#i broke my own heart thinking about gai becoming a genin
ahkaraii · 2 years
Five [Kakashi fancomic, 71/?]
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avenger-hawk · 4 years
Hi you have a great understanding of Sasuke's character and awesome blog. Could I ask you for tips on how to write Sasuke right in fanfiction? When I try I never seem to get him right
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Hello and thanks Anon. First of all, y’all don’t get offended if I’ll destroy some of your fave tropes in fics...I don’t judge ppl writing what they want in their fics, it’s their own fic so ofc they write what they want and how they want it and if they have fun with gay-uncle-Izuna, CEOItachi and sluttySasuke good for them...but when ppl impose their OOC Sasuke (or Nar or Itachi&co) as the real thing, and boy if they do....well. Nope.
Anyway I replied to similar asks here, here and here, so I’ll copy-paste some parts. My Sasuke tag. More Sasuke meta. More headcanons. More essays tag.
Sasuke is not dominant. He’s not bossy. He’s not assertive. He’s very passive in relationships and he values individual freedom, his own and other people’s. Ppl mistake his determination in pursuing his goals with assertiveness but it’s a totally different thing. He never makes the first move with ppl, unless he has a goal and he needs them, and even when he needs them, like Taka, he never imposes his will on them. He first freed them then he asked their help for his own goal, saying that he would accept if they refused. He never imposed himself on his brother (a child wanting his big brother’s attention is not being dominant, it’s natural) and he never did it on Nar or anyone else.
Sasuke is not selfish, he is the most selfless character in the whole series. He respected people, he didn’t see himself above them. He didn’t see himself as a genius or anything. He worked hard because he had a low self esteem, he was always compared to Itachi and he always lost. He was humble enough to ask others’ help, like asking N*ruto how S*kura was able to climb the tree with chakra in the beginning, or asking Team Taka’s help to find Itachi, asking Kakashi to make him stronger and following Orochimaru for more strength. And during all these, he was thrown in his face parts of the tragic truth about Itachi and his clan and he always had to get back on his feet and fight more. His world crumbled so many times on him and yet not only he reacted but he always was able to help those around him. Not with big words like N*ruto but really, freeing Orochimaru’s prisoners, Taka, and earlier protecting his team from Gaara, protecting N*ruto from Haku, and later proitecting N*ruto from Kaguya and then protecting the whole world from her, protecting Itachi’s ideal, his sacrifice from those who threatened to make it useless. He was ready to become the world’s only enemy to keep them together, following what he thought Itachi had taught him indirectly.
Sasuke is neither possessive nor jealous. He never showed any sign of possessiveness or jealousy towards anyone. He protected Taka and N*ruto. He defended Itachi’s name, unlike too many like to think: when he threatens Danzo to stop talking about Itachi it’s not because he’s jealous but because he doesn’t want that bastard to talk shit about his perfect brother, especially cause that bastard was the reason of his ruin. He was defending his name from an enemy and it was pure and selfless, not possessive at all! Proof of this is when Hashirama praises him instead, Sasuke is happy. He likes people to speak about his brother in a good way! When they were children Itachi always dismissed Sasuke who pouted but never got really angry or jealous at Shisui for example. And at the end of the fight vs Kabuto he aknowledged Itachi’s resolve to leave even tho it broke his heart to lose him again, and he let Itachi go with the saddest face but the utmost respect.
Sasuke is not arrogant. He has a low self-esteem. He was raised in the shadow of his genius brother, he suffered for his father not noticing him, he later developed an inferiority complex towards N*ruto as well because of his quick progress, compared to his own that he perceived as slower and not enough (that’s why he joined Orochimaru). When he brags it’s not because he’s the bragging type (aka N*ruto, Kiba &co) but it’s because he’s either making fun of N*ruto, since they were rivals/friends (not to mention it’s a shounen trope) and, even more so, because he is proud of his achievements. He worked so hard always and when he created a jutsu or smth he says it. Because he has low self esteem but he’s not socially awkward or shy or whatever (see later paragraph). So he is proud of his own results. (which is also a very TE thing, for those who care about mbti stuff).
Sasuke doesn’t value his life much. This is a result of his low self-esteem, which leads to poor sense of self-preservation (to prove that he’s strong, like when he was a genin and he trained so hard,and later to pursue his goals, for which he’d give his body to Orochimaru and his life over and over). Also he is so determined to achieve his goals that he’d do anything for them. He was ready to die on many occasions in canon for this and even later, after the ending, he’s seeing himself as a tool. Also, he never really got over the sense of worthlessness first caused by his father and then by Itachi’s words the night of the massacre. Not in a real life trauma-like thing, but as a way to see himself. this means that all those stereotypical rocking back and forth, cutting, whatever behaviors are not like him, who always got back to his feet and lived, although not for himself but for his goals.
Sasuke is not bitchy or spoiled. If he was he would have a great self esteem, and he clearly showed to have a very low self esteem instead. He never made anything about him actually, as all his goals were about others, his family, his brother, and so on. He was the one who did better teamwork in team7 actually, and he protected his friends and comrades, not to mention he freed Orochimaru’s prisoners and fought for the village and its people. How is this spoiled or bitchy, and btw, bitchy ppl do get offended and he never paid attention to offenses towards him, only towards his brother.
Sasuke is neither the haughty élite type nor the shy/socially anxious/‘emo’ type. He is neither Neji nor H*nata. He is aloof, he is always lost in his own thoughts and he doesn’t care about socializing because he wants to become strong, because he cared more about his family and goals, because he cared more about their opinion than the opinion of classmates. He valued strength since the beginning, being raised the way he was raised, so he valued the praise of strong people and not of the others, unlike those who seek praise from everyone. On the other hand his being aloof doesn’t mean he can’t have normal interactions, and the fact that he doesn’t use honorifics doesn’t mean he has socialization problems. Only that he doesn’t pay attention to these things anymore. He was always pragmatic, and after the massacre he became pragmatic to an extreme level, cutting off all unnecessary things, manners included. It doesn’t mean, though, that he doesn’t respect some people (=those he deems strong. Including Team Taka). He just shows it through actions.
Sasuke is not se/xually aggressive/dominant/whatever. He is too busy with his own goals to have se/xual or romantic thoughts (unlike other characters both male and female, not just Karin but also S*kura, Ino, and ofc N*ruto). I wouldn’t define this being asexual tho, because their universe is not ours and I’m sick&tired of all the real world/Nar universe parallels. He’s passive in relationship and on many occasions he showed indifference to se/xual anything, not disgust. Just, it wasn’t his thought. Because he is on a different wavelength. So even when he told characters to not be so close to him or smth, he didn’t move away, he just told them, which kinda proves my point once more of how passive he is towards ppl and relationships, he just lets them be. On the other hand, aceSas is better than hornydominantSas that is so OOC it hurts, be it with Itachi, Nar, S*kura or whatever other girls/boys.
Most MAIN characters didn’t understand/didn’t try to understand him. The ones who understood him more are unexpectedly not his friends. Not counting Taka ofc.
