#i am very excited for some of the stuff i already have written LMAO
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velarisdusk · 11 hours ago
ok here's my what's coming up!! - gonna get to the apothecary requests finally (sorry to keep yall waiting!!! also i'll open it back up once i finish the reqs in my inbox) - participate in SJMxReader week - ugh ok yall are twisting my arm, fine! 2 new series!!! (and hopefully another WoI sometime outside of xReader Week) - ive got some stray reqs in my inbox that i'll work on when i get sick of all of these/when i get the time
yeah...... working up a sweat for yall.... lots are untitled bc i simply have not.. written them yet hahahahahahaha😐 (look under the cut and lmk if you can tell im doing everything i can to avoid my schoolwork lmfao)
oh and all are gonna be scheduled to post @ 9PM EST !
1k Apothecary Requests 1–5: (03/23) yes today >:) — Ashes Beneath the Sky | Azriel x Reader (03/27) — Signed, Sealed, Unspoken | Rhysand x Reader (04/04) — Untitled | Lucien x Reader (04/14) — Untitled | Azriel x Reader (04/25) — Untitled | Rhysand x Reader
Event: SJM x Reader Week (05/04 – 05/10)
(acotar only bc im stilll reading tog and have not touched cc yet lmao) (05/04) — In the Absence of Snow | Rhysand x Reader (05/05) — The One Where Everybody Finds Out | Cassian x Reader (05/06) — Untitled | Azriel x Reader (05/07) — Untitled | Lucien x Reader (05/08) — Untitled | Eris x Reader (05/09) — Untitled | Tamlin x Reader (05/10) — Untitled | Azriel x Reader (WoI bonus fic)
1k Apothecary Requests 6–10: (05/25) — Untitled | Cassian x Reader (06/06) — Untitled | Tamlin x Reader (06/16) — Untitled | Eris x Reader (06/27) — Untitled | (my pick >:) still havent decided lmao) (07/07) — Untitled | Azriel x Reader
(07/17) — The Darkness Carves Our Names into Eternity | Az x Reader Series
(07/28) — Something Like Truth | Therapist!Rhys x Reader Series (FINALLY AAAAAA)
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callmehere-iwillappear · 1 year ago
FOR LIKE. CONTEXT. idiot's guide is broken up into two arcs, arc 1 is... almost done i think. hopefully. there's still kind of a ways to go for arc 2
so essentially i'm thinking about, once i do finish writing and editing arc 1, starting to post those chapters on a once a week schedule. then if i haven't finished arc 2 by the time i run out, i'd take a break from posting until it does get finished. if it is finished by then i'll just continue posting lmaofjdsklfjd
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shiftylinguini · 2 years ago
Fuck I Can't Write Crisis Pack:
@phoebe-delia asked in response to this fun lil ask game:
Do you have any advice for getting out of a slump/getting writing confidence back? . (for the ask anything) Do you have any advice for getting out of a slump/getting writing confidence back?
Now THIS. This is a good question, and something that is very much on my mind and has been for a while, as I am currently absolutely in the midst of this and trying to army crawl my way out. I don't have any magic bullets (is that the saying? idk) but I have been here before and i do have a small arsenal of tips or methods that I find can help me. 
Here is my Fuck I Can't Write Crisis Pack (In no particular order):
Write anything 
This is hardly groundbreaking advice, and it's also the hardest thing to actually do (imo) so do not beat yourself up if it takes a while to get to this. Basically, write ANYTHING―it can be aimless, it can be pointless, it can be crap (crap is subjective!! don't let the brain gremlins win!!). 
Don't think about posting it, don't worry about anyone else ever reading it, just fling a few words onto a page and feel the rusty faucet turn on, proving to yourself that it still works. 
Try and sus out what it is that's blocking you 
Again this one is hard and annoying but functional. Once you can put your finger on the particular reason you're staring at a flashing black line on a blank page it can help you kick that reason off your lawn and into the bin. 
And then, take it out of the bin and be kind to yourself about whatever that reason is. Maybe you feel shit because you're comparing yourself to others, your last fic felt like a lead balloon, you can't muster enthusiasm for what you once loved doing and fear that it's gone forever, you're projecting in a Tumblr post―whatever it is, it's something all the writers you admire and aspire to be like have felt, and been annoyed with themselves for, and so you can wrap it up in a blanket and put it on a shelf and be kind to it so it, (respectfully) shuts the fuck up. 
(and remember, everyone feels insecure about their stuff. Like literally everyone, at some stage, feels like their stuff is rubbish)
Cheat on your OTP 
Okay this one might not work for everyone, but it really does for me lol. Ruts (not the sexy kind) can often come with not wanting to engage in my usual ships, being annoyed by my lack of ability to fucking write them/anything/all my ideas taste like cardboard/bleh, and stepping out on them and reading something new can snap me out of it. Just, an injection of new ideas or scenarios or words or even just a little reprieve from being fed up with myself, which ideally, is why we're all here anyway. 
(And then I come crawling back, and am welcomed with open arms haha)
In a similar vein:
Engage in media 
This subtitle is genuinely terrible, i am sorry, LMAO, but essentially: find a piece of media that makes you go "oh, helLO sailor", unhinge your jaw like a snake, and consume it whole. 
Let it nourish you, inspire you, excite you, making you feel SOMETHING, and then take that and think "fuck, what if i wrote bleepbloopblarp" and even if you write nary a single word, you've thought about it and that fucking counts. 
It might be an album, a book, a song, a show, gifs of a hot person, the wikipedia summary of a movie, literally anything counts here if it makes you feel a twinge of creativity. 
Ask yourself, what would Astolat do? 
No for real. @candybarrnerd and I genuinely use this haha.  
Worried your idea is stupid? Astolat would say write it. 
Worried it's too weird? Nah, just write it. 
It's dumb and no one will read it? Just write it for you *waggles eyebrows* (and then find out that yeah, nah, someone else will absolutely read this and be real fucking happy about it haha.)
Worried you're a one trick pony and have already written this fic before, like, and not even once before, and also you're projecting again in Tumblr post? WRITE IT AGAIN! As Astolat once said, "it's a fic so nice, I wrote it thrice". 
It's good advice. 
Make a friend or lean hard on the ones you have here
Misery loves company because it knows they'll come out of this together :). I know, I know, that's fucking NAFF, but fandom is all about finding like-minded freaks and blowing up their DMs because you saw a gif and now feel a kind of ways about it. 
And lastly: 
I mean I love stats (yay validation!), but god can they make you feel like a worthless shit (hey where did my validation go :((( ). It can be really insidious, so piss that right off when it starts to fuck with your confidence or outlook on your own writing.
Hopefully there is something useful here, even if it's just looking at this advice and thinking "no that's shit, it's writing POISON" cos then you can maybe do the version you think is NOT shit, and that might work. 
Good luck, fellow travelers!!
