#i am not tagging the rest lmfao
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I am enable you
please talk them? ฅ/⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\ฅ
:O!!!! OH THATS ADORABLE- ABSOLUTELY!!!! (Thank you for enabling me >:D)
Get ready for a lore dump! /lh
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Okidoki so these are the designs for the characters that live in the "broken dollhouse". The ones on the left are their haunted little toy forms, and the ones on the right are what they looked like in life/their spirit forms, and their names/roles.
(Izumi and Storm are my own ocs, Izumi is my edgejeanist bab and Storm is jeanists niece who I haven’t introduced)
This au is semi-fantasy, kinda ghosty, and set in Victorian times (-ish)
Info under the cut (and some more designs. Ectoloader! bc they're kinda the original main focus) will include death and very mild talk of discrimination:
So, Tsunagu is a rich lord who owns a giant mansion on the top of a hill, near a forest.
This mansion happened to be cursed. It was cursed by some ancient being in a way that interferes with Death. Extending the lives of those who live in it, abnormally, and cursing things to constantly go wrong.
Tsunagu had an illness that was commonly called "Vampire's disease"
(he was pale, sensitive to sunlight, and quite weak and fragile)
This led to rumours that he was a vampire.
(was he a vampire? Nobody knows...even I don't /lh)
(No he was, but it is still a slightly questioned thing)
Shinya was his best friend and doctor, and he took constant care of him. They were actually together as a couple but had to hide that from society.
Shinya lived with him in this mansion "for medical reasons as his personal doctor" and other rumours said it was because he was widowed and lived with his friend for comfort. The first one is the only one partially true.
They took in other 'misfits', people that didn't fit in, adopted orphans and kids who needed better homes!!
They gave them work and roles as well as a home, but treated everyone as a big family. Their roles were mostly exaggerated for show.
Shinya and Tsunagu went everywhere together and some people were suspicious about it but their go to excuse was always “he is ill and needs constant supervision.” “You heard him, doctors orders.”
At home and with the Family, they acted purely as the practically married couple they were and raised most of the kids as both their dads. (Or uncles for the ones that were brought in by other members of the family)
One day, one of the kids (Izumi) gets gifted a BIG dollhouse, and it’s a replica of the mansion. Down to the last detail. There are no dolls inside though.
A week passes and during this week, everyone falls relatively ill. They are okay, but it is strange.
Then, the tragedy strikes. The soldiers have found out about everything. About the rumours, about who these guys are. And they also come to “execute” Tsunagu on charges of him being rumoured to be a vampire.
They tie Tsunagu up and also tie up the rest of the household in order to “cleanse them from his spells” and they take Shinya to arrest him for “aiding” the vampire. He fights and manages to run inside and lock the doors.
The soldiers set the mansion on fire and leave.
They are left to die. And they do indeed die.
Their souls are trapped inside the magical dollhouse. This wasn’t supposed to happen instantly.
They wake up and feel and look the same as they usually do. But, they know they died. They weren’t supposed to know until they were told, but they knew.
For 50 years they just wandered around their “mansion” assuming they were just haunting it and couldn’t leave.
And then the magical seal broke, the doors to the dollhouse opening and not only that, they transformed suddenly into toys and dolls. They were so confused and scared. They attempted to leave and found out they were inside the dollhouse, inside their bigger burnt mansion.
They explored for a bit and then settled back down, learning that they’d have to just deal with it. Tsunagu knew some things about what was going on but he didn’t really remember reading about them or anything. Shinya also knew things that filled in the gaps from Tsunagu’s knowledge.
They spent another 50 years like this until someone came to rebuild the mansion and found the dollhouse. Suspecting it to be haunted (they were right), they took it to a Toymaker that said he dealt with old toys like that.
Cue them meeting The Toymaker!! Higari!! And they get everything explained to them and their dollhouse and any cracks/rips/tears in them are fixed!!
They get to stay in his workshop and meet plenty of other souls that live inside of toys!
And, well, they get to live their lives a lot more free and peaceful and just. Live. More than they did in life.
Fun facts about the dollhouse:
It has a magical seal that activates the transformations! When the dollhouse is closed, this seal is activated, meaning that they get to look and feel like they did in life. Just. Smaller versions. They are “human” in this form.
But if they go outside or the dollhouse is open, they turn into toys. The same applies to objects, “pets”, food- they are made out of resin or clay but if they’re activated, they get to seem just as real as the spirits are.
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The world seems normal, but magic exists in the form of vampires, witches, demons and spirits and so forth.
These are the things that usually are passed off as superstition, but during this time it was very real to them. And in this case it is because it was indeed real.
Magical beings/supernatural beings usually hid from society bc they would get hunted and killed when found out.
Death (as in the all powerful being) created special semi-immortal beings that can carry out certain tasks/watch over souls/etc, for them.
