#i am not a number one source on this shit. this is all a summary FROM WIKIPEDIA
f-ckingawful · 2 months
a vice president nominee has fallen from the coconut tree and your local autistic motherfucker is here to summarize Tim Walz's wikipedia page!
democrat (obv) from minnesota
worked in blue collar manufacturing and served in the army reserve national guard after graduating high school, then worked as a social studies teacher
policies as MN governor include free school meals, increased state infrastructure spending, codifying abortion rights, free college tuition for low income families, and gun background checks
volunteered for a democratic candidate in the 04 election because when he tried to attend a bush rally, the security staff harassed his students because one of them had a sticker on their wallet for a dem candidate
advocates for veterans rights
co sponsored a bill to raise minimum wage
supported by planned parenthood, aclu, american immigrant lawyers organization, and national organization for women, to name a few
ranked in 2013 as 7th most bipartisan member of congress
advocated and legalized recreational weed in MN
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voted against 2008 bill to offer 14 billion in loans for automobile manufacturer bailouts
denounced the nra after parkland and in 2023 signed MN laws that established universal background checks and red flag laws
supporter of labor/workers rights + public school staff rights
public supporter of the queer community and our rights, including banning conversion therapy and protecting gender affirming care in MN
condemned the oct 7 hamas attacks, but has since voiced that he supports the protestors, palestine's right to self defense, and the idea of ceasefire
supports abortion rights as stated multiple times. the national right to life committee (presumably pro life guys) rated him 0% and planned parenthood rated him 100% (these ratings are presumably "how much does this guy align with our organization's views")
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harrystylesfan2686 · 7 months
Hello! For the dialogue, number 18 AzrielxReader.
Thank you!
"Stay With Me."
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: You get Hurt on a mission with Azriel.
Warnings: slight mentions of torture
A/N: hey!! Thanks for requesting! Hope you like this!!💕😭
Dialogue Prompts Masterlist Part 2
"I, am, tired!" You struggle saying each word, considering you are walking through a storm in forest.
You are on a mission with Azriel, of all people. You have no idea what Rhysand was doing pairing you both together. He knows how the two of you don't get along but he still, put you with each other.
You are currently walking through a woods along Night Court border. You were supposed to meet Eris for some information Rhysand needed against Barron but the basturd didn't show up, instead a storm did. Out of nowhere, heavy drops of rain started falling, covering the forest with dark clouds and muddy road.
You can't fly due to the water and can't winnow because you can't see anything, so, the two of you decided, walking it is. Having no idea where you are going, you have been walking for hours, surely Rhysand would be suspicious by now.
"You complaint too much." You can practically hear Azriel's eye roll following his remark. He might seem quite and kind to other people, which he is, to other people. Not to you though, his entire personality changes when it comes to you. All the kind and quite persona gets replaced with a snarky and bored one. Arguing with you seems to be his life purpose.
You don't understand why. He has always been that way with you. You were so good from the moment you met. You and Rhysand met first, having both being victims of Amarantha, in different ways. You know the horrors Rhysand had to suffer to survive, you didn't nearly spent the same enduring as him but Amarantha kept you with her for her torturing tasks, scaring you body with her anger.
You and him escaped her together and he brought you back to Velaris with him, knowing you haven't got any family left. He introduced you to his inner circle and kept you in as one of Azriel's spies. You were so excited to finally meet the infamous Spymaster, what you didn't expect was the cold expression he had in his eyes after meeting you.
You groan and take the next step heavier in anger, hoping to stomp your foot but your breath leaves you body when you foot gets sucked in a giant hole, being covered with dried sticks and mud. You scream as you fall, the hole bigger than you thought it be.
When you finally fall on the ground with a thug, you stay still for a second and then the pain hits. Quickly starting from your abdomen and spreading to the rest of your body. You feel snips of pain all over your body, having being covered with small cuts by the dried wood, but the main source of pain is into your stomach.
You try to get up but cry out in pain, again laying down. This time you only lift your head to see what causes such immense pain. You gasp when you see black matel, and small sharp teeth like points connected to a thick matel band.
A bear trap. Great. Seems like you are a bear now.
You can't even breath through the pain. It's that bad. The sharp points digging into your skin with more force every second, your blood now starting to pool beneath you. You close your eyes as you feel a wave of dizziness behind your eyes.
"Shit, Y/N!" Azriel's voice comes to you first before you feel his hands coming to your body. "This is going to hurt." Is the only warning you get before his hands dig into your stomach, pulling at the matel. You scream out as it finally get out of you, leaving huge gapping holes and straches that, now, also bleed.
You sob in pain as Azriel throws away the trap and covers your injury with his hand. You turn to look at the thing, large enough campared to half your body. You realize it would kill you if Az hadn't taken it out. Gods, where do people even find weapons so big.
You cry again when Az press on your wound and lefts your upper body to his. The rain pouring only making things worse and he spreads out his wings, as if reading your thoughts, hiding you from the rain and the world.
"I'm going to die, aren't I?" Your voice coming out weaker then you imagined and Az sucks in a breath.
"Shut up. You aren't going to die." Sure, Rhysand will come for you both. And if he doesn't, Az will carry you all the way to Valeris himself if he'll have to. Letting you go is not an option.
"Who will you have to fight with after I'm gone? Hm?" You try to joke, laughing at yourself weakly but Azriel looks mad.
"You're alright. We're getting out of here, you're going to heal and we are going to keep fighting like we always do." The small quiver in his voice spoke more than he wanted to.
"I hope so." Your eyes closing now.
"No, no, no, no. Hey! Hey, look at me!" His hands jerk your face, desperately trying to keep your eyes open and to his. He groans out, thinking of a way to keep you awake and then freezes, saying the one thing that has you so shocked, you don't think of anything else.
"You're my mate."
His hand, that was to your wound clasp around yours, again putting it to the bleeding hole, now pressing with both of your hands, and he looks into your eyes, repeating his words trying to get you to see the truth in them. After a moment, your fingers slightly tighten around his and he almost cries in relief.
"What?" Your voice so weak, it brings tears in his eyes. "How?"
"I'm sorry. I never told you before. I was never strong enough to do so." Your slightly quickened breathing and eyes on his, he takes this as good signs and continues talking, hoping to keep you interested and shocked enough to stay awake until he finds a way to get out.
"From the moment I met you, I've known. You are my mate. The person I longed for all this time. I- I didn't tell you because I was ashamed. Ashamed to admit that you got paired with someone like myself. You happy personality was something I could never keep up to. I could never keep you happy." A tear falls down his eye but he ignores it and keeps talking, keeps your beautiful eyes on him. "I love you, Y/N. I always have. From moment- we first met. From the second I layed my eyes on you. I don't want you to be stuck with me, so I never told. I was a coward, darling. I am so sorry."
The name he called, doing something to you. Making you feel something you haven't felt before.
Your mate.
Azriel is your mate. He has known this, ever since he met you and didn't tell you, but you can't find it in yourself to be angry at him. In a way you understand him. Understand why he did what he did, you wouldn't have told him either, given how you thought of yourself, you wouldn't want to tie him to you forever too. Hel, you probably would have ran away, afraid of what having a mate would imply.
But now, you don't care about any of this. You have a mate. And you will show him just how much you want him. If this is, in fact, your last living moment, you will not waste it. You weakly lift your other hand, keeping one to his, and touch his face. The act taking so much enery, your fingers shaking against his cheek and he can clearly feel it, given that now more tears fall down his face.
"I am proud to call you my mate."
You weakly smile at him. His eyes now shut close and he hugs you to his body, the hand that is to yours, now cluching tighter and the other around your back, his face buried in your neck and he cries harder.
The last thing you hear before darkness sweeps you, is his voice begging you to stay as tears fill your face and neck.
"Please, stay with me."
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fandomtrashbag · 2 months
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I am aware this isn't a Destiel meme but the shitty memes grab enough attention and that's all I need. It's been a long day.
Hi! It's trashbag again. I've got a migraine but I'll power through with a more detailed summary about the Job Quota Protests in Bangladesh.
Currently Bangladesh has 56% quota allocated for govt jobs. 30% of this is for the descendants (children/grandchildren) of freedom fighters. In comparison, ethnic minorities have 5% and the disabled have 1%. It's nearly impossible to get into the govt jobs without inside connections due to rampant corruption and nepotism.
Students have protested for this before, back in 2018. It was bad, university students got tear gassed and shot with rubber bullets.
July 1st the public universities began the protests for the job quota reform again. Coincidentally this also coincided with public university faculty going on strike because of the Prottoy Pension Scheme, which does not provide enough of a financial safety net and also takes a significant chunk out of the faculties' income. So, students did not have any classes to worry about when they went to the streets.
July 14, PM of the country let us just call her Granny because I don't want to raise red flags on my blog. Granny came back from a visit to China, and of all the statements she gave, one said "if there is no quota for the freedom fighters, who will there be quota for? The Rajakars?"
For context, Rajakars were the paramilitary force that were against the independence of Bangladesh. They did their best to thwart liberation. They're national traitors. They've done concentration camps, genocide, murder of intellectuals, rape, torture.
So, the leader of the nation just called us the local equivalent of a Nazi for demanding to lower the freedom fighter quota. She did not want more merit based people working in the government, which as a leader of a nation is absolutely wild to me.
There was a considerable amount of outrage. Students of Dhaka University (DU) who have been protesting since July 1, took the streets at midnight to chant slogans. The chants lose a lot of weight in translation, but they're essentially calling themselves Rajakars (ironically) for wanting equality.
July 15. We've had student protests erupt around the country. The ruling party sent their student wing, BCL, to suppress. Students occupied the dormitory halls and barricaded. People were beaten and attacked in broad daylight. Rajshahi University (RU) had a raid attempt by BCL at 11PM. Jahangirnagar University (JU) had an attack at 3AM.
July 16. Nationwide protests surge. Private Universities - BRAC, NSU, AIUB, IUB, UIU and so on took to the streets and occupied the roads. There's been blockades. The police got involved today, there was an attack on Primeasia University. The first martyr for the movement, Abu Sayed, 25, died by police gunfire. The video of his murder has been all over Facebook. BCL brought in reinforcements. RU had arson. There was open gunfire in DU.
Come evening, there's been a massive misinformation campaign ongoing. There is fear being incited wherever you look. The latest was 27 rapes at Dhaka University, proven false. The main source of communication is Facebook, and they've slowed that right down. There's now confusion on if there will be protests tomorrow. False information that tomorrow's protests were cancelled on the occasion of Ashura spread too far.
Local media isn't reporting shit. Al Jazeera, AP, Reuters, the diplomat have but there needs to be more.
6 officially dead. One is a highschooler.
At least 200 injured. Real numbers are close to 400.
All hope is not lost - 5 DU halls have pledged to ban student politics. But there is a lot left to be done. Please boost this before we spiral into a much worse situation.
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fuck-customers · 11 months
My Petty on-going war with a "guest"
My Petty on-going war with a guest/non-paying customer continues! So a while back I posted part one of the story, here's the link. https://www.tumblr.com/fuck-customers/696750060212535297/would-it-be-too-petty?source=share If you don't feel like clicking, here's a quick summary. I asked you all if it would be too Petty if I locked up a product a rude non-paying guest comes in to scan into an app. Woman treats all staff like garbage and her visits count against us when our transactions versus guests who walk in is calculated potentially affecting our hourly budget.  A number of times we've been concerned about her stealing, especially when staff is helping a customer towards the back of the store. We'll just hear the door open, no acknowledgement of our greeting, product shuffling around, and boom shes out the door before anyone and approach her.
The response to part one was unanimous, be Petty! and let me tell you friends, I locked that shit up and I felt amazing when this woman came in for the very first time and didn't know what to do. I heard her tapping on the lock box but since she refused speaking to staff she was left in a bind (I caught her by surprise outside the door once at opening, she can speak and theres no language barrier). I watched her wander around the store for a minute before exiting. Meanwhile the guests I was ringing up got great service and save lots of money.
Weeks later she showed up again, she figured out that she was able to scan the barcode on the price tags and get what she wanted that way. Ok.  The thing is I am not one to be outdone and I was winning this Petty War. I have a fine tip pen and drafting tools at home so I filled in those price tags very subtly.  I guess I decided I wanted to waste her time, I know it would have been much simpler to just blatantly black out the barcodes with a sharpie in an obvious a f-u move. We don't scan the barcodes for any store operation reasons so no harm there.
Unfortunately the very first time she came in after I had done this I was in the restroom so I had to get the story secondhand from a trainee who describe this guest as "aggressively ignoring her." The woman spent a couple of minutes trying to scan the barcodes, she even had two phones on hand! but had no luck. Shocker. After a couple of months I took the items out of the lock box, satisfied that I had won the war in pettiness. That was months ago.
But then this past weekend guess who came in? Her daughter and I had a great conversation while mom aggressively ignored me. It was fine! I debated telling her flat out that next time she came in those items were going to be locked up again but I decided against it, let her waste her time if she has so much that she's driving around from business to business scanning product in and never buying anything (also women's holding a phone I don't want to get recorded).
Before the end of the day I locked them up again. And I waited, hoping that she would come in when I was working & I wasn't disappointed! But I was at the very back end of the store when she did arrive. So I saw her doing a "are you kidding me gesture?" with her arms when she saw that it was locked up again. She spent a couple minutes trying to scan the bar codes and I thought she had no luck... but then she comes in the very next day so this time I watch her closely. There was one bar code I may not have tampered with enough, or maybe she thought maybe things would go back to normal right away.  Anyhow, I say fuck it, I grabbed my white out stick run it through every barcode, I white out the UPC number and strategically placed some white out through the items name so that can't be scanned. Until next time lady! Please know the bar is so low all you had to do was not be rude and I wouldn't have given a shit!!!
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"Father, bless me for that I will sin"
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Summary: Father Jim deFroque gets possesed by a familiar face AN: Happy Jesus he knows me anniversairy y´all have a bit of Jim suffering in honor of that. Let me know if you want part 2. Also the art is a nod to a very beloved horror game. Guess which one in the comments!! TW: Possesion , cussing , discussion of religion , mild gore , pain Words: 1,3k
Father Jim deFroque. Some call him the good willing father of the Jesus talks, some know him from his masses, some know him from his not so holy night life. Somewhat he had the trace of a glorious Popstar-Life, but behind this naïve look and the preaching of comfortable lies with the subtle manipulation of giving some man all your money to be greeted into heaven with open arms. Not to speak that Jum had a lot of interesting callers , especially around easter. Some days he wondered if it wasn’t the infamous ministry who chased these kinds of calls upon his neck to annoy him. But , as a priest must, he kept his patience all the way, And it wasn’t only his good willing patience that helped him stay calm during the arguments on the Jesus talks, but also the leftovers from his wild nights . Some wonder if he had a cold that he never gets rid off as they get to hear the sniffing from time to time on calls
Yet , one call was interesting. It came , late at night while he was in the bathroom , taking care of his hair. He forgot to leave the light on in his bedroom , which made the call coming from it seem like the scene right before a jumpscare in a horror movie. The only source of light was the moon from outside, shimmering lightly through the stained glass. Jim picked up, who would he be if not a priest always available for his devoted followers?He was just surprised the call did go to his mobile phone rather than the one he was given by the church for the jesus talks. He picked up.
“Good evening ,May god bless your soul. you are speaking to Father Jim deFroque. How may I help you?” he answered in his usual demeanor. There was no answer. Except some weird, breathing noises. Jim thought it was one of these interesting calls again and was about to hang up when suddenly , a rather familiar voice spoke . “Another day of serving the lord?” . What a weird.. teasy sounding question. Jim firstly had to think for a moment. “Sir, is this a serious question or do you just want to …” Jim started with a confused tone as the voice interrupted him “..No..no.. genuine question.” . “Well , yes, obviously. How shall I not fulfill my duty of serving our shepherd” Jim responded in his usual demeanor. “How are you so sure that he is actually real? Has he done something to prove his existence to you?” Yes, it was done of those callers again. Jim took a deep sigh, deciding if he should just shit on the rules and tell the caller to fuck off, or if he should grab into his basket of “evidence” he keeps repeating like a broken record.
