#i am very glad you're interested but the short answer is no i'm so sorry
emeryhiro · 5 days
I am new here and is feeling very overwhelmed right now with that is happening in the caryl fandom. I appreciate your insight into these characters. I am someone who has not seen Daryl Dixon season 1 and is seriously considering if I should even watch it with all that is being said about s2.
Reading all the early reviews that has dropped - I get a lot of mixed reactions to Isabelle's character. Some ppl say she was the best part about season 1 while others don't even mention here in their reviews. The caryl fandom is largely, understandably, biased against her.
I do not know anything about Isabelle and was wondering what your thoughts about her are - how she holds up as a character?
Hi Anon!!
Thank you for your question. I'm really glad you asked this question, and thank you for the kind words🥰 I'm going to do my best to properly answer and share my thoughts on all the points you've mentioned.
Firstly, welcome to the fandom!! 💖 I'm sorry you've joined at a time of so much uncertainty, but I promise that at its core, this community is a beautiful place to be. But like all communities, there is always positivity and negativity, and it's important to be careful with what's surrounding you, ensuring it's a healthy balance that works for you.
I've divided my response into several sections, as I find that to be the best way to convey my thoughts. I also wanted to be as clear as possible since this is a sensitive topic for some, and I want to try to alleviate at least some of the worries.
A mild spoiler warning for a mention of something that happens in episode 1 of season 2.
Reviews on Season 2:
I wasn't planning on reading any of the reviews for season 2, but since you asked for my thoughts, I read all the articles that I could find so that I could give you an informed response. And one thing I advise is to always take reviews with a grain of salt (this includes my thoughts as well) because, ultimately, they're all based on the writers' opinions.
What I've found with all previous seasons of TWD, especially season 1 of Daryl Dixon, was that no single review I read aligned perfectly with what I thought of the show once I watched it myself. And I know I'll say the same about season 2.
Regarding what I read in the season 2 reviews, I don't think I've actually read a single concerning line in any of the ones I've come across, and I'm pretty sure I've read every single one that has been released. There are, however, a lot of people who, out of fear or concern, focus on single lines from a review that may sound negative or worrisome when taken out of context, and ignore everything else in the review that's purely positive.
I can see many people have shared their specific thoughts on different segments of several reviews, but I won't go into my thoughts here for the sake of keeping this response reasonable short. If you're interested in a detailed post about my thoughts on the reviews in general or any in particular, let me know, and I'll share it as soon as I get a chance.
My thoughts on Isabelle:
I found Isabelle to be a fascinating character with many layers. She is unquestionably flawed and has a great mix of both positive and negative characteristics, which I think is what gives her character so much potential. She's intelligent, driven, brave, headstrong, and very protective, but she's also undeniably manipulative, which makes sense when you think of it as a self-defence mechanism that she developed during her rocky life before the apocalypse. I'm also a fan of Clémence as an actress, and I think she's a great fit for this character.
This next bit might sound a bit contrevoursial but bare with me. I've seen Isabelle get a lot of hate for being manipulative towards Daryl, even I personally hated seeing Daryl be treated that way, but it's important to remember that we've also seen Carol behave manipulatively when she's had to in the past in order to protect the people that she loves. This is something you'll see Carol do once again in episode 1 of TBOC, and when I watched it, it made me uncomfortable, but ultimetly, I could see that it made Carol uncomfortable as well; she doesn't feel any satisfaction out of what she does and is willing to carry the weight of that lie and guilt to achieve her ultimate goal of saving Daryl, the person she loves.
Even though, on the surface, it's not an admirable thing to do, we appreciate Carol so much more because of the lengths she's willing to go to for the ones she loves, and we've also seen her journey to this point, which naturally makes us love her and empathise with her.
So my point here is that I can't judge Isabelle for the same behaviour I admire in my favourite character. Just like Carol may act that way to protect Daryl (her loved one), Isabelle was doing it because she believed (to the best of her knowledge) that it was what was best for Laurent (her loved one).
However, what doesn't sit right with me about Isabelle's character is that what the showrunners and writers have been saying about her doesn't align with what I've seen on screen (this is a great example of why I try to avoid looking at unnecessary publicity). I want to love her character for who she is, flaws and all, but the inconsistency in her publicity makes me feel like there's some discrepancy behind the scenes, and that has stopped me from investing in her character and gives me slight concern for the trajectory of her arc, which has so much potential that would be incredibly tragic if wasted.
The only other thing that I would disagree with (IF the show ends up going down that path) is the negative messaging that would be given out about nuns if every surviving nun on the show is portrayed as willing to forget her vows the minute there's a man in front of them that they find interesting. I'm not catholic, but I think that it would be incredibly disrespectful towards actual nuns and the sacrifices that they make for their faith. But please don't take this as fact because I don't think this will actually ever happen. I honestly don't believe that AMC or anyone involved with the show would knowingly do something like that. I'd be happy to explain this a little further, but I don't think it's relevant if you haven't seen the first seasons.
Watching TWD: Daryl Dixon S1 & 2
My question to you would be, what draws you to TWD/TBOC? Is it Caryl itself and potential canon? And if so, do you feel that you'd be left disappointed and/or unsatisfied with the potential lack of romance between the characters in season 2? Or, do you enjoy the show for a combination of things, like the character development, world-building, cinematography, etc.?
I want to emphasise that there is no wrong answer to the above. Everyone is unique, and it's 1000% understandable and fair for each person to have unique reasons for being drawn to and loving, hating, or even being indifferent about a show.
I personally fall in the latter category; I love TWD for its rich story, action sequences, cinematography, multitude of interesting characters, and the mind-blowing ways in which they have developed over the years (the whole package of the show is exactly my cup of tea), and of course, it's no secret if anyone looks at my blog that my favourite character (BY FAR) are Carol and Daryl. I absolutely adore them for everything they are, both as individuals and what they bring out in each other and mean to each other. And if Caryl is ever canon (which I expect would happen in season 3), then that would be the cherry on top of a show I already love.
My very short review of season 1 would be that I really enjoyed it and would rank it at the top between all the other spinoff seasons we've gotten so far. However, in all honesty, I still felt and noticed the hole that was left behind in the story with the absence of Carol, but knowing that she will be returning in season 2 kind of made up for that lack in season 1. All up, I really enjoyed season 1 and have watched it several times in the last year. I'm actually currently in the middle of watching it again in preparation for season 2.
My recommendations:
If you personally fall into the former category and, as mentioned above, feel that you'd be left disappointed and/or unsatisfied with the potential lack of romance between the characters in season 2, then perhaps it's better to wait till all the episodes are released to then decide if it's something that you'd like to watch.
If you're willing to accept and are okay with the potential lack of romance between Caryl in season 2 but are concerned about and would rather not watch any potential romantic relationship develop between Daryl and Isabelle, then I'd say that you should watch the season as it releases because I honestly don't believe that something like that is a real possibility. At most, there may be hints towards one-sided feelings from Isabelle's side and maybe some confusion from Daryl's side, but untimely, it would not mean or go anywhere. I'm personally not even bothered with this worst-case scenario because it doesn't matter how many people have feelings for Daryl or how confused Daryl is because I know that once he's reunited with Carol, there won't be any more uncertainty about where his heart and loyalties truly lie. There's honestly not a single ounce of me that's concerned about this.
If you're more like me and enjoy the show as a whole, even though you may be slightly disappointed with a few accepts, then I'd highly recommend that you watch season 1 before the release of season 2 (if you have the time), because it genuinely was a good season and will give you a lot of backstory and context that would make season 2 feel so much more enjoyable and immersive.
Thanks again for your questions!! I hope this all makes sense and that it answers your questions. As I mentioned earlier, if you'd like me to expand on my thoughts on anything in particular, please let me know, and I'd be happy to do so.
My last bit of advice is this: I know it's easier said than done, but I urge you, especially as someone who's new to the fandom, to not allow a lot of different voices and opinions to shape how you naturally feel or invalidate what you take away from watching the show (not that I think that's what you're doing but this is the general advice I wanted to give just in case🩵). It's really easy for anyone to be influenced by negativity and positivity when they find that that's all they can see from the people around them.
I personally try to focus on what I see on screen and what I hear directly from Norman and Melissa because, at the end of the day, showrunners and writers come and go, but Norman and Melissa have embodied these characters from day one and understand them more than anyone else ever could.
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sillysillyprice · 1 month
Hello and good morning I've discovered lately your au and I'm quite invest to be fair it's funny and really intriguing if it's not asking too much can you explain why's there two shadow milk cookie ? One who look stupid and the other who's quite pretty and with silent salt cookie what is he in love with our dear shadow milk cookie and that's why he's glad that elder faerie died or what because calling your friend my angel and be glad his past lover? Died is a bit........ anyways sorry if it's too long and for bad grammar English is not my first language so
and don't worry, english isn't my main language either haha
Well, going step by step
1 – the two Shadow Milk
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In theory... they are the same person, but at the same time they are not...
It's a matter of perspective!! But in theory it's more or less like this
Light Milk, the original Shadow Milk, In his search for knowledge he ended up discovering things he shouldn't, things that kept him awake and made him descend slowly and tortuously into madness... until everything exploded when he visited the witches' banquet (it was not the first time he attended) I begged the witches to make him forget, he didn't want to be the knowledge cookie, the knowledge he had loved so much had destroyed him, and he just wanted... to rest, But the witches did not listen, after all, he had been created to store knowledge, it was his only function as a living being
So Light Milk just... jumped into the cauldron
yeah, a little strong but- oh well
When the witches took the cookie out of the cauldron it was no longer the same as before, they could no longer even tell that it was a cookie, They only saw an amalgam of suffering, sorrow and agony, Shadow Milk is the accumulation of all the pain of Light Milk
So as I said before, in theory they are the same person, they share the same body, but they will never be the same, and Shadow Milk has no memories of his past life
2 – Silent Salt's... love for Shadow Milk? In short, yes!
