#i can already see some crucial face stuff to fix but i’m gonna let it sit over the weekend and come back w even fresher eyes)
mrghostrat · 11 months
i am still Battling with this head y angle and have a lot of hair animating to go, but we’re makin good progress
23 notes · View notes
todoscript · 3 years
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SEQUEL TO  “don’t forget it”
SYNOPSIS: One week after accidentally blowing you off on your date, Bakugou Katsuki seeks your forgiveness.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
genre: fluff, very little angst
word count: 5.4k+
warnings: none really accept maybe a character sustaining an injury
author’s note: hellooooo this is a very very very late part 2 of my don’t forget it drabble that many people asked for! i hope this lived up to your expectations and was worth the wait!
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Since the events that led you to leave Bakugou’s room in a fit of bitterness after attempting to penetrate that thick head of his, he hadn’t been able to speak to you for a week.
It goes without saying he did his best to chase you down the hallway from his room and toward the elevator the moment he realized his faults. But at the stink eye you shot him through the minimizing slit of the elevator doors sliding into place, he knew he had no right to reconcile with you after pulling a stunt like that. Nor did he think you’d want to spare him any more words to begin with. It was clear you were done arguing with him.
“C’mon man, it’s probably best to let her cool down before you try to make up with her,” was the advice Kirishima offered when Bakugou returned to his room, disgruntled as he heavily fell back into his seat next to the desk. He did the bare minimum to acknowledge his friend’s words with a grunt before resuming tutoring the redhead, his method of teaching suddenly harsher than how it began thanks to his soured mood. He lapsed the day away by pounding Kirishima with problems upon problems against that hard noggin of his, both literally and figuratively.
At the very least, Kirishima earned himself a passing grade on their exam as a result of his hard work and their rigorous tutoring sessions. But what followed Bakugou’s and your relationship was still undetermined.
Days later and you were relentless in giving him the cold shoulder.
Bakugou was met with nothing but empty glances and blatant disinterest whenever he crossed your path. It felt like the wall you slotted between him grew another layer at each encounter, your defenses so impenetrable, it could give Kirishima’s quirk a run for its money. He couldn’t so much as utter a word in your direction without you effectively dodging every possible interaction in favor of joining another conversation nearby.
At first, Bakugou shrugged it off, calling your “childish attitude” unwarranted for something he thought was incredibly trivial. In his eyes, it was just an ordinary date at some run-of-the-mill restaurant he just happened to suggest to you because he took a liking to their spicy food. Not like it was some fancy dinner reservation serving caviar on dry toast beside a pretty, city night skyline. To him, it was nothing special.
However, as the week continued to roll by, it became clear to him how much he hurt you due to his selfishness. In a hangout with the Bakusquad, he learned that you apparently told Mina, along with the rest of the girls, everything during one of your girls’ nights. Which included the events prior to your heated argument in Bakugou’s dorm. And Mina, being just as peeved as you were at how Bakugou stood you up that day, had to let the blond know of the damage he’d done.
“I swear, Bakugou Katsuki, I know you can be an asshole sometimes—”
“Make that all the time,” Sero quietly adds in the middle of Mina’s rant while he lounges backward on Kaminari’s bed. If it wasn’t for his current dilemma, Bakugou would have elbowed him in the back of the head.
“—but this is crossing the line!” she finishes. Her arms are thrown exaggeratedly over her chest. The amber surrounded by the black scleras of her eyes points a beady look at the ash-blond crisscrossed on the floor between Kirishima and Kaminari.
“Poor girl sat there for hours waiting for you, only to find out she got blown off because you couldn’t even properly check your reminders!” She paces back and forth in the room, feet excessively stepping across the floor as she’s engulfed by the emotions she feels for her friend. “What’s worse? She comes back and finds out you’ve been doing your own thing with Kirishima the whole time!”
“Hey! It’s not like we were playing around! We were actually having a very serious study grind, thank you very much,” the redhead immediately clarifies. Though his explanation doesn’t alleviate Bakugou’s case in the slightest, who pounds his palms against the surface of the table they’ve gathered around.
“Look. I fucking get it, Ashido. I screwed up, okay?! Now what the fuck do you want me to do about it?!” he exclaims, anger overpowering his voice, but it does little to deter Mina.
“Fix it, obviously!” she quips back with equal fierceness, leaning in eye level with Bakugou.
“And how do you propose I do that, Raccoon Eyes? Hah?” Repositioning his elbow to rest on the table, he leans his cheek against his hand. “Y/n won’t even let me within five fucking feet in front of her and you still expect me ‘fix this’?”
Despite the situation weighing heavily on his shoulders, no immediate answer is bestowed upon him. That is, except the obnoxiously loud crinkle of a chip bag popping open next to Bakugou that cleaves into the scene like a record scratch. As if unable to read the mood in his own room, Kaminari fishes a chip to throw in his mouth, stirring the awkward silence into tension.
“Wow, Bakugou. I know you’re bad with girls and all, but you really messed up this time,” he remarks. His voice is slightly muffled as he munches his chips, continuing to wrinkle the bag for more. It incites a vein to swell on Bakugou’s forehead. He amasses all the willpower within him not to blast the bag of chips to ash, and the boy alongside it.
“If you dunce faces are just gonna sit here and throw salt in my wound then I’m outta here.”
“No, wait!” Kirishima catches Bakugou’s wrist before he fully lifts himself off the floor. “Come on, Bakugou, I’m sure we can think of something! We just need to put our heads together! Right, guys?” he assures. Finding it hard to deny his friend’s hardened conviction, Bakugou gives Kirishima the benefit of the doubt, albeit with slumped shoulders and a tentative raise of his brow as he slowly sits back down.
“Right! Everyone, let’s get some brainstorming done!” Mina yells encouragingly.
The atmosphere of Kaminari’s room is consumed by moderately thoughtful silence for the next ensuing minutes. A few hums pass, followed by an exchange of contemplative looks as four of the five rack their heads together to uncover a solution. The one in need of help only hunches in his seat, waiting with mild disinterest.
“Oh hey, don’t we have hero training with All Might tomorrow?” Sero is the first to comment, scooting to the edge of the blond’s bed.
“Yeah. So?”
“He said we were going to work on group exercises this time around. You know, teamwork and stuff,” he explains further.
At that, Mina snaps her fingers, the work of a brilliant idea flickering in her head. “Sero, that’s it! Tomorrow, during training, we’ll just form a group together with Y/n! After all, she’ll have to talk to Bakugou if you two are on the same team!” She claps her hands in front of her, her enthusiasm rippling through her body and shown energetically with each raise of her voice. “Then, while the rest of us ‘split up’ to cover more ground, that will be your chance to make everything better with Y/n! It’s genius!”
“You missed one fucking crucial detail, Pinky,” Bakugou gruffs. “That will only work if Y/n doesn’t join another group. The moment she sees I’m on yours, she’s not even going to hesitate making a u-turn.”
“Worry not~ I’ll just text all the girls except Y/n about the plan later and ask them to help sort everyone out!” She solves the problem with relative ease—quick as a click of her phone lighting up and finger sliding open to her messages.
“Uh, another thing though.” Kirishima raises his hand to spare his concern. “All Might says we’ll be splitting into groups of five at most, but there’s already five of us here.”
There’s a brief moment of deadpanning until Mina speaks casually. “Oh, that’s right. Kaminari. Take one for the team and make sure to join another group, ‘kay?” She settles without batting a lash.
Kaminari almost chokes on a mouthful of chips. “H-Huh?! What?! Why me?!!” he sputters.
“Because you’ve been eating chips this entire time and haven’t contributed to anything.”
“Hey, I offered the room, didn’t I?!” He tries justifying but is inevitably rejected by Mina’s wagging finger.
“Ah-ah, no complaints! Besides, it’s only one day of training. If we want this dilemma between Bakugou and Y/n fixed then we all have to play our part, got it?” Mina finalizes with a firm point of her finger nearly grazing the tip of the blond’s nose as he leans back to avoid it, eyebrows scrunched in discontent at the role he’s been reduced to.
“Alllllright!” Kirishima springs from his seat with outstretched arms and tightened fists. “Operation: Get Y/n to Forgive Explosion Boy is underway!”
“Dude, that’s a terrible name!” Sero laughs but rises from the bed to join the redhead’s cheer alongside Mina, the group already in high spirits.
Despite rolling his eyes at their swell of confidence, Bakugou does not object to the state of things. As crazy as it sounds, one could almost decipher the cusp of a grin pulling the seams of his lips as a possible sign he’s actually all for this extravagant little plan. Quite a first for Bakugou, but then again, there’s not much else he can do in this situation except rely on his pack of chumps.
Meanwhile, Kaminari grumbles something beneath the salty grit between his teeth.
“Alright, can you all get out of my room now?”
The scowl etched on your face carries a strong air of disdain that dampens the mood around your teammates considerably. Well, no one should be surprised. With Bakugou standing across from you, staring into the void of your expression, it’s to be expected that you wouldn’t be happy with this outcome.
No, “unhappy” doesn’t quite do your circumstance justice. You are beyond livid.
You feel your eyebrow twitch as you try quivering your lips to form a tinge of a smile. Unfortunately, all that quickly falls apart when you suddenly recall the disaster of last week, triggered by an accidental glance at Bakugou’s mug.
Trying to simmer down, you release a mental sigh amidst the turmoil boiling inside you.
Okay, maybe you’re over-exaggerating. Maybe you’re still just a bit too bitter for your own good and letting your emotions get to you. But in a class of twenty or some students, how did you end up in a group with the one person you were actively trying to avoid?
The moment All Might gave everyone the go-ahead to form their teams for today’s training exercise, you swiftly made a beeline toward two particular star students. Midoriya and Todoroki.
It was simple really. Your experiences throughout the school year told you Bakugou planned on staying away from his rivals when it came to teamwork, regardless of whether you’re there or not. He’s a competitive ass whose goal is to beat anyone he deems a threat in his climb to be the number one hero. It’s only logical you partner with people he adamantly dislikes to evade him.
Yet it seems fate has other plans for you today. By the time you found yourself pacing over to the two students you had in mind, they’d already gone and picked their own group members, forming teams before you could even ask.
Your nose wrinkles like you’ve taken a whiff of something rancid. Or, to be more specific, something fishy. Hooking an arm around Mina’s elbow, you drag the pink-haired girl off to a corner somewhere while tilting your head back at the three other boys.
“Ex. Cuse. Us.” Your words sound as stiff as cardboard. It comes out in practically a hiss when your eyes cross Bakugou. Once you’re positive you’re out of earshot, you whip your head at Mina.
“Mina, what the hell? When you dragged me over here to form a group with you you didn’t tell me he’d be there,” you groan. Childish and petty as you may sound, you just couldn’t fathom the idea of confronting the boy so soon.
Mina holds her hands out, ready to rationalize the whole ordeal. “C’mon Y/n, this is actually an advantage for us! With us four plus you on our team, we’re sure to knock the rest of the other guys out during training today! I mean we showed pretty good teamwork together at the sports festival, didn’t we?”
Steadying your gaze, you hold a finger below your chin as you slowly buy into the explanation. The reasoning is there. It’s hard to argue against a case like that, fully aware that being on the same team as explosion boy will easily snag good results for you and your party. ‘Cause as much of an arrogant jerk as he is, you have to admit Bakugou Katsuki knows his way around hero action like the back of his grenade gauntlets.
“Besides it’s not like you could avoid him for the entire school year. I mean, you two are in the same class. It was only a matter of time before you had to—”
“I know, Mina,” you interject, not wanting the rest of her sentence about the inevitable fall to your ear. “I just… Agh, you know what I mean!” You ruffle your hands through your hair in confliction, unsure how to piece your thoughts together.
Tilting your head over Mina’s shoulder, you sneak a glimpse at Bakugou, watching him as he’s cast to the side with the others. He’s fending himself from Kirishima and Sero’s combined jokes, that usual look on his face sending glares at the two and yelling something you could almost pick up on if you honed your ears a bit more. Surprisingly, when his eyes meet yours for a split second, he stands there looking nonchalant again. Both of you immediately avert your gazes.
Mina pats your shoulder, bringing you back to the conversation at hand. “I know, I know, but after this, I’m sure you can go back to ignoring his ass. After all, it’s just one training exercise, right?” she says. As her words deliver some relief to your ill-timed situation, you give in with a sigh.
Unbeknownst to you, turning your back to Mina and striding toward the rest of your teammates again, you miss the small glint in her yellow eyes, along with the subtle gestures she aims at the three boys, waving her pointed thumbs over your head secretively.
“So I take it you’re on the team with us, Y/n?” Sero asks when the two of you return. You nod in reply and the boy flashes his pearly whites in a wide grin that Kirishima mirrors. He nudges Bakugou at his sides which you subtly catch in the far corner of your eye.
You raise a brow suspiciously at their fidgeting, wondering why having you on their team warrants such enthusiasm, but you’re thankful for their energy at least. Someone has to lift the atmosphere for this not to be a complete drag and Bakugou surely isn’t going to be the mood maker of the group.
The blond scoffs. “Yeah, well, if you dumbasses are going to form a team with me, you’ll follow under my leadership, got it?”
The three readily agree. Though you roll your eyes, you don’t challenge his position, considering no one else is that much up to the task as he is. You’ll simply have to deal with the fact that you’re forced to tread through the day under his leadership. So with no objections, the five of you walk back to the class, gathering around the entrance of today’s battlefield.
Jumping into the activity, All Might goes about explaining today’s lesson to the four sets of teams—consisting of a group exercise to heighten teamwork. The name of the game? Capture the flag.
In short, each team will be split off into different sections of the labyrinth where their assigned flag is stationed. The objective is to not only protect your flag from being stolen but also try and steal an opposing team’s flag from their base and escort it safely to your home field. Nice and simple.
Not long after All Might’s explanation, the gate to the training grounds opens and you all scatter off into your teams, navigating through the twists of the maze to locate your flags. Once your group situated themselves onto your home base, you assemble in a huddle to devise a strategy before the game starts.
“So what’s the plan?” Kirishima asks, eyes darting around his teammates until they rest on Bakugou—the team leader. The ash-blond crosses his arms, a confident sneer plastered on his face as he’s already thought of his plan of action the moment All Might announced the mission.
“Easy. I’m going straight to the front-lines to swipe one of those dumbasses’ flags. You lot are gonna stay here and guard ours until I come back.” He delivers the strategy in a matter-of-fact tone that you quickly don’t take a liking to. Your fist curls in irritation.
“What kind of a plan is that?” you question audaciously, your voice louder than you intended. “So you’re just going to do all the work while we sit around and wait for you?”
Bakugou grits his teeth, leaning further into the huddle to direct his senseless logic. “Look, it’s the fastest and most surefire way to snag our victory without sacrificing anyone,” he says. Playing over his words again, he finds it surprising he even chooses to offer his reasoning. Because if it were anyone other than you he was arguing with, he’s certain he’d leave it at that.
Knowing the current tension between you was a result of his misjudgment, it feels only right for Bakugou to make an effort in communication. He ignores the antsy expressions belonging to the others who signal from behind you to follow along with their original plan.
You don’t seem to catch the hint, nor do you buy into his ridiculous strategy. “Oh, so you’re that confident you won’t get taken out by the other team then?” you quip. As a result, Bakugou’s brows tighten at your noncompliance.
“I know how to take care of myself. You of all people should realize by now that no other nerd in this whole damn class can outmatch me.”
“And what about an ambush? How do you know they simply won’t anticipate your strategy and see you coming?” You fire another counterargument and the boy purses his lips, beginning to find this quarrel spiraling into a headache rather than a step in the direction of reconciliation.
While Sero and Kirishima stand there, shifting their heads back and forth throughout the fiery exchange, Mina speedily reacts. The gears of that cunning mind of hers click into place again.
“You know what, Y/n’s right. Why don’t you two go together then?” she proposes boldly. Her suggestion catches you by complete surprise. You veer in her direction with an incredulous look blown in your eyes.
Before you can open your mouth to protest, the two boys standing beside her immediately back her up.
“Hm, Mina has a point. The chances of you falling into a trap wouldn’t be much if you two work together,” Sero remarks.
Kirishima follows, “Yeah, you guys can watch each other’s backs while going to collect the flag! It’s safer to go in a pair than by yourselves I’d say.”
The three seem adamant about the idea, sharing equally content expressions, and with all that said, you find it hard to dig yourself out of this situation. In a way, you practically volunteered yourself after questioning Bakugou’s plan and doubting his abilities. The group only feels it’s right you come along as his support since you clearly must be worried about his well-being.
Pushing your objections down your throat, you reluctantly agree to tag along with the blond. What you find exceptionally shocking is how Bakugou doesn’t oppose these new conditions. Given his hard-headed temperament, you thought he would’ve scoffed and turned his back at being paired without notice, but no such things were happening here.
“Tch, whatever. Let’s get going then,” is all he gives, starting in the direction into the urban area of the training course.
You trail behind him. “Coming, Boom-Boy…” you mutter the last bit but don’t suppress the urge to let your words be known. Bakugou turns his head and gives you a look akin to an uptight six-year-old you just offended at your local playground. You shrug in response, a corner of your lip pinched upward. He doesn’t pick a fight over the nickname, but his eyebrows remain fiercely slanted, and coupled with his heavy steps and the excessive swinging of his gauntlet-clad arms, it tells you of his emotional constipation plain as day.
The journey toward the other teams’ flags is cloaked in strained silence and the physical gap between you two does not encourage any of you to speak up. At this point, both of your levels of annoyance for each other have mellowed out. Now it just feels... awkward—strange. You don’t see his expression, nor does he see yours. It feels like you’re being left in the dark, having only the back of Bakugou’s head to stare at the entirety of the way, and though you supposedly have his back, Bakugou feels precarious in this state as he trudges along at the front, not daring to turn his head to cross your eyes.
The ambiance is reminiscent of the ancient Greek legend of Orpheus and Eurydice. Where Bakugou walks through the depths of the underworld, seeking you out in hopes you’d join his side once again. If he turns around now and spills his thoughts to you too soon, he fears that your forgiveness would be whisked away, thoroughly beyond his reach, and replaced with your promises of retribution.
That was the eloquent version of the situation anyway. To put it bluntly, Bakugou was just impatient as hell to say something to you. The silence suffocates him to the point where the words are nearly about to be squeezed out of his throat, but he bites his lip to snuff out the urges.
The more he keeps them in, the more fidgety he becomes, hands itchy and mouth trembling with grit between his teeth. The idea of not letting his voice be heard was something Bakugou detested. Mainly because it was already such a challenge to even keep his mouth shut, given his fiery attitude and lack of patience.
Man, what the hell am I hesitating for? he asks himself, that outspoken side of him spurring him on.
Ah, screw the uncertainty, he thinks. If he doesn’t say anything now, then he won’t get to say anything ever.
Bakugou stops in his tracks, turning his head. Here goes nothing,
“Hey, Y/n, I–”
Words collide into each other, jumbled and incoherent, which take you two by surprise as you meet each other’s furrowed gazes. It’s quiet as you both piece your way through this, eyes trained like you haven’t seen each other in months when the reality is that a week of bitterness has somehow made you act like strangers. The bewildered look crossing his features is foreign to you; you’ve never quite seen Bakugou as taken aback as he is now.
“You first,” you grant before Bakugou could mix up your words again. Even being given permission, the blond still isn’t sure what to say, his thoughts lost on him the moment his voice clashed with yours. He takes a deep breath, calming his senses and steadying his mind for what he wants to convey.
“Look, Y/n, I don’t know how to put this as nicely as I can,” he begins, tone consistent yet wary, assessing your expression, “but I know I fucked up and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left you there all by yourself. I shouldn’t… have blown you off like that and forgotten about you.” He delivers this bluntly—honestly—as open as a boy of his nature can muster with arms spread out, willingly exposing him to his faults and your reprisals.
Looking at you, he finds your eyes are cast to the floor, assuming to be reflecting on his words carefully. After some deliberation, you come across the vermillion in his eyes.
“Frankly, I haven’t entirely forgiven you just yet. But I will say that despite how I’ve been acting, I’m not as mad at you as you think,” is what you give, and Bakugou would be lying to himself if he didn’t achieve relief at your statement. He mentally releases a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding throughout the exchange. However, you aren’t done yet.
“I just want you to understand what moments like those mean to me. It’s during that time where I can share my feelings and learn more about you—understand who you are,” you say. Bakugou latches onto every word. “And it goes both ways, you know. It’s hard to want to stay in a relationship with someone who doesn’t make an effort to make time for you.” It’s obvious you aim that comment at him as Bakugou’s eyes soften slightly hearing it. His calloused, glove-clad hands wrap into his palms. Man, he really was a jerk.
“Still… I know you’re making an effort to be sincere and that you’re genuinely sorry for what happened, especially considering how the others seem to have set this whole conversation up, right?” Bakugou winces over the Bakusquad’s ploy coming to light and makes a note not to follow along next time unless those dummies can scrape up a more elaborate plan.
Despite that, he presses on, “So, what does this mean?” A smile settles on the curve of your lips, sensing his impatience as his voice hastens you along.
“Well…” you begin, speech drawn out in anticipation as you step toward him to where Bakugou follows your movements. That is until he catches a few shadowy figures shifting around atop the small building behind you. Before you can open your mouth to continue, his instincts flare to life.
“Hey, look out!” he exclaims, already acting on his warnings by lunging forward to push you out of the way. Your breaths draw back into your lungs, your body thrust abruptly into the opposite direction. Landing on your butt, you wince at both the shock and the pain, but your whines desist when you witness Bakugou taking a force to the head as a result of coming to your aid.
“Katsuki!” you yell, immediately getting off the ground to rush to his side, but he can’t find it in himself to respond. Afflicted with a substantial blow to the crown of his head, his whole being throbs and his vision spins.
Fuck, is Y/n, okay? is the first thing on his mind, ignoring the liquid trickling down his forehead. His question is answered upon turning his head to meet your anxious expression—your eyes wide and lips quivering as they move to say words he can’t exactly make out beneath the pounding sensations consuming his mind. As he feels a set of arms wrap around him, he tries discerning his surroundings to form a reply, but can only capture bits and pieces.
“—tsuki! ...old… n!”
“...god—! I’m so dead!”
A sputter of words tangling together is the last he hears before his vision fades to black.
The next time Bakugou awakes, his eyes slowly sever open to come face-to-face with a blurry white ceiling. The lights assault his vision as his senses take time to adjust, unraveling the environment to realize he’s laying on a bed—a hospital bed to be precise.
He attempts lifting himself but is met with retaliation in the form of his pulsating head which he immediately flinches at. His hand goes to rub his scalp to soothe the ache and he finds bandages wrapped tightly around him. “What the hell happened?” The last he remembers is traversing the urban area with you for the capture the flag mission before finally confronting the subject that had been plaguing your minds for a week now. After that, he caught sight of some object descending toward you and before he had even realized it, his feet had moved on their own. Next thing he knows, he’s waking up in the nurse’s office with a headache from hell.
Wait, what about you? Were you okay? Surely, he had to have pushed you out of the way in time, right?
His head moves quicker than it should’ve, revealing the other hospital bed in the room to be unoccupied, vacant. He sighs and his relief is further bolstered by the door to the nurse’s room opening to unveil you unharmed with only your heavy look of concern troubling him.
“Katsuki, oh thank god, you’re okay!” you say, quickly pacing over to his side with a glass of water in hand. You leave it at his bedside, sitting before him. Gauging your appearance up and down, Bakugou tries making out even the smallest details.
“You aren’t hurt?”
You’re appalled he would ask this despite clearly being the one patched up in a hospital bed right now, and likely sporting some serious head trauma.
“Of course I am, you’re the one that lunged forward to protect me,” you tell him. Bakugou looks down at his lap, figuring that was what happened, but hearing it from you comforted him more than he thought. However, his comfort is wretched from him by the intense pressure persisting in his skull. Seeing him in pain, you urge him to lay down and rest.
“How the hell did I end up here anyway?”
You fidget with your fingers, hesitating on answering. At that, the blond lifts a brow, suspicious.
“Mineta… accidentally dropped a rock on your head.”
“...You gotta be joking, right?”
Bakugou leers hard, finding the reason he was out of commission to be a damn pebble hitting his head a detriment to his pride. And because of Mineta of all fucking people. Still, if he hadn’t acted as quickly as he did, you would’ve been the one to meet his fate instead, and he weighed this outcome to better than the former.
Then you explain how the teachers had temporarily intervened to bring his unconscious body to the nurse’s, where the old lady went about tending to his injury. Said she did her job and all he needed was to rest and let her quirk take fuller effect within that time.
“So did we win the game?” He switches the topic to today’s mission of capture the flag that was cut short on his end.
You shake your head, but at least grant him the benefit of knowing Mineta’s team ended up placing last. At that, his eyelids shut and he crosses his arms behind his bandaged head. “Yeah, well, it wasn’t my intention to win anyway.”
You give him a look. “...Liar.”
Bakugou cracks an eye open at you. “Hah? What do you mean I’m a fucking liar?”
“I know you, Katsuki. I dated you, after all. And the Katsuki that I dated is an arrogant, competitive jerk who thinks of being the best above all else.” Bakugou scrunches his nose, wondering what you’re implying through your... overly frank descriptions. “Still… he’s sweet and caring at times… and reliable when he needs to be,” you continue, tone softening that draws Bakugou in, “And the kind of guy I want to give a second chance to.”
Absorbing your words, Bakugou blinks. “S-Seriously?” He doesn’t mean to stutter, but the offer catches him off-guard. He replays what you just said. That’s what he heard, right? A second chance?
You giggle at how uncharacteristically astonished he sounds. “Yes, seriously.”
“Does that mean you forgive me for what happened last week?”
You hum between pursed lips in playful contemplation. “Well, maybe you can redeem yourself by going on another date with me then?”
Hearing your proposal, a wide grin arcs his lips, edging into a smirk.
“That’s it? Well, I can definitely fucking do that,” he states, confidence rejuvenating his body at the new, hopeful chance before him.
“Oh, just one more thing though,” you suddenly add.
“We are not going to that Chinese Restaurant again.”
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15-dogs · 4 years
new hire |n.s.|
pairing: newt scamander x apothecary!reader
summary: you’re hired as the new apothecary at newt’s favorite establishment, and he finds himself attending the store more often to buy more and more ridiculous, unneeded items (all the fluff!! coffeeshop (technically apothecary) au, pining)
warnings: none
guide: (Y/N) = your name, italics = writing
word count: 3.9K
a/n: this is my take on a coffeeshop au!! i feel like newt would be more subject to visiting apothecaries than coffeeshops so i used all the basics of a coffeeshop au and changed it to an apothecary!! i hope you like it :)
Newt was positive that his Dittany was somewhere. He shook every drawer upside down, went upstairs to check his bedroom, back downstairs to turn every stone for the second time, then back upstairs to recheck his belongings before he admitted that he was out of it. 
He huffed, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet as he debated whether or not to pick up Dittany then. He ultimately decided that he didn’t want to risk getting into an accident where it was crucial to have on hand and come up empty so he threw on his vest and coat, making his way towards the apothecary store down the street. It was a small place disguised as a pharmacy on the outskirts of Diagon Alley. The building wouldn’t appear to muggles as it truly was, allowing for wizards to slip in and out unnoticed.
“Oliphant & Bailey’s Medicinal Supply” was painted onto a metal sign that swung outside the store, the metal sign bracket whining every time the wind would pass. Newt smiled at the familiar words before entering, being greeted with the smell of fresh herbs that were drying out on racks by the door. 
His eyes scanned the jars along the shelves, finding the Dittany hidden off to the side from everything else. He let out a content sigh as he attempted to snatch it off the shelf but it didn’t budge. Newt looked around the store with confusion and finally realized just how crowded the place was.
“Mr. Scamander!” a woman called out. Newt whipped around, finding Vancity Oliphant with a trail of boxes floating behind her, her dress robes pressed to perfection. “We haven’t seen you around here in quite some time. Where have you been?”
“Busy, mostly.” Newt shrugged, fiddling with his hands.
Vancity began to twist her wand, various potions flying onto the shelves. “Well, one thing’s for certain: we missed you. We’ve been getting an increase in business recently--” Vancity turned towards Newt, leaning in close “--the whole nonsense that that man, Lockhart, has spun has everyone panicked. He told them that if they don’t turn to holistic medicine, then there would be a greater chance that they would be attacked by a troll. Ridiculous, sure, but business has been outstanding! We even had to get a new hire!”
Newt gave her a placating nod, hoping that the conversation would be over soon. “Right, that’s fantastic-”
“Isn’t it?” Vancity rounded the counter and beckoned Newt to follow her, passing the people in the line who seemed to have been waiting for quite some time. “Anyway, how can I help you, Mr. Scamander?”
Newt nearly sighed with relief at the question finally being asked. “I tried to pick some Dittany up off the shelf, but it wouldn’t budge-”
“About that,” Vancity let out a low breath, dipping her head with disappointment. “With the uptick in sales, we’ve had an uptick in accidents. People were knocking our things off the shelves and it just took too much time to clean up and rebrew and whatnot. So we fixed everything down. Only employees can pick things off the shelf.” Vancity snatched a slip of paper, quill, and inkwell off the counter and slid them towards Newt. “We started to provide customers with these sheets so they can fill out what they need and we pick it up for them.”
Newt, knowing that the sooner it would all be over the better, simply nodded and began to fill out the form. Vancity chuckled before taking the form in her hands.
“One vial of Dittany coming right up, Mr. Scamander.” And just like that, she disappeared into the back room.
Newt glanced around the store and wondered if there was anything else he needed before he left. He spotted a few herbs off in the corner that might be of use but, as his gaze caught on the already irritated line, he decided it was in his best interest to pick them up another time.
“Mr.-...Sarmander?” a voice called out.
Newt whipped around, taken by surprise by the new face. Your face. He felt a strange sensation in his chest when he looked at you, like a sense of warmth had flooded through him. You raised an eyebrow at him, wondering why he had been staring at you for so long.
“Are you Mr. Sarmander?” you repeated, shaking the bottle of Dittany in your hand.
“Scamander,” he corrected as he approached you.
Your cheeks heated up at the mistake. “My apologies, Mr. Scamander. I just read what was off the paper but apparently I wasn’t looking closely enough.”
“I have truly terrible handwriting.” That was a lie. Newt didn’t know where it came from. “Thank you.”
“Have a lovely afternoon, Mr. Scamander!”
He would have one now.
Newt was having some trouble making progress on his novel in the next few days. He had barely drafted a page of anything because he was too focused on the interaction that the two of you had only 4 days prior.
He knew you were kind. He could see it in your eyes. Even if he only spoke to you for just a moment, he knew it was true. And you had a lovely smile. One that was so lovely you must’ve flashed it at everyone and left them thinking about it as much as Newt was.
Newt shook his head, breaking himself from the trance he was in to look at his blank page. Writer’s block was not faring well with him. So he stood up and threw his jacket on, realizing he could do with the fresh air. As he was leaving his house, he stopped short in the doorway, snatching some money from his kitchen table. He might as well grab some more herbs while he was out.
No more than 15 minutes later Newt was entering Oliphant & Bailey’s. The store was empty for once, but he figured it would be for a Monday morning. Newt made his way to the counter, rocking back and forth as he awaited an attendant. To his dismay, Rita Bailey revealed herself from the back room.
“Mr. Scamander!” she cried. Rita leaned over the counter, furiously shaking his hands in hers. “How have you been?” Newt opened his mouth but she didn’t give him time to answer before she was speaking again. 
“I heard you were in here a few days ago. It’s not often that we see you in here twice a week. Are you out on something?” Rita’s eyes widened as she seemed to beat her own question in her head. She leaned unbearably close over the counter and whispered, “Is your Swooping Evil not producing? Because Vance and I have some products in the back. Stuff on the side, if you-”
Vancity, who stood in the doorway of the office, cleared her throat, calling the attention of her partner. Rita’s head whipped around, a sheepish grin plastered on her face.
“Rita,” began Vancity, her voice stern, “I need you in back to help with the budget.”
Rita stood to her full height, motioning towards Newt. “Well, who’s gonna help Scamander, then?”
Vancity leaned into her office, speaking to someone with a jerk of head towards the shop. There was a muffled reply and the sound of shoes clicking against hardwood, pacing around the back room.
Newt’s heart began to beat just a little faster. He didn’t want to get his hopes up for nothing. Then he caught himself. What was he getting his hopes up for? He wasn’t expecting anything, and he certainly didn’t care if you were there or not. It’s not like the back of his neck flushed and his cheeks started to heat up when he saw you exiting the back room.
“Mr. Scamander,” you stated. Newt let out a shaky breath; your voice was so smooth, the words sounded almost practiced as they fell from your lips. 
You brushed one hand off on the little apron that was tied around your waist and the other was used to magic a quill and inkwell onto the counter. You reached into your apron to pull out a slip of paper, dotting your quill into the ink. “How can I help you today?”
“I need some ingredients,” he shot out quickly, looking down at the counter.
You chuckled softly as you scribbled in a box, drawing his attention upwards. “What kinds of ingredients?”
Newt took in a sobering breath as you finally met his gaze. For a moment, he forgot what he came there for. “Mandrake root and Moonflower Pollen.”
You gave him a dutiful nod as you jotted the items down. You tossed the quill and paper up in the air, the quill finding its place by the inkwell and the paper rolling itself up and flying into a cupboard below your legs.
You scooted out from behind the desk, walking up past Newt towards the racks of herbs. You picked up the dried up roots of a Mandrake, holding it up at him. “This one okay, Mr. Scamander?”
You moved to another counter, freeing a small paring knife from your apron. “I have to ask you, Mr. Scamander,” you began as you chopped up the root, “you seem to be buying a lot of medicinal supplies. Are you a Healer?”
Newt chuckled under his breath, shaking his head. “No, I’m a Magizoologist.”
You halted in your motions, looking up at him. “Is that so?”
“Yes.” His response was no more than a single exhale, the words barely forming as he stared into your eyes. He finally peeled himself away from your gaze to continue. “With the creatures I work with, some healing skills are of great use.”
You hummed in response. “I can imagine.” Flicking your wand, a small mortar and pestle flew to your side. With the blade of your knife, you scooped the chopped up root into the bowl and began to grind it to a fine powder. “You know, I was always interested in Care of Magical Creatures back at Hogwarts. I was never all that good at it, though. Not like I was with Herbology.”
Newt’s eyes were trained on the root being cut up, too afraid that looking would cause him to meet your occasional glance up and make a fool of himself. “I’m actually writing a book on magical creatures at the moment.”
“If you’d ever like to study magical creatures again, I could give you a copy.” Newt’s heart began to flutter at the way your eyes lit up.
You stopped in your motions of preparing his Mandrake Root, meeting his gaze with a soft smile. “That would be wonderful.”
After packaging up the now-crushed root into a small, beat up tin and handing it to Newt, you paced around the counter with another tin in hand. You approached a glass jar full of yellow pollen in it, using the scoop inside to portion out a generous amount.
“How’s this, Mr. Scamander?” 
You tilted the tin towards him, Newt leaning in to examine the contents. Before he could answer, a quiet sneeze came from his coat. You pulled the container back, your brows furrowed as Newt became flushed. He hesitated to reach into his coat, turning to the side as he pulled Pickett, his Bowtruckle, out and scolding him just out of earshot.
“No, Pick, I didn’t forget about-...she didn’t know you were-...don’t blame this on her! She did nothing-”
“I’m sorry,” you interrupted. Newt froze, cocking his head to see you practically leaning over his shoulder. “I have to ask, is that a Bowtruckle?”
Newt exchanged a glance with Pickett before popping him into his pocket, Pickett’s head resting just outside of the heavy fabric to stare you down. “Yes, he is.” You fought a giggle as you leaned down to stare at Pickett in the eyes. “He has some-”
“Attachment issues?” you finished. Newt’s eyes went wide as he gave you a nod. A smile flickered onto his lips for just a moment. You looked up at Newt from your position then stood to your full height. “I’ve heard of that being the case with Bowtruckles before.”
Newt simply nodded again, too distracted by the fact that you were just inches from his face. For just a moment he could have sworn that he saw your eyes flicker down to his lips, his breath getting caught in his throat.
“I have just the thing for your Bowtruckle,” you whispered before moving away towards another shelf.
Newt shivered and let out a sigh, his chest thundering. Finally, he realized you had moved away and followed, watching with a close eye as you broke off the tiny fruit of a strange purple herb that he couldn’t place.
