#i can hold them and stuff though. its fine on my hands and arms. just not face
moonkinz · 1 year
cocker spaniel family!!! caramel (pronounced care-a-mel) has a little name collar, caramel (pronounced car-mel), and cara (lil kinz baby!) <3
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i love them dearly
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luveline · 6 months
Hi jade, I have a hurt/comfort request for Steve, maybe reader was there with the party for all the vecna stuff and maybe gets hurt, afterwards Steve taking care of her and staying w her in the hospital and stuff? Love your writing!
thank you for requesting <3 fem!reader
“Did you know there’s like, a concessions stand?” 
You moan at the pain between your shoulders, turning onto your arm. Steve lounges in the chair beside you with a paper plate of donuts on his chest. His legs are kicked up on your bed. He’s taken his shoes off, at least. 
“Free donuts, coffee, they even had flapjacks.” 
“Steve, I think you have to pay for those.” 
He puts the plate on your bed. “Well, they can’t send you to jail.” 
“‘Cos my back’s broken?” 
“‘Cos you’re too pretty for prison.” Steve sits up properly. “You need help?” 
He moves the donuts again onto your nightstand and hooks you under the arms to ease you into a sitting position. You’re back isn’t broken, for the record, but you fell funny coming out of the gate a few days ago and you haven’t bounced back yet. Worse, you've got an infected burn on your hand, wrist and arm from your Molotov cocktail. It’s out of commission, as are you while they pump antibiotics into the crook of your elbow. Steve’s careful not to tug your IV. 
You gasp, the twinge in your back turning to flame. “I know,” Steve murmurs, shockingly sincere, “I’m sorry. You’re not supposed to lie down all the time, or it won’t get better.” 
“I know.” 
“Yeah, of course you do. You know everything.” 
Insult or compliment, you’re unsure. What you do know is that Steve’s come to see you every day since you were checked in, he’s the one who checked you in, and he’s taken good care of you so far. He’s not even your boyfriend, you thought he liked Nancy— but he’s rubbing his hands down your shoulders and looking you in your face despite the horror he’s sure to be witnessing. Bruised eye, greasy nose, hair thankfully clean but completely untouched otherwise. 
“Better?” he asks, cupping your cheek. 
Is he gonna kiss me? you think. You glance down at his lips, then back up. Steve doesn’t notice or doesn’t mention it, his fingers drawing a gentle path behind your ear as his thumb aligns with your jaw. 
“Hey, don’t cry.” 
You shake your head. “No, I’m not.”
“Sorry, you just looked so sad for a second.” He laughs wryly. Though you don’t feel like he’s making fun of you, he teases, “Cheer up. What have you got to be so sad about?” 
“You keep harassing me.” 
“Oh, that’s how it is!” He tips his head back. “Nurse! I’d like to report a thief!” 
You gasp, laugh, and attempt to cover his mouth as strikes of pain nibble up your spine. “Steve, don’t–” He catches your hands to stop you from silencing him, but he doesn’t shout again, holding your hands together in his lap, smiling smugly and affectionately at once. He has nice eyes that are almost almond in shape and a lovely light brown. They glow in the slither of light that sneaks its way through the blinds, raw amber, stomach-achingly pretty. 
You can’t look at him for too long. You defer to your hands scrunched up in the sheets instead. 
“I did pay for the donuts, by the way. I’m just messing with you.” 
You try to laugh. “Why doesn't that surprise me?” 
“You act like I’m such a jerk,” he says fondly, pulling you in for a cautious hug. He’s tender when he needs to be, you’d never have thought it of him, how sweetly and softly he rubs your back, how he murmurs near your ear. “Do you need more meds? I’m sure they can get you another dose of the good stuff if you pretend your gummy arm is aching.” 
“Thanks, Steve, but I’m fine.” 
He hums. “Think I can get them to let me stay the night?” 
“Steve, I’m really okay.” 
“It’s not about you, I just don’t wanna go home,” he lies poorly, “they don’t have donuts at home–”
His hand leaves your back. “Are you eating over my shoulder?” you ask. 
He hugs you tighter with the remaining arm. “What? No.” 
You feel sprinkles falling down your back and ignore it for now. He’ll have to help you out of bed in a few minutes anyways. He can sort it out then. For now, you lean into his chest and close your eyes tight. 
“I’ll sleep better in the chair by your bed,” he promises. 
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th3lovely1 · 26 days
Emily Engstler x Actress! Reader
- Written in headcannon form
- Possessive Emily??
- Should I make a part 2?
● Being an actress has its ups and downs especially while being with Emily. You're acting in all of these movies and whatnot when Emily is dealing with basketball, so you guys are going to be busy a bit. It was something that you guys had to get used to but it worked out after a few conversations(cause with Emily yk it'd have to take a bit).
● Speaking of being busy, whenever either of you has to travel you guys ALWAYS make sure to call before bedtime. It doesn't even matter if you were too busy to talk throughout the day but the both of you always make sure to call each other at night. Sometimes you guys won't talk a lot and other times you'll talk for hours. But it just depends on how the day was. The good thing though is that Emily is always there to listen. In fact, she even encourages it most times.
"No, you're all good, baby. Keep on talking. I wanna hear how your day was"
● She will never EVER get tired of bragging about you. Whenever anyone asks who she's with she automatically pulls out her phone to show them sooooo many photos and all the shows/movies you were in. And most times they'll stand there like 🧍‍♀️ while she's going on a big rant about you.
"Oh yeah, this is my girlfriend. She's been in this show, which is totally awesome, you'll have to watch it sometime. But she's also been in some other stuff too. Isn't she amazing?"
● But since you're an actress that means that you're popular with A LOT of people and we all know what that means. Luckily, you have Emily at your side who will not hesitate to throw hands for you. So if you're out in public and you both start noticing someone following you or if someone's just trying to be weird in general, she'll walk right up to them and confront them about what they're doing. And she's like 6ft so of course it's gonna be intimidating for the other person. After a few interactions with Emily your fans finally started to calm down. There have been times where you've had to stop her from fighting someone for your sake.
"Em, you can't do that! Everyone's looking!"
"So what?! They can't take a hint for shit!"
"Oh my god..."
● When you're out together she loves to always be touching you in some way. Like holding your hand, resting her hand on your back, or your arms touching while walking together. It's not even just because she's reminding your fans that you're together but also because it lets her know you're by her and safe.
● There have been times when people got weird with you and it made her worry about you WAYYYYY more. She definitely turned into a little helicopter parent for a bit. At first it was sweet but it was something that you guys had to talk about and manage.
● When you have premiers for your movies, she makes sure to come to every. single. one. And she makes sure that she's matching the theme too. She gets a little nervous sometimes but you're always there to help sooth her.
"Are you sure this looks okay? You look all pretty and perfect, and I'm just..."
"You look just fine, Em. Fantastic even. You have nothing to worry about"
"You think so?"
"I know so. Now let's go"
● All of the paparazzi was something that she had to get used to. She's dealt with people coming up to her for photos and stuff but with you, it was completely different. She makes sure to bring sunglasses with her at all times or things that she knows will hide you guys easily. She's even researched different ways to deal with paparazzi in hopes of helping both of you. If yk that one anti-paparazzi scarf? She got one for you.
● She's really understanding about how your guy's schedules work and so are you. So being busy and sometimes missing some things isn't too big of a deal unless it is really big or important. It is a rule to communicate about it after though.
● COMMUNICATION IS MF KEY IN THIS RELATIONSHIP!!! I can not stress that enough. She knows that you have all these fans and people looking at you so there are times when you have to reassure her. And being busy so much is another thing that had to be managed. There was a lot of talking when you guys first got together. But all of that just makes your relationship stronger.
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wosoragebaiter69 · 8 months
why would you train?
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barça femeni x young!reader
prompt: i feel sick, i love sickfics. that’s it. it’s my symptoms into a story because it’s my only coping mechanism.
A/N: my friend made me sick and i’m acc annoyed now like wtf. i feel horrible.
TW: mentions of illness
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When you wake up, it feels as if someone has ran you over with a bus and drove back to do it again. Your throat was sore, your head pounding and you overall felt lethargic. The worst thing was, training was today and no matter what you’d have to go. That’s probably not true, but its been like that all your life with trainings, why stop now?
Getting through the morning was a challenge, you hoped that if you had a throat lolly and paracetamol that everything would go away and the day would roll by smoothly. How wrong you were to think that.
You arrive at training around 10 minutes late due to traffic, which meant doing extra laps. You’re glad though, it means the others haven’t realised yet. You joined at 17 and the older girls really took you under their wing and essentially adopted you. In particular Lucy and Keira. You lived with the couple until around 7 months ago. You’re 19 now.
After completing the laps assigned by Alexia you make your way over to where everyone else is and give them a half-hearted smile before apologising to Alexia. She seems content and Jona starts to explain the main plans for training. Sprints, conditioning and a scrimmage at the end. You internally groan, this was the worst day to be sick on. You just nod along with your teammates and start warming up.
Keira jogs over next to you and examines your face.
“You alright? You seem a little on edge.” She asks softly.
“I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” You say a little too quickly, before running off at a faster pace.
- - - - -
After an hour or so, you feel lightheaded and start swaying before sitting on the ground. It seems the medicine did nothing to help and the previous numbness of your throat has now subsided and is replaced by the feeling of daggers. Mapi comes over sitting next to you, passing a water bottle.
“Are you ok?” She asks as you wince drinking the water that’s burning down your throat.
You nod slowly, not willing to speak but the movement only makes you feel like collapsing.
