#i can make shirts work tho. if i can get a long sleeved under shirt i can do my crop t shirts with that
autoneurotic · 2 years
i called michael’s to be like what uh should i not wear and my boss was like mm you know, no open toed shoes, no belly shirts or crop tops and i’m just looking at my clothing rack and it’s fucked up ratio of specifically crop top tank tops vs Regular People Shirts like :/ ok
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johnnycakesswitch · 2 months
Do you have any random Stevepop head canonons you'd like ti share with the class?
Stevepop,,, you mean my heart and soul,,, I thought about combining this w another ask about cuddly stevepop hcs but I’ve decided to make two separate posts so they can truly shine
• they’re lowkey very competitive over the stupidest stuff ever with literally any and everything
“I bet I can get in the car first” “I bet I can eat more cake than you” “I bet I can jump higher”
Everyone else is SICK OF THEM
• Soda loves sm when Steve be wearing his shirts w the sleeves cut off. Feral I tell you he loves Steve’s biceps sm
• the equivalence of this for Steve would be when Soda wears a cropped shirt or if his jeans are rly low and his shirt rides up a bit or rests a little above the waistband Steve just looses it when Soda’s got a little tummy showing
• on that note they’re always complimenting each other they can’t go a day without it and honestly as they should
• Steve takes it very seriously tho bc he knows Soda has some insecurities and thinks he’s really just a pretty face sometimes and while yes Soda is the prettiest boy on the planet Steve always reassures him that he’s sm more than that too and how important he is to everyone
• Soda always gives Steve back rubs after long days at work when he’s been hunched over all day or working under a car for awhile. Steve absolutely melts the moment Soda starts rubbing at his shoulders or lower back
• when Soda’s nice and showered and doesn’t have any oil in his hair he loves getting his scalp massaged and Steve will always do that for him, especially if he’s either had a long day or if he’s got a little too much energy and needs something to help him settle down
• Soda is very pouty when he’s working w out Steve during the day while Steve is at school and INSTANTLY brightens up when Steve drops in for his afternoon shift. Bro literally looks at Steve like he hung the moon when he comes and clocks in his face is like 😃😃 literal hearts and stars in his eyes
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I was wondering if maybe you could write some sort of fluffy story with torchbearer Josh. Maybe something angsty/fluffy, like reader being worried about him before the Banditos go to do the big fight at Dema in Paladin Strait? If not, that’s okay too. No pressure. I’m just happy I found someone writing TØP on this site.
We're Going Back - Torchbearer!Josh Dun x GN!Reader
Pairing: TorchbearerJosh x Gender Neutral Bandito Reader
Warnings: Some swearing, anxiety/panic attacks, fight between Josh and Reader (reader actually is mean guys) There's fluff at the end tho!!
Word Count: 1523 (a nice long one for you anon)
Summary: When Reader finds out that Clancy and Torchbearer are going back into Dema she does everything she can to prevent it.
A/N: I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it anon. Please feel free to request more because I honestly love writing for twenty one pilots. And requests are what help keep me writing I-/
Note - some of this is headcannon for the purposes of making the story work
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The day Clancy and I left Dema, I knew there was no going back. It just wasn’t happening. We’d managed to escape together. He’d been outside the walls alone before but during the annual assemblage he’d convinced me to ‘tag along’ as he’d put it. We’d been close friends growing up in Dema, that was just the way it was. Things changed once we left. I remember the day I met the Torchbearer, Josh. It took a lot longer than I thought it would to learn his name. For reasons unknown; he'd kept it a secret known only by his closest friends (or in my case, girlfriend). Clancy and I had only spent a few weeks at the Bandito camp before he was recaptured. He was gone for years. While I knew Josh was looking out for him, I knew exactly what kind of pain Clancy was going through. It was Dema. Josh hadn’t grown up within the walls like Clancy and I, things were different for him, he didn’t know what he was getting himself into. Which was why when he reunited with Clancy and brought him back to the camp, my panic attacks started.
“Oh god you look so different,” I cried into Clancy’s shoulder, “are you okay? I mean, of course you’re not. You’re back.” He nodded quietly, I could feel the tightness of his body in my arms. “What’s wrong?” I asked. 
“We’re going back in,” he voiced bluntly, looking at Josh who nodded knowingly. This wasn’t happening. Clancy wasn’t going back, he’d just gotten out. He’d just been forced against his own will to create propaganda for the very institution that nearly killed us. Not to mention Josh hadn’t been physically in the city for longer than a few hours before. Of course they weren't going in there. Right? 
“You should go get some rest before we start preparations,” Josh said, clearly noticing the shocked look on my face. “It’s good to have you back, Clancy.” Clancy’s eyes darted to mine before he walked toward the tent that had been empty for years. Josh and I were left alone, standing in the middle of the camp. 
“You said we,” I muttered. 
“I did,” he replied, looking at me carefully. He’d grown used to the constant nightmares I’d had about my time in Dema and worries about Clancy. “You know why we're doing this,” He said. His tone made it clear he was  stating the obvious.
“You’re going with him,” I could feel my head throbbing as I grabbed his hand tightly. Josh looked at me, a quiet sigh escaping him while he led me to our private tent. 
“Of course I am.” He said matter of factly; like he never would have even considered another option. We sat down, his arms wrapping around my torso, the brightly coloured tattoo sleeve peeking out under his shirt. 
“It’s not safe and you goddamn know it Josh,” my voice trembled as I remembered my time in the city. All I could think about was how isolating and cold it was. Josh almost chuckled, despite the fact that the situation really wasn’t funny.
“I’m aware it’s dangerous,” He retorted, his hand resting on his forehead before he looked at me again,“I’m not gonna let him go in there alone.” 
“The bishops will kill you the second they see you, and then what? The rebellion is over. Both of our leaders will be dead, the banditos will be killed and everyone will have lost.” Josh was getting frustrated now, his grip on me loosening with every exchange. He didn’t want to be having this conversation, I could tell, but he knew if he tried to walk away I’d just follow him.
“That’s not going to happen. We have a plan, we’ll be fine,” He said, his voice full of empty hope. I knew what I was about to say when I said it, I knew I was firing a shot. One I’d been keeping in till I needed to use it. 
“Oh and how did your last ‘plan’ turn out Josh? What with Clancy being recaptured and forced to write SAI?” He dropped his arms from me and moved away so he was sitting directly in front of me. 
“Don’t.” He snapped, a hand raising and pointing at me. “Don’t bring that up.” He clenched his teeth, his jaw tightening as anger and frustration was starting to overtake his mind. I had to fight the urge to continue throwing emotional bullets his way. I was going to make it clear to him that it was dangerous in Dema, that he couldn’t go, regardless of whether or not it hurt our relationship. Because I loved him and I couldn’t lose any more than I already had. 
“Why not?” I challenged him, “It was your plan.”
“You think I don’t know that?!” he exhaled, his whole body tense now as he yelled. “You don’t think I lay awake at night thinking it’s all my fault Clancy was captured?” His fists were clenched, he was fighting the urge to punch something. Maybe himself, maybe a wall. He closed his eyes and took a couple deep breaths, trying to calm himself like he’d taught me when I’d had nightmares. He looked like he was about to check out for the rest of the day, what I’d said really had an impact on him. “Stop,” He managed to mutter, still fighting to stay in control of his emotions.
“Okay,” I nodded. I knew exactly how he’d felt about Clancy and SAI. I knew he thought it was his fault so he spent every waking hour with Clancy, making sure he could get back safely. I knew he blamed himself, not only for Clancy’s time back in Dema but also for hurting me. He hated himself so much already and hearing me remind him of what he thought about himself all the time was making him feel terrible. He swallowed hard, his eyes darting for a moment before he finally spoke again, his voice shaky. “Just stop… please..”
I reached out to hold him, “I’m sorry, I went too far Josh.” He rested his head into the crook of my neck, quiet sobs filling the air. He melted at my touch, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me closer as he held back sobs.
“Please,” He eventually muttered, “Please don’t hate me.”
“I could never hate you, I’m just scared. I don’t want you or Clancy leaving me again, I can't take any more losses,” I pressed my lips to his temple. 
“I know, I know,” He mumbled, his eyes squeezed shut as he was trying to compose himself. I continued to hold him tightly, not wanting to ever let go. “I’m scared too,” he added, his voice quiet. Eventually he pulled back and looked at me, his eyes slightly bloodshot from crying. He took a deep breath, still trying to keep hold of whatever composure he could. “We’ll be fine, I promise,” he mumbled, but even I could tell he had doubts. 
“You can’t promise that,” I sighed. 
“Watch me,” he replied sternly, though the shakiness in his voice didn’t help. He reached a hand out now, a cold palm cupping my chin as his eyes met mine. “I promise, we’ll come back. You have my word.” He leaned in, resting his forehead against mine for a few moments. 
“If I lose you, I need you to know that you're the best thing to ever happen to me, Torchbearer.” I tried desperately to come to terms with the fact that I was going to have to let him go.
“Don’t talk like that,” He whispered, “Not like you’re already saying good-bye to me.” I cupped his face gently, pressing my lips to his in an attempt to wade off tears. He melted into the kiss, gripping his hands at my sides as he held onto me. He deepened the kiss, his head tilting so the angle was better as he pulled me closer. I would’ve been happy to stay here if it meant him not having to leave. We pulled back as the fabric of the tent rustled, Clancy entering. We pulled back as the fabric of the tent rustled, Clancy entering. 
“It's time to start packing supplies and getting the others ready if we want to make it on time.” With a slight exhale Josh pulled away, turning to look at Clancy and nodded.
“Yeah, yeah we need to get moving,” he mumbled, his hands letting me go.
“Josh?” I called, catching him just before he followed Clancy outside.
He turned to look at me again, a hint of concerned look plastered onto his face. 
“Yeah?” He replied, his voice quiet.
“You better keep that promise.” I desperately attempted to hold back my sobs, knowing full well that as soon as one slipped I was a goner. 
“I will,” he whispered, taking a step closer to me again. “I’ll come back.” With careful hands he reached out and wiped away a stray tear that was rolling down my cheek. “I’ll always come back to you.”
Please submit any requests y'all have! I love to write so let me know if you've got any!
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luveline · 2 years
Could I request reader convincing bodyguard!james to take a break with her like they just get tea and he’s able to relax around her
thank you for your request! i think this is like they both know they're basically dating but james doesn't wanna admit to it because he feels like it goes against his job? that's not the focus of this tho♡ fem!reader
James is rarely surprised by you. You suppose he must know every movement you might make, every cadence to your voice. He can probably tell what mood you're in from the slightest shift forward onto one foot.
Which is why he's so stoick when you stop in front of him in the foyer and take his face into both hands.
He nods at your current bodyguard as they 'pass the anchor', the anchor being you.
"Jamie," you greet softly, rubbing your thumb over one of his cheeks and waiting for a sign that he's happy to be touched before you continue. Sure enough, his eyelashes twitch just so, and you beam and stand on tiptoes to kiss the place where his ear and jaw connect.
"Come on, sweetheart. You know I'm working."
"You don't look very busy."
"Do I ever?"
What he means to say is, I don't really want the rest of your security detail to see you kissing me.
"My dad's not here," you say.
"I know."
"Of course you do. Wanna go eat biscuits in my room?"
He laughs in disbelief at your asking. "I'm- I'm really working right now."
"I know... thought maybe you could make somebody else do whatever it is you're doing, though. Please?" You haven't seen him in a day and a half. It feels like a really long time, and you'd missed him like crazy.
"You mean gaurding you?"
He stares at you. You stare right back, a leveling gaze.
James doesn't acknowledge you any further as he reaches for his radio. He clicks it on and says a bunch of nonsense words down the line, waiting with it near his mouth until somebody answers. Then he drops it back to where it's clipped against his shoulder and waits.
"Well?" he asks. "Are we going?"
You beam. "Yes!" you say excitedly, fingertips gracing the curve of a big, thick curl toward the nape of his neck as you pull back.
Even on his off times James still looks as though he's escorting you places. He walks a pace behind you, footsteps neat and sound to your clumsy mismatch. Though, quite unlike when he's on duty, his hand eventually catches at the back of your shirt, and slides up your spine as you approach your bedroom.
Bedroom is a silly word to describe it. It's more like you've your own apartment within your house. There's a cushy living room, a huge bedroom with soft pillows and silk sheets, and an ensuite that boasts a full body waterfall shower. James used to tease about it being a two body shower, but now that things are a little more serious between the two of you he holds his tongue.
"Think in here'll be just fine," James says, stopping near your sofa.
You pout because you'd really hoped to entice him into bed with you. Not for anything major, but sometimes if you're persuasive enough James will relax enough for some under the covers hugging.
"Fine fine fine," you say, spinning back toward him. Your tights are slippery over hardwood and you almost trip.
Once James is firmly situated between two huge cushions, you meander back to your door and ask your new bodyguard (who's frowning, likely annoyed to be put on duty when it's supposed to be James) stationed down the hall if he'll find your attendant, and when he appears a few seconds later you order some tea and biscuits.
Before long you've two mugs of tea and all the biscuits you could ask for on a tray in front of you, kneeling beside James where he's slouched expectantly.
He sips his tea. "Why are you looking at me?" he asks.
"Are you gonna make me beg?"
"I quite like when you beg," he says, taking another sip.
You pick a loose thread off of his short-sleeved polo. You don't want to say please. You don't want James to kiss you at all if it's not what he wants to do.