“What’s his name?” you asked while you pulled the fruit into halves.
You turned around, offering a half of the fruit to Pickett. Pickett perked up, looking up at Newt for permission. You chuckled at the interaction while Newt pulled Pickett out, letting him sit on his finger.
“Well then, this is for you, Pickett.”
Pickett shared one more look with Newt before taking the fruit and gnawing on it instantly. He let out a happy squeak and jumped onto your arm, crawling up to your shoulder as he continued to snack on the fruit.
Newt let out an impressed laugh at the sight. “Pick doesn’t quite like strangers,” he explained.
You turned your head to eye the happy Bowtruckle, petting him with the pad of your index finger. “Suppose we’re not strangers anymore, are we, Pick?”
“Newt,” Newt shot out quickly. He continued to stare at his fingers while he toyed with them. “You can call me Newt.”
Newt only looked up when he saw your hand come into his field of vision, all delicate and strong. He took your extended hand and shook with careful vigor, the corner of his lips quirking upwards.
“Then consider us friends, too, Newt. I’m (Y/N).”
Newt began to frequent the apothecary more often than he needed to. He always seemed to be running out of something, and he always seemed to arrive just when the rush died down. His list of items he needed appeared to grow longer and longer with each visit, but you never once gave his service to another employee.
The thought of you ran tirelessly through Newt’s head at night. His heart would beat just the slightest bit faster when he thought of that gorgeous smile you would flash him when he walked through the door, almost like you were expecting him to be there. 
Oh, Merlin, and that disarming chuckle that tumbled from your lips when he would trip over his words. It instantly calmed Newt down, his stammer fading away slowly.
Distracted from his writing again, Newt decided to pay you a visit at the apothecary. He snatched the coat of the back of his chair and ran out the door, his heart getting lighter with each step towards the store. Once he arrived, he swung the door open and looked up, only to find that you weren’t there. He frowned, but approached the counter and waited.
“Mr. Scamander!” Vancity cried as she exited the backroom. “How can I help you?”
Newt leaned over slightly, checking to see if you were in the back before the door shut behind Vancity. “Is (Y/N) here?”
Vancity let out an apologetic sigh. “Sorry, Mr. Scamander, she’s out sick.” Newt opened his mouth to speak but Vancity predicted his next question, silencing him immediately. “She doesn’t know when she’ll be back, either.”
“Oh. Right.” Newt focused on the counter, trying not to meet that horribly embarrassing sympathetic look that crowded Vancity’s face. “Will she be okay?”
“She’ll be perfectly fine. Nothing she can’t handle. It is her job to supply medicinal supplements, after all. Now, is there anything I can help you with?”
“No, actually.”
Newt wasn’t sure what Vancity said left-- his mind was too full with strange thoughts about the nature of your relationship. You were friends, weren’t you? That’s what you said to him the day you met Pickett. So if you were just friends, why was he feeling so lost without you there?
Newt took his time walking back to his house, his mind off someone else. He couldn’t help but recall the way you made him feel with your kind heart and witty humor, your soft eyes and enchanting smile. Just remembering that made his cheeks heat up.
As Newt entered his home, he walked into the basement and opened a cupboard to prepare the food for his Glow Bugs when a few tins from Oliphant & Bailey’s fell onto the counter. That’s when it hit him. He didn’t need all those herbs. He never did. So why was he going?
It was so plain. It was all there, the facts laid out in front of him: Newt Scamander had feelings for you. It was so incredibly obvious that he wondered how he didn’t notice it before. And it wasn’t a normal attraction, it was a stupid schoolboy crush; the kind where he’d go through ridiculous measures just to get your attention.
He groaned and threw his head into his hands at his epiphany. What in Merlin’s name was he supposed to do?
Newt revisited the apothecary day after day, awaiting your return. After about a week of the constant rejections, he decided to let it go for the time being. It was frustrating, to say the least, to not hear how you were doing. He was more concerned about you than he was about acting on his feelings, because Merlin knows when he’d do that.
As Newt ran through the possibilities of what you had come down with, a knocking came from his front that snapped his attention to the forefront of his mind. He opened the door and stared, slightly confused at the sight before him.
“Nice to see you, too, Newt,” Theseus scoffed, embracing his younger brother into a tight hug. Newt stood quite stiff in his arms until he let go.
The younger Scamander rested an arm against the doorframe, leaning against it to make himself look much taller next to his brother who just happened to tower over him. After settling into the awkward position, Newt asked, “What brings you here?”
Theseus reached into his pocket to pull out a small notice, placing it into the hands of Newt. Newt frowned before unravelling it and scanning over its contents.
“It’s a notice from the Ministry. Next date to get your international ban removed.”
“Ah.” Newt raised the note in the air, casting a silent spell to have the paper zip itself down to his basement. “I’ll see you then, I reckon.”
Newt tried to shut the door but Theseus put his foot in it, prying it open to face Newt once more. Theseus held out a hand as the other fished through his jacket pocket to pull out a few small vials of Dittany.
“Just in case,” Theseus added sheepishly. “You always used to run out of this, and I can bet you still do.”
Newt flashed a grateful smile at his brother before his eyes caught on the label of the bottle. That same label that was plastered on every herb in his basement.
“Did you get this from Oliphant & Bailey’s?”
“I did, actually.” Theseus snorted, an amused grin on his lips. “The Apothecary there, the new one, she knew you. Recognized my face and asked if I was related to you, ‘the more handsome Scamander’. Her words, not mine.”
“When did you get these?”
“Right before I came here, why?” That familiar devious smirk grew on Theseus’ lips. “Do you fancy the girl, Newt?”
Newt lit up instantly, regardless of Theseus’s teasing. He sucked in a sharp breath and turned towards his coat rack to grab his jacket, slipping it on with great haste. Newt pushed his brother aside, casting a spell to activate the wards at his house.
Newt practically ran to the apothecary, the door swinging open to find a mass of people in line. He didn’t care. He pushed to the front, resting when he got to the counter. He scanned the store, trying to find you but came up empty.
The sandy haired man whipped around, finding you walking out of the backroom, boxes in hand. Newt sighed, a warmth spreading inside of him at the sight of you. He ran up to you and alleviated the weight from your hands, resting the box on the counter.
“How are you feeling?” he asked through labored breaths.
“I’m...fine. Were you just running?”
Newt was never a good liar. He always got caught one way or another. “Yes…? I desperately need some Dittany.”
A knowing smile toyed at your lips as you raised your brows at him. “Dittany? Did your brother not give you the two vials like he said he would?”
Newt Scamander: expert in magical creatures, failure in lying.
“...right. I meant that I need some of that fruit you gave Pickett a few weeks ago.”
You snorted with laughter before pulling out the form and filling it out with the items, name, and his home address. You cut through the throng of people, snatching a tin up and preparing some of the fruit for Newt.
He began to rifle through his jacket pockets in an attempt to find some money for the treats he didn’t really need.
“How much is it-”
“It’s on the house, Newt. I’m pretty sure you’re our best customer, anyway.”
Newt looked up at you for a moment, his lips curling upwards at your kindness. “I appreciate it.”
“Don’t mention it. You know,” you began as you labeled the tin, “being sick wasn’t all that bad. Kept me away from work and all. Let me take a break.” 
Newt nodded, feeling selfish for wishing you to be at work all the time just so he could see you. “Right,” was all he managed to say.
“The worst part”--you shoved the tin into Newt’s arms-- “was not seeing you.”
The tips of Newt’s ears began to heat up. He wanted to say something clever so desperately but all he managed to do was stare at you in complete shock, eyes wide and jaw slack. 
He watched as your eyes flickered down towards the tin, seemingly awaiting a reaction. Newt furrowed his brow before glancing down at the writing on there, blinking in shock. He reread it a few more times, only looking up when he heard you chuckle.
“Is this serious?” he asked.
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Because it’s-- well it’s-- it’s me, and you’re you. You’re just...you’re you and I’m me, and I just didn’t think that you’d feel that way-”
“Newt,” you cut off, laughter spilling from your lips, “I happen to like you being you. Funny how those things work.”
Newt couldn’t process what you had just said. It was like everything in the world had tipped in his favor all at once. Just that gorgeous, encapsulating smile on your face was proof enough for him.
“Reckon I’ll see you tomorrow night, then,” he finally managed to say, backing up the best he could towards the door.
“Tomorrow night,” confirmed. Newt was nearly at the door when you called out, “It’s a date!”
He slipped outside, getting a breath of fresh air for the first time in 15 minutes. He ran a hand through his hair, just then realizing that his heart was pounding out of his chest, his grin so wide that his cheeks began to ache. But he didn’t care. He couldn’t be bothered to. Newt looked down at the label one last time, chuckling at the note.
Thursday. 7 PM. Your place.
general taglist: @pandaxnienke @lunalovecroft @for-bebbanburg
390 notes · View notes
spaceskam · 4 years
Pretty Little Picture (1/3)
fake dating au, pure fluff, no serious tags, just a bunch of fluff
for day 1 of @malex-cupid​
When Alex agreed to this, he thought it’d be a piece of cake.
“You’re going to regret this, it’s a horrible idea,” Liz said through the phone as he walked around his room, packing his bag for the weekend. He furrowed his eyebrows.
“Why? We’re friends. And I’ve done musicals and stuff, I’ve acted before.”
“Okay, but this isn’t acting. This is going on a weekend getaway pretending to date your friend who you have a crush on is a bad idea,” she scoffed. Alex shook his head, looking between his plain black button-up and his plain black fitted turtleneck. He chose the turtleneck one and folded it carefully.
“I don’t have a crush on him.”
“Really. Trust me, I’ve seen him after pulling an all-nighter and falling asleep in his coffee. I know not to have a crush on him,” Alex said. Though he will admit, that was pretty cute.
“Sounds like something someone with a crush would say,” Liz scolded. Alex snorted a laugh. “Fine, do what you want, at least you’ll be believable with the heart-eyes and everything.”
“I do not have heart-eyes!”
Truly, Alex was sure it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. He lived with Michael already. They shared the house he inherited‒Michael needed a cheap place to live while in college and Alex wasn’t really looking forward to living alone, so it worked out‒and nothing weird had happened in the last three years. They were best friends, what would one weekend hurt?
“Alex, I need your help,” Michael had said, bursting into the living room and nearly making Alex spill his coffee. He stomped towards him, dropping his bag on the ground and flopping onto the couch with a pathetic whine. “Help me.”
“Help you with what?” Alex had asked in return, taking his eyes off his laptop to give him his full attention while he threw a little tantrum.
Michael twisted onto his stomach and rested his chin on his hands, looking up at him. Alex’s heart absolutely did not skip a beat in adoration. He wasn’t that cute.
“You know my internship? The fancy one with all the rich people that pay me to be an intern for them and actually listen to my ideas and‒”
“Yes, Michael, I know about your internship,” Alex laughed. Michael pouted just a little bit.
“Okay, so every year, the CEO takes all the interns and entrance-level employees and their partners on a trip for Valentine’s day and it’s a fun trip, I guess, but it’s really just this big, super informal interview where he and his wife sort of see if you’ll be a good fit for the company long term. Khalil said I have to go no matter what, that it’s super crucial and to make a good impression. Like, I have to go, Alex. I have to get hired for real after I graduate. Do you know how much I’ll get paid just to start? $35 an hour, Alex! I could do so much with that money!” Michael explained, exasperated and overwhelming as if Alex hadn’t heard how much money he would make if he got this job a billion times.
“Yeah, okay, then go,” Alex told him, “Sweet talk them like we all know you can.”
“I need a partner, though,” Michael said, pouting all over again, “So come with me. Please? We can pretend to be, like, long term boyfriends and, like, convince them I’d be a good queer diversity hire at the very least.”
Alex felt his cheeks grow warm at the suggestion and shifted in his spot. “Why me?”
“Because! You were raised around a bunch of bougie rich white people, you know how to act at these things! I’d ask Isobel or Max, but I don’t even wanna pretend to be in love with them. With you, I can do the whole starry-eyed thing and if we have to show PDA, it won’t be that big of a deal because, like, it’s you,” Michael persuaded, clambering onto his hands and knees before putting his head on Alex’s arm and pouting up at him, “Pretty please? I’ll buy you something nice and fancy with my first big kid paycheck.”
“Okay,” Alex agreed, not letting himself think too much about it. They spent all their time together anyway. He’d fallen asleep with Michael’s feet in his lap, he’d seen him basically naked, he’d hugged him and gotten platonic head kisses from him. They could pull it off.
“Okay?” Michael repeated, sitting up more. His smile was shining and bold and Alex had to take a breath. “Okay! Okay, so we have two weeks to pack and come up with stories and shit to tell. It’ll be so easy, they’re gonna love you, you’re so chill. Thank you, Alex, thank you so much.”
Which led to now when Alex was preparing to go on this trip. From the way Michael explained, it would be a lot of just talking and discussing with a side of couples retreat-esque activities.
“He’s apparently superfamily and relationship-oriented. I don’t know if it’s because he’s, like, super conservative or if he’s super progressive and is all for, like, living wages for family and will give people ample time off. I’m too scared to ask just yet,” Michael had explained.
Michael had also assured him that, during discussions, he could either sit with him or go talk to the other partners, whichever he preferred. He basically just needed Alex to look pretty and seem like they were totally in love. According to the way Liz spoke about them, it wouldn’t be a difficult feat.
So Alex packed his clothes and anything he thought he’d need to get by on a three day trip to some bed and breakfast in the middle of nowhere. He wanted to look nice the whole time, even when they weren’t at formal dinners, and he was even going to flip his septum piercing. He planned to use his skills at selling himself to sell Michael as well.
“If you ever need a break, I’ll cover for you while you drive to the nearest convenience store to get a bunch of snacks,” Michael told him as he threw their bags in the backseat of Alex’s little car. Alex snorted a laugh.
“What about if you need a break?”
“Well, I plan to work for this fucker for at least the next thirty years, so my only break will be sleeping,” Michael said. Alex shook his head, going over to fix the collar of Michael’s shirt. It’d taken a bit of convincing to get him to forgo the flannels for a couple of days, but now he had a collared shirt that wouldn’t stay down for some reason. “Speaking of, are you gonna be chill sharing a bed or do I need to sleep on the floor? I don’t mind it, just wanna know if I should ask for an extra blanket.”
“Dude, we’ve shared a bed before,” Alex laughed, “It’s not gonna kill me.”
“Just making sure,” Michael said, taking a deep breath. It was only then that Alex realized that he was actually nervous.
“Hey,” Alex said, grabbing his shoulders and looking him in the eyes, “You’re going to impress the hell out of them, I’m gonna make sure of it, okay?”
“I just really want this job, Alex,” Michael said. Alex smiled.
“And you’re going to get it,” he said, “And, hey, if you don’t, this internship will always look good on your future resume.”
“Let’s just stick to telling me I’m gonna get it, okay?” Michael breathed. Alex laughed and nodded, patting him on the shoulder before shoved him gently in the direction of the passenger seat.
“You’re going to get it. Now get in the car.”
The whole ride there Alex was completely fine. This was going to be a piece of cake and he was going to show Liz that he could totally handle it. He didn’t have a crush, he wasn’t going to catch even more feelings, he was just being a good friend.
It didn’t really dawn on Alex just how stressful this weekend was going to be until they stepped inside the bed and breakfast and Michael looped an arm around his waist and tugged him in close. He knew they were going to be showing casual PDA, Alex agreed to that, but saying it and doing it in private was a whole different world to having Michael hanging onto him in front of other people.
Alex could hear his heart in his ears over the ringing, suddenly very aware of the fact that Michael was muscular. He knew he did a lot of manual labor jobs before he got that internship, but had he always been obvious about it?
Even then, Alex was able to smile through it as Michael led him up to the group of people that were already there. He was able to keep his feet under him as Michael leaned up to his ear to whisper a ‘you got this’. Alex was even stable as he shook the hand of the man whose suit was probably more than Alex’s inheritance.
“This is Alex,” Michael said, smiling over at him like he was the most important thing that ever existed, “My boyfriend.”
Well, shit.
Maybe Liz was onto something.
No, honestly‒Alex was fine.
Michael was charming, he knew that. He’d seen him with girls and guys he liked, he always laid on the charm thick and so it absolutely made sense for him to turn it on Alex. He just wasn’t used to it, that’s all. He just needed to adjust and then it’d be all roses.
“Alex, have I mentioned today that you’re my favorite?” Michael hummed as they went into their little room. Alex finally felt like he could breathe and tilted his head at him, raising an eyebrow. Michael was grinning with his back pressed against the door. “You’re incredible. They like you. Ivan laughed at your joke‒he never laughs.”
“Well, I’m glad you picked the right suitor,” Alex laughed, rolling his shoulders as he sat down on the bed. His back was facing Michael, finally, and he used it to close his eyes and count to three.
Michael was charming, simple. And, honestly, Alex was on the receiving end of it the more he thought about it. Just not in front of people. That’s what made it feel like so much. The audience. He’d never been so loudly out in front of that many people before. That’s what it was.
“The best,” Michael insisted. 
The bed creaked under his weight as he crawled across it and Alex was only able to prepare himself for the weight to be draped over his back because he was used to Michael being clingy. Just… in private. 
“Hey, you okay?” Michael asked after he was quiet for a second too long.
“Yeah,” Alex breathed, “I’m fine. Just never proudly stated I was into guys in front of that many people before.”
“Oh,” Michael said, pressing against his back just a little more, “Good feeling or bad feeling?”
Alex didn’t answer quickly enough.
“Alex, if you want to go home, then‒”
“No, this is good. I feel good. Just overwhelmed,” he explained. It wasn’t a lie.
“Okay, fair enough,” Michael said, kissing his temple before throwing himself backwards onto the bed, “I swear, it feels better after the overwhelming feeling goes away. None of them are gonna say shit to you either.”
Alex nodded and laid back on the bed beside him, looking over at him. They had to get ready for one of their informal discussions and dinner, but it sounded like a good idea to just lay there for a moment. The longer they laid there, the more he was able to realize this wasn’t going to be too bad. In fact, he was going to have fun with it.
In an actual relationship, he wouldn’t want to show a lot of PDA or be super touchy. But this wasn’t an actual relationship. He could just be a little extreme for the fun of it. He was going to school to perform. Why not try his hand at acting?
Bonus points if Michael got flustered.
“Okay, I’m good,” Alex said. Michael turned his head and they locked eyes, a smile on his face.
“Good,” Michael said, shifting onto his side, “But if you start feeling overwhelmed again, you can just squeeze my hand. We’re boyfriends for the weekend, so it doesn’t matter if they think it’s gay.”
Alex huffed a laugh, turning onto his side as well. 
“Do they actually know you’re bisexual or is this like your coming out and you’re just letting them think what they want?” Alex wondered, “I saw a couple of shocked faces.”
“Some people know, mainly the people I talk to every day, but I don’t try to hide it. I think most of them thought I was straight until Callie was showing Emily some picture of a hot guy and I said I wanted to see,” Michael said, grinning in that way that told Alex he’d done it purposefully to get a shock out of some people.
“Oh yeah, how’d that go?”
“No one really said much, the girls laughed. Khalil breathed like a sigh of relief because they thought they were the only queer person working there,” Michael said, scooting closer, “I think there’s probably a couple more somewhere are the office. It’s a big place, there’s gotta be.”
“Mm, but we’re gonna be basically the only same-sex couple this weekend, right? I didn’t see anyone else while we were down there,” Alex pointed out. Michael nodded.
“Yeah, sorry. But only for a couple of days! It’s already Friday afternoon and we’re leaving Sunday afternoon, it’ll be fine. Plus, you got me,” Michael said, reaching out to poke Alex in the side, “I’ll make it worthwhile.”
Alex found himself smiling just a little.
“Yeah, I know you will.”
They both eventually got up and got dressed. Alex broke out the turtleneck and some relatively tight black slacks, drawing on fresh eyeliner. He pulled as much of his hair back as he could into a small low ponytail and deliberately made his bangs and everything hanging down a little intentionally messy.
This was a performance and he was going to sell it easily.
When he came out of their bathroom and into the main room, he saw Michael was in a pair of chinos and a maroon button-up that he was sure Isobel had gotten for him. He was just fastening his belt when Alex made a show of leaning against the doorframe as he whistled low.
“Well, well, well, don’t you look good,” Alex said. Michael looked up at him with a shit-eating grin, hands fumbling as he tried to tuck the end of the belt into his belt loops. 
“I bet I smell better, Isobel got me fancy cologne,” he said. Alex huffed a laugh.
“Yeah, I can smell it, it’s nice,” he said, pushing off the door frame and walking closer, “You wearing real shoes, or am I going to have to publicly break up with you for wearing cowboy boots?”
Michael rolled his eyes and reached out to grab Alex by the waistband of his pants, tugging him in. Alex’s eyes went wide as he laughed at the forwardness.
“I’m wearing shoes, the fancy ones that are pointed at the end and click when you walk,” Michael said. Alex grinned and put the back of his hand to his forehead.
“I’m swooning.”
“You should.”
Michael let him go and went to go slip on his shoes while Alex went to his combat boots‒much more situation-appropriate than cowboy boots and he would stick by that. They gave each other another once over of approval before leaving their room. 
“Those boots make your ass look great,” Michael said as they headed towards the elevator. Alex’s eyebrows shot up and he looked over his shoulder. Michael flashed an innocent smile. “What? You’re my boyfriend, I can look at your ass, right?”
“If I can look at yours, boyfriend.”
“I’m begging,” Michael said warmly as they stepped into the elevator. Alex shook his head and pressed the ground floor.
Because, of course, this was what it would be like to be with Michael. Flirting, banter, touching. No wonder he had so many people wanting to be with him. Hell, Alex got a decent taste of it and they didn’t even like each other like that. Though, it definitely helped him understand where all of Liz’s concerns came from.
“You really are feeling better, right? Like, don’t let me do anything you’re not comfortable with. I’ll try not to, but, you know, slap me if I do,” Michael insisted before the elevator doors could open, sincerity dripping from his tone.
Alex held out his hand as the doors opened.
“I’m fine.”
Alex was able to make that statement even more true as they started socializing and he managed to snag a flute of champagne. It tasted expensive, just like the shit he and Kyle would sneak at their parents’ parties. It was easier to loosen up when pretending that’s what this was.
“Michael, Alex!” Curtis called as he neared, a big smile on his face and a gorgeous woman on his arm.
Curtis was the CEO of Disionic, a company that specialized in doing work for other companies’ prototypes. Companies of all sorts would use Disionic to outsource their new and fancy inventions for all sorts of different things, from engine-powered toys to ad blocking apps to literal blenders, as a way to test run them and get credible feedback from engineers and usually would employ them to fix any mistakes that were made. Michael loved it, it was a constant stream of new things and it made big money. 
The fact that he made a point to know all the interns' names was simply a plus.
“You two look like the perfect pair,” he said, looking between the two of them with a warm smile. Alex raised his eyebrows at Michael and offered a smile.
“Thank you, Mr. Iverson,” Michael said, nodding to the woman on his arm, “Mrs. Iverson.”
“Call me Jeannie,” Mrs. Iverson said, holding out a hand. Michael shook it firmly and Alex did the same. “So, I’ve heard about Michael, the agricultural and mechanical double major from Berkeley, but I haven’t heard about you. What do you do, Alex?”
Alex felt Michael take a deep breath, a silent ‘oh God, am I good enough that he told his wife about me?’ and he tightened his hold around his waist. Alex gave his award-winning polite smile that did wonders when he took etiquette classes back when his father thought dressing him up in a suit around other boys in suits to learn about how to act right would make him less likely to be a raging homosexual.
“I actually go to SFSU for right now,” Alex said, “Music major.”
“Oh!” she said, and Alex had already predicted her words before she said them because it’s what people always said, “That’s cute!”
“Mm,” Alex hummed, taking another sip of his champagne, “My major is piano education, but I also take vocal classes as more of a minor.”
“Oh, good, you’ll be able to do a lot with that. And it’s not that far from Michael’s school,” she said. He nodded, looking towards Michael.
“Yeah, we live somewhere in the middle,” he said.
“That’s good that he’s with someone who’s also focused, it’s a good environment to be in for a boy his age with his promise,” Curtis insisted. Michael went a little weak in his grasp and Alex didn’t have to be a genius to know it had everything to do with a grown man caring about his promise. 
“I think so too.”
After moving on from Curtis, Michael was able to regain his legs and his brain and Alex didn’t have to carry too much of the weight‒literally and figuratively. They sat and had dinner, all paid for by the company, and then got back to socializing. It was honestly a bit draining, but Alex kept reminding himself it was just for the weekend and it was for Michael and also that most of the people there were winging it just as much as Michael.
“So, how did you two get together? I know Michael said you were roommates before things got started, so that must’ve been a risky move,” Alisha‒Michael’s coworker’s wife of two months who wouldn’t let either of them forget how sad it was that they couldn’t make it to the wedding as if they’d known either of them long enough to be invited in the first place‒asked. She was kind and all, but she asked a lot of questions. Alex was waiting for her to ask something that was too invasive to even justify a polite answer.
Honestly, some of them already felt too invasive, but Alex knew that was probably him just being touchy.
“Oh, I just got up the courage to ask him out one day and hoped it wouldn’t be weird. I mean, look at his face. It was impossible not to catch feelings,” Michael said. Alex rolled his eyes and leaned into his side, playing it up to the best of his ability. It helped that the champagne he’d been sipping on had made him a little more comfortable.
“Stop it.”
“I’m serious! I couldn’t help myself. I just wanted a chance to look at the stars with you and know you were mine,” Michael cooed, pressing his nose into Alex’s cheek and nuzzling just a little. Alex’s ears were ringing a bit as he turned his head to look at him up close. They locked eyes for a moment too long before Michael cleared his throat and looked back to Alisha. “So, yeah, couldn’t pass up the opportunity.”
“How cute, I wish straight men were that romantic,” she cooed, just tone-deaf enough to level Alex’s thoughts, “Have you talked about marriage? I’d love to come to the wedding, it’d be so fun.”
“Not really, yet,” Alex said, pinching Michael’s hip just enough to make him jump, “But I figure one day I’ll get him on one knee.”
“What, you won’t propose to me?” Michael said, trying to put but failing through his smile. Alex cupped his ear in his hand, running his thumb gently along the curve of it. If Michael’s eyes drifted to his lips, well, Alex pretended he didn’t notice.
“Maybe I just like seeing you on your knees,” Alex said. Michael’s eyes widened.
“Oh, dear, I feel like I’m intruding,” Alisha giggled and Alex blinked out of it.
“Sorry,” he said, “Just teasing.”
“I totally get it! Me and my Tom get like that all the time.” 
“Speaking of your Tom,” Tom said, sidling up beside her and looping his arm around her waist. She smiled up at him. “Emily wanted to see your ring.”
“Oh! Okay, see you later, guys! I had fun talking to you,” Alisha said, waving as she let herself be tugged off to wherever Emily and her boyfriend were.
Alex let out a breath of relief and raised his glass to his lips. Mid-sip, Michael leaned in close to his ear, lips nearly pressed against his skin. Alex focused on his drink.
“You’re gonna do something stupid like make me fall in love with you,” he breathed, leaving a kiss on his cheek before he pulled back.
“Ah, a tragic mistake many men have made,” Alex said playfully. Michael beamed at him.
“Seriously, you’re amazing, Alex. I’m so glad I brought you. You even managed to make Alisha bearable,” Michael said. Alex laughed and looked over to where Alisha was proudly showing off her ring.
“She’s not that bad.”
“You haven’t met her as many times as I have,” Michael huffed, “I was terrified when I saw her comin’ this way. She means well, but, you know.”
“The straights just aren’t as romantic, Michael, don’t you know?” he said. Michael laughed and squeezed his hip. “But are you good? You’re starting to look a little drained.”
“I’m gonna start lookin’ for a way out so we can go upstairs. My people tolerance is dropping,” Michael confessed. Alex nodded.
“Well, you’re doing really well. I almost didn’t notice.”
“Hopefully no one else will.”
“No one else knows you like I do, so I’m assuming you’re good.”
Michael tilted his head, that little smirk on his lips as he said, “You know me so well, huh?”
“I do live with you,” Alex pointed out. Michael nodded and his eyes went to the flute of champagne in his hand.
“How many of those have you had?” he asked. Alex shrugged, swirled it around a bit before downing the rest.
“Three, maybe four. Yeah, four, one before dinner, one during, two since,” Alex explained. Michael nodded.
“Feelin’ good?” he asked. Alex hummed and nodded, looking over Michael’s face easily. “I’m not a champagne man.”
“Neither am I, but this shit is too expensive not to drink.”
Michael laughed, “Guess I’ll have to taste it.”
“You will.”
Alex’s eyes drifted to his lips, not for the first time. He started wondering what he actually looked like on his knees. Then he shook that thought right out of his head.
“I’m tired,” Alex said, maybe a bit louder so other people would hear. Michael grinned.
“Okay, let’s make our rounds in saying goodnight.”
They said goodnight to Michael’s coworkers that they passed on their way to say goodnight specifically to Curtis and Jeannie. It was an absurd amount of small talk, very ‘oh, yeah, we were up early, Alex had class’ and ‘it’s a long day, want to be fresh in the morning!’ and ‘you know how it is, can’t wait to get this one alone, haha!’ It was all tragically boring and as he got closer to when he’d be free of it, Alex began to itch to get back to their room.
By the time they said goodnight to Curtis and his wife, they were basically speed walking to the elevator. Once the doors closed, Michael tugged Alex into a hug, burying his face into his neck and Alex giggled, feeling light as he draped his arms around his neck. Michael lifted him off the ground for a moment, until the doors slid open.
They made it back to their room and Alex didn’t have a moment to process anything before the door closed and Michael was closing in on him. He grabbed his face in between his hands, staring at him with the biggest smile. Alex was probably a little too drunk for this.
“You are so fucking good at this, I could kiss you. The flirting, the touching, the lines? Alex! You’re a genius, a pure genius. I knew they’d like you, but they like like you. You are so good, Alex Manes,” he gushed, peppering kisses to his forehead and his nose and his cheeks. By the time he pulled away, Alex’s face was on fire and he was smiling so wide it hurt.
“I’m just selling it,” Alex said.
“And you are doing a damn good job. I should date you more often,” Michael said. Alex nodded lamely and Michael laughed, grabbing his hand and pulling it to his mouth. He pressed a kiss to the back of it. “I am going to go take a shower, boyfriend. You start trying to sleep off that champagne, okay?”
Michael dropped his hand and turned, stepping out of his shoes on the way to the bathroom. Alex let out a breathy laugh and sat on the edge of the bed. He slowly pulled his hair down and pulled off his boots, taking a deep breath. He licked his lips and turned his head to the bathroom door, head swimming with too many thoughts as the water kicked on.
Alex changed out of his shirt and his pants into sweats and a t-shirt, climbing into bed without much thought. He tried not to think, at least. He closed his eyes and tried to lull himself to sleep.
But, when the bathroom door opened, he couldn’t help himself.
Alex peeked over the edge of the blanket and watched as Michael, dripping wet with just a towel around his waist, searched for his clothes with nothing but the bathroom light to guide him. He was gorgeous and overwhelmingly… Michael. Alex couldn’t remember the last time he wanted something so bad as he wanted to touch Michael at that moment.
At the thought, he pulled the blanket over his head, his eyes going wide.
Oh no.
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
eunoia - chapter 1
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Summary: Quinn is back in Delacroix, Louisiana
Sam Wilson x Quinn (Asian ofc)
Warnings: Some spoilers for Civil War, Inifinity War, Endgame and TFATWS
Wordcount: 3.2k
Masterlist // eunoia masterlist // Previous chapter
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I watched AJ and Cass grow up into the boys they are now. It might be obvious to some, but I came to the realization that every step of their development is crucial. Teaching them boundaries, new skills and their abilities when it comes to social interaction.
Noticing that importance, made me wonder even more about the things that had happened in my past. What significant events happened for me to become who I am today. I don’t feel like anyone, like I have no personality, no history.
Fragments of memories are the only things I have left of my past. I remember laughing with people, though they remain faceless till this day. I remember warm weather, cold weather, but the hugs are the same. They are loving, caring. But there is also a lot of pain and exhaustion. There is confusion when I saw Bucky for the first time being contained in a small cell.
But those fragments are not equal to an entire memory.
Everything I started to experience is from the moment Zemo let me out of that cell back in Munich. Fighting alongside the Avengers, though never actually being one of them, meeting people during my solo trips through the country and sleeping in abandoned buildings by myself, since I had no money.
Delacroix, Louisiana, however, is the only place I dare to call home. I know there is a place somewhere that used to be home, but since I haven’t found that yet, I’ll rely on the place that feels most secure.
Of course I was aware that going here could mean bumping into Sam. It’s a risk I’m willing to take, because I missed spending time with the Wilson’s, especially AJ and Cass. I wonder though, what Sam might think. Me spending time with his family in the years he couldn’t.
I grew so close to the three of them, whilst we only had one thing in common.
Knowing Sam.
Since Tony’s funeral and Steve handing the shield to Sam, I have been wandering around the different states, even making slight detours to Canada, hoping to find something. I have been so desperately wanting to know something for so long. Anything that could be something that should be a treasured memory of mine.
Much to my dismay, I am still left in the dark. I have no idea who I am, where my roots started and who is out there missing me.
Are there even people missing me?
After I scolded the boys for growing, I hold up my hand to the older guy who has been appreciating my arrival from the moment I got here a little over five years ago. ‘Hi Carlos,’ I say to him.
‘Miss Quinn!’ he exclaims, rushing over to me in the fastest pace he can and hugs me tightly when I’m within arms reach. ‘Oh, do I love it when you join us.’
‘I love to be back.’
‘You’re gonna help me out, right?’ Carlos asks. ‘Things go much slower without you here. No one has come even close to your strength.’
‘I figured,’ I say with a smile. ‘I’ll help you out, okay?’
He blows me a kiss, before AJ, Cass and I walk towards Sarah and Sam. I shouldn’t be nervous, but I am. While Sam was contemplating whether or not to take the shield from Steve, I sneaked out. Ran off hating Steve. Hating the fact that he got older. Being able to go back in time, to not only place back the Stones and what not, but also to grow older with Peggy.
The love of his life.
He got to live his happily ever after with someone from his past, something that I would probably never experience. It took me months to realize that I wasn’t mad at him.
I was simply jealous.
Sarah opens her arms for me and I don’t waste a single second before letting myself being engulfed in her warm embrace. How I longed to feel a hug from her. ‘I missed you,’ she says to me.
‘I missed you too,’ I admit softly.
‘Don’t you dare leave me alone for too long.’ She holds onto my upper arms and glares at me. ‘The kids missed you too much.’
‘We did,’ they confirm in unison
I can’t help but laugh. ‘I missed them and you too much as well, hence the reason I came back.’
‘Oh, so you didn’t came back for my brother?’ She cocks an eyebrow. ‘He too just arrived.’
Sam scoffs and I pretend to roll my eyes, but I cannot miss the tone in her voice. She always pestered me about her brother, saying that if he were still here, we’d probably be all over each other.
Yeah right…
I remember first arriving here and staying in the guest room, one where Sam used to sleep if he crashed here in Delacroix. She caught me looking at pictures of Sam and slightly bullied me because of it. Maybe it seemed like I liked him, but the truth is: I realized how much I missed him.
Back when I helped out the Avengers, he was the only one I truly trusted. Because I cared so much about him, I went out of my way to go to his DC apartment in the midst of all chaos, to grab some personal belongings of his and make my way to his family.
Sam promised me he would always have my back and I don’t blame him for not keeping his promise. It’s just that now that he is back and I’m about the face him, it hits me how much his five year absence killed me deep down.
I’m too afraid to meet his eyes, but I know I have to eventually. ‘Solely for the kids,’ I say to Sarah, because that is the main reason I came back. The kids and Sarah.
Sarah squeezes my upper arms, almost as some encouragement and I look up to Sam. ‘Hi Quinn,’ he says to me, his voice warm, welcoming and trusting.
I missed him. I missed him looking at me. All of his attention directed to the person he’s talking to. It’s good to be on the receiving end of it.
‘Hi Sam.’
‘How are you?’
I have no idea actually. ‘I’m okay,’ I answer. ‘You look good.’
He seems a bit surprised, but a slightly cocky smirk appears on his lips. ‘As do you.’