“Can I… go get someone? You don’t look too good cariño.” All you can do do is lean into her side, exhaustion taking over as your muscles ache. She makes hand movements.
Ingrid walks over along with Keira and Alexia, you notice Lucy speaking with Caroline. But still keeping a cautious eye on you from across the field.
“Hey elskling, you don’t look too bright.” Ingrid crouches down blocking the sun, which you’re eternally grateful for.
“Eh.” You shrug, looking at Keira, then Alexia and back to Ingrid.
“Mind telling us how you’re feeling? And do not lie.” This is one of the first times you’ve heard Ingrid be stern, it scares you in a way so you do as told.
“Sore throat, head hurts and feels weird and my muscles are sore.” You say, clearly in pain and your voice croaks slightly.
“Why would you train? Or not tell anyone?” Alexia asks. You shrug. “Alright, go home with Keira and get better ok? Next time you feel sick you don’t come to training understood?” You nod and Keira wraps her arm around your shoulder, Mapi holds your waist and they lift you up so you’re standing.
They take their time taking you to the car, running to the locker room to get Keira and your stuff and coming back.
“Gracias Mapi.” You whisper to the defender who pats your head and walks back to training.
“When we get back you can shower, I’ll make some food and give you cold medicine, I’m not going to ask if that’s alright with you because this is just the start of what you need to feel better.” You half smile and lean against the window looking at the bustling Barcelona.
- - - - -
When arriving home, Keira helps you out and gives you some of your old clothes you still had at the house. You take a warm shower which helps your pounding head, this takes your mind of everything for a couple minutes.
After the shower you slowly make your way to the couch and plop down, almost falling asleep.
“Nope, no sleeping. I’m giving you a throat sweet to hopefully ease that pain of yours and did you take any meds this morning?” She asks.
“Paracetamol.” You whine.
“Alright, Ibuprofen it is then. Come on take these, then you can sleep however long you need.” You do as she says, and start falling asleep almost immediately as the pain starts to fade.
She lifts you up and takes you to your bedroom from when you lived here and tucks you in. Saying something about lunch, but you’re too tired to understand.
- - - - -
You’re woken by someone whispering sweet nothings in your ears, you lazily open your eyes to find Lucy moving the hair out of your face and behind your ear.
“Good afternoon, Keira made soup. Are you feeling up to walking outside or would you like to stay here?” She asks, speaking in the softest and quietest voice she can muster.
“Outside.” You murmur, voice even hoarser than before, Lucy cringes at the sound.
“Alright, let’s get you up then.” You slowly follow her movements and she helps you walk to the couch, Keira is there along with Marta and Caro. There’s soup on the table and there’s only one person it could belong to.
Lucy places you down on the couch and you subconsciously lean into Keira’s comfort.
“Alright bug, I’m gonna get you to eat all this soup alright? I’ve also made some tea which should hopefully soothe your throat a little bit more.” You nod, too tired and too sore to do anything else.
Keira feeds you the soup and watches as you wince slightly every-time you swallow, she saddenes at the sight.
“You’re doing well, only a couple more bites love.” She whispers.
After you’ve eaten it all, your throat is still sore, your headache has gone away for the most part but the sore throat just never seems to leave.
“Nena, how bad does your throat still hurt?” Marta says, turning her focus toward you after whispering with Lucy.
“Worse than before.” Your voice rasps and it pains to speak, the girls understand perfectly well.
“Alright, we will look after you until you’re better. You should have another one of those throat soothers. That should hopefully ease your pain a little bit.” Caro says, moving to place her hand on your knee. You smile in agreement.
Over the next 2 days they look after you until full health. It’s nice and you endlessly thank them for their caring natures.
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ok guys i need ur help, i got a request for aitana x ona and i’m not sure whether to post on tumblr or ao3 🤷 also if anyone can tell me how to write about 2 people my messages are open
anyways hope you enjoyed, my throat is killing me. stay safe friends 🕺 i have 2 more requests sooo plz request
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thegnomelord · 9 months
I REALLY LOVE THE STRAIGHTFOWARD WEREWOLVES SOAP. OMG. Its just really funny in my head, imagine the way soap would act so shameless around the reader, uncaring about the stare he got because thats just how they are! The werewolves race with their no-shit and unfiltered attitude, and oh if they take interest in you, prepare your heart especially if you has a weak one; because surely they'll cling their every waking moment with you, sniffing every spots of you that they can reach. Absurd yet endearing flirtiratios compliments would hurled at you, catching you off guard cause they just come out of nowhere. Baring their fangs at potential rivals, worst case scenario if its their own race, because they can and will get violent, best calmed the werewolves down before anything awful happened. Just a thing between werewolves to prove which one is the stronger and more qualified, whose more worthy of your love, in their point of view.
If you have the time can you make a short fic, it would be the highlight of my life for weeks!!
Okay yes but also because I love needy clingy pathetic Soap too much lol
CW: NSFW, gn reader, grinding, somnophillia, quick and rough.
You've noticed that Soap has started to act. . . strange.
He's started trying to feed you all types of stuff, mostly meat, seeking you out at all times of the day. You'll see him go out to the woods and come back with some large animal, and an hour later he'll be coming to you with a plate of food and a 'Kiss the cook' apron on (every time you have to bite back from drawing attention to the fact the arrows point down to his dick). "Hey, need that wonderful mouth of yer's to try this out." He says, watching with rapt attention as you try his food, taking every critique with a wagging tail.
And if you like his food, oh, there's a giant grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, ye like that?" He comes closer, the plate in your hands forcing distance between you two. "Reckon this cook should get a reward." He's already stepping around to press his chest flush with your back before he can finish his sentence, and you don't have the heart to stop him because the food is mouth watering and he's just scenting you, even if the occasional flick of his tongue against your nape makes you shiver. (You, again, try not to draw attention to a hard bulge grinding into your ass)
That's the other thing. He's gotten really clingy.
He's always been clingy with all the team members, nuzzling his cheek against Gaz, whining like a kicked puppy when pushes him away with a hand on his face, tail wagging as he scents Price. Usually he's satisfied after he's done scenting the lads in your team, happy to continue with his business.
But with you. . .
You can't even sit on the couch for five seconds before his burly body is snuggling up to you, taking his seat in your lap like he owns it, like he's a lap dog. Doesn't even excuse himself before his hands are groping your biceps as he nuzzles your neck. "Aye, yer so hoht," He purrs, full body rubbing against you. "Could use ye fer a blanket on cold nights." You don't know how to feel about that, his words causing your mind to stutter long enough for him to replace the scents lingering on you with his own.
And when someone enters to find you like this, he doesn't even throw them a glance, gripping onto you like a koala and all you can do is mouth a 'help me'. Doesn't work though, as the second he senses someone is getting near he's growling like a monster truck's engine, glaring at the poor sod with his face still stuck in your neck.
Or, if you're busy with something, he'll saddle up to you, ears perked up. "Oi, bonnie, hold som'ting fer me." He'll whine, tugging on your arm until you sigh.
"Fine, just give it here." You growl, holding out your arm, still concentrated on what you're doing.
Next thing you know you're cupping his jaw, his head resting on your hand. "Anyone ever tell ye, yer got perfect hands te grope with?" Johnny grins at you, that one snaggletooth fang pinching his lip, using your confusion to rub the scent glands in his cheeks against your palm, making sure you smell like him.
You shake out of your stupor and pull your hand back, resisting giving in when he gives you such a heartbroken whine. "No, Johnny." You growl and shoo him away, but he still manages to brush his tail against your leg.
You make the mistake to fall asleep on the communal couch after a grueling day of training recruits. When Johnny finds you, his nose immediately trying to get a whiff of your scent, he growls when he can barely get traces of it beneath the smell of dirt and sweat and way too many people when the only scent you should have on you is his. His inner wolf growls along with him, his ears pricking up straight, staring at your sleeping form.
He's more than happy to rectify your mistake.
He lays on top of you, purring happily to himself when you don't even shift. "Good mate," He hums to himself, wrapping around you like a blanket, face buried in your neck once again. His hands slide beneath your shirt, making him pant into your skin from the sensation of your muscles beneath his hands. He moves his body slowly, seeking to have as much skin contact as he can, mouth watering and angel bells ringing in his skull at how he can taste his scent replacing everyone else's on your skin.
He doesn't notice when he starts to nibble on your neck, but it's the sensible next move, what better way to keep competition away than let everyone know you're taken? Johnny's marks bloom across your throat as he sucks hickeys into your skin, his wolf and himself standing on common ground to make sure you're covered in his marks.
He pulls back his head to look at his work and groans, cock immediately hardening in his pants from you covered in his marks. His hips gain a life of their own, thighs gripping your own as he grinds down, already half drunk on your scent.
You wake up to find his hot breath fanning over your face, the sensation of something hard grinding against your leg dissipating any residual drowsiness. "Johnny, what the fuck?" You ask, voice rough from sleep, only now registering his weight on top of you.
"'m sorry bonnie," Johnny whines, burying his face into your neck to muffle his whining. "Just- hah- needed ye."
You grumble, but you can't hide the way heat burns through your veins at the sight of him, his face flushed, claws gripping you like you'll disappear, desperately humping against your leg.
"I can see that." You say, tensing your thigh to give aid him in his grinding, your eyes growing wide at the loud moan that escapes him, like he's a whore on camera.
"Oh, shite, thank ye, thank ye, thank ye-" He whines, his humping growing faster, butterflies fluttering in his stomach at the way you hadn't pushed him away, that you're accepting his advances, muttering 'mate' under his breath as he chases after his orgasm.
