#i blame this on u guys bc urgh
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nyxypoo · 5 months ago
i wanna lick endos infinity symbol.
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futurewriter2000 · 6 years ago
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A/N:Well....I wrote this. I didn't go to school again bc I have an oral exam and I'm judt a fucking idiot and a coward. God, I'n so stupid. Anyway I wrote this this morning. Hope you like it @duringirl
PAIRING: Sirius Black x reader
REQUEST: Hawo ^^ I was wondering if you could write a one shot where Sirius has a panic attack and reader is there and helps him trough it and just conforts him and yea. Thank u ^^
WARNING: Watch out for grammar mistakes.
TAGS: @siriusly-loves-snuffles, @slither-in-a-half, @nadinissavage, @shadyladyperfection, @geeksareunique, @ashkuuuu, @xinyourdreamsx, @maralisa124, @loserslytherpuff, @chloe-geoghegan1, @musekala, @moonysmilkshake, @crispyfrenchfrieschrusis, @unicorn-sparkles123, @queenofravenclaw05, @redhead-weasley, @fashionlive15, @quokkatrash, @bennie-badeend, @sly-vixen-up2nogood, @rosegoldquintis
He was there. You were here. He was goegeous. You were average. His smile was everything. Your smile was enough. His eyes were special. Yours were just (y/e/c).
That was what you kept telling yourself, repeatedly as you glanced from time to time at the boy you've secretely liked since Third year.
One glance and your heart raced for a second or two.
You focused back on your parchment, scribbling down the ingridents, pretending to listen to the professor.
Your heart calmed down but with another glance, it started to race again.
" Amortentia, the strongest love potion. Elixir to induce Euphoria. Polyjuice potion, to transfrom from one to another. Wiggendewel potion, to awaken someone from sleep..." professor Slughorn counted down the potions for the upcoming exam, your hand writing them all down and your eyes glancing from professor, to your parchment, professor, parchment and back to him. The boy who appereantly fell asleep to Slughorn speech.
You couldn't blame him. He hated potions and what made it even worse for him, you had potions right first period on fridays.
One glance. It's all it took you to know that three rows before you there was a boy, sitting with his head laid on his arm and pulling in quiet snores to which only James next to him could hear.
"What was the last one?" asked Alice beside you, causing your thoughts of the boy to fly away and the sly smile that crawled on your lips, fade away.
" Uhm...Volubilis potion. " you simpered and she wrote it down aggressively, causing her pen to let out drops of ink on her parchment.
Slughorn's eyes were now focused on the sleeping boy in the third row before you. His eyes narrowed and his lips turned in a thin line. He stopped before his desk and grabbed the books, lifting them and letting them fall back on the desk.
Sirius' head popped up and he confusely looked around. "Fairly, I ought to wonder why Mr. Black would want to sleep through my class, especially the class where I explain the subject of the upcoming exam."
"And fairly, sir, I ought to think that I will do an outstanding work on this exam if I get just enough amount of sleep." Sirius replied. His voice was low and raspy, his hair a bit messy and his lips turned into a grin.
The class chuckled, the corner of your lips turning up as you continued to draw squares on the top of your parchment.
You glanced up, his eyes met yours and your heart stopped for a second. Your pen removed itself from the parchment, your eyes now staring at his before they turned back around at the professor.
"Meet me after class, Sirius." said professor loudly and sharp, turning around with his robes and walking back to his desk.
Sirius' head turned to his best friend, causing James to snicker before turning it around again and lock his eyes with yours once again.
Your head was empty, your ability to move, to smile, to do something was completely unavailable at the moment. He stretched a grin and winked.
You felt your head spin but then again you shook off the feeling and smiled in return.
' He's a friend. Do not get involved with him.' you scolded yourself.
The two of you were friends. Not close but friends. You supressed your feelings for him the moment you started feeling them.
He was a pure-blood. You were a half-blood. He was from the Wizarding world. You were from the Muggle world. He came from a wealthy family. You came from not that wealthy family but not poor either. He was out-going. You kept your feelings and your thoughts to yourself.
The two of you were contrast in many ways than one and who were you to be in his league.
" Hey! (Y/l/n)! " he shouted after you, struggling to get through the crowd and to you.
A smirk crept on your lips and you turned around, tugging your books closer to your chest. "Black?"
