#i am so sorry for this bad habit
nguyenfinity · 1 year
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[slams this on the table] HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY
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kimsohn · 2 years
hi hi !! can i request a karina imagine/drabble with a short girlfriend who she loves to tease a lot, with the quotes:
“you're really adorable, you know?”
“you're so obsessed with me, love”
home . karina x fem!reader (no specific pronouns) about . 620 words, fluff warnings . reader is shorter than karina!
it's been a whole three weeks since you've seen karina, and you're starting to go nuts without her.
being in the middle of comeback season means you see karina lesser than often. she comes home at ungodly times, and you're lucky if you can even feel her weight dip into the mattress as she passes out. but even if you wanted to make her schedule a little bit easier by giving her a nice massage or helping her wake up in the morning, she's gone before you can even open your eyes.
it's not her fault, and you know that. your texts are littered with apologies, ones she's probably sent in breaks of long hour practices and recordings, and the mere thought that she cares enough to send a message of her missing you in her hectic schedule is enough to warm your heart. she doesn't know that in reality, those words are enough for you.
it's why you're so hellbent on making a nice, home-cooked meal for her when she comes back from practice today. she's being let off early, and you'll finally be able to spend time together, time that's been missed these past few days. she deserves it more than anyone.
the only problem with this is, to put it simply, you're a little too short to reach the ingredients you need. the items you use daily are scattered between the lower shelves where you can obtain them easily, but karina is the one that likes to experiment with less common ingredients on the nights you both stay at home together. she's always teasing you for not being able to reach things you need, but it's okay since she's usually there to get them for you.
unfortunately, that isn't the case today, and the only thing you can do is stack two stools upon each other in order to grab the romano cheese at the top of the drawer. fettuccine alfredo has never been this physically challenging, but you think it'll be worth it when karina lights up at the taste.
"aww, my baby is so tiny. you're really adorable, you know?"
the voice startles you, and suddenly you feel the two stools toppling under you as you fall off the edge. luckily, it's not too high of a distance and the kitchen mat is plush enough to cushion your fall, but the impact is still painful enough to make you groan.
"oh my god, i'm so sorry are you okay?" you hear as you're lifted up, familiar hands feeling your waist to see if you've bruised yourself heavily.
"karina? why are you home early?"
you have to tilt your head up to see her concerned eyes, and even in her worried state, she manages to look beautiful.
"we finished recording early and i wanted to surprise you. but enough about me, are you hurt? do you need an ice pack? why were you even on two stools?"
"i'm fine, just a little sore. and i was trying to get the romano cheese at the top of the drawer since you like fettuccine alfredo."
the concerned look on her face shifts into one of amusement.
"you're so obsessed with me, love."
"hey!" you protest, hitting her shoulder, "i just wanted to be nice and make you dinner since you've been working hard."
"and you could've made any meal. but my little midget girlfriend decided to make my favorite pasta as a reward, huh?"
she tucks you into a hug, not even letting you respond as you're squished against her chest. her fingers find the tips of your hair to play with, and you breathe in the familiar scent of her warmth.
and finally, you feel at home.
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leaf-kei · 1 year
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"Ah said ah was sorry..."
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hamartia-grander · 7 months
Starting to slowly realise I'm really not doing well mentally and it's. concerning. I feel like I should take a break from tumblr bc it takes some of what little energy I have but it's also my source of joy with friends so idk what to do, like I'd miss y'all more than I'd feel good about being away. But if you notice me talking less/not responding in days it's bc I just cannot. I leave your message notifs up so I don't forget tho <3
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axeldidathing · 19 days
Do you think that when The Scarecrow is on his period he says he's bleeding out of his hroo-hraa?