These beings are made up of magic and form shadow-like entities with no physical form, yet they are not living nor dead, so are not classified as a soul or spirit.
They are referred to as guardians/soul guides, along with other nicknames.
Depending on the job they are tasked with and what they were made to do, they are given a human form - this can also be in the form of a vampire/witch/etc, in some cases.
Their magical source is tied to an object/item of clothing that they must keep safe, or else they lose their physical form and must wait to be granted a new one by Death.
Their recognisable sigil is a black rose, which they can use to identify each other. Their items are usually related to a black rose in some way too.
There are different types of souls and lives. Normal folk that lived normal lives/died in regular ways, folk whose souls are meant to pass on, those who die tragically, lives cut short, etc.
And there are special souls that are tied to magic and death in some way, even if they didn’t know in life. These are magical beings, old souls, magical folk, cursed folk, etc.
These are souls that have destined deaths and are tasked to be bonded to objects so that they can be kept safe, and others can be kept safe from them. They are dangerous souls after death - even if they were just human in life.
There are four soul guides tasked with this section of death, and they carry out a constant cycle.
The Stargazer: they are tasked with looking and seeing what souls are next, using constellations and stars (and magic)
The Toymaker: they are tasked with making the toys/dolls/objects needed for the specific soul(s) that are next, made with its magical seal. They also look after all of the spirits once they are in their objects.
The Gift Giver: they are tasked with finding the soon-to-be-dead soul, and gifting them their bound object in some way. They must also collect this item when the soul is dead and trapped, and bring it to the toymaker.
The Storyteller: they are tasked with watching over the deaths and the lives of these souls, writing their stories and making sure everything goes as it is destined to. They are present at the death, and will explain things to the souls and tell them of their lives.
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Yep. And these lil things are how they actually look outside of human form, when Death calls them into the spirit world for a meeting. (chibi-fied of course)
Higari - The Toymaker: He makes the dolls and everything and has magic that enables him to bond these souls to their toys and create seals. He looks after them and tries to ensure they live better than they did in life.
His magic is tied to a small music box in the shape of a black rose. 
Everything he does is very toy related, its his lil theme lol
Ecto - The Storyteller: He owns a huge magical book that includes all the stories of all the souls they take care of. His magic lets any story he tells come to life.
(so, little sparkly magical projections show up on the book as he tells the story)
When in toy form, the souls like. Physical soul forms live inside this book and he can watch over them. (they look like lil jellybean ghosts)
His magic is tied to his hat, which has an embroidered black rose on it.
Snipe - The Gift Giver: He gets to take the toys/dolls/dollhouses from higari and gift it to the folks that are gonna die. He then gets to come and collect them after and give it back to him! His magic lets him find the souls, he always knows where they are.
His magic is tied to his cloak, which has a small black rose sigil in the front.
Thirteen - The Stargazer: They get to look into the stars and keep an eye on which souls are next in line for death! Their magic lets them see and predict the next deaths and see all the special souls!
Their magic is tied to their telescope, which has a rose along the side of it.
The broken dollhouse actually causes a lot of problems and issues with their jobs and tasks and they have to go figure it out!!!
It all ties to the ancient demon being that cursed the Mansion, and them having to fins a way to lift that curse so that they can get back to work as normal 
They are a mess. Professional semi-immortals that constantly are chaotic and are a complete mess.
Ecto and Higari have a sort of ‘old married couple bickering/divorced couple but they arent actually together’ dynamic. However, the also have never met each other in their human forms, so it goes… interestingly-
The haunted lil dolls get to help set them up on dates and also just watch them be disasters.
It's a mix of “oh it's you… it's my turn to look after the souls” “oh go back to your storytelling-” and “eheh…hey…so you- yeah you wanna get lunch sometime?” “that would be great :))”
and that is all i have for now because this au does not like me ironing out the lore at the moment lol- i am having huge brainrot for it tho, thank you for asking :D!!!
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moe-broey · 1 month
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Somewhere in here I gotta fit a speech bubble BUT. Sillies...
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so fucking upset. i looked up what's considered concerning weight loss and got a statistic. i looked up the same question but specified teens and i got a bunch of articles about how to lose weight. what the fuck
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lee-hakhyun · 2 years
hello, wanted to ask if you know anywhere with summaries of the side story pre 565?
for 553-555, red-gtech has summaries
i'll write a (somewhat) condensed summary of 556-564 for you ^^
episode 2. rewrite (556-653)
lee hakhyun wakes up and looking at the screen door, he notices that his face isn't his. there was a cardboard cutout of the character with that face in front of the theater where the event was held, but he can't recall what character it is. he realizes he's transmigrated into orv, and that he's transmigrated into an extra character. scanning his surroundings, he figures out he's in geumho, and bihyung appears! the main scenario arrives, and proof of value begins. lhh tries to open his attribute window, but there's an error and it can't be activated. he then tries to call the fourth wall, but there's no response. he then tries to activate any of the author-specific skills like [avatar], but that also doesn't work.
