#i can just imagine hajime's day getting worse and worse
cubbihue · 11 days
When you said that the unluckiest person is most hopeful, it reminded me of Nagito Komaeda. If the universe were combined, do you think he would fair well having Anti Cosmo as his anti fairy?
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Funnily enough, I feel like it would be Hajime who would have an anti-fairy companion. I mean, he’s surrounded by extremely skilled people! That would attract bad luck in some way for him. Nagito wouldn’t be good food for anti-fairies. Or Fairies. Or Pixies.
...Honestly, Fairies aren’t quite sure what food he produces. It’s like a weird amalgamation of luck, desire, greed, and all sorts of emotions they can’t disentangle. Like a crockpot gone horribly horribly wrong. Eating any bit of that would make any fairy sick.
Eugh. The hell is wrong with that one.
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
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nan0ka · 3 months
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summary. imagine getting sick. it's the worst day of your life, but also not that bad
content. highschool au, fluff, slowburn, childhood friends to lovers, umemiya may seem ooc, little angst.
wordcount. 2.57k
❨📁❩ ← previous. ❨🗂️❩ → masterlist. ❨📁❩ → next.
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 THE chirping of birds woke you up as you slowly opened your eyes. And the first thing you felt, was dizziness. The tiredness in your body was so strong, you couldn't even move one muscle. It's like being tied to bed. You groaned and shut your eyes again, not feeling too well. As you opened your eyes for the second time everything was blurry. You hate it. You hate being half blind. You hate being tied to bed.
But seems like you caught a cold. Or worse, fever. It's so hot under your blanket and the wet towel over your forehead was also warm. It's also cold. Very cold. And at the same time it's so hot. You knitted your eyebrows slightly at this unpleasant feeling. Right now, you felt helpless. Helpless enough that you want to break down again and cry. But you can't even cry properly.
If you're being honest. This must be the worst experience ever. Worst day ever. Your mouth and throat feels like a dry desert. However, you don't even know where your bottle of water is. You can't even move. How are you going to drink? Are you going to die? By being too dehydrated? This is the worst experience ever. "W-Wa...er." you can't even say the word water right. You're going insane.
"H-Ha- me." your eyes began to burn again as you wanted to toss and turn around, yet you don't have any power to. The last word you're going to say in this life is definitely Hajime.
You're going to die.
It took all your efforts to turn your head to the side and first thing you noticed were flowers in a vase on top of your nightstand. You're pretty sure you did not put those outstanding flowers in such a hideous-looking vase. Suddenly the door was slammed open and you watched how your childhood friend comes through your door with a beautiful pink apron.
"Oh, [name]-chan is already awake!" he smiles brightly and walked towards your bed. "I cooked your favorite, Okayu!" It wasn't your favorite, but you quite like it.
With that he placed the dish on your nightstand and sat on the edge of your bed. "How are you feeling?" Umemiya asked while gently laying his hand against your forehead. "Hmm... You still have high fever. But luckily, your fever reduced!" he helps you sit up by putting his arm under your back before making sure you're sitting comfortable. "You should get more often sick, then I can take care of you!"
"..." you glared at him. Actually- you tried. It's still hard for you, because you're a sick person right now. If you weren't, then you'd definitely punch him.
"I'm just kidding!" he chuckled jokingly. He wasn't joking.
You panted heavily while using your arm as a support to sit up. It felt like your body has no bones and would only consist of organs and meat. You could easily puke out everything you've eaten the past days. "I should let you sleep more, shouldn't I?" his voice was laced with worry. "But you haven't eaten yesterday. You slept through the day. What should I do?"
"...water." a single word left your lips and your mouth was dry again.
"Yeah, you're right!" he nods his head motivated and grabbed the bottle of water next to your bed before opening it and helping you drink.
Never in your seventeen years of living have you drunk your water so quickly. You coughed as soon as the bottle left your lips. He chuckled and patted your back gently. And it got worse, because your stomach began to growl. Now you really can die out of embarrassment. "Wanna eat?" he asked enthusiastic and smiled brightly. His great cooking isn't going to waste before it's getting cold!
"Mhm..." you nodded weakly and leaned against the wall.
As he took the spoon into his hand, your eyes wandered to the dish. Okayu was an easy dish to make. You only need to simmer the rice in a pot with water until it disintegrates. And because the rice is tender, soft, and easily digestible, it is considered a healing food in Japan. You typically serve okayu to people who are recovering from sickness. "You love okayu, right?" he asked.
Quietly, you hummed and then opened your mouth to welcome the spoon he was holding. "I did everything the recipe told me to do." he explained, while you listend. The warm and comforting rice that should soothe the body and restore energy tasted not good. Gosh. Now you're crying again. You felt the tears building up at the corner in your eyes as you narrowed them slightly.
"[name]?!" his eyes widened and he immediately placed it to the side. "Why are you crying? Is it that good?"
It's actually quite unsavory. And you're crying because it's that bad. Not even you can create such outrageous dish and you couldn't even cook properly without looking at the instructions every second. "It's... bad." you muttered, the tears are flowing, gliding down your rosy cheeks. "R-Really... bad." you never imagined you would cry because of food. But here you are, looking down at the rice porridge.
"Oh. I should've tasted first!" now you're giving him a reason to cry with you as he sulked slightly. "Go to sleep while I'll cook something better, okay?"
Umemiya really looked upset about his own dish as he stood up quickly to walk out of the room, only for you to reach out for him, grabbing his shirt successfully. If you move one more muscle, you really are going to die. You breathed out. "It's so bad... that it's good again." you're just saying nonsense. It's bad. Bad bad. No one can save it anymore.
He stood still, looking at you. And not even a second passed as his face lit up. "It's not that bad, right?!" he beamed, sitting down on tue edge of your bed again while holding the spoon up again. Oh it's hard for you to say anything bad again. Even though it's your honest opinion. He began to feed you again with a spoon full of Okayu.
You're so tired and it felt like you're going to die. But it's fine, because you're full. Full of his very 'delicious' dish. And to your surprise, you didn't feel as weak as before. It works like magic, doesn't it? Medicine always tastes bad, so you suppose it's not that bad. "How did it even end up that bad? What happend?" he asked, getting you out of your thoughts, as placed the bowl on your nightstand.
"Needed ideas to draw." you gave him a short explanation, closing your eyes tiredly.
"And then?" seems like it wasn't enough.
"Found a bunny on a small hill. When I got a picture..." you paused and breathed out. It's even tiring to talk. "I stood up, slipped and rolled down. Lost my camera."
At that he frowned. "You lost the camera? Isn't very special to you?" he looked pretty worried.
"It is. But I won't risk it to get it..." you layed down on your bed again. "Camera hanging on that one branch."
"But the pictures... You really wanna give up?" he sulked. "You didn't even send me our picture!"
"Yeah yeah, you baby." you coughed a bit. "Let's talk about it later. I wanna sleep."
"Aww!" he smiles again and he covers you with your blanket, getting your face closer. "Goodnight kisses to sleep better?"
"No, get away from me before you also catch a cold."
"I don't mind getting sick if I can kiss you." he forms his lips to kiss lips, only for you to push him away with your hand against his face.
"Good night. Or noon. I don't know what to say." he glanced down to you, leaning the weight of his head against your hand. "Don't die on me and get better, yeah? We're going to have so much fun the next days. As an apology for not taking care of you." this time, his smile was rather sadder than the others as he grabbed your wrist gently, placing soft kisses on your palm down to your inner wrist.
"Yeah, yeah..." you rolled your eyes and turned your head away, letting him hold your hand a bit longer. How does your face even get redder? You already have fever, now it's getting hotter and hotter.
The grip around your wrist gets tighter, not enough to hurt you in any way.
"...thank you for taking care of me right now. I'm not sure what would have happend to me if you weren't there—" you coughed again. This is killing you.
"Oh, [name]. You wouldn't want to know what would happen to me if you aren't here anymore." he chuckles. "I probably would have gone insane by now. And that would be one of the less serious things."
"You think way too much of me."
"No, no. I think too little of you."
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
 Despite the tiredness in your body, you stayed awake the whole time. You silently eyed the cloudy sky until the shining, warm sun swapped places with the calm, quiet moon. There was no way you could fall asleep after Umemiya walked out of your bedroom. You listened how he washed the dishes, without breaking anything to your luck, cleaned your apartment and then opening the door and leaving you alone in your room.
You thought he would make a quick shopping or visit kotoha to also check up on her or maybe greet the town— You don't know. During the time he was out, you layed on your bed with eyes wide open to watch the sky, not noticing it was night already. Your window was also open, letting the cold breeze of wind float around the room while you searched comfort under your blanket.
'It's getting lonely.' is the only thought that's lingering in your mind. 'Why do I even care? I'm most of the time alone.' you sighed and closed your eyes, trying your hardest to fall asleep. 'Hajime won't come again, right? He doesn't even have keys.' you yawned. A slight smile forms on your lips. You do miss his company. He's the only thing that's loud in your life. But you don't mind, because sometimes you're bored of the quiet life.
And he makes everyday exciting.
Suddenly, you heard someone having trouble putting the keys in the door. They even had trouble taking of their shoes, what a funny burglar. You turned your head to the open door and waited for the next sound. The person sneaked around your apartment and when they reached your door, you turned your head as fast as possible and as quietly as possible. They peeked in, you think.
"Awh... I had hopes to wish her good night."
Ah. It was Umemiya.
"I'm awake, dummy." you whispered and faced his direction again. "Where were you?"
If only you could see him. It's so dark. And a bit creepy. The moonlight only shines down on your side of the room while the other half was dark. You heard his steps how he came closer and the first thing you saw, was a familiar camera in his hands. Your eyes widened at that. "Did you... Did you searched for the camera as you left?" now you were speechless as you stared him in shock.
"Yeah! And I found it! Actually, I already knew where it was. I only tried to climb up the small hill. Scratch that. The hill wasn't small at all." he showed you his brightest smile.
Even though the moon is out and shines down at the both of you now, his smile resembles the sun, blinding your vision slightly. You avoided his smile, as your gaze went down as soon as you noticed his dirty cheek. Oh. His shirt was a bit ripped. His usual slicked-back, white hair was messy. And his clothes were stained with soil. "...how many tries did it take you?" you asked in a soft whisper voice.
"Hmm, don't know. Maybe over twenty." it definitely was over thirty— fourty times.
"Why?" you let out an exasperated sigh and shut your eyes, needing a while to process his not so smart actions.
"Uh, because you hold it dear to you?"
Your eyes immediately opened again as you looked at him again, speechless once again. He never fails to make you speechless. "Didn't I told you it isn't worth to risk it, or did I forget to tell you? Just look at you." you shook your head in disagreement. "You're all dirty and your clothes are ragged up." you furrowed your eyebrows in frustration. Even if you're sick, you can't take off your eyes of him.
"But it's still a small price to pay."
"Yes. You have a lot of memories on it. And pictures of me. You can draw them instead of searching motives to paint." he smiles again and sat down on the floor, not daring to touch your bed, knowing you hate germs.
"..." you stared at him and sighed once again. You have no more things to discuss with him.
"Can I get the picture now as a reward?"
"Of course... I intended to send you those photos anyway."
"Nice!" he beams.
You turned your whole body to him and looked made room for him and lift the blanket, offering him to lay down beside you. While he was staring. The longer he stared, the more uncomfortable you got. "Come on. My arm is getting tired." you whispered impatiently and furrowed your eyebrows. Your cheeks fired up a bit. You're glad you have a weak fever. Otherwise he would notice it.
"I'm dirty."
"And? You got the camera... for me. And..." you trailed off. "And i'm a bit cold, okay? Now hurry up."
Not wasting another second he begins to grin, taking off his jacket before crawling into your bed beside you. "You're the sweetest, [name]! I kinda hope you get more often sick! Then I can take care of you again and maybe sleep beside you for the night." he told you excited, his blue eyes are shining. "I don't mind! I could even stay by your side everyday. You know how boring my life is without you?"
Oh he doesn't know how boring your life would be.
"Uh-huh." you hummed, closing your eyes. Maybe now you can sleep.
"Let's take care of your flowers tomorrow, okay? I haven't seen them for like years!" he rambles. Not again.
"Yes, yes..." you nodded at the sound of his voice.
Even though he's a little loud, you can fall asleep anytime. Without a single worry. Why? Maybe because you felt safe around him. You don't know.
"I saw the paintings you drew. Love 'em. Can I have some?"
You turned your back to him, your ears got warm.
"Can I hug you?" he chuckles.
"If you sleep now." you sighed, slightly embarrassed.
"Okay, I promise." his arms wrapped around your waist.
"Can we do this more often?"
"You just promised me to sleep."
"Sorry. I'm so happy. I'll shut my mouth now. Good night."
You're going to die because of embarrassment. What are you thinking?
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- NAN0KA [ june 28th, 2024 ]
I honestly think umemiya can cook. but ngl the thought that he makes horrible dishes, makes my day.
the 12-episode shojo romance anime checklist:
- ml / fl getting sick ✓
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brayneworms · 1 year
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cold as ice, baby | hinata hajime
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kinktober day one: fingering
word count. 2.9k
content. MINORS/AGELESS BLOGS DNI, trans!hinata, gender neutral reader, fingering, established but new relationship, kissing, no real power dynamics but hinata likes being in control, biting, reader doesn't get touched but it's implied at the end
♪ freak - lana del rey.
kinktober mlist | regular mlist
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Some days, Hajime's self-loathing is no joke.
It feels like the heat in Jabberwock intensifies it sometimes. Sort of... bastes it. Like it's cooking in its own filthy greasy residue and making him feel all oily and gross and hot. So, so hot. Under that stupid sun he cooks, and he sweats, and he feels like they can all smell it on him.
Probably not though. He showers every day, and nobody gets close enough to try.
It makes him feel a little sick, is all. How much he wants you sometimes. He feels gross, barely a step above Hanamura or maybe worse. He feels like he should go to jail sometimes for the way he ogles you. It's a hot island, so sometimes you have so much skin out, shoulders and legs, gleaming from sunblock lotion, slightly tacky from the whitish paste. Or the sea salt in your hair, or the chapstick you'd loaned from Saionji on your lips, apple and cinnamon. Or the swimsuits. Hajime's mouth goes dry.
He does not want to think about you in swimwear. Because then he's not going to stop thinking about you in swimwear, and it'll lead somewhere bad, which is the whole fucking issue, really.
You're so new, the both of you. He's liked you for ages, but you've only been official for a month or so. He can't just pounce on you like a starving lion. Even though he wants to. Even though he really, really wants to.
He watches you sit cross-legged with Tanaka to feed his hamsters, or get a piggyback from Owari with her strong hands on your thighs, or sit down and braid Ibuki's hair into loving little plaits, your fingers skating over the pale skin of her neck and scalp.
And it does something to him. He imagines your hands, smoothing down the tawny skin of his arms, his waist, encircling his ankles, gripping his throat, buried in his hair. He looks at your fingers and imagines them balling up the stupid standard-issue bedsheets underneath you. He sees you stretch out your legs and sees them bent in half, over his shoulders, around his waist like a vice, your pretty eyes clenched shut, your pretty mouth hung open.
Heat pools in the pit of his stomach.
Avoiding you and taking a lot of cold—unforgivingly cold—showers makes for a good temporary solution, but oh look, hasn't he just shot himself in the foot and scored a home goal with it? Because it just means you come knocking on his cabin door looking for answers.
At night.
When everyone's asleep, and you're alone, and he's only wearing his boxers because of this stupid perpetual heat.
"Have I done something wrong?" you ask, your voice all small and hurt, and Hajime wishes the ground would open up and swallow him whole.
"No! Nonono," he blurts out in a panic, and he steps aside to let you in like a moron, like the idiot he so clearly is. It's not the first time you've been in his cabin, obviously, but it's night and you look all soft and vulnerable and he thinks you're freshly showered because he can smell the coconut bodywash you like to use.
