#i can still make them they just wont be perfect...... ive made some for my store without the stickers
Stressed stressed stressed
#hiding in the bathroom :)#i have a lot of cakes to make and get to orger stores#I DONT HAVE HARDLY ANY MOLASSES#which. i did think i had more until last week. BUT I ORDERED IT LAST WEEK#i aldo have coolies to make. and if i cant make cakes i should make cookies. I HAVE NO FLOUR#which also. could've sworn i had more before last week. but I ORDERED IT LAST WEEK#now. someone left a note for me on the work forum that i wasnt ordering things right bc i was putting it in the wrong tab ??#which was weird bc ive had problems with ordering before and no ones ever told me#but whatever. she fixed it for me which was nice!! and i also left a note somewhere else that i need things!!!!!!!#ive been gone fore 5 days where are my things!!!!!!!#ok so another main thing i can make if i cant make those. is yogurt. and bulk yogurt boxes#the boxes need stickers. I HAVEN'T HAD STICKERS FOR AT LEAST 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!! AND I ORDERED THEM!!!!!!!!!#i can still make them they just wont be perfect...... ive made some for my store without the stickers#but id rather not transfer them to another store without stickers#but ig that's what i have to do???? bc i dont have anything else?????????#i have a little but if molasses i can see how far i can stretch it#but besides that??????? I NEED MY THINGS!!!!!!!!! AND I ORDERED THEM I DID WHAT I WAS SUPPOSED TO DO#apparently i was doing it wrong?? but ive been doing it like that and ive still gotten things shipped#and they fixed it for me. and i left another note. so i dont think this is my fault?#??????#but the manager is gonna come in in like an hour and im gonna HAVE A PANIC ATTACK#AAAAAAAAAA#she was a baker girl
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determinate-negation · 11 months
how would you help someone break free from zionism? (please serious answer i'm panicked)
my family isnt zionist so i havent really had to argue with them about palestine and so idk if i can give you perfect advice on how to talk to someone whos close to you about this, maybe some of my followers can add stuff
but still ill say this, (if theyre jewish) a big part of it is the emotional connection people have in light of the history of the holocaust, and like a visceral feeling of fear, which is purposefully imprinted onto peoples communities. so i think dismantling all the myths that israel has specifically about the holocaust and jewish safety might make them question this? its unfortunate but i think a lot of zionists wont react well if you talk about the amount of violence and dispossession palestinians face just because theyve already been dehumanized in their mind, and they genuinely feel that these people want to kill them for being jewish, and israel is the only way to ensure jewish safety, so you have to get past that first. im not sure what their perspective is on israel and why theyre a zionist, so idk. but showing people that israel is not actually protecting jews, its protecting european and american interests in the region and was supported by europeans literally as a solution to their "jewish question", especially with the vast amounts of jewish holocaust survivors in refugee camps in europe for years after the war. like ask the question why do all these european governments put tons of financial and military aid to israel instead of helping their jewish diaspora communities thrive and attract people to them? why do they actually make things harder for jews and have shitty convoluted policies for european jews who were expelled to return, but also support israel? is this something thats really good for us? also learning about how apathetic and even pro nazi america was during ww2, and how much holocaust revisionism they engage in to make themselves look historically better and twist their reasons for supporting israel, really made me feel like the us government line on israel is just ridiculous hypocrisy. ive made some posts about this which ill try to find
this post i reblogged has a lot of info dismantling stuff about israel and theres another post i saw that ill add to this too. i would also look in mondoweiss and jewish currents for articles about judaism and zionism. this article is good and might not be something you can directly send to this person but maybe the ideas in it will be useful to you
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kosmicdream · 14 days
I got this ask on curiouscat but.. the site wont let me post my reply?? so i just decided to put it here since i dont get a lot of questions these days. so i like to answer them when i actually have something more to say. this one also went kinda off topic but w/e.
Q: How do you keep the motivation to work on all your long comics? I always start and then abandon a project cause another distracts me or I feel unsatisfied with the result... I admire your commitment so much!
Aw, thank you! I really appreciate it. But don’t get too discouraged.. I get distracted too! I currently have 9 ongoing comic projects with 2 more i eagerly want to start drawing, and at least a dozen concepts on the backburner that have been around for sometimes over a decade. I think that what I’ve found, is that starting a new comic takes so much time. It takes a lot of time to get a story really rolling, time to learn how to draw the story how you want and in a weird way - having a longer comic you’ve had more experience with, you can pull a lot more things from. I generally find that FFAK and NRD are much easier comics for me to work on because of all those years of experience with them. But it still can get demoralizing if i focus too much on the faults or how long I still have to go. Sometimes its easy to feel that readers have lost interest and moved on, or its just not as good as you wanted it to be, ect. If you look for reasons like that, reasons to demotivate you, you’ll find them in spades.So i try my best to NOT do that, because working on a comic is hard enough.
In a weird way, when i sometimes find myself in the pit of struggles like this - i realize every author ive ever read has been in the same shoes as me. There is no artist that just magically has it easier and never runs into some challenges like this, some challenges can never be overcome because they’re part of the experience of making the project. There’s limitations involved and things change overtime. You won’t always have the same experience with the same story as you make it, or the same feelings involved. Sometimes that's really hard to let go of, if you feel the earlier years were so much better than the struggles you have now. I know I faced that hurdle with FFAK and I am currently going through that with NRD, but even the harder times do change too. It never gets easy to make a comic, but it changes. 
With FFAK, i don’t honestly know how I will finish the complete story. I often struggle too, especially with the third (final) arc, if it really is good enough. In a way, a lot of places of it feel incomplete and rushed, so I tend to worry a lot about how that will go. However, I never thought i’d have a comic like FFAK in the first place, so i feel really lucky to have made it this far at all. Endings do scare me, as there’s just so much pressure involved to deliver and even reach it at all, that it feels almost like an impossible fantasy to pull off in a satisfying manner to yourself or the readers. However, I do think I’ve gotten more excited to reach endings than I used to be even a couple years ago, and I have gotten more forgiving of myself for not being perfect at it. No matter what I manage to make, I’m going to have my own critiques of it because there’s improvements to be made in all aspects of the story. I’m looking forward to seeing what I can actually do so I can learn from it and be more confident in the future. 