there are two main groups in the station, a group of people that are part of a church lead by a deacon and the other being people gathered together by a big man with a tattoo on his forearm. they try to push at the barrier, while lhh makes a plan to meet up with kdj and goes to a vending machine to collect a bug to clear the scenario. he gets a bug and pockets it without killing it.
while he was catching bugs, he gets a message on his phone, from rep kdj. he congratulates him and says he'll send him a gift. he realizes it's a message sent through a web novel platform, and orv is there along with all 551 chapters. he tries reading a chapter, but only the comments left by readers show up. he can't actually read what's in the chapters, just the comments.
he meets another reader, and lets him get his own bug. the ahjussi kills the bug, and clears the scenario. he then asks lhh if he's going to let the rest of the people die, and lhh says kdj wouldn't have saved them either.
the big guy who had leading the group pushing the barrier, and confronts lhh and the ahjussi for not helping them out. it quickly escalates to violence, and lhh is able to use the exclusive skill of the character he transmigrated into, which calms his head and he hits the vending machine until a bug comes out. he takes the bug, and thinks of the readers in the theater and of ji eunyu. his skill activates,
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and he says he'll save everyone if they follow him.
the big man challenges his words, and he emulates kim dokja's way of speaking to convince everyone, and tells the people that the scenarios are real and that he knows something about this situation, comparing it to a test from god due to human sins. this gets the attention of the deacon, who starts muttering about crimes and trials.
he then brings up that the scenario can be cleared by killing any creature and gets everyone to work together to gather bugs. he organizes the collection of bugs and talks with the deacon, and finds out he has [character list] and uses it on the deacon the deacon is named kim chulyang, which is a name that he can remember writing about in a discarded setting for orv, but he couldn't recall what it was. he has the crouching figure attribute like jung heewon, which means he has the potential to be very powerful if he awakens under the right conditions.
bihyung appears and warns that the constellations don't like it when the incarnations are too smart, and as everyone manages to get a bug, they all crush them at the same time. but the scenario clear message doesn't appear.
bihyung appears again, and mentions that people were playing tricks here too. lhh belatedly realizes that the other readers must have been doing the same thing, and the bureau has interfered with the scenario.
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with this, he realizes something. kim dokja used bugs to clear the scenario. with this change, kim dokja may die. the people turn on lhh, and the big man tells him to take responsibility, but he starts talking about future events, reciting the prime minister's speech moments before the news is broadcasted. due to the bureau's interference, the scenario can't be changed anymore, and the time limit can't be reduced by 10 minutes like it was in orv.
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the prime minister's death causes a lot of panic, and the people rush back to the barrier to try to break it down. lhh calls out to them again, and uses the fear to take the lead. he looks at the comments, and sees a story he didn't write.
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there's also a comment from 'rlaehrwk37'.
the people have done what lhh told them and there's a pile of old clothes. his idea is to kill germs instead. kim chulyang questions whether this will work, and he says that 'germs' are still living things. lhh also wonders if it would work, and he's also not sure if it would work. he says it might be the intention to kill that counts.
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(propecia treats male pattern hair loss.)
a bonfire is started with the pile, and people start throwing in bug carcasses and old junk to burn germs, including the big guy who had been protesting lee hakhyun wonders what will happen to his readers, while they wait for the scenario clear message.
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there's an error in the system messages, and the results won't be clear until the end of the scenario. bihyung appears and from his reactions, the bureau had not planned for this to happen. when people asked bihyung whether germs were living things, all the constellations stopped bihyung from speaking. the timer hit 10 minutes, and lhh says that it's time for 'that' to appear.
a hologram screen appears in the station, and lee jihye is shown on the screen along with the aftermath of the scenario in daepong girls' high school. it's exactly the same as in orv, and causes a panic in the station. the reader ahjussi tries to calm people, but the group turns on them.
he starts to think that maybe's it's better to stop trying to save these people, but his exclusive skill activates.
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lee hakhyun's skill, ☐☐, allows him to write the next actions of a character. he starts to write a sentence, and,
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there's probability constraints, so he can't just write anything and have it come true. there's also 'reader feedback' from rlaehrwrk37. lhh tries a few different sentences, getting lackluster success rates and an increasingly annoyed rlaehrwk37.
with 30 seconds left, he can't seem to figure out what to write, but he remembers ji eunyu's advice, and thought about the character's desires. he writes sentences for kim chulyang, and gets an interested reaction from rlaehrwk37.
