#i am obsessed with this trope and can't believe i never thought to write something like this sooner
softspeirs · 6 hours
Steer Clear
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A/N: Here we are, kids. This OC came to me out of nowhere. I had no plans to write anything for Ev Blakely, but once I started thinking about it, I couldn't stop. Meet Marie.
It was an innocuous request, in his mind. Hey, Fernandez. Run these messages to the Colonel on your way?
She had frozen in place, halfway down the tower steps at his words, and he recognized the look on her face. He's seen it a thousand times since he met her over a year ago.
"I'm pressed for time, Captain." She says. "I have to run these figures to the plotters--"
"You're on your way there anyway." He insists. He holds out a stack of messages. Weather reports, updated communications from nearby bases, messages about incoming ferries happening later that day.
She turns her back on him.
Heads right down the stairs like he hadn't even spoken, and leaves him standing there.
"For fuck's sake," he whispers to himself, and then he's taking off, hot on her heels.
She's like a wraith the way he catches only glimpses of her disappearing around corners, until finally she's in Ops, handing a message to Red at the maps before turning to pass on other messages, her steps quick and efficient.
The room is relatively quiet and he's sure he's not imagining the way people take one look at the two of them and pretty much clear out. They don't want to be stuck inside with them when the arguing inevitably starts.
He sighs. "Fernandez-- can you just wait a minute?"
"Not really, no."
The thing about an impending promotion is that he's starting to understand why Jack hates being Air Exec. He hates being stuck inside, or in the tower, or elsewhere on the base while others are doing the flying. He understands his role. He'll do it and he'll do a damned good job of it, but that doesn't mean he likes it.
Especially because it means he's in close contact with the Ops staff, who are all, except for Marie Fernandez, willing to work with him.
"Do we have a problem?" He blurts, because he already knows they do. The first day he met her she looked at him with.... nothing. She wasn't rude or anything, but he felt like he could have been any other suit standing in front of her, and it hit him in the gut like he didn't expect. "I'm not giving you orders, I just asked if you'd do me a favor." He's aware his tone is hardening. He's trying not to let it happen, but she's just staring at him in that way she does.
"I don't work for you," she points out, tone perfectly neutral, but something about it just grates. He opens his mouth to respond, but she beats him to it. "I work for the Colonel, and he's the one who gives me orders."
His hands go to his hips and he looks down at the ground, clenching his jaw as he fights his temper. "We're working together, Fernandez. All of us." He leans in, "Unless you forgot."
Her eyes narrow. "Because I couldn't possibly feel the same patriotism that you do, could I?" She pretends to think, finger tapping he chin. "I forgot that the only way to fight from the air is in the seat. Us pencil pushers don't count." Her eyes are blazing, a few tendrils of her dark hair escaping from their pins after hours and hours of work.
"You weren't supposed to hear that." He mutters. Not a good excuse, but he can't help but bite back at her. She gets under his skin - he needs to have the last word. It's a matter of pride, is what he tells himself.
"Then don't gossip where everyone can hear you, Captain." She raises a perfectly manicured eyebrow. "Now. Is there something I can help you with? Because if not, then we're busy."
He takes a deep breath, tries to lower his voice. "I'm just asking if you would be willing to take messages when you're on your way anyway--"
"-- And I told you I don't have time. I know you think I don't do anything but sit around and twirl my hair all day--"
"That's not what I think."
"Can I--" Harry Crosby's head appears around the doorframe of his office.
"Not now, Croz--"
"Shut up Harry--"
They both snap at him in unison, and he holds his hands up in surrender and backs into his office. He's been the third wheel of too many arguments between Fernandez and Blakely over the last few months, and he has no desire to get in the middle of another one, even though he's desperate for a few minutes of quiet.
The sudden quiet between them is tense and for a moment -- he doesn't even think she's aware she does it - the wall around Marie Fernandez comes down. Her face is open, vulnerable. She looks exhausted, just like the rest of them.
She takes a deep breath, settles her shoulders, and squares to face him again, and he's suddenly breathless. She is unbearably lovely. Especially when she's yelling at him. And his heart is pounding, and she's saying something but he can't hear her and--
"Well?" She snaps.
"I-- what?"
"I said, the next time you need something from Ops, send one of the other girls. There's no need for us to keep disturbing everyone else." Her voice is quieter than it was a few minutes ago and he hates it. The fight's gone out of her eyes too, and for a crazed half-second, he wants to reach for her.
To do what, he has no idea, but suddenly he feels out of control, like he has no idea how to speak or move or--
She brushes past him. The door slams behind her as she goes back to her office, just outside the Colonel's.
He pinches the bridge of his nose as the quiet of the room settles over him. He knows this has to get sorted. They can't keep fighting like this, not with the invasion so close on the horizon, not when the communication between Ops and the tower is so important.
They need to trust each other, and he needs to keep his big mouth shut and stop taking his frustrations out on her.
He knows all this, but there's a part of him that's itching for a fight, and she's always willing to give it. Perhaps it's the masochistic part of him that came back from Bremen, knowing everything had gone to shit and convinced that it always would.
Harry comes out of his office again, hands in his pockets.
"Don't say it--"
"You can't keep doing that." He says, serious.
"She started it--"
"She's just doing her job, doing what she's supposed to do."
"I asked for a favor! That's all! Goddamn, you'd think I'm asking for her to get in the goddamn seat and drop a bomb on Hitler's house."
Crosby frowns. "Look, I just-- you let her get to you, and I don't know why, but you're driving everyone crazy. We're all tired but this is too important."
He opens his mouth to argue that Harry Crosby of all people shouldn't be lecturing him about being tired, but he bites his tongue. The door behind him opens again, and he looks over his shoulder, expecting her to storm back in and demand he apologize to her, but it's Douglass.
"Fightin' with Marie again?" He asks, casually, leaning against the wall as he bites down on an apple.
"Jesus Christ." Ev mutters.
"I'm just asking because the two of you really know how to clear a room."
"I'm going to go now. Don't you two have anything better to do?"
"Besides bother you? Not really."
"Thanks, Dougie."
Douglass follows him out the door, calling after him, "Just let us know when you're finally going to do something about it so we can steer clear, alright?"
Blakely flips him the finger over his shoulder and walks back to the tower, his gut roiling for reasons he doesn't want to examine. No, he'll steer clear of her from now on. It's best for everyone.
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yandere-sins · 3 months
hihi !! just wanted to say i love your work and i think the polls are such a fun idea ! just curious - what's ur personal opinion on yans who cheat/are unfaithful? do you think that's possible? or does the yan part negate that?
Oh, we are back at the very fine lines, but thank you for reading and participating in the polls! I'm glad you enjoy them so much ^-^
I think it is a bit dependant on what everyone sees as cheating—emotional, sexual, etc. I personally don't believe in yan's cheating (which makes poly yandere quite an interesting subject to figure out ^^' And you can up the difficulty by letting the poly yan have other yan partners who are also poly and then also have a one or more darlings each. Or like when I write about the gods for example, some have multiple darlings and I use their godliness as a loophole as to why some gods can focus on a couple darlings, lol!) but I can see how they could use cheating to reach their goals and at that point, it's less about "cheating" as a hurt-factor but the way they do it.
Yan still can't have their darling so they sleep with other people, perhaps even pretending those people are their darling -> It's not cheating per se, but they are basically cheating themselves and their devotion/obsession
Yan kidnaps darlings best friends and proceeds to cheat with them in front of darling as a punishment -> They obviously cheated, but the darling will be less hurt by the cheating as from seeing their friend suffer and having to watch that
Yan thinks that if they go out and sleep with darling's friends/family/co-worker to spite them, it will hurt Darling, but it backfires spectacularily -> Yan cheated, but Darling isn't really affected by it, are they?