FFAK also has such a huge cast, it can be a technical nightmare to figure out. I dont envy authors like GRRM that have a seemingly endless cast to deal with. I already have so much of my hands full with what is essentially one family. And I know for my other comics that I’ve made, the cast has never gotten as out of hand as FFAK’s. But I dont mind having FFAK be like this, because it has been part of my enjoyment of writing the story too. FFAK is generally very motivating because I always have something I’m excited to share about it, and every small progress is a big reward for me. I’ve put a lot of years of work into ARC2 and i am desperate to get to share it with everyone, so I hope readers will enjoy what is to come for the future of the story even though it already is a decade old at this point.
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kk0hii · 3 months
How did you get into School Zone and what got you hooked on it?
Back then in 2022/2021?? i think? I was searching for some yuri/ GL to read cus i want to read that stuff more and i rlly wants the one that r yk good and stuff
I saw school zone cover but i cant tell if its the yokoe and kei running to the together or yokoe and kei sitting tgt with bunch of other chairs and the keep out sign
Anyway i immediately got hooked cus it looks pretty nice and stuff
I read it and pretty much fall in love
Im sort of always a big fan on slice of life type of media (but im also someone who love some kind of have a depth goin on media or just serious stuff depends on my mood)
At first the school zone seems like some kind of a comedy slice of life manga EXCEPT that its yuri which is amazing cus even though ive seen yuri with slice of life before i havent seen yet the one that r like this
And school zone girls comedy is hella funny especially its amazingly like how it depict on how a teenage girls act
And one thing is im pretty sure school zone girls is made by a woman
Bcs i dont trust that much men to write such an amazing depiction of how a high school girls act ( they always fumble it or just idk it doesnt feel much like it)
And especially school zone girls isnt written to be sexualization or male centered
All of the girls in school zone genuinely have their own personality and also depht! Cus the more u read the manga the more u know about them! Its soo good i love it so much
Cus i also wish other media make a media like how school zone does it! And i wish there was more media thats more of a girls centered (girl being the mc or just more girls character with interesting personality)
Literally rn after rereading school zone for alot of times it got me lazy to start another media thats not girls centered (the girl being an mc or more girls character that feels like how girls are) because so many shows already have so much idk guys bein the mc or guys character being alot more
And especially the writing on the girls
School zone girls feels so prefect for me and thats why i keep om rereading it so many times
Oh and also i wont say its 100% perfect cus we got cough tsubaki being that
But even tho shes like that i think the execution is also not that bad
At first u thought shes that but the more u read and get into that serious chapter u become understand on how she works and stuff
Usually incest character always written as a WHY NOT and idk doesnt have more depht in it or just for stupid comedy purpose
Tsubaki just have more reason for it for me because of how we get to know her more
And i dont think the author (ningiyau) will make the incest thing happening anyway
Cus the more u read the more its more of
Tsubaki and hiiragi trying to meet people outside of each other (because back in middle school they pretty much isolate themselv from the world)
Difference is that tsubaki is more of TRYING to find friends to change
And hiiragi changing by unexpected event (utsugi)
And both of them still having this complicated sibling issues
(Especially tsubaki she got that attachment issues goin on and im interested in what will happen to her)
I think tsubaki and how it made her that way is already self explanatory in the manga
On top of that I rlly love her writing alot
Because at first or something she seems like those anime nice girl type of styff
Those anime girls whos always niceee especially to the mc or whatveer and usually male likers
But tsubaki is her own character
Shes anxious and stuff with people and also pessimistic with her situation(when theres seem to be no way out) ven though shes very talented with grades and sport
But she can also be optimistic when she sees the opportunity or solution to her situation
And she sees good stuff in people and she also easily influences(?) by others ( example yatsude trying to make some lie story about their club at firs shes like " ITS A LIE???" but then she started to get into it and excited "OMG NEW STORY WOW" And her with yokoe
Yokoe telling her which hand to pick and say stuff about i got expectation from u and she reactinf "wow expectation!!" And also reacting "huh!?" To her respond from picking the hand)
But yeah i rlly like tsubaki and all of the cast personality and ningiyau rlly do genuinely give so much depht in them
This yuri literally have so many characters with each of their oen personality and how so many dynamic could form from those characters and its just so refreshing to see!
(Also i loooove kaname and how shes written as i wanan get to know her more)
But anyway im pretty much rambling now but yeah i think what got me hooked is just of how funny and also fresh the characters are with their own personality (especially since theyr girls) and how ningiyau execute them and the story
I wish school zone isnt gonna be underrated anymore because this yuri deserves more recognition and loves (hopefully one day)
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nahalism · 9 months
i was wondering, how did you get to develop your art? im currently in a process where i am trying to experiment and go beyond the need to create art that is realistic (as in "objectively like reality as it is", like I was being told by both school and family). i feel like I struggle a lot to follow my inspiration because of this, and I am also trying to learn how to draw scenes from my own ordinary life, but unfortunately I am quite impatient and frustrated with my inability to create what I wish to create + perfectionism in general makes me scared of using colour as well 😭 I really admire your art so much, both your sketches and finished pieces, and I have always wondered your own learning process throughout the years. please feel free to not reply if you feel uncomfortable cause I know it is a very personal process as well, and above all I hope you are doing well and I am sending you endless love <333
🥺🥺 this is so lovely to receive because if im completely honest there are multiple moments where i feel exactly as you've just described and despite pushing through it, a message like this is very validating that ive progressed in some way
i dont mind sharing at all. i started drawing/painting when i was 21/22 which is relatively late and i was so fearful because despite having a vision for what i wanted to create i lacked any skill that could help me bring what was in my minds eye to fruition. i was also insanely depressed and in the middle of getting my degree at uni (so felt like i had no time to pursue art, at least not to the extent i wanted to). — my plan to get better consisted of multiple things. id draw everyday. i had/have two styles i'd practice, one realism, and the other 'freestyle'? basically draw only from my head and from the rhythms that came naturally to my hand, no references. by doing that, or drawing the human figure/portraits/cars/buildings from my imagination, not only was i reinforcing what id actually learned from my study of the fundamentals, but i was learning to incorporate my own creativity into the rigid structure that sometimes comes from only drawing from reference. by doing that and drawing studies every day i began to build a library in my head of images/poses/character archetypes i could pull from which made drawing from my imagination easier, but also had the structural knowledge of forms/perspective/anatomy to make them look credible. id do this whenever i had free time, and once i left uni began practicing anywhere from 6-9 hours daily. a bit extreme but i felt like i had time to make up for since i started drawing relatively late in life. only tip there is to balance practice with making finished pieces. finished pieces will show you which fundamentals you still need to work on & how much progress you've made. they also show the completion of a thought whereas practice only gives you the tools to bring that thought to reality
just so u know, ur practice of the fundaments is not in vain. you just need to revive your own capacity to draw from your imagination/subconscious. the main thing is knowing your going to find your work horrible for a long time before it gets better. the joy has to come from the process of creating rather than the end product. by the time it gets better, your eye will also have improved, so you still wont be satisfied. thats where growth comes in. being your biggest critic is what will make you great, as long as you remember where you came from (date and keep your work so you can look back on it) and the role criticism plays. separate your skill from your self worth.