He was now close and smiling. " A lovely smile you sent me there." he started but you only rolled your eyes.
"Please, Black. Stop with the flirting and get to the point. You know it doesn't work on me." you snorted and his grin spread across his own lips.
" You should feel honored I decided to come to you. It's not an every day that you get to see Sirius Black." he boasted and you scoffed.
"Yes, especially when this amazing Sirius Black drools on the desk. " you teased and he chuckled. " But yeah, don't worry. Here." you pulled out your list of potions.
"Firstly, I don't drool. And secondly, thank you." he took the parchment and stuck it in his own book. " You'll get it back soon."
Because from all the students, classmages and friends. He decided to get your notes. It's not that he held any feelings for you but it let you wonder.
He could have just copied from James. It's a short list. Could he- no. You shook your head and left for your next class. " He'd never."
And a week had passed since then, your list of potions was never returned but you didn't mind. You studied with Alice and she let you borrow hers.
You ran through it one more time while Alice closed her book and let out a huff. " I'm done."
"Already? But we haven't gone through the last three potions." you quirked an eyebrow and she got up, stretching her back.
" I'm going to wing it." she yawned and you let out a snort of laughter.
" That's usually my line."
" I know but it works, doesn't it?"
"What do you mean?"
" Well, whenever you decide to give up on the last minute studying, you say 'I'm going to wing it.' and then you end up passing every exam."
" Not every exam. I can never pass Arithmancy."
"Nobody can pass Arithmancy. Arithmancy is shite."
You laughed at her comment and closed the book as well. " The reason I pass them is becuase I cheat on the exam."
" Yeah about that, how do you do it?" she asled as she started to gather her books.
You shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I wing it."
She narrowed her eyes in envy. "I hate your not caring arse." and she left.
" Love you too! " you shouted behind her and started to gather up your books as well.
Alice. She was always so nice yet so sassy. It was a good combination. No wonder every guy fell for her.
You smiled to yourself and lifted the pile in your arms. Gaining your balance, you turned your way towards the stairs and started walking.
A few steps up and you were already on the floor. Not because you have lost your balance but because someone ran into you with super speed and knocking you down.
" Urgh!" you groaned, rubbing the back of your head before finally looking up at the person. " Sirius?" you asked after the pain disappeared and the surroundings became clearer.
His eyes were wide, scared, filled with unshed tears. You heart grew heavy at the sight but before you could say anything he just stormed out.
Doubting yourself first, you got on your feet and started running after him.
You didn't know what you were doing.
Your back was in so much pain and still you continued to run after a boy who you weren't even close friends with.
But you did it anyway. You ran after him. He was walking fast and with heavy breathing. He wanted to turn into his Animagnus form but couldn't due to a girl following him.
He wantes to say something. He wanted to do something to let you leave him alone. For you to not see him in this situation. But his head was heavy and his heart was racing. The air was suffocating his lungs and a lump in his throat made his stomach knot.
Until he couldn't hold it in any longer. His bare feet touched the cold grass and he just fell on his knees, sobbing uncontrollably.
You stopped in your tracks, rethinking your decision, doubting yourself once again.
"Sirius." you spoke quietly,making your way to him and placing your hand on his shoulder.
He was ashamed to look up. He couldn't lift his head and face you.
Sirius Black crying. Ay, there's something everybody would gladly see.
" Sirius, look at me." You spoke softly and placed your hand against his cheek.
His eyes locked with yours, cheeks completely wet from the tears and his breathing was strong and fast.
"Calm down."
"I-I can't." he sobbed and continued to breathe even heavier. " I- I" he tried to speak but the lump in his throat prevented him from saying a word.
You heart was racing. You didn't know what to do. There was no doubt he was having a panic attack. Crying uncontrollably, choking on his own breath.
You had no idea of what to do so in a desperate situation, the only thing you thougnt of was pulling him closer and hugging him tightly. Both of your were on your knees, your arms wrapped around him as your head was pressed on his shoulder.
"Calm down." you spoke very softly and quietly.
His arms were wrapped around you as well, his head burried in the crook of your neck and his hands knotting themselves in your shirt.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." he continued to pant, cry, sobb...
" Don't be sorry. Just calm down." you whispered back and slowly, very slowly he started to calm down.
After he got his thoughts back together, he sniffed a few times and lulled away. "Guess you want your list back." he joked around, causing you to roll your eyes once again.