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splinteredsweets · 11 days ago
im bored and i don't wanna sleep yet but i can't seem to write today so i'm just gonna start rambling a little bit about my felix + turbo (i say it like this bc it's not inherently romantic the point is moreso that they're close in some shape or form) fic i'm writing bc as awkward as i feel about it i just think i'd feel weirder dropping it completely out of nowhere whenever i do finish it sooo
rambling go !!
it's essentially about that one headcanon where they exchange awards bc i love that hc c: the entire fic is gonna be made up of 5 different scenes - the first two are showcasing how the initial trade-off came to be , the next two are about them reminiscing about each other , and the last one is after all the sugar rush stuff happens
i don't really wanna give toooo much away mostly bc i am a very secretive person and i like being weird and vague about the stuff i'm working on bbbuuuuuttt i am veeeerrrrrrryyyt close to being finished . i think . pretty sure ? ive been working on this for almost a month already and i pretty much have the first three sections done with constant editing and small changes here and there , im currently finishing up the fourth , and i need to start working on the fifth ... which the latter is gonna be tough bc ... im not even entirely sure how it's supposed to play out yet ive kinda been putting it off entirely until i had everything else written since it depends a lot on what happens before then so im still trying to figure out what exactly im trying to get out of the scene .:. i'll get there eventually tho no idea when
oh yeah btw . i hope you like angst . bc i LOVE the stuff and there is a loooooot of it . like 8k+ words of it hEhEheHeGe ok like tEchNiCallY the first 3k or so are mostly fluff the first 2 parts are kinda sweet i think but there is an overhanging feeling of dread for the pain that is to come ... c:<
ig that's enough rambling about the premise for now , although i'll share just a few out of context authors notes unfortunately i don't have very many bc i was way too worried with how everything was turning out so most of it was like 70% worrying and 30% plotting
'what actually is on felix’s medal like … is it a number one … or his name … or a hammer … why is it both the latter in the movie … that doesn't make any sense … i can work with any of these i just need to know which one it actually is …IM ORETTY SURE ITS BOTH ugh im going to scream … ok i think like on the screen it's his name but in the actual game it's a hammer .. ? kill me what the fuck do i go with ' (decided to go with the name bc i had more to work with)
'one of the nicelanders is like ‘you have a visitor’ and he's like ‘wow already .. ?’ and there's like only one person he can think of that that's fast . SONIC SPEE- no '
'to roadblasters or not to roadblasters … that is the question ..'
'he can get a little overwhelmed by emotions right as a treat ?'
'ppffftttt i was just thinking random thoughts and my silly brain thought of that one thing that's like 'annoying gay couple + annoyed lesbian' with fucking hammertastic and gene pppfpfffftttt that's so stupid lmao'
'feel like this is kinda sweet ... this looks like a good spot for my roller skate and my marbles ... it's just such a shame i'm going to RIP IT ALL AWAY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i love angst <333 you gotta have some lovely happy moments to maximise the pain'
'... i do not know a fucking thing about clothes is what kc's wearing under his tailcoat a waistcoat or am i stupid ... is it a normal shirt idk ... is that immersion ruining if i just keep it im going to die' (didn't end up using it)
'i really love it when my brain gets excited and goes hehhehehehehahahahahahHhdeHgff do EEEEAAAAA i don't know if i can utilise this power properly tho :C i can try tho … hey looks like the worrying is back on yayyyy (boooo)'
'fuck it we ball we go into the liiiIIIIII'
there is also a whole bunch of evil laughter in the notes and i noticed i use a LOT of italics especially when it's from turbo and especially especially during king candy's section lmao ... he just feels the need to be very expressive and emphasise the way he says and thinks things lol
yknow what just for fun - and bc i have no idea where else to put this - i did once have a very . interesting . bunch of authors notes i wrote a few years ago for something else but i never ended up writing it . it makes absolutely no sense at all and it's completely out of context so hopefully it's still kinda funny
'pictures of giirrrllss are noooot for meeee you seeee
she be down in hollywood (that's not the words) (idc)
ur actually insane yeah thanks i know
i eat sand
shut up
metroman finally starts falling for megamind but oopsies poopsies it's too late he's already fallen for the hot reporter roxanne (what the fuck why did you make this comparison) (also that just sounds like a normal megamind fic)'
i would draft similarly to ^that in school too with my boring essays and once i accidentally submitted one of those drafts and i got sent to the counsellors office for 'concerning behaviour' lmao
anyways i might maybe perhaps ramble some more and let loose some more details perhaps maybe another time dunno uhh but i think that's enough for now ... bonus rambling in the tags
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olenvasynyt · 6 months ago
Writing tag by @bonecarversbestie !
Describe your writing process from idea to posting/publishing?
I usually have a very simple concept to start with but I can pick it up pretty quickly and go from there. I start writing a chapter by doing a very quick blurb that summarizes what will happen: “Lucien is walking back to the forest house after a Winter trip.” Where is he walking? What are his emotions? I can write a pretty long summary and then write the actual chapter when I get inspired. I’ll end up separating the summary into sections and eventually I’ll have a draft! My issue is editing haha I despise editing because I overthink. But I have gotten better. This is fanfic, so usually I will finish up my draft and glue parts together, go over some words I think I repeated too much, and then I say fuck it and go!
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
DEFINITELY a plotter. I got a huge huge spreadsheet of my plot for A Court of Embers and Sunlight which includes keeping track of my words, having a little summary, who’s POV, what I need to add etc to each chapter.
What do you listen to when you are writing?
I got a playlist for my Court of Embers and Sunlight fic, but I mainly listen to this classical playlist.
What’s your drink of choice(while writing)?
I often write at my local coffee shop and I either get a honey comb latte (honey, cinnamon, vanilla with oat milk) or a cafe mocha. When I’m at home, I usually just have water.
Promote yourself! What’s your favorite thing you’ve written?
A Court of Embers and Sunlight will always have my heart! It’s a 2 year project with over 140,000 words! About Lucien’s life in the Autumn court with Jesminda and how they tragically ended. I also have LoA plots, and Eris plots! I’m proud of my worldbuilding and the emotional stories that I tell. It’s taking me forever to get out though 😭 I have SO MANY chapters and plots I want everyone to read!!
Share a fic of yours that you think is underrated/deserves more love.
The Tree Have Eyes! 3 chapter fic of Eris and little 8 year old Lucien going on a hunting trip!! It’s sweet and emo and fun and full of cool nature.
Do you have any advice for new writers?
I would say don’t think too much about other’s work. This is coming from someone who thinks A LOT, but a lot of people worry that their writer isn’t as good as someone else’s, or they aren’t getting a lot of kudos so it must be bad, etc. Don’t beat yourself up! It’s hard to stop comparing but this writing is for you, and there will ALWAYS be someone who loves to read your stuff. Also make friends with other writers! You get like minded people who can support you and help you out. I’m often a loner but I get so excited when I get friends sharing their work or talking about their work, talking about my work etc! It is very motivating.
What is a writing style/technique that others do really well that you'd like to get better at?
Oh god, dialogue…this is me thinking too much but I never feel very confident in when writing dialogue. So many people write it so naturally and it’s always the first thing they start when drafting! I can start with dialogue but I always enjoy prose and descriptions more.
Is there a character you were surprised you enjoyed writing as much as you did?
Rhysand! He jumped on me when I was first drafting ACOEAS and he was very very fun. Difficult sometimes (because I am not as hot or clever as Rhys lmao) but still very fun.
Thank you for tagging me @yaralulu @sad-scarred-sassy and thank you for starting this @bonecarversbestie ! I feel like most of my writing friends already did this haha.
