#i can thjnk of rn
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euclydya · 2 years ago
having fun times rn trying to get [Game] to work on cpu
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meek-shall-inherit · 2 years ago
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i love the them
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tklpilled · 6 months ago
u said i could so im ALSO going to ask for azujami. ur writing eats so hard im gonna eat u. thanks pookie stay … sometbjng i cant thjnk rn STAY COOL😁
azul is trembling.
"i'm not getting on that," he deadpans. with anyone else, this would leave zero room for argument. azul ashengrotto is not a man to be defied.
but jamil is not anyone else, and so he rolls his eyes. "stop being a baby. get on."
kalim's magic carpet sits beside them, waiting patiently for its passengers. it tilts a little to the side, as though asking what's taking so long.
azul adamantly refuses. "i would rather use a broom. i'm leaving."
jamil grumbles. he is sick and tired of him. he grabs azul's arm, a bit firmer than necessary, and shoves him onto the carpet. azul yelps, wobbling and gripping at the edges of the carpet, eyes wide. he peers over the side as jamil sits in front of him, then winces and shrinks in on himself. "you're flying one way or another," jamil hisses. "i'm tired of teaching you." azul seems too frozen to say anything.
and they're off. azul wraps his arms tightly around jamil's waist, clinging on for dear life. the frames of his glasses press painfully into his back as azul hides his face, and jamil can feel him shaking. it's almost enough to make him feel bad.
"azul," he huffs after a few minutes. he puts his hands over azul's, carefully prying him away, at least to loosen his suffocating hold. "it's fine. look at the view."
slowly, hesitantly, azul lifts his head. he turns up to the sky, pointedly refusing to look downward, and the obvious anxiety in his eyes is washed away by awe. it's kind of endearing.
jamil struggles to take his eyes off the housewarden. "see? it's not that bad."
azul blinks, as though realising where he is. he turns back to jamil, a little less stiff than before. "it's...fine." he coughs, straightening his glasses. "i don't appreciate being forced into this, though."
jamil snorts, looking ahead. "you'd never have done it willingly." azul's hands are still around him.
they both seem to notice this at the same time, but azul doesn't move and jamil doesn't tell him to. instead, azul's fingers press into the soft flesh of jamil's stomach, making him go rigid with a choked sort of gasp.
the carpet, being kalim's property, has long grown used to all sorts of antics, and can stay perfectly stable even while jamil squirms. he finds himself, not for the first time, being extremely grateful for that.
"i really don't like being tricked, jamil," comes azul's voice, suddenly low and sending shivers down jamil's spine. "you should pay one way or another, don't you think?"
"no, i d-dohon't," jamil growls, though he's sure any intimidation is thrown away by his poorly hidden laughter. "stohop this."
azul rests his chin on jamil's shoulder, even his hair tickling jamil's neck as his nails crawl along his torso. jamil giggles and grabs azul's hands, desperately holding himself back lest he falls off. "what, is this your weakness? don't worry, i won't tell anyone...without reason, of course."
"gah, stop ihihit!" jamil cries, curling his body around azul's hands as he succumbs to the sensation. he's giggling freely now, high-pitched and happy, and he hates it. he hates the way azul can so easily draw this kind of reaction from him, hates the feeling of fingers teasingly poking up his sides to find every sensitive spot, hates how damn ticklish he is.
he hates it all, so why doesn't he want it to stop?
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kroosluvr · 6 months ago
swap au stuff that i cant doodle rn bc it’s 6am:
goro confronts akira who looks smug as always. “ok, kurusu. ive had enough of your bullshit, why do you insist on being such a piece of shit towards sumire and i when we’re all fighting for the same thing? your life is on the life too, and your reality.” like are you stupid or just dumb
akira’s smile, ofc, doesn’t falter. “well, i don’t have ulterior motives for everything, you understand. what you see is what you get with me, isn’t that -“ fist slams into the wall next to him. “cut the crap, kurusu. do you care about winning or not?”
his eyes follow goro��s. “not,” he says w emphasis, “really.” then, “does that surprise you? remember:” voice drops to a whisper, “i’m a dead man either way.”
goro’s head spins. this infuriating guy - what the hell, so he’s basically on maruki’s side? “i saw you in leblanc,” goro says. “i saw your wish. what was it now.... to be a normal, well adjusted student? kind, considerate, honest?” with emphasis. “everything you’re not?”
akira looks angry for a second, and it disappears. he clears his throat. “that must have just,” his voice is noticeably less smooth. “been a lapse in. my judgement.”
