakness I see wit
Sometimes I fall to pieces / Just to see what bits of me don’t fit
Cos I when I stand oh those folks will run / And tell the tales of what I’ve become / They’ll speak of me in whispered tones / And say my name like it shakes their bones
Cos we’ll dance together so close we’re sharing breath / But now I’m leading doesn’t that just scare you to death
I will bring you ruin / In everything I do / It’s never my intention but it happens all the same
It starts with love and comfort / Becomes a strength of will / But all that strength made rubble of those towers we built
But you, you sit next to me / And your finger brushes mine / And I promise to be patient / And you promise to be, promise to be kind
Cos brick by brick you built us / Of the earth, the silt and ground / We can rest, you say, in the pieces / Of what’s left, or of what what we’ve found
I wish I’d done things different / Oh I wish I’d made it right / But we’ll burn a hundred theatres / If it means we get the wallpaper right
Inkpot Gods
Oh what these, these aren’t tears / It’s just the rain that wasn’t brave enough to fall / And what they hear isn’t laughter after all / It’s just your voice learning for once to stand up tall
Please let her live just one more day / Cos she is so much more than all her scars / And if she doesn’t have the will / But it seems the world does I’ll stay because / I will be the man my father never was
And what you hear is not silence / It’s just the trees waiting to hear what next you’ll hum / And what you see is not the dark / It’s just the gods upturning inkpots / Cos they know what you’ll become
And to those gods I will speak bluntly / We’ve an accord / If you ever touch or harm him / Please rest assured / That you might not fear a man / But to a woman by the end you’ll kneel and plea / Cos I’m more than what my mum told me to be
And I know she’s giving up / And I don’t know what to do, how to help her / How to bring her home
If I don’t make it back from where I’ve gone / Just know I loved you all along
The Rockrose and The Thistle 
(Literally the whole song is my fave so im not gonna bother bolding it)
A single thread hangs limply down / And I breathe not now, not now / And I find you all unwoven / Trying desperately to sew / I know the kindest thing / Is to leave you alone
When your seams have come unknitted / And you cry out to the sky / “I’ve run out of my words, my song / Just let me die, me die" / The rockrose and the thistle / Will whistle as you moan / I could try to calm you down / But I know you won't
All the pins inside your fretted head / And your muttered whens and hows / All your mother's weaves and your father's threads / Let me rob them of you now / ‘Cause I'll darn you back together / When you think that you're bereft / And you'll wail, you'll scream, but I'll never stop / ‘Cause it's all that I have left
I wake and hear you calling / And up those cliffs I climb / And I find you with a thimble weeping / May I, I ask, may I? / And you gently gift it to me / ‘Cause you've no clue how to sew / And I know the kindest thing / I pray to god it's the kindest thing / I know the kindest thing / Is to never leave you alone
The Horror and The Wild
You were raised by wolves and voices / Every night I hear them howling deep beneath your bed
Wild Blue Yonder
Every stone you threw, I stood on to better see the view
And the candle we lit, well we’ll use it to burn this whole place to the ground
Hide under the covers / We don’t know what’s out there / Can’t you hear that scratching?
Every brick you hurled, I’ll use to build this world
Let’s hide under the covers / We don’t know what’s out there / Could be all our demons darling
Welly Boots
‘Cause when it’s cold / I’ll wrap my scarf around you / And when it’s hard / I’ll place your head into my hands / And when you scream that it’s not fair / It’s like I’ve gone off to the coast / Left you behind just standing there / Pretending not to see your ghost / If only you could hear my voice / But you are screaming far too loud to hear me swear / Just because I left doesn’t mean that I’m not still there
Grow young each time that thunder in your lungs begins to rumble at the world
And I’m so proud of you / And when they laugh at us / You’ll feel my fingers down your back / And when you scream I’m not alright / And throw my picture at the wall / ‘You were supposed to be my light / And keep me safe against them all / How could you leave me here ?' you’ll scream / And louder, I’ll scream back to you from that unknown / And say / I know you’re strong enough (C) to do this on your / Strong enough to do this on your own
And years from now at night that storm / Will break, you’ll step outside to feel it shake / And barefoot walk across the lawn / You’ll miss me, oh Jesus Christ, you’ll miss me / Just as much as all those years ago, and you’ll look up at the storm / You’ll say ‘I’ve been so scared / You left me here behind, do you not care? / How the fuck am I supposed to carry on without you here?‘ / Just when you’re about to give up every hope you have, you turn around / Perched by the stairs, someone’s gone and left behind / A brand new pair of scarlet welly boots
Farewell Wanderlust
Every time that you fumble, I’m the laugh from the back / When you think about him, my wings start to flap / When you make a mistake, my feet lift from the floor / And when you lie there awake every night, love, I soar
I promise you I’ll be better / I promise you I’ll try / But like rubbing wine stains into rugs, it’s my curse / To try and make it right, but by trying make it worse
I’m the heartbreak that aches far too much to be shunned / All those letters unsent and that garden ungrown / I’m the captain of courage you’ve eternally lacked / I’m the Jesus of wishing to Christ he’ll come back
Because farewell wanderlust, you’ve been oh so kind / You brought me to this party but you left me here behind / So long to the person you begged me to be / She’s down, she’s dead / Instead what is left but this old satin dress / And the mess that you left when you told me I wasn’t right in the head
Come, devil, come, she sang, call out my name / Let’s take this outside 'cause we’re one and the same / Our gods have abandoned us, left us, instead / Take up arms, take my hand, let us waltz for the dead / I’m the face that stares back when the screen goes to black / When your mum says you look healthy, but you know she means you got fat / I’m the tales that the guests will applaud and believe / I’m the child that you just didn’t have time to conceive
I promise you I’m not broken, I promise you there’s more / More to come, more to reach for, more to hurl at the door / Goodbye to all my darkness, there’s nothing here but light / Adieu to all the faceless things that sleep with me at night / This here is not makeup, it’s a porcelain tomb / And this here is not singing, I’m just screaming in tune
Because farewell wanderlust, you’ve been ever so kind / You brought me through this darkness but you left me here behind / And so long to the person you begged me to be / He’s down, he’s dead / Now take a good long look at what you’ve done to me?