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can be summed up as, SILENT SALT! YOU'RE A DAMN SIMP!!
But let's do this as it should be done
Silent Salt (at that time Service Salt) always had feelings for Light Milk, but they never had anything because Silent Salt forgot the detail of, I don't know... EVEN SAYING SOMETHING
He was content with seeing him, helping him, always being there for him even if it was as a friend, he did not feel brave enough to confess
but all this changed when Light Milk and Elder Faerie started dating, Service Salt knew it was wrong to feel jealous about that, he had no right to be angry since he had wasted his chance! But even though he was still upset with Elder Faerie for "stealing his angel," Silent/Service Salt's feelings began to become more and more obsessive, more twisted
until that incident occurred that gave life to Shadow Milk
He, and everyone knew he wasn't Light Milk, but they treated him as if he was, including Service Salt who selfishly saw a new opportunity to be with his angel, ignoring that there was only one demon left
There happens the transition of changing the name of Service Salt – Silent Salt, and starting the disaster in order to please Shadow Milk and win him (spoiler: EVEN TRYING HE CAN'T ACHIEVE IT HAHA, and I don't know if that ends up being better or worse)
And well, everything ends badly, very badly
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meanbossart · 10 months
hi. I'm a huge fan of your work. I've been following you since before sad sack even came out. I was around for the very first teasers of it. I am very young... definitely i was too young to be reading sad sack when I was. but I'm an adult now so whatever, harm done. I'm a novelist. you are really one of my greatest artistic inspirations.
I guess my question that I want to say is... how do you finish stories? I have a million started but I always get this horrible voice in my head telling me that it's not worth it to finish, that the next project I do will be better, but I know I'm at the point in my journey where I need to just get something done. how do you do it? do I just need time? do I need to get a little older? do I need to keep failing until I succeed?
thank you so much for everything that you've done, your art brings me so much joy and comfort. many, many times your comics have made me feel like I wasn't alone. please keep doing what you're doing, because I love it, just for me lol.
Hey! This has sat in my inbox for a while i know, to be completely honest it just never feels great to know someone was exposed to my adult work before they should have been, and it can feel like im walking a tenuous line in acknowledging that it happens and not... Doing something about it? Though im not sure what that something would be. I will take your word for it that you are an adult now and as you said, the harm was already done. Im not happy about it but nothing can be done about it now i guess.
I do sincerely appreciate your kind words about mine and Nick's work and I'm glad it's brought you joy, and i hope you were always able to enjoy it with a critical eye too.
As for your question, there is truly no easy answer there or A to B guide that will get you past this hurdle - some people work on years and years on the same thing before releasing it, other's just pump their first work to get it out of the way and while it may not be great, at least its done. Regardless, once you get one thing finished, you will come to realize that its easy to finish others, too. I think regardless of what you do though, you will never look back on your very first work and be happy with it, so its my personal opinion that while you should do your best, you should make peace with the fact that it will not be your best, and that's okay.
As for what I would personally do? Pick something, something short, and something fresh, dont start with that massive story you've been workshopping for 15 years. Start with something you can whip up in a year at the VERY most, something you are currently passionate about, something that interests you right this second. Draft it as quick as you can so you know how it starts and how it ends, and then set yourself up with a schedule to finish it - you don't have to abide by it 100%, but if you give yourself all the time in the world to work on it, you might end up taking up your own offer. If you have a deadline, even if made up, you will have to force yourself to move on when you come across something you aren't entirely happy with instead of becoming stuck on it for days, frustrated, and then proceeding to abandon it as you might have done before. I repeat - you will never be entirely happy with how your first work turns out. So focus on being passionate, proud, and absolutely committed to making it happen at all, instead.
I hope this has helped you at all, im both sorry that you ended up looking at our nasty stuff before you should have and also, again, genuinely glad you find inspiration in it now as a grown person. I wish you the best of luck in your journey as a creator!
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bird-inacage · 1 year
Ah I LOVE your posts, thank you so much for writing them!
I wanted to ask your opinion of that scene in the trailer, where Ray and Sand seem to be in a class (at 1:40 in the trailer) and Ray says something like 'now that you stepped into my life, I won't let you walk away' I find Sand's expression interesting!
I am guessing it's gonna be after Sand has distanced himself (I am also guessing it's after their fights in the trailer) but I wanted to read your opinion!
Thank you either way and again, I love your insights a lot ^^
Hello Anon!
Thank you so much for your lovely and generous message, and taking the time to read my posts❤️
I assume you're referring to this scene? Ooh, now this did jump out to me when I first watched the trailer too because it seems to mark a turning point. A turning point where Ray is potentially ready to pursue Sand back.
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My assumption would be the same as yours. This likely takes place after a massive argument or confrontation. After which Sand has finally decided to give up on trying to get answers from Ray. Based on the fieriness of those fights, Ray is very hard to reason with once he gets that angry. Not only do the arguments blow up in Sand's face, but Ray often seems to be the one storming off, leaving him hanging and none the wiser.
Now I imagine that at this point, Sand is tired. The poor man has tried to be patient. He's probably given Ray chances to explain himself. And when all else failed, he decided to directly confront him (which was probably a last ditch attempt to get something out of him). None of which seem to have yielded any results. My prediction is that the only remaining thing for Sand to do is to break contact. For his own sanity. Probably tries to keep his head low and avoid Ray in the meantime (which then results in Ray hunting him down and confronting him at university instead).
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It's difficult to read Sand's expression from such a short clip, but he's clearly conflicted. The last time he saw Ray was probably the fight. I'm sure he's hurt and staying away has been difficult. He probably misses him. And all of a sudden - here he is, and he's got Sand backed into a corner.
What I mostly see in his expression is a mixture of frustration, disbelief and a hint of relief. Frustration and disbelief because Ray has the audacity to act in this manner after Sand has tried to reason with him. The irony in that as soon as Sand pulls back, Ray comes knocking. But there's also the slightest hint of relief, because the mere fact that Ray has come looking for him validates that Ray does have feelings for him, despite anything he might have said previously.
Sand jokes in Episode 3 that he's been Ray's driver, his drinking buddy, his shrink, his chef, his friend with benefits (and probably more to come that we haven't seen yet). Ultimately, Sand has become someone who takes care of Ray.
If Sand just stopped, Ray would panic. So it doesn't surprise me that Ray would be all: 'you don't get to just stop. You don't get to just walk away. You're too important to me now. You can't just abandon me.' Which is typical brat behaviour. He doesn't say 'I will convince you to stay', he says 'I won't let you walk away', which means Sand doesn't get any choice in this matter. It's more an attempt to emphasise his conviction rather than actual intent to inhibit Sand's free will.
But boy oh boy is there so much to dig into with this show, and I'm glad you're enjoying all the deep diving as I am. Sorry for waffling on!
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You and gay-jesus-probably have successfully made me question everything with your view that Tears of the Kingdom is imperialist propaganda, so that's been fun.
Anyway, I decided to share this discussion with the Zelda fans on reddit, and perhaps unsurprisingly, a lot of them disagreed. Here is what they said (I'm Alarming_Afternoon44):
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So what do you think? Have I and all these other people just been duped by the game's manipulative framing? Or do they actually have a point?
And if you'd rather not answer this, or would prefer if I censored the usernames, just tell me and I'll delete this.
Hey! Thanks a lot for reaching out, and I'm glad it made you think stuff through!!
Honestly, as I mentioned in this post, I am not super interested about in-world conversations about who oppresses who, because what can be assessed from the game is super vague and more vibes-based than evidence-based. Within the text, of course that the Good Zonais are good and the Bad Ganondorf is bad! But that's my whole point! The narrative has been deliberately crafted so that the zonais and Rauru (and Hyrule) are as blameless as possible (and it's not doing a great job at it overall to be frank; we would not be having these conversations about how offputting it all feels for a non-zero number of people if it did do a great job). More importantly, I want to focus on what sort of real-life narrative it all parallels. Because people make stories, and people live in the real world.
Not going after everyone's throat here, gamedev is hard and the hydras that are AAA game production do end up doing super weird stuff, especially since the thematic ramifications are absolutely never prioritized (and it's also always the same kind of people who make the final calls and push out what can and can't be talked about also). And as fans, we tend to have trouble stepping outside the lens of lore and take a look at the bigger picture sometimes; not as an attack on any individual part of that decision-making process but to just pause, stop, and question our standards, our priorities and the kind of reality (or skewing of reality) the stories we tell each other reflect.
Again: do we want to take videogames seriously or not? If we do, then we need to accept they are a vehicle for ideology, just like any other artform. And sometimes, you push out questionable ideology, sometimes without meaning to, because you didn't unpack your own biases as you did. And it's even fine to do it, nobody is perfect, a 300+ people team spread over 6 years certainly will not be that. But that it wasn't prioritized is, in my opinion, a problem. As a narrative designer, I want games (at least the narrative side) to be held to a higher standard than this. It's literally my job to work with the industry so it can hold itself to higher standards of quality --so the whole TotK situation is quite frustrating to witness from a very pragmatic, work perspective where I already spend my days trying to convince people that things mean things. I have a vested interest here in not having the companies I work for being given a free pass by gamers to do literally whatever as long as it's fun, especially when we're talking about a billion-dollars company suing its own fans left and right for any perceived slight. Nintendo are not underdogs here. It's fine to point out they cut corners and maybe promoted messy ideologies, voluntarily or not.
