#g7 music group
jiisoooo · 2 years
I’m never getting into another group the way I am into got7 like
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savagegood · 1 year
@shinjiroatae1126: To all my fans, today was a very special day for me. For years, I struggled to accept a part of myself...But now, after all I have been through, I finally have the courage to open up to you about something. I am a gay man. It has taken me a long time to be able to say I am gay. I could not even say it to myself. However, I’ve come to realize it is better, both for me, and for the people I care about, including my fans, to live life authentically than to live a life never accepting who I truly am. I hope people who are struggling with the same feeling will find courage and know they are not alone.
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ps, he’s released a new song, “into the light”, which you can watch here. part of the proceeds from the single will go to lgbtq+ organisations
@shinjiroatae1126: July 26th, 2023 was a big day for me. I finally gathered the courage to come out to the public as a gay man. I am grateful to have received media coverage from multiple platforms both within Japan and overseas.
To be honest, I was extremely anxious before all of this happened. However, I've been pleasantly surprised to discover the overwhelming amount of positive feedback pouring in from both my fans and people who have come across the news about me. It's heartwarming to see that my story is being acknowledged from all around the world, and this brings me immense joy. Although they may be baby steps, I sense that this world is gradually moving into the light. Yesterday, I made an announcement about resuming my career as an artist. I also released a new song titled “Into The Light”. The music video for the song is also on YouTube now. This song is packed with the emotions and thoughts leading up to this point, including my decision to come out. Living with anxieties and struggles is not limited to just LGBTQ+ individuals. I hope this song can be a source of encouragement for anyone carrying such emotions. I've aimed for it to become a song that can uplift those with similar feelings. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Pride House Tokyo, Japan’s first permanent LGBTQ+ center, and ReBit, an organization providing resources and support for LGBTQ+ youth. I hope this song will touch many hearts.🙏🌈
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At first, there was total silence. Then, there were shrieks, wild applause, weeping and shouts of “I love you!”
Fans of Shinjiro Atae, a J-pop idol who has been on a nearly two-year performance hiatus, had come to hear him talk about “the challenge of my life.” Standing onstage in a dark auditorium in front of 2,000 fans in central Tokyo on Wednesday night, he revealed something he has kept hidden for most of his life: He is gay.
“I respect you and believe you deserve to hear this directly from me,” he said, reading from a letter he had prepared. “For years, I struggled to accept a part of myself. But now, after all I have been through, I finally have the courage to open up to you about something. I am a gay man.”
Such an announcement is extremely unusual in conservative Japan, the only G7 country that has not legalized same-sex unions. Earlier this summer, the Japanese Parliament passed an L.G.B.T.Q rights bill but it had been watered down by the political right, stating that there “should be no unfair discrimination” against gay and transgender people.
In making a public declaration, the 34-year-old Mr. Atae, who spent two decades performing with AAA, a hit Japanese pop group, before embarking on a solo career, said he wanted his fans to know his true self. He also hopes to comfort those who might be grappling with anxieties about their sexuality.
“I don’t want people to struggle like me,” he said.
AAA debuted in 2005, with Mr. Atae, the youngest member, forgoing high school. He performed mostly as a dancer, and began appearing in TV series and movies.
His sexuality perplexed him. “It was a time when on TV, comedians would say two men kissing was gross,” he said. If anyone asked if he had a girlfriend, he just said he was too busy working.
Activists said they could not recall an instance when a Japanese pop star of his stature had publicly declared they were gay, because of anxieties about losing fans or sponsors.
“I think he has decided to come out in order to change Japan,” said Gon Matsunaka, a director and adviser to Pride House Tokyo, a support center for the gay and transgender community.
The decision to open up about his sexuality, he said, evolved over seven years of living in Los Angeles, where he saw how freely gay couples could show affection in public and built an extensive support network.
“Everyone was so open,” he said. “People would talk about their vulnerabilities. In Japan, people think it’s best not to talk about those things.”
Mr. Atae’s decision, he said, was not political.  All he wanted, he said, was to “normalize” being gay. Coming out, he knew, would likely draw criticism. “Whatever you do, there will be haters,” he said. “I can only focus on the people I might be helping.”
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get-back-homeward · 2 years
Paul’s Trying To Get To You
The thread of this song weaving in and out of Paul’s most formative music experiences
Oct 1956: Elvis’s debut album is released in the UK as Rock ‘n’ Roll and the B-side includes Trying to Get to You
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I just had to reach you, baby / In spite of all that I've been through / I kept traveling night and day / I kept running all the way / Baby, trying to get to you.
Well if I had to do it over / That's exactly what I'd do / I would travel night and day / And I'd still run all the way / Baby, trying to get to you
[full lyrics]
Jan-June 1957: Ian James gets the Elvis record and a guitar
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“It was in this time frame that Paul formed a closer friendship with Ian James, an Institute boy (in his year) he’d known since 1954. Ian was also into rock and skiffle and he’d recently been bought an acoustic guitar by his grandparents, at whose house he lived in the Dingle. (Every guitar had a maker’s name: his was a Rex.) The two boys became good pals on the strength of it. While they tended not to see each other in the evenings, because they lived some distance apart, Paul often went to Ian’s house for an hour or two after school—they walked there together down the hill from the Institute—and Ian sometimes went to Forthlin Road at weekends, taking his guitar with him. Ian James held a triple attraction for Paul: he was an intelligent, decent and affable lad, he had some rock records, and he had a guitar—an unbeatable combination.
In the front room at home I had a table-top portable record player, three speed. I remember playing “Blueberry Hill” by Fats Domino over and over, just the first line and then I’d pick up the needle and put it back at the start. I also had Elvis Presley’s first album, which we played time after time after time, with “That’s All Right Mama,” “Trying to Get to You,” “Lawdy Miss Clawdy,” “I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Cry (Over You),” “Mystery Train” … Elvis was the one to copy, he was the hero. He had everything: the charisma, the looks, the voice. Frank Sinatra had only one style but Elvis could do anything—gospel, blues, rock and roll, romantic ballads. There was nobody else like him. Paul and I talked about Elvis all the time.15
The Rex guitar was ever at hand. Ian showed and reinforced to Paul those three chord fundamentals that would get him started, C, F and G or G7, the basis for pretty much every song they loved.”
—Tune In (Ch. 5, Jan-June 1957)
July 1957: Paul is invited to join the Quarrymen and trades his trumpet for his first guitar
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At some point in July 1957, Paul finally got his first guitar. It had been a long time coming and he was desperate. As he couldn’t afford to buy one he had the bright idea of swapping his trumpet for it, the one his dad had bought him two years earlier. Jim didn’t mind—it was clear where Paul’s interest was. “I traded in the trumpet for a £15 Zenith guitar from Frank Hessy’s. There was a feller there called Jim Gretty and he showed us (me and George) a great chord. I never knew its name—we called it ‘a jazz chord’…”
Mike McCartney has said of Paul and his first guitar, “He would get lost in another world. It was useless talking to him—I had better conversations with brick walls.” Paul played the guitar everywhere, even on the bus. At home he played it in the bath and sitting on the toilet. “The fine acoustic of the toilet area was always very appealing to me. And it was also very private, about the only private place in the house. I used to sit there for hours—there and the bathroom. Dad would shout, ‘Paul, get off that toilet!’ [And I’d reply] ‘I’m practicing!’ ”4
…Rod Davis has a recollection of Paul dropping in to see a group rehearsal at (of all places) Mimi’s house, and Eric Griffiths says the group all went to Paul’s house one afternoon for a rehearsal together—something Paul has never mentioned. (Like almost everything to do with the Quarry Men, solid information is lacking.)