Ways I do see it could be used for:
Yan has long pretended to be in love with their 'darling' and has always thought it should feel this way and it must fulfill them but then they meet the REAL darling and their world is turned upside down -> It's cheating and honestly even if the focus shifts, I could imagine that in some scenarios the yan still is unwilling to let go of the OG darling even if they never really loved them before. But now that they have their real darling they have so much love to give so why not keep the OG as well? It's a bit hard to equal out the obsession in this scenario but it's possible
If the yan is savvy and realizes the darling uses their affection and body to gain something from them, they could take someone else and cheat on the darling just to put them back in their place and make them upset about losing the yan's attention ("It's not a big deal, right?"). Of course they haven't and never will, but the yan enjoys their darling squeaming and trying to come up with a new plan. -> The yan would cheat though not out of affection for someone so it's nothing emotionally binding, they just do it to get a rise out of their darling and to maybe make them more compliant and behave better. Only works if the darling needs the yandere to "continue liking them" (if they have debt or need something only the yan can give them like idk their life energy? Like a Succubus/Incubus-Demon-Contract for example?) and isn't too aware that there's nothing they could do that would actually make the yandere turn away from them. (This works well for the poly yans too because they can just play their darlings against each other and get double the love and attention from them) Sometimes delulu is not the solulu.
Darling is the cheater (like in the poll!) and the yan is all too happy to be the sidepiece until they get too greedy and want it all (BIL in this case) -> Will probably make the yan more clingy in the longrun once they realize that darling could swap them out easily one day.
Either waaaaaay, not my favorite trope. I am sure you can make it work in some regard (even writing about failing to leave an impression on the darling is interesting to explore) but from a writing standpoint it can be a hassle and you might end up over-justifying yourself if you are not careful. Then again, if you are too careful, you might over-justify yourself too, it's tricky :')
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theperfectrose · 1 year
Trope Game
Thank you @septemberrie for the tag. I loovee these “games” so of course I’m in the second I saw it 🤩 I loved reading your perspective on this soo here’s mine ☺️
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don’t care either way
10 -> very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional
Age Gap: -2/10
I've always kind of been toing and froing on this one. I think it's mainly how big the gap is and if it's legal. A minor and teacher? Hard pass. Up to, let's say, 10 years (in adults), I can go with it if it's good.
Codependency: 0/10
Hmm, I think it depends for me on what the rest of the tags would be. If it's a healthy relationship, a lil codependency won't hurt it. Or if it's part of a bigger plot and it's needed for that angst sprinkle... But if that's the main point of the fic, and it borders a bit on the crazy, destructive, I'd probably pass.
Enemies to lovers: 100000+/10
When I say, I eat these fics up... I think this is probably the tag for me. If I see this, most of the time, I click it. There's just something in this trope - the angst, the hurt, the step-by-step unravelment of the story, the eye-openers... I just love it <3
Enemies With Benefits: 8/10
Probably a yes, but only if it's part of the enemies-to-lovers tag. Because otherwise, I can't quite understand it, and like Skye said... too much of it in the real world, and it ain't good.
Fake Dating/Relationship: 0/10
I don't quite have a special opinion on this. If the rest of the tags interest me, I'm all in. For example, if it's combined with enemies-to-lovers (is this a pattern? 😂), I'mma dive straight in! Otherwise, we carry on.
Found Family: 10/10
How can you not love it? Give me one good reason not to love it, I dare you!
Friends To Lovers: -5/10
It's just not my cup of tea. I don't know why, but whenever I've seen movies or read books, whatever, with this trope, it was never the main point that got me into it. Sometimes it's overly sweet (not saying that's bad, but there's no angst or interesting pinning moments or drama in them), and sometimes, it's just the Ross-Rachel thing (don't get me started there 🙄)
Friends With Benefits: 0/10
No special thoughts on this one, either. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. Kind of always depends on the rest of the tags, I guess 🤔
Hurt/Comfort: 100/10
I am not as eloquent as Skye is, so... everything she said, I agree. I just love the pain part wrapped in care and comfort... Winter hug y'all!
Love Triangle: 1/10
Very much depends on who the characters in the triangle are and what outcome there may be. But in general, again, depends on the rest of the tags.
Mistaken/Hidden Identity: 4/10
It can be good, but for me, it depends on the story and the idea behind it. If it creates more drama and suspense and "uuu no, they didn't" kind of moments, then I'm so in for that. Like a spy thing or a secret agent kind of stuff.
Monster Fu… Relationship: nope/10
Ummm no. Just no. (Excluding paranormal romances. Love those.)
Obsession, Possessiveness, etc.: -8/10
This just doesn't work for me. To be fair, if it's a tiny, microscopic amount, part of jealousy, then I can roll with it. Otherwise, if it's a main piece, it's definitely a no.
Opposites (like grumpy×sunshine, etc): 7/10
I do believe that you can't have two characters (as in life) together that are completely the same. You have to have one like one thing, the other not; one is evil, the other not (see my pattern again? 😂). Buutt, they kind of have to have something in common, right?
Poly: 0/10
Up to the point where I started writing threesomes, I would've probably said meh. Now, smut fics can be fun with poly. But relationships... I guess I'm still no for my main ships.
Pregnancy: 0/10
I don't usually go for fics with this tag, but it depends on my mood. Sometimes I wanna see how other people perceive those possible moments. Who knows, I may have to write something like that someday.
Second Chance: 10/10
Oh, hell yeah! I can smell the angst on these ones even before I click the link. Like Skye said, especially when the separation was out of their hands.
Sex To Feelings: 10/10
Yes, please. For me, these are the best specifically when combined with enemies to lovers or fake dating.
Slowburn: 10/10
Will they, won't they? I love these. Nothing more to say. I just love 'em.
Soulmates: 4/10
I'm not always sold on it, but it highly depends on the rest of the tags, I guess.
Tagging: @loveisthemoment @fitztragedy @somenamewithepineapple It's fun, try it, would love to know your take on this. No pressure thoo! Oh and anyone else that wants to join, consider yourself tagged ✨
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thestalwartheart · 2 years
Omg I have so many asks because I totally adore your fics and I dont even know where to start but:
🎯 🎉
🦅 ✅
❌ 🌞
And this is me 🙈 because even I suspect I went overboard xD hopefully I've overlapped with some asks already 😅😅😣
Hi! Oh boy, haha! I hope you're ready for some of my chaotic thoughts 💖 Thank you for taking this much interest in my writing and the process of it. I'm flattered!
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
This is a great question! I don't think I tend to write the kind of twisty-turny fics that lead my readers to guess at the plot points. I'll be interested to see if that changes with the alternate timeline fic I'm writing, which is more plot-driven.
Still, there are probably a few examples of it happening. My favourite - and I'm sorry, this is not at all serious - was in a rank above (a smutty oneshot based on Bond's navy uniform) where someone was clearly typing their comment as they were reading the fic. They'd reached the point where Q said something like, "I can't believe you're still wearing the hat," and the commenter wrote "I hope he fucks him with it on omg the t h o u g h t."
And reader, that was exactly the point of the fic! The commenter was delighted when they got to that part. 😂
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
a) If I enjoy it (both producing it and reading the end result), and it taught me something about the craft of writing.
b) If people connect with it emotionally. I've written a few fics where people have reached out to tell me how much it affected them, or meant to them. I'm always most proud of those fics that make people rethink the way they view canon, the characters, or their own experiences.
The fics that mean the most to me are generally not the ones which get the numbers.
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
I am a pants-flyer 🙈 There are stories where that's impossible, of course, like the one I began posting yesterday which deals with alternate timelines. But I don't like to plan obsessively. Absolutely no shade to people who do - I think it's requires incredible discipline - but my brain doesn't enjoy the process of creating those outlines or sticking to them afterwards. The editing part is where all the inspection of details happens for me.