Sarah frowns, as she looks from me to Sam back to me again. ‘How about you two catch up?’ She opens a cool box and grabs two beers. ‘I’ve got your favorite, Quinn. You must be tired from your trip. You deserve it.’
‘You’re the best, Sarah, thank you.’
Both AJ and Cass stand next to me and give me a tight hug. ‘You’re already taking her away, uncle Sam?’ AJ asks. ‘That’s so unfair. We want to know how the battle against Thanos went.’
‘I’ll be back before you know it,’ I say to them, slightly touched because they don’t want me to go.
‘Is this Superhero talk?’ AJ asks, looking at his uncle.
‘Boys, I told you,’ I say, ‘I’m no superhero.’
‘But you’re really strong,’ Cass says. ‘I think you are a superhero.’
‘She totally is,’ Sam says. ‘You should’ve seen her in the battlefield.’
I don’t do blushing, but I do this other thing: my ears turn in this fiery red color. It’s horrible, I hate it and of course today of all days I’m wearing my hair up in a ponytail, for everyone to see how the tips of my ears turn red.
‘Uncle Sam, to be fair, we like her more than we like you.’
Sam cocks an eyebrow. ‘Is that so?’ he asks. ‘That means I need to work extra hard to be number one again.’
‘If you get me one of those flying suits, you two are even.’
‘AJ,’ Sarah says, ‘we spoke about this. I’m not gonna let you fly around. Sorry Sam, you’re in third place.’
‘Third place?’ Sam asks, pretending to be offended. ‘Why third?’
‘Because mom is number one, auntie Quinn is number two and you are number three,’ Cass says. ‘Duh.’
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Sam and I sit on the dock, both staring at the old boat. Paul & Darlene. A nearly nostalgic smile appears on my lips. ‘Sarah and I tried to fix it up,’ I say, flicking the cap off the beer bottle, doing the same for Sam. ‘Emphasis on tried. We didn’t have a lot of money, we had tons of other stuff to do and I have no idea on how to fix up a boat.’
Sam nods, grabbing the beer from me as I hand it to him. ‘Figured, think the two of you broke something in the process,’ he chuckles.
‘That would’ve been me, I’m sorry.’ I take a sip of the beer and think about the next thing I’m gonna say. ‘So,’ I start, ‘you gave up the shield.’
‘Not in the way you might think,’ he says, almost in a bit of a defensive tone. ‘I didn’t give it up. I gave it to the museum where it belongs. It’s a piece of history, not mine to use.’
I frown, as I fear that he might not know what I know. ‘You think it’s gonna stay in a museum?’ I ask.
Now he looks up. ‘Of course, what do you think?’
‘Well,’ I say, ‘it’s not gonna be part of the exhibition. There is… Someone who will receive the shield soon.’
It pains me to see his expression. The hurt, the betrayal. Poor Sam, he obviously wasn’t told about that. ‘I had no idea.’
‘I’m so sorry,’ I whisper.
‘How do you know?’
I shrug. ‘I went to one of my hackers,’ I say, ‘to see if he could help me with carefully running my picture through any database. We stumbled upon some governmental documents and it read that once they had the shield, they would give it to some guy who is training for it. I believe his name was John Walker.’
‘That could be anyone,’ Sam notes with a scoff.
‘Exactly,’ I agree, ‘but it shouldn’t be anyone. Steve gave that shield to you, not this John Walker guy. I’m not saying that giving the shield for an exhibition was wrong, but… I do know this is not what both you or Steve had in mind when you gave the shield to the Smithsonian.’
Sam shakes his head and from the looks of it, he is beating himself up over this. ‘They should’ve told me.’
‘Had they told you, would you kept the shield?’
He nods. ‘It’s Steve shield, not mine, not this John guy.’
I have no idea what I should say to him. I want to say about myself that I know how to comfort someone, but that someone is not a grown man. The only ones I can remotely comfort, are AJ and Cass and when necessary, I can sort of calm Sarah down (though I have gone wrong there maybe once or twice).
‘Is this John Walker gonna go public any time soon?’ Sam asks.
‘I don’t know.’
‘Why do you think Steve gave me that shield?’
I was not expecting that question at all, but it’s an easy one to answer. ‘You’re the only one worthy of the shield, of that legacy. You are more than Captain America’s friend, Sam. You are the only one that can live up to the expectation.’
‘I don’t know, Quinn.’
‘Listen, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have hesitations. It only shows that you are humble and I think that is exactly the type of man Steve wanted for the shield.’
From the looks of it, Sam grows more and more uncomfortable. To redirect the conversation, he clears his throat and says: ‘Bucky isn’t gonna like this.’
Oh boy, I hadn’t even thought of that. ‘Have you spoken to him?’
He shakes his head. ‘Nah, he ignores my texts.’
I can’t stop my smile. ‘Mine too.’
‘Oh, you’ve been texting him?’ Sam asks. eyebrow cocked.
‘Sometimes,’ I say, ‘it’s just that I figured we had something in common. He just went totally AWOL after his pardoning and I have no idea what he is doing. I bet he doesn’t even wanna be found. If there is something going on, he’ll show up.’
‘Well, good thing Bucky doesn’t even know where I live,’ he says, ‘think you and I are safe for a while.’
I chuckle, looking at my beer bottle. ‘Yeah, bet you’re right.
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That night, I walk into the room I always sleep in when I stay over at the Wilson’s, only to discover a shirtless Sam, in nothing else but boxers near the bed. That looks abnormally good, I think to myself, before I realize that it’s considered rude to just walk into a room like that. ‘Oh,’ I say, ‘I’m so sorry.’ I pull down the sleeping shirt, hoping it covers up my legs more.
‘No, I am,’ he says. ‘I could’ve known you would sleep here. Let me grab some blankets and I’ll take the couch.’
‘You’re taking the couch?’ I ask.
I’ve slept on that thing and if it was uncomfortable for me, who is the size of a kid, it must be even worse for him.‘The bed is large enough,’ I say. ‘Pick a side.’
‘I don’t want to cross any line, Quinn.’
‘You won’t,’ I say. ‘Believe me, I shared sleeping spaces with people, most of which were… different than you, in the negative sense.’
‘Right,’ he says. ‘I want the right side, closer to the door.’ I watch Sam stepping in that part of the bed and slide underneath the covers and I walk around the bed, stepping in as well. We stare at the ceiling and the only thing we can hear is the breathing of one another.
I missed being in the Wilson’s residence. I missed the talks we would have, the food we would eat and the way the boys would talk. They’ve gone a long way and I sound like an old grandma, but I am so proud of them. Growing up during the blip, watching their mom work hard, that must’ve been tough, but they pulled through.
They grew up to be fine young men, who are strong, who are kind and mostly, who still know how to be kids.
But what’s different now is the presence of Sam and it’s not an unpleasant one. He obviously loves his sister and nephews and even after coming back from a rough mission, he gives them his time and attention.
Everything he has to offer.
Even if that means annoying his sister about the family boat. Sarah told me all about that dragon of a money sucker. It costs a lot and she doesn’t have time nor the money to renovate.
‘Where have you been?’ he asks.
‘Those five years and those months after the shield.’
I let out a sigh. ‘I have been wandering around the country after the blip, hoping to find out more about me. To no luck, I came in empty handed. After the shield, I continued wandering. Just realized I needed family. I needed Sarah.’
‘Thanks for helping her out.’
‘Oh, she didn’t need helping out,’ I say. ‘Besides, I wasn’t much of a help.’
‘I bet you were,’ Sam says with a smile. ‘You’re tired, go have some sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow.’
That night, I yet again have a dreamless dream. I never dream. Maybe I did, but I don’t remember. I barely remember everything. There are three major things in life that are the foundation of my life.
I hate cold weather, the person who has been playing a major role in my life is Bucky, who I haven’t spoken to for months and I have enhanced powers, but I have no idea where they are coming from.
Things in my life never made sense.
I remember when Zemo freed me, only for me to roam through the city of Münich and be caught by the team of Everett Ross. How Bucky has been a part of my life, has always been a mystery, because Bucky can only tell me he would see me back in his cell, before Hydra wiped him.
But what have I got to do with Hydra?
The next morning my eyes flutter open. I take a deep breath and lift up my head, only to realize I was resting it on Sam’s strong chest. ‘Morning,’ he says, his voice deep and it almost sounds like liquid gold.
Shit, I’m too close. ‘Good morning,’ I say, pushing myself up. ‘I am sorry.’
‘Don’t be.’
‘Sure? You feared you were overstepping, but now I am the one. How long have I been… resting like this.’
‘The second you drifted off to sleep. You’re a wild one. Think I’ve got at least a few bruises and broken ribs with that super strength of yours.’
‘Sorry,’ I chuckle. ‘I hope you’re okay.’
‘I’ll live.’ He sits up straighter and rubs his eyes.
‘How did you sleep?’ I ask.
‘Alright,’ he says. ‘It always takes a bit of getting used to when I get back here.’
‘I see.’
The door barges open, only to see Sarah. ‘There you two are,’ she says, tying up her robe she wears over her pajamas. ‘You should see the news. They are announcing the new Captain America.’
My heart stops beating for a moment and I look over my shoulder to see Sam. He gets up, puts on some clothes, while I grab some sweats. We all walk into the living room, only to see the boys already sitting in front of the screen.
‘Every day Americans feel it,’ the man on the television says. ‘While we love heroes who put their lives on the line to defend Earth, we also need a hero to defend this country. We need a real person who embodies America’s greatest values.’
I watch Sam staring at the screen, as he talks place on the couch. I carefully sit next to him, hoping he is not spooked by my presence.
He isn’t.
‘We need someone to inspire us again, someone who can be a symbol for all of us. So, on behalf of the Department of Defense and our Commander-in-Chief, it is with great honor that we announce here today that the United States of America has a new hero.’
I don’t know whether Sam is disappointed in himself for believing the shield was gonna be exhibited in the Smithsonian or in the government who betrayed him.
Either way, watching this must be awful.
‘Join me in welcoming your new Captain America.’
The new Captain America. It’s like a punch in the gut. The cheering, the waving of the generic John Walker holding a shield that isn’t his.
I place my hand on his knee and for a split second I fear he is going to swat it away.
But then I feel the warmth of his palm on my hand and he looks to the side. He doesn’t say anything, but his eyes say enough.
‘I’m sorry,’ I say.
He nods. ‘Yeah, me too, Quinn. Me too.’
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a-crimson-lion · 5 years
My Thoughts On Chapter 257 and Why I Think The Bakudeku Dynamic Is Still Fundamentally Broken
[Spoilers and Bakugo-Bashing ahead. Long post. Avoid if you don't want to see.]
Look, I can kind of see why people enjoy the idea of Izuku and Katsuki making up and being friends again after all the crap Katsuki did. Honestly, if Horikoshi had set it up right, I might have been rooting for them, too. Of course, I don't root for it, because I don't see much improvement in the dynamic, especially on Katsuki's part.
Before I get started, remember: if you like the dynamic between Izuku and Bakugo, that's fine. This post probably isn't for you, and that's fine, too. I'm not writing this post to attack anyone personally, but if you feel offended, feel free to ignore this post and go about your day. I'd like it if we could be respectful of one another's opinions. Sound good? Good.
Now, let's begin...
So the big thing in this chapter (257 chapters, dear God...) is that we're finally learning a bit more about the OFA Holders. For starters, we now know the Black Whip user's name: Banjo Daigoro (heads up, the "Go (五)" in Daigoro means "Five," continuing the trend of OFA Holders having their wielder number in their names). We've also learned that Nana's Quirk was "Float" or "Levitation," which makes a lot of sense.
(I mean, Flight is one of the most iconic superpowers besides super strength, and since Nana is Izuku's metaphorical grandmother, it's incredible for her to be using such a by the book super power. Plus, it only compliments her friendship with Gran Torino, another hero with a flight Quirk.)
I'm rambling at this point. As intriguing as the Quirks of the previous holders is, my attention (as well as other readers' attention) was pulled towards Katsuki. Most say that the relationship between Katsuki and Izuku was adorable in this chapter. Others say Katsuki was a gremlin, but they still love him for it.
Well, pardon my pessimism, but if I'm using the phrase right, it looks like I'm gonna be playing devil's advocate.
[Keep in mind, the official translations haven't dropped yet, so this might screw up my analysis a bit.]
There's another meeting about OFA between Izuku, Toshinori, and of course Katsuki. Toshinori talks a bit about how he couldn't find everything for the previous holders, and what does Katsuki say?
If you don't know it then just leave it at that, I'm waisting my precious time on you guys.
There are a handful of other rude/passive-aggressive ways Katsuki could have phrased that. He could have made it sound like "That's nice and all, but could we skip to the important stuff?" But no, even though this information is crucial to Izuku, even though Katsuki has every right to just stay out of the room since the conversation won't benefit him, he says they're wasting his "precious time." Once again, Katsuki is being self-centered, but that isn't anything new.
A little later, Katsuki is taking a loom at the notebook, and he remarks that all the Quirks Izuku got must have been lame. Katsuki is immediately writing the Quirks off just because they aren't upfront with their badassery. Izuku appreciates all Quirks because he wasn't born with one, but Katsuki only appreciates strong Quirks because that's what society and his own self image have taught him up to this point.
Think of it this way: A man with diamonds can't understand why a man is happy with silver, but a man with nothing understands the value of both.
Katsuki's Quirk is admittedly versatile and efficient, and I can respect the work he put into it. However, immediately dissing less flashy Quirk's might be his downfall. Characters like Sir Nighteye don't have "powerful" Quirks, but are still capable adversaries thanks to how they use them in tandem with their other abilities. Foresight might not be a powerful Quirk in a fight, but Nighteye's own strategy, deceivingly ripped physique, and his high-density stamps help round him out as a capable opponent. We've seen Izuku utilize Black Whip in ways which can be definitely declared badass. Even Nana's Quirk can be used in incredible ways, especially considering Izuku's strategy and relentnesses.
Speaking of Nana's Quirk, here comes the part I hate the most...
Lots of readers talk about how Katsuki and Izuku's dynamic has grown a lot since their middle school days. That's not to say the statement isn't true, because there has been some growth, but I feel like most of it is exaggerated. Katsuki and Izuku haven't had an introspection (or at least a meaningful one) on themselves where they've come to grips with their faults and have vowed to change for the better. Izuku doesn't stop to think that maybe Katsuki shouldn't have treated him the way he did since they were kids, because Izuku's more concerned about heroism, mastering OFA, and (ugh) proving to Katsuki that he'll surpass him, being his image of victory. Katsuki hasn't really thought about his actions aside from that one time after the Provisional License Exams that ultimately amounted to nothing. It's been said time and time again by several in the fandom that Katsuki hasn't really changed, and for as much growth (or lack thereof) as he's had throughout the entire course of the series, the statement is not without merit. Case and point: the very first thing Katsuki spits out to Izuku when All Might reveals Nana's Quirk?
He's more concerned about his own image and pride then about Izuku's progress. He's already got flight down, so instead of leaving it at that or (highly unlikely) offering to help Izuku figure out the whole flight thing, he decides it's a great thing that Izuku will waste his time learning something Katsuki already knows so Katsuki can make sure he can beat Izuku yet again. He's not adding anything to the conversation, and while Izuku isn't personally bothered, Katsuki's next words are not okay, even if they're relatively tame.
Before you tell me that Katsuki is just trying to encourage Izuku or something like that along those lines, let's take a look at their proceeding dialogue:
T-that's not true! I'll just master it and catch up to you!!
You're just going to panic again! Explode and go to Hell!
Buy I managed to get the gist of Blackwhip, so...
No hesitation...!
...Katsuki is not being encouraging in any way, shape, or form. He's being discouraging; in spite of Izuku's protest, Katsuki insists that Izuku is going to crash and burn once more. Never mind that Izuku isn't bothered by it, what Katsuki is saying is not okay. No one can be the best but him, so no one can improve... including Izuku. Forget about Izuku's previous feats, forget the fact that he learned to use the base Quirk without damaging himself AND a second Quirk in less than a year. As long as Katsuki can pull ahead, stupid Deku won't be able to catch up and he'll prove that he'll forever be the best.
...can you feel my frustration with this character?
And then there are the panels where Izuku looks like he reading the journal, and Katsuki is making a gremlin face while make the "kill" gesture across his neck, and All Might's looking at it like it's something precious. Other people called this scene adorable, but for me, it only proves that Katsuki hasn't changed and WHY he hasn't changed. He still treats Izuku as someone lesser instead of as an equal; he might not be Quirkless anymore, but for Katsuki, Izuku just another extra to surpass. And then Izuku tries to be civil with Katsuki, but... the boy really does not care about him. And then people like All Might don't know the full depth of their relationship and consider this a massive improvement, and see no reason to confront Katsuki or Izuku about their issues.
Seriously, the narrative is so contrived in Katsuki's favor, I'm losing hope that Horikoshi will ever try to fix it properly.
And before you give me Izuku's whole spiel about:
I never thought the day would come where I could speak so naturally with Kacchan.
Just because Izuku is the protagonist and overall honest does not mean his views/relationship with Katsuki are ultimately well. I'm not saying he's an unreliable narrator, since he hasn't really gone to Delusion City as he's told us the story, but it's very clear that he doesn't give Katsuki's actions too much thought. Him suddenly being able to talk casually with Katsuki is not a major feat: EVERYONE ELSE can casually talk to Katsuki just as well even if his personality is, quoting Denki, "flaming crap mixed with sewage." At this point, I'm just tuning out all the times the narrative tries to claim that Izuku is completely mentally sound, or that Katsuki has made significant progress.
You can keep shouting it from every roof top you want to, but unless you're showing CONSISTENCY, you're not showing substance.
So, TL;DR This chapter continues to push the Bakudeku rival dynamic while instead showing how Katsuki has ultimately barely changed and is continually enabled by other characters and the narrative to continue his behavior because virtually everyone around him has an abnormally high tolerance for his bulls***.
That's all I can write right now. Thank you for reading.
-Crimson Lion (18 January 2020)
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Level Up, Chapter Six (Branjie) - Holtzmanns
Asia shoots her a look that is all too knowing. “Sure it ain’t. But if Brooke already had a girlfriend, wouldn’t you be pissed?”
“Why would I care?” Vanessa takes a sip of her coke, because really, why would she? It wouldn’t matter. Not at all.
“Here’s a weird thought,” Monique lets out a little snicker as she leans forward, elbows on the table, “imagine if Brooke and Kameron were dating each other.”
“The fuck-”
“No way-”
“Aren’t they sisters?”
“They have different last names, dumbass-”
AN: Chapter six has arrived! I appreciate all of you for being so patient with this fic, especially with the updates taking more time than they used to. Thank you all for the kind words and reviews too, they make me so happy. Tell me what you think of this one after you read it, too. And as always, Writ is the bestest beta and I love them.
“I vote ramen, ‘cause it’s been way too long since I’ve had my ramen fix.”
“Not ramen, we gotta get burritos. They’ll hit the spot right now.”
“Y’know, sometimes you make real questionable decisions.”
Monet and Monique volleying back and forth with one another is incredibly entertaining to watch, though Vanessa’s too wiped from their class to attempt to contribute to the dinner plans herself. Their weekly Monday night dinners had been Asia’s idea a few months back, brought up after class one night when they’d all been sweaty and thirsty and absolutely starving. Vanessa likes it, because it’s a chance to get closer to the three of them outside of class, learning about them past their hatred for cardio and their preferred colour of athleisure wear.
The sushi place a couple of blocks down from the gym is one that all four of them can agree on, as Asia holds the door open for Monet and Monique with a look at Vanessa.
“Ten bucks says they’re gonna order together and share their sushi.” Asia cocks her head towards Monique and Monet as the four of them sit down in a booth.
Vanessa watches the way that Monet and Monique nudge each other’s elbows, trying to take up more space on the table. “Nah. They’re gonna fight over each other’s pieces and make it a whole thing.”
“You’re on.” Asia holds out her hand for Vanessa to shake. “It’s kinda cute though, not gonna lie. In an idiotic way.”
Vanessa holds back a snicker. “Do you think they’re ever gonna realize?”
“I dunno about that.” Asia shrugs. “It seems like they’re so caught up in trying to get each other’s attention that they’re completely missing it.”
“Ah. Modern romance.” Vanessa lets out a fake sigh and dodges Asia’s elbow towards her rib cage.
“They’re blind to each other, not deaf to us,” Asia mutters, “so shut that foghorn.”
“Hi, my name is Simone, what can I get for you?”
The conversation doesn’t stray far after the four of them order, though the focus does shift - and Vanessa is glad that it does, from the way Asia folds her arms and scowls at the mention of a certain redheaded instructor, the slightest hint of pink on her cheeks.
“Fuck off, all of you. There’s nothing going on between me and Kameron.”
“Uh, let me correct you. Nothing yet.” Monique points at Asia with a flourish, looking unbothered when Asia sticks her tongue out at her. “Why don’t you ask her out? She’s clearly into you.”
“What? No she’s not.” Asia scoffs, her eyes darting around the table. “Is she?”
Vanessa snorts. “Please. As if it isn’t obvious to the entire class by the way that she flirts with you. And the way that you always flirt back.”
“I don’t flirt back. I don’t flirt in the first place.” Asia stuffs a piece of sushi in her mouth, though it doesn’t do much to stall the conversation the way she probably wants it to.
“Oh, Kameron, your muscles are so strong and your tattoos are so hot, can I lick them?” Monique’s high pitched, breathy imitation makes Vanessa nearly spit out her coke, even when Asia kicks her under the table.
“Come here, Asia, let me just bench press you real quick.” Monet flexes her guns for good measure when imitating Kameron, and puckers her lips towards Monique, who comes closer and closer with a pout of her own before pulling back at the last second, batting her eyelashes towards Asia.
“Hateful, unbelievable, I cannot believe my own friends are slandering me like this when all I do is support y’all and put food on the table-” Asia’s words are cut off when Vanessa holds up a roll to her mouth.
“Here, this dynamite roll will help you embrace the truth.” Vanessa snickers when Asia throws her the evil eye as she chews. “‘Kay, think of it this way. If Kameron had a girlfriend right this second, would you be mad about it?”
“She doesn’t have a girlfriend.” Asia’s matter of fact tone makes Vanessa raise her eyebrows, while Monet and Monique throw looks at each other. “What? She doesn’t.”
“Now is there any way that you know that, or is that just wishful thinking on your part?” Monet asks, ignoring the way Asia lets out a huff.
Vanessa pats Asia’s shoulder. “She better not have a girlfriend, just so you can get some puss and unwind a little, you know what I’m saying?”
“See, now you’re one to talk, Vanj.” Asia turns towards Vanessa, brandishing a roll in her chopsticks and using it to point. “As if you and Brooke aren’t circling each other like hawks.”
“What?” Vanessa squeaks the word out because hey, she’s having fun roasting Asia.
But it’s too late, because Monique and Monet have matching grins on their faces and Asia looks entirely too happy to have the conversation diverted away from her.
“Now that I think about it, you do spend a lot of time in her office. Does she push you up against the desk that much?” Monet wiggles her eyebrows and Vanessa lets out a scoff.
“It ain’t like that.”
It’s not. Brooke is…her friend. Someone who Vanessa enjoys talking to and learning more about, someone whose smile lights up the room she’s in when she’s really happy. Someone who, for being muscles stacked on a pair of legs, is really clumsy on a set of wheels.
Someone who Vanessa wants to keep spending more time with, that’s all. It doesn’t matter if Vanessa thinks about kissing her sometimes, anyway. Her friends don’t need to know that.
Asia shoots her a look that is all too knowing. “Sure it ain’t. But if Brooke already had a girlfriend, wouldn’t you be pissed?”
“Why would I care?” Vanessa takes a sip of her coke, because really, why would she? It wouldn’t matter. Not at all.
“Here’s a weird thought,” Monique lets out a little snicker as she leans forward, elbows on the table, “imagine if Brooke and Kameron were dating each other.”
“The fuck-”
“No way-”
“Aren’t they sisters?”
“They have different last names, dumbass-”
But the idea is enough for the four of them to burst into laughter, move on to other topics. And Vanessa’s glad for it, because she can take a step away from thoughts of Brooke for a little while.
Except that they filter back into her stream of consciousness as she sips on her soda, twirling her chopsticks between her fingers. Vanessa would be lying if she ever says that she hasn’t…y’know. Thought about Brooke like that. Because Vanessa’s not blind, Brooke is hot and tall and her legs go on forever and maybe the way she smiles makes Vanessa’s heart do a flip, but-
Brooke is so much deeper than that. Their friendship is. Because Vanessa’s told her shit that she doesn’t really talk about with anyone else, and sure, she’s kept it vague, but it’s more than she lets anyone else be privy to. And Brooke’s beginning to open up to her too and it’s nice to see what makes Brooke tick. What thoughts lie behind her fists and the subtle lift of her eyebrow and power her brain. It feels like Brooke’s trusting her, and thinking of her as more than just an athlete at her gym. Hell, Brooke had let Vanessa take her skating, something out of her comfort zone and had just rolled with it.
Vanessa likes it. And it’s hard not to smile as she finishes her sushi, watching Monique down glass after glass of water because she’s had too much wasabi, thinking about hanging out with Brooke even more.
Plumbers are expensive. Brooke can fix a simple leak.
At least, that’s what she had told herself two hours ago, before being splattered with water and who knows what else and feeling a squelch in her shoes and rattling off every curse word under the sun, as she twists the wrench in her hand because the stupid thing still won’t stop leaking, damnit.
But the bathroom is going to be unusable if Brooke can’t fix it. She’d looked up a tutorial on Youtube and everything, and the guy on the screen had made it look so easy, just with a few tools that she already has lying around in the storage closet. Who needs to shell out a couple hundred bucks for a plumber when Youtube exists?
Brooke, apparently. Because the leak is continuing to drip, drip onto the bathroom floor and is nearly filling up the bucket underneath it.
Maybe Brooke just has to watch the video again. Maybe she’d missed something the first time around, a crucial step that has to be done in order to stop the leak. She reaches her hand up to pat the counter above her, grabbing her phone when she feels it under her hand, and-
“What’re you doing under the bathroom sink?”
“What - ow!” Brooke winces at the ache forming at the crown of her head, lifting a hand to her still speeding heart. “You scared me.”
“Sorry.” Vanessa’s voice sounds sheepish from above her, before she squats down beside Brooke and shrugs her shoulders. “You having an 80’s movie moment or something?”
“What does that even mean?”
“I dunno. Sitting in the bathroom by yourself seems deep.”
Brooke snorts, lifting the wrench in her hand the point at the pipe in front of them. “No movie scene. Just fixing a leak. Well, attempting to fix a leak,” Brooke groans, rolling out her neck, “because it’s refusing to cooperate with me.”
“Scoot over.” Vanessa elbows Brooke’s side, fitting herself in the small space beside her. “Gimme the wrench.”
“Why, you wouldn’t happen to have a hidden career in plumbing, would you?”
But Vanessa’s barely listening, leaning forward to look at the pipes. “Broken seal right under the sink. Get some sealant from Home Depot and it’ll be good as new.”
Well. Maybe Vanessa does.
“You think as a kid my mom was gonna, in her words, ‘let a crook rip us off and break everything more so that we have to pay extra ‘cause it’s all part of a money making scheme?’ Nah. I can find my way around some tools.” Vanessa hands the wrench back to Brooke before nudging her shoulder. “Now that’ll be two hundred dollars, please.”
“Nice try.” Brooke snorts. “But thank you. Let me grab you lunch or something?”
“Well…there is something I wanted to ask you about anyway.” Vanessa’s shifting in place, her eyes suddenly flickering back along the pipes. “And no pressure to say yes at all, ‘cause I was just wondering, but it would be real great…”
The way Vanessa trails off makes Brooke raise an eyebrow, turn towards her because she has no idea what Vanessa’s talking about, but maybe it’s because Vanessa doesn’t really want her to stick around for extra training anymore, or maybe Vanessa’s tired of spending time with her, or something else that’s going to make Brooke want to hide away for a little. But Brooke swallows, ignores the way that she feels her lungs filling up, and pushes on. “What? What would be great?”
“So hear me out first, don’t get mad…” Vanessa trails off, and the way she’s fiddling with the ends of her hair makes Brooke want to shift in place herself. “There’s another tournament coming up. Kameron mentioned it during class yesterday. And I know that’s not your thing, and that’s cool, but I wanted to sign up for it at a higher level than last time and maybe…you can help train me for it?”
Brooke’s about to open her mouth but doesn’t really know what to say, because Vanessa’s right that it’s not her thing, but Vanessa holds up a hand before she does. “Don’t say anything. Just think about it. I’d pay you and everything, though with the rate that all these classes are taking my money I’m about to be broke as hell. But still. Think it over?”
Vanessa’s getting up onto her feet, slinging her bag over her shoulder before Brooke can even think of something to say. “So. Sealant. Home Depot. Maybe training me? I can be your padawan or something. You into Star Wars? ‘Cause I was, as a kid. Anyway, I gotta bounce, but think about it!”
Vanessa shouts the last bit as she exits through the door and Brooke can’t help but let out a breath, resting her cheek on one of her palms as she watches the slow and steady drip of the water from the pipe.
She really does have a lot to think about. But that’s what Brooke is good at doing, after all–thinking, and thinking, and overthinking. Mulling over scenario after scenario until they all blur together and it becomes too difficult, really, to discern what is actually real and going to happen. Not that Brooke even knows.
Vanessa’s question stays in her mind once she’s home that evening, curled up on the couch with Henry and Apollo on either side of her, the episode of Parks and Recreation on the television one that she’s seen a dozen times already. Brooke can hear Yvie clanging her pots and pans in the kitchen, letting out a string of curse words when the oven begins to beep, but the noises of her roommate and from the television aren’t enough to distract her mind from what it really wants to think about.
Vanessa wants Brooke to coach her. Actually, properly, coach her. It’s not as if Brooke doesn’t do it right now, anyway - spending time with her in the gym behind a punching bag and giving Vanessa tips here and there. But it’s never for an actual purpose, to reach a goal. It’s just for Vanessa to get better, to motivate her and sue Brooke, she enjoys the time with her, too.
But coaching towards something, like the tournament that Vanessa wants to sign up for?
It feels too…close. Boxing in the gym is safe, because punching bags and controlled matches leave some room for error but not too much, not the way a competition does. The athletes at Brooke’s gym don’t go home with broken noses or goose eggs on their heads, because they’re not fighting to win at all costs. They’re there to get better and work out and work on technique and if they sign up for tournaments? It’s on their individual coaches, such as Kameron. It’s not on Brooke if something bad happens, she’s not the one leading someone towards injury or…worse.
If Brooke coaches Vanessa more, if she works on drills and plans workouts and and trains her, properly trains her, then it’s on her. If anything happens to Vanessa, it’s Brooke’s fault. Brooke’s going to be the one left to pick up the pieces, the one who’s going to have to tell Vanessa’s sister and mom when things inevitably go wrong. She’ll be responsible.
Brooke can’t do that to Vanessa. She can’t be the one to ruin everything for her, the one to mess things up in a way that can’t be fixed anymore.
“Scoot over.” Yvie plops herself down on the couch beside Brooke, pulling the blanket on Brooke’s lap to cover her own legs, too. “Want some? Latest kitchen experiment. It’s supposed to be jambalaya but I strayed a little from the recipe. Well, I strayed a lot. But still.”
“It’s 10 p.m. You’re having dinner this late?” Brooke raises an eyebrow but reaches for a spoon nonetheless, taking a bite. “This isn’t half bad.”
“Scarlet facetimed me in the middle and I got distracted.” Yvie shrugs, taking a bite of her own. “But we got here in the end.”
“What, did she hypnotize you with her boobs or something to make you forget about your dinner?” Brooke ducks out of the way when Yvie shrieks, whacking her with a pillow.
“One day, your lonely ass is gonna get a girlfriend, and I can’t wait to tease you about it, you old hag.” Yvie cackles as she says it and Brooke can’t help but snort, too.
“You share this old hag apartment with me. We’re both old hags.”
“Speak for yourself, grandma.” Yvie lifts up her bowl when Henry climbs into her lap, reaching his nose up towards the food. “Speaking of the apartment, I’m thinking of doing a Target run Sunday morning for a cast iron skillet. Wanna come with?”
“Can’t. Gonna be at the gym with Vanessa on Sunday morning.” Just like Brooke does every Sunday, and many other days during the week, but she can feel the way her heart turns in her chest, the way it feels like there’s a current running through her fingertips because…
Well, Brooke still doesn’t know what to do.
“Hello? Did you hear anything I just said?” Yvie’s snapping her fingers in front of her face and Brooke jumps, causing Apollo to let out an annoyed meow.
“Maybe? Not really. Sorry.” Brooke mumbles, shifting Apollo on her lap. “Repeat that?”
“I was gonna say we can go Saturday instead. But let’s backtrack, why do you look like you just swallowed a bag of nails or something?” Yvie tilts her head slightly, and Brooke can’t help but make a face at her description.
“Nails? Jesus.” The mental image is a little too strong in Brooke’s brain for her liking, but Yvie is unperturbed.
“What’s up?”
Brooke sighs, her hand scratching Apollo’s chin the way that he likes it. “Vanessa asked me to coach her.”
“And? You’re already doing that.” Yvie raises an eyebrow.
Brooke shuffles on the couch, turning more towards her. “Yeah, but I’m not officially coaching her right now, I’m just there to hold the punching bag and sometimes throw her pointers, it’s not like I’m her personal coach and responsible if things happen to her and it ends up being my fault.”
“Alright, hold up.” Yvie covers her mouth as she chews, though she still gets her words out. “Your fault? And who says anything is going to happen to her?”
“I’m not saying it will, but if it did.” Brooke sinks herself further into the couch cushions. “Boxing competitively is a lot, y’know? It’s not just easy matches and punches, it’s hits to the head and occasional tears and stitches. It’s shit going down that you don’t feel until after the match is over.”
“And? Vanessa’s a grown woman. And from what you’ve told me about her, it seems like she can handle herself just fine.”
It’s true that Yvie’s heard a lot of stories from Brooke about Vanessa. About the hilarious things that she says, the way she cheers anytime there’s a water break during her classes, the way she brought Brooke some timbits that one time. But the way Yvie’s looking at Brooke with eyes that are too knowing makes her want to shift in place, pull a cushion on top of herself.
“But what if something happens and she can’t?”
“Here’s the thing. Bad things happen all the time. When you step onto the street, you can be hit by a car. Hell, a vending machine can fall on you. You can get attacked by a vulture or something-”
“I’m not so sure about that last one-”
“-and honestly, there’s no stopping any of it. Shit happens. And knowing Vanessa, she seems like the type to want to train more and more and compete more too. She’s going to do it regardless of whether you’re there or not. Wouldn’t you rather be the one training her and making sure that she’s as prepared as she can be? That she’s ready? Isn’t it better that she learn from the best in the first place?” Yvie’s eyes are sympathetic, though the effect is slightly ruined as she takes a bite of her jambalaya.
“Who’s saying I’m the best?” Brooke has to hold back a laugh at the way Yvie’s rolling her eyes.
“Don’t start fishing for compliments with me, you know what I mean. If she’s competing anyway, support her. Be there for her. Beat up anyone that she loses against.”
“Not very sportsmanlike.”
“Regardless, maybe you being there can help prevent any chance of something shitty happening, because you can catch things. And you actually care for her as a person rather than just an athlete, which is more than can be said for many coaching relationships.” Yvie shrugs.
“I don’t do coaching, though. I never have before, not properly.” It’s another reminder that takes over Brooke’s thought process, because she doesn’t know how to refine someone else’s skills, not really. “What if I’m shit at it and it makes her crash and burn in a competition?”
Yvie shoots her a look. “Do you really think that’ll happen?”
“It could.”
“You take what you already know about boxing and what you’ve learned from your own coaches in the past, and you pass it on. That’s all it’s gonna take. You two can learn the rest together.” Yvie’s hopeful smile makes her words sound like the easiest thing to do in the world, but it’s not that simple. It can’t be.
“This isn’t an elementary school group project.”
“Yeah, it is. Gym class.” Yvie snickers, before reaching out to squeeze her hand. “Honestly? I feel like it could be good for both of you. You get to spend more time with her, don’t you?”
Brooke raises an eyebrow. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“As if you don’t absolutely love it and come home from each practice session with her with a million stories about her.” Yvie’s knowing look is paired with a snicker, and it makes Brooke scowl.
“I’m just telling you about my day, Yvette.”