…Ian James says he and Paul struck up an informal musical duo: “We used to take our guitars around to parties and play a few numbers. Have guitar will travel—wherever we went our guitars went too. We played songs from that first Elvis LP: ‘Trying to Get to You,’ ‘Lawdy Miss Clawdy,’ ‘Mystery Train’…
—Tune In (Ch. 7, July-Aug 1957)
Aug 1957: Paul’s away at summer camp and then on holiday but glued to his guitar
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[O]n August 7, the Quarry Men played the Cavern again…This Cavern booking would have been Paul’s Quarry Men debut but for him being away with the Boy Scouts at summer camp—another ten days of wet feet, wind and Woodbines. The 19th City troop’s destination this year was the Peak District—Callow Farm, Hathersage, Derbyshire—and both McCartney brothers went. Paul (inevitably) carted his Zenith along with his sleeping bag and tin mug. Almost as soon as they’d pitched tents, Mike had an altercation with an oak tree, badly breaking his arm; he was taken to the hospital in Sheffield while Paul remained at the camp and entertained around the fire with Elvis’s “Trying to Get to You.”13
Mike was in the hospital four weeks, his plastered arm in a sling, and on the day of his release—the last full week of the school holidays—Jim arrived in Sheffield with Paul and revealed they were all heading straight off to Butlin’s. Bett and Mike Robbins had fixed them seven days at Filey, on Yorkshire’s east coast…
Ever the keen photographer, Mike operated the camera single-handedly to take a fascinating photo of Paul on Filey beach with Bett Robbins and her infant son Ted. Paul is perched on Ted’s pushchair and playing the much-traveled Zenith. The photo could be the closest taken to the date he met John Lennon, showing a 15-year-old who’s come through his chubby period and is looking good.
—Tune In (Ch. 7, July-Dec 1957)
Oct-Nov 1957: Paul plays his first gigs with the band as John’s equal
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In images of the Quarry Men before Paul joined they’re all wearing different clothes. In the first photo of the group with Paul they have a uniform look, and a sharp one at that: white shirts with black bootlace ties and black trousers, and John and Paul (only) are also wearing jackets on top, white or cream—it’s Paul’s “white sports coat” and something similar John has managed to acquire. This was undoubtedly Paul’s doing, reaching back to his experience at Butlin’s in 1954 when he saw how a singing group in matching gear claimed everyone’s attention. He’d brought the thinking early to John, and John had bought it. And something else is compelling about this Quarry Men photo: although it’s John’s group, new boy Paul is not at the back with Colin or Len, or to the side like Eric, he’s up front with John. Lennon and McCartney are clearly the front line of the Quarry Men, strumming crummy Gallotone and upside-down Zenith, and they’re the only ones with vocal microphones. The group is the two of them and three others. When one sings lead the other provides harmony; often they sing the lead in unison—and their voices go together.
One can only surmise what they sang into those microphones. Nigel Walley remembers plenty of rock in the repertoire in this period and not so much skiffle, including several Elvis numbers—“All Shook Up,” “Blue Moon of Kentucky,” “Heartbreak Hotel,” “Hound Dog,” “Lawdy Miss Clawdy,” “That’s All Right Mama” and “Trying to Get to You”—as well as “Be-Bop-A-Lula,” “Blue Suede Shoes” (Carl or Elvis), “Come Go with Me” and “Twenty Flight Rock.”
—Tune In (Ch. 7, July-Dec 1957)
Jan-May 1958: Paul writes In Spite of All the Danger and John wants to record it
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As George knew several more guitar chords than John or Paul, every time he showed them a new one they tried to write a song around it36—and it was in this period, possibly at Upton Green, that Paul wrote one he called “In Spite of All the Danger,” a chugging and melodic country-flavored number with a couple of extended lead guitar solos created by George. For this reason, the song was a unique deviation from the Lennon-McCartney credit: it went down as McCartney-Harrison.
The tune of “In Spite of All the Danger” was entirely Paul’s, but it leaned heavily on the melody of Elvis’s “Trying to Get to You,” a song that includes the lyric “[in] spite of all that I’ve been through.” Using an existing song as inspiration for the writing of another is standard practice, but the rock and roll era was already littered with outrageous examples of plagiarism seemingly free of legal action—possibly because the song being copied was not entirely original to that composer either.
…John decided the Quarry Men should make a record, and the others needed no persuading—just 3s 6d each. This time the answer to “Where we going, Johnny?” was 38 Kensington, where one Percy F. Phillips ran probably Liverpool’s only recording studio and record press.
Seventeen years later, without the advantage of hearing it in between times, John recalled what he could of the session: “The first thing we ever recorded was ‘That’ll Be the Day,’ the Buddy Holly song, and one of Paul’s called ‘In Spite of All the Danger.’ It cost us fifteen shillings and we made it in the front room of some guy’s house that he called a recording studio.”
…John again sings lead on “In Spite of All the Danger,” Paul provides more fine harmonies throughout, and George adds an “ah” backing. It’s said Colin and Duff hadn’t heard the song before, and so were feeling their way through it, but it’s not solely for this reason that it plods somewhat. Though the debt to “Trying to Get to You” is clear, it’s still an original number and an interesting, attractive one at that, written by a boy of 15—a fantastic achievement.
—Tune In (Ch. 8, Jan-May 1958)
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Judd Legum at Popular Information:
This month, Sinclair Broadcast Group has flooded a vast network of local news websites with misleading articles suggesting that President Biden is mentally unfit for office. The articles are based on specious social media posts by the Republican National Committee (RNC), which are then repackaged to resemble news reports. The thinly disguised political attacks are then syndicated to dozens of local news websites owned by Sinclair, where they are given the imprimatur of mainstream media brands, including NBC, ABC, and CBS. 
For example, on June 10, Biden attended an event on the White House lawn celebrating Juneteenth. The event included a musical performance, and Biden listened with a broad smile but did not dance. The RNC's "research" team posted a clip of Biden on X with the caption, "Why isn't Biden moving?"  Hours later, the RNC's post was embedded into an article published by Sinclair's National Desk, with the headline, "Biden appears to freeze, slur words during White House Juneteenth event."  The article claims, without evidence, that Biden was "dazed" and only "snapped out of his stupor" when the man next to him put his arm around his shoulder. It also quotes the Trump campaign's social media response to the same RNC video: "Lights are on but no one’s home." The incident was described as one of "multiple senior moments" for Biden during the event. 
The other "senior moment" highlighted in Sinclair's article is based on a clip posted on X by Fox News' Sean Hannity, one of Donald Trump's closest allies. Hannity posted a low-quality clip of Biden's speech at the event with the caption, "Biden sparks concern as he slurs his words during Juneteenth speech." Biden, who has been open about overcoming a stutter that he has had since childhood, slightly swallows the word "history." But the full video of his speech shows that he spoke clearly. 
The article concludes by promoting an absurd rumor, based on a deceptively edited clip, that Biden soiled himself on stage while attending a D-Day celebration in Europe a few days earlier. "Biden’s strange stooping motion caused several terms to trend on X, including 'diaper,' 'pooping' and 'pooped,'" Sinclair's National Desk reported.  On June 6, Sinclair also devoted an entire article to amplifying the right-wing fabrication that Biden soiled himself on stage. The URL for the article even includes the word "pooping." According to Sinclair, the incident "paints a poor picture for President Biden, 81, who is fighting off harsh criticisms of his physical and mental capabilities." Another article referencing "pooping" was published by Sinclair and syndicated to its affiliates on June 7.
