#i called them and they told me to request my records through the website
buried-in-stardust · 1 year
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nancypullen · 1 year
Typical Tuesday
Life moves at a snail’s pace here but so do I.  I used to be such a bouncy, bright gal until my ankles and feet decided to turn on me.  Now everything hurts and cracks, and scoffs at me when I say, “Hey we should dance!” Boy, I miss dancing.  I still shimmy around the kitchen when I cook, but sustained dancing for an hour or so seems like a big ask. Poor, poor me.
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I’m only thinking about that because I just tried making an appointment with an orthopedic doctor for a weird thing that’s causing pain in my left ankle, formerly known as my “good ankle”.  I was on hold for about ten minutes, went through the new patient song and dance with a very friendly young woman, gave all of my pertinent info, and then she said, “Okay, just as soon as your former doctor sends your medical records someone will call you to schedule an appointment.”  Well, crap.  I replied, “I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you will not request those records.”  She confirmed that, said I’d have to get them to fax the records, and hopefully everyone would do their part and I can see a doctor before my foot falls off.  Immediately after ending that call I placed a call to my doctor in Tennessee and said I needed my records to be faxed up here.  That not-so-nice lady said that would require an official form from the doctor’s office in Maryland, and blah blah blah.  I explained that they told me I had to make the request and maybe I get the form from them, or perhaps it could be emailed to me, or could I possibly find it on their (TN) website. I was battering her with all of the ways I might be able to get my hands on the form and get this done today, when she finally sighed and said, “Look just email me giving your permission to release the records and put your name and date of birth in the email.”   Now, was that so hard? I thanked her profusely and sent the email fifteen seconds after we hung up.  Who thinks that this will all go smoothly and I’ll get a call this week?  I’d say those odds are slim. I hope I’m wrong, but I’ll bet I have to request the records at least once more and won’t see a doctor before September. Ugh. But that’s not why I’m here.  I’m here because I don’t post enough and I’m trying to make myself show up.  It would help if I had something to actually write about but you’ll just have to bear with me. If I show up every day maybe my muse will show up too. Cross your fingers, light a candle, rub some beads.
Today started the way our days it always start. The mister gets up early and goes out for a long walk.  He likes to show off his healthy feet. He listens to audiobooks and watches the town wake up.  While he’s doing that I play word games on my phone (Wordle, Spelling Bee, Letter Boxed, Connections, etc). Then I have long conversations with the cats, eventually get up and make the bed, and ease into my day.  We’re very different people. For example, he’s been watching Wimbledon and he caught me tuned into the Hallmark channel’s Christmas in July.
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Don’t judge me. The world is on fire, I needed a dose of predictable sweetness with a happy ending. Speaking of sweetness, on Sunday we drove over to spend an afternoon with the Edgewater gang.  Everyone is getting ready to scatter on different trips, so we wanted to hug them before that happened.  Little Miss was as entertaining and fun as always.  We were treated to a mermaid water show in her pool, I played Barbies with her for a little while, and then she belly laughed while driving her cats bonkers with a laser pointer.  It was a full afternoon.  A big storm blew in and dumped tons of rain that same afternoon.  We made our exit when there was a break in the radar and raced the rain home.  As we started across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge I saw these big freighters lined up to head into port, and those ominous clouds hovering above them.  Yikes.
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That was snapped from a moving car so the quality isn’t great, but...anyone else notice there’s a chunk of the bridge missing?  I didn’t notice it when I took the picture, I was too busy looking at those ships.  Doesn’t look big enough to alter the integrity of the structure, but what the heck happened there?  Someone had a bad day.
On a happier note, I’ve got one sunflower fully opened and several nearly there. Aren’t they cheerful? I just love ‘em.
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Other things that give me pleasure are clean windows (how’s that for a segue?). My sister turned me on to this fabulous spray cleaner. 
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It’s amazing. Even better, it smells wonderful and it’s just $2.50!  I picked up my can at Walmart, I’m sure it’s sold elsewhere.  Anyway, it’s cheap, it leaves windows sparkling and streak-free, and the fragrance smells just like the lobby of the fancy-schmancy Grosvenor House Hotel in London.  No lie.  When we stayed there like the Clampetts a few years back it was one of the best parts of the stay - walking into that lobby and being enveloped in the fragrance.  I didn’t know if it was all of the fresh flowers, some special spray they used, or if that’s what loads of money smells like.  Whatever it was, you can have it in your home for $2.50.  I’m a fan. I’m not a fan of my hair. I mean, that’s not exactly news. It’s been an on-going battle since kindergarten.  I’ve let it grow again, it’s long again, and I look stuck in the 70′s. My hair behaves a little better when it’s long, the weight is like a Thunder Shirt. But I don’t think the length is a friend to my face, I know the style isn’t. To be fair, I go through this every year during July and August.  The height of summer heat and humidity always makes me want to shave my head. I was zipping along just fine in June, it wasn’t even hot.  Right around the 4th of July the sticky heat arrived and my hair lost its dang mind.  I’m walking around looking like this.
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So I’m spending lots of time on Pinterest looking at short haircuts.  I’m going to do it it’s just a matter of choosing a style (which won’t work), a place (good luck with that), and screwing up my courage.  We all know this will be a disaster.  It always is.  I don’t think I’ve even once walked into a salon and walked out feeling better.  It’s a generational curse.  But it’s been quite a while since I tempted fate, and I’m feeing so ugly lately anyway, might as well. Best case scenario, I end up with a cute, fresh style that I like. 
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 Worst case scenario, I look like Mrs. Claus. 
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It’s a safe bet that I have more Mrs. Claus tendencies than I do Helen Mirren tendencies. Darn.  If nothing else maybe it’s just time for a change.  Will I miss the ease of a ponytail or a big hair clip? Yep.  Will I miss this same, old, tired hairstyle? Nope.  Well, maybe.  There’s always comfort in what we know vs the unknown.    Finding a place is daunting.  I called the Ulta salon in Easton thinking that if the haircut sucked then at least I’d be inside Ulta and I could treat myself to a new lipstick or something.  They only have two stylists and a haircut and blowdry is $70.  I will start up the weedeater and let it cut my hair before I pay $70.  I don’t want to go to the salon that I visited in Denton, the owner cut my hair and she was delightful, but the haircut was not.  There are plenty of others in the area, mostly pricey, so I may just have to throw a dart and pick a place.  Or I could spend the rest of my life in a ponytail. Back to Pinterest...
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Raise your hand if you’re tired of hearing me talk about my hair.
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Told you I didn’t have anything to write about, pretty sure the glass cleaner was the high point of this post.  I think I’ll head upstairs and soak in a bubble bath and lose myself in a book - a book where the main character has perfect hair. I hope that your week has been a delight so far.  I hope that you have had at least one good laugh and at least two moments of pure pleasure.  If not, hey, it’s only Tuesday!  There’s plenty of time. Sending out loads of love tonight. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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gitaroopals · 2 years
Flying Diary: Little-O's "COIL End of the Century Recording" Report! [translated article]
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(Original article in Japanese is from the official Gitaroo Man website)
Bibibi and biii!
You may refer to me as “Little-O No. 11.” While collecting information about Earth, I came across the recording site of COIL, the music producer for Gitaroo Man. All right, I will now sneak into the studio, biii.
Today is, don’t you know, December 31st in the year 2000 according to this planet’s calendar! It’s the last day of the century, and I’m impressed they’re working on such a day, biii.
The place is Ropeland Studio in Tsunashima. It’s COIL’s studio. As the name "Toyoko System Twisted Unit" implies, the studio is, in fact, located along the Toyoko Line.
…They call it a studio, but isn’t this a regular house? Right, COIL is an icon of home recording, so this must be fine. But are they really making sound here?
Wow, Koei's producer (P) is dead in the corner of the room. Let’s listen to what he has to say.
“Biii- uh, Mr. P, are you ok?”
“...It’s close to the company, so I’m fine…”
※The Koei headquarters is in the Hiyoshi area along the Toyoko Line. Hiyoshi Station is the next station down from this studio.
“Umm, what are the reasons why you chose COIL to produce your music…?”
“...It’s close to the company, so—”
…Weeell, this won’t do.
Mr. P is already dead, so whatever. I’ll look around by myself.
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I'm a little surprised to see so much old analog equipment. Is this what home recording is like? Why analog? Is it because they’re broke?, I wondered, and asked. They say they like the way it sounds. It seems that analog recordings have more guts and warmth than today's mainstream digital recordings. You may be convinced if you listen to COIL’s CDs.
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I’ve learned that the audio produced by COIL in analog is fed directly into the computer.
Because COIL doesn’t use computer mixing, which is the mainstream nowadays, each recording is a one-shot like a live performance, they said. They tell me it will never sound the same again. It must be a lot of work. Or is that the strong point?
Then after that, they plan to convert it to 24-bit at another studio before putting it into the game.
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Why do they do it in such a roundabout way? Well, whatever. The whole staff seems committed to creating a game sound unlike anything before, so I'm looking forward to the game coming out.
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The audio is partway done. I was surprised when I heard it! Th-this is the sound you can make in just an ordinary room? When I asked the COIL manager about this, he said, "Yes, and everyone laughs out loud at the sight of it.”
They do a little bit here and a little bit there, like mess around with the guitar, fiddle with the machine knobs… I was like, what’s going on, then all of a sudden, bam, a cool sound out of nowhere. What can I do but laugh? What's more, it doesn't feel like synthesized or computer-made music at all. What the heck is this? Hmmm, have I just witnessed the essence of home recording?
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When I ask about the sound concept of this project, everyone says “tamashii” this and “tamashii” that. Apparently they’re talking about "soul." Hmm, partway through the conversation, I wasn’t sure whether they were referring to Gitaroo Man's music concept or COIL's new album, but anyway, they say things like "There’s no soul" or "More tamashii!" as they work, so I'm sure it's a key word.
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Having an appreciation for ParaPara, I said that I’d love for them to create ParaPara music with tamashii for me, but I was told that basic recording was finished and Mr. Harada was working on sound making. Please don’t forget my request, biii.
(Translation note: “Sound making” is the use of different amps and effect units to manipulate the instruments’ sounds, sometimes very drastically. In this way, one takes instruments’ original sounds and, from them, creates the sounds heard in the finished song.)
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“But Mr. P makes so many demands and is so nit-picky and such a pain in the—”
I-is he talking about a struggle or an internal conflict? Oh, I see—this Mr. P, who’s laying right there like a dead tuna, is rather annoying. Gitaroo Man seems to use the regular studio and also Koei's studio, but COIL basically finished the project right here. Incredible.
Meanwhile, I start to hear people around me going “Ahhh, it’s over~” and “It’s done, it’s done~”
Is it done? What’s done? The Gitaroo Man recording is finished? This century is over?
It looks like the work of the 20th century has wrapped up for now, biii. Good job, everyone. I hope you all have a safe and happy New Year!
But this sound COIL creates! This is really the sound you get from home recording? So if you’re thinking about recording music in your own room, you should definitely check this out, biii! I heard them recording all kinds of music, so I can’t wait for the game to come out!
By the way, according to my research, it is customary for people on this planet to visit their hometowns during the New Year. I, too, kind of miss the Gravillians, biii. Reporting to the boss can wait, I’ll just go ahead and visit home for a bit.
(Translation source: Gitaroo Pals Wiki — if I ever update the translation, that page will be the one most up-to-date.)
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9/26/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription Part 5
And so, Lord, I just am so grateful that we have your word that reminds us of who you are when we forget. Lord, I pray that we would be people who don't forget. That we would be a people who are teaching our children our own testimonies in our own lives. That you have done for us. That we would teach them to love your Word and to know your word, And that through your word we understand more of who you are in your in your heart, And builds relationship with us. And so I pray that just the generations that come from us would be people Who know you, and who trust you, and who love you, and who receive you as King and Lord. And Lord, I just pray For the strength, the wisdom, and the courage to carry that out, and it's in your name, we pray, Amen.
Dailyaudiobible.com is our website. That's the place of connection. It's where you can see what's happening in the community, so be sure to check that out. Don't forget, if there's things that we can be praying for you as a community, you can call in. Or if you listen to the app, you can record your prayer requests through there and they get sent in and played at the end of every day's podcast.That is all for today. I'm China. I love you and I'll be waiting for you here, Tomorrow.
Community Prayer Line
Good morning DABC, this is Tonya calling from Suffolk. Today is Thursday, September 21st. I wanted to lift up Wanda. She's have had surgery on related to Crohn's disease. Heavenly Father, I'm asking Lord God for complete healing and recovery over Wandy's body dear Lord. You created us from the inside Out Father. You know all things Lord God that our body is dealing with. So right now Father I want to bind any symptoms of Chrones, Father in the mighty name of Jesus that she have a speed of recovery from the surgery. Father and her bowels will no longer become wrapped into one another. Father and her bowels. And intestines where function as properly and this is my prayer to you in Jesus name, dear Lord, I love you and thank you Lord God, for all the things that you have done for us and the things that you're going to do. Lord God for us and you will get the glory Lord in Jesus name. Amen. DABC has always I love you guys and continue to be encouraged.
Hello DABC Family. This is 1 beloved daughter Kurian Lancaster OH. I just want some prayer for something I've been struggling with for some time now. Back in 2010, I fell into a very, very deep depression. I struggled with mental illness, depression, and anxiety for my whole life. I haven't had depression for many years now, so thank God. After that I struggle with anxiety. Really bad still anyways. So Way back then Umm, There was something that you know I pretty much told the devil you know, he can never get me on Salvation, you know, getting me the doubt it and all that because I just had this really strong belief and my salvation. Well, he got me. And I've been struggling with it ever since. And I tried so hard to get that faith back. And I've never gotten it back, I believe. But yeah, I doubt it. And I worry and I get scared all the time. You know when I sin a mess up that I'm going to go to hell when I die. I worry constantly about where I'm gonna go. And I want that faith back. So will you please pray for me? My time is up. Thank you. 
Hi, this is Chastity from Kansas. I wanted to call and pray for Tiffany from New York, as well as Adrian, his mighty tortoise. Lord Jesus, thank you so much for these beautiful women and for their families. God, thank you for all that you have done in their lives, that you are currently doing it all that you will do. God, we give you the glory, Lord. We bring Tiffany and her husband and their little baby to you, Lord Jesus, and we just ask that you would please Step in and. Please God, bind up the enemy and all that he is trying to bring against this family. These things that are coming against this man are not of you.  And so we lift up all these concerns to you Jesus in the name of Jesus, that those bonds would be broken and that he would be set free. In the name of Jesus. And please be with Tiffany as she walks through this with him. Lord, give her strength and give her rest, and give her peace, and help her to know that you are nearer than the breath that she breathe. Thank you and Lord also for Adrian or? She's been falling so much so she's just so busy. She has so much going on. God, can you please give her rest and restore her body, heal her. Lord, please help her to find rest in you. And Lord, help her with this overworking that Lord, please. Prayer warrior that she is. Jesus, I just thank you for this amazing community. And you're beautiful. Name Jesus. Amen. I love you all so much and I will continuously be praying for all of you. God bless you all.
0 notes
Negative Reviews About Taxi Sherwood Park
K 8 They charged my son $12 and when I called to ask why, they confirmed their flat rate is $10 but sometimes they charge $12 or $15. He drove my son 3km. This isn't right to take advantage of people. My son is 17 but didn't realize he charged him more until after.