Sasuke is passive. He is the yin and N*ruto is the yang. In case this isn’t clear. It’s canon. Kishi used a yin/yang parallel for him and N*ruto, so while N*ruto is yang/sun/warm/ positive/active/male principle in nature/masculine, Sasuke is yin/moon/cold/negative/passive/passive/female principle in nature/feminine. Passive doesn’t mean weak. It means receptive, adaptable, flexible, which Sasuke is, since he’s the one who adapted his life and goals to new events, truths and changes, unlike most others who just kept going their own way no matter what (see N*ruto or Itachi). Many see him as assertive because he faces every situation in a very determined manner, taking actions and deciding everything independently. But being an independent thinker has nothing to do with being assertive or passive. I say he’s passive because he actually always reacts to what life (or Itachi) throws at him, every time. His reactions are quick and strategic, so it’s easy to miss this, but still, again, Itachi or N*ruto actively engage the environment and life, and influence other people, not Sasuke. He’s also passive with people, in relatioships. He never seeks anyone unless it’s for practical reasons, he only reacts to them approaching him. And he reacts in a very calm way, quite mild compared to how determined and detached he is, considering that a lot of characters invade his personal space or more, in the whole series. When he chases after Itachi it’s because he’s his younger brother and it’s natural for them, and mostly because Itachi set up his life so that he would focus on him, still it’s Itachi who is assertive, and he reacts in return. He makes a deal with Orochimaru, to obtain strength and give him his body in return. When he forms Team Taka, before asking their help, he first gives them freedom and only then he asks them to join him, making it clear that he won’t force them if they’ll refuse. He gives them something before asking something in return. This is not just a passive thing but something more because he is not selfish, like I said before.
Sasuke is an independent thinker. Unlike other smart thinkers like Itachi or Madara, to whom the story associated him, Sasuke was kept in the dark about many things, so he developed his own view of the world later, but when he did it was original and unique, just like his fighting style and strategy.
Sasuke is private about his thoughts and feelings but he’s also honest about them. Itachi is mysterious and not honest about his feelings, not him. He is aloof, it’s different. Just because he doesn’t trust many people and he’s lost in his own thoughts it doesn’t mean he is a shoujo mysterious character lol.
Sasuke is goal oriented. He does whatever it takes to achieve his goals. He would have given his body as a vessel for Orochimaru, not caring about what would happen to him, as long as he could have his revenge. He would have lived an eternity in solitude so that the world would have lived in peace. And, again, his goals are never about himself.
Sasuke wanted to die after he killed Itachi, but then when he woke up and was told the truth he had another purpose, and so he lived on.
Sasuke admires and respects strength but he’s not power thirsty. He wanted to become strong because he wanted to be worthy of Itachi and his father, than because he had to avenge his clan, then he had to avenge Itachi. It’s because he had low self-esteem and was selfless that he sought power. He wanted to be beside his father and brother, not to surpass them, actually. It’s Itachi who talked about surpassing.
Sasuke is very smart and logical, but he is easily manipulated with the right arguments. Like using Itachi, or appealing to his low self esteem, his feeling of worthlessness, his emotions. Because people who are logical are actually not emotionless. In fact they have a hard time controlling their emotions when they feel strongly, and this can be seen clearly every time Sasuke loses control. He becomes more impulsive than N*ruto who instead gets calmer, because he’s more in touch with his emotions (lol ofc he is, everything is always about his own emotions and feelings). Sasuke puts his feelings and emotions aside to reach his goals, he acts logically and pragmatically, he observes, makes plans, finds the better ways to do things, no matter how hard or dangerous for him they are. He has logical arguments even though they appear ‘crazy’ to other characters, and it’s sad to see how in the end he was belittled by N*ruto, as if his arguments were meaningless, they were not addressed at all, just deemed wrong, not with counterarguments but with illogical emotion based words that just made him feel unstable, as it happens when you have logical arguments and they tell you ‘you’re just depressed, you don’t get things right’.
In the end, he was tamed into submission. He was defeated, put in jail, isolated, guilt tripped and berated because of his ideals and goals, denied the justice he rightfully demanded.
All these can be observed directly. Others, more subtle things about him I wrote here, towards the end of this long post.
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mira--mira · 3 years
3 things:
the first, Le gasp. Did Madara gave Hashirama the necklace that Tsunade gave to Naruto? That's always been a headcanon of mine so it'd be super cool if that was the case for OoT.
the 2nd: I now have a mental image of Gai running laps around Konoha with Lee & Hashimada bellowing about youth, like he does. Ppl just assuming that they're his Genin team. Cue either Neji, Tenten or Kakashi hearing about it and going over to check what's happening.
Kakashi will gaze upon the matching jumpsuits and give up on life
Neji and Tenten will be offended that they've been replaced.
The 3rd: Hashirama learns of Kakashi's (or well anyones) distaste for the jumpsuits and innocently suggest that when he becomes Hokage he'll implement them as the official Shinobi uniform. Legwarmers and all.
Now that I think about it, the Gai's outfit it literally Kakashi's except green and w/ legwarmers instead of bandages. So it probably wouldn't be that different, but its still kinda funny.
How are people afraid of the Gunbai? Cuz they're not old enough to have seen Madara use it and since he's a ghost, shouldn't all portraits/pictures of him be gone. I mean I guess there's still the statue. But Madara's not weilding a fan in that one. Are students just told in the academy that the fan is bad or is it more like a cultural aversion to fans. If that's the case then are they afraid of the fan or just dislike it? Cuz its kinda implied that Gai panicked upon seeing the fan and opened the 6th gate, but that's a big reaction that would only be triggered by actual fear instead of disgust.
Sorry for the long ramble. I was just so excited to see Oot update that my words got away from me. Love your fic!
Warnings for slight spoilers, it's more background necklace stuff only in point 1 but just fyi in case it’s important to you!
1. Yes! I love that headcanon but this one has a slightly different history behind it. Madara did give it to him, but it's the necklace he inherited from his mother that his father gave her. This is bc in the "canon" history, Madara and Hashirama were never public about their relationship. The traditional Uchiha courtship necklace was incredibly recognizable (the magatama ie the big "comma" symbol on sage/indra/ashura's clothes) so Madara couldn't easily make him one. However, Tajima made the same necklace for Kou but it broke into its now-recognizable shape of today and she refused to wear any other necklace but that one, saying it was unique among all the Uchiha's (she also compared it to a dick when Tajima added the two beads on either side to make it look nicer, but that's bc Kou had a rather coarse sense of humor). Typically the mother's necklace is inherited by the oldest daughter but since Kou only had sons, it went to Madara and was one of the last things he had of her. It was his declaration of love to give it to Hashirama and, considering how vilified and demonized Kou was to the Senju, his own declaration to accept and wear it.
2. Oh you better believe they’ll run laps together! (edit: I realized this got buried in my drafts so Chapter 17 has already come out, so yes you predicted part of the future 😜) Hashirama will be little more proactive in his revenge so no stumbling upon them haha! And Gai already has plans to introduce the terrors to his genin team 😉
3. He’ll accidentally stumble upon Kakashi’s specific distaste of the outfit but you better believe once he finds, he’ll just happen to bring it up to Kakashi every once in a while just to see his reaction. 
The issue with the gunbai is it’s specifically associated with the Ghost of the Uchiha. Madara’s individual name got lost (only the elders, ninja with access to classified records, and certain clans remember it). But the “Ghost” was a bogeyman to Konoha, an evil, terrible man who was cursed with only hatred in his heart, who turned on the village and tried to destroy it. 
(In the full story, it also connects Konoha’s hatred of Kurama specifically (the monster the Ghost used to try and destroy the village) which will also be connected to one reason why the jinchuriki were always set up to be pariahs, and how by killing Madara, Hashirama’s deification as the God of Shinobi was complete, as well as another reason the Uchiha were separated and held at arms length which only worsened over time as the story became more and more mythologized and Madara’s past contributions as a founder were lost.)