He decided for option two, he does not need any troubles right now , as he did not wish to ruin his image just because it was 2 am and he was about to go to bed since he didn’t feel like clubbing today. “Well you see, I consider my duty and life to be a blessing of our lord and saviour. He has led me to my mission to bring the message of the holy spirit to the masses and redirect the people back to the right path” . There was silence , then a chuckling.. “redirect them to the right path..sure” the voice replies snarky “do you ask them if they wish to? Do they come to you even?” Jim felt himself getting tired of this pointless conversation, but also weirdly anxious. “Sir, I only do what I must, not what I decide is the solution” . The voice snickered at that. “Im sure they’ll appreciate you” . That was when the call ended. Leaving Jim with the phone in his hand, starring at the screen of the suppressed number. Jim found this weird, but nothing shocking. And decided to go to bed, but he still couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was out to get him.
Jim didn’t have the most pleasant dream either, a rather short figure appearing in his dream only to laugh at him. As he stepped closer to the figure he got to see their face, it was familiar face paint what burned itself into his memory. The unmatched eyes, it was like he has seen them before. Why was this haunting him?  But that wasn’t the worst of it all. As the figure stepped closer, He was revealing his horns, and the ground beneath Jim was burning. They just watched him on fire, waving even a little with a smile he didn’t know was meant to be a greeting or a farewell. The eyes and the face paint stayed in his memory even as he awoke. It was still dark. He checked his watch , spotting it was only five am
The light in the bathroom was still on. Jim couldn’t recall if he switched it off before bed or not so he forced himself up to turn it off. Yet his eyes were greeted with a different scenery as he wished to. There was red paint on his mirror, spelling the word Sinner. Now that was the final straw to get the faithful man out of his calm demeanor. He inspected the paint, but the paint turned it out to be blood.
Firstly Jim went to check his locks and windows, in case someone wanted to pull a prank on him. But all locked and closed. Which was weird. To say the least. “Holy Father have mercy on my soul…” Jim whispered under his breath. And the plead was replies with a chuckling. The same as on the call. Jim shook his head, refusing to let his mind trick him. He started to consider that these were the after effects of his last trip. As he stood in front of the mirror with disbelief the light switched off.
Jim unintentionally screamed. Not sure if it was the shock  or the fact that everything what was going on seemed out of a horror movie. He prayed quietl under his breath, pinched himself even to wake himself up from this nightmare. Pleading to whoever was listening to stop his madness. “No, No” it sounded behind him. Jim gulped  and turned around to the noise,  (He felt incredibly stupid for acting like a horror movie protagonist in this situation) and spotted the man from his dreams sit there. Didn’t they say he was dead? Decaptivated even? And of course he had horns. He smirked at Jim. “So ..Are you still on the right path?, Father?" He asked while looking absent minded towards the wall . “What a stupid question, of course I am. What do you want, my soul? “ Jim yelled hysterically , losing his demeanor. Why was he tormenting him like that?
The man stood up. He didnt answer his question but was smirking even brighter. “Lets see how he can save you now from that” he replied, with that he revealed his horns and wings. He snapped his finger and a burning pain claimed Jim´s chest. The father screamed for mercy. To anyone that would listen to help him. “Burn in hell you--…” Jim went quiet. He felt something shift, enter his mind and spread inside him like poison , no prayers would save him now. And he was simply not qualified for an exorcism on himself and way too panicked to continue. Jim felt his faith fade, along with his mind.  No matter how hard he tried to stay and not let the evil take him over, it was too late for salvation. The begs of mercy faded slowly. His tortured expression turned into one of satisfaction
Father Jim was no more, his smile was not his own, his eyes always overshadowed with the omnipresent glow of his red eyes. Jim slowly got up, groaning from his floor. Facing his new form in the mirror. A bright smile painted his face and he chuckled. A weird dark red substance trickled from his mouth and eyes , and his iris were black along.
And with that the beloved father was gone , buried deep beneath the shadows of the possesion , locked in the dark of his mind.
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xobrattymoonxo · 4 months
Summary: When Y/n had everything taken from her at such a young age, she wanted to strike revenge. Foster home after foster home Y/n set fires all over the place... and even some people. It wasn't until the number two hero, Endeavor, took her under his wing for a positive image. Y/n meet a boy there, Touya. Touya was the only one who understood her. One day, Touya is rushed to the hospital.....Y/n never saw him again. Endeavor begins to blame Y/n, as all his force is now aimed at her. Baby shouto came shortly after the incident. On Shouto's 7th birthday, y/n was kicked out and forced to live off of nothing. Y/n rummaged the streets of the city until she met a pro hero, snipe. He helped Y/n to better herself and become a great hero. Y/n only has one goal, though....and that's to kill Endeavor. Little did she know her childhood best friend, Touya, has been keeping an eye on her...... And he has other plans for her, hero.
Trigger Warnings: Noncon, dubcon, somnophilia, Yandere, stalking, obsessions creepy behavior, major character death, brutal scenes of violence, arson, setting people on fire, blood, gore
Taglist: Open, dm, send an ask,  or comment to be added!
AN: Omfg y'all, I am so sorry this took forever!! I am currently Con crunching so hard. I decided to make 3 cosplays from scratch right before the convention (may 24 -26) This chapter is also really really short but the next one will be fake texts so It will be regular length :3
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“I’ll be on my way now, thanks Dad.” Y/n 9id as she walked out the front door. 
Y/n walked down the dark street as she felt her phone buzz, It was Rumi asking her whereabouts. Y/n shut off her phone and tucked it back into her pocket.              
“A little hero like you shouldn’t be walking the streets alone at this hour? Should you?” Dabi spoke up from behind her. 
Y/n jumped at the unexpected voice. She turned on her heels ready to fight. 
“Dabi?” She whispered out. “Why the hell are you following me?” She snapped. 
Dabi walked up to her slowly and placed his hand on her cheek. 
“You’ll see soon enough.” A warp tunnel appeared behind him as he stepped in. It remained open for a few extra seconds like it was encouraging her to step inside. She reached her hand out and pulled back upon hearing her name. 
“Y/n?!” It was her dad. She turned to him, fear and curiosity dripping from her face. “Was that….Was that a villain?” He asked ever so cautiously. 
“Yeah…. Dabi.” She said. “He’s been following me around.” She said ever so casually. 
Snipe looked where the warp was as he pulled her in for a hug. “Cmon, let’s get you home.” He whispered. 
Y/n had been avoiding Keigo and Rumi for three days now. She didn’t leave her parents' home. 
A loud knock appeared at the front door. Y/n sighed as she went to answer, upon opening the door, the person had left. There was flowers on the doorstep with a small card that read “You cant hide forever.” Y/n looked around outside trying to find the source.
“Y/n! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Rumi yelled from the sidewalk. She ran up the front porch and smiled.
“What do you want, Rumi?” Y/n asked, annoyed. 
“It’s been 3 days since Keigo or I have heard from you!” 
“Funny how you care after talking so much shit on that patio the other day.” Y/n snapped. 
Rumi’s eyes widened. 
“Save it Rumi.” Y/n turned to walk away as Keigo swooped in and picked her up, lifting her in the sky.
“What the hell Keigo! Put me down!” Y/n demanded. 
“We need to talk to you.” He said. 
“I don’t care!” 
“Then I won’t put you down!” Keigo snapped. 
Y/n scuffed. “Fine, we can talk! But on the fucking ground!” Y/n shouted. 
Keigo placed her down on the ground as Y/n opened the front door. 
“You guys can come in, my parents are not home right now.” The two followed her into the house. She led them to the kitchen table and sat down, motioning for them to do the same. 
Before she could speak, Keigo spoke up. 
“Look, Y/n. I am sorry for how I reacted… but please try and understand why I didn’t react well. Endeavor is my hero-” 
Y/n cut him off. 
“He used to be my hero too. Sucks when you find out the truth, right?” y/n sassed. 
“I’m sorry, please let me make it up to you.” keigo begged. ‘
Y/n looked between the two and sighed.
“Fine, only cause you guys are like my only friends.” She said with a laugh. 
“We are going to get some lunch, you wanna come?” Keigo asked Y/n. 
She nodded as the three stood up and left the house. 
The three walked down to Y/n’s favorite restaurant down the street. She couldn’t help but feel as if someone was watching them walk there.
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Taglist @weirdovictor @fiestynatureweeb @venusplan @itsmearia01 @punkandnerdy9
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Over my head (Miguel ‘o’ Hara x Reader)
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Pairing: Miguel x f reader
Summary: y/n is a kind hearted nurse who’s life gets turned upside down as she get fired from one the most prestigious hospitals in NYC , desperate , she start filing job applications wherever. Coincidentally a stressed Miguel is looking for a nurse due to a big amount of spider people getting injured due to the surprisingly large amount of anomalies happening in the spider verse. What could go wrong is these two meet?
Themes: ✎slow burn ( I think)
Mutual pining
✎office romance (¿)
Hidden romance
✎Smut available as story progresses.
Dom Miguel x sub/bratty reader
✎Stubborn, Ill tempered Miguel.
✎ Angelic reader .
It girl reader.
✎I try to be as accurate as possible.
English is not my first language so bare with me.
✎badass stoic x sweet empath.
Og spanish speaker so be prepared for steamy dialogue :3
See master list for previous or future chapters
Chapter 1: pilot.
Everything was going great , really it was , you finally managed to become independent and move out, managed to get an amazing job with your hard worked degree, and lastly you were earning enough to get by and pay your student loans.
Until one fateful night you clocked in for your shift as a critical care nurse with your cute violet scrubs , one thing your coworkers really admired about you was your honest heart and true willingness to take care of those whose been injured tragically in a blink of an eye. You took your job very seriously and really put your soul into every stitch and intubation. So was the case when a powerful politician from your city arrive after a failed assassination attempt, you and your team managed to stabilize him and all procedures in the ICU went well.
In terms of post care you medicated him according to doctors order, you didn't go a gram over his pain medication and he seemed to be recovering quickly and well. Things started to go side ways when you had to leave work early since a friend of yours, Gigi got blackout drunk after a break up in a sketchy part of town. Not being able to handle the thought of all the things that could happen to her ;you left your patient to a newbie , trusting him to take good care of your patient (big mistake).
After leaving Gigi in her home , you called to get the rest of your day off so you could enjoy a well deserved break and catch up on some series you've left behind .The next morning you arrived to the hospital and quickly noticed your coworkers heads turning in your directos  staring at you with a wide gaze. You thought nothing of it and went to check on your patient room to see how all went last night. As soon as you entered the room you saw some iv drips on the floor , pillows and a mattress thrown to oblivion and most importantly your patient going bat shit crazy assaulting the newbie you left him in charge of , in the meanwhile some other nurses try to get him off the poor guy who was just trying to do you a favor.
Next thing you know you're rushing to the locked medicine room to later show your ID to enter the room so you can  quickly insert the tranquilizer in a  syringe to have ready . After locking up the place  you sprint back to room number #13 hoping no one is gravely injured, soon you open the door to then tip toe on ceramic tiles as you attempt to knock out the source of all the chaos.
To your bad luck the newbies eyes looking at the politicians back betrays you and in the blink of an eye you're the one that's being chocked on.
-“DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM! GIVE ME SOME MORE OF THAT GOOD SHIT AND ILL BE ON MY FUCKING WAY.ITS NOT THAT BLOODY HARD.”- After the patient yelled this out everything clicked in your mind , the newbie nurse must have given him a heavy dose leaving him now in some sort of withdrawal.  But for the moment all you have to think about is how to get out of this alive , the pressure on your neck starts to make your vision hazy before you black out you throw the syringe to a nurse nearby and the next thing you see is black.
A few minutes later you flutter your eyes open and find yourself in a separate room with the newbie nurse standing by your side.
-“Y/n , how are you? I'm so sorry for how thing turned out, turns out the patient had prior history of substance abuse that wasn't on the chart and he somehow convinced me he was in indescribable pain so I switched up the medicine to dia morphine.- Said the ditzy nurse as he looked at the ground with shame.”
-“You did what?!”- You yelled out sitting straight.
Meanwhile in spider society headquarters things seemed to be going rough...
Lately there's been far to many anomalies, taking more spider men than normal to complete missions while also getting more injured than never.
Some spider man were returning so beat up that they couldn't return to their own universe , leaving some altruistic spider people to patch up their injuries to the best of their abilities and bring them home.
-“Miguel , we need to get some sort of medical assistance up in here. You can't keep asking Lyla to guess is someone is in a comma or just concussed. God forbid I start pushing out this baby due to the stress I'm suffering.”- Stated Jessica drew while walking back and forth in Miguel's office.
-“They're spider people they have to get used to a scratch or too.”- mumbled Miguel while looking through his screens for any new anomalies.
-“Miguel i know it's tough to find someone to confide in but please , you're the leader of this organization for a reason , think of their families and partners they'll start to worry , they shouldn't get used to their  loved one coming home with a lip busted open just cause their boss doesn't want to Pay for their health care.”
Spiderman 2099 proceeds to squeeze his eyes with force refusing to accept that all the recent events and getting out of his hands while squeezing the bridge of his nose but with a final exhale he decided to do what's right.
-“Don't worry about it , I'll get to it as soon as possible.”- he replied trying to give Jessica some reassurance
-“I assume you know why you’re here y/n.”- Said the hospitals director, in her office as you sat down in front of her , unable to lift your face following the series of catastrophic events.-“I think you and I both know you've made a mistake , but you and I both know you've contributed a lot to this hospital”- said the blond haired director as she stood up started walking around the room.-“What happened yesterday was partially your fault but mainly not , my dear friend ,your patient;  has a little addiction that's harmful to nobody. The newbie giving him dia morphine was the next step for him to level up his addiction. He's tried some other shit before but nothing as good as the pain killer administered to him the day of the events. So taking all things Into consideration i leave you two options
Voluntary resignation or...”- as the words exited the directors mouth you felt your whole world fall to the ground everything you worked for poof , gone in a blink of an eye.- “Or continuing administering dia morphine and other requested pain killers to my friend safely while creating fake patient charts to justify the use of  said drugs to the board of directors.”
After signing in your resignation you cried all the way home on the subway not caring who was watching, how did your life turn out like this? You couldn't blame Gigi, she didn't know all of this was gonna happen.
As soon as you arrived to your apartment you took out a bucket of stratichella ice cream and started applying for jobs right away online.
After almost a week with no luck you started to get desperate. The last job offer that was left was one where you checked all the requirements the down side is they were looking for a male nurse. But as you re read the requirements to decided sure they would change their minds as soon as as they saw your qualifications.
-Registered nurse.
-3+ Years of experience.
-Certified specialist in critical care.
- Motivated and hard working.
-Skillful and diligent.
-Time availability.
-Works well under pressure.
-Age: 23- 30 years old.
-Good physical and mental health.
-No criminal history.
Company: Spid-so.co
Employer: Michael 'o' hare.
Email for inquiries: [email protected]
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aries-writingblog · 2 years
Enemy Fire: 1
Summary: There’s a new kid in town, and she’s got a city to usurp.
Pairing: Jason Todd x F. Reader
Word count: 1.6k
warnings: language, violence, mentions of burn victims, guns and weapons, mention of sex workers
AN: I’m not great at writing series but this one took hold of me and wouldn’t let go until I wrote it so we’re hoping for the best. There’s an estimated 25 parts in total to this I’m working on and maybe I won’t lose steam halfway through. Photos from Pinterest.
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Miller Harbor; 3 AM
“Hey, you know that little waitress down at Vinnie’s place?”
Montoya grunted, lugging the last of the black cases from the trunk of the car.
