#i bet it’s going to be fun 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i’d love to go lol but i rly can’t afford flying out to places LOL
akkivee · 2 months
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tototalks · 2 months
🎵 Pretty woman, walking down the street, pretty woman, the kind I’d like to meet, pretty woman. 🎵
Let’s go!! Time for 💎 Pet 💎
- ‘Ancel was a virgin the first twelve times he has sex. The thirteenth time, it lacked all plausibility’ - What a way to start a story and give insight into the world Ancel lives in.
- You would be SHOCKED how much us redheads get the “does the carpet match the drapes” question from total strangers. Ancel is really living the authentic ginger experience. 😂
- In the times of ancient Greeks and Romans, redheaded slaves were more expensive because they were rarer. In that way, Ancel was designed perfectly to align with his character. Love that choice by Pacat! ♥️
- Ancel has a goal and I respect it, and he’s never once tried to hide it. It’s pretty clear that his love of expensive things comes from having very little at the start of life.
- It’s interesting to gain the perspective of a character detached from the thought of sex being emotionally significant. A first night was everything to Erasmus, and sex is hugely tied in with intimacy and emotional connection for Laurent. Jord and Aimeric fell in love while having sex. Whereas sex, to Ancel, is a means to an end. It’s literally his job.
- Love the implication that pets have their own hierarchy and contracts are fiercely competitive. They have their own little community.
- Ancel uses everything he has to his advantage to incredible effect. He’s pretty, witty, and talented. Whenever he walks into a room it’s like that scene from ‘How to Lose Friends and Alienate People’ where Megan Fox walks through the middle of the pool. Lol
- Now this may be the deeply ingrained European stereotypes I grew up with, but in the same way Laurent is French and Damen is Greek, Berenger is 100% German.
- You always get the sense that even though Ancel is bold and daring, he’s still tiptoeing and walking on eggshells. He completely reinvents himself for every new master he has.
- Haha Isagoras! - very on the nose and I love it
- It makes perfect sense that Ancel can’t read and cares little for long epics and poems. I’d be willing to bet though, that he has an amazing memory because of this. Uneducated does not equal unintelligent.
- Love that Ancel’s there all wide eyed like “yes! Please teach me to ride!” while internally he’s like “ew ew ew”. Don’t blame him. Horses are terrifying.
- I like that Berenger does find out Ancel is faking his interests and tells him that he doesn’t have to pretend. From there, Ancel is clearly more himself and more comfortable.
- In addition, although he’s a creature of habit, Berenger is actually really sweet 🥺🥺
- “Luxury suits you” “hell yeah it does.”
- I am so fascinated by Ancel and Erasmus existing in the same social sphere, and Ancel wondering why Erasmus doesn’t use the fact he’s beautiful for power, and dammit I’m going to have to write that fic, aren’t I? 😭
- Ancel and Berenger are mismatched but that’s what works so well about them with Berenger negotiating and Ancel naturally drawing attention to himself. They make up for one another’s differences.
- Ancel giving Berenger fashion advice, and Berenger ignoring it every time in favour of ✨another brown jacket✨
- I’m also liking the implication that Ancel enjoys being a pet and gaining attention for power because he knows what it’s like to be powerless. I personally like to think that he saw Nicaise’s situation and somewhat understood to a certain degree. I can imagine he would’ve been quite young when he started too.
- Fun fact! Ancel’s fire performance is actually reminiscent of a real dance! It’s a Polynesian art called Siva Afi and was traditionally a war dance, except instead of burning cloth on the ends of the baton, there are burning knives. Very cool! 🔥
- Ancel 🤝 Kris Jenner - all publicity is good publicity and I will make billionaires out of a scandal and watch people be jealous.
- The kiss being the first implication that Berenger actually does desire Ancel. Ooh boy, you ain’t hiding that much longer.
- The kiss is also the catalyst for Berenger ending the contract, and I can imagine that Ancel is so confused as to what he did wrong, not realising the circumstances behind the decision. 😞
- It’s absolutely wild looking back on the garden scene from a different perspective and realising that absolutely no one wanted that mess to happen.
- “You’re old.” - once again, ouch.
- Ancel being annoyed at seeing the lords go and ‘coddle’ Erasmus serves to highlight the wildly different appeals Ancel and Erasmus have as pets. Bold and daring vs. Sweet and modest. They would be unstoppable as friends. Shit, I’m really going to have to write that fic now, or read one that hopefully some talented person out there has written already 🙏
- Love that Ancel doesn’t rat Berenger out to the Regent - the Regent doesn’t even want him, and I’m sure Ancel is faintly remembering Nicaise mentioning that he’s “too old” 🤢
- And then the big reveal that Berenger was trying to protect Ancel as he supported Laurent’s bid for the throne; and Ancel realising that Berenger does, in fact, like him. Callback to “isn’t everyone looking for someone to be loyal to?” Sensational.
- I also, for my personal brain rot reasons, need Laurent and Ancel to strike up a bargain by which Ancel listens to all the pet gossip and rats out to Laurent which of the masters are disobeying the new laws of underaged pets or are undermining the new monarchy and union. All in return for a little coin of course 😉
- Ancel and Berenger: what a great little mismatched but perfectly matched pair! Really enjoyed this rendition of pretty woman! 😂
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Congratulations on 500 followers!! You absolutely deserve it!