So long story short: no I don't believe anyone here has a point in regards to what I think is actually important, which is why these choices were made in the first place. If you look at an imperialist text expecting the text to tell you that it's imperialist instead of recognizing a framing used for propaganda by yourself, you're never gonna find any imperialist text ever, obviously not!! I'm sorry if I sound a little gngngn here, but I don't know why audiences have, at large, this feeling that lore and story beat decisions materialize themselves already formed and without any human bias, meddling, intervention, internal politics or approximations (it seems that people can only conceptualize this part if they have actual names to attach to the story, but without clear authors it's like there are no authors and so no bias, which is... a very strange bias in itself). I can promise you that it does not work that way in practice: every narrative department on every big game is a battlefield --some nicer than others, but all of them very emotionally draining either way.
So yeah, I guess that on these grounds, I disagree with every point raised here. Sorry Reddit :/
But thank you for the ask and sorry if I didn't go more into details as to why. The big Why I Dislike Rauru Post and the Gerudo Post might have some more specific rebuttals, but I am not super interested in debating small detail stuff tbh. I feel like it's no use if the frame of reference isn't being understood in the first place.
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k-slla · 1 year
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A/N: So here it is, bit later than I had hoped. Feedback is appreciated! Enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of drugs, language, mentions of death, grief, mental abuse (I'm bad at writing these, if I miss any, please let me know)
Beautiful dividers by @cafekitsune
Previous chapter
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Dean's POV
"Sam! Get in here!" I whisper yelled at my brother when I saw him in the corridor. "Sammy, I think I'm not able to fight it. Feeling pretty mellow right now. Catch my drift?" I smirked at him as he stepped inside.
"Dean, are you serious right now? You got high on meds?"
Someone's moody. I sat down on my bed.
"I'm sorry. But you don't say no when they hand it to you for free. AND - it's a hospital so you know they have good stuff here. It's okay, I just need a minute. "
He stood in front of me.
"You're unbelievable, you know that? What can you say about the wraith? Has it fed on someone else?" Sam asked as he pulled the chair next to me.
"Yes, one patient. But it's the head nurse and I know where to find her. You have my knife?" I stood up and took my blade from Sammy. "Okay, let's roll."
Barely an hour later and we were walking out of the hospital in the dead of night.
"Dream team!" I laughed and held my hand up for high-five. "Dude, calm down. You're going to the backseat to sleep the drugs off, capiche?" I cracked up. "Hah, no, I'm not. I'm driving!"
As I was driving, I couldn't stop thinking about Y/N. It's like a fricking double-edged sword. There's nothing I would like more than to have a family one day. And I wouldn't want it with anyone else than her. But everything always goes south with me and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to her.
"I think I'm going to talk to her. See where's her head at." I said quietly. "Really? I'm glad to hear that but what's changed?" He really did sound happy. "Well, I've had some time to think and life is short, you know. If I'm not doing it soon, I might as well not tell her at all. But I'm scared, man."
"Dean, that's totally understandable. But whatever might happen, I'm sure you'll be glad that you've made your feelings known for her, right?" I took a deep breath. "Right."
"Y/N, we're home!" Sam called out for her as we entered the bunker. There was no answer. Usually she always had some music playing in the background. Walking downstairs, we saw a note on the table. I quickly opened it and sat down.
Sam & Dean
So sorry that I'm leaving like this but I don't have very much time. I got a call from my brother. My dad's health isn't good. He might not have much left so I'm spending some time with them in Maine. I don't know if it's few weeks or a month but I'll let you know, okay?
Take care
Love you guys
"She's gone to Maine, to be with her family, her dad's not doing well." I said to Sam. "What? Really? Huh, interesting." He sounded surprised. "Why? Why's that interesting?"
"I mean, you know how her mom tried to keep from going to college. Living her own life, to stay and help with her dad. I'm personally not blaming her for cutting the ties with them, you know. I understand, probably would've done-" I cut his sentence.
" Wait, wait, wait. So if it wasn't for me looking for you when dad went missing, you really would've cut all ties with him? Would've left hunting behind?" I tried to hide the hurt in my words. For all these years I tried to keep us three together, now I wonder if it was a mistake.
"Dean, stop. You're reading too much into it." he defended himself. "Oh am I now?" I snapped back at him. "Yes! You are! Relax, please. You know yourself how dad was never there for us. Are you really blaming me for exploring my options? I got out the life because of dad, but back to it because you were there for me. Through childhood and school, putting your own life on hold basically to take care of me. You could've told dad off so many times but you didn't." I never thought of that this way.
"But are you happy now? Or would you still want to go "explore" your options?" I mocked.
"Of course I'm happy, Dean! Hunting with my big brother? I wouldn't change it for the world." He smiled at me.
"Then I'm happy too, Sammy." I sighed loudly. Is it just for me or for all the older siblings, but the young ones never seem to grow up. I still look at Sam sometimes and see this little kid who jumped down the roof and broke his arm because he thought Batman could fly.
"I'm making lunch, you want something?" I asked him as I got up.
"I'm fine, I'll make something later." Sam said casually as he opened his laptop.
"You're funny, dude!" I laughed as I walked towards the kitchen. "Dean, really, you don't have to-"he called after but I didn't listen.
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Reader's POV
I parked my car in front of the motel and sat there for a minute. Why did I ever thought that after all these years something's changed. Dad was the only one who I think ever cared about me. He was the glue in this family and now he's gone. But I am not going to the funeral. I got to say my goodbyes to him and that was the only reason I came here. I can't pretend all day in front the people who know nothing that everything's okay. The past weeks have been unbearable all because mom and my brothers were guilt tripping every minute of the day for abandoning the family. I was clearly a burden for them so why torture myself longer with staying there?
I got out of car and walked towards my room.
I was so tired but I still wanted take a shower. I put the water running scolding hot. At one point all those repressed emotions just came crashing through the surface and I just stood there crying. The grief of losing my dad. The hurt the rest of my family was responsible for. Anger for even coming back here. Finally peace, for getting closure with my dad. From this point forward, I will not have any contact with my family again. They died with dad and I'm glad. After a very long shower, I got out and just collapsed onto bed, not even bothering drying my hair.
Sleep was restless. I don't know if it's from the stress but in the morning I felt a little feverish. I just wanted to go home and have a movie marathon with Sam and Dean. I missed them so much already. I decided it's better to let them know, that I'll be there soon. I dialed Dean's number and it went straight to voicemail.
-This is Dean's other, other cell so, you must know what to do.
Y/N: Hey, Dean, just wanted to let you guys know that I'll be home soon. If you need anything let me know.
I waited for a second on the line.
Y/N: I'll bring pie.
I added to the end. I did a quick reroute to town again to pick up some coffee for the road. It will be a long drive and i wasn't planning on doing many stops.
Usually I loved taking long road trips but these last weeks have been just awful. I couldn't wait to be back in Kansas. Home with the boys. Ever since they saved me from that djinn few years back, I stayed with them. We helped each other, hunting and in everyday life.
I didn't want to make long stops, so I only got gas once and forced myself to drive, living off on coffee for the remainder of trip.
Getting closer to Lebanon, I hopped into Dean's favorite bakery on the way and got them a freshly baked apple pie. As an apology to disappearing on them so suddenly.
I took my bag and pie from the seat and went inside. "Hey, guys, I'm home!" I called out to them as I walked downstairs. Suddenly I felt a pair of large hands around my shoulders hugging me tightly from behind my back. Knew it without looking who it was. "Hey, Sam!" I started laughing and tried to wiggle myself free from his hands.
"Hi, kiddo, how are you holding up?" He asked worriedly and let me go. I stayed quiet for a bit. "I'll be fine. You know I will. I just want to sleep so bad." I laughed tiredly. "Is Dean home?"
"No, not right now, he went to back up Bobby on a ghost hunt. Should be back soon. Said he'll pick up some supplies afterwards, if you have any preferences for dinner you better let him know. And maybe take a nap after?"
"Sure, thanks."
I went to my room and changed into some comfy sweats and    looked for my glasses to swap out contacts that i had worn for way too long. I just started sending Dean a message when I saw him calling.
D: Hey, Y/N, are you home already?
Y/N: Hey, D! Yeah, I got in like half an hour ago. I was just texting you when you called.
D: Nice, so what's up?
Y/N: So, can you please make your world famous cheeseburgers for dinner? Pretty please. I took care of dessert.
D: I can imagine you doing your puppy eyes right now, so how can I say no?
Y/N: Yess! See you tonight then.
I ended the call and got into bed to take a quick nap. And I woke up five hours later. At least I got some good sleep for a change. I took a quick shower and went to look for the boys.
Found them in Dean cave with food in front of them and boxing on TV.
"YOU IDJITS! Why didn't you wake me up?" I called out and threw a closest pillow I could reach in their direction when I saw them on the couch. Both looked at me like deer in headlights.
"We just wanted to let you get some rest. I can imagine you probably didn't sleep well at your parents."
Dean said as he got up to hug me. I felt so calm in his arms. "Why didn't you say that you're going to Maine? We would've come with you, you know?" He asked quietly. "I know, I guess I just wanted to face this alone. I mean, you both know how they are. I would have felt bad dragging you into this."
I exhaled softly and hugged him tighter. "Deeeaan, do you want to share your secret stash with us tonight, please? I know you keep some good stuff in your room." I asked him not so subtly.
"Yeah, Dean, sharing is caring." Sam backed me up laughing.
"Oh, shut up you two. You need to eat first, Y/N, so sit down. No drinking on empty stomach, I'll bring you some." Dean said as he left the room.
 Around fifteen minutes later he came back with a huge burger on a plate in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in other.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dean! I needed this so much." I said and took big bite as he poured us all a drink.
God, how I missed his cooking. He's amazing in the kitchen. And I missed him. More than just a friend.  Being away from them made me finally realize my feelings. I'm in love with Dean Winchester.
