mastinkipp · 8 years
Do you have a Soul Tribe?
I mean - those people who are there for you. 
People you don't have to hide around. People you don't have to pretend to be someone your not. People that want you to come out of the spiritual closet and to dive deep into woo woo land. People who celebrate who you're becoming!
Do you have that? If not, today I'm going to show you how to find your Soul Tribe.
Many folks I meet are scared to come out of the spiritual closet because they are not supported by their current peer group.
Tony Robbins has famously said that "Who you spend time with is who you become."
So, you want to be mindful of who you surround yourself with. Make sure you are around people who support your growth, your purpose and who you're becoming.
You don't want to attach to people who must remain attached to who you've been.
At this moment, you're a brand new person; it's time to surround yourself with people who see you as brand new.
Your Soul Tribe is out there...
My great wish is that you find your Soul Tribe.
Where you fit in. Where you belong. Where you are seen. Loved and recognized.
You are worthy of these things. Know this, and welcome in your Soul Tribe.
Remember to get out there, take action & make it real!
Your biggest cheerleader,
P.S. My Enter the Heart Retreat in Maui is almost totally sold out. Join me this August, find your purpose and your Soul Tribe. Apply here.
[Begin transcript] Hello and welcome to Power & Purpose TV! I’m your host Mastin Kipp. I’m coming to you today from Lumeria-Maui, one of my favorite places in the entire world. We do a lot of our retreats here. We just wrapped up our Wealthy Healer retreat, and what’s so incredible about our retreats is that we get people who come in from all over the world - they’ll come from Australia or Europe, all over the States, they come from Southeast Asia, they come from everywhere and they come here. At first they’re a little skeptical. They’re like, “Who are these people?” And then all of a sudden on day one, two or three all of a sudden things click and there is a unity that is created at these retreats and at my seminars that is so beautiful. And people really feel seen. They feel like oh my God, I’m not the crazy one. Actually there are a bunch of people here who feel and think the same way that I do. And we’ve coined this phrase, when you meet these people who really get you and see you and see your heart and you can have these conversations about spiritual or personal growth topics, we call that a soul tribe. I’m not even sure how many retreats we’ve done, dozens and dozens of retreats and each little retreat they meet their soul tribe, they meet their people and they come to Claim Your Power Live or one of our seminars and they meet people, they feel seen. And so one of the questions that I get now that we’ve coined this phrase soul tribe is well how do I meet my soul tribe, Mastin? It’s really a simple process, and don’t confuse simple with easy by the way. But you want to put yourself in environments where they are. So you want to come to a seminar, you want to come to a retreat, you want to go to a yoga studio, you want to go get a green juice at Whole Foods. These are the places where people like us tend to meet. And then you want to be open. It’s amazing… one of the greatest ways to meet people is with a smile. Think about that. If you’re just standing around like this [scowl] and, “uh, who are you, uh” - that’s not inviting. No one wants to talk to this person, right? We want to smile, we want to say hello and we want to put ourselves in environments where like-minded people are. That’s one of the reasons why I love going to seminars so much because there are so many like-minded people going through this shared experience together. And that’s why I love going to yoga studios, because there are people there who are like-minded. I can go to a Kundalini studio anywhere in the world and I know there is going to be Yogi tea, I know they’re going to have all the yoga mats and the gong and they’re going to have everything there and i’m going to feel like I’m home. I love Kundalini yoga and that community. Or I could find myself when I’m in Los Angeles at Wanderlust or when I’m in New York I go to Tara Stiles’ place, Strala Yoga - there are so many different places to go. But you want to inject yourself and put yourself in the environment where people are. And it’s really important. You’re not going to meet your soul tribe from behind your computer all by yourself. So why you might be watching this video all by yourself, it’s important to put yourself in those environments. Comment on the comments below. Engage with people. Get into programs. Get into seminars where people are. And you will really be surprised. You are not the only one. You are not crazy. There is nothing wrong with you. There are many, many people who believe what you believe who want to have deeper conversations about what really matters but you have to be intentional about putting yourself in the environment where these people are. And don’t expect them just to come along; you’ve got to create it. You’ve got to be intentional about it. You’ve got to make it happen. So, what environment could you put yourself in? Could you put yourself at a Claim Your Power Live? Could you come to a retreat? Could you go to a yoga studio? What could you do, what type of people do you want to meet? Where are these people? And how could you be intentional about putting yourself in that environment? And then when you’re there, don’t close off and don’t be all cool-guy or cool-girl. Smile, ENGAGE, talk to people, ask them questions, be interested in them. This is how you meet your soul tribe. And I can tell you after leading dozens of retreats and introducing people from all over the world from all walks of faith that when you can be real with people and be authentic with people and be your real self with people, the right people notice. And I know that it’s possible if you’re watching this that not everyone in your life has approved of this part of you, that deeper part of you, that vulnerable, soulful part of you. But I can tell you that there is a whole, entire tribe of people who are out there waiting to meet you, waiting to see you. But you’ve got to find them, you’ve got to figure out where they are and then you want to be open-hearted about the way that you can do that. So, in the comments below let me know: Where do you think you could find your soul tribe? Maybe it’s at Claim Your Power Live, maybe it’s at one of our retreats, maybe it’s at Burning Man, maybe it’s at Coachella, maybe it’s at Bhakti Fest - where could you find your soul tribe? How could you be intentional about putting yourself in that environment? And then, even if it’s been scary in the past, how can you open yourself up and smile, be interested in other people when you’re in that environment? Put away the fear of seclusion, put away the fear of playing small and just be yourself. How could you do that? In the comments below let me know. A couple requests for you as you’re watching this video. First, if you know someone who you think this video could touch or inspire, please feel free to send them this video. You could change their life with a click of a button, which is pretty cool. And, if you’re over on Facebook or over on YouTube I’m going to invite you to come on over to MastinKipp.com, join our community and get free training in your inbox every single week to claim your power and live your purpose. This is something I’m passionate about. I love having these conversations. I love sending you free training, free guided meditations, all kinds of stuff for you to your inbox so that you can really claim your power and find your purpose. So those would be my requests. Thank you so much for watching this video today. And as always, my deepest wish for you is to get out there, take action and make it real. We’ll see you next week! [End transcript]
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mastinkipp · 8 years
Happy June 1st! The year is almost HALF over. Are you using your time wisely?
Look - here's the deal. There's a TON of negativity out there. It's everywhere. And with 24-hour news, an election cycle in full swing and neverending social media - negativity can get the best of you. It can turn you sour. Stress you out. Make you not talk to your family.
Or, you can go down the road of comparison and come up with 1000 examples of how you're not doing enough, traveling enough, earning enough... blah...blah...blah.
STOP. The madness must end.
GOOD NEWS: you can rise about it. Right... now.
That's what today's Power and Purpose TV is all about.
Before I get into today's message - I want to remind you that I have my final Unstuck Tour stop in Denver this Saturday.
It's going to be a powerful 4-hour LIFE CHANGING seminar.
I'm gonna bring it. If you're in the area, I'd love to meet you. If you're in the area and haven't signed up yet - time to stop procrastinating and grab your tickets. This is my last Unstuck event of 2016.
>Click here to RSVP.
Now - about that negativity in your life.
Are you ready to end it? Good. Let's do that today.
You see - even though all the negative voices in your life hold you back, piss you off, stress you out and make you feel like sh*t - sometimes you may actually want to keep them around?
Huh? Why would that be?
Well - here's a tough truth.
Sometimes, when you are focused on the negative - you are conveniently ignoring the stuff you're supposed to be doing... like living your purpose.
It's so much easier to get caught up in the drama and negative stuff out there than it is to take the risk, live your purpose, start your business, lose the weight, write the book - or whatever it is you are procrastinating on.  
Purpose > negativity.
So, let's put on consuming all the negative stuff that's holding you back and let's get back on track with all the good stuff that's going to make your life rock - sound good?
I want you to refocus on what's important. I want you to be surrounded by joy... love... abundance... support. And - I want you to have a negativity free life - where you say no to the drama and YES to your purpose.