I’d love to participate in your Drabble even if that’s alright ❤️ I’d love something canon!verse, and maybe something just so Levi lol I’m thinking maybe not a pre established relationship just per day more so two people with feelings who flirt with each other but haven’t addressed anything or gone anywhere with it. I’m thinking Levi doing something for the reader that they don’t really realize is a date right away??? Maybe something like walking on the wall at sunset, or taking them to his favorite hidden spot away from town to watch the stars. Just small acts of Levi doing for the reader and then it clicks that he’s trying to take her on a date in standard, awkward Levi fashion lol I guess just fluff and softness pls 🙏🏼 tysm
so this is a mix of a date + confession scene + general relationship dynamic??? this was so cute i may or may not write an actual oneshot for it 🥺 i love confession scenes :3
A Perfect Date | 500-Follower Event
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➼ contrary to popular belief, i actually think thatlevi would realize fairly quickly when he started crushing on you. the main thing was him getting himself to accept it. when he finally does, he'd take you somewhere special, although that might prove difficult since you already hang out a fair amount ➼ you would already take the occasional walk on the wall at sunset, so you didn't think much of it when levi first brought you there. you'd walk and chat about the various bs you have to deal with in the Scouts and levi would throw you the occasional wary look if you ever got too close to the edge of the wall ➼ levi would take you on a detour and you'd end up walking to an area that's out of the way and even a little hidden away and higher up. when you looked towards the outer edges of the wall, you'd only see the horizon, with the stars shining brightly above you once the sun went down. ➼ you'd sit with your legs dangling over the wall, with levi sitting next to you. he'd look down, as if he was pondering something. if it was anyone else, they'd think he was just being aloof and disinterested as usual, but you knew that something else was going on. ➼ you'd be confused as to why levi was acting weird, to the point that you might have even thought he was sick with how he was acting. "are you feeling okay?" "are you being overworked?" and he'd say no to each one of those questions, but that only left you more confused ➼ levi would begin to say things that allude to wanting to start a more-than-friends-type relationship and end up getting frustrated if you didn't understand what he was getting at the first time around. ➼ if no progress was being made, he'd simply state "i'm trying to tell you that i like you, dumbass" and then all the gears would click ➼ after that, this little stroll on the wall that leads up to your stargazing setting became a regular date spot and you bet levi would continue to poke fun at you (and you would poke fun at him) about how awkwardly sweet his confession was ♡
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ohmygillygoshoppler · 4 months
Let's hear them secret scientist headcannons, Ma. Pretty please 🙏🥺
huehuheuheuhwlhbsjhbclah~ y’all know what it is, mostly rambling I wrote most of this waiting for the dentist lol
Drew (Audrey do not call her that omg Saturday)
Mama’s albino. Isee it with my eyes and just feel it in my bones. She’s pale, her hair is pale, I she even had baby blues in TGIS so, yeah. 
Drew isn’t a huge fan of chocolate, opposites since Mom Monday had a thing for cocoa. Maybe she doesn’t have a thing for sweets in general? Like I can see Drew as more of a FoodSnack person rather than SweetSnack person. She’ll be like, “I want a snack,” And spend like 2 hours prepping the stuff for a food item that will be gone in 20 minutes and somehow, she’ll find a way to convince Doc to “help” with the cleanup after.
She always wanted a big family, But only managed to have Zak. She loves her family regardless, it's just not the way she thought they'd be. I mean, come on; Her and Doc are so romantic all the time, like there’s no way they woulda stopped at just one. If she could have given Zak a sibling, she would have, but it wasn’t in the cards. So, adoption, lmao.
My girl is a mystic through and through but she is not mystically inclined. She could tear out her hair and make a deal with the devil, and still not be able to conjure her own magic at all, but she is so well versed in it, you’d think she was a sorcerer or something. (Maybe she could, oh I dunno, help her magical buddies out with that know-how, huh?)
Doc “Solomon” Saturday
My guy has some serious PTSD and OCD issues that he hasn’t quite sorted out, and I’ll bet he’s scared to go into it given all the times he’s started talking about it, only to immediately shut himself up about it.
Like, seriously, my man needs a therapist.
I’m laughing and wringing my hands together like Argost himself thinking about all the fun times we’re gonna have with mr. Magic Doesn’t Exist now that he’s gotta help his new Angel Daughter find her friends. Sorry Solomon, but you’re gonna have an aneurysm.
Doyle Blackwell  **Professional Uncle
Such a cool dude, he can’t drink alcohol because he’s too cool to get buzzed (he's allergic to alcohol and will turn beet red after one drink help this poor man)
I get a lot of, “I dont deserve an apartment,” vibes from this guy so I say he needs more “Chillin at home with the fam,” And less “Shitty hostels wherever the cheapest.” Also man needs a gf (or bf, ffs nobody want him fr!!11!)
He's bi, and I know cuz he told me lmao
Paul Cheechoo (Uncle Bear!👏🏼 Uncle Bear! 👏🏼Uncle Bear!👏🏼)
Okokokokok, so I am super super projecting here because Cheechoo deadass reminds me of an uncle who is A.) also native af, we’re not Inuit but were fuckin n8v; and B.) also a fuckin geologist lesgoooooo
So guys got a big family, huge actually. Lots of cousins and nieces and nephews and aunties and uncles and such- making it a bit hard and a bit sad keeping the whole Secret Scientist thing away from his family. Especially after the Weird world incident when he became withdrawn from them, fearing Argost might do something horrible to his kin. So, he kept mostly to himself, confiding only in his fellow scientists.
I feel like his sarcasm and friendly demeanor is so sweet and endearing, especially for someone so friggin big, I mean good god- Look at this man. The friendly giant trope always gets me, so what? BUT! That being said, I’d like to think that sometimes my guy forgets how big he is… Like, we’ve seen how this guy gets tossed around like a ragdoll, maybe he also forgets he’s a brick shithouse, given all the times he’s gotten his ass whooped.
Man is Golden Retriever coded, and I wanna eat him alive for it./pos
Arthur Fuckin Beeman
My man! *kills him again and again and again and again an-*
Also, I love how we all saw this man, we all looked at each other, and we all said, “Yeah, he's autistic af.” Like, it's very clear that this man’s brain works… differently from others.
My brother once said, Liaos from Dungeon Meshi if he didn’t want to eat the aliens he just wanted to hang out and honestly…. Werk.
Does this man deserve an arc? Not really, but do I wanna put him in a few fucked up situations? Hang him upside down and shake him till all his tokens fall out? Maybe. Maybe Zak’ll help me, too. Shit…
Miranda Grey (Big Grey)
Ooooooohohohohohohohohoooo~ We hardly got anything with you, Doctor. Which means I can do whatever, and I both hate and love that-
I know you love your sister~ I know you’re sad about her betrayal~~ I know you’re hurting, girly, I know your devastated inside and you can’t do anything about it because so much shit is falling apart around you and now your sister fucked over the only people you can call friends, fuck you Miranda! Eat shit and die! ILY!!
I reeeeeeaaaaly think she’s guilty about what she’s done to the Saturdays, especially Zak, so maybe she might try and say or do something to try and make amends, but how? Thats a good question… I wanna know too, lmao.
Abbey Grey (Little Grey)
I have plans for you, stupid bitch……
Agent Ex husband
The scariest mfer in all existence, most stifled man in all existence, omg. If War were ever made a fucking human, Epsilon would be his fate, and holy fuck- Yeah. Stoic? Check. Bound by a strict code of ethics/honor? Check. Big As Shit? Check. Scary????? Umm, yeah. My mans a Horseman.
Wants to be loved. Wants to rest. Wants to have a cigarette for the first time in years. Wants some coffee with extra cream and sugar. Does he deserve it? No,not really. But he does need it. His soul needs a good kneading, like dough.
However, he is fucked up for the way he raised Francis and how he’s always shutting hom down and telling him how his thoughts don’t matter like, damn, just tell the boy he aint shit why dont you-
I feel like, if I give Francis an arc, Epsilon should have one too. I wanna know more about him- surprise surprise- and what makes him tick. We see in the show that there is some care for Francis, we see as much when he gets so mad at Francis for not quickly following his instructions, but that begs the question; does he actually care, or is he protecting his interests, so to speak? Lots to learn, lots to pick apart.
