#i am predictable like that. but also sorry they're made for it
wordsinhaled · 3 months
after charles and edwin get together i think one of their new favorite forms of sharing affection should be each one trying to fluster the other as much as possible by reminding one other of all their favorite brave and wonderful and brilliant things they liked watching the other one do over the years
this isn't new - they've always had a habit of congratulating one another on a job well done, after all! - but it starts again in a different light because they're both getting used to the reaction they can get out of each other, with the sort of affirmations they usually give each other anyway.
it's not like charles has never complimented edwin before but edwin's never gotten quite so disarmed before, and oh, it's fun, it's so gratifying to know that if edwin had a heart charles could make it skip a beat. and edwin loves to offer charles praise now because he gives edwin these little special smiles that edwin adores. they're not quite shy but they are softer than they used to be, almost like he's finally starting to believe what edwin's saying, in his heart
it's something about the safety of it, too, the comfort of it, of knowing they are loved in every way there possibly is to love one another, it lets how nice it feels to just sit in each other's kindness and attention sink in more somehow
and so, it's the same way they do "remember the case of the [...] back in '95?" except it's recounting their own private ranking of each other's greatest hits. and of course they do this while cuddling, or holding hands and tracing the lines on each other's palms, or petting each other's hair, or something similarly soft. as a treat
"do you remember the case of the haunted patisserie, charles? back in, what was it, 2002, yes? oh, no, it's only that crystal was talking about baking something today, and i fondly recalled you fending off that dreadful poltergeist with nothing but a rolling pin." edwin's eyes are twinkling, the way they so often do these days. "i daresay you would have made quite the handsome baker, in another universe."
charles ducks his head. caught between bashful and preening. realizing he's allowed both. the shyness without being judged, and the surety that edwin loves him. that they love each other like they do.
"couldn't've dusted him without your help, could i? and i had a tough go focusing. didn't even know you knew old french. 'course you do, though." and he gives edwin a grin that's a bit dreamy at the edges. (edwin still can't believe charles actually looks at him like that.) "god, it's mad how brilliant you are, you know that?"
and so on
and so forth
forever <3
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hadesisqueer · 4 months
Okay, so I finished JWCT and-- it was a great season.
Ben was awesome this season. All the mentions to how much he'd grown were funny, and the Big Ben joke was as well. I really liked him and his moments with Darius and Yaz, most of all with Yaz; I always enjoyed their friendship, and I loved how they talked about their feelings again. Also-- he has a girlfriend? A girlfriend?
Kenji's moments confronting his father and not letting himself be manipulated again were among my favorites this season. His conflict with Darius and their brotherly moments were cool to watch. Darius' whole arc, his grief and guilt over Brooklynn's supposed death was among my favorite arcs this season.
Yaz and Sammy were awesome in general, both individually and as a couple. Yaz is my favorite character, and I loved her arc. As someone with PTSD myself, I am very pleased with how the show didn't shy away from it and fully saying "PTSD". Personally, I am pretty happy that Yaz's PTSD was handled so realistically and with such care. Sammy was a badass this season, and her feelings and anxiety while dealing with Yaz apparently pulling away, her grief over Brooklynn's supposed death and the fact that her parents for some reason don't talk to her were handled realistically. I specifically wanna know what happened between her and her parents, because she adored her family and her family adored her as well back in CC; I really wonder what the conflict is that they're not talking anymore. Yasammy as a couple is awesome as well, as I said: their conflict is handled very well and you can understand both sides. The resolution was great and their moments in general were awesome. They're still easily the best couple of this show (not that it had a lot of competition), and probably one of the best in animated media in general. I love them.
Brooklynn being alive at the end? I think everyone called it, lmao. My girl is far too cool to just die, sorry, she can't die. I can't wait to see the others find out and their reunion.
Now, my thoughts about the other ships this season-- Brookenji and Dinostar lmao? I cheered when I found out Brookenji broke up; I was never a fan of the couple, sorry, it was TOO forced. Now, the whole Dinostar thing-- I was a bit suspicious of the way Darius was acting about Brooklynn and all, but I didn't think they were actually gonna have him admit he was in love with her, so that took me by surprise. I know they said it was unrequited, but yeah I don't buy that. I'm predicting it: it will turn out that it's not unrequited, that Brooklynn actually has feelings for him and they're going to pull a love triangle between her, Darius and Kenji. Pfff, it's like I'm seeing it. I'm really not a fan of love triangles tbh. But if it happens (and it's probably gonna happen, I can see it coming), I hope it ends up with Dinostar endgame instead of Brookenji. Like I already said, I really don't like Brookenji. And I've always been more neutral with Dinostar (and Benrius; I like, them too but don't pay them that much mind). I liked Dinostar platonically a lot, and while I didn't care much of it, I also never minded the idea of them becoming a couple. In fact, Brookenji took me by surprise while watching the show because to me if they were gonna pair Brooklynn with someone, I always thought it'd be Darius rather than Kenji, because I thought they made more sense. So, yeah, if it's Brookenji or Dinostar, Dinostar all the way for me lmao. Still not looking forward to the love triangle if it happens lol.
Also, Bumpy being a mom. Fave moment of the season.
Anyway, I need a second season. Like, right now.
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oneslimybastard · 2 months
Another underutilized aspect of N, Natural Harmonia Gropius himself, is that he's conceptualized as not just a Math Guy, but a Math Genius if we go by some interview trivia notated on Bulbapedia.
It clearly shows in the way he speaks since his (translated) dialogue (idk about the original japanese one) is full of hamfisted references to formulas and frustration expressed when the chaos of the world does not align with them — which to me is like, the core of his character, something that makes him both An Asshole to deal with but also a very intellectually curios and creative individual. It's just a brand of creativity not a lot of people can keep up with nor understand.
N likes math because a lot of math is about clearly defined variables and their relationship to one another. If you come across an inconsistency that doesn't fit any prior definitions, you iron out a new definition and suddenly the field has expanded upon itself tenfold. It aligns with how his Very Autistic Brain functions, x + y = z, if I do x to y then z will happen. If z doesn't happen, then that just means I have to identify the hidden variables within the exchange and rewrite the formula to be more accurate.
Black and White's quality of writing is. Like pokémon often is. Questionable at best. The foundations are there but the execution is dumbed down and corny because it's still aimed at kids, BW in specific really cutting the theme of pokémon trainer ethics short in favor of just "dang u beat me in the pogiebattle guess ur right!". How-ev-er. In my head, and the reason why I still find the plot of those games compelling (aside for my unhinged thirst for goth man-milf Ghetsis) is that to me they're about local cult-raised autist Normal Henry Gropus bashing his head against the world over and over to desperately try and make the formulas make sense, to distill it into variables he can understand and predict on a consistent basis, and failing miserably at it. Because even if the world is Technically made up of a bunch of chemistry that you could, in theory, predict, there's just a lot of random noise in there from microscopic complexities that fuck everything up.
Pokémon are simpler creatures (discounting the eerily intelligent ones) who will be nice enough to behave like math problems most of the time. Humans rarely extend that grace, the more N studies them like a science project the more contradictory variables pop up. They have a million thoughts in their head he doesn't have access to, that brew into feelings he doesn't understand, which leads to actions he can't do a proper traceback through. Which is frustrating, devastatingly frustrating. At least at first.
Due to how BW2 pans out and my own yearning for thematic mirroring, whereas Ghetsis gives in to the Autistic Bitterness over all these NTs he doesn't fuckign understand, I like to think N develops a sort of joy in studying people like the impossibly complex math problems we are. Because he likes math, he likes figuring shit out, he likes buying a nightmare rubik's cube and charting the squares out on a nightmare variable graph (listen i am not a math guy. i respect the hustle but my skill level is too low to accurately attempt to simulate the process in writing. im sorry math guys) so he has a home-made flexible cheat code on how to solve any possible mix-up of it. It's fun for him, it stimulates his brain and he is so stupid good at it that he can only share that joy with like a stray alakazam or metagross because he's a bit of a tarzan just hanging out in the wilderness, he doesn't know any high end mathematicians he can casually geek out about combinatorial game theory with, and the normies just do not get it .
I think this math enjoying is kind of a big part of his ~Innocence~ as well, since there's a lot of childlike glee to being a Math Guy. It's the love of problem solving as a process rather than a means to an end, it's playful, but severely misunderstood to the point where people kinda might assume things about you if you are a math guy.
N's love of math helps him love the world but it also isolates him. He's a genius, but since he can't communicate it in a palatable way it'll get overlooked in favor of him just being a loomy weirdo on the street chatting up the local patrats.
If introduced to DnD though he'd spend so much time on forging ridiculously optimized multiclass builds, then migrate to digging through old obscure sci-fi ttrpgs from the 80s with hellishly complex systems just for the funsies of learning how the presented variables behave within a variety of frameworks, but then if you actually invited him to play with your group he'd look at you like you'd just called his mom a llama.
He's a neat guy to me, STEM guy who's also one of those animal rights activists who's a little too PETA-coded, I like him :)
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autistichalsin · 4 months
I got upset at my mom and came across really passive aggressive. And I didn't mean to, and I regret it. I just... she does this thing that makes me so mad
She brags all the time about how she was such a great mom. But her examples are, for some MYSTERIOUS REASON, only ever things she did for my older brother and sister. She had his friends over all the time and they called her Mom too! She drove him to football! She drove my sister to over 10 orchestra-related events a week until she got so burned out she banned us all from doing any activities that required a ride the next year!
She mysteriously never has any such stories for me.
This time she was going on and on about how she was such a great mom because when my brother was 17 he got his first job washing dishes at a restaurant and she'd drive across town at midnight every night to pick him up from work.
Meanwhile, when I was 18 and wanted to get a job, she told me I was to go to college (and she wouldn't hear any of that "I don't want student loan debt" nonsense because EVERYONE gets loans and I needed to just suck it up.) Despite her always insisting we were welcome as long as we got a job or went to school, she changed her tune for me and me only. She threatened to kick me out if I got a job. I asked if I could stay long enough to save money for my own place, and she snapped no, I couldn't use her like that. So I went to college, when I didn't want to yet, and predictably am in massive amounts of debt that it will take me most of my life to pay off. She would later go on to say she never actually meant it about kicking me out, she just wanted me to "do what I was meant to do" and needed a push to "get my life together." Because getting a job means your life isn't together, apparently.