He cums before either one of you knows it, a dark stain forming in his pants as he bites down and groans into your neck. You grunt, but Soap's quick to release your skin and lap at the aching spots with his tongue, soothing the pain.
"'m sorry bonnie." He mumbles, cock still hard in his pants, his wolfish eyes settling on you. Shame nibbles on his stomach for cumming so fast when he can't smell a lot of arousal on you, his wolf growling at him to show you how good he can be.
You jump when his hand slides down to grip your crotch roughly, his pupils dilating at the way a small moan slips past your lips. "Lemme make it up fer ye yeah?"
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kkenma666 · 2 months
(방찬) bang chan.. my dear
gender neutral reader
angst w happy ending, messy break up, miscommunication
the door opened slowly, blonde hair peeking in. chan came home expecting to see you waiting for him on the couch as always but was instead greeted by a dark room and cold silence.
weird.. he thought to himself. maybe you were just tired and went to bed. yeah, like you would always do lately..
he can't lie, he missed you waiting for him on the couch, a blanket draped over your body as you tried your hardest to focus on whatever was playing on the tv.
the way that your sleepiness would instantly disappear the moment you saw him, you immediately springing from your laying positions to greet him with a warm hug.
in fact, he noticed how your hugs had become shorter as if you were forcing your arms to wrap around him. the warmth you used to radiate is now gone.
he also noticed how your kiss which was filled with love and passion was now nothing but a quick peck on his lips.
it can't be.. can it?
chan splashed his face with water, trying to rid himself off of the negative thoughts. it's normal for every relationship to have its ups and downs. this will only be a temporary obstacle in your relationship.
or so he thought.
lately, he's been forced to work overtime causing him to come home later than usual. his work also has been piling up, from one piece of paperwork to another.
chan let out a loud sigh as he shut the door closed, wanting nothing more than to lay in bed and sleep all day long.
he wasn't expecting you to be there waiting for him, yet a small part of him still expects you to be there waiting for him.
he walked through the cold hallway, his hands twitching to get hold of you in his arms. god, he missed your warmth.
yesterday you were suddenly so.. loving with him. his fear was proven wrong as he realized that maybe he was just being overdramatic.
you even gave him a sincere and long hug after weeks of seemingly insincere ones, spouting about how much you love him, to the moon and back.
however, he was shocked to not find you on the bed dozing off. weird.. its fine, you're probably just in the bathroom right? he stormed off to your shared bathroom to find you also not there.
where could you be?
he tries not to overthink, his hand immediately grabbing his phone to dial you up. maybe you just went to the nearby convenience store.
only for his fears to worsen when he saw how he had been blocked by you.
he immediately searched the whole house for you, just now noticing how most of your stuff is already gone. " no no no.. oh god. i fucked up. "
the grandeur hall was filled with people with status and wealth. their clothing and their mannerisms already proved that they were a level above.
each of them all held their bidder number, hands itching to take home the next prize that was soon to come.
finally, a big painting rolled out, all eyes focused on it.
" ladies and gentlemen, this is out last item of the day. this is one of yn ln's precious new work! with this being the last one sold for this specific collection. "
the massive painting revealed an abstract drawing of two figures hugging, one's face was buried into the other's neck, with his broad shoulder facing the viewer.
you watched from the balcony above, swirling your champagne. a sad look in your eyes as you think back about the inspiration for the painting.
it was an abstract depiction of the last hug you and your past lover shared. he was also your very first and last lover.
the painting was mainly blue and white, to resemble the somber mood. though you added in a few golden touches.. a sense of hope that one day the two of you could start over.
after the breakup, you still very vividly remember how he asked you for one last hug before you went. he clung to you like a koala, knowing if he let go he would lose you.
you originally didn't intend to sell the painting, wanting to just let it rot in your studio. though you couldn't handle seeing that massive painting every time you were in your studio.
so you auctioned it off.
after that breakup you decided to move back to australia, opting to focus on your painting career and building a name for yourself.
and after blood, sweat, and tears here you are. wealthy scums all itching to buy your painting, no matter how overpriced it was.
you took a sip from your glass as you watched your favorite part, the bidding.
" 3.5 million! ", it started off strong.
" 5 million! " one chimed.
" 8 million! " another.
" 10 million! " and another.
today was a bit more competitive than the other days, every one of them determined to get that painting of yours.
the biddings went on till a woman bid 50 million. moments when on, no other bidders put up a fight as if they feigned defeat.
" 70 million. "
gasps and murmurs could be heard from around the room. you nearly spat your drink out when you heard that.
no way was someone willing to spend 70 million on a random painting that only you and maybe your ex would understand. unless..
" ..then it's sold to mr. christopher bahng for 70 million! "
applause filled the room but that was all muffled as you could only focus on the man down below. your mouth was agape as your champagne glass slowly started slipping from your hand.
after all these years you never expected to see him again. much less buying a painting about both of your tragic endings.
the sound of glass shattering shocked the audience as they all clutched their pearls in fear a thief broke in.
but soon they began clapping again once they saw you, the artist themself, standing above them with a shocked look.
you quickly composed yourself and tried to play along, giving courtesy to the crowd.
yet your eyes were locked onto one person only. the very man who bought your painting.
he also applauded you while giving you that same gentle smile he would always give to you.
you quickly exited the room, needing a breath of fresh air to refresh your cluttered mind. he was back in australia and had just purchased one of your pieces.
the very man you've been avoiding.
after all this year of you healing and focusing on yourself, just for him to show up again. but were you really healed?
your mind still wonder back to him no mater what. no matter how long time passed his face kept appearing in your head. the bittersweet memories of your relationship replaying like a broken record.
" ugh fuck. do i have to attend the after party with him in it..? "
christopher banhg was the only thing on your mind that night.
you dreaded coming to the after-party in general. the thought of having to entertain thos rich snobs for hours on end just did not seem appealing at all. and add your ex into the mix and congrats, your head feels like it's about to burst open!
but you can't lie about how your heart beats faster whenever you think of meeting him. just the sheer thought of stumbling into him gets your heart racing and you dont know if its in a good way or the bad way.
you tugged on your clothing, sweat already starting to form from how nervous you were. you fixed your hair and fixed the makeup on your face.
you can't believe this.
you usually never really tried this hard when going to an after party but here you were. all dolled up just because your ex was here.
' it's okay. you're just doing this because someone paid 70 million for your work.. that's a pretty high price for something you originally wanted to throw away. '
a stuffed smile plastered on your face as you conversed with random people. the ladies' hands touching you all over without consent.
all you wanted to do was go home and lay in your bed. yet you know you can't go back because you haven't seen hum yet.
" today's auction was another successful one, yn! " you bowed your head in response. " of course. with loyal bidders like you all my works are bound to sell with a high price. " laughters was shared among the patrons from your comment.
" yes yes, we will loyally wait for your next bid. "
your cheeks were starting to hurt from straining a smile all night long, maybe he didn't even come to the after-party. maybe you were just delusional.
an all too familiar laughter was heard behind you.
your head spun around way too fast for your own liking.
your eyes intertwined with his after god knows how long. you took in his features and realized he looked all the same. the only thing that changed was his hair and how he looked older and somehow more attractive.
" oh mr bahng! i didn't take you for a bidder. especially on that would spend 70 million in a night alone. " one of the men spoke. he chuckled, his dimples showing while shrugging. " pocket change. "
you were standing before him and the rest of the group, the random ladies still latching onto you. you tried to take this chance as an escape.
you nudged their hands off of you, " well, i will get going now. still have others to entertain. " a nod of understanding were sent to you. you tried to rush past him, only for him to hold onto your wrist.
" a word with the artist? "
you guided him to the second floor that's only accessible to you and some of your staff. you presented him with your favorite spot in there, the balcony.
it offers a breathtaking view of the night sky, with stars sprinkled in the dark blanket. below it was the city lighting up the night. further proving how the city doesn't sleep at night.
he stood behind you, gathering up what to say to you. you yourself didn't even know what to say to him. all those countless nights spent thinking about him just for you to not be able to look at him in the eyes.
" i see your career's going well.. i've always known you'd make it big. " a soft smirk crept up on your face. god he's still the same, isn't he?
" well look at you now mister big shot. " you finally had the courage to turn around to look at him in the eyes and oh, you might get lost in them. the breathtaking view of the night sky could never compete with his eyes.
bang chan stared at you in silence, his dimples poking through his milky white cheeks. he never forgot what you looked like since the day you left him, clinging onto whatever's left of you as if his life depended on it.
the two of you stared at each other, anticipating breath. both of you were twitching to ravage one another but you knew it was so so wrong, yet so tempting.
that is until you crashed your lips onto his, perfectly molding into his. it was as if it found its long-lost home again, so foreign yet so familiar.
his hands immediately found their way onto your waist, your hands snaking around his back and onto his neck. you gripped him as if he would disappear if you were to let go. who knows maybe he might.
time went by so slowly, as if the earth stopped spinning just for this moment alone.
you pulled back first, drowning yourself in oxygen. you didn't even know what to say to him, only holding him close as you breathed in his scent.
" i miss you, my dear. "
please read!!
so this might be my last kpop fic on this acc but idk yet since i still have one last one in my draft that i might post but here's a sneak peak to my writing for the new followers uwu
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colonelarr0w · 5 months
I love your writing so much!!
Can I request some comfort Sukuna where he finally breaks down the walls around readers heart who has been hurt previously years before…reader made him wonder why they didn’t ever let him see them cry before and that bothered him.
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Sypnosis - Love wasn't for everyone, you had long since accepted that fact. But ... were you really okay with being alone?