It’s what my heart just yearns to say / In ways that can’t be said / It’s what my rotting bones will sing / When the rest of me is dead / It’s what’s engraved upon my heart / In letters deeply worn / Today I somehow understand the reason I was born
“’Cause outwardly," he says "I try so hard to make you laugh at me," / And she, she does, she laughs as though she’s not heard the joke ten thousand times before / And he adores her, he watches her get dressed as though she’s hurtling through time / “Oh, darling please be mine,"
“It’s not fair, it's not fair how much I love you / It’s not fair 'cause you make me ache, you bastard," / And they’ll say / “Oh how, oh how unreasonable / How unreasonably in love I am with everything you do / I’ll spend my days so close to you 'cause if I’m stood here / Then I’m stood here / And I’ll stand here / I’ll stand here with you"
The Unwanted Animal
Can’t you hear that scratching? / There’s something at the door / But the wind has picked us up now / We’re hanging in the air / And as you grip me like an animal / That you’re about to spear
Can’t you hear it? / It can hear you
‘Cause if we join our hands in prayer enough / To God I imagine it all starts to sound like applause
Your eyes aren’t rivers there to weep / But a place for crows to rest their feet
Oh, if one more guy calls me darling then I / Swear to you and to god I will murder them all
You’re not flawed darling, you’re just a little under-rehearsed
The minute I met you, the colours of my life began to pour
And now, even though you’re mad and these memories won’t stay / That's okay / ‘Cause then I get to meet you for the first time every single day
Battle Cries
Breathing you hear, don't mistake it for sighs / Don’t you realise? They’re just battle cries, dear
And these lines aren’t wrinkles, dearheart / (Hardly knew the words) / They’re just dollops of paint on a new work of art
And as I / [Together] / Walk away, I know that I’ve been through the wars / But that creaking you hear in my bones is not pain, it’s applause
With you, I could summon the gods and the stars / Watch them dance out the plays that we wrote from the heart / And we’d laugh at the ghosts of our fears, we were kids
All it took to unearth in the dust and the dirt / Some release or respite from the heat and the hurt / Was taking the time now and then to ask how I am / And now at the end (At the end of all things) / I’m not going to scream, beat my chest at the wind / I’m doing fine
Love run, love run, love run / For all the things you wished you’d done / Run for all you know that’s coming / Run to show that love’s worth running to
Shower Day
Leave the room but you get trapped in the lift / Got a headache that just won't shift / Would have stayed if you'd had asked / But instead you just walk past
You're the one who told me to never look back / You're the one who asked me if I'm feeling ok / I said I'm fine / It's just a sitting down in the shower day
Elsas Song
I can hear the cannons calling / As though across a dream / And I can smell the smoke of hell / In every stitch and seam / And like flowers, the bodies tumble / Around this muddied lot / I cannot hear them scream / “Forget me not"
God made all man in his image / Honey I'm I'm I'm no man / I’m what’s left when children go to war
Why you cannot sleep for sighing / Why womanhood is more than crying / I’m stronger now than you have ever known
The cracks you made I fill with mortar / A broken pot can still hold water
Little Miss Why So
Why so why so sad / Stop asking why I'm sad just know it's enough to know I'm sad
Two Minutes
It's like all the wallpaper inside my heart / Is slowly slowly peeling off / And I'm showing all the stains and things / They wrote on the wall before
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Season 4, Episode 7: An Extremely Chaotic and Incoherent Review
This episode was very meh overall, but luckily it at least didn’t cause me immense pain like Episode 8 is about to ;______;
The Good:
Not Miguel pulling out Johnny's headband like it's a piece of lingerie
This reveal is just as hysterical as I've always dreamed
Awwww good boi Robby actually trying to be a good influence on this kid and guide him in the right direction
"A Chili's or a Marie Calendar's or a Red Lobster" truly Johnny Lawrence is a man of culture
Carmen is a morosexual
Aight I take back what I said a few episodes ago, Jarmen is still pretty cute actually
"I would've chosen someone with better food in their refrigerator" OH MY GOD YES DRAG HIM MIGUEL
Not really all that invested in the Anthony subplot but Daniel comparing karate to video games was a nice moment! That IS one thing I really like about Daniel--he tries to connect with people and share his passions with them by relating it to something he knows THEY like
I remember he did that with Demetri and Game of Thrones in S2 and it was the purest thing ;_;
Y'know, I don't know what all I expected from S4, but shipping Piper and Tory was definitely not on the list
Look now that I'm openly stanning YasMoon I am actually very down for this
Imagine them on double dates
Literally the two most terrifying lesbian power couples imaginable--the Rich Socialites and the Badass Karate Sapphics
But like...Tory x Robby is hella cute though, do you see my struggle here
Well anyways this is proving to me without a doubt that Torobby is bi4bi
Also like...I'm still pretty firmly on the Shawbby train, SO
If Shawbby were to happen...Toriper??? Please??? As a treat???