Make sure to watch today's coaching video.
I made it just for you.
Remember to get out there, take action & make it real!
Your biggest cheerleader,
[Begin transcript]
Hello and welcome to Power & Purpose TV. I’m your host Mastin Kipp, and I’m coming to you from Lumeria-Maui, one of my favorite places in the world. I’m so excited to come to you from Maui today.
So question for you: Do you feel like the negative noise in your life is so loud that you don’t know how to tune it down? 
Maybe the TV and everything you see coming on the TV or on Facebook and you’re scrolling down and there is just so much negativity in the world. Or maybe the people that you’re surrounded with, there’s just so much negativity. How do you tune it all out?
I’m going to share with you today how to tune out those negative voices, get back to your heart and really figure out what it is that lights you up. Sound good?
The first thing we have to do is turn the damn thing off. Turn the TV off, get off Facebook, get SelfControl - it’s one of my favorite apps in the world. It’s called SelfControl. It helps you turn off all social media because we could be addicted to looking at the negative voices.
Think about this, you’re driving down the road and you see an accident. What does the mind do? Boom! Let me focus on the accident. And why do we do this? Because it’s a fight or flight response. 
We feel like if we don’t pay attention to these things that are threatening us then we’re going to die. And that’s not true. We want to become aware of the news and become aware of what’s happening in the world but we don’t want to become overwhelmed with all of it. 
And there are so many reasons today to be overwhelmed with negativity.
So stop it!! Set a boundary. Turn it off.
Next, we want to cultivate self-care practices. So what does this look like? It’s look like prayer, meditation, healthy eating, clean your schedule, making sure that we’re getting enough sleep. 
These are all very big things. And we want to start filling our minds with uplifting material, spiritual material - whether it’s a book, watching this video or going to a lecture or a seminar, whatever it might be, we want to start to fill our minds with inspiring material AND we want to look for the good that’s happening in the world.
And here’s what true. Just because the news is full of so much negativity or people arguing over their political beliefs on Facebook, doesn’t mean that is all that’s happening. 
But here’s what it does mean. There is a tagline in the news business that says this: If it bleeds, it leads. Because the more it bleeds, the more eyeballs we get because we all panic and we have to pay attention to all this negative stuff. And if the world was reported and the news was reported as to what was really going on, there are a lot of incredible stuff happening in the world today. Incredible advances in science, spirituality, personal growth and for all the tragedy, which there is a lot of tragedy, there is also a lot of good.
And so YOU can focus on and choose what YOU want to pay attention to and what YOU want to fill your mind with. Because what you fill your mind with is what you’re going to see. And we can get into a hypnosis around this negative cycle that we see on social media and with the news. I’m not anit-news or anti-social media but I am for you filling your brain, filling your mind with amazing content.
And then what do we want to do? Well we don’t want to just sit around and just read stuff all day. We want to take the a-ha moments and the breakthroughs and put them into action, right? A lot of people think that if I have an a-ha moment I’m done. 
But if you have an a-ha moment that is the beginning of the work. And so, if you really want to silence the negative voices in your mind take the a-ha moments, take the breakthroughs, take these spiritual and existential insights that you’re having and put them into practice. 
Start serving other people, start helping other people, start the blog, start the business, start or end the relationship, do the thing that you know that you have to do so you don’t feel so stuck. Because one of the other reasons why we feel stuck in those negative voices is it’s just easy to be there. It’s so much easier to stay stuck in negativity than it is to have the courage to go out there and really get after what we want.
So that would be my advice for you. Set some boundaries with the news, set some boundaries with your social media, fill your mind with inspiring information consistently - I have an hour of cardio that I do every day and while I’m doing that, I fill my mind with inspiring content. I don’t just pay attention to the news. I’m aware of what’s happening but I fill my mind. I try to read a book a week. 
So fill your mind with inspiring content and then get out there and put it into action! Because remember, if we don’t put it into action what do we call that? If you’re new then this will be a new term for you or maybe you’ve heard me say this before… If you just read the books and you don’t take action we call that spiritual entertainment. And spiritual entertainment will create resentment if that’s all you do. So we need to take spiritual entertainment and turn it into courageous action. And when you make that shift, everything changes.
So, in the comments below let me know how are you going to set boundaries with the news, with social media? Are you going to download the SelfControl app? How are you going to fill your mind with inspiring content and look for the good that’s happening in the world? And then how are you going to take all of that and put it into right action and courageous action in your life so you’re not just sitting around reading a bunch of books but not taking any action, it’s embodied in your life? I would love to know in the comments below.
And, if this video has served you or if it’s created an a-ha moment for you I would love for you to pass this on to someone that you know. Feel free to send this link. You could change their life with one click of a button, and I think that’s pretty cool!
Or, if you’re watching this video over on YouTube or over on Facebook, I’m going to invite you to come on over to MastinKipp.com and join our community. Come on over and leave a comment and really immerse yourself in this information. We send out a lot of beautiful, free training through our email, through our newsletter process that we don’t put out into social media, so I’d love for you to come on over to MastinKipp.com as well. 
And most importantly and as always here at Power & Purpose TV, my great wish for you is to get out there, take action and make it real. We’ll see you next week! [End transcript]
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mastinkipp · 8 years
This was hard to write for you.
It's Saturday... and in the States, we have Monday off... I love long weekends; it's all about getting caught up on sleep and centering myself back into my core. I looooove long weekends, and I love sleeping in.
So, today, I wanted to share a part of my journey with you. It's been something that I've been working on for a long time now. And that is my health and wellbeing journey.
Before I get into today's blog, if you live in the Denver area, I'm coming to see you on my Unstuck Tour next Saturday - June 4th - click here to RSVP.
I also want to preface this blog by saying that this blog was very hard for me to write and is a deeply personal share - please honor that and know that I am sharing today for those who are still struggling with the issue of weight and health. I know that the topic of food can bring up a lot of different points of view.
If you are Paleo or Vegan or anything else, I honor your path and I would ask that you honor mine as well. Many times when I talk about food and this topic, I get a lot of feedback on other things I "should be doing". 
Let's agree that each person's path to wellness is unique and what works for one person, doesn't work for the other person. 
Please know my intention for this blog is to share my journey with you and I am not soliciting for more advice. I honor your path, please honor mine.
Back in 2013 when I wrote my first book "Daily Love: Growing into Grace" I gain about 50 pounds in 4 weeks. It was crazy. The reason why was... when I wrote my book - I was reliving a lot of painful times from my past, and all of a sudden my binge eating came back with a vengeance.
I've noticed since my early twenties that it's been possible for me to gain weight, but almost impossible to lose it. I kind of got used to gaining weight and wherever I was, that being my new weight. I had a ton of stories about why I couldn't lose weight.
After working with my mentor and doctor for the past year+ and doing TONS of blood tests and analysis - we finally discovered the real issue:
My insulin was off, and I was borderline pre-diabetic.
This explained why I wasn't losing the weight. So, I went on a Ketogenic diet and started doing intermittent fasting, and my doctor put me on a brief stint of Metformin.
The results in just a couple months?
Down 20 pounds from my top weight. Blood sugar levels are well below a prediabetes level. And I feel control of my life again.
What's amazing to me is all the stories I told myself that weren't true. And also what's amazing is to think back to many of the "health experts" telling me that I wasn't working hard enough or doing it right.
There have been months where I had followed the food plan perfectly (before I went Keto) and worked out 6x a week. And didn't lose a pound.
The voice in my head said something like "You're doing it wrong..." or "You're just going to be this way for the rest of your life..." and then there're the voices of the experts who said, "You just need to work harder..." or "You must be doing it wrong..."
And after the real, practical results came out - the truth is - back in my late teens and early twenties with all the drug addiction (and sugar addiction + the SAD diet) I messed up my hormones horribly. And as a result, my body could not release fat.
Thankfully, I have been steadfast in my own research around my body and what it needs. 
And I have an amazing group of nutritionists and doctors who have helped me zero in on the issue.
I have a long road to go still, but for the first time in many years, I feel back in control of something that has felt so out of control for such a long time.