Warning(s) - None besides mature themes and some foul language.
A/N - Oh my god I loved this request so much. Reader is definitely a little bit too much like me in this one, but it's okay because at least she somewhat fixed her issues!
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Love wasn't for everyone. 
That was a hard pill to swallow, but it was one that you had swallowed after so many years of being constantly disappointed. One after the other, it was as if the heavens above were taunting you. Either that, or they were punishing you for some heinous crime. 
Even though you wanted so desperately to experience what everyone else did; stolen glances, random flowers, gentle kisses, passionate sex, late-night dates … you had just come to the conclusion that no matter what you did, it just wasn't for you.  
And you were okay with that. 
Yet, it was annoying to then hear others come to you spewing their bullshit. 
"You just haven't met the one yet!"  "Don't worry, love will come to you when you least expect it." 
"Trust me. The moment that you stop looking for love, it comes to find you." 
"You're quiet," Sukuna says harshly, dropping his finished cigarette onto the ground and snuffing out its orange hue with the toe of his boot. Your head jerks upward, blinking for a moment before you clear your throat – you hadn't meant to fall into a daydream.  
"Hmm? Oh, no, I'm okay," you answer quickly, lifting your own half-finished cigarette to your lips and inhaling. You hoped that the smoke would ease your nerves, but it seemed to have the opposite effect.  
Sukuna's eyes roam over your figure, his mind taking notes on your expression and body language. Your eyebrows are pinched together, eyes flickering to look at anything but him, your lips are turned downward in a frown that he somewhat wishes would go away. Your shoulders are stiff, back standing as straight as a line. Your hands are shaking. 
"Tch," he clicks his tongue, turning his body and half-stepping towards you. His fingers close over your wrist, pulling the cigarette away from your lips. "You're a shitty liar." 
Your eyes cast themselves to the ground, embarrassment heating your cheeks. He falters, but he toes out your cigarette anyway, then turning to face forward again – he doesn't want to make you any more uncomfortable than you already are.  
"What are you thinking about?" he asks after a beat of silence, hanging his arms over the railing of your apartment's balcony. Your eyes flicker to him for a moment, silently admiring the way that the moonlight illuminates his face and the tattoos inked into his skin.  
"Nothing that would interest you." 
Not when it comes to you. Talk to me, he wants to say. But the words fall dead on his tongue. He doesn't turn his head to look at you, only humming in acknowledgement.  
Another beat of silence passes over you and Sukuna. It gets you wondering … did he even like being around you? After all, the only reason why he kept meeting you after work was because he had offered you a ride home. In return, you offered him cigarettes. A fair trade. 
"Interesting or not," he hesitates, biting his tongue, "'s not good when you keep all that stuff in." 
You freeze, hands tightening their hold on the railing as you stare out at the cityscape. Already you can feel tears beginning to gather along your waterline. You try your hardest to swallow them away, but nothing.  
"I-I said it was fine," you manage to choke out, trying to subtly wipe at your eyes. Sukuna notices … he always did.  
He reaches into his pocket for something, then nudging your arm with a handkerchief closed between his fingers. You take it, mumbling a quiet thanks before wiping your eyes with it. "I'm sorry." 
Sukuna doesn't answer, he doesn't have to. It's more of a silent understanding that yes, something is bothering you, but in your own time you would open up to him about it. Maybe it wouldn't be tonight, maybe it wouldn't be tomorrow … but eventually, you would.  
He shrugs in response to your apology. "Nothin' to apologize for." 
Another beat of silence passes over you both, this one more comfortable than the last. Sukuna reaches into his pocket, taking out the cigarettes that you had given him. He opens the box with his thumb, hesitating on taking another one out.  
You eye the box out of the corner of your eye … it was the only reason he even came into your apartment, wasn't it? 
To your shock, he drops the box off of the edge of the balcony, watching it through half-lidded eyes as it falls out of sight. You turn your head to look at him, finding him already staring at you.  
Neither of you say anything.    
One minute turns into two, two into four, four into six.  
"Y'know, I get the whole … wanting to be alone thing," Sukuna says, turning away from you so that he wouldn't have to look at your slightly pained expression. He leans further against the railing, gaze focusing on the blinking lights of a nearby billboard.  
"You can tell yourself all you want that you want to be alone," he finally turns to you, "but do you really want that?" 
You freeze, eyes wide like a deer that had been caught in headlights. Blankly, you stare at him, mind struggling to mull over what he had just asked you.  
Did you really want to be alone? 
"I-" You pause, swallowing the lump that had settled in the center of your throat. "I don't." 
With that, Sukuna swallows all of his pride and tugs you into his arms. You fold into him, nails biting into the back of his leather jacket – the one that reeks of smoke and of must. But at the same time, those two comforting smells remind you that right now, in this moment, you aren't truly alone.  
Do y'all want a part two of this? Or like a series of Sukuna and !Non-Trusting girlfriend? 
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Waking up is never easy, luckly there was someone willing to help today. Jjok tackled your face.
Jjok: Sibling Mc! Good morning, how are you feeling?
Mc: What?
You were still grumpy from being woken up so suddently, but you rub the sleep out of your eyes and look at the little devil in your bed. Jjok was holding a black letter wrapped in a satin ribbon up to your face. "It's from His Majesty Lucifer." He was quick to answer the question in your mind. Opening it grants you a message written in a language you weren't familiar with, but still somehow understood.
"Dear Mc,
I would like us to continue bonding even after you have deemed me a suitable mate for you. Please meet with me at 12 PULANT ( Paradise Universal Latitudinal Abriviated Time) so we may discuss our arrangement further."
Even though he had no signiture, you could tell that it was Lucifer that wrote that letter to you. You recently decided to ask him to be your boyfriend and he accepted to your surprise. It was almost sweet to see him asking you out like that. You put the letter on your nightstand and laugh happily.
Jjok: You should get ready for His Majesty Lucifer. It's almost 12 in Paradise Lost and His Majesty doesn't like waiting.
You put on your prettiest clothes and ask Jjok to teleport you to the foreign land. Before your vision returns to you, you get tackle hugged by Gamigin. He was always the most excited about your presence and now that you were dating Lucifer, he considered you to be part of the familly.
Gamigin: MC! Oh, I see you're all good! You look stunning today! Did you use a new deodorant today, or maybe a new shampoo?
Marbas: Gamigin... Leave the poor human alone.
Gamigin: How can I? They're our new sibling! Aren't you guys excited as well?!
Mc: It's fine, Gamigin gives great hugs.
Gamigin: Really? You love my hugs? Then I won't let a day pass without embracing you.
It was a sweet scene between you two, but it eventually had to stop.
Buer: His Majesty Lucifer is still getting ready for today. Would you like a message in the meantime?
Mc: You're not scamming me out of my money again.
Buer: This one's on the house. How could I make my sweet sibling pay for one of my services?
Marbas: Does that mean that you were joking yesterday?
Buer: No, you still owe me 50 dollars.
Marbas: This is why we should stop accepting immigrants.
Gamigin: Techinicly speaking all of you are immigrants
Buer, Marbas, Morax: Shut up, Gamigin!
After the small squable between the four, you decide to take Buer's offer. He always gave the best messages which made you feel more relaxed than anything in the human world. If they didn't cost so much you would ask him to do it daily... maybe that's why he doesn't make them free.
After the message, you were dragged by Morax to his room. He wanted to give you a through medical check out, to make sure his new sibling has no problems. When you tell him that he should take care of himself more, he blushes and takes your hands in his.
Morax: Would you like to replace my bandages?
The look he gave you was nothing short of adoration as he brought a new roll of white bandages to you. He slowly takes the bandages off his arms revealing his closed and opened wounds. He teaches you how to take care of a wound just in case. After you finish bandaging him up again, he opens his arms for an embrace. Even though you cannot see it, a soft smile makes its way on his face.
When you're finally done with those two you meet up with Lucifer. Your dates mainly consist of you talking to him about random stuff while he plays with your hair. When you stop talking he caress your face and hums signalling you to continue.
Meanwhile, in the bushes, the Paradise Lost gang spys on you two.
Buer: Shh! Marbas, your wheels are too loud.
Marbas: Not louder than your voice.
Gamigin: Look, look! I think they might kiss!
Buer: What?! Pass me the binoculars!
Marbas: You don't have money to buy your own?
Buer: No, I spent it all buying a gag to shut you up.
Morax: Don't talk about your bedroom activities in front of the child!
Gamigin starts screaming and shaking his hands violently. He starts bouncing on his knees and hitting the air, which, in turn, makes the bells of his staff jiggle wildly. Buer and Morax try to sush him down and hide him behind the bushes.
Gamigin: Did you see?! They kissed! With tongue!
Morax: Quiet down, Gamigin, we don't want to be seen.
Buer: We don't even know how his majesty would react if he found out we're spying on his date.
Marbas: They're... so pretty together.
Buer turns around and slaps Marbas' erection like turning off a lightswitch.
Buer: Pervert!
Marbas: Who are you calling a pervert you little shit! You're so lucky I'm tied up so often. The second I get released, I'll make Gamigin work overtime to reserect you.
Gamigin: Would you really kill your brother like that?
Marbas: ...you're on thin ice.
Mc: Should we stop them from staring?
Lucifer: Only if they're bothering you.
Mc: ... ok then. So, we all thought it was the bite of '87-
When your date with Lucifer is over, you go looking for Gamigin which turns out to be an extremely easy task because he was in the bush right next to you and Lucifer.
Gamigin: Are you leaving so soon?
Mc: Yeah... I need to go to Gehenna.