But she gave my older brother rides from work. So she's a great mom. The best mom ever.
I got really angry when she did this yet again and kind of laughed but made it sound lighthearted. She said back something like "oh you laugh but you know I was a great mom."
So then I just said, well, when I wanted to get a job, you told me you'd kick me out if I did it.
She went quiet and gave this weird guilt trippy non-apology about how she's soooo sorry about what she did but she still feels she was a great mom, she just had some issues when she was drinking.
I feel bad for being passive aggressive about it, but I can't stand when she does this. She wants me to tell me she was a great mother because she was capable of treating her golden children well. And she wants me to judge her based on that and not how I, the scapegoat, was treated.
Like!!! She got drunk and told me she wished she could kill me. You never get to call yourself a good parent again once you do that. Not even if it was only once and you were drunk and you actually WERE good before that (which she really wasn't). And you especially don't get to claim that TO the child you said it to.
She drove my older two siblings to all these things, and then never showed up to a single track meet of mine. When I complained to her about it at the end of the year, she said, "you know, I've heard of 40 year olds who tell their parents it hurt when they didn't do that, but I've never heard of someone complaining while they're still young." She rarely came to any of my orchestra performances unless my sister was also there.
In fact, she asked the whole family to help out with money to send my sister on a music department trip, and then the next year, when I was old enough to do it, said they couldn't ask the family twice because it would be weird, and then told the rest of the family that I only did music because I wanted to be like my sister, guaranteeing none of them actually would think I WANTED to go on the trip so they wouldn't help me. I asked if I could do a program the school offered where I could help out at concessions at the sports events so I could save money to go, and she snapped "they shouldn't be making you work so you can go." So I didn't get to go.
So yeah, if you judge her by how she treated her golden children, she was pretty fucking stellar, I guess. If you judge her by how she treated the forgotten child (my little brother) she was alright. But if you judge her by how she treated me?
And then she fucking wonders why I'm closer to my dad.
God I'm so fucking mad.
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nohoperadio · 5 months
Here's a little breakdown of my personal relationship/non-relationship with various types of aesthetic self-modification (?, I feel like there might be a word or at least a more elegant phrase to denote this category). The point is not to offer my "take" on each thing but to express the different feelings/desires/inhibitions my psyche manifests around them. Some of these will approach awkwardly personal territory, fair warning! You may notice that basically none of them are especially positive; I'm going to leave off from analyzing that pattern for this post.
Tattoos -- I think tattoos as a concept are extremely cool, frequently they're cool in practice also and I like seeing other people's, but I don't think I've ever had even the smallest urge to get one for myself. I'm not totally sure why. The lack of an obvious thing to get is one factor, I feel like "band tattoo" would be the most likely thing for me to have but I don't like the idea of directly lifting a band logo or album art and I really don't like the idea of a lyric tattoo (I offer no justification for these prejudices), so I'd have to get clever with it if I'm doing that and I'm not very clever. More broadly, I predict that my enthusiasm for any artwork I put on my body would fade through overexposure in a matter of weeks if not days--other people describe "barely knowing it's there" after a short time--which on top of making the value of the project seem dubious, I feel like having a permanent image on my skin that I don't actively love would be something I'd feel bad about rather than neutral. Like "man, that thing's on my arm and I don't care about it at all, that sucks" rather than just not noticing it. Maybe I'm wrong about that.
(Tattoos are the one that got me thinking about this whole subject I think, it feels like they're reaching a ubiquity in the culture where it's almost like you're expected to have a reason not to have one rather than a reason to? Maybe that's just a people-I-know thing, anyway it got me thinking about why I don't want one.)
Piercings -- An interesting thing about me and piercings is that it's virtually impossible for me to notice when somebody has them unless I'm like, actively consciously scrutinizing their face (or whatever it is). When I was about ten months into my current job I asked my co-worker who I worked closely with almost every day "hey when did you get that septum ring" and she was like "well way before I met you". That is simply how it is with me and piercings and I make no apology.
If my inability to perceive piercings (perceirvings...) makes me indifferent to the idea of getting one, what makes me actively hostile is the total certainty that I would fiddle with it constantly if I did. I know these hands and their ways and there would simply be no dissuading them, it would be so bad you guys, oh my god. This is probably the hardest no on the list I think, although I haven't finished the post yet so idk maybe I'll think of a worse one.
Makeup -- There's undeniably a lot that's very beautiful in the universe of makeup and there's also the weird dark side, I have dabbled a little in this area and in my heart I feel more positively than not about it, but it's just never going to be a sustainable part of my life because (not unrelated to previous para) I am a perennial and unrepentant face-toucher. I will be itching and rubbing my face-skin and also inflicting other hard-to-characterize punishments upon it (is this "stimming"?) until the day I die and anything that wants to be on my face has just gotta deal. It would probably be better if this was not the case but I don't make the rules, sorry.
Haircuts -- When I was a child I haaaaaated getting my hair cut, like the physical sensation of it? Was so horrible and would usually make me cry and always ruin my day (is this "sensory overload"?), I didn't understand why I was being made to go through this ordeal and basically as soon as I reached an age when I realized my mom couldn't literally force me to do it if I just stubbornly refused hard enough--that age was 13 I think--I stopped. I haven't had a professional haircut since that time although I'm sure I could cope with the sensory aspect at this point, it's just not a habit I ever picked up again (I've had a couple of non-professional ones from my ex who just kind of wanted to try it, in a not particularly ambitious or dramatic fashion). Sometimes I feel like I should, but idk. My hair as it stands is not optimized for making me look hot but I don't think it looks especially horrible either, it's just kind of whatever I think.
Complicating factor here: I've had trichotillomania since I was 15/16, and it's hard to imagine it going away at this point but it's a lot more under control than it used to be, to the point where you can't really tell just from my appearance that something's up now. I say "under control", I have very little conscious control over it and usually no conscious awareness that I'm doing it, but over the years the compulsion seems to have unconsciously settled into a routine where it's just kind of... sculpting my hair into a more-or-less normal silhouette? Like I sort of have a fringe and stuff despite no haircuts. Oh I guess this doesn't make sense unless I clarify that I mostly break rather than pluck the hair nowadays, that's a big part of the gradual unconscious shift that's occurred.
A fun thing about trichotillomania is that it often makes people really uncomfortable when you talk about having it, which sucks for me because it makes me feel lonely, but I guess it sucks for the person feeling uncomfortable too in a smaller way. If you're one of the people who feel uncomfortable around this topic, sorry! Quite genuinely.
Gender transition in general -- I feel like I'm just, just on the boring side of cis-by-default. I think about transitioning shockingly often for someone who's never gonna do it, like it's not searing a hole in my heart or anything like it is for a lot of people but it occupies that "it would be cool to learn an instrument" kind of niche in my thoughts, if that makes sense? (Probably a bit stronger than that analogy makes it sound, it's on my mind frequently but not with a massive sense of urgency attached I guess is what I'm getting at.) I can see myself taking the plunge if the medical technology was like 10% better, or the social technology was like 20% better, or with some medium-sized changes in how my personality was configured, but this life being this life there's no way in heck the juice would be worth the squeeze. If I had one fifth of the executive function required to do all of that lying to doctors and learning how to clothes shop and having awkward conversations with people in my life and all the rest of it, well I can list like ten things I'd rather spend it on first. And I don't!
Glasses -- Love wearing glasses, 10/10 no notes. I knew since I was like 11 that my face should have a pair of glasses on it and I was very smug when the optician agreed (I did not cheat on the eye test in any way for what it's worth). The only times I'm not wearing glasses are sleeping and showering. I don't even carry a case because there's no point because I simply don't ever take them off. This is probably overkill, I think as a kid I was instructed to only put them on when I need to see something in the distance, ignoring that and just wearing them permanently has probably led to my vision weakening to the point where they're now pretty much mandatory in every situation, but I don't give a shit about that because just let me wear my goddamned glasses okay, fuck off. It's actually crazy how much I like wearing glasses, this is the only true thumbs up on the list.
I remembering trying to explain how I like my glasses to a then-close friend of mine many years ago when the subject of laser eye surgery came up in conversation, he said I should get the surgery and then just wear glasses with non-prescription lenses. When I tried to explain why that wouldn't be the same at all he was adamant that I was just being stubborn. That guy was a wonderful person in many ways and I loved him very deeply, but man what a dumbass thing to say.
Facial hair -- There are so many great beards and moustaches in this world, there are few more cheering sights than someone bearing some swish whiskers who's pleased about it, but personally I don't wish to be involved in that business at all.
I never learned how to ride a bike -- Obviously this one doesn't belong on the list, it doesn't fit with any of the other categories, and yet I feel compelled to include it here. And why should I resist that which compels me? This is my post. Yeah, I'm the oldest of four siblings, we were all given bikes at the appropriate kid-on-bike age, the others picked it up but not me. I liked it when I had stabilizers on my bike, then they took them off and I started falling off the bike, and after a very short amount of time I gave up. Like I didn't get mad injuries or anything, it just felt like I wasn't improving at it quickly enough and I didn't feel like keeping it up so I didn't. Early indication of my bad personality.
Fashion in general -- Clothes shopping has always been extremely aversive to me for whatever reason, it's gotten a little better in recent years, I have been able to exist inside clothes shops for long enough to purchase a small thing or two, but eh. Most of my tops are band t-shirts I bought at gigs, most of my bottoms are exactly identical pairs of jeans, there's just not much going on you know? But unlike with most of the items on this list I would really like to be doing this properly. I would like to wear cuter things with prettier colours and designs. This one's an actual goal. But so far I haven't really made progress. The aforementioned shopping sucks thing, plus a fear of being so aesthetically clueless that I just make myself look like a big idiot if I try anything risky, plus the fact that doing things that are not my established routine is tricky in general--these are barriers for me. I guess another barrier is that the things that would be most interesting to try out and therefore most potentially motivating fall into the wrong-gender-clothes category and therefore bring into play some of the barriers from that other category a few ones up. I did actually somehow get myself to dabble in that area some years ago to a modest but positive degree of satisfaction. It'll probably happen again. The patterns and causes that determine whether I can or cannot find motivation to engage in a thing--they are mysterious indeed.