“Ray.” He growled, a warning edge to his voice.
“What?” Ray grinned.
“She’s your wife— you two don’t have to play that game every time. And you definitely don’t have to play it with me. It’s disgusting.” Montoya complained, beginning his count of the weapon cases at their feet.
“Where’s your humor?” Ray asked, preparing the wooden crate with it’s forged paperwork.
“In the harbor, where you’re gonna be if you don’t hurry up.” Montoya warned, moving the weapons into the crate. He quickly ensured they were all sealed, locked with a code. “Boss wanted these prepped immediately. They’re getting picked up soon.”
Ray rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath. Holding the stencil against the wood, he sprayed a lot number onto the top corner.
He moved quickly, helping his partner relocate the cases into their place.
Sweat formed against his brow. Trickling down into his eyes.
Ray stood straight again.
“You feel that?” He asked, wiping his forehead. Sweat glistened off his fingertips. Strange… it was fifty degrees and cloudy in Gotham. “Just got hot out here.”
Montoya grunted again, panting as he leaned against the wooden crate to catch his breath. The air had turned humid— his breathing had become slightly congested.
“Yeah. It’s cause you’re working, let’s go.” He ordered, ignoring the strange turn of weather.
He had learned long ago that Gotham was a strange city, with strange phenomena occurring daily. The less he questioned, the more time he had to run before shit hit the fan.
Ray frowned, sharp eyes searching through the near darkness of the docks.
Eyes. He felt eyes.
They were being watched.
Ray reached out to grab at Montoya— to prepare him for what was coming.
Blinding light flashed across the dock, heat seared and hissed against the cool Gotham air.
Ray squinted at the source.
A figure encased in an orange glow. Fire. She was encased in flames. Warmth bleeding from her body.
She was almost… angelic. Her flame called for him— a sirens song. Beckoning him closer to the energy she produced.
“Evening, boys.” She purred.
Ray and Montoya scrambled backwards, away from the heat of her flame. The spell breaking, scattering through the breeze.
“Shit!” Montoya wrenched his pistol from his hip holster, flicking the safety.
The woman growled, her lip curling. Faster than he could fire, her hand reached out and clasped around the muzzle. Montoya released the weapon, backing away and tugging Ray with him.
The melted gun dropped to the gravel at her feet— steaming and red hot as it cooled.
Montoya grabbed for Ray, holding onto his elbow tightly. Preparing for something he couldn’t fight.
A wolffish smile carved its way onto her lips; Though he couldn’t see her eyes through the domino, Ray felt the delight that swam through them. Like an insect caught under her magnifying lens.
“Oops.” She cooed, taking a step forward. Montoya pulled Ray back with him, inching further away. “Now, unless you want your faces to match, I want contact information for your boss.”
“What boss?” Montoya asked. Ray elbowed him.
The woman laughed— a sound that would have been beautiful had it not been doused in gasoline.
The flames around her body shifted— the orange melding and morphing into white hot. The tips of her fingertips burning blue.
The two men winced, holding their hands up to block the brightness.
“Don’t play coy.” She warned lightly.
Ray held his opposite hand out, swinging it slowly toward his jacket’s inside pocket. She watched him fumble before revealing a business card.
“Here—“ He offered, his hand shaking as it extended. “That’s him.”
The woman hummed, her flames extinguishing with a hiss into the now humid Gotham air. Her hand emerged from the steam as it rose.
“Appreciate that.” She smiled. Her form became visible once again; Just in time for the men to watch her tuck the card securely into her own jacket and zip the pocket. “Have a nice night.”
She moved toward their left, where the cases lay abandoned. Montoya’s jaw clenched, his body stiffening. Ray cut his eyes toward his friend’s hand, moving to the weapon on his own hip.
“No.” Ray whispered.
Montoya ignored his warning.
The woman leaned down, gathered a case and began on her way to exit the dock.
A loud crack of a weapon firing broke through the crystal night air. A stinging pain in her upper arm followed soon after.
She glanced down; A new bullet hole in her jacket sleeve, accompanied with blood pouring down her arm.
Her jaw clenched, her gaze swinging back to the source of the projectile. Holding the smoking gun.
Dropping the case at her feet, the woman extended her hand at her side, palm up. The flames flicked back to life— blue light dancing across her palm as she grinned.
“Aren’t you full of bad decisions today?”
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“We need a new lock on the back door.” Cristy announced. She flicked the broken deadbolt, watching it swing across the door from it’s last remaining screw.
“Done.” Red Hood promised, with a nod. He turned to the three other women in the kitchen, leaned casually against the countertops. They all appeared to be dressed warm enough. “Everyone’s heat is working still? Everyone have blankets? Anyone need to take them home?”
“I’m taking two for Ellen and Erin.” Liv told him. The other women shook their heads.
Several of the women lived in the old house, still. The ones without children. Many of the other ladies that worked went home night after night.
Perhaps it wasn’t ethically correct to run the old brothel, but the women needed jobs and a warm place to stay. And Jason, well, he had the money now.
And he grew up around many of the prostitutes of Gotham in Crime Alley and the Narrows. He knew how hard their lives were. How unfair.
“Take as many as you need. I can always get more.” He assured them, closing the door Cristy stood at.
He threw the locks all the way down, skipping over a couple in case someone decided to pick them. His gloved fingertips grazed over the broken lock.
The women would be safe without it, that he was sure of. But, if they would feel safer with it fixed, he would fix it. Soothe a small worry for their troubled minds.
Jason’s head tilted. Duty always called.
He turned to the handful of women still gathered in the kitchen. He smiled, even though his helmet prevented them from seeing it.
“I’ll get that lock fixed by tomorrow evening, no later.” He assured them. His bouldering frame maneuvered easily around the small room, dwarfing many of the women.
“You’d better, or we’ll go on strike.” Toni called after him.
Jason turned to see her leaned against the door frame, a smirk on her lips.
“Ha.” He scoffed.
Everyone in the house knew Red Hood didn’t get a dime of what they earned. It all stayed in their own pockets. He didn’t even charge rent.
All he asked? Information. As much as they could get, without giving themselves away.
Jason slammed the door after himself as he walked out onto the porch. Harris, one of his analytics, stood waiting.
“Hood.” Harris nodded, shifting on their feet. “Problem down at the dock.”
Jason scowled. One of his least favorite sentences. Trouble on the docks typically meant police would be crawling for the next forty eight hours. And any stock product he had on said docks was lost inventory.
“I knew I should’ve sent Ricky with them. What, they lose the fucking guns?” He demanded. Ray and Montoya— skilled fighters and excellent runners, somehow not great at drop off’s.
Harris winced and shook their head. Jason’s eyes narrowed behind his helmet, his head cocking to the side.
He could almost smell the fear rippling off the person before him.
“Worse.” They stated grimly, their eyes leveling with the Hood as they turned their phone for the Boss to see. Jason’s throat tightened, his heart taking a leap into his gut. “Montoya was burned alive.”
Jason swallowed; It was a gruesome photo. The shake in Ray’s hand evident as he had snapped the picture— leaving the edges blurred.
“Holy fuck.”
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YN hissed, her fingertips curling into her palm. Nails biting into her skin. A final gush of blood trickled down her arm, finding a new home in the creases of her elbow.
She pulled the thread taut, her scissors snipping it short.
Dropping the pair onto the table, she snagged her bottle. Knocking back a shot of whatever she had purchased from the shady liquor store open at 2 AM on the Southside of Gotham. Probably some bootleg concoction whipped up in a college bathtub.
A shiver ran across her nervous system; Dislodging the thought from her already hazy mind. Pain tinged the edges of her vision, turning it watery and blurred.
Readjusting to sit with her back against the chair, she rested her arm on the table. Her eyes refocusing on the small rectangle of card-stock paper.
Her fingertips traced along the edge of the faded business card. Some guy’s plumbing service— quite possibly, Ray’s himself.
Sliding it to the edge of the table, YN flipped the card over. Holding it between her fingers. Examining the scribbled ink across the back. She smirked, placing it back on the table; Standing, she pushed herself toward the small kitchen, in search of more bandages.
‘Red Hood; Meet at The Bowery Square; Call only in emergency’
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xkittypunkerx · 4 months
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SCREAM - A Beautiful Lie
Chapter Summary and Gang Members: Punk and his gang realize that AJ Lee has returned and begin to make their plans.
Gang Members
2009 Heel CM Punk
SOA Season 1 Jax Teller
James Keenan aka Corey Graves
The Shield Seth Rollins
Jimmy Jacobs
Chapter two
-April Mendez-
Within the next week or so, any stranger would think that we've been living here for years. We installed an amazing improved stereo system, flat screen TV, and a few other needed appliances and such. I guess you could say that our parents really love us.
I groggily opened my eyes to the smell of bacon and eggs flowing through the house. Kofi must be over here showing off his secret culinary skills. I stretched as I got out of bed, and made my way down to the kitchen. "Well look who finally decided to get up," Kaitlyn laughed as she swallowed a forkful of hash browns.
I rolled my eyes, "C'mon, I didn't sleep in that late!"
I noticed that both Kaitlyn and Kofi were staring at the oven clock and suppressing laughter, so I followed their stare and saw that I had slept in until 10 AM! I was supposed to be at an illustration intern meeting in exactly 30 minutes...
"Shit!" I cursed as I ran down the hall to my room and quickly changed into a black and grey pinstriped business suit, straightened my hair, and applied just a slight amount of makeup, enough to look like myself but not so "scary."
I rushed to the kitchen again, noting I only had 10 minutes left. Good thing that this event was on campus, otherwise I'd be mega screwed.
"Ok, I should be back around one, so you guys can go to lunch without me if you want. Um...don't forget to clean up. Peace out!" I yelled as I ran out the door to the truck.
If I wasn't in such a rush, I could've had just enough time to laugh at myself. Seriously, I just sounded like their mother! All humor aside, I pressed the pedal to the metal and pulled into the parking lot mere seconds before the meeting was about to begin.
When I walked in, it turned out that they were still distributing name tags. And much to my surprise, people were still stumbling in after me. Sometimes I honestly believe I worry way too much.
The meeting itself was a great success. I ended up meeting some pretty cool people, some of which I had common classes with this semester, got brochures for internships, and even received a couple of compliments on the drawings I've gathered thus far for my portfolio. Anyone near me could tell that I was excessively ecstatic as I practically skipped back to the truck. At this rate, tonight would definitely be a party night.
I drove home to find two very strange things: it smelled like shit and Kaitlyn had left a note. I plugged my nose in suspicious disgust as I crept into the bathroom to see if I could figure out the source of the massive stench.
I groaned as I looked at the chunk of nastiness resting at the bottom of the toilet. The water was raised unnaturally high, and something told me this thing was clogged. My suspicions were confirmed after four flushes, and no success. No matter how many times I tried to flush afterward, it didn't go up or down...now that's really gross. That note better explain what's going on here.
The note was written on the back of some receipt and resting on the corner of the counter.
It read:
AJ, I'm leaving to go look for a job. Kofi said he'll stay here a little longer, but he'll probably be gone before you get back home.
Love, Kait the Great
I rolled my eyes after reading her signature, but then realized that it must've been Kofi who was the one responsible for the clogged toilet, though it doesn't really seem like something he would do...
I groaned as I pulled the phone book out from under the kitchen desk and looked for a plumber. I dreaded the thought of some gross fat man coming here while I'm helpless and alone - talk about paranoia. Remember: keep the past where it belongs.
I forced myself to dial the number and sat on the couch waiting for him to arrive.
-Jax Teller-
"Is anyone else ready to go look for new prey? I need someone to fuck with," I asked in a bored tone as I skimmed through some text messages in my cell.
All of the guys agreed in their own way as we chugged our liquor besides, as if it were water. At this point in our world, liquor was almost necessary to keep the entertainment and creativity flowing.
As I lounged back in the leather recliner, a random memory suddenly entered my mind, causing some beer to slip past my lips as I began laughing. "What's so funny, man?" James asked, eyeing me strangely.
"Do you guys remember April Mendez, from like 3 or 4 years ago? Damn, I would just love to go hunt her down and finally finish off our first project," I suggested.
Punk had a thoughtful look on his face, as if he was reliving memories, before he finally ended up cheering for the idea. He should be the one to support the idea the most, considering the fact that AJ Lee was his girlfriend at the time.
"You know, that would probably be way better than any of the kills we've done lately. It would be challenging to find her, but damn would it be worth it."
Seth stood up and walked over to the computer nearby. He was always the pro when it came to stalking people. "Don't worry, I'm on it!" he announced with a confidence-filled grin.
He quickly typed April Mendez's name in some weird college database and you'd never believe it, but we found her. It would seem that AJ Lee must have forgotten all about us, because she was stupid enough to return to the neighborhood for her college education.
It's a shame she has no idea what she's in for. And I can promise you that she will greatly regret the day she ever decided to return to Chicago. We each exchanged pleased looks as we gathered around the kitchen table, shoving all the fast food wrappers and bloody utensils out of the way so we could plan properly.
The following morning, Punk, Seth, and I decided to go gather some dirt on AJ Lee, find out where she lives, and create a reason for us to return to her new home later tonight. AJ Lee attended a rather prestigious college located right in the heart of Chicago. It was a sprawling campus, with several residential locations.
Of course, since AJ was so much classier than the other freshman, she's living in the gated community of condos. Luckily, the community was along the edges of the campus, right near a thick forest
Seth drove the van off the main road and down the bumpy, grassy hill to the right. If our calculations were correct, then we should be close to her condo...number 233 A. Once we saw the black rod iron fence, we decided to jump it and try our luck.
"Hers is just a couple feet down the street," Punk noted as we walked slowly down the sidewalk.
I decided to go ahead of the other two slightly, just to get a sneak peak inside the house. As it turns out, it would seem we weren't alone. A girl and a guy were both sitting at the kitchen table, chatting. Looks like all we can do is sit and wait until these little inconveniences disappear.
"Hmm, maybe we could snag that chick as an encore or something?" Seth suggested, nodding toward the black and blond-haired girl.
"That could work...or we could just use them against AJ somehow. I don't really give a shit what we do with them, I just want this to be the best work we've ever done," Punk said.
I nodded, "Don't worry, man. We'll use all our tricks on this one!"
We waited in the bushes until we were sure that both people left the condo. Then, we picked the back door lock and made our way inside. Seth whistled and said, "Check out this place!"
I made my way further into the condo, walking down the short hallway until I ran into two closed doors. "Which one do you think is hers?"
Punk shrugged and kicked both doors open with just enough force to get the job done, yet keep the doors' hinges intact. One room was green and the other was black and white. "This one's definitely her room," he confirmed as he stepped into the green room. Oh that's right, green was her favorite color.
She had tons of band posters plastered across the walls, a HIM comforter on the bed, and framed pictures of her with those two other people along the shelves attached to her desk. Punk stared hard at the photos, his eyes holding a hint of resentment.
He shook his head and placed a hand over his heart and said with a tone of false pain, "She doesn't even have a picture of her and me together! I'm devastated." I humored him with a laugh as I scanned the rest of the room, memorizing every bit of it for our return tonight.
"Hey guys we don't know when the bitch is gonna be back so we better work fast," Seth pointed out, leaning casually against the white door frame.
I got up off her bed and found my way down to the basement to mess with the electric system. And just for a little bit of entertainment, Seth decided to run over to the bathroom and take a massive dump to give me a reason to return as a plumber before the real fun begins.
Before we left, Punk changed the locks around so that we had easy access to the condo tonight, regardless of whether or not little defenseless AJ thinks that the door is locked.
"How'd it go?" James asked, briefly glancing up from his Sports Illustrated magazine.
"It's perfect! We've got the whole house rigged for our benefit and Teller's is gonna head back over there in a couple hours just to fuck with her," Punk exclaimed, reaching into the fridge for an ice cold water bottle. "Also, she doesn't live alone. A girl and guy were there earlier today, so we have a couple toys to use on the side."