"Hey! Earth to Y/N!" Sam brought me back. "What? Sorry, you said something?" Boys started laughing, seeing the look on my face. "Yeah, I asked what movie do you want to watch? Any preferences?" Dean asked. I had to think for a second.
"Hmm, some horror maybe? Have you seen the new IT movie?" Dare I say, I got quite excited. With all the hunting that we deal with daily basis, somehow horror movies make me feel good. Maybe it's because now I know what kind of monsters are really out there. I looked at them expectantly, waiting for them to answer.
"That's with the clown, yeah?" Sam asked warily.
"Oh, right. The clown fear. " I smiled at him.
"I don't fear them. They just make me .. I don't know.. uneasy." We shared a knowing look with Dean.
"Yeah, uneasy my ass." He laughed.
I pushed my glass towards him, so he could refill it. He did it and looked at me amusingly as I downed it right away. I pointed at it to be filled again.
"So are you gonna drink your feelings away today? You're going to miss the movie if you continue y'know?"
"Maybe, who needs them anyway?" I answered. "I am just happy to be home." I looked him in the eyes. Maybe a tad bit too long, cause he started to cough and looked away awkwardly. Maybe I should slow down.
We sat there in comfortable silence watching the movie. At some point in the middle, Sam got up suddenly and walked towards the door. "Sorry, but no. I can't watch it." I couldn't hold back and started laughing loudly. Sam gave me a deadpan look and that shut me up immediately.
"Yes, very funny, enjoy." He said and left.
I calmed down and got bit sad. "Damn, I actually feel bad for making fun of Sam." I said to Dean and scooched closer to him. Dean looked me in the eyes.
"Oh, he's used to it. I mean, we did grow up together. He's fine." He smiled down on me.
Oh, god, I wanted to kiss him. Feel him close to me. No. I can't think like that. He thinks of me like a sister anyway. I can't ruin my relationship with him. Battle was going on in my head and drunk me was winning majorly, so I had only option left- leave as quickly as possible.
"Sorry, I got to go."
"Wait, what? Are you alright, Y/N? What's wrong?"
"I'm just tired, and now I'm drunk. I'm very close to doing something stupid, so I'll better leave."
I said as I got up and quickly left the room. I heard him following behind.
"Wait for a second." He said. I turned around and just stared at him. My mind went blank and I put my hand on his neck to close the gap between us. The taste of whiskey on his lips was intoxicating as I pulled him closer by his Henley. And it all came crashing down when he pushed me away.
"Y/N, don't. I- "
"I'm sorry, so-so sorry. I don't know what came over me. " I quickly apologized and turned to go. I almost ran to my room to hide from the humiliation. Fuck, why did I have to do this? I can't face him again.
I quickly dialed on the phone one person, whom I could trust with this and got her voicemail.
"Jody, hey! It's Y/N! Listen, I'm back from Maine now. What do you think about a little girls trip? I need to talk to you."
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Taglist: @cevansbaby-dove
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cedarxwing · 3 months
okok i’m so sorry for bothering you through here but like first of all YAY so happy to see someone also obsessed with hannigram in brazil lmao just love it so much and am glad other people like it too
when answering you i thought about feijoada too but was like nah it’s not Meaty enough but like i bet he would find some way to make feijoada way meatier jsjsksjskskksjsksk
but anyway i’m so sorry for asking but i kind of have to ask about you writing hannibal in brazil 👀 if it’s smth you don’t feel like showing or never posted i’m very sorry for asking and feel free to not answer this!!! but if you would like to share know i’d love it so so so much
anyway you got me too excited about this topic skjsksksks thank you thank you thank you !!!!!!!!
It's not a bother at all, are you kidding, I could chat about novel references forever! I see you're Thomas Harris's arch nemesis and I'm Thomas Harris's #1 simp, so I guess that makes us mortal enemies, but I'm glad hannigram in Brazil can unite us. ^^
This might be wrong, but I read that feijoada was made with pig feet, snout, ears, etc (I think to make the broth?) back in the 16th century, and I got obsessed with the idea of Hannibal using the human analogs for those.
I never posted what I wrote anywhere bc it's kinda cringe and unedited lol. The premise was post-fall, Will needs facial reconstructive surgery for his stab wound, like how Hannibal got his sixth finger removed in Rio de Janeiro after he escaped prison. Here are some Brazil-related snippets!
A rewrite of the Marcus Hotel scene from Silence of the Lambs (except Will is actually getting plastic surgery haha):
The doors of the elegant Hotel Marco in Rio de Janeiro slid open and hit Hannibal with a gust of air conditioning. He wore comfortable white linen and a Panama hat. His hair was an ungodly shade of bottle blond. A neat surgical bandage covered his nose and cheeks. Soft piano music drifted from the lounge. At the bar, Hannibal could see two people with bandages across their noses. A middle-aged couple crossed to the elevator, humming a Jobim tune. The woman wore a gauze patch over one eye. “Boa tarde, Sr. Wyman,” the concierge greeted him as he passed the reception desk. Hannibal nodded to him before joining the couple in the elevator. He set his bag of groceries down in the kitchen of the penthouse suite. The suite seemed luxurious to him after his long confinement. He enjoyed running his hands over the cotton bed comforter and the stainless steel fridge. After sorting the groceries, he indulged in a long shower. From the window, he could see across the street the premier clinic for craniofacial surgery in Brazil, where Will had recently undergone maxillary reconstruction and received a four molar dental bridge.  This was the one place in the world where Hannibal could walk around with a bandage on his face without exciting interest, and he’d taken advantage of that to make his first foray into the public since their flight to Rio. A short walk to the convenience store less than one block away. Voices laughing in Portuguese, and the buttery scent of street wagon empadas and brigadieros. Life pressing sweetly on him from all sides.
And later:
Will looked at the bacon fat heating on the stove. He spoke in hesitant Spanish, knowing Hannibal wouldn’t respond to anything else. “What do we have here?” After weeks of communicating using pen and paper, Will had made a reluctant return to speech, unfamiliar now to his damaged hard palate. Add to this the strain of learning a new language—rolled Rs were particularly painful for his stitched tongue—and he was perfectly happy to stare at Hannibal in silence for days on end. Each word Will spoke aloud, Hannibal knew, was a gift. “Farofa for feijoada, a hearty black bean stew of regional significance. I’ve made it before, but this will be my first time using authentic Brazilian sausage.” He’d been looking forward to it but was in danger of losing concentration with Will this close. He smelled of blood—from the butcher most likely—and forest underneath it. “You’ve been to Tijuca National Park again.” “Lots of tourists there,” Will said, as if in explanation.
(They're not staying in Brazil--that's why Will's learning Spanish instead of Portuguese)
Anyway, feel free to correct anything I got wrong! I've never been to Rio so I have literally no idea what I'm doing.
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gabetheunknown · 11 months
Hello, Gabe.
I've been reading your Geraskier fics on AO3 and enjoying them a lot. Especially Dandelion Kisses.
Now, I'm on the third installment of Improper use of Witcher signs, and in one of the notes, you state that you're asexual and I'm curious. It's definitely not meant to be judgmental or mean. I'm just genuinely interested.
An asexual who writes smut. I've seen other asexuals do the same thing, and I'm just puzzled. Is it a wish to expand your horizons in writing, stretching your abilities? Or is being asexual not being completely disinterested in sex, just not with others?
Does smut "Do anything" for you when you read or write it.
Again, I'm just curious, since I would probably label myself as overly sexual.... I write and read because it turns me on. I guess I'm just trying to understand a bit more about asexuality. I realize you cannot speak for everyone.
I hope this question isn't too much. If so, I apologize and you can just ignore it....
Hello there Anon! Aah 💕 I'm so glad you're enjoying my fanfictions!
Ooh, some good questions! I hope I can answer them and that my answers make sense lmao. Also I can never keep things short, sorry in advance.
These questions are not too much for me and I'm actually very open 💕 to anyone reading this TW talking about sexuality/asexuality under the cut. Also this might not apply to someone else, purely talking about my experiences.
I have been writing smut ever since I first found out what fanfiction is. Which was when I was about 15 or 16 years old, the perfect age to figure out what it all means, the whole romantic or sexual world.
After a lot of 'fucking around and finding out' it was only years later that I realized I am on the asexual spectrum. In my environment (and honestly, I feel like this is the case in a lot of environments) talking about sexual feelings wasn't really normal. Still I wanted to talk about it, so I was actually being viewed as someone who was obsessed with sex. But I wasn't. I never had sex, and if I did (because of the want to 'be perceived as normal') it didn't really do anything for me.
When I say years later, I mean I am currently 28 and with my first partner who I can discuss these things with in a healthy way. And I am actually more intimate with him than I have ever been with anyone else. Intimicy and sex are also two different things for me. Like the touch of skin, just cuddling and being close to each other or leaving kisses on bare shoulders, without actually doing the do. *chefs kiss *
The funny thing is, writing smut doesn't do very much for me, so I can turn something off in my mind and just... write whatever the fuck I want? xd
Reading smut does do something for me. Always has. And the more I learn about myself, the more I think it's because I am not involved. My body, my being, my brain is not involved, I'm merely fantasizing about fictional characters doing the dirty and that's so different for me. The moment I include myself, I want to roll myself up in a blanket for at least 3 hours, but I do get excited if I can focus on a fictional character's feelings. Or my partner for instance.
I am the biggest sucker for romance though. I'm the sappiest motherfucker you'll ever meet. And I also start kicking my feet when I think about my fictional characters having a romantic moment and I absolutely love writing/reading/watching those.
My relationship with writing smut still manages to surprise even me, and that's why I sometimes add the 'anyways I'm asexual' tag because I can casually write a nasty threesome between three men while having a conversation with my boyfriend about what's for dinner. And I think that's so funny.