[...] There was nothing strange about the incident. The G7 leaders watched a skydiving demonstration, with each parachuter carrying a flag for each nation. Biden briefly walks away from the group to give another parachuter a thumbs up. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that Biden "was being very polite and went over to talk to all of them individually."  Nevertheless, Sinclair framed the G7 incident as another example of Biden's mental infirmity. The article linked Biden's conduct to Sinclair's previous allegation that Biden was "dazed" during the Juneteenth celebration and suggestions that Biden soiled himself at the D-Day event. It was then syndicated to the same large network of local news affiliates. Baseless attacks by the RNC, the Trump campaign, and Sean Hannity were now legitimized under the branding of ABC, CBS, and NBC. 
Sinclair was participating in a disinformation campaign led by Trump supporters and Trump himself. "[Biden] goes over to France and something happened and it’s not good, I don’t know what it is," Trump said in an interview with right-wing influencer Charlie Kirk. This is the level of journalism that is being automatically syndicated to dozens of local news outlets, which most Americans still trust as a source of information.  The tactics Sinclair is using on local news websites are similar to those it is deploying on local television. Last week, Popular Information and Public Notice exposed how Sinclair aggressively promotes specious claims about President Joe Biden's fitness for office through dozens of local newscasts. 
Right-wing propaganda broadcast group Sinclair spread articles falsely asserting that President Biden is “mentally unfit for office” to its stations by pushing doctored propaganda about Biden’s physical and mental capabilities.
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weird question but do you know any place i can find a summary of chapter 5? or if you have one? i dont like vil so i cant really make myself sit and read the whole chapter but i wanna move forward and read chapter 6 but ALSO feel like i should know the important plot points so im not like "wtf is going on"
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I mean 🥲 I don’t like Vil either, but I’d still highly encourage you to read episode 5! Getting a summary isn’t really the same as experiencing the story for yourself; the visuals, songs, and voice acting really helps to sell the emotions and the stakes. Who knows, maybe you’ll leave episode 5 with a little more appreciation for Vil (or the other characters; they all have various cute or heroic moments)? He’ll come back to play a major role in episode 6 anyway, and his character moments won’t hit as hard if you didn’t read 5. For example, there’s a particular line of Rook’s in 5 that Vil repeats in 6 which really hammers home his character development since 5.
… Although I won’t lie, episode 5 has veeery slow pacing because it’s basically one long, dragged out training arc 😂 so I’ll summarize what happens anyway; just know that I’d still recommend actually playing through the story yourself, especially if any of these plot points seem too cool or too interesting to not witness yourself. I’ll be glossing over things that aren’t relevant to the main conflict, so 💦 please keep that in mind!
Sooo Yuu starts off Book 5: A Beautiful Tyrant by finally starting to put the pieces together; they visit the Great Seven statues and confirm their own suspicions that the figures in their dreams are the same as the people depicted in the G7 statues (though their actions are framed as more “evil” in the dreams).
Yuu tells Adeuce and Grim about Mickey! They suggest that Yuu takes a picture of Mickey with the Ghost Camera so they can use it to investigate who or what he is.
There’s a dorm leader meeting to give exposition about an upcoming event. NRC will be having a two-day cultural festival in about two months! They will put on a bunch of activities, as well as showcase their clubs and give presentations on the art and research their students have produced.
One of the biggest events is the Vocal and Dance Championship (VDC). In EN, this has been changed to Song and Dance Championship (SDC), so I will refer to it by the English name to avoid confusion. It’s basically the music industry equivalent to what the Magical Shift/Spelldrive tournament was in episode 2; it’s a golden opportunity to launch many people’s singing careers in the entertainment industry. (A lot of talent agencies will apparently clamor to sign you on for a professional debut if you’re a SDC finalist!) The favorites to win this year are Vil and Neige Leblanche (twisted from Snow White).
I won’t mention every single time this happens, but throughout the chapter Vil has these segments where he asks his phone assistant Mira (TWST Alexa or Siri, basically) who the fairest of them all is. Mira always replies with “Neige Leblanche”, which seems to greatly frustrate Vil.
Anyway, Adeuce and Grim are interested in entering SDC because if the team representing their school makes it to the finals, they’ll get a cash prize of 50,000 thaumarks (5 million madol in JP).
Ace and Grim are pumped about trying out for NRC’s team, but Deuce is hesitant and bails.
The group eats lunch and then chills in the courtyard; it’s here that they hear singing and follow the song. It was Epel who was singing down a well (a Snow White reference), because he thought the well would help project his voice more clearly.
Deuce recognizes Epel as the crying boy he ran into at the end of episode 4! Epel says he recognizes Yuu and co. from the Magical Shift/Spelldrive tournament; he also heard about them from his classmate Jack.
Epel tells them about how his dorm leader Vil wants him to practice singing and that he’ll be a part of the SDC auditions. However, it seems that Epel isn’t eager to do this (which Deuce notices).
Vil comes to check on Epel and catches him talking to Yuu and co,; he is disappointed in Epel for “slacking off” and tries to drag him off. When Epel resists, Vil reminds him of a promise they made, which makes Epel fall into line.
Ace, ever the nosy one, picks a fight with Vil (because he doesn’t think he should be bossing Epel around). Epel begs everyone to not do it, but they fight anyway and Vil is, of course, victorious.
This reinvigorates Deuce’s motivation to be in SDC; he wants to help Epel, who seemed to be so hesitant about taking part.
Adeuce and Grim practice dancing on the basketball court. Here they run into Kalim and Jamil, who are also planning on auditioning since they already enjoy singing and dancing. The Scarabia boys give some pointers on dancing to Adeuce and Grim.
Azul shows up; he needed to find Jamil (they’re classmates) because Professor Trein needed his help with handing papers out. The boys banter a bit and Azul reveals that he was bluffing in episode 4 about live streaming Jamil’s breakdown and OB to the world. Only the Scarabia dorm members are aware of the incident.
Tying up loose ends from the ending of 4!! Kalim was able to convince everyone to let Jamil stay on as vice and to give him a second chance. Jamil claims that he is behaving for now to atone what he did, though he also says he will work hard to prove his worth.
The Scarabia boys tell Adeuce to sign up for SDC auditions via a “Rook Hunt”, who is in class 3-A. They go and do this and uh (well, Leona cameo but that’s not important) 🤡 well, Rook does what he does best and spooks them.
Cut to the VDC auditions! We see other competitors, one of which is Lilia (who delivered a holiday card from “M.D.” to Yuu) and Cater! They share some tea about the mysterious Shroud brothers, who enrolled at the same time and seem to do everything together.
Cater wants to show Grim a video, but he’s forced to sit through an ad first. It’s an advertisement for an apple soda featuring Neige (who, if you’ll recall, is one of the favorites to win SDC).
We get to hear various characters (Cater, Ruggie, Kalim, Jamil, Epel, Ortho, and Lilia) sing part of TWST’s opening song, Piece of My World!
Auditions wrap up and at first Vil wants to pick only the best performers, a she believes this will give him the greatest chance of beating Neige. However, Rook stops him and suggests that he instead pick people who are rough around the edges so Vil can polish them to perfection. Rook points out that he sees a lot of potential in Adeuce in particular.
Rook shoots an arrow at Adeuce with a letter attached to it letting them know they passed auditions, so they should report to Pomefiore dorm. Yuu is also told to come along.
The gang pulls up to Pomefiore and meet Kalim and Jamil there. Turns out the Scarabia duo have also passed!
A bunch of Pomefiore students start attacking them, but they manage to battle their way to Pomefiore’s ballroom where Vil is waiting. This was all a test he arranged so they could prove their worth to him.
So the SDC team is: Vil, Rook, Epel, Jamil, Kalim, Ace, and Deuce.
There’s only a month left until SDC. Crowley wants Yuu to let the NRC team hold their training camp at Ramshackle, since he is convinced that living together will help them build teamwork. He originally thought of holding the camp at Pomefiore, but he didn’t want some students to feel out of their element. They get bribed with a cut of the prize money and the promise of Ramshackle renovations 😂 so Yuu’s like “Okay, sure. C’mon in.”