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spookyserenades · 7 months
Ok so my thoughts of chapter 14… 
Jin: Yo I know y/n be jelly but I’m glad y/n was able to put her jealously aside bc if I was in Jins place I’d be worried and SO HAPPY that my bf is alive. That being said feelings are feelings and they’re hard to control. OMG WHEN Y/N SHOWED PICTURES OF ALL THE BOYS AND HANNA SAID HES HANDSOME AND SHES LIKE YEAH ALL MY BOYS ARE HANDSOME LIKE OMG. And the way Jin looked at her after she said that omg Y/n ur giving urself away! But also like who wouldn’t want to gush over them!?? And then later when he scents her OMG THAT SCENE WAS WILD JIN WAS SO BOLD. And he was like I wanna get Hannah’s scent off u bc I already gotta share you OMG Y/N U DO NOT HAVE TO WORRY GIRLIE POP. I understand why Hannah said to be carful with Jins heart bc he’s been hurt so many times and I wonder how he took with finding out y/n and yoongi have been sneaking around 🥺.  
Yoongi- This man is such a menace to society LITERALLY I CANNOT- the teasing looks and flirty glances! Oh and you KNOW HE LOOOVES shoving it in all their faces that he’s with her. Poor Tae tho, yoongi she loves ALL of them u know this! I guess maybe he just doesn’t wanna let go of this small moment of her being JUST his and he is quiet a possessive boi but they all are and I can’t wait to see all their moments of jealousy! Yo that sec scene was WILD holy moly! We got to see yoongi a pov a bit during the sex scene and hearing more of how much he loves her is so sweet 🥹 I’m glad they finally had that moment and he taking care of her and then cuddling eeeek. OMG NOT THEM KISSING IN THE KITCHEN AND GETTING CAUGHT- he stood by her side and supported her and I’m sure it was super overwhelming for y/n so I’m proud she was able to speak part of the truth, she she loves yoongi (but didn’t say she loves all of them bc that would be awkward not the right timing). AHHH THE DOMESTIC BLISS IM GLAD THEIR TOGETHER AND HAPPY NOW! 
Joon- He doesn’t wanna see or make her angry again which is why he’s very cool and calm abt her decision. He’s matured a lot and deep down it does really bother him, but he doesn’t wanna ruin things for her which is why he tried to act chill. OMG NOT HIM SUSING YOONGI AND Y/N OUT LIKE HE KNEW FOR WEEEKS OMG- AND THEY MADE BETS HOLY SHIT- I love joon and jk omg their banter is so much fun lol. OMG THE CHOCKER HER GAVE HER FOR CHRISTMAS WAS SO CUTE I MELTED INTO MY FLOOR BOARDS!! I feel like that was his way of showing his feelings for her tho- like Jimin said. Joon never hated her just his situation and werewolves mate for life so like… COULD IT BE TO MARK HIS TERRITORY IN A WAY. Maybe he just doesn’t understand his feelings yet bc he was isolated in his trailer just trying to survive for who knows how long. 
Hobi- his concern for y/n and yoongi’s relationship before and now finding out what’s been going on :0 He wasn’t expecting it AT ALL and I feel bad :,( he was shocked and yet he was able to roll it off afterwards for the most part bc I feel like that’s a defense mechanism for him since he’s been in uncomfortable situations. In all honestly I would love to get more in hobi’s Pov because I find him to be more mysterious than jk. Jk tries not to be obvious but is, he just likes to hide his emotions and I think a part of him does not really care atm bc she hasn’t grown on him in that way yet. With hobi tho her and him have similar personalities and bc they mesh so well I feel like finding out abt her and yoongi was like an ice bucket thrown over him. I dunno how what to say to his reaction ig hmm 🤔 he always bounces back and I can’t wait for the moment when we learn more about his past maybe specific points that made him who he is? I would love to know more about their pasts! When I ask this I don’t wanna pressure you (lol that sounds like such a lie but I do mean it 🥺), but when do u think the prologues for each member will come out? Do you think it would be better to wait until trouvallie has further progressed to not give too much away? 
Like everyone else who follows your blog, I look forward to EVERY 7th of the month bc of u! I love ur blog so much and ur writing is just 🤌🏼 💋
P.s (I Will talk abt maknae line when I have the time gotta go to class soon yeee) 
Hiii bestie!!! So excited to hear all of your thoughts hehehe 😜
Jinnie: AH I'm such a jealous gal and I'm proud of Y/N being able to rein in her envy during the lunch with Seokjin, Hannah, and Sarah. She cares so much about Seokjin, I think the idea of cutting his communication with Hannah off outweighs her jealousy. AH Hannah thinking Joon is cute from the pictures like yeah girl 💀 OOF the scenting scene was steamy, he was showing his ass a little bit. Seokjin is definitely into Y/N, and I think when he was trying to get Hannah's scent off of her, it was a subtle clue that he's fallen in love with her, rather than holding onto old feelings for Hannah. heehe!! I have more to say about Jin's past and his patterns of heartbreak, but thats for future chapters (and his eventual prequel!) He seems pretty disappointed about the news of Y/N and Yoongi. I wonder how he'll end up with Y/N, himself (said evilly) 👹
Yoongiiii: MENACE is correct!! He's milking the ability to kiss her in front of them and enjoying their jealousy or weirdness about it for sure. Additionally, I think you're right-- he's probably soaking in the amount of time he has her just to himself. Yoongi is def one of the more possessive of the bunch so far, but a few of the others will have that streak in the future, too. 😉 EEEE the wild ass sex they had... I've been waitingggg to write some steamy scenes for a YEAR jdkalfdj so I got a little overexcited ah. I liked writing a bit of Yoongi's POV, too, and I think I'm going to do much much more of that in the rest of the chapters. Getting insight through their eyes now that we're further along in the story I think makes sense! The aftercare scene was important for me, too. I love when Yoongi gets all tender and mushy for her 🥺 Them getting caught.... at least it finally forced Y/N to be honest about her relationship status with Yoongi. He's very supportive of her and I think it was him standing beside her during that situation helped her to be brave. AH I love them so much they're really so in love 😭
Joonie: I agree with you, Joon has done a lot of maturing in the months he has spent living with Y/N. She's become someone important to him, and he saw how much he hurt her when he fought with Tae... I don't think he wants to provoke those feelings from her ever again. I've said in a previous ask that Joon isn't so much concerned with romance at the moment, and is more interested in pursuing his interests (paranormal, occult, cryptids, UFOs...) But we'll see how he falls in love slowly, over time, and I think it will be delicious 😋 Joon's perceptivity is KEEN dude! Not much gets by him, and he's super territorial and protective, so he keeps close watch over Y/N (who is oblivious to that). Joon and JK's interactions are some of my favorites to write!! As for the choker, that was self-indulgent of me.... my dream gift from Namjoon. I also agree with your thought that it is a sort of "mark of territory" or some kind of mark of approval of her. AH! Jimin WAS right, Joon never hated her, he just has high expectations and struggles with regulating his emotions. I love him.