something helpful i was once told is along the lines of 'perfectionism is a lie we tell ourselves to justify our procrastination. no one is ever perfect, so the only way to gain skill is to practice. you cant grow if you dont begin. so if your really a perfectionist, your only solution is to start'
i would love to see your work someday and hope i will. wishing you luck and sending you all the courage to begin and be great. you got this <3
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stargirlsuicide · 2 months
how i plan of keeping myself pulled together all year ^_^
(these arent tips!! these aren just things i think will work for me to keep me on track and help me achieve the goals ive set for myself)
i just wanna start talking abt mindset before anything else cause i feel thats the most important thing for me. ive had a couple fights with my mom this year abt me changing schools cause i picked a rlly hard school and she was worried i wont put in the effort and just let my grades fall. so to keep myself doing all my school work and also not being completly miserable i decided to set some ''rules'' for myself:
☆ doing all my work as early as i can. i always found myself like wasting time and doing my work in the late evening and i would sometimes finish at like 10pm and had no time to watch a movie or do anything else productive
☆ writing. both in the sense of taking notes and my own personal writing. i feel like writing stuff down always helps me a lot. both at memorizing things or just to get my thoughts down. so i put 'a new journal' on my shopping list ^_^
☆ taking the bus to school everyday. this might seem kinda stupid but its actually something that i think wil help me a lot. i could go by car but since i have friends that go to the same school as me going with them would just be more fun than with my dad. the biggest downside of this is having to wake up at 5am to get ready but i feel like that might help with my schedule since nobody else in my house is up by that time and i have all the time to get ready.
°:. *₊ ° . ★ . ° ₊ * .:° °:. *₊ ° . ★ . ° ₊ * .:°
this part is all just abt looks, habits and social life and lumping them in all together just cause its really not a lot for each one.
☆ buying good makeup products that are also affordable. i do my makeup everyday its part of my routine and like a lot of products that r considered high quality and long lasting are very expensive and i just cant spend 40 euros on a foundation. so i have made myself a list of products that i need to restock on and that arent more expensive than like 20 euros.
makeup part of the shopping list:
Tumblr media
☆ looking after my skin more. getting a good moisturizer, spf, never going to sleep with makeup still on and drinking enough water should be enough for me since my skin doesnt really break out
☆ being more mindful of what clothes i RLLY wanna wear. im very picky with my clothes usually but a lot of the clothes ive been getting recently arent exactly like 'perfect pieces' and they dont rlly go with a lot of my wardrobe. so just being more midful of what i buy and how much i spend on it
☆ checking what i eat. my method for this might be kinda weird ig but it works for me. i have a lot of go-to foods. i have a favourite thing that i get for everywhere like grocery store, vending machines, fast food, restaurants and it hit me recently that the stuff i eat is very calorie dense. and not that theres anything wrong with that but i dont wanna be eating very unhealthy without even noticing it. so i wrote the recommeded daily calorie intake for my height and weight and the ammount of calories in the foods i usually eat. i dont track my calories and most my actual meals are homecooked and i cant know the calories of them. im not like prohibitinv myself from having high calorie foods i just dont want to be eating them all the time carelessly.
☆ occasionally buying stuff just for fun. allowing myself to get new jewelry or purses or just like stupid stuff like pens and keychains just for like enrichment ig. its not rlly that deep but it just makes me happy for awhile
☆ saving money. this one is more of a like 'would be cool if i manged to do this' cause i am not good at saving money at all but i wanna save up enough for a student exchange program. so i need around 4000 euros saved up just for that and on top of it a couple hundred for my personal expenses
☆ spending more time with my friends. ideally i would go out at least once a week but idk if that would work given how busy i could get. i wanna show people i value them more and spend more time with them and buy them gifts and all ^_^
☆ being more open and sociable. ive had rlly hard times fitting-in in the past cause i didnt rlly talk to people in fear of bothering them. i realized that not talking to people just reads as being weird for others so i wanna talk to people more and try to be more nonchalant and less nervous in conversation. i also just wanna like be nice without letting people walk all over me.
and thats pretty much it i think!!
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bugtistic · 1 year
mr bug man!! how do i get over my Horrific Fears of insects and arachnids? im fine with photos but most videos and seeing them irl freak me out. ive always been fine with ladybugs and isopods (they are my Friends) but other insects and all spiders usually freak me out ;w;
shockingly i actually have advice for this. Because I, despite my special interest thats been a thing since i was a toddler, used to be severely arachnophobic. Like, i'm diagnosed with panic disorder and would have full panic attacks that cause me to hyperventilate and blackout unless i took my benzo meds the moment i saw a wolf spider in my room. And now, I have let some spiders crawl on my hand, have walked directly into a web and had a spider on my FACE which i calmly removed and put on the ground (and freaked out a bit afterwards), and let spiders roam my house freely (unless in my bed).
I am not perfect! I am still scared of spiders, and I wont be touching a wolf spider anytime soon as they're the ones that scare me the most. But obviously thats a giant improvement from where we were. The downside to this, is it's taken about ~10 years to get to this point. You have to be truly dedicated to it. And the thing that helped me through the last decade get to where I am today with spiders, is keeping them as pets.
For real! And you don't need a fancy set up to do this. Most house spiders you come across, are not going to be living that long. Find any ol medium sized container with a lid, add some holes and you got yourself an enclosure. Ideally make sure the enclosure is large enough the spider has a bit of space to roam. Try to find out if its a webbing species or a more burrowing/land based one. If its land based, add some dirt, a hide made of really anything larger than the spider, and a bottlecap of water. If it's a webbing species, sticks and leaves for it to web around will work fine, and you can spray some water onto the web for it to drink. You can feed it flies and bugs you catch around the house, or you can easily buy 100 mealworms for $1 at most petstores like petsmart.
