#i assume he means fan fiction which i'm not super into but it was an amazing answer
thatsouthernstate · 10 months
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Andrew Scott & Claire Foy at a taping of Happy, Sad, Confused Live with Josh Horowitz at Symphony Space.
Claire Foy is a an absolute gem! Confirmed.
Andrew got emotional again at the idea that a movie like All of Us Strangers would have even been made when he was younger and that he’d be able to be in it. You can really feel how much he loves this one and how much it means to him. I swear to god I nearly cried too. So sweet.
Claire brought up something so interesting that I hadn't really thought about after my first viewing of the movie -- That when a child loses their parents, obviously the child is losing so much. But the parent also loses the ability to be apart of their child's life. I guess as someone who doesn't have kids, I hadn't really thought about that. But that idea that you would have kids and then not be able to watch them grow up is gut wrenching. I can't imagine.
Claire loves the word “Surrender”. Hard agree.
Andrew hates the word “Wednesday”.
They reenacted that scene from Harry Met Sally and let me tell you…. Iconic.
Andrew has read all of the “filthy, feral” things you’ve posted about him on the internet. But he’s sorta…. Okay with it? 😂
I have to find me someone who looks at me the way Andrew looks at Jamie Dornan giving his detailed recipe of roasted potatoes. 
Andrew wants to bring Vanya to New York! 🙌🏽
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blackfyrerebels · 1 month
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ aegon ii targaryen fic recs *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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if you want your fic removed from this directory, please comment or message.
though these are recommendations, my reviews will be honest and I will mention certain things I disliked. I do not mean this in a hateful way, and I hope I cause no offense with my criticisms.
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More coming soon...
Cruel Fate - @spider-stark
x reader | second person POV | mildly NSFW | no incest | 5k+ words
Summary: "Having been in love with Aegon your entire life, you always assumed that he never felt the same. Now set to wed his brother, Aemond, your frustration finally peaks and leads to you confessing your feelings." - written by the author
My review: Beautifully written and slightly tragic, it is open ended enough that I spent time afterwards extending the story in my mind (Aemond VS Aegon ultimate showdown.) My one criticism is that the author tends to italicize words for emphasis- with frankly absurd frequency- which I found distracting, but Aegon's characterization more than makes up for it. He's cheeky, possessive, and hot tempered, and the author does a great job showing how Aeg would be if he was a halfway decent person...
He Needs Me - @teethingbeetle
x reader | third & second person POV | explicit NSFW | uncle/niece incest | 2k+ words
Summary: "is it punishment or comfort aegon seeks with you? either way the path to either allows him solace and aegon is nothing if not selfish." - written by author
My review: Though I typically don't read smut, teethingbeetle's character blurbs impressed me enough to give this a shot and I'm so glad I did. This is a fairly short, straightforward sex scene with little in the way of plot, but as we spend most of our time inside Aegon's head, it serves as a compelling psycho-sexual character study while still exploring dom/sub sexual dynamics in an arousing way. My only complaint is the incest, but I'm more than willing to let it slide when it actually serves a purpose within the story.
The Summer Islands - @fairysluna
x reader | third person POV | SFW | no incest | 8k+ words
Summary: "In a failed attempt of escaping, Aegon accidentally arrives in an unknown island where a lovely and lonely girl lives." - written by the author
My Review: The cutest Aegon fic ever. This is definitely like the fan fiction equivalent of eating fairy floss: super sweet, super fluffy, uncomplicated and makes you feel like a little kid. Though the prose is very simple and leaves a lot to be desired in terms of detailed description, the rom-com plot doesn't really need to be bogged down in complex language, so I think it works to this fic's advantage. If you're in the mood for something cozy and comforting, this is the fic for you.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
HM How do i put this.So people often think 'punk' and 'asshole' are synomyous and this causes problems when it comes to character interpretations(and irl too ofc but that's for a future post).Now i'm not saying you can't be punk and an asshole because that would be absolutely stupid and just incorrect but the latter does not make the former and you shouldn't force anyone to when they're not even if they're fictional since how you treat characters who're part of a group reflects how you think of the irl one
I'm gonna use the example that prompted this post:Spiderpunk aka Hobie Brown.Hobie is often characterized as mean-spirited and perverted because he's explicitly meant as the embodiment of black punks but the thing is,in the actual movie and og comics,Hobs is an incredibly sweet and gentle person and if you think i'm being ridicilous for saying that about the dude who kills fascists and runs his mouth all the time,consider that direct action is not an act of cruelty but kindness towards oppressed people by helping them have a safer world and that Hobie's only actually rude to authority figures and with everyone else he's just goofy.He's also pretty open with how much he loves his friends and always has their backs and i find it very odd how often he gets assumed to be an extremely sexual person when there were never even any under the radar adult jokes about or by him and the smoker headcanon for him is baseless too and pretty obviously only happens for sex appeal
And that's a general problem with both canonical and popularly headcanon punk characters-Most fandom members think punk is 1.Exclusively male and 2.Inherently made to make yourself attractive.There's nothing wrong with finding punk men super hot but there IS a lot wrong is assigning punkhood to them with that intention alone,especially often the characters are not only just EdgyTM but also straight up fascists(Hp and Marauders Flop Era 'kinnies',please touch grass)
This leads to defanging of punk female characters.Katara is a classic example and Zuko is a rich boy with weird biases he's very open about that didn't fade until adulthood while Katara is an eco-terrorist who reclaims girlhood for herself by being anti-traditionalist and feminine in her own way yet Zuko is always the punk of the Gaang in aus.Stephanie Brown and not a girl but Duke Thomas are a poor woman who grew up friendless and abused by her dad and had a drug addict mom so she became a vigilante at 14 to help people like her and is implied to be a metalhead and a black boy who grew up getting kicked out schools and in and out of foster homes and joined a gang of crime fighters respectively but Stephanie is called scene instead(cause pastel punks don't exist right /s)and Duke is turned a meek black boyloser stereotype so that Jason Todd can be the punk Batkid instead,which is certainly......a choice seeing as Under The Red Hood is basically about him doing freestyle death penalty and is not actively an activist even if he does enjoy helping people and does whenever he has the opportunity to by narrative.Very important sidenote is that Stephanie and Duke are often entierly erased from Batman fan content despite being Jason's Batgirl and Robin and i think you can guess why(that obviously the coolest Batkid has to be the fan favorite white boy /s x2)
And i feel the need to include this one due to my url and that is Percy Jackson.Percy is representation for audhd and dyslexic people who can never mask and got bullied and abused for it but remained kind against all world's cruelty and choose to help others since they wanted the world to be like that to them as a kid instead but they ALSO aren't a pussy about it so they openly stand up to corrupted people and refuse to be like them no matter how hard they try to get them to and they openly hate them for what they're like and they act like a parental figure to younger minorities.Their creator stated he never inteded Percy as being bisexual and has no interest in it but he also said he'd be happy and supportive of Percy being played by a poc one day and within the books Percy is extremely transfem-coded so obviously the fandom pops several blood vessels when literally any of this is aknowledged because they read the wrong books and wanted a white male power fantasy in ancient greek gays flavor
You can be super nice and punk because punk is a subculture,not an entire personality type.And i hate to break it to edgecases on here but being super mean to people without a justified reason because you think it's cool or finding irresistibly hot on others is one of the most normal things you can do
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skylarsblue · 2 years
May I make a request for an age regressed reader who really wants Bo Sinclair to watch MLP with them?
