#i blagueur
pikmininaplane · 1 year
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Quels sont tes headcanon sur Donatien ? 👀
Ohohohoho he 🫴 Beaucoup de choses à dire sur lui mais je vais essayer de ne pas trop répéter ce que j'ai déjà pu dire~
Sexuality Headcanon : Aroace <3 Parce que franchement. Franchement. Oui j'HC qu'il s'intéresse en rien à la romance et aux relations. Oui je le shippe avec plusieurs autres persos. Je suis une personne flexible aux multiples facettes <3
Gender Headcanon : Homme cis, se pose pas vraiment plus de questions ?
A ship I have with said character : Hmm, je suis sûre que nos MPs ne révèlent rien de particulier à ce sujet... Par Talos–
Sans surprise, le Donalenny dans mon cœur <3 Je peux pas croire que j'ai lu ta fic sur eux et qu'il m'a fallu plusieurs mois pour réaliser à quel point je l'aimais,, le ship, je veux dire, parce que la fic j'ai réalisé très vite 😭 Mais ugh, y a tellement de choses à dire sur ces deux-là et tellement de choses déjà dites sur ces deux-là, tousse tousse <3
Mais j'ai beaucoup d'affection pour le Donamaison aussi !! En tant que QPR, entre deux aros qui se comprennent mieux que quiconque, la tendresse, la complicité, vraiment <;3 D'ailleurs fun fact, c'est à cause d'eux que j'ai rejoint le serveur, parce que j'avais VRAIMENT envie de parler d'eux avec quelqu'un et j'en ai au final très peu parlé mais shhh
Et puis,, le Dona/Gérard sur un ton semi-blagueur ? X') Disons que j'ai une certaine... affection pour le trope enemies to lovers, ce qui joue 😔 Après tout, quoi de plus érotique romantique qu'une élection municipale, les flirts/insultes en plein débat, tout ça /hj
Sinon j'aime bien le Donacox mais uniquement poussé à l'un des extrêmes sur l'échelle du fucked up-comique. Genre, au hasard, Les Raisins de la Passion me fait hurler, et à côté j'ai un jour envisagé de faire un animatic ou une fic basés sur la chanson Amnesia was her name et un hypothétique enlèvement et séquestration de Dona par Cox. Par contre en relation normale ? Non merci <3
Oh, et je considère parfois le concept d'un Dona/Roy à sens unique de la part de Roy, qui struggle avec des sentiments très contradictoires envers son boss,,
Bref, beaucoup de paragraphes sur des ships pour un perso que je ne vois pas autrement qu'aroace 😭
A BROTP I have with said character : Fab le sang~ Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup la relation Dona-Michael ! Ça se sent qu'AD et Rivenzi aiment jouer ensemble, et là encore un ptit crush à sens unique de Michael... ?
A NOTP I have with said character : Err,, Dona-Guy, pour des raisons. Évidentes. À part ça, Dona-Kiddy, parce que je vois Dona en figure paternelle/mentor de Kiddy ? Et, euh, toutes les femmes de RPZ. Je le vois pas avec une seule d'entre elles, désolé Joséphine X)
A random headcanon : Je suis très fan de ton headcanon de la canne, et du coup, à ça, j'aimerais ajouter : post-RPZ, au début, Dona ne se sert pas bien de sa canne, surtout qu'il a insisté pour sortir de l'hôpital trop tôt et n'a pas écouté les conseils de Maison. Il galère avec, trouve qu'il marche presque mieux sans, il aime pas ça. Et puis un jour, Bernard le contacte, se rend au Domaine pour lui acheter des boissons pour le Unicorn, faute d'autres fournisseurs à Los Santos ; or, il se trouve que Bernard, lui aussi, a une canne, depuis l'accident Lucy. Bernard remarque que Dona galère, essaie de lui donner des conseils, et certes, Dona aime pas recevoir des conseils d'un Pichon, mais il lui faut bien admettre que c'est mieux comme ça. C'est cet événement qui marquera le début d'une lente réconciliation Pichon (enfin, ce qu'il en reste...)-Domaine :) (Moi ? Recycler mes idées de fics en headcanons ? Jamais.....)
General Opinion over said character : Mon premier fav de RPZ, et toujours probablement dans mon top 10, si ce n'est 5 <3 Il tape pile dans ce trope très précis du "businessman sournois, avide et un peu connard, mais qui cache peut-être un bon fond, si on cherche bien" que j'aime de tout mon cœur et il a un haut-de-forme, que demander de plus 🥰
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lossantospost · 1 year
An interview with singer, songwriter and brand owner Tanya Moon.
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LSP- Hello Tanya, please tell us who you are and what you do
TM- Well I'm the most fabulous bitch in this world and I sing reggae and dancehall and own 2 brands Le Chien and Blagueurs
LSP- Thats great, What is it that made you want to join the music industry?
TM- Not sure to be honest, Just felt like most of the music we hear is rap most the time so I wanted to introduce reggae and dancehall
LSP- Okay, no problem. What made you want to start/buy your own clothing brands?
TM- I have always loved fashion since I was a little girl and always dreamed of being in the fashion world
LSP- Oh, thats great, We saw that you have a great relationship with Chase and that you have 2 kids. What is it like running 2 brand and making music while looking after your kids?
TM- It's a very busy life not gonna lie but when I make my music I do it in my home studio so bring my little ones with me, If chase isn't home
LSP- Oh, that's great then, Would you mind answering some FAQ's
TM- No not at all
LSP- Okay, at the moment the most asked question is "Will Tanya marry Chase?"
TM- Of course I would  if he proposed
LSP- Hopefully he does, 2. "What other brands are you thinking of buying or starting"
TM- Well I would like to buy more like Bigness and others, But for now I'm sticking with the 2
LSP- Oh, okay, 3. "Are you thinking about having any more kids?"
TM- No no more haha
LSP- 🤣, 4. "If you could say anything to your past self what would it be"
TM- Keep being fabulous you'll become the manager of this place eventually
LSP- Thats great, Unfortunately this is all the time we had but we are working on making these last longer in the near future, before we go would you mind telling us and the readers what you're doing and what you have coming up in the future?
TM- Well not quite sure but I'm going to make sure my boys have the best life ever
LSP- Amazing. Is there anything you would like to ask us?
TM- No no
LSP- Okay, thank you for taking time out of your day to talk to us and we hope you have a good day
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mytubetv · 1 year
Josh Ardal From Libras Interview and Fan Q&A!
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Joshua Ardal Interview and Q&A
I: Joshua Ardal! So good to see you! How are you?
J: Hey! I’m great, how’re you?
I: I’m good! Big fan! Talk to me Josh, now that Libras just announced the tour. How excited are you about going on tour?
J: I'm so excited!! I hope that we manage to please the rock community, and our fans who're attending!
I: What city are you looking most forward to perform in?
J: Los Santos is close to me, but I am really excited for Liberty City. I lived there for a while.
I: Liberty is a great place.
What should we expect from Libras on this tour?
J: Lots and lots of f—ing noise, crowd interactions, I plan on crowd surfing, why the hell not?!
But also expect some more singles releasing aswell!!
I: You guys are making a ton of noise already! You’re known to have a pretty wild fan base! I mean even Chanel Venturas came out and said she’d love to collab! How does that make you feel? And cam we expect something from you two in the future?
J: Honestly, I love Chanel I think she's amazing! We saw her celebrity insight on LSD and had a band conversation about it, we'd love to collab with her! I think the difference is music genre, how it would work, but I'm sure we'd figure it out if it happened.
I: Speaking of differences in music genre your label, INGB has all types of genres. Pop, rap, Edm, rock, R&B, with that being said, every artist on your label is platinum. Actually the only label in the industry today with all platinum artist. When you hear that what do you think? And how much would you say that played into you and Libras succes?
J: I think it’s amazing, all of INGB artists are amazing and friendly people, they all deserve the world. INGB has really helped us as a band to actually get out there, and we wouldn’t be where we were without them.
I also love how they aren’t just based on one genre, you don’t really hear a lot of rock anymore.
I: Yes you guys are single handily bringing rock back. I’ve also notice you sort to branch out with collaborating with Selena and Corey collaborating on mooks album. Could you tell us about that?
J: Yeah, Selena approached me and asked if I'd like to write a song with her, I couldn't say no and I'm glad I didn't. She's honestly such a pure soul, we've become close friends after that. Corey specialises in the drums, so he was quite happy when he was offered to collab on Mook's album.
Not that I will be going solo, but I think sometimes it's a good thing to try something new, in my case doing a song with somebody who isn't my band, it get's me out of my comfort zone!
I: I agree It is a good thing to try something new. What got you into music?
J:Probably Corey, we were friends in school and we used to practice there.
I: Will any label mates or any other artist be joining you on tour?
J: We plan on inviting a few artists to the sisyphus theater, we just haven't asked them yet..
I: So surprises are in plan for the tour? I mean you’re selling out everywhere now this on top of that?
J: I’d say there are surprises yeah, but it wouldn’t be a surprise if I said! I’m surprised the tour sold out in 3 places so quick, I actually didn’t expect it!
I: That is amazing! I’m sure there is a lot more to come! You said you and Corey were friends since schools, but how was Libras formed? And where did the name come from?
J: Well, we all met in school, but me and Corey were friends before. We formed after Declan and Keegan were in the music room we usually went in, we got talking and then formed Libras. To answer your second question, We couldn’t think of any names, me and Coreys star signs are both Libras, so we just settled on it.
I: Josh are you ready for a short fan Q&A?
J: Yeah, let’s go for it!
I: Question 1 is from
• what is your favorite clothing brand?
J: Probably Blagueurs.
I: 2nd question is from
“What celebrity would you be the most star struck by?”
J: Chanel, or Missy Dada. It’s just..them 🤣
I: Question number 3 is from
• I know Charlie may be a sensitive topic, but could you speak on the situation and how you feel about the whole thing?
J: Sure, well, he cheated on me. I’ve got a lot more respect for myself than Charlie clearly did so I left him. Our relationship was rocky anyways, but he’s still trying to get back with me.
I: oooohhh drama!
4th Question is from
“Alysha_22” and this is another juicy one!
• what is you idea of a perfect Date?
J: Probably go to a restaurant, but I’m not fussy I wouldn’t care if it were a 5 star restaurant or burger shot
I: Final question is from
• Where can I go to get Merch?
J: We will be releasing merch before the tour exclusively at tour stalls and then releasing world wide!
I:Josh I have bad news…
J: What?
I: We’re out of time, that’s the end of the interview!
J: What!? Already? Ahh man! Well thanks for having me.