Because there weren’t paintings/statues of the Ghost (except for VotE which...I think is actually a bit of a controversial piece for Konoha tbh, and the Uchiha’s secret mural) the only thing that really stuck to symbolize him was the gunbai. This is a very American-centric perspective and I will be the first to admit isn’t a perfect parallel by any means but the kind of fear/hatred most of Konoha and especially ninja have towards the gunbai/Ghost can be thought of like the Red Scare panic. The “paranoia” point isn’t quite met but that kind of visceral hatred and fear over something that they’re told to fear and hate but don’t actually have first hand experience is similar. I also think it could work as a kind of dark reflection of the Will of Fire ideology. If you’re not someone who would sacrifice everything for the village and endure relentlessly...are you going to betray the village and become the next Ghost? That’s not a vocal belief in Konoha, but more something that’s kind of implied by the black/white mentality that nationalism kind of inspires. The emotion is only towards gunbai in particular, but the culture around fans in general and them being “too similar” has created an aversion to all fans esp in the ninja clans. Tenten has a small tessen (an iron hand held fan) but it’s something that very clearly marks her as clanless to other shinobi because no clan ninja would own one. 
All of this to say, when Gai first saw the gunbai unexpectedly the years of being taught this explicitly and implicitly kicked in and he reacted. It was a panicked instinct and if he weren’t the amazing man we know and love seeing Madara with the gunbai and definitely knowing their connection, other ninja in Konoha would find it perfectly reasonable for him to then try and attack Madara.
I hope this clears things up, I felt I got a bit rambly in the middle!
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needdl · 5 years
Nejiten Month Day One: Gender Bend
As usual, I can’t seem to write under 2000 words, not even for an event that has a prompt for every single day. which is part of the reason this is so late. anyway. This will be uploaded to fanfiction.net and AO3 within the next few days.
NOTE: This story is rated M for non-graphic sexual situations and some language.
Tenten was twelve years old and so, so glad that she managed to land on one of the few genin teams that had two girls.
Nejiko Hyuga wasn’t friendly, exactly, or even very nice, but she was a girl, so it meant that Tenten would have someone else to lean on and commiserate with while Gai and Lee ran around each other in circles, ignoring the two of them in favor of their newfound bond.
When it became clear in the next few weeks that the favoritism of Lee was going to be permanent, Tenten had expected Nejiko to speak up in her demanding Hyuga way- because Konoha practically worshipped the Hyuga Clan, and its members acted that way too- but instead she had watched Nejiko swallow her words and keep her silence.
So Tenten had bellowed at Gai-sensei and Lee that the two kunoichi were going to the edge of the field for target practice, and they spent several quiet hours letting their kunai and shuriken thump into the targets. 
Nejiko eventually broke the silence. “I have several techniques with my kekkei genkai that I’d like to practice. Will you spar with me?”
Tenten shrugged and glanced at Gai and Lee- not ignoring the kunoichi, exactly, because the team trained together all the time, it was just that the two got tunnel vision sometimes- and replied to her teammate, “Sure.”
And so they went.
 Being a kunoichi was hard enough with two of them on the team. Tenten didn’t even want to contemplate what it would have been like if it had just been her.
Tenten was fourteen years old, and had a giant, embarrassing crush on Temari no Sabaku. 
She was the kunoichi who had brutally defeated her in the chunin exams, who would have killed her if she had been given the chance, who had betrayed the village- but now she was a diplomat, the villages were allies, and Temari was just. So. Hot.
Ugh. Tenten wrenched her eyes away from the sight of Temari’s crossed legs, sleek and tan in their protective mesh. What kind of kunoichi let herself get so addled by a lust-based crush? A pathetic one.
“Tenten.” Based on the impatience in Nejiko’s voice, she had been trying to get Tenten’s attention for a while now. Tenten crinkled her nose guiltily. “Sorry, what?”
The two of them were close now, after the disastrous chunin exams when so much of Nejiko’s family life had been laid bare. The daughter of the unfavored son, condemned to bound servitude as she watched her cousin be bent and broken into the role of heir, Hinata’s own sister- “the spare”- ready for the moment she faltered.
Nejiko’s conflicted emotions over Hinata made perfect sense to Tenten- because she was forced to subjugation despite her talent even as her cousin was forced to lead despite her incompetence of mind, body, and spirit. Hinata lacked the strong Hyuga fighting techniques, she did not have the seemingly necessary cruelty of the Clan Head, and she had no desire whatsoever to be the heiress.
So Nejiko both understood and envied her cousin, and those conflicting emotions boiled over in a match that ended with Hinata in the hospital and Nejiko in a seething, desperate rage. 
(“Fight back!”
“I- I can’t-”
Nejiko came into Tenten’s hospital room not to visit, but to have a place where she could let all of her tears- complicated, angry tears- run dry in privacy.)
And then Naruto had stumbled onto the scene, loud and brash and golden-haired (and golden-hearted), and Tenten had learned things about Nejiko that made her ache for her teammate.
But she kept it to herself, because Nejiko never wanted pity. But it seemed like she wanted friendship, now.
Also, she was pissed at Tenten for ignoring her. “Stop staring at her.”
Tenten felt hot and itchy. “I’m not staring at anyone.”
“Liar.” Nejiko’s flat voice and blunt words made Tenten grit her teeth. “You are staring at the Suna kunoichi who defeated you in the chunin exams. For some reason that lies in anger, I assume, because you would not be so stupid as to develop feelings for someone who betrayed our village.”
Tenten sputtered, completely thrown off. Nejiko narrowed her eyes at her and waited. 
Finally, she blurted, “Well, you have feelings for Naruto!”
“Only sometimes,” Nejiko responded, surprisingly honest. “Most of the time he’s too stupid.”
Tenten forgot her anger and grinned. “You think everyone’s stupid, though, so you may as well crush on someone who really is stupid.”
“Shut up.” Nejiko gave her a look- it was one of the ways she smiled now, because she still  tried to hide it a little bit but let parts of it show, where her lips would purse and her eyes would do all the smiling for her. “We have training. Let’s go.”
She set off down the road, hair flowing behind her, and not for the first time Tenten was struck by how differently Nejiko was from her cousin Hinata, even just physically- she was the tallest girl Tenten knew by far, with lean muscle and narrow shoulders.
Maybe once she was done with her lusty crush on Temari, she’d get one on Nejiko.
The thought made her grin spread even wider and a chuckle simmer in her throat, but she swallowed it down when Nejiko snapped her fingers at her impatiently, not even bothering to turn around. Crush alleviated, she ran past her teammate and towards the training field, tugging on Nejiko’s silky hair as she went by.
Nejiko let out a small gasp- of indignance, presumably- and gave chase.
Having a friend who was also a girl was nice. When Tenten unexpectedly got her period on a mission, Nejiko had extra tampons. She also let Tenten do up her hair in elaborate styles for festivals, because it was a hobby that Tenten enjoyed but rarely got to practice. They went to the hotsprings together once a month and got lunch together on their days off. They were best friends, probably.
Tenten was sixteen and the blood sang in her veins.
They had just finished a day of team training and Tenten had staggered away from a spar with Gai with a black eye and and sore muscles, but they’d also had a great time practicing nunchucks together. Nejiko was planning on escorting Hinata to the hotsprings and they’d asked Tenten if she’d like to come along, then somewhere along the way Sakura and Ino were invited. It promised to be a fun time, and Tenten set off for her apartment to get changed and grab her bag before she met up with the Hyuga cousins.
She paused long enough to scrub some of the residual sweat and dirt off her face, then, adrenaline still buzzing from her day of sparring, ran to the Hyuga compound.
Hinata and Nejiko were just outside the gates and beginning a slow walk towards the springs. Tenten jumped down from the rooftop and landed next to them, splattering Nejiko with the water droplets that had been caught in her hair. “Hey!”