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exiting the snow garden, the colour returns to the world and time returns to normal as the sentences lhh wrote become reality.
kim chulyang says that this is a test of faith, and that the gods above are watching our choices. he calls lhh a 'lion of god' and that they have already passed the ordeals with his guidance. the people are brought together by the shared hope, and lhh gets a messages that kim chulyang has awakened with the attribute 'the one leader', and has started the religion of the church of life.
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not only has he aided in the start of a cult, he personally awakened of the 10 evils. as he despairs over this, the cultists are chanting about the great sacrifice of germs. he briefly considers sticking with the cult, but discards the idea once he realizes yoo joonghyuk would very quickly dispose of him.
the atmosphere of the station is cheerful, and people talk about their lives while waiting for the scenario to end. almost everyone is calm, but the big man calls everyone crazy and says that the only sure way to survive is to kill someone. lhh uses [character list] on the man, and gets his name, lee cheoldoo. he's the cheoldoo group's boss, who never showed up in orv.
he has a weapon, but he can't fight the rest of the 21 people in the station alone, and proposes that 10 people join him to kill the other half. kim chulyang challenges him, and with the cultists' solidarity nobody joins him. lee cheoldoo instead goes for an older man who was close to him, and the old man calls for help, though the crowd moves back and nobody steps up to help him. a character panics and joins lee cheoldoo, and he's instructed to point out someone to kill. with this, people start to panic and eventually everything is blamed on lhh, and lee cheoldoo decides to kill lhh instead. kim chulyang stops anyone from interfering, saying that this is god's messenger protecting them all, and as lee cheoldoo approaches, only one person stands with lhh.
the reader stays with lhh, but they both seem to have low stats and lee cheoldoo's physical stats average 7 by lhh's guess. with 2 minutes left, he tries to stall for time by talking, but lee cheoldoo starts to choke lhh.
as he's losing his strength, he sees someone behind lee cheoldoo holding a pipe.
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he thinks he sees kim dokja, but it's the reader who helps him out. with the time limit counting down, they struggle against lee cheoldoo and finally hit the time limit.
paid settlement begins, and everything was normal. the reader asks if he succeeded, and as he nods he hears something fall. lee cheoldoo's headless body hits the ground, and lee hakhyun watches as the characters' heads explode one by one.
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the reader asks if he really was trying to save them, and lhh hesitates before saying yes. he had a hunch that this plan would fail, but due to him not mentioning that these characters will no longer appear in the story.
lee hakhyun accepts and waits for his death.
but he doesn't die. the scenario clear message appears, and his kill history appears: 19 humans.
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lee hakhyun realizes who he's possesing. the previous leader of geumho station, cheon inho.
episode 3. protagonist(?) (1) (564)
lhh thinks about cheon inho. he was the only survivor of geumho station originally, so these characters would have died even if he didn't transmigrate. so, was it lee hakhyun or cheon inho who killed these character? is he a murderer or a writer who describes the death of characters?
he calms down, and the constellations begin to show their interest. he gains the interest of the 'absolute evil' system who interpreted his incitement killing as deliberate, which he takes as a bad sign since it will be harder to get sponsored from the 'absolute good' system.
he then gets sponsored by the absolute good system. the good constellations interpreted his actions as heroic for trying to save the other characters.
he talks with and comforts the reader ahjussi, and when trying to use [character list] on him it fails because his 'soul' isn't a character. he learns he has another skill now, [reader's comments list]. it works on readers, showing a reader profile and allowing him to pay coins to read comments they left on orv, with 3 comments being free.
checking the reader's comments, it seems he started reading because of his daughter, jiyoon, and then decided to read the rest of the story.
they exchange names, with the reader getting flustered when he says he's cheon inho. the name of the character the reader possessed is 'lee dansu', and it seems that other readers can see their attribute window. they agree to call each other by the names of the characters, and the bihyung appears, complaining about how weird the scenarios have been before congratulating them and bringing up the sponsor selection. lee hakhyun doesn't expect to get as many sponors as kim dokja, but he hopes that he'll at least get 1 narrative grade constellation for his troubles.
and when sponsor selection arrives, he gets 10 constellations offering to sponsor him.