Yeah not like either will happen but I can dream
Eagle Fang training montage was as delightfully amusing as I'd hoped! Those poor boys though
"They're wearing cups, right?" OH MY GOD
DAMN Kenny, that was BRUTAL
He really is Hawk 2.0, the little shit
Curious just how evil this boy's gonna get during his villain arc
It makes me sad but I am also morbidly intrigued
Anthony just paying some guy to wash the cars, I am HOWLING
Why is Daniel even surprised, this is the most in-character thing I've ever SEEN
The man got played for a fool and honestly??? Hysterical. I cannot stop laughing. Daniel LaRusso is definitely not in possession of the valley's brain cell at the moment
He's trying to be a Cool Sensei and a good dad at the same time, this poor meow meow
He really is so deeply clueless about parenting, I love it
Love that Miguel was having so much fun chilling with his girlfriend that he lost track of time, indicating they're a very loving and healthy couple actually!!! Like find yourself someone who hours feel like minutes with, fr
Anthony ain't my fave by any means but I kinda get him being sick of Daniel going on and on about Mr. Miyagi nonstop XD
The irony of Daniel thinking Kenny is bullying Anthony is also admittedly pretty funny
"Kenny?" "Oh, he's hilarious! You guys are gonna get along great!" okay okay okay okay not super into this plotline in general BUT this amused me
Actually kind of ingenious how the library beatdown parallels the library bullying scene from Season 1, but with the complete opposite results. Like the ultimate inversion from bullies picking on nerds and the nerds just taking it to a nerdy kid taking complete control of the situation and handing his bullies' asses to them. Pretty dang cool cinematic parallel/inversion!
Damn, the lifelong "good girl" really cut class to do Chaos Training with her boyfriend and her second secret karate dad and for that I couldn't be more proud
Chaos gremlin Sam who makes her own rules is the love of my life actually
Absolutely digging this character growth
Literally so satisfying when Daniel and Amanda finally found out Anthony's been a lying little asshole, about damn time!
Neat! Check out this evil karate husband divorcee drama!
I didn't see them having a falling out, but it's juicy so I don't mind it
The Bad:
Aight, someone's gotta say it: This fucker Anthony is getting too much dang screentime
Like we could probably get the idea of his plot with like...half the screentime tbh
So, uh. Breaking up the only LGBT couple in the entire show and then having the closest we have to a canon lesbian character join the villain dojo sure was a writing choice
I don’t like the implications of that I don’t like the implications of that at all
While yes, it is extremely funny that Moon has a thing for violent bully types, I’m not particularly besotted with the fact that the lesbian ex turns evil and the (supposedly) straight guy ex gets a redemption arc
This coming from a slightly unhinged evil lesbian who usually LOVES slightly unhinged evil lesbians
But when that’s your ONLY lesbian in the show, we may have a problem???
I say Piper is the closest thing we have to a canon lesbian character because I’m pretty sure she’s the only female character in the show who has never shown romantic interest in men
Like she’s only ever flirted with and dated women and when Hawk tried to come onto her she was like “fuck no”
Anyways they made her join the evil bad dojo, despite Moon no doubt telling her during S3 that it was filled with bullies and fiends, so that’s fun
Like yes lesbians CAN be scary assholes but we’re not ONLY scary assholes
SO we get to see Eagle Fang and Cobra Kai training, but NOT Miyagi Do??? Unfair!!!
And Sam had to babysit??? That sounds funny as shit!!! Show me what went down please!!!
Also, you're gonna have Eli do this big grand gesture of joining Miyagi Do for Demetri and then NOT show Dem and Eli training together???? Absolutely unacceptable, I want to speak to the manager
You deadass telling me Devon, who we met like...an episode ago, gets a Cool Training Montage, and Demetri and Eli DON'T??? Fuck all the way OFF, we've been watching these dudes grow into badasses for 4 goddamn seasons now and BY GOD I WANT TO SEE THEM KICKING ASS TOGETHER AGAIN
Also it's highkey a big deal that Eli joined Miyagi Do, so it seems like it would be cool to see him like??? Actually learning and practicing some of the moves???
Like Eli absolutely deserves a MD training montage all of his own because it's, like, a complete contrast to how he learned in CK and EF. I want to see whether he takes to them easily or if he struggles to pick them up since they're a pretty different style than Johnny teaches.
Like how well does Eli adjust??? Does Demetri help??? What's his dynamic with the other MD kids like??? Does he get discouraged because they're more experienced MD fighters, and then they have to help gradually rebuild his confidence? I want to know!!! Give me details on MD Eli please!!!