Hinata greeted her quietly in return, while Nejiko flicked water off her face and back onto Tenten with an irate frown. Tenten grinned guiltily. 
“Sorry, did I get you?”
“Yes.” Nejiko made a face. “Why are you so wet, anyway?”
“Washed my face before coming over.”
Tenten squinted at her. “Is that a trick question?”
Hinata shifted on her feet awkwardly, and Nejiko glanced at her out of the corner of her eye. “Whatever. Let’s go.” She marched out, arms folded over her chest and plainly expecting them to follow.
In the changing room, after Nejiko had stalked out of the room with Sakura and Ino, Tenten quietly asked Hinata, “Did something happen at the Compound? She was in a good mood after practice…”
Hinata stilled, then slowly resumed putting her bag away. “She was called away to talk to Father and the others. I am unsure of what transpired, only that it was brief and she seemed upset for a few minutes before becoming… angry.”
“Oh.” Tenten watched the end of her teammate’s hair flick around the corner. “I’ll talk to her later, maybe, and hopefully the hotsprings will have eased some of the tension.” Hinata nodded.
They walked into the spring, chatting about easier subjects- like the advantages of senbon over shuriken, but the superiority of kunai over both (which was a stance Tenten would not budge on, no matter what, ever.)
Sakura and Ino were both slowly melting into the water, looking pleased, but Nejiko sat stiffly in the water, staring straight ahead. Tenten sat the way she usually did in the water, elbows propped on the sides of the spring as she stretched out her back. 
“Ahh, that feels nice.”
Ino cracked open her eyes to look at her. “Always such an old man, Tenten-senpai.”
She ignored her, and they all sat quietly for the next few minutes. The only sounds were from the water rippling softly against the walls, the steam in the air, and their breathing. 
Tenten cracked open her eyes from where she had closed them in time to catch Nejiko giving her a half smile and turn away again, her shoulders finally relaxing. Tenten smiled at her profile before closing her eyes again and sinking even deeper into the water.
A few minutes later, Nejiko said, “Tenten.”
She blinked up at her sleepily. “Hm?”
“You’re humming.”
“No I’m not.”
“You are,” Sakura chimed in. Hinata nodded in agreement, and Ino said, “Sounded nice, though.” 
Tenten flushed a little. “Uh, thanks.” Nejiko was smirking at her, and Tenten stuck her tongue out at her in response. 
Hinata, Sakura, and Ino departed together half an hour later to do some shopping before Sakura’s shift at the hospital, and Tenten and Nejiko settled into the water again after saying goodbye. Tenten faced forward and watched her teammate through half-closed eyes, wondering when the best time would be to bring up her earlier anger.
She should have known better than to try to watch a Hyuga discreetly. 
“What is it, Tenten?” Nejiko hadn’t even opened her eyes. 
Tenten twitched a little. “When we left training today, you were in a pretty good mood. Hinata told me you had to talk to some Elders, and then you were pissed. What’d they do?”
As she had been talking, Nejiko’s shoulders had slowly stiffened again, until she was ramrod straight and staring ahead once more. “Nothing.”
Tenten rolled her eyes. “Nejiko, come on.” She stood up and crossed so she was next to her teammate- who had blushed and averted her eyes at the sight of Tenten’s naked torso. (It was flattering, maybe, because Tenten still didn’t know if Nejiko liked girls too, but it was definitely a cute reaction.) She grabbed Nejiko’s arm so she’d meet her eyes again. “Tell me. Please.”
Nejiko seemingly couldn’t look at Tenten, staring at some spot next to her face. “It is the same as usual. I am a Branch upstart and must settle into my place. Every achievement I make reflects poorly on the strength of the heir. This time it was brought on by my recent promotion to jonin.”
Tenten grimaced. “That sucks.” 
Nejiko nodded, her gaze falling to the waterline. She seemingly had nothing else to say. 
Tenten released her grip on her arm and sat back again before realizing that she’d inadvertently flashed Nejiko again. She didn’t really care, personally, but Nejiko went full crimson and slammed her eyes shut. 
Tenten chuckled low in her throat. “You have breasts too, Nejiko.” So saying, she reached out and poked the upper part of Nejiko’s chest, at the very top of what could be considered breast and not collarbone. Nejiko startled like a cat, and Tenten laughed outright (and tried to ignore the pink of areola that could be seen rising from the water, and the pretty flush working its way down Nejiko’s neck and tops of her breasts.)
She grinned at her teammate, saying “Wow, and I thought only retired ANBU were that jumpy-” when Nejiko suddenly set her mouth in a determined line, staring at Tenten with a blazing expression. Tenten blinked. “Uh, what-”
She was cut off as Nejiko jerked forward, and pale, soft lips pressed against her own.
"Perhaps, if I had been a man, my burdens would not be so heavy," Nejiko mused to Tenten once. "I would have that advantage, at least." 
Tenten lifted her head up from where it was pressed against her hip, Nejiko’s long fingers carding through her hair. “And then things would be all that worse for Hinata.”
“That’s true.” Nejiko ran her fingertips over Tenten’s mouth, her cheeks, her eyelids. “And I would not have you.”
“Yes you would.” 
“You do not like men that way.”
“Yes, I do. I just like women more usually, is all.” She peered up at Nejiko through her lashes. “And I like you no matter what.”
“Mm.” Nejiko smiled tenderly and resumed the steady motion of her hand through Tenten’s hair. She rested her head back down at her lover’s side. 
Tenten was twenty and in love.
The single, slight advantage they had over the Hyuga Clan and its antiquated views and traditions was that it never even occurred to them that when the Hyuga prodigy went to spend the night at her female teammates house, it was because they were fucking all night long.
Two women? Having sex? No indeed, just gals being pals. Tenten thought to herself giddily as Nejiko flipped them around so Tenten was beneath her, then grabbed her hands and raised them above her head. The position stretched out her torso and pushed her breasts against Nejiko’s ribs, and she smirked as the Hyuga paused to take in the sight of her. 
Under that pale gaze, she narrowed her eyes and smiled, preening like a smug cat. 
Nejiko responded by covering her mouth in a harsh kiss and dipping her hand into those lacy red panties that matched the lacy red bra that Tenten had been wearing under her little black dress, both of which were now somewhere on the floor along with Nejiko’s beautiful kimono.
So yes, Tenten told Lee later, date night had gone very well, but she would spare him the details.
But there was still a residual somberness to Nejiko that hadn’t been there before the war, before Hiashi was killed and the clan forced Hanabi and Hinata to fight for the position of Clan Head. Hinata would never truly regain the use of her right arm- Hanabi was always more forceful and dutiful than her sister- but the sudden and abrupt heart attack of one of the Elders had halted proceedings, and Hinata and Hanabi were doing such a smooth job jointly running the clan that the Hyuga Council had just let the matter go for now.
(It had been the most hilarious coincidence of timing that Tenten had ever seen, when Hinata and Hanabi were preparing to clash again and the Elder let out a little “hurk!” and keeled over. There were definitely some branch members who had walked away with a little spring in their step.)
By Tenten’s own diagnosis, the cure for Nejiko’s PTSD and somberness was lots of kissing, cuddling, and sex with her girlfriend. Also the Hokage-mandated group therapy sessions.
Nejiko was mostly just living with Tenten at this point. They split rent and utilities and groceries, most of her clothes were in the larger dresser they’d just purchased together, she slept almost nightly in the larger bed they’d just purchased together, she’d moved all of her personal knicknacks into the apartment, and- most intimately of all- Nejiko’s tea set, the one left to her by her parents, was used every morning by the Hyuga to start their day together.