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
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Mity I doodled (mostly from memory) earlier instead of studying for finals
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crystalkitty1220 · 4 months
Man I wonder where the leader of the fear realm could've gone, it's alMOST LIKE NEVIN HAS AN
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#had to re-edit the image real quick because the original edit was from a post I made about Drew years ago#and while the Drew thing is becoming less and less likely. Nevin havinv one has basically been canon since#someone mentioned Greg's (was it Britney's) aura being familiar in s2ch1. ive been putting together a list of every line#that points to Nevin's aura throughout the whole thing (most from s2ch1 but then s2ch10 came out and it was really canon at that point)#but clearly i'm running out of time to say ''i fucking called it'' before it's explicitly stated and i dont want to be in another situation#where somebody else will beat me to a theory and me posting anything about it will seem like copying them. sorry about that btw i had#thought i had already mentioned theorizing that nevin was possessed by a demon in that old theory i made but i had forgotten that one was#super old and was about sigma. so no copying there i just got extremely paranoid there was a mention of a cult and i was like ''nuh uh#that's way too specific and out there of a detail to end up in both our theories'' and i forgot the rest of my super old post was outdated#as hell. and echos had gone ''yeah they're so similar!'' and i took their word for it but now i'm realizing they were probably just trying#to be supportive. so yeah no copying there i was just beaten to the punch of saying something. but i will NOT back down from the aura shit#because i have been calling that shit FROM THE START or at least since i started reading ibvs back when ch20 came out.#also not backing down from saying chris was the worse friend because these past few chapters are the first time isaac has done anything tha#could knowingly upset chris meanwhile chris has. let edward drag isaac to the lair after isaac said edward would beat him up. chose not to#believe edward was holding the secrets over their heads because 'it was something isaac had said' and then immediately distrusted edward in#the next chapter because a random person he didn't know said to steal a book (might i mention how that entire scene proves chris' lack of#development and refusal to take responsibility because it perfectly alludes to when chris had brought those fireworks into his old school#and makes me wonder if charlie has actually gotten him in trouble with his past schools or if he's still just not taking responsibility#and if him following nevin to the woods to test out their powers is an extension of ''if something bad happens its not my fault''#like seriously this man would bring a mysterious suitcase onto a plane if he's told to). uh what was i talking about agai#anyway on a related note my mental state has only gotten worse since i left tumblr and the habit of thinking about chris instead of sleepin#or doing schoolwork has not stopped. so i was still failing for a while and might graduate now but am still staying away from tumblr.#so yeah this was a little update and im not going to linger this time im just going to leave tumblr again right after hitting post#addendum because i just can't let things go. and was thinking about chris again. i don't think his lack of development is because of bad#writing (anymore. i used to.). instead i'm certain his character arc is going to continue into him following someone (nevin probably) into#doing something really bad. and then he'll finally get actual consequences and go 'oh shit i fucked up real bad this time'#if you think that theory is reaching too far into the future you should hear mine about isaac dying at the end lmao
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New day, new glasses pics
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2aceofspades · 10 months
Hi, I'm the anon who asked if you were okay with all of this chaos. I have many things to say!
First off, your many thank yous made me very very (two verys) happy. So thank YOU.
Second, you absolutely deserve all of the attention you're getting. You're seriously an incredible artist, and I love the fact that a lot of your art is on paper. I especially love how Donnie looks in your style (which is funny, because I remember you saying that you DIDN'T like it). Ahem. Getting off track a bit there. Anyways. You're an incredible artist, and all of the attention is well earned, AND it's okay to feel overwhelmed. I hope you know that we don't expect you to answer everything right away. You're popular, and lots of people are asking you to do things. You can choose to not do something, and you SHOULD. Do what inspires you, and we'll love it!
Third, and hopefully finally. I play with character AIs a lot, just to kind of see how characters would react to certain things. I AM an author, and I can imagine these things myself, but I like seeing it from external sources more. It almost seems more believable. When a human comes up with it, it just feels more raw and expressive. Or something. I have no clue what I'm saying; hopefully it's not too muddled. Then, when someone DRAWS it. It's a thousand times better. I just love it so much!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love how we can give you prompts and questions, and you'll go somewhere amazing with it. I loved the thing with Leo, Donnie, and the coffee. My thanks goes out to you and the asker. It's a huge gift to us when you respond. Literally, it's like a present, I love it.