The moral of the story is this: don't take unfavorable results personally. Keep digging. There is an answer. Find mentors who know the road ahead. And keep digging for an answer. You will find it.
What's my regimen now?
8-9 hours of sleep. My eating window is 1pm to 9pm. 1 cup of Bulletproof coffee in the AM before cardio. 65% of my diet is fat. 25% of my diet is protein. 10% of my diet is carbs. Food is organic. No dairy (except grass-fed butter and occasional heavy cream). Not gluten, wheat, yeast or mold. 1/2 oz of water per pound of body weight. Cardio for 50-60 mins 5x a week. Weights 3x a week. 100% patience and compassion for myself.
I'll keep you posted as my results come in. This has been a hard battle to fight, and I'm excited that I've found a path to follow that's working for me.
If you struggle with your weight, I suggest looking into a Ketogenic diet. Before you get started, do what I did - talk to your doctor (make sure your doctor is up to speed on the latest research) and be patient with yourself.
Make it a great day.
Remember to get out there, take action and make it real!
Your biggest cheerleader,
2 notes · View notes
mastinkipp · 8 years
It's Wednesday!
Before you know it, the weekend will be here, and so will June! And summer is comin'!
I want you to be happy this summer. Not just happy for those around you, but happy because you are doing what you love. That's what this week's Power & Purpose video are all about.
Before I get into this week's coaching video, I wanted to let you know that my last Unstuck tour date is in Denver on June 4th. Tickets are going fast. Wanna come see me live for just $49?
>Click here to RSVP.
The Unstuck Seminar is a 4 hour deep dive into your Soul that will be a jumpstart to getting you back on track. You don't want to miss this.
Speaking of getting back on track - today's Power & Purpose TV is all about talking to the fearful part of you that is the first person to support other people's happiness - and at the same time, be against your own happiness.
I know that sounds odd - who would ever be against their own happiness?
Well - we do it.  All the time.
It's a noble thing to want others in your life to be happy. I applaud you for it. But, this behavior can go overboard.
You can actually hide from your hopes, dreams and purpose by focusing on helping others with theirs.
I spent most of my career in Hollywood as a music manager, who helped other people achieve their dreams. And I was good at it. When I started my old blog - The Daily Love - that platform was largely focused on helping other people succeed.
Now, with the switch over to a career with me at the forefront, I've found it harder to get going. It's almost like there's something stopping me.
For a few months, I wasn't sure what it was... and then I realized that a part of me was scared to be bold about the new direction of my career. A part of me believed that I wouldn't be supported without all the hundreds of other bloggers around me to support me and lift me up.
And so, I called BS on myself. Woke myself up. And decided to put myself out there boldly, even though a part of me was scared and resistant to it.
The results? By choosing to be happy, by focusing on my purpose - the business grew, and my whole life blossomed. My relationships got better. My health is improving. And, the evidence is insurmountable that I am supported in this new direction.
And the same is true for you.
Life, God, The Universe, Spirit, wants to support the real you. You were perfectly made. When you bend to making others happy only, you miss out on your own amazing spark and unique gifts.
No more. Cool? Today's the day that ends.
Remember, it's great to help others find happiness - just make sure not to lose yourself in the process. When you are filled up - you can help others EVEN MORE. And I wish this for you. With all my heart.
NEXT ACTION: leave a comment - what specific action are you going to take to fulfill your own hopes, dreams, and desires today - and how will this allow you to give even more to those you love and care about? Leave a comment and let me know.
Remember to get out there, take action & make it real!
Your biggest cheerleader,
P.S. Remember to join me in Denver LIVE on June 4th for my final Unstuck tour date of 2016. Tickets are reasonably priced at $49 and selling fast. RSVP here.
P.P.S. Want to come to Maui with me for seven days and find your purpose? My Enter the Heart Retreat is almost totally sold out. This is the last US based ETH retreat of 2016. Space is limited. Apply here.
[Begin transcript] Hello and welcome to Power & Purpose TV! I’m Mastin Kipp, your host. We’re coming to you from Lumeria-Maui, one of my favorite places in the whole world! And today I want to answer a question for you: Is it selfish of you to want to be happy?
I get this question all the time. I get this question from parents, from people in relationships, from people in jobs, from people who don’t have jobs, from all kinds of people who are wondering is it selfish for me to be happy?
And the reason why we think this is because usually we give and we give and we give and we give and we give, and we think I have to make my child happy or I have to make my partner happy or I have to make my boss happy or I have to make somebody else happy or my family happy, and at some point we’ve just given so much that we’re empty.
It can be scary to set a boundary. It can be scary to want to do what you love. And so we ask this question, is it selfish of me to want to be happy, because part of us thinks it is selfish to be happy. And here’s why we think that. If we admit that we want to be happy, then we have to have the courage to change our life. And that is a scary thing.
So instead of asking is it selfish for you to be happy, here’s a different question that I want you to ask: What type of example do you want to set for those that you love, for your loved ones, for your children and for the world? Who do you want to be as a result of being happy?
Because here’s the thing, it requires courage to set boundaries.
And you’re not a bad parent if you want to set a boundary with your child. Here’s the thing, if you’re a parent and you want to be happy, who you are is who your children pays attention to. Not what you say. We know this, right? I’ve talked to thousands of parents. Every single one of them will tell you children pay attention to what you DO, not what you say. So it’s really not who you’re being in the world.
So, who do you want to be for those you love? Who do you want to be for that person you’re in a relationship with? Who do you want to be when you show up for work? Who do you want to be as a parent?
We have to understand that it’s okay to set boundaries. It’s okay to want to be happy. It’s not selfish. If you’ve been giving and giving and giving to so many people that you feel resentful, that’s not who you want to be in those relationships. You don’t want to be a resentful parent or a resentful partner or a resentful employee or boss or business owner. You don’t want to be that for your team. 
So we have to start to take courageous action to find out what makes us happy and to make sure that if we’re all the way over here giving, we don’t want to swing all the way over here where we go from that codependent place into that narcissist place where it’s only about us. But we have to recognize that if we truly want to make other people’s lives better, if we want to make our children's’ lives better, if we want to improve the lives of other people, then it is up to us to fill up our cup with what makes us happy.
And it can be something so simple as going to a yoga class or just having time in the morning to journal, time for yourself to clear your calendar. If you have a full calendar, it’s okay to set some boundaries with your calendar and to make sure that what’s on your calendar is stuff that YOU want to do. There’s nothing wrong with that.
So is it selfish to want to be happy? No, it’s necessary because when you are more fulfilled, when you are doing the things that you love, when you can give from that place of overflow, you are a better parent, you’re a better lover, you’re a better friend, you’re a better employee, you’re a better boss, you’re a better business owner, you’re just a more authentic, loving, heart-centered version of yourself.
Now we have to talk about why is it scary for you to want to change? Who do you feel like you’re going to let down? You’ve been letting yourself down for awhile now. So is it okay to temporarily disappoint others so that you can be happy? And I think the answer is yes.
That’s not a selfish thing. But it is a courageous thing. I’m not saying you want to make other people mad or just be fully selfish, but it’s okay to set boundaries. And you’re not going to let other people down, and guess what, they’re not going to die. I promise! If you set a boundary, the other people in your life are not going to die and neither will you.
So, in the comments below I want to know, how could you set some healthy boundaries? What would you love to do? In the morning or in the evening, with your time, with a free calendar, with a free schedule, on the weekends - what would you love to do that would fill you up to be a better parent, to be a better lover, to be a better friend, to be a better employee or boss or business owner? What would you love to do? And then claim in the comments below.
Also, if you’re watching this video over on Facebook or over on YouTube, I invite you to come on over to MastinKipp.com and join our community. We send out all kinds of beautiful, free trainings through email that I don’t want you to miss. And my request is if this video has been helpful for you to find the courage to really set boundaries and do what makes you happy and you know anybody else who would love this video, please feel free to send them this video. You can change their life with one click of a button. How cool would that be?