Or did I already send this? I don't know. ;-;
(I’m gonna assume this is Gen 4 because that’s the best one (fight me). Also, first age regression request! FLUFF TIME)
❀Bo w/ A Regressed MLP-Fan Reader❀
✧Age Regression; AGE REGRESSION IS NOT A KINK I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANY ARGUMENTS. It's cute and y'all need to accept it.✧ ❤Fluff, no cursing this time, hard opinions on fictional ponies, GN!Reader, a singular mention of a kink but it's just some silliness, reader briefly implied to have long hair but it's barely there❤
Age regression is a pretty niche thing to talk about, even more so back in the early 2000s. Gonna be real, bub, he's not gonna have any clue what you're talking about if you bring it up.
Seeing you regressed probably first happens as an accident, a stressful situation became too much and you just started acting differently. He wouldn't get it, watching you grow subtly more clingy and quiet, timid almost. He'd be concerned but he wouldn't ask questions at the time.
Assuming you brought it up later, he'd need you to explain it in at least three different ways, honestly. He's never personally experienced something like that(he thinks so anyway), which makes it hard for him to understand.
"Your brain just...makes you act like a kid sometimes? Why?" "Because my childhood was trash and it wants to find a way to cope. Being an adult is stressful, Bo." "...You got a point there."
After he's grown to understand it, he won't have any problems with it. Oddly enough, he'll slowly start to find it cathartic for himself. He'll find himself getting a lil dopamine boost whenever he starts noticing you doing something that signals you're teetering.
Won't indulge you in front of his brothers unless his brothers start to act kind of caregiver-ish. Bo don't share.
You will absolutely ruin the daddy kink for him. He can't hear the word in that context anymore and it makes him cringe when he does.
Bo doesn't like cartoons, he never really has. He's never really been a TV person in general, it tends to serve as background noise whenever he's doing something else. But he does have a habit of saying he won't be watching the show you're watching, then he'll just stand behind the couch, forgetting the task he was about to start.
Will probably tease you for liking My Little Pony, I'm not gonna lie. Nothing too mean though! He just likes making you all pouty.
He's gonna roll his eyes and cringe when you ask him to watch it with you. He's a grown man! He doesn't have any business watching a "little girl's show". But he's got a soft spot in that charcoal heart of his, so eventually, he'll cave. But he's gonna complain!
He'll probably scoff and act like the show is killing his brain cells at first, but he's an idiot because he gets so invested. (Magic of Friendship boi)
His favorite is Apple Jack. I think that should be a given. He doesn't like Celestia though, feels a little too connected to Luna and he holds a grudge.
He starts to whistle the tune to the songs in his free time. He'll lose his mind and die on the inside if anyone points it out, because he's not doing it subconsciously. Except you. If you start singing to his whistling he's gonna just smile, cause he's a SAP.
"Bab Seed Bab Seed, what we gonna do-" "A bully on our tail gotta r- Oh son of a-" "YES! YES YOU KNOW THE WORDS!" "You hush your mouth."
When there are big villains in episodes he gets super into it. He acted personally offended when Discord made the Main 6 reverse their talents.
He did laugh when Chrysalis zapped Celestia but then immediately got upset when the other princess were affected.
Definitely had the song from Chrysalis pretending she was Princess Cadance stuck in his head for like, a month.
WILL buy you the toys but you gotta keep them in your room, he'll keel over in embarrassment if someone sees little pony figures on his shelves without the context.
He's kinda stingy about sharing you when you're small, but he'll allow his brothers to watch the show with you two if they want. Vincent probably likes the music, but he's not super into it. Lester might get more into it than you, actually, he likes pretty colors.
Vincent's favorite would be Twilight & Lester's would be a tie between Fluttershy & Pinkie Pie.
Once a group of tourists came into town in the middle of a long Two-Part episode and he missed most of it, so he drove into the city and just bought the CD of the entire season. FOR YOU, of course, TOTALLY NOT FOR HIM-
The TV was bright in the overall dim household, speakers turned up to allow the sounds of the cartoon to fill the room. The noise was coupled with the sound of crunching Goldfish crackers between your teeth, eyes tuned into the screen as calloused fingers worked through your hair. "Oi, eat your fruit too. Can't live off Goldfish." Bo said softly, nudging your leg with his boot. You were sat on the floor in front of him, between his legs, whilst he messed with your hair. You let out a little huff but grabbed the pastel bowl on the coffee table, poking a fork into some strawberries. You looked over your shoulder as you ate one, awaiting praise. "That's better." Bo mumbled, patting your shoulder.
You turned back to the screen, watching the group talk about Fluttershy's "stare". With a little hum to catch his attention, Bo looked down, waiting for your words. "Who's your favorite?" You asked softly, voice picked up in pitch slightly. Bo rose an eyebrow and glanced at the screen. "Apple Jack, she's the only cool one." He said, unable to stop the smirk as you gasped. "Fluttershy's cool!" You insisted, turning to face him. "She's a wuss-puss, doll. Not cool." He taunted, chuckling as you tossed a pillow in his face. "Don't hate the messenger! I'm just saying the truth!" He chuckled as you smacked him with the pillow again, which he blocked with ease, snickering as you settled into his lap with a pout. "You take that back!" He held his hands up in a faux surrender position. "Alright alright, they're all cool. How about that?"
Your gaze narrowed suspiciously at him, slowly lowering the pillow back onto the couch. "Mmm okaaay-" "Except Fluttershy." Bo laughed again as your mouth dropped open in offense, blocking your hands from getting the pillow once more. Left without your weapon, he squeezed you tightly, leaving you unable to use your arms. "You traitor! Bully!" The man snickered as you fought against his strength valiantly, only to dramatically give up a minute later. "I'm too tired now. I'm sorry Fluttershy, I've failed you." You mumbled with a tiny frown. Bo rested his chin on top of your head with a chuckle. "I'm sure she'd appreciate your efforts, doll. Now finish your fruit, took me forever to cut'em into shapes, ya know." He said, grabbing the bowl. You hummed and tapped your chin as if you were debating, looking at the ceiling in thought. "My hands don't work." You said suddenly, dropping your hands into your lap.