“Not the full name, Brooke Lynn. But either way, you know you’d enjoy coaching her. You’re telling me you wouldn’t be jealous if someone else started coaching her one on one?”
“What? No, I wouldn’t care. She can do what she wants.” Brooke scoffs, because it wouldn’t matter. None of Brooke’s business what Vanessa does, anyway.
“You’re as convincing as fifteen year old me was while trying to convince my parents that no, I didn’t have a hickey on my neck from my chem lab partner. Spoiler alert, didn’t work.” Yvie has a shit-eating grin on her face that makes Brooke roll her eyes, nudge her side.
“Shut up.”
“Do it. Coach her. You know you want to.”
Yvie’s right, which is a problem in itself. Brooke really does want to. And when the clock on her bedside table passes one in the morning because she’s unable to fall asleep, she finds herself reaching for her phone.
BLH: Fine, I’ll train you.
The three dots at the bottom of their conversation pop up immediately, and Brooke rubs her eyes as she waits for Vanessa’s reply. It’s not a text that comes through, but rather an audio message that Brooke eagerly presses play on.
“BIIIIIITCH! Are you serious?! Yesss! This is gonna be so good, you won’t regret it I swear. Question, can we play Eye of the Tiger the first time we train? I feel like it’s gonna set the mood real well. Also, why you still awake? Go to sleep. NIGHT!”
Brooke has to stifle a laugh as she shuts off her phone, placing it back on her bedside table. She’s not sure how it’s going to work - coaching Vanessa, trying to recall her days of training under her dad and what she’d do day in, day out, to refine her skills. But it’ll be interesting to try and get back into that mindset.
Maybe Brooke can start now. She’s not going to fall asleep anytime soon, anyway.
It feels strange turning on her laptop and going to the boxing folder, then the subfolder of training videos organized by year, with the most recent being five years prior. The folder is a time capsule filled with videos taken at the gym of Brooke training with her dad to watch and observe her own techniques, all of her tells as a boxer. She remembers watching them during practices back then, her dad pointing out moments where she’d left herself vulnerable to attacks, others where she would have been able to strike more efficiently.
Now, when Brooke clicks on a video, she’s not watching for herself, not anymore. Now? She’s watching for her dad.
He’s in the blue t-shirt that he always used to wear, the watch with the cracked screen on his wrist as he holds up punching mitts in front of Brooke’s face on the screen. A Brooke five years ago with less worry lines on her face, less bags underneath her eyes. One with muscles that flexed as she moved, with an expression of steely determination that’s almost surprising to see now, so many years later.
“Don’t drop those arms. Even if you’re taking a second to breathe, keep them up.”  
The sound of her dad’s voice is like a cold gust of air to Brooke because she hasn’t heard it in so long, and the familiarity of his intonation, his rhythm pulls her right back. It’s as if he could still be here, as if she could wake up tomorrow and go to the gym and practice like nothing has happened, like it hasn’t been five years of trying to cope and heal and not necessarily succeeding.
“Good one. Try that combo again.”
Brooke still has the tank she’s wearing in the video, she’s sure of it. Another item that she hasn’t let go of.
“Step sideways, not always backwards. You know that. Don’t get cornered in the ring.”
She can keep watching these videos and try to relive the moments, the practices with her dad and give into the longing that clings to her heart like debris, that she’s never truly been able to shake off. It does provide that short term relief, the feeling of seeing her dad happy, breathing, alive. Seeing how good he was.
“That’s what I’m talking about! Let’s take five, grab some water. Then we’re gonna keep going.”
But it also shows Brooke a past that isn’t here anymore. A time that she’s not going to get back no matter how hard she tries to manifest it, because she can’t step into her computer screen into a simpler time that she used to take for granted. It’s a fact that she knows well, one that’s been repeated to her by friends and family members and therapists and one that her brain ignores on default, despite the way that doing so can make the knife twist in a little deeper.  
“Get your gloves back on, we’ll-”
Brooke shuts her laptop, pushing it to the other side of the bed before her brain can protest. Apollo lets out a mrrp at the movement on the bed, and Brooke reaches out and scratches his chin, trying to ignore the silence in the room that feels deafening with her screen off.
She tends to get sucked in. It’s a fact that Brooke knows well. That when she finds something, she clings to it until it loses all meaning, until the sentimental value is diminished.
But Brooke isn’t going to now, with the old videos. Because sure, it’s her dad in shitty old iPhone video quality and it’s more of him than she’s had in ages, but…
It’s not helpful. Not right now.
Not that any of Brooke’s coping methods are, but she’s trying. Or at least, she’s going to start.
Brooke can almost hear the faint cheer of her old therapist in her ears, thrilled that she’s finally being listened to. Sure, it’s something insignificant, something small, and maybe part of Brooke really does want to open up her computer again, rifle through the videos, but she wont. Her hands are buried in Apollo’s fur, anyway, and why would she want the purring to stop?
Her cat is a big enough reason for now to avoid watching them, falling back into the memories. He’s a start. And maybe that’s all Brooke has to do, find more reasons to keep herself grounded and in the present.
But first, she has to find another way to prepare herself to properly coach, though that’s a problem she can save for the morning.
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lokisgame · 5 years
A Generous Donation [16]
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12][part 13] [part 14] [part 15]
She pulled his mouth to hers and it was as if they were kissing for the first time. Mulder pushed the album gently aside and puled her into his lap, feeling the warm, trembling silk under his palms. They didn't rush. Holding tight and slowly claiming his mouth, she grounded his heart. These kisses could last a lifetime, if only he had time to breathe. "You wanna go to bed?" She asked, never letting go of his shoulders. "I don't think I can sleep," he said and they both laughed, relaxing into each other. He ran his hands over her back, feeling the silk slip under his palms. "Where did you get this robe?" Looking up, she met his smiling eyes. "I tell you, you have a son and you ask about my sleepwear?" "I guess I am." 
"It was a gift," she explained, "from Will and Emily." "Wow, that's not something a son would buy for his mom." "But definitely something a grown-up niece would buy for her single aunt." That made him laugh. "She spent some time in Japan, and Will went to visit." "Japan? Impressive." "That's Missy in Emily, once she tasted independence, she could never stay long in one place. Will brought this back, saying he and Em picked it out for me, when they visited Kyoto. You like it?" She spread her arms, letting the sleeves fan out and he saw white cranes flying across midnight sky. "It's amazing." "You can borrow it sometime," she teased, watching as his expression changed to somber again. "Does Will know?" Mulder asked and she lowered her gaze, drawing reassurance from his embrace. "He does about the IVF." She said, swallowing the memory. "When he turned sixteen he became obsessed with this idea that his father abandoned him. So I told him the truth." "How did he take it?" "Pretty good, considering age and his rebellious streak." "Meaning?" "He didn't talk to me for a week." "I'm sorry." "He thought he was a vanity project." "What did you do?" "Charlie talked to him, and we never spoke of it again." "You know what he said?" She shook her head, pulling herself closer. "Right now I'm just happy you're still talking to me." "Don't worry," he sighed, hugging her tightly, "I'm not going anywhere." "What about bed?" He laughed and kissed her neck. "Okay, fine, let's go to bed."
With her arm around his chest and her thigh draped over his leg, it was easy to believe, that this could be the first night of the rest of his life. Warm breath washed over his neck, filling his head with a mixture of shampoo, body lotion and something unidentifiably feminine, bringing up images of homemade cookies and clouds of perfume in the morning. This tiny weight draped over his side, once carried a life inside her. They grew together, winning, failing, learning. Now where did he fit into that story? Certainly not in the main credits. A supporting role, somewhere in the third act, maybe, Will's Father. Even if they shared genes, he couldn't claim the title with a clear conscience. He wasn't there for his first fever, first step, first bike rides and fist scraped knees. The thought humbled him and put fear in his heart. What if Will still believed his father abandoned him? What if now, he would refuse to accept him? What if this new knowledge, once more turned him against his mother? And what did Mulder actually know about the role of an adult male in a young man's life? His own father abandoned him, he could at least relate to that. Could he be the father, his father never was? Scully stirred beside him, drawing herself closer, fingertips flexing on his chest. "I can feel you thinking," she mumbled. "Shhh, go back to sleep." But she was already shifting, lips grazing skin and climbing onto his chest. Face to face in the faint glow of waning moon, he felt fingers comb through his hair. "It'll be okay," she whispered, honouring the midnight hush. Mulder sighed, running his hands over her thighs and back. "I'm sorry, I just have trouble processing it all." Beyond words, she let her head drop, and he held on. "Where do I fit in, Scully?" "Here," she replied softly, wrapping her arms around him. "Right here."
Scully woke up late, in an empty bed. "Oh no," she groaned and rolled over, burying her face in his pillow, "it was too good to be true." She breathed in the last of his scent, cold but still there. If she could have it bottled, just to have something to remember him by. "Hey, I still need that." She heard his voice and looked up, but blinded by her own hair, all she got was a soft thump and a laugh, when she tried to blow the tresses away from her eyes. "You still there?" He chuckled, parting the strands and taking her face in his hands. "There you are, good morning." "I thought you left." She said, before giving back the small kiss that was quickly becoming the best part of her morning. "Ye of little faith," he grinned and kissed her again. Scully sat up, giving back the pillow in exchange for a steaming cup of coffee. The pillow landed against the headboard, followed by Mulder, then her back, resting against his side and finally his arm around her waist. Settled, they both sighed. "Thanks for telling me," Mulder said, pressing a kiss to her skin before resting his chin on her shoulder. "When do you want to tell Will?" "I don't know," she said taking a sip, "he's so fragile right now." "But he's a grown-up too," Mulder said gently, "he has the right to know." "It's been ten days since transplant," she sighed, "I don't want stress to ruin his recovery." "Will he suspect something, if I visit more?" "Maybe, but he adores you, so we might get away with it, for a while at least." "Who else knows?" "Charlie," she said, sheepishly. Mulder chuckled. "That explains things." "And I guess Emily." "That's why she called me Uncle Mulder." "I don't know if Charlie told her or she figured it out on her own, it's like she has a sixth sense or something. I'll talk to her before I set out to kill my baby brother." "It's your mother I was worried about." "Oh, there's no need," Scully laughed, "you saved her favourite grandson, you could eat fried kittens for breakfast and she'd still love you." "Kittens?" "Or puppies." "I'm going vegan." "No you're not." She laughed and turned, setting her mug on the nightstand and draping one, slender, bare leg over his lap. The short, silk nightshirt rode up, and she saw his eyes follow the tantalizing lines. "You're right, I'm not," he teased, his tone turning smoky as he pushed her to lean back, "just don't tell your mom what I really like for breakfast."
"Hey kid." Mulder said when Will woke up. "Hi, where's mom?" "They called her in to some ER emergency." "Oh, right, it happens sometimes." "So, what's with the face wear." "You guys wear something all the time, I got jealous." "Don't joke." "They say my saturation is a little low," Will said, fixing the tube under his nose, "I told them, I could use some fresh air, but they insisted on this canned stuff." "Not a fan of the can?" Will laughed and rubbed his nose. "It tickles." "Leave it, try not to think about it." "There's not much to think about left." "What did you think about?" "You know, the usual, school, girls, grades." "Girls." "There's this nurse who usually comes for nightshifts." "And?" "I think she likes me." "You're a likeable kid." "No, I mean, she doesn't call me honey or darling, like the other mother hens around here." "What does she call you." "Will, just Will, and she doesn't treat me like a needle cushion. Very gentle, nice hands too, from what I could tell through the latex." "What else?" "What do you mean?" "You said you thought about FBI, investigative work. Even the smallest detail can be crucial to solving a case, so, pay attention. Practice on something that's easy on the eye before you have to deal with the gruesome stuff." "What did you see?" "You don't wanna know, and I don't feel like remembering." "That bad?" "If it didn't affect me so much, I would probably be an FBI agent, myself." "Agent Mulder," Will said, testing the words, "it has a nice ring to it." Mulder laughed. "It does, doesn't it."
"Dinner's in the oven." Scully said, plopping down on the couch, then promptly falling over. She pulled one of the throw pillows under her head and set the egg timer on the floor, making the little bells inside chime quietly. "Okay, but I repeat, you should have let me help, I'm surprisingly apt in the kitchen." "I'm sure you are, but this is my way of winding down. I tend to take out my frustrations on the chopping board and I wouldn't want you to get into crossfire." "That dangerous, huh?" "Fair warning." "I'll try to remember that, want a blanket?" "No, I'm good, ignore me, I'm just gonna doze for a bit." "Okay." Comfortable silence fell between them. Mulder worked at his desk, Scully relaxed on the couch, timer ticked off minutes going by. "What do you want for Christmas?" She asked suddenly, when he was sure she had fallen asleep. "What?" "Christmas, gifts." "I'm half Jewish." "And the other half?" She murmured, keeping her eyes closed. "Atheist and I think it's always been the bigger half, because it always wins." "There's no such thing as bigger and smaller halves," she said, smiling, "a half is a half." "Nobody likes a math geek, Scully." "Nobody likes a party pooper either, so what do you want for Hanukkah, Mulder." "You won't let this go, are you." "No," she replied, grinning, still with her eyes closed. "Then I'll let you know." "Okay, just don't take too long." She said and went back to playing possum.
"Professor Mulder!" Mulder heard someone call and, surprised by the audacity, turned around then laughed. "Charlie!"   The younger man grinned and stopped his bike a foot from where he paused. "I had you," he said as they shook hands. "No you didn't." Mulder chuckled, "I thought we were meeting downtown." "Sadly, I don't have that much time, but I was in the neighbourhood, so I figured I'll catch you here. Traffic is awful." "And it's just the beginning of Christmas rush." "You're a psychologist, so you gotta have some reasonable, scientific explanation." "Nope, beats me, and I don't even participate." "Right. Is there somewhere we can sit down around here?" "Sure, you wanna eat? There's a good Thai place down the block." "Lead the way." Charlie got off the bike and they picked up a steady pace. "I wanted to give you a heads up," Mulder said after a moment, "Scully is coming for you." "She usually does," Charlie laughed, "what is it this time?" "You telling Emily about the test results." "Oh," Charlie looked up, surprised, "oh! She told you!" "Yeah," Mulder smiled, slipping hands into the pockets of his coat and Charlie put his arm around his shoulders. "Thank you for what you did," he said with complete sincerity, "Will is a great kid." "In large part thanks to you, I imagine." "No, thanks to Dana, she did an amazing job raising him. And just when she was about to lose him, she found you, exactly when she needed you the most. I'll be forever grateful for that. Still," his tone changed, if only a little, "if you hurt her, I'll be there to make you pay for it." Mulder glanced up and saw the grin, back in full swing. "What? She is my sister." "I'll remember that." "I'm sure you will." Charlie laughed, good-naturedly slapping Mulder's back before letting go. "So, is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" "No," Mulder chuckled, "actually, it's about Christmas." "What about it?" "What kind of gifts does she like?"
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daisahi · 5 years
✴ kindle love ✴ koshi sugawara x reader x tetsuro kuroo
Tumblr media
Pairing: au!doctor koshi sugawara x f!reader x tetsuro kuroo
Summary: In this life there is sometimes the surprise of a new feeling that was never there or it was denied. Yet the heart beats and that's something you can't ignore. However being a doctor complicates things in the line of being a professional.
Words: 2,365
Warning(s): mention of blood
a/n: idk if this will be good or not I just wanted to do it.
You washed off your hands and forearms well after the surgery was a success. Today was such a busy day after surgery and surgery you were well overdue for a nap. A sigh escaped your lips just thinking of the upcoming surgeries during the week. Needless to say it was your job and as much as you enjoyed helping people it was also tiring.
After drying your arms you walked down the hallway exiting the operating room. You greeted your colleagues as they passed by, "How the surgery go?!" Yachi exclaimed as she intertwined her elbow with yours. "It went well I just need three more and I'm done with surgeries."
"You know..." she began, "It would be a lot easier if you accepted the help of Doctor Sugawara." you smiled softly "I knooow but I don't like bothering people and my patients trust me with their surgeries. Even though they'll do a good job they want me to do it."
She pouted at your answer "You're no fun! You know he likes you a lot! He's always so kind and sweet."
"He does not like me that way!" you exclaimed, "Suga and I...w-we're just friends..."
She shook her head, "I can tell you like him too, it says it all over your face. Not to mention how red your cheeks turned just when I said his name you have the hots for him!"
"My face is red?!" you exclaimed she laughed pointing at your face. "See! You even freaked out worrying about it." once she calmed down she looked at you with a serious expression. "Don't be afraid to like him, he's a great guy."
"He's our boss...we may be colleagues but he's older than me...age gap... they're not going to allow that to happen."
"Why do you care what they say?! It's love! No one decides or choses who they decide to fall for." she said her phone then vibrated and it kept saying emergency. "I have to go, someone needs me in the ER but this isn't over."
"I hope you have a busy schedule." you mumbled she looked shocked and somewhat offended "I'm kidding!"
"Yeah sure! We'll talk later tonight!" you waved goodbye to her nodding, "Please let her schedule be full." you whispered crossing your fingers as if that stuff would work.
"Ah Doctor (l/n)!" your head turned around to see one of the male nurses there. "Yes?"
"Doctor Kuroo is requesting to see you in his office." he said, "Alright thank you."
You made your way to his office then knocked on the door, "Come in." he spoke, you bowed in a respectful manner and stood in front of his desk.
"You called me in sir?" you asked, "I need you to review this CT scan." he handed you the small tablet upon opening the image something caught your eye right away. "What is it?" Kuroo asked leaning back against the chair as he saw the look in your eyes change. "Well...the brain seems to be fine...but..." you used your fingers to zoom in to see a line. "It appears a shape like balloon has formed underside the base of the brain and the skull. It's definitely a brain aneurysm."
"The patient is young, she's 22 years old. Came in yesterday with aches and blurry vision, the mother got worried and brought her here." you nodded thinking of the current situation, "How long has she been like this?"
"About two days." he said, "I told her she needed surgery quickly to be able to control it since it hasn't erupted there's still a chance it might if we wait longer."
Kuroo then stood up from his chair, "I need you to be there." your eyes then widened, "I-I'm sorry but I can't...I have two surgeries back to back today. My patients need me."
"And she needs you too, I can't do it without you please." he spoke looking at you in the eyes almost pleading silently. "I can't make any promises..."
"You're the only one who knows their way in and out of this surgery. I want you to do it. Do it for her." you let out a sigh knowing be was right, "Alright...I'll do it." you smiled slightly "Thank you. Be there in 10 minutes please."
You nodded and walked out of his office. The fact he asked you meant he valued your talent, all that wad left to do was inform your patients about it.
"Good afternoon doctor (l/n)." the chief of physician said, you bowed down in a respectful manner and gave them a soft smile. "Hello doctor Ukai."
"I'm hoping everything is going well is that right?" he said, "A bit busy but yes everything is going fine."
"Good." he smiled, "Don't forget to take breaks too alright?"
You nodded, he bid you goodbye before he continued to walk down the hall. "Oh before I go." he said stopping midway, "Please come by my office before you leave tonight."
"Yes sir." your stomach began to get butterflies just wondering what might be want to speak about. You got to the reception and took the tablet that had your current patients info on. Your youngest was a little girl she was 10 years old, who is having surgery in a few hours. Her parents were currently in the surgery waiting room you had to go and break the news.
When you arrived she was smiling and playing with her stuffed doll. Her head turned upon seeing you, "Mrs. (l/n)!" she exclaimed, "How are you feeling Asami?"
"I'm good! My mom and dad told me I'm so strong for taking surgery at this early stage." you nodded placing your hand on top of hers gently, "You are don't worry everything is going to go well."
"You promise?" you took out your pinky, "I promise." she wrapped her pinky around yours giggling, "I do have to tell you guys about something though."
Her parents then became worried and so did she, "What's the matter?" her mom asked, "Due to many surgeries I won't be able to do it myself another close colleague of mine will be taking over."
"What?..." she was almost about to cry and it broke your heart "I'm sorry, but you're still going to be in good hands trust me. They're really good at what they do."
"B-But...you fixed my friend...can they really help me?" Asami asked, "100 percent they can and they will. You'll be up in no time."
"We understand and trust your decision." her father said, "I apologise for the late changes I'll be looking closely to her recovery process."
Asami nodded smiling small, "You have to take care of other kids too they need you...or else they won't be healthy again."
You nodded, "But I promise this hospital is the best and when you're recovered I will bring you the biggest cookie ever!"
Her eyes lit up once more making you happy "Really?!"
"Yup! That's if your parents are okay with it of course." she turned around to look at them, "Can she?!"
Her mom smiled, "Now now she is very busy sweetie and we need to respect her. She's already doing so much for us."
"I want to as a gift for not being able to be the one doing your surgery. I promise to be the biggest one, what's your favorite kind?"
"Chocolate chip!" she exclaimed "Chocolate chip it is then."
Kuroo walked over seeing you talking with one of your patients he had to admit he was surprised to see you being good with kids. "Doctor (l/n) we need to get ready." he said her parents bowed down in front of him and Kuroo did the same, "R-Right, you're going to do well, I'll come by and see you after surgery."
"Thank you doctor (l/n) for everything." her dad said, "It's nothing really." you smiled softly excusing yourself and followed Kuroo. "If you don't clean yourself up you won't be married you know." he smirked but of course you couldn't see it since he was walking in front of you.
"Aish..." you spoke feeling offended you had to admit. He didn't know what things he should and shouldn't say to begin with.
'Not like you're that handsome yourself...'
"Stop with that death glare." he said, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Tch..." you smirked a bit in return as you followed him, the operation room was setting things up for you both. "Hey (l/n)!" Nishinoya said, "What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to help out with the surgery." you replied "What about Asami?" he asked "Sugawara will be taking care of it Kuroo really wanted me to do it."
"I see, well now I'm confident the surgery will be going well." he smiled widely "What's that supposed to mean?!" Kuroo exclaimed making Nishinoya laugh in return. "Everything is set up get ready and we can start."
"Right." you walked over to the sink and began to wash up. "After you're done you can go and check up on little Asami."
"I will." you smiled small and dried them off, one of the nurses helped you out. They put the gloves and gloves on once you were ready you kept your arms at a 90 degree level walked over to the front of the gurney, your eyes looked to the patient. "Begin." you nodded, "If you can hear me please blink three times."
The patient then move their eyes two times, "The anesthesia is taking place now." you said, "Okay...let's work hard together."
"Let's work hard together." you responded all together, "Scalpel." one of the nurses handed it off to you and the process began. Kuroo kept the machine close to suck the blood that would end up coming out.
The process was tough, those long hours of standing and making sure no nerve was messed with is crucial. Any movement or mistake would end up costing someone's life.
The machine suddenly started to go off, Kuroo kept looking back and forth to see if anything would change. "I'm gonna need you to hold on to apply pressure." he said looking at you.
Your hands were about to move when the machine turned back to normal. His vitals were regulating, "Apply the shot." one of the nurses inserted some liquid into the IV.
After a long five hours of surgery it was finally complete. The patient responded well and he had no problem with his nervous system. "Thank you for your hard work."
You stretched your body as you exited the operating room feeling good. "You should go see your patient." Kuroo suddenly said "I have to wait and see how his levels are though."
"I'll take care of it." he said "Are you sure-"
He smiled softly and nodded, "Thank you." you responded taking off as you ran down the hallway. Kuroo bit his lip as your figure disappeared, "You're something alright."
"Just admit you like her." Kenma said, "It's hard to keep your eyes off of her it seems."
Kuroo jumped back in surprise hearing his friend "Gees! You need to stop scaring me like that." he placed his hand over his chest, Kenma rolled his eyes. "Just tell her...you look like a lost puppy."
"I-I do...not!"
When you arrived you saw another doctor there speaking with her. For a 10 year old she was strong, "I do and I know your wish is going to come true." As you got closer you realized it was Dr. Sugawara talking.
"Dr. (L/n)." her dad said giving you a soft smile, you bowed down friendly in front of them, "Dr. Sugawara." he got up and returned the bow with a friendly face. "Hello Dr. (L/n)."
"How did the surgery go?" you asked, "It went well she was a really brave girl." he said, "Good I'm glad everything went great, see I told you there was nothing to worry about."
Asami nodded as a color of pink began to form on her cheeks. Immediately you thought it was quiet adorable how she had a crush on him. You leaned down and whispered into her ear, "Do you want to take a photo with him?"
Her eyes widened and her face turned red, her dad laughed. "Sweetie what's wrong?" she shook her head not wanting to answer the question. "C-Can...we?..." she mumbled.
"Of course, Dr. Sugawara is it okay if you take a picture with her you are her hero after all."
"(Y/n)!" she exclaimed hiding her face in the blanket, Sugawara smiled nodding at her request. "It's honor to be called a hero." he said sitting down beside her, she peeked from under the blanket to see him there. "Asami smile."
You stood by seeing her mom taking the photo he placed his arm around her shoulders and she leaned in smiling widely as ever. Her parents both thanked you, and Asami hugged you.
"Thank you for helping me out really...I didn't want to bother your busy schedule." he chuckled as he placed his hands inside the coat pockets, "Don't worry, I was free and I'm always happy to help out."
"I owe you..." you said, "I hope the surgery went well." he said, "It did luckily the nerve was fixed I'm amazed by how talented he is yet...he can be mean sometimes."
He nodded, "Have you eaten yet?"
"No not yet...I'm doing rounds soon so I don't have much time."
"Oh come on." he said, "You need some food too or else you'll faint and won't be able to treat your patients. I'm about to head down to the cafe want to go together?" his cheeks turned a light pink somehow he still looked confident to you.
After thinking about it you decided on your answer, "Sure."
Kuroo had arrived at the post surgery ward to see how your patient was. He was about to head over your way until his eyes caught silver locks in front of you.
It was even harder for him to calm down as he saw you walking away with Sugawara. However he smiled and then chuckled realizing how right Kenma was. A smiled lingered on his lips.
"Damn...would you look at that, Kenma was right."
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meggiejolly · 4 years
Title: Cabin Life 
Fandom: Assassin’s Creed
Pairing: Rebecca Crane & Shaun Hastings
Prompt: Cabin 
Rating: General Audiences 
Links: Fanfiction.net, AO3
Sumary: Shaun and Rebecca are stuck in a tiny cabin together, working on analyzing the latest Animus data. This is a little glimpse into their daily routine.
They had been sent to this tiny cabin in this forest in the middle of nowhere to analyse the data from a few crucial Animus sessions. The only problem was that there was literally nothing around, the power and satellite link that had been set up for them was more than basic and only worked with a lot of begging and possibly a few sacrifices, or at least that's what Shaun suspected. Rebecca, of course, told him it was just his bad aura around technology. It certainly only worked for one person at a time which was more than inconvenient.
Another part of the problem was that it was just the two of them, which spelled disaster. They didn't do well without some sort of buffer.
And Shaun couldn't even hide in his history books when he needed a break from Rebecca's constant nagging. (Mind you, she said if anyone was constantly nagging it was him, but what did she know?) Because he hadn't been able to bring a lot of material. He mostly had to rely on online archives which he could only access when Rebecca wasn't using the satellite link for her analysis. And of course, she was of the opinion that her work was a lot more vital.
"I'm looking for underlying programming, glitches, glyphs, strange code that could help us find more pieces of Eden. That's something we can only get through the animus. Your boring old history has been there for ages, so shut up and let me work."
"I will have you know that it has not been there for ages, new theories and discoveries are happening all the time. And with the Animus, we can prove what happened. It takes all the guesswork out. It is vital that I get our data bank as accurate as possible, so future animus users have the correct information at the correct time. A wrong date or name can spell disaster and cost us valuable time in the race against the templars."
"But that is both in the past and in the future. Finding more leads for pieces of Eden is right now and is much more important. So shut up and let me work."
"You already said that. And analysing what people say and do and how it differs from recorded history is just as likely to provide us with leads." He sighed and took his glasses off to clean them. "But fine, fine, I am the bigger man as usual, so I will let you work and cook some dinner. But you'll do the dishes after and I get to work then."
Rebecca just shrugged. "Fine, but you're not the bigger man and not the bigger person either."
“Yeah, yeah." He mumbled and went over to the tiny kitchen area of their one-room cabin to see what he could manage to make for dinner.
"We have a choice of baked beans on toast, canned pasta or an omelet with the last of our cheese. We need to make a supply run in the next two days."
Supply runs were always risky, they needed to stay hidden and as of the radar as possible. According to their contacts, Abstergo had been sighted to nose around this area.
Which meant he would probably have to wear that horrible fake beard again and Rebecca would be complaining about the too-tight wig she wore as a disguise. At least it was sunny so the base caps and sunglasses wouldn't be too strange.
"We had baked beans for breakfast. So make the pasta and we'll eat the omelet tomorrow morning. I'll check with the others if it's safe enough to go out tomorrow."
Shaun nodded and searched for the can opener, of course, it wasn't where it was supposed to be.
"Can you not just put the can opener back where it belongs, it's really not that hard, it's not like we have that much space."
"Sorry, look near the bread."
"Found it." He poured the contents into their pot and started heating it over the camping stove.
"At least it's not Ramen. If I never eat another packet of cheap Ramen it will be too soon."
"Don't be such a baby Shaun, Ramen is the stuff we survive on and you know it. College students, minimum wage workers and undercover people everywhere swear by it. Don't look down on them, you fancy-schmancy." She laughed and Shaun couldn't help but join.
"Fancy-schmancy am I? What an insult Rebecca, what an insult."
He gave the pasta a stir and grabbed the two bowls and spoons from beside the tiny sink, the only one in the entire cabin. Privacy was a foreign concept by now and so was showering.
"Food's almost done, so finish up what you're doing."
Rebecca nodded. "Alright. I'm just gonna let this handy little program search for abnormalities while we eat."
"As long as it's done so I can work after dinner."
As an answer, Rebecca just shrugged and Shaun sighed. He highly doubted he would get to work today. Well, maybe he could argue that it would be safer if only one of them went out tomorrow and use the time she was away to work.
Oh, who was he kidding, if he did that he would worry about her the whole time until she got back and barely get any work done. He would just have to get to the computer before her tomorrow. She wasn't a morning person anyway.
The sauce started to bubble and he gave it another stir before filing it into the bowls.
"Here you go Beccs, gourmet canned pasta with no cheese because we're saving that for the omelet. Enjoy."
Rebecca grinned and took the bowl. "Always impressive that they can make tomato sauce taste like nothing, but at least it’s somewhat filling."
Shaun just sighed full of resignation. "How much longer do we have to stay here?"
Rebecca shrugged. "Who knows. Two more weeks at least, but maybe longer. I guess it depends on Abstergo’s activity and what we find."
Shaun nodded. "I guess. Any new leads worth mentioning?"
"I don't know, there is something strange that I picked up on. But it's very different from all the first civilisation things we've found so far, so it might be unrelated. Maybe just a bug in the programming of the animus. Of course, fixing that would be a good thing, but that wouldn't be a lead. You?"
"Oh you mean did I find any leads twiddling my thumbs and flipping through old notes and the few things I was able to bring? No, not really. But I did work on editing a few minor database entries. Nothing big though. I really need access to our archive."
"Yeah, yeah my program will be done in 15 to 20 minutes tops and then I can print the results and you can use the computer. Stop whining."
"Whining, Rebecca? I never whine."
As a response, she just shoved him and nearly made him spill his pasta.
"Careful, I want to savour every bite of this tasteless sludge with vaguely noodle-like bits in it."
After they finished eating, Shaun, of course, ended up doing the dishes so Rebecca could finish up her work. But after, she did let him use the computer and started pouring over her printouts with a pen and a notepad.
Shaun plugged in his headphones and went through some of the recordings they took during the Animus sessions.
"It is truly fascinating to witness history like this. I wish my ancestors had led more exciting lives. But at least I get to meet some amazing historical figures this way. Too bad I'm not allowed to publish any of this. It would change so much. But the only people benefitting from my work are the Assassins and Abstergo when they once again somehow manage to get our data."
"Yeah, but we get their data even more often than they get ours. So who cares. As for publishing your work, I have helped design and update a machine that lets you relive memories from people that lived hundreds or thousands of years ago and I'm not allowed to tell anyone. Do you know how much that sucks? How much I wanna rub some assholes from college faces in it sometimes? But no, instead I eat canned pasta and baked beans in a tiny freezing cabin when I should be winning a Nobel prize or any number of prizes and grants for my work."
Shaun looked up at her. "I'm sorry. You are right. We both deserve more recognition and money. But we're saving the world, right?"
Rebecca sighed. "Right. Let's not forget that. But a thank you would be nice from time to time wouldn't it?"
"100 percent it would. But hey at least our lives aren't boring."
"No, but this cabin is."
Shaun chuckled at that and Rebecca joined him. After that, they worked in silence until it got too dark for them to work with the little light they dared to use. Both for stealth and power saving reasons.
Rebecca yawned. "Time for bed. Mind if I use the bathroom first?"
Shaun shook his head. Bathroom was a very generous term anyway, it was just an outhouse with no running water and almost no light. But at least it was better than a bucket in the corner, it wasn’t as if they hadn’t had to make do with that on other missions as well.
He used the time Rebecca was outside to wash himself as well as he could in the tiny sink. No pyjamas, in case they had to flee in the middle of the night and he couldn’t exactly take his shoes off before he went outside.
Once Rebecca returned it was his turn in the ‘bathroom’ and her turn at the sink.
She was already in her sleeping bag when he came back inside and he climbed into his one next to her. They slept pretty close together because it could get pretty cold at night.
“Night, Beccs.“
“Night, Shaun.“
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vaguely-concerned · 5 years
I’m back! Temeraire Let’s Read:Tongues of Serpents
- Tharkay literally shows up at the beginning of the second sentence; STRONG start, I highly approve, great improvement on every level
fsdafhsadkjlfh cooly tossing tables and throwing people’s drinks in their faces in the bar brawl fkjsdhfksdalfhasdj this ain’t his first rodeo huh
- these dumbasses having to clean up from the bar brawl before going home so their dragons don’t go out there and demand to have a word with the dudes who bullied their lil boys... oh my  g o d 
- “it was true, if one wished to be very particular about such things, that laurence was a convicted felon”  t e m e r a i r e... ~*technicality schmechnicality*~ it was barely treason at all really  
also temeraire being in super protective mother hen/older brother mode over the eggs is perfect  
- Jane Rolands bluff, jovial letter writing is Everything
- “Have Temeraire throw him overboard,” Tharkay had suggested laconically, when Laurence had escaped to his quarters for a little relief and some piquet . . . “He can fish him out again later,” he added, as an afterthought.
A VISIONARY. An unmitigated joy. “Have Temeraire throw him overboard”. He says what we’re all thinking. 