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fr0stbearer · 9 months
got a 79 on my economics finals i need to jump off a cliff 😂
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princeofhags · 11 months
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this is obscene
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orcelito · 1 year
L m f a o I think I know who sent the "entitled little shit" anon last night actually
Not naming names but it's nice to actually be able to block them
#speculation nation#dont know for sure but it was someone who was following me who's not now#saw them in the tag and had an epiphany.#mostly guess-work but i have a good memory & i Know they followed me recently. only to unfollow.#im gonna stop complaining about this after this post but like. lmfao.#upon waking up i thought back to it and i Still think im right#calling someone an 'entitled little shit' due to justified anger in a place where they cant even SEE IT#is not that big of a deal lmfao.#i promise u there is so much more vitriolic stuff in other ppl's tags on that post & That's the hill u choose to die on? ok.#reads like someone who hasnt been on tumblr much. ive seen soooo much worse around. 'entitled little shit' is Tame#and frankly? the blatant truth! the person in that post is 100% entitled.#and i have the right as a writer to call them a little shit about it 😊#as for how i recognized them. i do look at new followers. blocking bots & checking to see if id wanna follow back#that sorta thing. im a little selective bc i dont want my dash to be too long so i dont follow back that often#but im generally aware of my followers. & i appreciate & recognize them when theyre nice to me. even if theyre not mutuals.#so yea this person was recognizable enough for me to notice their absence. & they so helpfully posted in main tag for me to see.#im not gonna start a fight directly with them but i sure as hell am gonna be a petty little bitch on my own blog#that's what this is FOR man! whats the POINT if i cant complain?????#anyways Yea thats all for that weird little bit of drama. putting Entitled Little Shit to rest.
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
shoutout to my sibling for enabling me bc homie is going to wake up to a shitton of messages, many of which were sent at 2 am and one notable message sent at 4, we are Having a Normal One
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kavehater · 3 months
how to kys without krilling yourself ;-;
#How to stop being anxious and having your heart stop every second without krilling yourself#What I have been doing : crying actual real tears cause I think about kaveh LMFAO#me -> why am i so unloveable ☹️ (sad) … *thinks about kaveh* …. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 (crying my eyes out LMAO)#help I am so insane not a joke I think someone needs to shoot me in the head wowowowowow 😻 pls where is dahlia . . . Her being gone is#Giving me more anxiety#anyways imagine nothing making you cry but then some anime twink who’s been missing for over a year just makes you cry multiple times LOOLL#I think I should be embarrassed … I AM embarrassed 😭😭😭#dora daily#Iiiiiiiiiiiii giiiivveeeeee uppppppp 😻😻😻#I could go on a rant about why and what has happened but honestly I just think it’d fall on deaf ears 🧍‍♀️ so I don’t think it’s worth#Wasting my already very very VERY limited breath on.#The way a dude who tries to use me (discord boy) would’ve told me to go in great detail and listened attentively and I can’t even have my#Actual friends like me enough to want to listen 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 no wonder I feel unloveable maybe it’s better to be#Fake loved and used atp than feeling like this. Idek atp I am just so drained completely that even talking is absolutely impossible so I#Wouldn’t even talk to him if I wanted to ;-; so now what ? I remain mute for the rest of my life ? Man I’m sick of this sick of having to#Sleep and that being the only way I don’t rip out my eyeballs or cut off my leg from how insanely weird I feel#Dniewosmsmskaj helpppp 😜#First half of the tags was in just me trying to be funny but the rest is srs 💃 eeee I hate my brain#Sooo anxious helpppp ☺️🔫 anyways marks apparently came out I am not going to ask for a heart attack on top of my already unstable heart so#I won’t check. But I also have sm to do that I couldn’t get done like that fucking timetable it’s been pending since forever I need help 😻#The days are flying and getting merged together I can’t keep count anymore
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targaryen-dynasty · 9 months
tag game 🤭
rules: color the sentence that's true about you
i’m over 5'5 / i wear glasses or contacts / i have blonde hair / i often wear sweatshirts / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face / i play sports / i play an instrument / i know more than one language / i can cook or bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years / i am an only child
this is a whole lot of yellow lmfao
no pressure tags: @marthawrites @schniiipsel @aemonddtargaryen @aemondsbabe @adragonprinceswhore @arcielee @black-dread @lovelykhaleesiii @aemondsbabygirl @valeskafics @connorsui
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mitsurunui · 2 years
because how dare i chill out on my one day off and even then i still had to go out and run errands …. how dare i mom ……………. omg …. lawl
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possum-tooth · 2 years
oil change liveblogging. im bored
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ilostyou · 2 years
kmt is slowly making its way down the rankings 🥲
this is still not giving context to where it was before 🤨 spill the tea bestie i will roast you for it but. spill
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so like, I don't know the extent of what you write, but if you're ok with it, smutty/spicy head canons for Marshall x Reader? or, alternatively, if you don't write that stuff, first date HC? 💛
Anything for you <3 I’ve been wanting to make a smut for him for soooo long so dw about it
Tags: fem! Reader, smut, obviously, blood, general vampire stuff?, semi-public sex, also they do it unprotected, don’t do that irl pls, Marshall has a big dick 😊✋, this is not nearly as bad as my Judd smuts dw, I wanted to write minors dni but who am I kidding they’re gonna read this anyways 🧍🏻
Summary: idk, porn?