Gamigin: Why though? We have a lot of spare bedrooms in Paradise Lost. You can even sleep with his majesty Lucifer!
Lucifer: Gamigin...
Gamigin: Ok ok fine. But make sure you return tomorow! We're having a family board game night with everyone in Paradise Lost.
With that, you bid your fairwell and return to Gehenna.
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munsonsprincess11111 · 8 months
My fucking rockstar.
Rockstar eddie munson x reader
Summary: the paparazzi are all over Eddie and his new mysterious girlfriend that they've never seen. However they have seen her Eddie and her have just kept there relationship well hidden.
Laying in bed on Eddie's chest. His breathing is calm. His arm around your waist. And holding your hand. He has an award thing later and wants you to go. Are you anxious as this would be your first thing like this even though you've been dating for years before Eddie was even famous? Yes.
People recently discovered you as Eddie's girlfriend when someone saw you both having coffee and holding hands took pictures and posted them. Eddie stirs awake groaning.
"Morning sweet thing." HE says kissing your head.
You smile up at him brushing the stray curls out his face. "Ready for your first award thing n being my hot date everyone's gonna be jealous of?" HE says smirking. You nod.yiur nervous but it'll be OK as long as your with Eddie.
Eddie looks at the cock snd it read 12:55. "Fuck we really should get up weve gotta be there by five n the car gets here at 4." HE groans running a hand over his face. You get out of bed grabbing Eddie's hand and pull him up into sitting. Once he's sat up you let his hand go and he throws himself back on the bed.
"Suit yourself I'm gonna go shower..." You say walking out of your bedroom into the on suite bathroom. When Eddie hears the water Eddie gets up quickly drops his boxers in your bedroom and runs into the bathroom getting in the shower with you kissing you from behind making you jump.
Your pulling up to the award show. Eddie's holding your hand. "You'll be fine ok. I aint going anywhere n plus we've got a table of us 2 n the other three boys. That's it." HE says trying to reassure you kissing you softly.
The car stops and Eddie opens the door getting out. Cameras going off immediately. He turns and puts his hand to you. You take it and get out the car. People gasp when he's seen with you. Eddie being Eddie kisses you on the lips giving the cameras what they want before putting his arm over your shoulder and walking in. You hold his hand that's over your shoulder and smile at Eddie's actions knowing he doesn't care n he will show love to you cameras or not.
As you enter the event Eddie throws his middle finger back at the cameras with arm that isn't around you.
Eddie woke up hung over in bed. They won the award but he had a bit much to drink. He saw you on your phone when he woke up. "U OK?" You look over asking him. He nods. And then shakes his head getting up and getting to the bathroom. He sits by the toilet and throws up.
You walk in after him holding his hair back for him. Eddie eventually stops throwing up and sits against the sink. You hand him some pain relief and some water for him to take.
"Anyone posted anything about us last night?" Eddie askes eyes closed.
"OH yeah people have said stuff. Good stuff some bad but mainly good. And people have found my tiktok account and-" You speak but Eddie cuts you off.
"HANG on they found your account the one with all the posts of our karaoke nights. Us being us. N stuff. By a picture." Eddie askss opening one of his eyes.
You nod at Eddie. "If u want me to take the posts down I can." Eddie cuts you off as you speak.
"NO keep em up its us being us n besides there's nothing bad on there." Eddie says smiling at you. "Just means people can see how much I love you."
You nod and help Eddie get back to bed. And you lay there together watching rhe videos on your accounts and seeing what people say.
(Video 1)
Caption: this mane istg
Your running through the hallways of your house screaming while Eddie's chasing you.
"Come hereeeee." Eddie shouts.
"Fuck off Eddie." You shout back laughing.
"Sweethearttttt" he shouts approaching.
"NO NO NO NO NO Eddie!" You scream as he grabs you. You drop your phone but from its place on the floor Eddie can be seen spinning around holding you.
(Video 2)
Caption: lead singer of corroded coffins lead singer singing love is an open door from frozen with his girlfriend? Nah never.
The tvs on karaoke mode and you and Eddie are both holding mics.
"I mean its crazy."
"We finish eachothers."
"That's what I was gonna say."
"I've never met someone who think so much like me."
"I've never met someone who think so much like me."
"Jinx. Jinx again."
"Jinx. Jinx again."
"Wow Eddie who knew you was such a frozen fan." Gareth laughs behind the camera.
Eddie laughs. "Fuck off Emerson." HE says putting his arm around you. "LOVE IS AN OOEN DOOOOOOR." HE screams before the video cuts off.
(Video 3)
Caption: the right way to wake up a rockstar.
The video starts with you opening your bedroom door snd Eddie being asleep in bed.
"It's 12:33 pm. This bitch can wake up." You giggle.
Your in your bikini as its summer and was hot. Then you jump on Eddie. He groans and opens his eyes. "Afternoon." You say smirking at him. He looks at your phone and pretends to roll his eyes. "OH my god it actually is." HE says when he sees the time.
"Wanna come in the pool?" You ask laying on top of him.
"I'd rather come in something else but I guess I can." HE says smirking. You slap his arm. And get up. "You dirty bitch. I'm going to the pool. Meet you there." You say walking off.
"Babe wait-" he says as the video cuts.
(Video 4.)
Caption: date night?
The video starts om Eddie looking at a menu.
"Wow its so quiet." You giggle. Eddie looks up at you and smirks. "Cause I rented the private bit so we could eat and not get seen." Eddie says looking at the menu.
"Your just that good looking you don't want anyone to see huh?" You ask still recording Eddie.
"NO babe. You so good looking I DINT want anyone to see. That means sharing." HE smirks.
You giggle. "I love you." HE says looking at you Not the camera. "I love you too." It can't been seen hut your smiling and it can be heard in your voice.
There are other videos of you lip syncing songs Eddie in the back some even in bed with Eddie half awake. More karaoke nights some from the side of the stage at there shows. All having thousands of likes and comments.
Your most recent one is the most viral as you actually tag Eddie.
(The video)
Caption: munson wasted.
The video is the corroded coffin boys and you before and after the award show.
"I'm y/n n this is my first drink."
"I'm Eddie munson n this is my first drink."
"I'm Gareth Emerson and this is my first ans possibly last drink."
"I'm Jeff this is my first drink."
"I'm doug n this is my first drink."
At the end of the night.
"I'm y/n and this is me at te end of the night 2 shots and 2 glasses of champagne later."
"I'm Gareth and this is me one glass of champagne later."
"It's doug and this is my 3 coke and vodkas and a glass of champagne later."
"Jeff and I've had 3 champagnes."
Then the camera went to Eddie who had a goofy smile on his face looking at you. Jess was recording. "GO in ed" You say laughing Jeff making sure to get you both in. "Your really fucking pretty. You know that. Pretty gal." HE says completely drunk.
"He's Eddie munson and he is fucking wastedddd." Gareth says everyone starts laughing. "GUYS can you bring ir down I think ym head might fall off." Eddie laughs
"HUH WHAT WAS THAT?" Gareth shouts. Eddie glares at him still smirking.
One week later.
"Babe!" Eddie shouts as you walk in.
"Yeah?" You say slipping your shoes off. He come running over.
"I saw the video of you out when u got asked questions." HE says smiling.
"Did I answer ok?" You ask confused.
"Yeah just one thing." HE says smiling.
"What?" You ask.
The lady had asked you many questions but one answer stood out to him.
"Remind me what am I again?" HE smirks.
"My fucking rockstar babe." You say laughing.
He throws you over his shoulder and walks you to our bedroom throwing you on the bed. "Well lemme tell you something I'm about to rock your world so hard you'll be seeing stars." HE says kissing your neck leaving noticeable marks.
Later that evening you and Eddie go for a late night walk. Some people saw you both and got pictures obviously. When you opened your phone the next day you gasped and called Eddie's name. He came running a summing something was wrong snd you showed him the picture. You was wearing a low cut crop top and Eddie's sweat pants. And he was wearing a black tee shirt and a pair of his sweatpants.
But that means your neck was on display with all the marks Eddie left fully viewable. The photo was captioned: y/n seems to be enjoying Eddie's guitar skills when there alone. Eddie can't help but start laughing. Pulling you in for a hug still laughing.
"I love you so fucking much." HE says still laughing kissing your neck Iver one of the marks. You groan and hug him back puttingyour head in his chest. "I love you too dumbass."
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moonstruckme · 9 months
Hello lovely!!
I very humbly request decorating the christmas tree with peter and for some mysterious reason he keeps finding reasons to kiss you
the holidays and peter, a perfect combo
Hi gorgeous, thanks for requesting!!
tasm!Peter Parker x fem!reader ♡ 982 words
“Peter.” You’re doing your best to sound firm, but it’s an impossible task to keep the laughter from your tone. “Be careful.” 
“It’s fine, it’s fine.” Peter holds up the ornament he’s just knocked off the tree, placing it back in its spot. “I’ve got it, babe, don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to your stuff.” 
“That one’s yours,” you remind him. “May got it for you last year, and she’ll totally know if you break it.” 
Peter makes a sheepish face, but the facade breaks as soon as you laugh. He surges forward to kiss you, your smiles a mirror. He tastes like almonds. 
“You’ve been eating my cookies,” you accuse. 
“They’re really good when they’re warm.” 
“Peter!” You try to push him off you, but he bands an arm around your waist, freakishly strong. You’re forced to make your complaint against his lips. “Those are for my coworkers.” 
“I’ll leave enough for them.” 
“What, like two each?” 
“Maybe three. I might be feeling generous. Season of giving and all.” 