"The guy actually lives across the street, but the girl does in fact live with AJ. I think we should take her too for a little extra fun for the rest of us," Seth added, showing off his stalker skills once again.
"I agree with Seth. Do you think you two can keep this chick out of the house until we give you a call confirming AJ Lee's capture?" I asked James and Jimmy.
"Her name is Kaitlyn," Seth interjected.
James smirked, "Sounds hot. Besides, Teller, you know we're the best at stalking, distracting, and capturing!"
I assumed that AJ had to be back home by now, so I drove over to this plumbing place downtown that we had a special connection with. Clearly, we've pulled this particular maneuver before.
Before entering the building, I changed into the navy blue jumpsuit and pulled the hat down low over my forehead. I nodded curtly at the young guy working at the front of the counter.
"Tell... Teller, what are you doing here?" he asked, just barely above a whisper.
I stared at him intently, savoring the fear in his eyes. "Relax kid there's nothing to worry about. I'm actually doing the job this time. No bloodshed involved."
He knew all too well that in most cases I used this cover up to sneak inside homes and steal the beautiful women inside. Technically, I wasn't really lying. AJ would stay safe and sound while I fix her toilet. I wouldn't be using a disguise to take her away tonight.
Ten minutes after my arrival, the phone rang shrilly through the tiny building. "I've got this one," I said reaching excitedly for the phone, clearing my throat to sound professional. "Hello, J T Plumbing. What can I plumb for ya?"
"Um, yeah, my toilet won't flush and, well, someone...you know...emptied a little too much and it won't budge. Do you think you can come out here and fix it?" she asked timidly.
I smiled as the tone of disgust in her voice reached my ears. "Sure, thing darling, that's our job. Can ya give me an address please?"
She told me the address and even gave me the code to get past the gate. I told her I'd be there momentarily and hung up the phone. I loaded a few things into the van and headed back over to the campus.
I arrived at her place a few minutes later and had to silence a laugh as I rang the doorbell and waited to see her filthy little face. The hardest part of this whole thing would be pretending to be nice to her, but it would all be worth it in the end.
I formed a perfectly fake, business-like smile on my face once she opened the door. Her eyes widened momentarily and she hesitated to speak after first seeing me. I knew she didn't recognize me... probably assumed I'd be fat and creepy...even though I didn't think all men of this profession were like that.
But then again, I'm not really a plumber.
In the next Chapter: The Gang Kidnaps AJ Lee
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urfavmercurial444 · 11 months
Technology's Role in Self-Growth Pt.1
That's the goal for this post: Change the way you interact with technology to gain more positivity and mindfulness in your life!
My most prominent sources of technology is my computer, my tv, and my iPhone. Though I am grateful for these devices, I am still prone to overindulgence and need to step back from screens. I'll be writing this article surrounding these devices.
We carry our phones with us 24/7. They go to school with us, to work, to the toilet, and even to bed. Everywhere, all the time. So why wouldn't they reflect our goals and aspirations? These little mini-minds carry our deepest secrets (texts and notes app), our entire social world (every communication platform, like, ever), and has the ability to keep us on track with our lives (timers, calendars, reminder apps.). And we pay dang good money for them, too. So why shouldn't we make the most out of them? It's time we use our phones to their fullest potentials, and here's how you can do that:
Limit your screen time - you won't experience life if you're always looking down at a screen.
Delete the photos of your old ex that you can't get over/Give your phone a makeover - Stop holding onto the past before it strips you completely of your future.
Delete your social media apps - minimize the reasons you have to go on your phone.
Apple Calendar is a great way to organize your life! You can customize your calendar: what day your week starts with, the number of days in a week, which calendar is your default (you can have multiple calendars), and you can even change the colors of your calendars.
Reminders is an app I hold near and dear to my heart. I've used it for everything, from vitamins to school payment alerts. I like to categorize the reminders based on 'personal' and 'school' usage.
Clock app is pretty self-explanatory. I like to use the focus setting on my phone with this app to help me wake up in a peaceful manner! The alarm I have is so calming and brings me to consciousness in a gentle, and less shocking way than the typical alarm sound.
Organize your apps into groups of related topics - school, finance, health, etc.
Remove your social media apps or anything else that's distracting from your home-screen. There's a way to put it in your app storage, so you can still use it and reach the app easily but without it being in a quick to reach area.
Organize your apps into groups labeled with affirmations! So social media platforms would be "I am connected" and school would be "I am educated," etc.
Clear out all the tabs in your browser. Keep this area of your phone clean as it can take room out of storage and make you feel more cluttered/overwhelmed.
Only keep the necessary apps on your phone - or on your home-screen. Apps that keep you functional, not entertained.
Follow the same creators on every app and keep your following count down. This will clear up your feed and prevent you from being overloaded with information.
Wattpad, Books, Audible, Goodreads, and Scribd - All of these are different apps for reading books, except for Goodreads which is a book review platform! Find one that works for you (Books on iPhones are free if you use Anna's Archive.com) and get to reading! Check out my recommend reads!
Headway - Book summaries! For us busy gals who still want to get a daily lesson in.
Shit You Should Care About Newsletter - This is a newsletter you can get in your email daily by signing up on their Instagram (under the same name), or you can follow their Tiktok. I recommend email because it will ease you into your use of email!
TED - This is the app for Ted Talks! I recently discovered it and I am so motivated to listen to them all!
Vision-board Wallpaper - Having a vision board can be really inspiring and motivating because it's a constant visual reminder that's in-your-face so you can't ignore it. I'd recommend making it yourself, however you don't have to. Pinterest, Canva, Shuffles by Pinterest, and Picsart are great platforms to create this on!
Affirmation Wallpaper - I'd recommend this for your home-screen and the vision-board for your lock screen! You can create this the same way as the vision-board wallpaper.
Morning Meditation Alarms - Growing as a person and becoming more successful both require you to be grounded and mindful of your life. The best way to accomplish this? Meditation. To start this habit, you should make your morning alarm a meditation recording!
0 notes
nothoughtsonlynat · 3 years
The Italians Hate You
summary: Natasha and Y/N have their first big fight (fluff)
word count: 919
It was a cold day. Freezing cold. But even so, the streets of New York were packed; it was nearing Christmas and everyone was doing their last minute shopping. You, however, were most definitely not shopping for Christmas gifts.
You were getting shitfaced with your friends.
Well, you were planning to, anyway. You and three of your friends had just gone for a quick walk to the store for some booze, and now you were racing back.
Literally, you were racing each other back. You had the lead, leaving your friends in the dust. Sweet victory was only a block away when you crashed directly into another person. Both of you went down—hard. 
But at least you caught the bottle of Russian vodka you were carrying, saving it from a heart-shattering death on the icy pavement below. Despite the spared alcohol, you found yourself in a new predicament. To be specific, you found yourself on top of a very gorgeous redhead.
“Shit, I am so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going and-”
“It’s fine. Could you maybe, like, get off of me, though?” she requested impatiently.
“Right, yup, yeah. My bad.” You stood up, dusting the snow off your body before extending a hand to help the woman up. She eyed you with skepticism before you raised an eyebrow and said, “I promise I don’t bite.”
Mumbling something under her breath, she accepted your outstretched hand and you lifted her (rather small) body off the sidewalk.
“So where’s the fire?” she asked as she picked up her takeout box of pizza.
“Why were you running?”
“Oh, that. It- well, you see, I was…racing my friends back to my apartment. Which sounds very lame but, you know, I'm just getting my cardio in,” you stammered with embarrassment, at which she struggled to suppress a laugh.
“Hey, you’re that superhero, right? The spider?”
“Black Widow, yes. You a fan?”
“Would it offend you if I said no?”
“Not at all,” she promised with a smile.
“Damn, I’m sorry we couldn’t save your pizza,” you said, gesturing to the snow-soaked box, opened to reveal its ruined contents. “Who even eats pineapple on pizza, anyway?”
“Me. And it tastes amazing,” she tried to argue with you.
“No. Shut up. Don’t tell me you’re one of those. Pineapple does not belong on pizza.”
“Yes it does! It’s so good!”
“Stop. Right now. Even the Italians know pineapple should never be on pizza! They’d be appalled by you. And to think, I was beginning to like you. Hey, you,” you called to a stranger walking by. “Thoughts on pineapple on pizza?”
“It’s a disgrace,” they said, laughing at your interaction with the redhead.
“Okay, big whoop. That’s only one person out of millions in this city. Do you like pineapple on pizza?” she asked a different person walking by.
“Hell yeah,” he replied.
“Nuh-uh. Nope. I’m bringing in other sources,” you said, dialing your friend’s number. “Hey, do you like Hawaiian pizza?”
“What? Yeah, I guess. Where the hell did you go?” they questioned frantically.
“Okay, thanks, bye,” you rushed as you hung up the phone, mumbling “Backstabbing asshole.”
“Hah! Just admit it, I’m right,” the woman mocked with a smirk.
“No way. We need a tie-breaker.”
“Fine, I’ll call one of my friends.”
“Wait, we need a wager.”
“What kind of wager?”
“Let’s see, if your friend agrees with you…you get this bottle of fine Russian vodka. If I win…I get to take you out on a date,” you proposed.
“And what makes you think I want your vodka? Or that I’d ever go out on a date with you?”
“Oh, I’ve seen you eyeing this vodka since I tackled you. And as for the date, I’m simply irresistible. So, what do you say? Do we have a deal?”
She thought it over before agreeing, “Deal.”
She pulled out her phone and clicked on a contact. It only rang a few times before they answered. “Hey, Tony. Listen- No, stop talking. I don’t care about the suit, I just need you to answer a question. Should pineapple be on pizza?”
You faintly heard him say “God, no, never” through the phone and you pumped your fists in the air, celebrating the victory.
“Dammit, Stark. You couldn’t just help me out this one time? Yeah, whatever, I gotta go.” She hung up the phone and watched you celebrate, sighing glumly.
“Aw, cheer up, buttercup. We all make mistakes sometimes. Just admit you were wrong, and your road to redemption shall begin.”
“Shut up. Now let’s get this stupid date over with.”
“Oh, please. Don’t act like you aren’t excited.”
“Hey, detka?” Nat says as you lay in your shared bed.
“Yeah, love?”
“You remember the day we met? That bet you made?”
“Of course I do. Why?”
“When I called Tony, I already knew he hated pineapple on pizza. I just wanted to go out on a date with you,” she admits as she runs her fingers through your hair.
“No way! That’s adorable, Mrs. Romanoff-Y/L/N. Truly. And now I’m your wife. Lucky you,” you say with a wide smile.
“Yeah, lucky me. I should’ve just taken the vodka and ran.”
“Don’t act like you don’t love being married to me.”
“You know I do,” she confirms, kissing you softly before returning her head to the crook of your neck. “But I still think pineapple on pizza is amazing.”
“And the Italians still hate you, darling.”
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crazy4myself · 3 years
No Harm List | Pt. 13
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Word count: 5k
Warnings: Violence, explicit language,
Summary: You live in a city where crime runs rampant. One day, you save a young boy’s life, not knowing that he is the most powerful crime lord's heir. And you have just been put on the no harm list.
Beta reader: @punkisnotdead2318
Banner: @bangtanloverboys
A/N: hello lovelies I am back! And posting this from my cellphone so sorry if this formatting is shit I’m doing my best. I’m a married and working woman now so writing is a bit harder in my new phase of life but I hope to continue bringing you this story 💕
UPDATED 3/26/24
✨Plz reread pt 12 for maximum drama✨
It was a quiet night in for Seokjin.
A luxury he planned to milk for all it’s worth as he settled into a recliner with the book he’s had for months, but never got around to reading.
Namjoon locked himself in his study tending to god knows what business, but with Yoongi hiding out for the next few days, he knew his lover could only keep himself busy for so long.
Maybe he could convince Namjoon to turn in early this evening, this was the first time in a long time they had the house to themselves.
Hoseok’s mission this morning was mostly a success, but the potential spotting by cops and their ability to trace the security camera’s signal disruption back to Yoongi had both men hiding in a safe house for the next few days. If he thought about it for too long, Jin was unnerved that Tate Hyde’s team bothered to trace Yoongi’s surveillance back to him and send out cops to hunt down Hoseok.
They had arranged for this event to happen after all, and while a wild goose chase made the event more believable, this goose chase wasn't wild at all, it was accurate. Suga and J-Hope planted strategic evidence to get the cops off their trail. But the investigators blew right past it and Jin’s sources confirmed both men were on the suspect list. They may have to actually find a shooter to use as a scapegoat if the cops don't end their digging.
Before Jin could even finish the book's first chapter, his phone rang. He sighed as he recognized the number from V’s burner phone and swiped to answer.
“Thank you for calling Domino’s” Jin greeted, partly as a joke, partly because answering the phone with “hello this is Kim Seokjin of BTS” would definitely blow V’s cover if he was caught.
“Pull in your men,” V ordered, breezing past any kind of pleasantries. He didn't even huff a laugh at Jin’s joke.
“Why?” Jin asked suddenly on alert.
V had been in deep cover in the Black Tips territory for the better part of two weeks now. And his involvement there had been vital for BTS to stay ahead and avoid any other major attacks while they were still recovering from the shooting at the Bulletproof.
“Fin sent out some of his top guys this evening, and they haven’t come back yet. And someone in his inner circle just bragged that they’re taking a hit on BTS tonight. Call in anyone on the street and warn Bulletproof to be on high alert.” V briefed.
“How long ago did his men leave?” Jin asked, already typing out a message to Jungkook and Jimin, both were out taking care of a big shipment of methamphetamines in the warehouse district this evening. If the deal went south, BTS would take a massive hit. But not as bad as if Jungkook or Jimin were hurt during it.
“Just over an hour ago. Tell Suga to have his eyes everywhere he can, but don’t have anyone on the street.” V continues.
Jin responded as he finished his text to Jungkook “Suga’s offline for the rest of the week.”
“What? Why?”
“He and J-Hope have to lay low, you don’t need any more details.” Jin explained as he reached for the tablet on the coffee table. There was no need for V to have any major updates on BTS’s plans while in deep cover like he was.
His cousin cursed under his breath, “Well, get Jungkook or someone on surveillance.”
“I’m on it right now, is that all you have to report?” Jin asked as he opened up the surveillance feed from the tablet, checking out the lobbies of the Bulletproof Casino first.
“Not at the moment. If they send a second group out to help clean up whatever damages they caused, I’ll try to get in on it and report back afterwards.” V responded, Jin could hear the tension in his voice.
“Don’t do anything too reckless, and don't worry, with this heads up I doubt there will be any messes,” Jin assured.
V grunted in agreement, not wanting to accept the pity praise his cousin offered him. He was about to give his goodbye and hang up when he heard Jin cuss.
“What is it?” V demanded.
Jin was silent for a moment as he took in what he saw on SugarDaddy’s security cameras. His heart sank at the sight of the wreckage.
“They’re in the bakery, it’s totally wrecked and it’s smoking like it might be on fire.” Jin explained as he moved to the cameras in the kitchen hoping they would still be in use. He was confused to see four men wandering around the kitchen, directionless, with no signs of wanting to leave.
“Shit.” V hiss, realizing he dismissed a very important asset. “Who closed?” V asked, already dreading the answer.
“Ella, but she must have gotten out because-” he cut himself off as he checked the final camera to the lab where he saw you pacing before taking a swig from a glass vial. “Taehyung, can you get out of there and to the bakery without getting caught?” Jin asked, his voice so serious it made V’s blood go cold.
“Yeah, I’m right on the edge of the sixth ward.”
“I’m heading there now,” Jin said, getting up and making his way to Namjoon’s office. “Jungkook and Jimin will be on their way. We’ll meet you there.”
And with that order, the line went dead.
The sound of the disoriented intruders rang clear through the bulletproof door to the lab.
