#i can easily get 6-7h of sleep
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airenyah · 3 months ago
i need there to be ten days between each ep of the heart killers, not seven. bc it takes me 5 days to process the new episode in the first place, then i take another night to rewatch with my brain turned on and ready to take notes and then i suddenly only have one day left for meta writing, a day on which i don't really have time bc i have classes and stuff
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imnotevenusin · 10 months ago
Explaining some placements in my Natal Chart
1. Taurus Mars: Honestly, I am kinda slow to taking action on most things. Usually, I don’t get that defensive, and I’m more comfortable with letting things slide; I don’t have enough energy for confrontation sometimes.
- squaring Neptune: Mars square Neptune is my worst aspect imo. This placement makes it hard for me to feel motivated; daydreaming is my go to, but I’m “working” on trying to knock down my goals in a realistic manner. I think this also makes my actions misconstrued by others - I always got in trouble and perceived as suspicious by others.
2. Mercury in Leo 11°: My laugh is contagious. A Leo Mercury gets attention from the way they communicate or laugh.
- opposing Neptune: Fucking terrible. All my words come out so wrong and jumbled together. An unhealthy amount of daydreaming too. I’ve always been a creative writer tho.
- conjunct Saturn: This one is annoying too. I do feel like my comments or opinions get ignored sometimes. And I gotta talk slowly to get the best sentences out. In general, Mercury-Saturn eventually makes you smart and well-educated; Saturn takes out what isn’t necessary and makes you think about something longer before you say it.
3. Aries Moon: I’ve definitely witnessed my Mom taking the leadership role in the household while growing up. She’s always wanted me to be more militant and confident. Even when I think something isn’t a big deal, she’ll take it very seriously. I’ve also heard of the Aries Moons having big foreheads-trend.
I think this is the most sensitive Moon sign, because the Moon is such a vulnerable planet and Aries feels everything so fast. Whenever I face emotional problems - or discomfort, I like to work out, or listen to loud music. Its like this weird energy rush.
3rd House Moon trine Mercury: Mind is racing constantly. I like to write out my feelings and thoughts to feel better. I can accurately analyze my emotional state. I’m a good student too—not so much with homework—and I can easily pay attention and participate in class.
-sextile Neptune: I can express my emotions through poetry and music. Neptune makes me a little more empathetic.
4. Libra MC: Throughout school, I’ve always been known for having nice outfits. My biggest aspirations involve artistic things: screenwriting & music.
5. Sun in Leo 29°/8H: Theres a lot of enjoyment in Astrology—which is also rules by the 8H—for me. In school, I had a list of everybody’s birthdays for some reason. I’m heavily interested in the subconscious mind and how it controls you—your behavior and how it affects the decisions you make. I’ve always been more interested in everything under the surface.
6. Saturn in Leo: I never really felt my Leo energy like that. I’m more reserved tbr. For some reason, I feel guilty and annoying for enjoying myself and simply being creative - even when it’s not bothering anybody.
7. Capricorn Rising: People usually tell me I look older than I am. I feel naturally awkward for some reason. Since the 1st House deals with the relationship we have with ourselves, it took me a while to get comfortable - Saturn rules Capricorn.
8. Chiron in the 1st House rX: Honestly, I never really put that much importance on my height, until other people started commenting on it. And there’s always unneeded comments on my appearance. Since its in Capricorn, I’ve had teeth problems growing up, and now I have braces.
9. Pluto in the 12th House rX: The 12th House is separated from everything and everybody. I’ve always been existential since an early age. There was always a fear of being separated from people. I do like to dig deep into my subconscious mind and figure myself out more; I’ve realized how powerful the subconscious mind was and why I was acting the way I was. Detaching from everything also seems to give me less burdens. Sleep Paralysis issues too.
10. Saturn in the 7H: Suckkkksssssss. Growing up, I was definitely the late-bloomer when it comes to relationships.
11. Uranus in the 2H sextile Ascendant: Definitely felt like an oddball growing up. I’m not the only person that listens to Rock, but I definitely got weird looks and reactions for enjoying it. I do get self-esteeem from being different, even if it alienates me. My appearance and interests surprises people.
12. Mars/Aries in the 4H: WWE matches in my household/family.
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shankss-magnificent-ass · 8 years ago
Unadulterated Crack Part 4
Pairing: Thorin Oakenshield x reader
Word count : 3,009
warning: Thorin is a WEE ASS IN THIS.