Like horn implants or whatever other crazy miscellany -- I don't want anything in this category and don't have any non-trivial thoughts about it either. Including this section for completeness only.
Well, there you have it, that's the post. Now you know a bit more about some of my little weirdsies. If you actually made it through the whole thing, a) how interesting and b) why not tell me a little weirdsy of yours in return, whether it pertains to the above list or not? Why not get all antiphonal on my post, that way I'd get to know a thing about you as well, it might be a whole fun kind of deal. You don't have to though, I didn't make this post to try to snare people into letting themselves be known, I just kind of made it to be a post mostly. I make all sorts of kinds of posts you know? And so I thought I'd try one that's like this.
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mazzystar24 · 6 months
OMG i still feel like I'm in a fever dream. I keep refreshing tumblr just to make sure that it HAPPENED.
We've been waiting for this for so long, i can't believe that they made Buck Bi!! Also here is the thing i want Buddie to happen and I am a hundred percent sure that it's happening (i don't know why people are thinking that it's not like???) the way i could see this going down is buck and tommy exploring their relationship and Buck beginning to question more and more things such as his relationship with Eddie. I WANT and him and Tommy to be in a relationship for a while (because they're actually pretty cute) and eddie pining. tommy will be the catalyst for Buddie.
Also: Oliver stark literally said, Buck has a crush, gets the person (exactly what happened with tommy) and that he has to work for his relationship to work and ryan saying "closer than ever??"
I also hate the fact that so people are mad and hating on the actors , that it wasn't with Eddie. Like of course a Buddie conformation would've been great, but we all knew that that wasn't gonna happen in this episode? We got FUCKING BI BUCK !!! Let's just celebrate this and just watch this beautiful story unfold. I really love reading your prediction and your positivity, please continue with that !!!
What do you think is going to happen in the next episodes? Sorry for the long ask!!
Sameee like I keep trying to be normal then I REMEMBER I’m like wow I didnt hallucinate that??
Exactly like they flat out called Tommy a plot device, confirmed he’s here for a little bit and that it’s a fling, so enjoy it as much as you want to while it’s here but don’t lose hope for buddie people? like legit this is the biggest confirmation buddie is on the horizon
Like let’s not forget Ryan saying they’re trying to give the people what they want🫡and that they are closer than ever - like legit he has no reason to say this in the same season buck realises he’s bi unless something BIG is gonna happen for buddie (maybe not full canon but vibes???)
Anyone hating on the actors can legit fight me.
Oliver and Ryan have been such troopers for the fandom and Oliver now with this storyline you can tell how much he genuinely loves buck and like understands him as a character but also how to give this storyline what it deserves. Like Oliver has been endlessly respectful to the fandom too like he’s been making sure that he doesn’t get peoples hopes up while also trying to play buck in a way that is true to the character. Like did you guys see his message to the fans? Or his interview talking about how he was gonna actively play buck as bi this season as much as he can even before he got told abt the kiss. Like that man hasnt just been supportive of the fandom he’s been an advocate for us and for buck which is such a wonderful thing.
Also yeah it wasn’t Eddie but do people realise that it’s VERY hard to write an up to now presumed straight character’s self discovery in their 30s LET ALONE TWO?? Like Tim found the easiest way to set the scene for the new audience and the GA who won’t have picked up on early seasons undertone and the little things planted throughout and while I would’ve loved buddie without the middleman I completely understand why they did it this way and I’ll enjoy seeing it unfold
And YES EXACTLY BI BUCK like that alone is a MASSIVE win like we are getting such rare bi rep of not only a guy in a very “macho” job and a womaniser type character BUT ALSO a person figuring stuff out in their 30s not in a repressed full of sex shame and guilt way but in a they genuinely just never explored that side of them!! Like that’s so huge we can talk for hours about how many queer rep stories are just plain depressing but this one is so authentic while also being quite light and sweet
Also aww thanks I genuinely love these asks sm (me? In love with everyone who sends me an ask? More likely than you think🤭🤭🤭)
Also omg I’m sorry this is so long like I spent most of this talking about everything except your question😭😭
Okay so predictions:
So we know that Buck is gonna tell some people and some will be surprised some not so much and some will be like it’s about damn time, my bets are:
chimney- surprised but maybe not through insider info (Maddie)
Maddie- KNOWS HAS KNOWN but the only shocker for her is that it wasn’t Eddie like I can imagine the confused and so tired face rn, I think she probs has either thought he knew or knew he didn’t and just was giving him the time and dropping as many hints as she can in the meanwhile
Bobby- supportive father icon, KNOWS (and while he also I fully believe is the buddie captain as well he will play it a little closer to vest if you get what I mean- but inside he’s going insane and his eye is twitching because he poached Eddie for his dumb bi son only for them to ACT married for six seasons and go to him for dating advice abt other people constantly and now that his son is a man kisser it’s not the man Bobby was hoping for😔 pray for him y’all)
Hen- she’s the it’s about damn time response
Athena- also might be the it’s about damn time response
Ravi- in a permanent state of confusion- not about this he’s just confused always (also still fully convinced the poor guy thought buddie had been married cos that headcanon is endlessly amusing to me)
Now for actual plot I think that like the date is low-key a train wreck after the Eddie and Marisol interruption and that either we get a chenford-like double date or we just have a brief intereuption from Eddie and that’s a minor thing and like it’s buck admitting it’s his first date with a guy who hates throws a lot of questions in the air because Tommys reaction was a bit 👀 like I think it’s more or less confirmed that Tommy was repressed for a while when working with captain dickhead so maybe he’s like gonna be taking a step back cos he thinks buck needs more time to like explore this part of himself (but I hate that trope so hoping not) or maybe we get the buddie shipper daydream and Tommy is like more aware of buddie than buddie are and he either says that to buck as the reasoning but buck doesn’t tell Eddie that OR he says something cryptic about it to buck and buck doesn’t fully understand and he’s like you will eventually👀👀👀 (I need a lobotomy yes the delusions are a part of me now)
I hope that Marisol gets the fuck out right about now but I say that every episode 🫡 (edy’s face and voice make me wanna scream I hate her homophobic, transphobic ass sm)
Anyways I’m gonna shut up now bye love ya thank ya and sorry 🫡🫡
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yellowhollyhock · 6 months
raph vs a volcano day 20
The 1987 episode plot:
Donatello's health scanner predicts Raphael has only 24 hours to live. Raphael goes around doing good deeds and taking ridiculous risks because he's gonna die anyway. Meanwhile Donatello figures out his machine didn't work right and means to tell Raphael, but you see he is distracted doing good deeds and taking ridiculous risks. It culminates with Raph inside an active volcano (trying to stop it from erupting? bro??) and his brothers have to come rescue him.
I love this episode. For so many reasons.
1) What an interesting way to give Raph his role while keeping him in character within the new role they gave him for this show. Because Mirage Raph is the guy who always wants to help without pausing to think about whether they can. He's known for sometimes being impulsive and always being protective. And not just of his fellow turtles! He sees someone in trouble he wants to help. But usually in Mirage that's expressed with violence. So for the show they made the "crazy one" express the same traits through sarcasm instead and he became the witty one, and I love how future Raphs are both. And I especially love when 1987 Raphael himself is both
2) This is such a classic plot. It's like... the tribbles spoof/tribute or 'character gets kidnapped but acts so annoying they get released.' You know the kinds of plots I mean right? Our style of storytelling has changed (it's always changing) but tv shows in late 80s early 90s especially had these. You could pretty much guess the plot from the title because you know the characters and you know the story. The exciting reveal is mostly the jokes. There are words for what I'm saying but I haven't had an english class in a few years, so take this ramble and trust me. It's a beautiful example of whatever this is. And!
---2a, It doesn't have the classic resolution that 'character thought they had one day to live due to a misunderstanding' would have on a kids show. There isn't a 'moral' about seizing the moment and using your time wisely. There also isn't a moral about communication, so instead of the miscommunication being annoying like it would in a preachy episode, it's gloriously hilarious to watch
3) Speaking of that, the obligatory 'he tried to ask' scene is Raphael watching Michelangelo cry on Donatello's shoulder because "I'll miss him so much" "I'm sorry there's nothing I can do for him" it's the oven. The oven is broken. Michelangelo is sobbing in Donatello's arms like his world is ending because they're going to have to get a new oven because this one's beyond fixing. And Raphael fully believes that Michelangelo is begging Donatello to fix him, when this version of Donatello is so very none medic. Like I don't even know how to describe why and how much I love this scene. I think I killed english
4) The scene of Raphael in the volcano. I just. He's so funny. This episode really captures what I love about the whole show, which is that I am absolutely buying into it and feeling deeply about it, and simultaneously enjoying it ironically. Does that make sense? When you can put your whole heart into unironic enjoyment but your brain at the same time gets it's 'make fun of this' treat. So both types of fun at once.
---4a it's not trying to fix the plot holes it's enjoying that in this format you don't have to. I feel like this is severely under utilized in modern cinema. make things not make sense on purpose for fun. don't explain about where they are, how they carried that object with them, why there were not other consequences for certain actions. The fun thing about stories is they don't have to be realistic unless you want them to
so for today I had intended to write a Rise version of this episode. I think it would work well for them. Plus, Raph and Donnie bonding. However. That is going in drafts and will be coming. later (march for raph is my opportunity to collect drafts for the rise turtles apparently.) I'm actually still debating if Donnie would make a health-o-meter or if something goes down in witch down, but either way, ❤️💜
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aspiringwriter1111 · 10 months
Hallmark PSA
I know since it's coming on the holiday season, I'm going to start seeing a lot of Hallmark slander.
But here's a little known fact.