He sets down his mug and leans back in his seat. You wait. He opens his palms and flexes his fingers forward, the universal sign for 'come here'.
Despite all his reluctance in front of other people, his hands tell a very different story. He grabs your back, arms crossing over themselves as he pulls you right up against his chest and tips his head back. You're still laughing at his ever-surprising strength when he kisses you, giggles muffled by his lips.
You're so happy you squirm, hands coming up to hold his face as you had down in the foyer.
"I missed you," you say between kisses, and mean it.
"It was barely a whole day."
"It was more than a whole day," you say, though any further argument gets lost in kisses. He's warm, he's soft. He tastes like tea and he smells like almond oil, curls sleek and sweet between your fingers as you push your hands into his hair.
You don't kiss him for very long. You're too anxious to talk to him, and be close to him. You force your head over his shoulder and breathe, nose tickled by curls.
"I missed you," you say again, desperate for a return.
"I missed you too."
You shift in his lap. "Really?"
"Of course I did." His hands still at the small of your back. "You know how I feel about you."
You push your lips into his hair and sigh. "I know." That's kind of the problem. He likes you. Enough to kiss you and praise you and spend near every waking second of his trying to make you laugh so he can hear the sound.
For a while, it's just you and James. You toy with his hair, picking apart curls and scratching lightly at his scalp. His breath warms the slops of your shoulder, his hands stroke the length of your back. It doesn't take long before you've both turned to jelly.
"Wanna Lady and the Tramp a shortbread?" James asks eventually.
"You sure? I promise to keep my crumbs to myself."
You don't believe him. "Yeah, okay."
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amybizarre · 4 months
Welcome Home Cottagecore AU
Yeah boi, here we go- I posted about it already on Wattpad and AO3, but I wanted to offer it to more people! ^^ I only have a scribble of Cottagecore Wally rn, but hopefully a more proper drawing will come soon! Aside from that, enjoy some facts about Wally and introductions for the other neighbors under the cut! ^^
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About Wally
1) He is 3ft smol! :3 (Yes, canon height >:3)
2) Wally is a little menace. But he's cute. So he gets away with it.
3) He always rolls up his pant legs a little, otherwise they'd be too long.
4) Of course Cottage Wally always wants to look dapper, so he wears his pompadour, a now green ascot, well worn dress shirt, olive waistcoat and his usual or brown shoes.
5) His absolute favorite piece of clothing however is his giant, oversized, beige cardigan, that the newest neighbor in their village (that neighbor being YOU) "lent" him.
6) You'll never get it back.
7) The sleeves are so long, they cover his hands most of the time. Which comes in very "handy" when "borrowing" apples from Howdy's farm.
8) Without his cardigan he gets very cold and upset.
9) That's why he wears it ALL the time. :)
10) All his clothes are mostly brown, beige or green.
11) He loves drawing outside! That's why he always has twigs, leaves and flower petals stuck in his hair. And the occasional bandaid on his "nose" or cheek, cause man's a little clumsy.
12) Wally blinks owlishly (like, one eye at a time) when he doesn't understand something.
13) Home is a tree house in this AU!
14) Underneath Home, Wally has a flower garden, where he grows his own special "spiral flowers".
15) Wally can see through these spiral flowers.
16) Wally has given each neighbor a spiral flower as a symbol of his friendship and platonic love. :)
17) Wally has an especially fluffy bed of flowers underneath Home's entrance, so he can just jump down into them without getting hurt.
18) Wally loves to nap in flower beds. No matter where.
19) He has a swing made from vines.
20) Flower crowns all day baby! One for every occasion and weather.
21) If his flowers wilt a little, he will ask Julie to drop by and talk to his flowers to figure out whats wrong with them.
22) Wally has freckles in this AU! :3
About Howdy
Howdy is a farmer in this AU, who does both: Grow crops and raise animals. Whatever his neighbors may need, be it wheat, milk, butter, cheese or wool - no matter! - he's got it all and is happy to sell or share. It's a lot of work tho, to maintain a farm. Even when he's got four hands! So naturally he appreciates any help he can get and will repay accordingly. A jolly, big floof with a big heart, who adores a good joke to lighten the mood during work.
About Poppy
Poppy loves to go on walks in the woods. She has a little nack for collecting all sorts of mushrooms. But fret not! She knows each and every one of them by heart! Same goes for all types of herbs, nuts and berries and everything else you can forage for. She usually ends up cooking stock, conserving/drying the things she collected, to make tea from it or even home made medicine. She always makes wayyy too much for just herself tho, so she gives a lot of it away to the neighbors. Sweet, gentle and caring as usual.
About Frank
Frank is the local librarian, who keeps the small community building (where the library is in) in check. He's also keeps bees as a hobby. His bees usually fly around either the community area or Howdy's fruit trees. He knows a lot - and I mean A LOT - about all sorts of insects, with his favorite still being butterflies. Frank always seems to act a little off when Eddie's around. He is usually very disciplined and stern, but likes to loosen up every now and then.
About Eddie
Eddie is your local mailman! And if he isn't delivering newspapers or letters, he helps Howdy out on the farm. He just looooves the animals there. He's quite clumsy and gullible, sure, but he has the potential to be the best friend you could ever ask for. His favorite spot to hang out in is the community area of the village. A big guy, who is (not so) secretly an even bigger softie.
About Frank & Eddie's relationship
Now, both of them are obviously gay. For each other. A LOT. Eddie is super chill and open about his feelings towards Frank and likes to flirt with him whenever he gets the chance. Or he flatters him with small gestures like giving his hand a smol kiss, when they meet.
Now here's the thing: Everyone knows that Frank is gay. Except for Frank himself. He's just way too stubborn and proud to admit to himself that he's fallen in love with Eddie. Thus he hasn't even figured out he's gay yet. But: He still gets this fuzzy feeling and red cheeks when Eddie's around. Frank still gets flustered and worked up, when Eddie gives him a compliment. Which annoys Frank to no end, because he cannot figure out why he's feeling the way he does. But Eddie is blissfully unbothered by this, knowing exactly what's going on with Frank. So he keeps up his flirting and patiently waits for Frank to come out of his shell.
TLDR: Shenanigans ensue. In a comical way. And yes, they'll become a couple later on. ;)
About Sally
Sally is an aspiring musician and poet, hoping to swoon the world one day. She can often be found just lounging around in scenic spots, strumming away on her guitar or banjo and humming these sweet, sweet tunes. She is a dreamer and more easygoing character, who adores poetry and duets with her friends.
About Julie
Julie is the local florist in the village. She knows every single flower by name, considering she can speak to them. She likes to help her friends to tend to their gardens and keeps the flowers in the community area in check together with Frank. She is a very chipper gal, who enjoys quality time with others which may or may not involve taking them on little adventures outside of the village.
About Barnaby
Barns is still Wally's best friend and tells his jokes like there's no tomorrow! But the Funny Business isn't his only one! He usually helps Howdy with herding, when Eddie isn't available or does all sorts of odd jobs throughout the whole village. His friends and neighbors appreciate him for his helpful and relaxed nature. When anyone got a problem, he usually calms them down by already having a good solution and offering to help. The only downside? They'll have to endure his petrifying puns all the while!
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greetingfromthedead · 8 months
Womanizer (Vash x F!Reader)
Plot: You've been traveling with Vash for a little while and with your current circumstances end up sharing a room. Turns out the confined space affects Vash in strange ways and he has turned on his charm to try and seduce you.
Series: Tempest Wind, but made to work as a oneshot
Pairing: Vash x F!Reader
Raiting: For everyone
Tags: Pre-Canon, Pre-Relationship, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Flirting, Banter, Butterflies, I Have Never Been Good At Tagging Stuff
Word count: 2.3k
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Author's Note: I said I would post this chapter for Valentine's Day or when I have my next mental breakdown. Well, it's not V-Day and while I do have a mental breakdown, this is different. I am vibrating with excitement as I can smell the finish line of Tempest Wind. There are only a few more chapters left to write, one rewrite and then a whole lot of editing. BUT I am nearly there and I can't wait to publish it for all to read! I will make the announcement for the release date soon! Follow me for more updates!
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The bathroom door opens and you turn your gaze away from the window as you sit on the wide bed, your legs pulled against your chest. You see Vash exiting the small room, his hair still damp, but he wears a clean change of clothes. You see a pile of dirty laundry on the floor behind him. He looks a bit more cheered up from the refreshing shower.
"Okay, your turn. I'll deal with my laundry later. Hope you don't mind it being on the floor." he smiles awkwardly.
"Only under one condition... You have to do me a favor." you feel weird for what you're about to ask him.
"Anything," he assures with a neutral expression.
"Uhm. I... I need a change of clothes and I... I don't... well... you know... I don't want to go speak to people... on my own." you add the last part solely because you don't want to sound like a complete wimp.
"Oh, no problem!" he's like a cheerful puppy, "Well, one problem. I saw the place where they trade for clothes and the woman already closed shop. I was thinking that you might need some new stuff so I kept my eyes open."
"Oh well, guess I'll just be nude then while my clothes dry," you say quietly knowing what reaction this would get out of him. And you are completely right: he immediately goes red in the face.
"While I have nothing against it at all, I think I have a spare shirt in my bag I kept clean for emergencies." he mumbles out, too much of a goody two shoes to leave you in a situation where your options were to wear dirty and torn clothes or to be naked. He digs through his bag, throwing more dirty clothes into the bathroom and finally pulls out another black turtleneck. He gives it a sniff and then throws it at you. "No pants tho, not that they would fit you well anyway."
"Thank you." You catch the shirt and smile at him. You know his shirt is big and long enough for you to wear as a short dress. You keep it against your chest like a treasure when you get up and pick up the other stuff the hotel provides for your wash. As you pass Vash he gives you a gentle smile and you see it in his eyes too.
You lock the bathroom door and throw off your dirty clothes. The wounds in your stomach and chest are all healed up. You get into the shower and turn on the water. You let out a sigh and get to cleaning off the dirt and dried blood on your skin. It feels nice to be clean, your hair detangled and free of debris. You stand there for a little while, letting the water wash away the past. You wake from your daze and realize you're just wasting water so you get out and dry yourself off completely before pulling Vash's turtleneck on.
Everything is too big on you and it makes you chuckle. Vash doesn't look like a large person under his coat, but he has wide shoulders and a muscular physique, not to mention he is tall with long limbs. You roll up the sleeves to your elbows and pull down the shirt a bit more, it's halfway to your knees. You feel the thick fabric against your skin and smell the collar. It is clean, but has still a faint scent that you are used to smelling on Vash. 
You unlock the door and step out. The room is lit by the sunshine coming in from the window, the brightest spot being the table underneath it. Vash is sitting there and has taken apart his gun to give it a clean, his supplies scattered around. He turns to look at you when you step into the bedroom and lets out a whistle.
"I'd offered you my clothes a lot sooner had I realized how well they suit you." Vash's voice is joyous and almost too innocent. He stands up to come closer. You don't move and only look at him with curiosity. As he stands toe to toe with you he looks at you for a moment longer before taking off his sunglasses and turning them around to place them on your nose. "Great, you're only missing my coat and then you can go off and be Vash the Stampede."
"Funny man," you reply, voice neutral, "I'm missing a few key characteristics... like the desire to get shot."
"Your words sting, woman!" he says with a hurt expression and a condescending tone, but a smile lingers on the corner of his mouth.
"Even so, I'm sure "Vash the Stampede spotted running around with no pants on!" would be a catchy headline." you look at him through the orange glasses, he and the whole room seems sunnier, happier, filled with warmth.
"No, don't think so, it didn't turn many heads last time, but with you things might be different." he laughs, a genuine smile on his face and it makes your heart lighter. It makes you glad seeing him like this, every moment he seems happy makes you proud and you want to squeeze him tight as a sign of it. He hasn't told you much about his past and he doesn't need to, you know he has suffered a lot and still does, the pain of it painted on his face when he thinks you can't see.
"You are a ladies man, aren't you? A womanizer, a skirt chaser if you will." you say, looking up at him like you accuse him of something.
"What makes you say that? Are my charms working on you?" He seems almost too proud of it and you slowly shake your head with a sigh, a smile lingering on your lips, "What? Are you too embarrassed to admit I have game?"
"You are a tease. Probably the most un-serious person I've ever come across." you look him in the eyes, "And somehow, also the most serious, unshakable soul. You are an intriguing contradiction."
"Is it so hard to admit a simple truth?" he has a very playful expression on his face as he leans closer, you don't think you have seen him like this before.
"I'd rather get shot at than admit something like that." you joke, not shying away from him.
Your arms yearn to reach out to him, to pull him closer, but instead you step around him, one of your arms nudging his as you pass and go to sit at the table to look at the weapon on it. You haven't seen it this close up before. You pick a piece of it up, you aren't even sure where it would go, never before have you held a gun in any form, they always made you feel uneasy, how they are able to take a life from afar.
"You call me unshakable? You're more stubborn than a tomas." Vash whispers right behind you, his breath moving your hair and sending a shiver up your back. He lets out a laugh as you turn around, one hand over the spot his air had tickled.
"You're so annoying." you blurt out, still looking at him through the orange glasses. His face is so close to yours even though you are leaning back a bit.
"Yet you still stick around." he laughs, a glimmer in him making your heart burst. "I'm not complaining, Sweet Pea."
"Insufferable. Do confined spaces always make you like this? I don't remember you acting up under the open desert sky. You were very civil." you say calmly, still teasing him.