--- Part 1 --- Part 2 --- Part 3 --- Part 4 --- Part 5 --- Part 6 --- Part 7 --- Part 8 ---  Part 9— Part 10 — Part 11— Part 12 — Part 13 —Part 14 — Part 15— Part 16— Part 17 --- Part 18 --- Part 19 --- Part 20 --- Part 21 ---  
      You changed the house several times over the month, much to everyones displeasure. Finally on Christmas Eve, you gathered the company, gave them a cup of hot coco with marshmallows, and said, "Tonight is Christmas Eve, you get to open on present from under the tree tonight." You watched as they searched through the sea of presents. 
Thorin, who gave you free  access to his mind, grumbled, 'Why are we doing this again?' inwardly.
    'Because it is something I'm used to doing in December, and because it makes me feel not so homesick...oh and because you love me.' you retorted.   
  He shot you a  glare, and asked, 'how are we supposed to know which one to pick?' 
    Out loud you said, "You pick which ever present you want to. Most people pick whichever sounds the best when you shake it gently." The company proceeded by tenderly rattling their gifts.
    When everyone had picked their presents, you said, "Alright, open them."     Kili asked, "how?" 
    "Rip the paper off and open the box." You replied, which was followed by a chorus of paper ripping. Bilbo got brand new embroidered handkerchiefs. Bofur got a set of artisan palm chisels. Kili got a new quiver of highly decorated leather. Fili got a pair of boot with retractable knives in the toes. Dwalin got two dozen of his favorite cookies. Balin you got a book on unions (he expressed an interest in them after you explained what they were). Ori got a pack of artist pencils ranging from 7H to 8B and a crap ton of erasers. Dori got a large thermos, and boxes of tea. Nori got a new lock picking set, and smoke bombs. Bombur got one of those smoked meat and cheese samplers.  Bifur got a new cable knit sweater. Oin got a book on the history of medicine from your world. Gloin you got him a photo of his son, Gimil (you had double checked with Oin that was what Gimil looked like). Gandalf got a nice warm scarf. Thorin, however, got the Durin ale you jokingly got him. 
    While the others excitedly started to use their gifts, Thorin looked up at you, and thought, 'I am slightly confused.'
    You snickered, 'it's an ale from my world dedicated to the line of Durin. It was a joke gift, everyone has one, you just so happened to pick your's out first.'
    Kili glanced at his uncle, and locked onto the six pack of ale in his hands, then said, "Uncle, why does that ale have our family name on it?"
    "It was a joke gift, I wanted to confuse your poor uncle." You stated, "it looks like I succeeded."
      Fili who was trying on his new boot, but clearly had no idea that they were also a weapon, grumbled, "Is the ale any good?" 
    "I have no idea, the only ale I really drink is apple ale, because I'm secretly eight. So you'll have to be the judge of that." you sighed, handing Thorin a bottle opener. 
    He cracked one open, took a sip, and muttered, "this is actually kind of good." taking another sip. His nephews waltzed over and asked for a sip, which Thorin handed the bottle to Fili.  After each of them had a drink they concurred with their uncle.    As you set up the movie, Fili asked, "how did you know I needed new boots, (y/n)?"
   You chuckled, "Well I didn't, I just thought you'd appreciate them since you have an affinity for knives."
   "How are boots and knives connected?" Dwalin muttered.
   "Fili, dig your big toes against the toes of the boots." You ordered. He looked down at his feet and a second later the blades popped out of the soles. Fili looked up at you speechlessly, his brother however cried, "Mahal, Fili has got knives hidden in your boots!"
    "How do you retract it?" Fili mumbled.
    "same way you did to push them out of the boot." you explained.
    Then came the fateful day Thorin insisted on stopping outside the ruins of that farmhouse. After Gandalf and Thorin fought, and the wizard left, Thorin came over to you, and said, "Where ever you decide to summon your home is fine by me."
    "Actually Thorin, we've got to sleep outside tonight." You sighed, while blocking him out of your head so he would not see what was going to happen.     He frowned, and said, "If I may inquire as to why we need to sleep outside tonight?"
    "Uh...Thorin certain events need to happen in order for the long term goals of not only this quest, but the quest in engenders. Unfortunately one such event happens tonight, and I dare not interfere or mess with it." you explained, making sure to block him from your head.
    He frowned, and being in a sour mood, he just glared at you, but nodded his head.     You watched as Bilbo took Fili and Kili their bowls of soup, and prepared yourself mentally to be stuck inside of a bag by a smelly troll. You summoned up a weapon, something that would make up for your lack of skill and strength, but wouldn't arouse too much suspicion. Balin said, "You look nervous lass, what is wrong?"