- AAAAAAAAH MUTUAL FIRST NAME BASIS!!!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL WTF HAVE THEY BEEN DOING ON THIS TRIP TELL ME IN DETAIL WHEN THE SWITCH HAPPENED PLEASE (also I really like that the first instance we see is “But Tenzing, I cannot trust myself” b/c that was literally the whole point of that scene in VoE. laurence... yes you can. tfw your crush is the goodiest of twoshoes and can barely move for it and doesn’t even knoooow)
- y’know if Laurence could get over this thought that asking a direct question to a friend is just ~*intolerably rude*~ he could get so much shit done 
(I guess tharkay, clearly a follower of the rosa diaz school of ‘no one is ever going to know shit about me’, is like fuck yeah I’ve struck gold with this one)
- “So spake the pot” oh I do love Actually Pretty Chill Dad William Laurence finally letting the snark out more frequently, it suits him very much (I guess his main claims to fame in a lot of circles is a) treason and b) spoiling his dragon rotten)
- rankin’s name is mentioned and everyone’s like HIIISSSSSSSS and RIGHTLY SO FUCK THAT GUY JUSTICE FOR LEVITAS
- temeraire is talking to the egg about consent and saying he’ll make sure it won’t have to do anything it doesn’t want to fjklsadhfkaslhfsd my heart
- lol lol lol weeeell in hindsight who could’ve guessed captain and second in command of the dragon pirates would have a materialistic superficial kid huh
- . . . Granby said, with a look half affection and half exasperation oh granby baby still carrying that torch huh
- lol lol lol just the implication of sara maden and laurence silently tops up his drink and he’s like ‘cheers’ and they’re both quiet for a moment flskdfs 
if you think about it that must’ve been such a wild day in his life tho -- like first  Laurence furiously fires him for being gone at a crucial moment and then immediately unfires him when it turns out he’s been chasing a lead and being the only goddamn person really working on solving all their problems (as is his wont), then he finds out his ex is getting married and steadfastly pretends it doesn’t even bother him, lol what are feelings I heard only losers have them (extremely relatable -- I guess he must have known it was in the cards though, because he specifically tells Laurence at the beginning he didn’t intend to go back to Istanbul, so it’s been over for a while?) then they go on a life and death chase through the sewers, and THEN, before he knows it, after half a book of being kind of a mistrustful dick to him, Laurence does a 180° and is there offering eternal friendship with big soulful eyes after seeing him get upset one time and y’know I guess I see why that got to him lol 
- aw man I know it’s never going to happen but I am getting sort of wistful and teary-eyed over this pirate (cough cough I mean legally sanctioned privateer of course) AU that’s going entirely to waste
here are some tags I left on this superb piece of fanart: #I just got to the part where tharkay makes the suggestion and like... I know it's not happening #but what a shimmering tender mother of pearl dream to carry in one's heart lol #just a lil pirate family out there wrecking shit #temeraire would get wind of what the east india company actually does and they'd inevitably turn against them and fuck 'em up... *sigh* #fix it fic: the boys kiss and the east india company is stopped from committing further atrocities! all is well
so that’s basically my position on that
- “I’m sure there’s nothing too dangerous out there, in the fucking untamed Australian wilderness,” Temeraire said, tempting fate to a frankly anxiety-inducing extent 
- hell yeah demane is the only one with presence of mind to actually find some food; you go buddy <3
- my boy tharkay slinking off in the middle of the night without telling anyone and solving everyone’s problems... *dabs at eyes* just like old times
- oh wow rankin really is just a piece of shit in every way huh
- fhasdklhfsadfsad temeraire being like ‘I know tharkay is a strong independent human who is perfectly capable of making his own decisions and don’t need no dragon... but also he’s clearly one of my humans tho why is he riding on another dragon :(’ THE CUTEST SHIT
- temeraire silently dissing his dad over refusing to believe in ghosts ~*except*~ for the holy spirit adslfhaskjdlhfs
- demane taking in the strange little hatchling... im crey... he truly hits me straight in the heart every time
also laurence steadfastly Doing The Right Thing and following his convictions is so deeply healing after all that bullshit he went through in the last book... makes me feel all safe and calm inside haha
- actually when you think about it it’s so fucked up that they apparently just straight up murder dragons with birth defects in england as a matter of course b/c like. dragons come out of the egg fully sentient and capable of understanding what’s being said around them. kulingile literally understood every word they were saying as they discussed whether or not they should be KILLING HIM.  j e s u s  thank god for demane and laurence’s stubborn insistence on being good
- temeraire going straight from mother hen to extremely impatient and jealous older brother the moment an egg hatches never gets old. all these dumb little babies just complaining and stealing his crew ugh (HOW FUCKING CUTE is him deciding kulingile could be a scholar or something tho #dragon rights)
- “I wish,” Temeraire said to Laurence, “I do wish that other dragons were not always thinking me peculiar . . . it makes one doubtful.” BABY BOY NOOOO he’s just so sweet and he’s so secretly scared that laurence might resent him a little after the whole treason business and OW right in the parental heart that fucks me up
- Temeraire’s indignant “Oh!”s always soothe my soul it’s so adorable
- little emily roland yelling “damn you all for cowards!” after a bunch of grown men fleeing while she reloads her gun and takes aim again is incredible poetic cinema (and also demane joining her... I love the bond they’ve got going on in the background here)
- aw poor sipho :( at least he still has temeraire to nerd out with and stuff but that’s some difficult shit to process for a kid
kulingile bobbing around tethered to temeraire like a small balloon at a fair is such an image, what a blessing, temeraire’s exasperated brand of babysitting is so funny
- laurence being a Dad to the kids in his crew... mana from heaven
- YESSS they crossed the endless miles of DEADLY AUSTRALIAN WILDERNESS so laurence could be MORTIFIED as the emperor’s adopted son at a party this is the content I am here for
- hell yeah let’s play a round of pimp my captain!!!!!!!!!!
“And,” Laurence said. “And you are certain that this should be appropriate for the occasion; not, perhaps, excessive?” I can’t  b r e a t h e  he can’t even say shit because his dragon boi is so happy fsaldfjsldhfasjlh and then granby making fond fun of him what a beautiful cherry on top of this sweet sweet laurence being embarrassed sundae 
- william ‘I’m here to kick ass and describe menswear in fastidious detail and I’ve already kicked my own ass twice today’ laurence strikes again
- this description of the dragons sitting around squabbling as they watch shiny sparkly things is the most endearing few pages in modern literature do not @ me
- it’s kind of fucked up that the emperor of china is giving laurence more of the sort of warmth and validation a father should than his actual dad ever did lol. u did good curing the dragon plague, weird european adopted son I am proud of you
- every time temeraire is really upset about something my soul suffers a small wound
thank god he doesn’t actually know what opium is really used for most of the time yet (also I am obligated to divulge that I am entirely charmed by tharkay’s sardonic yet clear eyed cynicism on the issue, I cannot be anything but what I am and he hasn’t had enough proper page time in this half of the book so I will take what I can get)  
- ...I kind of just realized that I imagine the sea serpents basically as long-ass gyaradoses... OH NO
I will say I respect the ‘give no fucks’ vibe they give off -- it’s a real ‘we’re here to eat fish & party and if you try to get in our way we’re gonna have you as a snack’ mood and I cannot fault them for it
- iskierka is such a fuckboi it’s glorious 
- nOOOOOO tharkay is leaving again fuck ;_______; is his life just an endless procession of semi-unwillingly having to go back to istanbul again these days 
Temeraire did not see why Tharkay should have to go so far, only to deliver news; and particularly when he did not seem as though he wished to go, very much. DDDDDDDD: THIS SUCKS you know that when a) he’s letting it show and b) temeraire notices it that he is dragging his heels big time over this lol
‘there can be very little to call you back to this part of the world any time soon’ LAURENCE YOU 24 KARAT IDIOT YOU ARE HERE HE CAME TO AUSTRALIA FOR YOU ALREADY WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
all that said whenever I see a ‘Tenzing’ on the page my heart does a happy little dance. ah well now let’s settle in and wait for what horrible catastrophe will happen now that tharkay is gone... come back soon buddy
- ooooooooooooh that is so good, using the last chapter + epilogue to show how the... idk moral wound I guess laurence received victory of eagles has finally healed, that’s so reassuring. he just wants to do good things for good causes and can’t be badgered, cajoled, threatened or convinced to do anything less anymore and it’s all so sweet and well earned. that’s some good development through this book too, from ‘tenzing I cannot trust myself’ to this. excellent stuff
- while I did quite enjoy this book for the character moments it is incredibly weirdly structured? like the beginning drags a bit with the quite uninteresting colony politics and stuff but then they’re finally travelling and then... nothing really happens plot wise before the sea serpents freak the fuck out at the end there lol. I’m mostly a character-oriented reader tho so I’m pretty fine with it.
ETA: actually now that I think about it I’d say that my biggest gripe with this book is that it doesn’t engage at all with the perspective of the native australian people? even though one of the dragons settles down with one group? god knows it’s not like there was no time to dive into it, considering all that time spent in the fucking wilderness lol
we’re going to the inca empire next tho apparently fuck YEAH!!! that’s such an underexplored and extremely interesting part of history, my body is Ready
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The Crimes of Grindlewald review literally NONE of you asked for.
Just a forewarning now I’m spoiling stuff. A lot of stuff. Begone now unless you wish the big movie stuff to be ruined.
Before I begin let me say, I am not a movie producer, or a producer of anything really. This movie alone will make more than I will in my lifetime. I am not an opinion anyone on this will care about. I’m just a person with a blog spouting an opinion no one asked for. I also do not believe nor care if this review changes people’s minds. 
Alright friends, I’m gonna split this review into three sections, the good, the stupid and the bad. I want to make it clear, I enjoyed the movie. I love Newt Scamander and Co. Did it feel like a Harry Potter movie? HELL NO. But did it make me smile and cry? Absolutely.
The Good
Newt Scamander
This is my boy. Anyone who has a single bad word to ever say about Newt Scamander can leave right now. I love him more than certain living relatives. I loved how nervous he was about meeting Tina again. I love how he says what he thinks and how he compared Tina’s eyes to those of a salamander. I love how Tina understood that he was not being mean. I love how passionate he is about his creatures and how uncomfortable his assistant made him. It made so much sense that he refuses to pick sides. Newt fights for what is right, and that is not always simply one side or another. He is the best part of this movie and do not try to convince me otherwise. 
Jude Law
He nailed it. That is so Dumbledore it hurt. The pained expression on his face when they said him and Grindlewald were like brothers was beautiful. He has the same twinkle in his eye and it felt like seeing an old friend again. 
Leta Lestrange 
Look minus her death, Leta Lestrange was exactly what I imagined. Leta dying makes me unimaginably upset. She is troubled, she could have been a wonderful middle ground character, always unsure of which side she is truly on. On one hand, she loves Theseus but Grindlewald could offer her a home that she has never had. The entire movie she had me on edge, waiting for her to flip her already shaking lid. Instead, a character we barely know sacrifices herself for a relationship we never truly saw. 
The Stupid
This section was put in for those who have failed to apply 10-15 minutes of thought on any of these big fanboy problems. 
The Professor McGonagall nightmare
The simple and plausible answer, this is a cameo of one of her relatives, perhaps an aunt or a cousin. Maybe it was a common name at that point? It did not sound nor look like the professor we know so why should we presume that it is her? Someone tweet JK Rowling and ask for answers. This is all I’ve got. 
Creedence’s Heritage 
So remember at some point in the movie when Grindlewald and Dumbledore made that blood pact? Well, blood is weird in the magic world, the properties obtained from someone's blood stays for a lifetime. Like how Voldemort got that protection for Harry from Harry’s blood which originated from Lily. Therefore it would make sense that Grindelwald could call a Phoniex because he has Dumbledore blood within him. Grindlewald is lying to him, he needs Creedence so he can kill Dumbledore and will say anything to get him to help. It gives Creedence even more motive to destroy Dumbledore when he learns of the traumatization of his sister by muggles. It will push him even further into Grindlewald’s waiting arms. 
Dumbledore teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts
He likely taught DADA before getting demoted for being a little sassy pants to ministry officials and at one point falling in love with a psychopath. But he is a fantastic teacher so they just moved him to transfiguration. BAM plot hole solved stop crying already. 
The Bad
Lack of Dialogue
I have one overarching complaint that causes a bunch of tinier complaints, that being that there was ZERO DIALOGUE. That scene where Queenie and Creedence join Grindlewald should have had arguments. I expected to be seduced by Grindlewald to the dark side and I got nada. Queenie and Tina should have had a massive argument about her joining. The only thing that felt it had semi-proper conversating was when Tina and Newt talked about him being engaged. Newt and Theseus should have had a conversation about the fact that he is engaged to someone Newt loved. Newt and Leta should have had a conversation about Hogwarts. Everyone on press tours kept saying how seductive Grindlewald was, but I didn’t see it because he didn’t say enough to seduce me. JK Rowling is incredible at writing character development and interaction and it is obvious she was not a part of the dialogue near as much as she was in Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. 
Leta Lestrange
I loved Leta’s characterization. She was exactly as I pictured her. I ONLY WISH I HAD MORE. She plays a crucial role in both Scamander’s lives and we barely got anything from her. It’s hard to mourn her because I didn’t really know her. Her sacrifice felt out of character and it didn’t feel like Theseus really reacted to it all that much. Now if I had a movie to get to know her and her relationship with the elder Scamander I might think differently. 
It felt rushed
How did Warner Bros make a 2hr & 13 min feel rushed you ask? Well, it’s easy when you’re jumping scenes so many times your head spins. Stay on a scene for more than five minutes, please! This ties back to the first complaint, there is no dialogue.  There was so much that needed to be said and it wasn’t. It felt like a fast and furious movie had an affair with the deathly hallows pt 1 and 2. 
How I, an opinionated fan dork with no movie experience, would fix this
This movie should have been split into two parts, the first half showing Newt’s fame and the letters he writes Tina and him expanding his case. While over in NYC Tina and Queenie and living together while Queenie hides her relationship with Jacob. Meanwhile, Creedence is desperately searching for family and meets Nagini somehow (it isn’t important), and Grindlewald is building followers. All of this climaxing when Newt learns of his brother’s engagement and Tina finding out about Jacob and that magazine printing the wrong name for Leta’s engagement. 
The second movie, it’s been a few weeks, Tina has her new boyfriend and Queenie is seen enchanting in order to keep Jacob with her. Something feels off about Queenie and we’re all a little on edge. Meanwhile, Newt has noticed Tina’s letters have stopped coming and refuses to eat dinner with his brother and his old love. We get some flashbacks to the two at Hogwarts doing STUFF. We see Theseus and Leta arguing over the fact that Newt refuses to show and we see them being a couple. I’m tired of giving the play by play so we’re speeding things up. After this we keep the movie concept the same Queenie and Jacob showing up and stuff up (but with meaningful dialogue) until we get to the Grindlewald concert scene. Everything stays the same until it’s just the heroes vs Grindlewald and that sidekick of his. Instead of all of them immediately changing sides like morons we need some dialogue. He needs to look Queenie in the eye and tell her that he will let her marry Jacob in his new world. Tina needs to be screaming at her sister not to go with a confused Jacob in the middle. Something unforgivable needs to be said by one of them as Queenie joins him. Keep Creedence’s the same I approved of that. Keep everything from that point on the same. I approved of the ending. See how much better this feels? Now I can hear my fellow non-straight people saying that I did not bring in Dumbledore’s gayness into this. Nope I didn’t we are leaving the gay stuff from the original (”we were more than brothers” WOW I AM NOT STRAIGHT) and doing a glorious, long burn love story over six movies. 
I wrote this essay thing one day after seeing the movie. I may edit it. I may take it down because I think it’s stupid. You disagree with me? That’s fine. Would like to debate me about it? Go for it. I know Tumblr and all I ask is that you be civil and constructive. Know that if you aren’t I simply won’t reply nor care about your opinion and my mind will not be changed. Grow up and be nice or die mad about it. 
Ignore everything said about Minerva. IMBD released a cast list and it’s Minerva. Rowling, you best fix this. Break out those forbidden ass time turners JK cause I refuse to believe you would destroy canon on the big screen.  
I screwed up the spelling of Grindelwald every single time and I’m so sorry guys I’ve been spelling it like that for ages and NO ONE CORRECTED ME.
Who decided to name drop McLaggen in this movie? All his offspring did was be used by Hermione to make Ron jealous? There is quite a bit of fan service in this movie and that by far was the oddest. 
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twinkletoes-rp · 5 years
Wolf’s Rain: Bloodied Chances Ch. 4 - A Flash in the Pan
(Can also read on FFN / AO3 / Previous / Next)
They’re on their feet and inside faster than they can blink.
True to Hige’s word, Toboe doesn’t look good. He’s sweating and shivering at the same time, and his skin is flushed and much hotter to the touch than it was before. Kiba tries to touch him, brush his bangs from his forehead to make him more comfortable, but he yanks his hand back almost immediately. “H-he’s hot! Really hot! Like he’s burning from the inside out!” Watching and listening closely, on bated breath, Toboe’s heartbeat and breathing are quicker and shallower, too. Like he told them before, Kiba doesn’t know much at all about this stuff, always letting the moonlight take care of anything physical, but right now, he wishes he did. “W-what is this? Is it his wound? Hige, is it infected?”
Hige shakes his head vehemently. “It—it can’t be! We just checked and re-bandaged it two hours  ago, it all looked and smelled fine!” Just in case, though, he does check it, and he breathes a sigh of relief. “His wound’s fine. No gross yellow-white stuff like before either. Should be a good sign, right?”
The others can’t really say. Kiba purses his lips. “Well, if it’s not an infection, do either of you know what else this could be?”
“M-…-maybe…” Hige answers, though he doesn’t look sure as he watches their youngest worriedly, “…but I’m not a doctor or expert either. It’s—I haven’t really seen anything like this up close…”
Tsume’s been quiet the whole time, watching Toboe with a beyond-worried expression mixed with barely-controlled rage brewing beneath the surface. He wishes this was something he could fight—something he could bite and claw and kill with his own fangs. But as much as he hates it, the fact of the matter is, he can’t, and Toboe needs him, so for now, he takes a deep breath and does his best to push that aside. He closes his eyes and thinks back. Something about this feels familiar…
Then, it hits him, and he lifts his head. “A fever,” he murmurs.
Kiba and Hige snap toward him, the younger’s eyes narrowed and head titled. “A wha—?”
“A fever,” Tsume repeats, louder this time in turning to them. “That’s what the humans called it in the old world, at least. One of my—the younger humans working for me got sick once after a fight gone wrong, and it was just like this.” He thinks for a moment, his eyes going far away. “If I remember right, they kept him warm with a lot of blankets and put cloths soaked in water on his forehead. They made sure he drank a lot of water and ate a little—soup, I think, some bread dipped in it when he was a little better.” At the incredulous looks he’s receiving, he stiffens, then glares a bit, hoping the dark hides his light blush. “What?” he growls.
Kiba keeps his gaze steady, but Hige looks away and holds up his hands innocently. “Nothing! You just seem to remember a lot for someone who ‘never paid attention!’”
There’s the smallest edge of teasing to his voice, and if he’s honest with himself, Tsume can’t say their confused curiosity is undeserved. It’s just… Looking away, his voice lowers. “It was a boy, not much older than Toboe was back in the old world.” Gehl. “He’s the one who…fell from the roof that night…the night I met you three… I tried to catch him, but…I bit him instead, and he…” He doesn’t need to explain any more. Things are making more sense now, a whole lot more. Why he was so quick to drop everything to save Toboe the night they escaped, why Toboe didn’t flinch from his saving bite-hold, why Tsume came with them in the end…
It really was all because of Toboe.
Kiba breaks the thoughtful silence that’s settled. “We understand. You don’t have to say any more.” He smiles gently, proudly. “Thanks, Tsume. You’re a lifesaver.” Looking toward Toboe, he asks, “You said soaked towels and blankets, right?”
“Yeah. That’s what I remember, anyway. It seemed to work for Gehl, but…he was human. I don’t…”
“It can’t hurt to try,” Kiba presses. “For now, Toboe looks human, and instinct be damned, he’d probably have a worse shot in our true forms, so I say we do it.”
Immediately shucking off his jacket, he drapes it over Toboe. Following his lead, Hige does the same, then grabs a spare clean cloth. They only have a little bit of water left, but not a single one of them minds sacrificing their shares for this. Placing it gently on his forehead after carefully moving his bangs out of the way, they’re all relieved to see that Toboe looks a little more comfortable. Thank Paradise.
Hige looks over. “We don’t have any blankets, and that was the last of our water. We’re gonna need something a little easier on his stomach than what we had for dinner, I’d guess. Maybe that, uh…‘soup’ and some bread like Tsume talked about?”
Tsume himself looks conflicted about leaving Toboe again, especially now that he’s like this. Kiba doesn’t think they’re going to be able to convince him this time. “I’ll go find what we need. You two stay with him.”
“Whoa, what? Kiba, come on! Even you can’t carry all that by yourself!” Hige tries to reason, Tsume staring hard at him, too. But they know that look on his face…
“Then I’ll make a few trips. Toboe needs you right now to make him feel safe, Tsume, and Hige, you’re our backup healer.” He flashes them a small smile, already backing up toward the opening to eliminate room for argument. “I’ll be back soon. Howl if you need me.”
In a turn of heel and flash of white, he’s gone. It’s getting a little late, when most people would be home by now, but the shops here stay open later than most other towns they’ve come across, so he shouldn’t have much to any trouble finding what they need. Before, Toboe told them the birds in this town said it’s because of some kind of old-days crop cycle the townspeople haven’t dropped yet. The wolves thought it was strange at the time, but they’re grateful as hell for it now. They don’t want to think about what they would’ve done otherwise.
Hige sighs, but there’s a good-natured grin on his face. “Well, there goes our stubborn leader. Again.” His gaze flicks to Tsume. “Don’t tell ‘im I said that, okay? Any time anyone calls him the leader, he looks like he’s constipated or plotting our deaths or something.” Attention drifting to Toboe again, his smile falls. Hating how he’s shivering and his clothes are damp with sweat, he moves to push aside their jackets and unbutton the boy’s shirt before hesitating. “You said he’s overheating and freezing at the same time, right? Should we…keep him covered or air him out?” he asks, turning to Tsume. He doesn’t want to do the wrong thing and accidentally make the kid worse.
Tsume, having settled on Toboe’s other side and taken his hand like it’s second nature, ignoring its clamminess, hates what he has to say next. He’s sure it shows on his face, too. “Keeping him warm is crucial. Something about…letting the fever burn itself or whatever it’s fighting out of his system, I think.”
Hige wrinkles his nose. “That sounds awful…” He wants to ask if there’s a better way, but he knows Tsume would have led with that if there were.
“It was,” the older wolf replies quietly. Hige glances at him, surprised by the guilt and grief in his voice, and Tsume looks far away again, eyes fixed on Toboe. He must be remembering that kid from the old world again. “He was just a kid. Part of me wanted to help, but…around him, there was something… I couldn’t control myself. I’d lose focus and show my true form if either of us touched each other.” He huffs a laugh, smirking a bit. “It pisses me off a little, but you know, the only time I actually held it together was when I punched him to save him from Kiba when we first met and the half-dead idiot was killing every human who came near him.” Taking the cloth from Toboe’s forehead for a moment to wipe the sweat from the kid’s face and neck before putting it back, Tsume sobers. “Maybe it’s because he was the youngest of us. Maybe it’s because he trusted me—” for the most part, anyway, until that last moment; Tsume tries not to think about that, “—reminds me a lot of the runt. But something...hurt in me, watching Gehl suffer like that. I guess, that one time, even if I didn’t realize it until now, I made an exception to my distance rules.”
A moment’s silence. Then, “Good.”
Tsume snaps up to look at Hige, eyes wide. He blinks. “Hmm?”
Hige just grins toothily and snickers. “What are ya, deaf? I said that’s good! That you broke your rules and paid attention, I mean. Otherwise, we might be in a lotta trouble right now with our runt.” He softens, just a bit, reaching out to sift comforting fingers through Toboe’s hair. “Seriously, you really helped us out. When I ran to get you guys, I was panicking, thinking maybe I totally screwed up and hurt the kid even worse...” He sighs heavily, and Tsume can see how much those thoughts really were weighing on him. It’s in his slumped shoulders, tired expression, haunted eyes. “But then you came up with the answer like a Lunar Flower from Paradise.” He smiles widely. “Thanks a lot, Tsume.”
Thank goodness it’s night or Tsume almost definitely wouldn’t be able to hide the rather bright blush he’s sporting. Huffing a laugh, he reaches over to ruffle Hige’s hair roughly (but not as roughly as he normally would have). “You’re just lucky my brain’s the size of your stomach, Porky.”
“Yeah, se—hey, wait a minute!”
Half an hour later, Kiba’s back with everything in one haul. Apparently, a nice older lady near the store saw him struggling a bit and offered a large knapsack she didn’t need anymore. He’d accepted it gratefully and even her help folding most of the blankets into compact sizes so he could fit as much in the bag as possible. He’d brought back enough water, soup, and bread to last at least a few days and enough blankets (with some spare cloths thrown in) to cover each of them a few times over.
Helping him unpack everything they’ll need right now, Tsume throws the two back their jackets and covers Toboe with three of the blankets up to his neck. The boy whimpers and tosses his head, trying to throw off the blankets, but Tsume carefully pins his arms to his chest. “I know, kid. I’m sorry,” he sympathizes softly. “But these blankets should help you feel better, so I need you to leave them, okay?” There’s still a little fight left in the boy’s struggling limbs, and Tsume fractionally tightens his grip, lowers his voice that much more. “Do it for me?”
Toboe pauses, seems to hesitate, and then it shifts into an obedient pout as the fight leaves him entirely. Tsume sighs in relief and releases him, covering him back up and rubbing his arms gently where he held them. A small, proud, ridiculously-fond smile, almost a fiendish smirk, comes to his face. “That’s my runt.”
He turns to the others once Toboe starts falling back to sleep a few moments later, but he stops short when he notices Hige trying not to grin behind his hand (so cute!) and the startlingly soft smile on Kiba’s face. Again, thank Paradise it’s night so they can’t see his bright blush. He merely glares (he definitely does not pout!), mostly at Hige, and then goes on. “You think that’s enough for now or should we add more?” While he was covering Toboe, he noticed the blankets were maybe a quarter-inch thick. “They’re not the thickest, after all.”
Kiba hums, looks over everything. He wishes he could have found something better, but…well, the world is ending (again)… “Maybe two more? If we need more, we can always add them, right? But if we start out short, we might as well not have put on any at all.”
Hige frowns a bit, shrugging. “I don’t know. You’re the ‘fever’ authority here, Tsume.” Moving around them, he sticks his hand under the blankets to feel how hot Toboe is now. He winces and takes it out, blowing on and shaking it out. “Sheesh! He’s hot, all right, but not much more than before. I vote we put on at least two more. Better safe than sorry.” Switching out Toboe’s now warm and almost dry towel on his forehead for a cold, almost-dripping one, he wipes down his neck and face first. Some of the discomfort lines on Toboe’s face smooth out, and Hige yawns. “That should hold him for a little bit.” Rubbing his eyes, he says, “If I fall asleep, wake me up to check his wound and redress it in a few hours. Don’t wanna take any chances.”
Tsume looks between his two friends silently. They’re tired from the stress and worry of the day. He doesn’t blame them. He feels it, too. Of course he does. But he wants to stay with Toboe more than he wants sleep, so he doesn’t mind staying up with him. “I’ll wake you up, Hige. I’ll stay with him. You two should get some sleep.”
Hige raises an eyebrow, frowning deeply. “All night? Tsume, even you can’t do that.”
Kiba sets a hand on his shoulder, a small smile playing while his steady gaze never leaves Tsume’s. “It’s Tsume’s decision, Hige. If he says he wants to keep watch, we’ll let him. He’ll be the best at watching over Toboe anyway.”
Hige gives him an uneasy look. “Well, yeah, that’s a given, but still…”
“I appreciate the concern, but I can handle it, Porky,” Tsume breaks in, arms crossed lazily over his jacket-less chest. Taking a breath when Hige still looks unsure, he exhales helplessly. “Look, I’ll stay awake long enough for you to check him, and then I’ll sleep, but I’m not leaving him. Happy?”
The second-youngest is unimpressed. “It’s a start.”
Tsume snorts, then Hige, and then Kiba, and soon, they’re all laughing. It’s almost perfect.
When they get Toboe back, it will be.
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jiminwreckedme · 7 years
Chaos: The Beginning of the End
Member - Jeon Jungkook
Genre - Thriller? Mystery? 23K of bullshit-that-makes-no-sense-right-now-but-will-make-sense-after-part-2? I don’t really know tbh. You read and tell me :)
Word count - 23K
Warnings - mentions of death, murder, implied smut.
Summary - One has brains but no heart. One has a heart but no brains. And what happens when both their worlds collide?
It’s chaos.
[A/N] - So this 23K beast was sitting in my google docs for a really really long time now. Since its a 2 part fan fic (Next and last part is Chaos: The End of the Beginning) I initially planned on writing both parts before posting it. But I also realised that its been reaaallly long since I’ve managed to post any content at all so here’s this for now. Let me know your theories and ideas while I sit and work on trying to update all my series :)
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It’s a closed space. A closet maybe? You can’t tell.
There’s something visible through the tiny gaps of the slanted wooden slabs. And it’s moving. Fast, tensed and hurried. That means it’s not something.
It’s someone.
There are people in the house. And they aren’t people you know for sure because you are scared. You can feel the sweat running down your neck as your hair plasters to your skin with the ickiness. It’s chilly even though you can tell it’s late in the morning and you are shivering in both cold and fear.
And then suddenly there is the sound of a gunshot and everything goes black.
You sit up startled by the strange dream even though it’s not something you haven’t seen before. Taking a good look at your surroundings you breath normally again, undaunted. It’s just something that occasionally, pointlessly visits your dreams. It doesn’t scare or worry you anymore because you have now learned to shake it off. Perhaps it’s a movie or a drama scene that imprinted in your head as a child. Nothing to worry about.  
What you had to worry about was the dull throbbing pain in your head and the scream of your every cell which is asking for just one thing.
“Coffee!” You call out to your maid falling back into the soft comforters, rolling around on the bed lazily. A short lady still in her apron comes rushing in looking apologetic.
“The kitchen hasn’t sent it out yet Y/n dear. I….I don’t know what’s wrong.” She’s scared because she knows how moody you get without it.
“Urgh” You drag yourself out of bed, ruffling your bed hair. “Alrighttttt send it when it’s ready. I’m going to shower.”
Taking heavy steps to the bathroom you strip out of your night clothes and stand under the shower hoping at least the cold waters will wake you up. The ice cold liquid hits your face and trickles down your body but it’s causing no effect. You need a strong coffee before you step into the office no matter what. A CEO cannot possibly go to office looking like she’s hungover when really all she had been doing was crying her eyes out all night watching Me before You with her best friend Cho.
Throwing on a Armani jumpsuit, you pull your hair into a high ponytail and put on some minimal makeup without paying much attention. Grabbing your bag and glasses you make your way down to the living room where Cho is storming around talking on the phone annoyed.
“Well see to it that it’s fixed quickly…..Yeah I have some important work….Please hurry up.”
“Morning.” You grab a triangular piece of sandwich from the nearby dining table and greet her as you stuff it into your mouth. She smiles at you and then turns serious again.
“Yes. And make it quick please….yeah thank you.” She cuts the call and throws the phone on the couch.
“Morning. Had a good night’s sleep?”
“Yup. Slept like a log.” You munch on the sandwich. “What was that call all about?”
“I was watching the news and then exactly when they were giving some crucial information” She stops and looks at you dramatically. “The screen blanked out! Apparently the power’s gone.”
“ Ah” You gulp down a glass of juice hurriedly. “No wonder there’s no coffee.”
“Yes and no news.” Cho sits on the couch angrily. You can only laugh at her childishness.
“Oh god What was so important?”
“Apparently there was a murder at downtown yesterday. The victim was killed not with a knife or gun….but with electricity. The killer murdered him by giving shocks with high voltage electricity. I mean seriously? Now people aren’t even wasting money on buying weapons anymore. The act of murder has become so inexpensive.” She huffs as you roll your eyes. “The police don’t know who it is apparently. No clues, no fingerprint, no sign of struggle. Just a man tied to a chair with wires around him. Its so brutal but so smart -”
“Alright alright.” You cut through her words not wanting to listen anymore. “You know I don’t like this kind of violent news. While you use your Sherlock brain and figure this out, I’m gonna rush to work yeah? When it’s time for you to leave, ask the driver to drop you okay. Don’t go alone!” You blow her a kiss as you hurriedly walk towards your garage where your BMW is waiting for you.
“Only if you agree to have the next movie night in my house!” She screams after you, making you laugh. You know like always the sleepover will eventually end up in your house.
Getting into your car you turn on the engine and blast some loud music with the windows down to feel some air on your face. Monday mornings were already on the top of your hate list and today moreover, you didn’t even shake off your sleep completely. And above everything you were late. The day already had such a bad start.
Cutting through the traffic you drive into a nearby street spotting a coffee shop right around the corner much to your relief. Parking your car at the side of the street you cross it, pushing open the doors and sigh realizing it’s completely packed. Seeing the dozens of people occupy all the seats you turn around defeated to search for another location when the waitress comes to you and points out an empty seat all the way in the corner opposite a young man. You hurriedly thank her and rush to sit down across him, relieved.  
But just as you are about to order for a much required cup he looks up from the newspaper he’s reading and meets your eye momentarily.
“I suggest you ask for water as well ”
“What?” You look at him surprised. He’s dressed smartly in a grey tuxedo as he stirs his iced coffee with the straw, eyes still fixed on whatever he’s so intently reading. He has glasses on and his hair is part neatly, he reminds you so much of your father.
“You’ll need it.” He shrugs. You raise your eyebrows at him confused and subtly ignore the stranger’s words as you look around for a waiter to place your order. One of them walks up to you and places a hot cup of coffee.
“A double shot cappuccino for you Ma'am”
“But..” You look at her confused. “I didn’t order yet.”
“I did.” The man speaks again as he sends her away with the gestures of his hand, resuming his reading.
“You?” He has finally gotten your attention. “And how do you know I’d want a double shot cappuccino?”
“Any girl who misses her first cup of coffee would want her second cup strong.”
“And how do you know I missed my first cup of coffee?”
“Anyone who misses their bed coffee would be tapping the table that impatiently.”
It’s only then you notice your finger moving out of habit on the wooden surface of the table rhythmically. The man across you is smiling at his paper all knowingly without even so much as a look at you and its annoying you. He’s trying to make a conversation, it’s so obvious. People like him weren’t new to you, a young, rich, beautiful heiress. Everyone wants to be associated with you in some way.
“Are you trying to make conversation with a girl you happen to meet by chance?”
“Who said we are meeting by chance? You happen to be sitting here and having coffee with me because I wanted you to. Because I’ve planned it.”
“Excuse me?” You frown at him not understanding as you take a sip, relishing the hot liquid flowing down your throat. “What does that mean?”
He finally looks up from his paper, rolls it and plays with it, hitting his other palm rhythmically. Odd. Your father has the same habit.  
“Tell me, Where are you supposed to be right now?”
“At work.”
“But you are here having a coffee, why?”
“Because I missed my bed coffee.”
“And why did you miss it?”
“Because the coffee machine wasn’t working.”
“And why was it not working?”
“Because there was no power in the house.”
“Exactly.” he draws a sip from his drink smiling. “I cut it.”
You choke on your coffee at his words, coughing into your hand as he draws a bottle of water from his bag and hands it to you.  “I told you to ask for water.”
“You cut the electricity connection to my house?”
“Yes and because there was no power in the house and you didn’t get coffee, you would have taken a longer shower and started 15 minutes late. That means when you reached the junction near your house it was perhaps exactly time for school and all cars would have been halted to allow the students to cross the road. Because you needed a coffee badly and didn’t have the patience to wait, so you must have turned right into the Bakers street, the alternative route to your office. Unfortunately, you would have reached a dead end because the road is getting repaired. So then you turned right again into commonwealth avenue, which is this street. And you stopped your car right at this coffee shop because it’s obviously the first one you have seen the whole way here and you need coffee cause you missed it in the morning and you missed it because of….” he points at himself casually.  
“Because it’s just a coincidence.” You narrow your eyes at him. He couldn’t be this smart. How did he mange to think of all of this? “You seem to be taking credit for a coincidence.”
“A coincidence huh?” He raises an eyebrow amused. “Okay tell me. When there are so many tables in the coffee shop why did you come and sit here, right across me?”
“Because it was the only one empty?”
“Oh really?” He taps the table with his rolled newspaper twice and suddenly everyone around you gets up and abandons their seat leaving every space empty and just the two of you sitting across each other with 2 cups of coffee.
You laugh for some reason. It’s incredibly smart. He obviously hired people to occupy every seat so you would have no choice but to sit next to him. It’s too smart. Too well planned. But why?
“And why are you doing this?”
“To meet you of course and because I don’t have a time to wait for nature, science, fate, whatever you call it, to make us meet.”
You blink multiple times, head full of questions.
“Okay, let me explain.” He looks around searching for something and suddenly points at a butterfly that’s sitting on a plant a little further from you. “You see that butterfly? Do you know the moment it gets up from there it can cause a cyclone somewhere in America?”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“It’s true. You see when a butterfly moves its wings, a low pressure is created in the air around it. And when this low pressure is created, an air movement is initiated. With the addition of many such low pressures and air movements, the effect grows and grows and grows and suddenly there’s a cyclone somewhere far away.”
“and your point is what exactly?”
“Everything around us is a strange science. One unrelated moment can influence another unrelated moment somewhere far away in the most strange way possible.”
“Like the fact that there was no electricity in my house led to me having coffee here with you.” You slowly realize what he’s trying to say.  
“Exactly, you’re getting there. Everything that’s happening around us is a result of some moment usually initiated by our natural surroundings. People meeting, people parting, people dying. Everything. Most people call it fate but really, it’s all determined by some unknown, unplanned, weird moment in nature.”