Hoseok: Foxy is giving best friend to Y/N. He knew that her and Yoongi were on the outs, and doesn't like seen Y/N upset. He's the resident clever fox, so I think the shock that he wasn't able to figure out her and Yoongi's secret relationship was a tad overwhelming. He's kind of like Joon, not overly concerned with romance at the moment, and more interested in letting loose and having the freedom to do what he pleases for the first time. He's always the one to break awkward tension, and he and Y/N have an easygoing friendship with their similar personalities. He does seem mysterious, as he isn't quick to give out personal information or details of his past, but there is a lot beneath the surface for Hoseok that is yet to be revealed. I can't wait to tell you all more about our Foxy 🦊
AH the prologues! I had planned on having at least one of them out by now, but that's not how the cookie crumbled LOL. I plan on having them being like BEHEMOTHS like 50k each, and at the moment, all of my time is devoted to the main story chapters... I think I'll end up releasing them later than I thought, and I'd probably do it like one month is a main story chapter, the next is a prologue and the main story is put on pause. I agree, I think that releasing certain prologues would give a lot away (such as Hoseok's and Seokjin's) so I think they'll be a little ways off.... BUT I'm excited to write them bestie!
AHHH I love uuuu sm and thank you for always reading and reviewing the updates, it means so much to me 😭💕🥺 I hope your classes are going well and you're getting some good downtime as well ✨
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dalkyeom · 2 years
I WAS TOLD U LIKED FIRE EMBLEM TOOO AHHH THE BESTIES ALL HAVE TASTE anyways happy Halloween Chia! ILY! I hope you're having a fun and safe holiday beloved ~
I loveddddd your latest dokyeom drawing btw if that wasn't evident. I've looked at it 10 times again in the past hour. Mwah <3333 🦇🎃🍬 👻 🕸️🍂
ELV MY FAVE KYEOM KYEOM LOVER HELLOOOOO! Happy halloween 🎃 my halloween was pretty chill, i think the only cool thing that happened was that I closet cosplayed SVT’s iconic ready to love zoom live (bc i used the same backdrop lmao) while I was in class today. Thought I wouldn’t be the one to present but alas, my homework was chosen to be representative so I had to speak so my picture of Cheol made its class debut. I hope your halloween went well too <33 shall be consuming the spoops later!
AMG YOU LIKE FE TOO?! 😭 catch me running to you and xan bc of fire emblem solidarity. It’s just so good oof oof— and awww I heart you too 🥺💕 asdasd—amg I’m so glad you like the House That Eats!Kyeom fa istg I sing that fic to praises like it now has 3 ghosts from how I can’t move on so I linger and think about it every 3 weeks or something. Jackie did such a good job I’m always in tears even after my 5th re-read (also shoutout to jackie ily! :(( consuming your fics again) the power of that fic possessed me istg!
Thank you for ringing the doorbell! You receive… another short blurb!
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SEOKMIN IN FIRE EMBLEM AU; a headcanon list
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While it doesn’t have a specific game from the series in the title, i’ll be using Three Houses as my main inspiration since it’s the one I recently played. Will not follow the game’s plot directly bc i’ll be focusing more on the school and daily life parts more lol.
Lee Seokmin, the second child and next in line to be the head of House Lee, one of the five great houses of the Leicester Alliance. His family is known to possess great vocal ability so most of them became singers and bards and well acquainted with the opera
I think he fits a class that can wield a sword the best (this is me going off on vibes alone and based it off arthur!kyeom). Personally, i’d put him as either a soldier or hero class but being part of the cavalier is good too. The thing is, Seokmin is just as skilled with a bow. Much like the other kids from the leicester alliance, he’s been trained to be able to use one with great accuracy but after trying a sword, he found it much more comfortable to use.
Final verdict — his starting class is hero.
Seokmin is a protector. He will, instinctively, gladly take the hit for you. The type to subtly pull you behind him when on the battlefield bc he’d rather have you out of harm’s way. You know that look when he’s super focused? He eyes his enemies like a hawk, he’ll be ready to counter and block whoever is daring enough to make the first move.
But like that’s what makes it his biggest weakness too, the emotional side that comes out especially when he’s so riled up. he was once chastised by Seungcheol, after a mission went awry. He got riled up so bad, emotions blinding him that he failed to notice a teammate get tag teamed by one of the enemy soldiers. Had Jeonghan been a second late, it could’ve ended with one of them dead. They were lucky to get out alive, gravely injured but alive.
Seokmin vows never to let his rage blindside him again.
Ok but can you imagine his support dialogues? The s-support dialogue?? Gonna go insane thinking about it bc i bet it’ll be so sweet. Instead of the usually loud and energetic seokmin, we are greeted by the softer and gentler side of himself. The lover; the one who looks at you with so much affection that it manifests in the way he treats you. He talks in whispers bc he fears that any decibel higher than 40 will shatter the fragile atmosphere he has with you. Goddess forbid.
He’ll take your hand gently in his, his thumbs rubbing small circles on the back of your palm like a promise that he’ll keep the world safe for you because he’d rather go to hell first and suffer if it meant keeping the love of his life safe.
Why did I do that to myself. Plus one for shared heart clenching for a Lee Seokmin [+1]
Anyways, you’ll find Seokmin usually by the stables or the dining hall. He has an affinity with horses and often volunteers to help with the horses and pegasi. Oftentimes, you’d find him making pizza with Mingyu. The entire monastery now knows the second and third wednesdays of the month are unofficiall ‘pizza nights’.
Seokmin naturally gets along with students from the other houses. his bright disposition and easy going nature making it easy to befriend those around him. He’s kind of like a magnet? Also he sings really well, and he sings everywhere at anytime, it’s hard not to ignore him (bad thing or not).
He’s also in the choir with Seungkwan and Joshua. Jeonghan joins from time to time.