    You looked up at him, feigned a smiled, and answered, "Just waiting, that's all." He looked confused, but said nothing. When Fili and Kili came up and said Bilbo was in trouble, Thorin reluctantly ordered everyone to stop what they were doing and to take arms.     After the pitiful attempt to rescue the hobbit, the trolls started to load those of you they weren't going to eat in bags. You apparently squirmed too much for their liking and the one handling you slammed you against one of the boulders behind them. Your head cracked against the rock and everything went dark. You awoke to find yourself leaning against Thorin's shoulder. Your head felt like it was going to explode, you grumbled, "Well that was rude."
    Thorin muttered, "Are you alright mamamshul-‘ibinê?" sounding relieved.
    You sighed, "Yes, I just lost consciousness for a bit there, and my head feels like it's going to explode. Other than that I'm fine."
    Thorin whispered, "You stopped breathing for five minutes, I thought I lost you." sounding pained.
    You chuckled, "Well it'll take more than bashing me against a rock to kill me, so for now, you're stuck with me."
    He grumbled, "While you were out you unconscious you missed them starting to cook some of the others."
    "Rotisserie style Dwarf does not sound appealing," you mumbled without looking.
    Thorin looked at you aghast, he hissed, "You knew this was going to happen didn't you!"
    "We'll be fine Thorin, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I couldn't." You admitted
.     "Liar! What else are you keeping from me!" Thorin spat quietly.
    You shrugged, "I didn't lie, I told you something was going to happen tonight Thorin, I didn't say exactly what though. I will tell you what will happen before the end of the month without going into so much detail, but only once we are out of these bags."
    Thorin merely huffed, and scooted away from you. Bilbo said, "Do you know how we get out of this at least?"
    You nodded your head and said, "yes, you and gandalf get us out of this. I can't tell you how, but what I can tell you is that the trolls are cooking them wrong."
    He sat there for a minute thinking, and then he sprung into action.
   You were the last person still in a bag, and as Fili went to cut you out, Thorin stopped him. He said, "I need to have a word with kurkarukê."  everyone looked at each other, and cleared out. Thorin, not trusting his friends and family enough to actually be out of earshot, slid one arm behind your back and the other under your knees, and he threw you over his shoulder. You cried, "Thorin Oakenshield put me down!" as you squirmed . He silently began to carry you off in the opposite direction the rest of the company had gone. After about ten yards you shrieked, "Thorin stop!"
      In response his big hand sharply smacked your bottom, and he growled, "You have some explaining to do, now stop squirming and be quiet." as his hand kneaded the flesh under his hand. You had to bite your lip, what he was doing felt amazing, and his shoulder was digging into your ribs causing you pain.
    When Thorin was satisfied with the distance between the two of you and the company, he knelt down, and leaned you against a tree trunk in front of him. He said, "Now tell me what you promised," gruffly.
   "Well I promised to tell you all that once I was out of this bag!" you snapped.
      He growled in displeasure, took the neck of the bag in both hands, and ripped it clean off of you. You had to admit that you were turned on by that, but his attitude towards you was not so appealing. You untied the rope and tossed it off, you sighed, "Thank you, but was it really necessary to be so rough with me? I am not a sack of potatoes you know."
       Thorin grabbed your thighs, and yanked you towards him, and grabbed your wrists as he snarled, "Tell me what you know." You frowned at him, and peered into his mind. He was stressed, scared, and angry. He knew he would need to apologize for being so crude later on, but now wasn't the time. He felt out of control, and didn't like it or know what to do. He had your hips pressed against his own, and was pinning you to the forest floor. He had to admit he liked this position. but he didn't feel like pleasuring you would get him answers. He wanted to yell at you, but he knew you'd clam up if he did that, nor would you forgive him easily. He was scaring you a little bit, so you broke down and muttered, "The ponies are gone, we will  need to find the troll hoard. Where Gandalf, Bilbo, and you get new swords. After that we run into one of Gandalf's friends that he mentioned earlier in the quest, who gives Gandalf some information. We learn that we are being hunted, Gandalf's friend draws them off while me make a run for it on foot. We have a little run in with the Elves, and learn some very valuable information from them, and we resume the quest after a short break to annoy the Elves." 
    Thorin loosened his grip, and said, "Was that so hard?" You glared at him, and tried to swallow the knot of anger in your throat. He entered your mind, leaned his forehead against yours, and ground his hips into your heat, as he shrugged, "I'm sorry I scarred you, I'm sorry for being upset, I'm sorry." in an effort to soothe you.