Cory Blake The guy that drives the Toyota Prius in the morning overcharges. If you tell him what every other cab driver in sherwood park charges he will say he doesn't know how they make money and demand you pay him $15 for a $10 ride (will settle for $13). I can tell you how those other guys make money its called repeat business you get that for treating your customers fairly I will never use Taxi Sherwood Parks services again and I would reccomend neither do you
Andolith Terlynn I ordered a taxi for my Daughter to be pickup up and brought home. On the call no mentions of pre paid services, or anything of the sort!
When the cab arrived they Refused her service until the cab was pre-paid. As she had no money, they were willing top leave her and NOT contact me back to discuss what had happened. WILL NEVER USE THIS SERVICE AGAIN, and if you care about your loved ones you shouldn't rely on them either.
Mathieu Lemay I call for taxi earlier and the guy charge me 15$ from walmart Emeral hill to stop 2 minute grab my food at Opa in the same area emeral then drope off at sandman hotel 1km away this not make any sense i call to get ride just 30 minute before and the guy charge me 10$ so 25$ for ride back and forth sandman-walmart its little expensive i think
David G Flat rate cabs do not follow their own pricing. I was kidnapped today by a cab driver for not paying “his” flat rate and beyond that was argumentative when I pulled up the pricing list, Showing him the drop down menu with the price listing of Sherwood park.
I was dropped off less than 2km away from my location and was charged $14 I refused to pay and told him it was $10 the day before. I discovered the Sherwood park pricing list on the website when I went to show him. which is half the price of what I was being charged! $7 for short trips and $15 cross town He locked me in the cab demanding I pay “his” flat rate and he can charge whatever flat rate he wants since it’s his cab.
After reading back the website verbatim to him he started screaming at me saying that it’s his cab and his prices, I wouldn’t budge, he started arguing for about 10 minutes with me until he threw the debit back at me back with $10 with the tip option open. After paying he Threw the receipt at me, I leave and shut the door and he peels off.
Do yourself a favour and pay the little extra for Uber or Lyft and have the safety and security of having the drive recording through your app and also through the dash cam recording within.
Vandana Thagria Poor taxi service. They advertise that they charge flat rate to the airport but it’s not true. On Saturday morning I called them to get the cab for Edmonton international airport because I checked on their add it was saying $49 to the Airport and when driver dropped me at the airport I asked the driver about the price and he was asking $75 dollar. Because on the meter it was showing $75. When I asked the driver about the flat rate then he replied me, “ No flat rate on weekend”. He had no sense of talking. He had very bad communication skills. I request to the management to post the proper adds on google. Otherwise you will loose your business. Be careful guys from these people. taxi sherwood park company with blue decals they are cheater . so never ever use this company
Brian Sandberg I take a taxi to the same place Everytime I take one and it's always $10…..It's not even halfway across town. I had one charge me $11, saying the dollar was for the machine…and I've had them try and charge me $15…..It clearly states on the website $10 local, $15 across town. I'm getting sick of these guys trying to rip me off all the time. And one guy has a metre on his phone. Which is NOT flatrate. Crooks.
Darrel S Poor excuse for drivers. Not knowledgeable of areas within Sherwood Park.
Bilasi Kumar worst experience of my life…taxi sherwood park Very deceiving in title of company. I also had a friend take a trip to west end of edmonton, had no battery on his phone asked the driver to use phone to call mother and was told no. Not to mention the language barrier is brutal. Will never take them again, and will actively promote against please aware from this company
Dan Wilson Don’t bother to call this company their drivers are ripping off their company. Car 555 gave me ride today and he had his own device on phone to accept the card but when I asked for receipt he didn’t give me nothing. Very shady business stay away
Ron Smith Cab smelt like BO! Drivers mixed up address and when I called to ask why my cab hasn’t arrived, I was told he didn’t show up because they forgot the address. They also don’t believe in masks at the peak of pandemic.
Anonymous Society Your drivers in sherwood are scoundrels. They demand more money than what has shown. They made taxi service like truck by bargaining. They ask unnecessary questions boarding the cab. They demand more money to switch on AC. Without AC we cannot survive in Canada due to heat and sweat. Looks of drivers are like rogues and rough. The way they speak also rough and tough.
Preet Chahal It was my worst experience and i will never recommend this taxi to anyone. I called them and the driver reached after 40 minutes. They called me from no caller id and I didn’t pick call because it was from no caller id. Driver doesn’t waited for me. After that i called them again and they said just 3 minutes. But he taken again 15 minutes. I was supposed to reached at work 3 pm but I reached at 3.30 pm. I have never written negative review before for anyone but today i am writing bcz they annoyed me so much…
Cindy Conroy I booked a taxi to go to the airport he was late missing my flight. If your on a timeline DONT call
Jack Bernard Worst taxi company I have ever called! I asked for a cab and they said 20 mins and it took over an hour. All they had to do was tell me the truth that they were busy I wouldn’t have been mad their are plenty of cab companies out there. Instead I am writing the first negative review I have ever done in my life.
Shila Marie Unbelievably RUDE cab driver. Drove fast, and when asked to slow down, did not, and was dismissive. Very arrogant. Will NEVER again be using this service.
Dhruv Traveled on 13/07/2021, Mini outstation journey Initially showing $20.00 when completing journey shown $30, Its to high never ever paid to other cab during last three months.
Trinity Kootenay Rude, unprofessional, and most of all Lazy!!! these guys are the worst taxi service in sherwood park! I strongly recommend you find someone else to take you somewhere. they are very rude and awful. so slow.
Samer Lisr We can not approch the customer care if any urgency…..
So please don’t use this cabs …….
There is no proper response from this company management.
I made several complaints and they are not taking any action on that…
Rator Rye I call this flat rate taxi but driver charge me on metter. Not charge me 10$ flat rate do not use this company.. very bad company
Monica Osmond I been using this company now since I moved to Sherwood park, always takes 20m for them to get here. Rude drivers. Called today and waited 30m had to call a different company because they took so long. Don't call this company call a different, Uber is even better!!!
Soumya Jain Truly i didnt liked their service, i expected more but i get less.
Soumya Bagda Didnt get satisfied with their services, no response, no respect for customers.
Arsh Vashisht Worst service of taxi sherwood. They didn’t refund nor custom care attends the call…..Driver overcharged me and they don’t take any action
Much more
0 notes
Negative Reviews About Taxi Sherwood Park
K 8 They charged my son $12 and when I called to ask why, they confirmed their flat rate is $10 but sometimes they charge $12 or $15. He drove my son 3km. This isn't right to take advantage of people. My son is 17 but didn't realize he charged him more until after.
Cory Blake The guy that drives the Toyota Prius in the morning overcharges. If you tell him what every other cab driver in sherwood park charges he will say he doesn't know how they make money and demand you pay him $15 for a $10 ride (will settle for $13). I can tell you how those other guys make money its called repeat business you get that for treating your customers fairly I will never use Taxi Sherwood Parks services again and I would reccomend neither do you
Andolith Terlynn I ordered a taxi for my Daughter to be pickup up and brought home. On the call no mentions of pre paid services, or anything of the sort!
When the cab arrived they Refused her service until the cab was pre-paid. As she had no money, they were willing top leave her and NOT contact me back to discuss what had happened. WILL NEVER USE THIS SERVICE AGAIN, and if you care about your loved ones you shouldn't rely on them either.
Mathieu Lemay I call for taxi earlier and the guy charge me 15$ from walmart Emeral hill to stop 2 minute grab my food at Opa in the same area emeral then drope off at sandman hotel 1km away this not make any sense i call to get ride just 30 minute before and the guy charge me 10$ so 25$ for ride back and forth sandman-walmart its little expensive i think
David G Flat rate cabs do not follow their own pricing. I was kidnapped today by a cab driver for not paying “his” flat rate and beyond that was argumentative when I pulled up the pricing list, Showing him the drop down menu with the price listing of Sherwood park.
I was dropped off less than 2km away from my location and was charged $14 I refused to pay and told him it was $10 the day before. I discovered the Sherwood park pricing list on the website when I went to show him. which is half the price of what I was being charged! $7 for short trips and $15 cross town He locked me in the cab demanding I pay “his” flat rate and he can charge whatever flat rate he wants since it’s his cab.
After reading back the website verbatim to him he started screaming at me saying that it’s his cab and his prices, I wouldn’t budge, he started arguing for about 10 minutes with me until he threw the debit back at me back with $10 with the tip option open. After paying he Threw the receipt at me, I leave and shut the door and he peels off.
Do yourself a favour and pay the little extra for Uber or Lyft and have the safety and security of having the drive recording through your app and also through the dash cam recording within.
Vandana Thagria Poor taxi service. They advertise that they charge flat rate to the airport but it’s not true. On Saturday morning I called them to get the cab for Edmonton international airport because I checked on their add it was saying $49 to the Airport and when driver dropped me at the airport I asked the driver about the price and he was asking $75 dollar. Because on the meter it was showing $75. When I asked the driver about the flat rate then he replied me, “ No flat rate on weekend”. He had no sense of talking. He had very bad communication skills. I request to the management to post the proper adds on google. Otherwise you will loose your business. Be careful guys from these people. taxi sherwood park company with blue decals they are cheater . so never ever use this company
Brian Sandberg I take a taxi to the same place Everytime I take one and it's always $10…..It's not even halfway across town. I had one charge me $11, saying the dollar was for the machine…and I've had them try and charge me $15…..It clearly states on the website $10 local, $15 across town. I'm getting sick of these guys trying to rip me off all the time. And one guy has a metre on his phone. Which is NOT flatrate. Crooks.
Darrel S Poor excuse for drivers. Not knowledgeable of areas within Sherwood Park.
Bilasi Kumar worst experience of my life…taxi sherwood park Very deceiving in title of company. I also had a friend take a trip to west end of edmonton, had no battery on his phone asked the driver to use phone to call mother and was told no. Not to mention the language barrier is brutal. Will never take them again, and will actively promote against please aware from this company
Dan Wilson Don’t bother to call this company their drivers are ripping off their company. Car 555 gave me ride today and he had his own device on phone to accept the card but when I asked for receipt he didn’t give me nothing. Very shady business stay away
Ron Smith Cab smelt like BO! Drivers mixed up address and when I called to ask why my cab hasn’t arrived, I was told he didn’t show up because they forgot the address. They also don’t believe in masks at the peak of pandemic.
Anonymous Society Your drivers in sherwood are scoundrels. They demand more money than what has shown. They made taxi service like truck by bargaining. They ask unnecessary questions boarding the cab. They demand more money to switch on AC. Without AC we cannot survive in Canada due to heat and sweat. Looks of drivers are like rogues and rough. The way they speak also rough and tough.
Preet Chahal It was my worst experience and i will never recommend this taxi to anyone. I called them and the driver reached after 40 minutes. They called me from no caller id and I didn’t pick call because it was from no caller id. Driver doesn’t waited for me. After that i called them again and they said just 3 minutes. But he taken again 15 minutes. I was supposed to reached at work 3 pm but I reached at 3.30 pm. I have never written negative review before for anyone but today i am writing bcz they annoyed me so much…
Cindy Conroy I booked a taxi to go to the airport he was late missing my flight. If your on a timeline DONT call
Jack Bernard Worst taxi company I have ever called! I asked for a cab and they said 20 mins and it took over an hour. All they had to do was tell me the truth that they were busy I wouldn’t have been mad their are plenty of cab companies out there. Instead I am writing the first negative review I have ever done in my life.
Shila Marie Unbelievably RUDE cab driver. Drove fast, and when asked to slow down, did not, and was dismissive. Very arrogant. Will NEVER again be using this service.
Dhruv Traveled on 13/07/2021, Mini outstation journey Initially showing $20.00 when completing journey shown $30, Its to high never ever paid to other cab during last three months.
Trinity Kootenay Rude, unprofessional, and most of all Lazy!!! these guys are the worst taxi service in sherwood park! I strongly recommend you find someone else to take you somewhere. they are very rude and awful. so slow.
Samer Lisr We can not approch the customer care if any urgency…..
So please don’t use this cabs …….
There is no proper response from this company management.
I made several complaints and they are not taking any action on that…
Rator Rye I call this flat rate taxi but driver charge me on metter. Not charge me 10$ flat rate do not use this company.. very bad company
Monica Osmond I been using this company now since I moved to Sherwood park, always takes 20m for them to get here. Rude drivers. Called today and waited 30m had to call a different company because they took so long. Don't call this company call a different, Uber is even better!!!
Soumya Jain Truly i didnt liked their service, i expected more but i get less.
Soumya Bagda Didnt get satisfied with their services, no response, no respect for customers.
Arsh Vashisht Worst service of taxi sherwood. They didn’t refund nor custom care attends the call…..Driver overcharged me and they don’t take any action
Much more
0 notes
cab-sherwood-park · 2 years
Negative Reviews About Taxi Sherwood Park
K 8 They charged my son $12 and when I called to ask why, they confirmed their flat rate is $10 but sometimes they charge $12 or $15. He drove my son 3km. This isn't right to take advantage of people. My son is 17 but didn't realize he charged him more until after.
Cory Blake The guy that drives the Toyota Prius in the morning overcharges. If you tell him what every other cab driver in sherwood park charges he will say he doesn't know how they make money and demand you pay him $15 for a $10 ride (will settle for $13). I can tell you how those other guys make money its called repeat business you get that for treating your customers fairly I will never use Taxi Sherwood Parks services again and I would reccomend neither do you
Andolith Terlynn I ordered a taxi for my Daughter to be pickup up and brought home. On the call no mentions of pre paid services, or anything of the sort!
When the cab arrived they Refused her service until the cab was pre-paid. As she had no money, they were willing top leave her and NOT contact me back to discuss what had happened. WILL NEVER USE THIS SERVICE AGAIN, and if you care about your loved ones you shouldn't rely on them either.
Mathieu Lemay I call for taxi earlier and the guy charge me 15$ from walmart Emeral hill to stop 2 minute grab my food at Opa in the same area emeral then drope off at sandman hotel 1km away this not make any sense i call to get ride just 30 minute before and the guy charge me 10$ so 25$ for ride back and forth sandman-walmart its little expensive i think
David G Flat rate cabs do not follow their own pricing. I was kidnapped today by a cab driver for not paying “his” flat rate and beyond that was argumentative when I pulled up the pricing list, Showing him the drop down menu with the price listing of Sherwood park.
I was dropped off less than 2km away from my location and was charged $14 I refused to pay and told him it was $10 the day before. I discovered the Sherwood park pricing list on the website when I went to show him. which is half the price of what I was being charged! $7 for short trips and $15 cross town He locked me in the cab demanding I pay “his” flat rate and he can charge whatever flat rate he wants since it’s his cab.
After reading back the website verbatim to him he started screaming at me saying that it’s his cab and his prices, I wouldn’t budge, he started arguing for about 10 minutes with me until he threw the debit back at me back with $10 with the tip option open. After paying he Threw the receipt at me, I leave and shut the door and he peels off.
Do yourself a favour and pay the little extra for Uber or Lyft and have the safety and security of having the drive recording through your app and also through the dash cam recording within.