Hallmark is actually really really good.
Let me explain!
The movies people usually associate Hallmark with are the "old" ones (2020 and back). I bet after seeing how cliche and unhealthy they were, you didn't see a reason to watch them again after that, am I right??
But you knew them well enough to know they weren't worth your time and sanity.
Girl in a high stress job goes to small town, learns the meaning of Christmas, and then cheats on her also stressed out boyfriend back in the city with a hot cocoa making stubbly kind of rude lumberjack man then quits her job and moves to Vermont or something.
Yeah, they don't do those anymore.
At all.
I'm serious.
A part of it is that there was a purge. A year or two ago, there was a new Christmas movie company in town. All the actors that didn't like the forward direction Hallmark wanted to go in, left and joined GAC.
(Great American Family, or as I like to call it GACK. The movies are exclusively awful old Hallmark style, but Republican, badly decorated, very white, and also much worse.)
GAC took all the problems away from Hallmark, and made movies out of them. Hallmark, now cleansed, is pumping out cinematic greats that I WILL be rewatching every Christmas.
The whole of Hallmark was Recast, save for the best of the best fan favorites (Like Lacey Chaubert-)
They have plus sized actors now and people of color, cast as main characters on a regular basis.
Half of the movies aren't even romance centric anymore, instead focused on life, and moving forward, but when they are, they're really well done, and actually healthy.
If you know me (which you don't), then you'll know I hate unhealthy relationships. Especially when they're treated like they're okay. I will pick apart ANYTHING over toxicity in a relationship, wherever that might come from.
I used to hate Hallmark movies, because they were predictable, unrealistic, flawed, and toxic.
But now the characters talk with each other, and they don't get in the others space without permission. If there's an accident and it does happen, it's not used as a plot device to move the relationship along. It's not treated in a "OMG hot guy is literally right in my face!!! I've only known him two minutes and I hate him, I'm in love!!"
It's more of an, "OMG I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that at all, im so sorry, I'm so sorry- *Immediately backs away*"
I can't even begin to explain how much better they are now.
To further prove my point, here are some gifs of Three Wise Men and a Baby, one of my favorite Christmas movies ever:
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Just listen to this one.
It's about three brothers, one of which is a firefighter (this is important). A baby gets dropped off at the fire station, with a note. The firefighters name is on it, asking him to look after the baby until Christmas.
This is not his baby.
This IS a joke throughout the entire film.
They have no idea who dropped him off.
So they end up taking care of him for a week, and seriously bonding with him. The make his first Christmas ornament with clay, they do a holiday photo dressed to the nines.
They talk about how hard it is to actually take care of a baby, and how hard it must have been for their mom doing it alone.
Talking about how their own dad left, and finally processing that trauma together.
Their mom confesses that if she didn't have support, she may have done what the babies mother did. How she must be going through such a rough patch, and building empathy for her.
All three of the brothers go on complete cathartic emotional journeys about it, and all the other issues in their life.
I can't do it justice.
It's called Three Wise Men and A Baby. I'm begging you please go watch it, you will NOT regret it.
I'm tearing up now just thinking about it oh my gOD-
The ending just sent it home for me, so I won't spoil anything.
Its amazing. I can't explain the whole thing, I seriously beg you please go watch it.
And, if you're more into comedy, I present to you Haul out The Holly:
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A Christmas comedy starring your very own Gretchen Weiners!! Abso-fucking-lutley HILARIOUS.
It's about a woman, just broken up with her boyfriend, and coaxed into going home for the holidays. Here's where it gets interesting.
Her parents are the head of the Christmas neighborhood watch, something that has plagued her since childhood. Her childhood friend has now taken over the position, as her parent ditch her for retirement on a beach someplace, and she's left stuck, having to decorate against her will.
She wants a nap. The neighbors want her to carve ice sculptures. And her nutcracker apparently isn't up to code.
Includes: Girlboss and male wife power duo (madly in love), insane chainsaw man with way too much time on his hands, the ML an anxious wreck, and many, many, MANY MORE.
Another recent movie was built around a woman who is an astronaut (She's mixed) who was about to finally go to space (The goal shes been working on her entire life) She got into a car accident and her eyesight was impaired. She's currently grieving the loss of her dream (like, actually grieving, she took three months off-).
Her company asks her if she wants to do an exhibit in the planetarium for Christmas, that she doesn't have to, but she can if she wants to take her minds off of things. She says yes, and ends up working with the planetarium director on an exhibit about the sun and it's connection to Christmas through how people used to celebrate with the sun (I don't remember exactly, but it was explained thoroughly, and i think pagan???)
She and him don't constantly argue, or be angry at each other. They cooperate. They show genuine interest in each other. It's actually adorable, and it's also not just about them.
She meets his daughter, who is a wheelchair user. She asks why the Female lead isn't in space if she's an astronaut, and the FL tell her it's because of her eyes. The daughter tells her it's okay, because she'll never be able to go to space either, even if she wants to, but she can still enjoy it from Earth.
I'm not even doing it justice.
By the end of the movie, the FLs eye problem doesn't heal. Nothing is miraculously solved. But the ML and the FL are now dating (After the best, slow paced, healthy, communicative, collaborative bonding freaking ever-) ALL OF THE CHARACTERS HAVE FULL BLOWN EMOTIONAL JOURNEYS THAT ACTUALLY MATTER.
There are soft bits, nothing is cliche, nothing is icky or gross.
It's healthy, it's cute, it's emotionally driven, I'm actually learning about things I didn't know before, and amazing.
And all the new ones are either like this or better than this. I could name over ten, but I can't even explain how good they are.
Some of the are still a little dark ages, but it's only every one out of six or seven.
Hallmark movies from 2022 and onwards are 5 star television, and you can't convince me otherwise.
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porkcutletbowl44 · 19 days
I just read chapter 14 and I'm in love with your writing😭💞
I really didn't know I needed to read a fic like that until I read it, and honestly it's one of my favorites in the CoD fandom. I love especially the way you write Keegan, it's fucking hard to find a good fanfiction of him💔 and I also love the way you wite mama. Usually I don't like reader x canon(I usually get mad at reader's actions cuz they're usualy the complete opposite of what I'd do) but this time it's probably one of the first that I actually can see myself in her place.
Btw I really hope Keegan's endgame, I genuinely get mad whenever Ghost's in scene. Like, rude you're engaging with another woman and suddenly asked for divorce, you can't be mad at mama for not wanting to be near you or for interacting with Keegan😞 I want to slap him so bad. I'm also eager to see Ghost's reaction when he finally realizes he lost mama.
Like idk, maybe she gets kidnaped by that guy who's hiding in UK(I forgot his name💔 but it's the guy that TF141 and the Ghosts are looking for) thinking that she's still married with Ghost(like to threat him??? IDK I JUST WANT GHOST TO BE MISARABLE😭). And when they finally find her, instead of reaching for him like he'd have expected, she reações for Keegan. I'm just itching to see reality finally sinking into his mind, I want so bad for him to see that she no longer needs him, that she doesn't want him anymore and that another person(Keegan my beloved💞) took his place. I need to see this man regreating every single choice he made in the last 4 months.
Anyways, I really love your fic and I hope you have a wonderful week❤ and sorry for any typo I made, English isn't my first language and recently I've been mixing Spanish with Portuguese with English AND with another language that I started learning recently👎
The asks took me awhile to answer because I just noticed I have reached 300 kudos and THIS LOVELY ANON RIGHT HERE BOTH MADE ME UGLY CRY (happy tears of course 🥹)
I'm so glad I could grab your interest with my fic!!! When I don't find something I specifically want to read, I cook my own shit (hence the Simon x Goth!reader because I never see goth in fics) ((AND SOME X READERS SO IRK ME TOO I FEEL YOU THERE))
I am trying to not lean towards the predictable cliche things that tend to happen in fics (even though they are absolutely amazing and I eat it up no matter what) I HAVE THINGS PLANNED, AND WHILE THEY ARENT FULLY PLANNED THERE ARE THINGS HAPPENING IN MY BRAIN!!
(Also, I hope you have a steady learning of English! Your ask was very legible and so sweet and kind 🥹🫶🏻)
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bandaiddd · 1 year
I hate “The Goldfinch”movie adaption.
This is a super popular opinion but I just want to go off for a minute. The casting was so bad, I think Pippa and Kitsey were casted pretty well as well as other characters BUT, young Theo (Oakes Fegley) really felt so young compared to young Boris (Finn Wolfhard) when they're in the same grade. I won't blame the actors entirely as the production wasn't great either, but the lack of depth in all the main characters (not as much for the side/extras) made the movie feel 20 minutes long. How could someone who hasn't read that novel fully comprehend how Theo/Boris feel because it is done so plain and simply?
Also, Wolfhard's accent was so bad I am sorry, I get it's meant to be multi-cultural but it just sounded so fake. Their chemistry was also sort of non-existent compared to the novel. They removed so much moments between them that solidify their relationship and growth together that it feels as if they have known each other for two weeks. The movie centres so heavily on the painting for entertainment value when really, the painting is more an expression and symbol than a plot point. It moves things along sure, but it's so much more than a reminder of the explosion.
The movie loses so much depth and symbolism, the complexity is just gone. It's so predictable and step-by-step compared to the book. However, I will say, the music was amazing! Gureckis did an amazing job with the main theme and capturing the mystic and melacholy laced throughout the novel - it feels so quiet, forlorn and distant.
In conclusion, the women were casted great (Sarah Paulson <333) and the extras were so much better at portraying their characters and the production team failed the main characters. It focuses so heavily on hetero romance and dramatic plot points that we just lose so much. I get its an 800 page novel, but maybe that's why novels of that length shouldn't be adapted into a movie - as despite it being two hours, they still failed to capture the essence of the novel and how it feels to read about the painting and life of Theo Decker; which is slow, real and painful.
Maybe I need to rewatch it, but I’ve seen it twice and both times It failed to appear like a novel would and felt so incredibly fake. It lacked that realism I hoped it would have.