I:Thank you for coming! I will see you again maybe backstage at on of your tours. We’ll see, but thanks you for coming! JOSHUA ARDAL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!
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beatlesonline-blog · 1 year
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baublefobbersleuth · 2 years
Saint Brevity, Patron of Blagueurs
Saint Brevity, Patron of Blagueurs
A god on the light post at my corner, November 2022. “A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.”(Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon, 1971) Like a bird on a pole,Like a soul on the dole,I have tried all my waysTo be brief.(JMN, after Leonard Cohen) (Harold Simon is quoted by Zeynep Tufekci, “What Would Plato Say About ChatGPT?” New York Times, 12-15-22) (c) 2022 JMN — EthicalDative.…
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thesunlounge · 5 years
Reviews 256: I Blagueur
After visiting the island of Sardegna and the cosmic prog of Gruppo 2001’s Chi Sei?, Dualismo Sound now sets its sights on Torino with a reissue of I Blagueur’s Balla? No!… / Ti D’ Bale? As usual, there’s a fascinating story underlying the music, this time centered on Gualtiero Gatto, a successful producer operating out of his own G7 Studios, where he produced disco and pop projects for G7 Music Group as well as Drums Edizioni Musicali (for a particularly wild example, see Drums Music Shows’ recently reissued Sexy Banana single). Also working in Torino was Valerio Liboni, another highly regarded producer who had ascended to the very heights of Italian pop stardom in the early 70s with the single “Pop Corn” as part of La Strana Società. One day in 1983, Liboni approached Gatto with a challenge: “let’s make a record with a rap! one in Italian and one in Piemontese dialect,” an idea no doubt inspired by the recent success of Falco’s “Der Kommissar” and Pino D’Angiô’s anthemic “Ma Quale Idea” from three years prior.
But whereas those tracks pulled from synthpop and romantic disco, respectively, Gatto and Liboni as I Blagueur were more interested in loved up and hard-hitting boogie, letting their cool and expressive raps flow over scuzzy funk basslines, smashed robo-disco beats, heatwave chord blasts, and tropical marimbas while joyous angel choirs call out through the night. And as with Dualismo Sound’s Gruppo 2001 reissue, Early Sounds man Pellegrino appears and continues his trend of tastefully reworking Italo classics, this time smashing together “Balla? No!” and “Ti D’ Bale” into an extended epic while adding in his own tasteful percussive touches. For good measure, Pellegrino also includes an instrumental dub, where the mutant boogie bass synths and muscular disco drums stoke maximum dancefloor energy beneath rapid fire claps and solar chord blasts. And it’s remarkable how modern the track sounds freed from the tongue-in-cheek vocals…a feverish and tropically tinged future funk paradise not too far off from that irresistible West Hill Studio sound.
I Blagueur - Balla? No!… / Ti ‘D Bale? (Dualismo Sound, 2019) “Balla? No!…” is the standard Italian version, starting on sweltering chord stabs and a stomping, almost industrially-tinged disco beat, with huge snare blasts, gated reverb decay, and hi-hats adding a freaky shuffle. The sexual boogie basslines are fat, dirty, and mean as hell as they storm and slide beneath rocketing dub claps and wavering funk chords. A gristly and monotone voice speaks of nighttime adventures at Le Roi Club, evoking dark suited and sunglassed individuals leaning against dimly lit walls while cooly smoking cigarettes…wholly unbothered by the humid mediterranean heat. As we sweep into the chorus, the vibe turns ecstatic and triumphant, with “Balla / lei balla / balla no!” rapped apathetically and radiant diva choirs chanting “no no no” in response. Brass synths sweep through dreamy new wave ascents while synthesized marimbas weave tropical fusion threads above crushing tom fills. And sometimes we push even further into joyous dancefloor fantasy, as the angelic divas take over and run through spellbinding disco enchantments, before it all breaks down into pure club madness, with burning basslines snaking through delirium patterns while flamboyant drum fills are surrounded by echo-clap madness. 
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“Ti D’ Bale?” features the exact same instrumental arrangement as “Balla? No!...”, differing only in the vocal presentation. The raps here are more expressive and zany, with wild laughter and a playful energy suffusing the Piemontese poetics. I speak very little Italian and certainly not the Piemonte dialect, but it appears that the lyrics here are remixed and rearranged, though John Travolta still receives a name check. Also in this version, the chorus features a new refrain, with enigmatically rapped lyrics of “Bale / Ti ‘d bale? / Bala nen!”  followed by magnificent soul divas singing “Balu nen!”…creating a subtle but infectious call and response that isn’t as pronounced in the “Balla? No!…” version. And during the heavenly climaxes of euphoric angel radiance, the feminine voices still swell together and soar towards the sky, now singing “mi balu nen e sun an po’ straca / no no no no / t’an piase nen e batu la fiaca.“
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The fact that “Balla? No!..” and “Ti D’ Balla” share the same instrumental template allows Pellegrino a large amount of freedom in his “Balla (Interregional Mix),” which starts with an extended dance floor introduction. When the raps flow in, Pellegrino cuts hypnotically between the standard and Piemontese dialects while leaving plenty of space for the heatwave synth chords and the boogie funk rhythms. During the chorus, he also alternates deliriously between both versions and creates new pop hooks in the process, all while lettings the soaring diva vocals fly through the sky. Much of the focus is given over the instrumental passages of wavering synth heat, tropical idiophonics, and dub clap fireworks (which seem to contain additional layers, no doubt added by Pellegrino). Vocal scats and madcap laughs are used to incredible effect as the lyrical flow is sometimes reduced to abstracted Italo vocalisms and the original tracks’ slithering bassline and crushing drum passages are repeated several times, creating anthemic moments of hands-in-the-air euphoria. Best of all, Pellegrino makes the subtle yet vital addition of closed disco hi-hats…a sort of metronomic pulse adding that much more sexual club energy to the freaky boogie stomp.
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Closing out the package is Pellegrino’s instrumental dub, which will likely get the most rinsing from modern DJs due to its uncanny alignment with the energetic future funk, cosmic boogie, and Italo magic coming out of Napoli, especially the work of Mystic Jungle. Pellegrino’s touch is surgical yet romantic as he focuses in on the instrumental passages, with mediterranean mallet cascades and sweaty dancefloor hypnotics allowed to shine in full. It’s as if, now devoid of Gualtiero Gatto’s and Valerio Liboni’s mocking raps, the song is allowed to blossom into a freaky and physical disco funk storm, one whose jacking boogie bass synths, cerebral clap patterns, and sci-fi drum machines rival the heaviest and most far-out of Dualismo Sounds’ many scorching groovers.
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(images from my personal copy)
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chrissykissy · 3 years
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matching bracelets for you and your evil boyfriend who’s also your boss who’s also a satan allegory who‘s also—
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aiorevelations · 2 years
A Number, Not a Name: Part 23
A new chapter to celebrate the new year!
Logs crackled in the fireplace. Soft music flowed from a small music box. Milena sat silently on a gray floral rug in front of the hearth. Tears flowed down her cheeks. The events of the last few hours had turned her world upside down. The revelations of her father’s past regarding the KLF and its activities had already cracked the idealized image she held of her dad. Doubt had crept up in her mind about whether he truly was the gentle loving man she adored. However, any reservations she had she pushed aside. Elias had convinced her the death of a few political rivals was necessary as their corruption and oppression had run too deep. Besides meaningful change and justice in the world often came hand in hand with violence.  
Liana had permanently shattered that view of her father. Her sister’s words which detailed the pain and abuse their father inflicted on her echoed in her mind. He had taken from Liana the love of her life. Blamed her for her mother’s death. Instead of listening to her sister, she yelled at her. Exploded in a fit of rage. Vehemently denied her story. She was hurt and angry because she knew Liana was right. Their father was a monster. She knew that now. Accepting who her father really was would take some time as well as looking at her history in a different light. The broken yet beautiful family Milena thought she, her father, and younger sister had made together was only the former. Broken beyond repair. 
The stories of her childhood were much easier on the heart. She vividly recalled sitting at her Grandmother Catharina’s feet while she cradled Liana in her arms. Dark elves and valiant knights filled her Grandma Ina’s tales but were an allegory of Blagueur-Ohanyan history she had previously seen as her true heritage.
Twenty-three years earlier:
“Grandma, please can I have another story?” Milena pleaded, making puppy eyes. “I’m not ti..tir…” Milena brought her hand to her mouth and yawned. “Tired yet.”
Catharina skeptically squinted her eyes, “Hmmm…are you sure?” she teased. 
“I am. Pleassseeee.” Milena cuddled up closer to her grandmother who was rocking back and forth in a rocking chair.
Catharina glanced down at Liana who was fast asleep in her arms and back at her oldest granddaughter. “Alright. One more.”
“Yay!” Milena squealed.
“Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a dashing king and a beautiful queen. The two of them were very happy and had a handsome son. Dark times would soon overtake the kingdom as the dark elves attacked the realm from all around.” Catharina motioned with her arm all around the room. “The king and his knights bravely fought to defend the land but were vanquished by the dark elves.”
Milena’s eyes widened in wonder and a little fear. She clutched her blanket but leaned in closer to her grandmother to hear every word.
“The beautiful queen and her son left the kingdom and set off to far-off lands in search of a place to call home. They soon arrived at an enchanted magical land and settled there. The beautiful queen soon found love again with a man of the land. They married and he brought the young prince up as his own. In time the young prince fell in love with a fair maiden and they were married in a joyful celebration. The prince and his bride had two daughters and joy, peace, and happiness were restored throughout their family and the enchanted land. And they all lived happily ever after.”
“Another one Grandma,” Milena begged.
“Oh, no young lady. It’s time for you to get to bed. But I’ll tell you another one tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay. I love you Grandma” Milena stood and threw her arms around her Grandmother.
“I love you too Sugar Muffin.” 
Later on, Milena had learned that the dashing king and beautiful queen was her Grandfather Johan Blagueur and Grandmother Catharina “Ina” Blagueur-Ohanyan. Fantasy painted a brighter, cheerier picture than reality. Johan had been a Colonel in the Nazi Army. He was killed by the Soviet forces in the closing stages of the war. After the Nazi defeat, Catharina fled with her son Norvan from the Neverlands to Krudia. Soon after their arrival, Ina fell in love with a struggling oilman named Samvel Ohanyan. Samvel and Ina were married and Norvan adopted Blagueur-Ohanyan as his surname. While in high school Norvan met his future wife Arina Dorian. Meanwhile, Samvel taught Norvan the ins and outs of the oil business and the family company began to steadily grow. Under Norvan’s leadership, Ohanyan Petroleum became one of the most valuable companies in the entire oil industry. Norvan would regale Milena with the stories of how he and his mother had come to Krudia with just the clothes on their backs and through hard work and dedication had risen to become one of the country’s most influential and wealthy families. She had felt the weight and responsibility to carry on her father’s legacy not just in business but in life. Now that supposed legacy was left in tatters. 