Bo rose an eyebrow and tilted his head. "Oh they don't, do they?" He asked, watching you shake your head. "Nope, they don't work." You insisted. The brunet clicked his tongue and gave a somber sigh, putting a piece of fruit on the fork. "Such a shame." He said with an eyeroll, holding the fork to your mouth. You took the fruit and nodded intensely. "'S a shame!" You slurred, whining when he pinched your nose. "Don't talk wit'cha mouth full." He said, moving his head so yours could rest against his shoulder, getting another piece of fruit on the fork for himself this time. He looked back at the episode and narrowed his gaze. "...the hell is a cockatrice?" You laughed and shook your head, taking another strawberry off the fork. "You'll see, and it'll prove Fluttershy is the coolest!"
"Mhm, sure, whatever ya say lil' one."
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aimwigs · 3 months
hey! i came across a list of lud's boundaries a few days ago, one of which was "don't write fanfic about him or his friends" which is valid, but i wonder whether the person who wrote that was simply assuming or actually knew something that i didn't?? i wouldn't be here if i hadn't indulged once or twice, so this isn't an attack on you (clearly), you're just one of the bigger authors who has like public social media and i got curious?? i guess? the only time i've ever heard ludwig reference fanfic was like once on the pod where he made a joke about it. obviously rpf is inherently weird and a touchy subject but he doesn't seem to give that big of a fuck idk guy i feel like i'm a detective going around and questioning suspects lol my bad still no clue as to why i'm in your askbox
i mean i dont really know it might be something that he said a long time ago or it might be something that someone just decided but honestly he has opened ao3 and read fanfic on stream (and was pretty chill about it in the clip) so i think it's fine LOL but i keep all my works archive locked for a reason and my public social media is intentionally on a website he doesn't use + i don't maintag my fics, or really any of my posts for the most part. i'm big proponent of separating rpf from the people it's about (it's what hockey fans have been doing for ages) and avoiding pushing it in their faces. fanfic and ship content should be for the fans and not cross that border (and for the record, i don't think any of it is "real". it's fiction based on their personas). i honestly think donating to creators directly to ask if they're cool with fic is super weirdChamp and i'm glad that's a mostly bygone era lmaooo. i doubt they seriously give a fuck as long as nobody is like sending that shit to them.
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cartoonscientist · 1 year
this has probably been touched on before but so much of fionna and cake ties into the theme of self-value and self care by making references to (what is traditionally viewed as female-centered) fan culture and specifically the debate around whether fanfiction should have “some basic level of quality” or whether it should be considered an unbridled form of self expression closer to art therapy than writing a professional novel (it obviously comes down on the side of the latter)
the theme of Simon not wanting to discuss his “old stuff” that he finds embarrassing and painful because he wrote it in a very bad place mentally, what he sees as mediocre, emotionally masturbatory wish fulfillment that says way too much about his psyche, although it’s shown that other people get a lot out of the Fionna and Cake series, suggesting that it’s a versatile work of fiction which readers can interpret to fit their own emotional needs even if it’s not exactly “high art”
or Scarab’s ultimately self-destructive obsession with wiping out what he considers a “mediocre” “abomination”, even though everyone around him is telling him to chill and let it go and focus on more important things because it doesn't really matter. for years, and even today, fandom has been plagued with (usually cishet male these days, but women used to make up a far larger portion of the snark/anti-fan community) fans who don't only dislike shipping and original characters, they actively seek out creators who do enjoy these things to harass them. or, I'm sure you've seen those people on twitter who get really mad about the fact that leaving long critical notes on ao3 fics (when not prompted or specifically requested not to) is widely considered Pretty Fucking Mean
both Simon and Scarab are basically being told by the narrative to take it easy, to not care so hard about like, the ontological definitions of "art" and "quality". Simon learns to value Fionna and her world, realizing that they have a life beyond the circumstances he believed he created them under. (but when he again tries to assume control, to sacrifice his own well-being for people he feels are more deserving of love than him, his space god girlfriend basically slaps him and says "you are so special and amazing on your own simon, you don't need to hurt yourself, you don't need to try to handle everything by yourself, and actually sacrificing yourself when you don't need to is kind of a dick move, and yes I know from experience because I'm omniscient now" [which ties into what's kind of the thesis statement of the show, Simon and Fionna both feeling like they're not special and don't deserve to exist or receive care and affection because they aren't exceptional, ie don't have magical abilities/live in an adventurous fantasy world; basically, you don't NEED to be super talented and amazing and saintlike to deserve to be happy, you just need to BE, and do your best as a human])
FOOTNOTE: when Scarab told Fionna that what she did wrong was exist, it was painfully reminiscent of transphobic (and anti-ND) harassment (and ultimately added another layer of satisfaction and validation to his defeat) and tbh it's hard for me to believe the writers didn't intend that at least subconsciously
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imposterogers · 2 years
hello, I don't know how serious you were when you said "someone needs to psychoanalyse Harry Osbourn" but ask and ye shall recieve? I am running on 4h of sleep, and just write my penultimate final so, like, this isn't the most consise or detailed but it does answer every rhetorical(?) question you posed. I'm explaining all the psych stuff assuming you don't have any orientation to the bullshit I'm about to spew, and I'm adding in links wherever explaining this will take too long so.... this is going to be a little pretty long.
Now, ideally psychoanalysis would be done via multiple hour long session (like nearly 20+) where the client just talks about their past memories, childhood, how they feel right now and what they think. Occasionally we throw in a dream or two, to see what their unconscious desires are. Essentially it’s very talk based, and in person is obviously the best. Since Harry is (a) fictional, and (b) not giving me enough screen time in the movie to just use the words he says, I'm not treating Harry like a client. Instead I'm just taking what we know about him and applying psychodynamic theories to him and treat him like a case study.
Now, I'm not actually sure how serious you were about the Psychoanalysing
We’re beginning with two main theories, 1. Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development: where the exploration of sexuality, formation of gender, it’s influences on self and the desires of a person are formed. 2. Erickson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development: which tells us what social needs were met, what weren’t, and how that influences personality/behaviour.
Note: Because it’s Freud and the late 1890s, sex and gender are the same and only the binary exists. Thus, this theory doesn’t look at gender, sexuality and is VERY outdated. These explanations are only used for heteronormativity, and homosexuality is considered a perversion from norm (which I’ll go into)
#1: Infancy to Toddler-hood:
My guess, due to Norman being abusive, cold, distant and uses money/luxury gifts to show his affection (if any), shit hits the fan from Stage 1 of the Psychosocial Stages: Trust vs Mistrust (0-Toddler age). At this stage it’s super important for a child to be around their primary care givers. Not having a primary care giver (parent, grand parent, nanny — someone who’s there with the child forming a deeply intimate bond) leave children with a sense of mistrust in the world. It make’s them prone to insecurity, and give the child unhealthy patterns of attachment, generally making them very “hope-less” (as in they are more likely to feel hopeless, isolated and alone and not just like... pathetic).