"It's not the confined space that does me like this. No, no, it's probably you wearing my turtleneck that's slowly creeping up."
That comment makes you turn red, quickly you put the piece of the gun back onto the table and then both your hands pull the shirt down more and keep it down on your lap. You were still completely covered and you realize he only said it to rile you up. Guess he is just as good at teasing you as you are with him. He laughs and takes half a step back.
"Only joking, Sweet Pea, don't worry. Well, maybe part of what I said was true." he shrugs and reaches out over you to pick up pieces of his gun and starts to put it back together. You are blocked in and he doesn't look like he will let you get away.
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What are these words coming out of his mouth? Vash is shocked, too stunned of his own brain. For the week he has been travelling with you after the incident in town he has wanted to pull you closer, give you a tight hug, hold you and take care of you the same way you seem to be taking care of him. All this time his aches and pains, both emotional and physical have found relief from you in one way or another. You have given him trust and comfort he hasn't felt in a long time. Vash thinks you might have been sent by a god perhaps. He is so grateful for you, but seeing like you keep some distance between the two of you, not shying away, but not coming closer either, makes him worried. He longs to be closer.
His head had been a mess of thoughts and ideas, but once he had seen you exit the bathroom everything was wiped clean. A million butterflies had taken over his stomach, filling his insides, his lungs, climbing up his throat. All he wanted was you by his side, no matter what. 
The words coming over his lips  were barely his, he blames the fluttering in his stomach, his head so wiped he might have even forgotten his name at that very moment. Everything he said to seduce you came from somewhere deep inside him, he felt so flustered he was surprised he could speak at all. He was worried he might have done it now, he had gone too far, been too weird, but you didn't shy away from him, not even a millimeter. Your face had been so close to his he had felt you exhale. He has gotten used to the rampaging insects to the point where he knows he won't be able to say anything close to as smooth again, not without stuttering at the very least. So he turns his attention back to his gun, leaving you just as flustered as he felt inside. He didn't want you to leave yet so he stood in your way so you had to keep sitting there, right next to him and he could steal a glance of you at any moment.
You look heavenly to him sitting in that ray of sunlight, his glasses still on your nose, painting your face with an orange light where the sun shines through the lenses. The oversized shirt makes you look so warm and cozy. You watched him assemble his gun, your eyes never leaving his hands, the way all of Vash's movements seem to have a purpose, the way his metal hand moves just like a flesh one. It is fascinating to you, the meticulous movements are like a performance, the way he flicks the gun, makes sure everything moves smoothly. After a bit your eyes stray out the window, you see the people moving in the streets, them going on their business, everything seems so peaceful like there's no violence in this world at all. You feel so normal, like you could fit in with them. The thought of you mingling among them, living a calm and local life brings a sad smile onto your face that you don't even notice until Vash's human fingers trace over your cheek.
"Don't look so sad," his hand goes to rest on the back of the chair. "Can I cheer you up somehow?"
You look up into his pretty blue eyes, they look like endless wells to you, they remind you of water, but not the kind you are used to on this planet. They recall a memory from a different life, one that you no longer remember.
"I'm fine, nothing to worry about. It was just my mind wandering off." you assure him, still looking into his eyes. You see his hand move off the chair again from the corner of your eye. It's as if he can't stop himself, he places his palm onto your cheek his thumb stroking your skin. He feels how soft and smooth it is, a painful reminder of the scars covering his body.
You look at him, his complexion seems golden through his sunglasses. His hand moves under your chin, the thumb trailing over it, your lips parting a little. His eyes are on your lips as he slowly leans closer. He yearns for you with his whole soul. His eyes find yours again, you look unshakable, like a constant that would never change. But he knows that if he's not careful he might lose you and it would be his fault. He hasn't even told you the truth yet, hasn't revealed his true nature. He can't be this selfish. So he stops and moves both hands up to take the glasses from you and put them back onto his own nose, tilting his head masterfully to the point where the light from the window would mirror back from the glasses and hide his eyes from you.
You look at him for a moment longer, frozen on that chair before turning away. How you had wanted to lose the gap, to pull him closer. But it's all too much, too fast. He says he trusts you, but you barely know anything about him, he guards his secrets closely. But you can't blame him for keeping his secrets, there's plenty you haven't told him either. Yet he fills your stomach with butterflies.
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Read more Tempest Wind HERE.
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garoujo · 2 years
✩ ˛˚ . KISAKI TETTA ; — you know that kisaki can’t deny you, even when you’re waiting in his office uninvited.
warnings: f!reader, prep + the beginnings of more, exhibitionism / office scenes as always. note: it’s been so long since i’ve written him but i always really enjoy it, even tho i forgot how i actually do it </3
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“anyone could’ve seen you like this, you’re in an office full of men.” kisaki’s tone is unwavering before it’s followed by the click of his office door as it closes, his eyes crawling along your figure as you lay spread out for him on his office desk. there’s bite to his words, but not the type that stings as it’s followed by a drawn out sigh and a careful step closer.
“nobody’s dumb enough to walk into kisaki’s office without knocking first.” you were right, he had rules — privacy, which is why you know this is fine. your thighs are spread, your pussy is wet but his brows twitch at the sound of his last name before he’s slotting himself in the space before you.
“tetta..” you drawl and kisaki feels himself burn at the sound of that name on your lips as he relaxes, feeling your fingertip trace the shape of his jaw while his own squeeze at your hips. his eyes are on yours and there’s a subtle sort of glow in his gaze as you continue. “everyone knows who i belong to.”
“i know. i made sure of it.” he replies quickly, as clean cut and honest as he always is before he pressing a quick kiss to the corner of your lips. the atmosphere in the room is heavy, surrounding you both like a blanket as your hands continue to dance along his skin, smoothing under the collar of his shirt before they tighten and pull him closer for another.
kisaki was powerful, he had an empire, the city in the palm of his hand that was a given — but nothing could make him crumble like a sweet little look from you could, for you, he’d get on his knees and repent. so when he feels your lips on his and your fingers move to tug at his belt, he’s quick to let his hands take over as he makes quick work of the buckle.
“tell me about your day so far, sweetheart.” there’s a carnal drop in his tone despite the sincerity of his question when he pulls himself away, working with the fabric of his shirt as he tugs at his tie and carefully rolls his sleeves up to his elbows.
“i had breakfast and cleaned the apartment..” you begin despite the way your chest heaves with want, your gaze fixated on the way he pulls himself apart for you. every square inch of kisaki tetta was perfectly put together, pressed and tucked — expensive suits and accessories, which is maybe why the realisation he’s about to leave you so messy is so addicting.
“and i—“ your sentence wavers when it’s accompanied by the sudden squeeze of his hand along your thigh, tracing closer despite the way he sends you a look that urges you to continue, sucking on his teeth because you know he won’t keep going until you do.
“—i had a bath.” kisaki hums like he’s listening, he always is, hanging on your every word even though his fingers are tracing higher up your skin until he’s petting through your folds. your fingers grab at the edge of his desk as you exhale, head dropping back to reveal more of your skin to him as he presses another kiss against your pulse point.
“did you have lunch?” he asks again despite the way his fingers press onto your clit with purpose, rubbing at you with two fingers until your breathing is turning to soft pants and your thighs are spreading wider. “answer me, sweetheart.” he asks again before his movements deliberately slow.
“not yet. ah.. i want you tetta.” you whisper, eyes casting kisaki a soft, lustful glance as one of your hands twist in the fabric of his shirt — keeping you steady as you try to grind into more of his touch. he keeps up the pace and pressure until you’re wet enough for him to push two fingers inside, humming before his free hand is petting along your waist.
“we’ll get you lunch after this, you can eat with me.” he’s talking like he’s unbothered, ignoring the second half of your sentence because you’re not prepped yet. but his hair has fallen over his glasses slightly and he suddenly feels too warm under his shirt everytime he looks at you.
kisaki’s pressing his fingers into with angled purpose as they brush against the spongy spot inside of you, languidly pumping them in and out of your wet walls as he swirls gentle circles into your clit with his thumb. his fingers drag more of your slick out as he makes a sloppy mess between your thighs, uncaring about the way it smears along his desk and slacks as you push yourself closer to him.
“i come all the way to your office because i want you and you still buy me lunch? so sweet, tetta.” your words are drawled, the weight of your arousal making them sound whispery and pretty as you giggle. but he feels the sound burn in his bones as his other hand moves to squeeze at your jaw, making you look at him before hes kissing you softly.
it’s breathtaking the way kisaki’s lips move with yours after you’ve teased him, feeling him suck lightly on your tongue as his fingertips tap at your cheeks — a wordless command that you obey so well before he lets you pull away to breathe.
“i know, still so spoiled. but i take care of you.. don’t i, my love?” you’re nodding before he can even finish the sentence because he does, so much so that if he really became the shadows you know you’d hide from the sun forever. so you send him a starry-eyed look that has him pulling his fingers out of you with the next beat, and because he cares for you — he doesn’t give you a moment to whine before it’s immediately replaced by the weight of his cock resting against you.
kisaki's moves like there's no rush as his hand wraps around the shaft, letting himself press against the entrance to your cunt before he's sinking into you with his next exhale. your thighs twitch when he grazes past your swollen sweet spot, making him curse with a mixture of need and delight, and your walls reward the stretch of his cock with an intoxicating squeeze around him, one that's followed by his palm resting around the back of your neck to pull you into him as his head rests in the crook of your neck.
“you’re mine.. fuck—so let me take care of you now.”
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© 2023 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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take-taker-taken · 8 months
Hi.... I've been backreading your blog since my old interest in WWE has been reignited and I love your writing and your enthusiasm for these wrestlers (they're my favourites ^-^) I've never requested fic before so I'm not sure what the etiquette is, but if you would be willing, I'd love to see a fic with Early 90s!Undertaker x a trans man!reader, maybe with the reader being a novice wrestler. Thank you and have a lovely day/night etc
Hi, Anon! Thank you for the lovely comments 😊 Here’s your fic - hope you enjoy! I have no idea whether ‘Cyclone’ is a genuine wrestler’s name anywhere and I didn’t google so I hope there are no hideous unintentional clashes with anything.
Learning Curve
You pace nervously around the canvas, giving the occasional glance over to the curtained off doorway that sits around 60 feet away. You were told to be here by noon to get some more ring time in, and that they’d send someone down to work with you. Your heart nearly stops when the curtain is flipped to one side and a giant appears - the shaggy, russet-coloured hair is unmistakeable. There’s no hat or long coat, but he’s wearing the rest of his ring gear - black tights and a black shirt with short, ragged sleeves. This can’t be who they’ve sent… you take an involuntary step back.
The giant walks slowly down the walk way before stopping a few feet from the apron.
“Cyclone, right?” Your first thought is that his voice isn’t quite as deep as you’ve heard in his promos. You nod dumbly and he does a quick step that brings him right up to the edge and then he’s climbing through the ropes. “I’m Undertaker,” he says, holding out his hand. You meet the handshake and swallow as your hand disappears into his huge paw.
“Good to meet you, sir.” You manage not to stutter as you stare up at his face, taking in the sharp, green eyes and the scruffy red beard. He cocks his head and you see his eyes flick over your chest as he takes you in. You’re used to that, and you know that there’s an understanding around the locker room of your history and so you just tighten up your grip a little on his hand before you release each other.
“They said you wanted to get some ring time, and work on a few things?” He stands with his hands on his hips, all business.
You nod again and then silently curse your current lack of vocal ability. Damn, he really is cute without all that purple-coloured make up under his eyes. He looks vaguely amused at your unintentional guppy impersonation and reaches out, slapping you lightly on the arm.
“So what do you want to work on? Holds? Offence and defence? I’m thinking lifts might be out just now.” He quirks an eyebrow as he mentions lifts and you laugh a little and shrug.
“Yeah… I don’t think I could lift you. Could we… could I try some takedowns?” You feel kind of silly asking, but at the same time there’s not much you can do without his say so. To your relief he nods and takes a few steps back.
“Sure - come at me with it and we’ll check your technique.”
You back off to the ropes and brace yourself to charge forward and then stop. “Umm, are you going to defend, or…”
“Naw, we’ll keep it straightforward and work on how you deal with a defence against it later. Now, hit it.”
You take a deep breath and launch yourself towards the waiting giant and into the move, amazed when he drops back so easily and then you’re left straddling him, your hands resting on his stomach. You’re nearly overwhelmed with a desire to just lean forward the rest of the way and kiss across those massive shoulders but you give your head a shake and then roll off him.
Still on his back, he turns his head lazily to one side and nods at you. “That was good. No messing around or acting like your opponent’s gonna break.”
You smile, delighted at the praise and shift on to your knees. “Thanks. It felt really good - never thought you’d go down so easily.” As soon as the words are out, you blush at the completely unintended double entendre. He doesn’t seem to pay it any mind though, and then you both get back to your feet.
“OK, again.” He beckons you on and so you repeat the move and again he falls to the canvas. You do it a third time and then on the fourth he counters but doesn’t give it his all so you’re able to recover quickly. Warmed up now and with the adrenaline starting to flow, you bounce on your toes and then he steps up and ruffles your hair with one big hand.
“Alright, boy - I think it’s time you were on your back for a while. Hit the ropes one, two, three and then when you come off the last time, I’m gonna give you a clothesline.”