You took a deep breath to steady yourself before pulling the trigger on another gas canister, opening the door, and launching it into the kitchen. The bakery was hazy with the smoke now, but you could see the silhouettes of four men in the clouds.
They grew quieter as the effects of the gas began to set in.
You made your way for the one nearest to you, he was swaying- lost to the influence of the smoke. If slight exposure made someone as disoriented as you experienced first hand, you couldn’t imagine what prolonged exposure at this intensity could do to them.
He didn’t even seem aware of your approach as you snuck up on him and made quick work of jumping on his back and wrapping your arm around his throat; pressing down on the back of his head while squeezing the column of his neck.
He let out a strangled sound of surprise at the attack, reaching up and clawing at your forearm.
The other three men were startled at the sound, but instead of coming to their partner’s aid they abandoned them and made their way back out to the kitchen.
You gritted your teeth, squeezing tighter in an effort to keep your grip. The man under you bucked, trying to throw you off him, growing more frantic as the pressure into his head grew.
You felt a rush as he tipped onto his back crushing you under him. Your vision exploded into stars at the impact, but you forced yourself to keep your grip even as his weight knocked the wind out of you.
Finally, his thrashing ceased and he went limp in your arms.
You ignored the ache of your muscles as you released the tension in your arms and crawled out from under the gangster’s weight. The towel you wrapped around your face already hanging limply around your throat. You pulled it off quickly before it felt like a phantom arm wrapping around your own throat.
It seemed that whatever antidote Jimin had made in his lab was working so far. Other than slight discomfort caused by breathing the thick air you were left unaffected by the effects of the smoke. You made quick work of getting up and taking in your surroundings, adrenalin still pumping through your veins as you look for your next target in the hazy kitchen.
A loud shout rang out from the front of the store, and a looming figure made its way through the kitchen doors easily maneuvering around the bakers’ rack. He wasn’t built like any of the others you saw this evening.
Did they send for backup?
Spine straight despite the thick smoke curling around him. He made his way towards you, his gait so confident it filled you with unease.
Was it possible for a member of the BlackTips to be immune to Jimin’s smoke?
You moved into a fighting stance, centering your weight as the figure got closer, reaching an arm out for you. You didn’t hesitate before wrapping your hand around his wrist, pivoting in place, and launching his body over your shoulder. You flipped the man onto the ground.
He landed with a loud smack but kept his grip on your own arm taking you down with him. You lost your balance, toppling on top of him and landed nose to nose with Jeon Jungkook.
“Glad to see you remember what I taught you.” He greeted, with a smirk.
Jungkook and Jimin were already driving back to the den by the time Jin called. The deal had happened fast without any hiccups. And they decided to take the product back to the Den for safekeeping until they knew it was impossible for the warehouse to get breached despite the new security system.
They were just a few blocks from the downtown side of the seventh ward when Jin broke the news about Sugar Daddy.
Jungkook didn’t hear anything else once Jin mentioned you were still trapped inside. He pressed the pedal to the ground, tires screeching as he sped to the bakery.
For a moment, his mind was scarily quiet. Y/N was at the bakery, trapped in Jimin’s lab while some punks wrecked the area.
It seemed simple enough. Get there, take down the guys, and get to Ella.
Jimin’s lab was one of the most secure rooms Yoongi had designed. The door was bulletproof, as long as she was in there she was safe.
But a countless number of ‘what if’s’ began to creep into his thoughts.
Jimin stayed on the line with Jin, getting information on the men and the condition of the bakery before he ended the call and immediately reached to reload their guns.
“Did he say how many men were in there?” Jungkook asked as they pulled onto the road. Headlight shone behind him and he knew it was Jin and RM catching up.
“Four.” Jimin answered.
And that’s all he needed to know as he pulled up to the wrecked building.
The sound of screeching tires caught the attention of one of the thugs, the welcome bell chiming as he pushed the door open and tried to escape down the sidewalk.
Snatching the gun out of Jimin’s hand, Jungkook barely put the car in park before he was out and making a start to run after the deserter.
Suddenly, out of the shadows, V’s long form appeared, grabbing the man mid-run and pinning him against the wall in one hard motion.
“Marcus, you’re fucking dead.” V growled into the man's face.
“You got him?” Jimin called, making his way toward the two, gun pointed at the pinned culprit.
Considering that situation under control, Jungkook turned his focus back to the bakery, gun in hand as he made his way inside with Seokjin and RM.
Everyone knew Jin wasn’t one for violence. He avoided it when he could, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t capable of holding his own. He just had the most restraint out of the seven of them.
At the sight of wreckage, Jungkook watched a look of devastation flash across Jin's face as he took it all in before it morphed into a cold rage.
There was a large man behind the counter looking as if he was trying to break into the register.
The sweet smell in the air told Jungkook that Y/N laced it with some of Jimin’s gas. He grabbed the bandana that was around his neck and pulled it over his nose. This must be why the thugs were slow to react to their entrance.
“Stay alert,” Jungkook cautioned the others as he held his gun up at the man waiting for Jin and RMs orders on what to do next.
Jin stormed right past him, grabbing the man by his shirt and pulling him over the counter to his side of the coffee bar. The man flailed and his leg got caught, but with a feral grunt and a hard tug Jin slammed the man on the ground, before kneeling down and slugging the intruder in the jaw with all his might.
Jungkook and RM both winced at the sound.
The sound of Ella and a man's shout echoed from the kitchen and Jungkook was instantly in motion, he could barely open the kitchen door thanks to a bakers rack acting as a failed barricade.
The smoke in the room still hung thick in the air, but you were still visible as you pulled your body from under one of the fallen men who Jungkook realized was unconscious.
Jungkook sighed with relief and pride, both flooding his chest as he moved towards you; cautiously, not wanting to scare you any more than you already were.
He should have seen how that could have come off as intimidating, should have said something to reassure you that you were safe now.
So he was more frustrated with himself when you flipped him as hard as you did. He was honestly impressed with your technique and the fact that you were still awake with so much smoke in the air.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You snapped, pulling back in shock. Your hand was still curled into a fist, your breathing restricted to short pants.
“Saving your ass” he explained like it was obvious.
“Saving me? No, I needed saving 45 minutes ago. I'm handling the situation.”
He opened his mouth to argue when you heard another loud shout from the front of the shop.
“It’s Jin and RM. They’re outnumbered, but don’t worry.” Jungkook assured as you pushed yourself off him to get up. His body yearned for your warmth against him again.
He didn’t realize until this moment how scared he was.
But you were safe, and that's all he could think about.
You were safe. You were safe. You were safe. Not only were you safe, but you successfully protected yourself from four men.
He waited a moment, taking in your cautious expression as you hauled yourself up, eyes skimming over the destruction of the room. You stood to your full height and offered Jungkook a hand.
“Ella are you okay? How many were there?” He asked pushing up with you.
“Four, but I knew one of them.”
“Did they touch you?” He asked a fierce protectiveness in his eyes so unguarded it took her off guard.
“No I’m-“ you took a moment to glance at the unconscious man behind her, shocked to realize they hadn’t, not really. You won this fight. That reassurance steeled you and gave you the strength to look in his eyes. “No, nothing I couldn’t handle, apparently.” The concern didn’t leave Jungkook’s eyes and as he stepped towards you. You instantly pulled back, “I’m fine. I’ll be fine.” assured again, unable to handle any kind of comfort right now.
There was a low thud and a groan.
You and Jungkook both turned to see the fourth man who they didn’t even realize was still in the room leaning heavily against the countertop as he rose. He must have been hiding or the smoke knocked him near unconscious.
He was clearly disoriented, leaning heavily to his left like a drunk man walking with a tilt. But his face was determined as he reached for the gun strapped to his side.
It felt like time froze as you took in the situation. Instantly, Jungkook was reaching for his gun too, and fear spiked in your chest at the potential of either one of these men firing off a shot this close.
You slammed your shoulder into Jungkook, knocking him off balance as you reached for the broom against the wall. Jungkook yelled out in protest but in two quick movements, you secured the broom, stepped forward, and smacked the intruder’s arm that was supporting his weight on the countertop. He cursed as he lost his balance nearly collapsing. Another step forward and you kicked him onto the ground snatching the gun out of his belt before he had time to react.
“Stay down!” You ordered the man while pressing the end of the broom into his sternum, right between where his ribs met. You knew the pressure would be uncomfortable enough for him to not try to push up against it in his state.
The man lifted both his arms in surrender and laid flat on his back pliant.
Jungkook took in the scene with his mouth agape. He did not teach you that.
“Are you going to help?” You snapped at him.
He blinked rapidly before stepping forward aiming his gun at the man as he did.
“You’re in a room full of knives and you use a broom as your wepon?” he questioned teasingly.
“I thought you would be happy I kept my shoes on.” you teased back, “and put that thing away.” you ordered pointing at the gun, “You’re going to kill somebody if you shoot from this close a range.”
Jungkook held his tongue to keep himself from saying ‘That’s the point.’ and settled with “Can you go tell the guys to bring me some rope so I can tie this one up?”
You agreed before stepping out into the wrecked shop where Taehyung and RM were now tying up three unconscious men.
“Ella are you okay,” immediately you were wrapped into a hug from Jimin you stiffened before melting into his welcomed warmth and hugging him back. The weight of what tonight meant for your friend settling in your gut.
V stood up at your entrance, his expression unreadable, but after assessing that you were not physically hurt he pushed past you and into the kitchen to help Jungkook offering you a single nod as he passed.
“Jimin I don’t know what happened. I couldn’t stop them” you pulled away to turn to a sullen Seokjin “Jin I’m so sorry” your voice was thick but you refused to let tears well in your eyes.
The gang needed you to stay composed at this moment. You needed to keep it together for yourself. This was their safe space and it had been wrecked because you got too sassy with your interrogator.
“Y/N, stop,” Jin had his hands on both your cheeks as tears began welling in your eyes you began shaking your head no as if that could stop them. “Y/N. You’re safe and that’s all I could care about right now. Let’s get you home before you go into shock.”
“I’ll take her,” Jungkook said making his way out of the kitchen.
Jin hesitated.
“V is finishing up the guys in the kitchen, he said he was going to take them to the greenhouse with RM. You and Jimin should both work on damage control for this. Let me take Ella back to the Den so she can get a breather before you question her.” Jungkook negotiated.
Jin looked at you as if asking for permission and you nodded in silent agreement before following Jungkook out into his car.
“Adjust the temperature however you need,” Jungkook offered already reaching to turn on the heated seat. And you realized you were shaking.
You fiddled with the knobs silently adjusting the temperature the way you liked before settling back into the seat and looking out the window. You knew you should be scared and your thoughts should be racing a mile a minute. But your head was empty. Your adrenalin was crashing and you felt numb as if you were watching yourself outside your body. Not numb you felt defeated and powerless.
You had successfully protected yourself from four men, sure. But you felt helpless to the fact that a group of men could barge in at any moment to question you. You felt like it was out of your power to prevent something like that from ever happening again.
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” Jungkook finally asked breaking the silence.
“Not yet,” you muttered.
“Ella,” Jungkook sighed and you knew he didn’t want to push you, “I don’t want to pressure you. But you should be trying to remember everything you can before the effects of the gas really start to set in. You were exposed to a lot.”
“I took Jimin’s antidote and it worked. I don’t feel any different,” you replied but your voice sounded hollow even to yourself. You wanted to sound more alert, feel more alert after everything that's happened. A part of you wished that you could take an Adderall right now. That would wake you up and probably get you to be more responsive to what the gang needs. But your pills were in your purse which you left in the bakery. You left everything in the bakery: your purse, your phone, your keys.
“How much did you take?” Jungkook asked surprised. The antidote was something Jimin has been working on nonstop since the night of your graduation party.
“All of it I think.”
Jungkook kept his face neutral. He didn’t know anything about chemistry or how the chemicals would affect you. But made a mental note to ask Jimin about any potential side effects or if it was possible to overdose on the antidote.
“Still can you please tell me what happened? Try to picture this from my point of view,” he begged.
You sighed, you knew you should comply despite the way his request annoyed you. Everything about him annoyed you at the moment. You didn’t want to look at anything from his point of view, you were still mad at him for the way he’s been acting for weeks.
Seeing him in the bakery made you feel so much relief. You had been fighting for your life and he was a life preserver cast out in the water for you. A sense of safety. And for a moment everything felt natural the way he joked with you in the midst of a fight You had forgotten about the kiss or the way he tormented you these past weeks. But now that you were alone with him in the safety of his car you felt yourself being thrown right back into the seas of confusion.
But you couldn't let such petty things distract you right now he did deserve answers.
So you gave him a quick and dirty version, “Some dude came into the bakery to ‘talk’ with me. He offered to free me from BTS, pay off my debt, and some other pretty bribes in exchange for spying on BTS. I told him no and he had his goons wreck the bakery. They got a little excited and tried to come after me so I hid in Jimin’s lab and well you know the rest.”
For one peaceful moment, Jungkook was silent as he processed everything you said and turned into the main entrance of the Den. But as they approached the garage all the questions flooded out.
Who was questioning you?
How did they know you were affiliated with BTS?
What did they look like?
Did they say what their motive was?
Did they threaten you?
And your answer was “I don't know” for each one except the last, which to your shock was no. The man had not threatened you directly he only tried to bribe information out of you.
“Jungkook, I’m done for now.” you sighed as you followed him into the kitchen.
“You told the guys I get a breather before they question me and I want it.”
Jungkook bit his tongue to halt himself. He wanted to push you and tell you this information was very important for your safety and everyone else's. But you were right him finding out now versus him finding out in a few minutes when everyone gets back won’t make a difference.
With a sigh, he nodded “You’re right. So what do you want to talk about?” he asked sitting down on the couch next to you. It was important he kept you talking. He was scared if he left you to your own thoughts you would retreat in that little shell inside yourself. You always got quiet when you were stressed, but Jungkook knows from experience if he can distract you or keep you talking you can push past that defense.
He didn’t expect you to have an answer. So already he was wracking his brain for conversation topics. Something stimulating and engaging but also not too silly. He was taken completely off guard when he heard your soft voice ask, “Why did you avoid me?”
He looked at you surprised and you held his gaze as if you could read the answer in his eyes. He glanced away guiltily.
“Why did you avoid me after we kissed?” you asked again your voice clear.
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I’m a Leo I need validation 🥲
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crazycookiecrumbles · 3 years
A/N:  Feedback. Reblogs appreciated, thanks!
Pairings/Characters: Peter Parker x Reader (Andrew Garfield’s Peter)
Warnings: Swearing, daddy issues, violence, possible character death, Tony being annoying
Summary: Hate was a strong word, so it was safe to say that Obadiah Stane despised you.
This is definitely post-college, adult Spider-Man
Previous Chapter: The Stark Playbook
WC: 5,230
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Your life was now an annoying hell. All those schools that had rejected you were blowing up your phone constantly, trying to entice you to say that you weren’t rejected, but that you just didn’t want to go so that they wouldn’t look bad for taking bribes and denying a promising student entrance to their school. Even the many, many companies that you had applied to were scrambling now, trying to offer you positions within their company so they could say they had a living, breathing Stark in their midsts. Your current place of business? Well, their stock skyrocketed and was definitely leaving that ‘startup’ status with every passing second.
The responsible thing for a person to do would have been to send those SHIELD guys a very direct e-mail containing all of Obadiah’s misdeeds, and how he was engaged in trade with terrorists against the very people the company was supposed to be supporting and keeping safe with their weaponry.  The responsible thing would have been to send this to the proper authorities to deal with things quickly and quietly.
You didn’t really do the responsible thing.
You, a pretend anonymous source, proceeded to float this around on the internet and label Obadiah Stane as public enemy number one. It was an act laced with petty intent. Your father would be proud. Your mother, on the other hand?