So, just to clarify because I'm paranoid and words don't really work sometimes, are you okay with super random prompt-asks? Like earlier I saw a post where so-and-so asked so-and-so what the turtles night-time routines would be. Stuff like that?
Thank you so much for everything you do for us! You're amazing, and we all appreciate you.
Thank you so much!!! Gah- I hope I can articulate an even somewhat intelligent response to literally ALL of this. Okay!
First off, I see what you did there and I frickin’ loved it ohmigosh best response ever!! 🙌✨
Secondly, I really really appreciate all your kind words. You seriously had me smiling the whole way through oh stars you’re too kind 🥹 Also, I’m very glad there are some of y’all out there that like the way I draw Donnie…especially traditionally, cuz I won’t lie…I get a bit over-critical of how I draw him hehe. Glossing over that teehee~ But seriously, I also really appreciate your respect of my time cuz I feel much less pressured and more seen as just a lil human doing art things, so thank you! 🌟
And lastly, I totally understand ya and I couldn’t agree more. It’s honestly better when I see other artists capture emotions cuz I just eat that up aaughh yes!! Ahem..I just hope that I can capture at least some emotional accuracy in my art, especially considering how dialogue is not my strong suit by a long shot hehe…
Awwwee! Thank you so much!! It was really fun sketching a silly lil moment like that, so I couldn’t be more grateful for the idea that inspired me 🤗
And finally, that’s where it gets complicated cuz…it’s honestly just complicated for me and my lil gremlin brain. I really do enjoy answering lil prompts and putting my own spin on them, but I can’t make it like…an official thing…? If that makes any sense. Like, I think I’ve seen a few artists on Tumblr put out a post for prompt asks, but that idea, for me, makes me very nervous. I naturally try not to think too much while I draw, I just feel my emotions, really. I dunno…maybe that’s a lame excuse gah..- but, as it stands, for now, I’m ~okay~ with answering the occasional prompt ask, but I won’t be making a post about it or anything. I’m just a little um..paranoid..?..after the whole spontaneous sticker war thing heh…
One last big thank you to you, anon 🙌🙌 I seriously appreciate it so much 💙✨
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iiboronii · 2 months
Ladies and gentlemen I'm back
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ringneckedpheasant · 1 year
i’ve been reading a book that’s an edited down version of decades worth of journals that some lady inherited from her gay uncle when he died in the late 80s (early 90s?) & in the foreword she talked about how he kept ridiculously meticulous records of like 60 years of his life that she had to sift through and I am just. having fun thinking about inflicting that on one of my sister’s kids when I eventually kick the bucket
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The fact that i'll start almost spiralling the moment someone is even Slightly mad at me (or not even mad and just wants to correct me) Might mean something's fundementally wrong with my mental state, but the fun part about asian households is that that specifically is being a spoiled brat who can't take any advice
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dog-girl-zezora · 17 days
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mistystarshine · 1 month
I really enjoy the way you've portrayed Adam and Lute's relationship in Three Years Time and Northern Star, as well as the interactions between Charlie/Vaggie and Lute! How would you write an interaction between Adam and Lucifer in that storyline?
Thank you! And maaaaybe? I'm not sure if I'm going to continue writing in that universe. In theory, I'd like to, and LOVE to do a scene with Adam and Lucifer, but in practice, I'm having some really horrible anxieties about my writing and if people hate it/me when I talk about my writing rn, so I may be taking a step back for a bit in general. Not sure.