Milena wiped her eyes and stood up off the floor. Her gaze rested on the family photos displayed on the mantle. Seeing her sister captured within the frames her heart felt even heavier. Any hope of having Liana in her life was completely eradicated. Her words and pent-up resentment had driven her little sister away. Perhaps in another life, she would have thrown her arms around her. Tell her sister how much she’d missed her over the past five years. But it was too late now. Part of her felt she’d made the right choice but the other hated herself so much. All she knew was that she was indescribably lonely. Her mom was gone. Her dad was lost to her. Her sister had driven away down a mountainside road. And Lorenzo, the one person she knew she could count on, she’d chosen to cut him out of her life. Breaking his heart in the process. Yes, it was just her all alone in the world.
A sob escaped her lips. She tried to keep from crying again but the tears began to flow uncontrollably. She sank to her knees and wept.
For several minutes she sat there, trying to cry the pain away. Finally, Milena rose from the rug and wiped her eyes. She walked to her bedroom and grabbed her car keys off her nightstand. There was someone she needed to see.
Liana reached the doorway of the monitor room. She knocked against the door announcing her arrival. Tarek looked up from a computer screen in her direction.
“We’ve finished the perimeter search.” She crossed her arms. “It’s clear. No one in sight.”
“Excellent. I’m sure the boss will be happy to hear that.”
“That’s our fifth perimeter search in the last twenty minutes. If you ask me, the boss seems a little paranoid.”
“Maybe so.” He sat back farther in his chair. “But if I were him I wouldn’t take any chances either especially since we had those two NSA agents show up. Smells like a rat to me.”
A voice came over the speaker. “4672. This is 3809.”
Tarek spun around toward the desk and leaned into the microphone. “Roger. 3809.”
“I have eyes on the target. She just entered a house, 1587, on Alexanian street. ”
“Continue monitoring her movements. When the rest of your team arrives, move in. If there are any significant developments contact me immediately.”
“Affirmative.” The caller hung up. Tarek turned to face Liana again.
“Target?” Liana looked puzzled. “It was my understanding we weren’t eliminating any more threats until after the elections.”
“Dalmar decided it was in the best interest of the operation to remove any urgent threats immediately. Starting with Milena Ohanyan.” A lump formed in Liana’s throat and she felt her mouth run dry at the mention of her older sister. “Based on Elias Aloyan’s testimony she aims to kill him as soon as possible. Raphael and his team are taking care of her tonight.” 
Liana’s mind raced. Her sister’s life was at stake. If she left the compound now she’d have a chance to save Milena though the perfect opportunity to kill Dalmar would slip through her fingers. An opportunity which she had waited months for as she had wanted to not only kill him but dismantle his entire operation. An additional goal which required her to gain knowledge of his plans and learn the location of the weapons which took her months of working with Dalmar, gaining his trust, and strategic planning. It all came down to a simple question. What was worth more? Her estranged sister’s life or avenging her boyfriend’s murder? Her eyes landed on the clock mounted on the wall to her right. Time was running out. She had to make a decision now. She glanced at the door and then down at her gun. She knew what she had to do.
Milena stood nervously in front of the door of Lorenzo’s home. A dog barked in the distance. The cold night air nipped at her. Three times she’d brought her finger to the doorbell and each time she’d pulled back. “What if he doesn’t want to see me? What if he hates me now? I wouldn’t blame him if he did.” Milena whispered to herself. “You know what this is a bad idea. I should just go.” She started making her way down the walkway but stopped. “No, I drove all this way so I might as well see him. If only for a minute.” 
Resolutely she walked back to the front door and pressed the doorbell. A few seconds passed before the door opened revealing Lorenzo.
“Milena,” he smiled. “What a nice surprise.”
“Loren.” The sight of her former boyfriend lifted her spirits. “It's good to see you again. I was hoping we could talk.”
“Of course. Come in, it's freezing out there.” Lorenzo held the door open for her. The warmth of the inside felt heavenly to Milena compared to the cold of the outside. She cozied up on the couch next to the roaring fire in the fireplace.  “Would you like some tea or something to drink?” Lorenzo asked.
“No. I'm good. Thank you.”
Lorenzo was curious as to the reason behind Milena’s visit. The last time they saw each other she’d ended their relationship. Utter Heartache and overwhelming sadness were all he felt as he watched her exit the cafe. Now the woman of his dreams sat across from him in his living room, a somber expression etched on her face.
“Milena. I’ve done a lot of thinking over the last few weeks...about us. I handled everything badly. I pushed you too far an-”
“No…” Milena held out her hand, “please. I'm the one who should apologize. I hurt you terribly.”
“Lena, you've been going through a lot these past months.”
“That’s not an excuse. You were right. I was too consumed with my father’s death. I let it drive a wedge between us. You were always there. You tried to help me and I wouldn't let you. His passing was all I could think about. It took me down a dark path and I screwed up. I cut you out of my life.”
“You've lost more than some people can imagine.” 
“It's just been a hard past few months. The loving thoughtful person I thought my father was is a lie. I wanted to avenge my wonderful life that someone broke not realizing it was already broken.” Milena paused for a moment and continued. “What do you do when everything you thought was real isn't?”
Lorenzo thought for a moment, stunned by Milena’s words. “Lena, I can't even imagine.”
“It’s a long story. Very long” she chuckled.
“I have time.” 
“I’ll make sure to bore you stiff with the details.” The two shared a small laugh. In the midst of her heartache, it felt good to have a reason to laugh again. She couldn’t remember when was the last time she laughed.
“Oh, Lena.” Lorenzo couldn’t contain his joy over seeing Milena again. “It's so good to see you. “I've missed you so much.”
Milena smiled. “I missed you too. I thought eventually I'd be able to forget you but….you were the glass half-full to my half-empty and didn't realize how much I needed that.” She sighed. “I’m just tired of being angry. Of feeling like I want to scream at the world. I'm so exhausted.” Milena's eyes rested on the mantle. Photographs of her and Lorenzo were displayed. The sight caused the memories of them to flood back one by one. She glanced back at Loren. The love in his eyes for her was evident. Despite the pain and heartache she caused him he still only had eyes for her. Her eyes began to tear up again. “I want to heal. But I don't know how to let go of my pain and forgive the people that caused it.
“But even more than that I...I…” she choked up. “I feel so lonely.” She brought her hand to her mouth and sobbed. “I was sitting in my living room tonight and I felt completely alone. I should never have let you go. You make me feel safe. You make me feel loved.”
Lorenzo sat beside her and gently put his arm around her. “I’m here.” Milena sobbed against his chest. He gently rubbed her back. “I'm here. You aren't alone.” In his arms, Milena felt safe for the first time in forever. She closed her eyes and lost herself in the comfort and peace of the moment. Time seemed obsolete. It was just him and her with the seconds ticking away.
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loverlylight · 4 years
I’ve been re-reading the Blackgaard Chronicles and had a bit of an interesting realization. So, according to book 4, their last name change from Blagueur to Blackgaard when they immigrated from The Netherlands, right? So that gave me the impression at least that the names given there were now their legal names, or at least names able to be officially used for stuff.
Anyway, all this is to say, since their mom put Edwin’s name down as, well, Edwin, why didn’t Edwin then ditch the name Ronald completely since he hates it so much? I dunno, I should probably listen to Double Trouble again, but I still find it interesting. ^^” (Also, since attention was brought twice to Edwin not caring what their last name was makes me think he was like “I can have whatever last name you want as long as you call me Edwin instead of Ronald”)
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plamino-com · 4 years
R.I.P.D. : Brigade fantôme en Streaming Complet HD VF Gratuit
Un tandem de flics dun genre très spécial, puisque défunts, est envoyé par leur unité de police R.I.P.D. (Rest in Peace Department) pour protéger notre planète dune recrudescence de créatures néfastes qui refusent de passer tranquillement dans lautre monde. Le capitaine Roy Pulsifer est un vétéran de cette division dédiée à la traque de revenants redoutables se faisant passer pour des citoyens ordinaires. Sa mission: appréhender les criminels qui tentent déchapper au Jugement Dernier en se dissimulant parmi les vivants. Blagueur incorrigible, Roy se voit assigner comme nouveau coéquipier feu Nick Walker, lancienne star montante de la police. Les deux hommes vont devoir ravaler leur antipathie respective pour mener à bien leur mission.
Plamino vous propose de voir R.I.P.D. : Brigade fantôme en streaming totalement gratuit et sans inscription ! il suffit de défiler vers le bas pour choisir votre qualité/lecteur et commencer votre soirée
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source https://plamino.me/streaming/r-i-p-d-brigade-fantome-vf/
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ao3bronte · 7 years
Smutember: Foreplay
Masquerade on AO3
It's lunchtime on the first day back at school after spring break and it’s warmer than normal for this time of year. As a result, the four of them are settled beneath the shade of an old oak tree in the courtyard outside for the first time this year, chatting quietly and eating their lunches. Adrien sits cross-legged across from Alya and Nino in Versace jeans and a Kelly-green Pierre Balmain cashmere sweater that brings out the colour of his eyes; Marinette tries not to marvel at him the yarn grade of the fabric.
"That's the thing!" Alya gesticulates wildly, "No one knows what happened! No one was there to film it, no one actually saw Ladybug defeat him. We don't even know what happened to the guy!"
"She's been talking about this non-stop by the way," Nino points to her with his thumb, harried like he’s heard this a thousand times before, "She's full-on obsessed."
“It’s insane! Everything is insane!”
“It’s been a week Alya.”
“I don’t care! I’ve been moderating thousands of comments non-stop on the LadyBlog. I’m going to need to hire an assistant at this rate.”
“Don’t look at me,” Nino takes a bite from his sandwich, “I’ve got a real job.”
“Why wait tables when you could work with me? Think of all the fun we could have—”
“And that’s enough of that,” Marinette interrupts, spinning leftover pasta around her fork, “Can we change the subject?”
“No, we can’t. I need to know what happened and I’m not going to stop until I can figure it out.”
"I wouldn’t worry too much about it," Adrien shrugs, forking a strip of chicken breast.
"Easy for you to say," Alya interjects, "You weren't even here!"
“Yeah man, you didn’t see the craziness first hand, it was wild. Where were you anyway?”
“Monaco, and I still saw it on the news, my phone was blowing up for hours. But Ladybug saved the day, and she always will," he turns to Marinette and smiles, "I trust her to do the right thing. She’s certainly saved all our skins a million times before. Remember troisième?"