“so that’s what you’re after?” goro’s voice rises. “that life? you want his reality?”
“what’s in it for me if i fight for this one?” akira screams. “i was conned out of a good life and, and my plan to save myself failed. this-“ pointing at goro, sumire, their surroundings, “this is just cruel. wont even let me rest, yet bringing me back to show me…” voice lowers, “what… maybe, i could have been.”
goro’s quiet. sumire says from the back, “so dr maruki’s using you.”
it clicks. “the same way shido did,” goro says.
akira’s face turns cold. “don’t bring that up.” (he'd thought highly of himself, that he and shido were partners and equals in their arrangement, but ofc he was anything but: just a high school kid that shido could pin his crimes on.)
“it’s true, isn’t it?” goro sneers. “maruki is using you to get under our skin… it's sickening, really, turning our friends against us, just to actualize his horrific reality.”
akira doesn’t say anythjng. goro steps back. “you’re stupid,” akira says coldly, “if you really think we were friends at all.”
as he storms off, sumire says, “i told you it’d be a stupid idea.”
goro grits his teeth. “he’s insufferable.” then, “and unfortunately, a perfect pawn.”
i think it’d be interesting since (canon) goro fights for the true reality bc he doesn’t want to allow himself to be puppeted any longer. meanwhile (swap) akira, the trickster, lets the ends justify the means: since he’s a dead man walking, well, fuck it why not let some version of himself be happy for once.
it also drives a harder wedge in royal trio bc now they have to deal w akira third impostoring before they can get thru the palace. maybe in this au they actually start rescuing the thieves before akira comes around (and we get akira boss fight yayyyyy instead of sumire)
also in this au this means sumire knows that akira died in the engine room which is interesting. will have to thjnk on that more later
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mischiefmanifold · 2 years ago
how do I know if I’m medium or high support autistic or low support? especially if my diagnosed level wasn’t rlly correct
wht if some1 tries to do thing yet it causes pain fatigue and they r not able to do it properly even when trying hard so someone does it for them.. like washing drying brushing hair during bath time wht if some1 can’t get themselves up in the morning without help + get self to get places on own and on time, cant make food and proper meals bc of fatigue n exec dys n poor introspection and general not knowing how to use kitchen things or how to cook at all, cant drink/eat enough bc of poor introspection so needs reminders/food fixed for them, needs to be reminded to take med or given it by someone else, has a hard time going in public places alone or w some1 bc the stimuli is overwhelming and disorienting causing dissociation n anxiety etc ..same with driving but dont have a license yet and likely wld get distracted and lost and overwhelmed driving but may be forced to, needs help w tying shoes/things in general and hair but can do some on own/is getting better at it and used to need even more help getting dressed, cant do finance things, bad at taking care of hygiene bc exe dys etc, hasnt had a job yet but may not be able to “successfully/painlessly” have one bc of fatigue etc but may forced to, big sensory issues, not able to handle simple money/math related things AT ALL, sensory issues make it hard to find clothe to wear and options r limited, difficulty communication on calls making appointments + orders + irl orders bc of anxiety + autism communication in general but can speak, cld maybe thjnk of more but idk rn
Sent July 10, 2022
Support needs are determined by bADLs (basic activities of daily living) and iADLS (instrumental activities of daily living). There are five categories of bADLs:
Ambulating - includes the ability to walk, sit, stand, lie down and get up, and climb up and down stairs, both inside and outside your home
Dressing - the ability to dress yourself properly, including using buttons and zippers, selecting appropriate clothing, and putting on the clothes
Feeding - includes the ability to use cutlery and feed yourself
Personal Hygiene - includes brushing your teeth, bathing, shaving, and hair and nail care
Toileting - includes the ability to control your bladder/bowels (continence), use the toilet safely, and clean yourself after use
And there are 12 iADLs:
Managing your finances, including paying your bills, using bank facilities, and planning your expenses
Taking care of your health, including regular doctor visits and following medical prescriptions correctly
Doing your own shopping, including groceries, toiletries, clothing, and other necessities
Prepping and cooking your meals
Managing your transport, including driving vehicles, taking cabs, and using public transport
Using the telephone, mail, email, and other communication devices
Doing household chores like cleaning, gardening, and laundry
Taking care of pets
Caring for children
Looking after others, including supervising caregivers
Maintaining religious practices, hobbies, or other interests
Knowing safety procedures and emergency contacts and responses
The following are also sometimes included in bADL and iADL lists:
Rest and sleep
Social participation
There are several tools that can assess one's ability to live independently without harming themself, including the Katz Index (LINK), the Lawton-Brody Scale (LINK), and the Klein-Bell Scale.