I usually just say I'm on the asexual spectrum, because sometimes I think I'm demisexual, sometimes I think I'm aegosexual (it's worth it looking this one up, it made me feel very seen)
Hopefully I answered your questions 💕💕 I hope you have a good day!
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"I know it's short notice, but I'm honestly glad I get to spend time with you. Let's make the most of our time together."
"I'm feeling more stares than usual, but I wonder, how am I reflected in your eyes when I'm not wearing my knight's uniform?"
"An off-mission excursion is refreshing. If there is a place you're interested in going, I'll go with you."
"Oh this sword? Even when I'm on vacation, I'm prepared to respond quickly…Just in case."
"Careless? Not a chance."
"This…Was because of my weakness."
"A welcome gift."
"Did my wish…Come true?"
"About my normal life…? Unfortunately, I don't think I've done anything special to meet your expectations."
"The more time I spend with you, the more I realize why everyone loves you."
"Not as a knight. Not as a hero. But as an individual. Because of you, I am so."
"Just as Alex. I'd like to spend this warm moment with you…"
"First you're surprised, then you're laughing…You change your expression from one moment to the next. I wonder if there is a side of you that you only show me."
"The time I spend with you…It's slowly changing something inside of me…It's odd…The snow it's not so cold anymore."
"I hope this time with you will last, because these peaceful moments with you are very special to me."
"Your smile, is a smile to protect."
"It's a pure light that cares about people. Your kindness is a little too bright for me."
"Even the weaknesses I want to keep hidden are exposed when around you. You're a real pain in the ass."
"This is the kind of hesitation a hero doesn't need. But right now, just for this moment…"
"Spread your wings with integrity and dance on the blade of mercy."
"Watch your step. The frozen road is slippery. If you don't mind, I can lend you a hand."
"Is it that late already? I'm sorry to have kept you up."
"Emilio? His unwavering swordsmanship is his strength. Of all the Knights of the Sun, he's the one with the best record."
"I can always count on him. On the battlefield and in the affairs of the office. Emilio is always there for me."
"Emilio doesn't get a lot of time off. I hope he's taking this opportunity to stretch his wings."
"Emilio is an excellent subordinate who you can entrust your back to with peace of mind. But, he's usually busier than even you."
"I sincerely hope that this holiday will be a meaningful escape for Emilio."
"What I do on a snowy day, hm? Read books on military tactics, I suppose. It's quiet on snowy days, so you can focus easier."
"It's also important to take care of your physical condition in preparation for emergencies."
"Watching the snow, perhaps? I'm sorry for my uninteresting answers."
"Is that a snow rabbit someone made? It's adorable. Would you like to make one together?"
"Harriet has fast movements and accurate shots. It has helped me many times."
"I appreciate his attitude of always sticking to his beliefs. That's an important trait for a knight."
"As you know, Harriet is quite free-spirited. If you have any trouble dealing with him, let me know."
"Harriet often comes to me to talk about the wonders of true love."
"Harriet is the only person who visits my office for purposes other than work."
"Harriet is only interested in other people. Not himself. Maybe it's in his nature.. Or maybe it's just his own way to love."
"Was it hard to hear my voice? It must be because the wind is picking up."
"Why are you so close? Because my hands are cold? You're so kind. Thank you for warming them."
"Even if this is just a vacation, I promise I'll protect you. You will be safe at my side."
"You like this new look? If you wish to walk with a pretty girl, you have to dress appropriately."
"Your fingertips are a little cold. May I warm them with my hands?"
"May the world be at peace…Hmm? You're face is all tense. Perhaps you were trying to make my wish come true."
"To be strong isn't so much a wish. It is more a commitment."
"You want to know my favorite restaurant? There's a place I like to go. A good place to get a drink. If you want, I can take you sometime."
"Would you like some coffee too? It's my favorite brand. Be careful not to get burned."
"This tomato soup is excellent. I look relaxed for once? It's a little embarrassing when you point it out."
"This is the first time I've ever seen this art form. Is it called "latte art?" Mine…Has a bear on it. Yours is a rabbit. Ha, both are adorable. But isn't this a waste of a drink?"
"If you don't mind, will you look at me a little longer? I want to cherish these moments together."
"Are you interested in me without the mask? I have a particularly uninteresting face, don't I?"
"With you, any moment seems to turn into a special memory. My heart is racing…"
"Every time it snows, I'll remember your smile from today."
"The reason I feel so warm just being close to you is because you're the one next to me."
"Let's move and warm up, you say? Does that mean you want to train? Luckily I carry a sword with me-Fufu, just kidding, I wouldn't do such a stupid thing when I'm out with a girl."
"You're the only one who has ever played with my hair…Of course, I don't mind…"
"When I deal with you, I'm unexpectedly relaxed…I'm not blaming you…I'm just confused."
"You're the only person I'd ever allow this kind of contact with."
"How long has it been since I met you?"
"To be able to share my warmth and open up to someone like this…? To be honest, I'm still shocked."
"In order to repay your kindness, I promise to work even harder in the future."
"I appreciate your feelings, but I want to keep my hands free."
"I am humbled by your concern."
"You shouldn't touch me so inappropriately. Especially because you are a beautiful young woman. Some people will get the wrong idea."
ALEX : I wonder what everyone in Chevalier is doing right now. I hope they're spreading they're wings as much as they can. EMILIO : I'd like to show them we had a fun time on vacation too. Let's get some souvenirs when we head home.
ALEX : House party decorations…I'm not familiar with this kind of thing. Idio, may I ask your opinion? IDIO : Well, I don't really know, but wouldn't it be nice to have stars or something?
ALEX : Shall we fight side by side again? EMILIO : It's always an honor, Commander.
ALEX : Don't slip in the snow! IDIO : Yes, yes, I knoooow~
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[An overseer is ‘sitting’ next to the scavenger as they look at Innocence’s sleeping form.]
Hey bud, isn’t it kinda weird our friend is uh… still sleeping? Like, we should be moving out by now. I mean I know we’ve been waiting for like, six minutes, but it feels like a month! And yeah, I know you don’t understand me.
(OOC: Heyyyy so uh, sorry if it’s rude but I didn’t see a place to submit an ask on the website so I’m asking here. Is this blog ever going to be updated in the near future? If not, do you plan to still continue it or is like, irl stuff putting weight in your shoulders? I wanna join the disc and ask questions but stupid anxiety is making me not do it. If you’re still working on it or left the project, don’t feel pressured to continue, it would be selfish of me to ask that of you.
tl;dr: I kinda just want an update on the current situation Innocence Won’t Save You is in.)
Short answer: Yes there's. Shit going on in my life. Mostly school work; this has been one of my busiest quarters so far and I'm constantly swamped with work and haven't had the free time to really sit with IWSY and work out what I want/need to do.
Longer answer: Yes there is currently no way to submit on the website I am so sorry. When I said this would move off Tumblr I meant it and I was finding ways to do that, but I kept hitting roadblocks because I started learning web dev Solely for IWSY. Ultimately my progress on the javascript tutorial stalled (due to aforementioned busyness) and other people let me know that Neocities isn't... the best place to host comments locally? So that threw a wrench into the plans.
I've admittedly not written much for IWSY in the time since I announced we'd be migrating off Tumblr. In hindsight I kind of wish I'd waited a little, but I think this quarter would have done this to me regardless of if I'd wanted to migrate or not. However, I still want to work on IWSY. This project is NOT abandoned. I'm just very busy :'D in a good way though! After a bit of a rough spell, my life right now is, without exaggeration, the best it's ever been, and aside from just plain being busy, I'm also trying to enjoy being alive for once. Unfortunately it means things have been and will continue to be very, very slow here for the foreseeable future.
But I do have a small update. I gave up on trying to code comments locally, and instead found an open source commenting plugin called Isso that I'm hoping to install on the website. Actually doing so will require time I don't currently have since I. Uh. Don't know python. But if all goes well, I will have that set up at some point, and then I can get started on scene 14. I can't guarantee anything on that while this quarter is still going on unfortunately, but I will promise you all that once my summer break starts (which is in June since my school runs on a quarter system), I'll put more time and effort into this again.
If you'd like to help get the comments set up I would deeply appreciate it, but again I don't think I can see myself writing any long form creative fiction until I have the time to dedicate my mind to it, especially given what IWSY is. I'm really sorry about that, but I'm glad to hear that you're still interested in this story! So sorry about the radio silence, I really should have updated a few times since the last post I made, but thank you again for asking and reminding me to at least say something.
So TLDR, no the story isn't dead, I'm just hella busy and trying to appreciate life.
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hecatemoon87 · 1 year
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A Modern James Delaney Story - master list
Chapter Four
Tala sat on her couch and stared out the window at the pouring rain. It was Wednesday night and in just two days, she'd be having a date with the richest man in Canada.
She wasn't looking forward to it at all. Not because of James, well, not entirely, but because he had texted her the address of the restaurant they'd meet at. It was a ritzy Italian place in downtown Vancouver.
She was just about sick of rich people things. First the charity, then the beach themed party and now an upscale restaurant. She needed to intervene before it got out of hand.
Clenching her jaw in determination she picked up the phone and called James.
"Hello Ms. Swiftstorm," James answered in his deep, smoky voice.
Tala had to admit he had a very sexy voice. Hearing it again made her nibble on her lip absent mindedly before she replied.
"Hi. So, um, I was just calling to tell you...I don't want to go to the restaurant," she said.
"I see. Are you cancelling then?" he said, sounding neither disappointed nor relived.
"No. I just want to change the date and place," she said.
"Fine. When and where," he said, flatly. Tala wrinkled her nose. He made it seem like this had now become a chore.
"Look, if you aren't interested..." Tala started to say with some heat to her voice. But James interrupted. "I am. Just tell me your plan."
"Nootka Sound, seven a.m. on Saturday," she said, firmly.