Nino nods in agreement, “Dude, it was like everyone got akumatised.”
“Everyone except the two of you,” Alya pouts at Marinette, “I always wondered what you would turn into.”
“Lady Croissant?” Nino snickers and Marinette goes to throw her fork at him, “No no, Madame Macaron! How dare the people of Paris snack on potato chips and hamburgers when they can eat sweets!”
“That’s ridiculous,” Marinette stabs the end of her fork into Nino’s arms and he falls over in mock-pain, holding his ‘wounded’ appendage, “How would that even work? Why would I be mad enough about macarons to get akumatised?”
“No, Marinette would definitely be akumatised by Chloe,” Alya says, bunting her boyfriend with her elbow, “Honestly though, how have you not been akumatised by her already?”
“Beats me,” Marinette shrugs and gets back to her pasta, “I guess I’m just lucky.”
Adrien gives her a funny look and Marinette returns it, “Are you all right?”
“Hm?” Adrien blinks slowly, “Yeah no, I was just imagining what you would look like as Madame Macaron. Bright pink dress maybe? Would you throw macarons at people?”
“Enough about Madame Macaron,” she shakes her head in playful indignation, “Why aren’t you making fun of him? He hasn’t been akumatised either.”
Nino and Alya turn to Adrien and pause to consider.
“Monsieur La Mode? You could like, target the hipsters or something.”
Adrien gives him an incredulous look, “Really? That’s the best you can come up with? I’m thinking more like Le Blagueur!”
Marinette raises a brow and takes another bite of her pasta, “What? How is that an evil superpower?”
“I would tell really bad puns until the city of Paris gave into my demands!”
“Well, considering someone almost took over the city with a flock of pigeons, I guess that could work,” Alya nods approvingly, “I like it.”
“Right?” he sides up to Marinette and bumps her shoulder with her own, watching the blush spread across her cheeks, “Think of the pastabilities.”
Marinette rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out at him, “One more pun from you today Monsieur and I’ll—”
“Now now, don’t be a putain-esca.”
Nino oooohs as Marinette scooches closer, eyeing Adrien fiercely.
“A putain-esca? Really? That’s all you’ve got?”
Adrien narrows his eyes and grins, “You’re right, can we put this little disagreement pastas?”
“Pho the love of god, stop it.”
“Ooo! She gives as good as she gets! Go ahead, penne for your thoughts?”
“Your puns are soba-d.”
“I dough’t know what you’re talking about. My puns are amazing.”
“Alright, I’m done,” she aims her fork at him and Adrien artfully dodges out of the way, “What has gotten into you today?”
“I’m sorry, I’m just doing it fusilli reasons.”
Marinette throws her hands in the air and looks over towards Alya, who’s happily videotaping the whole exchange on her mobile while Nino watches over her shoulder and nods in appreciation.
“You too? Ugh,” she flops backwards onto the grass and stares up at the sky beyond the leaves of the tree, feeling the warmth creep up into her skin. It’s the heat she so often attributes to her powers as Ladybug, the one that begs to be as close to the Chat Miraculous as possible. Licking her lips, she wonders why it’s suddenly flaring now and hopes to goodness it isn’t because she’s subconsciously associating Adrien’s little pun war with Chat, because that? That would be humiliating.
“I had the best day at school today.”
Marinette lands beside Chat at their usual starting position for Monday Night Patrol, “Yeah?”
“I did! It was awesome,” he flicks his hair out of his face and settles in his usual hunch, “I got to hang out with my friends again. I haven’t seen them in ages.”
Marinette nods and sits down on the ledge he’s perched on, “I haven’t seen my friends in a while either. It was nice to catch up.”
“Right?” Chat smiles and Marinette catches his silhouette in the moonlight, “It felt like normal again.”
Marinette pulls her leg up, tucking her thigh against her abdomen, “It’s starting to feel like it. I’m glad the news is focusing on other things now, like this heat wave.”
“It’s been warm for April hasn’t it?” Chat replies, looking like he wants to tug at his own collar. Like hers, his magical suit is fused to his body and she can only imagine how hot he must get when he’s inside it during the summer months.
“Do you like the heat?”
“I don’t mind it,” he shrugs, “I get a mean tan every summer when I go to St. Barths. But I also like the cooler weather.”
“Wait, what? You go to St. Barths every summer?!”
Chat’s eyes go wide, “Uh, well. I mean, not every summer. I’ve been there like, twice and I, I was just exaggerating because, you know, I…I do that sometimes. Anyway, enough about me. Let’s go patrol the mean streets of Paris!”
Chat leaps off the ledge and disappears into the night before Marinette can even come up with a reply. She’s baffled more than anything; St. Barths is expensive!
She leaps after him and they fall into an easy rhythm after a while, joking and cajoling each other into doing silly parkour inspired tricks across the city. There’s no real rush or sense of urgency; Le Papillon is still AWOL and the streets are fairly quiet, meaning that there isn’t a whole lot going happening to worry about, and it suits the two of them just fine.
The heat beneath her skin is back and soon they’re leaping across rooftops side by side, never less than a metre away. The itch always pulls them back into each other’s orbits until they eventually collide, driven together by the magical forces between them, not unlike that of gravity. Conceding, they pause to catch their breath at Le Perchoir Marais, a rooftop lounge in St. Gervais that’s become a bit of an icon in their personal history.
After all, it’s where this whole mess started in the first place.
“Remember the first time we landed here?”
Marinette blushes profusely, staring at the couches made of wooden pallets, “Mmhmm.”
Chat steps into her personal space and grazes his claws along her arms, “I thought it was the best night of my life.”
Marinette plants her hands on her hips, “What?”
“That is,” he closes the gap between them and weaves his fingers with her own, pulling her closer, “Until the next night, and then the one after that. In fact, every night we’ve been together has far surpassed the night before it.”
Marinette smirks and shakes her head, “You are such a romantic.”
“You say it like it’s a bad thing M’Lady.”
“Love doesn’t just happen Chat. You’ve got to work at it, it takes time and patience and two people who actually want to make it work.”
“Well, I think I have my side of it down pat,” he says, gesturing for her to take a seat. She does and he sits down beside her, the moonlight catching the subtly mirth in his expression.
“You know how I feel about this,” she cautions and Chat just shrugs.
“Who’s saying we’re even having this conversation? I’d much rather be doing other things with my mouth anyway.”
Marinette is grateful for the change of subject, “Yeah? Like what?”
“Like this,” he purrs and captures her lips with his own, the itch of his Miraculous rearing its head. She grabs onto the back of his neck and quickly pries his lips open with a swift flounce of her tongue, diving in with vigour. He responds in kind, both of them clearly consumed by the itch, but there’s a different edge to it that softens Chat’s kisses and his gentleness only makes her more and more restless.
He breaks apart to breathe, "Do you remember the first time I swept you off your feet—"
"I'm pretty sure I swept you off yours, if I remember correctly."
"Semantics, Ladybug. Now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted—"
"You kind of collapsed against that railing over there—"
"When we first kissed against the railings—"
"And I had to haul you upright because I thought you were fainting—"
"It was the most magical moment of my life up until that instant —"
"And I thought you were going to cry—"
"My knees were weak knowing that I had finally gotten my wish—"
"It was kind of funny to be honest—”
“Have I ever told you how sexy it is when you talk over me like that?”
“Yeah? I can think of plenty of other things I’d rather be doing over top of you.”
Chat gulps, “Is this your way of telling me to shut up?”
“Is that not obvious?”
Chat goes to open his mouth in reply but she is so done, so done with him talking. She feels things when he talks and she’d rather not feel anything but the feel of his body against hers, his skin against her skin. When her emotions were promptly thrown onto the backburner, things were so much easier; after all, having sex with him was so much easier than making love.
“Let's do something productive with that mouth of yours,” she mutters, pushing him onto his back on the pallet couch. She covers his eyes with one hand and detransforms, using the other to slip the mask on over her head. She’s already wearing a skirt and hastily pulls her panties down past her thighs, flicking them onto the cocktail table to her left. She’s finally rendered him speechless, what with the way she nearly tears her skirt off as she crawls closer to him and, seeing nothing but pure eagerness in his expression, she presses her clit to his face and lets him do what he does best.
For all his terrible jokes, he certainly has a talented tongue and god, the way he runs it against her lower lips and uses his nose to spread her open is perfect in every way. It's been ages since they've done this, ages since they've just decompressed together and fucked each other without a care in the world, ages since they just gave in to the itch. Too many emotions this week, too much of everything and Marinette forcefully shuts her mind down so she can just concentrate on his tongue and teeth and lips.
She grinds down against him and he grips her thighs, the pads of his fingers pressing bruises into her skin. She likes it a little rough, likes the juxtaposition of pleasure and pain that forces her to focus on nothing but him and he exploits it, knows it and takes advantage of it, grazing his teeth against her clit. She throws her head back and keens at the way he soothes the sting, alternating between licking and sucking with his lips. His pace is torturous, slow and purposely inconsistent, and it's driving her insane.
Frustrated, she bucks her hips and he gets the hint, reaching back and scratching his fingernails against her ass and thighs. It feels good and keeps her centered, keeps her focused on the pleasure and not on the identity of the boy underneath her, eager and impossible.
Intrinsically, he senses her flickering focus and ups the ante, doing things with his tongue she's never felt before. She wonders what kind of things he had to watch in order to learn them and imagines what he'd look like stroking himself, imagines that snap he'd sent her a few weeks ago with his hand around his cock.
Eyes closed, she braces one hand on the rooftop railing and busies the other with her breast, pinching her nipple through the lace of her bralette. The sensation makes her practically gush into Chat's mouth, the friction delicious as she closes her eyes and begins to lose control of her rhythm. He takes the reins and keeps her going, urging her closer and closer to release and god, it feels good when he hums against her just like that and yes, Chat, right there, faster, oh!
Marinette arches her back and comes, heedless of the sounds she's making. She loses control of her hips and grinds down, a victim to the way her toes are curling and her lips are screaming, lost in the sensation. It feels amazing and sucks the life out of her all at once, all encompassing and addictive.
Coming down and still shaking, she manages to sit back on her haunches and happily lets Chat manipulate her body to free himself. Her limbs feel like rubber, sated and debauched, and she shivers at the way he licks his lips and grins.
"I love it when you scream my name like that," he gloats and Marinette's not quite working at all cylinders yet and grunts at him in response.
“Chat got your tongue?”
Marinette just glares at him, mentally daring him to make another stupid joke. He laughs and crawls forward instead, kissing her chastely before responding.
“Care to return the favour?”