You push the image he’s just conjured out of your mind and nod enthusiastically before doing as he’s said with the rope work. You even manage not to flinch as you approach his outstretched oak branch of an arm. You drop on to your back and then close your eyes as he follows you down, pinning you with his body weight. He leans across you, elbow propped on the canvas as he smirks.
“Yeah, this is much better. Think you can kick out?” He leans over a little more as he says it and you know there isn’t a hope in hell of being able to get your shoulder up off the floor.
You shake your head. “Nope.” You’re breathing hard from the slam to the floor. “You got me.”
“I do, don’t I?” He lowers his head until his lips are just a few inches from yours. “How you feeling down there?”
Your heart pounds as you contemplate this latest double entendre and notice that those green eyes are sparkling. “Down here?” You reply, shrugging as best you can before adding, “Or down there?”
You can see that you’ve caught him off guard just a bit when he pauses and then chuckles. “Yeah, that’s real cute, boy. You’ve got a smart mouth.” He moves an inch closer. “A smart, pretty mouth.”
You take a breath in order to reply and then he’s closed the gap and his lips are pressed to yours. Only for a couple of seconds, as he draws back to look you over one last time. “This OK?”
In answer, you take your turn to close the gap but he quickly retakes control and you happily capitulate, parting your lips to allow his tongue entrance. He tastes fresh and clean and as he thoroughly kisses you into oblivion your hips twitch as his other hand wanders down over your hip and between your legs. He strokes repeatedly over your inner thigh and then you almost feel the effort of will as he backs off and ends the kiss.
“We can’t do this here.” He dips back down for another quick peck to your lips before he moves his arm and lets you up. “Let’s go get showered up.” You get to your feet and must have puppy dog eyes as you see the tenting in his tights, as smile pulls at the corner of his mouth and he ruffles your hair again.
“If there’s nobody -”
“If there’s nobody in there then you’re mine, boy. Ain’t waiting any longer than I have to.” He steps to the side of the ring and ever the gentleman, pushes down the middle rope to give you room to easily scoot out before he follows you on to the apron and down. You head back up the ramp and shout in surprise as he smacks your ass. “Let’s hurry it up - I need to speak to the office - make sure that your match tomorrow is against me.”
That stops you in your tracks and you look up at him. “For real?”
He laughs and shakes his head. “Damn right. There’s a hell of a lot of ways for me to get my hands on you during a match. Think I’m letting anyone else get there first, then you got another think comin’, boy - so move it.”
You grin up at him nod. “You haven’t seen my high flying yet… I can already think of one novel way of getting my legs around you…”
“It’s cute how you talk like we’re on a level playing field.” He steals one last kiss before you get too close to the curtain to risk it, adding in a quick bite to your neck that nearly makes your legs give out and then you follow him through, never more intent on getting out of your gear…
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mysteryiousskin · 1 year
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Okay.. so hear me out- this costume seems super hard to recreate I’m gonna be honest, but between Amazon and Etsy the crown isn’t hard to find (you could also make it pretty easy with some cardboard, wire, hot glue and a dream.) I also so on Amazon a necklace that looked pretty similar it was just red but if you paint it you’d be good! I’d say go for some colored contacts too if you can, a black skirt, and her bracelet probably aren’t hard to find something similar too on Amazon tbh, her sleeves seem easy enough too, I don’t know the name of them to look them up on Amazon but if you wanted to recreate them I think the easiest and most accurate way would be to get one of those tie around cardigans with the lowly sleeves (or shirt) cute the sleeves off and attach them to some sort of elastic band with hot glue and if you really want it to be accurate if you can find some sort of bangle that’ll fit on your arm do itttt
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Now for padme there is so many costumes to choose from but I just chose this because it’s the most affordable while still being recognizable and it’s also relatively easy to recreate if you don’t just wanna buy the costume off of Amazon,(speaking of this tho if you want links for other padme costumes or reference photos for those etc. just lmk!) first off, a white long sleeved t-shirt, the metal part I was also conflicted on with the first but I think this is easier bc you could lowkey just iron on a vinyl part or go with that bangle option which may or may not work idk, the belt/holster should be pretty easy to find on Amazon since you really only need to look for a white one, for the pants some white leggings are literally it and if you wanna make it a lil extra a skirt and you could even look for a cropped top instead, for Anakin there is literally so many costumes you can find on Amazon for cheap along with sabers, though I can’t guarantee the quality, another option for Anakin that I saw two girls do was one of them had a black skirt, a black cape/cloak, a leather glove and a saber again Amazon you could find that very cheap or target tbh
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I might’ve done this last year but this is great as a duo or a stand alone Helen also definitely has more options for good outfits (I would def put her options over Julie)
In this pic for Helen you need some glasses (you can find on Amazon or at target maybe tj max if you have one near you) a black skirt (Amazon is prob the best option) a sleeveless button up (again probably Amazon would be the easiest for this, if you can’t find one then cutting the sleeves off of a regular button up might b your only option 🤷🏻‍♀️) for Julie black overalls and a purple tank top (Amazon again is probably the cheapest) for the tank top I think lilac might be a harder color to find but literally any mall would prob have it but that’s prob more expensive than Amazon would be also the overalls are normally harder to find less expensive but if u can’t find cheap ones on Amazon mayb old navy? The necklace should be pretty easy to find on Amazon too but depending on how accurate you want it then it might be harder to find, the sunglasses same as Helen
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Kesha! For tights and a good band tee I’d look on hot topic they’re normally pretty cheap and they always have a sale of some sort, the shades are easy to find on Amazon and I’d def put on a shit load of glitter, a fake nose piercing you don’t have one already is easy to find on Amazon but they normally come in packs, I’m gonna add more of what I’d do to accessorize this too which is some feather in the hair, some hair tinsel, kandi bracelets or just rubber bracelets, I’d def crimp the hair too, colorful hair extensions and again all of that I’ve found on Amazon usally for 11 dollars or under depending on how many
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Another Natalie Portman costume :O the heels you could find on dolls kill and I’m pretty sure you can find the actual costume too, a pink bob wig you can find at spirit Halloween or Amazon although I would only get anything under 20 dollars the wig in the movie is a pretty cheap quality anyways so there’s no use in trying to find a better quality one tbh (I think spirit halloweens wigs are sometimes 20 and I wouldn’t pay for that if you can find something cheaper on Amazon when the spirit Halloween ones are such low quality)
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This costume is so unbelievably easy and I love it you just need the dress, gloves, headphones, tiara, and the sunglasses most of which you can find at target/Walmart or Amazon for cheap👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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I already know this costume or costumes are going to be rlly big this year but I’m super in love with the idea of seeing so many peoples takes on it! Spirit Halloween I think has the cowgirl outfit or you could get some iron on stars from Amazon, a denim button up, flared jeans, cowgirl hat and a bandanna I don’t know how easy it’d be to find all of those in pink but I’m sure you could get them in white and dye them pink with some like rit dye (my idea for a Maddy Perez costume too if you don’t want to waste sm money on her actual set or try super hard to find something like it in colors that have a 20% chance of just oooking similarrr) but anyway if you wanna go less basic there’s just so many good Barbie looks for this and even ken ones too! I don’t know if spirit is selling a ken costume but I’d def check and if not it should be easy enough to find a black cowboy costume
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Hear me out-
Okay so another difficult one I KNOW but you could def buy a replica of the trap (though that might be a little to expensive) or try to make it yourself (now hear me out I know that sounds like a lot) I know one girl on TikTok who made a prop one out of cardboard! I definitely think if your more crafty that could be a fun project now as much as I’m not sure how easy that’d be if your not super into getting all the detail to it I think you could easily make a passable one!
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Now for coraline! I like what the girl in the costume is doing where instead of the raincoat it’s a normal jacket it’s probably cheaper and better quality since if you get a costume one I’m sure that’s not great quality, the bob looks super cheap and I’d more recommend getting a 20 dollar one from Amazon, it’s gonna be cheap too but not nearly as bad as that (not dissing the girl I just think the super cheap wigs are sooo inconvenient I’d rather spend 20+ on a wig that get one that might be almost that expensive but sheds like crazy and tangles) the clip you could probably find on Amazon or maybe hot topic! Another idea I have for this costume is getting a star shirt like she has in the movie, I’d also suggest wearing either a key or the one green planchette-like thing she has in the movie so your more recognizable and overall I think it’s just a cute touch (I also know I’ve def seen those in a matching coraline best friends necklace set on the hot topic website although they may no longer be selling them)
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Alice! This is so simple and I love it bc once ppl realize who you are I think it’s super fun and like a clever idea
The beehive hair is super easy to do on your own if you don’t know how to do it already yt has some good tutorials! I haven’t ever used a “bump-it” either but those are supposed to help create on of those so if you don’t want to put in as much work or you can’t figure it out maybe buy one of those? I’m sure they have wife with it too but I’m not so sure those are good quality (or what I call “passable”) but you be your own judge on that! I think cider probably has some good dresses for this costume (if you’ve never used cider just know to size up atleast one size tho I’d say two if you can)
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thorntopieces · 1 year
So quick question
Would you happen to have a fic with good descriptions of what your version of the colours look like?
Or would you be willing to write that up?
Note: this is long lmao. Quick question, long answer /lh
I don't, as of yet, though one is in the works! It's one of the things I've been really struggling with! So far I have an illustration of Vio done (done by my girlfriend @mydmdcorner ) but we'll probably get to drawing the others soonish! I'm more than happy to give a description though!
They also have slightly different blond(e) hair colours, with Blue's being the palest and Vio's the darkest.
Red (he/him): he's the smallest of the bunch (but really we're talking about differences in millimetres and centimetres here, they're all small)! In A Brief Respite, he's described as the one that looks the most like their grandpa! His eyes are blue, lighter than Blue's. His hair is short but curly/wavy. I'll attach photos and other references under a read-more! He's also got freckles. As for his tunic, it looks very much like the one presented in the Four Swords Manga, though it now has 3/4 sleeves and has a normal hood (to replace the stupid Link hat, I just think it's silly). When he's sleepy or shy, he'll hide in the hoodie. The only reason the tunics are 3/4 sleeve lengths is because he kept burning the ends of the sleeves when they were full. No more long sleeves for Red. He also has some of the same piercing holes as Vio (helix piercings), but instead of having amethyst studs, it's golden hoops/rings.
Blue (she/her): Blue's a tricky case. She got into the Minish magic in an attempt to change her body to fit her gender which had some. Interesting consequences. She's kind of surrounded by a permanent glamour of the weirdest kind, so despite being female, she appears entirely male (short hair etc). She wants to grow her hair out tho (but only to a length that's still practical). She has dark blue eyes. She does not have freckles and her hair has the barest hint of waves. Her tunic is also similar to the manga, but she wears a different, thinner belt higher up on her waist (to make it look like she has wider hips) and her tunic is the longest of them all, brushing the tops of her knees. She currently has no piercings.
Green (he/him): My favourite sleepy boy. He more or less looks exactly like the manga version of Four Swords LInk. He's got green eyes with golden spots in them. He's also ditched the hat, but has the same hood that Four has, with the Ezlo decoration at the end. He's a sleepy boy, so the hood is long enough to fully cover his eyes if he needs to lay down to rest in the middle of the day. The shirt he wears under the tunic has longer sleeves so he can hide his hands. His boots are also more padded so walking is less exhausting/hurts less.
Vio (they/them): Has the longest hair of them all currently. It just brushes their collarbone. The front parts are braided and kept secure with magnetic beads that can be used to clip the hair back. They wear a similar tunic to LU!Four. The bottom part is also flared/split into multiple pieces to ease movement. They wear a thicker belt, but not the same one from the manga. On their hip they wear purple and black kinstone-shaped gems. They've got purple eyes and freckles, although less freckles than Red. They also wear the most piercings in their ears. I might still redesign their tunic some. I really like the tunic design for ASAU!Legend (note: ASAU is rated M/18+), so I might take inspiration from that when I get around to drawing Vio myself.
Hope that helps some! I've left a couple image references below the read more for you! I don't have the spoons to image describe them currently, but I might get that done within the next day or so. If that's an immediate issue, I'll try to get it done tonight!
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DISCLAIMER: I do not claim this as my art, this is the initial tunic redesign sketch me and my gf did as we tried to figure stuff out. It's redrawn over one of JoJo's (@/linkeduniverse) drawings of Four. Please do not see this as my art. The headband should also not be there for my Vio. Oops.
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This is another drawing of Vio. The hair is wrong. Disregard that please. Vio also doesn't have ears. Oops. This is my girlfriend's art. (The Minish you see is Bubble, you can meet them in the first chapter of Dark Hair Significance)
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This is my current profile picture and is of Vio! Here you can see the piercings Vio has, too. The Minish tail/feather isn't one they commonly wear. They left that behind in their Hyrule to keep it safe. Depending on the day, they do the braids a little different. This drawing was also done by my girlfriend.
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This hairstyle is roughly what I imagine for Red, maybe a bit shorter (Source: Gentlemen's Magazine).
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And of course a reference for the Manga.
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dullahandyke · 1 year
If someone was to mayhaps want to draw one of your OCs do you have any drawings of them or any more information about the kind of clothes they wear?
ANON ILL KISS UUU um I have a couple drawings but they're old, let me grab them n also describe more accurately their appearances....