That's not to say I don't have a few notes written down on where things are going. If it's over about 3000 words, I like to have a rough idea of the direction of a fic before I start writing.
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Plenty of things! MI6 rooftop scenes, the word 'perhaps,' lots of discussions of hands, a drinks cart in Q's house, cats. Almost all the time, cats.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I don't like saying 'never,' but enemies to lovers is just personally not my thing. I find it difficult to envision a scenario where I'd write it well and enjoy it.
Annoyances to lovers, absolutely! Enemies? It's simply too much drama for me. 😂
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Lunchtime onwards, for sure. I am not a morning person. Late afternoon/early evening is probably when I get my best stuff done. I do love a night owl sesh, but I find a lot of what I produce then gets rewritten.
Thank you again for the interest in me and my work! ❤️
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hey friend!! :D 7, 36 & 43 for the fic ask!
heyyy :D thanks for asking :)
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
I'll give you a bit from "It Takes Two to Tango", aka the sequel to "Three Sad Thoughts, Danced", which I *swear* I am working on
(...) Living alone is a challenge, too. A struggle to keep himself busy at all times. Everything in the flat simultaneously reminds him of John and feels like a hollow shell, without him.
The thought of a future where he’ll have to exist alone, is something he tries not to dwell on.
Lately, it’s been a constant trickle of giving up, in small bits and chunks, what he once had with John. He’s willing to do it; he can take it all in stride, if it’s for John’s sake - or so he thought, until last Friday. He had imagined that kiss so many times, his harmless fantasy being the last of his privileges. And now, John has taken away this too, because now that it happened, it doesn’t feel like a victory. It feels like John threw him a scrap under the table, well knowing Sherlock is not invited to the feast. 
(... told ya it's angsty...)
36. What fic are you proudest of?
I'd usually reply with "The Perfect Blend", but earlier today I was re-reading my Fluffbruary ficlets (collected here on Ao3) and they made me smile and awwww and giggle, and I'm still so proud I could pull off the feat of writing consistently for 28 days in a row.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
Oh, believe me... SO many I had to make an excel file, lol. Most of them are AUs; of course I'd want to write one for any of my fave shows/movies... and the list is long.
One thing I always struggled picturing myself writing, is a case fic. 'Cause, you know, you have to be *clever* to do that. Until - last night, actually! How timely! - I realized that I can take inspiration from real life, can't I? And finally make my obsession with true crime pay off, haha. So here's my freshest idea/synopsis (as if I needed one more...) which is going straight to my "to do" list:
A serial killer has been operating in Italy for decades; never being caught despite all efforts. John and Sherlock go there to investigate.
They'll be staying in the countryside.
There's a pool.
And too many beds.
(and here's the Fic Writing Ask list!)
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W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
For the ask meme <333
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omg aww @lauwrite1225 @fleurdufeu ty all for the asks!!! also @faeratil bold of you to assume you can retract your challenge just like that, watch me do all of them anyway
A: Ships/platonic pairings that you currently like a lot ok so thanks to @potatoesforsamoo i am simping on main for steven stone and flannery from pokemon which is such an obscure ship but she writes amazing fic for them!! i also love twiyor from spy x family rn! as for platonic pairings i'm obsessed with literally everyone in major. the father-son relationships in that show are EVERYTHING and i love the friendship dynamics so much. in my head i've written over 1 million words of meta about them
B: A pairing that you initially didn't consider, but someone changed your mind franky/nightfall from spy x family... i was a yuri/nightfall shipper for a while bc i thought it would be comedic and hilarious but i saw some art of franky and fiona and honestly it would be the FUNNIEST thing if he had a crush on her. they would be like fix-it felix and sergeant calhoun from wreck-it ralph if they were a couple i think. and i love it
C: A ship you have never liked and probably never will sheith i guess?? i'm trying to think of ships from fandoms im actively in but not sure. anyway yeah whenever i see sheith i'm like ew. not even bc of their familial dynamic, like i don't care who ppl ship or anything go ahead and ship them all you like i just cant see them together. it makes my blood boil for no reason at all. it might be bc i ship klance or smth idk i'm gross
D: A pairing you wish you liked but just can't i guess all the thomas ships in downton abbey but i just don't Like thomas that much and im not very interested in his subplots sorry... it seems like everyone who stans thomas is having a genuinely good time tho and i wish i could be one of them bc im starved for good fic in the dabbey fandom :(
E: Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? how easily you forget all the memes i made for tlk lmao... as for my current fandom i made this thread summarizing the entire plot of major through memes bc watching the anime made me so mentally ill. if u actually click on the second link tho don't read the tags i beg you... i thirstposted in there and it was bad
F: What's the longest you've ever been in a fandom? i've been in the fullmetal alchemist fandom for going on 8 years now and it's been pretty good. after that i was in the man from uncle fandom for 3 years or so
G: Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? gee it was so long ago but i believe the first ships i ever actually shipped were like kimron and drakkgo from kim possible. the first ship i actually consumed content for was either shirogane and ichigo from tokyo mew mew or yullen from d-gray man i think. if we're talking actual brainrot otps tho then it was stony jdkfsjskfds
H: What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff? oh anime 100%! i watch so much anime its a wonder i haven't magically turned into an anime character already
I: Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? h*zbin h*tel bc the fandom was toxic as fuck and the show is actually so, so evil...
J: Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr duh it's the gay pirate show and the vampire book club... i'm not in them but they ARE all over tumblr so i have to think about them obviously
L: Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves ugh... ok aethelwold WAS admittedly really funny sometimes. i hated him but he made me laugh and sometimes i miss the levity he brought to a scene with just his overall existence
M: Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend alice from major!!! she's just so cute and i think we would get along super well i love her <3
N: Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom content, content, and more content. the major fandom is a barren wasteland i hate it here
O: Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of? the first song to come on was if u seek amy by britney spears... idk why but it reminds me of junior from major bc i think he would have the trashiest white girl taste in music i just know he would be belting out an impeccable falsetto in his fancy jag while bumping his hand on the steering wheel. i know it
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas) courtesy of ro i am still thinking about a major au where gibson adopts goro and raises him and junior together with momoko after shigeharu's death to atone for his mistakes. i just want gibson to be a father figure is that so wrong
Q: A fandom you’ve abandoned and why there are a lot of them so i can't really give one answer but like i said, the h*zbin h*tel fandom is so toxic i will never go back
R: Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom? GIBSON AND GORO ARE SO IMPORTANT TO ME!!!! despite their history there was never any lingering hostility or anything between them. they respected each other so much and took so much inspiration from one another and grew as people because of it. like gibson had been so arrogant and almost selfish in his debut eps but he transformed thanks to goro's influence and became such a humble and selfless person like even when he was dying he never put himself first. it was all about keeping his promise to goro, and making up for lost time with junior, and upholding the pride of his country, even if it meant putting his life on the line to do so. and in the last arc of season 5 we saw how he touched the hearts of fans all around the world with his resolve and i think it's so so beautiful
S: Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged) major au where no one dies and everyone is happy that's my personal headcanon right there. bc if shigeharu had lived i actually think he and gibson had such potential for a rivals to besties dynamic like it was all there. in my heart shigeharu lived and he and gibson became reluctant carpool buddies during the little league arc. i just really wish they had been friends that's it. nothing else to see here