Assuming Emily Osborn died like a year after Harry was born, it's been somewhat implied she died due to post-pregnancy complications, Harry didn't have his mom around during the v imp phase. Norman is said to have really loved her and there’s a chance that after her death, Norman blamed Harry and treated him terribly. Either way, this means Harry grew up without the necessary bond post age 1, which has fundamentally fucked him and his perception of the world. Pair with this the entitelement that comes with wealth, and it's just truly too much.
#2: Toddler-hood to Childhood:
Now I’m going to the phallic stage (ages 3-5, toddler to child). This is from the psychosexual development, Freud’s theory. (Note: not the same theory as mentioned in the previous point). The middle stages in both theories are somewhat irrelevant to explain why Harry’s so.. that, but I can elaborate if you need it??
During the phallic stage, the idea is that the (cis)male child struggles with the Oedipus complex. He develops an attraction for the parent of the opposite sex, but is threatened by the parent of the same sex and thus begins to imitate the same sex parent to win the opposite sex parents affection.
So the son is attracted to the mother, but is threatened by the father (this specific fear in men is called castration anxiety for boys). Thus they imitate their father and his behaviour, hoping to receive affection from women who are like his mom. This obviously can influence the way he treats women.
Freud says neither heterosexuality nor homosexuality are innate, they are instead how we resolve our phallic stage — heterosexual is normal way to resolve it, and homosexual is to deviate from the norm. Now homosexuality could be a fixation of this stage — not resolving the conflict with his father and being heterosexual, will make him gay.
But I think he’s bi, so Harry associates with his father the way Freud expects children to, thus making him attracted to women as per normal (and also, this is why he identitfes as male, and doesn't have gender confusion). But he has unresolved his issues with Norman and wants his fathers affection and love. Both his parents are equally unattainable to him, one is dead the other is distant. Thus, Harry has to deviate from the norm on an unconscious level, and wants his fathers approval which he will get via the same resolution. This just means he loves and seeks approval from both men and women, which just like... makes him bi???? (keep in mind, sexuality and gender spectrum is the biggest limitation to Freud's theory
#3: Childhood
I’m skipping to the inferiority vs industry stage (ages 6-11) in the psychosocial stages where the child learns to either be industrious — confident, social, ambitious; or feels inferior.
I think Harry became industrious, he was taught to be strong and be the ruthlessly aggressive bully, and was also doing that because it was what got him his dad’s approval. He unlearns it, but it is also his nature, in a more innate way.
This stage in the psychosocial theory, starts right where the phallic stage in psychosexual ends. So, I’m guessing that Harry resolves his sexuality crisis via Freud, but his social needs of love, belonging and care are still up in the air, which he resolves via Erickson’s. This appeases his base consciousness, he has two problems, they are solved. It doesn’t matter if it’s healthy or not, he is literally 10. He does what worked for him, and associates with his fathers way again making him the confident bully that we see him as.
So now we come to Peter... what’s up with that?
Peter is smart like his father. His need for his fathers love is thus projected here. There’s a sort of transference, his need for approval from dad is not only found in Peter, but like Peter actually genuinely loves him too. Emily, his mother, no idea what she’s like but let’s she loved him unconditionally, and he probably felt safe around her — Peter evokes those same feelings in Harry. Thus, his means of resolving his gender and sexuality crisis during the phallic stage is coming back to bite him in the ass, via Peter. He’s like the mix between what he needed socially, love and acceptance; with what he desires, approval from his father who is a smart man
Why does he treat MJ like that? Because that’s how Norman shows love and affection to a person. Norman just spoilt this boy with his riches, and didn’t show an ounce of love or affection, and thus Harry assumes spoiling MJ is how he can show that he loves her.
Why is he dating MJ, the girl his best friend loves. Remember that bit about attraction to the opposite sex parent, so you associating with the same sex to win affection? Well. He’s doing that… but wrong. He is associate himself with what the object of his affection (Peter) is attracted to (MJ), in hopes that he will become like said object of attraction (like MJ), thus winning over (because Peter will now want him). I am not claiming that Harry is normal, or ok. I’m just saying, this is how you can explain it.
Why take Peter out on these not-dates? Same logic as point 2, it’s how he shows affection.
Why does Harry ask Peter to go hit on MJ? Denial. The defence mechanism of denial specifically
I can go on, but I will stop. PS. Also, you’re right. Not only is Harry in love, he subconsciously desires Peter? Like on a carnal level.
harry osborn has been psychoanalyzed
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers: Double 0' Chipmunk Review (Comission for RainbowSixVegasSamurai)
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Hello all you happy rangers and it's a new day yes it is because I got a comission from a new person. Always lovely. Longtime fan first time comissioner rainbowsixvegas samurai wanted me to take a look at some cccchip n dale, with it's 007 spoof Double O Chipmunk.
Admitely.. i'm not a huge spy fiction guy. It's just not a thing I seek out outside of mission impossible. So you'd THINK this would be a weird fit for me. And while it kinda is there is one part of it I have a small soft spot for: parodies. I watched archer for some time, I loved the film Spy, and as for the soundtrack to the musical spies are forever
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I don't seek them out persay, but I can enjoy them as the tropes of the genre are woven into the pop culture and they have a hightned goofiness to them most modern spy stuff, trying ot be more realistic, dosen't have. So I was fine with covering one and seeing what chip n dale brought to the table. And the premise is pretty neat: Dale watches a ton of the CND universes Bond parody and wants to try and apply that to rescue rangering and it swerves into another neat plot from there. Does it work or is it shaken not stirred? let's find out.
The setup is simple but effective: Dale and Zipper are watching a Dirk Suave, Double'O Super Spy film. And it has easily the worst part of the episode: Odd Shoe, Dirk's cowardly racist caracture of an asian person who works as his sidekick. Bond films certainly had their racisim but .. this was never a thing and I struggle to think why the writers here thought it was a good thing to ad. I'd just.. like to go one disney afternoon review that isn't goof troop without slamming head first into casual late 80's racisim
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The rest of the episode thankfully isn't.. anything like that and we get into the main meat nice and quickly: Dale's been watching these films a lot and Chip, as usual is just a tad pissy about it. In this case he's mad Dale didn't go with them to look for cases at the police station. Which is just a hilariously .. weird statment for me. I had to look it up and see if they really have that many human related cases and well, they do, so looking for weird crimes involving animals makes more sense than It hought. That said Chip being pissy at Dale for not going when A) he'd have to know Dale wasn't going up front and it dosen't come off like Dale lied about why he wasn't going and B) This REALLY isn't a 4 person operation. You need ONE of them at a minimum, probably 2 in case they find a case in progress and need to go NOW.
In fact having someone at your HQ when your not on a mission and your public figures with a known headquarters, is just.. smart. It's the reason the avengers in the comics have Jarvis the butler. I mean Dale could be doing something to actually help out while their there, true, but it's weird Chip assumes they all have to be there to talk to clients and set up missions. He's basically the team's leader: it's HIS job to meet with clients unless he has better buisness. It's something I can see even in say Helluva Boss: Blitzo may be a lot of things and most of those are a hot mess.. but he's not handled the
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Side of things exactly one episode I can think of and he was understandably worried about his sister. If Chip dosen't want to formally say he's in charge because Dale would throw a fit fine but then don't get pissy when Dale dosen't do what you'd rathe rhim do like study a crime file or something, especailly when that something DOSEN'T require him.