Alright! In the comments below let me know how you’re going to set boundaries and what you want to do that’s going to really make you happy and fill you up. And most importantly and as always, remember to get out there, take action and make it real. I’ll see you next week! [End transcript]
4 notes · View notes
mastinkipp · 8 years
Can we be real?
Do you ever get down on yourself? And by down on yourself I mean... you say things to yourself that you would never say to your worst enemy.
I know I have. Sometimes, I can be the person who is the meanest to me. 
We can think that the critics of the world have mean stuff to say - but I think it's the inner critic that says to worst stuff about us.
Why? It's a defense mechanism. It's a story we tell ourselves to prevent our greatness and our purpose. Our inner critic keeps us in jobs we hate, relationships that are toxic and earning less income that our potential.
Many times it's not the world "out there" that stops us, but the world "in here" - that inner self talk can crush your dreams, stop your purpose and make you withdrawal into a smaller version of your life than you intended.
But, there's a way out. 
And it's not through a bunch of meaningless affirmations that you say to yourself to get a temporary boost. Or a green juice. Or a pair of fancy yoga pants.
There's a real - grounded way - the make peace with your inner critic.
Want to know how?
When you make peace with your inner critic - you step into confidence. 
Confidence gives you your power back. It unleashes your potential. It ups your ability to earn an abundant living, to have a career that you love - to be in the right relationship.
But, if you're waiting for the world, or your circumstances to change first - you'll just keep yourself stuck.
Unstuck yourself today.
Speaking of Unstuck, my Unstuck Tour is coming to Denver on June 4th; I'd love to meet you. RSVP here.
My deep intention for you today is to make peace with your inner critic. To unlock your God-given potential to rise and give us your gifts. To earn abundantly in a career that lights you up. To be the example of what's possible for those that look up to you.
You don't want to miss out on one more moment of your life. 
Each second is precious.
Do you want to spend your time letting your inner voice speak victory into your life - or defeat? The choice it yours.
Let me show you how to speak victory into your life today.
NEXT ACTION STEP: After you've watched this week's Power & Purpose TV, let me know how you are planning to silence your inner critic - and what areas of your life you think that will improve.
Leave a comment.
Make it a great week - remember to get out there, take action & make it real!
Your biggest cheerleader,
Want to see me live?
Join me June 4th in Denver for my Unstuck Tour. RSVP here.
Join me this Sunday in Toronto for the Hay House I Can Do It Conference. RSVP here.
Join me in August in Maui and let's find your purpose at my final Enter the Heart Retreat of 2016 in the US. Apply now.
[Begin Transcript]
Hello! I’m Mastin Kipp, bestselling author and international retreat and seminar leader. Welcome to Power & Purpose TV. I’m coming to you today from Lumeria-Maui, one of my favorite places in the whole world, the island of Maui in Hawaii.
Today I want to talk to you about how to silence your inner critic. I don’t care who you are - you could be the most enlightened person in the world or you could be the most unenlightened person in the world - we all have this voice inside of our mind that says, “You’re not enough. You’ll never be enough. You’ll never amount to anything.”
The question is how do we make peace with that voice? Because that voice can be very loud and very powerful and unfortunately, it can hold you back from claiming your power and living in your purpose.
So, how do we silence the inner critic?
Well some people might tell you to ignore it, to push it away, to just say positive affirmations. And while all that stuff may be useful a little bit, what I believe is that there is a part of you, that inner critic that needs love, it needs attention. The negative emotions, the negative inner self-talk that we hear is not something that we want to avoid or make wrong or push down because we know this: what we resist persists. And so, if we resist our inner critic, if we push it away or we just try to say positive affirmations, then we’re not acknowledging a part of ourselves that’s asking for attention.
When you feel like you’re not enough, when you feel like gosh, something must be wrong with me, go to that part of yourself, love that part of yourself, understand why it’s there. And when you can make peace with your inner critic is when you can accept it. Not accept what it’s saying and agree with it, but accept that there’s a part of you that feels sad, there’s a part of you that feels like you’re not enough, or there’s a part of you that is scared for this next level.
And I can tell you I’m here in Maui and I’ve led many, many retreats here at Lumeria-Maui and there are plenty of times where my inner critic says, “Who are you to rent this place out? Who are you to teach all of these people? What are you to…” whatever it might be, fill in the blank. And so that voice is always there. 
And there’s always that part of us that needs that love, that needs that attention and usually what we need to remember is one of the reasons why we feel like we’re not enough is because I believe on our own we aren’t enough. 
That’s actually a true thing. We’ve got to connect back to a higher power or to God or to source or to Spirit. And when we connect back to our creator, when we connect back to a Higher power, then we connect back to a power that is more than enough.
And so many times when we feel like we’re not enough, it’s because we have let go of or felt separate from that Higher power. And on top of that, if we’re feeling like we’re not enough, we’re really in the story of ‘what’s wrong with me?’ and it’s a call to get out and serve, because when I’m serving people, when I’m really there lit up, giving my gift to the world, helping other people, I am not in  my own mind judging myself; I’m focused on who I’m serving.
Some of the best ways to silence the inner critic is to really ask some questions. Why are you here? Why do you feel like you’re not enough? Why are you feeling this way about yourself? And there will usually be some negative emotions in there that have to be felt, and there is probably a valid reason why you feel that way.
Joseph Campbell reminds us that “Every feeling fully felt is bliss.” Every feeling full felt is bliss. And so when we can go there we make peace with ourselves, we accept ourselves. My friend Robert Holden says “No amount of self-help will work without self-acceptance first.”  So that inner critic is really a call for self-acceptance, for self-love, and to recognize that it’s time for us to connect back to a Higher power. We may have forgotten to do that.
So we get on our yoga mat or we meditate or we pray or we go to nature, wherever we feel most connected. So we go to that place and then we focus on serving other people. And if we can accept ourselves as we are, know that when we feel like we’re not enough and can connect back to a Higher power and then serve other people, the inner critic voice will lessen. 
And I’m not saying it will go away. I don’t think it really ever goes away. There is always that self-doubt there, no matter who you are, how successful or how enlightened you are there is always that voice there. But if we can make peace with it, if we can understand there’s a reason that it’s there and it’s not a bad thing and we’re not bad people because we have this inner critic and there’s a call to connect to something larger than ourselves and to serve others, then we can come back on track faster. 
Instead of being knocked out for months or years, we can be knocked out for minutes or hours and then bring ourselves back. Because life is going to knock us around and we’ll go off track. But the question is, how fast can you course correct?
So this is really a training on how to course correct your mindset so that you can really get about the business of living your purpose.
That is my tip for today. Here is what I would love you to do. First, in the comments below does your inner critic come up? Please let me know. And then let me know, how are you going to accept it? What is it there to teach you?
 How are you going to connect back to a Higher power? And how are you going to serve other people? In the comment below please let me know.
Also, if you’re over on Facebook or over on YouTube, I’m going to invite you to come on over to MastinKipp.com. All kinds of fun stuff is happening over there. You can get on our newsletter, email list, get all kinds of training that I don’t send out through all the social networks and stuff like that and I can be in your inbox on a more consistent basis.
And, if this video has been helpful for you, I would love, love, love it if you could pass it on to someone else who you think might need it. You never know - you could change their life with a click of a button.
This is Mastin Kipp coming to you from Maui. It’s been my pleasure to speak with you today. And as always, remember to get out there, take action and make it real. We’ll see you next week! [End Transcript]
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mastinkipp · 8 years
Greater things are ahead...
Happy, Happy Friday!
Are you going through Divine Storm?
A Divine wha?
A Divine Storm, as I call them, are moments in your life when you feel like life/The Divine/The Universe is against you. Nothing is going well.
You question everything and maybe even say something like "Why is this happening to me?"
What I've come to find, is that moments like this are powerful opportunities to grow. Divine Storms are wake up calls. They are not ushering in the end, but rather clearing space for what's trying to be born in your life.
But - we tend to interrupt the process. We hang on to how it was and fear how it could be. And perhaps we slip into assuming the worst, instead of preparing for a miracle.
You see, when you go through a crisis, a hard time, a moment of pain - there is always, and I do mean always, a breakthrough on the other side.