Everyone moves in, and Vil starts imposing new rules on the SDC team members. For example, he takes away their snacks (including an apple pie and chocolate cake that Trey sent with Adeuce) and says he has designed low calorie yet nutritional meals for them. (I want to be clear here: some people misinterpret this part as “Vil is starving them like Mama Rosehearts starved Riddle!” which is NOT true. Rook says that this is not a diet in that sense, but to help them be in shape. Vil wants them to eat healthily so they can perform at their best.)
Vil gets a phone call from his manager who says he has been offered a role in a biiig movie production… as the villain. The hero for this movie will be played by Neige. Upon learning this, Vil becomes irritated and insists his manager reject the offer. He doesn’t care how much money he could earn from this, he says that all he wants to do is “stand the stage until the very end”. Vil then tells his manager to not contact him again until SDC is over.
It is revealed that the voting for SDC is done via audience poll, not by professional judges. This is an important detail to keep in mind for later.
Vil shows the group an original song (Absolutely Beautiful). In EN, he says he commissioned it but in JP he is more vague with his wording, which has led some fans to conclude that Vil personally worked on producing this song. (Uhhh, they also sing Piece of My World at some point.)
He tries to show them a video to help everyone get a feel for the dance choreography, and another ad featuring Neige plays. The boys talk about how Neige is such a popular celeb these days, and how he’s a student of Royal Sword Academy so that makes him their rival. Vil says something cryptic about how he’ll finally defeat Neige this time.
Vil picks himself, Epel, and Jamil as the main vocalists. Jamil is surprised and starts to say that Kalim should be picked instead of him, but Jamil stops himself and accepts the role.
Epel says he isn’t sure about being picked, but Vil again brings up their promise which makes him comply.
They keep practicing and Epel pisses Vil off when he says the dance is too girly. Vil chews Epel out for having outdated views on gender and then places him on a solo ballet regimen. Deuce asks to join Epel for his ballet lessons!
A ghost delivers 10 crates of apple juice to Epel. This is unsold stock from his family’s business, which is struggling at the moment. They all chill and sip on the apple juice!
Vil interrupts to lecture them on skincare. Ace asks isn’t there magic to make them instantly beautiful? This seems to annoy Vil, who says that he’s not interested in “beauty that only lasts until the strike of midnight”.
Yuu wakes up in the middle of the night to find Kalim singing outside Ramshackle. He confesses that he’s frustrated about not being chosen as a main vocalist. Kalim’s so used to having everything handed to him that the experience of being overlooked surprised him. He says that he wants to try hard so that he will genuinely be picked for something because he’s actually the best choice for it.
It’s revealed that Jamil was listening in on Kalim!
Adeuce sneak bites of Trey’s apple pie and chocolate cake. Vil catches them in the act 🤡 Adeuce suddenly fall over and can’t move!! Vil tells them he put a curse on the baked goods using his unique magic/signature spell. Fairest One of All allows Vil to lay a curse for anything he touches. The conditions he sets must be fulfilled, for even the original caster cannot lift it. (Vil cursed the pie and cake so that if anyone eats it, they cannot move until morning comes.)
Yuu sees Mickey in the mirror again but fails to take a picture of him. They begin to wonder how their original world and Mickey’s may be connected.
This isn’t relevant in the story of 5, but it may be important overall lore-wise. Apparently it is possible to transfer into NRC; Kalim originally did not go to NRC but the dark carriage came for him one month after Jamil enrolled.
Epel becomes frustrated with practice and wants to quit the team. He fights with Vil and loses, prompting Epel to run off.
Deuce suggests maybe Vil be nicer, but Vil snaps that Deuce has no room to be worrying about others or taking back when he’s falling behind the rest of the team. Vil compares Deuce to Ace, saying that the difference between them is too obvious. Ace tells Deuce to focus on himself more, and Deuce gets mad because someone naturally gifted like Ace wouldn’t understand him.
The team is really fractured at this point, so Jamil suggests taking a break. During this break, Rook advises Vil that he show Epel “the power of beauty”, to which Vil agrees.
Rook and Kalim give Deuce a pep talk! It leads Deuce to nabbing a magical wheel (blastcycle?) from Ignihyde and driving himself and Epel to a local beach. (They also see RSA on the way!)
The two shout their frustrations at the sea, and Epel’s dialect comes out full force which shocks Deuce. Epel then explains how he doesn’t want people to underestimate him because of his looks. On his first day (before he was sorted into a dorm), Vil tells him to button up his shirt and comments on his cute face, which causes Epel to instigate a fight.
Vil wins and tells Epel that “the weak obey the strong”, so until Epel is able to beat him, he has to listen to everything Vil says. This explains why Epel usually hides his dialect; Vil says that he doesn’t have a problem with Epel’s love for his hometown, but that there is a time and place for the dialect and his rude attitude. In this case, he must address his superiors properly.
The two first years have a heart-to-heart! Epel talks about wanting to become stronger, and Deuce talks about how how his own strength is how amazingly stupid and stubborn he is.
Epel gets a phone call from his mom!! Their business was suddenly flooded with orders from all over the world, and she says a customer told her it was because of “Vil”, whom Mrs. Felmier recognized as Epel’s dorm leader. She asks him to thank Vil for her.
Vil made a Magicam post featuring the Felmier family apple juice! All of his fans want to try the same juice, so they’re buying it en masse. This is the “power of beauty” Vil wanted to show him, that being beautiful and being strong can be powerful in their own rights, and that until Epel understands that, he can never defeat Vil.
They’re interrupted by some random NPCs that want to ride on Deuce’s (borrowed) ride. The NPCs get aggressive, but Epel is able to catch them off-guard with his cutesy looks. This lets Epel get some hits in!
The NPCs are beating them 😔 but suddenly…?! Deuce’s magical power overflows…!!
We cut to a later point that day when Epel and Deuce return, apologize to Vil, and rejoin the SDC group. Deuce confronts Ace and swears to him that he doesn’t plan on losing to him!
Crowley gives everyone in the team tickets for them to invite people to see the show. Yuu gives their ticket to Malleus.
The cultural festival has arrived at last! Yuu spends some time looking around at the attractions with Grim. We get a bunch of cameos from other characters.
While looking through some of the exhibitions, they see some NRC mob students bullying some short RSA students. The NRC boys intervene, and then Chenya comes to pick up the short kids (which are twisted versions of the Seven Dwarves).
Yuu and co. go to the SDC location (the Purple Stage) for rehearsals. Surprise?! Neige appears!! Vil is curt but professional with him.
NRC does their practice run and, for a brief moment, Vil is considered “most beautiful” (he checks with Mira). Buuut then Neige and the dwarves do their practice run (EN removed the song Minna de Yahoo), and Neige is on top again 😭 (Their performance isn’t even that well-executed, they’re very clumsy and everything. The song also isn’t very unique; it’s an arrangement of a popular children’s song from the Shaftlands. However, it still makes the filming staff feel nostalgic and they gush about how cute Neige is and how pure he makes them feel.)
Vil gets a scary look on his face and leaves; Rook, Kalim, and Jamil notice the look he made 👁️ 👄 👁️ Errr, Vil shatters his phone (“mirror”) in a fit of rage.
Yuu follows Vil backstage because they have a bad feeling. They see Vil offering apple juice from Epel’s family to Neige.
Neige is about to drink it until Rook intervenes and tells him (his “Snow White”) to hurry away because the staff need him. Rook takes the juice for himself and tries to drink it, but then Kalim cuts in and knocks the glass out of his hand.
It starts bubbling on the ground 💀 Vil cursed the apple juice! Kalim says he recognized the face Vil was making; it’s just like Jamil before he went mad over winter break.