She waited for his reply, but there was just silence on the other end. "James?" she asked.
"Yes, that can be arranged," he said.
"Okay, good. You'll text me how to get there?" she said.
"Yes," he said, and then he hung up. Tala looked at her phone in disbelief. "Well good-bye to you too," she whispered to herself.
A bolt of lightening flashed in the sky bringing her attention to the outside weather once again. "I know, Great Spirit. I'm playing with fire, aren't I?"
It was ten minutes past seven when Tala drove up to the meeting point James and given her. She saw a big, black pickup sitting in front of a gate that blocked a service road.
As she got out of her car, James appeared from the truck and approached her. "You're late," he said.
"How was the drive, Tala? I'm so glad you arrived safe," she said, glaring at him. "I'm driving a freaking Prius on country roads, excuse me for being a little late," she said.
Tala was wearing dark gray shorts and brown hiking boots. Her top was a white t-shirt and red jacket.
"You know, most women would prefer dinner at an expensive restaurant," James said, walking to the gate. He was wearing dark blue jeans, black hiking boots and a forest green long-sleeved shirt.
"If you haven't figured out I'm not like most women, then that's very much a you problem. Besides, it's not all that bad. I did wear red like you asked," she said, putting her hands in her pockets and wiggling in her jacket.
She swear she caught a hint of a smile on his lips before he turned and unlocked the gate. Once opened, James passed through. Tala came up behind, but paused at the thresh hold.
A wave of sadness washed over her as the realization that this was the first time she'd step on her native land. A resounding sense of grief flooded her senses. She closed her eyes and thought of her people. She thought of what they had to endure when they were forced to leave their homes and assimilate to European culture.
A tear trickled down her cheek and she whispered a prayer to her ancestors. "Thank you for giving me the chance to come here, my family. I am honored to return once again to our homeland."
With that being said, she took her first step onto Nootka Sound. "Are you alright?" James asked as she joined him.
"To be honest, not entirely. This land...it's where I come from and I've never been here. This piece of the earth is where my ancestors once lived. And now, they are all dispersed, forced onto reservations. I'm sorry, you probably don't get it. I don't expect you to understand," she said as they walked.
James said nothing, instead continued forward until they came to a trial head. "This way," he said, pushing past some overgrown brush.
Tala pushed aside a small branch and followed. The trail was a simple dirt path that wound it's way through blooming trees. Small green leaves poked through the buds, like little bursts of emerald magic.
The air was lightly fragranced with the natural perfume of flowers awaking from their winter hibernation. The song of birds chirping filled the air as squirrels skittered about on the forest floor and then zooming back up the tree in which they came from.
Tala smiled and inhaled the fresh air and made a happy noise. She saw James glanced back briefly, but he returned his focus on the trail ahead. She rolled her eyes, think him too serious. He really should be enjoying the gifts of nature.
After a ten minute trek the trees opened up and they arrived on top a small bluff that looked out upon the Pacific Ocean.
"Holy shit," Tala said, impressed by the beautiful scene that just unfolded before her. James chuckled softly at her response.
"It's...it's magnificent," she said, walking closer to the edge and taking in the expanse that was the crashing sea.
"My mother used to take me here when I was a child," James said, squatting down and taking a seat on the grass. Tala joined him and looked back at the ocean.
"Your mother Sarah?" Tala said, confused. Sarah Delaney was a socialite of the highest order. She was a widow now, but Horace Delaney had left her quite a sum of money when he died. Tala did not think that Sarah Delaney had ever seen a blade of grass, let alone have gone hiking.
"Sarah is not my mother," James said, staring ahead.
"Um, what?" Tala asked dubiously.
"She is my step-mother. My real mother has been dead for some time," James replied.
Tala had read everything and anything on James Delaney. This had been nowhere in her research. It was rather startling information.
"I'm sorry, when did she die?"
"I was eight. My father sent me to boarding school in England soon after," he said, picking up a small stick and snapping it in half.
"Right. You spent ten years in London, didn't you?" Tala said, stretching out on the grass on her back. She looked up at the sky. It was a clear day, with only wisps of clouds passing by.
"I did, then four years in Berlin for University. By the time I returned to Canada I was in my mid-twenties. Not long after, my father died," James said.
Tala turned on her side to face him. "That must have been hard."
"Not really. Not with him. I barely knew the man. His death was unemotional for me," James said.
"My mom and dad, they died when I was two years old. I went to live with my grandparents," Tala said, trying to give James something in return. She felt him telling her these things was very difficult for him. And she didn't entirely understand why he was even telling her in the first place.
James nodded, but didn't make eye contact with her. He just looked out at the sea. His eyes looked so clear and blue. Tala took a moment to admire his handsome face. He had such a great profile.
James then glanced over at her and said, "My mother was Nuu-chah-nulth."
That caught Tala very much off guard. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came. Closing her mouth again, she thought about what he just said and shook her head. "Are you being serious?" she finally said.
"Salish was her name," James said, stretching his legs out and leaning back on his hands.
"But how? I've read everything about you, there is no mention of your mother. Let alone information about your heritage being half Nuu-chah-nulth," she said.
"My father hid it all. He basically erased her entire existence," James said. Tala saw his jaw clench tightly and his eyes narrow as he said this.
"How did she die?" Tala asked.
James closed his eyes and shook his head. "I can't...I can't talk about that yet."
"Of course, no problem..." Tala said, unsure if she believed any of this.
"Can I ask...was your mother full Nuu-chah-nulth?"
"No, she was mixed with white, that's why I don't have the complexion. I look more like my father," James said. Tala thought she saw a hint of disgust.
"James, why are you telling me this?" Tala said, wanting to get to the point to all this.
"Because...because I don't have anyone to talk to about this. You've seen the society that I was raised in. They are all idiots. Selfish and unemphatic," he said, turning to face her completely. "You made me swear that night to keep my promise to you. Swear to me you'll keep what I told you quiet," he said.
"Why? What are you ashamed of?" Tala said, frowning.
"I'm not ashamed, I'm...I'm conflicted," James said, casting his eyes away.
"Conflicted? By accepting that you're part native?" Tala said, starting to feel offended.
"I don't know!" James shouted, then laid back into the grass and stared at the sky. "I fucking don't know!" he shouted loudly into the sky.
Tala return to lying on the grass on her back. She too stared at the sky once again. Silence enveloped them, but a sense of understanding hit Tala like a rock. She turned on her side and edged close to James.
He turned his face to look at her.
"I swear," she said. "I swear on our ancestors, I won't tell anyone. However, I won't date a man who can't accept who he is. But I can be his friend. Deal?"
"And if I figure out who I am?"
"Well, James. That really depends on which side of your culture you'll be accepting. I really hope it will be both."
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I have stopped by to say hello :D
Also I have come bringing a question that has been on my mind for a while and only tired me has the courage(or lack of sense) for this kind of human interaction. Also feel free to ignore this ask if you don't wish to answer.
How did you find me? Why are you following me? I am asking in the most genuine and curious way because like-
You just appeared one day and started to like my posts-
And you seem cool (HOLY SHIT YOUR ART IS🤌✨)
So yea. My curiosity took over.
I am glad tired you is brave (/lacks sense) because tired me is the same
I found your account (it was probs suggested because of the tags or other accounts I follow or something) and I checked what you post and I found that our interests are very similar so I followed you. (If we were in the same class, I bet we'd be friends)
So, you have to know that I hand pick everyone I follow. And the special one I really like get asked for drawing ideas (hope I already asked you because you're one of them)
In short: I find you awesome! :)
And: Yay, you like my art! (Happy sparkles)
(last but not least, you should have expected this:) Tell me what to draw next (still have one thing on my list but after that)
Ps. The thing about me suddenly appearing may be because I've only been on here for a bit over a month -either that or I'm secretly a magician ;)
Pps. I almost sent this but then I noticed that autocorrect betrayed me by writing "I'm short" instead of "in short" - so sorry for any mistakes I may have missed (it's way past my bedtime)
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nel-world · 3 months
--was in my apartment, Sophie spouted some really interesting lyrics.
I thought she was doing plants.
I'm holding a pose here.
I appreciate it--
I need a song by Friday…
…and it is amazingly difficult to find a sane lyricist.
Why don't you just write the lyrics yourself?
That's really not a strength of his.
That's absolutely right.
I once rhymed "you and me" with "autopsy."
Well, that's not necessarily bad.
You could do something with that. You know?
Figuring out you and me Is like doing a love autopsy
You see, you see. That's quite good.
That's not bad.
Go on. More. How does it go?
I have no idea.
Someone could have sculpted us in this time.
You know what? Let me take it.
They could operate all day long And never figure out what went wrong
My God, you are-- You are Cole Porter in panties.
Of course, having said that, Cole Porter probably did wear panties.
Anyway, thank you for inviting us.
Okay, I'm just gonna take a real quick one. Let me take it. Let me take it, Sophie.
Thank you so much. That was great.
Hang on.
Nice to meet you guys. Bye-bye.
So this is where Sophie works, eh?
Yeah. She is gonna be right out.
Excellent. Excellent. Thank you very much.
So how much do you weigh?
I fluctuate. Yeah.
Okay, look, I am terribly sorry to barge in like this…
…but I have decided I cannot take no for an answer.
I told you that--
You're not a writer.
Except when you are writing poems and short stories…
…in the New School literary magazine.
I Googled you. And you were good.
Look, I'm flattered.
I mean, you're one of six people in the world who's actually read those…
…but that doesn't mean I can write a song.
You already did. Five minutes, that's all I ask.
Please, step in. You'll enjoy this. This is a treat.
Mr. Fletcher. Nice to see you.
Very nice to see you, Mia, how are you?
I just want to get-- Can I try the new Mason & Hamlin?
Sure, absolutely. Be my guest.