On the topic of training montages, I would have loved to see a bit with Johnny, Miguel, and Sam all training for doing the flying tornado kick together!!! They're like the perfect chaotic, aggressive trio and them just doing the most hectic and insane training drills would be so damn fun, I swear
Also I want to see more of Sam and Miguel being an adorable couple in general!!! Like they've been through so much, they deserve some fluff!!!
Would also be interesting to see them bond over their respective traumas, and try to help one another through it. It would also be pure and wholesome as shit and I would enjoy every minute of it
But nooooooo, gotta cut it to make room for the middle school subplot -_-
I...really can't bring myself to care that much about the middle school love triangle tbh. Like I'll admit they could have done it worse, and Lia has a decent amount of chemistry with both the boys, so it's not totally grating to watch. But Bully-Hot Girl-Nerd love triangles are hardly something we haven't seen before. This particular love triangle isn't really adding anything new to the show???
Like I get what they were going for--they wanted to parallel young Johnny and Daniel, but kinda reverse it by having Daniel's son be the one who's the "spoiled rich popular boy" or what have you. But...was it really necessary??? I mean, we already kinda did that with Miguel and Robby in S1 and 2, I would argue. And even a little bit with Demetri and Eli in S2 and 3, although with no love triangle.
Anyways, point being that I think we're dedicating just a tad too much screentime to a gag that it seems like they're only doing as like...a funny, ironic callback
Anyways in summary this episode needed vastly more Miyagi Do training shenanigans
Specifically more Eli and Demetri training shenanigans
Specifically more Eli and Demetri homoerotic sparring sessions
I mean on that topic I would've loved to see Miguel and Demetri spar too, but too late for that I guess
Like!!! I want to see how they handle sparring/fighting when they're on the same side!!! I want to see if they hold back from hurting each other because of their rough recent history!!!
And imagine the ANGST POTENTIAL if one hits the other a little too hard, especially Eli, like??? Eli going from breaking Demetri's arm to profusely apologizing for hitting Demetri's arm a tiny bit too hard would be BEAUTIFUL
Tbh any MD pair sparring would be more interesting than Anthony running around and causing mayhem in his middle school -__-
Also this would be a GREAT spot to put in a formal Eli-Sam apology scene, just to kinda cement Eli's determination to grow into a better person in MD and such
But do we get it? Noooooooo -__-
Anyways, more MD hijinks!!! More Samiguel!!! I demand it!!!
Get ready to see me suffer next episode :D
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its-snicket-here · 3 years
Hc if Rihmaru have a sister with him who is also a slime, who things go with out three fave demons?
I'm assuming you mean Demons and Demon Lords right? bwb
I'm deeply sorry if they're seem to OOC for this ;-;
You being a girl slime that is siblings with Rimuru?
Bitch, get ready for Milim being your high school bestie since elementary school. Shit gonna get wild with her.
I would say that she's like the oldest sibling type vibe as being her bestie. Gonna teach you sum stuff being as the whole demon lord thing.
If she can't play with/hang around with Rimuru, she gonna take you instead. There is nothing stopping her to do so.
Will and can drag you everywhere to go goof around. Her favorite thing is to do is pulling mindless pranks on unexacting people all over the places or eating the foods that Rimuru introduced into the world.
Isn't too big on shopping or dressing up honestly. Wants to highly goof around and eat.
She'll probably bring you to the manor where the demon lords in, much to Rimuru's dismay. Though she'll probably try to protect you from the other demon lords, especially Clayman.
The first few times meeting, Milim gets the two of you mixed up in slime forms due the similarly in shape, color, and size (slightly, Rimuru is bigger) to be blunt. Though she had gotten better telling the difference between the two.
If you can cook: Please let Milim have a taste of your cooking. Let her.
Honestly, I feel like Milim would be a great person to be the shoulder to cry on. Like, she'll drop the highly child like attitude to listen to you. If anyone made you sad, there is nothing stopping her beating their ass to a bloody pulp. If nobody is making you sad. In general, I feel like she'll take you somewhere that she goes whenever she feels sad or angry.
Big sister energy
Even though he is an intelligent demon. When it comes around you, he becomes a nervous wreck on impressing you due to you being the superior form of being the closest with Rimuru. So no manipulating you. You're special.
He's basically become a total train wreck. Like, dead ass. I feel like whenever you say something that he thinks it's important, he's like this. Especially when it comes to topics that is related to your brother.
Basically Demiurge 2.0, but if Pandora's Actor's personality mushed in.
Will spoil you to no end to impress you.
Breakfast in bed? Check.
Picking out your- Wait you don't have a human form yet.
This of course lead Rimuru scolding and chiding the demon for attempting murder on a woman so you could shift into human too
It's not a fun sight seeing a nearly dead woman screaming bloody murder inside the manor after having an attempt of a night stand.
Personally as a butler to Rimuru, I feel like Diablo would be the one who would fret over you being very healthy and safe.
If you somehow doesn't have the fighting skills or don't want to fight. Then please, let the demon butler fight in your honor. Much more easier to impress you with his powers.
If you're a person that can be easily impressed by anything; you're now his main source of ego boosts.