Rook says he wanted to drink the juice even knowing it would harm him because he wants to believe that Vil wouldn’t tarnish his beauty and hard work by stooping so low.
The spilled juice vaporizes into a toxic mist, and Vil begins to Overblot 😔 He is different than the previous Overblots in that he is somewhat self-aware of what is happening to him (he shouts at everyone to not look at him, at his “ugliness”; the ugliness here is not literal, Vil is most likely referring to his “ugly” actions (ie the attempt to poison Neige, perhaps even kill him).
Jamil comes on the magic carpet to whisk everyone somewhere safe! He lets them know he used Snake Whisper to get Neige to put on a performance. This performance lured people away to watch him (plus, the first years went around getting rid of loiterers), so the SDC stadium is empty except for OB Vil, Grim, Yuu, and the NRC SDC group.
Deuce saves the day by directing the damage he has taken so far back at Vil…! This is the unique magic/signature spell he unlocked on the beach, Bet the Limit (Double Down in EN).
In the post-OB flashback sequence, we learn that Vil’s dad was a famous actor as well! It seems that Vil has consistently been casted as the villain ever since he started his own acting career. He resents this, because according to him, “a villain never stands on the stage until the very end, they can only watch the happy ending from the sidelines”.
Vil was also bullied in the past, although it is a different kind of bullying than Azul suffered. Other kids assumed he was as cold and cruel as the villains he portrayed in films, dramas, and musicals. (We see young Jack defending Vil!) He worked very hard in hopes of landing a hero role—but he was still never chosen.
Vil wakes up and finds himself upon a ruined Purple Stage. SDC can’t happen like this…
Malleus shows up with his ticket and uses his magic to repair the stage—he came to see their performance, after all. (It is also here when Yuu finally learns who “Tsunotaro/Hornton” truly is.)
SDC happens!! More cameos from characters in the audience as they vote.
RSA wins by one vote. That deciding vote was… Rook! Now, he gets a lot of hate for this move, but 🥲 he explains that he couldn’t lie to himself; he was genuinely moved more by Neige than his own group’s performance. Additionally, he says that even if they technically didn’t win a competition or get the most votes, so long as Vil has the strength to believe in himself… then no matter how old or disheveled Vil is, he will always be fairest of them all.
Vil collapses and cries…
Neige comes over and??? Turns out that Rook is a HUGE Neige fan 😂 (When first moving into Ramshackle, Vil remarks on a thick book Rook brought with him. They never looked at what was inside, but it was a bunch of Neige bromides.) Neige says he recognized Rook as his fan (“R”) because Rook called him “Snow White”.
Aaand Neige says everyone should sing together :)) (Again, this was removed from EN.) Vil suffers a lot :)))
Crowley is mulling over another loss to RSA and encounters its headmaster, Ambrose the 63rd (twisted from… Merlin???). Ambrose remarks that he senses strong magic in the area (probably residual from either Malleus or OB Vil) and that he’ll have to keep an eye on Crowley’s students.
Yuu finally grabs a picture of Mickey, but then notices Grim is missing so they leave to find him.
They see Grim on the Purple Stage eating Vil’s OB stone. When Grim notices Yuu there, he attacks them.
We finish off on a preview to Ignihyde. Idia gave a presentation at the cultural festival that made a lot of people interested in having him as an intern. Ortho offers to read the email opportunities to him, but in a resigned tone, Idia says to delete them all because he thinks he “doesn’t belong anywhere” so it’s not worth trying to.
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oppvenuz4456 · 16 days
Bouncer Services in Delhi: Ensuring Safety and Security at Events
In a bustling city like Delhi, where large-scale events, parties, weddings, and corporate functions are frequent, ensuring the safety and security of guests is a top priority. Bouncer services have become an essential part of event planning to maintain order, manage crowds, and ensure the smooth functioning of any gathering. Professional bouncers are trained to handle various situations, from managing large crowds to addressing security concerns. Here’s a guide to bouncer services in Delhi and why they are important for your event.
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For More Info Check https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/bouncer/?city=delhi 
Why Hire Bouncer Services?
Hiring bouncer services is crucial for any event where crowd management, security, and safety are priorities. Whether it's a high-profile wedding, a corporate event, a club party, or a product launch, bouncers play a key role in ensuring that everything runs smoothly. Their primary job is to ensure that the event is secure, guests are safe, and any potential risks are mitigated. They also help maintain order, especially in events with large crowds or where alcohol is served. Their presence alone often acts as a deterrent to unruly behavior.
Types of Events That Require Bouncer Services
Bouncer services are essential for a variety of events. For weddings and private parties, especially those with high-profile guests or large numbers of attendees, bouncers help manage entry, keep uninvited guests away, and handle any unforeseen situations. Corporate events also benefit from security services, especially if important clients or dignitaries are attending. Nightclubs, bars, and music events regularly require bouncers to control crowds, prevent disturbances, and ensure compliance with local regulations. Even political rallies, product launches, and promotional events in Delhi often rely on professional bouncers to manage large groups of people safely.
Trained and Professional Bouncers
The bouncer services in Delhi are provided by agencies that hire trained professionals. These bouncers undergo rigorous training in areas like crowd management, first aid, conflict resolution, and handling emergency situations. They are also trained in basic security measures like checking IDs, managing entry points, and ensuring that the event space is secure. In addition to physical training, many agencies in Delhi provide their bouncers with soft skills training, so they can interact politely with guests and manage situations without resorting to force unless absolutely necessary.
Customizable Services for Different Needs
One of the benefits of hiring bouncer services in Delhi is that they can be tailored to the specific needs of your event. You can hire a few bouncers for a small private party or a large team for a major event. Some events might require discreet security to blend into the background, while others may need a more visible security presence. Many agencies offer additional services such as VIP protection, armed security, and CCTV surveillance. Depending on the scale of your event, you can choose services that fit your requirements and budget.
Agencies Offering Bouncer Services in Delhi
Delhi is home to several reputed security agencies that provide bouncer services for various events. Some of the top agencies include G7 Security, known for its reliable and professional bouncers, Security Solutions India, which specializes in both personal and event security, and Fireball Securitas, offering customized security solutions for high-profile events. These agencies are licensed and follow strict protocols to ensure that their staff is well-trained, experienced, and able to handle any security challenges that may arise during an event.
Ensuring Safety and Crowd Control
Bouncers are essential for ensuring that the event remains peaceful and that all guests are safe. They monitor entry points, check guest lists, and ensure that only authorized individuals are allowed into the venue. They also manage the flow of guests, prevent overcrowding, and keep an eye on any suspicious activity. In case of an emergency, bouncers are trained to handle evacuations, provide first aid, and coordinate with local authorities if needed. Their quick response to situations such as fights, theft, or disturbances ensures that the event remains under control.
Working with Event Planners
Most event planners in Delhi coordinate with bouncer service providers to ensure that security is an integral part of the event planning process. Bouncers work closely with event managers, venue staff, and security teams to create a comprehensive safety plan for the event. They ensure that all potential security risks are identified in advance and managed effectively. For larger events, bouncers may also collaborate with local police or emergency services to ensure full coverage and preparedness for any unforeseen incidents.
Importance of Licensing and Background Checks
When hiring bouncers for an event, it’s crucial to work with licensed agencies that perform thorough background checks on their staff. Professional agencies in Delhi ensure that all bouncers have clean records and are physically and mentally fit for the job. This guarantees a higher level of safety and professionalism, reducing the risk of incidents at your event. Always check the credentials of the security agency and inquire about the training and vetting process for their staff.