But no pressure tags: @sadiegirl2021 @ennawrite @jules-writes-stories @clockwork-ashes @highlordofkrypton
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wrongcaitlyn · 7 months ago
With Apollo bound to come out with a new album at some point, would he ever return to the touring/concert aspect of singing? Or would he just stick to helping Nico out with those aspects, or even have someone else perform his songs for him/record a live music version so people could still sort of have that experience? And we already know that the listening party would be amazing 🥳
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OKAY SO first yea i think it's pretty obvious by now that apollo will eventually come out with new music!!! (which i am SO extremely excited for, like his album has actually been on repeat over the past few months. it may be my favorite album from the entire tyt universe, sorry nico </33)
but as for tour, i honestly can't see himself ever going on tour again. it's two very conflicting opinions, because on one hand, he's a very flashy person and likes being under the spotlight! that's the entire reason he's going back into music after all, it's something he's always been very clear about. but on the other hand, he has some very bad experiences with being on tour, and even though he managed nico's tour and would be in charge of the tour himself, he'd still probably feel uncomfortable doing that sort of thing himself, and exposing *himself* in front of an audience again. he hasn't had all good positive fan interactions, hasn't had good experiences being on tour itself, and hasn't always enjoyed being on stage.
so that being said, i don't think i could see him ever returning to the stage as a sort of "eras tour" thing, and going back to singing his old music - one thing that i always thought of is that taylor has a connection to her old music, it's her life, it's the whole reason she decided to rerecord them in the first place. but in apollo's perspective, he's almost ashamed of the past music? not really, but it's not HIM. it's a facade, someone who he had been forced to act like, and he holds no personal connection to that music - he'd probably rather they be scrapped completely, but he can't do that.
so i don't think he'd ever sing any of his old songs live again, but i do think that smaller performances, possibly a festival, and maybe like an award show performance or something, would be done with his new music. things like the tiny desk concert, a small listening party, and some acoustic shows like nico's og haunted ones are some of the smaller things he'd do, but i also could see him headlining coachella or lollapalooza or smth!! it def seems like his vibe, and it'd also be less pressure of being an "entirely him" thing. i don't think he'd feel as expected to sing all of his old hits either.
i ALSO do think that he would release things like the voice memos that taylor does,,, except they're from all the way back in the early 2000s. when he eventually releases his new music, it's gonna be a blend of things he's written recently and stuff he wrote a long time ago. i think he'd feel some kind of pride in releasing those old voice memos/first drafts of songs and show that they really did come from him all those years ago!
so those are the things i could see apollo doing live, but i doubt that he'd want to schedule a full tour or anything - partly bc of bad experiences but also partly bc he's a full time dad! and even if all his kids r at college or having jobs, i think that will's heart attack also impacted him a lot. he doesn't want to be far away or traveling all the time anymore,,, and who knows,,, maybe he has a partner,,, bf,,, husband(??) that he'd like to spend more time with rather than touring <33
oh and he's running a record label and is still a full-time producer as well LMAO
thank u for this ask!!!
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sunnybyler · 10 months ago
my thoughts on the first throne of glass book
so i finally started reading throne of glass two days ago and i just finished it and i rlly loved the first one! i didn’t start with assassin’s blade because i’m following the reading order sjm herself suggested. but i figured i’d give my thoughts on the book just for funsies. this isn’t like a review really just what i’m feeling abt the series thus far.
for quality i’d give it a 6/10 but for how much fun i had reading i give it a 9/10 and i care WAYYYY more about entertainment personally lmao. so overall i’d probably give it like an 8/10.
spoilers under the cut, obvi (including some from later books bc i know some spoilers)
• why are there so many exclamation points
• so i’m gonna be honest i’m beyond confused about celaena’s name. bc everything i’ve ever seen about tog talked about some chick called aelin. now i’m just kind of assuming they’re the same person somehow but i have no idea what’s going on in that regard
• it was an enjoyable read but you can def kinda tell it was written when sjm was younger lol. but i know the writing is just going to continue to get better so it didn’t bother me THAT much, though i must say i’m anxious to get to the later books for that reason
• this book was FUNNYYYY omfg dorian and especially celaena had me laughing out loud at times. i hope the books stay this funny
• I LOVE CELAENA SM. like that’s my girl fr fr. thus far feyre is still my fav sjm fmc but honestly celaena has potential to change my mind
• i also love dorian and chaol and i’m not gonna lie i lowkey ship her with both of them (which is a rarity for me usually i’m very passionate about one or the other in a love triangle). but that may be because i’m aware i should not get attached to either ship LMAO
• speaking of chaol i spent half the book pronouncing his name as chowl in my head which made him very hard to take seriously. but honestly i feel like that is 100% sjm’s fault bc the fuck you mean chaol is pronounced kale!? how was i supposed to know that
• i’m curious when more magic elements are gonna show up. like i thought this was another fae series am i wrong there? i mean elena was fae so. maybe i just need patience (but i’m gonna be sad asf if some sort of fae plot twist erases my bffs dorian, chaol, and nehemia from the story)
• okay but seriously once again what is up with the exclamation points. why are they so many. like it was genuinely jarring in the first few chapters. idk if it faded later in the book or if i just got used to it but it genuinely bothered me for a while. pls tell me this isn’t a thing in the later books bc i don’t remember it being an issue in acotar
• i think challenges and shit in books are so fun so i loved that the whole book was centered around it, lowkey wish we saw more of the challenges tbh
• that freak monster that cain was summoning is the stuff of nightmares. i already forgot what it was called but i made the grave error of googling fanart of it and it was actually terrifying
anyways that’s all i can rlly think of for now but i’m excited to keep reading! i’m super curious about celaena’s past because i can tell there’s sooo much we don’t know yet, but assassin’s blade (which i believe is at least partially her past? but maybe i’m wrong) isn’t until after crown of midnight so i’ll just have to keep wondering lol. but i’m very excited for crown of midnight i feel like shit is about to get very messy with her being the champion
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frankiedane · 2 months ago
i gotta be so real.
i have autism + adhd, and have had an interest in the outsiders since i was 12 (i’m 25 now. the autism is autism-ing) and there was a really long time where i outright wouldn’t let myself interact with the fandom because i was so incredibly frustrated on people’s takes regarding dally, johnny, and pony (and darry, but you don’t post about him a ton—i love him dearly, and also i think the way he treats ponyboy is sort of abusive but so much of the fandom loves him in such a way that they seem to struggle to acknowledge his faults, i think)
and then i found some of your fics on ao3 because i was like “WHO is this and HOW did they take this interpretation of these characters directly from my brain???” because your writing is SO GOOD. i devoured everything you had published on ao3 as soon as i realized you existed bc i was just so excited to find someone who’s characterization i vibed with so well.
and then i found out you had tumblr and you post about the characters sometimes and got even more excited because i actually really like the things you say about the characters (i love dalpony, i think they’re dynamic is so interesting and i am STOKED to see someone who can write johnny as being more complicated than “uwu soft abused little boy”—i was abused similarly to johnny so i get really particular about how people depict that. most of the time it’s like... whatever. it’s just a fic. but sometimes it reads as really fucking rude to survivors lmao).