Tenten was just waiting for Nejiko to officially state her desire to live together. Whenever she was ready.
One night Nejiko was dropping by the Hyuga compound to meet with Hinata, Hanabi, and a few choice Elders, so Tenten was alone for the night. She dropped by the hospital to chat with Sakura over her break, then at the medic’s request brought Ino a container of something labelled “Biohazard” (and Ino had looked manically pleased to receive it, then squinted at Tenten and hissed, “No questions!” Tenten had just held her hands up innocently and backed away.)
She found herself in a bar, chatting lightly with Shikamaru and Temari as they stumbled their way through flirting with each other. It was fun to watch- like a spectator sport, where both teams were working towards the same goal and also tripping and flailing and getting flustered every time they made eye contact but determinedly trying to get the other team into their pants.
Shikamaru was briefly called away to chat with another person from Shizune’s office staff- he wasn’t officially an advisor, but he was in every other way- and Temari turned to Tenten. “So, how are things with Nejiko-san?”
Tenten grinned, always delighted to talk about her girl. “Pretty good! Huuuuuuuuuge sex increase after the war, because we’re both fuckin’ traumatized and want physical comfort!”
There was a long, drawn out silence.
Tenten wrinkled her nose. “Hm. I’m more drunk than I thought.”
Temari did not do a good job stifling her laugh. “No- um, you seem- uh, really coherent. Full- full sentences and everything.”
Tenten mock-toasted her. “I’m not too drunk to discern a terrible lie, though.”
“And use such fancy vocabulary.” Temari clinked her glass against Tenten’s with that fierce grin that used to make Tenten go weak in the knees. The thought made her blurt out, “You know, I used to have such a crush on you.”
Temari set her cocktail down with a jerk. “You- you did?”
“Yuh-huh.” Tenten nodded sagely. “After you kicked my ass at the chunin exams. I was so pissed and you were so hot and I was going through puberty and just so horny all the time and everything boiled over and if you so much as looked at me I melted.”
“O-Oh.” Temari blinked at her, mouth opening and closing as she searched for words. “Well, thanks?” Tenten threw back her head and laughed, the absurdity of the conversation finally catching up to her. 
After her giggles had petered out- Temari had buried her own laughter in her arms, propped on the bar in front of them, so at least they both looked ridiculous- Tenten opened her eyes, head still tilted back, and found the softly smiling eyes of Nejiko staring down at her. 
She lit up. “Hey!” Nejiko leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Hello.” She turned to Temari and gave her a much less loving smile, but no less warm. “Good evening, Temari-san.” Temari stifled her last giggles in her hand, weakly waving in greeting at Nejiko. 
Tenten watched, enthralled, as Nejiko turned back to her. “Would you like to stay any longer, or should we head home?” Her mouth was so fascinating when she talked, lips pressing together and separating, tongue tapping against teeth, words forming and falling from the back of her throat.
“I love you,” Tenten mumbled. That lovely mouth parted in shock, then a soft, wonderstruck smile curled the lips upwards. 
“I love you too.”
“Noice,” Tenten blurted. She was so pleased she fell off her barstool.
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Ayesha Liveblogs Naruto Shippuden S19
Lmao @ Shikamaru flirting with Temari before greeting the Kazekage #Priorities 
Why bother giving these kids the data from those chunin exams they were there they ARE the data
“You'd know more about the reason behind the interruption of the final rounds and its chronology” Shizune fucking calling out the Sand omg ‘remember when u tried to murder us? I do’
“She hasn't changed a bit” and u love her for it Shikamaru
Why is Kakashi even here lmao he doesn't have a team of Genin this time around it's just because he's competent and adorable I guess
The Team 7 outro I weep SP is really stabbing me in the heart
Fu is a handful and I love it
“You want to find some way to bond with the rebels?” historically that's actually worked out pretty well it seems
“She just might be tougher than [Shikamaru]” Ino <3 Sakura 5ever
I feel a little ripped off that Kakashi didn't get to be the Angel of Cheering People Up but I'm proud of Sakura either way and I am i n  l o v e with the idea of watching her Chunin exams
They were so excited to see Naruto it's a shame he's not real
This timeline where everyone takes the Chunin exams a year before Naruto comes back implies that there were at minimum 9 Leaf Chunin made in a single exam
It also puts very little distance between Neji making Chunin and Jonin but I guess to be fair Kakashi was made a jonin at 9
Hjghdskhfhlvhl Team Guy Dynamics:
Tenten: We're being split up?
Lee: We'll be on our own for this?
Neji: [already walking away]
“Thanks for having my back” Literally half of Shikamaru's screen time is flirting with Temari I love it
Neji why do you have to be so dramatic do you really need to use jutsu as visual aids in your explanations
Sand Siblings @ Gaara probably: Will you stop talking about Naruto for like ten fucking seconds
Neji stepping in to save his girl Tenten my heart
Fu is so cute omg “I want to make a hundred friends”
I'm willing to believe Neji can recognize a jinchuriki's chakra right away bc of his fight with Naruto
“Dwelling on the misfortunes of birth is meaningless” same Shira same
I have a hard time believing Sakura couldn't take down that scorpion without Fu but plot I guess
“Gaara!” “Sorry, just thinking” Fuck how often does Temari have to shake Gaara out of thinking about Naruto lmao
Kiba has to spread his legs as widely as possible mid-air his philosophy is truly ‘Dicks out for Shinobi’
Ninja who are about to partake in infiltration, loudly: Scatter!
I also have a hard time believing that a Byakugan user of Neji's skill would be so easily taken in by genjutsu
Honestly Team Guy is prime OT3 material their teamwork is amazing and they lift each other up constantly  
This is the second time in this set of exams that Team Guy has helped not only their competitors but also ninja from a different village the Leaf truly raises their babies right
“I wanna know which one's more valuable to the village... is it the boulder or you?” Still working on the charisma thing huh Gaara
Every mission Team Guy goes on:
Tenten/Neji: Lee how about we think about this before we start-
“Please apologize to him!” I adore Lee
‘Hey Shira what's your technique?’ ‘Breathing really hard’
“Two Heaven scrolls. When should I break it to them?” Further proof that Dad!Neji would be ridiculous he has trouble breaking bad news to friends let alone babies
Kiba @ Hinata: Pay! Attention! To! Me!