“Then why is our meeting not planned by nature or whatever? I mean you purposely cut the current in my house. That’s not exactly unknown or unplanned. It’s weird though, I’ll give you that.”
He smiles. “I’m coming to that. It’s because unfortunately, I don’t have much time. I can’t wait for events to unfold themselves in a particular way for us to meet. So instead, I induce things to happen the way I want them to and hence you will be meeting me whenever I want, where ever I want, as per what I plan.”
You lean back and look at him keenly. You’re actually impressed. Very impressed. His intelligence, his wit, the way he thinks, everything impresses you. But you want to see more.
“I’m still not convinced. Let’s do this.” You lean in with you hands crossed on the table and lick your lips determined. “You try to meet me tomorrow. And I’ll try not to. Let’s see how you manage to have a coffee with me Mr…?.”
“Jungkook.” He smiles as he adjusts his glasses. “Jeon Jungkook.”
“Alright then. I hope we don’t meet tomorrow, Mr. Jeon Jungkook.”
“And I hope we do, Ms.Y/n L/n” is all he says smugly as you grab your bag and walk out of the shop smiling to yourself.
The next morning you are up surprisingly well before your alarm rings. Maybe because you didn’t sleep properly in the first place thinking of ways to avoid Jungkook the following morning. After a quick shower and quicker getting dressed session, you make your way down to the living room to see a fresh cup of coffee waiting for you. Hmm coffee is ready? You switch on the television and see the same news of that murder flashing and quickly switch it off. The television is also working? That means the power didn’t get cut today. How was he planning to meet you then?
“Y/n, Cho is on the line.” Your short, sweet maid hands you the phone.
“Yes what’s up?” You secure the phone between your ear and shoulder as you sip your coffee.
“Y/nnn I’m so dead! I have a meeting with the company president first thing in the morning and my stupid car isn’t starting. Please drop me will you? Please~”
“But I need to leave for-”
“Your office starts at 9, mine is at 8! Please~.” She drags annoying your eardrums. “Come on Y/n. I’m begging you! I know you can’t see me but I’m literally on my knees.”
“Urgh fine. 10 minutes, I’m coming.” You roll your eyes leaving your coffee on the table and grab your keys instead to go pick up your miserable friend.
15 minutes after driving at the highest speed possible, you pull up at the driveway in front of her house and she quickly gets in, crushing you into a brief hug.
“Thank you, you are a life savior! I owe you one for this later..”
As Cho flips through her files, reviewing her presentation seriously, you open your sunroof and drive down the calm and quiet roads. Strange. There are no signs of him. Did he give up already? He did seem intent on meeting you though. Not to mention extremely confident as well. Something isn’t quite right.
“Y/n! You need to turn right here.” You slam the brakes, nearly missing the turning as your best friend shuts her files and crosses her arms. “Okay young woman, spill. Where is your mind?”
“Jeon Jungkook.” You mutter as you rotate the steering wheel.
“Who, that creep you told me about? The one in the cafe yesterday?”
“He’s not a creep Cho.” You roll your eyes.
“Of course he is! What kind of a person arranges for a meeting with a stranger that way? It’s obvious that there are things he knows about you and not to mention, things he definitely wants. Why else and how else can he plan all this?”
“I’m not an idiot. I know there is something he is after. Something big, that’s for sure. He might need money or a favor in business or…I don’t know. What could he be after?”
“I suggest you stay away from him Y/n. He seems shady.”
“But that’s the thing! He isn’t coming after me. He’s somehow dragging me to him with his so called ‘plans’. He’s too intelligent. If he wants to meet me, I know he will do it somehow. I’m sure he has something planned for today as we-.”
“Oh no Y/n look!” Cho points at a cute, perhaps stranded dog with a leash on the road, just as you turn into the driveway of her office. She hurriedly gets down the moment you stop the car and takes the pup into her arms lovingly.
“I think it’s lost….Oh there’s a name tag! It has some address written…” She squints at the metal chain and quickly places the pup in the seat next to you.
“What the-”
“Please take it to its owner Y/n, the poor thing is definitely lost.”
“Cho! I have to get to work. I’m getting late.”
“The boss is never late you idiot. Please please! Next movie night at your house if you take him.”
You huff gripping the steering wheel. “Urgh the things I have to do for a best friend.”
“Thanks babes, bye!” She waves as she runs towards the building balancing the files in her hands and you sit staring at the brown dog next to you which is obediently looking around at its new environment. You memorize the address on his tag and pat his head resignedly. “Alright…. Bruno? Let’s get you home.”
Finding the way after a few wrong turns and with the help of your GPS, you enter a small alley lined with homes and stop your car at the edge of the one way street. You mentally thank the heavens that the address is near your office so you might manage to be not too late. Taking the pup in your arms you walk down the road looking for its house number when suddenly it wriggles free from your grip and begins running.
“Hey!” You begin miserably going after it in your 5 inch heels and stop when you see it runs towards a familiar looking seated man at an outdoor coffee shop. You sigh as the pup begins to lick Jungkook fondly and the man clad in a suit today as well, greets you smirking.  
“You look like you missed your coffee today as well Ms. Y/n. Care to join me for one?”
You purse your lips disapprovingly but sit down opposite him regardless.  
“Is the dog yours?”
“Taehyung. It’s my friend Taehyung’s. But he’s quite familiar with me too.” Bruno wags his tail from in between Jungkook’s feet. “Something strong for you again?”
“An espresso please.”
“I must be playing with your head a lot if you need something that strong.” he chuckles but orders nevertheless. He’s in a suit again. Blue this time. The same glasses, the same parting of the hair, today’s newspaper lying on the table.
“How did you do it this time?” You blow the steam of your coffee as the waiter serves you, then him. “There was no power cut in the house.”
“This time it wasn’t cut in your house.” he draws a sip. “It was in your friends.”
You know better than to drink when he’s answering and this time almost choke on nothing. “What?”
“Why did you not have coffee today?”
“Because my friend called me to pick her up”
“And why did she call you to pick her up?”
“Because her car wasn’t starting.”
“And why wasn’t her car starting?” he smirks expecting you to know the answer already.
You narrow your eyes at him suspiciously. “Because you messed with it.”
“Mhmm. And so she called you, who was definitely up and ready early today to avoid me as per yesterday’s deal, and so you agreed to drop her. Then you both saw a stranded dog right as she entered her office. Your friend was getting late but she also loves dogs. So you had to take the dog back to its owner on her insistence. And that’s how you are sitting here and having a coffee with me again.”
You let out a short laugh. “To think I was actually beginning to get impressed, that’s pathetic Jeon Jungkook. Do you know how many things could have gone wrong? What if my friend didn’t call me and called for a cab? What if in her hurry she didn’t spot the dog?”
“That was possible. One can plan things to happen in a certain way but cannot control another’s brain. Another thoughts, emotions. But the fact that your friend didn’t call a cab and did spot the dog shows that maybe you are right. Maybe somewhere there is a little coincidence or fate in us meeting. But ultimately it was her decision and her choice that led to you and I having a coffee here. One unrelated moment causes another unrelated moment right?”
His words as usual confound you. Jungkook leans back and receives the bill as you observe him. He seems to have a purpose and no purpose at all behind doing this. There was no saying what his next move is, what his next thought is. He is absolutely unpredictable. And he is different, unlike most men you had seen. His intentions are still not clear but it’s not something small he wants from you. The fact that he had gone far enough to find out not just about you but even about your best friend meant he had some really serious purpose behind all this.
You speak as your waitress leaves you alone. “You don’t need glasses.”
The thing about being around sharp people is that it makes you think like them. His eyes when he reads are wider than usual. The glasses are not a necessity for him.
“You don’t require glasses to read.”
“Ah yes. I don’t require it to read. I require it to look intelligent.”
“Look intelligent?”
“Surveys show that generally people with glasses are considered smarter. And gone are the days when women are impressed by sense of humor, good looks, money blah blah blah. Now a days women want a witty person. So I figured this would be the best way to impress you.”
“You want to impress me?” You let out a sharp incredulous laugh. He nods and gestures at his outfit.
“Can you give any other reason for why a man as young and modern as me would roam around in such a terribly old-fashioned, extremely suffocating set of clothes?”
“I don’t know? Don’t you wear it to go to work?”
“Electra complex.” he drains the last few drops of his drink. “Most girls subconsciously look for qualities their father possesses in men around them. It’s a psychological fact. I’m sure in our meetings at some point you would thought ah he reminds me of my father.”
And you did. He even knows about your father. What he wears, his small habits, he knows them. You can even see him displaying the same sort of intelligence. He’s done his research well. It isn’t too hard to find out about your father though, that’s there. After all he’s a multimillionaire and very famous in the society. But Jungkook has gone to such lengths just to impress you?
“Let’s talk seriously Jungkook. You are intelligent. Extremely intelligent. I don’t know if you have a job or not and how you are managing to spend so much time on this. But the fact that you have invested so much time, brain and planning on me, shows that impressing me is not your only goal. You could have simply come to one of the clubs I regularly visit if that was your intention. Of course I would have forgotten all about you as soon as I get hungover. But you meet me over coffee. A time when my senses are the sharpest. That means you want me to clearly remember you, maybe even think about you later. So tell me, why are you after me?”
“Simple.” he smiles. “Because you have money.”
You sigh at him irritably. Yes of course. Most people approach you when they need favors or if they are working on some sort of product or software and they need your help to launch by selling it to your company. It’s only now that you realize how little you had been approached to be actually been hit on in the outside world because most people who talked you, only did so for business purposes.
“So you are one of those.”
Jungkook laughs. “Y/n, look at you. You are a billionaires daughter. You are the CEO of a company. Even the watch you wear costs in 4 digits. The money behind you has already made you suspicious of the fact that I’m here for something big and serious and you don’t believe I’m genuinely trying to impress you. When you anyway won’t believe the reason I will tell you then it’s better I tell you a reason you will believe right?”
You lean back getting confused as usual with him again.
“You are beautiful Y/n. And so capable. It’s admirable how you run the company so well and the heights your father’s business has reached with you as CEO. You are talented and you are smart. But as long as you have the money factor behind you it’s going to be hard to make you believe that I genuinely am trying to know more about you because I am impressed with you. There is only so much I can know about somebody with my intelligence. And I’m sincerely trying to figure out who you really are by meeting you like this. Nothing more and nothing less.”
You don’t know why but for some reason you feel like he’s telling the truth. Maybe because you are so interested in him or maybe because there is hope that there might finally be someone out there who is interested in you? But whatever it is, you do choose to believe him.
“Make me meet you over another coffee and then I’ll believe you.”
“If I do meet you over another coffee, then hang out with me for a bit tomorrow evening. Maybe watch a play? There’s a new drama troop in town.”
“That is if you meet me.”
Jungkook smirks “If you are still testing me, that means you are already impressed by me.”
“What? No~” You deny, not meeting his eye.
“Yeah, why else will you look for another opportunity to meet me?”
“I could be looking for some entertainment?”
“No that’s not it.” he shakes his head definitely “I think we should get your estrogen levels checked. When girls generally think emotionally the estrogen levels in their body increase. Then we will know how you are actually feeling.”
You laugh. “Honestly is everything science for you? Have you never heard Jungkook, there are things science can’t explain.”
Jungkook lets out a short sarcastic laugh before looking far away at something you couldn’t see. “I don’t want to know such things. I think they are irrelevant.”
You sigh at his childlike defiance and stand up, fishing your car keys out of your pocket. “Try falling in love. Then it will be relevant.”
And with that you turn around and walk away, leaving him all by himself once more without hearing one last thing he had to whisper looking wistful.
“I already have.”
When you enter the office everything is tense. There are people scurrying around, men in black suits stationed at places, phones are ringing continually.
“What’s going on?” You inquire with an employee who bows quickly before answering. “Ms. L/n. your…..your father is here.”
You smack your head looking at the watch, panicking that you are late. Jeon Jungkook. It was all because of that asshole. You rush to your cabin to see your father sitting on the couches talking to your assistant.
“Hey dad.” You say meekly, making an embarrassed face as you slowly step into your room.
“Y/n.” He smiles sweetly, but with a hint of sternness. “You seem to be late.”
“I’m so sorry…uh….Cho had something she needed help with….”
“That’s alright. Come sit.” He pats to the empty space next to him and you happily sit next to him. “All good with you?”
“Yeah all’s fine. But is something wrong? You are here? in my branch?”
“Why? Can’t a father miss his daughter?” Your father’s brother speaks from behind you, looking up from his phone. Your father pouts adorably.
“Aw.” You pull his cheeks. “Of course he can! And I really love it when he does. But the security and the hustle outside? I’m sure you don’t need all that to simply see me. What’s wrong?”
“Did you not hear what happened yesterday?”
You shake your head slowly panicking at your uncle’s words. You weren’t someone like that. If something happened in your office there was no way you didn’t know it. But yesterday you were distracted, you have to admit. If something went wrong because of that, you swore to kill Jeon Jungkook.
“Do you know Mr. Wook?”
“Our office east branch in charge?” You had met him quite a few times. You were west branch in charge and were in good terms with him for business sake even though there were countless number of times you felt he was a bit shady. Your father’s trust in him was the only reason you kept quiet. “Yeah what about him?”
“He was murdered yesterday morning.”
“What?” You stand up shocked. “How? Wh-”
“Did you hear the news about a man who was killed using electricity?” You nod remembering Cho talk about it and mentally make a note to thank her for making you at least a little aware of the things around you. “He was the victim.”
You blink a couple of times not knowing what else to do. Your father takes out his glasses and wipes them tiredly. You place your hand on his arm softly. “That’s so horrible. But why? Do you know who is behind it?”
“I suspect it’s my enemies.” Your father sighs putting his glasses back on. “Our company has gotten really big Y/n and so it’s natural we make new rivals with growing step. That’s why I’m here. I’m worried about you.” He pats your head softly. “Your uncle says we should increase the security around you for precaution but I seem to think differently. What about you?.”
You look around at the black suited bodyguards. “Dad, are you positive that it is business rivals?”
“That’s what my sources say, but they could be wrong.”
“I don’t think you should increase security for me. Or even yourself. If we do, then we are alerting our enemies that we are anticipating them and so they will become more cautious about their attacks now. If we show that we don’t suspect them, then they will have their guard down a little and it might be a bit easy for us to trace who it is.”
Your father chuckles looking at your uncle. “Well well that’s exactly what I was thinking. Like father like daughter huh?” You smile as he gives you a five. “But still, be careful alright? I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
“I’ll be fine Dad, chill.” You give him a quick hug and stand up crossing your arms. “And now if you don’t mind, CEO Y/n has to report to work.”
“Yes absolutely. I shall take the boss’s leave then?” Your father stands up as the bodyguards speak through their earpieces, getting ready for his departure.
“Permission granted.” You smile and wave as your father collects his belongings and leaves with his team. Your uncle quickly rushes to you and pulls you into a brief hug, throwing an arm around your shoulder and leaves along with the older man. “Take care kiddo.”
Feeling fuzzy after meeting your family after so long you sit behind your desk and think for a while about what your father said.
You quickly dial a number on the phone on your desk and give out orders. “Send Hoseok to my room. Tell him it’s urgent”
As you sit cracking your knuckles lost in thought, Hoseok enters and unlike most days he isn’t giving out vibes of sunshine. You realize how serious this death has been for everyone.
“Hoseok I need a favor.”
“Sure, whats up?”
“I’m going to trust you with this alright? Don’t tell this to anyone.”
“What is it?” He looks at you suspiciously.
“I don’t think this murder is a rivals job.” You remember Cho’s words. It’s so brutal.
“It’s too painful a death. Like this wasn’t done by someone with a business purpose. If it was then they could have shot him, or hit him with a car. But they’ve killed him in a very painful way. An agonizing way. Like someone wanted to hurt him first, then kill him. That means its done by someone with…..” You search for the right word. “Someone with vengeance perhaps.”
Hoseok nods. “I get what why you are saying that. But it’s possible they did so to not leave any clues that could trace back to them.”
“That’s possible yes. I just told you my gut feeling since I was speculating over it. I always didn’t like that man. There is just something off about him. Just for my sake, use your sources and find out if Mr. Wook had any personal issues with anyone. Do a background check on him and let me know what you find out.”
Hoseok nods seriously and begins to leave when you stop him again, thinking of taking advantage of the situation. “And also do a background check on Jeon Jungkook.”
“Jeon Jungkook?”
“Find out about his family, where he’s from, what he studied, where he studied, everything. From A to Z.”
“And who is he?” Hoseok narrows his eyes at you.
“Just someone who I need to know fully about to engage in a battle of wits.” You smile at the thought of beating Jungkook in his own game. “ Keep both of these tasks confidential alright? Don’t tell a soul”
“Shall do.” Hoseok shoots you a thumbs up and leaves as you turn to your computer to resume your office duties putting everything aside.
The next morning, as usual, you wake up late again.
But after the general daily routine, when you come down, there is no coffee on the table.
“Coffee?” You call out to the maid who hurries to inform you. “Ms. Y/n the machine is getting upgraded.”
“Upgraded? Why all of a sudden?”
“I don’t know. Yesterday evening some service boys came to talk about upgrading the machine and installing new features. It’s been apparently installing all night.”
“What kind of features can one possibly install in a coffee machine?” You scrunch your nose in thought but the confusion goes as soon as it comes. “Ah he thinks he can play the same game twice.” You mummer before making up your mind. “That’s alright. I’ll have it outside.”
You throw your car keys on the couch and walk out of the house, straight past the garage, towards the nearest bus stop. Taking the bus to the metro station and then a train to the station nearest to your office, you hail a cab and ask the driver to take you to a nice coffee shop nearby. “Not the first one. Take me to the second shop you spot please.”
Getting down from the cab at a shop you pay him and walk in to find an empty coffee table, smiling victoriously. Hah, maybe Jeon Jungkook wasn’t so intelligent after all.
But just as you sit down, a hand extends from over your shoulder placing a cup of coffee on the table and you sigh.
Jungkook draws a sip from his own drink and smiles cockily as he sits down across you.
“How did you do it this time?” It’s too much. Even after every precaution you took? You run your eyes over him. He’s wearing a white suit today and perhaps the best word to describe him would be sinful. It seems to suit him better than everything you’ve seen him in so far and its making it a little hard for you to think about anything.
“Simple.” He places his drink on the table and crosses his arms on it. “I followed you.”
You blink for a bit and then feel your shoulders shake as you laugh at the unexpected answer. “You followed me?”
“I do really want to see that play with you today no matter what.” He shrugs
Your phone rings as you are about to reply and looking apologetic you pick it up when he gestures you to go ahead.
“Yes Hoseok.”
“I’ve done my homework. Want to listen?”
“Jeon Jungkook - born in Busan, brought up in Busan, went to quite an ordinary government school, failed math but did average in the other subjects, didn’t attend any university, has a small, one bedroom flat at the edge of the city, literally, hardly anyone lives there, he did odd jobs around like a working as a mechanic, behind the counters of restaurants, minor roles in a couple of dramas, things like that for a living”
“No record of any family. Brought up in an orphanage.”
“Anything else I need to know?”
“I’m not sure this is important but listen. The few people in his neighborhood said he just simply disappeared over a year ago with no clue as to where he left. According to the travel office there are records of him arriving to Seoul only a month back. I’m unable to trace where he was during the time in between.”
“In your opinion is that something to worry about?” You look at Jungkook who is looking up something on his phone.
“I don’t know. He’s basically harmless. Has no contacts. Didn’t have much relations, friends or enemies back at Busan. Damn quiet kid. He must have left his town in search of a job at the most, in my opinion.”
“Alright, anything else?”
“As far as Mr. Wook is concerned, something is fishy, you’re right. But I think it’s better you come to office and see for yourself.”
“Shall do.” You cut the call revising everything Hoseok said. No university despite so much intelligence? But then again he was an orphan. He probably was financially weak. And he disappeared just like that for a year? Strange.
“I have to get to work. Don’t you have to too?” You subtly try to get to know more about him.  
“Nope. I don’t have a job yet. But I shall, hopefully soon.”
“You don’t have a job? Then how in the world did you manage to afford all these suits? It must’ve cost a fortune.”
Jungkook sighs, blinking too much. “Okay I guess it’s finally time to be embarrassed. I borrowed them from my friend Taehyung. I crashed in at his place when I came here about…a month ago? He’s been tolerating me for quite some time, the poor guy.”  He laughs fondly.  
“Where were you before that? Before you came to Seoul I mean.”
“Traveling. I practically went all over Korea looking for a place to settle down and get a decent job. I tried that for a few months but it never really worked out. Then I got really hungry and really desperate and was ultimately jailed for six months for robbery. After I was released I wandered around a couple of cities for a bit like the usual nomad I was, doing odd jobs for gathering money for traveling expenses and I finally landed up in Seoul.”
He was jailed? And he’s being honest about it?
It’s not everyday you see someone openly admitting their crimes, that too to a woman the were attempting to impress. But he did. He told you everything seriously and everything he says seems to fit what Hoseok informed you. It all does make sense.
Your phone rings again, flashing Hoseok’s name and Jungkook looks at the screen and then you.
“I guess you really need to be at work now. I know you didn’t come by car. Would you like me to drop you?” He points at his motorcycle outside and you shudder, not very enthusiastic about the idea.
“No that’s alright.” You scribble your number on a notepaper and push it towards him. “Text me the time I have to be ready. I’ll see you in the evening. I do owe you some of my time” and the two of you smile at each other as you leave him to himself for what you thought was one last time.
It is early afternoon when Jungkook is standing in the line of the grocery store with a half full cart as he goes through the shopping list Taehyung scribbled for him.
“Eggs….Bread…..Ham…” He mumbles checking them off the list one by one when his watch gives a soft beep indicating the beginning of the next hour. He’s getting late. He had messaged you to be ready by 5 for the play but he himself was still here in a pair of sweatpants and a lame shirt hidden by a jacket, yet to take a bath and hence smelling like dairy. You like the smell of dairy.
He smiles to himself as the thought of you crosses his mind. Y/n….
He’s doing it. He is finally getting closer to you. All the hard work is showing its fruit with every passing moment but day by day, minute by minute, the more he sees you, the more his heart hurts.
“Afternoon.” The lady at the counter smiles warmly when he walks forward with his purchase. As she makes the bill scanning each item one by one, Jungkook reaches out for his wallet but his phone rings at the same time, flashing your name. Frowning at the odd time of the call he picks it up.
“Jungkook!” There’s relief in your voice.
That meant before this, there was fear.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?”
“Look I cannot speak for long.” You are whispering. But why? “I need help. I’m at the french restaurant behind my office. Meet me as soon as you-”
And it cuts.
Jungkook can feel his heart stop as he lowers the phone. What had happened? Why did you have to be so scared? The thought of you alone and afraid terrifies him.
There is only one thing he can do after imaging you like that. Without a single thought or a second glance, dropping everything in his hands, he simply turns and runs through the crowd, ignoring the incredulous cashier and the mad customers behind him as he pushes though.
Nothing was more important that you.
3 hours.
That’s how long it’s been since your last call. 3 hours and there is no sight of you. You are not at the restaurant, neither are you in your office, nor are you at home. Your phone isn’t reachable and somehow can’t be located by any tracking apps either. Jungkook had spent the last 3 hours running around the city like a mad man looking for you. He had checked everywhere. Every coffee shop you went to together, the theater where you are supposed to go with him tonight . But you aren’t anywhere. And no one knows about your whereabouts either. Not your colleagues, not your maid, neither does your best friend Cho.
“Where are you Y/n?” Jungkook desperately walks down the now darkening streets near the city’s main junction looking around. “Just give me one clue and I’ll find you.”
As all the cars halt and the red man turns green, Jungkook begins to walk down the road feeling his phone vibrate in his hand. He quickly fumbles with it with mixed feelings of relief and curiosity and takes a look at the screen but it’s not your name. Its unknown. Resignedly Jungkook picks it up looking around, not paying much attention to the call.
He freezes at the middle of the road. It’s your voice.
Are you okay? Where are you? Whose phone is this? What’s wrong with your phone? Why were you not at the restaurant? He wants to ask you so many questions but only one thing leaves him like a barely audible whisper. “Y/n…”
“Jungkook, I’m outside your house. My phone is out of battery so I borrowed your neighbor’s phone. I’m so sorry I wasn’t at the restaurant. Please just come home I’ll tell you everything…… Jungkook are you there?”
Yes I am. I always am.  
The only thing his body allows him to do is cut the call as he sinks to his knees, ignoring the honking cars and screaming drivers waiting to cross the road. You’re fine. You’re alright. And you’re home.
Picking himself up he runs once more down the street to finally find the one woman who matters to him more than anything.
You sit at the porch of Jungkook’s house, praying that you are at the right place. If you remembered well, this is the address that was written on Bruno’s name tag when you came to drop him yesterday. The door is locked and no one seems to be at home so make yourself comfortable on the steps as you sit with your arms circling your knees rocking back and forth slowly, waiting for Jungkook.
It’s starting to get cold now. Even though you are wearing a semi formal blazer over your halter top it’s doing little to protect you from the low temperature because your pencil skirt cannot hide the skin below your knees. The sandwich the neighbor was kind enough to provide you with along with her phone is the one thing keeping you sane after running around and hiding the whole day.
You munch on the bread slowly, preserving it, as the sky grows darker and darker around you. The only sounds that fill the evening are the ones of the birds returning home, calling it a day, and of moving water. There seems to be a pool at the back of the house. You turn and look at the place you are at, over your shoulder. It’s a decent one. A one story house with a small lawn in the front and a little shed enough for a bike or two. Even the locality is a pleasant one, perhaps because it’s a little far from the city. You wonder if it can be a place for you to hide the next few days. Would Jungkook understand your situation and let you stay? You were still practically strangers and letting you seek shelter here would mean going out of the way especially because the house didn’t even belong to him. You just hoped things could fall into place somehow. But for that, he needs to be here first.  
Its like the heavens have heard your plea because just then a figure merging in the shadows enters through the gate, slamming it open, running and panting. You get up the moment you see him as he stops and stands with his hands on his knees, chest heaving, shirt sticking to him with all the sweat. Both your bodies mimic the same signs of relief at the sight of each other. Jungkook walks up to you quickly and grabs you by the wrist literally pulling you in a hug as his arms hold you tight. You wrap your arms around him and melt against him as your tired body finds comfort in his embrace.
“Are you alright?” His head is still buried in the crook of your neck and you nod holding him tighter. “Now I am.”
When Jungkook lets you go and holds you by the shoulders at an arm’s distance away from him, the sun has already disappeared under the horizon. “I was so worried! You weren’t at the restaurant and there were police everywhere-”
“Wait what? Police?” You panic at the mention.
“Yeah police. Your office is a ruckus, your house looks like someone broke in. There were police interviewing people and I thought you were kidnapped or something I-” He quickly hugs you again and you feel his lips press gently against your temple.“Thank god you are fine.”
You giggle not really meaning to because it’s a little funny. Given the kind of situation you had been in since the morning, he was the one who was supposed to give you a sense of comfort but here you were rubbing his back gently, calming him. “I’m fine Jungkook it’s okay. Just a little hungry and in need of a bath because I’m a little too sweaty running in the sun the whole day. How are you possibly this close to me?”
“Trust me, I’ve seen worse.” Jungkook pulls back relieved, now smiling a little. “Come in. I’m sure there’s something around for the both us. I starving as well.”
He reaches for his pockets as you wave the half eaten sandwich his neighbor had given you. “The lady next door pitied me and gave me this before she left. I feel bad now cause I think this was her dinner. She seemed to be going for work, maybe the night shift.”
“So has Taehyung.” Jungkook hangs his mouth open and looks at you with a face that indicates sudden realization. “And I went to the grocery store and didn’t come back.”
“What?” You frown. “What are you saying?”
“So I didn’t take it from him. Oh shit!”
“Take what Jungkook?”
“The house keys…” He says slowly as you smack your forehead.  
“You don’t have your house keys Jungkook! What kind of person doesn’t have their house keys?”
“Technically it’s not my house-”
“You live in it, goddammit.”
Jungkook looks embarrassed.
“Okay fine, Never mind. But don’t you do things like hide the keys under the doormat or a plant or something?”
The change in Jungkook’s expression confuses you. He looks startled. “Why would you think I’d do something like that?”
You blink twice. “Because I watch movies? What’s there to be so so shocked about?”
“Because I thought…. “ He shakes his head. “It’s nothing. Never mind.”
“Right. You are shocked because I would think someone as intelligent as you would hide their keys somewhere like that but apparently you’re not smart enough to carry them.” You cross your arms, glaring at him.
“Y/n I get that you are disappointed but-”
“Oh no I’m not just disappointed. I’m cold and I’m dirty and I’m hungry and I’ve been running around the whole day thinking you were one person I can trust myself to be okay with, but clearly I was wrong.”
“You’re throwing tantrums like a typical, rich, spoilt kid Y/n. Stop it.”
“Maybe because I am one, genius.” You sneer.
Jungkook lets out a short sarcastic laugh before walking straight past you and disappearing behind the walls of the house. You look at him with pure surprise for walking out on you in the middle of a conversation and follow him to give him an earful but stop at the sight before you.
It’s a small backyard illuminated by dull luminescence of a pool barely the big enough to be called one but also not too small to be enjoyable. The blue waters are gently moving because of the wind, hitting the walls making the lapping sound that you heard earlier. It’s a very pleasant sight, instantly calming your nerves, making you smile. It would be nice to dangle your legs in the water on such a peaceful evening to push away all that has been bothering you.
“Taehyung leaves the backdoor open accidentally a lot of times. I’m sure he did today as well” Jungkook stands by the wooden door and reaches out for the handle, pushing it down. It doesn’t open. He looks at you before pushing it again and again just to be sure, but the stubborn thing doesn’t budge.
“Quit it Jungkook. It’s not going to open.”
“I guess it’s our luck that he was careful today.” Jungkook walks towards you sheepishly.
“And that you decided to be such an idiot.”
Jungkook lowers his eyes. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight Y/n. After your call I just…. I’ve been…I should have….”
His embarrassment makes you feel ashamed of your words. Sure you were looking for some comfort but not once did you think of the tension you were putting him through. Though it warms your heart when you realize he thinks so much about you, that he cares so much. You reach up and lean in to plant a soft peck on his cheek. “I shouldn’t have over reacted. I’m so sorry. I’ve been such a nuisance the whole of today…”
He pushes your hair and tucks it behind your ear. “What happened Y/n?”
You sigh tiredly and hold his hand which lingers near your face as you walk him towards the pool. Kicking off your heels you sit at the edge dipping your feet in the waters. They are cool not cold, lapping up against your mid shins. Jungkook lets go your hand and rolls up his pant up before sitting down next to you, dangling his feet in the water. He reaches out for the sandwich in your other hand, opens the wrapper a little more and hands it you, ushering you to eat. “Now speak.”
You take a deep breath and a bite and look at him, wondering where to start from. Even though it’s dimly lit you are able to notice what he’s wearing. A black jacket over a black t-shirt and a black pair of sweatpants. It’s so in contrast to all that you have seen him in all these days yet this seems more familiar to you than those formal suits. Maybe because it looks so natural on him or so much more like him. Why it would seem something ‘like him’ when you didn’t know anything much about him, puzzles you. Yet you can’t help but get the feeling.
“We were supposed to be watching a drama right now.” You remember, feeling bad. Jungkook nods and then tilts his head. “I think I’ve had my fair share of drama today.”
You smile. ‘I was looking forward to it. Specially because I was half expecting you to turn up in a suit with a bouquet of flowers and a limousine.”
Jungkook snorts shaking his head. “I’m sorry seeing me in a suit the last few days gave you such an impression. I don’t do flowers and poetry and romance Y/n. I expected you would have understood by now, that I’m more of a realistic and practical person.”
You recollect the image of him relieved when he saw you and the sensation of his lips against your temple. What he says and how he was don’t seem to match.
“Is this how you usually are?”
“More or less yeah.”
“So the suits were just for the ‘Electra complex’?”
He laughs looking at you and pushes your elbow up, prompting you to take a bite from the sandwich.
“Yeah, the Electra complex.”
“You think it worked?” You tease him taking a bite. “All those newspapers and the glasses and the suits?”
“If they didn’t, you wouldn’t have agreed to go on a date with me.”
You blush and thank god that it’s too dark for him to see the redness on your skin, even with the light of the water reflecting on your face. “I don’t remember talking about a date.”
“In my opinion when a guy and a girl are interested in each other and mutually consent to go out together with no purpose that’s significant to their daily, personal or professional lives, it’s called a date.”
You laugh because it sounds like such a textbook definition, but don’t agree or deny it. Jungkook smiles looking at you before turning his attention on the waters.
“I’d like it if you wear white to our next meeting.” You purposely stress on the word to tease him. “I feel like is a color that would suit you more.”
It strange because the expression on Jungkook’s face falls. It’s like you said something he didn’t want to hear.
“Let’s just say my habit of wearing white had to be changed because of someone.”
“Someone you loved?”
The bitter-sweetness in his voice is so evident of the fact, it makes you wonder why you even had to ask something so obvious. Jungkook doesn’t reply. He pushes your arm once more to remind you to eat your sandwich.  
“Why are you avoiding telling me what happened Y/n?” You freeze half way through the bite you are taking. “You seem to want to ask and talk about everything but that and while I don’t mind giving answers, I think you owe me some first.”
You sigh realizing that you tried to be smart with him but Jungkook is way smarter. He has seen right through it. You slowly chew on your bite. “I don’t think it’s right to involve you Jungkook. I don’t want to do that.”
“I’m afraid you’re wrong Y/n.” Jungkook’s face is expressionless. “I am already involved.”
The surety and confidence in his voice make you raise your eyebrows and look at him questioningly.
“You involved me the moment you called me to your restaurant. Moreover you are in my house now. How am I supposed to help you if you won’t tell me how I can?”
“Let me stay here for a couple of days.” You gather the courage to ask him that. “I’m sorry I can’t tell you why and I’m not expecting you to say yes, but if you can even consider it, it will be a huge favor on me.”
Jungkook takes your hand in his, tracing circles at the back of your hand. “You can stay as long as you want. I’ll talk to Taehyung. But I’m sure he won’t mind.”
You look at him blankly. You don’t know what to show. Gratitude for being so considerate about you? Confusion for being so considerate about you, someone he barely interacted with? Or fear for being so considerate about you, someone he seems to know so much about for someone he has barely interacted with.
“Why?” Jungkook looks at your blank face as you question him. “Why do you care so much?”
He takes a breath before answering. “Because I like you.”
He’s searching for something deep in your eyes.
“And because I’m hoping that all this concern for you, will make you in turn concerned about me and give me the last piece of the sandwich.”
He makes a pleading face as you look at your hand to see a small piece of bread remaining, the mayonnaise oozing out a little from the lettuce. “I’m starving.”
You stare at Jungkook letting out a short exasperated breath. “Do you know what a possibly romantic moment you have ruined? There were so many other things you could have said Jeon Jungkook.”
Jungkook grins “Sorry love, but I told you. I don’t do romance.”
“Sorry love, but I didn’t tell you. I don’t share my sandwich.”
You mock his voice plopping the last of the sandwich into you mouth, chewing furiously hard and fast as Jungkook makes a disappointed face. As you swallow the last remains of it, the feeling gives a satisfaction but the butterflies in your stomach somehow are not calming down as his words ring in your head. Sorry love.
You turn to face Jungkook who is looking at you smugly and lean back a little doubting his intentions. “What?”
He lets go your hand and runs his thumb across the edge of your lips, swiping some of the mayonnaise that happened to staining the edges and licks his finger clean.
“Tasty.” he raises an eyebrow playfully and resumes looking at the water.
It turns you on more than you care to admit. Maybe because the dimness is perfect, or the two of you are alone and in such a close proximity or maybe because the night is still young, holding a hundred different possibilities, you choose to run your eyes all over him, taking in all the details you avoiding looking at.
Jungkook turns to you and you quickly look away, staring at the water, leaning in to run your fingers through it. “It would be nice to get into the water. I’ve been dying to feel a little clean.”
“Get in then.” Jungkook shrugs. “The water is constantly regulated so you can practically take a bath in it if you have soap. Taehyung does it sometimes when he’s really bored.”
“Do you think he’ll mind if I splash in for a bit?”
“Nope. Feel free.”
You get up, but pause, still not comfortable with the idea of randomly swimming in someone else’s property and shake Jungkook’s shoulders who looks up at you as you ask him.