Ok as for the drawings please ignore the copious style shifts and bear in mind that most of these cunts r like OLD old. Like 'drew her on the open night for the secondary school I have since graduated from', 'ex-danganronpa oc' old. And that's not as much to do w how recent the drawings are bcos most of them are like 2 years old or so but like. I keep trying to keep certain aspects of their designs and it shows. ANYWAY heres some Ames designs that can get smushed into one
Ames Spector
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Stocky build, on the short side
Black hair, the middle picture is pretty much it, tho I'm still attached to her with a ponytail if u wanted to go for that
Black button-up with the sleeves rolled up
Yellow tie with a star-shaped tie pin (listen she's had a star pin for 6 years and even if it's not a hairpin anymore it's still hers)
See I really do like the vibe of the blazer tied around the waist ala picture 1 but I couldnt make it work colour-balance-wise so I ended up just making her slacks yellow. If u think u could make it work then go for it my guy
Sturdy black boots
Eyebrow piercing on her right
See I did vibe w her having a tattoo but I dont think the snake suits her... omit it or freehand it as u like
Ringo Fleming
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I'm not entirely happy with the balance of the outfit but it's a good idea of its style (which is 'was born sad and alone in a Claire's)
I think I put his cane on the right side? It's his right leg that he needs it for
It has hearing aids that it definitely dangles earrings off of
Snake bites
Pink dyed hair with some sort of undercut
Oh yeah hes noticeably tall. I'm not good w heights but like 6'6 even without his penchant for platform boots
Large nose
Very reedy build
Thea del Arte
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Heavily based on Arlecchino (predecessor to the harlequin, from Italian renaissance-era theatre) with the right picture as my heaviest inspiration
Hes pretending to be Italian bcos it's better for PR but hes actually Catalan
Tan skin
Short curly dark brown hair
Black mask is more masquerade or superhero than arlecchino, it emotes when she has it on, you know the drill
Wears reading glasses over his mask in his 'reading documents' animation
Neck ruff
In the drawing I have her down as wearing shorts but tbh I think she'd cover as much of herself as she could for the intrigue
White gloves
Black lipstick
Shirley Fortunis
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See I like her current design but it doesnt feel very ace attorney to me. Trying to incorporate a dice/coin/luck motif.
Long black locs with silver jewelry
Big purple cardigan somewhere in her design
Officewear under the cardigan
Maybe a trench coat of some description over the cardigan to make it feel more detectivey? Idk spitballing
Maybe a coin necklace?
Miren Diez
And now we get into the area of 'all my drawings for this one are so old theyd do more harm than good'
Sickly pale and visibly malnourished
Long dark brown hair, untrimmed beard
Bcos of spirit medium shenanigans I dont think they have much in the way of their own clothes tbh. Mostly its theas clothes that they're left in once they stop channelling her.
If they are wearing their own clothes, probably just a very oversized steel samurai sleep shirt and sweatpants that used to fit but Uh Oh Drastic Weight Loss
Septum piercing
Raph Porter
Tbh I dont have much for them
Light hair in a ponytail
Brown reporter-type hat
White button-up, brown slacks, brown suspenders, brown tie
Brings an entire typewriter into court
Btw this isnt a design thing but like u gotta know that she is just WAITING to be revealed as the big bad so at all times she is wearing an evil outfit under her normal one. It is not at all visible in her normal outfit that's just a fun little fact for u
Generically pretty
The judge
Does not look like the judge from ace attorney
Has robes
Has at least one hand
Has a mouth(?)
Skin is a maybe
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
Steve in Billy’s Everlast croptop tho
Billy is a little drunk and trying his best to unlock the trailer while an even drunker Steve clings to his back, muffling his laughter into Billy’s shirt, slurring his words together while he says ‘hurry up’.
Billy gets the door open and shushes Steve loudly, telling him that Susan works early and Max will torture them if they interrupt her sleep, so they sneak as quietly as they can towards the fridge. Billy takes two of his beers from the bottom shelf as Steve grabs the opened box of Hostess Pudding Pies from the cupboard, snorting as they all fall out and onto the floor.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Billy chuckles lowly as he shoves the beer into Steve’s hands and bends down to scoop up the pies, clumsily putting them back into the box one by one. He smacks Steve’s ass and tells him to head to his bed, which is really just the pull-out couch since the trailer is nowhere near fit enough for three people and it’s the best Susan can offer for the time being.
Steve stumbles over to it with a grin as he cracks open their beer, which are awkwardly held against his chest and all it takes is bumping into a side table to have the beer spilling down the front of his shirt. He curses and sets the cans down as Billy shakes his head, muttering to himself as he goes over to his suitcase that’s tucked away beside the couch. It’s filled with the clothes Max had saved for him while he’d been at the hospital during the move.
And there are plenty of shirts he could give Steve to wear. The black sleeveless, the red tee, the white workout shirt - hell, he doesn’t really need a shirt. They are all reasonable selections for sleeping, yet Billy digs down and finds the cropped grey Everlast shirt he wore at the pool and he immediately takes it out of the pile. Steve’s already taken off his soaked long sleeve so Billy throws the clean one at him, a grin slowly overtaking his face as he watches Steve pull it on and tug at the bottom of it once, twice - before finally glancing down at it.
“Ha-ha, very funny,” he slurs as he gives Billy an unimpressed look, putting a hand over his exposed stomach when Billy leers at it, “Give me…a different shirt.”
“No,” Billy laughs a little incredulously, as if seeing Steve in anything else was even an option. Like this, he can see the gentle dip of Steve’s waist and the trail of hair disappearing into his briefs. Fucking gorgeous. “Just get in bed, Stevie…it looks good on you.”
Steve clearly doesn’t believe him, if that suspicious pout on his face says anything at all, but he climbs onto the springy, lumpy excuse of a bed anyway and grabs his half-empty can of beer to sip on. Billy follows suit and makes a point to crawl over Steve as he reaches for the other can of beer, pressing him down into the bed and staying there until Steve grumbles with a smile, his big doe eyes staring up at him in amusement.
“Get off,” he mumbles, barely even pushing at Billy’s chest.
“I would love to, princess, but not when the walls are paper thin,” Billy smirks, “Though I am tempted.”
“Shut up,” Steve grins, and when he lifts his chin and softens his mouth, Billy is helpless to it. He presses a lingering kiss to Steve’s lips, feels his pretty boy kiss him back like he always does, and it’s heaven. Until he presses his cold can against Steve’s exposed side on purpose and Steve does push him off then, pouting once more.
They drink and cuddle for a little while, talking in the quietest voices, until they’re almost whispering in each other’s ears. When they fall asleep under the knitted quilt, Billy spoons Steve and keeps a hand over his warm stomach, his cheek pressed against his boyfriend’s back. The fabric of the shirt is soft against his skin.
When they wake hours later, hungover to shit, Billy pulls the quilt over his head with a groan to block out the sun as Steve clumsily climbs out of bed and half-limps to the bathroom, his bladder almost full to burst.
As he passes Max’s open door, he hears her giggle meanly, “Nice shirt, Steve.”
Billy laughs slow and pointedly from the living room, like an older brother does, and Steve rubs his face in hopes of wiping away the blush there.
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miss kitty | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Oh, Miss Kitty, you're so bad but so good, so damn beautiful that you make me sick, ah, for real tho, Jeon Jungkook swallowed too much alcohol and ice-cold chaser at once and now he's sprinting to the bathroom to vomit. But, oh, he does want all those kisses so damn bad.
warnings: language; alcohol consumption; pining what's new, it's JK; vocal line ogling Miss Kitty, what? she's in a bikini, we know she's doing it on purpose; if the outfits sound familiar, refer to the original ITS outfits, lmao; literally just crack + fluff; mentions of a blowjob and sex daydreams; non-idol!BTS - a mess (of bad decisions)!Jungkook x noona!reader, ft vocal line shenanigans, mentions of Joon + Hobi, and Yoongi appearing at random inappropriate times; JK's POV with a tiny bit of Seokjin's POV
ofc inspired by 'bad decisions' by benny blanco, bts, and snoop dogg
“You’re kidding me.”
“She never comes to these things.”
“The hell are you guys looking at – holy shit.”
“Are those cat ears?”
“Who gives a shit about the cat ears? She’s in a goddamn bikini!”
“What is her tongue doing?”
“Can you be jealous of air? Because I’m jealous of air right now.”
“I heard she bites into her popsicles.”
The four heads admiring the woman in a black bikini and fluffy cat ears snapped to the side in unison where a bored voice sat under them, using the four men as his personal shade. Sunglasses, wide-brimmed straw hat, watermelon popsicle, wearing a long-sleeved white shirt and black pants at a pool party, nodding sagely as he continued.
“I lied. I’ve seen it. It’s hardcore,” Min Yoongi said with about as much enthusiasm as a rock.
“Where’d you get the hat, hyung?”
“Hoseok put it on me. I don’t know where he went.”
Kim Taehyung put his large hand on Min Yoongi’s straw hat and patted the golden-yellow circle. Yoongi continued enjoying his popsicle and squinting at the sun. Well, it was hard to tell because of the sunglasses, but that was what Jeon Jungkook assumed because he had seen Yoongi’s disapproving face enough times to see the wrinkle of distaste in his otherwise neutral, slightly upturned mouth.
Strangely cat-like.
“She’s crawling on people and pouring their drinks into their mouths,” Park Jimin suddenly said.
Kim Seokjin made a choking sound and covered his eyes, looking straight through his fingers. He was also wearing a straw hat that coincidentally matching Yoongi’s – or, rather, previously Jung Hoseok’s. He was looking handsome in a bright pink tropical-print shirt, robin’s egg blue t-shirt, and white shorts, itching closer to the drinks table to grab… something.
“What are you doing, hyung?” Taehyung suddenly piped up, making Seokjin squeak and send the red plastic cup he had been reaching for shooting across the table.
“Bring her over here, Tae,” Jimin hissed, taking his sunglasses off his head and hiding his eyes, as if he could hide in his royal blue shirt and distressed denim shorts that showed off his powerful calves.
“How? Your face, bro!”
Taehyung was apparently completely unaware of how naturally handsome he was, but he was also the guy in a half-unbuttoned lemon-print collared shirt with green shorts that exactly matched the shade of green of the leaves, so it was pretty obvious that he was pretending for the sake of his dignity. “My face? What am I supposed to do? Smile?”
“It works on everyone else!” Jimin retorted.
“It kinda does,” Yoongi agreed, licking his popsicle.
Jungkook chanced a moment to stare at her.
This was bad.
Firstly, she was definitely out of his league. Those full, shapely lips in that teasing half-smile. Eyes that promised making secrets if you got her alone. The movement of her hair cascading over her shoulders as she walked. No makeup – he could tell because the small mole under the left side of her lower lip was visible. So fucking pretty that he wanted to throw up. Soft little cat-ear headband giving her a demure look even though there was nothing demure about that sleek, sexy body tucked into a simple black bikini. Clean lines, nothing fancy, but a million bucks because it was on her, perky ass and long legs ending in strappy heels.
She bent over and Jungkook had to stare at her face to avoid thinking about ramming his hips into that plush booty.
Secondly, she was older than him, which was not a problem except it was a problem because Jungkook was trying not to be that guy, you know, the kind of guy that went after older women because they most likely knew how to suck dick better or was that just his brain trying to justify watching her tongue dance across her lips as she leaned in and poured a drink into some girl’s mouth. The girl looked like she was about to orgasm.
Same, miss, same.
Thirdly, women like that had a reputation for only appearing when they wanted someone to prey on and Jungkook didn’t want to be that guy, you know, the one that was eagerly waiting to be preyed on every day of the week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, I mean what, no, but, well, he had to admit that there was something sexy about letting it happen even if it was clearly a bad decision.
She looked up and made eye contact with him.
Jungkook threw himself behind Taehyung and stumbled right into Seokjin’s midsection.
Jimin gasped.
Yoongi scooted out of the way and finished his popsicle.
He wouldn’t. No, of course, no. It was a terrible choice. And what was he gonna do? Those legs around his waist and that insane confidence all up on him – no, Jungkook didn’t believe that he could survive. And the whole situation was even worse because one time he accidentally overheard some noises and saw something at the back of another party, at the gazebo in the lavish garden. Surrounded by trees and dark wood, there it was, Kim Namjoon’s dick down her throat and her tongue flashing against his crotch, her hands clutching tan shorts that were still-half-on.
Nope, Jungkook would die if she came within ten meters of him.
He didn’t want to be that guy.
God, she was so fucking hot that Jungkook wanted to die.
He grabbed Seokjin and dragged him around the large table of drinks and coolers, grabbing a cold glass of pink ice and pouring two shots of vodka down his throat, chasing it with the frozen slush.
Okay, it wasn’t two shots of vodka.
The soju bottle was half-empty in his hand.
A bad decision.
Jungkook choked at the ice-cold sensation and Seokjin, instead of helping him, snatched the glass from him and chased down whatever god-awful burning fire he also ingested, leaving them both collapsing and dying under the table. Taehyung rushed over as Jimin scooped up an ice tea-looking drink that definitely didn’t only have ice tea in it.
“Guys, are you okay? Drink this!”
“What happened, Jungkook suddenly malfunctioned…!”
He didn’t have time to explain through his blurred vision and inability to feel his throat that was both hot and cold at once, thoughts swimming, those legs popping into his head again, the soft curve of that v-line, hips that begged for hands, tiny waist trapped between his arms, okay, fine, Jungkook had sex dreams about her, but who could blame him, he accidentally watched her give a blowjob! At a public party! Not in public, but… basically! And she had that beautiful face, he hated how she could look sexy and cute at the same time, and he didn’t see her often enough even though he went to these parties with Taehyung and Jimin in attempt to see her again, just to see her body line and her smile, not to touch, of course not, he couldn’t.