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Trick o’ Treat 2022 mini event [closed]
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superblysubpar · 2 months
Chapter 8!!! Ahh!! You never miss! Just Steve being in love with reader for years and he just stayed bickering with you because at least it was some interaction with you and it was better than not having you in his life at all ahh The coffee and brown bag 😞 I was so sad to see it go to waste lol and both of them crying 😭 and just us being scared and wanting to just run and leave and hide 🥺
Ooh and since you love questions and I’m eager to hear your answers, what has been your favorite part to write in the series so far? And I remember reading your original first part and loving this concept, so it's been exciting to reread that first chapter and see the little differences. I’d love to know how this “re-release” differ from what you originally planned? Oooh ooh and if this bet didn’t happen, how do you think Steve and reader would eventually find themselves together?
don't mind me, just sobbing before 9am, it's cool.
This really did make my morning and week, truly. I'm so glad you loved chapter 8! And funny you mention steve just bickering for some interaction, I have a few lines about this in the last chapter actually, so I'm so glad you've already picked up on that's what he was doing! And right? I would fold if that boy brought me coffee and a treat and we just broke his heart and now it's in the trash?! come on!!
also questions!!!!!! oh these questions!! I'm so sorry, I truly can't shut up!
I don't know if I've had a specific part that I've loved more than the others. They all have felt really fun and good to write, even the sucky angsty parts. I did really love the flashback of the spin the bottle party, and the diner with steve, and also the car accident scene. But I think overall, I've loved the challenge and practice I made this out to be for myself. I wanted to not take it so seriously with editing and what not and just write and I have a good time, and I hope the fun and love I'm putting into it is coming out. I also challenged myself to do more "scenes", focus on my dialogue, and conveying a lot of different (and constantly changing) emotions in few words and back story. For screenwriting, I don't get to do so much inner head monologues for a character, and it's been a challenge for me to switch to that mindset sometimes!
As for the "re-release", so I actually did not have any flashbacks planned until I wrote the bike one in chapter 2 and was like...hold on...which kind of took my plot and twisted it up. Which, funny enough, a screenwriting podcast I listen to was like, sometimes you have this thought, and you have to keep throwing things up and questioning it and sometimes it sucks, cause it breaks your entire plot but you know it's the right move and you're back to square one. Which is exactly what happened haha. That flashback just sort of poured out of me and at the time, I was like, okay I'll make it work. But the more I tried to write the original plot, the more I was like, obviously this isn't the story I want or need to write. Originally, there was no "we've both been in love forever" plot, I was trying to strictly write an enemies to lovers. I wanted them to just hate each other and I wanted steve to fall while plotting against reader and I wanted reader to fall harder despite being plotted against. I wanted a big blow up of steve taking the money from eddie and reader thinking that's all he wanted and for steve to realize that wasn't all he wanted. But alas, here we are, and I'm so happy and proud of how it changed.
And oh my gosh, what a great question. I like to think that they're obviously forced to be around each other through work and friends, and the more time spent together, the more Steve falls and gets the nerve to do something about it. I do think maybe there'd have to be some sort of vulnerable moment still, like the very first storm and the hand holding in the basement - something that makes him seem not so annoying and evil to reader and something that shows Steve she doesn't hate him, not really. And then I think Steve would just keep trying to flirt - conversations like the one in the car when he asked "did you ever stop and think that maybe I've never even tried because I knew you wouldn't listen" and reader just 👁👄👁 at him. until they kiss and love each other because, hello, no bet and miscommunication about feelings! But that's no fun 😉
So, long story, not short, thank you so much for reading and thank you so much for letting me ramble and ramble and ramble some more, you're an angel. 💛
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itsrottenwork · 2 years
Hi mj!! Secret Santa here!! Happy Friday!! May your weekend be a long and restful one, at that!!✨
Oooooo politics and communication!! Sending you all the luck for the rest of your college years!! Just based on that alone, I totally understand the hardships of it all!! Being in college is hard enough, but when it’s a major with a lot of complexities and nuance that can be brought to the table, I can only imagine lol!! What made you want to go into politics and communications, if you don’t mind me asking?
Awe, I’d love to see a picture of your succulents!! I bet they look great!! I’d send a picture of my cacti, but I can’t while on anon!! After we properly introduce ourselves, I can!! If you were able to, where would you like to travel next, given the opportunity? When I was in Italy, my friends and I were supposed to travel to the UK for spring break, but because of COVID spreading as fast as it did, our abroad program pulled us out, so we never got to go!! I’d love to go back to Europe and explore the places I never got to see!! I’d probably also go down to South America!!
The jingling reindeer ears? That’s so cute!! 🥺 I feel you about the whole crowded spaces at concerts!! Ever since the pandemic hit, it’s never really gotten back to normal in terms of the concert space!! Since the start of this year, I’ve been to so many concerts, yet, I’ve always tried to do my part in being as careful as I can when in those spaces!! Hopefully someone you enjoy tours in your city so you can attend!!
Love that!! I’ve been so behind on YouTube content!! Sometimes, I just have to be in the mood to watch them so I tend to fall behind when it comes to certain uploads rather quickly!! Ooooo cinnamon!! Anything apple cinnamon is so comforting, especially as a candle scent anytime of the year!!
More speed round questions!! What are three things you know you can’t live without?! Do you have a collection of any kind? Any cool knickknacks lol? If you can meet anyone in the world (dead or alive), who would it be and what would you ask them?🎄✨
this is my last year actually!! I'm in a one-year master's program, so it's only this year, but this is my last year of any sort of schooling, after this I'll be done done. I've always been interested in politics, bit of an idealist I am, and I also enjoy the more creative side, the writing and branding and whatnot, so yeah comms is the route that I see myself best able to contribute :)
here they are!! and also the little cat rock I painted a year or two ago. there's also some really little ones underneath the big one in the back but I couldn't get everyone in the one photo hehe
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I always like to have travel plans set, even if they're way in the future, so I do have a few things planned already. my family is going to austria during winter break, and for spring break my friends and I are looking at doing a road trip around a whole bunch of different cities, but we're still working out the details. I'd love to travel somewhere outside of europe, but as I am currently in europe it's easiest to travel close by
what concerts have you seen this year? or if you've seen too many to list, what ones were your favorites? I don't think I've been to a concert since 2019 tbh, it's fun and I kinda miss the vibe but it's not something I ever really did a lot, so I don't mind not going too
speed round answers!! although I feel like I'm not very speedy when I answer them lol
three things: probably really basic answers but phone (for obvious reasons), water bottle (hydrate or die-drate baby), and keys (I really like having a physical totem of This Is Where I Live, one of the best gifts I ever got was when my friend gave me a key to her apartment when I moved in with her)
collections: I don't really collect anything I think? I take a lot of photos though, so I've got those hanging on my wall, and every year my friends from high school all get together in the exact same way and we take the same polaroid every summer, so I guess I have a collection of those haha
cool knickknacks: coolest knickknack on my shelf at the minute is the boomerang I painted when I was in australia, though my shelves here at uni are a bit sparse
meet anyone: I wish I could talk to my great grandfather, I never met him but the way my mom and grandparents talk about him, I'd want to be able to sit down with him and hear like, his whole life story basically
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wmarximoff · 2 years
Okay, pick a time and I’ll be there. 🥰 I am… ugh, there are certain things I’m fussy about (food touching on my plate can be one of them sometimes, depends on my mood). You find it cute, everyone else calls me a hassle. 😪 I am not. 🫣 (you can’t say that. I’m older than you… by a few years. You’re the baby. 🤧)
We’ll be spontaneous, just go with the flow. It’ll be fun, no stress just making the most out of the day! I’ll do my best to awaken your soul and fill you with affection, make your chest flutter like it’s natural. Oh, but then your tough facade will go out the window and everyone will see how soft you are. You don’t need a reason, love. Steal as many kisses as you like. But fine, you squish my cheeks and I’ll force you to walk extra slow as I warm my hands in your pockets.