T: Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? toshi is so in love with goro it's not even up for debate he is in LOVE with goro!!!! also i think goro and alice dated for a little bit. i just need it to be true
U: Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites roy mustang from fma/b, jaime lannister from game of thrones, and joe gibson from major. they're all war criminals (only emotionally in gibson's case) who are traumatized by the sins of their pasts but later redeemed themselves through their actions thanks to an excellently-written character development arc (in the case of jaime, this was all erased at the last minute. thank you d&d for your service)
V: Which character do you relate to most? KAORU MY BELOVED!!! i too am a spaz who loves sports but can't be normal if her life depended on it and i for one would LOVE to be goro's girlfriend so if she would just hand him over please <3
W: A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom i hate breakup+makeup/divorce+get back together aus i just can't stand the relationship drama smh
X: A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom slow burn mutual pining gets me every time its so basic. but if we are being oddly specific here then it's when a character who's the last person you would imagine to be competent in this type of situation is actually terrifyingly competent and you are So Confused and a little turned on right now like who is this and what have they done with [insert character here]
Y: What are your secondhand fandoms? succession, yuri on ice, she-ra reboot, attack on titan, mdzs and tgcf, and riverdale
Z: Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! uhhhhhh i guess with the new pjo adaptation i'm a bit concerned with alleged racism in fandom spaces now?? so many people are up in arms about annabeth's casting like "you're racist if you don't support this casting!!" like it's not that we don't support it? i love that annabeth will be black in the show! it's great! but... in the books and the movie... she is still... a white character... and maybe... it's not so bad... if people PREFER the books and the movie... so they continue to think of annabeth as a white character as a result... like, it's not erasing black annabeth at all! it's just they will continue to think of annabeth as white bc it's the annabeth they know and love! either way, the character is still annabeth! same source material and everything! anyway that's it, people will probably come after me for this but i just wanted to say it :/
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destellolunar · 3 years
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MARCH 2021
Heal by AzulRoma (@roma-northr)
Tomorrows that follow @little-miss-sunny-daisy
Quiet light by coveredinthecolors
White winds blow by @helpless-in-sleep​
Waiting for you by @misssophiachase​
Picturesque by @supernutellastuff​
The wolf posters by @recyclingss
Rebelion by @labime​
She will never forget him by @klavscaroline​
Big bad wolf by @lyannainsomnia
Magic of pegasus and tangled fusions by @klarolineagainnaturally
F i c s
HEAL — AzulRoma
Summary: Devotion told through the pain swallowing their hearts; a display of love through the act of cleaning each other's tears. [One shot]
Why am I obsessed?: The way of words this author has it's wonderful, it's truly something else. This is a very underrated story and most people should know about this beauty and this author. Her writing style is really deep and I absolutely adore the way she writes Klaroline, their scenes always get stuck in my mind, it's the perfect mix of intense emotions and sweetness. This is an emotional story, but it's precious.
WHITE WINDS BLOW — perfectpro
Summary: Caroline Forbes waits anxiously in the Riverlands to hear of the return of her betrothed, Elijah Mikaelson, from the uprising against the mad King Silas. Instead, a letter arrives from his younger brother, Lord Niklaus, telling her of Elijah's death and offering to uphold the joining of their houses himself. She will become the Lady of Winterfell, but Lord Niklaus, waiting at the heart tree, is a stranger. [One shot]
Why am I obsessed?: I'm trash for GOT au's, and the univese building in this one is exceptional. The narration it's so genuine, I honestly felt like I was watching a show and it was really magical. The way the KC relationship evolves is full of tender, how they slowly built up a bond despite the tragedy it has behind was such a joy to read.
QUIET LIGHT — coveredinthecolors
Summary: Caroline Forbes sets off to the Bahamas with her boyfriend, Elijah, where she'll finally meet his brother for the first time. But as it turns out... she knows Klaus Mikaelson a little too well.
Multi chapter: 1/10 (in progress)
Why am I obsessed?: This is a love triangle between our favorite originals and it's genuinely amazing! By the time I got to the end of the first chapter I was freaking out, and now, the anticipation is consuming me. Plus, Luiza's writing is the most glorious and poetic thing ever and adds so much climax into the story. It's filled with drama and I want all of it!
Summary: How was she supposed to know that the cute guy she had seen on her morning run was a prince?
That’s what she gets for deleting her Instagram.
Multi chapter: 3/? (In progress)
Why am I obsessed?: Modern royalty fic with prince Klaus and actress Caroline it's everything to me! It's beautifully written and the story is so intriguing and charming. It's super fluffy and it's the perfect one to put a huge smile on your face. Besides, this was the story that made me obsessed with the modern royalty trope. It's so good and brings light to my life.
WAITING FOR YOU — misssophiachase
Summary: Detectives Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes are forced to work together on an organised crime case. Given their growing attraction and close proximity solving a murder is the least of their problems. [One shot]
Why am I obsessed?: The world building here is so good, it's an amazing story and although it's about detective KC it goes beyond that. The importance the author gives to all the chacarcters, how she lets them grow in so many aspects, the details, the dynamics, everything it's sensational. I love this one so much.
PICTURESQUE — supernutellastuff
Summary: She doesn’t talk to Klaus about feelings. Ever. Or at least when she’s sober. Sure, there are times when their friends pass out and the two of them lie on the rooftop, looking at the stars, and talk. Or times when they go to clubs and instead of trying to pick up people they find themselves in a corner spilling their guts amidst the pulsating lights. But alcohol or some other form of intoxication is definitely involved.
Klaroline (with a little Steroline) AU/AH where it's a miracle the gang still have working livers seeing that they spend more time than they should at the bar.
Multi chapter: 7/7 (completed)
Why am I obsessed?: This is a really engaging story and one of my favorites parts it's the dialogues. The pining was there but also some angst that show how an incredible way with words the author has. The chemistry between Klaus and Caroline is so real and it was delightful to get to read all their progress. It is fantastic!
E d i t s
THE WOLF POSTERS — recyclingss
Both in my heart and soul I believe The wolf by Yokan is canon, so these posters are everything I needed to complete that happiness. It's not only an amazing idea but the edits are fantastic! She captured the essence of the story so well and I can't stop staring at them. They are so stunning!
REBELION — labime
Is this one of the most stunning moodboards I have ever seen? Yes, is it. I adore the black and white aesthetic and the intensity of the pics. It's absolutely and perfectly gorgeous, it's so evocative and the overall atmosphere for the are it's inspired by it's unbelievable.
This edit is stunning, I really love the inclusion of those pink roses and the overall aesthetic of it, but one of the reasons I'm obsessed with it it's because it's filled with so many deep emotions and feelings. It's beautiful and tragic, and I'm a mess everytime I read the little drabble it has. I adore it.
BIG BAD WOLF — lyannainsomnia
I could stare at this edit and everytime I will find something that I love. I consider dark aesthetics and color scheme a little bit tricky, but this one is perfection. The manip is so well done and the moodboard it's quite unique, I got goosebumps for how amazing it is.
MAGIC OF PEGASUS AND TANGLED FUSIONS by klarolineagainnaturally
We should be all thankful for having Lottie's talent and creativity on this fandom. I mean, KC x Barbie fusion? I never thought I needed that until I knew it was happening! This gif set it's stunning and has all the barbie vibes, and combining my younger self favorite story with my favorite couple it's a dream come true.
The tangled manip it's so realistic, like how? The color scheme just screams fairytale and I'm trash for it. I know everytime I'll watch Tangled I will only think about this beauty.
B l o g s
@parallel-outlines is the queen of klaroline gifs and no one can tell me otherwise. Her blog is art! Her gifs are everything to me, they are so realistic, so aesthetically pleasing, so cohesive and perfectly made. I could spend hours and hours in her blog and I will never get tired, there is so much art to look at and it's unbelievable how talented she is.
@likemypulse I recently found out this blog and I have spent so much time on it. Their edits are full of colors and they are super eye catching. The way they match the pictures and made such beautiful edits it's something that I really love and that I look up to. It's such a gorgeous blog!