“Three hours with your father and you turn into him,” She whined as she stood behind you. You were in her apartment, head on the table listening to her go on and on for the past hour on how you were making things worse. After hitting the buzzer for the lobby door, she draped her body over yours, head resting on top of your head as she sighed dramatically, grabbed your head, and started rocking the two of you side to side, which kind of felt like she was trying to decorate the table with your face. “I worked so hard to get the Stark out of those genes.”
“Mom,” you whined. “Stop! I think this is considered smothering in at least five states.”
“Smothering with love,” she replied as the front door opened to reveal Peter walking in with a black plastic bag. “Peter, is this murder?”
“Uh,” Peter stopped short and stared at the two of you for a moment. “With love?”
“See?” Rosa smirked and got off of you, moving to take the bag from Peter. “Thank you for running to the store for me, Peter. That was very sweet of you.”
“Well, you said those agents always get the wrong thing. I didn’t mind getting you what you needed,” he replied as he sat down next to you. “Is she dead?”
“She basically said I’m too much like my dad,” you sat up and looked at Peter who was now looking at the ceiling. “What’s that face, young man?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all. I’m just looking at this crown molding and really admiring it,” Peter lied as he stared up. “I mean, white? It’s so crisp and clean. Is that eggshell? Bright white?”
Rosa chuckled to herself as she placed a snack on the table for the two of you, “See that? He agrees.”
You whined loudly as Peter poured you a drink and placed the glass in front of you, “Why am I here, again?”
“You wanted my opinion on apartments,” Rosa said as she sat down beside you and swore as she heard her phone ringing. “Shit. Sorry. I need to grab that, it might be my client for later. Do you mind?”
You waved your hand. Rosa took her phone and went to her bedroom to take the call while Peter scooted closer to you and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Hear anything from Tony?” He asked quietly.
You shook your head, “Not a word. Happy called to make sure I was okay. Apparently, since they hadn’t heard from me for a week, they assumed I was dead.”
“That’ll do it,” Peter nodded. “They find Obadiah?”
“Nope. You find the suit?”
“Nope,” Peter cleared his throat. “How mad do you think your dad is?”
You shrugged, “Who cares?”
“Not you, according to your lies,” Peter whispered to you, narrowly missing the elbow you threw to his gut. He chuckled and nuzzled your neck with the tip of his nose, giggling to himself when your face scrunched up and you moved away because it tickled too much.
“I’m sorry, guys,” Rosa said as she rushed out of the bedroom and grabbed her purse. “My client needs to change their appointment and I have to leave now. Are you guys okay to wait about an hour, maybe two?”
“Sure,” Peter said. “But is it safe for you to go?”
“Oh, those lazy ass agents are going with me. It’s the least they can do since they seem to screw everything else up. Bye, bye!” She quickly kissed you and Peter on your cheeks before rushing out the apartment.
You were now stuck in your mom’s apartment alone with your boyfriend with a crazed lunatic out there, completely lost in the wind. You swore that you didn’t matter at this point. The fight was now between Tony and Obadiah. You had no stake, shares, nothing in the company.  Okay. Maybe you did release all his misdoings to the public, but, I mean. That could have just as easily been Tony, right?
You looked to Peter who was giving you a mischievous grin. He scooted closer to you, pulling your chair towards him and spreading his legs so they went around your seat. Laughing, you tried moving away, but Peter grabbed your biceps and pulled you close to pepper your neck with lots of little soft kisses, his lips curling into a grin as he listened to you shriek with laughter.
“Peter, please!” You laughed. “This isn’t fair, it’s cheating!”
“Not sure what you’re talking about, sweetheart, I’m just showing you how much I love you,” he said as he finally relented and rested his head on the back of the chair while he gazed at you. “You know, the usual.”
You rolled your eyes, “You’re ridiculous.”
“You love it.”
“That I do,” you mumbled and leaned down to softly press your lips against his. Pulling away, you bit your lip and studied him.
“What, what’s that face?” Peter frowned. “That’s your weird little thinking face.”
“It’s not weird!”
“It gets weird when you pair it with you being hungry.”
You pouted while he laughed at you. Shaking your head, you continued, “Should I check on him? Just in case?”
“Oh, no somebody wants to check on the dad they don’t care about?”
“Want is a strong word. I was just — I wasn’t being considerate. I’m doing it for self-preservation reasons.”
“Uh-huh,” Peter smirked knowingly. “Call. What’s the harm, right?”
You nodded. You didn’t have Tony’s number, but you had Happy’s, and you knew he was around Tony far more often than usual given the current situation. You gave him a call. It rang and rang, but no answer. You tried to hide how disappointed you were by just shrugging and putting the phone away, but Peter could see right through the act. He frowned a little for you, and rubbed your back soothingly before muttering that Tony was fine. 
Naturally, you proclaimed you didn’t care. 
To get your mind off of this, you and Peter took to watching a movie together. You curled up on her sofa, ate snacks, and waited for Rosa’s return before the three of you looked at apartments together. With a few in mind, and some appointments in place, you said goodbye to your mom and were on your way home.
But, of course, you couldn’t forget the SHIELD agents that were following your every move. It even made being Spider-Man a little tricky for Peter. But, to be honest, he didn’t mind the challenge. It was almost like an extra activity for him to do, like he was playing ‘hide from the agents.’ You admired him for that. He made the best out this insane situation.
The car you were in turned down a quiet block, and Peter’s spider senses when off immediately. His eyes widened as he muttered for you to grab your stun gun before leaning forward and telling the driver not to go down this block, but it was too late. You were going down the block, and up ahead a black SUV pulled out from the parking lot just a few meters down.
Meanwhile, you had been searching your purse for your stun gun. It was always in the same exact spot, same pocket, never any issue, but you couldn’t find it today. You panicked as you kept searching and turned your purse inside out in the car. As you were searching through the bag, you remembered how you took your stun gun out in the middle of the night in the hotel when you heard Tony was in trouble.
And you left in that room.
You haven’t had it since that night. You completely forgot you chucked it at an assassin’s head and left it behind. All this time you thought you had your favorite, trusty little stun gun, and you didn’t.
“Peter, I don’t have it. I lost it,” you said quickly.
Peter swore. Before he could act, your boyfriend’s eyes were suddenly bloodshot. He slumped backwards in his seat, veins bulging and appearing blue as his waterline was red-rimmed. Blood fell from his ears as he lay there absolutely still.
“Peter!” You shouted and went to check on him, but suddenly a device flew into the window. It was a small cylinder with glowing blue lights. The second you noticed it, you too fell back into your seat in the same position as Peter, bulging blue veins, watery, red-rimmed eyes, and blood dripping down from your ears. 
Suddenly a gunshot rang out, but you couldn’t see it. Only Peter could see, and lay helplessly, as a bullet went through the windshield and struck the SHIELD agent in the center of his forehead. Peter wanted to scream. He was trapped in his own body and there was nothing he could do about it. All he could do was lay there helplessly, What was going to happen to you? The worst he feared was that he’d have to watch you die. He couldn’t do that. Not again. Not to another person he loved. He didn’t think he was strong enough to deal with that.
Suddenly, the passenger side door opened next to you. Peter couldn’t even scream. All he could do was look as Obadiah lowered his head and looked inside the car, a smirk on his face, earplugs in place to avoid whatever it was that was hurting the two of them.
“Don’t panic, kids. It’s just a paralytic, it’ll be gone in about fifteen minutes, give or take.” Obadiah turned you over so you were facedown on the seat, making direct eye contact with Peter as he yanked your hands behind your back and pulled out a zip tie. “You know. I was going to leave you alone. I thought that all I really needed was Tony, and then you had to go and put all my business out there, you stupid, annoying little bitch. Just like your pain in the ass father, ruining everything I worked for. I built that god damn company myself while he was wiping snot from his nose and fucking your mother!”
Peter watched as Obadiah pulled you back up into a sitting position. He pulled so you were leaning back against his shoulder as he took out a cloth and tied it around your mouth. Neither one of you could do a damn thing but let Obadiah do what he was going to do. You two were utterly helpless.
“Now, let’s see what daddy thinks about this,” Obadiah propped you against him, pressed his face against yours, and took a picture of the two of you together. You lay against him as he sent the photo to Tony before chucking the phone at Peter. It smacked him in the chest, then fell on his lap before sliding down onto the seat. “I thought about killing you too, kid. But you’re just some harmless little worm that has no idea what he got himself into. So you’re gonna relay a message for me.  When Tony comes around, tell him he’ll know where to find me, where it all began.”
Peter could do nothing. When Obadiah disappeared from his line of sight, you were dragged out of the car. Peter could hear a grunt as Obadiah heaved you over his shoulder to take you away.  Peter didn’t know how you disappeared. He assumed it would be into a vehicle, but he couldn’t hear one leave. He was frantic. How could this happen right in front of him? Was he really that weak that yet another one of his girlfriends had to die because he just wasn’t good enough?
Peter overcame the paralytic faster than Obadiah said he would, but it was still a waste of precious minutes he could’ve used to find you. He chalked that up to his healing factor, and blamed his heightened senses for succumbing to it before it had even entered the vehicle. Peter threw the car door open and took a big gulp of air as he collapsed onto the asphalt, Obadiah’s phone in hand as he looked around frantically and saw no sight of you. As he was gaining his strength and trying to get himself to stand up, a large hunk of red and gold metal landed in front of him. Peter slowly looked up to see a faceplate lift off of this massive metal suit and reveal Tony’s face.
Peter balked, “the hell…?”
“Parker,” Tony said quickly. “Where is she?”
Peter coughed and tried to stand, so Tony grabbed him by the arm with ease and pulled him up off the ground. “Obadiah got her. Said you’d know to find her, where it all began.”
Tony swore under his breath, “First Rosa, now this.”
Peter frowned, “Rosa?”
Tony’s saw tightened before he spoke, “I went by Rosa’s apartment to check on her. Happy missed a call earlier, I traced it back there. Those agents are dead and Rosa’s gone. Traced you guys back here when Obadiah sent the photo.”
“He’s gonna kill her,” Peter said as he finally regained his strength, pushed away from Tony, and grabbed his backpack out of the car. He shook his head and reached up with the back of his hand to wipe the tears that accidentally spilled from his eyes as he took a deep inhale and started walking out of the street towards the alleyway. “I gotta stop him.”
Tony watched Peter with interest as the man pulled out his mask, slipped it on, and ripped off his clothes to shove into his backpack, leaving him in just his suit. He webbed the backpack up and away from prying eyes before spinning around and pointing a finger at Tony, “‘Where it all began,’ where is that?”
Tony shook his head, “I don’t —“
“Well, think, Tony!” Peter snapped. “Think, because I cannot lose someone, not again. I can’t keep losing people.”
“Look, you’re not the only one who’s lost people. Got it?” Tony retorted as the faceplate of his helmet came down. “I was losing people before you could find your own dick. You think I don’t want to find them? That’s my daughter and her mother. I tried so hard to keep anything like this from happening.”
“Then where would Obadiah take them?” Peter repeated. “You’ve gotta know, Tony. You have to know something because I’m not losing her. I’m putting him in the ground.”
“Not if I get there first,” Tony muttered. “The old Stark Expo Center. I used it as a testing zone for my arc reactor before I built the one in Malibu. You know where it is —“
“Yeah. I know Queens like the back of my hand,” Peter started running before he jumped into the air and immediately started to swing away. “Try to keep up, old man.”
You were trapped, and there was nothing you could do about it. The extra portion of pain that added onto this experience was the fact that a few feet of away, your mother was restrained against a pillar just like you were. The two of you were below ground of the former Stark Expo Center,  both of you restrained to pillars several feet away from each other while Obadiah sat behind a desk, shoving what looked to be something similar to Tony’s chest piece into this massive, hulking suit, while Tony’s original suit sat off in the corner.
The suit hummed as it came to life, eyes glowing a pale blue/white color. You looked up at this giant machine before looking to Obadiah and watching as a content, devious smile graced his lips.
“To think that we almost missed out on this moment, you guys.” Obadiah laughed as he turned around to stare at the two of you. “I mean, hell, Rosa, I never had a problem with you. I respected you, actually. You got yours, and you did your own thing.” 
He chuckled to himself as he continued, “I don’t know if you guys know this, but I told Tony to make sure you creamed that baby the second you could. Another Stark running around, distracting him, causing mayhem in the press? Stark Industries couldn’t handle that while it was recovering from Howard and Maria’s deaths. It just couldn’t. But Rosa’s a champ, popped out a kid, went to New York, kept it strictly business. I admired that, Rosa. I did. It makes this so much more difficult.”
Without a second of hesitation, Obadiah lifted the gun off the desk and fired one shot into Rosa’s chest. The woman’s eyes widened as the bullet made impact, and she looked down to see her blouse darkening as blood poured from her exit wound. You were screaming under your gag as you were forced to watch your mother die in front of you.
Obadiah turned his gun towards you and fired, but it was empty. He swore and chucked the gun to the side before turning around and climbing into his brand new suit. “There was a moment where I thought about repeating this all over again with you, kid. Kill off your dad, keep you around. Imagine that, a woman legacy taking over? It wouldn’t last long, but it would’ve made the company look so damn good following Tony’s death, real progressive and stuff.”
You narrowed your eyes, glaring at him through your tears as his suit came to life and he raised one arm to aim the rotary gun attachment at you. Obadiah chuckled, “But you’re annoying. Like your dumb, stupid, arrogant father. You went ahead and ruined everything. You could’ve lived. You really could’ve, but now? Now I’m going to make sure your father gets a good look at his legacy — whatever’s left over, at least.”
You heard the gun power up and shut your eyes before you could see the bullets flying. Once you heard them, you shuddered, expecting the rip of hot metal through your flesh, but it never came. You heard a loud pang and opened your eyes to see a red and gold suit holding Obadiah’s arm and aiming it up at the ceiling.
What moron could possibly be floating around now in an annoying, ostentatious red and gold suit?
Obadiah shook off Tony and launched him across the facility. He turned his attention towards you once again and aimed his guns, but nothing ever came. A web grabbed the arm and yanked the hulking suit forward. From the darkness, you could see Spider-Man yanking the suit towards him just so he could drop kick him in the chest with enough force, you thought he broke the suit.
Obadiah was launched backwards to be grabbed around the middle by Tony, who flew towards him with enough force that it sent the both of them through several walls.
When Spider-Man landed, he looked to your mother and shot a quick web to her chest before running to you and breaking your bonds. You yanked off your gag and went running to your mother who had lost consciousness during this fight.
“My mom, my mom, Peter, my mom!” You repeated this over and over again as your hands shook while you untied her.
“I know, I know.” He said quickly as he helped you and gingerly lifted her up.
There was a brief moment where he was furious.  Peter didn’t want this to be an actual fight. Peter yearned for it to be a slaughter, where he’d run over there, rip Obadiah out of the suit, and break him in half like he’d done to Rhino years and years ago. Peter was livid. Obadiah took something from Peter that was finally bringing him happiness, making him feel alive, making him want to live as Peter, and not just Spider-Man. Obadiah almost took everything away from him, and that man was responsible for the tears you were shedding and the blood your mother was losing. Peter wanted to kill him, but he couldn’t.
“Look at me,” He grabbed your shoulder in one hand and turned you to face him. “I need you to take deep breaths because I need you calm when I Get you out of here.”
“We can’t just leave him —“
“Tony will take care of it,” he replied rapidly. “You’re not safe. She’s dying. We have to go now! Do you understand? I need to get the two of you out of here now.”
Hesitating, you nodded. You  climbed onto his back while he kept your mom steady in his arms. He assured you that she was still alive, and that all he had to do was get her to the nearest hospital. He repeated to you that she would be okay as he took a running start, jumped into the air, and started to swing away with the two of you. 
As he was swinging away, Obadiah was on the chase. He caught them from the corner of his eye, and after assuming he finished off Tony, he went after Spider-Man. Racing towards him, it was now a horrible rendition of Jaws up in the air as he surged towards the three of you. He fired his mini gun at the three of you, and Peter was swinging frantically to avoid it the closer that man got. He only had one arm since he was carrying your mother, and he needed to make sure he could swing away and get you to safety.