(also. the idea that soc johnny would be just like bob. genius. a galaxy brain thought. absolutely fantastic.)
and i’m not trying to be rude to other people in the fandom (i mean, some of the other people who interact with your stuff seem really cool too and i’m planning on following a couple of them so i can more firmly see the parts of the fandom that i want to), i just haven’t been able to interact with this fandom in SO LONG without other people’s interpretations of the characters making me second guess my own, especially bc a lot of the fandom gets VERY…heated about that sort of thing, sometimes?
i’m just really glad i found your writing (your style is fucking phenomenal, and it’s one of the handful of things that have inspired me to want to write again) and your blog (your takes are exquisite and the gif sets have been making me wanna watch old movies i haven’t seen yet) and just wanted to tell you that.
sorry for all the parenthesis, i have a hard time controlling the thoughts that are essentially just Extra Content. i hope you have a good day/night.
oh nonny, don't ever apologize! thank you so much for this. i'm gonna bullet point out thoughts:
also autistic and i also had to take a long break from fandom as a teenager. the misogyny going on was way worse in the 00s and coming back in 2019 was kind of wild for me to see how much fandom has changed.
i'm so, so glad you found my fics and enjoyed them! 🩷🩷🩷🩷 it makes me so, so happy whenever someone connects with my fanworks, and feel that they're seen/understood by others in their interpretations of the characters and dalpony. dalpony is so underrated to me, and i wish there was more, always. call me greedy, lmfao. i'm always down to talk about almost anyone, so askbox is open! 📬
soc au is a joint idea! @monstrology put it forth in a convo we had one night in 2021 and things simply snowballed from there between us for the actual foundation of ideas, but the og brainwave splash came from them. (esp bc i kept saying "what if he's evil plato crawford?" and kept getting corrected by the good doctor friend that technically, plato already is evil) all the fic written is mine, but the germ of it is theirs, always and i love 'em.
i understand the frustration a lot. i do think darry's actions towards pony are abusive — maybe not the same way as steve's parents are but certainly they are not commendable and fandom attempting to sweep it under the carpet is frustrating. i think he has the ability to change and regretted his actions, but you're absolutely right with the way fandom behaves. same for how people talk about johnny and i also was abused similarly to him and yeah that's where much of the criticism comes from with me too. i think a lot of conversation around johnny is insulting, and is infantalizing. his faults are rarely cared about and rarely acknowledged which honestly sucks. he can have more but... fandom doesn't wanna do it most of the time.
honestly, i don't read you as "rude" about the fandom; the fandom does have a lot of deep schisms (esp due to the musical, god) going on, and a lot of behavior fandom thinks of as "rude" is usually "people have an opinion that doesn't line up with the popular opinion, and people try to collectively punish you for it." you're perfectly polite to me, so don't worry about it. a lot of fandom is an unfair popularity contest, and you gotta ignore it.
yes yes come to dalpony tumblr! i think a lot of fandom is scattered, but the dalpony people are real nice, fun, and have room to just be yourself. i find a lot of fandom is extremely restrictive in how they're allowed to think and do, vs. dalpony contingent where you can do whatever and we'll have fun with it.
i'm very glad you're here! and so so glad you enjoy my fanworks, and just very, very happy you're having a good time.
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steampunkhobo · 2 months ago
Two years ago to the day, I baked a chicken pot pie and sat down to watch O Brother, Where Art Thou? It was not the first time I’d seen it- more like the fifth?- and by at LEAST the second watch I’d already clocked how gay it was. I’d read all (two) of the fics at least a dozen times over and could quote the film at length with my closest friend. I was no stranger to this movie- hell, it had been a major source of comfort for me after my back surgery- and I knew full well I loved it. But for whatever reason, after watching it this time, two years ago, something just…clicked. And beyond like “oh this is cute and gay I can hyperfixate on this for a little while”- I was genuinely changed. Like- able to fully see what made this movie so magical, how special what Pete and Delmar had was, how absolutely *enchanting* Delmar was- and I can’t deny this did start in part due to my infatuation with Delmar. The earliest drafts of my Pete/Delmar fics (which have never seen the light of day) involve Pete discovering his attraction to Delmar through Delmar’s entanglement with another man. Very self indulgent. But at any rate, it was like seeing the movie with fresh eyes. It felt so special and magical to me- and that’s only grown since. And within all that excitement, there was this impulse- “dear god, I need to write fanfiction.” And I did. I’d never written fanfiction before, and I sure as hell didn’t think I would ever post it, even as I kept picking up prompts and writing little drabbles- but then another piece of serendipity popped up. Two weeks after the fact, a new fic for them popped up. It was because of that fic that actually got up the nerve to post mine. And then another one. And another. As of right now, two years on, I am responsible for 9/18, or one half, of the Delmar/Pete fics on AO3. I take pride in that (even if it’s silly), but if not for the work of other authors in the community, I would never have even posted. This is so niche that I doubt it, but if any authors, fanfic or otherwise, stumble on this, I want you to know that even if you don’t directly know about it, your work affects people. Your work will always find its audience, and that audience will be carrying a little piece of you and your work in their soul and in their own work. It’s not always glamorous. You don’t always see it. But it is there.
I say this for myself, too- what I do is not for everyone- or much of anyone, lmao. This is more of a dad and grandparent movie than a queer person on tumblr movie, and I respect that. But I love the silly thing that I love, and through that I have met so many talented artists and writers, so many people who get them like I do, and gotten to push my gay agenda commissioning the most wonderful people- all of whom you should give your business to. I want to be able to highlight the things this movie has given me, all the people I’ve gotten to talk to, the improvement of my writing, the confidence I’ve developed in myself and the things I love- but I’m realizing the movie didn’t do that for me. That was all in me already. The movie just gave me an outlet, a connection point- something I loved more than I was self conscious. Something I loved enough to let it push me out of my comfort zone. And that’s so much more meaningful to me.
I’m sure nobody’s reading this far into the ramble, but any OBWAT fans, authors, artists, or what have you, thank you. You’ve helped me find my place. Even if it’s small and hidden, it’s mine. I love what I love and I’m better for it. If you feel so inclined, check out some of the fantastic artists that have drawn for OBWAT. Read one of the fics, mine or someone else’s. (Crypid_Cryptid420’s fics are monumentally good.) Leave someone a comment on their art- maybe a fic from the silly thing you’re obsessed with. Let them know there’s others like them out there. It means a lot.
Be good to each other. More of my dumb stuff soon.
Tonight, though, I’m visiting the big rock candy mountains.
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@ficwip's 2024 in Review Questions Answered!
This will be long since there're 30 questions, and we all know I have a tendency to talk a lot. Fear not! The first three questions will be above the cut, and the rest under the cut, so's to save your dashes, lmao. (Also, I hate how you can't just type “1.” at the beginning of a line without having it automatically turn into a Numbered List. I'm just now realizing as I type this that I could have done “1:” but I've already done the Roman numerals now, so we're just gonna roll with it I suppose.)
I. How many fics have you worked on since January?
An embarrassing amount, let's call it. Perhaps too many for me to have to remember to be counted.
II. What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year?
Non-linear narratives. Most of the stuff I've written on my ao3 has been fairly linear with clearly defined flashbacks, but I've experimented a bit. I also tried my hand at drabbles again and have successfully done three so far, which I never thought would happen!
III. What piece of media inspired you the most? (This can be the fandom you wrote the most for, the one that spawned the most ideas, the one you thought about the most, etc.)
Unequivocally The Goes Wrong Show and its related plays Peter Pan Goes Wrong and A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong. I have not had creative brainrot this much in so long. Mischief Theatre really came up and fucking walloped me with a hockey stick and it shows.
IV. How many fandoms did you write for this year?
I wrote for a whopping twenty-five different fandoms this year! Very exciting.
[New Girl, The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion, Derry Girls. Ready or Not (2019), Seraphina by Rachel Hartman, Miraculous Ladybug, Calvin & Hobbes, DC Comics, Pride and Prejudice, The Goes Wrong Show, Peter Pan Goes Wrong, The Witcher, Criminal Minds, Percy Jackson!verse, A Love So Beautiful, Professional Single, Mr. Bean, Wicked Little Letters (2023), Danny Phantom, Over the Garden Wall, Love O2O, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Red One (2024), and several k-pop and c-pop groups.]