But then reality breaks through because you look—honestly hurt, crossing your arms and shifting your weight from foot to foot, avoiding his eye, and then Hajime mostly just feels like a huge piece of shit.
"I'm sorry," he sighs, and pushes the heels of his hands into his eyes in a gesture of weariness. "It's—it really isn't anything you, uh, did. It's me. I'm just... weird."
"Weird about what?" you press, stepping forward. "C'mon, you can tell me. Whatever it is, we can just... talk it out."
You're so sweet. "It's—uh, honestly, it's just kinda really embarrassing. And stupid. And... weird. And I really don't wanna weird you out, or like, make you think I'm... something I'm not, 'cause I'm not, like, the thing that you're gonna think I am but I just—"
"Hajime." Your hands on his shoulders, clamping down. The warm soft skin dimples between your fingers. Hajime's voice dies in his throat. He stares on, cheeks cherry-red, entirely too hot, sweat collecting unpleasantly on the nape of his neck. "I can guarantee nothing you tell me is going to freak me out, or whatever it is you're scared of. And I can see it's clearly... weighing down on you."
You're so nice. Weighing down on you is such a nice choice of words. In reality he probably looks constipated from stress.
"It's just—" His tongue flicks out nervously to wet his lips, and your eyes absently flit down to track the movement, oh fuck, "It's just..." Bad idea bad idea bad idea. "I kind of... I don't want to come on too strong and... scare you off."
Your brow knits; he thinks he sees some sort of understanding fall into place behind your eyes, but it's kind of distant. "Come on too strong how?"
His blush spreads from his cheeks to the tip of his ears, down his neck. "I... ahaha..." The nervous breathless stupid laugh he gives makes him want to strangle himself. "Y-you know. When I'm around you, I..." He swallows hard. "It—I can't help but think about... stuff I shouldn't."
He sees the moment it clicks into place for you; the slight widening of your eyes, the parting of your lips. "A-ah."
Mortification floods him like a tsunami. "Sorry! Fuck, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I never should've—" He's burning alive, he's actually baking like one of Hanamaru's luxury strips of meat that he slowcooks in the oven for hours on end so the whole hotel building ends up stinking of fucking, chicken and stock and rosemary all day—
"Hajime, hey." Your hands squeeze on his shoulders. "Just—breathe for a sec, please, you're freaking me out but not for the reasons you think you are."
Hajime gulps, eyes you nervously, and takes in a few desperate pulls of air. He feels small, like he's actively shrinking.
"First of all. It's not... like, weird, you know, to f-feel that kind of stuff in general," you say, incredibly haltingly like it's very awkward for you. "But it's even less weird when you're actually, you know, in a relationship, and I—I don't want you to feel weird about this, that's all, or about telling me when you're—you know. Because I'd be down. I mean, to help. Assuming that's what you want, I mean."
Hajime stares at you. His brain abruptly throws up its hands, bluescreens, and goes for a smoke break.
"Wha—wha?" he says intelligently. You smile fondly, the kind of smile that reminds Hajime why he fell in love with you in the first place.
"Do you want me to help you out?" you repeat, very clearly, and Hajime buries his face in his hands. Heat shoots through him like liquid lightning, illuminating every pore of his body. He can feel it gather between his legs.
"You don't have to," he mutters, heart thumping against his ribcage.
"Hajime," you say pleasantly. "D'you think you're the only one who's had to hold themselves back?"
It's pure, unadulterated shock that makes him lift his face out his hands to gawp at you, but the moment he does you cup his face with both of your hands and kiss him. He wonders if you can feel the heat of his burning skin on your palms, whether you care, and then your tongue is in his mouth and he stops wondering anything at all. He groans softly against your lips, and finally his useless hands move and he's grabbing, curling a fistful of your shirt in one hand and cupping the back of your neck with the other. He feels like he's been depriving himself of you for so long, and for fucking what? You feel incredible.
He walks you backwards until your knees his the frame of his bed and you're unseated with an undignified yelp. You bounce on the mattress, peering up at him. Hajime swallows hard. "Is this... okay? We don't have to—anything you want, God, anything—"
You put two hands on his waist, just above the waistline of his boxers, and Hajime stammers to a halt. He gazes at you, wide-eyed, brilliantly red. You press your lips to the skin just under his navel and his stomach sort of convulses at the sensitivity, and you keep going, down the trail of hair that disappears behind the waistband of his underwear, kissing over the fabric until you get to—
Hajime jolts and swears. His hands clench reflexively into fists at his side. "Lay down," he bursts out, and then flushes deeper. "Uh... please. If you want to. I—"
You giggle and pry your hands off him, leaving him feeling colder than ever. Hajime watches, mouth dry as you drape yourself lazily over his bed. Your sleep short ride up your thighs, the collar of your shirt dips down, and all the skin is making his head dizzy. He clambers over you a little clumsily, hitting your knee with his with a thud that makes you wince.
"Sorry!" he panicks, hands fluttering nervously over your leg. "Sorry, did that—that was an accident, I—"
"It's okay, it's okay," you laugh, the back of your hand covering your mouth. "Jeez, Hajime. Relax a little maybe."
His flush must be crawling down his chest at this point. "Yeah. Maybe." He glances around. "Kind of hard."
"Is it?" you ask with a pointed glance at his boxers. He groans, but the levity is extremely welcome, makes him feel less anxious. Reminds him it's just you, and you would never seriously laugh at him. Reminds him that he's safe.
"Is it okay if I'm—I mean." He wipes his clammy palms surreptitiously over his thighs. "I feel better when I'm more... in control. Y'know?"
You smile up at him. "That's fine with me. Are you going to boss me around now?"
Hajime laughs feebly, glancing away. He thinks it's a reasonable pretense that the idea doesn't make him ten times wetter.
He kneels between your legs and kisses you. You're so soft, skin warm and pliant and fresh from the shower. He can't hold back a moan when your tongue slips against his, and when your hand slides over his waist again, the pinky finger of your hand grazing the band of his underwear, he finally plucks up the courage to grab your wrist and drag it.
He lets out a choked sound into your mouth as your pliant hand slides between his legs. Pulling back from the kiss, panting hotly against your mouth. "Okay?" he asks hoarsely. "Please, oh my god, I need... only if you want, only if you want to..."
Your hand twitches to life inside the tight grip of his fist, and you skim your fingers over the wet spot of the fabric of his underwear.
Hajime shudders, dropping his head into the crook of your shoulder. "Ah... oh, fuck..." His shaking hand drops your wrist, reprimanding himself fiercely for maybe grabbing you too hard, but you didn't say anything, but he shouldn't just grab you and lead you like you're cattle, he opens his mouth to apologise when you cup his cunt through his boxers and he loses the ability to do anything at all. Anything other than moan into your skin, starting to get salty from the heat and the proximity, and he goes delirious with the idea that he's ruining you a little. Like you've just showered, you'd scrubbed your body all over with lovely scented soap and he's going to undo it methodically, deliberately, and you're going to let him, when it's all over you're going to smell like sweat and him and you'll have to clean all over again.
It's an intoxicating thought, the idea that someone as soft as you would let someone like him mess you up.
Your hand slips under the waistband of his underwear, follows the trail of hair down and finding him soft and hot and dripping wet. Hajime curses as your fingers skate almost curiously over his clit, his folds.
"Oh shit," you curse, mumbling almost more to yourself. "Y-you're so wet."
He makes a high, embarrassed noise in the back of his throat, eyes clenched shut, and his hips rock up into your hand in a gesture that feels inherently needy.
Despite his grossly obvious urgency, you take the time to bring your fingers back to your mouth and press them inside. Hajime watches, slack-jawed, pupils blown. When you take your fingers out, they're gleaming wet, and you grin at him. "You taste amazing."
Hajime is assaulted with all new images; your head between his legs, his hand on the top of your hair or tangled in your hair. Your tongue, soft and skilled against him, dripping spit and cum onto the carpet, and he has to stuff his knuckles in his mouth to stop himself moaning out loud. Sweat drips off his forehead and lands on your chest.
"Y/n," he croaks. "I'm gonna lose my mind."
You smile almost shyly, as if you didn't just have your fingers in your mouth right in front of him. "O-okay. Okay. Just, um... okay, I got it."
Hajime swallows hard. "Y-you're still sure?"
"I'm so sure," you tell him earnestly. And with that your hand glides down, over his collarbones, the twin scars arching beneath his breastbone, down his tense stomach and under his boxers again. This time, your fingers move with purpose. They roll over his clit and down the centre of his folds, parting them, dipping inside just slightly before coming back up. He feels a shivering mix of pain and pleasure as two of your fingers circle his clit, an indication that he's almost too sensitive; he feels like he's on fire, like forks of lightning are emanating from the vertice between his legs, and he lets out choked, high noises against your throat.
Mindlessly, it seems, his hips roll against your head, seeking something more. You take the initiative to prod with one finger, dipping lower from the other before teasing at his entrance. His thighs shake and part slightly for you, and you slip inside without another word.
The breach feels like breathing for the first time; he's so wet and so sensitive that you slide inside with barely a hint of pain, easing in up to the first knuckle.
"Ohhh god," he groans, feeling mindless, feeling weightless. "Ohgodohgodohgod..."
"What should I—"
"More," he nearly begs. "I want you inside."
The word should be embarrassing, but they just aren't. Not in front of you. You get your finger in slowly, inch by inch until your knuckles press up against him and he's clenching the sheets with his free hands.
He almost convulses when your finger curls up like it's searching for something; it presses against a spongey spot inside him and he whines from somewhere deep in his chest, and he hears you swear to yourself as you start moving in and out.
"Nngh, oh—hah..."
Oh he's gonna die. Your fingers are inside him. He's gonna fuckin' die—
One turns to two turns to three, your thumb rolling constant circles over his clit, sometimes catching so sensitively that he has to bite back whimpers. There's the stretch and the burn but even that is okay, feels good after a few moments. He feels distantly really bad that he's not touching you, but he will after, fucking hell he will after, whatever you want him to, he'd kiss the fuckin' ground you walk on for making him feel so good right now. All too soon he feels the familiar tightening in his stomach like a band.
"H-hey," he gasps out. "I think I—I'm c-close, so..."
"O-oh," you say, sounding equally breathless. "It's okay."
Your fingers push up into him, curling almost viciously into that spot inside him just as your other hand taps his jaw and guides his face to yours for a kiss. It's barely more than panting against each other's lips as your thumb presses down hard on his clit.
"Fuck, fuck," he cries. "Fuck, you're so fuckin'—so perfect—'m cumming, shit—"
He sobs out as he cums, alight from the inside out, shaking like he's just been hit by lightning. The pressure is so much that he needs an outlet, his finges pressing bruising marks into your hip and thigh, and he turns his head and bites down almost feverishly on your collarbone.
You tap his arm with a yelp, fingers jerking inside him as he starts to come down. He can feel his release dripping down his inner thighs and he lifts his head groggily.
"Shit," he mumbles eloquently, staring at the teeth mark on your skin. He didn't break skin, thank fuck, but he still feels mortified. "Sorry. Oh my god, sorry. That was—that was a total accident, I..."
"Ah, it—it's okay." You swallow hard. "Was that..."
Hajime shakes his head dazedly. "Amazing," he croaks. "Y-you're amazing." He gets the werewithal to roll off you with his shaking limbs so his weight isn't pushing into you anymore.
You let out a long, slow breath. "Was pretty amazing for me too."
Hajime glances at you with a trickle of amusememt. "Not yet it wasn't."
Your brow scrunches in confusion—but realisation dawns when you feel his hand slide up your thigh. In his eyes is a question, one that you nod hastily to. Hajime grins weakly.
"Good," he breathes. "As soon as I get my breath back, it's your turn." And it sounds like the sweetest thing ever when he adds, a moment later with a twist of that characteristic cockiness that leaps out at the most inopportune of moments: "I can't wait to see how pretty you're gonna look when I make you cum."
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kiwibongos · 6 months
i dont really infodump in general at all but im doing it cus i need some ideas off my chest. do you freak with angst? perhaps an unhappy ending?
// sdr2 chapter 5+ending spoilers ig. also kuzuhina au baybee
so i had an idea of like. what if nagito DID actually bomb the island, taking everyone out alongside himself?
so when nagito finds out that he alongside all the other participants (aside from chiaki) are remnants of despair he just wants to end everything for good bc he doesnt think the ones he called "symbols of hope" deserved to live. so bombs are spread all around the islands forreal this time, and hes still just as vague and ominous, never really specified how many bombs there were, what island it was on, and left it up to the survivors to try and figure it out. so they'd all been searching for days, but to no avail, and at the very last moment when fuyuhiko finds them at the military base (nagito had just freshly died + placed them on the truck), he drags the others there to check it out. once nagito's video message to them ends, the bombs go off alongside a chain of other explosions across every island. the remaining survivors ran out of the factory, barely on time, and everything started crumbling around them, and all the others were downed one by one, crushed underneath falling structures with no time to be saved
but somehow haj and fuyu survived (who were farther away and had more time to react), the others dying right in front of their own eyes. but they ran away, retreating to the warehouse immediately. and hajime just takes a minute to crumble in fuyuhikos arms wishing he couldve saved them. until they hear music echoing in the warehouse. they walk down, and past a curtain, they find nagitos body with a spear through his head. (the fire/poison didnt go off btw, it wasnt really necessary in his plan.)
im sure u can imagine hajime was fucking raging at that point just breaking down and stressing out, how mad he was at nagito for running away like this and inflicting all this pain onto everyone, and monokuma let him do it since yknow, technically he couldnt punish him for a crime he hadnt committed yet, and all this happened in a matter of minutes. but fuyuhiko snaps him out of his panic for a second and knocks something through hajimes head, and the realization hits; it’s just them now. they’re the only ones left
and neither of them know what to do
but their first thought was to get out of this factory as fast as possible, so thats the first thing they do, navigating through the fire and leaving the entire fifth island, and hope that maybe they can find a way out of here, or ask monokuma or monomi for help (since the island is in shambles, they must have to let them go right?), so they wander around, hoping maybe then something would happen, but there wasn't any sight of monokuma or monomi. the fire kept on spreading, the smoke was getting worse, so fuyuhiko and hajime eventually retreat back at the military base (one of the few places untouched by the bombs) so they could catch their breath, collect their thoughts, and make a plan (or hopefully monokuma would come to them, if they stay in one place.)
they just kinda sit inside of a garage for a while, talk a little and comfort eachother through it, hajime is crushed by guilt and horror, but he realizes they wont accomplish anything just by sitting here. and if he couldnt save the others, he can save him and fuyuhiko. so haj leaves fuyuhiko in the garage with determination to think of something to get them off this island somehow. he looks for ways of escape, like the helicopter outside, but no fuel. he looks for materials or tools for a boat, but the island had been extremely lacking in that, everything was either burned or missing by now, so even their most plausible idea was destroyed. when hajime returns to the garage in a panic, pacing around, fuyuhiko realizes they arent getting off this island. they cant wait here forever. but hes known this for a while, and he knows what he has to do now
eventually, he hands hajime a pistol(acquired from the truck of firearms outside), and asks him to kill him so it could finally be over
obviously hajime refuses at first, but fuyuhiko begs him, because he isn’t a good person and he doesn’t have much else to live for, while hajime has singlehandedly saved everyones asses, he deserved to escape more than anyone else here, he basically tells him 'its time you take care of yourself.' by now, hajime was crying, but they’ve been at this dead end for so long, he knew he had to do it or else they’d never be getting off this island. so hajime just had to accept it, so he just holds him close, says his final goodbyes before making it quick for him
pulling that trigger hurt him more than anything, knowing he'd failed to the end, but anyway boom monokuma comes out congratulating him, ends the simulation, and hajime is the winner
also postgame babey; when things end here, hajime would wake up from the simulation, and since he never got to choose his own future alongside everyone else, he wakes up as izuru kamukura, inside the abandoned pod room. he's not entirely empty i think, izuru and hajime still would have "merged" afterwards, but his memories of the simulation are very fuzzy very quickly, so hajime is somewhere in there, mourning, justi n the deepest parts of his mind. but thats a whole thing to get into. the survivors, fuyuhiko, and everything that happened, are just kind of like a vague nightmare that sticks with you no matter how much you try to forget it
but he just leaves the pod room, and lurks around the city without any other purpose to serve anymore, all alone. the future foundation hasnt found him since
edit: side note i was really back and forth on it for a while but i finally wrote this into a fic lol. the brainrot consumes
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p-antomime · 3 years
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Flaming Red Moon.