The fact that's he's trying to impress you is so oblivious to you that there is a running gag where you don't notice him impressing you.
Though if you're feeling sad. He will not hesitate to go kill the person who made you sad. How are they made Lord Rimuru's beloved sister mad?!
Very big on comfort when easing your negative emotions
Though this will lead Rimuru scolding Diablo again if he hears about Diablo going out to kill somebody over you being sad. Despite Rimuru also wanting go strangle that person. He can't afford the Tempest Federation labeled as a threat.
The impresser/fussy butler
She tiny. This causes problems between the two of you when visiting.
For starters, you struggle to keep sight of the fairy when you're distracted with looking around the labyrinth in it's marvelty. To be blunt, you never visited the labyrinth with Rimuru because, haha no body to possess.
Honestly, with Milim and her. There would be tea parties... err... sort of because you really never have a human body. So can't taste anything. Damn you now realize how fucking lucky your brother is.
Though when you actually get a body, thanks to Milim and Ramiris, the three of you celebrated with a shit ton of food and drinks. Diablo still salty about not being the one giving you a body.
Not gonna lie, Ramiris seems to be the type of person who would also be like bragging off her deeds in the past.
Though you must be thick skinned as well because sometimes this tiny ass lady is very truthful/blunt about her feelings/opinions. Though very great when needed on fashion.
This bitch gonna turn you into a pretty slime. No buts, ifs, or whats.
Though she knows when to drop her prideful ass when you're not in the mood of it. She knows when to stop being snarky or blunt with her opinions.
Also a great person to cry on. Though unlike Milim and Diablo who would go fucking nuts if somebody else made you cry. She would tell you not to listen to them and give them insults for you to laugh at.
As a person who lived her long life before Milim, I feel like she's a mix of being a great guardian and a friend that you could look up too.
Additionally, she'll lower her blunt attitude even more if you're a person who is insecure and emotional when encountered with negative emotions. She'll become even more over protective over you.
A guardian friend
Diablo rushed through the corridors, seeming to be in a worried rush. This morning when he came to bring in your breakfast, you weren't there sleeping. Your bed was left in a mess and your drawers were opened. There is no way you were woken up in a rush haven't you? Seems like he is going to give you some scolding when he finds you. Sensing your magicules inside one of the doors, he hastily open the door to only be greeted by his lady and two women he never encountered.
"My lady! There you are!" He claimed. Milim and Ramiris looked at Diablo in confusion, as you looked at Diablo in shock. You were rather startled with Diablo's sudden entrance inside the game room. You were in your human form that represented a child, much, much shorter than Rimuru. About Gobta's size perhaps. Diablo whisked you up in his arms, ignoring the fact that you were occupied with playing a board game with the two women.
"My lady, you shouldn't have run off like that before breakfast! Not eating-"
"Let my best friend go you weirdo!" Yelled Milim. She glared at Diablo, not amused that the demonic butler just came in uninvited and whisked her bestie up in the middle of a game. Right besides her was a plateful of snacks and sandwiches that she was hoarding as well a pissed off Queen of Spirits.
"Don't you have a pair of eyes? Can't you see we're in a middle of a game!" Diablo seem irked, annoyed the idea that it was this woman and a short stack that whisked away his lady first before eating. Even more irked that they also made his lady eat junk food as breakfast.
"Well I'm deeply sorry for not seeing the two of you with how short you are."
"What did you say?!"
"Take that back!"
You nervously look between the two parties, seeming to be in great discomfort being in the middle ground of a soon to be fight. Slowly shifting into your slime form, you slipped through the demon's arms and scurried away quietly - hoping to find your brother to at least ease the situation.
Though you're not blessed with sight like your brother...
"What was that?"
"Never mind that! Where's my bestie?!"
"Augh! Thanks to you, now she's gone!"
"Hey, guys?" In came an Kijin woman who were dressed in a purple attire. In her arms was another blue slime, that was slightly bigger than his sister, resting under her breasts.
"Lord Rimuru!"
"Where's my sister?"
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johaerys-writes · 3 years
Writing Tag Game
I was tagged by @noire-pandora @midnightprelude @mogwaei @serial-chillr @faerieavalon @pinkfadespirit @inquisitoracorn and @in-arlathan thank you so much! :)
How many works do you have on Ao3?
On my main Ao3 blog: 23! I also have a second blog where I post works set in the Dragon Age-inspired Modern AU I've been writing with @oftachancer , featuring my OC Tristan Trevelyan and her OC Aran Trevelyan, as well as a few others of our OCs. There are 5 works there at the moment. You can check them out here: jo_writes
What's your total Ao3 wordcount?
On my main blog, 516,722 words. On my second blog, 193,953 words, but the majority of it is co-written with @oftachancer .