    You whispered, "Thorin we should hurry back, as you pointed out, now is not the time for any of this, later perhaps." and tried to pull away from him. Thorin reluctantly let go, knowing that if he held you here it would only make matters worst.  You slid out from under him, and stood up.  Thorin rolled onto his back side, and asked, "When will I be able to make it up to you?" 
    You said, "Before the month is up I think." you replied without looking back at him. Thorin stood up and said, "May I do something just so we don't leave off on a bad note?" You hesitated before nodding your head. Thorin pulled you close to him, and kissed you gently.     At the troll hoard you directed Gandalf and Thorin to the swords in the corner. While this was going on Gloin and the boys were debating over whether or not they should take a lot of gold with them or leave it and come back for it later. Some of the others said that leaving it was a bad idea since someone could come along and take it. You walked over and suggested, " Bury some of it, and come back for it later. At the current moment it'll weigh us down." This seemed to satisfy all of them, and they started to dig a small hole. As this was going on Thorin protested taking Orcist, claiming that he already had a perfectly good dwarvish sword. Shoving Orcist into his chest and saying, "Its hilt is made from a dragon fang, and you are going to slay a dragon, its a match made in heaven." He puffed out his cheeks and reluctantly took the sword. You followed Gandalf and Thorin out of the cave, and watched the wizard pass over Sting. You picked up the small blade and called Gandalf over. You sighed, "I think Bilbo should have a blade of his own don't you think?" holding Sting out to him.
    As Radigast came through the brush and started to babble about the abandoned fortress. Gandalf tried to calm him down, to no avail. You said, "Perhaps some 'Old Tobby' would calm him down Gandalf." After a hit off Gandalf's pipe, the panicked wizard calmed down and clearly relayed his information to Gandalf. While Gandalf stared at the blade Radigast gave to him, you asked, "Radigast how fairs Sebastian?"
    The old wizard frowned, and replied, "He's better, how did you know about him?" 
    You just shrugged, then turned to Thorin and said, "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes." He frowned, but his attention was drawn to the growling on one of the rocks above the group where the warg lurked. As it jumped at the group you jumped towards it, and sliced through its body from the shoulder to his pelvis.
    You jogged along side Thorin with relative ease upon his request to stay close. As the company hide behind the rock, as the warg rider loomed on top of it. Thorin motioned for Kili to shoot the Warg, and Kili shot it down. You lunged forward and sliced the orcs throat so it couldn't cry out. However you weren't quick enough it let out a shrill cry. As the Dwarves claimed Gandalf abandoned them, you hissed, "He has not abandoned us, he's found a hiding place for us."
      When Gandalf came for all of you, you stuck to Thorin. When it was just the two of you still out in the open, he whirled around, wrapped an arm around your waist and lunged into the cave. He landed on top of you, you felt and heard several of your ribs break, and the breath from your lungs leave you. You had to remind yourself to remain quiet, as Thorin pushed himself up, and pulled you behind him away from the cave entrance. He asked, "You okay?" You put on a smile and nodded your head as your ribs snapped back into place with an audible crack. Thorin frowned, and whispered, "Did I hurt you?" 
    You panted, "You're just a little to solid to be tackling me like that, especially if you land on top of me without bracing your fall. You couldn't control the way you landed, it was an accident. The pain is gone anyway."
      He was mentally beating himself up for being careless and hurting you. You kissed his nose and breathed, "Don't worry Schatz, it'll take more than you landing on me to really hurt me, the Valar also increased my pain tolerance while dulling its effects on me. It was mainly the shock of you landing on me that effected me, that and you knocking the wind out of me." As the dead orc fell into the cave Thorin pulled the arrow out of its corpse, and upon sight of the tear drop shaped arrow head, he growled, "Elves!" 
    As all of you shimmied through the crevasse you got stuck. You silently tried to wiggle your way out, but the combined width of your ribcage and your breasts had you wedged in pretty good. You couldn't move too much without it hurting. You groaned, " uh...Houston, we have a problem."
    Gloin, who was behind you growled, "Yer stuck, aren't you?"
    You whined, "Yes unfortunately, breasts are a curse."
    "You're stuck because of your breasts?" Thorin mused.