I know, I know, being disguised has given me so much courage it’s insane. I thought there would be no consequences but there is and now I’m in deep. 😩 can’t say I’m complaining though. I like back rubs 🥺 and whispered sweet nothings.
(Oh, then I’m proud of myself, 😌 I bet you look so sweet when you’re flustered. But I’ll be your ego booster, cocky is a colour I’d love to see on you.)
No, nope. Just no. You’d never bore me, if anything I’d bore you to death. But it doesn’t matter what you think, your company is an ultimate high!
(Flatterer. 🤧 Mm, I can’t express how much I’d enjoy that — but you probably have a decent idea. But yeah, not here. My kinks can be a private topic at some point.)
This thing of picking a time never works for me because I have this weird habit of being late for absolutely everything… But I can always try lol 🫠. And you're not a hassle, honey! I could literally physically fight anyone who says that about you 😤 (…well I don't care 'cause I'm taller so automatically you're the baby. Also you're a sub. My sub. So, baby… just take it).
Honestly I don't know how to behave on a date and the last time I went on one I literally had to get drunk to make it to the end so…please let's just have the best time of our lives. I need it. But secretly I also like the idea of saving my soft side for you and you only. This is almost a cliché, I know, but… deep down I like clichés, oh well. Not me acting like the idea of this date isn't making me absolutely ecstatic haha. It totally isn't. But it's so unfair that we're not doing it, like, right now.
Warm your hands in my pockets while I kiss you then, how about that? 😌
Oh my, the consequences of your actions LMAO. But it's ok, I understand… I think. Don't question it, I just understand.
(Oh no I don't look sweet when I'm flustered, I look like the type that will push you to the nearest surface and make you pay for making me feel things - how dare you!)
But trust me darling, I could bore you to death. I literally have the soul of an old person, boring as fuck. Sometimes it surprises me that I still have friends.
(I think I have a vague ideia, yeah…god, the things I want to do to you. But not here. Not here. Hope that someday I can know about these private topics, tho 👀)
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saintobio · 3 years
BORA BORA 👀👀 ch 8 is gonna b devastating, I can feel it. The audacity of gojo to invite BOTH y/n and sera like? I feel so bad for y/n bc she thinks it’ll be like iceland again 💔 will she ever vocalize to gojo what she felt at iceland? I think it would hurt him a lot (which is great) to hear how traumatizing/miserable/painful iceland & her 1st time was. its good to see her slowly stand up for herself & gojo panicking when she acts distant, almost as if you lOve her. Gojo pls SUFFER
Anonymous said
man if i were yn i’d ditch the bora bora trip and let hoejo go with sera alone i’d rather stay with my dignity than leave without it 😭✋ i’d tell gojo fuck u and ur reputation LMFAOOO anywayz i loved this chapter u never fail to deliver and i hope u rest well 😚✨
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Anonymous said
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Anonymous said
Amazing chapter as usual. Thank you so much for always going all out to write for us and providing us amazing stories 😤😤
Please I'm scared for chapter 8 that y/n would be stuck between Gojou and Sera on that Bora Bora trip 😢 I just hope that Gojou would wake tf up during this time and kick Sera to the ocean and have a fun trip with y/n.
I hope you are resting and stay hydrated because it's summer. Also please don't be stressed about posting and replying. You should do things as your liking 😊😊 We will always support you and your works 🥺🥺
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Anonymous said
im so excited to read chapter 8 BRING IN THE HEAVIEST OF THE HEAVY ANGST PLEASE 😩🖐️ (ik the masochism is showing, and i can't help it but vibe with angst)
also thank you for this chapter i love the range of emotions i felt all throughout. truly an experience for me, you're such an amazing writer. keep it up!!!
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Anonymous said
naur i really hope gojo wouldn't bring sera to the vacation bcs what the fuck is wrong with him.
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Anonymous said
Wait, so I remember you saying chapter 8 will be the start of heavy angst and bora bora chapter to be the most angst, so would chapter 8 be the bora bora chapter?
I love love love the update. It’s just the right amount of fluff, angst and smut. Truly the calm before the storm.
I almost threw my phone when I read the part where gojo still has explicit photos of him and Sera on his phone. The audacity!!!!
Also, I get why Gojo is tracking Sera’s ovulation cycle but can’t he just ask her to take birth control pills to avoid pregnancy scares and he’s mad rich, just buy a plan b. Would this ‘gojo tracking sera’s cycle’ be their argument for the next chapter or gojo finding out about the mc taking birth control? You don’t have to answer if it’s spoiler tho.
Lol, I was reading chapter 7 with my boyfriend, and he jumps every time I open my mouth to complain about gojo. Like he just sits there “👁👄👁”
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1) yes she’ll talk abt iceland sometime soon 2) chapter 8 is the start of the “reversal of the roles” bc the arc will change from hereafter 3) thanks so much for reading u guys 🥺🥺 i swear every single one of u give me motivation to keep writing
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hobidreams · 3 years
hi ive got a little game for you! it’s called
“Which Couples Sit How”!!!
categorize the couples from your masterlist into 2 separate seating habits whenever they’re out at public eating places:
1. The Ones Who Sit Side-by-Side
2. The Ones Who Sit Face-to-Face
PS: don’t forget to tag your writer friends so they can join in on the game!!!!
omg !!! hi babe, i LOVE this 🥺✨ what a fun idea!! thank you for sending this to me 🌸💕
The Ones Who Sit Side-by-Side
Right Here, Right Now foursome -- ok this is kind of both because i see them each clamouring to sit beside oc, while the rest get regulated to the other side 🤣 but if they were in a booth, they’d all crowd around her.