ㅤ— minors don’t interact.
ㅤ— wc: 3,3K.
ㅤcontent + warnings: 18+, including: dom!kokonoi, worship, oral sex (f! receiving), fingering, dub-con, pinning, hints of yandere!kokonoi, monster fucking, slight fear play, blood kink (shocked? don't be shocked), creampie, mindbreak, violence, marking, scratching, choking, unprotected sex, forced submission, dark content.
ㅤpairings: vampire!kokonoi hajime x afab!reader.
tokyo rev. masterlist!
ㅤ🏷 tagging: @festive @eriskaitto @bontensucker @wakasa-wifey @ranilingus @manjiroscum @manjiroscum @manjiroscum @r3mxi .
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You looked from Inui to Chifuyu and a bitter taste of cowardice flooded your mouth. Your hands nervously clenched fingers until they clicked and attention wandered from your two friends to the mansion you swore was abandoned and only surrounded by rumors of hauntings.
— I won't do it... — Your voice came out almost trembling, and the night was starting to fall as fast as the courage was draining from your body.
— What? Afraid? — Kazutora asked in a mocking tone and though you knew he was only joking, you still gave him an irritated look and he swallowed hard.
— It's just an abandoned house. — Inui remarked, raising head slightly to look at the residence that, although apparently abandoned, still seemed strangely well cared for. — The worst that could happen I think is that we'd break something and think it was a ghost. — Chifuyu and Kazutora giggled lightly at his remark and you remained completely irritable with arms now crossed over the bust.
— And you said you'd accept any challenge, Y/N. — Chifuyu said looking at you suggestively. — I thought you honored your commitments to us and... — A dry, dull, venomous laugh escaped his lips.
— Commitments, you say... It's just a stupid challenge, y'all are idiots.
— If it's just a stupid challenge, get in there. — Kazutora nodded in the direction of the mansion.
While you all were arguing about whether you would go in alone or not, feline eyes were watching from afar, silently and attentively. Eyes that reflected the eternity of years and years of bitter loneliness, eyes that, however, almost always failed to show how lonely Hajime Kokonoi felt.
Just like Harker, Kokonoi had begun to have the nocturnal existence within him even denounce his dark thoughts too soon. And the loneliness of eternity had been destroying his nerves ever since it came to his attention long, long decades ago that there was someone predestined for him.
For several years, Kokonoi found himself feeding his mind full of horrible imaginings, but what can one do beyond that knowing that there is, will be or, worse:, existed a human being predestined to love every last fiber of the monster encased within him?
Like Seward, that young vampire didn't know what it was like to feel his own lifeblood being taken to the woman he loved because the only person he ever got to love had rightly turned him into that freak and left him to die on a snow-soaked, cold road. "Wanna survive? Then force yourself to do it, Koko" was the last thing he heard before he lost consciousness that day thinking he was dying, but in reality it was just the opposite: he was being reborn as a worse version of himself.
And now his reddened eyes were watching you and your friends arguing in front of the gates of the mansion in which he had lived for decades in the same way as they had watched several other young adults trying to invade his territory. A sideways smile dripping with mischief was drawn on his thin lips, perhaps there would be news the next morning running in the newspapers of a young man dead with drained blood.
— If you two are so brave, c’min with me then, damn it! — You exclaimed in the direction of Chifuyu and Kazutora, Inui now seemed more entertained by his cell phone.
Those two friends looked at each other briefly and you could see them swallowing dryly. "Idiots" resounded in your mind. They were just as scared as you were and just needed someone to take the blame for the fear in their place.
— C’mon! — You exclaimed again opening the rusty gates of the mansion and nodding head towards the entrance hall made of rustic old stones that preceded the huge entrance to the residence.
Inui shouted that he would stay outside the mansion as soon as the three of you started walking side by side towards that entrance door and you glared at him over one shoulder shouting in response: "Fuck you, c’mere now, dumbass!”. And an angry girl scared Seishu Inui more than an abandoned mansion with a vampire residing inside.
As a result, while that group of friends were entering Hajime Kokonoi's territory, he was busy lighting almost all the chandeliers in the mansion quickly and leaving others in the main hallways, such as those leading to the ballroom and library, unlit. A terrifying and morbid atmosphere was usually more than enough to make young people like you all run out of his house with tail between legs and heart beating fast.
— Damn, cold as fuck... — Kazutora hugged his own arms as you, he and the other two boys stopped in the middle of the mansion's central hall and were greeted with a dark place with the only dim lighting being the moon starting to rise in the sky and invading the place through the small gaps in the windows. — Where is the light switch?
— I don't know... — You retorted, groping one of the walls beside you and got a little startled as soon as heard the loud bang of the front door closing, but when you looked to the side, it was only Inui nervously closing it and apologizing with a small hand gesture. — Damn, you almost killed me now, Inupi! — You whispered, not knowing exactly why you were speaking so softly. — There's no switch, Tora... I mean, I don't think so, I can't find it. — A warm hand brushed its fingers against yours and you startled again, taking two steps back, but it was only Chifuyu trying to help you find that switch.
— Not really. — The blond answered before walking to the two curly staircases that led in different directions. — Where is your cell phone, Inupi? — The other blond-haired boy took the cell phone from his pocket and turned on his flashlight, throwing the sudden light on your face and making you try to cover eyes. — Gimme. — Chifuyu asked with one hand raising and Inui obeyed. — Right or left?
They began to argue about which staircase to take and in which direction to go and you looked around with pupils slowly becoming accustomed to the darkness. There were paintings on the walls, you knew this now, but eyes couldn't see what works of art they were.
Only the sound of your shoe hitting the shiny floor and the voices of Chifuyu and Kazutora were heard, Kokonoi, from the top of one of the stairs, could hear the sound of your partially ragged breathing, heart beginning to beat fast as the feeling of being watched increased devastatingly, arteries dilating.
You fear was exciting and feeding the bloodthirsty monster inside him. His mouth was even salivating every time his eyes passed over the area of your neck and wrists.
— Y/N? — You turned around quickly, feeling someone behind your back, and by the flashlight of the cell phone in the hand, it was Chifuyu. — C’mon, we're going up. — He beckoned to the staircase to the right, and Kokonoi had to hold himself together to keep from letting a mocking laugh escape his lips.
As your feet began to climb the steps, you literally walked right past the vampire who owned the mansion and he could not only hear your heart almost piercing through ribs, but could also smell the odor emanating from your body. The smell of fear and apprehension, the smell of fate.
Suddenly, Kokonoi felt bewildered as your scent invaded and infected his nostrils and poisoned his brain. His pupil widened and even without permission, the fangs in his canines enlarged in the same way they did when he was about to dig them into a victim. Not victim, but mate, that's what you were. Your future monster's hands tingled, fingers wanted to pull you against his body and dance over your body.
You felt a cold breath against the side of your neck and, before reaching the top floor, turned back suddenly with an incredulous face. Behind, were only Kazutora and Inui whispering to each other and Chifuyu was beside you.
— S-Stop, Tora... — You cringed against yourself as you felt a shiver run down your back and he looked at you confused.
— What? I didn't do anything! I was... — There was no time for Kazutora to finish speaking, seconds later his body was suddenly being pulled backwards and the next scene was your yellow and black haired friend falling down the stairs and Inui and Chifuyu staring in terror at this before being pulled down as well.
You tried to run down the steps to catch up with them and before your feet could even turn your body completely around, Kokonoi was grabbing the collar of your shirt and pulling you backwards with your back slamming weakly against the wall. He didn't want to hurt you, but rather to pull you away from your friends and kick them out so that he could have you completely to himself.
You, in turn, gasped in pain and grunted as you fell to sitting on the clean floor and in the seconds that followed, eyes closing for fear of seeing what was happening, the only things ears picked up were the protests and screams of the other three boys accompanying you up to that point and the sound of the heavy front door of the mansion opening and closing with force.
Run, run, run, run. That's what was resounding in your mind, and that's exactly what you did after you opened eyes forcefully, saw a figure taller than you coming up the stairs again and feet clumsy tried to lift you up. Damn, you were fucked up, from the start, it was obvious that some shit was going to happen and you only agreed to enter the mansion because you felt falsely protected by Chifuyu.
And Kokonoi let you run through the dimly lit corridors and trip over your own feet several times. He felt alive chasing you around that mansion he knew like the back of his hand, he felt alive chasing the girl meant to be his. His, his, his, only his. The devil on Hajime Kokonoi's shoulder was whispering in his ears that you were just scared to accept his love.
Even in the deepest darkness, you were still his flaming red moon and that was precisely why, when his hands reached for your hips as you walked into a random room through the halls, he didn't push any harder than enough to make you fall back against the soft carpet without hurting yourself too much. At most, it would give you a purple mark on one of your arms or on a corner of your back.
— Please! I-I didn't do anything, I... Chifuyu's fault! It w-was he... — Kokonoi pressed you against the carpet and his body was on top of yours, between your legs, hands trying to push him away and feet trying to kick him, you looked beautiful, desperate for him.
Seconds later, you choked on your own saliva as you felt the cold lips of the vampire above you crash against yours in a suffocating, unexpected kiss, and in a thoughtless, desperate act, your teeth bit into his lips and Kokonoi grunted at your lack of cooperation. Just then a hand was wrapped around the base of your throat squeezing it and his mouth was sliding over your cheeks and neck.
— P-Please, I... did nothing! I swear, lemme-- — As you felt his tongue lick the area over your jugular, a moan of fear escaped your lips and you tried to slap the man's face above you and he promptly entwined his fingers in yours and pushed your hand against the floor.
— Your smell, damn it... — Kokonoi's eyes rolled upward as he gasped as he inhaled more of your body odor and a guttural, almost primal grunt escaped from deep in his throat and sent a shiver through his body. — Y'know how long I've been waiting for you? Oh, no, right? You must not even know you're my girl, you're too human to understand that, aren't you? — His tongue licked your jugular again and you shivered as legs tightened against the sides of his waist. — Stay still for me or I may accidentally bite you.
Your breath caught in the throat and fear began to flood your senses even more, until Koko forced hips against yours and his covered dick rubbed against your pussy. A shiver ran down your back and an unconscious whimper came from your lips as soon as those sharp fangs crawled up your neck making tiny, shallow cuts as he continued to rub his body against your.
Your mouth saying "No", "Stop", "Lemme go" as your body was trying to get more of the good friction of his cock rubbing against you.
Kokonoi licked at the droplets of blood escaping from the tiny and superficial cuts and moaned against your neck before sliding his body until he stood with the face between your thighs and brought hands to keep them away from each other before ripping your shorts off and letting the now useless fabric fall to the floor.
The noise startled you and you tried dumbly to pull away; and the vampire above you just sank his fangs into the soft, fluffy flesh of your thigh. The pain coursing through your body quickly and making you moan loudly before being abruptly replaced by a flame of pleasure beginning to creep through you and completely cloud your sense of right and wrong.
As he began to suck your blood from there, one hand was pressing on your clit above the fabric of the panties and your hands tangled in Koko's long white hair as if encouraging him to drink more of you. "S-So good" was what came out of your mouth as soon as his fangs disengaged from your skin and his tongue started licking the rest of the red liquid that escaped from those two small holes.
Just then Kokonoi's fingers were ripping through your panties too so he could start licking and sucking your wet folds as well as he had been doing it with your vital liquid seconds before, his lips still licked with fresh blood and making this fluid mix with the juices escaping from your pussy. And he couldn't make up his mind whether he would rather get drunk on your blood or your juicy cunt.
You felt dirty and at the same time in the middle of a sea of wonder, doubting your own sanity and fearing that your body would betray you even more. Your mind seemed to be on drugs, thinking strange things and nurturing a suddenly strange affection for the monster between your legs. You wouldn't dare confess your thoughts even to your own soul because how was it possible for you to desire that man so intensely like that? Was it his bite's fault? Probably.
— Fuck, you are so... — Kokonoi whispered against your folds now with his chin completely wet in the liquids of your pussy. — Perfect, you're so pretty for me. Do I deserve you? — You gasped, staring straight into his wildly dilated pupils, and seconds later your mouth was letting his slide the tongue between your lips in an intense kiss as his slender fingers slid up your crotch to invade your warm walls and begin to slowly fuck you.
As if he was afraid of breaking you and losing you.
It took very little time for his fingers to be deep inside you, fucking you at a speed that made the pain of his bites on your shoulders, neck and tits turn to luxury. Your head dizzy from the pleasure and also from the loss of blood, skin gradually being stained by sweat and little red drops, Koko couldn't control himself without leaving his lips and teeth far from your skin.
You were delicious to him, you were making him feel alive as his manly sanity gave way to his bestial need.
His hands went to shed the red clothes with gold detailing that he had been wearing up to that point and seconds later were holding your body still beneath him as your pussy throbbed on his cock through your folds.
You needed to cum so badly, you wanted to feel him inside you so badly that the choice to take one of your hands to his shaft and direct it into your entrance was completely yours and you both moaned in unison as soon as his tip hit against your cervix.
Your walls pulling him in further and further as if you didn't want him to come out ever again and your expressions of pure bliss made Kokonoi feel like he was having the impression of his inert heart beating hard against his chest. You looked beautiful beneath him, why did it take him so long to find you?
As he began to rail you raw, at an insane pace, your body contorted completely, the knot in the pit of your tummy tightening even more, nails digging into his pale back before your hands grabbed his hair to pull his face against your neck already marked with small holes caused by his fangs.
— M-More, please, hurt me more... — You weren't even paying attention to what was coming out of his mouth, your mind totally dizzy from his cock fucking you fast. — Wanna feel you drinking more-mhm! — Your head fell back just as Kokonoi sank those fangs into the sensitive skin of your neck once more and you felt that same tingling sensation of having your blood drained slowly, so slowly that it felt like his hips were slamming even faster into yours.
The more of your blood entered Koko's system, the less awareness you seemed to be able to hold. And it was so good to feel that the only thing forcing you to stay awake was the way your body was yearning to cum and the way the loud sounds of skin slapping skin resonated through the place.
The red stained lips of your vampire lover leaving kiss marks all over your face and tits and your walls milking him even more.
— Cum for me, my princess, cum for me all you want, wanna see you trembling for me. — He whispered in your ear as his white hair slid over his shoulders.
And seconds later you really were cumming and losing yourself in pleasure with mouth dumbly begging and moaning several "Please", "I-I need", your cunt squirting completely all over Kokonoi's dick and him continuing to fuck you through your orgasm while holding your limp body as if you were meant to be his cocksleeve.
A guttural moan escaped from deep in his throat and Koko minutes later was burying his cock in your tight pussy even more to finish marking you as his forever. His eyes rolled up as he saw you panting like a drooling mess beneath him and hands squeezing your waist hard enough to leave long finger marks there.
— Mine, mine, mine, all mine, that's you now. — His voice gasped as your walls finished being painted white and a silly smile appeared on his lips and your head nodded dumbly in agreement as ears failed to fully comprehend his sentences.
Your mind seemed to be breaking and Kokonoi didn't know that you could be this gorgeous, with thighs trembling and eyes looking empty like a doll because your limp body couldn't project even one action other than just pulling the vampire's above you closer.
Oh, he was going to take such good care of you for the rest of the night, watching you sleep in the large bed in his room that wasn't even used for anything before your arrival. You were to become his little vampire wifey. Do you know how long he had waited for you?