Keep the spider. Name the spider. Observe the spider, and love the spider. Let it run it's course. If you have a female, beware! Some species of spider can hold fertilized eggs inside it. So you may end up with an eggsack. If you do, just try to carefully remove it and place it somewhere safe outside. or you can place the enclosure outside and wait until they hatch, then release the babies into the world and feel good knowing you aided in the spider population.
Keep doing this when you find spiders in your house! and over time, you'll probably find it a lot easier to learn their body language, their actual risk to you and how they move and react to the world around them. It'll be easier to see them as friends and potential pets than something to fear. At the very least, it may make it easier to put them in a cup and relocate them outside.
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yakeisoda · 7 months
Hello, just wanna start this off by saying that I love your art. I've decided to ask my favourite artists for art tips as I wanna get into it, but no matter what I do it never looks right. So, any tips?
HELLO TYSM!!! ngl i dont think im the best 4 this question im also kinda in a rut rn where im not really satisfied w my art n craving more progress and improvement but im getting there somewhat but very slowly! (ive been this way for a rly long time naow) this might be long but im gna try n throw in the things ik, sorry if my thoughts r messy im not the best in articulating stuff :')
i think a good way to start off is to find out what skill you lack the most or what you want to improve the most on, say for ex: u wna focus on getting better at composition for illustrations, then a good way to improve them is to learn about the composition rules (ex: rule of 3rds, etc), look for any scenes in films/animation or photographies and storybooks , study them and recreate it! go crazy !! ive done a study on a friend's picture before, and have asked my friends if i can use their photographies as practice!
looking for inspiration will also improve ur visual library, they can help u find what u wna put in ur art ! like perhaps certain color palettes or styles, it's best to look at different mediums of art instead of focusing only on one, sometimes u can find techniques meant 4 u! (ex: of this is my friend who used to be a watercolor artist, ive observed them using watercolor techniques when they were still new to digital art! basically mix n match whatever feels good/convenient 4 u :] )
disciplining urself is also good to have more improvement! i have trouble w this the most ever since bc its hard 2 focus if no one is like there to monitor u (in my experience), if u rly wna make progress u have to squeeze in some art practice time in ur schedule, it can be around 15-30 mins or even 3 hrs, completely up to you! (rmb to take breaks!). you can give urself deadlines if that will help n maybe timers too!
my prof always said "Proper practice makes perfect", so it's also best to practice with a clear goal in mind, take notes on the things u lack and if ur watching any art tutorials/speedpaints, take notes of those too! it's good to have something specific in mind so u wont get lost n u wud know what u wna do! it helps u retain info as well so u can look back on stuff, to avoid overwhelming urself u can just focus on small bits first, ex: in anatomy, u can focus on the head area first, break it down to drawing eyes and noses, etc! then u can move onto the torso area!
USE REFS!!!! make use of pinterest or any other refs u can find, cannot stress this enuf go crazyyy w references, make a moodboard full of referencess n go crazzyy w them!! i used to not like doing this bc i just head straight in to drawing bc thats what i was used to but art college trained me 2 use refs bc they help so very much, theyre like ur guideline for what u wna make so u have a clear goal in mind, also photobashing seems like a great practice too never tried it but yes it can help when ur planning an illustration/concept art!
^above also applies to art styles! go crazy n experiment w them!! i think its so very fun to explore diff art styles n not stick to 1, again this depends on u but having a different range of artworks is rly fun, u can go from very pastel soft colors n style, to smth very vibrant n sharp, to smth like dark n chalky-sketchy kind of vibe if im making sense T__T, basically go wild!! go crazy!! dont let urself sit in 1 box! hop into other boxes !! or wear all of them!! or poke holes in the box n add stuff to the box or wear a circle!! trust me it looks so fun if u put different artworks uve made side by side n go wow i did that!!
also create small thumbnails 4 illustration! its really best to plan ahead art too, as i said i used to just head straight in n not plan but ive learned to absolutely enjoy planning making art! collecting refs n seeing what kind of composition goes n what colors wud work is so very fun actually! it rly helps a lot
theres also this one post i lost the link, but basically it shows how much progress u can make if u make loose sketches vs full on rendered illustrations vs a mix of both, again this depends entirely on u bc things r different for everyone! i think that post is really good for teaching abt art progress (if any1 knows where it is pls do link!), i think focusing on sketches n practice is better tho bc it helps u draw more freely n loosely! i think that speeds up ur process more as well n doesnt make u lose interest immediately compared 2 focusing on finishing 1 big rendered illust (talking from experience) but then again its different for every1 so honestly just experiment n see what feels right for u!
i wna say tho that although it is good to make sure ur drawing looks right its also good to just let yourself draw freely, i think what matters is that u understood the structures of something and as long as ur able to apply that in ur own way i think thats gud! i think drawing freely helps u draw more fluidly? like having more expression is what i mean. ive gotten into the "i have 2 make this look right" hole before n i noticed it made my art look stiff, so highlyy recommend doing gesture drawing n life studies! rmb to have fun when practicing n learning,
dont pressure urself too much! enjoy the experience :] ! messy sketches r good!! not everything has to look good or perfect! my sketchbooks from way back were just doodles, pencil sketches no color mostly, theres an occasional lined one w markers , ballpen, n some highlighters, n my drawings were either smth funny that happened w me n frens with our personas or making ocs for my faves or ocs for me in general!
ur sketchbook doesnt have to look pretty its like ur diary but its art ykno! ur thoughts in visual form for the day! (again all up to u as long as u have fun! its all different 4 everyone!)
anw tysm again!! sorry if this was all over the place HAHSAW i tried my best but these r the tips i keep in mind most of the time or the ones i hold closest to me n that i try to apply as much as i cud! if u need anything else clarified just lmk! not the best w words but hopefully it helps :'')! most of the stuff i mentioned here i also need to take into practice HAHWHAW so mb its gud 4 me to write this down so i can finally push myself to do stuff,
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abyssal-cryptid · 1 year
Still thoughts about Tears of the Kingdom (SPOILERS)
The Great Fairies look like they want to eat the small man when they first emerge
Zonai Zelda is so cute
The memories bro the memories
Why cant I put flowers in their mane
Please let me marry Zonai Zelda
Rauru is like lmao Zelda I wont die *dies*
Rauru dont give Zelda more trauma she has been through so much already
Rauru is like "we will put this all on Link"
I will write angry fanfic about this
Gleeoks are so terrifying what the fuck
You can upgrade your horses
What did they do to my beautiful dessert
They let me in as a man??? Noooo I was waiting to enjoy the complicated feelings of Link's gender again
Riju looks so good in this new look
Its so hot everywhere
Nooo my coins my coins!!!