V. What ships captured your heart?
So many, oh my god. But I think the strongest ones have been Chris Bean x Vanessa Wilcock-Wynn-Carroway, Max Bennett x Vanessa, and though I didn't write anything, Ben Affleck x Matt Damon. The tag on my main blog is Full.
VI. What characters captured your heart?
Lydia Bennet, the entire cast of TGWS but esp Chris Bean and Vanessa Wilcock-Wynn-Carroway.
VII. Did you write for any new fandoms or ships this year?
Five new fandoms: The Goes Wrong Show, Peter Pan Goes Wrong, Mr. Bean, Wicked Little Letters (2023), and Red One (2024)
And so many ships, it's embarrassing if I cared.
VIII. What fic meant the most to you to write?
OUGH, what a question. I think maybe the ones I did for Calvin & Hobbes because I've adored the comic for so much of my life? I got to see some of Bill Watterson's original archived work in Columbus, Ohio at the comic book museum in the spring this year, which was fucking incredible.
IX. What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
Oh, I loved working on the main narrative of my this peace is fragile au, If equal affection cannot be, Let the more loving one be me. I had so much fun creating the cultures of both Kingdoms, and playing around with what the Cornley characters would be like in this situation. I just loved everything about it.
X. What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing?
My Pride and Prejudice modern day AU I wrote for Whumptober 2024, Little Girl, You're in the Middle of the Ride. I really was so invested in what I was writing, and seeing it all come together at the end was so satisfying.
XI. What fic was the most difficult to write?
Oh, hands and above, the first prompt fill for Cornley Christmas Chaos. I can't even remember how many times I restarted the damn fic before throwing in the towel and just deciding to make it a drabble. Which was another added difficulty because I am so bad at keeping my thoughts short. I was successful in the end, though, and the amount of victory I felt was hilarious. (Read it here!)
XII. What fic was the easiest to write?
I think maybe When You Give a Robert A Spell Book… or The Golden Goose. I just remember banging them out in a surprisingly short amount of time.
XIII. What were your shortest and longest fics posted this year?
Longest: If equal affection cannot be, Let the more loving one be me with 11,650 words.
Shortest: Three drabbles this year. A PJO Pipeyna fic entitled a happiness not elusive; the infamous C Cubed Day One prompt fill in the blink of an eye; and a Love O2O fic entitled and i retrocede as if i was swimming, which is a friendship fic between Sīsī and Yìrán.
The difference between the shortest and longest fics are an incredible 11,550 words.
XIV. What were your go-to writing songs?
Whatever was on my Spotify On-Repeat playlist or my playlist “my emo phase pt. ii”. I wasn't super picky with the music this year.
XV. What was the hardest fic to title?
Probably my Ready or Not (2019) pre-canon into canon fic that focuses on Daniel Le Domas thinking about how he got to bleeding out on the floor towards the end of the movie. Nothing I came up with felt right for the longest time, which was annoying. I eventually settled on a dangerous, dangerous game, one that i am definitely losing.
XVI. What’s your favorite title of the year?
Oh, I can't choose just one aldjf;ds. I have a handful that I enjoyed so much.
Younger Family Members Meddling Offers Surprisingly Good Results (not clickbait)
TFW You Find Out You're Marrying Your Brother-in-Law
“Sorry” is a Five-Letter Word (and never does enough)
Hal Jordan Makes a Good Call, Bruce Wayne Found Shocked and in Disbelief
it's hard to speak with a sob in your throat
XVII. Share your favorite opening line.
It was stupid, he knew, to get distracted while one of his hands is inside a piano and the other is hitting keys.
From TFW You Tune Your Strings to the Sound of Her Voice
Róng'ér watches with disbelief as her older sister once again misinterprets Bái-gē’s words and turns his invitation of a date for two to the movies that night into an invitation for their friend group to go out to the movies. Granted, “Would you like to go to the movies tonight?” is a pretty ambiguous statement on its own.
From Younger Family Members Meddling Offers Surprisingly Good Results (not clickbait)
XVIII. Share your favorite ending line.
There’s a streak of blood that almost looked like one of Mom’s arrows on the floor, by his stomach.
From a dangerous, dangerous game, one that i am definitely losing
And if his solicitor couldn’t help… There is hell to pay, and Darce has always been good with money.
From Little Girl, You're in the Middle of the Ride
XIX. Share your favorite piece of dialogue.
“I don’t know,” he said, his tone a touch defensive.  “I told him that I was fine.  He just had to stick his nose into my business.  I was only telling him to buzz off.” Hobbes gave Calvin a dry look.  “By calling him a noodle-necked, muffin-brained, straw-for-arms, nosey jerk?” “… Maybe I was a little harsh,” Calvin admitted, magnanimous in demeanor. “You should apologize,” Hobbes said, ignoring Calvin’s faux humility.
From “Sorry” is a Five-Letter Word (and never does enough)
“This just doesn’t make any sense,” Trevor said, “magic doesn’t exist.  Not really.” Jonathan gave him an unimpressed stare.  “Explain why I’m a metre tall, then.”
From When You Give a Robert a Spell Book…
“I know,” she said, rolling her eyes, “but you’ve only seen him in his uniform.  He’s bound to look different in, say, trackies or something.” “If you’ve set me up with a secret chav, I might genuinely push you into the Thames.” “Isn’t that how Ed Gamble says he got his diabetes?”  Kitty asked, frowning as she tried to remember what his stand-up routine was. “I’m pretty sure Jacaster or Nish said that,” Lydia corrected, silently willing the path to the ring toss to get longer rather than shorter, as it was currently wont to do. “Never getting over the fact you call him Jacaster,” Kitty giggled, doing a poor job of not looking a little moon-eyed about her celebrity crush. “Never getting over the fact that you audibly squeaked when you saw him in that one Mock the Week episode,” Lydia fired back as only little sisters can. “Oh my god, shut up, I didn’t!” “Right,” Lydia pretended to agree, “and Jimmy Carr doesn’t whiten his teeth.”
From Don't Write Yourself Off Yet
XX. Share your funniest line.
Heresy and Elsie rolled their eyes at the same time.  “That’s because you have the unfortunate taste of being into older blond men.”  Heresy snarked over her shoulder as the quartet started to ascend the stairs.
From I demand euphoria
“Your coworkers aren’t as bad as I feared,” Calvin said, turning to Hal. “You haven’t met all of them,” Hal said, smirking. “You haven’t met my Dad’s coworkers.  Talk about corporate zombies.  Yeesh!”
From Hal Jordan Makes a Good Call, Bruce Wayne Found Shocked and in Disbelief
XXI. What’s something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
I think for some of them it was that the fic suddenly kept getting longer and longer and I was surprised that I had so much to say. I think that i might've changed it in some of them, giving it greater emotoinal depth, but in others I think it was probably just unecessary descriptions. Well, not unnecessary, but perhaps superfluous in some cases.
XXII. What writing programs did you use? Did you write by hand?
I used the age old, ever important to the writing process tumblr drafts, along with my computer's notes program, and google docs. I think there was one that I started in docs, finished in ao3 then posted it, and then copy-paste it to the original doc, lmao.
XXIII. If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
Ohhhh... Maybe how I somehow wrote 11,650 words in one fic? It's my longest oneshot currently, and I didn't realize how much I had been writing.
XXIV. Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic?
Not really. I post about it, and if I can be arsed to do it, I post the link. But for the most part, I just finish it and move on to the next thing.
XXV. How did you recharge between fics?
I got really into watching New York Ballet's videos about The Nutcracker, as well as watching a lot of British comedy stuff.