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sie-rui · 3 years
im screaming and crying that plush request was so cute can i have one for ran inui and koko too?:;
❀ TEDDY BEAR | TOKYO REVENGERS 🤍 haitani ran, inui seishu, kokonoi hajime 💿 gender neutral, second pov (you/your), fluff, established relationship, au - everyone lives / nobody dies, imagine 📅 july 23, 2021 🔗 masterlist ,, version: 01, 02, 03
to receive a plushie as a gift from their s/o is one thing. to be told "it reminded me of you," is another.
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You’re hiding something from him.
Ran looks at you seriously, trying to discern what it was specifically. You had been acting quite weirdly recently, staring at him blankly as if trying to figure him out, being on your phone much more and searching something up, exchanging whispers with Rindou in some corner when you think Ran’s not looking.
It’s suspicious and Ran isn’t liking it one bit. Sure he loves it whenever you and Rindou get along but hmm…
“Y/n, c’mere~” He whines, calling out to you, his arms open and ready to catch you as he lazes on the couch. You were talking with Rindou again, but this time there was an excited grin on your face and Ran was getting nervous—anxious of whatever you’re planning. Who knows? It might be his funeral.
You skip up to him, letting out a small oof as Ran pulls you down to him, trapping you in his arms. Rindou was definitely better in encaging people but Ran knows you better, including your weak points and what makes you melt in his arms. “What is it?” You murmur, the back of your head on his collarbone.
Ran rests his chin on the crown of your head, pouting. “What are you planning?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve been whispering with Rin these past few days! And you look at me suspiciously too!” He complains, grip tightening by a small amount, almost unnoticeable. You try to look up at him but Ran keeps you still.
You sigh. “It’s nothing, Ran-”
You sigh even louder. “I wanted to give it to you on your birthday but dammit.”
Rindou who was silently looking at the both of you in disgust, losing his appetite, perks up at your words and the glance that you were giving him. “Wait, now? C’mon Ran, be a little more patient! Your birthday’s in just a few days! Y/n, you can’t always let him have his way.”
This time, Ran is attentive to the words and glances exchanged. Birthday? Right… It’s his birthday this Saturday… So, it’s a gift then? So, no one’s going to die?
Rindou sighs, having understood from the look that you were giving him that this is non-negotiable. Mumbling curses, he stomps over to his room where you kept the paper bag.
Ran sits up, bringing you with him, excited as he grins when you look at him. “It isn’t much so don’t get your hopes up,” you shrug but even an idiot could see the blush on your cheeks. He only presses a kiss on your nose just as Rindou returns, tossing the bag to the both of you.
He catches it before you could, hurriedly opening it in front of your watchful eyes. Ran hums, pausing at whatever he managed to pull out.
A bear plushie.
Braids. The bear has braids. How did you even-
“It looks like you,” Rindou helpfully points out. “Y/n saw it and told me about it. They said it because it reminded them of you.”
“I didn’t!” You protest, huffing, about to take the plushie away from him.
Ran pulls back, surprising both of them as he protectively holds the plushie. He grins. “It’s rude to take back a gift you already gave, Y/n-chan~” He laughs. “This is mine now! No take backs!”
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Inupi took his eyes off of you for one second.
One single second was all it took for you to disappear into the crowd. Even worse was that he was literally holding your hand. His hand was literally on yours. So how??
Seishu curses in his mind, looking around the crowd to try and locate you. Why the fuck is the streets filled with people today? There’s no special discount event, a festival isn’t approaching, it isn’t even summer, so why are the streets filled with people at this hour of the day at this day of the week?
He sighs, managing to pull himself out of the flow of the people that were pushing him after minutes of having bodies stick to him. He leans on a wall of a building, pushing himself to the surface so as to not disrupt people looking straight forward and marching as if they would die if they’re not fast enough.
He hates crowds, especially ones like this.
Seishu pulls out his phone, trying to contact you. Anxiety bubbles in his stomach. What if you were taken and he didn’t lose you by accident? What if you decided to drop him here and now because you were bored of him? What if this was the sign?
All those worries vanish when Inupi stumbles by a push. He turns to his side, ready to reprimand whoever it was until he noticed that it was you. Grinning at him while holding something behind your back, you stand there as if the two of you weren’t separated for half an hour in the first place.
Inupi almost breathes a sigh of relief or perhaps scream at you or maybe both, but the words get stuck on his throat once he notices the stuffed ear poking out. “Is…” He looks over your shoulder, holding you by your arms to keep you still. “Is that Pikachu?”
You burn red, leaning away from him, still keeping pikachu behind your back despite being outed already. Seishu stares at you until you break down from the silence in between the two of you.
“Okay, okay! I saw it and it reminded me of you, okay!” You cry, pushing it on his chest instead. “Like, color and all that!”
Seishu blinks, only accepting it silently. Are you fucking blind? Bitch how is it the same with his hair?? His hair is literally a few shades paler. He would have accepted it if you just said that Pikachi was cute and you were reminded of him, but no, you did not. Seishu looks down at his undershirt.
Oh. It’s the same shade as Pikachu’s.
The laugh that left his lips was incredulous. “Oh God, you’re such a dork that I can’t believe I love you,” he lightly teases.
“Aight, I’m taking it back. Give it here.”
“What? No way. Shoo.”
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It’s a frog. There’s a frog plushie on his hands and Koko doesn’t know what to do with it. What is this? Why does he need this? Why have you given it to him?
Koko isn’t one to spend to indulge nor is he one to buy something that isn’t useful in his survival and his rising to the top. So… So why would you give him this? He isn’t the biggest fan of plushies.
Koko looks at you with a question in his eyes but it disappears the moment he sees the anxious look in your eyes, gnawing at your lip as you glance at him and the plushie on his hands. Was this for him?
Oh, it is.
As if hearing his questions, you shyly smile, trying to not look at his eyes. “I saw it today and… and it just reminded me of you, that’s all.”
“How?” In any way, how is he comparable to a frog? Sure, it’s cute with its big eyes staring at him and its sage green color, and the softness of its skin and the smoothness of the lips and- okay, maybe he does like it, maybe he’s getting quite addicted to it, maybe he doesn’t want to let it go.
(It’s fairly obvious in how he keeps on running his hand on it as he stares at you, trying to act nonchalant.)
“Because frogs are supposed to be lucky! You know, kaeru? To return? They will return your money to you?” You add, brighter when you started but just plain embarrassed when you finished. “...Plus, you said that you lost the funds…” And you’re quite addicted to cold hard cash.
Koko blinks, a small smile forming on his lips as you flushed, fidgeting, trying to get the ground to swallow you whole. He raises the plushie back to his eyes. It was true that he did come across some pickpocket lately, taking almost half of the funds. He and Inupi managed to track him down and get the money back but he’s not going to tell you that.
Not when you might take the plushie back.
Koko hums playfully. “Then, I'll hold on to this until we get the money back!” He says, tugging the frog plushie closer to his chest. “I’ll give it back after then.” He already has the funds back.
You look at him with a hopeful smile and Koko only kisses you.
Of course, the plushie was never returned to you. Koko will never give it back.
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tenjikubaby · 2 years
(self-indulgent Filipino AU Tenjiku ahead. Filipino terms are explained for non-Filos who want to read this) 
Thanks to @milkkicoffee for helping
Izana has his own band and Inupi and Shion are his bandmates (bassist and drummer, respectively). Teachers asked him to perform a few songs for the night. If you want a voice reference, listen to “Come Inside of My Heart” and imagine Izana singing. 
Imagine him in an all-black suit with his hair looking like this. (Let’s pretend Filipino schools allow boys to have long hair). 
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His band would also perform “Jopay” and the crowd goes crazy with people singing along for the chorus. Please also imagine him singing Buko by Jireh Lim or Misteryoso by Autotelic. People say he holds eye contact with some who stare at him and it almost feels like a Harana (serenade; part of old Filipino courting traditions.)
Izana at school has this quiet, artistic indie boy image so he would likely be a campus crush. This boy is desired. When the band is done, his admirers will be watching him, waiting for him to dance with someone. Most people were too shy to ask him to dance, though there were a few brave souls.
Shion’s mom spritzed (more like showered) him with his dad’s perfume so he smells like an older man. She and his grandma expressed their concern about him putting too much Gatsby Wax in his hair, but he insisted that he knew what he was doing. His mom wanted to take pictures of him too but he hurried to leave. 
Being in Izana’s band, he automatically thinks he's going to receive the attention that Izana and Inupi get from the ladies. That wasn't true. He confidently marches up to girls and asks them to dance, even acting like it’s such a privilege for them to be able to do so. The girls didn’t want to dance with a siga (a show-off, braggy person). This leaves him with no partner, so he ends up joke-dancing with Mocchi instead, who was too chicken to ask anyone to dance. At some point, they get tired of the prom atmosphere (what with all the lovey-dovey couples around!), so they hoard a bunch of food from the buffet and sneak into a classroom. There, they eat and play Mobile Legends. 
You can hear stressed student council member Kokonoi Hajime cursing from afar. “Tangina! Bakit ubos na agad yung fish fillet!” (”Son of a bitch! Why are we already out of fish fillet?”)
It’s not long before the two of them are caught by the principal and thrown out. To make things even worse, two older female teachers take them as partners. So there they were, dancing with old ladies to Gloria Gaynor’s “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You”. Yeah... they got filmed and laughed at. 
Now unlike Shion, Mocchi actually let his mom take a bunch of pictures of him. His mom later posted them on Facebook, saying “bilis nga nmn ng panahon. ky poging binata na ng anak q.” (Time flies. My son has grown into a fine young man.) The pic she chose is Mocchi doing the pogi sign. His aunts, grandparents, and grand-aunts are commenting on how handsome he is too, and how big he’s grown, and asking if he already has a girlfriend. His mom replies that he has a crush on someone and reveals their name. 
When they arrive to the venue, his mom makes him take a picture with each S62 boy and one last one with all of them to also post on Facebook. 
Caption: “mocchi with his friends :)” 
It gets even worse when Mocchi's crush walks by and his mom calls them over to take a picture with him.
Ran went on a whole spa trip before the day of the prom. On the very night, his stylist and his yaya (nanny) are circling him, making the finishing touches on his hair and makeup. , who has already finished getting ready an hour ago, is just sitting there waiting for Ran to finish.
You see, Ran wanted to be the emcee, but the role went to Mitsuya instead.  The teachers thought that Mitsuya's humor matched the students’ better so they would probably connect better to him. Ran was offended at the very idea that someone could be seen as more charimsatic than him.
He doesn’t let that get him down, though. He takes pictures EVERYWHERE. Rindou’s kinda just his unwilling personal photographer. He needs pictures with different angles, different poses, and different types of lighting. He needs a new Facebook DP (which he’ll probably caption with some unrelated quote from a famous person) and none of the pics turn out good enough for him.
After Izana’s band finishes their set, DJ Rindou would be up next. He got in trouble for playing an inappropriate Tagalog song (something like BMW) but he thinks it was worth it because everyone cheered him on. The teachers even found it funny until the principal came in looking pissed, so they had to be responsible teachers and step in.
Despite being one of the richer students, he doesn’t do clique-y behavior. (note: all i can say is that those cliques of mean, rich, classist people you see in fiction are real. sorry. ) He’s friends with everybody and is generally well-liked. So on prom night, Rin is jumping from table to table talking to everyone. He just knows how to vibe with different kinds of people! While Ran is more popular and admired, he feels less “accessible” to people outside his circle. People feel it’s easier to befriend Rindou. 
If Rindou has a date, I think it would be someone unexpected. Like, since he’s popular, he doesn’t take another popular person. It’s probably going to be some quiet person from his class that nobody has heard of (well, now they have). Like I said, he’s friends with everybody. 
Not prom-related but I wanted to add: Ran and Rindou are both conyos, but Rindou’s better at Tagalog than Ran. Ran understands Tagalog but can’t express himself well enough in it. Both their Tagalogs have accents and Ran’s is really thick. He can’t roll his Rs and often stresses the wrong syllables. You find it either cute or annoying depending on how you feel about them. 
*Ran probably doesn’t know what kinse (fifteen) means so he would just give the vendor a hundred-peso bill and leave. 
(Conyo: People who code-switch between English and Tagalog in their speech. Rich kids are stereotyped to speak like this. Knowing conyo’s original Spanish meaning, I think you can already see why they’re called this lol )
Kakucho groans at the idea of prom. He’s kinda dreading it until the actual night where you can see him having fun. He’s hyping up Izana and Rindou when they play music for the crowd. He also dances around no matter how awkward his movements are. At some point, he ends up getting bored and starts rough-housing with other boys. They end up destroying a table. Somehow, they also did something to make the disco ball crash down? 
What if he’s asked to dance? Though he’s a bit shy, he does try his best to socialize with his partner and make them comfortable. The same goes for if he had a date. I do see him asking a close friend to be his date instead of someone he barely knows though.
When Rindou’s off to somewhere, the role of Ran’s Photographer goes to Kakucho. 
*Kakucho also translates for Ran and Rindou when they have Filipino homework, assuming that they do their homework. 
I think Mucho arrives really early so the teachers task him with arranging tables and taking care of technical stuff. (Even in regular school days, teachers love to send him on errands i.e. fetching a projector from another classroom, carrying books into the faculty room). 
Would he get asked to dance? He’s so intimidating that it might never happen. Because of this, he’s another victim of dancing with the older female teachers. Unlike Mocchi and Shion, no one is brave enough to make fun of him. 
Soon enough, he’d feel bored all by himself because Sanzu’s getting attention left and right (The guy has long hair, quiet, mysterious, pretty, always wears a masks. I just know Filo school girls would go crazy over him if he were real) and the other S62 boys are off doing their own things. He goes to a quiet area of the school, maybe the roof, and just... ponders life there or something.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
the anon below me is awesome bro, imagine how petty and probably will never talk to them again, not even a single word coming out of the player's mouth and only looking down or anywhere except their faces THAT kind of pettiness yk what I mean? But a player with a strong favoritism?? If only that person is good and didn't rlly do anything but ignores the player (adonis, hajime, maybe niki idk, mayoi etc) maybe the player will kinda able to forgive them.... BUT if that person is like kohaku for example bc he is hostile towards you, maybe the pettiness is taking over instead of favoritism, lastly the player will probably only spend time with the ones that ignored the player instead of the ones that's openly hostile to them.. probably me tbh.
also can I be 🎻 anon??
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Combining these two asks because they were about something pretty similar! And yes, you can be 🎻 anon ^^
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, mention of bullying, physical violence
The player ignoring/striking back against the characters that had wronged them once
It´s honestly an understandable reaction if we´re being honest. We´ve all explained at length just how shitty it would feel to be treated so horribly for no reason at all and no apology could ever make up for what you went through. Bullying can influence a person´s life forever so what do you think happens when 50 batshit crazy yanderes are all after you because you “chased away” their darling? You´re in for one hell of a bad time and I wouldn´t doubt that you couldn´t just pretend everything was fine once the truth was revealed. I mean yes, now they´re super nice to you and practically kiss the ground you walk on but that doesn´t just make up for all they´ve done to you in the past. None of it feels honest now that you know what they´re capable of and it´s only natural that you would hold a grudge against them now.
Of course, when you start ignoring people, they´re all very heartbroken, though they can understand where you´re coming from. What they did was terrible! They love you more than anyone else and yet they insulted you and made you feel unwelcome. They know they have a lot to make up for but please don´t just ignore them, it hurts so much to not get a single scrap of your attention and they feel like they´re torn apart every time you pointedly look the other way when you come across each other in the hallway.
At this point, they aren´t really sure if you actively being cruel to them back or ignoring them is worse. At least when you throw insults their way or even hit them, you´re paying attention to them even if your feelings are negative. They´re still in your thoughts and they´re able to pretend that if they just withstand enough of your righteous punishment, you might one day forgive them. They don´t care how much you hurt them as long as they can stay by your side! So just please don´t ignore them, it hurts more than a thousand slaps ever could!