Again doing shrines because I need hearts and stamina
I am a well enthusiast
I caught the golden horsie
Trying to find a perfect colored 5* speed horse is hard
Why are there gleeoks everywhere
Outfits my one true love
My horses are so cute
Let me customize the big horses pleaseee
I need to murder more deer for coins
Need to go deal with the Lurelin Village Pirates
Sorry I write these while Im not playing so I dont always remember to go in order
Im also writing fanfic because of course I am look at me
Im having so much fun
Shrines are becoming less awful
Wait how is Zelda the descendant of Sonia and Rauru if Sonia died without children
I saved this man's goats
Satori mountain is said to have endura carrots. I need them please
Im pro-all armors that show off Link's cool arm
I looked up how to get to Hestu and
I know what I need to do but I dont have the strength to do it
No joke theyre evil for this
How do I get gloom resistant armor
Playing the Zora main questline
The sky island has moon gravity!!
Where is Kass
The new dragon is a Light Dragon
Finally some good fucking food (All the apples on satori mountain)
Me: oh shit blood moon should be soon
Literally the next night: blood moon
Im a psychic
You are correct Roman there is so many apples here you do deserve some here you go baby boy
The checkmark you get for caves is if you killed the Bubbulfrog in there
I need to kill more
I want the full mystic armor
I have one friend who isnt into LOZ and I could tell all this to her but its no fun if she knows nothing about it
She does send me Zelda memes tho. 10/10 friend
Finally endura carrots
I love Malanya so much
Best god
I love Sidon but my god is he just in the way during the Water Temple
On the way, making me waste my bubbles, why do I have to be next to him to get the bubble
Hearing Zelda being referred to as the Sage of Time >>>>
Also I will not shut up about how pretty Zelda is
I have to draw her
Im a simple lesbian
My switch camera is full of screenshots of her
Every cutscene has her be so pretty
Sidon made me my own copy of him
And this man isnt marrying me
I dont think I could have handled that
My camera roll is also full of screenshots of Sidon
Yona is actually really sweet Im just having a moment
A sad day for Sidon lovers everywhere
King Sidon is handsome
He literally got on his knees to swear a vow to me and gave me a ring and married Yona
Yona is cute and I love her
Like her voice too
She's adorable
Maybe we can do a triad
Political(ish) marriage + one crackhead who attracts all the trouble
No because I still actively avoid spots where there used to be guardians
I was at a stable and went "no cant go that way there's guardians"
Nightmares wont give up ever apparently
There has been so many crucifications. The Korok Space Program. Fire is involved
I've also seen people build bombers and mechs
I love it
It seems so wild to me because I dont build in this game
If I can avoid it
I do use the dispensers but thats because its gambling
But all the material spots just get ignored
Dont care
Im going on Roman (my horsie)
But I love everyone is vibing
But still. I need easy mode
These posts are how I process the game btw. Been surprised that people have liked them. I will keep going because I have to process what I feel about things (doctor's orders)
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daily-ethoslab · 2 years
hihi! this is a bit of a weird question totally fine if you don't wanna answer this, but how dyu find like, what to draw etho doing for this account?
I mean ofc he's etho he's a little cryptid, but still you're on day 200! big achievement!
im currently on like day 40 of my daily account and it gets hard to keep coming up with different things to draw the character in. So much kudos to you for keeping this up for 200 days!! really cool dude
This is a very normal question! Don’t worry about it :D
I’m not the best at explaining things BUT ill try my best!
The way I go about choosing a topic or subject for my etho drawings kinda goes in this order! If one dosent currently work then I move onto the next.
1. Something from the newest upload! (Screenshot redraws or moments that made me laugh)
2. Idea list () Sometimes I get an Idea or two but i wont have the time/energy to develop it so i write it down! As you can see… a lot of them I kinda skip over but thats ok! Not every idea is going to work :). I try not to think about it too much, the thinking is for later me.
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3. Pinterest. Not to shill but Pinterest is great for inspiration. I have different folders for poses, outfits, and more! So if I cant come up with something I can go to Pinterest! (This does take a bit of set up cause you need an account and all that ish)
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4. Try to experiment with your art! I’m kinda guilty of not doing this one. Its very easy to just use the same mediums and same poses and same colors because they’re comfortable and fast! Try using a different medium! (Traditional art is great for this) maybe set some restrictions on your art like drawing using only straight edges, color palette, using your non dominant hand! Its always a great way to shake things up!
5. Other people! Sometimes you can ask others for requests or ideas! More often then not if people follow you they probably have something they want to see! I also want to include drawing something from fan fiction in this category cause thats other peoples brains. Just make sure you credit people!
6. Memes. these also tend to be the more popular posts ive noticed haha. But sometimes drawing characters in a meme format can be a good because it gives you a joke and sometimes a pose. (I try not to use these too much cause I don’t want it to get stale and i dont want to become reliant on them.Not shaming anyone who does 😓)
7. Last resort….. I HATE when it comes to this but sometimes your ideas are nonexistent and your inspirations are evaporated. Think of this as a break in case of emergency option. Don’t. Stop. Drawing. If you keep drawing the same thing over and over the mind numbing boredom will force your brain to pull SOMETHING out. (Not recommended! Can cause burnout!)
This isn’t in a strict order as i kinda bounce around! I hope this helpful in some way! If you need me to explain something a bit more I would be more then happy to!
This account is actually really huge for me! Would you believe me if i told you I’ve NEVER made it past day 10 of Inktober. Look at me now! Day 211! I think one of the best things to keep in mind is that not every post has to be perfect. Some days art just isn’t working but you still want to post! (Ive been trying to get a back stock of ethos for these days but it’s been difficult q_q ) Its ok to post something bad! Its ok if you don’t really learn anything from it! Its ok to be human! Don’t push yourself to post everyday! I don’t think ill be able to when school starts up for me again!
Last but not least, have fun. Its your account! No one is forcing you to do what you are doing so just have fun!