Vandana Thagria Poor taxi service. They advertise that they charge flat rate to the airport but it’s not true. On Saturday morning I called them to get the cab for Edmonton international airport because I checked on their add it was saying $49 to the Airport and when driver dropped me at the airport I asked the driver about the price and he was asking $75 dollar. Because on the meter it was showing $75. When I asked the driver about the flat rate then he replied me, “ No flat rate on weekend”. He had no sense of talking. He had very bad communication skills. I request to the management to post the proper adds on google. Otherwise you will loose your business. Be careful guys from these people. taxi sherwood park company with blue decals they are cheater . so never ever use this company
Brian Sandberg I take a taxi to the same place Everytime I take one and it's always $10…..It's not even halfway across town. I had one charge me $11, saying the dollar was for the machine…and I've had them try and charge me $15…..It clearly states on the website $10 local, $15 across town. I'm getting sick of these guys trying to rip me off all the time. And one guy has a metre on his phone. Which is NOT flatrate. Crooks.
Darrel S Poor excuse for drivers. Not knowledgeable of areas within Sherwood Park.
Bilasi Kumar worst experience of my life…taxi sherwood park Very deceiving in title of company. I also had a friend take a trip to west end of edmonton, had no battery on his phone asked the driver to use phone to call mother and was told no. Not to mention the language barrier is brutal. Will never take them again, and will actively promote against please aware from this company
Dan Wilson Don’t bother to call this company their drivers are ripping off their company. Car 555 gave me ride today and he had his own device on phone to accept the card but when I asked for receipt he didn’t give me nothing. Very shady business stay away
Ron Smith Cab smelt like BO! Drivers mixed up address and when I called to ask why my cab hasn’t arrived, I was told he didn’t show up because they forgot the address. They also don’t believe in masks at the peak of pandemic.
Anonymous Society Your drivers in sherwood are scoundrels. They demand more money than what has shown. They made taxi service like truck by bargaining. They ask unnecessary questions boarding the cab. They demand more money to switch on AC. Without AC we cannot survive in Canada due to heat and sweat. Looks of drivers are like rogues and rough. The way they speak also rough and tough.
Preet Chahal It was my worst experience and i will never recommend this taxi to anyone. I called them and the driver reached after 40 minutes. They called me from no caller id and I didn’t pick call because it was from no caller id. Driver doesn’t waited for me. After that i called them again and they said just 3 minutes. But he taken again 15 minutes. I was supposed to reached at work 3 pm but I reached at 3.30 pm. I have never written negative review before for anyone but today i am writing bcz they annoyed me so much…
Cindy Conroy I booked a taxi to go to the airport he was late missing my flight. If your on a timeline DONT call
Jack Bernard Worst taxi company I have ever called! I asked for a cab and they said 20 mins and it took over an hour. All they had to do was tell me the truth that they were busy I wouldn’t have been mad their are plenty of cab companies out there. Instead I am writing the first negative review I have ever done in my life.
Shila Marie Unbelievably RUDE cab driver. Drove fast, and when asked to slow down, did not, and was dismissive. Very arrogant. Will NEVER again be using this service.
Dhruv Traveled on 13/07/2021, Mini outstation journey Initially showing $20.00 when completing journey shown $30, Its to high never ever paid to other cab during last three months.
Trinity Kootenay Rude, unprofessional, and most of all Lazy!!! these guys are the worst taxi service in sherwood park! I strongly recommend you find someone else to take you somewhere. they are very rude and awful. so slow.
Samer Lisr We can not approch the customer care if any urgency…..
So please don’t use this cabs …….
There is no proper response from this company management.
I made several complaints and they are not taking any action on that…
Rator Rye I call this flat rate taxi but driver charge me on metter. Not charge me 10$ flat rate do not use this company.. very bad company
Monica Osmond I been using this company now since I moved to Sherwood park, always takes 20m for them to get here. Rude drivers. Called today and waited 30m had to call a different company because they took so long. Don't call this company call a different, Uber is even better!!!
Soumya Jain Truly i didnt liked their service, i expected more but i get less.
Soumya Bagda Didnt get satisfied with their services, no response, no respect for customers.
Arsh Vashisht Worst service of taxi sherwood. They didn’t refund nor custom care attends the call…..Driver overcharged me and they don’t take any action
Much more
0 notes
cabs-sherwood-park · 2 years
Negative Reviews About Taxi Sherwood Park
K 8 They charged my son $12 and when I called to ask why, they confirmed their flat rate is $10 but sometimes they charge $12 or $15. He drove my son 3km. This isn't right to take advantage of people. My son is 17 but didn't realize he charged him more until after.
Cory Blake The guy that drives the Toyota Prius in the morning overcharges. If you tell him what every other cab driver in sherwood park charges he will say he doesn't know how they make money and demand you pay him $15 for a $10 ride (will settle for $13). I can tell you how those other guys make money its called repeat business you get that for treating your customers fairly I will never use Taxi Sherwood Parks services again and I would reccomend neither do you
Andolith Terlynn I ordered a taxi for my Daughter to be pickup up and brought home. On the call no mentions of pre paid services, or anything of the sort!
When the cab arrived they Refused her service until the cab was pre-paid. As she had no money, they were willing top leave her and NOT contact me back to discuss what had happened. WILL NEVER USE THIS SERVICE AGAIN, and if you care about your loved ones you shouldn't rely on them either.
Mathieu Lemay I call for taxi earlier and the guy charge me 15$ from walmart Emeral hill to stop 2 minute grab my food at Opa in the same area emeral then drope off at sandman hotel 1km away this not make any sense i call to get ride just 30 minute before and the guy charge me 10$ so 25$ for ride back and forth sandman-walmart its little expensive i think
David G Flat rate cabs do not follow their own pricing. I was kidnapped today by a cab driver for not paying “his” flat rate and beyond that was argumentative when I pulled up the pricing list, Showing him the drop down menu with the price listing of Sherwood park.
I was dropped off less than 2km away from my location and was charged $14 I refused to pay and told him it was $10 the day before. I discovered the Sherwood park pricing list on the website when I went to show him. which is half the price of what I was being charged! $7 for short trips and $15 cross town He locked me in the cab demanding I pay “his” flat rate and he can charge whatever flat rate he wants since it’s his cab.
After reading back the website verbatim to him he started screaming at me saying that it’s his cab and his prices, I wouldn’t budge, he started arguing for about 10 minutes with me until he threw the debit back at me back with $10 with the tip option open. After paying he Threw the receipt at me, I leave and shut the door and he peels off.
Do yourself a favour and pay the little extra for Uber or Lyft and have the safety and security of having the drive recording through your app and also through the dash cam recording within.
Vandana Thagria Poor taxi service. They advertise that they charge flat rate to the airport but it’s not true. On Saturday morning I called them to get the cab for Edmonton international airport because I checked on their add it was saying $49 to the Airport and when driver dropped me at the airport I asked the driver about the price and he was asking $75 dollar. Because on the meter it was showing $75. When I asked the driver about the flat rate then he replied me, “ No flat rate on weekend”. He had no sense of talking. He had very bad communication skills. I request to the management to post the proper adds on google. Otherwise you will loose your business. Be careful guys from these people. taxi sherwood park company with blue decals they are cheater . so never ever use this company
Brian Sandberg I take a taxi to the same place Everytime I take one and it's always $10…..It's not even halfway across town. I had one charge me $11, saying the dollar was for the machine…and I've had them try and charge me $15…..It clearly states on the website $10 local, $15 across town. I'm getting sick of these guys trying to rip me off all the time. And one guy has a metre on his phone. Which is NOT flatrate. Crooks.
Darrel S Poor excuse for drivers. Not knowledgeable of areas within Sherwood Park.
Bilasi Kumar worst experience of my life…taxi sherwood park Very deceiving in title of company. I also had a friend take a trip to west end of edmonton, had no battery on his phone asked the driver to use phone to call mother and was told no. Not to mention the language barrier is brutal. Will never take them again, and will actively promote against please aware from this company
Dan Wilson Don’t bother to call this company their drivers are ripping off their company. Car 555 gave me ride today and he had his own device on phone to accept the card but when I asked for receipt he didn’t give me nothing. Very shady business stay away
Ron Smith Cab smelt like BO! Drivers mixed up address and when I called to ask why my cab hasn’t arrived, I was told he didn’t show up because they forgot the address. They also don’t believe in masks at the peak of pandemic.
Anonymous Society Your drivers in sherwood are scoundrels. They demand more money than what has shown. They made taxi service like truck by bargaining. They ask unnecessary questions boarding the cab. They demand more money to switch on AC. Without AC we cannot survive in Canada due to heat and sweat. Looks of drivers are like rogues and rough. The way they speak also rough and tough.
Preet Chahal It was my worst experience and i will never recommend this taxi to anyone. I called them and the driver reached after 40 minutes. They called me from no caller id and I didn’t pick call because it was from no caller id. Driver doesn’t waited for me. After that i called them again and they said just 3 minutes. But he taken again 15 minutes. I was supposed to reached at work 3 pm but I reached at 3.30 pm. I have never written negative review before for anyone but today i am writing bcz they annoyed me so much…
Cindy Conroy I booked a taxi to go to the airport he was late missing my flight. If your on a timeline DONT call
Jack Bernard Worst taxi company I have ever called! I asked for a cab and they said 20 mins and it took over an hour. All they had to do was tell me the truth that they were busy I wouldn’t have been mad their are plenty of cab companies out there. Instead I am writing the first negative review I have ever done in my life.
Shila Marie Unbelievably RUDE cab driver. Drove fast, and when asked to slow down, did not, and was dismissive. Very arrogant. Will NEVER again be using this service.
Dhruv Traveled on 13/07/2021, Mini outstation journey Initially showing $20.00 when completing journey shown $30, Its to high never ever paid to other cab during last three months.
Trinity Kootenay Rude, unprofessional, and most of all Lazy!!! these guys are the worst taxi service in sherwood park! I strongly recommend you find someone else to take you somewhere. they are very rude and awful. so slow.
Samer Lisr We can not approch the customer care if any urgency…..
So please don’t use this cabs …….
There is no proper response from this company management.
I made several complaints and they are not taking any action on that…
Rator Rye I call this flat rate taxi but driver charge me on metter. Not charge me 10$ flat rate do not use this company.. very bad company
Monica Osmond I been using this company now since I moved to Sherwood park, always takes 20m for them to get here. Rude drivers. Called today and waited 30m had to call a different company because they took so long. Don't call this company call a different, Uber is even better!!!
Soumya Jain Truly i didnt liked their service, i expected more but i get less.
Soumya Bagda Didnt get satisfied with their services, no response, no respect for customers.
Arsh Vashisht Worst service of taxi sherwood. They didn’t refund nor custom care attends the call…..Driver overcharged me and they don’t take any action
Much more
0 notes
taxi-sherwood-park · 2 years
Negative Reviews About Taxi Sherwood Park
K 8 They charged my son $12 and when I called to ask why, they confirmed their flat rate is $10 but sometimes they charge $12 or $15. He drove my son 3km. This isn't right to take advantage of people. My son is 17 but didn't realize he charged him more until after.
Cory Blake The guy that drives the Toyota Prius in the morning overcharges. If you tell him what every other cab driver in sherwood park charges he will say he doesn't know how they make money and demand you pay him $15 for a $10 ride (will settle for $13). I can tell you how those other guys make money its called repeat business you get that for treating your customers fairly I will never use Taxi Sherwood Parks services again and I would reccomend neither do you
Andolith Terlynn I ordered a taxi for my Daughter to be pickup up and brought home. On the call no mentions of pre paid services, or anything of the sort!
When the cab arrived they Refused her service until the cab was pre-paid. As she had no money, they were willing top leave her and NOT contact me back to discuss what had happened. WILL NEVER USE THIS SERVICE AGAIN, and if you care about your loved ones you shouldn't rely on them either.
Mathieu Lemay I call for taxi earlier and the guy charge me 15$ from walmart Emeral hill to stop 2 minute grab my food at Opa in the same area emeral then drope off at sandman hotel 1km away this not make any sense i call to get ride just 30 minute before and the guy charge me 10$ so 25$ for ride back and forth sandman-walmart its little expensive i think
David G Flat rate cabs do not follow their own pricing. I was kidnapped today by a cab driver for not paying “his” flat rate and beyond that was argumentative when I pulled up the pricing list, Showing him the drop down menu with the price listing of Sherwood park.
I was dropped off less than 2km away from my location and was charged $14 I refused to pay and told him it was $10 the day before. I discovered the Sherwood park pricing list on the website when I went to show him. which is half the price of what I was being charged! $7 for short trips and $15 cross town He locked me in the cab demanding I pay “his” flat rate and he can charge whatever flat rate he wants since it’s his cab.
After reading back the website verbatim to him he started screaming at me saying that it’s his cab and his prices, I wouldn’t budge, he started arguing for about 10 minutes with me until he threw the debit back at me back with $10 with the tip option open. After paying he Threw the receipt at me, I leave and shut the door and he peels off.
Do yourself a favour and pay the little extra for Uber or Lyft and have the safety and security of having the drive recording through your app and also through the dash cam recording within.
Vandana Thagria Poor taxi service. They advertise that they charge flat rate to the airport but it’s not true. On Saturday morning I called them to get the cab for Edmonton international airport because I checked on their add it was saying $49 to the Airport and when driver dropped me at the airport I asked the driver about the price and he was asking $75 dollar. Because on the meter it was showing $75. When I asked the driver about the flat rate then he replied me, “ No flat rate on weekend”. He had no sense of talking. He had very bad communication skills. I request to the management to post the proper adds on google. Otherwise you will loose your business. Be careful guys from these people. taxi sherwood park company with blue decals they are cheater . so never ever use this company
Brian Sandberg I take a taxi to the same place Everytime I take one and it's always $10…..It's not even halfway across town. I had one charge me $11, saying the dollar was for the machine…and I've had them try and charge me $15…..It clearly states on the website $10 local, $15 across town. I'm getting sick of these guys trying to rip me off all the time. And one guy has a metre on his phone. Which is NOT flatrate. Crooks.
Darrel S Poor excuse for drivers. Not knowledgeable of areas within Sherwood Park.
Bilasi Kumar worst experience of my life…taxi sherwood park Very deceiving in title of company. I also had a friend take a trip to west end of edmonton, had no battery on his phone asked the driver to use phone to call mother and was told no. Not to mention the language barrier is brutal. Will never take them again, and will actively promote against please aware from this company
Dan Wilson Don’t bother to call this company their drivers are ripping off their company. Car 555 gave me ride today and he had his own device on phone to accept the card but when I asked for receipt he didn’t give me nothing. Very shady business stay away
Ron Smith Cab smelt like BO! Drivers mixed up address and when I called to ask why my cab hasn’t arrived, I was told he didn’t show up because they forgot the address. They also don’t believe in masks at the peak of pandemic.
Anonymous Society Your drivers in sherwood are scoundrels. They demand more money than what has shown. They made taxi service like truck by bargaining. They ask unnecessary questions boarding the cab. They demand more money to switch on AC. Without AC we cannot survive in Canada due to heat and sweat. Looks of drivers are like rogues and rough. The way they speak also rough and tough.
Preet Chahal It was my worst experience and i will never recommend this taxi to anyone. I called them and the driver reached after 40 minutes. They called me from no caller id and I didn’t pick call because it was from no caller id. Driver doesn’t waited for me. After that i called them again and they said just 3 minutes. But he taken again 15 minutes. I was supposed to reached at work 3 pm but I reached at 3.30 pm. I have never written negative review before for anyone but today i am writing bcz they annoyed me so much…
Cindy Conroy I booked a taxi to go to the airport he was late missing my flight. If your on a timeline DONT call
Jack Bernard Worst taxi company I have ever called! I asked for a cab and they said 20 mins and it took over an hour. All they had to do was tell me the truth that they were busy I wouldn’t have been mad their are plenty of cab companies out there. Instead I am writing the first negative review I have ever done in my life.