XXVI. Did you create fanworks other than fic?
I made some neko edits of several characters but nothing much other than that. One of my sideblogs orginally started out as a Danny Phantom x DC Comics crossover-specific blog, now with Over the Garden Wall and Calvin & Hobbes, and I made themed icons and headers for it.
XXVII. How many events did you take part in? (bangs, exchanges, ship weeks, zines, prompt memes, they all count!)
Fictober 2024, Whumptober 2024, Cornley Christmas Chaos 2024, 76 Kisses to Valentine's Day 2024-25, Arrowed AUs (a prompt meme list I found a few years ago with little arrows as the bullet points), and Ninette Week 2024.
XXVIII. If this were an awards show, who would you thank?
Definitely my friends and mutuals that I talk to a lot since they got to be witness to my writing process of screaming about how I have no idea what I'm doing. I also owe a lot to @baobeejun who helped "Britpick" my Pride and Prejudice modern day, half-Chinese Bennet daughters AU. Anna has been witness to my nonsense going on five years this spring, and I love her dearly.
XXIX. What’s left on your to-do list for 2024?
I am behind on so many things rn LMAOOOO It's a lot of writing challenges I'd started and not finished, haha. And seeing as I'm posting this on the first day of 2025, I feel like it's very on brand for me.
XXX. What would you like to write next year?
I have the rest of the 76 Kisses left to do, as well as catching up on the other challenges I'd not finished. I do have a prompt meme which I've decided to do this summer entitled "a summer of intimacy", but I'm leaving talking about it more to the early spring!
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rokurookajima · 3 months ago
✍️ Which stat matters most to you (if at all!): subscriptions, kudos/favorites, comments, bookmarks, word count, or hits?
👾 Do you have any "bad" writing habits you want to break?
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
🪩 Do you have any "good" writing habits you want to cultivate?
🎉 How are you going to be kind to yourself if you don't meet your goals?
putting under a readmore bc surprise surprise i’m yapping (also my snippet kinda long)
✍️ Which stat matters most to you (if at all!): subscriptions, kudos/favorites, comments, bookmarks, word count, or hits?
so tbh i am very much used to writing for fandoms / ships no one gives a shit about over the years LMAO + also most of my writing in the last year has been for original stuff, so i’m very used to not getting any feedback hahaha. for some reason, the things i’ve been inclined to write fanfiction for have almost always been stuff that’s not gonna draw much of a crowd anyway. like… in my opinion, one of the best things i’ve ever written (and also most personal, wrote while i was desperately clinging to reality during a psychotic episode and this was incredibly cathartic) was THIS.. full metal jacket fanfiction.. it’s my 2nd favorite movie ever and joker is absolutely a full on blorbo but i know damn well not many people are out here looking for fics about a vietnam war black comedy (tho surprisingly this did get several very lovely reviews)
SO that said it’s been so nice to get input on writing again these days!! i love having my little subfandom gang to share work with 😭
ofc the one that will always feel the most euphoric to me will be comments!! public comments on ao3, comments in tags, personal messages anything!! it is suuuuch a high and i definitely screenshot all of them for a rainy day
but otherwise, probably word count is the main thing i’m rlly keeping track of regularly
👾 Do you have any "bad" writing habits you want to break?
i definitely do A LOT of my writing on my phone .. and it’s killing my thumbs lmaoo have arthritis in my hands and carpal tunnel on top of it just already not being good for u so. very much that 😩 the reason i LIKE writing on my phone tho is it feels much more organic and easy when i can just do it anytime any place, rather than waiting til i can use my laptop when i feel like half the time when i finally open it, everything in my head disappears. OTHERWISE… i feel like everything else that i used to consider to be a bad writing habit, i’ve learned how to work with in positive ways which is so nice
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
OHHH easiest answer is definitely to finish claw machine, there’s 3 chapters left (the next one has been like one paragraph away from being done for like a month i just keep getting distracted), but i’m rlly excited for the last two ESPECIALLY the final one. i have some random scenes written in both bc i don’t write in order at all, but stillllll
snippet from what will b claw machine ch 7!! what .. could they have possibly been almost caught doing…🙈
“Fuuuuuck,” Wan breathes out finally, dragging both hands back through his hair and laughing nervously. “That could’ve been…”
“So fucking bad,” Raava finishes for him. But then she turns back toward him with her own frayed laugh. The look on her face is closer to exhilaration than embarrassment, which sends his heart rate somehow higher. She rubs her forehead and repeats in awed relief, “that could’ve been so fucking bad.”
“Yeah, so…” he blows out a hard sigh. “That’s your dad, huh?”
“That’s my dad,” she scoffs. “Delightful, isn’t he?”
“Took the words right outta my mouth.”
She grimaces in secondhand embarrassment on her father’s behalf. “I’m sorry for that. I mean him. It’s not that hard to believe you have a fucking job.”
“Nah, it’s cool. I probably wouldn’t wanna see me in my house if I were him either.” He adds dramatically, “some teenage scoundrel alone with my pure, prestigious daughter.”
“That’s a big word for you, Wan.” She gives a small laugh and rolls her eyes, then elaborates, “his pure daughter being defiled by you.”
“Yeah, I am…so sorry,” he says sheepishly. He grins back, but still can’t ease his tense posture. His body is not entirely under his own control at the moment. “I probably shouldn’t have done that.”
Raava’s hands go to the ends of her hair in an unusual show of coy nervousness. “No, um, don’t…” Her eyes dart to the side, then back to him. “Be sorry. I may have...”
He waits in trepidation until she finally finishes bluntly, “I’ve been waiting for you to.”
“Oh.” His eyes practically sparkle at that answer, grinning stupid. “Well…that’s good, because uh…I’ve been wanting to. Obviously. Of course I did.”
She swallows hard and says quickly, “I’d like to do it again. Uninterrupted.” Almost as an afterthought, she finally confirms, “like last time.”
Dazed with shock, he says, “I can…definitely make that happen. Say the word. Whenever you want.”
Raava purses her lips, her eyes darting to the side and back once more, then unexpectedly offers, “do you work on Saturday night?”
Wan is pretty sure his ribs could break with the way his heart pounds. He answers with no attempt to mask his eagerness, “I will trade that shift as soon as I get home. No problem.”
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
that’s a very good question actually… i’m not sure!! i feel like i’ve actually never rlly considered what tropes i DO write (even tho.. i definitely do write in tropes i mean who doesn’t, and i definitely have a few i’m very loyal to). but hm…. imagine if i said “writing something not horny” … i could never
🪩 Do you have any "good" writing habits you want to cultivate?
i think i’ve gotten better about this, but i’d like to become a bit more consistent over all! i feel like i go in bursts of like… writing very intensely constantly for a few weeks-months, then struggle so much to get anything out the rest of the time. i’d rlly like to find some kind of medium - i mean, i don’t wanna ever lose the months of intense creativity THAT is the best. but if i could smooth it out and manage to have a somewhat steady rhythm on the regular, that would be amazing
🎉 How are you going to be kind to yourself if you don't meet your goals?
i’ll be chill about it!! part of that is because i don’t rlly have a ton of rigid goals around creativity just because i never know what i might end up fixating on and maybe it won’t be writing at all. ofc there’s still some level of frustration when things don’t go how i want, but overall this is probably the one department in all of life where i’m NOT insanely hard on myself
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morgana-ren · 1 year ago
Would you ever just offer someone the commission of what you've already written? Like I'm sorry I can't finish it but you can have what I've done? Or is this bad etiquette??