I fucking love how Kiba has no qualms about anything gross like biting a slimy guy ‘let me at him’, breathing into my dog's nose ‘of course’, running around covered in dog urine ‘just a Tuesday’
These episodes have reawakened the inner Kiba/Hinata shipper in me
“Forget I ever mentioned Naruto okay?” omg I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Kiba blush before but the second he was called out about Naruto there it is
“Their persistence is extraordinary” this is true about the entire village tbh 
It’s not fair of you to compare your shadow clone abilities to a boy with a chakra demon inside of him Kiba 
“I can tell just how hard Naruto trained out here” so what ur saying is that u smell Naruto’s sweat
Kiba’s sure ready to brag for someone whose plan was just playing dead
“It’s the fault of the whole team” I don’t remember this guy’s name but I have a feeling that if Minato were alive he’d love him
“No you’re wrong it was me” Ggfkjghdfkghkd Kiba pls why are you like this
“Be nice and give us your scroll” tru Shinobi of the Leaf 
The Look(TM) Neji gives Lee when he gets Tenten in a bad mood
“We’re able to fight so aggressively because we know that you have our backs” Guy is such a supportive sensei 10/10 (no pun intended)
“How did they turn out anyway?” “I have my doubts about them” LEE PLS
Real talk does the Akatsuki not know that the person hosting these exams is a jinchuriki he is the Kazekage
“Hi there, are you guys cliff-climbing too? Hang in there” KAKASHI HATAKE WITH SHITTY TRAINING PUNS COMING 2 SAVE MY LIFE 
Honestly Guy is the only sensei who seems to train his own kunoichi directly because both Ino and Hinata have clan-based jutsu and all of Kakashi’s babies were taken in by the Sanin
“The great nations don’t understand pain” like half the Leaf Village is orphans what more do u want from them Ajisai
“The Hidden Rain will soon be reborn” “Does that mean you’re gonna be more friendly then?” suffice to say the answer was no
Love my Leaf boys who won’t let people from other villages be attacked in an unfair way even by their own fellow villagers
Lee realizing that trash-talking insects doesn’t really work lmao 
Props to Lee for not holding a grudge against Gaara because he was both the reason he was injured before the last invasion and also one of the invaders  
“Sensei, have I gotten stronger since the last Chunin exam?” “Well, you should have” Inspiring self-confidence with Might Guy 
What a gentle and peppy intro it’s a change of pace from the intense bops
Thank you!!!!! I still don’t understand why Sakura couldn’t take out the first insect because she’s like the strongest woman alive
Omg Ino gently taking Sakura’s hand to heal it my bisexual heart <3 
“Where’s Shikamaru?” “He’s seeing off the delegates from the Hidden Sand” HE’S FLIRTING WITH TEMARI MY BOI
I aspire 2 be as committed to avoiding talking about my feelings as Asuma Sarutobi
Tsunade just doesn’t have the energy to entertain student rivalry lol 
“You just broke my concentration since you kept peeking over at me” this entire episode is incredibly gay and I love it 
“Because of you, I’m going to the place where I belong” this is ninja code for gay marriage (see: Tenzo’s infinite Tsukuyomi scene)
It actually makes complete sense that Tsunade never intended for Ino to become a medical ninja because it’s not Ino’s strongest technique but it’s useful on multiple levels 
I don’t know what Ino’s future job is supposed to be but I hope it’s Head of the intelligence division bc of Inoichi’s legacy
Honestly Sakura becomes even more impressive when you consider every battle she fought up until the war she was consistently depleting her chakra it’s a disadvantage similar to Kakashi’s sharingan and yet she not only managed to keep from being hospitalized but also was able to fight the Akatsuki and perform surgery
Honestly what on earth is this Sasuke business what a non-sequitor
Take a shot every time Orochimaru kidnaps a child
The fact that Sakura braces for impact bc she won’t even consider dodging at the cost of abandoning Ino’s body nfdgbfdgjdhfb
“I don’t care about the Chunin exams, I want to have my revenge!” okay Anime Bride of Chuckie 
“He’s probably forgotten all about you and has already found a better partner” Kurama truly hitting Naruto where it hurts 
I’m so proud of Sakura she is absolutely fucking adorable 
“Gaara, let’s get dinner” I’ve never heard those words said so intensely
Why is the animation on this sand so much better than the animation on literally anything else 
“Make sure he doesn’t step foot outside” lmao @ Gaara’s siblings trying to babysit him even though he’s the leader of the village
“This will take a lot more than gutsiness to overcome” [Naruto in the distance: How dare u Neji]
“I told you I was right,” said Mikoshi, as he began to drown in a pit of sand
Oh my god Fu wants to make a hundred friends to end all wars what a gal
“He sounds exactly like the kind of guy I’d like to meet and become friends with” that’s actually sad both because she dies before she can really know Naruto but he does meet her eventually through the tailed beasts
“Well, see ya!” jbfjhdkfjhgkjh Team Jonin Sensei is truly a beautiful thing 
It takes the Akatsuki like three days to extract a tailed beast and this dude is trying to do it in 30 seconds good luck my dude
Poor Neji he can’t stand to disappoint other people 
“We can’t just ignore someone in distress” Team Guy Saving People During the Chunin Exams Count: 4 <333
Take a shot every time someone on this show fantasizes about Naruto
“Yes, but that’s only because he’s a fool” this might be the closest Gaara has come to insulting Naruto in years
I want so badly for Neji and Gaara to be friends I love lonely ninja boys
"Get ready Fu, you’re next!” “Okay!!” I’ve never seen someone look so excited to get poked in the stomach
“I thank you, Neji. Never thought you’d rescue me” Team Guy Saving People During the Chunin Exams Count: 7
Take a shot every time Gaara tells someone about his crush on Naruto
“I wanted to try to heal the hurt I’d caused everyone” Gaara <3
Why are there so many heaven scrolls that seems to be all that anyone has
Gaara @ all the exam participants: You get to be a Chunin! You get to be a Chunin! Everyone gets to be a Chunin! 
Are we about to watch a montage of all the people who died since the Chunin exams 
Oh my GOD Fu trying to befriend Kakuzu RIP 
Well I guess Neji’s double promotion makes way more sense than him taking a Jonin exam like months after his Chunin exam but still what an arbitrary decision-making process
7 notes · View notes
myaekingheart · 5 years
57. Shinobi Guidebook: The Basics of Being a Ninja
read the scarecrow and the bell on ao3
index | from the beginning | < previous | next >
               Rule number one: Never let your guard down. This was the first of many proverbial guidelines Chikara had presented to her young pupils. Their first mission involved escorting a nobleman across the Land of Fire to a small seaside town where he had business. It was a seemingly simple mission but with the Third Great Ninja War roaring outside of Konoha’s walls, any assignment had the potential for danger. It was this fact that Rei kept in the back of her mind always as she prepared her things for the trip.
               Hana watched with teary eyes as her daughter closed up her backpack and then sucked in a deep breath. “Please stay safe, sweetheart” she croaked, forcing a smile. “If anything were to happen to you, I’d—”
               “Mom” Rei interrupted, “I’m sure I’ll be fine. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen?” It wasn’t until after the question fell from her lips that she realized she never should’ve asked it to begin with. She could see the composure in her mother’s face beginning to slip even further, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios. Rei hugged her tight, bid a brief farewell to her apathetic father, and then met Grandma Teiko at the door.
               “Stay safe out there, girl” she said, grasping her granddaughter’s hands tightly. “Remember, this is only the beginning.” She kissed Rei’s forehead and then sent her on her way.
               Rei’s eyes darted to the house next door and a grin spread across her lips. She hadn’t had a chance to tell Kakashi yet but she couldn’t wait for when she did. They had started to grow so distant in the years following his father’s death, but his kindness to her still overpowered whatever metamorphosis their relationship had been facing. He believed in her when hardly anyone else did. He encouraged her despite her parents’ protests and assured her that she would be a great ninja. As she made her way to the village gates, she envisioned running up to him and wrapping her arms around him in a big hug, screaming with joy over her accomplishment. He would hug her back and congratulate her, maybe they would even bake a cake together to celebrate, stuffing messy slices into their mouths as they sat by the lake at sunset. They would laugh until their sides hurt and run through the muggy summer air. It would be just like old times. Pure bliss.
               Rei was the last of the squad to arrive at the gates, signaling a very disgusted expression from their client. “This is who you’ve been waiting for?” he asked. He leaned down to poke at Rei’s chubby cheeks and assess her outfit. “She’s a child!”
               Rei grimaced up at him and swatted his hand away. “I may be a child but I can still kick your butt!” she insisted. If she had known she would be belittled, she likely never would’ve come. Her first mission was certainly getting off to a very bad start.
               A chuckle broke past Sekkachi’s lips. “Are you even sure you’re tall enough to reach his butt?” she asked. Rei then turned her glare to her comrade, who appeared seemingly unaffected.