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gracefulweather · 3 years
omg ur pulls !!! we love to see it 😍😍😍
i pulled sunwoo for the id card and the qr code so i'm thriving :D and i also pulled chanhee (i have pulled him for every single tbz album i've bought asjklfjsdjk i love him) and a changmin poster ! but wait i pulled jumil for the unit pc :O
YEAH BAYBEE 🤩 i live for fake dating ! but it's also surprisingly the first time i've ever written the trope
tbh i don't have the ending figured out yet 😅 but i also don't know what the endgame should b ajfkldjsalfk but yes ! i cannot write things without pulling huge plot twists, like i love scheming and making everyone's jaws drop it's great
alfjsdljf kyu is a whole mood tbh :") the way i sleep until 1 or 2 pm when i don't have anything to do
yes ! i thought it could be v interesting !
omg would love 2 know ur other thoughts 👀
seriously i can't believe what kq is doing but...yeah ! omg i hope you can go to the concert if you want to !! turbulence was so pretty and i love the song, i am patiently waiting for it to b released on spotify, i'm also curious to hear the rest of the album ! i also saw something on twt that said this is the first mv where none of them have scenes together and that kinda broke me ngl :") wbu?? what do you think of the song? and about their new concept photos
ohhh wait hellbound does sound kinda interesting ! maybe i will give it a try sometime ! there's a new kdrama coming to netflix that looks v interesting too !
yess omg translator admins are everything ! i really have to catch up on their shows. i loved the maverick series it was so cute n funny (also eric saying twat like three times literally sent me 😭😭😭)
hahahah i agree ! oohhh do you normally come up with plots based on things you watch/read or things your mind comes up with or what do you usually draw inspo from? ooohh golca or skz would b fun ! BUT FELT OMG i really thought my intense tbz obsession would die down a bit BUT IT HASN'T
THE FANCON 😭 I AM GONNA CRY ! hyunjae and hoon's hair colors look SO GOOD I CANNOT GET OVER IT ! they all looked so happy to see deobis again and i'm so happy for them :') no drink it, when will the pain end :( but kingdom come is such a banger i would love to see them do it for award shows too ! AND DID U SEE THE HYPNOTIZED CHOREO BC I CAN'T GET OVER IT
yeah i've started to notice how short promos run too, but they also seem to be doing way more other things too
HYUNJAE SUPREMACY 😍 i literally always think abt that one time he was on vlive and "read a comment" but then immediately confessed to making it up like afdkljalk he is so funny
i hope ur doing well too !! i'm gonna find some time to read ur sunwoo fic and hopefully over winter break i can read more of your works too !! exam season will b over for me in about a week or so ! thank u, stay healthy too, ly !! ❤️❤️
UR SO LUCKY HOWWW omg are u just missing eric and then you'd have all ur favs :OO jumil though.... all this hy*nj*e in ur life, is this a sign HAHA
if u like fake dating maybe you'll like my sunwoo fic 👀 jk it's not exactly fake dating alskdj but yeah excited to see where ur smau is going!!! like will it be with cute barista boy or the sweet classmate!! WAIT YOU ALSO DON'T KNOW WHO'S ENDGAME???? omg ok.... i will be analyzing every line to catch this plot twist 👁👄👁
oooh yeah i saw some posts comparing scenes where the members are all separate vs other mvs when they're together :')) but yeah i liked the song and their concept photos alkdjfj THE ALBUM IS OUT NOW THO!!!! i love them for releasing all the kingdom stuff bc that version of wonderland is my LIFE 😍😍😍 unlike.... tbz..... who will never release stealer rock version from 201231 mbc gayo daejejeon 😔 gonna have to make my own instrumental cover at this point 🙄
ohh what kdrama? deobis are still waiting for hak in goedam s2 but WHEN is that coming out omg. also poor hyunjae with his cancelled mbti webdrama :'))
eric saying twat omg HAHAH i forgot about that but he ain't wrong... the letters really did look like twat LMAO. the fight between him and hyunjae tho 🤡
hmm normally i'd say inspired by real life things but these days it's more like letting my mind wander and thinking of headcanons, but i feel like i haven't been motivated to write in a rlly long time except for this hj e2l 😭 wbu!!!
is it too much to hope for drink it at the end of year performances :')) oooh did u see hoon's original blueish hair tho!! ok but. the 120843978 pics of hyunjae with his bare arms and ab flash and perfect face 😠 hypnotized omggg that one definitely came as a surprise but WOW that choreo......... they totally prepared for it with deobis' reactions in mind 👀 also world tour???!??!??!??
do u mean hyunjae enemy agenda HAHA he seems to do that comment thing a lot 😶 he's.... funny sometimes......
ahHHH are ur exams over yet!!! omg i hope u like the sunwoo fic :') pls do get some rest during winter break tho <33 but omg can't believe we're like halfway thru dec?? it doesn't feel like holiday season tbh LOL
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: Mae Gi
Age: 23
Writing Blog URL(s): @mae-gi-writes & https://embed.wattpad.com/user/nutmeggu
What fandom(s) do you write for?
The Boyz, EXO, BTS, SVT, Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts
Nationality: Mauritian
Languages: French, English, Creole
Star Sign: Pisces 
Favorite color: Mint!
Favorite food: Xiao Long Bao
Favorite movie: Patriot 
Favorite ice cream flavor: Mint and chocolate chip!
Favorite animal: Definitely whales
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? Coffee all the way! 
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): Writer 😍 
Go-to karaoke song: Breaking Free High School Musical
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose?
The 70's 
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you?
I Would not. I believe that everything I've experienced was for a reason and I couldn't be happier where I am. 
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken?
100 chicken-sized horses because that would be cute af
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been?
I like to believe that I'd be a badass tough cookie
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures?
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know?
I am bad at maintaining eye contact so I am always conscious of it.
When did you post your first piece?
I think it was in 2012 that I started my first story!
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why?
Fluff and angst are my go-to's because they are the ones that I relate to the most. My writing comes from personal experiences, so there's a lot of fluff and angst involved.
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc?
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr?
I just started posting without really taking it seriously to be honest. But when people started showing interest, it motivated me to write more and gave me confidence. I also made lots of wonderful writer friends which I am so grateful for! 
What inspires you to write?
Life, people, relationships. Writing is also a way for me to process my thoughts of emotions, it's therapeutic. 
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most?
Romcom and slice of life mainly. And my guilty pleasure is the best friend to lover AU. 
What do you hope your readers take away from your work?
That it makes them laugh, have a good time, or cry in sympathy. I want my characters to reflect real people and I hope that my readers can relate and realize that they are not alone, no matter how tough life may seem sometimes. 
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively?
I stop writing and listen to music. It allows me to imagine scenarios without me actively writing them. 
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful?
My favourite work is definitely my first novel that I recently published on Amazon! It's sci-fi dystopian and is really close to my heart because every character is a piece of me stitched into them. 
My most successful on Tumblr is Deobi Playlist series, which is a fanfiction mashup of the series Hospital Playlist x The Boyz. I think people find it really entertaining and light to read. 
Who is your favorite person to write about?
Kevin from The Boyz, Jungkook from BTS. 
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose?
There's a difference in terms that some elements are already crafts for you and you approach them in a different perspective. Original prose is completely made up by you. 
What do you think makes a good story?
The storyline is important, but characters are definitely the most vital elements in telling a good story. 
What is your writing process like?
Depending on the mood, I usually put on a playlist of slow songs and start writing whatever comes to mind on my laptop. Sometimes if I need to figure out a story, I use pen and paper to quickly outline the series of events. I also usually write better at night or early morning. 
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story?
I actually already did! It was named as Entity and was a BTS fanfic that received so much love I decided to alter it into a real novel now called Terminal. It's available on AMAZON. 
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand?