And just past the breakthrough, the new awareness, the inevitable "aha moment" you've been searching for - comes redemption.
We live in a Universe that specializes in redemption.
We need not worry. We need not assume the worst.
But rather, make our aim to surrender our Will to Divine Will.
Instead of trying to make The Divine make sense, we release the need to know why things happen as they do and step into the trust that we are being guided in every moment.
And we choose to believe that what we are going through now is preparing us for what we desire.
You are not being punished; you are being prepared.
Prepared for more love. Prepared for more impact. Prepared to inspire change in others. Prepared for more awareness. Prepared for your dreams.
When we step out into the sweet unknown, we can release the thoughts of pending doom, or life falling apart.
We can choose to believe that when life falls apart, it's not over, but rather the energy is moving, changing, shifting to reflect the changes in our inner world.
We need not fear the changes but embrace them with a feeling of sweet surrender that our Creator knows what's best for us.
And in doing so, we can begin to find peace within transition, we can bring meaning within loss and we can find recovery within our addiction.
You are being prepared.
What no longer serves you is being removed from your life, and new life and a new power is coming to you.
At first it won't make sense. But soon, you will know why things had to be the way they were.
Until then - assume the best. Don't stop a miracle in progress.
Leave a comment and let me know how you're being prepared in your life for something even greater.
Make it a great day.
P.S. Want to come to Maui with me and find your purpose? Apply now for our “Enter the Heart” retreat this summer. Space is limited. Apply here.
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mastinkipp · 8 years
Can we have an honest conversation today about something that might make you uncomfortable? The best transformation comes from uncomfortable topics. And diving deep.
I don't like to mess around. I'm blunt. And I'm a fierce supporter of your dreams. Let's get a little uncomfortable today so that you can grow and really start kicking ass in your purpose.
Cool? Cool.
So let's talk about money. And you getting more of it in exchange for your talents and gifts.
Do you feel a calling to impact the lives of others? Maybe you don't know exactly what it is, or maybe you have an idea - but you aren't quite sure how to line up the money part.
Today's Power & Purpose TV is for you.
If you have a calling to make the world a better place, then you are a heart-centered entrepreneur. You may want to start a coaching business, write code for a website, change people through yoga or help people lose weight, heal trauma or any other life improving modality.
You're gig doesn't have to be woo woo - it just has to have the intention to make the world a better place and serve others in the process.
Essentially - making money the ethical way, serving people - instead of ripping people off selling stuff that hurts them, harms them and making money just for the sake of profit.
If you want to make the world a better place with a business - today's message is for you.
After starting my own successful heart-centered business and helping many clients do the same, I've found three key mindset shifts you've got to make to really bust your success wide open.
Sound good?
I'm in your corner. I want to give you an edge. And all success in business (and failure BT-dubs) starts in your mind. When you get your mind right - everything follows.
So, listen up and lend me your ear, this week's episode will be worth a watch and a re-watch. And, it may be a great resource to share with anyone you know who is hustling hard in the game of changing lives.
Then: Leave a comment and let me know - how are you going to change your mindset to create even more heart-centered success in your life? Why is now the right time to do it?
Have a great week and I'll see you soon.
Remember to get out there, take action & make it real!
Your biggest cheerleader,
P.S. I'm bringing my Unstuck Tour to Asheville and Atlanta this weekend.
Friday in Asheville and Saturday in Atlanta. I'd love to meet you.
Click here to RSVP for Asheville, click here to RSVP for ATL.
Oh, and if you are interested in volunteering in Asheville or ATL please send an email to [email protected]
[Begin Transcript] Hello and welcome to Power & Purpose TV. I’m your host Mastin Kipp, and we are coming to you live from Maui, at Lumeria Maui, one of my favorite places in the world. We just wrapped up our Wealthy Healer Retreat where we have a bunch of heart-centered entrepreneurs come here from all over the world to really grow and expand their impact and their business.
And so as I’m here and we just got done training an incredible group, I want to talk about the three key mindset shifts that you’ve got to make if you want to become or if you want to grow as a heart-centered entrepreneur.
So first, let me define what a heart-centered entrepreneur is. You’re a heart-centered entrepreneur if you have a skill or an insight or an ability to help others transform their lives. So this might be through a piece of code, it might be through a coaching modality or a spiritual modality or a healing modality or a nutritional modality. If you are into improving and transforming the lives of other people, then you are a heart-centered entrepreneur.
Here are three key mindset shifts I think it’s going to be important for you to have if you really want to step onto this path.
The first thing we have to do is start to realize that when we’re earning revenue or profits or money as a heart-centered entrepreneur it’s not un-spiritual. There’s this big idea that if I’m spiritual then I can’t earn money. And I think that’s something that makes me compassionately angry because the people who are the life coaches, the nutrition coaches, the Reiki masters, the yoga teachers, or you know, heart-centered entrepreneurs who are building code or software that can transform the world, these are people who can improve the world. And if you look around, the world is in a state of disarray right now and there are plenty of large corporations and Super PACs and all these things that have no problem raising millions and billions of dollars that aren’t necessarily making the world a better place, and yet the people who can transform the world - YOU - are scared to engage in the topic of money.
And we need money in this world. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and we need to combine those two worlds. Part of the human experience is making peace with finances and recognizing that really money is just energy that is exchanged for a value. And we’ve been making exchanges as human beings for the longest time. Back when we were cavemen it was like, “Hey, I’ve got this rock. I’ll trade you for this piece of wood,” or, “Hey, I’ve got this corn. I’ll trade you for a donkey,” or whatever it might be. We’ve been in this process for a long time, this exchange process.
And so you first have to start to make peace with money and recognize that money is not evil, it’s not bad, there is nothing wrong with it. It’s an energy and actually we live in an abundant universe and it is okay for you to receive abundantly for the gifts that you’re bringing to the world and the value that you’re bringing to the world.
The second mind shift that we have to make is that when we dedicate ourselves to being a heart-centered entrepreneur, we are choosing a new lifestyle and that requires patience. So what this means is it’s not just something that is going to happen overnight. 
My career has been building over the last decade plus and while I’ve been learning best practices that if I knew ten years ago would have shortened that learning curve, there are certain things that just take time. It takes time to build a following. It takes time to build a platform. It takes time to hone your content and really figure out what am I teaching and what differentiates me from the world. So we must commit to patience and to a new lifestyle as it relates to improving the lives of other people.
And then third, we have to be bold about what our skill or our gift is. What is your skill or gift? People ask me this all the time. Usually it’s not very hard to figure out. Usually it’s what comes easiest to you. So if kindness or insight or passion or the ability to see further than other people or see their blind spots or how to code, if that comes easy to you a lot of times you just write that off as something that’s just not that big of deal. 
But I believe that what you’re really passionate about, what you’re really purposeful of and with is something that comes easy to you. And I’m not saying it doesn’t require hard work. For example, I’m shooting this video right now and it’s one take. This comes easy to me, having this conversation with you. When I get on stage, speaking is easy, writing is easy. It takes hard work to bring it out into the world, but it’s what comes naturally. So, what comes naturally for you?
If we can make peace with money and start to recognize that we deserve to have equal value in exchange for the value that we’re bringing to the world, if we start to understand that what comes easy to us is something that can pursue and if we start to understand that we have to be bold about proclaiming that process, then we can step onto the path of becoming a heart-centered entrepreneur.
And here’s why this is important - because the world needs you.
The world needs you to give your gift, the world needs you to come out and help other people see their blind spots to raise consciousness, to help people improve their lives, to heal from trauma. We need you to do that. And if you’re not bold about it, it will never happen.
So to recap, we want to make peace with money and recognize that money is an energy and you deserve to give and receive value for your special gift. Second, to be patient and commit to a lifestyle of transforming lives. And then third, be bold about who you are and what your gifts are and know that it comes easily to you.
In the comments below I want to know how can you make peace with money? How can you be patience in this new lifestyle? And then finally, how can you allow yourself to be bold about what your gifts are and what comes easy to you? In the comments below let me know.