Shila Marie Unbelievably RUDE cab driver. Drove fast, and when asked to slow down, did not, and was dismissive. Very arrogant. Will NEVER again be using this service.
Dhruv Traveled on 13/07/2021, Mini outstation journey Initially showing $20.00 when completing journey shown $30, Its to high never ever paid to other cab during last three months.
Trinity Kootenay Rude, unprofessional, and most of all Lazy!!! these guys are the worst taxi service in sherwood park! I strongly recommend you find someone else to take you somewhere. they are very rude and awful. so slow.
Samer Lisr We can not approch the customer care if any urgency…..
So please don’t use this cabs …….
There is no proper response from this company management.
I made several complaints and they are not taking any action on that…
Rator Rye I call this flat rate taxi but driver charge me on metter. Not charge me 10$ flat rate do not use this company.. very bad company
Monica Osmond I been using this company now since I moved to Sherwood park, always takes 20m for them to get here. Rude drivers. Called today and waited 30m had to call a different company because they took so long. Don't call this company call a different, Uber is even better!!!
Soumya Jain Truly i didnt liked their service, i expected more but i get less.
Soumya Bagda Didnt get satisfied with their services, no response, no respect for customers.
Arsh Vashisht Worst service of taxi sherwood. They didn’t refund nor custom care attends the call…..Driver overcharged me and they don’t take any action
Much more
0 notes
sherwood-park-cabs · 2 years
Negative Reviews About Taxi Sherwood Park
K 8 They charged my son $12 and when I called to ask why, they confirmed their flat rate is $10 but sometimes they charge $12 or $15. He drove my son 3km. This isn't right to take advantage of people. My son is 17 but didn't realize he charged him more until after.
Cory Blake The guy that drives the Toyota Prius in the morning overcharges. If you tell him what every other cab driver in sherwood park charges he will say he doesn't know how they make money and demand you pay him $15 for a $10 ride (will settle for $13). I can tell you how those other guys make money its called repeat business you get that for treating your customers fairly I will never use Taxi Sherwood Parks services again and I would reccomend neither do you
Andolith Terlynn I ordered a taxi for my Daughter to be pickup up and brought home. On the call no mentions of pre paid services, or anything of the sort!
When the cab arrived they Refused her service until the cab was pre-paid. As she had no money, they were willing top leave her and NOT contact me back to discuss what had happened. WILL NEVER USE THIS SERVICE AGAIN, and if you care about your loved ones you shouldn't rely on them either.
Mathieu Lemay I call for taxi earlier and the guy charge me 15$ from walmart Emeral hill to stop 2 minute grab my food at Opa in the same area emeral then drope off at sandman hotel 1km away this not make any sense i call to get ride just 30 minute before and the guy charge me 10$ so 25$ for ride back and forth sandman-walmart its little expensive i think
David G Flat rate cabs do not follow their own pricing. I was kidnapped today by a cab driver for not paying “his” flat rate and beyond that was argumentative when I pulled up the pricing list, Showing him the drop down menu with the price listing of Sherwood park.
I was dropped off less than 2km away from my location and was charged $14 I refused to pay and told him it was $10 the day before. I discovered the Sherwood park pricing list on the website when I went to show him. which is half the price of what I was being charged! $7 for short trips and $15 cross town He locked me in the cab demanding I pay “his” flat rate and he can charge whatever flat rate he wants since it’s his cab.
After reading back the website verbatim to him he started screaming at me saying that it’s his cab and his prices, I wouldn’t budge, he started arguing for about 10 minutes with me until he threw the debit back at me back with $10 with the tip option open. After paying he Threw the receipt at me, I leave and shut the door and he peels off.
Do yourself a favour and pay the little extra for Uber or Lyft and have the safety and security of having the drive recording through your app and also through the dash cam recording within.
Vandana Thagria Poor taxi service. They advertise that they charge flat rate to the airport but it’s not true. On Saturday morning I called them to get the cab for Edmonton international airport because I checked on their add it was saying $49 to the Airport and when driver dropped me at the airport I asked the driver about the price and he was asking $75 dollar. Because on the meter it was showing $75. When I asked the driver about the flat rate then he replied me, “ No flat rate on weekend”. He had no sense of talking. He had very bad communication skills. I request to the management to post the proper adds on google. Otherwise you will loose your business. Be careful guys from these people. taxi sherwood park company with blue decals they are cheater . so never ever use this company
Brian Sandberg I take a taxi to the same place Everytime I take one and it's always $10…..It's not even halfway across town. I had one charge me $11, saying the dollar was for the machine…and I've had them try and charge me $15…..It clearly states on the website $10 local, $15 across town. I'm getting sick of these guys trying to rip me off all the time. And one guy has a metre on his phone. Which is NOT flatrate. Crooks.
Darrel S Poor excuse for drivers. Not knowledgeable of areas within Sherwood Park.
Bilasi Kumar worst experience of my life…taxi sherwood park Very deceiving in title of company. I also had a friend take a trip to west end of edmonton, had no battery on his phone asked the driver to use phone to call mother and was told no. Not to mention the language barrier is brutal. Will never take them again, and will actively promote against please aware from this company
Dan Wilson Don’t bother to call this company their drivers are ripping off their company. Car 555 gave me ride today and he had his own device on phone to accept the card but when I asked for receipt he didn’t give me nothing. Very shady business stay away
Ron Smith Cab smelt like BO! Drivers mixed up address and when I called to ask why my cab hasn’t arrived, I was told he didn’t show up because they forgot the address. They also don’t believe in masks at the peak of pandemic.
Anonymous Society Your drivers in sherwood are scoundrels. They demand more money than what has shown. They made taxi service like truck by bargaining. They ask unnecessary questions boarding the cab. They demand more money to switch on AC. Without AC we cannot survive in Canada due to heat and sweat. Looks of drivers are like rogues and rough. The way they speak also rough and tough.
Preet Chahal It was my worst experience and i will never recommend this taxi to anyone. I called them and the driver reached after 40 minutes. They called me from no caller id and I didn’t pick call because it was from no caller id. Driver doesn’t waited for me. After that i called them again and they said just 3 minutes. But he taken again 15 minutes. I was supposed to reached at work 3 pm but I reached at 3.30 pm. I have never written negative review before for anyone but today i am writing bcz they annoyed me so much…
Cindy Conroy I booked a taxi to go to the airport he was late missing my flight. If your on a timeline DONT call
Jack Bernard Worst taxi company I have ever called! I asked for a cab and they said 20 mins and it took over an hour. All they had to do was tell me the truth that they were busy I wouldn’t have been mad their are plenty of cab companies out there. Instead I am writing the first negative review I have ever done in my life.
Shila Marie Unbelievably RUDE cab driver. Drove fast, and when asked to slow down, did not, and was dismissive. Very arrogant. Will NEVER again be using this service.
Dhruv Traveled on 13/07/2021, Mini outstation journey Initially showing $20.00 when completing journey shown $30, Its to high never ever paid to other cab during last three months.
Trinity Kootenay Rude, unprofessional, and most of all Lazy!!! these guys are the worst taxi service in sherwood park! I strongly recommend you find someone else to take you somewhere. they are very rude and awful. so slow.
Samer Lisr We can not approch the customer care if any urgency…..
So please don’t use this cabs …….
There is no proper response from this company management.
I made several complaints and they are not taking any action on that…
Rator Rye I call this flat rate taxi but driver charge me on metter. Not charge me 10$ flat rate do not use this company.. very bad company
Monica Osmond I been using this company now since I moved to Sherwood park, always takes 20m for them to get here. Rude drivers. Called today and waited 30m had to call a different company because they took so long. Don't call this company call a different, Uber is even better!!!
Soumya Jain Truly i didnt liked their service, i expected more but i get less.
Soumya Bagda Didnt get satisfied with their services, no response, no respect for customers.
Arsh Vashisht Worst service of taxi sherwood.They didn’t refund nor custom care attends the call…..Driver overcharged me and they don’t take any action
Much more
0 notes
nev3rfound · 3 years
doolally : b.b
bucky is trying to look after you as you return back from having your wisdom teeth removed, but you refuse to make it an easy matter for him. (1k)
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warnings: none really, mentions of some blood  requested: nope!
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website without being credited, it has not been approved to be shared by me. all rights reserved.)
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“It hurts,” You can’t help but whine as you lift your hands toward your face, only to have them softly lowers back down.
Holding back his sigh, Bucky helps you back into the compound after you struggled to walk the distance from the car to the front door without stumbling.
“Is a wheelchair really necessary?” Steve asks, leaning against the elevator as Bucky wheels you out.
“It wouldn’t be if someone wasn’t so go happy about the laughing gas they received.” Bucky huffs, hearing you stifle a giggle through the cotton stuffed between your cheeks.
Continuing through the compound, you mumble incoherently to yourself until Bucky reaches your room.
Leaving your side for a moment to open the door, you manage to wheel yourself backwards and slam into the wall opposite.
“Ow.” You mutter, this time catching the sight of Bucky’s shoulders deflating before facing you. “Oops?”
“Come on, doll.” Bucky walks over and bends down, lifting you up in his arms as you squeal in surprise, yet you quickly soften and bury your face in the crook of his neck.
“You smell like the woods.” You state, feeling the vibrations in his chest as he hums along. “But the good smells, like dewy grass and cedar trees.” You add, furrowing your brows as you remain focused, not acknowledging the shy smile spreading across Buckys lips.
As he reaches your bed, Bucky gently lowers you down, but you have other plans.
Keeping your hands locked around his neck, you maintain your stare at the former soldier. “Doll, you gotta let go.” Bucky softly tells you, only to feel your grip tighten and pull him closer.
“I wanna cuddle.” Your eyes begin to droop as your grip eases around his neck.
Taking your arms, Bucky lowers them to your sides as he reaches for the pillows on his side of the bed, ensuring you’re propped upright as the Doctor ordered.
“There we go,” A half-smile forms on Bucky’s lips as your eyes fully close and your head lulls to the side. “I’ll go get you some water, okay?”
Hearing you mumble in response, Bucky slides off your bed, glancing back to ensure you’re still upright despite the heavy amount of cotton and tissue currently stuffed in your mouth.
With the door closed, Bucky quickly walks to the kitchen, barely able to stop himself from running until he’s greeted with wide eyes from Sam and Steve.
“What’s wrong?” Steve’s on his feet, staring at Bucky whose chest rises and falls rapidly.
Ignoring Steve’s comment, Bucky carries on with his task as he reaches for a glass before filling it with water.
“Y/n still all bloody?” Sam asks, having only caught a glimpse of your swollen cheeks and receiving the middle finger from you as he tried to take a photo.
Bucky glances over his shoulder coldly as water overflows in the glass. “She’s just tired.” Bucky remarks.
"And she's going to be out of action and training for an entire week?" Sam can't hide his shock as Steve shakes his head.
"Sam, you sprained your ankle and refused to do the dishes for three days last month." Steve reminds his friend who opens his mouth to respond, but something catches his gaze instead.
Turning around, Bucky swears under his breath as you stand with your blanket draped over your shoulders like a cap. “Hi,” You manage to say through the cotton wedged in your cheeks that are now threatening to fall out of your mouth.
“Y/n, you’re supposed to be resting.” Bucky reminds you, having been given strict instructions from your Dentist, knowing how unlikely it would be that you’d obey them.
Playing with the blanket, you swirl it around as you sway side to side, ignoring Bucky entirely.
“Come on, Y/n.” Steve inputs, walking toward you. “Isn’t it time that you had those changed?” He motions to the bloodied cotton hanging out from your cheeks.
“But I like being a chipmunk.” You whine, oblivious to Sam recording this entire interaction knowing it’ll be a prized video once you’re fully recovered and the perfect blackmail material.
“And it’s a good look on you, Y/n.” Bucky jokes as he wraps an arm around you, noticing your gaze drifting down to his metal arm and your weak attempt at smirking.
“Remember that time I tried to pull it off during-”
“Doll,” Bucky starts, now guiding you away from the kitchen, abandoning the glass of water for you on the countertop.
“Now, Bucky, let the girl finish her story.” Sam calls out as you turn the corner whilst Steve simply glances over to Sam. “What?”
“I told you that story isn’t to leave our bedroom.” Bucky reminds you, glancing down to witness you rolling your heavy eyes, barely able to keep them open as he reaches your room.
Helping you back into bed for the second time, Bucky decides it’s best to stay put.
“Tired, baby?” Bucky whispers, listening to you hum as your head drops forward only to be lifted back up gently by Bucky. “Gotta stay upright.” He mutters, knowing it’ll be a long night ahead of him.
Extending your arm out, you reach for Bucky's hand, taking it in yours. “Thanks for looking after me, Buck,” You comment through a weak yawn, feeling the cotton slipping out further only to be stuffed back into your mouth by Bucky. “I love you, you know that?” You admit tiredly, too out of it to realise it’s the first time you’ve said those three words.
Trying to remain calm, Bucky nods to himself as his heart rate accelerates whilst watching you begin to doze off. Yet, he smiles to himself as he curls up into you. “Yeah,” He breathes out, having imagined how he’d tell you in the perfect scenario and this definitely not being one of them he envisioned. “and I love you too, dollface.”
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hanji-is-life · 4 years
Bakugou in a skirt being a bully to his girlfriend. Flashing her his ass by lifting up the skirt a little bit then he laughs at her response to the flashing. He would totally sit with his legs opened while having a smirk as he call you over to top him off and calls you his dirty girl for sucking him off while he’s wearing a skirt.
He’s digging into your spirit with a skirt on. Calling you all types of names.
He’s the type to buy matching skirts and fuck you in them calling it pretty bitches fuck pretty bitches as he have you bouncing on his dick while recording the whole thing.
Honey. I saw this like an hour after you sent it and literally had to set my phone down. I told my best friend about this ask and now she won't get off of my neck about writing it LMFAOOOO
You deserve your ass ate for this one fr
Note: this is long and unedited bc I wrote it on my computer and my shit crashed after I finished and saved it so sorry for any mistakes lmao enjoy!!
word count: 2.3k
“You gonna put your skirt on too, or are you just gonna gawk at me in mine all day, princess?” 
Bakugou’s husky voice abruptly brought you out of your focused stare on his lower half. You hadn't really expected him to go through with your...request. Nor look so fucking good in it. 
Weeks ago, you asked your boyfriend Bakugou if you two could get matching Dynamight skirts that you saw on a hero merchandise website. Expecting him to freak the fuck out and give a definite no, you were surprised when your boyfriend snatched the phone from your hands and brought them with his own card. 
Now, here the skirts are. Yours is laying on the bed, an obvious size too small, as Bakugou stands at the mirror on your closet door, looking himself over. He glances at you in the mirror, watches the way your eyes travel from the exposed skin of his cutoff tank to the skirt that barely brushes the tops of his thighs. Fuck, he looked so fucking hot in it. 
He smirks at your obvious drooling, flips the skirt up slightly to show the bare expanse of his ass. And he wasn’t even wearing any underwear, the cheeky slut. You gasp, eyes widening as you resist the urge to walk up and smack the pale flesh. 
“Shit, I know I look good, but are you gonna put yours on or what? I didn't buy this shit for nothing, sweetheart.”