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pumpkinwastaken · 2 years
Okay so, heres an in depth ramble/review of sonic frontiers! Big spoilers ahead!
Tldr: buy the game its good!
Okay now that i know eyes here are okay with spoilers imma start my revieeeeeeewww! :D
This game sure was something! But i love love loved it! I really liked how it played and the performance was great with only a few hickups in the open world but i could count that on my hand in the 14 hours ive played so far! For the difficulty, i didnt realize till later that you can hold down rb and lb to parry instead of timing it perfectly so me playing on easy was like, this game difficult aaaa! But once i figured out i could hold the buttons the challenge was more moderate for me!
I really enjoyed fishing! The last zone got a bit difficult for me so i used fishing to get the items i needed to progress! Fishing tokens which you need some of per fishing attempt are rare at the start but once you start doing the slot machine minigame that pops up every so often youll get crazy amounts of tokens fast! Also oh my gosh the little kocos are adorable!!! I will protect them with my LIFE! For me the open world was the most fun thing to do, the little stages you have to do to get vault keys are fine but for me getting enough keys could get a bit frustrating in some spots, music in those stages are great though! And also if a stage is too hard just do some fishing for vault keys theres no punishment! But yeah music in those stages are defo worth the few attemps! Music in the overworld also was very nice and relaxing as was fishing lo fi hip hop beats to fish to tm. Boss music tho? Screamer metal just took my by suprise and im so here for it?!?! Its great!
Okay now though i rlly want to gush about the story for a bit. So this is the super duper spoiler part!
So i wont recap the game but i do want to just say some things about it. Like pls give tails and eggman a hug? Especially the ending eggman was just so sad! Dude lost his daughter ; ~ ; and that actually made me tear up like oh my gosh i know eggy is the bad guy in sonic games but dude was rlly nice in this game to listen to. I rlly enjoyed listening to him in every cutscene. Finding out sage is like a daughter to him was super sweet to see. And tails tho? I cried when he was doing his story arc and went like. Sonic the events with infinite rlly fucked me up bro and sonic is like. U okay lill bro, want to talk about it? Pls give tails a hug! I also teared up at the start with amy when we did the koco sidequest and they just died??? And amy is like woah they died?!?! So yeah as you can see im a very easy to make cry person and this story just hit me hard at some spots! Thanks flynn! (Luv ur works im srs!)
Also the idw comics canon now in mainline games??? I heard sonic talk about tangle and it fricking took me off guard! Lets go tangle!
Also most fun thing for me to do in the game was revealing the map by doing all those little minigames!
Now i think ive said what i wanted to say, if ur reading this thanks for reading the full ramble thing i love you! Buy the game its great!! Im not going to say its perfect i still think mania for example is my fav sonic game still but this is by far my favorite game ive played this year!
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neomedievalist · 2 years
some ??hot?? takes: innocent sin feels more "contemporary" than persona 5 in terms of story. all this wild shit happening simultaneously just feels like looking at the news.
this one probably isn't a hot take, but persona games need to bring back character theme songs. 1) it owns, 2) it might prevent the p4/p5 problem of having Too Many Guys so they barely get the spotlight.
oh persona should stop dripfeeding party members. just introduce them all early and then give them arcs throughout the game. also let social links hook in.
thinking any of nocturne's reason endings are good is really silly. they all suck and are narratively unsatisfying, and all of the reasons are abhorrent. this makes sense for the game but i can't imagine someone thinking any of those endings are the best.
manikins should've been able to get a reason. the demifiend can already fuck with creation by restoring the old world / exploding the universe, he should've been able to force through the manikin reason.
yeah i can see what you mean. actually there are several different points in here let me respond to all of them
i mean, true, but p5 is hilariously modern, they literally use iphones to go to the demon dimension, and forum posts are your sidequests. i get thats not your point though, and it speaks to p2's longevity that its themes are still able to be relevant today. honestly, if p2 was made today, itd work even better with the misinformation age and the rumours theme. this is a tangent, but ive always thought digital devil saga is the most modern relevant smt and it takes its themes to the logical end thats perfectly fitting for the quote unquote new generation of smt, if it was released today it would hit exactly the same. i honestly think if smt was a chronological series with a clear start and end, the dds duology would be a perfect end to wrap up all the themes of the entire series. (that's why i wont rec it to newcomers to smt, but if youve played others and havent played it, you absolutely have to)
true! i mean i dont have any particular takes about theme songs but i think its something id like to see come back for sure.
to an extent yeah. i think p3 works so well because you already have a lot of the party members from the start who are all intertwined with each other and the lore of the story. persona has always worked best with a small cast but p3 works because all of the cast is relevant but they also dont try to act like they all get along perfectly. like, i dont think mitsuru talks to junpei as a friend. and thats normal. it helps make p3 more serious and not just goofy guys on an adventure, if that makes sense. but from a game balancing perspective, kinda tough to make that work lol. i think every party based rpg works like that, but it wouldnt be unreasonable to introduce characters early and then just not let you use them yet sort of like what p3 did with akihiko's broken arm, not being able to use mitsuru until you got another navigator, etc.
yeah, i mean, that's what smt is about. it's about choosing between bad and worse options. law and chaos is no better, really. well...actually no i would argue they are better but thats beside the point. i think i need to say for the record me saying i'm law aligned is a joke and i don't actually believe in anything that law believes, but, hopefully my followers have reading comprehension and can tell that from my blog.
true, but like i was saying before, the point of smt is choosing between bad and worse options, and having one clear good option defeats that purpose. but then again, neutral endings have been a thing in smt forever as the Objectively Good Option so, i guess it doesn't matter. yeah, i agree in-universe lore it would make sense though
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haeroniel-doliet · 2 years
So the drawings ive been tinkering on for... Almost exactly 2 months now, are getting a little more finished again! More update under the cut so i dont clog anyones dash :')
(i did start making a third piece that ties my whole idea together and that is being the biggest menace, despite me slightly slightly constantly trying to finish the first two to like any standard im happy with lmao)
So yay on some progress! Boo on that i desperately need to make more progress on real life stuff and im worried i wont have these actually done till november. Two posts a year kinda high speed artist here! And i did/do wanna do something or multiple little things at least for dinluke positivity thing in november! I wanna do a fun community thing! But everything i make takes forever bc im never happy with it and i got a lot else i should be doing. How do people do this?