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project-sekai-facts · 11 months
thinking about it stresses me out and i can't explain it well but making the world link events take up an entire event slot instead of it running alongside a different event is such a horrible idea imo, especially if it takes this month's lim banner entirely. and i think it's impossible considering vbs's one is in january and there's the new years fes anyways? unless they make new years perm again like in 2021 but it's going to be so fucking annoying and predictable for any fan that's been waiting for a lim for a while, especially vsers because it basically confirms that the devs STILL aren't treating them like the actual characters and putting them in events with the ocs (let alone having to wait until AUGUST for more fucking lims, yea like we need another fucking one-year gap /s). its genuinely irritating for me if they end up deciding that and not making next event lim. plus it makes the next event from now only six days considering this gacha ends October 31st, and with the event gap, the event has to end November 5th or 6th. and this wl event lasts 12 days and no event has lasted either of those lengths in jp (not to mention the weird fucking chapter-by-chapter thing going on?). sorry for acting angry but i really am disappointed if this ends up being the case without any fucking warning it makes no sense!
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yeah the WL event just feels like it needs some work. obviously this is the first one so there's gonna be some problems here and there but this feels like it's pretty messily put together, even for a first run. i understand it taking an event slot because otherwise you'd have to tier two separate events at the same time and that'd just be difficult, but just the sheer amount of time it takes up is too much. maybe shorten the chapters to 2 days from 3, 12 days is too long. it's just gonna be really draining and a pain in the ass to tier, plus it makes the event before it really short. like seriously, 7 days for the MMJ event? i mean the current event is only 8 but normally cheerful carnivals last about 10 because of the format. i mean MMJ wouldn't perform as well as a N25 banner anyway so maybe they're just throwing the 7 day event on them for testing purposes.
since VBS is directly after new year colofes+lims I'm guessing WL lims don't count as actual lims. maybe they don't have hairstyles, i mean they said about MR2 unlocking special cut-ins, so maybe they do that instead of hairstyles. i wonder if they'll be like a bday card where they have their own rarity or something because if the game is willing to run them directly after a fes banner they can't be all that rare? maybe they reappear on future WL events like how all fes cards are on every colofes banner.
i get the feeling that the WL event won't have a specific character focus. they didn't announce a song other than the 3rd anniversary campaign one, so unless they're deciding to count that as Kanade's 4th comm then it doesn't look like this has a specific focus. well, apparently each part of the event/story is focused on a different character so that makes sense I guess. also the 3rd anni campaign commissions are meant to release monthly, and these events are getting dragged out until well past when all unit will've gotten their comm.
i think a lot of adjustments are gonna have to be made to the event starting from the VBS one. like the whole thing feels messy right now. and maybe it's because they haven't really told us a whole lot about how it works still, but there's obvious problems from the get-go like the duration and the amount of gacha cards on top of the fact they're now rerunning 3 lim gachas at a time. how badly does this game want our money they earn way more than any other idol game on the market.
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im-a-matt-girl · 1 year
Hii, how are you? Hope you’re having a nice day! :) Whenever you have time, and dont feel pressured by it lol, could you maybe write more kissing matt fics?
i am so, so sorry this took so long, anonymous. i really hope you like this
I am lying down on the rooftop, staring up at the night sky. I'm trying to count the stars to distract myself from my bad mood. It is so quiet and calm up here, compared to the chaos going on inside of the house. Sometimes, my soul just needs peace.
I hear someone clamoring to get onto the roof, and it startles me. I sit up, looking for who it is. It's difficult to see in the dark, but even so, I can discern that it's you. "Matt?" I say.
"There you are," you smile slightly. "I thought I'd find you up here."
"I'm pretty predictable, huh?" I remark, turning my attention back to the stars.
"Well, you usually come up here when there's too much going on inside," you say, sitting next to me.
I nod, then shrug. "What can I say…"
You hold your hand out to me, and I smile at you, placing my hand in yours. "Wanna talk about it?" you ask me, interlocking our fingers together.
I sigh, shaking my head. There's so much going on in my life right now, and I don't want to burden you with any of it. "I don't even know where to start," I confess, resting my head on your shoulder.
"That's okay," you say to me comfortingly. "I'll be here whenever you're ready."
"Thanks, I appreciate you."
"I can also just sit with you in silence, if you want," you offer, gently rubbing your thumb over the top of my hand.
"I'd like that," I say, just above a whisper. I nuzzle against you. You feel so warm, like home to me. You may not solve all of my problems for me, but you make them feel… insignificant.
We sit in silence for a while, holding hands. You let go to wrap your arm around my shoulders, tenderly stroking my upper arm. I close my eyes; I could easily fall asleep like this, I feel so protected.
Suddenly, you lean over, hovering your lips over my ear, and you whisper to me, "Would a kiss help you feel better?"
I raise my head up to look at you. I don't know how, but the stars are even more beautiful when they're reflected in your eyes. "Yes," I breathe.
You slowly, tenderly press your lips against mine, and it makes me gasp with delight. You delicately touch my cheek with your fingertips, and it sends a warm tingle throughout my whole body. You deepen the kiss, sliding your tongue under mine, and I am enraptured.
We continue to kiss, under the moonlight, on the rooftop, with only the stars as our witnesses. We are made of stardust, and I am sure that they are twinkling upon us with affirmation and love.
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mxanigel · 6 months
Hey Ani! If I remember correctly, you’re hella knowledgeable about weather, right? If I am remembering that correctly, can I ask you a question about something?
(I’ve heard the Bering Sea has a lot of “hurricane force winds”. How can you have those conditions but not a “hurricane” (is there a cold water equivalent?) even when there’s a storm?)
If I’m mistaking you for someone else, I am. So sorry 😅 please ignore me.
But if you are, and you’re up for answering, I’m so intrigued 🖤
Either way, hope you’re doing well 🖤
AAAAAH this ask made me flail and geek out, thank youuuu~ also, this is a fantastic question. *cracks knuckles* Brace yourself for a very happy scientist's ramblings!
Hokay, so the atmosphere would prefer to be in balance. But land heats up/cools down faster than water, places closer to the equator (low latitudes) tend to be warmer than places farther away (high latitudes), and some places are super dry (like deserts) while others are really moist (like rainforests). Temperature and moisture differences such as these affect atmospheric pressure, and pressure imbalances produce winds because air moves toward low pressure and away from high pressure, though not necessarily directly from one to the other due to other factors like friction.
Hurricanes are low-pressure systems that form over tropical oceans and are "powered" by thunderstorms (which are also known as "deep convection" because they're made up of very tall convective clouds, a.k.a. thunderstorms). Those clouds get their energy from warm ocean water and help form the low pressure around which the winds spin. The Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale (SSHWS) is the scale by which we categorize hurricanes, specifically by their maximum surface winds averaged over a 1-minute period. (Such winds tend to be highest over the ocean; for example, a landfalling category 1 hurricane may never produce hurricane-force winds over land due to increased friction from the land slowing down the winds. But that's a ramble for another time.)
Generally speaking, a hurricane is a type of "tropical cyclone." When a tropical cyclone in the North Atlantic or eastern North Pacific has maximum winds of 39-73 mph, it's a tropical storm, and reaching a maximum wind of 74+ mph makes it a hurricane. This means 74 mph is the hurricane-force wind threshold.
Extratropical storms are also low-pressure systems, but instead of forming over warm ocean water and being powered by thunderstorms, they result from the collision of warm and cold air masses at higher latitudes (hence the term "extratropical" meaning "beyond the tropics"). The warm air masses often come from the tropics, which makes them juicy too (that is, they carry a lot of moisture with them). The cold air masses tend to be drier, increasing the contrast between the two. Since continents are often the source of the cold + dry air, extratropical storms can develop over ocean or over land!
Strong extratropical storms can produce surface winds that exceed 74 mph, which earns them the moniker "hurricane-force low" because that's the SSHWS threshold for a hurricane. On a weather map, they'll get a label when they reach this intensity, like this storm south of Alaska in early October 2021:
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Visible satellite image source (NASA Worldview) Surface analysis map is from the Ocean Prediction Center
For more information, this ArcGIS StoryMap from the Ocean Prediction Center nicely discusses hurricane-force lows that occurred during Spring 2021-Spring 2022 in the Northern Hemisphere.
I hope this ramble clarified a bit about these storms! Thanks again for sending the ask -- I loved diving into the answer.
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unhingedkinfessions · 6 months
so like not really a kinfession but kinda wanna know if how im feeling abt this is valid (no pressure to respond if u guys dont want to btw!)
so my bf and i are planning on making a comic based around our "sonas" (idk what else to call them), but how these came to be was us literally drawing ourselves how we see ourselves essentially. like for me, im demonkin, so i just drew how i remember myself and then projected all my memories to this "character" and i think my bf did something really similar to that when making his, so basically we are these characters and they are us
after a while we added aspects to them that dont reflect memories (such as the two of them dating) but more so reflect us CURRENTLY, as well as some random things that just make sense and these "sonas" became very important to us and huge parts of ourselves (naturally, since we are them)
now wed love to do this and possibly post the series on tumblr and/or another site as a nice project between the two of us but thats when my bf realized: what if people kin them? and it kinda made us uncomfortable thinking about it since its based off our own otherkin experiences and that theyre literally us
so basically what id like to know is if itd be wrong to ask people to not make fan works (if it gets popular) and tag them as kin and stuff? weve seen people mark stuff with that and so thats why i planned on doing that, but do u think people would understand our discomfort? ik people cant help kins, but id feel a lot more comfortable if people didnt make it comfortable they're whole public identity based around one of us or used our work as face claims and stuff. am i being irrational or is this understandable?? (sorry if any of this sounds repetitive im kinda nervous lol)
the thing is, if this does get popular (and thats a big if- i dont mean that as an insult you truly cannot predict these things) yes there will be issues. youre not being Irrational, and i understand where ur coming from but im *in* the same community as you & kin also. if this gets popular, there are inevitably going to be people who dont understand and ignore that boundary, because you cant exactly stop people from doing that once smth gets big. theres a difference between like, asking someone to not kin tag an art post vs not kin from a Popular Piece Of Media, yk? it wouldnt be a wrong thing to ask for no. but if youre ok w the possibility that this could blow up ur gonna have to realize that you cant control an entire fanbase that closely and what ur afraid of is likely to happen. tldr i think this is understandable but im not just the average consumer that doesnt have the full story
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chloe-spade · 5 months
Tangled Up Act One: When Will My Life Begin
Seventeen years have passed since that faithful day and the young boy has become a young man with an open window, looking around. He was playing hide and seek with a lovely chameleon he adopted years prior, and now was looking for him.