But you knew it too. You knew if Peter couldn’t get you all out in that moment, your mom wasn’t going to make it. You craned your neck to look over your shoulder and see Obadiah getting closer, and you could feel Peter’s shoulders tense.
“Don’t you dare do that,” Peter said quickly, a crack in his voice as he kept swinging. “Don’t. Just hold on. I can do this.”
“I know,” you replied. “And I want to make sure that you do.”
“Y/N, please. I can’t lose you,” Peter replied. “I can’t do this without you.”
“You won’t have to,” you swallowed the lump in your throat as you thought about your mom, and everything she’d done, all the grief she’d taken from you over the years as you grew up with her being your one and only rock all this time. “But I need her.”
You launched off of Peter’s back. The action sent him further ahead, while it sent you right into an unexpecting Obadiah’s suit. You grabbed onto his head and had a brief, brief second of wondering if you were actually very, very stupid and not at all the genius you were expected to be. Carefully, you were looking for gaps in his suit, and you realized you could start to take pieces apart while you were on him.
You maneuvered so you were on his back, and whatever popped out you would use brute strength, or find something loose, or a gap, or any sort of opening and start to tinker with it while you were on him. Your fingertips were bleeding and your nails were breaking, but you were twisting off one of his shoulder missiles with ease, the thought of jamming it in his face keeping you going.
Suddenly, Obadiah was flying backwards with the intent of slamming you into a wall and turning you into pudding. You quickly let go and began to fall towards the ground. At this height, depending on how you’d landed, you’d either break a leg or break your neck. Thankfully, neither happened. Tony swooped in and caught you and started flying away as Obadiah chased the two of you.
“Why the hell aren’t you with Spider-Man?” Tony seethed. “You, young lady, are in serious trouble. I think you should be grounded, actually.”
“He shot mom,” you explained. “He shot her, and she needs help, and I knew he needed time to get out so —“
“So you used yourself as distraction,” Tony huffed. “You’re annoying.”
“Fuck you. You’re annoying,” You snapped.
“Well, okay. Maybe instead of being so annoying, you can help me,” Tony began as he took evasive maneuvers with you. “You know your hacking shit, right?”
“I don’t think there’s a wi-fi connection here to do whatever hacking you have in mind.”
“There’s one,” Tony offered. I’m running out of power here, kid. I need you to hijack his suit from that computer. You shut it down, I’m gonna shove him into the core right there. You’re gonna turn that on, and we’re going to blow his bitch ass to hell.”
“Are you….fucking crazy?”
“If I can make a suit of armor to save my life, you can hack his and save all of our asses. Brace yourself!”
Tony quite literally dumped you by the computer before he spun around and went right back to fighting Obadiah. You watched as he was getting pummeled to death, the two of them going head to head which distracted you before oyu realized what you needed to do. Taking deep breaths, you sat down and started typing away on this old ass computer, muttering that it was a wonder anything worked here after being neglected for years. Then you quickly figured that this prototype, the early arc reactor to power the facility, this computer setup, it must have all been in use enough for Obadiah to get his suit made.
While you were typing, the screen suddenly flickered and went black. You swore and started mashing buttons in a panic to get any sort of response. After a moment, you realized you were seeing everything from Obadiah’s point of view. You were in his suit.
“Oh, eat shit and die, fucker.” You muttered to yourself as you took over.
Taking over his suit, you reached over to another computer to turn on the arc reactor and throw it into maximum power. You focused on the computer, typing frantically as Obadiah tried to fight your controls. You flew him directly into the reactor and shut your eyes as he started screaming in agony while the power surged through his body.
Tony flew over and landed on top of you to shield you, assuming it’d be enough to take the power and keep you both safe. However, one man did not assume that Tony could possibly keep the both of you alive, and in the blink of an eye, Spider-Man was back and carrying you both away as the facility blew up, taking Obadiah Stane with it.
The three of you landed on top of one of the buildings. Tony rolled onto his back, huffing and puffing after ripping off his helmet and staring at the sky. You unshielded your head and looked up to see Peter yanking off his mask and collapsing on the ground to pull you into him. Forehead resting against yours, his body shuddered as he shut his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, “Don’t you ever do that again.”
“I’m hoping I won’t have to,” you mumbled as you hugged him tightly. “Thanks for the save, again, Peter.”
“Always, Y/N,” he kissed the top of your head and held you close for a moment. The two of you quiet in each other’s embrace as the adrenaline slowly started to leave the both of you.
“My mom?”
“Surgery,” he explained. “I will take you to her the second you’re ready.”
You cringed, “How’s it looking?”
Peter’s jaw tightened, “It’s…serious.”
You nodded slowly at first as you tried to remain positive. You slowly stood up with Peter’s help, and turned to see your father standing there and just watching the two of you like he was trying to freeze this moment in his brain forever. You walked towards Tony and stared up at him, your mouth contorting into a puckered look on the side of your face as you struggled with what to say.
Tony nodded once, “Good to see you’re not dead, spawn.”
Holding back the urge to find a reason to yell at him or insult him, you reached out and wrapped your arms around his middle, the side of your face resting against the cool, dirty metal as you hugged him. “Thanks for the save, dad.”
Tony’s breath caught in his throat and his heart skipped a beat, which, at the moment, made him think he was dying yet again. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer as he stared down at you and saw what he’d been missing out on for over two decades of your life.
“Just doing what I promised your mother, to keep you safe and out of this.”
You rolled your eyes, “Oh, yeah, you saw the future here?”
“Actually, yes, I predicted the entire thing and chose to ignore it,” he quipped.”
“You’re an idiot,” you muttered as you pulled away.
“Guys?” Peter pulled on his mask after peering over the edge of the building. “Got some unmarked vans pulling up.”
Tony looked over and squinted, then caught another car that was very familiar to him as three people stepped out of it. “Those are SHIELD agents. I’ll go down and deal with them. Get her to the hospital, Parker. Make sure she gets looked at too. We’ll meet you there. I’ll fly in my own surgeons if I have to.”
“On it,” Peter nodded and grabbed you around the waist, “Ready?”
You looked over at Tony who gave you a nod. Hesitantly, you nodded and draped your arms around Peter’s shoulders so he could swing away with you. In the meantime, Tony flew over and dropped down in front of the SHIELD agents, Happy, Pepper, and Rhodes. Everyone bombarded him with questions, and Tony held his hand up.
“Before we get to all that, I need to change out of this suit. My balls are drowning in sweat, and I have a baby mama to keep alive.”
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gendercensus · 4 years
On fae/faer pronouns and cultural appropriation
I had a handful, a very small handful but more than two, responses in the Gender Census feedback box telling me that fae/faer pronouns are appropriative. The reasons didn’t always agree, and the culture that was being appropriated wasn’t always the same, but here’s a selection of quotes:
“Fae pronouns are cultural appropriation and are harmful to use“ - UK, age 11-15
“I’m not a person who practices pagan holidays but, my understanding is that pronouns like fae/faeself are harmful because the fae are real to pagans and is like using Jesus/jesuself as pronouns“ - UK, age 11-15
“I know you've probably heard this a million times, so has everyone on the internet, but the ''mere existence''of the fae pronoun feels really uncomfortable for some of us. I'm personally not against neopronouns like xe/xim, er/em and the like, I am a pagan but apart from the, imo most important, reasoning of that pronoun being immensely disrespectful, I worry as an nb about people who banalize the usage of pronouns ''for fun'', and I'm quoting what some people have told me.“ - Spain, 16-20
“I don't agree with fae/deity pronouns just from a pagan perspective it's very disrespectful to the cultures they come from. Like Fae are a legit thing in many cultures and they hate with a fiery passion mortal humans calling themselves Fae to the point of harming/cursing the people who do it“ - USA, age 16-20
“only celtic people can use far/ faers otherwise it’s cultural appropriation, many celts have said this and told me this“ - USA, age 16-20
So that’s:
❓ Someone who doesn’t say whether they’re pagan or Celtic.
❌ Someone who definitely isn’t pagan.
✅ Someone who is pagan.
❓ Someone who doesn’t say whether they’re pagan or Celtic.
❓ Someone who doesn’t say whether they’re pagan or Celtic.
So, just to disclose some bias up-front, I am English so I’m not Celtic, but I do live in Wales so I am surrounded by Celts. The bit of Wales that I live in is so beautiful in such a way that when my French friend came to visit me she described it as féerique - like an enchanting, magical land, literally “fairylike” or thereabouts. Coincidentally I have also considered myself mostly pagan for over half of my life, and I can’t definitively claim whether or not the Fae are “part of paganism” because paganism is so diverse and pick’n’mix that it just doesn’t work that way.
To me the idea that fae/faer pronouns would be offensive or culturally appropriative sounds absurd. But also, I am powered by curiosity, and have been wrong enough times in my life that I wanted to approach this in a neutral way with an open mind. Perhaps what I find out can be helpful to some people.
So since we only have information from one person who is definitely directly affected by any cultural appropriation that may be happening, the first thing I wanted to do was get some information from ideally a large number of people who are in the cultures being appropriated, and see what they think.
First of all I put some polls up on Twitter and Mastodon. [Edit: Note that this post has been updated with results from closed polls.]
I specified that I wanted to hear from nonbinary Celts and pagans, just so that the voters would be familiar with fae/faer pronouns. I asked the questions in a neutral way, i.e. “How do you feel about...” with “good/neutral/bad” answer options, instead of something more leading like “Is this a load of rubbish?” or “are you super offended?” with “yes/no” options. I provided a “see results” option, so that the poll results wouldn’t be skewed as much by random people clicking any old answer to see the results. And I invited voters to express their opinions in replies.
Question #1: Nonbinary people of Celtic descent (Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, the Isle of Man, and Brittany), how do you feel about non-Celtic people using the neopronoun set fae/faer? [ It's good / No strong feelings/other / It's bad ]
Question #2: Nonbinary pagans, how do you feel about non-pagans using the neopronoun set fae/faer? [ It's good / No strong feelings/other / It's bad ]
The Twitter polls got over 1,100 responses each, and the Mastodon polls got over 140 responses each. With a little bit of spreadsheetery I removed the “N/A” responses to reverse engineer the number of people voting for each option, combined those numbers, and recalculated percentages.
Obviously this approach is not in the least scientific, but thankfully the results were unambiguous enough and the samples were big enough that I feel comfortable drawing conclusions.
Celts on fae/faer pronouns being used by non-Celts (561 voters):
It's good - 42.5%
No strong feelings/other - 44.0%
It's bad - 13.5%
Pagans on fae/faer pronouns being used by non-pagans (468 voters):
It's good - 47.2%
No strong feelings/other - 39.5%
It's bad - 13.3%
Here’s how that looks as a graph:
Tumblr media
The limitations of polls on these platforms means that we have no way to distinguish between people who have more complicated views (”other”) and people who have “no strong feelings”, so we can’t really draw conclusions there. If we stick to just the pure positive and pure negative:
Celts were over three times as likely to feel positive about non-Celts using fae/faer pronouns than they were to feel negative.
Pagans were over three and a half times as likely to feel positive about non-pagans using fae/faer pronouns than they were to feel negative.
So Celts and pagans are way more likely to feel actively good about someone’s fae/faer pronouns, even when that person is not a Celt/pagan. That’s some strong evidence against the idea that fae/faer pronouns are appropriative, right there.
To be clear, I haven’t done any research about the roots of fae/faer or the origins of the Fae and related beings, but my goal here was to get a sense of what Celts and pagans think and feel, rather than what an historian or anthropologist would say.
On the anti side, here were the replies that suggested fae/faer either is or might be inappropriate:
“I only worry that not everyone understands the origin of the word outside of modernized ideas of fairies.“ - pagan
“As a vaguely spiritual Whatever (Ireland), I think a mortal using "fae" as a pronoun/to refer to themselves is asking for a malicious and inventive fairy curse (on them, their families and possibly anyone in their vicinity, going by the traditions). I have not heard of this term before, so this is an immediate reaction from no background bar my cultural knowledge of sidhe/fae/term as culturally appropriate. My general approach is people can identify themselves as they want.“ - Celtic
So we’ve got a pagan who’s wary that people who use fae/faer (and people in general) might not have a fully fleshed out idea of the Fae. And we’ve got a Celt who doesn’t mind people using fae/faer personally, but based on what they know of the Fae they wouldn’t be surprised if the Fae got mad about it. No outright opposition, but a little concern.
There were not a lot of replies on the pro side, but not because people weren’t into it, judging by the votes. There were a lot of “it’s more complicated than that” replies, many of which repeated others, so quotes won’t really work. Here’s a summary of the Celtic bits:
“Fae” is not a Celtic word, and Celts don’t use it. It is French, or Anglo-French.
“Fae” can refer to any number of stories/legends from a wide variety of cultures in Europe, not one cohesive concept.
There are many legends about fairy-like beings in Celtic mythologies, and there are many, many different names for them.
The Celts are not a monolith, they’re a broad selection of cultures with various languages and various mythologies.
And the pagan bits:
Paganism is not closed or exclusive in any way. It might actually be more open than anything else, as “pagan” is a sort of umbrella term for non-mainstream religions in some contexts. A closed culture would be a prerequisite for something to be considered “appropriated” from paganism.
From my own experience, pagans may or may not believe in the Fae, and within that group believers may or may not consider the Fae to be sacred and/or worthy of great respect. (I’ve certainly never met a pagan who worshipped the Fae, though I don’t doubt that some do.)
And then we get into the accusations. 🍿
“this issue wasn’t started by Celtic groups or by people who know much about Celtic fae. It was started primarily by anti-neopronoun exclusionist pagans on TikTok.“
“[I’m] literally Scottish [...] and it’s not appropriative in the least and honestly to suggest as such is massively invalidating towards actual acts of cultural appropriation and is therefore racist. Feel like if this was actually brought up it was either by some people who seriously got their wires crossed or people who are just concern trolling and trying to make fun of both neo-pronouns and of the concept of cultural appropriation and stir the pot in the process.“
“It wouldn't be the first time bigots falsly claim “it's appropriative from X marginalized group" to harass people they don't like, like they did with aspec people when they claimed "aspec" was stolen from autistic language (which was false, as many autistics said)“
“It's been a discussion in pagan circles recently ... People were very quick to use the discussion as an excuse to shit on nonbinary people.“
“I think it would be apropos to note that the word "faerie/fairy" has been a synonym for various queer identities for decades, too. The Radical Faeries are a good example.“ (So if anyone has the right to [re]claim it...)
A little healthy skepticism is often wise in online LGBTQ+ “discourse”, and some of these people are making some very strong claims, for which I’d love to see some evidence/sources/context. Some of it certainly sounds plausible.
I had a look on Twitter and the earliest claim I can find that fae/faer pronouns are cultural appropriation is from 18th February 2020, almost exactly one year ago today. Again, tweets are not the best medium for this, there was very little in the way of nuance or context. If anyone can find an older claim from Twitter or Tumblr or anywhere else online, please do send it my way.
I have no idea how to navigate TikTok because I’m a nonbinosaur. (I’m 34.) I did find some videos of teens and young adults apparently earnestly asserting that they were Celtic or pagan and the use of fae/faer pronouns was offensive, but the videos were very brief and provided nothing in the way of nuance or context. For example:
This one from October 2020 with 29k ❤️s, by someone who I assume is USian based on the word “mom”?
This one from December 2020, that says “I am pagan and i find it rather disrespectful. It’s like using god/godr or jesus/jesusr.” That’s probably what inspired the feedback box comment above that refers to hypothetical jesus/jesusr pronouns.
If anyone is able to find a particularly old or influential TikTok video about fae/faer pronouns being appropriative I’d really appreciate it, especially if it’s from a different age group or from not-the-USA, to give us a feel for how universal this is.