Not only that while Dale is spending tons of time watching movies.. he IS actually planning to help the buisness, suggesting they take the super spy tricks from the movie and apply them to their stuff. Is it the BEST buisness strategy? Not really and I get Chip dismissing it to a point: It'd be a possible waste of time and resources. I'm really more sore for Chip's reason for disliking it: it's because Dale thinks it's a good idea.
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So Dale naturally tries to prove chip wrong. And the how is well done in how bad an idea it is: he tries to dick around in gadget's lab and make the gadgets. Naturally this goes caca with his wrist gas grenades just falling off and his helicopter pack blowing upa nd everyone laughs at him... and the poor guy runs out while Chip is just happy to be right.
Gadget goes to comfort him but Dale's convinced becaues he screwed this bad idea up.. hes' just a screw up and no one respects him. Which is quite sadly a mood for me. Granted he did screw up but in my eyes it's not just the failure... it's the laughter. It's the fact Chip.. dosen't take him seriously. We see both sides as Chip, while annoying, does have a point Dale dicks around a lot.. but Dale was GENUINELY trying to help> He reminds me of Hank Venture: his heart is in the right place but his head is in some weird parallel dimension that only makes sense to him. It's an objectively stupid plan, but what makes you feel for Dale is what it meant for him: in a team where the others are his detective best friend, gorgeous genius crush and badass aussie, it's hard to not feel he has no real role here.
Gadget feels bad and decides to help. Her plan is an old sitcommy standby: fake a mission so Dale feels better. It's the kind of plot you've seen a million times and just gets boring. It only works here because the work is old enough. Not old enough for it to have NEVER been a trope but old enough to be before Spongebob did it better or a million other things ran it into the ground.
So as seen in the article image, Gadget shows up playing her femme fetale sister and sends dale on a mission to get microfilm. She also kisses him deeply. And this episode must be the holy grail for Gadget and Dale shippers. The attempts to comfort him, doing this whole scheme, kissing him really damn hard, even if it's for the bit. And honestly out of the two options in the main love triangle.. Dale just fits her better. He's got this loose weirdo energy that fits her spaciness. Chip just seems updight.. and also gets horribly jealous over this even though his bullying is the whole reason this game happened. As you'd expect, some real spies show up for a real microfilm, it gets mixed up, Dale finds out it's a game but still thinks it's real and plans to mess with them only to end up in a real thing. This part of the episode is ab it weak if you've seen enough of these. While using this cliche dosen't hurt most of the episode as the disguises are fun enough as is Gadget's hastily made double o gadgets for the first part, it does hurt this portion.
So our heroes end up inside a giant doomsday weapon. The spies finallyr ealize dale REALLY thinks this is a game after everyone tried to tell them that, and this is really what helps the use of this cliche and makes the episode: the fact instead of INSTANTLY getting that "shit this is real moment" the villians actually get to use this to their advantages. Our heroes escape in time of course to avoid getting blasted when Dale turns the rat's bosses super tank on, but it's still neat to see some sort of twist.
So Dale pilots a tank with his mind to chase the spies
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Chip apologizes, our heroes win and beat the spy. And this episode is .. alright. It's not the greatest bit of storytelling, Chip's a bit of an asshole, and the plot i've seen a billion times but it's charming. And not just because of that gadget outfit. It's got a sense of fun to it, it's not reallyt aking this plot too seriously, has a nice twist on it, and it's fun seeing the hastily made gadgets gadget whipped up. It's not a bad watch, it's just nothing incredible.
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Thanks for reading
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egg-emperor · 2 years
One of the most interesting Twitter post Kishimoto put out was that he wasn’t entirely happy with how Frontiers story fully panned out. Considering how different the ENG and JAP scripts are that makes sense. He says he going to work to improve it in future game. I wonder if Eggman will get affected by this.
Yup and with that, now both Flynn and Kishimoto have said exactly what I've been saying but got major backlash for as fans didn't like my interpretations of Flynn's writing in English, and didn't like the ways I criticized the story and character "development" in general as I felt it wasn't handled or delved into well enough overall. It's both very vindicating and frustrating for that.
I completely agree with Kishimoto and I'm very glad he acknowledged that, unlike the fans acting like it's absolutely perfect untouchable "peak fiction" that's exempt from all criticism and that everyone that has complaints are just haters. I see a lot of issues not just with how they handled Eggman but also the plot beats and progression as a whole and other characters.
And the differences in the English and JP also makes it seem like there were very different ideas between writers on how to go about telling it in both, which makes it extremely divided and even completely changes the meanings and plot points in some scenes. They definitely need to fix and prevent that from happening again and come to an agreement of how to handle it.
As for Eggman as that's of course my main focus and specialty to comment on lol, while I'm happy my interpretation of the Maria memo and Eggman and Sage dynamic were confirmed to be the intentions, my criticisms of the parts that still feel OOC even with this in mind remains, along with how underutilized he was and just felt off and inconsistent for the first time in a game.
How they didn't go about making Eggman's reasonings for his side of the dynamic clear enough for fans to not be able to mistake it as being pure and wholesome instead of shallow, self-centered, and self praising as Flynn intended it to be, and how it was assumed the Maria thing was implying a tragic past for Eggman is a big problem. It should be absolutely blatantly clear.
I could personally see it as soon as I analyzed it closely to see that the Maria memo was coming from his usual entitled selfish egotistical perspective, and that the ways he praises Sage are shallow and also unsettling as Flynn put it, as Eggman praises her in a very self-centered and self praising way in the memos. But they didn't really go to the effort of making it especially clear.
It shouldn't have just been super clear in the Egg Memos where it's just a couple of lines of audio each. Not having any of it on screen in the actual scenes in the English version especially was a big problem. There would be a lot less misinterpretation if they'd gone out of their way to establish it in the actual scenes anywhere near as firmly, as even the memos are misunderstood too.
All the personal issues I have with Eggman's portrayal in the English version was done much better in JP. They have the same reasoning behind the Eggman and Sage dynamic but the JP handling feels much more faithful in some areas, so I prefer it overall. But the differences between the two make sense now, they have the same reasons but very different ways of showing it.
They really need to prevent the vast differences from happening again. I'm curious to see if and how it'd affect Eggman. I'd hope for his Eng and JP portrayal to be handled much more similarly. For example, make his side of the dynamic in the Egg Memos especially clear in the actual scenes. I think they could take notes from how it was handled in JP for that, while JP also further improves.
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killian-whump · 1 year
Do you headcanon any of Colin’s characters as queer?
I sho' do! *pause* I think. I mean, it depends on your definition of "headcanon" and "canon" and "queer" and how much I'm thinking about it on a given day.