Cost of Bouncer Services
The cost of bouncer services in Delhi can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the event, the number of bouncers required, and the duration of the event. For smaller private gatherings, hiring one or two bouncers may be relatively affordable. For larger corporate events or weddings, you may need a team of bouncers, which can increase the cost. It’s important to get a detailed quote from the security agency based on your specific needs and ensure that the services offered fit within your budget.Hiring professional bouncer services in Delhi is an essential step in ensuring the success and safety of your event. With trained professionals handling crowd management, security, and emergency situations, you can focus on enjoying the event while ensuring a safe environment for all your guests. Whether you're hosting a large public event or a small private function, bouncer services provide peace of mind and help maintain order.
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ksmutbacklog · 6 months
This has absolutely nothing to do with fics, but this is also a kpop page, so it fits. I'll be honest, I haven't listened to GOT7 since 2020. I actively removed them from any and everything that would automatically play them. (group music, not so much solo stuff) While in Hmart the other day, they played this song and I had all the feels. I forgot how much I loved this song. How much I would put it on repeat and jam away at home or in my car. It was also nice that my mouth had muscle memory for some of the words. Did I sing out loud in Hmart? yes I did Do I know any Japanese? lol no Can I sing? highly doubtful But did I enjoy myself anyway? you bet your ass I did
It made me miss G7 and I think I'll start listening to them again...especially after hearing that they already have a new album recorded! Gotta get back into the groove. Thx for the update Bam.
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codaynamics · 8 months
someone please help me get out of this state or destroy it all. either or.
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Thank you for contacting me regarding the ongoing situation in Israel. The United States and Israel remain unwavering partners in defending our shared interests and promoting peace and security in the region.
          On the morning of October 7th, while most families and children were waking up for the day, Israelis were woken up by the sound of rockets and Hamas terrorists crossing into their country by land, air and sea. More than 1,400 Israelis have been killed, at least 31 Americans are dead, 199 families were informed their loved ones are held hostage in Gaza, and thousands are injured, with numbers only continuing to climb. Israeli civilians and soldiers continue to endure attacks from the Iranian-backed terrorist group, Hamas, which publicly seeks the destruction of the Jewish state and its people. 
          Innocent families were murdered in their homes. Babies were killed and some were ruthlessly beheaded. Children were burned alive. Teenage girls were raped and then burned alive. An elderly wheelchair-bound woman, who was later identified as a Holocaust survivor, was brutally dragged through the streets of Gaza. Children who witnessed the murders of their parents have been kidnapped and are now being held hostage by Hamas. More than 250 young people were savagely murdered, while attending a music festival in Southern Israel. Many shot in the back as they tried to run away. The atrocities are too numerous to fully recount, but the images seen will never leave our memories.
          Since 2021, I have continued to fight to pass my Stop Taxpayer Funding of Hamas Act, to ensure that U.S. taxpayer dollars are not used to perpetuate terrorism in Gaza or fund any United Nations organization teaching anti-Semitic propaganda. Senate Democrats have continuously come to the floor to block this bill, including on Wednesday, October 18th, less than two weeks after the despicable Hamas attack. I will continue to ask for its passage and have recently included a provision ensuring that all hostages held by a terrorist organization have been freed prior to the transfer of any U.S. government funds to Gaza. 
          As Israel continues to face threats to its sovereignty, I remain steadfast in my support. Recently, I led a group of 10 senators urging President Biden to immediately reconvene the G7 nations and take coordinated action to further isolate Iran with severe sanctions; this action will strike the Ayatollah and Iranian mullahs' wealth that directly supports their evil endeavors. I've co-sponsored the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad International Terrorism Support Prevention Act, which imposes sanctions on Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and their affiliated groups. As a beacon of democracy in the Middle East, Israel merits our full support.
          The United States and Israel share a special relationship that has only grown stronger over the years. Our strategic military partnership benefits both nations and contributes to the stability of the Middle East. I have supported legislation calling for the Emergency resupply of Iron Dome funding through the appropriations process. My solidarity and steadfast support for the Israeli people includes providing them with all the tools that they need to deter the terrorist murderers that are committing crimes against humanity on their soil. This year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) authorized funding for the Iron Dome, David's Sling Weapon System, and Arrow 3 Upper Tier Interceptor Program. I will continue to collaborate with my colleagues to protect and defend Israel’s right to exist and defend themselves from terrorists and the Iranian regime. 
          Florida has maintained a strong relationship with Israel, and I have personally championed this partnership throughout my career. As a former Governor, I took a firm stance against discrimination by prohibiting state agencies and local governments from contracting with companies supporting the BDS movement. Additionally, I made over five visits to Israel, emphasizing our robust economic ties and celebrating the opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem, an important recognition of Israel's historical and cultural significance. I also successfully fought for $2 million in security funding for Jewish Day Schools in Florida for much-needed security and counter-terrorism upgrades such as video cameras, fences, bullet-proof glass, alarm systems and other safety equipment.
          In my role as your United States Senator, I have been actively involved in legislative efforts to combat intolerance and support Israel and the Jewish community. I've sponsored and supported numerous pieces of legislation, including the Preventing Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Act, the Anti-BDS Labeling Act, the Combatting BDS Act, and a resolution condemning acts of violence against Jewish people both in the United States and worldwide. Throughout the state, my team has remained in close contact with Jewish and community leaders to offer support and ensure that the necessary resources are expedited to Israel. I have met with many Rabbis and Jewish leaders to reassure my unwavering commitment to supporting the State of Israel’s right to defend itself from Hamas and protecting our Jewish citizens in Florida. Anti-Semitism is a plague on society and must be condemned wherever it is encountered. Our Casework Team has been actively assisting constituents in Israel and Florida's Jewish community who have federal casework issues. If you or anyone you know needs assistance with a federal agency, please contact my team HERE.
          Today and every day, the United States must stand with those who champion freedom and democracy, unequivocally condemn terrorism, and oppose those who disregard human rights. I will remain dedicated to protecting and supporting our ally, Israel, and acting against those who wish to harm it.
          Once again, thank you for reaching out to me. I am honored to support Israel and represent the citizens of Florida, and I appreciate your valuable input on this matter. Should you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please submit a request on my website rickscott.senate.gov on our “Help With A Federal Agency” page.