She was there only rarely, but.
He wanted to make out with that mouth so bad.
Feel those kisses on his skin and squirm in a dark corner, trying to hide from everyone but also not, at this point he didn’t have shame anymore, he was clutching Seokjin like a life raft on the patio under a table and drunk on his thoughts, in another dimension where this sexy noona in a black bikini and cat ears was crawling over him, her fist on his chest mimicking a kitty cat as she leaned in and pressed that underlip mole against his skin, lips and tongue connecting with his.
He had never even spoken one word to her.
No, one time he said, hi.
That was a strong enough foundation to at least hold hands, right?
Jungkook felt a hand on his right leg.
“Hey, you alright? Should I call paramedics?”
Everyone froze.
Jungkook felt his eyelids stretch into huge, geometrically correct circles around his large eyeballs.
She was kneeling under the table, staring at Seokjin and him.
Holy fuck, I can see her nipples.
Her hair framed her face perfectly, wispy tips around her cheeks and over half her forehead. Inquisitive eyes with a piercing shape, the kind you would always remember. Soft pillowy lips slightly parted with that small mole slightly to the left of that full lower lip. The cups of the bikini molded perfectly to her breasts, but this angle showed off the peak of each mound, sticking out very obviously because she was on her knees on the wooden deck, under the plastic table, tilting her head as her left hand rested on his right calf.
The cat ears gave her gestures a feline playfulness.
She crawled over a little more and Jungkook nearly threw up, the alcohol suddenly hitting him like a truck. Or she was so damn beautiful that his body was physically rejecting the liquid poison so he could maintain an erection.
One of those.
“I’m gonna be sick,” he wheezed.
He threw Seokjin aside and his hyung yelled as he was caught by Taehyung, but Jungkook was too busy scrambling to his feet, losing his sandals in the process, a blur of topical yellow shirt, black t-shirt and blue shorts, throwing himself into the open patio door and hastily stumbling into the nearest bathroom to retch.
Kim Seokjin never made bad decisions.
He only made good decisions, like pretending to play dead as the sexy woman crawled over him and placed her hand on his forehead, asking Taehyung if he was okay. He let Taehyung sputter as he cracked open his eyes to peek at those boobs and those supple legs between his legs. Could feel her soft skin against his and the pads of her fingers stroking his brow. He heard them suggest going inside to lay down for a bit. Saw Jimin helping her up, so Seokjin did what any person attracted to nice ass would do.
Stare at it.
Her back was turned. She wouldn’t know.
“I’ve been here before. For a vacation last year. The bedrooms are this way.”
The air conditioning felt nice actually.
Jungkook lost them.
How could he lose three men, especially with one with massive shoulders, one of the sexiest men alive and… well, Jungkook often lost Jimin but that was because he didn’t have a reason to look down that often. Kidding! Anyway… after gargling an obscene amount of sink water and reconfiguring his swirly vision, Jungkook emerged from the bathroom, expecting to see three concerned faces looking for him, but there was nothing but bouncy club music and summer outfits on bodies that weren’t the ones he came with.
He didn’t even see the straw hat hyung.
He came because Jung Hoseok had asked him to come and celebrate summer, renting out a huge vacation mansion to do so. He had no problem coming over to help set up, but he told his hyung that he was going home right after, he wasn’t the party type, not really, oh, well, maybe stay for an hour, ah, okay, two, holy shit, cat ears and a bikini and Jungkook was doomed.
Damn you Miss Kitty.
In his defense, Jungkook had never seen her in a bikini before!
And it was glorious.
His dick was wet thinking about it.
Jungkook jerked and went back into the bathroom.
Reemerged after cleaning that up. Anyway. No. Jungkook was not gonna be that guy. Hooking up at a party? No, that wasn’t him. He was the kind of guy to dance in a corner and stay in that corner with his friends. His friends would wander off to take photos and make small talk, but that wasn’t him. And he certainly couldn’t chat up someone he was interested in, especially someone so damn beautiful that it made him sick.
Jungkook found his sandals. Someone must have collected them and put them by the patio door. He was about to put them on and check outside, but them he spotted something in the mess of shoes. Dainty, strappy black heels in the rays of golden hour barely starting.
He whipped his head around and went back into the house.
Friends? What are those? They would find him eventually. He scanned the party, looking past the glowing faces, peering at the tops of heads for fuzzy black cat ears. He was just looking. He wasn’t going to do anything. He was just checking out what she was–
Perky faux animal ears bobbing past his vision, coming from the kitchen.
Jungkook’s brain told him, this is a bad idea.
Jungkook’s dick told him, looking at those nipples poking out of that bikini one more time couldn’t hurt.
Jungkook’s legs were already walking very fast.
In hindsight, he knew why he was hesitating. He was a simple guy. He liked what he liked and, when it was a person, he didn’t want to let go, especially when that person was cool, capable, and stunningly attractive, someone who did whatever she wanted but never at the expense of others, someone who tiptoed the line of what was proper, breaking those rules so casually that he fell deeper and deeper for that teasing half-smile, but they hadn’t even had a real conversation yet and what if he was in delulu land all this time?
But Jungkook couldn’t just let her walk away.
If it was a bad decision, then…
Fuck it.
He saw her enter a room, leaving the door partly open.
“I brought a cold cloth and some water.”
Jungkook slowly peered over the doorframe.
Seokjin was half-propped up on a bed with an obscene number of pillows as Jimin and Taehyung crowded around him, lifting his hair as she placed a damp washcloth on that handsome forehead, handing him the glass of water.
“Should I bring some hangover cure too?”
“Ah, aren’t you cold, noona?” Taehyung asked worriedly, placing a light hand on her shoulder. “We should find a jacket or something…”
“It’s so nice,” Seokjin suddenly said very loudly. “When you’re all sitting next to me.”
The eldest shot a murderous look at Jimin and Taehyung, wordlessly telling them both to not have her move from his vision again. She seemed not to notice, patting Seokjin on the head with her thigh against his, scooting closer to the pillows.
“Don’t worry, we’ll accompany you until you feel better.”
Miss Kitty – not her name but what Jungkook was calling her in his head now – leaned over to the pillows and placed her forearms on them, turning to Jimin to ask how he knew Jung Hoseok, but Jungkook had no idea what she said because he was staring at her ass nestled in the bedcovers and that gorgeous back half-covered by her hair. She was having an entire conversation with the three of them as Seokjin sipped on his water and acted as if he was slowly but surely recovering from some mild distress, and yet Jungkook was hearing none of it, tuning out their joyful laughter as he gawked by the door. She turned to speak to Taehyung.
Jungkook stared at her stunning profile, dying slowly but surely on the inside.
She leaned over to Seokjin and kissed him on the cheek, turning him instantly red.
“Feeling better?”
Jungkook nearly broke the doorframe as he threw himself inside the bedroom.
“Hey, I’ve been looking for you guys!”
That sounded way more aggressive than he meant it to sound, but Jungkook didn’t care about those sudden fear in three collective pairs of eyes because her head turned in slow motion, cat ears and all, looking over her shoulder, and then those inquisitive eyes were on him, just him, Jeon Jungkook.
“Oh! I know you. Ah… what was it again…?” She scrunched up her face a little in adorable thought. “Aah, Jeon Jungkook! Yes, Namjoon told me a lot about you.”
Everything but her saying his name went over his head.
She turned slightly, her chest against Seokjin’s arm and his hyung turned even redder, abruptly freezing in place and not moving. Her arm shifted and she borrowed that broad shoulder, smiling at him and Jungkook felt his mind turn into a puddle of mush, forgetting all Korean as she said, “He said you’re good at everything. Especially sports. The complete opposite of me, heh.”
“I’m not good at sports,” Seokjin blurted.
“Me neither,” Jimin suddenly added.
Taehyung was not one to be ignored. “I could teach you golf. It’s easy.”
“Is it?”
And she looked away from Jungkook.
That does it.
There was a certain bro code. Don’t make moves unless alone. Simple common courtesy. Group settings should be chill, not a competition. But all was fair in love and war and this was war, so Jungkook slid out of his yellow short-sleeved button-up and walked forward, placing his knee on the bed and draping it over her shoulders in the middle of their conversation.
She turned immediately, her hair bubbling in the collar, kissable lips parted in surprise.
“You’ll get a cold,” Jungkook said quietly. “That wouldn’t be good, noona.”
There was a second too long, a pause that seemed to linger.
“… Thanks, Jungkook.”
She patted the spot on the other side of her.
“Come a little closer.”
“You can’t be serious.”
Somehow it was already dark. The party was winding down. Everyone was finding corners to sit in. An old-school, feel-good movie played on the massive television screen in the living room that people occasionally glanced at. Seokjin got hungry and left with Taehyung to order something to be delivered. Jimin got whisked away when someone recognized him from the door. Must have been someone that he hadn’t seen in a while because he was glued by the door now, leaving Jungkook sitting with his noona wearing cat ears and his shirt over her bathing suit.
“Over a perilla leaf? Isn’t that a little too extreme?”
She was laughing at him. Jungkook puffed his cheeks.
“You don’t understand!”
“No, I don’t. It’s just a leaf,” she chuckled, shaking her head. “You think too much about a simple gesture. What, you let me borrow your shirt and I should expect us to kiss?” She grinned, anticipating him to answer with something silly.
Jungkook opened his mouth but nothing came out.
The reality of their moment alone suddenly hit him.
The corners of her lips faltered, noticing his hesitation. He swallowed quickly and shifted his eyes, begging Jimin to come back and break this sudden tension, but Jimin was too absorbed in his friend reenacting a funny story and now this was getting too weird, he had waited too long to say anything and so he willed his head to turn and at least look in her direction but he couldn’t for some reason, his neck and ears turning hot as he sputtered then almost full-on threw himself onto the floor when her hand touched his thigh.
He jerked robotically and laughed awkwardly, the noise immediately dying when his eyes made contact with hers.
She tilted her head, cat ears and all.
Don’t do that, Miss Kitty!
Her hand shot back like he was made of hot coal.
“Sorry. Sorry, I was… well, you acted a little weird there.”
Wait, don’t do that either.
Jungkook cleared his throat, swallowing his nervousness. “No, I…”
He suddenly noticed the placement of her hands on her lap, her fingertips rubbing the hem of the shirt against her thigh. She hummed along the bass of the song playing outside, looking away from him, and suddenly he felt bad. His odd behavior probably made her uncomfortable.
“Hey, uh, noona?”
She turned her head and gave him an attentive look, so pretty he nearly became tongue-tied again.
“What’s with the cat ears?”
She ticked her chin and gaze upwards as if she was glancing at them even though they were on the top of her head. “Oh, these? I just felt like wearing them.” She grinned, creating little bread-like puffs of her cheeks. “I felt like I should have a little fun so why not look the part too?” She raised her hand and lightly bonked the side of her head, letting out a half-sigh, half-laugh. “I’m always fighting between, am I too much or should I let myself go wild? ‘Cause I want to do things but people might misunderstand me.”
Her fist curled a little and her expression became one of cat-like mischief, his shirt falling open a little and exposing part of that tiny bikini top.
Jungkook was going to faint from her cuteness.
And losing blood in his head because it was rapidly shooting down to the lower half of his body.
She laughed, dropping her hand and waving it around. “Just ignore that, hahaha! I do whatever comes to mind that feels like it might be fun, heh.”
“No,” Jungkook heard himself saying. “That was cute. Do it again.”
Holy shit. He was smiling like a dumb idiot. Where did this confidence come from? He must be drunk. Never mind that he emptied the contents of his stomach earlier. Never mind he definitely spent the past three hours talking and drinking nothing but water. He must be drunk. Fuck, why was she so cute and sexy? With those expressive eyes and that smooth skin with the little dot of a mole underneath her lower lip on the left side, a half-smile as she raised both hands to mimic little two paws and went…
Her knuckles brushed against his collarbone lightly, smile turning into a playful smirk.
Jungkook died.
Not literally.
But, well, Jimin was still right there, people he didn’t know were right there, Seokjin and Taehyung could come back any second, and if he wasn’t in heaven, he was at least in a fever dream and somehow previous knowledge of late-night dramas popped into his head, generally not advice he would ever take in real life, but, all of a sudden, he was compelled to reach up and grab her hand, covering her make-believe cat-paw with his larger hand, tattooed fingers over her knuckles.
She froze, eyes widening.
“Hey, noona.”
Her eyes darted from his hand to his face.
This was a bad decision.
Jungkook let himself smile because he didn’t care.
“I wish you would kiss me, but that’s crazy, huh?”
What the hell am I saying? Abort! Take it back right now – wait, why was she getting close–
She leaned over and her lips touched his.
Now Jungkook was sure he died. Maybe literally. Ceased to function at least. It was only a simple press of lips to lips and then she drew back a little, tilting her head a little and smiling. He was dead. This must be heaven.
“Just one? Or more?”
He was speaking but it was more like barely intelligible mumbles. “B-But… I… You… me…”
She tapped his own hand against his chest, mischievous sparkle in those eyes.
“I mean, if you think helping someone peel a perilla leaf is going to lead to holding hands, to kissing, to straight up marriage, what does borrowing your shirt lead to?” she purred against his lips. “It smells just like you, like you’re right against my skin, giving me a hug from behind.”