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beatlesonline-blog · 2 years
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wewillpunkyou · 7 years
Concert: Neck Deep au Petit Bain (Paris - 18 octobre 2017) et au Connexion Live (Toulouse - 03 novembre 2017)
           Si vous partagez notre avis sur le fait que The Peace and the Panic est l’un des albums phares de cette année 2017, il y a de grandes chances pour que vous soyez aussi d’accord avec nous pour dire que la tournée européenne de Neck Deep a été un franc succès. La France, parfois laissée de côté, a cette-fois ci été bien gâtée avec un premier arrêt au Petit Bain de Paris, le mercredi 18 octobre, suivi d’une date de fin de tournée mémorable au Connexion Live de Toulouse, le 3 novembre dernier. Vos chroniqueuses préférées de We Will Punk You! étaient présentes sur ces deux dates et vous en parlent aujourd’hui avec passion.
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             Déjà, ce n’est pas un, ni deux, mais bien TROIS (3!!) groupes de folie que les gallois ont embarqués avec eux. Ferventes défenseuses des tournées à mille groupes (c’est toujours plus de fun), nous avons un peu pleuré de joie en voyant l’annonce des noms. Déjà revendiquées fans de Real Friends et d’As Is It, nous avons découvert Blood Youth sur scène ainsi qu’autour d’une rencontre sur le toit du Petit Bain avec Kaya Tarsus, le frontman du groupe. Plus bruyants que les trois autres, ils se sont cependant très bien intégrés à la tournée et l’enchainement des quatre actes s’est fait sans aucune gêne. Les groupes comme Blood Youth sont la raison pour laquelle nous aimons tant les premières parties : on y découvre des petites perles et ça nous fait toujours plaisir.
             Sur cette tournée, Blood Youth ont interprété des chansons de leur premier album très prometteur Beyond Repair, ainsi que trois titres extraits de leurs deux premiers EPs tout aussi séduisants ; Closure et Inside My Head. Si les musiciens de Blood Youth sont vraiment très bons, nous tenons particulièrement à souligner l’habilité des paroles chantées par le groupe. Leurs chansons transpirent la justesse et l’honnêteté. Sur Failure, un vrai parallèle se crée entre l’angoisse et la haine qui s’en échappent et celles qui se délivrent en nous. Sur Closure, Kaya nous raconte son ras-le-bol général en s’exprimant avec colère ; « My heart is closed to everyone I see, this is what I call Insanity! ». Il nous explique d’ailleurs : « Tout ce que j’ai jamais écrit m’est arrivé dans la vie, c’est personnel mais je pense que c’est une très bonne chose de les laisser sortir. Tu vois quand quelqu’un te dit ‘quand tu es énervé tu devrais juste crier de toutes tes forces’ ? Je peux faire ça tous les soirs ! Je joue le set et après je m’effondre ; je m’évanouis même parfois. » Autant d’énergie, c’est la meilleure façon possible pour commencer la soirée en beauté. Le set se poursuit avec les deux autres premières parties.
 [Setlist complète: 24/7, I Remember, Reason To Stay, Failure, Making Waves, Closure.]
              Real Friends et As It Is se sont échangés les deuxième et troisième positions de passage lors des différentes dates. A Paris, ce sont les Américains de Real Friends qui ont ouvert le show en second ; et à Toulouse, c’était As It Is. Mais peu importe l’ordre de passage, l’ambiance reste la même. As It Is nous présentent un set énergique, joyeux, entrainé par un frontman qui ne tient pas en place, qui sautille sans cesse sur scène et qui rend l’ensemble du set particulièrement théâtral. Patty Walters, dont le coiffeur semble être en prison, est l’un des êtres humains les plus passionnés qu’il nous ait été donné de rencontrer. Accompagné du guitariste et deuxième voix occasionnelle Benjamin Langford-Biss (qui, lui, n’a jamais eu de coiffeur), du batteur Patrick Foley et d’Alistair Testo à la basse, ils forment à eux quatre As It Is, suite au départ d’Andy Westhead un peu plus tôt dans l’année. Les personnalités attachantes des membres et l’apport parfois plus « pop » qu’ils donnent à la scène, – notamment de par la voix extrêmement spéciale de Patty – fait qu’après la sortie de leur deuxième album, ils ont déjà une fanbase solide, jeune et dévouée dans de nombreux pays. La France n’y fait pas exception : aux premiers rangs, tout le monde connaît les paroles et chante avec le groupe. Un vent de communion puissant souffle sur le public tandis qu’ils interprètent leurs chansons les plus populaires.
             Une petite date dans une salle incomplète comme celle de Toulouse n’aurait pas été si mémorable si elle n’avait pas été rythmée par les célèbres blagues qui accompagnent la fin d’une tournée. Avant même la fin d’Okay, première chanson interprétée, la scène se retrouve couverte de morceaux de pain et de carottes râpées. On n’est vraiment pas pro gaspillage, mais bon, c’était quand même un peu drôle… La vraie partie hilarante réside dans le numéro de batterie spectaculaire interprété par Foley… à l’aide de baguettes de pain. Bien joué ! Ce n’est pas vraiment le même son que l’on obtient avec, mais c’est rigolo. Il n’y a pas beaucoup de sérieux dans cette prestation mais nous, ça nous convient. On rigole, on participe aux circle pits absurdes autour de l’ingé-son et c’est une vraie bonne ambiance qui se crée dans la salle malgré le nombre peu élevé de personnes présentes à Toulouse – une atmosphère qui a mis un peu plus de temps à s’alléger à Paris. Le climat s’assombrit légèrement à l’approche du duo terrible Soap/No Way Out, à savoir les deux meilleures chansons d’As It Is ; titre certifié par We Will Punk You!. Ben et Patty se donnent la réplique sur Soap, chanson inspirée par la bataille mentale entre soi-même et une version plus idéalisée de soi-même. C’est beau, authentique, parfaitement interprété dans une mise en scène recherchée. Ce sont de vrais artistes qui évoluent sur un ton alternant entre drame et comédie.  Le monologue parlé qui accompagne No Way Out nous explose le cœur comme à chaque fois. Pendant tout le set toulousain, les quatre groupes se sont amusés à échanger leurs membres et à faire n’importe quoi. Quand vient le moment d’interpréter Dial Tones, la dernière chanson, plus rien n’a de sens sur scène : Ben a abandonné sa guitare, récupérée par Patty, il hurle dans le micro et frappe sur les cymbales. À la fin de la chanson, ils sont désormais une dizaine sur scène, un des membres de Real Friends s’est emparé de la basse, Dani et plusieurs autres membres du crew et des trois groupes viennent démonter la batterie et débrancher les fils alors même que le groupe continue de jouer… Bref, une bonne partie de rigolade pour tout le monde.
 [Setlist complète: Okay, Patchwork Love, Concrete, No Way Out, Soap, Pretty Little Distance, Hey Rachel, Dial Tones.]
              À peine le temps de nettoyer correctement la scène que Real Friends sont déjà installés. Leur set s’ouvre sur Mess, single extrait de leur dernier album The Home Inside My Head. « I’m still a lost boy ! » répète la foule avec entrain. Au bout de quelques minutes seulement de spectacle, nous décidons d’accorder au chanteur Dan Lambton le titre de personne la plus drôle de notre scène musicale, lui permettant au passage de détrôner une bonne dizaine de nos blagueurs préférés (Awsten Knight, Alex Adam, Costello et tous nos autres copains musiciens à l’humour lourd et incertain).
             Brian Blake (batterie), Kyle Fasel (basse), Dan Lambton (chant), Dave Knox et Eric Haines (guitares) nous présentent une formation joyeuse tant à Paris qu’à Toulouse. Ayant dû reporter leur précédente tournée européenne suite à quelques soucis de santé mentale, ils sont apparus sur scène plus en forme que jamais ! Les blagues se sont enchainées dans la bonne humeur et là encore, c’est un public heureux et cohésif qui chante en cœur et s’essaye aux mosh pits. La beauté du set, ce sont toutes ces chansons tristes qui s’enchainent avec tant de légèreté. Si l’optimisme s’entend clairement sur certaines pistes, les thèmes généraux abordés par Real Friends gravitent pour la plupart autour d’un noyau sombre : manque, nostalgie, abandon, solitude, isolement, impression agaçante de ne pas être à sa place. On n’y prêterait presque pas attention si le groupe n’était pas si inclusif et bienveillant. Entre deux plaisanteries, le chanteur prône l’importance d’être attentif et doux, de respecter cette ‘safe place’ qu’est notre scène musicale et de promouvoir l’amour de soi et des autres. Pour la dernière date du tour, alors qu’ils entament la dernière piste de la soirée avant l’entrée en scène de Neck Deep, des centaines d’avions en papier jaillissent de part et d’autre du balcon et des côtés de la scène. Pas de raison pour qu’As It Is et Blood Youth soient les seuls à subir ce traitement et à se faire saboter leur set ! La scène est très rapidement couverte de plusieurs avions, de serviettes de bain, de feuilles de papier toilette et – après tout, on est France, c’est rigolo…- de baguettes de pain. C’est sous les éclats de rire que Real Friends terminent par Late Nights In My Car. Dave se lance dans la foule avec sa guitare, Dan rigole tellement qu’il avale un mot sur deux et parvient tout juste à formuler « If you never break, you'll never know how to put yourself back together ». C’est la pagaille complète mais tout le monde a l’air tellement heureux et ça fait chaud au cœur. Ce n’est pas évident de se rendre compte qu’une belle complicité s’est développée entre les quatre groupes au cours de la tournée, et qu’ils sont tristes de devoir se quitter.
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  [Setlist complète: Mess, Colder Quicker, Loose Ends, I’ve Given Up On You, Summer, Maybe This Place Is The Same, I Don’t Love You Anymore, Late Nights In My Car.]
              La folie continue très vite avec les stars de la soirée : Neck Deep. Venus nous présenter sur scène leur dernier album The Peace and the Panic, Ben Barlow, Sam Bowden, Fil Thorpes, Matt Wills et Dani Washington ont réussi à concocter une setlist capable de satisfaire à la fois les fans de la première heure et les nouveaux arrivés. S’ouvrant sur le rythme dansant d’Happy Judgement Day, Le show parisien a été rythmé du début à la fin par des mosh pits sans répits et du crowdsurf en continu. À Toulouse, c’était très légèrement plus calme mais tout de même bien sportif ! Ben Barlow s’avance vers son micro et chante : « Oh what a time to be alive ! ». Si cette première phrase s’applique bien à notre état d’esprit du moment, le reste de la chanson résonne comme une longue plainte contre la société actuelle et contre ce que l’Homme a fait de notre monde. Neck Deep fait partie de ces groupes qui touchent aux sujets importants et n’hésitent pas à utiliser leur voix pour passer les messages qu’il faut, ce qui participe bien grandement à l’amplification de notre amour pour eux.