If you’re watching this video over on Facebook or over on YouTube, I’m going to invite you to come on over to MastinKipp.com and I have an incredible newsletter and emails that go out filled with all kinds of inspiration to power you for your purpose. So come on over, we’d love to have you there. And there are some offers and updates that I only send out through email.
And other than that, in the comments below please let me know, please support other people in this process. We need you to get out there to build your heart-centered business, to give your gifts to the world and really make that impact that is only yours to make.
It is a great pleasure coming to you today from Maui. What an incredible gift I get to film here and spend some time here at Lumeria. Most importantly and as always until next week, remember to get out there, take action and make it real. 
I’ll see you real soon! [End Transcript]
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mastinkipp · 8 years
First, I want to thank you for playing full out over the last month. It's been AWESOME bringing you the Claim Your Power program! We blew through our expectations and goals for the program, and I can't wait for it to start next week!
I'm on cloud nine today and loving you so much!!
Today - I wanna talk to you about how to build soul relationships. 
AND - I'm happy to announce that my weekly coaching video series has a new name - Power & Purpose.
It'll be weekly coaching videos and soon a brand new podcast - so that you can get all my training to bring your purpose to life in that format too!
More Mastin = a better life.
So, without further adieu, I bring you our next episode of Power & Purpose TV.
Do you feel like you are in the spiritual closet and have to hide what you really think or believe? Or maybe like the relationships in your life lack depth? Do you feel like you are missing out on being really seen and that you have to hide you who you are to fit in?
Or - do you crave to have deeper, more meaningful relationships? I'm talking all kinds of relationships - romantic, friends, family - you name it.
You want that good stuff...
Today, right now - I'm going to teach you how to create this.
The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships. 
And - here's the truth - if you feel like you can't be yourself in your relationships, you are signing up for Pain Highway.
Let's take the next off ramp of Pain Highway and get you onto the Awesome Relationship Freeway.
More love. More growth. More fun. More connection. Sharing your truth and not being judged. Not having to pretend everything is not as good as it really is because you might bum someone else out.
No more hiding. Only love. Only joy. Only connection.
Sound good? 
I want to know:
What exact steps are you going to take starting NOW to create real, soul to soul relationships in your life? And, what would you life look like if you did?
Leave a comment below let me know!
Make it a great week! I'm sending you so much love and a big hug.
Now get out there, take action & make it real.
Your biggest cheerleader,
[Begin Transcript]
Hello and welcome to Power & Purpose TV! I’m you’re host Mastin Kipp, and I’m coming to you today from Maui, one of my favorite places in the world! We’re filming today at Lumeria, Maui. You can hear the birds and it’s a beautiful day today.
Today I want to talk to you about how to build soul to soul relationships. This is our brand new, rebranded weekly coaching video and podcast called Power & Purpose TV. We’ve been in the middle of this Claim Your Power launch, we’ve had just thousands and thousands of people participating in this launch and it’s been so incredible to be a part of this launch and to see so many people looking towards their purpose. So this new episode and this new show is called Power & Purpose because we’ve found that purpose is something that is very important to you.
Part of living your purpose is having soul to soul relationships. A lot of people that I meet, they have relationships that are surface-level or they’re based on how much money you’re making or because you are just in the same family and happen to be related, and what I’ve noticed is that a lot of the people who are coming to me or who are commenting and maybe for you as well, they are really looking for a deeper-level connection, really a soul to soul connection.
What is your soul?
That soul, that soul essence is that part of you that knows what’s really true for you, the things that you really want to say, the things that come from your heart. And so a lot of times it can be scary to have those types of relationships because the group that you’re in may not accept this part of you. We’ve had a lot of people who come out of the spiritual closet if you know what i’m saying. And so if you’re in the spiritual closet or if you want to come out of the spiritual closet or if you’re out of the spiritual closet and you don’t have a tribe of people, the question is how do you build soul to soul relationships?
Here are a few things you have to do.
First, it’s important to set boundaries with people who are no longer on your wavelength or no longer resonating with the path that you’re on. This does not mean that you’re more spiritual than them, but it does mean that it’s okay to set boundaries with people who maybe don’t understand this new journey that you’re on.
The next thing that you want to do is you want to actually have the courage to start speaking up and talking about the things that matter to you. If you want to talk about meditation or prayer, or if you want to talk about your ability to manifest or co-create, or if you want to talk about purpose or these deeper-level existential topics, you are allowed to and you have permission to talk about these things. Now here’s the thing, when you start talking about these things maybe on social media or at home or with your family, certain people aren’t going to resonate with that topic and that is okay. Totally fine. But, you’re also going to start bringing people who do resonate with that topic.
And here’s the thing, if you have a thing where you feel like, “Man, I’m just not feeling seen. There is a part of me that wishes I could be seen,” well one of the reasons why you’re not being seen is because you’re not showing yourself, you’re not showing that real, authentic side of you to the world. 
It takes courage, especially if that part of you has been shut down by friends or family and well into people in your inner circle - not because they are bad people, not because they don’t love you but because they’re on a different path than you are.
So the first thing we want to do is we want to really allow ourselves to set boundaries. Then we want to speak up and then we want to nurture those relationships where we really go deep with someone. 
The thing about soul to soul relationships is that someone who is really speaking to you at that level it’s about authenticity, telling the truth, being real with yourself; not being fakey-spiritual where you’re only talking about things that spiritual people talk about like green juice, going gluten free and how enlightened you are.
 That’s not a soul to soul relationship. A soul to soul relationship is when you talk about the real stuff - what you’re scared of, what you love, what you want to create, the fears you have about what you want to create.
And then the fourth thing that you want to do is you want to start paying it forward because one of the greatest ways to build soul to soul relationships is to actually improve the lives of other people. So if you can start to improve the lives of other people, you’re going to feel better about yourself, you’re going to get your self-respect back and you’re going to build many, many soul to soul relationships.
That’s something I’m thinking about while I’m here in Maui today. And my great wish for you is for you to have deep, nurturing relationships, relationships where you can be yourself, where you aren’t ridiculed, where you aren’t thinking to yourself, “Oh my goodness! What’s wrong with me? Is there something wrong with me? There’s no one around me who feels this way.” There ARE people who feel this way. You are not alone. You’ve got to show yourself, you’ve got to set boundaries, you’ve got to get out there and tell the truth, and serve other people. And an incredible world of soulful relationships will open up to you. I promise, promise, promise.
You might be watching this video over on Facebook or over on YouTube. I’m going to invite you to come on over to MastinKipp.com, get on my newsletter, sign up for our weekly updates. This is Power & Purpose TV. There are many things in the newsletter and on email that I don’t share anywhere else.
So here’s the assignment today: Who can you set boundaries with? How can you be more honest in your relationships? How can you show yourself in your relationships? How can you nurture the relationships that matter to you? And then, how can you pay all of this forward and serve other people?
I would love to know in the comments below. Please let me know. Thank you so much. Coming to you from Maui this week. So thrilled that you’re a part of this Power & Purpose Tribe. Thank you so much for watching this video.
And one last thing, if there is anybody who you feel could benefit from this video, please feel free to send it to them. You can change their life with one click of a button.
Alright you guys, this is Mastin from Maui saying get out there, take action and make it real! 
We’ll see you next week!
[End Transcript]
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mastinkipp · 8 years
The 2016 Claim Your Power Scholarships
One of the most important things we can do in life is give. Giving is where it’s at. Contribution, service and helping others is a powerful spiritual principle that when applied can change lives and make the world a better place.
My life has been directly impacted by the charity of others.
I was touched by my friend and mentor Tony Robbins when he gifted me with being able to attend both his UPW and Date with Destiny seminars. These babies were a major investment – and even though I knew that they were totally worth the money, at the time the reality was, I just didn’t have it. Tony saw the potential in me to add value to the world, and so he let me come on a scholarship.
My experiences at UPW and Date with Destiny changed me forever. And at that moment, I decided that one day I would do the same thing. Ever since we’ve offered online classes here at Daily Love – we’ve always had scholarships. And what our clients have done with these scholarships has inspired me.