You snap your head up to finally look Bakugou in the eye. The cocky fuck, he can't keep his smirk off of his lips as adjusts the skirt. If the bottom of his ass was hanging out, then that had to mean--
Sucking in a deep breath, you will yourself to turn around and put your own skirt on. You squeak when Bakugou slaps your bare ass as you pull your sleep shorts down. He sits beside where your skirt lays, eyes your naked thighs and stops you as you go to slip the black and orange skirt up your thighs. 
“What?” your voice is shaky, a struggle as you try to maintain eye contact and not glance down between his spread legs. You know if you look down, then you you're probably going to sink down before you even get your own skirt up your legs. 
“I’m not wearing anything under this, so you shouldn't either.” 
His ruby eyes are sharp, another smirk playing at his lips as he pulls you in between his knees and tugs at the band of your panties. You smile, brush his hair back from his forehead as you hum and let him slide your panties down your legs. Bakugou helps you step out of them before leaning forward and planting the smallest kiss to your mound. As he pulls back, a glistening shine between your thighs catches his eyes. 
“You wet already from this, princess?” 
You shiver, nodding, as you bite back the whimper in the base of your throat. Bakugou snorts, pressing a kiss to your belly button before handing you the skirt and leaning back on his hands and knees. He watches you with keen eyes, pulls his plump bottom lip between white teeth as his eyes rake over your form slowly. 
Your hands shake as you step into the skirt and pull it up your thighs. When it’s settled into place, Bakugou immediately grips your hips in his hands. He swishes you softly from side to side, eyes locked on the soft skin of your thighs before he pulls his hands away. 
“Do a lil spin for me, princess. Let me see the back.”
You follow his directions, feeling so small under his piercing gaze as you face away from his eyes. His hands smooth over the back of your thighs, down to your knees, up until he brushes the skirt over the swell of your ass. He squeezes the flesh tight there, jiggles it in his palm, before directed you to turn back around. 
Resting your hands on his shoulders, Bakugou keeps you at half an arms length away to continue looking over you silently. You take the time to finally do the same--and holy fucking shit. 
His cock is at half-mast now. A slight bump in the skirt as his tip peaks from under the soft material, a small darker spot prominent on it. The sight is so lewd, the way he spreads his legs even further after noticing where your eyes have wandered. He grins at you evilly as he nods down to his lap. 
“Wanna suck me off that bad?” he asks, to which you immediately nod. “All because I’m in a skirt? You're fucking disgusting.” 
You whimper at his tone, dig your fingernails into his skin as he hisses at the contact with a smile. You feel yourself panting, twisting slightly in spot to get some friction going in between your wet thighs. Bakugou stares at you for a moment before dropping his hands back on the bed to lean on them as he cocks an eyebrow at you. 
“Well? It ain’t gonna suck itself.”
The words immediately get you into action. You drop in between his spread legs, feel him wind strong fingers into your hair. He shoves your face in between his thighs, forces your cheek to cuddle against the wet spot on his skirt. 
After your cheek is sticky enough to his liking, Bakugou rips you back by your hair and slightly tugs the skirt back to reveal his length. The material pools in his lap, bunches up slightly as his thick cock juts proudly up in the air and smack against your waiting mouth. 
He gives you no time to tease, no time to build up, to have his cock leaking a copious amount of precum. No, he holds his cock steady, slips the tip into your mouth and begins to quickly bob you up and down the first few inches. You fight back the urge to choke, squeezing your thumb and your eyes shut as you hum quietly around his cock. He groans, tightens his grip in your hair as he throws his head back. 
“Such a nasty bitch. Turned on by sucking my cock, just because I’m in a skirt. You my dirty little girl?”
His voice is strained as he holds your head still to start bucking into your mouth. Its faster than you're used to, but the feeling of him abusing your throat only makes the wetness between your thighs spread immensely. You nod as much as you can in his grip, eyes glancing up to see his red ones half lidded and staring down at you. You moan louder this time as your feel his socked foot slip in between your thighs, dropping your mouth open to allow more of his fat dick inside of your wet mouth. 
“Fucking slut. Grinding on my fucking foot, you didn't even realize you were doing it, huh? Must just be by nature to be a thirsty whore to get your fucking rocks off.” 
He’s gritting his lip, eyes barely open as precum starts to thicken inside of your mouth and slip down your throat. Every time you choke, he pulls you off for a second to catch your breath before shoving you back down. He pushes your head down until your nose brushes the fabric of the skirt. There’s a wet patch from the spit and pre that has rolled down his shaft, making you shiver and subconsciously grind down harder onto the foot underneath you. 
You can tell he’s getting closer by the twitch in his hips. You try to help him along, swirling your tongue and pressing against the prominent veins and the underside of the head of his cock when he pulls back to rest his length on your tongue. He grunts, eyes squeezed shut as he roughly pulls you off of his cock completely. You suck in a deep breath, still rolling your hips on his wetting sock now. 
Bakugou sits back on his hands again, trying to catch his breath as he lets you use his foot to get yourself close to an orgasm. He lets you go at it until he can breathe evenly, reaches forward to snatch you up into his lap and scoot back on the bed. 
He stills when his back is against the pillows, stares up at you for a minute and even smiles softly at your fucked out face. You giggle, quietly rejoicing in the quick and soft domestic moment as he puckers his lips for a kiss. You meet him halfway with a sigh, slipping your tongue into his mouth as you two kiss sensually until you start to lose your breath. He whispers in between kisses,
"So pretty, you're so pretty."
Pulling back, you settle more on his lap, making you both groan as your wet cunt slides over his own spit soaked cock. He lets you grind against him for a few seconds as he reaches over on his night table and picks up his phone. You whimper, already knowing where he's gonna go with this as Bakugou smirks up at you.
"Cmon, put it in already, slutty girl." He grumbles, one hand pointing the phone to where you sit on his cock, the other rubbing your thigh encouragingly.
You nod, biting your bottom lip as you lift on your knees and grab his shaft to position him under you. You tease his tip at your folds, earning you a warning growl, before slowly sinking down onto his length. It takes a minute with no prep, but the wetness of both of you helps make the slide a little more bearable.
When you finally can sit fully on his cock, your legs tremble violently. Eyes clenched shut, you drop your mouth open to a moan, shifting with every scratch and rub of the soft material of the skirts.
"Feel good, princess?"
Bakugou rasps as you feel his own cock jump violently inside of you. You buck roughly on his cock, making you both groan as you quickly nod your head.
"So good, s'good, baby." You're slurring already, slit pulsating at just the feeling of his cock splitting you open. With a soft smack to your thigh, that's all you need to get going with bouncing on Bakugou's cock.
"Hold your skirt up, dirty girl."
He whispers, using his own hand to push up one side to help encourage you. You nod dumbly, leaning back on your knees to lift the skirt up with both hands, fully exposing your wet cunt swallowing his cock repeatedly. Bakugou groans, lets go of your skirt to circle your clit with his thumb quickly. He chuckles low, strained and rough in his chest as he speaks more to the phone than to you. You hear his words anyway, which makes you clench violently around him.
"Look at that; a pretty bitch fucking a pretty bitch."
You cry out loudly, thighs faltering for a second as you gush a new wave of slick around his cock. Bakugou grunts, bucks his hips into yours as he whispers about how tight you are quietly. Tired of your slow moving pace, he sets the phone up on the night table to stand and keep recording the two of you.
When he pulls his upper body back into place, he grips your hips hard in hand and immediately starts hammering into you. You can only scream, eyes crossing as your mouth hangs open, creating a line of drool that makes another mess on both of your skirts. You struggle to keep holding it up, fingers clenching and unclenching around the material as you sit up on your knees to let Bakugou fuck up into you roughly.
"If I knew putting on a fucking skirt could make your pussy this fucking wet and tight, I would've done this shit months ago." He grunts out, thighs and balls smacking loudly against your dripping thighs and ass. You try to respond back but he tightened his grip on your waist to slip his thumb onto your clit and rub it roughly.
You can't even warn him before you're coming, back arching dramatically as your eyes roll into the back of your head. You let out the most unholiest scream as you gush around his cock, a few tears leaking from your eyes as Bakugou curses and continues fucking up into you.
With a numbered amount of sloppy thrusts into your still orgasming cunt, Bakugou cums inside of you. It's wet and messy, a slick sound coming from between both of you as he grunts and moans out a string of curses as he fills up your cunt.
You whimper in oversensitivity as he grinds his softening cock inside of your ruined walls. Bakugou finally stills, allows you to drop onto his stomach and chest as he laughs and snatches his phone up to turn off the recording. The both of you lay there exhausted for a few minutes as he kisses your forehead and rubs up the expanse of your back.
"Should I order more skirts?" He asks gruffly, making you snort softly. You nod into his neck, lean up to pepper kisses against his pulse.
"Please do. You ruined both of ours."
"No you ruined them from your fucking slick--"
"No you ruined them from your fucking cum--"
"No, you--"
Needless to say, you both purged his Pro Hero credit card and brought 12 different pairs of matching skirts, thigh highs, and maybe even one or two pairs of panties--that definitely wouldn't be yours.
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sunkissedpages · 3 years
instead of you [part seventeen]
pairing: [best friend’s brother] tom holland x college!reader
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol +sex
word count: 1.5k
series masterlist
The flight from Naples to Tokyo took fourteen hours, not including the two and a half hour layover in Istanbul, meaning you had sixteen and a half hours to sit in awkward tension-filled silence next to Sam. The tension was one-sided, of course, but it was still agonizing to endure.
You had been able to push your anxiety aside during your last day in Italy because it had been so busy. There had been a power outage in the middle of the night, causing everyone to oversleep and miss the ferry for one of your tours that morning. It had been a scramble to get back on schedule and do as much as possible with the time you had left. The boys had been hungover and their parents were tired of wrangling them. You had dozens of photos on your camera roll of Sam and Harry bickering when they were supposed to be posing for a nice picture, and even more of Tom flicking them off. 
But now you were stuck alone with your thoughts, unable to use distraction as a means to escape. You tried reading your book, but found yourself unable to concentrate on the words on the page. After staring at the same paragraph for over fifteen minutes Sam noticed and asked if you were okay and you finally decided to call it quits. 
You almost wished the Hollands hadn’t scheduled in a day and a half to adjust to the time zone change. You’d rather exhaust yourself with the nonstop tourist bullshit than have to cope with the reality that you had gotten off to thoughts about your best friend’s brother. Not to mention living with the secret that the same best friend’s brother had kissed you not long before that. 
If Sam noticed anything was off, he didn’t mention it. He probably chalked it up to lack of sleep, or perhaps was too tired himself to care. 
“Which one of us do you think will be randomly selected in customs today?” Harry asked, stretching his arms above his head. 
You were standing in the aisle waiting to deplane, placing bets on who’d get searched by border agents this time. Somehow each time you traveled to a new place one of you was always chosen to get pat down or have your carry-on searched. Tom had yet to be the lucky winner, and you suspected it had something to do with his celebrity status. 
“Y/n,” Tom answered easily. “She has the U.S. passport.”
You rolled your eyes. “Like England has a squeaky clean record with Japan.”
“At least we didn’t-”
“Bro, you can’t say the b word on a plane,” Harry interrupted.
“Even when the plane’s on the ground?”
Sam shrugged. “Better safe than sorry.”
“Whatever,” Tom continued. “It’s definitely going to be y/n.”
“Would you mind stepping out of line, ma’am?” 
You sighed, not even bothering to look back at the boys. You already knew they were grinning like idiots and you didn’t want to give them the satisfaction. The agent ushered you to the side behind a glass partition, but not before you heard another agent repeat the same question to one of the Hollands. You smiled to yourself, happy not to be the only one singled out.
Behind the privacy screen another agent greeted you and asked you to take your sweatshirt off, explaining that it was too baggy and needed to be checked. You saw other people in baggy clothes who weren’t getting pulled out of line, but assumed they didn’t have the red flag of “U.S. Citizen” printed on their identification that would be cause for any additional suspicion. You complied with the agent’s request and pulled your sweatshirt off for them to further inspect.
You were glad you’d worn a sports bra underneath your sweatshirt because you usually didn’t wear anything underneath them. As soon as your head was out of the pullover you immediately met by Tom’s polite smile. 
He averted his eyes as soon as he saw you, pausing his conversation with the official to mumble a quiet ‘sorry’ to you as he was shown to the spot next to yours. 
You zoned out as they spoke, only aware of him again when he started unbuckling his belt. You caught his eye this time. 
“Forgot to take it off,” he explained.
“Sweatshirt’s too loose.”
You both faced forward as the customs officials proceeded through the motions. You were stuck standing there half-naked with your arms wrapped around your chest self-consciously while an agent pat Tom’s legs down. 
“Dad said we can meet them at baggage claim,” Tom said after a few moments of silence between the two of you. “They went on without us.”
“Okay,” you squeaked back in response. 
You knew it wouldn’t take long, but it still made you nervous to be alone with Tom. Sam was like a safety blanket, or a buffer between you and him and without him you were afraid it would be painfully awkward. 
The woman handed you your sweatshirt back and you had to wait for Tom outside of the screening area. He joined you a minute or so later.
“They find any dirt on you?” you asked from where you were leaning against the wall across from the exit. 
“Nope, you?”
“Yeah, actually I’m in custody right now. Can’t believe you missed the handcuffs.”
“Man, what’d they get you for?” 
“Identity theft,” you sighed. 
“Damn, that’s a bummer,” Tom replied, false sympathy rolling off his words. 
He cocked his head in the direction the rest of his family had went, indicating that you should get going, and held out a hand to pull you upright. You took it hesitantly and let him help you. 
“I was actually hoping you could bail me out?” you went on, continuing with the bit. 
Tom made a sound through his teeth and grimaced. “I’m kinda broke right now.”
“Aren’t you an actor?”
“Sorry, but I think you have me confused with someone else.”
“No, you’re definitely the guy!”
“You’re thinking of Tom Hiddleston,” he insisted.
“Remember that IOU you gave me? I’m cashing it in now.”
“That’s not how it works!” 
You laughed. “No, but if I ever actually get arrested I’m using my IOU to get you to bail me out of jail.”
“I don’t think that a kiss and getting bailed out of prison are comparable, but I didn’t put any conditions on that postcard, did I?”
“Nope!” You smiled happily.
“Well that’s on me, so...”
You took the shuttle together to the other side of the airport where the rest of the Hollands were waiting and finally found them with all of your luggage at the furthest carousel from the entrance. 
“It’s about time!” Harry yelled over the crowd as soon as he saw you. 
Sam grinned when he saw you and you couldn’t help but grin back. He wrapped an arm around you instinctively and you relaxed into his shoulder, relieved to be with him again. It hadn’t dawned on you until that moment just how attached you were, but you didn’t have time to dwell on it because the other Hollands were all looking at you expectantly.
“Did everything go okay?” Nikki asked. 
Tom nodded. “They made y/n strip, but it was uneventful otherwise.”
You pursed your lips, cheeks burning. “It was just my sweatshirt!” you hissed to Sam. 
“Yeah, but you never wear anything under your sweatshirts!” Sam hissed back.
“I had a bra on this time.”
“Oh, so it was just another night at the bar for you?” You wrestled yourself out of Sam’s grasp at that and glared. “Am I wrong?”
Sam’s dad cut in before you could respond. He had a habit of calling “family meetings” in the middle of public spaces to finalize plans and get everybody on the same page, which was always an experience. 
“Alright, gather up, gang!” he said, beckoning you all closer. “So we’ll be staying at... this hotel,” he explained and turned his phone around to show you the name of it. “And the thing is, we have two rooms to share between the six of us. One for your mother and I, and another for you four.”