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
High-Flying Birds: 589 kudos (TSOA)
Where Blood Roses Bloom: 467 kudos (Castlevania)
Winter's Fruit: 424 kudos (TSOA)
Like Friends Do: 410 kudos (TSOA)
Memories and Echoes: 327 kudos (TSOA)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always!! I don't think there's a single comment I've ever received that I've left unanswered. I just love talking with my readers and screeching in my replies. I often wonder whether I come across as a tiny bit insane or overly enthusiastic, but you know what? I am both, so who cares 😂 I just appreciate every single person that has taken the time to read and comment on my works, and I want to make sure they know JUST HOW MUCH 
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I honestly don't think that many of my stories have an angsty ending? Most of them end on a hopeful or at least bittersweet note, I think. I'm pretty sure the only ones I've written that have sad endings were those in my Hector/Carmilla series, You Always Hurt The Ones You Love (CV) which were kind of dark and depressing anyway. 
Playground Love, the fic I've written with @oftachancer featuring our OCs Tristan and Aran ends on an angsty note, but things do get better in the next installment, Never Let Me Go, so I suppose I am a little allergic to angsty endings XD
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
The Stars Will Guide Us Home (TSOA, Modern AU) has a super soft and fluffy ending, and Fall Into Your Tide (TSOA, Merman AU) will have a happy ending too.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written? 
I've written a Witcher/Dragon Age crossover, Viper In Tall Grass, where Tristan is a witcher and Dorian a Nilfgardian mage which I thoroughly enjoyed! Also, one of the first long fics I ever finished was a Witcher/Wheel of Time crossover, which I think is genuinely the most... imaginative thing I've written 😂 I never posted it and don't think I will, but I still love it to bits and I'm super proud of myself for writing it. 
Have you ever received hate on a fic? 
Kind of? It wasn't directed at me personally (I don't think) but at one of the main characters of the fic. Perhaps it was referring to the way I'd written the particular character, I truly can't say, it was a little vague. It takes a lot to offend me, but this really rubbed me the wrong way. I honestly think I would have been less offended if the person had criticised my writing rather than the character lol. I just don't take any shit when it comes to the characters I love. They're PERFECT, okay? How dare you come into my house and badmouth them 😂 RUDE
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hell YEAH! I love writing smut, it's great. As to what kind, I think that porn with feelings describes it really well. The smut I write tends to get emotional real quick, even when I intended for it to be straight up porn, so I guess there's no hope for me, hah. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. 
Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Yes, High-Flying Birds has been translated into Vietnamese.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes!! With oftachancer, two novel-length fics (Playground Love and Never Let Me Go), as well as a few other WIPs that haven't been posted yet, and I'm currently working on a multi-chap fic with my friendo @in-arlathan , featuring Dorian/Tristan and Solas with her Elenara Lavellan, which I'm so excited about! I've also brainstormed and goblined-out over a couple projects with @mogwaei !!  I love co-writing, it's so fun :)
What's your all time favourite ship?
Oooh, that's a tough one. I'm super biased in that the ships I love are those I write (both canon and OC pairings) but if you held a gun to my head and asked me to choose I would probably have to say... Dorian/Tristan and Achilles/Patroclus? AAH this is too hard ;w;
What's a WIP you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I do plan on finishing all of the WIPs I am currently working on. I have a lot of writing ideas that I don't think I'll ever get around to, but when I actually start writing something I tend to commit till the end.
What are your writing strengths?
Descriptions, introspection and angsty/emotional scenes I think are my favourite things to write. I also enjoy writing fight scenes a little too much (and judging by the feedback I receive on them people seem to enjoy them too, heh). Lastly, I've been told that the characters I write are complex and fleshed out and that my pacing is good, and that's honestly the best praise for me.
What are you writing weaknesses?
I struggle quite a lot with self doubt and perfectionism. I worry a lot about how my work will be perceived and whether it's good enough. I often agonise over small details or paragraphs/sentences, to the point where I sometimes post just so I stop myself from going back and editing indefinitely. I have thousands upon thousands of words in deleted scenes because "they weren't quite right" or I changed a tiny bit and the rest didn't fit. So. You get the idea 😅 (Now, how I manage to read through everything multiple times before posting yet still get typos... welp)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Hmm, I have to say that I do like it when there are foreign words interspersed through the narrative if the story isn't set in an English speaking world or if the characters speak a different language, but I'm not a huuuge fan of seeing a big chunk of dialogue in a foreign language without immediate translation or a hovering text. It kind of breaks the immersion for me and I tend to avoid it generally in my own writing.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Dragon Age, and specifically DAI! That game never gets old for me.
What's your favourite fic you've written?
It's impossible for me to pick just one so I'm going to cheat and choose a few. I absolutely love my current WIPs: High-Flying Birds, Where Blood Roses Bloom and A World With You, and the freaking epic-length fics I've written with @oftachancer . They haven't always been easy to write (especially AWWY, which has the most intricate plot & character development) but I'm so proud of them and I've learned so much while writing them. Of my finished stories, The Stars Will Guide Us Home is hands down one of my all time faves. It had been on my mind for several months before I actually wrote it, and I poured so much of my heart into it. I still get emotional when I go back to reread it, not gonna lie! Lastly, At The Water's Edge (TSOA) is very dear to me and I often go back for rereads. 
I'm tagging forth to (no pressure!): @fancytrinkets @elveny @glimmerofgold @asiriushoe @juliafied @boshtet-juggler @schattengerissen @dafan7711 @tessa1972 @fandomn00blr @pikapeppa and anyone else who would like to join!