Author’s note: I have returned! Ngl I’ve been thinking of this request for so long, I was so giddy to write it lol 🤭🤭 I hope it’s okay, I feel like I need to work more with Marshall as a character lol but nonetheless I really enjoyed writing this. Eat up, children!
Marshall smut headcannons
Word count; 2,6K
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Smut under the cut!
He is SUCH a tease, omg 
Will tease you for hours, days if he’s in the right mood for it 
(which is most of the time, because he’s a little shit) 
He will act so coy about it as well; getting you to the brim of an orgasm MULTIPLE times or touching you in a way that he knows will turn you on and then just,,, get up and leave 
Oh, just a moment ago he was grinding you on his thigh and whispering the lewdest of lewd things into your ear? Too bad, now he’s up and going to get ice cream from the mart 
He loves to tease you in public too, more than anything in fact 
You’re drinking tea with Prince Gumball? Marshall got bored and thought it was funny to shove his hand under your skirt and into your panties, only to loudly point out how flustered you are 
Would go; “Oh, jeez. Y/n you don’t look so fresh, you okay there, babe?” 
If his cold fingers gently rubbing your clit didn’t feel so damn good, you’d definitely have kicked him 
Instead, though, you clasp a hand over your mouth and nod vigorously 
“Y-yes! Marshall, I’m just fine. Thanks,” You’d grit out, but the rest of your audience would find it hard to believe 
Gumball, bless the man, would insist you lay down for a while and grant you a guest room in the castle 
Bingo. Marshall’s plan fell through exactly how he wanted it to 
The Prince would quickly find out you’re fine, though, when the both of you return like 20 minutes later with mussed hair and you sporting a few bite marks that definitely weren’t present before 
Gumball would scold Marshall more than you, calling him something along the lines of “a hungry wild beast” while just telling you he thought you were better at controlling your urges lmfao 
Marshall is definitely quite the exhibitionist, however 
The two of you have fucked everywhere, all places in Aaa you could think off 
Unfortunately for Gumball, that means his castle has been subject to this quite a lot since he’s got A TON of secret rooms 
Marshall is more respectful at Fionna and Cake’s house though, he only convinced you to do it so much at the Candy Kingdom because he likes pissing Gumball off 
But on the topic of Marshall’s exhibitionism, he really likes getting you to be loud too 
It’s almost like he wants to be caught 😀✋
He’ll drag you around a corner or to the bathroom of a dingy bar or something and make you scream louder than you ever have in your life 
This is not so much a problem in the Nightosphere (yes, you have fucked there too) because I imagine there’s a lot of screaming sounds going on there anyways 
And either way, no one would dare disturb their Prince in his,, private activities 
He’d also really like to drink your blood while fucking 
Usually, he barely asks for it, only if he’s very sick or wounded because otherwise he just drinks the color of red 
But when he’s buried inside you and your nails are scratching up his back, he feels just that tad bit more animalistic 
Sometimes he won’t even ask ): 
Only because he knows you know he would never genuinely hurt you 
But if he’s already kissing and lapping at your neck, it’s soooo hard not to go that extra mile and sink his teeth in 
And your blood is heavenly to him 
Much better than drinking colours all the time fr
Ngl, your period would be love making season for him 
Sometimes, just the faintest smell of your blood is enough to get him sporting a boner 
But when it’s coming from you so steadily and from a place he already loves burying his face and nose in? Man’s a goner 
Please just,,, let him eat you out 🙏
He doesn’t even understand how you could find it gross, when it’s literally free blood he can drink from you without puncturing your skin 
He also LOVES making you cum, and get that taste of your blood mixed with cum.. mmm delicious 🤭🤭
Honestly, he kinda acts like he’s in heat on the week of your period 
But yk, orgasms makes the cramps go away, or so they say 
So take it like a champ lol 
He’ll fuck you in his bed, mostly 
His couch is kinda stuffy and hard bc he never uses it, only you and sometimes your friends when they come over does 
His bed is also nice and large, very good for violent vampire sex 
But let me present to you, an even better option; his bed in the Nightosphere 
Idc his mom tries ok, and has a bedroom set up for him there 
And it’s decorated very posh and such, but the bed is even better for a good round of fucking 
No okay but he rarely takes you there because when he does his mom is bugging the two of you for grandkids so hard— 
I’m honestly not sure if it’s even physically possible, but hey, his mom just wants a cute little grand baby 🫶��
As I stated before, Marshall is a man who thoroughly enjoys foreplay 
He’ll have you writhing and gasping before even filling you with his dick; 
His head was hung low, eyes focused on the spot where your bare pussy was dragging against the denim of his jeans. He tensed his thigh, corners of his mouth quirking up as he caught sound of your breath hitching.
You sniffled, softly whining his name and trying to rut yourself faster against him.