“What?” Sam asked. “You’re going to make us stay with them?”
“I thought we were getting three rooms like every other time,” Tom chimed in.
“We were meant to, but I made a mistake when booking it,” Dom clarified.
“The entire website was in Japanese, Sam. I don’t know Japanese!”
“Dad, Google has a translate webpage option!” Harry groaned.
“Well no one told me that while I was booking this entire trip by myself!”
You traded a look with Tom, who looked just as panicked as you felt. But it would only be for a week. You would find a way to manage. You didn’t really have any other option.
“I’m sure it’ll be fun,” Sam tried, forcing a smile.
“That’s the spirit!” Dom cheered. “We’ll make it work.”
sorry she’s short this week :( but lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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she ain’t a gold digger ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 2417
request?: yes!
“Hi, please write a MGK imagine where the reader joins him on tour and he loses his wallet and when they decide to go out to a club one night, she asks him to get something from her bag and he sees his wallet in there. He accuses her of stealing and they get into a fight and she storms off. One of the guys confesses that they found it in their suitcase by accident and just slipped it in her purse to keep it safe but forgot to tell him and he apologizes profusely to reader and after some persuasion she forgives him”
description: when his wallet goes missing and he finds it in her bag, he lets the tabloids bullshit get to him and causes a fight he regrets
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, angst
masterlist (one, two)
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The hotel room was basically overturned when (Y/N) walked in. Colson was tossing things from his suitcase, frantically searching for something.
“We’ve only been here like five minutes, is it really time to pull a full Motley Crue on this room?” she teased.
“I can’t find my wallet,” Colson said, running his hands through his hair in frustration.
“It’s not in my suitcase, it’s not in any of my pants - the ones in my suitcase or the ones I’m wearing - it’s not in my carry on or my jacket.”
(Y/N) crossed the room to kneel next to Colson. She put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. In a more calm manner, she looked through the things Colson had messily thrown about the floor. She helped him to look for the millionth time through everything, coming up empty yet again.
“Okay, don’t panic,” she said. “You had it at the airport because it was with your passport. We can call both this airport and the one we just departed from to see if it’s been turned in. In the meantime, we can lock your cards so no one can use them.”
Colson nodded, but (Y/N) could see the panic in his eyes. She cupped his face and made him look up at her. “Hey, it’s okay. We’ll find it, and if we don’t we’ll replace it the best we can.”
Despite the stress he was still feeling, Colson decided to join (Y/N) and his friends at the club that night. He was glued to his phone the entire ride there, and once they got to the club (Y/N) took it and shoved it into her purse.
“Relax,” she told him. “We’re here to have a good time.”
“But what if someone calls about my wallet?” he asked.
“Then they’ll leave a message. I highly doubt anyone is calling you at almost midnight, though.” (Y/N) laced her fingers through Colson’s and pressed her body against his. “Please baby? For me?”
Colson sighed but (Y/N) could see the smile on his face. “Fine, but you’re paying for my drinks tonight.”
He had to admit the night out was what he needed. Besides the panic over his wallet, Colson had also basically worked himself to death the past few months. Between recording and filming, and now the tour. He was just grateful that his manager allowed (Y/N) to join them on tour. He’d be out of his mind without her.
(Y/N) pushed through the crowd to where Colson and his friends were and passed Colson his drink. He smiled and pulled her down onto his lap. (Y/N) giggled as Colson pressed a kiss onto her neck.
“If you guys are gonna fuck, do us the curtesy of going to the bathroom,” Rook called over the music.
“Please, I’m more classy than that,” Colson responded. “I’d fuck her in the coat closet like a gentleman.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and stood. “I’m gonna go dance. Enjoy your boy talk.”
Colson watched the beautiful curved figure of his girlfriend strut to the dancefloor. He finished his drink in one mouthful and went to follow her.
They danced together for so long that Colson had forgotten all of his worried for a brief period of time. He gazed lovingly into the face of the love of his life as she grinded her hips against his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sheepishly smiled up at him.
“Wanna get out of here?” she whispered seductively in his ear.
“More than anything,” Colson responded. “I’ll get our things. Meet me at the front doors.”
(Y/N) smiled and winked at him as they went their separate ways. Colson pulled out the coat check tickets to get his jacket and (Y/N)’s purse, and passed it to the girl working there. As he shrugged on his jacket, he got the overwhelming urge to check his phone to see if anyone had called about his wallet.
He promised (Y/N) he’d have a good time, but she didn’t have to know he checked. He would just look and see if there were any missed calls then forget until morning.
However, when he opened (Y/N)’s purse to get her phone, he noticed something on the very top: his wallet.
Why does she have my wallet? he thought. And why wouldn’t she tell me that she had it? She knows how worried I’ve been about it.
He tried not to overthink anything before talking to (Y/N) first. He made his way to the front of the club where (Y/N) was waiting with a joint hanging partially out of her mouth. She looked over at him and smiled as a puff of smoke rolled from her lips.
“Are you ready to go?” she asked. When she noticed Colson’s serious look, her smile fell. “Babe, are you okay? Did something happen?”
He found his words stuck in his throat, so instead of speaking he just held his wallet up.
“Holy shit! Is that your wallet?” Colson nodded, still unable to talk. “Where did you find it?!”
“In your purse.”
(Y/N)’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What? How did it get in my purse?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.”
She looked up at him as she took another puff from the joint. “What does that mean?”
“It doesn’t mean anything, I’m just asking a question. This is your purse after all, the only people who touch it are you and me. Obviously I didn’t put the wallet in there so that leaves one person.”
(Y/N) crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at him. “Say it Colson. Fucking say it.”
“Did you take my wallet (Y/N)?”
“No! Of course I didn’t!”
“Then why is it in your purse?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and turned away from Colson. She started to walk away, but he followed her.
“If you took it, I just want to know why,” he said. “I’m not upset, I know there’s likely a good reason for taking it and not telling me.”
“I didn’t fucking take it!” (Y/N) snapped, spinning around to glare at Colson. “I know how this looks, I know it makes no sense, but I fucking swear to you I did not take your fucking wallet. I don’t know how it got in my purse, I don’t know why it’s there, but I did not take your goddamn wallet!”
“Then why the fuck is it in your purse?!”
(Y/N) let out a frustrated groan and buried her head in her hands. “Why can’t you just fucking believe me when I say I didn’t take it? I don’t know how it got in my purse, but I didn’t take it.”
“It just doesn’t make sense to me, (Y/N). How else would it have gotten there? You’re the only one who even touches your purse, none of the guys have had access to it. You knew when and where I had my wallet last, and now it’s showing up in your bag.”
“If I had taken it, why was I trying to help you find it? Why did I tell you to shut down your cards so no one could use them? Why was I helping you to call the airports and turn over the entire hotel room another two times looking for it? Why would I go to those lengths if I just had it instead of telling you just to replace it all?”
“I don���t know, (Y/N), maybe you were just making sure you could get whatever fucking money you could from me without me realizing.”
(Y/N)’s face fell and her eyes started to well with tears. After being together for a year, she thought he would know her better than that. She thought he wouldn’t believe the bullshit tabloid websites were publishing about her being a gold digger and just dating Colson for the money. She thought he would knew she loved him with her entire heart because of who he was, not because he was a famous rapper.
Apparently she was wrong.
Without another word, (Y/N) turned away from him and walked towards the line up of taxis that were waiting outside of the club. Colson watched her go, his anger starting to subside and be replaced by guilt. But he couldn’t go after her, he wouldn’t. He needed some time to think about all of this, to let her think about it as well. Neither one of them were going to get any answers if they kept fighting and hurting one another.
Colson entered the club again, order two more strong drinks and finding his way back to his boys. They all looked at him with confusion as he sat down where he had been before.
“Dude, I thought you left,” Baze said.
“I thought so, too, until I found my wallet in (Y/N)’s purse,” Colson muttered. “We got into a fight and she left.”
“Why were you fighting about that?” Rook asked, his eyebrows furrowing together.
Colson waved off the comment, not feeling in the mood to relay the entire fight back to his friends.
“Wait, did I not tell you I put the wallet there?” Slim asked.
Colson nearly choked on one of his drinks. He coughed and turned to look at his friend. “You fucking had it?”
“Yeah man, it somehow got in my carry on,” Slim responded. “I found it when we were waiting for our luggage. I put it in (Y/N)’s purse cause I knew it would be safe there. I could’ve swore I told you that, though.”
“You didn’t,” Colson said. “God fucking dammit, I’m an idiot.”
“What did you say to her, man?” Baze asked.
“I...I insinuated that she...she’s only with me for my money and she stole my wallet so she could get it.”
The guys chorused disapproving noises at the same time.
“Kells, (Y/N) is literally the realest person I’ve ever met,” Rook said. “She ain’t a gold digger, and you definitely shouldn’t think that she is.”
“I don’t,” Colson sighed. “I was just pissed. God, I’m a fucking idiot.”
“Bro,” Slim said, leaning forward to look at Colson, “go after your woman and apologize.”
Colson nodded and quickly stood from his seat. The cab ride back to the hotel felt incredibly slow. Of course, he had left his phone in (Y/N)’s purse so he couldn’t even call or text her. There was no guarantee that she was even at the hotel, and that thought had Colson’s anxiety so much higher.
He desperately searched his pockets for the hotel key as he approached the room. When he couldn’t find it, he realized it was likely he had left that in (Y/N)’s purse, too. He sighed and began knocking on the door.
“(Y/N)?” he said, his voice soft. “Baby, can you let me in? I think my key is in your purse.” When there was no movement, he added, “I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I should’ve listened to you. Slim admitted to putting my wallet in your bag, turns out he had it all along. I...I should never have thought it was you. I shouldn’t have said what I said. Can...can you let me in, please?”
There was silence. Not even signs of movement. Colson’s heart began to race as he realized the likeliness that (Y/N) had left. He had no idea where she could’ve gone, and now he didn’t even have any way of reaching her.
The door suddenly opened and (Y/N)’s tearstained face looked up at him. She didn’t say anything as she turned away and walked back into the hotel room. Colson followed in silence, unsure of what else to say. He just wanted to hold her and apologize forever, to do anything and everything she wanted to make things better.
(Y/N) got back into bed and laid with her back to Colson. He stood there in the dark, just looking at her.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry,” he said, his voice almost a whisper.
“You called me a gold digger,” (Y/N) responded, her voice equally as small. “After almost a year together, you called me a fucking gold digger.”
“I know - ”
“We’ve talked about how much those tabloid stories get to me, how upset they make me, and you really had the audacity to bring that up and not believe me when I said that I didn’t take your wallet.”
The fact that her voice wasn’t angry, but rather sad, made everything so much worse. Colson winced at her words, feeling a lump form in his throat.
“I know,” he repeated. “I don’t know why I said any of that. I didn’t mean it, I know you love me. I just...I have no excuses. I am a total fucking idiot and you have every right to be angry with me. I know I’m sorry won’t cut it, but for now that’s all I can say. I really am sorry.”
There was another prolonged silence. (Y/N) didn’t even move from her place on the bed. Colson had accepted the fact that she probably hated him and was preparing to go stay with one of the guys for the night, when he heard the bed shift and (Y/N)’s soft voice ask, “Did the guys give you shit?”
Colson smiled to himself. “Yeah, they did. They called me an idiot.”
“You are one.”
“I know.”
Through the darkness of the room, Colson could see (Y/N) lift the blankets and gesture for him to join her. He quickly kicked off his shoes and threw his jacket somewhere on the floor. The minute his body connected with hers, he felt relief wash over him. He hugged her tightly, never wanting to let her go.
“I love you,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head and repeating the sentiment over and over.
“And I love you, as in you - Colson Baker. Not Machine Gun Kelly, not the man with the money. I love the real you.”
“I know you do. I promise I’ll never doubt that again baby.”
(Y/N) relaxed into Colson’s arms, still a bit hurt from what he had said but happy to have him there with her. Finally, after some time, the two drifted off to sleep.
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Last Loves {Klaroline}
Last Loves
Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)
I do not own "The Vampire Diaries", it belongs to its original creator Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. Nor do I own "Originals", which belongs to it's rightful creator Julie Plec, Michael Narducci, Leslie Morgenstein, Gina Girolamo. This is only a fanfiction that I was inspired to write by the original work. Please support the official release of "The Vampire Diaries" and "Originals". Most of the media - such as the art and illustrations, gifs, video's, etc. used in this fanfiction - are from the web. Thus, most of them aren't mine (because I really, really can't draw) unless mentioned. To fit the story, images are also edited by various apps and websites. So they aren't mine, just edited.
Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out. P.s. I also ask that you do not copy my work and publish it onto any other website.
If you're gonna use my idea, please ask me (If you ask nicely, I for sure, will agree). If I don't contact you within a week, then just assume I'm giving you the all clear and go for it. Just remember to credit me and the story you are getting the idea from.
Warnings: Angst, Happy ending, Cami Bashing
Info You Might Need To Know: "Speaking", No pregnant Hayley in this one, Elena and Katherine's fight happened a month after graduation here
Word Count: 3.8K
Requested By: No One
Summary: After having the cure shoved down her throat, Caroline goes to the only person in the world who wouldn't hand her over to Silas. Only to find her in the arms of another. Distraught, she leaves. So when Silas finally catches up to her, and hears what happens - saying he's unhappy about what happened to his favorite ship, would be an understatement. He's gonna get this damn ship to sail, even if he has to push it off shore himself.
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Today's Special
I look at you and try not to fall in love.
But that smile.
That damned smile.
Always makes my heart skip a beat.
Caroline couldn't help but nervously look over her shoulder. She needed to find Klaus, and she needed to do it fast.
In such a large city, Silas could be anyone in the crowd.
She fidget with her phone in her hands for a minute, before trying to call him again. But like all the other tries, the call once again went to voicemail.
It had been three days on the road, since she had turned human. God, what was she thinking getting between Elena and Katherine. Whatever it may have been, she never expected to be turned human again.
Out of all her friends, she was the one who loved being a vampire the most.
"You like being strong, ageless, fearless..."
Caroline flinched as Klaus' words rang out in her head.
She was none of those things right now.
Would he even want her?
"You are the only stupid thing here and shallow and useless"
"You know what I think of Caroline Forbes. She's an insecure, neurotic , bitchy little twit."
"I don't like you. I never have."
Caroline flinched as Damon, Tyler and Matt's words repeated through her head like a broken record. They have been since Stefan told her to get in the car, and drive to New Orleans. Saying that he and Bonnie would distract Silas for as long as they could.
She was scared.
No, she was absolutely terrified.
She hated herself when she was human.
Everyone did.
So why wouldn't Klaus?
Caroline sighed and tried again, after three rings, he finally picked. "Klaus-"
The blond was cut off by the voice on the other end, "I don't care. My brother left his phone at home. So whatever you want him for, can wait till tomorrow." The voice of the only female original rang out.
Caroline's relief that someone had picked up, quickly turned into panic.
"Wait, wait. Please! Rebekah, don't hang up. I'm in New Orleans. I really need his help. Can you please tell me where I can find him. It's urgent." Caroline pleaded.
The vampire must have heard the desperation in her voice, because she sighed. "He can usually be found at Rousseau's during this time. I'll text you the address." With that, she hung up.
Caroline sighed in relief. A second later, a ping came. Typing it into google maps, Caroline quickly began speed walking towards the bar.