I am a sucker for Love Triangle tropes and Best Friends to Lovers tropes because, in my experience, they really do happen. I can't stand the "I'm not like other girls" trope, I just think it's overdone and is always portrayed as something that the protagonist needs. 
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you?
I definitely don't depend on feedback to write because I write for myself. But getting feedback and seeing people appreciate my work definitely motivates me to believe in myself as a writer. I would not have come this far without support. 
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)?
I just kept writing, even though it was shit, even though I was sometimes frustrated. No matter how bad it was, I always told myself that I was doing this for me and never listened to outsiders who didn't appreciate my craft. 
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged?
Definitely! Just because we write fanfiction doesn't mean we're not writers. I know of so many AMAZING fanfic writers who are so much better than actual authors!
Do you think art can be a medium for change?
Yes, art has always been involved to portray what can't be said. And that is the beauty of it. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself?
Rather than "writing for others" I keep myself disciplined by writing everyday, no matter how bad it might be or how little i write. 
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?
Yes, I don't really understand why writing as an art form is so underrated when it is so beautiful, but there is this misconception that writers, especially fanfic writers, are just thirsty fangirls who are obsessed with their biases. No, we are content creators, we write stories because we are artists and take so much time and effort to write these amazing stories.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr?
My boyfriend is the only one and he is really supportive.
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers?
That I appreciate every single one of them for supporting my work, and that every comment, reblog or like just makes my heart feel so full with love. I also wish to tell them to keep dreaming, keep pushing and stay safe 
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there?
Be scared to start. Be scared because that means you're pushing yourself and that's okay. Fear is part of the process but you have to go through that to gain confidence in what you do. Throw yourself under the bus, because that's how it gets easier. And don't compare to other writers because like every artist, your story and your craft, your words and your voice will be different. So believe that you can, and you are worth it.
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr?
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey?
YES!! I'D LIKE TO THANK @pixelelf @choaticdeobi @moondustaeil @aveluant1a @atbzkingdom @thesingingfae1905 @2hyunjae @tbzhours @jenocakes ❤❤❤ 
Pick a quote to end your interview with:
There's no such thing as perfect writing, just like there's no such thing as perfect despair - Haruki Murakami 
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blackasmidnightcats · 5 years
Continued discussion about Sophie's "redemption arc"
Original post from @agathasarmy
@agathasarmy I've moved this to a new post cause I have a lot of feelings and still want to continue this discussion and I hope you don't mind
So anyways...
(this wouldve been also a great way to introduce the concept of legacies, especially with the past vs. present. vs. future theme and it would also parallel tedros’ storyline as they’re both dealing with the fallout of carrying their predecessor’s glory)
All of them have big shoes to fill because of the people who've nurtured and believed in them
One thing I really hated in the camelot years was the lack of mourning that Agatha and Sophie did for Callis and Lady Lesso respectively.
That is the kind of anguish that I was looking for. Just them being children and missing their parent/parental figure and wishing that they could still be someone's child who could look out for them and motivate them when they needed.
Like Sophie remembering that Lady Lesso believed in her the way that Sophie could never do and Agatha remembering how her mother would have wanted her daughter to live out her life with with love and adventure.
Let's not even get with Tedros (that's a whole other meta in itself)
so far all i got was lesso and hester being the best examples of it, but what i also got from them was that Evil wasnt being cruel but serving as the balance to Good like ok???? what exactly does that entail??
Exactly, I'm really frustrated about this because as much as Soman has tried to make us understand that Good and Evil are equals, he has never actually shown us how equal they can be since all the Evil figures that we have are usually helping Good.
I'm really pissed that the Coven's quest involve them finding a new School Master when they have absolutely no need to do that. They should be doing their own stuff instead. It's the one thing I shame Prof Dovey for.
that was what I expected the series would be: Tedros and Agatha as Good because Good always stands stronger together, and Sophie as Evil because Evil is best alone, but not lonely
I stand behind your point about "Alone but not Lonely" quote because if that does not describe Sophie's biggest problem than I don't know what does. She can have all the fans that she wants and build the whole School for Evil in her tribute and pretend that she's a strong independent woman who doesn't need a man but she'll still feel the loneliness seep through if she doesn't have a closure with her insecurities and envy
instead Soman subverted our expectations in the worst way possible since GoT S8 (dont @ me)
I will stand by you with the hate for GoT s8. That was a trainwreck so badly done it imploded on itself. Recently, writers that have big productions have been having a hard time gracefully ending their stories
Soman was off with a good start on that one. I would have been more interested with Sophie trying to handle her narcissistic desires vs her need to actually be a decent Dean to all the new students just like how Lady Lesso was for her. Her understanding how to be Evil and be herself would have been a nice read.
if soman had to bring back a trope from the last era, it would be the discussion of dichotomies i.e. Good vs. Evil, instead of the evil lover trope cos aint nobody got the time for that
It's still technically the school for GOOD AND EVIL SERIES even if we go to a new era I was hoping that Soman would still have these as the roots but NOOOO.
His obsession with Sophie obsessing over boys that obsess over her is a strong one apparently.
like at this point it’ just really blatantly obvious how much Soman favors Sophie and I wouldnt be that bothered if he didnt sacrifice the plot or the other characters’ brain cells to go along with it cos to this day I refuse to believe that people really would just accept Rhian like that after reading The Tale of Sophie and Agatha
Like did no one still understand that not everything is what it seems?!
I am baffled with how easy they trusted a comeplete stranger over Agatha who has proven over and over and over again that she fights for the good of EVERYONE and is perfecrly willing to sacrifice her happiness for theirs.
Like at this point I'm thinking that her fairy tale propably does not do justice for everything that she's been through cause if the other people of the Woods read her story the way we did, there would be no doubt that we would stand behind Agatha for a lifetime
like cmon people we went through this already?? a random hot stranger coming out of nowhere??? ITS THE RED FLAG
In defense with them, (and I am saying this very, very off handedly) Rhian did come around saving everyone's asses and was a pretty decent guy (NOT).
One of my biggest beefs with Soman's writing. He highlights romance too much compared to platonic and self love. I want a moment with Sophie like the one in TLEA where Agatha was getting stressed about letting Sophie and Tedros grow closer and Soman managed to pretty realistically portray that; Agatha was being insecure and possessive and jealous but she let herself reflect on her actions. She made peace with it and faced it with bravery even though it really hurts her. Because she understood that she would never have closure for this if she didn't let it happen.
Why the hell can't Soman write something similar like this for Sophie.
In fairness, Sophie getting into ANOTHER romantic relationship I will PASS SO HARD.
But for everyone else that deserves some romantic love (TAGATHA PLS) I will accept crawling
also I like your ideas on what could’ve happened instead, with Rhian being more proactive towards Tedros and Agatha instead of Sophie - it would play well into the Camelot myths and themes that I was really expecting in the new era
If Soman could only just get over his Sophie Obsession, then he would understand that Tedros was the perfect target for Rhian's manipulations and Sophie was the perfect target for the downfall.
I have no idea how the hell did Rhian think (but apparently it worked because soman plot) that seducing Sophie would win him the love of the Woods.
plus it wouldve been a chance for Sophie to actively help them instead of tearing them apart like in the last 3 books?? like she’s kinda doing that rn but it would’ve been nice if she didn’t have a hand in stealing their happiness like she’s always done too
Well...for me she doesn't seem like she's tearing them apart anymore but I stand with your point about her stealing their happiness.
This could have been good, good character development for her. Her realizing that she keeps making tagatha miserable and stealing what belongs to them and the complexity that comes with her inner struggle between her envy vs love for her best friends.
Soman, I will never forgive you for doing this to this boy.
You could have made Tedros and Chaddick have a falling out. I mean the last time that they interacted was during AWWP and Chaddick treated Tedros as crap. I know that all of us headcanon that these two are each other's best mates but they've barely had significant interactions for me to consider that a case.