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #184
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Oh shit we’re a day late. Sorry. Now that Summer’s over, Fate and Phantasms is heading out to Shimousa, starting with the Archer of Inferno! You know the deal by this point; true name spoilers and build breakdown below the cut, character sheet over here, but still expect a little bit of spoilage because you can’t spread out a character over 20 levels and not spoil a bit about them.
Next up: I thought the ghost of an occultist driving a car made by a talking lion would be the most convoluted character design for a while. I was wrong.
Tomoe Gozen is a Battle Master Fighter to talk with her fists and throw people around as well as a Hunter Ranger to get her fiery arrows and to specialize in fighting massive crowds.
Race and Background
Tomoe is kind of halfway between an oni and a human, never quite at home in either world. Thankfully that’s exactly what Tieflings are as well, so getting her race is pretty easy. As a Mephistopheles Tiefling she gets +1 Dexterity and +2 Wisdom, Darkvision for night raids, Hellish Resistance to fire damage (it would be awkward if you died to your own inferno), and the Legacy of Cania. This gives you the Mage Hand cantrip immediately, with one casting of Burning Hands and Flame Blade with your Charisma per long rest at third and fifth level respectively.
As the wife of a Lord, you’re the definition of a Noble, giving you proficiency with History and Persuasion. People just like you, y’know?
Ability Scores
Step one; Dexterity. You’re an archer, this shouldn’t come as a surprise that this is pretty high. (I mean I say that, but there’s ton of archers that don’t use bows, so...) Anyways, second is Strength. You throw people around like sacks of potatoes, so you gotta be pretty good at lifting them. Go with Wisdom as your third highest ability. Large scale battles are hectic, you’ve got to have a sharp eye to do your best work in them.  Your Constitution isn’t half bad, oni tend to be able to take a beating. Your Intelligence isn’t that high purely because we need other stuff more, so we’re dumping Charisma. You’re a bit awkward no matter which side of the family you’re talking to.
Class Levels
Ranger 1: Starting off as a ranger gives you plenty of goodies, including plenty of proficiencies, like Strength and Dexterity saves, plus three skills; Insight and Perception to read your enemies and Athletics to make it easier to haul them around. First level rangers also become Deft Explorers, which makes you Canny with athletics. That doubles your proficiency bonus for extra oni strength when you push and pull objects. You can also set a Favored Foe as a bonus action, dealing an extra d4 of damage once per turn after hitting them with an attack. You can do this proficiency times per long rest, and the damage grows as you level up.
Ranger 2: At second level, you gain the Archery fighting style for an extra +2 to your ranged attack rolls. The archer class is really made up of archers, huh? You also learn how to cast Spells using your Wisdom to cast them. Theoretically. You don’t actually have any spells that bother with that. At first level you can use Longstrider to move around the battlefield easier and Absorb Elements to add a little bit of fire to your arrows immediately. That helps less than the other elements since you’re already resistant to fire damage, but we suffer for our art here. Well, you do.
Ranger 3: Making it all the way to third level without burning out grants you entrance to a shiny new conclave, and the Hunter conclave turns you into a Horde Breaker when you take the subclass, specializing you towards dealing with large groups. Once per turn you can make an extra attack, as long as your second target is within 5′ of the first. You also gain Primal Awareness, letting you Speak with Animals. I don’t think anything in canon says you can do this, but your event is one of the only times we hear the servant animals talk, so I’m counting it. You also learn how to cast Zephyr Strike, speeding yourself up and possibly dealing extra damage at the same time. Controlling your spacing is vital when it comes to dealing with tons of enemies.
Ranger 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump up your Strength for stronger punches. They’ll get even stronger in a second, don’t worry.
Fighter 1: Bounce over to fighter for the Unarmed Fighting fighting style. Now your punches deal 1d6 damage (or 1d8 if you have both free) and you can deal damage to grappled creatures at the start of your turn. You also get a Second Wind, which will heal you as a bonus action.
Ranger 5: We’re done multiclassing for a while, since heading back over to ranger will net you an Extra Attack each action. Now you’ve got two attacks against one target, or three if you can use horde breaker. You also learn second level spells, like Beast Sense and Enhance Ability. I don’t think you’re strong enough yet, so that latter spell will give you advantage on strength checks for the duration. (Or a target creature advantage on any one kind of checks, that’s just the most in-character option.)
Ranger 6: At sixth level Favored Foe grows to a d6, and you also become Roving, which increases your speed and lets you climb and swim without slowing down.
Ranger 7: Seventh level rangers will find it a lot easier to Escape the Horde, forcing disadvantage on all opportunity attacks against you. Right now you’ve still got to keep your distance from your enemies to use your bow and arrow, so this will help. You can also cast Aid to increase your maximum HP along with that of a couple of friends for something that will really excitate your whole lineage.
Fighter 2: Bouncing back to fighter gets you an Action Surge for two actions per turn once per short rest. Now you get up to five attacks in a turn thanks to Horde Breaker and your extra attack.