The blond walked into the bar, to find it pretty packed, especially for this time in the day.
Her eyes scanned the bar, smiling when she saw Klaus in a booth. She smiled and began approaching him.
She walked closer, but paused, seeing another woman sitting next to him. Klaus had his arm swung around the woman, pulling her close to his side. Well his other hand was on the table, holding the women's.
Caroline could only stand there, with wide eyes. Like a deer in headlights. she felt like somebody had poured ice cold water on all over. The chill seeped through her skin and bones, and settled around her heart. Suffocating her heart.
Caroline forced her tear glazed eyes to look away, when someone bumped into her. Still in a haze, the she turned around, and ran out of the bar.
She had no idea where she was going. And all thoughts of Silas had fled her brain. All she knew was she needed to get away from that bar. From that sight.
Caroline stopped running once her body couldn't take anymore. She sat down in an alley, resting her tired body against a wall.
As Caroline leaned against the wall, she couldn't stop her tears from finally spilling.
Plus, he may have said he'd be my last love, but he never said anything about me being his last.
Of course he had moved on. How could she be so stupid.
She was nothing but a toy to him, to distract him from the boredom of Mystic Falls.
"Well what do we have here?" A voice taunted.
Caroline rose her head up, through blurry eyes she could make out a face. "Stefan?"
"Wrong. Try again." He smirked.
"Silas." Caroline shook.
Silas smirked, "Correct."
To his surprise, Caroline just lowered her head, baring her neck she sighs. "Just get it over with."
"You're giving up? Just like that?" He asked. When Caroline stayed silent, he grew angry. "What about Stefan, Bonnie, your mother?" When the blond still chose to stay silent, he decided to bring out the big guns. "What about Klaus?"
Silas got his reaction. But it wasn't one he wanted. Instead of fighting, Caroline flinched. "What happened?" he asked, wondering what could possibly have happened to break the fighter in her. Didn't she know. If she screamed even once, the big bad hybrid would come running to her rescue.
"Why do you care?" Caroline scoffed.
The immortal smirked. Deciding to mess with her further, he answered, "I'm over a thousand years old. Call it boredom."
A look of hurt flashed in Caroline's eyes. "Yeah, turns out that's all it was."
Silas blinked suddenly, growing concerned with his favorite couple. "What do you mean?"
"It means he's going to be my last love, but I won't be his." Caroline answered, getting up. "So just get it over with."
Ah, now he got it. No wonder she wasn't fighting him. She'd already used it all up. She'd risked everything to make the trek to New Orleans. Because she knew it would be worth it. She'd have someone here who she believed loved her unconditionally.
Was waiting for her.
Could help her,
protect her.
Someone she felt safe with.
And now, she lost it.
Silas stared at her. Once the cure is out of her system, she will start rapidly aging to her real age. Since she would be around 19. After that was done, some original blood could easily change her into a vampire once again. She would be perfectly fine, aside from no longer being 17 forever.
The immortal smirked, but the hybrid certainly didn't know that.
Silas lunged for neck and began the process that would eventually give him what he wanted. To be human, and start the chain reaction that will sail his ship.
Klaus slammed the door close behind him and marched straight towards the their home bar. Pouring himself a drink, he shot it down, and refilled it.
Honestly, if it wasn't for the plan. He would have snapped that bartender's neck weeks ago. He had to spend the last three hours listening to her drone on and on about what she thought of him, and his issues. Trying to get him to work them out.
'As if.' He thought, scoffing.
There was only one woman in the world who could speak to him like that. Because she was the only one aside from his family we truly knew him.
Rebekah raised an eyebrow at her brother. "What?" Klaus snapped.
"Nothing." Rebekah shrugged. "I just figured you'd be in a better mood."
"What on earth do you mean Rebekah?" Klaus asked, taking a sip of his drink.
"What I mean is, you should be in a great mood. Sure she must have gotten what she wanted, and then left. But even when she uses you, you're more happy to provide. Must be some wolfy thing about knowing that she needs you." The eternal teenager scoffed.
Geez, why was her brother in such a bad mood. After coming back from graduation last month, he was smiling nonstop for weeks.
Klaus glared at his sister, failing to understand what she meant. "Why the hell would I be happy after spending an evening with Camille?"
Now it was Rebekah's turn to look confused, "I'm talking about Caroline."
Klaus instantly sat up straighter. "What about Caroline?"
"You left your phone at home. She had been trying to reach you several times. I decided to pick up. She sounded like she was in trouble, so I directed her to you." Rebekah answered.
Klaus' eyebrows furrowed, "I never saw her." he growled, and went to his room to grab his phone. Wanting to make sure his sister wasn't messing with him.
The hybrid let out a curse as he noticed 26 missed calls from the blond. Out of all the days he could have left his phone behind, it had to be today.
From the looks of it, it seemed like she had tried to desperately reach him. Yet he hadn't seen her today.
What if something had happened to her!
Klaus' eyes then widened as he took in the time of the call Rebekah accepted and realized what must have happened. She must have seen him with Cami, and gotten the wrong idea.
What good was being a hybrid if his senses wouldn't pick one baby vampire.
He cursed Camille, deep down he knew it was his fault. If he hadn't gone to his default setting of seduction, then he wouldn't be in this mess.
And he would have been staring into Caroline's bright eyes by now.
Klaus instantly dialed her number, his heartbeat picking up speed as he waited for her to pick up.
A recently turned human Silas, hummed a tune, as he waited for a call. Caroline's phone then began ringing and he smirked.
The ex-immortal decided to let it ring for a while. Poor Caroline had tried so hard to reach him, and he had ignored her. Let him be the one doing the waiting for once.
Finally after the seventh ring, he decided to pick up. "Hello, Caroline Forbes phone, how may I help you?" Silas smirked, choosing not to use Caroline's voice. He decided to change his as well, not wanting to waste his time explaining the second line of doppelgangers to the hybrid.
A growl rang across the line, causing Silas to laugh. "What did you do to her? Where is she?" Klaus demanded.
"Now, now." Silas almost mocked. "That isn't very nice. The poor girl was crying when I found her."
"What did you do to her?" Klaus repeated.
"Hmm, I simply drank the cure from her. As we speak, her cells are rapidly aging. A side effect of the cure being drained out of her you see. She's currently at 19. In 15 minutes she'll be 20. In half an hour, she'll be 21." Silas smirked, leaving out the fact that her cells would automatically stop aging once time caught up to her and she reached the age she was meant to be.
"Silas." Klaus growled.
"Ding, ding, ding! Someone get the hybrid a prize!" Silas said cheerfully. "Your poor Caroline has turned human, too bad for her. I would have preferred to drain someone else, but well, beggars can't be choosers."
"If you touch her-"
"Too late for that I'm afraid." Silas answered. "The process can't be stopped now."
"I'm thinking of ending her. But I wonder, whose face should I wear when I rip out her heart? Damon, her tormentor? Tyler the one who ran away from her? Or I know, you! I mean she'd already had a practice test when you practically ripped out her heart." Silas said, enjoying how quiet Klaus had gotten.
"You should have seen her when she realized what your promises really meant to her. The one who promised her forever. Or did you. The second you're away you decide to find a knock off. She came to you, in her vulnerable state. Hoping you, the only one person she thought actually cared for her. You would protect her. Only to find you with Cimberly, or Clammy. Whatever her name was." Silas taunted, purposely getting the bartenders name wrong.
"I personally always loved the originals. I mean you should have met my Amara. Tatia? Katherine? Elena? Those girls had nothing on my women." Silas said, his voice growing fond at the mention of his sweet, kind, love. "As a man who's been around as long as you have. I thought you of all people wouldn't have been fickle when it came to love. Oh I should probably stop rambling now."
"Camille means nothing to me." Klaus growled, sick of the accusations. "She was only a means to an end."
Silas felt a smile appear on his face. Good, that's all she was. He wasn't above killing an interlopers that might get in the way of his couple.
"That's nice to know. I wonder if Caroline knows that. Or will she die with a broken heart. As I, or should I say, you, rip her heart out." Silas chuckled, time to give the hybrid his final push.
"Like I said. I'm tempted to just kill her and put her out of her agony."
"I swear if you touch her-"
"What? You'll kill me? You forget hybrid. That's what I want. You know, I never got a chance to say goodbye to my love. But I'm nothing like the bitch who cursed me, so feel free to say goodbye to her. She's at hotel De Juxine, room number 11."
The second Klaus heard the name of the hotel, he was running towards the hotel at full speed. He took the alleys that he knew like the back of his hand, so he wouldn't be slowed down.
Within five minutes Klaus was throwing open the door to Caroline's room. He found the recently turned human in a bed, peacefully sleeping.
But she definitely looked older. Her features had lost a hint of their baby fat, but still kept their softness. Her hair was a brighter gold, well her chest and hips seemed fuller.
Klaus was unable to enjoy the change, as the threat of Caroline's rapid age still hung over him, like a nose ready to choke him the second his love drew her last breath.
"Caroline." Klaus called, gently waking the women, as if she was made out of porcelain.
The blond the bed groaned, before her eyes fluttered open. She stared at Klaus, taking him in a sleep induced haze.
As she shifted, Klaus got a good look at her neck, and what he saw, made his blood boil. Dark punctures, crusted with blood printed the front of her scapula. With dark purple bruises framing them.
Her eyes widened as she remembered what led her here, and she quickly sat up, and backed up until her back hit the corner of a bed frame. "What are you doing here?" she demanded.
"I'm here for you. Silas called-"
Caroline shook her head, "You got what you wanted. Congratulations. I was the dumb blond that actually thought you loved her. You can leave now."
A look of surprised flashed across Klaus face, "Caroline-"
"What? Why are you still here?" She shouted, the frustration of the last 24 hours finally catching up to her. "Do you want a banner reading 'You are the winner'? Do you want me to admit that you won! That I actually thought that there could be a forever with you. That you cared. That I loved you!" The blond sobbed hysterically.
Any anger that he may have at her refusal to listen to a word he said, was quickly overconsumed by the joy he felt at hearing her last three words. Klaus gently wrapped his arms around the women. "Caroline. The woman you saw me at the bar with was Camille. I'm only using her to get to Marcel. I still want an eternity with you. To show you the world. I'm willing to wait however long it takes. I want to be your last love, but I also intend for you to be my last."
Caroline smiled weakly at him, "But I can't, can I? I'm dying..." She guessed, by the look on Klaus face, she was right.
"Klaus. You are my last love. But I can't be yours. I've seen the good in you, but now I need you to show it to someone else." Caroline told him.
Klaus shook his head, "I can't. I refuse to."
Caroline cupped his cheek, "Klaus. Please. You're going to be around for a long time. I don't want you to be alone. You can love. I know you can. So please... be happy."
Klaus opened his mouth, but was cut off by a kiss on his lips. It was slow, savoring every second, knowing they may never get the chance again.
Caroline let a tear fall down her cheek as she pulled away, "I'm sorry I waited too long... If I could, I'd do anything to see the world with you again."
"You can." A voice called out to them.
Klaus pulled Caroline close to his chest, wrapping his arms protectively around her. His eyes flashed amber as Silas appeared, in the form of a random man he had met on the streets.
"Silas." Klaus growled, getting ready to rip his throat out.
The man had a packet of popcorn in his hands and was munching on it. "Damn this was good. You guys really are perfect for each other."
Klaus got ready to lunge at Silas, but was stopped by Caroline putting a hand on his arm. "What do you mean by 'You can'?" She asked.
"Oh nothing much. Just that since the cure is now out of your system, and you are now soon going to be back to the age you would be if you weren't turned. The cure has completed its purpose, and your hubby there can feed you his blood, and you can become a vampire again." Silas answered cheerfully.
Klaus and Caroline blinked. "So all that... was what? For nothing?" Caroline screeched.
Silas looked offended, "What do you mean nothing? I'm human and can join my one true love. And me playing up your condition finally allowed you two to get together. It's a win for Klaroliners everywhere."
"Klaroliners?" Klaus asked, a vein on his forehead twitching.
"Yeah, you know. Me, Stefan, Bonnie, Kol - I'm pretty sure he had an idea of what was going on, Elijah, Katherine - she is the one who turned Caroline dearest into a vampire, Oh Amara would have loved you, she's always been a sucker for a good love story. I can't wait to tell her about you guys." Silas chuckled.
"Now if you excuse me. I have to reunite with my one true love." Before Silas could walk out, Klaus called him.
"Amara isn't dead. One of my vampires found a doppelganger statue, well on the hunt for the doppelganger during the time of the sun and moon curse. It had a heart beat in it. My brother Kol asked me to leave it alone before I daggered him. He sounded quite serious when he said that, so I gave it to him. I'm pretty sure she's still alive. She's currently in an abandoned cabin in the woods off of what is now highway 268." Klaus told him.
Silas looked back at Klaus and smiled. At that moment, the two men had a silent understanding.
They truly would do anything for their women;
And from this moment onwards, they were even.
But if they ever needed help protecting their loves, they could call on the other.
I laughed well writing the last little bit of Silas' part. It was kind of crack, but I thought it was funny and couldn't resist putting it in there. (Plus, I kind of owed it to you guys after the angst)
Was the last line clingy? Maybe. Will I look back on this that it was a bad idea? Likely. Did I still add it, yes. Because I wanted it now.
I honestly only added the last little bit because Silas loved Amara so much, and him dying only to find out she was alive would be so sad.
School work is picking up pace again. So updates will likely slow down. I'm gonna try and write a little bit every day. I want to. But with how much work I have. I might not be able to. So I figured I should give you guys a heads up.
I can not tell you how much I loved this video:
klaus & caroline | from a to z {alphabet}
It was simply amazing! If I ever have kids, this is how I'm going to teach them the alphabet.
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antiporn-activist · 4 years
The Children of Pornhub
Why does Canada allow this company to profit off videos of exploitation and assault?
By Nicholas Kristof, Opinion Columnist, Dec. 4, 2020, New York Times
This article contains descriptions of sexual assault. It’s also really long.
Pornhub prides itself on being the cheery, winking face of naughty, the website that buys a billboard in Times Square and provides snow plows to clear Boston streets. It donates to organizations fighting for racial equality and offers steamy content free to get people through Covid-19 shutdowns.
Yet there’s another side of the company: Its site is infested with rape videos. It monetizes child rapes, revenge pornography, spy cam videos of women showering, racist and misogynist content, and footage of women being asphyxiated in plastic bags. A search for “girls under18” (no space) or “14yo” leads in each case to more than 100,000 videos. Most aren’t of children being assaulted, but too many are.
After a 15-year-old girl went missing in Florida, her mother found her on Pornhub — in 58 sex videos. Sexual assaults on a 14-year-old California girl were posted on Pornhub and were reported to the authorities not by the company but by a classmate who saw the videos. In each case, offenders were arrested for the assaults, but Pornhub escaped responsibility for sharing the videos and profiting from them.
Pornhub is like YouTube in that it allows members of the public to post their own videos. A great majority of the 6.8 million new videos posted on the site each year probably involve consenting adults, but many depict child abuse and nonconsensual violence. Because it’s impossible to be sure whether a youth in a video is 14 or 18, neither Pornhub nor anyone else has a clear idea of how much content is illegal.
Unlike YouTube, Pornhub allows these videos to be downloaded directly from its website. So even if a rape video is removed at the request of the authorities, it may already be too late: The video lives on as it is shared with others or uploaded again and again.