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systemtek · 8 months
UK Business and tech heavyweights to boost productivity through AI
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Members of the UK’s first AI Opportunity Forum have been appointed today (Thursday 25th January 2024) – with a clear mission to boost the adoption of AI in the private sector. Overseen by the Technology Secretary and the Prime Minister’s Special Adviser on Business and Investment, pioneering AI companies will join forces with business leaders to bring their expertise to bear on encouraging adoption of AI across the private sector to boost productivity, fuel innovation, and deliver growth in all areas of the economy.    The Forum will particularly focus on the AI culture and skills of organisations in the UK, how they manage governance, awareness, and risks of the technology, and the availability of data which they can tap into – a crucial component in the use and development of AI.   Despite the importance of AI for businesses being almost universally recognised, only one-in-ten organisations are currently fully prepared to roll out the technology. The Forum will tackle this problem head-on sharing best practice and identifying measures which organisations can adopt to improve their AI readiness. It builds on the Prime Minister’s AI Safety Summit held at Bletchley Park which set a path for building a global approach to ensuring safe and responsible AI, such as the UK’s trailblazing launch of a new AI Safety Institute. The UK’s continued international collaboration efforts through the AI Safety Institute and fora such as the G7 Hiroshima AI Process, Global Partnership on AI (GPAI), the G20, and the UN will continue to advance this conversation, ensuring the entire global community can safely realise the benefits of AI adoption.   Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said:   We stand on the cusp of a productivity revolution – one which has the potential to grow the economy in a way we’ve never seen before. So, it’s important we get it right. This forum builds on the AI Safety Summit – putting the UK at the vanguard of AI innovation to help us safely embrace AI in a way that delivers for British people. Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan, said:   We want to see organisations across the UK tapping into the transformative power of AI to boost their productivity, unlock new opportunities, and drive growth.    The AI Opportunity Forum brings together our brightest minds from the worlds of AI and business to drive forward that effort.   AI develops at an incredible pace, and we’re acting in lockstep to ensure businesses and employees in every sector of our economy can take advantage of this generation-defining technology. Members of the Forum who have been unveiled today represent a who’s who of both industry and AI expertise. Co-chaired by Secretary of State Michelle Donelan and the Prime Minister’s Business Adviser Franck Petitgas, the Forum will also feature Microsoft and Google, as well as representatives of Quantexa, KPMG, Arm, Barclays, Vodafone, Universal Music Group, and GSK.    The UK’s AI sector already contributes £3.7 billion to the UK economy and employs 50,000 people across the country with these figures set to grow. As we’ve seen over the past century, our economy and jobs market evolve with technology, with changes in technology creating new industries and new jobs. CEO of Microsoft UK, Clare Barclay, said: Speed of AI adoption, backed by robust industry skilling programmes, will determine just how successfully the UK embraces this generational shift in how we live and work. The AI Opportunity Forum will help accelerate the private sector transformation we need to compete and lead in the global economy. Managing Director of Google UK, Debbie Weinstein, said: We’re looking forward to working alongside the government to ensure that British businesses are well equipped to harness the benefits of AI.  Google’s UK Economic Impact Report highlighted the scale of this opportunity, with forecasts showing that AI-powered innovation could create over £400 billion in economic value for the UK economy by 2030.  Initiatives like the Government’s AI Opportunity Forum are key for unlocking the transformative potential of a technology which has the potential to boost productivity, fuel creativity and drive tech-led growth across a variety of sectors up and down the country. Chief Executive Officer of GSK, Emma Walmsley, said: We’re very optimistic about the opportunities for positive impact from AI, not just for GSK but for the UK’s short and long-term economic growth, innovation and skills development. The UK has the potential and talent to exploit these transformative technologies, but faster adoption is key. This new forum brings together businesses large and small with AI developers to develop practical ideas and support and we look forward to contributing. Quantexa CEO, Vishal Marria, said: As an AI first technology company, Quantexa is thrilled to be involved in the AI Opportunity Forum, and proud to be part of this investment in UK-based innovation that positions the UK at the forefront of AI on the world stage. We have been investing in AI since our inception, and it lies at the heart of Quantexa technology. But what we have seen over the last 12 months – is its adoption and impact accelerate. We see AI as the biggest technological breakthrough for generations and are ramping our investment in AI because we know this is going to transform how organisations make decisions. Understandably, there are concerns around the associated risks of AI. But, with the safe and ethical adoption of AI technology, there are huge opportunities for UK businesses across industry sectors to accelerate productivity and growth. Chief Executive Officer of Sage, Steve Hare, said: At Sage, we’ve been using AI to bring practical time saving solutions to small and medium-sized businesses for some time.  AI has the potential to improve the UK’s productivity and simplify everyday tasks like invoicing, managing late payments, and handling tax and cash flow issues. To make AI more effective and trustworthy, there is a need for more collaboration between the government and the tech sector to nurture the digital economy and ensure SMBs are adopting digital tools to reap the benefits of AI. The AI Opportunity Forum is a step towards this goal, aiming to bring real AI solutions to real businesses. The government is also stepping up its plans to accelerate the rollout of AI across the public sector. Earlier this month, the Central Digital and Data Office published a new framework which will implement principles for government departments on the responsible use of Generative AI. Written in collaboration with industry, the framework also looks to upskill civil servants through free generative AI courses to ensure public servants have a robust set of skills when working with AI.  The Forum will now gather for its first meeting in February, with further meetings taking place bi-monthly.   Read the full article
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libertariantaoist · 10 months
News Roundup 11/20/2023 | The Libertarian Institute
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 11/20/2023
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
The House Intelligence Committee says the FBI should be required under the law to obtain a “probable cause warrant” before searching the foreign intelligence surveillance program database for information related to domestic crimes. Wire
The Senate on Thursday passed a bill by voice vote that would suspend military aid to Azerbaijan for two years following Baku’s takeover of Nagorno-Karabakh, which pushed over 100,000 ethnic Armenians out of the territory. AWC
Department of Veterans Affairs Reports Veterans Suicides Increased in 2021. X
The Turkish parliament’s foreign affairs commission has delayed a vote on Sweden’s NATO membership bid. X
On Thursday, the US Treasury Department imposed a set of new sanctions on ships and companies accused of using American service providers to ship Russian crude oil above the $60 price cap. The cap, imposed by the US and the Group of Seven (G7) nations in late 2022, was meant to deprive the Kremlin of funds for its war effort, but that strategy has failed. AWC
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that deliveries of artillery shells from the US have “decreased” since Israel unleashed its relentless bombing campaign in Gaza following the October 7 Hamas attack. AWC
Joe Biden met with Chinese President Xi Jinping for talks in San Francisco. Beijing and Washington described the conversation between the leaders as “productive” and important. After the summit, Biden called his Chinese counterpart a “dictator.” AWC
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed Israel was “trying to [minimize] civilian casualties. But unfortunately, we’re not successful.” The prime minister’s statement comes as the UN warns that the Israeli fuel embargo of Gaza could cause widespread starvation in the besieged enclave. AWC
On Friday the UN said that it was no longer able to continue aid deliveries into Gaza as an Israeli fuel blockade of the enclave has led to a widespread communications blackout. The World Health Organization warned that the ending of aid deliveries means the “immediate possibility of starvation” for the 2.3 million people in Gaza. AWC
Haaretz reports, according to a police source, an investigation shows that an IDF combat helicopter at the Nova music festival fired on Hamas and hit some of the people attending the music festival. HaaretzAWC
President Joe Biden said the Palestinian Authority should ultimately govern the Gaza Strip. Tel Aviv has said that its forces will control Gaza. MEE
Death Toll in Gaza At Least 13,000, Including 5,500 Children. MEE
A World Health Organization group inspected the al-Shifa Hospital and called the situation “unbearable and unjustifiable.” X
Biden adviser Brett McGurk said, “Simply calling for cease-fire is not a path to peace.” He argued Hamas must release hostages before a significant pause in fighting could occur. The Hill
Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir says he will introduce a bill in the Knesset mandating the death penalty for terrorists. X
Sen. Bernie Sanders Says Military Aid to Israel Should Be Conditioned on Ending Occupation. Press Release
Some members of Israel’s War Cabinet Reject Hostage Deal that Includes Pause in Fighting. Haaretz
The Israeli military forced the evacuation of the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. WashPo