Ok no but like im writing this publicly just bc i sort of wanna give an update and also bemoan the third piece :') the sketch so far is... Okay, the faces are good enough but the rest is so unfinished/unclean. Last two times i tried fixing it i just made it way worse so tonight i thought fuck it and put down the flat colours right. Turns out that just highlights how unfinished my linework was! So really im just debating. Do i go back and try my damndest to make good lineart for it, or do i take a page out of my adult art class and just actually more paint it in? Like screw the lineart im just gonna spend a long time tinkering with the colours for shadows and highlights and shape this out that way. It won't perfectly match the other two, but the faces have lineart and who really pays much attention to the other details??
Oh and i have still a mission set to make backgrounds for these. Yes im planning to trace over a google image of highschool lockers and not much else but thats still probably at least a nights work for me that im not hype for haha. They look good on plain background but i wanna at least see if the background could help make them feel more finished. Yknow? Make it worth it that ive been sitting on them for 2 months already
Its fine, its all fine, im gonna make the phonecalls i need to tomorrow and do other good admin things, then i can try to either start carving out the third piece in a painting style (back up plan if i hate it is to backpedal and do the lineart better, or make it over the top of it) and if thats going miserably ill just try and make the backgrounds yknow?? Ill make progress this weekend, maybe ill even say fuck it and post it without it being totally close to perfect (not super likely but imagine the relief of getting it out here finally??) So stay tuned and wish me luck!!
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tiffsturniolo · 3 months
-m.s oneshot
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a/n: first fic 😝 probably gonna be bad as im not a good writer and i cant spell, pleaseeee gives any tips i wont be offended
warnings: mentions of kissing, hickeys, slightly suggestive if you squint, short asf, cringe
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youve been friends with the triplets for as long as you can remember. you grew up living across the street from them so you would always play out and go round each others houses. highschool would not have been the same without them, most of your memories are from your teenage years.
however recently… well no. not recently. 3 years ago the middle triplet, matt, developed a particular liking towards you. it started when he thought you liked him in lockdown. you did, though you quickly got over that small crush as you realised he’d never like you back, hes like a brother.
when matt correctly assumed you liked him, it made him see you in a different way. a not- friendly way. he even realised how pretty were compared to most people hes met in his life.
matts not the type guy to let go of his feelings and his small crush in lockdown developed to a three year obsession with you. you were his drug.
now, he’d be surprised if he could go a night without having a dream about you. whether it was a dream about you finally becoming his girlfriend, or a dream where your both cuddled up in bed, or even a dream where you were doing something else in bed. he couldn’t get you out his mind
ive dreamt about you nearly every night this week
anywhere he’d go he’d think of you. he could go to a shop and see you favourite drink and instantly think of you. he even found the song “do i wanna know” by the Arctic monkeys and he thinks it represents your guys’ relationship pretty well. its his new favourite song.
cause theres this tune i found that makes me think of you somehow and i play it on repeat
he was sat with his brothers and you on his couch, watching “let it shine”, (the best Disney movie ever).he wasn’t really watching it, from where he was sat he had a perfect view of your side profile. your hair messily tucked behind your ears as your eyes are glued to the screen in-front of you. you were as stunning as a summers day.
he can only hope, wish, pray, dream that you feel the same way as you maybe did 3 years ago. he wants to ask, he wants to know if you still feel the same way but hes scared of making it awkward or even losing the friendship you have now.
Do i wanna know? if this feeling flows both ways?
he watched the way you licked your lips, and how gracefully they moved as you spoke to chris. they look so soft.. so red.. he can only imagine how they’d feel on his, moving harshly against each other as your tongues battle for dominance.
his eyes wander down to your neck, visualising the array of purple marks he could leave on its blank canvas. he imagines the delicate moans coming out your mouth as he marks you. he imagines the-
“what are you looking at?” you say, consciously wiping your mouth as you think maybe youve got some left over popcorn on your lips.
im sorry to interrupt its just im constantly on the cusp of trying to kiss you
matt suddenly gets up and plods over to you. he thinks about grabbing your wrists and pulling you to his bedroom but shook off that idea. instead, he just asks “do you wanna come to my room?”
you look at him, at the tv, then back at him. you shake you head. “its just about to get to the rap battle” you explain
matt sigh, realising he’s gonna have to take a different approach “why dont you come to my room, we need to talk”
you stare at him blankly. he’s never like this. what have you done? did he find out you stuck gum under his gaming chair? “okay”
you get up and follow matt to his room, turning back and shrugging at chris and nick on the way. the only thing is, their smirking, not confused. they know something.
when you get to matts room he instantly shuts the door behind him, pacing around the room frantically. “do you like me?”
you stare at him, dumbfounded. did you hear that right? the truth was, you do. you do like him but for 3 years you’ve forced yourself to push your feelings deep down into the ground. “what.”
“fuck-“ he mumbles hectically as he strokes his hand through his hair. his heart was beating like a wild animal, trying to escape his cage- like chest, screaming at him to shut up. “do you like me? cause i need to know if you like me back so i dont have to waste my days painfully wondering if you do”
but i dont know if you feel the same as i do
you don’t know what to say. for most parts of you, your shocked. this is the last thing you expected him to announce. but there’s a tiny, minuscule, petite voice in the back of your brain telling you to just walk up to him and kiss him right now. and you listen to that voice, it is what you’ve been secretly wanting for 3 years
you step towards matt and kiss him. not for long, maybe around two seconds before you pull away and stumble back. your eyes widen and your lips part, as if you were almost stunned by your own actions.
matt on the other hand looks dumbstruck. he was staring at you like you just explained trigonometry to him. he instantaneously shakes himself out of his trance, remembering where he was. he takes a step towards you and kisses you back hesitantly
you instantly return the kiss, resting one of your hands on his upper arm and the other through his hair. the feeling of your lips colliding feels euphoric, perfect, right.
matt briefly pulls away for air and looks down at you, wrapping his arms around you. “what soo are we like-together now?”