You scoff, setting your hands on his chest to push him off. “You’re awful,” you say, no small amount of fondness seeping into your tone, “and I know exactly why.” You head for Peter’s ipod, sitting in a mug to amplify sound. “It’s this song, it makes you feral.” 
Peter tracks your trajectory and chases after you, snagging you by your belt loop. “Whoa, whoa, let’s not be so hasty. This is the song of our city!” 
You give him a deadpan look. The song of your city has been on repeat for nearly a half hour now. “We’re not celebrating Christmas in Harlem.” 
“Queens is close enough!” 
“Sorry.” You reach over, pressing skip despite Peter’s hold on you. 
He groans, releasing you. 
“Now can we get back on task?” You give your half-bare tree a pointed look. You’ve been trying to decorate for a couple of hours now, and your boyfriend (adhd personified, bless him) keeps getting sidetracked. 
But Peter’s listening to the intro of the new song, a smile unfurling across his sweet face. He dances his way over to the tree, singing the lyrics. 
Well, you think, at least he’s putting on ornaments. 
You join, and for a minute, you’re wonderfully productive. You join in on the duet, picking your favorite ornaments out of the box Peter had hauled out of the back of your coat closet and placing them delicately on the tree. It hasn’t snowed yet in New York, but you’re feeling so giddy with holiday cheer you’re thinking of going to the corner store after this for hot chocolate mix. 
When Peter whisks you away from the tree this time, you’re a bit more amenable to it, though you roll your eyes for show. He spins you across the living room, his hands warm around yours. He croons the lyrics to you, and you play along, batting your eyelashes up at him when he pulls you close to his chest. 
“The neighbors might think,” you sing in an overly coy voice. 
Peter’s overlaps with it at the end. “Baby, it’s bad out there.” 
“Say, what’s in this drink?” 
“No cab’s to be had out—whoa, this is kind of messed up, huh?” Your boyfriend’s eyebrows raise as he pays more attention to the lyrics. “Are they saying he roofied her?”
A laugh bubbles out of you. “You’ve never noticed?”
“Jesus.” Peter looks so shell-shocked you can’t help but run your hand along his stubble, a comforting touch for him and an indulgence for you as a bonus. He breaks from his reverie to smile down at you, kissing the tip of your nose. “Just for the record,” he says, dipping lower to capture your mouth, “that cider I made earlier was one hundred percent fruit, sweetheart. No alcohol here.” 
“Mmm, guess you won’t be getting any then.” 
“I don’t like what you’re implying.” You smile, and Peter kisses the corner of your mouth quickly. “I seem to do just fine without shady tactics.” 
“I don’t know—” you start to tease him further, but then he nips at your bottom lip and it’s pretty difficult to carry on speaking from there. 
Your hands have minds of their own, one gripping his shoulder while the other tunnels its fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. Peter all but sucks you in, devoting his attentions to your bottom lip while he pulls you closer by the waist. He gives the soft inside of your lip another gentle nibble, and the sound that escapes you is so humiliatingly needy that you force yourself to pull away. 
“No,” you say, trying to catch your breath. Then, more firmly, “No. We’re never gonna finish decorating tonight if we keep…doing this.” 
“We can finish tomorrow,” Peter suggests helpfully, one hand coasting up your back while he noses at your cheek. 
“Peter,” you chide, laughing. “We’ve already put it off for too long. At this rate, the tree’s going to die before we get ornaments on it.” 
Your boyfriend heaves a great sigh, pressing a final, consoling kiss to the skin beneath your eye before stepping away from you. “Alright, alright. We’ll get it done.” 
“Thank you,” you say weakly, tucking some string lights more securely into the tree’s branches while Peter stoops over the box. You do your best to calm your heart rate and try to get back into the flow of decorating. 
A second later, there’s a thwick, and you look up to see a green and red sprig webbed to the ceiling above your head.
You look over at Peter, who is also staring up at the mistletoe. 
“What?” His brow wrinkles, and he looks between you and the ceiling with his palms tipped guilelessly upward. “How’d that get there? Damn, sweetheart, I really wanted to stay on task, but you know, rules are rules, so…”
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venture4treasure · 1 month
"Happy Birthday, Venture"
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Words: 657
Premise: Venture’s birthday unfortunately overlapped an important Overwatch mission, but you do your best to make the best of it for them. 
Warnings: None
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Three hours into a flight back to Gibraltar, and most of the agents have been lulled to sleep by the exhaustion of the mission aided by the gentle rumble of the plane engine. 
You slip into the empty seat besides Venture, they’re staring absent-mindedly out the window, head resting against their hand propped up on the tray table. They don’t make any acknowledgement of your presence. 
“Sloan,” you ask, your hand ghosting over their shoulder – unsure of if touch would startle them. 
They snap towards your voice, blinking a couple times to ground themselves before breathing out an exasperated groan. 
“Sorry, sorry,” they say, waving their hands for emphasis, “didn’t mean to ignore you, love”. 
“It’s fine,” you smile, reaching for a towel to wipe at some of the dirt on their face, “you didn’t wash up earlier?” 
“I was tired and thought I’d knock out instantly,” Venture leans back into their seat, “instead I’ve been thinking, getting into my own head about things”.
“Penny for your thoughts?” You hum. 
“It’s my birthday, I almost forgot with how busy everything has been,” Venture explains, “guess this whole ‘saving the world’ thing doesn’t come with vacation days”. 
“It’s also my first birthday away from family,” Venture adds, quieter, “like it was going to happen one day, but I really wish I were home with mi abuelita and not on this mission”.
Venture pauses, reflecting on what they’ve said. They make a face, sticking their tongue out as if spitting out something gross. 
“What am I saying,” they whine, “of course I want to protect the people and artifacts of Dorado, but…” 
You reach your arm across Venture’s neck, pulling them in for a hug. 
“No, I get it. We’re all so tired with everything recently,” you lean back, tracing their eye bags with your thumb – you can’t imagine how exhausted they are between Overwatch and the Wayfinders Society, it’s bad enough just trying to keep up with Overwatch alone these days. 
“Anyways,” you chirp, rummaging through your bag to take out a tupperware container. 
“Cupcakes,” you cheerily announce, “I wouldn’t forget your birthday”. 
Venture stares at you, at a loss for words. 
“How did you get them aboard?” 
“Who’s checking,” you ask back. Ana does, your mind helpfully supplies. But she all but encouraged you when you bashfully explained why, so that doesn’t count. 
Venture makes a noise, surrendering to your point. They pick up a cupcake, taking a bite.
“It’s good,” they lick their lips, “better than the rations on the plane for sure”. 
You agree, digging through your stuff again for a plastic bag that you haphazardly drop besides the cupcakes. 
“Rocks?” Venture asks, amused. 
You pick out one of the ‘rocks’ from the bag, breaking it in half to show them.
“Cake balls” you correct, popping the dessert in your mouth, “they’re really good, I got the recipe from Lena”.
“Lena cooks?” Venture raises a brow in disbelief, picking a cake ball for themselves. 
“No,” you laugh, “Emily does though, she's fantastic”.
The two or you eat in silence for some time, breaking the peace to show each other social media posts on your phones. 
“Oh,” you pull out a yellow slip of paper from your pocket, “I got this for you too”.
Venture takes the note, unfolding it to read its content. 
“A paid leave of absence…” Venture reads to themself, “from the Wayfinders Society and Overwatch?” 
“This isn’t real”. 
“It very much is,” you huff, “took forever to find who manages this kinda stuff for the Wayfinders, but Winston was happy to give you your well-deserved break”. 
Venture lets out a choked noise, catching you in a tight hug, shoving their face against your neck. You can feel them silently tear up. You hold them closer, running your hand comfortingly across their back. 
“Go enjoy a break with your abuelita,” you say.
“I will,” they assure, still clutching onto you.
“Happy birthday, Sloan”.  
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Author’s Note: One (now a couple, oops) day late because I forgot until I saw a tweet about it.
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cxtori · 2 months
Kaveh ✮ Bad Days
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summary: basically you’ve had a really rough week and Kaveh decides to help you do your hair when you get upset with it :)
genre: fluff established relationship, good ole’ feminine hair rage, hurt/comfort, Kaveh is really good at doing hair I just know he is
warnings: n/a
WC: 1.3k
song: here with me by d4vd
tori’s note: OMG a genshin fic, lookie! And HELLO! I’m alive. I’m finally getting used to my new job and routine so I’m finding more time to spend on my hobbies, which means I’m finding more time to write :) hoping to be posting more stuff soon! <3
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It had been a hard day. A Hard week actually.
First, the art piece you had worked so hard on was rejected by the art exhibit you submitted it to. Then the market was out of all of the key ingredients you needed when you planned to make Kaveh some Fatteh. And then one of the art gallery’s regulars yelled at you because her piece wasn’t in the spot she felt it deserved. Plus all of the other little inconveniences that occurred throughout the week that pushed you closer and closer to the edge.
You were already exhausted, annoyed and frustrated. And now, here you were, sitting at your vanity trying to get your hair fixed and looking pretty while on the verge of tears.
It’s a style you’ve done a million times over. There’s no reason for it to be this complicated. And yet, your hair is refusing to cooperate, your strands now tangled in a hair barrette.
You let out a loud, frustrated groan. At this point, you don’t care if it’s not the best it’s ever been, you just want it to look presentable. But it seems like the harder you try the worse it gets.
Kaveh is supposed to be here at any moment to pick you up for your date and your hair is nowhere near ready. And now the tears welling in your eyes threaten to ruin your makeup as well.