The Tower's height never scared him anymore as he used his hair to look around for his friends again. It was a morning activity that was fun and helped Silver relax for the day, as predicted. But that wasn't going to deter him from winning the game.
"It seems like Epel isn't hiding out here," Silver hummed as he entered the tower once again.
He stopped for a moment before using a strand of his hair to pull the camouflaged chameleon from his hiding spot and he giggled. "Gotcha!"
"That's so unfair!" Epel pouted, "You always know to find me."
"What did you expect?" Deuce, a bluebird, questioned. "Silver became an expert after a while."
"He's good," Ace, a red hedgehog, added, "You keep underestimated him, and just because you are a chameleon doesn't mean you can't hide from him."
"But I was actually practicing," Epel groaned again.
Silver laughed again and took Epel into his hands, sitting on the window. "Sorry about that. I just like playing this game in the mornings, helps me wake up as well." He paused for a moment, "Well, is it a two out of three?"
Epel made a sour face in response.
"Ok,ok," Silver relented, "What do you guys want to do?"
"Oh, how about we go outside? Like outside, and I mean, outside this tower." Ace recommended, "I heard the grass is much softer when spring slowly turns into summer and I could smell all the flowers."
"And fly around the blue sky." Deuce chirped.
"And maybe I can actually win at hide and seek," Epel added, "This tower is becoming predictable for hiding spots. I need more space and atmosphere."
"No," Silver objected, "Come on, I like it in here and so do you guys."
"Not really."
"I wouldn't so."
"I hate that place."
Silver rolled his eyes, and lifted Ace and Epel, "For you guys, it's not, but it's nice and homey for me, like Father intended. Now, are you going to help me clean?" Silver smiled and grabbed his broom looked at the clock and watched how the clock struck 7:00.
7 AM, the usual morning lineup
Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean
Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up
Sweep again and by then it's like 7:15
Silver sighed as he looked up at the clock, it was exactly 7:15. He was almost exhausted from how fast he worked, but he was done.
"Already?" Ace questioned, "That was fast."
"Time flies when you do chores, I suppose," Silver chuckles, "Let's have some fun."
And so I'll read a book, or maybe two or three
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
I'll play guitar and knit and cook and basically
Just wondering, when will my life begin?
"Ace, stop," Silver huffs, "They're warm, and you need to wait," he puts down the tray, "I don't want you to have a tummy ache before lunch."
"You also ate all the cookies before everyone else," Deuce added, "which sucks."
"You glutton," Epel scoffed.
"It was good," Ace pouted, "and that means eating cookies as well."
"No fighting," Silver lectured, before he looked above the fireplace and stood back, "Hey, don't you think that looks, uh, bland?"
The Animal Trip looked over at the area and examined it.
"Pretty bland," Ace agreed, "It needs something, like your touch. Like, a…"
"Like, a portrait! Or a beautiful painting." Deuce cheered.
"I even have some ideas!" Epel beamed.
Silver smiles and gets up onto the furnace, Deuce delivers his paints and paintbrush, and he starts to examine and looks around, and starts to paint for a while until lunch begins.
Then after lunch, it's puzzles and darts and baking
Papier-mâché, a bit of ballet and chess
"Checkmate," mumbled a dazed Silver, on the floor, wrapped around his hair. But it was worth it to finally beat Deuce in chess, even though he'll bruise later.
"Are you ok!?" Epel gasped in worry.
"I told him that dancing while playing what a bad idea," Deuce sighed. "But he was stubborn."
"..at least he wasn't sleeping," Ace piped up.
Pottery and ventriloquy, candle-making
Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch
Take a climb, sew a dress
"I hate this," Ace muttered, "It's tight." He struggled as the dress slowly began to tighten his quills, causing some of the fabric to break apart.
"…well, you are ripping it apart," Deuce muttered, resting on Silver's shoulder.
Silver smiles and looks back at the book, "This is what the book says. And it looks nice, and I made sure it'll be good for you."
Epel laughs, "It's nice and funny. And I think it fits you so well."
Ace pouted, looking down, "Stop it…this was embarrassing. Why couldn't Epel wear this?"
"He knows that if he were to touch me, I'm about to bite him," Epel answered with pride.
Silver watched and yawned, having a feeling of a more boring day. He walks upstairs, grabs the books rests on his bed, and yawns once more, looking down at the books with boredom, already prepared to reread everything.
And I'll reread the books if I have time to spare
I'll paint the walls some more, I'm sure there's a room somewhere
And then I'll brush and brush and brush and brush my hair
Stuck in the same place I've always been
"Thank you," Silver took the brush from Deuce and sighed, "You guys are right. Outside would be much more fun than all of this. It's got so tiring, being here all day. And with everything here all at once, I need something new, and I want that."
And I'll keep wonderin' and wonderin'
And wonderin' and wonderin'
When will my life begin?
Silver climbs down walks over to the window and looks up at the sky, watching the sky filled with different stars above, whenever his birthday comes. He wants to feel it. Feel the fire within the lanterns and feel the breeze that'll allow them to be carried to the heavens.
Tomorrow night, lights will appear
Just like they do on my birthday each year
Silver slowly began to paint himself with his new painting, watching the strange stars from beyond the trees and wishing to be there with his friends and his father, enjoying his birthday. The one wish he always wanted to ask every year and he concluded that it was that year he won't hesitate.
What is it like out there where they glow?
Now that I'm older, Father might just let me go
Silver sighed as he rested on the window again, but with a more somber face than his previous happiness from earlier. To think he would laugh his friends off about how boring the tower was but now he sees it, feels it, and hates it. He just sighed sadly again, looking up.
Deuce, Epel, and Ace go over to Silver and begin to comfort him, by nuzzling him.
"Hey, it'll be alright," Ace spoke, "maybe this year, he'll stop treating you like a prisoner and let you go."
"Maybe," Silver agreed, "but I know my father. No matter what I said, it would be told on deaf ears. Like last year, and the many years before that."
"Silver, know that you'll get your wish, and we'll be right here beside you, watching those lanterns fly up into the sky." Silver giggles softly and pets Deuce's feathers.
"Hey, I'll be fine," Silver yawned and walked away to his bedroom, "I'll ask him soon…I promise."
He entered his room, looking at the paintings he made when his hair was long enough too. He lay down on his bed, looking up at them before he felt his eyes gotten heavy. He hums and slowly falls asleep, using his hair as a soft blanket, as he tends to do.
"He's been up here for years," Deuce mourned, "I hope he can finally walk on the grass and have fun." He nuzzles Silver's head, "It'll be better than just being cooped up in here."
"Yeah," Ace groaned, "He's so…I don't want to say this but he's pretty clueless about the world. I mean, he didn't know what I was when we met, and he called me a small mini dog, with spikes."
Epel chuckled, "He was only 7, Ace, but it did cement his living situation. Now, come on, we should rest before Crewel comes back." They walk over and carefully rest themselves within Silver's hair and slowly drift to sleep, enjoying the soft hair.
The Kingdom of Sol was not so far, especially to an outsider. With King Lilia in charge, the kingdom is a thriving location with every celebration becoming a long-awaited tradition that everyone knows of.
Another known thing was the thieves.
Three wanted thieves were now on top of the kingdom, ready to go one of the most horrendous crimes of all time.
"Look at the view," Fang hummed, "I could never get old of it."
"Indeed, but we have a job to do," Jade reminded, pulling Fang towards an open window that Floyd had opened, "and don't forget, you owe Azul after that horrendous stunt of yours. It was either this or your tongue."
Fang groaned, "I get it, I get it."
Fanf was a thief, a thief who accidentally stole from Azul Ashengrotto, a man who works for himself, and now has to repay his new debt, the only thing he could steal is the kingdom crown, and it was either his own life or a luxury he could steal.
Many do not know much about Fang, the other being known as the Beastman. He wasn't feared, per se. Just wanted since childhood to steal anything he could eat, wear, and steal. He was caught occasionally, but he had some small allies that always got him out.
"Don't worry," Floyd giggled, "if this is valuable to repay your debt, then you steal it. It's quite simple."
Fang huffs and wraps himself with a rope, "You doubt me?"
Jade and Floyd roll their eyes and begin to move Ruggie down into the crown room. Fang carefully looks around to make sure the guards are around the crown, making sure that nobody comes in or out. The crown sits ideally onto a special case, with the name "Silver" engraved on the podium it remained on, and looks like it hasn't been touched in years, well, until Fang's hand grabbed and stuffed it into his satchel.
He didn't know why Azul wanted such a remarkable yet clearly sentimental item. Fang was appalled when he was told about the job and almost got his tongue ripped out. He was a thief, but he was not low enough to steal something that meant so much. But he had to do it, regardless of his feelings.
He almost jumped as a guard sneezed.
"Ah, spring fever, right?" Fang teased.
"Y-yeah, not the best at the mom-," The guard answered before quickly turning around, locking eyes with Fang.
It was only a moment before his spear almost gutted Fang, and the thing that saved him was a quick pull from the twins.
Fang laughed as he landed on the castle roof, with glares from Jade but a giddy smile from Floyd.
"Was that really necessary?" Jade sighed as they began to climb down.
"Who cares! It was fun, almost seeing Fangy getting gutted," Floyd added with a laugh.
"Guys!" Fang laughed, "Sneaked into the castle, through the guards, and stole the most valuable item all in one morning, and if that doesn't tell you that this was going to be a great day, then you'll be extremely wrong! This just become a very great day!"
"Today's the day," Silver announced, "Today's the day I'm going to ask him."