I mean, I headcanon Peter Sheerin as gay, but I personally think there's enough "hints" in the canon content that it doesn't really count as headcanon. But then again, it's definitely not stated and the hints are subtle, so it's also not canon, so... 🫠
I think Gerry's ace, but I feel like maybe ALL the leprechauns are biologically asexual and reproduce magically by popping out of clover patches fully formed or something. I mean, look at that adorable little beansprout! He's never had sex in his life, and he'll never have to. BLESS.
Also, I think Wish Hook post-Gothel (which includes Old Hook) is asexual, but not necessarily by choice/nature, but due to trauma. However, Detective Rogers IS asexual by nature, because his persona was formed from Wish Hook's - so he's got the aversion to sex, but without the trauma that caused it, so he'd read as just plain ace.
But... Do those two (three? four?) count as queer? Depends on how you define "queer" and whether you consider these cases "true asexuality" (whatever the hell that means) or something else - and even whether you feel asexuality belongs under the LGBTQ+ umbrella or not (I personally feel it shouldn't, but accept that it usually does).
As for the others... Generally, I tend to assume any/every character could be bi unless canon gives ample evidence to the contrary. I mean, a 20 minute short or even a feature length film gives you so little information about a character's life that it's impossible to really rule anything out. Sure, Brennan's crazy about Nora... but who's to say twenty minutes after the film ends, he doesn't meet an amazing bloke in the audience and fall head over heels for him? And it would be an international crime to deprive the men of the world the beautiful fantasy that is the nameless lumberjack in The Words. Basically, I don't rule anything out unless canon rules it out, and then I'm a stickler for it.
Like with Killian Jones. This is where I differ from a lot of Hook fans. I know pirates tended to be gay or at least bi historically speaking, and I know people love to pair him with male characters (as do I, but only in whumpy ways)... but I just don't see it. Canon gives us non-stop evidence of his attraction to women - flirting with literally every one of them he meets, sizzling smolders, innuendoes galore, climbing towers and banging random strangers, etc... with ZERO of the same in regards to men. We never even got something on the same level as David's "Emma, I'm a married man!" So I just don't see it. At all. He's not the kind of guy to hide his attraction to... well, anyone. And given the historical gayness of pirates, there's no societal reason for him to hide any queerness he might have. I think he's just not into men.
I'm also a stickler for Gordo Cooper being straight. AFAIK, the real guy was straight, and when it comes to actual people, I don't think it's "okay" to headcanon them as anything other than what they present themselves as, even if they're presented in semi-fictional media and played by a super cute guy named Colin.
So... yeah. I mean, I think one dude IS queer, a couple more might be queer depending on how you define the term, a couple are straight... and the rest like girls, but might also like boys. I don't know, man. I only work here 🫠
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osamusbigtits · 1 year
i obviously didn't mean were you serious about wanting to euthanize a group of people, (or at least i hope not, i don't actually know you or anything...) i obviously meant were you serious in your unapproving and maliciously harsh criticism about people who ship with bakugo, especially of a certain age range that you deem to be disgusting, which you were actually serious about, so thanks for clearing that up. and listen, you're allowed to disagree with it but uh, (which to me is weird tho, bc first off, he's fictional and in that realm there is room for well, um, fiction and imagination, so that being the case, you can um, you know: fictionally age someone up who doesn't even exist, so as long as someone is NOT shipping with him as a minor in their imagination then i don't get what the big deal is next to any other aged up fictional character from any other series from a canon perspective... let me give you an example: source material creators/authors/mangakas age up their super young characters all the time, just like your beloved Furudate did with his haikyuu characters and you seem perfectly fine writing about them fucking each other all the time, so why should that be any different? just because it came from the creator's brain that those characters are visibly shown to age up at some point and just happen to get a visible timeskip (which is super short, btw), therefore it makes you feel more comfortable shipping them? ok so, imagination is only acceptable in the mind of the creator's brain then? so one person's brain and imagination is more valuable than another's now? so, a fan can't have their own spin on it otherwise (just the way you spin things with your fave hq characters)? or because fans don't have critical thinking skills of their own to see that what a character really is, at the end of the day, just a set of traits and characteristics that we see reflected in other people? a character isn't some living breathing person with a set age, or even stagnant at all, they're meant to evolve and grow even if we don't see it canonically yet. so, we aren't allowed to assume the bnha character's will someday grow older and age too at some point ?? like ?? i'm just really confused as to what doesn't compute for you about all this, but whatever you're obviously allowed your own opinion if you don't agree, whatever) but also are we all any less cringe in any fandom than the next dude for lewding over a 2D person than the next, tbh? like really? are you serious rn? ok, climb up on that high horse all you want, you're so much better and less cringe than the rest of us, it must feel good to be so superior. also, way to be a malicious ageist, it comes off super ignorant and bigoted, tbh. like weird flex: you're in your early 20s or whatever, good for you? anyway, maybe try to be open to the possibility that you don't understand why someone who ships with an aged-up adult bakugo resonates with his set of traits or why it brings them comfort, since like i said, that's all a character really is: NOT REAL and a SET OF CHARACTERISTICS in the figment of someone's mind. maybe try practicing a little more kindness and empathy and critical thinking skills, hm? maybe don't be such a malicious ageist? or don't. just had to put in my two cents in since you put in yours.
uhhhhh I'm not reading all that. maybe just unfollow me next time
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abuddyforeveryseason · 11 months
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This is the Buddy for October 16th. I quite like it. It does look like a two-page spread in a manga I'd enjoy. I'm a big fan.
I am a nerd. I've always been, really, although I'm not blind to the annoying issues there are whatever it is people call nerd culture.
When I was a kid, there was a writer I read a bit of from time to time. I'm not going to name names because I don't want to insult particular people on this tumblr, especially since he doesn't seem to deserve it as far as personality goes.
He published a book, a sci fi novel with a lot of references to action movies of the time. Then he put out an RPG adaptation of the novel, which was what I got my hands on. It seemed like he was into hard science fiction, I was impressed, thought he was a smart guy. I eventually forgot about him until a few years back, when I found out what he had been doing since then.
After the books, he published some comics serving as a sequel/side story to the novel. They were pretty influenced by Rob Liefeld and Jim Lee, comics that my nerd friends usually mocked for their trashy art and horny storylines. And after that, he moved on to manga-style comics ripping off stuff like Dragon Ball, Yu Yu Hakusho and El Hazard. After that he made a set of superhero graphic novels with manga influences, and later a fantasy RPG-inspired webcomic.
So when you see the guy's body of work, it seems like he's just ripping off what's popular. He started out referencing movies of the time, then during the alternative comics boom of the nineties, he turned those hard sci fi concepts into edgy superhero stuff. When manga started really getting big, he forgot about superheroes and started doing more "mature" manga stuff (or at least what we considered to be mature back then. Manga was a lot more adult than superheroes, because of the violence, sex, book length, production model...). Then when Marvel started putting out movies, superheroes were cool again, and he's acting as if he's always been a fan. And now he's following the leader with something RPG and webtoon inspired.