             Deux classiques de Neck Deep s’ensuivent. Lime St. et Gold Steps sont deux chansons qui mettent tout le monde d’accord ; toutes les deux tirées de l’album Life’s Not Out To Get You sorti deux ans plus tôt. On y retrouve certaines des paroles les plus cultes du groupe qui reviennent souvent dans les fanarts et autres tatouages ; « I've been moving mountains that I once had to climb » ou encore « I swear to God you save me ». La bonne ambiance règne dans le pit, tout le monde se pousse dans une entraide parfaite, parfumant la pièce d’un soupçon de sûreté encore parfois trop ignoré dans certaines foules de notre scène. Les mouvements ralentissent à peine lorsque viennent les titres les plus doux, qui sont aussi les plus récents singles : Parachute, In Bloom, quelles merveilles pour les oreilles.
             Le vrai changement de plateau s’opère lorsque Ben et Fil interprètent ensemble Wish You Were Here, chanson écrite en hommage à leurs pères décédés au cours de l’année précédente. L’émotion est forte au Petit Bain, le discours du chanteur est déchirant et les mains se nouent entre elles dans le public – que l’on est déjà eu à faire le deuil d’une personne aimée ou non, la tristesse se ressent ; « Now I'll always remember it as the song that your life ended with ». S’ensuit ensuite Part Of Me, chanson emblématique du groupe qui rend particulièrement bien en live, lorsque le public reprend en cœur les dernières paroles du refrain. Ces deux chansons représentent une coupure qui prépare particulièrement bien au grand final. Cependant, nous en regrettons l’absence à Toulouse, le set ayant du être écourté.
             Vient l’heure de Can’t Keep Up the Roots et de leur dernière chanson désormais légendaire Where Do We Go When We Go. Le batteur de Blood Youth nous avouera plus tard dans la soirée que le côté un peu diva du guitariste Sam Bowden les a freiné dans leur envie de réduire la scène en miettes à la fin de leur set. Sam adore faire des blagues mais quand ça le concerne, ça ne le fait plus trop rire, paraît-il. Quoi qu’il en soit, ils se sont également pris un peu de pain sur la figure.  Et pour terminer la tournée en beauté, quoi de mieux qu’une petite invasion de scène improvisée ? « Pain, pain, go away! Come back another day! » ; L’atmosphère enfantine reprend le dessus et nous perdons un peu le sens de ce qu’il se passe dans la salle. Tout le monde danse, rigole, s’amuse ; aucune douleur à l’horizon, hormis celle qui surviendra plus tard au moment de réaliser que le concert est déjà fini !
[Setlist complète: Happy Judgement Day,  Lime St., Gold Steps, Motion Sickness, What Did You Expect?, Parachute, Kali Ma, Rock Bottom, Citizens of Earth, Don’t Wait, In Bloom, December, Wish You Were Here, A Part of Me, Can’t Keep Up the Roots, Where Do We Go When We Go.]
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aiorevelations · 3 years
A Number, Not a Name: Part 6
Hope you all enjoy this latest chapter. We had a blast writing this one! @btv-grace @theannecordeliashirley
Chapter 6: Echoes of the Past
Twenty years earlier:
The pendulum of the old grandfather clock swung back and forth, its hands moving clockwise marking the continual passing of time. The “tick-tock” escaping from the timepiece was the only discernible sound within the room. The two gentlemen seated in the wide tufted wingback chairs in the center of the room preferring to pass the time in silence, only occasionally taking a swig of whiskey from their glasses. 
The younger gentlemen glanced upon the portrait which hung on the wall to his right and broke the silence, “Judging from the portrait Milena and Liana have grown a great deal since I was last here.”
The older man gave a curt nod. “Yes, they have.”
“I must say, Milena certainly takes after you. She has your eyes.”
“Milena does remind me a lot of myself. She never ceases to amaze me or make me proud. Everything she does she excels at it. Whether it's academics or martial arts.” Norvan glanced down towards the drink in his hand.
“And what of Liana?”
Norvan’s gaze rose from his drink and met the gentleman’s eyes seated across from him. Their eyes locked for a few moments, no reply escaping from Norvan’s lips.
“Liana is well,” Norvan finally answered, a blank expression on his face. He brought the tumbler glass to his lips and took another sip.
The younger gentleman cleared his throat. “I must say Norvan your reputation precedes you. As soon as I arrived here I heard mention of you.”
Norvan sat farther back in his chair, “Yes, that is the case when you have been as successful as I have been. In everything I have done in my life that has always been my objective - for it to be a success. I won’t settle for anything less. I suppose I take after my father that way.” he paused for a moment and continued “And what of you cousin? Are you still biding your time with that old professor of yours?”
“Yes. Professor M and I are still enthralled with our research. Ever since he showed me a glimpse of what the world could be like it is the only thing that seems of consequence - The one thing that remains is to find what we seek.”
 “Hmmm,” Norvan nodded his head in thought, “and what particular type of research are you enthralled with?”
The younger man chuckled dryly “Same old Norvan, you were always one to ask questions.”
“And you were always one to be elusive in answers, just as you are in life.” Norvan countered. 
“What can I say, I go as the wind goes.”
“Or where opportunity lies.”
“I however prefer to put down roots rather than spend my life wandering aimlessly to find my fortune or in your case a fantasy.”
The younger man placed his glass down on the mahogany table between them and grasped the armrest of his chair. His eyes darkened and his jaw clenched hearing Norvan’s slight.
Norvan took notice of the change in his cousin’s demeanor yet continued. “Though that must come naturally to you seeing as you’ve been running nearly all your life.”
“I prefer the term ‘starting over.’”
“‘Starting over,’ ‘Running from something,’ It’s all the same. I for one never shrink back from a challenge no matter what obstacles may be in the way. Unlike your father. He showed his true colors in the war when he deserted.”
“My father fought valiantly!” The younger man nearly shouted at Norvan as he rose from his chair. Norvan followed suit and stood up as well.
“Until he realized the war was a lost cause. Then he ran like a cat with its tail between its legs. Just like you!” Norvan scoffed as he pointed at his cousin.
Overcome with unspeakable rage the younger man slammed his hand down on the table.
“At least I’m not stuck in some God-forsaken place in the middle of nowhere! Here you are acting like you own the world. Like you’ve accomplished something meaningful. You haven’t!” he spat.
Norvan’s cousin began making his way across the room towards the door. 
“Says the man whose only accomplishment in life is being a protege to a lunatic professor! You’re nothing Regis!” Norvan shouted after him. 
Regis stopped and stood there, completely still for a moment. He then turned and calmly replied to his older cousin.
“Of course you’d see Professor M that way with that ignorant mind of yours. You will never understand or even begin to imagine the great importance of our work. How it will change the world. But then again neither will the rest of the world.”
“You truly believe that this ‘research’ of yours will give you a place in the world. That you’ll be someone remembered and praised by humanity. You lost your place in the world when you willing chose to remain a Blackgaard and reject the Blagueur name.” 
“In my experience, I have found that it is not the name that makes the man but the course in life he chooses to embark upon.” 
“I for one, have always continued on what course I have set upon, in spite of what may result or transpire.”
“It seems that we are each determined to see our desires through to the end no matter what. Perhaps you and I are not so different after all.”
 Regis looked down reflectively and spoke. “Goodbye, Norvan”
 “Goodbye, Regis.”
It was late at night, nearly two o’clock. In the darkened sky hung a shimmering full moon. Along a dimly lit alleyway, a woman quickly made her way to her apartment. Her coat was all done up and her hands tucked in her pockets in an effort to keep somewhat warm from the chilly night breeze. She reached the gates of her apartment complex and walked through them towards her flat “105.” She pulled out her key and began to unlock the door. She heard a familiar voice behind her and turned to greet her landlord.
“Ms.Vardyan, you’re getting in late.”
“Hello, Mrs. Agassi. How come you’re up at this hour?”
“Oh you know, a landlord’s work is never done.” she gave a slight laugh “I was just going over my books and finances. I saw you pass by my bedroom window and thought I’d say hi. Speaking of finances, you still owe me last month’s rent.”
“I know. I know. I promise you’ll have it by Wednesday.”
“Okay, that will be fine. Just make sure you aren’t late again.” Mrs. Agassi quipped as she began to head back to her apartment.
“Don’t worry. I will” Ms. Vardyan called after her. She finished unlocking the door and entered her home. It had been a long day and she was completely exhausted. All she wanted to do was sleep though she doubted she would be able to, at least not well and for very long, with all the haunted memories of her past constantly weighing on her mind. Whenever she could drift off she savored every moment of it. It was the only time she could escape the unending pain and emptiness she felt every moment she spent awake. She reached her bedroom and collapsed on the bed. She stared at the ceiling and sighed. Her hand made its way to the golden locket she always wore around her neck. She held it up so that it was illuminated by the moonlight streaming in from her bedroom window. She opened the locket and glanced at the photo, which was an image of her and the man she loved more than anything.
She closed the locket and brought it to her heart, tears streaming down her face. She closed her eyes, sobs racking her entire body. She pictured the day that image was taken. She could still recall every detail of that day even though now it seemed like an eternity ago. She was a different person then. In fact, that was a completely different life. She and Erik had spent the day at the lake. The two of them had shared a picnic by the water’s edge, playfully splashed each other, and tried to see who could fly their kite the highest. The air had been filled with sounds of endless laughter and joy. She recalled how she was filled with indescribable happiness every time she was in his arms, both that day and all the other times they shared together. They had been happy and so in love, excitedly looking forward to their future together. But now he was gone and their future had been snatched from them. When she lost him she didn’t know how she would survive. Every part of her had been filled with unspeakable grief, pain, and anger. Her heart had been ripped into a million pieces. Now all she felt was emptiness, sadness, and a sense of loneliness that overwhelmed her whole being. 
Since that fateful day when Erik had been so cruelly taken from her she had sworn to make those who had horrifically murdered him pay for what they had done. It had been her sole focus for almost the past five years. The only thing that mattered to her. She had almost accomplished her goal but one person still stood in her way and she was determined to cross his name off her list. 
Three months earlier:
Milena and Lorenzo sat together around a patio table on an upper porch. Around them and on the table were placed candles and arrays of red roses. Above them stars brightly twinkled in the night sky. While they were surrounded by the view of the wooded mountainside, the trees seemingly aglow with fireflies. The two of them sat there content, completely enveloped in each other’s presence.