               The merchant man shook his head and frowned. “I’m sorry, but I thought I was hiring real shinobi to accompany me, not a group of bickering little girls!”
               Chikara crossed her arms and cocked a brow. “I’m sorry but do you have a problem with little girls being far more capable than you?” she asked, a sickening smile touching her lips. The man stammered but no comprehensible words made it past his lips. The group departed, and he said hardly a word for the entire first three hours of the trip. If only the same had been true for everyone.
               The issue, as Chikara soon discovered, with travelling alongside three prepubescent girls was that they never shut up. Not only did they never shut up, but they never stopped quarreling, either.
               “…and he never even made it past genin—how pathetic is that? I mean, I guess with a fashion sense like that, it only makes sense for you to be a little dense but…” Naru rambled on, as if she knew anything about what she was talking about. “He and his son look exactly the same, and I honestly don’t expect him to get very far as a ninja, either! I mean, if you ask me, I don’t think anyone who can’t use ninjutsu or genjutsu should even be accepted into the academy. Nip in the bud before you get too far down the line! Then they won’t go around thinking they have as good a chance as everyone else to become ANBU level ninja.”
               Rei restrained an awkward laugh and nodded. “I mean, I guess if his taijutsu is good enough then there’s a chance but, I mean, I don’t know, I guess you’re right.”
               “Of course I’m right!” Naru nodded definitively, “I’m always right.” Sekkachi rubbed her temples and chewed on her lower lip as she listened to her comrade speak. Chikara could see the temperature gauge inside of her rapidly rising. The merchant man looked to each of them expectantly, feeling very out fo place in the audience of this strange encounter. Naru rambled on. “Honestly, I can’t say I’m totally surprised, either. With fashion sense like theirs, it’s no wonder they’re all a little dense. If I didn’t know any better, I’d even question whether or not this kid was gay! I mean, you can’t possibly walk around in a green jumpsuit like that and be totally straight, it’s just impossible.”
               For some reason, something about Naru’s words suddenly struck the last nerve in Sekkachi. Her hands felt tingly and her heart rate started to pick up. Every thought and memory and pondering in her mind went haywire. She no longer had control. Fists clenched, she finally snapped. “What makes you think you know anything about it?” she exploded. “Since when are the authority on everyone else in Konoha, huh? As if you know everything! You’re only a genin!”
               Naru coolly replied, “Don’t act so superior, Sekkachi. You’re only a genin, too, remember? We all are.”
               “Well, I certainly don’t plan on staying that way” Sekkachi growled. She was beginning to pick up the pace, soon growing further and further ahead of the others. “So what if he can only do taijutsu? I was unaware that other people’s abilities affected your existence, Naru. As far as I’m concerned, that doesn’t make him any less of a ninja than anyone else. I bet he could make it all the way into the ANBU on just that alone if he really wanted to. I bet he’d be great. I bet he’d leave everyone else in the dust.”
               The blonde smirked and brushed her hair back out of her face. “Statistically speaking, most ninja who can’t do anymore than taijutsu aren’t even considered for the ANBU as far as I’m concerned. I doubt he would get that far even with luck on his side.”
               As the two of them bickered back and forth, Rei glanced to each of her comrades with great uncertainty before finally gazing up at her sensei. There was an expression of panic in her eyes and Chikara noticed her digging under her fingernails anxiously. She truly had no choice. She would have to intervene.
               “Enough!” she shouted. Her booming voice was enough to shake an entire forest free of its leaves. Naru and Sekkachi paused momentarily, glancing back at her but deep down had no real intention of stopping. Chikara stalked forward and grabbed the two of them by the backs of their shirt collars, pulling them to her side. “I didn’t agree to this just to babysit two whiny brats, you know. If you’re going to act like children, however, then you ought to be treated like children. Keep it up and neither of you will get past genin, either. I’ll send you right back to Konoha with no compass and then you’ll really wish you hadn’t pissed me off.”
               Rei’s heart pounded at the thought of it, and she wasn’t even the one in trouble. Still, she was fully aware that they were no longer enveloped in the protective sphere of their village. If they were to be abandoned by their own sensei out in the wilds, they would be labeled as rogue shinobi and likely eaten alive by whatever godawful beasts lurked in the night. They didn’t stand a chance.
               Come sunset, they stopped and set up camp for the night in a secluded meadow. Sekkachi started a fire despite protest that it would probably attract enemy-nin to their camp, to which Chikara offered up another morsel of advice.
               Rule number two: when engaging in escort missions, it is the only hospitable option to offer a proper meal to guests.
               As far as she was concerned, clients were far more fragile than shinobi were and therefore couldn’t handle the same rugged parameters. And so makeshift dinner it was. Naru elected to do the cooking, stirring together basic forage foods to create some sort of mismatched ninja stew. It smelled mildly strange and unnerving, and would likely taste just as much, but at least it was something. Once finished, Naru grinned proudly at her meal and encouraged everyone to dig in. Sekkachi was the first to reply.
               “Nope, not happening” she said, raising her hands in surrender.
               Chikara furrowed her brows, displeased. “If not this, then what will you eat?”
               “Anything that isn’t going to kill me” Sekkachi replied. “Which, if I’m smart, will be nothing at all.”
               Their sensei was not impressed. “Do you think not eating makes you come off cool and unaffected, Sekkachi?” she asked. “Do you think not eating will benefit you in any way, shape, or form in the field?” The young kunoichi rolled her eyes and clenched her jaw. This was one of many things she did not want to get into. Chikara, however, continued onward.
               Rule number three: a shinobi must live an active and healthy lifestyle in order to be in top physical condition for their career. This includes eating a balanced diet with three meals a day plus snacks and training often to increase stamina, strength, agility, and ability.
               As Chikara rambled onward about health and wellness, Sekkachi was beginning to yet agan lose her grip. Before her sensei could even finish her sentence, she exploded. “Can you just get off my back?!” Sekkachi shouted. The entire group went silent. Huffing like an angry bull, Sekkachi clenched her fists and turned her gaze to each of her comrades. “I don’t understand what the big deal is. If I don’t want to eat, I don’t want to eat, so back off!” And with that, she stormed off into the woods to blow off some steam.
               Naru and Rei looked to one another awkwardly, unsure of how to move forward in the wake of such an outburst. The merchant man shoved large bites of food into his mouth—anything to avoid the massive tension—then said in a muffled tone, “Well, I think the food is splendid.”
               Chikara met his gaze with an apologetic expression. This really was becoming an absolute disaster, and deep down it was killing her to know she was failing at her job. But now was not the time to dwell. Something had to be done. Rising from her seat, she sucked in a deep breath and instructed her remaining students to stay on guard while she went and tracked down Sekkachi. Genin she may be, but this was likely her first time out of the village and therefore she needed to be monitored. Chikara refused to lose one of her students on the very first assignment solely because she was careless.
               Nobody ever knew for certain what was said that night between the two of them but when Chikara returned with Sekkachi in tow, there was something drastically different. Rei couldn’t put her finger on it but the mood had definitely changed and it made her mildly uncomfortable. All that night, she could feel the presence of something inexplicable hanging over her, and more than anything between Chikara and Sekkachi. She tossed and turned and tried to distance herself from it but it was no use. That night, she barely slept at all.
               The rest of the trip went as smoothly as it could under the circumstances. The merchant man barely spoke and when he did, it was never anything ill-intended. Naru babbled incessantly, per usual, drumming up conversations about politics she didn’t truly understand and people she didn’t truly know. The strangest, however, was Sekkachi. She seemed guarded but at ease, and she stuck close to Chikara’s side. It was a strange sense of symbiosis, and Rei never could stop thinking about it.