They'd be so pressured about not followong the legacy of Arthur and Lance that a small problem could propably tear these two apart.
also, on another point, you would think Sophie would be more sympathetic to Tedros situation given that they’re both leading populations, essentially
plus Sophie learned to understand Tedros’ mind better in awwp??? where the hell did that relationship development went (even if she was Filip at the time)??
I am honestly more suprised at how viciously Tedros seems to treat her.
Like it wasn't that long after TLEA that Tedros was perfectly willing to let Sophie stay in Camelot and even asked her to visit but come his coronation (which was like less than a day after) he keeps on proclaiming about how happy he is with her out his life and in aCoT his distrust for her was off the roof.
Then there is the Handbook ordeal with Sophie just completely roasting Tedros like what happend to the two of you?
I don't even understand Soman's decision about this. It doesn't even affect the actual storyline in anyway. It's just Sophie and Tedros at each other's throats.
Tedros has been treated the crappiest out of the main trio (let’s be honest) as if the game was built to oppose him, meanwhile Sophie gets major Soman privilege and is given the role ONCE AGAIN that could change the game
It's the reason why I can't even read AWWP anymore. It hurts too much to have to read at how badly the other characters treat him. Just reading the first line of that book gets me anxious.
This is why I was actually suprised that Soman shared that he planned on killing Sophie off at the end of TLEA but we'll never how that story went
like if the School Years was for Sophie to realize and accept her Evilness, couldnt Soman have decided to give Tedros and Agatha the deciding roles this time around given that, you know, it’s called the CAMELOT YEARS ERA???
Honestly, I just want Tedros to have the most agency out of all the characters. Like make his decisions actually matter to the plot. Make him the center of the plot and revolve Rhian's plans around him instead of being against him cause that's exactly how Agatha's role in the school years era was for Rafal.
The basic formula goes like this;
Sophie important to the Rafal's/Rhian's/Japeth's/hell even Evelyn Sader's plan
Agatha/Tedros are in the way of that plan so they have to go
Agatha/Tedros saves Sophie's ass
Sophie making the big decision
Like didn't Soman say that he didn't want to be that repetitive writer? That's why he changed the ending of AWWP because it was too similar to the first book?
she’s still out here wanting someone to look at her the tedros looks at agatha (honestly big mood right there) but I wish this didn’t have to be her main conflict
This is actually why I'm not that mad that Sophie fell for Rhian. Because at the end of the day Sophie will be Sophie.
But I agree I kinda hoped that she wouldn't be as guilible
the girl is smart and knows her worth so I can’t really understand why she decided to get ENGAGED to the next person (Hort obviously cant count cos plot) who tells her she looks pretty???
I can understand why she'd date him but MARRIAGE?! That was going a little bit too far.
You'd think after her engagement with Rafal that she'd be TRAUMATIZE for the next one.
And honestly it would have been hella funny if she did feel this way. Imagine Rhian nearly getting all that he needed but Sophie just straight up leaves him on the stage cause she's still got issues with it.
Would have been my favorite scene
And Hort, poor boy, he needs character development of his own. I'm not his fan honestly and currently, he's not winning me over.
Can he not understand that she would be crap as QUEEN?
A parallel I noticed with Rhian and Sophie is that they both completely remodeled their respective castles in their image. Not even considering anyone else. And they both treat their faculty as crap.
Kinda tells us that she really would be crap as queen.
At least the Camelot citizens had enough braincells not to fall for this crap
Every other kingdom in the Woods though. They better be budgeting gold to Tedros and Agatha once they're back on the throne.
(and im so so tired of Sophie stealing Agatha’s Ever After from her, indirectly or not, like cant she just be happy for her best friend and move the plot in some way other than this???)
I really do believe envy is only one of the things that Sophie needs to sort out. The fact that she admitted at the end of TLEA that she does, in fact, feel envious that Agatha gets to be a queen and her little episode in the Ever Never Roundtable about how she's the one with the official title of queen and that Agatha isn't even a princess says a lot.
I wouldn't have minded if Sophie had a slight blackout and just lost it and saying mean things about Agatha but instantly regreting it because no matter what, deep down in the foundations of her soul, she loves Agatha with everything that she has. And is she has the be in a constant battle with herself about this fact then she's willing to keep on fighting. That would have been satisfying to read.
I mean just imagine if Sophie was there when Agatha was leading her army and Hester mentions that Agatha is Queen in the School, in Camelot, or anywhere elsse in the Woods. They would follow her. Willingly.
Sophie would have had a panic attack.
This girl needs to learn that she can't force people to be loyal and follow her by making every physical reminder of how amazing she is but instead she needs to lead and make some sacrifices of her own because she's doing these sacrifices in the benefit of Evil and its future instead of herself.
Sophie appreciating people?? Not only remembering them when she needs something from them??? Like @ soman im not asking her to be the next Mother Theresa but I’ll take this character development pls and thank u
I am all in for Sophie appreciating everyone. If she can't do it for other people, then she better do it for Evil.
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lesbian-ed · 7 years
🌸Hi, a few years ago when I was 16 (19 now)I was forced out to my friends by this homophobic girl, and I came out as bi (still in the closet to my family), I'm no longer friends with any of them, but I can't figure out what label I should have, I really want to just know who I am. I said to them I was bi, but I've never felt right with that label. I read about comp het and it makes so much sense to me, but I still don't know. 1/5
🌸I feel, like, attracted to male celebs, but only when they’re in films or tv, and watching interviews of them ruins it?, and whenever I’m around guys I get these thoughts I can’t control about kissing them and sleeping with them and I feel rlly self conscious, I said this to a friend who said it’s a crush, but I get it with people I don’t like at all 2/?
🌸 And sometimes I have a phase where I feel like I could date a guy and marry him and have kids and be happy but it feels like I’m imagining a perfect version of me that actually im not like at all? And as well I can only imagine myself with a young guy, once I think about a 30 yr old or older I don’t want it anymore, but the perfect fantasy seems so appealing idk 3/?
🌸I feel different about girls but I don’t know I’m catholic and I feel like it’s always been other people are gay and that’s ok but not me? And I don’t know whether I feel no attraction to girls or I’m pushing it down bc when I see girls kiss on tv I literally have started crying and I saw a lesbian couple in public once and I got butterflies and also Ive found myself changing pronouns in songs in my head without realising but I’ve never had close to a crush on anyone especially not a girl 4/5
🌸Ive never even met a gay girl except for one pan girl at school but she was really weird and rude so I don’t know what it’s supposed to be like to like someone? writing this all down it makes it sound like I’m definitely a lesbian but that scares me so much bc ill never have a normal life and I can’t shake this feeling that actually I do want to be with a guy but I’m trying to be interesting or I’m faking this or something. Pls tell me your thoughts on this 5/5
Oh, anon. This literally all feels as if my younger self came into my ask box just now to ask for advice. 
I understand your pain, I really do, I went through so many of the same thought processes you’re describing now. It’s good that you’re aware of compulsory heterosexuality, since I believe that will make sorting your feelings easier. Still, I recommend you look through our tag (if you haven’t already) to read more thoughts on this. It’ll help. 
I obviously can’t tell you what your sexuality is for you, that’s your own journey to make, but this sounds so much like my own experience that I’m pretty sure what the answer is already.