The second part of this is the favoritism and the jealousy that comes with it. It looks like you´re more willing to talk to the ones that didn´t do anything drastic and moreso just kept their distance and while it´s obviously understandable why you would act this way, the ones being ignored can´t help but simmer in self-pity and envy. If only they had recognized you sooner, if only they had held back, none of this would have happened and you would look at them the same way you do people like Hajime or Sora! But they messed it all up and now they really don´t know what to do to ever earn your forgiveness for the grave sins they have committed
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babu-haitani · 3 years
Bonten members help out their s/o
Plot: their s/o was groomed at the age of 11 and she never talked about it to anyone. She grew up with the trauma for 15years thinking it will go away but it ended up getting worse. She finally open up to the boys and talks about it
This took so long for me to makeeee! I've been busy with school! T^T
I'm sorry if this is so short, I've been brain dead recently! Good thing music is here to help :> I hoep you would like this!
COMFORT (Tokyo Revengers)
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons
Pairings: Bonten x G/N S/O
P.S Characters are all 18+
TW: Mentions of Child Predator/Groomer
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Mikey wouldn't know what to do.
He would be so confused about what was he supposed to do, He would feel useless every time you seek help.
There is a high chance that he would ask kakucho to comfort you. It's not that he hates it, he just can't.
Like I said he feels like he wouldn't be able to handle it but that doesn't mean he isn't gonna try. He would but he might say the wrong words in comforting you.
After he has comforted you and you finally went to sleep? expect him to not come home for an entire week.
HE would be at Bonten Hideout torturing your predator for a whole week. He's mad.
Yeah, he is bad at comforting you but he is great when it comes to dealing with people hurting you...and when I say deal with them...you know what I mean...
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Scared, Angered, Hatred. That's what he's feeling.
When you sought helped during his meeting, he thought you were pranking him and ended up laughing but when you started screaming that you need help.
He took it seriously.
Would stay beside you for as long as you want ad wouldn't leave your side after you fell asleep soundly.
Wouldn't come home for at least 2 months or lesser cause he would be busy torturing and hunting down your predator. But he would call you though :>
(Might even video call you while covered in blood...)
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This man doesn't even let you spill a single tear from your eyes! so just imagine how he felt once he saw you cry.
He would never leave your side and would prioritize your safety and feelings first.
Yeah, he is mad but if you don't want him to kill your predator even though he gave you trauma. He would respect your wishes.
He would probably ask for a week off and would pamper you, just making sure that you would feel safe.
There is a high chance, he will make sure that you stay out of social media for a while. Just to be safe.
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First thing first is to hunt down your predator when you were in your teens
Second, He would ask his brother to take care of things and that includes Rindou killing your groomer and making sure he wouldn't see daylight anymore.
Third, He would go home to you and pamper you until you feel better.
Would do his best to make you laugh again, he knows it's not the time for making jokes but if it means seeing you smile again then he would do it.
Cuddles and kisses. He would shower you with love the whole day just so he can make sure to let you know that you're safe with him.
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He cares about you but he would make sure to take care of your traumas first before he can assure you that you're safe and that there is nothing to be afraid of.
But before he goes hunting he would send his brother on your way and would tell his brother to keep you distracted before he comes home.
As much as he wants to torture your predator, he would make it quick and just shoot.
Before he comes home he would call his brother to leave.
Rindou isn't the most romantic person out there but if you needed him, he will be there to give you what you want.
Like the others, he would pamper you and wouldn't let you lift a single finger until you feel better.
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If he received a call from you asking for help about your trauma? expect him to bring a psychiatrist with him once he goes home to you.
I see Koko as the type who's not that affectionate...HE IS! but he doesn't know how to act? get what I mean??
Instead of comforting you by himself, he would ask a psychiatrist instead.
It's not that he doesn't want to deal with you, It's just that...he doesn't know the right words to come out of his mouth. He's like Mikey, he's scared to hurt you even more.
Koko is really sarcastic, that's why instead of him comforting you with his own words. He'd rather ask for help.
But he would still give you cuddles and kisses though, just don't expect him to give you advices and help you with words. He's stupid when it comes to that.
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You know that headcanon that Takeomi is classier than Koko? and that Koko is the real cheapskate, not Takeomi? Yeah, that headcanon applies here.
I see takeomi as the type that hates getting his hands dirty, so instead of beating the shit out of your predator; he would pay one of bonten members in advance and have them kill your trauma bringer.
And this man would act as if all he did was comfort you but in reality, he actually just paid someone to kill.
Takeomi is a mature man, he knows what he is doing.
He would stay there and let you cry on his chest until you're okay to talk it out and let him comfort you.
He's actually really sweet. <3
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This man is aggressive like fr...
He wants to kill your predator but he would prioritize you, so instead of rushing out of bonten headquarters to go and hunt down your predator, he would rush home.
While he's comforting you, he would rant on how he wants to kill.
which by the way...didn't help to make you feel better but if you hate his rants about wanting to kill; he would shut up and just hug you tightly.
Not in a suffocating way but in a protective manner...
He thinks that you deserve the best and it pains him to see how you're like this...
You and he would probably hug for like a whole day and then sleep. He isn't gonna let go of you until you tell him that you're okay and fine now.
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earthtooz · 3 years
hello!! can you make haikyuu boys with one y / nq has a flirty and charming personality? Let's say you call everyone by "cute, adorable boy, darling, love" and that kind of thing, with the characters you want !!
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#↳ with bokuto kotaro, iwaizumi hajime, miya atsumu and kuroo tetsuro!!!!
warnings: swearing, fluff :)
a/n: yas 🥰🥰 i believe in confident or flirty reader supremacy!!!! also it becomes suggestive in some parts (iwai's) so please be 16+ to read! this was a lil something i wanted to get out before i whip out some longer fics, but i hope this matched your standards anon! thank you sm for requesting, i had a lot of fun w it <3
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he'd be so into a flirty s/o- BYEE SAY NO MORE!!
like he loves it, someone to banter with? someone who he can joke around with? he's falling for you in no time.
especially when they're a verbal flirt, he probably won't be able to read body language all too well- apart from winks... and kissing... or making out.
he probably also can't tell that you're flirting with him unless it's super direct! he loves pick-up lines, especially smart ones that he's never heard before, those always get a good giggle out of him, but he also adores being complimented. calling him nicknames that no one else does gets his heart going.
'bo', 'taro' (omg like the food), 'kou', you probably won't call him endearments unless you know he's comfortable with them. (calling him 'cutie' is his ultimate weakness, but it's kinda cringe... oh well, he is cute tho)
greeting him at school, if you slip in a 'looking handsome as ever today, bokuto" with a sly wink, he'll be red in the face and giggling about it until break time.
babie 😟😟
i think just knowing someone that can be flirtatious or charming or 'bold' is very reassuring to bokuto, because he's someone who's 100% all the time. knowing he won't scare you away with how enthusiastic he can be is a dealbreaker. bonus points if you know how to reciprocate that energy or know how to calm him down without ruining his good vibes!
bokuto will ask you out almost INSTANTLY. no hesitation, and you'll probably agree with no hesitation either.
sometimes he'll flirt back, returning it with a compliment of his own, such as, 'you're looking fine as always, y/n!' or a bad pickup line, 'i must be in a museum, because you're a work of art!'
when you're in an official relationship, the flirting becomes even worse- like imagine:
"akaashi, do you think i complimented y/n enough today?" bokuto slumps as he plops down on the changeroom bench, dejected. "i think fifty times is more than enough, bokuto," the setter replies simply. "but what if they don't believe me? i need to text them right now!"
it's not even charming anymore, you're both just down bad
physical touch is another factor he likes and if he knows you're comfortable with it, he won't be shy when it comes to greeting you with hugs.
once he's really comfortable with you, he'll just cling onto you. wherever you go, expect fukurodani's ace to appear a minute later.
y'know how akaashi sometimes tells bokuto that there's a cute person in the stands watching him? so he can play better?
yah, you're the cute person in the stands.
you show up to every game that you can watch and he has a pre-game ritual with you where he must get a good luck kiss.
and you're more than happy to grant it, grabbing him by both cheeks and pulling him in.
bokuto thinks he can conquer the world when you pull away, saying, "show everyone just how great you are, yah?" he holds onto your waist tightly, "you'll be watching me, right?" "of course, i only got eyes for the most handsome volleyball player," he gives you a look, "most handsome man ever," you correct. the widest smile breaks out on his face, "i'll win for you, just watch!" you laugh softly with your boyfriend, gushing, "always."
on games that you can't attend, bokuto is pouting at you every day leading up to it, silently begging for you to come. as much as you want to, it just wasn't possible.
you need to warn akaashi about that a few days beforehand, so he knows what to do.
you'll send as many texts as possible wishing bokuto luck beforehand, selfies are not excluded. you'll even caption some of them, 'i'll be cheering for my favourite boy today :))'
you have him wrapped around your finger, and he has you around his too.
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*runs away giggling*
oh yeah, this man definitely goes wild when it comes to body language.
y'know the fuck-me-eyes? oH MY GOD- it will give him heart palpitations, especially when you smirk afterwards.
BUT also, hear me out, y'know how when people tilt their head upwards and slightly to the side it makes them look more confident? if you look at him like that with a small smirk, he is a GONER.
someone who's confident and self-assured is iwaizumi's type, so if you know your worth and never settle for less, he's so into that.
first few times when you did the look to him, he malfunctioned and needed a few minutes to comprehend everything, how captivating you became with that intense and purposeful eye contact, quirking your lips up slightly before walking away.
next few times, he becomes used to it and adds to the tension with a confident look of his own.
now it was your turn to internally shut down.
well, i mean, so long as hajime could breathe, you weren't safe from his irresistible good looks. and biceps.
oh the world is so cruel.
also dies a little inside every time you hold eye contact with him and turn your body to face him so he knows he has your full attention.
okay but fr the amount of tension there is between you two is NOT platonic... nor is it healthy, and iwaizumi decides to do something about this ;)
after a long work week, iwaizumi is relieved to be able to have friday night off so he can accept your offer to go to a local club and have a couple of drinks. and he was at his breaking point if you kept looking at him like that. iwaizumi wasn't sure just how much longer he could resist that coy smile of yours, and keeping his composure suddenly became one of the hardest things to do. especially when you're right in front of his face. so close, yet so far. as you near your face to his for the nth time that night, he loses all sense of restraint and meets your lips halfway in a fervent kiss. you melt into him with little to no hesitation and iwaizumi swears that you'll be the death of him. with how fast his heart was racing, it didn't seem like he had much longer on this earth. might as well spend the days telling you just how gorgeous you are. "what took you so long, love?" you muttered breathlessly against him. the athletic trainer smirks, "i'll make up for lost time, don't let that pretty face worry about it." he doesn't go home alone that night.
after that, he knows how to deal with you ;) AHAHAHAHHA lol
n e ways... you'd start calling him a lot more affectionate endearments from then on, such as 'darling', 'my love' or 'babe'.
when you two become official, you learn to reserve the look for moments of bribery- either because you want something or you're just looking for a good time up to you mwahaha
and he's hanging onto your every word when you speak to him, so long as you look at him like that.
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ayo did you know that miya atsumu has his own version of the fuck-me-eyes LMFAOOO (the ones who get it, get it)
okay anyways, atsumu would also be a complete sucker for sweet talkers, more specifically people who he can have a back and forth with.
especially when you add your own terms of endearment to the end like yas, call that man a pretty boy and watch him turn into a mess right in front of you 😍
you be like, "you flirt like this to everyone, pretty boy?"
and he's all like "no brain, only y/n."
cackling at that PLS, he's all bark, no bite.
the chemistry between you happened naturally. he's an extroverted and charismatic character who always spiced up other people's lives, so when you brought something to his table, miya atsumu is running circles around you.
he's got a filthy mouth and loud insults to compliment it, but you know how to shut him up- much to osamu's pleasure.
speaking about osamu, he had no idea atsumu had positive adjectives in his vocabulary to describe someone with, so when he hears his blond-haired twin talk about you in a dreamy tone, he is shocked.
when atsumu realises his developing feelings for you, he begins to put a lot of emphasis in his body language... and it doesn't work. sometimes he'll catch you in a classroom and lean against the door with his arms crossed, trying to act as suave as possible.
because he's actually overthinking everything, such as what word he's going to say next, whether or not he should stand up a little straighter- he's a complete mess. it wasn't fair that you were so effortlessly charming.
but you find it endearing nonetheless, because it gives you a lot more to tease him about.
however when atsumu is head over heels for you, he becomes even messier- sometimes stuttering over his words and looking away so he can hide his flustered expression when you call him a 'pretty boy'.
he's transparent about his behaviour as well, and it's kind of hard to not notice how much a certain setter likes you when he's acting like a fool in love.
when you've had enough of it, you stop his rambling mid-sentence by putting a hand on his shoulder, smiling up at him, "you don't need to try so hard, miya, i like you the way you are."
with a supportive pat, you walk away, leaving a shocked miya atsumu in an empty hallway after school.
he chases after you and asks shyly to walk you home, and you've never heard him be so quiet and gentle before, so you take up his offer with a wide smile.
in a proper relationship, the flirting doesn't stop, except it's paired with more shameless terms of endearment. and it's become a contest to see who can be the cringiest.
"we still on today for after school, sugar bubs?" atsumu asks as he takes the seat beside you, and you gag a little at the nickname. "anything for you, my little lovely," you leaned your chin onto your hands, fluttering your lashes at him. he breaks out in laughter, "ew, that was horrible!" "i know, i'm sorry." suna grumbles from the corner, "do you guys ever shut the fuck up?"
much to atsumu's dismay, you've begun to call suna 'my little lovely' instead of him.
seriously though, this man adores you and is willing to put up with any shit you throw at him, so long as you continue being his.
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likes + reblogs are greatly appreciated!
if you enjoyed, pls make sure to follow as i'll be posting more content for y'all to enjoy in the future! mwah <3
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amjustagirl · 3 years
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broken compass outtakes: your daughter meets iwaizumi  
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pairing: past iwaizumi x f! reader, sakusa x f! reader  genre: a smidge of angst, humour, parenthood fluff  wc: 742
a/n: iwaizumi considers what he might’ve had with you. part of the storm chaser universe, set in the aftermath of the astrophile and broken compass. 
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It’s guilt that makes him reach out to you like clockwork twice yearly to check in on you, never mind that you’ve long moved on by finding love in the form of Sakusa Kiyoomi - no one deserves to find out that their fiance harbours a long standing romantic attachment to their childhood best friend two weeks before the wedding, and - he owes you a debt that he’s unable to repay, a debt hanging over him for the rest of his life, so this is just one feeble attempt to atone for his sins. 
Reaching out to you is also a form of penance in and of itself. He sees you radiant and glowing with the first flushes of motherhood and can’t help but wonder what a child born of you and him would’ve looked like. It’s easy to imagine little Sakusa Sachiko as Iwaizumi Sachiko instead - all he needs to do is imagine her with straight hair instead of her downy curls. In a world without Oikawa Tooru, she could have been his, and it’s painful to even consider. 
“Hajime, more coffee?” 
He takes a while to respond because the smile you bestow upon him - it used to be his whole world, and now it isn’t his to even admire anymore. “No thank you”, he replies, trying his best to match your smile. “I find I can’t sleep at night if I drink more than a cup in the day.” 
“You’re growing old, Hajime”, you tease. 
“It’s true”, he laughs, recalling the aches and pains that follow him throughout the day. “We used to be young idiots who could stay up through the night just chugging coffee and still be able to go to work the next day.” 
“And now we’re old, boring people who just go to bed by midnight.“
“Please, when you have a baby it gets even worse! You sleep when the little monster sleeps. Right, Sachiko?” 
The little monster in question responds by blowing a raspberry at him. 
“Looks like she’s not happy you’re complaining about her.” 
You lift your daughter to look her in the eye. Much like her father, she stares back at you, stubborn to a fault. “You don’t get to complain, you woke me and your exhausted papa up last night four times!” She makes a face and babbles something incomprehensible. Your laughter is musical, a silvery chime that harmonises perfectly with Sachiko’s squeals and he can’t help but stare longingly at something he could’ve had, something he let slip through his very fingers. 