               When they reached their destination, it was clear the town had been ravaged by war. Houses were in shambles and villagers ran along struggling to scrounge up food. Is this what happens when conflict gets out of hand? Rei wondered. The scene sent shivers down her spine. They escorted their client the rest of the way to his destination, to a rundown shop where his wife and teenage son stood awaiting his return. The man greeted them, then turned back to the girls and thanked them each personally.
               “I know we got off to a rough start” he said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, “but I am grateful to have had you girls as my bodyguards. You have reminded me of what is important in life, after the war had made me so jaded.” Then, turning to Chikara, he smiled and said, “You’ve got your work cut out for you, miss.”
               Chikara smirked and shook her head. “It’s nothing I can’t handle” she said confidently.
               When they returned to the village, Rei was suddenly reminded of her next greatest mission: to find Kakashi and tell him the good news. She bid her comrades goodbye and then scoured the village, but he was nowhere to be found. He can’t be on a mission again, she thought to herself, though she knew it must be true. He had been working so hard, but this was a time of war and he was a higher rank than she was. He was needed there. The sake of the nation was more important than herself. Defeated, she made her way home.
               Hana greeted her daughter with open arms, pulling her into a tight embrace and crying with joy that her baby had made it home safe. “Mom, it was just an escort mission…it wasn’t really a big deal” she said, but Hana wouldn’t hear of it. Anything that may have put her daughter’s life at risk was worth worrying over.
               Grandma Teiko, at least, was sane. She slapped Rei hard on the back with a grin and told her, “Good job, girl. You’ll be a jonin in no time!”
               Her father was not there to welcome her home.
               That night, as she lay in bed, Rei thought of Kakashi. She wondered where he was, what he was doing, if he was okay. She peered out her window to the lake out back and reminisced of the old days when they hadn’t a care in the world and nothing was impossible. He couldn’t hide from her any longer. She was a genin now and for once, anything was possible yet again.
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I don't know what else to call it, so, there's a title. This is Kakagai so, ye. This is probably an idea that's already been done but they're so cute idc Under the cut because WHY NOT
Kakashi sighed rather loudly as he folded his arms against railing, looking out at the fast growing landscape of the village. Normally, he found it refreshing to find a high vantage point and look over the place he called home all his life.
But today, as he stood on the roof of the Hokage tower, his stomach churned with anxiety.
Every person he watched weave their way through crowds in the market or push and shove each other in a vain attempt to get a good look at the Hero of the Fourth Shinobi war, he was now responsible for.
Millions of people all relying on him to make the best decisions for the village.
Sure, it was peace time now. But you never know, right? As a shinobi, you're to expect the worse, right?
With a hand that had grown so used to carrying blades or being electricly charged, that would now be forced to grow accustomed to long hours of writing and filing, he pulled down his mask. Allowing himself a moment to breathe the fresh air in deeply without the filter of fabric.
He closed his eyes, allowing himself a moment to calm his nerves. Breathing in slow and deep.
The air was crisp and cold, the perfect weather for snow. He wondered if it would.
He could feel a presence making it's way up the ramp to the roof. Light gusts of wind carried the smell of whom ever to his sensative nose. A strong musk that was familiar and distinctive. The smile that spread across his face was involuntary and natural.
As he heard the squeak of wheels arriving to the top of the roof, he pulling his mask back up over his face. "I assume Shikamaru told you I was up here?"
"Honestly," The wheels haulted right behind him. "You think I would have to ask where you spend your break time?"
"You say that as if you know everything about me." He rolled his eyes playfully, turning to face the green jumpsuit clad shinobi he had come to consider such a dear friend.
"Of course I do." Gai's grin was wide, almost impossibly so. "We are, after all, eternal rivals!"
A light chuckle that he himself barely noticed escaped him as he leaned his back against the railing.
Gai looked past him, his hands firmly grasping the arms of his wheelchair as he looked over the landscape. "Have you come out here to think, then?"
Kakashi's eye's remained on Gai as he spoke. "I've been trying not to think lately, actually."
"Care to share?" After a moment of silence and watching the Hatake stare absently at the sky above, Gai sighed and wheeled closer to him. "And here I thought you would become more forthright after it all."
"What?" Kakashi slowly blinked, returning his attention to Gai. He had became caught in his own thoughts again. "Did you say something?"
Gai lowered his head in defeat, suddenly become quiet emotional. "My Rival, always looking so cool!"
"Cool?" He smiled sheepishly beneath the mask, an index finger scratching at the thin fabric on his cheek. "It's just.. I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be Hokage."
"What it means?" Gai cocked his head slightly, leaning on the arm rest of his chair.
Kakashi returned his attention to the village, looking out over the rooftops. "Everyone in this village, be them residence or visitors, I'm responsible for it all." His gloved hands gripped the railing as his brows furrowed beneath his hitai-ate. "Millions of lives and everything they hold dear."
Gai looked surprised as he watched his back. His life long friend, who had only opened up to him once before, was allowing him a glimpse into his mind. He did not dare to speak, or else the Hatake shut himself up again. Figurately and literally.
"I never thought I was cut out for being incharge of just three Genin." Kakashi's eyes closed as he sighed. "Now to lead and entire village is.. disconcerting."
"But look how those three Genin turned out!" Gai was grinning again, as large and impossible as always. "One's off seeking redemption, one is running the hospital and the other was the hero of the fourth war! You did pretty well with just three Genin, I think you'll do well with the village too! You are my cool rival, after all!"
"I hardly had anything to do with any of that." Kakashi slowly shook his head, his eyes downcast. "If anyone deserves any praise for what Naruto and Sakura have become, it's Master Jiraiya and Lady Tsunade."
"You should really give yourself more credit, Kakashi." Gai crossed his arms tightly over his chest, shaking his head as well. "I believe in your abilities, even if you don't. I think you will do very well as Hokage. Besides, you have many around you willing to help you."
Kakashi turned to look at Gai once again, smiling beneath his mask, which he was sure shown in his eyes. When ever he looked back on his life, he always saw the green jumpsuit wearing, over enthusiastic and eccentric taijutsu specialist. He had always been there for him, no matter what. And what did he do for him?
"I really meant what I said before, Gai. It is reassuring having you here."
"Kakashi." Gai's face was red and he glanced away from him. Kakashi was surprised he had not broke into tears or some emotional, drown out monologue.
Maybe it was time to repay the man that had always been there. The one constant in his life. Maybe it was time..
With a hand so used to combat and killing, he gently touched Gai's cheek. His other pulled down mask and with swift movement, he pressed his lips against Gai's.
Gai tensed, his eyes wide with surprised, both of their faces bright and burning red. In a moment, he was relaxed, leaning his cheek into Kakashi's gently touch and succumbing to the kiss.
As Kakashi pulled away, his lips tingling from the feeling and his heart raced with excitement, he wondered why Gai had not broken into tears or even yelled at him for being so inappropriate.
Instead, Gai was staring him down, his eyes squinted. Like he was trying to read letters that were two sizes to smile.
His eyes darted around and he smiled sheepishly. "A-Ah, sorry, Gai. I-"
"Don't aplogize. I've been waiting for that." Gai slowly shook his head, but continued to stare at him. "It's just.. I could swear I've seen your face before."
Kakashi's laughed awkwardly, once again bringing up an index finger and scratching at his cheek bone. "Oh.. well. Would you like to.. join me for dango?"
Gai's eyes seemed to visably brighten and he nodded furiously. "Of course!"
Before you tell me "kakashi doesn't do sweets" or wat ever consider that fact Gai used to invite him to eat dango when they were younger thanks
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