Fighter 3: If we keep on trucking we’ll hit third level, which is where things get really spicy. As a Battle Master, you get four Combat Superiority d8s per short rest, and you can add one per attack to attack you make, dealing extra damage and adding effects to the blow. Technically. Only one of your maneuvers actually deals with attacks, but that’s Pushing Attack, which will do a lot of work for you. When you hit a creature you deal extra damage, and if they’re smaller than Huge and fail a strength save, they get pushed 15 feet away. Your other maneuvers are Evasive Footwork, adding the d8 to your AC while you move to make fighting you even harder, and Tactical Assessment, adding the die to an Investigation, History, or Insight check. We might not have been able to make you smart, but this should cover whatever tactics you need. You’re also a Student of War, giving you proficiency in any one artisan’s tools. Pick your fave, you’re not exactly Hokusai.
Fighter 4: Our last level in fighter grabs the Crusher feat for +1 Strength and once per turn you can push someone an extra 5 feet as long as they’re large or smaller. Also, critical bludgeoning hits give all attacks against their target advantage until you start your next turn. Now you can fling someone 20′ away, and while that technically doesn’t let you throw them in the air I’d allow it. Honestly, if someone’s moving that far away their feet have got to be leaving the ground at some point.
Ranger 8: Going back to Ranger for good now gets another ASI right away, and Gunner is a weird feat to pick, but hear me out. It’s basically the crossbow expert feat, but it trades that bonus action attack for a +1 to Dexterity, which is way more useful since you don’t use a hand crossbow. You also get proficiency with and can ignore loading on firearms, but most D&D games don’t have those anyway, so it’s fine to be a bit out of character. The real good reason we’re here is to ignore disadvantage on your ranged attacks if people are near you. Archery and brawling don’t normally go together, now they do. You also get Land’s Stride so you can move through difficult terrain easier and have advantage on saves against magical terrain. You leave a lot of corpses around in Shimousa, but this’ll help you keep your footing in that demiplane of skulls you do your boss fight in.
Ranger 9: Ninth level rangers get third level spells, like your Primal Awareness spell Speak with Plants. That might sound totally out of character, but it turns out there’s a legit reason for it: Hey look over there, it’s Flame Arrows! Finally, you can dip 12 arrows into fiery goodness, and each one deals an extra 1d6 fire damage on a hit. You’ve got up to an hour to use all of them, but it also takes concentration so don’t get too attached.
Ranger 10: Tenth level rangers are Tireless, letting you heal yourself with temporary HP as an action Proficiency times per day, and you heal exhaustion on short rests. Some people call that inhuman, I call it efficient. Gilgamesh wishes he had what you do. You can also use Nature’s Veil to turn invisible for a round as a bonus action Proficiency times per long rest. Think of it like a smoke bomb. Or a wildfire bomb. Just set things on fire, hide in the fire, done.
Ranger 11: At eleventh level, hunters can let out a Volley of ranged attacks, letting you attack every creature within a 10′ radius of a point you can see. Technically, this means you can pump out up to 50 attacks per round thanks to Action Surge, assuming a lot of creatures are dumb enough to clump up next to each other. 51, sorry, Horde breaker’s still there. To make getting into position easier you also learn the UA spell Flame Stride, negating opportunity attacks, bumping your speed up by 20 feet, and dealing fire damage to nearby creatures when you run by them. It also explicitly sets items on fire, so now we know how you caused so much damage in Shimousa.
Ranger 12: Use this ASI to round up your Strength and Dexterity for stronger punches, tougher punch saves, better arrows, and a higher AC. A banner level for you.
Ranger 13: Your new fourth level spell from Primal Awareness, Locate Creature is way easier to justify than the last one. You just know where the enemy general is located, even in the thick of battle. We’re basically building a Dynasty Warriors character at this point, aren’t we? You also get Freedom of Movement, just in case you need to speed around the battlefield without setting stuff on fire. I know, it’s boring without the fire. You just have to make due for two more levels.
Ranger 14: Your Favored Foe grows again, and you can Vanish as a bonus action, hiding yourself without any way to track you, bar magic.
Ranger 15: Your final spell of the build will turn you into a mighty inferno that can burn down all of Shimousa! Well, not really, but if you Summon Elemental then Vanish away, it’s almost like you turned into a fire elemental, right? You can also Stand Against the Tide, using your reaction to redirect a missed melee attack at another creature. It’s really hard to hit you when you run away, so I suggest fishing for attacks of opportunity for extra damage.
Ranger 16: Use your final ASI to grab the Tough feat for an extra 40 HP. Onis, man. They’re hard to kill.
You specialize in dealing with large groups of enemies, with plenty of ways to move through them and attack over large areas at once.
Working with your bow and fists means you’re never in a bad position in a fight. Hah hah, you ambushed the archer, I guess you’re just getting your skulls bashed in instead.
Your range and speed, combined with your punches’ pushing power, means you are great at choosing your fights. For the most part you can determine where and when you fight an enemy, giving you a pretty solid advantage. As long as your DM doesn’t make all the fights take place in a vacant plain somewhere.
Your charisma is pretty dismal, so even if you have a plan in mind good luck getting people to follow it.
You’re also pretty unfocused, and I mean that in every sense of the word. You’d be a lot more consistent with damage if you only focused on punching or arrows, and since you’re specialized for bunches of weak enemies single bosses can be tricky.
Most of your magic damage is Fire, which is easy to resist. If you’re up against a demon or devil, you might just have a bad time.
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