(not that he regrets loving Tooru - it’s just bittersweet, seeing what he could’ve had with you) 
“Can I - can I carry her for a bit?” 
You don’t hesitate, not even for a beat. “Sure! Sachiko, play nice with Uncle Hajime.” 
He finds himself with a chubby toddler in his lap. She doesn’t squirm, even though he’s clearly unfamiliar territory to her. “Hey kid”, he says gruffly. “Stop giving your mama a hard time.” Sachiko looks up, peers at him inquisitively. She’s cute as a button, dressed in the volleyball onesie he bought for her (refusing any help from Tooru, because he knows Sakusa will burn anything that’s in Argentina’s cornflower blue),  her anklet dangling from a chubby leg. 
“She’s really cute”, he tells you, but immediately rues his words. Because Sachiko, for some reason, decides to clamber onto her little feet, and he lets her, thinking nothing of it, but then - she steps on both feet, landing her entire weight on his balls - 
Well, it’s all he can do not to holler and drop her. Tooru is going to laugh at him, that ass. 
“Sachiko!” you grab her immediately when he winces, turning pale. “I’m so sorry, Hajime!” 
“It’s alright”, he says. “It’s just an accident, no lasting harm done.” 
There’s no reason for him to think otherwise, because he isn’t there to witness Kiyoomi sweeping Sachiko up into his arms when you relate the events of the day to him over dinner, murmuring proudly - “Good job, firefly”, before nuzzling Sachiko’s belly, the little girl laughing at the antics of her papa. 
“What?” he looks at you, a too-innocent look on his face. “I was just telling Sachiko good job for being a good girl today.” 
You shake your head at him. “You don’t deserve dessert today.” 
He looks so much like an affronted cat being denied his favourite treat you can’t help but laugh.
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lostinwildflowers · 3 years
A Successful Life
Oikawa Tooru x Reader
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Summary: Oikawa Tooru is approaching the biggest volleyball game in his life, practicing all hours of the day, and obviously overworking himself. When you try to step in, the situation escalates beyond what you ever imagined.
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: minor swearing, angst, hurt->comfort
A/N: Hey y'all! This is my submission for Cindy's (@vs-redemption) Captain Collab! (CONGRATS AGAIN MY LOVE) I managed to snag pretty boy Oikawa and wanted to pull on some heartstrings! Please enjoy<3
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“Tooru, how many times have I told you this tonight, you need to give yourself a break! You are overworked and you are getting burnt out before the biggest game of your life!”
The words ring harsh in the air, and they fall from your lips a lot faster than you intend them to. Your boyfriend glares back at you from across the kitchen, his beautiful face drawn into a harsh frown.
His hands are resting on the granite countertop, his knuckles gripped white with rage as brown eyes flash dark with a growing heat. You stood across from Oikawa, your hands on your hips as you frown back at the tall setter in front of you.
Oikawa’s lip barely raises as he snarls, “Give myself a break? How can I break when this is the biggest game of my life?! I need to be in top condition, and I need more practice to get there!”
An exasperated sigh leaves your lips as you throw one hand up, your fingers gently landing on the bridge of your nose before you huff out with a fake smile, “You are in top condition, Tooru. You have never played better than you are right now.”
You take a step backward, rubbing at your face you mutter, “Hell, I should have just called Hajime. He could talk some sense-” “What? Talk some sense into me?” Oikawa’s voice is harsh, cutting through the sound of his footsteps walking around the countertop to be in front of you.
“Iwaizumi is busy living his own, successful life, just like I’m trying to. He wouldn’t do anything to help this situation, just like what you’re doing,” he growls, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he continues to glare at you.
“Like I’m doing?” you whisper, your voice catching in your throat for a moment. You clear it, glancing away and taking a deep breath before locking eyes with Oikawa.
You start calmly as you state, “I’m trying to help, Tooru. I watched you do the same thing in high school, night after night after night, you would sit watching videos. Critiquing every single aspect of your games, you got overworked, burnt out, and it made you play worse. I can’t watch you do that again.”
Oikawa’s next words are like a harsh punch in the gut, a slap to the face, an arrow to the chest.
“Then leave.”
You can feel your heartbeat in your chest as the world slips into silence, and all you are left with is seeing the slightly blurry figure of Oikawa as tears begin to well in your eyes. You can’t even say anything as you turn away from him, you simply nod as you move toward your shared bedroom.
The sound of Oikawa groaning behind you clangs in your head, but it doesn’t register or mean anything as you feel your emotions start to numb over, and you feel the tears slowly and silently slide down your cheeks.
You quietly grab a pair of pajamas, your phone charger, and a change of clothes before you slip out of the master bedroom and over to the living room, setting up your phone and its charger while Oikawa passes you silently, not even sparing a glance in your direction.
When you hear the master bedroom door click closed and then locked, sobs start to rack your body as you grip the clothes in your hands, shoving your face in them in an attempt to keep your cries quiet.
There isn’t any movement from Oikawa or the master bedroom, so you get changed into your pajamas as fast as you can, hiccuping and sneezing as you brush away stray tears here and there.
You settle on the couch, tossing one of the quilted blankets over your body as you lay on the cushions, once again wiping your nose and face before trying to fall asleep.
Sleep doesn’t find you easily, you spend the night tossing and turning because Oikawa isn’t next to you. He isn’t behind you, whispering soft and sweet praises in your ear for how amazing you are. There’s no loving nip on the neck right before he playfully tugs on your ear with his lips.
You feel completely and utterly alone, and the cold emitting from the couch and surrounding pillows is enough to remind you of that, keeping you awake with its chill and rough texture.
The night slowly fades away when you finally doze off in the early hours of the morning, your heart still aching as you try to fight off nightmares.
Morning comes sooner than you expect, but you were really in shock because of the warmth radiating through your body. You felt cozy and warm, nothing like you had felt whenever you had fallen asleep the prior night.
A soft squeeze on your waist followed by a soft, barely audible hiccup makes your eyes widen, suddenly more awake as you turn to see what was behind you.
Your confused gaze is met with a red and puffy-faced Oikawa, who had tears staining his cheeks, his lip curled down into a frown as he tried to hold back another sob.
You turn to fully face him, gently and tenderly cupping his face with one hand, your heart breaking into a million more pieces at the look of pain and distraught on your lover’s face.
Oikawa flinches for a second under your touch before leaning his head into your hand, allowing you to brush away some of the stray tears on his cheeks. You gently shush him as you pull him into your arms, your own lump growing in your throat as you fight back tears.
“Hey, hey, Tooru, look at me,” you whisper as you rub his cheeks softly, his brown eyes scrunched closed as sobs overtake his body.
It takes another minute of coaxing him, but soon, watery brown eyes gaze into your own (colored) ones, softening at the depressed and scared look in them.
Oikawa whimpers, “I’m so sorry, Y/n. I don’t deserve you after what I said last night. I’m so, so, sorry.”
You go to shush him again, but he stops you, sitting the two of you up with slow movements. He takes a shaky breath before saying, “No, I’m sorry. I love you with my entire being, I should have never told you to leave. And when you weren’t beside me when I woke up-”
Oikawa’s voice breaks and cracks harshly at his words and the meaning behind them, and you find yourself wrapping him in a hug, blinking tears out of your eyes.
“It’s okay, Tooru, I’m not leaving you. I love you a lot, but your words really hurt me yesterday. I’m just trying to look out for you, okay?” you whisper to him, burying your face in his neck with a sniffle.
Oikawa lets out a sad chuckle as he brings one hand up to rub the back of your head with a whisper of, “I know, and I’m really sorry. I just want to be the best so I can provide for you. Everything I do, I do for you. I- I guess it just doesn’t come off that way sometimes.”
This causes you to pull back a little bit, a hint of a smile on your lips as you rest your forehead against his own. The proximity makes Oikawa’s breath catch in his throat, suddenly all of his focus on you, sitting next to him, gazing at him like he was your world.
You rub your nose against his own and whisper, “And I appreciate that, Tooru. I simply ask that you listen to me a little more sometimes, okay?”
Oikawa blinks a yes back to you, brushing his lips over your own as he murmurs, “Anything for you, sweetheart. Are we- are we alright?”
You hum quietly in response, leaning up to press your lips fully against his own, your (colored) orbs fluttering shut on the soft impact. Oikawa groans lightly into the kiss, his brows furrowing as he brings his second hand up to cup your face, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
The kiss is slow and passionate, full of heart-wrenching “I’m sorry’s” and tender “I love you’s”. The brown-haired setter holds you like he never had before, his hands gripping you firmly and securely, as if you would blow away with a soft gust from the Argentinian air.
Your lips slot so perfectly with his own that you almost cry again, the feeling of being loved flooding over your system as you tangled one of your hands in his long, chocolatey locks.
When the setter finally allows you to pull away from him, he rests his forehead against your own tenderly, his warm eyes focusing so intensely on your own that you almost feel like his opponent on the opposite side of the court.
That’s until he smirks at you gently, brushing a piece of hair out of your eyes, tucking it gently behind your ear as he brushes his thumb over your now bruised lips.
“I don’t think you’d want to leave me just based on the look on your face right now, sweetheart. Did I just kiss the sass right out of you?” Oikawa teases, playfully pinching at your bottom lip, before pulling his fingers away quickly at you try to bite at them.
“Kiss the sass out of you? I think that’s my job Tooru, and I think it’s time to get to work.”
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kkusuka · 4 years
alright alright, these are what i think the aftermath of them fucking you really well! HQ!! eddition <3
boys: ushijima, bokuto, iwaizumi, aran, miya twins, tendo, sakusa, and komori
implied smut ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
pt. 2
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ushijima wakatoshi ☽
shaking legs ᴥ︎
you knew it wasn’t as hard as he could go, but shit was it still rough
you could stand, barely, but you could
although it was obvious what had happened the night before, one look from Toshi shut that down
but~ that didn’t stop Tendou, oh no it didn’t
“aw, y/n! your legs are shaking pretty bad huh? i could always talk to Wakatoshi-kun for you!”
all that matters is that toshi likes to see the evidence of how good he made you feel
(and in the morning when you can barely stand he gets to hold you and bring you into the shower with him and he’d ruin your legs every night if it meant he could do that every morning)
aaaaannnd you let him massage your legs when it happens
basically toshi thrives off of touching you
bc he isn’t the best with words so he has to find a better way to let you know he loves you
omg, he is so precious 🥺
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bokuto kotaro 
𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙 𝕙𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕪𝕤 ♡︎
if bokuto had it his way, he would never have to leave your thighs
he just goes and goes until you’ve bagged him to fuck you
to which he happily abides
but that doesn’t take away the spots of purple and red adorning you inner AND outer thighs
and they are soooo hard to cover, especially when you want to wear shorts
it’s like a nightmare
the shorts have to cover at LEAST until your mid thigh point, unless you want to look like you were beat up :/
you were never going to tell him though, no way he was too good for you to ask him to stop
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iwaizumi hajime
𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚜𝚜 ♕
daddy iwa-chan hits it from the back more often then not
and we’ve all seen how strong he is too
in the middle of blowing your back out he’ll grab your hair in one hand and start to spank you with the other
and he won’t stop smacking until your cheeks are red, then he’ll rub them a bit, attempting to soothe your already bruising ass
this doesn’t even include the finger marks of when he groped your ass during you quick make out session
(he slapped your ass during that too. multiple times too)
his is an aftercare king tho
he’ll rub some soothing cream on your cheeks and give them and your upper thighs a little massage/rub thing
but nothing could completely get rid of the pain :/
you WILL not be sitting comfortably for the next few days
it’s the Iwa guarantee ;)
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atsumu miya
🇷 🇦 🇼  🇹 🇭 🇷 🇴 🇦 🇹  𖣔
(raw throat)
two reasons
anytime you try to give him a blowjob
it any time you have his dick in your mouth somehow
he fuck your throat like he’ll never experience it ever again, like a man possessed
AND he doesn’t stop fucking you until your screaming for him
sadistic fuck :|
if you couldn’t guess, all of your neighbors hate you two but are too embarrassed to say anything to your face
needless to say, you gargle salt water after every round to try and save your voice
it literally never works, like ever
and what makes it even worse is taht the next morning tsumu would ask you questions knowing you couldn’t answer
“babe, do you want eggs?.....babe?.....ohhhh right, guess you’ve gotta write everything down for now huh?
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osamu miya
he will pull and pull your hair
even if you cut it super super short, he’ll just grab your head
he literally uses you as leverage to fuck you harder
he has a method to making sure you feel good too!
when he’s pulling out he’s only lightly pulling your hair
when he’s slamming back in he’ll yank your hair so your body crashes into his
as you could imagine it hurts your head
it’s happened so often that when the team hears you talking about a headache they already know what went on
you’ve had to ice your head because he pulled so hard
he does make it seem worth it when he makes you onigiri and god you a head massager (like the ones cats use)
you both have a joke now, that you purr when he massages you
he always makes it better <3
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sakusa kiyoomi
he makes sure you can’t move
it’s like a game to him
we all know omi is into some freaky shit, and if you didn’t know now you do now
in your apartment he has a gym, so he built in a hook that he said was for a punching bag
but really? he ties you up by your wrists which after some times make you unable to move your arms
then if hs not up to fuck, he had a machine that will do if for him!
but when he does fuck you, he can go and go and go and go
either of these leave your lower half completely immobile for the next few hours
by the time he takes your arms down your convinced that they’ll never get a blood flow again
but Omi isn’t a monster and he is the true BDSM aftercare king
he’ll wash you in a bubble bath and you guys will cuddle in the tub until he decides to carry to to bed
wake up cuddles are mandatory after hard-core scenes
and he’ll let no one know that he could die happy cuddling with you
can you tell i love omi more than life?
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tendou satori
𝔯𝔞𝔴 𝔴𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔰 (ʳᵃʷ ʷʳⁱˢᵗˢ)
we know satori’s bondage kink goes far beyond the wrists
but sometimes it a lot to get all the rope and leather
by if you are having sex, your wrists are tied one way or another
mostly with a rope, hence them being rubbed raw
he’ll tie them to the bed frame and make you whither under him for hours
and when your convulsing on his cock you aren’t thinking about how you’re trying to free your wrists for their restraints
but when you’re done and he unties them all red and burning, it’s all you can think about
at first neither did you really knew what to do
but as time went on you two made a little post sex routine!
tori goes to get your skin cream while you rearrange the bed and get ready for cuddles and movies!
you learn in a very weird way that cream does not fix the bruises that come from the rope
it all came to a stop when Ushiwaka asked if tendo had hurt you because of the purple and red blemishes on your wrists
and after satori laughing at you for about ten minutes he explained that it was all ok and Toshi didn’t need though worry about your health.
you don’t think Wakatoshi can look at you the same :|
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aran ojiro
𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑛𝑒𝑐𝑘 𑁍
just like osamu, it’s like leverage to fuck you better
he knows just where to press and he does it so much you the end of the night that your neck has finger prints forming
it never helps that when he wants to switch positions he grabs your neck an pulls you by it
as delicious as it feels, this habit has left the both of you in some pretty awkward situations
like the time atsumu exclaimed “damn aran, if i don’t know any better i’d think that you were trying to strangle poor y/n!” in front of the whole cafeteria
or the time suna asked you if aran could hold your neck with one hand while the other was busy “opening your legs” right in front of your english teacher
aran also got into a habit of apologizing for choking you all the time
and all you have to tell him that you could always just wear more turtlenecks ❤︎
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komori motoya
𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙝𝙞𝙥𝙨 ☃︎
to say that komori loves your hips, is a complete understatement
whenever you two are “making loooove~” ,as he refers to it, he has two hands on your hips
he doesn’t look like it, but this man is stroooooong
so when he gets excited, he squeezes your hips extremely hard
this leaves some pretty noticeable hand marks on either side of you
luckily a lot of your clothes cover that general area
but that doesn’t take away any soreness
but that means you can squeeze a full dose massage out of him
which he gladly does, anything for his pretty baby <3
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multifandhoem · 4 years
server collab || ii
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Server Collab from the Haikyuu HQ server with the prompt: “Guess I‘ll just have to cum inside you.“
The masterlist for the whole collab is here!