“Do you want to join me?”
You wonder why the sparkle in his eyes darken to amber, as he stands up. “You want me to?”
“Why not?” You shrug. If Jungkook was also in the waters with you, then technically, it wouldn’t exactly look like you were trespassing.
“As you wish.” He reaches up and unzips his jacket.
You almost squeak, What are you doing? but it is perfectly obvious what he is doing. You asked him to join you and it isn’t like you could just wade in with your clothes on. You just didn’t think this far ahead.
He drops the jacket and grabs the material behind his neck, pulling his T-shirt off over his head and you just stare. Stare at the honey-colored skin with occasional tattoos, a fading scar at the making his way from the lines of his abs, down into his pants, his dancer like slender body, the chiseled abs- He pulls free of the shirt and shakes out his dark hair and looks at you, hands on his belt, giving his familiar crooked smile.
“Keeping your clothes on? I could promise not to look, but I’d be lying.”
You strip out of your blazer and throw it at him. He catches it and drops it onto the pile of his clothes, grinning.
“Pervert, though your honesty earns you some points.”
“I’m twenty-three. we’re all perverts,” He steps out of his pants. He is wearing black boxer shorts, and to your mixed relief and slight regret, he keeps them on as he lowers himself into into the water which is just high enough to hide his lower torso. You pull your top off and then your skirt as Jungkook looks up at you.
His eyes travel down from your face to your body, your plain cotton panties and bra. You wish you’d worn something prettier. Your bra is pale blue cotton, the totally boring kind you could buy at the supermarket, though Jungkook is looking at it like it is something remarkable and amazing.
He flushes suddenly, and averts his eyes, backing away and then ducks under the water to resurface again, looking less flustered but a lot wetter, his hair dark black and streaming rivulets. “It feels good.”
You take a breath and dive forward, the water closing over your head. It is easy to float; the moment you let yourself, you bob to the surface, shaking water from your hair. A spray of water droplets makes you look up. Jungkook is running his hands through his hair shaking it. You look at him, more like stare,  with a sudden sinking in your stomach, if the heavens would ever be kind enough to let you see a day when you could call him yours.
“I‘m getting scared at the way you are looking at me.” He jokes, playing with himself in the water. “What kind of intentions are you harboring exactly?”
You pause.
Somehow you don’t think for a minute before replying.
“I think someone wants to kill me.”
Jungkook is looking at you as shocked as you are feeling.
You don’t know why you told him that. Especially after denying to do so many times. Maybe because he just radiates a sense of trustworthiness or maybe because you feel like you can connect to him in a different way. But you really trust him and its evident because you open up and spill your fears.
“What do you mean?” Jungkook moves closer to you in the water until the two of you are side by side, backs against the wall of the pool.
“When I went out for lunch today I overheard someone in the men’s washroom agreeing over the phone I think? because I could only hear one person speak. He was say something like making me confess everything and in the worst case scenario, he will do away with me.”
Jungkook looks like he’s thinking hard. The intelligence in him must have realized something you didn’t.
“I called Hoseok and he said someone broke into his room when he was out for lunch and he was clearing the mess. When I told him what I heard he asked me to go somewhere no one can think of finding me and that he will keep me updated about everything.”
“Who is Hoseok?” There is a tightness in Jungkook’s voice.
“Someone I trust if you are suspecting him.”
“Who is he Y/n?” He repeats, voice still the same.
“He is in charge of the artificial intelligence department in my office.”
“You talked to him today morning in the coffee shop over the phone didn’t you?”
“Yes.” You look at Jungkook curiously. “So?”
“Did you meet him before you went for lunch?”
“Yeah I did.”
“What for?”
You hesitate. Jungkook glances at you understandingly.
“I’m trying to help Y/n.”
“There was a murder downtown in an abandoned building two days ago. The victim was a colleague of mine, my office east branch in charge. I had asked Hoseok to do a background check on him so I went to check what he gathered.”
“Why did you need a background check done on him?”
“Because I suspect that the murder is not a rival’s job like my father insists. I think it’s done for personal reasons.”
“You are not a detective Y/n. Your job is not to find out who killed him.”
“But I don’t like seeing my father tensed Jungkook.” Jungkook looks away far into the water, mind working fast again. “And I think I am right. That man was involved in some illegal tradings for a long time now. There is evidence which shows he had been selling our business secrets and material to some other company. I’m scared to tell my father about it now because he trusted that man so much. It would break his heart to know what a cheat he was.”
Jungkook is silent.
“What are you thinking?” You want to know what he has made out of everything.
“So you are telling me that after coffee with me, you went to your office. Worked with Hoseok on this. And when you were both out for lunch, Hoseok’s room was broken in to and there was a plan to attack you” He takes a deep thoughtful breath. “Why do you think this person broke into Hoseok’s room?”
“You think it’s the same person?”
“Of course it is. It’s too much of a coincidence Y/n. And trust me. “You haven’t seen him this serious before. “Coincidences do not just happen. What could someone possibly want from Hoseok?”
“He is the Artificial Intelligence in charge. He does have a lot of valuable information.”
“Information which is clearly common to the both of you because both of you were targeted….. I don’t think this person wants to kill you Y/n. When I went to your house and your office, there were things scattered everywhere like someone was looking through them for something. If their intention was to kill you or hurt you, they wouldn’t have left behind such traces because you will get alert. And going by the conversation you heard, it seems like killing you was the last option, perhaps if you didn’t cooperate.”
You nod as he continues because what he is saying does make sense.
“So I’m guessing the common point here is, information. That too the information you have gathered about Mr. Wook. I think someone didn’t want you or anybody else to find out about it and was hence trying to retrieve any information you have stored or shared about him.”
“That makes sense Jungkook but how would someone know if I was trying to access any information about Mr. Wook? I mean no one but Hoseok and I knew about it and we were careful because he is one of the highly confidential employees. ”
“Don’t you think that’s odd? There is so much evidence about a highly confidential employee’s illegal activities in your company’s systems?”
“Do you think someone employed him knowing about it?” You try to think like Jungkook.
“Could be. That’s possible. He might just be a pawn” Jungkook muses suspiciously. “Can anyone get any sort of mail or signal when you try to access the information of such employees?”
You shake your head. “Only the members of the board get a detailed report of whatever happens in the company’s network. If Hoseok or I didn’t tell anyone, the only possible people who can know are the board members. That too if they check it, which they don’t most of the time because they have better things to do.”
“But the fact that someone tried to break in shows that someone did monitor the network and that this someone doesn’t want you or anyone else to find out about Mr. Wook. And whoever this is is definitely a board member because according to what you are saying only they can see such activity.”
“And this person may also be Mr.Wook’s accomplice or the one who brought him into the company in the first place.” You cover your mouth in realization. “There is a bigger player who is a cheat and he is among the Board members. Jungkook, my father?! I need to tell him everything. He needs to know there are traitors in the company!” You panic worrying about him when Jungkook holds your hand firmly.
“The people who you are dealing with are probably very dangerous Y/n. If they can storm into your office and break in in broad daylight, they can also trace calls you make to your father because they know he is the first person you will call to tell everything. Your hideout will be revealed in an instant.”
“What do I do now Jungkook?” You feel like you are going to slip into an abyss. “I’m suddenly too afraid of everything.”
“Just try to stay away from anything and everything dangerous for a few days. I will take you back to your father once everything settles a little.”
“But I’ve put you in danger too haven’t I?” You panic moving a little away from him. “What if I am discovered here? They need me alive for information but you?….” You shake your head at the thought of what might happen to him, tears somehow brimming in your eyes, overwhelmed by everything. “I don’t like the idea of people getting hurt because of me Jungkook. I can’t stay here.”
You begin to raise yourself in the water to leave but Jungkook stands in front of you, trapping you between him, his arms on either side of you and the wall behind.
“Do you expect me to let you go when I know you will get hurt out there?”
The sudden close proximity, the pitch darkness only allowing you to see little of each other, the silence of the night, they all leave you speechless.
“Stay Y/n.” He moves a little closer. “I don’t think I can bear losing you again.”
You don’t know what that means. Maybe being tensed about you the last few hours has really affected him, but it feels as though the mere thought of being away from you pains him.
He holds your hips and pulls you towards him through the water. It is just deep enough that his feet touches the ground, but yours didn’t quite as you clench your hands on his shoulders to keep yourself upright and he draws your legs around his waist. You stare down at him, heat coiling in your stomach, and he rises up to kiss you just as you lean in, your lips crashing together with a force that sends a shock of pleasure-pain through you. His hands slide up your skin; you tangle you fingers in the wet curls at the nape of his neck. He parts your lips, strokes inside with his tongue. You are both shuddering and gasping, your breath mingling with his.
He reaches behind you with one hand to steady the two of you against the wall of the pool, but it was slick with water and he half-slips; you break away from kissing him as he finds his footing, his left arm still wrapped tightly against you, pressing your body to his. His pupils are too wide and his heart hammering against yours.
“That was,” he gasps, and presses his face to the juncture of your neck and shoulder and breathes as if he is breathing you in; he is shaking a little, although his grip on you is steady and firm. “That was—unexpected.”
“It was,” you murmur, touching his hair gently, as he presses a kiss to your throat, and he tips his head back to look up at you. For a moment he just looks at you in astonishment, his lips parted slightly; You feel your cheeks flush. He is looking at you like you were the first star that had ever come out in the sky, a miracle painted across the face of the world that he could barely believe in. “I want—” he says, and the breaks off, groaning. “I need to kiss you gain.”
Instead of nodding, you lean down to press your lips to his. It is a hard, hot, driving kiss, a nip at your lower lip and the clash of tongues and teeth, both of you pressing as hard as you could to get close, closer. His arms wrap you completely, and suddenly he is lifting you up on the wall behind you with his hands under your knees and pushes you back as he raises himself up placing both hands on either sides of you, water pouring off him in streams.
You slide yourself back feeling the pile of clothes behind you as he hovers before you, situated on his knees. You want to stop the world and take all the time to look at him, but you cannot because you want him so much. Lying back you pull him down on top of you, kissing him fiercely until he groans and whispers, “Y/n, I can’t—you have to tell me—I can’t think—”
He draws back leaving just enough distance between the two of your faces to see each other. He is flushed, his eyes black with desire, his hair, beginning to curl as it dried, hanging into his eyes. You tug lightly at the strands wound between your fingers. “It’s okay,” you whisper back. “It’s okay. I want to.” you kiss him, slow and hard. “I want to, if you do.”
“If I want to?” There is a wild edge to his soft laugh. “Can’t you tell?” And then he is kissing you again, sucking your lower lip into his mouth, kissing your throat and mouthing your collarbone as you run your hands all over him as if you are drawing him, your hands mapping his body. As if, like a painting, he is coming to life under your hands.
When his hands slide underneath your bra, you gasp at the sensation, then nod at him when he freezes, his eyes questioning. Go on. He stops at each moment, stops before removing each piece of clothing from either of you, asking you with eyes and words if he should keep going, and each time you nod and say, Yes, go on, yes. And when finally there is nothing between you but skin, you hands still, thinking that there is no way to ever be closer to another person than this, that to take another step would be like cracking open your chest and exposing your heart.
You feel Jungkook’s muscles flex as his weight shifts and suddenly everything seems very real; you feel a sudden flash of nerves: This is really happening. You still and he notices. Raising himself with his elbows on either side of you, keeping his weight off your body, all of him is tense and shaking. “Is something wrong?”
“I’m not on a pill….”
Jungkook reaches for the wallet in his pant that is in the discarded pile behind you and you hear the crackle of foil. Anticipating, you meet his irises which are luminescent rims of gold and you see them soften as he begins to pull back, his fingers slightly grazing your skin, the sensation making you shiver.
“We don’t have to Y/n. If you want to take it slow-”
“No,” you whisper, and pull him down again. “Kiss me,” you plead, and he does, hot languorous slow kisses that speed up as his heartbeat did, as the movement of your bodies quicken against each other. Each kiss is different, each rising higher and higher like a spark as a fire grew: quick soft kisses, long slow worshipful kisses, playful light kisses, adoring kisses. You abandon yourself to the kisses, the language of them, the wordless speech that passes between the two of you. His hands are shaking, but they are quick and skilled on your body, light touches maddening you until you push and pull at him, urging him on with the mute appeal of fingers and lips and hands.
And even at the final moment, when you do flinch, you press him to go on, wrapping yourself around him, not letting him go. You keep your eyes wide open as he shudders apart, his face against your neck, saying your name over and over, and when finally you close your eyes, the stars are aligned and shining in a strange way, telling you something you will later wish that you had understood that night.
When you wake up the following morning you are in a bed neatly tucked under comforters, dressed in a black shirt and your panties. There is a sore feeling between your legs but you smile remembering how your hands and lips traced each other last night and the desperate moans and groans that were drawn against each other skin. But the smile falters as soon as the realization dawns and you pull the sheets closer to you with mixed feelings about last night. You just slept with Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. A man you met only three days ago. You only met Jungkook three days ago, and things had escalated to this already. Which was completely fine if yesterday’s act was purely physical and lust driven. But it wasn’t.
There was something more. You could feel that there was something more between the two of you. Considering again that it had only been three days it was definitely not love, it was too soon to fall for someone. But the way he was with you, the way he handled your body, he seemed like he was really familiar with it, knowing exactly where to touch you to drive you mad. Or he just was really eager and experienced with women in general which did not come across as a shock to you considering the way last night happened. Whatever it was, as far as you could remember it was one of your best nights.
Jungkook walks into the room, shirtless, with a coffee in his hand as he places it next to you on the bed-side table, smiling.
“Morning.” He tilts your chin up with a hand under it and leans down to place a brief kiss. You suddenly wish he was wearing a shirt so you could grab him by the material under the sheets with you.
“How am I inside?” You assume it’s his room because it looks like a typical guys landing. Football merchandise everywhere, cables and video games controllers lying around, socks and shirts all over the place.
“I carried you in. Taehyung came home at about 5 today morning. I had to hear an earful from him about forgetting the keys especially when I was bringing a girl home.” He chuckles.
“Ohh my god.” You flush. “He didn’t see me…?”
“I had you dressed before he came home don’t worry.” He kicks aside a pair of shoes, pulling a bean bag from the corner of the room to the edge of the bed and sits down.
“Why didn’t you dress me in my clothes?” You drink the coffee instantly liking it’s taste.
“Because I like seeing you in these.” he cocks his head, running his eyes over your figure. “ It makes me feel like you belong to me.”
You raise your eyebrow. “Do I?”
“If you want to.” He shrugs like whether you say yes or no it won’t matter to him but his eyes are telling otherwise. He wants you.
You slowly nod your head and decide to play with him for a bit. “I’ll consider the offer.”
He grins but he’s more relaxed now.
“Where are my clothes?” You push the sheets off as you finish your coffee and Jungkook gets up and walks to the cupboard, taking a set of clothes out.
“These are Taehyung’s ex girlfriends. She left them here. I forgot you didn’t have an extra set and threw yours for washing.” He looks adorably apologetic biting his lip. “I’ll get you new ones later today.”
You shake your head exasperatedly and ask him to get out so you can bathe and change.
“What, it’s nothing I haven’t seen?” He smirks as you turn red.
“Get out Jungkook, it’s too bright here.” you mumble, still a little shy.
He turns around, silently obeying but you cannot ignore the flash of a hurtful memory in his eyes. You had brought back an unwanted souvenir of something again.
When you get out of the shower, and dress in the clothes Jungkook gave you, you feel strange. It’s a crop top and jeans. As far as you remember you have never worn or even owned something like this. It had always been formals or semi formals. Yet it feels so strangely comfortable to be wearing something so foreign to you. You pull your hair up into a bun casually and take one last look at yourself before leaving.
You can hear laughter of two boys in the kitchen, one you were familiar with and one you weren’t. You walk in slowly past sleeping Bruno to see Jungkook sitting on the kitchen platform as a tall, blonde haired man was busy making what looked like eggs, on the stove next to him. Jungkook slides off the surface when he sees you and kisses you deep, pulling you closer. As he pulls back, you see his friend watch the two of you a little more than keenly and turn his back to face you, laughing softly. Jungkook whispers in your ear, leaning in. “So he knows you have me under consideration and that he is not allowed to get any ideas.”
You laugh silently as you sit down at the small table across them.
“Y/n right?” The blonde turns to you, smiling warmly. “Jungkook’s told me a lot about you. I’m Taehyung.”
‘‘Hi.” You smile at him. the man in front of you is a bit taller than Jungkook, much leaner and extremely good looking. Like an impish faerie of some kind. Jungkook narrows his eyes at your shameless observation at which you shrug.
“I’m making breakfast, would you like some?”
“Yeah I’m kind of starving. But I can make it myself, you need not take the trouble.”
Taehyung looks at Jungkook then you with a raised eyebrow. “You can cook?”
You blush and press your lips tightly together shaking your head. Of course not. You remember hardly entering the kitchen of your house more than twice. You’ve never had the need to cook or even the feeling of being hungry. Everything here is so new to you.  
Jungkook and Taehyung chuckle. “I thought so. But that’s okay. I enjoy making it. How would you like your eggs?” Taehyung turns to face the stove again.
“Thoroughly whipped.” Jungkook smirks as you widen your eyes at him.
“Is that experience speaking?” Taehyung’s voice is amused.
“Maybe. I may have-”
“Scrambled!” You cut through him staring at Jungkook pointedly. “I’d like them scrambled.”
“As you wish.” But he’s laughing and both men bump their fists against each other.
You take a deep breath ignoring them. “Taehyung, I was meaning to ask you if Jungkook told you about me needing a place to stay.”
Taehyung turns to you and nods. “He did, don’t worry. You can stay for as long as you want. A feminine presence is what this house is missing anyways.”
“I don’t want to be a burden of any sort. I mean I wish I can help around the house and stuff but I really don’t know how to…..”
“I figured.” Taehyung smiles. “I’m not expecting you to be a Snow White for us dwarfs here. Just be careful while you are here, that’s enough. As long as you don’t put yourself and us in danger, I don’t see what the problem could possibly be.” He places two toasts and a scrambled egg before you.
“Exactly. I don’t know if I can promise ‘no danger’. You don’t know how the situation is. It screams danger.”
“But you can avoid that danger.” Taehyung crosses his arms. “Don’t try to contact anyone. Don’t get out of the house often. Don’t use your phone. I have an old phone for you to use in which I shall install a new SIM. But I will expect you to use it as less as possible. Mr.Wook and his men maybe be more dangerous than we estimate them to be.” You narrowed your eyes at his words. Mr. Wook?
“Just a second, I’ll be back.” You nod as he leaves and eat hungrily, talking to Jungkook between your bites.
“What does Taehyung work as?”
“An engineer. Electrical engineer to be exact. His office is in the same locality as yours.”
You grow silent. Is this a coincidence?
Taehyung returns with a couple of things in his hand - a phone and a pair of keys.
“Here this is for you. Jungkook and my numbers are saved in it in case you want to contact us. And this is a spare key to the house.”
“Thanks.” You take it into your hands feeling the cool metal. “It’s not a good idea to call home and tell them I’m alright is it?”
Taehyung nods his head. “Jungkook and I were talking about it. Since neither you nor we know about the people who attacked you, we might be underestimating them or even overestimating them. But to be as cautious as possible we can assume that they are tracking the calls you make to the people you contact most often like your father, his brother, Cho, all of them. Let’s give it two days time. Jungkook and I will keep a lookout for anything suspicious. If we find that it’s all clear you may do as you wish.”
You agree as Taehyung turns his back to you, pushing up his sleeves to do the dishes. Then suddenly he rolls them back down. “Isn’t it your turn to wash Jungkook?”
“No~” Jungkook is stuffing cereal in his mouth to avoid his friend’s eye. Taehyung tackles him over and both boys begin to bicker, tickling each other as you laugh, amused at their childishness forgetting all that you had to be worried about.
Living with these boys was maybe going to be much more fun that you had thought.
Living with the boys was absolutely not fun.
It had been only two days and you were bored to the core already. They were hardly at home, especially Taehyung. But that was understandable considering he had a job but Jungkook? You didn’t know what an unemployed man did for so many hours outside the house. When he was home though he spent every minute with you. You would sit together with him for hours talking or playing some video game or just tangled in the sheets. In hardly two days you had gotten so used to his presence that you felt a strange kind of emptiness when he was not around.
Today, the third day of your staying here, you got up at nearly 11 in the morning. After finishing your daily activities you had breakfast, watched a tv show, swam around in the pool, played with Bruno, even cleaned the house for the first time in your life because you were so bored and the time was only 3. It’s funny. Time runs fast when you don’t want it to and doesn’t move when you need it to.
The front lock makes a creaking noise and you sit up immediately, raising your defenses. Jungkook opens the door with Taehyung behind him and they have dozens of bags in their hands. You relax at the sight of them and walk up to help them with their haul.
“Looks like you guys shopped.”
“Mhmm.” Jungkook plants a kiss on your cheek as Taehyung looks away. “And I got you some clothes as well. Something more of your style.’“
“Really?” he laughs as your eyes light up in excitement and you quickly rummage through the boxes.
“That’s for tonight.” Taehyung points out a neat looking expensive package. “It’s a surprise.”
You look at Jungkook who smiles, urging you to open it and see a pretty red knee length dress waiting for you under the covers.
“Wow.” You whisper feeling the exquisite material beneath your fingers. “Why so suddenly?”
“We figured you were getting bored at home so we thought we shall take you out tonight.”
“That’s….that’s nice.” You swallow nothing.
Saturday night would be a good night to go out. But given the current situation you were in you didn’t know if you would enjoy yourself especially when your family had no idea about your condition and whereabouts. When your father had no idea of the situation he was possibly in. Nevertheless you force a smile. It is sweet of the boys to think about you.   
“I know what you are thinking. And I know you are worried. That’s why I am taking you out. Not to party or for a fancy dinner like all men want to take their dates” Jungkook smiles titling his head. “I’m taking you out to meet Cho.”
“What?” You could feel yourself getting light with happiness.
“I met her after her working hours today. Told her you were fine and that we would meet her tonight.”
“For real?” You still can’t believe it.
Jungkook laughs nodding and you throw yourself at him, hugging him tight. “Thank you thank you thank you! I thought it would be days before I see her.”
Taehyung is pulling out his own clothes from the boxes. “Kookie is more worried about you than you give him credit for.” You smile at the man who has his arms around you and kiss him softly.
“Where are we going tonight?” You look at both men. “It can’t be a public place for sure, I’d be an easy target.”
“Exactly. That’s why we ruled out the club, restaurant and mall. We were thinking maybe a movie? The place would be dark so you are less likely to be seen, there isn’t opportunity for commotion as such.”
“Yeah.” You agree to Jungkook’s words. ““Movie seems fine.”
“It’s my only night free to enjoy too so come on now, don’t bore me with those stupid meaningless action films.” Taehyung crosses his arms looking displeased.
“Do you have a better idea?” Jungkook frowns.
“Drama?” Taehyung suggests immediately. “We can watch a play. The new one in town I heard, is pretty good.”
“The one you suggested earlier this week?” You turn to Jungkook questioning him.
“Yeah I’ve heard it’s good too. You wanna go? I don’t mind.”
“Me neither.” You shrug. Meeting Cho is the priority here. You didn’t care when and how and where that happened. If you could pass on the message to your father through her it then a load would be lifted from your chest.
“Then it’s decided. The play it is.” Taehyung stands up and takes his things to his room. As you and Jungkook retreat to his room you can’t help but notice that Taehyung is little too excited about this.
3 hours later 2 of you are dressed perfectly well for the occasion and waiting outside one of the city’s biggest theaters amidst the light snowfall. You are wrapped with a huge comfortable overcoat and by Jungkook’s protective arms as you stand burying your face in the crook of his neck. It helps you not only feel warm but to hide as well. You, after all, should be seen as less as possible. Yet from time to time you raise your head to rest your chin on his shoulder and fascinatedly look over it at the well dressed crowd pouring in and out of the grand entrance.
“Are you too warm?” Jungkook whispers in your ear and nodding you pull him even closer. “Yeah, but I like it.”
You can feel him smile against your hair as he tightens his grip around you slowly swaying together to the rhythm of the street music.
“What’s the play about?” You look at the poster that’s hanging high up on the outer wall of the theater. It has two intertwined figures in the snow much like how you and Jungkook were standing.
“Something about revenge for love.” Jungkook’s voice was uncertain. “Though I’m not sure. We shall find out in a while I guess.”
You agree. Jungkook is playing with the strands of your hair twirling it between his fingers, growing bored. Of course he is bored, the two of you had been waiting for far too long. You train your eyes to focus on the street. “Cho should be here by now. Taehyung called to inform that he reached her house over half an hour ago.”
“They are probably on the way. They should be here any moment.”
“How again are they going to recognize each other?”
“They met today in the afternoon when I went to see her.”
“How did you recognize her by the way?”
“Are you seriously asking me that?” Jungkook is smiling. Of course he knew her. He knows everything.
“Right. Dumb question. But how did she recognize you?”
“She didn’t. She thought I was there to kidnap her or something. Took a while to get her to believe me.
”You laugh imagining the kind of scene Cho must’ve created. Even though the last few days with Jungkook had been nice and you enjoyed them, you really did miss her. The fact that Jungkook was sweet enough to reach out to her for you makes you appreciate him more and more than you think you can.
You feel a vibration against your thigh and Jungkook pulls you back a little to take the phone from his pocket. “Hello…..Alright…..Yeah got it. We’re coming.”
You look at him curiously as he answers. “They are here but at another entrance. We shall meet them inside.”
He zips your coat all the way up till its half covering your face and takes your hand, leading you in, diving into the crowd. 10 minutes of pushing through the crowd and desperate searching later, you feel a tap on the shoulder and a female figure crush you tightly in her embrace.
“Y/n! I’ve been so worried! Where have you been?! I went to the police station at least five times in the last two days, your dad is worried sick, your uncle is going mad looking for you, he nearly tore down my whole house thinking I was hiding you or something! What happened? Are you okay? Did Jungkook try any funny business with you?-”
“-I’ll punch him in the balls if he has-”
“Cho Cho Cho relax!” You signal your friend to calm down. “I’m fine. Everything is fine. And I owe it all to these two men here alright? Jungkook has helped me a lot.” Jungkook looks at your best friend pointedly. “And I’ll tell you everything that happened don’t worry.”
“Ladies, we should move in first, we are obstructing the crowd.” Taehyung gestures with his hand, ushering you to move in.
The four of you shuffle in the crowd to find your seats and take them. The lights dim as you begin explaining everything to Cho. The first thing you think of is that watching this play was such a horrible idea. Your objective of meeting Cho today was to talk to her and that was hardly possible in a place everyone is required to keep quiet. You signal her to wait till the play was over and decide to concentrate on the drama instead.
The play isn’t that boring, the choice is pretty good. It’s got everything. Romance, tragedy, comedy and even a little bit of horror. You quickly grip Jungkook’s hand when the stage was filled with people dressed in black jackets and white masks, looming over the characters. They were symbolic of retribution or something Jungkook whispered but you were only thinking about the way he took your hand and held it for the rest of the play after that moment.
When the story ends you are simply sitting clutching your heart. The worst kind of tragedies are the ones that happen for no damn reason. This was one of them. Jungkook hands you a kerchief but you don’t find any tears in your eyes. It was like you had been through pain much worse than that you had seen.
“How about you go to the washroom?” Taehyung suggests as soon as you begin walking out along with the crowd. “You’ll be less seen and less vulnerable that way and you’ll also get time to talk.”
You and Cho nod as she leads you away down the stairs, five floors down to the washroom on the first floor and locks the door behind you. Leaning against the sink you take a deep breath and begin narrating everything. Everything you saw, everything you heard, What Jungkook told you, what you thought about it.
“You are telling me you trusted that Jungkook over me?” Cho looks exasperated. “Why didn’t you come to me Y/n?”
“Because practically the whole world knows what good friends we are. I have only ever hang out with you Cho. Don’t you get it? What if these people found me? You would have been in danger as well!”
“Ha! I’m glad you were willing to out Jungkook in danger instead of me then.”
You sigh. “Why do you hate him so much? He’s not bad-”
“I don’t know Y/n. I just don’t get the right vibes from him.”
“I don’t get the right vibes from Taehyung.” You mutter under your breath.
“What? But he’s so sweet!” Your best friend looks so dreamy eyed it makes you want to puke.
“I first doubted him when he mentioned Mr. Wooks name. I’m still wondering as to how he knows? I never mentioned it even once. Moreover he’s an electrical engineer. Mr. Wook’s accident happened due to electricity remember? He works near my office as well. So close to me. He stays in a house that is too big for the salary of an engineer. He feeds a unemployed man moreover. He definitely is getting money from elsewhere. And the way he looks at me and Jungkook….It just doesn’t feel right.”
“When you are in situations like this everything seems suspicious Y/n, you’re thinking about it too much. You happen to forget that this very man let you stay in his house, didn’t attack you while you were with him and helped me talk to you today-”
“Actually Jungkook did that-”
“Taehyung doesn’t not seem to be shady at all Y/n. If anyone should be suspected it’s Jungkook. I don’t believe a man as intelligent as you claim he is would ever get caught and arrested for something as simple as robbing food. He’s-”
“But he did! Hoseok checked it for me. His name is in the prison records.”
“Exactly why I’m getting even more annoyed. He removes every doubt and suspicion on him so easily and so perfectly. It seems too well planned.”
“Don’t you think you are overthinking this? Jungkook has helped me time and again Cho. And I trust him. And I like him too. In fact….” You remember the last few days in his house and how you felt with him around.
“Don’t tell me you are in love with him.” Cho’s voice is threatening.
“Can someone possibly fall in love in a week? I really don’t know. But what I feel with him is different. Very different. It’s like a ‘meant-to-be’ kind of feeling.”
“Can you even hear yourself? You are Y/n, daughter of a billionaire, CEO of a company, heir to uncountable estates, you have men lining up for you and you are losing your mind over him?”
“Matters of the heart are unpredictable I guess.” You shrug as Cho literally throws her hands in the air.
“Un-fucking-believable.” You roll your eyes at her. “You will regret this one day Y/n. I can feel you will-”
A scream.
A loud scream rings through the walls and the two of you straighten, eyes snapping wide. Gathering your things hurriedly, you quickly open the door and see the crowd running here and there in panic. What had happened? Jungkook, where was he? Without thinking twice you make your way through the crowd looking for him as Cho pushes through behind you begging you to wait. You don’t listen to her. You are just running.
When you reach the center of the hall, in front of you there is a silently muttering crowd circling a something. Cho catches up to you and looks equally curious. You push through, apologizing but not hesitating as you make your way to the front to see what was going on. But when your eyes fall on the sight before you, there’s a hundred different things going on in your body. Your breathing hitches. You feel nausea rising at the back of your throat. Your knees feel weak. You head is spinning and your hands are shaking a little.
A body. Someone’s body lying a pool of dark crimson. The person is dressed in a suit that looks eerily familiar. You can’t see the face but it seems to be a young man. For some reason your first thought is Jungkook. Your attackers, they didn’t do this to Jungkook did they?
Leaving the house was a mistake. You shouldn’t have come out. You should never have agreed to.
Someone in the crowd moves forward to turn over the person and reveal his face. You don’t want to see. The foreboding feeling making the hair on your skin stand is warning you not to see.
The sound of sirens fills the silent air and then you can hear footstep as the police force gathers around the place. An officer ushers the crowd to stay away and move back while another one approaches the man who seems to be dead by now and turns him over.
The ground slips from beneath your feet as you fall to your knees in shock. Your hands have found their place over your mouth which as a chilling, soundless scream leaves you when recognize the face dripping with blood. A person you last expected to see.
Your uncle.
And in his hand is a small fluttering paper which reads a number.
You move Jungkook’s hand which is wrapped around you slowly so as to not wake him up. He lets out a breath against the nape of your neck and shifts a little but he’s still sleeping. Swinging your legs off the bed you get up and walk to the window, feeling the moonlight caress your skin. The wind for others probably feels cool and pleasant. For you it is chilly. The night is silent. Deadly silent. And the silence that was once comforting is now terrifying. It scares you more than anything.
“Y/n?” You turn to see Jungkook rubbing his eyes groggily, waking up. Despite yourself and what happened in the last one week you smile. “I’m here.”
You lean against the cold metal of the window behind you, looking at him. Jungkook pushes the covers off himself and gets out of the bed, walking towards you. He’s shirtless like always, hair messed up, eyes still not fully opened, the dark circles around them evident. Suddenly a feeling of guilt washes over you. He had been losing so much sleep because of you the past few days. Either because you are always screaming due to haunted memories or he cannot feel your warmth next to him. The first few days when he got up you could see panic in his eyes, as though the idea of losing you was unbearable. But now he knows you are around here somewhere. It’s enough for him if you are around. And it’s enough for you if he’s around. Somehow, no matter which situation you find yourself in, Jungkook is always around.
You watch as your uncle’s body is concealed completely under a white cloth and lead away by the medical officers who confirmed he was dead. You hadn’t moved the whole time. Not when the police came, not when the body was examined, not when the forensic investigators arrived. Never. Not once did you move. Breathing was a compulsion. An act that was required to stay alive. If being alive was not necessary to catch the person behind all this, you doubt you would have even taken a breath.
“I’m looking for eyewitnesses.” The officer’s voice rings in the closed walls of the theater. “This act has happened in such a packed public place, are you telling me no one saw anything?” You can hear the desperation in his voice. If a man who was not even close to being related to your uncle was feeling this way, how would you be feeling? “If anyone saw something, even a small suspicious thing please come forward. We shall-”
The crowd gasps and breaks into a sudden frenzy of whispers.
It is only then you allow yourself to move. You raise your eyes which had been frozen watching a single tile in the center of the room and look up to see far away in the crowd a hand raised. A witness.
“Who is that?’ The officer demands, gesturing with his hand for the person to come forward. “Everyone move, make way!”
And as the crowd parts, you see the owner of the raised hand and this time you definitely forgot to breath.
It’s Jungkook.  
Jungkook stands next to you looking of the window, taking a deep breath. “You are going to catch a cold if you stand here.”
“The only thing I’m looking forward to catch right now is the one because of whom my life is this messed up.”
The bitterness in your voice causes him to stiffen. Or maybe the fact that this days every time you open your mouth you only had this to talk about made him react like that.
“Sorry.” You mutter.
Jungkook shakes his head taking your face in both his hands. “I get how you are feeling love. I know….But everyone is trying their best. Your father, the police. Everyone is trying. We’ll find this person whoever it is. You meanwhile need to sleep Y/n. This insomnia is going to ruin your health”
He raises you head a little, his soft eyes comforting you. “Do you want me to put you to sleep?”
Its such a sweet proposition, it melts your heart. You turn your head slightly to kiss the palm that’s resting on your cheek. “Thank you for always being there.”
Jungkook wraps you in his embrace, his arms around your shoulders tracing the soft lines of your shoulder blades, and yours are around his waist, your fingers fiddling with the material of his pant.
“Always.” He says, like he does every single time.
And you smile at the whisper like you do every single time.
You are standing by the grave dressed in black.
People around you are colored in the same darkness, standing under the umbrellas in the tears of the sky. Water is dripping excruciatingly slowly from the edge of the cloth above you, people are leaving flowers, saying a few words and walking away. As morning turns to afternoon to evening and the sky darkens, everyone comes and everyone leaves. Everyone except Jungkook who was holding the umbrella under which you were, standing behind you with your hand in his. He hasn’t said a word till now because he knows there is nothing you can listen to comfort your soul. He knows its too shattered to be healed. Nevertheless he stands and its enough. Him just being there is enough.
You hear the sound of a car pull up. Then the sound of mud being squashed by shoes. Then the noise of water hitting another umbrella.  
“The officer.” Jungkook whispers.
You nod and turn to see the blue uniformed man with an umbrella in one hand and a rolled paper in the other, standing at a little distance away from you. The two of you walk up to him and then all three of you together make way to the sheltered area a few feet away.
“The sketch is here.” The officer holds out the paper in his hand for you. “We haven’t started the investigation on it yet as we need to complete some formalities. We shall soon run identity checks and about gather information him.”
You nod again, taking the scroll into your hands. The scroll that contains the face of the man who had killed your uncle. The man whom you should despise so much right now. You didn’t know if you could bear to look at his face.
“I understand your whole family feels threatened Y/n. So I thought you and your father would want to take a look at it first. Consider this a favor beyond my legal limitations.” You nod as usual.