"Finally," Ace groaned, "you've been cooped here for years, and now's the day you asked. But I have a bad feeling about this."
"How so?" Questioned Silver, putting away his art supplies, "I think now that I'm older, he's bound to be more understanding. I'm almost 18 years old, and I'm strong and responsible enough to help out."
"We know," Deuce chuckled, "We watched how you trained for this day."
"All the bruises and splinters are all worth it, "Silver smiles and carefully set the paintbrushes down, "I'm excited, and I'm so prepared for this, but I have to be very convincing/"
"Have you practiced in the mirror?" Epel asked.
"Of course I have, not that it works as my impression of Father is not the greatest." Silver admitted. "But I know what to say and what to do and if things do go south, I know how to distract him."
"Silver!" A man called from below, "My little flower!"
Silver gasped and helped the animals behind the curtains. "Ok, just stay here. I got this…just pray for me."
"Our little paws are crossed." Epel whispered as Silver walked away.
"Silver, I'm not getting younger down here," Silver's Father, Crewel announced, fixing his hair. Silver peaks out and quickly set his hair on the small hook and released his hair, watching it fly down onto the ground, easily for Crewel to grab it and use it as a rope, Silver pulled it with all his strength, raising Crewel to the top of the tower's window. Silver helps Crewel inside takes his cape, and proceeds to hang it on the nearby hanger.
"Oh, Silver," Crewel cooed, cupping Silver's cheeks, "how could you do that without fainting? It must've been so tiring for such a delicate flower such as yourself."
Silver chuckled, "I know but I'm used to it, and besides, it makes me stronger every day." Crewel smiles and pats Silver's head.
"That's why I'm so proud of you," He laughed, "such a cute young boy."
"Not that young," Silver protested.
"Tomoto, Tomato," Crewel laughed, smelling the air. "Oh! What delicacy you baked today?"
"Oh, the usual, chocolate chip cookies."
Silver answered, set down his stool, and gave Crewel his brush. He sits down and gives Crewel his hair to brush. Silver begins to hum, but unknowingly to him, he is humming so fast that the magic of his hair comes and goes within a few seconds. That caused a small panic in Crewel as he brushed quickly and gasped as the magic surrounded him.
"Silver," Crewel lectured, "What has gotten into you? That was…oddly fast. What's the deal?" Silver flushes a little, and looks over at the hidden painting, watching Ace, Epel, and Deuce egged him on.
"Well, I was just excited about something."
"Hmm, what about?"
"Well, my birthday, Father," Silver spoke up, "Um…we both know that my birthday is tomorrow, and I have one massive request that would make me very happy."
"Other than the paints, sewing supplies, hair supplies, gardening supplies, and the newest brush after you broke your old one?" Crewel teased and laughed. "Aw, don't worry, if its for my sweet little flower, anything."
Silver took a breath and said, "I want to see the floating lights…"
"Floating lights?"
"….ah, well, I could be more specific." Silver stammered, "I want to see the floating lights that I see every night on my birthday. And I mean, by seeing them, not just from the tower, but outside. Out there, and I know you think I'm not ready for it, but I know I'm ready."
Crewel's eyes darkened for a moment, but kept a kind smile, "You mean those bright stars?"
Silver sighs, "They're not stars, Father."
He climbed up and showed Crewel a star diagram he created years prior, causing a small gasp from Crewel. "I recorded every moment of star movements depending on the year, but these stars only appeared on my birthday as dusk appeared, it's a repeating pattern and I know that." Silver climbs down and shows his newest painting, which surprised Crewel again, "All I'm asking is for this one day to see these in person and that it'll make my life complete."
Crewel was silent for a moment, before sighing. "I understand you, I truly do," he stood up and asked Silver to get down to stroke his hair, "You are already capable but…you want to go outside? Why, Silver."
Crewel chuckled before walking towards the window and closing the doors.
"Look at you, as fragile as a flower. Just a little sapling, just a sprout. You know why we stay up in this tower?"
"Yes, I do, but," Silver began but was interrupted.
That's right, to keep you safe and sound, dear
I always knew this day was coming
Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest
Soon, but not yet
"But—," Silver protested but was interrupted by his father again, finger on his lips.
Shh! Trust me, pup
Father knows best
A hip to the tower and the smallest window close, leaving the tower dark but Silver was prepared as he prepared a candle to look around for Crewel but didn't expect a scare from him as he looked. He was now annoyed but kept his composure.
Father knows best, listen to your father
It's a scary world out there
Father knows best, one way or another
Something will go wrong, I swear
Silver wasn't exactly convinced, especially when Crewel had to grab his hair to cast an illusion of a thief, trying to steal his hair, that was until he tripped onto the floor and all spooky shadows of things he should fear. It even ended with a crude shadow of a man, ready to grab if it wasn't for Silver's quick reflexes.
Ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, quicksand
Cannibals and snakes
The plague
"Wait no!" Silver gasped.
"Yes!" Crewel cackled, shining the green light onto Silver's face.
"Father, please-," Silver begged, only to be pushed onto the floor by a mop, and face to face with a horrible painting of a shared tooth man.
Also large bugs
People with pointy teeth, and
Stop, no more, you'll just upset me
Silver sighs and looks around for his father again. He sees Crewel and walks toward him, but once he does, it is just a mannequin. Silver frowns and looks back at the stairs, lights leading up and Crewel walking down with a smirk.
Father's right here, Father will protect you
Darling, here's what I suggest
Skip the drama, stay with Papa
Father knows best
"Father, I think you overreacting," Silver groaned, "I am fully aware of those horrible things. I am not stupid, nor naive."
Go ahead, get trampled by a rhino
Go ahead, get mugged, and left for dead ("Father, enough..")
Me, I'm just your father, what do I know?
I only bathed and changed and nursed you
Go ahead and leave me, I deserve it
Let me die alone here, go on be my guest ("You are pushing it, Father,")
When it's too late, you'll see, just wait
Father knows best
Silver gasped as he looked up again, and Crewel was gone, only the scent of the candle wax by the stairs. Silver sighs grabs a match and starts to light the candles again, completely unaware that Crewel was putting them out simply with his fingers.
Father knows best, take it from your popsy
On your own, you won't survive
A mirror appeared in front of Silver, and Crewel appeared on its side, looking Silver up and down as if he was judging him up and down, which in hindsight, is not a great move.
Your sloppy, underdressed, immature, clumsy
Please, they'll eat you up alive
Crewel grabbed Silver and started to wrap his hair all around him, causing Silver to become entrapped, muffling towards his Father to let him out, with Crewel laughing.
Gullible, naïve, positively grubby
Ditzy and a bit, well, hmm, vague
Plus, I believe, gettin' kinda chubby
That was until he flung Silver like he was a spinning top toy, which annoyed Silver as Crewel grabbed his chin, so they met eye to eye. "You are not…," Silver whispers, trying to hide his nausea, "…funny.."
I'm just saying 'cause I love you
Father understands, Father's here to help you
All I have is one request
Silver finally loses his balance and lands in Crewel's arms, feeling Crewel comforting him.
"Silver?" Crewel spoke softly towards him.
"What is it?" Silver groaned, looking up.
"Don't ever ask to leave this tower again," Crewel demanded, his grip becoming tight around Silver's shoulder.
"Yes, Father…" Silver finally yielded.
"I love you very much, my child," Crewel cooed.
"I love you more."
"I love you most."Crewel grinned and kissed Silver's hair, his hand now caressing it.
Don't forget it, you'll regret it
Father knows best
Silver didn't know what to say after that conversation after all that had happened, so instead, he went to his room to get his mind off it.
"Maybe Father is right," he spoke to himself, looking at the mirror, questioning if he was even ready to go out of the old tower, a place that he lived in for so many years. "Maybe I'm asking for too much from him…" He sighs, lying down on his bed.
I've got my Father's love
I shouldn't ask for more
I've got so many things
I should be thankful for
Yes, I have everything
Except I guess, a door
Perhaps it's better that I stay in
But tell me, when will my life begin?
"Silver," Crewel called out, "I'm ready to leave again," He announced, getting ready. Silver takes a small breath and walks downstairs, trying his best to look unaffected by Crewel's cruel words, and grabs his hair to let down.
Crewel frowns and hugs Silver, "Oh, don't be like that, my flower, I know what I was was horrible but I need you to know that I'm worried about you."
"I-I know," Silver stammered softly, and started to let his hair down.
Crewel sighs and looks at Silver again. "I never meant to hurt you, my flower, but this world is not ready for someone as extraordinary as you or your hair." He grabbed onto the hair, "I'll be back, ok? I love you, my dear."
"I love you too," Silver mumbled softly.
"No more mumbling," Crewel managed to say before sliding down. As he departed down, he called out, "I'll be back with lunch!"
Silver watched him walk away before letting his hair down and mumbling, "I'll be here."
Silver noticed Deuce on his shoulder and sighed, "I'm sorry. I thought I could convince him, and I just froze up. Like I always do."
"I wouldn't blame ya," Epel talked, climbing onto the window. "Your father seems very mean."
"No, he isn't. He's just…overprotective." Silver defended, "…I hope he's wrong. Maybe I still have a chance."
Despite running what felt like an eternity, the royal guards are still right on their trail. "Jade, can we do something about these annoying guards," Floyd said, annoyed that he was running away from them instead of doing the chasing. "I just want to squeeze them now."
"As much I want to say yes, we are unfortunately outnumbered," Jade responded, sounding extremely out of breath.
They hear the stomping of the guards' horses getting close, and they all quickly run to the left and hide in the thick brush of the forest. They finally were able to breathe for a moment, just as long they didn't give their location away.
"Okay, once the coast is clear we'll take the long way back," Ruggie whispers to the twins.
"What? I don't want to do that," Floyd answered, "this mission was incredibly boring from the start."
"It's either we have a long walk or get captured."
Their short conversation ended when they heard a horse's whale coming right for them. And as the thieves got out of their hiding spot, a large horse destroyed the bush. Looking more furious than the captain himself "I found them!" The apparent captain shouted, alerting the rest of his team.