The Early Shift Yoongi and oc -- these two are disgustingly into each other and would absolutely sit together and feed steal bites from each other. their local small restaurant has long grown accustomed to watching them bicker (with love). i also see them as not minding bar seating so that’d be side by side hehe
I’m All Yours Hoseok and oc -- i imagined these two would have to keep their relationship under tight wraps so i think they’d sit in the back of the restauraunt, turned away from the door 🤔
Of Lace and Lust Tae and oc -- oh, come on. there was no other choice for these two haha. Tae is fond of trailing his fingers up oc’s thigh when shes wearing shorts or a skirt 😏
Stay Quiet / Curiosity Jungkook and oc -- these two are probably the most flexible. they’ll sit anywhere and everywhere, lol. no seat? oc will end up on Jungkook’s lap (i mean, girl same). but id think they’d prefer sitting next to each other, shoulders touching as they demolish some food 💞
The Ones Who Sit Face-to-Face
Bloom Joon and Dahlia -- it’s a more tactifully advantageous position LOL can cover more points of attack!
Everything Slow / Home Namjoon and Reader -- i kind of see these two as very similar aus so i’ll put them together. they really like to talk abt all sorts of philisophical things and its just easier to look each other in the face when you sit across!
Moonlit Throne Yoongi and oc -- ok, restaurants weren’t rly a thing for the king, but if they could go, they’d sit face to face! Yoongi wouldn’t want to miss out on looking at oc and she feels the same way. they’re so used to looking at each other from afar that it still feels kinda dreamy that they’re allowed to be together 🥺
Matters of the Heart Mr. Jung and Miss Kim -- social decorum would dictate that they sit with a proper distance from each other, of course! but you bet your ass that Hoseok is touching oc’s hand or arm or leg every chance he gets, when he thinks no one is looking at them hehe
Warm Hands (ice Cold Heart) Jimin and oc -- definitely both of them are used to this arrangement bc of their jobs + lots of meetings. also the chance that they might run into clients or associates outside so it’s better not to canoodle too much in restaurants 🤣 
Nox Count Taehyung and oc -- oop no restaurants for the vampire but i’d see him as sitting across from her to put some distance between them, lest he lose control from her scent ;)
gonna tag @yoonia @kpopfanfictrash @suga-kookiemonster @underthejoon @randombtsprincessa @lcksndkys @junghelioseok @cutechim @xjoonchildx @wwilloww @jjungkookislife @triviafics 🌹 id love to see y'all do this!!
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Convert Anon💜 here!!
I did take a nap with my sister and it made one side of my hips numb but worth it cause I did wake her up early and during the first day of summer
And I would read them and just laugh at probably ridiculous ones but also like, Azul boo you profit from them baby so you go baby boy!! I’m going to give you a smooch in the dark and tell you how smart you are and how pretty you look and also how I love your smug evil lil grin when you make your deals and just try and cuddle him on one of the couches and love on the boi
And me and Jade both trying to figure out how I was able to do it and just both of us confused and in the end i’d get distracted and tell him about the mushrooms that can control ants (and probably people)and unleash that chaos onto Azul and Floyd as Jade tries to grow those mushrooms
Me and Floyd cuddling as I finish my food and then drag him down to cuddle anywhere and i’ve been told by friends that i’m a great pillow so if I’m a pillow Floyd’s my blanket🥺 and just give him soft forehead kisses
Jamil and his snarky self is great and i’d eat dates for him and help crush bugs(unless it’s centipedes cause then we’re both screaming and on the counters and Kalim has to come save us)
And yeah, Lilia would probably get off track with his stories but i’d probably not realize it until next lesson and then we keep getting off track but it’s a fun time and i’m learning still sooooo
Hello Convert 💜 Anon🌻🌸🌺
Awww that’s so sweet 🥺🌺🌸💕 I love it 👏👏 Make sure to stretch out well🌻🌻
awwww, Azul would definitely let you cuddle and smooth him in the dark. It’s easier to high his flustered look with the dark room. Pull him by the tie (shirt? because he probably has pajamas on lolol) and just cuddle him back to bed. I think it would be funny that Azul is making a deal, and you just try and break that evil smirk from him with funny faces, and Floyd would join in. lolol that's me just being chaotic honestly 😂😂 omg! what if you its one of those classic moments on mafia Aus where you just in a nice formal wear just drape yourself over Azul while he makes a deal. its would be very 👌👌👌
omg, what?! Convert 💜 Anonie, what?!!? lolol I heard about those fungus that can control ants...but mushroom??? wait, technically fungus and mushrooms are the same right?!?! omg, someone get Jade out of his terrarium 😫😫😫
hjkhjshjah FLOYD MOVE OVER I want to cuddle Convert 💜 Anon 🥺💕💜 jjkhjjk that’s sooooo cuuuttte. and I bet that since Floyd is a merman his temperature is probably on the cool side so its probably just a nice sleep☺️☺️
I’ll be scraping along with you and Jamil, Convert Anon💜. I absolutely despise bugs. give me a flame thrower lol l’ll burn them all. Kalim comes into the room and sees all of us on the table or counter screaming our heads off early in the morning. 😂😂
Yes exactly! story time with Lilia is best time, I bet his singing is even precious, especially when he uses that deep voice of us 🌺🥺💕
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penaltbox · 2 years
they did well!! onto the semis ☺️ it is so bittersweet. i havent totally confronted those feelings yet lol. but your boy sounds so cute 🥺 any details you can spare on what he looks like? i totally get if you want to keep those private too though lol. im just being nosy. he better be nice to you!!! its what you deserve. good good and no need to rush things go your own pace 🥰 Hahaha thats amazing j omg. fingers are crossed for you!!