His brain immediately went to delulu land. A back-hug? In her bikini? With his nose nuzzling in between her fake cat ears? And everyone knowing they were together?
He would just have to convince her to be his.
Jungkook closed the distance between them and she smiled against his colliding kiss.
In hindsight, this was a bad decision. Now Jungkook was going to have to lie and tell his children that he asked his mom out on cute dates instead of the truth of becoming obsessed with her little by little, oh, and accidentally seeing her suck his hyung’s dick, and, ah, now making out with her on a bed that wasn’t his while she was in a bikini and cat ears wearing his shirt, her thighs squeezing his waist as he gasped into her mouth.
“What are you guys doing?”
Jungkook yelped and clutched her waist, shoving his face into her clavicle as she laughed and turned her head to the bored voice beside the bed. A peek over her shoulder and there was a straw hat and a pale hand holding a slice of pizza.
“Seokjin-hyung and some guys bought pizza,” Min Yoongi announced, chewing slowly as he stood there beside the bed, pointedly not explaining how or why he suddenly got there. “You should eat it while it’s still hot, Jungkook.”
“What about me?” said the laughing voice above Jungkook’s head. “I want pizza.”
“Apparently you’re eating men,” Yoongi countered. “I’m not worried about you being full. Jungkook will fill you up as soon as you let him.”
A full minute of dead silence that was filled with outside laughing and loud music. Yoongi casually munched on his pizza as Jungkook grabbed her hand and mumbled something about getting food, he couldn’t stay here any longer, he was going to expire of embarrassment, practically fusing with the wall to get away from that judging look. He didn’t regret it but it was still mortifying, all this a bad decision but bad as in bad meaning good, and he froze up as her fingers turned and intertwined with his, her body leaning against him, lips pressing to his cheek.
“Don’t worry. We’re accomplices now, you and me.”
Jungkook turned his head, staring into her eyes.
Miss Kitty and me.
The straw hat popped into his peripheral vision.
“I’m still here.”
Jungkook sputtered and ran, her laugh right by his side.
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miekasa · 3 years
okay but what about airport!levi? he gives quiet businessman vibes sitting in his slacks and turtleneck
IN HIS TURTLENECK 😭😭 He would also be quiet and to himself, but not in the emo way. You got me thinking about all of them now, so here are my other thoughts about the boys at the airport.
He thinks the idea of separating classes on an airplane is beyond stupid, but if the flight is particularly long, or particularly packed, he’s not above paying for business class for a little extra personal space for the two of you.
When he doesn’t do that, tho, he never picks your guys’ seats ahead of time, so sometimes you’ll be separated. Good thing he’s also not above lying at the check-in desk, “I’m in Zone 1, could my wife be seated next to me so that we can board together?”
They respond with an “of course,” and move your seats together, and Levi walks back with a content nod of appreciation. You are not married, and marriage sucks about as much as class separation on a 30 foot long plane, but it has its benefits.
Masks on, regardless. No debates. Pandemic or not, the mask stays on. Do not perceive him, keep the pressurized air sharing to a minimum.
Doesn’t wander much in the airport. There’s nothing in there that he hasn’t seen already, except for the marked up prices on touristy t-shirts.
And if you wander, he’ll usually just sit in the waiting area to watch your bags while you window shop and do your thing. If you’re gone for more than 30 mins, he might call, under the pretenses of, “Making sure you didn’t get lost. You know that Starbucks was near gate 41 to the left, not the right, right?” Like he’s a comedian or something 🙄
He does encourage you to get snacks before you board, tho. Airplane food is gross, and he would much rather pay for a $13 sandwich that you can snack on later, than for you to have to eat mush.
He’s got a little portable mug he takes with him for when he’s wants to buy a hot drink before getting on his flight. It’s cute.
Doesn’t fall asleep on the plane ever. No matter how long the flight is—at most, he’ll take a quick power nap somewhere in the middle if it’s over 9 hours, but other than that, he’s good to go.
Doesn’t mind if you fall asleep, and he always adjusts your neck pillow to make sure you don’t get cramps.
Travel champion. This man loves being in the airport even though he’s convinced it’s a time capsule, he fucking loves it.
King of “your airport fashion matters, babe.” Not necessarily wearing a whole three piece suit, but he does put in a little effort; it’s not just the first pair of sweats he has laying around.
Swears coffee tastes better in the airport. It does not. That does not stop him from buying it. He should learn to quit tho, especially for someone who hates airplane bathrooms as much as he does.
Charming with all the security personnel and desk assistants. You could be checking in for a flight at 4am, and Jean’s got people smiling and cheery for their shifts.
Bitches about the selection of movies on the flight, and learns to just download his own ahead of time. Gets really startled when he’s watching something and the flight attendants try to grab his attention for food or drinks—the very loud, classic, Jean Kirstein “HUH?”
On that note, he also gets startled by the loudspeaker announcements in the airport. He doesn’t know why he has to hear about American Airlines flight 2170 to Cancun, when he is not on American Airlines flight 2170 to Cancun.
Not opposed to paying extra for better airplane food or drinks on the plane if it’s the right time of day. He always finds something to toast to, plus he likes to treat you whenever and wherever he can.
Takes care of your overhead luggage and helps out the people around him if he sees they’re struggling. Gets shy when you call him a gentleman for it, and he rubs his neck, grumbling, “I was just helping the line move a little faster.”
Great timing, generous, will pick up your checked bags for you, and already rented a car a week in advance: 10/10 travel buddy.
He doesn’t like planes and there’s no solid reason why—nothing bad happened to him as a kid, and it’s not even that rare unfortunate incidents freak him out or anything—something flying just makes him a bit uneasy.
He won’t say it though, and he tries to keep it together when you’re checking in, but you can tell he’s anxious once you’re sitting and waiting for your flight to board.
He’ll ask to switch seats if you have the window seat, because somehow the feeling of being boxed in between the plane wall/window and another person makes it feel more like a car than a plane and he’s okay with that.
Going to the airport is one of the few times he hair won’t be styled, and falls in his face a bit. He usually throws on a beanie to cover it up, but you think he looks pretty cute either way.
Can’t usually fall asleep and he hates it because he just sits there thinking about the worst for the entire duration of the flight. But when you travel with him for the first time and coax him into taking a nap it’s so much better.
It’s about the only time he’ll let himself be publicly babied by you; but it makes everything so much easier that he doesn’t even mind.
So now, whenever you get on flights, he just puts his hood up, lays his head on your shoulder and waits for the magic to happen.
Bonus: you’re traveling with his friends, and Pieck and Marcel past to your seats, surprised to see Porco fast asleep on your shoulder. Pieck squeals, going on about how you must be a wizard to have gotten him to nap, to which Marcel just shakes his head, “Nah, he’s just really in love with her. Look at his face, that’s the calmest he’s been since he was five.”
Loves the airport. Not an ounce of organization in his soul though. By that I mean, yeah, he’s probably forgotten his passport at home, or forgotten that a full size bottle of body wash cannot go into his carry-on luggage.
Forgets to wear shoes that easy to take off and is fumbling over himself after the security check trying to lace them back up or put them back on.
Likes for you guys to have coordinating sweatsuits, and even though you don’t travel super often, Connie’s got at least 3 pairs of them lined up for you guys.
Sweet enough to drop plans or rearrange his schedule to travel with you if you were originally gonna be alone. He knows you can handle yourself, but he doesn’t want for you to travel alone if you don’t have to, especially if you’re going someplace far and/or for an extended period of time.
He always finds breakfast food to eat before he gets on his flight (if you two even have time to spare for food that is). It could be 9pm, but Connie’s asking for a breakfast wrap.
Hates waiting in the little pre-flight area. Claims it’s boring as hell and that’s why there’s no reason to get there 3 hours early 🙄🙄
He always spends at least 30 minutes browsing all the movie and TV show options available on-board, loudly exclaiming in excitement when they have something cool to watch—only to fucking fall asleep 10 minutes later. Right on top of you when he was oh-so-excited to watch Madagascar 2.
Always steals the aisle seat, even if it’s yours. It’s probably for the best though, because he has to get up to pee at least twice, no matter how short your flight is.
Makes some cheeky remark about you meeting him in the bathroom. He doesn’t mean it... unless he does. Unfortunately, you’ve never... successfully been able to do that out of fear of being caught by the flight attendants, but there have been a few quickies in the “family” (“It’s ethical, because technically we’re participating in the act of making a family, babe”) bathroom before you boarded. It’s his fault, not yours.
He really likes planes, and traveling in general. I think trains would be his favorite mode of transportation, but airplanes are good too.
I hate to say it but he claps when the plane lands. I will not elaborate or defend my stance on this.
Prefers the window seat because he likes to look out at the clouds as he’s in the sky.
He took his passport photo a little before he cut his hair, so the security personnel always hold it up and flicker between his ID photo and his current appearance a few times before stamping it. It makes him a little embarrassed because he can’t tell if they think he looks better or worse and sometimes he’s really fighting for his life convincing them that that’s him in the picture 😭
Listens to music rather than downloading a movie or watching a show, and always brings wire headphones to the airport so that it’s easier to share and listen with you.
If you fall asleep on him first, he’ll likely fall asleep on you shortly after. If he’s tired enough, he’ll fall asleep first, though he’s somewhat embarrassed and disappointed because he wanted to see the descent and skyline outside.
When he’s not asleep or window-watching, he’s somewhat fidgety out of excitement, rather than nervousness. He’s excited to be traveling and looks forward to wherever you’re going, even if it is just a weekend long work trip.
Hates traveling alone, though. It just feels particularly lonely to him to be going someplace foreign without company by his side. So, he’ll call you at every checkpoint and send you updates.
He only ever buys two things in duty free: shot glasses with the name of the city/country you’re traveling to, and whatever variety of button down short-sleeves are available to him.
You knew this was coming, but this man is absolutely at the airport 18 hours before your flight takes off, and he’s driving like a manic getting there, like you don’t have all the time in the world.
Fascinated by anything and everything in duty free. Definitely spends more money than necessary on your return flight on the grounds that he was getting a good deal.
Exchanges money in the airport and keeps cash in his fanny pack. There’s no traveling without the fanny pack.
Plays crossword puzzles on his phone on the plane, and it’s just about one of the only games he has. That and Candy Crush—I get the feeling he’d be on level 500+ of that game and he always knocks out at least 10 levels on a flight.
Always a little surprised when he feels his your head on his shoulder, but he says nothing, and acts like he didn’t even notice, but there’s a telling little smile on his face.
Takes the most foul selfies of him and your sleeping self. In his defense, he had the best intentions; but that angle was flattering nobody. It’s too bad he’d already paid for the in-flight wifi and sent it to Hange because now you’ll never live them down.
You could probably get him to put on a (skincare) face mask during your flight. He forgets to take it off tho, and if you don’t tell him, he’d fully walk through customs with it on his face.
Accidentally gets drunk because he doesn’t understand that just because he can handle several glasses of whiskey in his favorite bar on a Friday night, does not mean it will translate on a plane.
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hoodhookage · 3 years
Congrats on 200+!!!! Ive only just seen your page and i am instantly in love with your writing 😢😢🙏 feel free to ignore this but could you do a scenario about xiao giving is super shy fem s/o oral for the first time. Just some fluffy reassurance is all that we need. If you dont feel comfortable tho i completely understand. Hope you have a fantastic rest of your day 🤗🤗
thank you so much💗 I COULD NEVER PASS UP THIS SORT OF OPPORTUNITY! i’m so grateful you wanted me to even attempt to try this out for you<3 i hope it’s not too long & that i met your expectations!! here’s xiao eating out his so for the first time
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xiao let’s his fingers run through your hair, gentle eyes focused on you as you lay beside him fidgeting with the strings of his hoodie. you close your eyes when he lifts his hand now to your jaw, stroking your cheek. his touch is soft, instinctively allowing yourself to melt into his caress. xiao is many things; he’s everything you want him to be. he’s willing to make you happy and comfortable, going far lengths to achieve it.
he’s understanding and caring, in the sense that he’s always keeping an eye on you to make sure you’re never in any sort of discomfort. xiao is loving. physical or not, you always feel so appreciated by him. he does little things to make you happy, you remember how he likes to squeeze your thumb with his when you hold his hand. you both have come so far with one another, growing with every passing day.
xiao loves you in every way imaginable, getting frustrated with himself when he can’t truly show you what you mean to him when his words alone fail him. he wants you to be happy, to tell you he values your company, just being able to be with you. he appreciates you and wants to be able to take care of you the way you do for him, feeling as if he’s entirely at your mercy for the way you’ve patched that sense of longing he once felt on his own. all of that now washed away completely when you’ve brought yourself into the picture.
his presence alone makes you feel so jittery, no matter how serene or still the atmosphere may be. he’s gentle, and warm…so warm you sometimes feel as if you’re burning up at his touch, no matter how light it is. you find yourself drawn quiet even while with xiao next to you, letting your mind entertain frivolous possibilities revolving the both of you. what he makes you feel is a mix of apprehensiveness and exhilaration, just with his face leaning in to your forehead close to place a kiss.
the faint breeze from the window lingers inside and you welcome it with a deep inhale, letting it bring you back to your place between xiao and his bed. your exhale quickly allows itself to take over you, shuddering in reaction to the coolness continuously hitting your skin all over. xiao rests his lips against your forehead, another small and delicate show of affection. “you’re getting cold” responding with a sigh to how he acknowledges your change in body temperature before turning over to face him and let your chest rest against his.
even the air xiao expires so softly across you from the closeness of the both of you is warm. his chest is warm, the arms that keep you close are warm, he’s already letting you get lost in this feeling of heat he provides you with. “xiao” your face is in his shoulder when you call him, snuggling closer. he whispers your name back and begins to hold you closer “what is it?”
you try to conceal the small shake in your voice. “you make me feel really, really, warm when we’re like this”
you mumble, already wanting to hide the show of emotions he makes you feel inside so unexpectedly just from the call of your name. you breathe in, smelling xiao and his clothes as one together. “are you saying that like it’s a good thing?” he rubs delicate circles on your back, holding you with care. you nod and push your face closer into his chest almost like a final attempt to breathe him in again, he overwhelms your physical senses this way.
he pulls you back, a stern look on his face as you look up at him. “you’re nearly freezing” xiao rolls his eyes, a small smile forming on his lips as he brings his hand to your jaw to give you a small kiss. he breaks it but stays just inches away from your lips, giving you a teasing remark when you just stare at his mouth. xiao does a lot of things to you…and right now, whatever it is he’s doing to you to make you feel like this, it has you hot all over again:
this burning sensation reaching all the way into your chest and stomach, impossible to avoid. he takes you close and into another kiss as you pout, this time longer than the first. you close your eyes and let him take charge, your cheeks beginning to feel that same sensation that spread through your body when he slowly slides his tongue inside. you cup his face, gasping when he gives you a playful bite to your bottom lip before tugging on it.