Genre: fluff, smut
Warnings: slight SPOILER (it‘s really really small), smut obviously, little bit of public stuff if you count it as such, slight breeding kink, wedding sex, lot‘s of fluff
Word count: 3292
“I still remember when Iwa-chan told me, how he embarrassed himself in front of a cute girl and hoped he would never see her again to not relive the existential dread he felt at that moment. And then he told me he met her again and she laughed over the mishap and they were going to get coffee next week.”
“I am so sorry.” His face was red, head bowed down in embarrassment, but you could still see it at the tip of his ears.
“It’s okay, it wasn’t like you were a stalker or something.” You were giggling a bit at the state he was in. “On top of that it is kinda my fault, I should’ve closed the curtains or something.” He slowly raised himself again, face still scrunched up in discomfort. He really looked like he was in horrendous pain and it was kinda your fault. “Please don’t beat yourself up over it. I’ll treat you to coffee, to make you feel better, when are you free?”
Maybe the fact that he was a looker made you act a bit more open towards him than usual, but you genuinely felt bad for him. He was obviously beating himself up over that accident a couple of days ago.
You had realised fast that you could look from your window right into the room on the other side of the street, which was why you invested in curtains pretty early. But apparently, you had forgotten to close them this time, so when you turned around shirtless and made eye contact with a man, you were both equally surprised. He looked mortified and you couldn’t even blink when he suddenly dropped to the floor, now hidden from your wide eyes.
Your body reacted, even though he probably couldn’t see you anymore, shielding your breasts with one arm, the other hastily closing the curtains. After the initial shock wore off you couldn’t help but giggle a bit. Why did he just drop to the floor? He could’ve turned around or something.
Next to you, Hajime buried his face in his hands, but the large grin that had adorned his face for the whole evening was still there. Tooru waited a bit until the laughter calmed down until he continued.
“When I came back from Argentina for a visit she was already his girlfriend of five months. And when I saw Iwa-chan I knew that she would probably stick around for longer. You know, Iwa-chan is a very violent person-“ “Only towards shitty people!” You knew he couldn’t have let that jab just go by, but Tooru professionally ignored him.
“but with her, he was very soft, always touching her in some way. Sometimes touching too much. Don’t think we forgot the trip to the cabin!” He scoldingly wiggled his finger towards you, accompanied by Makki’s and Mattsun’s affirming but still scandalised shouts.
“We gotta be quick, Haji.” His lips were hot on your collarbones, fingers already dipping under your shirt, quickly pulling it over your head. “I know, they will wonder where we are.”
You had excused yourself for a second from the movie the others had put on. It was the first time this day where there weren’t two other people in the room with you, everybody being huddled in the living room of the small cabin where you resided for the weekend. With two bedrooms shared between the six of you and one big room that functioned as kitchen, living and dining room, there was never space for some alone time, which you were desperate to have after your boyfriend strutted around you shirtless the whole day. It should be illegal for someone as fine as he was to do such things.
Foreplay had to be postponed for the next time, you had little time until the others would grow suspicious. “No need, I can take you.”
You pulled his fingers out of your entrance, desperate to just feel his cock in you. He chuckled at your eagerness, pushing his sweatpants down until his cock sprung free, already hard and leaking. Apparently, you weren’t the only sexually frustrated one.
“Fuck,” you breathed out when he buried himself in you with one stroke.
“Quiet, baby.” His lips found yours stifling your small moans as he began moving his hips.
Breathless gasped and small moans soon filled the room, occasionally accompanied by the sound of skin slapping, when Hajime couldn’t stop his hips before they met yours. “I’m close,” you whimpered as he began rubbing your clit and he shot you a breathless smile and pressed a small kiss to your lips. “Bite something when you come,” he said quietly, thrusts becoming a bit more erratic.
“Disgusting!” Loud banging on the door interrupted you and Hajime let out a string of curses. “If you already know then don’t go interrupting, Shittykawa!” Not having to hide anymore his hips finally snapped into yours, using the full capacity of his strength to make you moan against his shoulder.
Unfortunately, the orgasm you experienced didn’t lessen the embarrassment when you faced the others again.
It was your turn to hang your head in shame, trying not to meet your parents’ eyes, who were seated next to you. Or worse, Hajime’s parents.
Tooru chuckled at your misery, before continuing.
“To be honest, I wasn’t that surprised when Iwa-chan called me and told me he would send me pictures of rings and I should help him decide. He obviously forgot timezones since it was 2am for me and I first thought somebody had died, but after promising to make me best man I obviously forgave him.” The guests laughed again and Tooru took a well-rehearsed break.
“I don’t think I have seen Iwa-chan as nervous as when he was rehearsing his proposal through me via Skype. I told him it was good, even though he was a stammering mess. But the thing about those two over there is that they calm each other down. So I knew, when the moment would come, everything would go swimmingly. I saw the way they looked at each other, there was no way she would say no.”
“What are you planning?” You were chuckling, when Hajime lead you through the small house on the outskirts of Tokyo you two had purchased together when it was safe that he was staying in Japan with his work. “Let me surprise you, woman, and stop asking.” You could hear the amusement in his voice and it made your heart bloom. After all these years together he still made you feel like you were going on your first date. And he probably always would.
“Small step, be careful.”
You felt the ground changing from the hardwood floor to a rougher and colder one, showing you that you were now outside on the small terrace. You didn’t have to wonder for long, what he was planning when he carefully pulled the blindfold off your face. The first thing you saw was him.
But it was enough. He was smiling at you, his eyes radiating love. You couldn’t help but snaking your arms around his neck, to press a kiss to his lips. “You look so handsome. I love you.”
Hajime in a suit was something you had the pleasure of seeing a couple of times, but it still caught you off guard how someone could look this good.
“You haven’t even looked around, idiot,” He chuckled but still laid his arms around you to tug you towards him to kiss you again. After that he still forced you to turn around, to take a look at what he conjured in the last couple of hours.
The small garden you had behind your house was completely transformed, fairy lights making the faint evening glow even more magical.
“It’s beautiful.” The words were soft, Hajime wouldn’t have heard them if he wasn’t standing this close to you. “All for you, baby. I love you. I just thought, maybe we could sit on the blanket, maybe drink a bit of wine and just talk, you know?” His voice was laced with nervousness, even if he wasn’t even sure why. He knew you would like what he did. He went through your Pinterest boards and they were loaded with fairy lights, clinking classes, kisses shared under the faint glow. “That sounds perfect. What’s the occasion? I haven’t forgotten anything, right?” He laughed out loud at your nervousness. “No, babe, you haven’t. I just wanted to do something for you.”
His smile was so pure, filled with raw emotion, you had to kiss him again, putting as much passion as possible into the kiss. “Thank you, Hajime. I love you so much. I can’t believe I got so lucky.”
Your eyes were a bit wetter than usual and you hastily blinked the tears away, smiling at your boyfriend, ready to have a magical evening.
He really had everything prepared. Next to the blanket, a small cooler with a bottle of rosé laid, together with two glasses for you. His phone played soft instrumental music in the background, as you settled yourself against his chest, occasionally sipping at your wine, reminiscing about the past years, wishing for the future ones.
“Hey, move for a second, my leg’s fallen asleep.” A small tug of his leg under you made you sit up, while he fixed his posture, both of you now sitting upright in front of each other.
“Sorry, about that. Do you want to stand up for a bit to move it?” His eyes twinkled with amusement as he tugged you back down when you already wanted to stand up.
A shaky breath escaped him. So this was it. “Y/N, baby, I love you. So much, you can’t even imagine. You’ve been with me for the past couple of years and I honestly can’t wait for the future, if you’re by my side.” He paused for a second, hand slipping into his pocket. “Hajime.” Tears were already welling up in your eyes before he even managed to pull the ring out of his pocket, that he and Tooru had chosen so diligently a couple months prior.
“Will you marry me?”
“Those two, right there, are a great couple if I’ve ever seen one. I actually can’t imagine a better partner for my Iwa-chan. Hajime. I’ve seen you grow up. I’ve been growing up alongside you and, dare I say, we’ve both become pretty great.” Tooru chuckled a bit, but everyone could hear his voice wavering, as his eyes were fixated on his best friend.
“I can’t express how happy I am, to still have you in my life, to now seeing you maturing into this great man who is inspiring others in everything he does. Seeing you enter this new part of your life, with this great woman in my life warms my heart. And you deserve nothing less. A toast to you. A toast to your future, Mr. and Mrs. Iwaizumi.” He raised his glass to you, a big smile on his face.
If he weren’t sitting right across from you, you would’ve missed the small tears rolling down his face. The guests around you all raised their glasses to towards you, everyone touched by Tooru’s speech.
But nobody came close to Hajime, who was clenching your hand in his’ tightly, tears welling up in his eyes, before he strode over to his friend, tightly embracing him.
You couldn’t hear what words were exchanged as tears fell and people smiled at the pair. Every guest at your wedding knew about Hajime and Tooru. The best friends, the best partners, who have been with each other since they were about five years old. Who only see each other every couple of months, partners technically becoming rivals.
When your husband came back to you his eyes were puffy, some tears still escaping, but the happiest smile on his face. Tooru hugged you too, wishing you good luck for your future, making a small joke about becoming an uncle again and telling you, once again, to take care of his best friend, his brother.
“I’m so happy to be your wife.” Hajime kissed you at your words but you still knew that he was equally as happy as you were. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily now,” you joked, relishing in the laughter that escaped him.
“As if I would ever want that. I’m going to put some kids in you as soon as possible. And then we have a little family. Maybe even a big family. Whatever you want.” He kissed you again and you couldn’t help but smile at the picture of him with kids in your head. More importantly, your kids. “About that.” You leaned into his side, grateful for the minutes you had at the edge of the room. “I’ve been thinking, maybe stopping my birth control? I mean we don’t have to start trying and stuff, but we’re married now and we’ve been together for a while, and we talked about it already, and-“ You were cut off with a passionate kiss, Hajime even dipping you slightly as he practically devoured you.
“Do you mean that? Do you really mean that?” You could only nod, a wide grin on your lips as you cupped his face in your hands to bring his mouth to yours again. “Fuck, I love you. I can’t wait to fuck you today.” Heat shot through your stomach at his words and his kisses did nothing to soothe it.
“Hajime.” You really didn’t intend for his name to sound like such a whimper. But when he growled against your lips you knew you were done for. “The bridal room. Where I got ready. Let’s go.”
You felt like a schoolgirl sneaking around again, when you were rushing through the halls of the venue, hand in hand with your new husband, giggling around, until you finally closed the door behind you, being pressed against the same one in an instant, a breathless Hajime resting his forehead against yours.
You were whispering ’I love you’s to each other for the probably thousandths time this day, but it wasn’t like you were growing tired of it anytime soon. “You gotta be careful about the dress, I don’t wanna have cum stains somewhere,” you reminded him as he was flicking up your skirt, already sinking to his knees.
“Guess I’ll just have to cum inside you.” You giggled in excitement at his statement, soon leading into a moan, when he buried his face between your lower lips, thong pulled to the side, his tongue expertly doing all the things he found out about you the years before.
“Fuck, Hajime.” Your fingers thread themselves in his hair, tugging him closer.
He took one of your legs in his hand, tugging it over his shoulder and digging even deeper between your legs, using the fingers of his other hand as well, to insert two of them into your dripping cunt. “Haji, I’m coming,” you whimpered, clamping onto him.
“Wait for my cock.” The years of never neglected training came in handy, when he stood up, with you in his arms, to seat you on the small table, that was probably just in the room for decorating purposes. You shrieked a bit at how fast everything was happening, but you kind of agreed with him.
The first time you should come as husband and wife should be with him deep inside you.
He dropped his suit pants to his ankles and you could feel yourself clench with excitement. “Ready, baby?”
“Yes, please, Haji.” You pulled him towards you again to connect your lips, moaning into his mouth when he rubbed his dick up and down your folds, coating himself in your arousal.
It’s weird to explain what you felt the moment he pushed himself inside you. You had sex lots of times. But in that moment you felt more complete than you ever did.
You stayed like that for a couple of seconds, connected in the most intimate way possible, before his hips snapped back and into you again, eliciting a moan of both of you.
“Honestly, fucking you in your wedding dress is hot as fuck.” He laughed breathlessly, kissing you again, all while not halting his thrusts.
“Think about me pregnant with your kids,” you purred in his ear and squeaked in delight when his next thrust was harder than before.
“Don’t get me started. You’re going to look so good pregnant. All round and cozy.” His speed grew more erratic and you knew he would come soon.
“Fuck, we gonna start soon, right?” Your fingers clenched in his shirt, pushing him closer to you, chasing your own high.
“We’re starting right now, baby.” He kissed you again, hand moving down to rub your clit again, chuckling at the little whimpers you let out.
“Haji-“ You didn’t need to say more, he already knew, what you wanted to tell him.
“Go on, baby.” You kissed again, moans mixing in your mouths, as his tongue caressed yours, the slight taste of your juices still left on them. Every time his cock hit that one part you had to suppress a small scream, only slightly moaning in your husband's mouth.
“Can’t wait for tonight. Gonna fill you- ah- up again and again. And then you can be as loud as you want. Fuck. Gonna take my time with you.”
The filth he muttered against your lips only made you clench down harder onto his cock, feeling your high approaching rapidly. It was him coming, his cum spurting into you, which finally sent you over the edge, legs wrapping around him, bringing him even closer to your body, completely engulfing him, dead set on never letting him go.
Heavy breathing filled the room, as you both came down from your high. Small kisses were being exchanged, I love you’s were mumbled. But it was still perfect.
“I’m already anticipating tonight,” you mumbled, slightly exhausted due to moaning so much, making him chuckle, while his hands calmingly rubbed up and down your sides.
When he pulled out of you, you moaned again at the feeling of his cum slowly dribbling out of you.
“This looks so good. You look so good.” Hajime’s eyes were focused on the spot between your legs, fingers twitching to push it back inside.
“Don’t let it go on the dress!” You shrieked, chuckling at the way he darted to get a paper towel, carefully wiping you down.
“You alright, baby?” He helped you down from the table after pushing your thong back in place and fixing up his suit pants.
“Yeah. I love you. You made me the happiest woman alive, today, you know that?” The smile he threw your way at your words made your heart bloom. You were so in love with this man.
“Now, brace yourself for the comments.” You intertwined your fingers again, going back down the hallways to rejoin your guests at your reception. “You think somebody noticed something?” Your hands grew sweaty at the thought. Hopefully, nobody suspected a thing. Especially not his parents. Or worse, the grandparents!
“Tooru will have noticed for sure. You know how he is. If we’re lucky he hasn’t told Makki or Mattsun.” Hajime seemed way to relaxed at the thought, only shrugging his shoulders, ditching your hand to throw his arm around your shoulder and pull you into his side.
“I love you.” He pressed a kiss to your temple and you could feel he was smiling.
“I love you, too.”
No matter what was going to happen once you got back, this was still the best day of your life.
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
Waiting on (some of) the wing spikers wearing nothing but their jacket
A/N: these all have... very drastically different vibes... but anyways U hope you enjoy uwu
Word count: 2777
Warning: masturbation, fingering, degradation, oral(receiving)
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Miya Osamu 
(captain ver.)
Iwaizumi Hajime
Cold breeze of the air conditioner brushed past the exposed skin of your thighs, and you shivered as you pulled his jacket down lower onto you so that you could try to steal some warmth. 
When was he coming back?
Perhaps it was mischief on your part, but you just couldn’t help but wanting to put your hand on every chance that made cause a crack or two on your handsome lover’s hard shell. Hajime was better than anything you could have ever asked for, you smiled at the thought of the man who was no doubt on his way home with no hint of a clue as to what was waiting for him behind the door, toying with the soft fabric of the long sleeves that was dangling off your arm.