Deputy Speaker of Israeli Knesset Says “We Are Too Humane. Burn Gaza Now No Less!” Times of Israel
Biden’s Approval Rating Slips to 40% as 70% of Young Voters Disapprove of Israel Policy. NBC NewsThe Institute
White House Believes Israeli PM Netanyahu Will Relent and Allow Palestinian Authority to Govern Gaza. Haaretz
US Approves of Israeli Military Operation in South Gaza, But Asks Tel Aviv for a Delay. HaaretzAWC
Thirty-one premature babies have been evacuated from northern Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital to southern Gaza, where they are being prepared to enter Egypt for medical care. AWC
Middle East
The Treasury Department on Friday sanctioned individuals it said are tied to Kata’ib Hezbollah and Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada in Iraq. X
Israel Says Yemen’s Houthis Seized Ship in Red Sea. Al ArabiyaAWC
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kristinzervos · 1 year
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jiisoooo · 4 months
I feel like I miss stanning a gg
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swldx · 1 year
Voice of Turkey 0357 1 May 2023
7275Khz 0258 1 MAY 2023 - VOICE OF TURKEY (TURKEY) in ENGLISH from EMIRLER. SINPO = 55433. English, int. w/frequent IDs until pips @0400z (late by ~30 seconds) then opening of English service with frequencies and times as well as web and email addresses read by female announcer. (all audio quality muffled and sounded like the announcer was in a small room with reflective walls). @0401z news read by female announcer (accent/mispronunciation made English difficult to discern). Hundreds of people have been killed and thousands wounded since a long-simmering power struggle between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces erupted into open conflict on April 15. The two warring Sudanese forces on Sunday announced the extension of an existing ceasefire for a further 72 hours — the latest of multiple truces that have largely been violated by both sides. At least 528 people have been killed and more than 4,000 wounded since a long-simmering power struggle between the Sudanese army and RSF. Tunisia's coast guard has said it has recovered around 210 bodies of refugees and migrants under two weeks that have washed up on the North African country's central coastline amid an ongoing increase in migration. Of the 210 dead migrants found over 10 days starting on April 18, about 70 of those were recovered from the beaches of eastern Sfax, the neighbouring Kerkennah islands and Mahdia. The head of Wagner Group has threatened to withdraw his mercenaries from the besieged Ukrainian town of Bakhmut if the Russian Defence Ministry fails to provide more ammunition. Group of Seven advanced nations should adopt "risk-based" regulation on artificial intelligence, their digital ministers have agreed, as European lawmakers hurry to introduce an AI Act to enforce rules on emerging tools such as ChatGPT. But such regulation should also "preserve an open and enabling environment" for the development of AI technologies and be based on democratic values, G7 ministers said in a joint statement issued on Sunday at the end of a two-day meeting in Japan. After giving a new speech to the UN Security Council, Lavrov told reporters that a global currency flip is coming like a freight train in a move that will permanently change the global financial landscape. A shift away from the dollar is already underway in both Russia and China. On May 14, when both presidential and parliamentary elections will be held, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who won the previous two presidential elections in 2014 and 2018, seeks to be elected as the president of the Republic of Türkiye for another term, backed by the People's Alliance, a political coalition of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), BBP, Yeniden Refah Party and HUDA PAR. @0320z news ends fb musical interlude. 250ft unterminated BoG antenna pointed E/W w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), Etón e1XM. 500kW, beamAz 325°, bearing 38°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 9226KM from transmitter at Emirler. Local time: 2158.
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babyawacs · 1 year
itis about access to horror matters ifyouare #peace #and # older #decisionmakers #aboutpeace #notwar #on #weapons #syst ems   .@israel .@nato @otan @bundeswehrinfo .@france24 .@p aris .@london .@trt .@nhkworld .@rosatom@g7 .@g7 @potus .@jap an .@potus .@vp .@weg @imf @msc .@msc .@10downingstreet @bbcr4 @pacificcommand .@pacifi csubs .@us_stratcom like a team of dancers and stage staff d ance  against other group of dancers and stage staff the dan ce varies depends on play and music while music decides the dance too while dancing makes each tired until they cannot dance nomore or one is #keypoint alot better at it and the dance is won eithercase.youllbath in gore. and ifyoulet sc ums.andbrutes.itwillbethegore of your children. idiocy does that with their own children #keypoint make idiocy underst and what diplomacy does. it saves the blood of their children their soldiers theyare often shitheads made todo horrible t hings and they degenerate inthis
itis about access to horror matters ifyouare #peace #and #older #decisionmakers #aboutpeace #notwar #on #weapons #systems .@israel .@nato @otan @bundeswehrinfo .@france24 .@paris .@london .@trt .@nhkworld .@rosatom@g7 .@g7 @potus .@japan .@potus .@vp .@weg @imf @msc .@msc .@10downingstreet @bbcr4 @pacificcommand .@pacificsubs .@us_stratcom like a team of dancers and stage staff dance against…
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daveg65 · 2 years
233 - Karaoke Music Sing With End to End Encryption - With Guest Chuck Joiner and Jeff Gamet
The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave he is joined by guest Chuck Joiner and Jeff Gamet. Apple has added Music Sing karaoke. Our devices will have even more security with end to end encryption and you need to know the key. iOS 16.2 will be out next week with a 10 min limit on everyone setting in Airdrop. The App store has big pricing changes from  $0.29 to $10,000.There are 5 more things Apple still needs to release in 2023. Plus a guide to what phones have the fastest 5G in different countries. 
The show notes are at InTouchwithiOS.com

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End to end encryption on Apple devices! We review this latest addition to secure your data. Along with setting up a contact that can help unlock if you don’t have the key. Apple Plans New Encryption System to Ward Off Hackers and Protect iCloud Data 
Apple news release Apple advances user security with powerful new data protections
Apple Announces End-to-End Encryption Option for iCloud Photos, Notes, Backups, and More 
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Fastest 5G phones around the world. Details on the Fastest 5G Mobile Devices
We explain what all these symbols are. What the cellular, Wi-Fi, and satellite symbols mean on your iPhone or iPad
Apple Still Has These 5 Things to Release Heading Into 2023
Our Host
Dave Ginsburg is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users and shares his wealth of knowledge of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and related technologies. Visit the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/intouchwithios follow him on Mastadon @daveg65, 
Twitter @daveg65.and the show @intouchwithios
Our Regular Contributor
Jeff Gamet is a podcaster, technology blogger, artist, and author. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s managing editor, and Smile’s TextExpander Evangelist. You can find him on Mastadon @jgamet as well as Twitter and Instagram as @jgamet  His YouTube channel https://youtube.com/jgamet
About our Guest
Chuck Joiner is the host of MacVoices and hosts video podcasts with influential members of the Apple community. Make sure to visit macvoices.com and subscribe to his podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @chuckjoiner and join his MacVoices Facebook group.
Here is our latest Episode!
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selimamir98 · 2 years
@emmawatson Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson is an English actress and activist. Known for her roles in both blockbusters and independent films, as well as for her women's rights work, she has received a selection of accolades, including a Young Artist Award and three MTV Movie Awards. Watson has been ranked among the world's highest-paid actresses by Forbes and Vanity Fair, and was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine in 2015.
Watson attended the Dragon School and trained in acting at the Oxford branch of Stagecoach Theatre Arts. As a child, she rose to stardom after landing her first professional acting role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series, having previously acted only in school plays. Watson also starred in the 2007 television adaptation of the novel Ballet Shoes and lent her voice to The Tale of Despereaux (2008). After the final Harry Potter film, she took on a supporting role in My Week with Marilyn (2011), before starring as Sam, a flirtatious, free-spirited student in The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) to critical success. Further acclaim came from portraying Alexis Neiers in Sofia Coppola's The Bling Ring (2013) and the titular character's adoptive daughter in Darren Aronofsky's biblical epic Noah. That same year, Watson was honoured by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, winning British Artist of the Year. She also starred as Belle in the live-action adaptation of the musical romantic fantasy Beauty and the Beast (2017), which ranks among the highest-grossing films of all time, and Meg March in Greta Gerwig's coming-of-age drama Little Women (2019).
From 2011 to 2014, Watson split her time between working on films and continuing her education, graduating from Brown University with a bachelor's degree in English literature in May 2014. That year, she was appointed a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and helped launch the UN Women campaign HeForShe, which advocates for gender equality. In 2018, she helped launch Time's Up UK as a founding member. Watson was appointed to a G7 advisory body for women's rights in 2019, consulting with leaders on foreign policy. Her modelling work has included campaigns for Burberry and Lancôme. She also lent her name to a clothing line for the sustainable brand People Tree. In 2020, she joined the board of directors of Kering, a luxury brand group, in her capacity as an advocate for sustainable fashion.
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