“i can’t stand it when you lie to me, here” he begins to remove his arms from the sleeves and slides his hoodie off from above, his shirt getting caught with it momentarily. it’s hard to look away when you can see the bare skin of his abdomen, making you grow a little desperate for his touch. xiao motions for you to lift your arms up and you do as he asks, putting your head through to now properly wear it.
you turn your head to the side and look down at your hands, “thanks” all of these different kinds of warmths feel good when they’re from xiao. you start to wonder if he’s ever experienced this same kind of feeling. you both have that look in your eyes that tells the other you want more, stuck as if there’s no possible way to convey it aloud. all those thoughts leave your mind as soon as he pulls you in for another kiss.
you tremble into his mouth when his hand rests at your hip, giving an experimental grab as you pant and try to kiss him back just as needfully. “xiao, i think what i meant to say, from before. it was just-“ you interrupt the silence but he shushes you. “you’re alright,” he gives you a tiny kiss at your bottom lip. you think you understand now, “…you want me to take care of you, i can do that for you” stopping between sentences to give you more, this time across your face and jaw. “-but will you let me?”
he does experience that same feeling, your heart is beating twice as fast. “please”
xiao treats you with the same amount of gentleness as always, starting by taking a pillow from under his head and propping it beneath your lower back. he looks at you, “i want to try something for you- and i as well” his hand moving to lace yours. “i’ll always ask this of you, do you trust me?” you nod and let out a shaky yes. he begins after hearing your approval “alright, show me exactly where you want me the most”
you feel your body quiver as he trails his hand across your stomach, your fingers guiding his palm. you feel embarrassed when you have to stop, recollecting yourself as he looks at you. “you pleaded for me to take good care of you. i promise i want nothing more than to be able to” he reassures you. you continue until you reach your abdomen, xiao’s hand slides down a little further on his own now. “good” he sighs, getting worked up himself.
“ remove this for me” he murmurs referring to your clothes, tone still sweet when speaking with you. you start with the bottoms, pulling them down off your legs. you keep your panties on, knowing xiao will be happy to do the honours of stripping those off you himself. you hold onto the hoodie “xiao, i want to keep this on” you whisper. he would never deny you anything, but hearing you ask to keep something of his on during a moment like this has his chest swell with pride.
xiao’s hand rests at the hem of your panties, letting his middle and ring finger stretch out just a little further onto the material that starts to dampen the farther you reach. “to think you would want to let me leave you in this state” he almost whispers to himself. he lets his hand dip into your underwear, his fingers immediately met with how wet you’ve become. “your body knows exactly who it’s with right now and i can already tell” he marvels in the little to no friction his finger tips experience as he slides hands over your cunt.
“close your eyes, just let me” he strokes your hair again as he lets his finger trail around your entrance. you gasp at the feeling but it’s slow, allowing you to await and prepare for the feeling of when he enters. the push is perfect, your soaking cunt pulls his finger in with no resistance. he praises you again for how you take it, letting you relax under his touch once more. xiao pulls his finger out back to your entrance, rubbing at your clit with two of them. the contact making you squirm as he lifts his hand.
he brings his finger up to both of you before opening his mouth to clean it off. he can’t help himself when it comes to you, always wanting a little more. you feel yourself pool even harder between your legs at his action. he holds his finger out to you, “would you want to try yourself?” opening your mouth to meet him. you can still taste yourself on that finger, it’s tarte even after xiao had licked most of it off.
“do you still want to follow through with what i had in mind this time for us” he rasps. he’s only ever fingered you, and the thought of letting him try whatever it is he wanted to right now makes you feel weak. your knees instinctively press together as he waits for your answer, “you want to go…further?” your voice is unsure but still with excitement in your tone. he wants to go as far as you’ll let him, indulge you in whatever it is you want from him right now. but he has to start slow, somewhere. it’s progress.
he wants to ask again to reassure you but you’re past that, kissing him as you’re caught in a tiny adrenaline run he’s been unaware he was fuelling this whole time. all this time he’s been feeding into the fire, but this was a tiny bit of gasoline, and it’s beginning to spread. you know it’ll wear down once he begins again but you want to ride it out as long as possible.
he’s always happy when you are, but now was your turn to embarrass xiao, catching him off guard. “can we?” you try to sit up but he keeps you in place, laying you down. “as long as you want this as much as i do” he gets up from beside you, knees against yours as he holds your thighs. his hands look so much bigger from where he’s moved now, you give him another nod and he holds your panties to finally remove them.
you’re back in your original place; being naked from the bottom down right infront of xiao makes you feel unnerved. you let him slowly spread your legs as he continues to hold eye contact with you to keep you calm. he looks more enamoured by your cunt now than ever, situating himself so that his face is right above your clit, arms weighted on your thighs.
his hands come to lock yours on your sides as his you feel his hot breath, making you clench on the air. “relax, close your eyes if you need to, but i’m right here…exactly where you need me” you let your eyes close before your lips part at the feeling of xiao’s tongue swipe across you. it makes you shiver, his tongue feels long and warm, almost a bit pointy. wet like the rest of his mouth, you’re already gasping again at the feeling.
you bring your head up to look at him, xiao has his tongue running along your folds ever so slowly, eyes never leaving yours. you let the back of your head hit the pillows again as you let out a cry, his tongue is hot when it circles around your entrance. you pull the hoodie up on you in an attempt to hold your thoughts together, only to breathe in and be reminded of who’s conquering every piece of your mind, xiao. you grip his hands a little tighter while you buck into his mouth.
allowing yourself to succumb to him has you thrashing when he sucks on your clit. how he prods his tongue towards your hole to make you squirm. xiao is slowly beginning to devour you; lapping, licking, sucking, darting his tongue onto you. he lets go of one of your hands and lets a finger slide in, “i know what your body can handle, and right now it’s beginning to ask for more. i promise to only give what i know you can take” focusing his concentration and movements back on your clit.
cries and whimpers of his name fill and go beyond his room, letting yourself continue to get lost in the pleasure xiao is bringing you so intensely. the curling of his finger now turning into pumping, his mouth never leaving your messy cunt. “good, it’s really good xiao” you whine, gripping his hair as he moans into you. “i cant-“ you thrash at the feeling of him pull at your clit. “you’re perfect like this right now, finally experiencing the sort of pleasure you always bring me” he leans back down, rocking you against his mouth.
every single shock he manages to send through you has you enjoying it more than the last. it feels good, how he constantly lets you know he’ll give you what’s good for you within your limits. you feel your body course with the kind of build up that has you struggling to stay still, the kind xiao knows how to give you regularly just in other ways. this one is far more intense than the last.
you let out a broken moan of his name, trying to find the words to tell him. you properly call out his name and he looks up at you, both his hair and mouth messy from how you held onto him. “i’m going to cum” you squeak, feeling his fingers rub your gspot. your body cant hang on any longer, as if you’re on the edge. “cum for me, right here against me. i’ve got you” you shake your head furiously.
your back arches off the bed and against xiao, whos still giving you every kind of sensation imaginable and all at once. he feels you squeeze his fingers, convulsing against his mouth.
your back hits the bed as your legs still shake around his head, in complete shock at what he was able to bring you. he can feel you still pulse against his mouth and he slowly pulls off. you both stay still as he lets you calm down. he stares at you in awe, panting from his actions.
he moves back to his side on the bed and embraces you, feeling your body go limp against his. his chin rests on the top of your head as he pulls you into the covers properly. you let his forehead lean onto yours as you move away and cup his cheek, catching xiao shyly turn his gaze away.
you’re right. xiao loves you in every way imaginable, willing to go far lengths to prove it.
frustrated when even he himself has trouble to explain how he feels in just words.
a feeling that he can only describe as gentle and warm…warm enough to feel as if he’s burning up at your touch. no matter how light.
just like he does to you.
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izepeche · 2 years
I am new to the strange obsession, but oh my gosh your works are amazing. I just want sinister strange to do whatever he wants and for me to say thanks afterwards.
I dunno what to say omg thank you thank you thank you love 🥺✨ im honestly surprised ppl still show up on my blog lol
I have so many things I wanna do but with my condition i can’t do much but i should be fully cleared to go home by tuesday ✨
but i agree. i was never really into Strange until this movie. i mean i love his design and ive drawn him many times before but idk he just didnt speak to me before now.
i have the filthiest shit to write and draw i am so vile and feral because of it but so is he. they knew exactly what they were doing when then designed him omfg. i have a HC that he’s really into bondage (including self bondage) and its killing me. its killing me that i cant write it all rn.
you did not ask for this, so i apologize in advance. but ive had this little thing rolling in my head so -
Sinister seems like he used to be a professor and its driving me crazy thinking about him in a AU being the low toned sort of teacher who everyone respects. never raises his voice (and doesnt have to) to get his pupils to behave because he’s also silently terrifying. you can hear a pin drop in his class, even when its a study period and he’s sipping his coffee and reading a book. could probably make a student cry without even trying, without even looking at them (tho he will glance to see the tears) and would secretly enjoy it because he’s a bloody bastard. takes no shit and is clearly passionate about teaching and I just wanna see him in glasses and at a desk fiddling with papers? like look-
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In this Professor Sinister! AU id say he definitely smells like dark roast coffee and old books. wears a sort of musky, old timey smelling cologne with spicy citrus notes. keeps to himself, doesn’t really interact with the other professors, but may strike up a short conversation with maintenance or the cleaning staff in the evening. even though he’s a strict man he sports a more casual appearance than one would think. im thinking just regular slacks n shoes, rolled up sleeves to his forearms, usually wears a black turtleneck or dark button down shirt with a few too many buttons open if the AC is busted (again), thick salt and pepper hair slightly tussled as its been run through by his fingers because these fucking kids can’t even double space their essays how did they pass high-school.
crystal eyes lingering a bit too long on an unsuspecting pupil who is always well behaved and attentive. openly teases them to the point of hot embarrassment when they ask to be excused to the restroom, even though they asked so nicely and they really have to go. but ,” ah, ah, not until i say so.” “you know you just went 10 minutes ago” “you took too long last time”
purposefully writes comments on their papers ‘see me after class’, even if its the most well-written dissertation he’s read all year. he’s rather knowledgeable and will always find something to offer correction on. as ‘punishment’, he tells them to help him prepare for the next class by writing what he tells them on the chalkboard. this is when his usual low key tone, shifts to something else.
The professor not so subtly stares at them, scrutinizing their handwriting and how their dainty wrists move under his command. no, Professor Strange definitely does not get off to how they struggle when he asks them to write higher, up on their tip toes and a bit wobbly. he’ll make them erase a whole line if they make a single mistake in their penmanship (which is easy because of how tired and cramped they are getting). he’ll cruelly mock them, “are you getting distracted?” “we can try something easier if this is too hard for you” “why are you stopping, you’re not finished yet” “i mean, Jesus, it looks awful. but i guess if that’s the best you can do-“
and if he’s feeling particularly snippy he’ll snap a ruler on his desk to startle them, possibly messing them up further, barely bothering to stop the smile dancing on his lips. he still throws in a smart ‘thank you’ when theyre done that definitely doesn’t make up for his brash behavior. its hard to tell if his harsh interactions are serious or a ploy of flirtation, but its intense enough to get under the skin every time that they are completely flustered when they gather their things to leave his room.
its wrong to be tormenting his own innocent pupil like this- many would say the poor thing doesn’t deserve it and the professor's intentions aren’t noble. but its not wrong if they keep coming back, right? not that he gives a damn, nor gives them much of a choice; he’s not exactly a model on morality. besides, a man can have a little fun, no?
i just- love him. i love him i love him
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as soon as i saw him i knew it was curtains for me. he is utter perfection because sinister is just so fucking broken and deliciously unhinged and loosely disguised as a quiet gentleman. i love the fact he’s self aware enough to know he’s a filthy bastard but he just. doesnt. care. and like great! neither do i sweetheart. id beg this man to break me, and like please sir call me all the names.
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