"Really? You almost give me a heart attack and you later joke about it."
" Awfully bad habit." he smirked and you threw yourself back on the grass.
Your eyes were set on the starry night and your thoughts running wild in your head, not wanting to settle down. " You want to talk aboit it?" you blurted out without thinking, your eyes on the sky.
" Not really."
" Is it the reason you sleep in every class?"
" Maybe."
You laid on the ground, staring at the stars and staying quiet.
After a few moments, you got on your elbows and looked up at him.
He looked at you as well, somehow ashamed of the situation he was in.
You smiled.
He quirked an eyebrow.
"Come on." you got up on your feet, patting your clothes and offering him a hand.
He got up as well, patting his shorts and smiling. "Where?"
"To the kitchen."
"What? Why?"
" To adopt a dragon. What do you think why? Food makes everything better." you grabbed him by the hand, this time determined.
" You surprise me, (y/n) (y/l/n)." he smiled and you chuckled.
" So do you, Sirius Black."
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milkslimepearl-tea · 7 years ago
🎧🎶French Songs Masterpost🎶🇫🇷
French native here ! I absolutely love french in music, especially as it comes in such wide range from political songs to kindda nsfw one. French is a language where you can really play around to write interesting and/or funny songs. This is what I listen often and like ! Ill give a youtube link to every songs, but you can probably find better quality on deezer and stuff, especialy for the old one. I'll also try to sum up each song so you can grab them a lil better, hopefully ! Charles Aznavour - Emmenez moi (1968) A classic. I love it. Makes me wanna travel and have a break lol. Summary : Aznavour want a BRAEK. 🎵 Emmenez-moi au bout de la terre Emmenez-moi au pays des merveilles l me semble que la misère Serait moins pénible au soleil Cyril Mokaiesh - Communiste (2011) Political stuff ; its trashing big companies and capitalism/liberalism. Summary : Mokaiesh talks about all the thing he doesnt like etc. and if it does link him to communism, then he's communist and whatev. i love it. 🎵 ça les perdra De mondialiser l'injustice D's'en asperger de bénéfices Ça les perdra Anne Sylvestre - La faute à Eve (1986) Feminism ! heck yeah ! hard take on how everything is blamed on women, thanks to 🎶christianistics traditiooon🎶 Summary : ève does her best but Adam is a piece of shit ungreatful fuck. 🎵 "Moi, je vais me mettre en grève J'irai pas au paradis Non, mais qu'est-ce qu'Il s'imagine ? J'irai en enfer tout droit Le bon Dieu est misogyne Mais le diable, il ne l'est pas POLO & PAN - Canopée (2016) sweet love song ! my fav. one of my fav groups actually. wonderful lyrics. this on has quite the complicate vocabulary, but you Should Definitely check their other stuff ; its marvelous. Summary : Two ppl living their best in amazonia. the birds are singing, the sun is shining, the trees are tall and green ! 🎵 Des oiseaux nous chantaient leur mélopée Et nous vivions heureux dans la canopée Dartek - Les Kassos this one is very nsfw LMAO hard dubstep i think ? the lyrics comes from a french cartoon, Les Kassos. U can check it out too if u like trash humor. Uh, im not especialy fond of it, but if its ur thing ! the song is still dope af Summary : uhh. hallucinations ? mention of sex and drugs ? uhu Edith Piaf - L'homme à la moto Would who i be if i didnt put miss Edith Piaf in here ?! Not one of her most popular tune tho ! and what a shame. I absolutely love that one and never miss a chance to yeLL IT OUT in the forest w/ my bff. a blast. Summary : A motorcyclist scares the shit out of the country side with his bike. One day he hits a train and THE END ! 🎵 Il portait des culottes, des bottes de moto Un blouson de cuir noir avec un aigle sur le dos Sa moto qui partait comme un boulet de canon Semait la terreur dans toute la région. Rufus Wainwright - Complainte de la Butte Who would i be if i didnt throw Moulin Rouge in there ? bitch see me CRYFIN. Summary: im sad. everybody is sad. The girl is poor. They take shelter in the moulin. Also there is the moon and she's ginger. I love it. 🎵 Les escaliers de la butte sont durs aux miséreux Les ailes des moulins protègent les amoureux Les Fatals Picards - Djembé Man (2007) they sing REALY fast. but god i love les fatals picards. its just so heckin funny igzerhg. Summary: theyre just making fun of ppl who plays djembé at the end of a party and disturbs everyone. 🎵 Si on classait ton bordel sur l'échelle de Richter, Djembé Man c'est vraiment sûr : il manquerait des barreaux Patricia Kaas - Mon mec à moi IM JUST YELLING THE LYRICS EVERYTIME I LISTEN TO IT, I CANT HELP IT. I LOVE IT. also super lyrics. Summary: the boyfriend is telling her fake stories and she's totally into it bc he's cute while he does it and she loves him. its just So Catchy. 🎵Mon mec à moi Il me parle d'aventure Et quand elle brille dans ses yeux j'pourrais y passer la nuit