Iwaizumi Hajime held you in his palm and you knew that whatever you wanted, he would give you. But you never feel more powerful than the moment you felt it with your whole body how much of a hold you had on him.
You perked up at the sound of keys turning, biting the inside of your cheeks to hold your grin back as you envisioned his reaction to seeing you naked in front of him with the exception of the jacket your holding together with your arms.
“I’m home-”
Iwaizumi froze at his spot when he turned around after closing the door to see you standing right at the hallway. Your legs were completely bare and his eyes widened when he saw the familiar blue of his old jacket.
“Welcome back...” He felt shivers down his spine at the sugar sweet voice you had opted for, “I miss you.”
You slowly crossed your legs and he fought back the urge to focus on the exposed skin. You chuckled at his wide eyes and clear struggle to keep his gaze up. The heavy gulp he took when you shrugged off the jacket with a roll of your shoulder, the fabric now hanging low at your collarbone.
He felt his body stiffen at your blatant display of seduction, his eyes looking everywhere but you as you rolled off the other sleeve of the coat until the heavy fabric pooled in front of your chest.
Your voice was innocent as you called out his name, but what you did as he finally looked up at you was anything but innocent. As if on cue, you dropped the jacket to the floor the moment your eyes met and his eyes widened. You could see him slowly giving in to his desire to drink in your naked form, his eyes raking all over you.
You felt anticipation rousing in you as he walked forward to you. The calloused pad of his fingers on your wrist as he held your arms apart to take a better look at you and your thighs rubbed together reflectively when his eyes darkened. 
Crashing onto you in an instance, you moaned into the feverish kiss as his hands started to wander. The tent in his pants poking your supple skin as he said in your ear, his voice low and stern and made you weak in your knees.
You obeyed, and his arms hooked under your legs with ease. You kissed and sucked at his sharp jaw as he carried you to the bedroom, feeling the heat that rushed to your core when he dropped you onto the mattress.
Your back arched when he climbed on top of you, a swift roll of his hips grinding his bulge on your naked cunt.
“You asked for this,” he swallowed the whine that slipped past your lips as he cupped your sex, “I’m not holding back tonight...”
Sakusa Kiyoomi
You should not. You really should not. 
You could already envision how pissed off Omi would be if he found out what you did while he was gone but you just couldn’t help but giving into the ache  in your core that you had been putting off. He was away for a friendship match and you craved his touch on you so so much. You tried handling it yourself, but burying your face into his pillow while stroking your folds were not enough. Sakusa and his need for cleanliness meant that his scent was left on basically nothing but your own imagination just didn’t suffice.
You felt perverted as you held his jacket to your nose, feeling yourself clench when you inhaled. He had put it in the romper hastily when he was rushing to leave the door, asking you to wash it for him before giving you a chaste kiss on the forehead as farewell. You had since forgotten about it, slacking a little when he wasn’t around, and right now you were glad that your own laziness had aided you in times of need.
Holding the fabric to your face, your hands crept along your legs until your fingers were lingering on your inner thigh. You whined at the faint smell of him that was left on the fabric, the sweat that was left on it when he last wore it fueling your senses. Teasing your folds with the tip of your finger, you imagined that he was here with you now. His nimble fingers prying your cunt open, the way he made you look at him as he slowly eased those long, defined digits into your tight walls. He always took his time with you, scissoring his fingers inside of you agonisingly slow just to watch you crumble. His voice calm and collected by your ear as you were reduced to nothing but a moaning mess from just his hand along, each expert flick of his wrist making your toes curl.
The fear of what would happen if he saw you like this was pushed to the side, or perhaps part of you were thrilled by the idea of ticking him off.
God, just thinking about the way he looked at you makes your walls clenched, even though no amount of imagination could compare to the real deal. How he stared down at you as he shattered every last bit of your restraint, the amount of dominance that was held in his eyes ever never failed to push you to the edge. 
“What do you think you are doing?”
The weight that was building in your stomach dropped at the cold voice that rang from the doorway. You felt the shiver on your skin as you turned to see Sakusa looming at the side of the mattress, heat flaming your skin in shame and a threatening sense of thrill.
You held your breath as the mattress sunk under his weight, not daring to move as he crawled on top of you. Sakusa clicked his tongue when he saw you clutching his jacket and the sound made you clench almost embarrassingly. His eyes darkened when his gaze lowered to your hand that was between your legs, your juices staining the sheets you were laying on.
You were about to pull your fingers out of your pussy when he suddenly gripped your wrist, pressing you deeper inside and drawing out a sharp whine from you.
“Keep going.”
The gravel tone of his voice made you shiver, and you looked up at him with your eyes wide. 
“I said,” he gritted, his hand digging into your thigh as he pried your legs apart, “keep going.”
Gulping, you slowly set your pace as you pumped your fingers in and out of your cunt, feeling so little under his stare. You wanted to crawl under a hole at how intensely he was looking at your gushing hole, lewd squelches getting louder and louder as your arousal built up.
“Touching yourself to a dirty shirt of mine... I’m gone for, what? A few days? And you’re already acting like a filthy slut,” he sneered when he heard you moan. Your breaths were shaky as you felt the numbing waves of pleasure washed over you, his degrading words only worked to make your toes curl even harder as you came. 
Sliding your fingers out, you hissed when you felt him held your hand in place. You were already sensitive from the previous prodding, but every hair on your body stood up when he pushed his fingers into your abused cunt. Your whimpers were sharp when he started pumping his fingers inside of you.
“Did I say you can stop?” 
You whimpered when he leaned forward, pushing his digits deeper inside you. The corner of his lips curling up when he was right by your ear.
“I’m going to break you tonight.”
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Tanaka nearly had a heart attack right then and there when he switched on the lights to see you all curled up on the sofa in his old Karasuno jacket.
So cute, so cute, so cute, so cute-
He gulped, trying to calm himself down as he lowered his footsteps. It took him all his might to stop him from yelling from the bottom of his chest when he saw the way you were sound asleep and so defenseless in the black jacket that could nearly work as a blanket on you. Your face was buried into the sleeve, looking so serene as soft snores slipped from your trembling lips. You had your knees to your chest and the jacket covering your body, that could not be a very comfortable posture.
He slid his arms under your frame, freezing in place when he felt the soft skin under his touch. Heat rushed to his face and somewhere he was trying hard to control as all sorts of images appeared in his mind. Shaking his head vigorously to get rid of any impure thoughts, he carefully wrapped you up in his jacket before lifting you up in his arms.
You were so cute, so unalerted in his arms. He must not taint your trust for him with any perverted thoughts, oh no no no...
He felt like he was stumbling on his steps as the thought of you being bare under his jacket barged into his mind again and again despite his best efforts to not focus on how soft your thighs were under his hand, how the jacket was threatening to slide off of you and he could see your cleavage from underneath. He bit his lips, feeling the familiar strain in his jeans when his attention drifted the more he tried not to let his mind wander.
Control... control...
Letting out a heavy sigh when he gently place you on the mattress, Tanaka felt the weight came off his shoulders. Ready to leave the room to let your rest, he felt all his restraint shattered when he heard a soft whimper.
“Ryuu?” you shifted on the bed and his throat bobbed when you sat up only to have the jacket slid off of you, showing your very bare chest, “you’re back?”
Tanaka’s mind was in shambles, even worse when you reached out for his arm and tugged at him. 
“Stay with me.” your voice was so sweet as you latched onto his arm. His back stiffen at the feeling of your soft mounds squishing against him. “Please?”
There was no way he could say no to you, but right now he just wanted to reach his hands out and took your tits in his hands, to hear the same sweet voice sigh as he rolled your nipples between his finger. 
Your lips were ghosting at his neck as you leaned on his shoulder, your hand rubbing circles on his forearm when he slowly settled next to you. “I must have fallen asleep while waiting for you...”
You could see his jaw clenched. So you were waiting for him after all, he felt a sudden relieve and itch now that he knew his earlier inner conflict was not needed. You giggled, he always showed everything he was thinking right on his face.
Lazily crawling onto his lap, you held his face in your hands and tilted it so that he was looking at you. You grinned at the hardness that was poking at you, leaning down to whisper against his lips.
“I want you.”
As if a switch was clicked on, he flipped you over with the force that he was withholding before trailing his lips down your neck. His hips bucking against you as he muttered again and again how much he adored you.
Got him.
Miya Osamu
You groaned at the thumping in your ears as you struggled to open your eyes.
Looking around the dimmed room, you sighed at how you must have fallen asleep while scrolling through your phone on the bed after your shower. No wonder why your head was pounding like crazy, napping with your hair damped was arguably any good for you. 
How did it get so dark in such a short time? How long had you been asleep?
There was no sign of Osamu being back. Knowing him, he would probably wake you up or tug you in if he saw you sprawled out on the bed with your phone loosely held in your hand. The apartment was all silence except for the shifting of the sheets underneath you.
Slowly sitting up, you winced at how tight your throat was. The towel that you were wrapped in was long discarded and you were far too in need of hydration to go search for any decent clothing, it wasn’t like there was anyone here to look at you anyways. 
Going blindly in the dark, you tentatively leaned down to feel your way around the floor until you touched something that vaguely resembled a shirt. Pulling it off the ground, you squeezed your eyes together to see what you were holding in the dark only to find that it was Osamu’s jacket that he always wear around the house. You threw it on, holding it close to you as you stumbled your way out of the bedroom.
You flipped on the switch at the side of the door frame for the kitchen, blinking to adjust to the brightness.  Gulping down the cup of water, you let out a satisfied sigh when your throat stopped feeling like it was about to be ripped apart.
You nearly dropped the mug in your hand when you felt a tight grip around your waist. Strong arms trapped you between the counter and a frame that was much larger than yours, you smiled when you felt the person rubbing their face against your neck while letting out a soft whine.
“Samu, what are you doing?” you asked, your hand rubbing circles on his palm that was laid flat on your stomach.
“Recharge,” your boyfriend who was crouching over you mumbled against your skin, wrapping his arms tighter around you as he spoke, “busy day at the shop...”
It was rather amusing to see your 6 feet tall boyfriend curled up on your back claiming that he needed his daily recharge, but still, you leaned back instinctively at the heat that was radiating from his chest. You felt a sudden shake from behind, and then he let go of you for a split second.
Ah, this was why the texture was so familiar. Osamu thought as he took a glimpse at the embroidered words behind the black jacket.
That’s cute, he hummed before latching himself onto you again, feeling your body moved in his arms as you chuckled.
He dropped his arms by your side, toying with the elastic of the jacket.
He felt a familiar twitch when his finger brushed past the bare skin of your thighs.
“Samu? Ah-” you hissed at the sudden friction when he shoved his knee between your legs. Pushing the jacket higher until it was bunched up around your waist, he darted his tongue out to lick his lips at the sight of your cunt.
You whined when his placed his palm flat on your back to push you down until your chest was pressed against the counter, his index finger tracing your folds before dipping the tip in to feel the wetness that was starting to gather.
Your fingers held tightly onto the edge of the counter as you felt your ass cheeks being pried apart, a soft puff of air against your exposed sex sent shivers down your spine.
“Don’t you think I deserve a treat for all the hard work I put in today?”
Every word made your skin crawl as his hot breath fanned across your pussy, and you could barely say a word without it coming out as a mere mewl when he licked a long strip up your folds.
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suganovakawa · 4 years
જ — rumor has it!
# 16 ༉‧ goody goody
smau masterlist
✧ 。 synopsis : though hajime has reassured you time and time again that you two attending different schools would be plenty manageable in your guys’ relationship, your imagination is left to wander when he slowly begins to ghost you.
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you didn’t know what was going faster—hajime’s car, or your heart rate. it was like an out of body moment as you imagined what your talk was going to be about. you had forced hajime into talking to you in person, but now you were considering phone calls instead of face to face.
however, the time to back out of it had long passed. your legs began to move in a mechanical motion, dreadfully taking step by step out the door as you could get a glimpse of your boyfriend’s face from the tinted windshield. he seemed just as terrified as you were—maybe even more.
you were more scared of facing the truth than anything. you had no problem meeting face to face with him, you had done that just about your whole life. this was a special case, and nothing anyone said would be able to make this meeting hurt any worse than what you were anticipating.
it was evident that hajime was busy with... other people. you were going to pry it out of him if he tried to chicken his way out. you were scared shitless, but that didn’t stop you from wanting to know the full truth. you needed to know the full extent of everything that was going on. how you were going to deal with it was going to be at a later time was a problem for future you; in the meantime, you were focused on now.
hajime didn’t say a word to you as he stepped out of the car when you appeared. both of you were avoiding eye contact like the other’s presence was a plague. he had the decency to open the passenger door for you—as he always does—but you couldn’t bring yourself to say thanks, merely getting by with a simple nod before sitting down in your seat.
that same seat you always sat in when hajime took you out for late night drives, your early morning escapades to mcdonald’s back in your second year of high school. you remembered the day hajime received his license—both you and tooru successfully persuaded him to take you two out for a drive, despite it being against the law. surprisingly, he was never caught. he was just that good of a driver.
now, this seat brought you nothing but anguish and terror. a sentence to doom. the same tension filled the car in a matter of moments as hajime hopped back into the driver’s seat—before long, you two were suffocating in each other’s presence.
“do you want to stop at mcdonald’s before we... talk?” you jumped at the sound of his voice, your head just about popping out of the window for fresh air.
mcdonald’s sounded great right about now, but that wasn’t the matter at hand. “no thanks.”
after a few minutes of just driving around, the anguish turned into impatience. you were just as confused as hajime was, and he was the driver. you two had been driving around in circles—surely someone must’ve caught onto it by now. “where are we going?” you asked, your hands placed firmly on your lap. he was just procrastinating, you knew it. this wasn’t like him to drive around without a destination, he was complaining about his gas usage just about everyday.
“i’m not sure yet,” he muttered quietly. “either we can keep driving or talk now, or i can just find somewhere to stop and we can talk there.”
you, personally, didn’t care. “you decide,” you replied after a few silent seconds. “you’re the one who’s going to be explaining everything either way.”
he flinched at your words, and an invisible force kicked you in the abdomen. the suspense was getting to you. “alright then,” he mumbled, “i’ll find somewhere to stop.”
that was the end of any conversation for the rest of the car ride.
too many things were spiraling in your mind—you could tell hajime was going through the same dilemma. you were nervous, but determined to end this mystery.
you were going to hear everything you wanted to know, because that’s what you deserve.
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જ — a/n : I PROMISE YOU ALL, THE TRUTH WILL BE REVEALED IN THE NEXT PART. part 17 will be a 100% written section, without any text messages, and it will be the confrontation everyone has been waiting for. let’s just hope y’all are ready. :^)
✧ 。 taglist ( closed ) — @tris-does-stuff @solko @jaehyunluvcult @apricotjihyo @otaku-fangirlse @arolotte @froppysgirl @awkwardspontaneity @dekumiya @sayakaaaaaa @tsumuboke @vanilla-beanzz @roastedchikin @actheroic @youngestdelacour @saturnfaerie @karaseijoh @dicerawr @sun-daddy-yoriichi @bokutos-h0e @cloudykarasuno @emiyummy @nightskyerie @unstableye @bokuakadaily @arianatorgrand3 @eitadesu @dandelily @iiwah @prcttylittlcthing @ceeswrites-main @liliesofterainmain @jaegersblogh @tycrackculture @paintedstarres @cleopatera @fern-writes-ig @1987hotschott @momo-has-a-gun @sempiternal-amour @it-me-trash @ynjimenez @yeehawslap @moonlightaangel @sunflowerirl @tsumu-core @abswrites @kodzukrn @h0ngh0ngh0ng @kac-chowballs @creativedogs @kissungjae @danger093 @winunk @agaassi @ntngann @elianetsantana @toffees-main @kokogxddess
+ continued in the comments!
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