So, looking at the guy, it feels like rather than being a fan who can tell when a work is quality despite it being disposable pop culture, he just looks like a drone spending money and time on whatever it is that's being published, and then scoffing at his old interests when the new stuff comes along.
Of course, even though I don't see myself that way, I am kind of the same. I got into comics during the Kurt Busiek era trade paperback boom - I wouldn't follow monthly releases, but bought the complete stories in a proper bookstore. And although I'm not from the same generation Jack Kirby's original fans are, I got really into his comics by reading reprints and digital publications - I only became a fan because someone decided to publish them.
Even when it comes to manga, I'm not exactly only appreciating quality work - I read it on e-readers (I've had four), which work great for older manga (and for ones that have an extensive and easy to find digital library), so I read a lot of Osamu Tezuka, Shotaro Ishinomori and Jiro Kuwata. I'm surprised when I go to bookstores and find the manga I assumed was super obscure available to everyone.
I could say the big difference between me and the writer guy is that I can percieve a work's quality regardless of how much hype there is around it. But even that is a line of thought that was drilled into me by the companies that decide what to publish. I can read a pirated italian translation of an obscure Osamu Tezuka manga on my generic e-reader and pat myself on the back for being clever and getting it, but that just means when a giant corporation starts airing the anime adaptation of a manga homaging Tezuka, I'll be more likely to watch it. And, even mentioning the guy's name on Tumblr, I'm advertising it (by influencing search engines into bringing his name up).
But, despite that, I still enjoy that stuff a lot. I think there's real quality into the work people who create comics and manga put in, and that it's an underappreciated artform. I could say, be it referring to comics from ninety years ago, or from a writer my own age, that the quality's there regardless of the hype. I read the RPG world story by the writer I mentioned and I think, sure, he's just following the lead of a bunch of Isekai stories and webtoons with a similar style, but, still, he's putting a lot of himself into the story. Whether he realizes it, or not.
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nocturnalghoul · 1 year
✨️Get to know me!✨️
Tagged by @anotherghoul666 I feel so popular lol :D
Share your wallpaper: okay my main lock screen is my girlfriend and I, which I am not sharing, so here is my home screen. It is in fact girldick Sunny because I saw Crow (I think?) post it and immediately went "yep I'm using that" (ignore my 8k emails o.o and the fact that its 2am, well 3 by the time I am posting this)
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Last song you listened to: Secrets of the Stars by The Milk Carton Kids (working on a fic inspired by it rn)
Currently reading: I'm semi-rereading Dracula but that doesn't count in my opinion because I've read that book too many times. My at work book is Odd Apolocalypse by Dean Koontz (the fifth book in the Odd Thomas series). I had started that series years ago back in college and only recently realized I had stopped at book 4 so I decided to finish it out.
Last movie: Listen, I take zero pride in this but the answer is Goon (2011). I had a super bad week at work last week and it weirdly always makes me feel better. Sometimes you gotta watch a not great movie to make the brain happy.
Craving: I would commit a crime for one of those lemon Italian ices right now.
Currently wearing: Drag Talk tshirt, Astros shorts (I'm a big baseball fan), "Bigfoot is real and he tried to eat my ass" baseball cap to keep my hair out of my face.
How tall are you: a little above 5'7" although people always assume I am taller, I do not know why.
Piercings: I have a singular helix piercing on the right ear that I am still trying to heal but am open to more.
Tattoos: None currently. I love the idea of getting tattoos but also have a policy I have to like the idea for at least a year before I get it and nothing has made it past that waiting period. I'm just not good at permanence.
Glasses/contact lenses: Glasses wearer. They are big and green :). I cannot do contacts cause I got a whole thing about anything getting near my eyes so I can never put them in.
Last drink: strawberry lemonade flavored sparkling water. It's yummy!
Last show: currently working my way through The Expanse
Last thing you ate: Banana bread (I made it myself)
Favorite color: blues and greens which is very apparent when you look at me and that is the color of most stuff I own
Current obsession: I mean Ghost, but also Wild Child released a new album on Friday (they are like more of an indie folk vibe) and I am so excited.
Unrelated obsession: the games Hi-Fi Rush and Melatonin. I LOVE rhythm games so much.
Pets: I have a little gray cat named Pierre! He has a whole backstory my former roommate and I made up lol. He is a little french orphan boy and chimney sweep (hence why he is gray). He also has an overbite and his little fangs poke out of his mouth when he sleeps like little vampire fangs so he is a tiny vampire.
Do you have a crush on someone? Does my girlfriend count because she is the only person who has ever successfully convinced me to care enough to date them. I'm more of a large amount of friends kinda girlie.
Favorite fictional character: I am so bad at picking favorites in general but now my mind is void of every character I have loved ever.
Last place I traveled to: I went to Greece last August with my mother cause it was lifelong dream of hers. I'm sure I've traveled within the states since then but outside of Austin for a concert cannot for the life of me think where.
I feel so lame to once again break this chain but I'm historically late to the game and am fairly certain everyone I know has been tagged already so I'm gonna go for the cheap option of if you want to do this and haven't please consider this me tagging you, even if we haven't really interacted. Have fun <3
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marypsue · 1 year
Ahh I went the ask that accidentally repeated the same fanfic ask numbers. As an attempt to redeem myself: 1,2, or 12! Or 17! Or any snippets you want to post!! Thoughts you want to share!
Nothing that needs redeeming! It was an impressive feat of serendipity. But I will always take any opportunity to talk about my own writing! (And other people's!)
1. If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!)
As of...tonight, I have five (5) fanfic WIPs that aren't abandoned, and three, maybe four original WIPs that I still think it's feasible to finish and that I'm interested in finishing. Maybe five, but that last one is decidedly more backburnered than the others.
2. What’s next on your ‘to-read’ list? (Fan fiction or otherwise)
Well, as of about five minutes ago, that'd be Wavelength by bixxelated! And I'm very excited to read it! (Tomorrow. After I have slept.)
12. Friends with benefits or secret dating?
Mmmmmmmm secret dating. Then you have a beautiful cornucopia of misunderstandings and assumptions to select from, and hilarious scrapes for the characters to get into to try to keep other people from finding out.
17. Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage.
I don't have any plans to make this into an actual fic instead of just a vague collection of ideas, but there's an opening for a sequel to don't let the sun go down on me that involves Robin finding out that the 'Nancy and Jonathan' Steve talks about sometimes have the same names as the girl his dad's confessed to killing and her friend who also died back in 1953, and getting really upset thinking he's been lying to her for some unfathomable reason. And that, combined with Upside Down shit popping off again and Nancy coming to California to make sure Steve's all good and [something something something] means Robin gets looped in on the supernatural shit just in time for another adventure. And this time, the shadowy government agency responsible for the supernatural shit gets top billing, because it turns out that practically-unkillable, super-strong individuals with enhanced senses and the power to brainwash people and heal other people's minor injuries sound really interesting to the military. And everybody assumed Barbara Holland died when she disappeared...but nobody's actually checked...