but ok so our night out. lol he did like the dress. the dress is a little bit…different to what i usually wear. but the girls hyped me up so i was feeling myself. we met up with the guys and ry saw me before T and he just raised his eyebrows and did a low whistle and then spun T around to face me. T gave me a once over. and then did that two more times. he didnt even say anything just pulled me in and kissed me 🙈 and the girls were all giggling about it. but then some of the guys told me i looked good and T was like “you look amazing” and he just refused to let go of me. when i called him out for it he leaned down and whispered “because every guy here has looked at you and im not letting them even think they stand a chance” 🙈🙈🙈 we had a good time! T left my side once to go get me another drink and his teammates took that time to tease me about how i was driving T crazy 🙈 and when T came back they teased him too and he just shrugged and said “i know. my girl is hot” which made me blush and turn to hide in his shoulder lol. rest of the night was fun too. we went to another place where we could dance. the guys were not excited about that one but the girls dragged them all there. idk if T um standing behind me with his hands on my hips for some of that really counts as dancing 🙈 but it was how i convinced him to leave the boys and dance with me lol 🙈🙈 when i got tired i went over to where they had snagged a table and T let me sit in his lap. and at one point he moved a piece of my hair behind my ear my heart melted and smiled at me and i asked “what” and he said “just admiring” 🥺🥺 i gave him a peck for that one lol. and pretty soon after that i was tired and ready to go home so ofc T went with me. we got teased for leaving ofc. ry told T to remember common spaces are off limits so he needs to make it past the front door 🙈 i need to get him back for that one somehow. and then there was some fun (👀) before we actually went to bed lol. i am very tired today though lol
Oh yay!! Good luck to them! That’s so exciting. You can know about him ☺️ he’s got lighter brown hair I’d call it and he keeps a bit of facial hair but not too much really. I’d compare it to like Brendan’s in my pfp honestly. Maybe a tiny bit more. He’s like 6ft which is great because I’m only 5’1 lol. Not a tiny guy, he’s like 100lbs more than me which again, love that because I always feel small with him 🙈 he’s got the cutest little smile but he’s so shy that he always tries to hide it. Idk yeah I like him so we’ll see how it goes 🙈🙈
You deserved to be hyped up in that dress omg!! I bet you looked absolutely gorgeous! I’m glad you made the boys dance, in whatever capacity that was haha. Just admiring?? Gonna go nap in traffic now 🥹🥹 that’s so damn cute. Ryan is always there with a subtle reminder huh 😂 I still love that boy. Oh and some fun huh 👀👀 now it’s my turn to remind you two to be safe!! That sounds like it was all a blast though. Enjoy your time you guys have left!!
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moonlightchn · 3 years
R/ Why are you the nervous one ?? I’m the one putting myself out here !! 😅 Uhm… hi! I’m Ravi~ That’s not my real name but that’s what everyone calls me. See it does start with R after all! We can’t really shake hands through the screen so accept this for now 🤝 It’s nice to finally meet you~
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Oh! More questions for me?? I might have some Q’s to your A’s. Dates- oh it’s been a while since I’ve gone on one ㅠㅠ I consider myself fairly laid back so a date could be anything from chilling around the apartment to going out and doing something~ museum, movies, shopping, PAINTBALL! Have you tried paintball? It’s not as scary as it looks and it’s actually a lot of fun! Like laser tag but messy and painful ㅋㅋ Free time is a loaded question because technically speaking I have a lot of it since the show isn’t on 24/7 OH! BTW the show is called Question Mark~ What was I saying? Oh right! I spend most of my free time in my studio I guess? I’m so boring I’m sorryyy
HE SNEAKS BUG POWDER INTO YOUR FOOD?! I would never eat another food he gave me if I were in your shoes 😨 Did you know we eat spiders in our sleep? I don’t think a whole ass spidey boy could crawl into my mouth without me waking up but that’s what they say! We should get superpowers for that. Kermit and Mickey totally meet for back alley fights. My $ is on the green dude! You make him little hats? That’s so cool? Do you knit them or something? Can you knit? Are you one of those artisty people that can do anything? I’d def be down for a hat making party, he needs a tinfoil hat 👽
So you want to see my butt? 😉 Only joking! That’s what I named him! Badass to be exact but he answers to butt too since we have to keep it PG ㅋㅋ He loves meeting new people I’m sure he’d love to meet you! Maybe even Mr Pickle! Imagine the bulldog and the frog, best buds! An odd couple they would be!!
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What else what else? I don’t have much to offer today. The big reveal was my name and face and those aren’t very exciting LOL 😩 Let’s meet up? IF YOU WANT OF COURSE! Or texting! We can start with texting whatever works for you~ I will leave before I ramble your ear off any longer ✌️🎧
what do you mean WHY am I nervous! cuz you've been talking to me and now I'll know who you are an-- oh... oh h- hhh heeeeello HI HELLODKEJODJ EEEEISIOWOQ AAAAAAAAQQQQQJSJSJSJ EXCJSE NE PARDON MENNJI NEED TONJUSY WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Its ok I'm ok EHEM HI hhhh 🙈🙈🙈 ravi I like that! hello good sir! ah you're v v handsome this is embarrassing HSHSJS hhh what was I gonna say- uuuuh AH YES It is v nice meeting you ~ravi~ hehe its nice saying a name now 👉🏻👈🏻 here have a handshake back 🤝🏻 zjkskss hhh yes QUESTIONS you brought up dates I had to askkkk it's ok it's been a while for me too... dates are hard anyway if you ask me! paintball though? I have never done paintball I dont think I'm allowed around any sort of gun 🧍🏻‍♂️ but no one has to know if you were to take me 👀👀 i- I mean- like- I mean doesn't have to be a date I'm just hhh I'm just SAYING 😳😳😳 chill dates are fun though I like that uwu free time is good! but I'm sure you also have to like, write the show and prepare things to do and stuff right? I spend a lot of my free time at home watching YouTube anyway- AH! ILL LOOK UP THE SHOW!! I'm sure its gotta be somewhere 😤😤😤 plus I need to hesr your voice now don't i~ hehehehe you're not boring it's ok 🥺🥺 I don't do a lot either! EEEE ok maybe he didn't SNEAK IT he was just making dinner and never TOLD US HE USED ITTTJDJDJD I've been eating his food for years it's ok JWNSKWN HHHHH I READ ABOUT THAT ITS SO WEIRD APARENTLY ITS FAKE THO DO MAYBE WE'RE SAFE?@?@*#*@?!? I did know someone who had a spider climb into their ear tho 🕷👂🏻 and it couldn't get out so they had to go to the hospital EEEEEE I bet it's a good party story MEEP ANYWORMS what if we got superpowers from everything we ate what superpower would a burger give us what about a bell pepper KSNSMNS You just go DING DONG 🫑 I think Kermit got the moves and would also beat you on a rap battle Kermit is my role model ✌🏻😔✌🏻 MMMMNNNN I'm NOT artsy in the slightest I promisjejsksk but I looked up how to make cute hats for froggies so I've been doing that with looots of patience!!! uwuwuwu tinfoil rip we want the aliens to come it's ok they can read our minds if they want 🥴🥴🥴 WAAAAAA YOU NAMED YOUR PUPPER BUTT STOPPSKEHSJS THATS SO FUNNY LOOK ST HIM I LOVE HIM IS HE FRIENDLY I WANNA HUG HIMMM PLEASEEEE AAAA HHHH PICKLE WOUKD LOOK SO FUNNY ON HIS HESD PLEAKSKEEM WE HAVE TO!!!! hhhh I think your name and face are exciting 😤😤😤 v pretty and nice to know 100/10 😤😤😤 hhh I think texting is good yes 👉🏻👈🏻 for a bit at least! if that's ok? WEEEE NEW PEOPLE MAKE ME NERVOYS SORRYHWWBJEKD you could never ramble my ear off!!! stop that !!! it's v v nice finally knowing you, ravi hehe let's talk soon uwu
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