 “I must say Lena you look stunning tonight. That dress brings out the color of your eyes” Lorenzo adoring complimented Milena.
 Milena’s smile widened “And you look very handsome.”
 “Thank you mio caro. It feels so wonderful to be here with you especially since we haven’t had much time to be together recently.”
 “I know and feel terrible about that. My father and I have just been very busy acquiring new plots for drilling. Securing various business deals—”
 Lorenzo took Milena’s hand “No need to apologize. I’ve always found myself captivated by your ingenuity and determination. It’s one of the reasons why I love you so much.”
 “And your understanding and patience is one of the reasons why I love you so much.”
 They stared intently at one another, lost in each other’s eyes. At that moment a voice came from behind them.
 “Ms. Blagueur-Ohanyan.”
 Milena looked up in her housekeeper’s direction. “Jemma I requested that Lorenzo and I not be interrupted.”
 “I know ma’am and I’m sorry for disturbing you but the caller said it was urgent that he speak to you” Jemma held out the phone to Milena. 
 Milena sighed “Will you excuse me for a moment.”
 “Of course.”
 Milena scooted her chair back and rose from her seat. “I’ll be right back” she gently touched Lorenzo’s arm as she walked past him towards the sliding door. Milena reached Jenna and took the phone from her. She walked a few feet inside the house in order to have some privacy and held the phone up to her ear.
 “Hello” she answered. 
 The person on the other end responded “Hello. Am I speaking to Milena Blagueur-Ohanyan?” 
“Yes, this is she.” 
 “I’m Officer Adam Kassabian with the Bulin police department. I’m sorry to inform you but your father has passed away.” 
 The blood drained from Milena’s face as she heard the officer’s words. She took a deep breath as she struggled to keep her composure. “Um...are you ah,” she stammered “sure that he’s…gone?”
 “Unfortunately yes. We located the burning wreckage of his car at the bottom of a cliff about twenty minutes outside of Bulin.” 
 Milena’s head was spinning as she tried to comprehend that her father was dead. “Is there um…” she took a breath, willing herself once more to hold it together, “any idea how it happened?”
 “We’re still in the early stages of the investigation Ms. Ohanyan.”
 Milena could tell from Officer Kassabian’s voice that there was something he was holding back from her.
 “Please,” she paused “whatever you know tell me…I want to know.”
 Officer Kassabian sighed “We’ve found what appears to be the remains of a disk grenade. The car was also riddled with bullet holes and your father was shot. Unfortunately, it appears as though this wasn’t an accident.”
 Milena’s heart felt sick and she was filed with unspeakable sadness and anger. Her fingers loosened their grip on the phone and it dropped to the floor. She stood there unable to move, paralyzed with grief. Lorenzo hearing the clatter of the phone hitting the tile walked to the entrance of the sliding glass door to check on Milena. He saw her there frozen in that spot and shaking uncontrollably. Her eyes red and brimming with tears.
 “Lena what’s wrong?” he stepped closer in her direction.
 Milena swallowed hard willing herself to speak. “My father…he’s gone Lorenzo...he was killed.”
 “Oh Lena, I’m so sorry.” he gently spoke, trying to offer her as much comfort and support as he could. “I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now.”
 “I just saw him yesterday. We were together chatting and laughing like always.” Milena cried, lost in a daze as she remembered the events of the previous day. “I never imagined that would be the last time I’d see him.” 
 Milena shook her head and brought her hand to her mouth. She collapsed to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. Lorenzo walked over to Milena and wrapped his arms around her. She wailed as she buried her tear streaked face in his shirt. They sat there together on the floor. Neither of them saying anything. To Milena this was just another reminder of how cruel life had been to her. She had lost her mother when she was just a toddler. Her sister had turned her back on their family. And now, just when she was finally enjoying a period of happiness in her life, her father’s life was mercilessly taken. 
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iamhungrrr · 5 years
I Blagueur - Balla...No!.. 1984
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french2pmrepublic · 7 years
[INTERVIEW] Billboard Thailand #2 (120416)
 On renoue avec 2PM !
 « Quand 2PM parle, croyez-moi, ça vaut le coup d'écouter »  
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Il y avait une petite émeute devant la bibliothèque du Dusit Thani Hotel après la conférence de presse de « 2PM Concert House Party ». Des centaines d'Hottests s’étaient rassemblées et dès que les six garçons apparurent, elle se sont mises à crier très fort. C'était si bruyant que, moi qui était appuyé(e) contre le mur de la bibliothèque en attendant de les interviewer et de réaliser une séance photo avec eux, j'ai été surpris(e).   
Beaucoup de gens disent que 2PM est devenu un groupe masculin mature/vieux. En venant en Thaïlande, leur impact aurait pu être moins fort qu’avant. Mais ce dont j'ai été témoin a mis un terme à toutes ces spéculations (si vous demandez au PDG Keng de 411Ent qui les a fait venir en Thaïlande tous les ans… je crois que nous pourrions voir la même image ici). En presque 7 ans et plus de 30 visites, 2PM est devenu familier avec la Thaïlande dont les membres disent toujours que c'est leur « deuxième maison ».   
En tant que journaliste, ma relation avec 2PM est loin d'être intime mais nous ne sommes pas complètement des étrangers non plus. Taecyeon a salué de la tête et s'est incliné, Chansung a tenu ses mains en l'air pour saluer, Nichkhun a dit « bonjour ». Cela a dépassé mes attentes.   
Tous les groupes ne font pas forcément attention aux gens présents autour d'eux et peu de groupes prennent la peine de saluer. Tout cela est positif venant de ces hommes que nous appelons affectueusement « Bai Song » (« deux heures de l'après-midi » en thaï).  
Chacun d'entre eux a fait des signes de la main aux fans. Taecyeon a même pris des selfie. Si vous pensez que ces gestes sont courants, laissez-moi vous dire que « non », en particulier venant de la plupart des idoles coréennes (je répète : la plupart des groupes mais pas tous les groupes) qui évitent parfois d'avoir des interactions avec les fans après leurs heures de travail. Cela doit leur être nécessaire s’ils veulent éviter le chaos. Mais étrangement… je n'ai jamais vu 2PM faire ça.   
Si les autres groupes ont peur du chaos, ce ne doit pas être le cas de 2PM. Telle est ma conclusion.   
Les premières impressions que j'ai eues de 2PM sont qu'ils sont bienveillants, ouverts d'esprit, enjoués et sincères. Durant ces sept années où nous nous sommes vus, ces qualités n'ont pas changé. Ils sont passés d'un nouveau groupe en plein début, à des idoles nationales pour enfin être des idoles reconnues dans toute l'Asie. Il existe beaucoup de preuves comme des statistiques, des récompenses, le nombre de ventes réalisées, les activités solo et les tournées à la fois en Corée du Sud et à l'international. Si nous voulions tout détailler, nous aurions besoin d'une autre édition spéciale.
   Néanmoins, ce qui a changé depuis, c'est qu'ils ont grandi en tant qu'artistes. Au début, ils ne faisaient que danser et chanter les chansons que les producteurs avaient produites. Mais dans leur dernier album (en Corée du Sud) « No.5 », tous les six ont coproduit des chansons, en en composant neuf sur douze. Chaque chanson contient l’empreinte de chacun des membres. Par conséquent, leurs réponses quant à quelles chansons ont une influence sur eux au point de « changer leur vie » n'ont pas été surprenantes.   
« La chanson qui m'inspire est 'That's What Friends Are For', de la version de Dionne Warwick à celles de Stevie Wonder, Whitney Houston et Luther Vandross » a affirmé le plus âgé Jun. K après que les autres membres l'ont taquiné en demandant si ce n'était pas 'I Believe I Can Fly' de R. Kelly. « Je l'ai écoutée quand j'étais au collège et c’est à ce moment-là que je me suis dit que je voulais devenir chanteur ».   
Nichkhun a souri de façon mignonne (ce que tout le monde a appelé le sourire de l'ange) et a choisi 'Kiss The Rain' de Yiruma.   
« J'étais obligé d'apprendre à jouer du piano quand j'étais enfant. J'ai appris sans vraiment aimer cela. Cependant, quand j'ai entendu cette chanson à l’âge de 14-15 ans, ça m'a donné envie de jouer du piano sérieusement, jusqu'au point où j'ai cherché moi-même les notes de la chanson. A partir de ce moment, j'ai commencé à me sentir proche de la musique. »   
Wooyoung est vraiment un grand fan de Mickael Jackson. Taecyeon l'a taquiné en disant que c'était forcément Michael Jackson, mais il s'est trompé. « Ma chanson est 'Wooly Bully (Sam The Sham And The Pharaohs). C'est une chanson funk des années 60. C'était il y a longtemps et je ne saurai pas me rappeler de qui était cette chanson mais les paroles étaient comme ça… ». Il s'est alors concentré pour nous chanter cette chanson avec l’aide de Nichkhun.   
Le maknae (membre le plus jeune) Chansung a choisi 'Still' de Lionel Richie. « Je n'avais jamais écouté de R&B avant, ça a été la première chanson. Je l'ai entendue quand j'étais un trainee (stagiaire en formation) et depuis j'aime le R&B ».   
Taecyeon a répondu à la fois en chantant et en faisant des gestes : 'It's Raining' de Rain. « Rain donnait sa première tournée en Asie tout juste quand je suis entré chez JYP, c’était donc la première fois que je regardais son concert. C'était extraordinaire. Je voulais être un danseur, un chanteur et un show-man tout comme lui. Cette chanson et ce concert m'ont inspiré et ont fait de moi ce que je suis aujourd'hui ».   
Junho a raconté qu'il aime danser depuis qu'il est petit et que c'était plus amusant de danser avec 'Harder Better Faster Stronger' de Daft Punk. « Je ne parle pas bien anglais donc je ne me souviens pas du nom complet de la chanson. Le nom était assez long mais c'était quelque chose comme ça ! » dit-il en souriant et en fermant les yeux sur son défaut qui est l'anglais et dont il a reçu des moqueries assez souvent.   
Vu que ce sont eux les idoles et qu'ils produisent leurs propres chansons, ils se doivent d’en écouter beaucoup. De temps à autre, tous les six recommandent des chansons sur leurs réseaux sociaux. Nichkhun a son propre thème « T.S. » (ce qui signifie 'Today’s Song' : 'Chanson du Jour'). Les chansons que ces garçons écoutent sont à la fois vieilles comme récentes, de pop, rock ou classique à du jazz et du heavy metal. De ce fait, nous nous demandions quel était le type de chansons qu’ils choisissent d'écouter habituellement et s’il y a des genres de musiques en particulier.   