Thank you very much. Thanks. Please.
This is-- It's just a little something that you might possibly recognize.
Figuring out you and me
Is like doing a love autopsy
They could operate all day long
And never figure out what went wrong
Love autopsy
Love autopsy
What went wrong?
God. That melody is so beautiful.
But I've never written a song.
A song. I know, I know. And if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
I just don't think I am. I think you may be a born lyricist.
We don't have very long, but what I'd like to do, in an ideal world…
…is continue the "Autopsy" song.
But I think it's gonna be very hard to get back from there…
…into "Way Back Into Love," which is the title that Cora demands.
What we could do is continue with Greg "the Angel of Death's" version.
That's plagiarism.
Yes. Yes, yes. Good. Excellent.
I would never in a million years use someone else's work.
I'm very glad you agree.
So, what we need, we need something brand-new.///////////////
So let's see. A song for Cora./////
Has to be called "A Way Back Into Love."
And it has to be something Cora would sing about.
And it has to be something you would sing about.
Good, yeah.
What would you sing about?
Whatever gets me the job, really.
Oh, that's inspiring.
Okay. Two people searching for love, for salvation.//////////
Good, good, I love that.
Love lost, love found.
Love lost again.
Yes, this is starting to sound a little bit like luggage, but good.
Thanks. That's really helpful.
It doesn't have to be perfect. Just spit it out.
They're just lyrics.
"Just lyrics"?
Lyrics are important. They're just not as important as melody.
I really don't think you get it.
Oh, you look angry. Click your pen.
A melody is like seeing someone for the first time.
The physical attraction. Sex.
I so get that.
But then, as you get to know the person, that's the lyrics.
Their story. Who they are underneath.
It's the combination of the two that makes it magic.
Let's go for a walk……../////////
A walk? What, now?
Out on the streets you see things and, you know, hear things and eat things.//////////
It all sort of unlocks your mind.////////////
This is good. This is good.
When you hit a wall, you gotta change the subject.
So why did PoP break up?
I mean, Rhonda told me that you guys were friends growing up?
We were, yes, and then Colin met a new manager…
…who convinced him he was the star of the band.
Shortly after, he left, taking the last three songs we'd written together…
…and putting them on his solo album which went on to sell eight million records.
But how did you deal with that?
Oh, with drugs, alcohol…
…and ultimately, my own solo album.
This copy has been in the racks for six years.
Come on.
No, no. I check every week.
You see, I made a little mark, there on the back. See?
It sold only 50,000 copies, most of those to my mother.
Rolling Stone called it "a crass, contrived effort…
…not even good enough for a dentist chair."
Well, I'm sure there were other reviews.
There were, there were. But none as good as that one.
And they were right, by the way. Yeah.
To cut a long story short, I gave up trying to write…
…lost an incredible amount of money and then my apartment.
Chris stuck by me, booked me an '80s reunion night on Long Island.
And suddenly, they liked me again.
It was weird. It was like I'd never been away.
The audience was a tad older, as was I…
…but we were very, very profoundly happy to see each other again.
And it went on from there.
Cruises. Reunions. Knott's Berry Farm, which I'm sure you're familiar with.
Busch Gardens, that's one of my big fixtures of the year.
What else can I tell you?
I really appreciate you opening up to me like this.
I know what it's like to live with a shadow overhead.
I've been living with a shadow overhead………..
Now, that's a nice melody, isn't it?…………..
It's good……………….
Thank you. Thank you.
Mind you, what do you know? You don't even like melody.
I never said that.
You prefer the lyrics.
I don't trust you.
Your turn, what's next?
I think that we should get some breakfast………………………………
Please, come on, we're finally on a roll here. Listen again.
I've been living with a shadow overhead
There'll be no more rhymes until I'm fed
Please, seriously, seriously.
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I could be inspired With just a piece of bread
I have the perfect place.
Wait a minute.
It's just on the next corner.
Keep moving and keep writing.
All right.
I've been looking For someone to shed some light
That's good. That's good.
Shadows and light. You're deep.
Okay, we need two more lines of Cora verse. What's next?
What are you doing?
I thought I saw someone, but it wasn't him. So it's fine.
Oh, there he is.
A very nice picture, though. That's funny.
Interestingly enough, I mean-- Well, it is a bookstore.
So, you know, that does happen.
Gosh, where were we? Okay.
Shadow overhead
Okay, can I just say, with all due respect, that you are clearly--
What is the word? --insane at this moment.
And because, according to Chris, we have less than 36 hours…
…before Cora goes to do Leno, at which point my career is over…
…it would be infinitely better for me if you were sane. So how can I help?
Do you know this book?
Sally Michaels? Yes, yes. Big bestseller. Yes.
Have you read it?
No, of course not.
Last book I read was The Alex Fletcher Story by the editors of Teen Dream Magazine.
I'm Sally Michaels.
I saw that they were giving these courses on writing at the New School…
…so I signed up.
And my teacher was Sloan Cates.
Brilliant, handsome.
The truth is, I was in love with him.
And we began spending every minute together.
Which is why I was sort of surprised when his fiancée showed up.
Yeah, he never mentioned that he was engaged to a history professor…
…who was on a year-long sabbatical in Spain.
And when she popped in for an unexpected visit…
…it sort of turned into a reenactment of the Inquisition.
And that-- And that was that? That was the end of that?
Yeah. We never saw each other again.
I dropped the class and a year later, his new novel showed up.
The Sally What's-it novel.
"The tale of a student with exalted literary aspirations…
…who lures a brilliant writer into an affair so she can take advantage of his connections.
But when he tries to break it off, she devotes herself to ruining his life."
Well, I mean, that obviously wasn't you.
Well, she's a lit major from Long Island, 5'4", my color hair, all my habits.
You know, talks to herself and asks too many questions.
Her parents founded a weight reduction company…
…that now her sister runs.
Well, anyway, I…
Since then, every time I pick up a pen…
…I'm haunted by those words that he wrote, you know?
"She was a brilliant mimic." You know.
"She could ape Dorothy Parker or Emily Dickinson…
…but stripped of someone else's literary clothes…
…she was a vacant, empty imitation of a writer."
First of all, you can't listen to some jerk.
He's not a jerk. He's a National Book Award winner.
Well, then, get the best revenge, write a hit song.
Honestly, I don't think a pop song is gonna impress Sloan Cates.
Oh, no, of course not. Pop is just for morons. Forgot that.
I didn't mean anything by it.
Brain-dead, or taken too many drugs.
You know what I'd say to you and Sloan Cates?
You can take all the novels in the world…
…and not one of them will make you feel as good as fast as:
That is real poetry. Those are real poets.
Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan, the Beatles.
Okay. What if one of your heroes came up to you and said--
You know, Smokey, what if he said:
"Alex Fletcher, you are a horrible songwriter"?
How would you react?
I know Smokey a little bit. He's too nice a gentleman ever to say such a thing.
Dylan might. Dylan would, actually. In fact, Dylan did.
Okay, Dylan walks up to you and he says, "You are a horrible songwriter."
How do you react?
I would be horribly depressed.
Yes. I would. I would.
But then, after, you know, months of brooding…
…I would find a lyricist…
…and write a song about how horribly depressed I was.
And it would be a big hit, everyone would love me, and I'd make lots of money.
Suddenly I'd be less depressed than if I just sat around…
…being a little bit self-indulgent, letting my misery eat away at me…
…until I'd become an emotional wreck and creatively completely moribund.
Yes, moribund.
Okay, let's go. Come on.
All right.
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping With a clown above my bed
"Clown" is not right. What is that word?
It's "cloud."
Write more clearly. How can I--?
Why would you have a clown in your bed?
It would not be the first time.
Yeah, I'm not surprised.
Write in capital letters.
Why don't you write it?
I'm sorry, Khan. We're gonna come back in one second.
You dictate, I'll write. And I will write like a human…
…and not like a small Pekingese dog.
What are you doing, you madwoman? You're destroying my apartment.
I can't write from across the room.
Well, you're not writing here. Get back to your corner.
I can't have you here.
I'll be blocked. I'll be completely stuck.
So go out the other side.
I've never been the other side.
Push, push. Push, push.
Good. Better.
You're still a fraction close. Just-- Just back off, just one…
Just-- Just--
There, fine, good.
And I don't think those chords are right.//////////////
It has to sound different than the verse.////////////////
What kind of different did you have in mind?/////////////
I don't know./////// Something sadder, you know?///////////
And I still don't like my line about "places in my mind."
It's fine.
Fine isn't good.
We only have time for fine.
I tell you what. We'll change "places in my mind"…
…if I can keep the chord sequence into the bridge.
This isn't a negotiation.
It's either right or wrong, inspired or insipid.
It's 4 in the morning. We're not writing the last movement of the "Jupiter Symphony."
It's a song for someone who's last hit was "Welcome to Bootytown."
Please, get back to work.
I still don't like it.
And it's "Entering Bootytown."
And another thing, the whole top section…
I mean, it's so close. We're just not there yet.
We just-- We have to focus and stay, you know…
…completely understanding of what we're trying to say.
Okay, you may now start killing the next one.
All I wanna do Is find a way back into love
I can't make it through Without a way back into love
You know, I'm tone-deaf.
Hey, what do you think of this?
Just keep writing. Cora is leaving in an hour.
Listen, I was thinking that "corners" was such a better word than "spaces."
For "in the mind." "The corners of my mind," rather than "the spaces."
It just seems to have a better boundary to it, you know?
Should I speak to you about this later? Okay.
It sounds so good. I can't believe it.
And now…
No, you see, you have to sing into the microphone. It won't follow you.
But I can't.
It's a duet for a man and a woman.
We are as close as we've got.
Your headphones and a level. You look nice. You should wear them all the time.
How is that?