#Answered#I am having. A very bad time right now#A pair of friends who I really cared about ghosted me a few months ago#After tearing apart my writing from head to toe#And one of them sent an email revealing that at least for them#It was because they secretly resented me the entire time#And they hated it when I talked about my writing and or life and interests#They felt like I was seeking “adulation”#And the correct way to interact with them was listen to them talk about their stuff#But not talk about mine at all#And I DID do that for a while#But then I slipped back into more comfortable conversational habits after a while because I was uncomfortable#So I slipped back into talking about my stuff#I TRIED not to talk about my writing at all#But it's such a big part of my life#And I did talk about my life#So they just randomly left one day#And I got the email about how I'm a praise-seeker who uses people as tools to boost myself up#And expects adulation for doing what was implied to be the bare minimum#And it REALLY fucked me up#Interacting with over creatives is a big part of the process for me#But I've been having trouble sharing my stuff with other people without having anxiety attacks since this happened#And lately have slipped into apologizing when I share my stuff#And beating myself up when I talk about my interests more than theirs#Which I HATE myself for#And lately it's just swallowed me whole#And I can't shake the feeling that all my friends hate me and I'm a toxic praise seeker who can't stop talking about her own shit#When I should be talking about other people's stuff only or completely. And it has me feeling like I should write in total silence.#Which makes me wonder if I should keep writing at all. Sorry about the in-tags vent I'm just having a REALLY bad time right now#I'm SO fucking sorry anon
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qqqqqqqqqqq0 · 3 months
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i've been having some trouble falling asleep lately
#art#i'll be yapping in the tags#its not that im depressed or anything. it is the opposite actually#ive been using this medicine for quite some time. and it made all my negative emotions disappear#“oh wow huh but isnt it great you don't feel bad anymore”. this is the same thing my psychiatrist told me when we were discussing this topic#in hindsight it was kinda silly of her to say. i can't believe i pay a ridiculous amount of money per session just to hear shit like that#but she's cute and im a pathetic homosexual who'll seethe at the sight of other specialists like a beaten dog so I will let it slide i guess#we see each other twice a year anyway and all i need from her is the prescription for happy pills. anyway the happypillen#i would fight god if it means i can use stertraline for the rest of my life. thanks to it i can and i do live#but I don't really feel like myself anymore. do you get what i mean#the things that have been giving me anxiety attacks or flashbacks not so long ago? i feel almost nothing about it at this momet#it still haunts me to this day but the intensity of my feelings and emotions does not reach even 1/5 of what it was before#i do not want to disclose more specific topics so i will use a simple example. i used to be afraid of dogs#the fear was so severe that the mere sight of the tiniest little barfing creature was enough for me to freeze#now i can pass one without any problem. the fear i feel today is nothing more than a shadow of bygone times (something i do out of habit)#but i guess this example is not objective enough since my close irl friend has a dog that i became fond of#im still pretty sure this dog of her is capable of biting my ass off if necessary but im not afraid of it#because fear is not an option in this brain of mine at this moment#i don't feel any anxiety sadness or anger anymore. even if something close to it begins to rise in me it shuns down within a few minutes#i can't even cry. i am craving emotions that i was so eagerly trying to dispose of back then#i feel the most mentally stable I have ever been and at the same time i feel pretty much dead.#perhaps i just got used to the fact that sorrow accompanied me for a very long time and i should learn to live without it#perhaps sorrow is just as important as happiness and its absence is a mere side effect of the happy pills#and i have to put up with it in order to have a functional brain#perhaps we people are never happy with what we have in our hands. also i hate drawing#one's can tell since the picture i attached is raw as fuck#but even despite my praised mental stability if i were to stay alone with it even for a minute longer i would go insane#next time i will draw something lighter and cuter. like my favorite kpop boy or fortnite. maybe in the next century#thanks for coming to my tedtalk. bye#i made a typo in the word “sertraline” but im too lazy to fix it i would fight god for you but i will not do this im sorry zoloft
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seapasture · 1 year
I'm so sorry for inexplicably vanishing for several days again, I never want to cause any concern, so I'm really sorry if that's been the case! My mental health took a pretty significant dive, but I'm taking some good steps now and hopefully I'm on an upswing
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