He turns to Jungkook who closes the umbrella, shaking the excess water  “Mr. Jeon, please take a look at it one last time and assure us that this is the killer. This is the man you saw pushing the victim off the fifth floor that night?”
Jungkook looks at you and you can see his throat move as he swallows nothing. He is tensed. For you, for how things will be now, for what you seeing this mans face finally means. He takes the scroll from your hand and rolls it open slowly.
You’ve never seen the man.
He has sharp features - His bone structure was symmetrical, cheek bones high and prominent. Nose sculpted perfectly. Hair tossed to the side as though by the wind. - A sickeningly beautiful face. But most importantly he had soft eyes. Eyes so soft it seems so unbelievable that he would kill someone. While you should have felt insane rage looking at the face of the man who killed your uncle, you don’t. Rather it’s an empty feeling. A very empty feeling.
“It’s him.” Jungkook confirms. “I’m positive.”
“Alright. Thank you Mr. Jeon. Your cooperation is deeply appreciated by the police department.” They exchange bows as you continue to stare at the portrait. Who is this man? And why was he after your family? Why had he killed your uncle? Why does he want to kill your father?
“Y/n, you may take it to your father.” The officer grabs your attention. “I would have personally given it to him but I think as the investigation officer, it’s better I don’t be seen around him. Its legally safer that way.”
You don’t want to. At a situation like this you were perhaps the only child in the world who didn’t want to see her parent. Rather couldn’t bear to see him.
Your father didn’t come even once to see your uncle. The brother he loved so much. The news articles and media said it was because he was fearing for his own life. That he might be attacked next. But your father isn’t a coward. He would never hide out of fear, especially if it meant not seeing your uncle one last time. That meant there was only reason he never came.
Because of you. Because you were always around.  Because like you, he too blamed you for what happened. Because if you had told him about the attack on you earlier, if you had told him about Mr. Wook, your uncle would have never been No.2.
“You don’t seem to want to go.” Jungkook speaks as soon as the officer leaves. He knows you well.
“I think I’ve hurt him more than my uncles death has.”Jungkook is silent. He understands. “Can you go give it? I don’t think I can face him Jungkook. Just hand it over to him in his office will you? That way you can meet him too and he’ll also know you are the witness.”
You are waiting for an answer but Jungkook is taking too long. You expected him to immediately agree. Considering how he has been the past few days you expected him to help you like always.
But he shakes his head.
“I would have gone if your fear isn’t the one sending me there.” He places his hands on your shoulders softly. “You will have to face him some time or the other Y/n. The more you delay it the more distance you are creating and the harder it is going to be for you to later cover. There is nothing to blame yourself for Y/n. I’m sure he doesn’t either.”
“He hasn’t spoken to me even once. Not a single word Jungkook. He didn’t even look at me.”
“Grief often doesn’t allow people to be in their right minds. Just go Y/n. You’re his daughter. And now he only has you.”
He’s right. You should go. You should see your father. For his sake at least if not for yours.  You look at Jungkook and the assurance written all over his face.
It’s a common misconception that those who do not face any sorrows in their life are very lucky. Wrong. It’s a misconception for a reason. Because being in pain is unavoidable. At some point in their life, everyone goes through something that shatters them, something that brutally destroys the inner them, something that kills them on the inside. No one is lucky enough to not be hurt.
Lucky people are those who have someone to stand by them throughout the struggle, someone to guide them. Someone to lean on, someone who willingly becomes their pillar of support. You got more than what you asked from Jungkook.
“Thank you.” Wrapping your arms around his neck, you feel every cell of your body expressing its gratitude to him for not letting you break. “Thank you for always being there.”
And you smile.
Jungkook tucks you under the sheets, lying down next to you. The two of you face each but with the moonlight falling on your face, you cannot see his. It’s merging in the shadows, the beauty of it lost somewhere in the darkness.
“What are you thinking?”
So many things. So many things that you don’t have an answer to his question. So many things that were making less and less sense as each day went by. So many things you should tell Jungkook but you were hiding. Because the plot was getting thicker with every passing minute. Things were not adding up, nothing was making sense. Especially the news that you got to know when you sat for your interrogation. When you mentioned that you saw a paper in your uncle’s hand with the number 2.
It was only then that you found out that Mr. Wook was No.1.
That he had a strikingly similar paper stuffed in his hand when he was found dead. Square, white and a strong smell of lavender.
But what you fail to understand is how the two deaths are connected. What did your uncle and Mr. Wook have in common? They hardly ever interacted. It was purely business between them. And what did these deaths have to do with the attack on you and Hoseok? These were definitely related, Jungkook was right. It could not be a coincidence. And your father? What role did he play in all of this? What you found out that day when you went to his office, how did that fit into this puzzle?
“Hoseok!” You hurry towards him before he enters your fathers cabin.
“Y/n?” He seems relieved, giving you a quick hug. “Are you alright? I’m so sorry about everything that’s….” He trails away. There’s too much going on now to say anything.
“I’m fine. It’s alright. I….I need a favor.”
‘Sure. Anything.”
You hand him the scroll in your hand. “This is the sketch made on the basis of the witness description of the killer. I need you to give this to my father.”
“Are you not coming in?”
You shake your head. You had planned to. You really did want to see your father. But somehow you lost all the confidence and determination you walked in here with. You didn’t think you could do it.
“Don’t tell him I’m here. Just say the officer gave it or something…”
“But why? You’re…you aren’t feeling guilty are you? Don’t blame yourself Y/n There was no way you could foresee this.”
“I know. Everyone has been telling me that. But I’m not ready. Not yet. Just help me this once Hoseok.”
He pats your head like the concerned support he has always been. “Take care.” and leaves with the scroll.
You turn to leave but your feet aren’t taking a step forward. You were so close to your father but leaving without so much as a look at him. You didn’t know how he was and where he ate on time or not, whether he took his medicines. You didn’t know anything. But you ought to know. Whether he would detest you for it or not, you had to know.
Taking a deep a breath you make up your mind. Slightly opening the door of the cabin you peak in to see Hoseok walking up to the man who is beyond exhausted. He looks so tired. Like he hadn’t slept days together. Sitting slouched in the couch he is cleaning his glasses and you wonder if there is a man more pitiable than him in the world considering all he was forced to go through. This was all your fault.
The moment Hoseok reaches him and hands the scroll telling him something you cannot hear, your father sits up straight in an instant, eyes turning redder. Immediately taking the scroll he fumbles with it in his urgency and rolls it open at an arms distance from him. You expect him to look mad. To feel all the anger somehow you failed to feel.
But he stands up in shock, shaking his head vehemently.
There is no fury. There is fear.
“It cannot be him. It cannot be. It cannot be.” He mutters walking around. Your father recognized him. That meant it was an enemy’s attack, not personal vengeance like you assumed it to be. So it did make sense that both Mr. Wook and your uncle were killed. It was because of business. But you were wrong. You only know that when your father’s scream of frustration jolts you to your senses.
“It cannot be him do you hear me! This man! He’s dead! He died 2 years ago!”
Your father slams his hand on the table, standing behind it. “And I killed him with my own hands!”
You feel your eyes widen.
“I killed Kim Namjoon with my own hands!”
You take a step backward despite your body growing numb. Just now you thought everything is making sense. But now it isn’t anymore. What was going on? What was going on?
You don’t know anymore. You simply run.
"I’m thinking about calling Cho.” You answer Jungkook, not so truthfully. “She’s been leaving me messages about coming over and staying with her. I ought to get back to her.”
“Do you want to leave?” There is disappointment in his voice but he’s trying not to show it.
“No.” You scoot closer to him, burying your face at the crook of his neck. “I don’t want to leave.”
“Hmm.” He strokes your hair softly, trying to lull you to sleep. It’s not working. But you pretend that it is as you shut your eyes. Not even a minute passes before Jungkook is fast asleep.
Like always, you are awake the whole night.
Morning coffee is an addiction you didn’t how you developed. Your body needs it to function, to think, to work. That’s why you stopped drinking it. To avoid and all thoughts that made their way into your head.
“Hoseok.” Jungkook hands you a phone as you drink the orange juice he was nice enough to make in the morning. The expression on his face is neutral. Like he’s not too pleased with a call. Jungkook has never been too pleased with Hoseok. If the situation was different you would have found it cute. Now you just take the phone and Jungkook leaves you alone.
“Y/n. I have something to tell you.”
“Your father has called for a special officer from Busan. The man is going to be taking over the case now because he’s apparently your father’s old friend and he trusts him a lot. He has requested to meet you and talk.”
“When? and Where?”
“At the church on the hill. At 12. He’s currently interrogating Cho at her house. It seems she called you to let you know but you didn’t pick up.” You didn’t pick up anyone’s calls the past few days. You didn’t find much energy to talk. Or the interest. But your father was sending this man. And you were willing to do anything to cooperate.
“Send me a picture of him so I can recognize him. Let him know I’ll be on time.”
“I myself don’t know how he looks. He’ll be with Cho so don’t worry.”
“Thanks Hoseok.”
“Take care Y/n.” Then the line cuts. He doesn’t say more. No one says more these days. Because no amount is enough.
“I need to go to the church on the hill in the afternoon.” You walk into Jungkook’s bedroom and see him rummaging through a pile of clothes strewn everywhere on the floor. “What in the world are you doing?”
“I’m picking an outfit for my interview. Why a church?” He picks up a plain blue shirt and scans it. You walk in the mess and pick a white shirt. He shakes his head and stows it back in the cupboard.
“Simply. Cause I want some peace.” You don’t know why you are lying. Maybe because you want to protect him. Because things are getting out of hand. Because as usual, nothing makes sense.
“I’ll drop you when I leave. Don’t go alone.”
“I hope you get the job.” You sit down at the edge of the bed. “Your brain deserves it.”
He lets out a short laugh. “I hope I do too. Staying dependent on Taehyung for long is not an option for me anymore.”
“And you have me as a burden to look after moreover. I….I should just go back home Jungkook.”
Jungkook sits on his knees before you trying to look at your face which you didn’t raise. “Hey. I don’t think you are a burden Y/n. I don’t want you to go back home either. I’m trying for a job and when I get it, one day I’ll have a home of my own. The only place I’d love to see you go to if you get out of here is there.”
You smile because his eyes show that his proposition is so genuine. But you don’t know what to say. You don’t know how to reply to that. Given the current situation and the emotional turmoil you are going through, you cannot express how you feel about it. Jungkook understands it and gets up.
“Get ready soon. I’ll be waiting in the porch.”
He walks out leaving you alone in a sea of shirts. You fall back into the bed, your hair fanning around you, your heart beating erratically. Whether it was because of Jungkook or it was a warning of the next confusing thing you were going to discover today, you didn’t know.
It was time to find out.
You wave to Jungkook who drops you outside by the steps of the church in his motorcycle. He is wearing a suit again, black this time, ready for his interview. He kisses you to be careful but for some reason you feel like lingering around his lips for a minute. He pulls back, raising the accelerator as you wish him luck and send him away. He grows smaller and smaller and then disappears down the road.
You turn and walk up the stairs, legs still shaking a little from the motorcycle ride. You hate motorcycles. Absolutely detest them. Never once in your life did you remember getting on on one. But somehow today you willingly sat on it and came all the way here too. You didn’t flinch even a bit the whole time, didn’t feel uncomfortable, didn’t feel anything. Because you felt nothing these days.
Your phone lets out a notification tone and you see a message from the police officer who was previously in charge of the case. A video. To be more accurate the security cctv footage of the theater.
You watch it once. And then again and again and again. You don’t see the face of the man named Namjoon at all.
The phone rings, flashing the officers name.
“Y/n have you seen the video yet?”
“Yeah but I can’t see my uncle or the killer…. ”
“There are many blind spots on the fifth floor Y/n. The act of pushing your uncle down was unfortunately not captured by any camera. It happened, very well planned, in a blind spot, leaving no evidence. But the other cameras show the people who were on the fifth floor when the incident happened and who used the exits as well. Everyone’s face is visible and we didn’t spot the man in the drawing. Our guess hence is that the killer is the one in the black jacket and white mask. The only person whose face could not be seen. We tried tracing him in the video but…..”
“There are hundreds of people wearing the same thing Y/n. The exact same thing. Same jacket and mask combination. When we inquired they said it was because a drama that was being hosted there was selling this costume as its promotional merchandise. It seems to be the attire of some of their important characters. There is no way to say which of the people dressed alike is the killer. There is no way to track him.”
You grow silent. The officer seems to be missing something. Something very crucial. Another something that didn’t add up. But you didn’t.
“He’s quite smart Y/n. Definitely a good trick played to mess with the cctv footage. If we go around tracing the video of each person dressed like that, it could be months before we find the culprit. We can-”
You cut the call without replying to watch the video again. You can see the white masked man leaving the fifth floor, through the stairs but hundreds of people in the same attire are leaving through the exits on the other floor. There is no saying as to which floor he got off at and where he went from there. The officer was right. Even if they tracked each person in that attire, it would take too long. Maybe long enough for a No. 3 to happen.  
But the officer didn’t seem to realize something. Something that you first only suspected but as you watched the footage again and again, now it is confirmed.
If the killer was wearing a mask, how in the world did Jungkook see his face?
Jungkook drives his bike down the hill slowly, thinking hard and fast. Why did you want to come here so suddenly? Something told him it was more than just to ‘feel peace’. You had been a little strange the past few days. Jungkook assumed it was because of everything that was going on and so your behavior was understandable. But today he wasn’t getting the same feeling. Something was about to go terribly wrong today.
Jungkook had hardly finished thinking that when he was forced to slam the brakes at the sight before him.
The police officer. That very police officer from Busan. He was standing right there by a parked car, smoking a cigarette like after all he had done he still had the right to enjoy his life. Jungkook could feel the fury rise in him. The mad desire. The desire to kill him.
The officer drops his cigarette on the ground and crushed it with the heel of his foot, turning to face Jungkook who had by now reached a couple of feet in front of him. The officer looks annoyed, raising his head, running his eyes from down to up at the person blocking his way but when he saw Jungkook’s face he panicked.
“You!” He pointed a shaking finger at Jungkook. Of course he recognized him. He was the only one who recognized him. “You here? you…..”
A look of realization dawns on his face as he takes a step back. “You are the one. I knew you were the one helping that girl. I knew it! I even told them but they didn’t listen.” He runs his shaking hands through his hair frustratedly, eyes darting here and there nervously. “And they are dying one by one. And now you’ll kill me too isn’t it?” His other hand moved behind him grabbing the gun stashed in the back pocket thinking Jungkook wasn’t watching. But Jungkook was watching. He was watching everything.
Even before the man had a chance to fully draw out the gun, Jungkook moved as quick as lightening, turning the tables over in a blink of an eye. He and the officer were standing exactly where they were.
But the gun was in Jungkook’s hand, and the aim was at it’s owner.
“It’s high time you paid for your sins don’t you think officer?”
“Who are you? What have I even done to you? Why are you doing this young man? Let me live.” He pleads. He pleads very pitifully. Jungkook almost wants to let him go. “I beg you! I beg you…..”
“Think of all the people who begged you this way officer. What did you do to them?” Jungkook adjusts the gun in his grip.
“I was wrong! I did make mistakes  I’ll…I’lll..”
“Don’t say it. You’ll never repent. You’ll never regret your mistakes. You’ll never change. There is only one thing I have to say to you officer.”
Jungkook takes a step forward, eyes constantly on the sinner before him.
“Goodbye.” He aims the gun to his chest placing his finger on the trigger. “Goodbye number 3.”
And he shoots, the bullet striking exactly at the center of the uniformed man’s chest. Satisfaction. Jungkook can feel the satisfaction and the sense of victory run through him as a crimson flower blooms in the enemy’s shirt and the police officer at last succumbs before him. But the feeling is gone as soon as it comes because a petrified figure is revealed to be standing behind him.
Jungkook lowers his gun as she points her shaking finger at him, eyes blown wide, sweat dripping down her neck.  
“You.” Jungkook takes a step towards her but she begins to walk back. “You’re a murderer! You killed a police officer Jungkook! “ She covers her mouth her breath hitching. “He…he was here to help Y/n! You killed him? Why? You…….” A look of realization dawns on her face. “You killed her uncle and Mr. Wook as well didn’t you? You are the one behind all this aren’t you? I knew it. I knew it! I was telling Y/n you had some big purpose behind doing all this. But I had no idea…..Oh my god…..Do you want to kill her as well? She trusted you Jungkook! Do you want to kill her as well-”
“Cho you need to listen to me-”
“I need to find Y/n. I need to tell her she’s in danger. And I swear to god nothing is going to stop me from telling her everything. I’m going to expose you today Jeon Jungkook, even if it means putting my life at risk.”
“Cho please stop. Just listen-”
“There’s nothing left to listen! I….I…..Get out of my way Jungkook. Get out!”
Jungkook runs his hands in his hair for messing up. For leaving a witness. A price will have to be paid for this.
“Fine.” Cho stopped her tracks looking bewildered. “Fine. I’ll let you go. Go tell Y/n I’m a murderer.”
He takes a step forward. “Go tell that to the very woman who asked me to kill these men.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Cho looks at him ridiculously. “Why would Y/n ask you to kill her own family? That’s insane, she loves them to the end of the world. I know her Jungkook. She would never. So stop lying and move.”
“Really?” Jungkook laughs and its maniacal.
“Do you really know her?”
Another step.
“Because if you did then the first thing you’d know is her name is not Y/n L/n.”
Another step.
“Her name is Jeon Y/n.”
One last step.
“And she’s my wife.”
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lilreesenerd · 7 years
Babysitting IX
“Whoa, whoa, just calm down,” Dean was freaking out and trying not to show it. “Cas, this is our sister. Mais, this is Cas, our friend.”
Cas stared at the girl with the angel blade in his throat, “I can see the resemblance.”
Maison smiled, “So you are learning sarcasm after all.” She thought a moment. “If you promise to behave, I’ll let you sit down and heal yourself. If not, I can clip your wings.” Castiel didn’t doubt her sincerity by the ice in her eyes.
He nodded grudgingly and felt the blade leave his throat. 
Sam and Dean breathed an audible sigh of relief.
Rufus was still locked on Castiel, the two of them speaking telepathically. They spoke of the guardian’s death, his ward, the Winchesters, and of his current state. Once they were done, Cas looked at the ground awkwardly.
“I am sorry for my behavior, Maison Greene. I apologize.” 
Maison grunts in response, nods to Rufus, and leaves the three boys in the house to talk. 
“Are you alright?” Cas is genuinely concerned about the boys.
“Dude, chill,” Dean claps Cas on the shoulder, “we have a sister!”
“Yeah,” Sam adds, “and she’s pretty cool.”
Cas is wary, “You do know that her so-called dog possesses angel grace?”
“Yeah. Cas what’s this about?”
Castiel checked to make sure Maison was out of earshot. “Her soul is splintered in more ways than I have ever seen in modern times. I was concerned for your safety.”
Sam smiled wryly, “She’s been through a lot, man. Stuff you can’t just walk away from.”
“Something we have experience with,” Dean added.
Cas grumbled and let the brothers relay Maison’s story.
“I know, I don’t like it either, but he’s saved my brothers more times than I could imagine. We need to try.”
No. He killed me. He stole me from you. He killed me from you. He needs to go.
“I understand. I think the boys will understand, too once we tell them Cas killed you.”
But who do you think they will side with? Me? An angel stuck in a dog’s body? Or their new angelic brother?
“They will understand the circumstances. I think we can make it work. I want it to work–I need it to work. I want to have some human family again. I need that. You know I do.”
Silence from her companion.
“Please? Just one try, then, if it doesn’t work, I’ll drop it for good. Deal?”
As you wish.
“Thank you, Sensei,” Maison teased, and she could feel his warmth returning in her consciousness as they turned back towards the house.
With the group gathered on the porch, Sam started the crucial conversation. “So…,” He glanced at Cas and Dean, “Uh, Cas is sorry. He didn’t mean to kill your guardian, he was possessed by all of those leviathans in his body, and–”
“We know.” 
Sam stared, “Um, uh, so…‘we know’ like its okay or ‘we know’ but like we don’t care?” 
Maison dropped her hand to Rufus’ head, “We know, and we are willing to work around it.” She smiled at Rufus, his eyes blue with grace from their telepathic conversation. 
“So,” Dean is fiddling with his knife, “are we cool?” He gestures to include Cas in the ‘we.’
“Yeah…for now.”
“Heh, ominous,” Sam teased. 
“Oh, shut up,” Maison punched Sam half-playfully. “We still have more work to do. And…,” she looked meaningfully at Cas, “you two need to talk. In private.” 
Maison sent Dean to tune and repair a gravely, old Nissan, and several guns. She then set Sam up with instructions on how to reload shotgun, rifle, and pistol rounds with the appropriate grain. She went to fix the shingles on the roof and check the vigils that kept her property shielded. 
At the house, Cas sat stiffly into a rocking chair, startled at its movement, but eventually appreciating its rocking motion. He decided he wanted a rocking chair at the bunker. Rufus laid across the creaking swing, studying Cas. His murderer. They spoke inaudibly.
It has been awhile. 
“Yes, it has.” Cas answered. 
A pause. 
“So, um…how is Maison Greene doing?”
She is on the path to recovery, no thanks to your intervention.
“Yes. I am very sorry. I lost control of the leviathans and hurt many people.” 
You killed me, Castiel! 
He hung his head in shame, the angel seeming more and more righteous in his anger and less and less like a canine. 
Not only had I just saved Madison, but she was doing better. Good, even. 
“Brother, I am so sorry. I will do anything to right this wrong. Anything.” 
You cannot right this wrong Castiel. However... 
Cas looked hopefully at his brother. Not at the body he was inhabiting, but at the speck of angel that resided there. Tired, angry, at his wit's end. 
I will allow you and the Winchesters to know her and to be involved in her life. She needs her family more than I need to be angry at you for ending my life. 
“Thank you, brother. The Winchesters will be happy to hear of this--” 
Yes, they will. But I retain the right to terminate your visits. I can destroy them and hide Maison where you will never find her, should anything happen. This you well know, Castiel. 
“Yes. You were known for your...enthusiasm in Heaven's battles. That is why you were assigned to the guardian regiment: to learn to control it.” 
Rufus was visibly angered by Cas’ comment, but quickly regained his composure. And I have, but I still retain that... enthusiasm... as you call it deep in my soul. And I am not afraid to unleash it upon he who threatens my ward. 
“You are righteous in your worry for the girl. There are many threats, but I am not one of those threats, brother, and neither are the Winchesters.” 
Ha! Everyone who walks with them dies, Castiel. Dies! Without fail! And Maison's soul has been through so much, that it might not be able to be brought back if they get her killed! She needs more time to heal before I allow her to leave the clearing. 
"I can’t leave the clearing."
"We can take care of your guardian," Dean said under his breath. They were back at the house, now, waiting for Rufus and Cas to finish their conversation.
"We have an angel blade and he's weak. Plus," Sam added, "we have Cas too." 
"You don't understand." Maison ran a hand down her face. "After everything that I went through, my soul is still healing. Literally. Like, if I die, I probably won't be able to survive a resurrection attempt." 
"So...what? You're gonna hide here all your life?" Sam exaggerated, trying to get her to their side of reason.
"Don't you try that. My soul is on the mend. In time--soon-- it'll be safer to tempt fate." 
"We killed Fate," Dean bragged, puffing his chest. 
"Maybe the goddess, but not the concept or the effects." The three looked around the house. Maison had picked up a stick, flicked open her knife, and started whittling at it absently. Dean was drumming his fingers and bouncing his knee. Sam had his hands folded in his lap, brow furrowed, deep in thought. 
"What if," Sam sat up and ran his fingers through his hair, "we get them--the angels-- to fix your soul? Then you'll be okay." 
"Whaddaya mean 'why?'," Dean stopped fidgeting and sat up, finger in Maison's face, "Your life matters, Mais, you're what? 20? 22? And you can't leave a clearing in the middle of nowhere for a milk run!" 
"I'm not hiding, Dean," Maison said. "And that’s not what I meant. First of all, angels can’t run around fixing souls. Nuclear reactor, remember? Second, I happen to know what happens to people when they get involved with you, and that they usually end up coming back once or twice, which--news flash-- I can't do! I'm too broken!" 
Rufus' head snapped towards the door, snarling. He was picking up on Maison's emotions. He felt the expected red anger, the confusion, the frustration...but he didn't expect the pain like an arrow through her heart, the gray memories of her past... He felt the splinters of her soul piercing him from inside the house. 
Enough of this, I'm going inside. 
“No. She needs to figure this out for herself.” 
I will not allow them to make her revert to a dark place. Even if they are family. 
Just then, he felt Maison pleading him to let her handle it. She could do it. It would be okay. He sat back on the swing, eyes and ears not leaving the door. 
Maison took a deep breath, "Ask Castiel to describe my soul. What it looks like. That I shouldn't be here alive right now." She held the knife in both hands now, "I want to be there for you. I know you are already attached to me. I know that you'd take my death hard, especially with no hope of bringing me back," she threw the knife and it lodged into the wall above a picture of her and her mom. She looked her brothers in the eyes, tears in hers, "I don't want you to lose me and blame yourselves. And you will."
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moyconsulting · 4 years
Roofing 101: 6 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
So your company has probably messed up HUGE when it comes to digital marketing. I'm gonna break down some of the mistakes that I've made personally in managing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of ad spend for my clients.
For those of you guys that don't know, my name is Mats Moy, nice to meet you. I specialize in helping roofing companies generate online roofing leads while becoming a local authority.
And if you haven't already, please do all that fun stuff, subscribe, hit the Notification bell, I drop new videos just like this one every single Wednesday that is solely focused on generating roofing leads for your business. So if that's something that you wanna do, improve or generate more of, then I would highly recommend that you hit that Subscribe button and the notification bell as well, so that you get these videos every Wednesday.
We all make mistakes
So if you are a seasoned roofing company and you are online, you're generating leads, you're spending money on marketing, then you're more than likely making at least one of the mistakes that I'm gonna be sharing with you in this video. And if you are, then you definitely want to watch this video till the very end.
Quick side note, I have a few spots open for that one on one call with myself about my training program specifically for roofers. So if you are interested in that stick around till the very end so I can share a little bit more details about that training program.
So I'm not too proud to admit this but, I make mistakes, right? I am a human being. We all make mistakes. This video in particular is going to put out there some of the mistakes that I made while managing some accounts, and I'm gonna just break it down for you guys, so that you don't make the same mistakes that I made.
Hopefully your marketing companies aren't making the same mistakes that I'm making, and that way you can save every bit of dollar that you have and funnel that towards generating more roofing leads for your business.
1. Not measuring results
So, one of the first mistakes that I made, which cost me quite a bit of money is not measuring results.
Now, before you judge me, this came as a result of the tracking mechanisms not being installed properly on the back end. So I always try to measure results, that's something that I must do, but from time to time, I will make a mistake here and there, and I do this where I check to make sure that I didn't make that mistake, and that's where I caught it, but there were a few days that went by without measuring the results whatsoever.
And so, double-check to see what you're getting in terms of results. I speak to roofing contractors all the time. And I recently got off the phone with a roofing company, and I asked them, "How well is your website performance?". "I don't know", right? Because they have no way of tracking the results.
Ask the crucial questions
Like, well, you're paying a company on a month-to-month, right? What kind of results are you getting? Do you know? Is your phone ringing? Well, it is but how do you know it's coming from that?
Right, these are some of the questions you need to ask yourself. How much are you spending on your advertising, in your marketing company, and what are you getting back in return? How many leads are you getting from your advertising? What is coming of those leads that you're getting, right? How much is that turning into as far as sales?
These are questions that you need to start asking and measuring to make sure that you're doing a good enough job, online or your company, whoever you hired, is doing a good enough job of, so that way you can measure and you can, you know, say, "Oh, you know, "I'm spending this much on a month to month, "and I'm getting this much back".
Because if you don't ask those questions, you will never know.
2. Not learning how to do social media
Mistake number two. Now this is something that it is best if you did on your own, even if you think to yourself, "Oh, I'm not the most tech-savvy, and roofers are notorious for this, being not tech-savvy, and that's okay, right? These are learnable skills. Take the time to learn how to do social media.
This is the mistake number two that I see a lot of roofing companies making online, they're not using social media whatsoever.
There are few roofing companies out there, that I really admire. They're really going... They're doing such an amazing job online with their social medias, using memes, putting their face in the pictures, right? Just something as simple as putting your face in a picture of you on a roof, can make the biggest difference ever, right?
If you're just strictly posting pictures of roofs themselves roofs that you may have done some of the work, that's the first step, which is great.
Add a face behind the company
But remember, this is social, social media, right? We wanna add a face so that we can see the person behind the company, behind the images, and so that we can interact better, right? This will generate more inter-engagement with the photos themselves, right?
So it's not just about the roof, it's also about you and your company, right? We wanna see who represents that company, just so you can see the beautiful face that I have here, and I'm speaking to you directly, you know who my company is, right? Shameless plug, right? I help roofing company owners, okay?
And so this is what you wanna do, you wanna make sure that you put your face in the videos, so that you're able to, get in front of the customer and the customer can see who they're gonna be dealing, interacting with, when it comes to their roof.
Quick bonus here, let me know in the comments down below which social media platforms are you guys using? Are you guys just using Facebook? Just Instagram, right? Are you guys even thinking about Google My Business?
Google My Business is probably the number one place for you to generate leads, new eyeballs, new customers for your business.
So if you haven't already, check out this video here, that will show you how to go about generating more roofing leads from your Google My Business.
3. Not understanding how to turn website visitors into leads
Mistake number three, not understanding how to convert or turn website visitors into leads, right? This is a very important step.
So some of you guys you get a report on a month to month basis, that gives you all of these fancy numbers, and somewhere on there, you see that your website got this many clicks. Well, that didn't turn into calls for my business what happened?
So if you haven't already, check out this video here that will show you how to go about optimizing your website, so that you turn new visitors into actual roofing leads for your business.
In a nutshell, to summarize what this is, it's pretty much there are certain elements that you need to have on your website, to make it easy for the visitor to contact you, right? And so you need to push them, steer them, guide them in a direction that you want them to take, right?
Ultimately, all we're looking to do whenever a visitor visits our site, is to have them turn into a lead. And this is what that video is all about. So definitely check that out.
4. Not performing SEO
Digital marketing mistake number four. So with SEO, the mistake is not performing SEO, thinking that your website can simply be built and it'll magically produce leads for your business. That's not the case, right?
You need to actively do something, nurture your website, so that it produces roofing leads for your business, because anybody can have a website. The problem is, most websites don't produce anything. And so how do we go about fixing that?
Perform search engine optimization. Whether you wanna do it yourself, or you wanna hire a company to help you out. You want to do this, but if you cannot realistically tackle this task, this SEO task for the next, say, six months to a year, then I would recommend you don't go that route anyways, right?
Because you need to invest into your SEO, you can't just do it for a month or two and then expect to see results, that's not the case. This is a long-term commitment, and it needs to be done properly on a monthly basis, so that you're able to generate leads from it, let's say a year down the line.
And if you're not ready to commit to something like that, you don't have the cash flow yet to invest into something like this, then stay away from it.
Utilize Google My Business
I would much rather you, watch this video on how to create a website for free, along with my guide, my nine page Google My Business guide. If you wanna get access to that, comment down below, GMB, for Google My Business, GMB, and I'll go ahead and send it to you.
By using those two tools, you can now generate actual roofing leads for your business, without the hefty monthly management fees that you're gonna be paying for a company to do SEO for you.
Now, if you're paying a company to do SEO for you, I am genuinely curious. I speak to roofers all the time, and I ask this question when they say that they have a marketing company doing SEO for them. What does that mean to you? Right? Let me know in the comments down below.
What does a company doing SEO... What does that even mean? Right? I wanna know what that means to you so that I have a better understanding, as to what your understanding of SEO is, right? But if you're doing SEO, you should be generating leads regularly, right?
Because doing SEO is a lot more than just, backlinks and stuff like that. What are you doing on your website, that's optimizing your website for the search engine? That's exactly what that is, SEO, Search Engine Optimization. How are you optimizing your presence, your website, for the search engines? Let me know in the comments down below.
5. Forgetting about mobile users
Another mistake that I've typically seen is forgetting about mobile users.
You yourself, you're more than likely on your cellphone right now watching this very video. And so, you need to have a website, that is also built for, designed for people who are coming to visit your website from their cell phones, okay?  And so to do this, you would have a website which is called or referred to as "responsive."
If you have a website designer, or somebody who looks after your website, then just ask them, "Is my website responsive?". Meaning, is it gonna show up properly on laptops, desktops, tablets, cell phones, right? Your website will modify a little, just kinda tweak itself to make sure that it shows up properly on all of those different means.
If your website was built in 1990 something, then it probably isn't gonna be responsive, right? It'll just show the same way that it shows on desktop, on your cell phone making it very super hard for anyone to go ahead and take a look at on their cell phones. It'll give them just a bad experience overall.
So make sure that you're taking care of your mobile visitors that it shows up properly, your buttons work, all of your buttons work, your call, call now button, your form submissions, check that stuff on a regular basis because it does break, right?
Double-check everything on your website
This is another mistake, this is a bonus mistake that I'm throwing in there. Double-check everything on your website, as far as contacting you.
Make sure that that stuff works, otherwise, you could go a month, two months, three months, without even knowing that your contact form doesn't work. So double-check that stuff on a weekly basis, right? Just to make sure that it works, and you can actually contact you.
Not offering any discounts or promos
Here's a bonus mistake that I see a lot of roofing companies making online: not offering any discounts or promotions, simply for the fact that they probably don't know how to do it.
If you haven't already, again, shameless plug, I'm gonna keep plugging this, download my Google My Business guide. On there, you can use the posts feature to promote discounts and promos or anything that you have going on, to attract more business. Use that all the time.
If every single week you wanna offer a different discount, you can do that, and Google will help you promote that for free. New eyeballs, new leads, new sales, that is what it'll generate for your business.
Again, download the guide, and it'll show you exactly how to go about setting that up, as well as using it on a day-to-day, week-to-week basis.
Avoid making these mistakes
So there you have it, now you know all of the mistakes. Well, some of the mistakes that I've personally made online that has cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and you can avoid making just by watching this video.
So if you liked it, be sure to hit the Notification bell, subscribe to this channel, because I make videos like this all the time that will help you generate more roofing leads online, and give me a thumbs up if you liked the video itself, and that way I'll know to make more content just like this one.
Join my training program
And as I mentioned earlier, for those of you who don't know, I have a training program that will show you how to set up an online system to continuously produce more roofing leads for your business.
You'll work directly with myself, along with other roofing company owners just like yourself, who are going through the exact same training program, and making sure that their digital marketing is set up for success, right? I work with roofers from Colorado, to Texas, to Georgia, to down here in Toronto, right?
And so if you wanna be able to generate more roofing leads, if you're dissatisfied with the current state of your online advertising, book a call with me, the link for that is in the description down below. Be sure to fill out the survey application that follows so that way we can come on the phone, and create an action plan for your business to be able to generate leads in the fastest time possible.
Also, if you wanna join a community of roofers just like yourself, who are learning about this forever-changing space, I have a link down in the description to join my Facebook Mastermind group specifically for online leads. Here, I share again up-to-date information that will help you generate more leads for your business online.
So again, if you liked this video, give it a thumbs up. Again, my name is Mats Moy and I will see you next Wednesday. Peace.
Book A Call With Mats: https://matsmoy.com/apply
More Roofing Leads In 2020 (To Increase Your Sales) https://youtu.be/BSy2l9OQMIk
Optimize Your Roofing Website (Double Your Leads, Double Your Sales): https://youtu.be/jy9_D0q3hrI
How To Start A Roofing Company Website For Free (Step By Step) https://youtu.be/VIxLlPZXw7c
Be sure to join the secret Online Roofing Leads Mastermind Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onlineroofingleads/
TWEET THIS VIDEO: https://ctt.ac/FCK68
Let’s connect on social media! Twitter: https://twitter.com/MatsMoy Instagram: https://instagram.com/matsmoy/ Facebook: https://facebook.com/matsmoy/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matsmoy/
See Full Article Here: Roofing 101: 6 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
Moy Consulting 60 Queen St E #103, Brampton, ON L6V 1A9, Canada https://goo.gl/maps/hodRjHCYkvtjSwFW8
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