You take a deep breath and try to calm your annoyed thoughts before making another attempt to untangle your hair wrapped around the intricate hair piece, its sparkling green gem reflecting in the mirror as though to mock you.
You’re making fine progress, until you drop the barrette and your hair seems to wrap around it like a magnet. You pick it back up and manage to tug a little too hard on a strand or two, causing a sharp pain in your scalp and an involuntary gasp to escape your lips. And that did it.
You let out an exasperated groan and the tears you’d done so well to hold back drop down your cheeks, dragging dark mascara with it. Great, now your hair is a mess AND so is your makeup.
You pick up the hair piece again, heavily considering whether it would truly be a bad idea to just cut it out.
Before you can convince yourself you’d look good with shorter hair, Kaveh knocks on your door and enters the room.
“Y/n, there you are, darling. I thought you’d be down-” He cuts himself off when he catches a glimpse of your mascara-streaked face in your mirror. “Y/n?”
You turn around to face him, tears now streaming freely down your face as you’ve completely given up on trying to hold them in. You’ve reached your breaking point, though you must admit, you’re surprised it took this long.
“Wh-why are you crying?” Kaveh asks, panic rushing through him at the sight of your current state. His eyes widen slightly and he straightens, placing his hands on his hips. “Was it Ms. Oshi again? I swear, her work isn’t good enough to be putting up a fuss the way she does.”
“No… I mean she did come in again this week, but that’s not why I’m crying,” you say, your words barely comprehensible through your quiet sobs and sniffles.
Kaveh’s arms drop and his expression softens. “What is it then, darling?”
“I can’t get my hair right!” You cry. He looks up at your head, only now noticing the tangled barrett resting chaotically in your strands. “And now my makeup is a mess,” you mutter, turning your gaze back to your reflection.
You miss the soft smile on Kaveh’s lips as he makes his way over to you and rests his hands on your shoulders, gently guiding you to sit up straight.
“Let me help.” You don’t resist when his hands begin working on your hair, carefully pulling it from the metal piece. His nimble fingers make quick work and before long, he’s pulling the barrett from your hair, no scissors needed.
He moves his hand around you to place it in your lap before picking up the hair brush on your vanity. As he straightens out your knotted hair, you begin fixing your makeup, doing your best to not smudge the streaked mascara further on your face.
You finish your makeup at the same time he gets your hair untangled, but when you move to start working on your hair yourself, Kaveh pushes your hands away, a humming quiet “hmm mm”. You, once again, don’t argue and sit back in your chair as he continues his braiding.
Your gaze drops down to the barrett in your lap and you pick up the cool piece of metal. Your fingers trace over the delicate, golden vines and leaves, the stems growing tighter together as they meet in the center where they wrap around a grassy-green crystal surrounded by tiny, crimson red gems.
“Do you remember when I got you that hair piece?” Kaveh asks quietly, a hint of amusement in his voice.
“You mean when you were nervously fumbling with the jewelry box and nearly dumped it into the river? I remember,” you giggle, the image bright and vivid in your memory.
“Ahh, well… yes, but not that part,” he says and you look at his face in the mirror just soon enough to catch the flash of embarrassment on his face. “Do you remember why I’d given it to you.”
You think back on the moment, but no answer comes to mind. You had been together for around 6 months at the time, and aside from that milestone, nothing of significance comes up. You shake your head, careful to do it lightly enough as to not mess up your boyfriends progress. Kaveh gives a light chuckle.
“You had been having an absolutely horrendous week. ‘Worst days of your life’ is what you’d told me.” Your eyebrows furrow as you try to dig up the memories, but you get nothing.
“Granted, I think you were overexagerrating a bit,” he says quickly before continuing. “But still, you were quite upset. I thought the gift would cheer you up. And it did, though maybe not in the way I’d intended.” You laugh again at the image of him almost dropping his newly purchased gift off the bridge into the rushing water below you and the heavy sigh of relief he gave as he clutched the box in his hands like his life depended on it.
He reaches around you to gently take the barrett from your hands, his fingers lingering on yours a few moments longer than necessary.
“All of that to say, this moment will pass. You’ll move on and forget about all of the bad things that happened this week. Well, maybe except Ms. Oshi yelling at you. Her voice forever haunts me,” he jokes and you giggle. He never fails to make you laugh, even if it’s not his intention.
“But something you will never forget are these moments,” he says as he clips the barrett into place. He brushes your hair over to the side and places a light kiss on your exposed shoulder.
“I love you, darling. On your best and on your worst days.” His whispers against your skin give you goosebumps and you turn your head to face him, his amber-red eyes meeting yours.
He takes your hands and guides you to stand up, his hands moving to your wast as soon as your vertical.
“I love you too. Thank you,” you say, leaning close to him so your whispers fall on his lips. He wastes no more time to press his mouth to yours, the scent of clay and sandalwood flooding your senses.
Every unsaid word is conveyed perfectly as he pulls you closer to him and deepens the kiss. You let out a soft laugh when he nibbles your lip, knowing it’ll get a reaction out of you. You pull apart, your quiet pants filling the space between you as you hold each other close.
“My love,” Kaveh says, stroking a thumb tenderly over your cheek. He gives a happy hum as he pulls away, his hand dropping down to yours to grasp it tightly. “We should get going, don’t want the tavern to be too crowded now.”
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©Cxtori 2024 please do not copy, plagiarize, repost or translate. reblogs appreciated
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lilghostiequinni · 4 months
Not the Only One
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Main Masterlist Lestappen Masterlist
Pairing: Norris!female oc (Lea) x Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc
Warnings: Fluffy,
Summary: She comes to Formula One as a photographer. Well, kind of. She's something else but a photographer nonetheless, but for three teams, she takes photos.
Requested: NO / yes (Saturday Poll)
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The better part of all 10 teams was gathered in one of the many conferencing rooms in the F1 headquarters; every team had its own little section.
"Alright, well, we have a new member joining, she is a photographer to all teams, partially and three teams full time," Stefano says to the group of teams in the room as he walks in, a woman following behind.
"She is already assigned to one team of her choice. The other two will be determined via her terms," Stefano says, moving to the side for the woman to come forward.
"This is Lea, Lea Norris. She will also be taking team photos and the grid photo for this year's beginning," Stefano says, pointing to the woman as he does.
"Hello, I'm Lea. The team of my choosing was McLaren. I brought it up to Stefano about how to determine the other two teams I will be working for, and that is a charity race for what ever charity you choose. Any questions?" Lea asks the grid, and a few hands go up.
Lea pointed to Alex Albon, "How are you related to Lando? He never mentions you."
"Well, I'm his twin sister, his more successful little twin sister," Lea walks over to Lando and wraps her arms around his neck, and he holds her arms with his hands.
Carlos raises his hand next, "I would like to point out that I knew of you, just not what you do?"
Lea smiles, and Lando shakes his head, "She co-owns Quadrant with me because she can do the behind-the-scenes better than I can. She also owns her own clothing brand, Leona & Odan, also owning the multi-million dollar company Leletics, the company that makes many parts of the liveries and other things. Let's not forget her athletic ability," Lando says; he does an eye roll at the end but still has a smile.
"That is all true. I own the fashion company Leona & Odan, along with the company Leletics, which is also a design company not just for livery parts and 'stuff.' I also co-own Quadrant with my brother, but I am never on camera because I don't want to. I am also athletic. I do ballet and a few other sports myself. I am terrible at golf, though," Lea says, letting go of her brother to walk back to the front of the room.
She stands at the front of the room, watching the drivers.
"Why are you doing this?" Comes from the Mercedes team.
"Because I need a change of pace. I do what I love every day, but there is only so much I can do about my hobbies, such as photography. Also, I may have punched one of the chairmen to Leletics because he was there for a few years and still thought I was an assistant and not the CEO. He tried to do something that shouldn't be done, and I may have punched him a little too hard," Lea says with a fake smile on her face.
"Someone tried to touch you! Was it that asshole Brason?" Lando demands in big brother mode.
"It's fine, Lando, later, please," Lea begs her brother; Lando clenches his jaw but backs down.
For the next hour, she answers all the questions on what she is to do before she gets a question from one Max Verstappen, "So, what are we to do for this race?"
"The race is to determine what other two teams I'll technically work for, and for charity, the two teams to win will get to give 1 million dollars to a charity of their choosing. McLaren will also be competing because they don't want them left out, but they won't get anything if they win; a charity of their choice will still get a million dollars, and the charities of the rest of the teams will still get half a million dollars, each." Lea says before she continues. "Listen, I know it sounds bad because you don't even know what I can do, but I just want to give back, and I... I don't really know how to explain myself to you. I just want to do what got me started, talking pictures of racing."
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It was basically a mock race in Silverstone; liveries were provided to each team, so everyone was on the same playing field as the racers; there was a single level of qualifying and a single free practice to get familiar with the car.
In the last laps of the race, it was pretty clear that the two other teams would be Red Bull and Ferrari, but Mercedes was still in the running for the third team, attempting to over take Ferrari.
But in the end, it was Ferrari that just barely beat Mecades as Carlos passed Hamilton.
Later that day, Formula One announced the addition of a three-team photographer, and the day after, McLaren, Red Bull, and Ferrari announced themselves as the three teams for the newest photographer
Lea proved herself, too, to all the teams, not just the three that had become her job, that she was capable of taking the necessary photographs in the sport of Formula One.
It was no surprise to her brother, though, when she showed up at Woking with a helmet for her brother, one he sort of forgot about. Just barely remembered a helmet design he told her for the 2024 season, so she designed it but did not tell him she designed it, giving it to him before testing as a surprise.