Oldelaf - La Tristitude I love oldelaf :( check out his other stuff, its amazing (le café really got me goofing around when i was little lmao). he's very smart with his lyrics Summary: "something is as sad as ..." The tile is a joke, triste = sad, so la Tristitude would be, Or a smash between Triste and Solitude, Or a ironic way of saying To be sad. 🎵 La tristitude, C'est quand tu viens juste d'avaler un cure-dent, Quand tu te rends compte que ton père est Suisse-Allemand, Quand un copain t'appelle pour son déménagement, Et ça fait mal Odezenne - Souffle le vent My. fav. Rap band. i love them. theyre total genius. Like really. Their texts are absolutely Wonderful but they are awefully not known enough foR MY TASTE. plz listen to them lmao. check their albums out ; if i would advice one to start, maybe Dolziger Str. 2. but theyre all so great URGH. their songs might be hard bit to understand tho, so u can not comprehend what theyre talking about, but theyre Frickin good if ur looking for good french immersion. Summary: life 🎵 Allons plus loin ! En autarcie. Voir comme c'est beau les ciels pluvieux, Qu'un jour plus vieux, je puisse dire comme tout est beau avec le sourire. La Femme - Nous étions deux electrooo !! YEAY ! i love that one. u can check Elle ne t'aime pas, Sphynx, and Tatiana. its bit hard to understand the singer even for a french person lmao but its Great Material. Summary: a guy cheated on his girlfriend and his trying to find excuses. 🎵 L'autre nuit encore un inconnu étendue allongé dans la rue Il pleurait la vie, il pleurait l'amour il attendait la mort L'autre nuit Angèle - La Loi de Murphy always makes me laugh lmaooo. also the clip Is Real Cute. Summary: what can happen badly, will happens badly ! 🎵 Puis, là, c'est trop parti en couille, y'a d'abord eu la pluie La Loi de Murphy a décidé d'enterrer mon brushing Un mec me demande son chemin, gentille moi je le dépanne En fait, c'était qu'un plan drague, ce con m'a fait rater mon tram Pomme - De là-haut I LOVE POMME. with my whole SOUL. she's so cute. beautiful texts. lesbians texts. love. also her clip are So Artsy And Cool. She's so cool. Listen to ... everything she makes, basicaly, please lmao Summary : She's dead, and its sunday. Les mots qui sortent, qu’on ne disait pas Le vent les apporte jusqu’à moi Tout paraît si limpide, si limpide, limpide Vu de là-haut salut c'est cool - Des fleurs MORE ELECTRO ! funny text, wonderful clips, theyre just so funny. easy going song. check out Crocosmaute and Techno toujours pareil too zieohiorhg please for your own GOOD. Summary : youre a pretty flower. you smell good. we're all flower in the same bouquet. 🎵 Je suis une fleur Je suis une très jolie fleur Je suis plus jolie qu'une rose et je sens meilleur qu'un lila Qui suis-je ? Je suis toi Carmen Maria Vega - J'ai tout aimé de toi. love song. lesbian. trans ! sweet. beautiful. Summary: love song, how her s/o transitionned, and they broke up (i think) 🎵 Tu te rêvais femme tu te disais maudit Je te disais je t'aime Eu étais beau et tu étais belle aussi Te l'ais je dit? Vald - Eurotrap RAP ! RAP ! RAP . my second fav. his songs are doope af. a bit nsfw tho, a bit rude lmao. check out Ma meilleure amie, Désaccordée too ! He talks fast tho, but great for french immersion ! listen with the lyrics its great 🎵 J'ai l'regard dans l'vide comme Joe Budden Comme je m'enrichis, je prends d'la bedaine Dose de méga shit pour qu'je la reperde Dominique Grange - A bas l'état policier (1968) basicaly: acab lmao Summary: the government send the police to beat up the people manifesting on the streets on may 68. this song was made ! 🎵 Puisque la provocation Celle qu’on a pas dénoncée Ce fut de nous envoyer En réponse à nos questions Vos hommes bien lunettés Bien casqués, bien boucliés Bien grenadés, bien soldés Nous nous sommes mis à crier HONORABLE MENTION : Boris Vian (La complainte du progrès), Orelsan (idk, i dont really like him that much ? a lot do tho. maybe Défaite de famille, or La Terre est ronde), Eddy de Pretto (Kid) , Camille (Ta Douleur, Je ne mâche pas mes mots), Woodkid & Louis Garrel (L'aérogramme de Los Angeles), Kathleen Fortin ( Les Moulins de Mon Coeur), Stupeflip (A bas la hiérarchie, Nan si ...) etc. etc. ! ANYWAY french music is awesome ! beautiful ! vast !! PLEASE HAVE FUN ! I LOVE U FOR LIKIN MY WEIRD ASS ELITIST LANGUAGE ! KEEP UP UR DOING GREAT WORKS ! happy listening yall ! ❤️