“Pornhub became my trafficker,” a woman named Cali told me. She says she was adopted in the United States from China and then trafficked by her adoptive family and forced to appear in pornographic videos beginning when she was 9. Some videos of her being abused ended up on Pornhub and regularly reappear there, she said.
“I’m still getting sold, even though I’m five years out of that life,” Cali said. Now 23, she is studying in a university and hoping to become a lawyer — but those old videos hang over her.
“I may never be able to get away from this,” she said. “I may be 40 with eight kids, and people are still masturbating to my photos.”
“You type ‘Young Asian’ and you can probably find me,” she added.
Actually, maybe not. Pornhub recently was offering 26,000 videos in response to that search. That doesn’t count videos that show up under “related searches” that Pornhub suggests, including “young tiny teen,” “extra small petite teen,” “tiny Asian teen” or just “young girl.” Nor does it necessarily count videos on a Pornhub channel called “exploited teen Asia.”
I came across many videos on Pornhub that were recordings of assaults on unconscious women and girls. The rapists would open the eyelids of the victims and touch their eyeballs to show that they were nonresponsive.
Pornhub profited this fall from a video of a naked woman being tortured by a gang of men in China. It is monetizing video compilations with titles like “Screaming Teen,” “Degraded Teen” and “Extreme Choking.” Look at a choking video and it may suggest also searching for “She Can’t Breathe.”
It should be possible to be sex positive and Pornhub negative.
Pornhub declined to make executives available on the record, but it provided a statement. “Pornhub is unequivocally committed to combating child sexual abuse material, and has instituted a comprehensive, industry-leading trust and safety policy to identify and eradicate illegal material from our community,” it said. Pornhub added that any assertion that the company allows child videos on the site “is irresponsible and flagrantly untrue.”
At 14, Serena K. Fleites was an A student in Bakersfield, Calif., who had never made out with a boy. But in the eighth grade she developed a crush on a boy a year older, and he asked her to take a naked video of herself. She sent it to him, and this changed her life.
He asked for another, then another; she was nervous but flattered. “That’s when I started getting strange looks in school,” she remembered. He had shared the videos with other boys, and someone posted them on Pornhub.
Fleites’s world imploded. It’s tough enough to be 14 without having your classmates entertain themselves by looking at you naked, and then mocking you as a slut. “People were texting me, if I didn’t send them a video, they were going to send them to my mom,” she said.
The boy was suspended, but Fleites began skipping class because she couldn’t bear the shame. Her mother persuaded Pornhub to remove the videos, and Fleites switched schools. But rumors reached the new school, and soon the videos were uploaded again to Pornhub and other websites.
Fleites quarreled with her mother and began cutting herself. Then one day she went to the medicine cabinet and took every antidepressant pill she could find.
Three days later, she woke up in the hospital, frustrated to be still alive. Next she hanged herself in the bathroom; her little sister found her, and medics revived her.
As Fleites spiraled downward, a friend introduced her to meth and opioids, and she became addicted to both. She dropped out of school and became homeless.
At 16, she advertised on Craigslist and began selling naked photos and videos of herself. It was a way to make a bit of money, and maybe also a way to punish herself. She thought, “I’m not worth anything any more because everybody has already seen my body,” she told me.
Those videos also ended up on Pornhub. Fleites would ask that they be removed. They usually would be, she says — but then would be uploaded again. One naked video of her at 14 had 400,000 views, she says, leaving her afraid to apply for fast-food jobs for fear that someone would recognize her.
So today Fleites, 19, off drugs for a year but unemployed and traumatized, is living in her car in Bakersfield, along with three dogs that have proved more loyal and loving than the human species. She dreams of becoming a vet technician but isn’t sure how to get there. “It’s kind of hard to go to school when you’re living in a car with dogs,” she said.
“I was dumb,” she acknowledged, noting that she had never imagined that the videos could be shared online. “It was one small thing that a teenager does, and it’s crazy how it turns into something so much bigger.
“A whole life can be changed because of one little mistake.”
The problem goes far beyond one company. Indeed, a rival of Pornhub, XVideos, which arguably has even fewer scruples, may attract more visitors. Depictions of child abuse also appear on mainstream sites like Twitter, Reddit and Facebook. And Google supports the business models of companies that thrive on child molestation.
Google returns 920 million videos on a search for “young porn.” Top hits include a video of a naked “very young teen” engaging in sex acts on XVideo along with a video on Pornhub whose title is unprintable here.
I asked the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to compile the number of images, videos and other content related to child sexual exploitation reported to it each year. In 2015, it received reports of 6.5 million videos or other files; in 2017, 20.6 million; and in 2019, 69.2 million.
Facebook removed 12.4 million images related to child exploitation in a three-month period this year. Twitter closed 264,000 accounts in six months last year for engaging in sexual exploitation of children. By contrast, Pornhub notes that the Internet Watch Foundation, an England-based nonprofit that combats child sexual abuse imagery, reported only 118 instances of child sexual abuse imagery on its site over almost three years, seemingly a negligible figure. “Eliminating illegal content is an ongoing battle for every modern content platform, and we are committed to remaining at the forefront,” Pornhub said in its statement.
The Internet Watch Foundation couldn’t explain why its figure for Pornhub is so low. Perhaps it’s because people on Pornhub are inured to the material and unlikely to report it. But if you know what to look for, it’s possible to find hundreds of apparent child sexual abuse videos on Pornhub in 30 minutes. Pornhub has recently offered playlists with names including “less than 18,” “the best collection of young boys” and “under- - age.”
Congress and successive presidents have done almost nothing as this problem has grown. The tech world that made it possible has been mostly passive, in a defensive crouch. But pioneering reporting in 2019 by my Times colleagues has prodded Congress to begin debating competing strategies to address child exploitation.
Concerns about Pornhub are bubbling up. A petition to shut the site down has received 2.1 million signatures. Senator Ben Sasse, a Nebraska Republican, called on the Justice Department to investigate Pornhub. PayPal cut off services for the company, and credit card companies have been asked to do the same. An organization called Traffickinghub, led by an activist named Laila Mickelwait, documents abuses and calls for the site to be shut down. Twenty members of Canada’s Parliament have called on their government to crack down on Pornhub, which is effectively based in Montreal.
“They made money off my pain and suffering,” an 18-year-old woman named Taylor told me. A boyfriend secretly made a video of her performing a sex act when she was 14, and it ended up on Pornhub, the police confirmed. “I went to school the next day and everybody was looking at their phones and me as I walked down the hall,” she added, weeping as she spoke. “They were laughing.”
Taylor said she has twice attempted suicide because of the humiliation and trauma. Like others quoted here, she agreed to tell her story and help document it because she thought it might help other girls avoid suffering as she did.
Pornhub is owned by Mindgeek, a private pornography conglomerate with more than 100 websites, production companies and brands. Its sites include Redtube, Youporn, XTube, SpankWire, ExtremeTube, Men.com, My Dirty Hobby, Thumbzilla, PornMD, Brazzers and GayTube. There are other major players in porn outside the Mindgeek umbrella, most notably XHamster and XVideos, but Mindgeek is a porn titan. If it operated in another industry, the Justice Department could be discussing an antitrust case against it.
Pornhub and Mindgeek also stand out because of their influence. One study this year by a digital marketing company concluded that Pornhub was the technology company with the third greatest-impact on society in the 21st century, after Facebook and Google but ahead of Microsoft, Apple and Amazon.
Nominally based in Luxembourg for tax reasons, Mindgeek is a private company run from Montreal. It does not disclose who owns it, but it is led by Feras Antoon and David Tassillo, both Canadians, who declined to be interviewed.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada calls himself a feminist and has been proud of his government’s efforts to empower women worldwide. So a question for Trudeau and all Canadians: Why does Canada host a company that inflicts rape videos on the world?
Mindgeek’s moderators are charged with filtering out videos of children, but its business model profits from sex videos starring young people.
“The goal for a content moderator is to let as much content as possible go through,” a former Mindgeek employee told me. He said he believed that the top executives weren’t evil but were focused above all on maximizing revenue.
While Pornhub would not tell me how many moderators it employs, I interviewed one who said that there are about 80 worldwide who work on Mindgeek sites (by comparison, Facebook told me it has 15,000 moderators). With 1.36 million new hours of video uploaded a year to Pornhub, that means that each moderator would have to review hundreds of hours of content each week.
The moderators fast forward through videos, but it’s often difficult to assess whether a person is 14 or 18, or whether torture is real or fake. Most of the underage content involves teenagers, the moderator I spoke with said, but some comes from spy cams in toilets or changing rooms and shows children only 8 to 12.
“The job in itself is soul-destroying,” the moderator said.
Pornhub appears to be increasingly alarmed about civil or criminal liability. Lawyers are circling, and nine women sued the company in federal court after spy cam videos surfaced on Pornhub. The videos were shot in a locker room at Limestone College in South Carolina and showed women showering and changing clothes.
Executives of Pornhub appear in the past to have assumed that they enjoyed immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects internet platforms on which members of the public post content. But in 2018 Congress limited Section 230 so that it may not be enough to shield the company, leading Mindgeek to behave better.
It has doubled the number of moderators in the last couple of years, the moderator told me, and this year Pornhub began voluntarily reporting illegal material to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. After previously dragging its feet in removing videos of children and nonconsensual content, Pornhub now is responding more rapidly.
It has also compiled a list of banned content. I obtained a copy of this list, and it purports to bar videos with terms or themes like “rape,” “preteen,” “pedophilia” and “bestiality” (it helpfully clarifies that this “includes eels, fish, octopus, insects”). Diapers are OK “if no scatophilia.” Mutilation depends on context but “cannot depict severing parts of the body.”
So while it is now no longer possible to search on Pornhub in English using terms like “underage” or “rape,” the company hasn’t tried hard to eliminate such videos. A member called “13yoboyteen” is allowed to post videos. A search for “r*pe,” turns up 1,901 videos. “Girl with braces” turns up 1,913 videos and suggests also trying “exxxtra small teens.” A search for “13yo” generates 155,000 videos. To be clear, most aren’t of 13-year-olds, but the fact that they’re promoted with that language seems to reflect an effort to attract pedophiles.
Moreover, some videos seem at odds with the list of banned content. “Runaway Girl Gets Ultimatum, Anal or the Streets” is the title of one Pornhub video. Another user posts videos documenting sex with teenage girls as they weep, protest and cry out in pain.
While Pornhub is becoming more careful about videos of potentially litigious Americans, it remains cavalier about overseas victims. One Indonesian video is titled “Junior High School Girl After Class” and shows what appears to be a young teenager having sex. A Chinese sex video, just taken down, was labeled: “Beautiful High School Girl Is Tricked by Classmates and Taken to the Top of a Building Where She Is Insulted and Raped.”
“They’re making money off the worst moment in my life, off my body,” a Colombian teenager who asked to be called Xela, a nickname, told me. Two American men paid her when she was 16 for a sexual encounter that they filmed and then posted on Pornhub. She was one of several Pornhub survivors who told me they had thought of or attempted suicide.
In the last few days as I was completing this article, two new videos of prepubescent girls being assaulted were posted, along with a sex video of a 15-year-old girl who was suicidal after it went online. I don’t see how good-faith moderators could approve any of these videos.
“It’s always going to be online,” Nicole, a British woman who has had naked videos of herself posted and reposted on Pornhub, told me. “That’s my big fear of having kids, them seeing this.”
That’s a recurring theme among survivors: An assault eventually ends, but Pornhub renders the suffering interminable.
Naked videos of Nicole at 15 were posted on Pornhub. Now 19, she has been trying for two years to get them removed.
“Why do videos of me from when I was 15 years old and blackmailed, which is child porn, continuously [get] uploaded?” Nicole protested plaintively to Pornhub last year, in a message. “You really need a better system. … I tried to kill myself multiple times after finding myself reuploaded on your website.”
Nicole’s lawyer, Dani Pinter, says there are still at least three naked videos of Nicole at age 15 or 16 on Pornhub that they are trying to get removed.
“It’s never going to end,” Nicole said. “They’re getting so much money from our trauma.”
Pornhub has introduced software that supposedly can “fingerprint” rape videos and prevent them from being uploaded again. But Vice showed how this technology is easily circumvented on Pornhub.
One Pornhub scandal involved the Girls Do Porn production company, which recruited young women for clothed modeling gigs and then pushed them to perform in sex videos, claiming that the videos would be sold only as DVDs in other countries and would never go online. Reassured that no one would ever know, some of the women agreed — and then were shattered when the footage was aggressively marketed on Pornhub.
Girls Do Porn was prosecuted for sex trafficking and shut down. But those videos continue to surface and resurface on Pornhub; last time I checked, videos of six victims of Girls Do Porn were on Pornhub, which continues to profit from them.
One of the Girls Do Porn women I saw on Pornhub is now dead. She was murdered at 20, allegedly by an angry ex-boyfriend who is about to go on trial. I’m not disclosing her name because she should be remembered as a vibrant college athlete, and not for a sex video that represented her most mortifying moment.
So what’s the solution?
I had expected the survivors to want to shut down Pornhub and send its executives to prison. Some did, but others were more nuanced. Lydia, now 20, was trafficked as a child and had many rape videos posted on the site. “My stomach hurts all the time” from the tension, she told me, but she doesn’t want to come across as hostile to porn itself.
“I don’t want people to hear ‘No porn!’” Lydia told me. “It’s more like, ‘Stop hurting kids.’”
Susan Padron told me that she had assumed that pornography was consensual, until a boyfriend filmed her in a sex act when she was 15 and posted it on Pornhub. She has struggled since and believes that only people who have confirmed their identities should be allowed to post videos.
Jessica Shumway, who was trafficked and had a customer post a sex video on Pornhub, agrees: “They need to figure out who’s underage in the videos and that there’s consent from everybody in it.”
I asked Leo, 18, who had videos of himself posted on Pornhub when he was 14, what he suggested.
“That’s tough,” he said. “My solution would be to leave porn to professional production companies,” because they require proof of age and consent.
Right now, those companies can’t compete with mostly free sites like Pornhub and XVideos.
“Pornhub has already destroyed the business model for pay sites,” said Stoya, an adult film actress and writer. She, too, thinks all platforms — from YouTube to Pornhub — should require proof of consent to upload videos of private individuals.
Columnists are supposed to offer answers, but I struggle with solutions. If Pornhub curated videos more rigorously, the most offensive material might just move to the dark web or to websites in less regulated countries. Yet at least they would then not be normalized on a mainstream site.
More pressure and less impunity would help. We’re already seeing that limiting Section 230 immunity leads to better self-policing.
And call me a prude, but I don’t see why search engines, banks or credit card companies should bolster a company that monetizes sexual assaults on children or unconscious women. If PayPal can suspend cooperation with Pornhub, so can American Express, Mastercard and Visa.
I don’t see any neat solution. But aside from limiting immunity so that companies are incentivized to behave better, here are three steps that would help: 1.) Allow only verified users to post videos. 2.) Prohibit downloads. 3.) Increase moderation.
These measures wouldn’t kill porn or much bother consumers of it; YouTube thrives without downloads. Siri Dahl, a prominent porn star who does business with Pornhub, told me that my three proposals are “insanely reasonable.”
The world has often been oblivious to child sexual abuse, from the Catholic Church to the Boy Scouts. Too late, we prosecute individuals like Jeffrey Epstein or R. Kelly. But we should also stand up to corporations that systematically exploit children. With Pornhub, we have Jeffrey Epstein times 1,000.
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