I want to start commissions for writing but I my interests in fandoms fluctuates so much i worry I'll move on beofre i finish!!
Also sidenote if I ever get the funds to ask you to write something for me I would die happy if it ended up too long, unfinished or even messy like you said! You have no idea how exciting it is to find someone who's into the same shit you are and is willing to write about it!!
Thank you so much! Hopefully this can give you some strange insight into my weird brain. You can, but I try really hard not to. It sets a bad precedent in my head that it's okay to not finish them. Usually, I will just turn down a commission if I feel I can't finish it. That's just for me though, because I'm an idiot who will go "I've done it before! It'll be fine!" and then in my mind, I lose the mental pressure of having to finish it, which I actually need to finish it lmao. I don't like to give myself that out. I am honestly the exact same way. I have a hard time sitting down and focusing for days at a time to write, especially because I also have other hobbies like reading and video games that take up my time and sometimes, I have to force myself to write at all because I just don't want to. It totally depends on the client whether or not they're okay with it though! Some are totally cool with it, and others don't like it. Some people are really particular and want a very specific length by a certain time, and others basically throw the idea your way and go "I'll pay ya if you want to finish it." The more casual commissions are more preferred for me given my mental state. Truthfully, what I try to do is warn people upfront when they commission me that not only do I have a life outside of writing, but I'm also very, very unmedicated. The two of those things make iexceedingly difficult to finish things efficiently. One of the biggest issues is that I am extremeldisorganized, and the story gets away from me. For example: I have two current Astarion commissions I took on forever ago, and they are both like 13 pages now. I just go and go and go and then all the sudden it's overwhelming and I hate it and I don't think it's what they want, so I say I'll rewrite it, but I get so frustrated with myself that I just.. don't. A big issue personally is I actually don't like my writing. It feels like a scam to charge people for it. That weighs heavily on me when I am writing a commission, and I end up driving myself nuts over it and that's a reason a lot of them don't end up finished. I feel like if you keep them short, managable, and start out only taking one or two small ones until you get the hang of it, you'll be totally fine! I'm always happy to offer up what I already have, but I loathe it feeling terrible and unfinished. It feels like I'm spitting in the person's face somehow. That's why I do a lot of my stuff free!
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jaywalkers · 1 year ago
twenty questions for fic authors
i was tagged by @decaflondonfog! thank you, i loved reading all of your thoughts on your own writing so i'm vv excited to do this.
How many works do you have on AO3? 21 revealed, and then my super secret fic for the @aftgthenandnow fest (which people should totally go and check out if they haven't already)
What's your total AO3 word count? 443,022 words, which is horrifying and likely to hit 500,000 by the end of this year. lord have mercy
What fandoms do you write for? i'm currently very happy in my tfc shaped hole and have been for the last while but i do have some wips floating around for the likes of teen wolf (long live cringe) and mdzs still!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? these bad boys! total pick'n'mix of fandoms here a made thing [10k, sangcheng, T] sunset, like survival [86k, kandreil, E] postcard mouth [7k, matchablossom, G] the post-impact stage [3k, andreil, G] work song, crawl home [3k, sangcheng, G]
Do you respond to comments? Why/why not? in all honesty once i've written a fic it's out there in the world and i am absent from anything going forward of it. i dearly, dearly appreciate everyone who puts time into commenting because it truly is the thing i stick around fandom for, but i don't have the time or energy a lot of the time to reply effectively and to not just keep repeating thank you's!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? considering it uses the 'Bad Ending' tag, it'll have to be a room full of knives! it is canon-compliant though, so is the angst really my fault?
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i feel like most of my fics have a somewhat happy ending, if not just a simple open-ended one, but i might say sunbreak for this because the ending of it is very joyful and there isn't much else left to say to hide the happiness.
Do you get hate on any fics? not really! i did get the worlds most insane comment on NOSTOS a couple years ago that was kind of horrible to read but it was anger at a character and not my fic lmao.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i'd never written it until this year because it was on my writing goals list for the year! i can't really say what kind because i've only written a couple of scenes so i'm not sure where they sit in the grand scheme of things but i have written some!
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written? not really! i am a big AU fan — the kandreil teen wolf au i wrote this year with the beloved and highly esteemed @dayurno is probably the craziest, but i have a kandrew 'gideon the ninth' au planned too! if we're talking actual crossovers, there was a hilarious in-joke au partially written in a group chat a couple of years ago that was a WOH and MDZS law firm au. xue yang owned jby's soul. wei wuxian had bitcoin. i have a customised t-shirt for it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? yup! and it's the reason i put writing away for about four years when i was in high school because i was so demotivated to share my stuff.
Have you ever had a fic translated? i think there's two or three of my fics that i've given permission for russian translations! i don't think they've been finished though so it would be cool if that ever ends up happening!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? as stated earlier, i spent eight months in an echo-chamber with @dayurno in which we went into a mutual fugue state and came out with wet-eyed banshee kevin and his high school boyfriends. maybe one day we'll get to the twinyards sequel of it i do also have to shoutout @picturedframes who was half of the mastermind behind sunset, like survival, and has contributed an insane amount to other works like diachronic and all that looking down.
What's your all time favourite ship? don't ask me this,,,, it chops and changes from year to year! i think in favour of being nice to myself i'm going to just say percabeth — they're the OGs from day one and they still hold up in my heart
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? either my 'the old guard' wenzhou au, or the other installments of the nostos 'verse! i loved them dearly at the time and i do think they would be well worth writing still, but my interests have moved on fandom-wise slightly! maybe one day i'll revist them, but not any time soon i don't think.
What are your writing strengths? ohh. digging my teeth into a character, i think. i use fic as a way to kind of just write thesis' and loveletters and stories all at the same time, and i think i'm good at holding up a character and writing out what makes them tick! and maybe a weird one but fleshing out the wider world? i'm very proud of like, my background characters. describing people who take coffee orders and who are studying in the library too and who are one-line classmates.
What are your writing weaknesses? this time last year i would have said dialouge but i think i've gotten better at it this year! probably being too verbose. i think i have a tendency to get carried away with thoughts and descriptions and i think sometimes that means they lose their potency when i really need them! it's a goal for next year i think; learning how to pare back my writing and make it more effective.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? ahhhhhh aha ha ha aha . you're talking to the bitch who's current fic is all about kevin relearning gaeilge/irish so you bet there's a lot of dialogue in other languages in it! also diachronic and sunset, like survival both have a substantial amount of other languages: diachronic uses french, gaeilge, and japanese, while sls throws german into the mix!
First fandom you wrote for? the bible just kidding lmao though i did write stories when i was in catholic school with biblical characters. i think it was fairy tail!
Favourite fic you've written? noooooo don't make me answer this one. there's many different questions inside of that one question (what one i'm most proud of, what one i feel the most for, what one i had the most fun with), and i don't think there's one that works for them all. i think i'll say diachronic, maybe, for now. my first forway into the head of my beloved kevin day and certainly not the last.
i don't know who has/hasn't been tagged in this so it's an open invite, but i am going to tag @dayurno @sunriseinorbit @moondal514 @kamyska
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iamthecomet · 1 year ago
Hoot once again!