« J'écoute beaucoup de vieilles chansons, a dit Nichkhun. J'aime écouter des chansons lentes, de douces mélodies, des chansons faciles à écouter ».   
« Pour ma part, c'est plus comme : je suis en train de marcher et là une chanson attire mon attention ou parfois une chanson en particulier vient de sortir et je vais l'écouter. J'aime organiser ma propre liste de lecture qui est très aléatoire. Par exemple, tout à coup, la chanson du 'Roi Lion' se lance ! ». Il ne se contente pas seulement de le dire mais il chante aussi 'Le Roi Lion' pour illustrer ses propos. Il est vraiment gentil et enjoué. Ses amis soutiennent (ou se moquent?) qu'il est impossible d'être sérieux à ce sujet avec Taec parce que ses chansons sont vraiment aléatoires. « La dernière chanson en date que j'aime est 'Zero' de Chris Brown ».   
Jun. K, qui reçoit des éloges de tous les membres pour son sens musical et son talent, choisit d'écouter principalement les chansons faisant partie des recommandations de ses amis. Junho s'en tient en général à son propre concept avec des chansons synthpop qui envoient des ondes relaxantes et donnent des frissons.  
Chansung choisit parfois d'écouter les chansons du hit-parade. 'The Weeknd' est le dernier artiste en date qu'il aime.  
« Cela dépend de mon état d'esprit ». La réponse de Wooyoung s'accorde parfaitement avec les mots blagueurs de Nichkhun : '(ar)Tist Man'. « Si j'aime écouter un style de musique en particulier à un certain moment, je vais essayer de trouver ce style de musique en cherchant sur internet, en allant sur des sites musicaux ou en regardant des vidéos sur Youtube ».   
2PM a débuté en septembre 2008, ce qui fait maintenat presque 8 ans au cours desquels ils ont traversé des moments tristes et joyeux. Ceux qui suivent 2PM doivent savoir que la période sombre de 2PM a été brutale. 2PM a cependant traversé cette période avec de l’amour, du soutien et une relation solide. On peut souvent voir que les membres se retrouvent lors de concerts solo, ou bien l’on peut voir leurs messages d’encouragement les uns pour les autres sur Twitter. L’espiègle Taecyeon avait pour habitude de prendre des photos avec les spectateurs de Nichkhun et de les tweeter pour montrer sa fanboy attitude, ce qui faisait rire les Hottests.   
« Quelle que soit la difficulté et la fatigue qu’il puisse y avoir, nous resterons toujours ensemble comme une équipe. C’est ce qu’il y a de plus important. » A confirmé Junho.   « Travail d’équipe, sincérité, fidélité et franchise. » A ajouté Nichkhun.   
« Jin Jai Tor Gun (= fidélité en thaïlandais) » Taecyeon a répété les mots de Nichkhun en hochant la tête.   Je n’étais pas certain qu’il connaisse le sens de ces mots mais il ne faut pas sous-estimer les capacités de Taecyeon. En plus de sa forte IE (Intelligence Emotionnelle), c’est aussi une idole avec un fort QI, l’un des plus hauts de l’industrie (du divertissement). Il étudie actuellement en Master des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, un programme international à l’Université de Corée qui est l’une des 3 meilleurs universités de Corée. Il a également obtenu un score parfait au TOEIC et peut aussi parler 5 langues : coréen, anglais, espagnol, japonais et chinois. Peut-être sait-il déjà parler thaïlandais.   
Tout cela représente ce que les gens voient d’eux, mais quelles sont les choses qu’ils aimeraient que l’on voit en eux ?   « Laissons Wooyoung répondre. Il sait ! » Taecyeon passa tout à coup la main à Wooyoung.   
« Nichkhun est une bonne personne. En étant avec lui, je reçois un peu de sa gentillesse. » Wooyoung a répondu sans même réfléchir. « Taecyeon est quelqu’un de franc, vraiment très franc et très intelligent. Chansung me ressemble et il est doué pour jouer à des jeux… » Il est tout à coup interrompu par la voix alarmée de Chansung, « doué pour jouer à des jeux ?? N’y a-t-il rien d’autre ? »   
« Jun.K est une personne drôle. Junho est très masculin mais certaines personnes le prennent pour une femme… » A cet instant, Junho s’est levé en criant, sous les rires des autres, y compris Wooyoung. « En fait, il est très cool, et Wooyoung est celui qui encourage 2PM, c’est un grand fan de 2PM. »   
Au cours de l’interview, des gestes taquins et joueurs étaient signes d’amour et de lien dans le groupe. Cependant, la relation que 2PM a avec les Hottest sort aussi de l’ordinaire. Les membres montent toujours sur scène, qu’elle soit petite ou grande, qu’il fasse beau ou qu’il pleuve. (Vous vous rappelez du guerilla concert à Kon Mueng en 2011 ? Il y a eu 4 721 personnes venues au concert malgré la forte pluie. Ils ont fait leur performance sans craindre la tempête). Il y a eu un autre incident d’un membre qui est arrivé en une heure (Junho avait pris l’avion pour tourner une pub toute la journée en Thaïlande et était retourné le soir en Corée pour filmer un drama. Puis, il est reparti en Thaïlande le lendemain matin pour être sur scène et voir ses fans dans l’après-midi sous une température de 40°C). 2PM a toujours le sourire et est heureux.   
Les Hottests, le staff et moi-même pouvions ressentir le bonheur de ces six hommes. Ils sont heureux car ils peuvent voir leurs fans. Cela se traduit par des sourires et de la gaieté, rendant les personnes autour d’eux heureuses également.
« Les Hottests sont très important(e)s pour 2PM, c’est l’oxygène de 2PM » a révélé Jun.K, « Jusqu’à présent, nous avons fait de la musique, des concerts et tout le reste pour une unique raison, nos fans. Nos fans sont la raison pour laquelle nous vivons. Une personne en vie doit respirer, et nous avons besoins d’air pour respirer. 2PM a besoin des Hottests pour vivre. »   
Peut-être est-ce grâce à l’amour que reçoivent les Hottests (de la part de 2PM) que ce fandom est l’un des plus unis et des plus dynamiques. En Thaïlande, le fandom Hottest a été le premier à utiliser des lampes de poche pour écrire le mot « 2PM » au Rachamingkhala Stadium. C’est le seul fandom qui se soit rassemblé (la majorité des fans ne se connaissant pas) pour monter ce projet. De plus, c’est le seul fandom qui mène tous ses projets de manière unie, sans se diviser en groupes. Et n’oubliez pas l’assistance du bateau « 2PM Kon Thai » (Kon Thai = Thaïlandais) qui a aidé les personnes dans le besoin suite à la grande inondation en Thaïlande.   
Toute relation saine se doit d’avoir une communication à double sens qui soit « donnant-donnant », en-dehors d’une relation entre artiste et fan. Si vous voulez savoir quelle énergie peut sortir d’une amitié sincère, si vous voulez savoir comment est un artiste, regardez ses fans. La relation de 2PM et de leurs fans en est la preuve.   
« Ce que nous voulons des Hottest, c’est de l’attention, de la considération, et de s’avoir les uns les autres », a confirmé Wooyoung. « Chaque année, quand nous faisons de la musique, les paroles et les pensées que nous mettons dans les chansons ou dans les concerts sont de plus en plus profondes, et expriment nos vrais sentiments. Ça ne doit pas être clair. Je ne sais pas du tout ce que je raconte ! ». Changement d’humeur soudain en passant du sérieux à l’humour – C’est le style 2PM. Les autres membres qui l’écoutaient se sont mis à crier et à rigoler. « Disons simplement que nous avons une connexion plus profonde parce que nous pouvons toujours plus nous comprendre. Nous aimerions que Hottest ne fasse qu’un avec 2PM pour toujours, comme maintenant. Que les encouragements et les rencontres continuent comme cela. »  
Si ce que Wooyoung vient de dire n’est pas suffisamment explicite, alors retenez le principe fondamental qu’ils suivent autant au travail que dans leur vie personnelle. Être attentionné et sincère avec tout et tout le monde est la clé pour être un groupe aimé.   
« Quand je tourne un drama, j’ai la chance de rencontrer des acteurs et des personnes du staff que je n’ai jamais vus. Je réalise que, quelle que soit la personne que nous rencontrons, nous devons la traiter comme si nous allions la revoir et non comme si c’était la seule fois. Penser qu’on la reverra… » Chansung, le plus jeune qui est réfléchi et intéressé par la philosophie et la psychologie. Il a parlé si longtemps que les autres lui ont dit de s’arrêter. Chansung a ri timidement, « je pense que l’on doit penser ainsi quand on rencontre d’autres personnes dans sa vie personnelle ou en tant qu’idole. Ne pensez pas que l’on rencontre quelqu’un une fois et que l’on peut faire ce que l’on veut. Nous devons agir en gardant à l’esprit que l’on rencontrera à nouveau cette personne dans le futur. »   
« Il arrive que des chanteurs plus jeunes me disent qu’ils m’ont vu dans un drama et qu’ils voudraient être comme moi. Ils me disent qu’ils me voient comme leur idole ou comme une source d’inspiration pour eux. Je me sens investi d’une responsabilité ». Des gestes sérieux d’un garçon espiègle comme Taecyeon ont impressionné les autres membres. « J’aimerais que les jeunes aient une attitude positive, des pensées appropriées, un bon comportement et de la conversation, pas seulement dans le cadre du travail. Donc je me force à réfléchir avant de parler ou de faire quoi que ce soit, car les gens vous jugent d’après vos paroles et votre comportement ».   
Avant de se quitter, bien qu’il ne nous soit pas permis de poser de questions sur leur engagement à l’armée, nous savons tout de même que certains membres doivent faire leur service. Nous ne savons pas s’ils iront un par un ou ensemble (chose dont ils avaient parlé quelques temps auparavant). En venant ainsi en Thaïlande, c’est une façon pour eux de dire au revoir au complet. Mais attendez ! Car Nichkhun a conclu en disant que tous les membres étaient actuellement très occupés. Chansung et Junho apparaissent dans des dramas en cours de diffusion. Taecyeon va commencer le tournage de son drama juste après son départ de Thaïlande. Au même moment, 2PM tiendra leur Arena Tour Galaxy Of 2PM au Japon. Après cela, il y aura l’album solo d’un membre qui garde ça secret. Et enfin, 2PM fera son retour en Corée avec un concert énorme.   
« On viendra peut-être aussi en Thaïlande… à voir »   
Nichkhun a souri malicieusement. C’était un sourire que j’aimerais traduire par « nous viendrons sans aucun doute ».  
Source: Billboard Thailand Magazine 
ANG:  taecthaifangirl
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