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A/N: So, Lestappen won, but I will check later when the poll ends and post a thing about which two get one shot in a week. There will also be a part two posted in Week 3, it will take place in Maimi, Imola, and Monaco of the current season. This didn't have much Lestappen content, but in the next one it will.
Tags: If you want to be added to the lists or a single list, let me know
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gray-doesnt-write · 11 months
“Goodnight” | Aaron Hotchner x Agent Reader
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Pairing: SSA Aaron Hotchner x Agent Reader
Summary: late nights and goodbye kisses. Just a little drabble.
Warnings: Damn is used. That's it.
Notes: Masterlist
The office was silent besides the ticking of the clock , the hands moving closer and closer to the 12 at the top. It was just Hotch and one of the agents on his team , Y/n L/n , left in the office now quiet. It wasn't a surprise to Hotch to still see Y/n there. Y/n had quite the tendency to stay late after hours , much like Hotch did. After this case however , concern was needed. To put it gently , this previous case was hard emotionally on everyone in the team , yet there sat Y/n still , a blank expression on their face as their pen scratched against the paper in front of them.
"Go home , Agent L/n , it's late." Hotch's voice breaks the silence , he stands in front of his office , leaning against the railing as he looks down at Kai in the bullpen.
Y/n looked up at him , there was a small yet tired smile on their face. "You're still here though , seems almost hypocritical."
A smirk tugs on the corner of Hotch's lips , though he doesn't let it through. He remains standing there , looking down. "Well I'm your boss , it's my job. Go home , L/n."
"Not until you do , I won't."
A dangerous game to play with your boss , Hotch could already see how this little back and forth is going to play out. He'd insist they should go on home , they deny doing it until Hotch goes home too and the cycle repeats till one of them breaks. The question was if Hotch was just going to play into Y/n's game. "Fine then , stay there. I don't care." The smirk seemed to make its reappearance.
"That's a lie and you and I both know it," Y/n chuckles , shaking their head.
"Fine , but you have to walk me to the door." Hotch says , smiling as he stops leaning against the rail , standing up and stretching some.
The cold night air nipped at Y/n and Hotch's skin as Hotch walks Y/n to their car , right outside the BAU. He couldn't help but take glances at Y/n in the cold weather. Their cheeks and nose had a pink tint to them like a natural blush from the cold and their lips were dry. Y/n didn't seem to mind at the moment as they pull their coat closer to them , their hands stuff in their coat pocket. Hotch finally speaks up as they walk slowly. "Not a fan of the cold?"
It doesn't take Y/n long at all to shake their head. "Not at all. Snow , I can deal with , but when it's just cold , nothing else , no. I miss summer." Y/n sighs , their breath visible in the air. Hotch leaves it at that.
He opens Y/n's car door for them , smiling a bit. "Be safe , and get some sleep for the love of God."
Y/n chuckles a bit , smiling as well. God , their smile… "will do Hotch , will do." Just before Hotch turns to walk away , a cold hand takes a hold of his arm. "Oh and Hotch?"
He turns , facing them. "Agent L/n?"
They place a soft kiss on his lips , a small smile on their face. "Goodnight," they say before taking a seat in their car , cranking it before backing out. Hotch is left there for a moment , the smile still on his lips as he watches them leave. Damn.
Word count ; 581
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
TADC cast x short and fluffy reader? (Maybe the reader has an extra fluffy tail)
TADC cast x short and fluffy!reader !
Ooo I wanna make brioche, but I also wanna make macarons... but I also wanna make scones... OOOOOO but I also wanna make butterscotch haystacks (having a crisis) (this is totally unrelated to the ask I just be yappin)
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Now to be fair, you didnt specify how short you are so to Caine you're probably just normal sized/j .. absolutely loves your fluff, probably runs his hands through it every chance he gets, regardless of if its hair, feathers, or fur! Since you're on the smaller side he can pro comfortably hold you in his arms while flying around! Loves showing you how the grounds look from above, I think!
No thoughts only Caine taking you up to fly over the grounds while its nighttime and you see all the lights down below and everything looks so pretty!!
He wont drop you I promise
You're normal sized in her eyes/j
Keeps her hands to herself but if you offer to let her pet your tail! Good stress relief, I think! Pomni never really initiates it before you offer, though, since she doesnt really want to invade your personal bubble
Please communicate with her that it's fine and it's not something you mind!
Occasional pets! She kind of lies somewhere between pomni and jax in terms of how much shes going to pet you without any prompting! More so a head pats person than a tail.. stuff?? Trust me the "tail stuff" makes more sense when you read jax's part..! Doesnt make fun of you for your height, i just cant see ragatha doing that. I was originally gonna say she would make petnames for you based on it, but I'm not actually sure she would.. has probably made bows and stuff for your tail!
(Bumping my fists on the table) jax fidget hc jax fidget hc !!!!! Messes with your tail when its within reach; usually just messing with the fur or lightly bapping it around and watching it instinctively move around in response! He would already tease you for being shorter than him... but if you're actually below the average height (or at least, the average within the digital world) then hes gonna lean really into it! Makes a show of getting something down for you, probably overstretches himself and gets on his tip tops to sell the point (he, of course, not needing to do any of thst thanks to his height)
The "how to talk to short people" meme but hes on the incorrect side by crouching down to your height/j he doesnt mean anything rude by it..! Sometimes likes to mess with your tail by petting the fur when you guys cuddle inside the pillow fort! Honestly I can see him with a fidgeting habit, too, like jax! But I think his is less intense and he has a little more restraint.. that said once you give him the go ahead hes gonna be constantly petting your tail if it's long enough
(Watches your tail swish around) "oh... cool.."
Zooble doesn't exactly feel this way or that about your tail, however I will say you extra fluff makes cuddling with them more enjoyable since they look like they're made of hard plastic (Zooble I'm sorry I love you)
Probably lightly teases you for your height; not to the extent jax does it but they probably let out a flat "haah.. short.." when you briefly struggle with something non important
Short person x person who can (physically and emotionally) be knocked down easily; you guys both have your own struggles/j
Would never ever in a million years make any mean comments on your height, and this includes teasing and nicknames; she doesn't have the heart to even lightly poke fun at you
Petting can be a little weird, since gangle doesnt exactly.. have hands.. I mean she does, but they're like the ends of ribbon; she doesnt have palms or fingers, nor can she put the most force behind her touches (at least that's my personal hc, she doesnt strike me as someone who's. Strong... or even proportionally strengthed? Idk shes ribbon)
Very silly she loves it when your tail starts swishing around when you see her!!
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eeboshmeebo · 1 month
🕰️I missed you!🕰️
Pro Hero Monoma x Reader
Short. I was sparked by a song.
You snuck around, diving into darker areas and parts of the crowd that helped you blend in, your objective being the Hero Agency up in front that was blocked off with lots of people on guard, even the civilians were wary, let alone the ones wearing merchandise with stopwatches on them...
Bypassing the crowd of fans, taking the fire escape stairs up the back of the building, nodding to a sidekick and entering through the back door, you made your way closer to your goal.
The employees already knew what was going to happen, but they ignored you as you passed them by in a rush. One even sighed as you almost tripped them and hastily apologized as you kept running.
They all knew...
...that something inevitable would happen.
And it did.
Along with that cry were the exasperated groans of Battlefist with her tean, who was visiting to do a check up on Monoma's behavior, and the rest of the sidekicks. And the defeated mumbles of the crowd outside, because the agency didn't really have great sound insulation.
"Oh! My love! I should've noticed!"
Following that was a crash, inciting the technician who just finished up repairing the computers in the PR room to twitch in irritation before an intern went to calm him down.
"Poor mister Atsu..."
"He gets a bonus for all of that, even if he has such a stressful workload. What do you think they broke this time?"
"...he's going to have a heart attack."
Poor Atsu. He looked like he was going to have a vein visibly pop out of stress.
Meanwhile, you cuddled into your beloved's arms with the remains of a computer to the side. On the floor. Luckily, there was a very nice carpet underneath.
"I missed you so much, Nene! You didn't come back for such a long time, I was getting worried!" You protested a bit, before nuzzling your face into his suit.
"I'm sorry, my love! I had to go to a different prefecture to deal with the villain, but I'll try to make sure to let you know next time, okay?"
Neito Monoma, better known as Phantom Thief, had wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head with an endeared smile on his face. He lifted your chin to look up at him, though he was craning his neck to look back at you.
"I promise, my little jewel."
"Promise? Then you've gotta seal that promise... with a kiss!"
You both giggled at that, sitting upright as you cupped his face with your hands.
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss onto your lips, and you kept a close hold on nis necktie-
"Dear Kami-sama."
The kiss was broken off immediately as a whispered prayer came from the technician, who had just opened the door. His eyes were locked onto the unfortunate computer and its PC, which somehow didn't land on the carpet. The computer itself was mostly fine, but the PC was... well, in short, it was a goner.
Like the technician.
He had fainted while standing up, causing an employee to call the medical department in the agency so he won't accidentally hurt himself when he fell over eventually.
"Hey, Awase-san? Can you remind me to schedule a raise for Atsu-san?"
Welder, or Awase, was one of the people Battlefist had brought over for the visit. He clenched a hand at the sight of the technician.
"Yeah. He deserves it, with how much stuff you guys break."
Outside, the fans knew they had failed. There was a small challenge that if someone could stop Phantom Thief's lover, he'd finally hold a meet-and-greet with his fans. Judging by the happy voices inside, they had failed.
So, they leave in defeat, but they'll try again another day.
Oh yeah, and mister Atsu recovered. He's ranting to the nurses as they make sure he's alright.
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