I‘m really glad to hear this. Our little ritual means a lot to me <3
I am so sorry for her, but very glad that she figured it out now. Growing up undiagnosed can be (and is most of the time) very traumatic
While I’m a bit younger, I still spent my entire childhood and half of my youth (I’m gonna pretend it has been only half of it so far cause whatever the fuck I had/have is most definitely not a joyful youth). So while I can‘t fully relate, I still kind of get it and can at least imagine how it must me for her
It‘s pretty hard to get an autism diagnosis, because it cannot be done by a regular psychiatrist (unlike ADHD for example, which is why I at least have that diagnosis already). In my area there is only one place where you can get a diagnosis and the waiting list is LONG (not the worst I‘ve seen so far but at least half a year, which is terrible if you need to get help as quickly as possible but you need a diagnosis to get any kind of help). But I’m working on it
Thank youuuu
I planned chapter 2 out yesterday
It ended up to be “only” 5 pages, but it has 39 panels (chapter 1 has 24 panels)
So I think I’ll still get more of the story across even though it seems to be one page shorter
I will most likely start working on it in November
Your day sounds pretty nice!
Today, I was really stressed and worried about something and I did it okay-ish, but I can‘t change shit anymore now anyways so I’ll have to stop worrying and just wait and see
I also had a doctors appointment to get blood drawn and tested (cause due to the meds I take I’m apparently at a higher risk of malnutrition/lack of some stuff) and it was literally the most pleasant doctors appointment I’ve ever had.
I was a too early (as always) and had to wait outside a bit because they were still on lunch break but I was let inside a few minutes earlier anyways and so I was alone in the waiting area. And the nurse was incredibly kind and nice (she had me lay down for it because she didn’t want to risk that I could pass out and then she let me take my time to get back up again). It was overall incredibly nice and I was done not even 15 minutes after my appointment (so none of that annoying waiting time that usually comes with doctors appointments)
I also wanted to mention this in the past days already but I somehow didn‘t haha:
So I saw Someone do OC-tober and I absolutely LOVED the idea! (I’m one of these people that just never really draws their OCs lmao)
So I put together a prompt list for myself and I’m really excited about it ^^
(I‘m also planning on participating in Ghosttober with my writing which is why I’m probably going to be a little stressed all throughout October which is why I’ll most likely start working on chapter 2 in November)
I once again truly hope that you had a pleasant day! ♥️
~ @owlishanon
I like our little ritual too! ♥ When my friend got her diagnosis she couldn't get it from a regular psychiatrist either. She also got her ADHD diagnosis a couple years earlier because that was much easier. Autism she had to take a handful of tests over a period of time to actually get the diagnosis. But she was 98% sure what it would be before she got it. So I guess it's a pain in the ass no matter where you try to get it. Hoping that you are able to get through that process soon and get the help that you need. I'm glad your doctor's appointment went well and was easy. That's such a rare thing. And that you had a nurse who was really accommodating and understood what you needed. I was wondering why you said you would work on chapter two in November, until I got to the end of your ask. There are A LOT of things going on in October. And it will be kind of nice to take a pause on working so hard on that and doing some other stuff. I'm really excited for kinktober/ghostober whatever we're calling it. I'm trying to get the first week written and ready this week so that it's less likely that I fall behind. We'll see how that goes. Day one is written and ready to go--so that's something at least. And OC-tober sounds SO cool. I'm excited to see what you end up doing with that. I'm sure that will be a lot of fun too!
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marimbles · 2 years ago
5 6 8 📝📝📝
5. what inspires you to write?
just like. big feelings I guess. Whether it’s big feelings about life in general and I gotta have some cathartic notes-app poetry time or big feelings about fictional characters and I wanna tell stories about them bc I’m going crazy (it’s usually that one). also other people’s amazing writing inspires me a lot! when I read really good fic I’m like ooooh I wanna write like that maybe i will try !! (this ofc is after I get over feeling bummed out and discouraged that I don’t write like them already. lmao)
6. thoughts on critique
awesome and helpful when asked for! key word: when asked for lol. I work as an editor/writer so I’m very used to giving and receiving critique on writing and have come to REALLY value jt, but in a non-professional space like fandom, it feels pretty out of pocket to offer critique when you weren’t asked. so I don’t offer it unless requested and I don’t usually appreciate unsolicited critique either. idk sometimes i am weirdly sensitive about fanwork in a way I normally am not about other stuff…not sure why but sometimes I’m like “I just don’t have the heart to ask what’s bad about this so I’m just gonna post it and let it be what it is” lol. however! normally I really appreciate an extra set of eyes on my fics! I’m usually ok with grammar stuff and whatnot since I’m an editor but I really value feedback about characterization and pacing and stuff like that. I just hate bothering people to ask so most of my stuff is un-beta’d haha
8. is there a character you love writing for the most? the least? why?
ok well I love writing my top blorbos like adrien & Marinette and Willow & Hunter, but I think the characters I have the most fun writing are Nino (ml) and Gus (toh)! They’re just such fun little guys and they’re so silly. for some reason writing them comes pretty easily to me and I feel like they add so much flavor into any fanfic soup I’m attempting to concoct. like sometimes I didn’t even intend for them to be in the fic at all but then I end up sprinkling some Nino n Gus seasoning in there bc it’s fun and I enjoy them so much. Hehe
as for least favorite…at this point it might be link DHSKSK I am struggling so much to figure out how to write that boy !!! I’ve written a bunch of little things and keeps scrapping them or revising them or changing my mind about how I wanna portray him bc I can’t decide what feels most in character. I’m shaking his shoulders violently and staring into his blank eyes and begging him to share his secrets with me but he, shockingly, UNCHARACTERISTICALLY, doesn’t say a word 🙄 hopefully I can figure it out tho bc I have some things I’m really excited to write but this is keeping my wagon stuck in the mud lol. girl help I need an ultrahand contraption to get me out
ty for the ask!!
(writer asks)
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esta-elavaris · 2 years ago
🖊 + 🌝 + 👨‍👧‍👧 please & thank you
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
“You knew,” ____ said. 
It was not a question, but he knew well enough that using that technicality to avoid answering would help matters little.
“Yes,” he admitted heavily “But she did not. She does not. The falsehood was mine, not hers.” 
From the novel 👀
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic? 
My close friends and my brother all know that I write it, but I keep the fandoms under wraps. Mostly because I do not need my older brother reading my James Norrington smut, it would scar everybody involved. Although I don't exactly hide the Norrington thirst on IG so, like, it wouldn't surprise me if some folk have it worked out (hello, if so lmao x) but as long as they don't discuss it with me I don't really care if they lurk...although I struggle to believe they'd be interested enough for that lolol. I do have one IRL friend who knows it all tho. I also have a few online friends who know of the fics, and could find them if they want to read them, because I got annoyed at not being able to be excited about this stuff in my close friends IG stories so I just said 'fuck it'.
Otherwise I generally refer to my fics as "side projects" elsewhere because I just do not need the judgement from snotty strangers in writing circles lmao. I tend to have a sort of one way traffic rule where I'm fine if people discover me/my socials via my fics, but I don't want people who knew me on IG first (especially from high school or uni etc.) to then be able to easily find my fics from that the same way finding my IG/Tumblr from my fics is easy and encouraged. Plus it's kind of more necessary in the latter case because it just makes sense to get people who already like my writing to be aware of the original stuff on the way - it would be a bit of a waste not to share things that way and keep it all completely separate/anonymous, especially if people are interested, and I've even made good friends via fic over the years who have seen snippets of the novel because of that now!
I did for a very long time once plan on completely deleting all of my fics if when I get published, but I’ve since changed my mind on that score, because I’m not embarrassed by it like I used to be.
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
Every fucking day the Boromir fic haunts me I'm so excited to start it but I need this novel finished first 🥲🥲 although I am lowkey worried that there's been so much build up now that it's destined to disappoint, but hey ho.
Thank you!! 💜
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