He looked up fully, fangs escaping his complacent smile and gently resting on his lower lip 
“Wow. You’re so greedy, baby,” He ‘tsked’, playfully scolding you. 
His hands kept their iron grip on your hips, rocking you back and forth slowly and dictating exactly how much pressure you got to feel on your throbbing clit each time 
You tried to glare at him, but then suddenly he was bouncing his leg and your glare became a sultry pout as you cried out for him 
Unusually, you were sitting on his couch this time around 
He had started by tricking you into watching a movie, clearly with other intentions in mind, but you fell right into his trap and happily obliged when he pulled you to his lap 
Cold breath ghosted over your neck as he had slowly inched his fingers into your sleeping shorts, edging you until you were completely cross eyed and just about to cum only to pull away and situate you on his thigh instead 
He had turned you around to face him, so he could observe your pitiful expressions as he kept giving you more but never enough 
He thoroughly enjoyed it, and now you had been subject to his cruel torture for nearly two hours 
He continued bouncing you, leaning in to get a long sniff of your neck 
You felt his long, wet tongue lap up and down right in the crook of your neck and his already tight grip on your hips became bruising 
He groaned softly, fangs lightly scraping your soft skin 
“Not fair,” he slurred. “You smell so fucking good.” 
You pushed yourself more into him, hands moving from his shoulders to the back of his head to cradle him against your neck 
With your fingers gently treading through his black hair, you barely managed to whisper; “T-take what you need, then.” 
Well aware that Marshall had now also fallen for his own trap, he complied easily 
He lifted you slightly with his arm around your waist, settling you to now grind on the bulge in his pants instead as his two fangs pierced your skin 
The feeling of his straining, but clothed, cock against your core was enough to momentarily distract you from the warm pain and pinch of Marshall’s bite 
With one hand locked around your waist, the other came to the back of your head to angle you to his liking, leaving your lower half to its own devices 
Maybe he was right when calling you greedy, because you instantly took the opportunity to sit down on his crotch 
His clothed dick spread your folds slightly, the zipper of his pants pressing on your clit and you moaned loudly— finally getting enough stimulation 
Marshall’s pupils were blown wide as he lapped up your blood, clutching you to him as tightly as he could without breaking your back as he started rutting his own ups up into you 
If felt heavenly, you quickly got used to his fangs in your skin and the full throb became somewhat of a pleasant ache in your neck 
Too caught up in his meal, he barely noticed when you came all over his pants, slick coating your inner thighs and now spilling over his crotch as well 
You whined loudly as you came, panting out a never ending mantra of your boyfriends name and shuddering all over from the intense fell of it all 
You clawed at his scalp, desperate for some kind of stability as you finally came down a bit 
However, Marshall was still rutting into you, with no intention of stopping, keeping the fire in your belly raging even though you just came 
When he finally managed to pull away from your neck, lower face and cheeks smeared with blood, he wasted no time unbuckling his jeans 
You cried out in relief when he lifted you again, lining you up with his long, pale cock, completely stiff and leaking 
The drunkenly satisfied meal that escaped you when he finally nudged into you was music to his ears
After hours of waiting, you ached to feel him stretching your walls 
He shuddered at the feeling, too, your gummy walls always fit him so snuggly he was surprised he could even fit inside
Your previous orgasm along with the drawn out teasing had made you beyond sensitive, your head was spinning, mouth parting in delirious moans as you finally, finally felt the fullness of his dick inside you 
He hissed when you gently rocked yourself against him, walls fluttering around his cock. “Easy there,” he breathed, mouth returning to that smug smile he bore before, this time coated in blood. “Aren’t you gonna be a good girl?” 
You whined helplessly, hugging him to you and burrowing your face in the crook of his neck 
He felt you nod against him in confirmation, gently licking at his skin and biting at his shirt to keep yourself sane 
He leaned back on the couch, cradling you to his chest and starting a slow and torturous pace of his hips 
You moaned each time he buckled upwards, meeting his thrust with a desperate one of your own 
He breathed out a laugh. “You’re so goddamn wet, it’s all over my pants, sweetheart.” He commented condescendingly, nuzzling your hair with his bloodied face 
It got in your hair, it was also still leaking from your neck but you didn’t care 
All you could manage was a small huff in response against Marshall’s collarbone, clutching his T-shirt in your hands 
His statement was true, though 
You were absolutely leaking on his cock, it dribbled down his shaft, creating a small puddle underneath you on his pants and the couch 
Gently, you lifted your head to mouth at his neck, then his jaw 
“More.” You muttered, your voice cracked slightly and it came as a whisper, but you knew Marshall’s supernatural senses would pick up on it anyways 
He cackled in response. “You can handle more?”