So today, I’m beyond thrilled to announce the winners of our 2016 Claim Your Power scholarships. You put your heart, your soul, and your creativity into your videos. You moved my team and me to the point where we had to say yes. I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to be able to be at a point in my life where I can give back. It was just a few years ago that I needed a helping hand. But that’s the power of personal growth. When you learn it, apply it and become it – everything can change.
If you didn’t get a scholarship this year – know that we love you, you matter and that you touched us.
To sign up for the Claim Your Power program, you can enroll here.
Also, below in the comments, please let me know how you can pay forward the abundance you in your life to someone who needs it today.
There is no way I’d be here today without that act of selflessness from Tony Robbins.
In that same spirit – here are our scholarship recipients:
Justine Giles
Kathryn Vandulek
Fabian Markl
BB Harding
Jessica Nixon
Julie C Kelly
Lisa Miller
Amy Borel
Erin Hill
Priscilla Bradshaw
Jennifer Huda
Laura  L'insolente
Steve Broes
Amelie Mettenheimer
For it is in giving that we receive…
Claim Your Power – please email hello(at)mastinkipp(dot)com so we can hook you up with all the details about how to be included this year.
Have an amazing Friday!
Lots of LOVE,
0 notes
mastinkipp · 8 years
Sleep is something we have a hard time understanding. 
Do we brag about how little we get? Or, do we give ourselves the needed rest and feel guilty?
Today, in my interview with Arianna Huffington, we dive deep into why you need sleep to power your purpose and how much sleep you should be getting. 
BOTTOM LINE: Sleep is vital if you want to live your purpose. 
I made getting 8-9 hours of sleep a night a MUST in my life back in November and my life has changed in so many ways. More energy. Weight loss. More focus. Clarity. And - I can crush my purpose each day. 
This was hard to do, but worth it. I had to set boundaries and get much better with my time management. 
If you find yourself saying that “You’ll sleep when you’re dead” - you may be speeding up that very moment. 
This interview will open your eyes to why you need more sleep and how to get it. What I love is that Arianna is one of the busiest people I know and the founder of a massive startup - yet she is implementing sleep best practices into her life and the lives of her employees at The Huffington Post. 
It doesn’t matter if you are an entrepreneur, a single mom, a student or seeker on the spiritual path - we all need sleep and Arianna is here to show us how.
NEXT ACTION: click here to grab a copy of Arianna’s new book “The Sleep Revolution” - it’s a must read. 
THEN: leave a comment below - how are YOU going to commit to get more sleep?
Here’s to more ZzZ to power your purpose.
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mastinkipp · 8 years
How to get rid of fear once and for all.
Have you considered that expansion and growth feel scary?
So many times I get asked how to "get rid" of fear or how to not feel a negative feeling. And I give the same answer...
If we aren't afraid most of the time, we aren't growing.
There's this idea that a lot of folks believe; I'm not sure where it came from, but I'm pretty mystified by it. The idea is that somehow being on a "spiritual" path will banish all fear and negative emotions from a person’s life.
Guess what... it's BS.
If you are living a "spiritual" life, you are probably going to come up against more fears than someone who is just coasting.
If you are living life on The Path - you are going to become more sensitive to the emotions you feel, not less.
Somewhere out there it's as if there's this promise being made that if you go on The Path, you are doing it right if you are only feeling happy all the time, never feel scared and can turn off negative emotions like a light bulb.
This is not what having a human experience is all about. On the contrary! If we are on The Path, we are inviting fear to come - because we are stepping outside our comfort zone!
We are inviting our emotions to rise, because we are clearing away all the things that prevent us from feeling them.
This is the path of the spiritual warrior - to be courageous enough to feel fear and keep going! To not cut themselves off from feeling however they feel - and know that there is nothing wrong with them for feeling a down emotion! This is what it means to be a human being!
It's a ride, man! If all you were was some annoying positive robot - life would suck. Like Bren Brown has said, "When you numb your pain, you numb your joy" - being human, being open, being alive means being ready to experience it all.
And as we do, instead of trying to always "be positive" and beat ourselves up when we don't achieve that impossible goal, we accept that life is a series of ups and downs - and while it's true that we can't always control life, we can give what happens an empowering meaning.
And by doing that, we start to take our power back.
And we also begin to see that it is by facing our fears that we grow. Growth, by definition, means we are constantly expanding beyond our comfort zone. And when we expand beyond our comfort zone - the natural experience is FEAR!
This doesn't make you wrong or un-spiritual, it makes you human, and it's totally normal!
Can you allow yourself to feel the way you feel without judging it as wrong or un-spiritual?
Self-acceptance is the first major step in transformation.
Without self-acceptance, no amount of reading blogs or doing therapy or life coaching, or yoga or any other modality will work. Without self-acceptance, all those things - including this blog - are just spiritual entertainment.
So! How can you accept yourself, even more, today?
Take action: Leave a comment below and let me know - what parts of yourself are you not accepting? How can you take the knowledge that you have about improving your life and turn it into a tangible next action step?
Remember to get out there, take action & make it real!
Talk soon,
P.S. Find your purpose in Maui with me this August. Join me for my only US “Enter the Heart” retreat. Click here to apply. 
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mastinkipp · 9 years
What do to when you’re taking action & nothing is happening...
I worked with a client once who was a writer and asked me why she wasn't living her dream even though she was taking all the steps.
After a little bit of questioning, I finally found out that she hadn't written anything of her own for over three months.
And if we take a step back, just a few moments ago she told me in the most convincing way that she was "taking all the right steps."  
As a writer, I can tell you that if you aren't writing every day, you're not dedicated to your craft.
It's something that must happen every day.
One of the best books on this topic of "The War of Art".
The author, Steven Pressfield - show us how to battle with an inner critic known as "Resistance." It's a brilliant book and one that helped me become a writer.
The basic idea is this...
There are two types of creative people.
Amateurs and pros.
Amateurs create when they feel like it, let resistance get them down and come up with all kinds of excuses about why they can't create.
Pros, on the other hand, create every day, no matter how they are feeling. They are in a conscious effort to rise above resistance and are determined to conquer this force that holds us back.
So, when I was talking to my client, it was clear to me that even though she thought she was doing all the right things, she was violating the rules of being a pro and this was a major contribution to why she was not where she wanted to be in her writing career.
There's this idea that we can only write when inspiration falls and that a moment will magically come when it all falls into place.
And that line of thinking is perhaps the greatest dream killers of them all.
Living your dreams is earned every single day as we conquer resistance and overcome fear. We have to earn it.
But the first step is showing up every day no matter what for your dream - even if it's for only an hour or half hour a day.
Over time, you will put a lot of effort that will slowly start to pay off!
So, in your life - where are you being an amateur and not a pro?
Where are you letting resistance get the best of you?
And what new schedule and covenant do you need to make for yourself so that you are showing up for your dreams every day?
TAKE ACTION: Leave a comment below and let me know.
Here's to being PRO!
Remember to get out there, take action and make it real.
P.S. Find your purpose with me in Maui at my only US Enter the Heart Retreat of 2016. Apply here. 
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mastinkipp · 9 years
Do you ever feel like right before you get successful - the rug gets pulled from under you? Have you ever been accused of "self-sabotage"? Do you want to know that if I could share one key strategy with you, what it would be?
It's called stretching. I'm not talking about yoga. I'm not talking about pilates. I'm talking about something that feels really scary and will challenge your animal instinct to survive.
I'll stop talking and you start watching this week's episode.
TAKE ACTION: Now, in the comments below please tell me what your specific key insights and take aways are and how you plan to stretch your way to success.
It's gunna feel weird, uncertain and like you might die - but take a breath and know that you are guided and all is well.
Lots of LOVE,
P.S. I’d love to invite you to come to Maui and find your purpose at my epic seven day Enter the Heart Retreat. There are only spaces for 30 folks, so make sure to click here to apply.
P.P.S. I’m coming to NYC, Asheville, Denver, ATL and Toronto for my UNSTUCK seminar tour this spring. Click here to RSVP. If you can’t make it out live, I’m also hosting a Global Live Stream on May 8th. RSVP here.