For context, fae pronouns were mentioned in the very first Gender Census back in May 2013, though you’ll have to take my word for it as the individual responses are not currently public. The word “fae” was mentioned in the pronoun question’s “other” textbox, and no other forms in the set were entered so we have no way of knowing for sure what that person’s full pronoun set actually is. This means the set may have been around for longer. The Nonbinary Wiki says that the pronoun set was created in October 2013, as “fae/vaer”, later than the first entry in the Gender Census, so I’ll be editing that wiki page later! If anyone has any examples of fae/faer pronouns in use before 2013 I would also be very interested to see that.
Obviously I can’t speak for everyone, as the Twitter polls are not super scientific and they only surveyed a selection of Celts and pagans within a few degrees of separation of the Gender Census Twitter and Mastodon accounts, but I can certainly report on what I found.
For a more conclusive result, we’d need to take into account various demographics such as age, culture, location, religion, race/heritage, etc.
As far as I can tell based on fairly small samples of over 400 people per group, a minority of about 13% of Celtic and/or pagan people felt that use of fae/faer pronouns is appropriative.
A much higher number of people per group felt positive about people who are not Celts or pagans using fae/faer pronouns. The predominant view was:
It can’t be cultural appropriation from Celtic cultures because fairy-like beings are not unique to Celtic cultures and Celtic cultures don’t call them Fae.
It can’t be cultural appropriation from pagan cultures because paganism is not “closed” or exclusive in any way, it’s too broad and open.
If your experience of your gender(s) or lack thereof isn’t described or encompassed by the gender binary of “male OR female”, please do click here to take the Gender Census 2021 - it’s international and it closes no earlier than 10th March 2021!
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Wonderful and Warm
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x fem!Reader (OTP ninja and puppy), Ransom Drysdale x Ari Levinson (platonic)
Words: ~600
Summary: Ransom explains himself to Ari.
Warnings: explicit language, implied f receiving oral sex but nothing explicit, soft Ransom, soft Ari, betting on romantic milestones, fluff
A/N: just felt like adding a fluffy epilogue after being mean to you guys 😉
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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Ransom shut the door to the bathroom once you had passed out, wiping your slick off his chin with the back of his hand while he dialed the phone. Giving you a stupid number of orgasms was the only way he was sure he could guarantee you weren’t going to wake up and overhear him, and it sure seemed to be doing the trick.
“Hey there, honey.” Goddamn it, Ari sounded so excited. “How’d it go?”
“Cancel the party.” Might as well just rip the bandaid right off.
“What?! She said no?” Ari blew out a deep breath and Ransom could hear the frustration in the man’s voice. “Put her on the phone, so fucking stubborn, stupid…”
“I didn’t ask.” Ransom cut off his mumbling, not looking forward to explaining himself. “My fucking family would have ruined it.”
“Aww, honey.” The sympathy in Ari’s voice made Ransom’s chest hurt. “The two of you can handle them, you’ve done it before.”
“I didn’t want to make her deal with their shit.” He ran his fingers through his hair as he leaned on the counter, listening to your soft snores through the door and sighing. “I just want her to be happy.”
“Ran, she is happy. She loves you.” He almost wished Ari was here so he could hold him, the big bear of a man always a source of comfort when he couldn’t get it from you. “You gonna try again?”
“Yeah, thinking of taking her up to the Vermont cabin for new year’s.” You loved that place, and he did too, last time you went you almost never left the bed. “A whole week with no cell service and no Thrombeys.”
“New year, huh?” Ari gave a little chuckle over the phone that made Ran smile. “Shit, now I’m out $250.”
“What? Why?” Ransom frowned to himself when he heard Ari groan.
“Nothing, just a stupid bet.” Ari let out that little hum he did when he was getting cagey.
“Oh my god, you assholes started a pool on whether or not I would propose?!” Motherfuckers.
“No, honey, we all know you’re gonna do it. Well, except Logan, why do you hang out with him?” Ransom just huffed at that, he didn’t know sometimes. “We just couldn’t agree on when. I was the only one who thought you would do it during this trip.”
“Thanks.” Ransom mumbled petulantly as he pouted to himself, freezing when he heard you let out a sleepy moan. “When did the other assholes think it was going to happen?”
“Uh, Anne is betting on sometime during the holidays, when you’re not going to be around the family, so she’ll be very happy to hear about your New Year’s plans.” He could hear the grin in Ari’s voice and it made it hard to stay mad at the man. “And Chaz and Dylan both think Valentine’s Day is the best bet, since according to them you’re a massive cliche now. And Logan thinks it’s never going to happen.”
“That prick.” You moaned again from the bedroom and Ransom cracked the door open, smiling a little when you rolled over and reached for his side of the bed. “I’ll talk to you fuckers when I get back, betting on our relationship. And I hope you know once it happens and she finds out, she’s going to rip all of you new assholes.”
“I’d expect nothing less.” Ari chuckled warmly over the phone. “You sleep good, honey, give your girl a kiss for me.”
“Yeah, good night.” Ransom hung up the phone and wandered back to you, pulling you close and pressing his lips to your hair when you immediately nuzzled into his chest. Fuck those idiots, he was gonna ask when it was right.
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supernaturalgirl20 · 3 years
La Secretaria
Pairings: Javier Pena x reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, angst, fluff, men being sexist, mutual pining.
Summary: being Javier’s secretary isn’t easy. He’s hot headed, stubborn and aggressive, but so are you. What happens when he finally meets his match.
A/N: I wanted to writ pure smut for Javier, been in my feels today so I needed this.
{Comments and reblogs really appreciated}
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You’d heard the rumours, of course you had. There wasn’t one person in the DEA that didn’t know about thee Javier Pena. Hot headed, stubborn, flirt with anything in a skirt and his number one MO, visiting the local brothel. Stechner hired you to keep a close eye on Javier, or as he put it ‘tame the beast’. He’d gone through at least six secretaries since he arrived in Bogotá, which didn’t give you great odds but you were nothing if not a trier.
You arrived at the office early wanting to have everything set up before he came. At nine on the dot Javier arrived and when he opened the door to his office he was shocked to see you standing there, coffee in hand. He narrows his eyes at you before you feel his gaze roam over you. He runs a hand over his face before placing his hands on his hips.
“Who are you?”
“I’m Y/N, your new secretary Mr. Pena. I brought you you’re coffee and the file on the Rodriguez brothers. If you need anything else, I’ll be at my desk.”
He stares at you, if he was impressed, it didn’t show on his face. You walk towards the door, the one he’s standing in front of. You stop before him and look him in the eyes.
“Do you mind moving!”
His eyes lock with yours before glancing at your lips and then back to your eyes. He doesn’t say anything, just walks past you to his desk. Leaving the office you sit at your own desk and begin typing up some of his reports. The day passes quickly and as you get ready to go home, Javier pops his head out. “Where are you going? I haven’t finished for the day yet.”
“I can see that, Mr. Pena, but my schedule is 9-5, so seen as it’s 5:10 I’M finished for the day.”
You can tell he’s angry, see the thick in his jaw. “I have reports for you to type up, your schedule is whatever mine is, and I’m not done. So sit tight and type these up.”
“I will, in the morning. Goodnight Mr. Pena.”
“If you leave, your fired.” He has a sly smirk on his face, he’s waiting for you to put your things down and start working. He doesn’t know it yet, but your just as stubborn as him, so you call his bluff and leave. He quirks his eyebrow, he hadn’t expected you to disobey him.
The following morning Javier arrives to find you in his office again, files in one hand, coffee in the other.
“I fired you.”
“And yet here I am.” You hand him the file and coffee and walk out of his office. He’s speechless, and just stares after you. Continuing your work from the day before, your interrupted when an agent walks toward Javier’s door. Standing, blocking his way you put your hand out to stop him.
“He’s busy.”
“Who are you?”
“Mr. Pena’s secretary, and you are?”
“Agent Feistl, has he fucked you yet?”
“Excuse me?”
“That’s a no then. Early days I suppose, or,” he looks you up and down, “hmm not really his type are you. He likes them skinny and pretty..”
You narrow your eyes at him. “You think I haven’t heard all this shit before, you don’t intimidate me what was it Fritsle?”
“It’s Feis..”
“I don’t care, your not getting in. You want to see him, make an appointment.”
Feistl grumbles under his breath.
“What was that?”
Before he can say it again, Javier opens his office door and stands beside you. He places a hand on your lower back, “ why don’t you head out for lunch?”
“That’s it princess, run along.”
You stare daggers at him grabbing your bag and leaving. Feistl turns to Javier who has a stern look on his face.
“What did you want, I’m busy.”
“I want to go to Cali boss.”
“What, why not?”
“We’re not placing any agents there, not yet at least.”
“Right well if they do I’d like to go sir.”
“Gotta say boss, that’s one fine piece of ass you got out there.You mind if I have a go?”
Javier can feel his blood boil, how dare he talk about you like that. Sure he has a reputation but he treated women with respect. He didn’t really know you that well but you could stand your own which he respected. Your different from the others, your intelligent, stubborn and your absolutely beautiful.
“Don’t talk about Y/N like that, if you harass her again I’ll have you on the next flight home.”
“Ok, you got it boss.”
It’s been two months since you became his secretary and he has fired you at least fifty times. You know it’s a challenge, that he is testing you, but you don’t give up easy. He’s started being kinder with you, offering to buy lunch on occasion. Your currently sat with him in the meeting room taking notes as the ambassador rambles on. He’s berating Javier for sending Feistl and VanNess to Cali and you can tell from his shoulders that he’s angry. When the meetings over he stands abruptly and leaves. You follow behind him, staying silent, knowing he likes it like this when he’s mad. He gets into the elevator and holds it open for you before pressing the correct button for your floor.
“He’s a dick.”
Javier wasn’t expecting you to say anything, certainly not that. You think you see a hint of a smile on his face.
“I think you did the right thing sending them, fucking bullshit deal, it’s a cop out..”
You don’t get to finish what you we’re saying as Javier pushes you back against the metal wall. He’s on you like a rash. He’s kissing you passionately and you can feel the heat coming off of him. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you flush against him. You can feel his growing erection straining against his trousers. You run your fingers through his hair pulling a low moan from him, one that shoots right to your core. You can feel the elevator come to a stop, Javier does too as he slowly pulls away from you. He whispers in your ear, “come find me later when everyone else is gone.” Then your alone.
Finishing up some paperwork, making sure no one is left in the office, you slowly approach Javier’s door. You raise your hand to knock when the door suddenly opens and he’s standing there looking at you with hooded eyes. He pulls you into him and once he closes the door, your back is pressed against it. His kiss is rough, hungry, like a man dying of thirst and your his only source of water.
“Wanted this for so long.”
“Really? How long?”
“Since that first day.”
He makes quick work of taking off both your clothes before moving you to the couch. He sits and pats his thighs, “come here baby, want you to ride me.” You walk towards him with sway of your hips. He grabs you by the hips, helping you straddle him. You sink down onto him slowly, savouring the feel of him stretching you. He groans at the feel of you hot and tight around him.
“So….damn tight baby.”
You start moving your hips slowly against him as he grips your hips tighter. He sucks on your hardened bud earning a moan from you.
“Javi….oh god….I’m going to…come.”
“That’s it baby come all over my cock. Wanna feel you grip me tight.”
Your body tingles all over as it erupts in ecstasy. You come hard with his name rolling off your tongue. He begins you thrust up meeting your movements as he grows impatient. Suddenly he flips you over, your back hitting the leather on the couch. He grabs one of your legs and holds it against his hip as he thrusts into you without abandon. You can feel the beginning of another orgasm,
“I’m close baby, want to feel you come on my cock one more time before I come.” He can feel you clamp down on him as your orgasm washes over you.
“So beautiful baby, who do you belong to?”
“Yours , all yours Javi.”
That’s all he needed as he releases into you. He slumps on top of you, careful as to not crush you. You run your fingers through his hair and he sighs at the feeling. He pulls out of you slowly and grabs a cigarette. You sit up and fiddle with your fingers unsure of what to do now. Do you stay or get dressed and leave? You know his reputation with women, he doesn’t do relationships. Deciding it’s best to leave you get up and start dressing. He sits there watching you as he smokes his cigarette.
“If you wait we can go get something to eat?”
“I…I actually just want to go home, I’m exhausted.” You gather your things, not noticing the hurt flash in Javier’s eyes.
“Yeah, I might hit the bar.”
You say nothing else as you leave for the night.
Your relationship with Javi is complicated, you work together and most nights you end up fucking in one apartment or the other. You love him, you know you do, you have for a while. You also know that Javi doesn’t do commitment, honestly your afraid to even tell him how you feel. In work things remain professional, he’s your boss and no one suspects a thing. Feistl might have a hunch but that’s it. The only time he claims you in work is after a bad meeting with the ambassador or Stechner. Which brings you to your current situation, bent over his desk, him pounding into you from behind. He’s rough today, not that you mind, he pulls you towards him by the hair until your back hits his chest. He grabs your breast and gives it a tight squeeze. It’s slightly painful but it still elicits a moan from you.
“Shh baby, gotta be quiet. Don’t want the whole office to know how well you take my cock.”
“It’s….just so….good.”
You’ve lost count of how many times you’ve come and you can feel another one hitting you. Javi is close too, you can tell from his sloppy thrusts.
“Can I…come inside you baby?”
“Yes….yes claim me, I’m yours.”
He’s quick to pull out of you and tuck himself back into his trousers. You pull down your skirt and put on your underwear. You both didn’t notice that Feistl had entered the room, catching you both fix yourselves up.
“I fucking knew it. You too have been fucking each other. VanNess you owe me 50 bucks.”
“Jesus will you keep it down.”
“How long has this been a thing?”
You don’t know what to say. It’s not really a thing you both just fuck each other nothing else, much as you would like. Javi comes up beside you placing his hand on your lower back. He pulls you into his side wrapping an arm around your waist. You look up at him stunned by his actions, only to find him already looking at you with adoration in his eyes.
“Not that’s it’s any of your business, but it’s been almost a year now, right baby?”
“Screwing the boss is the only way you’ll get anywhere darlin.”
You feel Javier’s grip on you tighten and you know he is going to blow.
“I wouldn’t get to comfortable either, he’ll kick you to curb as soon as he gets bored.”
“You need to shut the fuck up, or you’ll be out of here by the end of the day. While we’re at it, don’t ever speak about Y/N like that, she’s better than half of you idiots. Now get out of my sight.”
When’s he’s gone Javier turns you in his arms so your facing him.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, did that just happen?”
“Don’t worry about him. I’m not good with this stuff, but I… I eh…look Y/N I want to be with you. Not just for a night or her in the office, like actually be with you.” He’s fidgety and you can tell he’s not used to talking about how he feels.
“Is thee Javier Pena asking me to be his girlfriend?” Your teasing him but there’s a part of you that hopes that’s what he wants.
“Well I wouldn’t say…”
How could you have been so stupid, of course he wouldn’t want that. You pull away from him and make your way to the door. He grabs your wrist and pulls you to him.
“Where are you going?”
“Look Javi, it’s fine, we’re fine, I know what we have isn’t anything special.”
“Hey hold on, did you not hear me when I said I wanted to be with you?”
“Yeah I did, but I am with you, we fuck..”
“You didn’t let me finish. What I was trying to say is that we don’t have to use those titles, I mean we’re not teenagers.”
“What. I….we….”
He’s getting annoyed now and runs his hand over his face, “ ok if it’s not what you want that’s fine.”
“No hey I want you Javi, I want to be your girlfriend. I just didn’t think you’d want that, I mean you don’t exactly scream commitment.”
He kisses you and it’s one of those kisses that leaves you breathless. Pulling away he rests his head against yours.
“I love you. This is all new to me, I’ve never felt this way about anyone, not even Lorraine. I’m all in, for as long as you’ll have me.”
“I love you too Javi.”
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