Vigorously you nodded and before you could even register it, Marshall had you on your back on the couch 
You looked up at him hazily, fingers trailing the few marks you had left on his neck, all of which was already beginning to heal 
He leaned down to kiss you as he started pounding into you, making the couch shake and knock against the table besides it with each movement 
He hoisted your leg up, bringing the left one over his shoulder and dove into you deeper, enough to make you feel him all the way in your lower belly 
When he was done kissing you, leaving you breathless and your lips swollen, he nosed down your neck until he found his bite marks and resumed his feasting 
You tightened and fluttered around him, flailing as the liquid flames in your belly grew until they became almost unbearable 
You tried pleading with Marshall, but all that came out of your mouth was incoherent mewls of his name or loud moans 
He was close too, you could tell by the way he was clutching you, his demon-like nails had grown and was leaving small cuts and indents where he was holding you 
He groaned into you, deeply and animalistic and it vibrated through your whole body in the most pleasant of tingling sensations 
That was enough to tip you over the edge, and without warning you creamed on his dick, walls fluttering and constricting so tightly around him he almost found it hard to pull back out
He took a sharp intake of air, departing from your neck for only a moment to glance down and watch the way your pussy was milking him 
He moaned a little at the sight, licking his lips and picking up speed
You could only just lay there as his thrust became inhumane, you knew he was holding back when you two fucked, but it never failed to surprise you when he took use of some of his actual strength 
Something in the sofa cracked, the sound of wood splitting barely reaching your sex-drunk mind as Marshall fucked you rough and fast 
His own thrusts became somewhat sloppy as he used you to chase his end, he watched your face intently, eyebrows knitted in concentration 
When you finally opened your eyes, locking eyes with him and presenting him with the most fucked-out expression he had ever seen you hold, he came 
He didn’t bother to pull out, instead he held your hips tightly to his, releasing his load inside you 
You softly sighed in delight, body numb and heavy 
It took a while for him to pull out, but when he finally did, he went straight to nuzzling into you again 
He hugged you closely, supporting you against his chest as he sat up, lifted his hips and pulled his pants back up 
Marshall is surprisingly good at aftercare, I mean, after all that teasing he better be treating you right after 
He’s always very cuddly, and makes sure to clean you up properly after
He starts with you always, his own needs come in seconds after he’s done with you 
He’s looking at you all lovestruck and starry eyed too, with a goofy lil smile on his face, adorable 
He tugs you against him, preferably in his bed, and helps you clean up the puncture wounds with his tongue and a wet towel 
Awe, he’s so cute (,: 
He just wants to make you feel loved 🥰🥰
Especially cause he knows humans are not build for the kinda sex he’s build for, he’s always a bit scared he’s breached your limits too much or exhausted too much 
And I mean, yes, he has, but you thoroughly enjoy it so.. 
No okay I know I just said he’s soft in the post-but clarity, but sometimes he can also be a teasing little shit 
Depending on how loud he made you moan or how much he got you to embarrass yourself 
In the instance above, he’s pretty soft, but don’t be fooled, man’s is a demon after all 🫢
He’s so hot pls 🥲✋
He’s been needing his own smut for so long too oml,,, I hope you enjoyed it.
Sorry this is also not as fluffy as a first date thing would be, but if it’s something y’all want I could write something about that too. Thanks for the read! 🙏
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f1rodrigo · 10 months
sweet relief | l. norris | part three
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ baby, i can't help myself...
summary: in which you fall for your best friend’s teammate and keeping it a secret proves to be harder than you intended. or when all you need is sweet relief the rest of the world fades away. pairings: social media au || lando norris x piastri bsf!reader fc: olivia rodrigo <3 warnings: language
inspired by the song ‘sweet relief’ by madison beer
a/n : soooo this is more like part 2.5 because i wanted the last one just a bit longer but then i reached the photo limit so im sorry for how short this is i just wanted it to end a certain way! part four is in the works and will be out by the weekend for sure <3 as always thank you so much for all the love and i really hope you enjoy!!
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, and 1,781,912 others
yourusername singapore... you were a dream. oscar made up 10 positions and a podium finish for lando! not a bad weekend at all. excited for japan ❤️‍🔥
view all 2,913 comments
user1 mclaren in the likes... they love her sm i just know it
user2 soooo i am once again asking why more lando pics than oscar what is HAPPENING
user3 do we think she knows about that pop base tweet👀
⤷ user4 lmfao prob leaked it herself for the attention
user5 she loves those boys so much
⤷ user6 right!! everyones so focused on whos dating who but who gives a fuck they all seem happy so what does it matter
user7 she's basically @lnfour with all this race content omg get her on the team
⤷ lnfour We would be honored!!! 🫂 ⤷ yourusername 😙😙 ⤷ user8 BESTIES WITH THE LN4 ADMIN????? OH ITS SO REAL
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yourusername added to their story
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@allywthsr, @2bormaybenot
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