And I am still rotating gently and occasionally in my mind the concept of a fic about Karen Wheeler very slowly, very awkwardly navigating a late-in-life lesbian awakening while an entire season's worth of supernatural shenanigans go on in the background, which she somehow manages to completely fail to notice.
[from this meme]
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ace-s-fave-tv-shows · 4 months
I'm always freaked out when I stumble across a bigot while looking through fandom content (unless it's like South Park fan content I expect some level of idiocy there).
Especially if it's a fandom of something that has always been what idiots now a days complain about being "woke" (even though 99% of the time they're using that word incorrectly and can't explain what they actually mean without sounding overtly racist/sexist/transphobic).
Specifically stuff like Star Trek.
I encountered a homophobe bitching about "freaks making Star Trek 'Woke'" and that "Jim Kirk was a model of masculinity", even though in the 80s there was a literal novel that was published where it was rumored that in universe there was a rumor going around about Kirk and Spoke being lovers.
Not to mention the line were Kirk himself contemplates said rumor, and about how they weren't lovers, because Kirk "Usually found my best gratification in that creature called woman" which has numerous implications.
The use of the word Usually has a few different possible meanings:
1] That Kirk has at the very least tried sex with men at one point, and has found his preference to be with women. Meaning that though he's straight he was at least bi curious at one point.
2] That Kirk is bisexual but most often ends up sleeping with women for one reason for another.
3] That Kirk is bisexual but by random chance the majority of his best sexual experiences have been with women.
Sure this was a version of the novel that was published by mistake, but the fact that it was written at all as part of an official novel says a lot.
This isn't even bringing in the casual "crossdressing" that happened in canon. Or at least primarily in the Next Generation. What with the Skant, the minidress uniform casually worn by both men and women, with and without pants/leggings. With clothing being canonically stripped of gender implications by that point in the timeline.
Like buddy I don't know how to tell you this, but Star Trek was always "woke".
It is a utopia where interracial (and inter sentient species) romance is is normalized (though the second thing isn't super common). Were universal health care exists for everyone, and people no longer need to work to live due to universal basic income.
The Federation is a post scarcity utopia.
Star Trek is canonically "woke" in ways your small homophobic mind can't even grasp.
Or at least that's what I'm going to assume from your bitching about a drawing of two fictional characters kissing, and moaning about how the youths are trying to make Star Trek "woke".
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Fun story: I share many opinions with the most loquacious Izzy stans, but find it interesting that their immediate response to a conflicting opinion is often to berate others for “not understanding the text”, as if every opinion they put out is the unvarnished truth, uncoloured by their own biases. And yet I’ve seen a surprising amount of hand-wringing over the idea that the toe scene has any comedic framing whatsoever, even as the idea that it’s a sexual assault metaphor is treated as gospel.
Anonymous asked: Including fans who fall in camp “your taste in fiction doesn’t dictate the way you perceive real people” making bombastic claims that seeing anything funny about the framing of the scene means you need to reflect on your ability to experience empathy for other humans. I feel empathy for Izzy. I also am capable of perceiving a dark comedy joke when a screenwriter shoves it in my face.
Anonymous asked: Geraldo is executed for laughs. There’s a joke about Roach torturing the hostages. Buttons and Roach try to eat the Swede alive for comedy. Edward’s transformation is played tongue-in-cheek with “What happened to your face?” immediately followed by a blow which would give Jim a severe concussion if they didn’t live in comedy land. Why in this one scene is everyone else “misinterpreting the text”?
I'm assuming all three of these are the same anon having the same thought over 3 different asks. Yeah this fucking reading (the sexual assault one) of the toe scene is so pearl clutchy and dumb imo. As someone who has been sexually assaulted I don't know where they came up with it. Sure it's shot like a sex scene, with the lighting and the closeups and the pans and it is in the very literal sense physical assault, but that's where that comparison stops. Like my interpretation of the toes is that Izzy is super into it and Ed super isn't, that Ed would have been justified in killing Izzy after what happened and what was said, that it's indicative of Ed returning to a way he doesn't want to be anymore in order to placate Izzy which they set up during the beach conversation when Ed listed toe feeding as one of the things he didn't want to do anymore, and that it is a funny joke because Ed got told to watch his step and said "you know what, actually I will feed another man his toes, just this once." Three of those interpretations are supported by the text and the last one is supported by the genre and none of them contradict each other but all of them are contradicted by the SA toe reading, something which doesn't have evidence.
The sexual coding of this scene is meant to do one of two things and I cant tell which one it is but it could be both. The first one is "omg Izzy's into this", that's well trodden territory. The second one it might be is an interpretation I haven't seen before but one I just realized. This whole time Izzy and Ed have been toxic failing marriage coded, and when Ed gives in and becomes who Izzy wants him to be it's shot like a sex scene. It could be that it's shot like that because subtextually he's going back to Izzy and trying to rekindle whatever their relationship was in the past. It could be either of those things but it's super not supposed to make you think "he's being raped." And if that was the intent that would actually be super fucking gross for multiple reasons, the two major ones being Ed is the fucking love interest and I don't want to root for someone who does that, and two being that Ed's doing this for Izzy, he's doing it to convince Izzy that Blackbeard's back and Blackbeard wouldn't just stand idly by when his subordinate made threats like that so he has to do fucking something. You get how it would be disgusting for SA to ever be something that would look justified. Like I've made proofs before about toes and to be clear the toe move can be justified. There's other reasons it would be very disgusting if this was meant to be an SA metaphor, but those are the main ones.
Additionally everything you said in the third part of this message is absolutely correct. The world of the toe scene (and the marooning and Lucius going overboard) is the world in which Lucius got stuffed in a box for what I have to assume to be multiple days and Roach jumped off the yard and ate shit and was just fine in the next scene and Jackie murders her husband and then has a drink right next to his corpse and I feel like people forget that somehow. Our Flag cannot condemn murder because they're fucking pirates so they have to make it funny.
As for having Empathy for Izzy, I have empathy for Izzy. One of my toxic traits is that I will forgive a queer anything. I will immediately assume the best of every queer I meet and I will extend them grace until I'm at my fucking limit. Ill apologize for calico jack ffs. But my limit was the British Navy girl. I was with his ass right up until he marched those assholes into Jackie's bar. I was never rooting for him granted but I was like awe it must be so hard when he doesn't love you back even if you are a douchebag it still sucks. And then he called the fuzz and I was like oh hell no. And if Izzy realized that he was wrong and took time away from Blackbeard to become better I would be rooting for him then too. But people talk about him like he's book 3 Zuko when there frankly hasn't been any inkling of a redemption arc so far.
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