Anon, let me tell you a story, I went to a catholic school and while my parents are pretty liberal and not that religious (in fact, my dad’s an atheist) I was also raised with the idea that ok, there were gay people out there, and I didn’t care what other people did with their lives! But honestly that was kind of weird and I couldn’t be like them, because they weren’t normal, like I should be. I was bullied a lot as a kid, because I was weird and ugly and way too shy and easy to pick on, so I grew up with this idea that whatever else happened, I had to stop being like that, I had to be beautiful and normal and acceptable. And that of course included a perfect fantasy of marrying the man of my dreams after he fell in love with men when I suddenly grew up to be the most beautiful woman there was, and having kids, and holding down a successful job that I was happy doing and having lots of money and well, just having the most perfect life. How could I not want that? Ever since I was old enough to walk, society fed me the idea that this was my ideal endgame, how could we ALL not dream about that at some point? 
I used to be obsessed with those stories where the “ugly” girl suddenly turns beautiful and the Nice Perfect Popular Boy finally notices her and they get together, those stories were my dream life. As a kid and young teen I’d fantasize about them constantly, I’d make up characters that would always end up fulfilling those same tropes. It was the way to prove to all those who ever called me ugly or belittled me because I was nerdy that “see? I got the happy ending” so when I was twelve, and suddenly all the girls were having crushes on boys I felt nothing for, while I started noticing seemingly out of the blue just how incredibly beautiful so many girls my age and older were, I got veeery scared. I couldn’t like girls like that, I wasn’t like that, I was already weird and had no friends, so how could I ever hope to find a girl who liked girls who’d like me? And if I did, everyone already hated me, so how would I bear it? The stares and the insults and the danger we’d face if people saw us together on the street? So I pushed that attraction down as far as I could, I convinced myself I was actually just too inmature to start thinking about crushes and all that stuff, and obviously when I was mature enough and the time came, I’d like boys, because that’s what Normal Girls did right? And I had to be normal.
In my school’s equivalent of US’ eighth grade, a new boy came to our class, he was pretty, and friendly, and most importantly, blonde! and he was the school sports star! It felt like every movie-like fantasy I ever had come to life. Every girl was in love with him, so one time I had a dream where we were dating. I woke up being absolutely ecstatic, that must have meant I had a crush right? I liked a boy? I was definitely straight?
I never actually began feeling nervous around this boy, or looking at him any more than usual until I had this dream and decided that meant I was in love. I told a friend eventually because I was excited about being in love and the fantasy I had created for myself about our perfect relationship (which did involve us kissing and having sex, and I never actually felt turned on about it but I did imagine it a lot because it meant we were In Love, so those fantasies happen even if you don’t actually like like the person in question, dw!), and isn’t that what you do when you like someone? Gossip about it with your friends? She told some of my bullies and the dude found out, so he started laughing at me in the middle of the class and calling me ugly and saying he was traumatized at the mere idea of me liking him. 
And I… felt nothing. I was angry of course, and sad, but it was just the same anger and sadness I felt when some random I didn’t like made fun of me, it wasn’t even like what I felt when former friends said nasty stuff about me. And I wanted to be heartbroken I wanted to wallow in the misery and the drama of it, but I just wasn’t, it was the same “well this shit sucks and I’m angry about it but it happens everyday so wyd?” There was no deeper feeling there, not even any special resentment, there was nothing. I never felt anything ever again when I looked at this boy.
Now, sometime later, the same boy starts dating a girl from our class, and it was around the same time that I was coming to terms with the fact that the latent attraction I had started to feel for women when I was younger had never actually gone away but rather had grown. Things were purely about sexual attraction for me at that point, not romantic feelings. I hadn’t actually been in love with a girl either by that point. Because even tho I was accepting my sexual attraction to women, I still had the idea in my mind that ideally I would end up with a boy, because when so much of my hopes for the future relied of me being beautiful and a man falling in love with me forever and ever so that I could have a normal future, letting go of that dream took a while. I called myself bisexual for a while, only to realize very little later that it didn’t actually fit me. When I did, it was hard, because I had to re-come out again to my mom and the two friends I had told, and that really scared me, because I felt like some fake, like what I felt was not actually real. I put it off, and my friends & mom were accepting but they also were like “you’re just confused about your sexuality!!/this is just a phase!!” so that fed into my insecurities. Even when I realized I was sexually into women only, I still hadn’t fallen in love with one, so that made things more confusing for me (I hadn’t fallen for any boy other than the one I mentioned earlier and one I met on a vacation that thought I liked for like a week because he had a pretty voice and was pretty androgynous lmao, but again, no heartbreak when he went away)
Eventually, (funnily enough through fandoms and f/f ships and fics that depicted them in loving relationships, And I cried when I read about girls kissing too, at first I thought it was because I was a Good Straight Ally, but I was just a lesbian lmao) I realized that I could also be happy in a relationship with a woman, that it was not only a possible future for me, but one that I wanted, one that felt right, one in which I wouldn’t be the beautiful, perfect, feminine, smart, succesful career woman I had dreamed of as a kid, but in which I’d be me, with all my quirks and faults, with another woman with her own quirks and faults who’d love me for who I am, because that was possible! It was possible to be happy like that!. When I realized this, that me liking girls romantically and sexually, and exclusively girls was okay, it felt like a veil was lifted from my eyes. Suddenly, all the feelings and attraction I had thought I had felt for boys paled in comparison to the intensity of what I felt for women, I learned what actual sexual desire was like, I yearned for a future with a real me in it with a real woman by my side, instead of the fake ideal I’d wanted to be when I was younger. It was around that time I fell in love for the first time.
Remember how I mentioned the boy I used to “like” got a girlfriend? Well, guess who I fell for? Me and her were assigned seats together one year in high school, and I got to know her through the first term, every time liking her more and more, until one day, she just walks into class, and I think she did something different with her hair? Whatever it was, seeing her felt like someone punching the breath out of me, it felt like watching literal perfection embodied. And I was gone, I was just so so sooo gone. I felt sparks when we sat next to each other, I couldn’t stop smiling like a fool whenever I looked at her, she’d say something nice to me and it felt like my soul was flying out of my body. And of course it was idealized, it was a crush on a girl I didn’t know that well, but the feelings I had, I had for her, for her actual personality, her actual sweetness, her actual kindness, even her actual rashness sometimes, not the fantasy I had made up of her that I projected onto her like I did when I “liked” her boyfriend. I liked her as a person. Plus the intensity of both crushes was just so fucking different. When I liked her, I cried when we were apart and at the thought of her with her dumbass idiot boyfriend, I listened to a love song and could relate to it for the first time. I understood finally why people would write poetry and songs and do all sorts of crazy things for this feeling. 
Tldr: I also fantasized about the ideal boy and I was never able to allow myself to feel anything for a girl because of how much I had repressed my sexuality due to fear of backlash until I was able to recognize that yes, liking women was OK and then all my repressed feelings came pouring out like a tsunami. 
If that sounds like something you can kind of relate to, then that’s your answer anon. However, it might not be, or maybe you don’t know if it is yet. That’s alright! Sexuality can be complicated and it can take a long time to figure it out. You’re not on a deadline here, you don’t have to stress about it.
As for the normal part, yeah being a lesbian in this society sucks a lot. And I still get terrified of the idea that I will not be “normal” and that I can never be happy. Even if I know deep in my heart that I can never be happy with a man, sometimes I wonder if it’d be worth it to spare me the pain. The answer? Hell no, I’ve got one life, one, what’s the point of wasting it on loveless unfulfilled relationships when I could try to go for someone I’ll actually be happy with? There’ll be pain, of course there will be, I live in a small town and I’ve only just started meeting other lesbians & bi girls offline this year because I’ve gone to university, and I’ve only ever actually started talking to and becoming actual friends with the ones I knew online this year too because I was so terrified before! All of them tell me about their hurt, and how lesbophobia affects them a lot, and yet I see them talking about how much they love their girlfriends/wives (I don’t have that because I’m an awkward potato but I’m trying) and also other lesbians, and it gives me hope, because I can be just like them, finding genuine happiness amidst the pain.
I hope this answer helps you. 
Mod M :D 
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