Also, @notabled-noodle has a post (LINK) that explains the "criteria" for each of the support needs.
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a-lilypad · 1 year ago
i’m so drunk rn and all i can thjnk about is how much fun it would be to go clubbing with the skittles
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heavensheal · 6 months ago
hope youre doing well!!!🌟🌟🌟💫💫💫 im glas ủ having fun with cotl rn, fuckk yeahhhhh ‼️‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
hi friend pleafy ily!!!!!! You can text me boy. I THJNK YOU DID THE OTHER DAY AND I JUST WOKE UP AND WAS LIKE SOOOO FUCKING TIRED AND WAS LKE what's he saying to me. 😭😭😭
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meat-huge-pain-endless · 1 year ago
huge vent post feel free to ignore✌️
tw just in case tho for depression, anxiety, suicide/suicidal ideation, death, disordered eating, drug use, dissociation, depersonalization, and derealization
i need someone to come put a straight jacket on me i ruin everything i fucking touch i don’t want to be a bother but im desperate to be known so i spill my guts just for them to get trampled. and i really do let everyone walk all over me. i assume that every other human being on the planet knows better than me about everything and i will tolerate literally an treatment so long as you’re a little bit nice to me sometimes, or even if you just tell me that you are ill probably believe you. my self esteem is so fucking low plus i can’t ever rlly tell what’s true anymore. my memory is so fucking bad like the amount of times a day i forget what im saying mid-sentence and then forget what i had just said and then forget what i was even talking about in the first place is genuinely embarassing. it’s so fucking humiliating actually like i am so out of it all of the time and i can never tell if it’s bc im dissociating or bc im dehydrated or bc i didn’t sleep or bc i haven’t eaten or bc i forgot to take my adhd meds or bc i hit the pen at 9:30am again or bc i DIDNT hit the pen but i have brain fog from smoking the night before and at this point it’s probably all of it all the time like it is so bad. ive never been worse in my life i don’t think. again i wouldn’t rlly know. all my memories feel a million miles away. im alone in my dorm room rn bc my roommate and our other friend went to our other other friend’s dorm to hang out. if i think about it too hard ill probably start crying. i was crying before they were even out the door.
everyone told me college is where you meet “your people.” the friends you have for the rest of your life. why do i have about 3 friends total (as in i actually hang out with them outside of classes/club meetings/school events/etc) and why do none of them feel like they’re actually my friends. oh wait actually i know why that is. it’s because i don’t feel like im real when im at college. that’s how i felt last year (like school year, and it was awful btw, thought it was the worst year of my life but then this semester happened and now im not so sure) but it just occurred to me that im feeling the same way except this time i wasn’t so alarmed by it bc i got used to it. like this is baseline college feeling for me. the worst part of it all is that everything is actually all my fault. like for real not sarcasm. my anxiety is so fucking severe and i didn’t realize it at all until recently when i started having more frequent panic attacks. i cry most days. i hyperventilate way too easily. i walk thru the world just going about my everyday life with the anxiety levels of an animal being hunted for sport. like literally if i accidentally do something wrong in public like the smallest tiniest stupidest mistake like pushing on a pull door or something i get so embarrassed it like so very seriously and genuinely the idea of people thinking that im stupid or laughing at me makes me want to die like seriously kill myself dead and i cannot overstate that im so scared of what people thjnk of me all the time.