we can be together if you wanted to
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a/n: omgg first fic. can you tell i wrote the end bit on a coach when i was half asleep? i know its cringe but im proud of it
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ghost-of-the-machine · 6 months
i know i just said im not ashamed but im SO ASHAMED you have no idea. over what? it
i have this weird mindset where like. if someone gets to know me for one particular things, whether it be a specific fandom or even just DRAWING HUMANS, i feel like i can never ever share my other interests with them cuz.. what if they dont care? i wouldnt blame them i cant make anyone give a shit about what i do but. ITS TERRIFYING TO ME.. so i just avoid it but. its leaving me very.. unfulfilled? like HORRIBLY, ive set aside a lot of my other interests because im . i dont care what strangers think, fuck you suck my dick but. people i know? people im close with? i know why i do it, hes right it feels like a test and tests can go wrong!!!! what if i test the waters and its not received positively? i cant bear the thought of any part of me being unappealing to my loved ones, genuinely it keeps me up at night fearing that some small thing might just switch it all off overnight its the worst thing ever.
i know its not healthy to just... shove myself into this little box but in my head, thats why they want! in my head its a good thing, i need to keep myself presentable and perfect, as perfect as someone like me can get anyways
maybe thats why i feel like i dont exist without them? ive literally pushed away anything i think they WONT like or even wont care about, ive just.. dropped it all. fear, it just comes from fear, but whew!!!!! exhausting
im not proud of this, i wish that changing myself to fit what i THINK someone wants wouldnt come so naturally to me but it does, i wish my brain worked differently
i just. i need to LOOK OUT for myself. the worst pain i can experience is rejection, its amplified 10000% it feels like. i know ive said before id rather relive all my trauma than feel rejected at all, and thats still TRUE i cant handle it.. as unfortunate as it is, bpd just makes me sensitive. theres like no other way to word it, i am SENSITIVE my skin is fragile its made of glass, i cant take criticism even if its GOOD because it hurts me to think that something i did wasnt good enough, it makes me sick actually!! i need to protect myself, i need to hide the parts of me that could be damaged like that but.. hiding parts of yrself doesnt feel good, does it? im scared of that pain, i dont want to face it.. but it doesnt feel nice to lose myself cuz i think its what someone would want
in my head this is how it goes, i do something, its received poorly (rejected), ouch!!! first of all. second of all, rejection cracks my image, it opens me up to the possibility of being left behind. bpd is all about black and white thinking. the good is the best and the bad is the WORST. it feels shameful to admit how my brain works but it . its true, its the truth. if someone doesnt like something about me, even if its SMALL and they dont actually care, in my head it means they basically dont like me, they must hate me! they must hate me and theyre probably gonna leave me since theyre so disgusted with me for.. what? being a furry? yes!!!!!!!!!! it goes from 0-100 so fast, its scary
but.. i really DONT feel like i exist without them. if im not talking with them about our things, im working on my things they know and like alright im never really doing anything else anymore.. like. why am i so ashamed to just... be a human with interests? im scared, scared the smallest thing will just... take it all away from me, yknow? as much as id LOVE to ramble about my ocs and stuff that ive never really talked about, that shame persists. its too strong, i end up just deleting the post or hiding it in drafts, i cant bring myself to share because im scared
i know its really dumb but. its what we're working with rn!!!! mild disinterest = rejection = abandonment, what a vicious cycle!!! i get it now guys omg.... all the bpd girlies who mirror, i know i mirror too but i never really like. GOT IT until now, i mirror cuz im afraid to be something they wont like!!!! it is all so clear to me now. doesnt make it better but whatever. maybe ill be brave one day, but idk
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kk4pups · 7 months
hi. i am a person that saw your tags out there and wants to ask you about your vocaloid playlists. go wild have fun <3 have a good time
hi. i love you. i have mental illness. lets talk about it
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theres 22 right now........... some of them have silly names but i am not changing that for this post. i had to put emojis on all of them because i started having trouble finding my playlists at a glance. big al is my favorite (105 songs/covers but like 10 are privated so more like 95) but he actually doesnt get new additions to his playlist that often because no one gaf about big al (and im unreasonably picky about how people tune him given how little content he gets too) but i did add one (1) cover last night so thats awesome
my brain rot playlist is the biggest sitting at 855 songs/covers atm, probably an Unreasonable percent of that is covers because most of my favs (big al, piko, fukase, etc) dont Get originals very often for various reasons. but honestly even in the case of favs who get plenty of originals (len, flower) i still have lots of covers for them too i feel like this is somehow a funny reflection of my tastes which i think are kind of unconventional in terms of the selection of synths i enjoy. but at the same time, my dex playlist has literally 3 songs in it because i just found out i had a dex playlist (i forgot) so all of them are various levels of filled out.
the oliver playlist is particularly sparse (8 songs/covers) which i am sad about because oliver is in my top 5-6 vocaloids but i Rarely find things i like with him (because a lot of people use him for ballads and i am incapable of enjoying ballads 99% of the time even if i can appreciate their beauty. i get bored) and im praying to god that maghni will save me from this terrible fate of empty playlist
my rin playlist is pathetic though because probably at least half of it is rin/len duets but this is not the case for my len playlist so my bias is 100% there unfortunately my matsudappoiyo playlist (66 songs/covers) probably sees the most activity in recent days because i listened to just a few covers for him and it was then the only thing youtube would recommend for several months. ron keine is incidental because people ship him with matsudappoiyo so he just kept Showing Up during this period (14 songs/covers. actually since these are two are utau they might all be covers) but ive grown to like him so i actually listen to it frequently and want to add to it my misc utau playlist doesnt have an emoji right now because what the hell emoji do you use for that. the 🇺 emoji isnt a real emoji outside of discord it just converts to unicode do you know how mad i am about that. open to suggestions on this issue i want to make one for kiyoteru but i probably have less than 10 songs for him right now. maybe less than 5. and every time i make a new playlist i have to wrestle youtube to load my 855 song playlist in its entirety, so that i can find all the songs i have for that specific vocaloid, but is so laggy that its actually a problem, i dont know what to do about it. but ive also seen people with 2000+ song vocaloid playlists so i have no idea what im going to do when i get to that point which given enough time i Will but also its taken 7 (?) years to Passively get to this point so i dont think its an immediate concern either (? unless i go insane? which is not an unrealistic possibility at this point) also im open to vocaloid song suggestions always, and it really does not matter who the vocaloid is because i like all vocaloids (yes all of them. yes even that one) in a perfect world i would make a playlist for every vocaloid, but i think if i made an active effort to do so i would literally die, and its something that can only occur if it happened naturally, which it probably wont because even if i am happy to listen to any vocaloid i Do only actively seek out my favs i really need to make more playlists. but like i am already in this position lol
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