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transrightsjimin · 4 years ago
we might be granted another 300 euros (which she said was 'available / released' this month like wtf are u talking abt?? ive never been told abt the "advance" payments being released from a periodic budget??) as an advance payment by the end of november if i hand in my paycheck before the due date on the 24th (while i get it a day before that) nd apparently this whole 3 month period of them getting all these paychecks nd other documents while not rly paying us is normal bc they require it to keep looking if we arent earning too much and whatnot nd im just. i mean somewhat happy we get at least that €300 bc i made the call but holy fuck man?? yes my housemate, who is, according to the local laws, my fiscal partner, will eventually end up earning around minimum wage w his jobs so that we might eventually not have the right to welfare benefits in some months, but we are currently both hundreds of euros in the negatives and ive been living off a loan from my parents and savings that we split between us both and like. i get that she cant help the system is like this nd she seems new to her job or smth and maybe something does change this time but ive been left dry for months, still dont have that fucking job coach i was promised months ago nd now i need to get back to this guy who takes months to sort out stuff i eventually just took over and did within a day, just ARGH no i cant fucking wait months and and then 3 more months again just to get 300 euros as "advance" payment which she kept emphasizing is a loan, which confuses me a bit bc earlier when we got that 700 in september i was told it does only turn into a loan if it turns out we earned too much that month. i need a job coach, need a stupid fucking job that pays better than where i now work 3 days a week but being paid for only part of the work i do bc that's how it was set up years ago for mail deliverers when mailman as a job disappeared, i dont know what job i can do, i need help, my rent cant fucking wait and im basically living off 2 and soon 3 amounts of loans, and my mom said she could forgive the last bit of my loan when im not involved w the municipality for this anymore so idek when that would be. i just want to cry, everything feels insecure and my friend said he has more hope now that we had this phonecall but i really dont know. i need to call this guy whos in this charge of referring me to a job coach but i have yet to get his phone number from my autism coach. my sleeping and eating schedule is also still just fucked despite having good ideas on how to change it, like i just dont change or initiate stuff easily and its rly biting me in the ass as an adult nd the organizations tht r meant to help me out of this shit dont help whatsoever urgh i hate hate hate bureaucracies nd im sorry for being so negative but i truly am done w my own bullshit too for not just trying harder to do stuff sooner nd being late a lot and not doing mental health stuff homework and planning regularly. im really fed up w myself and i dont want to say i hate myself but its very tempting, im really sick of this shit and i just dont see how i could get ny shit back together and live w less stress. like i blame bureaucracies nd they are awful but i do truly do too few at times i know i should or can get something done for once. im sick of crying over this too every day like it's just the same story for years nd i shouldve seen it coming itd be this bad after i quit studying bc i had a year w no good income nor syudy once before and i was a depressed mess w/o the structure then too, like of c itd be worse when the same thing happens but i have to pay rent nd groceries this time unlike when i lived w my family. i need to call this fucking guy urgh
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