    You shot him a glare, and snapped, "Yes! And if I move too much it hurts!"     He rolled his eye, and said, "Breathe out as much air as you can, and hold it while we help unwedge you." You huffed, but obied, it took them three minutes to get you out of the tight space. Once you were free, Thorin chuckled, "Be more careful."     When Rivendell came into view, and Thorin accused Gandalf of planning this, which you knew he did, you said, "Thorin, Rivendell is probably the safest place for us to get a well deserved rest. Plus I've always kind of wanted to go to Rivendell, ever since I was small." meekly begging him with your eyes to go to Rivendell. Thorin weighed his options, you added, "Plus they've got food and wine,  and are willing to share with us. Also the map Gandalf gave you has moon runes in ancient Dwarvish on it. I know you can't read ancient Dwarvish, but Elrond can. The information on the map is vital to the quest, it is about the door." 
    Thorin sighed, "We go to Rivendell."
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--- Part 1 --- Part 2 --- Part 3 --- Part 4 (here)--- Part 5 --- Part 6 --- Part 7 --- Part 8 --- Part 9— Part 10 — Part 11— Part 12 — Part 13 —Part 14 — Part 15— Part 16— Part 17 --- Part 18 --- Part 19 --- Part 20 --- Part 21 ---
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nongnghiepxanh · 6 years ago
Reviews PELONIS Fan, Oscillating Tower Fan with LED Display, Remote Control,...Special discount PELONIS Fan, Oscillating Tower Fan with LED Display, Remote Control, 3 Quiet Speeds and Modes, 7h Programmed Timer for Home and Office, 36-Inch, 2019 New Model CLICK HERE https://amzn.to/2KvjmNd  I really want to give 6-star on this fan product, if there is such a rating. Quiet quiet quiet, I am very sensitive to the sound during the night, but this fan provides a zero-sound environment, while I still can enjoy the breeze of the wind. Modern tower design and shiny appearance. Recommend! 【Customized Your Cool Need】With quiet triple-speed modes, you can easily optimize the cool airflow through adjustable low-middle-high speeds. Each mode is customized your needs where you get to breeze through either: normal, natural or sleep. 【HUMANIZED LED DISPLAY 】 LED display located at the top without bending over,easy to adjust settings to meet your needs, white indicators for mode, timer, speed. Designed with 30s screen auto-off to eliminate light-disturbance especially in night. 【QUIET WITH 60° OSCILLATING 】 60° silent oscillation coupled by the 7 hours programmable timer takes the experience to a completely new level. 【Convenient To Use】The remote control is one outstanding feature that guarantees ease of use from your bed or couch(Battery not included) The compact design makes it fit well into tight spaces and corners. 【Safety Warranty】Requires minimal assembling,no screws involved!Tiny fence hole design eliminates the risk of children's finger inserting,which makes a safe and cool environment to your family. Unbox and reviews PELONIS Fan, Oscillating Tower Fan with LED Display, Remote Control, 3 Quiet Speeds and Modes, 7h Programmed Timer for Home and Office, 36-Inch, 2019 New Model Why you need PELONIS 2019 New tower fan? As the weather gets hotter gradually , you need different cooling needs PELONIS 2019 Newest Tower fan with Unique Spiral Tubular Blower could bring you a refreshing breeze this summer. Features 3 different modes with 3 speeds options provide you just the right air flow,The wind speeds vary from low-middle-high regularly when choosing the natural mode, and it will last 30 minutes middle/high speed then go to low speed continuously when you choose sleep mode, while normal mode could provide stable and consistant wind. With this change in air volume, you can feel a more comfortable and regular wind. which adjustable for your family whatever the day or night. Take Care Your Sleep PELONIS 2019 newest model has upgrated the fan motor to reduce noise, cooperate with 7 hours turn off automatically, which bring you a relaxing and quiet sleep. Convenient To Use You could control all function without leaving your cozy bed or sofa by using a remote control. Fashion Design with Suitable Size Ultra slim design and elegant appearance makes it be a space-saving and decorative fan. Easy to install PELONIS tower fan requires few assembling, just joint the base and tighten the nut, no screws needed,which could dispel the install concerns. Features: - LED Display 【30s turns off automatically】 - 3-Speed Normal Wind - 7 Hours Timer - 3-Modes:Normal--Natural--Sleep - Oscillation Function - Power Off Memory Function - Multi-function Remote Control -Product Size: 36.14*11.81*11.81'' What's in the box: 1*Tower Fan 1*Owner's Manual 1*Remote Control (Battery Not Included) Reviews PELONIS Fan, Oscillating Tower Fan with LED Display, Remote Control, 3 Quiet Speeds and Modes, 7h Programmed Timer for Home and Office, 36-Inch, 2019 New Model
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