Once again, Ruggie and the twins begin to run away. While he and Floyd throw many insults at the guards. They ran farther and farther into the woods, able to lose most of the guards but some were very close by. They were able to stop once again, this time behind oak trees, with some old and withered, wanted posters, of them.
"I didn't expect to see these far out here," Jade remakes.
"I guess it shows how popular we have gotten over the last few months," Floyd responded, somewhat admiring the well-drawn wanted papers.
"Azul better keeps his end of the bargain of his deal, because I'm not going to die over some stupid crown," Ruggie mumbled to himself. "Well that's what you get when you try to steal something from him," Jade said with a smug look on his face.
Before stealing the royal crown, Ruggie was already in hot water when he decided to steal a valuable item from Azul. For him not to get squeezed to death by Floyd, Azul offered him a deal.
"If you want to live for another day, you would have to steal the lost prince's crown, after all, a lot of people are willing to buy it at a high price," Azul told him those few days ago, which at that point Ruggie is starting to wish he didn't take the offer. Ruggie hopes that Azul might be generous enough to lend him some of that money after he's risking his life for this act of service. As they pay attention to their surroundings, Ruggie notices his wanted poster…and gets irritated seeing it.
"Oh come on you got to be kidding me," he spoke, ripping off the poster from the tree.
"What is it, Fang," Floyd asked.
"…they got my ears wrong again." Ruggie showed the twins the poster, showing them a drawn picture of himself, only that his ears looked more like cat ears than his hyena ones. "Are they that hard to even draw them?" Ruggie asked, offended by this discovery.
"I'm rather surprised that finally made you upset, you did have to deal with my brother for the past 24 hours and he didn't make you this annoyed," Jade spoke.
"Compared to your guy's wanted poster it looks fantastic, and then there's mine, they always mess up the ears."
That's when the conversation stopped once more, as they heard the familiar voices of the guards, they all stood low and quickly moved. That's when the three reach a large piece of earth, blocking off their path.
"Well crap," Floyd spoke. "It's best that we think of a plan now before the guards catch up," Jade informed. Ruggie noticed this little cliff was much taller than the twins and himself, but not too tall to lift someone over.
"Okay, I have an idea," Ruggie said. "Are we going to lift someone up?" Floyd asked.
"Glad you caught on," Ruggie stated, "since you two are tall enough, you can help me get over the ledge and I could lift you two up with me." The twins looked at each other, suspicious about Ruggie's idea, but since they had no choice they had to do it.
"Alright, just give us the satchel first," Jade spoke.
"Just because we've known you for a few days doesn't mean we trust you, so you can either hand it over or we make you lift the both of us." Jade threatened with a calm smile.
Ruggie sighed and handed over the satchel, and they quickly made a human tower, Floyd being the support while Jade lifted Ruggie over. Once done, Ruggie looks down, seeing his teammates.
"Alright, pull me up," Jade spoke "I would, but I got my hands full."
"What-" Ruggie showed the satchel, the strap cut and him holding a small dagger along with it.
"Since I have a sneaky feeling that Azul is going to cheat his way out of the bargain, I wanted to do it first," Ruggie stated getting up quickly.
"Why you little-"
"Tell Azul I said thanks for your guy's volunteer work."
With that, Ruggie began to run off, hearing the twins cursing him out, slowly fading away when he got deeper into the woods.
But unfortunately for him, he was still being followed by one of the guards. "And here I thought I was going to get a break," he thought to himself when he heard the cries of the royal guard's horse. Ruggie had to be quick to get this guard off his trail, so he decided to go under steep hills, and duck under some branches while avoiding the many arrows that were trying to hit him.
That's when he saw a perfect opportunity, not only there was another hill to go down but some tree branches were low enough for him to grab on. As he runs towards it, he gets his momentum ready and focuses. Right before going down the hill, he jumps onto the branch, with his speed as well he swings around the branch and surprises the unexpected guard. Kicking behind the head was enough for him to fall off his horse, who ran down the hill in the meantime. But stopped when it noticed his owner fell off. Ruggie lands and is shocked and dizzy.
"I didn't expect that to work but man, that was incredible." Before he could do anything else, he realized that not only did he recognize the horse from earlier, but it stopped in his tracks, turned, and glared at him.
"What are waiting for?" Ruggie asked, then grabbed the reigns, "Let's go!"
The horse continued to glare but his eyes slowly drifted to the bag knowing that the stolen crown was hidden in it. He went to snatch it but was pulled away from Ruggie.
"No. This is mine." Ruggie laughs, "It's not nice to steal from- Hey!!"
The horse took another snap at Ruggie's bag, which began a struggle between the two, pulling the satchel back and forth and it seemed like the horse was winning, the unfortunate enemies anciently let their guard down as the satchel was flung to a nearby tree branch over a cliff. Both stare at each other as if to keep an eye on the other.
Ruggie looks over at the horse before jumping off and sprinting towards the satchel, the horse following suit. This was now a war between the hyena and the horse as they pushed, pulled, punched, tripped, and kicked to prevent the other from going near the satchel. The horse had the upper hand, pushing Ruggie off the branch, but backfired as Ruggie grabbed onto the log with strength.
Ruggie gripped the tree log for dear life. The growl from the horse informed Ruggie that he shouldn't be there for long, so like a little bug, he scurried, also trying to avoid the horse stomping his hooves to purposely break his hands while he climbed.
"This is such a weird day!" Ruggie called out to the horse, "I just wanted to get rich and now I'm trying to escape a horse. Today is not my day."
Ruggie took the satchel in his hands, having a mere moment of victory, only moving to take the satchel away from the horse. A small creek was heard, as the branch slowly tumbled down due to the two fighting and the extra weight they brought. Both stood still, hoping if they stood still, the branch would not break.
But it was false hope as the branch snapped and fell. The enemies looked at each other before screaming as they tumbled down the cliff. A rock broke the branch, separating the two. The horse immediately got back up after he tumbled, looking for Ruggie, and sniffing the area for him.
Unaware of the horse, Ruggie hid behind a boulder, big enough to hide his small form.
Ruggie panted, only hearing faint sounds of the horse walking past, before accidentally falling through the vines behind him. Confused, he walked through, which led to a small cavern, and at the end was a huge tower, it wasn't even that old and abandoned, but nicely decorated, especially with the vines growing around it.
"Why is there a tower all the way out here?" Ruggie questioned, walking over to it, and looking up at the length.
"I mean, if it's hidden, I should be safe from the knights and those pesky twins." Ruggie grabbed two arrows from the knights and started to climb it, surprised at how huge this tower was, and questioned why it was built in the first place. By the time he got to the window, he sighed to himself and entered the tower. Ruggie looks around for a little bit, surprised at how decorative it was, considering it was an old tower hidden from society.
"..well," he laughs, "this is a perfect place for me to hide in. And," he opens the satchel, "we are alone at last." The last thing that happened was a huge clang and a body was now on the floor unconscious.
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zahri-melitor · 5 months
Newish Comics:
Batman #146: okay so this story is finally actually picking up from where The Gotham War left off, with the same fault lines still in place. This is good actually! I am very soft that Damian's determined to keep believing in Bruce (especially as they're also spending quality time together over in Batman & Robin). Also I'm still enjoying Vandal Savage being annoying (sorry not sorry).
Birds of Prey #8: This comic is being written for queer women who like reading about women and I for one salute the entire team for their (fan)service. Excuse me. Several of those Barda panels and Dinah screaming for Barbara are going on my iconic list immediately.
Blue Beetle #8: Roma quits, Oo’li has a crush on Jaime, Jaime finally finds out Brenda is working for Victoria, and Victoria just gets even more on-page evil. I can't believe this is the last storyline we're getting before this gets cancelled, dammit.
Shazam! #10: I had to stop to howl with laughter about every third panel of this. Do yourself a favour. Read Shazam! Darla’s flying with Hoppy on a Pegasus. Freddy just got his licence and bought the Shaz-van! Also omg the lettering for the dragons!
DC’S Spring Breakout! #1: A mixed bag.
The Harley Quinn and King Shark story certainly happened (and I've read better versions of it).
The Batman and Mr Freeze story was quite predictable but sweet. Hit all the right notes in the space awarded to it.
MegFitz had a World's Finest Teen Titans story it felt, well, very MegFitz. She was writing characters in roles rather than writing the characters. On the upside Garth actually got to be the hero, so that made me happy.
The Metal Men story I honestly couldn't judge on characterisation but it was workmanlike. I was amused by the random Atlantean surfer.
The Katana story however was GOOD and delightfully creepy and just really fun Tatsu writing. Highlight of the issue for me.
The Lex Luthor story was incredibly funny in that Lex is there complaining about the damned aliens and how "The forces against us grow in number by the day" with a picture that includes Kon. I'm pretty sure you don't remember why that's hilariously ironic at this point, Lex, but Kon was very much your own fault here. (Lex also saying to Jason 'having trouble digging yourself out of the grave? Skill issue!)
J'onn story! J'onn getting screwed over again by Batman protocols! (This isn't nice, J'onn had one of the worst protocols of the lot, and all I can think is that this far, FAR milder route of attack is Bruce realising how far the other plan was over the line). But the dual shapeshifter fight scene was quite fun. This was probably my second favourite.
The Superman and Jimmy story was...fine. Why is Manchester Black alive and annoying people? This just felt mostly like lead in to current stories (whatever is happening with Zod and Absolute Power).
The Warlord #46: this week in the Lost World of Skartaris Travis is still hunting Jennifer’s trail when he and Shakira end up in a fight with a dinosaur.
Travis gets knocked around, but Shakira is so badly injured that…Death comes to claim her!
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I have never been apart from you, my Champion. I have walked where you walked — drunk the lives you have spilled. I am ever at your side.
Travis then follows Death trying to convince her to return Shakira, into a cavern in hell.
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I really like this art for Death?
In any case, Travis negotiates with her to get Shakira back and trades her 10 years of his life.
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And Travis and Shakira return to Skartaris. Both alive.
Meanwhile Jennifer arrives at the mysterious tower of the ‘master’ of the hunchbacked man who has been leading her.
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