oh and did i mention i also literally never stop thinking? overanalyzing everything i do and say and everything everyone else does and says to me and im always worried that my friends hate me or secretly think im an awful person or im thinking about things that they might potentially hate me for later down the line and sometimes i try to preemptively circumvent that by randomly being like “hey if i ever [insert thing im worried might potentially make them not like me anymore] just know that it’s not because [reason i think it might make them potentially not like me]” OH and i also all the time will ask my friends if they think im a bad person which is like so insane of me actually like why the fuck do i do that THIS IS WHAT I MEANT AT THE BEGINNING!!!! PUT ME IN A STRAIGHTJACKET CUT OFF MY GODDAMN HANDS JUST PLEASE DO SOMETHJNG because no matter what i fucking do i always end up crawling to SOMEONE to beg them for reassurance or tell them something that will make them worry about me (sometimes im not even aware im doing that one!) because i just need someone to care. i need someone to care about me or else im not real. (i feel like i only exist contextually but i don’t have time to get into all that right now). but then i get embarrassed for needing something. the fact that i have needs and wants and desires is the most embarrassing thing in the world. asking for what i want and need is the most mortifying torturous experience in the world. i hate being vulnerable.
i want to be cared for without judgement. i want to stop feeling like i am hard to like and even harder to love. i want to stop feeling tired all the time. i want to stop feeling miserable all the time. i want to feel like im real, like i actually exist. i don’t want to die, but i don’t want to live either. i think the only thing about death that still scares me is the fact that i would have to go alone. but the idea of infinite nothingness sounds like a dream. it’s so loud in my head all the time. i just want it all to stop.
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zushimart · 2 years ago
🍥 <3
i thjnk the feeling is my fav rn . i think the pacing is consistent and the prose is concise & flows well. i struggle a lot with describing setting & figuring out where to put that , but when i do inreally like the image it evokes like this para:
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like i can see that in my head. it could be a bit more descriptive or spread out amongst the rest of it but for the length of the piece i think its ok . Def improving. IDK ITS LIKE short and sweet and fluffy and im proud of it even in the technical sense. ^__^
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wincestjel · 6 years ago
searching for fics when i don’t know what specifically i want is Impossible. pls send me some recs for some nice chaptered stuff (or links to your own!)? doesn’t have to be finished but still updated regularly bc this guy can’t handle if it ain’t :P
(any ship is cool!)
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avengerphobic · 2 years ago
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pepprs · 4 years ago
feeling extremely insane rn
#splitting throbbing pounding headache. just applied for the f*fsa like 6 months late bc i hwve $redacted to my name like besties i am#seriouslt in the make a donation post on tumblr dot com zone but i can’t 💔 but i want to and kinda need to i thjnk 💔 but i can’t 💔. also#trying to shop for room decor which is the last thing i should be doing when i have $redacted to my name and it’s a struggle cuz im boring#or really ive never had such an easy opportunity to make a space my own and idk what imwdoing or what i even want on the walls and some of t#the stuff is already out of stock so like lul. haven’t showered or replied to anything or done any readings and tomorrow is rosh hashanah#so tonight is my only chance to do it and i have to go grocery shopping and schedule my redacted and my redacted and my redacted bc my body#is giving out on me it seam’s. tomorrow is the 3rd anniversary of my first day of work tag 2 and i can’t even celebrate it or like reflect#or anything cuz it kinda feels like my loife is on da verge of going to shit!!!!!! 😃👍#purrs#like i just need to make it out of September.. so many scary dates in September known and unknown that are going to ask things of me im not#sure that i can give. 5 days into september and im already like yeahhhh nooooo i……. 😗. but it’s gonna be ok it has to be#oh also not to mention im like sitting in our living room rn… and i belong here but i don’t belong here. and i live here and i dont. so uh 🥴
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wingedbeings · 5 years ago
rly wud like 2 be kissed by a prettey girl rn like um pls,, lets go on a cute date n cuddle
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userkyle · 6 years ago
Anyways I need to buy different kind of pastas and prepaid som pasta salades cuz I'm not eating lunch and that's stupid
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sylvanianfamiliez · 3 years ago
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vqts · 7 years ago
I'm really excited??,, somebody just requested something for me to draw,,, you have no idea how happy this makes me
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