It's okay.
…"Way Back Into Love." Take one.
Oh, God. I'm getting really nervous.
You'll be fine. Just use your normal nice voice…
…that I've heard so much of in the last three days.
It's like my throat's closing up. It's like anaphylactic.
It's fine. It's just a three-minute song.
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a…
Just a little bit louder. This song is intended for humans.
"Way Back Into Love." Take two.
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping With a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past I just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes And dreams away
Just in case I ever need 'em Again someday
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nya-vivi · 1 year
ok so i must admit i wasn't aware how long was that ask i sent earlier lol but im glad you liked it! im replying to the ask in another ask again because this will probably also be quite lengthy (im. rarely unable to keep things short lmao) so it should be easier for you to read it this way
anna sounds lovely and the restaurant concept is really really cool, and i completely get not liking killing ocs, i have one oc that i came up with specifically with the intention of her dying to develop my main oc but. let's just say currently she's happy and alive jdhhd
and ty for explaining more on lore and her heart i think i have a better image on what's going on in her story now<3 about that part with caribert, it's probably inevitable that future quests will kinda mess up whatever you or other people theorize about khaenri'ah in regards to ocs and other things, hoyo's really been microdosing on that lore until now huh
and ty #2 for explanation on how qinxi's name came to be, yeah you can send me the webbed site im kinda curious how it works ndhdh and her design sounds really nice too!! good luck searching for more makeup inspirations!
so a villainess that isn't a literal villain, got it. all the transmigration media i read/watched (3) had the mc inhabit a body of a villain in a literal sense hence my confusion jdhdh also skipping college in her story is such a power move so definitely do that, don't waste time on the academic things hdhdhd not worth the energy
catalysts are fun because you can assign the character as a catalyst and then just make them do whatever (*looks at heizou with his kicks and nahida with. keyboard buttons(??)*) so if you eventually decide to stay with this idea it gives more freedom even if you'd like to modify her actual combat style later
and ah well. i suppose it's understandable to be kinda scared of that, seeing all the jazz the traveler goes through ndhdh AND !!! DESCENDANTS!! i can't believe i forgot about these for a second but they're honestly such an interesting concept to me i was theorizing on them a lot back when that part of sumeru quest dropped so definitely do consider making vivi a descendant that would be sooooo cool of her
let's hope fontaine introduces a lot of interesting lore and gives you some nice material to work on<3 can't wait to hear about what else you will come up with
i'll definitely make a doodle of vivi she looks so pretty so thank you for allowing me<33 it'll probably also be only a bust because i hate drawing bodies but enjoy drawing faces ksidjshfh but we'll see. and yes please share with me/mention me in a post with that outfit design when you fully visualize it because it sounds like it will look really nice<3
IM SO SO SO EXCITED FOR FONTAINE TOO JDHDHD i really can't wait, i have a very busy summer this year im constantly going on different trips or visiting new places so i end up not having that much time to just sit down and play for a longer while but i planned to have a mostly free week when fontaine will be released jshshsh (kinda because both of my friends are also genshin players so we all want to have time to enjoy the new update)
our ocs would totally get along im absolutely sure of that and im actually planning to do some more sketches (hopefully soon but we'll see) i'll send them to you when i draw them<3
also hope you're doing well and have a good day! :3
Under the cut for the answer so I don't clog my moots but aksjwisowen I'M SORRY I thought I had typed everything too?? 🤡🤡 I really have no excuse other than I am in fact a bit too scatterbrained... </3 also lately my notifs had not been working?? So if I don't answer you in three working days (/j) pls scream at me in DMs jabsowjdowbz
To the answer::
2. I have Lorena cooking at very low heat until hyv actually gives us some consistent lore (aka lore that doesn't have conditions RIP) but I do think about her often. We will see with the next actualizations.
3. The web is this one (you can change and prod around in the side menu!) I also use it loosely and always check wikipedia to see if a real person would actually be called that way LMAO. Just my personal recommendation. I like this one because you have a lot of different hanzi and can look at the meaning. I also use yabla to safe-check the meanings and the reading!
4. So I have finally decided to make her a catalyst (even tho I could make a Kaveh and make her ✨magically✨ move a weapon around) because as you said, you can have a multitude of designs and moves to choose from! (Even if I'm laking in creative inspiration for those lolol) her moves are still a mystery to me ngl but I'm thinking of working on it soon, so at least I have that kavsoadb
As for the transmigration part I'm actually doubting what to do. I mean, the transmigration is getting done, but I am unsure as if to make it as if she just got her last life's memories or to make her replace the original soul (...they canonically exist in genshin no?? Like I'm not making this up right??). Both of them are SO GOOD... They both make objectively great plot points (and the angst material... Just thinking about it makes my mouth water /hj) so I'm not sure. I will have to check with my directive board (my besties) but advice slash opinions are very welcome!
As far as plot points go, good news! Vivi is not going into prision anytime soon :D! I really cannot make a good plot point for that after Fontaine's quest so I discarded the idea for now (on the foreseeable future...we will see).
It's just, Fontaine quest was everything I didn't expect but in a really good way. I really liked the mechanisms and playing lawyers (Yanfei would be so proud of us) and the archon was very fun and incredibly deep for the first nation quests. I completely disagree on the 'she is a brat' pipeline (we know the fandom likes to oversimplify characters into one ot two traits) so I simply didn't see the idea having much logic at this point.
5. I still don't have anything for her clothing javsisdbwdjsbk I have to think more about it tbh. Of course there are things I want to keep (as I said previously) but I just love the ribbons and frills in Fontaine (again.) so I would like to add more (I'm thinking of making something for her sleeves,, it's just that Eula's sleeves are top character design to me lmao.
6. FONTAINE IS SO COOL. I ended downloading it in my village, without wifi. My phone's internet died that day jahsosbdis and went diving as soon as it finished loading aidbwdeodbdie everything is soooo pretty. So pretty I am having trouble farming for Fontaine characters because I don't want to kill any of the fishies... WHAT DID THE LITTLE CRABBIES DO??? AND THE BIG ONES?? AND THE LITTLE FAMILIES?? (having internal crisis).
7. I'm going to scream again about your Vivi doodle because it fr was so pretty... And the fact that you didn't forgot the monocle??? I was super excited to see it oqbdowbdiwbd
This summer went well (I didn't do much tho... Family complications and all that 😵‍💫) and I begin uni in two days and I am. Not thrilled aksbaodbsis I need a few more weeks of freedom 😭
I hope your summer went good and you did all the things you wanted to do (or at least as much as you could do) 💕💕 Lots of hugs from my side 💕💕
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purpleleafsyt · 1 year
Hi! I adore your tmnt iteration designs!
What happened (who I’m assuming is) Donnie’s jaw? It looks like it’s made of metal(which looks really cool by the way!).
Aaah I'm so glad you like them!! I thought so hard about their designs shfhd
And you're right! You are asking about Donnie, thoughhhh they go by a different name, all the turtles except Venus do!!
(Which,,, is Dawni, because I couldn't find a name that stuck and so I thought "wouldn't it be cute if I spelt his name differently? And then that stuck lmao)
Anyways!! I would like to preface this with saying I am in no way a medical professional, and am bullshitting everything the entire way with baseline research while also combining a fictional and hardly explained magic with real science. I am so sorry if nothing makes sense or is filled to the brim with inaccuracies lmao
His jaw. Yeah it's made up of a mystic-mechanical metal, and is a prosthetic.
I don't want to go too far in depth about Everything that happened, but I took inspiration from Rise and Bayverse that the turtles were made in a lab, and intentionally as,, weapons.
So, while the turtles and Splinter were mutating things went very very wrong, and the lab started to explode. Splinter could only get to one turtle and save them before being forced to flee, the other three being lost elsewhere.
(So, this is also a separated au)
Except Dawn, who was trapped and hurt very badly from everything, but don't worry! The mutagen is keeping them alive(yay) and in a whole lot of pain(not yay)
Basically, since they were created intentionally, the mutagen was coded specifically with enhanced healing, and while the mutation process is going on it keeps the subject stable, which spreads to like, injuries.
Dawn lived only because Draxum found them in a relatively short timeframe, and rushed them into intensive care, where it was necessary to amputate. Dawn stayed in the ICU for,, A Long Time before finally healing enough to be released. It took even longer for the prosthetic arm and leg as Draxum was not like, the most familiar with tech, he's still an alchemist in this iteration.
A cuter fact is that's why Dawn got interested in science and building things, because half of their limbs is mechanical and their father is A Scientist and that is so cool, isn't it?
As for all the rest of it,,, I oh so helpfully drew a ref of it
(if you need me to write out the notes, don't be afraid to ask!)
Tumblr media
Aaand of course, you can ask clarifying questions (though, depending on the question, may not be answered because of Plot aha)
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candra-hearts · 5 years
HELLO CROCHETING BUDDY!!! Do you happen to have a write Pattern for the Hyper Force Team??
I’m really happy that you liked the Otto plush. He’s my favorite, he’s amazing and I love him. You sent this ask to my other blog and I answered it there, you probably didn’t see it so I’m going to answer it again. First, I don’t have an organized pattern written up for the Monkey Team. I have something written out about how to make all the pieces but I don’t know how to explain how to fit them all together. And secondly, even if I did have a finished, organized pattern, I don’t want to share it as I am planning on selling Monkey Team plushes in the future. If I’m going to sell them, I don’t want the pattern out there, y’know? Sorry. Thanks for asking though, it’s really nice to know that other people are interested in my work and crocheting in general! I don’t post a lot of my work on here (and really I haven’t done any recently as I am really very busy this semester) but in the past I’ve done a ton of Pokemon and Disney characters and some Sonic characters to name a few, and if and when I get an etsy I’d like to sell those as well as the Monkeys!
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