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mastinkipp · 9 years
The missing ingredient from your next big expansion.
NOTE FROM MASTIN: We just installed our commenting system and it’s ready to go! So get ready to post comments below!
I’ll admit it: I’m a Game of Thrones junkie. And I can't wait for it to come back in just a couple weeks. 
I’ve recently enjoyed watching television again. I didn’t own a TV for about a decade – until a couple of months ago when we got Apple TV and it all went down hill from there.
I’ve really enjoyed watching Billions, Scandal, Homeland, Game of Thrones, Shark Tank and even Fixer Upper. TV has changed in the last decade – these new episodic writing styles have created a long movie over many seasons are pure genius.
And while I’ve enjoyed watching some of these brilliant shows, there’s something I’m reminded of.
It’s the idea of Spiritual Entertainment. 
Where we read the books, the blogs, and watch the shows – and can feel that we have made progress but actually we haven’t.
Right now, after watching Billions I feel like I am a multi-billionaire investor who is being pursued by the US Government.
The entertainment is amazing, but it’s not real. At the end of the day, it’s watching someone else’s story.
I know that the same can be true in the spiritual world. You can read a book and have a temporary “aha moment.” But what counts are the actions we take afterwards. Too often the “aha moment” isn’t backed up with courageous action.
It’s noted, jotted down in a journal, and forgotten. And then the next book is picked up, read, aha’d and forgotten. And we can build up quite the vocabulary of spiritual terms, think we are making progress because we have aha moments – but when we look at our lives – not much else has changed. Why? Because books and blogs don’t take action for us.
At the end of the day, it is you and me who must act. Who must learn. Who must grow. Who must apply the spiritual knowledge.
Knowledge without action is worthless.
So, I have a very basic, simple question for you:
“What spiritual knowledge do you already know that you aren’t using?”
What if you didn’t need another book or blog, what if what you needed was to act?
One courageous action is worth a thousand of the wisest books. A lifetime of courageous action is one for the history books
The thing is, you already know what you need to do.
So, in the comments below – let me know: have you been doing too much spiritual entertainment and not enough action taking? What’s one action that you can take today to start the process of getting unstuck?
Have a great weekend and remember to take action & make it real!
Lots of LOVE,
P.S. I’d love to invite you to come to Maui and find your purpose at my epic seven day Enter the Heart Retreat. There are only spaces for 30 folks, so make sure to apply now.
P.P.S. I’m coming to NYC, Asheville, Denver, ATL and Toronto for my UNSTUCK seminar tour this spring. Click here to RSVP. If you can’t make it out live, I’m also hosting a Global Live Stream on May 8th. RSVP here.
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mastinkipp · 9 years
Grace within setbacks.
I remember in my early days I had so many ideas. So many dreams. So many wishes that I wanted to come true.
I had a thousand ideas and nothing to show for it.
And deep down, I was angry Because I knew I had something that I could give to the world. And not just one thing, lots of things.
Teachings. Inspirations. Stories. Experiences. Love. Ideas. Innovation. Connection.
These are the ideas that boiled within me. But nothing came through. It was like I was creatively clogged up.
I can remember living in Los Feliz, a neighborhood east of Hollywood, CA. It was a spot full of all kinds of artists. Visual artists, musicians, designers.
My business partner was a designer and musician. I envied his ability to create when I was too scared to.
We made a great team because I was so good at the business side and he rocked the creative side.
But my life came crashing down and it forced me to make a choice – embrace my own creativity or die. And I think, in the end, that is why my life fell apart – my soul wanted to create, but I wasn't taking action on that deep desire.
Enter: CRISIS (aka a Divine Storm)
It all came crashing down. Who would have thought that just a few years later it would all come back and more – not by the efforts of someone else's creativity, but by my own?
There was a time in my life when I would have said I'm not creative. I'm not a writer, a storyteller or an entrepreneur.
But, the truth is, that I am, and I was scared to death to admit it. And not being able to admit it ruined my life for a period of time.
Life brought me to my knees so that I got a chance to wake up to an undeveloped part of myself that was dormant.
An unexpressed artist is a sad and angry sight. But I got a chance to express myself and turn it around. It wasn't easy or pretty, but I (by the Grace of The Divine) made it happen.
Are you an unexpressed artist? Are you holding back? Are you scared to death to be creative?  What are you ready to admit today?
Remember to get out there, take action and make it real!
Talk soon,
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mastinkipp · 9 years
It's simple: life is rigged in your favor.
I know that sounds like it might be BS. Especially if you've been through hard times. Or if you've been hurt. Or if life seems unfair.
But stay with me. There is a redemptive quality to the Uni-verse. There are lessons to learn. And once you learn them, everything changes.
If you want to learn how life is actually rigged in your favor - today's coaching video for you.
I know that you may have been through very hard times. I honor your courage for getting through what you've been through. I also know that you've come a long way and made many efforts to get past what or who has hurt you.
Now it's time to take a huge quantum leap forward in your healing.
You may feel that holding on to the past is what will keep you safe, but actually holding on is the riskiest choice you can make. Because when you hold on to the past - you erase any chance that you can change.
Your soul works in the present moment. You are being asked to let go. You are being asked to forgive. You are being asked to find the lesson, change your behaviour and let the incredible blessings that this life has in store for you to find you.
It's time to see how life is rigged in your favor. Click here to watch.
And remember - leave a comment below about how you are going to see that everything you've been through in some weird way - has been rigged in your favor.
Here's some quotes that describe what I'm talkin' about:
"Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor."
- Rumi
"True understanding is to see the events of life in this way: "You are here for my benefit, though rumor paints you otherwise." And everything is turned to one's advantage when he greets a situation like this: You are the very thing I was looking for. Truly whatever arises in life is the right material to bring about your growth and the growth of those around you. This, in a word, is art -- and this art called "life" is a practice suitable to both men and gods. Everything contains some special purpose and a hidden blessing; what then could be strange or arduous when all of life is here to greet you like an old and faithful friend?"
- Marcus Aurelius
Make it a great week, 
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mastinkipp · 9 years
The answer to "Why is this happening to me?"
A Divine Storm, as I call them, are moments in your life when you feel like life/The Divine/The Universe is against you. Nothing is going well.
You question everything and maybe even say something like "Why is this happening to me?"
What I've come to find, is that moments like this are powerful opportunities to grow.
Divine Storms are wake up calls.
They are not ushering in the end, but rather clearing space for what's trying to be born in your life.
But - we tend to interrupt the process. We hang on to how it was and fear how it could be. And perhaps we slip into assuming the worst, instead of preparing for a miracle.
You see, when you go through a crisis, a hard time, a moment of pain - there is always, and I do mean always, a breakthrough on the other side.
And just past the breakthrough, the new awareness, the inevitable "aha moment" you've been searching for - comes redemption.
We live in a Universe that specializes in redemption.
We need not worry. We need not assume the worst.
But rather, make our aim to surrender our Will to Divine Will.
Instead of trying to make The Divine make sense, we release the need to know why things happen as they do and step into the trust that we are being guided in every moment.
And we choose to believe that what we are going through now is preparing us for what we desire.
You are not being punished; you are being prepared.
Prepared for more love. Prepared for more impact. Prepared to inspire change in others. Prepared for more awareness. Prepared for your dreams.
When we step out into the sweet unknown, we can release the thoughts of pending doom, or life falling apart.
We can choose to believe that when life falls apart, it's not over, but rather the energy is moving, changing, shifting to reflect the changes in our inner world.
We need not fear the changes but embrace them with a feeling of sweet surrender that our Creator knows what's best for us.
And in doing so, we can begin to find peace within transition; we can bring meaning to loss, and we can find recovery within our addiction.
You are being prepared.
What no longer serves you is being removed from your life, and new life and a new power is coming to you.
At first it won't make sense. But soon, you will know why things had to be the way they were.
Until then - assume the best. Don't stop a miracle in progress.
Leave a comment and let me know how you're being prepared in your life for something even greater.
Make it a great week,
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